#barty has daddy issues and it's okay
ffb6c1lover · 2 years
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I am nothing if not a Bartemius Crouch sr hater
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spinderella-umbrella · 7 months
@wolfstarmicrofic | Riddikulus | 500 words
Note: Mature themes; references to sex
Remus sucks his teeth- he hears the Slytherins before he sees them; tone snide, as it almost always is. They turn the corner and ahead Rosier sneers, but Crouch’s’ eyes light up with mischief when he sees them.
Crouch extends his neck showing off the collection of dark bruises to his housemate, running a painted nail along the littering of marks.
“Black’s part vampire, I’m telling you.” Crouch says, eyes not leaving Sirius.
Remus had been pretty sure that Regulus was queer but it seemed pretty rude to out him to his brother like that. Remus eyes Sirius warily, his hand inching towards his wand-just in case.
“Funny, I seem to recall it was you doing the sucking.” Sirius retorts, making a crude gesture with his fist to his mouth and his tongue in his cheek.
Did he walk in on his brother getting a blowie? Awkward.
James gasps audibly next to Sirius and backhands his arm, “No way!” He says, gaping, and Remus is officially confused.
Sirius rolls his eyes and closes his hands around James’ arm. “Let’s go.” He tugs to keep them moving.
Peter, is somehow in this instance faster on the uptake than Remus is, because as they begin moving past the Slytherins he bursts, “Pads did you hook up with Barty?” In a loud whisper.
And Remus misses a step, tripping and very embarrassingly being caught and steadied by Sirius- grey eyes looking Remus over to make sure he was okay before letting go.
“He did!” Barty calls after them. Did only seconds pass? It had felt much longer.
Remus turns back to the other boys with a frown as Barty continues- “Seems to have a thing for blondes with daddy issues!”
And then he winks. He winks at Remus- it’s undeniable- and Remus’ face flushes with heat because does he know that Remus has a giant crush on Sirius? Is he taking the piss? Rubbing it in that he’ll never have him? That Sirius would rather fuck Barty Crouch than even look at Remus romantically?
It’s his panic that stops him from catching Sirius’ arm before he casts the spell—Riddikulus of all things.
Barty’s hair turns green, sprouting out and straight up like a troll doll, his nose growing comically large, brown eyes bulging. Sirius laughs, loud and with glee, and Remus can’t help the chuckle that leaves him as Barty’s hand flies to his face, his mouth open in shock.
“Fix this!” He demands of Sirius, but they’re already backing away at a run.
“Sorry Crouch!” Sirius shouts over his shoulder as he turns and runs with the marauders, Rosier too busy laughing to be of any help.
“He’s probably not going to forgive you for that,” Remus comments as they slow to a walk.
Sirius grins. “Probably not, no. He wasn’t the blonde I was looking for, anywho.”
Remus’ brows furrow in confusion, but before he can ask, Sirius is heading into their next class and taking a seat next to James.
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lalalaets · 1 year
OMG i discovered that there are r*ko stans out in the wild, its like ppl forgetting that being abusive its not okay
lile yeah i get that you can hc any character w anything and fandom/canon its not the same but you cant just forget ab all the shit that a character did just bcs you find it justified in your head with your little silly hc, yeah, its your hc but your hc its also erasing important shit and romantisicing the idea of abuse and the idea that everyone has their own problems.
riko had daddy issues and family issues? i really dont fucking care bcs in fact, he was an abusive asshole and that cant be excused.
ppl having headcannons ab certain things and then treating it like a excuse to like certain characters its disgustingg
it also happens in other fandoms like hp. yes im watching at you barty, evan, bellatrix, tom riddle, draco stans, im talking to you too
anyways r*ko hater, he deserved to die, i hope he really burns in hell
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sommerregenjuniluft · 5 months
lune! could you potentially spare some thoughts on james and barty…just a little, tiny sliver…please…
okay i just wanna say that the moment i typed either estp (barty) or entj (james) into pinterest there were IMMEDIATELY ship fanarts of these two types. like. aggressive pining oblivious idiots insulting each other/going on each other’s nerves. true cunt x bastard blueprint no matter which way you twist or turn it. also estp and entp are supposed to have the craziest bromance which. sirius is an entp. the things this says about regulus jxkskfkdk he has daddy issues but for his brother basically is what it says, there i said it. and i Meant it. i think james might have a bit of enfj too though
jarty with entj!james
hello this is literally pandora, barty, evan in that exact order!?!!????!!
*SCREAMS* ROSIER TWINS!!!!!! (1) & (2)
literally wolfstar (remus is doing the gay panic blushing internally though)
ROSEKILLER (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
cursed bartylus
LITERALLY jegulus (with entp!james) (and again but with enfj!james)
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acewitch-writes · 9 months
Hello! I recently found your account, and I went on scrolling down and down...and now I hope you know how grateful I am. Thank u- Merci. About 90% of the content you share here has made me feel so much better. I realllyy hope wonderful things happen for you. I've been a fan of hp since 2001, but I'm not really a social media person so I haven't been active in the fandom. I had no idea what was happening here until recently..two months ago to be exact (other details are not important) and omg.. I ended up in a discussion with some I think, new fans. tbh I thought, "Great! I'm good at this, I read all the books more than once Let's talk :)"  and omg their very first question was "What do you think about Regulus?"
I was like, "Who?" *dying from secondhand embarrassment bc It turns out I'm not that good at this
but as the discussion continued, I became more and more baffled bc "Why was everyone talking about Barty, Evan, and Regulus? who is daddy Remu? and what do you mean people ship James Potter with R.A.B.? What?"
I swear for a moment I thought "Did the writer publish a new book? Did I miss something? " tbh, I respect everyone's opinion it's none of my business but I'm still shocked. The only thing that bothers me is everything that happened with this new Wolfsar
omg, for most fans around my age (or at least people I know), Sirius was the complete portrayal of a bad boy- a rebel, with boots, tattoos, a leather jacket, and a fucking motorcycle. so this new Sirius is like a stranger to me, and that's okay. Mein issue is kinda with this new Remus T T my beloved .
They (the fans I was talking with) told me Remus is "tall, so handsome, SO strong, and hot-headed person because,  yk he's a werewolf." I was like "hot headed? excuse me?" I tried to explain to them that Remus being a werewolf is a metaphor for illnesses like HIV, it's not some superpowery gift.  they didn't believe me, but then they literally looked me in the face and said, "Then why would Sirius like someone like him? He's poor, short, and ugly." I swear I wanted to cry right then and there.
