#bc in my 2 years here it's always at like 40-70 which is why i always just set my container on it w/o worrying
hella1975 · 7 months
what does it mean to average 2:1 or 2:2? I don’t think we do that in America
okay so the uni grading system here is done based on percentages. the pass mark is 40%, which americans ALWAYS hit me with 'only 40???? easy!!!' so id like to clarify the content/exams are very difficult and the marking is very mean and generally it's really frustrating when people respond this way, like why tf would we have such a low pass grade otherwise it's a dumb assumption to make but anyway. you do about 6 modules a semester (on average, some courses have more/less), and each module will give you a final grade, and then the average of all your modules from both semesters will give you your final year grade. they're all marked by the same system, which is:
grade of less than 40% = fail
grade of 40%-50% = third class honours (called a third)
grade of 50%-60% = lower second class honours (a 2:2, literally said aloud as 'i got a two-two in my exam')
grade of 60%-70% = upper second class honours (a 2:1, said as 'i got a two-one'). this is what im PRAYING for.
grade of 70%+ = first class honours (just called a first). this is the highest you can get, so even if you get 90% you'll have the same grade as someone who got 72%. this is also what i mean by the exam system being really tough here, bc most people are just grateful to get a first.
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viscerasmoothie · 10 days
The Shitty Laptop: How Has It not Fucking Died Yet
Aka the story of this piece of shit, how it's doing, and why I want to mail it's life support to the sun. Also, warning for massive walls of text ahead.
The Specs
So, in case you haven't decided to stalk as much of my Tumblr account as you physically can, The Shitty Laptop is a 2016 HP ENVY x360 with an Intel i5 6200U CPU, an Intel HD 520 GPU (that I'm pretty sure is an integrated GPU which is kinda shit but eh), 12 GB of RAM, a 918 GB HDD, and a touchscreen with 10 touch points and some lighter spots around the edges and one that only appears on white for some reason. So in other words, it's actual garbage even disregarding some of the other weird issues I have with it!
Let me break that down: Some Intel i5's are decent, mine absolutely isn't. Integrated graphics are bad because corners have to be cut to keep the CPU small (which is kinda fine for modern shit but this is FAR from modern in terms of gaming). The RAM is fine, it'll run most things but 16 is probably better (Yes yes, bigger number better but I don't need 64 GB of RAM for anything other than opening Steam /s). An 8 year old HDD is REALLY bad though, it's not like, say, your Xbox where you need to replace that things hard drive like a decade ago, but it's an active bottle neck as far as I can tell. I LOVE the fact that this has a touchscreen but the screen issues (Okay, light spots aren't that big of a deal imo but this thing is NOT real color at all bc I opened TF2 and thought that they put a sepia filter over the bw images until the menu screen popped up lmfao) and the fact that this thing is GIANT (picture below) make this thing SUPER awkward to draw with (Not even mentioning the fact that I have no stylus sadly). Also this thing has a couple of dents (pictured below as well) and the left Ctrl key if fucked because I've tried cleaning this things crusty ass keyboard and I broke both of the plastic things on the key so it stopped staying secured (but it WAS fine cus I didn't move this thing around much) but then after the battery swap the thingy above the contact left like how my mom left me and so now the key sits flush with the keyboard and pressing the contact works like 50% of the time :(.
Anyways breaking up the wall of text with a wall of photos
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Not copy and pasting the image descriptions here so read those for context or die idk I can't make you do shit lol.
Anyways, if you know fuck all about computers and their components like a goodish chunk of people, then basically nothing above the photos makes any sense to you, so let's look at the practical side of things:
How Shit Runs
Firefox (and any browser as per usual) eats up my resources, mostly my RAM. Roblox depends on the game, but it has crashed about 3 times, twice in TPRR (Please play it if you're into FNaF I beg you) and once in Royale High Campus 3, specifically the entrance, although both games are a bit demanding. Also note that I almost always keep my graphics settings on either the lowest they'll go manually or auto. Here's some 2 games you wouldn't expect an almost 14 year old to play or even know of; Koikatsu Party runs fine, it eats up my GPU and a good chunk of my CPU when in Chara editor,but according to the FPS plugin it runs at around 40-30fps. Koikatsu Sunshine on the other hand runs around 15-20fps in the Chara editor and also eats up my resources. I don't know why there's such a performance discrepancy when they're almost the same exact game, but since I've had Rivatunner running on Sunshine, my CPU hovers around the 170's to low 180's (Fahrenheit) or the mid 70's to low 80's (Celsius), with CPU usage being around 1/3 I think, and GPU probably hanging around over 50% but not over 75% (Source for these numbers: my shitty memory and estimates made from said shitty memory). I'll probably reblog this at some point with better specifics, but while my CPU isn't actually melting, I still like to say it is because I could probably cook something on it. Also, forgot to mention this earlier and feel like mentioning it now: PCGame Benchmark ranked my laptop at 8% which is very terrible.
Why I Want to Kill It With Hammers
Disclaimer: I don't actually want to kill it, but I definitely need a replacement.
I'm gonna be honest, I've been bitching and moaning about this hunk of junk for a while because it gets hot, it's too big, it runs terribly and even blue screened after trying to sign in once (It hung on this picture of seals for a couple of minutes before it decided to blue screen). It also used to be my Aunt's, where she got it for college, mostly used it for the Sims (Which CAS runs fine with higher settings and laptop mode but I currently need to fix my mods), then left it to rot in her closet for a couple of years until around June/July 2021 when she gave it to me as an early 11th birthday present. I, being an idiot 10 year old who didn't know that this was a TERRIBLE idea, decided to keep it plugged in ALL the time, which lead to it having an abysmal battery life which exacerbated the problem, which lead to it giving me the old blinking caps lock issue which rendered it literally useless for a little while until one Wednesday when my grandma brought the issue up to my uncle, a tech enthusiast, while babysitting his kid because he was sick, and he said that he had the right screw (A torx t5 if I remember correctly) so when she came over to see if I wanted food, I decided to go back with her to open this shithead up (Btw I did get sick bc of him, and considering the fact that I'm not hospitalized it wasn't COVID, probably just a head cold). I'll add the photos in a reblog because of the stupid 10 pic limit in the app, but this thing was FILTHY AS FUCK after it was opened. Of course the battery was a complete mess and a free fire hazard, but this thing was just dirty as shit. I forgot to bring my phone so I took photos with my grandma's phone and I learned that only 1/3 of the back vent thingy is functional, with the remaining 2/3 being blocked off for some reason. Also I got a free bootleg classic snes with stuck power buttons and the opening for the controller ports feels AWFUL to open, so that's fun I guess. So we went a week later on Friday to pick it up but when we got home it was still giving the same error. At least it served as a good power bank for my shitty tablet I got for my 8th birthday because my grandma takes away the electronics I usually use at night (Laptop, phone, chromebook) on school nights but the laptop wasn't actually booting and I don't usually use the tablet (It literally has 2gb of RAM, why the fuck would I lmao) so she didn't take away either of those. Anyways the next day we went over, he fixed it with a YouTube tutorial by force rebooting it with the power button (Yes I know that turning it off and on and holding the power button is basic IT knowledge but if my brain doesn't see a straightforward path to whatever I want to do then it gets really confused unless someone else helps) and then it pulled up the updating thing because it was doing that before the old battery decided to go fuck itself. The weirdest thing about the old battery though was that it was providing enough power to make the fan spin and for the caps lock light to blink but apparently not enough to properly boot I guess. Anyways uhh yeah the only thing I've really changed in relation to usage is to unplug it whenever I notice that the battery is full and plug it back in when the battery saver kicks on, it's still sitting on top of a plastic laptop cooler that's too small for it because my grandma forgot how to measure this shit (I love probably toxic fumes coming from the heated plastic/j) that needs cleaning again. Also, I usually keep the external cooler plugged in, but there's only 2 USB ports on this thing and I'd rather die than live the dongle life so it's either I sacrifice that or my wireless mouse and I would rather not navigate through Windows file explorer with ONLY a touch screen.
FAQ Except Nobody Asked These Questions and I Made Them the Fuck Up
Q: What laptop alternatives have you looked at?
A: Whatever is at display at the local Walmart and Best Buy (Though the former has had issues with there not being ANY display laptops), though it's not a "serious" browsing as anything decent (and some things that are absolutely garbage) are almost certainly out of me and my grandma's price range (Thank Charlotte for getting her own fur stick in her intestines twice).
Q: What about used laptops?
A: My first Chromebook used for online learning was a used Chromebook from Best Buy, but the E key force turned it off, a couple of the other keys were also fucked (One of the Ctrl keys also turned it off), And eventually the hinge died and fucked the screen, and I'd likely have to order a used laptop online which means that sellers could lie about it's condition and I don't wanna go through some shitty websites support because I got scammed, also used usually means that it's old, somethings (somewhat commonly) very wrong with it, or both so I think I'll pass. /nm
Q: Why not get a PC
A: Idk, I just prefer the keyboard being attached to the screen.
Q: Why not make The Shitty Laptop not shitty?
A: Because the CPU is soldered to the motherboard which either means get a new motherboard or let my uncle desolder it, and if I do get a new motherboard I'd have to make sure that it fits in the case. And again, this thing has other issues (Fucked screen, fucked left Ctrl key) and I'd just rather get a new one.
Q: Where can I give you money for a new laptop?
A: I do technically have a Patreon account but I haven't set up payment on it so you can't shove your money in my face sadly.
Q: Can I mail you a new laptop?
A: Fuck no, that would require either getting a PO box or giving you my address and if you're not in the immediate area one of us is gonna have to pay for shipping and/or gas.
I ran out of question ideas anyways uhh i took way too long to write this shit out lmao (I think it was around 3 hours as the first photos timestamp is 7:43)
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iamyouknow-yours · 1 year
Long (5000 words) rant incoming about the government™, getting a disability grant in my country (South Africa) and what that's like and also how a specific man fucked up my life next year.
I live in South Africa, government office for grants is called SASSA, I have POTS, IBS, chronic nausea and use a mobility scooter.
So okay the process of getting a grant is basically:
1. Fill in some forms
2. Book a "medical assessment" (in quotes bc they do not medically assess you, they just look at your forms) at a government clinic (this will only be available on very specific dates because they are always quite full).
3. Go to the clinic and wait in a very long queue.
4. Finally see the doctor and they look at your forms, fills in their own form and tell you to go to the SASSA office (whichever one the website tells you is the closest to where you live) on a date.
5. You go, with more forms and documents and then you wait in an even longer queue and then they ask you a bunch of questions and will consider giving you money.
Re step 4, last year the doctor was not a doctor and was a 70+ year old very retired man who only came out of retirement because the doctor straight up stopped showing up. And he could only apply for a temporary grant for me (for 12 months) because I didn't have enough proof I was disabled (letters from enough doctors, which by the way the website does not tell you you need).
This year we (me and my best friend playing the role of carer/boyfriend) arrived at 8:30am. The clinic opens at 7. Mr Doctor Man was not there yet.
Lady in the queue next to us was talking to her friend (an employee of some kind) and he was like oh I'm so sorry so your prayers have been answered and the doctor is here but unfortunately it is the white doctor. And she groans.
So it was about 9:40 at this point and the man was over 2 hours, almost 3 hours late. He then worked until about 10:40 and then proceeded to go on break until about 11:30!!!!!! The man arrived over 2 hours late, worked for maybe an hour before going on break for 50 freaking minutes!
And this is apparently normal behaviour for him (thus the groaning from the lady in the queue with us).
Anyway so we finally get to see him and he has not heard of POTS (in advance I have prepared letters from every single doctor except my gastroenterologist bc long story, I have got proof on proof on proof).
Bestie explains what POTS is (in science terms, he knows science and medical things) and that it is not going to be cured unless a miracle happens.
The man looks at one (1) of my letters and writes on the form that I have "postural hypotension" (close and technically true but I am still side eyeing him), MDD (major depressive disorder [which like I do but it wasn't written down anywhere and it's not disabling for me anymore so he just sussed that out and decided to write it down I suppose?]), and IBS.
He gives me a day to go to SASSA, a Monday.
So I go with my mother on a Monday. We wait in the queue for about half an hour before someone tells us that Mondays are for pensions, Tuesdays are for disability.
Then my mom gets sick so we can't go for ages.
So finally I ask Bestie to go with me and we go. We wait for ages. A very chatty man tells me about our lord and saviour jesus christ when I just wanted to read my book.
We get to see the lady. She tells me that I can't apply until my previous grant runs out. I have to go at least a month without my grant. Not like I, y'know, need it or anything??
She also tells me that not only does she want the 3 months bank statements that I have printed out but also they require every single deposit to be stated in affidavits with the reason for why it's in my account.
The total humiliation you have to go through to get disability is insane. Why do I have to declare when my friend sends me R39 for his third of the Dropout subscription we share?! It's like $1 or $2 I'm not googling the current conversion rate.
So I go home, go through my bank statements and write down each deposit. I get my mother and 2/3 of my best friends to go to the police station with me and we go get affidavits for every single transaction into my account. I do my own affidavit for all the transactions from people who I cannot wrangle to go to the police station with me.
Then today Bestie and I go to SASSA. Wait in a long queue, finalllllyyyy see the lady (different one this time). They did have a snazzy ticket system this time so once we were in the building it didn't take too long and I use a wheelchair so I skipped a lot of the queue because I couldn't get onto the pavement where the queue outside started (got there at about 8, got home at about 10, so not too too bad although someone's car alarm kept going off at one point which was terrible).
I've almost definitely got the grant (will get it either next month or the month after, ahhhhhh) but turns out the stupid SASSA doctor only put me down for 12 months instead of a permanent grant.
Violent but not graphic interlude about the things I want to do to him in the next paragraph, will resume story afterwards:
I want to beat him with a stick and run him over with my 6km/h wheelchair and set him and his house on fire and also he should pay me R10 000 in cash and also he should stand in the queue for me next year and do all the bureaucracy. And also he should just do his fucking job correctly for fucks sake!!!!!!!
I'll have to go back next year to reapply again and it takes so much energy and I just want him to do his job properly.
I'm so upset. I can't even quantify how mad I am.
It will also potentially fuck with the government university bursary I am planning to get for when I go to uni next year. And will definitely add additional layers of bureaucracy to my life. And also bc of the fact that they will have to reassess my financials again, it adds at least 3 months of having to be super aware of my transactions and careful
And also maybe the bursary money will be too much and my grant will be reduced (that is an anxiety not something I know for sure).
So yeah I hate that man. And also idk hope you learned something? I hope your country's process isn't as dehumanising but I doubt it.
Also my tummy hurts since last night so it was sore the whole time today during the experience and basically:
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hobidreams · 4 years
Moonlit Throne historical clarifications/references
i want to accurately represent the history from the joseon era, but sometimes for the sake of story/ease of accessibility, things had to be minorly changed. the following is a list of creative choices/changes i make in the writing of Moonlit Throne, as well as further information about the history/culture that i’ve found through my own research 💓 i hope this can also provide some more context for those interested. this list is to be updated as the series progresses so i always recommend you read the latest drabble before checking for more info here for risk of spoilers. please correct me if i get any info wrong!!
for even more information about the world, check out the tag #moonlit history!
last updated: after drabble 43!
new information for the latest drabble will be under the moon.
king gwanghae - as mentioned in the line “gwanghae flow” & in the rest of the MV, Daechwita was inspired by this historical king & the movie about him. Moonlit Throne is not inspired by any king. any event that is similar is purely coincidental!
topknot - various sources state that only married men were allowed to wear their hair up, though this is often not the case in popular korean media. even though Yoongi is unmarried, i chose to pay homage to the daechwita MV & give him a topknot throughout the series. *** same goes for the blonde hair color!
months - traditionally, they followed the lunar calendar in the Joseon era. but i thought that that would be a bit difficult to explain for modern audiences so i am choosing to use the months/modern equivalents of dates.
yoongi’s scar - i am aware that Scarlet Heart Ryeo depicts the facial scar as a reason that someone could not become king. i haven’t found much on this in the way of historical sources, so it’s not a factor in my series!
uinyeo - aka. reader’s mom, and eventually reader herself. at the time, it was believed that women could not be treated by male doctors due to the shame of showing a man their body, even in a medical context. this position was generally occupied by a woman that was ranked below middle-class & commoner (think merchants/fishermen/etc.) as it was not a very desireable role. reader’s mom, Eun-a, is the head uinyeo, which is why she is called “su-uinyeo-nim” by others.
