#bc whatever her intentions are
jonroxton · 2 years
corrine the child murderer: don’t talk to john amos he’s fucked up
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elvenbeard · 2 months
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[>> continued below the cut]
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[Insert "A corpo and a nomad walk into a desert" joke here].
ölakshdfasjfhdsdfh hi, I'm Elven, and I'm becoming increasingly addicted to making longass VP comics uwu (and loving every second of it, let's be real XD)
This one has been on my "wanna do" list forever - or at the very least since @pinkyjulien trusted me with his boy 💛 Thank you so much for letting me take Valentin on some unexpected adventures!!
The thing is, I had always wondered if and how these two could ever meet (and also if they could ever become friends, because let's be honest, they're from very different worlds.... or are they 👀 alköasdhfdf I'm already saying too much, there is a part two that will follow in a separate post, but I'll link it below once it's here)
[Part Two - now here :D]
But yes!! Nothing better than fateful meetings at unexpected times :D And I hope I'll have Vince as an NPV somewhere down the line as well to send him on some adventures of his own!
Also, some BTS from a while ago for everyone who read this far:
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Very sus
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Short, colorful rattail kings 🤌
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wingsofwater · 6 months
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peach pit
[ID : a chubby skywing dragon named Pyrite, who has yellowish-orange scales with a lighter yellow underbelly and dark freckles across her scales, resembling the inside of a peach. she has a crest of dark spines along the back of her neck and on the tip of her tail, antler-like horns, her body is dappled with scars, and she wears a cord around her neck like a choker. she is sitting down, facing towards the left, with her wings held open and an uncertain expression on her face. the background is a teal rectangle with white peach blossoms overlayed on top of it. END ID]
#thinking a lawttt about how pyrite was described to be the same color as a peach a lot#the freckles as described in the id are supposed to make her look like the inside of a peach#she has scars all over her body bc she was enchanted to be really clumsy so i would imagine she would be constantly getting hurt by acciden#her feet [and other skywing feet] have a fifth toe on the back kinda like raptor claws that they use for balance and grabbing things#in winter turning the original pyrite[?] was described to have black eyes so i gave her really big pupils -#- that would probably make her eyes look black head-on#she has lil bear ears btw !! i think skywings and icewings have bear ears bc theyre smaller and wont get cold as easily . also theyre cute#i just thought the crest of spines would look cute but then i realized the resemblance to icewing spikes so i added them to the tail too#the antler horns looking like icewing reindeer horns also wasnt intentional i just wanted them to look unique -#- instead of the generic straight horns or curved i usually give skywings#i think ​she has quite a bit of icewing remnants left over despite the spell actually#like i would imagine her fire is weaker than the other skywings and would be a lot less hotter#she also instinctively isnt used to skywing proportions hence why shes sitting the way she is with her legs all weird and wings not closed#other than that shes rather boring and isnt very flamboyant bc i think scarlet would think she doesnt deserve it#i dont really have any other design notes everything was added last second or by complete accident gafksndkxk#I JUST REALIZED THE THUMB ON HER WING IS BACKWARDS . I WAS WONDEIRN WHY IT LOOKED WEIRD CKJFMCJXNX#whatever im not fixing it. suffer with me#🖌#wings of fire skywing#wings of fire#wings of fire pyrite#og my GODDD tumblr eated the wuality on this one real bad wtfff
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I will be honest there is not a day that has fucking gone by where I haven't thought about how goddamn insidious it is that the israeli government has been able to push the reasoning of "hamas is in there so we have to target it" about how they're targeting homes and schools and hospitals and every fucking where and people believing it. they fucking destroy homes in air strikes because "hamas soldiers infiltrate peoples homes". they bomb schools because "hamas are in there some of them are even teachers". they're able to attack a fucking HOSPITAL that's existed longer than israel has because "there's hamas tunnels under there" and so many people are taking it at face value and accept the fucking abhorrence of what's happening to palestinian citizens - what Israel is actively doing to palestinian citizens - as them being caught in the crossfire because the israeli government has so successfully pushed the reasoning of "since we're claiming the enemy everywhere we can think of we can attack everywhere we want" so goddamn well that people believe it and take the attacks that they're seeing on the news as casualties of war and not the fucking genocide that they are and it is so goddamn fucking disheartening
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theprinceandthewitch · 3 months
Hmm... it's interesting how they made Luz wear a witch's cloak in Hunting Palisman - the episode where she introduces Flapjack to Hunter. This is also the episode where Hunter defies Belos by choosing Luz over him. He goes back to his palace empty-handed and he doesn't hand over Flapjack to Belos. Unbeknownst to Hunter, he is following Caleb's footsteps.
