#based only on pity is actually SELFISH
Love your blog!
Can I request a female hunter reader where she’s looks frightening and intimidating to the survivors but she’s actually very gentle and doesn’t like to hurt them , she doesn’t talk much. She’s very curious of them and finds them very cute, due to that she doesn’t strike them down during the matches she just catches them in her arms and places them gently on the chairs, while camping she likes to examine them closer, for the female survivors she looks at their makeup and plays with their outfits while for the male survivors she likes to boop their nose and play with their hair while giggling. And *cough* *cough* when carrying the male survivors to the chairs she sneakily purposely presses them closer to her *cough* mellonsssss just to tease and see their reaction (she’s a bit of a flirt)
Wasnt sure how to write this but hope you like it.
I based this off a indie game i played lol
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It no secret among the out "gods" of your curiosity towards humans. Hastur claims they are all selfish and greedy creatures, and Cthulhu can claim the same. You, a creature formed by Azathoth, you have seen many of your Creator realms and have decided to study the reality of this world. Nightingale allowed you to see the manor, her domain as long as you respect her rules.
Though she knows a young deity like you will have no want to hunt nor kill humans, she still asks for you to partake in her games.
The last human you where with, in another reality, was detective who was solving a case about the both the death of his father and cult. His mind was amazing to lurk in, and his life exciting to shadow behind. Sadly, he died after solving the case in order to seal a portal going to allow Cthulhu to enter (know him he would have destroyed that realm for disturbing him).
The ones called 'survivors', are fascinating! None, or few, are good people. Most are mentally broken, easy to toy with; others seem to be trying to fight for future only this 'prize' can provide.
When you caught the survivor known as 'perfumer', you felt pity for her but level of shame for the woman. To kill one's kin out of jealousy is an age old tale you are aware. You then found another named 'lawyer' who you are disgusted by. His greed and selfish caused the death and abandonment of a father and a daughter.
You are quite gentle with these humans compared to those like Night Watch or The Ripper, those too seem to feed on the fear of the humans being hunted. The one hunter you enjoy the space of is 'Geisha' or Michiko as she informed you. She does not get a thrill from killing others but she cannot help herself.
You do like this one survivor, he reminds you of your detective. Orpheus, you believe his name is. The meaning behind the name is not lost to you, it even adds to the charm. Hm, no there are others you like too. Priestess and Seer, for they seem to be the only ones to know you are no normal or limited hunter like the others. You do not kill for thrills, you chair them as per the rules. The conversations with them is quite amusing. Enchantress too, though she did attempt to stab you when she thought you a threat. Another you enjoy studying is 'Prisoner' his mind is mess but it holds many, many treasures of inventions.
Oh, it so hard to claim a favorite! You love to hold them close to your chest to feel their life close to your unreal one. Flesh and blood, a heartbeat, they are alive! Though you have been told but both Embalmer and Grave Keeper not to hold them in such an improper manner-- Though you do not like using the balloons to hold them up in the air, it seems rather silly.
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supraveng · 2 years
Trying to mend a broken heart
        Part Two
Part One
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Summary: you and Bucky don’t get along, constantly pushing each others buttons, this time he may have pushed you too far
A/N: Non canon; Marvel characters but no superheroes or Avengers; post college AU…..I am focusing on angst for the first few chapters, I’ll decide if it changes to a happily ever after based on feedback
Word count:~1200
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The next morning you woke up and decided you were not going to extend your pity party any further.  Today was going to be a day for you to be self indulgent and selfish as much as you wanted.  It would be the first weekend in a long time that you wouldn’t do a few hours of work at home just to stay on top of all the ongoing projects.  
The first thing needed to start your day was caffeine so you made your way downstairs, happy to see that none of last night's guests were crashing on the couch.  Once your coffee was brewed you put on your favorite Frank Sinatra album that reminded you of your dad and always put you in a good mood.
Deciding to pamper yourself more than your usual self care, you found your most expensive face mask and applied a thick coat to every inch of your face.   
Breakfast was needed, so you began pulling anything that looked good out of the fridge to figure out what you could make.   Before you could get started, there was a knock on the door, knowing you couldn’t ignore it, you answered the door without an embarrassment for being in your pjs or the state of your hair or face.  
The last person you expected or wanted to see was standing there when you opened.  Bucky looked shocked when he saw you, but you ignored it and just stared at him, expecting him to ask for Natasha or at least why he was here. 
 “Uh…hi” was the only thing that came out of his mouth.   
Were you still mad about last night? Yes.  Did you expect him to show up and apologize for the way he spoke to you?  No, but you hoped he would.  
Last night had been a low point for you, sure you had only been dating a few months, but you had hoped that this relationship would go somewhere with Jeffrey.  Then to have this dipshit belittle you like he did in front of everyone hurt more than you had anticipated.  
Deep down you had always hoped that there could be something between you and Bucky.  He was smart, funny, charming, loyal to his friends, and to top it all off, drop dead gorgeous, but his comments last night showed you what he really thought of you.  
It wasn’t playful teasing, like Natasha had tried to convince you through the years. It was mean and hurtful and completely intentional, so right now, him standing in front of you was a bit shocking, but you tried your best to not allow it to show on your face.  
“What are you doing here, Barnes?” you asked, hoping to move this painful interaction along.  
“Right, um, last night” he managed to stutter out.  Was he nervous?  Was he actually here to apologize?  
“I think I left my cell phone here.  I would have called or texted Nat….but I don’t have my phone”   is this a fucking joke?  You scoffed as you opened the door, stupid of you to assume this man had any respect for you at all. 
“I haven’t seen anything but take a look around”  He only nodded as he passed by you, heading into the living room.  
Having no interest in being in the same room, you headed back to the kitchen and started chopping veggies for your omelet.  Focusing on your food, you hadn’t realized that Bucky had entered the kitchen until he cleared his throat to get your attention. 
Staring at him standing there in front of you, you almost forgot the hurtful things he’s constantly throwing at you.  He’s just so handsome that you would probably dissolve on the floor if you didn’t hate him so much.  You scoffed at how you had previously revealed your attraction to him to your roommate in a drunken stupor.
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~~~flashback  (2 months after meeting Bucky)~~~
Today was crazy but you tried your best to get through it without biting anyone's head off.  Being promoted to the head of your department was supposed to make your life easier, but you couldn't be more wrong.  
"All right, gorgeous, that's enough for today, let's go, I'm taking you to dinner." Looking up you see Tony Stark anxiously waiting for you in the doorway. 
"Hi handsome" you shook your head and tried to continue with your work only for him to proceed to annoy you into giving him attention.  
"Chop chop, I'm hungry" he started snooping around your desk without really even asking if you could leave now. 
"Thanks for the invite but I have a lot of work to do" you look at him trying to convince him to leave only to be more agitated by his presence.  
"It wasn't a request, Pepper is stuck in Chicago and if I go to dinner by myself, well we don't want to think what could happen.  And as your boss, cousin and favorite person alive, I insist you join me" he extended his arm to you and you couldn't help but laugh at him. 
 "Ok, you win.  Where are we going?" You asked while grabbing your things and taking his arm.   
Dinner with Tony was a blast, just watching people react and practically trip over themselves to impress thee Tony Stark was very entertaining.  
By the time he dropped you at home, it was later than usual and Natasha and Steve seemed to be waiting up for you in the living room.  "Oh thank goodness you are ok" Steve immediately pulled you into a hug.  
You couldn't help but laugh at his response, "I was at dinner, if you were so worried, you could have called" you booped his nose and laughed again at his response.  
"Are you drunk?  On a Tuesday night?"  That had set you over the edge and you laughed so hard you fell to the floor.  
Only responding with a "yep", popping the P for extra emphasis.  “Oh, and Tony gave me his VIP box at the Knicks game this weekend, so tell  everyone.  M’kay, I’m going to bed”  Heading up the stairs, Nat and Steve were following right behind you.   
