#bat king stephen
Solar Opposites: Unleashed Episode #24: “A Monstrous Birth”
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Bat King Stephen snarls as he looks down at the city in fury.
Bat King Stephen: This town will pay for what it's done.
Bat King Stephen then looks at the photo of the Solar Opposites
Bat King Stephen: And I won’t let that monster alien family stand in my way!
The scene cuts to Korvo and Terry at a lamaze class.
Terry: *groans* This is so boring.
Korvo: It’s a Lamaze class Terry…
Terry: Yeah and it’s a real snooze fest!
Korvo: Ter-
Terry: Also Susan brought whole wheat doughnuts and they’re super gross… like who does that?
Korvo: Well, you’re right about that, it is an odd choice.
Terry then gets an idea and tries to seduce Korvo.
Terry: Commooon babe… Lets just ditch class and go to that new cajun restaurant down the street, they already have a five star rating. Also heard their bathrooms are nice so y’know we could always put the invisibility ray to use again-
Korvo snaps as he pushes Terry’s head away from him.
Korvo: ugh is that all you can think about?? NO! We aren’t leaving right now…
Terry: No head?
Korvo: *sighs* Terry we are in the dark here. There are no records of this ever happening on shlorp, who knows how this works… I hate it too but I'm at my wits end. *begins to cry* M-maybe the humans know more than I give them credit for… Its just … *chokes a sob* Fuck, what if we mess this all up? Hurt them… or worse..
Terry: Korv…
Korvo *breaks down in tears* I- Im terrified! Just please don't go okay!
Terry gasp and pulls his husband close to him from behind his back.
Terry: Hey ya goof I wasn’t going to leave you here all alone. I’m sorry didn't know this meant that much to you I really thought you felt the same. way you never told me any of this before.
Korvo: *sniffles* Because I’m trying to stay rational but this is all still so hard to grasp. Aren't you even just a bit jaded at how little we actually know about our bodies? Just left to the unknown? Its driving me crazy Terry…
Terry looks at his husband sadly.
Korvo: *tearfully* I’m sorry I’ve been so on edge, I’m really trying to be less mean but this situation hasn’t been making that easy Its not your fault anyway, you’ve been rather helpful… you doing your own thing makes sense.
Terry: *smiling* Don’t know how to tell you this babe but it takes two wheels to make a bicycle this is on me too. And yeah it’s pretty bonk that we had to find out this way. But its of not to big deal me I usually just take stuff as they go.
Korvo smiles at Terry tearfully as Terry laughs.
Terry: Heh okay okay thats a lie… I almost goobler’d my brains out when Aisha told us. But then thought how tight it would be to have a tiny us around And to do it together… That made it okay for me.
Terry then cries in happiness as he hold Korvo close.
Terry: Neither of us knows what this is going to look like But I do know there’s no one else I’d rather experience it with. We’ll get through this together.
Korvo: *smiling in tears* Okay.
Terry: It’ll be alright.
Korvo: I love you.
Terry: I love you too…
Terry and Korvo kiss as they moan lovingly. After the two pull away, Terry clears his throat.
Terry: Well, uh…that escalated quickly…
Korvo: chuckles Yeah. I guess so.
Terry: So, now that the drama is out of the way, we can continue this Lamaze class if that’s what you wanna do. I’ll stay right here to keep you company. wipes away Korvo’s tears as Korvo laughs
Korvo: Oh yeah. The class. thinks of something else You know what? stands up We’ll just reschedule it!
Terry: Huh? What made you change your mind all of a sudden?
Korvo then tries to seduce Terry.
Korvo: Let’s just say this fine green daddy of my four and soon to be five kids just got my mind cleared.
Terry laughs
Terry: Anytime, mi querdo.
Korvo: sighs lovingly I love it when you speak Spanish, mi amore.
Terry: And I love you when you too.
Terry and Korvo kiss.
Korvo: Shall we had to head that Mexican restaurant?
Terry: Of course, you beautiful blue shimmering study
Korvo and Terry kiss as they moan lovingly then got up as they leave the class. Korvo then smiles as he rubs his pregnant belly and then looks at Terry as he smiles. Later at Taco Bell…
Terry: *eating tacos* So what should the baby’s name be?
