vegehana-food · 11 months
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✿ バゲット | Baguette ・フランスを代表する堅焼きパン。その名称は「細い棒」や「杖」を意味します。その起源は、19世紀オーストリア軍人がパリにパン屋を開いた際にバゲットが作られた説や、かのナポレオンが兵士の制服のポケットに入れて持ち運びしやすいパンを作るよう命じて作られたのがバゲットであるという説など諸説あります。2022年11月には、ユネスコの無形文化遺産に登録されました。 ・小麦粉と塩、水、イーストのみで作られるフランスの伝統的なパンであるパン・トラディショネル(仏: pain traditionnel)の一種である。
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vanillean · 10 months
Baquette time 🥖🍃🍂✨
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mitamicah · 1 month
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What a funny coincidence that one one of my most cat coded friends have their birthday on international cat day; Happy Birthday @j-restlessgeek 😸
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
When I was younger my brother convinced me that French kissing was just where you kissed someone and then eat a baguette with the person you kissed. If you ask me this should be what French kissing is
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fluffyyewon · 21 days
☕ 커피 초보의 주말…
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france-unofficial · 3 months
u misspelled baguette in your post
lmfao which one
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oedonchapeldweller · 8 months
eating toasted butter bread w cocktail sauce bc we dont have any tomatoes
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kuoringankalmo · 2 years
afterwork drinkin is fun and games until you have been drinkin on top of a spiral staircase and have only eaten breakfast bread and piece of cake 🥴
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whumpprompts · 17 days
to all the bad bitches, baes, and beautiful baquettes who still hang around here, I have risen from the grave to give you this PSA:
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chocosnowflake0 · 9 months
i need aaa
screenshot of the throne from that baquette ritual
mah gawd, imma gonna have to log in my game i do it dsgfDDG
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chic-a-gigot · 11 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 43, 26 octobre 1901, Paris. No. 10. — Groupe de toilettes pour dames et jeunes filles. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(1) Dos de la figure 3.
(2) Robe de promenade pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en cower-coat bleu-russe. Jupe collante, tablier uni, encadré de baguettes piquées lisérées de taffetas blanc. De pareilles baquettes cerclent la jupe. Veste très ajustée, très courte et dentelée, bordée de biais de taffetas blanc. Revers en pékiné noir et blanc. Gilet en drap chamois ou en velours, entr'ouvert du haut sur un plastron de soie noire. De petits boutons dorés et des boucles ferment le gilet. Manche à coude, parement en pékiné.
(2) Walking dress for young woman or girl, in Russian blue cowhide coat. Tight skirt, plain apron, framed with quilted strips edged with white taffeta. Similar baskets encircle the skirt. Very fitted jacket, very short and lacy, lined with white taffeta bias. Black and white pekiné lapel. Vest in chamois cloth or velvet, half-open at the top over a black silk bib. Small gold buttons and buckles close the vest. Elbow sleeve, pekiné facing.
Matériaux: 7 mètres de lainage.
(3) Costume de chasse pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en serge châtaigne. Jupe courte à gros plis couchés. Veste à petite basque plissée en diagonale. Larges biais faisant bretelles. Gros boutons d'argent. Petits revers et col de drap blanc. Col de toile et cravate de taffetas noir. Manche plissée, montée dans un poignet droit. La veste est d'un ton plus accentuée, que la jupe.
(3) Hunting suit for young women or girls, in chestnut serge. Short skirt with large pleats. Jacket with small diagonal pleated peplum. Wide bias binding making straps. Large silver buttons. Small lapels and white cloth collar. Canvas collar and black taffeta tie. Pleated sleeve, set in a right cuff. The jacket is a more accentuated tone than the skirt.
Matériaux: 4 mètres de serge pour la jupe; 1m,25 pour le corsage veste.
(4) Dos de la figure 1.
(5) Robe de visites pour jeune femme ou dame d'âge moyen, en velours anglais vert mousse. Jupe en forme découpée en hautes dents arrondies sur un grand volant plissé. Les dents s'entourent d'une broderie de soie blanche et rose posée sur un dépassant de taffetas noir. Boléro découpé et garni de même. Grand col arrondi; chemisette de soie fleurie rose. Manche terminée par un parement Augereau; bouffant de soie pékinée noir et blanc.
(5) Visiting dress for young or middle-aged ladies, in moss green English velvet. Skirt shaped cut into high rounded teeth on a large pleated flounce. The teeth are surrounded by white and pink silk embroidery placed on a black taffeta overhang. Bolero cut and trimmed in the same way. Large rounded collar; pink floral silk shirt. Sleeve finished with an Augereau facing; black and white pekiné silk bouffant.
Matériaux: 14 mètres de velours; 2m,50 de soie fleurie; 0m,75 de pékiné.
(6) Robe d'intérieur pour jeune femme ou dame d'âge moyen, en lainage écossais de tons fondus bleu et havane. Jupe à plis devant et sur les côtés. Baguettes blanches piquées en drap et pattes encadrant le tablier. Veste droite devant, légèrement cintrée dans le dos et fermée par des pattes. Col rabattant en drap blanc liséré d'une ganse noire. Guimpe de panne ciel. Manche à coude.
