#if there be thorns is just insane absolutely fucking insane
ikosburneraccount · 2 years
sorry for spamming the tlc tag. but im not done yet
please rb and explain why. ill go first
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
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Starring: True from! Sukuna in a cabin in the woods... Synopsis: You don't see the point in it; chasing myths on Halloween night, going deeper into the woods than you ever had before. You'd rather be at home than chasing ghosts. But, your best friend insists on finding evidence of the local urban legends, and surely she won't abandon you the moment you find what shes been hunting, right? Content Warning: Tonight we are serving True form (two dicks) Sukuna, double penetration, tummy bulges, cunnilingus, kidnapping, marking, slight dubcon, and a soft Sukuna if you squint. reader discretion is advised
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“So, remind me again why we’re taking a walk in the woods on Halloween night?” You asked your friend, narrowly avoiding a thorn vine as you pushed past the brush. 
“Because, historically speaking, people tend to see it on Halloween!” She explained, holding up her camera, “It’s our best chance of finding evidence of the spider demon.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her optimism.
“I don’t know if “Historically” is the right word to use there,” you grumbled softly as you continued your walk together. Ever since the two of you had started taking that Folklore Studies class for an extra college credit she had become obsessed with the local urban legend: The Spider Demon. To her credit, it was a genuinely interesting topic. 
As far back as town hall kept records of, there were sightings of the beast: a giant humanoid man that was covered in ancient markings, with four arms, four eyes, and a giant mouth on his abdomen. Rumor has it, he was the one at fault for all the disappearances that plagued your small town, dragging poor, innocent souls into some far off lair and feasting on their flesh. 
The sane people knew the real reason for the disappearances though; most of those kids hopped a train and got the fuck out of that dying town while they still could. You couldn’t say you blamed them. If you didn’t go to school here, one of the cheaper colleges around, you wouldn’t be here either. 
Your thoughts came to a halt as the two of you came up on an old stream. You knew it well as the boundary between where it was acceptable to play in the woods, and where was off limits. Everyone in the town had followed this rule. Your great grandparents had this rule engraved in their soul as kids, just as your parents and grandparents had, just as you had. And just as your kids would one day. No one really knew why you weren’t supposed to cross the water, just that you weren’t.
And your best friend was trying to hop across. “Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doin’?!” You yelled as you grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She looked at you as if you had just grown two extra heads.
"I'm crossing the stream?" She asked as if you were the insane one here.
"Yeah, I can see that dipshit!" You snapped, "Why the hell would you do that?!"
"To get to the other side?"
"What are you, a chicken?! You know we're not supposed to cross this stream." Your friend dramatically rolled her eyes, making her annoyance clear.
"The only chicken here is you Y/n." She scoffed. "Come on, it's just water. It can't hurt you." She said in a tone meant to mock assurance. It grinded your bones and made you wonder why you were friends to begin with.
"Don't be like that. Everyone in this town has been told since birth not to cross that stream, there has to be a reason why."
"The reason why is probably so little kids don't drown." She explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the entire world. It made you want to rearrange her teeth. "I'm going to cross the stream and keep the hunt going, are you with me or not Y/n?" She asked.
You took a deep breath. You absolutely were not with her. Every fiber in your being was setting off red flags, you could hear your ancestors screaming at you to turn around, somewhere from the great beyond, both Cain and Abel look at you and say "girl, don't do it." 
And yet, you started to jump across the rocks. As annoying as your friend was, she was still your friend, and you couldn't let her go alone. Your ancestors all collectively face palm, your nerves explode, Cain turns to Abel and shakes his head. There's no saving you now. You swore the air temperature dropped by at least three degrees as you made it to the other side of the stream. You cursed softly as you wrapped your jacket tighter around you, and rushed to catch up with your friend.
“See? We crossed the water and we didn’t explode! Some rules are just made to be broken.” She seemed confident in that, but you still weren’t. Something was so…off. Wrong. But you couldn’t figure out what. The moon was still as full as ever, lighting your way as the two of you walked. Your friend seemed fine, as chatty as hell even. And you were physically okay. Leaves crunched under your shoes, and the crickets chirped-
Wait. No they didn’t. “Hey, shush.” You demanded of your friend.
“What!? Why should I-”
“I said Shut. Up.” You snapped, an unfamiliar edge to your voice taking even you by surprise. She shut up, and you struggled to listen to the sounds of the forest. Except, there were no sounds of the forest. No crickets singing, no owls hooting, not even the rustle of a field mouse in the grass. The woods were completely silent, filled with nothing but the sound of your breathing. 
“Do you hear that?” You asked your friend.
“I don’t hear anything.” She scoffed.
“Exactly. We need to turn back.”
“What?! No way!” She protested with a stomp of her foot. You were really starting to think that Darwinism would not look kindly upon your friend.
“The woods are completely quiet.” You pointed out, “That doesn’t happen unless it has a reason to be quiet. We’re not welcome here.” You tried to argue. You would have been better off arguing with the moon itself. Your friend just shook her head as she continued to walk.
“The woods are always quiet Y/n, its what makes it so peaceful, or whatever.”
“But not this quiet!” You pleaded as you chased after her, still not willing to let her die out here alone. “Dude, please, we need to go-!”
“Ooo, whats that!” Your “best friend” quickly changed the topic as she pointed out a building off in the distance, running off to check it out. You felt your stomach fall to the floor. Who would build anything out here? You ran to follow her, deciding to just drag her back home if you had to. 
“Its a house!” She pointed out with a laugh as the two of you reached the edge of a lawn, “And they even decorated for Halloween, how sweet.” You looked at the house, an old wooden cabin that looked like something a pilgrim would have built back in the 1700s. You were shocked to see lights glowing in the window, indicating the building had electricity. That wasn’t what unnerved you the most though.
That would be the bones littering the yard. Animal and human alike, some looking older than others. All strewn about as if thrown there without any care, or sense of design. They looked more like discarded trash than they did decor, and a morbid part of your brain forced you to ask; do those maybe look a little too real to be made of plastic? You blood felt colder than ice as your throat contracted, an unseen anaconda choking you as your knees threatened to give out.
This place was cursed. “You should go knock.” Your friend smirked.
“I would rather die.” You whispered.
“I’m serious!” She laughed, “Go trick or treating! You’d probably be the first one to do so here.” 
“No way, this isn’t right. Why would they “decorate” for Halloween all the way out here? Why are they out here to begin with? It doesn’t make sense, we need to go.”
“Well, I’m not leaving until you go knock on the door.” Your friend shrugged as if she wasn’t signing your death certificate. “These kind people deserve trick or treaters, and I deserve to take a picture of you scared shitless as you knock on the door.” She laughed.
“That’s not funny!” You snapped, your patience growing thinner as your anxiety grew.
“Oh come on Y/n! Don’t be such a bitch, just go knock on the door and then we can go, okay? I promise.”
“...Swear?” You asked softly, at this point willing to do whatever it took to leave these woods and go home.
“Swear.” Your best friend smiled, locking her pinky with yours. Her smile as angelic, enough to trick you into a facade of ease. You took a deep breath as you approached the door, carefully avoiding the skeletons as you walked. Did they looked chewed on? You didn’t want to think too hard about it. You could feel your heart in your throat, the false courage of your friends pinky promise fleeing faster and faster with every step you took closer to this house. It radiated death.
Climbing the creaky stairs was harder than you anticipated, your jittering joints protesting the very act. You reached a trembling fist to the splintering wooden door, knocking as soft as possible. “H-Hello?” You called out, hating the way your voice quivered, “Trick or Treat!” Your entire body tried to collapse in on itself, the only thing keeping you from doing so was the primal instinct to maintain your ability to run should you so need.
You waited a few seconds, then let out a shaking breath as no one came to the door. As you turned back to your friend, you were blinded by the flash of a camera, freezing you in your place. The sounds of her cackle filled you with rage. You really needed you friends. 
You rolled your eyes. “There I knocked. Are you happy? Can we please go home no-” your words died in your throat as you heard the door open.
“Trick.” a rough deep voice said, deeply unfamiliar to you. You watched your friends face contort into fear and her jaw unhinged itself into a scream as she scrambled to get away. Though, you weren’t able to hear her panic, the ringing in your ears becoming deafening as you felt your feet fall from underneath you, a python of an arm squeezing your stomach as you were lifted into the air, and into the house. 
You tried to grab the door frame as you were dragged into hell, becoming aware of your own screaming ripping through your throat as the frame was ripped from your fingers and the door shut in your face.
“Quite mortal.” The voice said again, and you almost instantly shut up. Something primal in your DNA sequencing knowing better than to piss off this devil. The monster turned you over in his hands, turning you to face him. Your soul left your body. You took in the visage of the beast, your panicking brain struggling to process what was in front of you.
 A giant humanoid man, with four arms, four eyes, and a face and chest full of ancient markings. He was holding you too close to properly see it, not to mention the fact that he was wearing a regal robe, but you would bet an unreasonable amount of money he had a sickening smile on his belly. You were in The Spider Demons claws.
And worst of all, he was kinda cute? Like, maybe it was the unshakeable sense of death that rattled your soul and turned your brain into mush, but if he was like- a normal guy with a normal amount of arms and eyes, you would have been smitten! You were kinda smitten now, even if you didn’t want to admit that. God you…really really hoped this whole experience wasn’t awakening something in you. This would be something to unpack in therapy later- if you survived this.
The demon took your chin in a free hand, turning your head as he examined you. You smelled divine. If you had been a sacrifice for him, he would have given whoever picked you out an A++ for finding you, and a bit more leniency for a while. But, he knew you weren’t a sacrifice. The townsfolk had declared him their enemy long ago, and had been facing the consequences ever since. So, that begged the question.
“Tell me, whats a pretty thing like you doing at my doorstep on the most haunted night of the year?” He asked, turning your head to look him in the eye. 
“Wishing you were a myth.” You went with the first thing that came to your head and instantly regretted it. That might have been a little too honest for this situation. But, at least he seemed to find humor in it, snickering at your quip.
“Keep wishing then human, I’m all too real.” He chuckled darkly. 
“Yeah, I-I see that…Are you going to kill me?” Your voice was shakier than you intended as you asked. You hated it, but the anticipation of what he was going to do was more painful that anything he could have actually done.
“I haven’t decided yet.” He mused as he continued his examination of you. He smiled cruelly as he felt your pulse quicken under his hands. He could smell your fear, and it was intoxicating. Your eyes, blown wide with fear, were stirring something deep down inside of him, and making you far more interesting than any other human he had come across in years.
Or, maybe it had just been a while since he had anyone to fuck. Granted, he had stolen plenty of mortals from your small town, but most of the time they died in the process. Corpses held no interest to him for anything other than food. But you? You were alive and warm, and vulnerable in his claws. That fact alone made the notion of keeping you alive for a little longer far more enticing than killing you just yet. 
“Um, anything I could do to help you make that decision?” You asked softly.
“The decision to kill you?” he questioned
“Well, the decision not too!” You quickly clarified, “Dying sounds kinda, well, not fun  and with you being like, a real thing that kinda makes me question well everything as far as mythology goes and that makes dying really fucking scary and-”
“You’re rambling mortal.” He sneered in annoyance.
“Right! My bad I just- please don’t kill me. I’ll do anything not to die.” You begged, tears prickling the corners of your eyes as you grappled with being forced to face the unknown. You had the beasts attention though, an eyebrow raising at your offer.
“Anything?” He purred, his eyes falling to the swell of your chest and making you greatly regret your word choice. “Anything at all?”
“Anything.” You whispered softly. You reasoned with yourself that this was for your life and definitely not because the thought of getting railed by a blood thirsty demon made you squish your thighs together in anticipation. You for sure didn’t feel a rush of arousal as the thought of something meant to kill you making you cum instead crossed your mind. That didn’t happen, no way, not at all. You weren’t wondering if his dick was as monstrous as he was, or if his markings graced it as well.
“Alright then Human, deal.” He grinned wickedly as he brushed a stray hair behind your ear. “I’ll let you live, if you give your body to me first.” You felt your face burn at his proposal. Something felt fundamentally wrong about spreading your legs for a demon. You weren’t religious or anything, but that had to be some sort of sin. But, if it was for your life, surely you could indulge- I MEAN- endure. 
“Before I agree, we’re not talking about possession, right?” You had to clarify. He smirked at your words. You were cleaver to ask, it showed a familiarity with the supernatural. Maybe you weren’t as foolish as you first seemed after all.
“Smart girl. But no, we’re not talking about possession.” He confirmed. 
“Okay, cool, just checking.” You chuckled nervously. “You got yourself a deal.” His smirk turned into a dark grin as his free hands rushed to your clothes. You panicked, knowing he was going to rip them off and you’d be forced to walk back in the nude. That would have been mortifying.
“Wait wait wait!” You yelped, holding up your arms to stop his hands. 
“What?” He growled, annoyance flooding his tone.
“Let me undress myself.” You requested, “Please? I’ll make it worth your while.” He seemed intrigued and amused, setting you on the ground with an almost unnerving gentleness. 
“Will you now? Lets see.” He hummed. You nodded, taking a few steps back. You took a deep breath and shrugged your jacket off your shoulders. You had never been particularly good at being sexy, at least not in your opinion. But, The monsters eyes could have convinced you otherwise. The way he watched you undress, as if he was a starving man looking at a thanksgiving feast, or a hungry demon looking at his next meal. It gave you the confidence to put on a proper show, teasing him as you slowly shed your clothes.
“I’m Y/n by the way,” You said as your hands reached to unhook your bra, “You got a name, or is it just spider demon?” He huffed humorlessly at your quip. He never liked that title. 
“Ryomen Sukuna,” He said, his eyes setting fire to your skin as you finally dropped your bra for him, “you can call me Sukuna.” 
“Noted.” You nodded as you dropped your panties. His lustful grin showed off his incredibly sharp fangs as he dropped his own robe, the only thing covering him. You confirmed the mouth theory, seeing it spread and hungrily panting across his toned abs. Your breath hitched when you saw when he was working with. 
His dick- or rather, dicks- looked human enough despite the markings, but they were longer and thicker than anything you had taken before. And again, there were two of them. They stood hard and proud against his stomach, twitching to be inside you. You didn’t know if the buzzing in your hands and legs was from regret, or excitement.
You didn’t have time to figure it out either before you were taken back into the demons arms, this time with less violence and more neediness. He pressed you to his stomach, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist and leaving you open to him.
“You’re pretty brave for a human, you know that?” He complimented as a large tongue lolled out of his stomach mouth and against your soaking core. He chuckled darkly as the muscle shoved itself into your weeping cunt, making you gasp at the sudden stretch, “And such a slut too.”
“Hey, this was your idea, not mine.” You reminded him though breathy moans, trying to ground yourself as your hips bucked against his giant mouth. Every movement of the tongue felt like being touch for the first time, a ripple of pleasure coursing though your stomach and legs, and making you wonder there was something supernatural going on to make a demonic act feel so heavenly.
“True,” He agreed, “But you’re the one that's gushing for a monster when I’ve hardly touched you.” he reminded you, watching the way your face contorted with pleasure as you dropped the act of innocence. He didn’t know what was more arousing to him, watching your resolve dissolve, or just how sweet you tasted as you desperately you rode his tongue. “I was going to kill you just a few moments ago, you know that right?” He growled into you ear.
“Yeah, but you’re fucking me instead. Sounds like a win to me.” You grinned and he laughed at your sudden audacity. He knew he liked you.
“You really are a whore, Aren’t you?” He teased as his tongue slipped out of your cunt and into your ass instead, watching the way your breasts bounced as you flinched and moaned at the sudden intrusion. 
“Not a whore if it’s for my life.” You whined, digging your nails into his shoulders. You were starting to feel light headed from the pleasure pooling in your stomach, your cunt clenching around nothing, pissed off from the loss.
“Whatever you have to tell yourself.” He chuckled as his face fell to the crook of your neck, taking in your intoxicating smell. He could feel his dicks twitch with need as he kissed you there, fighting every instinct in his body to keep from digging his teeth into the thin skin. He tasted your sweet slick as it dripped from your cunt and onto the middle of his tongue, and finally he withdrew the muscle. 
You whined as he did, head dropping to his chest, both holes now clenching around nothing. “No, fuck-” You whimpered, only for him curl a clawed finger under your chin and lift your head to face him. “Sukuna..” You whimpered as you looked into his fire red eyes, darkened by lust. His lips crashed into yours, capturing you in a heated kiss. You sighed against his mouth, hands rising to tangle into his soft pink hair as his tongue tangled with yours.
You screamed into his mouth as you felt him shove both of his cocks into you at once, one for each hole. He growled, biting down on your lip as you clenched around him. “Sukuna!” You gasped as you pulled back from the kiss, your body trying hard to push out the sudden intrusion.
“Relax for me Darling,” He groaned softly, the pet name slipping out without his permission. He pressed his forehead to yours as he rubbed your stomach, trying to ease your pain.
“I-I can’t. Too big..” You panted, trying desperately to release the tension in your shoulders. The stretch was searing you from the inside out. You felt overwhelmed, the pleasure in the pain feeling like static shocks. “It’s soo much..”
“You can handle it,” He assured you, extremely (perhaps overly) confident in your ability considering you had met less than an hour ago. You shook your head, tears slipping from your eyes. He lapped them up from your face, then captured your lips in a much softer kiss this time. Slowly, your body came to accept his, the tension melting away as his tongue tangled with yours and he eased his way further into you. The burn faded, leaving just the pleasure there, pulsating through you as he pushed deeper. 
He groaned into your lips as he bottomed out into you, stilling both to give you time to adjust and so he didn’t immediately cum in you like a fucking virgin. It was almost embarrassing how good you felt around him, taking him better than any other being had before. You clenched and fluttered around him in a sinful way, bringing him closer to his climax than he would like to admit.
“Told you.” He smirked as he pulled away from the kiss, licking at the string of saliva that connected the two of you. You whined as you looked down to where the two of you were connected, watching a bulge in your stomach appear and disappear with every thrust of his hips. It should have hurt, but no- quite the opposite.
 Every thrust of his hips electrified you with pleasure, sending wave after wave of intoxicating bliss through your nervous system. You had never felt so full before, so complete. You could feel his cocks rub against each other, against your walls inside of you, a dizzying sensation that you had never experienced before. Your hips bucked against him greedily as he fucked you, chasing your high.
“Look at me Y/n,” He demanded, pulling your head up so your eyes connected with his again, “I want you know the demon making you feel so good.” 
“Ryomen-” You whined, forgetting in your sea of lust that wasn’t the name he told you to use. His eyes widened a bit from shock. Mostly because he wasn’t filled with rage by your insolence, but instead a surge of lust from hearing his name fall from your lips. It really had been awhile, he was feeling himself getting attached far too easily. If he knew what was good for him, he would have finished and disposed of you as quickly as possible. He wasn’t interested in what was good for him.
“Say it again.” He demanded, a hand slipping in between you to rub circles into your clit. 
“Ryomen..” You whined, staring at him with fucked out, lust clouded eyes as you trembled in his arms, thighs clenching around his abdomen as the ecstasy crashed through your core and through out your body. You felt your muscles ripple and tense in anticipation. 
“Again,” He growled, pulling you closer to him, and dropping his forehead down to yours. “Who does this cunt belong to?”
“Ryomen..” Your brain was too clouded to make out the rest of his command, your body buzzing and bliss building up inside of you. He picked up his pace, chasing his own high and making you scream out his name in a truly embarrassing and needy moan. 
You clung onto his shoulders and neck, digging your nails into the soft skin there as the euphoria in your veins finally boiled over and hit the fire inside of your stomach, igniting it in an explosion of ecstasy and lust. Your vision exploded with stars and your brain officially clocked out of work as you melted into a puddle. Your legs shaking around him as you leaned against his strong body, unable to keep yourself up any longer.
Your velvety walls quivered around him and sucked him in impossibly deeper, needy and lustful for him. It drove him mad. He watched as your face scrunched in pleasure, your body reacting to him greedily as you melted into the pleasure he he was gracing you with. 
