#bc the thing doesnt reset on its own
spottedbread · 1 year
DUDE they interrupted PBS kids for a test of the emergency broadcast system with the loud fucking buzzer
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sothischickshe · 9 months
Up for a discussion question? If we’d gotten a full season three as intended, what would you have expected/liked to see from Beth and Rio?
Hey sweetie, I'm always up for a discussion question danke 🙇🏼‍♀️🥰❤️
I stand by what I said once re what i'd've liked to see from s3, particularly: the full s3 😭😭, whatever their vision for that was, so I could judge it on its own merits!! It remains a very romantic concept to me, bc while I certainly have my issues with other plots in s3 (terrible therapist, donor family, here's a hitman let's give him all our money woo, dean's salesman shenanigans & boring affair with gale etc) the angsty messy sexy brio scenes were soooo delicious 🥺🖤 and then while I understand s4 had a lot to reset from/deal with, s4 (b)rio frequently doesn't make all that much sense to me 🤷🏼‍♀️
but also! i finally started posting a fic which is kinda about that? (rio pov, post s3, eventually very long etc). so im gonna say a lil more (thus warning: minor fic spoilers) behind the cut...
....but this thing keeps moving where i put the readmore?!
how do u make a website this bad. um anyhow
pay-off to the boring dean/gale stuff!! helllooooo beth and dean both sleeping with their bosses?! hilarity goldmine no?!
MORE RHEA. like you can't just introduce a character beth's having a quasi-romance with & rio's presumably had an actual one with, who's seen them both at their softest and uncovered worstnesses, and is surely best placed to comment on say their similarities and then do nothing with it???
beth and rio yelling at each other. surely this was coming??
not ending on that next time empty the clip line (which i don't like) / wrapping up the hitman plot
given the (sudden!) arrival of nick in s4 and depressing rio backstory, i'd've loved some suggestion that rio was like consciously paralleling nick & beth's betrayals of him & considering them as similar and/or that his mentoring of beth had something to do with even the vaguest of plans to extricate himself from nick (plus Revenge) etc
like. acknowledgment and processing of trauma???
weird angsty sex
more brio bar scenes, more brio drinking, more brio laughing (at each other)
if not the furniture return, then at least it being more a topic of conversation...like how wasnt it? beth pitching ideas for earning the return (at least of her kids' stuff??) or rio holding it over her head or at least him going on abt how much he's enjoying her lamps or something!
death divorce. the show held this over our head for far too long. i also like this being decoupled from the brio stuff as much as plausible. beth needs to divorce dean not bc she's interested in rio but bc dean is the worst.
plenty of boland bubbles, that spot lasted abt 0.4 seconds after we sat through all that dean nonsense... we should have at least got rio testing out an empty hot tub cos he doesnt know theyre supposed to have water in or something.
inordinate amounts of brio bickering
ending of hitman/plot consciously paralleling s1 and 2 finales, even if it wasn't literally beth + rio + some man + a gun (ideally with some rationale as to how rio finds said hitman, whether or not that was a reveal of his magical powers)
Incentive Convo Callbacks (also rio vs sushi like a million more times, pls)
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nonplatonicsubtext · 1 year
more miscellaneous arrows details for @faultlinescrew:
going with leela rather than lila for apsis because leela looks less like lisa at a glance
they've been around as a group for about 9ish months at story start, but like in canon sophia's been out and about doing vigilante shit since about 2008.
leela's been around for about that long as well but she was part of the original archer's bridge merchants but had a falling out - i like that idea a lot yeah. its probably due to her own issues with substance abuse combined with her seeing the writing on the wall wrt lung. i see the merchants as being relatively benign but a bad place for her to be and adam and sherrel not really understanding that - they probably saw it as a rejection of their help and how they'd made a place for her when she didnt have anywhere to go - i see them as mid twenties compared to her late teens
neither sophia or emily know why leela is doing this or what her motivations are. it doesnt bother sophia but very much bothers emily
sophia joined up grudgingly but willingly, but has been struggling with the exchange she made - she's the most experienced of the team, she'd been quietly vigilanting for a few years, and she feels like she's traded security for effectiveness. she doesnt feel like what they're doing is wrong or anything but she's chomping at the bit because she hates being reactive
the reactive strategy is mostly emily's idea - i think she's seen how the system will come down on people who push things, even if they're doing it against nazis - hell, especially then. she's the one who coordinates with the civilian AFA in brockton to keep the nazi capes off their backs
you're right that having a spine is stressful - sophia is a bit impulsive and action oriented, leela is very inertial, and she's trying to manage them both. she likes them but also resents them, though she doesnt quite realise the latter part bc she's only 16
especially frustrating is that sophia managed to kill alabaster a few months before canon, which is objectively a coup for them, but it was also done in a way that could be potentially tracked back to them
(she ambushed him and phased a baseball bat into his head, obliterating his corona, which is one of the ways wb listed to overcome his resets. it wasnt even a fight)
this is about the time that char met them all, tensions were high. sophia was emboldened by her victory and had been going out on her own again more often, and saved char from being harassed by a few skinheads, only for the other two to catch up with her and start arguing, during which char recognised sophia's voice and some mannerisms because they had some classes together at winslow
char has extremely mixed feelings about the arrows at this point - obviously she approves of what they do, but she describes herself as a coward and it does seem to be a fairly accurate assessment. she has a bit of a 'keep her head down and just ignore things' attitude that doesnt really mesh with their behaviour
despite that she does also sort of admire them in a way, and struggles with that contradiction
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queenburd · 10 months
thoughts on the figurines? not just the ending itself but also the process of collecting and everything.
so i have two weird, conflicting POVs on the figurines in general.
