#badbatch animation
ive-gone-chonkers · 2 months
Crosshair forgets about his hand—
Voice by @/true_sons_of_mandalore on Instagram
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eelfuneral · 1 year
I like how the animators made Hunter BadBatch so curvy.
I mean:
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I want to grab his teeny little waist.
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gayjedicoded · 2 months
more badbatch headcannons
-tech is short for technically
-crosshair has never been allowed to fly the marauder. hes a worse pilot than omega
-crosshair had the best hair care routine of them all (rip bald)
-hunter exclusively uses 13-in-one soap/shampoo/toothpaste/glass cleaner
-rex is a not a natural blonde but omega is. he’s jealous but can't show it without admitting his deepest secret
-echo has never mentioned fives to any of the batch
-wrecker used to be a picky eater
-tech scoliosis
-echo prefers to sleep in a chair than a bunk
-as cadets theyd fucking bite people. all four of them. it was a go to move. it wasnt until they were threatened with getting all their teeth pulled out that they stopped. (mostly stopped) (its for the best that biting a droid would hurt you more than it)
-domino squad did the same thing
-wrecker got bullied the most by reg cadets (he was always Large and Bald) but only fought back if they shit on any of his brothers
-lula was a shared item between them. the other three claimed to outgrow a stuffed animal but wrecker held onto her (and dealt with a bunch of teasing) for all of them. he was right, everyone’s needed a good lula cuddle as adults
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zoeykallus · 9 months
Hi there, i assume you're most likely flooded with requests currently but here's my shot if you feel like it : how about how the Badbatch reacting to their s/o posting simple normal stuff on their social media (like spotify links, cute pics all that)? I think that would be so cute 🥰🥰🥰 i don't think you've done something like this before so it's totally okay if you don't want to!
Indeed, I am, and I barely have time to work through them, but I do, bit by bit, hoping no one hates me for being so slow 😬😅 Interesting question. Let me look into this....
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Your Social Media
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Warnings: Mostly Fluff/Maybe Slightly Angsty
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
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Our shy Tech uses social media to find out things about you, even before you're a couple. Stalker? Yes and no. Basically, he just uses it to try to find out what music you like, what movies, if you like to read, and if so, what books. Tech spends a lot of time browsing.
He is looking for information about you that will make it easier for him to start a conversation with you, to surprise you in a positive way and to respond to you. Tech feels more confident approaching you when he already has some background information.
But he also likes to check in on things in the future, keep up to date. He's often in the tunnel at work, and that's how he finds out if he's missed anything when he's on a mission. Maybe you've discovered a new favorite song, or something culinary, or you're reading a new book.
Of course, he doesn't miss the opportunity to send you links to reports, documentaries and the like, about whatever he's excited about. The last link was a report about upcoming, groundbreaking new hyperspace technology.
He has no idea about social media, he himself has had no contact with it until now, and Hunter has never been interested in it. Until Wrecker points out to him that you're on social media.
"Have you seen that funny Loth cat video your sweetheart shared?"
Hunter frowns.
"What, shared, I don't quite understand."
Wrecker shows and explains everything to him in general terms, and Hunter ends up making a social media account on the Holonet. The cat video was amusing, but not the reason. He wants to know what else you share, if maybe there are hobbies he doesn't know about, or events you'd like to attend.
In fact, three days later he surprises you with tickets to an event you're dying to attend, but can't find the money in time.
Hunter doesn't spy on you, you can do whatever you want. He just picks out a few little things, like this event, to make you happy.
He stays away from it completely. In fact, he hates this social media nonsense. There was even a whole format of its own for clones, and he remembers well how some of his brothers used to act online. He doesn't really need that.
You can do whatever you want, of course, but he won't touch that stuff unless you explicitly ask him to. Echo still won't spend much time on it, just occasionally liking one of your shared posts, but that's all you can expect from him.
Echo is not comfortable on the Holonet, it's not nearly the same, yet it always kind of reminds him of his imprisonment by the Techno Union.
"You spend way too much time with this devil stuff".
