#bangtan boys snaps
btsmosphere · 3 months
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 14: Cover Me
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: An unprecedented strike at the heart of bangtan leaves you baring yours.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 5.7k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, swearing, (supernatural) animal attack, injury
a/n: if this whole time the slow burn has been me leaning nearer to a candle with a lighter... now is where I finally let the flame catch🤭👀
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The one good thing to come of your escapade was, unexpectedly, quite a plethora of entertaining tales designed to make you feel better. As it turned out, most of the boys had also been just as, if not more, stupid than you on occasion.
While your body was exhausted, and smiling pulled at the cuts on your face, you couldn’t help yourself. All of you would be in bed long after the sun rose at this rate, but right now you made no complaint as you fell back against the couch with laughter. Even Yoongi, the butt of the current story, bore a begrudging grin.
“I still can’t believe it!” Jimin cackled, falling over Yoongi’s lap dramatically. In all honesty, you didn’t know how he even managed to speak around his giggles, “those innocent people just wanted to have a fun night!”
“Most of them were innocent-”
“And the non-innocent among them were terrified when the disco lights got hijacked,” you deadpanned.
Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“I was in a bad mood.”
“You heard it here: don’t mess with our Yoongi, you can’t imagine what he’s capable of,” Jin teased.
“It’s less of an abuse of power than stopping an entire highway of traffic just so the Kan CEO couldn’t get away,” Yoongi responded, eyes pointedly fixing on Jimin.
Jimin’s head snapped up, surprised by the turn towards him. His hand tightened on V’s, but the next second he scoffed a laugh.
“He deserved it!”
“That’s the reason every time one of you makes a fool of yourself,” Jin smiled. “You can be stupid and they can still deserve it.”
His eyes flicked over to you, then. While embarrassment still washed over you, it gave way to a sheepish smile, your private response.
Sinking into the warmth of the squishy sofa, a smile laced your lips, not leaving, as your friends kept laughing and poking fun. The night went on, eyes beginning to droop and laughter growing sleepy.
They had welcomed you back with understanding. It was more than you could have hoped for, some hours ago fighting for your life in the cold.
This was your home. And the man who once wanted you gone had been the one to bring you back.
Jungkook hadn’t sat beside you. After the revelations you had shared in the bathroom, perhaps your both needed some reeling space. But you noticed his eyes on you from his spot opposite, and found your smile came easily.
Though he didn’t return it, he wasn’t cold. His expression unwavering, his brows were almost imperceptibly creased with intrigue.
You only let your body’s haze of exhaustion wash through you, not trying to read closer into his demeanour. Although you may not understand him half the time, you knew one thing for sure, and for tonight, that was enough.
He still wanted you here.
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Noise drenched the space, wrenching you from sleep. Even while your eyes were still opening, your body moved without you, getting your legs under you.
Covers thrown off, the relative cold shocked you fully to your senses before another crunch shook the very walls.
Suddenly very awake, your brain whizzed through the last dizzying seconds. And didn’t land very far from the initial, sleep-crazed and panicked conclusion that you were dying.
The crunch was interrupted before it even finished ringing out, by another noise, splintering through the air. An immense thud of something hitting the ground buzzed through the floorboards beneath your feet.
Heart hammering as if trying to match the cacophony assaulting you, you sprinted for the door. You threw it open and stopped dead.
Sudden, brilliant light assaulted you. Of course it was light; you had all stayed up far too late after yesterday. So much for a rest.
But the light didn’t come from the window.
It came from the gaping hole in the ceiling.
Hardly daring blink, you let your eyes strain in shock and staggered from your doorway. A chunk of rubble sat in the hall, between yours and the others’ bedrooms. Gaping, you looked to the chasm above you, beyond which was sky.
Just then, another movement drew you back to earth.
You had never seen Namjoon with bedhead before, your scrambled brain realised as you met eyes with your bewildered leader through a doorway.
And then darkness plummeted between you.
Thunder deafened you, and you were forced to jump back from a shower of debris. Beyond the caving of the roof, a roar rumbled. Not another sound of stone or brick; it was like an animal.
You readied your hands, the only thing you could do.
The wall of wreckage settled so high you could no longer see Namjoon. But the others must be awake, too. Whatever the hell was going on, you would take it together.
A shape loomed then in the open space, blocking out the sun. Before you could make out more than a silhouette, it stomped closer, the building shuddering beneath it. Dust rained down in the thin remaining streams of sunlight.
Then, all at once, it pounced through the hole it had opened, and was filling the air with its great roar.
Rubble cracked under its feet. The floor shook. The doors rattled – before the thing lashed out an immense arm, and the wood splintered like paper.
So it had arms. And legs, poised beneath it like a predator. And teeth.
Eyes adjusting, you honed in. You didn’t like what you saw.
Unfortunately, it saw you too.
The beast’s furry head twisted your way, fixing you with eyes you would never forget. Its jaws opened, and your power surged within you at the same moment it lunged-
Then shot sideways in a blur. It fell with the crunch of its own weight, a lump of masonry disintegrating around it.
Aborting your shot at the last second, you fell back against the wall, blindly throwing your arms up as claws slashed through the air inches from you in the fall. Bricks flew, slamming dents into plaster.
You stayed there, fixed in place, gasping. Not just because of the near-miss.
You knew this beast.
A blur and Jimin was in front of you, feet skidding to a halt among the dust and smithereens. Looking up at him in shock, you found his face hardened, nostrils flaring as he glared towards the creature.
He stuck a hand under your nose, but as you took it, a lumbering shape reappeared in the corner of your eye.
Clutching your hand tighter, Jimin stepped back.
The monster whizzed around, limbs flailing. Nothing it came into contact with could put up a fight; the tv sparked as talons sliced through the centre. It fell uselessly to the ground and burst into flames behind the creature, who drew to its full height. The glinting gaze was the same, unperturbed by Jimin’s rock-solid attack.
“What is that?” Jimin hissed in horror.
You could have answered, but shock had words sticking in your throat.
Everything moved at once, the monster leaping forwards again. It forced you and Jimin apart, both diving away from the vicious claws. Its bulk smashed against the wall, but it was already scrambling up, readying a new strike.
Crawling below the kitchen table on your elbows, you looked over your shoulder in time to see the eyes swivel straight to you again. Dread overflowed in your chest.
But it got no further.
An impact knocked its head sideways, though not off-balance this time. Merely a jolt, as if dodging a fly. Growling deep in its throat, it looked around.
At the same moment, you found the form streaking through the air which had struck it. Hobi.
Uncaring for the chairs you sent crashing to the floor, you shot up from your shelter and took aim. Your electric blue took out the arm that threatened your friend.
And so it was back on you.
Thundering steps pounded closer and you were backed into the wall. Another strong blast hit it square in the chest, but only served to anger him more. Every nerve screamed at you to dodge, flee sideways, but you squared your jaw and let him run at you.
Remembering what Kuyang had told you, you hoped the same weak spot still held true on Frank. You had never actually had to use it before.
Jin’s yell of your name threw you off, tearing your eyes from the spot on Frank’s head. Flooding over the pile of rubble came the rest of your team. Jin cocked a gun by his head. Your eyes darted between the monster and your friends, the world slowing for a breath.
“No…” you whispered. Frank was almost upon you.
Jin fired. The crack of a bullet made Frank turn, the sweet spot on his head now out of sight.
Cursing, you ducked as he made impact with the wall, apparently forgetting you were ever there. Scrambling clear of his reach, you found your feet. But Frank was already moving again.
Among the mass of matted hair, you saw the tail of a dart poking from his back. A tranquilizer. While a good idea, you knew that it wouldn’t knock Frank out by a long shot. He needed strong sedation, and a lot at that. Your lab wasn’t equipped for that.
All they had done was piss him off more. Your heart thundered along with Frank’s steps as he lunged for your friends.
With a sweep of his hand, V shot up a wall of purple flames. Frank bellowed and swiped at them, unfazed by the burn. Orange fire burned thicker your end of the room, spreading from the tv to the rug, and you leapt around it, firing at the monster’s back. Anything to keep him from your brothers.
Sure enough, Frank turned, but a new shape came at him. Your heart squeezed as Hobi flew so close by – near enough to the weak spot on his head, but he didn’t know about that. Among the crashing and roaring of fire and fighting, he would never hear you. Your comms were safely tucked away in a room downstairs. This was a fight you hadn’t seen coming.
Frank’s eyes locked onto the boy coming for him. Hobi landed a solid kick and whirled away, but Frank wasn’t giving up. A slash of talons followed.
“No!” you screamed, firing with precision into Frank’s eyes.
The creature stumbled, claws fumbling wildly, but it hadn’t been enough. Hope’s form dropped hard to the floor, rolling away. He stayed there, still on the floorboards.
Jimin marched closer, a hand raised, and Frank was slammed back into the wall. Jimin flung his arm down and Frank’s face was smashed on the rubble, dropping to his knees.
With the brief distraction as cover, you raced towards Hobi. Skidding to your knees in front of him, a breath punched out of you as you saw his eyes open.
“Shit, Hobi.”
Reaching out, you circled your arm around his shoulders and hauled him to sit with your help. You winced along with him, but you had to move. A long gash ran down his chest.
“I’m… okay,” he panted.
“Bullshit,” you spat.
A new holler from the beast had you whirling to look over your shoulder. Frank held Jimin in a gargantuan fist, raising him from the ground.
“Jimin!” you cried, but your voice was drowned out in Frank's roar, and the bursts of desperate rifle fire from Jin.
V had already leapt into action, murderous purple tinting his eyes as he brought flames up around the beast, swamping him. Jimin’s eyes still burned pink, despite his immobilisation. His brows drew down in focus, and a new piece crumbled from the roof onto the monster’s skull.
Though it stumbled, the creature didn’t even fall.
“We need to get out of here,” you hissed.
Though Hobi sagged against you, you felt him nod. Easing him to rest against the wall, you stood.
A silhouette darting through the flames emerged. You had never seen V like this. His expression was clouded with dark, wild anger and he leapt for Jimin, catching hold of Frank’s arm and swinging from it.
Blazing purple circled Frank’s flesh along every inch where V made contact.
An ear-splitting howl of pain and rage ripped from the monster’s throat. Throwing his arms to the side, he tossed both V and Jimin who came flying towards you. In mid-air, Jimin caught hold of V, curling around him before they both came tumbling to the ground at your feet.
Thrashing his immense arms, Frank blundered out of the column of fire, leaving it to eat up the building behind him.
Seeing Jimin and V untangling themselves, bruised but mobile, you stepped around them.
“Get out of here,” you told them with urgency, “take Hope.”
Jimin called after you, but you were already starting forwards.
The only one left standing was Jin – where were the others? – so you had to put a stop to this before anyone else got hurt. Dashing forwards, you found Frank hadn’t made a target of you yet. He took his fury out on your house, which was quickly devolving into little more than wreckage.
A glance at Jin showed him backing away, to your relief. In the other direction, Hobi was sandwiched between Jimin and V, rushing between the violet flames to escape through the garage.
A booming roar brought you back to Frank.
The monster stomped his foot, gaping jaws wide and snarling as he lifted his arms. Claws dug into brick, tearing off a chuck of ceiling. You jumped as he sent it crashing to the ground in a fog of dust.
A wall of rubble was stacked in front of you, but Frank’s enormous foot cracked it easily as he stepped over it.
Red fire spat at your back, the heat immense. You couldn’t back up further.
Frank’s giant fist descended, grip circling a couch, the end of which was already flaming. He lifted it, flung it to the side. Removing it from his path as he advanced on you.
Below it, someone moved. Ducking underneath, heading straight for you. Next moment, the figure crashed against you, throwing you to the side with strong hands gripping your arms.
They flipped, taking the brunt of the fall to their back as you slid together among the debris.
Instantly, you were struggling against them, throwing the arms off. They let you go, and you struggled to your feet, rounding on them.
He staggered up too, reaching for your arm.
“We need to go,” he panted, “we can’t fight it.”
“I can,” you protested, shaking him off.
But he sprung forwards, grabbing you. With a startled cry, you were twisted around. His arm caught your waist, yanking you against him, placing him closest to Frank to fire a golden beam at the claws which had swiped for you.
“I thought we went over this?” Jungkook’s voice was ragged in your ear.
A new pounce from Frank sent you both diving over the rubble. You landed hard on your elbows, Jungkook’s arm on your back.
“We did,” you gasped, scrambling to right yourself, eyes never resting between Jungkook’s confusion and the looming threat of Frank. “But I mean it this time. I know how- argh!”
Frank swept a forceful kick at the table. It cracked under the force, two halves shooting into the air to crash against the kitchen cabinets.
Dropping to the floor, you rolled away from the hunk of wood as it clattered back to earth between you and Jungkook.
In the haze of dancing flames and cascading dust, thick in the air, you met Jungkook’s eyes.
“Just trust me!” you shouted, the words wrenching deep from your chest. Your chest rose and fell sharply with exertion. Frank was running again. You had had too many chances already; this had to be the one.
With one last glance back at Jungkook, you found his eyes blazing. But with determination, not anger.
“Cover me?” you called.
A sharp nod was all you needed.
Not sparing any moment to doubt, you took off. Charged straight at the beast.
Just as you trusted he would, Jungkook rushed the other way, firing gold right into Frank’s heart. Its predatory eyes followed Jungkook, while its back turned to you.
Frantic heart spurring you on, you fixed your eyes on the spot you aimed for.
And jumped.
There was no way Frank didn’t feel the human landing bodily against his back. The moment you made contact, you grabbed on fiercely, anticipating the enraged lurch of his body as he tried to throw you off.
Dangling from his shoulder, you swung a leg up, securing around his neck.
Dazzling gold knocked a fist aimed for you off-course. Jungkook had your back. You couldn’t afford to spare any attention on where the next one would come from.
Reaching up, you grabbed onto Frank’s head, fingers closing around a bony ridge that lined his monstrous skull. He shook harshly, making you cling with your every muscle as your hand fumbled over his skin.
And then you pressed down. Scrubbing your hand back and forth, the effect was almost instant.
The shaking stopped. You didn’t. This patch should knock him out for at least half an hour, you remembered.
Then Frank dropped, his entire mass hitting the ground as one. You were thrown down with him, head jerking forwards and stopping inches from the floor.
There you stayed for a long second. Just panting in the sudden stillness.
At last, you rolled off the monster’s form, bracing your landing with hands against the ground. A bit shaky from the adrenaline crashing through you, you let yourself smile, and looked up.
The place was a mess. If only you could have got to Frank sooner, it need not have escalated like this. But you had no way of telling your friends not to get involved. At least you had done it now, although the place was left a disaster scene of fire and debris.
Trying your best to ignore the crackling flames, you looked up to the figure silhouetted in front of them.
Jungkook looked back at you in total shock. His slack face was painted with a shade of bewildered horror.
“What. The hell.” He said flatly.
Huffing a laugh, you finally pushed yourself to your feet and wiped your hands on your trousers.
And found yourself knocked back by a fierce hug. The shock alone nearly swept you off your feet. As it was, you kept your ground and blinked, startled, into Jungkook’s shoulder as his arms wrapped fast around you.
It was all you could do to get your arms to stop hovering, and tentatively hold him in return. Not to mention the effort it took to ignore the frightening soar of your heart under his touch. Surely he would feel it thumping against him, with how tight he gripped you in that moment.
“You’re crazy, you know that?” he half-laughed, stirring the hair above your ear.
Forcibly shutting your gaping mouth, you chuckled, face falling forwards against his shoulder.
“So you keep saying,” you replied wryly.
Finally, you summoned the courage to ease away from him. Honestly, you were a bit worried about the speed your heart was pumping the longer you touched, but it was strangely counter-intuitive to step out of his arms.
Jungkook found you with wide eyes, and slowly lowered his hands in a mirror of yours.
With an awkward laugh, you darted your gaze away.
“Kuyang made this guy,” you nodded down to the creature. Your eyes lingered the closed eyes and tantalising teeth that had always made you shudder back in your days at the lab. “We called him Frank.”
You weren’t sure Jungkook’s eyebrows could climb any higher.
“Yeah. Bit more fun than ‘Necrus X’, I suppose,” you shrugged, and stepped to Jungkook’s side.
He kept eyeing Frank.
“How long do we have?”
“He’ll wake up in around half an hour,” you told him.
His eyebrows pulled downwards a fraction, and he glanced around the space.
“How do we kill it?”
But your focus was distracted by a pitch floating through the air, growing closer. Looking up, you found your gaze on the empty hole torn in the roof.
People were arriving.
“Let’s not stick around to try.”
Jungkook seemed to agree with you, reaching for your hand in an instant. Then he was tugging you with him, towards the stairs leading underground to the training space. You never usually had to scale piles of rubble to get there, but the world did change very fast these days.
Near the peak of the mini-mountain, you took the chance to peer up through the cracks. Blue lights flashed somewhere near, and you had never heard so many people at once in this part of town.
Soon, Jungkook’s hand was urging you on, and you jogged down the stairs side-by-side.
“Looks like we’re busted,” you worried aloud.
Jungkook sighed, but it could have been from the exertion. Your feet met the training floor and you raced away together. He kept clutching your hand. Of course, you had expected him to let go the first chance he got, and yet you found yourself holding firmly in return. Must be the need for some kind of steady comfort after that fight. Right?
“Namjoon and Yoongi cleared us out,” Jungkook was saying. You had to force yourself to tune in, wresting your mind away from the ever-present warmth of his fingers around yours.
“I guess they’re prepared for something like this. They shut down all the tech, collected some documents. Destroyed some things too. It was almost like Namjoon was... ready for this? He told me to just get everyone out.”
“But how did they find us?” you frowned.
Turning down the corridor where Namjoon’s office lay, you saw Jungkook was right. The doors all stood open, nothing but darkness beyond.
Jungkook led you both to the end of the hall. You had never been here before, but somehow it hadn’t crossed your mind to question Jungkook about where you were going. He eased to a stop beside you then, unable to help a glance over his shoulder. Just in case.
“I don’t know,” he admitted, meeting your eyes. His shoulders slumped and he frowned to himself, shaking his head. “I mean, there was the car you saw tailing you guys. Maybe there were more. They tried again, or-”
There was no way either of you could know right now. It wouldn’t change anything.
Turning himself from that line of thought completely, Jungkook dropped your hand and approached the wall. You bit your tongue, your fingers retracting straight away at the lack of his warmth. It had felt strange, standing still and yet holding hands – no, not holding hands, but… grabbing. Out of necessity.
It just hadn’t crossed his mind to let go. You ignored the fact that once upon a time, it would have been the only thing either of you thought about until you could finally be rid of the other.
Shaking your head, you almost wiped your hand on your trousers. You stopped, for some reason, and just ran your thumb over your fingers instead.
In front of you, Jungkook reach for a fire extinguisher fixed to the wall. Raising your eyebrows, you prepared to tell him that the place really was past repairing, when he pushed down on it instead.
It moved, something clicking into place out of sight. In a blink, a square had emerged in the blank wall, and Jungkook pushed it out. A panel swung inwards, revealing empty space beyond.
Lifting a leg to swing inside, Jungkook turned to you with a smirk. It was your turn to be stunned.
“That sure is helpful,” you muttered, before starting forwards.
A bright laugh came from Jungkook as he hopped down into the passage.
“Namjoon-hyung really thought of everything.”
Humming your assent, you climbed through the opening. Jungkook secured the panel back into the wall. For a moment, you were submerged in total darkness, only sensing the click of your hiding place being concealed.
A weak light filtered to life above you after a few seconds of waiting. It illuminated Jungkook, who was looking up, clearly anticipating its arrival.
“Right.” He met your eyes, and swallowed. The space here was much thinner than outside, the walls forcing you nearer. “Let’s get moving.”
Nodding rapidly, you waited for him to turn and lead you on. Once his back was safely to you, you let out a breath, feeling your heart winding down in your chest. Some adrenaline trip you had been on, huh?
“Where are we going?” you asked, hurrying after him. Something about this place made you hush your voice, however illogical that was.
“It should get us a safe distance away,” Jungkook replied over his shoulder, “Namjoon had time to give me this. We’ll head to the coordinates he sends.”
The emergency lighting in the tunnel was sparse, and as you walked you fell through light and shade. Currently in a patch of darkness, you squinted to make out a small pager screen which Jungkook held up to show you.
So you carried on. With no idea where you were, or what was going on, you probably should have been freaking out a lot more. But right now, you had a direction. Somehow, following Jungkook eased your concern. You were glad he was the one with you...
Wow, that was something you shouldn’t admit out loud. You eyed the man in front of you, as if worried he could have read your thoughts. He only kept walking.
Eventually, the passage gave way to a set of industrial-looking metal stairs. Together, your footsteps clanged gently against the comfortable quiet.
At the top, you found a door made of thick metal. A grate set into it at eye-level let in the buzz of traffic beyond – and sirens.
Ahead of you, Jungkook peered through the small gaps, before stepping back to make way for you. He met your eyes with the same concern you felt. Was it safe for you out there? Looking down at yourself, you took in your attire. Neither of you were wearing anything particularly distinctive, having been surprised at home.
“Let’s not chance it,” Jungkook interrupted your thoughts, but you could hear the frustration concealed in his voice. Neither of you much fancied sitting around doing nothing at a time like this.
Better that than blowing the whole thing up by being hasty, though. You had learned that the hard way.
The passage widened, but not enough to sit face-to-face. So, agreeing with Jungkook, you joined him and sat at his side on the top step.
It was impossible not to feel his eyes on you. Or the weight of his arms from where he had hugged you, lingering like a phantom. Having him so close only teased what you had just felt, the gentle warmth where your shoulders brushed sending ripples over your skin.
“Your face,” Jungkook spoke, “it’s better.”
Swallowing, you lifted your head from the surface of your thoughts and back into his eyeline.
Sure enough, when you lifted a hand, there was no need for the trepidation in your fingertips. No pain returned your touch. The skin was totally smooth where Monsoon had broken it yesterday.
“This lifestyle does have some perks, then,” you shrugged.
Jungkook’s smile rewarded you.
“Hey, you wouldn’t change it for the world,” he retorted jokingly, elbow nudging your arm.
You gave a small chuckle, but it soon faded into a more distant smile.
“No,” you sighed. “I really wouldn’t.”
“That… that’s good.”
You had never really heard Jungkook fumble for his words like this before. Maybe his mind was elsewhere, like yours. Although ‘elsewhere’, in your case, was directly on him; you just couldn’t tell him that. Among all this chaos, it made no sense that he was the thing dominating your mind.
“Thank you for trusting me,” you offered into the newfound quiet.
Though Jungkook let the silence stretch out a little longer, one lone siren soaring through it, he found his voice eventually.
“I should have done it sooner.”
Turning to him fully, your heart threatened to burst again with the earnestness in his eyes.
“You did it at exactly the right time,” you shook your head, adamant, “and… it’s good to know I earned it. Just about, in any case.”
You couldn’t help the joke creeping in. Giving into your cowardice, you ducked with a self-depreciating laugh from the force of his gaze. A force all too soft for you to know what to do with. When he gave you fire, you could push back with something just as solid. But here, with his defences long abandoned, all you were met with was the terrifying prospect of falling right in.
The hard edge that crept back into Jungkook's voice, surprising you with his ferocity, was almost a relief. But the spark in his eyes that trapped you in his stare wasn’t of anger. Something far from it.
“You’ve earned more than-”
His words choked off. It was only now you realised how breathless you were.
You were quickly giving in to the pull of his gravity, the words floating unsaid only dragging you in further.
Eclipsed by him as you were, you hardly registered the warbling siren that drew nearer outside, and passed by. All you could see was the way Jungkook’s eyes slipped treacherously downwards.
