#basically she just lies and nods and agrees when she’s put on the spotlight
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Day 16, @june-doe-event religion <3
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“the president and the troublemaker” (part 4) (chilumi fic)
“Lumine is the student council president and Childe is the school’s number one troublemaker. They cross paths more than they’d like. Especially when Childe finds out Lumine’s big secret. Highschool AU à la Kaichou wa Maid-sama.”
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
[Fic Masterlist] // [AO3 Link]
the president and the troublemaker (part 4)
Lumine narrowed her eyes at Kaeya. “What does this have to do with fighting?” she asked as she pulled at the frills and lace of the dress her manager had forced her to wear. The bright pink garment made her look like some fairytale princess on her way to meet the nearest unicorn. 
“Nothing,” Kaeya responded, the shutter of his camera clicking as he took her picture. “This is for publicity.”
“I need publicity?” 
“Well, no one is going to fight you if they don’t know who you are,” Kaeya explained. “I also think we can catch people off guard if we present you like this.” 
“She does look very...docile right now,” Aether noted from his perch on a pile of gym mats. They were currently in the back of Zapolyarny Palace; Lumine was posed against a white sheet for a simple backdrop to their photoshoot.
“Exactly.” Kaeya nodded. “People are going to think she’s easy prey to beat for some cash. Until she hits them where it hurts.” 
“And what does Childe think of this?” Lumine asked. 
“Tartaglia is in charge of your skills as a fighter. I’m in charge of your image as a fighter.” 
“Is that really that important?” 
Kaeya smiled. “Even as a fighter, you’re still an entertainer. The more likeable you are, the more you put yourself out there, the more sponsors you’ll get—which means more money for you.” 
“And you’re sure that her identity isn’t going to be revealed if we get too much in the spotlight?” Aether asked, pursing his lips. 
“We’re going to keep it contained within Snezhnaya, and as we’ve talked about, your little school friends don’t venture this way.” 
Lumine sighed. “Fine; let’s get this over with.” She gave a stiff smile. 
Kaeya brought the camera down, his face cast in disappointment. “This is part of the job, Lumine. You need to play the part. People can tell from a mile away if you’re not exactly passionate about this.” 
Her face dropped, and she yet again pulled at the dress. “I just don’t feel comfortable in this.”
It was Kaeya’s turn to sigh. “Let’s just call it a day then.” He gave the dress a glance-over. “You’re right, this doesn’t exactly fit you.” 
“It’s not really her color,” Aether agreed. 
“You’re right about that, Aether.” The captain put his hand over his chin, pondering. “But what color fits Lumine best?” 
“I’m fine with any color. Can’t we just use the pictures you’ve already taken?” 
Kaeya was already packing away his camera. “You look like a dead fish strung up on display in a seafood market; no one is going to want to sponsor that.” 
“Can’t we just win people over with my skills?”
“Do you think sponsors would rather back a good fighter who is personable, or a good fighter who seems to hate everything around them?” 
The blonde crossed her arms. “I guess personable,” she grumbled. 
“Good job,” her manager acknowledged, his voice almost tipping into sarcasm. “So just give it some thought as to what color you would rather your dress to be, and I’ll have my seamstress recreate a dress for you, okay?”
Kaeya walked off, and Lumine flopped down on the mats next to Aether. She let out a frustrated groan. “Why does this have to be so hard? I used to just show up and punch people, and now I’m doing photoshoots?” 
Aether laughed, then patted her shoulder. “Just something else to study, right?” he said jokingly. 
Lumine sat up slightly. Sure, her brother was joking, but studying was something she was good at. Later, as she changed out of the wretched dress, she compiled a list of how to start her research. 
First, maybe some fashion magazines...Then...
* * *
Unfortunately, her student council duties and school work came first, and Lumine wasn’t able to swing by her local library to pick up some magazines for her research. 
“You okay, Lumi?” Amber, the student council secretary and Lumine’s friend, asked. 
The blonde gave her a small smile. “Yeah, I’m just thinking about work.” 
Amber perked up. “Oh, where do you work? Maybe I can help!”
...Shit. “Oh, uhm, just at a local restaurant…,” she lied. Please believe me, please believe me.
“Ah, I see,” the brunette said, nodding. “Customers got you down?”
“Uh, no actually. Management is kind of asking a lot of me. If that makes sense,” Lumine found herself saying. “Like expecting me to wear some stupid costume and...act a certain way that isn’t really true to who I am.” 
“Hmm,” the secretary hummed. “I totally get that. It’s always hard when people try to force you to be something you’re not.” Her face split in a cheeky grin. “But you are one of the most authentic people I know! And hardworking! I know that whatever you do, you’re going to do your best and still be the great president we all know and love!” 
Lumine felt her heart warm. “Thank you, Amber,” she said softly. 
Amber saluted. “Anytime, Pres!” 
Just then, a group of boys passed by the open door of the student council room, all excitedly chattering and gathering around something. 
“Dude, she’s so hot!” the two council members heard them exclaim. “Are there any nudes in here?” 
Lumine’s soft expression immediately faded, and she stood up from her desk. “That sounds like something I have to take a look at.” 
She stepped into the hallway, and the boys were at the end, still crowded around their object. She marched up to the group, immediately identifying their object as a magazine of swimsuit models.
“Inappropriate magazines are banned in school,” Lumine announced as she snatched it from one of the boy’s hands. All the boys let out various shrieks, then ran out of the hallway. When she walked back into the council room, Amber was gone with a note saying she had to go grab paperwork from the main office. 
Lumine sat back down at her desk, setting the magazine off to the side as she tried going back to her homework. She found herself glazing at the magazine more than she wanted to admit. 
She glanced around the room, slowly picking up the magazine, and peeling it open. She stared intently at the way the models held themselves in the pictures—their postures, their facial expressions—and tried to imagine herself in their shoes. 
“I didn’t know you were into that kind of stuff, Pres.”
Lumine nearly jumped a foot out of her seat. Childe was bent over her shoulder, looking down at the magazine with her. 
She slammed it closed. “Childe, do you ever go to class? Like at all?” 
“Of course I do,” he said, sitting on the edge of her desk. “I just leave when I get bored.” 
She sighed. “Do I have to write you up for skipping class?” 
He raised a brow, then picked the magazine off her desk. “Do I have to write you up for being in possession of this?”
Lumine ripped it from his hands. “It’s not what it looks like,” she tried to reason, her cheeks flooding with warmth. “I’m just researching. For Kaeya.” 
“For Kaeya? Does this have something to do with why he asked me what color fits you best?” 
“He asked you that?” Lumine rubbed her forehead. “Just tell him any color is fine.” 
“Why’s Kaeya got you doing all this anyways?” 
“Publicity, promotion, whatever you want to call it,” she explained. “Making me ‘personable.’”
“He doesn’t think you’re personable?”
“Apparently. He basically stuffed me in a frilly dress and told me to ‘smile for the camera.’” She turned to him. “You don’t do any of this stuff?” 
“My managers in the past tried to make me do it.” He shrugged. “I told them that if they made me do it, I’d just beat them up.” 
“Geez, Childe.” Lumine rested her head on her hand. “I’m not going to threaten Kaeya. I know he means well.” She shook her head. “I guess it’s just something I’ve got to do.” 
“I’ve had plenty of colleagues in the industry go through stuff like this though. Maybe I could come to the next photoshoot and help you with Kaeya?” he offered. 
“I appreciate the help,” Lumine said. “But this is my image, isn’t it? I think it’s something I’ve got to do on my own.” 
A small smile from Childe. “You’re very stubborn, you know that right?” 
“Is that bad? I like going my own way.”
“No, not at all.” He leaned back, eyes locking with hers. “I think it’s quite strong of you actually.” 
Lumine swore her heart had skipped a beat. “Ah, th-thanks, Childe, I guess.” She quickly stood up, packing her stuff up. “Well, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you later.” 
She rushed out of the room before Childe could say anything else. She brought her hand to her forehead, searching for signs of a fever. 
Why did my body do that just now?
* * * 
“Wow, Kaeya, I love this dress,” Lumine said genuinely, as she turned around in her new dress. 
It was a white dress, on the shorter side, the length going from high to low, with gold—almost armor-like—embellishments sewn in. The collar was a scarf that connected to the top of the bodice with two crossing straps, and the outfit was further accessorized with matching gold and white thigh high boots and long gloves. It fit comfortably, so comfortably that Lumine was confident she could actually fight in it. 
Kaeya nodded. “It fits you like a glove.”
“Aether, did you tell Kaeya to go with this look?” 
Her brother shook his head. “I really didn’t have any good ideas, so I didn’t suggest anything.” 
Lumine furrowed her brows. “Then who—”
“Looks like I was right—white really is your color,” Childe said, walking up to the trio.
“White?” Aether asked, his brows furrowed. “Like innocence?”
Lumine scoffed. “I’m not exactly ‘innocent.’ I mean, I punch people for a living.” 
Childe chuckled. “It’s ‘white’ because you don’t let others influence you. You are perfectly strong and hardworking all on your own.”
Lumine felt her face warm. Kaeya smiled. “Perfect,” he said. “I like the symbolism.”
“I must say, the piece turned out way better than expected,” Childe commented, his eyes roaming over Lumine. 
Again, her heart felt like it had stuttered for a second. 
“So, are we taking these photos or not?” she asked quickly. “The sooner we get these out, the sooner I can schedule matches, right?” 
“Okay, okay,” Kaeya said, unpacking his camera equipment. 
Soon enough, the backdrop and lighting equipment was set up again, and Aether and Childe sat in the corner while Kaeya instructed Lumine where to go and what to do. Aether had his nose in a book (avoiding conversation with Childe) while the orange-haired troublemaker just sat and watched. 
Lumine had been fine doing this ridiculous task in front of just Kaeya and Aether, but now that Childe was here, she was hyper-aware of his eyes on her, feeling more awkward than before, despite the better change in clothing. 
