#baekhyun high school au
tyonfs · 1 year
the marriage and baby project (teaser)
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PAIRING ▸ mark lee x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, crack, college au, fake dating (marriage?) au
SUMMARY ▸ mark lee has had the biggest crush on you for years, so, naturally, he’s over the moon when you’re both partnered for a group project. however, he underestimates just how close two people can get when they have to pretend they’re married for a month while taking care of a fake baby.
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ the dunk shot series is not dead guys :’) sorry this series was sort of at a standstill for a bit but here’s the teaser for mark’s installment !! ♡ send me an ask or comment if you want to be on the tag list! (warnings will be added in the final fic) 
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THE ONLY REASON WHY MARK TOOK FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE WAS BECAUSE his friends told him it would be an easy A for a general education requirement he needed to fulfill. No one clued him in on having to become a married man and father.
“Hi, Mark,” you greeted with a smile, sliding into the seat next to him. “I guess I’m Y/N Lee for the next few weeks.”
He felt his heart drop to his stomach.
Here was a brief rundown: you were essentially a femme fatale, a drop-dead gorgeous it-girl; and Mark was a loser who was somewhat good at playing basketball. On top of that, Mark harbored the biggest crush on you since forever.
Forever dated back to high school. Although Mark never spoke to you much, he had always thought you were the most breathtaking individual he had ever seen. That was probably why he was malfunctioning right now. He had never gotten the opportunity to be around you like this, mostly because you were dating Vernon Chwe up until last year. All he could do was admire from afar helplessly, eyes lingering as you strode down hallways.
Chenle told him that there was a definite shelf life on relationships like yours and Vernon’s—relationships that were mostly physical—so he was confident you two wouldn’t last. And he was right. When you and Vernon broke up, Mark felt bad seeing your sad eyes, but an ugly part of him had been waiting for it to happen.
This situation, however, was like winning the lottery. Not only was he partnered up with you, but he had to play the role of your husband? Things like this never really happened to Mark, so he figured some misfortunate was coming his way soon.
“Hey, Y/N,” he managed to get out.
“Come up and get your babies,” the professor instructed. “These RealCare infant simulators use wireless programming to track and report on your behaviors, which is why I had you all sign those consent forms.” She held up one of the dolls for everyone to see. “I’m not gonna require you all to keep your dolls in a car seat, but I will be able to see records of misuse, clothing changes, temperature changes, whether you’ve rocked, fed, or burped your baby, or respond to its cries.”
Great. He had to walk around campus with a plastic baby. Mark’s friends were never going to let him live this down.
He wondered if the RealCare infant could play basketball.
He turned to face you again. “Do you want a boy or girl?”
“Mark Lee,” his professor chided, and he nearly jumped when saw her standing right beside his desk. “You don’t get to choose the gender of your child in real life, so I’ll be randomly assigning each couple a baby.”
“I don’t think we’ve considered the possibility of gene editing.”
“You can take that up with Congress.”
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GENERAL TAG LIST ▸ @papiiimark @jaehy9ngs @chanluster @jjhmk @marksflute @superhajimark @jeongyoonohs @marklexleaf @dnylwoo @kpop-bambi @miyrisa @jjikyuu @venesiun @seventeeneration @chenosaurus16 @kylomeyon @infnteen @ohmarkly  @weish5n @thejeongjaehyun​ @lovesjenmoong​ @infnteen​ @wownajaemin​ @haruharux23 @pewpewpwe00 @scxrlettkx @pckeia @keijikunn @sapiowoman28 @atiny-doodles @loki-in-hogwarts @baekhyuns-lipchain @repjaehyn @chan-s-laptop @jen0zen @michplusb @yutassecrettime @minkis-simp​ @dreamyyang​ @catscoffeeandkpop​ @ahgastayzen​ @ryu-naa
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jayflrt · 2 years
strawberry lemonade
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❝ praying mantises sound a lot more peaceful than listening to reenactments of fifty shades of grey every other night. ❞
PAIRING ▸ park jongseong x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut (minors dni), crack, college au, lowkey pwp but there is plot sorry this was just the jay brainrot acting up
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, sex, slight exhibition kink, fingering, oral (fem. receiving), praise & degradation, pet names because i am a weak woman, sunghoon (fun guy) collects preying mantises??
SUMMARY ▸ you and jay park are bound by fate; or, rather, you're bound by your respective roommates who have obnoxiously loud sex every other night. it's only a matter of time until you give them a taste of their own medicine.
or, revenge is best served with a strawberry lemonade lollipop.
WORD COUNT ▸ 3,482 words
PLAYLIST ▸ lolly by maejor, juicy j, justin bieber • high off you by alayna • candy by doja cat • kickin’ back by mila j
TAG LIST ▸ @msxflower​​ @fiantomartell​​ @baekhyunstruly​​ @mykalon​​ @heelariously​​ @hobistigma​​ @simplyxlea​​ @wntrsgf​​ @person-standing​​ @ja4hyvn​​ @dnyamight​​ @candidupped​​ @shmooooo​​ @pr0dbeomgyu​​ @sunshine-skz​​ @hiqhkey​​ @kp0p10v3r2​​ @baekhyuns-lipchain​​ @jagyuuar​
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ the first modern lollipop was created in 1908. it has been an uneventful 114 years of its creation until a video spread yesterday of park jongseong sucking on one. as a result, user jayflrt woke up in a cold sweat to write this in one sitting. 
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You were currently reporting a criminal (Kim Minjeong) to the authorities (Lee Heeseung).
To be fair, you weren’t actually reporting your roommate to your apartment floor’s resident advisor. She was at her boyfriend’s apartment today, and you were just venting your frustration from the previous night.
Heeseung was just someone you complained to about these things, but never with the intention of getting anyone in trouble. You knew he was good at keeping secrets, so, unless you said otherwise, he wouldn’t confront the people causing problems. (This, of course, went against his sole responsibility as an RA, but people let that slide because he had a pretty face and baked cookies for everyone on Saturdays.)
You got along with Minjeong very well, actually. Although you two were randomly paired together, you clicked the moment you met in the beginning of the school year. You got locked out of your apartment the first night, and when you texted Minjeong for help, she ended up getting locked out, too. The both of you waited until dawn to get a replacement key, and it marked the beginning of a strong friendship.
The only issue was that Minjeong recently started dating Jake Sim, who happened to be your neighbor. In the first few weeks of school, your entire floor mingled and socialized a lot, so you got along very well with the people around you. Jake and Minjeong seemed to hit it off really well, so it was no surprise that they ended up dating.
However, what was surprising was your roommate’s ability to moan at such high volumes every other night.
“Maybe you should confront her about it,” Heeseung offered. It was a stupid suggestion; you were going to kill him.
“I’ve tried!” you whined. “She said she would be quieter and soundproof her room. Guess what? Egg cartons aren’t doing me any favors!”
“I would not wanna have sex in a room full of egg cartons.”
Before you could retort, there was a knock at Heeseung’s door. You looked at him quizzically. Heeseung was terrible at job, so it didn’t make sense for anyone to actually come for help. When he opened the door, though, it all made sense.
Jake’s roommate and your group therapy partner, Jay Park.
In the beginning of the year, you and Jay didn’t get to talk much. You, of course, took notice of him (because it was hard to ignore good-looking men), but neither of you made the effort to become friends. He intimidated you at first, and it was probably because of his sharp features and piercing gaze. The only things that softened his image for you were his classic strawberry lemonade Jolly Rancher lollipops. He should seriously be sponsored by the company; you had seen him sucking on the candy at least once a day.
Naturally, you two got closer after your respective roommates started seeing each other. This wasn’t because you naturally gravitated toward each other or anything. You both would just find yourselves running to Heeseung’s room to complain about your situations, and you both developed mutual sympathy.
It was fun getting to hang around Jay, though. If you had a second chance, you would have tried to actively befriend him before, but you weren’t mad with how things ended up.
“You know, I should’ve fucking roomed with Sunghoon instead,” Jay spat, storming into Heeseung’s room with an unwrapped strawberry lemonade Jolly Rancher lollipop in his fist. He angrily tore the wrapper off and shoved it into his mouth. “One minute I’m writing my history paper, and next I hear the second coming of Christ from Jake’s room. Do those two have the sex drive of bonobos?”
(“You’ve been watching Planet Earth again, haven’t you?” you inquired, recalling him watching rerun episodes in the common room while he was high off his ass.
Jay shot you a glance. “None of your business, Y/N.”)
“I thought you said you would rather die than room with Sunghoon,” Heeseung said.
You frowned. “Park Sunghoon? What’s wrong with him?”
“He collects praying mantises,” Jay explained. “Fun guy, but it’s a bit terrifying.”
“Praying mantises sound a lot more peaceful than listening to reenactments of Fifty Shades of Grey every other night,” you muttered. “Is Sunghoon taking roommate applications?”
“You guys just need to drive them out or something,” Heeseung suggested. “Maybe give them a taste of their own medicine.”
The three of you fell silent for a moment, processing Heeseung’s words.
If you were understanding him correctly, there was a clear sexual undertone in his words—hell, it was hardly considered an undertone with how overt it sounded. You weren’t sure what Jay was thinking about, but Heeseung’s suggestion led you to think of you and Jay having obnoxiously loud sex to get back at your roommates. The very thought made your cheeks burn.
You were 100% sure that Jay would not be on board with this idea. It was absurd to even think about having sex with him for the sake of leveling out the playing field. Plus, you would be crazy if you thought that Jay would want to sleep with you in the first place.
This was when you deemed it proper to obliterate Lee Heeseung.
“That is the worst idea I’ve ever heard,” you replied.
“Heeseung, you’re a genius,” Jay said at the same time.
So maybe you and Jay were not, in fact, on the same page.
You both looked at each other, both confused for different reasons. You were gaping at him like an idiot, and he was looking at you like you were crazy for refusing. Heeseung, meanwhile, was just glad that his suggestion was 50% accepted.
“D-doesn’t that mean we’d have to, um… have sex?” you asked, trying your best not to stammer as you spoke.
Jay laid his cards out flat. “We have fake sex.”
Now, you and Heeseung were completely lost. You being confused was one thing, but Heeseung being confused about his own plan was another thing.
“Fake sex?” Heeseung spoke up. He narrowed his eyes, trying to make sense of what Jay was saying before he shook his head. “You know what? Nevermind. You two should leave and figure it out yourselves. I’d rather not be part of this conversation, so go decide amongst yourselves if you’re gonna have… fake sex, or chill with Sunghoon’s preying mantises or whatever.”
“C’mon, you don’t wanna hear about our faux sexcapade?” Jay teased, but Heeseung was already pushing you two out the door. “I guess that’s a no,” he said as the RA closed the door on their faces. Jay turned back to you with newfound confidence. “So, fake sex!”
You raised a brow, staring at his lips because you were a whore. He was so close that you could detect the faint scent of his strawberry lemonade lollipop.
“What exactly does fake sex entail?”
“You know, pretending we’re having sex so that they get the message and start shutting the fuck up,” Jay explained. “All you have to do is moan like you’re having the time of your life.”
Jay’s room was a few doors down the hall. You two were far too close to actually putting this plan into action. You hated admitting it, but it was actually a solid plan; you were sure that Minjeong and Jake would get the message if they experienced what it was like to be in your shoes. Plus, they were in Jake’s room right now, so it was the perfect opportunity for you and Jay to teach them a lesson.
You didn’t have any reason to say no. There was nothing cheesy holding you back like the fear of ruining your friendship with Jay. In fact, you had always thought Jay was insanely attractive, especially when he was sucking on that lollipop of his. Even though this was a sham, you were probably being given the opportunity of a lifetime.
“Are you totally sure about this?” you asked. “You really think they’re gonna be quieter if we do this?”
“I’m positive.”
This was the stupidest idea of your life. You supposed it didn’t matter, though, considering you were pretty stupid anyway.
“Fine,” you agreed. “Let’s do it.”
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After more discussion and preparation for your scheme, you and Jay found yourselves in his room thirty minutes later. You had never been with him in his room alone before, and it was a little pathetic that your first time visiting was to partake in a fake sex ploy. His room was surprisingly neat and tidy, though, but you realized that it was probably because Jake always nagged him to clean.
Just as you thought, the muffled sounds from Minjeong and Jake were audible as they were a wall away. You were genuinely impressed that their stamina didn’t let up. It had been a long time since you had hooked up with someone, but you were certain you wouldn’t be able to last that long.
When you looked at Jay, he gave you a silent gesture to commence the plan.
You balked, feeling embarrassed already. Taking a deep breath, you steeled your nerves. You had to commit to the role if you wanted to succeed. You weren’t sure if you could take yourself seriously, but, willing your voice not to go shaky, you let out an exaggerated cry.
“Oh, Jay!” you moaned out. “You’re so fucking big!”
“Chill. You sound like a Euphoria character.”
“I have to Maddy Perez it up if I want them to take the hint!” you whispered back, harsher than you intended, but Jay received the message well.
“F-fuck! You’re so wet.” Jay’s voice broke at the end, immediately covering his face with his hand. You snorted, trying not to break into a fit of laughter, and Jay shot you a threatening look. He was failing miserably, though, because his face was completely red. “God, you’re so… tight?” Jay groaned into his hands. “I’m gonna kill myself.”
“Louder,” you instructed. “Bolder.”
“It’s embarrassing!”
“It was your idea!” You tutted and got on top of his bed, kneeling on one of the pillows. “Watch this: Jay—oh!—you’re so fucking hot! Keep fucking me like that!”
The plan was definitely working. You were hearing less sounds from Jake’s room, and their moans were definitely dying down. When you looked back at Jay to see if he understood your little lesson, you were surprised to see that he was redder than ever.
“You know, I think you’re better at this than I am,” Jay said, “even if you do sound kind of stupid.”
“Hey!” you exclaimed. “You have to milk the performance to get them to shut up, you know?” You turned back to face the wall that separated Jay and Jake’s room, crying out, “Fuck! Jay, give it to me!”
“You sound so fake.”
You scowled. “You’re not even helping!”
“You want my help?” Jay hummed, walking over to you. “Yeah, let’s make this act more believable.”
Before you could respond, Jay slid his hand between your legs and started rubbing the apex of your shorts. You gasped at the sudden contact, feeling your knees buckle under you. Jay slid his free arm around your waist and slid his hand under your shirt to feel you up. Even with his thumb planted on your clothed clit, you were still trying to process what the fuck had just happened.
“Why’re you so quiet all of a sudden?” Jay asked. “Shouldn’t you be moaning? Keep it going, Y/N. You were so good at sounding like such a slut earlier.”
You were getting more and more wet, and you were sure Jay noticed it, too. His rubbing turned from teasing to fervent, and before you knew it, he had pushed you down on his bed and started pulling down your shorts. Well, rather, you started taking them off yourself and let him help you.
“What do you want me to do?” he asked, gripping your thighs as he eyed the thin fabric of your underwear. “You’re the star actress here, so you decide. Fingers or mouth?”
You eyed the strawberry lemonade lollipop that was still in his mouth. “Both?”
Jay chuckled. “You really are needy, aren’t you?”
Taking the sweet out of his mouth, he placed it on top of the wrapper on his desk. You thought he would just throw the whole thing away, but you supposed your neighbor didn’t like being wasteful.
Jay practically tore your underwear off, immediately planting his thumb on your clit and rubbing small, precise circles around the ball of nerves. You were whimpering under his touch, screwing your eyes shut when he bent down to lick a long stripe along your folds.
He pulled away to plunge two fingers into your soaking cunt, pleased with how your walls were contracting around his digits. Although, Jay was still unsatisfied by your lack of volume, so he started sucking on your clit as he scissored his fingers inside of you.
“O-oh my god—fuck!” you cried out, immediately slapping a hand over your mouth right after a moan tore itself from your throat. Closing your eyes, you continued to let out muffled moans with your hand blocking the sounds.
Jay was clearly not satisfied with this.
He pulled away with a sigh, tearing you away from the building orgasm that was yet to release. You felt a bit angry when it dissipated, shooting Jay a dirty look. All he did, though, was smirk at your reaction, and that made you feel more flustered.
You supposed it was his way of making it up to you, but Jay ducked his head down to move in for a kiss. He sealed his lips over yours, kissing you slowly and deepening it with each passing second. It grew more hot, languid, and messy, and your tongues were both desperately sliding against each other.
His lips were so warm and soft against yours. It was if you were under a spell when they were pressed to yours, making you lose all sense of control. All you could do was wrap your arms around his neck and draw him closer. You threw your leg around his hip, aching for more contact, more friction.
When Jay pulled back for air, he chuckled lowly. “What’d that taste like?” he asked.
You licked your lips before answering shyly, “Strawberry lemonade.”
He smiled and kissed you again, this time slower and more passionate. You closed your eyes and held his cheek as his lips moved in perfect unison with yours. You had been kissed before, but never like this. Something about Jay was so intoxicating in the very way he carried himself, and now, you felt weak at his very touch.
He pulled away to ghost his lips down the column of your neck. “Want me to fuck you?”
You whined, tugging at the front of his shirt. Every nerve in your body was screaming for him to just touch you all over and split you apart.
“That’s not enough, doll.” He mocked a pout, feigning sympathy. “Use your words. You were all talk before I started touching you, hm? What happened to that?”
“Jay,” you whimpered.
“I… I want you to fuck me.”
“Louder,” he mocked, grinning at you. “Bolder.”
You whined. “Just fuck me already!”
Seemingly satisfied, Jay started unbuttoning his pants, yanking them down and kicking them off from where they pooled at his ankles. You sat up to peel off your shirt as he scoured through his nightstand for condoms. When he found one, he used his teeth to open the wrapper, taking the rubber out and sliding it onto his cock with a few pumps.
He was nothing short of impressive. You were already weak at the sight of his rippling abs and the mouthwatering size of his cock. His ego was inflating higher and higher when he caught sight of you drooling over him.
“Lay down,” he instructed. “You asked me to give it to you earlier, so you’re gonna take every single inch of me.”
Your heartbeat was going crazy—both of them.
When you were flat on his bed, Jay got over you and started pressing open-mouthed kisses along your neck and collarbone. You whimpered, sliding your hand into his hair for leverage, but that hardly helped when he slipped his hand under your bra to grope your chest.
He pulled his hand away to reach behind you, undoing the clip of your bra with one snap. You were honestly jealous; you couldn’t even undo your own bra that quickly.
Once you discarded your bra, tossing it to the floor along with the rest of your clothes, Jay started leaving hot kisses around your nipple. Then, he sucked on your hard nipple itself, leaving you a moaning mess while heat pricked your skin.
“You wet enough for me?” he mumbled against your skin.
You nodded, and oh god, you were dripping for him. “Please, please, please just give it to me.”
Jay pushed himself inside of you, and the simultaneous moans that fell from both of your lips was almost beautiful. He held your hips firmly and rubbed slow circles with his thumb as he eased himself inside of you, adjusting to the tight squeeze of your cunt. You cried at how tight you were, digging your nails into his back and burying your face in his shoulder.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he grunted. “For real, this time.” (You despised how he had to specify that.)
Jay bottomed out inside you, and the feeling of his cock filling you up left tears welling up in your eyes. Unexpectedly, Jay immediately wiped at your tears and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek, whispering a sweet apology as he waited for you to adjust to his length.
“O-oh fuck—right there,” you begged once his cock hit that perfect spot right under your cervix.
“Here?” he asked, thrusting in and out of you to get to that sweet spot again.
There must be nothing Jay couldn’t do because he found it almost immediately, taking your choked sob as a sign that he struck gold. The bed creaked and shook as Jay tried to find a proper rhythm, and you were starting to forget your original reason for being here as you moaned and sobbed under him. His thrusts were so purposeful and precise, intending to make you see stars as he pinned you down and fucked you into the mattress.
You babbled something incoherent—something about how close you were, but you were sure Jay picked up on the message by how your legs were starting to shake.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he cooed into your ear, “give it to me.”
Your orgasm was blinding. The preamble of heat blooming under your skin was hardly enough to prepare you for the intense pleasure that started coursing through your body. You were drowning in a sea of molten lava, hardly able to ground yourself as Jay fucked you through your orgasm. He had to grip your hand to remind you that you were still with him, still in the bedroom in his apartment.
Your cunt must have been pulsing around his cock too tightly in the meanwhile because Jay reached his high, too, cumming inside you with a little groan. He sighed, relieved, and pulled out of you so that he could toss out the condom.
“You okay?” he asked, pushing your hair back when you seemed to have recuperated. “You were so, so good for me.”
“Do… do you think we were loud enough?” you asked in a small voice. This couldn’t be part of the act, but you were still scared that Jay would pretend nothing happened.
He snorted. “I think they left a long time ago when I actually started fucking you.” He shifted so that he was holding you in his arms, spooning you and letting his breath tickle your neck. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to make a move on you for a while now.”
“You have?”
“Yeah, but it was kinda hard when Heeseung was always there.”
You giggled, turning to face him. “Maybe you should stop talking about Sunghoon and his praying mantises. That’s not really an effective method to hit on a girl, you know?”
Jay cupped his hand over your mouth. “Shhh,” he silenced you. “I don’t wanna hear it from the girl who needs our incompetent RA to help her with her roommate problems.”
“You do the same thing!” you defended, though your voice was muffled.
“Like I said: shhh.” Jay chuckled. “Plus, now we can just go over to each other’s place when they decide to start going at it like rabbits.”
“You’re right,” you said once you pried Jay’s hand away. “I have one requirement, though.”
“What is it?”
“You’re sharing that strawberry lemonade lollipop next time.”
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jongbross · 6 months
Hiiiiiiii 👋
Can you write a Baekhyun fic? I'm not exactly sure what I want, but... While listening to Demi Lovato's song, something came to mind...
But you make me wanna act like a girl
Paint my nails and wear high heels
Yes, you make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand
I don't like school fics so maybe a best friend au.
She and Baekhyun are best friends, and the reader thinks she's far from his ideal type. She's been in love with him for years but she's insecure and either Baekhyun is too blind to see her feelings or the reader is a good actor.
She's a great girl, but she struggles to see her own potential... Baekhyun is everything to her, and she to him. Baekhyun had noticed her jealous behavior for a while and became suspicious. He even caught her crying once. When he put the pieces together, he understood everything. After faced her, the reader tried to run away from him, but Baek was fast enough to catch her immediately.