Korvo: I...don't have any ideas yet. You?
Terry: Oh! What about Megatron?
Korvo laughs in amusement
Terry: What? What's so funny?
Korvo: Oh I just your enthusiasm and optimism. It makes me feel necessary like a hunk it sexy Shlorpian!
Terry smirks
Terry: *laughs* You got me! But still, it’s okay if you don’t you want our baby’s name to be that.
Korvo: *smiles* Thank you, Terry.
Terry: Anytime boo.
Meanwhile, Janiz is training Yumyulack and Jesse
Janiz: Nice going guys! You’re doing great!
Mundane Jesse jumps on some of the rockets before kicking a cardboard cutout of Godzilla Sisto
Mundane Jesse: Sweet!
Korvo and Terry come home with takeout from Taco Bell and gasp
Korvo: *calling out to the kids* Yumyulack! Jesse! Sonya! Pupa! We’re home and we got takeouts from Taco Bell!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: TACO BELL?!
Sonya: YAY!
Mundane Jesse: Alright!
Pupa: Taco!
The kids come up to Korvo and Terry.
Yumyulack: *turn back into his Shlorpian form* Aw sweet! Thanks dads!
Jesse: *turns back to normal* Yeah!
Sonya: Thanks guys!
Later, Korvo and Terry are in bed. Korvo is rubbing his pregnant belly.
Korvo: *to his pregnant belly* Hey there little sweetie. Can’t wait to see you soon.
Terry kisses Korvo's pregnant belly.
Terry: I know. Me too.
Korvo giggles.
Korvo: Oh Terry, this new baby is gonna be amazing.
Terry: I know. The best part is we'll be the best dads ever.
Korvo: *laughs* We already are, thanks to us raising 4 wonderful little rascals.
Terry smirks
Terry: Yeah. Yumyulack and Jesse were very cute when they were babies too.
Korvo: Yeah… Yumyulack was an adorable little sprout when I raised him that day. He was very adorable. He even loves the lullaby Janiz sang to me when I was a sproutling too. He even loves it when he snuggles next to me.
Terry laughs
Terry: Jesse was adorable too when she was a sproutling. She laughs when I play with her with that little Shlorp sproutling shaker. And whenever she gets fussy, she would it when I squeeze her teddy bear.
Korvo: Yeah, raising my son was a bit tough ever since Janiz transferred to another part on Shlorp. But it was worth it because Yumyulack has grown up into a brave replicant.
Terry: *laughs* Same with mine.
Terry kisses Korvo on the lips
Terry: *sighs* Then Pupa. I remember he was pupad. He was very adorable and couldn’t stop smiling. And finally we adopted Sonya, which became the greatest impact on our lives. And I bet #5 is gonna be amazing too.
Korvo: *giggles* It's hard to believe we've come so far, huh?
Terry: Yeah it was worth. *kisses Korvo on the lips goodnight* Goodnight Korvy…
Korvo: Goodnight.
The two alien husbands then fall asleep as Korvo rubs his pregnant belly. The next morning, Korvo is throwing up in the toilet
Korvo: Damn, I had no idea pregnancy can still make you throw up. *throws up*
Terry rubs Korvo's back
Terry: Sorry Korvy.
Korvo: *barfs* It’s okay Terry. *barfs*
Korvo: *feeling better and sighs* Well, now that this thing is out of the way, *rubs his pregnant belly* I think I have to time to finally come up with the perfect name.
Terry: But we don't know if it'll be a boy or a girl...
Korvo: Don’t worry Terry. We’ll come up with the perfect name. Eventually. *then looks at a lovely lily flower*
Terry: What is it?
Korvo: It’s that lovely lily. It looks beautiful, like it’s sprouted with hope for the future
Terry: Wow...
Korvo smiles at he looks at the flower.
Korvo: I guess we have our baby name.
Terry: You do? What is it?
Korvo smiles tearfully
Korvo: Lili.
Terry: Wow. That name is beautiful.
Korvo: I know...
Korvo smiles as he runs his pregnant belly.
Korvo: I think that is a wonderful name
Terry: Oh Korvy...
