#what i completely forgot was that immediately after making this accusation
bugflies00 · 3 months
cTommy is SO fucking persuasive he gets people he gets emotions. during the debates Wilbur comes across as condescending, frightened by and stuck in the past, and like hes advocating for violence and harsh control. He doesn't seem very. aware? of how to deal with the people in the debate. Quackity paints Wilbur as elitist and corrupt and Wilbur ends up playing right into it. Karl is very open to bribery and Wilbur doesn't notice. Tommy is trying to buttress his arguments and criticize Q and Wilbur shushes him only to do the exact same thing. He loses the support of his own fucking son. He pulls rank and starts shushing his opponents when he gets annoyed. He worries about even bringing Tommy because he thinks George will wipe the floor with him (for some fucking reason) while Quackity is trying to prep George for how overwhelming of a debater Tommy can be.
Meanwhile Tommy does things like:
-suggest that they encourage Fundy to run because he'll be inconsequential and shouldn't have attention focused to him instead of Quackity
-telling Wilbur to stop killing George and Quackity
-saying that they shouldn't interrupt during the debate, and saying that when George is up they just need to wait him out (which is a good strategy because George is good at arguing but doesn't have much substance to his actual points)
-identifying Bad and Karl as the people to try and bribe out of anyone in the court
-Bringing up the material and emotional losses of the War for Independence (the embassy, the discs, Eret) and George's part in it when debating him, which makes the walls and laws seem more sympathetic and reasonable while casting doubt on SWAG2020, while Wilbur only referred to "laws written in blood"
-immediately obfuscating when he's accused of bribery and then trying like five different strategies to defend himself and going with what sticks
-portraying George as impatient, violent, and petty after the first half of the debate, letting him talk before down talking him when he's finished which progressively irritates him which further benefits Tommy
-following George on an arguably irrelevant tangent about youtube titles, yes anding it, and guiding it back to how L'Manberg is innovative
They have very similar talking points, but Tommy seems a lot more fluid and like he's recognizing his opponent's strengths and weaknesses and changing how he acts accordingly where Wilbur acts more like those things are an issue to be bulldozed.
P.S. I forgot that Dream showed up mid debate to get in a shouting match over the originality of Minecraft Manhunt its so fucking funny. Man does not give a fuck about anything else happening
LITERALLY!!!! LITERALLY THIS IS WHAT I MEAN. also when he came up with the idea of letting everyone who votes for them pick 1 policy. he absolutely won them that election !!!
the thing about cwil is he gets sooooo in his head about this stuff that it completely shoots him in the foot. he’s so tripped up about people’s expectations of him and whether he should adhere to them that, like you said, he ends up playing into them. he cares about lmanberg in a really desperate way, and it makes him way too emotionally unstable to actually lead a debate in a productive way lmao. essentially he puts too much of himself into lmanberg and the election and he ends up being really clumsy and single minded.
whereas ctommy doesn’t!!! ctommy also cares about lmanberg obvious but his entire self identity isn’t on the line. he’s much more level headed, he knows how to play along with these people bc he Knows them, he knows how to subtly undermine them. he’s not obsessed with his own shortcomings like cwilbur is and he’s actually a great fucking debater
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buccini555 · 1 year
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𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬: 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲
𖥻 H e a d c a n o n s!
⁀➷ They react to you suspecting you are being cheated on after seeing them talking "affectionately" to someone else
↻ 𝑭𝒕. Manjiro Sano, Kazutora Hanemiya, Baji Keisuke, Mitsuya Takashi, Takemichi Hanagaki, Izana Kurokawa and Kakucho Hitto
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𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
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Manjiro would definitely feel uncomfortable knowing that you believed he would be capable of cheating on you
"What the fuck kind of guy do you think I am?" He would say upon hearing your words, no matter how much he was completely irritated by such distrust, he would try to maintain control so as not to hurt you, he would not betray you under any circumstances, and if he did, he would break up with you and let you know.
"I would never do that, I would never cheat on you, I don't know how you came to that conclusion, but, I wouldn't do that." He would try to find out what caused such distrust and change any type of behavior that was making you jealous.
𝐊𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚
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Kazutora would be hurt by such distrust, as he never intended to cause you such "insecurity"
"Me cheating on you? What a bad joke, huh?" Kazutora would be incredulous at such distrust, since in his eyes he had done nothing wrong and everything was unfair.
"As much as I was offended by this, I understand... Tell me the reason for such distrust, I will change." He would take your jealousy seriously, Kazuto would never hurt you, hearing you distrust him really made him more aware of the way he behaved.
𝐁𝐚𝐣𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞
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Baji wouldn't take your distrust seriously, he wouldn't even care about your words since his conscience would be completely clear
"I know I'm not the best boyfriend in the world and I'm far from being, but cheating on you would be too much" Even though Baji was a bit of a difficult person to deal with, he was always extremely sincere in his words, Keisuke visibly became surprised and disappointed by such an accusation, he spent some time without talking to you, as the days went by he forgot about this incident, despite not having taken your distrust so seriously, he began to pay more attention to his own behavior.
𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢
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Mitsuya would NEVER betray you, he would be worried about your distrust, so he would talk and be very clear with you
"Me betray you? I would never be that coward!" Mitsuya would say immediately upon hearing his words, he would try to remain calm at that moment, as he didn't want to make you hurt even more.
"I didn't enter into this relationship with you without purpose... I love you and I would never break our trust, tell me what made you think that, I'll change, I'm sorry!" Mitsuya would hug you and tell you as sincerely as possible, regardless of what caused you such distrust, he would change that fact.
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐤𝐢
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As soon as he heard your distrust, Takemichi would become extremely agitated, he didn't betray you, but he felt like he had done something wrong without even having done it
"I didn't cheat on you, I'm sorry for making you think that!" In the midst of trying to hold back his tears because he thought you would break up with him even though he was innocent, he would beg for your forgiveness for having caused such mistrust, Takemichi would only calm down when you realized he was telling the truth.
𝐈𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚
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Izana would be angry, sincerely disappointed with such an accusation coming from you
Izana would remain silent, just listening to you carefully, after finishing listening to his words, he would look at you with disgust.
"If you really think I would do that, you better get out of my life! You don't know me well enough..." He wouldn't react well to your words, Izana wouldn't betray you, he was deeply in love with you and hearing that It really affected him.
𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨
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Kakucho would not understand the reason for the accusation, but he would do his best to make you believe him and realize that it was all just a misunderstanding
"... I'm sorry, I don't want you to think that about me, I would never hurt you in such a way." He would say calmly, looking away as he was hurt by the rage of your words.
"I don't want to make you suspicious, this won't happen again." Kakucho would be more careful with his behavior, even though he didn't do anything wrong, he never wanted to hurt you.
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
A Cat Named Eddie — part three.
part one part two part three
"I know, I know, Eds," Steve coos the moment the door shuts, pressing a kiss to the top of the cat's head and stepping further into the house. "So much yelling, 'm sorry for scaring you."
"Did you scare my sweet prince? How dare you!" Robin calls from the living room, spun around on the couch to glare at him. Steve rolls his eyes, handing off the cat who immediately curls up in her lap. Traitor.
"No, his namesake did." Steve places his hands on the back of the couch, leaping over it like he might a hurdle to land beside Robin. Both her and Eddie give him the same look: annoyance, irritation, disbelief that he had the gall to disturb them. "Showed up yelling about how he deserves an apology."
"Seriously?" Robin asks, hand stopping her petting of Eddie until the cat nips as a signal to continue. "Bastard," she hisses, looking down at the creature, "you and your namesake."
"Don't call my cat a bastard," Steve says, nudging Robin's elbow with his foot as he extends his legs and leans back against the armrest of the couch.
"Seriously, though. Eddie just showed up and demanded an apology?"
"Yep," Steve pops the 'p' and crosses his arms over his chest.
"That doesn't sound like Eddie," Robin says, raising an eyebrow in his direction. "Is this another moment where I find out how dramatic you are?"
"No," Steve nearly shouts, rolling his eyes at little Eddie's huff of annoyance at his volume. "I'm not dramatic. That's exactly how it happened."
"My name isn't short for Steven, I've told you-"
"-there is no way it happened like that." Steve wanted to smack her. He also wanted to hug her. Best friends were really confusing sometimes.
"It basically happened like that," Steve corrects himself, leaning forward to pry Eddie off of Robins lap. The cat lasts for a few seconds on his lap before he slides off, curling up between Steve's hip and arm. "He accused me of making fun of him, which was completely off base, then he stands there and demands an apology from me like I'd done something wrong. And get this, Robs, he was looking at me like he did in school, which, fine but it hurts, you know? Then he sees little Eddie and he completely freaks out, acts like I never to—Oh, shit, Robin."
"I messed up," Steve breathes, the hand not petting the cat moving to swipe through his hair. "I think I forgot to tell Eddie about Eddie."
He meant to, he really did. But from the first moment the name slipped from his mouth Steve knew it was something big. People didn't just name their pets after people for no reason, not even if they were merely friends. No this was important, and the more Steve thought about confessing to Eddie the more his head swam and his heart raced so hard he thought it might pop free from his chest. So sure, maybe he'd chosen to stop thinking about it.
"Steve! What do you mean?" Robin exclaims, sitting up to show how immersed in the conversation she was.
"Eddie and Eddie Hair-rington haven't met...technically," Steve says, rubbing the back of his neck and wincing against the response he knew he'd get from his friend.
"So you've been talking about little Eddie around big Eddie with literally zero context? Dingus!"
"I didn't mean to!"
"How many times has Eddie thought you called him a fucker? Or a bastard? Or a-"
"I get it!" Steve groans, "Still. I've heard the kids call him so much worse, and he didn't..." He didn't what? Didn't lay into their entire personalities? Their interests? Their whole fucking worth? Reduce all of it down to bullshit, bullshit, bullshit?
"You know what my biggest pet peeve is, Stevie?" Robin asks, voice oddly carrying a light lilt despite the heaviness sinking in Steve's chest.
"People stealing your mouthpiece?"
"Ew, no—but yes," Robin shudders. "No, it's when stupid, darling, stupid men don't get their shit together and kiss."
Best friends were terrible and Steve didn't like them, actually. It wasn't that he'd never thought about kissing Eddie—on the contrary, as time went on it became nearly impossible to have an interaction with the man without the thought crossing his mind—but rather that it was so damn obvious to Robin that he wanted to.
"I don't want to kiss Eddie," Steve tries, "I'm mad at him."
"No, dingus, you're heartbroken." She says it simply, like the thought should have occurred to him ages ago. It probably should have, of course, but there's no way Steve would ever tell her that. "And it sounds like he is too. So maybe try...oh I don't know...talking?"
"That's a terrible idea. Plan B."
"Steve," Robin admonishes, and it reminds him too much of when his middle school teacher used to talk to him in that voice, the kind that says she knows he knows what he did wrong. He does.
"Fine, fine! Next time Eddie shows up at Family Video I'll talk to him." Steve smirks, knowing he's already won. Eddie hadn't been in since the day he said such horrible things to Steve, when he left Steve breathless and fighting back shocked tears over realizing how Eddie really thought of him.
Steve Harrington should know never to doubt Robin Buckley.
The second Eddie walks through the double doors of Family Video, Steve's head hits the counter. He tucks it into his folded arms, hoping that might help him disappear. Maybe Eddie miraculously lost his idea of object permanence in the past twenty-four hours?
Eddie hits the little bell to signal he needs help. Robin loudly announces that she's going on break despite it being only nine in the morning and a mere hour into their shift. Steve feels like he might lurch over the side of a cliff.
"I don't have a lawn mower," Eddie says, and Steve still doesn't pick his head up from the counter. "I don't have anything to give you that would make up for this."
"I don't need anything from you," Steve says automatically, lifting his head to reveal a gentle smile on Eddie's face, the man's dark eyes shimmering in spite of the shitty fluorescent lights of the shop. "Everything's fine, Eddie."
"It's not," Eddie corrects, but not in the harsh way he'd thrown the words the previous night. He says it in the way he would remind him that Steve's character is a paladin, or that Ozzy was in Black Sabbath not Dio. It was the voice Eddie used when he pointed out the obvious in the kindest, most gentle way anyone could so as to spare Steve the embarrassment.
"It is," Steve insists, "and you know, it's kinda busy in here so—"
"Attention faithful Family Video patrons!" Eddie shouts, climbing up onto the counter and spreading his arms like he had thousands of people watching him instead of the ten or fifteen occupying the building.
"Eddie, c'mon, man, what are you doing?" Steve sighs, cheeks heating up red at all of the eyes staring at the two of them.
"I, Eddie Munson, officially admit that I was wrong. Not all jocks are airheaded and lame," Eddie continues, grinning and winking at one of the women giving him a nasty look. All Steve could do was drop his head into one hand, peering up at the man between his fingers. "Steve Harrington in all his brilliant heroism has shattered the Munson Doctrine forever. That is all, carry on!"
"You really didn't have to do that," Steve says immediately once Eddie hops off the counter into the employee side. "Really."
"Like I said, this was the best I had without a lawn mower."
"You're terrible," Steve responds, though a little smile works its way past the blush on his cheeks.
"I also want to apologize just..." Eddie pauses to glance around the store before looking back at Steve's eyes, then briefly dropping down to look at his lips. Fuck. "Somewhere with less people."
Right, they were still in public. "Right, um...I'm off at 4? Come by the house?"
"I'll be there, Stevie," Eddie promises, stumbling far-less-gracefully back over the counter. Steve laughs, because something about Eddie's persistent earnestness makes it impossible to truly stay mad at him forever.
"Okay, listen up, buddy," Steve says seriously once he hears a knock on the door, lifting up Eddie Hair-rington's front paws so he could look him in the eyes. "We've got a new friend coming over, okay? Listen to me really closely. No biting, no scratching, no being a giant chaos monster that feeds off the pain of humans, got it?"
Eddie blinks.
"Glad we understand each other." Steve sets Eddie down, straightening up his own hair before opening the door. "You actually came."
"You thought I wouldn't?" Eddie asks, bouncing on his feet until Steve moves out of the way so he could step into the house.
"I dunno," Steve admits, shrugging once. "You seemed pretty upset before."
"Yeah, I..." Eddie trails off, looking up at the ceiling briefly before refocusing on Steve. "I don't know how to say any of it but-"
"I know I messed up. I should've told you about little Eddie, and I didn't," Steve blurts out, trying to save Eddie at least a bit of explaining. "I should've told you."
"I could've asked," Eddie returns, and yeah he could've. It would've saved a lot of strife, a lot of fucking chest pain and swiped away tears if he would have just—
"Yeah, you should've," Steve admits quietly.
Eddie steps closer, brown eyes nothing but earnest as he speaks. "I didn't mean any of it. Shit, Steve, I don't know why I said half of what I did, I just thought it'd be better to hurt you before you hurt me worse."
"I wouldn't 've," Steve says, trying to ignore the persistent scratching and tugging he feels on his left pant leg. This was too serious a moment, Eddie's eyes were too soft and too vulnerable, and Steve didn't want it all too end before—
"Is that the hero of the hour?" Eddie beams, bending down to grab at little Eddie before Steve can warn him. Eddie, no, the little shit bites everyone, it takes weeks to get him to warm up to you and even then—
"He is such a little asshole," Steve hisses, watching as little Eddie immediately snuggles against Eddie's chest, purring delightedly. Steve points to the cat, who's now looking at him with way too much attitude for such a tiny body. "You're a traitor. Remember who gives you tuna, you tiny gremlin."
"I don't know, Stevie, he seems like an innocent sweetheart to me," Eddie teases, eyes on the cat as he pets little Eddie's ears. "Just like his namesake."
"Uh huh," Steve says in monotone. "I get why you like each other."
"That so?"
"Yeah, you both like torturing me."