***i haven’t found any information that says men couldn’t be treated by women due to the Confucius beliefs, so at least in this story, reader helps out the male physicians from time to time.
eunuch - eunuchs were impotent or castrated men (had all or part of their genitals removed) who worked within the palace walls, serving and attending the royal family. they had their own hierarchy, like head eunuch, etc. it was possible for eunuchs to marry & have families of their own.
***Eunuch Kim has a 🍆! it’s just his testicles that were removed.
yoongi’s name - technically kings use temple names that end in jo or jong instead of their given names, but i’m keeping it as Yoongi!!
age - it’s revealed in the march 1858 drabble that Yoongi is officially turning 10 years old that year, but this is in Korean age. his birth year is 1849, which would make him 9 years old in age as we know it internationally. Korean tradition dictates that people age up at the start of the new year (Jan 1), not on their actual birthday. traditionally, they also add an extra year as they consider the baby 1 year old at birth, not 0 years old. to do the math, reader is two years older than him, which would make her born in 1847 & turning 12 that year!
*** the average life expectancy around that time was ~35-40, so their understanding of a teenager would be very different than ours, at least in terms of maturity. thus, even though the main characters are relatively young by today’s standards, i’ve written them to come off as older. UPDATED INFO: it seems court ladies could live up to rather elderly ages, even up to 70, so i’m not sure if the earlier statistic was just mainly for men.
birthdays - i couldn’t find any information about whether they celebrated the actual day of birth as well back then, only about 100 day milestones, etc. but it is part of Korean culture to celebrate the birthday in modern times, so i kept it in.
jeonha - similar to mama, this is how you refer to the king as an equivalent to “Your Majesty”. wangseja-jeonha is the full title for the crown prince. usually people just call him seja-jeonha.
women’s rights - how much freedom you have kind of depends on what rank you are. most of the upper court/noble ladies (yangban) are born & raised within the palace. they were very, very rarely allowed to leave (& if they were married off, then they would have to leave with like guards/people with them). it’s unfortunate but they were treated like property, passed off from father -> husband. from what i can gather, the lower ranked women (like the uinyeo) had a bit more liberty about going into town (or at least ive seen in media), mostly bc no one cared about them.... sad truth but truth nonetheless.
king’s authority - even though the king is the ruler of the entire land, he doesn’t have absolute authority over everything. generally kings in the joseon era had to listen to the advice of the court officials if they thought he was making the wrong choice.
Minister Choi’s execution - so actually there were several types of executions for people of different ranks. someone of Minister Choi’s status likely would have been given a less gruesome death via. poison (sasa or 사사). but i’m keeping it as a beheading to pay homage to the daechwita MV!
***i also came across an article that said only royal blood could be spilled on the palace grounds so i’m not 100% sure where the public execution square was located, only that there was one & it was separate from the palace. also a lot of dramas seem to ignore this rule, so i’m not sure.
perfume - this existed back then! along with cosmetics. they were a luxury item for mostly the upper class, but they definitely existed.
Queen Jeonghui’s birthday - fun fact! i borrowed this real life queen’s name first, for drabble 3. then i found out, it just so happens that her real birthday falls in November as well. it was a total coincidence haha. 
OC’s outfit/hairstyle - this is what she would have worn!
palace - the layout of the series setting is loosely based off Gyeongbokgung Palace! if you look at the map, i’ve set the private gardens at #24 (though the position of the island is different than how it looks in the map. it’s instead from the right side going towards the left), Yoongi’s private residence is #25. reader is moved into #23. #26-28 are libraries, which includes the crown prince’s private library.
*** also the palace is much bigger than you might imagine so to get anywhere takes some time & a bit of walking!
jipgyeongdang (집경당) - #22 on the map. along with #23 (below), were traditionally houses for concubines & palace maids before Yoongi moved them.
hamhwadang (함화당) - #23 on the map. where reader lives post December 1868.
sanggung - the highest rank available for women who served the palace/royal family. a woman could become a “favored sanggung” if she slept with the king, but not a proper concubine. normally from the “commoner” class.
sangmin - “commoner” class. made up about 80% of joseon’s people. were the farmers, fishermen, laborers, etc. these were the people that paid taxes and were ruled over by the nobles!
cheonmin - the rank below commoner, described in English as “vulgar commoner.” the upper classes considered these people “unclean.” among their numbers were butchers, sex workers, performers, shoemakers, and yes, uinyeo. they were normally given little to no respect at all within society.
concubine - women that had the honor of sleeping with the king. concubines had their own ranks within them as the king usually had many (think around a dozen). more info.
town - from what i can gather, directly outside of the palace is a small town. if you think of the Daechwita MV, it’s like the town that Yoongi walks through when he has black hair. this is where mostly people of the middle/lower class, like sangmin & those below that, live.
chuseok - Korean harvest festival! it means “autumn evening with the brightest moon”. it’s usually celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar. that would put it anywhere around sept 9-oct 2 in our modern calendar depending on the year!
yangban - these are the “ruling class” or gentry of the joseon era. generally means their families own land, are somewhat (or very) wealthy, and they are well-educated. (think Mr. Darcy, for a British equivalent)
why does no one recognize the prince in town? - with a lack of access to pictures & internet, it was common for the normal citizens of the country to not know what their monarchs looked like. generally to identify people & rank, they had to rely on appearance. gold was a color only reserved for royalty, so only the king & his sons could wear the royal robes with gold embroidery. once Yoongi takes off those robes, it’d be hard to identify him from among regular yangban!
jeon - these are bits of shrimp/vegetables/fish/other small things that are deep fried in egg batter!
nokdujeon - this is like a small, savory pancake made with, you guessed it, mung beans!
Chun-ja calling Eunuch Kim “Kim-nim” - look. i’ll be straight with you i have no idea how a commoner would refer to a eunuch. i’m flip-flopping between his title (which i also cannot figure out bc idk which of the 18 political ranks he would be, but not for lack of trying y’all T_T) & his name with the respectful -nim. so just to be safe, i’m going with it.
***i also am not 100% on this, but i believe Eunuchs rank higher than commoners because they work in the palace? which is why Eunuch Kim uses “-ssi” for her.
hangul & hanja - so the Korean alphabet as we know it is called hangul, and it was invented in 1443. in the past, they used to use hanja, Chinese characters, to write documents.
female literacy rate - as related to above, it was rare for women to be able to read/write even up until the late 19th century. they weren’t allowed to learn hanja at all & only around 4% could learn hangul. of those 4%, it was mostly noble women, who received good education to be better wives.
***books were then thus read aloud by those literate to crowds, so people could still enjoy stories.
face - the concept of “face” is very much rooted in Asian culture. in Korea, it’s called chemyon, & is basically related to your reputation + how others see you. you can lose, build, or gain face through your actions or what rumors of you spread. for example, if parents have children with bad grades, they + the child lose face. people should strive to do things to build their family’s honor & face up. i’ve experienced firsthand how people go to sometimes extreme lengths to “save face” as the term goes. basically, if you’re going to do something shameful, it’s better to do it where no one can see. (this concept isn’t going to have a huge influence in the series, at least not so far & i use it rather lightheartedly in October 1865 but i just thought that it’s really interesting + important to know about Asian culture!)
French expedition to Korea (Byeong-in yangyo) - in October 1866, the second French empire tried to invade Korea (or Joseon as it was called at the time) because the king at the time executed seven French missionaries. after several months of fighting, Korea won with only four soldiers killed & 3 wounded (compared to France: 3 killed, 35 wounded). Joseon was able to stay relatively isolated from all the other countries, continuing the practice of isolationism.
gossip - i couldn’t find any laws prohibiting people from talking about court going-ons/battles, though i would assume that it’s punishable if you’re doing it to talk badly about the king. but even if there were laws in place, word gets around, as word tends to do. therefore, i’ve given Eunuch Kim a bit more freedom in his letters.
royal funerals - it could actually take up to 5 months for the coffin to begin its journey to the resting tomb, but i’ve expedited the timeline for plot purposes!
coronations - these actually weren’t super common in Korea or Asia in general, but it did happen once in the 1700s for King Yeongjo. i’m using that as inspiration for Yoongi’s crowning.
*** also i couldn’t find info on the exact wording that King Yeongjo used when he announced his succession to his deceased brother’s body so... i took some creative license there.
gama - how yangban & up women travelled, carried by their servants. here’s a visual!
the royal engagement - actually, Beom-su would not have lived within the palace walls. she would have lived in a detached palace that was further away from the main palace, and there would be a whole procession where the king goes to her during their wedding rites. however, i’ve seen several dramas have the bride-to-be hang around a lot, which seems to be true because she would have had to learn the customs of the palace, so i’m not sure how much she would have been around realistically. i’ve just chosen not to address it, like the dramas do.
Beom-su’s name - i chose this name for her because of one of the possible hanja for beom: “犯”, which i would pair with the hanja “秀” for su. her name would basically mean excellent invasion, which i thought was a bit cruel, slightly humorous, & overall fitting. it is normally a masculine name though! 
why are Beom-su’s father’s actions such a scandal? - so all the unmarried women living/working in the palace were considered the king’s property. he could sleep with them if he wanted to, but essentially they belonged to him. by laying hands on the maid, the minister committed a double sin because he not only was he assaulting someone, but he was infringing upon the king’s territory. 
civil service exam (gwageo) - this is an exam issued every 3 years that any man, commoner rank & above, could take in order to enter into civil service. it’s what Jimin takes to enter into the court! i’m not sure what month these were held or if it was just at the king’s discretion (could not find much info)
more on eunuch kim & the re-marriage process
royal tombs - these were often quite far away from the actual palace but looking on maps, i found that there were a few tombs rather close to the palace that people could have conceivably travelled to within a day, over several long hours on horseback!
on natural disasters - yes, in history, natural disasters like floods/earthquakes/eclipses were said to be the king’s fault because he wasn’t a good enough ruler! things like this could seriously derail the people’s trust in the king and was a big cause of concern.
on Queen Jeonghui being in court meetings - i couldn’t find actual evidence that said the queen couldn’t be at these daily meetings between officials. in fact, the real life Empress Myeongseong in the ~1870s was pretty involved in politics and was quite interested in matters of law, etc. so, i’ve decided to allow Jeonghui to be present and address the ministers alongside Yoongi!
Chunaengjeon - i kind of explain more about this already in the drabble itself but if you’re curious, it’s the only solo court dance in the Joseon era and the highlight of the dance is a moment where the dancer mimics a bird perched on a flower and smiles :’) i thought it was fitting for these two. here’s a video of a performance that i used as reference!
janae - there were quite a few different terms for couples to call each other during this time. “janae” was meant to represent wife and is kind of their equivalent to our... “honey”? it was mostly used among the commoners/lower classes to convey affection and closeness. (aka eunuch kim continues to be the cutest)
on adopting a child as a eunuch - the readings i found say that eunuch kim’s children must be eunuchs themselves if he adopts them directly, but they don’t mention anything about this particular case of a eunuch marrying a widow, aka the child is not directly adopted by Eunuch Kim himself. so Han-jae will not be a eunuch when he grows up!
american invasion of korea (shinmiyangyo) - this is a true historical event, as i’ve mentioned in my author’s note for “June 1871.” Americans repeatedly violated Korean soveriegnty and invaded their land, resulting in many, many deaths for the Korean side. they were hoping this destruction would force Korea to accept the trade treaty. Korea did not, and eventually were able to chase the Americans out of their land a month later. the wikipedia page goes into greater detail if you’re interested, and is a quick overview of the situation.
seong-min’s living situation - as i’ve mentioned earlier with the whole Beom-su situation, i’ve chosen to not use the detached palace again for this engagement as dramas tend to do.
the wedding ceremony - similar to my reasoning about the detached palace, i’ve chosen to focus on only a few parts of the marriage rites while only briefly mentioning the rest. why? well, while i would LOVE to explain all the details and intricacies of such an incredible process, i feel like that would take a lot away from the heart of the story and be distracting, especially at such a critical stage. so i’ve explained what i can, and given brief overviews where i am able. ofc i adjusted the parading ceremony because of the change of the detached palace custom. if you’d like an easy-to-read source on the whole process, please check out this link! basically the MLT chapter depicts a tweaked vers of steps 5 and 6. 1-3 happened behind the scenes, and i mentioned #4 in the “summer 1871″ drabble.
chungin - our equivalent of “white collar” workers, or the upper-middle class. this rank was made up of low-level bureaucrats, accountants, physicians, etc. some royal servants would also be part of this rank because they’re allowed to enter the palace. there is an exam (chapkwa) to become this rank!
conception dreams (taemong) - as uinyeo-nim explains in the drabble, these dreams were often seen as omens of impending pregnancy. depending on what you see in your dream, there are different interpretations. possible symbols are animals, fruits, elements of nature, children, and jewels. eg. if you dreamed of fruits, it was often considered to be a sign of having a baby girl.
other conception myths - i know from my own experience that Asians often have a lot of superstitions regarding conception and pregnancy and medical things in general. however, i couldn’t find any specific conception myths for the time period in question (most of my research only uncovered superstitions for after you’re already pregnant), so i’ve taken some creative license here, using the conception dreams and current beliefs as inspiration!
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on Queen Jeonghui calling oc “dear” - since I prefer not to use Y/N, ___, etc. for reader’s name and just generally avoid mentioning it, it’s nearly impossible for me to convey the tone with which Queen Jeonghui would’ve been calling OC in this chapter. in Korean, she would be saying “[name]-yah/ah” depending on the ending syllable of the name. adding that suffix to the end of a name conveys closeness and intimacy between people. I’ve chosen to substitute it for “dear” to make things sound more natural in English. it’s not an exact match, but it’ll have to do!
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caitybug · 4 years
(Also sorry you are working on sads and feel blegh) maybe Rain is too "mundain" as far as prompts. 5? 7? 8? Any of those sound fun? 😂
5. Typed kisses.
7. Kisses after decades apart.
8. Kisses after dark.
Birdy, bc I love you, I’m going to try to do all of these haha.
(Shoutout to @adamarks​ for looking this over to make sure I wasn’t going insane.)
(1:35): Good morning! 
(1:35): Snow, it’s 1 in the morning. 
(1:36): Why are you messaging me?
(1:36): It’s 7:30 here.
(1:36): It’s still morning, though. So my original text stands. 
(1:37): Good morning, Snow. 
(1:37):😘 😘 
(1:38): XO. 
Day 2:
(10:03): Let me know how your appointment goes. 
(10:03): XO.
(10:04): My what?
(10:04): Your check-up.
(11:05): You forgot about it, didn’t you?
(11:10): I’m here, I don’t know what you’re talking about, Baz. 
(11:12): You’re an idiot, Snow.
(11:12): 😘 😘 love you.
(11:13): I love you too, XO. 
Day 3:
(15:03): Do you think the milk is still good?
(15:04): When did it go bad?
(15:05): It says it went bad a few days ago.
(15:06): But the date says best by…
(15:06): So it just means it isn’t at its BEST right?
(15:07): How does it smell?