The two alien husbands kiss as they moan lovingly. That night, Korvo was asleep until he sensed something with his Super Shlorpian senses
Korvo: What the hell?
Korvo looks outside and gasps
Korvo: Stephen!
Korvo puts a hand on his pregnant belly
Korvo: *whispering* I hope he’s not after the baby… I have to make sure he isn’t… or worse!
Korvo's eyes turn aquamarine
Korvo: *skin turns black as he grows bigger and muscular and rips apart his night gown* Ooooooooh fffuuuuuuuuck yyyyyeeeeeeeess! Soooooo gooooood!
Korvo then develops horns on his head and wings pop out behind his back as he roars. Super Shlorpian Korvo chuckles.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Even when I’m pregnant, *rubs his pregnant* I’m still feeling sexy and hornier as ever.
Super Shlorpian Korvo hears screeching and gasps.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *whispering* Oh shit! Bat People! Better move fast. *looks at Terry* Be back soon my darling! *kisses Terry on the forehead*
Super Shlorpian Korvo roars as he flies through the chimney while holding his pregnant belly:
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *snarling* Let’s hope I can stop Stephen on time!
The scene then cuts to Mutant Bat King Stephen laughs evilly while plotting.
Mutant Bat King Stephen: That’s right. As soon as those Solar Beasts get here, I’ll give them a piece of my mind-
Suddenly, Super Shlorpian Korvo flies in here while roaring.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Not so fast!
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Grr! You again?!
Bat Mutant King Stephen then notices Super Shlorpian Korvo's pregnant belly and exclaims in horror
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Oh God! Is the Super Shlorpian pregnant?! WHAT THE FUCK?!
Super Shlorpian Korvo growls
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Well, you won’t be able to defeat me! Bat People, attack!
The bat people attack as Super Shlorpian Korvo flies into action
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Time to for you all to chill out! *breathes ice from his breath*
The Bat People are frozen as Bat Mutant King Stephen growls
Bat Mutant King Stephen: Stupid savage bitch! Why must you ruin everything?!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Because I- *groans in pain as his water breaks* Please tell me my water didn't just break! Fuck! FUCK!
Bat Mutant King Stephen: *laughs evilly* I think you must be going into labor now!
Super Shlorpian Korvo flies and goes to somewhere to hide
Bat King Mutant Stephen: *laughs evilly* Better follow this weak bitch!
Super Shlorpian Korvo finds somewhere to hide and groans in pain
Super Shlorpian Korvo: No! Not now!
Super Shlropian Korvo cries out as blood spews out from under his Shlorpian vagina. Bat King Mutant Stephen is still looking for Super Shlorpian Korvo as he chuckles evilly.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You can’t hide from me, Opposites!
Super Shlorpian Korvo breathes heavily
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *crying as he kept pushing* FUCK! OH GOD! *cries out in pain*
Bat King Mutant Stephen hears Super Shlorpian Korvo and smirks
Bat King Mutant Stephen: I got you now!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Shit! I gotta-
But Super Shlorpian Korvo keeps crying out as he is the close to giving birth.
Then, suddenly, a cute baby Shlorpian girl with the same skin color as Terry is born as she starts crying. Super Shlorpian Korvo gasps and sheds tears of joy.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *tearfully in happiness* Oooh my sweet little sprout…
Bat King Mutant Stephen suddenly appears
Bat King Mutant Stephen: Ah-ha! Got you now!
Super Shlorpian Korvo gasps.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *grabs Lili and hold her safe carefully close to him* Stay away from her you bitch!
Bat King Mutant Stephen: *laughs* I don't plan on hurting you...yet.
Lili: *cries*
Super Shlorpian Korvo: What are you talking about?
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You and your family will meet me and my people here for a battle tomorrow at dawn!
Mundane Terry: *offscreen* My Korvy!
Super Shlorpian Korvo turns around and gasps. He then sees Mundane Terry, Super Shlorpain Yumyulack, Mundane Jesse and Were-Kraken Sonya and are relived he is okay. But then, Mundane Terry bites Bat King Mutant Stephen on the arm to get him away from husband as he snarls.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: How dare you?! I am a king! You will respect my authority!
