#bandersnatch alternative universe
Bandersnatch: Technologies and Evolving Representations of Mental Health 
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Image Courtesy of Netflix
Netflix’s 2018 film, Bandersnatch, is often praised for its innovation through its interactive cinematic capabilities. The film follows Stefan, a programmer entangled in anxiety and paranoia brought on by his mother's death. Viewers are able to make choices for Stefan as they explore the agency and the consequences of controlling another human's autonomy.
However, films, such as Dragon’s Lair (1983), Firefox (1983), and Night Trap (1987), pioneered the concept decades before Netflix even existed. This prompted me to reflect and examine the cyclical nature of entertainment genres. Similar to how fashion trends make a comeback, such as the current revival of 2000s aesthetics and fashion among Gen Z, genres in media undergo revivals by adapting to new technology and what audiences demand. 
We can also observe a similar cyclical trend in the 21st century with the resurgence of the superhero genre. Although the superhero genre has been around for decades, it has grown and expanded so much with the advent of the Marvel/DC cinematic universes. These films take advantage of advancements in filmmaking technology and tap into the evolving desires of the modern audience. 
A cultural writer from the publication, Little White Lies, S.L. Page, expands on the broader implications of Bandersnatch’s role in portraying mental health. 
“Yet the participatory nature of Bandersnatch has the potential to expand viewers’ understanding of how mental illness works, and how it can affect a person. In short, it makes you think. And not in a throwaway, empathy-driven-tragedy manner, but – through the show’s choose-your-own-adventure structure – actual engagement with the realities of living with mental illness. Being asked to consider the consequences of Stefan’s actions will bring many viewers closer to mental illness than ever before. This level of association alone may change the audience’s point of view.”
I found Bandersnatch truly fascinating for its ability to provide multiple storylines—offering an immersive experience where the audience genuinely feels like they are a part of the story rather than simply pressing buttons. However, what truly captivated my attention was the nuanced interplay between mental health and interactivity that allowed audiences to see all the various alternative futures. 
The interactive film made me curious about the complex relationship between choice, autonomy, and mental health. Through embodying Stefan, the audience is given a firsthand look at how his mental health connects with the decisions we make for him. I believe it raises some questions surrounding agency and ontology. To what extent does our societal and cultural understanding of mental health influence the choices we make as we control Stefan’s actions? How does mental health shape our perceptions of the world around us? And in the age of advanced technology, it prompts us to think critically about our autonomy. Are we the masters of our decisions, or are external influences, such as technology and societal pressures, guiding our choices in one way or another? 
Bandersnatch captures the cyclical nature of trauma. As the participatory audience, we feel the heart-wrenching pain Stefan is experiencing from his mother’s death. There is a moment in which we are presented with the opportunity to allow Stefan to join his mother on the train and potentially die—or endure the painful trauma of her death. Later, we are even presented with the decision to take a psychoactive drug or whether Stefan should jump from a balcony. I believe that these moments bring the dark and complex reality of mental health struggles to the forefront. 
The interactive film piqued my fascination to see how interactive narratives can be utilized to explore other complex social issues. Yet, it also led me to question the ethical boundaries. At what point does it become unethical to turn real-life trauma and mental health issues into a medium that people can play as a game? I believe there can be a balance between fostering empathy and understanding mental health through interactive media. However, we must ensure that we do not trivialize the realities many individuals struggle with by turning them into a form of entertainment, or rather a spectacle. Instead, our focus should remain on efforts toward constructing meaningful action through education, advocacy, and support systems.
Page, S. L. (2019, January 1). Black Mirror: Bandersnatch is a brilliant, urgent comment on mental illness. Little White Lies. https://lwlies.com/articles/black-mirror-bandersnatch-is-a-brilliant-urgent-comment-on-mental-illness/
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imaginedisish · 6 years
Noise Pollution (Colin Ritman x Reader) (Bandersnatch)
A/N: Heyyoooo. This took me waaayy too long to write lol. But, here it is!!! (It’s based on an anon request about present-day!colin being super into conspiracy theories, so he and the reader talk ab them. I kinda took it in a different, but similar direction) The title is based off of a Portugal the Man song. It’s a bop go listen. Ight it’s 12am where I’m at and I gotta wake up at 6 tomorrow so GN GUYS! Stefan fluff tomorrow...get ready :) (once again thank you for all the love xxxxxx)
Summary: Present-day!Colin and the reader meet after an English lecture at university, and they quickly hit things off. (lots of fluff...and getting high)
Warnings: Drug use, some language, pretty much it! oh FLUFFFFFF <3 (au)
Word Count: 1,857
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Tick, tock, tick tock. 
Time passed by slowly as you stared down the clock, waiting for the weekend to begin. You felt as though the longer you stared at hands, the slower the clock moved. English was your favorite class. It had to be, since you were an English major, but the week had felt so long. You needed to relax. You needed a break. 
“Now can anyone tell me how Austen displays the separation and disconnect between class through Harriet and Emma’s relationship?” You professors asks, his eyes glossing over the bored class. He knows he’s losing the his student’s attention as the grasp of the weekend reaches into the minds of each individual student. 
You look over at the blonde boy a few seats down from you, his feet resting on top of the empty chair in front of him as he clearly dies of disinterest. He adjusts the silver frames resting on the bridge of his nose, and rolls his eyes at the professor’s question.
“Mr, Ritman,” Your professor calls out, annoyed. The blonde boy’s eyes perk up. “You clearly have an opinion, care to take the floor?”
“Not really, mate. But thanks for asking.” The sarcasm in the boy’s voice is evident. 
And inexplicably sexy, you think to yourself. Giggles drift throughout the classroom at his response, and you can’t help but smirk along with the rest of your peers.
“I want an answer, Ritman. Or else,” your professor pauses for dramatic effect, “I’m failing you for the remained of the semester.” The blonde boy rolls his eyes once again, and sits up appropriately in his seat. 
“Emma is a know it all twat who thinks marrying off her less fortunate friend to some filthy rich wanker is going to solve all her problems,” the blonde boy quickly rambles. He then pauses, collecting his thoughts. 
“Language, Mr. Ritman,” your professor reprimands. 
Then he continues on. “Emma has independence due to her personal wealth. Harriets lacks the social status of Emma, therefore limiting her independence and choices in society, thus highlighting the unfair advantages of the upper class during the time period.” Everything he says is so nonchalant, yet so intelligent. The whole class is in awe of his statement. 
The blonde boy has a brain, you think to yourself.
“And would you look at the time! Class dismissed!” The blonde boy stands as he says this, motioning for the rest of the class to stand as well. The room bursts into a booming laughter. 
“Not so fast, everyone. Your Jane Austen test will be on Monday. Prepare yourselves accordingly,” Your professor says finally, as your peers rush out of the lecture hall and into the arms of the weekend. 