(15:07): Not good.
(15:08): Then don’t drink it.
(15:09): What if I just don’t know how milk is supposed to smell? How often do I really smell milk?
(15:10): Snow, just get more milk. I think we can spare the money it costs.
(15:10): But I’ve already started cooking. 
(15:12): I’m just going to try anyway. 
(15:12): It’ll be cooked anyway, right?
(15:13): I want it known I believe this to be a bad idea. 
(15:14): You also said that subscribing to three different butter services was “unnecessary and excessive”
(15:15): I stand by that, Snow. 
(15:15): How can one person eat that much butter each month?
(15:16): I can’t believe you would doubt my abilities like this. 
(15:16): I thought we were in a loving and supportive relationship. 
(15:17): I love you and support your health.
(15:17): Which means cutting back on butter sometimes, darling.
(15:20): I’m going to use the milk. 
(15:22): I wish you the best.
(15:22): 😘 😘
(15:23): XO. 
Day 5:
(7:40): How is your stomach?
(7:45): Better.
(7:45): I told you to buy new milk. 
(7:47): I think there is a stomach bug going around.
(7:47): Probably that.
(7:49): Sure, Snow.
(7:49): That’s why you spent yesterday regurgitating the entire contents of your stomach.
(7:50): Yes, it is.
(7:52): Have a good day.
(7:52): I miss you.
(7:52): 😘 😘
(7:55): I miss you too.
(7:55): XO.
Day 8:
(20:46): The people above us are pounding it out again.
(20:47): Earplugs are in my bedside drawer.
(20:47): If you were here I’d just try to compete.
(20:48): You certainly would not.
(20:50): I bet we could beat them.
(20:52): Come on, Baz, I know you’ve got a competitive streak. Don’t let Richard and Shelly show us up.
(20:53): You’ve got two hands, Snow. I’m sure you could manage something.
(20:54): Oh? Good idea.
(20:54): Talk later.
(20:55): 😘 😘
(20:57): I regret so much about this conversation.
(20:57): XO.
Day 13:
(14:07): Please stop yelling at me.
(14:07): But yes, I do. 
(14:08): 😊 😊 😊
(14:09): I love you.
(14:14): I love you too.
(14:15): Can we facetime?
(14:15): In a couple of hours, Snow.
(14:15): I’ve got one more meeting.
(14:16): 😔
(14:16): Alright.
(14:17): XO.
(14:18): 😘 😘
Day 14
I get through security. It’s always a painful even, especially in America. Have to practically strip just to stand in a machine that tells everyone what I’ve already known. 
No gun here the machine says with a green light and a beep.
As if I’d need one. 
It’s been delayed several hours for a reason I’ve yet to figure out. The weather looks clear, planes are moving in and out. People on other flights are still departing on time. 
The only reasonable explanation I’ve come up with is the airline is incompetent. 
“Snow,” I say, putting a finger in my right ear, trying to ignore the man screaming at the poor help desk person. “I may not be back until tomorrow.”
I look at the clock. Even if we left now I wouldn’t get home until midnight.
“What? Why?” He asks. His voice sounds frantic.
I hate worrying him.
“This airline work flew me through is set upon ruining my life,” I growl under my breath. 
The service representatives have been berated enough, they don’t need me coming after them as well. (Even if I want to.)
(Crowley do I want to.)
“Right now it doesn’t have us leaving for another two hours, so at earliest I won’t be home until 3 in the morning. With the trend of how this has been going, I won’t be surprised if it gets canceled altogether.”
He huffs.
“I miss you.”
It comes out as a whisper, any quieter, and I would have missed it.
It’s not that he’s ashamed of saying it. We’ve said it a lot over the past two weeks.
He’s sad. I am too. I was supposed to be home by dinner. We were going to order takeaway and watch a movie, kiss and makeup for lost time.
Ignore all responsibilities of the world around us for the evening. 
“I miss you too.” I face the large windows, looking at planes that aren’t mine leaving the runway. 
The blasted airport is under construction too. Everyone said to fly in and out of La Guardia because it is easier, but I’m wondering if I should have taken JFK. 
“I’ll be home as soon as I can.”
“You better. Preferably before I drink more spoiled milk.”
“Stay away from all dairy products until I return,” I chuckle into the phone. 
An announcement comes over the intercom.
“They’re announcing another delay, I’m sure,” I groan. “I’ll send you a text.”
“I love you,” he says from the other side.
“I love you too,” I respond, ending the call and slipping it into my pocket. 
(14:36): I hope you get home soon.
(14:36): Threaten to suck their blood, or something.
(14:36): I’m sure that would work.
(14:36): 😘 😘.
(14:37): You’re an idiot, Snow.
(14:37): XO.
Day 15, 4:16
I turn my key in the door, trying to quietly walk into the flat. My suitcase softly rolls against the wood behind me as I pull it in, letting it sit next to the door.
Unpacking can happen after I get at least fourteen hours of sleep. 
I place a brown paper sack of scones on the kitchen table.
I couldn’t resist. The shop next to us had just opened, and I knew it would make him smile. 
I continue down the hallway, stopping only to take a piss.
In our room, still blanketed in darkness apart from the street lights coming from the road beside us, Simon softly snores. 
He still sleeps on his side of the bed while I’m away. It makes my heart feel softer than I’d like to admit. 
One hand rests next to his head, his wings spread out across the bed.
I change clothes, relieving myself of all the feelings of travel before softly lifting a wing to get under the blanket and allow him to cover me again.
I don’t have long to process the fact that I’m with him again before I feel something wrap around my calf. 
I pause for a moment before I remember.
The tail.
He is, for all I can tell, still asleep. Meaning it’s recognized I’m here and is saying hello in its own way.
I rub it softly with my other foot.
It dislikes not getting attention, you see.
Simon’s mouth is open as he breathes deeply. I think his pillow is a little wet.
I’d call it disgusting (it is, truly), but I missed him so much that I can’t help but smile.
I risk moving closer and kiss his cheek softly, trying not to wake him up.
I know he hasn’t slept well without me.
(I haven’t either, without him.)
Side effect of sleeping for so many years in that tower. We both got dreadfully used to hearing the other breathe, the way we each navigated and slept.
At this point, I think even his snoring lulls me to sleep.
(I still complain about it, however.)
An arm wraps behind my back and pulls me close.
He takes a deep breath, and when I pull back I see one eye open.
“Hey there,” he says, voice hoarse with sleep. 
“Your breath smells.” I lean in, kissing his forehead. 
“Well your hair is greasy,” he replies, pulling me into a kiss, his hand moving to my hair. 
“You don’t seem to mind it.”
He hums in response.
I pull him tighter. I need to feel this. Everything. 
His lips.
His hands.
His chest against mine.
“And you don’t seem to mind the morning breath,” he states, smiling at me as we break for a moment.
I open my mouth to retort but he puts a finger to my lips, shushing me.
“No talking, only kissing,” he whispers. “I’ve not kissed my fiancé in decades.”
He leans in but I pull back for a moment.
“It’s been two weeks, Snow.”
“Decades,” he states matter of factly. “Each day was like five years passed. It’s been 70 years. I’ve gone grey and wrinkly, waiting for you to return.”
I laugh, being shut up briefly by another round of kisses.
I should sleep.
But this is so much better than sleeping. 
I feel something wet hit my cheek.
Backing up, worried there is a leak from the ceiling, I realize why. 
It’s Simon.
“Love,” I say.
What’s wrong?
“It’s fine; it’s fine,” he says, wiping a stray tear from his cheek. “I’m just tired, and I missed you.”
Another tear drops from one of his eyes, and I brush it away with my thumb.
I open my mouth to say a response, to comfort, but I feel a stinging in my own eyes.
(My eyes have been open for too long, you see. Couldn’t sleep on the plane. I’ve been up far too long to be able to control any tears that fall.)
I lean in to kiss him again.
We kiss, and kiss, and keep kissing. Hands roam, trying to remind our brains of what it feels like to have each other again. 
It was dark when we started, but soon an orange haze comes over the room as the sun rises.
The tears start, stop, start again.
Laughter rings out a few times.
“You did WHAT to our oven??” I shout at one point. 
He lays now with his head on my chest. My eyes are closed, fingers scratching his head lightly.
His hand is softly rubbing my stomach.
“Wait,” Simon says, jumping up and looking at me.
I blink a few times, trying to fight off the sleep that was about to overcome me.
“Did you get?” He asks, question incomplete.
I search his eyes for a moment, frowning, trying to comprehend before I realize what he is saying.
“Yes, they are on the table,” I laugh softly.
He jumps up and starts to go to the door. 
He pauses, looking back at me, clearly wracking his brain with a question. 
“We can eat them in bed,” I say, knowing where his mind is trying to go. 
He smiles and continues his run to the kitchen.
I look out the window and see the sun hit the windows of nearby buildings.
It’s good to be home.
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fallin-flcwer · 4 years
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1. Please state your full name: I go by three names, but they’re all more or less the same, just translated differently. The name I was born with is Lin Feng Huang, which translates to Lam Fung Wong in Cantonese, then my English name is Phoenix Lin. 2. Does your name(s) have any kind of meaning? If so, what is it? Feng Huang means Phoenix in English, hence why it’s my English name  3. Do you have any nicknames? Nix, Duck Lin, Kung Pho Panda (thanks Addison), Shitlin (thanks Luca). No one really calls me it, but I also like being called Nixie. 4. Where were you born? And in which country? I was born in Violet Springs 5. What is your date of birth? 24th of October, 2000 6. Of course, the following question; what is your Zodiac sign? Scorpio 7. Do you believe in Zodiac signs? Yes. 8. Where do you live? Lilac Wells 9. What is your home situation like? (ex. do you live with your family? Your partner etc.?) I live with my mum and Duyi 10. Do you have any siblings? I have an older half-brother. We've never spoken to each other, and I don’t plan on doing so. 11. Do you have any kind of allergies? I have a small allergy to cinnamon 12. Do you own any pets? If so, what kind of pets are they? I’ve got a chihuahua called Chia and a Siamese cat called Cat. 13. Why did you apply to St Jude’s? Not gonna lie, the part of it was because my friends planned to go there, but there were also some teachers there that I admire, and still do. 14. Did you had to go through a lot audition rounds? Nope. 15. What is the current course you’re following? Netball and Swimming. I did do gymnastics and modelling but I dropped them earlier this year. 16. If you can switch courses, which one would you switch to and why? I would do modelling if I wasn’t so focused on sports. 17. What is your proudest project you’ve done? I think for sports, it’s pretty much... you know.. sport. But playing The Female for Felix’s show, The Boys, is something I never thought I'd be able to do, but I’ve found it so fun. 18. What is the proudest project that someone’s else has done? Cindy getting into a national soccer team. It cost me seeing her religiously but that’s okay. 19. Do you like FanCons? Yes. Being a sports person, you don’t get many stans the way musicians and actors here do, but it’s still fun. 20. What do you like about FanCons? Meeting the fans I do have. 21. What don’t you like about FanCons? It really does tire me out from time to time. Not all of them, but there have been some. 22. A fan memory that always stuck with you? Can be positive or negative. A little girl came to me and talked to me about how happy she was to see an Asian sportswoman. 23. Your favorite event so far? The halloween party in my first year LMAO. 24. What kind of event would you like to see in the future? Anything that has to do with travelling. 25. Would you recommend St Jude’s to friends, family. etc? If they’re pursuing a career in the Arts, yes
26. What are your positive traits? Level-headed, realistic and supportive 27. What are you negative traits? I can be a bit bossy and stubborn 28. What would other people describe you as? Carefree 29. What are your pet peeves? Loud chewers 30. What makes you happy? This has to be the most un-Phoenix-like answer but watching pottery videos. My mum used to take me to her pottery lessons growing up, but I never did it myself. 31. What makes you upset? Seeing people I care about upset 32. What is something you love? Food, my mum and my friends 33. What is something you dislike? My  34. What are you strengths? Saving money (thanks mum), biology, and sport 35. What are you weaknesses? I definitely struggle with empathising with people I can’t relate to, but it’s something I want to learn to do 36. A misconception people often think of you? That I’m a very idgaf person. I like to come off that way bc it’s just easier for me, but I’m definitely a bit more sensitive than I like to let off. 37. Do you have any fears? I’m scared of frogs, but you would be too if your little cousin chased you around with one 38. What scares you the most? Losing my mum, honestly. I’d go insane at this point if it wasn’t for her. 39. What do you do to entertain yourself? Watch vine compilations on youtube. 40. What is your MBTI? ESTJ. 41. How do you deal with stress? Shut it out completely. 42. Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person? I’m definitely both. 43. Do you consider yourself selfish? Yes. 44. Would you like to be different? In some ways, yes. 45. Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted (focused on other people and the outer world)? Honestly, I think I’m both but I lean more towards extroverted.
46. What is your sexual orientation? I’m bisexual. 47. Current relationship status? Single, but I may or may not be emotionally invested in Gabriel. 48. When was your first kiss? I was around 15. 49. Do you remember your first date? If so, with who was it? What did you do? It was with one of my human biology classmates. She took me out to the movies and went out for bubble tea afterwards. 50. Have you ever experienced heart-break? No. 51. Have you ever been in love? (If yes, skip to question 53) No. 52. If no, how so? I just don’t think I’ve ever felt how I’m supposed to when I’m ‘in love’ 53. How do you know when you’re in love? I wouldn’t know. Sorry. 54. What would be your ideal date? Just something indoors. We can have takeout, watch a movie, whatever. I’m not picky. 55. What is your perspective on marriage? I think marriage is a little bit overhyped. Obviously, marriage is good when it’s done right, but really it’s pretty much a relationship topped off with a ring and a fancy ceremony. Just because someone said their vows and “I do” doesn’t mean that they’re not going to cheat if they want to, in my eyes. 56. (only for non-virgins) Are you a sub, dom or switch? I don’t really believe in dom/sub roles. Like just get on with it. However, I will admit that I like being on top. 57. What do you think of relationships? As of right now, I don’t think I’m ready to be in a committed relationship, but then again I don’t believe in actively looking for a relationship. I think things will unfold over time and I’ve just gotta let it be.  58. What do you think of one-night stands? I don’t have an issue with them. 59. Are you still a virgin? No. 60. Most attractive trait in a different person? Their confidence, and as how well they treat people. 61. What matters most to you when it comes to a relationship? Honesty and trust. 62. Are you comfortable with PDA? Or would you be comfortable with PDA? Yes, but only in very small doses. 63. Are you more of a type to be asked out or the type to ask the other out? It depends on the person. 64. How do you express love to the other? I will cook for you, or at least try to.  65. Who is your celebrity crush? Jeon Wonwoo.
66. Do you regret anything? Yes 67. Is there something you would like to re-do? So, start all over again? My entire first year here 68. What is something you would never share with anyone? Pass, because that would mean that I shared it 69. When was the last time you cried? Why did you cry? Maybe like last week. I think I’m more sensitive than I like to let off 70. Most memorable event that happened in your time in St Judes? This could be anything: Halloween in my first year, when Cindy brought me an inflatable panda suit and rolled me around in it. 71. One thing you wish you could do all over? My first year 72. Someone you miss? My Grandmother 73. Something you wish you could forget? Anything involving my dad 74. Who has the biggest impact on you? My mum 75. What is your perspective on love? Is it beautiful? Does it scare you? There have been some things that have happened in my life that has changed my perspective on love dramatically.  76. What has hurt you in the past that you don’t want others to go through? Pass 77. What is something you have gained, something you have lost and something you let go of during the past year? I’ve gained some more initiative. I’ve lost some confidence but at the same time I’ve definitely let go of some self hatred I’ve been holding onto. I doesn’t seem like it makes sense but it does to me 78. Have you ever lost a friend? do you wish you would still be friends? My sports squad :( minus Luca obviously.  79. Do you have any triggers? What is the history behind these triggers and are they related to any disorders or mental illnesses? None that I’m willing to talk about  80. If you could meet your 16 year old self, what would tell them? As much as you want to be with your friends. Maybe St. Judes isn’t the best choice. And if you are as stubborn as I remember you to be, if you do go, please be more careful this time.
