#basically I've got some anger to spare
Oh yeah, if you think I’m done with Eurovision saltposting, think again - I’ve got a bank holiday so no work tomorrow and I haven’t even come close to saying everything I want to say - not just about the results but also about a lot of other stuff I’m salty about.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Basically reader is a friend and model for Mitsuya and the other models are jealous so they bully her when he’s not looking. But then over Time the two fall in love and eventually secretly get married and kept it that way cause of publicly and imagine the surprise of all the models when they cross the line in being mean her and right before the models get in trouble he tells them to get their hands off his wife . Everyone is shook and the models are fired
This one will be short but sweet!
Go-See: Takashi Mitsuya x Fem!Reader
wc: 741
tw: smut
"I don't think this will fit you..." A slight scowl crosses the other model's face as she holds up the garment made especially for you. "You have gained some weight since you've been away."
"We've noticed you haven't been modeling as frequently," another model smirks. "Finally seeing that you're not really wanted, hm?"
The comments sting, but you shrug them off, taking the garment from the first model and walking off to the dressing room. For years, you've endured the smirks, the fake smiles, the tight lips, the shows of disgust... but the only way you could bear it was knowing it was all for Mitsuya.
The dressing room door opens as you think of him and how you've been spoiled by him for the past two years. "Hey." You turn to see Mitsuya walking toward you, a shy smile crossing his features. "You look incredible."
"Thank you," you reply, lacing your arms around his neck and sighing. "I was wondering if it would still fit, but--"
"And why wouldn't it fit?" Mitsuya wonders, chuckling. "I know your body. Inside and out." The suggestion of "inside" makes you giggle like a schoolgirl, and Mitsuya makes a kissy face while leaning toward you.
"Mitsuya," you croon, and his hands go to your waist, holding you gently. "How much time until the show?"
"Thirty minutes. You don't need hair and makeup, do you?"
"Already done." Mitsuya looks over your form, nodding.
"Perfect." You're hefted onto the dressing room table before Mitsuya pushes the dress around your waist. "I've been waiting all day to taste you."
What ensues is a slow, sensual, and reverent cunnilingus session. You're sure if another model walks in on you, rumors would fly at the speed of light, but somehow, you're spared from that fate.
Mitsuya takes his time - seeing as he's the star of the show - and you orgasm just as the stage manager calls out, "Five minutes to show" on the intercom. Mitusya stands, wiping his face, and then presses a quick kiss to your lips.
"See you out there, babe."
Even though you're still riding the high from your orgasm and Mitsuya's love, the looks the models give you wither your spirits. The runway is more forgiving, and the audience gazes upon you with awe and wonder. Mitsuya has the capability to make anyone look at you with reverence, you note. Anyone except the other models, that is.
"You fumbled out there!" The shout catches your attention while the music prevents it from reaching the audience's ears. "If you had just done your job--"
"Hey," you call out, hurrying over to where the commotion is. You spot a model shouting at a stage crewperson at the top of her lungs with her hand raised in the air, poised to slap the person. Again, it seems from the red print on the young woman's face. "Hey! You can't do that to people on the crew!" You step between the frightened woman and the angered model, but you soon find that your actions might have been a mistake when the model curls her lip at you.
"And what do you have to say now, missy?"
"You might be a great model," you begin. "But you've got a shit attitude." The air in the area is sucked out as soon as the words leave your mouth. Furious, the model raises her hand to slap you too, but an alarmed exclamation prevents her from landing it right on your face.
"Enough!" Mitsuya, red from the top of his head to his neck, strides towards you purposefully, his eyes wild. "Explain this to me, and quickly."
"It's not what it looks li--" Mitsuya gives the girl a hard glance, and she lowers her eyes before stepping back.
"I'm not sure who thought it was a good idea to raise a hand to my wife," he bites out. "But this all ends today. The rest of you, see yourselves out." It takes a moment before the models begin to file out, shocked at the revelation and somewhat dismayed.
"You didn't have to do that," you murmur to Mitsuya, who shrugs and extends his hand out to you. "Who's going to finish the show?"
"There will be more, dearest. The world isn't in short supply of kind and hard-working models." You take his hand, relaxing finally. "Let's go out and end this show on a high note, yes?"
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maverickcanine · 14 days
One last question about the evil laval timeline, would it negate season 2 & 3? Or would the crawlers and ice hunters be crated anyway?
honestly, i've only got snippets of ideas for season 1. but i think laval could still toss the chi into the gorge, setting off the crawlers and hunters.
the episode would go differently, since laval would purposefully be keeping the chi from the crocodiles + their allies, rather than being tricked into it. the lions (mainly laval) control all of the chi and he only gives small amounts of it to the opposing tribes. you can imagine the amount of natural disasters that occur.
so maybe there would be something with another confrontation where laval is gloating about how cragger can't win without the chi, then he throws it into the gorge. because laval can spare the chi, while cragger can only use the reserves + the amounts he receives from crooler (who he doesn't know is secretly aligned with laval).
i know i'm making laval seem uncharacteristically cruel, but there were moments in the show were he almost went down a bad path (ie this exact episode i'm referencing), but he had king lagravis to guide him off it. i think the impulsiveness + grief + anger of laval would make him an unstoppable force that even eris can't reason with.
i think the only way to get laval to stop fighting would be for the eagles to finally turn on him. maybe some lions would start rebelling and create a plan to overthrow laval. this plan could almost work; until the black cloud stops the big battle and even laval realizes that if there's no chi, no one can win this war.
i'm going to rewatch the earlier episodes of season 1 to see if anything i'm even saying makes sense, but TLDR: yes, i think seasons 2 and 3 would happen. there would be major differences, like laval's former friends not wanting to be around him in the outlands for a long time, but i think the basic plots of the seasons can still work.
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angelichavenhasideas · 8 months
Legend would always beat Four in a fight
I have very strong feelings about this and it got me to rant about it in my comments for my story "Do Not Be Afraid". So I've decided to move my thoughts to here. Warning for story spoilers.
Now, to start, I'm not saying that Legend could beat the Colors in a fight. What I'm saying is that Four, when a single hylian boy, could nearly never beat Legend in a fight.
For the sake of laziness I will just be copy and pasting my thoughts and the thoughts of Quickbrook on AO3. Please note I have not asked them if I could use their side of the argument for this post and will take it down it they ask me to.
Me: "Four beats Legend in verbal sparing nine times out of ten while Legend can beat Four in a physical spar 97% of the time. If baby!Legend can beat adult!Four, no matter if Four is holding back or not, then there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that he can hand Four's ass to him every single time they cross blades. Four may still have some secrets and surprises up his sleeves but so does Legend and Legend has already seen some of Four's dirtier tricks. Four had maybe beat Legend once and that's it..."
Quickbrook: "Little Leg beat Big Four… but he was fighting the colors in sequence! I bet if Legend was fighting all four colors at the same time, then the hero who’s adventure was all about teamwork could possibly even the score a bit. Now that Leg knows about the colors, Four should challenge him to a sparring match JUST for the hope of beating him at his full strength."