There's the setup where you're not actually Stanley, so Stanley has no context for the figurines when he finds them in the epilogue, in the broken down Memory Zone. They fill him with confusion as well as agonizing loss, because the Narrator was doing things and making things while Stanley was frozen, things clearly for Stanley and to remind him of Stanley. And then, confusion, because the figurine counter is not at 0, or even 6. It's much more. he has no idea why.
And later when he can visit the expo, the figurine exhibit is closed. "You've already been here." It.... fills him with a foreboding that he can't place up until the achievement machine. Something he didn't understand when he saw words on a dark screen in a dark office.
He's missing something, and he doesn't know what, and that frightens him.
and THEN there's the other setup, which is what I think I would write for "you, and me, and this thing called eternity". here's a copy/paste of what I wrote on discord an age ago:
narrator was alone with skip for a long, long long time he tried to find ways to pass time. made idea like tsp2, bucket. figurines. he didnt pretend to know what would be stanleys reaction but he did imagine what he would do and say when stanley got a figurine. when he got them all. he thought about it a lot. he was at that point in the skip starting to spiral "you got them all!" "oh..... stanley getting all the figurines...." fixates starting to go mad. thinks about when stanley would get the figurines. wasnt that special? started to lose track of the reality of things, that this was just a fantasy ("he forgets which life is the real one"-apartment ending) "let's do it again! let's go back and get them all backwards!!!" "what came before? what came before them?" and he overlooks the other memory zone things and TSP2 stuff to go back to the New Content, then two doors, then office. ("And I'm trying to tell him this! that as long as he keeps doing this, he can never be anything more than an observer.") he decides, because hes really deteriorated at this point, that he must have made stanley up. must have made up a character to keep him company. he must have. stanley's not real, if he was real he'd be talking to him, right?
but it was so fun to play with stanley...... we're in the memory zone, arent we? let's play again..... and the end was never the end was never the end was "never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end" so. when the game resets. a lot of the stuff he made to kill time was saved! tsp2 was there. figurines were there! all his dialogue for the skip button. all his ideas. all his ideas. so when stanley finally gets all the figurines, he's witness to what went on in the Narrator's mind for all of it. after they finally reset from completing the figurine ending he's freaked
and the Narrator feels very very apologetic and you see, he doesnt feel that way now! it was just--it was all saved from when he was trapped in the skip. another way the parable tried to make conflict between them using his own insanity that he was brought to midpunishment, to hurt them both some more so yeah. they did talk about it and they worked past it. bc its not a thing the narrator actually feels when stanley GETS the figurines, hes just forced to relive it they had a pause immediately after that run ended. talked it out. narrator closed the figurines exhibit to make sure it didnt happen again.
I know that's more about the ending than the process. the truth is Stanley finds them entertaining, and silly, at first, but as the process continues something about them feels a little weird. something about the Narrator feels a little weird. Maybe the Narrator feels weird about THEM.
but neither of them can really place it. so they just go through it without really bringing it up. Stanley collects the figurines when he sees them, he thinks the Committee is a fun little clue from the Narrator and more interesting than the usual meeting room setup.
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meimeikyu · 1 year
Dump as many geno headcanons as you physically have and want to share ( also ink ones if you have any )
theres no order in this its just. brainrot chaos
Okay first off, I think geno would be really really sensative to colour, both in the savescreen n out of it. Esp with his escaping the savescreen end, I think the ton of colour everywhere would be like super overstimulating for him since hes been in. a black void with minimal colour and light for. A very very long time- i like to imagine hed have like tinted glasses (something like sunglasses but also prescription glasses? i <3 geno with glasses) to help block out the colour n light.
i also think hed have chronic pain and dizziness/fainting spells (totally not just me protecting huh noo) due to having only a part of a soul, snd the fact its affected by determination, i feel like itd cause him a lottt of issues. he would experiment on himself and make his own little gear n gadgets n aids n stuff to help with it bcs. science boy. If he gets too emotional in any capacity (especially anger, but also like too sad even too happy just. too anything) he starts melting again starting from his socket. i think his scar would still bleed out of the save screen. it wouldnt hurt unless ppl are touching it but i think itd always bleed magic. which would be very inconvenient- he also likes to wear white and light colours due to the colour sensory issues which makes the bleeding scar a lot more obvious- i call it a magic defect in my head, basically just a permanent issue with his magic that he cant stop but also isnt inherently harming him.
i think about this guy sm i love him
continued geno ramblings hed keep doing science stuff outside of the save screen, both experimenting with his magic and (when he can rope him in) the other sans of their verse (who i call after). Geno n after would have slightly different memories. i think geno would remember past things after cant, but after can remember like the active timeline better then geno. geno would also have more science knowledge then him i think. Geno would probably lose tract of time in the save screen and have no idea how long hes been there. I also hc hes like. 100s of years old if you count all the time in the savescreen. he doesnt know that though. I think geno would get really paranoid that things would reset and he would get trapped in the save screen again. i dont think he likes the colour yellow. i think this man has (better than in the past) but still very bsd mood swings, which coupled with the fact he could melt and die if its too intense is not great. hed have to relearn a lot of his magic after injecting the determination and it still will never be the same as it was before, i think the determination would fuck with his summoning abilities especially.
(do monsters melt when they have too much determination because monsters are made of magic and determination fucks with and breaks down magic? am i only thinking if this now???)
i think his socket would have melted first because his eyelights have strong amounts of magic. i also like to draw him with not just the socket melted but like. that entire side of his head melted when hes in the savescreen. i think once hes out itd be a bit less melty but still not. pleasant. he has a little fabric thing he made that he wears out that covers that half of his skull to hide the melting. he only sleeps on his left side because if he sleeps on his right or back the melty stuff will get everywhere. I think hes put his hand through the goop into his skull more than once. for. scientific research. if he touches the inside it makes a ringing noise n gives him a massive headache. i think head get migraines very easily and be very overwhelmed by sounds bcs of the melty side as well. his fingers are slightly shorter than afters because the tips (where i hc magic like. pools.) melted off.