He is all over the place. Wrecker has an account on every social media site, and he posts as regularly as he can. Cute and funny animal videos mostly and in stark contrast, videos of explosions. Every now and then a music video and articles about guns and explosives.
In fact, he bombards his pages so hard that sometimes you completely lose track of what's going on and don't really manage to keep up. But Wrecker miraculously knows, despite his own constent-posting, what's going on with you in social media.
Among other things, you once posted a picture of him when an admirer wouldn't leave you alone. After endless attempts to get rid of him and several block attempts whereupon the nag just kept making new accounts, you shared Wrecker's picture in full gear, with you next to him.
"This is my boyfriend, if you want me, work it out with him".
Wrecker drops the holopad laughing and says, "What's going on? You didn't tell me that someone was bugging you."
You shrug your shoulders, "Always wrote to me privately. I thought it was time to expose that person."
"Hm," growls Wrecker, "Let me know if he doesn't stop."
One of those who talk badly about social media, very badly, avoid it for quite a while and then suddenly sink into it almost like an addict. Crosshair has his holopad in his hand every free minute, checking his messages, new links and likes.
Crosshair will never admit it, but he really enjoys the attention, being anonymous in a way and still being noticed. Of course, he also digs through your social media, and you can assume that he scrutinizes everything.
He knows the guys who are on the Internet, make immoral offers, send nude pictures and want to have nude pictures and so on. Otherwise, he flies over the things rather so casually, he's not really interested, he rather wants his contributions to be seen, shared and liked.
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yubnubhub · 10 months
Echo and Fives Glances
We could spend days picking apart the nonverbal communication in animated Star Wars. And at the end of it all, more would remain to discuss!
This is one of my first "Overanalysis" videos, which takes a look at some of the glances exchanged between our beloved Domino Twins.
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omorales81 · 4 months
Omeeg’ is back y’all—and I’m here for it! #StarWars #BadBatch #Animation #CloneWars #Omega #Palpatine #CloneTroopers @starwars @TheBadBatch
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xylionet · 3 months
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locitapurplepink · 2 years
Are you up for challenge ?
1. Take your picture of your favorite stuff animals or any pet if you guys have.
2. Design yours with any picrews that you have been tagged lately, pick any designs to be a human. Can be a kid or teenager or adult.
3. Add any accessories like what he or she would be interested like hats, necklaces, etc. Or any hobbies that he or she would like.
Here's my fave teddy bear, Snow Bear
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Turned to be Snow Boy who loves playing games 😁
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I tag @photogirl894 , @leosardonyx18 , @cassie-fanfics , @genericficerblog , @laughingphoenixleader , @l-lend , @zaya-mo , @girlzrok-archive , @summer-1902 , @aesira-of-orion , @tinysbandanadad ,@tiny-badbatcher , @kanerallels , and anyone else who wants to join.
If you guys interested, you can reblog it and tag anyone else to join this one.
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heyclickadee · 8 months
Aaaaaaaannnd it looks like my inevitable biennial Darkwing Duck phase just hit. Apologies in advance. I am probably going to be annoying.
So! Darkly Dawns the Duck:
1. Who do I have to kill to get the original opening scene back in with the rest of the episode? Like. That little action sequence is a perfect way to introduce the character and the show. Almost everything you need to know is right there. Darkwing is a mildly bumbling adrenaline junkie who’s just barely good enough at his “job” to get things done. Also, it’s a cartoon; the violence is made up and the injuries don’t matter. Unless they do.
2. Almost everything you need to know. The rest of everything you need to is in the very next scene where Darkwing is hamming it up, handing glossies to a cop, and lamenting the fact that he spent all afternoon ironing is cape now that there’s nary a reporter in sight.
3. Darkwing narrates his life and monologues to himself. He’s such a tool. I love it.
4. Listen, I’m aware that Tad Stones is very much a Silver Age comics guy, and that this cartoon is completely uninterested in explaining how, exactly, Darkwing pays for, you know, all his very expensive equipment (besides moonlighting as a freelance SHUSH agent from time to time), because it’s just not that kind of show, but I’m interested. (Honestly, the more ridiculous the explanation, the better.)