81. Summer or Winter? Winter 82. Cats or dogs? Cats 83. Beach or mountains? Mountains 84. Phone calls or texting? Texting 85. Have you ever skipped class? Yes
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homosociallyyours · 4 years
@ha-larry-us and @livqueer tagged me to do this! Here we go :) 
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? light amber wood color
2. a food you never eat? beets, tho i keep trying
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? neither, usually my body regulates temp well. but being sick that’s a little different and i never know if i’ll be shivering or having a hot flash
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? going back and forth between instagram and tumblr
5. what is your favourite candy bar? uhh maybe a snickers or a 100 grand bar
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? i went to the Oakland A’s gay day a few years ago with co-workers. It was really fun!! but i could never attend a serious sports event to cheer for a winning team. 
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? "come on, ding dong, you can do it” --said to my dog who was hesitating jumping down off the chair where she’d sat while i washed my dishes
8. what is your favourite ice cream? McConnell’s salted caramel and chocolate flake. or anything that’s a mascarpone or goat cheese base. yum. 
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? decaf yorkshire with milk
10. do you like your wallet? YES! i have a scarf that has a secret pocket in it! it holds cards and other small essentials and it’s very sneaky. 
11. what was the last thing you ate? granola with milk
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nah bruh i haven’t bought new clothes in ages!
13. the last sporting event you watched? i watched the last season of GLOW when it came out. that’s as close as i get. 
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? chicago mix babyyyy! cheddar and caramel together at last. 
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my housemate, it was the landlord’s contact info​
16. ever go camping? YES, and i miss it!! i used to camp regularly and really love my pseudo-glamping life: cooler full of good food, a double high air mattress, and a tent that allows you to stand up in the center (to change clothes). i haven’t gone since coming to california, which is a total bummer. 
17. do you take vitamins? yes, vit. D and fish oil daily, ideally i would have a good multi, PS, and maybe a couple other things, but i can’t afford them all right now. my minimum is a D though, since yr body really does NOT get it from sun exposure. i know it sounds silly but vitamins are basically the concrete you pour in a hole to stabilize a beam (yr food). they’re very good and they help a lot! 
18. do you go to church every sunday? NO, thank goodness! i even stopped having to go with my family when i visit them. 
19. do you have a tan? no, and i rarely do. SPF all the way. 
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? pizza please
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? only fountain sodas with ice
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? bright/mixed colors
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? occasionally, but i’m pretty careful and definitely don’t do it in residential areas. 
24. what terrifies you? zombies (seriously) and loss/lack of control of myself
25. look to your left, what do you see? the side of the couch and the blank wall. 
26. what chore do you hate? doing the dishes
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? the crocodile hunter
28. what’s your favourite soda? cherry coke or dublin dr. pepper (the cane sugar kind made in texas) orrrr cheerwine
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? i drive thru everywhere except in-n-out, where it often takes less time to walk in. 
30. who’s the last person you talked to? my housemate and i had a little conversation, but i messaged with my bff earlier and that was a real conversation. 
31. favourite cut of beef? umm i really like cooking a ny strip, but i don’t necessarily have a favorite
32. last song you listened to? "fancy” as sung by bobbie gentry bc instagram didn’t have the reba version. WHICH IS UNACCEPTABLE, just so you know. 
33. last book you read? my friends, i have a confession. i haven’t read an actual book in ages. i used to read A LOT and then when i got sick it was like my brain said NO THANK YOU and i just stopped. i still read loads, it’s just mostly fic or articles. that being said, i just finished i must admit i thought i’d like to make you mine by @disgruntledkittenface and it was EXCELLENT. 
34. favourite day of the week? Thursdays. like for as long as i can remember. it was hamburger day when i was a kid, and now it’s thursday hersday. and of course it was must see tv night all thru my adolescence. 
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? i mean i probably could but why would i want to?
36. how do you like your coffee? with whole milk (and if i’m doing it myself, a little cinnamon, a pinch of salt, and a pinch of sugar)
37. favourite pair of shoes? my dog face flats (they’re bob’s for dogs, you can maybe google them) even tho they are really worn out now
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? between 4-7am. i am a cryptid, please do not look at me
39. at what time do you normally get up? between 2-5pm, again i beg you to look away and judge me not
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets!! (SAME!!)
41. how many blankets are on your bed? 4 right now. 2 super soft, 1 electric, and 1 duvet/comforter. 
42. describe your kitchen plates? the classic 70s/80s unbreakable plates, some with the gold flowers around the rim and some with the tiny olive green ones. truly i think i have only seen a plate like this break once in my entire life. i bought these at a store in nyc (i definitely overpaid BUT it was still like $20 for 6 or 8 plates that will never break)
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? a properly made sidecar is HEAVEN, ok? so good!! but you gotta use good brandy and fresh lemons and i would get one if i could go back to my fave nyc bar and have pietro (a very good bartender) make me one. but really the thing that i will always want and have difficulty turning down is champagne/sparkling wine in the style of champagne. 
44. do you play cards? yes! i used to play all the time with my ex. don’t so much any more but i still love it when i get to! 
45. what colour is your car? dark orange
46. can you change a tire? YES!! @ha-larry-us when the quarantine is done I will show you!! it really isn’t too hard unless your bolts are on super tight. 
47. what is your favourite state/province? California, i think. though part of me wants to name a southern state because I was born there and the mountains feel like home. 
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? the one i currently have but am physically unable to work at right now-- cheesemonger at a worker owned grocery store
49. how did you get your biggest scar? i was borrowing stage makeup from a friend in another dorm before our choir performance. the door was usually propped open, and so when i left the building i sorta jogged down the steps and pushed really hard on the door with my momentum. it was NOT propped open, and I put my right arm through the glass (and knocked out two more panes with my knee and foot). the RA was training to be an EMT and helped me get cleaned up. I didn’t get stitches, but the scar is very long (maybe 3 inches). the best part of the story is that i went to make sure the choir director knew i wasn’t performing but would sit in the audience, and her response was “we don’t have time to give you sympathy.” she was having a rough year but DAMN that was an ice cold response to an injured 18 year old.
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? hmm probably just chatting with my bff. that makes both of us happy, always. 
IDK WHO TO TAG!!! who is the sort of person to answer 50 random questions?? @alienfuckeronmain maybe? how about @slowdownsugar? hmm maybe @crinkle-eyed-boo and uhh @pompomoffinland. And you, friend!! YOU who is sitting there really wishing you were tagged, I am definitely tagging you!!
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Prompt List And Who I Will Write For
When requesting a oneshot you can but are not required to choose a prompt off this list (which is one of @marauder-exe‘s prompt lists that im using because i physically cant produce prompts lol) and just tell me what character you want it with (i will list characters and ships that i write for at the end)
Send requests here
1. “I love you ! Is that what you wanted to hear ?”
2. “I love him/her, and I know that I shouldn’t.”
3. “Can you just shut your mouth ?” 
5.“We both know that I should walk away, but I can’t.” 
6. “Wait, he/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend ?“
7. “I lo—-” “No, please… Don’t say that. You love her/him, not me.”
8.  "Could you just take this pain away ? It hurts, so much… Help me.”
9. “You’re safe here, I got you.”
10. “Don’t ask her out again, please… You’re killing me, every single time you ask that.” 
11. “Look, he/she wants you, just make him/her happy.”
12. “If you go, I’ll know that you never loved me.” 
13. “We never were just friends, and you know it.” “I know it, but you deserve someone better than me.”
15. “You love me like I’m the person who actually deserves your love.” “But you are the only one who deserves it.”
16. “I know for a fact that you’re not “fine”.” 
17. “You’re looking at me like.. you’re disgusted. What did I do? Just tell me what I did, please!” 
18. “What happened between us?” 
19. “Nothing has changed!” “Yes it has, and you know it.”
20. “Love isn’t supposed to hurt this badly.”
21. “You said you needed space. You were 5,000 miles away for a year, and you’re still unsure. I’m starting to think that an entire universe apart wouldn’t be enough space for you.” 
22.“I remember when he/she/they used to look at me that way” 
23. “I want you to list every lie you ever told me. Then I’ll forgive you.”
24. “I don’t hate you. I hate that after all of this, you’re still trying to lie to me”
25. “I can’t keep this secret for you anymore.”
26.. “I’m sorry I’m not what you signed up for.” 
27.“Why she/her/them? It could have been anybody, and you chose to betray me with her/him/them.” 
28. “This will be the last time you lie to me.” 
29.“You never loved me, did you?” 
30. “You made me miserable and I still loved you.” 
31. “Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
32. “We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.” 
33. “Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.” 
34. “Your mind must be a horrible place.” 
35. “Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.” 
36. “And I thought you loved me.” “ And I thought I loved you.” 
37. “ Aren’t you even going to cry?”
38. “I didn’t expect you to wait forever. I just hoped…”
39. “Did you always know that you were going to leave?” 
40.“If you cry, I’ll stay, and if I stay that will just give you another reason to hate me.”
41. “I’m addicted and at this point I don’t think anything could make me stop.” 
42. ”If you wanna know, then ask.” 
43.“You never asked because you knew I wouldn’t tell you what you wanted to hear.” 
44. “We grew apart, and at this point I’m glad.”
45. “Find somebody else to kiss your ass.”
46. “When are you going to stop clawing for something that’s never going to happen?” 
47. “What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.” 
48. “It was easier to believe that the you I knew was dead than deal with the fact that I still have to see you every day.” 
49. “What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.” 
50. “Why do you have tO BE SUCH A HYPOCRITE ALL THE TIME” (this is my prompt bc the numbers were being weird)
 51. “You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.” 
52. “Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.” 
53. “You smell really nice.” 54. “Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.” 
55. “I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.” 
56. “If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.” 
57. “Here, let’s share the blanket.”
 58. “You’re comfy.” 
59.“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.” 
60.“But I want to hear you sing.” 
61.“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
 62.“Care to give me a back scratch?”
 63.“I think I love you.”
 64.“Your bed head is really cute.”
 65.“How about a kiss?” 
66.“You made this for me?”
 67.Aw, you’re blushing.” 
68. Uh oh, I know that look. What do you want?” 
69. “Let me help you with that.” 
70. “I don’t want to forget this moment.” 
71.“Are you really flirting with me right now?” 
72.“I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
 73.“You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?” 
74.“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.” 
75.“This movie is really scary, but you’re into it so I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?” 
76.“Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.” 
77.“Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything” 
78.“No, it’s fine.  I can wait until you’re done talking to them.” 
79.“No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” 
80.“You’re a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly.”
 81.“I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
 82.“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.” 
83.“My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about how sometimes.” 
84.“No, mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!” 
85.“I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.” 
86.“ You are so beautiful — So fucking beautiful. “
 87.“And just WHERE do you think you’re putting your hands?” 
88.“Wow, you look even better in the daylight.” 
89.“I don’t remember ever having this many hickeys. But I don’t mind.”
 90.“We could order pizza and just stay like this all day.”
 91.“It was always you.” 
92.I love you in every possible way.” 
93.“I didn’t mean to love you so much.”
 94.“Don’t you hurt a single hair on his/her/their head.” 
95.“Duck, you idiot!” 
96.“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a wand and I’m not afraid to use it.” 
97.“Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.” 
98.“It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
 99.“Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone.”
 100.“I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror..” 
 101.“Define normal.” 
 102.“Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?”
 103.“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.”
 104.“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.” 
 105.“It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.” 
106.“I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.”
 107.“And you wonder why you’re still single.” 
108.“Remind me to kill you. Please.” 
 109.“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”
 110.“She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.” 
 111.“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips.” 
112.“If my day gets any worse, I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.”
 113.“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.” 
 114.“My middle finger salutes you.”
115.“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.”
 116.Somebody’s cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.” 
 117.“Oh darling. Go buy a brain.”
 118.“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
 119.“All due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap.”
 120.“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.” 
121.“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.”
 122.“What did I tell you about calling her/him the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?”
 123.“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!” 
124.“I need therapy after this.” 
 125.“You didn’t get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly.” 
 126.“I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.” 
 127.“I think you’re weird.” “I think you’re boring.” 
 128.“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.” 
129.“Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.” 
130.“I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make you ancestors dizzy.” 
 131.“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.” 
 132.“Well, excuse me, psychic wonder!” 
 133.“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.” 
 134.“She’s hot, but she’s evil.” 
 135.“Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.”
 136.“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.”
 137.“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.” 
 138.“So stick that in your juice box and suck it.
” 139.“Never take life seriously. No one ever comes out alive anyway.”
 140.“Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.” 
141.“Why should we date?” “Because we are attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.” 
 142.“Neither one us is drunk enough for this conversation.” 
 143.“You’re questioning my methods.” “I’m not questioning it, I’m saying it’s stupid.” 
 144.“Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal.” 
 145.“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.” 
 146.“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.”
 147.“You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
 148.“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.”
 149.“Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change.” 
 150.“You make no sense to me.” “Welcome to my life.” 
 151.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?” 
152.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?” 
 153.“Don’t think I forgot about what you did last time.”
 154.“I know you lied to me.” 
155.“I’m not even sorry.” 
156.“You backstabber!” 
 157.“I never want to see you again.”
 158.“You never mattered to me.” 
159.“I knew this was a bad idea.” 
160.“Rot in hell.” 
161.“It was supposed to be a secret!” 1
62.“No one loves me.” 
 163.“He/she/they is/are so petty…” 
164.“You made me cry.” 
 165.“I don’t know who you are anymore.” 
166.“How DARE you?!”
 167.“I know you’re not talking to me…” 
168.“I SAW you with him/her/them!” 
169.“Just leave me alone.” 
170.“What did you do?!” 
171.“I told everyone that I didn’t want to talk but I’m actually dying for attention.”
 172. “Just admit that was extra…”
 173.“I forgive, but I don’t forget.” 
174.“Did you see what he/she/they was/were wearing?”
 175.“So what if I had sex with your ex?” 
176.“There’s something I have to tell you…” 
177.“I can’t do this anymore.” 
178.“You weren’t there for me when I needed you the most.” 
179.“I never loved you.” 
180.“It’s too late.” 
181.“Quit ignoring me.” 
182. “Don’t you get it? It’s because I love you!” 
183.“I love you. I’m sorry.”
 184.“I don’t want to be friends.” 
185.“Can we please pretend I never said that?” 
186.“Friendzoned again.”
187.“You should’ve loved me when you had the chance.” 
188.“Fuck you for toying with my emotions like that.” 
189.“I was there for you when no one else was!” 
190.“Alright – I can tell a ‘no’ when I hear it.” 
191.“I’m sorry I acted so creepy.” 
192.“Fuck. It’s like what they say – nice guys finish last…” 
193.“I’m tired of keeping this secret. Even if you don’t love me back.” 
194. “I knew that’d be your answer. That’s why I never told you before.” 
195.“When I said I loved you, I meant it.” 
196.“Is there any part of you, deep down, that might love me back?” 
197.“You were the one that left all those notes for me?” 
198.“You’re in a relationship with another person – you know this can’t end well.” 199.“We agreed this was just physical!”
 200.“I love you. I know you don’t love me, so don’t say it back.” 
