#bc then people would find me disgusting and nobody would want me
shrews-things · 2 months
Re. last reblog, this whole issue pisses me off so much and like, if people were more normal about intersex bodies, I think *everyone* would be less ashamed of their bodies
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Hanging on by a thread for a multitude of reasons.
So, looking up acotar fan art one inevitably gets smacked in the face with Fey/sand at some point. And if it's not them with their kid or cutely holding hands, it's something like this:
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(There are watermarks on the fanart and I got them from Pinterest...middle one is someone called ignartio, I didn't find them on instagram though)
Why are people making a big quantity of art of this particular part of acotar? Are there truly people thinking that this is in any way appealing? Let's recap.
Feyre goes under the mountain, a comparatively dumb little girl. To save her lover Tamlin and maybe her friend Lucien if she's already at it. Faces crunchy Amaranth and doesn't get the riddle right (not wanting to belittle her here bc acotar Feyre was somewhat of a cutie, but that riddle was easy af, way to make her seem like an idiot.) Anyway, get's beaten to unconsciousness after blurting out her name because Lucien would have rather died than to give it away.
Little Feyre get's her three trials and a bunch of tasks for inbetween, i.e. cleaning that hallway. Other than that, people leave little Feyre relatively alone.
Until that self serving prick comes along and thinks to himself "Hey, why not treat her like an object and humiliate her in front of hundreds if not thousands of people, for shits and giggles?" So he proceeds to have his lackeys dress her up in what is essentially a handkerchief and paint her, so everyone can see where he put his grimy hands. And then he drugs her and has her dance for him, barely half aware of what's going on around her. All the while touching her. And the next morning she awakes with a killer headache, barely any memories and the need to throw up.
"But he did this to protect her!" - From what? Nobody cared for her beyond the trials. She was not used as entertainment by anyone else. They had their orgies and whatnot. There was no passable reason to be doing this to her.
"But he only touched her waist and hips!" - So you're telling me that you'd find it okay if somebody drugged you and "only" touched your waist and hips? Touching somebody without their consent, especially in such a vulnerable state is simply gross.
"But he had to keep his mask-" - Shut. Up. His "mask" did not include this particularly disgusting shit he pulled. He could have just let her alone, nobody would have batted a lash. Feyre was a comparatively uninteresting human girl. Had he not made her dance practically naked, no one would have missed her there.
My point, you ask? Stop romanticising what Rhysand did to Feyre under the Mountain. Stop trying to justify it. Those were the actions of an entirely sick individual.
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blackroseguzzi · 1 year
Heyyy I love ur writings smm!!
I was wondering if u can do a Kai smut where the reader is completely opposite of Kai like she’s happy and bright and sometimes she feels like he doesn’t really love her anymore and she just gets insecure bc of what the ppl in the cult say about there relationship but Kai shows her how much he really loves her (but yk make it rough and a lil sweet or whatevaaaa ;) ) thank u sm bye I love you
Pink Blazers & World Domination
I hope you enjoy this!
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You had decided to sneaked into the basement a few minutes after Kai had wrapped up the Cult meeting, wanting to run your hands through his vivid blue hair and ride him like your life depended on it. But what you had found as you lightly descended the stairs made your blood boil through your veins. 
Kai had his hand on Ivy’s knee as they talked on the couch. You cringed as you heard him call her ‘special’ and confess to her that she was important. You knew he told people what they liked to hear, but you were shocked to see that his speech was eerily similar between all of his cult followers. You pressed your lips together and cast a nasty glance towards the view on the couch before slipping back up the stairs, ready to go home. 
Speedwagon was guarding the door as you approached and quietly asked to leave. He scoffed at you, clearly he knew that you had seen Kai with Ivy in the basement. Another reason for him and Kai’s devoted men to look at you in pity. 
“One day you’ll learn,” He sighed and opened the door for you.
“What does that even mean?” You cocked your head, waiting for his response. He looked to the basement door and back into your fiery eyes. 
“Nobody means more to Kai than Kai. We’re all just here to help his plan. You’re not the only special one y/n.” Speedwagon flashed you his crooked grin and you just looked at him in disgust and rolling your eyes walking out the door to your vehicle. You wondered if your involvement with city council and your career in economic development played a part in how important you were to ‘Kai’s plans’. You slammed the door to your car and sticking the key in the ignition before driving to the liquor store. Tonight’s events called for a tall glass of red wine. You didn’t find yourself insecure about your relationship with Kai most days, but when you did Wine usually helped. 
Walking softly to your apartment building from the parking lot you scrolled through your phone messages with Kai. The sexual messages between the two of you made the warmth in your gut spread south. You bit your lip as you thought about Kai’s words to Ivy, and what SpeedWagon had said to you. It was certainly not the first time someone had laughed at your relationship between our one and only Devine ruler. Meadow clearly felt special too before her weak demise. You knew Kai’s plans from the start when he had started fucking that pathetic dumb blonde. You also knew that when you wore a high pony and bubblegum pink blazers to work it made his followers question Kai’s intentions with you- you were smart, but also clearly easily manipulated, right? You hated when the group would giggle and call you Mrs. Woods from Legally Blonde. They didn’t know much about you other than what they saw on the outside, but it didn’t stop them for constantly wondering what the hell Kai saw in you other than a piece of ass. 
You walked down the long hallway towards your apartment, clutching the fancy top shelf wine tightly in your grip as you dug into your Calypso bag for your keys. 
“Hello beautiful.” You gasped, almost dropping your wine bottle as you twisted around to see Kai standing a few feet in front of you.
“Don’t ever do that again, you almost made me drop the wine,” You put a hand to your chest and turned back around walking towards your door. 
“SpeedWagon mentioned you had seen the conversation I had with Ivy tonight,” Kai leaned next to   you, his arms crossed and his brow furrowed as you fumbled with your keys. You looked over at him before unlocking the apartment- taking in his appearance. His hair was down, greasy, and unkept and his all black outfit was topped with a black trench coat. You noticed his eye twitch, and realized he had probably a ridiculous amount of Adderall coursing through his body. 
“You’re getting sloppy. Don’t tell them all the same thing Kai, they’ll catch on.” You pushed open your door and walked into your apartment and turning on the light. Kai followed you as you placed the wine on the counter. You felt his hands slip around your waist and his face nuzzled not the crook of your neck, placing delicate kisses onto it. You closed your eyes, enjoying his closeness. 
“You’re right, I need to get more creative.” Kai whispered in your ear.
“They all think I’m weak. I hear it in everything they say to me,” You twisted around to face him and he reached his hand up to stroke your cheek. 
“You can’t trust anyone but me,” He kissed you feverishly, hands roaming around until they cupped your ass. He always loved when you wore those white dress pants. 
Pulling away you walked over to the other side of your kitchen Island to retrieve a wine opener. 
“Remember that one time in middle school when you gave that kid a swirly for calling me a ‘princess’?” You opened the wine and poured two glasses, handing one to Kai who laughed quietly at your memory. “That’s because you’re not a princess,” Kai took a small sip of his wine, “You’re a queen.” 
“Ive always believed in you Kai, and I know it’s your turn to be a King. Your little followers have no idea how much we’ve seen.” You licked your lips, slowly unbuttoning your shirt to expose the white fishnet and lace Teddy that drove him Kai wild. He took in a deep breath as he soaked in the view of you. 
He always had told you that your spirit animal was a butterfly. You were a magical creature that just floated around in beauty and everyone admired your outer shell. They all saw you and your bubbly angelic personality, but they didn’t see how deep inside that butterfly there was the soul of a hungry, ruthless caterpillar who had twisted its inside to mush in order to fool the word of its ugly truth - presenting itself as a colorful ray of sunshine flying through fresh garden beds. 
Kai on the other hand was like a Goliath spider, using his fangs to capture and inject venom into their prey. He was darkly charismatic, and that charisma is what drew you to him in the first place. He knew just the right words to say and just how gentle or rough to fuck you that you always came back for more. 
“I don’t want anyone to know the real you, I want her all to myself.” Kai walked over to you and grabbed the meat on your hips and pulled you to him. The two of you connected your foreheads, closing your eyes and enjoying the intimate embrace. Kai loved that you appeared weak and fragile to the others, because he knew that mask protected you from things he didn’t dare think of. Nobody would hurt his queen.
“Promise me you don’t think I’m special or important? Your voice was low and Kai could smell the wine on your tongue.
“You’re much too good for such ordinary vocabulary my love,” He responded, grabbing your cheeks and bringing your forehead to his lips for a sweet kiss.
You looked up at him, your face curled into a sweet but sinful grin, “Will you show me how different I am?”