But then, in Hollow Mind, they made the choice to have Luz not wear her witches cloak - instead they made Luz wear a jacket with a giant "E" on it. They could have given Luz a completely different outfit like they did in Hunting Palisman. But they don't... they make her wear this specific jacket...
...They also make Hunter wear Caleb's symbol in Hollow Mind... an episode where Luz and Hunter are trapped in Philip's mind... where we can see paintings of the two most important characters in Philip's life - his brother and a witch from another world.
But I'm sure this is all unintentional.
You know, like this is:
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oh, nbd, just a painting being paralleled with the scene happening right before our eyes
here's a more high def image of the painting
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Oh, hmm, okay, this is a painting of Caleb standing next to a witch with short dark brown hair and who just so happens to be a witch from another world. Both of them are startled by Philip...
Hunter, the Grimwalker who looks the most like Caleb, is standing next to someone who ALSO just so happens to be a witch from another world with short dark brown hair... both are startled by Philip's monster form...
Hmm, must be unintentional I guess.
there's also this:
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Mhm, okay, I see... I see, very interesting. Here we have Caleb being lead away from Philip by a witch from another world after the brother's have a fall out. This fall out marks the point of no return for them, as Philip later kills Caleb out of anger.
Hunter and Philip's relationship completely deteriorates because of Luz, which leads to Philip's decision to kill Hunter. She shows Hunter Belos' true nature and she offers Hunter sanctuary at The Owl House right after he finds out Belos has been lying to him his whole life... Luz saves Hunter's life and changes it forever.
Hmmm... very interesting
But I'm sure this is unintentional [I'm being sarcastic]
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aroacettorney · 4 months
i need more info/details on caseys ""eccentricities"" because her personality is not that eccentric to me?? unless we mean her tomboyness and lack of social conformity with regard to how women should behave????? but thats literally just gender non-conforming and social rules hella suck anyway.
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mintowls · 5 months
everyday at work i hear something that makes me want to strangle rich people even more
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apotelesmaa · 4 months
A while back I saw sm1 saying tsukasa expresses emotions like it’s his first time experiencing them & while it’s very funny and true I think it’s also worth noting that unlike tv/movie actors, stage actors have to really exaggerate their body language/expressions so that their emotions are readable for everyone in the theatre. On screen you can easily pick up the micro expressions on an actor’s face because you’re like 5 ft away at most and the camera often zooms in on their face. From the back of the theatre you can’t read subtle expressions so the actors need to over emphasize and use their whole body. All this to say: given that u cannot take the theatre kid out of tsukasa I feel like his acting just bled into how he expresses his emotions.
Emu also does the body language thing but it’s harder to tell as she’s normally expressing a smaller range of emotions than tsukasa (she’s naturally joyous and whimsical creature & tsukasa is usually given ample reasons to express annoyance). I think that’s more of a result of her exaggerating her happiness so that other people are also happy rather than an acting thing though. Gestures at her refusing to show negative emotions. Entertainer/clown (actual clowns, not the insult) vs stage actor. Really good examples of them doing this is the clip of rui imitating tsukasa & the clip of nene imitating emu.