Mundane Terry punches Bat King Mutant Stephen, who snarls and flies away from the family. The monster Replicants and Werekraken Sonya run up to Super Shlorpian Korvo and are overjoyed to see their new baby sister.
Mundane Jesse: Is that our sister?! Korvo, how did this-
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *shedding tears of joy* It was some kind of miracle. Your new sister is born. Kids, meet Lili.
Lili: *coos*
Werekraken Sonya: *smiling and softly doing a nose kiss on Llili* Hello baby sister…
Lili: *coos*
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: *shedding tears of joy* Aw she looks so cute.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yeah..she is... *starts weeping*
Mundane Terry: Oh honey… *holds Super Shlorpian Korvo close* Shh… *smiling at Lili* Hey there sweetie… I’m your daddy…
Lili babbles and touches Mundane Terry's face as Super Shlorpian Korvo laughs.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: She really likes you.
Mundane Terry chuckles
Mundane Terry: Hell yeah she does. *tickles Lili’s chin softly as it makes her giggle*
Super Shlorpian Korvo: You know, she almost looks just like you.
Mundane Terry: I know. Look at her beautiful green skin. Welcome to the world Lili…
Super Shlorpian Korvo kisses his Mundane husband on the lips.
Lili: *babbling*
Mundane Jesse: Hey, Lili...
Lili touches her father’s face as Mundane Terry chuckles. Lili then yawns and falls asleep as the two monster alien husbands smile at their new baby.
Super Shlorpian Korvo then weeps as he holds Lili close carefully.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: I'll do everything I can to protect her...
Mundane Terry: *puts his hand on Super Shlorpian Korvo’s right shoulder* Us too. Because remember what I said. We’ll get through it… together.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: We have to face Stephen tomorrow at dawn.
Mundane Jesse: What?!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Why?!
Werekraken Sonya: Why does Stephen want us to face him?
Super Shlorpian Korvo sighs
Super Shlorpian Korvo: ‘Cause if we don’t, I’m afraid he’ll come after Lili and worse of all kill us.
Mundane Terry gasps.
Mundane Terry: *grows determined* Don’t worry! We won’t let this happened!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: You're right. *looks at Lili and tickles her chin*
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Good. Because, we won’t let Stephen get in the way of the best thing that ever happen in our lives. Right, sisters?!
Mundane Jesse and Werekraken Sonya: Right!
Lili: *babbles*
Later at home, Janiz is watching TV
Janiz: *sees the news about Stephen* Stephen? Oh my God!
Korvo comes downstairs holding Lili
Korvo: *sing-songy* Oh Janiz!
Janiz: Korvo? What's...*looks at Lili and gasps* Did you...
Korvo: Yes. She’s here. Janiz, meet your niece Lili.
Janiz squeals with happiness
Janiz: *tickles Lili on the chin as Lili giggles* Hello sweetie. It’s me your aunt Janiz. Your daddy’s big sister.
Lili babbles and touches Korvo's face
Janiz: Oh she really love you Korvo.
Korvo: Yeah. I know. *looks at the news and gasps* Shit!
Janiz: You ready for this lil bro? *eyes glow icy pink*
Korvo: Oh-ho-ho! *eyes glow aquamarine* Hell yeah I am!
Later, Mutant Bat King Stephen and his army are wreaking havoc
Bat King Mutant Stephen: *laughs evilly* Yes! Yes! Soon enough all of Earth-4 will bow to me!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *offscreen* STOP RIGHT THERE!
Bat King Mitant then turns and growls as he sees Super Shlorpian Korvo, Mundane Terry, Super Shlorpian Yumyulack, Mundane Jesse, Werekraken Sonya, Super Shlorpian Janiz and Aqrabuamelu Phoebe standing in a heroic stance. Lili is also seen in a baby hangar held on Super Shlorpian Korvo.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: Seriously! How many more of you freaks do I have to fight?!
Mundane Terry: Well I believe you met our daughters, huh?
Bat King Mutant Stephen then recognizes Mundane Jesse as Jesse as he snarls.
Mundane Jesse: Remember me, bi-atch?!