“Get to the bedroom,” Kai growled between kisses. He smashed his chapped lips into your smooth strawberry scented ones. He felt the sticky gloss coat his own lips before he felt you pull always and walk towards your apartment bedroom. You flipped on the light over the bed, giving the all white room a nice golden hue. Kai loved how clean the room always looked and how sterile it felt, devilishly knowing the dirty and sinister things that you two did together inside of it. 
You both undressed as music swirled around them. You had demanded Alexa to play your favorite’s playlist. They were your favorite because each song represented a time the two of you fucked with music on. It turned you on to retrieve memories of your sexual endeavors together in order to make new ones.
Kai walked towards you as you stood there, naked. He loved when you wore that high pony tail, it reminded him of the times in high school when he would sulk behind the bleachers at football games. He would watch as you lead the cheer team in dance. Your skirt too short for his liking, and  when it was halftime he would drag you somewhere secluded, lift your skirt up and fucking you from behind, pulling your ponytail as he thrusted. 
“Show me that you’ll always love me the most, Kai?” Your sweet voice made Kai’s blood travel to his dick. “How could I ever love anyone as much as you?” Kai ran both his hands slowly down your shoulders than grasped your hands as he brought you over to the bed. You laid back, enjoying the feeling of Kai sliding your legs apart and his warm breath hit your clit and you felt the goosebumps run wild on your extremities.
You groaned in pleasure as Kai’s tongue moved in ways that drove you insane, in ways a toy could never satisfy you. The technique in which he sucked your clit while having his arms wrapped around your thighs- fingertips marking the skin made your legs tremble in gratification. 
You felt Kai remove his mouth from your pussy and he started licking you from your navel to your neck.
When you think of Kai you always think of sex-the chemistry between you was so powerful it made your body ache with the need to have him inside you, always. When Kai would fuck you, the part of your brain that had any doubt he loved you was completely destroyed. 
“Are you going to be a good girl or a bad girl tonight?” Kai breathed into your ear, making your body practically scream for him.
“Oh, I think tonight I’ll be your bad girl,” You pressed a kiss to his lips once more before he forcefully entered you. You gasped, taking his cock and digging your hot pink nails into his back making small marks. He growled with pleasure while throwing his head back. 
Kai continued to pump himself in you as you gently placed your legs onto his shoulders so he could go deeper inside of you. You watched him enjoy all of you as he pushed himself in and out of you, his eyes opening to stare at you moments before pulling out and yanking you off the bed. Kai pushed you towards the wall mounted full length mirror and your hands collided firmly onto the glass as Kai bent you over, re-entering you from behind. You watched him fuck you through the mirror and it created that fantastic feeling that built inside of you ready to explode. His lips were pressed together and his eyebrows deepened the stare he had with you as he watched your orgasm build. 
“Im going to cum, Kai,” You managed to squeak out, and before you did he grabbed your pony tail and yanked your head back. You felt your body surge with your sexual completion, screaming in pleasure. Kai also released himself inside of you, his silky load filling you with warmth and that tingly sensation you had craved all night. He ran his hands down your back and lightly squeezed your ass cheeks before exiting your body. 
Kai grabbed both white robes from the bathroom door. He came over to your sweating body and slid the robe onto you. You felt his kiss hit the side of your head quickly before he slipped his own robe onto his naked skin. You felt the vulnerability that always comes after sex, and you watched Kai slip from the bedroom and return with both glasses of wine, handing you your glass. 
“Remember that time I came to visit you at college, and your boyfriend walked in on me fingering you on the kitchen counter?” Kai sat down on the edge of the bed, sipping his wine before watching you relive the memory.
“How could I forget. It’s when I knew that no man would ever show their love to me like you do.” You walked over and sat on the bed next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you for showing me that it’s me and nobody else.”
Kai’s smirk made your heart jump. He reached up and brushed back a piece of hair that had made its way out of your pony and into your face.
“Anything for my Queen.”
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Wow I literally stopped talking to my Pushya asc, Rohini moon best friend of like 10 years bc they would habitually try to embarrass me in front of boys. They were obsessed with male validation and would get visibly jealous when they weren’t getting the attention. Nobody else could outshine them in any situation. I’m sun nak dominant so I find behavior like this so pick me and disgusting when i don’t even WANT the attention in the first place 🙄 and then they would giggle and play dumb when confronted abt it. So childish. That post was so accurate, I too am a victim of a moon dominant individual lol
😭😭 prayer circle for all of us who've had to put up with moon dominant people🕯️🕯️
but this is sooo funny, hope she grew out of it tho
i knew another moon dominant girl (not super close, just on friendly terms) and she was dating a guy i knew very well and he had just dumped her, i knew he was one of those fckboys who masquerade as softboys, like he will use you for sex, never call you back and then say "its not you, its me🥹you deserve better, so please i'm letting you go even tho it hurts, i dont deserve you at all" and anyone who knows a thing or two about men YK that this is how they manipulate you into thinking they're not fckboys they just want what's best for you (after having sex with you ofc,, they only have this realisation after they get what they want) and i told her that she shouldn't feel too bad because he's an asshole and she dodged a bullet and this girl straight up told me its because i wish i could've had him like babe he used you not me?? i gain nothing from this or from telling you what kind of person he is?? lol, she was Rohini Sun
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jrueships · 11 months
I think Jalen and Gup will still remain friends but I hope whoever is leaking these video suffer a faith worst than… lol
literally!!! say it louder!! like the de-realism of it all. the 'ENTERTAINMENT' of it all. It's entertainment>emotions always, and it's soo sick. Their relationship is strong still, which I love, but ever since that leak.. it's been overanalyzed and picked apart EXHAUSTINGLY!! Ppl are going back to any material they can find of the two together and just heaping BUCKETS of immaturity onto them. Talkin like 'oh see? This random dude with them made an expression THAT MEANS HE KNOWS AND HE H A T ES THEM. HE IS DISGUSTED.' and it's just SOOOO. UGH. ICK! UGH! i'd zay go find a hobby but being homophobic is literally their hobby. It's just so blatant and disgusting, and media is a GREAT tool for them to dish all that shit out without consequence. The way they can and DESIRE to constantly go back and pick apart the past just from the chance that it can spread even more hate is UGHHHH!!! i HATE it!!! Boundaries aren't SHIT anymore! Respect is trodden and relationships can get rotten AND NO ONE CARES!!!!!
It's a really good thing that jalen green's nature and upbringing as one of the hyped top picks has kind of steadied him through this. He doesn't turn off his comments (for what I know), he's BEEN getting painted nail comments and he just keeps painting them bcs who gives af? They're internet people. He's the People's people.. without even caring about the worser half of that lot. He doesn't care. But it's also kind of sad. But that's just how this world is
What im worried about mainly is gup like... gup's always been more attentive to any kind of hate or would-be hate he gets. Green's even noticed it bcs interacting with the haters (on an image level) is never a good thing. HE'S been forced to learn and get with that kinda practice bcs he's jalen green. He can't speak more as jalen green bcs. He's jalen green. He can only have the comforts of an allowed argument ..in the comforts of a fuckin burner account.
That's one thing I like about Kd, although he might not be a fav player of mine (I just personally don't rlly care for him but can understand why others do. He's very complex and way more interesting than the media tries to portray. I just kinda missed the kd era in bball and moved on, it's just a personal whatever) .. he stopped (for the most part of what we know) with the burners and uses his voice a lot. He's older, he doesn't gaf about not giving a fuck. He doesn't HAVE to , and he doesn't WANT to. He embraces being a hater and a speaker now. Unlike Jalen and Josh, he has more abilities AND experience.
Which is just so sad that alot of the things basketball players need to worry abt can be from off the court. And We're not talking being a role model or whatever, We're talking always having to watch your back ESPECIALLY when your work environment can get very quickly hostile as it is so often sold as hostility being a propelling marketing principle. Nobody can have fun anymore or be kids or a lot of things.
LIKE!!! gup can't defend himself well because he's not trained well enough as someone who's a lower pick so therefore less worry to the business. Bro is just a pawn they can trade away whenever shit gets rough. AND IT'S SO SAD THAT HE H A S TO EVEN GET TRAINING IN THE FIRST PLACE??? on how to WHAT?? Feel less? IT'S SOO. UGHHHHHH!!
When gup posted that picture of him and a woman (with like long pink pedicure nails) holding his face where he was tryin to make it look chill even tho it was very obvious on how hard he was trying to show how that hand holding his face was very obviously a woman's hand and not a man's ... as a 'response' to that video....... like. I saw it n i didn't even screenshot. And yall KNOW me, i love taking photos of things i find funny n sharing it with yall! BUT JUST YALL. YALL CIRCLE OF FRIENDS. not to THE PERSON, not blasting smthin that could be embarrassing all over the media. There's BOUNDARIES to shit, even the smallest shit! But what i meant with this is.. u know. Usually i enjoy kinda embarrassing moves. But this? This was just str8 up Sad. Like. That was all he could even do to try and defend himself, his friendships, his LIFEstyle. That was the only power he had was some miserably pr picture without pr in a sad attempt at personal protection.