What is this mindset that makes some people think that a person should be, Idk, hot and flawless to deserve to be loved? Yes I don't think Remus is tall and super hot and perfect and isn't it fine? and I am 100% sure he's so beautiful. not like Sirius ofc but he has this "warm, cozy, and soft" sort of beauty. and I don't think he was a coward (ok maybe he was a liitle) but I guess it's easier for us, humans, to take the worst or weakest moment of a character and amplify it until it defines them entirely. and omg I'm so sorry for my rant and my bad english. but once again thank you for your beautiful soul <3 thank you
Hi anon! I, too, am baffled by the recent obsession with Regulus in this fandom. I think Jegulus is fine as a crack ship, but it has become so mainstream that many fans have just gone ahead and canonized it to the point that you'll be vilified for not accepting it as canon. I underestimated how popular the "best friend's brother" trope was, apparently. I also think it appeals to many fans as a Marauders Era version of one of the most popular ships of all time, Drarry.
This new version of Wolfstar is my biggest complaint with today's fandom, too! I get that the Marauders have very limited canon information and therefore we have more creative freedom to flesh them out, but I really believe that it has gone way too far. Sirius and Remus in today's fandom don't bear any resemblance to the characters they're based on. Remus is just a generic alpha werewolf OC and Sirius is his generic himbo femboy love interest OC. They don't even share a physical description with their Canon counterparts, and their personalities and character traits are so far removed that I can't even fathom how we reached this point as a fandom. How can you claim to like these characters if you have to change everything the source material says about them?
You're English is great, by the way! I completely agree that Remus has a cozy-and-warm sort of beauty. He made a point to distance himself from the stigma surrounding Lycanthropy because it was the focal point of his shame and self-loathing. And I just adore Wolfstar's dynamic from this lens, with the intimidatingly beautiful, confident, headstrong Sirius Black, who could have his pick of anyone he wants, choosing this ordinary guy because he's cozy and soft and it's exactly what Sirius wants after surviving the harsh ideals and abuse of House Black.
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little-mary-marauders · 9 months
My thoughts on characters I remembered in math class.
Regulus Black: Aka the better Black. Pandora Lovegood: PLEASE PLEASE MOMMY. Barty Crouch JR: Fruity asf. Evan Rosier: Lowkey manipulative sometimes (I WAS MAD AT HIM BCZ OF A FICT) James Potter: LOML,HUSBAND. Sirius Black: B for leaving reg but aesthetic>>> Remus (moony) Lupin: Moony>>> Entire Marauders/HP Universe. Peter Pettingrew: Young Peter>>> Older Peter Marlene McKinnon: She can do whatever she wants to me. Run me over and I'll apologize for being in the way. Mary Macdonald: Cute asf. Lily Evans: Sometimes my girl needs to calm down. (IDK OKAY SHES THE LOML MATH CLASS FUCKS ME UP) Alice Prewitt: Older sis Frank Longbottom: ILY, Older brother. Dorcas Meadows: Ur hand in marriage darling. Harry Potter: Child of Reg and Jamie, Lily = Surrogate mother. Also fuck head for naming his son that. Ron Weasley: Stfu not everything has to be abt u, ily tho. Hermione Granger: Remus 2.0 Ginny Weasley: BAMF AKA Dorcas Meadows reincarnate. Bellatrix Black/Lestrange: Someone save her from the Rudolph the red nose deer wannabe. Narcissa Black/Malfoy: Deserved love. Andromeda Black/Tonks: Slayed when she ran. W*llb*rga Black (burnt burger): The devil doesn't even like you. Or*on Black: Hell won't accept your sorry ass. L*c*us Malfoy: I hope you rot in hell, if satan lets you in. Avery: Bitch. Mulicber: Mother Fucker. Snivellus: Needs to wash his hair. Draco Malfoy: Needs to stop saying "My father will-" Mathew Riddle: Hot. Blaise Zabini: Eh, nice, depends tho. Crabbe: Idk, stupid and somehow turned black. Goyle: Idiot. Theodore Nott: Cute, Hot, Rich, Daddy issues. Pansy: Dora the explorer wannabe. Albus Severus Potter: Deserves a better father.
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spillthebea · 4 months
Hullo you fantastic person,
Will you ever write some Barty & Evan? I think they are so you-core and many parents issues there too (I know it's your favourite)
well they are my core, a lot of parent issues (and as you expose myself ahah it is my fav) but i have a hard time forgetting who they are in canon because i need some canon basis to build up my characters in aus and following canon, rosekiller are racists, killers, torturers, very happily joining a genocide, rich idiots. if i write about them in an AU, they would be still racists, killers, torturers and very happily joining a genocide, rich idiots. why would i give them any redemption?
for example, regulus is interesting as a character because of the Sirius' connection, i like exploring the brotherhood in the context of their family but at least, with reggie, there is a grey line of 'he died trying to do something well' ... with a flop plan and also his change of mind was because a house elves being tortured (still bad! f slavery!) and not the people who were being attacked? ... and please, if it hadn't been kreacher, i dont think he would have cared for another house elf sooooo ; what makes me write about regulus is not regulus per se, it's sirius. i would not look twice if there wasn't a sirius' connection
and rosekiller dont have any connection from which i can build something or redemption. Okay, Barty has daddy issues? ... and? it does not excuse genocide. he tortured alice and frank together with bellatrix, leaving my fav boy Neville without his parents?!?! hell nah NUH UH!
so i don't see writing about them in my future because i cannot go beyond who they are in canon and i am not one of those fans who can close their eyes and not see canon. perhaps, maybe, i dont know
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loserboyfriendrjl · 29 days
remus/barty sr🐺👨‍⚖️
oh my god?? okay????? i think remus is weary of ministry officials generally but he also has daddy issues and let’s be honest… mr crouch…
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birlwrites · 1 year
OKAY SO this is the first question that came to mind: could you tell us about Barty's insecurities? What they stem from, how it affects him and his relationships with others, and how exactly does he deal with them?
