#background mcshep
massharp1971 · 5 months
Excerpt: “You fucking bastard!” Rodney shouted loud enough to make Evan’s ears hurt. “You left! Without a fucking word! I didn’t know it was happening until I saw you stepping through the fucking wormhole, you absolute piece of shit!”
Rodney McKay did not usually swear – he was far too precise in his language for that. The weird part of it was, Evan felt as if this was the exact diatribe he would have gotten had Rodney spoken to him the day after he left. It almost made him feel like no time had passed at all. At least McKay hadn’t iced over the way Ronon apparently had.
“Rodney,” Evan said, softening his voice in counterpoint, “I didn’t know myself, but I had to.” 
Rodney crossed his arms and lifted his chin – such a classic McKay pose, and Evan appreciated the lines of his muscled arms, the softness of the weight he’d gained, the slight wildness of his hair, even the fury that animated him right now.
“You believed in us – or at least I thought you did. An independent Atlantis, free of the American military. Where was your loyalty to us?”
The same old pain stabbed in Evan’s chest.
“I do believe in Atlantis, and I hope history shows I haven’t done anything to betray her.”
Rodney faltered at this because of course it was true – Evan hadn’t hurt Atlantis’ independence, he might have even helped it from the other side, but he had hurt the people he loved. He still wished with all of his tired heart that he’d been able to stay five years ago and support the folks who had become family to him through this time of incredible change. 
He knew he couldn’t just walk back into his old life – things were every bit as hard as he expected them to be, but still he wanted.
He sat down heavily on Rodney’s couch, feeling suddenly beyond exhausted.
“I know I hurt you deeply. I’d give anything not to have done that, Rodney.”
“Just so we’re clear, I want to hurt you until you feel half as bad as you made me feel,” Rodney said. “And John. And Ronon.”
“I already did that to myself,” Evan said quietly, tears rising in his eyes. “I decimated myself and it never healed in all this time.”
“Well good, because that’s what you did to us. Decimated. Entirely fucked,” Rodney said bitterly.
“Except for the fact you got Atlantis. A free Atlantis. And you finally got John, too.”
Rodney looked at him levelly, his face acknowledging the truth of this.
“Do you mind?” he asked.
“God, Rodney, yes I mind – that you’re both happy, that you have what you wanted, it eases some small amount of my pain to know that. I mind about your happiness a great deal.”
“Oh,” Rodney said, looking deflated. “Actually, I am. We are… Happy, I mean.”
“Well, I’m glad,” Evan said.
And he was. He’d been expecting those two to get together since he met them – was surprised when he found out they weren’t, was even more surprised when he found they happily swung his way but still hadn’t figured out how they felt about each other.
“The thing is, Evan, it only happened because of you,” Rodney said.
“Because I left?” Evan asked, confused.
Rodney looked at him a little resentfully.
“No… because… because you loved me. Because I didn’t know how to let myself be loved until you.”
It was sweet, really, even though Rodney’s voice sounded bitter. But then, McKay had always been a full flavoured kind of human, you had to enjoy a good dose of chili in your chocolate to love someone like Rodney.
“You know what the worst part of it is?” Rodney asked.
And suddenly there were tears in his eyes, and Evan’s heart broke a little more.
“Go on,” he prompted.
“Not for one moment did I have the luxury of thinking you were just an asshole who didn’t care as much as you pretended to. I actually knew your heart would be breaking, and somewhat infuriatingly I cared about that as much as about my own heartbreak. You opened my heart up and then left it like an untended wound.”
“I’m sorry,” Evan said, feeling the agony of that decision as if it just happened. “And you’re right, it hurt like you can’t imagine. Still hurts.”
“What was it like, being without Atlantis?” Rodney suddenly looked horrified, as if it was hard to even contemplate.
“Every bit as tough as you’re imagining. But for me, losing my family was harder. Losing you .”
Rodney suddenly looked doubtful. 
“Oh please, you’re only making it right with me so you can get back with John.”
“You know that’s not true, Rodney. You know I don’t operate that way. I love you, I love John, I love Ronon.”
“You have to make it right with Ronon too,” Rodney said. “Although… that’s going to take some time, I think.”
“Yeah, I don’t think Ronon is going to accept any overture from me,” Evan said. “I just have to wait it out, and he may never come round.”