Me: "While that is true, and I agree that as a team the colors could possibly beat any single member of the chain, Four himself would not be able to beat Legend, especially as he is now. Legend is possibly at the peak of his power and skill during LU, though he will still grow with this current adventure and he canonically continues to train. However, in this story, Four is only in his younger teen years, maybe 14-16. When the shadows fight Legend, they're either in their 20s or older. No matter if the shadows were holding back or not ... that's a lot of experience that Four just currently doesn't have. Four can only grow stronger but, as he himself currently is, he's basically no match for Legend as he currently is.
...If Four is split, he'd be able to beat any member of the chain. Maybe not with ease, as all of the heroes are the most skilled fighters in their times, but the colors are still the most powerful force in the chain besides Time when he's wearing the FD mask. And you're right that baby!Legend would be dead if the shadows fought him together instead of in sequence. But the only way I can see Four beating Legend for real at his current age is if he can completely throw away his hesitance to fight/harm those he cares about.
Four's biggest weakness, at least in this story, is his emotions. That's why Vio is such a problem for baby!Legend, almost doubly so then the other colors when they're shadows. Vio still feels emotions and still cares but he's Four's reasoning, logical or otherwise. If there's a most efficient way to do things, especially when whatever happened to the colors happened, then Vio is the one to do it. As Jojo said, Red is sentiment, so he'd never want to hurt someone he knows and loves. And Blue is anger, a little more then that in my headcanons, but because of this he'd be unable to keep his head straight when fighting someone he absolutely doesn't want to fight. And Green, being Four's heroic composure of sorts, would be the most hesitant to hurt anyone, especially someone he loves and cares for.
Green is the biggest factor, seeing as he is canonically the most heroic of the four parts of Four. He's probably the one that holds most of their drive but also most of their hesitance. He'll do what he needs to do but his morality and compassion would make it difficult for him to fight actual people. And the fact that he still has the protector instinct that every Link has makes it even harder for him to truly fight anyone he loves. He is both Four's biggest strength and Four's greatest weakness because he's the part of Four that, for lack of a better comparison, holds the heroes' spirit. Everything that makes a Link a Link is in Green.
So while I completely agree with you, I disagree with the angle you're going at. My argument is that FOUR would never be able to beat Legend on his own. The colors, working together, could easily beat each individual member of the chain in a fair fight, which is not possible with a 4v1 but we'll ignore that fact. Four as a team is a formidable foe but Four as a person is permanently handicapping himself until he lets the rest of the chain in on his secret because, while he's the hero and skilled as is, he's at his best when actually able to use the tools at his disposal and can defy all odds when matched with his sword at it's full power..."
Something I didn't get to in my argument was fighting styles. While all Links primarily use swords, Legend is probably the most diverse in his weapon choice and proficiency. I don't think even Wild could touch him on being a fighting jack-of-all-trades like Legend is because most of the weapons Wild can find are different types of swords or bows. And Four, as far as I understand it, mostly relies on his sword because it's his sword. No other hero has his sword and that will probably play a lot into his character depiction both as the comic continues and any other work I might personally make revolving around Four.
Legend may not be the strongest swordsman in the group but he's probably tied with Time for most skilled hero in the group. Time is the only member of the chain that has a chance of not struggling against Legend and that man is a mountain. Four, though skilled with a sword and hero work in general, has nowhere near enough experience to go up against either of those two on his own. Plus, Legend has probably gotten pointers from Fi if he could ever understand her like Sky can.
Honestly, any fight between Legend and Four during the LU canon feels like an unfair match in Legends favor because, ignoring everything else, Legend has already fought an older Four as a little kid and won. And he not only won, he won four times in a row with each Color getting progressively stronger. Legend isn't losing to Four unless Four pulls out some super secret trick or fights even dirtier then Legend was.
In conclusion, Four could learn a lot from Legend and would basically pull a Darth Vader if Anikin was possessed instead of trading sides of his own free will. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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the-acid-pear · 5 days
don't think i've mentioned one of my aus here yet, but! it's basically a Dave and Jack swap au. i called it the "Bruno is Orange" au because of the line "Bruno, what happened to your good sense?" and 'cause Jack's orange.
basically, Jack became Henry's business partner instead of Dave. Jack, freshly eighteen and going through some of the worst trauma in his life so far (losing his parents), heard about Henry needing some help with his diner and, well...what really does he have to lose? he doesn't have a job, and he and his siblings need the money.
it's the most vulnerable he's ever been with a stranger before. he rips the band-aid off when he tells Henry he's desperate for some form of employment so that he can help his siblings. Dee's a toddler for God's sake. she deserves a good life, doesn't she?
he's surprised when he actually gets the job. he's almost relieved. this job pays relatively well, too.
of course, we all know how it went with Henry and Dave canonically.
Jack wasn't spared from it.
of course, Jack reacts wildly differently from Dave. he's angry. violent himself. he gets hit in the face with a wrench and threatens Henry with his father's old switchblade, of which Jack now carries on himself for defense.
Jack is still fiery, but it gets dulled down over the years. he gets worn down over the years. it doesn't mean he's not angry, far from it. he'd honestly prefer to kill the pink fucker and get it over with. but it just means it takes a lot more to push him to a more...violent response. it's clear though that he's likely going to snap someday, and that it will leave Henry a dead man.
then William shows up.
they needed a technician. someone to help them repair the animatronics. William, still a bit upset that he didn't get to Henry in time before someone else became the co-owner of Fredbear's, took the job in a heartbeat. he's gotten a few other jobs in the past four years, so he's sure he's got some skills and experience to help him with this job.
despite William being older than him by a few years, Jack takes the guy under his wing. William thinks Jack's lucky. he would've killed to be in this guy's position. working alongside the guy who was practically his idol growing up, the guy whose circus brought him joy during that rather dark period in his life, that brought him hope.
Jack thinks William is lucky.
he doesn't have to deal with this bullshit like Jack does.
despite all of this, William and Jack grow close. Jack promises to keep him safe should Henry decide to direct his anger towards the guy for no reason, and William views Jack as someone he can talk to when he needs someone to ramble to.
well...that's until Henry decides to Fuck Some Shit Up (kill Dee), but we're not going to get into that right now-
- dogboyjackkennedy
Almost missed this which is criminal this is So so so cools fucking RAUGH I love it. Obsessed w the fact Henry still killed Dee too mf Peak cunt fucking CMON 😭 the switch up is just so good in general tho like yeah of course the guy who never experienced family love would be more vulnerable to this than the guy who lost it it's 💥 . It's so so so sad and I love it so so muchh for it ^_^
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messymindofmine · 2 years
Ok I am so sick of people saying that Johnny has good intentions. Johnny has never had good intentions when it comes to Robby. It's always been about himself and his own guilt. Not once has he ever even spared a thought to Robby and his feelings on anything. Also can people please stop likening Robby to other characters? There is absolutely no comparison to be made here bc Robby is not on equal ground with any of them. I said a while back that Tory is the only one that Robby is on remotely equal ground with but after this season even that isn't true anymore. Because at least Tory wasn't forced to sacrifice her entire personality in order to fit into what others wanted her to be. Hell even prior to that, Tory was able to get help-from Amanda no less and had even started therapy. All the while Robby has been consistently shafted by everyone.
