#barr bodies
er-cryptid · 1 year
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julieprecieuse · 2 months
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Since last September I’ve lost over 70Lbs.
It’s only today that I am able to actually see that my body has changed. It’s insane how bad body dysmorphia can be. That even now I still feel big at 150 LBS.
But I will keep working on my confidence and self love.
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menlove · 9 months
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saw this post on my dash (the person who put it there reblogged a version dunking on op for being a t//erf don't worry) and I was gonna say all this in the tags but it got long so I'm gonna say it here
the thing that drives me insane about this argument is that even if it were true.... so what? like the main impact of top surgery & hysterectomies are going to be hormonal imbalances which can be dealt with by that person and their doctor, but even IF it had some dastardly evil harmful horrible awful impact on that person's health... that is just. being an adult human being. hell, just being a human in general bc kids and teenagers also make choices that physically or mentally harm them all the time and that's just part of life and growing up
but like. part of being a person with autonomy is being ALLOWED to do things that might negatively impact your health or life. even if getting top surgery was a one way ticket to excruciating horrible pain (it's not) that would still be someone's personal decision to make
you can easily see this all the time in other decisions people make. people decide to drink themselves sick every day and it's not illegal. people decide to smoke multiple packs of cigarettes every day and it's not illegal. people decide to go out in the sun without sunscreen every day and it's not illegal. and of course a million other decisions that lead to physical or mental harm, but I'm focusing on physical health here bc that's the context.
but if you think that "women" are allowed to make any decision in the world with their health and bodies even if it's negative (drinking, smoking, drugs, lack of sunscreen, abortions (although this is not negative it has to do w health), eating "poorly" or rarely eating or dieting, hell even staying up all night or forgetting to take their meds or letting their chronic illnesses go untreated or literally a million little health decisions we all make every day).... and yet you draw the line at us deciding to get rid of our breasts or uteruses? I don't think you really care all that much about "women's" health and autonomy in any way that's productive.
like idk yall claim to see "women" as full people but god for fucking bid the vagina havers make their own decisions about our own bodies. we are full people too allowed to make whatever the hell decisions we want even if it's not a ticket to 100% health. who gives a shit.
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raepritewrites · 4 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but if you've got chronic fatigue and unexplained exhaustion, you might want to ask your doctor to run a blood test for epstein barr. Turns out it's not normal to feel like a truck hit you from the moment you wake up until you collapse into bed. Who knew?
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Matt Barr
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baddiessent · 1 year
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genreawareness · 8 months
(guy who has said this seven hundred times) what if i had a grasp of guitar good enough to start learning whatever song i wanted
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Ignore my messy apartment, but this is my most recent body progress pic.
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jhesite · 2 years
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Magic crystals body scrubs Pink peppermint foot cream Dream cream body cream After massage bar Shangri-la face moisturiser sample Ro's argan body conditioner samples
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llucaasblog · 1 year
Kimera'nın Doğuşu (Pindaros)
Korkunç Kimera doğdu,
Alevlerle kaplı bir canavar.
Gözleri parıldar,
Yanarak uçar gökyüzünde.
Kimera'nın Peşinde (Homer)
Kimera'nın peşinde koşanlar,
Canavarın nefesiyle boğuşur.
Alevleriyle çevrili,
Ona karşı savaşmak cesaret ister.
Kimera'nın Ölümü (Ovidius)
Sonunda, cesur Bellerophon geldi,
Kimera'yı yok etmek için.
Onu zayıflatan iksirle,
Canavarı yenmeyi başardı.
Kimera'nın İntikamı (Euripides)
Kimera, ölümünden sonra da
Bellerophon'u rahat bırakmadı.
Ateşli ruhu, peşindeydi,
Onu sonsuza kadar korkutuyordu.
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Matt Barr
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baddiessent · 1 year
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emmysclubhouse · 2 years
not to be dramatic but pilates has changed my life
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aainaalyaa · 1 month
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A Journey into Supra-Consciousness
Unravelling the Mysteries of Movement, Perception, and Timelessness
In the intricate dance of existence, our understanding of the body and spirit often feels like the tip of an unfathomable iceberg. How do humanity, beings of flesh and thought, translate the intangible impulse of intention into the tangible action of movement? This question, deceptively simple, pulls us into the depths of the physical form, where the secrets of motion lie shrouded in mystery.
Consider the marvel of your own body—each movement, whether deliberate or unconscious, is a testament to an unseen dialogue between the mind and its vessel. How do these signals, mere electrical impulses, transform into the grace of a step, the precision of a hand, or the beating of a heart? Is it within the realm of the supra-conscious that this alchemy occurs, where thought and form converge in a dance of existence?
Yet, the body is not merely a machine responding to commands; it is a complex web of sensations, constantly communicating with the spirit. Every twinge of pain, every flush of warmth, every breath drawn—is a message from the depths of the being. But how often do humanity truly listen? How is it that these signals, which guide us through life, are so easily overlooked or misunderstood? Perhaps it is within the supra-conscious that we might find the key to deciphering these messages, allowing us to truly understand the language of our own bodies.
And then there is the matter of time—a concept that governs your lives with relentless precision. How young are you? How much time do you believe you have to unravel these mysteries? The illusion of youth grants us the comfort of perceived abundance, yet the supra-conscious reminds us that understanding is a pursuit that transcends time. The exploration of self, body, and mind is not bound by age but by the depth of our curiosity and the courage to delve into the unknown.
In the end, the journey into the supra-conscious is one of perpetual discovery. It is a path that beckons us to question, to understand, and to transcend the boundaries of what we believe to be true. By engaging with these profound questions of movement, perception, and timelessness, we step closer to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the enigmatic dance of existence in which we all partake.
Mle. AainaA-Ridtz A R, Unravelling the Mysteries of Movement, Perception, and Timelessness — A Journey into Supra-Consciousness
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sweetestbrunette · 1 month
“Pilates for when you’re in your period” yahoo respuestas 😭😭😭😭
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I'm going to- [remembers I shouldn't make suicide jokes]-get lost in the woods
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