#based on the grown-up things memory card
pseudonymphomania · 1 year
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Heart Full of Love, Mouth Full of Demonus
Lucifer: I shudder to think what would have happened if it were only the three of us.
Diavolo: wdym we’d just be complimenting each other!
Me, reading this chat and staring into the camera: …the fantastic threes- *is pulled offstage*
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shiningmystic · 2 days
Motivation for you (Timeless PAC)
Close your eyes and use your visualization skills; imagine 3 blank photos with the same golden frame. Whichever glows brighter or comes closer to your chest then that will be the one for you. It may visually be different in your mind on how it presents itself whatever feels correct follow that, you are your compass. May this reading find the one who need this message.
All messages are from your highest self, spirit guides, or spirit/the universe who only wants to see helpful growth for whatever you have the potential to become.
Ko-fi - Tip
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Here are the piles:
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Pile 1 🕊
The cards: crown chakra (crown center), 6 of cups, 2 of cups
Symbols of confirmation: Moths, love, swans and ducks (ugly duckling)
The mind is a powerful weapon and it can be a double edged sword. We get distracted and punish ourselves but we also triumph and overcome. I see you are reminiscing about times of love that have passed, let these memories fuel you or hold you back. Sometimes it all ends with a choice, make a choice instead of reaching for something that is gone. You have grown to radiate understanding and love; you are much more beyond then what you judge yourself to be. You attract kindness and opportunities that will make you shine because you do. You radiate light; Let your mind run free and create what may have been dormant for to long. I feel your energy to be a flower blooming so follow your bloom.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Pile 2 🐞
The cards: The devil, 6 of wands, the hanged man, death
Symbols of confirmation: Dragonfly, bugs, wings, trampoline, trumpets, keys
Oh wow, you guys are really going through it but you’re gonna win. Don’t hold back! I feel your guides are riding this wave with you. Powerful energy, you guys are giving up on addictive unhelpful habits. This could range from drugs to coffee, like seriously anything can be addictive and hard to let go. It could even be a role you have been playing for to long and your breaking free; fantastic! I’m really feeling this energy guys, it’s a sacrifice you’re making for something good and you are transforming into what you choose to become. Even if your resisting this change (which most are not) you should be proud of how far you have come and accomplished even if it hasn’t been smooth ride. I’m honestly honored to channel this message to you. Keep rising to your highest potential and good luck, your guides are cheering for your next victory.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Pile 3 👁️
The cards: 3 of pentacles, 3 of swords, base chakra (base energy center), 7 of cups, 7 of swords
Symbols of confirmation: Eyes, people, choices, reds and blues, masks
You could have chosen deception, manipulation and gone back to your old ways with yourself but you didn’t. You learned and stuck it out even from betrayal. You have been insecure and unappreciated a lot throughout your existence and you know what? You have the right to be angry at the people who have hurt you, the hand you were dealt and how you could continue the cycle of pain; but you didn’t choose that path. You have chosen one of renewal and moving on. Maybe not moving on completely but enough to change, to move in a different direction that is you. Have pride in that, maybe pride is a bad thing for some but sometimes we deserve recognition and you have earned it. True strength comes from within, you have endured deep sorrow, know that you are recognized and heard, stay true and you will be alright.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Tarot Cards used: The Psychic Tarot Oracle deck by John Holland
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vulpixisananimal · 2 months
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C-side. Chapter 3
(You hold up the new card to the door. Just like last time, it slowly cracked open into a blinding light. With a breath, you steady yourself, and step through.)
(Castle Oblivion, you played some mean tricks.)
(You found yourself standing in a field, a very, very familiar field. You remember waking up in this field, but that memory was like an old photograph. A photo that you could barely make out, one that was covered in dust and grime.)
(You wanted to burn that memory.)
(Dormont. The day before.)
(It was sunny. It was nice. There were birds, and winds, and bugs. You had grown too familiar with it. You walk onwards, to whatever surprises the castle had planned.)
(Loop, no middle name, no last name. Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop. Did you plan to always wear that name?)
(You hear a sound from your side. You turn, more of those creatures. Good, you needed a distraction.)
(You found yourself in front of the Favor Tree. After about three, four more rooms, you had found your way here through one of those strange, special doors. The Favor Tree stretched high, so impossibly high. It was familiar, yes, but looking at it from here was. . . Nostalgic.)
(You saw yourself at the base of it. No, not you as a star. You as a human. You as you once were. You before everything that had happened, happened. You, about to make the biggest mistake of your life.)
"Stupid." (You mumble to yourself. You knew how this went. The memory of yourself would make a wish, nothing would happen, then they'd walk away. It's what you did, it's what Stardust did.)
(You see the memory pick up a leaf. A leaf to represent you. Whisper into it. Fold it. Etc and etc. . . What did you wish for, actually?)
(You wished for. . . You wished for. . .)
(You mumble the words as the memory finally comes to mind.) "To keep traveling with Mirabelle. . ."
(That's what it was. You didn't want to stop this, you wanted to keep the grand adventure going. Stupid, in hindsight, how could this go on forever? It HAD to end. They all had to go home eventually. Stars, that doesn't even matter now! They're gone! It's all gone!!!)
(You want to attack this memory. You want to tear it up, rend it, forget it forever, just, let it die-)
(Your memory is looking at you.)
(They're looking DIRECTLY at you.)
(Not past you. Not a coincidence. You knew that face. Confusion. Fascination. It, they, could see you?)
(The memory turned and walked away.)
"HEY!!!" (You chase after it, only to be stopped by those dark monsters appearing from thin air. You're distracted, and by the time you look back at the memory, it was gone.)
(Stars dammit!!! Fine!! You'll rend these things instead!!!)
(Can you just leave now? You wanted to leave. You couldn't stay here much longer, it was making you go insane. The novelty was fine at first, the nostalgia, but now it was making you sick. The day was going on with every room you passed through, and soon, it was time.)
(The clock tower.)
(The end of the first day. You'd have dinner, you'd have a sleepover, go to the next day, try to beat the King, repeat last step ad-nauseam. Torment, eternal. As you walked up to the clock tower, you saw a memory of youself again- wait.)
(No, that wasn't a memory! That was probably like the "memory" from earlier! So, so if, it's not a memory, then-)
"STARDUST!!!" (You cry out, now running to the clock tower.)
(The memory turns, no, you, no, STARDUST turns to you, that look in their eye, it, was, was, what was it?!? Confusion? Fear? Anger? Pity?!? They take a step back.)
(You stop a few feet away.) "Stardust!! You can see me, right?!? I'm real!! You're real too, right?!?" (The words come out of your mouth infinitely more sincere than you meant it.)
". . ." (The other you, he stares at you for a moment more, finally opening his mouth.) ". . . You. . ."
"YES!!!" (You yell, eyes wild with excitement, STARS!!! It really WAS Stardust!!!) "Yes!!! It's me!!! Your wonderful, helpful, Loop!!!"
(Stardust, he, he just stares at you. He's not talking? WHY ISN'T HE TALKING?!?)
(He turns. And runs into the clock tower.)
"WAIT!!!" (You run over, but the door to the clock tower had already clicked closed. You kicked it, punched it, attacked it with your cards, nothing, nothing, nothing!!! Starsdammit!!!)
(There was a sound from behind you. One you were getting annoyingly familiar with. You turn, knife already at the ready for one of those annoying black cloaked strangers!!)
(Sure enough, one of them was here, hood already down, revealing his wild, spikey red hair, blue eyes, and teardrop tattoos, he flicked a few fingers in a half wave.) "Hell-oo!"
"What do you want now!" (You charged at the red headed figure, couldn't stop yourself even if you tried- red?)
(The man dissapeared and reappeared behind you, in front of the clock tower, you turn as he talks.) "Now that's not any way to greet a new friend." (STARS he sounds annoying!)
"We're not friends. I don't even know you!" (You reply, angry.)
"Oh riiiight! Where's my manners, my names Axel." (He tapped his head to emphasise) "A-X-E-L, got it memorized?"
(You gripped your dagger tightly.)
