#babyface toy story
mogai-headcanons · 2 months
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icon id: 6 icons in 3 pairs. in each pair, both icons have the listed flags in order in the background and the left icon has an image of the listed character with a white outline and a black shadow. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
Babyface from Toy Story is an autistic queerplatonic aroace caedogender babycoric monstergender kenochoric spidergender toyyic toy with PTSD who uses all pronouns, but prefers they/them!
Legs is a bisexual hypergirl xenogirl toyyic toy with PTSD who uses she/her and xe/xem pronouns!
She's dating Ducky, a straight arospec neoboy genderNH duckgender candygender toyyic toy with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns!
dni link
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alexor132 · 8 months
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br3adtoasty · 10 months
Bonnie Dollie
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A living, mechanical doll with a love for all things cute! Bonnie’s spirit is ever-flowing with childlike curiosity to learn more about humans and their behaviors. Her eagerness to take care of others has also earned her the role of “big sister” for many in Toytoriya.
Japanese ボニー・ドリー
Twisted from Babyface (Toy Story)
Voiceclaim None
Gender Transfem (she/her)
Sexuality Bisexual (femme leaning)
Age 19
Birthday March 9
Star Sign Pisces
Height 197 cm
Homeland ???
Family Father (Creator)
Professional Info
Dorm Toytoriya @toytoriyadorm
School Year First
Class 1D
Occupation Student, Nurse
Club Sewing Club
Best Subject Biology
Dominant Hand Ambidextrous +6 more mechanical hands
Favorite Food Doesn’t need to eat, likes the texture of cakes though
Least Favorite Food Again, doesn’t need to eat
Dislikes People being scared of her, Fire
Hobby Doll-Collecting
Talents Medical Treatment
Bows? Checked. Skirts? Checked. Heart eyepatch? Checked. Curled pigtails and an easy smile? ALLLLLL checked! Bonnie’s ready to take on the world with her ultra, super duper, immensely adorable charm— Errr, well, except for the, erm, extra appendages protruding from her back. Those can’t be helped. But that doesn’t mean she can’t feel cute!
Bright and bubbly, Bonnie likes to surround herself with cute stuff in hopes she’ll come off as less scary to her peers. Whether it be decorating herself, her room, or, in some instances, her friends, which often results in her giving them a makeover.
Stuck being a doll since creation, she naturally took interest in human nature, specifically biology. She utilizes the knowledge in this area to aid in the medical field and can be frequently found in the Infirmary, helping tending to other students. Always, with a smile.
Unique Magic: N/A
Fun facts ⚙️
- Doesn’t have a voice box installed. Is mute and uses ASL! (Or whatever the equivalent of ASL they have in twst) Her friend, Kath, usually helps with being her interpreter.
- Helps with making a lot of props BTS. Prefers to watch other students and cheer for them from backstage because she scares people off.
- Gives names to every doll in her collection and treats them as if they were her real children.
- Incredibly, physically strong. Could crush a watermelon with a single fist if she wants to.
- Always smiling no matter the situation. Resting :) face if you will. Also doesn’t blink.