And of course, the rest of the internet thought it was the funniest shit ever and blew that boundary up. Bcs they don't gaf and the best (perhaps only) thing these young guys can do is try and not gaf either AND THAT IS SO FUCKIN SAD!!! LIKE! THAT'S JUST SAD. I get sadness can be entertainment, yeah... FICTIONAL sadness, i can SEE. an ARTFUL, blossoming yet still Respecting some boundaries while exploring others, FICTIONAL (saying this AGAIN) sadness can be quality entertainment. Quality as in ure not an absolute shithead for sharing it if you still respect it.
Their friendship is REAL! THEIR LIVES AND EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTS N FUCKIN EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM IS REAL BCS THEYRE REAL HUMAN BEINGS JUST LIKE EVEEYONE ELSE!!! and it's just so DISGUSTING that a reminder and a worry even has to be made but that's just how the world runs when it's ran on entertainment, i fuckin Guess .
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Don’t be surprised when you start losing a lot of followers for being an anti
Why do you care so much abt other people’s ships anyways
What a vain and shallow assumption you are under for believing that I care about how many followers I have. I do not care for the quantity of my followers, only the quality💀 but I have well over 1K followers and they keep growing if you are worried or something💀💀
And why do I care about other people's ships? Well, I'd love to support my mutuals's ships because I think they're cute but since the context is me being an "anti" I assume you are talking about people who enjoy incestuous, pedophilic, and/or large age gap ships?
Because they are absolutely insane and dangerous to those who are easy to manipulate who most of the time are minors? What a ridiculous world we live in that someone is confused on why you shouldn't be glorifying incest or pedophilia.
Pro-shipping is absolutely the most chronically online take I've ever seen in my damn life.
Like few years ago, there was this post where the op wrote "William x Mimosa" and "Fuego x Noelle" I remember the Fuego x Noelle thing being a misunderstanding but my god was that blog torn apart. Where is that energy now folks?
"It's only fiction! I want to explore these dynamics in fiction!"
Absolutely! I encourage exploring taboo concepts in fiction! But you are portraying it as something bad, right? Right?
Of course you are not!
Racism, homophobia, pedophilia, incest are all what? Say it with me: Bad.
I am not saying that people who write about them are bad, but the concepts themselves are not stuff you endorse. You don't need me to explain why they're all bad right? But if you live under a rock or in fairyland where nothing ever bad happens, let me explain.
Racism hurts people. Physically and mentally.
Homophobia hurts people. Physically and mentally.
Pedophilia hurts children. Physically and mentally.
Incest hurts children and adults. Physically and mentally.
I write about all of these topics in my fics but never have I once portrayed them in a good light. I don't pretend to ship or endorse any incest or pedophilic relationships I write. I don't portray racist and homophobic characters as good people. I write how much it hurts to be in those positions. I write about the confusion, the betrayal, the pain.
And what do I see proshippers doing on my dash? Fucking glorifying it.
I used to think, that's their thing, let them enjoy it but then I realized: There is a good reason why we shut down racists and homophobes and don't allow them safe spaces, why do we allow the same for people who FANTASIZE about disgusting things and put them on the internet.
Wake up to reality. Your behavior will make parents hide their children from you.
"What is fictious does not apply to reality!"
Are you serious my guy? Joining a fandom changed my life. Stanning Julius made me a better artist, writer, and made me more motivated to study quantum mechanics. My professors and my thesis advisors literally know of Julius because of me💀 I care so much about thinking about the underlying themes of BC and any other fiction I consume and see how it challenges my beliefs and my way of thinking. You may not consume fiction the way I do! But it most definitely affects reality💀
If you want a historical example, Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" converted many people to abolitionism because it brought attention to the horrible conditions of slavery.
And I can give you many, many, many examples about how fiction affects reality. But not in a one to one ratio. Just because I play COD or MW2 does not mean I want to pick up a gun and start shooting my friends.
"It is my coping mechanism for my trauma!"
Then book an appointment to a psychiatrist and tell them about this pro-shipping. See how that conversation would go down. Find a healthy coping mechanism. Nobody in their right mind endorses self-harm through unhealthy coping mechanisms.
To end it off, I'll say what I've said earlier,
What a luxury it must be to fantasize about incest, pedophilia and other BS like that in a positive manner when it is a nightmarish reality to many people.
I come from an ethnic culture where this is all so normal and the cycle of abuse continues. I don't want to talk about how it personally affected me because it is personal but, seek help. If you cannot, find healthy coping mechanisms. Pour all your pain out into art and writing if you must, but don't pretend for a second that it is good.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
It’s more than that; it’s the fact he wants and is okay with people to know they are in a relationship; ........; that’s why I take the relationship as a fact and the PR as a conjecture//anon I don't know about u or anyone else but there are plenty of times I wasn't doing good in life and still I faked smile and told people I am fine, there are many people and situation I am certainly disgusted by and still managed myself to behave nicely around them and with them.so your point of he is telling or he is showing and he had no objection etc..can't be taken as ultimate truth written on stone atleast by me.the things maja already pointed out which is actually very very basic in any relationship and hold such very big weight at same time.Now let's think from your point of view..its real,besides that new year scare video, vd montage and article drops, pt sighting pic, she posting doger pic what is it that make you feel its real? Infact its suggest exact opposite countless trollings,she responding each and everything fandom says about her,his entire clan liking her pics within few minutes of posting like they nothing else to do,there is no organic sighting, no group pics from either sides,her clan going back in economy,his shoes was way costlier then dress she was wearing at premier..etc..u can find many more,his family still communicate with his ex minka, he bought her Audi, he paid for Jenny's shopping and also gave illaria's service,new branded clothes many pics of them with both sides minka and jenny, many natural sightings..and most of all he legit seemed happy and wasn't afraid to be with them and before u come up with its bcs A has problematic past well both minka and jenny had problematic past infact jenny was still married to someone else at that time.and if it's real they could still have publicly apologized knowing her thing affecting badly on her never been happier bf/fiance career and image,there are way too many loopholes to count in this mess.well that's what my life experiences made me see.
Very good points!
I wouldn't even say he's seemed happy in the past few months. I know there are people who think it's because of how people and fans are talking about their relationship and that they don't support them, but to me, it doesn't seem like he was so happy in the scare videos or in those pictures he shared on Valentine's Day. And there were pictures and videos that were taken before they became public. And I'd assume he would be happier spending time with the person he's so happy and in love with.
Talking about them going public; it's also really unbelievable to me that nobody had ever seen them together before the NYC pap walk. We had that LV sighting, but they weren't on that video together. And we saw that they presumably spent time together because of the pictures. So if they had been together for a year and had spent so much time together, how come nobody had ever seen them together? No random sightings, nothing. This was always really interesting to me. It seems like they've made those pictures in a few days (per season).
He handled his previous relationships way differently, and we know those were real. He looked way happier and more comfortable with Minka and Jenny.
I feel like at this point, most people have decided whether they think this is a real or a PR relationship. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it would be hard to prove to one side that the other is right, maybe if something huge happened. It's not like we should do that. Everybody can have their own opinion, and my intention is never to convince anybody from Team Real that I'm right; this is PR. We don't know what the truth is; we are just telling our versions of it.