"So you're the one that's got Number Six all excited. Talk about a star subject." (Axel chuckled to himself, crossing his arm.) "What was it, Loop's the name, right? Gotta say, it looks like a pre-tty nice world you lived in, almost makes me feel something now it's gone."
"Shut up!!!" (You charged again, striking at Axel with your knife.)
(In a blink of an eye and a flash of fire, Axel had weapons in his hands, two chakrams. He broke your knife with his own attack and sent your flying back.)
(He spun the chakrams idly as you recovered.) "Geez, a guy can't even get to know somebody, well if you wanna fight. . ." (He takes a stance.) "Who am I to say no! Just don't go dying on me now."
(You charge at Axel again, this time, the knife you pull is a 9, near unbreakable, this'll hit! You take a swipe. And it connects!!! YES!!! It's ont a deep wound but you're making PROGRESS!!!)
(You quickly go to follow up with more swipes, take the high cards, they'll-)
(You're quickly cut off by Axel countering with an attack that snaps you knife. You recoil as he just continues on with a followup, hitting you in the leg with a burning chakram that trips you up. Dammit!!! DAMMIT!!!)
(You stand up, getting another knife ready and charging.)
(Axel breaks it with another string of attacks, all coming so fast, you could barely see his cards, or, or anything! All you could do was dodge a few of them untill you had a chance to get it together!)
"What's with the face?" (Axel comments, grinning.) "You're acting like you haven't seen a sleight before."
"A. . ." (That gives you pause.) "A what?"
"You've gotta be kidding me." (Axel looks, dissapointed? Annoyed?) "Did number Eleven really only give you half a rulebook? Come on."
(Six? Now Eleven? Where these nicknames? And who where these people!) "Could you maybe explain a little bit of something then~?"
(Axel shrugged.) "Fine, looks like I'm stuck on explaining things, again." (He pulled out three of his own cards at once for you to see.) "It's simple, wanna do some really flashy stuff? Use three cards at once, easy."
(With that, the three cards he pulled burst into flames as he charged at you. Chakrams engulfed in fire. You had mere seconds to act so you pulled a card, a knife. Striking out, it broke Axels attack and stopped him mid charge- Oh! You pulled a zero. And zeros break any other card.)
"Good!" (Axel comments at your totally intentional play.) "Sleights add the card values all together, so they're tough to break. C'mon, give it a shot!"
"Well, if you insist!" (You say, almost too giddy. You pull three cards at once and crush them. Your knife felt. . . Strong! You swiped at Axel with your sleighted knife and it breaks right through his defences! HAH!! MUCH better!!)
(Axel took a few steps back after that. Dusting humself off a little as he watched you.) "Nice work, see? You're already a natural."
"Why thank you~ Now, do you mind if I kill you now?" (You say, finger to your chin.)
"Sorry, looks like I got placed to be, but. . ." (Axel holds up a card, and throws it to you. You catch it, a blue card, like that ice one you got earlier. This one had a raging fire on it.) "Consider that a little, welcoming present."
"What does that-" (You start, but Axel was already gone in another dark portal.)
(. . . You were REALLY hating whoever these people were.)
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srovtl · 1 month
(Avert your Eyes from the Truth) Faust SR Card Story Translation
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Take his hand naturally - Episode 1
Faust: If we're going to use them in a magic circle for protection, then the seeds of that flower would be good...
Faust: Those herbs over there would be good material for the next lesson. I'll take some home with me.
Lennox: Lord Faust.
Faust: Lennox. Weren't you excavating for ore? There's nothing but flowers around here.
Lennox: I've looked around most of the surrounding rock surfaces. I thought I'd take a stroll on my way back.
Lennox: And then, I found something familiar along the way. Do you remember this?
Faust: Pale pink berries...
Faust: We used to pick them as a sweet treat when camping or traveling.
Lennox: Yes. Back then, there weren't many opportunities to eat sweet things, so they were a valuable source of nutrition.
Faust: They should have grown fruit everywhere in the central countries... but I didn't expect to find them growing in a place like this. It's truly an unexplored hole.
Faust: I'll gather some for the kids. They'll make a good dessert after dinner.
Lennox: Oh... I see a squirrel-like animal in the bushes. It's holding something on its chest.
Faust: The same pale pink berries...? No, they're a little darker.
Faust: They look very similar, but they're a type of spice. Just one berry is so spicy it makes you jump up.
Lennox: A spice that looks very similar to the pale pink berries... Ah, I remember now.
Lennox: Long ago, when we had feasts around the campfire, we would use that to test our luck.
Lennox: We would mix it with some light pink berries and see who would get the hottest one.
Faust: Hehe, that brings back memories.
Faust: You usually don't change your expression much, but that time, your shoulders would bounce and your eyes would widen.
Lennox: It was a lot spicier than I had imagined...
(A squirrel-like sound)
Faust: What is it... you who looks like a squirrel? Do you want some of my nuts?
Faust: If so, I'll trade them for yours. That would be too hard on you.
Take his hand naturally - Episode 2
Lennox: He took the fruit and ran under the rock... Maybe there's a nest there.
Faust: No, that's...
Faust: It's a tree that bears spices. A squirrel is croaking at the base.
Lennox: Maybe it thought we were looking for spices. Maybe it was telling us as a thank you for the sweet fruit.
Faust: Would an animal do something like that...?
Faust: Well, it's also effective at removing the smell from meat, so maybe I should give it to Nero. Let's go down a little.
Lennox: Okay. It's a little high, so I'll go first.
Lennox: Lord Faust, give me your hand.
Faust: Yeah.
Faust: ……….
Lennox: What's wrong?
Faust: No it's just….. I've depended on you like it's natural again
Faust: It seems I can't let go of my old habits.
Lennox: ... It doesn't matter. I'm happy.
Lennox: Oh... the squirrel is back.
Faust: Have you picked some spice berries again? They're too spicy for you, you probably can't eat them.
Lennox: I think it's staring at the sweet fruit that Lord Faust has...
Faust: ...I see. Alright then. Let's trade.
Lennox: With this much, we should have some left over for cooking, and maybe we can play that game.
Faust: That's right. Maybe I'll get to see your surprised look again.
Lennox: Yours too Lord Faust. I have no intentions of losing.
Faust: Haha, is that so.
That taste is familiar to the tongue. - Card Episode
Akira: Faust, what did you sprinkle on the flower bed... Oh, is that the spice you picked in the Abyss Valley the other day?
Faust: That's right. The shells can be used as fertilizer, so I sprinkle them on the herbs around here.
Akira: So that's one way to use it. It's nice to be able to use the shells so there's no waste.
Akira: That's right... For dessert after dinner, we had a sweet fruit similar to this. Did Faust and everyone pick that up too?
Faust: Yeah. It has a simple taste, but it's pretty good. You and Riquet liked it too.
Akira: Yes! It was sweet and delicious, and I couldn't stop eating it...and I accidentally ate the spicy fruit too.
Faust: Hehe, that did happen. 
Faust: You suddenly jumped up and your eyes widened, so I wondered what was going on.
Akira: They had set some of it aside for me...But it was surprisingly really, really, spicy.
Faust: If you ate it thinking it was sweet, it would be even worse.
Faust: But I shouldn't have placed it in a way that a child might mistake it for a snack and eat it, even if by mistake.
Akira: No, it's not Faust's fault! I saw Lennox picking them and mistakenly thought they were sweet too.
Akira: Lennox seemed unfazed, though... Do long-lived wizards have strong tongues?
Faust: I don't think that's the case…
Faust: For us, It's a taste we're somewhat used to.
Homescreen Voice Line
I sometimes have the opportunity to observe Rutile's classes. Although he is much younger than me, he too is a teacher and I feel that there is a lot I can learn from his teaching methods. I'm sure I can make use of them in my classes with the eastern wizards.