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pairing: byun baekhyun x reader word count: 1256 genre: fluffy but also angst? warnings: swearing, jealousy, reader getting on beakhyun's nerves a/n: i'm back at writing requests!! thank you so much for your patience, i hope you enjoy this <3
"i think she's flirting with you", you told baekhyun, looking at the waitress that just walked by the two of you and shot baekhyun the prettiest smile she could manage.
"she's not", he denied, not even bothering to look back. "she's working on christmas eve, so i bet she's just trying to get a nice tip."
it was a tradition, at this point. you and baekhyun had spent the last four christmas together, as a sign of how strong your bond with each other was - either it was at bucheon with his family, abroad with your family, or just the two of you, like that moment.
for this one, sick and tired of being single (in baekhyun's words), he decided to take you too for dinner on the night before christmas. 'i won't be able to go to bucheon this year, so we should have a date night, and then sulk and eat leftovers while we open our presents at my house the next day', he had said, a month previous.
and of course you accepted. not only was baekhyun your best friend, but also the one you loved; like, actually loved.
there wasn't much you could do about it, to be honest. baekhyun had always seen you as a sibling, and that alone was enough to end any hope you could possibly have. on top of that, came the fact that he was just so... ethereal; baekhyun was the definition of a keeper, and any person who could have him was literally the luckiest person in the entire world.
"you can possibly think that every single person that smiles at you is just being polite, baek", you chuckled. "that's why you're single again..."
"does it bother you that i'm single?"
you tried your best not to choke on your drink as your brain screamed 'no, i actually love it' as an answer.
"i mean, i can call her over and ask her out...", he said, teasingly. "but you would spend christmas alone."
you just rolled your eyes at him, going back to your food and pretending like you weren't holding back a smile.
baekhyun kept the conversation going, as well. he told you about his family, how sad his mom was that she wouldn't see you that christmas; you told him about your plans for the next year, what you wanted to achieve.
cause, you see, talking to baekhyun was so easy, feeling seen was the biggest problem here. he could repeat every single word you had just said for the last hour, but could he see that you were wearing a new dress just for him? could he see that you got your nails done in his favorite color just for him? could he see that you were there, dying for him to love you back?
over your third glass of wine, the waitress came back to your table, the same pretty smile on her face.
"would the couple like to order some dessert?"
"we're not a couple", you instantly said, facing your glass.
taken aback by your answer, the waitress hesitated to turn to baekhyun, only to see him as surprised as her.
"um... no, not for now", he politely said. "can we get some water though, please?"
she hummed in response, before turning around to leave.
"wow, that was quite harsh", baekhyun faked a chuckle. "are you okay?"
"are you really sure?"
"yes, baekhyun", you rolled you eyes. "she was just trying to check if you're single so she can keep flirting with you. all i did was give her the answer she was looking for."
baekhyun frowned, leaning into the table to take a good look at you.
"are you drunk already?", he laughed. "i mean, she just wondered if we were a couple, it's not that deep, y/n. we're together on christmas eve, it's-"
"no one would mistake us for a couple."
"what? why not?"
"because!", you exclaimed. at the corner of your eyes, you saw the said waitress coming again with a jar of water. she placed it on the table in front of baekhyun, and then proceeded to smile at him again before walking away. defeated, you sighed. "i am me, and you are you. nobody could ever think about us as a couple, so... i don't know, you can just give in and ask her out if you want to."
baekhyun scoffed at you, watching you as you took another big gulp from your wine. he silently took in your moves, the way you poured yourself some water and avoided his gaze.
"why are you jealous?", he finally asked after a minute or two of silence.
"i'm not jealous", you defended yourself.
"then look at me", baekhyun waited for you to finally look him in the eyes. "now tell me you're not jealous."
it was your turn to scoff, grabbing your glass of water and drinking a bit of it.
"this is stupid."
"yes, it is stupid", baekhyun agreed. "i think it's so stupid that even at christmas eve you won't admit why you're being jealous, that you'll only be petty and try to push me onto other girls. i don't want them."
you looked at him, damning him mentally for the way he was sitting at his chair, for the way his angry eyes made your heart flutter.
"i'm giving you the chance to be true to both of us, y/n. please, take it, and tell me why you are so jealous. i need to hear you say it."
"because it's christmas eve, i'm at this beautiful restaurant with the most beautiful girl. you're wearing a new dress, wearing my favorite perfume, and you did your nails yesterday thinking about me, didn't you? don't think i didn't notice", he sighed, leaning into the table once again. "if we can't confess to each other right now, right here... then i truly don't think we ever will."
you kept staring at him, trying your hardest to keep your tears at bay so they wouldn't ruin your makeup. you felt like you were glowing, like your chest was now swallowing you deep into an ocean of something that you couldn't quite describe what it was, but if you had to take a shot, you would call it love.
"how long did you know?", you whispered to him.
"since your birthday", baekhyun replied. "but you're a good actress, i'll give you that."
you chuckled, shaking your head in disbelief.
"i'm sorry...", you told him. "i'm so sorry. i'm pathetic."
"yeah, kind of", baekhyun joked, making you both laugh. "i'm just kidding. you don't have to sorry, if anything i should be the one apologizing. i've known for so long now, but my pride didn't let me say shit. i just kept pushing away every girl that came around, and praying that you would do the same to anyone who got close to you, waiting for you to confess. everyday felt like i was gonna have a heart attack."
you rolled your eyes. "who's pathetic now?"
he laughed out loud, eyes turning into big heart emojis as you looked at him. just as you were ready to speak, the waitress came up again, smiling at baekhyun.
"do you guys need anything?", she asked.
"yeah, um... could you bring me some chocolate ice cream, please? and for my girl...", baekhyun looked at you. the waitress followed his gaze, smiling at you just the same and, maybe, baekhyun was right all along - she wasn't flirting. "anything she wants, please."
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aqupistau · 11 months
— ☕️ⸯⸯ : g-docs chatroom﹙bbh﹚
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warning: profanity
genres & trope: fluff, crack, and university!AU
pairing: byun baekhyun x gn!reader
word count: 0.89k (edited)
synopsis. an anonymous chinchilla has accessed the document.
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An Anonymous Chinchilla has accessed the document.
"Who the actual fuck is with me in Google docs 3 in the morning?" You spat out loud, hair put up in a messy bun, and your wrists feeling like it would joint out of its socket any minute now. Being in the last years of high school wasn't lax like what you think it would be. Pressure of choosing the right course for college, financial plans for the future, you were in between the joys of high school and the dreaded phase of adulthood.
Currently, you were doing final editing and proofreading of the research paper of your assigned group, a work done by the group leader. Your group was a bit decent based on participation and team dynamic compared to others in the class, so there were times you suffered and times that you were a-okay, but they were never like you in terms of work ethic. You were active at night, you loved that everyone was asleep in the house, everything was quiet, and you could do anything without being spoken to in the middle of the night so who is this anonymous chinchilla in your document?
You brush your hands from the crumbs of your midnight snack and type on your keyboard on the chat room in the document.
Y/N: Who are you?
Anonymous Chinchilla: hi group leader! ( ≧∀≦)ノ
Their message and yours are sent at the same time and you flick an eyebrow up in curiosity. Emoticons? Who uses emoticons these days? Was it the assistant group leader? Or the one who hasn't finalized their part yet? No, that's too unlikely.
Anonymous Chinchilla: oh right, i'm baekhyun hehe. sorry, i didn't use my university acc to open this document (・_・; i'm currently outside so i'm only using my phone (^人^)
Oh, it's Byun Baekhyun. That class clown, that noisy guy from the back rows of the classroom. He was, thankfully, a decent guy in your research group. Had a lot of questions, participative, consulted for your thoughts on his works, and would do their parts before their assigned deadline. Basically, the dream groupmate, but he never struck you as someone who was a night-owl. Although the more curious part of this is why would he be outside? Like outside of your house stalker scenario or outside of his house?
Y/N: …Why are you outside at 3 in the morning?
Anonymous Chinchilla: buying and eating midnight snacks hehe. i typically do this like 3x a week? but i'm currently frequenting the convenience store nowadays bcuz of research (|| ̄^ ̄||)
He's the oversharer type. How cute.
Y/N: Oh, I understand.
Anonymous Chinchilla: u're so stiff when you talk group leader just like irl ㅋㅋㅋ
Y/N: Sorry, I like my spelling and grammar right.
He takes a while to answer, and the three dots of him typing finally appear.
Anonymous Chinchilla: r u attacking me rn group leader? (;´д`)
Y/N: No, please, I didn't mean it to insult you. It's just my habit when writing.
Anonymous Chinchilla: huhu, that's good. i thought u didn't like me or sumn but you can still understand my slangs right? i want to talk to u properly (ノ∀≦。)ノ
You snicker, a bit of your fatigue disappearing from your new entertainment. He's a fun guy, at least, and a good groupmate too. You haven't had a real conversation with him, nor anyone in your group too, so this was really fun and new for you.
Y/N: Your choices of emoticons are funny|
You take a while to send your message, contemplating if you should add emoticons just like what he does, just because. You decide to pick an emoticon that you can still remember.
Y/N: Your choices of emoticons are funny. XD
Anonymous Chinchilla: what is that…
Anonymous Chinchilla: is that the ancient laughing emoticon?
Anonymous Chinchilla: you're using boomer emoticons group leader HAHAHAHAH LMAO
How dare he. You were trying your best to make him feel included and he compares you to a boomer.
Anonymous Chinchilla: sorry, that was rlly cute. (≧∀≦*) i just had to.
Y/N: Yeah, right.
Anonymous Chinchilla: OH NO.
Anonymous Chinchilla: PLS I'M SORRY GROUP LEADER
Anonymous Chinchilla: (*´Д`*)!! (⊃ Д)⊃≡゚ ゚(゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)゙?
"Pfft—" You let out a laugh, no signs that you'd even be done any minute now. You hold your stomach as it starts to ache to the point your body warns you of the lack of oxygen and too much air coming out of your lungs, your hand smacking anything it lands on and claps enthusiastically like a happy trained seal. "Seriously, his choice of emoticons are hilarious. It's almost like I can hear and see him talking," While you were laughing your ass out loud and trying (yet failing) to calm yourself down, Baekhyun spams the chatroom anxiously.
Anonymous Chinchilla: group leader :"<<< im sorry pls forgive me. i just wanted to talk to you for once since you were always so occupied when i see you (/o\)(/´△`\) ○| ̄|_○| ̄|_ o(;д;o)
Anonymous Chinchilla: group leader?
Anonymous Chinchilla: group leaderrrr????
Anonymous Chinchilla: y/n??? (T0T)
You wipe tears of joy from your eyes and cheeks, exhaling out a sigh as a finale for your fit of laughter, and finally put your fingers on the keyboard, typing—
Y/N: I'm sorry for not replying. I had a hard time typing because you're so easy to tease HAHAH
Y/N: Thank you for making my night though =) You're very funny, Baekhyun.
And he takes a bit longer to reply after your message. What's wrong? Was he already on his way home? Was there no service in his area already? But he's still in an active status in the document.
Anonymous Chinchilla: what…what was that group leader… stop it, you're making my heart flutter (*/□\*)
"This guy, really." You chuckle and take a bite of your bowl of chips beside the keyboard. You wondered why you haven't tried to have a real interaction with him before? You weren't aware that you didn't act approachable as a person, but you knew you were very hands-on as a leader.
Anonymous Chinchilla: oh! i have to get home now, group leader! are there any things you would like me to work on the research today? im willing to sleep late tonight even if we have classes later
Anonymous Chinchilla: (*・・)σo(゚▽^)ノ
Y/N: Nothing at the moment. We have a peer evaluation later with other groups from other classes in the afternoon so…
Why not be friends with him?
Anonymous Chinchilla: sooo????
Y/N: Are you fine if you can tag along with me later?
Anonymous Chinchilla: oh. my. god.
Anonymous Chinchilla: YES OFC
Anonymous Chinchilla: PLS LET ME ACCOMPANY U \( ´∀`)/~~
Anonymous Chinchilla: I WILL DO MY BEST GROUP LEADER (^–^)\
He's very likable, you thought. Very easy to read and also expressive, for what you've seen. There are some cases where online and real-life people have different personas, but this didn't mind you. Unlike you, who has the same personality both online and in real life, you don't know if you'll be encountering the same Baekhyun you chatted right now. Even so, this conversation was enough for you to have the courage to approach him and befriend him later. You sincerely hoped you could be good friends with him.
Y/N: Okay. Have a good night, Baekhyun. Go back home safe =)
Anonymous Chinchilla: you too, group leader! good night ( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆ wishing you a good sleep hehe
Anonymous Chinchilla: see you later in class! (^o^)/~~
The Anonymous Chinchilla has left the document.
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© aqupistau. all rights reserved. ↬masterlist
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kjmcotton · 9 months
Commitment issues | Bbh
Byun Baekhyun x fem!reader
Best friends to lovers!AU
Plot:after a stolen kiss from your friend Baekhyun you open your eyes,realising that maybe you need to leave your fears behind
Warnings:mentions of past trauma,cursing
This story is a request
Author’s notes:hello dear readers,I’m back with a new story. I’m sorry if I’m taking too long to write but I’m trying to be as much precise as I can in following your requests! Enjoy this new Baekhyun os!♡
Tumblr works with reposts:if you enjoyed my story please repost and leave a feedback! Help me growing!♡
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“I was so scared you would’ve opened that door and left”
Baekhyun laid down on his bed,ruffling his hair. He couldn’t stop thinking about you and the kiss you two had exchanged a few days ago.
It had been almost an accident,you simply bumped into each other while baking a cake in the small kitchen of your apartment,but he had been so in love with you that he couldn’t avoid overthinking it.
And the same happened to you too.
You were sitting on the couch,with your cat,Minnie,on your legs. She was sleeping peacefully. How much you envied her,you thought;living the life of a cat was so easy:no drama,no love problems,just naps. You really wanted to close your eyes that night,you had ran out of sleep because of the thought of that kiss,but you couldn’t forget anything about it.
You couldn’t forget Baekhyun’s soft smile while kneading the dough with you,your hands stroking against each other,the delicate smell of his cologne mixing up with the one of cinnamon and pastry,and then…it happened. He wanted to put the mixture in the oven,which was on the right,next to you,while you wanted to take a mop,which was on the left, next to Baekhyun. You both turned around at the same time and decided to overtake the other by walking on the left. There it happened:your bodies collided. Some mixture fell on the ground,followed by the mop,and your lips got chained together.
You were surprised,same for Baekhyun,but he didn’t seemed bothered at all:in that moment you connected all the dots, and understood his feelings. It made you shiver,but not in pleasure.
Baekhyun had been your best friend since kindergarten:you had started playing together during breaks and since then he had never left your side.
He had seen the best part of you,but also the worst. He was there during your hard times;first when your dad abandoned your mum to get engaged with a younger woman;then when,in high school,you were bullied after a so called friend of yours told everybody that your dad had left to fuck with a twenty five year old woman. You had found yourself alone,surrounded with people laughing at you,but even then Baekhyun took care of you
He would walk you to school,sit with you during lunch,snap when any bully was around and he would even help you study during the days in which all you could do was crying.
On the other hand,you had always been there for him too. You comforted him when he needed it,you listened to him and never left him alone. There was a strong bond tying the two of you together, and you were scared that you could break it by hurting his feelings.
You loved him,indeed,and,after that random kiss,you were sure that love wasn’t the one you could feel towards a friend. It was so much more,it was the one you only see in movies. A deep love,made of devotion and both mental and physical attraction;however you weren’t ready for it. You wanted it,but you weren’t able to hold onto it. Too many fears popped in your heart at the thought of dating Baekhyun,because you knew you would’ve never been able to be intimate with him…or any other person,which was why you had been single your whole life. You were too scared to trust people in most cases,while in others,like it happened for Baekhyun,you were simply scared to not being able to carry on with a relationship and hurt your other half. It couldn’t happen,not with Byun Baekhyun. You would’ve never forgiven yourself for hurting the only person who had always been by your side.
You spent the night turning around in between your sheets:right side,left side,tummy,back…it seemed a loop that stopped only when you saw the dawn. It was the fourth night spent sleepless,you could feel your body missing all its energy,so you knew that a though day was ahead.
You took your car and drove to university:finance was the first class of the morning.
You sighed,sitting at the same spot as always, where Baekhyun found you.
“Good morning!” a beautiful smiled appeared on his pinky lips
“Good morning” you smiled back,but with less excitement than usual. Baekhyun immediately noticed and looked at you with concern
“Are you okay Y/n?” he asked,holding onto your wrist. Panicked,you shrugged his hand off
“I’m fine,just tired”
“Why? You didn’t sleep?”
“I didn’t” you said,standing up as soon as the professor stepped into the class.
Following that morning’s lessons was almost impossible to you:your head ached and keeping your eyes opened was a battle that made it impossibile for you to take notes.
Baekhyun obviously noticed,so he put an unusual effort into writing down every single word he could hear
“Y/n…” he called you with a whisper,touching your shoulder with the cap of the pen
“Mh…” you murmured,about to falling asleep
“Y/n!” he called you again. This time you startled and straightened your back
“What?” you asked,blinking fast
“Go home,I’ll take notes for the both of us” Baekhyun smiled.
You shook your head
“It’s okay,I’ll take mine. I had just a moment,thank you Baek” you said,unintentionally cold
Baekhyun’s sweet smile disappeared as he went back to writing.
At the end of the lessons you left the university. You were heading to the parking when Baekhyun reached you
“Are you sure you can drive? I can give you a lift”
“Don’t worry Baek,I can. See you tomorrow”
You hated yourself that day:you were awfully cold and distant,but,somehow,that was the only behaviour you could have towards the boy,it didn’t matter if you didn’t want it. It was something similar to a copying mechanism:you didn’t want him to be fooled or hurt so you would simply step away. There was nothing you could do to avoid it:your cold voice came out naturally,same with the need to avoid any kind of physical contact. You thought that in a few days things would get better,but it only worsened.
The more you tried to avoid Baekhyun,the more he looked for you.
You were hungry? He would share his snacks
You were thirsty? He would share his drinks
You were sleepy? He would offer you his shoulder as a pillow and would take notes for you.
One day it even happened:after a week of barely sleeping you couldn’t stand it and ended up falling asleep on his shoulder while revising for an exam.
You were sitting on a bench in the garden of the university as both you and Baekhyun were checking the notes taken during one the many classes. You were trying to stay focused on understanding what you were reading,but the more you tried the more your brain wanted to black out…until it actually happened. You yawned and randomly nodded at what Baekhyun was saying,without even understanding what he was talking about,then your lashes shut and your head became heavy,falling on your friend’s shoulder.
Baekhyun,whose heart skipped a beating for a second,didn’t dare to wake you up;otherwise he fixed your jacket,wrapped an arm around your body and went on revising on his own. Happy to have you so close.
When you woke up,embarrassed,you tried to apologies but Baekhyun said only one thing:
“They say that if we fall asleep on someone’s shoulder it’s because we trust them with our life. It’s nothing new,but I’m glad you trust me with yours” he smiled,and you couldn’t take it anymore.
Without saying a word you collected your things and ran away,holding back your tears:what the hell was going on? Why,all of a sudden,weren’t you able to control your emotions?! Why were you feeling so angry and overwhelmed? Why couldn’t Baekhyun stop it there?
You took your car and drove home,slamming the door as soon as you got inside your flat.
Minnie,who was peacefully sleeping,stood up and ran to hide in a corner as soon as she heard the loud noise. You looked at her and pat her head
“I’m sorry baby,I’m not mad at you” you sighed
The little cat waved her tail and licked your hand,watching while you went to your room.
You threw your bag at the end of the bed,took off your jacket and let your body fall on the sheets. How much you wanted to disappear and forget that crappy situation with Baekhyun. You grabbed your pillow and put it under your head,closing your eyes. At the beginning your mind would jump from a thought to another,browsing your imaginary book of memories. Baekhyun was everywhere,which made you tear up,but you were so tired,and the bed was so comfortable,that you had no time to breakdown as you finally fell asleep.
You woke up at 9pm,it was already dark outside and Minnie was hungry. You rubbed your eyes,bringing into clear the imagine of your cat wagging her tail on your bed.
“I’m coming…I’ll cook you dinner” you mumbled. Said so,the animal jumped down from your bed and ran to the kitchen.
You followed her,yawning,while checking the phone:it was pretty late and you had missed four calls from your best friend.
You sighed,deciding to not call back,and filled Minnie’s plat with her favourite dry food.
Then,suddenly,your phone rang. You could imagine who was calling you…and you were right.
“What’s up?” you said
“What’s up?! Really Y/n? I’ve been calling you all evening! Why didn’t you call me back?”
“I was sleeping”
“I should’ve imagined…”
“Yeah,you should have. Give it a break Baekhyun,you’re not my boyfriend,there’s no need to be so mad at me for not answering to your damn calls”
“Why are you so rude now?”
“Because you’re too clingy,I feel like suffocating! Get off of me!” you yelled,hanging up.
It took you a few seconds before realising what you had done.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed,calling your friend a few times. He didn’t answer,instead he rejected all your calls. While trying to not fuck everything up you actually did.
The next day,at university,you looked for Baekhyun, but he kept avoiding you. First,he sat next to Chanyeol in class,then he had lunch with his friends without inviting you and,least but not last,he ignored you when you tried to talk to him in the parking. You wanted to cry,but you knew you had no time;so,that evening,you decided to visit him at home and have a talk.
You took a deep breath and rang his bell:
“What’s up?” his voice was calm and warm as usual
“It’s Y/n…can we talk?”
As soon as you pronounced those words his tone changed,becoming cold and angry
He didn’t answer. You rang again,but nothing.
“Baekhyun,please it’s important!”
Still nothing. You started knocking at his door.
“I said it’s important!” you exclaimed,louder. The door finally opened,revealing the boy’s disappointed face
“Stop being this loud and get in for fuck sake” he mumbled as you stepped in the house.
“What is it?” Baekhyun asked,pouring himself some orange juice
“I’ve made a mistake:I should’ve never talked to you like that at the phone. I’m sorry” you were about to hold his hand,but the usual feeling of uneasiness rose from the depths of your heart,holding you back.
The boy noticed and shook his head with delusion. You clenched your jaw.