Unlike your classmates, you take your time getting your things together. You carefully place your laptop in your bag, then throwing your heavy backpack over your shoulders. You begin to walk down the stairs.
“I like your shirt,” You hear from behind you. The voice is familiar. You turn around.
Blonde boy.
“Th-thanks,” you stutter, caught off guard by his compliment.
“The Strokes are a brilliant band. Julian Casablancas fucking shreds,” The blonde boy smirks, looking down at your shirt. 
“Yeah, they really are,” you say, smiling, starting to feel much more confident. 
“Colin, Colin Ritman,” Blonde boy says, extending a hand out towards you. You accept the gesture, putting your hand in his. 
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” You say to him, he nods in response, pulling his hand away from yours. 
“Well, (Y/N), what else do you listen to?” Colin questions, walking ahead of you. You catch up to him. 
“Oh, well I love David Bowie!” You exclaim, a smile plastered on your face. David Bowie really got you going, you loved that man and all his music. 
“He’s a pretty amazing guy,” Colin says, opening the door for you. You two walk out of the bland lecture hall. “You ever listen to Arcade Fire? They worked with Bowie a couple years back.”
“Yes! I absolutely love them! Bowie produced their Reflektor album,” You say back, your smile growing by the second. 
You two continue to walk around the hallways of the building, talking about bands like LCD Soundsystem, Arctic Monkeys, Nirvana, The Beatles, and your shared loved for new wave. 
“Look I know we just met and I’m probably just some cocky bloke to you, but would you wanna,” Colin pauses, tensing up, scratching the back of his neck, “hangout or something? We can go back to my place.” Butterflies flutter around your stomach excitedly. 
“I’d love that,” You say, and Colin grins and relaxes. You two walk side by side, your arm occasionally brushing against his. You two talk the entire way to his flat.
“So what made you chose to be an English major?” Colin asks, arching a brow in your direction. 
“I love literature. I hope to be an author some day,” You say back to him. He smiles at you, admiring your passion. “What about you?”
“For fun, quite honestly. I’m a video game programmer and designer,” Colin answers. “I work for an up and coming company called Tuckersoft.”
“That’s amazing!” You’re awestruck. He was so intelligent, so witty, so ambitious, so attractive. His blonde hair was practically translucent in the sunlight. His blue eyes shimmered, collecting rays from the sun as if it was what they were created to do. 
Your heart thumps loudly in your chest. You had always admired Colin from afar in class, but now you two were actually interacting. There was something special about him, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. 
You two walked a short way more before stopping in front of a tall high rise. 
“This is the place,” Colin says. You two head inside, and up to his floor. 
His apartment was spotless, something you didn’t expect at all. He seemed like a slacker. Everything had an organized, designated place. It was gorgeous, modern, clean lines and vibrant colors everywhere. 
“Your apartment is beautiful.” You walk over to a large bookshelf, searching through Colin’s extensive collection. Fahrenheit 451, The Great Gatsby, Richard III, The Scarlet Letter, Crime and Punishment, and many more classics adorn his wide range of novels. He even had some collections of Sylvia Plath’s poetry, which happened to be your very favorite. You select one, and skim through carefully. 
On the top of the bookshelf is Colin’s record collection. He had everything from The Beatles, to Radiohead, to Queen, to Lou Reed, to Arcade Fire, and more. It was the biggest collection you had ever seen. 
“Quick question,” Colin asks. You hear a lighter click behind you. “Do you smoke?” A joint rests in between Colin’s index finger and thumb. You nod. Colin smiles, and lights the joint. He plops himself down on the couch, and puts the blunt precariously in between his lips, inhaling deeply. He motions for you to sit down next to him. 
You sit next to him, Colin passes you the joint. You part your lips, carefully placing the joint in the gap you created. You inhale slowly, relaxing into your high. 
“Want some music?” Colin asks, his eyes now slightly bloodshot. 
“Play some Beatles,” you say, allowing your eyes to fall closed. 
“Good call,” Colin responds, standing up, and walking over to his bookshelf. You open your eyes to see which record he selects. You watch as he picks up The White Album, and you can’t help but giggle lightly. “What’s so funny? The White Album isn’t good enough?”
“No, it’s just,” you laugh heavily now, taking another hit from the joint, “Paul is dead. You know, Revolution 9?” Colin joins in and giggles with you, creating a chorus of laughter. 
“I love conspiracy theories,” Collin says, setting up the record, placing the needle on the now spinning vinyl. Back in the USSR starts up, and you hum in pleasure. Colin sits back down next to you, and you pass the joint back to him. “Wanna shotgun?” 
You’re taken back for a moment, and Colin could tell. “If you aren’t comfortable we don’t have to do that, it’s okay. I didn’t mean to make you feel-,”
“No,” you giggle. “I was just shocked that you finally asked, I didn’t think you were going to.” 
Colin smiles and nods, taking a big hit from the blunt. He leans into you, and presses his lips against yours. You part your lips, and Colin does the same, blowing the smoke into your mouth. You suck it in carefully, and he presses another kiss against your lips before pulling away. 
“How was that, love?” Colin coos. 
“Perfect,” You whisper back. 
You two continue to talk through the entire first side of the record, practically ignoring the fact that it’s on. 
“What if we’re living in some simulation, (Y/N),” Colin says, bringing up the topic of conspiracy theories yet again. He adjusts his glasses as he awaits your answer. 
“I mean if we play games like The Sims, someone has to be playing us in some universe, right?” You state, matter of factly. 
“That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time!” Colin practically shouts, his excited state making you giggle. “Free will is a construct, so is time. It’s all consumerist bullshit. Noise pollution, ya know? All talk, no real proof of any existence or truth.” 
“That whole “time” thing you just said, it isn’t even a theory, it’s a fact,” You state confidently. 
“Exactly. Society forces time upon us. It’s used to keep us in line, you know?” You nod, agreeing with him as he rambled on. 
After a while, you feel your eyes begin to grow heavy. You rest your head against Colin’s chest. You two had stopped talking about conspiracy theories, and he switched the record from The White Album to Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me by The Cure as per your request. You didn’t want to have to hear Revolution 9, and Colin thought it was adorable that you were so scared of a song. 
You two just sit there, resting on the couch, taking your newfound relationship in. You listen to Colin’s heart beat heavily in his chest. Every now and then he takes a deep breath, the sound making your stomach somersault. 
“Hey Colin?” You call out, as if you don’t know where he is. 
“Yeah, (Y/N)?” Colin replies. 
“I think I’m in like with you,” You say, laughing and closing your eyes. Colin suddenly brings a hand up to the nape of your neck, and he begins to play with your hair. His free arm wraps around you, keeping you pressed against his body. 