"I don't know about that, Steve," Eddie says, stepping closer. His hand stills on little Eddie, moving instead to adjust a piece of stray hair out of Steve's face.
The touch burns in the way it nearly makes Steve gasp, the way it makes him feel like he'd never been alive at all before this moment. He wonders if it was supposed to be like that, or if sometimes he just felt too much too brightly.
"I know I'm giving you a lot of mixed signals, but I really do like you, Steve," Eddie practically whispers.
"You have a lot of making up to do," Steve breathes, chest fluttering at how close Eddie was to him.
"That right?"
"Uh huh," Steve says. "Lots of groveling, cheesy speeches like the stunt you pulled at Video, and definitely bribing little Eddie."
Eddie laughs, a deep sound that rumbles straight through Steve. “I can do that. Little Eds deserves some pampering.”
They would have to talk about it further, the hurt and the missteps and all the ways this could have been avoided. But for now, Steve allows himself to relish in the feeling of Eddie's lips on his.
That is, until a persistent meow causes them to pull apart.
Thank you so much for reading everyone! I wouldn't be opposed to writing a lil blurb here and there of Steve, Eddie, and Eddie, so let me know if that's something anyone would want. I'm also going to clean this up a little and put it on Ao3 eventually!
It wouldn't let me tag everyone at once so I'll reblog this with the rest of the people who asked to be tagged in just a minute!
TAGLIST: @estrellami-1 @sjullay @swimmingbirdrunningrock @background-noise-headache @wowimwhatibingewatch @obsessive-anddepressive @krazyperson @nonsense-of-dimitri @whimsicalwitchm @zerokrox-blog @electrick-marionnett @the-redthread @juststeddiebrainrot @dollalicia @vi-an-te @lioniheart @unclewaynemunson @stevesbipanic @ajamlessbaby @qomrades @ivydragon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @apricottree @gleek4twd @messrs-weasley @makewavesandwar @renaissan-vvitch @artiststarme @suikatto @proudbaconatornyoom @ilikechocolatemilkh @0o-queendean-o0 @dangdirtydemons @v3lnys @mybradforddream @giveemhales @gaydrieeen @runtyghost @luthienstormblessed @goggles-mcgee @odetolimerence @paintsplatteredandimperfect @readbythestarlight @slit-wrist @imzadidragonfly
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y-umiko · 2 years
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CHARACTER(S): Ran . Sanzu . Rindou
WARNING/S: nsfw implications
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Ran Haitani
The sun gently woke you up from your sleep, a groan followed up by a migraine, accompanied by the sinful and blissful memories from last night. Never in your sober self had you ever thought you'll hit it off with Ran, one thing led to another and you both ended up making out, later continuing to your room.
but you were not surprised to wake up beside a cold spot in bed, of course, the infamous Ran Haitani wouldn't settle for someone like you. you're just one of his another one-night stand, and you were a fool to believe that there was something between you two. a sigh escape your lips from the thought, that is until the bathroom door opened and out Ran Haitani in nothing but pants, that were hanging low on his lips, his toned stomach in display for you to see.
"you're still here?" you asked surprised, quickly averting your eyes that unconsciously traveled to his exposed skin. something Ran definitely saw but decided to ignore for now after hearing your accusation.
"did you think I left?" he asked amusedly with a playful grin, before picking up his discarded shirt and putting it on effortlessly "I'm hurt that you think so lowly of me"
you rolled your eyes, It's not just me that thinks that everyone does" he chuckled as he easily tied his tie and look for his socks, from his actions, it's easy to understand what he meant, that this between you two was just a one-night stand, it was a hopeful dream that he would settle for you.
you pouted as you gathered the blanket, "Anyways, you were probably on your way out and I just caught you leaving" your words coming out questioning as you went under the blankets to hide your red face, " Well don't let me hold you back"
it was silence at first before the blanket was rudely pulled away from you, just enough to see Ran waiting seating beside you on the bed, a playful grin adorning his lips. "you look so irresistible right now do you know that?" "hey!" you felt heat in your cheeks at Ran's seemingly calm demeanor as if teasing you. but soon drops into something serious as he pecks your lips in assurance.
"I have to leave early for a meeting" he whispered disappointedly, if he were to choose hell spend the rest of his life with you in bed.
"but trust me I'll see you tonight" he sealed with a kiss, deeper and with more emotion.
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Sanzu Haruchiyo
Sanzu was a deep sleeper, that or he just didn't care as you rush in the morning gathering your clothes and putting them on, before leaving his room in a complete mess.
you started your morning, as usual, reporting and checking some stuff. the morning was so busy that you almost forgot about the night before, but images from last night kept crawling back into your mind. and when you thought that Sanzu had probably moved on with his day, he came angrily stalking towards you that very afternoon, his eyes swirling almost feral.
"If you think you can just run away and pretend nothing happened, then you're wrong" he blurted out as he rudely interrupted your conversation with one of the members, who immediately read the atmosphere and left. definitely not wanting to face the upset Sanzu. "Sanzu-san I- " "Sanzu?" he interrupted exasperatedly, looking down at you, his eyes full of so much emotion, something you don't see that often "That wasn't my name last night unless you need reminding of then I'll be more than happy to take you h-"
"Ha-Haru!" you immediately corrected, flustered and face flushed from the surge of memories. as you look left and right, making sure no one was around before continuing "Look what happened last night, it was an accident we both don't want, you're not under any obligation, can we just forget about it?"
"I don't want to" was his stern response as you can't help but only stare at him at the sudden seriousness of his words. gasping when he surprisingly gently cupped your chin.
"do you have any idea how long I wanted you?" he said, his breath hitting your lips as he watch your eyes flicker between his lips and eyes. a sign he only needed before pressing his lips against yours. you felt him smirk as you responded to his kiss and before you knew it you felt his arms beneath your legs before picking you up, bridal style.
"Now, that's a good girl"
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Rindou Haitani
Amidst the headache and soar body, the first thing you notice when you woke up was the delicious smell of coffee and pancakes. sitting up from the bed, clutching the blanket over your naked body, the fact you're not in your room becomes apparent. it was then that the pleasant memories from the night before come rushing.
The Bonten executives had a gathering last night, and more than usual the guys ordered more drinks than they can handle. all you remember was more than half of them were drunks, the others passed out somewhere. while you and Rin somehow ended up in his room.
grabbing a clean shirt from his closet, you threw it on before making your way to the kitchen. expecting to see some take-out food or maybe Rindou will kick you out of his room right away. but to your bewilderment, there stands Rindo Haitani in his sweatpants and shirt, yet looking good, behind a stove, a spatula in one hand.
"What?" he asked after noticing you standing on the threshold, staring ridiculously at him. but one thing he noticed was how good you look wearing his shirt he quickly averted his gaze away, in fear of you seeing his red face.
"What are you doing?" you asked cautiously, now a little aware that you're basically wearing nothing except his shirt. but considering what happened last night, what's more, to be embarrassed about.
"what does it look like I'm doing?" Rin simply answered as he put the newly cooked pancake on a plate, before setting them down on the table, gesturing you to take a seat.
quietly, you sat in front of the newly cook pancake while Rin sets 2 cups of coffee. you stared at the delicious food in front of you. however, as good as it smells, you can't help but think that this food was his way of consolation before kicking you out.
"who cooks breakfast for their one-night stand" you mumbled sheepily but he heard you anyway.
"No one" He firmly said, as he sets down a cup of coffee beside your plate "Because this is not a one-night stand" your head perks up, "what?"
Rindou looked at you with a furrow on his forehead, his arms crossed against his chest, "you slept with me, you're wearing my shirt- half naked, in the middle of my kitchen"
He sighs," don't play dumb…"
"you're already mine"
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This Love Came Back to Me (8)
Summary: You and Bradley hadn’t ended on bad terms; really, you stopped before the two of you could even truly begin. Still, in the last seven months, you had never completely left his mind. So when you suddenly appeared in front of him at the bar, asking for a favor and pulling him into a kiss, he thought maybe it was the perfect opportunity to see if this time, things could be different. But what neither of you realized was that there’s more going on than just rekindling a lost romance, and it might not be as easy as simply just wanting it. 
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: second chance romance, language, allusions of smut and potential full smut, stalking, unhealthy obsessions, delusions of feelings, unwanted attention.
Part Eight Word Count: 4K
Part Seven :: Series Masterlist
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“Are you kidding me?!” 
Anna’s squeal was so loud it drew the attention of the nearby tables and you laughed as you shushed her. Simone was just as bad, reaching over to grab your arm and shake you as much as she could while you were both seated. 
“You bitch!” she accused, and you laughed harder at how absolutely scandalized everyone looked. 
“I’m sorry,” you said, “I just…forgot to mention it.” 
You winced before you were even done speaking, knowing how they’d react to the excuse. They didn’t let you down as another of your friends threw a cloth napkin across the table. 
“You start seeing the hot pilot again, and you forget to mention it?!” 
“One who it was dumb to break up with anyway, for the record,” Anna added on, just for good measure. You rolled your eyes but you couldn’t help but partially agree with her, too. 
“It’s only been a month!” you exclaimed, though you knew it was a useless defense. “And technically, he’s an aviator.”
“He flies something that goes in the air. He’s a pilot.”
You didn’t bother to hide your grin as you took another sip of your peach mimosa.Your friends had immediately turned into a firing squad launching questions at you when you casually mentioned you had been running late because Bradley had been trying to convince you to let him drop you off instead of you driving yourself. He had brought it up with a kiss to the top of the head and his arms wrapped around you from behind when you were getting ready. He was going to the driving range with some of the guys, and had insisted that if it went how it usually did, he’d be finding excuses to leave after an hour or two anyway. 
“They’re too competitive, and they’re cheats, and my wallet can only take so much, okay? What better excuse is there than having to go pick up my girlfriend?” 
You had turned down his offer with a playful roll of your eyes and a comment about how maybe he shouldn’t make bets when he knows he’s not all that great of a golfer. He had gasped in mock outrage and tickled your sides, which had led to you kissing him in apology through your laughter, and before you knew it, he was lifting you onto the bathroom counter and had made you both a little late leaving your house. You bit your lip at the memory, your body tingling for another reason besides the champagne. 
“So, do you think it’s serious this time? Like…in it for the long haul?” 
You thought about how the last month of your life had arguably been one of the worst of your life because of work and those that came with it but how despite all that, when you thought of the passage of time, the first thing you thought of was how happy it was because you had Bradley back in your life. You were able to, for the most part at least, forget all of the bad when he was there. You thought of how glorious it was, falling asleep and waking up with him, and all of the little things he did that made it so obvious how he cared for you. He was simultaneously able to light you on fire in the best of ways and offer you peace to any situation, all at the same time. He was so beautiful, so kind, and he made you feel like no one else ever had. He never let you feel like a burden, and instead made you so confident that he felt all these things, too. 
Those words you hadn’t said flashed in your head again but you swallowed them down with another sip of champagne. 
“Yeah,” you grinned into the rim of your glass, unsure if it was the champagne or your thoughts that were making you feel warm and giddy inside. “I think so. I hope so.” 
There was cooing and awwing that broke out around the table but you didn’t even care, too content and happy to do anything but laugh. 
It was over two hours later that you were hugging them all goodbye on the sidewalk outside of the restaurant, stomach full from brunch and your sides aching from how much you had laughed in such a short amount of time. It was so nice to just sit and talk and laugh with them, catching up on life and gossiping about relationships and things going on in the world. You were so glad that Bradley had convinced you not to cancel. You didn’t realize how much you had missed your friends until you were around all of them again. 
Anna hung back when everyone had dispersed, handing you a business card out of her purse. You raised your eyebrow in question. 
“It’s a friend of mine who works in your field,” she told you with a smile. “I know you’ve been on the market for a while. He’s a manager, and he’s going to have a spot opening up on his team soon. I mentioned your background to him, and he said to have you reach out if you think you might be interested. Not a guarantee, obviously, but I don’t think it’d hurt either. I think you guys would vibe really well together.” 
You read the details on the card and clutched it a little bit tighter. It was a company you had briefly looked at during your job search, but they hadn’t had any openings at the time. Excited anticipation rose in you and after carefully putting it in your purse, you threw your arms around your friend. She laughed off your thank you as she squeezed you a little bit tighter. 
“I hope it works out. But at the very least, even if it doesn’t, I can say that I’m at least responsible for bringing you and Bradley back together, since you were supposed to meet me at the bar that night. So I’m not going to feel bad anymore for ditching you at the last minute.” 
You threw your head back with a laugh. “Fair enough. Thanks for being a flake.” 
She shoved you, rolling her eyes and scowling at you playfully. “You’re so welcome,” she said sarcastically. She winked as she started walking away. “Have a good rest of the weekend with your aviator,” she called as she opened her car door.  “We’ll have to get our Navy men together for a double date soon!” 
And then it was just you, standing there on the sidewalk on a sunny San Diego afternoon, contemplating what to do. You grabbed your phone out of your jacket pocket when you felt it buzz. Like you always did, you smiled when Bradley’s name popped up. He was checking in to see if brunch was still going. His friends were going another round at the driving range, and he wanted to see where you were to decide if he was going to participate. It made you giddy how if you were home, he wanted to be there too. 
You thought over your options for a moment, chewing the inside of your cheek. You hadn’t been planning on doing anything after you separated from your friends. But you were in a great mood, feeling better than you had in a while in regards to being out on your own. The restaurant you ate at was in one of the shopping districts you liked and it was a beautiful day. Since you were already here, you decided you were going to walk around for a little while. Setting off in the direction of the coffee shop a few stores down, you responded to your boyfriend's text, telling him to enjoy the next round. 
A bag from the jewelry store next door hung on your wrist. You had popped in in hopes of finding a similar necklace to the one you had lost and were pleased that they had the exact duplicate in stock. Now, you were sipping on a latte as you browsed the shelves in the bookstore. You had already mindlessly looked through a few genres and, without finding anything new that caught your eyes, decided that you would look for the next book in a romance series you had started a while ago. 
You were humming along to the song playing over the speakers as you walked down the aisles of paperbacks and hardcovers, your finger tracing the spines as you went. “Ah-ha!” you muttered to yourself, finally finding what you were looking for on one of the shelves in the corner of the store. You flipped the book over to read the synopsis on the back and were so engrossed in the synopsis that when you heard your name from right behind you, you startled so hard that the novel flew out of your hand and your hot coffee sloshed out of the lid and onto your skin. 
You whipped around and your eyes instantly widened in alarm. All at once you felt anxiety spread through your body like wildfire, your heart racing dangerously. 
“Paul,” you gasped. 
He was there, standing so close to you that you had felt his breath on your neck when he spoke your name. You nearly tripped over your own feet when you quickly took a step back. He was smiling broadly at you in the same way he always did. 
“I was hoping I’d find you!” he exclaimed, “I saw you earlier at the restaurant, but I didn’t want to interrupt your time with your friends.” 
Your mind whirled at his comment. He had been there? He had seen you? 
“You looked like you were having so much fun,” he continued like what he was saying was completely normal. Your stomach dropped. He hadn’t just been there. He had been watching you. 
“I-” you started, shaking your head. You didn’t know what to say. Your mouth felt so dry all of a sudden. 
“You look pretty today.” 
Bradley had told you more than once how beautiful you looked before you left the house in your sage green sundress and denim jacket, white tennis shoes on your feet. And you had felt it, too. But in an instant, you were uncomfortable in your own skin. You felt dirty at his praise and the way he was looking you up and down. 
Paul looked at you expectantly, waiting for a response. But you had nothing to say. Your mind was moving so quickly that it was hard to remember how to form sentences. You stared at him with wide eyes. A beat passed before he sighed, his smile dipping. His eyebrows knitted a little tighter together as he cleared his throat. 
“I’m sorry we haven’t been able to talk at work the last few weeks. I was told I should stay away from you for right now.” 