“Lumine, the dress does look much better, but you still look super stiff,” Kaeya commented. “Try to relax.”
“I am relaxed,” she said through gritted teeth. 
Childe laughed from the corner. “That’s what you call relaxed? You look like you’re about to pop a blood vessel.” 
“I’d like to see you try,” she snipped. 
A smirk. “Sure.” 
He sauntered up to the front of the camera, and Lumine stepped out of the way. 
“Wow, I get the honor of being your first official photographer?” Kaeya joked. 
“If Lumine demands it, I must,” Childe joked back. 
Kaeya started instructing Childe on what to do. To everyone’s surprise, Childe followed the instructions perfectly. 
Each pose struck, each expression made, Lumine could see coming straight out of a magazine. He was actually doing it, and doing it way better than Lumine had. Her muscles twitched at her failure—Can I really not do something as simple as this?
“See? Easy enough,” Childe said, smiling. “Are you really going to let me show you up at your own photoshoot?” 
“No,” she replied pointedly. She walked back to her place, eyes narrowing at Childe, silently telling him to get out of her space. 
Instead, he pressed into her space more. “Let’s try some things.” His hands were then on her arms, pulling them into specific angles. “Maybe if you tried posing like this…”
The embarrassment and frustration bubbled in her throat, and before she could even think about it, she yanked her body away from him. “Maybe it would be better if you left,” she snapped at him, her tone so poisonous that she swore her tongue tasted bitter afterwards. 
The room was absolutely silent. Kaeya and Aether’s eyes flickered between Lumine and Childe.
Childe stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Sorry. Seems like you’re in a bad mood today,” he said, walking away. “I’ll just leave then.” 
The anger in Lumine’s body quickly dissipated upon seeing Childe’s face—the cheerful glimmer in his eyes gone. He was just trying to help. 
“W-wait,” she said quietly.
Childe stopped, turning her way. 
Her eyes were cast downwards. “Ch-Childe, please help me.” 
Silence filled the room once more. 
The camera flashed, blinding everyone for a split second.
“That was the one,” Kaeya said. “A nice, genuine photo of you.” 
Both Lumine and Childe looked at Kaeya, a bit taken aback, then looked at each other. Lumine immediately averted her gaze back to the floor. After a second, she felt someone’s hand patting her head. 
“Looks like you didn’t even need my help,” Childe said, looking down at her. 
Secretly comforted by his touch, Lumine crossed her arms, feigning displeasure at his head pat. “But you did help,” she mumbled. “In a way.” 
Everyone turned to Aether in the corner. His hands were clasped tightly on his book, after he had slammed it closed. 
“Childe,” Aether said with a forced smile. “She’s not your pet, so let’s take your hands off, okay?” 
Childe pulled his hand back. “Oops,” he whispered to only Lumine. “Don’t want to get in bad favor with your brother, now do I?” 
“You’re already in bad favor with him,” Lumine whispered back, walking away from him and joining her brother. She glanced back, amused by his confused expression. 
“Sis,” Aether murmured once she was close enough. “Look, I’m glad he’s helping you with your job, but don’t forget that Childe is quite literally a delinquent at our school and has given you so many problems. Don’t get too involved with him.” 
“It’s okay, Aether, I don’t plan on ‘getting involved’ with him,” Lumine responded. 
Aether looked at her, and she could tell he didn’t believe her. 
...Why doesn’t he believe me? 
* * *
[part 5]
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aremiies · 4 years
❥ star gazer !
pairings: tamaki x fem!reader
warnings: just bad writing and very tooth rottening fluff 🥺
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y/n was a kind soul, everyone that knew her could tell you that. she was the type to always go out her way to make sure that you were okay, to make sure you were taking care of yourself. it seemed that there wasn’t a bad bone in her body. there couldn’t be. she was way too caring for her own sake, it was as if you couldn’t make her mad even if you tried, and that’s what everyone admired about her. especially one very anxious blue haired heroine who just so happened to go by the name of tamaki. tamaki had always admired y/n for her selflessness, her successfulness as a future pro-hero... her beauty that aphrodite herself would be jealous of.
to put it short, tamaki absolutely adored the girl. the poor boy always found himself thinking about her at the worst times imaginable. whenever she was around, he couldn’t help but stare and hope— just a little— that she would notice him. little did the anxious boy know, that she did notice him. she noticed him just as much as he did her. there were times where she’d want to go up to him and try to make basic conversation, just to get to know the boy better, but she always decided off of it knowing how bad the boys’ nerves were. she didn’t want to make him talk to her if he didn’t want to. but, oh, boy did tamaki want to talk to her. he wanted to talk to her about everything under the sun. what were her plans in life? what was her favorite food? how does she manage to look so good when sparring—?
tamaki sighed as he watched the girl through glass windows in the lobby. she wasn’t doing much, just sitting on a bench in the courtyard with a pink haired girl who’s name he was sure was mina.
“what’s wrong tamaki?” tamakis’ long time friend, mirio, asked as he followed tamakis’ eyes, trying to find what he was staring at so intensely. “oh... i see. want me to go talk to her for you?”
tamaki immediately lifted his head out of his hands, halfway breaking his neck to look at his friend standing behind him, “n-no! don’t do that p-please. sh-she m-might not even like me for all i know. i don’t want to embarrass m-myself mirio.” tamaki blubbered.
mirio chuckled a bit as he shook his head, “tamaki, you’re not going to embarrass yourself ! y/n is the nicest girl— probably ever. even if she didn’t want to go out with you, you’d probably never know.”
“g-go out with me?! no y-you’ve got it all wrong, i-i don’t wanna go out with her....” tamaki trailed off as he watched mirio’s smug expression. “okay, i do. i really, really do... but i just... i-i’d be so horrible with talking with her i couldn’t ever p-possibly go on a proper date with her. ugh, she makes me so nervous.” tamaki whined as he dug his blushing face into the palms of his hands.
“don’t worry, tamaki. i got this, i promise. i’ll set you guys up on a date where you won’t really have to look at each other to talk... or something. i’m not really sure what i’ll do yet, but i’ll make sure that it benefits you.” mirio grinned. tamaki had no idea what mirio was planning, he just hoped that he wouldn’t mess everything up with his uneasy-ness. tama watched his friend exit the lobby doors and walk over to the two girls who were sitting on the bench. watching as mirio had gotten y/n’s attention, tamaki felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach and then even lower when y/n looked behind to make unexpected eye contact with the boy who was, quite literally, sweating bullets as of right now. y/n gave a smile and wave to tamaki; feeling her cheeks warm up when he hesitantly waved back, she found his shyness cute. when she turned around after what felt like literal years to tamaki, he let out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding. although he was a sweaty, blushing mess, he hadn’t looked away from the interaction that was going on outside the window in front of him. there was a lot of nodding, smiling and pointing in the direction of tamakis person going on which made him incredibly more nervous— if it was even possible. eventually, the conversation had ended and mirio threw a thumbs up in tama’s direction.
the following night, to say tamaki was nervous was a severe understatement, he was sweating and his breathing was heavy. he felt as if he was going to pass out. as tamaki opened the doors to exit the dorm building he felt the coolness of the night air hit his face. it felt good to say the least, and with that and the little bit of courage he could bring him self to muster up, he walked in the direction of the arena where the ua sports festival was held, his breathing getting heavier and heavier with each step he took. after what felt like way more time than it actually was, tamaki made it to the arena. he took a step inside and looked around; a few yards in front of him he could see an indigo colored blanket with what looked like a speaker sitting on top of it.
“oh i see... we can listen to music and star gaze!” tamaki observed. “that way, we don’t really have to look at each other, we look at the stars. and even if we do have to look at each other, it’s night time so i won’t really be able to see y/ns’ face!” a small smile spread across the boys’ face. mirio hadn’t told the boy what’d he’d planned and now that he could see for himself, he loved the idea of stargazing, he’d always wanted to do it, and this would be the perfect time. tamaki sat down on the blanket and grabbed his phone from his pants pocket, looking for the app he usually listened to music on. the boys’ sweat laced hands gripped the phone tightly as he scrolled through his library looking for a specific playlist he’d made one day as he thought of a specific girl. connecting his phone to the bluetooth speaker that sat next to him, he hesitantly played the song and as if on cue the girl he’d been waiting for walked through the doors of the arena as the first couple of lyrics came through the speaker.
“you don’t have to be a hero to save the world.”
she was still wearing her school uniform, but the moonlight illuminated her person like a spotlight and, boy, did she look amazing in it.
“tamaki!” y/n called, quickening her pace over to the blue haired boy who’d sat waiting for her.
tamaki picked his head up from his phone upon hearing his name and looked over at the girl jogging up to him, “o—oh! hey y-y/n... i thought we could maybe s-star-stargaze...” he trailed off a bit. he thought he could do this, but as she came closer and closer he could see more and more of her face. more than he thought he’d be able to see. nonetheless, the boy composed himself as best he could. it was too late to back down, she was already here. “i also started to p-play some music th-that i saved. i-if you don’t like it w-we can turn it off and y-you can put on some music of your o—“
“tamaki,” the sweet talker of girl interrupted him softly, “i love this song, and i would love to stargaze with you.” she smiled at the boy before going to sit atop the blanket.
“oh-oh! that’s a relief, ho-honestly i thought you didn’t like it... but let’s just start... i guess? i w-was thinking that we c-could talk a bit... yknow a-as we star gaze...” tamaki considered, following the girls actions and sitting next to her on the blanket.
once again, y/n smiled as she began to lay down, “of course, silly. how else would we get to know each other.”
“righ-right,” tamaki chuckled nervously, “its okay if i lay down next to you, right?”
y/n nodded, “feel free to lay however close you want.”
tamaki’s face felt as if it was on fire at the mere thought of being as close as he wanted to the girl one would call him being infatuated with. tamaki, however, tried his best not to let his nerves get the best of him and lied down next to the girl in question.
there was silence between the two, the only noise being the music playing softly from the speaker before y/n spoke up, “the stars are absolutely beautiful.” she gushed.