“Here, sweetie, let me help you get ready for bed” Natasha was always worried about you when you drank too much, her motherly instincts kicking in to help you out.  
Steve watched from the doorway as Natasha went about helping you wash your face and brush your teeth, before speaking up.  “When you say everyone, does that include Bucky?” He wanted to see you both happy and knew you would be good together but didn’t want to push.  
Your face immediately had a dopey grin at the mention of Bucky, somehow forgetting how he played with your feelings the last time you were around each other. 
 “Oh definitely, he’s so handsome” you smiled at Steve before spitting the toothpaste in the sink.  Steve and Nat exchanged a look that you missed, but you continued to chat about all the positive traits Bucky seemed to possess, almost curious if he was even real.  
Steve left in the middle of your babbling to grab you water and aspirin, but you were curled in your bed snoozing by the time he returned, leaving the items on your nightstand for you to find in the morning.  
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The rest of your week flew by, mostly because you were so excited about the basketball game that you were in a good mood about everything.  When the day of the game finally arrived you were bouncing off the walls, when Tony told you the car would pick up you and your gang an hour before tip off.  
That allowed you all to relax and start the celebrations before heading to the game.  You were on your 2nd cocktail when Steve arrived with Bucky in tow, you were a bit shocked, not remembering anything from your drunken ramblings earlier in the week, but put on a small smile and decided his presence was not going to hinder your good time.  
By the time you all made it to Madison Square Garden, your entire group had a very good buzz going and laughing about anything and everything that was happening.  
The VIP box Tony gave you was fully stocked with food and drinks, but at this point all you wanted to do was watch the game.  You perched yourself on the stool closest to the window to watch the action on the court, even though the game hadn’t started yet.  
Almost immediately the group broke out with the guys huddled together and the ladies hanging by you after everyone had a drink in hand.  Yelena was full of questions, so you did your best to explain the rules of the game, the rivalry between the Knicks and the Celtics, not really paying any attention to the rest of the group.  
Just after tip off the door to the suite opened and in walked Tony.  Most of your friends had met him, and knew your relationship with him was important to you, but most didn't understand the extent of it and that was fine with you.  Tony was your ride or die, he was 10 years older than you and as your only cousin but acted more like a big brother.   
You spent as much time together as you could but when his parents died and he was forced to grow up and run the company, nothing you could say seemed to help, but he knew that when it all got too much, you would be there for him, no matter what.
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He comforted you when your mom passed away when you were 12 and was there for you when your dad started dating when you were 16.  But now, even as adults he kept a watchful eye on you, helping you find your way in the world after graduation, offering you a job immediately. 
A job which you turned down multiple times, as you were determined to make it on your own merit, until you had offers from several of Tony's competitors.  Only then deciding that you would rather work for him than against him. 
 And his continued admiration and constant spoiling you, like giving you the VIP box for you and your friends to watch your favorite basketball team.  You were a little surprised he made an appearance at the game but he was welcomed by everyone immediately.  
"Can you keep it down?  I'm trying to watch the game!" you sassed at him the moment he made his grand entrance.  He made his way over, wrapping you in a hug, and pretended to be interested in the game you were watching.  
Bucky was immediately star struck and watched the interaction without trying to make it obvious.  He didn't know you knew thee Tony Stark, and wasn't sure of the connection but tried his best to get more info out of Sam, as he was the only other person not engaged in conversation.
"So, what's the deal with Stark?" attempting to sound casual but a little to in shock to really concentrate on how he was behaving.  
"Huh?  Oh, Y/N works for him, he is always throwing stuff like this at her" Sam responded without taking his eyes off the game. 
"That's not normal for a boss" Bucky thought out loud still wondering what was going on. 
"Well that's how they act, I think he bought her house for her too" he shrugged then cheering at the play when the team rebounded the ball.  
That has stunned Bucky, there is no way you were just his employee.  There had to be more going on there and he wanted to know, his first thought was family, but he knew Tony was an only child. 
Maybe it was a sugar daddy thing, if thee Tony Stark was buying you a house. 
As Bucky slowly made his way closer to you until Tony noticed and turned to him.  
"You're new, I've never seen you before" Tony eyed Bucky before extending his hand. Bucky didn't react right away, you'd seen it before, how people would be in awe of the mere presence of thee Tony Stark, you found it ridiculous. 
"He's a friend of Steve's" you tell Tony without actually introducing them. At this point Bucky some what snapped out of his daze and shook his hand, introducing himself and immediately gushing on Tony's work on blah, blah, blah.  
You weren't in the mood to talk shop, you were here to have fun and watch the game. Half time had started so you finally pulled your eyes away from the game and refocused on the conversation the two were still having. 
"Well, now you have an in, just send your resume in with Y/N's name as your reference and there won't be any problem" Tony smiled from Bucky to you. 
 "Thank you, uh, I didn't know she had that much pull at Stark Industries" Bucky smirked at you as if he was making a joke, assuming you were some sort of assistant answering phone calls and fetching coffee.  
"What? Didn't you tell your friends about your promotion?  You are looking at the new head of Research and Devolvement" Tony looked like a proud father gushing on his kids report card.  Rolling your eyes at the comment you noticed the look of surprise on Bucky's face.  
"Yes, well, be that as it may, you are going to be late for dinner with your wife if you keeping gabbing" trying to push him out the door while grabbing another drink. "Shit, you are right! What would I do without you, gorgeous?" 
"Crash and burn?   Send the Mrs my love, handsome" he pulled you into a tight hug, kissing your cheek, and with that he was out the door.  
Bucky stood there for a moment, not sure how to continue the conversation without Tony there, but he would try.  
"Head of R&D for Stark, that's impressive" Bucky stated as he sat in the empty seat next to you.  
You eyed him, tempted to start a fight as to why he seemed surprised but decided against causing a scene, you just wanted to watch the game and have a good time with your friends, so the only thing your dumb brain could come up with a was "thanks" along with a forced smile.  
Trying to be friendly seemed way too difficult for you at the moment, but it was 1 night, you could make it through.  Looking at Bucky, you could tell he was expecting more so you took a deep breath and continued, 
"I've been there since I graduated, working hard to make my way up the corporate ladder, but Tony's a great boss, so it's worth it" you shrugged before accepting another drink from Yelena when she plopped down on the other side of you.  
The rest of the night the two of you chatted, nothing deep but you were nice and friendly with one another.  Maybe you could let him into your inner circle, if Steve and Natasha thought he was so great maybe you could try and tolerate him for their sake.
~~~~end flashback ~~~~
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"Found it" he raised the phone in his hand.  You simply nodded and continued to cook your breakfast, not sparing him anymore attention.  
"Um, about last night" he started and you could feel yourself cringe at his comment. 
"Nope, we aren't going there" you shook your head and continued to ignore him.
 "Come on, I just want to" but you cut him off before he could finish.  
"I don't care what you want, and I don't give a damn about what you have to say" your cold glare made him take a step back.  Realizing how badly he had screwed up, he wasn't sure what to do next.  
"You know where the door is, you can let yourself out" you grabbed your food, passed him and headed to the living room to enjoy your breakfast.  
Bucky let out a breath before heading to the front door, closing it behind him as he dialed Steve’s number. 
"That didn't work" he grumbled into the phone before getting on his bike.  
"Ok pal, we'll figure this out" 
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stopthebig3 · 1 year
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To the Sakura stans who ship sasusaku and narusaku in my mentions liking my anti hinata posts, (and being too lazy or incapable of making such posts themselves) know that Sakura is also a useless and selfish character that Kishimoto despises..
Kishimoto wrote her as selfish. She never cared about Sasuke as a person, she doesn’t even know who he is. She only knows he’s hot. Her crying every five seconds doesn’t mean she cares about him, it means she cares about herself. Both of her confessions were about herself.