“I think I’m in like with you too, (Y/N),” Colin purrs. “You wanna stay over? We don’t have to do anything, we can just keep doing this.”
“I’d like that a lot,” You say back, looking up at Colin, a wide smile stretching across his face. 
You two stayed there, in Colin’s apartment, together, all weekend, free from “the noise pollution” of the “consumerist lies” of the London streets below.
It was the beginning of something beautiful.
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Bandersnatch is just ddlc for non weebs
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subukunojess · 3 years
Twist OC Reference- Part 1
A little bit of a Twisted Wonderland kick right now, but I was taking a break from my studies to discover this: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1407730 
A Twist Picrew to create avatars based on the NRC students. I do not own this, please check it out for yourselves. I wanted to test it out by doing three of my OCs so far and see how they look!
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First off is my version of Yuu/MC, Yuu Imamura. I tried to create a curly hair look for this one. A little self-insert like but I also tried to do Moana as well. I did not see the shade of gem that Grim wears, so I went with the Octavinelle gem for plot reasons. I feel like Yuu would alternate between bowtie and tie, but would usually go with the bow.
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Next up is Harold Quintus, the 1st Year Heartslabyul Student who is a twist version of a Bandersnatch. As such, I tried to go for animal features that would represent a Bandersnatch well. Unfortunately, I could not put black speckles on his hair, but the majority of his hair is white. Out of the card suits, I think a spade would be perfect for him. Harold is this mischievous guy who is really fast and he sometimes surprises people with his knowledge of ingredients and potions. He’s rebellious sometimes and teases ADeuce when he can.
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Finally, we have one of my guilty pleasure/main OCs, Koura Hira. He is a 1st year Octavinelle student who is a twist version of Tamatoa. (He started two years late, he is 18 here, but I’m going with the maximum age of NRC being 21.) I was just playing around with his design and trying to get something original for my take of him. I felt that he tends to take off his jacket and shoes at times. Most of the time, he ties his hair in a bun. I actually like purple for his eyes. I don’t know if I should rename his hometown to something else, but I want to do a twist version of Lalotai. Current placeholder name is Realm of Monsters for now. There is rumors that in this universe, Koura’s great grandfather was the Great Monster Coconut Crab who ruled the Realm of Monsters. Koura, like his counterpart, is mostly interested in himself, shiny things, performing for and charming others. He is also very curious, hungry, and tall. He does have a monster crab form and his Unique Magic “Piata Mai Nei” lets him make any target noticeable. He’s a good singer too!
I probably might do some more OCs on a later date. I hope these gave you an idea of what they might look like.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 4 years
Midoriya's Adventure as Alice
Midoriya's Adventure as Alice by Pepsi Or Coke
Today was supposed to be a normal Monday for Midoriya. So why is everything so twisted and abnormal? Where is he? What is Wonderland, and why is Todoroki dead set on calling him Alice?
Words: 936, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Related Fandoms, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Dabi, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Other(s)
Additional Tags: Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Alternate Universe - Alice in Wonderland Fusion, Alice in Wonderland References, two worlds colliding, Reference of child abuse, Some characters start off dead, Full out gayness, Based off of a group role play, Breaking fourth wall, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki is a Dork, Todoroki Shouto is Cheshire Cat, Bakugou Katsuki is White Rabbit, Todoroki Shouto Needs a Hug, Leader Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Cute Todoroki Shouto, Dabi is a Todoroki, Dabi is Todoroki Touya, Dabi and Todoroki Shouto Are Siblings, Protective Dabi, Soft Dabi, Possessive Dabi, Dabi is Bad at Feelings, Top Dabi, Dabi is a Little Shit, Dabi is Not a Villain, Good Sibling Dabi, Dabi is Mad Hatter, Dabi Needs a Hug, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Possessive Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Bottom Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Top Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Needs a Hug, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is dead at the beginning but comes back to life, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is the Queen of Hearts, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Not a Villain, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is So Done, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Bad at Feelings, Bottom Takami Keigo | Hawks, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks-centric, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Little Shit, Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs a Hug, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Mess, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Takami Keigo | Hawks is mind control by darkness, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Kaminari Denki Being An Idiot, Kaminari Denki is a Good Friend, Kaminari Denki-centric, Kaminari Denki is a Mess, Kaminari Denki is So Done, Kaminari Denki is a Sweetheart, Kaminari Denki is the Dormouse, Shinsou Hitoshi Needs a Hug, Shinsou Hitoshi is So Done, Shinsou Hitoshi Deserves Happiness, Shinsou Hitoshi Gets a Hug, Shinsou Hitoshi is dead at the beginning but comes back to life, Shinsou Hitoshi is Knave of Hearts, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Kirishima Eijirou is a Dork, Kirishima Eijirou is a Sweetheart, Cute Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirou are not together yet, Kirishima Eijirou is a Tease, Kirishima Eijirou is a Little Shit, Kirishima Eijirou is So Done, Kirishima Eijirou is Bayard the Bloodhound, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Being An Asshole, Villain Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Abusive Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Dead Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor is Time, Everyone has their quirks, Everyone is very British in this fanfic, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Jabberwocky, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Jubjub Bird, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Bandersnatch, Takami Keigo | Hawks is really a gryffindor/human hybrid in this fanfic
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26187007
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meditationsbymosby · 4 years
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch Review
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This film was an amazing experience for me. As I watched it alone in my room and the second viewing was with family and I gave the controls to my mother. Of course, she found the black mirror themes disturbing but it worked as a pretty good inducer of fun family movies watching experience though maybe not for everyone.
I expected nothing much from the plot and simply there for the new interactive style of movie experience. The movie plot was a little jarring because of the fourth wall breaks and the seemingly uneventful endings that forces you to keep exploring other alternate endings, but it I guess that's how they planned to structure it. In a way that the plot allowed the viewer to keep on exploring other options and even go back because they knew that the viewers we're already going to redo the story and explore anyway.
I liked the fun stuff that happened and it was beautiful. The idea of me shouting at a main character and feeling an actual connection that traverses my reality and the movies universe was phenomenal and the first time that happened was priceless. And I have Bandersnatch to thank for not wasting that opportunity for me.
Some people don't like Choose Your Own Adventure games, but this surely was a new kind of experience because of the immense details put to it in the form of a movie. I would say it was seamless and almost a perfect movie when it came to the technicals and the building up of different endings was so impressive. I can imagine the endless creative decisions and brainstorming this took and it was all worth it.
It's awesome. And the various endings of Bandersnatch that contained a different outcome of the main character's game review was interesting to think about and even gave me a slight insight into the attitude the creators of Bandersnatch had in mind in releasing the film and what they expected from the audience's feedback.