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quinloki · 5 months
omg it's so hard to be a responsible adult and not stay up and have my little daydreams while I listen to music xD and I unfortunately have to work tomorrow since our company doesn't consider it a holiday T_T I'm glad I could send you something in return to kill you bc you always kill me <333
I think I can officially say I got the sabo brainrot, damn (jk)
omg okay so I was also thinking how you'd meet ace and I'm like duh school a man like whitebeard would prolly want his sons to go out and experience the world especially if they're running a major business! and I'm like omg imagine ace in college it opens up so many dumb shenanigans that you both have so much dirt on eachother and you really give him a good wack when you find everything out because you overlooked so much it made you mad! like ace would always treat for meals or drinks and you obvi talked about his job after college, but he never mentioned WHERE he was going to work in a mailroom!! or that it was his dad's company!! that bastard
lolol and for some (mild) tension you meet shanks and he is just like heavyyyyyy flirting and izou finds it hilarous how annoyed sabo and marco look (and pops is like leave my future daughter in law alone xDDDD)
the tension in that hotel room after everyone is aware of the shower xD throw in a little bickering over who should sleep where, bc obvi you're so shaken up right? and they argue over who's bed you should sleep in so they can comfort you >>
the polycule would be interesting I won't lie idk how the dynamics with those two in particular would be tho bc honestly they give me such similar vibes sometimes. I mean I read sabo/reader/ace sometimes but ace is a puppy dog so it's a different dynamic >>
I could picture like, sabo does the more dangerous work, so you're officialy dating marco the ceo and you get dressed up and go to events with him but sometimes his little brother offers to take you home bc you're soooo tired from interacting with all those business peeps and sabo is just such a good younger brother to take care of his bro's girlfriend such a gentleman (nvm that you're going back to sabo's room and not marco's) like rather than a poly they just both share bc you couldn't pick they're just both too good IDK MAN I JUST WANT THEM BOTH SO BAD T_T
ok but the riskiest part of being the weakness is the fact that pops basically parades you around and calls you his daughter in law and nobody can figure out exactly what it is that got him to favor you so much but you run with it when you need to (like when ace/luffy are being a little shit)
also random thought before anyone officially starts dating, you start going to events with ace bc you get hired for the company or something (maybe ceo's secretary >> since ace is gonna be the boss someday!!) and people just assume you're dating and when pops calls you the daughter in law they're like oh congrats to the lovely couple and you both just look at eachother disgusted bc ew, no (like you'd also rather lick his face than anything romantic bc you've seen him eat food off a bar floor and other disgusting habits and absolutely not) and then everyone is just confused (incoming shanks flirting at that moment sounds perfect xD) then you realize getting called the daughter in law means pops has some idea of what's going on and now you have to figure how much and how mortified you should be
So there's a comic out there called something like Him & Him & Him, that's basically a girl and three guys (an uncle and twin nephews), and it's porn with a dash of plot, but I like the way it was done. That comic makes me think of what Sabo x Marco x Reader would be.
Which, to make it concise, in the comic, the lady marries the uncle legally, but all of them live together, and it's like you were saying "Oh what a good brother he is, looking out for Marco's fiance like that."
So yes, yes I like that head canon very much. We were going to split this into two different Pick One endings, but fully polycule works too.
It certainly turns into Two Against One though, cause in this situation the reader is the puppy dog >.>
Gods the kink and dynamics I could explore....
heck, Kaz, HECK I already have plenty to work on but this is killing me. Marco brainrot is real, and Sabo is just rushing the gates I swear, and now all this - ALL THIS DELICIOUS chatter and idea swapping and head canoning and world building KAZ I NEED TO WRITE THIS.
The world can blame you, I'm making notes, it's going into the primary rotation. I'll finishing Birds of a Feather and put this in its spot and I hope you're happy (affectionate).
I love the secretary idea too and the misunderstandings XD
And I think Pops likes the reader because she's a capable fighter, and not afraid to defend people, and also his sons want to protect her and he's like "Yeah, no, I get it." but less romantic and more "This smol creature reminds me of Ace and I love them both." sort of thing XD
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firelord-frowny · 7 months
yall i just read about THE WORSTTTT true crime case i have ever heard of oh my GOD oh my GOD!!!!!!!! trigger warning for murder and poop???????????
ok so. i had actually heard about the case several years ago when the boy's body still hadn't been found yet, but the boy's father was Very Suspicious, to the point where the boy's mom was sure he had something to do with his disappearance. the boy had ~vanished~ during a court-ordered visit to his father's house.
well, something today reminded me of the case, so i decided to give it a google and see if the boy's body was ever found and/or if the dad was ever charged with the crime.
the answer to both questions is yes. partial remains were found close to the father's house, and the father was arrested and charged and convicted.
so like.
the fact that a young boy was murdered by his own father is bad enough. it's horrifying. it's awful to even think about.
but the MOTIVE????
oh my god.
the MOTIVE!!!!!!!!!!
oh my GOD!!!!!
the father killed him in a 'fit of rage' after the boy confronted him with pictures he found...
apparently the boy and his brother had found the pictures on the dad's laptop by accident some time prior??? And took pictures of it on their phones with the intention of using them as leverage against the dad in the ongoing custody battle between the dad and the mom??? which, considering that the fucking weirdo KILLED HIS OWN SON, i'd say that the boys had good reason to not want him to have custody of them!
just oh my goddddddddddddddddddddddd.
also, not that it fucking matters, but the article i read (or more like Skimmed Through With Conviction because i couldnt stomach letting my eyes linger on the words for any longer than absolutely necessary) wasn't super clear about whether the dad was eating shit "in a diaper" as in the shit is in a diaper and he's eating out of it like a plate, or if he's just eating shit in general while he's WEARING a diaper. but like. both options are somehow more disgusting than each other omfg so it doesnt even matterrrrrrr.
omfggg. i was gonna say 'can you imagine???' but no. PLEASE dont imagine!!!!
i hope he feels like a fucking nasty ass imbecile!!!
like, you're gonna go and murder your own child to try to avoid the world finding out that you're a diaper wearing, shit eating weirdo, only for the whole world to find out that you're a diaper wearing shit eating weirdo anyway! and not ONLY are you a diaper wearing shit eating weirdo, but you're a CHILD MURDERING diaper wearing shit eating weirdo!!!! disgusting!!!! sickening!!! demonic!!!!
omfg you shoulda just taken the fucking L and sat in the humiliation of having your gross kink outed to your friends and family instead of adding Child Murder to your list of disgusting things you've done!!!
like damn, people can forgive gross kinks as long as you're not hurting anybody and you're keeping it private. some people might even feel sorry for you if/when your gross kink gets outed without your consent!
but nobody forgives child murder! you fucking psychopath!!!
ew! ew! ew! ew! ew! ew! ew! ew! ew!
they probably have him under a false identity in prison omfg people probably think he's in for shooting a taxi driver or something bc you just knooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww that the Child Murdere Who Eats Shit would not be well-liked in prison omfgggg.
i kinda sorta highkey hope he offs himself like he shoulda done in the first damn place if the thought of being outed as a shit eating weirdo was soooooooooooooooooooooooo unbearable to him.
like, don't murder your child just because YOU cant cope with your own fucking shame!
you coulda gone to therapy!
you coulda packed your shit up and skipped town and changed your name!
and as a last fucking resort you could have blown your own damn brains out in lieu of killing your son you SICK FUCK oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! im so disgusted! im so angry for the lil boy! and i hope the dad suffers every day for the rest of his life oh my goddddd. oh my GOD i hope he's miserable. i hope the shame and humiliation is neverending. if there's one thing more embarrassing than being a diaper wearing shit eater, it's being a diaper wearing shit eater who tried to keep it a secret by murdering his own child only to be found out anyway.
what a TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE reason to be murdered :( that poor boy.
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meidozangetsuha · 2 years
If you could rewrite yashahime what would you change as far as the plot and storylines?
and this is like. actually hard for me. which is odd bc i'm so invested in Towa Higurashi's character in general and like to think a lot of her but i've never done an extensive AU idea of how to rewrite Yashahime, bc until the clustfuck of the Grim Comet Arc at the very end of S2 i was mostly fine with things i just wished they had did it better, but
Towa not bringing back Setsuna right away. i may be biased but i fucking HATE when storylines do this. when a character dies at the end of an episode or story chapter, and we don't get the next one for MONTHS later, and they're immediately brought back. Guild Wars 2 did this shit too and i HAAAATE it. i feel like it should've been active endeavor, something that should've taken 4-6 episodes to complete. there should have been a mini arc that focused on Towa's efforts to make Tenseiga truly her own sword (like Inuyasha did with Tessaiga with slaying Ryukotsusei) to be able to bring back Setsuna and allow Towa to retain ownership of Tenseiga, a sword which suits her nature more than Sesshomaru's, a sword that Sesshomaru no longer needs. Rin, Tenseiga, and Kagura were the instrumental catalysts of Sesshomaru's growth: i think it would've been incredibly fitting for his daughter, who is more oriented on helping people in general compared to her father to have proven she is a worthy holder of the sword and for it to be her's. i REALLY like Zanseiken but i think her relying primarily on Kikujumonji would've been just fine. this one gets me heated and it's not even Yashahime's fault specifically this is just a trope in writing i fucking hate. don't kill off a character at the end of a book then next year when the next book comes out they're healed in chapter 1. if i ever do this as an author i will consider this my ultimate failing
delve more into Towa's mental health. i fucking LOVED when they actually addressed "hey Towa. you're traumatized and your obsession with protecting Setsuna when she really doesn't need it and has told you that to your face is a direct result of your coping with trauma and that's not really good." i always have this little ritowa scene in my head revolving around Towa like "I want to protect everyone. That is my goal... so... why don't we compromise, Riku-kun? I'll protect everyone... and you'll protect me." like, Towa finding a more healthy middle ground for her ambitions, although i DO love that by the end, during the Grim Comet, it's explicitly clear she wants to protect everyone. maybe this was bc of the rumors of s3 getting axed but i sincerely love how we saw Towa's desires to protect evolve from just Setsuna to the whole world.