Playlist ⤵︎
⭐︎ Breaking Things Into Pieces - Kikuo
⭐︎ Mechanical Angel - Sunday Driver
⭐︎ Kawaikute Gomen - HoneyWorks
⭐︎ Wanna Be Human - Kakeru Yumeoi
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velichorus-k · 9 months
Ranting about animation and gushing about trolls under the cut. Dont mind me I love sharing opinions nobody asked for on the internet
We all talk about the 'spiderverse artstyle/clones' blah blah I won't get into how much I hate that term. But while we're on the unique animation bandwagon. I think what Disney got so so wrong with Wish (haven't seen it yet, just speaking of the artstyle) is like, yeah, they were clearly going for 'storybook' in some aspects, but rather than make it more textured-- like, I would expect pastels and watercolours for something along those lines-- maybe even something reminiscent of the hella-lined-and-textured ink illustrations that appear in classic fairytale collections like Andrew Lang's Fairy Books-- they make everything feel flat, with a blend of 2d and 3d that... doesn't really work. They were so close to GETTING it, to making an artstyle that fit their story, but this is the only movie in the recent age where I feel 'spider-verse clone' COULD (not would, could) fit; they didn't quite get it. The only thing I really love from what I've seen is that some of the plants have like? A pop-up storybook effect?? That's enough about that. I do love the masterful compositions of Spider-verse, but in terms of actual art, TMNT takes the cake for me in the 'animation revolution' sphere. The grime and grit of New York sewerboys! The comic-book and hand-drawn feel! Beautiful, and a perfect artstyle for the turtles. Puss in Boots didn't capture my attention quite as much artstyle-wise (though the art was gorgeous, still), but it still does have that painted feel they were going for and that fits storybook characters (cough cough, Wish). I bring this all up because of my most recent 'unique animation' obsession, Trolls. Surprise! Another excellent example of an artstyle that upholds the overall feel of its story. I noticed this in the first movie, but I only really started to look closely after now seeing the sequels, so excuse me while I gush a bit. Immediate love for letting Poppy, a very girly character, have small eyes and a big nose rather than the typical babyface look of female disney protags. Though, Dreamworks was always better about this. I love the fuzz and crochet textures on everything. Even the little earrings on the pop trolls, something you might expect to have a metal or plastic texture, has fuzz on it! The water that floods Rhonda in the third movie is made up of those little plastic orb things (the name escapes me)! They all look like they're made out of felt, which is absolutely perfect for the scrapbooking/toy theme they've got going on. They're little creatures! And we get to see a whole bunch of different textures when we see the other species in the sequels. I want to stare at the textures all day. UGH SO GOOD
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Tagging: @slashingdisneypasta
Nobody asked, I just felt like posting this.
WFRR Characters as humans
Please note, I am not great at physical descriptions. This would be so much easier if I could draw xD I'm trying to be as descriptive as I can without dragging on too long. I hope I'm successful.
Roger Rogers (Roger Rabbit)
Yes, he has and will joke about his last name. He stands at about 5'1, and was born 1921 (26 years old in the events of the film), and is a lanky man with the flexibility of a wacky inflatable tube man. Roger still sticks to more loose, casual clothes similar to his toon counterpart. His nose is round and a little red, looking almost like a button ^^ though he is white (not overly pale. Might even have a slight tan. I'm not too sure). And yes, he still has his buck tooth, along with a head of fluffy orange hair. And I'm giving him freckles.
Jessica Rogers (Jessica Rabbit)
Honestly, Jessica looks pretty much the same as her toon self. With more realistic proportions, of course. She is 6'1 and was born in 1917 (30 years old). And above all, she still adores her short king, and feels loved by him everyday ^^
(I feel bad for not giving Jessica so much of a description, but she's the only adult humanoid looking toon, and I can't imagine her looking any other way as a human)
Herman 'Babyface' Douglas (Baby Herman)
A short, pudgy man. His exact height is 4'11, and was born 1897 (50 years old). Though he'll claim he's younger than he is. His skin care routine does help him look younger though, hence his nickname (don't expect him to tell you his secrets though), and how he can get roles usually reserved for younger actors. His hair is a bright strawberry blonde, but thinning, so he tries to style it in ways that make it look fuller. His eyes are still a bright blue. Herman prefers dressing in more expensive suits and coats (bro literally had a thick fur coat in one short), to show off his wealth and trying to make himself look better than everyone else.
Benjamin 'Benny' Brown (Benny the Cab)
(His initials are BBB like the now bankrupt store-)
I actually imagine Benny as an African American. He is 5'10 and was born in 1891 (56 years old. He said he was a cab for 37 years in the film, so that would mean he would've started, at most, when he was 19 in the human AU). He has short, kind of choppy black hair and dark brown eyes. He also has a scruffy goatee. Benny possesses a more muscular build, though it's mostly hidden by his jacket, so he just looks like a generally big guy (yes, he does perform his own maintenance on his car).