barty's insecurities are generally related to the concept of worth and work ethic - so what they stem from is, in a word, Daddy Issues and also Former Gifted Kid Issues (which play into each other)
like, the root of a conversation he's had with crouch sr many times in many forms is 'you have so much potential, just use it for something'
i'd say the best way to describe barty's insecurities goes like this: he's internalized the idea that he's only worth what he does, and he doesn't *want* to do the things that are traditionally considered Worthwhile Endeavors
at the same time, he can't just social climb, and he does *fight* crouch sr's assumption that barty's sacred 28 friends will leave him behind the second they graduate in favor of their aristocratic circles, but it's a powerful assumption and it does creep in sometimes, mainly when the sacred 28 people are doing things barty isn't privy to
he's kind of excruciatingly aware that he's *not* from the same socioeconomic class as most of his social circle, *especially* regulus, which is kind of paralyzing because he also doesn't want to really stick out (at least not in that way) - because he doesn't want to actually face the reality that His Father Has A Point About Careers, but also because he's quite sure it would introduce some awkwardness between him and regulus since regulus is like... yes, he has Career Prep™ to do, but that's not about *getting* a job, it's about preparing for the one that's going to be handed to him
barty is looking for a way forward in life that won't make him hate waking up, but he's also worried that he's never going to find that because he is Fundamentally Lazy And Doesn't Want To Do Anything With His Life Or Make Something Of Himself (thanks crouch sr!!!) and so a lot of the angst comes from that
he's not really... *worried* that regulus will abandon him, really, but he is worried that when they graduate there will be this sort of insurmountable wall separating them and they won't be as close as they used to be, because they'll be graduating and going off into different worlds and even just staying in touch will be harder
but then at the same time when barty gets a reminder of regulus having this other circle of people who are *more like him,* that stresses barty out
and when things come out of left field about other important people in regulus's life, barty does get very worried very quickly, in like a dreading way of 'it begins.' which he doesn't BELIEVE, really, at least not with his conscious mind, but i'd say regulus leaving him is one of his top two worst fears (right up there with turning into his father)
he mainly deals with these things by avoiding them or going around them - he's basically committed himself to the dark network as his path forward in life, and he doesn't really have any *specifics* but he's repeating 'i still have time' over and over. he mainly deals with flare-ups of regulus-related insecurities by just going and hanging out with regulus
but everything to do with crouch sr also makes barty very angry because he is fully aware that he's internalized that shit which pisses him off because that's not an internal battle he wants to be fighting when he's already fighting it externally
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ddagent · 5 years
Modern Lion Pride! Modern Lion Pride!
Happy reading!
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(Part of the Modern Lion Pride verse; moodboard by @resthefuture​)
“Sorry I’m late, everyone; there was an emergency.” 
Professor Jaime Lannister, author of several distinguished articles and books about the War of the Five Kings and regarded as the foremost expert on Goldenhand the Just, entered the lecture hall with two small children and a baby carrier. His usual impeccable demeanour was replaced by a rumpled suit, a damp brow, and a scowl etched into the lines of his mouth. 
“Apologies, apologies,” Jaime reiterated as he crossed the room, deposited the baby carrier and briefcase on his desk, and settled Cat and Brynden into seats on the front row. Bending the knee, he addressed his two eldest. “Right, Daddy needs to give a lecture now, okay? So I need you two to be really good and do your homework quietly, alright?” Two golden heads nodded. He pressed a kiss to the crowns of their heads. “Good cubs.” 
Sweeping to his desk, Jaime unbuckled Joanna from the carrier and held her on his hip. Immediately, his youngest began grabbing at his crimson tie. “Da-da.”
“Yes, that’s my tie, little star,” Jaime soothed, only to be nearly strangled by his daughter’s tight hold. “Okay, no tie today.”
Bouncing Joanna on his hip, Jaime loosened his tie from around his neck, stuffed the fabric into his briefcase, and retrieved his glasses so he could look at the material for today’s lecture. Harrenhal. Wonderful. He could give a lecture on Harrenhal in his sleep; had, in fact, during the early days of his relationship with Brienne. He could do this. Lecture with a baby on his hip and two small children on the front row; one of whom had a tendency to get into mischief even in an empty room. 
He was Jaime Lannister. He could do this. “Again, apologies for the delay. Minor childcare emergency. Now, in today’s lecture, we will continue looking at the role minor houses played in the War of the Five Kings. Can anyone tell me, from the reading, what castle was occupied by warring sides in 299 and 300 AC?” 
No one. No hands were raised. Joanna, in the absence of a tie, kept pulling at his shirt. Jaime delved into the carrier and found her bear; his daughter immediately clutching at his fur. Still no hands. 
“It was in the reading, everyone. Chapter six. What castle was occupied by warring sides in 299 and 300 AC?” He sighed. “Films have been made. Songs have been sung. It was in the reading. Anyone?”
A hand went up. Unfortunately, it was the hand of his seven-year-old. Jaime, still juggling Joanna, knelt down beside his eldest daughter. “What is it, Cat?”
Jaime stifled the urge to laugh. Instead, he beamed down at his daughter and addressed the lecture hall. “Cat is correct. Harrenahl was occupied by two, and ultimately three warring sides in 299 and 300 AC. The third of these was not one of the major houses in the war.” He looked out onto a sea of blank faces. It was becoming abundantly clear that none of his students had done the reading. “Fine. Let’s take it step-by-step. Three warring factions; two major houses, one minor house. Can anyone name me one of them?” 
After a few moments of dead silence, a hand rose in the middle of the lecture hall. “Yes, Podrick.”
“The–the young wolf, Robb Stark. He occupied Harrenhal in 300 AC.” 
“Correct!” At her father’s happy energy, Joanna clapped her hands together. Unfortunately, that made her drop her bear. Jaime bent down, retrieved Barty, and pressed it into his daughter’s hands. “Anyone else?”
No hands. Again. Jaime was about to send everyone home (his usual punishment if no one had done the reading) when Cat’s hand rose once again. He stepped forward, wondering if this would be a request to go to the loo or if his little lion had more knowledge of the War of the Five Kings than his undergraduate students. 
“Yes, Cat?” 
“House Bolton. They were on Robb Stark’s side, but they turned against him.”
“Exactly right!” Jaime grinned. “Come on, everyone, that’s two for Cat and one for Podrick. Has no one else done the reading? Can no one else tell me who the other faction was that held Harrenhal during the War of the Five Kings?”  
In the front row, Jaime caught Cat whispering to her brother. Then, after a moment with no other hands raised, his son thrust up his arm. “Yes, Brynden.”
Laughter rippled through the lecture hall. Jaime turned quickly on his students. “Brynden is not entirely wrong. Tywin Lannister, of House Lannister, held Harrenhal in 299 AC. My father is not as vicious as the Tywin of the time, but at least he knows his history. Which is more than I can say for most of this class.” 