The fact you guys can see Hinata is useless and selfish but can’t see the same with Sakura, despite the fact it’s underlined in the manga over and over again, only shows that you overlook things in characters you relate to. Sakura doesn’t even make a good self-insert considering everytime she makes a confession, she is brutally rejected, by both boys.
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This is Sakura uselessly moping over the fact Sasuke didn’t care about her getting stabbed. You know, instead of focusing on the task at hand like a good shinobi would, she focuses on the fact a guy that never showed interest in her still doesn’t. Her whole attack before getting stabbed wasn’t based on any well thoughtout plan but was solely fueled by her selfish need to satisfy her own ego as we see in her inner thoughts just before.
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Here she had another moment of realization that she isn’t that important to Sasuke. But she still pushes on because self respect is not something she has.
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And here is yet another moment in which she realizes she isn’t that significant to Sasuke. But since she is stubborn and refuses to take no for an answer, she gets all angry and starts to scream her selfish confession, despite it’s not even relevant to the situation. I mean look at her, I remember someone said she looks like she is getting ready to fight lol. And then she gives her self pitying confession that some people think is love. Sad.
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This was how Naruto was acting after Sasuke almost butchered Sakura. He wasn’t approving and was telling Sasuke not to do it, but he wasn’t that angry either.
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Or here, after Sasuke put Sakura in a murder genjutsu. “Hey that’s not nice” but overall doesn’t care much. When will you Sakura stans realize Kishimoto doesn’t care about her nor has any respect for her? Even when Sakura confessed to him, Naruto wasn’t heartbroken. Sakura is just a tool to Kishimoto, and he is well aware both Sasuke and Naruto deserve better than Sakura any day. He even implied twice that Sasuke never kisses Sakura.
You people simply sacrificed all reading comprehension, standards and logic at the pink altar of a subpar female character. Hopefully you people are at least young so there’s some room to grow. Sorry if this feels like an attack, but I’m tired of seeing Sakura stans liking my Hinata posts and Hinata stans liking my Sakura posts when both characters have the same bad traits and are constantly being trolled by Kishimoto. It’s hypocrisy.
But I see this person reblogs Sasuke Retsuden stuff so it’s not like she cares what the actual author of Naruto thinks. Wonder if she has even read the manga. Fanfic written by someone completely different is much better I guess.
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tgammsideblog · 1 year
One thing i really like about the episode ¨The (After) life of the Party¨ is how it addressed that Scratch isn't a good friend to Geoff and often treats him poorly.
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At the start of Season 1, Scratch would usually scream at Geoff, ignore him and trick him into doing things he himself didn't want to do. He would take advantage of Geoff's good nature, without giving much in return.
It isn't that he didn't care about Geoff to some extent. Even in the first episodes he let Geoff hang out with him in ¨Howlin Harriet¨, talked to him about his issue with Molly in ¨Not So Honest Abe¨ and helped him return to normal form after he got stuck in a candy machine (The Turnip Twist). The issue was that Scratch took a lot more than he gave in when it came to Geoff. It was something that wasn't addressed properly, only brought up in some moments by characters like Molly.
And look, this type of dynamic can work if your character is intended to be a villain. Since in that case it isn't intended to be seen as something good and we understand that the character's manipulative tendencies are supposed to be morally wrong based on their role in the story. But, Scratch is written as a character who is supposed to change and become a better person over time, he isn't a ¨villain¨, he has his own arc and he learns from his mistakes. That's why his initial dynamic with Geoff only works in the few first episodes from Season 1 when Scratch was still a very selfish and inconsiderate character who didn't care that much about how he made others feel. At some point you may want to see this imbalance in their friendship beaddressed and explored properly since you want Scratch to become a better ghost over time.
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Cut to Season 2 ¨The (After) Life of the Party episode, Scratch is invited to go to Jeff's party since he is the chairman of the Ghost World now, meaning that he now can fit in with the elite ghost class. He is a respected ghost (or at least a lot more than he used to be), to the point others allow him to cut line when he is waiting for his turn in the cafe.
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However, going to this party means that he will be skipping Geoff's party, leaving Scratch conflicted in between going to his friend's event or going to the ¨popular guys club¨ party. So Scratch fakes being sick in front of Geoff and lying to him about how he can't go to his party. Geoff buys this and hopes that Scratch is able to get well from his ¨sickness¨.
Moments after that Scratch goes to Jeff's party. He is having fun until he realizes that Geoff is in this party too. As result he spends most of his time trying to hide away and avoid Geoff, because he doesn't want his friend to find out that he lied to his face.
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So in this episode is brought up how Scratch is letting Geoff down, how it was wrong for him to lie this way (brought up by other characters) and Scratch spends most of the episode feeling guilty about skipping Geoff's party to the point he feels that he has to avoid him.
Jinx also serves to make Scratch feel more conflicted as she does everything she can to trick the blue ghost into meeting with Geoff, leaving aside how her intentions in that situation were for her own gain and being pitiful.
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Near the end of the episode Geoff finds Scratch and he explains that the party is Jeff's and his 100th anniversary of them being together as a couple. Scratch admits that he faked being sick and apologizes to Geoff for lying to him. He even admits how ¨you are good friend Geoff, better than i deserve¨. Of course, Geoff quickly forgives him, since he is in general easy to let things go.
This whole episode was crucial to Scratch and Geoff's relationship because it actually explored how Scratch was being a bad friend to Geoff and has Scratch fully admitting and regretting his actions for how he wasn't honest with his friend. Until this episode Scratch was never shown to feel guilty about the way he treated Geoff. This was a good step for his character development, realizing how he took the green ghost's friendship for granted. While it didn't fix everything in their relationship, it was a good start for Scratch to stop trying to take advantage of Geoff all the time and treat him more as an equal than someone to order around.
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saintsenara · 11 months
1, 11, 27 for Snape asks!
thank you for the ask, pal!
1. do you have a snOTP? what is it?
answered here - the tl;dr is:
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11. what are your favourite scenes with book!snape?
it's a toss-up between the ‘i know what a nickname is’ scene in half-blood prince - in which harry's deciding to be a comedian and snape is clearly losing his mind - or him running rings around bellatrix in the same book. the line about 'endless reminiscences of how unpleasant azkaban is'... i gasped. he ate her up!
27. do you think snape was close to his mother?
eileen snape’s standard fanon persona seems to be that she’s someone who’s extremely distant and cold. hints of this are there in canon, especially in how she behaves at king’s cross in ‘the prince’s tale’ - and how the child snape behaves around her - although i think we should extend her the grace of recognising that having joy gradually sapped from you by the twin yokes of poverty and domestic abuse would make anyone ‘sour-faced’.
many children who grow up around domestic violence feel the need to become ‘protectors’, and take on a responsibility for soothing and caring for the parent - who in almost 100% of cases will be their mother - who is experiencing abuse. the adult snape, however, has such a tendency to loathe people who are self-pitying, who complain, or who regard themselves as experiencing unfairness or difficulty that i’m afraid to say that he’d fall into the ‘you should have left him and you were selfish for not doing so’ camp, and blame his mother for her entire life for staying with his father.
even though it is, of course, never that easy. 
