#bc..well..everyone else did. besides he can get away with it
rinwhore · 1 year
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rueclfer · 3 months
Fake Dating // Bakugou
a/n: hi all, i am back from the dead with this shit that took me DAYS to finish bc my brain is def not used to writing anymore. pls enjoy and maybe keep a look out for PART 2 if people want it !
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You stare at your phone in disbelief. The audacity he had to tell you where to go, how to dress, and to essentially perform in front of everyone for him. Of course this was a mutually beneficial agreement, but at least you only dragged him along to your family functions sparingly.
You two had come to this agreement early last Winter when family members kept pestering you about potentially finding a love interest at your new University, and for him when he couldn't shake off all of the romantic confessions from the students in the other classes.
No one else knew about your arrangement. What made it so much more unbearable was the fact that you shared the same cohort and friend group, so it was a constant facade whenever you're in each other's presence with the others around.
You felt a bit awkward coming to the party alone, and a few hours late. You could hear the bass thumping through the door from the front yard, and from the looks of it, there were far more people than you expected, but on the bright side, it'll be easier to be invisible within the crowd than have to hold up this facade all night.
You approached the front to see Jirou catching a breath of fresh air. She had a drink in one hand and her other interlocked with Momo's
"Are you guys already tapping out?" You asked, taking the steps up the porch.
"Y/N!! For a second I thought you weren't going to make it!" Jirou says, releasing Momo from her grasp and giving you a big hug. "I'm so happy you're here."
"Can't blame me for always being fashionably late” You embrace her back.
"Better now than never." She drunkenly chuckles “Bakugo’s been a moody bitch all night please go contain him”
“Are we surprised?” You roll your eyes and laugh. “Where are you two off to?”
"I'm gonna take Momo out for some air and to maybe vomit, but go inside and I'll find you later!"
“I love you Y/N!! Take a shot for me!!” Momo slurs and blows you a kiss as Jirou drags her away.
"I love you too, Mo! I'll catch you guys inside."
Once you stepped foot inside, it felt like the air from your lungs were instantly replaced with the thick fog of weed and cigarette smoke. It was suffocating, but all too familiar at the same time. You recognized many of the faces around from campus, but none of which were your close friends.
Before anything else, you decided to stop by the kitchen to pour yourself something to drink. To be honest, you weren't picky with your liquor. As long as it did its job, you weren't going to complain. You grabbed a red solo cup off of the stack and poured in a shot and some change worth of cheap vodka.
Mina has to have some red bull somewhere around here…
You quickly down it and refill another cup to carry around while you look for your ball and chain, Katsuki. You wander around the crowd for a few moments, waiting for someone you knew to catch your attention, but no one did. You decide to take a break to lean against a wall and to send Katsuki a text to see where he was hiding. Before you could even get your phone unlocked, you received a notification from him.
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After he sent the last message, you looked up and searched for his meeting eyes. He said he was looking right at you, but for some reason you couldn't find those fiery eyes.
“Looking for someone?” A low voice breaks you from your search.
You turn to see Katsuki leaning up against the wall right beside you, almost shoulder to shoulder.
“Hmmm yeah I am, actually. Have you seen my boyfriend?” You turn to him fully. “He’s tall, messy blonde hair, kind of has a stupid look to his face, really hot though, trust me, and also like a medium build?”
You catch a glimpse of the smallest smirk on his face.
“Yeah? Well I’ll be sure to keep a lookout for him. In the meantime though, can you keep an eye out for my girlfriend? Angel faced, toothy smile, obnoxious ass laugh though, like if you hear honking, it's probably them.��� He retaliates.
You both stare at each other in silence before you break character and playfully punch him in the arm. “Shut up, idiot. I don't honk.”
“You do. Like a goose.”
"You're so good at this flirting thing, Katsuki. Keep it up." You say sarcastically.
"It is my job, after all."
He stealthily wraps his arms around your shoulder, bringing himself in closer to you. He damn near was caging you in against the wall, blocking out the rest of the party with his back.
“So what's the game plan for tonight?” You peered up at his towering figure.
“Hang out for a couple hours, do all that lovey bullshit and then I’ll take you home. Don't get too messy tonight either. I’m not trying to babysit.”
“Worry about yourself, lightweight.” You roll your eyes.
“And is this straight vodka?" He looks into your cup with disgust. "Are you mentally ill?"
“I couldn't find the red bull.” You shrug.
“So it's either that or straight vodka?”
“Yeah and? You have a problem with that?”
“Yeah I actually do. It's fucking insan-” He starts.
“Bakugou!” A voice interrupts behind him. “There you are!”
You two lock eyes for a brief second. Just when you were actually starting to enjoy yourself with annoying Katsuki, you remember that you were only here for one reason. Katsuki's jaw clenched as he turned over to lean back against the wall beside you.
“Oh. Y/N you’re here too.” They say in a deflated tone. “I was just wondering if you could give us a second to chat?” They bat their eyelashes.
“I'm not in the mood to chat.” He says, pulling you closer by the waist.
“We’re actually about to go meet up with the others. Catch him next time.” You smile sweetly, interlocking your fingers with his and dragging him towards the backyard.
To your surprise, your friends were actually all there surrounding the firepit.
Denki was the first to spot you. He gasps and jumps up from his seat.
"You're here!" He nearly trips over his own feet trying to get over to you. He pulls you in a big hug, sweeping you off your feet. "Oh my god Y/N I missed you so much I could cry right now."
He was clearly a drink or two over his limit. His cheeks were bright red and he was already starting to sweat through his shirt.
“I missed you too, Denks.” You let yourself get twirled around by him.
“Finally you're back, I’m tired of holding onto your nasty drink.” Kirishima says, passing a red solo cup to Katsuki once he sat down.
You tried to take the empty seat next to him, but he immediately grabbed your wrist to pull you to share his chair. Your eyes widen at his own, as if you could telepathically curse him out. You clench your jaw as you feel a hot flash across your face.
“It’s cold. Stay close.” He simply says.
You nervously chuckle. “There's a fire right there, babe.”
“Do it for me then.” He smirks.
You silently groan to yourself as you lean back into his chest in defeat. Luckily, the chair had enough width to allow you to not have to fully sit on his lap, moreso just a leg slung over his own.
“Try this.” He lifts the solo cup to your lips.
You peer down at the dark red liquid in his cup. The smell burnt your nose. You shot him a weary glance before you downed his concoction, having to pinch your nose right after to subdue the burn. The shock of spicy and tangy residue left your throat burning with every inhale.
"What the fuck is that?" You choke out, continuing to pinch your nose.
"Fireball, lemon juice, and OJ." He smiled mischievously. "Thoughts?"
"The nerve you have to comment on my drink after sipping on this bullshit all night? It tastes like piss.”
He shrugs, wearing a lazy smile as he grips the softness of your inner thigh, with his other arm wrapped around your shoulder, fiddling with a lock of your hair.
You were internally screaming. Usually, there would be a hand holding or an arm around the waist or shoulder, but he was never this touchy whenever you had to act like a couple in front of your friends or even in front of the people trying to get at him.
You look around the firepit to see that all of your friends were in loud conversation with one another- laughing, arguing, and definitely not paying you two any attention.
“What are you doing?” You say low enough that only he could hear. “You're like, all up in my shit."
“5 o’clock, babe.” He simply says.
You slightly turn your head to your right to see the person from earlier, trying to not-so-obviously stare at you both.
“Tryna give them a show or something? You roll your eyes.
“Only if you'd let me.” He whispers.
You felt a chill crawl up your spine. God he's being gross. But you liked it. When you first made your little arrangement, you swore to yourself to not to catch any type of feelings for him, but the more time you spent charading around as a couple, the deeper you fell into this infatuation despite how hard you fought against it or played it off as a part of the bit.
“Don’t kill me, okay?” You whisper, meeting his eyes and forcing a smile.
You turned your head to fullyface his own and leaned in. Both of you were caught by surprise- his eyes widening right before you made contact. You two had never crossed this line before, let alone talked about it. It was only ever the unspoken rule of “don't catch feelings” and “no couple shit when we’re alone.”
His lips were soft and swollen as if he spent the last hour biting down on them. Once your lips crashed into his, it felt like your stomach was turning inside out, and a fire lit within.
It's fine, it's for show. It’s fine, you agreed to this. It’s fine, it’s not real.
You were fucked. You hated him, but you liked him. Maybe it was more than like. Maybe like isn't even the right word at all, but all you knew was that you needed to stop and take a second to reevaluate what you were doing with Katsuki.
In reality, the kiss lasted no more than 10 seconds, but it felt like you had fallen into the fire pit and laid in it for hours. Your body was on fire.
Once you broke away, you two stared at each other blankly, blinking away the realization of what had just happened. You didn't know whether to laugh and slap him on the shoulder, or start crying.
“I-I'm gonna go get another drink!” You suddenly exclaim, getting up and leaving him in his chair.
I'm so FUCKED.
You quickly snake your way through the large crowd that had filtered their way to the backyard. You stop by the kitchen to pour yourself a heaping cup of whatever liquor bottle was closest to you, down a large gulp, and take the rest with you to the bathroom.
Your head was starting to feel a bit hazy from the mix of second hand smoke as well as your drinks from earlier starting to settle in your stomach. Did you even eat anything before drinking like this? You weren't really expecting to have anything more than one drink, but after your kiss with Katsuki, you suddenly feel the need to forget it all.
You were sitting up against the bathtub, wallowing in your complicated mass of feelings, and now fully intoxicated. You let your head rest on top of your knees while you replayed every single interaction you've had with him tonight.
Your phone started buzzing on the floor next to you. You opened the screen, eyes squinting to adjust to the brightness.
Of course it was Katsuki.
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You sat and stared at your feet for a few minutes until you heard pounding on the door. Judging from the force of it, it was either a fucking SWAT team or Katsuki.
You grab a hold of the side of the bathtub to hoist yourself up, stumbling a bit while doing so and unlocked the door. Of course behind it was the latter.
He lets himself in and shuts the door behind him, leaning back on it.
You were wildly embarrassed for a multitude of things. You were on the verge of messy drunk, your face was stupidly hot and flushed, you kissed your fake boyfriend and ran away, you're swallowing down your feelings, and now here he is to reprimand you for all of it.
"Water as per requested." He pops open the cap of a fresh water bottle and hands it over to you.
"Thanks." You mutter and drink the water in silence.
"So are you upset at me?" He finally asks.
"And why is that?" He cocks his head to the side.
You were drunk, no doubt about it, but this unserious playful tone in his voice that pissed you off was clear as day. Why were you the only one freaking out? Did he not care? It surely confirmed that he does not and never have felt the same as you and truly did think of your "relationship" as nothing more but a transaction.
You purse your lips and remained silent.
"Because... you kissed me?"
You nodded.
"So you're upset at ME... because YOU kissed ME..." He states once more.
You were on the verge of tears. He loved making you look stupid but this was tenfold now. Not that he was wrong, but you weren't in the mood for it.