At the peak of the siren’s volume, he drew the smallest gasp, pushing himself away. Hands bracing on the step, he hovered, breathing harder now.
The way your heart lurched at the thought he might leave right now sealed your fate.
His eyes met yours with vaguely panicked apology. Before he even spoke, you had made up your mind.
“Sorry,” he breathed, “I shouldn’t-”
Some of the steely determination he always stirred up in you made itself known. You needed him to hear, to see how certain you were of this.
“I think you should.”
In one frozen moment, you saw the reservation flee from his eyes. Rising temptation replaced it. His own hunger terrified him, but yours matched it, always, since the beginning.
You felt the moment he gave in. Felt it in the fingertips on your jaw, the heat rushing through you- the lips on yours.
In one movement, Jungkook had allowed himself to fall, and fall he did. He surged towards you, taking your face between his hands, kissing you with a blistering urgency. The vigour in his movements drowned out all trace of caution, everything flung aside the instant you kissed him back.
He needed to feel you.
Your body sang against his, warmth erupting in your chest. Every move of his lips stirred it further. Supple, like the rest of him, their softness belied the power there which he had never hid from you.
You relished it, the exhilarating force making your head spin. And you gave back equal fire, too, grazing his lower lip with your teeth. It summoned an electric sound from his throat, a grunt that accompanied his hands roaming further, hungrily running down your back, tugging you onto him.
He tasted gold.
It was a taste you knew, from his powers when he had trained you, when he had rescued you- yet so tantalisingly new in the way he gave himself to you now, painting it in laves along your mouth.
His desperate sigh, ripped from his lungs, told you he was being ruined the same way you were from this kiss. And you weren’t ready for it to end. You had no idea how long you drank him in, surrendering like you had to no one else. Your world was lit only by the glow his every touch made bloom on your skin: his arms around you, his lips, his tongue pressing between them and making your eyes flutter back.
You had repelled each other for so long. Now, at last, you had given in to the magnetism, and you could no longer bear an inch of space between you.
Even as you split apart, panting hot across each other’s faces, you welcomed the way Jungkook kept you pressed flush against his chest. Dozens of times, you succumbed to each other’s pull again, lips colliding to indulge in a desperate one-more, becoming two and three and...
Each a brief, fruitless struggle to escape the force drawing you together.
It had been there all this time.
You drew back again, panting, in time to see a crackle of gold spark in Jungkook’s heavy-lidded eyes. It mingled with a jet of your own, reflected blue dancing with the gold in his iris.
Stiffening, you remembered all the times your power had turned him away. The way he had run from you when you last lost control. The dreadful truth he had told you last night, about what Bolt’s power had done.
But his hands only clawed over your sweater, dragging you nearer again as he stared up at you with such open eyes.
“Fuck,” his voice was raw, barely more than a ragged breath, “you were right, Y/N. They are beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
Every time, you never expected Jungkook to stun you more. Of course, he outdid himself at every turn, leaving you scrabbling for words again, as you were right now.
Eyes drinking in your gaping expression, his loosened into a grin. The lazy shift into a deep, breathy laugh was like the sun coming out. You refused to look away.
You couldn’t refuse when his arm tugged you back against his chest, though.
Flopping there with a breathless laugh of your own, you closed your eyes, pushed your face against his neck. The energy to question this, to resist what had been building, had abandoned you, and you were ready to accept it.
How could you not, when his touch made you feel like this? When you had proved yourselves to one another time and time over?
You realised it all now, as you listened to the mingled sounds of your breathing with Jungkook’s.
You realised something else, too.
The sirens had stopped.
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Thank you for reading!!! I appreciate all those lovely people who leave comments🥰💜
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taglist: @aianloveseven @preciouschimine @written-in-flowers @taegularities @dvalities
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
baby (you complete us) 8
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C H A P T E R   E I G H T 
Summary: Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.
Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
Genre: soulmate au, idol au, angst, fluff, eventual smut,
Pairing: Idol BTS x Disabled MC
Warnings: angst, mentions of depression, disabled mc (Ehlers Danlos syndrome), eventual smut, fluff, lots of fluff, mentions of disability, simp bangtan
Chapter Warnings: lots of insecurities, mc practically snaps, lots of tension, angry/protective yoongi, possessive bangtan, mc believes they're unworthy, discussion of disabilities, 
*Words in Italics are spoken/written in Korean*
masterlist // chapter 7 // chapter 9
taglist:  @imnotlauriane​​  @mageprincess7​​ @m1sss1mp​​ @0funsite0​​  @strawberry-moonpies​​ @this-isthe-way​ @singukieee​​ @btsw1fe​​ @gooooomz​​  @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​ @carolinexkpop​​ @agusfree​​ @sakurarukas​​ @iamkookiesforyou​​ @skyys-universe​​ @toughbook​​ @plutoneu​​ @whisperssuga​​ @welcometomyworld13​​ @yuzon3​​ @wittyreader​​ @jnghs​​ @cyd0129​​ @exfolitae​​ @queen-in-the-shadows​​ @nen-nyy​​ @pandxthings​​ @schniti-is-in-the-house​​ @juju-227592​​ @jinseartharmysmoon​​ @wooya1224​​ @ddaeng-angmoh​​ @gratefullygrateful​​ @rorythme​​  @veronawrites​​​ @xiusmarshmallow​​​ @xicanacorpse​​​ @kalala22​​​ @ok-boke​​​ @namjoonswaifu​​​ @sweetcheeksdna​​​ @hyunjingin​​​  @promiseokza​​​ @mushroom-main​​​ @bookluver01​​​ @butterfliesinthenightsky​​
permanent taglist: @m1sss1mp​​ @yourleftsock​​ @skyys-universe​​ @cryingpages​​ @strxwbloody​​  @drissteele​​ @dustyinkpages​​ @iamkookiesforyou​​ @crushedblackroses​​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​ @blaaiissee​​  @iiitsmaria​​  @carolinexkpop​​  @azazel-nyx​​ @strawberry-moonpies​​ @g-h-o-s-t-b-a-b-i​​ @knjkitten​​ @foreverweareyoung7​​ @lachimolala22019​​ @namuficxs​​ @94z-93​​ @kimgmzmc​​ @thenaverse​​ @dahliasbouqet​​ @black-rose-29​​ @tinyoonsblog​​ @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d​​ @stellauniverse​​ @stupendouscookiehumanmug​​ @tinyoonsblog​​ @veronawrites​​ @tatyhend​​ @singukieee​​ @m0v3m3ntsblog​​ @exfolitae​​ @butterymin​​ @queen-in-the-shadows​​
Previously on baby (you complete us):
“Alright then. Are you ready to go and meet your soulmates?” Songun claps his hands together before gesturing you towards the waiting car parked on the street. You stare at it warily, but you nod your head anyways, pushing and grasping for the feelings the boys have already made you feel, hoping they chase away any of the doubt floating through your head.
You were right when you thought that the HYBE building might be bigger on the inside. It was like going inside Newt Scamander’s suitcase, a complete never-ending maze of rooms and corridors. You knew for sure that if you didn’t have someone to follow, you would become trapped within as a consequence of getting lost.
It had taken only five minutes for Songun to bring you to the building, using his security badge to gain entrance to the staff/artist underground parking structure. However, he had you use your badge, the one the boys sent over to your home, to gain access to the building. He wanted to be sure it worked, that way you would have no trouble with any of the other doors inside.
The second you got inside, you could feel your hands becoming clammy, knees starting to feel weak as Songun helped guide you to the front desk, wanting the woman at the desk to become familiar with you and know who you were.
“Hello, how can I help you.” The woman, her name tag reading Arin, smiled up at you, putting you a little at ease. However, you were still nervous to you quite literally handed her your pass. You couldn’t form any words and hoped your badge would suffice.
“Oh, um.” Arin shuffled out, looking at you with a nervous smile before looking down at the badge and seeing the words printed across the front. Then her smile turned into a different kind of nervous, knowing if she made one wrong move she could be fired.
“Ah, I see. Welcome Mrs. Kim. I hope that you find everything to your liking.” You blinked at being called Mrs. Kim again, wondering what that is about when your name is clearly printed on the badge.
You were also curious to why she seemed so nervous around you now. You weren’t famous or rich or anything of the nearest sort. She acted like you were about to take her job from her and blacklist her. Like you had power over her. You didn’t know if you liked it or not. It made you a little uncomfortable to be honest.
“Can you alert the boys that we are here please. I will lead her up right now.” Songun leaned over the desk, whispering in her ear for a couple of seconds before he pulls away. Arin nods and reaches for her phone. Before you could say anything, Songun hands you your badge back and leads you to the elevators.
“The badge works a bit like the hotel, you just place the badge over the security strip.” You nod your head at his words, storing the information in your head. You hold your badge up to the strip on the wall and the elevator opens within a second, making your eyes widen.
“Now, with your badge, you have full access to any of the rooms your soulmates do, including any practice rooms or studios.” Songun begins to describe the uses of your badge as he presses the floor to the 15th floor.
Ever since the HYBE Insight exhibit closed while the boys were serving their military enlistments, the public has been unable to access any of the floors of the HYBE building. You remember seeing some pictures from other fans of the Insight exhibit and thought it looked amazing.
You were even more amazed when the elevator doors opened to the 15th floor, a large portrait of the boys on the opposite wall. It was a picture of the first group photo the boys posted to Twitter when they all came back from serving their military enlistment. You remember how sad army was when the boys enlisted at the same time, but the soulmate laws required it so soul pain wasn’t experienced from distance or separation.
Your hands were now extremely clammy, a little shake to them as you tried to clench your fingers into a fist. You were beyond nervous, even a little scared to see them now that you were only a mere couple of feet from them. You stopped in your step, shoulders hunched as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
“Hey, are you okay?” Songun had stopped when he realized you weren’t next to him any longer. He turned to see you a couple of feet behind him. He moved back over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I don’t know if I can do this. What if they’ve changed their mind? What if they don’t want to see me anymore?” You began to ramble, your insecurities coming into play as they spun the thoughts moving in your head.
“Miss Y/n, I can’t tell you things are going to be easy or simple when you walk through those doors. But I can say that those boys, since finding out about you, have done nothing but worry that you won’t give them a chance. They are just as nervous and scared about this meeting as you are. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can say that you all need this. To see each other and get all of your feelings out on the floor.” Songun leaned down in front of you, so you could see his face as you looked at the floor. You listened to his words, the way he talked to you so gently that he reminded you of your own father.
“If you don’t want to do this, I can give them some excuse and take you back to your hotel room.” Songun ended with a shrug, making you laugh a little. You knew he was trying to make you feel better, feel at ease and you couldn’t thank him more for it. But he was right. You needed to see them, needed to end the ten plus years of mental torment you’ve endured. You needed to talk to them and move forward.
“Okay. I’m ready.” You nodded your head, in a way reassuring yourself that you were actually ready for this. If Songun could tell that you were talking to yourself more than to him, he never reacted. He just nodded at your words and held your shoulder the rest of the walk, giving you the reassurance you needed to walk through the door.
Songun knocked on the door, not even a second later moving out of the way as the door opened to Sejin, who you know as one of the main managers for the boys. He smiled as he noticed you, making a welcome gesture as he opened the door wider for you to enter.
“The boys are waiting for you inside, Y/n.” His smile while he meant to be nice and welcoming, did little to help you feel comfortable. You turned your head to look back at Songun, only to see him nodding his head at you again, telling you that everything would be okay.
You turned back around, clenching your fists again before nodding and walking into the room. You tried to steel yourself, to tell yourself that you were okay. You clenched your fists so hard you could feel one of your fingers pop and shift. You opened your fist and began to try and pop your finger back in when you noticed the boys, all moving to stand from where they were seated on the couches.
You paused in your step, seeing your soulmates up close and personal was different than seeing them on your screen or texting them on your phone. Seeing them a couple of feet in front of you made this all too real. You could vaguely hear Jungkook say “she’s finally here.”
It was awkward for a couple of long seconds, you just staring at them as they did the same to you, as if taking you in. You were just making sure they were real, that this was really happening.
“Uhm, hi.” You waved your hand a little awkwardly, your mind screaming at you to break the tension in the room. You took a step backward, unsure if you should leave or not, which seems to knock everyone out of their trance.
“Hello. Please, come sit.” Namjoon being the ever diplomatic and caring leader is the first to speak, his smile bright and dimpled just like you had seen many times on camera. You always loved his smile; how warm it was and how it seemed to calm everyone down.
Namjoon had his hand out, whether it was a gesture for you to sit, or a hopeful attempt to bring you closer, you would never know. You nodded your head at his words and moved to the couch opposite of where they were sitting.
Your body was tense, uncomfortable in a new room and a new situation. You felt unprepared, like the time you were in the principal’s office and you were waiting under your principal’s watchful eye as you waited for your parents to arrive. You remember you were going to be suspended for hitting someone who had tried to make fun of your elder sister. She was in a car accident when you were ten and had lost half of her leg, making her wear a prosthetic leg that went up to her knee.
You had your hands clenched together, resting on top of your thighs as your back was rim rod straight. It wasn’t comfortable, but you were too nervous to care. However, you did lean slightly to the right, your hip still giving you some discomfort.
“We are sorry again that you’ve had to uproot your life to come here, but we are grateful for the chance you are giving us.” Namjoon starts the conversation off, right as Sejin leaves the room. Your eyes darted to the door and back, now even more nervous and intimidated by what’s going on.
“We know that the circumstances are not ideal,” You sigh at that, making Namjoon pause in his obviously prepared speech. “but we regret the time not knowing you.”
You cut him off this time, not needing some rehearsed words intended to calm you down. You tried to understand, tried to tell yourself that he was just nervous and needed his script to feel reassured but you couldn’t help but feel the disconnection, like you were just a simple worker and not his soulmate.
“Please, Namjoon. I would really appreciate it if you could actually talk to me instead of giving me your obviously prepared speech. I’m not some employee or businessman that you need to be prepared for.” You take a deep breathe, feeling that you were getting worked up again.
Jin and Jimin glance at each other while Yoongi smirks, hiding behind his ever-growing locks. He hates having to cut his hair short for his military service, and he hated having to be semi-separated from his soulmates, doing service work instead of enlistment. However, he liked how brave you were being in front of his younger mate, that you weren’t afraid to put him in his place despite the obvious power struggle in the room.
“I am not fragile despite my disability. I can handle having uncomfortable conversations. I was fully prepared to give up on my soulmark. I thought that maybe, my bracelet had to be defective. I mean, why in the world would fate give someone like me seven soulmates?” You scoffed at your own words, the idea that fate had that you still questioned, even now.
“Yes, I waited ten years for you, hoping and praying to fate that you would get your bracelets and see my messages. See that I wanted you. And I can’t blame you. I can’t blame you for not getting one. I can’t blame you for not knowing you were missing a soulmate.” You had noticed that some of the men were crying at this point, feeling the emotions that you put into your words. Jimin and Jungkook especially were sniffling, eyes red as tears marked their cheeks.
“At one point, I even thought that you had all already found each other and didn’t need me. And it seems I was right. You have been together for so long; I would only be getting in the way. I would be a burden you felt you needed to keep around in order to keep me from dying of soul rejection.” You didn’t mean to blurt that out, but your mouth was moving quicker than your brain and your feelings long buried were getting in the way.
“Don’t say that!” Jungkook yelled out, startling everyone in the room and making you jump in shock. You weren’t expecting his outburst, almost forgetting that you weren’t just talking to yourself.
“You are not a burden. You will never be a burden. We spent so long trying to find you, trying anything we could to find a post or picture anywhere that would lead us to you when you took your bracelet off.” Jungkook was now standing, moving to kneel in front of you.
“We read every single message, cried so many times in guilt that we weren’t there for you, for anything. We did everything we could think of to find you, even going as far as having our managers make that twitter post.” Jungkook was holding his fist to his lip, biting into his index finger. Namjoon took over from there.
“I apologize, you are right. I shouldn’t be talking from my mind, but my heart.” He even stood up, moving to sit next to you, but not before asking permission, gesturing to the spot next to you and only sitting down once you nodded your head.
“Jungkook is right. Once we were notified of your presence with the soul bracelet, we were shocked. How could we have not noticed the small empty feeling within our bond? How could we have gone so many years together, happy, and not notice you were across the world, suffering and alone and believing that we didn’t want you. We were so mad at ourselves.” Namjoon slowly reached a hand out, covering your clenched fists with his palm and squeezing gently, hoping to reassure you.
“We,” Namjoon gestured to the others, “want you as our soulmate like fate intended. There is a reason why we have connected soul marks, why our souls are linked.” His eyes are locked on your own, even as you turn your head to look at his hand on your lap. He can only imagine the words circling through your mind, the emotions flowing through your veins.
The boys had prepared for this. They all knew the trauma their lack of bracelet had caused you. They knew you would be hesitant to jump into their arms and accept them. He could tell from where he was sitting that their plan was slowly crumbling though now that you were in their presence.
The plan was to let Namjoon do all the talking, knowing you didn’t speak any Korean. But you saw right through them, causing his own mind to scramble with how to talk to you without using the prepared speech he wrote with the boys. He was so used to having everything prepared, having a backup plan for a backup plan all ready to go at a moment’s notice.  
“We accepted you the moment we knew you existed. You are ours.” Yoongi spoke up from his spot next to Jin and Taehyung, eyes narrowed as if daring you to contradict his statement.
He was fully ready for you to just be theirs. Yoongi and Taehyung had spent so much time on your socials, watching the tiktoks you and your family had posted on your account. Even right before you came in, Yoongi was on your Instagram, trying to memorize the smile on your face, hoping he could bring you the same joy and happiness.
Yoongi’s statement sent shivers down your spine, the amount of possessiveness you could feel rolling off his tongue had your brain short-circuiting. You hadn’t felt something like this before. It was like an amplification of the feelings you had when you talked to them at the airport or even on the plan after your hip popped out.
You felt accepted and wanted.  
Looking at Yoongi, your eyes sweeping over to Jimin and the hope he had written all over his face. Jin with the slight pout to his lips as he looks at your clenched fists, the slight bruising at the bottom of your thumb peeking out through Namjoon’s grip. Taehyung and Hoseok who had their hands clenched together and was watching your every movement, a slight twinkle to Taehyung’s eye as he glanced between you and Jungkook.
You would always feel like you were a burden, like you didn’t belong, but maybe those feelings could disappear over time. Maybe, fate was right when she connected your soul with these men. Maybe you should have never lost your own faith in fate. But ten years is a long time to feel unwanted.
“I-uh, I can’t promise anything, I have a lot to work through, but I…” You cut yourself off, trying to figure out the words you needed to say. Your mothers voice rings through your head, reminding you that fate always has a plan for you. That things happen for a reason.
“I want this. I—I’ve always wanted this…to have my soulmates and bond with them. Even after all this time I still hoped that I would find you.” You try to fight through the emotions you were experiencing, years of fear and hope battling in your throat. Jungkook can see you nervously tapping your fingers against your thigh and without thought moved forward to hold your hand in his, sending you a soft, reassuring smile.
“I guess I am just afraid.” You let out a nervous laugh, squeezing Jungkook’s hand in your own grasp. You look away from them, eyes focusing on the wall as you fight to blink away the onslaught of tears.
“Why?” The voice rings out, your mind recognizing it as Taehyung before you turn your head back, looking him right in the eyes.
“Because you have been together for so long. I can only imagine I would be interrupting the flow of your bond and relationship. I would be a burden you tiptoe around, trying not to make me uncomfortable as you return back into the comfortability and stability of your already existing bond. I’m afraid I won’t fit in with you, that my disability will hold you and me back. I cannot and will not put my needs to the side. I’ve had people before who were supposed to love me push me aside because I didn’t fit the mold they had for me in their head.” Your eyes narrowed, your heart beating so fast you could feel it in your throat.
“If you accept me, you accept all of me. I won’t be the hidden soulmate who isn’t allowed to leave the house because she isn’t normal or perfect.” At this point, you are letting it all out, all of your frustrations and fears. If these men were going to accept you and build a life with you in it, you weren’t going to hold anything back. You needed them to know what they were getting into.
You watched their eyes widen at your words, like they couldn’t believe what you were saying. You then watched their expressions turn to anger. Yoongi turned to Jin in anger and began speaking in Korean, too quickly for you to make out any familiar sounds or words. At one point you flinched, seeing Yoongi begin to stand up.
“He is not angry with you or at you. He is upset that you feel that way and have experienced such things without him being there to help you.” Namjoon’s whispered words have you turning back to Yoongi, reassessing the thoughts running through your head.
Namjoon knew you thought Yoongi was upset with your words, mad at you for your assumption of them, but you were wrong. Yoongi wanted to hurt the people who hurt you, his protective instincts strong when it came to his bonded. Well, Yoongi actually had some few choice words, but none that he felt comfortable repeating.
He could tell that his words had done something, made you feel some way because you looked back at him with wide eyes, reminding him of Jungkook when he was younger, unsure of the world ahead of him. His heart clenched with the way you looked to him for reassurance, and he knew from then that he would never let you go, would never be absent or unable to be there for you. He would do what he could within his power to protect you.
“He…he wants to protect me?” You asked Namjoon, hands tightly clenched with Jungkook’s as you looked away from Yoongi and up to Namjoon. You couldn’t help but to feel small, hoping that what Namjoon was saying was true. You had too many emotions crashing against your skull and you needed his reassurance.
Yes, you had your family at your side, and some amazing friends who you loved and who loved you, but you had always felt like a burden, no matter what you did. This led to many feelings of unworthiness and feeling incompetent. It didn’t help the words you would hear, murmured or whispered in passing, even by some family members at birthday parties. You saw the looks you would get.
You had never felt protected before, the feeling unknown.
It was something you always wished for. The security of being protected by someone who loved you was a powerful thing.
“We all do.” A quiet voice came from your right, Jimin having moved closer while you looked at Namjoon. He had wanted to hold you since the minute he had heard your voice over the phone that very first day. He could feel your heartache and your pain through your voice, he remembered he broke into tears at the sound of you so unsure.
Jimin sat on the couch next to you, turned to face you as he brought his hand up to brush your hair softly behind your ear so he could see you. You noticed Taehyung sitting behind him, a hand on Jimin’s lower back and an even softer look sent your way.
“You’ll never have to hurt again, with us. Just…give us a chance.” Jimin pleads with you, his voice soft. He thought you weren’t going to accept them; thought you were going to reject them. He knew pain was nothing new to you. He didn’t know if you would rather accept that or accept them.
You couldn’t help but to burst into tears at the sight before you. While Jimin was talking the rest of the boys on the other couch had moved closer, as close as they could get to you with Jungkook sitting at your feet, hands still connected to your own, rubbing the small bruise at the base of your thumb.
Jimin didn’t falter, he just moved his hand that was cupping your cheek to brush his thumb across your cheeks, wiping away your tears with such a softness you hadn’t felt since your mom had passed. His movements had you nodding your head, slowly at first, almost like a subtle flinch but then you were nodding your head up and down, his hand moving to follow your movements.
Once Jimin recognizes your nodding, once he realizes what it means, the biggest smile breaks out on his lips, eyes closing in what you recognize as his signature eye smile. He starts jumping in his seat and wraps his arms around you, almost falling into you as he does so, your weight now being supported by Namjoon behind you.
Jin smirks as he looks over you and Jimin to catch eyes with Namjoon, glad that you were giving them a chance, just like he predicted. Jin knew you would give them a chance, and he was preparing to woo you like never before, even though in Jin’s eyes, you would have never said no to begin with.