keep Kirinmaru's personality more aligned with his S1 personality, although i still like the idea of using Zanseiken or something else as a trap to kill Towa to resurrect Rion. i really love Rion and i really love how much of a dark parallel to Sesshomaru that Kirinmaru was and his own willingness to essentially betray his sense of pride and honor for his daughter, but i still think IN GENERAL AS A WHOLE he should've kept his more prideful and honorable personality. i would've loved to see him clearly disgusted with himself for how cowardly his own plan is with Towa while also refusing to stop
give Osamu Kirin a consistent ideology and ultimate master plan. him being Towa's final boss and ultimate personal ultimate enemy when Sesshomaru deals with Kirinmaru. that fight when she has to take him on in human form was great, i just think Osamu really needed his. own ideology to be consistent (i still don't mind him having gone back on his own goals in favor of making Rion the new King however)
keep Rin's general writing more in-line with her scenes of holding Bakusaiga to her neck and standing up to Kirinmaru for the sake of the kids. idk what exactly but i would've done SOMETHING that gave her an important job that she pulled off, like something that if not done would've fucked everyone over
actually have Meido Zangetsuha be plot relevant and used once Inuyasha gets out of the pearl like Jaken said it would back in S1
Moroha getting Meido Zangetsuha somehow. Meido Zangetsuha is cool. Moroha is cool. Moroha using Meido Zangetsuha would've been really cool. it could've played into the theme of inheritance from your parents, i think!
honestly Rion being a more proper conflict as a final conflict if they delved into her personality more also would've been good, even if Osamu was the true final villain
the Tree of Ages being a villain like what was apparently originally planned. i remember once during S1 i had this entire deal where Sesshomaru had made a pact with the Tree to take both twins to the modern era in safety only for Treekyo to completely fuck him over and only do it with Towa and telling Towa to her face that in her eyes she was just a backup in case things went wrong and she always meant for Setsuna to do this shit alone basically
so yeah- i don't know how much i would absolutely rewrite, i'd just want more focus on things
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
my stepdad's mad at me bc he wanted to watch the cannes festival on tv but i don't know anyone there. like okay there's 10 old white guys in bowties on the red carpet. good for them i guess. i don't care about cinema, im sorry. and so we got into an argument about how instead of watching ~films~, i watch dumb shit on social media. which is like okay true. but also ~films~ are boring idk. if i want to relax, i'll look at memes on my phone. if i want to learn something, i'll read a book, listen to a podcast or watch a video essay. but watching movies or shows is just like not my thing idk, i don't enjoy watching things 🤷🏻‍♀️ (and caring about actors is on a whole different level like i can't even imagine)
so anyway i was a bit frustrated bc at the end of the argument it felt like my stepdad was dismissing all of my interests. like whatever he enjoyed and cared about was objectively good and worth your time, but my interests are stupid and immature and lowbrow or whatever. but anyway, no big deal, it was just typical family bickering and "young people be on their phones" kinda stuff.
but then i started thinking about how it's frustrating that not a lot of people find things i find interesting interesting. like B never cared about anything i liked. he mocked my music taste, would roll his eyes whenever id tell him about sth i found funny, never showed any interest in taking part in my hobbies... it was the worst. like am i that lame? because i take pleasure in a lot of things but nobody ever cares.
so i was v angry when i went to bed. and i had the worst dream ever about B!!!
in my dream i bumped into him on the street and it was dark out and i was like "omg ive been meaning to contact you! how are you let's get a drink". and so we took a walk together and it turned out that he was selling my nudes for bitcoin! and i was like woah what the fuck. and he spammed my phone with unflattering pictures of me sucking his dick and he was like "yeah that's how i make money, there's nothing you can do, the pictures are mine".
and i was so beyond disgusted. i was like fuck man, how am i supposed to have any good memories of the relationship left? like i had already come to terms with the fact that it wasn't magical or romantic or whatever and it was painful enough to realise that the relationship was mediocre at best. and that our trip to sarajevo or to the mountains or whatever was just bad. and now he's selling these pictures of me as if our relationship meant nothing?
anyway i woke up feeling horrible. and had to reassure myself that the only sexy picture B has of me is the one of me sleeping with my tittie out. and that's not like blackmail material. but yeah no, that dream really ruined my day today.
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sparksnevadas · 2 years
Ikr!! Sometimes the ideas that rotate in my brain as I read these amazing fics like gihasm or Midnight (Atherixx) makes me want to write but I just get so flustered! I’d rather just share some ideas with people and have them and I brainrot about the possibilities.
For example:
I love how your Grian is so conflicted about the true coloration of his feathers. Just the scene where he’s finally preening after so long and he has that moment of staring at the white feathers v. the colors of reds, yellows, and blues? Ughh!! The conflicting thoughts he has! But picture me this, Sparks… Imagine this later down the line. Perhaps in the far future.
Grian molting, right? The extra tlc he has to give his wings, his feathers as they grow in new colorful feathers that cause him to have these conflicting thoughts. He locks himself away in his room. He feels so itchy, so vulnerable. He feels disgusted with himself. So gross. He doesn’t want anyone to see him like this. Not Mumbo. Not Scar. Not Pearl. Nobody! But his absence doesn’t go unnoticed. Oh no, no. How could Scar and Mumbo not notice the lack of a certain beloved bird? Now they go searching for the avian. They find him locking himself away in his room. The soft resolve of Scar and Mumbo convincing Grian to allow them in. To allow them to help. To allow them to be there with him. And maybe, just maybe… Grian allows himself just to be a bit selfish just this once and allow himself to be cared for.
Floof if you ever feel like writing, you should! Even if just a drabble :) its a fun process and you gain an extra appreciation for the art of words. But i also like your ideas so keep sharing!
Yes, well we might see a bit of grian a bit selfish next chapter,,, it is my birthday gift to myself and i decided to make something extra fluffy (even if it speedruns a bit of an arc to get to) (<- is having doubts abt the next chapter bc of plot vs fluff)
BUT anyways yes i do adore the idea of grian still having that lingering worry that just makes his heart plummet when its molting season.
Grian prides himself on his hardwork and a lot of his hero work is tied up in image: his bright white wings, dressing up nice, operating smoothly in public events, LOOKING heroic as much as BEING heroic etc etc. when that all comes tumbling down with the HA firing him, he kinda looks at his wings and hates himself for having his image tarnished, quite literally. It doesnt help that everyone in his life loves his white wings, even scar calls him Angel bc of them. So lets say if a molt hit at this point in time? Grian would absolutely lock himself in a bathroom for days.
Of course Mumbo and Scar would eventually find him, or well, find the bathroom and just sit by the door, just talking to him and bringing him food and blankets and stuff. Scar and Mumbo have a sleepover on the floor outside on blankets and pillows and eventually manage to coax him out after a few days. He covers his ugly skimpy wings with a blanket and they go into someone’s bedroom with the lights off (bc hes not quite ready for them to see how he looks during a molt just yet) and just lay together and talk and grian almost cries out of frustration with himself and scar quietly tells him that he loves all of him, not just the color of his wings, and mumbo’s just like “mate i might be biased but reds my favorite color, and youre one of my favorite people”. Then they cuddle because yes.
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nukenai · 1 year
Looking for that good queer yeehaw content on tumblr and finding nothing but modern rodeo cowboys makes me cringe so damn hard, how do ppl not see how clearly abusive rodeo is??? horses buck when they want you off, horses buck like THAT when they're scared and in pain, its not entertainment, are people just not noticing the cowboys ramming their legs (the classic cowboy spur ppl love the aesthetic of so much) into the animal???? the electric shocks before opening the gate which is basically an open secret, the horrific injuries that a lot of them get??? I thought it was common knowledge that horse racing is abuse do ppl not get that rodeo is very much the same, mistreating horses for money and entertainment.
I just wanted to see some queer cowboy content 😭😭
I FEEL LIKE I COULD'VE WRITTEN THIS ASK TO MYSELF!!! I completely feel your pain, anon. It's very frustrating to me that rodeo shit is just somehow STILL ACCEPTED in this day and age, it's legitimately insane to me. I think it's just so ingrained in culture that people don't think about it. It's almost in like with the whole "nobody draws tack right" because nobody like, can be bothered to do even 10 seconds of research?? Horses are continually considered accessories to an Aesthetic(tm) instead of actual living creatures and it's so so weird.
Even people irl at my barn have been fucking flabbergasted when I've very mildly said "I don't like rodeos because I don't agree with animals being treated poorly for entertainment". I get stares like I have 15 fucking heads, as if, how DARE I?!?!? Also rodeos and shit are way likely to be filled with tr*mp people who would call me slurs so, that's also great.