“That’s it?” he asked,giving you his back
“Yeah…” you murmured. No,that wasn’t it,you wanted to say many more things but you had no courage to do so
“Really?” he turned around,crossing his arms while resting against the kitchen counter
“Yeah…” you repeated
“Liar” he spat out. Those words hit you in the stomach,like a fist
“I’m sorry I gotta go…” you said,running towards the door,but Baekhyun held your hand and dragged you back in the kitchen
“You don’t give a shit about my feelings,do you?!” he scoffed. His face was serious,fire was burning in his eyes
“That’s not true!” you bit back
“Then why you keep playing this shitty come and go game? That’s how you repay me for being by your side since we were kids?!” Baekhyun was yelling
“Don’t talk like you don’t know that you’re the most important person in my life!” you yelled back,pushing him
“Then why are you treating me like this? Is it because we kissed? It is,isn’t it? If you have something to tell me about that,just do it! Coward!”
“I said that there’s nothing I have to tell you. I came just to apologise for that phone call”
“Oh,you are? So you’re not apologising for how you treated me in the past days?”
“Baekhyun…” you didn’t know what to say. You were screwing everything more and more up at any spoken word
“Nevermind. Go. Go and never come back”
At those words your heart shattered. You opened your mouth,as if you wanted to tell him the truth,but words wouldn’t come out. With your head down,defeated,you walked out from the kitchen,through the living room,until you reached the entrance. You grabbed the door handle,ready to leave,while Baekhyun was staring at you from far away,with teary eyes…then something inside you clicked.
You were about to lose him:you were about lose Byun Baekhyun,the only person that was irreplaceable for you…and why? Just because you couldn’t find the strength to do something you had been doing your whole life in his presence:open up. That was crazy. You couldn’t end your friendship like that.
You took a deep breath,leaving the door handle to walk towards the boy
“No Baek,I do apologies for how I’ve treated you in the past days. I’m sorry,I’m really sorry-you ran to him and wrapped your arms around his waist-Don’t be mad at me,I didn’t do it on purpose” you murmured,with your face buried in his grey hoodie.
The boy rested his chin on top of your head,a tear rolling down his cheek while he hugged you tightly
“I was so scared you would’ve opened that door and left” his voice was broken
“I would’ve never. I love you so much that I can’t leave you like that. It’s just that…-you looked at him-I don’t even know how to tell you”
“I’ll take anything,what is it?” he demanded. His hand rested on your cheek as his thumb stroked your skin,wiping a tear of yours away
“I love you as much as you love me,but I’m scared to hurt you” you confessed,burying your face in his chest. Your fingers held onto his hoodie while your body was shaking.
Baekhyun shook his head,caressing your back
“Why would you hurt me,Y/n?” he asked,sweetly
“Because…I don’t think I’m able to carry on a relationship. There’s been too much going on in my life”
“And you think that scares me?”
“What?” you asked,confused
“Y/n-Baekhyun smiled-I’ve see everything,there’s nothing I don’t know about you. I’ve carefully chosen who I want to spend this part of my life with…and that’s you. I love you for what you are,with your qualities and flaws. Besides that,the people in a relationship are two,not one:you’ll carry on what you can,I’ll do the rest”
“Baek…” you didn’t know how to answer. No one had ever told you anything so beautiful
“But if you don’t feel like dating someone it’s okay,I’ll wait for you. I’ve been waiting all these years,I can wait a little more”
You shook your head
“I don’t want you to wait anymore” you whispered,kissing the boy.
One of Baekhyun’s hand moved to the back of your head while,with the other,he brought you closer. You lost your balance for a second,holding onto the kitchen counter Baekhyun was laying against. He smiled in the kiss as he supported you with his body
“Be careful,you’re always so clumsy” he laughed. You blushed:what a beautiful vision,you couldn’t believe that the prettiest and kindest boy in the world was all yours.
Without thinking twice,you hugged him again,resting your head on his chest
“I’ll do my best to treat you right” you said
“And I’ll do my best to make your fears disappear” Baekhyun replied,kissing the top of your head.
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peachesvanilla · 10 months
Dancing with a stranger
description: A red string binds soulmates together, it never breaks or cut or dies down. In a world of pure love and hookups, what if your soulmate turns out to be the person you least expected? What if that person is your professor? Amidst desperation and constant reminder of the red string tying them together, will it get its happy ending or ends up in chaos or worst, with a hook up.
pairings: Baekhyun x reader (a surprise pairing if there's gonna be another part)
genres: angst, soulmate au, professor!Baekhyun, student!reader, age gap
warnings: unedited
taglist: @archernarbeta
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I thought pain was getting scolded by my parents till high school, getting low grades till now. Failing in classes, falling behind everyone is the worst thing one can imagine, no, I can imagine. Never once have I thought that waking up one day to find out I won’t ever get my happy ending will feel like the world crashing.
If soulmates aren’t bound to be one then why are they soulmates? Why will there be a red string attached like a dreaded reminder? 
Ten year old me dreamt of holding hands with my soulmate after reading the fairy tale and walking into the happy ending just like the two soulmates in the story. Red string wrapping around us, air filled with magic, happiness and love. 
Fifteen year old me dreamt of crashing into him and falling into his arms like my parents. Maybe seal the divine meeting with a kiss. Perfect meet. One for the books. 
But as imaginative and hopeful one can be, life always throws you off track. Before him every pain I went through falls short. It ain’t even a single scratch compared to getting ignored by him. 
“Aren’t you coming to class?” Hyejin asks once again, concern written all over her face. “I know what you are going through but,” she holds my arm, “you can’t abandon everything. You need to pass his course to get into another semester.” 
I break away from her touch, sucking in a deep breath. “Yeah. I’ll come.” My voice breaks no matter how hard I try to act strong. It doesn’t matter anymore. He doesn’t care and now I don’t either. Going to the class must get easier now since a month has passed. I can sit in the class, look at him and not feel like dying. I haven’t known him for twenty one years and I can live without him for another forty. 
Hyejin perks up from getting a positive response. “Really? For real you are going to come into the class with me?” She holds my hand again, a bounce in her legs. “Thank god, I am so worried seeing you pine on him for weeks. I am happy you are getting back on track.”
I nod and she continues giving pep talk. “He ain’t that..” she trails off scratching her temple, “hotshot for you to waste your time on?” 
I snort, who is she kidding? There must be millions of girls ready to give up their soulmates if they can be with him. Even if it’s for only a single day. The girls in his cabin in the pretence of doubts but to just gawk at him some more. 
I flip onto my stomach away from Hyejin, blinking my tears away. The red string glows up the brightest it has ever been. I hate you. 
Fellow students standing outside the classroom gasps beside me, cupping their mouths and eyes shining brighter than the sun. I follow their gaze only to end up shattering all the courage I piled up. Mr.Byun is walking down the hallway, streaks of midday sunlight falling on him through the windows bringing out his fierce features more. Sharp eyes trained straight on the classroom, hair perfectly styled yet his authoritative steps makes a strand fall out onto his forehead. 
Hyejin groans and I look down at my shoes, dirt at the edges. We are different. Different age, different world and different perspectives. I can’t do this. I need to go. 
Mr.Byun walks past us before I can slip away and reminds us, “class is starting.”
I turn around and leave. Not today. Some other day I’ll be indifferent to everything about him. 
The red string around my little finger glows brighter, the string stretching more and more as the distance between us grows further. 
I read about the reason behind the sudden glow on the internet after yesterday’s sudden glow. It happens when the other person is thinking about you, not just a mere thought but borderline obsessed. 
I stop in my tracks, staring at it. Why? Why does he think about me when he doesn't even pay attention? It’s the second time. If only I can cut it off or tear it off or make it disappear then the pain will be less. There won’t be any hopes rising. His existence won’t hurt as much. 
“You can’t mop around your entire life!” Hyejin slams my room door open. It hits my wall, rattling the photo frames hung on it. “Do you think you are the only one going through it? Getting rejected by the soulmate is so common that the government had to set up campaigns and promote the benefits of being with soulmates.”
I flip over to my right side covering my duvet till my head. I can’t have another day spent listening to her giving a lecture. I already had enough from my parents. 
“God! I can’t with you.” She huffs, dragging my duvet away. “Wake up for fuck’s sake.” 
“Language!” My mother screams from the living room. 
She bites on her tongue before dropping on top of me. I groan under her weight. “You should consider yourself lucky, what if you went into the relationship and broke it off because he can’t understand your jokes due to the age difference. Who wants an old man anyway?”
“Get off.” I shove her to the side and bury myself deeper into the duvet. “We are destined to be, Hyejin. Do you know what that means? Even if he doesn’t know current trends, he will understand what I am feeling, what I am saying and what I,” I sit up, the duvet falling off my head. “am going through. The pain, the heartbreak, everything, everything. I know he knows what I am feeling now and what I want,” I raise my little finger, “because this doesn’t stop glowing.”
Hyejin's face softens, holding my hand she strokes my palm tenderly. “But baby, I heard it goes two ways. You are thinking about him too aren't you? That might be—”
“No.” I shake her hand off me, “you don’t understand. It's not one way. I know he wants to be with me. If not why would he be waiting till now? He could have hooked up with someone,  anyone. He can have girls with a snap of his fingers. But he didn’t.”
Hyejin flinches, averting her eyes away from me. “About that,” she sucks in a deep breath, “this isn’t confirmed but some student claimed that she saw Mr.Byun kissing some woman last saturday.”
“W-wha..” My lips quiver, tears falling down in an endless stream blurring my vision. “I-I do-don’t.. what?” 
She holds my palm pressing it firmly. “And,” her eyes soften as she says, “he wants you to meet him tomorrow.”
It’s too much. Everything is hitting me at once. Finding him, rejection, kissing another girl, wanting to meet. What is he really thinking? I close my eyes, sucking in a long breath. Is there any hope? I don’t think there will be any left. What if he meets me tomorrow and finds me attractive even a little, causing him to change his mind? But he is kissing someone else. That isn’t confirmed yet. 
I clutch my head, too many thoughts, and yet can’t come to one conclusion. Is he, is he playing with me? What if the rumour is true? It hasn’t been that long and yet he is looking for hookups? Does age play that important role? It’s not like I’m an underage girl. 
“You need not have to go.” Hyejin breaks in my train wreck of thoughts, saving me. “You can skip and just bear with him for two more months and we will be done with the semester.”
“I need to think about it.” 
“You don’t have to push yourself.” She pats my hair down. “Just move on from him and,” she points her thumb at my computer, “stop searching for soulmate reconciliation stories. Everyone’s different.” 
I nod not really listening to her. Should I meet him or not? 
I pace around the hallway, biting my nails while sneaking anxious glances at the closed cabin door. The cabin area is eerily silent today, amplifying the sound of my heart beat. What if he changed he is not there or worse what if he is occupied with some other girl. 
The door to his cabin opens up with a squeak, startling me out of my anxieties. “Come in.” Mr. Byun leaves the door open, not before his eyes run all over my face. Did his eyes turn droopier than they have already been. 
He sits on the edge of the table, clasping his hands on his lap. His shoulders sagged, a small smile on his pink lips and bags under his eyes. His entire room smells of a mix of vanilla and something stronger than the delicate vanilla.  
“Have a seat.” He pushes the chair beside his legs, patiently waiting for me. 
I settle down on the chair, waiting for him to speak. Please be good news. Tell me you are going to be my man. Please. Please, I beg fate with my entire heart in utter desperation. 
Mr.Byun gives a painful half smile like he heard my prayers. “How are you doing?” 
The unimpressed thin line of his lips, his jumpy attention from me to the door leaves me with scenarios bugging my mind. Why is he constantly looking at the door? Does he want me to leave already? Or is he scared someone might walk in? 
The thought alone leaves a sour taste in my mouth, my chest feels stuffy and my heart doesn’t slow down for a second. I clutch the chair handle in hopes of some support will help me in staying still and not lose my sight and ball up. 
Mr.Byun frowns at my hand holding the handle, he chews on his lower lip. “Are you okay?”
“Why did you want to meet me, Mr.Byun?” I level my voice, straightening up and faking my confidence. I can’t let him see more of my pathetic state than I already displayed the last few days. 
He blinks in surprise, opens his mouth and closes a few times. He sighs, his shoulders slouching and addresses the main reason he called me in for. “I felt like a jerk after treating you harshly when I.. when we…” his eyes fall on his pinky finger, the red string comes to life, to the other end wrapped around mine, “found out.” 
His voice falls to a whisper like sharing a secret even the walls shouldn’t hear. My heart tears a little on the edges. 
“Only then?” I raise my chin, looking straight in his eyes. “What about now?” 
He averts his attention to the wall behind me. “You need to understand me too, kiddo. We are like years apart,” he flails his hands around lost in explanation, “I wasn’t expecting this, more like, you to be my partner.”
My heart tears more and more with every word leaving his mouth. 
He gasps realising his true feelings slipped out. “I-I.. didn’t mean it in a bad way. I just read somewhere that fate pairs people who complement each other.”
He slides down from the table, his thigh brushes my arm in the process. My heart tingles at the touch, a wave of calmness spreads across me, my shivering hands pause. I close my eyes feeling the peace even for a second. 
I opened my eyes, surprised to see him standing close to me, staring at my hand. He shifts from one leg to another, cupping his mouth with one hand and holding his waist in another. Did he feel the same too? 
Will he feel a little different about me now? 
Mr.Byun walks away from me, running his hands through his perfectly styled hair. “We don’t complement each other.” 
I stare at his back, the tips of his hair poking his neck, the hints of broad shoulders when he flexes his hand, the perfectly tailored suit to his body proportions. No matter how I look at him, he is the one filling every check of the person I imagined my soulmate to be. 
“We don’t.” I lied. 
He doesn’t say anything and just stands near the door of his cabin. I dip my head, a few tears fall onto my lap. This is the end, isn’t it? He wants to have the last talk and end everything. 
“We can’t be together,” his voice is barely a whisper. “We are standing on opposite sides, kiddo, we can’t ever cross our paths.” He turns to me, leaning on the door. “This isn’t meant to be. We aren’t meant to be.” 
I nod. 
“I hope you find someone with whom you can live happily, without any constraints.” Please stop talking. “You can find love outside too. There are so many who did.” 
“That’s for me to decide, Mr.Byun.” I draw the line. 
“Yeah, yeah.” He rubs his nape, “yeah. I… wish you happiness. And please attend the classes and submit assignments. Extra credit assignments won’t be of any help anymore considering your score now.” 
I nod. 
“Do you have anything to say?” 
I stared at the side of his neck which became visible from his movements. “Cover your hickeys.” 
I pick my bag and march to the door. He gulps. “Move.” I ordered. He does. “Asshole.” Tears cascaded down my cheeks and didn't stop till I reached home. 
That night I decided to erase the line I have drawn around me. I sent a text to my friend. 
Wanna go clubbing? 
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marvelous-llama · 9 months
EXO recs
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<<original book
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
one shots
Be Mine by @bvidzsoo
Baekhyun x f.reader (wc - 18.5k) sugar daddy AU - smut Sometimes you meet the most weirdest people at the most unexpected places. Kang Y/N, you, is just a simple, broke, university student who goes out clubbing to try and relieve some stress where she meets Byun Baekhyun, young CEO, who miraculously proposes to be your Sugar Daddy...but you are stubborn, will you accept?
goodnight n go by @its-not-sof
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 3k) friends to lovers - fluff, smut
How To Kiss A Boy by @gyudior
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 1.3k) - fluff how to kiss a boy: 1.) grab his waist, 2.) slip your hand in his pocket, 3.) steal his wallet, 4.) don't even kiss him, just run
What If I Kissed You? by @kwanisms
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 2.5k) roommates to lovers - fluff, bit of angst Moving in with your best friends ex boyfriend sounds like nothing but trouble, even if he has a girlfriend. But what happens when they break up?
Better Than Revenge by @byunified
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 20.1k) - fluff, angst, smut, romance All those years you are convinced that you only like the same gender. However, after ending a long-term unhealthy relationship, you decided to start anew. Not expecting to meet new people, and him.
Don´t Go by @anyamaris
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 2.7k) best friends to lovers - fluff, angst, smut Your longtime friend is thrown off by you mentioning going to dinner with a mutual friend and the misunderstanding causes events that you'd only played out in your dreams.
Enchanted by @byunified
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 21.1k) time travel AU - romance, angst, fluff Tired of constant fights of your parents, you found herself in the attic where an old wardrobe stood at the corner years before your family moved in the house. What could an antique furniture do to change your life? Meet someone from the past? Because you totally did.
Guys My Age by @bvidzsoo
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 6.7k) best friend´s brother - fluff, angst(ish), smut Baekhyun was your best friends brother. You grew up knowing him and his sister. Having feelings was a thing,,,but him liking you back, not so expected. You had enough of stupid high school guys, but did Baekhyun want you?
For Me by @spacequokka
Baekhun x fem!reader (wc - 6.5k + 7.3k) best friends to lovers - fluff, smut When your best friend Baekhyun asks you over to his place for dinner, you see this as your chance to make your feelings known. But what to wear? You drag him with you to pick out a dress sure to drive him up the wall. part 1, part 2
Siren by @cyberexo
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 7.1k) supernatural, strangers to lovers - fluff, smut part 1, part 2
Lost and Found & Stay the Night by @icequeenbae
Baekhyun x fem!reader (wc - 3.3k + 3.2k) exes to lovers, second chance - fluff, angst, smut (only 2nd part) Baekhyun bumps into you while dropping his friend’s niece off in daycare. It’s been almost three years since you’d disappeared, so you definitely have a lot to catch up on. Especially because your carefully maintained secret is now out…
City Lights by @suhoerections
a collection of stories
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archernarbeta · 1 year
Baby, You’re it
✴︎ pairing : Baekhyun x Reader
✴︎ genre : domestic!au, non-idol!baek, angst, fluff, comfort
✴︎ summary : all relationships has its fall-outs, what happens if yours had gone on for months, swept under the rug?
✴︎ warning : childhood trauma, negligence (not by baek), cursing
✴︎ word count : 2.8K
✴︎ author’s note : hii ಥ∀ಥ It’s archie here! This is my first fanfic in years and I really hope that you guys like this! Please do leave comments because I feel there’s so much room for improvements ಥ‿ಥ Thank you so much for stopping by!
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You sighed for the fifth time in the last two minutes, eyes never leaving the kitchen floor. Your knuckles had turned white as your hands gripped the cold marble table top of the kitchen island, the moment felt like eternity. You steadied yourself, propping most of your weight to the table, feeling like you could lose your balance if you lose your grip
He watched you, holding his own breath, trying to control his emotions. Clearly, this wasn’t working like he expected it to be. He opened his mouth, yet closed it again. He gave you a look, the one that drives you crazy every time you argue with him. The look consists of his droopy eyes, all sad and confused, perfectly drowning you alive in guilt. 
“Y/n,” he hesitantly squeaked with the tiniest voice possible. 
You gave him the slightest nod while your eyes were still glued to your baby pink fuzzy socks he gifted you years ago. It was totally worn-out, considering the amount of times you wore it over the years, yet it was still your favorite pair. 
You weren’t sure if this conversation is something you wanted to have, you never were in the first place. This exact conversation was something both of you purposely hindered for the past 6 months. Both of you felt that it wouldn’t end well, so you both avoided each other like a plague. 
It started during last year’s summer, you and Baekhyun decided that you’re in need of a refreshing holiday, preferably close to nature for a nice- healing 'breather', from your hectic lives. In which you both decided to stay over his cousin’s villa in Jeju, hence probably the first mistake. 
When his very nosy aunt knew you were coming, she was ecstatic. She made sure everything was perfect for the Byun family’s favorite couple. As soon as you stepped foot into his aunt’s house, she couldn’t stop pestering if the both of you will ever get married, given that you’ve been dating for 6 years. Baekhyun tried to stop her by saying that you’re both still young and not of age for marriage. However the conversation escalated into her prying if you were going to have kids, which was always a sensitive topic between the both of you. 
That summer, you left Jeju with a giant lump of guilt in your heart. 
The thing was, you never wanted to have kids because the concept of raising a child seemed so taunting to you. Well, you had your reasons. You were an only child unfavourably raised by two, neglecting, self-centered parents who didn’t bother to even look at you during the course of your life. Yes you had your fair share of wealth, coming from those two, but your childhood was a rough one. They ended up throwing you out when you entered high school, saying you were a nuisance, but the truth was, they were scared that one day you’d inherit their wealth. You ended up raising yourself throughout those years, figuring and finding your own way in the world while your two, selfish parents left you with nothing but lifetime trauma. 
But Baek? Hell, he loves kids. He was crazy with kids, he adored them with all his heart. You could see it when you visit his brother’s place. He wouldn’t stop playing with his niece and nephew, giving them piggyback rides and cracking up jokes to see smiles on their faces.
The silly little conversation with his aunt was the trigger of this snowballing issue because both of you were afraid to jeopardize the relationship. 
Baekhyun knew about your ‘child-free’ mindset and he was always a little bit disappointed about it. Even though he was well aware of your past, he just knew that you’d be a great parent. It was evident from the way you took care of him and those around you. So he thought that maybe, just maybe, you were willing to try. He was so sure that even with your stubborn head, you were willing to try, at least for him. 
He tried approaching you at first, to start the daunting topic between the both of you. He’d try to go home earlier and cook dinner for the both of you, catching up to your office for coffee breaks during lunch time, scheduling movie dates on the weekends and to the extent of peeking your calendar to find your day off. 
But you didn’t budge. 
You were so aware of his attempts that it broke your heart to see him trying like this, but you know you couldn’t give in. It would break you to give in. So you kept your distance with him. When he cooked dinner, you’d hurriedly thank him, clean up and leave the table as soon as you were done with your meal. You took up so many fashion projects that you were swamped the whole day, making you unable to leave the office for lunch break. You even scheduled photoshoots during weekends to avoid dates with him. 
But your boyfriend Baekhyun was a smart man. 
He knew. He was so well aware of what you were doing and it shattered him. But how could he leave you? He couldn’t even if he tried. How could he ever leave when you’re the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with? 
So he stopped trying. 
He didn’t do anything to even start the dreaded conversation. 
However, nothing changed. 
You still kept your distance, you were so scared of what’s to come that you didn’t even want to be in the same room as him. 