Characters/people i write for 
Steve rogers 
Clint Barton
Scott Lang
Tony Stark
Sam Wilson 
Thor Odinson 
Loki Laufeyson 
Bucky Barnes 
Peter Quill
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
Bruce Banner 
Stucky (ship)
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotchner 
Greys Anatomy 
Alex Karev
Mark Sloan 
Andrew Deluca 
Matthew Gray Gubler
Chris Evans 
Tom Holland 
Tom Hiddleston 
Johnny Depp 
Jensen Ackles
Sebastian Stan 
Daveed Diggs
Colin O’Donoughue 
Once Upon A Time
Killian Jones 
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley 
Sirius Black 
Remus Lupin 
Draco Malfoy 
James Potter
 wolfstar (ship)
Steven Hyde (That 70s Show) 
Jack Sparrow (Pirates Of The Caribbean)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) 
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caws5749 · 5 years
This took SO LONG thanks @natthisback
1: Name Madison
2: Age 21
3: 3 fears spiders, not becoming a doctor, becoming like my parents
4: 3 things i love marvel movies, my blanket (whoops), and scrunchies
5: 4 turn ons compliment me, be chivalrous, (idk if this means sex turn on too or not but) moaning my n- ANYWHO uh and the last one definitely like showing you want me
6: 4 turn offs someone who only talks about themselves, being like wishy washy, being arrogant/cocky, complaining about the same things
7: my best friend that would be shea @cloversofshea
8: sexual orientation lesbian
9: my best first date okay SO this like isn’t a first date but it was my first like nicer dinner date so I’m gonna count it. It was just this past weekend actually and i just i loved it so much it was amazing
10: how tall am i 5’2
11: what do i miss honestly, feeling like i was good at things
12: what time were i born 11:14am
13: favorite color purple, although it’s slowly been turning to like a baby light pink
14: do i have a crush yes yes i do and i likes her a lot
15: favorite quote “Truth is a matter of circumstance. It’s not all things to all people all the time. And neither am I.”
16: favorite place Chicago or New York City
17: favorite food SALMON
18: do i use sarcasm yes, but i feel like i don’t use it as much as i used to
19: what am i listening to right now Christmas pop playlist on Spotify
20: first thing i notice in new person whether they only talk about themselves
21: shoe size 8 or 8.5
22: eye color blue
23: hair color right now, it’s a brown that goes to blond at my ends
24: favorite style of clothing so if this means like fav style to wear daily, definitely athleisure. If it means in general, i love love love preppy looks? But not super preppy.
25: ever done a prank call? Absolutely, many times
27: meaning behind my url i explain this in my about me page (linked in bio!)
28: favorite movie captain America winter soldier
29: favorite song i don’t really have favorite songs but rn it’s prob December night by Michael buble
30: favorite band i don’t really have fav bands
31: how i feel right now it’s really hot in here, so warm. I feel okay
32: someone i love i love lots of people but ill stick with @cloversofshea
33: my current relationship status I’ve answered this so many times literally just look at the ask game tag
34: my relationship with my parents um yikes
35: favorite holiday Halloween
36: tattoos and piercing i have i have 6 tattoos! “Breathe” on my right inner ankle, a heart on left shoulder, heart w equal sign in it behind right ear, basically an ecg on my left inner ankle, Aquarius symbol on right bicep, and caws 5749 on my left side. And my ears are pierced.
37: tattoos and piercing i want definitely the black widow symbol in the same place Scarlett got her og6 tattoo, an amino acid tattoo that spells out “wah” , definitely more little tattoos! And maybe more ear piercings idk
38: the reason i joined tumblr so, I’ve had a tumblr for many many years. I originally joined bc my best friends at the time had them, and i was like sure! Ive deleted that personal blog since, and started my new personal blog a few years ago. I also have a studyblr that i started i think back in high school, and i just started this blog back in the end of July!
39: do i and my last ex hate each other no, I’d say far from it bc i likes her a lot
40: do i ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts yes from her and i fucking love it, it used to be a bigger thing almost every day and i loved it
41: have i ever kissed the last person i texted lmao no and for those who were wondering it is @cloversofshea
42: when did i last hold hands LMAO WITH @michelinaamour WHEN I WAS STUMBLING HOME DRUNK IN HIGH HEELS
43: how long does it take me to get ready in the morning it depends, anywhere from ten minutes to an hour and a half
44: have you shaved your legs in the past three days no! I am super lucky and have really light colored hairs on my legs and so i dont’ have to shave very often. Also i just want to say that i personally love shaving my legs and it is my choice to do so.. girls, you do not need to shave!!
45: where am i right now so i started answering this in the research lab, but i am currently sitting at one of the dining places on campus finishing it
46: if i were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me LMAO DEFINITELY @michelinaamour because she’s done it ALREADY FOR ME MULTIPLE TIMES
47: do i like my music loud or at a reasonable level it depends, in car trips, definitely blast it. But just driving around or listening in doors, definitely reasonable level
48: do i live with my mom and dad nope i live with @michelinaamour
49: am i excited for anything yes, I’m excited for lots of things. I get excited easily
50: do i have someone of the opposite sex i can tell everything to no. I used to
51: how often do i wear a fake smile this is a really interesting question. I don’t consider smiles i give to random people like ordering food or something to be fake, so i would say fake smiles are when I’m not okay and trying to hide it. Which happens less often now bc I’m just much happier of a person
52: when was the last time i hugged someone I think it was @michelinaamour two days ago but i think i hugged @cloversofshea that day too so
53: what if the last person i kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me I’d be heartbroken tbh
54: is there anyone i trust even though i should not yes, certain adults in my life
55: what is something i disliked about today my hair won’t do what i want it to :(
56: if i could meet anyone on this earth who would it be probably Chris Evans or Scarlett Johansson
57: what do i think about the most tumblr and everything with that, or probably her or school stuff definitely
58: what’s my strangest talent i don’t think i have any lol
59: do i have any strange phobias yes definitely haha, I’m terrified of stepping on worms
60: do i prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it i think a few years ago i would have said behind, but honestly I think I’d love to be in front of the camera now
61: what was the last lie i told i actually don’t know. Maybe this past weekend as to like the fact that i was going out on a date instead of just going out with a friend
62: do i prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online I’d say talking on the phone bc then they cant’ see me lmao
63: do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes and yes
64: do i believe in magic? Yes, or at least, that’s what i tell myself
65: do i believe in luck yes
66: what’s the weather like right now snowy!
67: what was the last book I’ve ever read The Butchering Art, it’s about the history of surgery
68: do i like the smell of gasoline omg yes yes yes yes yes yes
69: do i have any nicknames yes, madz, madi, girl who lives by the kitchen, queen (a new one) and clown (also a new one) thanks @natthisback
70: what was the worst injury I’ve ever had back in freshman year of college, i did something stupid and my foot swelled up like hell and hurt so bad. There were no fractures detected but the swelling stayed for a really long time, as well as the bruising and pain, and it never returned to normal
71: do i spent my money or save it SPEND IT BABY
72: can i touch my nose w my tongue no I’m not that talented
73: is there anything pink in 10 ft from me. Hmm part of my backpack? And my rings are pinkish bc they are rose gold. Oh and my scrunchie is pink, as well as my iPad
74: favorite animal cat
75: what was i doing last night at 12am i was still at work In the emergency room!
76: what do i think satan’s last name is uh honestly Jim lmao (it’s demons Jim! @cloversofshea )
77: what’s a song that always makes me happy when i hear it so good by dove Cameron
78: how can you win my heart suggest we watch a marvel movie, and I’m prob straight up in love. There are other things too but they’re pretty general, like compliment me, show you want me ya know
79: what would i want to be written on my tombstone haha, as a joke, “so realy its very thing. Just to keep everyone guessing.” But idk something funny
80: what is my favorite word i have no idea, maybe like sophisticated or something like that or aesthetic , champagne is a good one too
81: my top 5 blogs on tumblr ooh! Okay so @markiplier @lesbian-deadpool @americasass-romanoff @lesbianmariahilll @shining-rey-of-sunshine but i love so so so so so many more, and i have a lot of top blogs
82: if the whole world were listening to me right now what would i say fuck trump also I’m gay as hell and I’m growing tired of hiding it from people
83: do i have any relatives in jail not that i know of
84: i accidentally eat some radioactive vegatables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super power of my choice! What is that power lmao this question is great. Prob same powers as Wanda
85: what would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on any weird fetis- JUST KIDDING. Do you still think about them?
86: what is my current desktop picture so on my laptop, it’s fall flowers. But since that’s broken af, i use my iPad and that background is one of the apple ones. It’s just a beach idk why but I’ve never changed it
88: bought condoms nope i am gay as hell bye
89: gotten pregnant nope i am gay as hell bye
90: failed a class nope, definitely come close though
91: kissed a boy yes
92: kissed a girl yes
93: have i ever kissed somebody in th rain honestly, probably at some point, but I’ve never had one of those romantic kisses in the rain. I really really want to though and i think about it a lot
94: had job yeah, I’ve had three true jobs
95: left the house without my wallet probably
96: bullied someone on the internet no bc I’m not a fucking douche
97: had sex in public not yet
98: played on a sports team yeah, played softball and basketball in middle school
99: smoked weed yeah, but i didn’t get high
100: did drugs nope
101: smoked cigarettes nope, i think i asked drunk once if i could smoke, but my friend was like “really?” And i was like uhhhhhh just kidding haha
102: drank alcohol lmao i drink fucking all the time i mean. I literally have drunk writing nights , I’m drinking tonight too
103: am i a vegetarian/vegan i was a vegetarian for a while, and then an aspiring vegan, and then vegetarian, and then pescatarian now!
104: been overweight no
105: been underweight yes
106: been to a wedding yeah, but like not for a long time. I was like 4 and the flower girl. Oh WAIT. Does playing a wedding count? I played cello at a wedding so i was there???
107: been on the computer for 5 hours straight hell yeah, how would i function not doing this with class and relaxing
108: watched tv for 5 hours straight lmao definitely
109: been outside my home country yeah
110: gotten my heart broken yeah
111: been to a professional sports game yeah. I don’t really do sports though , so when i go it’s usually in suites and I’m just there for the food
112: broken a bone nope!
113: cut myself this is...a. Really deep question but bc i want to be able to speak about mental health on here, the answer is yes.
114: been to prom yes! I went to my junior and senior proms!
115: been in airplane too many times
116: fly by helicopter no, I’m not sure if i want to do this or not
117: what concerts have i been to I’ve been to lots. So first off, I’ve been to hundreds of classical concerts (and performed in them). As for pop, Bruno mars twice, maroon five like three times. Selena Gomez. Josh groban. American authors. Definitely others that i don’t remember
118: had a crush on someone of the same sex yes I’m fucking gay
119: learned another language so if this means fluent, no. I took a decent amount of French and am learning Russian right now!
120: wore make up absolutely. When i choose to wear makeup, its because i fuckign love makeup haha. Most days I’m lazy though and like to let my skin breathe and be natural
121: lost my virginity before I was 18 no
122: had oral sex yeah
123: dyed my hair many times
124: voted in a presidential election okay i think so but honestly can’t remember. But I’m pretty sure i did.
125: rode in an ambulance no and i never want to.
126: had a surgery no and i never want to haha. Well i cant say that. Depending on how my life plays out, I might freeze my eggs or something.
127: met someone famous yes, several I think, but probably Henry winkler was the one I remember most.
128: stalked someone on a social network yeah
129: peed outside nope don’t think so and definitely don’t want to
130: been fishing yes I have been ice fishing and regular fishing
131: helped w charity i have!
132: been rejected by a crush I’ve been not liked back but i don’t think I’ve ever made like a move on a crush and been rejected
133: broken a mirror ooh i don’t think i have actually
134: what do i want for birthday nothing bc i dont’ like my bday
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greymuse · 5 years
Witchy QnA
1. Are you solitary or in a coven?
2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other?
Witch, or Enchantress if I wanna sound fancy
3. What is your zodiac sign?
Leo sun, Aquarius moon, Leo rising
4. Do you have a Patron God/dess?
5. Do you work with a Pantheon?
6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or any other kind of divination?
Tarot sometimes
7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any)
Im just starting to get into more physical items. I was raised to do most things mentally.
8. How would you define your craft?
Im not sure? Green but a lil eclectic
9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do?
I dont think of it as cursing. More so protection from certain people.
10. How long have you been practicing?
I found out about what I was already doing as being Witchcraft a couple months ago. But Ive been using Tarot, using kitchen Witch spells, as “prayers” as spells since I can remember
11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars?
Nope. I hope to have one soon though
12. Do you believe in Karma or
Absolutely believe in karma. Reincarnation, possibly. Its definitely something I think about
13. Do you have a magical name?
14. Are you “out of the broom closet”?
My whole moms side practices casually, so I mean I guess? But I havent referred to  myself as a Witch or something like that.
15. What was the last spell you performed?
I enchanted a ring I got. Also, a money spell that worked but uhh its definitely showing me that I need to work harder.
16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable?
Im pretty decent. Most of what I look up is common knowledge to me
17. Do you write your own spells?
I havent yet, but I also dont do many spells verbally. I more so visually manifest
18. Do you have a book of shadows? If so, how is it written and/or set up?
I do, Its just a plain lil notebook, I have just some basic reference sheet type things in it.
19. Do you worship nature?
20. What is your favorite gemstone?
rose quartz. or tigers eye
21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work?
I dont particularly enjoy using animal/ human materials. I use natural things, like dirt and water.
  22. Do you have an altar?
Not so much a physical Altar, but my bed is definitely my safe space and I can clear my mind here the easiest.
23. What is your preferred element?
Water, but fire always make me wide eyed and curious. definitely curious. but its destructive potential scares me.
24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist?
Not art all haha
25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch?
Im not sure!
26. What got you interested in witchcraft?
realizing that I had been practicing for my whole life and I hadnt known before
27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch?
yeah, with my mom and her mom. I just didnt know at the time. We do protection spells often.
28. Have you ever used ouija?
yup! with my mom and her mom. Its just a family thing we do every time we all get together. I grew up thinking it was completely normal.
29. Do you consider yourself a psychic?
My mom says I used to be. I used to dream about natural disasters before they happened as a kid. I dont think im too good anymore. just empathetic.
30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it?
I dont think I do. If anything, I do feel a feminine energy? dark (like a shadow, not negative) and watery is the best way I can describe it. But its not a human  entity. Just energy.
31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started?
That not everyone believes what you do. And its totally okay! Just maybe dont loudly announce your Ouija board antics with your science teacher in middle school.
32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite?
I havent before, but im going to try to this year
33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children?
Absolutely. I want my son to grow up the same way I did around magick. Itll be normal for him.
34. Do you meditate?
Sometimes! its definitely something im trying to do more often.
35. What is your favorite season?
Fall and Spring! Theres so much change
36. What is your favorite type of magick to preform?
Im not sure yet! Ive only just started branching out and actually considering what ive been doing all my life as magick.
37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life?
Daily affirmations/ protection spells, I manifest me and my sons happiness and safety every day.
38. What is your favorite witchy movie?
I dont think Ive seen any haha
39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why?
The Darkest Powers books by Kelly Armstrong. More supernatural (vampires, werewolves, stuff like that) but I loved it growing up.
40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not.
Knowingly, a protection spell from someone who had hurt me
41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you?
Im not sure! I can see auras if i really focus and can tune into someone, so maybe when i saw a family member with a pure black aura? That was freaky
42. What is your favourite type of candle to use?
I dont use candles! Bonfires or fires in fireplaces usually, to burn a paper if needed. Again, I dont  trust myself with fire very much.
43. What is your favorite witchy tool?
My crystals and my tarot. They all have vibrations. Everything does but especially those, because im so connected to them
44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools?
I want to!  Havent yet
45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fea or spirits?
Spirits, yes. I can call on family that Ive known in person for protection. Been doing that as long as i can remember
46. Do you practice color magic?
I used to! i dont really anymore. 