I dont know why I have this one but i love the idea of geno being a good singer. i dont know why but i love it. i think hed listen to music a lot, esp to calm down. He would hyperorganize things, and like to keep things on shelves and in draws and trys to keep the floor clean. his workspace would be less clean though, the floor would be clean but hed use the trusty old 'shove everything in the corner of the desk' method. He wears baggy clothes a lot and prefers them. He doesnt like the public. I think hed constantly hear a slight ringing in his head and it would annoy the hell out of him- robbed from my fren but hed always have some sort of sound on like music or white noise and hed have like. at least 2 fans in his room for noise. kinda from cpau but. he would not drink much and gets drunk vv easily (i had another headcanon to put here but. i switched to typing on my pc and i forgor it :<)
this guy is. so silly. so so very silly. is he even a guy? no one knows. i hc hes genderfluid and also pangender n i think hed use a bunch of like microgenders and the promply forgor all of them. i. i dont think he sleeps. i dont think he knows how. until he runs out of paint and WHOMP collapse asleep. I love him being like, nice but very blunt. i think he has 12 projects running at all times and none of them are the same medium. he has an ao3 account im 100% sure. wheres that one gif hold on
uhhhh overall i love this man so much but holy shit he needs a hug and. all the therapy. just all of it. like. yesterday. but ilove him so so much spins him around in a microwave in my head.
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oh also he speaks french
THIS ONE!!!! HES JUST DOING THIS IN MY HEAD CONSTANTLYY (i cant find the source if someone has it pls let me know)
yeah i cant think of him without thinking of this gif its permanently my preception of him. hed bully kids on roblox but like in a silly way. i think hes like constantly making little changes to his outfit that no one but him can notice the difference but hed like proudly show it off. i think hed listen to at least one song from every genre and have at least 2 songs he adores no one in their life has ever heard of. he doesnt not have playlists he has one large thing of all his songs and runs it on shuffle. I think bcs of his paints the colours around him can influence his mood, and i also think the saturation of stuff would, n i also think thatd affect his art. Like when hes really happy hed paint with super bright colours but if hes more sad hed use greyscale and dark colours n stuff like that. I think he has a massive collection of art exploring really fucked up things he doesnt show to anyone. I do not think theyd just be sad art too, i think some of them would be but hed also have like max saturated color gore artworks. this guy has never kept a pencil or eraser or pen long enough for them to run out. he has a hoard of supplies bcs he always loses things. I think he has a list of a bunch of aus he wants to draw that he keeps on him at all times (not like aus to create but like, aus he wants to visit and create based on the scenery). i think broomy has a secret compartment on him that ink stores art supply backups and vial backups in. he does forget about it sometimes and has accidentally popped it open in a fight before, scaring both him and whoever he was fighting. speaking of i dont think hed be big on fighting, but i think he would do it sometimes as a way to try and explore how the people interact. i <3 having ink love to like. study others emotions. he has a ton of artworks just of peoples faces portraying different emotions. I dont think hed just draw and paint i think hed write and make music and do any form of art you can think of. except cooking. hes been banned from cooking and baking. he knows why.
overall rating: 6/5 Stars, so very silly
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kiwibirdlafayette · 2 years
Its Gays on A Boat! (working title)
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There's a multiversal threat, and theres only one group of idiots that can stop it! Its taking out the S1 Mianite world and its comin for the rest of the universes in the vast SMP Multiverse o nooo
Mianite spin off pitch; Post DSMP; canon divergent. uhh fills in what Sonja was up to during Isles and after the fact. mostly just random ideas i had i cant write prose for shit
A few years after S2 Sonja and Wag get kinda left behind. Tom returns to Astrakheins with Alice to find himself, Jordan depressedly goes off to become a pirate, Tucker leaves the universe to pursue other things
The two of them end up gettin into more powerful magics outta boredom (which Martha doesnt really like all that much) and in her explorations, Sonja stumbles upon the idea of necromancy. i dont have it fleshed out but. she talks to Philza (whos in the S1 world with Techno, pre-SMP Earth) who introduces her to Kristen. exploration of Capsizes limbo and basically she brings back Capsize
Canonically SMPEarth takes place right before Isles. and uhh While Jordan and Tom have reunited when Martha and Alice send the two back in time to investigate x thing idk i didnt finish the series yet (Mianitian Isles) Sonja is kinda just tryna help Capsize find herself again bc she didnt come back right (big ol memory issues). Post Isles Tom ends up on their boat with no idea where Jordan went (spoiler: bro ended up in the End of the DSMP, pulled there by XD) Jordan gets involved with the DSMP Syndicate bc of Phil and Techno
((theres a gap in story here but tldr; before the nuclear bomb that resets the server goes off, the trio find Jordan and take him and Tubbo- maybe also Ranboo and Michael- onto the boat and they fuck off to.... somewhere. Phil and Techno have their own way out i personally like the Syndicate ending Phil wrote i dont wanna mess with it))
A lot of it kinda focuses on the four reconnecting and repairing their faults of the past and a continuation of this multiversal threat that Jordan was investigating on the DSMP which i cant really explain yet. basically think world historian but a lot worse with quintessence stuff
like Jordan trying to make it up to a Capsize for how he treated her, but who doesn't remember him that well, Jordan reconnecting with his son that he basically had to abandon when the Realm of Mianite was falling apart, the tension between Sonja and Tom, where Sonja has kinda been Capsize's friend all this time while he was gone and regretting not being around, Tom helping Capsize through this revival state relating his own experience where he cant remember the ghosts of his past life all that well- and more!