You processed the words slowly, because they didn’t make any sense. He genuinely sounded apologetic, and was looking at you with something that looked like sympathy. But not for anything he had done. But because you hadn’t been able to talk? 
“Yes,” he nodded. When he nodded in emphasis, his glasses slipped down his nose. He pushed them up as he continued. “I forgive you, by the way.” 
“Forgive me?” you stuttered out, sounding incredulous.
“For turning me in,” he explained. The look on his face darkened as he clenched his jaw. “I’m sure it was your boyfriend who told you to do it.” He practically spat the word out, but then he quickly schooled his features, resuming the smile from before. “Anyway. I’m sure it will all be resolved soon. They’ll see that nothing is wrong and it was just an overreaction on your part.” 
You didn’t understand anything that was happening right now. You couldn’t. You stared at Paul in disbelief, unable to comprehend how he honestly believed the words coming out of his mouth. Every one felt like little pellets being thrown at you, each one stinging more than the last. Your fight or flight instinct was finally coming online and you swallowed thickly, trying to figure out what to do. 
“I - I need to go.” 
You startled again when you shuffled to the side, because Paul was quick to mimic the movement, staying in front of you and blocking your way. 
“Do you need a ride home?” 
You nearly choked at the question. “Do I ne- no,” you said vehemently, shaking your head. “No.” 
“I saw you drinking. I don’t mind taking you home if you drank too much,” he said, taking another step toward you. You stepped back, your shoulder blades digging into the books behind you and leaving you with nowhere else to go. Paul moved closer, so close you could see the smudges on his glasses and smell the cheap scent of his cologne. It reminded you of a high school locker room, and something flickered in the back of your mind. You had made that comparison before, a few weeks ago at the farmer’s market with Bradley. You had felt like someone was watching you and had smelt this same smell then, and your anxiety spiked when you realized what that meant. 
God, he had been there.
“You don’t live too far from here. It wouldn’t be an issue.” 
You had averted your gaze to the floor, purposefully avoiding eye contact. But your head snapped up so fast that you felt a twinge in your neck. Your already fast beating heart seemed to double down, your pulse thundering so hard beneath your skin that you could practically hear it. Bile rose in your throat as panic started to claw at you. 
“How do you know that?” you asked, pressing yourself further into the shelf behind you. “How do you - do you know where I live? Do you know my address?” 
He cocked his head to the side, looking at you with genuine confusion and curiosity, like it was you who was spouting off nonsense. “What do you mean?” he asked. “You gave it to me.” 
“I never told you that,” you spat. Your voice came out higher pitched, shaky and incredulous. You were so certain you had never done such a thing. 
“You shared your location with me, remember? At work that day? You wanted me to know.” 
He said the words slowly, like he was explaining something difficult to a child. He was looking at you like he was concerned for you for not remembering. Like you were dumb. You had never felt so small in your life in the worst of ways. Your mind searched through every encounter you ever had with him, trying desperately to figure out what he was talking about. 
And then you remembered. It was the month he had started, and your team was doing a happy hour after work. He was new to the area and wasn’t familiar with where the bar was. He had asked to ride with you, but you had been uncomfortable with the idea, so you had shared your location with him instead to help him get there on his own. But it had been a temporary share, just for an hour. That was it, you were sure of it. There was no way…
You scrambled for your phone. Your hands were starting to shake as you went into your contacts. Dread settled heavy in your stomach when you clicked on him. 
Oh, god. 
You had blocked his number months ago after the first time you had reported him to HR, when he had started texting and calling you all the time. Tears welled in your eyes when you saw that, despite that, you were still actively sharing your location with him. You hadn’t hit the hour setting that day. You had hit indefinitely. He had had access to it all this time. 
It had been months. He had known where you were for months. All those times he had shown up where you were. The grocery store. The gym. Restaurants. The Hard Deck the last two Fridays in a row. He had figured out where you lived by monitoring where you were. 
And you had done it. It had been an accident, but you had done it. And he interpreted it as you wanting him to know. As…as wanting him. 
And it was because of you. It was your own doing. 
“Oh! I almost forgot!” 
You watched in what felt like slow motion as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a familiar piece of jewelry. It was simple, a single small charm with your initial on it dangling from a thin gold chain. It was the same one you had worn for you don’t even know how long. The same one that had gone missing two weeks ago, that you had just bought a replacement for less than an hour ago. It’s the same necklace that you were so confident had been on the jewelry plate on your dresser, where you always put it when you take it off, but that you couldn’t find anywhere.
“I found this by your desk. I know you wear it all the time, so I figured you missed it and would want it back. I kept it safe for you.” 
He held it out to you with a large grin. He looked proud of himself, smug. You knew that your face was horrified in return. 
Your desk, he said. 
But it was on a Monday morning before you left for work that you couldn’t find it. You had it on in the picture you and Bradley had taken together the day before, when you wouldn’t have been anywhere near the office. He couldn’t have found it near your desk. 
He had your necklace. He knew where you lived. 
You felt like you were going to throw up. You could taste it in your throat, feel it all through your body. 
Your eyes flickered down to your phone and then back up at him, before repeating the pattern one more time. You stared at each other for a beat before you swallowed and tapped the screen. You were looking him in the eye when you hit “stop sharing.” His eyes widened as he realized what it was you had just done, and the friendly mask he had carefully maintained throughout the entire exchange disappeared in an instant. 
“Why would you do that?” 
Paul’s blue eyes were as dark as the ocean and as cold as it, too, and he was reaching for you. His clammy hand clamped around your wrist and squeezed tightly, and he was trying to yank you against him. Panic gripped you. He was saying something, but you couldn’t hear it. There was a ringing in your ears and it was like the aisles of books were closing in on you. 
You had to get out of here, away from him. You had to, and you were acting on pure instinct when you finally moved. You popped the lid off of your cup and threw the still hot coffee at him. Paul shouted in surprise as the liquid hit his face and covered his glasses. He was so close that some of it splashed back on you. When he stumbled back, he let go of your wrist as instinct took over to wipe at his face. 
“Stay the fuck away from me,” you hissed. And then in the same moment, you ran. 
Paul called out as you turned the corner and you pushed yourself faster. You didn’t even pause when you burst out of the door of the bookstore. You narrowly avoided running into several people as you darted through the shopping district in the direction of where you parked your car. The tears started as you ran. You didn’t even see the dip in the sidewalk until you were hitting the ground. You let out a sharp cry of surprise, but even then, you didn’t stop, struggling quickly back to your feet. 
You could see your car now. You tugged your keys from your bag, nearly dropping them in your haste. You scrambled to hit the unlock button and slid into the driver’s side.
Tears blurred your vision as you pulled out of the parking lot and after a minute of driving, the first sob worked its way out of your throat, followed quickly by a second. 
Paul knew where you lived. He had tracked your movements. This was your fault, your mistake having led you here.He had been following you for months, and it had all been because of your own carelessness. Your chest felt so tight - you could barely breathe. 
You made a sharp turn onto a different street at the last second, and then another after that. You were nearly hyperventilating by the time you finally stopped in another busy parking lot. 
Your hands were shaking so hard when you grabbed your phone from where you had thrown it in the passenger seat. You had to enter your passcode three different times because the trembling was so bad before it finally unlocked. Paul’s contact profile was still pulled up; you choked on another sob as you closed out of it and went to another. Once the sound of ringing echoed through your bluetooth you lost the grip you had on your phone. It fell to your lap and you clenched the steering wheel instead, your palms stinging, trying to remember how to take a deep breath. 
“Hey, baby. You all done?”  
Bradley’s voice surrounded you as it echoed from your speakers. In any other situation, you would have been able to hear the smile in his voice and would be delighted in knowing you were the one that put it there. But as you choked out his name, all you could think about was Paul. He had been watching you. He knew where you were all the time and it was all your fault. You let out another sob. 
The shift in Bradley’s tone was immediate. “Bug? What’s going on? What’s wrong?” 
You felt like you were drowning, sinking deeper and deeper into your panic. Bradley called your name and you didn’t think it was the first time. You tried to get enough air into your lungs to force words out. “I- Bradley,” you gasped. 
“I need you to take a deep breath and tell me what’s wrong. Please, baby. Please.” He was begging you, he was so worried, and another wave of guilt washed over you. “Just take a breath. In and out, sweetheart. Come on.” 
You tried so hard to match the exaggerated breathing he was doing through the phone. You wanted to say something to him, to explain what was going on, but whenever you opened your mouth, another violent, gasping cry came out.
“B. He-he-he-” Black dots started appearing in your vision and you knew if you didn’t get ahold of yourself, you were going to pass out. With all the strength you could muster, you sucked in one deep, choppy breath. It left you in a painful exhale, your chest so tight it physically hurt. With violently shaking hands, you picked your phone up again. A brand new bout of nausea overtook you when you sent Bradley your location. 
Paul had known where you’ve been for months, yet you had never even shared it with your own boyfriend. 
“Can you - come - come get me?” you managed to choke out. “Please? I - I can’t -” 
“I’m on my way, baby. Don’t move. I’ll be right there.”
Part Nine :: Series Masterlist :: Main Masterlist
Notes: So.....Paul is the worst. Yikes. AHHHHH. I am so damn nervous about your reactions to this one. I hope it lived up to expectations.
Likes/comments/reblogs are the best encouragement for posting more🖤
Thank you to Mak and Em for all of your help making this story come to life. And thanks to Mak for the AMAZING banner!
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Lego Batman Family Matters is so ridiculous but I love it.
You will not believe how funny this movie actually is.
Is it out of character? YES, especially on Bruce and Damian's front.
Is it still batfam dynamic? Also yes.
In this movie, Bruce sells Wayne Enterprises because he believes that Bruce Wayne stops him from doing what's really important. Crime-fighting.
Harvey Dent hates Bruce because he believes that he has all this money and doesn't use it enough for good. And yes, he buys WE. Also, he works for Jason because they both think that Bruce owns half the city, yet he neglects the things he's supposed to love (This IS actually half of Jason's motivation. Gotham IS his city. It's just that it's more personally motivated)
So Jason sends Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl and Batwoman letters on where to meet him. There he gives them the location of four bombs. They decide to split up. When the bombs that Batwoman and Batgirl were supposed to handle were disarmed, he shocks them.
Btw, Babs and Dick have a fight going on because Dick didn't respond to her text. The reason? He didn't always want to write a thumbs up but something original, like a smiley face with a heart. When Barbara was under the influence of fear toxin, she saw a version of herself that claimed to be better than her and told her "he probably responds Starfire immediately".
He managed to shock Robin!Damian too, but Nightwing was with him and now they're trying to beat the shit out of each other. They even had a car chase, constantly made quips at each other and Jason launched a granate or something at his car so Dick will have to jump out, giving him the opportunity to also shock him.
Meanwhile Bruce is having a showdown with Two-Face at the theatre and Billy Batson, who wants to get an interview with him to earn money for the orphanage, is also there with him. In the end, BILLY had to disable the bomb because Bruce just straight up forgot about it???
By the way, he got to the theatre with another guy, but had to make the guys errands first, because Jason stole the tires from the batmobile. Bruce was so completely useless for this entire fight, he didn't even capture Harvey, he escaped. Everyone else DID. Sucks to be outnached by your family but my guy, I feel no sympathy.
So then Red Hood calls and says he has his family and they're gonna talk about this at home. So Bruce gets home, Jason says "Daddy's home" and rankd Bruce entrance as a 9.5 because the hero landing is so from last year.
Yes, so, anyway.
Damian, Barbara, Dick, Katherine and Alfred are all suspended in the air by their arms. Bruce reveals Jason's identity.
Damian: The second Robin? I thought he was dead!
Jason: You told them I was dead?!
Bruce: ... That's not what I said.
Bruce explains that he figured it out because the locations were personal clues tied to their civilian identity. And how one was the alley where Jason stole his tires the first time. Damian laughs and thinks it's so cool. Dick also laughs and imitates a lecture Bruce probably gave him after that.
Overall, a real nice bonding moment for the boys.
Aaaanyway, Jason accuses Bruce that he kicked Jason out, leaving him with no family, when in reality, Jason left because Jason rather wanted to play video games than go on patrol and one day Bruce pulled the plug. Jason had enough of "Bat-rules and Bat-curfews" and got on his bike and said "I'm leaving". He waited for a response, didn't got one and left.
Present Jason then told Bruce that if he'd cared, he would have stopped him. So Bruce shows him that he got daily updates from his satellite on Jason's adventures and Jason lets his family go.
My guy, a SATELLITE doesn't replace your parental supervision.
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somekidnamedkai · 2 years
if the request are still open can you do riddle , ace ,deuce , vill and malleus with an mc who suddenly started ignoring them and making excuses to not see them,but they found out on their birthday that mc was making a surprise party for them and in the end to apologize to them they hugs them ( and maybe kiss their cheeks ) if this request is too complicated it’s fine you don’t have to^^
Ignoring Them For A Surprise Party
Authors note: Welcome to the start of me being bad at titling my stuff lol. I had a lot of fun writing these, thank you for the request anon!
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Vil Schoenheit, Malleus Draconia
Warnings: None. I have the vocabulary of a middle schooler so some words are repetitive my apologies.
Gender neutral reader
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle first noticed you ignoring him when you would jolt out of the classroom, not waiting for him so you two could walk together. Whenever he tried to ask you about it, you’d turn and walk away. Or blatantly ignore him and talk to Ace or whoever was nearby.
He began to wonder what was going on. Did he do something? Did he forget something important? No, your birthday wasn’t for another few months. And your guys' anniversary was just a few weeks ago. Riddle remembered every important date. So why were you ignoring him?
Did someone spread a rumor about him? If so, they would surely pay. Riddle went to ask Cater, who would surely know if something was going on. Nothing.
Riddle decided that maybe you’ve been having a bad week, so he’ll take you on a date.
He arrived at Ramshackle to make sure you were free. “Oh, sorry, Riddle, I have something important going on. A big test, yup, really big.” You said hesitantly. A test? On a Saturday evening? And was that Ace and Deuce in there with you?
After his visit to Ramshackle, Riddle was beginning to stress over it even more. Why were you avoiding him? What did he do?!
He demanded Ace and Deuce tell him, but they wouldn't budge. Luckily, Trey was there so he convinced Riddle to not collar the duo.
As the days, which felt like weeks to Riddle went by, he began to feel frustrated and crushed. Was this your way of breaking up with him? By just avoiding him till he got the point? Or were you? No, you would never cheat on Riddle. And he wasn’t going to accuse you of cheating.
Finally, it was on the 6th day, but who’s counting? Riddle saw his phone light up with his ringtone playing. At first, he ignored it. Until Riddle remembered that he muted everyone except for you, he wanted to be sure that he never missed anything. Riddle practically leaped over his bed to grab his phone, dropping whatever schoolwork he was doing.
The second Riddle grabbed his phone he answered your call. “Sweet tart? Hello?” He spoke desperately. Which is what he was. Riddle was desperate to hear your voice. Listening to old voice messages over and over again didn’t help much.
You smiled when your boyfriend answered and began to talk. You missed him, “Hey, love. I want-“
You couldn’t even finish talking before Riddle spoke again, “I miss you! I’m so sorry for whatever I did! I really am. Please don’t ignore me again! I miss you so much, sweet tart!” He blurted out. “Y/N?” He asked when you didn’t answer.
“You didn’t do anything, dear, but can you come to Ramshackle?” You asked him, and he immediately agreed.
It took Riddle about 5 minutes to get to Ramshackle, and then he knocked on the door. Riddle heard a little bit of noise before it went silent. “Come in!” You shouted.
When Riddle opened the door it was almost completely dark, which was shocking considering the number of broken windows in the dorm.
The lights came on right after Ruddle walked in, “SURPRISE!”
Riddle stumbled back in shock, but you caught him before he could fall. “Happy birthday, my love,” You told him.
