#barometric pressure drop
audhd-space · 1 year
people who don’t take climate change seriously be like:
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me, who vomitted at the slightest change of weather and will continue to be affected as the weather gets more unpredictable:
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rainbowbarnacle · 3 months
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weird sky seam
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silentspaces · 9 months
Why do my allergies persist no matter what kind of medicine I take???
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ghwosty · 9 months
Ya know how I've been saying "oh I haven't had the nightmares related to the emotions I felt during the hurricane in a while I must be over it" well that was a fuckin lie bc the other night I had a dream again where the street in front my house turned into a rising river and I had to quickly grab things I could hold and get out to higher ground
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koravelliumavast · 2 years
time for my most favorite game! does my head hurt because screens, not drinking enough water or barometric pressure changes!
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boyduroy · 2 years
hormones are a hell of a drug, my head hurts all the time now :')))
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nobodysystem · 2 years
guy who is super normal adamantly insisting the worst part of their reality bending roommates mental break is the deliberation on what terminology can acceptably be used to describe the problem
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tarazizari · 6 months
oh that's a weird feeling
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osmanthusoolong · 2 months
Being deliberately vague here, but: it’s not uncommon that I (trans, tme, perisex), am assumed to be tma by medical professionals for a few reasons (if you know me well enough, you know those, if you don’t, too bad). It happens semi-regularly enough that it’s a thing I have internal scripts for (“for _, yeah the surgery was _” “oh I see”) and after that, we can get to whatever the topic is about. Until we do that little song and dance, there’s a change visible like a sudden barometric drop for a minute. Smiles vanish, not so subtle staring at various parts, a little more suspicious about whatever my complaint is.
The difference, crucially, is that it fucking stops immediately after the quick explanation and the smile returns and I’m a person again. It’s chilling, terrifying and a precarious feeling, but it’s also a temporary one with a clear out. And there’s people who act like being unable to escape that pressure drop is totally the same as being mistakenly experiencing it for 30 seconds. Or that it’s limited to occasional interpersonal unpleasantness and not like, an entire system being set up against you if one is part of the group you’re occasionally briefly mistaken for.
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chris-wonder · 2 years
i am dying
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audhd-space · 1 year
imagine believing that you are tone deaf and never consider that you can be sensitive to air pressure (because you mistake air=sound) which lead you to believe in never needing accessibility aid like ear plugs, because if I’m tone deaf I must not be sensitive to air presure RIGHT RIGHT?
but now that you have tried ear plugs you’re surprised by the HUGE difference it makes after wearing them when the barometric pressure starts to drop
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thebibliosphere · 3 months
I don't know if this will help, I know that the migraine buddy app can track barometric pressure weirdness, BUT in case it was missed. Late morning June 12th the St Paul barometric pressure dropped 0.13 in Hg in ~40 minutes. Which is considered a rapid change when it happens over 3 HOURS. It then jumped back up 0.07 in HG in the next 20 minutes or so. If your app only has hourly tracking it might have missed it. It left me nauseated, in a cold sweat and with a migraine.
Oh yeah, I definitely felt it. It felt like my sinuses were trying to escape via my ears.
That’s when something bonkers like 5 tornadoes touched down up north all at once and all of us down here in the city went “what the fuck was that?” as the barometer shifted like a metronome in a rave. It’s because the north was getting absolutely pummeled.
My MIL actually showed me a picture today of some of the cyclones her neighbors spotted and it took me a minute to realize the entire sky was a grey vortex. Like fucking nope, no thank you. I’m off. There’s no place like Scotland, there’s no place like Scotland…
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Barometric Pressure
Kay: *rubbing some gel onto her wrist and hand*
Si'miel: Kay that is quite a strong scent, I thought most humans preferred their "perfume" to be only slightly noticeable
Kay: Huh? Oh, no, sorry, this is just a painkiller. Smells funky but works decently well
Si'miel: *pales a little* pain ...killer?!
Kay: sorry, I'm out of sorts right now, its a pain reducer. Can you do me a favor?