also shenanigans. tons of mianite-style silly shenanigans cause we love some absolute 180 contrast in these damn things
other maybe plot points
Furia. yea theyre back
redbeard coping with the fact his sister is back. havent decided how much she remembers of him for angst reasons >:]
if i stick to ranboos canon ending for their character, them finding ranboo in the nether at some point
tom really leaning into the godhood of bein mecha dianite
meeting their origins alts from starborne kingdom of dianite when the timelines start to get fucky and blended together
motanite returns, and most of the Ruxomar Alts (including Spark whos been in the vast expanse with S2Ianite and comes back to roast Jordan)
Waglington. just waglington.
ok thats it for now. ill take questions i guess i know its very disorganized bc im still writing OSMP stuff and im tryna to not do two at once
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night-dark-woods · 8 months
hi everyone please wish me luck not slaughtering my egotistical manchild coworkers who have repeatedly lied to my fucking face please. thank you.
events under the cut bc my complaining got so long.
- i am the inventory coordinator. it is my literal formal job title. i count the inventory i shoot the outs i handle item replacements when something is discontinued, price changes, defectives/thefts, and product resets.
- this role does not actually give me the authority to scold people it just makes it my responsibility to fix. i get my job done by doing an elaborate dance of staying on everyone's good side like a spy going through bank vault lasers.
- gay republican dickhead hardware manager (i am one of two people who has an even marginally good working relationship with him. but he will never be fired bc the store owner likes him) has decided that im not doing outs as frequently as he wants (it was holiday season. and i had covid. and also no one recovers their fucking sections so a 7 section aisle takes me an hour bc the old hardware men are too busy talking about how back in their day domestic abuse was fine to front and face).
- he decided a month ago to delegate this to the guy who has literally had his product ordering privileges revoked for ordering five THOUSAND key rings and FIFTEEN HUNDRED YARDSTICKS. because he doesnt understand order multiples.
- we had an argument about it bc i have CHECKED this man's work before and literally half of them were wrong, and i asked him POLITELY not to fucking count. he has tried to zero the same item that people love to take off the hook and leave sitting on the shelf below it. SIX TIMES. in the last few months. SIX. TIMES. it has been SITTING on the SHELF in FULL VIEW. and he has tried to zero it.
- i thought this was settled, because Gay Republican has been checking in with me before counting stuff.
- today i came in and Incompetent Guy had some stuff in the counting program (unfinalized). i was like okay fine whatever. ill check on it before i finalize what i have to do. and then i went to do it and his stuff was gone! and i was like huh. hey Gay Republican did you finalize it? and he was like no. and i was like huh. so i check the record and Incompetent Guy finalized it HIMSELF.
- this retroactively makes sense of all the times he's Skedaddled avoiding eye contact away from the computer when i come over to do smth, like a dog with something in its mouth it knows it shouldnt have.
- i lose my shit in the back to a different coworker and also text the gm about how to pull his permissions, he definitely overhears me. i also complain to store manager.
- i figure out how to pull permissions and do it.
- Incompetent Guy (who has been avoiding me) walks by me an hour later and then makes a joke to Gay Republican about how he's "going to have to start taking notes again."
if youre WORRIED im not on top of it. or you WANT me to delegate. FUCKING TELL ME LIKE A CIVIL ADULT. dont go behind my FUCKING BACK like a CHILD.
because this ALL ENDS UP MY PROBLEM TO FUCKING FIX IN THE END. and if you just LET ME DO MY LITERAL JOB. AND DO YOUR OWN. it will take me TWENTY MINUTES. but instead we have to be FUCKING children about it and heres the thing i WILL win the fucking blackmail backstab game if you want to play that way!!! because im on fucking everyones good side!!!
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1eos · 2 years
Misd kendra what would madoka be like if you written it?
it would mostly stay the same with the setup bc while depressing as hell its super compelling. i can't even unkill mami bc that was fucking cinematography. BUT as things ramp up and you discover what's going on exactly instead of everyone basically giving up and dying they'd have a moment where they stopped trying to carry their burden alone and actually overcome the crushing sadness.
oh and i would cut the shit with sayaka going off the deep end for a boy. im sorry but go to hell!!!!!! she can still have a crush but i would lean more into how different and empty she feels as a girl with responsibilities beyond her years and its the self imposed isolation and desire for connection that really harms her not just plain rejection
and even tho i would want to cut the girls becoming witches at all the designs and horror and themes of it all is so good so instead i'd have it where the girls have their first run. everything goes to shit. everyone dies theres no hope but then homura basically breaks down spills the beans to madoka and cries and says she can't do this by herself she can't keep carrying the burden on her own and madoka right before transforming into a witch tells her she should never suffer alone and that no one heals suffering alone.
and this time when homura resets the loop she keeps that in mind and instead of trying to kill that evil rabbit on her own and try to prevent it all from happening entirely she reaches out to madoka and befriends her early on and she's still super bad at it bc uhhh 1000s of timeloops of grief don't go easy but she tries to rely on other people. and encourages everyone to not suffer alone and this time when everyone is at their lowest moment they actually see that glimmer of hope in their relationships and not die lol. this happens with each girl until its madokas turn and you have the betrayal from kyubei and she's overwhelmed with the notion that the suffering is endless. but she talks to her parents and realizes while they know nothing they are rooting for her and all the other magical girls have that cliche friendship is magic moment and.
and hell you can take it even further and have madoka actually give in to grief and THEN the support of others allows the last shred of her true self to evolve into godhood and fix the timeline. and if she doesnt turn into a witch then the bittersweet ending would be that the girls are together and stronger but are still locked in a seemingly eternal combat. but don't feel powerless. either or
but essentially i would just take what makes madoka good but take out that undercurrent of 'girlhood is eternal solitary suffering that no one could possibly understand' bc yeah while no one can feel exactly what you feel there are people that give a fuck!!!