Jaime turned his back to settle Joanna into her carrier before rounding on his students. “Because I was late, and because my children are here, I will give you this time to catch up on today’s reading. I will put the slides and notes from today up on Chalkboard so you can read them in your own time. If in our next lecture, you are not prepared, I will dismiss you without a second thought.” Jaime shook his head. “I’m disappointed in all of you. Apart from you, Cat, and your brother. Great work.”
The rustle of paper and the heavy thump of books echoed throughout the lecture hall as his students caught up on their required reading. Jaime answered a few questions from the class – mostly from his two students on the front row, one of whom was having trouble with multiplication. Then, finally, the lecture came to an end, and his students slunk out of the room and past a newly arrived Brienne. 
“I’m sorry; there was an issue with a shipment of artefacts, and I couldn’t get away,” Brienne explained as she crossed the room to join Jaime by the desk. Usually, in public, Brienne did nothing more but press a kiss to his cheek. Her lips now lingered against his, and Jaime resisted the urge to wrap his arms around his wife’s waist and hold her close. When they parted, she rested her forehead against his. “How was it?”
“Fine.” He reached up to press a kiss to the line forming across Brienne’s brow. “Stop worrying. Joanna didn’t cry the room down, Cat didn’t set fire to anything, and Brynden finished his times tables.”
Brienne beamed. “Good. Good.” As two small children packed up their backpacks, she glanced down at Jaime’s lecture notes. “Oh, Harrenhal! Did you know, it’s suspected that a Stark was at Harrenhal long before the Young Wolf occupied it?” 
He did know. He’d read the first draft of Catelyn’s article just last week. But Jaime didn’t say anything. Just enjoyed the light in his wife’s blue eyes as she talked about history as their pride left the lecture hall and headed home.   
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I hate Cursed Child so much, but I can't help but feel like it had *some* worth as a story... And as of late I've been repeatedly overcome with the urge to try to write a better story for Delphi... One where she was raised in a far better environment, because I feel like she had potential to be a far more fun and interesting character if she'd just had a better life...
The concept of Delphi is not a terrible one by itself. 
It would be difficult as hell to have it realistically happen, because Voldemort...not only could he not love, but he was planning to be immortal. To go on forever. He would have no need for an heir, and probably wouldn’t want one because he’d see them as competition. The most likely situation is Delphi being an accident, but even then I find myself doubting that Voldemort would have any interest in sex. Sure, Bellatrix would give herself to him in a heartbeat, but I feel like he’d have more important things to do. Then again...he apparently told Barty Crouch Jr all about his father. He crossed that personal line. It could be that Voldemort was aware that Barty was projecting onto him as a father figure, and fed that instinct to seal Barty’s undying loyalty. And he might have done the same thing with Bellatrix. Okay, Delphi’s existence can be justified.
The main thing about her that I didn’t like was that she was just a one-dimensional wannabe Death Eater. She was heartlessly evil, and while it was cool to see another secret villain, I could have lived without her flirting with a fourteen year old boy. I said before that Voldemort wouldn’t want an heir, and Delphi is deluding herself if she thinks that the “Augurey” would be a thing. Even if she genuinely had no intention of taking the spotlight, Voldemort wouldn’t trust that and he wouldn’t care. He would kill her. Seriously, they could have done something so interesting with Delphi, tied it in with the themes of Scorpius and Albus trying to deal with their family’s legacies. But instead they just made her evil because she was Voldemort’s daughter. That’s morally ignorant, and it’s fucking boring. 
I’ve been playing with this idea too, if it wasn’t obvious. A fix-it fic for Cursed Child, because you’re right, the story did have some worth. Scorpius’ character in particular, and his bond with Albus. I thought Albus was a decent character too. There were a handful of really good scenes in there. The bedroom scene with the old blanket, despite being a Chekhov's Gun for something really stupid...it got emotional. Hell, I don’t even mind the “Sometimes I wish you weren’t my son.” Line. Everybody hates that line with a passion...I don’t. This is Harry James Potter we’re talking about. He nearly killed Draco with an untested combat spell. He is nothing if not impulsive. I can believe he’d say that to Albus. I don’t believe he would mean it, but he would totally say it. Seriously, the way he treated McGonagall bothered me way more. 
I think I know how to fix Delphi.
Concept: It’s the first war. Yes, the first war. Voldemort is gathering more and more followers. Saying what he needs to say, to secure their loyalty. Discovering what buttons he needs to press, and they pressing them. Preying on Snape’s loneliness. On Barty Crouch’s daddy issues. And he realizes that the quickest way to keep Bellatrix starry-eyed is to let her believe he “loves” her. So he sleeps with her. Ding dong, there’s a baby at the door. This baby is not Delphi. But Bellatrix lets everyone believe it’s her husband’s child. But before she can tell Voldemort the truth, he meets his downfall at Godric’s Hollow. Not long after, the Lestranges are arrested, and little baby Jane Doe becomes a Ward of the Ministry, eventually adopted out to...the Diggorys. She grows up calling Cedric “cousin.” At some point, she discovers the truth about her heritage, and eventually has a daughter of her own. She names her daughter Delphi, and Delphi is born in the same year as Albus, Rose, and Scorpius. 
So let’s look at what’s changed - Delphi is now Voldemort’s grandchild. Admit it, that one little thing makes it sound so much less ridiculous than “Voldemort’s daughter.”  which sounds like it’s straight out of a bad fanfic. Delphi is now in Albus’ year. This allows her to parallel better with him and Scorpius. I still prefer Scorbus, but there’s something to be said for a romance between Harry’s child, and Voldemort’s grandchild. That’s an interesting take, and now it can happen without being god damn pedophilia. (Seriously I know Delphi was just manipulating him but it was still predatory behavior, what the hell.) Instead of being insane and thinking it’s her destiny to bring Voldemort back, she can wrestle with her identity and if she believes there was any merit to what Voldemort wanted. At no point is the idea of him actually returning ever discussed, because his role in this story is over, god damn it. She wouldn’t be the villain, neither would her mother - let’s call her Aquilla because it sounds cool. But Aquilla and Delphi could reconnect the same way Harry and Draco reconnect with their sons. Delphi, Albus, and Scorpius could literally be a silver trio. As for who is the villain? I dunno, it’s not especially important. Could be Theodore Nott I guess? As long as it isn’t someone resurrected though bloody time travel. 
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itsalliepg · 5 years
What Happened in Vegas - Drake x Erika (MC) - Part 6
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SUMMARY: Erika (MC) is trying not to overthink about her pregnancy, but how long can she handle it?