5. How long did it take Darkwing to put together everything for the breakfast routine? I mean, it’s not as though he has a life outside of being Darkwing, so I guess he’d have time. But still.
6. I always forget Tim Curry is in this. Taurus Bulba is slightly less funny and unhinged than you’re typical Darkwing villain, but he’s honestly half of what makes this intro episode work. He’s a little more serious, so the stakes feel a little higher.
7. Aaaaand Darkwing’s still monologuing to himself. As he does.
8. The fourth wall is paper thin.
9. “Clever of me to use my spine to break my fall.” — Tech Badbatch, probably.
10. More (less?) seriously, last time I hit the inevitable biennial Darkwing Duck phase, I kept trying to find a Darkwing Duck podcast to listen to, and I kept getting frustrated, because the hosts kept talking about this show the same way they would about, say, Batman: The Animated Series or Young Justice. Yes, they’re all animated, yes, they’re all about superheroes, and yes, they all stretch physical reality to some extent, but Darkwing Duck exists in an entirely different genre than the other two. Heck, it’s even in a slightly different genre than the original DuckTales series.
It’s a cartoon—a cartoon grounded by an emotional center in the relationship between Gosalyn and Darkwing—but a cartoon along the lines of the old Looney Tunes shorts nonetheless. Like. No, Darkwing doesn’t have secret superpowers. He gets anvils dumped on his head until he gets over himself every episode because it’s funny. The laws of physics as well as any danger of real physical harm coming to the characters is dependent entirely on the emotional needs of the scene at hand, and the emotional needs of the scene at hand tend to be rooted in comedy. Same goes for continuity. I may or may not be a hypocrite about this at times.
11. So I just hit the part where Darkwing and Launchpad meet and good lord, Darkwing really is a jerk and Launchpad really is a golden retriever.
12. I love how Bulba just casually mentions that his henchmen murdered Gosalyn’s grandpa.
13. Speaking of Gosalyn….
14. Man, I love Gosalyn. I love that she’s kind of a “problem”, that she tends to act out, that she’s a handful, and that she’s clearly upset by having been told that she’s a problem by the adults in her life (by the ones at the orphanage, anyway). She’s an outgoing but clearly lonely kid, and one of the very few kids from any shows from this era that actually feels like a kid.
15. Okay, yeah, I know I just went on a rant about cartoons, but adult me panics every time I watch the part where Gos realizes that Hammerhead is there to kidnap her.
16. Just an observation, but Darkwing is way more…I don’t know, personable with Gosalyn once they get back to his hideout than he was with Launchpad in that earlier scene. He’s still self aggrandizing and sarcastic, but he’s not nearly as caustic. (For now.) I’m honestly not sure he knows how to talk to other adults in a “normal” way when he’s doing the Darkwing thing, which is more or less all the time.
17. Aaaaand I’m reading too much into it now. Back to the funny.
18. I paused and now I can’t breathe
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Look at this idiot.
19. I love that Taurus Bulba just happens to have an airship shaped like his face. In prison. Just because.
20. Photos taken moments before disaster
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21. “You should have seatbelts, too!” Blink twice if the S&P department is making you say that, Gos.
22. That said, it is actually really sweet that Darkwing does end up taking the helmet Gos found when he rides off a few scenes later. (
23. Little girl blue 🥹
24. Okay but WHY did Dr. Waddlemeyer make a Simon Says the control panel for his levitation ray?
25. Man, Darkwing is such an insecure jackass.
26. Listen to the kid, my dude.
27. See? That’s what you get! (Darkwing really deserves the dressing down Bulba gives him in this scene. Also: Does he make funny accordion noises when he gets squished like that?)
28. Why do I get the feeling that if this episode came out today and was a Star War that people would be complaining about how hard it was for Bulba’s hitmen to catch a ten year old?
29. Honestly, I love how they thread the needle of Gosalyn being perfectly capable of handling herself and yet still being a kid who may eventually need help if the problem gets too big.