Yet here you are, feeling all lost and broken while eyes glued to the floor, finally having the conversation you fought so hard to avoid.
Oh y/n, jokes on you, you thought. 
“Y/n…look at me…” He sighed, trying to capture your attention again.
You frowned, holding back a wave of emotion. “No.” you replied.
“Christ, y/n”, he frustratedly ran his hands through his hair, 
“You need to talk to me… you-you need to talk to me so I know. I need to know what you want from me…If this is not what you want-“ 
“No, Baek.” you quickly snapped. “This, is not what I want. This conversation, is not what I want.” 
“Then why the hell have you been avoiding me for the past six months?! You acted like I was fucking invisible! I swear y/n-“
“I WAS SCARED OF LOSING YOU!” you faced him with your remaining strength, tears falling down your cheeks.
All hell broke loose. The dam had burst. You couldn’t hold it anymore. “I was scared, of losing you, Baek. I knew you wanted to have this conversation ever since we went home from your aunt’s… And-and I knew, I could never say yes to you-“ you sobbed hard.
You felt your legs giving up on you, as you slid down to the floor, “But your eyes, the glint of hopefulness in your eyes every time you try to talk to me, it scares the shit out of me.”
“It fucking scares me that I love you this much and I know it would never be enough because,” you catched your breath before continuing, “This-this trauma…I can’t ever give you what you want. We’re not even married for Christ’s sake…and I’m already depriving you of your future.”
Baekhyun could hear his heart shattering into pieces when the love of his life sprawled in tears, on the kitchen floor of their home. He stayed silent as he watched you sobbed before him. He was just as sad, empty and broken as you. For the first time in his relationship, he felt so helpless. It was so discerning, the feeling of not being able to help you, your trauma, it killed him inside. He felt it as hot tears began to leave tracks on his skin.
“I-I’ll leave…” you incoherently said through your cries, hands furiously wiping your tears away. “I’ll leave so give me time and I’ll-“
“What do you mean?” he clamored. “You’ll leave?! Why the hell are you leaving!” He raised his voice, louder than he let on. 
“You want kids, Baek! You want a family and you know damn well that I can’t give that to you! I can’t raise a goddamn child!” you snapped back at him,  pent up anger and pain seeping through every word.
“I can’t raise a child,“ you trembled, voice slowly going quieter by the minute. “Not when I can’t even heal myself through this shit…It’s been years and I still can’t.” you quivered, holding your head between your legs, hiding yourself from him. 
He couldn’t see you like this for another second, it pained him too much. As you broke down for the second time, he lowered his body and sat down to the space next to you. He tried approaching you as slow as possible and when he realized you didn’t evade his presence, he immediately engulfed you with his broad shoulders, embracing you as you cried. The comforting warmth instantly made you clung onto your boyfriend’s arm, your head rested on his shoulders. He cried with you silently, as he stroked your head, trying to calm you down.
“My baby,” he softly spoke, never letting go of his warm embrace. He kept stroking your head until your tears died down, hugging him calmed your heartbeat and both of you were much calmer.
“Y/n, love… would you mind hearing me out for a bit?” He shifted his position slightly to catch your eyes. You lift up your head to give your boyfriend a nod as he looks at you, eyes red and puffed like yours. 
He chuckled a bit, wiping the rest of your tears with his fingers. He gave you a peck on your puffy left eye and proceeded to kiss the other eye. He gave you an affectionate gaze before dropping another kiss on your forehead. He smiled at you warmly, it was his signature smile and you couldn’t help but smile back at him. Your boyfriend Baekhyun, never failed to  radiate his sunshine-like warmth.
“Love, listen to me okay?” 
“Hmm…” you hummed, answering him. 
“I’ve been thinking, lately, that I’m quite okay with being child-free. I thought I wanted kids, which maybe I still do but I get that not everyone wants kids,”  
“I’ve wrapped my head around it and I guess I’m kinda okay with not having kids,“ he continued, “or at least for now.” he lightly added with a small smile, reaching out to hold your hand.
You frowned a bit, opening your mouth to reply, before he beat you to it, “However I am ecstatic when I think of getting married to the right person.” he grinned while looking at your face.
“I’m not sure when this started but the thought of having a domestic lifestyle is so enrapturing to me. And no, it’s not the grand weddings and honeymoons that gets me excited. It’s the silly little things that I hope I get to do with my partner.” 
You smiled at his words, holding his hands a bit tighter than before.
“The usual weekly grocery shopping we have, the silly little fights about putting down the toilet seat cover that makes creases on your forehead, our mini movie nights in the comforts of our silly little apartment and hopefully taking care of a silly little puppy in the future…” he gave out a nervous laugh and you looked at him lovingly, slowly rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb.
“Babe, I’m so excited to learn even more about you as much as you learn about me during our Sunday brunch and afternoon walks, not as your boyfriend but as your husband. We could be stuck up in the apartment all day while it rains outside, you’ll be reading while I’ll sleep next to you. You could cook and I’ll wash the dishes, but of course, we could switch because, whatever works for you.” 
Plastering a giant smile on his face, “Maybe in the near future, you’ll ace driving so we can switch seats every now and then, I’ll ride shotgun while you race me to work!” you laughed at his remarks and lightly slapped his arm. Both of you are completely oblivious to the fact that you’re both seated on the floor below the kitchen island for the past hour. 
He continued with a more serious tone, “I know it seems like I went a little bit overboard on romanticising this domestic life, given the fact that people say it doesn’t really work that way,” he smiled sadly, looking at your intertwined hands. 
“We’ll end up being too tired, too selfish, too worn out to compromise. It scares me, really.”
Baekhyun looked at you again, your eyes met and it’s evident that his eyes held so much confidence in them, “But if finding the right person means waking up together, making coffee and pancakes in the morning, hell, maybe I’m willing to try, kids or no kids.” 
“We’ll have breakfast for dinner and ice cream for breakfast. Fuck. Baby, I’ll ask you to hold my hand when we ride rollercoasters because I’m a fucking coward, but you love me for it right?" He held your hand tighter and stroked your hair with his free finger while leaving pecks all over your head.
"I’m so ready to break plates when we fight, if it means we get to glue them back together again. You’ll probably scream and curse at me when I’m obnoxious but I might do the same when you ignore me.” He chuckled, his eyes glistened as emotions got a hold of him. You cupped the side of his face with one of your free hands. 
“It’s fine, I don’t mind as long as we hug it out. I promise I’ll laugh with you, cry with you and smile for you. The biggest smile on this face will only be for you. I know we’ve done some of these things now, but if being married to you means having this for the rest of my life with you, I’m so up for it” he finished, your foreheads touching, eyes never leaving one another. You couldn’t muster any response other than a choked-sobs and a hearty laugh. 
“Baek…” you tried, your voice failed you as you voice strained.
"Marry me," He suddenly suggested. You gasp at his spur-of-the-moment question.
"y/n...." He whined, holding both of your arms as he shook them. "You don't wanna marry meeeeee?" He piped, kinda scared of your reaction now. You giggled at your boyfriend's pleading eyes,
"No silly! Of course I'd marry you! I was taken a back, that's all..." as you titter at him. "Oh God- oh God..." He exhale in relief.
"Wait, I'm grabbing a ring-pop!" He stood up, opening one of the snack cabinets, "I hope you're okay with a strawberry ring-pop for now, I mean I know you'd be but... the ring order took so damn long okay?! I pre-ordered it 9 months ago! Anyways, I hope this would do for now." He babbled away as he ripped open the rock candy from its packaging to slid the plastic ring on your finger.
"Y-you, what?" You have been taken aback by this man in the course of minutes.
"Well- I need to tie the knot at some point..?" He scratched the back of his nape as he nervously grinned. "It took longer than a baby because I custom-made it yet they kept getting the order wrong.." He huffed. At this, you kissed his cheeks, a wordless form of your gratitude.
"I love it," you professed, "I love the ring-pop, the nine-month old custom-made ring, and I love you." You continued.
“Byun Baekhyun, Baek, Baby… I-I know this because from the start, I always knew, I don’t want to settle for less. I don’t want to grow up, leave university for a job and a hand in marriage, to have kids and end my life just like that.” you held your eye contact with him.
You smiled a bit, continuing, “I want love. The really raw kind that makes my heart beats crazy every time I see your eyes. I want the love that holds my hand so I don’t walk alone. The love that embraces me in the morning, and kisses me after a long day at work. The love that burns, the love that hurts. The selfish kind of love that I never have to let go. It sounds crazy right?” 
It’s apparent that your face changes while you tell him this, it’s a thing he loves about you. He never told you but every time you rambled on something you’re passionate about, you have this glow on your face and your eyes sparkles, shining enchantedly–he’s crazy for you for that. He looks at you lovingly, giving all his attention to you. 
“Baek, I’ve always wanted someone who loves me for me. I want someone who stays, not because they couldn’t leave but because they don’t want me to be alone, I want someone who hates leaving me alone because they love me that much. It’s selfish and, I-I’m so sorry… A thousand apologies might not cut it but the way that I don’t want kids, I can’t raise kids… It’s-“ you stuttered, trying to breathe.  At this, he rubbed your back to comfort you.
“It’s too much…for me to make a decision now, about kids. But baby, you’re it. You’re the one who loves me for me and I love you for that. You still gave me a thousand reasons to stay even though I thought I needed to leave you,” you’re back to a crying mess into Baekhyun’s arms. 
“I swear Byun Baekhyun, I’ll never leave. I’ll never let you be alone. I love you so much.” you whispered, smiling, as you tightly hugged him.
He smiled back letting go of his embrace on you, “Y/n, Baby. You’ve been ‘it’ since the first time I saw you. Do you think I’ll ever let you go?” 
He held your chin to face him, as he slowly leaned in, taking you into a kiss you’ve been postponing since the last 6 months. 
“I love you so much.” he paused before passionately kissing you again.
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sixzeroes · 1 year
walk with you.
summary | lee jeno has had you as his best friend for as long as he can remember. every step of the way, you were there, stuck to his side like glue. jeno always believed you’d be his best friend forever, so why is he starting to view you in a different, non-platonic light?
characters | lee jeno x reader(f).
genres | fluff, romance, slice of life, best-friends-to-lovers, childhood friends au, high school au, non-idol au.
warnings | profanity, johnny is jeno’s cousin, johnny is all-knowing and wise, mentions of alcohol consumption, jeno decides to avoid reader :((, unrequited feelings (but they’re actually requited and jeno’s just dumb), kissing at the end!!
word count | 5.6k
37.5MHz | walk with you by nct dream ⋆ beautiful by baekhyun ⋆ tiki-taka by crush ft. dpr live.
gonna be brutally honest idek what tf i was writing half the time so i rly hope the flow of this made sense!! 🥹🥹 but like f2l is lowkey difficult to write i’m never gonna do that again,, ep.02 of my candy! miniseries, but it can be read on its own!
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“Here’s what I found.”
5 Ways to Tell If You Like Someone
Here Are Seven Methods to Figure Out Your Feelings!
Take This Buzzfeed Quiz to See If You Like Them
Lee Jeno, a simple high school boy, clicks on the first link. The website opens immediately and the title stares at him in a fancy font. He scrolls, skipping the summary to get to the important part. 
1. Does your heartbeat accelerate around them?
Jeno thinks back to a few hours ago, when he was walking you home after school. His heartbeat was a little off, speeding up whenever you flashed him a smile. 
2. Do you think about them often?
Jeno ponders. He’s always thinking about you—you’re his best friend, after all. But does he think about you often in the romantic context? Hm, he’s not too sure. 
3. Do you miss them when you’re not together?
Jeno nibbles on his lower lip. There have been many instances where he wished he didn’t move away and just had to walk up two flights of stairs to where you lived. 
4. Do they make you feel good?
Jeno tilts his head. What does that mean? You definitely make him happy and bring joy to his everyday life, but does that qualify as ‘feel good’? 
“Jeno! Come have dinner!”
The boy sighs, tossing his phone onto his bed. He scratches his head as he exits his bedroom, reevaluating his feelings based on the questions he just read. Jeno is eighty-seven percent sure the questions perfectly describe his situation when he’s around you. The remaining thirteen percent? He’s just misreading his own platonic feelings. 
No, Jeno doubts he’s misreading anything. He’s just…unsure, considering this is the first time he’s ever liked a friend, much less his best friend of all people. He’s unsure if these feelings are even permissible. Can he like his best friend? Is that okay? Jeno’s seen plenty of friends-to-lovers in K-Dramas, and there’s always this hesitance in ‘ruining’ their friendship. What if the things Jeno feels will ultimately cause a rift between you and him? What will he do then? Die? He probably would, because Jeno finds it impossible to picture a future without you. (Some may say this is pure friendship. Donghyuck, the number one Jeno and Y/N shipper, says otherwise.) 
This is a tough equation—it’s one of those questions where he’s solved a majority of the maths but needs some guidance on narrowing down the final answer to either three decimal places or two. Jeno is the struggling student, and his teacher?
“Bro, what’s taking you so long?”
Of course, who else other than Johnny Suh, his cousin and self-proclaimed ladies’ man from America? 
Jeno shuffles out of his room, meeting Johnny in the hallway. “Can I ask you a question?”
The older man cocks a brow, lips shifting into an amused smile. “Shoot away.” 
“Later, after dinner. Let’s go out for ice cream.” 
“In this cold weather?”
“Or soju, if you’re okay with drinking alone.” 
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Johnny Suh’s character is full of surprises, to say the least. To begin, the Korean-American had bought two bottles of champagne back at the airport in Chicago as ‘housewarming gifts’ (“Wait, Jeno isn’t legal? That’s okay, I first drank when I was sixteen.”). Next, he went missing for a week straight (busy spending his nights at Gangnam and Itaewon), only remembering to send an i’m okay! be home this weekend :) text after Jeno’s mother threatened to report him missing. Then, he returned to Jeno’s place with a bunch of snacks from the nearby GS25, offering it as an apology for sending the household into chaos for the past week. Lastly, Johnny introduced a new outlook in Jeno’s life. 
Or, well, he’s about to, considering his position in Jeno’s makeshift maths class scenario. 
Johnny takes a swig of soju, releasing a satisfied hum after gulping the contents down. In contrast, Jeno nibbles on his ice cream bar, a little nervous to pop the question. He debates on how to word it but eventually gives up, deciding it’s better to be straightforward than to beat around the bush. “Is it…okay to like a friend?” 
There’s a moment of silence. Jeno realises how ridiculous his question is. Johnny swirls his soju bottle. “Do you like someone, Jeno?” 
“I—What—You can’t answer my question with a question!” 
“Oh, I see,” says Johnny, a playful glint in his eyes. “This is about that friend of yours, right? That girl you’re always walking home even though she lives like thirty minutes away? What was her name again? Yonam? Yerna? Ah—Y/N?” 
Jeno’s eyes widen and his cheeks grow red. “No! She’s just a friend. We’re just…friends.” 
“Sure, sure,” goes Johnny, dismissing Jeno’s weak claims with a fling of his wrist. “Let me tell you something, Jeno. Girls and guys? We can never be ‘just friends.’ It doesn’t work like that, you know.” 
“But…” the younger falters. “Don’t you have a lot of friends that are girls, Johnny? I’ve seen your Instagram stories.” 
Johnny sips his drink. “That’s different. We’re different. You, my good boy, are a high school kiddo with raging hormones. I am willing to bet my entire life that you like Yona.”
“Y/N,” Jeno corrects him. “How can I be sure that I like her?” 
“You can’t, unless you face her with those feelings.” the Korean-American turns to him with a stern face. He presses a finger against Jeno’s chest. “You can hide your feelings from your crush but don’t hide them from yourself. Bask in the fact that you like her while sitting in her presence. Observe yourself. Think about the situation. Are you sure you like her, yes or no?” Johnny finishes the rest of his soju. “Your answer doesn’t lie with me, Jeno. It’s within you.” 
Jeno’s heart skips at Johnny’s words, overwhelmed with inspiration. “You’re…pretty poetic, Johnny.” 
The latter smugly smiles. “My roommate’s a literature major. He’s kinda rubbing off on me.” 
The rest of the evening passes by in a blur, with Johnny drinking four more bottles of alcohol inside the brightly lit convenience store. Jeno drags his feet back to the family apartment with Johnny in tow, the older man’s weight significantly slowing him down. When he arrives, his mother forcefully wakes the Korean-American up and scolds him for drinking so much on a weekday. In response, Johnny hugs her with an intoxicated laugh and falls asleep on the couch. During the entire ordeal, all Jeno can think of are Johnny’s wise words. 
It’s within you.
Johnny’s right. In Jeno’s makeshift maths class scenario, the student is Jeno, but so is the teacher. He is the key to the equation he’s struggling to solve. 
Tomorrow. When Jeno sees you tomorrow, he’s going to face his feelings and categorise it accordingly. 
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Wednesday mornings have never been this frightening. 
In fact, Jeno has never feared anything as much as facing his feelings while you’re sitting right beside him during the regular route to school. Not much has changed since Tuesday morning: he got on the same subway at the same station with (relatively) the same people for another similar day. Except, he’s ninety-nine percent sure he likes you. 
Okay, so maybe a bit has changed since Tuesday morning: he got on the same subway at the same station with (relatively) the same people for another similar day but with newfound emotions. 
Johnny told him to ‘bask in his feelings’ and ‘observe himself.’ 
Jeno is doing everything but that. 
He’s a nervous wreck, to sum it up. Every time the subway slows to a stop and your shoulder brushes against his, he feels as if his heart is going to swallow him whole. Whenever you bring up a meme, he absentmindedly laughs as three-fourths of his focus is poured into acting normal. There is little to no eye contact; obviously, Jeno finds the advertisements far more interesting than your pretty face. 
Or maybe, he is basking in his feelings and observing himself. The realisation hits him as an elderly woman sits in the empty seat across from him. Jeno is anxious around you. He’s conscious of the way he acts, smells, talks, walks—whatever. You’ve known him his entire life and have seen him at his worst (i.e., his emo middle school era), and yet, Jeno finds the mere idea of you seeing his bedhead horrifying. Such self-awareness is a blessing and a curse. 
“Jeno?” you chirp, poking the boy’s side. He reacts with a hum. “You’re awfully quiet today.” 
He gulps, trying his best to maintain a cool facade. “I’m just tired,” he answers with a tight voice. “Stayed up late tending to my drunk cousin.” It’s not a complete lie—Johnny was intoxicated last night. 
You brush a stray strand of hair out of his face. “Johnny? He’s your American cousin, right?”
Jeno tries to stay calm at your gesture but his ears are heating up. “Mhm. He’s…wild.” 
The conversation dies down immediately. Jeno is jittery, his leg bouncing up and down, eyes darting from one passenger to another. He’s too preoccupied to notice your concerned gaze; too busy presenting himself as normal as possible without realising how abnormal he truly appears. 
For the remaining minutes, you don’t say anything, choosing to scroll through your social media feed instead. During the short walk to school, again, no words leave your mouth. Jeno glimpses your quiet figure. Silence is strange on you, but he doesn’t try to tug a sound out of you. 
This is the first time the two of you have ever been enveloped in such a sheer layer of awkwardness. Never has there been an instance where it was suffocating to be in the other’s presence—never, until Jeno’s heart decided to think on its own and develop feelings for you. 
He’s said it. 
Lee Jeno likes you, one hundred percent confirmed during the subway ride to school. 
One foot has been in the puddle for the past few weeks, testing the depth below the surface. He tested, and tested, and tested, until he slipped inside, drenching himself in the water. 
Jeno wasn’t sure of his feelings. At one point, he figured this more-than-platonic affection for you was just a hoax (don’t ask him why, he doesn’t know either). All he did was sit next to you, just like any other day, with slightly different feelings. And all of a sudden, he fell, and oh, did he fall hard. 
He’s drowning even though the puddle wasn’t that deep. 
Or maybe, it’s always been that deep. Jeno just failed to realise it before. 
“Jeno. You’re scaring Jisu with that glare of yours.” 
Huang Renjun is standing diagonal to Jeno’s desk with a small carton of banana milk in his hand. The said boy glances over at his classmate, Choi Jisu, who’s clearly intimidated from his hardened stare. He loosens his expression instantly, averting his gaze back to his friend. “What time is it?” 
“Eleven,” says Lee Donghyuck, popping out from behind Renjun. “What’s up with you today? You’ve been staring off into space for the entire morning.” 
Na Jaemin, sitting beside him, nods in agreement. “Yeah. Are you sick or something?” 
Renjun snorts. “He’s probably lovesick as always.”
Normally, when any of the three boys joke about you and Jeno’s friendship like that, Jeno would always grow defensive and borderline shout, “She’s just a friend!” But today, he sits with his lips pursed, unable to refute the claim. Renjun, Donghyuck, and Jaemin simultaneously drop their jaws. 
“No way,” whispers Donghyuck, his eyes wide. “No fucking way.”
“Jeno, you…” Renjun trails off in shock. 
Jaemin slaps his shoulder. “You actually like Y/N?”
If a tomato were a person, it would be Jeno. His ears burn and he avoids looking any of them in the eyes, choosing to bury his red face into his arms. He can hear the boys cheering, creating chaos over his recently established feelings. Someone—probably Donghyuck—pats his head, proud of his accomplishment. 
“When did you realise?” Donghyuck asks, prodding Jeno’s ear. “You were always so disgusted whenever we called you two lovebirds. Why the sudden change of heart?” 
Jeno shrugs, still facing the surface of his desk. “It just happened.”
Renjun finishes his banana milk. “You asked Siri, didn’t you?”
The lovestruck boy whips his head up, bewildered at the correct statement. “How did you know?”
“Lucky guess.” 
A groan tumbles from Jeno’s lips as he shrinks into his seat. “I’m so screwed. How am I supposed to face Y/N now? I can’t let her know about my feelings. It’ll ruin our friendship.”
“Why do you think that?” Donghyuck says with a sly tone. He observes Jeno’s actions with a playful glint in his eyes. “You never know, she might like you back.”
Renjun chuckles at the not-so-subtle hint while Jaemin simply nods again. 
Jeno frowns, sceptically eyeing each of them. “She doesn’t. She recently broke up with Soobin from Class 3-4, so there’s no way she’d develop feelings for me in the span of a month.” 
“To be fair,” goes Renjun, “Y/N and Soobin only dated for two weeks. That’s nothing compared to the years you’ve spent together.” 