Anderson 'Andy' Winston (Smartass Weasel)
(If this guy was in the modern era, he'd get so sick of all the Toy Story jokes)
Standing at exactly 5'0, this New Yorker was born in 1912 (35 in the events of the film). He has a skinny frame, though broad shoulders, and is fairly strong for his size (he literally punched Eddie so hard he twisted around and doubled over the bar counter. Smarty has to have some strength, right??). He has olive skin, chestnut brown eyes, and actually has a bit of red in his hair. It's not too noticeable unless you're really looking, so he's not a red head like Jessica is. Also has a tooth gap! He cant grow facial hair though, even though he wants to (he wants a nice mustache. But can't grow one)
Miguel Rodriguez (Greasy Weasel)
His height is 5'9, and he was born 1909 (38 years old). He's got skinny arms and hands, which only makes his wandering hands feel just a bit more creepy on your skin (look at his hand/arm when he rolls his sleeve up! Not to mention how his sleeves hang off of him. Somebody put meat on those arms), though he's got a more curvy body with a bit of a belly too. I also imagine he's got a darker skin tone, and can grow scruffy facial hair if he forgets to shave. And he applies hair oil partially because his black hair is actually really curly (the tips curl up despite the hair oil? That's got to be some serious curl strength there). His eyes are a really dark brown, almost black, but in the light you can see the color.
Francis Green (Wheezy Weasel)
Yes, his last name is meant to be ironic. His height is 6'2, and he was born right at 1900 (47 years old). Kind of skinny, but you can see the sinewy muscle as well, hinting to his own strength. He looks pretty sickly, and has blemishes all over his body (he was a picker before becoming a smoker). His eyes are a slate blue, and he has ash blonde hair. Unlike Greasy, he rarely shaves, so he's got a rough, scratchy beard too, and yellow teeth from his smoking habit. I also see him having a more crooked nose shape.
(Honestly just imagine Bill Moseley and you'd get what I imagine human Wheezy would look like).
Charlie Renfield (Psycho Weasel)
(his last name may or may not be a reference to a certain Dracula character)
Psycho here is 5'3, and was born 1919 (28 years old). He has a skinny, angular build. No curves to be seen. Similar to Wheezy, he's got a sickly pale skin tone, and has scars and blemishes along his body from being careless and actively picking and scratching at himself. His most prominent scars are two on the corners of his lips from the times he's carried his razor in his mouth (he actually did do that in the movie. He's so lucky he's a toon). He's got a big head of fluffy, dark brown hair. Not curly necessarily, just... Poof. Also, he has split heterochromia; his right eye is blue, and his left eye is yellow (I know partial heterochromia would be more accurate to his swirly eyes, but I like the complete split more).
Thomas 'Tommy' Winston (Stupid Weasel)
This big lug is 6'4, and was born 1922 (25 years old). He is pretty chubby and has a round face, though don't let the plushness deceive you; that isn't just fat that makes him huge. He's got pretty big hands, especially (even as a weasel, he had huge hands! You guys saw his hand when he flipped the switch to the DIP machine too, right?). He also has olive skin, though it's more tanned as well, and he has freckles ^^ also has a deeper red hair color than Andy does, and it is more wavy than his too. I'm debating on whether or not he'd have brown or green eyes (everyone else has brown, blue, or yellow eyes. Green would complete the set). His buck tooth is still here, though smaller because human teeth.
Bonus! Sophie O'Brian (Poppy O'Hare)
(Yes, my OC. Technically I already made a post for Poppy, but I didn't really like how I wrote it. So this is take two. Hopefully I feel better with this one 😅)
Pops is the shortest of all, standing at 4'10. And was born 1920 (27 years old). She has pale, porcelain skin- though has developed some worry lines along her eyes- and big, bright brown eyes. I'm still having trouble deciding whether or not she has glasses, even for her toon self. But for her human self, I'm gonna say she only needs glasses when reading; any other time, you won't see her with a pair. She has a thinner, but still feminine build that she prefers to keep hidden under her clothes. Her hair is wavy and black, and reaches just under her chin.
(Hm... Honestly, when thinking of actors for human Poppy to look like, I keep thinking of Anya Taylor Joy. I'm not too sure about it though).