“y-yeah. they really are.” tamaki agreed. now that he was actually melting into his current situation, things weren’t going as bad as he thought.
“tamaki?” y/n called.
“y-yeah? what is it?” tamaki could already feel his hands clamming up as he looked over to the girl next to him. how did she manage to look so good all the time?
“can i um... can i hold your... hand?” she shyly suggested.
tamaki wasted no time answering the girls question, “wh— yeah! of course— er... they’re a bit sweaty, though... sorry.” he gave a sheepish smile as he began wiping his hands on his pants.
“that’s okay! i just... really want to hold them. i’m sorry if this is weird.” y/n trailed off as she grabbed the hand closest to hers.
“no! no, of course it’s not weird. i actually wanted to hold your hand too... i-i’ve always wanted to hold your hand. i’ve always wondered how s-soft your hands would be...” tamaki slapped a hand over his mouth after realizing what he’d said, “oh god, that sounded so w-weird. i-i’m sorry! i-i guess i should tell you then, huh?”
“is it going to be what i think it’ll be?” y/n teased lightly.
“if you’re guessing i’m going to tell you that i really, really like you, then you’re right... i like you a lot, y/n. i have for some time now and i want to ask you properly this time; do you want to maybe... go on a date with me? l-like a proper one next time! we could go out to lunch o-or spend the day together... something like that.” tamaki said in a voice soft with nothing but affection.
tightening her grip on his hand just a bit, y/n looked over at the anxious boy next to her. the anxious boy she would soon be able to call hers, “of course i would tamaki. there’s nothing i would like more.”
a/n: thank you for reading !! i had no idea how to end this
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| cloud nine | j.jh
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: alternate universe
a/n: agh i really like this request because i’ve seen an edit of him in a pilot’s uniform :< tbh i re-wrote this three times before i was satisfied with it. hope it meets your imagination 💕~j.
captain jung jaehyun.
once everyone heard that name or saw it on their monthly roasters, whispers of yeses and scoffs of disappointments were normal in the department. some were contented with only being in the same paper as him. and then there were some who were very lucky enough to trail behind him when they made their way to the aircraft.
one time when jaehyun was running late, his existence alone acted as if the entire airport was his own model runway. a little speed walk or even fixing the folds of his sleeve cuffs sent crowds upon crowds trampling over each other about that rumoured hot pilot; taking pictures of him like he was a famous celebrity. people’s comments have spread and hit the articles as well, more frequent and mentioned in any social platform online and it was titled several times.
‘this captain has the visuals to be a celebrity.’
‘captain is a living character out of a manhwa?’
‘a pilot caused a storm at the arrival hall of xxx airport due to his good looks.’
‘mr. viral pilot’s even has a handsome rbf.’
jaehyun gave a forced smile that melted the eyes of his ‘assumed’ fanbase. not again, he thought. it was just a normal gesture to greet them, yet they saw it differently. other than a pool of sakuras and pink hearts, his smile was equivalent to ‘i love you’.
“attaboy jung!” his co-pilot lee seokmin, caught up to him at the departure hall. “do a finger heart next time!”
“don’t reveal my name.” he gestured him to keep quiet. “finger hearts are for idols.”
“i will reveal it because you’re basically a celebrity pilot now. don’t be so stiff, jung” his sunshine smile also caused an uproar after shooting the ladies with many hearts. “it’s simple. just put your thumb and pointer like an x- wait what do you mean for idols? can’t you see how famous you are after that viral picture floating around the country? if you’re not convinced, the world? jaehyun, even the legendary IU agreed you’re attractive-”
seokmin’s words were stopped by jaehyun’s documents in front of his purses lips. he put the blocking papers down with his fingers and still continued with sending finger hearts. “fine. you can reveal my name but not my fanboying side please. and dude i’m having second hand embarrassment right now because of you.” jaehyun gritted his teeth.
“you gotta get used to it.” seokmin said, now doing a heart with his arms.
the crew went through security screening and soon reached the bottom of the flight of stairs connecting to the plane. it was the norm, or maybe not, that the whole crew took a picture before the flight.
jaehyun stood at the middle with seokmin when he noticed a familiar face by his side. based on her side profile, he was sure this was definitely her.
he observed her ever elegant posture; natural make up that wasn’t too heavy, something he always liked. the way her eyelashes flutter due to the wind’s breeze and gosh her gorgeous and gentle smile-
“you’re staring, captain.” you cleared your throat, snapping him out of the trance. a small grin curving by your lips at his aloof response.
“my apologies if i have been rude..” he bent down to whisper, eyes lowering down to see your name slightly on the document paper you were holding. heh, i was right.. “..y/n.”
“if there’s anyone who’s rude..” you trailed off, turning to him face to face now. “..wouldn’t that be you, mr. celebrity?” you quirked an eyebrow at him, referring to the recent articles about the handsome pilot visual. you then twirled still with a small smile as you headed up the flight of stairs.
seokmin nudged the tall male, lips agape at his interaction with you. “wow you just talked with the y/n!” his voice sounding softer than usual. “she’s just new to the airline and everyone has a crush on her. i think i’m falling for her too.”
“you fall for every girl you encounter with, lee.”
as they walked up as well, jaehyun’s eyebrows arched at the compliment seokmin gave you. they took a quick glance at you, now talking with the rest of attendants. it didn’t take long for them to realize that other men were awe-struck by your beauty, just like he did. even the senior attendants seem very smitten whenever you would bring out the enthusiasm from others for the flight. entering the cockpit, the two pilots sat at their seats in preparation for take-off.
ten hours into the flight, you double checked the passengers, wherein you gave assistance, especially those with children.
at the corners of your eyes, you spotted a couple with three kids. and based on other passengers who seemed to not get any sleep or have broad understanding, were bothered with the continuous cries. the parents seemed new and they were ultimately blessed with triplets. two were already a handful for them and the other baby was left slight unattended, so you politely asked to step in to help.
you could feel that mobile phones were directly pointed at you, filming the moment as they planned to maybe make the gesture viral. you pat the baby’s back and managed to make her sleep.
since shifting airlines just four months ago, you were aware of the attention you’ve been getting from other staffs, passengers and even locals. as much as you didn’t want the spotlight onto you, your occupation somehow paved the way.
the parents thanked your service and as you bowed, the chief flight attendant called you to rest. you finally sat at the post where you were assigned at. out of heavy exhaustion, you massaged your neck to sooth the pain away. deciding to freshen up a bit, you used the service cart to block aisle and went to the lavatory before heading to the plane’s upper rest compartment.
the way you twirled around got stuck in jaehyun’s mind. he couldn’t seem to take you out of it. he would close his eyes for awhile and your smile would appear. it got him feeling so giddy to the point he felt his ears heat up.
“is she marked in your heart?” seokmin placed his legs up as the plane was on auto-pilot.
“no not really.” jaehyun said, removing the headphones.
seokmin noticed the fidgety movements jaehyun had been acting since the take-off. it was as if he was itching to leave. “jae, you’ll get your turn to rest, just let me finish my food.” he munched on his sandwich before gesturing his friend to leave.
now that he finally would get his rest, he exited the cockpit with a hammering heart. he wasn’t the type to reveal himself during the flight, but urgently needed to go for a break. other crew reminded him that he should sleep too, given the prominent dark circles around his eyes. as he waited for his turn to use the lavatory, the door slid open revealing you, whom maybe he, or might have growing heart eyes toward you.
your hands held the door as the grip on it tightened at the sight of the captain. you looked to where his hands were and he held the door’s outside handle. his dimples deepened the more he flattened his lips, and he too seemed shocked at your appearance.
even after hours into the flight, he thought you still looked the same like you did at the photo taking. “hi.” he chuckled, obviously feeling a mix of awkwardness and embarrassment in meeting you.
“hello. may i pass through?” you asked, almost taking jaehyun aback at your straight-forward question. the rest of the crew witnessing interaction made them giggle.
“oh, i’m sorry.” he turned his body 90 degree and you shyly nodded for the gesture.
idiot, jaehyun. you’re an idiot. he told himself.
jaehyun went back to the cockpit and retrieved his coat and he soon got down the steep ladder steps, where he spotted you reading a book you were so immersed in. the sleepiness in his eyes were long gone and this time he wanted to have a proper conversation with you. unlike in the previous two short ones where you seemed to brush him off.
you noticed his presence and closed the book, giving them the attention he sought for earlier. he stood opposite to you, leaning against the ladder. “do you have something to tell me?” you asked, placing the book in your bag. “i’m a pretty good listener.”
a smile from you had jaehyun head in the clouds. “oh, well captain lee said you’re new here.” he fixed to loosen his tie and unbuttoned the first bud. “so how long have you been in the airline?”
“i transferred four months ago.” you replied, putting a strand back with a bobby pin.
“i see. no wonder. i was probably busy at the time. lots of schedules and flights here and there. our paths never seemed to cross if you’ve been here that long.” he crossed his arms.
he was hesitant to ask because it would make him look full of himself. screw it anyway. “you’re not one of those who moved airlines just to see me, right?”
his question made you silent. “ i just thought maybe this airline is more suitable for me.” you lied. in fact you moved because you weren’t convinced enough from your co-workers, that this ‘jaehyun’, apparently your ex, could swoon the ladies.
oh heavens, it has been five years. and this man certainly did swoon you and definitely sent your chest aching again, in a good way.
the city the airline was designated at filled with bustling people and chirping of the birds. the sun shone as its rays peeked through the little gaps between leaves. traditional music played publicly at the common and main street, some tourists lined up for the city’s landmark. it really seemed like a perfect picture.
you sat down at an outdoor café, legs crossed and memorised the scenery in front. glad that you were blessed with photographic memory and began a quick sketch on the blank paper. as much as you didn’t want to touch your new pocket-sized watercolor painting set, you had to dab the first droplet of water on the tabs.
the faint ash lines soon faded completely at the droplets and as you began to paint the first layer, the paper met a shadow figure that blocked the sun. you looked up to see jung jaehyun; with two coffees in hand, a sunshine smile, perfect dimples and in casual clothes. you didn’t want to make him wait long and invited him to sit with you.