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frostbite-the-bat · 2 years
man i kinda wanna play last moon a bit but the thing is like LITERALLY NOBODY PLAYS IT like the servers are all dead 99% of the time if someone is online its rare and usually an afk person so at that point its worth just playing feral heart unleashed but that doesnt have like, mob hunting n missions n little shops as far as i know. there was another game similar to last moon by the same ppl that i played a bit less that had a lot of cooler stuff but i forgot it's name- but even back then nobody played it, most ppl would be on last moon and that wasnt a large playerbase to begin with
it was basically the ppl who were not playing on feral heart and couldnt get in
i mean... could grind on my own and relive my childhood and like actually be good at it unlike stupid kid me but like maan the games so broken last time i logged in i got stuck in an area that crashes my game and i cant leave it bc when you log back it places you where you were last. maybe resets only on a new device which i do have, not to mention this computer is better than my old one so...i'll see. im still so mad i lost my slenderwolf tie from my old acc.. thats like the MOST valueable item in the whole game bc its hard to get and usually ppl would fight slenderwolf in groups and only ONE would drop per server. and you needed it for a mission for a lot of currency. so like having an extra one to wear is like. rare rare. its the hardest boss in an area where you can barely move bc the game is coded so god shit - you can be one shot to death and the boss is an incredible, and i mean INCREDIBLY rare spawn and UAGHH
anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk
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nitazenes · 10 days
Sorry not trying to be weird but your bed frame is crazy cool lol
OH lol not weird at all it's actually my aunt, my aunt's room is the only one with a full length mirror lol so that's my aunt's bed
Apparently it belonged to her father, who got it from a family member first, so its been passed down 3 generations and you dont see bedframes like that anymore, its super antique Ive asked if i could have it left for me in the will but that thing is like solid wood and so fuckin heavy and the frame is about as squeaky as you can imagine being entirely wood but i have a mattress that doesnt move much so i still have my fingers crossed that I may have it when my aunt does eventually pass on, it would be a great honor to have it.
However a lot is being left in the will for me, which I am grateful for. i know i wont receive inheritance from really any other member in my family, so even if it's not money, my aunt has said many of the things she cherishes will be mine ;o; Whenever that time comes i'll be grateful for what I have and whatever she leaves for me. she has already promised two heirlooms to me, one which she gave me already and said to think of it as a pre-emptive gift for when shes gone. It's the watch I always wear! i very rarely switch up watches and if i do, you will probably see me wearing both. even when the watch eventually stops working (it has once before but it was able to be reset)
these watches run off of perpetual motion, meaning as i do my every day things and move my hands around, that powers the watch! which makes it waterproof as well (i still tend to take it off for showering but as soon as im done it goes right back on) lol i lost it for a while and I was extremely upset bc i just woke up one day and it had unclasped and gone somewhere I couldnt find it
it had fallen between my mattress and my own bedframe so i didnt find it for a while. even without perpetual motion, when i shook the watch, it didnt start again so i thought it was broken I had a professional watch dude take a look at it and he tried resetting it once and it wouldnt start up. so i was worried like, i was going to need a replacement part or a repair and unfortunately this watch is an Expensive One. however its kind of worthless to sell because I would have to sell the watch face and the band separately. Why? Because the people who sold it to my aunt told her it was a replacement band but not that it wasnt the same brand.
the replacement band on its own with the two links ive removed from it would be like $1.5k meanwhile the watchface, i was told theyd give me $500 for it. so all together this watch is $2k and it DOES need to be overhauled which will cost $500 on its own
a lot of people notice it not for the brand which this watch isnt as overt as some watches, like from a distance if someone didnt know what to look for, this could be a timex watch for all they know, or a knock off. but people who notice it tend to notice that its analog and not digital and older people tend to recognize this more and ive heard comments like "see young people still read analog" and no they do not lol ive taught someone how to read a clock, they do not teach analog anymore.
Anyway this brings me back to the bedframe because that thing is special and would definitely be an heirloom thing but I think its being given to my grandmother, but my grandmother and aunt are relatively the same age so i do hope to inherit it one day.
my aunt has cool shit and i WISH that was mine lol
sorry for the long ass response im feeling chatty!!!
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itswellya · 3 months
i just had a story/book idea that i think would make a great tv show :)
So the tittle would be "the meet up univers"and its the story of character 1 (i dont have names yet so i'll refer to them as c1) and character 2 (same thing as c1 so im gonna reffer to them as c2) mainly. ofc there would be other characters around them and some of those would join the main-character-group but it would be mostly focused on them so the story would be that c1 and c2 are very close friends (im considering maybe making it a romance? eventually?) (also "friends" is an understattment and we're talking about soulmates platonic or romantic, you choose) and they can travel between universes.