47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind?
My mom, aunt, and grandma! 
48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies?
Dollar store, thrift store, antique stores (though im always hesitant to use something that belonged to someone else. If there isnt a close emotional attachment, there wont be any noticeable vibrations.
49. Do you believe in predestination or fate?
I think theres a general way that things can happen. More like a decide your fate book. There are multiple options, it just depends on what you choose.
50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice?
Meditate, or go to the lake.
51. Have you ever had any supernatural experiences?
ohhhh boy. I got stories.
52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve?
People thinking theyre better bc they have a crap ton of materials, thinking im less than because I visualize easier than with material items.
53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent?
I do, I just cant very often. I have a child and very smell sensitive people livingg with me
54. Do you keep a dream journal of any kind?
I rarely ever remember a dream, so no
55. What has been your biggest witchcraft disaster?
Im not sure ive had one yet
56. What has been your biggest witchcraft success?
I havent seen who i dont want to see since protecting myself
57. What in your practice do you do that you may feel silly or embarrassed about?
 Everything, haha. I think thats why I enjoy visualizing instead of rituals or verbal stuff.
58. Do you believe that you can be an atheist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith and still be a witch too?
59. Do you ever feel insecure, unsure or even scared of spell work?
yes, I feel like it //can be// kinda like a genie in a bottle type thing. Itll work, but not without a price.
60. Do you ever hold yourself to a standard in your witchcraft that you feel you may never obtain?
61. What is something witch related that you want right now?
A cauldron to mix and burn things in haha
62. What is your rune of choice?
I dont know yet! Runes are something Im looking into
63. What is your tarot card of choice?
My birth card, the Tower.
64. Do you use essential oils? If so what is your favorite?
I love lemon and eucalyptus 
65. Have you ever taken any kind of witchcraft or pagan courses?
66. Do you wear pagan jewelry in public?
67. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your faith or being a witch?
No one that would feel that way knows anything about it
68. Do you read or subscribe to any pagan magazines?
69. Do you think it’s important to know the history of paganism and witchcraft?
Yes. Its like knowing world history and us history, We need to learn from the past.
70. What are your favorite things about being a witch?
I feel powerful, and connected and accepted by nature.
71. What are your least favorite things about being a witch?
having to tiptoe around things around certain people
72. Do you listen to any pagan music? If so who is your favorite singer/band?
Nope! ill have to look into it
73. Do you celebrate the Esbbats? If so, how?
I havent fully figured out what i want to do for the moon cycles yet, but I definitely want to. the moon and water are so closely related
74. Do you ever work skyclad?
No, but i mean.. maybe one day?
75. Do you think witchcraft has improved your life? If so, how?
I feel like i have more control of how im able to use my emotions and feelings
76. Where do you draw inspiration from for your practice?
The energy i talked about before.. It gets more intense and stronger sometimes, and i know i need to put more time and effort into my practice
77. Do you believe in ‘fantasy’ creatures? (Unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, ghosts, etc)
no, but i do believe in energy. not ghosts per say but definitely energy
78. What’s your favorite sigil/symbol?
I try to make most of them myself. I have one for protection while driving that i use for me and my boyfriend a lot. And one for the safety of my son.
79. Do you use blood magick in your practice? Why or why not?
Not as of right now. I did bleed onto my tarot cards on accident though..
80. Could you ever be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support your practice?
Theres a difference  between “doesnt understand and doesnt care to” and “fully doest support and refuses to let you practice safely”. I dont mind the first, but wouldnt stay with the second.
81. In what area or subject would you most like your craft to grow?
Reading auras, and tarot. Also just connecting with nature more
82. What’s your favorite candle scent? Do you use it in your practice?
I love fall scents! but no, i dont really use candles
83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it?
Meditate and protect
84. What real life witch most inspires your practice?
My mom honestly lmao. i dont think she views herself as a full witch though.And my aunt
85. What is your favorite method of communicating with deity?
I dont worship dieties. But i like to just be in natural and connect emotionally, nonverbally to this energy Im somehow connected with.
86. How do you like to organize all your witchy items and ingredients?
In this lil wooden box my mom gave me for my birthday to hold the tarot cards my grandma gave me haha.
87. Do you have any witches in your family that you know of?
my mom. aunt, and grandma. I know my grandpas grandma was a voodoo witch too.
  88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it?
I havent seen much about nonverbal, mostly mental witchcraft. So i guess  thats one unique thing.
89. Do you feel you have any natural gifts or affinities (premonitions, hearing spirits, etc.) that led you toward the craft? If so what are they?
A couple things. Feeling vibrations, the connection to nature, auras, growing up surrounded by it.
90. Do you believe you can initiate yourself or do you have to be initiated by another witch or coven?
I believe you can initiate yourself. I dont feel the need for someone elses validation is i know my connection with nature is real
91. When you first started out in your path what was the first thing or things you bought?
crystals, lmao
92. What is the most spiritual or magickal place you’ve been?
The southern oregon coast. honestly everywhere in oregon feels so alive and vibrating so heavily with energy. The water and the lush greenery is perfection.
93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities?
I have no idea, I dont follow a deity
94. What techniques do you use to ‘get in the zone’ for meditation?
quiet, listen to music i like and that help calm me, slightly cool, a breeze is good. the sound of real water flowing from a lake or ocean. recordings of water dont help me. sometimes white noise if theres too much noise
95. Did visualization come easily to you or did you have to practice at it?
visualization is the easiest thing for me. ive always daydreamed so heavily that itll be like im dreaming with my eyes totally open and tracking. 
  96. Do you prefer day or night? Why?
early mornings, right as the sun is coming up.
97. What do you think is the best time and place to do spell work?
I like doing spell work before bed, when the moon is bright enough to light up what im doing
98. How did you feel when you cast your first circle? Did you stumble or did it go smoothly?
I dont know if it counts as casting a circle? but i visualize a swirling white ball of energy, starting out like a strawberry size in my hands, and every time i breath in, it gets bigger. Its a protection circle. i learned to do it at like?? 3 years old?
99. Do you believe witchcraft gets easier with time and practice?
100. Do you believe in many gods or one God with many faces?
If i had to guess, id say multiple gods/ goddesses. one entity shouldnt have that much power imo.
101. Do you eat meat, eggs and dairy?
Ive been trying to go vegetarian, and i eat minimal eggs and dairy.
102. What is your favorite color and why?
dark, smokey colors. grey, black, dark muted purples, navy, smoky pink.
103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond?
I dont have many people im even slightly into that stuff, let alone a witch. So usually just “how do i cleanse my house? i think its haunted” type stuff
104. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest?
Feel, haha, physically and emotionally.
105. What is a pagan or witchcraft rule that you preach but don’t practice?
Always properly cleanse new materials, haha
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zzoupz · 5 years
I decided to answer it all so you can know more bout me maybe
If you’re lazy it’s okay just pass by
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
Sometimes eh
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No thats a bad thing <:0
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
Yeah, it’s a kind of collection I think
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
8: Do you have freckles?
acne. a lot of acne
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
No, I don’t like faking smile :-(
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
haha let’s don’t talk bout it
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Sounds dump but yep
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
No what kind of psychopath do that
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
..5-10.. I just goes a camp thing..
17: What size is your bed?
18: What is your Song of the week?
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Yes, it’s okay for girls to wear blue too so why not >:0
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
every Thai movie ever
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
With my mom becuz I’m a good bo i
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
uh 30??? I dun remember :/
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
I don’t
25: What is your favorite food?
I D O N ‘ T W A N N A E A T
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Alice in Wonderland....idk why but yeah..
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
Now my sis
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
girls can join boy scouts in TH too so both :0
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
In a Thai language exam..yknow
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
Uh no
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33: Ever ran out of gas?
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
ham n cheese ah
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
36: What is your usual bedtime?
12.00 pm or even later
37: Are you lazy?
why ask lmao
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
“We don’t do that here”
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
dog. Just dog.
40: Are you horny?
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
43: Are you stubborn?
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
Letterman >:0
45: Ever watch soap operas?
46: Are you afraid of heights?
47: Do you sing in the car?
48: Do you sing in the shower?
no (or at least do a lip sync)
49: Do you dance in the car?
50: Ever used a gun?
is toy gun counts
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
1-2 years ago
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
53: Is Christmas stressful?
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Teacher, doctors,...etc..
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Like a thousands times haha
59: Take a vitamin daily?
60: Wear slippers?
Everyday, everywhere. (even in a wedding or somethin)
61: Wear a bath robe?
62: What do you wear to bed?
63: First concert?
A free concert in a Songkran festival 
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65: Nike or Adidas?
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds :)
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
69: Ever take dance lessons?
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
71: Can you curl your tongue?
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
Nu :(
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
No but also yes
74: Own any record albums?
Yes :)
75: Own a record player?
Yes but also no :)
76: Regularly burn incense?
77: Ever been in love?
78: Who would you like to see in concert?
Hatsune Miku would be great 
79: What was the last concert you saw?
A concert of some random singer I don’t know bc I din’t listen to Thai musics
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Cool pls
81: Tea or coffee?
Choco bleach
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
Snickerdoodles mayb
83: Can you swim well?
I ever almost drown to dead so guess what
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yes but just a bit
85: Are you patient?
up to the situation
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
DJ 😎😎😎
87: Ever won a contest?
A Chinese hand writing contest.
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
No what kind of 12 yrs old do that
89: Which are better black or green olives?
I don’t eat them idk 
90: Can you knit or crochet?
Eh no
91: Best room for a fireplace?
you better not make a fireplace in a room.... okay maybe a classroom is okay
92: Do you want to get married?
93: If married, how long have you been married?
No I haven’t
94: Who was your HS crush?
Don’t have one :/
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
that’s.....a yeah
96: Do you have kids?
97: Do you want kids?
98: Whats your favorite color?
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
@ruzz-0v0 😔😔
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kashimasyuu · 6 years
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 15 people
tagged by @tetsuro thanks for tagging me!! 💖
tagging: @matsuohkarin @zoldyckie @d-a-z-a-i @whovian-on-ice @shinjikaris @kiritonarukami @kashi-ma @oshiruko @haiji-san @nico-chansenpai @tmakisamajiki @ocarinnas @shoto-doroki @darkfaethedestroyer @erenyegar only if you want to ofc!
1. drink - water (or cane’s sweet tea if you wanna be not boring)
2. 📱 call -  ......my doordash delivery last night lmao
3. text - from my mom abt college stuff
4. song you listened to - my love by new politics
5. time you 😢 - i think i cried watching tpn yesterday
6. dated someone twice - no
7. 😘 someone and regretted it - i guess not fkdjflks
8. been cheated on - i don’t think so?
9. lost someone special - nope
10. been depressed - uhh idk?? not officially
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - nah
12. blue
13. purple
14. pink (wow i’m bi as hell)
15. green
in the last year have you
16. made new friends - yes 💖
17. fallen out of 💛 - no
18. 😂 until you 😢 - yeah!!
19. found out someone was talking about you - not in a bad way
20. met someone who changed you - i mean probably??
21. found out who your friends are - i hope so jfkdsjflks
22. 😘 someone on your facebook friends list - lmao no, what fb friends
23. how many friends from your fb friends list do you know irl - ??? what year is this
24. do you have any pets - i have a lhasa apso named shimmer!! she’s 8 hours away though
25. do you want to change your middle name - nah it’s cool
26. what did you do for your last 🎂 - i did an escape room with some people from my dorm and then got food after, it was fun!!
27. what time did you wake up today - like 11 am? it’s spring break i’m not keeping track
28. what were you doing last night at midnight - .......i think i was watching dimension high school which just. wild
29. what is something you can’t wait for - short-term i’m really excited for the wotakoi ova (and a lot of other shows but they), otherwise for the semester to be over jkfsjgkls
30. what are you listening to right now - spaceship by art sorority for girls just came on, it’s my general spotify playlist called thing bc i’m a creative genius
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - i don’t think so actually? i’ve known people named thomas
32. something that gets on your nerves - random pet peeve i remembered recently: people putting two periods like .. what is that, idk why it bothers me so much but like. do a period or do an ellipsis pick one
33. most visited website - probably tumblr or college stuff, it varies
34. hair color - blonde? brown? no one can decide
35. long hair or short hair - it’s like shoulder length right now idk which that is, unless this is a preference question?? in that case i go back and forth so idk
36. do you have a crush on someone - god i wish
37. what do you like about yourself - i feel like i’m a generally nice person!! which every nice person says right skfdkjfl but i always try to be nice to people, i think it’s really important
38. want any piercings - not particularly? i already have my earlobes and cartiage pierced, if anything maybe double earlobe someday
39. blood type - i’d love to know
40. nicknames - nat lmao, also flamingo (my friend came up with it in like 5th grade and it stuck)
41. relationship status - single (unfortunately? maybe? who knows)
42. zodiac - pisces
43. pronouns - she/her
44. favorite 📺 show - as far as like standard tv i love the good place, as far as anime (bc you know. anime blog) i have to say ouran high school host club, shocking i know, it has a real special place in my heart
45. tattoos - i don’t have any and i feel like i’m way too indecisive for them
46. right handed or left - right
47. ever had surgery - i got my wisdom teeth and some others removed when i got braces
48. piercings - earlobes and cartilage like i answered earlier whoops
49. sports - god no, i played soccer in first grade
50. vacation - don’t really know what this is asking but i’m probably studying abroad in japan next year!!
51. trainers - like shoes? yeah i mostly wear tennis shoes
52. eating - i had cane’s earlier, i’m the pinnacle of health
53. drinking - still water
54. i’m about to watch - nothing in particular, i was watching lets plays earlier kdsjfksj that phase hasn’t left
55. waiting for - me to get my life together? lmao idk
56. want - spring break to not end
57. get married - maybe? i’m not fundamentally against it but it’s not a life goal either, whatever happens happens
58. career - i wish i knew
59. kisses or hugs - not to expose myself but i don’t really think i have enough experience to judge this fairly
60. 👄 or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - taller, someone’s gotta be able to reach stuff
62. older or younger - older ig
63. nice arms or stomach - very situational but i guess stomach
64. hookup or relationship - relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant - is hesitant the opposite of troublemaker? look i’m a goody two shoes but also jokes are fun so idk
66. 😘 a stranger - no
67. drank hard liquor - no lmao
68. lost glasses - i don’t think so? i think i lost a lens out of a pair though dfjksljf
69. turned someone down - in like middle school i think
70. sex on first date - no
71. broken someone’s ❤️ - uh ouch i don’t think so? not as far as i know
72. had your 💔 - my fourth grade self would say yes jfkdsjlhfj
73. been arrested - read: goody two shoes
74. 😢 when someone died - this is gonna sound really bad but i don’t think so? i don’t really cry over major things, just dumb stuff
75. fallen for a friend - l m a o that’s all i do, local bi disaster here
76. yourself - uhhh i try
77. miracles - i like to
78. 💛 at first sight - not love no
79. 🎅 - my dad would say he’s the spirit of christmas so i’ll go with that
80. 😘 on a first date - depends on the situation
81. angels - fits in my general philosophy of “how should i know”
82. best friend’s name - not gonna expose myself or them lmao
83. eye color - not to be That Person but they’re like every color, mostly bluish-greenish though
84. favorite movie - god i’m so bad about movies, uhhh coco was really good
85. favorite actor - i have no idea
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sn0wblinded · 5 years
questions 1-98 ( go big or go home ;) )
ya killin me hollis );
1. Unfortunately, I am 5′1, pros to anybody who wants a nugget for a gf or friend
2.  Body type? uh I suppose slim and slender with an hourglass shape
3. Favorite part of my body would have to be...erh...uh...my eyes? I love the shape of them just wish I had blue or green eyes :(
4. HAH my hair color now is NOT my natural hair color loll I have naturally crazy dark brown hair where it’s almost black but I love blonde in the summer so catch me in the fall for my dark roots ;D
5. Um I’d say it depends where I am and who I’m with as to whether I’ll be shy or outgoing, typically I’m shy until I feel comfortable enough to be myself, or unless someone gets enough drinks in me hahah
6. Uh I’d say I’m probs more on the femme side, like I luvvv getting dressed up and looking super pretty if I’m not sitting on my ass being lazy af. 