PAIRING: Drake x Erika (MC)
WORDS: 1240
NOTE: English isn’t my native language. I write to practice and learn, so please sorry any mistakes. I hope you like it, and if you do, I’d appreciate if you like/comment/reblog!
Click here to read Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Tagging @cora-nova @texaskitten30​
​Fanfic Masterlist
AO3 Profile
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The following days were some of the best of Erika’s life. She and Drake were happier than ever and enjoyed her pregnancy as much as possible. She had never seen Drake so excited before. He already told her a bunch of things he wanted to do with the baby, he bought some clothes and told Erika the names he liked. They agreed that if it was a boy Erika would name him and if it was a girl, Drake would choose. And they agreed they wanted a surprise, and would wait for the birth to know if they would have a boy or a girl. Erika didn’t have time to think about the paterenting issue. The happiness she was living with Drake blocked everything.
               The day they would see the baby on the ultrasound was the happiest. They woke up early and had breakfast together, talking and laughing all the time. Together, they went to the doctor’s office, anxious for the exam but also enjoying every moment together. When the doctor finally showed them the baby, their reaction was the translation of joy, with tears and grins.
               _Look at our baby, Erika, it’s amazing!
               _Sleeping with the hands in the face, so adorable – she squeezed Drake’s hand.
               _Do you want to know if it’s a boy or a girl? – the doctor asked.
               _No! We want a surprise! – Erika giggled.
               _Really? – the doctor smiled – many couples can’t control the curiosity like you. And I know the press would love to know!
               _Yes, we know. And we’ve talked a lot about it – Drake answered – but it’s an important moment for us and we want to preserve ourselves the most we can. Our kids will have enough exposition being the crown heirs.
               _I understand. But you have a healthy baby, everything is fine. Too bad it’s covering the face, we can’t see if it looks like daddy or mommy – suddenly, Erika felt a chill in her stomach. If the baby didn’t look like Drake, she wouldn’t know what to do. Maybe the baby covering its face was a good thing. But until when she would live like this? Would she wait the baby to be born with blue eyes? No! Drake is the father! This baby has no blue eyes!
               _Williams, are you okay? – Drake asked in the car when he noticed how distracted his wife had been since they left the doctor.
               _Uh? I’m okay, Drake.
               _Are you sure?
               _Yeah – Drake raised an eyebrow.
               _Are you upset because we couldn’t see the face of our baby? – he fondly stroked her hair, and she finally looked at him. Erika had never seen Drake so caring and sweet before. He didn’t deserve this. If she could go back in time, she would never have asked him for that last fling. Erika just smiled and lied.
               _Actually…yes. I was hoping we could see what our baby looks like. Guess we’ll have to wait now – she leaned her head on his shoulder, and cursed herself for not being able to look into his eyes as she said that.
               _I know. I was eager too, but at least we know we have a healthy, cute baby – he stroked her tummy – oh, hey. Savannah is coming to visit us with Bartie and Bertrand – he showed the text on his phone.
               _Great. It’s been a long time since I saw Bartie! I miss him – she thought it would be a good way to pass the time and get distract from her thoughts. When they got home, Bertrand, Savannah and Bartie were waiting for them in the living room. Bartie immediately smiled when he saw Erika.
               _Look who’s here, sweetie! – Savannah led her son to her sister-in-law, who took him in her arms.
               _I missed you too, little guy – Erika kissed his forehead – oh, your mommy and daddy too, of course.
               _I’m glad you remembered we’re in the same room, Erika – Bertrand smiled.
               _We miss you and Drake too, which is why the four of us decided to come visit you – Savannah revealed, Erika and Drake looked at each other, grimacing.
               _The four of us? – the Duke of Valtoria asked, and they heard footsteps from within.
               _Erika! Drake! Sorry, Tucker and Gigi called me to play and I couldn’t say no – Maxwell walked over to them carrying the corgis in his arms. Erika would have passed out if she hadn’t been holding Bartie.
               _M-Maxwell? I wasn’t expecting you here… - she stammered.
               _I was visiting my nephew and decided to come when Savannah said they were coming here – he widened his eyes – what, is this a problem?
               _No, of course not, Maxwell. I’m just…surprised.
               _What he’s doing is trying to make Bartie like him more than me – Drake messed with Maxwell’s hair.
               _It’s not my fault I’m the funny uncle – Maxwell punched Drake’s arm playfully. Erika was still trying to assimilate everything, so she handed Bartie to Savannah and sat down on the couch, slowly.
               _Erika, are you fine? – she asked.
               _Yeah, I’m just hungry. We just got back from the doctor and I need to eat something.
               _I’m going to ask Gemma to serve us tea – Drake kissed her quickly and went to talk to the maid.
               _We also brought the invitation to our wedding – Bertrand reached for the envelope, but Savannah cut him off.
               _We can talk about it later. Now I want to know about my nephew! How did things go?
               _Great – Drake said, entering the room and sitting next to Erika – our baby is beautiful and healthy.
               _Boy or girl?
               _We want a surprise, Savannah – Erika smiled.
               _Oh, God, really? I couldn’t wait for the moment I went to the doctor and I found out I had a boy! – the group giggled – and we have a mini Erika or a mini Drake?
               _We couldn’t see. The little scamp covered its face with its hands and we couldn’t see it – Drake said.
               _No kidding? Mom said I used to do the same when she was pregnant! – Maxwell exclaimed. Erika felt her senses disappear again, but she held on.
               _R-really? – she asked.
               _Yeah, mom used to tell it often – Bertrand informed – she could only see Maxwell’s face on the last exam. We used to think he would be shy, how naive we were.
               _Well, I think this is my bond with this baby, and the proof that I have rights to him – Maxwell said seriously, not contributing to Erika’s feeling better – because he’s my nephew too, since I consider Erika my sister! – he grinned.
               _Don’t you consider me a brother? – Drake asked.
               _I thought you wouldn’t like it, but since you insist, you’re my brother too, Drake – Maxwell got up, and Drake held up his arms.
               _That’s enough, you don’t need to hug me.
               _Oh, Drake, just this baby to make you softer – Savannah laughed, and the group went into the dining room for tea. The rest of the afternoon was a torment for Erika. The only thing she remembered from the conversation was that Savannah and Bertrand wanted her to be maid of honor and Drake would be the best man. The revelation about Maxwell took away all the peace she was trying to build in those days. No, he wasn’t the father! Drake was the father! Drake was the father!