“I agree,” hums Donghyuck, now fiddling with his pencil. “Who cares if her ex-boyfriend is a good-looking guy? You’re okay-looking, so I think you have a shot.”
Jeno rolls his eyes at Donghyuck’s impish grin. “Thanks, Hyuck. You light up my world.” 
Jaemin taps the pads of his fingers against his chair. “Why don’t you distance yourself for a bit? Organise your thoughts on whether you’d like to attempt at something or just fold your feelings away.”
The bell rings, indicating the next period’s start. Renjun and Donghyuck retreat back to their seats and Jaemin pulls out an English novel. Ms. Son walks in with a cheerful smile, happily greeting the class to which the students respond. She begins by announcing an upcoming English story competition for anyone who may be interested, listing the important details with a sunny voice. Finally, she moves onto the contents of today’s class, asking everyone to bring out their copies of The Outsiders. Jeno nearly misses her instructions, only grabbing the book from his backpack when Renjun lightly kicks his chair. He tries to pay attention this time, considering how challenging English is, but to no avail, fails. Once again, Jeno’s mind becomes clouded with thoughts about you—only this time, the concern surrounds Jaemin’s suggestion. 
Organise your thoughts. 
Jeno isn’t sure about where to start. 
He sighs, flipping through the pages until he lands on the chapter Ms. Son mentioned. As if his current predicament isn’t headache-inducing enough, the English alphabet is seeking to destroy his peace. 
Whatever, he thinks to himself, opting to just stare out the window instead. I’ll figure this out later.
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jeno: sorry, y/n. johnny wants to hangout after school today jeno: i don’t think i can walk you home
you: that’s okay!! i’ll see you tomorrow morning, jeno :)
Jeno feels a little guilty lying to you, but he needs to stay away from you right now. Whenever he’s near you, he buffers, unable to act like his usual self. Tonight, he’s going to lay in his bed and decide after thinking everything over. Tomorrow, he’s going to act upon his decision. 
Jaemin sits across from him, going through a checklist of some sort. Apparently, the student body president managed to receive a green light for a ‘seniors only’ winter event, and Jaemin has been tasked with managing the necessary materials. Jeno knows his friend is displeased, but alas, he is only vice president, and whatever the president says, goes. 
“You’re still here?” Jaemin suddenly inquires, looking up from the pages. “Didn’t Y/N’s club end ten minutes ago?” 
Jeno exits Genshin Impact on his phone. “I told her I couldn’t walk her home today because of Johnny.”
“You lied.”
“So I can figure out my desires,” Jeno adds in defence. “I’m gonna take your advice and distance myself for a bit.” 
The vice president sets his pen down and leans into his chair. “You should at least tell her you want space instead of avoiding her with no words. She’ll get hurt, you know.”
Jeno licks his lips. “I know, but I’m scared she might catch on if I tell her that. It’s no different from outright saying ‘Hey, I like you.’”
“I guess so.” 
The duo are enveloped by silence as Jaemin returns to his duties and Jeno opens Genshin Impact again. He’s setting up to continue his previous play when a message from Johnny pops up. 
johnny: yo jeno, wanna go out for dinner? i’ll pay
Jeno sits up straight. “Seems like I wasn’t lying after all. Johnny’s asking if I’m free. I’ll see you tomorrow, Jaem.”
jeno: gatten sushi??
johnny: DEAL
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It’s been approximately one week since that fateful Wednesday morning, and Lee Jeno has been actively avoiding you. No, he did not heed Jaemin’s advice; he’s too scared to confront you like that. Every morning, he’d hit you with the same excuse over text:
jeno: sorry y/n, johnny wants to hangout until he leaves
And you would answer him with:
you: go have fun with your cousin <3
Jeno’s lies are terrible, he knows that. Somehow, the white lie has become so warped that Johnny now (probably) appears to be an obsessive cousin who’s unwilling to stay away except for during school hours. Johnny wants to walk with Jeno to school and hangout with him afterwards. That’s the story the lovesick boy is sprinting with, and although he feels bad for painting such a strange image of his cousin, it’s not like Johnny’s ever going to cross paths with you. 
At least, not in the near future. 
Jeno leaves for school an hour earlier than usual. He knows you have no club activities before school and you aren’t a morning person. The earliest you will ever wake up is seven a.m., so the chances of accidentally running into you is approximately four percent. 
Jeno’s been successful so far. You haven’t come looking for him either, so he assumes you’ve either realised he needs space or are too busy with extracurricular activities to care. 
(He really hopes it isn’t the second one.)
Donghyuck stuffs a spoonful of bulgogi and rice into his mouth, a blissful expression on his face. He continues to inhale more of his lunch until he suddenly perks up. “Look, lover boy. It’s Y/N.”
Instinctively, Jeno turns at the mention of you. He catches your figure standing in line for food with Roh Jeongui and Kim Chaewon. Your eyes meet his, and he offers a sheepish wave to which you smile back. Jeno’s nape grows hot. 
You’re too pretty when you smile. 
He shyly diverts his gaze to his food, scooping up a portion of his lunch to distract himself. Renjun nudges him with a teasing “Ooh,” which Donghyuck snickers at. Jaemin shakes his head but an amused grin graces his lips. Jeno tickles Renjun’s side. “Shut up, Huang.” 
“You know, the winter event for seniors will be happening in nine days,” mentions Jaemin, stirring his soup. “Why don’t you take Y/N as your date?”
Donghyuck claps at the idea. “Jaemin, you wonderful, wonderful man. That is one wonderful idea!”
Renjun chimes, “How romantic. Feels like a fairytale.” 
Jeno hopes his cheeks aren’t as rosy as he thinks they are. “No way. I’d rather just go with you guys.”
“Who said we’d want to go with you, though?”
He shoots Donghyuck a glare. “Do you even have a date, Hyuck?”
The younger one proudly grins, his chest puffing up. “I do, actually. I have Renjun.” 
The said boy sticks his tongue out. “Too bad, I’m going with your sister, my girlfriend.” 
“Sorry, Renjun, but it’s seniors only.” Jaemin interrupts. “The student president wants it to be a special memory for the seniors. Also, we have a tight budget that barely covers the school’s third year population. So, a second year student can't attend.” 
Renjun pouts, visibly dismayed. In contrast, Donghyuck’s face is shining with glee. “Guess you’re my date, then, Junnie!” 
Jeno consumes the rest of his lunch, thoroughly thinking about Jaemin’s proposition (again). He wonders if he can just ask you to go with him to the event as a friend. Would that be weird? He certainly thinks nothing could be as weird as his feelings for his best friend. 
The boy sighs, swamped by the confusing reality he’s living in. Whatever he’s doing cannot go on any longer. He needs to stop avoiding you and confront the yearnings of his heart. But there’s no way Jeno could just suddenly go back to acting ‘normal’ around you—even if he decides to bury his feelings to save the friendship, he’s still going to have lingering feelings and, with no doubt, you would ask him to tell you the truth behind his sudden aloofness. 
Jeno is going to confess to you. 
The bulgogi thinks he should. 
It’s dangerous but he’s willing to take the risk, even if it means that the friendship may never be repaired and he may never be close to you again. But that’s okay, because he’d much rather stay truthful with you during the entire friendship instead of continuing a lie that will eventually bite him in the ass. 
Jeno decides to set a deadline for himself: on the night of the winter event, he will confess to you. 
He steels his grip around the utensils. 
Nine days. Lee Jeno is going to confess to you on the ninth day of those nine days. The eight days prior to the ninth, he’s going to prepare himself for every possible outcome that could occur on Friday evening. He steals an egg roll from Renjun’s tray, to which the older one sputters in shock. Nine days. In nine days, Jeno’s friendship with you is going to accelerate into something more or crumble into pieces. 
Nine days. 
He’s got this. 
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Jeno does not have this. 
Since when did eight days become equivalent to eight seconds? (The math is not mathing.) Jeno stares at the mirror, his reflection blankly blinking back. He’s dressed in a black suit and adorns a green tie for that pop of colour. It’s not exactly his style, but Renjun proposed the four of them match for their first and last high school event. Jeno decided to go green, while Renjun chose yellow, Donghyuck went with blue, and Jaemin used a colour generator to pick a shade (resulting in purple). He’ll probably find it tacky when he looks back in the future, but right now, he’s rather satisfied with the scheme. 
Jeno’s mother blow dries his hair, brushing through the strands with her nimble fingers. She sets the drier down and runs a comb down his bangs, smiling at her beautiful son. “When did my cute son become this handsome?” 
Jeno groans at the comment, bashful and embarrassed. “Mom,” he whines, “don’t say that.”
“What?” she laughs, finding his reaction entertaining. “It’s true. You were the cutest baby, I can’t believe you’re graduating soon.” 
Me neither, Jeno mentally agrees.
“There you go!” she exclaims, clasping her hands. She steps back and lets Jeno examine his appearance.
“Beware of SM,” Johnny jokes from the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed. He whistles, “You look great.” 
Jeno grins. “Thanks, Johnny.” He thanks his mother for styling his hair and walks out of the bathroom, heading to the doorway. His father sticks a thumbs-up in approval from the dinner table. Jeno drags his coat on, plants his feet into his newly-bought dress shoes, and waves to his parents from the entrance. They tell him to have fun to which he replies, “I’ll try!”
(Because, you know, he’s going to confess tonight and that thought alone has him breaking into a cold sweat every five minutes.)
Johnny’s his chauffeur for tonight. His cousin offered to give Jeno and his friends a ride to the school and back, and although he states it’s out of pure love, the younger surmises that Johnny wants to go for a late night drive around Seoul. The two get into his father’s car; Johnny behind the wheel, Jeno in the passenger’s seat. 
By car, the ride to the apartment complex where the rest live isn't that far. They arrive there in no time and soon, the car is filled with three teenage boys—Jaemin is a member of the student council therefore having to arrive before six—and one young adult singing along to Big Bang’s Bang Bang Bang the entire ride to school. 
“I’ll come by around ten p.m.,” says Johnny, leaning out the window. The boys nod, give their thanks, and run into the building. 
“Jaemin!” Renjun shouts, garnering the attention of their friend. 
“You guys are early,” the vice president notes, bumping fists with Donghyuck. “Did Johnny drop you guys off?”
Jeno nods. “He’ll be back around ten to pick us up, but let your mother know you’ll be back by eleven. Johnny said he’ll take us out for McDonald’s after.” 
The four of them head down the hallway toward the gymnasium, where the winter event is set to take place. The large room is decorated in golds, whites, and blues, with streamers and balloons hanging from the walls. A long table of snacks and drinks line the wall adjacent to the entrance and a DJ booth is situated in the centre of the stage. Many students have already arrived, even more filtering in as the clock ticks closer to seven. And when the little hand strikes seven, Jeno sees you walk in. 
“Holy shit,” he whispers, awestruck. 
You look stunning. 
You’re walking with Chaewon and Kim Sunwoo, chatting excitedly over God knows what. He’s too focused on your presence to realise Donghyuck’s snapped a few photos of his dropped jaw and wide eyes. 
Have you always been this pretty?
“Jeno, you’re staring.” Renjun teases, poking his cheek. Jeno comes back to his senses, ears furiously blushing. He rips his gaze away and clears his throat. He made a mistake. The boys are never going to let him live this down. 
“Let’s check out the food!” chirps Donghyuck as the DJ starts blasting music. Renjun happily follows and Jaemin heaves Jeno along. 
Jeno is going to confess to you. 
Even if the school is burning to the ground or a sinkhole opens below, Lee Jeno will confess his feelings to you by the end of the event. 
But first, he’s going to make the most of tonight with his best friends. 
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Nine p.m., and Jeno has not crossed paths with you once. There’s a lot more students in his year than he’d thought. 
“Jaemin!” he hollers into the other’s ear. “I’m gonna go out for a breather!”
Jaemin is too busy dancing the macarena with Donghyuck. 
Jeno squeezes himself past the throng of seniors, repeatedly muttering “excuse me” and “sorry” as he seeks to escape the loud crowd. When he manages to stumble through the exit, he runs into you standing in the hallway with a cookie in your mouth. 
“Eh-noh!” you beam, chewing on the dessert. 
Butterflies erupt in his stomach. “Y/N,” he utters. “What are you doing out here?”
You finish your cookie. “Got too stuffy in there,” you say while dusting the crumbs off your fingers. “I’m guessing it’s the same for you?”
“Yeah,” he mumbles, shuffling closer to you. Under the dim hallway lights, your eyes shine brighter than the stars. “Uh, wanna go for a walk with me?” 
You smile. “I’d love to.” 
You’re patient, Jeno thinks as the two of you walk to the staircase. He’s been avoiding you for nearly two weeks and yet, you haven’t asked any questions. You don’t pressure him into spilling the beans or confront him about the blatant lies. You understand him, you’re considerate of him, you’ll never make him uncomfortable. Jeno likes that about you. He likes how you and he have opposing qualities that fit like puzzle pieces. He likes how you and he can never run out of topics to converse about. He likes how you and he have a bond that is difficult to severe. 
Most of all, Jeno likes the way you smile at him. 
Oh, he’s so head over heels in love. 
You enter your homeroom, Jeno following suit. Your body moves to the window seat at the very back, glancing outside at the snowing scenery. 
“It’s so pretty,” you say, referring to the white night. “I think winter is my favourite season now.” 
Jeno hums, leaning against the desk. “I still like springtime more. The cold is too difficult.”
You roll your eyes at his response but he catches your small grin. “Of course, flower boy. I wouldn’t expect anything else.” 
Your gaze stays fixated on the falling snow. Jeno finds it hard to look away from you. He drinks in your appearance—from the way your hair flows, to the line of your nose, to the curve of your shoulders. You’re so perfect, carefully crafted by Aphrodite herself. Everything about you is beautiful, more beautiful than anything in the world. If he could, Jeno would build a museum just to display your beauty. 
You finally glimpse at him, tilting your head at his stare. He finds himself getting lost in your eyes. “Jeno? You okay?”
It’s time. 
Jeno is going to confess to you. 
“Y/N, I like you.”
Jeno just confessed to you. 
Your eyes widen and lips part in shock. You furrow your eyebrows at first and then loosen them when you realise he’s telling the truth. Even though the only illumination being provided is the moonlight, Jeno doesn’t miss the way roses bloom on your cheeks. You gulp. “You like me?”
He smiles. “Yeah.” 
“I—” You lick your lips, playing with the fabric of your dress. “This feels like a dream.” 
His heart jumps. “Y/N?”
You refuse to look him in the eyes, opting to stare out the window again—but this time, with a timid expression. “I…I like you too, Lee Jeno.” 
Jeno feels like his heart is about to implode. You like him back. You like him back. 
“Are you serious?” he breathes, stepping closer to you. You fervently nod, still maintaining eye contact with the snowfall. Jeno laughs in relief. You let out a yelp as he envelops you in a soft hug. “I like you so, so much, Y/N.” 
You return his embrace, hands flat against his broad back. “Did you avoid me because you liked me?” 
His breath hitches at your correct assumption. “Y—Yeah. Jaemin suggested I distance myself to figure out my feelings before I come clean.” 
“I was really upset, you know.” You raise your head and pout. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, stroking your head. “How can I make up for it?” 
Your gaze trails from his eyes to his nose to his lips then back to his eyes. You surprise him with your boldness. “If you give me a kiss, I’ll forgive you.” 
Jeno doesn’t need to be asked twice. He gently bumps his lips against yours, cupping your face with both of his hands. Your arms wrap them around his waist, drawing him in closer. You taste sweeter than candy.
Jeno wants to be drunk on this euphoric feeling forever. 
He’s about to deepen the kiss when you break away, face redder than the setting sun. “Too fast. That was my first kiss.” 
You raise a brow in suspicion. “You were a little too good for this to be your first kiss, Jen.” 
Jeno laughs at your statement, poking your forehead with his pointer finger. “I researched a bit.” (Undisclosed: “I watched the K-Dramas my mom put on TV.”) 
A serene atmosphere settles in the classroom as Jeno and you simply drown in each other’s presence, drinking in the beauty of tonight’s happening. Your hands play with his loose tie and his fingers graze the small sequins sewed to your dress. “Y/N,” he whispers, “will you be my girlfriend?” 
You tug at his tie, bringing him closer. “I’d be stupid to say no.” And you kiss him for the second time. 
Love? It’s always been the feeling that reminded Jeno of his best friend, but now, it’ll only remind him of his girlfriend. 
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bonus: the aftermath.
Two days since the friends-to-lovers scenario, and Jeno is walking you home for the first time in nearly three weeks. Not much has changed—the same subway, the same bus, the same pathway. But then again, everything has changed. 
For instance, instead of walking side-by-side with a small distance in-between, Jeno’s left hand is intertwined with your right hand, finding warmth in his jacket pocket. 
Monday’s have never been better. 
“It feels strange to walk with you as a couple now,” you giggle, snuggling into your scarf. “To be frank, I never thought this day would come.” 
Jeno frowns. “Why is that?” 
You blow out a puff of air. “Because you’re popular with all of the girls at school. You know, Jeon Heejin fancied you for quite a while! I was scared you’d like her.” 
He snorts. “I don’t think you have the right to say that when you dated Choi Soobin from Class 3-4.” 
“In my defence, I dated him to get over you! Though, I do feel sorry but I don’t think he liked me that much anyway. He’s dating Hwang Yeji now.” 
Jeno stops walking, to which you automatically halt, and he leans over to steal a kiss. “I’m glad you never got over me, Y/N. I’m only ever going to walk with you for the rest of my life.”
Lee Jeno needs to stop making your cheeks hurt. 
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taglist | @matchahyuck @lovehowdream @niinjo @jeonnyread @pckeia @dandelionxgal @huangstape @lemarkjun @mosviqu @neosdaisy @haven-cove
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kyoongboxi · 1 year
Faith —
[Baekhyun AU]
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Summary; A night to remember when you finally got to tell him how do you feel about you and him in the past after you finally found out as well that he is the one
Pairing; Baekhyun x Reader
Genre; fluff, romance, a bit of sexual intercourse
"Let me tell you.. Something. Something that I want to tell from long ago.. And now glad I found the right time"
It was midnight, around 2 a.m in the morning to be exact. The rain is falling softly outside your apartment from hours ago. Adding to the fact that its like a paid actor paired with a dim lights inside your apartment as well as the TV muffled sounds mixed into one. Your soft spoken words along with the soft strokes of your fingers against his hair caused the man getting more sleepier than ever.
"What is it?" Baekhyun managed to answer with both of his eyes still closed. He was currently laying on your lap against the couch. Both of you just finished a movie night. Your first movie night ever as a family. Your first movie night ever as a somebody which tied up into a vow with each other.
He still has the white hair and he was wearing your favorite top. A simple black t-shirt that emphasize his broad shoulder with a small rose printed on the left paired with a white sweatpants. You swore you told him to change the color of his sweatpants before the movie night started because with the color white, you could easily spotted his boner but he said he didn't want to change with a laugh find its way into his lips.
"You are my last crush ever back then in middle school. I thought you're just the same with other guy but it turned out you were different" You spoke again softly. Ready to start the story as you keep your eyes directed to him. Oh he was the perfect man ever and you were so lucky that the man with his devilishly handsome features just had his matching ring with the woman who was now talking to him in the middle of the night.
"Just that?" This time, it was his chance to react. Baekhyun chuckles as he turned his head to the side. He had both of his arms circled around your waist, to nuzzles closer against your belly. Enjoying the warmth that makes him wanna sleep right away.
"Middle school passed, high school passed.. College passed. But you never leave my head ever since. Even when there's another guy that caught my eyes, my interest.. And you showed up in my dream right away as if you're telling me 'Nah I'm not gonna let you forget about me for the sake of other guy'"
"It was.. Pretty crazy. I was suffering because of that" You continued. "I was doing my best to let you go because I know you have a pretty girlfriend that you like to brag on your Instastory. You both have the same hobby.. And hell my heart was a bit broken everytime I clicked your Instastory"
"I even went to see a psychiatrist— and a priest. You won't believe me about this one" You were half laughing when you said that because it was hilarious thinking you have been bewitched by him to find that you're actually his soulmate.
Baekhyun raise his head to see you as both of your eyes met. "You went to a psychiatrist? Because of me?"
You nodded. Pushing his head back to your lap again using your palm as you broke his stare and staring against the TV instead. "Will you believe me that you always terrorize me in my dream even though I'm not thinking about you at all when I'm awake? It was hell, Baekhyun. I remember I was currently finishing my thesis but— I don't know it might sounds like I'm obsessed with you"
"But I swear.. I'm not. I know my place, I know who am I because you have a girlfriend back then anyway. I don't wanna be the reason of your broke up so I keep silent."
"Hey" A soft tap on your jaw caused you to look into his direction. Baekhyun is no longer on your lap. He sat straight next to you with his slightly messy hair-revealed forehead. "I'm sorry for what happened to you sweetheart"
He has your fingers intertwined with his. Softly grazing your wedding ring as he stare into it. "I'm sorry that my handsomeness causing you to suffer"
You swore you could see his cheeky smile as the words rolled out his tongue so you pulled your fingers away to slap his chest. His laughter filled the room and he can't resist to pull you over into his lap. You immediately hugged him right away, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. Both of you stays like that in a such position for a while. You nestled comfortably against his lap along his warm embrace. Baekhyun's finger neakily make his way under your hoodie. Noticing that you didn't wear any a piece of clothing underneath.
"Wait" You pulled your head from his neck to face him in the face. His gaze towards you was full of emotions. Love and adoration.
"What's wrong?"
"Do you think I'm getting skinnier? Because my mom said so. How's my weight?" With that, you bounce up and down once, twice, thrice against his lap until he held you down by the waist to make you stop. "Stop doing that or you're gonna hate me more for wearing a white sweatpants"
You were burst out into laughing but immediately stopped when you feel something nudges your thigh. "No you're perfect just the way you are. I really love your weight on me. I'm not lying I'm being honest I swear"
A sudden flow of emotions washed over you and it caused you to feel the grieve. You're madly in love with this man. You didn't want anyone else but him and him only. So you leaned in, arms circled around his neck as you hide your face again into his neck. "I love you Byun"
"I love you too my baby" He pats your back several times under your hoodie.