One day something goes wrong and they have to slit up (maybe when things go wrong, c1 wanted but couldnt protect c2 and it just makes eveything more ansgty?) but thats ok because a long time ago they had decided on one universe where they would go if anything like that ever happened.
so c1 goes to that universe and finds c2 but c2 doesnt know who they are and doenst even know that multiverse traveling is a thing
so c1 has to deal with the most important person in their life being gone but there at the same time while also fixing what went wrong.
it would probablly be a really big thing that could make all universes collapse (because if its a small personal problem then c1 could just leave c2 and deal with it on their own yk) (and we dont want that)
and im still working on it but the big problem would probablly be that by traveling in so many different universes, c1 and c2 connected all of them together which unbalanced everything (bc they arent suposed to travel in the first place) and all the universes were reset
which is why c2 doesnt remeber anything and in fact has never lived any of the adventures c1 and c2 went trough. because they got "reset"
also there would (obviously) be a reason why c1 can remeber everything and im thinking that maybe c1 is like the multiverse incarnate (????) and is the one that gave c2 the ability to travel in the first place (bc c1 was lonely and wanted a friend)
but maybe c1 doesnt know that and its like a big reveal at the end of part one. Like they learn what they are and they have to deal with that too
anyway so yeah. c1 and the new c2 go along very well (obviously. they're soulmates duh) and c1 is more or less open about their friend/relation ship with the old c2 to the new c2
like they don't hide what happened to the new c2 but doesnt go in the details bc they don't want to pressur the new c2 to be the old c2 (idk if that makes sense)
and the story would be very nice and sweet and a bit angsty but that's ok bc it's ok to struggle with stuff
anyway, i think it would be great so yeah
also that was a loooong ass post but yeah who cares :)
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arkfeather · 3 years
Tell me about your most evil OC
idc if shes not evil im going to talk abt alma bc shes my current blorbo from my brain <33
Alma Enoch is a disgraced pokemon professor, she specialized in studying the Brand New ultra wormholes and Ultra Beasts. One of her experiments was an attempt to create an artificial wormhole, this experiment ended in catastrophe and her subsequent expulsion from the scientific world, SAD! this, unfortunately, only makes her worse so she tries again to create a wormhole to Commune With The Extradimensional Beings Beyond Her Comprehension
These experiments attract the attention of Ophinitum, an Ultra Beast associated with ouroboros and eternity. this fucking. THING. has the ability to control and rewind time (fuck OFF Dialga) and it LOVESSS time loops and doing things over and over and over again. so it starts talking to Alma, giving her hints on how to build the wormhole/portal so it can enter into the main world and begin looping and feeding off of space-time. eventually Alma IS able to create a wormhole, although it is a weak one, and Ophinitum is able to drag a part of itself into our world and begin a timeloop, although it only affects Alma and her region. Alma is somewhat aware of each loop, she can’t remember everything but she does know that things are repeating. Doesn’t help that reality is slowly breaking down bit by bit each loop due to Ophinitum feeding on it. She is trapped in a hell of her own creation <3
this is around where i imagine the “game“ taking place. the player character is some random kid that Arceus/Dialga sent to take care of the timeloop shenanigans. Ok this may be cringe but I do imagine theres a littleee meta stuff going on. Alma, due to her UB-influenced swag, is able to detect the fact that the player can reset the game and saves. SO she tries to get the player to help her Get The Hell Out Of The Timeloop while still playing along with Ophinitum. but also youre NOT allowed to catch or exile Ophinitum thats her lifes work ok it may have trapped her in a timeloop but her colleagues will all be kicking themselves once they see what she is capable of OK?? she is so Normal about this
i dont have all of it planned out yet but i imagine that somehow the player character is able to defeat Ophinitum and it flees with Alma (because it is attached to her) through one of its Time Portals
this is where PLA comes it because i just finished it and so i have to include it now so here:
Alma ends up in Hisui with the usual symptoms of amnesia, Ophinitum is still there but severely weakened so it kinda just. metaphysically attaches itself to Alma. this gives her a rancid UB aura that makes the noble pokemon avoid her, leading to her being dubbed a “harbinger of doom“ by the locals. she does find a place with the galaxy team though and taps into her Scientist Instincts to help them w/ the pokedex so uh. Yeah :) sorry if this doesnt make sense its late lol <3
this is all just the basic Plot Stuff that i have so far so if you are interested feel free to ask me questions about Alma and Ophinitum!!
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cartoonemotion · 3 years
you should talk abt the thing w gyro and boyd and lugnut on main some more i am saying this completely objectively i prommy
well long as you prommy youre asking this in a normal way where youre not emotionally compromised i dont see why not
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so boyd confuses lugnut a great deal. not that hes met any other robots or even knew there were others besides himself out there really before encountering boyd and ig giz but he doesnt get boyd at all. like why would somebody go and build a little boy when little children already exist ??? it just doesnt seem logical to him. he is hopeless lost with the whole thing and honestly it seems very strange and unsual to him
gyro ""going along with it"" and treating boyd like his son also weirdly fills lugnut with a confusing sense of dread (that he doesnt actually feel because he is an emotionless machine💖 hope this helps), partially because lugnut is wary of Scientist Types (he still thinks giz is also a robot here) to begin with, and gyro has especially earned his suspicion bc i mean. fenton having to deal with a clearly sentient robot with some kind of programming issue giving him trouble ?? probably didnt take much for gyro to get involved and considering lugnut is still out there, doing villain things, it did NOT go well
so in his mind he figures boyd must be broken or something bc its the only way he can conceptualize all this ( <- problems problems problems p) and also this is going under the cut bc it got Long
anyhoo everyone is just IGNORING this and keeping boyd from whatever his original function is supposed to be !!!! the worst thing he can imagine also he is not projecting again hes an emotionless machine we've been over this this is clearly all from an objective understanding of things. and its not his business to speculate on these things or interfere but seeing as he is also an automaton theres probably some kind of obligation on his end to fix this himself. obviously. no sense getting around it
so his plan is to reset boyd + wipe his memory and hopefully that should get him back to his "default" and make everything right, and that should also be easy enough to do because hes a robot he understands how being a robot works except one not really he does not and two lugnut and boyd operate on two VERY different systems bc lugnut's is all archaic. and insane. so it fails (which is yknow overall good for boyd he didnt get mindwiped basically) but it does make boyd all wonky bc its a failed reset obviously and lugnut's immediately full of regret like ohhhhhhh this unit has fucked up. diagnosis of situation: Bad. bad bad bad bad bad . so he tries to plop boyd back down on gyro's doorstep and also try to say sorry for you know breaking his kid hes like 90% sure none of his directives involve doing that (also the fact that boyd behaving all wacked out is reminding him a little too much of his own condition OOPS that does not feel good .)