"So what if I am?" You choke out, tears now brimming over.
Katsuki's eyes widened, clearly not expecting you to break down so easily after a couple of harmless questions. You steps towards you and grabs your shoulders, not quite sure what to do or how to react.
"Hey hey hey, what the fuck? Why are you crying all of the sudden? Seriously, Y/N it's not a big deal."
"It is." You whine. "It is and you don't even care!"
He finally pulls you into him, letting you sob into his shoulder. His hand caressing your back in comfort.
"You idiot." He says after a moment of silence. "You're such an emotional drunk. This is why I told you not to get messy." He scolds. "I do care. But I won't if you don't want me to."
"I do want you to care. I want you to like me. Not just like me, but like-like me." You confess.
You feel him stiffen under you. Clearly your drunken state had forced you to say the wrong thing, but you didn't care.
"But do you like-like me?" He asked back, pulling you back to look at your tear stained face. "Drink some more water and sober up a bit before you answer okay?" He brings the water up to your face.
"I don't want anymore water!" You push his hand away. "I like-like you and I hate being your fake girlfriend and lying to everyone and myself about it!"
His smile grew, but he shook his head. "Okay angel face, let's talk about it then." He moves his thumb up to your cheek to wipe away stray tears.
"You're so wasted, you may not even remember this for tomorrow. But I think you're the coolest person on this fucking block, okay? And I like being around you even though you annoy the shit out of me sometimes. So stop crying and feeling bad. We're fine."
"But we're not! I don't want you to be my fake boyfriend anymore. I think you're cool too and you make me laugh and feel stupid in the heart and I fucking hate you for that, so that's why we shouldn't do any of this anymore."
He doesn't reply, but instead looks down at your sad face, lip still quivering, makeup smudged around your eyes. His hand continued to cup you cheek, forcing you to look back up at him.
Katsuki leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, letting it linger for a second longer.
"That's okay. We can do something about that when you're sober. If you even remember any of this, anyways. Let's get you home."
He grabs your hand and swiftly leads you out of the bathroom. You wonder what you had just done, whether it was going to blow up in your face (if you even remember the next day) or work itself out? Would it even matter?
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roseworth · 2 months
what direction do you think they should have gone in with jason? as in where should he be now in terms of people and what he's doing
i think winick had it exactly right green arrow #69-72 and batman & robin #23-25. he was a villain but he had a Method and a Purpose. and usually that purpose was just to fuck with batman. i loooove it when hes a villain and hes very clearly doing bad things, but hes not just indiscriminately killing people. hes doing it for a reason, hes still doing the same thing he was doing in utrh by controlling the drug trade, and even when hes doing the right thing hes being an asshole about it
i especially love the ga issues because jason doesnt even talk to batman but bruce KNOWS what hes doing and he knows its about him. i love the bruce & jason post-utrh dynamic where they've both pretty much said everything they have to say and neither of them is changing their position, so now jason is just starting fires to get attention. "ok bruce you dont want to talk to me? thats fine. ill just follow you to star city then psychologically torture a teenage girl then blow her up in front of you" icon! i forgive him! i think its so fun when red hood is a member of batman's rogues gallery and bruce feels bad every time he fights him but also he kinda cant stand him since he knows jason is only doing it to mess with him and its working. but also jason is a Greater Good person so he DOES end up working with the bats sometimes just because theyre also working on the good side
anyways the ideal bruce & jason dynamic to me is "the love was there and it made everything so much worse" because jason is doing everything for bruces attention because he loves him and wants him to care about him but hes not willing to budge on his own morals and neither is bruce. and bruce loves jason so he doesnt want to arrest him or put him in danger but also hes killing people and doing terrible things and bruce is batman so he feels obligated to. yk. stop him. and as much as they both love each other they do not like each other at all
in my mind jason doesnt really care about any of the other bats besides dick & babs just because he knew them before he died so hes willing to hang out with them but they Do Not want to see him. like in brothers in blood when jason goes hiiiii dick <3 lets hang out <3333 and dick is constantly suppressing the cain instinct. he never really talks to babs pre52 i think theyre interactions would be very similar in that jason goes hey babs ur so cool <33 and she says jason get the fuck away from me or im activating the bomb in your helmet <3
but also with steph even though he didnt know her pre-death,, i think he would like her. i can imagine him doing something very similar to what he did with mia, basically finding her and going "quit your vigilante career. join my emo band" but i think she would end up being a lot more receptive to it than mia was ! like im thinking batgirl 2009 era steph so she would not be on board with the idea of joining him since things were going well with team batgirl, but i also think that any interaction between the two of them in that era would go well and end with them getting along :)
as for everyone else. i dont think he would care about any of them. theyre just kinda collateral damage in his war with bruce. like he gets involved with them sometimes just because of their proximity to bruce, or like i said earlier that he works with them sometimes because he cares about the greater good so is willing to help them when necessary. also honorable mention to aoifa's headcanon that jason doesnt actually know tims name because he just does not care. thats canon to me
so yeah in conclusion: he should be a morally grey villain that does what he does either for the greater good, or to fuck with batman, or both. and he has complicated relationships with all of them bc he likes bruce dick and babs but also kinda hates all of them and they like but also hate him too. and the rest of them he doesn't really give a shit about
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coconutdays · 1 year
s. you get stuck in your crush/study buddy's room during a freak storm.
w.c. 1.8k
w. gn! reader (I thought a fem reader when writing this, but then I noticed that I didn't really make it gender coded! so I figured it was a plus it came out this way!) , suna! x reader , fluff! suggestive! bc there is some steamy kissing and of the making out
a/n: Earth spun a wheel between Rin, Osamu, and Atsumu for me to write for and it so conveniently picked Suna Rin
Ending up in the same room as your classmate/crush during a storm, at night, with no electricity had never been on your bingo card for the year. Yet, here you were, blinking back into reality seconds after the lights just went out.
"Shit" Suna sighs. You can hear him start to move, making out the shadow of his body standing up and moving towards his beside drawer.
"I have a candle in here." He mutters, the obvious rummaging being heard before it ceases after you somewhat see a cylindrical shape in his left hand. The smell of paraffin going up into flames accompanies the slight bit of light coming from the match he just lit, it fades away the moment he blows out the match after getting the candle to light.
It isn't much, the light coming from the medium sized candle, but it lets you fawn over his face, his entire being. It's a flattering light and it sets a mood you wish you could do something about.
"You think the Professor will cancel the test?" He shivers a little when he sits down across from you again, rubbing his hands together.
That's the reason you were here in the first place, to study for that damn test.
Suna had sat next to you at the beginning the semester after getting there at the last minute and the last open seat had been the one next to yours. Ever since then, you had exchanged small talk and numbers with each other. It happened frequently, befriending the people sitting next to you in class, some days it was a great help to ask each other if the other had done the homework, understood yesterday's lecture, or if they had notes because one of you couldn't go to class that day.
But you only got excited when Suna asked you for your version of the notes from the previous lecture. Everyone always complimented your penmanship, but the first time he got your notes for reference against his, he sent a text:
lol you write really pretty
You smiled to yourself at it when he sent it and could only send a thank you back.
He didn't really befriend anyone else in the class and neither did you because of it. You didn't have the chance to when any free time in the class where the professor hadn't started lecture yet was taken up by conversation he tried striking up with you. It automatically made you study buddies by the time this first test came around.
"Well if it looks like the rest of the campus, or at least half of us lost electricity too, then it might be a no brainer to save it for another time."
He lets out a puff of air as a sarcastic laugh at the situation, "It's like that shit you say. Being delulu is the--"
"Solulu." You finish for him, giggling.
He lets out a 'heh' and leans forward while hugging himself even tighter, "Sorry you got stuck here. The storm really came out of nowhere."
"I'm sorry I got stuck here." You counter, your body starting to shiver at the increasingly cold air filling up the room with harsh cold rain storming just a window away and no heater to protect against it. "I'm in your room after all."
"It's fine," He says, his eyes acting a bit more fox-like than usual as he stares you down before he adds, "Let me give you one of my hoodies, it's getting cold."
And before you can interject and say that won't be necessary, which it really won't--you don't need Suna's hoodie, you're fine freezing to death if it means you don't have to breathe in his intoxicating scent clinging to your skin--he's getting up and walking to his closet.
As quickly as he gets up, he's coming back and handing you a hoodie, the specifics of it like the color or design not something your eyes couldn't register at the moment.
"Thanks." You meep out, basking in the moment your head first slips through it and you feel the hoodie envelop you. You didn't know what was keeping you warm now, the actual material draped over your body or the fact that it was Suna's and he had worn it before, it was his.
When you look back at him and squint a little, you can tell he's wearing one of his own too. One he rarely wore--yes you noted how frequently he wore his hoodies, you couldn't help but make the observation.
"Well if we think tomorrow's test is gonna be cancelled..." Suna drags on, "We can play Mario Kart on my switch?"
You weren't one to frequently come across the opportunity to play on a switch, so you asked, "It can work without wifi?"
"Yea, " He nods, "it's the only I can think of to keep us occupied while we wait to see if the electricity comes back any time soon."
You can think of something else.
And so does he, but he won't tell you that either.
While he gets up to get his console from his desk, you nervously near his bed.
"Hey, Suna, can I play on your bed?"
A shiver runs up his spine and his eyes go wide as he's disconnecting any unnecessary wires from his switch. Time stands still for him and-
"Yea!" He manages to blurt out like it's not big deal as he comes back to you with the console in hand. When he joins you in sitting on his bed, next to you, propping up the little screen across from both of you, he says, "And you can call me Rintaro. If you want."
You lean over a bit to look at him curiously, noticing a slight change in his demeanor, as if he had something else busying his mind. His eyes seemed caught up in a thought.
That small observation of yours became a thing of the past soon after you had finished playing two matches against him.
He had become your worst enemy.
"You do not let me catch a break!" You laugh and yell at the same time, shoving him with your shoulder.
"Just because you don't play it often, doesn't mean I have to go easy on you." He defends himself, smirking as he looks at you from the corner of his eye while he picks a new map to play on.
You toss your controller to his side of the bed to throw an over exaggerated fit.
"Well now I don't wanna play if I'm gonna keep getting bullied like this." You haughtily huff and cross your arms
Suna jokingly rolls his eyes and is about to ridicule you when you're both suddenly enveloped in darkness again.
The candle must've gone out.
And for some reason, the lack of light made for a lack of noise in the space between the both of you. The rumbles coming from the storm outside filled the void between the both of you and eventually closed the space between you two when a monstrous crack of thunder and lightning made you yelp and grab onto whatever was near.
The shock of the sudden noise had you breathing a bit quick and with your arms around Suna's torso, who instinctively put his arms around you too.
It was quiet, yet not at the same time.
The roaring storm outside was noisy enough,
but you and your study buddy weren't saying anything.