               Somehow, that wasn’t enough. Just thinking positive wasn’t enough. What was done, was done. And she couldn’t go back in time as much as she wanted.
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camillemontespan · 5 years
girls like you [drake walker x mc, trr gang]
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This is so fluffy, I got really into it and now it’s really long. I hope it’s not boring! I got carried away with all of the fluff!
@jovialyouthmusic @pug-bitch @drakesensworld @moonlightgem7 @tacohead13 @notoriouscs @katedrakeohd @be-still-my-aching-heart @drakewalkerisreal @iplaydrake @sirbeepsalot @ifyouseekheart
‘Are you sure you can handle this? I mean, I can always cancel, it’s no problem,’ Camille babbled, pacing the kitchen. Drake chuckled and focused on getting Lily dressed. 
‘Babe, you’re panicking. I’ll be fine,’ he told her. ‘Lily, stop wriggling.’ 
His six year old daughter beamed up at him, her eyes sparkling. ‘I’m too excited!’ 
Drake gave her a wink and gently buttoned up her pyjama top. ‘There, you’re ready for your pyjama party.’
‘PYJAMA PARTY!’ she screamed, jumping up and down. She was fizzing. Lily had wanted to hold a pyjama party for weeks and her parents had finally found a gap in their diaries for the party to happen. That was, until this morning, when Camille realised she had looked at the wrong diary date and had gotten mixed up - not like her at all, since she was usually so organised. She had forgotten that she was scheduled for a girls night out with Hana, Olivia and Savannah tonight. So, it was up to Drake to supervise the pyjama party and keep Lily and her friends well fed and entertained. 
‘Okay fine, but please, call me if there’s any issues,’ Camille said, slipping her rose gold heels on. She was wearing a rust orange satin dress and her makeup was highlighted and smokey; Drake thought she looked gorgeous. ‘I’ll keep my phone on the table, just in case.’
Drake pulled her gently to him and looked into her brown eyes. ‘Breathe. It’s going to be fine.’ 
Camille gave him a small smile then pointed at the fridge. ‘Feed them something with vegetables, please,’ she said. Lily wrinkled her nose in disgust. Camille pulled Lily in for a hug. ‘Have a brilliant time, honey,’ she said. Lily twirled around. ‘Do you like my pyjamas?!’
She was wearing a fluffy white pyjama top with a polar bear face embroidered on the front and white fluffy pyjama bottoms. Camille’s best friend, Hana, had given them to her as a random present and Lily adored them; she had wanted to save them for something special. Tonight was special.
It was her first time throwing a pyjama party. She had been to many pyjama parties before but she had never had one herself. 
‘Which friends are coming again?’ Drake asked Camille as she shrugged on her brocade coat. 
‘Violet, Harper and Katie. They’re lovely, really polite and Lily adores them,’ Camille said. She leaned in close. ‘Just be careful; Violet has a little crush on you,’ she whispered. Drake’s eyes widened. ‘What?’
Camille let out a giggle. ‘It’s so obvious. She blushes whenever she sees you. Watch out for it, it’s adorable.’
‘She’s six.’
‘Yeah, adorable. All six year old girls get crushes, don’t worry Drake.’
She kissed him goodbye. Drake gulped. What had he let himself in for?
Camille, Hana, Olivia and Savannah were sat in the private roof terrace of the cocktail lounge No. 5. Camille's security team were standing by the door, just to be safe. Part of Drake's conditions of them accepting the King's offer of becoming a Duke and Duchess was that they would have a high end security team. After a few too many assassination attempts, Drake did not want any risk, especially now that they had Lily. He had also obtained a court order against the press, which meant they were not allowed to camp outside their estate, ambush Camille on her publicity events and they were certainly not allowed to take pictures of Lily going to school. That had happened one time and Drake and Camille were furious.
Olivia beckoned over the waiter. 'Can we have two bottles of Dom Perignon please, ' she told him, her voice like silk. The waiter bowed.
When the champagne was opened and the fizz poured, Hana raised her glass. 'To Camille - for finally getting out of the house for some fun!'
They all cheered. 'I am offended!' Camille laughed. Olivia rolled her eyes. 'Oh please. You're such a workaholic. You never come out with us for drinks anymore. You used to be so fun.'
Camille stared her down and casually brought her champagne glass to her lips. She downed it in one. 'You were saying?'
Olivia raised an eyebrow, a smile pulling up a corner of her mouth. 'Camille came out to play!'
They all laughed and toasted their glasses together. 'So Drake is by himself tonight?' Savannah asked. Camille nodded. 'God help him.' Hana giggled. 'Has he ever supervised a pyjama party before? Ooh, more importantly, is Lily wearing the pyjamas I got her?'
Camille smiled. 'She's kept them for a special occasion. She's wearing them tonight.' Hana clapped her hands together, delighted. Olivia sighed. 'Must we talk about children? Surely you want away from the life sapping cretins as soon as you have them.' Savannah's eyes widened. 'Olivia!' She adored babies and her own son, Bartie, was her pride and joy. Camille squeezed her hand. 'Olivia's joking.. I hope. But she's right. Enough kid talk.'
Olivia took a sip of champagne and arched her eyebrow at Camille. 'Thank you. Let's talk about important things. You and Drake still having enough sex?'
Hana spat out her champagne in shock and coughed harshly. Camille clapped her on the back.
'Olivia! I'm not answering that!' she protested. Olivia shrugged. 'At least tell me if he's still a raging beast under the sheets, give me some gossip. You once told me he was insatiable.'
Savannah grabbed a passing waiter by the arm. 'Can I please have a vodka in a tall glass with an olive? Just keep them coming.'
The doorbell rang and Lily started squealing. 'Daddy, they're here!'
Drake chuckled and started to walk towards the front door. Suddenly, Lily grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Drake frowned. 'You okay honey?'
She bit her lip and wrung her hands together. Drake smiled softly. 'Are you nervous?'
She nodded mutely. Drake crouched down and placed his hands on her shoulders. 'This is going to be the best pyjama party ever. You've got the best polar bear pyjamas too, you look so fluffy! Do polar bears get nervous?'
Lily thought hard. 'No?'
'No way they don't,' Drake said. 'They're fierce. They are bad ass! They also throw amazing pyjama parties.'
Lily giggled. 'Polar bears wear pyjamas?'
Drake stared at her, aghast. 'Of course they do! How do you think they stay warm in the Arctic?'