I hope you guys liked reading this ^^
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offthewoptunes · 1 month
Founded by FreshDuzIt in 2020, OFFTHEWOP is more than just a record label—it’s a movement.
Video directed by lyrical lemonade
INDYSTAR NEWSPAPER: "Indianapolis’ Trailblazing Trap Producer: First to Hit Radio and Achieve Platinum Status!"
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As a Sony songwriter since 2021, OFFTHEWOP is a leading voice in emerging Trap Music, Art, and the culture that drives it. OFFTHEWOP is dedicated to showcasing raw talent, combining street authenticity with innovative storytelling. Our mission extends beyond signing artists; we’re creating a universe where real artists achieve legendary status. With extensive experience working as A&Rs for various labels, we’re now ready to partner with the industry’s best.
OFFTHEWOP is a phrase that carries multiple meanings, embodying the hustle and grind. It’s synonymous with "off the muscle" or "off the strength," representing hard work and determination. It also nods to "off the block," symbolizing how we’ve transitioned from the streets to the industry, while still making money from the block. Additionally, it can mean "off the phone," highlighting the digital hustle. And with "wop" being old slang for a lot of money, OFFTHEWOP is all about turning hustle into wealth.
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The *Off The Wop* album racked up millions of views across all platforms, including SoundCloud, Spotify, and Apple Music. This 14-track project cruises through the city streets of Indianapolis to Memphis, featuring guest verses from Duke Deuce and Paper Route Empire's rising star, Paper Route Woo.
Activated NLTOworld.com with merch drop
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Exclusive FreshDuzIt Beats: download link
The OFFTHEWOP playlist is a collection of hits from OFFTHEWOP, OFFTHEWOP3D & 4k, that define the sound of the streets. Featuring tracks with and from heavyweights like NLE Choppa, Yo Gotti, Babyface Ray, Veeze, and more, this playlist is packed with bangers.
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Logo redesign by FRESHDUZIT
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written by FreshDuzIt
Directed by Myles Hi
Premiered on HipHopDx:
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"FRESHDUZIT x Numero Uno: VVS Pendant"
We need help with funding animation, game development, creative direction, access to advanced technology, marketing toys based on Numero Uno, ensuring they resonate with fans and become a key part of the brand’s merchandise lineup and a strong marketing campaign to ensure the game's success.
Animation Production
Storyboarding. Full animation production (episodes, shorts, etc.)
Comic Book Creation
Scriptwriting and story development
Artwork and illustration. Printing and distribution
Marketing and Promotion
Social media campaigns and content creation
Public relations and media outreach, Advertising materials for both music and comic
Production of apparel, accessories, and collectibles
Distribution and retail costs
Creative Development
Additional content such as animated shorts and special comic editions. Interactive content (e.g., apps or games)
Integration with digital platforms for comics and promotional content. Promotion and logistics for comic and merchandise distribution
Legal and Licensing
Intellectual property protection for the character and content
Contract negotiations and legal fees
Team Salaries for animators, comic artists, marketing professionals, and other key roles
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Morá (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Baby Girl by her mother
Age- 15 (immortal)
Location- Hearthwood neighborhood, New Olympus
Personality- She's a true individualist! Despite her naivete, she's caring, playful, intuitive, & determined. While others may think of certain "traits" as hindrances or something to overcome, she views them as her strengths.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. As the goddess of babies & children, her other powers/abilities include limited vitakinesis (healing), being able to read babies and small childrens' thoughts (as well as telekinetically being able to communicate with them), inducing an illusion of renewed youth or energy in a person temporarily, and can make others fall asleep temporarily by singing a lullaby.
It's often said that she gives off a scent of soap & warm milk- a similar scent to that of a newborn baby.
Morá lives with her mom Thilasmós (goddess of nursing) in a large farmhouse style home in the Hearthwood neighborhood. They own a wide array of cuddly pets like cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, a few pot bellied piglets, & three new recently aquired bearded dragons. Her bedroom has a kidcore aesthetic with the walls being painted in bright colors. Lots of various toys & stuffed animals lie on top of her bed. There's a second closet that's filled with other various toys (like dolls), puzzles, crayons, paints, markers, board games, crafts, & coloring books.