“His hurt was the deepest,” Rodney told him. “His abandonment issues are the biggest. Even bigger than John’s. He’s lost too much, Evan.”
“That may be true,” Evan said thoughtfully.
He couldn’t bear to think about what he’d done to Ronon, but right now he was focused on the man in front of him.
“Rodney,” he said, tentatively reaching for McKay’s hand. “You’ve had more than enough hurt and loss of your own, and I’m sorry, truly sorry for the pain I caused you.”
“I do actually understand why, you know. I’m not completely insensitive.”
“You’re anything but insensitive. You feel things deeply. It’s one of the reasons I love you.”
Rodney’s eyes widened as if that was news to him.
“Still?” Rodney said, looking somewhat incredulous. “You still…?”
And there was the sweet, vulnerable man Evan adored. He really could not prevent himself from leaning forward and kissing Rodney gently.
He was aiming for tender, but he was met with fierce coming at him from the other direction in a full-frontal attack. Rodney devoured his lips, bruising and biting, and it was everything. 
“Bed, now,” Rodney said, when they came up for air sometime later.
“I agree,” Evan said, breathlessly.
read more on ao3
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riverageleis · 8 months
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson (Stargate), Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Characters: Jennifer Keller, Cameron Mitchell (Stargate), Jack O'Neill, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Evan Lorne, Teal'c (Stargate), Vala Mal Doran Additional Tags: Alien sex pollen with a twist, Mutual Pining, background mcshep, But It's a Terribly Kept Secret, Mentions of Previous Sam/Jack, Mentions of previous Jack/Daniel, Stargate Atlantis Season 4 AU, There will be episode tags eventually, They are incredibly competent people except with each other, Fluff and Angst Summary:
Set somewhere in a Stargate Atlantis Season 4 alternate universe, Daniel ends up on Atlantis under Sam's leadership. We get some pretty typical Daniel stuff, but there are also some surprises. We get to see a depth of Sam's character not previously seen. Jack's influence on them both becomes more and more obvious as time goes on. With the help of Pegasus flora and, maybe even a nudge from Atlantis herself, Sam and Daniel find that maybe being more than friends isn't a terrible thing at all.
  Note: There is absolutely no non-con/dub-con in this piece. That's the sex pollen twist.
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redfurrycat · 2 years
🤠🌟🚪🐓Stargate & Top Gun (AU) - Hangster in Stargate AU🐓🌟🚪🤠[Part 8]
Major Jake Seresin and Major Bradley Bradshaw’s first meeting (totally based on Carter/O’Neill first meeting in Stargate SG1 S01E01!💜 )
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Major General Kazansky: SG-1 and SG-2, take your seats. We’re still expecting somebody else, but I’m told he’s just arrived.
Colonel Mitchell: Who, sir?
Major General Kazansky: I'm assigning Major Jake Seresin to this mission.
Colonel Mitchell: I'd prefer to put together my own team, sir.
Major General Kazansky: Not on this mission, sorry.
Colonel Mitchell: Where's he transferring from?
Major Seresin: He is transferring from the Pentagon. I take it you're Colonel Mitchell. Major Jake Seresin reporting, sir.
Major General Kazansky: Let's get started. Colonel?
Colonel Mitchell: Thank you. Those of you on your first trip through the 'gate, you should be prepared for what to expect.
Major Seresin: I've practically memorised your report from the first mission. I'd like to think I've been preparing for this my whole life.
Major Bradshaw: I think what the Colonel is saying is, have you ever pulled out of a simulated bombing run in an F-16 at 8-plus G's?
Major Seresin: Yes.
Major Bradshaw: Well, it's way worse than that. By the time you get to the other side, you're frozen stiff, like you've just been through a blizzard, naked.
Major Seresin: Already picturing me naked, are you? For your information, that's a result of the compression your molecules undergo during the millisecond required for reconstitution.
Major Bradshaw: I can’t believe it. Another scientist, really? General, please.
Major Seresin: Theoretical astrophysicist, to be accurate.
Major Bradshaw: Which means?
Major General Kazansky: Which means he is smarter than you are, Major Bradshaw. Especially in matters related to the Stargate. Dr. Blackwood personally vouched for him.