Your sniffle brings the boys out of their excited reverie, everyone looking at you and making you become embarrassed as you wipe your nose with your sleeve, no tissue in sight for you to reach for. You had stopped crying in between Jimin and Namjoon, feeling the bond activate at your words and feelings of acceptance.
You knew there was no going back at this point.
You knew the bond would take hold and cement the bond in your own soul.
“So, what happens now?” Your words had your soulmates scrambling, everyone talking at once as Namjoon remains silent, trying to remember what his own thoughts were as he held you in his arms.
Next Chapter
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beyourlightbaby · 9 months
Thank My Lucky Stars
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Pairing: bts ot7 × fem reader
Word Count: 2,685
Summary: You're on your period and the boys do everything they can to make you feel better.
Warnings: mentions of menstrual cycle (I honestly dk if periods need warnings? But better safe than sorry), menstrual cramps, reader goes through extreme mood swings but mostly just fluff.
A/N: Honestly, I started my period two days ago and was wishing that I had a bf to take care of me and stuff, and the next thing I knew, this fic wrote itself. It's definitely very self-indulgent lol, and basically everything the reader does is what I've did so far lmao. I hope this fic makes you atleast half as happy as it made me! P.S. It's been a ridiculously long time since I've written, and it's my first time writing for bangtan, so go easy on me!
Today was just another day. You wake up from your bed, feeling fatigued. Ugh, why does my body ache all over, you think to yourself, getting up from the bed as you stretch. You feel the tell tale sign of cramps in your abdomen, but dismiss it immediately, as your period wasn't due for the next two weeks. You brush your teeth and wander out of your room mindlessly, wondering what the boys were up to.
You find Taehyung in the living room, watching TV. “Good morning,” he says with a smile as you flop down on the couch next to him. “morning,” you grunt back. Taehyung, being the cuddly person he is, wraps his arm around you like he usually does, only for you to shrug him off. “Aw, why won't you let me hold you?” he whines, pouting at you. “Sorry Tae, but I'm not feeling good.” “Then it's the perfect time for cuddles! It's bound to make you feel better! C’mere” he says as he drapes himself over you again but you end up wrenching himself out of his grip, looking mad. “I said I wasn't in the mood for cuddles, Taehyung!” You yell at him. Taehyung flinches and looks hurt. Realising what you just did, you thought to yourself, Damn, why did I just snap at Tae like that? He didn't do anything wrong, he was just being his usual self. What's wrong with me? “Tae, I'm sorry-” but before you could finish your sentence Taehyung runs off to his room and slams it shut. You smack yourself for hurting Tae as you slumped back onto the couch.
You just sit there for a while until Hobi tapped you on your shoulder. “Y/N-ah?” You snap out of your thoughts.“What?” you bark at him. “Are you feeling alright?” “Why wouldn't I be?” you ask, slightly irate. “It's just that I went to your room and saw the covers stained.” he says softly. Oh. That's why I've been testy all morning. But it wasn't supposed to arrive until two weeks later! Ugh, I hate this. “I know that you would have cleaned it up already if you had noticed, but since you didn't, I'm assuming you didn't see.” “Yeah” you looked down, embarrassed. “Sorry you had to see that.” Hobi lifts up your chin. “Hey, don't apologise. It's just your period, something which you naturally go through. You don't have to feel bad about it, okay?” You nod. “Good. Now you should probably freshen up. Go to the bathroom, I'll bring you some clothes and a pad. Which one do you need?” “I can get it myself-” Hobi shushes you. “Shower. Now. I'll get you what you need.” “Oh-kaayyyyyy bossy pants.” You give him a mock salute before walking off. He smiles at you, relieved that your period hasn't ruined your sense of humour.
In the bathroom, you turn on the shower and let it wash away all your worries, sighing appreciatively at how good the hot water felt against you. Then you hear a knock. “Y/N? I brought you your stuff.” You momentarily turn off the shower and slightly open the door, to reveal Hobi holding out your clothes, his face promptly averted from the door. You retrieve them from his hand. “Thank you Hobi!” you say and move to close the door, but he stops you. “Wait! You didn't tell me which pad you wanted, and you didn't have any left in your supply either, so I just bought a pack in every variant from your usual brand.” He says, and holds out a bag filled with pad packs of varying types. You find yourself internally going awww at his thoughtfulness, and after picking out what you need, you call out to him. “Hobi?” “Yeah?” “You're the best.” “Aw, it's nothing, Y/N. Now go shower!” He says and runs off, leaving you giggling in his wake.
After a nice hot shower, you change into a comfy hoodie and shorts, feeling significantly better than you did before. But that exact moment your cramps decide to hit you. “Ughhhhh”, you lean against the wall with a groan. Jungkook, who just woke up, spots you and rushes to support you. “Y/N! What happened? Are you alright?” he asks concernedly, wrapping his arms around your shoulders to steady you. “nnnnghhh. Period. Cramps.” you manage to croak out. “Oh no, that sucks,” he says as he gingerly picks you up. “Where do you wanna go?” “Room” you say, and bury your face in his chest. He slowly walks to your room, gently placing you on your bed and tucking you tightly under the covers. As he turns to leave, you grab his hand. “Stay, please? I don't wanna be alone.” He gives you a reassuring smile as he lies down next to you, gently rubbing your back, lulling you slowly to sleep.
You wake up to someone softly pushing your hair out of your face. Blinking open your eyes, you realise it's Jimin. “Hey. Did I wake you up?” “Yeah, but I don't mind. What's the time?” “About 11, I guess.” He kisses your forehead softly. “How are you feeling now?” “A little better, but still sore.” Jimin looks at you sadly, bummed that he can't do anything that'll make your pain go away. But he can distract you from it.
“I brought you something.” He holds out a box that you recognise as one from your favourite bakery. Your eyes light up in delight. “Hobi hyung told me you didn't have breakfast, so I got you your favourite black forest cake.” He opens the box and picking off a piece with a fork, he offers it to you. You eagerly open your mouth and chew it, suddenly realising that you were hungry. He feeds you about two pieces before declaring that was enough or else you wouldn't eat lunch. He wipes away the cake crumbs from your lips and grins widely at the content smile on your face. “What are you grinning at?” you ask him. “Nothing, it's just…. I like seeing you smile.” You blush and duck your head, feeling shy. “I love you, Chim.” you mumble softly. “I love you too, Y/N-ah.” He brings his forehead to yours, booping your nose softly with his.
“Y/N? Are you awake?” You recognise Tae’s voice. “Come in!” Taehyung shuffles into the room, looking uncharacteristically hesitant. Before he could say anything, you start, “Tae, I'm so sorry for snapping at you like that. I swear didn't mean to-” he cuts you off mid sentence by planting a soft kiss on your lips. “It's alright, Jungkookie told me. I understand. You don't have to apologise.” You shake your head. “I do, though. You were hurt and it's my fault. I feel bad about it. Can you forgive me, please?” He giggles, and pats your head. “There's nothing to forgive, silly. I'm not mad at you. I am claiming my cuddles though, Jungkook told me you let him hold you!” You chuckle, “Come here, you big baby.” He moves to get into the bed before stopping. “Oh crap, I forgot why I came here. Jin hyung told me to ask you if you wanna come for lunch or if he should bring it to you. What do you say?” You think for a moment before replying. “You know what, I'm kinda bored of sitting in my room. I'll come! Just gimme a few, I wanna make myself presentable.” Taehyung gives you a once-over. “What do you mean, presentable? You look pretty as always.” “Oh yeah, my ridiculous bedhead and baggy eyes are soooo pretty.” “I don't care, you still look pretty.” You realise he isn't just saying that to make you feel better, but rather that's how you look in his eyes, and your heart melts. “Okay fine, I'm coming. At least let me use the restroom.”
You trudge slowly through the house, Taehyung's hand around your back. Everyone else except Jin is already seated at the table, apparently waiting for you. Their concern is evident in their eyes, but they seem to be content with Taehyung walking with you, so they remain seated.
You settle down in your chair, which you find has some soft pillows placed on it. You look around the table to find Yoongi looking away as soon as you meet his eyes, cheeks turning just a little pink. You smile to yourself, not saying anything. At that moment, Jin comes from the kitchen, bringing out various dishes and sets them on the table, giving you a comforting smile. You catch a whiff of your favourite dishes: kimchi jjigae, samgyeopsal, japchae, fried chicken, along with a pint of chocolate ice cream. “Oh, Jin, you shouldn't have troubled yourself so much!” Jin just smirked. “What makes you think it’s for you? Maybe I just wanted to cook a nice meal.” You pout at him, which makes him chuckle. “Of course I was joking, Y/N-ie. They were specially made for you.” he says with a comforting smile. You sniff slightly, which didn't go unnoticed. Jin, after sitting next to you, places a hand over your thigh and gives it a soft squeeze as if to say, “You're never alone.” You push back the tears and give him a smile. He heaps a good amount of all the dishes on your plate, handing it to you with a wink. You immediately dig into the food, sighing at how delicious they are. “It's official. I think Jin might be my favourite. He surely knows the way to my heart.” you exclaim, only half-joking. You certainly didn't miss the way his ears turned a bright red, a telltale sign that he is flustered. The others pretend to clutch their chest in offence, and you just laugh at them.
After a wonderfully fulfilling lunch, you settle on the couch once more, only to groan when cramps hit you again. “Aish, why does it hurt so much?” you accidentally voice your thoughts out loud. Yoongi, who hears it, fetches some more pillows to place them around so that you can sit down more comfortably. Before you could tell him to sit with you, he walks off. You sigh softly, knowing that he isn't big on openly showing affection. You're surprised though, when you feel someone tap your shoulder, and turn around to find Yoongi. “Hey.” “Hey yourself.”
“I thought this might help with the pain, so I brought you this.” He hands you a hot water bottle. You smile at him, realising that he'd rather show you his love through his actions rather than just being all lovey-dovey. “Thank you, Yoongi.” You wrap your arms around his neck, at which he turns slightly pink, but he hugs you back all the same. “Can I sit with you for a while?” he asked, rubbing his neck. “I thought you'd never ask.” You pull him down onto the couch, leaning into his side.
A few hours later, after Yoongi left, saying that ‘his affection quota for the day has been deplenished’, you are staring into space, debating whether you should go back to bed, when Namjoon walks into the living room, holding a steaming cup of what seems to be chai, guessing from the aroma wafting towards you. “Hey! How come I'm the one who's sick, yet you're the one who gets chai? So not fair!” you say, giving him sad puppy dog eyes. You definitely didn't expect him to stop before you and hand you the cup. “If you had just waited a moment before jumping to conclusions, Y/N-ah, you would have realised that I made this chai for you!” Your eyes widen. “Are you telling me that, you, Kim Namjoon, cooked something, without setting the entire kitchen on fire?!” “Hey!” he looks chagrined, and gives you a soft punch on your arm. “Is that so hard to believe?” he asks. When you just raise your eyebrows in response, he relents. “Fiiiiine, I might have had a little help, but it was my idea, and I did do most of the work! And anyway, it's the thought that counts, right?” “....riiiight. I do appreciate the chai, though.” You take the cup from his hands and take a small, careful sip. “Ahhhh, you definitely did a good job Joon, I love it.” He flashes you his usual dimpled smile, which never fails to set your heart fluttering. You pat the seat next to you. “Sit with me?” “I will, but there's something I have to take care of first,” he says and walks away. You look after him quizzically, wondering what he could have meant.
Moments later, he returns with a couple of blankets, and your favourite book. He plops down next to you, and you automatically rest your head on his lap. He pulls the blankets around you, wrapping you like a burrito. Once he makes sure you're all settled, he starts reading the book out aloud. As much as you loved reading on your own, listening to Namjoon read, in his comforting voice, is something you never get tired of. He softly plays with your hair, just the way you like it, as he reads through the book. You purr like a content cat, feeling warm and satisfied, slowly falling asleep.
When you wake up, it's late in the evening, and you find yourself sandwiched comfortably between Hobi, on whose shoulder your head is resting, and Jin, who's softly massaging your feet. Yoongi and Namjoon are sprawled on either side of Jin and Hobi respectively, eyes glued to the television, but both their hands behind you. You look down to find Taehyung squished between your legs. I guess he claimed that cuddle after all. Jungkook and Jimin rest on either of your knees, fighting with Tae for space.
You look around at them and your heart feels like it might burst out of your chest because you don't know what you must have done in your previous life to find these seven men. You start sniffling without realising, and before long, tears start streaming down your face. Jin notices and immediately wipes away your tears, looking concerned. “Love, what happened? Does it hurt too much?” The rest of the guys turn towards you immediately, their features etched with worry. “I know you usually avoid pills, Y/N, but do you need some right now? They could help.” Namjoon offers. “Maybe you just need another hot water bottle.” Yoongi moves to go to the kitchen but stops when you grab his wrist. “No, no, I feel good and all, it's not that. I'm just…so happy.”
“Eh? Why are you crying then?” Taehyung asks, confused. You sniff, unable to look at them. “It's just, you guys are so unbelievably sweet and loving! No one has ever taken such good care of me before, especially during my period, so I'm a bit overwhelmed, but in a good way. I just don't know what I did to deserve such amazing and wonderful, not one, but seven boyfriends. I don't even deserve you guys.” you start crying all over again.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Hobi rubs your shoulder soothingly. “Don't ever think that you're not worth all this, okay? You deserve everything, sunshine. You're the most beautiful, gentle, kind and caring person we've met, and frankly, we don't know how you manage to put up with all of our chaos!”
“Yes, Y/N, hyung is right! We are the lucky ones!” Jungkook exclaimed, giving you his doe eyes and bunny smile.
“We love you so much, Y/N-ah. Don't you ever forget that.” says Jimin, as he places a kiss on your thigh.
“I love you guys too. So much. You have no idea how much.”
“Oh, I think we have some idea,” Tae says, giving you his signature wink as you laugh and pull all of them into a huge cuddle. You close your eyes and savour the feeling of being surrounded by your loved ones, and thank your lucky stars for bringing them to you.
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btskitten7 · 1 day
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Silent Grace| Chapter xiv: Love Lies
Ship: Min Yoongi x Fem reader
au/genre: Mafia!au
rating: M
wc: 3.3k
Chapter warnings: TW: anxiety mentions. Pregnancy mentions. Just a lot of uncomfortable conversations. Yoongi is starting to drink heavily.
summary: Yoongi isn't taking care of himself properly and is displaying some signs of depression and irrational behavior. It's mild in this chapter but please take care of yourselves. MOM FLASHBACK (finally right?) She will be getting a few more soon. Just a lot of uncomfortable conversations.
tagss: @shadowyjellyfishfest @baechugff @maunosorioh @shelylamc @princess-sunshyn @scuzmunkie @wanceu @coldcoffee2121 @maunosorioh @massivelyfullenthusiast @bangtan-famiglia-net
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Inside a dimly lit room, the smell of strong cigars and hushed whispers permeated the atmosphere as everyone waited for Yoongi to sit at the head of the long, marble table. A chandelier loomed, casting wavering shadows over his stony face and his black suit, hair slicked back just above his shoulders, only a single strain hanging over his eyebrow, and a cigar hanging from his mouth accentuating his power and authority.
"You're not here for the scenery, so stop gawking and sit the hell down," commanded Yoongi, his voice echoing around the room. The men quickly took their places, their bodies tense in the pleather chairs as they did their best to avoid his piercing gaze. They already knew that for the past few weeks, Yoongi had been on edge. He has been stricter, meaner, and colder.
Ever since Min did his bullshit, Yoongi has been His fingers drummed an irritated rhythm on the table as he surveyed each one of them. Internally, they began to quake—from fear, anticipation, or maybe both—they couldn't tell.
"Been a tough week, boys, hasn't it?" he started, a sarcastic smile playing on his lips. "Losses left and right, seventy-thousand out from the casino, and don't even get me started on that botched shipment down at the docks."
His glare landed on the men responsible, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Now, care to explain why I'm hearing about these screw-ups from everyone but you?"
Crippling silence filled the room. One of them nervously tried to stammer out an excuse, his eyes darting from Yoongi to Seokjin and Jungkook then to the rich textured carpet underneath them. Yoongi interrupted him with a swift bang on the table, silencing the weakened protest.
"Excuses, excuses..." he spat, teeth gritted. "You know what, I'm sick and tired of it — tired of the incompetence, tired of the idiocy. How hard is it to do your job and report back to me without making a mess of it? Now is not the time to start pissing me off. I do not have the patience for it."
The harsh light from the chandelier threw Yoongi's furious expression into sharp relief. His fury was palpable, a wave crashing across the room, leaving a biting chill in its wake.
"From now on, any additional failures will not only result in a punishment for you but for the entire family," he declared, deadly calm. Every word dripped with poison. He meant every syllable. "If one of us fails, we all fail. You don't want to imagine how severe the consequences will be."
With that parting shot, he stood. The room snapped to attention, bodies rigid and faces pale. Yoongi left with Jungkook and Seokjin swiftly, their presence leaving behind a palpable tension and gnawing fear that had everyone exchanging worried glances as the door closed.
“Yoongi” Seokjin said as they headed down the hall.
“Yeah, Hyung?” Yoongi said calmer, more timid than just mere minutes ago.
Jungkook could feel the anxiety pouring from Yoongi, something he had never seen in him.
“Don’t you think it’s time for a break? Maybe we should grab a bite to eat on the way home.” Seokjin simply said.
“I’m not all that hungry. If you two would like to eat, then yes we can stop.” Yoongi said finally turning to face the two men.
“You should take care of yourself. You need to.” Jungkook said full of worry for the man he loved and looked up to as a brother.
“I’ll be okay. I’ll rest at home.”
But he didn’t.
You waited up for him all night. Not once did he step into the room after he came in to kiss you. He told you he’d be only an hour but he wasn’t.
He spent the whole night in his office displaying his true feelings. He cried, screamed, and kicked. He felt as if he was on a downward spiral. He didn’t feel safe. He didn’t have his security. He didn’t have his parents or his brothers. Of course, he knew that he had you, Seokjin, and Jungkook but he didn’t want them right now. He wanted nothing more than to be in his mother's arms. Hearing her tell him that everything would be okay while he cried. He wanted to be with his brothers. Seeing how their lives were. If they got married. If they had kids. He wished he and Hoseok were still friends. Just be normal. Or at least how it used to be.
He wished his father didn’t break him the way he did. He wished he could go back to a time when he looked up to his father. The world when in his eyes, he could do no wrong. The world made since then.
Now he doesn’t know which way to go. Who to even talk to?
You stood in your shared bathroom, staring at the pregnancy test in your hand. Two lines, pink and clear, stared back at you. A positive result. You couldn't believe it. You had been feeling nauseous and tired for weeks, but you had brushed it off as stress from leaving your job and all the shit that’s been going on. Now you were faced with the truth.
Your mind raced as you tried to process the information. You wanted this. At least you thought you did. You just knew that right now was probably the worst time to even THINK about bringing a baby into this mess. Besides, the idea of being a mother seemed overwhelming and terrifying. Especially when you are in love with someone who has a lot of people out to get him and the ones he loves.
Especially when one of them is his father.
You took a deep breath and tried to calm down. You felt your heart beat out of your chest with worry. You knew Yoongi would do everything he could to make this as easy as possible but you also knew that now was not the best time. He wasn’t ready. You knew you had to figure out what to do. You couldn't just ignore the pregnancy. Whatever you decide to do, you need to do it as soon as possible.
You put the pregnancy test down and ran your fingers through your hair.
At-home pregnancy tests aren’t always 100% and could easily be misread.
You decided you should go to go to the store and grab a few more.
You throw the trash and the test into the trash once you hear your bedroom door open.
“Yn, are you okay?” Yoongi asked knocking on the door softly before opening the door.
You straightened up and nodded, forcing a smile on your face.
“Of course baby. I was just freshening up. Are you okay? You haven’t been to bed yet..” You asked looking at the tired look that painted his face. Yoongi nodded, his voice still hoarse from all the crying, screaming, and drinking he had done all night. “I’m fine baby. I’m going to nap pretty soon.”
You sighed and nodded “ I’m going to run to the store. Do you need anything?” You asked washing your hands.
Yoongi shook his head.
“No, I’m okay. What are you going to the store for? Maybe I can get someone to grab it for you while we’re out.” Yoongi said, pulling you to him with a smile.
You swore you were going to melt in his hands. His hugs always made things feel better. Like there was not one worry in the world. You did the same for him. Everything made sense.
If only that could be the case for you two.
You knew he would be an amazing father.
“No, it’s okay baby. I don’t mind. I’m going to order it on my phone and just pick it up.” You said looking up at him.
Yoongi nodded.
“Okay, baby. Do you want me to drive you there? I don’t mind.” Yoongi said.
You nodded.
“Okay, baby. Let me just grab my purse.” You smiled jogging to the room.
That’s when Yoongi noticed the bathroom light on, prompting him to go to turn it off. His eyes trailed to the bathroom trash. He noticed the pregnancy test and its wrappers. His mind started to spiral but he didn’t want to be obvious.
“Are you ready baby?” You asked grabbing his hand. He smiles and nods.
“Yeah, let me grab my keys. Wait for me downstairs.”
You nodded and kissed his cheek before heading out of the room.
Yoongi's eyes dropped down back down to the trash.
After you went downstairs, Yoongi stepped into the bathroom and closed the door.
After a few minutes, Yoongi met you downstairs. His arms wrapped around your waist, his hands comfortably resting on your stomach which instantly sent shivers down your spine. You moved from his hold and turned to him. “Are you okay?” You asked.
“Are you okay?” he asked. His question to your question made you…uneasy.
“Of course. I’m fine. Why?” you asked.
“I’m just a little worried. It’s been a little over a week and we haven’t heard anything yet about the results. Have you gotten anything?” Yoongi asked.
“N-no. I haven’t heard anything yet..” you stuttered holding onto your purse.
Something is telling Yoongi that you already know the answer but he didn’t want to press you nor did he want you to think he was angry. He just nodded.
“Okay. Just when you get the results, tell me. As soon as you get them.” He said sternly.
You nodded but he pulled you closer to him and lifted your chin, kissing your lips.
Yoongi looked at you, holding your waist and his eyes started to water. You opened your mouth to say something but Yoongi shook his head.
“I’m going to protect you and our child if there is one. You don’t need to worry about that. Just please…don’t start hiding from me,” he started, his voice shaking softly “Be honest with me..are you pregnant?”
Your heart fell to your stomach and your hands started to sweat. Tears started to swell in your eyes as he continued to look at you with the most loving look and gently rubbed your chin. He knew the answer, quite frankly, he knew the answer days ago. And he knew the hospital had already sent them to you. Jungkook was able to get into the system and email him the results. He instructed Jungkook not to read them, he knew he was already invading your privacy. He didn’t want anyone else to.
“Come into my office.”
Yoongi’s eyes turned dark as he lowered his hands and gripped your wrist softly. He led you to his office which caught Seokjin off guard as he walked in.
“Yoongi” he mumbled to himself. “Please don’t do anything stupid.”
“You’ve known for quite some time haven’t you?” Yoongi asked walking around his desk before sitting in his chair. His eyes never left yours. You were terrified. You didn’t think he would hurt you…
But you also didn’t think he’d be a mob boss either.
Your silence answered everything he needed to know.
Yoongi's piercing gaze bore into you, his words like icy daggers slicing through your composure. "Blossom, my love," he drawled, his voice dripping with sadness and worry, "I have eyes everywhere. Everywhere you go, every move you make, I know. Why would you think you could hide this from me for long? Why didn’t you just tell me?"