And they probably thought, in some alternate dimension, we would make this boring, sad excuse of a movie just to satisfy corporate decisions. But nope. In this specific reality, the producers said to themselves, "F... the critics. We are going to make a F....ing fun, dark and mind bending adventure game movie!".
And they did. And I'm happy I have my Netflix Subscription.
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xaksu · 4 years
"Here. Allow me to, at least, dress the wound properly. It may be susceptible to infection otherwise." He shan't proceed until the other gives him permission, not wanting to worsen what was likely an understandable level of caution, but to leave him here with such a ghastly injury? A far worse alternative that Ignis would fight to avoid. "Is that alright? A bite of food may do you some good as well." //shyly rolls into your inbox offering an Ignis for your troubles~
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☆ @onuscientia​  ☆
      Adrenaline hadn’t yet worn off and pain was but a dull idea in the back of his head. That is, until a kind stranger pointed out just how nasty the gash on his side had been. Perhaps his tussle with the bandersnatches had not exactly panned out to be a totally clean fight. 
       ❝ oh ❞ came the articulate response as he slow blinked. As if the universe agreed on cue, his belt chose the exact moment to fall off as the slash had went clean through the right strap and through his shirt. Blood soaked it generously, turning the color even darker. He felt sheepish.
      But wait, someone was offering him help. A stranger, at that. 
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       ❝ uh- thanks ! ❞ that’s better. The nice man before him sported an accent and glasses that fit his handsome face quite perfectly. Zack politely smiled, fighting the urge to wince at the sudden pain. 
      ❝ wow, fixing me up AND offering dinner ? a guy would think you’re asking for a date or something ❞  
      A quip, as shown by a playful tilt to his head. It made the loose strand of hair by his face sway, having stubbornly refused to stick to his face with the rest of sweat drenched strands. 
        ❝ i’m zack, by the way. besides ‘knight in shining armor, what do you go by ? ❞
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ao3feed-shinkami · 4 years
Midoriya's Adventure as Alice
by Pepsi_Or_Coke
Today was supposed to be a normal Monday for Midoriya. So why is everything so twisted and abnormal? Where is he? What is Wonderland, and why is Todoroki dead set on calling him Alice?
Words: 936, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Related Fandoms, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Other(s)
Additional Tags: Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Alternate Universe - Alice in Wonderland Fusion, Alice in Wonderland References, two worlds colliding, Reference of child abuse, Some characters start off dead, Full out gayness, Based off of a group role play, Breaking fourth wall, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki is a Dork, Todoroki Shouto is Cheshire Cat, Bakugou Katsuki is White Rabbit, Todoroki Shouto Needs a Hug, Leader Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Cute Todoroki Shouto, Dabi is a Todoroki, Dabi is Todoroki Touya, Dabi and Todoroki Shouto Are Siblings, Protective Dabi (My Hero Academia), Soft Dabi (My Hero Academia), Possessive Dabi (My Hero Academia), Dabi is Bad at Feelings (My Hero Academia), Top Dabi (My Hero Academia), Dabi is a Little Shit (My Hero Academia), Dabi is Not a Villain (My Hero Academia), Good Sibling Dabi (My Hero Academia), Dabi is Mad Hatter, Dabi Needs a Hug (My Hero Academia), Cute Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Possessive Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Bottom Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Top Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Needs a Hug, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is dead at the beginning but comes back to life, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is the Queen of Hearts, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Not a Villain, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is So Done, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Bad at Feelings, Bottom Takami Keigo | Hawks, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks-centric, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Little Shit, Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs a Hug, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Mess, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Takami Keigo | Hawks is mind control by darkness, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Kaminari Denki Being An Idiot, Kaminari Denki is a Good Friend, Kaminari Denki-centric, Kaminari Denki is a Mess, Kaminari Denki is So Done, Kaminari Denki is a Sweetheart, Kaminari Denki is the Dormouse, Shinsou Hitoshi Needs a Hug, Shinsou Hitoshi is So Done, Shinsou Hitoshi Deserves Happiness, Shinsou Hitoshi Gets a Hug, Shinsou Hitoshi is dead at the beginning but comes back to life, Shinsou Hitoshi is Knave of Hearts, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Kirishima Eijirou is a Dork, Kirishima Eijirou is a Sweetheart, Cute Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirou are not together yet, Kirishima Eijirou is a Tease, Kirishima Eijirou is a Little Shit, Kirishima Eijirou is So Done, Kirishima Eijirou is Bayard the Bloodhound, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Being An Asshole, Villain Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Abusive Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Dead Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor is Time, Everyone has their quirks, Everyone is very British in this fanfic, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Jabberwocky, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Jubjub Bird, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Bandersnatch, Takami Keigo | Hawks is really a gryffindor/human hybrid in this fanfic
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/26187007
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wat-the-cur · 5 years
I was tagged by the lovely @startrek-antagonist, thanks buddy!
Rules: Bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct), and tag someone.
slow burn or love at first sight
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
fake dating or secret dating
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance with correspondence
fantasy au or modern au
hurt/comfort or amnesia
mutual pining or domestic bliss
canon compliant (missing scenes) or fix-it fic
smut or fluff
alternate universe or future fic
one-shot or multi-chapter
kid fic or roadtrip fic
reincarnation or character death
arranged marriage or accidental marriage
high school romance or middle aged romance
time travel or isolated together (cabin in a snow storm, desert island)
neighbours or roommates
sci-fi au or magic au
bodyswap or genderbend
angst or crack
apocalyptic or mundane
I shall tag @corpse-of-bandersnatch @vortaesthetic @aceweyoun @silverstrike @helleniccurse @zombified-queer @ruth-dw @mrs-underhill22
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jayhartwinsterling · 6 years
Bandersnatch (Black Mirror) Megapost
Now loading... A *very* sizeable post with a lot to get through - here I am going to talk about the five “main” endings, the Easter eggs, why constructing a traditional flowchart for this game is technically a bit of a vain effort, how it’s probably best to link everything up in a guide - and the implications this story has regarding *us*.
Chapter 1: The Endings
So, we basically have five “main” endings. I say “main” because... well, we’ll get back to it on ending number five. 
Ending One Description: The first of which is what I call the “How It Was Meant To Go” - and getting this one is quite simple. All you need to do is accept the proposal Stefan’s given by the Boss to make Bandersnatch with a in-house team. Satpal shows up and then Colin tells Stefan as he’s leaving “Sorry mate, wrong path.” We then jump forward five months to find that Bandersnatch was rushed in production, cut down and done badly because of it being a team effort and it gets a 0/5 review.
We loop back around to that decision again but this time, Colin thinks he’s met Stefan before and Stefan knows the memory error with Colin’s game when it happens. And we come back to the decision. (Refusal again will give a similar scene btw where Stefan accepts and Colin tells him it was the wrong choice again - but Satpal doesn’t enter and we just... end. 