Your hands can feel how sturdy he is underneath the layers of his shirt and hoodie. He's big, an obvious fact considering he is tall and a volleyball player for the school, but it seems so much more prominent when your hand feels so small compared to his huge back.
His breath tickles your ear and you move your head back when you shiver because of it.
His face is now in front of yours because of it. And now you're both in a position to kiss. You can feel his body and mind contemplating it, by the way his head moves a little and how his breath starts to sound. You don't doubt that you're probably doing the same.
When you feel his hand squeeze around your hip, you give him a small peck on the lips. It took all of your courage and some of the intensity from the moment to do it.
You have no opportunity to berate yourself for doing it when he chases after your mouth immediately when you're about to pull away.
And now you're making out with...
"Suna." You sigh, feeling him manhandle you onto his lap
"Rin." He breathes quickly before he reaches for your mouth again.
You can't help the mewl you let out from savoring the moment like the repeated relief of taking off your shoes after a long day of walking.
"Rin." You repeat after him.
Rintaro, Rin, is breathing just as heavily against you as you are. He's going as far as you are, whatever you do, he does in return. When you swipe your tongue against his lips, he does the same, except you open your mouth to him when he does.
And now you're both kissing with tongue.
You moan particularly loud and he juts his hips up into you right before he pulls away from you, the look in his eyes something you so agonizingly wish you could see right now.
"I like you a lot." He confesses, moving his hands down to slither across your thighs and hold them there.
"I like you a lot too." You say back, gripping onto the hem of his hoodie.
"Yea?" Rin breathes against you, going back in to kiss you
"Mhm." You sigh in relief.
"Fuck, "He can't help but push up into you, "You're so fucking pretty."
"You think so?"
"Know so." He groans and heads towards your neck for an assault, holding you in place by the back of your neck. "I want you so bad."
You grind your hips against him, turned on by the confession, "I want you bad too."
And you get scared shitless by the bitchy thunder again, dragging you away from the intensity of your increasingly intense makeout session with Rintaro and into a breathless heap of laughter with him. He had fallen back onto the bed, dragging you down with him and into his arms, snuggled into the crook of his neck.
"Does this mean I can finally follow you on Instagram?"
"Huh?" You're still dazed from the oxygen sucking of a makeout you just shared with him
"I found it a long time ago, but you never gave it to me so I didn't wanna seem like a stalker. You looked really pretty in your post last week though. I like pink on you."
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
Hiiiii! I love your clarisse stuff!!!! Can you pleaseeee do a fic where Clarisse says something mean to R and they get upset so Clarisse goes to comfort them!!! You’re free to make it your own. i love your writingggg!
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- don’t say I’m to much -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Girly! Reader
An - guys send me more clarisse FIC ideas but also request Abby to pretty please
An Pt 2 - this lowkey sucked ass bc I was distracted while writing it but yall will live
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Sitting by the bonfire, Clarisse beside and the comforting atmosphere brought you a sense of comfort. Clarisses Hands found themselves under your tanktop, rubbing the small of your back as you continued to sing with everyone else.
“What are You doing” You giggled once the song ended, looking up at clarisse with a dumb smile. “I’m keeping my hands warm”
“There’s a fire right there”
“This was is warmer though”
Laughing some you tilted your head up just to give her a kiss. Most nights clarisse wasn’t this clingy but on a special occasions she preferred to have you close to her.
After a few moment you had noticed a long forgotten face across the fire. One of your first friends at camp was a son of Hermes names Logan “Oh my gods Logan!” You excitedly yelled.
Giving a kiss goodbye to clarisse you quickly ran to the blonde tackling him in a hug. Clasisse knew you were close with the son of hermes but that didn’t mean she had to like it.
Watching during your conversation with him, his hands rubbed your waist and hips which rubbed her the wrong way. What finally set her off however was the sheer audacity this man had to slide his hands under your shirt but to also peek at your showing cleavage.
Without realizing it clarisse got up and walked towards where you two stood— away from the fire.
“Oh! This is my girlfriend clarisse” You happily introduced the girl, quickly being cut off though as she decked him in the nose making the boy fall over, blood dripping down his face.
Standing in shock you turn led to clarisse yelling at her “what is wrong with you!”
“He was being a creep am I not allowed to defend you anymore” she scoffed trying to play off the entire situation.
The campers around the fire went quiet, turning to watch what had just happened. The Apollo and a few hermes kids ran over worried.
Watching as they helped the boy to the infirmary clarisse tried to grab your arm only for you to push her off of you and walk away. “Babe wait!” Clarisse yelled after you.
Once at your cabin you stumbled to open the door giving clarisse just enough time to catch up. “What’s wrong”
“What’s wrong?! Your seriously asking me what’s wrong? Clarisse you just decked my best friend!” You spoke louder than you should of.
“Well excuse me for protecting my girlfriend from a Fucking Creep”
“He’s not a creep!” Both of you yelling at each-other to the point that your voice had broke. “I don’t need you to beat the shit out of ever guy who looks at me wrong”
“Well maybe if you didn’t dress like a fucking slut all the time then I wouldn’t have to.!”
Clarizse knew she had fucked up as soon as she said it. “Wait pl—“ you finally managed yo get the door open, slamming it in her face.
In her cabin That Night all of her siblings knew to just leave her alone, especially with a few new holes in the wall none of them wanted to face her anger.
You couldn’t sleep. The thought of clarisse calling you a slut replayed constantly. Did she really think that low of you..
Shaking that thought out of your mind you went upstairs. Going to the balcony all you wanted right now was some fresh air. However what. You didn’t expect to see was clarisse lifting herself up and over the wooden railing. You both made awkward eyecontact
Crossing your arms you looked her up and down. “Go”
“Wait please” clarisse grunted finally getting over the railing and walking towards you, grabbing your arm she turned you around. “Please just five minutes, no arguing no yelling… Ill just talk, I won’t say something that I’ll regret please I’m just asking for five minutes.” Her tone breathless most likely from the climb up
Being with clarisse for as long as you’ve been not once have you seen her act this vulnerable.. nodding your head slowly you relaxed letting clarisse speak. “Im sorry.. im so so sorry… your not a slut I should of never yelled that to you I just, I got mad.. Logan had his hands under your shirt and he was blatantly looking at your cleavage and it’s not that I don’t like you wearing revealing clothes I do I just..I don’t like seeing people taking advantage of you”
It was quiet at first. Clarisse letting out a deep breath, only to be met with you kissing her lightly. “Next time.. you feel like that, don’t deck someone in the nose maybe talk to me about it and use your words not actions”
“Yeah.. Yeah” she mumbled, kissing her once again. “I’m still mad at you though”
“I know”
“Good” You remained neutral but led her inside.
You both laid down on your bunk, laying close in clarisses arms you were finally able to fall asleep. Were you going to have a talk about it in the morning, probably. But right now you didn’t care about that all you cared about was Her.
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1800-page-not-found · 11 months
"Who are you?" Yoo Joonghyuk x Reader
Summary: Assuming to find Kim Dokja in his fourth regression, Yoo Joonghyuk regresses. But Kim Dokja isn't there. Instead, you are.
Requested by anon
It took quite a few scenarios for Yoo Joonghyuk to realize that Kim Dokja did not exist in his fourth regression. The two of you met when the hidden scenario to kill the master of the Theatre Dungeon.
Yoo Joonghyuk had awoken after being controlled by the master of the Theatre Dungeon. He quickly grabbed his sword and pointed it at your neck. "Who are you? What have you done to Kim Dokja?"
You stared at him and sighed. "Please, calm down Joonghyuk. I'm also searching for him."
"Do not address me so casually. How do you know him if he doesn't exist in this regression? How do you know so much?"
You pushed the sword away from your neck and began to speak. "I'm similar to him, for example the way he seems to be omniscient. In fact, I wield more knowledge than him. I'm not going to hurt you."
His eyes widened as his skill told him your words were true. "What is your goal then?"
"I want to find Kim Dokja. And I want everyone to have a happy ending. Lets work together."
Yoo Joonghyuk relaxed a little after hearing your words to be true. "Alright. But if you dare to try anything on me or the others, I will kill you."
You chuckled softly. Yoo Joonghyuk has changed. If it was the previous regression, he would've probably killed you. It seems that this world really cannot exist without Kim Dokja.
"Say, is your constellation sponsor still the same?"
"Yes. How else would I be able to regress?"
"Oh right. Oops. That's intresting though..." You mumbled the last part.
Scenario by scenario, the two of you had gotten a little closer each time. It was nice to not have to worry about your companion sacrificing themselves at every waking moment you know?
He slowly started to view you as your own person, and not just 'the girl who replaced Kim Dokja.'
Perhaps because Kim Dokja was a man who could not be replaced. Or perhaps Yoo Joonghyuk started to feel a certain way towards you.
It's not like he didn't know what he was feeling, after all he did get married and have children in his previous regressions.
Maybe he should confess soon? You walked in front of him before turning around. "Oh don't worry. I know a way to get Lee Seolhwa on our side. You can marry her again!"
You instantly crushed this man's spirit in one go.
Why did you say that? Well, thats because you wanted nothing more than to see your favorite character from orv to be happy. You loved him more than anything, but you saw yourself as a mere pawn to try and fill the void of Kim Dokja.
"I don't...." Yoo Joonghyuk started, but slowly quieted down into a mumble.
"Huh? Sorry I didn't hear you." You apologised.
"I don't like Seolhwa..." You gasped. Oh no! Did you change up the plot?!?!
"W-wait what??!" You stuttered, a little shocked.
He sighed, and walked up to you and flicked your forehead. "I like you, you stupid pufferfish."
(I tried to give you a nickname like how yjh has the sunfish and kdj the squid.)
"I'm not a pufferfish! And-hold on. You like me???" You stood, stunned and mouth agape.
"Yes, you stupid pufferfish. Hah, you reject the idea of someone calling you a pufferfish but not the stupid part? I can't believe I fell in love with someone stupid." He shrugged sighing.
Man, sometimes you wished he was more like his old crusty strict self. He became so sassy after Kim Dokja.
"Seahorse doesn't have the same ring as pufferfish. Besides you're just like it. You're clumsy, stupid, and you inflate your ego when someone verbally attacks you."
"DO-DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME?" You cry dramatically.
"Yes, but im starting to question my taste. I mean, do you even love me back?"
"Is that even a question? Anyone who doesn't love you is on my hit list. Maybe you're the stupid one. I've loved you ever since I knew of your existence."
"And how long is that?"
You started sweating. "A-A few years..."
"What? But we've only known each other for a few months? [Name]? What do you mean?"
You laughed nervously and started backing up.
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sixosix · 5 months
Can I request something with heizou with glasses as the object? Fluff, please, and I can't wait to see what you'll come up with for this event!!!!!!
wc 500, modern high school au; thank you so much!! :D YOU ARE SO SWEET!! i hope u enjoy this bc i recognize u as one of my loyal readers i gotta not disappoint!
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“How about you, bro? Do you have a crush on anyone in this room?”