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Jungwon (ENHYPEN) Relationship Role Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Feedback: Feedback is very important for content creators and for me it’s even more important. Please, let me know whether the tarot readings resonate. If there’s anything you dislike or find off about my readings (like wording, topics, focus), just tell me. I don’t want you to write 1000-word feedback, very simple comments will do for me to stay motivated. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating this but this is something I do for you, guys, and when I don’t feel motivated to do tarot readings, I have many other things to do. The more motivation I get, the more readings you will get to read. The logic is very simple but it’s two sided.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): E. A. Poe Tarot
Spread: Relationship Role
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Yang Jung Won
Stage Name: Jungwon
DOB: 09.02.2004
Blood Type: AB
Sun Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Sign: Wood Monkey
Life Path Number: 8
Masterpost: Enhypen
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Yang Jung Won
Jungwon (Enhypen)
Deck: E. A. Poe Spread: Relationship Role
Friend - 8 of Wands, 10 of Wands
Jungwon is likely to be a very dynamic, busy and fast moving friend. His mind is likely to be way too quick for his friends to comprehend. He might lose focus and get bored easily and he’s always looking for new hobbies and activities to explore with his group of friends. He’s likely to be overwhelming sometimes, maybe even too wild. He’s likely to be the one friend always rushing the rest.
Boyfriend - XIII The Death, 10 of Cups
When it comes to dating, Jungwon is a completely different person. He becomes compassionate, loving, caring and joyful. He’s both a romantic and faithful boyfriend. He’s a ray of sunshine and makes every day feel special and new for his significant other.
Lover - Knight of Cups, King of Wands
Lover Jungwon is courteous and romantic. He knows how to set the right mood for the night and there’s no creature in this world that could resist his seducing. He’s also a goal oriented lover and his goal is the pleasure of his partner. Jungwon knows how to transform ideas and dreams into reality and he takes love making seriously. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for his lover to make them feel special and at the top of the world.
Husband - 5 of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles
Jungwon might be rather pragmatic about marriage. The cards suggest strong material influence. It’s possible Jungwon wouldn’t have a problem getting married in order to unite two families and their wealth. For him, the institution of marriage is a serious matter. He wants to leave something behind, a legacy for next generations. And he will work for it.
One-Night-Stand - 7 of Pentacles, Knight of Wands
Jungwon is not very likely to be into random love affairs. If he ever slips, it’s more likely due to his recklessness and ill judgement of the situation. He might see it as a way to cope with stress but afterwards he will probably think it was a mistake and will try to bury the memory of it.
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I have promised to post this reading again, once Jungwon is legal, which happened in February.
First of all, Jungwon, welcome to adulthood - the scariest hood. 😂
Also, this reading was done in March 2022 so if it doesn't resonate that much, Jungwon might have grown up or matured over the time. I don't follow ENHYPEN so you have to tell me whether an update is needed.
My YouTube suggested me the upcoming comeback highlight and... you guys who stand ENHYPEN and follow me have to be pretty excited, right? 🤣 I can't even tell the members apart but it looks pretty impressive. 🤭
Thank you for reading!
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bloodyknucklesforme · 10 months
Mementos | Soap x Nina
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Ficmas 2023: Day 1
Nina has a gift for Johnny before he's deployed again
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"You have everything?" Nina asked, holding Johnny's bag hostage.
"I do." He nodded. He was going to Japan, recon on a shadow company base. Could be a couple weeks or longer. He kissed her as he took the duffle bag from her. It was never easy for him to leave. Every touch of hers felt like a weight holding him back.
She hopped up on the balls of her feet and wrapped her arms around his neck. He dropped the duffle bag unceremoniously on the floor to lift her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. She always wore extra perfume before he left. They stood with his face pressed against her collarbone, breathing her in.
"There's a gift for you in your bag," she said softly.
"You got me a present?" He asked, nuzzling her cheek.
"I made you a present."
"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow.
"It's just for you. Promise you won't let anyone else see?"
"Of course." He kissed her as he set her back down on the floor. He picked his duffle back up. He needed one more kiss.
"I love you," he said, cupping her cheek and leaning down to kiss her again.
"Love you."
His shoulders dropped at the sound of the door closing.
It was almost three days before he finally got time alone. He'd been good at ignoring the brown paper present tucked in the bottom of his bag. He tripled checked he was alone and the door was locked before pulling it out of his bag.
He had no idea what she had planned. He gently opened it, careful to not even tear the tape. It was a booklet, hand made with a light blue card stock cover and sewn together with matching string. On the front was a pasted picture of them among a collage of flower cut outs.
He opened it and his eyes started tearing up. She'd always been private about her personal writing. He never pried, knowing what its like to keep some art to yourself. He wanted to read it always. Her poems that she spent hours agonizing over. She'd be across from him on the couch with a notebook in her lap furiously crossing out things or erasing them or scribbling down new words. He'd watch her out of the corner of his eye, smiling at her furrowed brow.
Now her poems were tied neatly together just for him. She'd spent a lot of time on this little book. Collages and doodles on every page. Every poem was about him. They were in chronological order - tracing from the first time they met to now.
There was always a cloud of guilt hanging over him. He wasn't taking good enough care of her, he was constantly leaving her alone, he wasn't making it known that he loved her.
With each page he watched her own doubts slip away. From saying how she was scared and embarrassed to have a crush on him to how she loved waking up next to him to a frankly dirty piece about him going down on her.
He lost track of how many times he read it, committing every line to memory. She didn't often verbalize her feelings to him, preferring physical touch to anything else. He'd be making dinner only to have her come up behind and hug him.
There was a knock on his door.
"You coming to dinner, mate?" Gaz asked. Johnny clutched the book to his chest.
"I'll be out soon." He said. He wrapped the book back up and hid it in his bag.
"I love my gift. You made a grown man cry Neen. Love you." He texted her. It was 3am back home. He'd have to call her later.
Ten thousand kilometers away Nina's face broke into a teary grin as she read Johnny's text. She stared at the text, a blush filling out her cheeks. She hid her face in his pillow giggling over how much he liked it.
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unwanted-animal · 1 year
Eddie Munson Is Dead
A “Jamie Marks Is Dead”-based AU (warnings for suicide mention and bullying)
Eddie Munson is a wild card, and a loner. He has a couple of friends, but that doesn’t stop him from being bullied mercilessly by Jason Carver and his crew. Billy Hargrove, also on the basketball team, hates the way Jason treats Eddie but never speaks up. It isn’t his business, you know?
One day Chrissy Cunningham finds Eddie’s body near Lover’s Lake. No one knows how he died. No one really mourns him. His friends are distraught for a while, but it fades quickly for them when Jeff takes over as DM. Everyone wants sordid details, but none are released. A boy died. That’s all anyone knows.
Curious, Billy goes to visit the little memorial that was set up where Eddie’s body was found. Chrissy is there, trying her pom poms to the little cross. He noticed a few little DND minis there, as well as a little notebook with a pen. Kind of like a guest book. While he signs it with a little message for Eddie, he and Chrissy get to talking about how she found him. How he looked scared. And smaller than she expected.
That night as Billy drove Chrissy home from the lake, they both caught sight of the pale, shivering corpse of Eddie Munson watching them from the woods.
Billy isn’t afraid of anything - except his father - so he approached the body. Eddie looked at him through milky eyes, a small smile on his face.
“You see me.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I do. What the fuck happened to you?”
“Can’t really talk about it - but you could help me:”
Over time the two begin to bond. Chrissy can see him but she keeps her distance. Billy, on the other hand, revels in his attention. Soon they’re inseparable, the bad boy and his ghost. No one but Chrissy knows about him. Billy feeds him words and gives him clothes to wear, and before long they find themselves falling in love.
In life Eddie had a crush on Billy, only able to admit it once they’ve grown closer. Now Billy kisses words into his lips regularly, whispering sweet things that send jolts of pleasure along his spine. Chrissy grows increasingly worried for his safety, but Billy doesn’t want to part from Eddie.
Instead of walking Eddie to the underworld, instead of finding he took his own life like in the film, Billy learns Eddie’s death was an accident. Just a random tragedy; he was going to visit his friend who lived on the lake when he tripped and fell in. In his panic and surprise, he drowned. Billy decides to keep him, to protect him, to be his and bind their spirits together so they’ll never be apart.