Major Seresin: Major, I was studying the 'gate technology for two years before Dr. Blackwood and I made it work and before Colonel Mitchell went through. I should have gone through then.
Major Bradshaw: Well with all due respect, Doctor, I…
Major Seresin: It is appropriate to refer to a person by their rank, not their salutation. You should call me Major, not Doctor.
Major General Kazansky: Major Seresin’s assignment to this unit is not an option, it's an order.
Major Seresin: I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Major. So, you might as well accept the fact that I am going through this time.
Major Bradshaw: I just have a little problem with scientists. They’re not cut for this mission, it’s too dangerous.
Major Seresin: Major, I logged over a hundred hours in enemy airspace during the Gulf War. Is that tough enough for you? Or am I going to have to arm wrestle you to prove you I’m the best?
Major Bradshaw: I’m sure I can take you down. Anytime. Anywhere.
[Dr. Nick Bradshaw is facepalming meanwhile Dr. Carole Bradshaw is snorting. And she’s not the only one.]
Captain Mitchell: You have sass, Major Seresin. I like that. Welcome to my team.
Major Seresin and Major Bradshaw have been arguing ever since their first meeting. As SG-1 and SG-2 work quite a lot of missions together, it’s not rare to hear them exchanging barbs when they’re at the base, in Major Seresin’s lab, in the mess, in the lockers, in the infirmary, …
Everyone around is suffering, and some even have flashbacks from when another blonde (now Major General) and another brunet (now Captain) were arguing…
[More below the cut.]
Major Seresin: I'm picking up a strange reading from right over there.
Major Bradshaw: Define strange.
Major Seresin: You don't know what strange means?
Major Bradshaw: I know what strange means, asshole-
Major Seresin: Weird, freakish, odd-
Major Bradshaw: I'm just trying to determine whether it's worth getting off the route back to the village.
Major Seresin: It's radioactive readings in an Amish world. Your call. Look, we're lost anyway. What difference does it make?
Major Bradshaw: I am not lost... All right, let's check it out.
(incorrect quotes based on Stargate Atlantis S01E08)
[Majors Bradshaw, Machado, and Seresin need to disable the security devices scattered all around the city in order to escape.]
Major Seresin: Javy, you take station two; I'll take station one. Bradshaw, you take stations three and four.
Major Bradshaw: Whoa, whoa, wait a sec, where are stations three and four?
Major Seresin, indicating on a map: Here and here.
Major Bradshaw: And we are...
[Seresin has chosen nearer stations for himself and Javy.]
Major Seresin: Here, yes. I need to get done quickly so I can start working on the sub-routines, and Javy was complaining about his knee the other day, so-
Major Bradshaw: Whoa, wait a second. Are these things even close to a transporter?
Major Seresin: Uh, yes, Javy's is.
Major Bradshaw, probing: And mine?
Major Seresin, cagily: It's a brisk walk away.
Major Bradshaw: And by brisk you mean far?
Major Seresin: By walk I mean run. It’s an opportunity for you to use those long legs of yours! Fly away, chicken! We’re on a schedule!
(Major Bradshaw sends a dark look to Seresin before running like a madman towards stations three and four.)
Major Seresin, whistling: Hate to see you go, love watching you leave.
Major Machado: …
Major Machado: You know you could just ask him out, instead of doing this weird pigtail-pulling dance. Also, now’s not the time, Jake!
Major Seresin: You’re no fun! You’re supposed to be my wingman, bro!
Major Machado: Yeah. No. You already have a “wing”man with the way you sweet-talk your “chicken”.
(incorrect quotes partly based on Stargate Atlantis S01E10)
[Part 1] - [Part 2] - [Part 3] - [Part 4] - [Part 5] - [Part 6] - [Part 8] - [Part 9]
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texasdreamer01 · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @spurious!
State of the WIPs Shadow Puppet Haiku Shadows of a Nightingale - Done! Theorems of a Ghost - 66,196 Dial Tone - 15,060
Carrying on spurious’ WIP Wednesday theme:
Prime/Not Prime
Put a number & WIP title in my askbox. If your number is prime, you will receive a snippet from the WIP with a word count that is also prime; if it is not, your snippet will have a non-prime word count.
Not tagging anyone, but feel free to consider yourself tagged if you like!