It send him over the edge watching you cum for him, feeling you cum over him, feeling you gush around him. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer, holding you in a grip tight enough to bruise. His fangs buried themselves into your neck, marking you as his and his alone as he came deep inside of you, the warm strings gushing in you and filling you to the point of spilling over.
He held you close to him, head hung back as you both tried to catch your breath. Your mind was starting to clear the fog out, looking up to ask him to put you down before you felt him move inside you again. Your breath hitched as you realized he didn’t even get a little soft. You looked at him with almost horrified eyes as he bucked into you, only acting to encourage him. He looked back at you with lustful and wicked eyes, nipping at your lip as he set his pace and grinned.
“Whats wrong Darling?” He asked, the pet name now fully intentional in its use, “You didn’t think I was done with you yet, did you?” 
You were warm when you woke up, despite still being in the nude. Probably because of the huge body pressed against yours, radiating heat and holding you close as he slept. Visions of last night ran though your head, making you almost painfully aware of the cum still dripping from between your thighs, and sending another wave of arousal through you. When did you pass out? When did Ryomen?
You stayed still for a few seconds, listing to your bedfellows steady breathing. The bed, despite being made from feathers and thin quilting, was surprisingly soft, and the late afternoon sun filled the old home with a warm hazy light. You realized you couldn’t stay here any longer. You couldn’t get attached to an urban legend. 
You slipped out of his arms, freezing as he groaned and only breathing again once he was softly snoring. You sighed as you slipped out of the bedroom and found your clothes again. You quickly got dressed, and went to open the front door. It didn’t budge. Your eyes furrowed in confusion as you pulled the knob again. What the hell? You pulled with all your might, almost screaming with frustration as the door didn’t even move a centimeter. 
“Don’t bother with that Dove.” You gasped as you heard Ryomens voice behind you, a wave of dread blanketing you as you spun to face him. He was leaning casually against the door frame of the bedroom, a content smile painted on his face. “It has my seal on it. I’m the only one that can open that door.”
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itneverendshere · 8 months
can't remember anything before you - rafe cameron.
request: "can you write something for rafe, where he's had a crush on topper's older sister for ages and he finally does something about it? it can be fluffy and smutty, honestly I'm just here for the plot."
pairing: rafe cameron x thornton!reader; brother's best friend! trope or best friend's sister! trope lmao; fem!reader.
word count: wrote 11 word pages i apologize;
WARNINGS: p in v; fingering; handjob; smut with feelings; smut with plot; a lot of cursing; rafe being a lover boy; mentions of slow burn like the slowest burn of his life but it pays off; mentions of voyeurism; p in v out in public??; wrote the word moan a thousand times.
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you drive him insane. 
what the hell are you doing prancing around the house in the tiniest red bikini known to mankind? 
rafe's not a creep, okay? earlier, he tried to redirect his attention, focus on anything else – the tv, the background music, even the patterns on the wallpaper – but his gaze involuntarily gravitated back to you. it's as if the universe conspires against him, pushing him to the edge of his self-control.
it's not just the stupid bikini; it's the way you carry yourself. 
it's not fair. 
it's why he secluded himself from the party an hour ago, slipping away unsuspectedly to the little private lounge you kept in your favorite area to sunbathe. he sank into a reclining chair, running his hands through his buzzed hair in frustration. 
closing his eyes for the millionth time that evening, rafe tries to summon the strength to think about you in anything except the slutty number you're wearing— and it still doesn't help. in the distance, laughter from the party echoes, a stark reminder of the festivities he chose to distance himself from. 
then, the hidden door creaks open, and without looking, he knows it's you. 
it's your spot after all. maybe this was a terrible idea.
the subtle scent of your sunscreen wafts through the air, and the sound of footsteps approaches. rafe's heart quickens, torn between the desire to get the fuck away from you and your scent that urges him to stay. he keeps his eyes closed for a moment longer, clinging to the darkness as if it can shield him from you.
completely fucked. he's so fucked. 
you settle into a nearby chair, and the silence between you is almost comforting. almost. because that sleazy bikini of yours is still very much imprinted into his brain. rafe finally musters the courage to open his eyes, only to meet yours the second he does. 
it takes an unbelievable amount of willpower to fight the groan in his throat when he realizes your arms are crossed and doing absolutely nothing to hide your tits. the world seems to narrow down to the glistening droplets of water on your skin, the curve of your body. his gaze trails down and he almost folds on the spot.
oh, for fuck's sake.
the reclining chair suddenly feels like a throne of thorns. he should've gone home. ogling you is nothing new in his book, it's what he does best, but now that you've spent the entire summer together...having you all to himself after years of barely catching a glimpse of you during the holidays or summer breaks in the outer banks, rafe knows that it's not just a stupid crush on his best friend's older sister.
it's not just a fleeting desire, it's something that has been brewing inside him for years, and the eye of its right here. 
"you, okay?"
rafe almost jumps out of his skin, as your voice breaks the silence. he hesitates, finding it difficult to find the right words when you're looking at him with your pretty eyes. 
he clears his throat, attempting to regain his composure, "yeah, yeah. i'm...i'm good." rafe replies, his voice rougher than he intends.
your pouty lip’s part, perhaps ready to probe further, but he can't let you mess with his head.
"just needed a breather from the party, y'know?" he adds, hoping the casual tone will deflect you from analyzing him like one of your books. you're the only one who always saw through the layers he wrapped around himself. 
too fucking smart for you own good. 
you tilt your head slightly, exposing your pretty neck, "were my cocktails that bad?"
there's an underlying teasing undertone, and he can't help but let out a small, rueful chuckle, "nah, don't think they could be bad even if you tried, peach." he replies, a sheepish grin playing on his lips.
your heart races at the sight of him. he’s gorgeous. no one should be allowed to look this good, especially with a shaved head and a three-day stubble. you'd like to blame the drinks for luring your nasty thoughts out, but you know this, is entirely on you.
weird, right? 
this was rafe cameron. the little rafe cameron who grew up down the street from you, the insufferable kid your brother brought along to every single-family vacation and had the biggest crush on you when you were seventeen. the metamorphosis from the boy to the captivating man seated before you makes you head hurt.
he's a man now, the prettiest you've ever seen, and it only took him one summer to have you under his palm. 
his phone looks so small in his large hands, your gaze follows the veins lining the back of them as his fingers nimbly play with the screen.
"am i boring you?" you ask, leaning your head back into the chair, his perfume, replica jazz club you assume, wafts over you and it takes everything in you not to drop your face into his buff chest and just inhale him, "you haven't spoken a word to me all day."
there's a slight buzz from the alcohol in your veins that allows you to ask the questions you'd never ask if you were sober. 
rafe runs his hand across his jaw, analyzing you slowly. "'course i have."
you scoff, feigning nonchalance. "no, you haven't. it's like you're avoiding me."
rafe's heart skips a beat. "avoiding you? m'not avoiding you."
you raise a perfect eyebrow, challenging him, "really?"
rafe shifts uncomfortably in the chair, his gaze flickering between your eyes and the tempting curves that the tiny red bikini accentuates. 
"is it because raven is here?"
his eyes are busy tracing the lines of your features with an unwavering dedication. he's never been the best at multitasking when in your presence. he sees your lips moving but can't wrap his head around what you asked.
when he catches your eye again, there's a subtle blush gracing your cheeks, but you don't look away, "who?"
"raven. your ex? the girl you were fucking on spring break?"
rafe's eyes widen comically, surprise and discomfort settling on his face. he shifts in his chair again, as you've catch him off guard. how the fuck did he forget you knew about raven? 
"oh, uh, raven. yeah—i mean no! no, no, it's not about her. we're not a thing anymore," he stammers out, fingers scratching his stubble, "that was a spring break thing."
you sit up straighter, the tequila and curiosity-fueling your boldness, "a spring break thing, huh?"
you pray to god he can't pinpoint the jealousy coating your words. 
his jaw slightly slackens, forming an unintentional expression of awe as you move your legs, once again momentarily losing the ability to form coherent thoughts. beads of sweat form on his forehead as he struggles to maintain composure. 
the heat is not helping his situation at all. 
when the silence becomes a little too overbearing for you, you can't shake the growing unease that you might be unintentionally bothering rafe's peace. your words flowed, but you notice a subtle glaze over his blue eyes, a distant look that hints at his mind wandering elsewhere. 
is he thinking about raven?
you adjust your posture, nervously fiddling with the bracelet on your arm, a subtle sign of your growing discomfort, "do you want me to leave?"
rafe's eyes snap back to you, the fleeting moment of distraction replaced by a sudden intensity. he blinks a few times, as if trying to shake off the mental fog that had settled, "'course not," there's a hint of urgency in his voice. he doesn't want you to leave, and that realization tightens the knots in his stomach, "always want your company."
this is unbearable. you've gotten him on a tight leash, and you don't even know.
his tone makes your lips twitch, and you press them together to keep from smiling, "aww, look at you being nice to me, it's like you're sixteen all over again."
an involuntary groan escapes his throat, the sound automatically making you clench your thighs. 
"you remember that?"
"course i do, you're the only guy who's ever gifted me flowers."
that's because you've only dated douchebags, it's what he wants to tell you, but he doesn't because it's none of his business. 
"how much have you had to drink?"
you smirk, "a little. how much have you had to drink?"
he trails his eyes up you higher, gliding up your tummy, over your tits, right up to your throat, "a little."
a subtle awareness tingles at the back of your senses and that's when it hits you. 
rafe is staring at you. 
he's not shy about it; his eyes trail over you, leaving a tangible heat in their wake, practically eating you alive and you have to take another look to confirm you're not being a delusional bitch. so maybe... you did wear this bikini hoping he would finally do something, that he'd finally understand that you want him. 
you've spent the entire summer teasing him. seeing if you could get a rise, hit the right button. 
you quirk a brow at him, amusement curling at the corners of your lips, "bikini's nice, isn't it?"
he clears his throat, a subtle rasp betraying the restraint he's trying to maintain. 
"yeah, it's...it's something," he replies, the words slightly breathless. he crosses his arms across his chest, biceps big enough to make you want to climb him like a tree. 
you lean forward propping yourself on one of your elbows, making sure he gets a fantastic view of your cleavage, "you know, rafe, you've been pretty quiet."
his lips, naturally inviting, become the focal point as he bites down on the lower one, "just...taking in the view, i guess." he mumbles, his gaze momentarily darting away before locking onto you again.
rafe feels like he's fourteen again, unable to hold a conversation with a pretty girl like you. except he's twenty-two and he should know better. you're going to give him a stroke. 
"the view, huh?” your eyes widen in mock-surprise, “and do you like what you see?" you ask.
he swallows hard. uh-oh, is he really about to do this? 
"you know i do." he admits, the admission laced with a raw honesty that takes you by surprise.
got him right where you want him.
you decide to push the boundaries a bit further, your voice dropping to a sultry tone, fingers playfully tracing the edge of the bikini strap.
"wasn't sure about the red, but it's your favorite color."
his head whips back around and he swears he hears a crack. if he wasn't fully hard before, he is now. 
you both know you meant what you said, not just a heat-of-the-moment confession. his gaze is fixed on you and his eyebrows are pushed together in a painful expression and he just keeps shaking his head.
he opens his mouth, takes a slow, shuddering breath that you feel through every inch of your body and leans forward, hands gripping the arms of the chair for dear life, "peach."
there's an underlying warning in his voice, begging you to take a step back and rethink this entire thing, but quite frankly, you're tired of thinking. as matter of fact, you're done making excuses not to fuck rafe.
he exhales a shaky breath, "you're playing with fire, y'know that?" his voice is low, it only spurs the warning and longing lingering inside you.
you're both breathless and you haven't even touched each other.
it's time you deliver the final nail to the coffin.
"you're gonna do something about it or do i have to find someone else?"
the realization eventually sinks in: you want him. you want him as desperately as he wants you. you've pushed him to the edge, and there's no turning back now.
his hands are on you before you can blink again, roaming fingers locking around your wrist to pull you towards him, knocking his phone to the ground in the process, but he doesn't care, everything's background noise when you stumble into his lap, pretty legs dangling to the sides. his hands wrap around your torso, pulling you closer, chest to chest, fingers digging into your hips like he's trying to convince himself you're not an illusion. 
the world narrows down to the heat of his touch, the electrifying sensation of his fingers on your skin. you feel the rapid beat of his heart against your chest, mirroring your own anticipation.
rafe's eyes, lock onto yours, a silent agreement passing between you.
"y'sure about this?" he whispers, voice a low growl, but the vulnerability in his eyes makes you want to kiss him stupid.
his hands, which had been restless before, find a purpose as his fingertips brush the skin of your face lightly, caressing your chin between his thumb and forefinger before his eyes sweep up to meet your own.
"please." the words come out like a plea.
“please, what?" he asks, so smug you almost punch him, "gotta tell me what you want, hm?"
“kiss me.”
and then his lips are on yours. it's more than just kissing; it's a fusion of desires, an electric current that drags you under. rafe's touch is confident, yet tender, as if he is unraveling a secret, delicate treasure. your senses heighten, catching the subtle nuances of his warm breath mingling with yours.
rafe's kiss is a slow burn, a deliberate exploration that leaves trails of heat in its wake. there's an artistry to the way he traces the contours of your lips, teasing and coaxing, building a crescendo of anticipation, rendering you breathless.
the lounge chair becomes a battleground of hands and lips, a frenzied exchange of desires unleashed, an intensity that borders on desperate, as if trying to capture and savor every moment. your fingers trace along his arms, and his hands explore every inch of your body, as if mapping out the territory he's yearned for.
his lips leave a trail of fire along your jawline, down to your collarbone, and you suppress a cry, the sensation sending shivers down your spine. the summer nighttime air feels heavy, thick with the scent of sunscreen and the heady aroma of desire.
rafe breaks the kiss for a moment, his breath hot against your skin. 
you’re both panting, breathing so hard that your heaving chests touch with every breath.
"been driving me insane all summer, y'know that?" he admits, a husky edge to his voice, throat bobbing, "so fucking insane." he whispers into your neck.
he can't even think straight with your ass firmly pressed against him.
you attempt to keep an even voice, but nonchalance escapes you for the time being. "that was the plan all along."
rafe chuckles, a low, throaty sound that resonates through you, feeling the warmth of his breath against your ear, "god, gonna be the death of me."
there’s no time to reply because he leans his head and catches your lips faster this time. 
he tilts your head down, applying a little bit of pressure to your mouth. your lips part again, and so do his. he swallows your moan into his mouth, and eases his tongue into you, urgently exploring every crevice of your mouth, hand slipping from your cheek and resting at the column of your neck, fingers kneading the back of it.
you press your body further into his and you can feel every inch of him vibrating, his entire body pulsing with need. his skin feels so hot against yours, he’s unbearably hard and you’re positively dying to get your hands on every single inch of his skin.
your nails scrape against his scalp and you squeak in shock as rafe’s hips surge upwards, forcing his hard cock against you. the unabashed moan he lets slip is sinful and it’s all you want to hear for the rest of your life. you can’t stop the urge building up inside you, you’re not even certain you can stop moving your hips even if you wanted to.
his hands dig into the plush of your thighs and he restrains himself, you deserve better than to get fucked out here. he watches closely, hypnotized by the way you begin rubbing yourself onto him, the outline of his cock grazing back and forth between your covered folds.
“baby, we can—can’t, jesu—not here.”
the new pet name makes you feral for him.
you trace a finger up the column of his throat, sending a shiver down his spine, you don’t stop moving your hips, watching his eyes flutter every time you rub just the right way.
“why not?”
rafe groans, head falling back to the chair, “here?”
it’s almost funny how he’s willing to bend over every decision he’s ever made in his life, just for you. he’s letting you dry hump him right here, when your brother, his best friend and god knows who can walk in at any given moment. 
you nod pathetically, brain turned into mush, “can’t wait any longer.”
“stop saying shit like that.” he warns you through gritted teeth, “fuck.”
the needy sound that rips through your chest when his hands leave your thighs echoes in his mind.
“peach”, he begins, roaming hand brushing up the back of your thigh and squeezing the flesh just below the swell of your rear, “y’have a problem with control."
both your lips are swollen pink and ridden with spit.
“like you’re any better.”
you’re such a brat. 
rafe grabs your chin and tilts your head, so you have to look into his pretty eyes, “let’s not make any noise, yeah?” his lips create a path up your throat, hands on your ass, kneading and pushing so he can grind you all over his growing bulge.
you whimper, rocking harder on him and wrapping your arms around his neck. you just want him to touch you. his hips roll slowly, rubbing his hard-on lazily and mindlessly. he can't help but send a rough smack on your ass, smirking at your surprised yelp.
“just touch me,” you grip his shoulder harder, holding on for dear life as his hands trail back, the bits of his nails scraping along your naked thighs. 
they catch the waistband of your bikini bottoms. he traces your clit over the fabric feeling the warm, wet patch you’re leaving in them and then he teasingly slips his fingers underneath, swiping them along your slit, thumb, and index finger opening your pussy to his gaze. 
this time he swallows hard, seeing your pussy pink and glistening for him. 
“’m touching you, peach,” his touch, and scent, cloud your vision, the soft sounds of his labored breath singing in your ears as he leans down to press wet-mouthed kisses to your neck, “m touching you.”
”more,” you whine, lips barely parted, drawing out another salacious moan from him. “fuck.”
“like this?” he whispers against your lips, words hoarse and murmured, watching your eyes soften and brows twist, features becoming pliant under his enamored gaze, “you’re so fucking wet.” he tsk under his breath, shaking his head in the typical rafe cameron condescending way.
he presses a finger inside of you, slowly stretching out your tight hole. you groan, and his eyes roll back at the way your walls stretch around him. so fucking tight. you rock harder against him, fucking yourself into his finger and wrapping your arms around his neck again. you just want to feel him against you.
his half-lidded eyes look up at you as you contort on top of him, feeling overstimulated, with a single finger. 
he coos, his other hand sweeping over the back of your head sweetly, pushing back stray sweaty hairs. he nudges your nose with his, hand on the back of your neck, and tries to meet your eye. the squelch as his finger fucks into you, fast and deep, is the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard.
“rafe—“ you hand grips his wrist as your eyes roll back when his fingers find that spot.
“t’s good?”
“so good,” you whine loudly, he’s cocky tone only adding to his allure. 
you can feel the stretch it takes just to take his finger, rutting into you, curling perfectly.  
he thinks it might be the sweetest thing he’s ever witnessed – your voice when you’re being fucked. you’re gushing around his digits, hands now clutching his shoulders. it’s like you can’t stop moving them, needing to feel every ridge of his body. 
rafe adds another finger, pressing the tips of his middle and ring finger against that soft, spongy part deep inside and grins when you cry out his name.
“fuck,” you cry out against his skin dragging your lips up his throat, over his jaw, before finding purchase at his lips in a kiss that devours all air in your lungs. your fingers curl around the band of his bathing shorts, enjoying the slight whine that slips past his lips.
“let me touch you,” you plead, words muffled by the way your tongue can’t seem to leave his skin alone, teeth grazing along where his neck and shoulder meet. you nip at the area, before daring to swipe your tongue along his neck, sucking the tender flesh with your teeth. 
holy fuck, are you marking him?
“oh god."
a third finger, your hips now rutting against him.
“hickeys, baby? that territorial, huh?” his hand slows for a moment, twisting so he can thumb at your clit before he continues, both motions in tandem. you cry out, eyes screwed close, hips shoving forward, “you look so pretty like this," rafe whispers against your skin, his full-blown pupils looking up at you through his long lashes.
“i want more”
“every little sound you make goes straight down to my cock,” he’s rubbing his cock so perfectly against your clit again, only making you whine more desperately for him. he places a chaste kiss on the corner of your mouth, just so he can see you blindly chase after his lips. 
and then, you feel empty. 
he lets his fingers slide all the way out and his throat tightens at the feel of you bearing down, trying to hold on to him as he withdraws completely. he ignores your protests and drags his thick fingers across your wet folds. when he feels satisfied with the coat around his fingers, he moves them toward your face, letting them trail over your lips.