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You too? *growls* Bat People, attack the Monsters!
The bat people attack.
Super Shlorpian Korvo nods and the Monster Solars starts fighting the bat people. Super Shlorpian Korvo uses his ice breath while Lili babbles in joy. Mundane Terry then uses his lava powers that burnt the bat people. Super Shlorpian Yumyulack then combines his fire ice breath with Super Shlorpian Janiz’s ice breath that restrains the bat people. Mundane Jesse uses her pink magic powers that causes her fizzy rocks to hit the bat people. Werekraken Sonya uses her laser eyes to blast the bat people. Then, Aqrabuamelu Phoebe uses her stinger that stings some of the bat people.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: GOD DAMN IT!
The Monster Solars cheer while Lili babbles in joy.
Bat King Mutant Stephen: You haven't heard the last of me! When I-
Mundane Jesse and Super Shlorpian Yumyulack combine their powers with Werekraken Sonya as they blast Bat King Mutant Stephen away as he screams. Super Shlorpian Korvo and Mundane Terry smiles with tears of joy in their eyes because they are so proud of their kids blasting their enemy away. So are Aqrabuamelu Phoebe and Super Shlorpian Janiz.
Lili: *babbling n joy because she proud of her big brother and big sisters*
Super Shlorpian Janiz: You two were very brave. I see the training's paid off.
Mundane Jesse: So was Sonya! I had no idea we had it in you!
Werekraken Sonya: Well, I guess I learned from watching you guys.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: That and you were always brave ever since you became half-kraken. We’re so proud of you sis.
Werekraken Sonya: Thanks!
The three monster siblings then get into a group hug. Lili babbles in joy as she reaches to her siblings.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Hey, Lili.
Mundane Jesse: So happy to see you!
Werekraken: You proud of your big brother and sisters?
Lili touched both of her siblings’ faces as she coos in joy. Super Shlorpian Yumyulack, Mundane Jesse and Werekraken Sonya smiles at their baby sister. Super Shlorpian Korvo laughs.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *hugs the kids* Come here, we are so proud of you.
Mundane Terry: Nice job Yumyulack, Jesse and Sonya! We’ve never been so proud in our lives that our three wonderful kids combine an awesome attack. We’re so happy for you three.
The kids smile tearfully
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Thanks dads…
Mundane Jesse and Werekraken Sonya: Thanks daddies…
Mundane Terry picks Super Shlorpian Korvo up and spins him around
Mundane Terry: Woo-hoo Korvy.
The two monster alien husbands embrace in a kiss as they moan lovingly while Lili giggles as the kids hugs their dads. The scene cuts back to the Solar Opposites’ house where they wonder where Pupa is.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Pupa?
Mundane Terry: Pupa? *suddenly hears a gunshot* Oh shit! Was that the Pupa with a gun?!
The family gasp in horror.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: That's not good.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Oh crap! No no no! *heads upstairs* Something’s wrong!
The Monsters Solars open the door to Korvo and Terry’s bedroom where Pupa is in and gasp.
Mundane Terry: Holy shit. The Pupa has killed a bat mutant!
Super Shlorpian Korvo smiles tearfully
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Bravo Pupa! *hugs Pupa* I am so proud of you!
The family hugs Pupa as he smiles. Then, Pupa notices his new baby sister Lili.
Pupa: Who's that?
Mundane Jesse: Pupa, this your new baby sister Lili.
Pupa gasps
Pupa: Sister?
Lili babbles as she touches Pupa’s face, as he smiles and falls in love with his new baby sister and hugs her carefully and gently.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yep. She's your sister. Isn't she adorable?
Pupa smiles as he tickles Lili’s chin softly as Lili giggles and coos.
Mundane Jesse: Aw, she likes you.
Pupa: I wuv you Lili.
Lili coos. Pupa smiles as he watches his baby sister fall asleep as she sleeps. The family then turns back to normal as they sit on Korvo and Terry’s bed with Pupa and smiles at Lili.
Phoebe MacCarthy: So, now you guys have Lili, now what?
Korvo: I think our news lives have just gotten better. Welcome home Lili.