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oldfangirl81 · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Thanks @sznofthesticks for the tag.
I'm an American millennial. I have strong feelings still about DADT. I saw the post saying Tommy would have served under it and all that resurfaced. But I'm also a crossover lover so...
You will never convince me that Major John Sheppard was heterosexual. I am changing Tommy's military service to the air force for this. McShep will be going on a double date with BuckTommy.
Tommy frowned not recongizing the number but feeling bored answered it.
“Kinard here.”
“Hey Iceman!”
There was silence as it took his brain a moment to remember the voice.
“Fuck, it has been forever since anyone has called me that. Should I call you Goose because I swore you were dead, Sheppard.”
“Nope, only came close once or twice.”
“IT WAS MORE THAN ONCE OR TWICE, YOU LUNTATIC!” yelled a voice from the background.
John ignored whoever that was and that continued, “So I’ll be in town for the next few weeks and I was hoping we could meet up for a meal at least once.”
I can't remember who else writes so sorry and no pressure tags @sugdenlovesdingle @cassiesinsanity @betrayedbycinnamon
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stargatebarbie · 8 months
pls tell me about mcshep sinkhole
Ooooooh thank you this is a favourite of mine! I decided I really wanted Sheppard and Rodney to do the 36 questions to fall in love but like we know how hard it is for Sheppard to talk about his feelings so I kind of had to get their jumper jammed in an unstable sinkhole, sorry boys. features of this one include Sheppard being gay and pining quite pathetically (affectionate), Rodney being clueless as always, and background lesbian scientists who are stranded separately on the planet's surface and very excited about the local flora.
snippet from this, formatted insanely because I often write dialogue first and I haven't filled the rest in, but I love this part so it's the one I'm including. It's quite deep into the list and into being stuck in a fucking hole so our boys have loosened up a little by this point
Question 22: Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items. J: I think if I don’t start with your smarts I’d never hear the end of it R: You’re right, of course. I think that’ll be my first trait of yours - You have a way of managing people, of - of knowing what they need. Not just me, but it is - particularly impressive with me. I have it on good authority I’m not easy to manage J: Oh hey, there’s another one of yours, you’re actually surprisingly self-aware R: Oh ha ha, I thought these were supposed to be compliments J: That is a compliment! R: Sure, whatever, we’ll count it. My next one for you is you’re not actually stupid. You’d think with your whole thing that you would be but you’ve got a brain under that ridiculous hair. And before you say anything, if yours counts, that one does too! J: Yeah, sure, that counts. Next... okay, you’re brave. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t come to you naturally, you’re kind of a pussy honestly, but that just makes it all the more impressive how fucking brave you are when you need to be R: Me? What about you! I’m actually hesitant to cite it as a positive characteristic because your bravery borders on self-sacrificing. You’ll put yourself in harm's way to save anyone, it's ridiculous J: Thanks? Right, I don’t think a lot of people know this, because you play it quite close to the chest, but you care. A lot. You reserve it for so few people, though. I’m glad I’m one of them R: Oh. Well. Me too, you know. Obviously you care about everyone to an alarming degree, but you don't let a lot of people… close. I'm glad, for whatever reason, it seems you've let me be one of those people. I suppose that's not really a characteristic, I should say something else- J: Nah Rodney, that's- yeah, it works R: No, I insist, you wanted to do this questionnaire and I'm going to do it right, let's see… oh, you're really ridiculously attractive J: Um. Okay, thanks. My turn again then, okay. You are unapologetically yourself. You refuse to hold back or censor yourself for other people, and what you see is always what you get. You really don't care if people think you're an asshole or hate you for it, and I know that may sound like an insult but honestly, I really respect it. R: Really? because people have said that to me as an insult before and- J: Yes, really Rodney. It's like you said, I don't tend to let a lot of people in, I… admire that you can be entirely yourself, let everyone see you. R: Oh. Well, thank you. I suppose that leads into another of yours then, I can trust you to say what you mean, when it counts. A lot of people use double-speak and backhanded compliments, and I don't always pick up on it. I can always trust that if it's important though, you'll tell me straight, eventually. You'll joke and you're a sarcastic ass but you won't outright lie and you won't let me go on believing something you've said is true if it wasn't.