“gon’ open up f’me?”
you gasp, but obey immediately, tongue darting out to lick your slick off his fingers. rafe doesn’t hold back his groan, watching your tongue swirling around his digits. he throws whatever concerns he had over your noises out the window.
he’s too lost in your body to care if someone finds you two or not. 
as a matter of fact, let them see. god knows he’s dying to show those bastards you belong to him anyway. he wants you all to himself, wants the whole world to know you’re his.
“so, so, so good,” he praises, closing the gap, lips molding right into yours again. his hands find home in your throat, adding just right the amount of pressure to make you sigh against his lips.
rafe smirks, brushing a finger along your skin, should’ve guessed his pretty peach had kink for praises. your tummy is in a knot because he’s running his hands along your body, and you just need to have him.
you clumsily slip his shorts and boxers down, just enough to touch him, and he raises his hips automatically helping you slide them down, his cock springing out of his confines to lightly hit against his abdomen.
you break the kiss, needing to look at him. 
and you’re so glad you do, because rafe has the most perfect dick you’ve ever seen. you catch yourself staring at him, devouring every part of his body with your eyes.
he feels his heartbeat faster, face flush when your eyes are back on his face as you softly wrap one of you manicured hands around him, just slightly, slow pumps. but it’s more than enough to make him drop his head back, adam’s apple bobbing, brows pitched together.
“good?” you ask him, keeping the pace so you can feel him throb in your hand.
“everything’s good when it’s you peach,” he grunts out, and the way his abs seem to recoil makes your tongue slide across your bottom lip, “fucking perfect.”
your thumb smears precum across his tip, bending forward to ghost your lips over his, “need you inside me.”
the way rafe’s jaw drops open in a silent moan when you tighten your hold around him is beautiful, searing itself in the back of your mind. 
settling on his lower lip, you draw it into your mouth, sucking softly, moving your hips even closer. he runs his hands along your sides, one stopping just below your breasts—the other one flicking your nipple with his thumb.
you keep your eyes open, needing to memorize every single moment. his breath comes down on your lips in heavy pants, fingers teasing your skin, hums of pleasure circling both of you. 
“want me inside you?” his voice sounds so husky it makes you want to cry, “want me to fil you up?”
your hand leaves his cock, pulling him to you by his shoulders, and he braces himself with one hand on your waist, another on the chair.
he runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek, “that bad?”
“don’t tease me,” you struggle to produce words, hands winding through his chest, “waited long enough.”
rafe holds his cock by the base, running it up and down your pussy, “not longer than i have.”
you sink down onto him, biting your lip at the slow pressure, the pleasant stretch that pulls at your middle. you can feel tears brimming your eyes from pure relief and he feels like every single fiber of his being is scorching. 
he can feel just how deep he his, his fingers clutching at the flesh of your hips like his life depends on it, “fuck. that’s it, baby.”
your hands are placed firmly on his stomach, and one of his glides up right up to your throat, pulling you down to his chest. all you can properly let out of your mouth are pleas and whimpers. the stretch is on the edge of painful, but he fits so perfectly inside of you. you huff a short breath when he’s all the way in.
“you okay?” he asks against your ear, softly biting the lobe.
your answer is a desperate roll of your hips, “perfect.”
you begin to move your hips up and down, as the stretch gives way to something delirious, and rafe takes mercy on you, beginning to thrust back up into you, his rhythm building up until your mouth falls open again into a pretty moan, until sweat shines on the high points of his perfectly sculpted face. every time your skin touches his it’s fucking scorching, and the stretch is agonizing, and the heavy air is suffocating but then he’s bottoming out and you feel your brain go fuzzy. 
you’re wrapped around him so tight it makes his moves sloppy, almost mindless but so deep it knocks the air out of your lungs.
“waited so long for you,” one hand on the curve of your hip, the other along your jaw, lips hungrily working over yours, swallowing your gentle whimpers, your soft, sweet pleas vibrating against his tongue, “have no idea what you do to me.”
his confession only makes you drag yourself harder against him, clit brushing against his pubic bone, “rafe!”
“that’s it,” he coos, tone gentle, the friction too overwhelming, “so beautiful.”
the strain in his voice makes you want to stay like this forever.
you tighten around him further, letting your nails rake down his chest. rafe grunts, thrusting harder, shifting you closer to him as humanly possible. you feel his stomach and thighs clench, and his hips sputter, “you’re so deep.”
he presses his hand against your stomach, feeling the bulge, “might fuck a baby into you,” he rasps, thumb catching against your clit, “let them know you’re mine.”
“yours,” he’s trailing kisses along your collarbone until he reaches your tits, leaving a line of soft, wet suckles behind, “only yours.” 
the way he’s stroking you unrushed is absolutely toe-curling, guiding you over his cock with very little maneuvering, gently pushing your hips down onto him.
“gonna keep you here, stuffed, for hours baby.”
you can hear it reverberating through the night air. 
the slap of skin, the grunts. the sound of the chair creaking as he fucks you into it. each delicious slip, every time you feel his veiny shaft twitching for attention against your walls. you’re so lightheaded you might pass out.
rafe feels his balls tighten. you are creaming so fast, squeezing the hell out of his cock. he’s making sure to put your pleasure before his, hitting all the right spots.
“rafe, baby—" his name being moaned out by you is urging him to bust inside you, his eyes narrowing slightly as his grip on your hips tightens, “oh—im gon—fuckk.”
he only pushes you faster up and down his dick as your walls grip around him, a mix of your cream and his pre-cum coating his length. his eyes focus on your face, basking in the pretty expressions you make.
“it’s too much.” you whine, feeling your orgasm about to reach itself. rafe’s eyes glimmer at your words, tracing a thumb against your lips before sneaking a kiss onto your mouth.
“you can take it,” his muscles flex from the constant friction. you’re so full, all you can think about is rafe spilling inside of you, “c’mon.”
his cock thrusts even deeper, a sharp hiss leaving his lips at the way your pussy tightens. his calloused thumb wipes away a stray tear. he loves the sting of your nails practically sinking into his skin. he tangles his hand in your hair, forcing your neck to arch up as he leans in, biting hard enough to leave a mark.
“im—m—gonn—” you feel him right at your womb again and again, any semblance of sanity melted away the moment he set his hands on you, “holy fuck.”
“i know baby, keep your eyes on me,” you with your perfect tits bouncing with each roll and grind of your hips is enough to make a grown man cry, “eyes on me.”
you lean back, supporting yourself with your hands on his thighs, circling your hips and doing your best not to close your eyes. the burning inside you is so strong, it’s taking you everything not to close them.
his hands slide around your back when he sits up suddenly, and you gasp, “oh my god.”
the pace has both of you panting, his balls slapping your ass every single time. a shiver runs down your spine and you throw your head back and almost scream out his name. 
he chuckles breathlessly, “never getting tired of that sound.”
you can feel yourself starting to reach the edge of your climax, grinding harder and harder into him and gasping with each spark of pleasure it gives your throbbing clit. each time he hits your g-spot just right, you feel more and more slick dribbling out of you and down your thighs. 
“so fucking pretty,” he groans, punctuating each word with a deep thrust and you feel that tight coil in your belly snapping.
“fuck—rafe,” you pant heavily, breathy whines falling from your lips, legs starting to give out. “oh mhmf—don’t stop!”
your thighs are shaking and seizing as it finally its you, at full force. you squirm in his hold, feeling an almost overwhelming wave of pleasure wash over your body. the feeling’s so intense it’s almost painful. rafe’s arms hold you tight, keeping you grounded while you shudder in his grasp, his fingers determined to prolong your ecstasy.
his piercing blue eyes stay trained on yours the entire time, “knew you could do it.”
he doesn’t let up his pace, pressing chaste kisses to your lips to soothe you. 
“wonder how many of those i can get out of you.”
long night ahead of you. 
might have some grammar mistakes, frankly im not sure at this point lmao, it's late. english's not my first language, it's my third i think. will edit later bc i spent hours writing this and my old ass needs to sleep, thank you for reading <3 by the time im posting this, over 200 of you voted they wanted smut so y'all won, tried best to deliver the goods. also rafe's not mentally unstable in this one, in case that wasn't obvious, he's just a little too in love and cute.
let me know if you enjoy it and if i should start taking requests more frequently!
ps: that picture is how i imagined rafe throughout this whole thing
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Hi, could you write Tamlin absolutely ruining the reader. What I mean is.... reader and tam are in a relationship, he's been busy with work and reader thinks he doesn't like her anymore so tamlin shows her just how wrong she is...😏
A Hint of Corruption
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Warnings - pet/own/master power play dynamics, brief rough oral, punishment play, mention of corruption, bratty behavior, reader really REALLY like fucking angry Tamlin.
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"If you don't fucking have time for me anymore, just tell me." Tamlin looked at you in shock from his throne. You felt your chest tightening, eyes beginning to water as he just stared at you processing your anger.
He had not touched you in weeks. He hasn't kissed you in days. He spent hours holed up in his repaired office with other high Lords negotiating trade routes and imports. And when he wasn't there, he was in other courts doing the same thing.
"What, little dove, do you mean by that?" He stepped closer to you, setting that damned crown of antlers and thorns on the throne.
You didn't back down, staring up at him. "It's clear I've over stayed my welcome and you are tired of my presence," a dramatic statement fueled by your anger. "I have clearly served my purpose and you are done with me. So just tell me that instead of leaving me here alone constantly."
Tamlin's face fell into a further look of shock. He had told you what he was doing, that these next few months would be insane and likely lonely for both of you as he worked to reset the glory Spring once had.
Glory you were helping him bring back with your Mother blessed gifts to repair land and grow damn near anything. "Dove," he hand came to your cheek, stroking softly, "y/n, I warned you I would be busy and gone a lot this month. I have been trying to come home to you every night-"
"And yet I go to bed and wake up alone-"
He interrupted you, his pet peeve causing anger to hit him. "I was not done speaking, dove. Do we need a lesson on manners and the behavior of a Lady again?" He began backing you to the wall. "Do you need a reminder of who you belong to? Of who cares for you and this beautiful body?"
Your back hit the window, hands going flat against the glass as the throne room doors slammed shut and locked. "Tamlin-"
Green eyes flickered to yours, a mix of arousal and annoyance shining in them. "I believe you are fully aware we are past first names at this point, pet. Get on your knees."
Submission fueled your brain as he pushed down on your shoulders, gathering your hair before putting into the leather he had around his wrist. "Open your mouth," your hands were on his pant ties already focused on that task until a slap came.
You gasped loudly, eyes watering. It wasn't hard, but it still stung, and you looked up at him.
He had not had to slap you for disobedience in years. Not since he had met you, and this began. You were his good girl. His pretty little pet he constantly praised. Your lip trembled as tears fell. "Don't give me that look. Open your fucking mouth."
You sniffled, doing as you were told and waited. "There she is," two fingers gently brushed your tongue, pushing in and coating themselves in your spit. "You're going to suck my cock while I explain to you, again, what is currently happening in my court and why master is gone so much lately."
You didn't nod, eyes still watering. "You want to be my good girl. Don't you?" Tamlin pushed those two fingers into your mouth and down your throat. "Look at me." Your eyes fluttered up, breathing through your nose as he pushed further, causing you to gag. "I can't wait to fucking ruin you."
You whined around them, sucking greedily now. "No, pet, you have to listen first. You broke a rule, you have to be punished. You understand, don't you?"
Your eyes had glazed over, so focused on sucking his fingers that all you could do was nod. "That's my good girl." Tamlin untied his pants, pulling this cock out and smiled as you moaned at the sight. He had ruined you so beautifully already, but you had been so innocent, so untouched by anything when he found you that every chance to fuck you stupid was new and exciting.
He removed his fingers, using the saliva to pump his heavy cock while you watched. Your tongue was out, waiting for him to give you what you wanted, waiting for him to force you to listen. He placed the head on your tongue and nodded, giving you permission to pleasure him.
"As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me," he held you down, nose flush against his pelvis, watching as you swallowed and sucked his length. "I have been working tirelessly every damn day to be home to you every night. That means there's going to be a lot of mornings alone since I am constantly winnowing the lands to keep you and your slutty little mouth and cunt happy."
He moaned as he pulled up, watching you take a deep breath, then he slammed back in, laughing as you gagged around him. "I am not tired of you. I am not done with you. I am not planning to just toss you aside, pet. I am busy. You like your pretty dresses and jewelry, don't you? Like having a staff to pamper and wait on you? How do you think your High Lord gets you those things? Do you think they're just here and free to you since you're so damn pretty?"
He began fucking your mouth, focusing on that for awhile before abruptly pulling you off of him and ripping you up by your hair.
You moaned, walking at his pace until he threw you over the arm of the throne and held you down with a growl that warned you not to move.
A loud rip filled the room, followed by a chilly spring breeze leaving goosebumps along your body. "Such a beautiful girl," you could hear his smile as you heard his clothing hit the floor and felt a hand go to your folds. Tsmlin groaned at the wetness he found there, the sweet essence coating his hand and practically pouring out of you. He patted your clit softly, watched as you wiggled and moaned his name.
Gods, he loved you. Every inch of you. Every dip and soft curve of your body. Every laugh. Every noise you made.
How could you ever think he'd grown tired of you?
Tamlin took his now coated hand, running it along the shaft of himself as he ran the head through your folds then sat. "Beg. Beg like the good little whore you are. Beg for my forgiveness and for my cock."
"Master please," a good start. "Gods, please I am so sorry. I'll be a good pet. I'll listen and wait at home. Please just fuck me. I need you inside me, please. It's been so long."
He hummed, hand running your spine and tangling into your hair. "It has been too long, my love. Much too long. I should rectify that." He entered you in one swift thrust. The throne began digging into your hips, brushing them as he wasted no time pounding into you.
He ripped you up by your hair again, forcing your back to arch like a bow for him as he pulled the cord that was your pleasure taunt. "I love you, you spoilt little pet. You fucking know this but come in here to yell at me?" His words matched the harshness of his cock working inside of you. You could help the wetness beginning to pool more and more at each word. "I got help to be worthy of you. Signed trade deals with courts I didn't want to be able to spoil and care for you. I get one full day home this week to get ready for a High Lords' meeting, and you want to come in here running your mouth?"
He changed the angle of his thrusts, hitting that spot deep inside of you. You felt your body going pliant, and his arms moved to hold you up by your elbows, pulling you back slightly. "Tell me you're sorry and let you cum. I can tell you are right there. I can stop right fucking now."
"No!" You felt yourself crying again. The pleasure becoming too much. "I'm sorry I was so ungrateful. I'll be good. Gods, please, my mate, my High Lord, please."
Tamlin didn't stop, speed increasing as each drag stretched your now tightening walls forcing them open and swallowing his cock whole. "Cum. Scream my name for his whole court to know who owns you."
You obeyed. Your mind, soul, heart, and body were his. You were his. He had ensured that the second he started bedding you, ruining you for anyone who may wish to touch you, and he'd continue to ruin you.
He came inside of you, holding you down by your neck again and forcing you into submission as you milked him. "Do not ever come into my throne room acting like that again. I was nice, y/n. I won't be nice next time."
You smiled, looking back at him, and risked it all. "You're so easy to manipulate, Tam. I got the sex I needed just by being a brat for 5 minutes. I can't wait until you see what else I've done."
His face fell, a small smirk tugging at his lips. "You won't be leaving our bedroom tomorrow, will you pet?"
You felt him pull out, smiling as he turned you and picked you up. "Nope," you popped the last syllable before kissing his cheek.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
@mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth
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weebsinstash · 7 months
HMMMM. You know what I've never written for, stories OR drafts or prompts or posts. Hanahaki disease!!!
Your yandere is absolutely freaking the fuck out because you're choking up flowers, vomiting on thorns, choking, gagging, blood and petals dribbling down your chin, you're getting sicker, weaker, DYING, but you won't share ANYTHING WITH THEM. They have NO IDEA who it is you love and it's driving them INSANE because one you're DYING and two.... oh. So you. Love someone else. Ok... well. All you need to do to be cured is confess to that person, right? Your 'true dedicated love' can always swoop in afterwards, or so they try to tell themselves...
They're just watching you wither away, you looking absolutely heartbroken, and worst of all, you're starting to AVOID THEM. They're having to stalk you, more than usual anyways, just to check in on you, make sure you're still doing ok, still ALIVE--
Eventually you're laying there in the hospital, at death's door, and your yandere, someone you've known and trusted for some time now, is just, ready to start bawling their eyes out at your bedside as you can barely breathe, begging begging BEGGING you to tell them who you love so they can bring them to you, so you can live, like this is SO AVOIDABLE WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO YOURSELF and your "beloved" is so tormented by the fact they're watching you wither away and they can't do ANYTHING and--
you just. Weakly reach over and grab their hand. and you stare right at them with your big sparkling crying eyes and quivering lips even as more petals and pollen slip out with your breaths,
"but then you'll leave"
and that's when your yandere figures out, oh, it's THEM that you love, and you were willing to die with your secret just to avoid hearing 'no', being alone, not having THEM, losing THEM--
You're laying there feeling the pain and the aching slowly fade from deep inside your withered body, barely energized enough to feel shame, so weak, so vulnerable, and, of course you'll need someone to look after you while you recover, and here's your loyal friend, clutching your hand so desperately, and unlike all of your deepest fears, they're not going anywhere or rejecting you in the slightest. I mean... you might as well have just PROPOSED to them, declaring your love and all, so, surely you won't mind if your crush, who was secretly significantly more mentally unhinged than you were could have imagined, moves you into the perfect scale replica of your bedroom that they have in their house, right? Since you two love each other, you're gonna get married as soon as possible and live together, right? What's that? You're a little turned off by finding out they have stalker shrines of you? Haha, you must still be light-headed from all that coughing! You can't LEAVE YOUR SOULMATE, that's so silly! let them tuck you into bed and get you some pills and they can cuddle you to sleep during your first official night together--
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thosewildcharms · 7 months
towl 1x03 thoughts
rick is REALLY going through it trying to keep michonne alive by out maneuvering jadis AND thorne AND michonne herself because she fails horrendously at acting like she's not the most impressive person in the world AND trying not to have an aneurysm about all of that at the same time
speaking of rick you can't tell her to lie low and then eyefuck her in public every time you see her you are equally bad at this
equally you should probably stop kissing her every chance you get if you want her to believe you want her to leave lol
by contrast michonne screaming at him with her eyes while simultaneously giving him the silent treatment because she's actually too pissed off to yell at him? danai the actress you are!!!!!!!
also!!! the fact that rick thinks he can say "if you love me, you'll go" would actually make her leave is crazy. he has no idea how much that woman loves him! that's why she just smiled angrily at him because ACTUALLY. the reality is that she loves him way TOO much to ever leave him behind. that's WHY she's even here, in fact!!! he's not used to people fighting for him like this :(
michonne ripping that helmet off his head so hard i thought his head might come off with it had me cackling but also rick is stronger than me because I'd be on my knees
"you're a hero. with a shit haircut" I screamed he hates jadis so much it's so funny fdjaslkf
speaking of which I wonder if the freaks who think there is genuine sexual tension between rick and jadis caught his look of absolute disgust as he physically recoiled from her when she sexually harassed him for the 100th time. girl he's not gonna fuck you
"He told me he'd find you. He found you." "Now I'm looking for him." MAYBE STOP MAKING ME CRY PERHAPS
one thing about rick and michonne they WILL find a minute to make out for a bit. and because andy and danai are EPs now they will do it with tongue while extremely well-lit! it's like they heard the complaints from the mothership and addressed them by kissing at least once per episode in broad daylight they love us
rich and michonne effortlessly fighting side by side and getting shit done after almost a decade apart because they are ACTUAL soulmates
the parallel between pearl aiming her gun at michonne and shane aiming his gun at rick in season 2 because they both feel threatened!!! big difference of course being that rick is there to literally put himself in the crosshairs to protect her
michonne staring rick down in a a turbulent helicopter and then abruptly yeeting them both into a raging storm because she is fed up with his shit is the funniest, most unhinged thing I've ever seen I love her so much
this show is fucking insane I love it. I'm still wary of how it will all end but I'm enjoying the hell out of it until we get there
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❣️!Theres a thin line between love and hate!❣️
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Pairing : max verstappen X (single mom!Cherrie!)