Itto was looking at Heizou with wide eyes, expectant. You had no idea how free-time led straight to this conversation, but everyone was sharing their crushes in the other class or a whole school away. Most of the class was huddled together in a circle, watching the exchange with equal faces of amusement and anticipation. You sat on the same side but made yourself comfortable in a corner, swaddled in a brown cloud-patterned hoodie.
Heizou hummed thoughtfully, drawing it out as everyone else held their breath while you held in a laugh. “A crush? Why do you want to know?”
“Come on, dude, we all wanna know what Shikanoin Heizou’s type is! Right? Don’t we?” Itto grinned at the affirmative murmurs that erupted all around. Perhaps it was because, to them, Heizou was the most mysterious one of all—he knows everything about anyone, but it wasn’t the same when it came to him.
Heizou just laughed. Itto pouted, then whipped his head around to direct his attention to you.
Flinching under his fiery gaze, you demanded, “W-What?”
“You’re best bros with him, aren’t you? You gotta know what his type is! He never talks about the girls in our school!”
Well. It would be for the best if he didn’t. You shook your head and matched Heizou’s amused grin. “I don’t know, either, honestly. He’s probably too busy burying his face in mystery novels to care about all that.”
Itto visibly sagged. “Lame. You two are so lame! Well— what about you? Do you have a type?”
“Of course I do.” The class perked up, interested. They began piping up with a list of names and features—tall, serious, light-haired. Heizou was slowly getting more agitated by each feature that described his complete opposite. “I like smart guys.”
Itto nodded. “I guess you wouldn’t be able to resist me.”
You chuckled. “You got me right there.”
Heizou’s chair scraped the floor, followed by his light footsteps. You watched, heart racing, as he made his way towards you before pinning his arms on your desk.
“You never told me that,” Heizou said. “Have I told you my type?”
You grinned. “Do you even have one?”
Heizou drew closer. Your vision blurred, and you went cross-eyed trying to follow him. Lumine, who was sitting peacefully beside you, inched away.
“When they wear glasses—just like this one,” Heizou whispered, your lenses fogging a little from his breath.
Your face burned.
“Wait, what? What did he say? Did anyone catch that?” Itto huffed when no one did, in fact, hear that—which was for the best. They didn’t have to know how deep Heizou’s voice got as he stared right into your eyes.
“Well,” Heizou leaned back and smiled innocently at the class and a despaired Itto, “this was an enlightening conversation, but I realized I don’t actually know my best bud that well. You understand, right, Itto?”
Itto nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah—yes! I know, man, I get it. Real buds have serious conversations—I understand. You’re welcome for rekindling your friendship.”
“Thanks, man,” Heizou said distractedly, taking your hand and leading you out of the classroom.
“They’re such best buds,” Itto said, starting to cry.
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outermaybanks · 3 months
just a kiss - jj x bi!reader x kie aka 3 times you were oblivious and the one time you knew exactly what you wanted a/n: wrote this entire thing high af, no proofreading we die like men. this is part one bc it ended up too long
part two here
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June - the first time.
“We gotta ration it, okay?” JJ said as he shook the baggie of weed. “Ricky’s gonna be M.I.A. this month, he’s going up to Raleigh for pride.” “That actually sounds so fun,” Sarah spoke up from where she sat, John B’s lap. “Too bad all of us are straight,” Pope said. “Yeah… too bad,” Kie replied, her chin in her hand as her eyes moved to her boyfriend’s, who was already watching her with a focused look. Your eyebrows screwed together in confusion. Sure, you were still relatively new to this friend group, but surely you’d told them? “Um… I’m not straight. I’m bi,” you corrected.
Pope’s jaw hung slightly agape. Sarah’s eyelashes fluttered. Kie sat up straight. “Oh… cool,” John B said. “See? We could totally go, show our support for y/n,” Sarah said, you giggled, slightly relieved they were all fine. “I still think it’d be inappropriate for us to go, we’re almost all straight,” Pope corrected. “Everyone can celebrate love, Pope,” Sarah huffed. “If you really want to celebrate the fact that I eat pussy, Sarah, I’d settle for a bonfire,” you joked, but John B smiled. “Sounds like a good thing to celebrate. C’mon, JJ,” John B said, carefully lifting Sarah off his lap, placing her beside him before he stood up.
JJ’s eyes finally left his girlfriend’s and quickly moved to you, before he followed behind John B. Pope looked around the room, both Sarah and Kie were watching you, meanwhile, you were trying to avoid both of their gazes. “I’m gonna go help,” he said as he jumped up, following behind the two boys.
You were used to people having questions, and you could tell both girls had some, so you decided to get yours out of the way. “I thought you guys knew… you’re not gonna get all weird on me now, right?” “Oh my god, of course not, babes. It’s like, none of our business, right Kie?” “Totally,” Kie agreed. You smiled, awkwardly if nothing else. “Do you guys… have any questions?” “Does your family know or is this, like, a secret?” Sarah asked. “No, my family knows. My dad has a gay brother, so I lucked out, my family’s always been super supportive.” “How… How did you know?” your head turned to look at Kie, who was sitting on the other side of the room. A smile slowly worked your way onto your lips, remembering something a butch woman had said to you once: only two types of girls asked that question: homophobes, and closeted girls. Something told you Kie wasn’t homophobic. “Uhhh… I just did. I always just liked whoever I liked, boy or girl. I had my first girlfriend in 8th grade, and that pretty much solidified it,” you answer with a chuckle. “So what’s your type?” “Hot… funny.”
I’m hot, Kie couldn’t help but think. And funny. JJ’s hot and funny. “So you don’t have a preference? Like… girl more than guys, guys more than girls?” Sarah asked, and Kie was grateful. “Um… Hypothetically no, I have dated more girls than guys though. It’s just hard for me to find a guy I can vibe with, who’s like… actually cool with me being bi. Most guys turn it into a weird fetish thing.”
Kie’s eyes widened and she looked down at her feet. She was no better. What the hell was she thinking? You were her friend, and worse, you were the daughter of JJ’s boss at the auto shop. 
Later, as the sun began to set and the boys got the fire going, you were standing a few feet away from the fire, when you suddenly felt something cold on your arm, making you jump. JJ let out a giggle as he held the beer out for you. You rolled your eyes, but smiled as you took it from him. “So… how come I never knew you liked girls?” JJ had known you the longest, well, technically Pope had chemistry with you sophomore year, but JJ was the first one to really know you. “You never asked. And unlike some people, I don’t go after anything with a pulse,” you jab your finger into his arm. He lets out a small laugh, inching away but then settling right back beside you. “Nah,” he said softly. “I’m not like that anymore. I only go after girls I really like.” You smiled. “Kie’s really cool, I’m glad you introduced us.” As if on cue, Kie’s voice came from the hammock. “Come sit with me, Jayj” “Yeah, she seems to really like you,” JJ said before walking over to get in the hammock with Kie. You furrowed your eyebrows and stared into your beer can, trying to figure out why it felt like you and JJ were speaking in riddles.
Fourth of July - the second time.
“John B put me down!” Sarah’s voice shouted as her boyfriend carried her closer to the water. You used your hand to shield your eyes from the sun as you let out a giggle, watching them. “Did you put on sunscreen, y/n?” Kie’s voice stole your attention. “Hm? Oh, no, not yet.” “Here let me help you,” Kie said, scooting closer. “Oh, thank you,” you replied, moving your hair out of the way for her. Kie hesitated, but then you felt her soft touch trail from one shoulder to the other. When you felt the coolness of the sunscreen against your warm skin, you let out a soft sound, a sound Kie should’ve ignored, but couldn’t. 
“Thanks, Kie,” you said with a smile, standing up. If your back hadn’t been turned, you would have caught the look JJ and Kie exchanged. “Hey, y/n, wait up!” JJ called, quickly getting to his feet to follow you towards the water. “Mind if I join you?” “It’s a free country, Maybank,” you replied. JJ seemed unsure, still learning to read you. You decide to give him a break, and with a competitive raise of your eyebrows, almost like a dare, you give him exactly one second before you take off running towards the water. JJ is instantly chasing after you, and just as your toes feel the cold of the water, arms wrap around you, spinning you around. At first you laugh, but then you quickly remember, someone could take this the wrong way.
JJ puts you back on the ground, instantly noticing the difference in the way your body tensed at his touch. “What’s up? Did I go too far?” JJ asked. “I just… I wouldn’t want Kie to get the wrong idea and think I’m trying to come between you guys or something, y’know?” “You don’t have to worry about that,” JJ chuckled. “What?” “Me and Kie trust each other, besides, if she saw something she didn’t like, you would know,” JJ gestured to where Kie was, still sitting on the blanket. She gave a wave, which meant she had clearly been watching you and JJ. You looked back to JJ, and his words seemed like the answer to a riddle you didn’t know yet: if she saw something she didn’t like… 
JJ got in the water, once it was up to his ankles he splashed some water towards you, egging you to join him. You looked between him and Kie once more before getting in the water, pushing the thoughts from your head.
That night, you all went to the Chateau to shoot off some fireworks, have another bonfire, drink, the usual, but what was unusual was Kie and JJ.
“Do you need another drink, y/n?” JJ would ask. “Come do sparklers with me, y/n/n,” Kie would say. No matter what was happening, it seemed at least 1/2 of the couple would always be beside you.
When you guys ran out of fireworks, you all sat around the bonfire and settled for a game of truth or dare. For a while, that was normal too; Sarah dared John B to skinny dip, Pope confessed to cheating on a test in math last year, John B dared JJ to do a wheelie on his bike, but then it was JJ’s turn. “Y/n, truth or dare?” You bit your lip, normally, you liked to play it safe, but while JJ worked for your dad, you found yourself building a genuine friendship with him, and one thing you know about JJ is he never turns down a dare, so how could you? “Dare.” “I dare you… to…. kiss Kie.” Your eyebrows raised, that was hardly a challenge to you. Kie was pretty, funny, down to earth, and already becoming a good friend. All the guys, and Sarah, got an excited look on their face; Kie had an unreadable expression. “Oh please-” You practically taunt. “That’s hardly a dare.” “Oh yeah? Then by all means,” JJ put his hand out, gesturing to Kie as if to tell you to get on with it. “You should be more worried,” you said as you got up from your spot to move and sit beside Kie, her eyes following you the entire way. 
“I should be worried? Why’s that, cupcake?” JJ asked, leaning in to get a better view. “Because I’m a really good kisser,” you reply before turning your full attention to Kie. Now you can read her expression; she was excited. “Is this okay?” you ask softly and she nods, slowly closing her eyes. You shoot one more look to JJ before bringing your hands up to cup Kie’s face before leaning in and pressing your lips to hers. She was still, but then she kissed back, her hands coming up to touch your arms. The soft touch left goosebumps in their trail; you had to pull away. Kie’s eyes were big and lost when she opened them, almost like she didn’t understand why you had pulled away. You don’t know what came over you, but you pulled her in for a second kiss, which resulted in a round of cheers and wolf whistles from your friends while Kie’s hands balled in the front of your shirt, pulling you in closer. She looked much less lost when you pulled away the second time.