while we’re on eileen: my hottest take is that - contrary to the standard fanon surrounding her - there’s no way she can actually be from an elite pureblood family if her marriage to a working-class muggle man is announced in the daily prophet. the only person who ever suggests she might be is harry, who does so on the basis of no evidence, in order to force a comparison between snape and voldemort as a way of soothing his furious grief over dumbledore’s death. but one of the central jokes in voldemort’s background is that he is - by far - the most aristocratic character in the entire series, in both the magical and muggle worlds, but he is denied access to the social cachet this brings in the muggle world because he’s raised in an orphanage and never acknowledged by tom riddle sr. and in the wizarding world because he has a muggle name which means he’s denied access to the lineage-based hierarchy of wizarding society, even though he’s descended from slytherin. it doesn’t make sense, then, for snape to be in the same position - the uniqueness of voldemort’s parentage is the point.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
I love how much Eggman sincerely does not give an actual single fuck about how much damage he does/his creations do to the world, as long there's actually still something for him to conquer
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Literally only focuses on the world part because fuck yeah he's gonna own it babyyyy
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And then him being like "whatever there's still enough for me to conquer lol" and he sounds smug about it in the line delivery too to make it even better
This is why he'll happily destroy wildlife and cities to rebuild his bases or factories or Eggmanland on top of it, why he'll allow shit to be polluted immensely, why he'll blow up half of the moon with the Eclipse Cannon and threaten to fire it at the world to kill people on it if they don't give him what he wants, why he'll literally shoot and break the fucking planet apart in his plan, why he'll unleash destructive evil monstrous eldritch horrors on the world, why he'll happily leave the world as "nothing but ashes, from which a glorious Eggman Empire will rise" and why he only tries to save the world from being completely destroyed entirely so the world he wants to conquer actually still exists and also so he doesn't die obviously
And he doesn't go "um this is for the greater good I'm going to make the world a better happier place for everyone and this is actually a really good and nice thing, I'm the good guy here uwu 🥺" and if he did it'd be lies and propaganda, he isn't stupid and he doesn't actually believe that. But in these cases he knows he's not fooling Sonic and Tails, so he just shows boldly and openly that he truthfully doesn't give a fuck what happens to the world and the state it's in, as long as it belongs to him. When it isn't all his personal doing like Lost World it can be a pity, but when it's all his own doing alone then even that doesn't matter to him.
His way of making the world "perfect" is for HIM ALONE in his own twisted fucked up definition. And all of his plans of both conquering and ruling the world involves it becoming a dead polluted destroyed hellscape, that's his idea of heaven and utopia, a selfish self-centered one that only benefits himself genuinely. But he knows it isn't the good and right thing to do, he calls himself, his creations, and his actions EVIL to prove that. And in other cases he has to use lies and propaganda to deceive people because he KNOWS he's the bad guy, so he makes the conscious decision to cover it up then.
And he's also just as careless towards the actual people he kills in the process, be it intentionally as he does intend to kill Sonic and co all the time and has intended to kill random innocent people- or as collateral damage as he has acknowledged this too- and again didn't give a single fuck about either. He just practically shrugs off collateral damage and celebrates the intentional deaths caused by him. He has no limits in the deaths and destruction caused as long as the world exists to rule. All that matters to him is getting what he wants and he'll go the lowest, most fucked up places to get that and that's why he's such a dangerous threat.
The idea that he isn't all that bad, doesn't actually want to destroy anything or hurt anyone, and his intentions are good and not really from total selfishness and self-centeredness, greed for attention, power, and control, and total evil, just isn't true in the actual games. He isn't stupid. He literally loves fucked up theme parks and similar BECAUSE people having a horrible time and dying terribly in his death trap rides is so cool and fun to him and he likes to take something fun and happy and make it fucked up, the amusement parks are for HIS amusement and everyone else's horror and death hehe
He knows EXACTLY what he's doing. His methods, goals, and ways of ruling the world are all intentionally maliciously evil and messed up. There is not part where it starts getting good and beneficial and he starts being nice. I'm certain that he can only get even worse with the more power he gets. He always either just doesn't care about the damage and death he's causing, he actually enjoys it, or most often both at the same time- depending one what parts he's intending, focusing on, and enjoying- and what is also being done in collateral damage that he doesn't care about at all lol
I love this nasty fucked up bastard so fucking much 🥰💜
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vaalthus · 5 months
The Mana Core (Spoilers)
Oh boy have things escalated quickly.
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I have to say I like the brief gander through the Project Casca laboratory. It reminds me all too well of sequences in other video games, in which, characters finds themselves in dreary or primitive settings only to find highly advanced sterile white rooms indicating they are in the presence of something that completely contrasts the settings they've been in prior that tells them immediately that something is either very off or that the world around them is much bigger than they realize.
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Unfortunately, in the case of the Magesterium's little white room, we learn that we should very much be in a state of unease when learning the consequences of their use of this facility. To learn that the Mana Core is not self-replenishing is very concerning, as it makes manaphages more terrifying, and it's alarming that the Magesters are more than fine with continuing to take pieces of the Core if it means they can have a stranglehold on their empire and how far it reaches if no alternatives can be substituted for the Core. I'm curious as to whether or not they would have brought Lore to the very brink before giving up on this resource and I feel like we already know the answer to that.
and speaking of alternatives...
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Rather interesting to learn that the Exalted did, as suspected, come across MQ based technology and incorporated into their own works. What I find interesting is that one of these remnants was used in the creation of the Exalted Artillery. It certainly explains why the Exalted were able to forge a weapon capable of harming the Aequilibria to begin with as there has been a bit of consistent theme of mechquest related structures, or entities, being able to kind of just break the rules of reality. I wonder, in looking upon this revelation, if Notha would be proud she followed in similar footsteps of the Exalted when it came to incorporating and manipulating technology.
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Which of course explains why Akanthus can't be bounded by the rules of magic in this world and is incredibly strong. Not only is he accessing the vast well of mana that the Magesters so desperately wanted to tap into for themselves one day, which grants him a strong body, but he is also slipping past the laws of the magic that governs Lore. Or perhaps more accurately, those laws are overlooking him so to speak. Either way, the world just doesn't know what to do with something like him or rather what he's been connected to.
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I genuinely do love the amount of self-pitying Akanthus does in this moment. Yes, it does suck that Sobieslav was effectively raised up alongside other children to be experimented upon until they achieved a state that they were rendered effectively magicless in a world defined by magic and that they might just fade into the Ether once they die but it doesn't justify all they did after they were exiled by the Magesterium. It doesn't justify all those he killed or allowed to be killed in the Land of Dragons nor all the suffering he caused under the guise that he was achieving the peace the Rose claimed it offered.
He implies his lack of mana is what made him a monster, inhuman, but it's not. It was his selfishness, brutality, and apathy towards the lives of others. You were human Akanthus. You just chose to be the worst of what we had to offer.
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For a moment, I thought this was going to be the most terrifying moment in this quest...
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I even thought perhaps this was going to be that moment, but no there was something much worse waiting to happen. Also screw this guy for putting his hands on the dragon child!
*Ahem* No what was actually terrifying was this moment.
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The Aequilibria, the gods of this universe, reawakened. Imagine my utter horror at the fact that it wasn't Jaania trying to weave herself into the Core or the doom bomb being the cause of this moment but us bringing Draco, one of its creation, being the reason why the gods woke up to see what was going on in their world.
Curiously enough, they bare the face of Sk'aar prior to turning back to the eight elemental stars we can see at the top of the Exaltia tower when fighting the Engineer in the Inn. This seems somewhat odd given that Sk'aar seemed to be implying they wanted to awaken a separate entity alongside us which seemed to be the Aequilibria itself.
I just love how this moment proved my suspicion that the eight eyes of Sk'aar we saw in AdventureFriends were supposed to be representative of the Elements which makes sense given the only reason we had that dream in the first place is because the love potion we drank had Quintessence in it, something that clearly contains all eight prime elements within it.
Curiosities on the visage of Aequilibria aside, what follows next is a pitiful sight.
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This seems a narrtively fitting end for Akanthus if he can't be harmed. For the longest time, Akanthus viewed himself as an abomination cheated out of his rightful place in the world alongside everyone else and committed countless atrocities in his quest to regain that place. Going as far as waking up the gods of this universe to grant him his way. Upon awakening, they confirm that he is indeed an impurity to the natural order of the world but they do not grant him the connection he seeks. No instead, they remove him even further from the world itself and they contain him in a way only a god can when killing isn't an option. I don't know if this farewell for good to Akanthus since his soul still exists but if so I say goodbye and good riddance to bad rubbish.