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spurious · 1 year
even even more more mcshep fic recs
just a random selection of recent reads, just me still not being done boggling at the sheer volume of fic for this ship
four boots, five thousand two hundred and eighty feet by pares | ~9k, rated E
"So what you're saying is, learning to love yourself really is the greatest love of all!"
A delight!! one of the great sexy things about body-swap fic is how the characters can Learn Stuff about each other's bodies, and this fic takes that subtextual premise, makes it text, and does it wonderfully. That sex scene at the end is top-notch.
Leavenworth by amireal | ~13k, rated M
"On the plus side, we're apparently in the Ritz of prison cells."
SO so very up my personal alley in terms of the, uh, concept (forced orgasms!!! remote-controlled forced orgasms!!!!!!!) BUT also just, emotionally really wonderful with how they provide comfort and support to each other? How they fall into it? Very very satisfying read.
Golden Boy by chopchica | ~4k, rated R
Five times John didn't come out.
I have such a special place in my heart for sad gay John Sheppard fic (she says, surprising no one). This feels extremely believable (with the caveat that it was written prior to John’s family background becoming canon, so it goes with the seemingly-common fanon that he’s a military brat) and, ooooh, it just hurts very very good. John’s so good at not saying anything, even to his own detriment.
Stopgap by irrelevant | 5k, rated T
Things change when you’re looking, when you’re not looking, and when you wouldn’t know where to look if someone turned you in the right direction and pointed.
Oh, oh John. John trying to figure out feelings and human contact and Rodney and it's just. It's just beautiful.
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lemotmo · 4 months
lol the way my first thought when I heard the song in the BT scene was WHAT'S THAT SONG. (and not even because I happen to have an honest to god MA in gender&media half of which was cinematography lmao. I know myself and it was 100% because I went to the Tumblr University of Supernatural Studies back in the day and it's just become an ingrained reaction now. i'm like a sleeper agent where background songs activate me.) anyway, thanks for doing the research!
🤣🤣🤣 We have all become expert professors in the Tumblr University some way or the other. I mastered in Stargate Atlantis studies and did my PhD in McShep subtext. Nothing escapes our notice anymore.
You're welcome. 🫡
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 4 months
written by the victors submitter here, i am ALSO a ride or die rodney/ carson guy but there's like NOTHING out there for them compared to the deluge of mcshep, and all that said even i have to hand it to written by the victors
I remember finishing SGA a couple years ago, immediately checking Ao3 for Rodney/Carson fics, and getting NOTHING. All of them were either too short or had them as a background relationship instead of the main couple.
I mean, do they even have a ship name?? Rodson?? BeckKay??
Either way, they were so gay for each other. I will die on this hill.
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stargatelov3r · 9 months
Are you still doing sleepover asks? Thoughts on mcshep?
hey there anon! yes I am still doing sleepover asks :)
okay see McShep is kinda funny for me because when i watched Stargate the first time, it was absolutely not obvious to me. I think I was pretty much focused on other things (Elizabeth and Elizabeth/John) so it completely eluded me. But in general I don't pick up on a lot of m/m things that fandom loves so much.
I think it was actually tumblr that brought it to my attention and i was like WOAH where the hell is all that coming from (yes, i was that oblivious to fandom history).
Now that I'm rewatching it with the Jumping Puddles I've gotta say that I see it. I see it now, but if I'm honest, the ship doesn't really do anything for me? And I think that has partly to do with my indifference towards John, to a lesser extend towards Rodney. I like both characters, I think especially Rodney is extremely interesting and he *is* important to me and my view of Atlantis, but neither of these two ever came close to being a blorbo to me.
That being said, I don't mind the ship, I think I have even incorporated them into my headcanon on some level but since my headcanon has a very different focus on the show they are more background characters if you know what i mean? I think somewhere in my head they are together and everyone knows it but their individal platonic relationship to the team and the rest of the expedition and Elizabeth are much more important to me.
TL:DR I'm aware of the ship, I can see the appeal to some extend, but in the end I don't reallllllly care about it
thanks for the ask, thanks for reading, and thanks for not lynching me :)
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massharp1971 · 1 year
Grown men talking about feelings is my kink. Rodney thinks Ronon wants to sort things out with his fists, but Ronon's preferred approach is talking, then fucking.
