#band kid vs band kid
pagodazz · 8 months
"Alex Kralie and habit" this... "Patrick and habit" that..... what about Patrick and Alex guys...... I think they'd be so silly together... they'd be constantly trying to out smart the other it'd be annoying
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etchy-a-sketchy · 5 months
Obsessing over this fic
Doodled this for it!
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yessfordor · 2 months
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This happend in Alan baker animation vs i am not lying 😊😊👍👍👍
Just kidding XD. dis is based off something i drew in my sketchbook :3
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simorys · 3 months
Redraw of some old ass art from 2022 🙏
Except Robert got to be here this time (Rip Simon, who's still banished to the floor 💔)
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Idk if I ever posted the og to Tumblr
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eemiejab · 9 months
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band kid orchestra child
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trinitea-fics · 6 months
Fuck it, what instruments I think the Wolf 359 characters play with little to no justification:
Eiffel: Drums (loud. Also more important than people care to admit)
Minkowski: Flute (but was never first chair)
Hera: Voice (which DOES count as an instrument. I just like to imagine my girl singing)
Hilbert: Piano (classically trained)
Lovelace: Clarinet (proficient at the classical repertoire, but prefers jazz. I like to think she learned from a relative)
Kepler: Tenor saxophone (had to walk away from his ~funk band~)
Jacobi: Cello (in his offical playlist it ends with the 2Cellos cover of Thunderstruck. Which is. TOO PERFECT. I think he was really good at cello through his childhood, but would complain nonstop about it. But maybe secretly like it???)
Maxwell: Synthesizer (cool machines. Probably also owns a theremin)
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jennaray143 · 1 year
Ok but like how has Adrian so perfectly mastered the ‘hands-on-hips’ mom stance, I mean look at this
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He has a soccer practice at four to get to and is over everyone’s bullshit, especially yours.
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the-ocean-is-scary · 8 months
Gather round children, I'll tell you a tale...actually I forgot the rest of the preshow monologue so blah blah blah this is what happened on Holiday Lane. Long story short the Elves and Gremlins all died and the lesbians took over
-Me, regarding marching band
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froggydraws · 1 year
By the creator of goth phase ingo and theater kid emmet, I bring to you
Band kid Elesa
jdjdkksk the mental image of these three as a friend group in their teenage years is certainly interesting. I like to think they would celebrate a successful play or band concert (or. whatever performances band kids do idk) together by either going to see a movie or getting casteliacones haha
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Ok so ik ive been inactive for a *WHILE* and im srry for that but like i have a buncha things that happened these past 3 months that I NEED To share SOOOO....
First things first, the one im most excited abt: I DID MY FIRST PERFORMANCE!!! My school was doing little mermaid jr and I got Scuttle! I was really happy to get my first role and getting at least one solo, and Im just happy overall on how it went! I think I did really good on my first try! Only bad thing was that now im kinda going through my lil mermaid hyperfixation and have been looking up fics where Sebastian and Ariel kinda have a Father/Parental Figure-Daughter or Older Brother-Younger (stupid but ultimately well meaning) Sister dynamic and have started to write a fic on that bc no ones done it before apparently😒(im going cray cray, bonkers mayhaps)
Might've gotten my eye infected(I live in the east of the us, new york to be more specific and woke up the day after the "live vintage (BLAME CANADA/j) filter" with my right eyes nerves slightly more irritated and haven't gotten that checked out so thats fun)
FINALLY finished that one drawing ive been making for 3 MONTHS.(well, technically....)
Almost done writing my passion project, AKA the one I originally wanted to make into an animated series but have settled for a book just in case that can't happen! I still need to work out some kinks, design more outfits, get all their personalities in check, make sure the world and magic is fully fleshed out, ect.
I also do band, and while I originally thought that I would have a problem bc of both band and theatres close scheduling(i originally had dress rehearsal on june 2nd, AND my band concert on June 2nd) but it all worked out in the end! My band concert went great, and while the dress rehearsal was a mess, we at least got through it! :)
Unintentionally quit SH! I was originally only meant to stop until AFTER performances, but ive been bettering myself and learned that if I ever want to forgive myself or at least move on I gotta stop feeling sorry for myself and not forget nor forgive, but remember, i just can't let it haunt me. I know I'll relapse, I always do eventually, but I want to enjoy these few moments of mental "clarity" while I can. I've also learned that for some reason i tend to become a more terrible person and despicable person the more time I spend at home with my mother, so that's fun. God, I hate America's education system, its messed me up BAD. AND the foster care system. I just tried to kms 2 times today, and she didn't even notice, or care. How sad is that?
On a lighter note, yes, as the rest of yt and TikTok, I got a minor lil hyperfixation on the Lorax and really think ppl should make more [PLATONIC] Lorax and Onceler dynamics, mainly the type where they're like some really annoying pair of bickering siblings or a father whos sick of his adopted child's shit, like there is so much on the table for platonic fluff and angst and most of what I've seen is romantic smut and fluff like CHANGE IT UP A LIL
Also, Ive been going to karaoke centers on Tuesdays and have become a lot more confident to performing in front of ppl! So far, I've performed "All You Wanna Do", "The Ballad of Jane Doe", "Heart of Stone", and am gonna do "What the World Needs" the next upcoming Tuesday, where I'm gonna try interacting with the audience while singing!!