"I'm not your baby. You are my baby" You murmured softly against his neck as your eyelids getting heavier everytime Baekhyun gently strokes your back.
"No I'm not your baby. You never breastfeeding me!" Baekhyun protested with a laugh. You could feel his chest vibrated because of the close proximity you were both in. Several seconds passed with a comfortable silence. You were just about to drift off into a sleep until you feel his fingertips delicately make its way into your ribcage with barely any pressure. Caused you to hums in satisfaction.
"My breasts is sore. Time of the month is coming. Don't squeeze it you pervert" You murmured again sleepily.
"Don't worry. I'll take care of you my baby. My fingers and my lips would never disappoint you" His fingertips went higher, softly stroking your skin until it arrived on your mounds. And thats how he ended up admitting he was your baby because you finally gives him what he wants.
You watch him sleepily as you stroke his hair softly. The man got both of his eyes closed and you noticed he was enjoying it too much from the way he pursed his lips along with the soft tug against it. He didn't remove your hoodie, instead he pulled it up until he can see it clearly without any piece of clothing blocked his eyesight.
'I swear this man... '
Kyoongboxi's works 🐾
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peachysooxo · 2 months
Coming Soon
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The Last Time: A Kyungsoo AU Love Story
pairing: Doh Kyungsoo x Mila Rose Doh (OFC)
genre: romance, drama
theme: angst, solo!kyungsoo, EXO!AU
tropes: marriage in trouble, right person wrong time, elopement, jealous male lead, high school sweethearts
description: Mila Rose Park always believed in love and that there was someone out there just for her. Kyungsoo Doh never imagined he would fall in love so deep with a girl that was forbidden to him: his best friend Chanyeol’s little sister.
With the two young lovers decided to risk it all and elope when they were barely old enough to drink, they thought they knew much better than every voice telling them no in their lives. Even worse, they weren’t ready to handle the attention around their marriage because of who they were: international pop stars that both just so happened to be signed to Mila’s father’s record label, SPG Entertainment.
Mila couldn’t have possibly planned her marriage falling apart, especially because of the risk it took to get married in the first place. Being 25 and on the brink of divorce changed the trajectory of Mila’s life and her belief in love. To the public, Kyungsoo and Mila were music’s it couple. Behind the scenes, they began to avoid each other as much as possible. Kyungsoo was a workaholic, closed off, and had a jealousy issue that Mila overlooked for the sake of love.
Kyungsoo can’t imagine his life without Mila, he knew his possessive and apathetic ways were a problem but never fixed the issue. Any time the divorce petitions come in, Kyungsoo would outright deny them. Mila is a bright, bubbly and gorgeous woman but so stubborn and frustrating when it came to getting what she wanted. Kyungsoo lost sight of what he loved about her in the first place. Will Kyungsoo and Mila find their way back to where they started? How did they drift so far apart in the first place? Will they ever find themselves back in love, and not fake it for the cameras?
Welcome to the Romantic Universe - A series of 4 intertwined standalone stories featuring Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongin. Set in both New York and Los Angeles, this is an EXO alternate universe where EXO doesn’t exist as a group, but the members are all still close friends. Everything is a work of fiction and non canon. The only characters that I own are my original characters. In no way am I suggesting that the attitudes, characteristics and personalities depicted are how I see the EXO members. It is purely a work of fiction.
THIS IS IN NO WAY SUGGESTING THAT I WANT EXO TO DISBAND OR HAVE A PARTICULAR MEMBER TO LEAVE THE GROUP! This story is a work of fiction and is meant to be in an alternate universe. I hope you enjoy!
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andimoon · 10 months
hello <33 can you do 22 and 28 with Baek please 🥺
Hello lovely Anon! Thank you for your request! 😁 I loved writing every second of this, and I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 4.5K
Warnings: TW/ mentions of fat shaming, discrimination, mentions of Academic pressure. But Baekhyun is such a sweet boy. 💛💛 best friend!Baekhyun
Baekhyun x Plus Size Reader
Best friends to Lovers AU
Angst Fluff
22. “Do you know how much I love you?”
28. “I’ll go if you go.”
All your life you’ve been told what you needed to be. All your life you’ve been told what to do, and when and how to do it. It was mind numbingly terrifying to tell your family of your future plans. Not only did you not want to study law or health, like your parents wanted. You were offered an internship abroad, one that would provide you with connections and experience in something you truly loved. Fashion.
Its beauty came from the complete and utter humanity; all of us need clothing, yes, but what made it so interesting to you was how anyone can express themselves through it. Like an extension of someone, their race, their culture, their background, and absolutely anyone could wear anything and look good in it as long as it was one 100% authentic to them. Even someone like you, who was often bullied for your weight, found confidence in your attire and it meant the world to you. But your family didn’t understand your passion. To them fashion was a waste of time, energy, and money. Your love was a waste. You didn’t know how to tell them you were leaving in two weeks. You didn’t even know if you still wanted to leave if it meant losing everything you already had. So you kept putting it off. You kept acting like everything was fine and normal.
“Good morning, Cookie!” Your best friend called for you on your way to school one morning, he jogged up behind you, letting his arm dangle heavily from your shoulders.
“It’s because you’re sweet, like a cookie! Why? You don’t like it?” Baek’s reasoning for the nickname and the words always filled your mind when you heard it.
He smelled of soap and coffee, coffee made more sense as the heavy arm lifted and a drink was held before your eyes. It was so early and the exhaustion from hiding your secret had already rundown your day, but this. This godsent elixir was going to wash away all of the stresses of your morning. The excitement radiated off you in waves and you heard your best friend laugh as you gratefully took the drink.
“Thanks, Baekhyun, you’re the best.”
“Anything for my favorite person.” He offered you a small theatrical bow and it brought a laugh out of you. “So,” once you were walking again, “How’d it go?” You had promised him that you were going to tell your family today, but you hadn’t promised to do it this early. Baekhyun didn’t understand, he was the prize of his family, the perfect son. He was handsome, smart, and charismatic, and everyone loved him. The opposite of you. No matter what he chose to do, you knew everyone in his life would support him. He couldn’t understand the fear you held, by telling your family of this internship you risked your entire relationship. What if they disowned you? You could already imagine your mother screaming and crying, ‘how dare you choose clothes over your family? Do you not see how much we need you?’
“It didn’t.” You finally responded, taking a sip of that delicious iced drink he brought you. The sweet milk and caramel made you happy and you continued down the path to your college building. Baekhyun had been your friend for almost a decade now. You’d met at the end of primary school and graduated high school together, and the entire time he treated you like an equal. Not once had he made mention of your weight or mocked your dream. If anything, all he ever did was support you and care for you, and he came to you for the same which you gladly gave. He was your person, even if he wasn’t your boyfriend, he was your safe place where you could be entirely authentic. He’d stopped walking but at some point he ran up to catch up to you.
This time Baekhyun was staring at you as you walked, almost running into other pedestrians due to his carelessness. “What do you mean it didn’t?” You shrugged it off, not wanting to get into this conversation so early, and he called your name as if you were being ridiculous. “This is serious, you can’t leave without telling them. You’ll regret it if you do.”
“Yeah well, I don’t even know if I’m gonna go or not. So there might not even be anything to tell. I don’t know yet.” This was your dream job, but it meant leaving your home, your family, your friends, Baekhyun, everything. Could you really leave everything behind for a dream that might not even work out? It was far too early to think about this again and your mood was turning sour because of it. He stayed quiet after that one. He knew of your circumstances but he could never understand.
“I’m still thinking about it. But the day hasn’t even ended yet. I might still talk to them today, I don’t know.”
“Okay.” You walked in silence after that and it was kind of awkward, if you were honest. It was so rare that your best friend didn’t have something to say. You suddenly felt bad for your outburst. Maybe you’d been too harsh. He was just looking out for you, you knew Baekhyun truly cared for you and just wanted the best for you. It was just too much for early-morning-you.
Classes continued as normal, as did your scheduled shifts between them. You’d been lucky enough to attend this college, it wasn’t anything special, but it did teach you the things you wanted to learn and gave you the connections you needed to get closer to your dream. Like this internship. They provided you with a job on campus which you were endlessly grateful for, and it was also what introduced you to your closest group of classmates, people who were kind to you and cared for you. You couldn’t just leave everything that easily and this decision had been rattling inside your brain for weeks, begging for something to hold onto, something that gave you indication on what to do.
Fashion was your love, your very reason for breathing. Fashion made you feel like you, and you knew you would regret not taking this internship. You would regret returning to your normal life, returning to everything you hated, from the corrupt beauty standards and how they made your life a living hell to how those around you belittled you for your weight even if you weren’t unhealthy. You hated how you were never seen as a human, only ever seen as your body or your future. With this, you could finally do something for yourself. But you ran the risk of losing everyone you loved.
Lunch finally came around and you heard Baekhyun’s familiar voice as he dropped his tray on the table and took a seat across from you, “I think you should go.” This again.
“It’s good to see you too. How’s your day been?” You hummed out sarcastically behind your spoon and shoved a bite into your mouth so you wouldn’t be forced to have this conversation right now.
The way he called your name, so gentle, begging for your attention, “I think you should go. This is your dream. You’re always so happy when you’re designing or making clothes, it’s what you’re meant to do. You should go.”
Do you let out a defeated sigh, it’s not that simple. “What about my family, Baek? They’re struggling, we barely have enough money to get by and if I leave, what are they gonna do?”
“That’s not up to you to solve,” he spoke softly, “I understand you’re worried about them, but there are adults here. If you’re really worried, you can always send them money from your paychecks, or find other ways to help them. That shouldn’t stop you from fulfilling your dream. I know your family is going to support you. They love you and want you to be happy.” he spoke so seriously, as if he knew what you were going to say. Had he been thinking about it just as much as you had?
“What about school? What about our friends? What about you? I can’t just leave you all behind.” There was silence now, but he didn’t look surprised by your words, instead the smallest smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He leaned in a little closer.
“I’ll go if you go.”
His words echoed in your brain. Did you hear him correctly? “Baekhyun,” you started carefully, “I can’t ask you to do that. This internship is halfway across the world, what about your life here?” You watched the way he leaned back, the way his eyes lazily traveled around the university cafeteria. You watched as he let his shoulders shake with the smallest shrug.
“My life here means nothing if you’re not here.” Your chest felt heavy, pressure and pain. He would give everything up for you, but you could not let him do that. Baekhyun was the prize of your town. He came from a wealthy family and had his future planned out for him. A future he used to talk about so fondly when you were younger. He was genuinely excited to inherit his father’s company, and he was willing to give that up so that you could go without regrets. You shouldn’t go.
Brown eyes caught your gaze and he willed you to understand what he meant, he wanted you to stay, but he kept saying the opposite. What was there to understand? “I,” his voice rang out through the soundless table, “I want to go with you, Cookie. I want to be a part of your future. I want to see what an incredible designer you’re going to be. And who knows? Maybe I’ll get famous one day modeling your clothes. So...” He inhaled a calming breath, willing you to do the same, “If you go, I’ll go.”
Somehow, that was enough to end the turmoil inside you, the sign you needed to make your decision. Here was your person telling you to fulfill your dream, telling you he wanted to be part of it, telling you he wanted to go with you. As much as your brain wanted to refute it, his words were crystal clear, and it brought happiness somewhere inside you. As long as you were together, you knew you could face anything. “Okay.” You sighed out once the fog in your brain cleared enough, “then we should go.” The smile that radiated from his lips, left your body feeling warm, and tingly, and happy. For the first time, you felt relieved that you could make this decision and it could be okay.
You sat your family down that evening and you told them about your internship. “They call it an internship, but I will be getting paid for my work there. They’re able to teach me so much and it’s one of the biggest fashion companies in all of Europe. Within a couple of months, who knows how far I can make it.” You had printed out little pamphlets for them; the building you’d be at, the team you’d be with, the work they had already done, and how you could add to that. A collection of your own work so that your family could see that this wasn’t a spur of the moment thing. “I leave in two weeks. And Baekhyun has decided to come with me so I won’t be alone. I’ll call you every day, I’ll send you money from my paychecks, and I’m gonna work really really hard. Please understand.”
You left no room for argument but you hadn’t anticipated the utter stillness that filled your home after your presentation. You swear you could’ve heard a pin drop in the other room. Until, “This is what you really want to do?” Your mother’s voice was just above a whisper and you couldn’t tell if she was upset, but you needed her to know that this was something that you genuinely wanted more than anything in the world. You needed to prove that your passion warranted such a drastic move. This was life changing and you wanted it.
“It really is.”
“Then,” a heavy sigh, “Then we’ll support you. But don’t forget your promises. You still better call every day and work as hard as you can.” Your mother spoke for everyone but you saw the nods of agreement from your siblings and father, “If you’re going to do this. You better do it right.” By far not the reaction you had anticipated, but it was welcome. After weeks of stressing and overthinking, it felt like that dark cloud over your head disappeared. The relief that washed through was felt in your bones and your muscles physically relaxed.
“Thank you so much.”
Two weeks passed so quickly, but it was nice that your family took some time off to be with you. Your siblings helped you pack and you played games as a family for the first time in years. You went out with your classmates nearly every chance you got; shopping and drinking and just enjoying being together. It felt like your distance would be indefinite and no one wanted to miss out on the last few days you would be there in person. You felt loved. And you would miss them so much. Even at the airport with your best friend at your side, you recalled the tears that were shed and how lucky you were to have friends and family that loved you so much, you were able to leave without regrets now.
“Are you excited, Cookie?” Baekhyun’s voice stood out amongst the busy airport chaos. He looked happy and excited, not once had he been able to sit still the entire ride there and now he walked with an extra pip in his step, “This is my first time on a plane. It’s like we’re going on a new adventure, who knows what’ll come? I’m excited. Are you excited?” The smile was evident in his tone and your chest swelled, he was right, this was exciting. A whole new world at your fingertips and you were glad you weren’t facing it alone. It was like a bolt of electricity ran down your spine, suddenly you reached for his hand and ran down the terminal towards the gate with the need to move. His laugh was glorious and the world around you faded.
The office was busy, bodies at work in a glorious studied dance. Weaving between each other, fabric and colors flying everywhere, everything shined and glowed, and it was beautiful. It was your first day of work. Finally, finally, you got your dream job. For so long you’d been admiring the work of designers, falling in love with the creativity of it all. The power to create any look you wanted, at your fingertips. Walking in tune with the office harmony set in place, making your way to your new workplace.
You didn’t know what you expected from the lead designer, but this wasn’t it. A tall lanky man with a stern look in those maroon eyes, from some angles they looked red and scared you. His white hair was slicked back save for a few locks rebelliously brushing his cold expressionless face. You’d been taught not to judge people by their appearances, but the more you worked with the man the more villainous he was. He was abrupt and harsh, he saw clothing like statues; meant to look a certain way in order to fuel that horrendous beauty ideal. He hardly spared you a glance, and after working at his side for three months, he still didn’t know your name. Oftentimes he would just call you ‘fatty’ or ‘piggy’ or some other disgusting derogatory term and if it weren’t for the near promise of a better opportunity, you would’ve quit the first week.
If you knew that this dream job would end up as a nightmare you never would’ve come. But you had learned a lot of techniques by watching the lead designer work, you’d even gotten attention for projects you helped on. Not from the lead designer, of course, but from other higher ups. Some even said that if you honed your skills a little more you’d be able to make it bigger than you could ever imagine. So you stayed.
Most days you came home defeated and exhausted, greeted by your best friend turned roommate. Just being with him made everything worth it. At some point you’d come to realize your feelings for the man. For so long it just felt like he was yours, neither of you really showed interest in others, but with this new world and new people, and the beauty all around you, you were starting to wonder if you were worth his affections. He was so perfect in your eyes, there was no way he didn’t have people falling at his feet. You wondered if Baekhyun ever thought of you the same way you thought of him but you quickly dismissed the feeling. Of course he hadn’t. You both knew he was out of your league, and you… you felt like nothing. You’d dragged him all the way across the world and all you had to show for your efforts was exhaustion and depression. Maybe the lead designer had been right when he said you wouldn’t amount to anything.
Today Baekhyun greeted your tired form with take out dinner from your favorite restaurant and instantly your day felt a little bit better. “Voldamort still got a stick up his ass?”
You snorted out a small laugh, taking a seat next to him on the living room floor. Just the sound of his voice had a way of easily calming every storm raging inside you and you let out a dramatic sigh with the drop of your head against the coffee table. Maybe if you hit your head hard enough you could be reminded as to why you thought this internship was a good idea in the first place. “Like always.”
Warmth of the back of your head and the slow pats down your hair, you leaned your cheek on the wood to get a better look. He sat next to you with a small content smile on his lips, “You did well today.” He looked tired.
You knew that he would get a job right away with his perfect proportions and his gorgeous features, and you remember how excited he was when he came home one day, “Guess who just got a job?” he was posing and flexing dramatically and that silly grin plastered on his lips, “A photographer saw me on the street and just had to have me on their set. Their words, not mine.” He had been beaming for weeks, this was a huge leap in his modeling career and he was even starting to gain some traction on his social media. You were so proud of him, this was the happiest you’d ever seen him, but you knew that he wasn’t eating well, he was working so hard he hardly slept. You just worried about him.
“Are you eating with me today?”
He hesitated for a moment before that smile of his was back, he nodded and you were content to be able to share a meal with him again. Greasy food was always best at the end of the day, especially paired with a fizzy drink. It was somewhat a tradition for you two. After exams, greasy food. After graduation, greasy food. After a hard day, greasy food.
Happily munching away at the fried chicken, your eyes traveled to your best friend. He was taking twice as long to eat and was eating less than he usually did. Baekhyun never made any mentions of your weight, he never made any mentions of his either, but ever since he started modeling you’ve felt hyper aware of your size difference. He ate so much less, and you noticed how he would react to certain food you requested to eat. He never said anything but your mind filled in the gaps. He was embarrassed of gaining weight because gaining weight was ugly. Being fat was ugly.
Suddenly you weren’t hungry anymore and excused yourself, ignoring the worried look that followed you until you closed the door and leaned against the wood. A few muffled footsteps and a gentle knock against your back, “Cookie?” The name felt bitter in your mouth for just a moment, “Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.” Your voice stayed level and you were thankful that none of your ache was in your tone.
“Don’t lie to me. Please, let’s talk. What’s wrong?” What were you supposed to say to him? You thought his lack of eating was fatphobic? It was an insane assumption and you knew it. It was your own insecurities being projected, you knew that, but it hurt all the same. “Please?” You always gave into his sweetness, you always faltered when he wanted to talk, and you always ended up feeling better afterwards. Yet it still gave you trouble and you needed to psych yourself up enough to open the door.
There he stood in that cozy gray sweatshirt, he was practically drowning in it and you forced your eyes to meet his. How were you supposed to have this conversation with him without accusing him of anything? Because he had truly done nothing wrong. Then why did you feel so upset? He could do whatever he wanted to do with his own body, it wasn’t his diet or the extensive workout routines that had you on edge.
It was the lingering gazes at the models wearing your work. It was the limit of the food he would often buy for the house, the addition of fruits and vegetables, the invitations to the gym or for a walk, or things like that. “What’s wrong?” He asked again, and you brushed your ticklish hair back, pinning it under your hands at the base of your neck and you sighed. You knew he was looking out for you, Baekhyun had always nagged you to take better care of yourself even back at your hometown but you felt different now. You felt unworthy and you were certain that he saw you the same way.
“It’s nothing, I understand. You’re a model and you want to look a certain way, of course you have to put in work to look how you want to look,” You were speaking so fast, you didn’t even give yourself time to think before it came out. “But you look grossed out by just the idea of getting fat, Baek. Do you think being fat is gross?” You’d done it. You’d accused him and it felt wrong the moment you did it, but that was exactly how you felt, you couldn’t take it back now that it was out.
Not a sound, not a breath, nothing. You saw the emotions flashing behind his eyes, confusion, anger, sadness, and the longer you stared, the worse you felt. You wanted to apologize but a part of you needed to know. “Do you think I’m gross?” His eyebrows knit and he instantly shook his head, in disbelief that you would even suggest such a thing.
“No.” The first word to leave his lips came out firm and steady, “Why would you ask me that?”
“Because I love you.” You hadn’t meant to say it outloud, and you gasped in anything else your body wanted to force out. You both stood speechless for what felt like eternity. You had to say something, “I’m scared that you don’t feel the same. I’m scared that my body is repulsive to you.” The words kept coming out but you could no longer look at his face, there was too much happening in his gaze and you were overwhelmed and confused. “I dragged you all the way here and I have nothing to show for it. You're doing so well for yourself, I just… I don’t want to be left behind.”
Suddenly he was taking steps until he was standing right in front of you, warm palms cupping and lifting your jaw to meet his gaze. “I’m not repulsed by you or by the idea of being fat.” he pulled his lower lip between his teeth and his eyes looked around frantically for just a millisecond before they returned to yours, “I want my body to look a certain way, yes. But that’s because it's what I want and nothing else. I am so sorry, I didn’t realize how my actions could have hurt you.” he searched your gaze for so long and you couldn’t look away. “I’m sorry. You’re everything to me, and I want you to know you're safe with me, Cookie.”
You felt silly, you were embarrassed by your assumptions and all you wanted to do was run and hide from this man who held you. His eyes followed yours as they darted away, “Do you know how much I love you?”
Baekhyun’s voice was gentle as a feather and that look in his eyes, you couldn’t quite place it but it made you happy somewhere deep in your heart. “I love every bit of you. I love your hair and how every curl makes it look and feel like clouds,” as if to showcase you felt his fingertips cascading down the side of your cheek before gently lifting a lock of your hair to his lips.
“I love your eyes and how honest they are, how beautifully mesmerizing they are,” his voice dropped with his eyes, “I love your lips. I love how soft and kissable they look, and I love every sound that comes out of them. I love how soft your skin always is.” His hands traveled up your arms and down your back slowly with a small step closer to you. You could feel his breath against your skin and all of your thoughts fell away, “I love your curves and how beautiful every part of your body is. I love how perfectly you melt under my touch, it feels like your body was made for me. You have no idea how much I think about you, Cookie.” His laugh was quiet but you felt it in your chest.