understandably as you can imagine gyro freaks the hell out like one thats his son also boyd's had enough messing with his programming to last for Forever also thats his SON !! so lugnut escapes his lethal combination nerd + parent rage and gyro does get boyd fixed up eventually but still a scary scenario for boyd to go through ! my g0d ! probably especially bc like since this is boyd we're talking about here i imagine he'd have a lot of sympathy for lugnut and relate to him a lot and also kind of want to help him ? like hey you can choose not to be a killer robot. i promise there are options.. and then you know it doesnt pan out well :v[ to say in the least
anyways the whole thing has lugnut doubling down even harder on his self destructive and like 9/10 times Regular Destructive quest to find his original directives and super give up on having any hope that he can learn how to be a person bc he just made a choice all on his own with his own extrapolated logic no orders no nothing and it went. so bad. clearly he should just never make a decision ever again bc he can only make Bad Ones. he should let other people make his decisions for him forever and ever so he never has to undergo anything like that ever again. this is normal. he is definitely not spiraling (sarcastic) (but things get worse before they get better so its okay)
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uniquezombiedestiny · 2 years
shaking yui. so much
been thinking about my l corp ocs and homestuck.... especially yui and gem. yui is 100% a void player. not sure what class (maybe page? [thought about it more maybe not. knight maybe?? she thinks she sucks at void when shes actually pretty good at it]) and gems a prince of light
yui and void in general is just. 👁_👁 her death is SO fucking voidy. its kinda meaningless (except its not lmao) especially in the grand scheme of things. no super big consequences happen (or like... idk. personal consequences do happen which turn out to be big. but nothing big is affected like immediately)
when the timeline doesnt reset bc of it gem assumes l corp will get his ass for it except they dont. they literally cover it up and let him go. and then everyone else just turns away from him and hes left alone. owen pretty much does the inverse and turns away from everyone else and isolates himself over it all, and vera is just left to be confused as fuck. bella is just watching from the outside unable to really do much (+ she has her own issues to deal with too)....... yui literally just. voided everything. took everyone down with her ig
she ended up completing gems goal herself..... as the real void player. the whole real vs fake void player thing with them.. i love that lmao
^ now that i talk about this she may be a page of void actually... a lot of the voidy stuff shes good at is very passive (like just disappearing a lot of the time.... shes. shes somewhere)
also in a sburb timeline yui is gonna fucking get gems ass once she godtiers. he is NOT safe from the horrorterrors
hell probably be killed by them bc yui did some voidy shit idk. void players and horrorterrors are besties and stuff. then he awakes on derse/prospit and godtiers like aradia (i don't remember it well but whatever she did he does). goes from pure void to pure light (+ grimdarkness to not bc waking to dreaming self) and mentally just. implodes for some time over that
more thoughts just gem and light edition bc i thought about that one ask on ulcd (the most recent one) that accidentally says like. a lot. when he meant to say nothing at all. ig he cant really get out of that but still i just liked that by deleting it it wound up saying more than if he actually responded like "what. huh?????????????" or something.
hes also successfully voiding though i think in other areas. but that is the point of a prince of light to destroy info and hes doing that pretty well. or at least messing with it
sooo yeah blue blorbos 👍
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notnctu · 4 years
wayv as best friends ❀
a/n: its late but its author doie ❀ hahah im very disappointed in myself for not having anything written for wayv and i literally stanned them first and the most.... sheesh ! go watch the bad alive mv for a culture reset 
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kun: best advice ever. hey if you have any problems, he’s always got a solution along with very delicious meals that he personally cooks for yall. also type to remember every detail about you, like your fav things/your birthday/ur phone#. like the ultimate best friend. to have him call you his best friend is equivalent to being acknowledged by the sun! the warmth that grows in your chest from the utter pure love he will always shower you in
ten: this shithead. we all love him still, despite the many heart palpitations he manages to give us in ONE DAY. its a wild card whenever youre with him bc his mood is all over the place. one day he’s swaddling you like his own damn child, the next he’s kicking you to the streets. without a fail tho, he’ll always be the best hype man ever! everr! and such a great support system when helping you achieve your goals
winwin: subtle savage. he’s def the quieter one when meeting new people, but when you two hang out alone he talks like theres no tomorrow. and he’s literally so funny and tells it how it is. if you wanted a genuine perspective, he wont hesitate to lay out the foundation. and you can always count on him to make you feel better, even if it’s just him being him. 
lucas: such a flirt, but not in a bad way? like he’s not actively hitting on you. but he’s def the type to casually compliment you if he sees something he likes. notices when you do something different with your appearance! the reassurance and validation we all need in life tbh he doesnt mean anything romantic/suggestive way, just wants you to know you’re loved!
xiaojun: best listener ever. similarly to kun, he’ll listen to your woes if ever needed to be. you need a shoulder to cry on, he’s got you! you feel angry about something, he’ll hear you out! he just wants to make sure you’re heard and that whatever pent up inside of you is healthily released. he’s def someone who would spend nights in with you to do face masks and watch drama channels
hendery: down ass bitch. he’s always down to do whatever the fuck you want lol want to go hiking? yeah hes down. want to get ice cream? he’s on his way. want to drive to another city? he’s filling up his tank. like homie is a thrill of excitement and a perfect restlessness that has you exploring and loving life with him. trust me when i say, there is never a dull moment with him bc he wont allow for it! 