In my opinion it's not spoken about as much because it's not as easily accessible of an activism like not eating meat and speaking against factory farms. Because of course everyone hates factory farms. B-b-but cowboy stuff is so sexy and horses bucking and rearing looks so cool and fun! And big sharp spurs look so COOL! :( and god forbid people give up entertainment or reflect on the actual issues with this shit. Probably most people who are obsessed with Cowboy/Rodeo Aesthetic(tm) exclusively in art and stuff have no actual experience with horses and, again, consider them more accessories that living animals that have been historically and systematically abused in horrific ways that are so often ignored. Often just for entertainment.
I live very close to one of the most famous race tracks in the country and the entire city is obsessed with horse racing. It's an extremely rich city because of all the racing and it's so exhausting. All the horse people I know love the track and see nothing wrong with this and I feel insane. I personally knew ex race horses who had severe injuries and mental trauma from what happened. Though, I'll be fair, I do also know a few who wound up okay, though it was usually because they weren't raced for very long.
To me it's very close to if fucking dogfighting was some popular online Aesthetic(tm) thing and no one saw anything wrong with it. Both are horrible disgusting animal abuse practices and yet one of them is considered sexy and cool. It's very weird.
Thank you for this ask anon, I always feel like a weirdo animal rights freak when I mention this particular issue (I am an animal WELFARE advocate, NOT an animal rights activist) bc it's really inconvenient for a lot of people. I'm really glad and relieved to learn I'm not utterly alone on tumblr feeling like this 😵‍💫
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everythingsinred · 1 year
Sorry if you've already brought this up somewhere at some point, but I have two NatsuMikan questions about,,, gregnancy 😬
1) Do you think they'd even want kids? I can imagine that they'd both be hesitant on the idea of having a kid that undoubtedly would have an Alice, even if the academy wasn't chasing families down anymore (which like, that is a thing that was stopped, right? I hope it was because that's literally so traumatic, why is this school so fucking traumatizing)
2) There would be a chance that the kid could get an Alice shape like Natsume's, so like,, that could be rough on his end, like would they even want to do that without knowing how long Natsume has?
I realize that kinda seeps into an idea that people with chronic and/or terminal illnesses can't have families or be happy or something, but I'm just thinking about Natsume's mom, and how young he was when she died. I *heavily* doubt he would remember her death, but I'm certain that he would feel her loss, and I'm just wondering if you think he would go through with it despite that.
Personally, I have a hard time imagining them having a family, but that may be because for the majority of the series, they are children. Whenever I do try to imagine it, my brain just goes into Punnett Square Mode(tm) and tries to figure out what could be dominant traits from what is known, so not much is done there lmao
these are really great questions. to be honest because they never actually talk about it, the answer would be entirely up to headcanon, so there is no right or wrong answer.
also this ended up being rly long and rambly sorry
funnily enough i did mention this topic a lil when i'd reblogged a character question meme thing and someone requested i do all of them (i'd established myself as a natsume aficionado at this point i guess lmao). the relevant part of my answer to question #13 (about what he'd be like as a parent) was:
 i feel like natsume would be hesitant at first to be a dad. like he’d be super happy to find out mikan is pregnant ofc but he’d be hesitant. maybe he wouldn’t voice it. he’d be uncomfortable on several counts: 1) life shortening alices are genetic and he would never want his child to suffer as he has. 2) he’d be scared that he wouldn’t have as much time to spend with his kid as he’d like and would be sad to miss out on important milestones in the case that he dies too young. in my mind the life-shortening alice gets cured after a few years so these become non-issues and thus he gets very happy about having a kid.
something you must know about me is that i HATE the thought of natsume dying like it fully disgusts me--i hate to imagine he dies young. it feels really wrong to me. my brain cannot allow me to view the last little bit of the manga as canon tbh, so it's constructed another canon ending for me that includes the discovery of a cure for the fourth shape. (is it even possible to cure it? i dont CARE.) because of this (delusional) state of mind, i dont rly think of most of the things you mentioned. the cool thing about post-canon is that nobody can really stop you from thinking whatever you want. but i will address all of your points anyway bc theyre valid and then ill give my thoughts on them having kids, though im not an expert and certainly not the deciding opinion on what headcanons other ppl should adopt.
its a good point to bring up, discussing what happy endings exist for ppl with chronic or terminal diseases in media, even if he still has the same alice shape. my sister zoe has type 1 diabetes and we've had conversations about this exact thing (not about natsume; about her). it's a complicated issue for her, because even if type 1 diabetes isn't terminal (anymore), it is a huge source of grief and upset for her AND it's genetic. it ultimately comes down to each individual person, i think. some disabled or sick people want cures, others don't. some want children, some don't. because each person is different, what each person wants for their future or even in the media they consume is different as well.
your first question reminds me of yuka, actually, whose dream was to start a family and live a happy life. when she finds out her baby has an alice, she tries to steal it because she wants mikan to have a good life, and not suffer as she had, until kaoru stops her. it's definitely a valid concern, but i don't know how natsume or mikan feel about it in terms of having their own kid. personally im still not sure how the academy has actually changed since mikan left. we don't really get much of a breakdown. that being said, even though mikan said "i trust narumi-sensei" and that she didnt regret coming to the academy in kageki, im pretty certain that if they did become parents, they definitely wouldnt want their kid taken away from them.
which would mean the academy would have to change fundamentally to allow BOTH 1. parents to decline sending their kids to alice academy without being ceaselessly harassed and scouted AND 2. parents who do choose to send their kids to alice academy to get full visiting and contacting privileges WHICH SHOULD GO WITHOUT SAYING?? if a mom hears her son is crying himself to sleep bc he misses her, she should be allowed to call him or visit or send him a care package. (you know. how normal boarding schools work.)
maybe if the school changed in this way (and hey, maybe it did), then i could see natsume and mikan feeling a bit better about having a kid.
the next point, about natsume's alice shape being genetic... yeah its pretty rough. natsume the martyr, who always thinks of others, would never EVER have kids if he thought there was even a chance his child might suffer like he did.
so i guess my answer is... depending on what you want to believe happens after the ending, natsume and mikan MIGHT have kids and they MIGHT not. it entirely depends on what developments take place. ppl have been coming up w headcanons for their future even before the manga ended, anything from completely ignoring natsumes alice shape to having mikan and their potential kids visit his grave (not my favorite premise tbh).
ig my idea of natsume having his alice shape "cured" or undone or whatever comes from wanting one of my favorite characters to live a long happy life. its not specifically for the outcome of children or anything like that. its just worth noting that the academy is also a research institute, that there's healing alices in this world, and that you can make up whatever you want bc its a fantasy setting where ppl have magical powers and are able to undo death. (yes this is me justifying my staunch belief that natsume doesnt die in his early twenties.)
personally, i dont mind them having kids. its not rly something focal to me bc theres so much else going on in the story and with their characters for me to think about that the idea of kids is so far away. still, sometimes i like reading a lil fic about them having a kid, canon or au. its kinda cute. i also kinda like it in that if i believe they could have kids, that means that natsume MUST live and his alice must no longer be an issue (bc like we both agree on, natsume simply would not have kids if he thought the child could inherit his alice shape). in my head, i kinda always assumed they would? its made possible by my delusions. if you read the questions post i linked up there, i said "it's non-negotiable" but that was mainly in regards to higuchi maintaining in the memorial book that natsume wouldnt live a very long life. again, natsume WOULDN'T have kids if he knew they had a chance of suffering like he did, so that means if he ever DID have kids, then that chance must no longer exist. idk if that makes sense.
again, im really actually not an expert. i would even say "i didnt create these characters" except that that would mean higuchi's say should be final and i dont want her say to be final. really, its a fictional world w fictional characters. so if u wanna be delusional like me and find it difficult to see higuchi's ending without saying "but thats not what it looks like to ME," then go for it! we can be happy together. but also if these aspects of natsume and mikan and the academy feel inseparable from your own beliefs of the story, then thats fine too. honestly theres rly no right or wrong answer when it comes to post-ending headcanon. ppl can disagree. dont take me saying "i want natsume to have kids so he can spite higuchi" or whatever as a way of judging or disapproving of the headcanon that he wouldnt have kids. its a plausible outcome that he wouldn't. i just feel like i need to say that bc my opinion doesnt rly weigh more than anybody else's
i must say though: thank you for sending this ask. i have been having a rough day and coming home to answer this took my mind off the whole situation and made me feel so much better <3 thank you
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emetkoto · 2 years
tell us about emetkoto and their love languages
I have answered this before but it was a while ago and I've had more thoughts since then so I'll do it again bc I love them and talking about them makes me happy :)
Emet-selch is kinda. Like a cat? If he doesn't like you he will not be around you longer than he needs to so y'know like that thing where cats will just be in the room with you to show their affection? He does that :) when K'oto asks him to just hang out early on he would hang out in the corner just watching K'oto go about his evening....then as the night goes on he starts to inch closer and closer and start conversing with him more and more until he's eventually sitting right next to him drinking tea and chatting 🥹
sharing his aether is also a big thing he developed while being with K'oto...since it brings him so much comfort and helps him sleep he takes any opportunity he can to channel some onto/into (😏) him!