Ending One Analysis: So this first ending is rather simple. But the key to it for me lies rather simply in the fact that it can be done... without doing anything at all. If you left your remote/controller/mouse/finger wherever it is and don’t make any choices, this is where you end up. In essence, the universe just runs as it should and we don’t play god over Stefan’s life at all. I know it might be a little difficult to get what I’m on about here but consider that Stefan makes a remark to Dr. Haynes not too long after you take the refuse path, that he wanted to accept the offer and he doesn’t know what made him refuse. We did. This is more clearly pressed upon if you get to the point in your path where Stefan realises something is dictating his life and asks for a sign. We directly throw him a sign - if you’re super direct, that sign happens to be the most direct interaction we could possibly make with him. Telling him that he’s on Netflix in the 21st century for our entertainment and we’re controlling his life.
So, as I say, Ending One is where we don’t have an impact and thus things play out in the universe as they should. Bandersnatch is finished, it gets a 0/5 and Stefan resolves to try again. Ironically, if you just sit back and don’t take the option of making a choice (because, remember, us even making a choice is in itself a choice), though all the game does terribly - this is arguably the best outcome for Stefan. And all because we listened to the exact advice the trailer gave us with its music choice: “Relax. Don’t do it.”
Ending Two: If you go straight to Dr. Haynes (rather than going after Colin) and take your pills when you get home, you get what I call the “” ending. Stefan takes the pills, we jump forward five months to find that Bandersnatch got completed by Stefan but due to his pills, it comes across flat after the midway point and only gets a 2.5/5 rating.
Ending Two Analysis: Not a lot to say here - but it’s worth noting that the review dude on the TV mentions that if the creator had second chances, they should go back and do this game all over again but differently. Keep that in mind for later. It’s worth noting that if you take Stefan off the path that the universe was “meant” to take and then leave it to its own devices (and Stefan to his own choices) again, not making choices for him - then you’ll end up at this one. Almost as if the universe was trying to course correct itself...
Ending Three: “Stefan Jumps.” explanatory how we get here... We jump forward four months, and find that due to Stefan’s accidental death, the game seems to have been speedily finished by someone else.
Ending Three Analysis: We get no rating this time but TV review guy does say the game is bad. He also mentions that it seems abrupt, jarring, bleak, creepy... Almost a perfect way to describe the ending - since it then just ends.
Ending Four: “The P.A.C.S. Ending”. In this one, we unlock Stefan’s dad’s safe with the password “PAC” (obtained by crossing over paths from following Colin to visiting Dr. Haynes... we’ll come by to the implications of such things later.) and find to our surprise that Stefan’s entire life is part of a conspiratorial program, not only well documented but also manufactured with the trauma of his mother’s death being totally falsified. Dad wakes up, refuses to speak and in his rage, Stefan hits him with somethi--- Oh wait, it’s a dream. Just a dream... But then it goes off the rails, quickly plunging us into the choice where we give Stefan a sign that he’s being controlled. Instead of Netflix, we now have the choice of P.A.C.S. - taking that option leads Stefan to kill his dad with the ashtray in a rage about the apparent conspiracy. Stefan then picks up the phone to phone Dr. Haynes - and we have to enter her number. Entering it correctly means that Stefan outright says to Hayne’s receptionist that he’s killed his dad. As he’s burying his dad, we hear distinct sirens and then cut to a review of Bandersnatch. The game is given a 2/5 rating and we discover that Stefan has been charged with killing his dad and locked up in jail.
Ending Four Analysis: It’s safe to say that P.A.C.S. didn’t actually exist outside of Stefan’s head and it’s his life paralleling Jerome F Davies’ obsession with conspiracy theories and delusions. But... what nobody seems to be really talking about is - we did that. Again. Leaving aside all the choices up to and including the safe, we make the P.A.C.S. sign appear and fuel Stefan’s dream-induced paranoia. In this ending, we in a way become Stefan’s delusion. (Oh, and don’t be surprised if you didn’t get this ending with your choices, or only part of it - again we’re coming to all that...)
Ending Five: “Time Rewritten” - now I’ll be honest, I did all these endings in one straight through run. Which made for a REALLY messy time in both my head and the game. Particularly with Colin... But anyway, for this one, I had to make Stefan pick up the family photo after having followed Colin and heard him say that mirrors let you travel through time. Stefan then seems to head through a mirror in the bathroom back in time to when he was a kid. And discovers that his dad took the teddy away from Stefan and locked it away in his room. He wakes up, I take him through the Netflix sign again. [During this, I led into what I’ll be addressing in a minute as Ending Four-B.] And take Stefan back to the locked room, this time entering the password “TOY”. Stefan unlocks the safe and finds his teddy within... And then it takes an odd turn. Stefan turns to find a younger dad - and then suddenly he is a child again. The younger dad relents and lets young Stefan put the teddy back under his bed. After doing so, suddenly older Stefan is looking at young Stefan sleeping. We cut back to young Stefan on the day Mum leaves... This time, he finds the teddy but his Mum is still running late. She’s gonna have to catch the next train - the one that leads to her demise - and we have to make the decision for young Stefan on whether to go or not. Of course, yes is my choice here - for though it’s a tragedy, it’s the last of these paths to take - we get young Stefan and Mum on the train, cut to black, and then see that older Stefan has died in Dr. Haynes’ office. We then get shown a TV screen and the credits come rolling in, whether we like it or not. And there’s what seems almost a tune playing but we’ll get back to that because if you’re a ZX Spectrum fan like myself, you know where that’s headed.
Ending Five Analysis: Alright, now there’s debate to be had here. Did Stefan really walk through a mirror and change time, undoing his own existence in the present, rendering himself dead on the spot? Did he slip away into a divergent reality and leave his original one behind? Or did he, in reliving the trauma with Dr. Haynes, live too far into it and died? Well, my opinion is that the last of those three is true. (Although, this conclusion is a little shot in the foot for me personally because I never discussed the death of Stefan’s mum with Dr. Haynes ever. Unless you try to make the conclusion that the entirety of my personal run through this game even from Stefan getting up at the very start of it was all in his reliving). Time to come clean about something I’ve been hinting through this post. Delusions. Almost all of the endings involve delusions. But, you’ll have to wait until the end of this chapter before I bring all of that together.
Ending Four-B: “Cut!” - having taken Stefan down the Netflix path and into a fight with Dr. Haynes, I told him to jump through the window. He runs to the window but it doesn’t open - and then we hear something shout CUT! The view pulls out to reveal that Stefan is in a studio, and that - in a very meta move - all of this is just a production being made (for TV, for film... for Netflix?) and that trying to jump out of the window isn’t in the script. Stefan is then addressed as Mike and it seems to be the case that he has fallen a little too much into character. The studio assistant, worried with his insistence that he is Stefan, rushes off to find a medic. And that’s the end of that.