Cue “Today” from Brad Paisley in the background:
Terry: Welcome to the Solar Opposistes sweetie. *kisses Lili on the forehead*
Lili giggles. Cue good times montage after Korvo and Terry kiss while moaning lovingly. The scene then cuts to next day where the Solar Opposites in their human forms, now with Lili in her own human form as she babbles head out the door to spend time with each other. The scene then cuts to the family at a picnic where Human Pupa is playing with human Lili. Then, it cuts to a skiing lodge where the family are having skiing then it shows them having hot cocoa. Then, it cuts to the park where the kids are playing while Human Lili babbles as she and Human Terry head down the slide and Human Terry lands safely while holding Human Lili safely as she babbles in joy once Human Terry lift her up. The episode then ends with the rest of the family having dinner at Lawry’s Prime Rib and Human Korvo and Human Terry kiss as they moan lovingly.
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puttersmile · 2 months
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" 'Do you love?' That's a weird way to end the story."
"No idea how a giant blob of death can love its last meal."
"I guess he tasted good. I'm sure the last guy is toast."
"Then how would you survive 'The Raft' ?"
"Obviously I would fly away! - extends a wing
"You forget the rule. If the characters can't fly then you can't fly."
"Mmmm. Then I'd have no choice but to push one of the other people off and swim for my life."
"I know, but survival of the fittest!"
"So...you would push me?"
"Probably. Maybe. Possibly."
"Remind me to never go swimming alone with you."
"You'd survive because you wouldn't be there, Nappy. You hate water." *giggles*
Their dynamic is they both love to read horror stories or watch horror movies and try to figure out how they would survive the scenarios. They just finished reading Stephen King's short story 'The Raft'.
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heckcareoxytwit · 5 months
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With the help of Bats the Ghost Hound, Black Cat and her associates go on a dangerous mission to save Doctor Strange from the Symbiote Sphere. As they manage to get him out, Black Cat and others are on the Spider-Mobile where they find themselves chased by the Symbiote Dragons. While they fend off the pursuing Symbiote Dragons with explosives, one of her associates - Boris Korpse tries to wake Doctor Strange up. The horde of symbiote dragons attack, Black Cat thinking to herself that if Dr. Strange doesn't wake up soon they'll have to improvise - something that is normally her strong suit, but that she doesn't do well with magic or aliens. As Black Cat notes that the Spider-Mobile can't handle much more punishment, a symbiote dragon swipes it out of the sky mid-leap, ripping off one of the wheels and causing it to crash-land. Even though everyone (except Bats who is a ghost) are alive, they are dismayed to find that the Spider-Mobile is ruined.
Black Cat v2 #2, 2021
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s7ieben · 4 months
Reading Everywhere – Bats and Stephen King
“The sparrows are flying again.” (The Dark Half – Stephen King, 1989)
aquarelle, ink on a paper – drawing, painting – 30 x 21 cm
S7IEBEN.art RedBubble
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historyartthings · 9 months
Doing my bit getting those viewer numbers up rewatching becoming Elizabeth on channel 4
And I just realised Dudley pushing Gardiner down the stairs is made better (for lack of a better word lol) by the fact that historically John had slapped him at a council meeting late in Henry’s reign. so it’s like that push down the steps was years of irritation in the making
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callmedrwyrm · 4 months
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I have a lot to say tonight does anyone want to fake date me and move to Mississippi with me to do an annoying couples cosplay and then we fight with bats. maybe you hit me with a baseball bat and I throw bats the animal at you? many possibilities
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augment-techs · 2 months
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...sure. But since there is no...singular PR Wing AU that comes to mind, I'm just going through my biases and hoping they look nice in context.
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For the sake of context, I am going to riff off a list of wings I THINK would suit the above babies:
Jason Scott: I am very torn on whether it is better to give him goose or swan wings, but the goose wings won out because there is some marginal dignity in geese when it comes to large groups and caretaking.
Trini: Vulture wings, because she is fucking tiny and I thought it was funny.
Zack Taylor: Sand Piper, because they are more leggy than wing oriented, which fits with his being able to dance, dance, dance all night long.
