#baptiste mentioned
wildfeather5002 · 5 months
I hate it when xtians reduce my religious trauma to "a religious person said something mean to you once so now you're mad at religion".
Like, shut the fuck up. My trauma isn't just someone being a little rude to me once, it was systematic, deliberate manipulation with the threat of possible eternity of suffering in Hell if I didn't obey religious rules and "keep Christ in my heart". It was "Nonbelievers burn in a lake of eternal fire. Tell your friends to convert to our faith or they'll be damned for eternity".
I have suffered from anxiety, ocd and other mental health issues for several fucking years because of this shit. I've suppressed my sexuality and felt terrible guilt just for the 'sin' of having sexual thoughts. I've feared for my loved one's souls, genuinely believing they would go to Hell for simply not being xtians and that I'd never see them again in the afterlife.
These beliefs are sick and twisted. What I went through was sick and twisted.
I seriously don't know what to say to you if you still think telling anyone, let alone a child, that they're going to be damned for eternity if they disobey 'God's word' is totally fine and not abusive.
Know your fucking place and stop speaking over trauma survivors who have been hurt by your shitty religion.
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zoobus · 2 years
A friend told me that once you start noticing there's a new church scandal about mass abuse coverup literally every 1-2 weeks, you never stop noticing it. I thought he was exaggerating and immediately googled "church scandal," where I learned of a breaking story about a massive csa coverup by the french catholic church.
I've been periodically checking in on this for years now. Keeps being true.
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Magical girl Murat and Bessières
Nobody asked for this . . . but i'm a generous woman
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a bit of cringe sketches
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I also remade a sailor moon scene (this show is definitely not my main inspiration for this . . . )
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dawnthefox24 · 9 months
Hanzo: *After Cole saved him with all the adrenaline running in his system* I'm so happy, I could kiss you! Cole: *is flustered*Um…Neat. *later after the mission* Cole: *lying face down on the couch* I said "Neat," Baptiste. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid. Baptiste: *is reading a book* Don't beat yourself up too much, Cole. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Lifeweaver confessed his love for me? Cole: *looks at him raising a brow* Didn't you thank Niran? Baptiste: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked him.
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fallstaticexit · 26 days
Im absolutely loving your new Nancy Langraab story!! Hell yes for making boring townies interesting via a new backstory!! (I never found Nancy and Geoffrey much to my taste because ts4 just presents them as another boring rich couple who are probably shitty parents. But this backstory adds so much more interest and layers to her!) I can’t wait to see everything fall apart for her… (Angst is my favorite part of storytelling, hahahaha) Also, I just have to say that the fact that Cassie’s friends are playing D&D at a Catholic school in what would have been close to the height of the satanic panic, which very heavily targeted D&D as a horrible anti-Christian thing is very funny to me. (Not saying this to be rude, I genuinely find it amusing.)
Thank you so very much ✨😭 I too love some good ole fashioned angst. It’s my coffee in the morning.
I did do a super quick google search prior to writing the scene and saw a few discussions about D&D and the church ( here and here and here ) because it did dawn on me that the school would have likely had an issues with it during that time period but decided to write it in anyway, as a nod to the late 80s and early 90s and as a stereotypical “geeky” thing that Geoffrey and his friends did together. 😭🙏🏾
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yardsards · 11 months
so i think the real difference between catholicism and evangelical protestantism is that catholic guilt will leave you feeling like a monster for ever daring to be happy and protestant/evangelical guilt will leave you feeling like a monster for ever daring to be unhappy
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bleakbluejay · 4 months
you guys gotta learn to be a lot cooler about religions that aren't your own
and yes. that does include christianity.
#eli talks#And I Mean It.#the priority obviously is to get cooler about islam and judaism and all. like the religions that get oppressed?#but that firsthand and secondhand religious trauma is making a lot of people very not cool anymore#it makes a lot of people kind of. assholes. even.#white ppl who grew up baptist or catholic or mormon or whatever else that are now athiests will like#talk about how evil religion is. how toxic. how controlling. only really meaning christianity.#bc that's the only religion that really exists to them. as ex-christians.#they ignore the way various black and indigenous ppl have fused their traditions and customs with christianity to survive#they ignore the positive teachings of christianity like charity and reserving judgement and kindness and patience#they ignore the positive elements of religious organization like community-building. fund-raising. finding meaning.#and it's ok to have religious trauma. sucks that it happened. but there's nothing wrong with you being traumatized.#can you for the love of god stop making that everyone else's problem though?#like . can you be normal about how other people choose to interact with the world?#can you be normal about the culture other people practice? the foods they eat? clothes they wear? rituals they perform?#can you like. not try to trick a jewish person into eating pork? can you not ban hijab?#can you just clench your teeth and not say anything mean to someone praying before a meal?#can you keep your comments to yourself when someone says they are going to pray for your hardships to lessen?#when an indigenous person mentions a ceremony they did or a practice they do. can you not call it mumbo jumbo? maybe?#can you abstain from calling a catholic creepy for the ash on their forehead?#idk. i feel a certain way about this.