7. Super duper smol bean
8. Hands down I’d be a wine mom
9. Hmmph weird habit? Uh I’ll mouth whatever someone is saying as they are talking, even sometimes before they say the next word and I don’t even know I’m doing it. I catch myself doing this watching shows or movies and I hateeee it. “How do you know what I’m saying??” is the usual response *rolls eyes* 
10. OOOHHH my fav meme would have to be the one with the baby orangutang and her crazy hair bc she’s a hot mess and I’m a hot mess ._.
11. who doesn’t sing in the shower???? the acoustics man, i’ll give my SO a full-blown concert w/ an encore. will it sound good tho?? who knows
12. um I’d love to go full Merida and learn how to use a bow and arrow tbh
13. I was never a theatre kid :( I wanted to be in HS 
14. I’ve never seen a broadway musical but def something on my bucketlist
15. Musicals are kinda cheesy but that’s what I love about them
16. I’ve never been a part of a protest or march, but will def be in the future when given the chance
17. My fav Cards Against Humanity Card would probs be “What is Batman’s guilty pleasure?” love having a good giggle at the responses
18. The last movie I watched...that I can think of was Final Destination 2 and was reminded why I can be paranoid af about some stuff LOL
19. Uhh preferably not behind or infront of the camera, not photogenic and my hands aren’t steady enough to take decent photos BUT I’d love to do photography if I had any skill in it
20. If you know me, like come on, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. 
21. just listen to Snowblinded by Kill Hannah nuff said
22. Uhh I joined tumblr back in 2011 my freshman year of HS bc I wanted to release my teenage angst, and then I left after a few years and came back this year:) Luckily my OG url was still available
23. Um you know 
24. Most people love chocolate and I hate it loll Fight me pls ;P
25. Narcotics? Nope sowwe
26. HAH expose me much?? hahah Def not a virgin lemme say that ^-^
27. Um my neighbors little brother caught her and I kissing underneath her sheets when I was a super duper smol bean, technically wasn’t bad but we couldn’t do it anymore:/
28. Oof idk what the funniest lie is that I told... omg 
29. Hmm... expression through words...take a guess what that passion is 
30. My best friend is one the most supportive and loving people I’ve ever met and I love her to death
31. Um lemme keep my secrets ;)
32. I’m super tired but also feeling really motivated so it’s kinda conflicting but oh well das my life
33. My biggest fear is probably ending up alone (amongst a few others)
34. I Like Me Better by Lauv
35. The best decision I’ve made in life thus far was deciding that I’m going to start love being myself regardless of societal expectations and internalizing everything because of the fear of others judgements etc. This is my life and I plan on living it up the best way possible.
36. Um who hasn’t? Failure always leads you one step closer to success
37. I fantasize about finding someone whose soul fits perfectly w/ mine
38. I cried the other night but happy tears bc I no longer have to hide who I am
39. A meme I was sent in a group chat
40. Mm...maybe..my lips are sealed 
41. A few of my closest friends
42. Uh every single day at the end of my last relationship
43. I’ve started to realize who my true friends are, and people’s true intentions
44. Submissive AF, but a lil control here and there isn’t bad
45. I’ll only date you if you’re okay w/ eating lots of pasta and long jam sesh’s
46. Preferably someone my age or a little bit older, but if I click with someone a year or two younger than me then whatevs :)
47. um I’d describe my crush but it’d be a dead giveaway LOL
48. any kinks? oh sweetie.. I’m not as innocent as this halo may make me appear ;P
49. First thing I notice in someone, physically would be their eyes, personality-wise would be their sense of humor.
50. Best way to win my heart is to bond over music
51. Uhh wow like allll the time LOL
52. Once again, like alllll the fucking time *rolls eyes*
53. Oh I plead the fifth on this one 
54. Trust is a big thing for me, but I usually know right off the bat now if I can trust somebody or not
55. Um no bc anybody I like lives miles and miles away >_>
56. Confidence is hot, not cute, hot. Make me swoon. 
57. My heart would probs ache 
58. If you can’t make me laugh we won’t even be close to dating loll
59. Uh no and I’m sure they will never have a clue bc I’m shy af about my feelings 
60. ...too many storytimes there
61. Hopefully one day I marry the love of my life
62. Pleading the fifth bc I’m stuck between a couple 
63. Turn ons: Whisper in my ear, light touches, and cute messages (keeping things on the cleaner side (; )
64. Hate is a strong word, so Trump 
65. Babygirl melts my heart but so does sweetheart and princess
66. Charlies Angels hands down...
67. Oof... intimidating in a sexy and intriguing way? Hell yes, but I love a kind soul
68. Somebody who truly loves me for me and is always up for adventure, and has an impeccable taste in music.
69. I tend to like whoever I like :P
70. HAH good one
71. The first person I came out to was my sister, a few years ago, and it went alright I guess until we had a heated argument and yeah...but I came out to her again recently and it’s helped us grow closer together.
72. I have a quite a few friend who are and luvvv them all
73. um....ya
74. Oof...I honestly can’t remember
75. Maybe later, this is already wayyyy too long.
76. I used to but I’d say it takes a lot more for me to fall IN love
77. Yeah so let’s not talk about it :3
78. Good at hiding my feelings? Uhhhhhh
79. Forgiving? I’ll forgive but I never forget who has hurt me.
80. Uh...I have quite a few, want the whole list? LOL
81. Whichever one would comfort both of us in the moment
82. I like a girl that’s taller, even if it’s just by a little bit. Honestly it doesn’t take much with how smol I am :[
83. Um can I have both? Hugs and kisses pls k thx
84. Be twirled :3
85. Um both mmmff
86. I love forehead kisses, but if you wanna make me melt into a puddle neck kisses are the way to go.
87. I’d do either or, kinda hard for me to choose which one more.
88. Depends on my mood, love me some soft kisses but bet your ass I’m always down to makeout
89. If I’m feeling the need to be cute hug around the neck, if I’m being a lil more touchy then hugs around the waist
90. I used to contemplate my sexuality constantly because of growing up in a religious family and internalizing everything, but without a doubt I’m 100% confident in my sexuality. This is me, take it or leave it baby ;)
91. Uh I blush and get a massive load of butterflies, feeling like I’m on cloud nine etc. I’ve liked people and just felt comfortable and never had butterflies and such but FUCK do I love feeling giddy and happy all over from just the mere thought of them. 
92. Yes, typically that’s how it starts out with me and it ends in either of two ways, mutual or I embarass tf outta myself 
93. I had my first kiss with a girl when I was 7, and man did I never want to stop. But, I knew for certain that I really liked girls when I was in sixth grade and wanted to watch any and everything that contained wlw content, hoping and wishing to have that one day.
94. Be myself? LOL
95. Ohmygosh... favorite lesbian ship... Laura/Carmilla, Alice/Robin (OUAT), Yorkie/Kelly (San Junipero)...these are only a few of a long list
96. The most aggravating thing that’s personally been said to me about my sexuality would be between being told this is all temptation and comparing it to acts of disgusting scum of human beings(pedos and adulterers), and also being told it’s only a phase... I can’t roll my eyes hard enough
97. Um like probably a few minutes ago :3
98. Love is being completely comfortable in being who you are around someone, and loving the good and bad parts of each other. 
If anyone actually reads up until this point I just gotta say...I’m sorry LOL 
and you’re a trooper
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Im too lazy to look at the questions so DO ALL OF THEM. (if you dont wanna then go on a random number generator and get 5 random numbers)
ITS REALLY LONG BUT I DID IT KJSHADJS HERE GOES i love oversharing my lifealso im putting a read more line bc its hella long
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
water bottles
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
ehhh depends on my mood. i’d say it’s (dark) chocolate most of the time (love that 70% dark chocolate mmMmMm)
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
cotton candy!! except when it gets all over my face and hair o no
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
common report book comments included
- very active
- bright
- “the live wire of the class”
- usually distracted but still does well
- mischievous
- playful
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
bottles so that i can close it and save the rest for later and not have to chug it yeet
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
sportswear #sweatpantsalldayeveryday
7. earbuds or headphones?
def headphones but they’re inconvenient sometimes :/
8. movies or tv shows?
tv shows!! (also, my adhd ass can’t get through a movie without zoning out oops)
9. favorite smell in the summer?
i haven’t experienced /real/ summer (thank u singapore’s tropical climate) but i rly like the smell of rain :”)
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
making up excuses to skip pe
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
belvitas before morning practice
croissant sandwich and chocolate milk after practice
if there’s no practice, then scrambled eggs from the dining hall lolol
if i’m too lazy to go to the dining hall, then cereal
12. name of your favorite playlist?
it’s literally called jams and the description is “a clusterfuck of stuff i’ve jammed to at some point”
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
gummy bears/sour patch kids
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
death of a salesman - arthur miller
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
with one foot up on the chair and the other leg sitting normally
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
a pair of asics sneakers
18. ideal weather?
15ºc/60ºf when its like cool but not too cold but also not ridiculously hot and also when theres no insane wind (a light breeze is fine)
19. sleeping position?
on my left side and hugging a pillow/bolster/soft toy
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
i like the feeling of pen and paper but im disorganized as hell so an apple pencil + ipad makes a good enough substitute
21. obsession from childhood?
frogs (i’ve loved them since i was 3 hehe)
22. role model?
a dude i used to train with for a while in 2014. he retired last year but he’s always looked out for me like an older brother since we trained together (he’s 8 years older than me lmao) and even thought i’m so far away rn he still checks in on me and stuff and idk he’s probably one of the swimmers i respect the most.
23. strange habits?
i cant fall asleep at night if im not hugging something.  like. it could be a pillow. or a soft toy. literally anything. once on a school trip i hugged a pair of sweatpants to sleep bc i legit cant fall asleep if im not hugging something.i have no problem falling asleep in class/on buses/cars/planes though.
24. favorite crystal?
idk i never really paid enough attention to crystals to actually have a favorite and know their names. they’re all rly pretty tho.
25. first song you remember hearing?
uhh h h i honestly can’t remember. probably some classical music bc i played the violin and that was my first experience of music that i was actually aware of????
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
switch on the aircon and take a nap / sit in bed on netflix/playing on my nintendo switch. and swimming outdoors i guess.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
switch on the heater and take a nap / sit in bed on netflix/playing on my nintendo switch.
do u see a pattern here
28. five songs to describe you?
jet lag - simple plan (bc time zones suck and i miss my fam & friends)
avalanche - bring me the horizon (pretty much sums up how tf my brain feels)
high hopes - p!atd
astronaut - simple plan
the reckless and the brave - all time low
29. best way to bond with you?
doing dumb shit with me
also Quality Time™️ like idk even if we’re chilling and doing our own shit i like just spending time with people im comfortable enough with
30. places that you find sacred?
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
a hoodie and sweatpants
for no reason other than that’s what i wear 90% of the time
32. top five favorite vines?
this bitch empty. yeet.
im in my mom’s car VROOM VROOM
the one of that dad playing the saxophone (???) and the kid slamming the oven door open and shut
road works ahead “haha yea sure hope it does!”
33. most used phrase in your phone?
either lmao or lolol or LMFAO or yeet
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
gOD i had spotify ads stuck in my head all the time before i switched to premium and now i cant remember any of them (thank god)
35. average time you fall asleep?
i’d say 12:30-1ish
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
the tROLL FACE MEME LIKE those rage faces idk what they’re called but BASICALLY THOSE 2010-2012 era memes
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
suitcase!!! i like sitting on them and yeeting myself around on them or getting people to push me around and then falling off
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
ngl i havent had either of them before
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
so in jc2 (aka 12th grade), for some reason PEOPLE WERE PUTTING PRE-PACKAGED HARD BOILED EGGS ALL OVER THE SCHOOL. like they were still in their wrappers and all but u could open ur schoolbag and find like 5 eggs in there. and no one knew where they came from. i think at one point there were even eggs hanging from the pull-up bars. all i know is that they were everywhere and people in my batch still remember it as the egg invasion of acjc.
41. last person you texted?
my mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
def jacket!!! especially when they have zips hehe
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
idk man depends on my mood
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
sci-fi bc im a fricken nerd
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
shirt and sweats
47. favorite type of cheese?
cheddarrr also i like mozzerrella sticks
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
a fineapple B)
lmao jk ummmm maybe a watermelon bc when u hit it it sounds hollow, just like how my skull would sound if someone hit it (h a)
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
here for a good time not for a long time
never give up without a fight
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
idk probably some dumb meme. i laugh at a lot of stuff like i laugh anything even mildly funny. some that i can think of off the top of my head are:
- i was tryna type ducky but typed fucky instead and sOmEOnE (could be the person who submitted this ask, idk tho) changed my facebook messenger nickname to fucky and the notification was like ”poopy butthole changed your nickname to fucky” and i think that’s still the funniest sentence i’ve read in my whole life
- one time we went to mcdonalds and a friend said mcfluffy instead of mcflurry and idk why but i laughed so hard at that
- once @doduo and i spent half a chinese lesson cutting out random faces from the chinese newspaper and sticking them randomly all over the classroom and idk. it was the funniest thing ever. until the teacher came over and confiscated my scissors rip.
51. current stresses?
- an essay draft (that i am procrastinating rn by doing this, oops)
- CANADIAN TRIALS (but thats a good kind of stress)
- submitting a proposal for a group project but none of my groupmates are freaking replying my texts ugh
52. favorite font?
avenir next!! i find san serif fonts way easier to read than serif lolol.i like helvetica neue too.
53. what is the current state of your hands?
dry af but also i just got my nails done so they pretty rn hehe
54. what did you learn from your first job?
i…havent had a real job yet
55. favorite fairy tale?
idk i was never rly one for fairy tales even as a kid.
56. favorite tradition?
chinese new year when we get CASH and we spend 3 days just eating junk yEET im rly sad im gonna be missing it the next few years tho
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
hh h h hh hhh hh hh they’re pretty personal i don’t /really/ wanna put it out here but i can text you the answer to this if you want (i’m perfectly fine with that!!)
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
- i think i’m pretty intuitive!!! i can guess anyone’s mbti if i’ve spent enough time with them/gotten a detailed enough description of them /winks/ and i can read people pretty well in general and i can draw links to themes/symbols in lit pretty well….???
- i’m somewhat decent at lettering…i think
- i’m good at pull-ups and also vertical jumps i’m secretly a froge
- i’m decent at photography…i guess….
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
pokemon !!
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
/sweats/ i’m not very good at remembering lines from books/movies/shows WELP
62. seven characters you relate to?
rosa diaz - b99
linguine - ratatouille (he’s permanently confused and he let a ratto take over his job bc he had no idea what he was doing like damn what a big mood)
dory - finding nemo/finding dory (i relate to the forgetfulness)
percy jackson
kale bae /winks/
mitt (during bad phases) /winks again, but sadly/
63. five songs that would play in your club?
idek man i wouldnt even be at my own club i’d be at home taking a nap i’ll just ask someone else to handle my playlist
64. favorite website from your childhood?
club penguin !!!
65. any permanent scars?
yE one of them was from jumping onto a treadmill going at 13km/h 2 years ago bc i thought i was a good idea
66. favorite flower(s)?
i dont have any
67. good luck charms?
i eat pancakes for breakfast on meet days!!!! altho i think this is more of a habit than a good luck charm tbh lmao.
also i guess pip???? he’s my emotional support narwhal :’)
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
durian. i cant stand the stuff or anything flavored like it ugh.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
red food coloring is derived from beetles
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
overly-floral patterns i guessssss. also i hate wearing stripes.