Also, I know that Sam as a character gets way too much hate from the fandom. I personally don't hate her as a character on her own. As a character, I actually like her a lot. In fact, her arc this season was the one of the very few things that I liked. I'm so glad she got a win this season. But that right there proves how even Sam still gets the better end of the stick when it comes to Robby. Not only is Robby hated by the fandom to such an extent that there were actually people saying that they hoped Robby got r**ed in prison or that they hope he'd die in s4. There are people who will literally make shit up for an excuse to hate on him. But he's also been through non-stop hell since the end of s2. And in this season, he had to sacrifice his entire personality in favor of becoming everybody else's hype man just so that he could be accepted by them. No other character has been treated this badly. There is not a single character that has not hurt Robby in some way and none of them have apologized to him. Yet Robby has been made to apologize to them and be their emotional punching bag. So no, I don't think that the way Robby is treated by the show and the fandom is in any way comparable to any of the others.
I also don't think it's entirely fair to say that Johnny was there for Sam more than her parents were. Yes, Johnny taught her a way to channel her anger in a way that Daniel refused to do but that's about all he did. Amanda was stuck in a really difficult situation with Tory. Amanda went to Tory and basically threatened her to leave Sam alone. Tory then got fired after yelling at Amanda which yes, Tory shouldn't have been surprised that she was fired but it did make things even harder for her. Amanda then helped Tory bc if she hadn't Tory could have lost her family. Even then, she never made any illusions as to who she really cared about. She was very upfront with Tory that she would be rooting for Sam and asked Tory not to hurt her. Daniel resolved his issues with Johnny and told Sam he wanted her to be herself and do what's right for her. Daniel may not have been the best in s4 but there was never any doubt as to whose side he was on. And as for Johnny, the fact that he was able to show more concern for his rival's daughter than he was his own son is a big strike against him. Pointing these things out has nothing to do with me hating on Sam. If anything, it's me hating on Johnny.
I understand that people aren't always trying to be hurtful or invalidating when they say that. I also understand that they don't mean any harm when they bring up other characters. If people want to talk about how overhated Sam is that's totally fine. In fact, I've actually made a few posts on this in the past myself and may well do more bc I do have issues with the way people talk about Sam particularly wrt her and Tory's rivalry. But I just don't think the way Robby is treated can be likened to any other character not when he has been hung out to dry by both the show and the fandom
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kingboohoo37 · 1 year
Fandom of the day 1. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Yeah I gotta start with these two dorks.
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Yes, I am a 25-year-old guy that watches a show made for little girls. So what? I've been called out for playing Pokemon for years and I never really cared what people thought so I won't start caring now xD
The Plot
For everyone who has never heard of it (even though I find that unlikely): The basics of the plot revolve around these two teenagers who had magic jewels handed to each other that come with little creatures that transform them into superheroes. Together they have to stop a certain supervillain from terrorizing Paris. He only has one goal: to steal the magic jewels from Ladybug and Cat Noir.
The greatest plot point? Marinette falls in love with Adrien. Adrien falls in love with Ladybug. While Marinette turns into Ladybug and Adrien into Cat Noir, neither of them knows who is truly behind the mask of the other which basically makes it so that they are in love with each other but neither of them knows it xD
The Characters
Let's skip over the 2 important ones. I don't want this post to be too long.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng / Ladybug
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The main character of this series is honestly one of the greatest main characters I have ever seen in any series.
In English she is voiced by my favorite voice actress btw, which is Christina Vee. (Yes I am very interested in knowing who the voice actors are)
She always tries to help the people around her to the best of her abilities no matter how small the favor might be. The issue? She is very clumsy. The things she does don't always turn out to be the way she wants them to. While she has a good heart and is quite strong, she is also a deeply flawed character. She too gets overcome by feelings like anger and jealousy and sometimes has to learn a difficult lesson from her actions.
She is the one that'll turn into a superhero, as she was chosen to be the next Ladybug, a superhero with the power of creation.
2. Adrien Agreste / Cat Noir
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Things were much different for Adrien. He too suffers from being way too nice even to people that probably wouldn't deserve it. Mostly because of his mother.
Being the son of an extremely rich fashion designer and his mother having disappeared years ago he lives a very sheltered life until he is finally allowed to go to school. On top of that, he is chosen to be the next Cat Noir, a superhero with the power of destruction.
When he turns into Cat Noir his character changes rapidly from a rather oblivious and nice boy to a guy who cracks the unfunniest jokes ever made and constantly flirts with Ladybug.
His voice actor Bryce Papenbrook is also known for a few awesome other roles and does a great job at portraying the character.
Why is he so great? He is basically everything that Ladybug isn't. At moments when Ladybug's temper gets the better of her, he stays calm and rational. But sometimes he's also way too blunt and the lack of social skills shines through. His blind trust in her makes these two a great duo though.
Miraculous currently has 5 seasons and is still in development but until now this is probably one of the most passionate fandoms I've ever seen. Ladybug x Cat Noir is a fantastic ship that has a lot of cute and amazing but also dramatic fanfictions.
What I love about it is of course the characters as I mentioned before but the twists the story goes through aren't half bad either. But the biggest point for me was the strong similarity to Spider-Man in keeping a secret identity and having a sense of responsibility. It is a trope that I truly love and can't really get enough of xD
What makes Miraculous so popular was probably the love square:
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The amount of creativity that this fandom has is sheer endless and there are a lot of really good fanfictions out there.
So if you got some spare time and are a sucker for romance, and complicated relationships but also action, and superheroes this might be something for you.
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mentalisttraceur · 6 months
The only reason I have the emotional space to love my parents now is that at 16 I defended myself against my dad escalating to physical force yet again, I won so soundly that I felt confident I could do it again as many times as needed, and I did it so violently that my parents knew if they ever made it physical again I might be willing to go farther than was safe to risk.
If that hadn't happened, I would just hate them. I would have no room for anything else. No spare ground to give. And it would eat away at me that they didn't get some sort of fair, enlightening or at least behavior-changing retaliation. I would've ended up a mess of rage and hurt, unfulfilled injustice awareness cycling between wanting them to understand and improve and wanting them to die.
But as it happened, I basically never needed to hate them. Under the oppressive looming threat of my dad escalating to physical force or pain if I got too angry in responding to how they were treating me, active hate would've been less adaptive and greater misery. And then instead of fleeing, I rebelled - I got the profoundly rare satisfaction of reclaiming better treatment with my own strength.
So now I just wish them the best. I never even felt the need to cut contact, though I can't say I felt much desire for it or stayed in touch as much as I suspect healthy families do. My mom passed over a decade ago - cancer. If she continues on in some experiencing form, I hope she's doing well. My dad is still alive. We chat sometimes, we meet sometimes. I enjoy most of our experiences together. I still want him to be successful and happy.
Ever since that personal "revolution", I've felt only the anger I needed either to push back against bad behavior from them, or to heal as I go through the memories and come to fully appreciate how fucked up and damaging it was for adults to do that to anyone, let alone as parents to their kid.
But I had the utterly luxurious privilege of fighting back and winning, changing the relationship for the better. I took back the ground I needed, I re-created the space for love, because I got to personally force them back outside of the most essential boundaries of mine that they violated.
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Can you do Yan!Yuki-onna headcannons please?
Yandere Yuki-Onna (雪女) Hcs
Since I'm struggling to write the Lotus Fae request I'm gonna do this one since it's easier.
(Wikipedia isn't helping me explain today so I'll just go from memory)
Tw: Implied/mention of murder, blood stain, hypothermia, implied stalking, breaking in someone's home
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• There is one thing about this myth that can really change the interpretation. For each region they have their own Yuki-Onna. Now, for the most part the basic stuff is the same but the methods of killing however can differ drastically.