“great day today huh?” he asked, leaning closer to look at what you were doing then shifting his eyes towards you. “it’s.. pretty.”
“thanks, but it’s only the first layer. you’ll see the details after i’m done with the fountain.” you brought up your sketchbook to let him see.
“have you been to the city before?” taking a sip from his cup. you shook your in response, still concentrated on the painting. “c’mon, i’ll tour you around.”
he grabbed your hand and you had no choice but to follow. street stalls filled with souvenirs and its people encouraged their ranges, and jaehyun spotted something that might suit you. it was a necklace. he gestured the man so he could pay for it. taking glances of you and stall, the man waved at him. “sir, this comes in pairs.”
“hm?” his eyes looked at the item. “oh then i’ll get a pair.” he gave the cash and as the man took it, he grinned at jaehyun for his hearty eyes; already catching the purpose of the quick decision.
“it is for the lady, am i right?” he asked.
jaehyun scratched his neck, mentally cursing to himself for being too obvious and transparent. “oh. she’s just- uh, we used to date.” jaehyun chuckled, taking the resin designed necklace in his hands.
“you both look good together.” the man winked like he was about to give the pilot a piece of advice. “she must be that special to be making you feel things.”
“well she still makes me feel i’m in the clouds.” jaehyun looked at you choose an souvenir with furrowed brows. “it’s kinda sad that we didn’t make it like most couples.”
the man’s loud laugh startled jaehyun. “you’re in the city of love. anything can change and anything is possible.”
jaehyun smiled at his remark and left with a contented, little hopeful heart. he went up to you who was still indecisive with the souvenir.
you felt his presence on your right. rising up to see what he was up to, you were shocked at the item he had dangling in his fingers. this certain gesture reminded of your first date; he waved a keychain he won through a carnival stall. you stared into his eyes like you saw the universe in them; the beauty continuously expanding, the stars shining and sparkling when it boasted its twinkles.
the smile on your face faded, but it was quite obvious to jaehyun. he brought down the item and bit his inner gums. “i got this for you.” he chuckled softly, eyes averting from you with reddened ears.
this was strange, awkward, how you both used to be a thing in the past and now meeting each other through work. it just didn’t seem right, to you at least.
“what happened to us?” your sudden question caused jaehyun bent even lower towards your face, sending you to step backwards at his action.
jaehyun knew what you referred to. in fact he asked himself the same question every day since losing contact with you after high school. a small grin curving by his lips disappeared, then mirroring the same expression as you did. “we were both young, carefree. we didn’t know what to prioritise and used each other to make people think differently of us.” he trailed. “we were pretty immature. we just stopped talking after our graduation and distance widened before we had the time to talk it out.” he cracked up slightly, beginning to walk slowly to continue touring you around.
you kinda bursted out in giggles, agreeing to every reason he had just said. the way you saw how much he changed physically and mentally, something in him seemed to draw you closer to him; like you wanted to go back to square one. because all you feel towards him at this very moment was the same as back then.
“couldn’t agree more. we were like those try hard couple goal wannabes that we annoy the heck out of our friends.” you put your hair strands behind your ear. “anyway, i feel the same-” you paused, realizing what you just said.
“uh-huh.” he now looked at you from the map.
“i shouldn’t have said-” you laughed and feeling panicky. the heat creeping from your forehead downwards.
“you mean ‘feel the same like before’ or ‘feel the same as me’?” he asked with a challenging grin. such a tease.
you rolled your eyes at his childish behaviour, not wanting to be caught in his web. “what do you mean by ‘feel the same as me’, hm?” your voice almost breaking to a laugh.
jaehyun inhaled and exhaled sharply because he did not know what else to say. his fingers waving everywhere to look for answers, but to no success, he could only smile awkwardly. you both stared at each other for a while before he spotted some people who recognised him from afar. he grabbed you and went for a run, pulling you with him and led you away from the main circle of the city.
how you wished you wore proper footwear. running with ballet flats on uneven ground brought more discomfort than it did with jaehyun’s company. but as you watched the way how his hair slowed with the wind and his smiling side profile turning towards you, all memories from back then came flooding in like waves. though you didn’t want them to, there wasn’t anything you could do because you knew that somewhere inside the deepest parts in your heart, there was still room for a second chance with him; there was still space for him to fill that missing gap that was left empty before.
now your body was pulled aside at one street, just by the edge of an outdoor neighbourhood home. jaehyun gestured you to keep quiet and he turned slightly to check on them. as you both hid, it was something similar when flynn rider and rapunzel hid from the patrolling royal guards. “remember how we were just like this when we hid from our homeroom teachers?” he asked, crossing his arms in reminisce and a grin from ear to ear.
“of course, it was your idea and we had to mop the whole gymnasium as punishment.” you tiptoed to take a peek behind him. “it’s clear now, let’s go-”
“let me do this for a while.” jaehyun pulled you to him for a hug. “i kind-”
“kinda missed this?” you finished his sentence.
his chuckle tickled your ears as his palms tightened around you. “you took the words right out of my mouth.”
“i know you too well, jae.” you pinched his cheek and he let go of you.
“too well that you figured i’m starting to fall for you again?” he licked his dry lips as he waited for you answer.
you exhaled a breathy air from your nostrils, turning around to walk around the city and giggled internally for leaving him unanswered.
jaehyun scoffed with reddened ears. “should i take that as a yes?”
“whatever you wanna think of, jae.”
he recalled what the salesman said. maybe something will change in this city of love and your words just now created a ray of hope in the sky. this inexplainable anticipation he felt in his chest got him realizing that, yeah, he actually, still is in love with you.
you bowed to the last batch passengers exiting the plane with jaehyun and seokmin on your side, along with other crew. finally on the way to arrival hall, all you wanted was to feel the soft sheets of your bed. grabbing your luggage, you slowed down your pace knowing that jaehyun was behind.
jaehyun’s hand laid on your shoulders, catching his breath slightly. “i’ll meet you at the carpark.” he bent down to a whisper.
“and what makes you think i’ll agree with your request?” you hummed, legs dragging your exhausted self to the walkalator.
“i’m gonna make my signature marinated spicy fried pork. i know you miss that.” he winked.
“mhm.” you singsonged, “more than i miss you.”
he groaned like a child and you could tell he purposely whined in a persuasive tone. “join me for dinner at least.” he nudged that you were lightly shoved to side, creating imbalance on your feet.
“fine i will.” you rolled your eyes as he cheered in soft ‘yeses’. “in one condition though.”
jaehyun lifted a brow at your habit and he should’ve seen it coming. “what is it?”
“live cooking. i’ll sit by your breakfast table, observing how you cut and hold the onions wrongly. i don’t want you to make me wait elsewhere of your apartment.”
“i didn’t invite you just so i could be bickered by you.” he held your head, sending vibrations for a second before you poked his armpits. “ow! okay you’ll get the live cooking in one condition, alright?”
you continued to walk towards the arrival hall, already noticing banners of jaehyun’s name and long lenses of cameras pointed at your direction. “that’s my word, but fine. what’s your condition, captain?”
a large hand find its way to interlock yours, then bringing it up to be visible to the public. “a pilot and a flight attendant dating.” his wink caused you to fluster in all sorts and now you were aware of the cameras. “it’d be a good topic, wouldn’t it?”
his lips seemed to inch closer towards you but it wasn’t a kiss since he refrained himself from doing so. your heart stopped for a moment before a certain camera flash blinked in front of the both of you, later hearing a voice of the photographer asking his mates to name the newsletter;
“captain jung is on cloud nine with y/f/n.”
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anika-ann · 5 years
Nothing but the Truth - Pt.4
The Interrogation
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader        Word count: 2890
Summary: A fake dating AU. Time to seal the deal; you become Steve’s fiancé, officially. Kinda. You really have to talk about the rules of engagement; read PDA.
Warnings:  the fluff gets real y’all, some swearing
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Story Masterlist 
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Your life took quite a turn after such an insignificant event as knocking over your lunch on you.
Here you were, an engagement ring sitting on your finger, twisting as you fiddled with it nervously, seated next to Steve on a too comfortable sofa in a TV studio.
Everything was hazy, like a dream. You blamed the sharp lights of which you hoped were about to get dimmed at least a fraction, because otherwise you’d be blind before the interview was over.
As if the gaffer could read your thoughts, he dimmed the reflectors a bit, allowing you to see the interviewer’s face. Yay for you.
You were not in any sense ready for the questions, let alone coming from a TV host. You had been skilfully dodging your family’s inquires by telling them you’d explain later, you ignored your friend/colleague who was blowing your phone with texts and phone calls and you avoided everyone at work, mostly because for the past two days, you weren’t there to begin with; not in your office anyway.
Steve might be sitting by your side, his hand around your waist reassuring, but it did little to soothe your nerves. You truly were an awful liar and people from TV industry, reporters and such, there were like sharks; you did not feel like facing the sharks, thank you very much, they could smell lies as if they were blood.
Tony Stark had sworn that the host was an acquittance of his, good people, he had promised, and in collective effort, you had put together a list of acceptable questions for her to ask and a list of answers for you. Also, you had received one simple advice: stick to the truth as much as possible, because it is easier to keep track of. Also, Tony Stark had smirked when you confessed to being a terrible liar and had told you that you and Cap were apparently a match made in heaven and that it was just another good reason for you to try and lie only as little as possible.
Surprisingly, once the interview started, you felt yourself relax only enough to not to stutter too much when speaking, so it only appeared you were shy and nervous and not losing your mind. It had little to do with the friendly host who somehow managed to make the interview flow naturally despite using rehearsed questions and everything to do with Steve’s comforting presence, his thumb drawing calming circles on your hip.