The game ended after that due to JJ’s insistence that it was time for a round of shots, so you all went inside. Pope was the first to clonk out shortly after taking his shot. JJ and Kie stepped out onto the back porch, leaving you with John B and Sarah.
“So, y/n, how are you liking the group?” Sarah asked, practically in a ball while sitting on John B’s lap. You had only been hanging out with them for a couple months, three at the most, but every second with them has been fun. “I really love your guys’ vibes, yknow? Very grateful JJ brought me along,” you answer, a small smile on your face.
“Where is JJ? And Kie?” “I think they’re on the porch talking,” you answer. “Boo!” Sarah whined, making you giggle. “I’ll go get them,” you offer, standing up from your spot. 
You go out to the mudroom, and through the screen of the back door, you can hear them talking.
“JJ, I know, but I-” “Kie… I love you, I want to do this with you, and-and y’know, maybe I kinda like her too, but… Kie. It’s not like she’s a rando or-or a touron!” “I know!” Whatever they were talking about seemed intense, and eavesdropping made you feel guilty, so you reacted to your first instinct. “Hey guys, John B and Sarah miss you,” you say quickly as you swing the door open, catching both of them by surprise. Both of them look like they were caught with their hands in the cookie jar, but Kie quickly walked past you, going back inside. JJ sighed, leaning against the railing. Your eyebrows furrow, and you hesitantly step forward, letting the door shut behind you.
“You okay, J?” You asked, moving to be closer to him. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” JJ brushed off with a small chuckle, one that seemed forced. You bite your lip before fully committing to standing beside him, leaning on the railing.
“I-I know I’m still new to the friend group… and I know it might be weird to tell your boss’ daughter what’s going on… but I am your friend too.” JJ sighed, biting his lip. “I just… I’m in between a rock and a hard place.” “Oh yeah? Wanna tell me about it?”
JJ chewed on the inside of his lip as he thought it over, then he smiled. “Nah, how ‘bout we go find Kie, smoke a j.” You force a smile. JJ took a while to warm up, he didn’t like to talk about his feelings, but that just meant the few times he confided in you were that much more special. 
You and JJ went inside, only to find Kie alone, sitting on the couch which has now been pulled out into a bed. “John B and Sarah went to ‘sleep’,” she explained, putting sleep in suggestive air quotes. You chuckled as you sat back in your chair, JJ sat beside Kie on the bed, leaning over to the side table for his rolling tray.
“Did you have a good Fourth, y/n?” Kie asked. You smiled. “Yeah, I did. I usually just spend it with my dad.” “Booooo!” JJ spoke up, making you chuckle again. Kie smiled.
“What about you, Kie? How was your first girl kiss?” You ask, almost teasingly.
“Um,” Kie said, then turned her head to look to JJ. This time, facing them, you saw the look they exchanged. “It was fine. Just a kiss, right?” She tried to laugh it off, but something was gnawing at you, but that was the exact moment JJ finished rolling the joint. “Ta-da!” He displayed his work proudly. You quickly leaned over, putting a hand on the bed for balance as you snatched it from his hand. “Yoink!” 
JJ chuckled as he let you take it, leaning over to light it for you after you put it between your lips. 
“Y’know… I um-” Kie cleared her throat, you watched her carefully as you took your hit. “I was thinking about it, and I feel a little guilty.” You held the smoke in for a beat, then exhaled, blowing the smoke up, and getting up to sit on the bed so it’d be easier to pass the joint. You held it out, JJ was the first to take it. “Guilty?” you asked. “Yeah… I mean… It doesn’t really seem fair, does it? JJ’s my boyfriend, if I get to kiss someone else, he should too.” She said softly, taking the joint from JJ after he took his hit. “Should I wake Pope up?” you teased, making JJ chuckle. Kie held in her smoke, but then was silent even after she exhaled. “Y'know, I always thought we’d make a lovely couple,” JJ added, making you giggle. “Well, I mean… the most fair thing would be if JJ kissed you too,” Kie explained, holding the joint out for you. At first, you thought she was joking, so you laughed, but she didn’t. Her face was very serious. “Wait, seriously?” you asked as you took the joint from her. “Yeah, I mean… not if you don’t want to, but-” Kie looked between JJ and you. “I-I think it’d make me feel better.”
You were at a lack of words, and looked to JJ as you took your hit. He glared at Kie, but when he turned to face you, his face softened. You held the joint out for him, he took it and looked back to Kie once more, this time also softer.
“I mean, is that- would you-” Kie was a bit flustered for words.  “I’m gonna be honest, this kinda feels like a trap,” you said, putting your hands up in surrender. “What? No, no, not at all! I just… want things to be equal for JJ and I… and like I said, it’s just a kiss, right?”
Out of your peripheral vision, you see JJ turn to look at you, so you look at him. You saw a flash of pink as his tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip. “Fuck it. I’m down if you are, y/n,” JJ said quickly. Your eyes quickly glanced back to Kie, she had a hint of a smile on her face as she stared back at you. “Okay… it’s just a kiss,” you say softly. JJ turns his body slightly to face you more, so you follow his actions. You’re nervous, but you don’t know why, you’ve kissed boys before.
“You look a little worried there, y/n. What, do I look like a good kisser or something?” JJ asked in a soft voice as he leaned in closer. You swallowed before closing your eyes and practically lurching forward to press your lips to his. JJ was surprised, but wasted no time kissing you back, his hand moving to your waist to pull you closer. JJ smiled against your lips before a small chuckle escaped him, and you took that as your cue to pull away, but JJ quickly pulled you back to him. 
“She got two,” was his only explanation when you two pulled away for good. Your first instinct was to look at Kie, and you were surprised to see a smile on her face. She looked so pretty when she smiled. “Who has the joint?” You ask, trying to push the thoughts of both Kie and JJ out of your mind. Kie quickly leaned over to hand it to you, and you took a hit as the three of you exchanged looks, none of you sure how to move on from what just happened. 
“Okay, I think it’s past my bedtime,” you say, getting up and stretching. “Where are you going?” Kie asked worriedly. “Mud room. Couch,” you answer, like it should have been obvious. “No way, that couch feels like a brick and it gets super hot in there. You can sleep here, with us,” Kie said it like it was nothing, but to you it very much felt like something.
“Yeah, can’t have you bitchin’ and moanin’ about a sore back tomorrow when we go surfing,” JJ added with a smirk. You bit your lip. Nothing wrong with sleeping in the same bed as your friends…
Kie offered you the spot in the middle, but you insisted on the edge, JJ taking the other. You tried to sleep, but found yourself staring at the ceiling in the darkness, replaying the events of the day. You didn’t expect kissing Kie to feel like that, and you definitely didn’t expect kissing JJ to feel like that. 
“Y/n?” Kie’s soft voice asked in a whisper. You turned your head, and once your eyes adjusted, you could make out her face. “Yeah?” “I really enjoyed today…” “... I did too.” In the darkness you still managed to see her smile.
©ᵒᵘᵗᵉʳᵐᵃʸᵇᵃⁿᵏˢ ²⁰²⁴
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cosmicpoutine · 6 months
leaving a lil rant here :]
I love Tim and his ships sm. Me personally, I only really ship TimKon. Those two are perfect for eachother and have so much clear queer coding that it’s crazy, and they have dialogue that’s just. gay shaped.
I also get TimBart, I don’t ship it romantically but I get why people do!! Tim and Bart are close as well, and the balance they get between ‘depressed tired wet cat’ and ‘living breathing embodiment of adhd’ is great.
I also get TimBartKon, they’re a trio. They are always a trio, so many people like to bring up how TimKon has so much coding and one of the big examples they use is when Tim tried to clone Kon. You know who else he tried to clone? Bart.
The only Tim ship I don’t get is TimBern, or any ship involving those two. When Bernard first appears, he’s Tim’s bully. He actively makes fun of tim and puts him down and then that character is forgotten about until Tim comes out as bi, then they just rework his character and go “haha guys this is his boyfriend not bully ygs are crazy” and just forget about all the bad stuff Bernard did? Reworking a character is great and all but, it just feels a bit weird and out of place for me. There’s always going to be that certain toxicity for TimBern, at least for me.
homie... bully??? im flabbergasted- im speechless- im jason todd (dead)
okay, im gonna start off by saying you have all the right to not ship them, and im not here to defend timbern as a ship. im here to defend BERNARD DOWD.
first thing bernard does is give tim advice about teachers, and he clearly says they're gonna be good friends.
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if bernard was a bully, tim wouldn't hang around him so much. besides, i hate it when people place tim as a helpless little boy who would get bullied. he has put himself in situations where he looks weak on purpose to keep his identity safe, but he's not a victim at all. tim is a social butterfly because he's really good at masking and reading people.
not to mention, both bernard and darla push tim a lot because they're trying to get him to open up and be closer to them, but he keeps pushing them away. tim is a professional liar.
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and when tim has to quit robin and start hanging out with normal people, he invites bernard over.
and bernard is acting relatively normal, and he wants to play video games and talk about how hot tim's stepmom is.
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bernard is a normal teenager who has no idea one of his friends is the hero he's so obsessed with. he even shows concern for robin dying and makes up an entire conspiracy theory about batman havin a robin orphanage. you can tell he's afraid of robin being gone for real because at this point they haven't seen robin in months bc tim retired.
i dont know what about all of these interactions gave you the vibe that he's a bully because all i see is a normal teenager teasing his friends and being jealous tim gets more bitches.
im not saying that bernard was never mean or weird around tim, but he definitely wasn't actively bullying tim.
bernard is obnoxious and cocky, yes. but thats just because they wrote him as a real person. he's the school's chameleon, maybe even a little bit of a loser, too. he knows everyone but keeps a safe distance so that he doesn't get pushed into a box. im not sure if, at this point, he was already in a cult or being indoctrinated, but when we see his parents and the dowd home in tim drake: robin that just doesn't look right.
also homie talk about "forgetting all the bad things bernard did" (which in my opinion is none but okay lets follow that logic) everyone forget about all the bad things batman did to tim, he was not a kind and loving mentor, he was cruel to both tim and steph. we forget that batman was kind of an asshole to damien in the beginning. all those things are forgotten for the sake of the batfam.
in conclusion: we're just so used to the idea that superheroes can only ever form strong friendship bonds by having near death experiences together that we forget that the secret identifies exist and that the people who know them by their legal name also means a lot to them. after all, these people are the reason why they're heroes.
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cloudluvrrr · 2 months
"...I'm like your mother" Dan Heng x reader
minilial - asked: "Dan Heng with lazy reader so he would always act like a nagging mother and often scold reader"
why r the ones w black hair and emo the most put together cahracters dude (and the ones i want)
-- in the afternoon - the cardigans
you two were and unlikely pair, the most lazy and clumsy person (you) and dan heng the quiet rational one on the express.