Your heart felt full and you couldn’t help the way you wrapped yourself around him under his arms as he pulled you closer. He was speaking fast and animated and with every word you held your breath. “And you’re also, like, this whole other universe. You see the world so differently and it’s breathtaking the way you find beauty in everything and everyone. I love the way you think, and the way you speak. I love your brain, and your heart, and your life. I love you.” He let out a breath, “so fucking much.”
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exosmutfactory · 1 year
Double Trouble: DECISIONS 💕
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A/n: No smut; for this part at least 💕
Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | PRE 10 [💕✓] | Part 10 |
Full story masterlist
networks — @/superm-net @/bbh-net 
pairing — Hyun & You
word count — 386
genre — romance, domestic!au, husband! (💕) Hyun
category — fluff(??), mutual pining 💕
A request? 💕
⏰✴ Double Trouble Tag List: ☀⏰
@to-all-the-stories-i-love @you-n-me-e-e @insta1010 @bellamendoza @bbhflrt @weirdoome @marovekian1 @pearliejoy @loey0491 @__jxnnx3 @soonvivi @jairahxelle @dynqstyna @xuxibelle
“Make me make—BAD DECISIONS.”
You had talked for a few years, dated for a while, and—as recently as 2 years ago, been married to the love of your life: Hyun.
You still remember the day you met. The overnight flight, stuffy conference room, and brief introductions. His broad shoulders, kissable lips, and bright brown eyes. A sharp three-piece suit, honey toned skin, and a confident stride. He immediately caught your eye, but he was an associate of the company that your own boss was interested in collaborating with. Unreachable. Completely off limits. You knew better than to mix work with pleasure.
But he was so charming. Always a gentleman. He opened doors for you and never looked down on you, knowing full well that you were his equal in the field. A woman worthy of her position after the many years it took you to get there. He listened to you: your marketing ideas and operational insight. The thoughts that swam laps around your mind.
Contract coworkers became acquaintances. Acquaintances became good friends. He drove across 4 districts to pick you up when your car broke down in the middle of the road. He pulled you back from the crosswalk when a truck ran the red light. He was a listening ear for you on the nights that you couldn’t hold the weight of the world on your shoulders all by yourself. And you did the same for him. Tenfold.
Over the years, you laughed at each other’s jokes, leaned on each other’s shoulders, and grew not only as individuals, but as a team. A pair. A couple of 9 to 5, caffeine high, and sleep deprived people who somehow figured out everything right. Not perfect, but for the both of you? Just right.
It wasn’t love at first sight. Sparks didn’t immediately fly. It was slow. Gradual. Continuous. Endless. Then one day, he looked over at you from across his living room and said, “I’d like to hang out with you for my whole life.”
Things have always been steady with Hyun. You both built a foundation together. A sturdy structure of mutual love, trust, and respect. Dating a business partner is not always a great decision—it’s more often than not a bad decision, but you wouldn’t have the life you’ve built with him any other way.
Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | PRE 10 [💕✓] | Part 10 |
A/n: I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. This drabble will have a smutty part 2, I just didn't want to tackle it all in one day and I didnt want to wait to post this little thing.
Life is better. School is going great. I finally found my 'creative vision' again after months of healing. I've found myself again, and with that, I'm ready to begin sharing my bbh stories with the world again.
And oh shit it's MAY 6TH IN THE US. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAEKHYUN! 🎉🎊🎀🎁🎂🎈💕💖💗💘💝💞💟💓
Happy summer vacation to the students out there too. See you loves, hopefully, again soon 💗💖💞💕
21 notes · View notes
scarlet-sky4 · 2 years
Golden Eyes [Baekhyun x Reader]
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Pairing: Wolf!Baekhyun x Human!Reader (Sohee) AU: Wolves Genres: Hurt/Comfort, Supernatural Total word count: 7k
Sohee’s last encounter with a wild wolf has left her scarred in more than one way. Luckily, she can always depend on her best friend, Baekhyun, who she trusts with just about anything. They’ve been close ever since elementary school, but unbeknownst to her, he has a secret—he is not human.
The summer sun beat down on Sohee as she waited for her best friend to show up. She had already bought two iced lattes for them in the tiny coffee shop on the street corner. Now she lingered on the sidewalk and kept an eye on the nearby forest, knowing that he would emerge from the path in between the trees sooner or later. While she avoided said forest like the plague—for good reason—her friend Baekhyun had no qualms and took a shortcut through the woods whenever they met up. Their hometown was situated in a rural area of South Korea and the house where he lived with a bunch of his friends was right at the edge of the forest.
When her eyes searchingly scanned the treeline, she spotted his ash blond hair in the distance—he had bleached it recently and the new look suited him. Waving at him, she caught his attention and prompted him to pick up his pace. Despite running all the way from the forest into town, he wasn’t out of breath when he reached her and brushed his hand through his fluffy hair, trying to make it look neater.
“Hey cupcake! Sorry, I’m a bit late,” he grinned sheepishly, eyes forming crescents. Baekhyun had the kind of smile that simply took your breath away—Sohee would never grow tired of seeing it.
“You always make me wait, Baekhyunnie,” she rolled her eyes in fake annoyance and held the iced latte under his nose. “But it’s okay, I like you anyway. Here, I got your favorite!”
“Thanks, I knew I could count on you,” he smirked and took a sip from the cup. He wore his favorite shirt, the one she had bought him for his birthday a few months ago. It had a huge PUBG logo printed on its front. He loved that game.
Sohee had known Baekhyun since elementary school, and although she had preferred to play with girls at this age (boys had cooties!), something about Baekhyun had intrigued her and drawn her to him from the first day she had met him. She couldn’t quite describe it, but he was different—refreshingly different. When they had been children, he had loved to play hide and seek with her and the other kids in the neighborhood. Sohee had no idea how he had accomplished it, but he had always found every single hiding spot, no matter how absurd it was. He was a natural at this game and many others as well. Tag for example. His stamina was out of this world, so he had bested everyone else. Nevertheless, he had never bragged about his skills. On the contrary, he had encouraged the other children to try a little harder next time and not to give up while wearing a big goofy smile on his face.
Over the years, this smile had matured and become quite alluring—Sohee would be lying if she said he didn’t make her heart flutter. He was a ray of sunshine, spreading a good mood wherever he was. Since he went to the gym often, he had become more athletic as well, and as his best friend, she often got to see him shirtless when they went swimming together or spent time at the lake. In moments such as these, she questioned the nature of their relationship—did she perhaps have a crush on him?
Many of Baekhyun’s female admirers were jealous of Sohee for spending the entire semester in university and the summer break with him. However, despite the countless admirers he had, Sohee had never seen him date anyone since high school, and even then, it had never seemed serious. She had often teased him about this, asking why he was so picky, to which he refused to give her a straight answer. In the end, he had given up on dating altogether. She herself had dated a few guys back in high school, but they had quickly broken up (definitely didn’t have anything to do with Baekhyun’s intimidating glares). Sometimes, Sohee thought he had gotten jealous. Not that there was any reason for this.
“Want to come home with me later? We could play PUBG if you want, my new laptop arrived this week,” she suggested while they strolled down the sidewalk, enjoying their iced lattes and basking in the summer sun.
He considered it for a second, but then he cringed. “Uh… no thanks, I’d rather not. You should visit me instead.”
“Don’t tell me you still don’t like Sushi?!” Sohee laughed and playfully nudged his arm. “Come on, my cat is very cuddly and sweet.”
“She hates me. The last time she saw me, she hissed at me and wouldn’t stop making a fuss. So annoying,” he groaned.
“Don’t act like you’re innocent, Baekhyunnie! I caught you growling at her when you thought I wasn’t looking,” she remarked and scrutinized him. “How the hell did you do that?”
Sohee was a little surprised when genuine uneasiness crossed his face, but he regained control in a blink and put on a convincing smirk. “Well, wouldn’t you like to know? It’s one of my many talents.”
“Like your amazing sense of smell?”
“I wouldn’t be shocked if you told me you’re a werewolf or something,” she joked and giggled.
He choked on his iced latte and coughed, wiping his mouth. Baekhyun fell silent for a while and received a confused glance from Sohee until he finally blurted out, “What if I was a werewolf? Would it bother you?”
“Huh, what kind of question is that? Weirdo.” She took a sip from her latte to give herself some time to ponder before she answered. Since she had brought up the werewolf thing, his demeanor had changed drastically—Baekhyun normally was quite easy-going and liked her jokes, but now he was tense. His back was rigid and he didn’t look at her anymore.
“You know what I think of wolves, Baekhyun. They’re terrifying and dangerous. I’m glad werewolves don’t exist since they would be even worse,” she muttered seriously. The wolves residing in the local forest were the reason why she hadn’t gone near it for six years. It was simply too risky—she still bore a scar on her shoulder from her last visit and she wasn’t about to add another one.
“Right,” Baekhyun sighed and gazed at the paper cup in his hand. His tight grip left little indents on its surface. “Just maybe… it’s time to confront your fear… You’ve been avoiding the forest for so long, even though there haven’t been any wolf attacks in years.”
Now it was her turn to pale—this topic was not easy for her, so he generally avoided it, but now he had changed his mind for some reason and gazed at her with pleading, sorrowful eyes. As if it was vital to him that she confronted the horror hidden in her memories and the anxiety she continued to suppress.
She had been fifteen years old when it had happened. That day after school, she had wandered into the woods on her own. The forest had been known to be a safe place, and the wolves who lived there had never bothered anyone. Not a single person had ever been attacked by them. However, this would change on that particular day. Sohee had encountered a large gray wolf that had acted aggressively when it spotted her. Sohee didn’t know what had compelled it to attack her. It had pounced on her, shoving her to the ground and injuring her delicate shoulders with its claws. She had struggled to keep the teeth away from her neck. Maybe she had screamed—she couldn’t remember. Her recollection from that day was blurry. All she knew was that someone—or something—had chased the wolf away. The image of beautiful golden eyes had burned itself into her mind. It was the clearest memory she retained from that day. At some point, Baekhyun must have found her and called an ambulance. She had been treated at the hospital, and he hadn’t left her side until her worried parents had arrived. To this day she couldn’t explain why he had looked so guilty afterward.
“What does it matter if I like wolves or not, Baekhyun?” she asked, tilting her head.
He offered her a wistful smile and shook his head. “It was just an idea, forget about it.”
Their conversation had ruined his good mood and Sohee didn’t understand why. It didn’t happen often that she saw such a sorrowful expression on him—witnessing it was painful. Her heart ached to see that big sunny grin she found so beautiful or even the attractive smirk he sometimes showed her. Why was it so important to him that she confronted her strongest fear? If only she knew the answer. Maybe he was concerned about her and wanted her to overcome her trauma. Perhaps that was why he kept urging her to overthink her opinion on the wolves in the forest. They had spoken about this topic before, but she had always declined his offers of help.
As she met his dull amber eyes, however, something within her changed. If it meant so much to him, to a person she valued deeply, shouldn’t she try to face her fear? Hadn’t she run from it for long enough? Six years had passed and she had made no progress at all. She kept locking the anxiety away, letting it eat at her without doing anything about it. The issue would never be solved if she didn’t take matters into her own hands.
She took a deep breath. Hopefully, she wouldn’t regret this. “I want to overcome my fear, but I don’t know how,” she whispered, risking a shy glance at him. And there it was—his smile was back, brighter than before. Her heart swelled.
“I’ll help you! Don’t worry, Sohee, you don’t have to do this alone.”
Sohee ignored the fear bubbling in her stomach, she attempted to control the trembling of her fingers. She walked a few steps ahead of him in order to conceal the insecurity written all over her face—however, there was no point in hiding it. She couldn’t hide anything from her best friend. He always noticed when she had something on her mind.
“I’ll wait for you, Sohee,” he thought as he followed her, his eyes gleaming like molten gold. “No matter how long it takes.”
Baekhyun took her change of heart seriously. A day later, he offered to accompany her into the woods. He was just as nervous about the endeavor as her, but for a different reason. The next hours might have a large impact on his life and his relationship with Sohee. Her overcoming her fear was crucial to him—a lot depended on this, much more than she realized since she was unaware of his biggest secret. As long as she was afraid of wolves, she could never find out about his true nature. The fear of being rejected by her was overwhelming—what if she was scared of him if she learned the truth? He couldn’t bear the thought of losing her like this.
Baekhyun could never be fully honest with Sohee, and the ongoing secrecy tainted their friendship. She was his treasure; someone he cherished. He didn’t like to hide his true nature from her. The weight of his secret rested on his shoulders every day, and he continuously asked himself if she would still like him if she knew that he wasn’t so different from the rogue wolf who had once hurt her.  
It was now or never. Sohee stood at the treeline, her gaze moving from the hiking trail to Baekhyun. Her friend was quiet today, and she hadn’t seen him smile at all. Nonetheless, his presence felt reassuring and gave her the strength she needed to go through with this. He knew the forest like the back of his hand, and his lack of fear calmed her.
“Are you ready?” he asked and studied her, assessing her worried expression.
“Yes,” she nodded. “Let’s get it over with.”
Baekhyun’s unreadable gaze rested on her for a few seconds. Then, he took her hand and linked his fingers with hers. The low timbre of his voice was like a gentle embrace. “I know you’re afraid, but I promise nothing will happen to you. You’re completely safe.”
He tugged at her arm and they entered the forest together. Sohee’s eyes flitted around, jumped from bushes to trees, to every shadow she could see. She was prepared for the worst—but she didn’t spot any wolves, not even when they ventured deeper into the woods. The more time passed without an encounter, the calmer she became, and eventually, she began to admire the pretty scenery. The forest wasn’t as dark and scary as she remembered. It was flooded with sunlight, golden rays breaking through the tree crowns and painting patterns of light and shadow on the ground. The leaves rustled in the breeze, and sometimes, she heard the chirps of a bird. They spotted a majestic deer and a tiny rabbit that she observed with a smile on her face. When she stepped on a twig, the cute animal got spooked and hopped away. Baekhyun and Sohee followed the hiking trail for about thirty minutes without any incidents until they reached a clearing.
“How do you feel?” he asked, his tone leading her to believe he was worried about her answer.
“I’m… okay. It’s overwhelming, but I’m okay. Your presence helps a lot.”
“That’s good. You’re doing very well.”
“We… we haven’t seen any wolves though.”
“They aren’t in the vicinity.”
“What? How do you know?”
His eyes widened a fraction. “It’s an assumption,” he said and cleared his throat. Sohee saw through his lie and wondered what he was hiding from her. His behavior had been a little odd today, almost as if he was nervous, but the more time they spent in the forest, the more relaxed he got. The same was true for her—she no longer felt her heart pound in her chest.
“Well, this isn’t nearly as bad as I thought. The forest is much more beautiful than I remembered.”
“It is,” he agreed with a peaceful smile. “That’s why I like to come here often. And… if you want to, you could tag along from now on.” It was a careful question, and frankly, he reminded her of a shy puppy when he posed it. He gazed at her as if he had expected to startle her with mere words.
“Um… okay. I think I can do that.”
He breathed out. The amount of relief she discovered in his gorgeous amber eyes was staggering, it engulfed her and suddenly, she felt the very same emotion. What she had accomplished by coming here today was something she could be proud of. Sohee glanced at her hands and noticed that they weren’t trembling anymore. Her fingers traced the scar she bore on her shoulder, felt its ridges through her shirt. The scar on her body would remain forever, but perhaps the one in her mind could be healed.
The path got more treacherous as they walked uphill—Sohee often stumbled over loose rocks on the ground and got a little annoyed at the fact that Baekhyun was always a few steps ahead of her. She didn’t want to slow him down, but if she walked any faster, she was afraid she might just break her ankles the next time she stumbled.
“How are you climbing over these damn rocks so fast? Are you a mountain goat or what?” she called out to him in a lighthearted tone and earned an airy laugh.
He waited for her to catch up, eyes twinkling mirthfully. Something about her remark seemed to be particularly amusing to him. “I’m the opposite of a mountain goat, cupcake.”
“A mountain lion?”
He snorted and shook his head. “Wouldn’t that be purrfect?”
Sohee stopped and stared at him. “You’re a clown, Baekhyunnie.”
“So you think I’m funny.” He grinned widely and offered her his hand when she stumbled over another stone. His eyebrow shot up at her struggle. “I’m worried you’ll end up breaking your ankles. You don’t go hiking often and it shows. Why don’t you get on my back for a while? It would be safer.”
“You want to carry me? Are you serious?” Her cheeks took on the color of ripe peaches. “I’m not a baby, though. I can walk myself.”
“Wrong. You’re my baby cupcake and I’ll spoil you as much as I want.” She didn’t have to look at him to know he was smirking—the smugness in his voice told her everything.
“Baby cupcake,” she groaned and pouted. “You can’t be serious. How can a grown man say something like that?”
But her friend just shrugged, not embarrassed in the slightest at his cheesy new nickname idea. “Stop sulking and get on my back already, or else we’ll be stuck here forever.”
“F-Fine.” He couched in front of her, hooked his hands under her thighs and when she wrapped her arms around his neck, body pressing against his back, he got up. “If I’m too heavy, you—”
“You’re almost like a backpack. This is not a problem.”
“I’m a backpack,” she deadpanned. “How kind of you.”
His back rumbled when he laughed. “No, you’re almost like a backpack. I would never call my baby cupcake a backpack.”
“Is baby cupcake any better?” she grumbled and put her chin on his shoulder as he walked. It was more comfortable like this. She was at ease being so close to him and breathed in his familiar scent.
“Of course it is.”
Sohee rolled her eyes. “I knew you would say that, Baekhyunnie.”
Again, a wide smile spread over his lips. He could bicker with her all day, especially when she was sulking—a pouty Sohee was fun to tease. Additionally, she seemed to have forgotten about her apprehension. She hadn’t voiced any concerns in a while. He considered this a small victory since it brought him a step closer to revealing the truth to her. She needed to know, he wanted to tell her so badly.
When the path became wider, he let her down so that she could walk herself. Baekhyun crossed his arms and gave her an expectant look. “So…”
“Do I get a reward for carrying you?”
“What do you want?”
“I don’t know, how about a hug?”
She blushed and her heart jumped before she reminded herself that this wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. They frequently shared friendly hugs. Sohee engulfed him with her arms and pressed her face into the soft material of his jacket. Beneath his baggy clothes, he was hiding a whole lot of muscles—it was distracting, to say the least.
“Aww, look how cute you are, my baby cupcake,” he whispered and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly.
“I’m not your baby cupcake.” She was very flustered by his affectionate behavior—but she loved it. Baekhyun being flirty was addicting. At least she assumed he was flirting, but it probably wasn’t true since they were just friends. At any rate, this didn’t stop her from enjoying it.
“You are,” he insisted with a smirk, amber eyes glowing golden for a blink. “And you always will be.”
Sohee had a lot on her mind. Ever since her hike with Baekhyun, the very foundation of her fear was crumbling, and the more she remembered the happy moments she had spent with him in the forest, the less she feared going there. They hadn’t seen any wolves yesterday. Most likely, the animals had been spooked by their presence and not shown themselves. The wolf who had attacked her so viciously years prior likely wasn’t in the area anymore.
Her outing with Baekhyun had reignited her stubbornness and her curiosity. She was ready to challenge her old beliefs and leave her fears behind for good. This was the reason why she had returned to the woods today—without Baekhyun. He had no clue she was here. Sohee wandered the forest on her own, letting her legs carry her in a random direction. Despite her determination, it was nerve-wracking to be here. She had to wipe her sweaty palms on her jeans and her gaze constantly darted around.
She walked through the forest for a good 20 minutes without seeing one of the wolves, enjoying the serene atmosphere of nature and listening to the occasional bird song. However, when she heard a loud rustle, she stopped. To her bewilderment, a black wolf emerged from the undergrowth, its fur allowing it to blend in easily with the shadows.
She took a deep breath, folding her hands in front of her stomach. This was unexpected, too sudden for her liking. Oh God, what if it would rip her to shreds and—again, she took a deep breath and stared at the wolf as it stared back. You can do this, Sohee. Calm down. It’s not doing anything.
She paused, unsure how she should act in front of the animal, and ultimately stayed rooted to the ground like a statue. The wolf inclined its head and approached her very slowly. Its movements were elegant and regal—it knew exactly how powerful it was, and yet it somehow didn’t look threatening. It was patient and gave her the time she needed to get used to its presence. This behavior was peculiar for a wild animal, but Sohee was too unnerved to question it.
“H-Hello there. How are you?” she said shakily and in a barely audible voice. The wolf’s ears perked up and it paused, simply watching her without doing anything. Despite knowing how stupid it was to talk to an animal, she did it anyway because it helped her keep calm. So far, she was doing a better job than expected.
She and the wolf maintained eye contact for a while, and she couldn’t stop herself from admiring the gorgeous golden hue of its irises. Since the animal seemed much more curious than hostile, she took a cautious step toward it, the fallen leaves on the ground crunching under her sneakers. Her knees were shaking and she feared they would give in soon. She continued to take deep breaths, but her pulse rose as her anxiety became overwhelming. She gasped. The wolf flinched at the sudden noise and let out a whine before it lay on the ground, resting its head on its paws. It didn’t look all that big anymore.
“Just… a little more,” she whispered. She was only a meter away from the wolf when her legs gave in and she fell to her knees. Her shoulders heaved with every breath she took.
“It’s not the same. It’s not the same,” she repeated until she was sure she had a better grip on herself. She used all the courage she had left and stretched out her arm. It was trembling like a leaf, but she didn’t back down. Her fingers touched the soft fur on the wolf’s head, and she looked right into its golden eyes. They seemed to glow brighter.
This wasn’t so bad. Actually, it wasn’t bad at all. The animal was calm and didn’t do anything threatening while she touched it. It was like it knew her fear; it could probably smell it. She retreated her hand, looking at it in wonder, unable to believe that she had just achieved the impossible; she had touched a wolf and she was unharmed. Glancing at her hand and back at the wolf, she felt proud of herself. Relieved tears gathered in her eyes. “This is insane,” she breathed.
She heard a low rumble from the wolf as it observed her, its gaze appearing more human than before. The way it looked at her instilled a sense of familiarity within her. She knew those eyes. Their color was a mix of amber and gold, glinting warmly in the sunlight. Where had she seen this shade before? It was rather unique, but she couldn’t put her finger on it, couldn’t explain why this color made her feel at ease.