You successfully got through the questions about how you met – via Sam, of course, stick to the truth as much as possible –, how you started dating, adding only tiny bits of information about you too, easily explaining that you wanted to keep your family and some of the privacy out of the spotlight.
It all naturally led to another burning question.
“So, it might be obvious, but I gotta ask… why all the secrecy?” she queried, still smiling invitingly and Steve shrugged in response as he clearly did find the answer evident.
“I like to keep my private life separated. This…” he looked at you with one corner of his lips raised and continued, “she doesn’t deserve thousands of people trying to stick their nose into her life – into our life. I just… I guess I wanted… uh, I wanted to spare us that for as long as possible.”
You confirmed his words with few delicate nods.
“Well, people know now. How do you feel about that?” the host turned to you.
“Mixed feelings, I think? I don’t enjoy being the centre of attention much. On the other hand, it’s a relief not having to hide.”
“Yeah, that about sums it up,” Steve agreed. “I mean, we didn’t plan it, I honestly wasn’t thinking about anything than cheering up my best girl after a bad morning that day, but this might be a truly good thing. Maybe now, her other suitors will finally lay off.”
Your heart skipped a beat and judging by the subtle squeeze of your hip, Steve noticed and was trying to tell you to stay calm – despite the fact that this was not planned at all.
What the hell was he doing?
“Other suitors?” the host questioned, intrigued, as she eyed your reaction; which was absolutely genuine, a 100% undiluted shock.
If you were lucky, the audience would think it was you being self-conscious, surprised at the idea of other people being interested, which… wasn’t that far from the truth, but seriously, Steve, what the hell?
Utterly confused, you attempted to cover your shock with only thing you could think of; with humour.
“Yeah. There are so many! I can see the line forming right there,” you joked lightly, making the effort to point somewhere behind the cameras and the host chuckled when she caught on the playfulness in your voice, knowing all too well what you were doing.
“You’d be surprised,” Steve stated lowly, making you pause and blink in confusion. He was just messing around, right? There were no other guys interested in you. Yes, you had been complimented before, yes, you had been in relationships before, but it wasn’t like guys fought over you or something.
Once more hiding your inner turmoil, you turned your head to him, eyes narrowed.
“Steve!” you scolded him, mocking offence. “Are you telling me you knew there were others and you didn’t introduce us?!”
The interviewer’s eyes flickered between the two of you, an expectant smirk forming on her lips. Well, glad you’re having fun, because I still have no idea what this is all about, apart from Steve proving a point which I’m not quite getting yet. Though you had to admit, it probably looked natural, a banter between friends turned to lovers and you suddenly realized that this was Steve making this whole one single interview you were willing to give, which was suspicious enough, much more believable.
And damn, was he smooth about it.
Steve’s smile was innocent, a glint of mischief in his irises as he shrugged. “What can I say? I just want you for myself.”
Feeling heat rising to your cheeks at the confidence he spoke with and at his palm squeezing your hip once more, shifting you subtly and yet visibly closer to his side, you smiled at him and leaned your forehead onto his shoulder. His lips landed in your hair so easily as if he had done it thousand times before.
“I guess you are forgiven then.”
“Well, it looks like you two have it figured out,” the interviewer, Laurel, because you were all on the first name basis to cut the tension, remarked. “And I suppose the strategy would work, Steve, the ring isn’t extravagant, but it is hard to miss.” She beckoned to it and looked at you expectantly. “What was it like? The proposal?”
Well, shit. You really wished Steve would get this one to answer, because you would have to lie through your teeth, but it was expected that you’d be the one to be asked about it since being proposed was a big moment in woman’s life. Or man’s, sure, but in your position… stop trying to distract yourself, big lie ahead! Focus!
“It was… a blur. I mean, we aren’t together for too long despite knowing each other for over a year now. But… I guess when you know, you know, right? It was just so sudden! This ring is beautiful, but we actually picked it after the question.”
You were meant to say exactly that – just in case someone who was too close to you noticed the absence of the ring before – and overall, you weren’t lying in the true sense of the word, only omitting the truth… it was just so damn complicated!
“Eh, that one is on me,” Steve saved you and you truly tried your best not to show your relief when he took over. “I wasn’t prepared. She deserves the best, but… eh, I suppose that with all the secrecy I was bottling up emotions for too long and I couldn’t contain it anymore, I… I asked without finding the perfect ring.”
You weren’t sure how he accomplished that, but a blush actually crept its way up his neck as if he was embarrassed at his own impulsiveness. You found it unbearably cute and clearly, you weren’t the only one.
“Aww, that is so precious! Can’t imagine any woman to be oppose to that. Right? Truly romantic, succumbing to the spirit of the moment, the rush of emotions!” the host gushed and you grinned at the nice pass she offered.
“Don’t I know it. It was… unusual. But our relationship isn’t exactly typical.” No shit. “So it suits us, I think. And yeah… I…uhm… I couldn’t believe it was happening.”
Once again, 100% undiluted truth.
“I have no doubt. The important thing is the two of you being happy. And I think all of our viewers can tell you two look very happy together.”
Did you?
“Well, she is a wonderful woman and she said yes. How could I be not delighted?” Steve beamed, effectively causing your heart to flutter foolishly.
A part of you – a very sizeable part of you – was enjoying this little pretending immensely, alright, trying to push all the possible outcomes for the two of you after breaking the fake relationship aside and succeeding, but at times, you couldn’t but feel overwhelmed anyway.
Like when Steve said that and it warmed you from inside out, your brain screaming at you that had this been real, you would have melted into a puddle of lovesick jello.
‘She is a wonderful woman and she said yes. How could I not be delighted?’
Why did he have to sound so unbelievably genuine? He had told you he was a terrible liar. Liar!
You forced a shaky but hopefully sweet smile and stretched your neck to plant a soft kiss on his cheek. In for a penny…
“That is so sweet!” the host commented instantly, basically cooing. “And chaste!”
SHIT, you totally walked into that one! But Steve kissed your head before and had got away with it without a single remark! How was this fair?
You tried to swallow your panic, instantly explaining, while your heart raced, slightly panicking.
“Uh, we’re not much for showing affection publicly and with the secrecy-“ you babbled, while Steve started his own reasoning: “The time I grew up in-“
“Ah, that’s understandable,” the woman agreed and the sound of the heavy rock which had seated itself in your stomach hitting the floor must have been caught by the audio tech, you were sure. That was how loud it must have been. Crisis averted. “But… come on. Don’t play all coy on us…”
Spoke too soon.
You gulped, eyeing Steve, who was no doubt better at hiding his panic than you were. You could tell by the intensity of his gaze though that his nerves were as wrecked at the moment as yours.
What else could you do though but comply, being on a TV and being asked to kiss? How obvious would it be if you refused?
…in for a pound.
He searched your face, observing every tiny motion of your mimic muscles, every twitch. You lowered your gaze to his lips – and damn, didn’t you, in your heart where you pretended this whole situation on hand was not going to end up in a terrible heartbreak on your part, want to kiss those full lips, so tempting – and raised you gaze back to lock it with his. You hoped you looked determined enough, but you confirmed it in soft-spoken words, simultaneously checking if he was alright with this.
“It’s okay, Steve. We can handle a bit of PDA this once, can’t we? I mean… we’ve made it official, after all.”
A barely visible smile appeared on his lips, an inconspicuous nod sealing the deal.
Two of his fingers slipped under your chin, angling your face just a bit, brining you closer to the paradise. That was what it was; your eyes fluttered shut and the moment his lips brushed yours to test the waters, you knew you tasted heaven.
You felt the shudder running through your body, but you couldn’t help it, unable to conceal the excitement mixed with nerves. Your palm found haven on his toned chest, an anchor to the ship raging on the sea of emotion that pulled you in, just as his lips explored yours more thoroughly, as if searching a haven of their own, finding it exactly where yours were. They sank in, thirsty for home, caressing and oh, oh so soft and warm, safe and wonderful.
He was the one to withdraw for some oxygen, reminding you that breathing, in fact, was a thing. Quite an essential thing. On instinct, you breathed in swiftly, but couldn’t help but kiss him again, only a tender brush of lips on lips, relishing in the sensation for only a fraction of second longer.
You forced your eyes open and your hand to slide to his waist, trying so hard to remember that you were, in fact, not alone. At all.
“Well… wow,” the interviewer breathed out, her chuckle carrying a pinch of surprise in it. “That’s what I call pure love. Thank you so much for coming here, Captain and future Mrs. Rogers.”
You wanted to say thank you for having us, but your brain was buzzing with million thoughts, still processing the sensation of Steve’s lips on yours and was epically failing, colours bursting inside instead, sending pleasant heat through your veins.
Luckily, Steve composed himself much faster and boy, wasn’t it saying something about your dynamics with each other.
“Thank you for having us, Laurel.”
Yeah, thanks, Laurel. Thanks to you, I reached the point of no return.
In other words; now I’m officially screwed.
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Sam overestimated his time-managing skills, still finishing the stretching after his training when the interview started. For once, he was grateful for Tony’s need for extravagance, as every one of the Tower gyms offered a TV for Sam to watch while he wrapped it up.
At few times, he wasn’t able to tell whether he was groaning at his sore muscles or at the way his little sister and his best friend were sickeningly sweet on each other.
Seriously. He wouldn’t have questioned it if it they truly had been in a relationship (read: if they pulled their heads out of their asses and finally admitted how they felt about each other, for real), but the fact it was all pretend (not, except neither of them was aware of the other not pretending and Jesus, Sam’s head hurt) was worrying him.
The kiss was a case of its own.
Would they be able to walk out of that mess and stay friends, possibly more? Or would it drive a wedge between them forever, messy feelings and misunderstandings getting in the way?
He resumed watching on his phone as he made his way to the kitchen to fetch himself a glass of juice, but stopped at the door when he heard voices coming from the room and instantly knew what was the subject of the discussion.
“Well. I say the interview was alright, not perfect, but alright, almost cute like the two of them together, after all… but the kiss did look like their first time,” Tony stated, sighing in disappointment.