“It’s my… birthday?” Riddle asked. He had completely forgotten about it amongst you, ignoring him. So that was the important date he forgot about.
A small laugh escaped your lips, “yes, silly. I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you. It’s just that I was planning your party with everyone.”
Riddle let out a sigh before regaining his composure. “Well, Don’t do that again, please. You worried me.”
You kissed Riddle on the cheek, then a quick peck on the lips. “I promise I won’t. Now, let’s enjoy your party, birthday boy.”
Ace Trappola
At first, Ace just thought you were trying to prank him by only really talking with Deuce and Jack. But when Deuce said that you weren’t pranking him, Ace got annoyed. Why are you ignoring him? Was it because he pranked you just a week ago? You’ve never cared about his pranks, so why now?
Ace would try to get you to stop ignoring him by pranking you even more. One prank Ace did was kind of small, but it’d get you to talk to him, was to take the ink tube out of your pen. Or if you were using a quill, he’d replace it with a regular feather.
Unfortunately, his plan backfired. Whenever you would need a new utensil you would immediately go to Deuce. Or even Grim. Why Grim?! Seeing how his little prank didn’t work, Ace made his pranks a lot bigger. If his small ones weren’t catching your eyes, these would. Yeah, it didn’t work.
Fine, whatever, ignore Ace all you want. He doesn’t care. Yes, he does. Ace would begin texting you, telling you that it was important and that he needed you to go by asap. But you would only leave him on read.
Ace thought luck was on his side when Riddle said there was going to be an unbirthday party. You never miss an unbirthday party. Even in past times when you and Ace argued, you never missed an unbirthday party.
That night Ace texted you, letting you know about the unbirthday party. To his shock, your reply was quick and simple “can’t. I'm busy.” What do you mean you can't?! You’ve never missed a party
That was it. Ace finally admitted. He probably did something wrong and you weren’t just pranking him. So for the next few nights, he would ponder over what he could’ve done. Deuce wasn’t any help with it either.
At the unbirthday party, Ace tried to coax it out of Riddle or Trey, or anyone for that matter, on why you were ignoring him. But they all claimed to either not know. Or they wouldn’t tell. Rude.
It had been about a week of Ace complaining to Deuce about you again. He missed you. Your laugh, your smile, your everything. The way you would hug Ace after a long day. How good of a kisser you were.
Deuce just suggested that he talk to you at ramshackle tomorrow. But Ace said that you wouldn’t answer. But Deuce promised that you would.
So here Ace was, at ramshackle. He knocked on the door then it opened. He stepped into the shockingly dark dorm. A second later and the lights turned on, and confetti was thrown at his face. “SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
Oh yeah! It was Ace's birthday. He kind of forgot in his efforts to get you to talk to him. “Happy birthday, sweetie,” you told Ace.
This boy didn’t realize how much he missed your voice until now. Ace practically leaped himself into your arms and squeezed you tight.
“Please don’t ignore me again!” He said as he looked at you. You had your beautiful smile that made him smile.
You kissed Ace all over his face before you looked at him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have, but I wanted to be sure your surprise party stayed a surprise party.”
Ace nodded. He looked past you and at the others who were watching. “You’re forgiven. Now let's go enjoy my party!”
Deuce Spade
Deuce almost immediately noticed you ignoring him. It started with you not holding his hand after class, to you only talking to Ace at lunch, and now you wouldn’t even answer his texts.
He’s been spamming your messages, asking if he did anything wrong, but you didn’t answer. He’s been (bothering) asking Ace if he’s done anything. No answer from him either.
A few days went by. Deuce finally stopped blowing up your phone with text messages. Now he’s passing you notes in class and sending gifts to ramshackle. Deuce even got your attention for a minute when he grabbed your pen as you took it out of the bag.
“Why are you ignoring me?” Deuce asked as he held the pen out of your reach. You didn’t answer. Instead, you looked to Ace, who gave you a new one. Defeated, Deuce threw your pen back down and sulked in his seat.
Deuce began to message you and see if you wanted to hang out, only to get ignored. He would tell Ace to shut up so you would listen to him instead, and then Deuce would invite you on a date. “I’m busy.” The boy began to sulk again.
Cue the disaster of what is Deuce for the next few days. He’s a mess. He misses you a lot and has no idea how to make it up to you. He’s tried apologizing. You said it was nothing. He’s asked you on dates, and you always say you're busy. He’d give you flowers then you’d just put them aside.
The morning of Deuce’s birthday arrived. And he was dreading it. It wouldn’t have mattered how many ‘happy birthdays’ he got or how many small gifts like pencils or chocolate Deuce got. He just wanted you. And a hug.
Deuce wanted to stay in bed, but Ace convinced him to get up or Riddle would off with his head. “Fine, whatever, partner snatcher.” Dang. Ok, Deuce. We get it you’re mad, but no need to resort to name-calling.
“I’m going to ignore that. Anyways, remember our plans at Ramshackle today. Don’t be late.” Ace told Deuce as he left the room. What plans at Ramshackle? What were they doing?
Wait. If Deuce’s other friends already had plans today... Did they forget his birthday? “Oh, happy birthday, by the way.” Nevermind. At least Ace remembered.
Deuce, after a few years, finally arrived at Ramshackle. And when he opened the door, he walked inside to see darkness. Oh no, did the lights break before he got ther- “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
The surprise knocked Deuce back a few feet. “Happy birthday,” You told Deuce as you walked over to your boyfriend, who was going through the five stages of grief when you walked towards him.
The second you spread your arms out, Deuce dove into them for a hug. “I love you,” He muttered into your chest while you two held a warm hug and you kissed his forehead.
“Hey, listen. I’m sorry for ignoring you. I just thought that it would be the best way of keeping your party a surprise,” you explained to Deuce.
Deuce nodded as he felt a few tears. He was so happy, “It’s ok. But please never do that again.”
You nodded as you backed away and smiled at your boyfriend. You kissed him on the cheek before guiding him over to the others to celebrate his birthday.
Vil Schoenheit
At first, Vil thought you were having a bad day and needed a little space. He’d lecture you for being rude another day. But when the next day came around and you still weren’t talking to him? You would just walk in front of him and not say anything.
Vil, to say the least, was not happy when he realized you were ignoring him. He doesn’t have time for your shenanigans. Vil would try to get your attention and ask you what’s wrong or send you a message but you would either brush him off or just not respond.
He would go through the next few days thinking about what was wrong with you. Did someone say something to you? If so they would surely pay. Were you just trying to prank him? Whatever. Vil wasn’t going to stress over your attitude. He needed to maintain his complexion.
Don’t be fooled though, just because he wasn’t stressing out over it? doesn’t mean it wasn’t affecting him. Vil loved you. A lot. And he missed cuddling you at night before he went to sleep. And he was really upset you were ignoring him.
Vil’s birthday was approaching and he had hoped to go on a date with you. So he showed up to Ramshackle with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and candy. “Pumpkin! I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date. Tonight or tomorrow?” He asked when you answered the door, giving you the flowers and candy.
“Oh... I’m busy. Tonight and tomorrow. Sorry, sweetie.” You closed the door before Vil could say anything in response.
Dejected, Vil went back to Pomefiore and looked over some of his schoolwork when a thought came to his mind. If you want to avoid him so badly, he’ll send the vice housewarden after you.
“Of course, anything for you Roi Du Poison!” Rook would immediately agree and then head out to Ramshackle, although it was not to spy on you, instead, it was to plan.
It was the day before Vil’s birthday when he decided he had enough. Vil felt like a different person without you. And he didn’t like it.
Vil saw Ace, Deuce, and Jack and asked them what your deal was and what was going on with you. They said it was nothing. So then Vil went to Epel to coax it out of the boy. He didn’t budge.
Remember when Vil wasn’t stressing over this? Now he is. You were the love of his life, and now you were avoiding him, and he had no idea what to do.
On his birthday, Vil got a text from you, “can you come to ramshackle? it’s important.” Vil immediately went out to the rundown dorm his prefect stayed in.
Once Vil got there, he opened the door and stepped inside. He didn’t knock. You told him to go there anyways, so who else would you expect?
It was pitch black when he walked inside. “Is this a-“ “SURPRISE!” Everyone jumped out, and the lights got turned on. Vil looked around, all of his friends were there, and streamers decorated the front lobby
“Happy birthday!” You told Vil as you stepped towards him. He gave you a big hug, squeezing you tight and not wanting to let go.
You returned his hug. “I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you. I was so excited about your party, and I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.” You explained to him. Vil understood now. But he wasn’t going to let this go.
“It’s alright sweet potato. But we’re going to talk about communication,” Vil told you as you audibly groaned and muttered a ‘fine.’ Vil smiled for the first time in the last few days.
You began to give Vil small kisses all over his face. A kiss on his cheek, one on his nose, his forehead, then his temple. “Let’s enjoy your party.”
Malleus Draconia
You thought you could get away with ignoring him? Good luck. As soon as Malleus noticed you were ignoring him he would get very upset. The clouds would be dark and thundering.
He missed you more than he could explain. You were his first real friend and first partner. And now he didn’t have anyone. He missed your guys' conversations and holding your hand and walking around with you. You didn’t even go to the club meeting with him to look at and study the gargoyles.
Malleus would drop by Ramshackle to make sure you were alright, but you either weren’t there, or you ignored him to talk with your friends. He would sulk or storm away to go by another time.
Listen, I hope you aren’t scared of thunder and lightning because that’s how the weather is going to be until you start talking to him.
Sebek will be hunting you down, so I hope you have a place to hide. And if he finds you, be prepared for the lecture you were going to get from him about ‘hurting the young master’ and ‘you're being a mean person.’
You tell him about the plan for Malleus’ party. He’s still not happy about it. Sebek will leave with final words to talk to him.
During one of his daily walks by ramshackle Malleus spotted you, without your friends. He hoped that today would be the day you talked to him. With a bright smile, he walked over to you.“Child of Man! Would you care to accompany me for a walk today? We could go out to eat after as well.”
You motioned for the boxes in your hands, “I can’t. I have to get these boxes inside and unpack them. Thank you for the offer, though!” You said and began to walk inside the dorm.
Malleus was right behind as you were walking, “I can help you,” he offered but you brushed him off saying you got it. You closed the door and Malleus stood outside.
He left the dorm just as Silver and Sebek came by looking for him. Malleus went back to his dorm to sulk in his room. Did someone threaten you to not talk to him? Did he do something that made you mad?
The next few days came and went. Malleus missed your walks and dates. The talks you two would have. You were the love of his life. He felt empty without you.
And now, it was his birthday. He woke up, got dressed, and checked his phone. Malleus didn’t know how to use a phone, but he could at least do the basics, like enabling his text messages. When he turned the phone on, Malleus was half expecting no notifications, but he hoped there would be. Malleus practically leaped for joy when he said your name on his phone. He opened your text, a request to drop by Ramshackle later.
Time felt like it was going by slower than usual. Malleus was so happy when he opened the text, he was about to go to your dorm that instant, but he decided to wait as you asked him.
Malleus had an extra prep in his step as he walked up to the door and knocked on it. “Come in!” He heard your voice. Malleus opened the door and walked in.
He then almost tripped, not expecting the dorm to be completely dark. “Child of-“ “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” He was interrupted by a bunch of cheers and the lights turning on.
You and some of his classmates were in the dorm with handheld confetti cannons. You immediately ran to Malleus and gave him a big hug. “Happy birthday, Tsunotarou!” You told your boyfriend happily as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close.
Malleus didn’t want to let go of the hug. He’s missed you, and now that you’re in his arms, he wants to stay that way forever. “Was this all for me, my love?” He asked and looked around the decorated dorm. You nodded in response. “Do you like it?”
“I love it. Thank you so much child of man.” He answered your question as you smiled and gave him a quick kiss. “Now let's have some fun!” you told him as you pulled him towards the others.
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reccyls · 8 months
Victor's Kiss of Friendship (Inexperienced Kiss XXX)
Victor: Well then, I'm off to the palace.
Kate: Okay, see you, Victor.
Victor: Thank you! Be good and watch the house for me while I'm away. If any wolves come knocking, you musn't open the door for them!
Victor was all smiles and jokes again as he left Crown's castle. He seemed reluctant to leave, and all the way until he got into his carriage, he kept looking back. Every time our eyes met, he waved at me vigorously. I smiled and waved back at him to see him off for today.
(Even though he can be pretty weird, Victor's always cheerful, friendly, and bright when he's with Crown...) (I don't think he'd keep the same attitude when in front of the queen, since she rules over the entire country.)
Kate: I wonder what Victor is like when he's working as the queen's aide...
The only one around to hear my musings was William, who was elegantly taking his morning cup of tea.
William: If you're curious, why don't you go observe him for today? William: It so happens that Victor forgot to bring some documents with him today. You're an expert at delivering things, aren't you, robin?
And thus, William handed me some envelopes and I left to go see Victor in the middle of work.
Normally, it would be difficult for someone ordinary like me to enter the palace. The moment you step foot onto the palace grounds, the royal guards would probably spot you immediately and send you off. However, Victor had given me special permission "as the dear guest of the queen's aide", and so I was able to make my way to Victor's office without incident.
(Since it looks like Victor is in the middle of a meeting, I was told to just wait here...) (But for some reason, the atmosphere in the palace is making me kind of anxious...)
I would usually be accompanied by someone else from Crown if I needed to come to the palace. Now that I'm alone, the solemn atmosphere of the palace is a little overwhelming.
William had said, "These documents are important so be sure to hand them to him personally". So I can't just leave them on his desk and head back.
(Seeing Victor's smile again would make me feel better, I hope he comes back soon...)
Shortly after, I heard two sets of footsteps approaching. The door swung open, and Victor along with another man entered the office. I felt relieved as I spotted Victor's familiar form. However--
Victor: Ridiculous. That matter should have been resolved by now.
Victor's curt tone surprised me, and I lost my chance to call out to him.
(...Huh? Was that really Victor who spoke just now?)
The two of them were arguing near the door, and neither had noticed that I was inside the room.
Man from parliament: But there are some issues! Man from parliament: If we just push ahead all of a sudden, that's just asking for internal pushback...
Victor: If all we're risking is some infighting between those who are complacent about their own interests, then wouldn't you call that a bargain?
Man from parliament: I... is that truly the queen's will? Or is that what you want?
Victor: Are you accusing me of subverting the queen's will for my own personal gain?
At being questioned, Victor's gaze turned cold and dangerous. The level of tension between the two of them made it hard for me to breathe, and it felt as though the temperature of the room had dropped by a few degrees.
Victor: Aah, and while we're on this topic... I've been hearing some strange rumors about a businessman that you've been cozying up to as of late.
Victor lowered his voice and whispered a few words to the man. Whatever he said caused the man's face to instantly lose all color.
Man from parliament: I have something to do, please excuse me...!
Victor: Sure. Best to keep dogs securely on their leashes, right?
Victor's words, said with a smile, seemed to strike a nerve in the man. Losing all his previous confidence, he bowed his head deeply to Victor, and then fled the room.
(This Victor is like a completely different person from the Victor I know...)
Victor: .....Kate?
Finally noticing my presence, Victor's eyes widened in surprise. The coldness in his gaze was gone, and his crystal-like eyes sparkled.
Kate: S-sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop!
Victor: It's my fault for not realizing you were there, don't worry about it. But, why are you here?
Kate: William asked me to deliver some documents you forgot.
...And also because I wanted to know what he was like while working as the queen's aide. But I kept that ulterior motive hidden. Putting on a nonchalant expression, I handed Victor the documents.
Victor: I see! Thank you for coming all this way. As expected from a wonderful postal worker. Victor: Were you bored while waiting for me? Please, take a seat. I'll get some tea for us.
Kate: No, it's all right. I wouldn't want to be a bother... I'll be on my way now.