(6) House dress for young or middle-aged women, in Scottish wool in soft blue and tan tones. Skirt with pleats at the front and sides. White strips stitched into cloth and tabs framing the apron. Straight jacket at the front, slightly fitted at the back and closed with tabs. Turn-down collar in white cloth edged with black braid. Skylight wimple. Elbow sleeve.
Matériaux: 6 mètres de lainage.
(7) Dos de la figure 9.
(8) Dos de la figure 10.
(9) Robe de visites pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en drap amazone rouge écrevisse. Jupe en forme; au bas, trois volants en forme superposés, chacun surmontés de straps noirs à dépassant blanc. Corsage plissé et ouvert sur un devant en soie blanche dont le haut est plissé, et le bas recouvert d'Irlande bise. Col carré en taffetas plissé, et entouré d'un petit volant. Sur le volant, ruban de velours terminé en deux flots. Manche plissée, élargie au coude et au-dessus du poignet de velours noir. Ceinture de velours noir.
(9) Visiting dress for young women or girls, in crayfish red Amazon cloth. Skirt shaped; at the bottom, three superimposed shaped ruffles, each topped with black straps with white protruding. Pleated bodice open on a front in white silk, the top of which is pleated, and the bottom covered with Irish bise. Square collar in pleated taffeta, surrounded by a small ruffle. On the steering wheel, velvet ribbon finished in two streams. Pleated sleeve, widened at the elbow and above the cuff in black velvet. Black velvet belt.
Matériaux: 6 mètres de drap, 1 mètre de soie blanche.
(10) Manteau de promenade pour jeune femme ou dame d'âge moyen, en drap noir. Vêtement droit, à pélerine, découpé en dents creuses lisérées de piqûres blanches.
(10) Walking coat for young or middle-aged ladies, in black cloth. Straight garment, with a pelerine, cut into hollow teeth edged with white stitching.
Matériaux: 3m,50 de drap.
Capeline de feutre blanc, entourée de plumes noires.
White felt hat, surrounded by black feathers.
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naptime-noct · 3 months
12 am. store run. snacks. ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
[A photo is attached. A pale hand with chipped alternating black and purple nail polish holds a pepsi can. Littered on the ground below (looks like the edge of a fountain maybe?) are some chips and an entire baquette.]
sorry for. not posting. for so. long. had a. health thing.
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Natsumee Lookbook 10
Genetics & More
Maura Facemask @MagicHand TSR
Presets all @obscurus-sims
Eyes N89 @fashionroyaltysims TSR
Eyebrows Maura @magicHands TSR
Lashes @quen2n
Chloe Bun @cecesimsxo
Aurora Hair @thekunstwollen
Harriet Hair @qicc
Taurus Queen @simandy
Sabrina Hair @daylifesims
Maura Nose Preset @magic Hand TSR
Christmas Eyeshadow @cosmetic TSR
nails @candysims4
Mary Nails @suzue TSR
Eyeliner @goppolsme
Blush 17 @remussirion
Clothing & ACC & Shoes:
1: Winter 10.23 Collection @Body by Vasquez Patreon / Rick Owens @ares / Shoes @body the vasquez Patreon
2: Clothes @simlocker & shoes
3: Blazer Dress @cool-content-star / necklace @tina-sims / MorsoHeels @bodythevasquez / iphone @inabadromance
4: Botee Athletic Wear @cecesimsxo /Fendi baquette @dorificsims /
Glasses @dorificsims
5: Random Set @miro-sims / Earrings @joliebean / Laces and Spikes Tattoo @trillyke
6: Love Suit @san33 / headphones @jellymoo / shoes @qicc
Should i forgott something and i can find it please tell me
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honeybubbletea33 · 10 months
Indian Dream and Nightmare??? That sounds SO solid and cool!!! (It almost makes me forget that they're canonically spanish white boys....ughh... canon human Dream flashbacks)
Also, you're totally correct about the vast majority of the fandom view on Ink's etchnicity! He's most taken and half-french and half-east asian!
This is due to the fact that Comyet's french and Ink himself has some french references to his canon character (he speaks french and has canon 'oui oui baquette' jokes)
And about the East Asian part, this is actually due to A LOT of things actually! He was created after japanese and chinese brushes, he has east asian inspired theme songs, he's even designed as such, etc.... It's quite a big part of his character tbh!
But if we're going to be specific about his East Asian part, It's most likely japanese and chinese at the same time (Comyet actually says both at the section 'how you created Ink' on Ink's FAQ! It's on her Tumblr!)
Anywho, very cool stuff!!!
thank you!! <3 I think the original human designs for dream and nightmare are cool too. Very Link from Zelda vibes for dream!
All of the ink sans theme songs slap as well!! (I’m especially a sucker for electronic flute music, what can I say???)
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Ladies and gentlemen…
“I just wanted some bread for my tea…”
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lavenderdreams7 · 2 years
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