“It was their first time, what did you expect? You didn’t really think they would be practicing beforehand, right?” Natasha snorted and Sam couldn’t but agree.
This was Steve they were talking about. The man had done a fair share of changes to his believes as he found himself in the new millennium, but certain principles he stuck to, which was something Sam was immensely grateful for.
He was about to join the discussion with his own input, when he froze in his tracks at Tony’s next words.
“Good point. But hey, she made them finally smack their mouths together. I call that a win. She was a good choice, we’re geniuses.”
“Yep,” came Natasha’s reply and Sam heard the distinct sound of a high-five, only to see their hands still up when he stormed into the room.
For the moment, he ignored the creepy fact that the screen was frozen at the image of their lips locked together and glared at the two Avengers, irritated and hungry for answers.
“What the hell do you mean you’re geniuses?”
“Blyad'!” Natasha cursed, frowning as she spotted the look on Sam’s face and how his hands were balled into fists with enough force to nearly snap his phone in half.
Tony eyed Natasha, not sure what exactly she said and not quite caring; the sentiment behind the word was apparently clear enough to him as it was to Sam.
The expression on Tony’s face spoke a thousand of words; or perhaps only three: We are screwed.
Sam wholeheartedly agreed as he paced to the pair, fuming.
“Start. Talking,” he hissed, each word clipped, as he was staring them down, ignorant to the fact these were a billionaire and a former KGB assassin he was ordering around. “Like right now.”
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Part 5
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Tags: @mermaidxatxheart @bobertswagert @kakakatey @ccolz88-blog @joeyrumlow​ @lovemeterwrites​
If anyone wishes to be added to/removed from the tags, shoot me a message or something. 
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niall-talk · 6 years
This Christmas (7)
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I fell asleep much easier last night and woke up earlier this time. I made my way to the kitchen to find Maura setting at the table with a radio playing music that I would expect Niall would have picked.
“Morning dear, did I wake up,” she stood to move to the radio.
“Oh no not at all.” She turned the radio down. “I actually fell asleep not long after you and Chris went to bed.”
After I poured a glass of orange juice; I joined her back at the table. I wanted to ask her about Niall and Greg's relationship. I just didn't know how without coming across nosey.
“What is it dear?” She seemed to read my mind.
I looked up at the ceiling then to her. “Maura what happened between Niall and Greg? I mean Niall hardly talks about him or his family.”
She sat back in her chair and took a sip of her coffee. “The boys love each other. Its that brotherly love that nothing can break, but it can be stretched and bent. There were things said on-line and in person that shouldn't have. Feelings were hurt and also Niall tried to keep them out of the spotlight. After that group started to harass him. They started saying things about Theo. Niall tried to protect them and I think it was taken the wrong way. Why do you ask?”
“I don't think he has ever really talked about them to me before. I mean you and Bobby and the Devine boys I feel like I know everything about you all. But nothing about Greg and his family.” I paused for a moment, “I was a little worried about them seeing each other tonight.”
“Don't worry dear. It only waste time and causes wrinkles,” she patted my arm that rested on the table. “So how about some breakfast?” She got up from the table.
“Don't make a fuss over me Maura. I can fix a bowl of cereal or something.” I really didn't want to put her out.
“You are a guest in this house and I will fuss over you.” She got that mother tone with me that she did with Niall. I just hoped she didn't pinch my ear too.
“At least let me help.” I stood and followed her to the work area. She pulled out the gluten free flour mix and other ingredients. She put me to work of mixing up the pancake batter while she got the griddle warmed up and started on the sausage.
She asked me about my job and how I met Niall. “Basically I'm the one that puts the final plans on all events and make sure they go off without a hitch. I also babysit the members and iron out whatever complaints they have.”
“You poor thing. You needed this holiday then didn't you?” She patted on me like my grandma use to. “So that is where you and Niall met?”
“Yes ma'am. We were doing an event to draw new members in. Justin Rose just happened to be in for a charity event one of his sponsors was involved in. He is an honorary member and he brought Niall for a round of golf. I have worked with Justin on activities before and I met Niall that way. Even sold him on joining the club that day.”
“Yeah yeah,” I heard from the doorway. “Justin had already talked me into it.” He walked into the kitchen and kissed his mom's check. “Um pancakes.”
“Mornin baby. You sleep well?” She acted just like he was still that sixteen year old boy from before he left for the X-Factor. It was kind of heartwarming to see.
“Yeah till I was woke up by two busy bodies being chatty and bangin’ around in here,” he winked at me with that mischievous grin he has. We both gave him a good thump for the comment.
“Good girl Sammy. Don't let him get the best of ya. Someone has to keep him in check when I'm not around.” Maura approved of my actions; thank god.
Niall stood licking his wounds, “Thanks ma, and she don't. Just cause she works at the club with all those snobs she takes it out on me.”
“Hey I do not! Well not all the time. Just when you need it.” I winked at Maura and she gave me a mother approved nod of the head.
After breakfast was enjoyed and Niall helped clean up while I went to shower. Now that I was comfortable with Maura and Chris it was time to meet Bobby and Aoife. Suddenly my stomach and pancakes were not agreeing with me.
In Maura's car with Niall I asked what I should know about his dad and Aoife. He laughed so hard at me I thought we were would end up off the road. “Niall its not funny,” I swatted his arm with the back of my hand.
“Trust me Da already likes ya,” he settled down the laugh. I asked how when he had never met me. “Cause its my da. Bobby finds the good in everyone.”
“Is that where you get it from?” I turned my head to face him. He did that cute little shoulder shrug thing and kept his gaze out the windshield.
Once we pulled up at Bobby's house I looked around. It was nothing like Maura's. Niall asked what was wrong. I just told him taking in the difference between houses.
“Yeah offered ta buy the old man a house, but he wont let me. Irish male pride and all.” He ushered me up the walkway to Bobby's door and inside without a knock.
I followed behind and noticed the decent sized living room with Christmas tree and decorations. It was more lived in and warm and inviting. Reminded me of where I grew up with my brothers and sister.
“Da! We're here.” Niall yelled out to the house.
“Yeah I can hear that,” I heard the voice before I saw the person it belonged to. Bobby rounded the corner and joined us in the living room. He gave Niall a quick hug and asked how he was.
“Good, how are you holding up old man?” He picked at his dad. I stood back and watched the two Irishmen interact and it was almost like watching a mirror. They had so many of the same mannerisms.
Bobby saw me over Niall's shoulder and pushed Niall to the side. “And this lovely lady must be Sam?”
“Yes sir,” I felt my cheeks heat up at his compliment. He was handsome and if he was younger I would say Niall would have some competition with the ladies.
“Sir?” He looked around the room. “There is no sir here love. Just call me Bob or Bobby.” He pulled me in for a hug. Now I know where the “Horan” hug came from. That was the tightest and warmest hug I have ever had in my life.
He looked at Niall with a smirk, “Son, you never told us she was a beauty.” That caught both of us off guard.
Niall just groaned and rubbed his big hand over his face and up through his hair. I looked down at the floor before I felt an arm land around my shoulders. With a laugh Bobby told me that he didn't mean to embarrass me, but he knew a lovely person when he saw one.
“Da, stop flirting with my friend. I'm gonna tell Aoife.” Niall joked with his dad as he took my jacket from me.
We sat in the living room with the tv on low for background noise. “You keeping this one in check I hear,” he patted Niall on the shoulder.
“I try to, but its hard and I don't get paid enough.” I joked back. I couldn't help but laugh at the look I got from Niall on that.
“If my memory serves me right I had to make you check your attitude last.” He raised an eyebrow at me.
“Yeah well you did have a hand in on it didn't ya?” I asked him with my own raised eyebrow. “And I said I was sorry for it.”
Bobby asked what we were on about. Niall over exaggerated about the night I came to his house ready to rip his head off. “For the sake of our friendship she says.”
Bobby looked at me and I couldn't deny it. “Yes but I thought he had lied to me and went behind my back to my boss. Ended up it was Justin Rose.”
Bobby laughed and it bounced off the walls just like Niall's. “Looks like ya got a feisty one Nialler.”
When it was time for the match to start Niall warned Bobby that I was not a fan of the sport. Bobby shook his head, “Nobody is perfect.”
Bobby had Niall help him bring in the snacks and drinks so we wouldn't have to leave the room. “Now watch her da. She says she's not a fan, but she gets violent and yells at the telly when we watch it.”
“One time Niall. One time and that's only because I had a few drinks in me. You and Mully are ruthless with the peer pressure.” I shook my head at the memories of that night.
“That's alright love. You keep coming around and I'll have ya a Derby fan before ya know it.” He gave a nod to the tv so Niall would turn the volume up.
We made it over halfway before Maura called and asked Niall if we were going to come home and have dinner. She let him know that she had fixed his Sunday roast. I could almost see him start to drool thinking about it. He told her that we would head that way in another ten minutes.
It was obvious that Derby was not going to get the victory so Niall told his dad that we needed to head back to Maura's. “You still coming for Christmas dinner right?” Niall told him that he wouldn't miss it.
“Sam my dear,” he hugged me, “You are welcome to come back anytime with or without Nialler.”
“Thank you Bobby.” For some reason I felt all warm and happy when he told me that. All this family stuff was getting to me. I had not felt this welcomed by a family in years. These people had only known me for hours and they treated me better than my own.
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This AU is heavily inspired by @k-llama-llama ! If you don’t know her I highly suggest checking out her blog, she and her writings are really sweet (also some good drama just started in her AU). 🌸
I’m not 100% sure where I’m going with this AU, so please feel free to request and suggest what could happen. I really want to take in ideas from people who are interested in the story. Don’t be shy loves! ♥︎ 
Btw. I didn’t use her name until the very end because my dumb ass forgot to give her a name.
Also, in this scenario, Stray Kids themselves aren’t very present since it didn’t really fit. However, I promise that next time will be a lot of Stray Kids content! 