30. Oh, the jail scene. I’m still annoyed that the most unhinged part of Darkwing’s monologue is missing (the episodes on the DVDs and streaming and elsewhere that I’ve found are the ones that ran in syndication. And, for Darkly Dawns the Duck, that means it was cut in two and chopped up to fit in the syndication time slot, so there are a few scenes missing. The ones I miss most are the opening and part of the jail monologue), but what’s left is still probably the most honest thing Darkwing says about himself the whole show. There’s something about him that’s just. Deeply maladjusted. And it’s great. I love it. 10/10, no notes.
31. Nope, got serious again. Time for Launchpad to bring the funny.
32. Launchpad made a damn stealth plane shaped like Darkwing’s head. Just because.
33. Ah yes, the tried and true Darkwing method of combat: throwing yourself bodily at the enemy and shouting nonsense.
34. I always somehow forget that Bulba just decides he’s gonna murder a kid for kicks. He’s got the code by that point, he doesn’t need her anymore, and he doesn’t need to twist Darkwing’s arm to get anything. He’s just gonna kill Gosalyn. It’s just child murder time. And it feels like Gosalyn’s in danger because, again, the rules of physics apply depending on the emotional needs of the scene.
35. “Mom was right. I should have been a dental hygienist.” That is such a random line and I kind of love it.
36. Sorry to being this back around the The Bad Batch because, again, this show is a completely different genre of animated show, but Gosalyn’s little, “He couldn’t be…,” when she sees the ramrod destroy the top of that skyscraper and take Bulba and Darkwing with it reminded my of the fact that when a child protagonist in a show for children says something like that about a semi or fully parental figure thought to be dead, they’re almost always right. No, I will not let this go. This hiatus is so long.
37. This orphanage director really is just. The worst. “Oh, sorry you won’t through a traumatic life changing experience kid, don’t understand why you’re too upset to talk to anyone today. Your loss I guess.” Like seriously.
38. Yes! The pink shirt and the sweater vest.
39. Darkwing is so aggressively dweeby. 10/10, no notes. Again.
40. I mean, okay, his name’s Drake Mallard, sure, and that’s how he’s introducing himself to the orphanage director here, but. Like. I like both versions, but OG Darkwing is Darwing first, and Drake Mallard second. DT17 Darkwing is Drake Mallard first, and Darkwing second. If that makes sense.
41. Okay, so, I understand that OG Darkwing and Launchpad are sort of the Kirk and Spock of the Disney Afternoon, but I don’t really ship them. I just don’t get the vibe (again, from the OG versions—DT17 versions have a different vibe). That said, I do kind of love the idea that there’s nothing going on between them but that everyone who knows both of them just assumes that they’re a gay couple raising their daughter, and they both know it and are fine with people thinking that.
42. This isn’t how adoption works but it’s okay it’s a cartoon and it’s very sweet.
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eriexplosion · 2 years
Tech TBB 🟡🐈🌑, Loki(??? Viking?? Did I get the name right?) 🟣🏡
So starting with good old Tech BadBatch:
🟡 - Happy
Tech's happiness level is directly represented by his number of Active Projects. The more half finished junk he has around the more relaxed he is, he jumps from project to project so fast that it's good for him to have several of them. If he's focused on only one, that's a stressed Tech right there, look at him, he's got anxiety. (And it's probably an important project that they need done ASAP and so he's not really letting himself have fun with it, gotta get it done for a REASON.)
🐈 - Pets/Animals
Tech would be the dad that would say he doesn't think a pet is a good idea and then as soon as they get the pet he's built it a special orthopedic bed and automatic feeder that will dispense the perfect combination of nutrients for each meal time and six different electronic toys. For Omega's sake of course, he just wants her to be happy. It is not about the lothcat being adorable.
🌑 - Sleep
He fucking doesn't, not enough anyway. Sleeping for eight hours is for people whose brains aren't going at 1000 miles an hour, he naps for about an hour and a half and then gets up to start fucking around with things and he just does that all day unless someone forcefully snuggles him. If he isn't getting enough sleep just put him in bed with Wrecker so he gets hugged Lula style and can't squirm his way out. Congrats Tech. You're sleeping now.