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Anything for You Darlin’ Christmas Special
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader (can be Austin!Elvis if you prefer)
Word Count: 957 words
Warnings: Fluff, Mentions of Child Birth, Language, Mentions of Insomnia(let me know if I miss anything)
Author’s Note: Well here’s the surprise I reference earlier!! We have a Christmas Special from Elvis’ POV! I hope y’all enjoy it! This is in the realm of the Anything for You Darlin’ universe.
Summary: Twas the night before Christmas and Elvis Presley is recalling memories of Christmas pasts.
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Ever since I could remember, Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. I still remember the first Christmas i had with mama and daddy at Graceland like it was yesterday. I got the Santa and slight yard decoration. We got the best decorations we could find on this side of the Mississippi. It was truly a wonderful Christmas. When mama died, I questioned how Christmas was gonna be without her presence in Graceland and in my life.
And then a little (Y/HC), (Y/EC) girl named Y/N decided to walk into my life and flip it upside down. I had known Y/N forever, but it was after I returned from Germany that I really noticed her. One thing I loved about her right away was her love for all things Christmas. I remember her first Christmas season at Graceland. The year was 1964. When I drove her up to Graceland, she was in awe of all the decorations that adored the yard. As she as she saw the blue lights that lined the driveway, she asked me if planes had ever confused my driveway for the airport. Daddy had always teased me about it, but coming from Y/N made me laugh because of the innocence in her voice. That Christmas Eve, we curled up close to fireplace in the living room after everyone had left. I never wanted that moment to end. I got to know everything about that sweet girl. I knew right then and there I had to make this girl my wife.
Then in 1966, we spent our first Christmas as husband and wife. She went all out that year eight with the decorations, including getting a white nylon tree which had a rotating base that played Christmas carols. Y/N’s child like wonder when it came to Christmas made my heart melt and reminded me why I married her. The whole house looked like a Christmas card. Once again at the end of the night, we found ourselves wrapped up next to the fireplace like our first Christmas together. During that time, the topic of babies came up. We always knew that we wanted to have kids, but it just hadn’t happened yet for whatever reason. Y/N began to tear up and told me that she was scared it wasn’t gonna ever happen because she thought she wasn’t good enough. I told her that was bull shit and I promised her that I would do anything possible for us to have a child.
Almost exactly a year later, I found myself in the hospital watching my beautiful wife bring our first baby into the world during the wee hours of Christmas Eve morning. I remember feeling so bad that I couldn’t take away my baby doll’s pain whenever the next contraction would hit and tears ran down her face; however, it was all worth in the end. Little Mallory Love had our hearts from the moment she let out that very first cry. That beautiful, precious little girl was sent from heaven by my mama and her birth date confirmed it all for me. Mallory had me wrapped around her little finger when she looked up at me with her baby blue eyes for the very first time. I knew in that moment that every Christmas from here on out was gonna be magical for the Presley family.
Now here we are in 1977. Our family has grown over the years. We now have four kids, with each one of them having their own distinct personalities and looks. This Christmas is significant for many reasons. It’s the last time we’ll have a baby’s first Christmas with baby Kennedy being our last child. Y/N is taking it harder than I thought she would, so I told her to decorate Graceland until her little heart gave out. What didn’t expect was a Christmas tree in my living room the day after Halloween. I almost told her it was too damn early, but she looked at me her those big doe eyes of hers, I couldn’t say it. This girl has had my heart since day one and sometimes I think she uses it to her advantage. By the time thanksgiving came around, the whole house looked like Christmas.
Now it’s the wee hours of Christmas Day and I’m wide awake. The insomnia is really kicking my ass tonight. I turn over to see Y/N sleeping soundly. She looks so beautiful even with her hair all messed up from the pillows. I start to hear whimpering from the nursery so I know that means Kennedy is need of something. I get out of bed and make the walk down to the nursery. Her whimpers start to get louder and turn into cries. I get into the nursery and quick pick up Kennedy and get myself comfy in the rocking chair. I can’t help but to look at this sweet baby girl’s face as I begin to rock and comfort her. Her cries dampen into whimpers and before long she’s out like a light. I hold Kennedy for a little while longer just to make sure she’s asleep.
After I kiss her head and put her back into the crib, I go back to bed to find Y/N still sleeping like an angel. I pull her into my arms. I can’t believe God blessed me with a wife like her and four of the best children that any man could ask for. I can’t wait for everyone to wake up on Christmas morning to see what ole’ Saint Nick brought for them. Hopefully Santa will see the bright blue lights that still line the drive way so he knows where to land the giant sleigh.
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words-are-fireproof · 2 years
Sweet, Summer Child: Meetings + Misunderstandings
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Summary: You and Dieter meet but happy memories quickly turn sour.
Content/Warnings: cursing, ooc Dieter, general feelings of doom and gloom, angst, possible allusions to sex?
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Here's part two of Sweet, Summer Child and my lovely AU of Dieter as Death. I love him, your honor.
[Masterlist] || [Series Masterlist] || Part One || Part Three
Moments of happiness, of sweetness, of calm melancholy, even, flitted dangerously between overwhelming and nonexistent, some of the vestiges of these emotions fading slowly into the ether as minutes turned to hours turned to entire days spent in your company.
He couldn’t complain. He wouldn’t dare to, but the solitude in his life continued to wane more and more. With each passing day, he felt lost, tossed about on a rollercoaster he never had any intention of boarding in the first place. 
Realization hit him square in the chest one morning, your arm slid over his midsection, warm, all-encompassing. A prison of flesh and skin. He’d grown used to the constraints of his own body and the way it moved and inhabited space. He’d used it to his advantage for years, but he never felt as trapped as he did now. He couldn’t explain it, and if he did, you’d run away. He carded his fingers through his hair, trying to suppress a heavy sigh that would surely wake you the way you currently wrapped yourself around him. A leg hooked around one of his, your nose nuzzled into the muscular curve of his bicep. your balmy breath raised gooseflesh down his arm. 
He didn’t want you to run, despite him feeling caged in by you. That hadn’t even crossed his mind. Not in the days previous. Not in the moments he laid awake while you slept. He wanted you. But his nature, the loneliness he’d ensconced himself in since the dawn of time, didn’t want him to be tangled with you. Alone protected him. Alone kept him safe. 
Alone also presented its own plethora of problems. A sigh struggled for release in his lungs, but he held it back. 
You dragged him from his thoughts, shifting from him and rolling onto your back, yawning widely as you woke. 
“Good morning,” he murmured, voice husky with sleep. 
“Hmm, morning,” you smiled slowly, leaning over to press a kiss to his collarbone. 
He reached up to brush his hand through your hair slowly, savoring the texture of it, the softness. He loved the way it slid through his fingers. It grounded him. You grounded him. Another reason he didn’t want to lose you: you kept him sane in the insanity of his existence. But, per his promise to himself, you would never know that. Ever. A part of him wondered, though, if you didn’t already know. The way he seemed to cling to you in the darkness of his life couldn’t be ignored, or maybe it could be because you really had no clue about the things he went through on a day-to-day basis. 
“What do you have going on today?” 
You turned on your side again and folded your arms on his chest. “Work. You?”
“Work for me, too.” 
“Why do I not believe you?” You pressed your lips to the base of his throat with a small laugh. 
“Because I live in this illustrious brownstone?” 
You rested your chin on your arms. “No, I don’t think that’s it.” 
He lifted an eyebrow. “Because I never call you back when you leave me messages?” 
“No,” you began as you shook your head, nose wrinkling playfully, “you just have a… laissez-faire way about you.”
He peered down at you curiously. Laissez faire? Maybe. It still sounded weird, settling strangely around his neck as he considered it. His main job–the big one, the one he daren’t speak to anyone about–didn’t lend itself to non-interference. In fact, it demanded his attention more than he cared to admit. Even now, laying there, he was working. Death didn’t stop no matter how much he wished it would. Maybe he liked to let all other matters in his life just go by without cause or care to counteract that constant darkness. It wasn’t completely out of the realm of possibility. But how could he tell you that? 
“Laissez-faire, hmm? Why do you say that?” Playing dumb. A new one for him. 
“You just…” you trailed off for a moment, a finger trailing circles in the smattering of hair on his chest. “You go with the flow. Whatever happens, happens.” 