yangyang: he’s a shithead too lmao. he claps back forsure, and always sasses you for doing absolutely nothing. except the difference bwtn him and ten is that he’s a big bratty baby ! hurt his feelings, he’ll fucking choke you out while crying. your friendship consists of you guys always at each other’s throats, but like smothering each other in love until one of yall gives out due to annoyance
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meimeikyu · 1 year
i love them sm (some stuff might be wrong this is all from memory)
okay so the cq trio is 3 sanses that i adore to the maxium. CQ stands for Crayon Queen, who was the one who created all three! cq trio gets its nickname mainly from her, but i also call them that because of a fancomic called mcq (momma cq) that had them all as brothers, since they are all from the same creator. Fresh was the first to be made iirc, and he was created as a random one on a stream cq did. His nickname is also 90s piece of trash! He is not technically a sans, just a parasite that possesses other monsters, though it prefers skeletons bcs he can crawl thru their sockets, so they are easier to posses (this also allows for so many fusions of fresh and others, like fresh ink! who i hate (lovingly). Geno n error are the other 2, and are entirely linked. Geno was a classic sans who went through a ton of genocide runs, and in tryinf to stop them injected himself with determination ( which is. very bad for monsters.) he basically starts melting and gets killed again but. is able to use a save star to enter the save screen. freezing him in time so hes stuck between dying and not. He has an entire comic (search up aftertale if u wanna read ut which i highly recommend i love it sm) but he basically has 3 main outcomes; the common one in fanon but also in canon ending, where hes stuck in the save screen forever, the good ending which is the comics canon end, where he escapes the savescreen without dying and gets to live on the surface eith the rest of the undertale cast. and the half official canon ending? (i say half bcs it was never fully realized but. was confirmed to be going to happen by cq) where he does escape to the surface but messes around with his determination, accidently sending himself to the antivoid, where he glitches out, which wipes out his entire memory. WHICH BRINGS US THE 3RD BOY AND MY FAV FOR THE LONGEST (jazz hands),,,,, ERROR!!!!
Although his comic was never finished, cq confirmed he was intended to be geno in the past, though he doesnt remember it! He lives in the save screen and answes the voices (tumblr blog asks) to talk! hes. kinda insane but in a silly way! and is the self proclaimed destroyer of worlds! who assigned him this job? why, himself of coarse! and he is providing the multiverse with a great love by doing this (no he is not). hes self centered, has really bad mood swings, sees and hears things others cant (though they are real, others just cant see them), dissociates whenever he talks on certain things, and is overall! not okay! i love him so fucking much holy shit. so he has his own tumblr ask thing (which theres like an hour long dub on yt if u wanna watch it) but basically what it mostly shows is, he loves chocolate (he eats it with the wrapper on. he also has. 6 tongues? iirc) he also loves puppets! and makes puppets of different au sanses! and talks to them as if they are. people. mayber they are! idk! although he destroys aus he has a soft spot for 2, outertale because he loves the space and the stars, and undernovela, his favourite spanish soap opera au! (he does not speak spanish. nore does he get subtitles. hes quite literally stalking these people through portals and calling it a show.) he also has magic strings! which he uses to take the human souls from aus he destroys so they cant reset. he didnt always have them though :)
but he doesnt remember that! hes so so silly i lvoe him so much.
oh also he kidnapped and underswap sans and forced him to stay in the antivoid and the blue, kinda started to befriend him? but uh. he mad error mad so error left him alone in the void until blue started to glitch and hear the voices as well. though he still cant see the random tumblr blogger error left tied up in the antivoid, so who knows if thats real. but enough about blue!!! we jsut love the silly man error!!!!!!!
so blue tried to teavh him how to knit while they were in the antivoid, but erros really bad at it,, like really really reallyyyyy bad at it. and he despises it. but!!! its how they start bonding!!! he also loves loves loves to rob underfell because they have amazing spicy chocolate. he also just enjoys fucking with this one underfell sans by stealing his stuff and using his au as a trash dump! said sans is not aware of this and is confused about who tf is stealing his stuff and throwing trash at him. MORE FUN ERROR FACTS!!!! He also is very near sighted (like me :3) and has glasses tho he doesnt wear them much but hes so cute in them!! he also physically glitches out like a computer when stressed or emotion or just. sometimes- and his eyes get covered by errors meanign he can't see at all, during that he liked to play one man blind cats cradle! he also if he gets too stressed or glitched he will literally crashed and have to reboot- he also has haphephobia (fear of touch) n does not like being touched a lot or without warning, it makes him all glitchy as well! hes also a massive hypocrite constantly and is genuinely just. insane- but in a silly way!!!! its also heavily implied that his puppets are. the dead souls of ppl from aus, minus his sans classic, he doesnt destroy classic (aka undertale) timelines bcs its the original! but he calls the rest abominations (like underfell is abomination #13). its heavily implied bcs he called the blue he kidnapped (thats still alive. for now-) abomination #11 ! he also talked to his puppets like they are other people although he voices them- he also uses portals in a way to show past events to show his memories(?)(they are his memories but he. doesnt remember them. if that makes sense.) ALSO WITH HIS STRINGS!! IF HE GRABS THE SOULS OF LIVING BEINGS (LIKE BLUE) HE CAN PUPPETEER THEM AND USE THEIR BODY AND MAGIC TO ATTACK! WHICH IS. TERRIFYING!! Hes also like. deathly afraid of Fresh n despises him with his whole soul
i love the man baby so much
infodump over
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