Si'miel: Oh yes, I will gladly help you in your time of pain *feels slightly honored most humans simply tell one 'don't worry about it' and never consider one's ability to help*
Kay: Alert the ship's maintenance engineers that the atmospheric pressure is dropping
Si'miel: . . . Kay I'm certain the sensors would have alerted them to that!
Kay: *slips on an odd black device that covers her wrist and partially her hand* Well the sensors are faulty. My joints are all messed up but especially my ankle and wrist. So I know.
Si'miel: *alarmed* We must go to the infirmary immediately!
Kay: nah I used my gel med and splinted my wrist so it can't move mu- -
Si'miel: You've immobilized your own body?!
Kay: *deep sigh* Si'miel us humans sometimes have bad joints and when atmospheric pressure drops the pain in our joints increases. My right wrist is just slightly worse than the others, so making sure it doesn't move around as much prevents an increase in pain.
Si'miel: You..... you just walk around with your joints hurting? It...it can detect pressure changes? How? Do all humans have such a skill?
Kay: Bad joints are bad joints not much I can do about it. And no, not everyone can, I'm so envious of people whose joints haven't gone on strike. Anyways we have no idea... well I have no idea why, but I can just feel it. The ship's atmosphere is definitely dropping. *sad smile* haven't felt the awful sensation it gives since I left Earth, I just really want to go have some soup and watch whatever dumb movies we got recently, so can you let the engineers know?
Si'miel: *nervously twitches their front appendages worried for their human crewmate* I will let them know .... are you sure you don't need the infirmary?
Kay: Yeh definitely sure, had this issue since I was 21, sucks but hey thats life. Thanks for letting them know, I knew I could count on you *heads off*
*Si'miel walks into the main work station of the ship maintenance engineers*
Engineer 1: *looks up* do you need something?
Si'miel: I do not wish to insult your work but a human crew mate informed me that the atmospheric pressure of the ship is dropping. I'm certain you would know if such a thing were true but.... the manual on humans says we should not ignore them when they use the phrase "I can just feel it/ I can just tell" so I thought I would alert you to her statement
Engineer 1: Thats not a possibility our signals would have gone off, but *sighs* new protocols state that we can't ignore a human's warning *rolls two of their 4 eyes... an odd expression they ironically picked up from humans*
Engineer 2: I'll check manually *heads down the corridor a bit and after a few minutes*. . . Activate protocol 651!!!
Engineer 1: W-what?? thats not possible
Engineer 2: *running back to the work station* just do it! Another hour of the pressure dropping will make the system go critical, we'd have to emergency land, and we'd both lose our jobs now do it!
Engineer 1: *hurriedly gets to work*
Si'miel: interesting so it is tru- - -
Engineer 1 & 2: Be quiet!
Si'miel: *startled and heads away without interrupting them further*
*Si'miel finds the lounge Kay decided to relax in, an empty soup bowl on the table next to the lounge chair, the TV being the only source of light in the room*
Si'miel: *takes the seat next to Kay* Kay, when you say "hey that's life" what do you- -
Kay: *snores*
Si'miel: ah *takes the blanket draped on one of the the other chairs and lays it across Kay's body* With the pressure fixed you may feel better.... sleep well human friend...
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tongaris · 6 months
when vash uses his plant powers it triggers a sharp drop in barometric pressure (your ears pop) and makes the air smell like ozone that's my insane hc for today.
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aliendeity · 1 year
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[ID: Text that reads: "Barometric Pressure greatly affects the pain and energy levels of chronic illness patients. A drop in the barometric pressure, which is pressure against the Earth's atmosphere, means that pressure against your body drops as well, and your joints and injured areas begin to swell. This swelling causes increased inflammation and we require hormones to deal with this. We have a small gland that produces both adrenaline & cortisone. These two hormones help us deal with energy, mood, pain management and the "Fight or Flight" response. As the barometer falls, it causes a depletion of cortisone in the body. When cortisone levels drop, pain management, energy etc. can become a problem. Therefore the barometric pressure can have a profound effect on pain, mood and energy levels." End ID]
me knowing a storm is coming before it happens. i should be a weather man
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sickandinlove04 · 2 months
The barometric pressure drops and suddenly I cannot function.
Chronic illness is ridiculous.
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