A bitter chuckle escaped Yoongi's lips as he crossed his legs and settled back in his chair revealing a painful sign, propping his elbow on the desk and resting his face in his palm. "Although I must admit, you're not particularly skilled at the art of deception," he continued, his eyes narrowing. "Your attempts to hide things from me are as clumsy as they are transparent. It’s quite cute. I can admire it."
Your heart pounded in your chest, your breath coming in shallow gasps. You had known that Yoongi was powerful, but the extent of his surveillance had never dawned on you until this moment. The way he can switch his demeanor is concerning for you.
You choked on your words. “Eyes everywhere? W-what does that even mean?”
“It means, anything I want to know? I will find it out whether or not you tell me or I find out on my own” Yoongi said blankly.
“Did you get the test results before me? Why would-”
“Why would you keep your pregnancy away from me?” Yoongi spat.
If you could make yourself disappear, you would. You felt as if you were getting scolded by a principal and you hated it.
He was your BOYFRIEND, not your father.
“I wasn’t keeping it from you, Yoongi” you started but he interrupted you,
“You weren’t telling me either. That’s my child unless it’s not-” You jumped up,
“DON’T-” You took a deep breath trying to control your emotions from spiraling. “Don’t say nonsense Yoongi. I haven’t been with anyone else and you know that”
Yoongi stood to his feet and leaned closer to you, “Then why the fuck did you keep this from me?”
“You’re going through a lot right now. I just didn’t think you could handle one more thing. A life-changing thing. It’s not like we can just throw this away. It’s a fucking baby. A fucking baby in your world of madness. I was trying to be considerate” You said watching him as he walked around his desk and stood over you.
“Considerate? Don’t fucking humor me, Yn.” He chuckled. “No one is considerate in this world, not to me.”
Your face softened. You could see the pain written on his face. He was hurt and you could understand why.
“Yoongi…I didn’t do it to be spiteful or to keep it from you. I just thought it would have been best if I waited.” You said looking up at him. “You have a lot on your plate, I just didn’t think you needed anything else. To be fair I haven’t known that long…”
Yoongi shook his head.
“Although, I can appreciate your efforts,” he starts, “Now is not the time to try to keep things from me. Not now. Not ever.” Yoongi finished. “This would be the worst time in the world.” He whispered.
You looked at him and adverted your gaze from him.
“I can’t handle any more secrets, Blossom…” Yoongi’s voice cracked. “Not anymore.”
Your heart broke into pieces. Seeing an otherwise strong man break like this destroyed you.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you Yoongi…you know that wasn’t my intention. But you don’t get to make comments like that as if I’d ever be with someone else…” You said equally as hurt as he felt right now. Yoongi nodded, disgusted with his comments towards you.
“You’re right…and I’m sorry. I just can’t figure out why you wouldn’t tell me. I know what you said but…this is important to me.” Yoongi said softly. “You are important to me, we are important to me”
You look at him and held his hand, “I know. You are just as important to me. I want the best for us but now we have a baby…”
“You can’t tell anyone,” Yoongi said cutting you from your thoughts.
“I guess I could understand but why not?”
“Because no one can know you’re pregnant. No one.”
Yoongi was serious and you could tell. He refused to let Namjoon or his father even get a hint of an idea that you were pregnant.
As if he didn’t have a better reason, he had to avoid his father at all costs.
“Not even Seokjin, Kai and Jungkook? What have they done?” You asked.
“Especially them. I know they won’t say anything but I don’t even want them to even have an idea.” Yoongi admitted. “Namjoon pulled the rug from right underneath me, I cannot give anyone else another chance to do it.”
You were honestly disappointed by this. This is probably the most normal your life is going to feel.
“You don’t sound too happy about this..” you said sounding defeated. Yoongi pulled you into his arms shaking his head.
“I’m happy. No, I’m very happy. I’m just nervous and I don’t want anyone to know just yet not until I can make sure I can trust them. I have a family to protect now.”
Hearing Yoongi talk like this gave you butterflies. Yoongi would be damned if his father fucked this up for him. You looked up at him with a broken smile and tears filling your eyes.
“I’m scared, Yoongi.” You whispered.
“I am too. I am terrified but we can do this. I believe in us.”
Over the next few days, Yoongi was on your ass about everything.
There was nowhere you could go that he didn't know.
It was as if he had a sixth sense, an innate awareness of your whereabouts.
"Blossom, why is it taking you so long to answer your phone?" He inquired, his voice laced with a mixture of concern and impatience.”Do I need to get you another one?”
You were deep asleep in your cozy bed, stirred slightly at the sound of your phone ringing. Groaning softly, you fumbled around for the device, your eyes still heavy with slumber.
"Baby...I was taking a nap. I’m just tired. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to ignore you." you mumbled, voice hoarse with sleep.
Yoongi exhaled a sigh of relief as he heard your voice, chuckling at how cute you sounded. The tension that had been coiling around his heart slowly began to unwind.
"I'm sorry, baby. I just needed to hear your voice." Yoongi said, his voice finally relaxed.
You smiled drowsily, heart melting at the sound of Yoongi's gentle words. You knew that he was constantly worried about you, and although at times it felt too much, you couldn't help but feel touched by his unwavering devotion.
"I love you, Yoongi," you whispered, “I’m okay” your voice soft and tender.
"I love you too, Blossom," Yoongi replied, his heart soaring at the sound of your confession.
In that moment, as you exchanged sweet nothings over the phone, the world around him faded away. All that mattered was the love you shared, a love that defied the boundaries of time and space.
“I’m only a few minutes away,” Yoongi said. “Okay, baby. I’ll wait up for you.”
Yoongi’s mother hasn’t had much to say to Min since everything happened. She has finally lost everything. She lost her family. Her sons and she could hardly stand to even see her husband. She was honestly a shell of a woman.
Her family was everything to her, especially since she didn’t have it growing up.
She looked up at her mother with big beautiful eyes and the brightest smile the world had ever seen.
Seo-yeon loved her mother. More than anything, only after her father disappeared. She spent most of her time with her mother since her father left the family to pursue another one a few years ago.
She grew up as a daddy’s girl at heart. Seo-yeon was very close with her mother but her father was everything to her.
He would take her to the park, take her for ice cream, he would even buy her random gifts he would see as he would head home from work. He loved his family but he couldn’t help falling for a coworker.
What seemed normal one day quickly went to shit.
Now it’s just her and her mother. Trying to live a normal life.
“Are you ready to go to your father’s?” Seo-yeon’s mother asked. Seo-yeon’s smile fell as she slowly shook her head. “No” she mumbled.
Seo-yeon’s mother sighed, dropped her bag, and sat next to her, wrapping her arm around the small girl. “He misses you”
“He doesn’t” Seo-yeon shook her head.
“He does. He loves you so much. It’s just harder for him since he has a new baby. You are a big sister, you always wanted to be one.” her mother tried to cheer her up.
Seo-yeon just nodded and suppressed her feelings.
Like she always did 
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dearweirdme · 1 month
I think I figured out why it is so easy for this fandom and Jikookers to very easily make alot of sexual jokes about Jimin and Jungkook.
There is something extremely homoerotic about those two. There is this familiarity and sexual undertones to their touches that I just don’t see with any other pair. Think about them on that bed in AYS…… Lord knows I have seen my fair share of gay bangtan but I cannot think of any moments between any other pair that gave me the same vibes. I don’t know how to explain it but when the other members get handsy with each other, you can tell it is completely innocent because there is no panic or weirdness, like they just do get on with the gay but with Jikook, there is this strange familiarity I sense in the way the touch each other and play fight, a familiarity not like the one I sense in the other bangtan members. It feels kinda like Jikook are used to “touching” each other in ways that are not platonic. I have watched that bed scene over 10 times as well as the scene where Jimin was untop of Jk play punching him and almost pooped on him while they were on the boat and something about those moments feels….weird. I am a taekooker so I really shouldn’t be feeling this way but I couldn’t help it at all. The way Jungkook got on the bed and pulled down Jimin’s legs, the way Jimin turned around and was trying to turn Jungkook’s face towards him and the way Jungkook turned him around, smacked his ass and then just sorta snuggled so close to him and this suggestive touchiness is something that is pretty much very common in their dynamic so I guess that is why people can’t help but make sexual jokes about them.
You can’t make those kind of sexual joked about taekook because their touches rarely ever come off sexual (not to mention atleast), infact there is barely anything they do that might warrant me to want to make a sexual joke about any of their moments. When I watch taekook and see them touch, all I sense is Love but with Jikook, there seems to be this sexual tension that I cannot really explain. I don’t even know why I am sending you this. Well maybe because I saw someone complain about the hypocrisy of the fandom not making sexual jokes abt Taekook like they do with Jikook. I didn’t get it at first but after watching AYS, I think I get it.
Hi anon!
Okaaaayyy, let's pick this ask apart a bit shall we 😂. But also, being a Tkkr doesn't mean you can't think certain things. You think what you think. You are probably sending me this because you want me to snap you out of it 😂😂?
You mention several things here: extremely homoerotic, familiarity, sexual undertones, strange familiarity, Jikook are used to “touching” each other in ways that are not platonic, no panic or weirdness, suggestive touchiness.
The familiarity, I can totally get behind. And it's totally normal for them to have that familiarity. You mentioned a 'strange familiarity' as well, and to me that's not the case. Jm and Jk have grown up together, they have spent more time together than normal friends or brothers even. They lived in the same place, they practiced together, they worked together. The level of familiarity they have is totally normal and expected in my opinion.
Panic or weirdness...? Um, I did not see panic or weirdness between them. As we've talked about before, at times we have seen one of them pull back (mostly Jk) but that wasn't panic or weirdness... it was not being in the mood. We've seen weirdness with Tae and Jk.. panic, maybe not so much (but I can still sthink of an instance of Tae's hand on Jk's bare leg that he went veryyyyy still about), but I also wouldn't expect to see that? They know what they can and cannot do in public.
Now to the, sexual undertones, suggestive touchiness, extremely honoerotic, and 'jikook are used to touching each other in ways that are not platonic". I mean, no. Not in my opinion anyways. I know Jkkrs think this, but what I see is playfight. Not everyone is used to seeing boys/men playfight I think. I've grown up with a lot of men (close friends, siblings) and to me, it is not something strange or weird at all. It's often a way fro them to show affection (platonically), because.. this is (probably sadly) how men have been tought to show affection to other men. Boys often roughhouse with their dads. They often roughhouse with their friends, because it's a safe way to show they like each other. That is what Jk and Jm do. It's not sexual in intent. Jk was thinking about getting a sponge for flips sake (to wash dishes.. not Jm🤣).
Jikook are used to “touching” each other in ways that are not platonic. I mean... nothing is impossible, but to me.. this is a no. I don't think Jm and Jk have ever been a thing. I think Tae and Jk have. One doesn't exclude the possibility of something more mixed, but I really don't think it is likely that Jm and Jk did stuff while Tae and Jk are in a relationship (go poli bangtan 😅).
I understand (especcially if you maybe have little experience with boys playfighting) that this is something that makes people go 'huh', but for me everything else about Jk and Jm just makes no sense in a relationship kinda way.
Another factor (and here come the anti-fanservice comments), they are on camera.. they know they are being filmed.. they are probably overdoing it a bit. Also... they are truly not being sexual on camera.
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ugotnojamzzz · 4 months
Rulers of Ruin
Chapter 5
Genre: Mafia!au , Slowburn, Angst, Hurt, eventual smut, TW (it is a mafia!AU, after all)
Pairing: Mafia!Jungkook x reader
Synopsis: There will come a day when I will sit down and write an alluring synopsis for this series. But that day hasn't come just yet lol. Stay tuned for more chapters to come.
Disclaimer: English isn’t my native language. Also, don’t come for me over the theme, people. It’s an Alternate Universe, which means the bangtan boys are essentially what I like to call meat puppets to serve the storyline. This is obviously not a projection of their actual real-life personas.
Wordcount: 2.9k
Chapter 4
As her initial days at the Kim estate unfolded, Y/N found herself not so much in captivity as in an odd limbo. Though technically a "guest," her freedom was limited by the subtle yet unmistakable presence of guards who followed her every move—to the visible annoyance of Taehyung, who seemed to bear the brunt of this duty.
Namjoon, the orchestrator of her current predicament, was conspicuously absent, his presence dwindling to nothing more than brief sightings at long corridors or fleeting shadows behind closed doors.
This absence gnawed at her, feeding a growing unease about what might be going on—was there some new development involving her brother? Was the standoff between their clans escalating in ways she couldn't see from her gilded cage?
The estate was too quiet. Here and there, people would appear—agents, staff, and other unidentified figures who seemed to have urgent purposes and places to be. Their steps were brisk, their conversations clipped and hushed, hinting at a larger narrative playing out just beyond Y/N's reach.
No one ever seemed to so much as glance in her direction. She was part of the scenery, a fixture within the ornate walls of the mansion, which allowed her a certain degree of observation she wouldn't have possessed otherwise.
Y/N quickly found herself attuned to the rhythms of the house. She began to memorize the patterns of the guards’ patrols, the shifts changes, and the locations of the surveillance cameras—each detail a potential piece in the puzzle of her eventual escape, should the opportunity arise.
Her days developed a routine that brought a semblance of stability. Mornings were spent in the vast, sunlit atrium where breakfast was served promptly at seven. The meals were quiet, the food exquisite yet eaten with the mechanical motions of someone whose thoughts were elsewhere. Afternoons allowed for time in the extensive library, where Y/N pored over books with titles ranging from political treatises to ancient warfare.
Walks in the garden were permitted in the late afternoons. These were her least confined moments, though still shadowed by Taehyung. It was during these walks that she carefully counted steps, noted blind spots, and committed the timing of guard shifts to memory, all under the pretense of leisurely strolls.
One quiet afternoon, Y/N was absorbed in a book, sipping tea in the plush setting of the drawing room, with Taehyung lounging beside her.
The picture of absolute boredom, he sprawled in his bergère chair, idly swiveling his head back and forth to the ticking of the clock when suddenly, the calm was shattered by the doors bursting open.
Two young men marched in with confident strides.
"Taehyung-ah, there you are! We’ve been looking for you," one of them called out, his voice echoing slightly in the spacious room.
"Come on, let's go," urged the other, his tone impatient.
"Can't," Taehyung sighed heavily, nodding in Y/N's direction as she sat immersed in her book.
"Aish, still on babysitting duty, I see," grumbled the first, and with that comment, Y/N's patience snapped. She closed her book with a definitive clap, her eyes lifting slowly to assess the source of her interruption. Her jaw clenched as her gaze fell on two faces that weren’t linked to particularly fond memories.
"YN, this is Jimin," Taehyung introduced, gesturing towards the platinum blonde who had escorted her from the depths of the basement upon her arrival. He sat down next to Taehyung.
"And that’s Yoongi," he continued, nodding towards the man with piercing eyes who had struck the hell out of her a few days prior.
"We’ve met," Y/N responded icily, her gaze fixed on Yoongi. She subtly ran her tongue over the small cut on her lip—a lingering souvenir from their last encounter.
"Yeah, sorry about that, by the way," Yoongi said with a nonchalant shrug as he picked up a tangerine from the table and began peeling it, "you know the drill, orders are orders."
Uninterested, YN turned her attention back to her book.
"So, they really have you following her around all day?" Jimin's question, laced with curiosity, sliced through the room's previous tension. Y/N couldn't help but feel a flicker of offence at their casual disregard for her presence.
Taehyung nodded, a hint of resignation in his voice. "And nights too," he added, rolling his tired eyes slightly. "Guess that's my punishment for the whole capture thing."
"Yeah,” Yoongi chuckled, “I heard that was quite a scene."
"Shut up," Taehyung shot back, not quite able to mask his irritation. Though the physical mark of his black eye had faded, the embarrassment of the botched operation lingered like a stubborn stain.
It had all been planned meticulously, expecting her to be passed out in the SUV almost the second she stepped off the plane. Everything was supposed to go smoothly. What could some frail boarding-school girl possibly do, anyway, right?
But she clearly hadn’t gone down without a fight.
"To be fair, everyone has their strengths," Y/N suddenly commented, her voice even and calm, eyes still fixed on the page of her book, not even granting them the courtesy of her gaze. She turned a page deliberately, then added, "It’s just a shame yours isn’t your job."
At her words, a stifled giggle escaped Jimin, who couldn't help but appreciate the sharp jab. His laughter, however, was short-lived. Without missing a beat, Yoongi delivered a swift slap to the back of his blonde head, a clear reprimand for his lack of decorum.
"Punk," Yoongi muttered under his breath, shooting a glare at the younger boy, who rubbed the back of his head, still smirking slightly despite the admonishment.
Jimin shifted his focus. "Hey, by the way, did you end up finding a proper room for her?" he asked, turning towards Y/N with a curious gaze.
Yoongi leaned forward slightly. "Right, where did they stash GI Jane?"
Taehyung raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh shit, you haven’t heard?" he said with a smirk, "Namjoon had her moved to the attic."
The boys exchanged a knowing look.
Yoongi whistled softly, "You’re joking."
“I wish,” Tae replied.
Then, with a sly grin, Jimin added, "Well, someone’s going to be happy about that."
The three of them chuckled together, sharing a moment of amusement that. Y/N didn’t quite understand what they could possibly mean, yet she felt little inclination to probe further.
“Alright,” Yoongi suddenly said, rising to his feet with a glance at his phone. “I’d love to stay and have tea with you ladies, but I’m afraid I got some business to attend to,” he added, a slight smirk playing on his lips. “You know the drill, ord—”
“Orders are orders?” Y/N interjected, her eyebrow arched in defiance.
Yoongi paused to look at her, a hint of respect flickering in his eyes. “I like her,” he stated to his friends, before heading towards the door.
« Wait, are you going to the vault ?” Taehyung asked, suddenly up on his feet like a puppy eager for a walk.
“I am,” Yoongi confirmed. “You’re not.”
“But Hyung—” Taehyung started to protest.
“You’ve got a job here; can’t leave the girl alone, can you?” Yoongi cut him off, nodding towards Y/N.
Taehyung paused for a moment, before quickly turning his attention to Jimin, who already knew what was coming. “Jimin-ssi,” he began tenderly.
"No.” Jimin cut him off,
“-Please, » Taehyung insisted, "I’ll be super quick.”
But Jimin didn’t look convinced. “It’s gonna take more than that,” he said, leaning back in his chair with a content smirk.
Exhaling in frustration, Taehyung negotiated, “I’ll take your training shifts for a month.”
“Four,” Jimin countered without missing a beat.
“Three?” Taehyung bargained.
“Deal,” Jimin agreed finally.
Grinning triumphantly, Taehyung leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on Jimin’s head before hurrying out the door. Y/N watched the scene from the corner of her eye, slightly taken aback by the easy camaraderie among the boys, a stark contrast to the rigid hierarchy and stern discipline that characterized her own clan.
The room settled into an uneasy silence after Taehyung’s departure, the echo of the door shutting marking a palpable shift in the atmosphere.
Y/N returned her attention to her book, the quiet only disrupted by the occasional rustle of pages turning. Jimin watched her for a moment before finally breaking the stillness.
“It’s a little on the nose, don’t you think?” he commented, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he nodded towards the cover of the book in her hands.
The Count of Monte Cristo.
“Subtlety isn’t my forte,” Y/N responded without looking up, her voice even and composed.
Jimin chuckled softly, the sound lightening the mood. "What a refined way to make a point," he mused, settling more comfortably into his chair.
“Everyone loves a good escape story,” she remarked, “Vengeance and all.”
“Is that what you’re doing?” Jimin frowned in amusement, “Picking up some tips?”
Y/N finally looked up to meet his gaze steadily, "Ravens don't need tips when it comes to revenge," she countered, her tone lightly mocking. "Besides, had it been the case, I would've opted for something a little- bloodier,” she added thoughtfully. “Some Greek tragedy, perhaps."
Jimin's eyes narrowed slightly as he considered her words, a flicker of intrigue passing over his features. The idea seemed to both alarm and amuse him.
"Now, if you don’t mind," Y/N concluded, turning her attention back to her book with a definitive air.
However, words from their previous encounter lingered in her mind, unresolved. Distracted, it seemed the words she was reading might as well have been in French. After a moment, she gave in, her eyes drifting from the page to meet Jimin's once again. Her gaze was intense, laden with unspoken questions.
"What is it?" Jimin asked, noticing the change in her demeanor.
She wondered whether she should bring it up. "You said something," she began slowly, recalling the unsettling moment before she’d been dragged to meet Namjoon. "Back in the basement."
"I remember," he acknowledged, his voice steady.
The memory was sharp in her mind: his grip firm on her, fingers pressing into her jaw uncomfortably. "You may not remember my face," he had said, "but I certainly haven't forgotten yours, little bird."
She drew a deep breath, maintaining her composure. "I might have been playing a part down there, but my answer was honest," she stated clearly. "I don’t remember ever meeting you before."
“I’m not surprised,” he replied, a slight smirk appearing as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.
Y/N's eyes, sharp and ever observant, caught a glimpse of something on his forearm. The fabric of his slightly rolled-up sleeve had shifted just enough to reveal it—a mark all too familiar to her.
It was the raven scar, the very same that marked the completion of the rigorous initiation within the Park clan. It was unmistakable, a sign of trials endured and loyalties bound.
He noticed her stare and followed her gaze to his arm.
"Y-you—" Y/N began, her voice faltering.
"I’m not a spy," Jimin quickly interjected, reading the suspicion in her eyes. "If that’s what you’re thinking."
"But- that’s—" she managed to say.
"I know what it is. » Jimin paused casually, “I did have to do it myself, after all." He nodded towards her own arm, acknowledging the similar mark that she bore. "Just as you had to do yours," he added, locking eyes with her.
Y/N unconsciously ran her finger along her own scar, tracing the line that symbolized so much more than just membership. She stared at him, clearly confused.
“Listen," he continued, “if you need to know anything, it’s that, far as I’m concerned, this ,” he casually pulled aside his collar to reveal the tattoo of the Kim clan emblazoned on his skin “is the only true mark of allegiance I bear.”
"But you..." Y/N began cautiously, glancing around as though fearful of being overheard.
"You can say it out loud” Jimin said casually, “it’s common knowledge around here.”
"You used to be a raven, then?" she asked directly.
Jimin smirked, mischief coloring his expression. "Well, kind of,” he confessed. “I guess I never technically completed the induction."
YN's brow furrowed in confusion. It was unheard of for Raven pledges to back out. In fact, it- never happened. You either got in, or you died trying. Suddenly, a memory clicked into place.
"The farmer boy," she murmured aloud, her voice tinged with realization.
His eyes met hers, and he flashed a knowing smirk. "In the flesh."
She remembered now. She must have been twelve at the time. A pledge, no older than 15, had vanished on the night of his induction. The clan had sent a whole militia to search for him, but the boy had disappeared without leaving a single trace. They assumed he’d somehow gotten himself killed.
"You didn’t have blonde hair back then," she observed.
"Yeah, well, a fugitive does what he must to survive," Jimin replied, running a hand through his platinum locks. "But I reckon it suits me, don't you agree?"
YN, still contemplating, ignored his remark. “They never did figure out what happened to you," she noted.
"It’s simple, really. I just made a break for it—headed south- well, as far south as my busted shoes would take me,” Jimin explained, “Ended up in Seoul.”
His voice took on a reflective tone as he thought back to those early days. It had been a daily struggle, filled with petty thefts and back-alley skirmishes. Things were rough, but nothing compared to the grim fate that awaited him up North.
That was until a significant encounter had changed everything. He vividly recalled the moment a black-haired boy with a distinctive tattoo on his neck had noticed him during a street fight, knife in hand, moving as if it were merely an extension of his body. The boy, though slightly younger than Jimin, had watched him defend himself with a calculated interest, a smirk slowly forming on his lips.