With Akanthus finally neutralized, we turn our attention to the elephant in the room:
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Our gods are analyzing the state of their creation.
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And they are not pleased with the current status of Lore one bit.
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All of Lore has just been marked for death because a frozen arch magus and one big metal butthead couldn't leave stuff alone.
Interestingly enough it seems like Aequilibria was referring to the twin cycles when they asked if it was time to start anew. This makes me wonder if Draco themselves aren't necessarily the true destroyer that is meant to wipe clean Lore but merely responsible in alerting Aequilibria when it times to refresh the system and Fluffy in turn is meant to alert them when its time to create life again. It seems somewhat unlikely, especially if they meant they were only waking up because the cycle has gone so wrong, but the Aequilibria makes it sound as if they were supposed to be woken up at set intervals.
What concerns me most though is the way they speak. Others have already pointed out that they talk very robotic in nature, very similarly to how Sk'aar spoke in one of the AdventureFriend routes, and their decisions are very straight to the point and seemingly without any trace of nuance.
Connections to MQ aside, this is very much a being that expects order and nothing but order in the system they have created and if it deems its creation has deviated too far from the system it will conclude to destroy it. I do not have high hopes for being able to reason with such an entity. It took the resources of all the Exalted to force this thing out of commission for a period of time so we are in some serious trouble.
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wack-ashimself · 7 months
Liking the first season of 'Torchwood' BUT...
See, I knew of the show 10 years ago. Watched some of it. Hated it. Forgot about it. But was watching like top 10 most shocking tv deaths (or something like that) and they had season 4 (did NOT know they had that many) of 'Torchwood' on there, saying how the latter two seasons were SOLID AF compared to the first 2 seasons.
And I am getting into it. On the 1st season finale. But I gotta say this show has so many plot holes (record setting for just 1 fucking season), and characters who make the wrong call EVERY TIME, you wonder...who am I supposed to cheer for? Cuz, by the numbers, Torchwood has hurt far more than it helped so far.
The lead-she cheated on her boyfriend (with EASE. It felt weird how easy it was for her being in a committed relationship), drugged him, erased his memory, lied to him, and then (Spoilers) got him killed. Also thru negligence, released an alien that killed a BUNCH of dudes.
The butler-he literally chanced cyber men taking over the world, and got an innocent genius doctor killed, cuz he was too much of a COWARD to let his clearly dying gf go.
Tech lady-She reads everyone's deepest darkest thoughts, then got mad when Jack sent an alien who had been murdering for centuries into the sun. She's not bad, per say, more...neutral. She's harmed the least, for sure. That's such a low bar, tho...
Captain Jack-The original reason I watched the show. I LOVED his character on Dr Who. But...this is not him. Not the same guy. Not the free spirited, happy, goofy, witty, always ready, near-god. No. This is an immortal having a mid mid mid life crisis cuz he's lived so long and WANTS to die. Seriously, cuz of his shit, and the lead's, this is like a partial drama. I will say, tho, he has had to make some TOUGH calls which did not make him well liked, but I respected him cuz you knew, deep down, it had to be done, and no one else was gonna do it*.
The doctor-In the finale I am on, he was fired. And I hope his character dies. I fucking hate him. I hate his face, his voice, his actions, his brain; everything. He convinces the noobie to cheat with him, after he basically mouth rapes her. He's angry ALL the time, yells at people thinking he's a genius when he's like the 3rd smartest. He 'falls in love' with a women, tries to demand her to stay, and gets all pity party after ONE WEEK WITH HER. Can you fall madly in love in a week? Sure. But suicidal and a threat to others cuz 'you're sad'? Go fuck yourself, you bitch. Oh, and he basically openly chooses to chance ending the world NOT because he wants to save his team mates (tho he claims that) but because he's tired of being a bitch to the time tear (or whatever the fuck they call it).
So...WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CHEERING FOR? Jack is the only semi cool character, and he's still kinda an ass. They're ALL kinda...selfish, short sighted, fuckers.
But I will finish this series. Because, storywise, the themes and plots they got going, are HIGHLY original and almost always have 1-3 good twists I don't see coming. You don't understand: I have been exposed to so much media, I can predict most things I see within a short period of time (even whole movies from trailers). I'm SO good (or writing is THAT predictable) I actually can, based on context, guess, WORD FOR WORD some lines. Sometimes in real time. Not usually. But not too far off, either.
*I will say, the call the writers/show/characters are supposed to hate was Jack giving the child to the faeries. NO. GREAT call. Best call you could make. Every other call would have sucked. See-the girl was fucking evil. Sociopath. Straight up. Like the faeries. She hated everyone. Talked to no one, but the faeries. She was borderline evil. And the faeries straight up said if you don't give us the kid, we will kill en mass, starting with HER ENTIRE SCHOOL. And the girl WANTED to go. So...where's the problem giving up the kid? Her mom's sad? Who gives a shit. You just saved TONS of lives, an evil fucking kid is gone, and the fairies disappeared. Only one who really lose was the mom. Her long time boyfriend (he was an ass) and her kid: BOTH GONE, SAME DAY. That is cruel, but long run, genuinely, it's even best for her. Her boyfriend was abusing her kid behind her back, and her kid was cheering on the torture of kids. It's a win-win-win. Fuck you for trying to make me feel bad for him giving up the kid. She wanted to go, and I wanted her to go. Fuck her.
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gralunaisland · 1 year
lol i just got a message that juvia is a well written character. Arguments from the category "oh, well, she stopped chasing Gray at the end of the manga and stopped counting on reciprocity. Now Gray is chasing after her!" However, no clear evidence was provided for this. How do you think she has "grown" even one iota as a character? sorry for my english , ehe
juvia Has Had Zero Character Growth
I'm so sorry that I've taken so long to get to your ask @sursirini! I have more asks than I can count rn and so much college work to do @_@. But I have finally returned!
Oh boy, I do not know how people think that juvia has had any character growth whatsoever. Of course that person who dmed you didn't provide any proof because they have none, and yet they keep arguing in a futile manner. I'm sorry you had to deal with that; I hope they left you alone. Also, your English is very good! I would've thought you were a native speaker! ;)
Onto your very good question, I do not think she has grown one iota as a character at all.
I actually go into 2 instances in this post of mine, and I can quickly summarize it here, but that post is much more in depth so I highly recommend reading that one as well (though actually I noticed you reblogged it so you've probably already read it! Thank you for that!)
The two instances I talked about in the aforementioned post was when juvia sacrificed herself for Gray and when she "apologized" for "killing" Silver. For the first point, I said in my post that she lacks self so therefore her sacrifice doesn't mean anything as she would die if Gray died since her entire being is based off of him. It is only selfless in the way that she is devoid of a self in the first place, and this action is just as selfish since she wouldn't have a reason to live if Gray was gone.
As for her apology, I continued on in my post to say that she never apologized and only had a personal pity party to make Gray feel bad. she's not sad for Gray at all that he had to lose his father twice, she's just sad because she thinks she lost her "right" to love him.
I can go into a couple other instances as well.
juvia sacrificing her body for Cana in their fight against Freid scene? Look no further than this post of mine where I go in depth as to how it doesn't prove any real character development not to mention goodness. Short answer is after this one instance, she goes back to being a butt to every woman again as well as making it clear that she doesn't really love FT, and "reverting back to your sickly ways" is the definition of not growing.
juvia making nice with Lucy in the Tower of Heaven? Guess what? Same thing because she goes right back to calling Lucy a blond bimbo as soon as their lives aren't in danger. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but if you only really apologize and act like you care for someone when your life is in danger but are a jerk every other time, you don't really care for them, you just don't want to feel guilty and have regrets.