Word count : 10k
Summary: in which there’s a very thin line between love and ‘hate’.
Max couldn't stop side eyeing the biggest pain in his ass, the sharpest thorn in his side , the mould to a perfectly good piece of bread - the most annoying woman who ever lived .. narrowing his eyes at her in confusion as he watched her move her body from side to side , looking down at her feet as she mumbled something to herself , seeming to be in her own little world .
Taking a deep breath to control the urge to snap at her to keep still, he glanced around at the track to see every other driver stood politely and still as each one of their national anthems played, they were all apart of a new ceremony to kick off the start of the season again.
Each driver was lined up neatly and had their hands either on their chest or crossed behind their back or front in respect . The host took turns introducing each and everyone of them, their faces appearing on the large screen that was hung up on the railings for everyone to see.
Placing his hand over his own chest too and pursing his lips when it got to his turn to be introduced , his national anthem playing as everyone went silent in respect.
Only His eyes started twitching as through the silence he heard Cherrie start to hum to herself, turning his head slightly as he watched her start to Bob her head and sway side to side as though she was dancing along to some kind of music that he couldn't hear.
Then his eyes zoomed in on her long wavy hair that was blew slightly back in the breeze and then he saw it .
She had in Wireless headphones.
Unable to stop the way his eyes widened in disbelief , as he watched her start to sing to the music that only she could hear . Seeming to not care that everyone else was respectfully standing still as they were presented to the excited crowd around them.
"And I'm crazy, but you like it ..Loca, loca, loca...You like that it ain't easy...Loca, loca, loca" she started singing to herself . Shaking her hips a little, not even noticing her teammates disbelieving stare.
His mouth opening and closing several times as he looked around him to see if anybody else was noticing this shit too.
But everyone else was too busy listening to the national anthem and doing their duties, smiling and nodding at the cameras screening them.
Everyone but Cherrie.
He really should have known that she would do something like this. She never took anything seriously! Feeling the familiar creeping of annoyance and anger drive him up the wall just at the sight of her next to him.
It was absolutely no secret that the two teammates didn't exactly see eye to eye... or wheel to wheel for that matter .
Max didn't know what it was about her that dug so deeply underneath his skin, but he just couldn't stand her .
And every time that they were near each other he felt a need to snap at her or run the fuck away. Usually a heavy mixture of the two.
She was just so fucking obnoxious and arrogant . She spent half of her time bossing everybody around and demanding that it was her way or absolutely no way.
She just didn't seem to care about the rules or about what was wrong or right, she just went right ahead and did whatever the fuck she wanted without caring about the consequences of her usually stupid actions.
The amount of times that he and Cherrie had gotten into a argument because of how stubborn and careless she was.
It Was slighty insane and no matter how many times max told himself to be the bigger person and not to retaliate , it was like all of his rationality and common sense just left him whenever she looked at him with her smug little smile, her eyes shining at him like 'ha! Fuck you!'.
It drove him crazy and no amount of forced team bonding or scoldings from their team could make them get along.
I mean , how could he get along with the same woman who had cut a large hole in the backside of his racing suit after he had told her that he was going to be the leading car on the track?
If it hadn't been for his laughing assistant pointing out the giant hole in his jumpsuit that showcased his ass, he might have had the most embarrassing moment of his career because of her .
And to make it all even worse, Cherrie had whizzed past him in her car and mockingly wiggled her fingers at him as she did so.
Max had never wanted to hurt a woman bedore. But In that moment he could have strangled her.
He turned to look at Charles besides him instead , wondering why no one else was noticing the infatuating woman dancing next to him.
"Do you see this?" He whispered underneath his breath to the Ferrari driver , a scowl on his face as he saw Cherrie wiggle her hips some more out of the corner of his eye.
Charles peered at him curiously, still keeping his hand pressed against his chest as another drivers national anthem played out.
"See what?" He whispered back to him confused to why he looked like he was about to blow a fuse.
Max nodded his head jerkily to his left , motioning rudely towards his teammate.
"She's listening to Shakira! She's got headphones in! Look!" He hissed at him.
The both of them turning their heads just in time to see Cherrie shake her ass to the music that was playing through her headphones , bobbing her head along obliviously .
"I guess she doesn't know the things that I'd do to please you ...I take you to the malecón por el caminito
They saw your girlfriend looking for me with a rifle
'Cause, we're dancin' Mambo, oh, what she don't allow it?" She sang along passionately , flicking her hair and trying hard not to start dropping low like she would at the club.
Charles just giggled quietly, shaking his head as he warily eyed max who looked like he wanted to throttle her
"She's a good singer." Was all he said to him, immediately looking away once max shot him a disbelieving look in return.
"Un-fucking-believable." He mutteeed to himself bedore glancing up at the screen and nearly jumping out of skin once he noticed that Cherrie was being presented , the cameras zooming in on her dancing beside him withoit a care in the world.
"Cherrie!" He hissed at her , kicking her ankle with his foot to get her attention.
She just lazily tilted her head at him, popping out one headphone and raising her eyebrow at him uncaringly.
"What?" She innocently mumbled bedore spotting herself on the big screen and immediately giving the camera a wave . Winking at it too even though she had no idea what the hell was going on, too busy in her own little world to care.
Max just blankly stared at her, not amused in the slightest.
"Turn your music off now! You're being rude. You're gonna make the whole team look bad!" He snapped at her before inhaling sharply when she just continued to wiggle her butt to the music she was listening to.
"And stop shaking your ass for fucks sake!" He almost shouted at her. Forcefully Tearing his eyes away from said shaking ass to glare at her.
He tried to ignore the way Charles and lando were snickering at them , Charles having nudged the other driver to get him to notice what was going on too.
Cherrie just glared back at him, smugly smirking to herself as she continued to shake her hips, even going as far as offering him one of the headphones for him to listen to.
"And I'm crazy, but you like it
'Cause the kinda girl like me, they're running out of in the market." She sang winking at him, dodging the incoming kick to her ass that he tried to give her.
"There's something wrong with you. You're an absolute rude asshole!" He insulted her , sighing in relief once the presentation was over. The drivers now being aloud to disperse and head over to greet the fans if they wanted to.
Max started walking back to where the redbull garage was, not wanting to be around her for another second. Unfortunately for him, she was his teammate and they both had to get ready for their race.
Skipping over to him so that they were walking side by side , she nudged his side over and over again just to annoy him so more.
Enjoy the way that he was stubbornly refusing to look at her , his face set and eyes staring straight ahead as he tried to ignore her.
Though she could see the angry flush creeping up his cheeks and the flaring of his nostrils the more she poked and prodded at him like a child.
The worst thing being that she actually had a child of her own too .
Max couldn't believe that this childish maniac was a mother and he grew more and more worried by the day. Wondering if little juniper was going to grow up and become batshit insane too.
He felt sorry for the poor kid if this was the bullshit that the three year old had to put up with at home.
"You need to lighten up Mad Max! When was the last time you got laid?! You're so tense!" She taunted him , trying and failing to hold back her grin when he gave up on trying to ignore her and instead shot her a look that to warn her that she was walking on very thin line with him.
But Cherrie had always had great balance on a tightrope so she just kept pushing.
Like always. Annoying max was her favourite thing to do. No doubt about it.
"Never mind I can already guess the answer. Judging by the giant stick lodged up your ass! No girl wants to deal with that. You're so boring!" She groaned loudly as she followed him into the garage , waving at a few of the mechanics that they passed.
Max felt red hot anger pass through him, shoving her in her side a little too hard and causing her to go flying into the shelf. Scowling at her in frustration when she just let out a loud laugh and straightened herself back up, picking up a spanner that she had knocked over during the fall and waving it at him with a grin.
"Maybe this will help loosen that stick up! Maybe we can asked Jerry to help-" she went to call one of their engineers over.
Max quickly leaping over to her side and pressing his hand against her big mouth, dragging her around the corner with him so that she couldn't embarrass him in front of anymore people.
"You need to shut the hell up! It's absolutely no wonder that Matt left you . No man wants to put up with someone this fucking irritating!" He snapped at her. Feeling a pang of instant remorse the moment he said it as she paused in his grasp.
He was expecting her to get upset , mabye curse him out and hit him. But he should have known better than wasting any guilt on her.
Because she just snorted out a laugh and grinned up at him, patting his arm like he was the stupid one.
"I'll have you know that I dumped his ass . Not the other way around! And where still great friends!" She informed him proudly , continuing to trail after him to the redbull hospitality room so that they could get ready for the race .
Max scoffed as he placed his hand on her head and gave her another little shove so that she didn't beat him to the door. Childishly nudging her away with his hip when she tried to push past him to get to the door again.
"If juniper wasn't his child there would be no way that he would willingly hang around you! I'm pretty sure that he's balding because of you Cherrie. That's how fucking annoying you are!" He snapped at her as they both stumbled through the door, neither willing to let the other one go first.
Both of their assistants looked up from the table that they were sat at with matching looks of exasperation as they watched the two champions continue to bicker with each other and shove at eachother like little kids .
Cherrie huffed at him, giving him a particularly hard shove back that sent him falling down onto the couch in the room.
"He was already balding! It's in his family genes! You however , what's your excuse asshole?! It's a god job that you wear that hat so I don't have to see your stupid face!" She shouted at him, picking up a throw pillow and throwing it at said stupid face.
He just stuck out his foot and tripped her , Cherrie yelling as she went flying over his lap. Her face smushing into the cushion as her legs hung off his lap at a weird angle.
Max snickering as he smacked the back of her thighs with the palm of his hand bedore pushing her off of him so that she rolled onto the floor into a heap of limbs instead .
"Fuck you!" He snapped back at her. Placing his foot on-top her back so that she couldn't get back up.
Smirking to himself as he watched her try to wiggle away from him, slapping her hand against his other leg with a pissed off huff.
Neither paying any mind to the disapproving looks that their team was giving them.
"There isn't a hat big enough to cover your hideous face!" He insulted her . Finally lifting his foot so that she could stagger back to her feet with a glare.
Placing her hands firmly on her hips as she stood right in front of him, squinting her eyes at him in disbelief .
"Hideous?! I was voted hottest woman of the year!" She reminded him arrogantly. Flicking her hair at him as she stomped over to where her bag was left, pulling out of her phone .
Max just scoffed , leaning back against the couch and placing his hands behind his head as he watched her .
"Yeah by blind people! Trust me if they knew what you were like they wouldn't be saying that!" He wasn't stupid enough to deny that she was in fact one of the hottest women that he had ever seen.
It was just her big mouth that put him off. There had been many a times that he had catched Himself gazing at her from across the room, in awe by how fucking beautiful she was.
Only for her to spot him looking at her , then she would swear at him and call him some creative insult till he remembered that it didn't matter how pretty she was, she was a fucking asshole. And she loved to make his life a misery!
Cherrie just ignored him as she focused on something on her phone, sitting down on the couch opposite him instead .
There was silence for a few minutes as max just continued to stare at her , wondering who she was texting as he saw a little smile creep on her lips making a weird sensation fill his stomach at the sight.
Unable to take his curiosity anymore , he broke the silence again.
"Which flavour of the week are you texting now?" He took a jab at the way that she seemed to go through men like they were candy. Spitting out the ones that she didn't like the taste of and only keeping around the best ones till she had enough of her fill of sugar.
Max was pretty sure that her newest fling had been some big shot footballer in france .
He had seen photographs of the two of them at a club together, dancing and kissing till they left together in the early mornings. He had stopped reading the article after that. Not wanting to know anymore.
Cherrie merely gave him a unimpressed glance before turning back to her phone.
"Matt just sent me some pictures of juniper in the new merch." She found herself telling him. The mothers pride in her making her want to arrogantly show of how cute her daughter was to anybody that would listen.
Max rose his brows, getting up off the couch and walking over to her . Plopping himself on the seat beside her , he bent his head so that he could see the screen of her phone as well.
"They do tiny versions?" He said surprised as he recalled just how small juniper was. Even for a three year old she was smaller than most of them.
But then again , he thought to himself as he took a glance at the 5,3 woman beside him, so was her mother.
Cherrie hummed and tilted her phone to show him a picture of juniper wearing a redbull top with her signature and car number on.
"I had them make it. She has a few now. The other drivers keep sending us their merch as well. She looks a little odd cause she loves to wear Charles Ferrari cap and Lewis's Mercedes shirt!" She mused with a grin as she flicked through the pictures to show him.
Max smiled , his eyes softening as he looked at the picture of a grinning juniper on the screen. With a hat far too big for her tiny head, her long curls a mess all around her face, her chubby cheeks pink and eyes as big as bambi's. Barely any teeth in her mouth as she grinned at the camera cheekily.
"She's got the wrong redbull shirt on. She needs the champions one." He said with a smirk , already reminding himself to get her a mini version of his own merch for juniper to wear.
There was absolutely no way that he was going to let the three year old wander around in Ferrari and Mercedes clothes. No fucking way!
Cherrie just rolled her eyes, nudging him for his cheek. "She had for the champions one. The champion is her mommy. She doesn't need a cap to prove that." She muttered smugly , locking her phone after she had finished showing him all the latest photos of her daughter.
A lot of people thought it was strange how she and max were permanently at each other's throats yet her daughter was Max's favourite person in the whole world.
As soon as max had seen the baby in her arms when she was just one years old, barely able to speak and just gargling strange noises at him, something inside him had melted .
Forgetting what they had been arguing about almost immediately as he held out his arms to hold her baby with a grin, juniper shrieking happily when Cherrie reluctantly passed her over to him.
A shocked look on her pretty face when she watched max casually walk away with her baby, talking down to her in a cute baby voice as he went around the paddock to show her off like he was the proud father and not the enemie of her mother .
Cherrie hadn’t been able to separate them after that , and whenever she brought juniper to the races with her , max would come over to spend some time with her one on one. Claiming that it was because he didn't trust Matt , her baby daddy, to actually teach the kid some 'manly' things .
Cherrie had merely laughed . Watching max let her baby put a tiara on his head as they had a pretend tea party in the paddock. Even letting her put blush on his face.
No one had believed a word that he said but she wasn't going to complain.
Max may have been an absolute pain in her ass but her daughter loved him and without him saying it, she knew that max adored juniper to pieces too.
"Is she at matt's tonight?" He asked her as he walked over to his side of the room to grab his racing suit, a wall dividing them so they could get changed .
Seeing her assistant motion for her to ger ready as well, she put down her phone and grabbed her own gear as well. Taking the racing suit off the hanger , she spoke around the fabric that covered her face as she pulled off her shirt.
"Yes and No. She's with him right now but the babysitter is looking after her tonight until I get back.." she informed him as she nearly fell over trying to get her fireproofs on.
Max hummed to himself as he put his arms through the jumpsuit , grinning to himself as he heard Cherrie let out a loud curse as she banged into something, a small 'ow' escaping her making him
Chuckle at how clumsy she was.
"Get back from where?" He asked her confusedly. Assuming that she would just be going straight home from the track once they were done racing.
Cherrie huffed "from the club. We go to them after every race . Well, you don't but I do.." she said.
Reminding him of the fact that his teammate was an absolute party animal, if there was a party then she was going to be there no matter what.
It was how she had gotten juniper after all. Though max hoped that she had leaned her lesson from that one, they really didn't need another mini Cherrie running around.
Juniper was already a handful. Turning into an exact replica of Cherrie with her sarcasm and little attitude. They even shared the same judgmental expression on their pretty faces. Max had almost had a stroke when the three year old had looked him up and down with a scrunch or her face as she asked him
"Why are you dressed like a ugly golfer?" When he had shown up in a polo neck and chinos.
She had made him go back to his dressing room and put on something else instead until she approved, all the while Cherrie just cackled proudly at what a menace her daughter was.
"You're gonna go even when you lose the race?" He said to her. Hiding his own smirk as he waited for her to snap at him.
He didn't have to wait long. Walking out from behind the changing wall to see Cherrie already glaring at him with her racing suit tied loosely around her hips.
"You mean when I win? And you lose right? I'll have a drink on you!" She told him arrogantly as she walked over to pick up her balaclava and helmet.
Their assistants ushering them along and to their cars.
Max just scoffed as he looked down at her with a glare . "I'm the leading driver Cherrie. You make space for me. How many times do I have to say it?" He bickered at her .
Cherrie, like usual, was having none of it. Shaking her head at him and giving him a little shove as they rounded the corner, aware of a cameraman now following them to get their pre-race reactions.
She pulled on her balaclava as she spoke "it doesn't matter who's the number one driver dickhead. It's matters who's faster. Which I am. You have to give me room then! Don't be a selfish moron max!" She snapped at him , ignoring the squeeze to her shoulder that her Assistant was giving her, telling her to behave .
But it wasn't the first time that the cameras had caught them arguing and it wouldn't be the last.
Max was scowling at her as his team started leading him away to his own car.
"I've already told you this a hundred times, I'm not doing it again. Just watch my back and do as you’re told!" That was completely the wrong thing to say to a woman who did the exact opposite of what he said.
Pulling a face at his back , she scoffed to herself at his cheek .
“Fucking bastard! He forgets that I’m a fucking world champion too! I didn't become that by being his bitch!" She muttered bitterly as she pulled on her helmet and lowered herself into her car.
Ignoring everyone around her as she tried to get herself into the zone. Ignoring the anger that Max's stubbornness had left her with.
She was going to win whether he liked it or not. She didn't pull back for anyone . Certainly not max.
They were nearing the end of the race when Cherrie finally managed to go from p6 to p3 in seconds , passing by the cars smoothly as she came wheel to wheel with Max's car.
Feeling excitement run through her as she realised thag she could do this. That she could push her car even further , she was the fastest one out of the two of them and she told her team so as she flicked on her radio.
"Max needs to let me pass! I can push! I'm faster than him!" She told them loudly , keeping her eye on the gap that was quickly getting closer and closer between her and her teammate .
Heart racing in her chest with adrenaline as they flew down the track, eyes widening as she realised that they were about to come into a sharp corner again. One that was only big enough for one car at a time.
"We have told him to make space. He's refusing to Cherrie. Just stay calm while we try to sort this out!"
She couldn't believe it. Fury flushing through her as she saw the distant close between their wheels. He was putting both of them in Danger as he refused to make a gap for her, instead closing it and nearly righting her off the track all together .
Managing to yank her wheel to keep her pace, the two cars racing side by side as the corner grew dangerously close.
She pressed the radio button that was linked between both of their cars so that max could hear her snap at him.
"I'm faster max! If you don't let me pass I'm gonna push the both of us off this fucking track!" She screamed at him. Struggling to stop their wheels from colliding as he moved his car even closer instead of letting her through.
She could hear their team frantically telling him to listen and pull back.
Then Max's pissed off voice reached her ears "I've fucking told you already! I'm not doing it! You need to pull back Cherrie!" He shouted back at her stubbornly .
Cherrie glanced behind her to see herself boxed in by two other cars. She couldn't have pulled back even if she tried otherwise she would end up causing them all to crash into a pile up.
Her heart was racing as she panicked "max I'm fucking serious! Let me pass now! There's two Ferrari's behind me!" She warned him.
Max wouldn't listen . Then the sharp corner approached and Cherrie inhaled deeply as she turned her car to try and take the wider line, hoping that max would realise what would happen if he didn't give her any space .
Praying that he would do the right thing.
He didn't.
Instead Cherrie could only yell out angry "fuck!" As she watched in almost slow motion as her front wheels hit the back of his own, sparks flying off the rubber as both of their cars were then flung at a ridiculous speed off the track.
Squeezing her eyes shut as she felt their cars hit against each other , flipping in the air a few times as she tried to keep her body safe.
Max's car went flying over her head as she ducked her head and pressed it against her wheel, thanking god for the halo above her as she felt his large wheel hit off the top of her car before crashing in front of her.
Her own car skidding until it hit the wall with a horrible crash, jostling her body as she tried to catch back her breath.
Staring in disbelief at Max's crashed car in front of her , quickly reassuring her team that she was alright over the radio. Before Turning off her engine and quickly removing the wheel as she hoisted her aching body up and out of the car.
"Fucking shit!" She snarled as she jumped down onto the grass, gritting her teeth in fury as she looked over at the other crashed redbull in front of her .