Notable physical features include her "babyface" with a deep dimple on each of her cheeks.
She has a naturally high pitched voice.
Morá will often wear her long hair in ultra high ponytails, buns, and pigtails. She'll aslo compliment her hair with hair accessories like clips, barettes, hair bows, rhinestone hair stickers, & colorful clip-on extensions. Morá loves using the Olmorfia cotton candy scented hairspray.
Her personal fashion style is also related to the kidcore aesthetic- different fabrics/materials, bold & pastel colors and patterns, high tops, denim overalls, baggy high waisted jeans, puffy sleeves, and baseball tees. Morá's favorite fashion brand Kaleidoscope Lab contains many of these elements!
One of Morá's favorite things that she likes to use is her deep amaranth colored weighted blanket gifted to her by Hestia (goddess of the hearth). When she's feeling sad or having a bad day, she finds comfort in her blanket while her mom massages her scalp.
A go-to drink for her is fruit punch. She also likes olympian sized soda floats & rainbow slushies from The Frozen Spoon, cola, lemonade, iced tea, orange juice, and lychee juice. Her usual from The Roasted Bean is an olympian sized iced mocha frappuccino with extra whipped cream.
Some of her favorite things to eat for breakfast include Golden Kreme Crunch cereal, chocolate chip pancakes (drizzled in chocolate syrup), eggs (sunny side up), hash browns, kale-banana yogurt, & her ultimate favorite- her mom's breakfast pizza (topped with scrambled eggs, mozzerella cheese, sausage, sausage gravy, and bacon).
Morá cries every time a foster child leaves her & her mom. She wants her mom to formally adopt "an entire army of siblings."
She often times find it difficult to relate to or connect with her peers which is one of the reasons she feels a kinship towards babies and small children. Whether it's through babysitting, Morá feels like she's not putting on a facade- that she can authentically be herself without judgement.
She loves watching animated films & television shows as well as Metaxý ton Selídon, the educational children's TV show created and hosted by Logos (god of stories).
Some of Morá's favorite sweet treats to eat aside from candy include strawberry gelatin cups, vanilla custard pudding, strawberry frosted marshmallow squares, a cherry dip ice cream cone, and a chipwich ice cream sandwich.
Morá knows how she's looked at by the general public & in the pantheon- often compared to Techne (goddess of arts, crafts, & invention) and Koalemos (god of foolishness); her best friend for being neurodivergent. She's proud of not fitting the mold for a "typical being" or deity.
In addition to her childlike mannerisms & proclivities, she's also dyslexic.
Morá is currently on break from school which she attends with other godly kids like Theodon (god of reality, uncertainty, & fate), Circe (goddess of sorcery), Eileithyia (Ella) (goddess of childbirth), Telesphorus (Rusty) (god of rehabilitation), Eirene (goddess of peace), Cedalion (demi-god of smithing ore), Eunomia (goddess of law & legislation), and Dysnomia (goddess of anarchy & lawlessness). Eleos (Ellie) (goddess of mercy, pity, & compassion), Heimarmene (Marnie) (goddess of shared fate), Eiresione (Ren) (goddess of offerings), and Philautia (goddess of self love) are nice to her and often say hi.
At school, her locker is decorated with a variety of glitter stickers!
She almost always spends her lunch with Koalemos & they get along great! Morá comforts him whenever he's in a bad mood or being picked on and they often have camp sleepovers in the livingroom of their houses. She also helps him with his homework sometimes if his aide leaves early.
Morá is a member of her school's cheerleading team, impressing the team's captain with her vibrant energy, flexibility, flips, & cartwheels.
Her favorite lipgloss shade to wear is Olmorfia's "Enchanted Candy", a light glittery pink color.
She's currently curious about kissing, not ever having her first kiss. Morá has thought about "practicing" with Koalemos, but has not asked him.
In the pantheon she really likes some of her mom's friends like Leto (Titaness of demurity & motherhood); who gifted her with a Diamond Ave. unicorn shaped clutch for her birthday, Apheleia (goddess of simplicity); who's Koalemos' mother, Hestia (goddess of the hearth); and her naturally warm hugs, Iris (goddess of the rainbow), Thalia (muse of comedy); is a fan of her comic books and animated TV shows, Eudaimonia (goddess of happiness), and Elpis (goddess of hope).