All this doesn't even mention how juvia continues to stalk and harass Gray even to the end of FT and into 100yq. Literally nothing about her behavior changes; only Gray's behavior does as he is thoroughly brainwashed by this wicked woman.
Honestly at this moment, I can't even think about other examples Pros might come up with because there are so few instances of things that could be misconstrued as being character growth. If y'all think of any, let me know and I'll give you my thoughts!
Also, @absolutezerotolerance had a wonderful post that drew a really helpful comparison linked here. Most of that post was debunking a dumb gr///via post, but the thing that stood out most to me was comparing juvia at the beginning of the manga and then at the end. she really hadn't changed at all, from doom and gloom because no one loved her, to doom and gloom because no one, least of all Gray, loved her. Absolutely nothing had changed except for the fact that she only wanted Gray's affections instead of affection in general, and through that, she became a dependent, parasitic, satellite character who lacks agency.
Anyway, thank you again for your patience, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask! Have a wonderful day!
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anavatazes · 11 months
For people writing Southern US fics.
I am NOT calling any one person out because there isn't just one offender. But after reading a few Joel Miller fics recently, there is one glaring and repetitive misconception that needs to be made clear.
Now. I live in the Southern United States. I grew up in the North. I did spend a part of my childhood in the South due to family, and I moved here eventually because of my husband. I can translate the majority of Southern dialects, etc., without issue. I have a decent understanding of Southern culture, like the phrase, "Come to Jesus meeting," which I find hysterical and have used on my own kids even though we aren't Christian. I am also pretty up on the geography and stuff and why the majority of the South does not have basements and why the show Falling Skies was full of shit showing an underground base in Charleston, SC when the entire city is at or below sea level and experiences multiple earthquakes a month.
Now that you have some context, let's get to the offender and reason for this. BLESS YOUR HEART.
First, this phrase isn't really uttered much anymore (because we found them out!), and it's mostly by older church ladies who love to gossip. Second, with very few exceptions (looking at you, Tennessee, thanks to her holiness, Dolly), this is actually a very rude thing to say to someone. It borders on the New York "Fuck You", only with more snide and less love. If you doubt me, listen very carefully to how it's said. You will hear the thinly veiled sarcasm. If you can't hear it, either you can't pick up on things like that and will never survive in the South, or it's genuine pity.
I can go on how the South, unless you are in the poorer areas, really isn't that polite and have the negative, rude politeness down to an art form. That Southern Manners and Politeness everybody thinks is out there is all books movies and high society bullshit that goes back to the plantations. Are there people here who are genuinely nice and polite and have manners? Hell yes! But there is that Southern Mythos that drives the rest of us nuts 🙃.
Now, again, I am NOT calling anyone out. Not trying to make anyone feel bad. Just trying to educate. For the sake of MY sanity- I am a pretty selfish person at times 😁- I did this. If you send this to a fic writer, please do so with the utmost respect, or you will bring out my New Yorker. We deal with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism in these parts, not bullshit.
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jasminegazer · 5 months
Chapter 7 Part 1
Ever since she was young, Karai knew what the real world was like.
She knew that no matter how many good things you do or how many people you save, the world will continue to be cruel. Age, gender, or race had nothing to do with it. The world was just cruel.
So she didn’t care about how extreme the Shredders training was. She didn’t care that they used living targets for physical exams. She didn’t care about lying to her sister about how much the bruises and scars on her body stung.
Karai knew it just didn’t matter. She knew she was selfish for lying towards someone who had been outright charitable to her, a completely strange and new girl.
So that’s why she let April get close to her. Out of greed and selfish longing. While Karai spied on Aprils closest friends and organized their abduction, the hidden warrior was leading her down a rabbit hole of lies and false emotion. There was nothing more to her actions than just creating an alibi. Right?
Then why did she openly feel things around April about the things she wouldn’t around anyone else. Except Jennika of course. Karai didn’t have a crush on her that’s for sure(it was painfully obvious that the blue turtle already covered that job). But some kind of bond was made between the red headed news girl and the silent ‘badass’(as April occasionally teased her as). That kind of trust and light heartedness was definitely like what she had with her sister.
In some ways the two were very similar. They both were very open about their emotions and passions. A gift to express opinion that Karai can only barely remember. But April probably didn’t know how to play rock songs off the top of her head or who Lita Ford was(a common topic her sister talked about when they had free time to imagine what future they may have after their father completed his plans). And Jennika probably had no clue how to write a newspaper or how to connect the dots to a giant undercover plot based on notes and a few pictures on a messy old school board.
“That’s actually kinda cool.” She had once said when April was showing some of her work.
A buzz from her phone broke Karai out of her trance as she hung on one of the pipes of a rooftop water tower above what appeared to be an abandoned factory. April had texted her saying: COME NOW BIG BREAK!!! The brisk night air and the blare of city lights begged her to stay for longer and enjoy the sight. It was the first time she had seen anything like it. Wait until I tell Jennika about this. But she had to go now if she was gonna help with the last few of the turtles. Which means back to oppressive training and no more actually getting to go out without fear of getting caught. So she wasn’t gonna miss out on her last chance to enjoy that little freedom.
Karai hooped down from the roof into a back alley before continuing to her and Aprils hangout spot on the sidewalk.
Normal cities were strange. They were much different than what she had been taught by her mentors. They were indeed chaotic but not with violence and gore decorated streets. They had a certain rhythm and style that left you in awe by the appeal. Jennika always said those old cronies were wrong. Now Karai could believe that.
Besides it’s not the rest of humanity that’s the problem it’s the mutants right? It’s not their fault that they had been tricked and manipulated. Right?
But something was strange about the mutants(other than their appearance obviously)that stuck to Karai.
Acted as if they were
Normal kids
Like April and Jennika. They could be cringy and emotional and sometimes even funny. They portrayed what seemed to be personalities and feelings? The thought of seeing the orange one, Mikey as they called him, in pain made Karai uncomfortable and squirm with sheer pity for hi-
NO no no. Stop. Stop that right now. Remember your training. They’re just trying to trick you. Their pitiful pain-filled heart aching faces are just an act. It’s not real. Besides even if it is-which it isn’t-it’s nothing compared to what they have done to your family. What they have done to you.
Karai huffed as she pushed those thoughts aside and walked briskly up the steps of Eastman High. Strange. Her senses seemed more heightened than usual. The smell of sweat and pen ink grew stronger than their usual stench. She was about to reach for the door until she looked down at her arm. Scales.
Kuso! Okay! Okay okay okay! Don’t panic! Remember your teachings . . . again.
Rushing to keep It at bay, Karai rushed for her bag and pulled out her elixir. Within seconds she had downed the drink and her scales slowly sunk back under her skin. Vanishing into no where. Where It belonged instead of inside of her body.
Echoes from her past rushed through her body. Her breathing was still in sharp panicked huffs and only grew shakier with the pain of her past. Noticing this Karai gripped the back of her neck and bent her head back. She attempted her breathing exercises as the fangs in her mouth shrunk away and her tongue no longer lingered of the surrounding smells.
Ochitsuke Karai. Just breath.
Finally shaking the last of It away, Karai opened the door to the school and finished her journey. By the time she made it to April’s “news room”, she took one final breath before opening the door.
Just Breathe. She doesn’t need to know. No one does.
And no one will.
Previous Masterpost Next
Hope y’all like this chapter. It’s not as progressive in the story than usual but at least you get a peak inside Karai’s mind. Since this wasn’t as progressive as usual I decided to leave a little Easter egg from The Strength in Weakness by @truths33k3r4 a personal favorite content creator of mine(hope you don’t mind that I did this). Sorry for not posting this sooner but it was kinda rough juggling that and art and school and family and- just everything. So I hope you like it.