Coda to S5E18 Identity - someone please explain to me why the writers forced McKeller on us but then in this episode made a point of showing Ronon has a better connection to Jennifer. It's a gift to fic writers but it makes little sense if writers wanted to sell McKeller to us. Anyway, this fic came out of that
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wonkyelk · 2 years
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Another McShep kiss: this time in four flavours.
[Image ID: Four digital paintings of Rodney McKay and John Sheppard kissing in the same pose, but in different colours/backgrounds end ID]
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nimuetheseawitch · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
Hey, I wrote things last week! Haven't written SGA, but I did work on the TGM and MASH WIPs, all because of these WIP Wednesday posts, so thanks again @spurious for doing these!
State of the WIPs
Math prof au (TGM, Hangster): 7526 words Hangster hate sex (TGM, Hangster): 1230 words
Noir!Rodney (SGA, a little McShep): 3145 words crow!John (SGA, McShep): 1108 words 1989 #5 (SGA, McLorne): 253 words Fake dating (SGA, McShep): 975 words Rodney McKay Goes to Maine (SGA, McShep): 2416 words
Hoping that you’re happy now (MASH, hunnihawk): 2277 words BJ is the worst (MASH, maybe hunnihawk): 3488 words
This week's ✨WIP Wednesday Theme✨ is...
Gather 'Round the Campfire!
Put a 🔥 & WIP name in my askbox to get a story about the story, whether that be about how you came to write it, the experience of writing it, an interesting detail you've researched, background that's important but won't make it into the story...anything!
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texasdreamer01 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday prompts! ✍️ for any of them, ❎ for whichever is currently longest, aaaand 🃏
Thanks for the ask!
✍️ What made you start writing it?
Going to answer this for Interface - I'd been reading a lot of fic about how John is the one who has to deal with a bunch of alternate realities (The Last Man comes to mind, also Vegas), and a little bit about Vegas!Rodney because how else (why else) would he have tracked down John out of the blue, but I really wanted a canon-ish Rodney that had to deal with all these little off-shoots of timelines in one cohesive whole. It's a lot of angst and a lot of bystander POV, and I think a good way for me to chew on the different dynamics we're shown of McShep and the unaddressed nuances of Rodney in canon.
❎ What's the first sentence of the story with a word that has the letter X in it?
But then one day it was different. Not unusual, not anymore, what with their head of science also being on the flagship gate team - they had a roster, somewhere, taking bets on which AR-1 member would be next on the jailbird bingo, jokingly annotated with a set of whiteboard markers assiduously updated once a month as bets were renegotiated.
🃏 Wildcard: Answer the question you wish someone would ask you, or share a background detail, or a snippet or line!
Theorems is a tough nut to crack for me, since I'm just pantsing it as a thumb-twiddler, and I want to poke canon a bit because there's some episodes with Rodney where he's completely normal? But still wildly intelligent and competent, and I want to see how he defines his own role and what that role looks like when he's removed from the equation.
But a snippet, more from the beginning of the fic:
It was the same, soothing background that personnel rarely saw, too absorbed in their work to ever see the background. But this was a new program, a user interface that listed Radek as a guest on McKay's personal system. They both stared at the half-screen program, black and only needing one of them to press play. Ronon was lingering in the background, both of them having changed course in their morning run when Radek had hailed Sheppard.
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ao3feed-wondertwins · 11 months
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stargatebarbie · 8 months
WIP Wednesday!
Thanks @spurious for tagging me! Sorry for not participating last week, I was way too sleepy, but excited to be here this go around!
WIPs on the table this week: McShep 36qtfil sinkhole fic - 966 words, pretty well planned out gay4pay college au (Destiel): 9,740 words, bit dusty as I haven't touched it in a little while Cas diary whump: 152 words and already doing me psychic damage McShep with clone!Beckett angst: 0 actual words but she's been rotating in the brain microwave heavily bc I just rewatched Sunday
I do have more but... I don't wanna talk about them lmao
This week’s ✨WIP Wednesday Theme✨ is:
Put a 🔥 in my inbox to get a campfire tale about a WIP: what inspired it, what’s happening in the background that won’t make it in, what I’m looking forward to, what I’m struggling with…….anything goes.
Tagging: anyone who wants to join in, pretend I tagged you 💖
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