Watching with anger as max slowly pulled himself out as well, his head turning to look at her . Backing away a little , already knowing what was going to happen.
She completely lost her shit.
Yanking off her helmet furiously , she stalked towards him with a snarl. "What the fuck is wrong with you , you selfish bastard! You could have killed the both of us!" She screamed at him, eyes wide in disbelief at how stupid he had been.
Max lifted up his vistor and glared back at her as the safety car was deployed , glancing over the track to see pieces of their cars scattering the tarmac .
His chest tightening as it sunk in what he had just done, gritting his teeth as he looked back over at Cherrie and saw her holding her side in pain.
"Cherrie-" he was quickly cut off before he could even attempt to make any excuses or apologise.
Rage was over taking her and all she saw was red "you stupid fucking idiot! We're both out now! God I could kill you!" She screamed at him before lifting up her helmet and throwing it at him at full force.
Hearing the Marshall's and the medics run over to them , trying to calm her down. She roughly shrugged off one of her hands from her shoulder , instead watching max flinch as he ducked to the side to avoid her helmet flying at him.
Watching it crash at his feet with a wince, he inhaled deeply . Guilt sinking low in his stomach as he watched her blink away tears of anger , being held back by two men as she tried to throw herself at him.
"I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking!" He blurted out honestly. Ashamed of himself for being so selfish and wanting to win. That he put both of their lives at risk.
Not knowing why he couldn't just let his pride go and let her pass him. He knew that she was faster then, that she could have pushed and easy won the race. Yet he had froze up and her screaming at him to move had went in one ear and out the other.
So certain that he could have got around that sharp corner and been p1 if he just kept her car behind him to defend off the other drivers.
How wrong he was.
Cherrie pulled off her gloves and hauled them at his head as well. Slapping the multiple peoples hands off her as she yanked herself from their grip, ignoring them shouting at her to calm down.
Instead she stomped over to max and shoved him so hard that he went flying down to the ground with a startled huff.
Looking down at him with a furious glare, feeling utterly betrayed by her own teammate who was supposed to have her back.
"Fuck you max!" She spat at him . Shaking her head at him in disappointment as she backed herself away from him before she actually did some damage and attacked him.
"I hope you're very happy with yourself! You fucked over not only me winning but you as well! We could have been on that podium together! We're supposed to be a fucking team remember?!" She shouted at him , this time letting herself be pulled away.
Not caring that the scene between them was playing out on the screen for all to see.
She couldn't give a shit.
Instead all she could think about was the fact that her daughter had no doubt just watched her and max crash badly . That if it wasn't for that halo above her head, her daughter would have lost her mother within seconds. Because of Max's stubbornness to win.
Max seemed to be realising the same thing as he pulled himself back to his feet and said her name remorsefully .
"Cherrie please-"
She just shook her head at him , muttering another quiet. "Fuck you." Before turning her back on him completely and letting herself be took to the medics to be checked out.
Leaving max to stare at where she had been stood with his shaking hands on his hips, pulling his visor back down over his eyes so that nobody could see him cry .
Hating himself for what he had stupidly done without thinking .
By the time he was about to go to bed and try to forget this terrible day that he had, his phone rang loudly making him curse out loud in annoyance.
Picking up his phone from his bedside table and checking the time, his frown deepening as he realised it was one o'clock in the morning , looking at the caller ID with confusion.
Wondering why Charles was calling him at such a ridiculous hour. Especially when the rest of the drivers knew better than to disturb him once he had entered the peace of his own home.
Answering the call and Putting the phone up to his ear with a huff .
“What do you want?" He snapped down the line impatiently .
Wanting nothing more than to close his eyes and sleep this whole mess he had created away. Unable to get the look of disappointment and betrayal that cherrie had given him out of his mind.
He was convinced that the guilt was going to haunt him forever at this rate.
Charles voice was clearly slurring as he answered him loudly over the music playing.
"'Max! I can't believe that you did that you naughty boy!" Charles tried to scold him in his drunken state , having re watched the shit show on his phone after it has been sent around the group chat.
Everybody talking about how max had fucked over his teammate again.
Max pinched the bridge of his nose , trying to push down his anger as he told himself that charles wouldn't dare to speak to him like this if he was sober.
In fact , none of them would.
Except Cherrie. She would argue with him wether she was completely smashed or not.
"Is that it? You've called to make me feel even worse about it than I already do?" He shot back to him , rubbing the tiredness from his eyes and glancing down at the photo frame on his nightstand.
Feeling his heart squeeze painfully in his chest as he looked at the photo of him, Cherrie and juniper on a teacup ride that they had hired for her birthday. It was a rare day that Cherrie had actually been smiling at him, her eyes bright and amused as he clung onto her with a laugh, little juniper in his lap squealing the whole ride.
It had been one of the best days in a long time and he couldn't have been more thankful for lando capturing the moment for him to keep forever.
Charles scoffed " yesssss mate. I just wanted to tell you what an idiot you are! You're lucky that pierre had been filling her up with vodka all night bedore she looked ready to plan your murder when she met up with us!" He rambled onto him, hiccuping occasionally .
Max scowled "pierre is with her?" He almost spat in distaste.
Knowing how close that the two were, even more so when they were drunk, it only made him hate it even more.
Not understanding why she could be the best of friends with every other driver but him.
He hated to admit it but he felt a slither of envy whenever the two were around each other. He hated how flirty and comfortable they were, he had often wondered to himself if they had something going on between them.
Having seen pierre over at her house far too many times for his liking.
Max had pettishly made sure that juniper knew that he was the better race driver out of the two. Having had a great laugh to himself when juniper had relayed what he told her right to pierre's  shocked face.
"You're a loser with a shit car." Juniper had told him confidently when he waved at her with a smile, a smile that quickly dropped at her words.
The three year old looking up at max for approval after she had said it. Getting a proud pat on the head from him while Cherrie scolded him for being so childish.
"Yes! They are dancing together! They are soooo drunk mate!" Charles giggled to him, unaware of the fury that he was making max feel .
Swinging his feet over the edge of his bed, he put his phone on loud speaker as he hurriedly pulled on some sweatpants and a old shirt , shoving crocs onto his feet quickly.
"Where the fuck are you guys? Don't let her do anything stupid!" He told Charles firmly as he ran down his stairs and picked up his car keys, bolting straight to his car.
Charles sounded amused "like run you off the track you mean? She can't do anything more stupid than you! And pierre-" he hiccuped again "is making her happy! You made her sad max! That's not nice!" His drunk ness made him barely make any sense as his voice kept cutting in and out.
"Is it club blue?" He demanded , ignoring everything he said as he sped down the highway With his lips pursed . Trying not to think of Cherrie and pierre together in any way.
Charles gasped "how did you know? Are you here too?!"
Max just rolled his eyes as he turned his car around and sped in the direction of the popular club with a huff.
"I'm going to be! What is she doing now?" He wanted to know. Knowing how she behaved whenever vodka was involved.
He just hoped that she hadn't had any tequila yet.
Tequila was the very reason that she had gotten pregnant with juniper in the first place.
The thought of her , pierre and a bottle of tequila between them almost made him gag in panic.
He heard Charles laughing loudly just as he pulled up outside the club. Quickly getting out the car and easily being let into the club once they recognised who he was.
"She's on the table dancing! Oh wow!" Charles gasped in amazement . "She's a really good dancer mate! Look at her hips .." he trailed off in awe.
Max ended the call and quickly shoved through the crowd as the voice of Ricky Martin assaulted his ears.
It not taking him long to spot Cherrie, he just had to follow every mans gaping mouth to the direction of the left .
His eyes going wide as he froze in his spot for a moment, watching as Cherrie pulled off her shirt and waved It in the air with a cheeky smirk on her face as she spun her hips around seductively , tilting her back till her hair cascaded down her back messily .
"I'll let her rough me up
'Til she knocks me out
'Cause she walks like she talks
And she talks like she walks
She bangs, she bangs" he just about heard her sing along : dropping down to her knees as she bounced her hip on the stage. The crowd cheering her on loudly.
Max swallowed thickly and quickly pushed through the crowd till he reached the group of drivers that were also watching her seduce the club.
Running her hands down her bare stomach , rolling her stomach and pushing out her breasts in the tiny bra she was wearing, pushing her already tiny skirt low on her hips as she danced like a stripper.
He gave the nearest driver a shove, it just fortunately happened to be pierre who looked over at him with a frown once he noticed it was him.
"Why the fuck did you let her get up there?!" He snapped at him. His annoyance only growing once how noticed Charles and lando were also staring open mouthed at Cherrie as she turned around, lifted up her skirt so that they could see her ass that was barely covered by lace panties . Dropping down and shaking her ass at them without a care in the world.
"Oh my god." Max muttered , eyes stuck to her ass for a moment before he snapped out of it. Pushing his way through the crowd till he got to the edge of the stage.
Glaring up at her as he shouted her name "Cherrie! Get down now!" He yelled up at her, taking a hold of her ankle before she could start twerking some more.
Her head snapped down to him in surprise , bedore she took one look at him and rolled her eyes.
"Nooooo! Go away you backstabber!" She whined bedore containing to sing along to the music blaring around the club. "I love this song!"
"She bangs, she bangs
Oh baby, when she moves, she moves
I go crazy 'cause she looks like a flower
But she stings like a bee
Like every girl in history!" She sang down to him with a smirk, putting her arms above her head and winding her body like Shakira.
He was reminded then of just why Cherrie was one of the most wanted women in the world.
Max felt like he was going to have a stroke when she suddenly dropped down to her knees in front of him, winking at him once she noticed that he couldn't take his eyes away from her .
Taking a deep breath , he shook his head rapidly to try and clear any dirty thoughts away.
Reminding himself that if he was getting turned on by her dancing like this , then so was everyone else in the club watching her .
Grimacing to himself at the reminder , he leant over the stage and locked his arms around her waist, pulling her down and off of it Before she could even blink.
"We're going home!" He declared to her . Ignoring the way that she was hitting at his arms as she struggled to get out of his hold.
Max just held onto her tighter as he began to carry her towards the exit. Ignoring the other drivers booing at him for ruining the show.
Cherrie slapped at his head , whining . "Nooo! I was having fun! Why did you have to ruin it!"
He huffed as he spun her around so that he was carrying on his hip like a child , giving a casual nod to the bouncer that was watching them in disbelief.
No doubt he hasn't seen a f1 driver being carried out by another f1 driver who has crashed them
Both off the track and got a helmet thrown at him by said woman on life tv before.
"If they wanted to watch porn then they could watch it on their phone! You didn't have to give them it for free!" He snapped at her as he placed her down in front of his car. Pulling the edge of her skirt down as far as it could go over her ass. Which wasn't very far at all.
Cherrie just groaned as he opened the passenger side down and placed his hand on top of her head , not so gently pushing her into the seat.
"You're just jealous that I can shake my hips! Your about as flexible as a table!" She threw back at him, crossing her arms over her chest with a annoyed pout as he slammed her door shut and got into the drivers seat.
Quickly starting up the car and getting them back on the highway, he sent her a unimpressed glance.
"Shut up. There's going to be videos of your ass all over the internet tomorrow now!" He told her unhappily as he took the lane that led back to her house instead of his.
Recalling what she had said about juniper being with a babysitter till she got back.
He wondered how the three year old felt after seeing her mother crash because of him on tv. The guilt nearly made him sick as he sped up the car, wanting to see her and reassure the kid that they were okay.
Cherrie huffed "there's going to be videos of you betraying me as well! I don't even want to look at you!" She then muttered some curse words under her breath at him. "You bastard!"
Max groaned as he glanced over at her , frowning in frustration.
"I know! I know! I said I was sorry! It was stupid of me to do that. I don't know why I did!" He told her , pissed off with himself for doing it.
Cherrie pulled her knees up to her chest, kicking off her heels and holding them in her hands instead.
Glancing over to her teammate and seeing the way his jaw was clenched , his cheeks red with shame and eyes so fucking sad as he looked back at her.
Feeling a little bit of her anger chip away once she noticed just as remorseful he looked.
"Cause you didn't want me to win. That was such a asshole move max." She sighed tiredly , body still aching despite the vodka numbing her a little.
He pulled into her driveway and turned off the car , not getting out just yet.
Instead he gently placed his hand on her thigh and squeezed to her her to look at him again , looking at her earnestly.
"Cherrie, I mean this with every part of me. I am sorry okay? I fucked up and you're right I did want to win. I took our competitiveness too far . And I am so fucking sorry. I wish I could change what I did and just let you pass instead , but I can't ." He sighed , swallowing thickly .
His eyes  scanning her pretty face for a reaction. Just needing her to believe him when he told her that he was sorry.
Cherrie looked back at him silently for a moment before rolling her eyes and admitting silent defeat.
"Okay." Was all she muttered before opening up the car door and sliding out.
Hearing max quickly do the same thing as he jogged back over to her side. Carefully taking her heels from her fingers and holding them in his hand instead.
Wrapping his other arm around her waist as she stumbled into his side , letting him guide her up to her door, seeing the lights still on.
"You forgive me?" He whispered to her hopefully as he pushed open the door and stepped in, pulling her into the hallway with him Bedore closing the door behind them with his foot.
Cherrie just leant her head against his arm with a tired yawn, nodding her head .
"Only if you let me pass next time. Otherwise I'll be the one to push you off the track. And I'll make sure it's worse this time." She threatened him sleepily just as her babysitter came down the hall.
Smiling at them as she put her coat on, nodding her head respectfully at them.
"She's not long nodded off in her bed. She was a little  worried but settled down after a while." She informed Cherrie quietly .
Making max wince with shame at the thought of juniper watching their crash like that. God knows what the poor kid had been thinking.
After Cherrie had paid her babysitter, max carefully lead her up the stairs to her room. His hands hovering over her incase she stumbled again.
"Max?" She called over to him quietly once she had thrown herself down on her bed, max putting her heels back in her closet before walking back over to her with a raise or his brow.
Humming to let her know he was listening as he picked up a packet of makeup wipes and sat down beside her .
Lifting the wipe up to her face , he almost froze as she whispered  a "why do you hate me so much?" To him.
Sounding genuinely upset at the thought of him hating her.
He swallowed past the sudden lump in his throat and started wiping her makeup from her face, gently sweeping the wipe against her skin as he wondered just how honest he should be with her.
But then he saw her sad eyes and down turned lips as she sagged against him, trusting him to take off her makeup and help her into bed in such a state.
He decided just tell the truth for once . "I pretended to hate you because I thought you hated me." He muttered quietly .
Pushing her messy hair from her face and pulling back the covers so he could tuck her in, his hand lingered by her cheek as he gently stroked her cheekbone with his fingertips .
Watching her eyes flutter tiredly as she gazed up at him with a frown , yawning again.
"But I never hated you. I just liked annoying you." She told him innocently as though the years of fighting between them was no big deal.
Max blinked down at her in mild amusement , shaking his head in disbelief .
"Fantastic. So all this time I thought you hated me you were just at winding  me up for your own amusement?" He stated. Pursing his lips at the infuriating woman in front of him.
She just smiled , nodded her head and let out a small giggle . Snugging her face into her pillow as she picked up his hand and kissed his knuckles like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Max felt like he was going to have a heart attack.
Inhaling sharply as her lips made contact with his skin, his face softening as she lifted up her other hand for him to do it back .
Maybe it was because she was drunk and being so uncharacteristically affectionate with him.
Or maybe it was because he loved her. But he gently took her hand and kissed each knuckle softly , letting out a sigh.
"You're such a pain in the ass." He muttered with a chuckle. Unbelievable. "You know that right?"
Cherrie just hummed , smiling up at him. "I know. But you love me though don't you?"
He didn't know how she knew it but she did. Her eyes told him the exact same thing.
Feeling his face heat up as he jokingly dropped her hand onto the bed and pinched her cheek, chuckling as he pushed himself up from the bed before he did something as stupid as kiss her.
"You're crazy cherrie." He just whispered to her as he pulled the blanket over her and flicked off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness so she couldn't see the smile that was taking over his face.
Walking over to the door, he paused as he heard her speak up again.
"You can make it up to me ya know.. might help me forgive you quicker." She told him quietly  , already half asleep.
He smiled , shaking his head fondly.
“Yeah? How can I make it up to you?" He wanted to know .
Already planning on making it up to her as soon as she was sober again.
"You can take me on a date and kiss it better." She told him in a whisper .
Max blushed. Laughing underneath his breath as he pulled open her bedroom door to leave.
"Sounds good. " was all he answered to her, smiling to himself contently .
“Sweet dreams Cherrie." He said before closing the door behind him.
Letting himself breathe again for a moment as he rubbed his hands over his face to try and sort himself out before he walked over to the room opposite Cherrie, smiling at the hand drawn picture of a castle that juniper had drawn being stuck on her door.
Gently pushing open the door he made his way inside , smiling once he made eye contact with the three year old that was already wide awake , seemingly waiting for someone to talk to her.
"Hey." He breathed out happily as he knelt down beside her bed, giving her his hand . "Hi."
Juniper grabbed ahold of his fingers and giggled , pulling at his hand happily.
"Maxi.." she cooed at him , wiggling on her back as she pulled at her blanket with her other hand so it covered her properly .
"You went vrooommmm!" She mimicked two cars crashing together with her hands, looking up at him with wide eyes. Clearly worried.
Max sighed and smiled at her sadly . "I know. Looked bad huh?" He muttered as he grabbed the beanie chair from the corner of her room and dragged it over to the side of her bed so he could still reach her.
Laying down on it and getting comfortable , he gave her back his hand to hold through the gaps of her bed. Juniper quickly latching on as her tiny hand clung onto him again.
"Hurt?" She asked him cutely, concerned.
Max let out a small laugh when she suddenly picked up one of her teddy's and threw it at his face.
Picking up the bright pink fuzzy bear and tucking it underneath his arm to make her happy . He gently squeezed her fingers three times.
"No. We're okay juney. Mommy is okay too." He comforted her quietly . Turning on his side so that he could see her cute little face properly .
She was an exact copy of Cherrie , that he glad for. They had the same soft button nose and long lashes, the same pouty lips and big judgey eyes.
It was too much for his heart to handle.
How was he supposed to just not fall in love with the two of them? Cherrie made him feel alive , she made his heart sing.
And juniper made him happy. The way she toddled around after him and looked up to him. Always repeating whatever words he said and looking up to him for approval afterwords .
He had watched her grow up from a barely one year old who cried at every little noise , to a stubborn three year old girl who was as sassy and sarcastic as her mother. The both of them not letting anyone get anyway with anything.
And now he couldn't imagine a life without them in it.
"I'm gonna marry your mommy one day." He found himself telling the toddler honestly .
Already planning out their future together. Smiling to himself at the thought of Cherrie in a wedding dress, no doubt complaining that it wasn't fair that he got a suit with pockets while she had to shove everything in her bra.
Maybe they'd have a baby like juniper one day too. One that was biologically his. One that juniper could be a big sister to.
That would be the dream. He sighed longingly .
Juniper just giggled "like prince and princess?"
Max laughed "like king and queen. You'll be the princess juney. You can wear that big tiara you like. Or maybe I'll get you a real one." He mused.
The three year old gasped excitedly . "Yay! Are you gonna marry mommy tomorrow?" She asked him impatiently. blinking her big eyes at him happily.
Max smiled , his chest warming . "I'm gonna take your mommy on a date tomorrow. Maybe after the third date. If it goes well." He joked , smiling at her in amusement .
Despite not knowing why he was laughing, juniper just squeezed his hand, happy because he was happy.
"Ok. Can I come?"
"On the date?" He grinned.
She nodded her tiny head. "Yup."
He chuckled "sure. Where should we take mommy?"
She lit up "Disneyland!"
Max smirked . Eyeing the toddler in amusement.
"Maybe. I was thinking maybe a picnic date or something more romantic." He replied. His mind racing with ideas.
There was a pause before "and Disneyland. We could have a picnic at Disneyland." She insisted having been bugging the two of them to go for ages.
Max just smiled , his heart so full of love for the two of them. "And Disneyland." He agreed , laughing when she clapped her hands excitedly .