Cowabunga turtle fanz!
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Send in a character trope and I'll draw or write an OC/Character with that prompt
tropes from tvtropes
All-Loving Hero - A heroic character whose love and compassion are unlimited.
The Antagonist - Opposes The Protagonist.
Anthropomorphic Personification - Living, roughly hominoid embodiments of abstract concepts.
Anti-Hero - A morally questionable hero who lacks conventional heroic qualities.
Blind Seer - Physically blind, but "sees" with other means.
Blue-Collar Warlock - Modern, street-smart spellcasters.
Bruiser with a Soft Center - Tough characters are capable of having soft hearts.
The Champion - A character devoted to sticking up for another character.
A Chat with Satan - A character tests whether the hero would enact their darker desires if tempted.
The Chosen One - The ancient prophecy says that only a certain person can save the world.
Classic Villain - A villain who acts as an evil foil to the hero's personality and is a main block to his journey towards his destiny.
The Conscience - A character that acts as another one's moral guide.
The Corrupter - A villain who tempts people into doing evil things.
The Cynic - Someone who always has low expectations for everything.
Demiurge Archetype - Someone evil pretending to be the setting's Top God.
Dumb Muscle - Lots of brawn, short on brains.
Eccentric Mentor - A mentor who is quirky, yet still wise and skilled.
Enigmatic Empowering Entity - A mysterious character who grants great power.
Evil Overlord - An incredibly powerful, highly influential despot who is usually the Big Bad of the story.
The Fair Folk - Fairies have Blue-and-Orange Morality.
False Prophet - A savior or religious figure, or someone posing as such, lying for selfish reasons.
Father Neptune - An old, gritty, experienced sailor.
The Ferryman - A mythical figure whose boat is used as a vehicle to transport people to Other Worlds.
Fool for Love - Tough, and possibly cynical, but still a sucker for love.
Gentle Giant - An imposing and scary but kind-hearted Big Guy.
The Good King - A king who is good at his job and beloved by the people.
Granny Classic - A wise, nurturing, and reliable grandmother.
The Grotesque - A character's ugliness is so extreme that it elicits pity instead of disgust.
Herald - What sends The Hero on their journey.
The Hero's Idol - The character who inspires The Hero to follow their path.
Heroic Wannabe - Wants to be a hero, but lacks the skills and/or mindset for actual heroism.
The High Queen - A woman of wealth, power, near-impossible beauty, and a calm demeanor.
Higher Self - A character's wiser, dettached side.
Hunter of Monsters - Someone who hunts and kills monsters and supernatural creatures.
Ideal Hero - A morally perfect hero.
The Idealist - A character defined by their hopefulness in the present and the future.
Ineffectual Loner - A capable but solitary character whose efficiency is limited by their lack of friends.
Jeanne d'Archétype - A young, soldier woman who is seen as her cause's symbol.
The Kirk - The balancer/combination of logic and emotion.
The Klutz - A character whose defining trait is clumsiness.
Knight in Shining Armor - A hero who champions the weak and innocent, especially women in distress.
Loser Archetype - A character whose disgrace comes from their lack of talent/skill.
Lovable Rogue - A charming, likeable trickster.
Madonna Archetype - Humble mother figure modeled after the Virgin Mary.
The McCoy - The emotional and sentimentalistic character.
Mentor Archetype - Someone whose role is to ensure The Hero's Character Development.
Messianic Archetype - Someone who endures great sacrifices to save others.
Mock Millionaire - A millionaire wannabe.
Modern Major General - Can do anything well except their actual job.
My Girl Back Home -The loved one who The Hero leaves when going on an adventure.
Old Soldier - Military Old Master.
The Paladin - Holy knight with healing and defensive powers and light based magic.
The Paragon - An embodiment of virtue who inspires others to help society.
The Patriarch - A male elder with the highest authority in his family.
Person of Mass Destruction - A person with massively devastating abilities.
The Pollyanna - A character who remains optimistic no matter what may happen to them.
Powers That Be - Almighty, powerful, and invisible forces.
Princess Classic - An innocent, good and kind princess.
The Protagonist - The character whom the story is about.
Rebel Leader - The character who leads La Résistance.
Rebellious Spirit - A character who doesn't abide by the rules.
Reluctant Monster - An Always Chaotic Evil species is oblivious/reluctant to their deeds.
Satanic Archetype - An evil-doer modelled after Satan.
Seeker Archetype - A character whose main motivation is to learn a certain truth.
Shadow Archetype - A character embodies another character's rejected facets.
Sidekick - The ever-reliable Number Two guy to every hero.
The Spock - The logical intellectual.
Star-Crossed Lovers - Lovers doomed to be kept apart.
The Storyteller - A character who tells tales and sometimes is the narrator.
The Trickster - A cunning character who disregards the rules.
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How would Dabi react if lost he someone important to him? 
if it's a hypothetical question I can only answer in my observations of what I saw in the manga.
If we’re talking about Dabi he is distant with the LOV and never fully lets himself open up to them. Dabi is contradictory in nature even though he says he doesn’t care about the LOV he does, he cares about the LOV even if he wouldn’t be able to admit it his actions speak for themselves. he doesn’t allow himself to be emotional for a good reason he is planning to die so he doesn’t see any point in opening up to them about himself since he is going to die after killing Endeavor. 
but the question is how dabi would react? 
Take Twice for example, After hawks stabbed Twice in the back literally Dabi went ballistic at Hawks to the point of burning his back and stomping on him
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showed a video of Hawks killing twice to the public as a way of getting revenge for deceiving and killing twice. 
After the war, Dabi gives Twice's blood to Himiko as a way of mourning twice why Dabi gives Himiko his blood because Dabi wouldn’t be able to mourn twice since he is going to die. 
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another scene the most infamous one is the snatch scene and what comes after it,
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there were a lot of interpretations in this scene it's supposed to tell us that dabi does think about his family all the time to the point of going crazy and also I think it supposes to show that dabi is emotional and does possess a heart even if he won’t show it. 
I would say for Dabi, When someone he loved dies he would mourn but in different ways, their death would weigh heavily in his mind he wouldn’t show it there are moments where he is deeply emotional like with Snatch.  
Dabi doesn’t fully intend to know not only because he knows he's going to die but he doesn’t see a point in learning about someone who is dead. 
the dead do not suffer since being dead means that they don’t suffer expending compassion on them serves no purpose since It is the living who suffer and can benefit from compassion.  The pity someone felt for the dead that pity you feel is for yourself not for them.  so if you say stuff like “Did you think about how the family would feel” or “This is not what they would want” the thing these two things have in common is how they come off as egotistical since they lacked understanding and empathy towards the person they are saying it to and it grants them the ability to be self-righteous like they're the good guy and thinks that they say is right then must actually be right but the reality it's completely egotistical.  these two things lack substance one snatches words it's one-sided since it's an echo of the ideals created by a black-and-white society. the burn murders Snatch talked about are the thugs that dabi burned in the alleyway they wouldn’t be considered innocent people with families to mourn for them. This showed just how one-sided Snatch's words are since his speech didn’t enlighten those who are evil but exposed Snatch's self-righteousness.   the second one much like Snatch is preachy since it doesn’t have any substance to back it up but another is that those are words that are assumptions based on limited perceptions of what that person they mentioned wants. I already talked about the dead before and these words are similar since that would be something that you would say to yourself, not to the other person.  these words that you are speaking are based on the idea of someone they might do than what the actual person might really do when you don’t know about them there dead so you can’t learn more about their true feelings so you don’t know the person you are talking about. that is putting words in someone's mouths especially if you don’t know anything about the other person in particular. that is just answering on your perception this is just your perception of them you are talking about. these words exclude their anatomy and agency in favor of a person's selfish satisfaction in the words they preach if you look at it, it's just as similar to snatch they are secure in their world view being self-righteous and pretentious all the while neglecting the person they are speaking about. It basically just saying whatever you want without any regard to their will
so yeah, Dabi doesn’t see a point in knowing about what that person wants since there already dead whether that person wants it or not it doesn’t matter since this world will keep moving anyways.