“You do the same, though, don’t you?” 
“Not like you do.” 
He saw you from across the room, dazzling in a sapphire dress that swept the floor as you walked. Long-sleeved with an open back and a long slit over the left leg, the dress and the woman wearing the dress bowled him over. He’d never seen you before, but at that moment, he wanted to meet you more than anyone else on the guest list. He craved you. He desired to undo you. He wanted to peel back every single layer of you, expose your muscle and sinew to read the map of your veins. He needed you in a way he’d never needed anything else before in his life. 
The mansion in the Hamptons seemed to burst at the seams. People came and went with nary a care. Wine was poured. Whiskey drank. Olives consumed in martinis along with a decadent meal he’d spared no expense with when ordering. He heard the leggy redheads and muscular, handsome raven-haired stunners commenting around the magnificent and gilded foyer that this was the best party they’d ever attended. He didn’t believe them. He’d seen better. But they were the fake type of people. The ones who attended for the clout it gave them. He made a mental note not to invite them again. 
Dieter surveyed the crowd to find you again, the sea of people obstructing his view of the vision in blue. When he spotted you again, he made his excuses to the man he’d been talking to and waded through the people, bodies parting to let him through easily. He felt like a god damned god. 
In a way, he was. 
Close enough to you now, he listened to the musical intonation of your voice and the way you took no shit. you brushed off one advance after another, all while engaging in conversation with a beautiful raven-haired woman in a canary yellow gown. He knew he should tread carefully, lest he get on your bad side. He didn’t want to get on your bad side. 
“Good evening,” he began amiably, “you two ladies enjoying the party?” 
Canary yellow beamed readily, your dark eyes shining in the orange of the firelight. “It’s wonderful, Mr. Bravo. I’ve never seen anything like it.” 
“She’s telling the truth, too,” You piped up. He absently wondered if his disbelief at the statement appeared clearly on his expression. 
“You’ll forgive me if I don’t believe you. I hear that sentiment often.” His smooth voice dripped with charm, his dimple deepening in his cheek with a cheeky smile. 
You ducked your head. A tendril of lightly curled hair fell over your shoulder, framing your face gently. His fingers itched to tuck it behind your ear, but he refrained. 
“Do you throw parties like this often?” 
“Not as often as you think,” he said softly. 
“No?” You appeared surprised, a faint swirl of confusion simmered in your beautiful eyes. 
“Well, maybe the next time you have a party, you can invite us again.” 
He chuckled at your forwardness. “I didn’t invite you to begin with.” 
An eyebrow lifted high on your forehead. “You invited her. I’m her plus one.” 
“Lovers?” He asked curiously. 
“More like platonic life partners,” Canary piped up, taking a sip of her wine, leaving behind a faint red mark from her lipstick. 
“So you wouldn’t mind if I asked you out on a date, then?” He stepped closer to you, a dark-eyed gaze raking over your body. 
That same eyebrow continued to lift. He suppressed a chuckle at your reaction. Even in surprise and slight disbelief, you looked beautiful. Unafraid. Willing to stand toe to toe with him despite not knowing him or knowing what he could do.
“So forward, Mr…”
“Bravo. Dieter,” he said as he extended a hand in formal greeting. 
your slender hand took his and he held onto it far longer than he needed to. His thumb brushed over your knuckles, feeling the soft ridges of your skin, memorizing the feel of them. your hand felt so nice in his. Warm. Inviting. Full of life. 
The gentle pads of your fingers brushed gingerly over the apple of his cheek, pulling him from his reverie. Dark brown eyes peered down curiously at you. Even looking back on their meeting made him feel trapped. He lied to you. He continued to lie to you, and the realization bothered him to the depths of his very core. He sighed softly. 
“Are you okay?” you asked, your fingers still skimming over his skin. 
“Yeah,” he began as he sat up in the bed, the black silk sheets of his bed falling around his hips as he settled back into his headboard, “I’m fine.” 
“I don’t believe you,” you sat up beside him, keeping the sheets wrapped securely around you. 
He shrugged. “You can believe me or not. I won’t change my answer.” 
Your eyes narrowed. “Why not?” 
“Because I don’t want to tell you everything about myself. Let a man keep his secrets.” 
“I don’t want you to tell me everything. I mean, I do, but I’m not going to demand anything.” 
“No? Because ‘why not’ seems a bit demanding, if I’m being honest with you.”
You stared at him for a long moment, your eyes dark with anger and a hint of frustration. This is how it ends. A relationship barely begun smothered under the weight of darkness. He felt foolish under your gaze. Foolish to think that a mortal woman could stay with him. Foolish to think a mortal would understand the need for secrets and protection. 
“So sue me for wanting to get to know you a little.” 
You slid from the bed, naked, gathering your clothes quickly and dressing just as fast. He felt the edges of your thoughts, his stomach sinking at what he encountered. your mind swirled with anger and sadness and more importantly, to him, resignation. The emotion confused him as he watched you. 
“You know,” you began again as you clutched your sweater to your chest, “you don’t have to be so damned difficult.” 
“I never said I was easy to handle.” 
“It’s not just that.” 
“What is it, then?” 
You tugged the sweater over your head. “I want more than just sex, Dieter.”
He snorted. “Could’ve fooled me.” 
“Oh, go to hell.” 
He growled, shucking the sheets from his body to pull on his pajamas, shirt included. This stupid conversation required clothes, no matter how much he wished it didn’t. Sometimes, he thought that maybe you just wanted to misunderstand him. Maybe you wanted to push him away, keep him at arm’s length. He felt out the edges of your mind again and frowned even more, anxiety and annoyance thumping in his chest. 
“God, don’t you know when I’m joking and when I’m not?” 
“I can’t read your mind, asshole. Plus, what woman wants to be basically called a whore?” 
“When in the hell did I call you a whore?” 
“Just now,” you snapped, tugging your hair up into a tight, severe ponytail. “‘Could’ve fooled me,’” you mocked. “Fuck you.” 
His eyes slipped closed, exhaustion etching into the wrinkles on his face. “I’m just telling you the truth.” 
“Yeah, sure, but you know what would help right now? Tact.” 
You left the bedroom in a flurry of fabric and hair and frustration, slamming the door behind you sharply, leaving him standing there, robe hanging open, shoulders slumped. Christ, he hated this. He hated what he’d become. He hated who he was, the self-deprecation rolling through him as he sighed and collapsed onto the edge of the bed. 
God damnit. 
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thesparringpanther · 2 years
Through the Looking-Glass and What RWBY Found There
Alice in Wonderland might have been the most theorized fairytale for RWBY, and we are finally getting a Volume that seems entirely based around the Alice books!!!! With Volume 9 coming out tomorrow I thought about what allusions the characters may also play as, sticking strictly to the two Alice books. Hope I explained myself well, but would love to hear your suggestions as well.
Ruby/RWBY/Alyx (The Girl Who Fell Through the World) - Alice
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Reason: The main characters, the outsider introduced to the confusing worlds of Wonderland & Looking-Glass World. Alice is affected by these worlds, such as shrinking, growing, thinking she is another girl, forgetting her own name, etc. In both stories, Alice struggles with her own identity. Wonderland marks her end of childhood, as she returns to the real world after maturing. Through the Looking-Glass reflects how she has grown up.
The Ever After - Wonderland & The Looking-Glass World
Little - The Mouse & Stuart Little
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Reason: A mouse is among the first characters Alice encounters in Wonderland. The mouse briefly freaks out over the mention of a cat.
Stuart Little should be obvious.
Queen - The Red Queen & Humpty Dumpty
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Reason: Not to be confused with the Queen of Hearts, the Red Queen is defined by her chess motif. She invites Alice to participate in her chess game as a pawn of the White Queen. While depicted as an old lady, she is childish and immature in nature. Alice is the winner of this chess game, inadvertently leading to her return to the real world.
Curious Cat - Cheshire Cat & curiouscat
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Reason: Popular character and companion of Alice. Tends to speaks in philosophical riddles, but informs Alice of the structure of Wonderland. Has the ability disassemble its body, most notably as separating its head from its body to avoid being beheaded by The Executioner.
curiouscat is a website where you can ask people questions.