Ending Four-B Analysis: Firstly, I put this with Ending Four because it’s down a similar path, and once again we become Stefan... sorry, Mike’s delusion. And this led me to an interesting thought about this universe where we’ve taken control of a delusional actor - is the alternative for taking the Netflix sign, which is having the fight with Dr. Haynes (as “scripted”) and being dragged off just a part of this universe’s production? In that instance, is the delusional then our own that this world is a reality when - surprise, surprise, it’s a Netflix production (and presumably, in that universe, also a Black Mirror episode)? Secondly, as an aside, the only option presented to me after this ending for a rewind was “Get Rabbit From Dad”...
Well, there you go, five “main” endings (and a bit) and an awful lot for me to explain...
Except... Ending Six. What I Believe Is The True “Main” Ending.
So we lead Stefan back to the sign, give him the Diverging Paths sign (or call it Whitebear, if thus inclined.), make him kill Dad, and make him chop up the body. Then, the Boss and Colin discuss the fact that Stefan is late with his work - Colin convinces him to leave Stefan be for another day. And what happens here on, well, happens. It’s worth noting the reluctance and pain Stefan has carrying out the order we gave him to chop up his Dad. But then, it’s contrasted by the lack of emotion he shows in Dr. Haynes’ office. Perhaps he’s taken that JFD documentary to heart about believing that if all paths occur, and there is no free will - then why care? Why feel guilt on behalf of what seems to be destiny? And honestly, I can’t blame Stefan... Because he doesn’t have free will here, we’re throwing decisions at him and he’s along for the ride. We made him kill his dad. We made him chop him up. 
And herein lies our delusion. That in making these choices for him, we have a choice. Because we really don’t - we’re in a Bandersnatch of our own (if you’re a CYOA fan then you might’ve sensed this coming...) and honestly, we should’ve known from the start. We’re the ones that selected the option Black Mirror: Bandersnatch on Netflix and hit play, after all. Just as Stefan has pulled back from making an infinity of paths and left enough complexity to make it seem so. I mean, I’ll be blunt here even though I’ve yet to discuss it in depth in Chapter Two - technically, there is no way that any one human being is getting through every possible path/universe. To us, it may as well be infinite. And yet, it’s all just an illusion of free will.
Endings Two and Three all push us, the player, bluntly into going back into this warren of choices - to try again. Pushing us further on. Ending Four is more subtle, toying with us by giving us a tragic ending for Stefan so we feel inclined to go again and do better for him (and in my case, straight up offers up a path to Ending Five, and what seems a more hopeful ending until you get into it.) Ending One is even there if you decide to take the choice to not make any choices, to not interfere at all. Leaving the universe on course - but of course, this is our game and trap so it tells us not so subtly to try again as well.
And Ending Five leads us to ending with... A delusion. There’s the crux of the matter.
Ending One is our delusion that we can game the system by not getting involved.
Ending Two is Stefan’s (and our) delusion that if we play by the nicest choices and rules of life, it’s all going to turn out happily.
Ending Three is Stefan’s delusion (spurred on by the acid? by Colin’s way of thinking? by both?) that if infinite worlds are out there and free will is an illusion then what does it matter if he jumps?
Ending Four is where Stefan becomes delusional as a result of us and ends up locked up. We are the delusion. Four-B is where Stefan himself, as a person, is the delusion.
Ending Five is either the delusion of a man who relived his trauma too deeply or the delusion of us in thinking that when the paths were all clear and we had what seemed like a final end, that it would be happy. (Or none of the above, if you really want to go analysing this one differently.)
And Ending Six is our delusion. “And now, they’ve only got the illusion of free will but really, I decide the ending.”
In a few short seconds, we realise that we have been the Stefan of Charlie Brooker and co. - being led towards this ending that is out of our hands now. Despite all the paths and other endings you take, you’re likely to end up back here. 
And as Stefan says about how he thinks Bandersnatch led to a happy ending, and we see him in his room, with his computer - and walls covered in paths; trying to make sense of the maze he’s playing... well, I think you can piece together the parallels between him and us.
And then we’re landed with the fact that he’s kept his dad’s head. And the 5/5 review we’ve been looking for all game finally comes, but then it turns out even that comes at a price. We’ve driven Stefan insane, certainly - and we’ve tainted the happiness of a moment we were striving for. And there’s a final delusion for us - the delusion that whatever choices were out there for us to make, we could get an ending where everyone lives, Stefan is happy, the game gets 5/5 and all is well. But we can’t. No matter what Stefan does, he can’t divert from the path we choose and no matter what we do, we can’t divert from the path Charlie Brooker chose.
Colin’s daughter takes up the mantle of her father, inspired by having found Stefan’s work, just as Stefan was inspired by having found Jerome F Davies’. (She even has Jerome’s book as well!) And one more time, we fall into the meta hole as it’s revealed that she’s creating her game for TVs and smart devices under Netflix. Her game is the Bandersnatch we’re playing. 
As a parting shot, Charlie Brooker brings himself into the web the one we can without completely shattering what remains of the fourth wall. Pearl represents him, trapped in the same madness, trying to put this game together. We are given our final choice - and either way, it’s a moot choice. Both destroy Bandersnatch. Both cause the screen to cut out - did we just erase Bandersnatch? Does it matter, given that our choice or even abstaining meant nothing in the end?
And I suppose you have to feel sympathy for Charlie Brooker, because the pain Stefan felt and the pain we felt - he’s no stranger to it.
And we’re left with one question now that the game is gone: What about real life?
Chapter 2: Why A Flowchart Won’t Ever Cut It (Technically)
Chapter 3: So Many Easter Eggs
Chapter 4: The Best Way To Document Every Piece Of Bandersnatch
Chapter 5: Us
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imaginedisish · 6 years
Just Like Heaven (Colin Ritman x Reader) (Bandersnatch)
A/N: It felt so good to write again. Holy CRAP I MISSED IT. Please give me some requests! This wasn’t a request someone gave me, but something I actually requested another fic writer to write. I don’t even remember who…but enjoy! (ps I had so much trouble staying in the present tense. it’s soooo much easier and comfortable to write in the past tense like woah) (and yes this is a The Cure reference for all my New Wave fans) (Also it’s 2:28am where I’m at so if there are grammar mistakes and mess ups and stuff i’m SO SORRY)
Warnings: Some language, references to drug use, overload of fluff?? I think that’s it. 
Summary: AU!(idk when)Colin picks you up from dance, and to your surprise comes in to watch. Things get…interesting to say the least. (word count: 1,617 i think)
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“Come on ladies! Hit those turns!” That was practically all your teacher screamed throughout class. You couldn’t wait to get out of dance; Colin was picking you up. You two had been dating for a short while now, but it felt like you’d known him your whole life. It was something special, something you had never felt with anyone else before him. 