I hurriedly turned to leave, making my way past Victor, who was now acting like a different person entirely from how he acted as the queen's aide. I suddenly felt ashamed of myself and how I come here for my own personal indulgence, as if I was just here to sightsee.
Victor: ...Are you afraid?
Kate: Huh?
The pain in Victor's voice stopped me in my tracks just as I was heading for the door.
Victor: You heard that entire conversation earlier, didn't you? Victor: And you're afraid now, because I was acting differently than I do at the castle. Victor: So that's why you're in such a hurry to leave... Am I wrong?
Kate: That's not it! You didn't do anything wrong, Victor... Kate: I'm just embarrassed. Actually, the only reason I came here was because I was curious about what you're like when you're working.
As I revealed my selfishness, I was afraid, but Victor seemed to pay it no mind.
Victor: So, you don't hate me?
Kate: I could never! I just thought you were really serious while working.
At my denial, Victor let out a small mutter under his breath: "Thank goodness."
Victor: ...I was scared. I was so afraid that you would hate me.
Kate: I don't hate you at all. I was just surprised, you seemed like a different person...
Victor: ...It's the same for everyone. Everyone puts on a different act to suit each different situation. Victor: The face you show to your friends, to your family, and to Crown... They're all different, aren't they?
Kate: Well... yes, that's true.
Victor: But no matter what face you wear, you are still you. The person you are at your core does not change. Victor: It's the same for me. There is nothing fake in what I feel for all of Crown--or for you.
As if to prove it, Victor approached me, and-
Victor: ...
(A kissing sound plays)
He parted my fringe and placed a kiss upon my forehead.
Kate: !?
Victor: "A kiss on the forehead is one of friendship." ...Do you feel better, Kate?
His jewel-like eyes seemed to pierce right through me, seeing my nervousness at experiencing a new side of Victor.
Kate: ...I've been kissed on the forehead before. It was a blessing, a wish for happiness. Kate: I don't remember who that was... but I remember being really happy.
Victor: ...That sounds like a precious memory.
Kate: It is. I feel better now after remembering that. Thank you, Victor.
Victor: I'm glad you feel better. And now... would you like to stay for tea? Victor: And of course, we'll have some delicious snacks to go with it, too!
Kate: Yes, of course!
Victor smiled happily after I accepted the invitation I had previously declined, and began preparing tea.
(Anyway... I wonder how many faces Victor has.)
I want to see everything: the face he shows to friends, to Crown, to the queen. And more than that, I want the right to be shown all of those faces.
(Even though I regret the fact that I came to the palace today just to sate my curiosity...) (Why do I still want to know more about Victor...?)
Right now, I still couldn't put a name to the feelings that welled up inside of me from that first, gentle kiss.
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mrsvelez · 1 year
Just a Dream
(This is my first time doing this, I apologize for any grammar mistakes as English is my second language!)
You really didn’t know how this happened. It was beyond your comprehension how your real life seemed like a dream. You hold on to your suitcase as if it’s the one grounding you, a sacred link to confirm reality, that this was in fact your life. The feeling of an out of body experience was interrupted by the nice SAT agent saying,
- hope you have a fun time at Miami, girl!
- Gracias… thank you!
The truth is, you hope this isn’t JUST fun. You hope it is heavenly, magnificent, life changing, incredible, painfully amazing weekend. After all, this is the first and last time you plan to travel to meet a “stranger” to have a weekend away. The dream really started weeks ago when you got a notification on Instagram. Probably one of your besties tagging you in another almost too inappropriate meme. But it was actually a message. HOLY SHIT. It was a message from him, Christopher Vélez. WHAT!!? You had almost completely forgot how a few weeks maybe even months ago you sent a drunken racy message to him, saying all the things you want to do to him… and he read it? And answered it? A few polite and funny DMs happened here and there, but then the more you texted the more you wanted from him. One day, you asked about a call but both of your schedules were off, so naturally you thought this wasn’t real, you were a victim of catfishing! Christopher had no option but sending you a video of him laughing at your less than classy written outburst, accusing him of not being THE Christopher Velez. After you received the short video, you lost your mind, screaming and jumping in your bed. Once you were able to recover your breathing, a twisted but delicious idea came to your mind. I would like to come and meet you at Miami, if that’s ok with you. Your whole body was shaking once you pressed sent. The three dots showed up almost immediately. How about next weekend? You heard your jaw hit the floor, and started making all kinds of planning. As an independent woman, you wanted to pay for all your expenses, but he insisted on covering the hotel room for 2 nights. Hotel room? As in 1? must be for me, of course you thought. But your subconscious was already playing some kinky scenarios in your sleep. Repeated images of endless possibilities of limbs, mouths and skin intertwined were abruptly interrupted by an alarm reminding passengers to keep track of their belongings and not to trust strangers. You took one look at your suitcase and laugh about its content - it would be pretty embarrassing if a stranger stole it and look at the skimpy content. Well, maybe not all strangers but, you know…
Looking around, seems like nobody noticed you squirming on your seat trying to alíviate the expectation building between your legs. You licked your lips one more time and grabbed your phone to play some music, maybe some Taylor Swift? On shuffle? First song - I Knew You Were Trouble. Skip. Why is my playlist already playing mind games on you? Then, Dress. Skip again. This feels personal. Next song, Death By A Thousand Cuts - ok, at least a humbling melody, preparing you for this experience to be over. It’s going to be a long flight…
The minute the plane touched ground, your heart moved from your chest to your mouth. There were no brain cells left, just pure unhinged lust. Your libido guided you to the closest restroom to get out of your comfy traveling black outfit into a silky slip on red dress, that you bought at the mall the next day after your decision to “visit” Miami. Your hair was looking somehow bouncy man’s voluminous but you were sure the city heat will be merciless, so you arranged it in the best possible way. Some make up on and you took one last breath as a respectable, decent woman. This weekend, I’m a hoe. Christopher Velez’s hoe.
It’s was almost like a checklist going on in your head so you could feel remotely like a functioning adult: get an Uber. Are you breathing? Open the door and take a sit. Yes, yes, thank God for good weather. No, I’m not from Miami. This is the hotel, thank you. Elevadores? Gracias. One foot in front of the other. Take a deep breath. Knock on the door. Checked the number. Are your feet still on the ground? Yes, no floating away. Check down at your boobs, yes they still look great. No need to check your heart beat, you can feel it pounding in your chest, in your ears, in your…
Feeling completely exposed, looking for security cameras around the hallway as if you were about to commit a hideous crime. An eternity went by until you heard the door unlock. Your knuckles white from your hand being in a tight fist. Seeing Christopher there, right in front of you and within reach at the door made your knees weak, and God knows what kind of grin was on your face, but you could feel the heat crawling up your cheeks.
- hola mami - he said as he gestures to come inside the room. You can feel your heartbeat skip a beat.
- Hola - you’re not sure if it was a word, a sigh, or a prayer.
- como estas? How was your flight?
How could he be so casual about this? His arms go around you to give you a hug, right arm above you shoulder and left arm around your waist. You do the same, feeling the tightness of his chest and taking in his intoxicating scent. Musky and almost sweet. You feel your underwear getting moist down there. Christopher pulls back a little and smirks at you, probably your already have a the horniest facial expresión known to human kind. You let go of the hug after staying in his arms for a second too long.
- quieres algo de tomar? Agua?
You place your suitcase by the closet and walk into the room. Remembering to be fully present in this adventure you choose, you gather all self control you have left to turn on your toes, give the biggest smile matching his, and say as innocently as possible, yes please, thanks! You’re so proud of yourself being able to articulate more than two words. Your breathing is almost too loud, as if you just climb the stairs to get to the 15th floor.
Christopher hands you a water bottle from the mini bar, and when you reach out to it you intentionally touch his fingers. You’re shaking. Sparks fly. Whoa. You forgot what water was for, and put it back on the table next to you, making you both bursting into laughter for the silliness of the situation. Christopher takes a step closer to you and says:
- está bien si no quieres agua, guapa, yo no me enojo.
He’s close enough to touch your forearm, sending electric waves EVERYWHERE. Your mind plays dirty on you and you say with a wink:
- pero no estamos aquí para tomar agua!
Christopher smiles back with his thousand dollar smile, looking up and down on you and says:
- Con ese vestido, se me ocurren muchas cosas mas que podemos tomar.
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ac-liveblogs · 6 months
Sad to hear that you seemingly haven't been enjoying Penacony so far. I agree with all your criticism how it kinda fails building up a mystery because it gives things away to soon and how subtility is kinda dead, despite that I still personally enjoyed it. Mostly the story bits that focused on Aventurine ( + Dr. Ratio) because I honestly can't even remember what the others were up to the entire time.
Also yeah the anniversary event feels more like one of hoyoverses webevents just put directly into the game. I hope next year they involve actual gameplay at least.
It's disappointing to me too... I was really hoping we'd see some improvement. Allow me to rant a bit but like... how can I get invested in a supposedly character-driven murder mystery (where everyone has their own hidden agendas) -
- that goes out of its way to knock out the three main suspects in the first 20 minutes of patch 2.1?
If it weren't for the 6 week break, 2/3 of Aventurine's accusations regarding Acheron would've been confirmed via flashback like... 5 minutes after he made them (extremely anticlimactically no less), and before you can even go 'well if she's a murderer and an Emanator she's dangerous enough IG' the game is going 'chill, the Trailblazer isn't in danger from her! ....OR Sam, who also tells you why he's in Penacony for the most part...'
And before you worry about what Aventurine wants from you despite the fact he told you 80% of what he wants from you, he immediately divulges the other 20% in the bizarre playable Aventurine segment which ALSO confirms he didn't kill Robin...
Black Swan and Sparkle are in a weird position too bc Black Swan feels very superfluous (not helped by her main contribution RN being trying to investigate Acheron... when we already learnt the thing she's investigating via flashback...) and Sparkle is just... odd.
I think Acheron panned out this way because HYV really really really wanted to give her those aesthetic trailers I haven't watched and I'm pretty sure Sparkle is a casualty of being a 2.0 banner character + HYV just being very scared to make playable characters seem like genuinely bad people lest folks not roll but... it's not an excuse? And it sucks to read???
Fontaine and Penacony are just HYV being bad at writing mysteries in two completely opposing ways, its fascinating.
I'm at the Aventurine + Ratio segment right now, and I'm really curious which part of this MURDER MYSTERY HYV thinks I'm going to care about bc man... they are making the characters a real hard sell.
There certainly is Ratio+Aventurine banter but I keep getting annoyed by how often the game tries to beat you over the head with AVENTURINE IS A GAMBLER like showing him fighting with dice and saying he's a gambler/using gambling metaphors, constantly, are a decent substitute for I don't know. Actually gambling???? He's my kind of character IN THEORY but they just won't commit to the bittttt
(Consequence of it being 6 weeks between patches I completely forgot why Ratio is even here.)
The thing I liked in early HSR (Belobog) was being able to stay in a committed party with Dan Heng and March 7th for the most part. Being split up from the party for a mystery the game is having a really hard time selling as something I should care about is... exhausting...
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jonroxton · 2 years
corrine the child murderer: don’t talk to john amos he’s fucked up
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sailoryooons · 2 years
for the yoongi request!!!
basically him and reader get locked out from just anywhere of your choosing. somehow they fall into a deep talk where yoongi then proceeds to reveal he's never gotten head before... and well... whatever you want to happen make it happen ;) [leaving a lot up to you cause i know u can with your genius ass brain]
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❀ Pairing: Yoongi x female reader
❀ Summary: You've been friends with Yoongi for as long as you remember. When he tells you he's never - and he means never - received oral in his life, you take it upon yourself to lend a mouth hand
❀ Word Count: 2,704
❀ Genre: pwp, friends to lovers (implied)
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
❀ Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sexual content including oral (male receiving), spit and cum play, deep throating, Yoongi is a shy mess, implications to previous hookups, recreational drinking if you squint
❀ Published: August 10, 2022
❀ A/N: Lati baby, I am so glad you requested this. Your mind is elite and I expect nothing less from my wife. I’m so sorry I’m posting this after your mini-hiatus / going back to school – please take this as my apology. I completely forgot the part about being locked out somewhere when I wrote this pls forgive my idiotic brain. I love you very much and you mean the world to me – enjoy sloppy toppy for Yoons.
❀ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
Masterlist | Ask | Hali’s Happy Agust Request Fill |
“What?” you demanded, almost dropping the beer in your hand. Your knees were pulled to your chest, tile roof rough under your ass as you stared at Yoongi. He hid his face in hands, neck flushed. Ears red. Cute. “I need you to say that again.”
“Please don’t make me.”
There is no way Min Yoong – beautiful, soft, with eyes like a stormy night and a smile a soft autumn morning – has never received a blow job. The thought makes your head spin and you lay backward on the roof of your childhood home, where you’re both catching up on summer break.
“We’re about to be seniors in college,” you accuse him, pressing a clammy hand to your heated forehead. “Yoongi - you fuck.”
He groans. “I know, but I don’t like asking for them to return the favorite.”
“So, you’re just out here going down on people with no reward?”
“I mean, I have sex.”
“I’m just. Wow. Never?”
Bo, your neighbor’s dog, starts barking, the only sound besides the crickets. Yoongi tongues the inside of his cheek you recognize the look as mounting irritation.
“Shut up, Bo!” you holler, trying to diffuse the tension.
It doesn’t work.
Yoongi is not often irritated. He’s been your friend since high school – your what if for even longer – and you know everything about him. You know that he isolates himself when stressed, chewing his nails until they're red and you threaten him with princess band-aids. You know that sometimes when he thinks you’re not looking, he watches cat videos on his phone while you cook dinner. You know that Yoongi is selective about the people he sleeps with, preferring steady and consistent hookups to one-night stands.
So it absolutely baffles you that Min Yoongi – with his silky black hair tucked gently behind his ears, with his feline-sharp eyes, and his blush pout – has never gotten head. He is – god – he is stunning. You've always thought so. You know others do too. So how has his giving gotten in the way of receiving?
You admire him. He’s in an old flannel, a t-shirt and ripped jeans tonight. Something inside of you heats up. You lick your lips. Your throat feels dry.
Shoving thoughts of what his dick must feel like away, you focus on him. The way he won’t look at you, and the way he picks at his cuticles, his bottle of beer forgotten. His jaw jumps and he tongues the inside of his cheek again before wiping his palms on his knees.
“It was a stupid thing to admit,” he mumbles. “It’s late, I’m gonna head out.”
He ignores the cashmere-soft way you say his name. He pushes himself off the piece of roof tucked under your bedroom window, dusting his jeans and flannel off. You call after him again, but he grabs his beer. Ducks inside of the window.
He's embarrassed. You only hesitate for a moment before your foot is catching on the windowsill, sending you spilling onto the floor of your bedroom. Your beer is still out on the porch, humidity making it drip onto the dark tile.
“Are you okay?” he drifts back from your bedroom door. “Jesus, slow down.”
You’re a tangle of limbs and fussy apologies. You right yourself, managing to get to your knees. You blink up at him and your words pause. His brow is creased as he looks down at you. His face is still rosy from the beer and the embarrassment.
For a moment, Yoongi looks small. Not in size or stature, but shy. Tucked into himself. His fingers play with the end of his old flannel, and he’s chewing on the corner of his lip. He’s beautiful. It isn’t the first time you’ve thought it. It isn’t the last. But with you on your knees, looking up at him, everything else seems to drift away on the August breeze.
“Let me.” Your words barely carrying to him. His gaze darkens but he cocks his head to the side, unsure what you’re asking. You sink your weight onto the back of your calves, hands splayed on your thighs. “Let me show you.”
He scoffs. “That’s not funny.”
“I’m not laughing.”
“I don’t need my dick sucked out of pity.”
“I don’t pity you.”