Knowing that Cherrie was probably going to kill him for agreeing . Having told him once that Disneyland was a place of her nightmares.
But how was he supposed to say no to that cute little face? He wasn't that cruel.
Already planning on getting them a day pass at the Paris park. Then he could let his assistant babysit juniper on the night while he took Cherrie out for a romantic dinner in the city of love.
It was a solid plan.
He had to start making it up to her somehow and what better place to do that than in Paris?
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lousylemonseminar · 3 months
“I was just so hungry, gill”
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Meal isn’t pictured in alignment to how it’s described in the THING!
AUSVBRBRHEHTHRGRGRGRGHRHGHGGG i bashed my fist into the wall multiple times while reading this fic[link] in astonishment of the details and how they alluded to things and i can Talk SO LOUD AN D UNCEREMONIOUSLY but i wanna put that under the cut along with my Fav quotes of this SO READ IT FIRST READ IT FIRST READ IT FIRST!!!! I PLEA
On a less serious note There were multiple times where my brain had to spare myself from fathoming by making stupid connections like Chip taking doppelgillys kidneys because in a bit where gill said he took chips And other Stuff Like That but then THE HE PROBABLY TOOK HOIS HEART FIRST????? IM KILLING ICARUS????/NSRS IM MAIMING THORN???? obeheheemanba okay!!
So here’s most of the screenshots I took while reading this! Which will help me relive the atrocities
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My reaction to Did you know it wasn’t me by here they be dragons /pos :
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They seriously couldn’t have done that to me after I spent like thirty minutes writing how much I admired the tension and the buildup and the emphasis on how fucking dead chip was OH MY GOD.
Icarus if your reading this I cannot emphasize enough how greatly the fics I’ve read from you Fuck with my brain
I remember watching the a new riptide episode at some point and genuinely wondering why gill and chip wasn’t more conflicted with each other and why gill wasn’t being more obedient to his friend for knocking his shit I
Reading the absolute ferocity went at doppelgilly made drawing this SO SoSo so much more rewarding for me which is something I have a Lot of trouble with . Or like being passionate / having fun with drawing it’s insane
I was kicking my feet fangirling over it
You’re such an amazing fucking author in which i do still wanna write down why those excerpts Stuck So Hard and GOSHHHBD DB losing it I admire you so much have an awesome sauce day :o3333
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
Magic System, But Badly Tag! (1)
Thank you so much for the tag @cowboybrunch (here)!
Rules: Explain the magic system of your current WIP as poorly as possible. Bonus points if you use bullet points.
Let's talk about the magic system of Song of Thorns (:
ATLA vibes but medieval
someone really should keep an eye on the Initiates - these angsty teenagers with a god complex should not be left unattended
Powers range from "Look, I can light a candle with the tip of my finger, isn't it neat?" to "I CAN CONTROL THE STORMS, FEAR ME" and it is complicated
Lesson No. 1 - Don't trust the nice instructors on the weird-looking trial maze or you will die = STREET SMARTS
who cares about reading all those ancient tomes, let's improvise in the middle of an untamed wilderness or ocean brimming with wild magic, now that's a good idea
Animus Codex
soul magic with a celestial's blessing
can weave fates, lives, and entire existences with a series of secret runes on a specific set of cards/tablets
a select group of people know what tf is going on with this magic but everyone is too afraid to really ask
rune casting requires ancient magic components that definitely are anything but safe
either the celestials loved this civilization way too much or hated it with a passion
Sanguinex Arts (human only)
Lazy human royals really wanted to be vampires but didn't want to transform themselves and made it everyone's problem
"Can I copy your homework?" "No, absolutely not -!" "Too late already did it."
A cheap knockoff of something beyond mortal comprehension created by an insane set of human sorcerers who could not give less of a fuck
"I think I understand how they do it" - they did not, in fact understand how it was done
Feast your eyes on the eldritch abominations and trauma inducing shite created by human stupidity at its finest
A distortion of all that is moral and decent, used by the royals to expand their lifespans and oppress those who do not have access to their power
A generally bad time
Traditional Hemomancy (Vampyr/Fey only)
an ancient Vampyr tradition, tied to their very existence (and which was cheaply copied by humans to create the Sanguinex)
"General rule of thumb - do not piss off a vampire who has something or someone to protect, unless you fancy seeing how your insides look on the outsides"
Create & Destroy, Life & Death - this magic can heal or kill and is connected to the balance of nature
Blood Magic mixed with Matter Manipulation
"Roses are red, violets are blue, if the moon turns crimson you'll die soon" - a lesson some characters in this book should've learned before venturing further into this land
generally chill and laid back sorcerers who really don't want to have to use their powers to hurt people and just wanna have a good time
Alchemical Sorcery
Fucked Around and Found Out, Special Edition.
Potions slowly change you to be able to cast magic but it's fine because you know what you're doing. Hopefully.
Chemical components and suspicious magical ingredients create unforeseen creations = chemistry magic
You are cursed with the knowledge you wish you never had
Need to go to an elite academia to get a certificate permission in case you blow stuff up with your alchemy
Let's shape the very matter of existence after chemistry class 101
Melodis Mortem (forbidden)
"The Song of the Dead" - just a fancy name for a bunch of academia dropouts practicing off-the-book necromancy in a cult.
Let's raise your great-grandpa from beyond the grave because what could possibly go wrong- and he is now a murderous ghoul. Yeah, my bad. We'll do better next time.
Necromancer bards
All these books, guidelines and bloodied ritual circles might just be a way of hiding the fact they don't know what tf they're doing and are relying on lucky improv most of the time.
🎶Spooky scary skeletons send shivers down your spine🎶
"Well, well, well if it isn't the Consequences of my actions."
Mechana Ignis (elven only, secret)
combustion magic
steampunk/solarpunk elf society
gunpowder/"Sunpowder" go brr
"Nah, we ain't sharing this with you lunatics, bruv. This is our magic that goes boom and pew-pew on command. Not yours, nuh-uh, you're too fucking crazy to use it responsibly."
elves bored with eternity decide to do cool science stuff to pass the time and the world isn't ready for it
Tagging: @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @little-peril-stories
@the-ellia-west, @winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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mirror-to-the-past · 7 months
So, I stopped liveblogging after a bit, because I just got absolutely lost in the EVERYTHING that was the OMORI Concert, but holy SHIT. What did everyone think of it? Any favorite pieces???
As I previously mentioned, "Trouble NEVER/ALWAYS" leading into "You Were Wrong. Go Back." was NUTS. The way that the orchestra made it so hype, you'd really think it was the introduction of an evil galactic overlord, rather than some guy throwing a tantrum after his girlfriend broke up with him, haha!
I can not emphasize enough how their rendition of "Trees..." tremendously altered my perception of the song. I liked it a lot before, really, but it wasn't particularly moving to me- just peaceful. This version of the song was so. wow. I struggle to find words for it. Same with "Sugar Star Planetarium" right afterwards. Fucking. Gorgeous.
Also putting "Just Leave Me Alone" and the rest of which I shall now call the Hooligans Suite, as they meshed it together in such an epic and cohesive way, after "Where We Used to Play" was just diabolical. I FELL OUT OF MY SEAT I WAS SO SURPRISED BY THE LOUDNESS, LOL. Speaking of the "Hooligans Suite" the guitarists just. URGH I LOVE THEM. This concert was way more metal than I expected, and I LOVED IT. The entire "Just Leave Me Alone"-"Cram It Wad"-"It Means Everything" was insanely epic, I felt like my heart stopped. Just like Space Boyfriend's theme, using the other Hooligans pieces as buildup to the main boss theme was so, so good. Did Aubrey and her gang such justice, like. I just felt so happy for my girl.
And then they put "Home for Flowers (Empty)" right afterwards, lol. If anyone's curious about how I looked after that sudden mood shift:
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I'm now thoroughly on board of loving World's End Valentine now, because the instrumentation hurts my head less now, with this version, haha.
I am ADMITTEDLY a bit bummed that they didn't perform "Poems in the Fog" and "Forest Frenzy," as I can visualize Music Engine's style for those pieces so well, and I know it would be soooo beautifulll... but oh well...
I'm plesantly surprised that "Swirly 1000x" made the cut!! Very underrated piece, only used for one fight but godDAMN does it hit hard. The guitar 🎸🎸oncccee agaiiin. Crazy.
Also I knowwww it's not the most amazing piece in the world, but the jazz section of The Last Resort could have opened so cool with "Hanging With the Boys" right before that, but it's alright, I'm not gonna lose sleep over it.
The way I laughed when they jumpscared us with the organ for the first time because GoldenVengence was important enough as to demand the need for such a stately instrument, lol!
Can we talk about the clarinet in "Underwater Highway" because oooooghhh bleeeeh dead upon impact. It was so wonderful.... I love that piece already, but they made the descending notes so magical, and tranisitioned into "Squall" so beautifully.
You know what I AM gonna lose sleep over? THEY DIDN'T INCLUDE "H20:HCL" in the underwater section!! That piece is so beautiful... 😭😭
I think I blacked out and entered a trance-like state with everything from "See You Tomorrow" to "Truth." Somewhere within that period, wine and a tissue box appeared magically at my side, lmfao. Small comment in the midst of everything else that was That Section of the concert, but I'm so glad they kept "Gone," because that piece is so necessary for me, within that whole climactic sequence. It just oozes catharsis, it HAS to be included, no matter what.
But yeah anyway, "See You Tomorrow" and "Crossroads" just emanates the warmth of evening in summer. Those songs are laced with something magical, because I can see the orange of sunset so palpably in my mind's eye whenever I hear those pieces. Sweat on my skin, old t-shirts with fruit juice stains on them, other kids shrieking in the streets, being afraid of my neighbor's loud dog, getting pricked by thorns after walking into the forest- that's what those songs sound like to me. I don't get too nostalgic for the past much, but those songs make me feel like I'm a kid again. This rendition captured them perfectly.
Also wow, Basil, I see you and "A Home for Flowers (Daisy)" in the orchestral version, sounding like you jumped directly out of a Ghibli movie. I see you. T_T
Ha-ha-ha when the lights dimmed during "You Must Carry On" I didn't start freaking out at all..ha-ha-ha. What? I would never break out into goosepimples and jitters. Ha-ha-ha. Full body shakes who? I don't know her.
When "OMORI" started playing, a few others in the house who had never played the game and knew little to nothing about it stopped talking amongst themselves and came to watch the TV. It's THAT POIGNANT. I'll be honest, I love love love "DUET" as much as the next OMORI fan, but the song that makes me cry upon hearing it every time was never DUET, it was this one. DUET is a warm resurgance and appreciation for the things left behind, with a slight twinge of regret. "OMORI" is just pure, raw pain. And the string section didn't let me forget ittt hahahaha.
Tears were shed, people (me) were shaking, etc. etc. THANK YOU KAWAI KOTA for your amazing work in acting as Sunny's role amonst the violinists and concertmaster, your solo violin work and passion fully recaptured my feeling of playing the game for the first time, biting my nails with anticipation and heartache at whatever was happening next. Same goes to Kawamura Noriko for her work on piano, just... aaaaaaa!
Also bo en jumpscare!!! I love and respect that one individual in the audience who yelled "hands...!" during "My Time." It's honestly cruel for live orchestra to have the rule of "be silent during the performance!" because I would've had a vein popping if I was there from wanting to sing along so bad. I MEAN. IT'S *THE* SONG. YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SING ALONG TO IT. Lucky for me, I was at home, and got to tipsily sing along to the lyrics from muscle memory, lmao.
I was expecting the choir that I saw filing into view to be for "My Time" that ended up playing later anyway- "Tee-hee Time" was a welcome surprise and amazingly epic!
Anyway that's about it from the top of mt head at the moment!! Please yell at me about what you thought of the concert- I stayed up late, went to sleep, got up again, and am still vibrating about it, lol! This has been the best part of my year so far- no joke.
ALSO WOOO OMORI MANGA. Can't wait for ENG translations- if this adaptation gives Sunny more explicit character voice, I'm not going to shut up about it ever. I won't shut up about it anyway, but I'll be not-shut-upping about it even more.
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atrwriting · 2 years
chapter six: the wolf and the dragon — gangleader!aemond x you
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i need season two because i’m RUNNING out of aemond gifs
as always, warnings: no smut (it’s coming!!!!!!!) drinking, violence
your instagram was gaining some success, but not much. you didn’t think too much of it as you were a small town bar, already did fine, and you weren’t in the market to grow. your fliers for bands did gain some attention, which made you grow excited. you’d at least have the chance to grow your current crowd and that was what you were hoping for.
unfortunately… aemond’s nephew’s band did express interest in playing.
and they were good.
so fucking good.
jace had emailed you a live recording from the time they played at his mother’s club. a mashup of mary jane’s last dance, dani california, and sweet emotion. you didn’t even understand how they could perfectly mend not two, but those three songs so perfectly together. you listened to the recording three times because it was just that damn good.
“could you turn that off?!” aemond barked from his end of the bar.
you rolled your eyes. you just wanted to listen to music at the end of the work day. you were closing again, letting your employee go home early out of fear of their own safety. you hadn’t had any unwanted visitors during the work hours, but aemond and aegon kept up their after hours business and we’re coming in earlier and earlier. you were fearful for their safety, and fearful for your own privacy. plus, closing alone gave you time to think.
and listen to prospective bands.
“not a fan?” you asked, hoping he wouldn’t recognize that it was his nephew’s band.
“jace and his band play that song fucking everywhere and i can’t stand it,” he spat.
“it is jace’s band,” you remarked. “i want to allow them to play here… but i’m worried about what you said.”
“i knew it was his band from that first fucking chord,” aemond spat, slamming a hand on the bar top. “allow them to play if you want. i won’t be here if they come. i’ll send aegon.”
“if you don’t want them to play here, i won’t have them play here,” you tried to settle softly.
he smacked his hand once more on the tabletop. “did i say that?!”
you were clutching the broomstick tightly in your hand, taken back by his reaction. his one eye had flames selling within it, all directed at you. his teeth were almost gritted, his nose was scrunched, and his jaw was clenched so hard you thought it would break. he was a predator, ready to attack.
and you were done. absolutely, one hundred percent done.
the bar was clean enough, you decided. you placed the broom against the bar, and immediately left the area to the kitchen. as you passed by him, you mumbled “moody fuck,” and left.
he didn’t follow.
thank the gods.
aemond’s attitude lately had stuck an insane thorn in your side. for a man who was in charge of so much, you would think he would have the ability to handle it more. then, you realized… he had way too much on his plate.
you kept your business and your house small because you realized wanting less meant less problems. you had the luxury of keeping your lifestyle minimalistic — in comparison to the rest of your family’s lifestyle, that is — because you chose to step away from them. it wasn’t easy to step away from them, but no one needed your attention anymore. your grandfather was dead, and your youngest cousins were all grown and off reaping the benefits of whatever the City of Westeros had to offer kids their age and of their name… you had the luxury of only caring about yourself.
aemond? never. his brother was probably a worse thorn in aemond’s side than aemond was in your side, but nothing would be a worse thorn in aemond’s side than his own bouts of pride and loyalty. aemond doesn’t lash out unless he’s angry or stressed, or both…
but it wasn’t your duty to care.
no. it wasn’t.
you went out of your way to make him food. you went out of your way to tell him about jace. and you went out of your way to tell him jace didn’t have to play at your bar.
you can only go out of your way so much when someone won’t get out of their own way.
you thought a shower would clear your thoughts, but it didn’t. you scrubbed furiously at your scalp, arms, legs — everything, but there was no amount of soap that would rid you of the uncomfortable weight on your mind. you left the shower with a sigh and a towel wrapped around you, and exited the bathroom.
and there was aemond. in your living room. staring at the wall.
“seven hells!” you cried, grabbing at the towel to keep it on.
“keep your voice down,” he mumbled, turning his head to face you.
you would’ve thrown your hands up in disbelief if you weren’t clutching a towel around you. “what do you want, aemond?”
“i was hoping you were watching bad sitcoms again.”
you stared at him as he stared at you. “you broke into my apartment because you want to watch sitcoms?”
“technically it was open,” he stated.
you rolled your eyes and retreated to the bedroom to get dressed. you threw on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt and came back into the living area. aemond was already flipping through channels, so you decided on making dinner.
you left your spot on the couch and retreated into the kitchen. you fished around for ingredients, settling on steak and leftover pierogis. sometime during the short course of ruffling through the contents of the fridge, aemond had parked himself at the bar of your countertop. once you had placed the ingredients on the countertop, you looked at aemond and gave him an eye.
“i was going to offer take out,” he stated. then, reluctantly, he mumbled, “a peace offering.”
you rolled your eyes at his comment. “you’re shit at apologies.”
you didn’t wait for his response. you turn around and fished another steak out of the fridge.
you started on dinner. getting off of work early meant you had a little more time and energy to actually nourish yourself, and you weren’t going to waste it. the second steak was reserved for another night of dinner this week, but you had little to no energy left in the tank when aemond was in a bad mood.
after a half hour, you plated yours and aemond’s food and set it down in the coffee table. you sat cross-legged with your plate in your lap and ate silently next to him. he hummed along to things he found funny, but otherwise he didn’t make a sound as he ate.
“how’s the rat poison? i thought it complimented the onions in the pierogis,” you asked jokingly.
he hummed again, a small twitch in the corner of his mouth. “divine.”
“did you just smile?” you asked, laughing slightly. “i didn’t know grumpy could do that.”
he scoffed. “i’ve never seen snow white.”
“speaking of snow white,” you began, “where’s your other half?”
“my drunker half?” he scoffed. “nose deep in some broad, most likely.”
it was your turn to scoff. “your brother’s sexual escapades sours my food.”
“you asked.”
you had finished half of your food, setting down the rest of the food on the table. you would’ve offered it to aemond, but he was still munching on his.
“not to sour your food, but are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?”
“i didn’t plan on it.”
“cryptic,” you quipped. “but i’ll let it go. you’re in a… good?… mood — now, at least — and i don’t intend on wasting it.”
you hummed in agreement and leaned back against the arm rest of the couch and curled into a ball on your side.
“don’t dogs curl up like that?” he quipped. “a stark after all.”
“shut up, grumpy,” you yawned, too tired fight him.
it would’ve been smart to stay awake, yes, but in your position… rarely ever getting sleep… you’d risk waking up to a knife to your throat if it meant a good night’s rest.
so you fell asleep.
near the scariest man you had ever met on the planet, who was also eating and watching television on your couch next to you.
it would be some time before you woke up. the man actually had some manners, believe it or not. he sat quietly and peacefully next to you, on the other end of the couch, and didn’t try to annoy you or wake you up as you slept. little did you know he probably also considered you grumpy, so if you benefitted from a nap, then he did, too. purely selfish aemond, as always.
that wasn’t to say his brother was as respectful.
the other targaryen came crashing into your apartment.
your eyes drifted open as the drunk blonde, clutching a vodka bottle, stumbled into your living area and stood next to the television. he glanced at chandler bing before his gaze rested on the two of you, your food, and then back at you.
“are you two on a date?” he slurred, grin wide.
“i’m going to kill you for waking me up,” you grunted. “i’m worse than aemond when i’m tired.”
“we know,” aegon laughed, sitting down in one of your chairs. “is there any food left?”
“eat mine, and let me sleep,” you grunted.
he grabbed the plate and set it in his lap. “i actually have something important to tell the both of you,” he said, shoveling food into his mouth.
“what is it?” aemond asked, already annoyed.
“you two weren’t the only two people of stark and targaryen blood i saw together this evening,” he began, mischief in his voice. “i spotted jace and y/n’s younger cousin very close at the club.”
you opened one eye. “which one?”
“the brunette one…” he began. “elia?”
“seven hells,” you grumbled. “i thought she had a boyfriend.”
“a new one,” aegon snickered.
“we knew they broke up,” aemond began. “how did you not?”
“i’m not venting unless you do, grumpy,” you grumbled.
and with that, you fell back asleep.