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fire-to-fire · 2 years
Christians telling non-Christians they are going to hell is kind of funny because it is sort of like telling someone they’re going to Mordor.
Sound like it sucks for sure, sentiment is definitely rude, but it’s not somewhere I think exists so it kind of falls flat.
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griddlebait · 7 months
Hello! First of all "A semi-charmed kinda of life" has officially eaten my brain, and because I'm a Christian by upbringing and so very normal about it I wanted to ask a couple of questions: What is Harrow's family Christian branch, is it one of the branches with saints? If so, have you thought about giving her a scapular? She could, maybe, change the images of saints with images of her friends and I think that would make wonderful symbolism. Sorry if I oversteped and you can (and should) tell me to fuck off if I did.
you didn’t overstep, don’t worry! her family is catholic due to the catholicism in TLT. if i was going to get deeper into their denomination/beliefs/practices/etc i would have had to make them southern baptists simply because that’s what i was raised in and what i have the most experience with/feel most comfortable speaking on. but that doesn’t align with canon even a little bit and just felt like me projecting so i kinda just. left it at catholic without putting too much thought into it lol.
i can’t speak for all southern baptists but at least where i was raised saints were … not really a Thing because praying to or even putting significant importance on figures other than jesus/god was considered blasphemous. or whatever. and also southern baptists generally speaking have, like, major beef with catholics so everything i know about catholicism outside of what i was taught growing up has been learned from conversations with catholic friends, casual research & various media.
all that is to say i had no idea what a scapular was before seeing this ask and because i don’t have much experience or knowledge on those sorts of practices it likely won’t come up, but i do agree that it would be wonderful symbolism & think it’s a beautiful idea. thank you for sharing that with me!
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barxlupin · 11 days
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@starspurn ordered:
👫 aventurine and baptiste?
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Aventurine is perhaps the only person left alive who knows Baptiste's birth name: Myron. He doesn't really identify with that name anymore, but it always makes him happy to hear it from Aventurine.
Has created an entire collection of perfumes dedicated to Aventurine called 'The Fool's Golden Heart'. It's an exclusive collection only Aventurine has access to.
Almost exclusively refers to Aventurine as 'Vasha' when they're alone.
While he doesn't regret running away from the IPC, knowing he'd be sold off eventually, he does feel a little guilty for not being there by the time Aventurine joined the IPC, at least long enough for Aventurine to know he was alive earlier.
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wildfeather5002 · 2 months
What do y'all say to christians who are like "Well, I think that [insert a paragraph about non-christian people going to hell if they don't 'repent', or in other words, abandon their 'ungodly' culture, traditions, religion, sexual orientation etc.]" and when you call them out for it they just reply with "It's not like I'm advocating for forcing people into anything, I'm only voicing my opinion regarding non-christians' cultural practices & lifestyle. You're a threat to my free speech!" ?
It always makes me feel iffy when people say stuff like this, because bigoted talking points & rhetoric can cause harm too, not just the usage of violent force. But also it's wrong to forcefully silence anyone, even if they're bigoted, right? Harmful talking points are kinda like toxic liquids, it's damn near impossible to get rid of them by force (the toxic sludge will only spread everywhere & poison people if you try to beat it!), but debunking, giving counterpoints & raising awareness will 'neutralize' these toxins and make them harmless, or less harmful at least!
That's what I think about it. I could be wrong though, idk really...
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priestbit · 27 days
i really need to write about donnie's whole relationship to god and religion sometime, huh?
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dawnthefox24 · 8 months
Mauga: I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter “s”. Lifeweaver: *looks over at Baptiste and Cole seeing how very awkward they both seem to be around each other* Lifeweaver: *points at them * Is it “sexual tension”? Mauga: YES!! Wow you're good at this game Lifeweaver: *smiles* Thank you
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What is with the coquette girlies trying to lump Southern Gothic and "Catholic-core" together as though the south (outside of southern Louisiana) isn't deeply protestant.
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yardsards · 10 months
do people who weren't raised evangelical Know that the main reason why so many evangelical christians support israel is bc they see israel as a pawn in enacting a prophesy to bring back jesus and cause the apocalypse? bc that's very much A Thing
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pastelalleycat · 1 year
"first hope"
in the dream i kissed a woman
with long golden hair
and a simple white dress,
her lips, soft and sweet,
pressing against mine
over and over.
the soul is a strange thing,
infinitely old and young.
she, more ancient than i,
knew my soul
and i knew hers.
we kissed,
not eros but agape,
love constant, eternal,
dreams have to end, i said worriedly
in-between soft brushes of our lips,
my real lips
untouched by her embrace.
she said,
with another kiss,
we take dreams with us.
held up in her gentle
yet strong arms
i felt more angelic than human,
and far beyond my reach of understanding,
i found a piece of god
in my mind.
in the morning, i woke up
and i could still feel her love.
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