Morá's favorite piece of jewelry to wear is the gummy bear necklace from Kaleidoscope Lab.
She can change a diaper in ten seconds flat!
Her all time favorite desert from Hollyhock's Bakery is the neopolitan cake (topped with vanilla buttercream frosting, chocolate ganache, and candied strawberries).
Morá has a little crush on Apólafsi (god of enjoyment).
Her favorite thing to order from Olympic Chef is a cheeseburger with large crinkle cut fries and a large strawberry soda. She'll also sometimes order the kid's meal, just to get the toy!
Two of her guilty pleasures are pepperoni pizza as well as unagi sushi rolls from The Ocean Roll, a popular sushi restaurant owned by Poseidon (god of the sea & earthquakes).
Morá unofficially runs her own babysitting service! The only condition (set by her mom) is that she can't babysit no longer than 10 pm on weeknights. Most of the money saved up is going towards University, where she hopes to major in children's education. Morá has treated herself with buying a couple of Diamond Ave. clutches on her own (a milkshake shaped one and one in the shape of a piece of candy).
At a babysitting job, she will usually bring a "kid kit" with her- which includes board games, crayons, craft materials, and coloring books.
In her free time, she enjoys a wide range of activities like gymnastics (loves doing cartwheels & backflips), yoga, painting (her favorite being oil and watercolor), doing various craft projects, reading (listening to audiobooks), going to the arcade, knitting, lanyard, playing video games, roller skating, laser tag, cloud surfing, going to museums, and spending time at the park.
Some of her favorite meals include her mom's creamy mac n' cheese, Hestia's lemon-honey glazed fried chicken, white rice with sesame chicken meatballs, & ravioli casserole. Morá has started to learn how to cook, her specialty so far being moussaka egg rolls!
"Children have a different kind of wisdom."
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mogai-headcanons · 3 months
Babyface from Toy Story is an aroace queerplatonic caedogender babycoric monstergender kenochoric spidergender toyyic toy with autism and PTSD who uses all pronouns, but prefers they/them. They’re friends with Legs from Toy Story, who is a bisexual hypergirl xenogirl toyyic toy with PTSD who uses she/xe. She’s dating Ducky from Toy Story, who is a straight arospec neoboy genderNH duckgender candygender toyyic toy with PTSD who uses he/him.
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veetvoojagigslostbiro · 4 months
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prawn-toon · 3 years
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Hopped on this trend incredibly late! (very on brand for me)
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bawcothebadartist · 4 years
Toy Story.
One of my favourite films growing up. That film is LEGENDARY, right?
Well, growing up, my favourite character was always that baby head on legs. Babyface. All my life, I've referred to him as a spider, and I know most people do too. But now I've realised he has six legs and two different sized claws? Like a crab? Is he a crab?! But he acts like a spider?! Like, he walks like a spider and attacks like a spider but he has the body of a crab?! Does Babyface himself think he's supposed to be a spider but he's actually a crab?!
And don't even get me started on the other questions I have. Why did Sid take one of his eyes? Why is he bald? Did Sid cut off his hair to be like him? Is Babyface a self portrait? Why can Babyface not move his face at all? Why is it stuck in a permanent smile while literally every other baby doll in the series can make other expressions? Why can't he talk? Do toys have voice boxes? Did he lose his when he was decapitated? Why did Sid make a literal hooker toy?!
Someone help me, I'm going insane. Absolutely insane.
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foolscapper · 3 years
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They just happened to pick up a few extra friends on the road. :’)
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tiktoklives · 4 years
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vicebreaker · 4 years
I’m watching Alita: Battle Angel right now. I hate it & I’m ready for it to be over. Also:
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axmxz · 5 years
unpopular opinion: john mulaney's Spiderman vibe isn't Peter Porker: it's Spider Baby.
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kadingrider · 5 years
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You are confirmed at T-minus ten seconds...
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