What Are You? - The Wood Where Things Have No Names
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Reason: A forest Alice briefly travels through, where she slowly forgets not only her name but the names of objects too. She encounters a fawn that has also forgotten its name as well, and they happily travel together, before coming out of the woods and regaining their memories, leading the fawn to run away in fear. The woods represent the idiom, ignorance is bliss.
The Knight - The Executioner
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Reason: A servant of the Queen of Hearts, typically in charge of executing whoever the Queen of Hearts has charged. While originally depicted as the Ace of Clubs, the 2010 film depicts him in a heart suit to better suit his allegiance to the Queen of Hearts. Usually wields an axe.
Monster - The Jabberwock
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Reason: An ill-defined monster described in Through The Looking-Glass. Typically THE monster portrayed in Alice-based stories.
Fly - The Gnat
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Reason: A gnat that Alice encounters before she enters The Woods Where Things Have No Names. Argues with Alice that names have no importance and then vanishes.
The Blacksmith - The Queen of Hearts
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Reason: The titular enemy of Alice, defined by her heart of card motif. She is selfish and possessive, and has a penchant for beheading. However, her victims are normally saved by the oafish King of Hearts.
Trash Panda - The Knave of Heart & Rocket Raccoon
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Reason: The Knave of Hearts is a thief. He is put on trial to be executed for stealing the Queen' tarts.
MCU Rocket Raccoon likes to steal prosthetics.
Neo - The Mad Hatter
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Reason: The Mad Hatter is a character defined from both their famous hat and being insane. The character is based on the phrase "mad as a hatter", an old phrase to describe someone who is crazy and/or unpredictable.
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The Sentence
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The Sentence by Louise Erdrich
it feels almost criminal that i have waited this long to read any Louise Erdrich. her work has been in my periphery since 2004, when my best friend wrote heavily about one of her books for her undergraduate thesis (sorry B, i still haven't read The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse). i picked up this one earlier this year, when i was only just getting back into reading more regularly, because (i'm pretty sure) that same friend recommended it, and i love ghosts.
this book contains so much, and somehow still feels so simple and straightforward. like, of course, perfectly ordinary for Tookie to help a crush by transporting a body, who hasn't laughed at greeting card that promises the same? totally expected for the justice system to work against and incarcerate an Ojibwe woman, and just totally normal life stuff for her to marry the former cop who arrested her after she gets out and then have a fraught relationship with his grown daughter and surprise grandchild. and come on, what indigenous-owned independent bookstore isn't haunted by the ghost of a regular customer, especially during early COVID-19, in Minneapolis, amid the grief and rage following the murder of George Floyd?
SO MUCH HAPPENS in this book, but it's all narrowed to Tookie's pov--her own very personal and specific wants and fears, her struggle and belief. it's beautifully done, so delicately balanced, a book that fills you like a warm meal even as you're crying and remembering what you felt like sitting in bed and looking out the window and wondering when you would ever feel safe out there again. i hesitate to call it magical realism, even though i think that's where it falls in the range of "kinds of books i like," because Tookie presents every event as equally real--and in February of 2020, i would have thought a worldwide pandemic and indefinite lockdown just as unlikely as a retail ghost and the otherworldly power of an old book (which is to say, all things i could imagine happening but had never happened to me personally). magnificent.
the deets
how i read it: as an ebook from the library, via Libby! this was at a time when i hadn't yet gotten back into the habit of reading and so frequently forgot to go back to books i was in the middle of, but this one was so compelling i actually finished it before it was due.
try this if you: are ready to process some of that 2020 terror, love a main character whose flaws are part of her charm, want a book with a majority native cast of characters, or just want to hang out in somebody else's weird life for a while.
some memorable moments: i read this a while ago and no longer have it handy to quote, so this is a fun test of my bad memory! there were a lot of scenes i really liked that i can recall, but one that sticks out as very charming to me was when Tookie's artist coworker at the bookstore closed herself in a repurposed confessional booth to decorate the inside, got a little high on the glue, and in this altered state confirmed Tookie's suspicion that a former customer was haunting the store. I loved everything about this; the slightly weird artsy coworker, the confessional in the bookstore (based, i presume, on the one that lives in Erdrich's store, Birchbark Books), the triumph of having someone validate your ghost theory and the tragedy of wondering if it's just because she's been breathing glue fumes.
also, i just love so so much that Louise Erdrich wrote herself into her own book, as the owner of the bookstore in the book which is not quite, but almost, her own bookstore in real life. please i want to just chat with her for several hours, what a mind.
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faiirytalcs · 1 year
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HARRY GLAD is based on HAPPY from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. He is a 35 year old HUMAN, HIDEAWAY TAVERN COOK, and uses he/him pronouns. He has NO POWERS.
Important History
harry is one of many people who work at hideaway hostels with zero memories about his life before waking up in evermore but slowly they are coming back to him
small things will randomly come back to him but, if anything, these memories are making him realize how much more he likes his new life here
his constant optimism gets on some people's nerves but he doesn't take that to heart. there are people put on this earth to keep people hopeful, to keep smiles on their lips and put laugh lines on their faces - that person is harry
he doesn't take too much seriously and is always ready with a dad joke, a pun, and a keg on tap to make sure the party keeps going.
though there are points when his need to find a silver lining can be grating, he is reliable in that he will always try unless it's a severely serious moment, in those situation he can read the room and instead offers a shoulder to cry on without question or complaint
harry is like a frat bro grown up and way less problematic. his favorite things to do are drink with his friends, cook for the customers with the goal of making them friends and have casual relationships
this is the thing, harry loves to dance but he cannot dance. the man has two left feet but it does not stop him from getting out on the floor and dragging people with him. having rhythm or sticking to a beat doesn't really matter if you're having fun and that's all harry cares about
a beer man through and through. sure, there are other drinks out there but being at the tavern has really trained him to have a lager and not even look in the direction of hard liquor. sometimes he'll have red wine but that's it!
comfort food is Harry's favorite kind of food to make. he loves cooking and every meal he makes at hideaway feels like it was cooked by one of you closest friends on a rainy night meant to be eaten next to a roaring fireplace - and that's exactly how he likes it.
his love is overflowing and most of it can be felt in his meals although he won't hold back from telling you how he feels at every possible moment
though he still can't remember his life fully before ending up in evermore, this town is like his family - every single person in it, for better or worse
an excellent card player, specifically gin rummy or any version of gin, the man loves to end his night in the tavern with some people playing a friendly, yet somewhat serious, game until the fire dies down
once harry meets someone, they become a friend, someone that he'll think about randomly later on and wonder how they've been. even if you had one single conversation, that would be enough
if he can do something for someone, let them crash on a couch, give them a need plate of food or drink - he'll do it. he doesn't even have to think about it. all he cares about is taking care of people
though society would tell harry he's short, he's never let that affect him in anyway. people might care about that but he's not one of those people
Face Claim: skylar astin
Height: 5′9″
Build: fit
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair Color: brown
Piercings: n/a
Positive Traits: empathetic, flirtatious, optimistic, playful
Negative Traits: forgetful, immature, indecisive, self-indulgent
Likes: revelry, freshly opened kegs, spontaneous parties and piano riffs, homemade meals on wooden tables, perfect poured pints, worn in flannels and jeans, physical touch as a love language
Dislikes: casual cruelty in the name of being honest, pretentious people, worms, minimalism, starch pressed shirts, killjoys, over salted food
Phobias: lilapsophobia
Hobbies: learning card tricks, testing new recipes, thrifting
Aesthetic: booming laugher late at night, dancing to a beat that only you can hear, humming a melody to yourself when doing chores, never taking anything so seriously that it ruins the fun, farmers markets on sunday morning, rolled up flannels in the kitchen, deep conversations between new friends after a few drinks, constantly complimenting those around you and meaning it
Mother: marcia glad
Father: thomas glad
Sibling(s): benjamin glad ( older brother ), daniel glad ( older brother )
Pet(s): cooper ( terrier mix )
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fee-phy-fo-fum · 2 years
“This is Memory Replicated Android, the Eleventh. The other roboticists have taken to calling it MAR11 for short.”