• I'm from the Kantō region (Central-Eastern Region) so my interpretation will be the usual stuff. It's where most Japanese live so many will agree with me.
• Moving on, the Yuki-Onna is primarily a spirit or ghostly that murders during times of winter and coldness. It is most often a woman, but on some occasions it can be a man as well (if it is a man it is called Yuki-Otoko 雪男)
• Their physical appearance is pure white skin (like actually white) with long black straight hair. In some versions it has blood-stained lips, or just slightly blue ones.
• Their clothing is usually of Kimono for Women and a Hakama for men. Their clothing is white along with some bloodstains from past kills.
• Alright here comes the hard part: method of killing. Apparently in some regions it takes your liver or something, but where I'm from they literally cause you to get hypothermia or freeze you. Typically it's from outside exposure or from her own powers but in some versions it's because of kissing and other lovey-dovey actions.
• The primary reason of its death is because they got exposed to the cold while traveling. In some interpretations it's because they were searching for their lost lover in the cold.
• Either way, the main reason it kills is because of yearning/jealousy. It's known to spare kind and good-looking people but can still snap. When it is angered it slaughters, sometimes raiding villages in envy. They hate the thought of others experiencing love and companionship, thus wanting to eradicate couples.
• Now that I've explained the lore of the Yuki-Onna let's go on to actual hcs
• For the sake of scenario, you live on the outskirts of a village high up in the mountains. It's a frosty winter, unfortunately your fireplace running out of wood. Since it's mid-day you go out, scavenging some thick branches and logs.
• While gathering up the materials you notice movement in the corner of your eye. At first you think nothing of it, but after multiple times you start wonder to if someone's watching you.
• Freaked out, you race home, shutting the door. For the rest of the day you glance behind yourself often as you walk around.
• When night falls you dive under your covers, loving the toasty warmth that slowly begins to build up. You quietly fall into a blissful sleep, exhausted from the dilemma that occurred earlier that day.
• Unknown to you the sliding screen slowly creaks open, a figure stepping onto the bamboo floor. It crouched down, observing your face in admiration.
• You were just so cute! Scurrying away like a little mouse. You must be so afraid having no one to protect you. Don't worry, now that they're here you can rest easy.
• It crawls beside you, wrapping their freezing arms around you. Its icy lips nuzzle into your hair, affectionately whispering random phrases.
• Now you two can sleep forever in the never-ending cold. In your dreams, letting time stop and eternity rage on.
• (In reality they've already killed you and transformed you into a spirit as well.)
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(I do not own this ancient artwork)
Ah I love writing about Japanese folklore and mythology. Reminds of the cartoons and books I read as a kid. You guys can totally request more if you'd like! If you don't any, you can ask for a random one.
- Celina
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Character Intros for God-Touched
Goodies under the cutoff cause this post got LOOOOOOOOOONG.
I've done picrews for all of these chaotic little guys using this fantastic picrew by Djarn:
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Az is essentially Dean Winchester or Han Solo: flirty cocky badass and knows it, sleeps around but has never really been in love, incredibly devoted to her little sister to the point of dying or killing for her, and very fuck-the-system as far as sociopolitical leanings.
She hasn’t had a lot of formal training or education but she’s wicked smart and loves inventing and fixing stuff, she has whole shelves of homemade drones and robots at home that she’s built out of spare parts. She’s into personal-sized spaceships the way some people here and now are into cars: knows a lot about them, has a dream one that she’d buy if she ever had the money, is a snob about some types, etc.
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Kim is more reserved and a bit snarky, exasperated by chaos and thinks she’s the voice of reason but is really only that compared to Az. She only seems sensible when compared to her sister, and only because her sister has literally no sense of self preservation. She's hard to anger, but gets scary if you do get her angry.
The elite military academy she went to might be a tough place, but it’s also the only world where she’s ever even come close to fitting in. She loves Az with all her heart and deep down, just wants to make her proud because she’s her hero. But at home, she felt like she was never good enough, so she started rebelling and ran off to convince herself she didn’t need Azrea anymore.
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Zizi is a very multifaceted sort of character: savvy, flamboyant people person and fashion magnate, tired, bossy, grudgingly nurturing Mom-friend, and an angel without most of her powers who’s a bit jaded and cynical from living so long, but still trying as hard as she can to find hope and keep fighting. She doesn't get angry easily, but when she does you'd better run.
Nagging and sassy banter is her love language, which she uses frequently on the main gang, because she views them as her adopted kids within about ten minutes of getting to know them.
She’s basically Molly Weasley meets Edna Mode.
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Ji’el is the nicest and most moral out of all of them, in her own way. She’s like, a lawful good rule follower rich girl, who’s trying to make her absent, busy single Dad notice her and be proud of her. Over the course of the story she learns to be her own judge of what’s right and trust herself more instead of trusting the system. Also very devoted and head-over-heels for Kim. She can fight well, but isn’t stereotypically tough or badass, much more of a cinnamon roll.
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Ro was born with legs that don't work on their own and has a super-fast hovering sci fi wheelchair-type contraption that they use most of the time. Sometimes they'll wear their removable leg braces, but they're starting to get too small because Ro's had them since they were a teenager, and getting them on and off is a huge pain in the butt. So most of the time they just use the hover chair. They’re the best spaceship pilot of anyone in the group, Chaska modified the cockpit to click-connect with their hover chair so they can reach the controls easier. Ro is also a total violent chaos gremlin and loves art, especially graffiti, and cooking, especially spicy food.
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Chaska is Ro's boyfriend and the group’s mechanic slash engineer, and also keeps way too many alien houseplants in nooks and crannies around the ship, some of which are carnivorous. He’s also chaotic, but in a more cheerful, lighten-the-mood, cinnamon roll kind of way. He’s an excellent medic too, but with an unfortunate habit of sassing his patients into submission if they don’t behave.
Plus an Alignment Chart!!
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elleventhsense · 11 months
Living with my Toxic Father... Again
After graduating from university, I moved back home with my parents. I've been living with them for a month now and I'm trying to change this.
I never had a functional relationship with my dad. He's a terrible person and has done unthinkable things to me. He has several mental illnesses, including narcissistic personality and bipolar disorder. He has severe anger issues, and is tolerable 60% of the time until he gets triggered (but he gets triggered by everything). Living with him is basically walking on eggshells 24/7. I've basically turned into a shell of a human around him, interacting as little as possible and avoiding eye contact. As cruel as it sounds, there have been many times in my life where I wished he was dead.
He's also a raging alcoholic and goes on daylong benders where everyone around him is miserable. I feel bad for my mom. She's a kind, sweet woman and she takes so much shit from him. She's a meek/passive woman and won't stand up for herself or others. She has admitted to living in a constant state of anxiety. I desperately wished for her to file for a divorce from him my entire life, it would've spared me from so much pain. A part of me has always resented my mother because I felt like she was complicit to my suffering. But I know this is a cycle of abuse she's enduring, because my grandma also had the same dynamic with my grandpa.