You looked over to the clock. It was 3:25. Just five minutes left, you reminded yourself. Five minutes until you were with Colin. 
On the same wall as the clock was a cheap, one way mirror. Your dance studio owner put it there so parents with younger children could watch their kids dance during class without distracting the kids. It was completely useless, since you could easily make out shadows and shapes through it, sometimes even whole people, which entirely defeated its intended purpose. 
Suddenly, you hear the studio door creak open. Through the fake one way mirror, a tall, slender figure waltzes into the lobby, and sits down on the sofa. You could make out his shape from a mile away. 
It was Colin. 
He adjusts his glasses, and leans back. It’s almost clear that he’s making eye contact with you. He smirks, and slowly places his hands behind his head. 
Oh god no, today of all days he decides to come in, you think to yourself. You weren’t on your game at all today. Your pirouettes were totally off, your grand jetes were not as high as usual, and your fouettes were a sloppy mess. You expected more from yourself, especially since you were the lead in the dance. 
“(Y/N)!” Your head spins to face your dance teacher. “We are going from the top! Are you going to stop staring into space and focus now?” Heat flushed to your cheeks from the embarrassment of being screamed at by your teacher, but you nodded, accepting your mistake nevertheless. 
You took your position in the center of the room, and began to prepare yourself for the beginning of the number. Please don’t suck this time…please just do things right…do. not. fuck. up, you thought to yourself. 
The music began to play, and you tried your best to concentrate. The number was “Cell Block Tango” from Chicago. The way your teacher choreographed it was relatively raunchy, more raunchy than the original, and you were almost nervous for Colin to watch it. However, you seemed to be doing better this time than any other time before. 
“Pop! Six! Squish! Uh uh! Cicero! Lipschitz!” You fluidly moved across the black floor, hitting every pose, every position, every jump and every turn much better than you had been before Colin’s appearance.
The music slowed down, and it was time for your section. Your heart jumped into your throat. 
“My sister, Veronica and I had this double act, and my husband, Charlie, traveled round with us…” You continued, sexily strutting across the floor, executing every move with relative ease, all while lip-sinking to the mirror as if it was the audience. Even the other girls in your class were entranced by your performance. 
“I come back, open the door, and there's Veronica and Charlie, doing number seventeen…” you nail a triple pirouette, “…the spread eagle,” and then slowly slide down into a perfect, yet suggestive split. You continued on, pushing through the center split and onto your stomach, and rolling over to stand up. 
The rest of the dance went on relatively well. Still, you knew you could’ve done better. 
“Good job today ladies!” Your teacher exclaims as you grab your things to leave the studio. Her compliment most definitely did not apply to you, you think to yourself. “Keep practicing at home!” But that one most definitely did.
Your class thanks the teacher, and quickly rushes out the door. You walk down the hallway and spot Colin’s platinum blonde hair among the crowd of ponytails and buns that had flooded the grey lobby in a hurry to leave the building. 
Colin makes eye contact with you, and immediately smiles widely. He waves, and you wave back. 
Eventually, after pushing through some of the bunheads in your class, you make it to Colin. You fall into his arms almost instantly, groaning in exhaustion and annoyance. He wraps his arms around you in return, kissing the crown of your head lightly. 
“I’m sorry, I must be a sweaty, disgusting mess,” You giggle into Colin’s chest. 
“Do you really think I care?” He says back to you sarcastically. You can’t help but smile at his remark. He pulls you away from him, grabs your hand, and guides you through the sea of dancers that stand in the lobby. 
You and Colin make your way through the parking lot, and walk towards Colin’s lime green, vintage 1983 Ford Capri S. He loves that car way too much, but there’s just something about it that screams Colin. 
He quickly runs in front of you, and opens the car door for you. 
“I can open doors for myself, you know. This isn’t the 1800s, Colin,” You remark, smirking at your wittiness. 
“I can’t be a gentleman for once?” Colin says, rolling his eyes jokingly, waiting for you to get into the car so that he could close the door. He closes the door for you, and cooly slides over the hood of the car to get to the other side.
Once he’s in the car, he places “Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me,” by The Cure on cassette into the cassette player. You were amazed that he was able to find the album on tape, given the fact that it was hard to find in any other medium. But of course, it was Colin, and he never ceased to amaze you in the first place. He pulls out of the parking spot, and begins drive away from the studio.
“I didn’t want to say it in there, I figured the brainless bunheads would flip their shit,” Colin says, laughing, “but my god you were absolutely amazing in that dance!” Colin exclaims, beaming with happiness. You shook your head. You were so disappointed in your performance, it was probably the worst you had danced in a while. 
“I’ve done it so much better before, Colin. And at least five of those brainless bunheads are more talented than I’ll ever be,” you say back to him as you approach a red light.
Then, you feel his hand on your thigh. His face turns to face yours. 
“That’s impossible. You have to see the bigger picture. You have more stage presence than any other girl in that room. You stand out. You’re so special, (Y/N), you’re incredible,” the corners of his mouth slowly curl up into a kind grin. He’s so amazing, just so spectacularly perfect, you think to yourself.
Even when you feel like you are at your worst, Colin makes you feel like you are at your best. He’s addicting, a drug you can never get enough of. No. In fact, he is better than getting high, even though you two do that from time to time together. 
You smile back up at him. Before you can even think about what to say next, the words spill out of your mouth.
“This is why I’m in love with you.” It isn’t until after you say those words that you realize the impact of what you just said. Neither of you have said the “L” word yet. It was something you just haven’t gotten to. Colin glares at you, showing no real emotion. 
You internally face palm, feeling like you just made the biggest mistake of your life. Of course Colin doesn’t love you. There was no way he could ever love you. It was impossible. He was just too perfect. You were about to cry, right here, right now, in THE Colin Ritman’s car, on THE Colin Ritman’s vintage leather seats.
His eyes refuse to leave yours, his hand still on your thigh. You turn away from him in embarrassment. You feel heat creeping up your cheeks. You didn’t have to look in a mirror to tell your face was growing indescribably red. 
“Green light,” You state factually, trying to ignore your mistake. 
Colin was still saying nothing. He hadn’t move the car yet either. He just continued to stare at you. You turn to face him again, tears filling your eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” You choke. “I know it’s early. I shouldn’t have said anything. I get it and i- ” Before you could finish your sentence, Colin takes his hand off your thigh, and places your chin between his index finger and his thumb. His eyes look down to your lips, and he captures them in an intense, passionate kiss that would make any girl melt. 
He pulls away, looking deeply into your eyes. You search his crystal, blue eyes for some sort of an answer.