#project sekai#don’t misinterpret this he’s not like. pretending to feel whatever he’s expressing. he’s acting the emotions he feels.#he’s capable of not doing that esp when he needs to be serious. his normal is just stage acting behavior.#knowledge I gained from 1) having a theatre kid sister who was rlly good at this 2) doing photography for her shows 4 newspaper#she got put on the no print list (list for ppl who are photographed all the time who need to not be photographed so others can be in photos)#bc she specifically was very very good at doing this and it resulted in really good & clearly readable photos#2 a lesser extent I do this as well bc of her influence I just emote less#don’t think it’s a stretch to say that it’s intentional given the implication that he’s so loud bc he’s used to projecting his voice while#he performs.#to clarify wrt emu I think if she was to express more negative emotions they would be more subdued.#unless it was for a role in which case she feels more comfortable not expressing joy 24/7.#i could go on a tangent abt ‘tsukasa doesn’t express his true emotions’ fanon when 1) he does. very obviously. 2) *emu* doesn’t but that#gets ignored. hello. nene having to tell emu it’s ok to cry and rely on wxs to comfort her.#even in the main story where she’s like devestated and blaming herself for wxs breaking up#she’s still smiling when she’s telling tsukasa that she made everybody sad and ruined everything (her view not mine)#mafuyu emu parallels… hm.#i don’t think emu’s ever been shown pissed off id be interested in seeing how she expresses that.#speaking of the it’s ok to cry thing if I don’t get that card when it runs on global I’m going to fuckin lose it. gay ass card.#this is getting long and I have stuff to do but as a side note nene & rui both hide their emotions#nene bc she’s shy & doesn’t show her true hater self unless she’s with friends#& rui because he’s used to being alone & struggles to identify his own emotions#at some point I’m sure I’ll ramble incoherently about how a lot of the issues ppl project onto tsukasa r issues he doesn’t experience#but *emu* does but nobody ever takes her character seriously so it gets ignored.#colopale do an event where nene encourages emu to b ok with showing minor negative emotions please please please
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lorillee · 9 months
to be honest i dont like it much when people want to make maya hate being master of kurain like . i dont know. dont you think that kind of sucks as an ending for her
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johndonneswife · 1 month
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#just need to vent rq lololol#my wedding lehenga came out so freaking beautiful#but it needs to be taken in a lot like. i lost 6 inches on my waist since i initially had it made for my body#and everyone at the shop was like ohh wow good job great you look so great now you look awesome#and my mom was like oh wow good job that’s good you did it#like lol#i wanted to just be like#‘thanks i had to go to iop therapy at an ed center where they literlaly taught me how to eat food. like a toddler. thanks’#like i didn’t lose weight for an intentional reason but thanks for confirming you thought i looked horrible before lolol#idk i have been like every size in the book but seeing how much better ppl treat me when im smaller#i’m just like. :)#if my mom says anything about her body or mine tomorrow i will probably fucking lose it and if you see a woman in nj killing ppl on the news#it’s me. lol#it just really took me out of the experience bc i’m trying sooooo hard to be neutral about my body. and like. i don’t need to hear your#thoughts abt what i look like lmao#whatever my dress is beautiful and i’m so beautiful and i’m excited but i really do think i should be able to hunt ppl for sport#leave me alone#nothing you do can please ppl#when i was 20 and 100 lbs and killing myself and sick and miserable every single day my mom was also just like#wow you look great#meanwhile i was balding and fainting at the gym and failing my college classes bc i was obsessed w my body#text#also look at these cats that are just in luis’s apartment’s hallway like rofl who let them out of their apt!!!! so cute#my mom saying ‘you did it’ as if i was trying to do something made me lol#i wasn’t TRYING to do anything i just am healing my relationship w food and my body#bc i refuse to waste my entire life being bitter and miserable and ashamed of existing#like SOMEONE i know….#anyway this could be you too! if you went to fucking therapy!#i ate ny pizza out of spite after all of this#sorry some of you can’t enjoy a fucking carb !!!!!