I think I could tolerate my father being a total piece of shit if he at least contributed to the home in some way or another. But he's absolutely useless. He doesn't work, cook, or clean. My mom pays for all of the bills on her minimum wage salary and he waits on her to make him all his meals. He'll also complain about how dirty the house is, yet sit at the computer all day. He loves to exercise power over people when he hasn't proven he deserves a single ounce of respect. He's totally fucking incompetent.
Due to his narcissism, he thinks he's a perfect human being. He'll play victim in every situation. His logic: "Oh, you're upset that I'm lashing out at you, well why did you do XYZ in the first place?". In fact, he thinks I'M evil for isolating myself from him - saying I don't know what the value of family is, my priorities are in the wrong place, and that I'm morally corrupted. When I was 19, it got really bad and I debated ghosting my entire family completely. Changing my name, moving somewhere new, and going no-contact. I didn't end up doing that, but I hope that shows the gravity of the situation.
Living on my own for 4 years while I was doing my degree was amazing. I had experienced freedom and peace like never before. It was like a breath of fresh air. Now that I've graduated and moved back in it's like living in fucking hell again. I feel like a helpless teenager again.
I'm saving up to move out. I have 2 months of rent right now, I need 6 month of rent and then I'm free.
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shipcestuous · 2 years
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (again) (submission)
The recent ask about Seteth/Flayn got me thinking--I know several relationships in FE: Three Houses have come up, and for good reason, but there are others that haven't been talked about. So I decided to do a writeup of some more! Not all of these are the most shippy--especially compared to those that have already come up--but there's a wealth of families and dynamics in these games. And even one instance of canon that hasn't been mentioned before! So--
Byleth and Jeralt--father/child, non-canon. Byleth is the player character of Three Houses, the son/daughter (player choice) of a legendary knight-turned-mercenary. When Byleth was born, their mother died and Jeralt suspected her mother figure/his employer had done something to his child (more on that later). Byleth never laughed or cried, and lacked a heartbeat.  Jeralt staged his and Byleth's deaths, took his child, and went off to start a new life as a merc.
Although Jeralt isn't a sentimental guy, he clearly loves his child.  He knows they're "different" from normal people but that doesn't change his feelings toward them at all, though he does show concern for their ability to make friends since they've never had other bonds outside their dad and mercenary group before the game starts. In Three Houses, Jeralt's death is the first time Byleth ever cries--and Jeralt is comforted in his final moments by this proof that his seemingly emotionless child did love him enough to shed tears.  It's a touching, tragic scene that I definitely cried over.
In the new game, Three Hopes, (spoilers) both Byleth and Jeralt can be recruited by the player, which means they both can live (if not, Jeralt is killed and Byleth seeks revenge and ultimately dies also).  Byleth and Jeralt get actual support conversations in this game.  Jeralt opens up about his feelings more and mentions how much Byleth reminds him of their late mother/his wife (which is always a shippy sentiment). And although Byleth's tone and facial expressions aren't good at expressing emotion, they make sure Jeralt knows they care for him, too. They even give him flowers! Saying "I wasn't sure the best way to communicate my feelings" and says they're thankful that Jeralt is their father--and then it turns out they're the same kind of flowers Jeralt used to give Byleth's mother. It's a sweet moment, especially after the angst in Three Houses.
Edelgard and Dimitri--they've come up before, but I'm at least mentioning previously mentioned pairs for anyone reading this who hasn't seen those asks. Stepsiblings, canon feelings, tragic but (as previous anon said) not because of incest.  There IS new content for them in Three Hopes, but I'll make a separate post for that once I've finished the entirety of the game.
Felix and Rodrigue--father/son, non-canon but there's a lot of (not sexual) tension between them. They come from a noble house dedicating to serving the royal family. When Felix was about 13, his older brother Glenn died protecting Prince Dimitri, and their father Rodrigue buried his own sadness about Glenn's death by basically romanticizing the concept of dying in service of the king. This caused Felix to resent his father for years, too blinded by his own grief and anger to recognize that Rodrigue was trying to console himself about the loss of his son.
In Three Houses (similar to Byleth and Jeralt), Rodrigue is killed protecting Dimitri, before things could get entirely cleared up with Felix. Felix is heartbroken but tries to bury his feelings, instead pushing Dimitri to keep moving forward to atone for Rodrigue's sacrifice.
But in the new game, it's possible for Rodrigue to survive.  (Actually, it's dependent on the player sparing Byleth and Jeralt, at which point they become allies and Byleth doesn't kill Rodrigue as revenge for their own dad.)  If so, Felix and Rodrigue can finally get their feelings about Glenn's death out in the open, apologizing to each other and understanding each other's point-of-view. They make up--even if Felix is still the game's biggest tsundere--and end up in a far better relationship than they had at the beginning.
Mercedes and Emile--half-siblings, non-canon, also came up before. They were separated for a long time as children and ended up on opposite sides, but can become allies in one route of Three Houses and again in Three Hopes. Even if Emile is brooding and intimidating to most people, his supports with Mercedes in both games are sweet.
Annette and Gustave--father/daughter, non-canon. Gustave was another loyal defender of the royal family, but after the Tragedy of Duscur (the same event in which Felix's brother was killed and Dimitri was traumatized), he felt like a failure and left the country, leaving behind a wife and daughter too. Understandably, when Annette meets him again, she's resentful that he left her and her mom. But even then, it's obvious her bitterness is because she cared about him so much and spent years feeling abandoned. Meanwhile, he at first pretends not to recognize her because he feels he doesn't have the right to face her.
However, when Annette opens up about all the pain she went through when he left, Gustave realizes the extent of his mistake and tries to make amends. He gives her a bundle of letters that he'd written while he was gone, for her and her mother, but never had the courage to send them. She makes him promise that, after the war, he'll return home with her. Their paired ending notes that he does, and although it's a bit awkward at first, they make up for lost time and "the family rekindled their love for one another."
Seteth and Flayn--father/daughter posing as brother/sister, non-canon, recently came up but I want to second how cute their dynamic is. Also there's a part in their supports (before it's revealed they're father/daughter) where Seteth remarks he's worried about her as a brother, and Flayn sadly repeats "As a brother?" And to someone who doesn't already know the Reveal, it seems almost like she's disappointed he's only protective because of the family bond and not romantic feelings or something. Context is for the weak.
Hilda and Holst--sister/brother, non-canon. Delightfully opposite siblings, with Holst being a famed warrior and hard-worker and his little sister Hilda being rather spoiled and lazy (even if she has many good qualities too). She's actually that way because growing up in his shadow, she feels like even if she does make an effort, people will still find her disappointing. That and he allegedly has a hard time saying no to her.
Still, even if she feels disappointing next to him, she admires him a great deal, often bringing up how impressive he is in her support conversations with other characters. In Three Houses, we never see Holst in person, but still learn a lot about him from Hilda: how smart, nice, protective, strong he is.
He does appear in the flesh in Three Hopes, and in Hilda and co.'s route, he's playable! That means we get to see him interact with Hilda, and their supports are cute. He admits she's the main reason he's here, to protect her, but also to "punish any scoundrels who attempt to woo" her. And he makes an effort to brag about her and her accomplishments to his men, noting that Hilda always puts him on a pedestal but she needs to appreciate her own accomplishments more, and he wants everyone to recognize how great she is. It's a real treat.