Lily grinned. 'Polar bears are awesome.'
'I know right?!' Drake cried, picking her up. 'Come on, let's get your friends inside and they can admire your pyjamas.'
He opened the door and the three girls and their mothers were standing outside. Lily waved and her friends waved back. 'Hi Lily!' one of them shouted. Drake beckoned them inside. 'You're so fluffy!' another of her friends squealed, running her hand down Lily's arm, admiring. 'I'm a polar bear!' Lily shrieked, jumping up and down again. The girls giggled and Lily led them through to the living room.
Drake turned to the mother's. 'It's just me tonight but I promise, I'll keep them entertained and out of trouble,' he told them, a bashful smile on his face.
One of the woman leaned forward to shake his hand. 'My name's Sarah, I'm Violet's mom. Got to say, I love how you and Duchess Camille have improved Valtoria. We were just saying that outside, weren't we ladies?'
The other two mothers nodded. A brunette leaned forward next. 'You're more than welcome to come to mine for a play date,' she whispered, winking. Drake reddened while the other two frowned at her brazenness. 'Um, that won't be necessary,' he answered. 'So yeah, the girls will be well fed, have a good bedtime and I've got breakfast in.'
The mother's waved goodbye, with the brunettes eyes lingering on him longer than was necessary. Drake swallowed and shut the door quickly.
'Pyjama party, assemble!' he bellowed. The girls ran into the hallway, panting. Drake grinned. 'Now I've got you here, do we want to decide what we want for dinner?'
He guided them into the kitchen and looked in the fridge. 'Okay, so mom said you need to eat vegetables,' he told Lily. 'Hmm. Fish fingers and vegetables? Chicken and vegetables?'
He turned to get a verdict. One of the girls, who he assumed was Violet, was watching him with a blush on her cheeks. Lily screwed up her nose. 'Harper's allergic to vegetables.'
The tallest girl with blonde hair nodded. 'I will die.'
Drake crossed his arms and leaned against the fridge, studying them. Violet looked down at the floor. Lily nudged a dark haired girl wearing a unicorn onesie. 'Katie? You're allergic too, aren't you?'
Katie frowned and played with her hair. 'I don't know what allergic is...'
Lily sighed dramatically. 'Harper and Katie are both allergic so if you give us vegetables, they'll die. Forever.'
Drake stared at his daughter. 'Right. So if I just called their mom's to check.. They would tell me they are allergic to vegetables?'
Lily blanched. Clearly she had not thought this through. 'Um..'
Drake thought. 'What if we just ordered pizza then?' He knew he was giving in but he didn't want to make them eat something that was going to cause such an issue. He basically couldn't be bothered to fight this one. Besides, Camille made Lily eat vegetables all the time. The girl was full of vitamins.
'PIZZA PYJAMA PARTY!' the girls squealed. As Drake found the pizza delivery leaflet, he spotted Lily giving him the trademark Walker smirk. It was the one visible thing she had inherited from him. She adopted it whenever she was naughty or got her way. Drake would have told her off but he was wrapped around her little finger. He always had been.
'Right who likes pepperoni?' he asked. They all raised their hands. Drake thumbed through the leaflet. 'Shall we also order cookies? I'm thinking cookies.'
He knew in Lily's eyes that he was earning Dad Points. He just wanted her to have a good time. As the daughter of a Duke and Duchess, her life wasn't exactly normal. A pizza pyjama party was one normal thing he could give her.
Thirty minutes later, two pepperoni pizzas and cookies were delivered. Lily gave Drake a cuddle. 'Thanks daddy,' she whispered, pecking him on the cheek. The girls sat down in front of the TV with the pizza boxes open on their laps. Drake had put on Disney's Hercules in a bid to keep them happy. Clearly it was a good idea as they sang along to the Muses and argued which of the Muses they were. Drake settled down in the kitchen next door, deciding to catch up on work emails. This was good. This wasn't hard.
Savannah was drunk. The four vodkas she had drank, on an empty stomach, had given her the desired effect of not caring when Olivia asked Camille more probing questions about Drake's performances in the bedroom. Camille had managed to steer the conversation to Hana, who was casually dating Maxwell. She had been seeing him for two months and Camille was so excited about it. Her two best friends dating!
'He's really sweet!' Hana told the group. 'He took me to an actual chocolate restaurant where we just ate all these samples of chocolate. So yummy!'
'What about sex, Hana?' Olivia sighed. 'Tell me about the sex.'
Camille raised an eyebrow. 'Olivia, are you super thirsty right now? What's got into you? You're not usually this.. Nosy.'
Olivia downed her champagne. 'Ugh, fine. I've not been laid in months. I'm getting frustrated. I just need to hear some stories so I can live vicariously through you!' Savannah hiccuped. 'Have you tried hook up apps? Might settle your itch.' Olivia wrinkled her nose. 'I am not degrading myself by joining a dating app. God, I'm a Nevrakis. The men come to me.'
'Clearly not right now,' Camille teased. Olivia groaned. 'They do but they're all such babies. I want a man. Like a red blooded, rugged man. One who likes knife play preferably.'
Hana blinked. 'Knife play?' she asked, her voice small, dreading the explanation. Olivia chuckled. 'It's a step up from the usual foreplay, I must admit. Adds some more... Excitement.'
Savannah was bored with sex talk. 'Let's go to a club!' she suddenly suggested. 'Ooh that would be amazing!' Hana agreed. She was more giddy than usual when she had been drinking. Camille shrugged. 'Why not? I'm out the house, may as well make the most of it. Where do you guys want to go?'
The group thought. 'What about Temple?' Savannah asked. Temple was the newest club in the Old Town. 'Let's do Temple!' Camille decided.
It was not good.
Drake had found Violet sat on the stairs, crying, because Harper had promised she would save a cookie for Violet, but she ate it deliberately. As a result, Violet had missed out on a cookie.
Drake brought Violet down to the kitchen to find her something else that was better than a cookie. After he sat her down on a chair, he called in Lily. When his daughter saw Violet, who's eyes were red rimmed, she paled. 'Violet? Are you okay?'
Drake looked at her. 'She's not, Lily. You have to look after your friends when they're over, especially if they get upset. Violet hasn't been saved a cookie.'
Lily reddened. 'That was Harper.'
'I know. What did you do when Violet left the room?'
Lily scuffed her feet on the floor. 'I stayed with Harper and Katie..'