* * *
the next night would be the night that jace and his band played.
should you be worried? yes. were you worried? also yes.
but aemond gave you the go ahead, more than once, and you hoped him and his brother would be on their best behavior.
little did you know almost all of the targaryen clan would be there that night.
that included daemon and rhaenyra.
supporting their oldest… or some bullshit.
the band had pulled a huge crowd, you had to admit. the music was even better in person. jacaerys was a fantastic guitar player, and his abilities as a lead were undeniable.
…to everyone but aemond, that was.
his knuckles were stretched white over every beer bottle he held.
and he was slamming them back.
over and over.
he didn’t appear drunk, but he did appear more angry with every passing note from his nephew.
“i told you he didn’t have to play here,” you curtly reminded as you leaned over the bar, taking his empty.
“and i told you it was fine,” he quipped.
“do you need a time out upstairs?” you rolled your eyes, turning away to fish out another for him.
too late, unfortunately.
the man had left his seat at the bar and found his brother and sister in a booth, along with their mother and grandfather who came out for the event.
you figured it wasn’t to show jacaerys support, no, but aegon and aemond.
you didn’t know much about the pair, but no one could deny their loyalty. it would almost be heartwarming, if they weren’t scary as ever.
you could tell a lot about a person from the type of drink they ordered.
otto hightower promptly approached you after seating his daughter and family. he asked you what kind of scotch you had and looked at you as if he was looking through you. you answered you always kept a bottle of chevus handy in support of your grandfather, and he smiled. when he tried to pay, you told him it was on the house. he lifted his glass to you, and left.
from that… you could devise he was a man who esteemed himself on the fact that he enjoyed the finer things, even though you swore it tasted like molten chocolate. scotch: the drink of old sophisticate men who wanted to look sophisticated. who was going to tell him that he was at a dive bar?
later, he asked for a glass of rose. you could see alicent looking on your interaction out of the corner of your eye, and you assumed it was for her. you respected a woman that liked rose. light like white, but bitter like red. maybe it was your own bias, because you also favored rose, but there was just something admirable about a woman who fancied white wine, no matter how many snobs turn their noses up at it because it’s not red.
that was also on the house, which otto barely thanked you for.
that was expected of scotch drinkers.
soon, the set had ended and you began cleaning up behind the bar. your wait staff had done a great job of cleaning up as the night went on, so you didn’t really have a use for them once the customers had all left. the event had produced a generous tip out, and they all left with smiles on their faces.
you just hoped you would, too.
but the targaryens liked to linger.
and so began your anxiety.
you were wiping down the bar top when the famous guitar player finally approached you. he sat down at a stool, and turned towards you.
“what did you think?” he asked.
“better than the video you sent,” you admitted. “i don’t think i’ll ever get tired of that three song mash-up.”
“thanks.” he smiled. “i hope it drew the crowd you were hoping for.”
“definitely. i have your band to thank for that,” you replied. “can i get you something to eat? you must be starving. drink?”
“is your grill still on?” he asked
“yes, what can i get you?” lie, but you’d let him slide.
“can you make two double bacon cheeseburgers?” he asked. “my brother should be showing up soon.”
“coming right up,” you said with a smile, ducking behind the counter.
when you had returned with the burgers, you met eyes with jacaerys as he was standing next to a younger man with similar features. you smiled at the two before setting down the food.
“smells so good,” the younger one stated before he began chowing down.
behind him stood his mother. she patted his head warmly, and then lifted her head to look upon you.
you forced a smile. “mrs. targaryen.”
“rhaenyra, please,” she spoke. “thank you for letting my son play tonight.”
you shook your head with a smile. “i’m thankful he wanted to play here. the band was great. he’s a fantastic player.”
she nodded in thanks. “daemon told me of his visit with you the other day.”
your smile threatened to fall. “the samples were great.”
her eyes lit up. “i do hope you like them. i also hope we are still in business together.”
you smiled. for real this time. “never doubted it. can i get you anything to eat?”
“no, thank you, though,” she spoke softly. “and thank you for feeding my boys. if luke doesn’t immediately eat after work, his attitude is horrendous.”
you laughed when the younger boy scowled at his mother. you continued making small talk with the targaryen matriarch when you saw jacaerys and lucerys snickering at their food, making a comment about bacon. aemond, who wasn’t that far away from the pair, as he spoke with aegon, both looked upon this interaction. you saw jace and luke look towards their uncles, and the snickering continued.
harmless kids, you rolled your eyes. you went back to rhaenyra, but aemond had made his appearance. he clapped a heavy hand on jacearys’ shoulder, demanding his attention.
“great job, nephew,” he spoke, an unnatural cheer in his voice. “great show as always.”
jace cleared his throat as rhaenyra stiffened next to luke. “thank you… uncle.”
daemon targaryen, the snake he was, could be seen edging closer to the situation as aemond continued. however, he did not intrude as aemond continued, “i’m sure your father would be proud if he could be here today.”
jace’s lips pursed as he nodded sharply, hoping to return to his burger.
luke looked on sharply at this interaction, and suddenly you realized it wasn’t harmless anymore.
“aemond, can i get you something to eat?” you tried to interject, hoping to diffuse the situation, no matter how rude you might have seemed.
rhaenyra cleared her throat, joining in, “yes, you should-“
but she was interrupted.
“no, sister,” aemond bit, but with a smile on his face. he slapped a heavy hand on luke’s shoulder as well, his grip tight. “i am simply telling your sons how strong they are after the loss of their father.”
jace immediately whirled from aemond’s grip and pushed himself to stand in front of his uncle, with only a few feet separating them. luke was up as well, running to a nearby table to grab something, but aegon had grabbed the back of his neck and slammed him against the table top and held him down. helaena, the sister, could only watch in horror as her nephew lay face down on a table at the hands of her brother.
“aemond,” you warned. “stop. now. you should eat.”
“y/n, you’re being quite rude,” he laughed with an edge to his tone, turning to face you. “i am simply telling my nephews how proud of them i am. for some reason, they’re not proud of how strong they are.”
“i dare you to say that again!” yelled jace, balling his fists at his side.
“were you not taught respect?” aemond laughed once more. “being called strong is a compliment, nephew.”
jace lunged for aemond, but aemond didn’t move. he let jace strike him across the cheek, and still he barely moved. he looked upon his nephew with a wicked, small smile, and shoved him to the ground before he could stand over him. the look of fire was once more present in aemond’s eyes, but all of the targaryens had that fire.
including daemon targaryen.
“wait, wait…” daemon approached the space between aemond and jace.
daemon sighed, and gave his infamous look of boredom as he stared at his nephew. his glare never wavered, nor did he blink — he simply stood there, over his step-son, in the line of fire with aemond looking as if he was ready to pounce. daemon lazily clasped his hands together at his midsection, and looked upon his nephew: a dare.
aemond, usually the predator, looked upon daemon with weariness. the calculations behind aemond’s glare startled you, as you had never seen aemond look upon someone as if they were an equal — as if they could best him. he was turned to the side, instead of baring his whole chest to daemon like daemon did to him.
aemond was in defense mode.
aemond was afraid of daemon.
rhaenyra had ushered her sons outside sometime during the stare down, but all time seemed to fade as you waited for the next brawl to take place.
to your surprise, it didn’t.
for once, aemond did what you needed him to do.
he turned, and stalked out of the bar’s back entrance.
- - -
tag list:
@hopebaker @iiamthehybrid @chainsawangel
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
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AN: thanks void for helping w the tags ♡♡♡ also jsyk my requests are open and I am gonna be working on them slowly but surely. I have a con in like... a little over a week? So I'm a lil busy rn but thank u for the love on my creepy demon posts. As always you can check the obey me world building tag on my blog to see the other parts of this series :3
inspiration for this part: honestly, nothing specific unless you count like,,, The Hat Man
TWs: body horror, possession, sleep paralysis, mentions of insanity, mentions of psychosis, lesson 16 mention, demons being demons
● Okay, Level 1.5 belphie is more common than a regular human looking belphie because he can't be bothered most of the time. Also, he doesn't like humans that aren't you, so why would he want to be palatable for them? He has permanent eyebags. He goes back and forth between blinking way too fast or not at all. Which …Is unsettling. He can stare for hours and fall asleep like that. He has cow ears, and his tail is out because he plays with the fluffy part as a stress response. It makes him feel safe (probably bc beel will brush his tail for him when it gets all tangled, and he secretly LOVES it. Puts him to sleep in seconds.) Speaking of sleep, if you look directly at Belphie, he is very…. Fuzzy looking. Like you just woke up and everything's blurry, but it's only him that looks like this. 
Today is the day you learn demons can purr. You knock on the door of the twins' room, entering when you hear a quiet "come in." Perhaps you expected to see Belphie napping on Beel's back while the larger twin does push-ups. You certainly didn't think you'd see the pair sitting on the floor, Belphegor's tail being meticulously detangled by his brother. Belphie looks a bit like a house cat, curled up on the floor, eyes closed and purring as his tail occasionally swishes about. You silently take a video and leave before Belphie wakes up and forces you to delete it.
● Level 2. His tail grows large thorns, perfect for thwacking anyone who annoys him. He constantly smells like lavender and something else that no one can for sure define, but if you stand too close, you will get drowsy. Everything about him seems a bit… uncanny valley. He doesn't look terrifying so much as he looks…. Just,,,, Incorrect. His breathing sounds like a white noise machine.  This is the form he takes during lesson 16. He chooses it specifically so he doesn't make you run immediately. 
Despite the trauma that you experienced, you have learned to find comfort in Belphegor's demon form. Sometimes, you doze off to the sound of his breathing while your hands play with the soft fur of his ears. On more than one occasion, you have compared Belphie to one of the children from Polar Express, which got you smacked in the face by his tail. But even when you get on his last nerve, he is careful not to cut you with the sharp barbs on his tail. A silent apology for killing you once upon a time.
● Level 3. Goodbye sleepy, cozy weirdness, and hello sleep paralysis demon. The thorns on his tail get larger and spread to cover his arms. His eyelids just. Fuck off. He doesn't have them anymore. Jeff the Killer looking bitch. The longer you look at him the more…absolutely fucking AWFUL he looks. Five minutes? He has double the normal amount of teeth. Ten? His horns are casting shadows that look like every nightmare you've ever had. Twenty and all of a sudden you are literally frozen in place. If he's feeling kind, he will use magic to knock you unconscious. If not, you are going to be stuck like this until well after he leaves. If he leaves. Also, he eats dreams.
You will occasionally wake up in the dead of night to the sound of raspy breathing. When you look up, you find a pair of eyes staring intently at you. In the first few seconds after waking, your dreams are so incredibly vivid that it shocks you when they dissappear from your memory, as if it never happened. You yawn, throwing a pillow at the demon's face. Which causes Belphie to laugh, not losing balance from his perch at the end of your bed for even a second.
● Level 4. He is more mist than corporeal. He can be more on the solid side. He just prefers not to. If he is in this form, hold your breath and run. Breathing in any of the mist has…. Very bad side effects. You might find yourself unable to sleep ever again, no matter how tired, until eventually you go insane. Or perhaps living your worst nightmares is more your speed? Either way, it's absolutely horrifying, and he doesn't even have to do any work to destroy you. He just makes you do that yourself. If he likes you, he can make the effects a lot less awful. Breathing in the mist is literally breathing Belphegor, so he can also read your mind (all the better to find your deepest fears). You can hear a whispery voice in the back of your head… that's him. He likes to hang out and chat with Beel like this. Or plot anti-Lucifer activities with Satan since only the person he is possessing can hear him. He can suggest you do all sorts of things, and if you aren't paying attention, you might think it's your body working on its own. If he talks normally while just being a cloud of mist, his voice is surprisingly loud, encompassing the whole room.
A tiny voice, one you know all too well, speaks in the back of your mind. The first time this happened, you thought it was your conscious or something. Perhaps a psychotic break. But no, it is just the youngest of the seven demons you live with. Belphie enjoys backseat driving while you go about your day. He laughs when you trip (honestly, it might be him that caused it...), makes jokes at the most inappropriate times, causing you to choke on your own spit, trying to suppress laughter. And when someone is being particularly rude, he gets rather descriptive in his insults. But hey, he means well. You think.
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wutheringmights · 2 months
hi! i’ve read in the dream house and speak bc of your reviews and Loved them. i find your analyses to be really insightful, i trust that when you recommend something theres Something of value i’ll get out of reading it. are there any books you’ve loved that you haven’t posted abt here yet? and how do you find new books to read? thanks for being so thoughtful abt your own writing and the books you read that it inspires me to study and improve my own work 🫡💞
Aw thank you! I always feel like I am yelling into the void whenever I make posts about the things I'm reading, so I'm glad you enjoy reading my thoughts <3
For books I haven't posted about yet... I just finished Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid (and will make a post about it soon). It's not a perfect read, but if you like horror and fairytale tropes, you'll get something about this.
Besides that, I recommend The Bell Jar by Slyvia Plath, and the works of Robert Cormier (I Am the Cheese and The Chocolate Wars are two of my favorites). If you like war stories, All Quiet On the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque is required reading.
I really enjoy the works of Octavia Butler. Kindred is my absolute favorite, but Parable of the Sower is very relevant to the current political moment. Future Home of the Living God by Louise Erdrich also scarred the fuck out of me, but is a great work on reproductive rights.
I did an entire seminar on Virginia Woolf. Besides Mrs. Dalloway, I think Into the Lighthouse and Orlando are very good.
For the classics, I love Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. One of the first classics I ever fell in love with was Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, though Great Expectations is also exceptional.
One of my favorite books of all time that I never discuss with anyone anywhere is Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, for obvious reasons. Read this book for two reasons. One, it will fuck you up. Nabokov's work with perspective and unreliable narrators is fucking insane. Second, Nabokov does something with the English language that I have never seen before and will probably never see again. If anyone has a command of the English language, it's him.
How do I find books to read? Some of the books I read before they are recommended to me by friends or by someone online. As long as you avoid romance/romantasy, BookTok/BookTube/Bookblr is a great place to get recs. I watch a lot of CariCanRead on Youtube because she reads a massive amount of books I have never heard of and is generally really honest about what books she liked/hated and why. I also windowshop at bookstores and libraries and just check out what is available on the shelves.
Honestly, the best advice I can give you is to let go of the idea of every book being impeccable art. You do not have to always be reading the Great American Novel. You can read books that are silly and outright trash. Once you shed the idea that books are some higher form of art, you remember that they are made to be entertainment. Like movies, there are going to be days where you want to watch post-modern French films or Oscar-winning movies about the turn of the century. There are also going to be days where you want to watch a silly comedy, or a trashy reality TV show, or you just go to the movies for something to do.
It's healthier for you if not every book is life changing. I have read some really bad books (some on purpose), and I have read some books that were just aggressively mediocre. Even if they didn't transform me into a better writer/reader/person, they were still worth reading. And when you give yourself permission to read books you might not necessarily like, it gets easier to try new genres and take risks on unfamiliar works. That's where you get new experiences. That's where a book sneaks up on you and smacks you on the back of the head with something that will absolutely make you change the way you see the world.
If anything, just try reading things you normally wouldn't read, be it sci-fi, memoir, historical epic, classic romance, etc.
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locallixie · 2 years
addict — taeyong
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> summary . he never quite got over you after your fallout, you're like an addiction that not even rehab could save him from.
> genre . smut, angst, ex-lovers, ex-boyfriend!taeyong, yandere!taeyong, gn!reader
> warnings . dark themes, stalking, non-con, strong language, abduction, obsessive behavior, possessiveness, violence, general sexual themes, manipulation, minor masochism.
(word count) > 5.1k
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By the time you clocked out, it was already pitch darkness. You had never noticed how long your shift was until now, the parking lot was also fairly empty compared to the daytime. You weren’t sure how you would get home since there was no train left, and buses as well. Usually your boyfriend was nice enough to pick you up after work, but that was before you ended things with the guy.
To say he reacted negatively to your break-up proposal was an understatement, he smashed one of your vase in a fit of rage. You cut yourself on one of the shattered pieces trying to pick it up, the cut was still visible from that day. You were glad that he didn’t get physical with you, God forbid. But he was screaming and bawling his eyes out, practically lashing out at you which you thought was out of character of him.
You wanted to remember him as the once sweet and gentle boyfriend that loved you with all his heart, but the things he said that day was unforgivable. You never wanted to label your ex as being ‘crazy’, but he seem like he spiraled into insanity after you broke up with him. Constant calls and text messages, to showing up at your workplace, and he even tried to break into your flat once.
You could not believe it, absolutely not! He wasn’t like that at all when you two were still dating. Taeyong rarely had emotional outbursts, or put his hands on you, or anything of that sorts. You had to get a restraining order against him, and everything gone quiet since then.
“What the…” Coming home just to be met with flowers on your doorstep. You picked up the bouquet, there was a small card placed between the many thorns that the flowers had. Psychopath, really trying to see some blood from you.
You got shivers reading it, it was not just a simple ‘I love you’, it was from your ex-boyfriend. How the fuck did he deliver this to you? No outsiders could get into the building, and definitely no outsiders could get this far. How could he of all people?
You threw away the bouquet of flowers, not wanting to see it inside your home. You couldn’t deal with this, not after a long and tiring day at work. There wasn’t any forced entry into your apartment, but he tried once and you knew he was not afraid to do it again.
You stepped into the showers, hoping the water could wash away all of your anxiety and paranoia. If anything, something were to happen, you could still call the cops on him. Praying that he would leave you alone, it was just flowers. He probably had someone else deliver it, it wasn’t Taeyong who did.
With only a big t-shirt and underwear on your body, wearing less clothing to bed since it could get pretty hot in your room with the heater running all night. You didn’t want to get completely naked, you still wanted to have some modesty.
It was already close to midnight by the time you got into bed, you had to get up at five tomorrow. Sometimes you wished you could quit your job, not yet at the moment. You closed your eyes, releasing a long, dragging breath of exhaustion.
If only you and Taeyong didn’t have to end up like this, if only you could stay together like the happy couple you used to be. He would be here holding you in his arms, closely listening to you vent about how stressful your day was. But people change, and so do you. You both wanted different things, and that was what led you two down this path.
You wanted him to be happy, and you knew you couldn’t do so when all you do was work and work. You could barely stay awake to spend time with him when you were so tired and stressed out from hours of working, you even blew up on him once or twice before. You were the one that started fights, and you couldn’t bare watching him standing there and endured everything you said purely because of the stress and anger you had from your job.
That wasn’t right of you, so you chose to leave and give him freedom. However, judging from his response when you asked to split ways, all he ever wanted was you. Taeyong didn’t mind your anger, as long as he was still with you in the end of the day, he did not give a single care to any insult you threw at him. It was your love he wanted, he solely needed you and that was it.
Was ending things with him a good choice? That relationship was toxic, you weren't good for each other. It felt one-sided, and that shouldn't happen between lovers. You loved him, you really did. But you knew you could not keep on living like that, it was disaster waiting to happen.
Laying in bed alone after getting your own place, the sheets felt cold and too spacious. It was for the better, you were moving on to different things and that unfortunately did not include him. You wished the better for Taeyong too, that he would find someone else who could treat him well.
"[Y/N]..." You jumped awake, gripping tightly onto your sheets in a state of distress. You thought you heard something, or saw something even. As if the darkness was calling out your name, its voice deep and mellow of an unsettling familiarity. You laid back down, simply shrugging it off as a bad dream. Holding onto yourself, you could not help the sense of unease in your private living space.
Very soon though, you fell right back to sleep. You rather have some more sleep before your job start, there was no time to be feeling anxious or fear. If you could get a full eight hour sleep before waking up to go to work then you could not be happier.
Your bed felt a bit harder, and felt like it was moving almost. Opening your eyes, the sleepiness still coated your eyelids. Was it five already? You didn't hear your alarm go off. It was now the winter season, the sky at the crack of dawn could deceive you.
"You're up early." You felt shivers going down your spine, you never thought you would ever have to hear that voice again. His eyes was looking at you through the rearview mirror, hands still secured around the steering wheel.
"Taeyong, this is fucking crazy! I can get you arrested, don't you remember I have a restraining order over you?" You told. This was totally overboard, breaking into your place and kidnapping you without a second thought. How daring he has became? One who feared nothing, the consequences of which he looked down upon.
