Talking Zebra vs. Perry the Platyborg
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Talking Zebra: Oh, it gets much stranger, Kevin.
Perry the Platyborg: krkrkrkrkr
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danvillecheese · 4 months
if badbeard’s beard wore pants would he wear them like this or like this
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ferbracket · 8 months
Candace Competition
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Tripping. ''Why do my nostrils whisper to me?''
Squirrels in her Pants. ''That girl's got some serious squirrels in her pants.''
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violetlunette · 1 year
I think it’s kinda funny that both Candace and Doofenshmirtz have put themselves in danger trying to get some beef jerky and both times they had to be saved by Perry.
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seahag-swampwitch · 1 year
That one time I cameoed on Phineas and Ferb
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I was rewatching the Ballad of Badbeard on Youtube and thought the scene of Perry swinging down from the mast with Candace was kinda cute.
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skippudippu · 2 months
do you think badbeard was just. a drag artist.
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ankle-beez · 8 days
🎶 Why do my nostrils whisper to meeeee? 🎶
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wisteria-violet · 8 months
Canyon Biome Bonfire: open post
The young trainer was happily running about, interacting with as many others as possible. She thrives in these kind of socialization events. She was definitely having a great time. Nothing but big smiles and friendly interactions from her!
Though, some people would be intimidated, mostly due to her pokémon she had out. Well, she shouldn't be surprised by that. Two of her teammates were Pokémon people barely even heard about. They were most likely just nervous since they didn't know the Pokémon. They've always been sweet Pokémon to her.
Mewtwo stuck close to the trainer. While he has gotten used to being around humans, this event was something he'd rather stick to being around those he's familiar with. Badbeard, on the other hand would roll onto his back any time they were up to someone new in hopes of getting bellyrubs.
Wisteria was now happily sitting down by the fire with her whole team. She was making s'mores. Or at least she was trying. She... was burning her marshmallow. But she didn't seem to mind much.
"... Here you go, Frye! Just the way you like it!" She offers the burnt marshmallow to the Talonflame. She chirped, and happily munched on the treat. The young trainer puts another marshmallow on the stick.
Okay... She can do it this time. She definitely won't burn this one!
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animationnut · 1 year
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spc-rambles · 14 hours
And now, a random head canon on one of Danville's landmarks, because I found myself making some up for the sake of fun world building.
Cliffside Park, seen mostly in HNG but also in P&F’s ‘We Call It Maze’ is the Tri-State Area’s national park, which includes a selection of log cabins. There’s three dotted around the park and they’re very expensive. Lucky that one of them was built by Betty Jo and Clyde when they were 20.
All other sights seen in ‘The Ballad of Badbeard’ among other episodes they appeared in make up the geography of the park. This includes a heritage railway that takes you up along the mountain range where its terminus is at a plain where white tailed deer and red and grey fox live. A fifteen minute drive from Betty Jo and Clyde's log cabin and the campsite.
The other end of the line is the central Tri-State station ‘Danville Central’, as seen when Hamster and Gretel were juggling wagons and such, where the heritage line connects with the main railroad network as well as Danville’s subway network.
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Two of five locomotives working the line have been seen on Dwampyverse shows. The former is a well tank, water tanks below its boiler. Funny how the smaller one is pulling coaches for more passengers than the big tender engine has. Just an observation.
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Talking Zebra vs. Wendy (Slushydawg girl)
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duckapus · 1 year
Okay, so, Phineas and Ferb headcanon:
Candace has known about Perry being a secret agent since their trip to Africa. This is because she and the troupe of monkeys she was living with during her mental breakdown were explicitly shown as a major plot point to get involved in the battle between Perry’s recruits and the robot copies, and between that, Perry showing up at the end of the day despite the fact that he was supposed to be on another continent, and her memories of the Badbeard Lake incident she connected the dots. She just hasn’t told anyone, especially Perry, since her canonical love of comic books means she knows there’ll probably be consequences for everyone involved if his boss finds out.
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ferbracket · 1 year
Doofenshmirtz Family Bracket
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Susan. Named after Susan
Susan. Named after Susan
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pftones3482 · 2 years
(If you're still doing the Character thing) Candace Flynn?
That's my GIRL
Why I like them: she's a genuinely really good older sister. A lot of people complain about her trying to bust Phineas and Ferb constantly, but as an older sister myself, that's just how it is. But she loves them so much and I love that.
Why I don't like them: nonsense that's impossible
Favorite Episode: Three way tie between The Ballad of Badbeard, Wizard of Odd, and The Klimpaloon Ultimatum
Favorite Line: "You got me a coffee mug? And I don't even DRINK coffee, I can't do anything right!!!" When I tell you I relate to that line of thinking on a spiritual level
Favorite Outfit: genuinely so bummed we never got a repeat of her outfit from One Good Scare Ought to Do It
OTP: Canderemy, easy. Runner up is Stacy/Candace
Brotp: her and Perry or her and any of the trio kids (Isabella, Buford, Baljeet). I love her interactions with them
Headcanon: she used to take Ferb out for ice cream as a way to try and bond with him when they were younger and first getting to know each other, and now for special occasions they still practice that tradition
Unpopular Opinion: I hate the nickname "Candy" for her 😅 it just feels like such a mean girl name, and it doesn't fit her in my head
A Wish: I want a Candace and Ferb centric episode in the new seasons, PLEASE.
Oh god please no: I really hope they don't make her so heavily focused on busting in the new seasons, they've already given her character development away from that
5 words to beat describe them: Passionate, confident, stubborn, sympathetic, and just all around whacky (I love her)
My nickname for them: again. This question is weird. No.
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taptrial2 · 6 months
we're back is one of the only pnf songs (outside of ballad of badbeard) where thomas sangster actually has a little part which i think is nice. i think they should make thomas sangster try to rap in the reboot. it would be so bad and i want to see that train wreck happen
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