-when he sees you lazing (wtf i s that a word) around he'll wack you with paper and drag you along with him to organize the archives (yay)
"this isn't fair" you huffed organizing the information he'd given you form penacony. "just do it, you have nothing better to do" he replied reading a book on the floor. "well your reading a book!" you mocked looking over at him "because I finished all my work, what have you done besides play game on your phone?" he said looking up at you. ".." with nothing to say you returned to your work, mocking him and grumbling under your breath.
-Even though neither of you have energy you two squabble a lot
-often about you doing nothing while he does all the work
-but he loves you beneath all that scolding and hitting
-he'll show it through buying you trinkets 😜or food (both r good)
you two were cuddling in YOUR bed (bc he sleeps on the floor like a weirdo) he read a book as you loosely followed along, before he remembered something. "hey did you clean the hallway like i asked" he asked looking over at you, soon realizing you forgot and looked away. "..yes" "don't lie to me, do i have to lock your phone away again. "WHAT NO" immediately getting up to do as your told.
"...I'm like your mother, telling you what to do" he said watching you get up. upon hearing this you stuck your tongue out and went to clean the hall.
-like i said before he often wacks you on the head, or tugs at your cheek/ear.
-when everyone else is gone though he'll kiss your cheek and rub it
'you dont listen to me, its for your own good'
'your not my mom your my boyfriend'
-well more often than not he'll find you laying on the couch or sleeping, which he will drag you, and make you help him do something.
-that or he'll scold you for being on your phone too much
-and then you'll insult his phone case
-which ends up in him confiscating your phone and making you read
-but he loves you really, he can't really show it. But when your sleeping he will tuck you in and kiss your forehead. Or leave you credits to spend where ever the express is parked
-its when your awake where the problem begins
'i hate you' you grumble cleaning the windows alongside him
'you love me'
'....not right now'
this one is short and kinda bad but I HOPE YOU ENJOYED 😭
dude i got an email from my school
I WILL NO LONGER BE FREE 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 im old as fuck
im glad you guys like my shit posting and bad fics 😍
(btw can u guys tell hwen i post from my computer vs my phone
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elizabethsnuts · 3 months
Hi could you write something with Ian&Mickey where they a young daughter and she getting bullied bc she has two dad?
Always Got Your Back
Gallavich x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You are getting bullied at school for having two dads and no mum, Ian and Mickey always have your back.
Ian had always known parenting wouldn’t be easy, but nothing could have prepared him for the situation he was dealing with now. You had come home from school in tears, and it hadn’t taken long for Ian and Mickey to get to the bottom of it. You were being bullied because you had two dads.
Ian sat at the kitchen table, staring at the untouched cup of coffee in front of him. Across the table, Mickey paced back and forth, his face a mask of fury. Ian knew that look all too well.
“No kid should have to go through this shit,” Mickey growled, fists clenching and unclenching.
“I know, Mick, but we have to handle this carefully. What is everyone going to think when they hear that her dad fought another kid's parent.” Ian said rhetorically, trying to keep his voice calm.
Mickey stopped pacing and turned to face Ian, his eyes blazing. “Carefully? You think we should just sit back and let our daughter get bullied? I want names.”
Ian sighed, running a hand through his hair. "No, but we handle this the right way. We talk to the school, we talk to their parents. Y/N doesn’t need you in prison again."
Mickey paced the room, his anger barely contained. "And what if that doesn’t work, Ian? What then?"
Ian stepped closer to Mickey, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "Then we figure something else out."
You walked into the kitchen where your dads were talking, though you did hear everything they said. You looked between Ian and Mickey, your eyes welling up with tears. "I don’t want you to get in trouble, Papa," You said to Mickey.
Mickey's resolve wavered at your plea. He knelt beside you, taking your tiny hands in his rough ones. "I won’t, N/N. I promise."
Ian knelt down next to the two of you, pulling both of you into a tight embrace. "We’ll get through this together, Y/N. We’ll make sure the school knows what’s going on, and you can always tell us what’s going on in school because we’ll handle it."
The next morning, Ian and Mickey walked you to school, holding your hands tightly. They met with the principal, explaining the situation and demanding action. The principal assured them that the school had a zero-tolerance policy for bullying and promised to address the issue immediately. Though they knew schools usually do nothing.
You went to school as normal, going to your class and learning to read and write. At recess, you were playing in the sandpit when the boy who had been bullying you came over.
“You’re playing by yourself again. It’s because you're a freak!” The boy teased. You usually played with your friends in the sand, though they were out sick today.
“Indie is sick today.” You frowned and bit back, your dads always taught you to at least stand up for yourself. “Charlotte is on holiday.”
The boy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever. Mother’s Day is soon, gonna bring your mum in? That’s right you can’t! Because you’re a loser who doesn’t have one!”
“I’m not a loser…” You frowned. You didn’t know what else to say, you didn’t even know why he cared so much.
“Yeah, you are! Everyone needs a mum!” The boy stated. He stole your hat off your head and kicked sand at you, running off.
When you got home, you immediately told Ian and Mickey. They were furious the school wasn’t handling it and instead were letting this kid get away with bullying you.
"Fuckin' kids," Mickey muttered under his breath, his jaw clenched tightly. He was known for being tough, but his heart broke seeing you distressed like this.
Ian ran a hand through his hair, his face etched with concern and anger. "They promised they'd handle it!"
Mickey scoffed, his frustration bubbling over. "Handle it my ass. They ain't doin' shit. Look at her!" Mickey gestured to you while wiping away your tears.
“Daddy, Papa? Am I a freak?” You sniffled and looked Mickey in the eyes.
Mickey shook his head. “No way. You’re not a freak at all. They’re just assholes that have nothing better to do than keep pickin’ on you all day. But you’re tough, you’re not gonna let their bullyin’ get to you are you?”
She shook your head quickly. “No, I’m not gonna, Papa. I’m tough.”
Mickey smirked and ruffled your hair. “You’re tough alright, what would the south side be without you?”
“Are you and Daddy going to sort it out if he doesn’t stop?” You asked, hoping they’d say yes.
Ian nodded. “Of course we will, Don’t you worry about it.”
You hugged your dads tightly, knowing they always had your back and would always protect you. Even if that meant going full south side on other parents.
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
Nausea (Billy Butcher Oneshot)
Character/s: Butcher
Word Count: 1,349
A/N: This is a re-upload bc the first time I posted it I got self-conscious and deleted it lol. It's just not my best writing, but I feel like I have to get it out. Just me writing about my issues again! I still have no idea what's going on, but all the same diagnoses come back from the first time (uc/crohn's/celiac/gastroparesis) and it's so infuriating. My doctors don't know what's wrong and my family, who I love, just think it's nerves. I don't think my very graphic symptoms are nerves 😅 I have so many remedies by my bed, it looks crazy. I haven't slept well in a few days bc of the pain, but I'm also so afraid of not being believed again, it's a vicious loop. Okay I swear I'm done complaining! Thank you for putting up with me!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜
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He knows when it’s happening. There is no great show or performance. There is no crying or whimpering. No one else would even notice, but he knows the signs. Albeit too late, but he does. You’re quieter, withdrawn, hand over mouth, hoping this will stop the nausea. Deep, even breaths: breathing through it. When that is not enough, when that stops working, you slip quietly out of the room and into the bathroom. He tries not to notice how long you’re gone. Mere minutes. It feels so much longer. Someone snatches his attention from you and suddenly, you’re back. You reappear as if you were never gone. You offer a smile, a joke or two, a sense of normalcy, but beneath you’re stomach is churning, clenching, radiating pain through your middle. You only let him tell a few people, who you’re sure told everyone else. Still, none react besides him. He doesn’t say anything, to do so would draw attention. That’s the last thing you want. Instead, he moves towards you, casually, standing beside you. Close. You can feel his jacket on your arm. Worn and scratchy. Familiar. He looks at you and you offer him a small, insignificant nod. That’s as far as he’ll get to asking if you’re okay. That’s as far as you’ll let him when you’re working. 
Its been happening on and off for years. Off, for a long time. You thought it was over. Gone. Dead. It’s come back, though, an uninvited guest. This sudden pain, this distress, this mystery no one is curious enough to solve. When they looked, they found nothing. Said you were fine. You were embarrassed, hurt, questioning if it was all in your head. Eventually, you moved on. Things got better. You believed them. And now it’s back. A fullness, nausea, pain, weight loss. You can’t be in the apartment while he’s cooking. The smell repulses you. The taste, too. You can’t eat, afraid you’ll be sick. Again. He urges you, please, something more than your morning coffee, but you cannot handle it. Everything you try you end up spitting out: everything is gluey, everything is profoundly unappetizing. Hiding in the bathroom away from the scent or leaving altogether, it’s put a rift between you. Meals that were safe turned poisonous. Entire food groups cut off unwillingly. It’s been days. Your stomach growls, but that is a trick. You try to ignore it, hide it, knowing what he will insist. He watches you. You can feel it. You don’t say anything. It’s easier this way, not to fight, not to argue. This is a hill you will not die on. He does what he can, pouring your coffee, grateful you at least have that. So far, it doesn’t cause problems and it keeps you full. That’s all you can ask for. 
He wants you to get looked at, checked out. You refuse. You were so sick, so scared, and they told you nothing was wrong. You were constantly doubting if this was even real, then and now. If they didn’t find anything, if they didn’t have the answers, you’re not sure what you’ll do. You can’t be doubted again. You can’t be looked at and deemed dramatic. You knew the pain was real. Why did you have to prove it? Why did you have to show them when they refused to believe you? So, you keep it to yourself, far from friends and family. They congratulated the weight you lost. Said you looked good. Remind them you were petrified to eat. You were smaller and that’s what mattered. It’s worse at night. Lying beside him, you push from him, untangling his arms from around you. A trash bin by your head, waiting for it to pass. If things are bad, really bad, you’ll lock yourself in, on the floor, praying for it to go away. He wakes up to an empty bed night after night. The pain wakes you up. You have nausea patches, and losanges, and a heating pad he is constantly rewarming. If you lay very still, perhaps you can trick it. Play dead. Hours you’ll spend curled in a ball, wondering what it was that you ate that set it off, that made it so angry. Was it the time? The combination? You were down to drinks with minerals and vitamins, hydrating agents to keep you going. Baby food. Liquid diet. You missed food. You missed having an appetite. You missed cooking. But it wasn’t worth it afterwards. Immediately or hours, the nausea, the pain, the discomfort invites itself back into your life. 