Matt Cook: The Common Swift, which might look to anyone else as drab and unappreciable, but to me are actually perfectly suited to him.
Kimberly Hart: Pixie, pixie, pixie wings. Like Tinkerbell, like sprites, like those fast fuckers 8% of the world says they've seen out of the corner of their eyes. SWISH.
Tommy Oliver: Tiny fluffy bat~ Tiny fluffy white bat~ Tiny fluffy white POLLINATOR bat~ Just imagine him covered in clouds of white and orange debris because he couldn't help himself.
Bulk: ~Honeybee, honeybee, won't you love a Bumblebee~ They shouldn't be able to fly, and yet they do. And if that isn't a perfect metaphor...
Billy Cranston: A Pied Crow, because they are loud and protective and they wear little white vests everywhere and look CUTE while they steal things.
Skull: Butterfly dragon wings. Which is like...a microdragon with leaf camouflage? I just keep thinking of that Strange Magic movie and how pretty the Bog King would look with a little color.
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cogcltrcorn · 2 years
thinking about... what loser stayed with mike the longest...
It wasn't bev, bev left among one of the first, she had an aunt she could live with, a future outside of Derry, a future Alvin couldn't intrude on. They all were happy to let her go, they all thought that this town held her back, they all hoped that it was for the best, even if it broke their hearts.
A year later Sonia decided to get Eddie closer to his aunts, and they had to let him go too, knowing that it wasn't hopeful for him. Eddie leaving left them all lost and uneasy.
Ben is the next to go. He hates it, he hates the idea of being the new kid again, and they can all feel the terrifying emptiness of his absence, even before they hug him goodbye. The clubhouse stops feeling like home when he's gone.
Bill leaves unexpectedly, almost hurriedly. They suppose that it was something Denbroughs wanted to do ever since fall of 1988, and Bill just never wanted to believe it. Now, it feels like the family is finally shaking itself awake. Bill feels like they are trying to leave something behind. He thinks back to the cold space between him and his parents of the big living room couch, and shamefully thinks that he hopes that this coldness stays in Derry. Mike knows it will.
It is a little while before anyone else leaves. Both Toziers and Urises have a lot in this town, and, now fully teens, the three of them are left to their own devices. Mike feels lonely, but he also feels hopeful. Maybe, if he's lucky, they will stay. They talk, and talk, and talk, and Mike collects and cherishes every word, even as he hopes they will stay, because he knows they won't.
They talk about everything: Birds, music, horror movies, trashy sci-fi Richie likes and decidedly Not trashy sci-fi Stan likes. Mike himself tends to prefer fantasy. Mike improves Richie's music taste, and Richie, in turn, never shuts up about it.
They talk about the others. It feels like a ritual. They talk, and they reminisce, and they keep them with them, one story at a time, one joke at a time. Mike listens. Mike remembers.
And then Richie leaves. Richie leaves, and there's nothing they can do. None of them know exactly how it works, but they know that something happens, when you leave Derry, and they know it's something stronger than them, something they are powerless to stop.
Before Richie leaves, they talk trough the night. They stumble around Derry, around the Canal, trough the Bassey Park. They talk, and it's not like they say anything new, but Mike still clings to every word, because he needs this, he needs to remember, he needs to keep this with him. Richie, as always, seems happy to talk. Maybe, Mike thinks, he needs to get it all out, so that Mike can have it for safekeeping. So that Mike can use it when Richie won't be able to.
Stan doesn't talk as much. Or, maybe, he talks plenty, but it just doesn't feel the same when it's his quiet, unbearably adult and knowing voice, and not Richie's manic ramblings. What Stan says is purposeful. They both know what's happening.
They sit together for hours, sometimes on the clean floor in Stan's bedroom, sometimes on a bench near the Canal, sometimes near the birdfeeder near the Memorial, sometimes just in the grass in the Barrens. Each story Stan tells feels like a gift, like a treasure. Stan talks about them as kids, talks about Bill being wary of cars and Eddie being in love with them, talks about 7 year-old Richie eating dirt, talks about the first western they all saw and how Bill instantly fell in love with them, talks about Eddie getting Richie and Stan himself hooked on X-men, talks about Bev in the laundramat, and Ben privately asking Stan if zebra-cakes were kosher because Richie was talking out of his ass again, about Bev outplaying him at checkers, about everything, all at once. Old, childish memories, that would seem unimportant, if they were brought up by anyone else. When it's Stan, it's different. Stan does everything he does for a reason.