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ratgingi · 1 year
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cleaned up a practice sketch of michy !! help her choose her stickers for the day <3
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snarltoothed · 29 days
shoutout to my high school psych teacher for mentioning that the romanian orphan crisis was very much caused by abortion and birth control bans. like i’m pretty sure she could’ve gotten fired for that, even though it’s true… discussing abortion or fascilitating conversation about abortion in any context as a teacher in public schools in america is a big no-no
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slippery-minghus · 3 months
hmm. had an actual conversation with nightmare coworker today that seemed mutually productive. she apologized for saying some bullshit that hurt my feelings and i clarified that my intentions are to help not to undermine her, and we both agreed that there's no competition against each other and that it's the lack of growth in our role that's the problem. it was...productive.
and further cementing for me that it is time to begin making my Exit. i will be sending out my resume to a few places this weekend.
i'm still processing the conversation, and am struggling to place myself in where i am responsible to better my behavior. because i genuinely don't want to be an ass, even though i really don't like this lady and will jump for joy the day i never have to see her again. she stated that she knows my intentions aren't to hurt her, and that she thinks i'm very kind. i apologized for if my behavior came off as undermining her, and said that my intentions are only to better my own growth—and that i know she's trying to succeed too. i validated her feelings, and complemented the effort she is putting in.
where i'm struggling with is: am i in the wrong/causing harm and needing to change if the issue is that her feelings are incongruent with what she knows of my intentions? her feelings are her responsibility (WOW i almost typed "her feelings are my responsibility". i feel like that's a freudian slip) and she states that she knows i don't mean to hurt her. i'm going to try to be more clear in wording my intentions with her (she feels like me trying to take work off her plate is to undermine her. when really, i'm caught up and see her getting overwhelmed, and i want to help and also have something to do since i'm bored).
but i'm really struggling to look at my role in this and pass judgement on myself. i can and want to do better, and i don't think i did anything wrong, but i'm always so hesitant to say it's not my fault or i didn't do something bad. like i can't trust my judgement on that. my intentions were good, her bad feelings are ones caused by her insecurities, which she more or less has expressed to be aware that they are not true—the hurtful thing she said to me, she acknowledged was said out of hurt and not what she actually thinks. so, is it fair to say i'm not the bad guy? i'm not in the wrong? i know good intentions that still result in harm don't absolve anyone, but when the things that are clashing are insufficient communication and reactive insecurities... i'm not a monster, am i?
#well. i AM probably a monster for how much i dislike this lady#but i don't ACT on it#and i genuinely couldn't care less about her. i participate in decent human pleasantries because i am a decent human.#and at work we're stuck together#the thing that's irked me so much about this conversation is just.. her self centeredness#that she thinks everyone is out to get her. to undermine her. whatever.#bitch nobody cares about you enough one way or the other to put in that kind of effort. i sure don't#i empathize but i do not sympathize. to feel that pit that makes you feel like the worst kind of center of attention#i get it. but genuinely you are not the main character and no one is going to spend their limited time and energy to slowly attack you#you are not the cat with all the knives pointed at it#it's a terrible feeling to feel like you are! but when it influences your behavior to the point that you are making snide comments#to people who have no option not to interact with you then uh. then you're in the wrong buddy#and the people around you (who cannot easily leave! bc work!) should not have to bend over backwards to assure you#that they're not pointing knives at you. to protect themselves from your feelings making you say mean shit#like yes. i can be more clear with my intentions. i'm generally not the greatest at that. but my baseline that i want to#modify my behavior from is NOT one that a regular well adjusted person would take as anything but kind#and if a regular well adjusted person got a little offput by me volunteering to take work off their hands we would've had a very chill#3 sentence conversation about it MONTHS AGO.#i understand and respect (even if i find it annoying and overbearing) the need for me to announce my intentions like im working in a kitchen#and saying 'hot water' or 'knife' as i move around other people but we shouldn't have reached this conclusion this way#and frankly who's to fucking say me being more clear with my intentions will only feed the flames of her thinking i'm out to get her!#'i caught up on my stuff and your plate looks full. i'm bored. anything i can do to help?' could be a pointed knife for all i know!!#and if it is- and my actions still hurt her in that scenario- am i still responsible for the hurt caused??#like WHERE DOES IT FUCKING E N D ?#personal#*exhales* okay i feel better now#i just hate talking about my interactions with her bc i just want NOTHING to do with it. i want her out of my head!!#but until i process it i can't let go#and i'm still going to have to go over all of this with my shrink tomorrow#it just makes me mad how much of my time this bitch takes up. i'm not getting paid to think about work right now!!!!