Butcher isn't a natural worrier. There isn't a lot that scares him. But this? This leaves him petrified. There is something wrong and no one will listen. You try to shrug it off. It was so much worse all those years ago. It was excruciating. This, if anything, is a walk in the park in comparison. Uncomfortable sure, but that's all. It's not Vought or Homelander, that he can protect you from. That he can stop. Your body working against itself? That he can do nothing about. It isn't fair. It isn't right. And yet, there is nothing to be done. The tests they did were inconclusive. Why risk it again? Why waste your time? You assure him soon it will be gone, a few days, maybe a few weeks. Last time it was six months. You swallow that time like a prison sentence. Six months. You could do it again, if you had to. You could manage. Maybe by then they’d take you seriously. He wanted to yell and scream, at them. Order them around, insist they help, but would that even help? More tests, more waiting. By the time it would be your turn, it would have gone into remission. Loved ones would hypothesize, becoming doctors themselves. Their favorite diagnosis? Nerves. You weren’t anxious, or nervous, or worried. You were wasting away. You were spending your nights trying not to throw up and your days doing anything to prevent discomfort. Even certain clothes, too close, too constricting, were off the table. You couldn’t stand the way they looked at you, everyone but Butcher, wondering if it was physical or mental. He heard you, he saw you, he knew this was all too real. Why couldn’t others? 
You're more tired, exhausted as soon as the sun starts setting. You lose a lot of hours at night, in the early mornings, praying to anyone who will listen that you’ll wake up tomorrow and it will be gone. That you will be fine again. That it really was all in your head. Falling asleep in the car. He tries to avoid bumps in the roads, potholes, not wanting to wake you. Your attention straining: it's always there, in the back of your mind, at the back of your throat. It sits deep in the pit of your stomach and it mocks you. When you finally do complain, just a little, when it's too much, he knows it's really getting bad. He's helpless all over again. The people he's loved, the people he's lost, he can't risk it. Not again. Not with you. There’s little can do, though. There’s little anyone can do. This is not someone he can kill, this is not an organization he can take down. This is chronic, spontaneous, vengeful. It has no rhyme or reason. You let the mask slip every so often. You’re scared. Scared of what they’ll find, scared of what they won’t. He reassures you, whatever it is, you’ll figure it out together. You trust him, you love him, but you can’t do that to him. You can’t be a burden. You body is your own to take care of. So, you throw up in the bathroom, and wear your patches, and make your jokes. You tell him it’s a three, always a three, on a scale from one to ten. You can’t let him worry, he’s got enough on his plate. Yours will remain empty until, hopefully soon, it goes away just as it has appeared.
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imeriayapping · 11 days
He doesn't know when it starts or even how.
Well if Logan tried to go back to see all the steps that lead him here he should probably start around 2021 when he first opened MotoGP race when there was nothing else to watch.
He was always hungry for more, watching as much different racing as he could, it's just motorcycles are a bit out of his comfort zone so he never gravitated towards opening a stream somewhere to watch.
Of course logan knew about it, about people in it and thought about Rossi the same way he did about Gordon and Hamilton if not for his own experience of watching than at least for how much lando was talking about him. As the Greatest of all.
It takes him a bit to learn all teams, how everything works and some major events but he gets there, fully emerged at that point.
Logan still doesn't watch all that much content of riders bc he's not interested in their personalities besides what they say about bikes but he catches glimpse of how insane it all is anyway and it fascinates him when he compares it to formula scenery where it's so political and everyone is second away from clawing at your throat.
Guys there are wild and don't have pr crafted personalities that they need just to survive. Next season starts, he gets into f2 and watching gets a bit more challenging on some weekends but manageable on most. And nothing would change if not for one bike that his eyes keep going back to and the guy on it that Logan starts watching press conferences forBc firstly bez is amazing and it's interesting to watch him on track. And secondly he's just so..... different, so open and always smiley.
It's fascinating to Logan because it's almost diametrally different from what he himself is. He loves a good hug don't get him wrong but living mostly alone on another continent from your family and all friends doesn't make for a lot of opportunities to express emotions through touches. Sometimes it feels like he can go weeks without meaningful contact. Also Logan can only watch how outgoing and extrovert marco is never even being close to that, sticking with few people that he knew the best.
It somehow transformed into following him on multiple platforms and watching whatever content motogp or his team would put out. It became kinda embarrassing at the point where he could understand a few Italian words from sheer amount of them that he heard before. It was a bit annoying not being able to understand a lot of stuff but he wouldn't prove "dumb American" stereotype by wishing for guy to speak only in English. Plus the way his voice sounded when he actually did talk in English was very cute, so nothing to be sad about.
Logan started wondering if this what admiration for drivers felt like because he never experienced it before always only motivated by his own desire to win not by those he saw on screens. It was pretty tough to rationalize by himself so he went to the most rational person he could think of (and totally not because it was his only friend on the grid,no) - oscar.
It was usual hangout for them only stained by somewhat awkward logan who didn't know how to approach subject until oscar points out his weird behaviour and makes him talk it all out while listening intently. In the end oscar just answered with short but straightforward "sounds more like you catching an internet crush that anything else" which made Logan spat out million protesters a second only stopped by solid hand on his forearm
"Look you should think it all over and if you still not sure I'll go to MotoGP race next month for promo so you can tag along and actually speak to the guy to see how you feel"It took him a while to evaluate everything and actually come to some form of conclusion but looking back oscar wasn't wrong, it's just Logan never catched feelings in similar way so it was confusing. But looking at it now it wasn't even surprising with how mesmerising marco was, resembling the sun whenever he went with his blinding smile and warm attitude. And Logan wanted to reach out to that shine too
But even ignoring all that he asepted Oscar's offer mostly to watch race itself because in person it would be way cooler than through small screen in shitty hotel room. Logan didn't plan on even going close to bez there because mortifying ordeal of confronting a crush that doesn't know you exist is a bit too much for him but it's not like anything ever goes according to his plan.
So this time what gone wrong was bez himself that catched a cute blonde guy laughing with sun rays in corners of his eyes while talking to someone but standing completely on his own otherwise looking a bit uncomfortable in unfamiliar space. And of course marco went to introduce himself because why waste such chance? Especially when his outstretched hand ready for handshake is met with blush and shuttering before he even managed to say anything besides "hi, I'm bez"
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armysantiny · 1 year
My Exception – HRJ
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P: Renjun x gender neutral reader | G: drabble, fluff | Inc: reading corners, movie nights, renjun and y/n being really soft, pastries, movie snacks, hot drinks | Wc: 600 | W: food (bc pastries/snacks) | R: G
Summary: Renjun’s reading time is sacred; a dedicated few hours every weekend spent with him, his wax melts, a book, and a hot drink. Though he can make an exception for y/n. He can always make an  exception for them.
Min's notes: Everyone say thank you to Kyu <;33
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Renjun inhales as he settles down in his loveseat, the sandalwood and cardamom wax melt covering his little reading corner in warmth. The air around him smells inviting, tempting him into drifting away into the world of his books. He’s already got a book in mind, picking it out from his stack of books and returning to where he last left his bookmark. It’s a romantic thriller, pulling at his imagination as soon as he begins to read.
Y/n’s on their way back from an outing, he’s got a coffee beside him, and he’s got a good book. What more could he ask for?
It’s silent in the shared apartment, bar the occasional turning of the page and hum of interest. The twists in the novel have already started to appear, one by one in a slow but addicting pace, and Renjun finds himself theorising more as he goes along, taking sips of his coffee and making a note to thank y/n again for splurging on the Nespresso machine. It’s a thing of beauty.
“…home baby~!” y/n’s voice pulls Renjun out of the scene he was reading, drawing his attention to the door where his partner’s taking off their shoes. He leans forward, grins when y/n eventually spots him and waves his greeting. He looks for his bookmark, slotting it in between the pages and returns the paperback to the mini library stand of books. Sure, he could go back to reading his book, knowing all too well y/n would be more than happy to respect his reading time, but he’s missed them.
He can pause his reading time for his favourite person.
“I brought some pastries from that café you like, wanna have some later?” Y/n asks, making their way over to Renjun’s little reading nook and draping themselves over the back.
“Sure. Movie night?”
“Movie night.” They confirm, tapping their lips for a kiss, a pleased smile on their face seconds later when Renjun grants their wish. “How’s the book?”
“It’s so good! The police just started hunting down one of their suspects,” y/n chuckles as Renjun starts becoming more and more animated, “but if you ask me, I don’t think the professor did it at all, he’s clearly trying to cover up for someone else.” Renjun’s review continues, and a little ball of fondness grows in y/n’s chest as they listen, admiring the man they get to call their own. They subtly ask him to budge over and take a seat beside him, half sitting across the grey Hampshire loveseat and half hanging over the armrest.
It's comfy. They’re comfy, with him.
The wax melt burner sits on the tv stand this time, a new wax melt on the surface melting away as y/n brings a tray of cookies from the kitchen, Renjun holding their drinks. It’s a movie night, there’s a shower of rain outside and the Netflix menu screen stares back at the pair, awaiting to play their first of many films that evening. Renjun’s the first to sit down, open arms inviting y/n to cuddle up beside him as they rest on the sofa.
“Want to pick first?” Renjun offers, a simple thing of a gesture and he basks in the soft affection he feels when they nod, a languid smile on their face. He watches them pick, eventually landing on a movie they’ve been putting off for a while now and rests his head on top of theirs.
“Hey, don’t fall asleep just yet,” y/n warns, a smile in their voice. “I’ve been dying to watch this with you.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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© copyright work of armysantiny 2023-2024
Networks: @kwritersworld, @kdiarynet, @ultkpopnetwork, @whipped-kpop-creators, @blankjournal
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Taglist: @teeztheflag, @jeonqquk, @mikailo666, @babyboobean, @taem-min, @iiindigocheesecake, @xavi-in-kpopland, @flowerjun, @marxenash, @tinystarstay | Taglist form
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duckymcdoorknob · 11 months
Hi ducky can I please have an emergency request? can u write a story for a y/n who keeps her emotions in bc every time she tries to tell someone someone else complains about something.
and I think u started watching black clover so can u write it with luck and magna ? either together or separate is okey.
thank u 💔
Yes you sure can.
Bumping this one up bc I’m really feeling this hardcore rn
I may make this kinda self-indulgent with the issues y/n is facing???
My dms are open if you wanna vent! I’m here for you, anon. 💜💜💜💜
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Luck Voltia and Magna Swing
Things weren’t going too well for you, there’s no way to hide that fact.
From whatever it was, your day was poisoned by unhappiness, and you didn’t know what to do to aid it.
Of course, you refused to let any of the other bulls in on how you were feeling. It was especially difficult to keep Asta from pestering you; the kid is very attentive.
“Show. Never tell.” Is what you would tell yourself, forcing the feelings back into a tiny box.
You tried so hard to keep your face up as you walked through the base, but most days it was impossible to get anything besides a hopeless frown.
When asked how you were, you shrugged it off, merely explaining that you just have a “resting sad face”
Many believed you, nodding with an “ohh” while walking away.
But Magna we’re not buying into any of your nonsense. The two would exchange worried glances at your excuses.
When the team slowly gathered together in the living room after dinner, you were not doing great whatsoever. Your mood was sour, and you were barely focused on anything.