He’s frowning, but you see a flicker on his eyes. It’s so quick that you’re not sure if you’re right. You squirm and lick your lips, looking up at him through rounded eyes and fluttering lashes. His foot slides back, a step toward the door.
“I want to,” you whisper. You don’t move an inch, terrified of chasing him away.
The words are true. Even before you became best friends in Mrs. Myers 10th grade literature class, you’d admired him from afar. He was always quiet. Not in a weird way, but in that way that Yoongi didn’t speak unless he felt like he had something to say.
When placed next to you in Mrs. Myers class, you paired together for a project on Dante’s Inferno. You’d discovered that he was a little warmer after time spent together, and he discovered you enjoyed dry humor. There were a few other things you had in common, but often, you found yourself sitting in the lunchroom with him.
Yoongi was easy. He didn’t make you question where you stood with him. You had always harbored a soft crush, but that took a backseat to friendship. It had worn away with time. He saw other people and so did you. You enjoyed things together, but never like that.
You didn’t resent the partners who stole bits of Yoongi’s time. But you did resent the fact that they never once thought about him. Never once considered that they should return the favor.
“You don’t want to,” he scoffed. But it was half-hearted and unsure, upturned at the end like a question. “Why?”
“You’re beautiful.” He flushes red and tucks his chin against his chest, letting his hair hide is face. “I’ve always wondered.”
“Wondered what?”
“What it would be like to touch you. To taste you.”
His head tilts toward the ceiling. “Fuck. You’re serious?”
“Please. Unless you don’t want me to.”
Yoongi relents. “I do...”
“Let me. Please.”
He moves toward the bed slowly, as though any sudden movement will chase you away. You crawl toward him, eyes only for him. Your stomach flips as you settle on your knees in front of him. They're a little sore from baring your weight, but you ignore it, quick breaths fanning between your lips.
Your eyes drop to his jeans. They're light wash and well-fitted. Dragging your eyes back up, you look at him. He props himself up, leaning backward with his palms spread on your bed. He looks down at you, somewhere between frightened and something... darker.
“Can I touch you?” you whisper, squirming back and forth on your knees. He nods, catching his bottom lip with his teeth.
Gently, you put your palms on his knees. He jumps a little but settles. His eyes don’t leave you as you brush your hands up and down his thighs, applying a little pressure in the tips of your fingers to massage the muscle through the thick material.
He sighs, almost inaudible. His fingers tighten in your sheets a little, spurring you further. You lift yourself between his legs, extending as high as you can on your knees as you squeeze his thighs. “Kiss me.”
You huff. “I want to kiss you.”
Yoongi must hear how deadly serious you are. He surges forward with a new-found confidence, nearly knocking you over as he steals your mouth with his. His hands catch you, cradling your face as his fingers press bruise-hard into your jaw, desperate to keep your lips against his.
Everything is white noise. You no longer hear the chirping crickets outside of your window. You don’t hear the neighbor's dog barking anymore. It's just Yoongi and the warm taste of his honey-wheat beer. His lips are petal soft, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth.
You dig your nails into his thighs, drawing a deep whine from the back of his throat. It sends you into a frenzy, licking into his mouth. His tongue eagerly meets yours, hands moving to the sides of your neck, holding you in place and oh that feels good when he squeezes a little, reasserting some level of dominance.
Sucking on his tongue, you break away for a moment, a single glossy line of spit connecting your lips. Your eyes open just a bit to find him heaving, flushed, and lips red. He opens his eyes and it's like he has no irises, pupils blown out and starving.
Has this hunger inside you always been so severe?
Yes, you think as you connect your mouths eagerly once more. Always.
Brave hands drift to Yoongi’s semi-hard cock. You grip him firmly through his jeans, drawing succulent sounds from his mouth. You moan too, spurred on by the noises he makes for you. Your heart is pounding as you stroke him through the fabric, gasping between kisses turned messy with tongues and spit.
“Please,” he begs between a kiss.
You don’t hesitate. You pull the zipper of his pants. He lifts his hips for you, leaning back again on two hands. He's hard now, straining against stark briefs. Your mouth water, zeroing in on the size of him just through his boxers.
“Fuck, maybe that’s why no one returned the favor.”
You realize you’ve spoken your fear aloud. You look up at him. Your face is burning and you’re so giddy with excitement laced with anxiety that you might pass out. “Um, your cock is sort of huge.”
He arches a brow. “You asked for it.” Your nails dig into his exposed thigh and he squirms. “Fuck, okay. Thanks for the compliment, I guess. Yeah, I’ve had someone tell me a time or two they didn’t want to try.”
“Fuck them,” you growl. “I’ll take care of you.”
You lean up again, hands playing with the elastic band of his briefs. Your tongue darts out to kitten-lick the dark spot forming on his briefs. He gasps, hips twitching at the contact. Your mouth continues to explore newly exposed skin. You bite his inner thighs, thicker than you remember them being. You suck marks on his hips, pulling his t-shirt up a bit to give you access to smooth skin.
“Off,” you mumble, pulling the elastic after a single kiss to his tip. “Wanna see you.”
Once again, he lifts his hips. You pull on the briefs, swiftly discarding them. Your eyes drink him in. Long and thick – your fingers definitely won’t touch when you grip him – pretty, flushed tip leaking pearly beads of precum.
Larger than you’ve had in your mouth. But you’re willing to take on the challenge for Yoongi. Anything for Yoongi.
“Fuck,” you whisper, kissing his knee absently. “You’re so fucking pretty, Yoongs.”
“Shut up.”
You smile and bat your lashes at him. You grip him at the base, skin velvety under your touch. You give a slow experimental stroke and his head falls backward, eyes shut. “I mean it,” you whisper. You gather spit in your mouth, leaning up and tilting the head of his cock toward your lips. You let the spit dribble out, dripping down his head onto the shaft. He curses. “So fucking pretty.”
Using the mixture of spit and cum, you pump your hand slowly up and down his shaft, watching with rapt attention as he reacts. He shudders under your hands, Adam’s apple bobbing, throat pink.  His eyes are closed, head tilted back, fingers white knuckling the sheets.
Tentatively, you lean down and flick your tongue under the crown of his cock. He moans loudly then, lips parting in a rush of air. He is a work of art. Soft planes, swaths of pink, silken at the edges. You take the tip in your mouth, suckling and running your tongue slowly around the head, drawing more noises out of him.
“Fuck, I am not going to last.”
You remove your mouth with a pop. You kiss the tip and grip him at the base, tracing the underside of his shaft with your tongue, greedily licking at the in there. His hips buck again. You don’t care as you lap him tip to base, taking a moment to stroke him with your hand while you lick at his balls.
“Baby,” he growls. A warning.
The new nickname softens you. You don’t want to ruin the experience by making him cum from teasing. It's about him, as much as you want to see him pant.
“Sorry,” you murmur, kissing a thigh. “I like the sounds you make.”
“Don’t be sorry. Feels good.”
You hum, pleased.
Settling, you take him into your mouth properly. You moan in the back of your throat, the salty sweet taste intoxicating. Yoongi is difficult to fit in your mouth. You hollow your cheeks and flatten your tongue, slowly bobbing your head, taking more in the warmth of your mouth each time you descend.
What you can’t fit in your mouth, you make up for in a steady grip with your hand, pumping and twisting. Yoongi is immediately affected, whining and cursing softly. He can’t stop squirming, a hand shooting to the back of your head, fingers pressing desperately to your skull. He doesn’t force you, just grips, hanging onto you for year life.
“Fuck,” he curses again, voice rumbling in his chest. “So fucking good, please don’t stop.”
You wouldn’t dream of stopping.
You're messy, sucking him with vigor. Drool leaks out the side of your mouth, dripping down his hard shaft. You alternate from bobbing your head up and down, sucking generously. You come up to release him with a pop, licking hungrily around the tip and down his cock to catch a breath.
Yoongi gets more and more worked up. His fingers press against your scalp and he’s rambling. You want to see him fall apart. He deserves it. Sweet Yoongi who has always done his part with his partners. Caring Yoongi who held your hand when you suffered breakups.
Taking a breath through your nose and digging your nails into his thigh, you take him all the way into your throat, swallowing around him. Your eyes smart as you choke for a second. He makes a panicked noise, but you pin him down, claws to thigh, breathing through your nose as you let up a little, coming up to pop.
Drool dribbles down your chin with a mix of cum. You stroke him quicker, looking up at him as you blink tears out of your eyes. He's so fucked out you can’t help but rub your thighs together. Yoongi is beautiful and blushing and messy.
Your Yoongi.
“I can handle it,” you promise, tongue experimentally flicking his slit. “Don’t worry. Let me.”
“Are you sure?”
Yoongi watches you, hypnotized as you do it again, deep throating him in one motion. The choked noises are delicious, accompanied with the soft bass of Yoongi’s deep moans and the staccato of his breathing.
His cock twitches in your mouth. Your hand ventures from his base to his balls, fondling gently, reverently.
“I’m gonna-”
Yoongi chokes himself as he falls backward on the bed. You feel him go taught like a bowstring, coming up just slightly as he cums down your throat. His noises are light and gasping, stroking your ego as you suck him through his orgasm.
His thighs are twitching and the hand in your hair goes slack. Yoongi turns boneless as you swallow the saltiness of him, lifting your mouth. Spit and cum gloss over your chin and lips, a sinful sheen. He is panting, his hand shooting to your hair again, grabbing onto you and pulling you up from sore knees.
“Come here,” he growls.
You're pulled on top of him, knocking limbs and numb knees. He crashes your mouth to his, licking at you, devouring your lips, tongue, and the slick between. His hands squeeze your hips, his nose brushes yours.
“That felt so fucking good,” he growls. “Now let me.”
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taexual · 3 years
ATEEZ / you don’t realize he has feelings for you
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genre: friends to (hopefully) lovers au
warning: fluff, some angst & pining
requested by anonymous.
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↣ seonghwa
The fact that he had a crush on you was so painfully obvious that the rest of the boys were completely dumbfounded whenever Seonghwa did or said something so clearly flirty, but you only laughed and forgot about it.
And he was really using your ignorance to his advantage – there’s not a chance he would have told you that the two of you looked good together, if he didn’t think his comment was going to fly completely over your head.
“We do,” you agreed with him, as you two looked through pictures from your most recent camping trip with your friends. There were only a few pictures of you and Seonghwa together, but those were, of course, the ones that he’d marked with a star for ‘important’ before he sent them to you. “We should take more pictures together.”
Absolutely delighted that you would suggest this, Seonghwa got his phone out from his pocket immediately.
“We should!” he said, turning the camera on. “I need a new lockscreen.”
“Whoa, hey, I don’t mean right now,” you turned away from him as he extended his hand and angled the front camera to fit you both into the frame. “And why would you even use this as your lockscreen? The clock is going to cover up our faces.”
Beaming now – literally; the boy was nearly euphoric – he nodded. “Good point. We should take several pictures and make a collage.”
That wasn’t exactly what you’d meant, but he had a counter-argument ready for whatever else you might have said – his next option was going to be printing the pictures out and taping them on his walls in place of wallpaper – so you didn’t fight it too much.
You posed for selfies with him in every cliché way you could come up with – and just laughed in the last few because of how many different selfie ideas he had; a true professional – and then you watched over his shoulder as he scrolled through the pictures, choosing which ones to use in the collage.
“I like this one the most,” he said, stopping on the picture where you were laughing so hard, your head was thrown back slightly, while he was attempting to make a heart with you over your heads. “You look happy in it.”
“No, my face looks dumb here,” you disagreed, attempting to swipe it away only for him to pull his phone out of your reach. “Don’t use that one.”
“That’s the one I have to use,” he insisted. “I want to look at your dumb face.”
You gave him a look then, your eyebrows furrowed slightly. For a minute there, Seonghwa’s heart seemed to stop beating and he thought he’d finally gone too far with his not-so-subtle comments. But then you laughed – as always – and slapped his shoulder half-heartedly.
“You only like it because I look weird,” you said and even though it was supposed to be an accusation, it sounded more like an excuse – like the fact that he wanted to keep looking at that picture wasn’t a big deal. It had nothing to do with you, or how he felt about you.
Seonghwa went with it, because it was easier that way. “Yeah. That—that’s definitely the only reason why.”
↣ hongjoong
The way he listened to you when you spoke should have been the first clue. The way he always asked you to tell him more – regardless of how trivial and even boring your topic of choice was – should have been the second one. Finally, the way he actually remembered everything that you told him, should have been the third clue that Hongjoong was, in fact, head over heels in love with you.
And yet, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” was what you said when Seonghwa brought that up. “He’s like this with everyone. That’s just who he is.”
“He told me to shut up yesterday,” Seonghwa countered, “after I warned him that San and I may have started a little fire in the kitchen.”
“Well, he was probably busy and—” you stopped then, and looked over his shoulder at the kitchen behind him. It seemed to be in a good enough shape. “You didn’t burn anything, did you?”
“Unfortunately, no,” he replied. Just as you lifted your eyebrows, unsure if you wanted to know why that was unfortunate, Seonghwa added, “my point is, he doesn’t treat you like that.”
“And you think it’s unfair?” you asked.
“I think he’s in lo—”
“Park Seonghwa!” suddenly thundered in the dorm and both of you flinched, turning your heads towards a very panicked Hongjoong, who was making his way towards you both. He addressed you first, “I didn’t know you were coming over today,” and then he turned to Seonghwa, “and I assume you have somewhere to be?”
Seonghwa shrugged, unfazed. “Actually, no. I—”
“Really?” Hongjoong asked, staring the other member down. “Are you absolutely sure about that?”
Their silent battle lasted for over a minute, neither willing to blink or back out. You were starting to feel left out, but then Seonghwa finally sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Fine. I do have somewhere to be. I’ll figure out where on my way,” he said, not concealing the sarcasm in his words. Then, he bit one more time, shooting you a knowing look, “but just so you both know, you can’t run away from your feelings.”
Hongjoong looked ready to tackle him. “Seonghwa—”
“I’m leaving now,” Seonghwa said, giving you a wave and only grinning at the other boy as he walked past him towards the door. “Have a nice date—I meant, day.”
He dipped his head right on time to avoid the keys that Hongjoong tossed at him, and they rattled loudly to the floor by the front door. You could hear Seonghwa laugh as he leaned down to pick them up on his way out.
“What was that about?” you asked after you heard the front door close.
“Nothing,” Hongjoong answered you with what he considered to be a very smooth, and not at all inconspicuous, lie. “I’m glad you here. Hey, why don’t we hang out in my room since Seonghwa has other plans?”
↣ yunho
He wouldn’t have suffered over your ignorance so badly, if it wasn’t for that stupid kiss at Wooyoung’s birthday party last year. Most unfortunately for Yunho, all the boys knew that he had feelings for you, and all seven of them conspired against him, proposing a game of Truth or Dare just so they could dare him to kiss you.
He did. And, even though that kiss was all he could think about for every single day since it happened, he couldn’t figure out if it meant as much for you, as it did for him.
You kissed him back – he thought you did, but he was hyper-aware of everything in that moment, so he’s not too sure – although, maybe that was only because you felt pressured by your mutual friends, screeching in the background like lunatics.
“What should we do for Wooyoung’s birthday this year?” Yunho tried to ask you, hoping it would sound as subtle out loud, as it had in his head. “Because we should probably try to avoid last year’s disaster, right?”
He laughed in an attempt to seem even more nonchalant, but then ended up having to cover it up with a cough, because his laughter sounded far too desperate to seem realistic.
“I don’t know,” you replied with a shrug, not catching any of his nervousness as you were focused on scrolling through your phone. “I don’t think last year was that bad.”
That was a good sign. Yunho dared to proceed, “really? How about when he suggested Truth or Dare?”
“Very immature of him,” you commented, “but I’m sure that wasn’t even the worst game that he could come up with.”
Huh. Perhaps he’d been too subtle.