AND NEXT, I AM ASSUMING YOU MEAN FLOKI (who is of course a devotee of Loki, so you're not like THAT far off)
🟣 - Romantic/Sexual/Shippy
Helga was the first woman he was ever specifically interested in, to the point that when he popped up at Ragnar's one day with a girl in tow and introduced her, it took approximately three days and seven kisses for him to actually catch on that she was a Girlfriend not a Friend who is a Girl. (Though he has had threesomes with Ragnar and Lagertha before, but he was MOSTLY into Ragnar for those, so Ragnar didn't really count them.)
🏡 - Home
Anytime he isn't working on his boats, he's working on his hut, adding new little nooks and crannies in which to store his Trinkets. Dedicated searching of his hut will bring up so many little cubbies where he's hidden Items, some of which are stolen from various romantic partners houses. Torstein, Ragnar, and Athelstan all have had their stuff stolen on the regular and sometimes they just start digging around to find them and restock. He does it out of affection, he likes to have Reminders of his partners.
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Get ready for The Bad Batch with Hot Toys' Figures
Get ready for The Bad Batch with Hot Toys' Figures #badbatch #starwars #hottoys
Clone Force 99, AKA The Bad Batch, are an elite squad of unique genetically mutated clone troopers who like to do things their own way! Blazing a trail through the Star Wars universe, The Bad Batch animated series returns to Disney+ in January 2023. Lead your squad with the Hunter 1/6 Scale Figure by Hot Toys. The Hunter 1/6 Scale Figure features a hand-painted, ultra-realistic headsculpt with…
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nanagoswife · 2 years
1000 follower celebration!
Hey everyone! So, I have been so distracted to the point I just realized the blog is almost at 800 followers🤯 last time I checked, I had just been celebrating 400!
Anyways, I wanted to give you all a special thanks! This includes
1) finally completing the requests in my ask box
2) taking drabble requests for any of the characters listed on my pinned post and
3) I’ll add an ask alphabet for both fic related topics and just general get to know me topics. It’ll also be open to any questions you all just generally have!
I’ll keep all of this open for a while! I want to do a proper celebration with all of you and I’m so happy to see so many of you actually like what I write! So thank you!
The rest is under the cut
Ask Alphabet - Questions to ask me!
Note: some have different options so please specify which question or part you’d like me to answer! Thanks😊
A: Animal pictures - I’ll take a picture of one of my pets at that moment and post it
B: Which fic do you think is the best of the bunch you’ve written so far?
C: Characters - Who’s your favourite character outside of your fics? Or Which character would I choose if I could only have one favourite?
D: Dialogue - send me a line of dialogue and I’ll break down the scene for you or What’s my favourite line of dialogue I wrote?
E: What’s the colour of your eyes? (I may even take a picture to show)
F: Favourite fic I wrote or Favourite show
G: Games - Which ones do you play? or Which game is your favourite?
H: Heights - Do I like them?/ Do heights scare me?
I: Insights - Tell me a fic and I’ll give you a little insight about the whole thing or a certain part you want to know more about!
J: Tell me a joke and I’ll give my genuine response (probably in form of a gif)
K: Knives - Why am I so afraid of them?
L: Laughing - What always makes me laugh? or How easy is it to make me laugh?
M: I’ll give you a manga rec or What’s my favourite manga?
N: Night skies - Why am I so fascinated with them?
O: Send me something you’d like my opinion on.
P: Pirates - Do I like them?
Q: Quitting - Is there anything I’ve ever quit doing or writing?
R: Is there something repeated that I find I add into my fics?
S: I’ll tell you a secret whether it’s for a fic or one in my personal life
T: Tea - Do I drink it? or Do I have any tea to spill about a fic?
U: The fic I’m most unimpressed with
V: What factor in my writing varies depending on the story?
W: Why do I often add some form of a body of water in my fics?
X: How many x-rays have I had?