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need to shell out for a new laptop before the end of the year - for a lot of reasons but mainly bc support ending for win8.1 makes fixing the current beast rather pointless :/ (and. admittedly. there is a lot to fix. she's old and she has suffered.)
but my current beastie is from the last gen of laptops with a disc drive and the thought of using an external/usb disc drive is enough to make me cry tears of blood
#really though it is time to upgrade#and i hate to say it because she /runs/ fine it's all hardware issues w parts that can absolutely be replaced#but if i can't use it to run the programs i need then shelling out the money for those parts would ultimately be a waste#but also the fact that this machine that runs fine is no longer worth fixing bc some google-based bullshit just won't support win8.1 anymor#is ALSO a fucking waste & a pile of planned obsolescence bullshit! and i hate it!#but uh. even though she runs fine and she totally does. she does need. uh.#new keyboard (only 1/3 of keys work; currently use usb keyboard)#new trackpad ribbon cable (trackpad does not currently work; using external usb mouse)#new power button and connecting ribbon cable (turning it on involves opening it up and causing an intentional short-circuit every time.)#(a problem largely solved by simply never turning her completely off- except she also needs)#a new battery (current battery does not charge at all; machine needs to be constantly plugged in or it shuts down immediately)#...ok i might be the 'this is fine' dog about this#but i am still upset! that i will no longer have a disc drive inside my damn laptop.#that's the disc drive's natural habitat; that's where it should be; it's weird and offputting to have it connected via usb!#ack. why do tech companies fuck everything up.#and that's without getting into the way new devices offer less harddrive space so people will use the fucking cloud or whatever???#yeah sorry no i'm not using your goddamn data mining corporate off-site storage i want to keep my shit on my own goddamn machine#go to actual hell if you're trying to sell me a pc with less than at least 500GB of storage i swear to fuck#...in essence you could say the whole process is leaving me rather grumpy
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like-sands-of-time · 6 months
I wonder what ani and padmé would have been like as parents to Luke and Leia, and later grandparents to Ben. Like I don't have any great developed thoughts on that whole au concept I just do love the thought. Ben has so much impressive family, and a lot of uncles and aunts to look up to. If a lot of things had gone a lot differently, idk how, and padmé and ani got to grow older and stronger together, if Ben were to have his grandfather not only as a legend but as a person to hold him and tell him stories, I wonder what that would have been like.