Yuri and his mom--non-canon, and we never even get to meet her, I just think they're sweet. Yuri was born to a poor sex worker and never knew his father or any other family. They had a difficult life but always cared for each other through it. He has a rough exterior and is no stranger to illegal dealings, but one of his big soft spots is for his mother. In the Cindered Shadows DLC, he endangers his friends because his mother's life is being used as a threat against him.
His Three Hopes supports with the player character revolve around him and his mom. We learn she's in bad health, and (even in the middle of war) he goes to visit her as often as he can. Although he's usually sharp-tongued, the mask always slips when he talks about his mom and their relationship is cute even if we never meet her.
...And finally, the canon stuff that I'm sure you were waiting for!
Rhea and Sothis--daughter/mom, both canon and non-canon because reincarnation is at play. See below:
Rhea and Byleth--it's complicated, but basically they're grandmother and grandchild but also parent and child? It's complicated.
Anyway, Rhea is the archbishop of the church, and Jeralt's former employer. But she is really a member of the same inhuman race as Flayn and Seteth (they're related somehow, but exactly how isn't clear).  Her mother, Sothis, is the goddess that the church is devoted to, who once walked alongside the people with her children--until she and a lot of her children were murdered, leaving only Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, and a couple others. Their bones were turned into weapons, which is pretty gross. Rhea got revenge for her mother--as depicted in the opening cutscenes of both games. In Three Houses' cutscene, she's even cradling the bloody sword (made from her mother's spine) to her cheek and talking to it lovingly.
Anyway, Rhea founds the "Church of Seiros" (Seiros being another name for her) as a place of worship to her mother, and for centuries, she's hoped to resurrect Sothis. She hoped to do this by implanting her Crest Stone into a "vessel" who would then be a host to Sothis.
Long story short, Byleth's mother Sitri was the twelfth vessel created by Rhea. It's not clear exactly how Rhea "created" these vessels, though it is worth noting that Sitri had green hair/eyes similar to Rhea and others of her species. Some people theorize she was Rhea's child by blood, though even if she wasn't, Rhea was still her adoptive mother--thereby making her Byleth's grandmother.
(It's also worth noting that, decades prior to Byleth's birth, their father Jeralt's life was saved by Rhea, via her giving him some of her blood; this gave him the same Crest as Rhea and made him longer-lived because her blood now runs through him. If Sitri was Rhea's descendant by blood, that would make their marriage kind of incest-lite, too.)
Anyway, Sitri had a difficult childbirth and, when Byleth was born, realized the child didn't have a heartbeat. Faced with the choice between saving Byleth or herself, Sitri begged Rhea to save Byleth's life, so Rhea implanted the Crest Stone from Sitri's chest into Byleth to keep them alive.
Jeralt wasn't told about any of this, leading to his distrust of Rhea, and why he faked his and Byleth's deaths and ran. Because of this, Rhea and Byleth didn't meet again until Byleth was around 21, when they were recruited as a teacher at the Academy run by the church.
Rhea naturally takes a huge interest in Byleth, especially since she hopes they can be a suitable vessel for Sothis. She doesn't know that Byleth is already host for Sothis, with her living as a second spirit inside them as they're her reincarnation. (Eventually, Byleth and Sothis fuse into one being, making Byleth's coloring strongly resemble Rhea.)
Rhea can only have supports with Byleth, and she's very affectionate toward them despite her lofty position. She comments on Byleth's "beautiful, shining eyes... And silken hair, so similar to my own..." in a way that's rather suggestive. It's an interesting dynamic, because on one hand, Rhea wants her beloved mother back (through Byleth), and on the other, Byleth is (through Sitri) Rhea's grandchild, in one way or another. And on another other hand...
In one route, it's possible for Byleth (either male or female) and Rhea to end up together romantically. Rhea says, "I wished for you to become the progenitor god... I wished desperately to be held in my mother's arms once more... But that has changed. Now, I wish only for you to be yourself...and to have you by my side." At first, she loved Byleth because they were the reincarnation of her mother, but she's realized she loves them romantically now too, and proposes to them, without anybody really commenting on the whole "Byleth is her grandchild but also her mom" thing.
As I said, it's complicated. But canon!
Speaking of canon, I mentioned that Rhea is related somehow to Seteth and Flayn.  It's not clear exactly how, but they're also descended from Sothis. And Sothis's reincarnation, Byleth, can romance Seteth or Flayn too. Which is some kind of incest for sure.
So that's a longer-than-intended writeup of some of the relationships in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. It's not a comprehensive list of every single family relationship in the games, because there are several more--I just talked about the ones I find most interesting or noteworthy. Hopefully this gives people more insight into the treasure trove that is the FE Fodlan games.
Wow! Fire Emblem starts giving us incest ships and then just never stops. I am so glad that you were here to catch the ships that fell between the cracks and to update us on some of the other relationships that had come up before. This was a very enjoyable read, and educational. There's so much to ship here!
There's too much to reply to, I hate to neglect the ships, but I will say that Hilda and Holst sound frickin' adorable and the confusing canon of Rhea/Sothis/Byleth is truly something.
Thank you so much for this!
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tsukiyadori · 2 years
Translation Quality of Fukou-kun wa Kiss suru shika nai Episode 1 on Viki
Since I saw somebody asking about the translation quality of Fukou-kun wa Kiss suru shika nai - I took a little look.
(Just the Viki episode 1 though, since I don't have a subscription and that's the only free episode right now. No Idea about Gagaolala's since I also don't have a subscription there either. Couldn't find what fansubs were referenced on quick look, so also no idea about that one. If somebody wants to provide sub-files I can take a look at the lines, too.)
My brain also blanked out with the OP and the ED has been skipped. (Spare me that bland canned Jpop please...) So no idea about the lyrics.
TL;DR first: Viki's for that episode is… passable. I have seen no hair pulling super major botches that are just utterly wrong and plot/context/characterization breaking. That being said, definitely don't expect brilliancy, either.
Some things that picked my attention in order of appearance:
In the prologue when Kouta talks about his type he uses 子 (ko). That implies a girl. After he drops the act, he's using 人間 (ningen) which means human. This was quaint, because usually you would opt to 人 (hito, person) for something more neutral. No idea what this is supposed to imply or if at all. Translations are fine there, just a lost nuance.
I'm sure I'll meet some great friends -> I'm sure there will be wonderful new meetings/encounters 出会い (deai) is used, which is meeting/encounter. This can mean all sorts of things in that vein, but expressly also means you might have your fated mate meeting (運命の出会い, unmei no deai). So it's definitely implied he's hoping for a bit more. (But the context also supplies this information already, so nothing really lost.)
This introduction was all lies! -> By the way, this prologue just now was COMPLETELY all lies!
That got shortened and also looses out on the typography of the sign. There is this playfulness JP typography that never seems to translate well outside.
Dropping the sweet act, here's my actual introduction This one is actually a good localization. In the fake prologue he uses boku for I (usually more innocently boyish) which then is switched to ore (more rude, manly).
And I've finally come to this conclusion: I'm just meant to be unlucky -> I've arrived at the truth, I have an unlucky condition This is maybe a bit nitpicking. But it's less a conclusion but more like he found the root cause (the truth) and the way he describes his condition is using (体質, taishitsu), which is a physical condition. So basically he takes it in like an identified chronic illness he has no means to get rid of, and that's a mood that reflects across everything he says (to himself), which is full of bitter salty anger, envy or resignation. He also gets pretty venomous nasty often enough, with much ruder, colloquial speech (extension to the switch to ore) which I don't quite think the English captures with as much of a contrast to what he says out loud all that much. The actor's voice does tho, so it still has that vibe from there.