72. worst subject?
besides that, math and physics
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
i rly like vanilla ice cream and fries
also i would eat ketchup with nearly anything
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
i usually just suck it up and go to sleep when it comes to pain but i guess an 8??? idk. i usually take advil/ibuprofen only for fevers
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i got my first loose tooth on january 11 2005 and it fell out on january 18 2005 & it was a tuesday (pls don’t ask me how i remember this bc i dont know)
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
tater tots
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
cactus i guess. idk im not good at plants.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
grocery store sushi (it was pretty decent in singapore so yeeeee lmao also i ate a lot of that as a kid)
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
its the same photo for both so yeAh
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
idk i always called them fireflies
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
drawing (more like doodlign for me bc i cant draw for shit)
84. podcasts or talk radio?
neither but if i rlllllly had to choose then podcasts i guessss s sss
84. barbie or polly pocket?
neither LMAO i gave all my barbies haircuts when i was a kid bc i didnt know what to do with them
85. fairy tales or mythology?
mythology for sure!! i love greek mythology (may or may not be bc of percy jackson lolol)
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
losing those i love and care about (could be drifting or actual death it goes both ways)
88. your greatest wish?
rn, for my essay to write itself
for the short-term, to make the olympics (and WUGs…and worlds…and sea games…and asian games…and commonwealth games lmao)
for the long-term, uhhh idk. i just wanna live a life i’m satisfied with and to have a job i actually like and to be able to support my parents
89. who would you put before everyone else?
my mom
90. luckiest mistake?
i always say that i regret doing a year of college in singapore instead of coming here for freshman year but if i’d come in a year earlier like i was supposed to, i proba wouldn’t have made it past swim team tryouts and i made some pretty great friends in my first year of college soooo it all worked out i guessi cant think of any others rn
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
fairy lights are rly pretty!!but i like natural light :”)
93. nicknames?
alpha childuhh h h i think thats about it??? i cant remember any others
94. favorite season?
spring’s pretty great rni like fall too (before it gets cOLd)
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
a photo of me looking rly cool at the starting blocks before a race B)
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
4 - mine (singapore & US), my mom’s and my dad’s
98. favorite historical era?
uhh h h idk the ice age seemed pretty cool haha sike it was actually coldmedieval times seemed pretty cool too like damn i want a suit of armorWHEW I SPENT WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON THIS but i had fun so yeet
also if you read all the way down here ily and you’re cool
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mcmissileproof · 5 years
I have been tagged
tagged by @fruity-pies
assorted information under the cut bc long
1.) Real name:  wouldn’t you like to know 2.) Nicknames: MC, Xenon, absolutely anything you can think of that starts with M and C 3.) Zodiac Sign: Gemini 4.) Male or Female: Female, but like with an asterisk and the asterisk leads to a question mark 5.) Nursery: I was never a baby 6.) Primary School: depends on your definition of “primary school” 7.) Secondary School: :) 8.) Hair Color: brown 9.) Long or Short: short 10.) Loud or Quiet: quiet 11.) Sweats or Jeans: jeans for sure 12.) Phone or Camera: phone 13.) Health Freak: nah 14.) Drink or Smoke: I drink occasionally but I don’t think I’m actually capable of getting Drunk, just slightly tipsy. no smoking bc it’s nasty 15.) Do You Have A Crush On Someone: I’m in a relationship if that counts 16.) Political orientation: I’ll give the same answer here as I do to everyone who asks: I am tired 17.) Piercings: nah 18.) Tattoos: nope HAVE YOU EVER [BEEN IN]: 19.) Airplane: yep 20.) Car *Accident*: yeah, once 21.) Fist Fight: nope FIRSTS: 22.) First piercing: don’t have any 23.) First Best Friend: a girl from my 3 year old class, closely followed by another girl from kindergarten. I haven’t talked to either of them very much in a while, but every once in a while we catch up 24.) First Instrument played: hmmmmm piano? unless we’re talking instruments I actually know how to play, in which case trombone 25.) First award: I think I was top of my class in pre-K 26.) First Crush: a kid in pre-K who I literally never spoke to. he told me he was married when I tried to talk to him, and I never tried again 27.) First Language: English 28.) First Big Vacation: the beach, probably. we used to go every couple of years. LASTS: 29.) Last Person you talked to: irl friend chat, not any single person 30.) Last Person You Texted: my mom 31.) Last Person You Watched: myself? 32.) Last Food You Ate: pasta and toast 32.) Last Movie You Watched: A Quiet Place 34.) Last Song You listened to: some homestuck remix I think 35.) Last Thing You Bought: groceries 36.) Last Person You Hugged: my mom, I think FAVES: 37.) Food: proooobably pasta? 38.) Drinks: passionfruit juice man 39.) Clothing: jeans, sneakers, cemetery business shirt. alternatively, just the weirdest thing I think I can pull off on any given day 40.) Book: tough choice, but my first impulse is to say The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 41.) Color: Purble. also red 42.) Flower: sunflowers 43.) Music: literally just whatever. currently a mix of 2000s emo/edgy rock, meme mixes and joke edits, indie something-or-other, and a handful of random songs that don’t fit into any of the above 44.) Movie: god. I don’t watch movies anymore. justy put Interstellar in my head and that’s the best movie I can think of right now 46.) Subjects: art and chemistry
IN THE PAST YEAR I… 47.) [ ] Kissed in the rain 48.) [x] Celebrated Halloween. 49.) [ ] Had Your Heart Broken 50.) [x] Went Over the Minutes on Your Cell Phone 51.) [x] Someone Questioned Your Sexual Orientation. (I mean I don’t remember specifically but it happens often enough, right) 52.) [x] Used a Weapon (fencing boiiiii) 53.) [ ] Breathed fire 54.) [ ] Had an Abortion 55.) [ ] Done something you’ve Regretted   56.) [ ] Broke a Promise 57.) [x] Kept a Secret 58.) [x] Pretended To Be Happy 59.) [x] Met Someone Who Changed Your Life (that feels pretty dramatic to say but I’ve made a lot of friends lately and that’s pretty significant so) 60.) [ ] Pretended To Be Sick 61.) [ ] Left The Country 62.) [ ] Tried something you normally wouldn’t like, and liked it. 63.) [ ] Cried Over The Silliest Thing 64.) [ ] Ran a Mile 65.) [ ] Went To the Beach 66.) [ ] Stayed Single CURRENTLY: 67.) Eating: nothing 68.) Drinking: grapefruit sparkling water 69.) Getting Ready To: chill out, draw some stuff, who knows 70.) Listening To: nothing 71.) Plans For Tomorrow/Today: go to work, do chemistry things 72.) Waiting For: inspiration YOUR FUTURE: 73.) Want Kids: nah 74.) Want To Get Married: hmmmm maybe. but I wouldn’t be bothered if not 75.) Careers in minds: chemist, with a side of art/writing if I ever get my shit together to make that happen WHICH IS BETTER ON A GIRL/GUY: 76.) Lips or Eyes: eyes 77.) Shorter or Taller: slight preference for taller 78.) Romantic or Spontaneous: romantic, I guess 79.) Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: arms 80.) Sensitive or Loud: sensitive 81.) Hook-up Or Relationship: relationship 82.) Troublemaker or Hesitant: ...a healthy mix? HAVE YOU EVER: 83.) Lost Glasses/Contacts: I don’t have any to lose 84.) Ran Away From Home: nah 85.) Held A Weapon, For Self Defence: once, when I heard a sound outside in the middle of the night and walked around the house with a softball bat. I was like 12, I don’t know what I thought I was going to do if anything happened 86.) Killed Somebody: no 87.) Broken Someone’s Heart: not... to my knowledge. not that I’m particularly perceptive about such things, but I doubt it 88.) Been Arrested: nah DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 90.) Yourself: somewhere between YEAH!! and I’m... trying to 91.) Miracles: possibly 92.) Love at First Sight: nope 93.) Heaven: uncertain 94.) Santa Claus: no 95.) Easter Bunny: no 96.) Magic: why not ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 97.) Is There One Person You Wanna Be With, Right Now: not to any significant degree, no 98.) Are You Seriously Happy With Where You Are, In Life: working on it 99.) Are You Happy With The Person You’re With: yee he’s pretty cool 100.) Post as 100 Truths and Tag five People: as always I am unable to remember who likes these things and hasn’t been tagged yet, so fill this out and say I tagged you if you want
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coreytaylr · 6 years
do all the cat asks!!!!!!!
1. Name?- Pici and Mocsok
2. Fur color?- Pici is tricolor, Mocsi is tuxedo!!!
3. Any family you know (other than you)?- i dont know what this means tbh??
4. Age?- Pici is 2 yrs old, turning 3 in March and Mocsi is 4 yrs old, turning 5 in May (oh my god he’s so old!!)
5. Favorite toy?- neither of them really give a shit about toys no matter how many we buy them so :(
6. Nicknames?- i call Pici Babey or Picúr, and Mocsok’s nickname is Mocsi (or bastard)
7. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?- both of them are both kjsdfksdjf like, i think Pici is the sweetest lady that ever existed, while everyone else thinks she’s the spawn of satan; and w Mocsi, its the other way around, i know the shit he’s done, but everyone else thinks he’s an angel
8. Length of fluff?- normal length for both of them i guess??
9. Any funny habits?- oh man ksjddf Pici likes to announce before she goes in the litterbox and does her business and its the funniest thing ksdjfdskf- Mocsi .. is just not the brightest cat to ever lived, so when he wants to go outside, he will stand in front of the door and meow and scratch at it, and if you open it for him, he doesnt go out but just stands there and stares.. and he just won’t move if you dont nudge him
10. How old were they when you met?- we got Mocsi when he was around 4-6 months old, and Pici has been w us since the day she was born (literally akjfsdf her mother was my cat too)
11. What does their food bowl look like?- they have three bowls: one for the dry food, one for Mocsi, which is a little bigger, blue bowl w a cat’s head drawn inside of it; and Pici just has a basic aluminium one
12. Indoor or outdoor cat?- Pici is a strictly indoor cat as of last year’s summer, Mocsi is kind of like a mix? he is allowed to be outside w/o a harness (i know i dont like it either), but he comes in at night
13. Recent picture?
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14. Old picture?
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(Pici was only a few months old here
15. Cuddly?- YES YES YES
16. Ever changed their name?- yeah actually, Pici started out as Maki (which means monkey, basically) bc her meows sounded like monkey noises??
18. Eye color?- they both have yellow eyes!
19. How do they express love for you?- they purr and come into my lap, or sleep beside me. Pici likes to stand on my laptop blocking the screen. Mocsi likes to headbutt me, almost breaking my nose
20. How do you express love for them?- i pet them and cuddle up to them, pick em up and hold them in my arms - just the usual
21. Any theories on what breed?- nah, nothing they are just typical house cats
22. Do they ever wake you up?- YEAH Mocsi almost suffocated me way back when, by trying to sleep on my face asdhfklsdf
23. How much do they meow?- Mocsi only meows when he wants food or wants to go outside, so not much. on the other hand, Pici is very vocal (and has an attitude too) and i really really like it !!!
24. Any hiding spots?- hm. not really? or maybe under the bed or table
25. Do they enjoy guests?- Mocsi LOVES new people!!!! he will make friends w everyone and anyone. Pici…not so much (same)
26. Lofty objects to sit on?- we have this huge ass wall-to-wall closet in the living room which is p tall, they like to sleep there. otherwise, they just like to sit on tables
27. Wear a collar?- nah not since Mocsi almost suffocated himself w one
28. How much shedding?- Mocsi is alright, but Pici is a disaster
29. Do they enjoy brushing?- no:((
30. Ever drink from the toilet?- no????, but Mocsi does like to sit on it when the lid is closed dont ask
31. How do they get your attention?- by meowing? but i literally always pay attention to them so
32. Embarrassing thing they’ve done?- Mocsi almost suffocating himself w a collar or running headfirst into the wall. Pici’s p graceful so idk
33. Weirdest thing they try to eat?- Mocsi really likes potatoes for some reason?? and Pici always tries to eat my food
34. Are they like your siblings, children, or friends?- THEY ARE MY BABIES
35. What time do they eat breakfast?- after i wake up, so it depends
36. Do you cut their nails?- we only cut Pici’s nails (when we remember it)
37. Do you think they understand you?- i dont think Mocsok knows anything about this world tbh but im like 99% sure Pici understands everything
38. Ever make fun of them?- oh yeah. a lot.
39. Do you take their picture often?- everytime im home
40. Ever hiss at you?- Pici did!! i tried to take away a bird she caught
41. Ever try to scratch or bite you?- yea, but its all fun and games 
42. If you try to grab their paw, what do they do?- Mocsok doesnt give a flying fuck, Pici takes it away
44. Canned or dry food?- both
45. Weight?- Mocsi is 6 kgs, Pici is 2 kgs. according to google thats 13 lbs and and 4 lbs respectively
46. Ever got lost?- there were times when i was really worried bc Pici didnt come home in time, but they never got lost, no.
47. Do you buy them presents?- YES. just the other day i saw like, wine for pets?? and i really wanted to buy it but my mother didnt let me ://///
48. Do they respond when you call?- Pici does. im pretty sure Mocsok doesnt know what his name is
49. Do they ever see other cats?- yea. my brother has a cat too, so they usually see him, but who knows how many cats Mocsi sees when he’s outside
50. Declawed?- FUCK NO
51. Funniest expression?
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52. Favorite place to be pet?- Pici likes it if you like….rub both sides of her face? and Mocsi likes chin scratches
54. Give them a head kiss.- next time i see them, i will !!!!!
55. What time of the year is most exciting for them?- i think its pretty neutral all throughout the year
56. Are they good at hunting real prey?- Pici was real good at it, she could catch birds mid-fly. Mocsok? nah.. he can barely eat his own food ksajfkdsf
57. Do they ever attack nothing?- attack? no. stare at it until i freak out? yeah
58. What are they doing right now?- idk im not at home :(( but its probably sleepy time
59. How long have you had them?- Mocsok for 3,5 years or so, and Pici, as ive said, has been w me since day 1
60. If you could have them stay as a kitten forever, would you?- i dont think so? i love them just the way they are
63. Have you ever stepped on their paw?- no but i did sit on both of theirs kasjkfsdf
64. Ever tripped you on stairs?- we dont have stairs so no
65. Any ear hair?- yeah!!! both of them have some
66. Favorite view from a window?- Pici just likes to spy the people who are on the street. Mocsi doesnt seem to know how to get to the window no matter how much he tries
67. Describe why they are precious.- i mean this whole post is basically about that kskdsf they are just goofy assholes who like to run around and fight each other. and sit/sleep on tables. and my laptop. 
68. Fit the cat stereotype?- Pici definitely does. Mocsok is like a dog in a cat’s body tbh
69. Chaotic neutral?- 100%
70. Do they enjoy following/ keeping you company?- oh dude yes, i cant even shower w/o them scratching at the door
71. Are you their favorite human?- i am definitely Pici’s favorite, but not Mocsi’s :’(((((
72. Do they like tv?- awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Pici used to watch cartoons when she was little, then she started watching like animal planet documentaries about big cats!!! but she lost interest. now she just likes to watch the things i watch on yt (her favorite is jacksepticeye. even if she’s asleep, she will wake up if she hears his intro. she would also like come up to me and meow at jack akjsdkjdsf its so cute)
73. Favorite noise to make?- i mean…purring…hellooo
74. If they were a Neko Atsume cat, what would their momento be?- pass
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