Drake sighed. 'It's not fair if one is left out. You're an only child so you're not used to it but it's good to share. Sharing is grown-up and it makes people happy-'
'I would have shared!' Lily protested. 'It was Harper.'
'I know honey but it's your party. Violet is your guest. Now, I've found Violet a chocolate biscuit. Here Violet.' He handed her a biscuit. She snuffled and whispered, 'Thank you.'
Lily stepped forward and took Violet's hand. 'I'm sorry I didnt look after you, Violet,' she said quietly. 'I hope we're still best friends.'
Violet looked at her. 'We're best friends?' She sounded so hopeful. Lily nodded furiously. 'You're my favourite friend.'
Violet's face broke out into a grin. Lily took her hand and pulled her gently off the chair. ‘Let’s go play.’ The two girls ran off, leaving Drake in the kitchen. Crisis averted.
Or not. Fifteen minutes later and the girls were experiencing a sugar rush they didn’t need from the cookies. They were running around, screaming. Katie banged into a side table, which held one of Camille’s antique vases. Drake felt like the world had turned into slow motion as he watched the table jolt and the vase fall. He had tried to grab it but it was too late; it broke into shards. Katie then broke down into tears at the sudden shock, which turned Drake’s attention away from the antique and onto the second child to cry that evening.  ‘Hey, its alright!’ he soothed her, crouching down to look at her face. ‘It’s just a vase, nothing important. You okay? You haven’t hurt yourself from the shards, have you?’ He inspected her hand and gave her a smile. ‘All good here.’ She sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve. ‘I’m sorry...’ she said quietly. Drake shrugged. ‘Nothing to be sorry for, Katie. Come on, let’s see what the others are doing.’
He looked back regretfully at the vase. He hoped it wasn’t one of Camille’s grandmother’s antique vases from Versailles. He really, really hoped not. 
He was exhausted from putting out fires in every direction. He snapped when Lily screamed, ‘Dance competition! Daddy, you have to judge!’ He locked himself in his study and sat down, thinking. What would Camille do? 
Dance competition. Dance. Judging. Dance. Maxwell.  Responsibility. Dealing with a hundred things at once. Who was good at that, like really good? Liam. Answer. Call Maxwell and Liam.
He called Liam. ‘Hey Drake, you okay?’ ‘No. I thought I could handle babysitting four children but Jesus Christ, I’m shit at it. Any chance you can come over for support?’ Liam chuckled. ‘I’ve just finished my meetings so yeah, sure. I’ve got Maxwell and Bertrand here too, mind if they come along?’ Drake breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Please. The more the merrier.’
They arrived half an hour later. The girls had been upstairs practicing their routines, which allowed Drake to have a breather. He had downed a glass of whiskey. Irresponsible, yes. Needed? Absolutely.
‘I’m so excited for a dance competition!’ Maxwell said as he entered. He gave a twirl. ‘Show me the contestants!’ Bertrand sighed and hung his coat up, nodding to Drake. ‘This should be... interesting.’  Liam held in a laugh and clapped Drake on the back. ‘We’re such good friends to you, Walker.’ Drake reddened. ‘I am fully capable, it just got a bit... much.’
They wandered into the living room where the girls were getting set up. Lily squealed when she saw her new guests. ‘Uncle Liam! Uncle Maxwell! Uncle Bertrand!’ She jumped up and gave them each a hug. ‘Do you like my pyjamas?!’ she asked Maxwell. Maxwell turned her around to look. ‘You are so fluffy, I LOVE IT!’ he cried. Lily jumped up and down again, clapping her hands. Drake noticed her eyes were huge; way too much sugar.
‘Right, so we’re judging?’ Liam asked. Lily nodded. ‘You have to sit on the sofa and score us. Look, we made point cards!’ She handed out a pile of cards  with numbers written in glittery gel pen. ‘Uncle Bertrand, I’m making you Head Judge because you’re really serious.’ Bertrand chuckled. ‘An excellent judge of character you are, I must say!’ They sat down on the sofa and waited as the girls prepared. They each danced their own routine and Lily went particularly crazy to Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake. The judges were easy on every girl, since they were only six and this was a game.  ‘Fabulous!’ Maxwell shouted after each routine. ‘Visionary! ASTOUNDING!’ Liam would hold up his chosen score slowly, creating suspense then whipping the card round to show the number, making each girl laugh. Bertrand treated it like he did everything; far too seriously and like House Beaumont depended on it.  Drake was particularly kind when scoring Violet. She was naturally shy and not great at remembering steps.  She kept looking over at Drake, looking like she wanted the ground to swallow her up. ‘Where did you learn to dance like that?! Ten!’ Drake asked her after she finished twirling awkwardly. She gave him a huge grin, her eyes dancing. 
‘Cause girls like you Run around with guys like me 'Til sundown, when I come through I need a girl like you, yeah yeah!’ Camille, Hana, Olivia and Savannah were singing along to Maroon 5′s latest single at the club, holding hands and swaying. Hana threw her arms around Camille, singing drunkenly. ‘I love you, Cammy!’ ‘I love you too!’
‘Girls like you Love fun, yeah me too What I want when I come through I need a girl like you, yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah I need a girl like you, yeah yeah!’ Lily, Violet, Harper and Katie were now bounding around, singing to Maroon 5′s latest single. Maxwell joined in at Cardi B’s rap, which delighted them. ‘Best pyjama party EVER!’ Harper shrieked. Lily looked so full of joy, she could burst. 
It was 1am. Drake was up waiting for Camille to get back safe. He was watching late night news when he heard a floorboard creak. He looked round to see Lily. ‘You okay, Lil?’ he asked. She nodded. ‘I can’t sleep. Harper snores really loudly.’ Drake beckoned her over and she nestled into his chest. ‘Thank you for letting me have a party, daddy,’ she said. ‘It was really fun.’ Drake squeezed her. ‘Glad you had a good time, honey.’ ‘Will you dance with me, daddy?’ she suddenly asked. Drake chuckled. ‘I’m not a great dancer. Ask your mom, she’ll agree.’ Her face fell and his heartstrings tugged. ‘Sure, honey. You pick the song.’ 
When Camille got home ten minutes later, she found her husband holding their daughter on his hip, twirling around as they both sang together.
'Cause girls like you Run around with guys like me 'Til sundown, when I come through I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Girls like you Love fun, yeah me too What I want when I come through I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
She stood in the doorway, smiling, as Lily wrapped her arms around Drake’s neck, singing in his ear, her smile wide.  Her little polar bear and her big marshmallow.
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