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Dabi is emotional but is distant due to not wanting to get close to others to carry out his goals mostly he doesn’t intend to get close to others since he planned on dieing in the beginning but if that person is important to dabi that they would be someone that dabi wouldn’t be distant with 
if Twice's death and the scene of dabi thinking of Snatch's words are any indication, Their death would weigh heavily on Dabi’s mind even to the point that dabi wouldn't contain himself. how he would mourn someone is that he would think about what they are when they were alive since mourning is about thinking about what that person is alive but not dead it suppose to show that They are someone that dabi would always think about.  
just like with Twice and the dead man's parade in his honor Dabi himself would do anything to carry on their last wishes in a way that dabi would do for them out of care. Their death wouldn’t change Dabi’s goals, Dabi’s goals are something that Dabi himself decided but they would become part of Dabi’s goals
 if your going to write about how dabi would react if he lost someone important to him think about the relationship he would have with this said person. Their relationship would be important to how Dabi would react to their death. 
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stizzysupremacy · 7 months
Goodish dad's don't get upset about their daughter getting attention from her mother at dinner or abandoned them lol. Like I will admit my dad neglected and abused me in similar ways to Stede did so I'm biased but like... he doesn't have low self esteem he's just selfish and self pitying and he couldn't even let his kid talk about a horse for two seconds!!!
you might want to watch again and compare the scene you mean to the scene where Stede is shown laughing and talking happily with his family at the dinner table and ask yourself a few questions:
Is either even a true representation of his memories? Could both be true? Could neither?
Is Stede a reliable narrator? Can we trust his flashbacks that sometimes directly contradict each other?
Was Stede even upset about Mary talking to Alma about her favorite horse or was he trying to participate in the conversation too by mentioning his favorite?
Does the scene of Mary excitedly showing him the anniversary present she made for him match up to the vibe of Mary glaring at him over the dinner table (and does that vibe with the other scene already mentioned of them all talking happily around the dinner table)? Which scene actually depicts what life in the Bonnet household was like? We can’t just say that all the negative scenes were true but the happy convo, the kids having fun playing with stede, Mary giving thoughtful gifts and trying to work with Stede for a better relationship (“we only have this one life”) are not true.
Stede is absolutely selfish and self-centered, I just don’t think we can accurately judge his family dynamic based on a few flashbacks, some of which show very different family dynamics and some of which happened while he was kinda halfway dying lol
Also, that poll was about headcanons. Why are you trying to talk a stranger out of a tv show headcanon? That’s weird. I’m not telling you not to project your dad on Stede, but I’m not gonna do the same.
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thediamondmodcart · 9 months
The last few days have been productive. Actually, it was the most productive he had ever been.
He spent all his days underground, the cold and dimly lit cave below his crudely mined home from the early days of this server. The only torch is him.
The murder was helpful, well, what's left of them anyway. Peg sometimes visits, hops between him and the better outside. It's kind of pitiful knowing a handful of birds stayed better than actual people.
(Better than him? No- Couldn't be. He deserves to be selfish. He deserves to be angry.)
He deserves nice things. And nice things did he get.
The pickaxe hit the stone with ease. Base diamond, Dan was pretty surprised at the lack of announcement, and was relieved at that fact. Good. No one has to know.
He misses the ruby armor, iron was alright for the time being and Dan hadn't brushed up on his mod knowledge in a bit. Do they have ruby here?
Oh does he miss the ultimate battle axe— the ultimate sword, the overpowered weapons that were large and hefty to wield. Enchanted netherite given to players who had nothing. Kindness.
He missed Kindness. And Kindness missed him.
And the true meaning of the word did not miss him.
Pity would be a fitting name if Dan ever got a good sword. Better than base diamond. Better than Kindness. Better than-
A crow flies by, pecking him on the hand. Bread dropped on the stone adjacent to him.
Oh. Right. Food.
He hadn't even noticed he was hungry, and he was on 3 hearts. Wow, was he really asking for it.
(Surprised that he hadn't died yet.)
The crow pecks him again, nipping him at the skin. Eat. Right, right.
That was nice of it.
Maybe kindness did miss him.
In little ways.
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causticsunshine · 1 year
Regarding the ‘flower project’ thing, most people are very simple in that they think other people share their interests and what they like. They are also the people who bring you a gift that they would have loved to get themselves instead of considering what you would have actually liked to get or need. I’m sure we all know those ppl and have them around, they don’t do it with malice but it’s pretty short sighted/ self centred..
just having been around here so long i think it’s maybe more so the case that SOME of the people who do this or act similarly in general are often just plaintively unaware of how these best intentions for other peoples’ sake are unintentionally self serving at their core—at least partially—OR based off assumptions of character and likes that aren’t intentional but also, in turn, prove to be at least partially self projected, and considering when things are said or done, may be inappropriate/unnecessary.
so even when it seems the answer to these hopeful/nice somethings done is ‘okay but whyyy did you think this was the time/place for this etc.?’ because it seems so obvious, for whatever the reason, these people may simply need the push, reminder, call-out to recognize a sound counterpoint as to why they should not do/say the thing they were well-intending to do.
and i DO think that’s something a lot of people may do unintentionally, if only from time to time, case specifically. and if it’s a true issue they have that’s additionally pushing boundaries, making others uncomfortable, etc. it’s good to communicate that to the person doing it directly so they’re aware and either an understanding can be made, the behavior can be altered, what have you.
BUT all benefit of the doubt being said, in the direct case of these parasocial relationships of fans and artists, and specifically here in the case of louis and his fans, there have been several instances of the fans just blatantly ignoring things he’s said about himself, or ways he personally portrays himself, to fit their self-satisfied image of him. including doing things he has plainly asked them NOT to do, such as throwing flowers onstage, intentionally throwing things AT him (denver nugget incident last year, anyone?), and to not carry on this pity party Poor Louis :( charade because he doesn’t like to be pitied.
enough of us have spoken on why we think it’s ignorant/tone deaf/whatever you want to call it that some fans insisted on having such a pity project for LOUIS after the red rocks incident when it was the affected FANS who truly deserve any aid others have to spare, so i’m not going to rehash all that here. but given your point, anon, whether the intentions put in place were pure and hence some of these people trying to organize or encourage such a project fall within the group i mentioned earlier, the fact that after what happened, they still put the joy of an artist over the actual wellness of fans directly affected by such a scary and poorly handled (by the majority of the venue staff; so far i’ve heard nothing but good things about louis and his team helping out) incident…. it just boggles my mind.
tldr; this all being said though, anon, i do agree with you! some people just don’t realize how their good intentions can come off when they’re actually misplaced, ranging from being incidentally selfish to fully ignorant, tone deaf, and even harmful (and ofc, this is all circumstantially based on all/both sides). but i do also think that when it comes to specific situations, perhaps even specific people, one needs to be EXTRA aware of what these good intentions actually hold.
if someone has said they don’t like x thing, or don’t want you to do x thing, it’s not up to you, especially when you have a indirect and parasocial relationship with them, to go ‘well i think this time you WILL like it/want me to do this, so i will do it anyway :)’. it’s both a very simplistic and very complex topic, depending on surrounding circumstances and people involved.
and if you so badly want to cheer louis up, if he even NEEDS cheering up—like idk i think the focus should be on helping affected fans regardless here—be a good crowd! learn the lyrics! when he’s speaking, don’t scream at or over him. don’t punt shit at him or on the stage when he’s walking around. be respectful of other fans at your shows and if someone needs help, help them! make it a good experience for everyone!
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