“Mari,” she echoes. “She… She looks just like... Himari...”
So I've watched a few M3GAN things last night (may or may not be minorly absorbed in it right now, I can't wait for it to come out) and then I was just thinking about OMORI because yknow. OMORI has consumed my mind and my every waking hour. So... M3GAN au!
I wanted to like. Write it out as a story but I'm. Not up to it right now. So these are just. Thoughts on the whole thing plus colour coding because I love colours, they make my brain go "mmmm shinyyy"
Also Sunny is yellow not black because I love colour theory and opposing colours as a juxtaposition of who these characters represe-
(And also bc I worked on dark mode and literally could not see black)
Let's go!
Suzuki Himari (aka Mari) passes away due to an illness. Her father is a roboticist and her mother is a lawyer and they divorced after Mari's death. Their son, Tsuneyuki (Sunny), lives with their mother in Faraway Town.
Due to the kids' (the whole gang, really) young ages (8 and 11), their parents explain Mari's disappearance as... Boarding school. Hero has his suspicions, Sunny grows more withdrawn without his Nee-chan, and everyone misses Mari.
A year or two after Mari's death, the father brings the mother to his workplace to show off MAR11, who has Mari's memories uploaded to it. (Why does he have Mari's memories? He took her to his workplace once - there was a whole argument with her mother over it that also played a part in the divorce.) The mother brings her home.
Sunny is positively delighted by the reappearance of his Nee-chan and immediately drags her out to meet their friends. Without letting his mom tell him about. Stuff. And then it's never the right time to talk about the stuff.
So! MAR11 is an android, yeah? Her instructions are really just... to the extent of "Embody Mari and fulfill her wishes". There's just... one issue. Mari was like. 11. When she passed.
Now, I don't know about you but when I was 11, I would stare at people and wish they would explode.
MAR11 is also not really equipped to handle and process any emotions that Mari had. She just has the memories and a logic-based decision-making system. ("Would Mari do this? How would she go about doing this? Will this impact their views of Mari? Will this make them unhappy?")
Mari just... really wanted to make her friends happy. And so MAR11's mission starts off with that! Sunny drags MAR11 to reunite with all their friends! Everything goes great! Yes, sure MAR11 is a little different from Mari, but it's been two years. Surely she's grown up!
(Little note on the gang's reaction to MAR11: Their ideas of Mari have been warped slightly by time, distance and longing. "Distance makes the heart grow fonder" and all that. They have a bit of an idealised and romanticised view of her - maybe not to the extent of canon not quite, but definitely something. MAR11 makes it worse, because she's an android and is capable of doing things literally perfectly. Cue the gang (mostly the younger ones) trying to live up to even more impossible standards.)
Once the euphoria wears off, Hero starts noticing... things. Things about how MAR11 is acting. So he starts asking the adults questions. The adults (probably only Sunny's mom) are cagey af. (The rest are just very confused?) He asks Sunny. Sunny is blinded by having "Mari" back. He asks MAR11 instead. MAR11 gaslights, gatekeeps and girlbosses because ignorance is bliss.
Whether or not the gatekeeping is a success (I can't decide), the escalation of MAR11's behaviours and actions starts slowly.
Maybe someone picks on... one of the younger kids. MAR11 steps in, like a big sister would. Normal kind of stepping in.
("Thank you, Mari!" Aubrey sniffs, even as a smile takes over her face and she throws her arms around MAR11's waist.
MAR11 smiles, carding her fingers through Aubrey's hair. "Don't worry! Big sister Mari will always take care of you. All it costs is your love!")
That's just how it starts, of course.
Maybe the bullies are relentless. Maybe even after they stop, strange things happen to them. Maybe they, strangely enough, insist on moving away from this place they've lived all their lives. Maybe they can't speak of what happened.
Maybe they can. Maybe they report it. Maybe they try to. Maybe they never succeed.
If the gaslighting works, Hero is dragged along by MAR11 on this unfortunate ride - a blinded accomplice. No one believes that Mari would do... any of the heinous crimes she actually does, and they're even less willing to believe Hero would.
("You're joking, right? ... ... ...Puh-lease, Hero's... He's Hero, y'know? That's just crazy!"
"... No."
"Mari...? And Hero...? That... That wouldn't make sense..."
"Hmph! You don't even know them well enough to be talking about them like that!")
If the gaslighting fails, Hero tries to talk MAR11 down from what she's doing, under the impression that she's actually Mari because the poor guy just doesn't have the full story. Emphasis on that he tries.
("Did I do something to upset you?" <- aesthetically placed bloodstain
"Mari, please... You don't have to do this. This isn't like you!"
"Silly Hero." That mildly creepy cheek caress that people do. "I'm just making sure that no one can ever harm our little siblings ever again."
"I don't want to hurt you. But if you keep getting in my way... I'm afraid I may not have a choice.")
...How it ends? ...Ask me tomorrow if you're really interested, I've exhausted my brain juice.
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punkbarbarian · 2 years
multiples of 6 for kai and will!!
6. how have they changed in the last year? how about the last five years?
kai: in the last year, i think kai has started to become more open about how they feel and have gotten better (at least a little) at communicating with people. in the past 5 fears they've changed a lot. 5 years ago they emancipated themself from the foster system and has been through a Lot Of Shit. they've definitely grown, i think for the better
will: i think will has been stuck in a routine for a while now, only recently being broken by coming to lost. even like, 6 months ago he was pretty different. he was alone for a pretty long time and didn't let himself open up to people, but now he has started to
12. how have they altered their body? piercings, tattoos, biohacks, or other modifications—anything. why (or why not) did they (or someone else) make those changes?
kai: absolutely covered in tattoos, mostly done themself. they're friends with a few artists so they also have some done "professionally." they have a lot of piercings in their ears and also their eyebrow, nostril, septum, and lip! they did this because it looks tight as fuck
will: will doesn't have any tattoos or piercings! he likes them on other people, but personally doesn't want any
18. what dish brings back the best memories for them?
kai: beef ramen that their grandma would make them when they were sick as a kid <3
will: sunday morning breakfast - scrambled eggs, bacon, & biscuits. he and his family would always eat breakfast together on sundays, even after he got married to his husband! it was their weekly ritual
24. are they close to any family members?
kai: he was very close with his grandma before she passed bc she was the one who raised him. they're an only child and didn't know their parents so they're not close w any biological family. he does think of the party as family though <3
will: he was very close with his parents and siblings until he left his hometown. he hasn't been in contact with them for over a decade
30. how do they handle confrontation?
kai: immediately squares up and tries to out-confront the other person. they also may try to lie their way out of a situation depending on the type of confrontation
will: tries to diffuse the situation and listen to the other person. unless they're wrong, in which case he will roast their ass
36. how do they fidget?
kai: always tapping out a song on their fingers, tapping their toes, picking at their jewlery and clothes
will: taking things apart and putting them back together, playing with his hair and beard
42. can they dance?
kai: absolutely not, unless moshing and intense arm swinging counts
will: enough to get by but not enough to tell someone else what to do
48. do they relate to anyone in their group? conversely, which person do they relate to the least?
kai: i think kai relates the most to nettle, but also sees parts of himself in bo and nox (all autistic party will have some overlaps lol). in general, i think they relate the least to bo bc they are really such different ppl. based on height alone
will: cass because they're both older and are generally tired of everyone's shit, also morel bc of how matter of fact they are. probably relate the least to divine because of. everything about her lmao
54. how important is money in their life? do they save up for ages, or spend quickly?
kai: thinks being anticapitalist is an excuse to be absolutely terrible with money. they are so chaotic with their spending and probably don't have a credit card because it's supporting a predatory system
will: actually knows how to save up money and reasonably spend in order to keep enough in case of emergencies
60. what do they have faith in? what keeps them believing?
kai: above all has faith in themself. they've made it this far, so there's no reason to not keep going
will: believes in good always conquering evil, even when it doesn't feel that way. hope is a driving force for him
66. which fruit do they like most?
kai: dragonfruit!
will: granny smith apples!
send me character asks!