She sat on the mossy ground and curiously observed the animal until it got up and walked to the other side of the clearing, peering into the woods. She bit her lip, thinking it would leave soon—she didn’t want to part ways yet! This animal fascinated her for some reason. Before she knew what she was doing, she had already raised her voice, “Come back, please!”
Strangely, it understood what she wanted and returned to her. Sohee patted the spot next to her on the ground, inviting it to sit next to her. She swore she saw the wolf’s eyes widen despite knowing it wasn’t possible. Stretching its legs, it lay down so close that its warm body was touching her thigh.  
Now it looked surprisingly endearing for a wolf, more like a puppy. She cautiously moved her hand to its back. The wolf didn’t seem to mind her touch and so she began to pet its fur, astonished at how soft it was. For an animal that constantly roamed the woods, it was too clean. With the wolf resting next to her, she allowed herself to relax, and the initial nervousness that had befallen her dwindled. She knew she didn’t have to expect any danger from this animal, and suddenly, something in her brain clicked.
“Your eye color is the same as Baekhyun’s. That’s a funny coincidence,” she mumbled as she observed the majestic animal. It opened its eyes and gave her its undivided attention, so she decided to keep talking. “He’s my best friend, you know? I’m very grateful to have him in my life… but honestly, I’d rather be more than friends.”
Was it possible for an animal to look shocked? Because that’s what was happening right at this moment. The wolf stared at her in disbelief, frozen solid.
“Um… what’s going on?” She flushed. “I just… I’m sorry, did I offend you?” Of course she didn’t. She was talking to a wolf. What a stupid question. Luckily, nobody except for the animal had heard it, or else she would be mortified.
The wolf sat up and licked her hand, covering it in slobber. “W-What the hell?” she squeaked at the weird sensation and pulled her hand away. “Eww, what was that for?” But now that her hand was gone, the wolf moved on to her cheek and pushed its nose against it. Its tail was wagging and it couldn’t stop showering her with affection. She protested when it tried to lick her cheek, giggling and narrowly avoiding its tongue. The wolf whined and chose a different approach. This time, it lay down and curled its body around her, putting its head on her lap.
“Are you a big puppy?” she smiled, petting its head which it seemed to enjoy thoroughly. “How adorable. When I tell Baekhyun about this, he’ll never believe me.”
The wolf made a noise that could have indicated amusement had it been human. It yawned lazily and prepared for a nap while she brushed her fingers through its fur.
The wind rushed past him as he shot through the greenery, dodging trees and jumping over plants and rocks that stood in his way. He could not believe what had happened. He hadn’t expected her to wander into the woods on her own. When he had spotted her, he had almost stumbled over his own paws. At first, he had considered turning around and hiding before she could notice him, but when he was in his wolf form, his actions were guided by his instincts, and they told him to approach her—being close to her was what he truly wanted, no matter which form he took. She had been reluctant at first, worrying him, but then she had warmed up to him. Making her smile while he was in his wolf form was a dream come true. She was ready to hear the truth.
Sohee was over the moon when she entered her apartment and removed her shoes. A permanent smile had manifested on her lips. She greeted her cat Sushi with too much enthusiasm which resulted in a confused meow. Then, she moved to the living room, intending to text Baekhyun and tell him about her experience today. Before she had a chance to sit on the sofa, the doorbell rang. She put her phone down and jogged to the door, only to discover none other than Baekhyun outside.
“Oh, hi Baekhyun! Nice to see you,” she smiled and let him in. They went to the living room together. “If I had known you would come over, I would have prepared dinner… or at least some snacks.”
“It’s fine, cupcake. You’re the only snack I need,” he replied and winked.
She stood motionless in the middle of the living room as if hit by a lightning strike, her cheeks gradually changing color. Had her ears played tricks on her or had he just flirted with her? “What?” was all she managed to answer.
This Baekhyun was certainly different. The Baekhyun she had met yesterday hadn’t been so frank. It wasn’t simply the bold remark that stood out to her, it was also the way he looked at her. Pride, adoration, and desire were reflected in his eyes. It made her feel things, dangerous things that weren’t meant for friendships. His eyes were golden, not amber. She blinked, but the shade remained the same—the same as…
“You visited the forest on your own. I’m proud of you, cupcake.”
“How do you know I was there?”
Something peculiar flickered over his face. “We met.”
“We didn’t,” she muttered and raised her eyebrows. “What are you talking about? I only met… a wolf…” She trailed off—he did have the exact same eye color as the wolf... and the wolf had been suspiciously intelligent too. “You’re not actually a wolf, are you?” she laughed nervously since the question must have sounded crazy to him, but he remained dead serious. When her eyes grew wider and wider, he chuckled.
“I am.”
“Are you messing with me?”
He grinned confidently. “Nope! I’ll show you.”
“Baekhyun, WHY ARE YOU TAKING OFF YOUR PANTS?!” she yelled and promptly looked away. The sound of his clothes falling on the ground made her blush. Soon after, something odd touched her wrist—it felt strange and caused her to glance down, only to freeze in shock. Where Baekhyun had been standing just a moment ago lay a pile of clothes and next to it sat a familiar-looking wolf.
“Huh?! Don’t tell me you’re really Baekhyun.”
And the wolf nodded, giving a bark that sounded like a laugh. His muzzle touched her hand again.
“…I think I need to sit down.” She staggered to the sofa and sunk into the pillows. The wolf—Baekhyun?—sat next to her and cuddled up to her. “I don’t understand what’s going on and how this is even possible, but… but you’re pretty cute for a wolf… Wait, if you’re the wolf from earlier, then that means…”
He had heard her confession, he knew about her feelings. She wanted to melt into the ground and disappear forever. How embarrassing… she had confessed to him without realizing it. What the hell should she do now? Before Sohee found an answer, Sushi made a sudden appearance in the living room. She hissed and growled at the large wolf lounging on her precious sofa, arching her back. Her fur stuck up in all directions.
“Sushi, behave,” Sohee reminded her, but the cat wasn’t impressed and sent death glares to the wolf before she sauntered away to the bedroom. “Now I know why she doesn’t like it when you visit.”
Baekhyun couldn’t answer as long as he was a wolf, so she was met with silence until the furry front leg on her stomach disappeared and was replaced by a human arm. He shifted back to his human self and remained snuggled up to her like a touch-starved puppy. Only this time, things were different. Her gaze traveled over his defined arm muscles, to his chest, and further down to—
“P-Put on some clothes, you perv!” she hissed and looked away.
“Nah, too lazy.”
“You litte...! I don’t wanna see your dick.”
He had the audacity to wiggle his eyebrows. “You don’t?”
“Argh, Baekhyun, what is this conversation?”
He laughed and got up, collecting his clothes while she stared at the ceiling. Only after she heard the zipper of his jeans did she dare to look at him. He took his shirt, weighed it in his hand, then shrugged and threw it on the sofa without putting it on. She had seen him shirtless too many times than she could count, but she would still drool over his abs like a lovesick teenager.
When he sat down again, he didn’t waste a second, wrapped her in his arms, and put his head right above her chest. “I have to tell you something, Sohee,” he mumbled.
“Yes?” She gently touched his silky ash blond hair and glanced down at him, wondering what he had on his mind.
“I love you too.”
She swallowed, tensing up. Okay, that was not what she had expected. “Baekhyun… you love me?”
“I do, I’ve wanted to be in a relationship with you for a long time.”
A thousand different thoughts shot through her mind. “How would a relationship between us ever work out? I mean, I’m human and you’re not…” she sighed and her body deflated in defeat. “I have so many questions, I don’t know where to begin.”
“I’ll answer them. No more secrets, I promise.”
Sohee took a deep breath and decided to begin with the most pressing question, “Why did you keep your wolf form a secret for so long? Didn’t you trust me?”
“I trust you more than anyone, believe me, but there are certain rules in our society, and the most important one is to keep our true nature hidden from humans. It serves to protect ourselves from hunters. There are a few exceptions, though.”
“Then why did you tell me now? Won’t you get in trouble?”
“Don’t worry, there’s an exception for a wolf’s mate,” he smirked.
“Mate? As in soulmate?”
“Yes. You’re my mate. Wolves only fall in love once in a lifetime.”
“I’m your mate?” and when it dawned on her what this truly meant, her expression faded from astonishment to pure joy. Happiness lit up her brown eyes and made them twinkle.
He grinned at her reaction. “I didn’t realize it for a long time. I just… assumed I felt attracted to you because we were childhood friends and close to each other. But when I turned eighteen, I knew that my feelings were stronger than friendship and concluded that you’re my mate… That’s when my pack began teasing me about our relationship, urging me to tell you the truth,” he sighed and shook his head. “However, I knew how upset you were about the attack and I feared you would resent me if you ever found out about my wolf form. So I kept it to myself because I’d rather be just friends than not have you near me at all.”
“Oh, it must have been so difficult. I had no idea,” she frowned. “I admit I would have been shocked about it, but I’m incapable of resenting you.”
Her answer seemed to relieve him. “The wolf who attacked you was a rogue. He had nothing to do with our pack, and ever since the attack, we’ve been more careful to defend our territory.”
“So I was at the wrong place at the wrong time?”
“Yes. When I heard your scream, I thought my heart would stop. I chased the bastard away and then returned to you in my human form,” he explained with a stony expression.
“Thank you. You’ve done so much for me,” she smiled gratefully.
“Baby cupcakes need to be protected,” he joked, cracking a smile when she groaned.
“What even is a baby cupcake? It makes no sense.”
“It’s an extra pretty and sweet cupcake. Just like you,” he grinned and bopped the tip of her nose.
“If I’m a baby cupcake, then you’re a puppy.”
“Huh, really? I thought you wouldn’t like it.”
“Any nickname is fine as long as you’re the one who made it up,” he answered. “Because I love you.”
Sohee would have to get used to this—otherwise, her poor heart would just give up one day. The butterflies in her stomach soared, and she leaned in to hug him. “I love you too. You… you have no idea how much you mean to me.”
A bold smirk graced his features. “If I mean so much to you, don’t you think it’s about time you give me a kiss?”
“A kiss?” She couldn’t believe it. All this time, he had kept his feelings for her hidden, and now she drowned in them. The desire to be with her poured out of him and completely overwhelmed her.
He shrugged. “I would ask for more, but we can start small.”
“Horndog,” she snorted. “If you want a kiss, then come and get it.”
His gaze sharpened and his lips formed a dangerous smirk. “Oh, I will.”
He pushed her backward and made her back hit the sofa—and then he was on top of her, caging her with his arms. His gaze spoke volumes, studying her rosy cheeks and the way she bit her lip in impatience. After everything that had happened, and the time he had waited for her, all he wanted to do was to make her his. His instinct compelled him to close the distance between them—he needed to hold her and never let go, he needed to kiss every inch of her skin. Her wonderful scent was a delight. She smelled of peaches; he would always recognize her unique fragrance even when she was in a crowd of people. He would always find her—just like he had done that fateful day in the forest. His precious mate needed to be well-protected.
Sohee gazed up at him, at his ash blond hair that framed his face, and at his eyes which glowed golden whenever he looked at her as if she was the one who made them shine. She stretched out her hand and placed it on his cheek, inviting him to close the distance between their lips. He leaned in, propping himself up with his arms, and his breath fanned over her lips. Their first kiss was an explosion of sensations. His mouth melded with hers, lips moving passionately, gentle and rough at the same time. As her hands began to wander, exploring his taut abdomen, the lower half of his back, he growled into the kiss.  
“This was worth the wait,” he murmured against her lips, capturing her gaze with the cheeky shimmer in his eyes. “I love you, cupcake.”
Sohee beamed and planted a kiss on the corner of his mouth, where a cute dimple appeared whenever he smiled. “I love you too, puppy.”
✨ ✨ ✨
Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed this fic! I wanted to write a wolf AU for a long time, but since multichapter fics take months or even years to finish, I chose to write a oneshot instead. 💕 This is basically a wolf version of Spellbound; the themes are somewhat similar, with the exception of Baek and Sohee being childhood friends. 🌼 Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on this couple! ✨
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cryptidclover · 1 year
TaeKai Fic Rec List
A collection of fic that have stuck with me. (listed in no particular order)
Taekai Spy AU by taemin. series | M/E | When Jongin's cover is blown, he has to put his trust in the criminal he was supposed to assassinate. Burned spy AU. Reverie by Tae_amo. chaptered | E | Taemin has been recruited into an organization tasked with hunting down individuals that can conjure earthquakes and vortexes of fire at will. He's glad he has Jongin to keep his mind off his new job. Amour by Moonyki. one-shot | G | On a calm afternoon, Taemin has a very peculiar question for Jongin. A discussion ensues. You're my cup of tea by Moonyki. chaptered | M | Jongin recently discovered he likes tea a lot. Taemin works in a tea shop. But Jongin truly loves tea. Not only the cute tea shop's seller. Chanyeol gets involved in everything. & Kyungsoo speaks french. Happy Panda by atomickitten03. (Sequel) one-shot | PG | Working at a fast food restaurant isn't Jongin's dream job, but dance classes don't pay themselves. If only he could find one thing he isn't terrible at...
Error 404: shame not found by atomickitten03. one-shot | E |  Being a webcam nude model is a perfectly respectable career, in Jongin’s eyes. But when he sees Taemin in real life for the first time, completely on accident, he doesn’t quite know the camboy etiquette to follow. Awkward Firsts by officiallykris. one-shot | E | Taemin likes the sound of his own voice. Kai finds this all a little amusing. baby me like yuh by soundandfury. one-shot | E | “Minnie-hyung. Taemin-ssi. Taetae. Taemin-oppa.”
Taemin feels a shiver of heat shoot down his spine at the last name, eyes widening and body stiffening up for a microsecond before he relaxes and schools his face into fond amusement. “Y-yeah, Jongin?”
Jongin laughs brightly and presses a sweet, chaste kiss to his cheek. “Buy me yakitori, please, oppa~?”
What's Your Kink by Layittofire. (chapter 12 specifically) series | E | Taemin and Kai each have their kinks, nearly all of which the other just loves to exploit. take care by gdgdbaby. one-shot | E | semi-public sex @ the august 18 smtown concert in seoul
friends like these by gdgdbaby. (scroll down to find it) one-shot | E |  post-music bank win porn, bc of reasons. ft. boys crying
you can't dance and stay uptight by gdgdbaby. one-shot | E | melon music awards aftermath because i can't help myself, ever u__u a really terrible photo for your reference hey there, mr. blue sky by gdgdbaby. one-shot | E | flight attendants au ft. spontaneous telepathic mindbonding. Talking Body by fridaysblues. one-shot | E | Just some shameless late-night grinding. PWP. there was a time by junos. series | M | Taemin is sitting in his kitchen, peeling an apple. His hair is blond. He cocks his head at Jongin as if remembering something. As if he were only holding a thought, waiting for Jongin to return. “I wouldn’t break into your place if it wasn’t important,” he offers smoothly. The Couch by andbreatheme. one-shot | E | The casting couch AU literally no one asked for. Salty by maeryeok. one-shot | G | Taemin is making this absolutely disgusting noise that’s something between a snort and a scoff, with his lips turned unattractively upwards, when Jongin realizes he’s in love with him. stuck on you by Anry. one-shot| M | Jongin needs help taking off the kinesio tape.
Baekhyun-hyung, I need your credit card by gothtaemten. series | G | Taemin, Baekhyun and Jongin are locked out their hotel room, with no hope of getting back in until the rest of SuperM get back.
Taemin has an idea on how to get back in.
NEXT STOP G-SPOT by Tae_amo. one-shot | E | Taemin and Jongin fuck on a crowded Japanese subway. That's it that's the fic.
314 by jeannedarc. one-shot | E | Now that he’s at the scene, Jongin’s not entirely sure he should be. This might have been a mistake.
high on the taste of you by taeminsfw. one-shot | E | There was something entrancing about the way Taemin’s jaw tightened while inhaling the thick smoke, only to relax again with the exhales. It was nothing new, of course, that Jongin thought of Taemin as attractive. Maybe even beautiful, or breathtaking.
It was familiar, like everything else always has been in their relationship. It all came naturally, at one point, and it’s never been unwelcome. play me (소나타) by londoneyedgirl. one-shot | E | the one where jongin and taemin make a sextape. that's it, that's the plot
Dancing as If We Were Always One by Snapdragonia. one-shot | E| Jongin witnesses the pyn choreography for the first time and Taemin's dance practice takes a turn for the better.
mama called you baby center stage by goldminegoldmine. series | not rated | autochorrissexual/aromantic Jongin navigates his relationships with the rest of the members (+Taemin) and explores his identity Animal Style by Snapdragonia. one-shot | E | Frat boy Taemin smells his mate on the wrong person. Disaster ensues. i wish every time he touched me left a mark by taekai. one-shot | E | even when breathless and greedy for friction, something is graceful about the way taemin moves.
Low Tide by fridaysblues. series | E | Jongin wakes from a years-long slumber and doesn’t know how to atone for his sins, but the pleasure-seeking Lee Taemin’s happy to help take his mind off of his guilt. Play me by Life_Not_Knife. one-shot | E | This time the piano is a beech colour and the ivory keys look whiter than they should, none the less, the melody that flows from it is both familiar and beautiful – just like Taemin.
Only One (or, The Taming of the Taemin) by Rogue_TaeminBot. one-shot | E | In which TaeKai are a besotted pair of adorkable horny idiots who get in over their heads and face a challenge they are wildly unprepared to handle. i licked it so it's mine by gothtaemten. one-shot | E | The scent of sex and sweat is thick in the enclosed space of the hotel room. No light escapes around the closed curtains, the light under the door blocked by a towel to hide any noise that might come from within.
It's hotter this way, Jongin decides.
this love isn't crazy by unconscious. standalone/series | E | After more than ten years of friendship and a little bit of sex on the side, Taemin and Jongin debut in a group together. Los Angeles changes things. Suddenly there's a difference between what Taemin has and what he wants. sugar honey sweet by unconscious. (note: this fic is not taekai centric but has a wonderful depiction of them) one-shot | E | “Taeminie won’t admit it, but you remind him of himself,” Jongin hums. He keeps moving his fingers through Taeyong’s hair, dizzying pressure; his brain goes static. “Hardworking, ambitious, a little perfectionist. Difference is, Taeminie’s always had his hyungs looking out for him. Yongie” —Jongin curls his fingers in the hair at Taeyong’s nape, then tugs his head back, so Jongin can see his face— “who’s looking out for you?”
Taeyong is antsy. Jongin decides to do something about it. the thing i miss the most about you is everything by WhoTheBuckIsStucky. one-shot | E | Jongin and Taemin are very happy to be practicing together, and happy to have an excuse to be in each other's arms.
Waiting for You by GeeLiz_98. one-shot | E | Jongin and Taemin are embarking on a blossoming relationship filled with passion, secrecy and an excitement that Jongin had never experienced before.
An exciting dynamic he had never had with his boyfriend.
Will Jongin finally have to make a decision that will change his life forever?
Moth To Flame AU by taemin. series | G-E | "It's God's house, Jongin," Taemin says, sounding annoyingly reasonable for someone hurtling towards sex in a confessional, which is not a reasonable situation to be in at all. "We can be here anytime we want." Pour toujours & à jamais by Moonyki. one-shot | G | Taemin needs to confess something to Jongin. His thoughts. His feelings. His worries. Jongin listens & they talk it out.
Under The Same Sky by sleepydanceur. one-shot| M | Dragonriders!AU - the Bond between and dragon and their rider is as pure as it is rare. Jongin doesn't know how that feels until he meets Taemin.
heated gaze by snowglobes. series | T | Jongin goes to a club and gets more than he bargained for.
Shining Sunshine by melancholywhite. series | T | Retired dancer Kim Jongin, also known as Taemin's best friend since birth, is adopting a baby. Since he's such a loyal friend, of course Taemin ends up getting roped into raising the child with him. It sounds like an easy enough job at first, but when old feelings start to resurface, Taemin doesn't know anymore.
When The Lights Are Down by etonnant67. chaptered | E | Jongin spends his time searching for the stories hidden in music, for the message woven into the magic of the stage. It makes sense that he’d be drawn to Taemin. But he’d never expected that he’d fall so deep.
Catch Me If You Can by sleepydanceur. one-shot | E | Bounty hunters in space!AU. Taemin and Jongin as rival bounty hunters who clash when they both go after the same mark.
With Me, Settle Down by (orphaned fic). one-shot | E | Taemin accidentally catapults Jongin into the realm of his own latent bisexuality. Baekhyun is there, too.
Last by softraincloud. one-shot | E | With the void of immortality to fill, demons have to entertain themselves somehow, and Taemin has found the perfect way to do just that.
However, even within eternity, not everything lasts forever.
make it up as we go along by unconscious. (note: this fic is not taekai centric but has a wonderful depiction of them) one-shot | T | The first time it happens, too much happens.
mark finding his footing in superm (:
I See You by Tired_Little_Space_They. chaptered | E | In the coolest darkest part of a forest long forgotten by modern living, something very old and powerful is waking up, hungry, searching for something it can not live without.
If there are any fic not on this list that you'd like to recommend please feel free to drop it in my askbox or leave it in the replies. This list is always changing, updating, and is merely a reflection of my personal taste.
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exo-skz-imagines · 2 years
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Dance With Me (Stay With Me)
A Social Media AU (Text and Written)
idol!Chanyeol x Choreographer!Fem!Reader idol!Baekhyun x Choreographer!Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Slice of Life
Y/N, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun attend a Fine Arts High School together, the three of them with dreams of making it big one day in the entertainment industry. Baekhyun and Chanyeol want to do music and Y/N wants to dance. They Start off with their auditions together; The two boys making it into SM Entertainment together and eventually making their debut within the group EXO, Y/N making it into JYP to train to become the professional dancer she’s always wanted to be. Despite how busy they become, they try to make time for each other no matter what.
And then, feelings began to change.
Or alternatively: The one where Baekhyun and Chanyeol are both in love with her and Y/N is too oblivious to notice until someone makes a move on her.
++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapters +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Epilogue: Us Against The World
Part One: Our Future Is Now (Us Three) Part Two: Girl Talk With The Boys  Part Three: A Minor Impulsive Confession Part Four: A Change of Plans Part Five: TBA Part Six: TBA Part Seven: TBA Part Eight: TBA Part Nine: TBA Part Ten: TBA
More Parts to Come...
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