▸ Check out the Profile HERE
▸ Request for the AU HERE
Words: 2342
Warnings: Swearing?⎮ And weird grammar and spelling mistakes, English is not my native language⎮
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With her eyebrows knitted together and her upper-lip slightly twisted up, an expression her friend David stated to be her “trying to be polite but can’t help but judge“ look - or in other words, her being a twat visage - she stared at the man, probably in his mid-thirties, in front of her. 
For the past five minutes he spoke very fast and in a very strong Satoori accent, she had difficulties to understand, and thereby wildly gesticulate with his arms. The longer he talked the more he began to sweat and looked noticeably more nervous. She wasn’t intentionally trying to be rude by not saying a word the whole time, even though she was more than once encouraged to respond to his rambling. However, due to her having a hard time progressing what he was saying - her Korean might be quite good, thanks to her mum compelling her and her brothers too Korean lesson since the early beginnings of their childhood, yet she only learned standard Korean - and immediately doubting what he was saying to be true, she kept her mouth shut until she had a clear picture of what was going on. From what she could grasp, the man was responsible to recruit trainees for entertainment companies, which in the end should turn them in successful idols, that bring big profits and put the companies into positive spotlights. 
He explained that he was from JYP and that Park Jinyoung personally placed in order, after allegedly seeing a video of a street performance of her dancing and singing, to track her down and convince her to audition for his company. He further explained that JYP - the company - planned to form an idol group in the upcoming month of October through a survival show and JYP - the person - wanted her in it because she would in his opinion fit perfectly into the concept. 
Bullocks, she instantly thought when he told her that. 
She didn’t believe a word coming from his mouth. Yes, it was true that she appeared in multiple videos of street performances that are posted on YouTube, however, she was neither an outstanding dancer nor a Whitney Huston, at least in her opinion. The more he talked the more it sounded like the plot of a Wattpad fanfiction and as the result of her distinct sense of reality, which often came across as her being pessimistic, she knew stuff like that doesn’t happen in real life. It’s called Fan Fiction after all.  
The whole story sounded like a lie somebody, who kidnaps young girls and boys for human trafficking by exploiting their naivety and their dreams to make it big once, would tell. By that, she suddenly remembered her 14 years old cousin Junsuh conspiracy theory rant about the Korean entertainment industries. Two weeks ago she visited her relatives in Ilsan, where her Junshu, as usually, didn’t stop talking. According to Junsuh, the industry is through and through corrupt - a single stronghold of prostitution rings, human trafficking, child exploitation and even religious cults and a secret origination that controls the whole south of Korea. 
Even though Junsuh tends to get carried away with his theories - she strongly doubted, that one of the big three companies (he refused to tell which one) pays a religious cult to use black magic on the public, so they will only buy the albums of their artists - however, that it wasn’t only glamorous and that pressure and hard work take big role in the idols life, wasn’t a secret. 
Earning her livelihood through music has always been a dream for her. From small on she loved to sing - back then extremely out of tune - and dance around. When in 2008 her cousin Jia (Junsuh’s older sister), while she and her family visited their relatives in Korea, showed her Shinee’s debut MV Replay, she fell in love. Immediately she learned the dances and lyrics to the songs and dreamed of being an idol herself. The combination of vocal, rap and dance fascinated her. 
Yet, after time passes and she got older, her initial spirit disappeared almost completely. More and more she realized that she didn’t fit into the standard female idol category. Beginning with her appearance ending with her personality. She wouldn’t call herself a tomboy since she despite her boyish tendency still liked typical girly stuff. In end, she always thought of separating certain things in a boy and girl category as stupid. 
One day, her aunt took her to the toy store when she was made 5 years old. She asked her aunt if she could have Hot Wheels for her birthday present. The saleswoman, however, who should help her to find something, asked if doesn’t want something that is more fitting for a girl. Her five-year-old self suddenly feeling insecure choose a creepy doll, which the sale woman suggested - she ended up giving the creepy doll to the family dog to play with. 
„Look, you don’t need to say yes right now. But please just come to JYP building tomorrow for the audition. Well, it’s not really an audition, you are basically already in. You just need to say yes.“ The sudden change to a clean Seoul accent made her startle up from her thoughts. The man in front of her got now her full attention. He almost looked desperate. 
It is probably favorable for his career if he gets me to come to the “audition“. South Korea is highly competitive after all, she guessed
„It doesn’t take long either you….wait, what?“
„I said, okay. When should I be there?“ He looked at her seemingly being genuinely surprised to hear her agree. Sure, she only accepted because she felt bad for him. Also, her class started in 5 minutes and she simply didn’t want to be rude and refuse after his effort. Nonetheless, the fact that he knew her name and where she went to University, still creeped her out. 
„Umm, well 10 a.m. Wait in front of the building, I will escort you in.“
„Good, I will be there.“ She said and then added quickly before she went ahead to run to the other side of the campus to still be on time for her class. „Have a good day.“
 At 09:30 a.m. sharp she was in front of the JYP building. She always tended to come over punctual, mainly because she included the time she will need in case anything goes wrong by her taking the bus - a short 25-minute ride - from Seongdong District on the north bank of the Han River to Gangnam District, which lies on the south side of the Han River. 
Traffic jam, traffic collision, plane crashes, nuclear attacks, apocalypse and what so ever. Her constant nagging anxiety back in her head made her throw her common sense out of the window more than once. 
Certainly, she didn’t expect anything, she highly doubted that the apparent JYP staff member was being legit. Either somebody was playing a prank on her or one of Junsuh’s theories will be confirmed and she is going to be sold. 
In a girl group, she would stand out and not in a good way like a pretty flower would. No, she would stand out like a purulent pimple in the middle of one’s forehead. Not like she was particularly ugly or different looking. The fact that she was not special looking was the issue. In general, she was glad about that. She was never big on being the center of attention. However, in the entertainment industry, like it or not, talent is not everything. And her being as interesting as an empty sheet of paper, surley didn’t take a chance. 
After awkwardly standing around for good 25 minutes, somebody came out of the building. She immediately recognized him as the man from yesterday. 
He wasn’t lying about working for JYP then, she thought. 
As he looked to his left and saw her standing there, he sighed with relief and beckoned her over to him. By his reaction, she assumed that he obviously didn’t believe that she will come. But she was not the type to do tell somebody she would be there and then shamelessly not come without giving the other person a notice.    
„You won’t regret this, believe me.“ He said as they walked through the lobby to the elevator. „They really want you in this group.“ Who he meant with they, she wasn’t sure. He chuckled awkwardly since she didn’t respond to anything he said but rather she just nodded and gave him a forced smile. Again, she wasn’t trying to be rude, for sure not, after all in her family having good manners was an essential part. Her very English grandmother would personally fly to Korea and beat her ass if she was being rude. 
In the elevator were already three guys, she guessed them around her age, absorbed in a discussion about, from what she could understand, song lyrics. 
„Listen, I swear it’s good.“ Said the guy, with the darkest hair of the three of them. „You can be Fiona today, I’ll be Shrek. Ugly kind immature swag.“
She snorted and quietly chuckled to herself. The guy closest to her with silver, curly hair her, who heard her laugh, looked over to her. He raised his brow’s at first and then gave her a shy smile, which she returned.
On the fifth floor, they left the elevator and male staff knocked two times on the first door in the hallway, before he opened it and showed with a quick hand gesture that she should follow him. In the room was big glass table where three men already sat. She immediately recognized the man seated in the middle. 
 It’s JYP, It really was not a joke after all.
„Ah, there she is. Please take a seat.“ JYP said and gestured on the chair opposite of him. She bowed and sat down. 
After he asked the staff member to leave he continued: „I’m really glad you are here. When I saw your performance I know you will fit perfectly.“ 
„I was told, if I would accept the offer, I will participate in survival show, right?“ She asked, slowing starting to feel excited. Even though, she gave up on her dream of being an idol a long time ago - better said, she never really tried in the first place. Deep down she still wanted to achieve that and such an opportunity she couldn’t refuse. Even if that meant she had to change herself to fit in. 
„Yes, exactly. I really hope you take this chance. Even though you don’t have a training period as the other trainees participating, I believe you have potential.“
„Okay, I’m in. Where do I have to sign“ she said, full of newly found elan. The three men chuckled surprised about her sudden enthusiasm.
„The formalities we will sort out later.“ JYP answered, „Stray Kids, the name of the group you might debut in, has currently nine male trainees, which your leader Bang Chan handpicked himself.“
„Boys?“ She questioned confused.
„Yes, the management and I decided by making Stray Kids a co-ed group it will be more favorable in the future.“ He continued undeterred. She had to stop herself from making a snarky comment and asking them if they are trying to be edgy be doing that. 
There is no need to act like a twat right now!
„But none of our female trainees fit in Stray Kids. So, I was obviously pleased when I found you. I hope I’m not going to regret this.“ The last part sounded bitter and her previous enthusiasm was slowly suppressed by the anxiety creeping up her throat, making her feel sick.  
She didn’t want to back away now. 
Maybe it’s better to be in a male-dominated group. It’s not like I fit in a girl group either, she tried to calm herself down mentally. 
However, the fact that all other trainees were chosen by Stray Kids leader personally and that she basically was being forced onto them, made her feel like she was going to vomit. 
„They are already informed about your addition to the group. In fact, I want them to get to know you right now. Teamwork is important and the faster you warm up to each the better!“ With that, he stood up, bowed to his colleges and told her to follow him. She bowed to the older men too and left after JYP.
„The kids are probably in the practice room right now. Since they got the chance to debut, they have been prating twice as hard.“ He said, obviously proud about the trainee’s dedication. „I heard they are very excited to meet you.“
Bollocks! I will be extremely out of place. No way any of them are excited for a possible female member. 
Despite, her anxiety she didn’t wanna give up this time. She can’t just run away every time there was a construction put in her way. At last, trying wasn’t going to kill. 