Impressed, he had approached Jimin immediately after the scuffle, casually extending an unexpected offer for food and shelter against some- off the books labor.
“And just like that," Jimin snapped his fingers, his eyes lighting up with the recollection, "my new chapter began."
“So, you’re telling me the Kims just— took you in?” she scoffed in disbelief. “Do they even know you’re a northern traitor?”
“Are you kidding? It’s my edge," Jimin countered with a hint of amusement. "They don’t get trained fighters like me on every street corner, not to mention my knowledge of the Park clan can always come in handy, especially in times like these.”
YN's expression hardened slightly at his words.
“So, you're a snitch” she shot back sharply, her disdain clear. “Surprised you didn’t join the rats. »
 “Oh, come on, give me a break,” Jimin rolled his eyes at the insult. “Like you’re one to talk about loyalty? Didn’t you take off right after your fa—”
“I didn’t take off,” she snapped back, cutting him off sharply. Clearly, he had touched a sensitive nerve.
“What would you call it then?” Jimin pressed.
“I—” Y/N began, her voice faltering as she caught herself, the raw edge of her emotions nearly breaking through. She quickly regained her composure, straightening her posture as she held his gaze. “I don’t owe you any explanation,” she stated firmly, though Jimin noticed the white-knuckled grip she had on her book.
Jimin nonchalantly picked up his cup of tea, the steam curling lightly above it as he spoke. "Rumor has it you didn’t even make it to the funeral," he remarked, taking a casual sip. The observation was pointed, and he watched closely as Y/N's jaw clenched.
He had caught wind of it. After all, the news had echoed through the underworld back then, a tantalizing piece of gossip for those in the know. Park Sanghoon, the formidable leader of the Park clan and Y/N's father, had taken his last breath. Of course, his only son Jaebeom had been there to take over the operations; still, his daughter’s abrupt disappearance at such a critical juncture had been nothing short of an oddity.
The room fell into a heavy silence, the air thick with unspoken words. After a moment, Jimin set down his cup and met her eyes with a level gaze. "I would say I’m sorry,” he started, pausing deliberately, “about his passing, I mean."
YN's throat moved visibly as she swallowed, her face a mask of controlled emotions.
"But I’m really not," Jimin continued, his voice dropping slightly. "And I have a feeling you’re not that sorry either."
At his words, Y/N shot to her feet, her movements sharp and sudden, fists clenched at her sides. Her body radiated animosity, but a trace of something else flickered in her eyes.
"You don’t know shit," she spat before storming towards the door.
Jimin let out a heavy sigh. “You can’t just walk off on your own,” he called after her.
“Call the cops,” she snapped back, her voice echoing as she strode through the hall, her back stiff with defiance, "see what they have to say about it."
Hope you liked it. If some of you are intrigued or interested in finding out more, don't hesitate to interact and I'll start posting some more chapters! Also questions and remarks and feedback are welcome xxx
Some of you may be wondering when our second lead will appear... Well, fear not, for the smell of fresh kookies is coming from the kitchen I'm cooking in today.
Chapter 6
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pod-together · 20 days
Pod-Together Day 6 Reveals 2024
Of Soulmates and Assassins [text, audio] (Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Hawkeye (Comics)) written by 42donotpanic, performed by rscreighton Summary: Ronin and the Winter Soldier are two assassins in the same system. They cross paths a lot, but usually, they don't interact much. They don't mind; neither of them is particularly interested in getting to know the other. It's just that the universe seems to have other plans for them.
Bend & *Snap* [text, audio] (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) written by artaxlivs, performed by steddiestories Summary: UPS guy is pretty, for sure, those lips, that square jaw? Eddie dreams about sitting on his face, honestly. But it’s not like the cardboard-brown uniform is given away any secrets beyond well toned arms and thick thighs. Oh, man, his thighs? Fuck, Eddie has to force himself not to stare as those little brown shorts ride up on hairy thighs when the guy squats to pick up a box.
on monsters (Star Wars Prequel Trilogy) written by cabezadeperro, performed by korechthonia Summary: Obi-Wan was trained on the finding and killing on monsters. Experience has taught him that the former is always much easier than the latter.
Got You in My Sight (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types) written by Elthadriel, performed by stargateinmybasement Summary: Echo and Fives haven’t been subtle—Rex doesn’t think they've been trying to be subtle—and he already knows how this will end. They’re a hard pair to want to say no to.
Survival to Flourishing [text, audio] (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling) written by HadrianPeverellBlack, performed by Mangotart_reads Summary: Harry Potter is raised by his godfathers, Sirius and Remus. This is how everything changes
keep thy friend under thy own life's key (Good Omens (TV)) written by hiddendruid, performed by ReformedTsundere and hiddendruid Summary: The theatre owned by Anathema Device is close to declaring bankruptcy. Crowley and Aziraphale team together in order to save it.
Captain's Log, by Captain Dan "The Fox" Wilds [starting text written by Opalsong, with pensieve podfics by bluedreaming, GodofLaundryBaskets, litra, and MistbornHero] (One Piece (Anime & Manga), All For The Game - Nora Sakavic) Summary: The Fox Pirates pick up a new member in Loguetown before heading to the Grand Line. Nicky says there was some kid in a straw hat climbing the execution platform, glad they set sail before that nonsense went down. Captain's Logs of the Foxhole on its trip to the One Piece.
An Ambiguous Gift: Silver (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) written by RisalSoran, performed by BardicRavenReads, audio production by OneGoldenRaptor
blood/thirsty (Men's Hockey RPF) written by Robokittens, performed by cosmicanon Summary: Brady hadn't really thought about the logistics of the whole thing. Was it like when some girls get dumped, they get depressed and cut their bangs? Timmy got dumped and … got fangs?
Emojis as a Love Language (방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS) written by strangecobwebs, performed by celli Summary: Hoseok has a crush on Park Jimin from Payroll. He is super chill about it. Really.
rational and level-headed (Dimension 20 (Web Series)) written by travvymybeloved, performed by Poluche Summary: Cody was well-known for his normal and grounded reactions to things. He told himself that frequently. He was good at handling things with grace and poise and wasn’t notorious at all for blowing his shit at the slightest provocation. That was why he was handling being faced with the realization of a lifetime in a rational and level-headed manner. “You’re sitting in your bathtub and eating an ice cream sandwich because you’re sad but don’t have a tub of ice cream?” “I mean, yeah.”
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btsyeonu · 8 months
↺ 💌 ࣪ ˖ ∿ author’s note , @ the initial impact of bangtan’s relationship with yeonu is a chaotic mess esp between jk and yeonu but i promise it gets better!! just bare with it and i hope you enjoy!
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SUMMARY : yeonu comes out to his members after rumours spread alleging he’s trans. things seem to go well… until it doesn’t.
WORD COUNT : 2.8k words — PAIRING : kim yeonu x bts (slight focus on jk near the end)
GENRE : angst , slight comfort , more angst — WARNINGS : transphobic manager , so some transphobic comments , confused bts (at first) , ignorant & hurt jk
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“What does it mean? Hyung liked to wear dresses when he was younger, right? So what? Why is everyone making such a big deal out of it?” Jeongguk asks, eyebrows furrowed and pupils lurking at an attempt to get a grasp on what he was missing.
The room is filled with thick tension. There are currently ten people situated in the meeting room of the Bighit building, including the boys’ manager and Bang Shi Hyuk himself who sits in silence, arms crossed and concentrating on nothing in particular. Yeonu doesn’t speak up to clarify.
“Why are you not speaking up?”
The manager’s voice oozes with contempt, earning the attention of seven of the eight members present. Namjoon’s eyes hold a tinge of concern that swirls with sympathy as he looks to Yeonu, aware of both sides of reality that may manifest itself in this moment. Yeonu sports a look that hints away at his struggle right now, holding himself back from tearing up, or perhaps even fully breaking down.
“Hyung,” Namjoon opts in instead, and the manager looks over at him, lip still curled in distaste. “Do we have to do the meeting like this?” He asks, starting to turn to Bang Shi Hyuk. “I mean, I get that these allegations are serious, but having so many people like this… I feel like it’s putting too much pressure on Yeonu.”
CEO Bang looks up for the first time at Namjoon’s statement. He isn’t as vexed as their manager, but at the same time, Namjoon thinks he might have simply mastered the art of masking his true emotions. The male lifts his glasses to rub his eyes, mumbling a tired agreement that hasn’t bordered on an order just yet.
“Too much pressure? He- she’s under too much pressure? We don’t even know what this thing is!” Choi Gyuin seethes, pointing at Yeonu, and it would seem that such a statement was all it would take to break the dam and have the rain falling. Yeonu’s hand slams onto the oakwood desk separating himself and his members from Bang Shi Hyuk and Gyuin standing behind him on the opposite end.
“This thing,” Yeonu growls, angry red tears burning, streaming down his face, “is any ordinary man just like you! What’s so different about you and me? Look at yourself, look at me. What’s the difference?” He asks, and his voice cracks a little, face tingeing pink in colour as he waits for a response—everyone’s eyes are on him. Namjoon’s eyes are on him, Jeongguk’s eyes are on him, and so are Yoongi’s and Seokjin’s. Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin stare at him too, entirely dumbfounded at his outburst.
What was going on? Why is everything so tensed? Why is Yeonu so heart stricken?
In the midst of Gyuin’s speechlessness, it is Yoongi that strives forward first, hand resting on Yeonu’s back as he rubs gently, unbothered at the reactions of others. This singular gesture is what snaps their manager out of his shock, teeth gritting, a baffled laugh following thereafter. “W-what’s the difference? Is he- she- whatever you are! Are you being serious?”
He asks this in a manner that tries to come off as obvious, but no one is playing into his games, not even CEO Bang. “Hyung-nim, at least you must see the problem, right? If Yeonu really turns out to be transsexual then the entire group will be put into jeopardy!” He exclaims, talking to Shi Hyuk. “I mean, this is a boy band. What would it mean if we have a transsexual in it? The rebranding will cost us a fortune, and that’s not even taking into account the uproar from fans-” and he just keeps going like this.
Talking and talking and talking, and it’s just as Yoongi opens his mouth to spit a cunning remark that someone else decides to beat him to it, shutting the whole room down with his outrage.
“Aish… just shut the fuck up, you bastard!”
It’s CEO Bang losing his composure. He has a heavy frown line stretched across his forehead and he looks up at Gyuin behind him for a brief moment before waving him away. “Get out. I don’t want to hear from you anymore.” He says simply. Even Yeonu is startled by the events unfolding. Gyuin stands there, blinking, and then he laughs, bending over to reach Shi Hyuk’s height who was sat in his seat.
“Ah, hyung-nim, I think you’re losing your cool at the wrong-”
“What did I say, huh? Have you suddenly gone deaf?” Shi Hyuk queries, turning to face Gyuin again. This time the male can quite clearly see the fury burning within his eyes as he goes to speak again. “I won’t tell you again. Get lost before I fire you right here.” He grumbles, and finally, this is enough to have Gyuin stand up straight with a polite smile, nodding.
Yoongi personally can’t help the smirk that slips itself onto his features then, seeing Gyuin glance at all of the boys with clear rage as he makes his leave. Yeonu watches after him too before turning back to Shi Hyuk.
“Yeonu-ah, be honest with me.” The elder starts, and his posture shifts, showcasing his fatigue towards this situation. “Are the rumours true? Just tell me honestly and we’ll figure it out.” He says, and surprisingly for Yeonu, his voice is gentle, almost understanding. He looks around at his members who surround him from either side, nerves now cold and chilly.
Some of them still seem confused, having grasped barely anything from the fight that had actively broken out, but when Yeonu eyes Namjoon and Yoongi specifically, their expressions seem… encouraging. Yoongi’s thumb caresses Yeonu’s upper spine before he pulls away, waiting patiently.
Yeonu wishes it was easy. Actually, he wishes he had a choice in the matter at all instead of being put under pressure like this, but as he stares at Shi Hyuk, he knows he needs to make this move. If not now, then when? Wouldn’t it be better to at least come out to some people? To the ones he can at least have a glimmer of hope that they’d accept him?
Yeonu’s eyes cast themselves down to his fingers as they splay across the edge of the table. “I…” His throat constricts, absolutely terrified. What if they didn’t accept him? What if he was kicked out of the group immediately upon coming out?
“If it makes you feel better, whatever it is, I’m not going to see you any different from the guy who tried to juggle dumplings to make a good first impression on me.” Taehyung’s deep voice reassures upon noticing Yeonu’s hesitance, and when Yeonu glances over at him, all he’s presented with is a warm boxy smile that never falters once. He’s presented with a glimpse of home.
A small, almost thankful smile of his own slips its way onto Yeonu’s face, and he sighs, trying to come to terms with himself before finally holding his head up—not completely confident, but firm enough to grasp at the straws that help him spit his next words out.
“The rumours… well, they’re true.” He says quietly, voice a little shaky, and his body is tense, stiff as a stick. He did it. “I-I’m transgender. I wasn’t- you know, I wasn’t always a boy. I wasn’t born a boy, but that doesn’t make me any less of one. That’s all.”
As he wipes his tears away, his head bows once more, and the thumping of his heart beats deafeningly deep in his ears due to the silence that follows his admittance. He doesn’t want to look up now, isn’t sure if this silence is good or bad and he honestly doesn’t know how he would cope if the outcome of this turned out to be bad.
Just a few more seconds. He tells himself, but he can feel the beginnings of bile rise in the back of his throat. Why won’t any of you say anything?
“I don’t get it.” Jeongguk’s quiet, confused, and frankly shaky voice is the first to speak up. Yeonu’s heart clenches at the hesitance in his maknae’s approach, but he tilts his head just enough in the male’s direction to show he’s listening. “Hyung, what do you mean? How can you not be born a boy? You look like a boy. You are a boy, aren’t you?” He looks at the other members, hoping to receive clarification from any one of them, but no one knows what to say.
“I am,” Yeonu starts, soft, “But my body wasn’t. I was born in the wrong body, Jeongguk-ah. I was born in the body of a woman and… that wasn’t me.”
The truth tastes bitter on his tongue, finally coming out of living in stealth to a group of guys he considers his best friends and his CEO that held the power to tip the scales of fate one way or another in his name. There’s another period of silence, and then—
“That’s okay.”
Yeonu’s head whips around to look at Taehyung who returns his gaze genuinely, showcasing words that he means. Soon, a reassuring smile presents itself on his lips and he reaches his fingers out to grasp at the sleeve of Yeonu’s top.
“You’re a guy now, right? It doesn’t matter what happened in your past or how you were born. You said you’re a guy. That’s all that matters.” He explains, and Shi Hyuk watches this interaction play out with curiosity, almost as if getting an idea of how the group dynamics may change because of this information.
It doesn’t seem to have shifted much on Taehyung’s end and Jimin, hearing Taehyung’s affirming words, also starts to speak up, adjusting himself in his seat.
“H-he’s right, Yeo. The three of us have been by each other’s sides through everything.” Jimin recalls, shuffling closer to Taehyung who is closer to Yeonu. “Soulmates until the very end. How can we let such a sacred oath be broken? No, you’re stuck with us for life.”
And like that, more and more of the members begin letting out sentiments of their own in support for Yeonu. It isn’t completely without the uncertainty of the group’s future underlying their emotions, but it’s enough to settle Yeonu’s stomach so that he can finally sit back down once again, tears pooling at his eyes.
This had been more than what he could have ever hoped for. The Bangtan he had grown to love had lent their hand out in a time of need. Yoongi shifts in his seat, leaning in to whisper something into the male’s ear.
“I’ve got a cousin who’s trans.” He reveals, avoiding eye contact as he usually does, and Yeonu’s eyes widen slightly at the news, looking over at the male. “Queer people have been amongst us since the beginning of time, but it still takes a lot of guts to come out of hiding like this. I’m proud of you, kid.”
And there he goes with the whole ‘kid’ thing… ah, Yeonu can’t help but to roll his eyes playfully, a light, choked chuckle leaving his lips. “Thanks, hyung.”
As the members discuss this newfound trust put forth by Yeonu’s revealation, Bang Shi Hyuk analyses the members, adjusting his glasses with a clearing of his throat, but as he goes to speak, another member whose voice hadn’t spoken up with a supportive sentiment does so instead, shocking surrounding parties.
“What? Why… why are we all just pretending as if this isn’t a big deal?”
Everyone’s heads turn to Jeongguk, who avoids eye contact as he tries to rein in his thoughts and feelings. No one had expected him of all people to seem so… betrayed, even sounding resentful, giving the maknae time to continue his point.
“He-he lied to us! We shouldn’t even- you were born a woman?” He asks, although it would seem the question was more so directed to himself, as if he were thinking out loud. His views have taken a complete turn, going from confused anxiety to downright denial. “That means I should call you noona. If you were born a woman-”
“I was born a baby.” Yeonu interjects sharply, already sensing where this was going, and Yoongi can’t help the small smile that slips onto his lips at the cunning remark. Jeongguk doesn’t seem to have caught his words.
“Women don’t have penises. You don’t have a penis. You can’t be a man if you don’t have a penis!” Jeongguk exclaims, dumbfounded. His emotions are all over the place; eyes blinking back tears forcefully, bottom lip quivering. “How could you- how could you do that? You lied to me! Y-you lied to us!”
Inhaling starts to become a difficult task the more Jeongguk continues his speech. Yeonu’s heart tugs and squeezes tightly, leaving an uncomfortable lump in his throat watching their youngest member break down like this, unable to comprehend so much in so little time.
“I had to.” Are the first words to come out of Yeonu’s mouth. He’s trying to be the bigger person, trying to keep his composure in check but he fails. “Things like getting changed… simple things like these come easy to you. You take it for granted, but for me? I have to take extra measures just to be safe. I had to change separately from the rest of you, I always had to be careful this exact fucking situation wouldn’t take place, Jeongguk-ah. And do you know why that is? Because people with your views aren’t very accommodating!” Yeonu vents, nostrils flaring, voice tethering on the edge of a growl. Jimin senses the male’s growing frustration, and being one of the members with the best know-how of comforting a friend in need, he’s able to slide over to Taehyung’s previous spot as said male moves out of the way.
Jeongguk, on the other hand, doesn’t let up.
“What do you gain out of pretending?! Why can’t you just be a girl if-”
“Enough.” Namjoon cuts in, a warning tone—his leader tone seeping into the conversation upon hearing the vile and ignorant comments leaving Jeongguk’s lips like a bullet train with no sign of stopping. The maknae’s eyebrows form a deep frown, looking to Namjoon and then the rest of the members before coming to the conclusion that they quite clearly saw him as the enemy and not Yeonu.
Their disapproving stares said it all, but why was he in the wrong? He wasn’t the one lying to the group for years!
“W-whatever! You shouldn’t have lied. You’re not my hyung.” He says with finality aimed at Yeonu, and before anyone is able to scold or demand an apology in Yeonu’s place, Jeongguk is already storming out of the meeting room without another word, sniffles following.
It takes him a minute to register those words—something he had never even dreamt of ever hearing in his worst nightmares had come straight out of the mouth of his only dongsaeng. Yeonu rubs his face harshly at this, head coming down to rest on the palms of his hands with thoughts ever consuming.
“What the hell is wrong with him?” Namjoon grumbles, but he looks over at Seokjin with a silent plea, asking him to go check on the male. The eldest of the bunch nods once, eyes shifting to Yeonu as he stands up before leaving.
“Don’t take him too seriously, Yeonu-ah. He probably just needs time to adjust to the news.” Hoseok tries to comfort in the midst of Jimin rubbing his back. The others affirm his statement, coming together to lift the younger’s spirits.
“It’s because this is new to him. He’ll come around.” Yoongi states, having bared witness to a similar sequence of events back at home. Yeonu’s fingers tug on the roots of his hair, but he sighs. He’s just so, so tired.
“Well,” Shi Hyuk starts, earning the attention of all of the current members present, “I was going to say that everyone seemed to take this news rather well, but with Jeongguk’s outburst, I believe some steps may need to be taken or else the group is at risk of falling apart.”
It’s a logical observation from their CEO, but that doesn’t stop Yeonu’s heart from clenching with a wave of oncoming stress—he didn’t want to be the reason for his members’ careers going down the drain. That’s the last thing he could ever want.
“I’ll do something about it. I-I’ll talk to him.” Yeonu says, but he doesn’t sound particularly confident in himself. He couldn’t even keep himself composed long enough to make Jeongguk see a smidgen of sense.
Taehyung slams his hand down on the desk in front of Yeonu, looking over at him. “I’ll help.”
“I’ll help too.” Jimin declares, placing his hand on the table beside Taehyung’s. The rest of the members also join and seeing so many hands of support settled in front of him… he could probably cry for the third time that day as he also moves his hand forward, joining the circle in its entirety.
“This is to bridging a minor fork in the road of Bangtan’s journey.” Namjoon informs, and on the count of three, the boys lift their hands at once.
“To bridging a minor fork in the road of Bangtan’s journey!”
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@anqelws , @vizianary , @kaitieskidmore97 , @sann1e
27 notes · View notes
ababybiter · 1 year
living with bangtan part two
check out part one which should be on my page below this one hehe its time for the first party ;)
slow burn, fluff, smut, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, strangers to lovers, bts are obsessed with you! main love interest undecided, perhaps chosen by you!
After a long day of studying with Namjoon, the two of you are greeted in the kitchen by Yoongi, and a shaggy haired guy with numerous ear piercings. 
“The famous Y/N!” The guy grabs you by the shoulders and shakes you, making you feel like a phone on vibrate. “This is the one that wants to pull an all nighter with me, yeah?”
You side eye Yoongi. “Do I now?”
“Jin said it, not me.” Yoongi throws up his hands.
“Well, I can sure try.” You let Namjoon take your folder to set down on the table. “You must be...”
“Hobi, of course. The one that comes to converse with his room-mates after a long trip instead of heading straight to his room.” He rolls his eyes. “That’d be Jimin.”
“Leave the guy alone, I’ve never seen him look so tired.” Yoongi grabs a beer from the fridge.
“I would be, having to spend 4 hours in the car with this guy.” Namjoon nods at Hobi.
“Hey now you guys.” Hobi wipes his face with his black t-shirt. “Don’t embarrass me in front of Y/N. Besides don’t act like you don’t love me enough to throw a party in my honour.”
“It’s not in your honour, it’s a congratulations for coming first place Jimin and Hobi party.” Yoongi sets him straight, sweetly.
“You came first place?!” You exclaim. “That’s amazing! You’ll have to let me see you guys dance some time.”
“Yoongi start beatboxing right now.” Hobi points.
“Some time it is.” Hobi grins.
At that moment, another beautiful man walks in. A kind smile wearing a cozy white knitted sweater. He walks right up to you.
“He rises!” Hobi hollers.
“Hey! I’m Jimin.” 
You’ve never known someone to make such deep and intense eye contact whilst looking so innocent. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Finally I’ve introduced myself to everyone!”
He laughs a tinkly laugh. “You’re coming to the party right?”
“Uh...yeah sure if I’m invited.”
“Of course you’re invited.” Jimin touches your arm softly as Yoongi snickers. 
“If one of us throws a party, we all throw it.” Yoongi adds.
“That’s because I have no choice but to hear it.” You snort.
“Still.” Jimin ignores them. “It’s a good chance for all of us to get better aqquainted.”
And with the way he’s looking at you, how can you say no?
bestae: hey can you help us with something?
Your phone dings as you rub at your face to fix your eye makeup. The message from Taehyung alerts you to the time, people will start showing up soon.
you: sure, give me a min
You stand up, checking yourself once more in the mirror before opening your door. Taehyung and Yoongi stand there waiting.