“I-if he dares me to do something weird again, I’ll move out, I swear,” Yunho said, happy to see you smile in response, despite the slight tremor in his voice.
“If you mean the kiss,” you started to say, and he could feel the way his heart skipped a beat, “then I think you have to pack your bags. Wooyoung is definitely going to come up with something like that again, you know what he’s like.”
You sounded just indifferent enough about this that he felt bold enough to ask, “and you, uh—you don’t mind that?”
You shrugged again. “What can we do? He’s our friend.”
Alright, that was fair. That was okay. Yunho decided to accept this.
You may not have explicitly said that you enjoyed the kiss, but you didn’t say you hated it, either, and that wasn’t so bad. Not to mention, the fact that you didn’t seem to object against kissing him again was already far more than he expected from this conversation, and he suddenly had something to look forward to.
↣ yeosang
The fact that he knew you loved sweets and so, he brought you chocolates—or any kind of candy he could get his hands on, really—whenever he went to see you, should have been a clear enough indication that he was in love with you, and yet, you—purposefully?—chose not to see it that way.
“Be honest now,” you said as you unwrapped the bag of M&M’s he’d brought for your movie night, “are you feeding me to fatten me up and then cook me?”
He snorted, reaching for a handful of candy when you offered it to him. “Uh, sure. Why don’t you come to my gingerbread house first?”
Smiling, you sat down next to him and handed him the TV remote as it was his turn to pick the movie you would watch.
“Really, though,” you said. “If you’re pulling a Pavlov on me and trying to condition me into feeling happiness whenever I see you, because of the candy, then it’s working.”
“Hey, now, hold on a second,” he put the M&M’s in his mouth, chewed them thoughtfully for a minute, swallowed, and then looked at you with his eyebrows raised. “You only feel happy about seeing me because of the candy?”
“Well,” you blinked, teasing him, “was that not your intention?”
“My intention is to make you happy,” he replied without thinking about it twice.
He regretted saying that as soon as the sentence was out of his mouth – in the words of one Chandler Bing, could he be more obvious? – especially since you gave him a big smile and a pat on the head in response. He was mortified.
“Oh, okay. You’re setting unforeseen standards for all best friends everywhere,” you said warmly, not even realizing the weight—or the impact—of your words. “Thank you for that.”
That hurt a little, he had to admit. It felt like you’d just drawn very clear boundaries for your relationship, and he dreaded to think that it was because he took it too far.
But then, later that same night, you fell asleep on his shoulder before the movie was even halfway through, and he forgot about the hurt and the dread immediately. You were okay. And he was just happy to be here with you.
↣ san
Whenever someone in the room said a joke, his head automatically turned to you, because the sight of you smiling or—please, someone check his pulse—laughing, made his heart feel ten times bigger, and he could barely keep it inside of his chest.
This was insignificant enough so that you didn’t pick up on it, but soon enough, your mutual friends began to exchange glances whenever they caught San staring at you – which was often; he wasn’t exactly clever or subtle about it.
“San, quick question,” Yunho said at one of the house-parties that the boys threw for your mutual friends. Once San turned to look at him, Yunho nodded his head at you. “What color was the shirt that she wore last Friday for dinner at our house?”
“She didn’t wear a shirt, she wore a dress,” San replied immediately. He was already too drunk to sense the older boy’s ruse. “And it was dark red. Why do you ask?”
Because Yunho didn’t actually remember your outfit at all, he needed your confirmation before he could officially declare his mission a success. He turned to look at you, hoping you’d react just like he was expecting you to. And, blissfully, you did.
“I—how do you remember that?” you asked San, your eyes wide.
“Oh,” he hesitated while Yunho was beaming victoriously in the background. “I—I mean, I thought the color made your eyes look nice, so it just—I don’t know. I’m just paying attention. You looked good. Y-you always look—hey, I’m going to get a drink. Want anything?”
He stood up from his seat and didn’t even wait for you to reply before he walked away, mumbling that he was going to “get you a drink anyway”. You looked at Yunho and the shit-eating grin on his face, and raised your eyebrows in question.
“That was weird thing to ask,” you told him.
“Was it?” he said, pursing his lips teasingly. “Or was it his memory that was weird?”
“You heard him,” you retorted. “He said he was paying attention.”
Yunho couldn’t have been grinning wider if he tried, as he watched San return with your favorite drink and then smile at you with the stupidest, most loving eyes that Yunho had ever seen on another person.
“You are so blind,” he said, but you were no longer listening, too captivated by whatever joke San was trying to make, just so he could hear you laugh again.
↣ mingi
He wanted to see you all the time, to the point where the other boys begged you to stay, just so they wouldn’t have to listen to him whine about how he ‘already missed you’ even though you only left not even five minutes ago.
“Please, it’s an emergency,” was the text that you got from San as soon as you unlocked the door of your apartment, having returned from the boys’ place.
Before you could ask what happened, he sent you another text, explaining ominously, “Mingi is dying.”
“Not funny,” you texted back. “What’s going on?”
You didn’t get to read his response because you saw an incoming call from Mingi—clearly not dead yet—himself.
Not bothering to lock the door in case you would have to leave again, you picked up the call in the hallway of your apartment, hoping to hear a proper explanation. “Yeah—?”
“HEY!” Mingi was yelling; very much alive and very loud. “WHATEVER THEY TELL YOU! DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM! THEY ARE LIARS! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF—!”
The line got cut off right after a loud screech somewhere in the background of his call. Completely confused, you removed your phone from your ear and debated if you should call him back and risk becoming a witness to murder, or if it would be better to wait until they all calmed down and told you what was it that happened in the twenty minutes that you weren’t there.
Before you could come to a decision, another text from San popped up on your phone.
“He is lying on the floor, refusing to get up unless you come back,” the messages were saying. It was hard to tell if this was the lie that Mingi had just warned you about.
You began to text back – your heart calmer now you knew that they hadn’t actually murdered him yet – but then a text from Yunho distracted you.
“Could you do me a favor?” one of his texts said. Before you could react, another one showed up, “adopt Mingi please.”
Almost laughing now, you got back to typing your text to San – he seemed to be the one most likely to recap what had happened – but a yet another incoming call from Mingi showed up at the top of your screen.
You took a deep breath before you picked up. Not sure if you’d hear screaming again or not, you didn’t bring your phone to your ear as you answered, wary, “hello?”
“Hi,” Mingi said, his calm voice filling your empty apartment. Relieved that whatever madness, that had overcome them after you left, had passed now, you finally locked your door and sat down on your couch in the living room.
“Hey,” you replied. “What’s going on over there? Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I am. Sorry—uh, the guys were just being weird,” he spoke, trying to sound very casual even though he’d just spent the past ten minutes attempting to wrestle seven phones out of seven pairs of hands. “They think I—I don’t know. They think I like you or something.”
“Oh,” that was not the explanation you’d been expecting. “W-why do they think that?”
“Uh—well, I don’t know. It’s dumb, right?” he laughed to conceal the fact that this was only dumb to the extent that he did not, exactly, like you. His feelings for you reached so far beyond that already. “So, anyway, what are you doing? Did you get home safely?”
He changed the topic effortlessly and, based on the way you sighed and didn’t ask any more questions, he’d also managed to avert the crisis. Just because he couldn’t manage to keep it a secret from the other boys, didn’t mean that he also felt ready to tell you about his feelings.
↣ wooyoung
Your friendship with Wooyoung had been by far the weirdest thing to the other boys. You continuously teased and flirted with each other, and – as an expression of peak absurdity – you even held hands sometimes “as a joke”. The hearts in Wooyoung’s eyes clearly showed that he wasn’t the one joking about this.
It ended up being Yeosang, who decided to ask you about this outright, just so they could all know: “so, are you, or aren’t you dating Wooyoung?”
The question seemed to come out of nowhere, and you looked up from your phone, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Come on,” he said, leaning against the wall of the living room where you’d been waiting for Wooyoung to join you. “You’re flirting with each other all the time.”
Scoffing now, you lifted your eyebrows. “What are you talking about? We’re just joking around.”
Yeosang gave you a look. You gave him one right back, seemingly challenging him.
“Okay,” he said, making conclusions about this based on the honesty in your eyes – you genuinely didn’t understand where this was coming from. “Don’t tell me you don’t think he means what he says.”
You were already starting to laugh at the ridiculousness of that statement, but the solemn expression on Yeosang’s face forced you to pause. “He—he does?”
“You don’t?” he shot back.
“I… well—”
“What are the two of you,” Wooyoung suddenly popped up from his room – as he tended to do, being small and fast and unreasonably quiet on his feet – and sat down on the couch next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulders, “talking about?”
His affection suddenly seemed to gain a new meaning and Yeosang, catching the panicked look in your eye, cleared his throat. He realised that he might have unintentionally pointed your and Wooyoung’s friendship in a completely unexplored direction.
“I was just saying how your hair had been looking really nice lately,” Yeosang replied, not wanting Wooyoung to suffocate him with a pillow while he was sleeping if he found out what he’d just done. “A-and she said she thought so, too.”
His face radiating joy – aside from the teasing glint in his eye, of course – Wooyoung turned his head until his face was right in front of yours. “You really think so?”
Yeosang bolted right out of the room before you could reply or, worse, force him to third-wheel while you and Wooyoung finally discussed your feelings.
Because of this, Yeosang didn’t know what the outcome of that discussion was or, actually, if you even had one, because when Wooyoung was walking you to the door at the end of the night, the two of you were holding hands again, like you always were.
↣ jongho
He never said no to you, no matter what. You didn’t think much of it, until he showed up at the game of your favorite team – that he didn’t care much about – to keep you company, because your friend had bailed on you at the last minute. And it didn’t matter that he was sneezing every three seconds and could not say a sentence without bursting into a coughing fit.
“You’re sick,” you declared after three people turned around to give him concerned looks once he sneezed six times in a row. “We have to get you home.”
“No, no,” Jongho replied, sniffling. “The game.”
“I don’t care about the game when you look like you might leave this venue in an ambulance,” you replied, standing up. “Come on, let’s go.”
“No, really, please, I—” he sneezed again, “it’s just allergies or something. I’m okay, let’s—” another sneeze that interrupted his nonchalant shrug. He got to his feet after another person turned around. “Alright fine. But only because I feel like I’m—” one more, “embarrassing you.”
“You’re not embarrassing me,” you replied, taking his hand to guide him down the stands because he looked like he might have toppled over if unsupported. “You’re probably running a fever. Your hand is hot.”
He felt like he was running a fever when you took his hand, but he couldn’t exactly admit that, so he just shrugged—and sneezed—again. He kept coughing all the way home, but that wasn’t even the worst part.
The worst part was that, as soon as you got him to lie down in bed, he had the audacity to say, “I’m sorry I made you miss the game.”
“Why did you come?” you asked, angry that he would ignore his own health like this. “You should have stayed in bed.”
“I wanted to hang out with you today,” he replied, parting his lips to accept the thermometer you’d brought to his face.
“Well, if you’d told me you were sick, I would have come here,” you replied, bringing his duvet up to his chin and then sitting down next to him on the bed.
Lisping due to the device in his mouth, Jongho tried to explain, “but you already had plan’ to th’ee th’ game—”
“I don’t care about seeing anything if you’re sick. You should have told me,” you reprimanded and then mumbled when his thermometer started to beep, “I care about you more than any game.”
“Oh. Hm,” he waited until you took the thermometer out before he said, “I’m sorry.”
And, although you proceeded to scold him for the next fifteen minutes – prompted by whatever numbers you saw on the thermometer – Jongho couldn’t have felt happier. You cared about him more.
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ladyluscinia · 2 years
I've made my opinion on the whole "Edward's true self is a soft marshmallow center" / "Izzy is in love with a fake persona and hates the real Ed" take pretty clear (put simply: Absolutely Not) but it's still pretty popular and I tend to read meta even when I disagree. Which means I've noticed a very specific argument that I want to comment on.
So, generally, the process of justifying woobie Ed going Kraken places blame firmly on Izzy due to the whole cabin confrontation. Some people weave this into an elaborate manipulative scheme / straight up forcing him via threats, while others are more generous (?) and just classify Izzy's explosion as Ed buckling under an atmosphere of social pressure. (I disagree pretty firmly with both.) Either way, there is one detail / accusation that I see repeated a lot:
Apparently, Izzy makes his opinion of who he really wants clear by shoving the horrible caricature picture from episode 4 - the picture that Edward was clearly distressed by - in Edward's face in an act of intimidation / deliberate re-traumatizing.
Except.... he doesn't?
This is the picture from 1x04 and accompanying quote:
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"God... Is this what they think I look like? Hm? Fucking viking vampire clown with - Look at that. There's one, two, three, four... nine guns all over him. Nine guns?! I have - I, I have one gun, and one knife. Just like everyone else."
And here is the image that Izzy confronts Edward with in 1x10 (and Edward pins to the wall during his makeover):
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That's no Mad Devil Pyrate with nine guns and a head of demonic smoke. That's a guy with one gun and one knife.
Self-indulgent meta-ish thoughts under the cut
Honestly, I noticed the difference in images immediately on my first watch, which meant I did not draw this (questionably) implied connection at all. When Izzy was spitting about how "This is Blackbeard!" I was pretty much shrugging and conceding his point. Because, like, he's not wrong. That is a picture of Blackbeard pretty much as we met him in 1x04, symbolic skull aside symbolic skull included because the man keeps one on his office desk for kicks that I forgot about briefly.
There's something very interesting about the fact that Izzy goes for such a plain image. There's no fancy title. No horror. Hell, on inspection I think that image shows Edward's tattoos and single sleeve outfit??? I was wondering if the show made that art themselves and now I think they must have.
(I think they made both images, because the first one is harder to tell but might also have the sleeve / tattoos thing - just less accurate. However it's also clearly based on the A General History of the Pyrates illustrations from the 1700s where he has like six guns on his chest, while the second one is more show specific.)
And what does that say about Izzy??? A whole library of books on pirate legends and he gravitates to the image of Edward that seems to have been drawn by someone who actually met him? That's based on the guy he actually served under / loves, not the myth they spread around the ocean together???
Like holy fuck, when Izzy says "This is Blackbeard" he means it wholly literally. The guy in that image is the man he knew for years, while the guy standing in front of him is a complete fucking stranger in a pink robe, and he's been waiting for however many days for the depression fog to clear enough to see if there's even a trace of his boss / friend / love left post-Stede. Instead "Ed" makes his first appearance on the deck after the breakup and sings a song about his feelings and then earnestly asks why they are being pirates.
I still think Izzy started that conversation with intent to resign. He'd completely given up - not on the "Blackbeard" persona, but on the Edward he knew that had earned the title (and his respect and devotion alongside it). Not for being some kind of horrible devil, but for being brilliant, and the greatest sailor he'd ever known, and the Captain he was loyal to above all else. Izzy is lost at sea, and there's sure as fuck nothing keeping him on this particular boat anymore.
And then, pretty much purely by accident, he pisses Edward off just enough that his "Ed" mask slips and...
"There he is."
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natswidxw · 3 years
The drunk chick and the subway girl part 3
A/N: Okay so, I've decided that this would be a 5 chapter story, here's part three I hope y'all like it ! Thank you so much for all the love on the first parts <3 :))
part one part two
Word count: 1.8k
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When you went to work that day, the only thing that kept going through your mind was her silence. Why hadn’t she said anything? You had practically accused her of cheating, and she didn’t say anything. One of you had slept on the couch alone for the first time in 10 years of marriage and she didn’t say anything. You spent all day asking yourself why over and over again. Did she stay silent because you were right, and she was out with someone else? Or maybe she just didn’t know what to say? Or maybe even worse, she didn’t love you anymore, so she didn’t want to waste time arguing?