Y: Do you actually like Yarichin Bitch Club?😂
Z: Which Legend of Zelda game is your favourite? or Which Zelda song is your favourite?
Drabble Requests
See my pinned post for any conditions and what characters you can send requests for. Also, you are free to send in whatever drabbles you’d like but I’ll also add a prompt list of needed!
Prompt List - Touching Prompts | Meaningful Gestures by @promptful
Once again, I’d like to thank you all so much for this! I want to do a big celebration for this milestone with all of you as I probably won’t do another until I hit 1,000.
Most of all, I’d like to tag some people that I want to give a very special thanks to for always supporting me every step of the way!
@where-fantasy-meets-reality @stardancerluv @thereluctantherosrose @wickedscribbles @princessxkenobi @badbatch-simp24 @justanothersadperson93 @generousrunawaydonut @tommysparker @rentskenobi @imabeautifulbutterfly @purelyfiction @animalgirl05 @binanas @bellarkeselection @gabiszew
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locitawritingsblog · 2 years
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I've been looking for something interesting to make until I found this link and decided to use it.
After Mrs. Yarrow hang out with Miss Grace watching movie, she decided to dress up herself for refreshing her mind.
I tag @photogirl894 , @leosardonyx18 , @cassie-fanfics , @genericficerblog , @foundationsretail , @tiny-badbatcher , @zaya-mo , and anyone else who want to.
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thesylverlining · 2 years
so I have full star wars badbatch brainworms now bc I CANNOT stop thinking about an eventual recovered Crosshair,, with longer hair, until the White Haired Anime Boy transformation is complete, and had to get it down or it would just eat the rest of my brains
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animaletras · 1 year
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Hoje é o Star Wars Day e se engana quem pensa que a guerra nas galáxias se resume somente aos filmes. A saga conta também com 5 séries animadas que exploram diferentes pontos da história. Hoje iremos contar um pouquinho de cada uma, em ordem cronológica para ninguém se perder.
A primeira série é a guerra dos clones, que se passa entre os episódios II e III. A série segue a vida dos envolvidos na guerra clônica, dando enfoque às relações de poder dentro de uma guerra. Logo após o episódio III temos o Bad Batch, uma série sobre os soldados clones com defeito genético e que, com o fim da República, se tornam perseguidos pelo império. Star Wars Rebels se aproxima um pouco mais do ep IV e acompanha o grupo rebelde que vive na nave Fantasma. Além disso, temos o Star Wars Resistance, que se passa antes dos eventos do episódio VII. A série acompanha um jovem piloto da resistência encarregado de espionar a primeira ordem. Ambas as séries falam de resistência perante governos ditatoriais. Por fim, a série Visions é um anime que conta 10 histórias independentes que se passam dentro do universo de Star Wars. Se engana quem pensa que Star Wars não se relaciona com questões políticas e sociais. As séries trazem à luz figuras que, muitas vezes, foram ignoradas nos filmes, mas que são as que mais sofrem as consequências de uma guerra.
May the fourth be with you!
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flyguy · 1 year
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STAR WARS: THE BLACK SERIES OMEGA (MERCENARY GEAR) As this will likely peg swing a bit, this is NOT a Wallymart exclusive... general release. 11th may pre-order 1pm EST. So all the squad, except Omega are exclusive to Walmart. Lovely. $24.99USD. Available: Spring 2024 (again diff to her team mates as is her pre-order date) STAR WARS fans and collectors can imagine scenes from the STAR WARS galaxy with this premium 6-inch STAR WARS: THE BLACK SERIES OMEGA (MERCENARY GEAR) figure, inspired by the character’s appearance in STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH animated series. Young clone Omega travels in tow with her brothers, the Bad Batch. Armed with her trusty energy bow, she is indispensable on their adventures across a rapidly changing galaxy. Fans and collectors can display this fully articulated figure featuring premium detail and multiple points of articulation in their collection. Includes figure and 3 series-inspired accessories. #starwarscelebration #badbatch #clones #cloneforce99 #starwars #FLYGUY #FLYGUYtoys
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