“Okay, who looks better.” Tae spins in a slow circle, whilst Yoongi doesn’t move. In fact neither do his eyes, which are glued to you. Until that is, they start moving south.
“You guys look hot.” You state. “Yeah, I can’t decide.”
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” Yoongi blurts.
Taehyung snaps his head towards him. “Beautiful?” He finally looks at you, and does a double take. “I mean, yeah she is- I mean yeah she does but I’ve never heard you say a compliment with more than one 2 syllables.” 
“Two syllables? Really?” Yoongi stares at him.
“Is that really what you needed help with? To decide who looks better?” You place a hand on your hip, looking at the boys with two very different styles.
“It’s okay, Y/N. You can say it’s me.” Tae darts off to the kitchen before you can confirm or deny, and before Yoongi smacks him.
The hallway is quiet until someone starts the speakers on a setting that’s way too high, momentarily blasting SZA loud enough to burst an eardrum before all is silent again.
“I mean it, you know.” Yoongi looks at the ground before meeting your eyes. “You look amazing.”
“I know.” You smirk. “So do you.” And you mean it too.
He leans in, the smell of his aftershave making you glad you aren’t wearing heels. “I won’t tell Taehyung.” Then he turns and heads towards the kitchen, leaving you with a strange feeling.
Soon enough, the party is in full swing. Jungkook figured out the music situation and Hobi got most people dancing in the makeshift space between the table and the sofa area. You’re thinking about joining in when someone taps you on the shoulder.
“Dance with me?” Jimin invites you.
“You read my mind.”
Jimin leads you by the hand to wear your classmates and lots of the boys are throwing it back to a song you don’t recognise. You’re just getting into the feel of the song, swaying your hips in time to the slow drum beat. Jimin puts his hands on your hips and pulls you close, whispering in your ear. 
“You’re a good dancer.”
“Coming from you.” You reply, just loud enough for him to hear.
He doesn’t say anything back, instead the two of you lose yourselves in the music. The song changes to an energetic one, and Jimin spins you around in circles as you laugh hysterically. As you turn, you catch sight of Jin by the kitchen counter. You hadn’t seen him all evening, and the sight of him makes your knees buckle, almost stumbling into Jimins arms. 
Jin has his long hair tied back in a low bun, his white t-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders. He’s talking to a guy from your film class, but his eyes never stray from you. The look he’s giving you makes you shudder and you force yourself to turn away. He looked almost envious. 
“Woah, I think it’s time to get you a drink.” Yoongi steps into your field of vision, which is dizzying after being spun by Jimin. You gesture a drink to Jimin and he nods, pulling you into a hug. 
“That was fun. I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Me too!” You shout back over the music before following Yoongi over to the drinks table.
“Having fun?” He beams at you.
“Yes! You guys know how to throw a rager.”
“Obviously.” He smirks, going back to his usual self. “Here.” He passes you a tall glass filled with red liquid, a cherry on the rim. 
“Thank you, who made these?” 
“A girl in my class, she’s got many talents.” He clinks his glass to yours.
“Gross.” You roll your eyes.
“Hey guys.” An incredibly drunk Taehyung slings an arm around you, almost making you spill your full glass. “Isn’t this great? Y/N come dance with me!”
You quickly drink some of your drink and pass it back to Yoongi, who takes it with a smile on his face. He watches you be led back on to the dance floor by Taehyung. “Watch those hips Taehyung, she’s a menace!”
You blush, sending a playful glare his way and Yoongi meets it with a beam. He watches you dance the night away, and the feeling of his gaze only spurs you on.
Eventually you lose sight of him, and you come of the dance floor. You’re not sure why you’ve gone searching for him, but the way he was watching you all night has you wanting to talk to him. To see if he’ll show you that side of him again, the one that called you beautiful, held your drink with a protective hand over the top for 5 songs in a row, and bit his lip as he drank in your figure.
When you do find him however, it feels like the last few hours didn’t happen. He’s on the couch, a girl on his lap, his eyes closed as though he’s in a deep sleep, but his mouth says otherwise. 
You spin quickly and turn away, eager not to be caught watching the act unfold. But you turn back just as quickly, staring at the way his hands move over her hips, pulling the girl in the navy blue sweater dress against his jeans. When you turn back this time, you bump straight into Namjoon.
“I was just getting some air.” He gestures. “Want to come.”
“Hobi is really in his element up there.” Namjoon chuckles as the two of you perch on the brick wall in front of your building. He shifts, making space for you. “It’s times like these I wished I smoked.”
“Do you really mean that?” You looked at him, disbelieving.
He hesitates. “No, I guess not. I just feel pretty awkward having nothing to do.” He drums his fingers on his knee.
“Do you feel awkward with me?” You ask.
“No! No, not at all.” He smiles at you. “Are you okay?”
“Me? Yeah, I’m fine. I’m having a great time.” Your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes and you’re not sure why. “Are you?”
“Yeah...well this night isn’t really my idea of a good time but it’s not as bad as I anticipated.”
“I get you.” You nod. “I think I’m only having a good time because I’m with you guys.”
“I get you.” He blinks at you slowly, a smile easing on his lips. You smile back at him. Your friendship with Joon has grown significantly since that first day in the uni lecture. But you still swoon sometimes when he gives you that professorial smile.
“You look beautiful tonight.” He lifts a finger to move a strand of hair back behind your ear, and you cringe at the word.
“Thank you, Joon.”
He watches your mouth form the words to thank him and his eyes flicker to meet yours briefly. He’s so close you can smell the alcohol on his breath although he acts as if he’s not had a drop. He leans in and you can’t help it, you’re leaning in too.
His arm rests behind you so you don’t fall off the wall, and his other hand cups your cheek, it’s warm. His lips meet yours then, and your mouth is opening to kiss him back. His fingers slide down to your throat, and at an excruciatingly slow pace, he wraps them around your neck, without putting on any pressure, but just enough to let you know he’s in control. 
You’re shocked by his demeanour, his confidence and his hands. You’re about to wrap yours around his neck when the door flies open and Taehyung comes stumbling out, a concerned Jimin following close behind. 
“Let’s just take a walk-” Jimin slides down the path trying to catch up with him.
“Think I’m gonna be sick.” Taehyung declares, except instead of stopping to vomit, he takes off sprinting down the path.
“Oh shit, not again.” Jimin groans.
Namjoon jumps off the wall. “I got him, can you take Y/N back inside?”
“Oh, yeah sure.” Jimin didn’t even notice you were there. “You okay Y/N?” He looks even more concerned than he was a few seconds ago.
“Me? I’m fine. Is V okay?” You jump onto the grass.
“Yeah he’ll be fine.” Jimin takes an intake of breath. “He just gets like this sometimes. He’s a runner.”
“Oh.” You nod, knowing a few people like that in your time. You hadn’t notice the temperature drop until you stand beside Jimin. 
“Oh shit, if I had a jacket I’d give it to you!” Jimin chuckles. “Let’s go back in, I’m sure Hobi is wanting a dance with you.”
“I think I’m gonna go back to my room actually.” You decide. “I’m pretty tired.”
“I guess I spun you a little too much.” Jimin blushes. “What were you and Joon doing out here?”
“Just...getting some air.”
He watches you and you squirm, feeling as if he can read your thoughts. With how much he maintained eye contact, he probably can.
The music is still thumping, but on a more cooling down dance at this point as Jimin walks you right to your bedroom door.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N. Sleep well okay?”
“Thanks Jimin, tell the others I said thanks for a great night?”
“I will do. Goodnight.”
He hugs you again and you retire to your room, closing the door behind you. The evening panic overtakes you as you climb into bed. Why did Namjoon kiss you? Why did you kiss back? He’s your professor and you live together!
You take a few deep breaths. No. They probably do this all the time, all of them. A kiss means nothing. It was a party. You had both been drinking. It was fun. It was a nice kiss...
Just as he wished, you’d definitely be concentrating on him in his lessons now.
The next morning, you trudge into the kitchen. It’s 9am on a Sunday so you don’t expect anyone up yet, but as you open the kitchen door, the smell of waffles hits you in the face, and you forget momentarily what planet you’re on.
Jungkook has his back to you, but on your arrival, he turns from the stove and smiles. “Morning, sunshine.”
He’s in a black t-shirt and black jogging bottoms. You didn’t see him much at the party, or much since you stole Taehyung away from their lunch plans. You nervously approach him. “Morning, Jungkook.”
“Sit down, you can be the first to try.” He ushers you to the table where you pull up a chair. “Here.”
He places a waffle on your plate and you smile. “Thank you. How did you know, I love waffles!”
“I actually asked Taehyung.” He pushes his hair back as he takes the seat opposite you. “I’m sorry for how I was the other day. I was rude to you and it wasn’t your fault. Like at all.”
“Oh. It’s okay, I’m sorry about the lunch...I really didn’t know. The last thing I want is to move in and fuck up the dynamic..”
“You haven’t. Honestly.” He tucks into his breakfast. “I was in a bad mood that day and I took it out on you, and V.”
“Any reason for the mood?” You lift the fork to your mouth and moan. “Oh shit this is good.”
Jungkooks eyes widen slightly and he clears his throat. “Uh, just lots of little things. But mainly my grade on last week’s assignment.”
“Oh. Shit, sorry. Well if it helps, it shouldn’t mean much in terms of, you know...importance.”
“I know, it’s just. You seem to have this stuff down. Probably why I’ve been giving you the cold shoulder since then. I just can’t get this editing stuff.”
You nod slowly, swallowing your food. “Why don’t we head down to the library later and I can show you how I do it? I’m not an expert by any means but I sort of know how to-”
“Yes! I mean yes, if you’re free. I’d really love that.” He scratches his chin. “Anything really.”
“Anything?” You raise an eyebrow.
“You know, anything you’re willing to give. Like time. Your time, I mean.” He stands suddenly, you didn’t even realised he cleared his plate. “Knock for me later?”
Hobi walks in then as Jungkook heads for the door. He’s fully dressed and ready for the day as if he wasn’t doing jager shots off a girls belly button last 5 hours ago. 
“Jungkookie!” He grabs Jungkook by the cheeks and holds him there, squeezing until Jungkook pushes him off. 
“I need to go shower.” He whines.
Hobi lets him go, laughing, and grabs a waffle. “Hey, Y/N.” He smirks. “Have fun last night?”
“I did...why, what’s with that look?”
Hobi’s expression changes to confusion, and then back to con-spiritual. “What look am I giving?” He watches you carefully as you shift under his gaze. “Did you get laid last night?”
“What? No-”
“Was it Jungkookie?!”
“No! Shh!” You desperately try and fail to look nonchalant. Hobi gives up and moves towards the kitchen door with his waffle.
“Damn, whoever it was, he’s one lucky guy.” 
You look up at him expecting a playful, but he’s completely serious. He glances towards the door. “All I’m saying is if you were my girl, I’d definitely make you breakfast in the morning.”
“That’s supposed to be what? Not the bare minimum?”
Hobi laughs. “See you later, Y/N.”
Later that day, after helping Jungkook with his editing, he ends up helping you with your latest assignment, and you decide to get some lunch in a ramen place across the street from the library. You finish wittling off some texts to Taehyung after he let you know that he’s alive.
“This place is good, I’ve been coming here since freshman year.” Jungkook tucks into his ramen.
“I can’t believe I didn’t know about this place until now.” You add, picking up your utensils. 
Jungkook looks up at you with a toothy grin. “I’m glad I can be the first person to show you. Maybe it can become our post panic study place?”
“Yeah definitely.” You giggle, raising your glass. “To less panic studying and more ramen!”
You both cheers in agreement.
“Hey losers.” Yoongi stands at the table, holding a bowl of food. 
“Yoongi.” You blink. “What are you doing here?”
He breathes air out of his nose in amusement, quirking the corner of his mouth in a reluctant smile. “This is the best ramen spot for miles. Sorry but you can’t gate keep this one.”
“I don’t gate keep anything.” You snap back as Yoongi places his ramen on the table opposite you, shoving Jungkook further into the booth. “Besides I thought you’d be too busy with that girl in your room to leave the house today.”
“What girl?” He stares at you. “I was with hungover Taehyung in the library, going through a practice exam with him. He has mock tests this week, you know.”
You look down at your bowl, how was it he’d managed to make you feel embarrassed and guilty? 
“I know, I...forgot.”
“Yeah, I can tell.” He glances between you and Jungkook. “So what is this, a date?”
“Why, jealous?” To your surprise, Jungkook speaks up. “Have you ever been on a date Yoongs?”
“Of course, I have.” Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Have you ever lasted more than 3 minutes, Jungkook?”
Jungkook blushes. “Shut up, you idiot. Like you would know.”
“I would actually, the whole dorm does. You like them noisy huh, just like me.”
You don’t know what’s happening, but there’s a weird tension in the air. A stare-off happening right in front of you. You hold your breath. Yoongi breaks the eye contact first to look at you.
“Good ramen, right?”
“Yeah, I was just telling Jungkook I’d never been.”
“It’s our place now.” Jungkook smirks.
“Cute.” Yoongi doesn’t take his eyes off you. “Well I hope you don’t mind if I crash.”
“Not at all.” You shrug.
Lunch didn’t stay weird for long, and afterwards Yoongi stays behind to get some takeaway for later, so you and Jungkook head home. On the walk back, there’s silence for a few minutes before you break it.
“So it got weird for a minute there.”
“Did it?” Jungkook glances at you, swinging his bag.
“When Yoongi was talking about girls. It got me thinking...did you two used to...like be into the same girl?”
“Me and Yoongi?” Jungkook laughs, though his heart is not in it. “Not really, no. Why?”
“Oh, it just seemed that there was an underlying tension there. I like to try and read people.”
“Really.” Jungkook looks at you, almost walking backwards. “So read me.”
“Well, I can’t just-”
“What am I thinking right now?”
“You’re...” You stare at him, hard. He is really handsome. He seems to look happier the more you stare, so you stare until his smile becomes too much. “You’re thinking about something...you want to tell me about.”
“Nice try.” He laughs loudly, falling back into step with you. “Actually, there is something.”
“There is?”
“I asked Jin if he wants to drive us to the beach next weekend, could be fun. Anyway he said yeah, we’re thinking of hiring a car big enough. Maybe even camp. What do you think?”
“That sounds SO fun! I’m in!”
“Great!” Jungkook grins. “So, I guess you can read me.”
“Cool.” You strike a thinkers pose. “Just need to work on the rest of you boys and then I’ll have you all under my control.”
“Oh yeah?” He bumps your arm with his, his lips hover near your ear as he adds. “Can’t wait.”
Okay! Thanks for reading. I know it’s a slow burn but I’m having fun establishing the relationships. Let me know suggestions of moments you want to happen! Road trip next chapter ;)
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smolwritingchick · 9 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 16- Spending White Day With BTS
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Chapter Summary: Jennie underestimated Yoongi's words when he said she would get spoiled for White Day
Words: 3,000+
Genre: FLUFF!! Jen with all the members! 
“Watch your step.”
“Don’t trip on anything.”
“Ahh, Munchkin’s going to freak!”
“Shh! Don’t wake her up!”
“Be quiet!”
“You sure this is enough?”
“It’s all over the room, it’s enough.”
“More than enough.”
“I hope she likes it.”
“She will, don’t worry.”
“You think she’ll faint?”
“Haha, maybe.”
“Stop talking, you’ll wake her up.”
Hushed whispers from the members were heard faintly from Jennie’s ears as she continued to sleep soundly. She couldn’t quite make out what they were saying and didn’t think much of it as she slept comfortably in her bed. She honestly thought she was dreaming. When morning came, Jen’s eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the sunlight from the window. Closing her eyes again as she groaned while stretching, she turned to her side. But suddenly pressed her body against something big.
And fluffy.
Very fluffy.
It felt like fur, as she flickered her eyes open, only to see a huge white bear, next to her.
Shrieking in surprise, she rolled over and ended up falling out of her bed. Expecting a hard thump, she braced herself. But she ended up falling on top of dozens of teddy bears, all in different colors and sizes.
“What the heck?” She sat up, looking around her teddy bear infested bedroom. “What is going on!?” She frantically looked around.
What was this?
Why were there teddy bears all over her room?
Grabbing a tiny teddy bear that read on its shirt, ‘Happy White Day!’, a smile came across her lips.
It was so adorable. Letting out a soft laugh, she grabbed a few more teddy bears and looked at them. 
“This cannot be happening...I gotta take a picture of this.” She grabbed her phone off her nightstand.
She snapped a photo of the teddy bears in her room and tweeted on the shared BTS account, ‘WHAT.IS.GOING.ON!? This is too much cuteness! #WhiteDay’
Managing to walk around the teddy bears, she headed for the door. Before she opened it, she noticed a sticky note.
‘Good morning, Sweetheart! Ready to spend the day celebrating White Day with Bangtan Boys? Get dressed and ready for the day. Breakfast will be waiting~’ Signed Jin.
“Yoongi really wasn’t kidding.” She let out a chuckle.
Excitement filled her body as she eagerly got ready, putting on her dance practice clothes and hair in a high, messy bun, with some curls falling out. Walking out of her room, she was greeted by Jin, who was patiently waiting for her with a bright smile on his face.
“You’re awake!” He beamed and pulled her in for a warm hug.
“D-did you guys put all them teddy bears in my room?”
“Uh huh.” He giggled at her shocked expression and gestured for her to sit down with him.
“H-how many teddy bears are there?!”
“We each got you three teddy bears.”
“How did you manage to hide all the bears!?”
“That’s for us to know and you to never find out.” He teased and placed a plate of blueberry pancakes in front of her. “Here you are. I hope this tastes like home. Your sisters told me you love this.”
Jaw dropped, she snapped her head up to Jin. “B-blueberry pancakes!?”
“Hm, hm. Namjoon talked to your sisters.”
First, it was the teddy bears, now it’s her favorite breakfast that her mom would make for her back at home. She was so happy they took the time to do this.
“I can’t thank you guys enough for this. This is so special.” She murmured, shaking her head in awe.
Jin watched her every expression as she took a big bite. “So...?”
Setting the fork down, she exclaimed, “Why is this so good!?”
He sighed out of relief, feeling proud of his cooking skills as he dug into his plate of pancakes. “Ah, just thanking our sweetheart for those delicious cupcakes. Please, make more. I brought the ingredients.” He hinted as the big grin on his face wouldn’t go away.
“I will, soon. You keep smiling, are you planning something else?”
“I’m just very excited, that’s all. You have a big day ahead of you.”
“I do?”
“Uh huh.” He slid her a note.
Opening it quickly, it read,
‘Munchkin~ are you ready to dance!? Meet me in the practice room so we can practice one on one for Just One Day.’ Signed Hobi
After finishing breakfast, Jen made her way to the practice room, opening the door to reveal Hobi, stretching out his limbs, and getting himself ready.
“Good morning~” She happily greeted, setting her bag down on the floor.
Turning his head to the door, a bright squeal came from his lips as he rushed over to her, pulling her in for a tight embrace. “Munchkin's here~. Happy White Day!”
“Thank you! And thanks for the teddy bears. You guys really went all out.”
“There’s plenty more where that came from! You and I are going to have fun, today.”
“All right! What are we working on?”
“I want to clean up a little bit of our dance in Just One Day.”
“Fine by me!”
After stretching, they practice the Just One Day dance with chairs. Giving her pointers and making sure her movements were sharp and in sync with his, Hobi had a blast with her. After taking a 15 minute break once they danced 8 times, they decided to dance, again.
neowa naega hamkke hago itdamyeon, let’s go time
24 hours neowa danduri itdamyeon
Hobi made her stand up from her seat, grabbing her hand as he spun her around.
Achimbuteo ibmatchumhae
Feeling his familiar lips against her cheek for the dance, she cracked a smile as they continued to dance in sync. Suddenly, he decided to spin her around and dip her.
Letting out a laugh, she held on to him before he brought her back up. “Looks like our dance session is over. On to your next destination~.” He took out a note and handed it to her.
“Thanks, Hobi, I had a blast.” She said as he gave her a big hug.
‘Ennie~ are you hungry from dance practice? Let’s eat lunch together! Take a shower and get situated. I’ll be waiting for you!’ Signed Tae. 
He gave her a destination and time they would meet for lunch.
After showering and putting on casual clothes, she entered the restaurant to see Tae grinning and waving at her.
Giggling at his goofy grin, she sat in front of him and he grabbed her hands. “Happy White Day! I already ordered for you.” He giggled.
“Oh really? And what if I don’t like it?” She teased.
“You will, trust me! How was dance practice with Hobi?”
“So fun! We cleaned up our dance for Just One Day. I still can’t get over the teddy bears you guys put all over our room.”
“I wish I could’ve seen your face. Did you cry?”
“No, I was so baffled, I couldn’t even say anything for a while.”
“Hehehe. We’re going to watch more Dragon Ball Z, soon!”
“Are we now?”
“Uh huh! Jimin and Jungkook won’t take away my hang out time with you.”
“Tae, we see each other every single day, it’s not like I’m going anywhere.”
“I-I know but you know what I mean.”
“I dunno, do I?”
“Jennie!” He whined.
“Okay! Okay!”
“Woo hoo!”
“Not so loud!”
“Woo hoo~” He repeated in a hushed tone. The two ended up laughing with each other as Jennie set her head down.
“Let me see your face~” He picked her head up and rested her chin on his palms, staring at her with a smile. “Smile~”
“I can’t, my face is hurting. You guys keep making me so happy. Happier than usual!”
“Okay, okay, let’s relax our faces.” He kept a straight face with her as they continued to stare at each other once he removed his hands from her face. 
Sipping on some water, she couldn’t help but notice him making funny faces at her. Swallowing the water in her mouth, she almost choked as she covered her mouth, letting out giggles.
“What? I’m not doing anything.” Tae looked around innocently with a straight face.
Rolling her eyes playfully, she continued to watch him as their noodles arrived. Handing her chopsticks first, Tae dug in, watching her with a serious expression.
After taking a few bites, she looked back up at Tae, who had another goofy expression on his face. The two of them end up laughing once again.
After their lunch, he slipped her a note.
‘U, Me, hot chocolate? I’m waiting for you at the entrance.’ Signed Jimin
Saying her goodbyes to him, she left the restaurant to see Jimin waiting for her.
“Ennie~ come on! Let’s go!” He said excitedly.
“I’m coming! I’m coming!” She giggled at his enthusiasm.
Sitting at a nearby cafe, they both ordered cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream and pastries to go with it. 
Sighing at the familiar taste, she took a few sips, enjoying the chocolaty goodness. “It’s been so long since I had this. This is so good!”
“I know right, I remember you telling us almost every day, last month.”
“I-I did? Sorry. I must have been so annoying.”
“Not at all, I thought it was cute.” He handed her a napkin. “You have whipped cream on your lips.”
“Ah, you’re such a gentleman.”
“Kissing it away wouldn’t be so gentleman like. Unless you want me to~.” He teased, nudging her on the arm with his trademark eye smile.
“Oh, cut it out!” She nudged him back, wiping the cream off her lips. She had gotten used to his harmless teasing these days.
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“Hehehe, I’m just kidding. You’re easy to tease. You should get used to it. Ah, but Jin won’t be so happy about it.” He chuckled at the memory of Jin coming to save her from his teasing, during the Boy In Luv filming. “Seems like Jungkook claimed you as his best friend.” He pointed to the black ring on her finger.
“Yep! Happily taken!” She proudly announced. “Jungkook is the bestest best friend I could ask for.”