#what if ben wants really badly to be a knight like his uncle is when hes young bc girls are gross or whatever and hes shy and awkward#so hes pretty sure hes never gonna be with anyone anyway#and then when hes almost 30 he meets rey and he has his oh moment#padmé was quite a bit older than anakin so it looks like ben will be more like his grandmother than he realized#rey actually is a nobody from nowhere bc duh#but despite her lack of etiquette training or politicking she fits in with princess leia like SO well and the fam loves her#especially when they start noticing the changes in ben... cripplingly shy and quiet ben is trying to woo rey and failing adorably#or so it seems. mostly because he doesnt come out and speak his intentions.. sure that a girl like her wouldnt actually want him#never mind that theyre dyads and they share a mind connection. he somehow finds a way to misinterpret her emotional responses#mostly because he has no measure for these things in his own life#but also.. neither does rey. and a lot of new stuff is happening in her life including suddenly having the force and a forcebond#with a prince of the galaxy of all people !! shes got some major imposter syndrome going on#oh maybe its also implied that she will be bens queen because of the forcebond from the time they find out so its SORT OF an arranged#marriage?? and she obviously senses his anxiety and trepidation and he clearly is willing to go through with it.. even trying to court her#but she thinks its better if they dont try bc the force may be saying they have to be together but she believes in making her own choices#and she actually thinks bens a nice guy and a good friend to have. but obviously she says this to him trying to make things better#tells him they should just be friends. she likes him and his family and is so grateful they accepted her but they should get to choose#so ben takes this with grace (lol) and he does agree to be her friend because its better than nothing right and everything about her is just#so captivating to him that he cant help but friendzone himself. but on the way to strengthening their bond and training together they grow#closer and the tension between them coils tightly. so rey TOLD ben they should have a choice and she doesn't want to go back on that#theyre still arranged to be married or perhaps they already are married but living separately. but still she doesnt want to make him think#shes fickle or ruin their friendship because she cant control herself. shes clearly confusing her feelings for his too (shes not)#and ben is majorly confused when he realizes that the affection he feels is returned at long last he doesnt know if he should confront her#or if he should be subtle about it. courting didnt seem to work last time but things are different now. he brings her gifts theres nothing#wrong with that. so he's picked up on gift giving but more personalized? and hes taking her on trips bc she wants to see different worlds#he already reads books about topics that interest her but now he gifts them to her or talks about those topics#and shes so determined to keep it to herself he realizes that he kisses her!! he feels so confident and assured in that moment. he knowswhat#he feels and he knows what she feels. theres no need to hold back any longer. he doesn't want to. ben takes her hand and goes before his#grandparents to ask for their blessing for marriage. everyone is pleased to finally be able to speak freely of them. ben and rey and both#overjoyed. theirs is the biggest most extravagant wedding in the galaxy. moreso than han and leias. everything is perfect
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falinscloaca · 6 months
pisses me off so much much that i’m not immune to people arguing about steven universe
#what is it about that g-dforsaken cartoon that makes my bones weep for blood#its like. the perfect combination of well intentioned progressive storytelling bungled themes antiblackness fandom culture and shipping bul#bullshit queer community physiology kids show and actually-good-except-all-the-bad-parts#anyways any defense of the show that starts with ‘lily orchard is full of shit huh’ immedialy into the trash you fucking go#not all criticism of the fucking thing stemmed from one annoying youtube skank. people have been hypercritical of SU since before that vide#was a glimmer in orchard’s eye - people have been making great and godawful points about it since steven fucking two#STEVEN TWO?!?#SEASON#like some points made against it ARE bullshit! but not all of them! and when real life seems to have spat out a few strawmen for yall to ar#argue against you’ll never make actual progress on the genuine fucking issues people have on it! its useless!#also it really irritates me that bc some people escalated criticisms of the diamonds to ‘su condones nazi redemption’ all responses to the#shows approach to justice just get countered with ‘but RS is jewish’.#like YEAH and actually her jewishness does inform the shows approach to justice abd punishment but that doesn’t make the end result GOOD#also judaism isn’t. spiritually speaking. 100% about reform and self-reflection rather than christian damnation barbarity or whatever#there is in fact harder edges to our shit its just unlikely steven universe would include WD getting hanged along with all her sons orchang#changing her mind at the last second because she hasn’t earned an uncomplicated admittance of fault and she sends and army after the#escaping stevenites only for said army to get drowned alive as the sea closes around them#lol#(or that it SHOULD have#imo while the diamonds did escape proper justice from just a tonal and like. thematic cohesion standpoint a violent execution of the#dictatorial class really would NOOOOT fit the show in any sense)
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