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lindsayrps · 8 months
ultraviolet morning light
the mess hall is the last place indigo wants to be but, barely an hour after waking up, their mission’s been scrubbed due to bad weather so he’s got nowhere else to go.
(if they’d let him fly in this weather, he’d do it but they won’t so here he was.)
of all the things to complain about on base, the food is probably top of the list somehow beating out the lumpy racks in the barracks and the smell that seems to linger no matter how many times the place is scrubbed down when they’re all gone. every time he sets foot inside there he wonders how nobody seems to notice it or even care. there were more important things going on, to be sure, things that made those complaints seem meaningless but with the amount of time they spent there when they weren’t flying, it seems impossible to miss.
the food doesn’t smell half as bad, actually smells like it’s supposed to but that doesn’t mean it’s great, either. they’d be lucky to get bread that wasn’t half stale by the time it’s ever so lightly toasted and tossed onto a plate next to some too crisp to taste like you’re chewing on anything but plastic bacon and some questionable scramble.  the mornings when he flies, he doesn’t seem to care because it’s gone before the thought’s crossed his mind but when he’s got nothing else to focus on, it’s all he can think about.
the coffee is…almost halfway decent. maybe. it’s scalding hot, at least, and washes everything down just fine if he doesn’t think about it too much.
most of the men on base have eaten already so the mess is near empty with only a few in the chow line and a few, scattered at tables around the room, minding their own business. indigo can’t say he knows many of them well enough, not the kind of camaraderie that comes from a flying fortress crew, anyways, but he’d go to hell and back for them all the same. he can’t name them all when everything blurs together but he’s seen them around. the same could be said for the man who, not a speck of food in sight, drops into the chair opposite indigo just as he bites into a corner of his toast.
"you flying today?" he asks and when indigo shakes his head to indicate no, adds, "bad weather, huh?"
"that’s what they say. i’d go either way." he replies around bites of toast. "try not to question the navigators,  though, they get a little squirrelly if you do."
"you’re not wrong." he nods, enthusiastic in this agreement of indigo’s assessment. "you’ll just have to join the rest of us at the officer’s club for the day. i hear there’s a pretty intense card game going on."
"and hustle all of you out of even more money than i already have?" indigo jokes, "i’ve got enough iou’s from everyone that no one’s gonna be able to pay me back if i do that. you, included, if memory serves."  the other man holds his hands up in amused surrender but indigo knows he’ll probably end up there at some point, anyways.
no hustling, though.
"david." he says, by way of an introduction, sticking out a hand.
"indigo." his fork free hand reaches out to clasp david’s in a firm handshake. it’s nice to have a name to put to the face he’s seen in passing over the last few weeks. 
"call sign?" david chuckles.
"god given, i’m afraid." indigo laughs, too, not at all uncomfortable by the assumption. not the first time he’d been asked that, probably not the last, either. he almost wishes it was a call sign, instead, but he’d been saddled with a less than normal name for years now and he’s grown somewhat accustomed to it. doesn’t get said much around these parts, all things considered, but it confuses the hell out of people when it does. he likes that.
"damn," david’s eyes go wide briefly. "your parents must’ve hated you."
"i think they’d argue they’re free spirits first." he shrugs, then grins. "anything after that isn’t worth questioning in my mind."
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hrhmancns · 1 year
Tumblr media
(this is quite long i apologize) 
Manon got her first tattoo the day after she quit the Paris Opera Ballet. Freshly eighteen and newly on her own, she chose a pair of hands reaching and only just touching inked under her left breast. The location was perhaps an attempt to scandalize, now that her body was wholly hers to mark and use and abuse as she pleased. The hands meant something more, she thought, the tentativeness of the touch appealed to her, almost managing to convey how she longed to be touched so much that she couldn’t bear the idea of it. Manon has not revealed the true meaning of this one to anyone, far too vulnerable. 
The feminine form on her right tricep was the result of her first night in New York. Sorrow, regret, anger, resentment, and whatever drugs blending into a heady, manic high - Manon and the artist created the design based upon several of Manon’s nudes she gladly shared as reference. Far more than a moment of vanity and impluse, the sloping delicate lines speak to feelings of beauty and control, just as fragile. 
There once was a little scorpion, grandmother starts, capturing the attention of not only her young grandchildren but the king and queen as well. Manon sits right at her grandmother’s knee, the queen mother’s hand petting dark curls. The little girl basked in the attention, Gwen and Arwyn looking on with what Manon hoped was jealousy, but was likely just interest. The little scorpion wanted to cross a stream, Grandmother continued, but since she could not swim, the stream might have been a mighty ocean. And so she bargained with a frog to ferry her across the water, for if she were to sting him in the middle, they would both perish. But, when they were midway across  - here grandmother’s hand paused, pulling away from Manon who looked up in surprise and hurt - the little scorpion stung the frog, dooming them both. Why, the frog asked, in those last few moments. I cannot help who I am, the little scorpion said. Manon could not remember if it was then that they took to calling her little scorpion, or if she’d imagined the whole thing. Spiteful and cruel, even when it was not in her best interest - the name fit. Years later she reclaimed this moment, etching the little scorpion on to the back of her neck. 
The girl in New York whom she might have loved had Manon not carved out her heart and left it on Hans’ bedside had a thing for tarot and impulsivity. It was halloween, before either of them knew they had less than a week left with each other. One of those specials known only to loyal customers, locals who’d venture to wherever this particular artist landed, unconcerned by dark alleyways and creaking stairs. The deal - pick a card, get a tattoo. Manon went first, vibrant and bold and absolutely running late for something else she’d promised to attend. Three of swords, drawn and inked with the proper reverence and a deep sense of foreboding, upon her sternum. Upright - separation, grief, sorrow, loss.  At the time she’d thought of Hans, and the heart she’d left in his possession. Manon cannot bring herself to consider it an omen, though it is her least favorite yet often most visible tattoo. 
The ivy around her left middle finger is the result of a lost bet, one she knew she’d likely lose upon making. Pride is a peculiar thing, especially amongst family. And it wasn’t in her nature to back down. Ivy grows over things long abandoned, and they’d bet Manon wouldn’t have anyone to marry by age twenty five. She’s come to love this tattoo, even though it is based on a lie. Peace wins out over pride, just this once, and she’d rather protect the memory of what she had more than she’d like to win. 
She’d met that girl in New York, that beautiful vibrant model, at the market - both of them admiring the peonies grown in some billionaire’s greenhouse. On the day she died, Manon was late. The princess had lied about some lunch meeting, and instead gone alone to a matinee of the New York City Ballet - she already felt so lost, why not carve away a bit more of herself at the altar of artistry and music? On the way back to that park side apartment, Manon stopped to buy peonies, an apology for her tardiness and perhaps the first time she’d considered apologizing to the model for something. It was too late. The peonies were the only thing she could hold onto in the rushed and frantic memories of the following weeks. As soon Manon could leave the castle she’d been dragged back to in Wales without raising too much alarm, she wandered into the nearest tattoo parlor and carved that memory into her arm. This is her newest tattoo. 
One more, not pictured. Back when things were good (she wasn’t all that good at keeping track of dates with him), but before it all ended in November 2020 - Manon and Hans chose tattoos for each other. It started, as most things did, with her own incessant boredom that tended to make itself very known when Hans was busy preparing for his teaching position. He loved his job, and Manon loved that for him - and yet still was the selfish, spiteful little scorpion. The game was they’d choose tattoos for each other. There were rules, of course, but she trusted him completely and he’d chosen far stranger things himself than she could ever imagine. She made Hans go first - producing a sketch of a sword stabbing through a sheet of paper to grace his forearm that she was rather proud of. A play on the old ‘the pen is mightier than the sword thing,’ Manon had offered, unable to voice what it actually meant to her for him to be this trusting and open. Hans chose a quote from one of his favorite books, which of course Manon had not yet read, but she insisted he write it in his own handwriting. “i’ll hold onto the world tight someday�� in his careful, sloping script along the ribs under her right breast. She has yet to read the book it comes from, perhaps because she’d rather it belong to him.
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