“Aw, I’m disappointed! Jungkookie always beats me to everything.” He playfully huffed. “It’s not too late to dump him so I can be your best friend instead.”
Pondering for a few seconds, she smiled. “Thanks but no thanks. I’m his.”
“Ah...it was worth a shot.”
“Drink your hot chocolate!” She scooped up some whipped cream on her index finger and placed it on his nose.
“Hey!” He placed some whipped cream on the side of her face.
After continuing to bicker back and forth, and enjoying each other's company, he slid her a note. 
‘Let’s take a walk together, talk about life. I’m waiting for you, outside.’ Signed Namjoon
Putting her hoodie on her head, she walked outside and was greeted by Namjoon who had his hoodie over his head, too. “Hey, Happy White Day. You mind taking a walk with me?”
“How could I ever turn down my leader?” She playfully punched him on the shoulder. Earning a deep chuckle in response, they both strolled through a park. “I gotta say, you guys are unbelievable, doing all this for me.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying the day, so far. It’s not over yet. Hope you’re not tired.”
“I was wide awake ever since I fell out of bed and onto all the teddy bears.” She admitted. Namjoon started laughing, thinking about the sight of her falling out of bed. “Go ahead, laugh. Whose idea was this, anyway?”
“Yoongi’s. Then we all decided to talk about what we should do with you, today. It was Jungkook’s idea to give you all the teddy bears. I thought it would be a good idea to contact your sisters about what you like to eat.”
“Amazing...thank you.”
“Ah, don’t mention it. I want you to get real with me for a moment.”
“How are you? Here with BTS? In Korea?”
“I’ve adjusted well, thanks to you.” She answered immediately. She enjoyed working here, performing, meeting fans, and eating the food. It was great. “There’s still a lot I need to work on, when it comes to performing, though.”
“So does everyone else.”
“I know, I know, it’s just that...I just want to perform for people.”
“And you’re doing that.”
“But I want to get better at my performances. My stage presence is still weak and so are my vocal skills.”
Stopping, Namjoon turned to her, staring down at her with reassurance. “And we’ll work on that. And you will get better. It won’t happen overnight but we know what you need to work on. When we make our full album, we’ll work on it.”
“I know we will.”
“But Jennie, when you feel like you want to give up, I want you to ask yourself, why you started this in the first place.”
“I felt like I had a great chance, to perform here. I always wanted to.”
“And what do you think?”
“It’s going well but I still don’t think I’m well liked.” She let out a sigh.
“Still reading the hate comments, huh? I thought I told you to not read them and let it get to you.” He said with a stern tone, crossing his arms. He hated seeing her so bummed. He enjoyed it when she was glowing and happily doing her thing.
“It just kind of sucks, you know...” She grumbled.
“Ignore that bullshit. Don’t even waste your time.” He pushed the negative thoughts she had, away. 
Nodding, she muttered, “I will.”
“No.” Shaking his head, Namjoon’s expression changed into a serious one. “I want you to say it and mean it. Now what are you going to do?” He raised a brow.
“Ignore the bullshit.”
“And do what?”
“Not waste my time.”
“Say it again. What are you going to do?”
“Ignore the bullshit and not waste my time.”
“One more time, loud and proud!”
“I’m going to ignore the bullshit and not waste my time on the haters!”
“Atta girl.” He nodded in approval with a smile. “We’re all going to get hate, it’s inevitable, but don’t let that control you. Don’t let that fear and negativity take over. I want you to keep your head up high.” He lifted her chin with his hand. “As a leader, I want to let you know that I see that you’re working hard and improving. I’m proud of you. I’m proud of what BTS has accomplished so far.”
His words began to light a fire in her as she continued to listen to his words of wisdom.
“I want you to know that, I got you, Jennifer. I’m not giving up on you. None of us are. Things are going to be fine. Relax. Breathe and follow your heart. There are going to be people out there who won’t believe in you and will make things difficult for you. And when you feel like you made it through something, something else happens and you have to overcome that. Things aren’t going to be easy, but don’t be discouraged. Believe in the greatness that lies within you. In here.” He pointed to her heart. “Prove to everyone that you can do it.”
Words couldn’t describe how grateful she was to have someone like him in her life. He was always known to be so deep, but witnessing it right now, got her in higher spirits.
“Always. Thank you, Namjoon. I don’t know what I would do without you, to be honest. I’m grateful to you.”
“I’ll always be there for you. Keep smiling.” He pulled her in for a comforting embrace. Pulling away, they continue to walk together. “Oh, good news, your food is still in the fridge. I didn’t eat it...yet.”
“Oh, so just because it’s White Day, you won’t eat my food? I need to find a hiding spot so you won’t munch on my stuff.”
“You know that I’ll find it.” He joked.
“Blah, blah, blah...”
“Oh, here.” He took out a bag of chewy sugar cookies. “They uh, got a little mushed because I fell, but they still taste good.”
“Of course, the cookies are mushed, you always break everything.” She poked fun at him, taking the cookies. “But them being broken makes it special because I know it’s from you. Thank you,”
“H-hey I’m not that destructive. Anyway, you're welcome. One more thing, can I borrow your phone charger?”
“You broke yours, didn’t you?” She deadpanned.
“K-kind of?”
Letting out another laugh, she agreed and told him it was in her room. “Great, I’ll get it later. I’m off, the kid is probably getting impatient. He’s so eager to see you.” He chuckled and handed her a note.
Saying their goodbyes, Namjoon left the park while Jennie opened the note.
‘Got time for your best friend? Let’s game. I’m waiting for you at the park entrance.’ Signed Your Best Friend, Kookie.
Running to the entrance of the park with excitement, she saw Jungkook waiting for her with his hood over his head. Hearing someone running to him, he looked up and broke out into a huge grin, opening his arms for her.
“I’ve been waiting to see you, all day!” She collided against him, wrapping her arms around his neck, tightly. He let out a soft chuckle and held her close.
Pulling away, he complained about the members, “Really? I feel special. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to see you. It was so annoying. I wanted to see you first, but the hyungs told me that I would hog you all day and they wouldn’t get a chance to see you at all, today. I was upset that I would be one of the last ones to see you. But it was worth the wait.”
“It really was. So buddy, what’s on the agenda?”
“Milady, would you do me the honor of gaming with me?” He bowed dramatically.
Playing along, she mirrored his movements. “I would be honored.”
“Let’s go. An arcade isn’t too far from here. I won’t go easy on you just because it’s White Day. Prepare to be schooled!”
“You wish!”
Arriving at the arcade, they immediately head to the Dance Dance Revolution game. “Jungkook, let me show you how it’s done. This is my favorite game. Watch and learn.”
“I’ll watch. And then once you had your fun, I’ll beat your high score.” He responded in a competitive tone. No way in the world she was going to be able to beat him.
“We’ll see!”
As she danced, Jungkook analyzed her movements, thinking of strategies for beating her. Staying calm, he was confident in his skills and that he had no problem getting a higher score.
“Your turn.” She gestured after she was done.
“I can beat that.” He smirked, making his way to the game.
“No, you can’t.”
“Yes, I can. Watch and learn.”
She watched and learned all right. Her smile turned upside down as she gaped at the score. “...Are you KIDDING me!?” She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air. He laughed out loud at her outburst. “How!? That’s not possible!”
“You know what they say, don’t hate the player, hate the game.” He managed to escape her hits, aiming for his arm as he continued to laugh.
After bickering, the both of them went all around the place, furiously button mashing on various games, with mostly Jungkook winning everything. 
“Basketball. You, me, let’s go!” She grabbed onto his wrist and took him to the basketball courts.
As soon as the timer went off, the two began to shoot baskets quickly, trying to make it in the basket more often than one another. Jennie stayed focused, ignoring his goofy comments.
“Oh look! I got another basket! And another one! Score! In your face, Jennie! Wow, another basket!”
“Shut up!” She shouted as he laughed wholeheartedly, enjoying driving her crazy. As soon as the bell rang, she looked at the score and started jumping up and down. “WOO! I did it! That is what I’m talking about! In your face!”
Staring at the score in disbelief, Jungkook turned to watch her celebrating happily, dancing around. He couldn’t help but gaze at her with his bunny smile across his face. 
She was something else.
“You want to take a picture?” She caught him staring.
“S-sorry.” He looked down, feeling his face heat up.
“I’m just teasing. But seriously, let’s take some pictures together.”
After goofing around, taking goofy selfies on her phone, they gathered up their tickets and Jungkook picked out an Iron Man plush for her. 
“Treat it with love and care. Iron Man is my favorite.” He dramatically presented it to her.
“I’ll add it to the numerous teddy bears all over my room.” She let out a laugh and happily accepted it. “Thanks, Kookie.”
Looking at the time, Jungkook sighed. He really didn’t want to leave her, but it was Yoongi’s turn. Handing her a note, she read it.
‘Head back to the dorm, Smartie.’ Signed Yoongi. Short, sweet and simple.
Walking inside the dorm, Jennie was met by Yoongi sitting on the couch, wearing dressy casual clothing.
“Smartie. Happy White Day. Get prettier. We’re all taking you out to dinner. I’ll be waiting for you in the living room to escort you.” He said out of nowhere with a smile.
“Yes, dinner.” He stood up and sighed when she pulled him in for a tight hug. “Don’t squeeze me to death!”
“My bad. I’ll get ready. This is great! I’ll get done quick!” She ran to her room.
After 30 minutes of getting ready, she wore a sweater dress and had her hair out of her messy bun and neatly down. Walking out, she announced that she was ready.
Turning around, Yoongi looked at her and shook his head. “Jennie, I said prettier, not beautiful-er.” He teased, earning a smile from her. “You look nice, Smartie.”
“Really? Thanks, Yoongi.”
After the short car ride, they see the rest of the guys sitting at a table, waiting for them. “Miss Bangtan has arrived,” Yoongi announced with her hand on his arm while the guys happily stood up and applauded.
Giggling at their energy and enthusiasm, Jennie was overwhelmed with happiness.
“Come on, sit! Let’s eat!” Jin eagerly gestured for her to sit down.
“I have a seat, right next to me,” Jungkook said, pointing to the empty seat.
“I feel like Jungkook is trying to hog Jennie. It’s my turn to be with her. Jennie, sit next to me.” Jimin pulled out a seat for her.
“Hyung!” Jungkook shouted, shooting him a look of annoyance as Jimin couldn’t help but giggle.
“Hey! Behave!” Yoongi scolded. “She’s sitting next to me, so be quiet.” He pulled out the seat for her and let her sit down. He then gently pushed the seat in for her and sat down next to her. 
“Before we eat, I just want to express my gratitude for all of you planning this special day for me. Today was really fun.” Jen smiled.
“Hey, I told you that you were going to get spoiled on White Day.” Yoongi nudged her.
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sweetlyskz · 2 years
For Better or for Worse
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Chapter Two: Jungkook’s Big Mouth
Overview: you weren’t thrilled to be moving in with bangtan but you learned to come to terms with it. Your father however did not. When truths come to light and secrets are revealed, will you switch sides or simply exclude yourself from the situation altogether?
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: i know I didn’t say this before and IM SORRY but I had thoughts about making jk a little?¿ I tested it out in this chapter a little so just lmk if you like it
Sadly, the day had come. You'd been trying to avoid the reality of it all but now you have no choice but to face it. As you separated your belongings and threw them in the keep or trash box, someone knocked on your bedroom door.
“Hey sweetie…” It was your father. You hadn't talked to him in days, maybe weeks. It’s his fault this is happening. At least that's what you're convincing yourself. You ignored your fathers presence and continued to pack.
“Listen. I know you're mad. I truly am sorry but please believe me when I say I had no other choice. Bangtan said that they would let us keep our territory if I gave you to them.”
“I’m not a piece of property, I’m your daughter”, you reminded him. “And you didn’t do this for me or for us. You did it for you. You gave me to Bangtan in order to save yourself.”
It’s not like you didn’t know who they are. You’ve heard all of the stories and rumors about them. They were street racers, drug dealers, and only cared about one thing.
Their territory.
Your mother gives you one last hug before you leave. Out of everyone, she's taken it the hardest. For some reason she feels as though she could’ve done something to stop this. Knowing that this deal was made two whole years ago made your mother boil with anger, and a little guilt.
“I'm so sorry sweetie.”She plants a kiss on your forehead. “I wish I had known. M-maybe I would've-”
“Shh. It’s okay mom”. You sniffle, holding hands with your mother.
“I’ll be fine, I promise.”
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“Kook, what did I just say?”
Jungkook was bouncing up and down in the backseat again, letting his excitement get the better of him. Joon doesn’t blame him though. It had been years since they had seen you that one time. Jungkook is no longer a baby, Jimin grew out his hair, and Namjoon got a little taller. Everything was different.
“Sorry hyung. It won't happen again”, Jungkook promised for the fifth time. Jin laughed.
“It's okay bun, just don't let it happen when Y/n gets in the car” he instructed Jungkook. “We don't want to annoy her or make her feel uncomfortable, right?”
Jungkook shook his head. “Not at all, hyung. I just can’t wait to show her all my stuffies.”(little jk supremacy!)
“All in due time kook”, said Joon. “I need you to be big when we have that important talk, okay?” He nodded.
The boys thought it would be better to set a pick up location for you, hoping it would keep you safe. Only Jungkook, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jin came to get you (It was supposed to be just Jin and Namjoon but Tae and Jungkook refused to be left behind). The others were preparing your bedroom, even though they had plenty of room for you in their master bedroom. As long as you were comfortable with them, they didn't care about anything else.
When they arrived at the location (an obsolete tunnel of all places), you were already there, holding your fathers hand.
“Nice to finally see you again”, Jin bowed respectfully in front of you, trying to pretend your father wasn't even standing next to you. “I wish it had happened in other way, but this is our life and–”
“Can you just stop trying to play nice in front of my daughter?” Your father interrupted. “She’s not a dumbass, okay? She knows that you guys are nothing but petty criminals who whore around and will only see her as an object to use.” That snapped Jungkook out of his headspace very quickly and before you even had time to back away or help, Jungkook pushed your father against the hood of the car.
Joon laughed to himself. “If only you knew the truth. Maybe we would actually get along if you would just be honest with yourself.” Tae walked over to you and gently held your hand, leading you inside the car. Once you were safely in the car and buckled up, he placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Stay here. Joon just needs to have a talk with your dad and then we can go home” Taehyung told you, his boxy smile prominent. You slowly nodded, feeling more tense than before.
Jungkook held onto your father until Joon told him to let go, and even then he did so hesitantly.
“Baby is in the car bun. Go say hello”, Tae whispered to Kook, ruffling his hair. Jungkook being the obedient little he is, hopped his way to the car. The boys smiled watching him hop away.
“Can’t you see?” Jin asked your father. “Can’t you see how beautiful our family will be?”
“You don’t have to believe us”, Taehyung continued. “But we love your daughter. If you don’t see it now, you’ll see it soon enough.”
Jin handed Namjoon his hand pistol. “I'm sorry you won't be there for the wedding, but you brought this on yourself.”
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The ride home was silent. You refused to talk to them, no matter how many questions they asked. Jungkook had worried that you may feel uncomfortable around them, him specifically.
You knew that Bangtan had money, but you didn’t know just how much they truly had, and pulling up to their mansion had you trying to figure it out. The twelve car garage Jin parked the car in might’ve been the same size as your fathers mansion. Walking into the mansion, it might have been three of your fathers mansions combined.
“Wow” was the first thing you had said since they’d seen you. It made Tae giggle. “I know it looks like a lot but we rarely use about half of this house. Lots of empty rooms”, he informed you, intertwining his fingers with yours. Jungkook ran up next to you and took your other hand.
“Already giving the hyungs more attention than me?” Jungkook pouted. “Well you can make it up to me by helping me name my stuffies.”
“Alright guys, enough” Joon broke it up. “Before we do a house tour, we need to have a little family meeting. Jinnie, can you grab the others?”
You, Jungkook, and Taehyung followed Namjoon to what looked like the living room. The others, including Jin, were already sitting on one side of the L shaped couch. You sat in the middle of the other side while Tae and Jungkook sat on opposite sides of you. Joon simply sat on one the loveseats.
“I’m sure you already know who I am, or all of us for that matter, but I would feel better if you hear it coming from us.” Joon looked at the others, as if he was trying to signal something. Jin sat up.
“Well, I’m Jin”, he said, stating the obvious. The pale guy with green hair rolled his eyes. “No, really?” He said sarcastically. His presence intimidated you, scared you.
“And this is Yoongi. He looks scary but he won’t even hurt a fly, I promise”, Jin said, almost as if he could read your mind. After all of the introductions Joon made you sit a little closer to him, now having a one on one conversation.
“I know this arrangement isn’t ideal but trust me when I say we did it for you, for us.”
You rolled your eyes. “So you blackmailing my father and ruining my future was for me? I don’t buy it. You did it for you, so that you could have some sort of hold over my father.”
“I know it seems this way but–”. You cut Jimin off, laughing. “You guys don’t actually care about me. The only thing you care about is your territory.”
Jungkook shook his head, on the verge of tears. “N-no. That’s not true. Joon tell her! Tell y/n about her dad.” The others gasped.
Joon side eyed kook. “Bun, not now.”
“What is he talking about”, you raised your voice, not even realizing that you weren’t sitting anymore. Jin tried to grab your arm but you pulled away, backing out of the living room. “Tell me the truth or I’m leaving.”
“Let’s talk about this when you're calm”, Hoseok tried to reason. Taehyung and Yoongi tried to calm you down as well but it only made it worse.
“I-I want to go home”. The tears started to run down your face. “I just want to go be with my family please.”
“Why would you want to go back to them?” Jungkook exclaimed. “They literally tried to have you killed twice! And you want to go to them?”
The room was silent. Namjoon cursed himself for not being able to shut him up. You were frozen in place.
“No”, you said plainly. “No. You're lying. You're just saying that to make me stay.”
“Princess we would never lie about something like this, we swear”, Namjoon told you. “If you just calm down, drink some water, and sit down for a little while, then I can tell you.”
Hesitantly, you sat back down. Jin ran to grab you a glass of water. After a couple of minutes of silence and wiping away tears, Namjoon speaks up.
“Okay, let's start from the beginning.”
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@ratherbefangirling @forpunishers @amara-mars @idk179634 @emu007 @m1sss1mp @mageprincess7 @fluffy-canada-pancakes @inlovewithallmusic @bratbxbyx @kaiwaialiki1210
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
Hello goldy ,
I hope you are doing well. would you like to be dululu about old times please..? I was going through some old original content of BTS to see jikook interactions back in 2014. I came across this video where jin is choosing Jimin as good parner to date becase he is kind and gentalman and then looked suggestively at JK and even pint finger at jimin while looking at JK. Made me really curious about whether any other BTS members has any roll to play in jikook even before they became a thing...Do you think Jin being closest to jungkook at that point of time sensed something? Even in some of the other videos around 2015 i find jins reactions or coments about jikook very intresting. What is your take on this..? Lots of love to you...keep being you..
You answered the question yourself love
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ALL OF THEM the answer is ALL OF THEM
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Guilty as charged. JIKOOK AREN'T SO SUBTLE 😔
And puberty did them wrong, had them putting their pants on backwards😫
Those teenage hormones fucked the script. Would be strange if we over the wall could sniff it while those close to them didn't 🥴
Go watch Jimin's birthday where they tease Jimin's father showing up unannounced and Suga literally points a finger to JK when he thought JK was ducking. Like why would you find that funny?
Or or Jhope singing happy birthday Jk when it's JMs birthday
Or Jimin saying thank you whenever Jungkook is praised.
Or RM pointing to JM when JK says he likes to film the skies and people.
Or BTS suddenly forgetting JMs name and calling him JK
Or Jimin losing his luggage and Jhope turning to Jk to see his reaction.
Or JK acting mad JM lost his luggage
Or BTS scolding JM whenever JK messes up
Or or any of the gazillion moments of bts member checking to see JK's reaction when they interact with Jm. Like are you kidding me? BTS acting sus around Jikook is the whole foundation of our ship😩
Jikook is either real
Bangtan just more delulu than us
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They liked to tease them for sure. Tae had this whole thing where he would ask Jimin if he is nervous around Jk, or tease JM about chasing after JK and being ignored etc
Didn't he even say he thought JM liked boys where JM snapped back and said even if he like men he didn't like Tae?
And he would deliberately sabotage Jikook's jikookery- an act he still carries on to this day. he literally calls Jk our for attempting to eye fuck Jimin on camera during the dynamic mv reaction live. Old habits they say
Did they sense something??
With a whole Suga pointing out how he thought it weird that Jk didn't even want to treat JM as his hyung. THEY SENSED EVERYTHING.
The writing was not on the wall.
Now if you say role to play....
do you mean like they played cupid love match making agents between JK and JM??
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Do those two look like they needed anyones help fondling eachother's balls in the dark rooms they sneaked into at night????
If anything all I recall is Jungkook shooing them away whenever they interfered in his me time with JM
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Saranghae borahae
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beautifulpersonpeach · 9 months
I am extremely sad and missing all the boys, but I have to say, for the first time in a while, the fandom these past couple days has been very enjoyable to be in, and has provided me the most comfort through my sadness. I love the energy that is happening around OT7 content.
Enjoying being an Army and an OT7 right now, when just a couple months ago I was seriously contemplating if I could call myself that anymore is an interesting feeling. I love all 7 so much, but even still, I was very much sucked in by solo rhetoric for a bit. I have a bad habit of 'wanting to see all sides' of things, and wanting to see what everyone is saying so I can create a less naive, more informed opinion about something, but at some point while doing that I started getting sucked in. I didn't want it to, I'd step away for a day when I'd notice myself getting angry or some of it sort of got shaken loose when they'd hate on another member, but only temporarily, and then I'd find myself back at it looking at solo content again, so instead I just felt kind of guilty occasionally reading somewhat snarky remarks made about people I felt so much affection for (I never was able to deal with the genuinely hateful ones, just the ones that made snide comments now and again).
The thing that finally snapped me out of it was reading a different member's solos claims. They sounded absolutely ridiculous, and were almost verbatim what the solos I'd been reading think pieces from for the last three months were saying. Being able to stand on the outside of those claims, knowing they're nonsense, forced me to acknowledge the similarities and the hooks in my brain finally came loose.
I was never posting negative thoughts, or #ARMYDONTRESPECTX #HYBERESPECTX, and I definitely wasn't joining in on any of the hate toward any of the members (I own and stream every member's solo albums, solos could never make me hate them, it was always way more about how I felt about ARMY's feelings/treatment of the members).
I know that you think people who fall for solo rhetoric are unintelligent, and would have ended up like that anyway. But, as someone who was actually very distressed knowing I was headed down that path but was also unable to pull myself out of that place for a while, I went to blogs like yours and other similar ones hoping to find thoughts that could help me break the bitterness but even if I understood and even agreed with a lot of things you or others said. it never provided me with the answers I'd hoped for. It was only until I was able to hold a mirror up to myself that so many of my questions went away. I understand why ARMY have no desire to give an ounce of space to most solos, and I don't think that's an incorrect thing to do. But I do think that, more than people being stupid and predisposed for hatred/solo stanning, a lot of people have questions or concerns, and unfortunately, find answers in the worst spaces in the fandom.
I don't have a solution to keep this from happening, only that maybe if you post this maybe someone who is also struggling with those feelings might see this and relate and maybe can start work on realizing that ARMY may not have the answers to your questions, but neither do solos. You're not going to find anything illuminating, because nobody is actually saying anything new or unique, it's literally all the same angry claims of mistreatment and sabotage.