K'otos big love language is usually like. Poking fun at people he likes? Nothing mean just kind of little nudges to be like "hey hey look I know you I remembered these things about you I love you" y'know? But that's not exactly. Possible with emet selch so he had to adjust and sorta shift to just. Trying to talk to him in general? Whenever they're together in private K'oto is always trying to start and keep conversations going with him because he wants to know him better and is interested in what he has to say.......sometimes it backfires and emet selch gets annoyed with his prying but that's mostly just near the beginning, eventually it's all fine and K'oto doesn't have to worry about it too much anymore...and he can also start joking with him more like he normally likes to 🥹
K'oto is also very physical! He loves to hold hands and just generally find ways to touch his lovers whenever he can in public to show everyone he's in love...obviously that's another thing he can't really do with emet selch since it's all kinda. On the downlow and he doesn't want the scions knowing but emet selch can tell he gets antsy about it and likes to tease him by subtly touching him in broad daylight :) putting his hands on his shoulders, brushing his fingers against the area of exposed skin between the bottom of his shirt and waistband of his pants when he passes by him or stands close to him.....holding his hand any time nobody's looking for a few seconds 🥹🥹 k'otos go to reciprocation since he can't go all out is just. Brushing his tail against emet....it's a little thing and he can barely feel it but it's enough!! And emet knows exactly what it means and he thinks it's nice ❤️💜
When they're alone together ofc K'oto is all over him touching him and giving him little headbutts when applicable and cuddling with him and purring for him....the first time he purred it was a mistake, he was so caught up in the cozy and the being in love he didn't think about it but as soon as emet was like 'hmm?' and showed interest he stopped and was worried it was like. Disgust or annoyance but he was like 'did I say you had to stop?? Keep going' and since then K'oto purrs for him without hesitation!
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surrealsunday · 1 year
Crazy theory anon here, coming back to scream at you about Manner of Death like I threatened promised👋🏻
Okay, I actually really enjoyed it even though I’ll admit it took me a few episodes before I got into it but once I did, maaaaaan it got good. So I’ll share some thoughts below.
1. Why do so many people in this place live in these mansions all by themselves? I think Bun and Nam were the only two that lived in normal people dwellings but the rest of the town seemed to be making a career out of haunting their houses.
2. After you said there were some twists and turns that you didn’t see coming, I was excited to be surprised. Majority of media I watch/read that are mysteries or “who done it” type stories, I figure them out very early on. It’s one of the downsides to having good pattern recognition but unfortunately the same thing happened here. It’s ok though because I’m still able to enjoy it and instead find the beauty in the intricacies of good storytelling.
3. *sigh* Let’s talk about Rung. The moment Rung showed up to Janes house the morning after her death I knew she was involved and honestly suspected she had done it. I know that sounds crazy but I thought it was odd. Tan was there that morning to pick Jane up for work and Rung would have known that her sister was teaching and wouldn’t have been home at that time. So why did she show up when her sister wasn’t supposed to have been home? Then her whole reaction felt… performative. Maybe so nobody would question her and maybe even a way to get any info she could about where the investigation would go but she really played the perfect grieving sister. The more that was revealed as the story progressed just kept reinforcing my suspicions. She showed up at the most opportune times to help Bun and Tan but each time I could see how it would actually benefit her and whoever else was involved if you looked at it from a different perspective. Human trafficking? Rung owns a “spa”? The “rescued” girls are staying there? Interesting. When Sorawit got shot outside the secret house in the woods, he fell in front of a car that looked just like hers. The hell would she be doing out there? Definitely involved. At the end of the day she wanted power and money and had no qualms about torturing her sister to get it all because she was jealous and vindictive over Pued. Did you see the light in her eyes when she saw that the Judge was lusting after her baby sister? The opportunity she saw there? Disgusting. Maybe she was used in the past as well like she hinted, and I would have some sympathy for the person she was then but I’m not sure I believe her. If it is true that actually makes it doubly worse bc how could you then turn around and willingly do that to those children while profiting? That woman was a heartless monster, I never had any sympathy for her crocodile tears and I’m glad she ended up the way she did. A murder staged to look like a suicide. Beautiful. Poetic. Deserved. 👏🏻
4. I really wanted to be shocked about the Judge! That looked like such a breathtaking reveal if you didn’t see it coming. He also seemed rather obvious from the start. Too helpful and too calm about everything. Then they showed that flashback to Jane threatening to expose them at the party before she died. I knew I was right the moment I saw the judge sitting at that table with the rest of them. When I saw that I was like damn, yeah, he’s definitely involved. Only later to find out he was the most violent and depraved of all the men there.
5. On a positive note I will say that I’m happy Inspector M turned out to be a good guy and a great cop. He seemed like he’d be a character with strong morals in the beginning but, I did start to wonder if he’d been bought off when he started his shit about the autopsy report, trying to go against Buns findings in order for Janes death to be ruled a suicide, and the tug of war with the laptop. They almost had me questioning him but I never lost hope that he’d make the right decision and I’m so glad that it didn’t go another way. He ended up being such a key part of what made the plan work and I don’t think it would’ve gone their way had he not helped Bun and Tan. I’d also really love to live in TV world where people get beat to shit and shot multiple times only to be kicking ass a day or two later with nothing more than a minor limp. Man has healing powers to rival Kinns lol! Also the actor was super attractive. Just saying.
6. Nam! Omg this girl wasn’t phased by anything! After all the horrors she was put through, after all the failed escape attempts and failed rescues, she never backed down and was able to stay strong. The experience will definitely leave some permanent scars but she seems like the type of person that could deal with it head on and push through. She also had the balls to I.D. the Judge right in front of his face. Like yes you go girl! I just respected her so much for her strength.
7. That and Sorawit were adorable. I didn’t expect That to be a character I’d like as much as I did. When he beat up Sorawit in the beginning and then was threatening Bun I was wary of where they’d take it with him but he ended up being a brave kid with a good heart just like Sorawit. I’m also a little bummed that their relationship didn’t progress much on the show. They obviously had feelings for each other but that was never really fleshed out so I’m not sure why they hinted at it so much in the first place. Either way I enjoyed their schemes and interactions.
8. I’m not going to say much about Pued bc I’m still not sure how I feel about him. I’m disgusted that he was willing to do what he did to Jane (and possibly at one time to Rung seeing as his Playboy status was mostly him “recruiting” girls for the business) and I do feel like he loved Jane at least in some way but to sell your girlfriend out like that? For a better position? At least in the end he regretted his part in all of it and especially what it had done to Jane. So I don’t like him but I do respect that he was going to do the right thing in the end. I’ll give him that much. I also very much liked his relationship with Tan. They had such a messed up family dynamic so it was nice to see that Pued loved him as a brother, a whole brother, and was willing to stand up to Por when he was being unfair and cruel. That’s the beauty of flawed characters I guess. I also wish they had revealed more about the brothers and their past with their father.
9. I didn’t expect to like Por. I really didn’t but I liked him in the way I like any morally ambiguous character. He wasn’t law abiding nor “good” by any means but he had his own fucked up moral compass that sometimes just made sense and he really would do anything to protect the ones he loves. Even Tan once he got past the grudge he held against him for so long. That man had a life mission to avenge his brother and I was rooting him on the whole time. Honestly I just think he’s neat 🤷🏻‍♀️
10. Also a big shoutout to Pat. I need to apologize for calling him a heartless asshole in the beginning because they wouldn’t have had any info without that man and he didn’t deserve to meet such a horrible end. He gave his life to tell the truth and almost didn’t get the chance.