They went down to the second floor. At the end of the hallway, JYP opened the wooden door to the practice room and stepped in. As JYP and she entered, four guys who sat on the floor rushed to stand up and joined five other guys to bow to their CEO. Some looked very young to her. She would have guessed at least two of them fifteen years old at most.
„Please introduce yourself to them,“ JYP told her and encouraged her with a quick hand gesture to step in front. 
All eyes were on her now. Some of them seemed curious, others just stared at her expressionless. And then, there was the guy with the silver hair from the elevator. He looked at her like he wanted to burn her down with his gaze. She honestly couldn’t take offense at that. Like, she understood his seeming dislike of her. 
„My Name is Seol Nova and I hope we can work well together.
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
Control Ch. 5
Phew, I can’t believe it’s out after all the crack posts from last night, this was so hard to write… anyway, throw me in that angst pit, gurl…this story is taking a whole new turn next week!
Hope you all like this, though!
“And what are C & R’s expectations with this new project, Mr. Han?”
“Well, I found out recently that cats are almost idolized in the internet. If you look at Youtube’s most watched videos of the day, there’s always at least one with a cat. So creating a cat social media, a space when cat lovers and cats can exchange experiences, felt natural and following what’s trending along the virtual space.”
“I see. C & R has been releasing more and more cat projects each month. Is there a special reason for that?”
“No particular reason. I just like to engage the company on fulfilling and entertaining projects.”
“Alright. Now let’s move on to some more personal questions, shall we?” Ugh… we shall not! “How do you see personal relationships in a work environment?”
“I try not to be too strict, since I believe worker’s productivity is not directly correlated with their personal relationships.”
“Interesting. So you believe that’s why RFA has been doing such a great job at hosting fundraisers and parties even with the end of your engagement?” Yes, Jumin knew exactly that’s where this reporter was trying to get.
“RFA isn’t only about me or the guest’ coordinator. It’s a work with a team formed by seven members. My personal relationships or… past personal relationships don’t really influence our work here.”
“And what about C & R? I heard she’s working here as an intern for publicity?”
“Yes, the agency I’m interning at has this project when we’re assigned to work for a few weeks in a real company, with real marketing and publicity campaigns. And C & R should be praised for engaging in this kind of project that allows internships on experiencing the work market at its fullest.” Your voice can finally be heard in the business room you set for the reporter to have an exclusive with C & R’s director.
Jumin doesn’t even look at you, but he knows what you’re trying to do. He wants to believe the reason you’re changing the subject is to do your job as a PR and put C & R in the spotlight rather than some employee’s personal life. Or… maybe you’re trying to avoid being in the spotlight yourself. Either way, you two are on the same side, at least for now.
“Yes, and I would like to talk more about C & R’s projects like this partnership with universities.” He says stoically.
“We can, later on. But right now, why don’t we talk more about personal matters? What do you have to say about rumors about your sexuality rising again after the end of your engagement?”
“I’ve never heard about those rumors.” Yes… he heard. But he cared for them as much as he did before you came along. The only difference was the constant reminder of you in his life.
“Well, there are rumors about you being gay, that’s why it didn’t work.”
“That’s not true.” He doesn’t need to look back to know you took you eyes out of the notes you were writing to pay attention on him. “I…”
“Mr. Han’s sexuality isn’t relevant on C & R’s projects. But since we’re on that topic, you should know C & R is one of the pioneer companies in the country implementing LGBTQ friendly guidelines, such as expanding benefits and health insurance to same gender couples and offering paying internships for transgender people. You can find more about it in an upcoming website we’re preparing.”
“Interesting, but…”
“I think you have enough material for a great story, and your editor will probably agree with me. Tell him MC sends regards.”
“Do you know my boss?”
“He’s a pretty famous editor, isn’t he? I think everybody knows him. Still… don’t forget to send him my regards, okay?” you smile sweetly. Jumin wonders how many fake smiles like this you can give on a day. How many of them were reserved just for him? “Well, your time is up.”
“Can I just have a few more questions?”
“Can he, Mr. Han?” you ask, looking straight at him. The way you address him as Mr. Han gives him an electric shiver.
“I’m afraid not. I have some business matters to go over right now.”
The reporter nods, getting up of his chair. Jumin notices how he quickly glances at you, waiting for you to walk him to the door. Oh… another fool impressed by your true cordiality and fake sweetness. Another idiot expecting too much from a woman who can’t give nothing more than lies and persuasive smiles.
“Why do I think the last part of that interview won’t be published due to some editor’s conflict of interest?” he asks you.
“Because you think too much. You’re thinking when you should be thanking me on saving your ass and bringing C & R to the 21st century with the LGBTQ guidelines. You’re welcome.”
“Is the editor your client, MC?” he asks, getting up and watching as you gather your tablet and notebook, getting ready to head out of the room.
“The list of my clients is a confidential matter that has nothing to do with RFA and this internship. So I see no point in talking about it. Now… can we talk about my performance as a PR so I can fill out this form and send to my boss?”
“I swear I have no idea what your boss was thinking when she assigned you to intern here.” He sighs, rubbing his eyes with his index and thumb.
“Me neither. But since it can’t be helped, we should extend your little promise on acting professional and not getting in the way of my work to this internship too.”
Oh… did you really have to mention that day when you cornered him in that hallway? The images from that day pop in his head, making him feel what he could describe probably as disgust. At himself, mostly. He signs the fill out form quickly and hands to you, catching a glimpse of a soft smile, maybe a true one? How many of these were directed only to him?
“Thank you. Oh, and if you need someone to work on that website I mentioned, I know someone who can help.”
“Hum… I was thinking about someone from college, but yeah… I guess you can ask Seven if it suits you.”
“Oh, I bet he suits you much better.” Your eyes lock to him. The same look he gave you after you slapped him in the break up night.
“And by that, you mean…?”
“I saw you two in his car after we… talked during that RFA gathering. It’s none of my business who you choose to lay down with, but…”
What is he talking about? Oh… that night, yeah…
“Don’t worry, I mean ride as in a lift… in my car.”
“Yes, I got it. My mind is not that much in the gutter, Seven.”
“Ouch! Okay… so uhm… are you okay?” that’s controversial…
“Yes. Why?”
“Just making sure you understood my reasons on voting for you to stay, even though it was against you will.”
“It’s fine. You just reminded I need to see thing in the bigger picture. Jumin and I are… insignificant comparing to what RFA can do for people. Thank you for stopping me and my selfish actions.”
“Don’t mention it. And you and Jumin aren’t insignificant, but I’m glad you two talked.”
“Well, uhm… to be honest, we didn’t talk much, but I guess you can say we find the common ground.”
“What do you mean, you didn’t talk? You were talking before I got here and right now, weren’t you?”
“Not exactly. We, uhm… had… sex?” yeah, that moment in the bathroom doesn’t really count as sex…
“Oh… oh, okay. Are you… are you okay? I mean… were you okay with…? Did you want or…?” oh god, what is he trying to insinuate.
“Yes, Seven. I… it was very… rough, but he didn’t… force himself on me or anything.” Maybe more on the other way around?
“Good. So I won’t judge, then.”
“Thank you. I know you never do, even when you… found out about…”
“You being a domme? Yeah… won’t judge either, it’s not like I have the most regular job in this group either, right?”
“I guess… thank you, Seven. I… must say I really misjudged you when I showed up in the chat room.”
“I’m pretty sure you didn’t. But don’t worry about that, MC. I’m just trying to make sure everything is bearable for you since none of this is your fault.”
“Well, it is sort of my fault. I shouldn’t have been naïve and trusted that hacker…”
“Ah yeah, the hacker…” he looks away as he is remembering something. “Anyway, can I drive you home?”
“No, thanks. I… I have another place to be at.”
“I see. Have a good day at work, then.” He smiles as he gets inside his car.
“I know I don’t owe you any explanation, but I didn’t even get inside his car that night.”
“I don’t really care, MC. You said yourself that there is no pointing on talking about subjects that don’t concern your internship or RFA.” He feels like smirking as he sees your frustrated expression, he really got you right now, didn’t he? “Just make sure you don’t break another RFA member’s heart with your lies and slaps when he founds about your little ‘job’ ” Again, the air quoting…
“Okay, you need to stop doing that. It is my job, not my ‘job’, okay? I paid for my studies with that, I paid for my house with that, I was going to pay for my wedding dress with that!”
“Things I would be more than glad to pay for you.”
“Yeah, take away my financial independence and what’s next, Jumin? Controlling what I can buy? What I can wear? What I can have? Controlling me? Like you were trying to do when you… trapped me?”
“I see we’re still fighting like six months ago and can’t pass through that.”
“Yes, I guess not.”
“Fair enough. Just answer me this, please.”
“Were you really planning on paying for the dress of our wedding with the filthy money you make out of hurting editors and corporate heirs?”
Unbelievable… he is unbelievable. For months you regretted and thought about what could you have done differently, that slap… the way you basically accusing him of wanting to hold you as hostage or something… right now, you regret everything you did from the beginning… like falling in love with him, in the first place.
Your phone rings, taking you aback. You clear your throat, realizing your voice as almost braking like you were about to cry. Cry for this man you’re no even sure you know anymore, so how everything he says make you feel this heavy pain?
“Seven, hi! Yeah, uhm… yes, I’m about to leave, actually. Really? Okay… I would love a ride, then. Okay, see you in ten minutes.” You gather your stuff. “The dress was the last thing I was buying with that money, I was going to retire from domming after we’d get married. See you tomorrow, Mr. Han.” and you smile as you walk out of the room.
Jumin contemplates the loneliness and silence after you leave. Yes… he was used to being lonely for most of his life, but there is a huge difference in being lonely by his own choice, and being lonely because somebody left him.
You left him. You left him that night, and you left him today, but you couldn’t just snap at him or humiliate him making him almost cum with the simple brushing of your fingers against his pants, no… you had to remark how he hurt you. How hurt you are, just as much as him.
And this was very cruel of you.
←  Chapter 4 | Chapter 6  →
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