The sun is setting, golden and bright, and it makes Stan look ethereal and even more somber. They are sitting on the grass, Kenduskeag runs by them. It's the same spot. They are just all that's left pf the circle.
"The Turtle couldn't help us."
Stan sounds content. Mike feels the same wave of absolute, ultimate understanding they all had when they were together, the whole Lucky Seven. He realizes that this is what Stan is sharing with him. He makes him understand.
"We were stronger than him. We were more. We are still more."
Mike looks in his eyes, serious, serene, simultaneously childlike and unfathomably old.
"You just have to keep us."
Stan doesn't need Mike to make a promise. They don't make a pact, they don't cut up their palms. They both know that it's not necessary, that Mike is already here, and he already remembers. He is already part of the circle. They all are.
Mike doesn't need Stan to tell him that he is leaving too. They don't say a word, and Mike is the only one hugging him goodbye before the Urises get in the car and drive off, out of Derry, out of Maine, out.
Mike misses them. All of them.
He will keep them safe. He will keep them near. He will love them. And he will remember.
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davealmost · 1 year
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Graveyard Shift
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gameofthunder66 · 6 months
The Outsider (2020) tv series
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-(finished) watchin' Season 1- 3/19/2024- 2 [3/4] stars- on Max
The book was much better in my opinion.
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ew--gross--blog · 1 year
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I love reading
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Monster Theme Songs for Two Returned Wall Villains from Solar Opposites: Unleashed
Mutant Bat King Stephen: “Dead Memories” from Slipknot
Godzilla Sisto: “Don’t Tell Me” from Disturbed ft. Ann Wilson
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martyrbat · 2 years
i am on the circus grounds of social media i shouldn't be angry at seeing this many clowns
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romanromulus · 2 years
mr mercedes is bad. like really really bad, possibly the worst Stephen King book I’ve ever read
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passing-through-tull · 4 months
All I want is a cold Nozz-a-la and to follow the beams to pet some guardians...
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shewhowillrise · 10 months
Taking down a human organization was horrifyingly hard for the Justice League, but they were able to shut the system down. Deep inside the blinding white abyss, were cells, holding the ecto entities that the King of the Dead had begged their help to save.
Every cells held a being, that cowered away from the opening doors, flinched at gentle hands, whimpered at every movement. Slowly but surely they emptied the building, freeing those that were tortured.
At the end of the hallway of the wing Batman and Nightwing were assigned, had a heavy metal door. It had dents, both inward and outward, specks of blood all over it, as if Stephen King made his own interpretation of a a Pollock.
It was the only door that ruined the white aesthetic.
Batman slowly opened the door, Nightwing next to him, a hand grasped around one of his eskrima.
White light painted across the floor of the dark room as the door opened, illuminating the figure huddled in the corner, who looked like a boy. A boy with black hair that had a shock of white, in a tattered formal suit covered in dirt and blood.
The only sound was the clang of the stick falling out of Nightwing’s slack grasp, startling the being in the corner.
His eyes, that were more green than they should have been, that they haven’t seen in years, opened to stare at them.
“Little Wing?” Dick’s voice was barely a decibel above a breath.
“Jason,” Bruce’s voice was more firm than his eldest son’s, but if you knew the man well enough, you would be able to hear the waver in it.
“B-” the being started, before grasping for breath, “Bruce,” his voice was raw, like it wasn’t used to speaking. Tears followed the horrid voice, coming down like rivers.
Bruce rushed forward, dropping to his knees as he gathered his son in his arms. Jason’s head still fit perfectly under his chin, his hair still as soft as it was when he buried him, his hands clutching the bat suit as tightly as he did on Cathrine’s birthday.
Bruce’s senses was aware of Dick moving next to them, his arms joining in the reunion, but Bruce himself didn’t notice, to busy wrapped up around the cursed miracle in his arms.
His boy was alive.
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