Kirari is a sound effect onomatopoeic word describing a twinkle. Which is why this is a bit of a wild nickname to have as an adult (and a guy).
Typo Izakoi instead of Izayoi once, so QC is probably not the tightest, but also not the worst since there was only one.
Shinomiya gets translated to Naoya, which means this one abides by Western name referencing of first names rather than keeping the Japanese one of referencing last names and its registers of intimacy it denotes. This is jarring by default if you hear Shinomiya, but read Naoya, but it's pretty standard a thing to happen with Japanese translations. What definitely is bad tho is that there is no consistency, because Kouta's acquaintances call him Fukuhara, which is his last name. (If this show ever starts making Kouta switch from Shinomiya to Naoya, and they make a big blushy drama out of it, which the Japanese love to do, probably expect this to make no sense in the translation.)
What a formidable guy -> What a dreadful/frightening guy
lady killer This is obviously a bit awkward with it being in a BL coming from a guy describing the effects on himself, but that one kind of has no short English word. Japanese uses 無自覚天然たらし (mujigaku tennen tarashi). mujigaku means unaware, tennen is a natural airhead (the one that breaks hearts like breathing and never notices) and tarashi means very (in a bit of a condescending manner) and amplifies this once more. (If there is a good Engilish expression, I'm all ears!)
I was hoping we could stay together always - let's stay together That is super awkward, but the translator probably tried their best to retain some levels of ambiguity for the misunderstanding. The word used is 付き合い (tsukiai), which can mean accompany but very much also means dating. The way Kouta asks it is literally how you'd ask somebody out for dating, and he does this even in a very typical girly shy manner (completely in contrast with his thoughts in more guyish informal register).
Other than that, the translation definitely doesn't feel like natural English, but also not like that Engrish you'd get from a Japanese native person usually. (My guess is it's intermediate-advanced proficiency, one of the typical pit traps in that stage is still to be too literal and have Japanese sentence structures invade your translation.) Refreshing for one doesn't sound like anything a native English speaker would say to describe a person. What is meant here is a person who is kind of upbeat and agreeable to their surroundings, or somebody who's good at smoothing things out with their way of talking. (But also not suave or so.) Maybe affable, amiable, pleasant? (But then I don't think Westerners ever mumble so fascinated about a person after they're gone, bar in a more sexually/romantically/idolizing coded fawning sense to begin with…?)
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dumb-bitch-core · 3 years
Yuu / Reader who's arab
as an arab myself, the possibilities of chaos are endless. this is pretty long, so it'll be under the cut.
*.✧ contains : gender-inclusive reader, arab! reader, platonic relationships, lowercase, not-so-serious writing
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so during the prologue where grim sets fire everywhere you're just screaming " ESTAKHFAR ALLAH- A3OUS BELLAHI MIN AL SHAITAN EL RAGEEM "
scarabia students looking at you; 👁️👄👁️👂
10/10 homies with the scarabia no i don't take criticism. you basically live there and not even jamil minds bcs you can help him make what you'd consider arab foods.
you call azul " ابو مخدرات " because he always acts like a drug dealer. when he wanted to make a deal about taking ramshackle, lemme say he got the good old arab household ass-whoopin' and not even the tweels were spared from your wrath as you beat them with the shoe. anyways, azul probably decided to make a mini mosque ( masjid ) because STONKS- 🏃‍♀️
savanclaw respected you due to being very scary when angered. they will never forget the day jack came back from the fight all battered and bruised, mumbling apologies like a prayer even though you were nowhere in sight. you are the only person who can make leona actually wake up. he just didn't wanna get his ass beat 🤩. helping ruggie has become a normal thing, and he actually appreciates it since you know a lot of hacks to finish quicker!
once a bitch from heartslabyul was messing with you and pulled off your hijab 🙄 ( if you wear one ) and riddle was LIVID. with deuce throwing his blazer on your head to cover up since the student still had the scarf ( which was snatched away by trey ), and cater and ace guarding you so nobody could see you as you walked off, riddle started scolding them very aggressively with the infamous collar on the student. 😼💅
pomefiore has become your personal designer team 😩✨. they'll help you pick out the perfect outfits, make sure nothing goes against religion, comfy, and practical for when you need to pray. don't be surprised if your hijab ( if you wear one ) has some gems on the bottom. they won't hesitate to go overboard if you don't mind it.
idia is slightly curious on what it's like, but he's pretty informed since he's probably seen some arab characters in his games. ortho is probably the most informed on this topic, but he still has his fir share of questions!
diasomnia are very much interested in your culture, but i feel like since lilia has lived for so long has probably met some people like you. some students are envious of when it's ramadan ( which by the way, ramadan mubarak to those who are fasting! i, myself, am ). why you may ask? because you don't have to eat lilia's food 😃✋
speaking of which, some students of the scarabia dorm will join you on fasting. i personally believe that kalim would have a big feast when it's iftar and maybe go over-the-top when it's sohoor. this leads to extra food :')
when you'd stop visiting mostro lounge unless it was during more later times, the octotrio were confused until you told them that you just didn't wanna see so much food while you were fasting. when they realized what ramadan was, guess what they did? MENU TIME-
riddle was sad you didn't attend any unbirthday parties 😔 but deuce, who had remembered what you said the day before, told him why. when our other 4 heartslabyul residents understood, trey was really the only one to do something i guess?? i mean, cater took more pics with you, but trey took the time to make some traditional sweets from back where you came from 🥺
you visited savanaclaw a lot, too, since you slept most of the day ( after school hours were done, obviously. ). this resulted in more naps together with leona. not that he minded, really.
I feel like some members of pomefiore would also join in fasting! not only would their patience increase ( i've always been told that ramadan helps increase your patience due to having to wait till iftar comes. ), but they'd also lose a few pounds ( LEMME TELL YOU HOW ✨S K I N N Y✨ I AM AFTER RAMADAN IM- )!
idia is ✨concerned✨ sometimes since he's highkey worried about your health, but when you tell him it won't affect you negatively, he'll tone it down. ortho has become your personal alarm clock! he'll always be there to tell you exactly when you can start eating.
when it's eid, scarabia throws a huge party! even our darling boys from other dorms will participate. expect to be wearing only the finest outfit thanks to pomefiore. 🧎
i also know these boys won't mind what your religion doesn't allow. can't eat pork? there are always other types of meat. no alcohol? it's fine! it never tasted that well, either. scared something isn't halal? savanaclaw students have strong noses and great taste, so they'll check for ya.