He laughed, driving away so casually like he had done nothing. Oh you poor thing, so loving that you had to distanced yourself from him 'cause you were worried about him. Not having a single knowledge, that he was ready to go against every law to have you.
The smile on his lips was once tender and loving held a different meaning with the situation happening in the current time. It wasn't love, it was a sickening obsesssion. The love he has for you was so overwhelmingly concerning, he could feel it rising in the back of his throat. Puking out his whole heart, the hallucinations were faint images of you.
It was not butterflies he felt in his stomach, you made him sick. Temptation, excitement, and the desire to do something that go against every one of his principles. Loving you caused him pain, muscles tensing up, sweating profusely, this sensation he often feel in his guts telling him that something bad was going to happen if you stay for just a little longer in his arms.
You gripped onto the coat that was laid on you, the one you got him for his birthday. Your skin was cold, your legs was bare and exposed for all eyes to be lingering. The heat was just barely keeping you warm, fighting with the cold wintry air that was now sneaking its way through the window panes.
“Where are you taking me?!” It felt like he have been driving for hours on end, you weren’t sure where you were as well. Outside was snowing more heavily than before, the temperature already dropping to the negatives.
Taeyong fixed his rearview mirror for him to have a better look at your face. “Back to where you belong,”
He glared at you, “With me.” Voice sounding deep and filled with betrayal. Yes, he was still salty about the break-up that happened almost two years ago. But he spent that time wisely, silently calculating a plan to take you away from the world. However to him, the break-up was an encouragement, it told him that he would have to try harder to earn you.
No bad intentions did you have when you said those words, you showed him how much you actually cared. Solidifying that you were this sweet and pure being in which he put on a pedestal and worship wholeheartedly. Everything you did, even when you ‘betrayed’ him, was a doing out of love.
“Taeyong, let me go! Before I call the cops—”
“With what?” Shit, your phone was no where to be found. He must have left it on your nightstand when he abducted you in your sleep. He wouldn’t be stupid enough to let you keep it, he knew you would threaten to call the authorities on him.
A silver object was shining inside of the seat back, you pulled out the Swiss army knife that he alway had in his car. Pulling out the knife blade, you attacked him. All senses was alerted, he held your wrist back from slicing his neck open. With one hand, he continued to drive with the very high risk of crashing.
“[Y/N]! You got to be out of your fucking mind!” The car drifted into the side of the road, the snow almost lifting it off the ground. It was right in front of his eyes, shining its sharp glory as it was about to see some blood.
The fight was cut short when you let out a yelp, it seemed that he had got you instead. Your forearm was sliced opened, you could feel each and every drop of blood leaving your body from the long cut. You screamed in anguish, trying to stop the bleeding but it kept coming and coming. The blood colored your other arm red, tears coloring both your cheeks.
The car door swung opened, he pulled you out to the freezing cold. It was such a rapid change that you felt like you were about to faint at any given second. The snow once white now just as red as your wound, there was so much blood for it to send you into a state of utter panic. Didn’t know what was going on, all you felt was lightheaded and nauseous.
Quite a surprise for him to be able to keep his composure at a situation like this, cleaning up your wound with the bottled water he kept in his car. Wiping the blood on both your hands with a most towelette, using a piece he tore off his shirt as bandages. That was all he could do for now, you still had a long way to go.
“That’s it, you’re sitting with me for the stupid stunt you just pulled.” He tensed his jaw, tying you up with duct tape in the passenger’s seat. You could do nothing but struggle. Tied up without a cellphone nearby to call for help, trapped in a seemingly never-ending car ride with your crazy ex-boyfriend.
At least the radio played music you could get by with, slow RnB melody that almost made you forget about what happened earlier. You blankly stared out to the window, white snow covered everything in sight. The road ahead was white, the trees was white, the sky solely had a touch of blue and orange as dawn began to rise.
A sudden heat landed on your thigh, it began to spread slowly on your skin. His touch tainted your skin once more, the warmth of his palm created such an odd sensation. The cold that numbed your senses, his hands felt so nice and soft. His fingertips running across your legs, the emotions that stayed under your body whenever he would touch you.
Inching closer and closer to your sex, rubbing it over your undergarment. No, you couldn’t! Your body would never listen, always opening your heart for the wrong person. You tried closing your legs, but he came back even stronger.
You let out a moan, feeling yourself drip onto his fingers over the fabric of your underwear. Just like that? You could never win, not when you were playing against Taeyong. He knew how to please you better than yourself, he knew exactly where to touch you to make you feel so good yet would leave you begging for more.
“Taeyong—! Stop–!” You didn’t want more, ‘cause you knew you couldn’t take whatever he was to give you. What more could you do? You were tied up next to him, you were dumb for not wearing more layers to bed. You were practically giving yourself up for him to do whatever he wanted to you.
Your underwear was pulled down to your ankles, his eyes were still glued to the road but his hand was fingering you in the passenger’s seat. You were making a mess of yourself, crying and moaning while you squirm in your place. Unconsciously widening your legs more for his fingers to go deeper, two already got you so worked up, more wasn’t much of a good idea.
He pulled on your hair by grabbing a fist full, you hated how he could be so rough yet so gentle at the same time. Rubbing his clothed crotch on your flushed cheek, your tears falling onto his pants as you stared back at him with glistening eyes that made holding back impossible. This man has gone mental, having you to suck him off while driving, just asking for an accident to happen as this point. Without a second thought, not one sane thought on his mind, he was in too deep to turn back.
He took his chance at the red light, his fingers tugging on the waistband of his brief. His cock was already quite hard, brushing against the side of your face as it stood in all its glory. Wiping away the tears on your eyes with his thumb, signifying the last time he was being nice. With no other word to be spoken, he forced his cock down your throat.
The swollen tip touching the back of your throat, gagging as tears began to build up in your sight once more. You have done this before, but it was difficult to get back to it so suddenly. Especially when you were so drained and tired and bleeding, with this on top of everything that happened, you weren't going to last long. Your consciousness was already falling in and out of your head, sooner or later he was going to notice.
"Oh God, baby, I miss you." Taeyong breathed out, gripping onto the steering wheel to stop himself from fucking your mouth. Your mouth felt so heavenly, it almost made him forget he was still driving. His hip lifted slightly, making his cock go deeper into your throat.
Nearing his destination, his eyes was trying its best to stay open. Before he could even park his car on the driveway of his house, his head tilted back as he emptied his load into your mouth. There was so much of it, some overflowing through the corners of your lips. Taeyong sealed your lips with his thumb, he knew you would spit it out which would be such a waste for all of the hard work you did. This was for you, all for you.
You had no choice but to swallow it down, the thick and slimy substance running down your throat. What a humiliation, crying in front of Taeyong after you blew him in a car. He turned you into a shameful mess, with his seeds dripping on your adorable face. You looked pretty like this, according to Taeyong that was. Only for him, the sight of you looking so cute yet lewd before him.
Pulling you up to him, "You're so good to me," He praised, pressing his lips all over your features. "I love you."
Holding you closely in his arms, letting you rest on his lap as he drove his car into the driveway. "Welcome home, [Y/N]." He carried you like a baby—his baby—knowing how exhausted and sick you were from the hour-long car ride. Sleep tight, Taeyong was here to take care of you like a good lover you needed. The only lover you needed.
You should just accept your fate, accept the fact that you'd never go back to how things was. However, isolation from the world was killing you. You itched to be able to step foot outside of your now shared bedroom, he would leave you at home by yourself while he was away at work.
Taeyong was good to you, maybe a little too good to be true. He would let you have anything that you want, except an escape from this hell. You want an expensive ring that you saw online? Sure, on your hand by the next day. You want some distance? It hurt him a little, but sure! You want him to let you go? Not a chance.
It seemed he had gotten wiser and much cautious, he was still the sweet and gentle Taeyong that you knew. The catch was, he no longer let you abuse his kindness. Whenever you were obedient, he would give you love and affection. But if you were misbehaving, he could shut everything down if he wanted to teach you a proper lesson.
For months and months of being stuck inside his house, your house as he stated, you quietly calculating a plan to flee without a notice. Studying his schedule, leaving early in the morning at seven and coming home around six or eight depending on the traffics. He would cook you breakfast everyday, up by a quarter to five to do so, which was around the same time as when you would wake up.
You has the whole house to yourself for about eleven hours for a day, long enough for you to get your things and leave by the time he would be returning home from his job. It wasn’t as easy as it sounded, of course it wouldn’t be. The house was heavily monitored by cameras inside and outside, many rooms were locked up, potential weapons were also hidden beforehand by Taeyong.
There was a second plan, the thing was, it involved a lot of time and patience. But in this situation, you didn’t have a choice, did you? You started being nicer and less uncooperative and reactive, playing your role as what he wanted you to be, as what you used to be with him. You were scared of him, nonetheless—‘cause if a wrong move was to be made, he could snap until you could not recognize him.
Seeing a change in your behavior out of the blue, he did have suspicions. Overjoyed that things were back together once again, that thought slipped his mind. Taeyong allowed you to go out in public more than usual, though only with him but at least you got some fresh air once in a while. You couldn’t ask for help from any stranger on the street, you were in such a close proximity with Taeyong that you were sure he was waiting for you to slip up.
By some miracle, the one you had been hoping for to happen, you found a way to break the lock. You were in disbelief at first, but that was your ticket at escaping this monster. You packed some of your belongings into a small duffle bag, hiding it with all of the other luggages in your house so he wouldn't suspect a thing. He had a copy of the key to your apartment on his chain of keys that he would bring with him everyday. Along with his house key, the garage, his car, and one that you were unsure of where it would unlock.
When you were a hundred percent sure he was asleep next to you, it would be the perfect time to strike. You struggled out of his firm hold around your waist, took your bag from the closet, grab the set of keys that was still inside his jacket, and fled. Twist and turning as quiet as possible to not make any noise, at that moment, you were outside. You felt the wind blowing softly through each strands of your hair, getting as much fresh air as you could into your lungs. You were going to cry, you did it. Finally did it.
You threw your things into the backseat, you were ready! Ready to get out of this dammed place. You were too happy too soon, the engine wasn’t turning on. Shit, you twisted the keys again. Still nothing awoke. Not now! Why now?! Not when Taeyong was upstairs and sleeping, not when you were still in such a close distance with him.
The lights on the front porch suddenly turned on, catching your attention. Horrifying, utterly horrifying. To met with those soulless stare of his, no sadness, no happiness, solely disappointment existed under his features. You felt your heart beating faster as he neared, walking slowly and full of leisure while you began fearing for your life like the way you did when you filed for a restraining order on Taeyong.
“Get out.” He opened the car door, in his hand was a remote control of his car. You forgot that you could never win against him, you were naïve to think that you were a step ahead of him.
You stepped out, he held you back before you could make a run for it. The intense eyes and his grip tightening that could leave a bruise on your skin, you could tell he was mad at you. No, furious!
Back into your prison cell you were, the light was at the end of the tunnel but you were only at the begining. You weren't close at all, you had feeling that he already knew. He saw right through you like a glass pane, he read you like a book.
He was used to you treating him like shit one day and going back to the old you the other. Anyone would be fed up with your bipolar behavior, fed up with being slap then stroke. But not him, he would let you throw a temper tantrum then cry in his arms, he would let you punch and kick him even though the fault was yours.
Tears slid down your face, "You have to let me go, Taeyong, I'm begging you."
"I'll never, I need you in my life!" It felt like the grip he had on you was starting to cut off blood circulartion on your wrist. He too, was starting to tear up. He couldn't, he could never let you go. The day you'd break free out of his grasp would be the day he die, only death could be the thing keeping you away from him.
It was the love he had for you that blinded him, making him go against himself just for you. Was it you hurt or was it him?
"Taeyong, you're hurting me!" You mewled.
He broke down, "I'm hurting you?! Why don't you ever think about how you're hurting me?" His voice cracking with love-sick, he never wanted to paint you as a bad person. Though you were quite selfish for not considering his feelings when you said you wanted to break things off, you simply stood up and left without another explaination.
Falling onto the floor of your shared bedroom, where you slept and woke up everyday beside this man you once loved. His love was too much to bare, too supportive, too devoted, all too much! No one could love you like how Taeyong did, 'cause no one would be so infatuated with you to the point it mentally tormenting.
"You wouldn't know that, 'cause you were never there for me." He held you close, as if he was going to lose you again if he were to let his grasp just loosen a bit. Your neck was wet from his tears, his face digging into you. His soft lips teasing the sensitive skin on the side of your neck, choking you with the sins of his devotion.
The words was stuck in your throat, if you say something wrong he might get physical. He digged his nails into your back, as if wanting to rip you clean of all your layers, leaving you bare and shameful before his eyes.
"I'll fuck you back in love with me." Taeyong placed a kiss on your neck, whispering an invite to the place of no return. Touches of the devil drove you into a daze, staining your purity until nothing of yours was yours. Pushing him away was no use, his power over you was out of pure anger and nothing more. His hands moving down your spine caused you to shiver and squirm in his hold, his touches was warm and tender but loving was not the right feel.
Weirdly, it was rough—almost aggressive. You could say that he was letting out his wrath that had been kept deep down inside, solely through the way he chose to love you. You could feel it, by the way he initiated affection, his resentment manifesting.
His lips moving on yours, one that held all the love and lies he told. 'I love you' never felt so forlorn, it felt lonely in his arms for too many unknown reasons. You couldn't endure all of this, 'cause the more he held you the more you began to come apart.
Marks that he left wasn't love, it was to signify possession. A prized possession being missing was unforgivable. His teeth was sharp like the knives you plunged deep into his poor heart, biting at your fragile skin as if he wanted to drain you of your everything. Engraved into your body like a tattoo, no matter how much you could try to scrub it off, the hints of him would still stay wether you wanted it to or not. Even if you changed your skins, if only it was possible to do so, he was deep in your bones and your veins.
Taeyong stared at you dead in the eyes, the tears coated his glare. "I dare you to leave me again."
If he have to get physical, he would without a hesitation. He could break your legs so you'd never leave, it would be a doing out of love. He could make love to you so you'd be so dumb and fucked to hate him, it would be a doing out of love. He could get rid of other people from your life so you wouldn't be distracted from your relationship with him, it would be a doing out of love. He would be ready to do anything if it would leave you with nothing but him.
Pulling you up by your bruised wrist, you were pushed back to fall on the bed. Unsure of what his next move could be, he was so unpredictable to the point you could not tell if he was going to lash out at you or ask you to comfort him. You were caged in Taeyong's arms, the tension was rising in the room. You couldn't breath, or could you stop crying.
Stripped and humiliated before Taeyong, what a sight to admire. He laid hot kisses down your figure, you were like a garden of blooming flowers that he wanted to destroy. Your beauty was his, all your pretty flowers was a gift for him. Every inches of your skins were tainted with his burning fingerprints, you could never forget him now. He would always be right there, for every time you touched your naked self, for every time you see your skin. You would never feel clean, and could only shower in his love.
His wet tongue running up your body, you placed your hand on his head with attempts to push him away. He, of course, didn’t listen to your body language. Instead, going straight in for the kill. Using his mouth on you, yourself could not resist the pleasure. Dripping your unholy substance onto the sheets, wetted both your legs.
He stared back at you, teasing and all deviously, claiming his place between your legs. You tasted yourself when he went back up to kiss you, instantly knowing what his plan was to do. He was about to fuck you, he would always give you a reassuring kiss before he go inside.
Maybe it had been way too long since the last time you two went down on each other, ‘cause it felt like he had gotten bigger when he slid in. His hands holding both your legs, pulling you down onto his cock. Yelping from the sharp sudden pain from below, it tore you apart just a slight bit that was not enough for you to bleed.
“Please let me go.” One last beg before your pride died.
Taeyong just smiled, “I love you.” Pressing his velvety lips onto yours, hips quickly thrusting into a rhythm. All the sounds you made were shameful, you lost everything. Accepting the fact that this was your fate with nothing but utter despair, you would never get back what he stole from you. No, it wasn’t virginity, it was your ego and faith in humanity.
Your high felt like getting stab in your stomach, instead of bleeding out though, the fluid was a reminder that you had nothing but Taeyong now. Tears adorned your face, this was the reality you live in. Passing out under him not long after, you gave up and decided that you did not desire to see the face of the one who took everything you had from you.
This was an addiction, you were an addiction. Whatever maniac state you got him on would sooner or later make him overdose.
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-Contrarian Kisser Anon
FIRE!!!!!!!! im doing tower x tenebria from epic seven with a friend at some point in a rp so i lalalalalove crackshipping
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
it’s fine though im gonna just write all my thoughts. here. as they happen. in real time. enjoy o7
- makes out with a woman. immediately stops and starts talking about the master getting inside his body. he’s so fucking funny.
- all this fucking exposition alsjfksjkafjkgjd
- succ the planet
- GOD I THOUGHT THE MASTER SAID “before he finds a cock”
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- grace <3 grace! grace :3 graceeee!!!!! grace :D grace :(
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- i dont have to say anything here
- “she kiss as good as me?” “as well as you.” i love that the master is a pedantix grammar asshole
- ACID GOOP SPIT????????????????? FROM HIS MOUTH?????????????? hey modern doctor who writers you know what you should bring back-
- cop takes the jelly baby. doctor makes kissy noises at him. cop goes :/. doctor threatens to shoot himself. okay <3
- doctor who needs more motorcycle chase scenes
- can i say. btw. i love the master having his own companion kind of here. (also. the “you kill me.” exchange. alsjfjflsjd autistic murder creature.)
- doctor found his atomic cock. i mean clock.
- the half-human thing is so stupid. gog bless.
- he keeps goopin people up
- things the master does in this movie: have sex with the tardis’s keyhole. penetrate a man’s throat. fantasize about getting inside the doctor’s body. says every sentence as seductively as possible. gets his young male sidekick to pull a large phallic object out of a hole. gives people money shots with his goop.
- i love grace. gotta appreciate a girl who’s ready to do insane shit after some guy spits on her.
- mrs tardis…. you’re back. (i did pause the movie to make sure. he says “there she is” <3 his wife) also he just leaves the key??? on the top?????? god no wonder the master can just break in whenever he wants. he absolutely knows where the doctor keeps that key.
- she’s dying :((((
- OH HE GOTS HER. HE GOTS HER!!!!!!!!!!!! POSSESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHACKED THE DOCTOR OVER THE HEAD WITH A HAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- OH MY GOD????????????? HE ALWAYS DRESSES FOR THE OCCASION?????????????????
- the cunt……. the cunt………!!!!
- PUTTING A CROWN OF THORNS ON MR CHRIST FIGURE?????????????????????????????????????? (<- he’s. like. not. but also they did reference it earlier so.)
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- i love his stupid robes so much. i want them. whats with that collar. why is gallifreyan fashion so stupid. its fantastic. (mentally putting Even in the stupid gallifreyan collar robes)
- he’s so full of stupid <3 he wasted his fucking lives <3
- NO! LEEEEEEE!!!!!!
- hey why would a piece of gallifreyan technology. im assuming. only work for people who are. not from gallifrey. why would you need a human eye for this. why am i acting like this movie should make sense.
- fellas is it gay to wanna merge mind and body with your oldest enemy and friend.
- he is aLiiiiveeehhhhh :D
- being fed (<- big fan of companions having to figure out the bullshit that is tardis piloting on their own)
- why is the master making whale sounds. why’s he do that. why is he always some sort of creachur. goes rarghhhhh!!!!!
- give me your hand………………………………
- bro they melted him In The Eye
- is he actually jesus though. like is that. im not crazy right. i think they made the doctor into a jesus. they got him. just like superman. no one escapes the jesus.
- “what a sentimental old thing this tardis is” 🥹🥹🥹 yeah. yeah, she is.
- this movie is so fucking funny i know i keep saying that but it really is. sometimes unintentionally but also when it means to as well. silly movie <3
- “come with me 🥺” “you come with me 🤨”
- im not invested in whatever romance they probably want me to be invested in here but i AM invested in the wild brief companionship with a man that ended in a case of mild death that she voluntarily chose to let go of. which is different. and more important.
- i cant believe the master just got fucking vored and thats how he dies. i mean obviously not forever but-
- i had fun :)
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