(Also, before I end this....I may have ADHD??? my teacher who has ADHD says some of my behavior is "similar to hers"(i feel like thats just her way of saying i reek of neurodivergency) and I also did some research and I display similar/exact behaviors listed, have taken online tests from doctorate confirmed sites and basically all of them said to go get a diagnosis. I also found I do a few behaviors similar to stimming! Also also, I kinda suspect a lil more bc my mom has Autism and apparently sometimes neurodivergency is biological (i forgor the word) but my mom is kinda in denial abt my Depression diagnosis and thinks I got anxiety "biologically", so if I tell her I wanna get tested for ADHD shes just kinda gonna gaslight me into not believing that and i already told the school therapist and basically she just told me that I'm probably just imagining things or copying behaviors from my mother and that "kids like to give themselves all these titles nowadays" so I just did what I always do which is to keep it shut and act until they think you fell in line)
So yeah, thats all! Thanks for reading, now that my schedule is clear again ima start posting more frequently again, so be aware :) <3333
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fire-mage-719 · 11 months
Help me prove a point to a friend
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
I'm really trying to understand. I know Joshua does take good pics but some of his pics are awful and they still get so much praise. I'm seeing comments "I know the pic is blurry but it fits Louis' tour aesthetics". Seriously? Is that the excuse now? "This pic looks like shit but it fits Louis' tour aesthetics". Since that pic Harry posted on IG that was super super blurry, which I think he was trying to make a point with. That fans don't control him. I thought Lloyd's pics have got better since. They show more of the audience. I really like his recent pics that show Harry and the audience. They give a vintage postcard kind of feel. Old school. But he's still being trashed as ever. Sometimes I'll see a pic and think... that's not that bad so surely they won't be trashing that. But they will be, always are. He can't do any right. But Joshua can't do any wrong. I think it could be partly because Joshua talks to the fans on twitter. So they feel 'closer' to him. They're still incredibly bitter about the iHeart? tour photography award going to Lloyd, while also saying that it means nothing. If it means nothing then why still so bitter? Why the desperate push to vote for Joshua? They say that Lloyd only won the award because of Harries. Well yes. If Joshua won the award it would be because of Louies and Larries. That's how fan voted awards go. If anyone does like Lloyd's pics they get insulted for having bad taste. They really despise Lloyd and they just don't stop complaining about him. Why is it always like this? That everyone Harry works with is hated by the fandom and everyone Louis works with is loved?
I'm sitting here, nodding my head as I read this like a goddamned kitsch toy dog on the dashboard of someone's bitchin' Camaro because yeah, YEAH. I have some thoughts about it that I'm sure I'm not all that articulate about, so I'll take it to the tags and let your ask just shine up here, uninterrupted yet fully appreciated
#a lot of my thoughts go on pure vibes and gut instinct vs. proof#so take it with a grain of salt#but there's SUCH a weirdness in the fandom reaction to harry's photographers vs. louis's when louis's admit they love and emulate harry's!#and i don't know if it's larries exclusively or if it's beyond that#with helene it was fucked up STRAIGHT UP misogyny from the larrie camp#super telling on so many levels and even more so because her pictures absolutely mirror his (see: his super artsy ig posts)#and the stuff she does professionally is so varied that it's even MORE telling when said people tried to say she was a shitty photographer#she's not--not even a little--and she outright said he picked the shots that she took that he loved the most and chose them to post#and that's true for both anthony and lloyd by the way: harry is looking for a certain aesthetic and they are providing it#and he is both paying them and selecting the pictures he likes best to share#if he thought they were awful--he'd fire 'em (just like he has with actual people in his band lol i kid)#i've long wondered if he is just so sick of the slick perfect idealized shots of himself that fans create and manipulate#shots that echo the manmade boybandness of it all#and he has his own eye for what he finds beautiful or interesting and it just merges in what he wants to represent himself#it's so FASCINATING it's multilayered and yet you STILL have these dumdums out there bitching about how much they hate lloyd#as if it's HIS fault his boss is pushing for a specific type of aesthetic--if you hate it take it up with his boss#and if you 'don't understand it' take it up with his boss#the fandom urge for this squeaky clean perfect image that absolutely matches simon cowell's for the same is mighty funny in a real venn way#me? i cannot fathom why you wouldn't want to see what a celeb is actually choosing to use to represent themselves#ESPECIALLY when it's not pretty-pret#and then to turn around and blow some smoke up the ass of someone who is doing the thing you HATE SO MUCH with your other fave#yet you have special stupid baby tags for it when it's someone else?#i don't think it's any subconcious hatred of louis or anything when it's from the biggies repping larr nation#but it's mighty curious when you have at least two photographers from louis's camp#doing the EXACT same thing as harry's photographers#and at least one of them citing at least one of his as an icon to emulate#yet....silence#and even worse this weirdo urge to push some kind of larrie interaction on joshua and lloyd#the fan-voted thing was extra funny to me on so many levels my god#i'll shut up now i've officially entered old man yells at cloud territory
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kdsburneraccount · 10 months
watching cfb is making me miss being in marching band
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infinityonimmortals · 2 years
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yther · 8 months
welp. confirmed: family members visibly distraught with casual segway into talking health care options and gender affirming care in general sense
ayo fam stalking this tumblr maybe? because I never in my life have worn the type of pink floral clothes I am suddenly gifted along with dropping comments that Women do this while Men go fishing on vacation etc.
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bucephaly · 2 years
I was curious, would Kiro ever let the children of their group paint patterns and designs on their face once the clay dried?
Yea!! Kiro’s very much an aunt to all the kids in the group and they really enjoy chilling with them. The girl here is one of the triplets who has shown a lot of interest in art, kiro loves encouraging her haha
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