“Never apologize for saying that, ever,” Colin commanded. “Do you understand?” 
You nod in reply. 
“Because,” Colin pauses, swallowing, his adams apple bobbing, “because I’m in love with you.”
He pauses for a second. Then, he cups your cheeks, pulling you into another long, slow, and passionate kiss. You wish the kiss could last forever, but it’s cut short by the honking of a horn from the car behind you. 
Colin cranks down the window, and nonchalantly sticks a middle finger out. 
“Colin!” You try reprimanding him, but it’s no use. Colin simply chuckles loudly, and you laugh with him. He finally takes his foot off the break, and begins to drive again. 
Just like heaven, you think to yourself. 
It really was…it was just like heaven. 
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dont-bee-shy · 6 years
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch - My Alternative Endings
Okay so I’m basically going to list alternative endings to bandersnatch that I wish had been in the episode / think could be interested to toy with. I might also write them if I find the time and inspiration to do so.
1. THE “CAN HE EVER BE HAPPY ?” ENDING: somehow young Stefan gets over Rabbit and agrees to go to his grandparent’s without him. He and his mother catch the 8:30 train, everyone is alive but the game is never made. Stefan grows up normally, has a family and a good job but feels like something is missing in his life. He slowly sinks into depression. What happens next is still up for debate.
2.THE “SO MANY PEOPLE SEEM TO BE SHIPPING THEM (INCLUDNG ME TBH) SO LET IT HAPPEN” ENDING: When Colin gives him music recommandations, Stefan admits that he would like Colin to work with him on Bandersnatch. He agrees and they work together. On a night in July when they can’t work properly, they still end up doing drugs but at Stefan’s place where no one can die by jumping off the balcony, and they get laid. This itself could easily lead to two endings: - 1: Stefan lets Colin go back to Kitty: Stefan is obssessed with Colin and can’t focus on Bandersnatch anymore, he rushes it and it is released for Christmas with a 2.5 rating. Meanwhile, Colin releases his own game which gets a 4 rating. Stefan goes totally mad and shows up one morning at Tuckersoft and basically kills Colin who is totally chill with that as usual. Stefan ends up in jail. -2: Stefan begs Colin not to go back to Kitty: Stefan and Colin stay together but it forces Stefan to question reality even more. He eventually goes mad, kills Colin and chops him up (Colin is still chill with that !) and keeps the head. The game gets a 5 stars rating but the murder is discovered a few days later
3. THE “ME AND MY FRIEND FROM THE FUTURE” ENDING: The viewer chooses to tell Stefan that someone from the future is controlling him through Netflix, but in this universe, Stefan doesn’t let his father know about it and doesn’t go to see the therapist right away. He stays at the computer and asks for more explaination again and again. He eventually “befriends” the viewer and understand that he is just a character from a TV show, that he has no freewill and that nothing he does really matters nor exists. Having lost faith in reality, he decides to let the viewer have full control over his life and Stefan and his friend from the future end up doing crazy shit as Stefan goes completely mad. Game never released but Stefan doesn’t care, he is too busy exploring the limits of the artificial world he lives in.
4. THE “MY BOYFRIEND THE KILLER” ENDING: When Stefan admits to Colin that he has killed his dad, and instead of killing him or letting him go, he asks for Colin’s help to hide it. Colin tells him to chop it up instead of burying it. The game is released and gets a 5 stars rating. Colin knows that they will end up in jail if they don’t run away, so they run away and end up doing a mess somewhere else.
I might add some more, so stay tuned !
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Chapters: 14/14 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Take on Me - A-ha (Music Video) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Take on Me Video AU, Choose Your Own Adventure, 9 out of 10 endings are angsty, HEA is a diamond in the rough, Fluff and Angst, POV Rey (Star Wars), Reylo - Freeform, Multiple Endings, No alternate relationships, crylo, Cryley, CYOA, Sometimes I just get hyper fixated on something and look out, this time around it was that video and how the guy looked like Adam when he was a drawing, (not so much when he was real) Summary:
A Reylo Choose Your Own Adventure fic inspired by the A-ha "Take on Me" video as well as Netflix's "Bandersnatch" and just a touch of Alice in Wonderland.
Please read the instructions at the bottom of each chapter very carefully, DO NOT JUST CLICK NEXT CHAPTER! It won't make any sense.
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dovechim · 6 years
it’s so fucking good like the entire black mirror series is good but this in particular just takes the cake. I love anything to do with alternate realities and parallel universes so it was right up my alley 🤧
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drabble requests are open 💖
I'm opening up x reader requests for drabbles! drabbles will be around 100-300 words in length (could be more if I really like the prompt). I'm going to do my best to do all of them, but if I'm not inspired by the prompt I'm not going to force myself. please be kind even if I don't get to your request.
here's the info I need from you:
-alternate universe (like soulmate, royalty, etc.)*
-any other special requests*
*means optional
fandoms I've written for before:
-the flash
-black mirror: bandersnatch
-the maze runner series
-criminal minds
-harry potter (little rusty)
-star wars
-riverdale (I haven't seen any of season 3 though so all fics would take place in season 1 or 2)
fandoms I'm in but haven't written for yet (I'm willing to try though!!):
-american horror story (I've written for murder house before but none of the other seasons yet...I'd love some michael langdon requests 😍😍 also I haven't seen cult yet, but I've seen all the other seasons)
-voltron: legendary defender
-she-ra and the princesses of power
-the chilling adventures of sabrina
-the dragon prince
-stranger things
please note that I can write for characters of any gender from the fandoms above. however, my reader is always female because I'm a cis female and I think it's for the best if I write about what I know 💖
if you have any more questions let me know!! please send in some requests 💖 (oh, one little rule: you must be following me to send in a request. if you send in a request and you're not following me, I automatically won't do it.)
if you don't want to request anything, please think about reblogging this so more people see it 💖
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ao3feed--reylo · 5 years
A Day or Two
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xOIeqT
by Alania
A Reylo Choose Your Own Adventure fic inspired by the A-ha "Take on Me" video as well as Netflix's "Bandersnatch" and just a touch of Alice in Wonderland.
Please read the instructions at the bottom of each chapter very carefully, DO NOT JUST CLICK NEXT CHAPTER! It won't make any sense.
Words: 2036, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Take on Me - A-ha (Music Video)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Take on Me Video AU, Choose Your Own Adventure, 9 out of 10 endings are angsty, HEA is a diamond in the rough, Fluff and Angst, POV Rey (Star Wars), Reylo - Freeform, Multiple Endings, No alternate relationships, crylo, Cryley, CYOA, Sometimes I just get hyper fixated on something and look out, this time around it was that video and how the guy looked like Adam when he was a drawing, (not so much when he was real)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2xOIeqT
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