11. Okay okay okay. Onto Bun and Tan finally. I’ll admit that I wasn’t into their dynamic in the beginning but I think that mostly had to do with me not understanding what exactly Tans relationship was with Jane. I was hoping they wouldn’t hook him up with Bun immediately after his supposed gf was murdered but then when it was revealed that they were just friends, it made more sense. As for their chemistry? Listen, you know as well as I do that it’s hard having KP and MA as your intro to BL couples because their chemistry is just off the damn charts. Everyone else has paled in comparison so far. Now, Bun and Tan did have good chemistry and it was very apparent during a couple of their more intimate scenes but I do feel that their relationship progress was somewhat hindered due to the enormous plot of the story. The mystery was great and executed well but I feel the main characters relationship suffered because of it. It would’ve been nice if they’d spent a little more time developing them. For example: why make it a big deal that they met 8 years ago at school only for them to pretty much do nothing with that later on? It’s not even just about them as a couple. I kind of walked away feeling like I learned so much more about the side characters than I did about the two leads. I’m also not a fan of how a lot of BL’s like to make one character very affectionate but the other half is always reluctant/defensive with it and they did some of that with these two. I did enjoy at the very end to see Bun finally being cheesy and romantic with Tan in their final scene together. And the marriage proposal? I mean I would’ve still said yes but Tan would’ve received a crisp slap for that set-up. Not funny Tan. Not funny. The box was cute tho.
12. Can we talk about Jane? Just poor Jane. Everyone she trusted just used her up and then gaslit her when she begged for help. That’s why imo out of all of the people who were a part of this disgusting organization, Rung was the worst. Watching Jane in those last couple episodes almost broke me and I couldn’t imagine my older sister doing those things to me and not having the slightest ounce of compassion watching me breakdown because of it. Jane was unfortunately naive and her sister knew she could use that to her advantage and for too long it worked. Then that moment when Jane sees Natty at the Orgy and realizes how bad it truly is? The realization that this is happening to children and one she actually knows? Yeah I fully understand why she risked it all. It’s so heartbreaking that a good, trusting person was used and abused like that but her perseverance and determination to tell the truth, no matter the risk to her, is what made me love her and I’m so happy that Bun fought tooth and nail to make sure her voice was heard and that she didn’t die for nothing.
13. Inspector Tong was so pathetic he barely deserves mentioning and I’ll forever be livid that the Congressman escaped. Although I do find it a bit funny that he had to escape the same way they transported those poor girls. I hope it was a nightmare.
14. Also another big shoutout to the computer geek superhero who’s name I never learned. They would’ve been nowhere without him and he was also a much needed comedic relief on more than one occasion. That cute lil hug with Tan and Bun at the end made me giggle.
15. That town had one braincell and unfortunately Bun and Tan were the two who used it the least. I was yelling at them when they saw Junes email and password in that book. CLUES YOU IDIOTS THERE COULD BE CLUES! Glad Bun remembered at the very last second.
I want to add that I appreciate the content warning you gave. I’m someone who’s a big believer that we are responsible for our own triggers out in the world and I think it’s actually important to face those things when we encounter them. That being said, the subject matter was dark and some things affected me in a way that I didn’t expect and without going in prepared, I think I would have had a different experience. So again, thanks for the heads up. I really enjoyed this though and I’m kinda sad it’s over tbh so I’m excited to start “Not Me” in the next few days and see where it leaves me. Again, thanks for the recs Jaime! Sorry this got so long.
Omg yessssssssss
Ok I'll put my response under a jump so this isn't too long...
So I agree, it took me a couple eps to get into it too but thankfully I was in the mood to endure and I was intrigued enough by the premise.
1. True! There were some wild homes actually. In fact, a lot of the scenery in general was pretty gorgeous. But Tan's home was crazzzzzy.
2. I remember being a little sus on the sister initially but I fully did not see the story of her literally selling her sister coming. When you lay out your own suspicions though it totally makes sense you figured it out. Tbh, I just didn't pay that close of attention. Rung really was the most despicable human and I think the depths of her depravity and how viscious she was to her sister was what shocked me the most. Especially when her sister loved her so much. That was heartbreaking. I completely agree that I loved how she met her end. Very deserved.
4. I also had figured the judge was involved. He just seemed like a well placed character for it an a 'surprising' choice. I found the details tended to throw me the most. As you say, he was absolutely depraved. I was so not used to BLs diving into such dark themes and the way this story committed... damn. Like, the story required it, but holy shit. It was a dark story.
5. One thing I loved was how Bun was constantly calling out the police force on being corrupt and inept. So I was pretty damn critical of Inspector M initially, but I liked how that developed too and that he actually was a good guy. I lol’ed at your comment about healing powers. The power of the BL world truly lolol. 
6. Nam was such a badass. I was so disturbed by that moment Jane sees her in the... I don’t even know what to call it? But you’ll know the moment I’m referring too. Like, I could just feel Jane’s total horror in that moment. I’m so glad things turned out the way they did for Nam. 
7. The That and Sorawit story was quite adorable and unexpected. I think it was supposed to be a cute little ‘Tan and Bun if they had met in the past’ sort of thing. Nothing too serious and a way to help humanize and soften That. 
8. I agree that Pued was a hugely flawed character. I actually liked how dark the truth was - with him basically handing her over. It was terrible but I liked that he had serious reasons to feel an incredible amount of guilt. I didn’t like him either but I did appreciate a lot of his scenes, especially that love but conflict situation he had with Tan. And it did break my heart when Tan started crying when Pued collapsed. Because as much as the brothers fought, Pued was one of the only family members that truly loved Tan. 
9. “Honestly I just think he’s neat”  😂 😂 😂
10. I felt so bad when Pat died even though it was pretty obviously coming. I liked the reveal of Jane slipping him the USB drive. It really was nice to realize there was more going on there than him just being a dick reporter. 
11. Omg the thing about not understanding Tan’s relationship to Jane. SAME! Like, obviously that was intentional on the shows part but I saw this post that basically said, ‘To think how easily Tan could have cleared so much up by just simply saying ‘I wasn’t dating her’ but he refused to do so’ and it’s so true 😂. What a chaos gremlin. So I admit I felt very conflicted and weird about Tan and Bun initially too. I kept waiting for the reveal about Tan and Jane not being together but it was unclear for a while. I do agree that the relationship progress was hindered by the plot. This show felt much more plot-driven with a sprinkling of ‘romance’. And there were moments I was confused by them not taking more advantage of the situation. Like Bun and Tan sharing a bed for so long? And we basically just... never saw it? All I could think was that the show was trying to very actively avoid common tropes (i.e. sharing a bed trope). I get what you mean about not being a fan of that whole thing with Bun being so much more timid and resistant (on the surface). It’s not my fave thing either. And I’m actually not sure what that whole ‘they met 8 years ago’ thing was about. I was thinking maybe it had more impact in the book? And that was just lost in the show. I enjoyed them but I do think the show was massively helped in that department by the actors’ chemistry. I did love the domesticity aspect of their relationship and how they so easily and comfortably sunk into life lived together. It made them getting married at the end not seem out of the blue. Tho... SAME. I would have punched Tan for that proposal stunt... my god. For Bun to still find that moment romantic... truly they must be made for one another lol. 
12. God, poor Jane!!! Ah yes you mention the moment when she sees her student here. She really was just used and abused by everyone she trusted the most. That’s why I was so glad that it was made clear throughout the show that Bun truly cared for her and wanted justice for her (and Tan too - though that was unclear for much longer as his motives were so mysterious in the beginning). Her story was just so gut-wrenching. But I am glad the show didn’t pull punches. You know how in some shows it’ll be the surprise reveal of ‘oh look, they’re not dead!’ so that the story isn’t so dark? I always feel like it completely takes away from the impact of the original story they were telling. And this story was too damn dark to pull punches in any way. So as horrific as the details were, I was glad they didn’t flinch from them. 
13. Ohhhh I forgot the Congressman escaped! It made sense to me in the storytelling because... well, that’s reality. It’s exactly what I would expect to happen. But god that made me mad too. 
14. Bless the computer geek! 
15. OMG the password moment 😂😂😂. Yes, same! Thank god they didn’t draw that out. 
I’m glad I did warn in that case and you were at least a little more prepared. It’s definitely a way different take on a show from what is normally seen in the world of BLs. That’s I think why I appreciated it the most. I’m so used to the more teeny-bopper takes on these stories, that I truly welcome more adult approaches (hello Kinnporsche). It was so interesting to read your review! I loved hearing all of your thoughts. 
I will be so curious to hear what you think of Not Me. I just had a friend watch it over the past couple of days too so I’ve been reliving it. I think you’ll enjoy. Something to know about it is that it was shot on an extremely small budget and in some cases they were literally shooting scenes the week before they aired, with the director editing up until the night before the ep aired. So that’s not to warn you the quality will be bad, because it’s not, but just to give you context on how incredible what they achieved was. They used real footage from protests as well as actual protestors and protest leaders in scenes. And some of the events that take place are based on real events. So it’s a fascinating story. Also the director is a transwoman and I think that pov really adds an important dimension to some of the issues tackled. It has some definite flaws (you’ll likely notice this more in the last couple of eps as the story wraps up) but overall it’s a far different level of quality from other BLs. And it’s absolutely the best acting I’ve seen in BLs outside of Kinnporsche. I think you’ll be entertained! 
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