You tried to focus on work and leave your problems at home. You were almost there until ten minutes before your lunch break. All self-control went right out the window and you just started crying uncontrollably in your office. You completely forgot you were supposed to have lunch with your coworker Wanda of course. And when she came to pick you up you were a sobbing mess.
“Oh my god, Y/N, darling, are you okay? What happened??” You looked up at her with red eyes full of tears.
“I think my wife is either cheating on me or about to leave me” you said while breaking in sobs. She came closer and pulled you in a hug. She held you crying for a while. Usually, you would have absolutely cringed at yourself for doing this. But first, you didn’t have it in you to care, second, Wanda was one of the kindest and most understanding people you knew. You met her your first day on the job and she immediately made you feel welcomed. It didn’t take long before your relationship evolved from coworker to friendship.
She listened to you explain what had happened with Nat yesterday and ramble about the issues in your marriage. Truth be told, it had been slowly sinking for a while but neither of you knew what to do about it and it just kept getting worse and worse. Until last night, when it all blew up in both your faces. You used to leave her notes before going to work and this morning, for the first time in a very long time, you hadn’t. At first the notes were to remind her you loved her or other cheesy things, they were sweet and loving, but as time went by, they just became a way for you to inform her of stuff like Buy eggs or I’m having dinner with my siblings tonight don’t wait up.
Everything had just become boring and all the magic from the beginning was gone. You didn’t fight, you were just two people living in the same house. Everything was part of a routine that had been going on so long that neither of you knew how to live without. Even sex, when there was any, was part of the routine, not out of envy or want. And then Natasha started coming home later in the evenings with no warnings, and little things here and there were lost, and things hit their pinnacle last night. So here you were, crying in your office, spilling everything to Wanda. After a while, you finally stopped shaking in sobs and she pulled back from the hug to put her hands on both of your cheeks, to make you look at her.
“Darling, we’re going to take the afternoon off and go do something fun, and tonight you’re gonna go home and face your wife. You have to tell her how you feel because you’ve been bottling up everything for far too long now.” She said while whipping off your tears. You looked away and nodded weakly.
“It’s going to be okay honey” she said with a voice so full of confidence and comfort that you let yourself believe her for a minute.
“Natasha’s my whole life, I don’t know how to leave without her” you murmured weakly with one last tear falling down your cheek.
“I know darling, I know” she assuredly told you, hugging you again. You stayed like this for a while before pulling back.
“Come on, let’s go grab some lunch and do something fun. You’re in no mood to work and I just don’t wanna so let’s go.”
You went out and had bagels, you talked about your marriages, her kids, you went to see a movie that she had wanted to see for a long time. Around 5pm Wanda had to go pick her boys and you decided to go shopping. You walked around in the mall for a while, alone with your thoughts. You thought about the day you just had. About what you were doing now. And for the first time in a very long time, you felt free. You couldn’t remember the last time you had done something spontaneous. And it struck you. The magic was gone because everything had become a routine. Putting you in this transparent cage of false security. With Nat, everything used to be spontaneous, from your first kiss in a filthy bar, to your first date, even your marriage proposal wasn’t planned. For the first time in years, you had done something unplanned, that you usually wouldn’t do, solely because you wanted to. And you felt free. Out of the cage. You and Natasha had been stuck in the same routine for so long that you lost yourselves in it and forgot to live outside of it and everything in your relationship had become so numb to the point where you hadn’t even asked her why she came home late the first time it happened. Nor the times after that.
Ten years ago
“Nat wait up!” you told her while going through your purse. She was running a few feet ahead of you.
“Hurry detka, we’re going to be late, and Steve is going to kill us!”
“I know, I know but I can’t find my subway card! I gotta buy a ticket! Plus, he was 15 minutes late last time so fuck him to be honest.” You said heading to the machines to go buy a ticket.
“Yeah, alright, I guess that’s only fair.” She conceded and joining you in the line to buy a ticket. You were still going through, looking for your credit card or some change this time when Nat asked.
“Hey, what’s today’s date?”
“Huh, I don’t know December 12th I think why?” you absentmindedly responded.
“Because, the first time you saw me was right there in this train station two years ago.” She said pointing to the spot where you had first seen her. You looked up from your purse with a wide grin and lovey-dovey eyes.
“Back when you were just the subway girl, and I was just a drunk chick.” She smiled at your words and pressed her lips on yours for a sweet but short kiss. The person using the machine before you was done so you got closer and started buying your ticket when out of nowhere you heard her say.
“Marry me.” You turned around, a look of complete disbelief and outer shock plastered on your face.
“I said marry me.” She repeated looking at you dead serious.
“Natasha are you out of your mind we don’t even live together!” She grabbed her keys and undid one of them of her key chain and handed it to you.
“Here’s my key you can move in tomorrow, you practically already live there anyways, marry me.” You were staring at her dumbfounded when the guy behind you interrupted.
“Hey, can you guys move along some of us have places to- “
“Dude, we’re kinda in the middle of something here use another machine.” She scolded the guy before turning back to you “Marry me Y/N.”
“You don’t even have a ring! I’m only 23! We can’t get married! That’s crazy!” You tried to reason with her.
“She’s right girl, you can’t propose without a ring, and you need to buy your ticket and get moving!!” the guy behind interrupted again.
“Alright, you, shut up.” She said pointing at him. “You, buy your ticket, I will be right back.” She told you before turning around and leaving towards the kiosk in the middle of the train station. You bought your ticket, still in complete shock and confusion to what had just happened. You left the machine muttering a quiet apology to the guy and saw Natasha standing with a rose and a pink candy ring in the middle of the train station. You made your way to her with your mouth open in shock. She got on one knee.
“I don’t care that we don’t live together, I don’t care that you’re only 23, I don’t care that I don’t have a real ring. For now, this will have to do because I am so in revocably I love with you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. And I don’t want to spend another second in a world where you and I, aren’t going to spend the rest of our life together, I want you to be more than just my girlfriend, I want you to be more than just the drunk chick, I want you to be my fiancée and I want to start planning my life with you because without you, it’s just not worth it.”
“Yes.” You simply said looking at her with a smile.
“Yes. I’ll marry you Natalia Alianovna Romanova. Yes. A thousand time yes.” At this point the both of you were crying, she got up to put the pink candy on your finger and kiss you, in the middle of a filthy subway station, exactly two years after your first kiss, at the exact same spot you had first saw her.
You didn’t realize how long you had been sitting on the bench of the mall until you noticed the sun going low and you realized you had to go home. On the way back, you made a decision. If she decided to leave you because she didn’t love you anymore or because she was seeing someone else then that was her choice. But you were going to fight. You could live without her, if she left you, you’d find a way to be okay, but you didn’t want to. You both had make mistakes and things needed to change on both parts but if she was willing to fight for it, so were you. You’d swore to spend the rest of your life with her and you wouldn’t throw that at the window if you could help it.
Part four
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Obey Me Undateables / Side Dishes and Little Affections
AN: The last post for the brothers was ridiculously popular and this was requested so! Here we go. Just little ways the undateables are affectionate to the MC. Romance-coded but not for Luke bc he’s baby. I did this on mobile so forgive me for any formatting issues, and for the lack of a read more!
As you may have seen, I struggled a lot with Solomon because I really view him as being indifferent. I’m sorry if his is a little underwhelming! I also wrote this differently from the last one because I forgot how I formatted it, sorry ;u;
- He’s busy all the time. Like truly, this man rarely gets a break, and even when he does, his mind is still tick-tick-ticking away. Crawl into his lap and hold his face in your hands and he’ll finally relax, you can see the clouds clear away from his eyes. He kisses your forehead and holds your face in return, shining again. It only takes a few moments for him to settle completely, to shut off all his worries.
- He really just,,, likes to pick you up? So long as you’re not absolutely terrified he’ll completely randomly walk up to you and lift you up and carry you around with him or just hold you there. Bonus points if you wrap your arms around his shoulders and / or bury your face into his neck. Extra bonus points if you kiss or nuzzle against his cheek. His grin is so wide and bright it could light up the whole Devildom. Additionally, if you run and jump at him he will drop everything to catch you, no matter what. He has not and will never fail to catch you, and it makes him laugh so hard you can feel it in the way his arms and chest shake as he holds you.
- He likes to lay down beside you and link pinkies. It’s so soft, such a delicate little thing, and yet you trust him enough to let him do that. The minimal contact makes it feel even more special to him, there’s no pressure there. You’re close and he has a reminder of your presence beside him and it’s enough, it’s enough.
- With Diavolo, if you decide to teach him cute human things, you might regret it later, because he remembers them all. You put your palm out once, telling him that he’s supposed to rest his chin there, and from then on he’ll do it immediately. He will also expect you to do it too, and his timing is completely random. You’ll be talking to Barbatos and he’ll hold his hand out and wait for you to rest your chin in it. When you do, he pokes at your cheek with his thumb and walks off again.
- Please play cute games with him. Farming games like Stardew Valley or things like Terraria and Minecraft, or the Sims, or anything like that. He also doesn’t mind matches on more competitive games, but he likes to relax and make a house or a farm with you, and his reactions to everything is adorable; you two make Sims and he cheers when they get married, and even if they’re not representing you two and are just random Sims, he jokes about how you should do that too someday. He’s amazing at games that are strategy based, but prefers to play anything else so he can relax and not think for a while.
- Random tickles. It’s completely unexpected and he is very sneaky - the first few times it’ll catch you heavily off guard, and even after that it’s hard to predict when you’ll feel his gloved hands brush against your sides. He’s an expert at guessing where someone is ticklish, and abuses that power when alone with the people he loves (namely you!)
- Food fights but on a small scale. He’ll walk past you in the kitchen and brush flour across your face, disguising it as him simply being affectionate as he passes by, a reminder that he cares about you and is thinking about you even as he works. His movements are graceful and confident as always, to the point where it’s actually quite hard to even realise what he’s done. He will consider telling you before you leave the kitchen. He really will consider it.
- Similarly, if his hands are wet, just before drying them off he’ll flick water in your direction and then act like he has no idea what you’re talking about when you ask if he just did that. Really, MC, why would he do that? He’s been so busy cooking, and you’re accusing him of doing something so childish?
- He quite likes just, holding you up and carrying you around but in a different way to Diavolo. Instead of Princess carries, it’s more like if you jump onto someone and wrap your legs around their waist and your arms around their shoulders? He loves carrying you around like that. Cling onto him! He’s not fond of having you cling to his back, but his sides or front is fine.
- Barbatos tends to keep an eye on you and it’s really hard to tell, but if you’re in the same room as him he’s keeping tabs on what you’re doing. You could swear he has eyes on the back of his head, because he always seems to know what you’re up to. In reality, he really just likes seeing how you look when you’re focused, or, alternatively, when you’re completely zoned out and off in space, thinking of something completely random and irrelevant to the current situation. He’ll come up and tap your forehead and smile at you when it looks like you’re back in the room again.
- Solomon isn’t super affectionate and he’s not really an acts of kindness kind of guy. The most important thing for him is proximity; he doesn’t need you pressed up against his side all the time, but he likes having you in the same room as him as often as possible. You spend your evenings in his room in Purgatory Hall, laying or his bed or working at his desk, as he busies away with some new spell or writes down results of experiments with different potion ingredients. He doesn’t bother thinking too hard about it and just accepts it, but the reality is that it’s very calming and comforting for him. He’s also not someone who worries much about being judged or anything, so regularly having another person around doesn’t bother him.
- He asks for your input a lot. Simply put, he wants to hear you talk, and he’d love to know what makes you tick and how your brain works. “What do you think of this?” “How do you think Satan would react if...” and so on. So many ‘what if’ questions that it might make your head spin, because he’s always playing a game in his head of ‘what would happen if...’ despite rarely following through with it outside of experimenting with his magic and potions, and he wants to involve you in it too.
- Solomon doesn’t mind holding hands, and likes to play silly games when you are. Things like having thumb wars, or he’ll tangle his fingers up with yours and watch, amused, as you try and fail to pull your hand from his grip. Afterwards he’ll hold your hand with both of his and run his fingers and thumbs over it to soothe you. He also likes to just rest his hand on top of yours when you’re sitting beside each other.
- He’s going to try to be affectionate if it’s something you seem to want, and just out of curiosity. The one thing that sticks is that, if you’re cooking for him (because he’s not allowed to) he’ll wrap his arms around your waist and hug you from behind, his chin in your shoulder as he watches whatever you’re doing. He’ll blow air at the side of your face or at your fringe / bangs if you have them, so long as you’re not doing anything too dangerous and aren’t at risk of getting seriously injured.
- Bonus: If Solomon calls you and says “try this” or “drink some of this” don’t do it. Or at the very least, ask about any possible effects first. Moreso for food than for potions; he’ll find a way to reverse the potion, but the memory of eating his food will be stuck with you forever.
- Bonus bonus: Solomon loves giving you squishy hugs but he will squeeze you too tight and he will laugh even if he feels your spin click against his arms as you yelp. He won’t hurt you, but he will squeeze you hard enough that breathing will be difficult for a moment. You can tell from his smirk that he doesn’t feel guilty at all.
- Simeon likes having you play with his hair. The way you twirl strands of hair between your fingers and try and fail to make a mess of his soft locks, which always return to their place no matter how hard you try to stop them. Bonus points for innocently wandering fingers that brush down the sides of his face, thumbs and fingers that ever so lightly brush along his cheekbones or around and under his jaw. He relaxes into your touch, eyes fluttering closed before he opens them just enough to smile at you, silent but oh so visibly delighted.
- If he knows it won’t make you sick and it’ll wipe off, he actually quite likes to draw on your hands and arms. He’ll let you do it in return, of course, but simple doodles and patterns, hearts and diamonds and sweet little reminders you’ll see later when you have to wash them off.
- Laying on your stomachs with your sides pressed together on a thin, soft blanket, knees bent and legs swinging in the air as you both read the same book. Simeon always finishes the pages first and so you take charge of just turning the pages, until he mumbles that he had lost focus - he’d been too busy watching your expressions, almost lulled to sleep by listening to your gentle breathing and wondering if you were enjoying the story and what your thoughts on it were, trying to piece it all together without disturbing you.
- You pass him at RAD or out in the Devildom and you don’t necessary stop, but he always waves, and god is it impossible to ignore how he lights up. His eyes gleam and he looks so, so happy just to see you and be reminded of your existence and if you’ve been unsure before about how truthful he’s being when he says he loves you and adores being around you, that look on his face will erase all your doubts. He’s beautiful and he’s glowing and it’s because he saw you!
- It’s an obvious one but baking together! Making cakes and decorating them. Letting stress out as you knead bread, experimenting with making different types of pastries. One time you make a batch of cupcakes and decorate them to look like dogs and he feels really sad when people eat them but he’s proud all the same, and he likes that he gets to feel proud around you.
- He acts like he’s indifferent, but he quite likes when you call him your brother. If you call him your little brother, he’ll protest because he’s hundreds of years older than you in reality, but he allows it after a while. So long as he can call you his big sibling in return, it’s worth it. If any of the brothers tease him over being the little brother, he remarks that at least you trust him and care for him so much as to call him your brother. None of them can really respond to that.
- Pat! Him! On! The! Head! Adjust his scarf! Fix his hat! He doesn’t understand why he enjoys it so much, but then Simeon points out that it probably makes him feel cared for, and that’s absolutely it. No teasing works or harsh gestures, just little acts that show you care about him or are thinking about him. It makes him feel so safe and happy.
- He always remembers things on your schedule for you, from little reminders that you might forget about to big important events. The only other person he does that for is Simeon, so it’s really a big deal for him - he shows enough interest to listen to you and remember all the little details you tell him, and then to reach out to you and make sure you remember or just to say he hopes you have a good time. If it’s something stressful, he might not message beforehand, but he’ll show up when it’s over with some treats and act like he just happened to be baking today and had some to spare.
Tag list: @katsukis-sad-angel
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