Anyway, stream No More Dream and Attack on Bangtan, and Standing Next to You and Like Crazy, and Slow Dancing, and Hageum, and The Astronaut and Wildflower, and Arson, or whatever songs are your favorite, go listen and be happy, BTS is great and getting to be a fan of all of them, collectively and separately, is great, listening to their discography or watching original content is probably the best answer to most questions anyone may have.
“You're not going to find anything illuminating, because nobody is actually saying anything new or unique, it's literally all the same angry claims of mistreatment and sabotage.”
This is what I thought I’d been communicating for the last year, but I suppose it’s one thing to read someone else write it, and another thing to experience for yourself.
I think BTS is the most (and best) documented Korean artist in recent times, whether filmed footage or written interviews, there’s no other k-pop group or idol that’s been as filmed or interviewed as BTS, and they are actually fairly consistent in their views about the group and about themselves. Everything required to understand the kind of group BTS is, is right there. And so when I see people struggle, I just take it as an indication of the limits on their capacity to get it. Some reasons for those limits might be due to language and prior experiences, things that aren’t their fault exactly, but it is what it is.
It’s encouraging to read you were able to pull yourself out of that mind muck. Like some other Anon said, it’s far easier to go from ARMY to solo than the other way around, so I don’t take it for granted that you’ve found your way back. At least for now lol.
Thanks for the write-in. Here’s to hoping more people find their way out.
Enjoy the calm the fandom is experiencing right now. We both know it’s temporary lol (until we get the next major release and then the madness starts all over again). I wish both you and me luck navigating the madness the second go around.
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ggukkiedae · 2 years
Love Yourself: Answer
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the black hair stayed especially since she had a drama to film
but the stylists always made sure to add hair tinsel
consistent with the last comeback, she still was constantly styled in tall af heels making everyone have a heart attack with how she danced in them
Album Credits:
Production: dimple, mic drop, go go, the truth untold, magic shop, anpanman, tear, euphoria, trivia: why (solo), i'm fine, idol, answer: love myself
lyrics: dna, best of me, dimple, mic drop, go go, her, fake love, the truth untold, magic shop, airplane pt. 2, anpanman, tear, euphoria, trivia: why (solo), i'm fine, idol
choreography: best of me, go go, anpanman, trivia: why
outside of bangtan: Produce 48( We Together, You're in love right?, Still Dreaming), Waste it on me, Wanna One (the while Power of Destiny album, TXT (Our Summer, Nap of a Star), Iz*one (Violeta, Up)
Line Distribution
also quite a dance centric video so yeah there's that
for her scenes where they're not dancing, the first one is her standing there while the members are hugging her, kissing her head/cheeks, just being affectionate
one "ursoo johda" had a close up of her tilting her head and raising an eyebrow while vibing
then her opening for the bridge was her runway walking in her hanbok style outfit before tossing the fan she was holding backwards where it flew over the others and changed the color of the background
Iconic Moments
first of all "i'm so fine wherever i go"
just the parts in the idol music video where the boys were being affectionate and kissing her head, squishing her cheeks, and hugging her while she did her lines
the last chorus of idol and yet she still somehow dances it it tall heels aksjdnf
bringing nala everywhere (except bon voyage)
literally laughing her ass off when she realized jin forgot their house's passcode plus more friendship moments in general in bon voyage
the partner dance in her solo song during the tour (plus her cute dancer who (spoiler!) is heeseung, but no one knew who he was yet)
just tour moments especially in anpanman and so what
her preparing jungkook's cake for his birthday with the utmost look of concentration on her face then jimin and hobi in giggles bc it's cute
the bangtan bomb of the boys smothering her in affection for the idol music video to the point where she'd laugh instead of doing her lines
casting announcement! sky castle!!!
just her scenes in sky castle
especially the first one where she pulls up in a motorcycle beside the rest if her family who were in the family car
producing the debut evaluation songs for produce 48
receiving the order of merit
doing something between a dance and a gymnastics routine inspired by nongak during mma
airplane part 2 in her white asymmetrical dress for mama japan (also when she showed professionalism after her top broke in fake love)
her and mark seemingly having a long conversation during the finale of gayo daechukjae
the bangtan hug at gayo daejejun for new year
and then when she ran over to wanna one to give them a little pep talk and a hug
her hype during literally every end of year idol performance, but especially the gda mma and mama one like something snapped in her
being excited for txt's debut and tweeting support for seri! (and a selca with yeonjun from 2016)
being cozy in armypedia
the grammys
being the "coach x" on produce x 101
but otherwise she was quite quiet in this era, mostly because she was busy and her schedule was literally packed
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TAGLIST: @sunflower-0180 @seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypennabi @kamiiyou @strwberrydinosaur @uraveragefangirlsposts @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @toriluvsfics @billboard-singer @stopeatread (bolded = can't tag 😭) (taglist/s open! just drop an ask or a dm <3)
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aajjks · 9 months
did your bully, your TORMENTOR just encourage you? “was he..flirting with me?” you say out loud and once again your cheeks are hot from jungkook’s flirtatious words. telling you that you can win and even winking at you, that has to be flirting right? you think it is until you remember that if you don’t help him you won’t get your extra credit points and he’s right, your academic record means a lot to you because you’re hoping to get in the best art schools in korea.
you gather your belongings and head to lunch and danielle is once again busy with her class presidential meetings so you’re eating alone but it doesn’t bother you.
you pull your phone from your backpack, connect your earphones, and listen to music while sketching in your book. you nibble on the fresh fruit they serve in the cafeteria during it all and you barely pay attention to any of the commotion around you.
giggles. there’s giggling near you but you’re so wrapped in ariana grande’s moonlight song that you don’t notice another group of bullies planning something. you fill in, erase, and trace over the faded lines you’ve drawn.
“hey nerd” says a boy by the name of jongin who gently pulls your earphones from your ears to get your attention. “you guys are right” he says to his group of friends “she is kind of cute”
“can you please stop? let go of my headphones”
“aww and she talks cute too. you’re adorable” jongin says as he takes a seat next to you and looks through your sketchbook without your permission.
“hey! give that back!”
“wow, you can really draw. these are impressive”
“thanks but can i have my book back?”
“since you asked so nicely, sure you can”
jongin hands your sketchbook back and watches you draw again but you’re visibly uncomfortable.
“can you, uh, leave me alone?”
“no but you can do my homework” he smirks and he won’t lie, your shy nature is cute. jongin feels the urge to ruin your oh-so sweet demeanor and turn you out. it’s girls like you that are freaks on the low and he has to see it for himself but first, he has to woo you first.
“but i can’t. i have a lot going on and—“
“if you do my homework, you can come to my party this saturday”
“no, i’m okay. parties aren’t for me”
“sure they are. with a skirt like this, some makeup, and contacts, you’ll fit right in” jongin gets closer to your shy face “you’ll turn heads too”
just as jongin is in your face, in comes the popular bangtan septet. groups holler for them to sit with them and some even gawk at their attractiveness. jokingly taehyung points at you and whispers in jungkook’s ear “look at the nerd. guess she’s trying to get some from jongin”
“what a slut” yoongi responds as they continue on and at first glance, it may seem like jongin and you are flirting but in jungkook’s point of view, he can see your discomfort.
“i mean, that’s nice and all but i’m okay. i’m sure someone can do it for you” you say sweetly, declining his offer again.
“how about i buy you another pair of headphones in exchange for doing my homework?”
“why would you—? HEYYY!!”
jongin snatches your headphones and snaps them in half and all his friends do is watch and laugh.
“if you don’t do my homework, i’m not buying you another pair”
“you should worry about someone buying you a new face after I’m done fucking it up for you.” Before he can stop himself he’s right in front of your table and he is glaring at the boy that’s been bothering you.
“how dare you bother her?” Jungkooks jaw is clenched, and he is literally seething with anger. “fuck off.” He curses out and he doesn’t even look at you because he is so focused on Jongin.
Why would he even do to bother you when you’re just sitting here? Peacefully minding your own business & Eating your fruits and sketching in your adorable little sketchbook? It was such sight to behold but of course this fucker had to ruin it It makes him angry because no one should bother you except for him.
“you’ll buy her new earphones right now.” Jungkook folds his arms, “and get lost before I fucking punch you.” Jungkook is lifting jongin up with force as he grabs him by the collar, because the guy thinks that he can disrespect you, and face no consequences?
Oh, he has no idea what he’s about to face right now.
If anything, he’s known here for, it’s Jungkooks wrath, and fear. And now Its jongins turn to taste it. How dare he be so close to you and touch your belongings without your permission
That’s only his right.
The whole cafeteria is dead, silent, and the guys don’t interrupt because they have got jungkooks back as always, and if his little group will try and attack jungkook-which would be a mistake, really big one, they will make sure that they teach them all a lesson they won’t ever forget.
“ WHAT DID I SAY? MANWHORE? Are you fuckin deaf, mate?” He barks, Jungkooks glaring into his eyes, he’s fuming, “I’m gonna break your jaw. APOLOGIZE TO HER RIGHT NOW.”
He is literally not hesitant to really punch this guy, “okay so you asked for this, and it makes a really cringe noise as his fist connects with his jaw.
And the cafeteria is shocked because of the gasps he hears, some guys are hollering, the girls are gossiping to themselves and you get up in shock.
And anyone who tries to interfere between the two, bangtan are blocking them, threatening them to sit back down.
Jungkook is having a lot of fun right now.
“oops, but I warned you.” Jungkooks chuckles sadistically, jongins taken aback and he falls down, and jungkooks immediately got his shoes on his face, making it hard for the other guy to get up and fight for himself.
“BUY. HER. NEW. EARPHONES.” Jungkooks spitting at jongin, his head is a little tilted because he’s focusing on the guy beneath his shoe, “or I’ll make sure you go fuckin deaf.”
“And if you dare to bother her again, I’ll cut up your tongue and I’ll feed it to my fucking dog- If I see you breathing near her? I’m gonna kill you with my bare hands.”
And everyone in the school knows that JK never makes any empty threats.
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ugotnojamzzz · 5 months
Rulers of Ruin
Chapter 3
Alright so I’ve been toying with this mafia!au fic idea for a long while and I guess it’s time to give it a whirl. I already have about ten chapters written out (I’m expecting it to be at least 20 chapters), but I want to test out the waters first. I’ll start posting more if some of you are interested in knowing what the hell is going on.
Genre: Mafia!au , Slowburn, Angst, Hurt, eventual smut, TW (it is a mafia!AU, after all)
Pairing: Mafia!Jungkook x reader
Synopsis: um, tf is going on??? Stay tuned for more chapters to come.
Disclaimer: English isn’t my native language. Also, don’t come for me over the theme, people. It’s an Alternate Universe, which means the bangtan boys are essentially what I like to call meat puppets to serve the storyline. This is obviously not a projection of their actual real-life personas.
Wordcount: 2.6k
Chapter 2
YN lay sprawled across the plush bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling as she counted the tiles for the umpteenth time. For the past few hours, boredom had been her constant companion, proving far more excruciating than distress.
A soft ding interrupted her silent count—the distant sound of the elevator door sliding open. Her ears perked up, straining against the quiet that followed. The scrape of porcelain against silver floated through the air, and her heart quickened.
Someone was coming.
YN rolled off the bed, her movements swift and silent. She was on guard; every new sound or presence was a potential threat—or opportunity. Peeking through the slight gap in her bedroom door, her eyes narrowed on a figure maneuvering a trolley into the living area.
The visitor was a woman, short and stout, moving with an efficiency that belied her old age. She was quiet, her feet barely making a sound on the lush carpet as she pushed the laden trolley towards the table. The woman seemed unarmed and alone, an ID badge swinging gently at the side of her uniform.
There was something almost laughable about the situation. An old lady, really? YN thought wryly. You’d think Namjoon would at least have the decency to throw an actual challenge her way.
Still, here was an opportunity. The woman looked harmless, her back turned, fumbling slightly with something on the trolley. YN felt a pang of something akin to guilt—she didn’t particularly enjoy the thoughts crossing her mind, but survival in this world rarely came with the luxury of choice.
Meh, YN reasoned, she must’ve had a long-enough life, anyway.
Shaking off the hesitation with a cold snap of resolve, she slipped back towards her bed and grabbed a pillowcase. Simple, effective. It would have to do. Clutching it tightly, she stepped out of the bedroom, her presence as discreet as a shadow trailing across the moonlit floor, her movements honed by years of training to leave no trace.
The old woman’s back was still turned, her attention focused on arranging the items on her trolley with meticulous care.
Creeping closer, YN's hands tightened around the fabric, her every sense heightened. The soft rustling of the woman's uniform was like thunder in YN's hyperaware ears. Just a few more steps and she could reach out, seize control of the situation, and who knows, perhaps even secure her escape.
Just as she was about to make her move, a steady voice broke through the silence.
"Young lady,” the old woman spoke without turning around, “I would advise against whatever it is you’re planning on doing with that thing."
Stunned, YN halted in her tracks, her grip on the pillowcase loosening. "How d—"
“I’ve been weaving through the shadows of this house since before you drew your first breath, my dear,” the woman said, finally turning to face YN. Her eyes, a sharp contrast to her gentle demeanor, bore into YN’s. "And I have seen more than my share of young folks convinced they could outmaneuver their fate."
Once thing was clear: this was no ordinary maid.
“But you’re smarter than that, I’m sure.” The woman's eyes flickered to something behind YN. Following her line of sight, YN glanced at the security cameras mounted on the walls.
“You must be Mrs. Shin,” YN remarked with a resigned sigh.
“And you,” she replied, lifting the silver cloche to reveal a steaming plate of food, “must be famished”. YN's stomach betrayed her with a timely growl. She couldn't quite remember the last time she had eaten. Still, she remained rooted in place while the older woman arranged the tray meticulously on the table.
“It’s not poisoned,” Mrs. shin commented, catching YN’s hesitant glance, «if that’s what you’re wondering.”
YN maintained her silence, her eyes lingering on the food.
“In any case,” Mrs. Shin added, a twinkle of humor in her eyes, "I can assure you, wasting away from hunger is a far duller end. Still, the choice is yours."
Their eyes locked, a silent battle of wills. Finally, YN's resolve softened, her survival instincts kicking in. She seated herself slowly, her movements measured.
“Wise decision,” Mrs. Shin noted with a nod, her lips curling into a faint smile.
YN's eyes scrutinized the tray, noting the absence of any cutlery except for a single spoon. It seemed impractical, almost mocking in its simplicity. She met Mrs. Shin's gaze, an unspoken question hanging between them.
“Well, you couldn’t expect a knife and fork,” the woman said, her tone light but her eyes sharp. “And while we do usually allow chopsticks, Namjoon insisted on something less- pointy for now.”
“Usually?” YN echoed, her tone sharpening with curiosity, as she started digging into the food. “How often do the Kims bring outsiders into the family estate?”
Mrs. Shin looked back at her, amusement painting her features. "Who said anything about a family estate?" She sat down across from YN.
“It’s kind of obvious, isn’t it?” YN remarked, her mind flicking back to the meticulous arrangement of personal artifacts she had glimpsed in her brief walk through the house—distinctive heirlooms and portraits that seemed too imbued with sentimental value for a mere operational base.
“Still observant as ever, I see,” Mrs. Shin commented.
YN’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Still?” she asked.
“Ah,” Mrs. Shin paused, a knowing smile creeping across her face. "The eye of the raven with the memory of the goldfish—quite the combo you’ve been given."
YN’s response was an irritated scoff. She wasn’t accustomed to being on the less informed end of conversations, and Mrs. Shin’s insinuation chafed at her pride.
"I don’t blame you, really" Mrs. Shin continued gently, a thoughtful pause punctuating her words. "You must’ve been… 9 or 10, that day, always hiding behind your older brother," she added, her tone softening. A flicker of irritation crossed her features as she recalled, "That rascal," she muttered under her breath, "kept scraping his teeth on the silverware like a wild thing."
As YN processed her words, she absently glanced at the silver spoon in her hand, its tiger motif strikingly familiar. Mrs. Shin watched with a knowing expression as YN carefully traced the spoon's design with her thumb.
"I believe it was black sesame pudding," The old woman said nonchalantly.
Her words seemed to trigger a cascade of half-buried memories, recognition slowly dawning on YN’s features.
She finally spoke. "It was here," her voice barely more than a whisper. "wasn’t it?" she paused, looking up to meet the old woman’s gaze, “The Summit.”
Mrs. Shin didn't reply directly, but her lips curled into a slight smile as she rose from her seat and walked to the tea set. Her wrinkled hands gently lifted the delicate porcelain teapot, steam swirling up as she poured the fragrant brew into two matching cups.
The Summit.
Once every decade since the Mutual Prosperity Charter had been signed, the five original clans—each a pillar of clandestine influence—would congregate to reaffirm their tenuous truce with an event known as the Unity Summit.
 It was nothing short of a grand ballet of diplomacy, a way to remind everyone of the precarious balance of power that held their world together. And, while the gatherings were designed to celebrate peace, they were also used as an opportunity for each clan to showcase its strength and splendor.
YN had been to just one such event in her youth, hosted by the Tigers—the Kim clan. Only now did she realize these were the same walls that had encircled it. She was astonished she hadn't realized sooner. Her recollections of that day were still crystal clear.
After all, it was the first and only time she’d met Namjoon before.
The grand hall itself was a testament to the event's significance, draped in rich banners and ancestral crests. Conversations dwindled into silence as YN, squeezed between the towering figures of her brother and father had walked in, their footsteps echoing through the vast space.
The crowd of dignitaries and delegates parted to make way, acknowledging the family's authority with nods and murmurs. Eyes filled with respect and a hint of fear turned in their direction as they strode towards their host.
Once they reached Kim Eungsoo and his wife, YN felt her father's grip tighten on her shoulder—a silent command for unwavering propriety. She straightened her back, drew in a breath, and lowered herself into a deep bow before the imposing figure of the Kim patriarch. Her eyes briefly met his, lingering on the nasty scar that ran across his stern face. A chill brushed her spine, and she quickly shifted her gaze down in respect.
Drawing herself up, YN’s eyes shifted to the boy who stood confidently besides the leader.
Only 12 at the time, Namjoon already carried the air of someone burdened with expectations, a seriousness far beyond his years coloring his features. Awkwardly caught between boyhood and the precipice of command, he was unusually tall for his age. His face was conspicuously smooth, freshly shaved, though there was no stubble to speak of, and his suit a miniature mirror of his father's. He was quiet. Focused. YN remembered seeing his eyes darting towards his father throughout the day, his young mind already threading through the maze of clan politics, yearning for a seat among the decision-makers.
YN had been similarly ensnared in the silent dance of expectations. Her hair was woven into a braid so tight it seemed designed to squeeze any hint of rebellion from her skull. The stern eyes of her governess loomed at the periphery of her vision, a silent sentinel ensuring her posture remained as straight as her lineage.
They both spent that banquet afternoon ensconced in the polite but distant company of the other clan leaders' children.
The Kang quadruplet daughters, with their sharp whispers and mean-spirited giggles, huddled together like a litter of scheming mice.
The Choi brothers were in their own world, it seemed, their boisterous energy manifesting in endless arm-wrestling matches, while their infant sister slumbered undisturbed, a serene island in a sea of chaos.
The Lee siblings stood apart, a trio of statuesque figures, their expressions unreadable and their poise as perfect as porcelain figures on a mantelpiece. They carried themselves with the regal aloofness of royalty mingling with commoners, watching the festivities with an air of superiority and detached amusement.
Amidst it all, the Park heir, YN's older brother, moved with newfound importance. At only 17 years of age, he had freshly been inducted into their clan's inner circles, earning him a coveted spot at the adults' table alongside the eldest Lee son. He wore his responsibility like a mantle, his young features set in determined imitation of their father’s grave expressions.
YN, from her distant vantage point, watched them with a detached curiosity, wondering about the weight of the conversations that included him and excluded her.
Overall, that day had been an absolute bore.
The one highlight of the day came when dessert was finally served, gleaming invitingly in delicate bowls accompanied by shiny silver spoons.
 Black sesame pudding.
She indulged with the enthusiasm only a child could muster, her lips and tongue turning a dark grey color. Her governess, less amused, delivered a swift reprimand—a slap that stung far more than the fleeting embarrassment of being scolded. Tears welled up, not enough to draw attention, but sufficient to send her seeking solitude.
Hidden away in a secluded corner, nursing her bruised pride more than her reddened cheek, YN was startled by a presence next to her. A lady had knelt beside her, eyes soft with concern. “Everything alright, little bird?”
YN glanced up at Mrs. Shin, who returned to the table, setting the teacups down with practiced ease.
“You gave me a sweet that day,” YN recalled, her tone casual yet pointed, as if to underscore the precision of her memory, “the chewy, ginger kind.”
“Never seen a teary eye that couldn’t be fixed by Jocheong taffy,” she replied warmly, pushing a cup gently towards YN. "Go on, now, drink up."
YN obeyed, the warm liquid sliding down her throat soothingly. She set the cup down with a deliberate clink, “So,” she broke the silence, her eyes hardening, “this is all Namjoon could muster?” she asked, her voice dripping with skepticism. “Send the meek, old lady to tame me?”
“I may be old,” Mrs. Shin retorted, her voice steady and her back straight, “but I am certainly not meek.” Her eyes flickered briefly to the faded clan tattoo peeking out from under her uniform—a relic from a past that whispered of untold stories and battles fought. Clearly, the old woman had earned her stripes one way or another.
“And Namjoon didn’t send me,” Mrs. Shin continued, her tone turning wry. “I changed that boy’s diapers. He knows better than to give me orders.”
“So, you volunteered?” YN’s eyebrows rose slightly, intrigued. “How sweet.”
“I must have a soft spot for outcasts," Mrs. Shin admitted, her gaze softening just a touch as she considered YN, seeing perhaps a reflection of someone else. “But truth is I’ve simply always taken care of the attic,” she added.
« Not exactly much to take care of, up there," YN sent her a confused look, “It’s an unoccupied suite.”
"Appearances can be deceiving," Mrs. Shin replied, her eyes twinkling, “you ought to remember that.”
"Oooooh,” YN mocked, a light laugh escaping her despite the slight heaviness beginning to cloud her mind. “Are there ghosts roaming around I should look out for?"
“I guess you could say that," Mrs. Shin said with a cryptic smile. “Of course, ghosts aren’t the only lost souls lingering up there.”
YN took another sip from her cup and tried to focus on Mrs. Shin’s face. The edges of her vision blurred slightly, and she felt a growing fog settling in her mind. "So… what-» Her words felt thick, her tongue growing sluggish.
YN's head began to feel heavy, her thoughts muddled as if fog was rolling through her mind.
Mrs. Shin tilted her head ever so slightly. "You’re looking a little pale, dear," Mrs. Shin remarked in a gentle tone that carried a steely undertone.
YN tried to focus, but the woman’s face seemed to blur and swim out of focus. She felt a strange heat rising through her chest and head and opened her mouth to respond, but the words wouldn’t come out right. Her hands felt strangely detached from her body, her fingers tingling as she gripped the edge of the table. "W-what the fu-"
"I said we wouldn’t poison you," Mrs. Shin interrupted calmly, her words echoing through YN’s brain like a distant lullaby. "Not that we wouldn't- temper your spirit."
YN glanced down to the bottom of her teacup, her hand trembling. It was then she noticed a faint residue, something she hadn't seen when she first started sipping.
"Son of a bitch," YN muttered, her voice fading as darkness crept in at the edges of her vision.
Mrs. Shin’s tender voice echoed through her mind just as everything went black.
"Sleep tight, little dove."
Hope you liked it. If some of you are intrigued or interested in finding out more, don't hesitate to interact and I'll start posting some more chapters!
Chapter 4
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