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bondsmagii · 2 years
from one eye avatar to another..how does one keep their sanity when uncovering some Information™️ like i’m helping a youtuber (one of those reddit mystery ones) with this internet mystery and there’s a guy who apparently doesn’t understand the concept of a digital footprint and. he’s genuinely so.. evil? i don’t know what word to use. i have his face and everything and i just keep uncovering more shit and it was fun at first- the dopamine rush of finding all of his accounts, the absurdity of the things he says, the sense of achievement, but now it’s so depressing? he’s actually out there in the real world. it’s not just a funny little reddit mystery. i wanna stop and do more productive things but this guy chronically overshares online and there’s. so much. to go through. it’s like if chris chan fused with patrick bateman. so i’m reading things from his fucked up perspective and it affects my mindset too, but I can’t stop doing it. my mood tends to shift really easily with something as small as the season change or how much sleep i got. and now i’m in such a hopeless, cold?, mood because those are the vibes i get from him. it’s the same feeling as being in a small, sterile, damp and cold room with no furniture and really strong white led lights. i don’t even know how to explain it. basically i need to get off my phone and go outside but my brain doesn’t want to. and while i have decent proof of some of his minor crimes, there is a chance he could just be some guy trolling people online for years. i don’t know.
man I know the exact feeling lmao. I'm really not sure if my advice is worth shit because everyone is different but if I'm being completely honest, if I'm that caught up in something the only thing I can do is ride it out. eventually I'll get to a point where I either know enough (for now) or I'll just get sick of it for whatever reason, or I'll find something that's newer and more interesting. I've found there's no point in trying to prematurely seperate myself from a subject, even if it's intensely unpleasant, because a) I will not be able to focus on anything else well enough that it's worth doing anything and b) I will always come back to the subject until I'm satisfied, and the way I see it, it's better to feel like shit because of an unpleasant topic for a few days/weeks rather than drag it on and on for month, and be thinking about it in my spare time as well.
also, and here is where I show my hand as a real avatar lmao, I find that I don't really have trouble keeping a distance from the things I'm looking at. sometimes the subjects can get a bit heavy, but I usually find myself experiencing feelings of frustration and anger at stupid decisions or utter pointlessness rather than anything personal. I find it very easy to remember my place -- I'm an observer. I'm not there to do anything other than watch and take in information. everything before me has already happened, or is already happening independently of me, and it's not my responsibility. it's none of my business, and I'm an intruder. I should stay in my lane, and remember that it really doesn't have to go any deeper than just watching. and that's what I like to do! I like to watch, and I like to know all of the facts, and I like to be in the Know, but I do not want to get involved or have any kind of personal interaction with the subject/the people involved. this is something I'm very firm with, and so I find it's very easy for me to keep a distance between myself and the subject.
finally, I think it's inevitable that when you read enough about somebody's perspective, it kind of sinks in a little. but with time and practise it becomes much easier to regard this as simple perspective (another kind of knowledge, and nothing more). a very important part of learning is developing the ability to consider the perspectives of others, even if what they're saying is completely deplorable. considering the perspective does not equal agreeing with it, and if your own views and principles are sturdy enough, there's no chance of getting persuaded. it's good to expose yourself to challenges, no matter how unpleasant, because there is no point in having beliefs and morals if they're never tested. I kind of see it as straying into unchartered and possibly dangerous territory, and coming out the other side with something I didn't know before. no matter how unpleasant or seemingly pointless, knowledge is good. you never know when it might come in handy, after all.
finally finally, I think we all go a little insane when finding out Forbidden Things. I do believe that's part of the fun. also I am desperate to know just what it is you've discovered. pacing and gnashing my teeth.
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Kait... I honestly come to really love Suit Saeran. At visual novel after empty shell chat where he comes to MC's room, he sounds somewhat gentle though it's because he did not want to be angry at us anymore, but he says so himself "I wouldn't be this gentle if Ray stay silent inside of me". I've just noticed, there are so many of his statements when he intentionally or not, unconsciously or not I don't know, he let his sturdy wall go down even only a little bit. The first one is when the visual novel where he holds MC's shoulder, he shouts at us, getting angry because he's frustated that we will get our cleansing ceremony tonight and he tried to fail it but failed to do so. He's furious that how MC could be so stupid and wrong that we are to have the ceremony because of that. But again, he hides it with how they can't just dispose of us when we belong to him as his toy.
There's this option "let's get out of here. Come with me." He answers with "No! You will leave me." I don't know but it struck to me how at that point, it isn't that Saeran don't want to leave ME because, well it's Mint Eye. He don't want to leave because he's afraid MC will leave him just like everyone else. That makes me realized just how complex his character is and how he has many good traits that he hides behind his anger.
Yeah, it really hurts me to see people misunderstand Ray or Suit Saeran because they see what they present themselves as but they aren't looking deeper to see who they truly are.
People should never say that Ray is good and Suit Saeran is evil, because that's not the truth at all and it's, in fact, insulting to imply that because they're both capable of extremes, good and bad. I've gone over it before.
Saeran is scared.
Saeran is hiding behind a scary mask because he's been hurt and he has to be the strongest or he's going to die. He's awake because Ray was hurt and he needs to protect not only Ray but himself as well. If he points out to you that Ray got hurt, he's actually angry that some person would go and hurt Ray.
Ray is the one that believes in hope and fairytales. Suit Saeran has to be realistic and crush things. He keeps being told that he needs to be crushing things before he's crushed. He is screaming for help and for someone to help him, but he's so scared of being crushed that he is pushing back.
His anger is a sword and a shield. It protects him but it keeps every little thing away from him, the good, the bad, and the ugly. He is the one that doesn't know what he wants. Ray had an idea of what he'd wanted. He wanted to be happy... he liked being with you. Saeran is not sure what he wants.
He's confused. Rika keeps telling him lies and spinning things to make him feel lost and upset. He questions everything and knows that what he's being fed has to be a lie, but the manipulation that went on in the cult ran very deep and he's going to be dealing with that in spades for quite a while.
He doesn't realize that he's scared of losing you like he's lost Ray. He can't feel Ray anymore... you're all that's left. He knows what anger feels like and he knows what fear feels like, but the warm feeling you give him is scary... new... dangerous. It got Ray destroyed. He cannot be vulnerable. He shouldn't love you. But, he does and that's scary.
He tries to protect you by keeping you locked away, he tries to keep you away from the elixir and he tries to tell Rika to spare you so he can keep you safe. He winds up doing the same thing that Ray was by fighting the cult to save you, but he can't confess to himself that's what it is.
He is ashamed of himself. By the time he realizes what it is that he wants and that it may be okay to dream... he stops himself. He hurt you. He hurt you by trying to protect himself.
He didn't need to protect himself from you. You weren't the problem. Love wasn't the problem. Mint Eye is. He understands that, but when he calls you to say, "Who would you leave with?"
He will break down after that phone call if you say Ray because he knows that he deserves that after hurting you. If you say him, he will have a bitter laugh because why do you even want him after he hurt you? It doesn't make sense. You may forgive him when he visits you later that night...
But he doesn't forgive himself.
You know what, GE Saeran holds that guilt that Suit Saeran felt, even during the After Ending. He wasn't able to fully forgive that part of his heart until the After Ending. This shame... if it wasn't for the fusion at day 10 that created GE Saeran, Suit Saeran fully intended to let you leave with Ray and he...
He wasn't going to come back out again if he could help it for a long time, if ever. His shame is that strong. Suit Saeran does hurt you, but he hurts himself, too. His character is so much more than someone saying, "I'm evil now, fuck you."
Look deeper into it.
Suit Saeran is terrified out of his mind. He's not just angry... he's aware of the risks and he's aware of his fate. He's scared of everyone leaving again and he's scared of letting people in. He lives on the edge of those feelings until it explodes in his face. There's just so much to Suit Saeran that people don't try to see.
His cruelty isn't excused but I do wish that people would try to see why he's like that.
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