“Hey, everything alright?” Asta asked as he sat next to you. “You didn’t eat at dinner, and usually you have a great appetite.”
You sighed with a broken smile, “To be honest I’m-“
“Oh my god, Asta, did you see what Yami had me doing today? I didn’t get a break once! I’m so tired of being his wheels all the time,” Finral whined as he plopped down next to the anti-magic user.
To your dismay, everyone gathered around their senior to listen to his tale of woe, leaving you behind and ignored again.
You stand up and retreat to your bedroom, leaving without a single word.
You didn’t have much time alone before there was a gentle knocking on your door. “(Y/N)? Can we come in?” It was Luck’s voice…?
You didn’t reply, instead burying your head into your pillow. You heard their bickering through the door.
“Looks like we’re doing this the hard way-“
“Magna no! They didn’t give us permission to come in-“
“And what if something happened to them?? Would you rather us stand out here and do nothing when-“
“You need to respect their wishes!”
“You can come in,” you say stoically, not moving from your previous position.
The door opens slowly, revealing the two bulls.
“Hey, careful doing that,” Magna quickly made his way over to your bed, turning your head toward them. “You’ll suffocate if you don’t leave room for air.”
“Whatever…” you murmur, eyes glazed over.
“(N/N),” Luck begins, “Are you okay?”
You sit upright to greet them “Yeah I’m-“
“No, like actually okay,” he interrupts, moving to sit next to you.
There’s a solemn silence…
“Hey, (N/N), tell us what’s going on, kid,” Magna hums as he brushes a few stray hairs out of your face, sitting on your other side.
They wait with baited breath for your reply, worry evident in their eyes.
“I’m not okay… and I don’t know what to do,” you finally confess in a sotto-voce tone.
Both put a supportive hand on your back or shoulder, listening carefully.
“Everything is falling apart… and I-I’m not sure what to do. I’m usually g-good at fixing things but…” you laugh a bit in pitifulness, “I can’t even fix myself.”
“You don’t have to fix yourself; that’s why we’re here,” the mowhawked mage mutters, squeezing your shoulder gingerly.
“But what if I can’t be fixed? What if I have to live like this every day?”
“Nothing lasts forever,” Luck’s sweet voice chimes. “Time won’t stop whenever you feel sad, it will keep moving and you’ll be forced to feel better.”
“It feels so hopeless… nobody cares…” you whisper
“That’s not-“ he attempts.
“It is true. The moment Fin complained, everyone turned to listen to him instead. I don’t feel heard or respected… I don’t-“ tears start to fill your eyes “I feel so alone.”
“Hey,” Magna’s low voice sounds, “You are far from alone…” he wipes a falling tear with his thumb. “You have people who love you and are willing to support you every step of the way.”
“Yeah!” A quiet cheer of approval left the lightning mage. “You know how much we love you, and we would do anything for you to feel like yourself again.”
The flame mage gets in front of you, locking your eyes. “Tell us anything that’s on your mind… what’s making you feel like less than you are? Anything is fair game, don’t be afraid.”
You look around at their concerned faces once more, and suddenly everything falls apart. Your shoulders heave up and down as your body is wracked with the sobs you’ve been keeping hidden.
As you wail loudly, the two instantly move in to hug you. Magna cradles your head against his chest while Luck hugs around your torso and lays his head on your lap.
The two wordlessly cling onto you as you spill your tale of woe. Many—having heard your pained cries— attempt to check in multiple times. Magna shooed them instantly, shooting a death glare to anyone who tried to enter.
When you finally finished, you slumped downward, resting in their loving embrace. “Thank you…”
“Anytime, kid… anytime.” Magna whispered as he pats your shoulder.
When no response was given from the Cherry berserker, the two of you look down to notice that he had fallen asleep on your lap.
And for the first time that day, you started laughing.
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can you imagine telling me 'bonten tl harutaku, pretty boyfriends, that's all" and then not immediately saying more? Like, thanks for setting the autism rabbit hole 😔
Well, in my defense I assumed there was not much to say about Bonten HaruTaku for two reasons:
When could they interact if Takuya is having a good future?
Sanzu "has" Mikey there. Big stretch bc Mikey is an empty shell of himself, but yeah, being his right hand is difficult to imagine him not totally focused on Mikey (is his special interest and we all know it✨). Even more with interacting with anyone outside Bonten. He has to keep the depressed twink alive + a whole organization running like it had a functional boss (okay, Koko helps a lot with anything money related, but violence? That's Haru's deal and I'm pretty sure that as much unhinged as he can be, he works himself for 3 people minimum. Is for Mikey, so no more questions your honor 😌)
It has been brought to my attention by @fredlikesbreakfast that we don't see Takuya in Pah-chin's wedding or at any point of the "good future" interactions on Toman's side.
(Also, I'm gonna be using his headcanons about Takuya, bc I'm not a Takuya expert and I trust his wisdom on this. Go read them, everyone!)
And.... This.
Just watch this and how I'm about to build sandcastles over fucking nothing, okay?
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(Did I wanted an excuse to show choker Takuya in full color? Yeah, sue me xD)
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And then, we get Bonten introduced with some random traitors meeting their "fate"...
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(Wakui and his realisim, I just noticed the puddle, argh)
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(yeah, Haru is talking alone in here, saying nonsense, right? Is he? Is he talking to that random or to the one next to him? 👀)
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Okay, first of all, before talking about harutaku I need to put some context in bonten harumai situation, so bear with me, please! (Haru never got to be his own person, this tl is when he's more of a lost cause and erased himself for Mikey more than ever, so... For understanding Haru, we need to look at his (not) relationship with Mikey 😮‍💨)
Canon facts? Wakui told us that Mikey barely tolerates anyone at this point and he can only stand Sanzu 🔥 Oh, and has no libido whatsoever (not surprising, anorexic depressed twink much)
That means their codependency is canon, hell yeah!
But, and that's a big one... Mikey is terrified of love bc that would mean having someone to grieve and he can't go there. Besides, he's trying to build a good future for everyone else, so if he admits having feelings for Sanzu... Where would that leave him? Having to push him away for his own good too? (Like Haru wouldn't stay no matter what but shhh, Mikey is depressed and biased)
So yeah, Mikey needs Sanzu, but at the same time, he can't get too close to him. What leads to a pretty fucked up situation where Haru is forced again and again to have to guess Mikey's moods and whims and to never known if he's gonna be welcomed or not.
(Besides the "small" detail of Haru scars being a reminder of Mikey's darkness and what he could do, so... Yeah, complicated)
My personal hc is that they used to be a thing✨ during Kanto Manji times. Until Haru made the mistake of dropping the word love, what turned out into Mikey stopping it all together. One thing is to lie to himself that this is just casual sex, but love? Yeah, no, that can't be.
Why is all of this important? Because it means we have a Haruchiyo who got to be with Mikey for some months and then lose it. An openly rejected Haruchiyo who still stays glued by Mikey's side (Mikey stopped the sex, but still needed him) and who is the only one Mikey tolerates. Are you seeing it? He is at his most delulu and unrequited version of his obsession love for Mikey. 🙃
The setting is twisted and messed up from the start, even before Takuya appears in here 😭
(Well, no surprises considering how it ends I guess xD)
Okay, we have a Takuya that is trying to find his own path in live. Or at least, to separate himself from Takemichi and be his own persona. What is the opposite of the old Toman goodies who are trying to build a normal and happy life? Get involved with gangs again, ofc! 🔥
For some reason I think he got involved when it was still Kanto Manji. Probably bc it feels more reachable than Bonten? But also, if we go with the hcs of last teen years starting with weed and mixing stuff? He had to buy it somewhere and teen gangs feels like a good choice. Koko was there too, they didn't share much time on the 1st division, but is also someone he knows (and who unlike Kakucho who joins later, is in that gang from the start)
So Takuya starts dealing with drugs. You need money to maintain addictions, it is what it is. Small dealing that gets more serious as he grows up. His ability to be an npc seems pretty useful to deal with drugs on the street, ngl. So he ends up getting promoted due to the fact that his numbers are good (Koko here looking for people who is good at making money). Not a big promotion, he's not a higher up. But he's not a nobody either anymore.
That's Sanzu's cue to enter. He is a paranoid gremlin, we all know that. No way he won't stalk suspect on Takuya, when he's aware he was one of Takemichi's friends – who Sanzu hates and calls stinky (jealous much 🙄).
I think this will be around Bonten creation, first couple of years? What also means Senju just died, ugh. More unstable Sanzu, yey! (but also, in more need for comfort and he can't find it on his king, so that also adds to the mix)
Sanzu discovers Takuya is actually on his own and doesn't have much contact with the Mizo gang – less and less everyday – no more than someone could have with ex-classmates. What yeah, saves Takuya's ass (for now), but makes him curious. Why did Takuya part ways with the others? What is about this guy and why is he different that Sanzu assumed he will be? How did he managed to separate himself from who used to be the center of his life? (that last question is one Haru would never admit even to himself bc it feels like a betrayal, but is there. Unconsciously floating on his brain, no doubt)
Pretty sure, again, Haru is the one approaching to Takuya (for not work related purposes, they might have interact before). Junkie radar also works here, but well, is more obvious on both sides, so no need for any radar I guess? 🤣
Differences that I clearly see in their relationship here?
Sanzu is his boss, that for starter. The power dynamics are more unbalanced than ever bc here, Haru is the second in command and pretty confident about it (he has reasons to be, let's be real, Bonten would crumble without him or Koko)
What means that vulnerability he showed sometimes in Bad Toman? That morning after care? Takuya being able to see some cracks on his walls? Forget about it. Not happening. He has to be the perfect right hand (for Mikey), so he can't show weakness to an underling. He can't stop and acknowledge his exhaustion or feelings either, has to keep going.
He's high all the damn time, but also miraculously functioning more. So not as easy to have a situation where he calls Takuya in a moment of weakness.
Unsafe rough sex, so many dubious situations plus more marked bdsm dynamics.
Also, this one can sound weird, but at the same time, Haru is gonna be more demanding of affection. Had a terrible meeting or didn't sleep in 48h bc work? "Takuya, come here and pet my hair, I need to be pampered." Clingy as usual but more openly? Probably even more needy and craving of love now that I think about it 🤔 Bc he spends his days by Mikey's side, feeling the constant rejection.
As long as the years keep passing tho, I think Haru starts crumbling. Slowly and just showing lil pieces, but... Have you seeing Bonten Mikey? He looks too much like tl0 Mikey. NO WAY HARU IS NOT GRADUALLY GETTING TRIGGERED WATCHING THE SIMILARITIES GROWING MORE EVERY DAY! *insert screaming cat in here please*
Takuya sees that. He sees that Haru is more burned out every day, but also, that he comes back from his time with Mikey worse and worse every day. More irascible and grumpy, easier to jump and go violent. But also more clingy and a total emotional mess. Nightmares every night? No doubt either. (or at least when he sleeps, ugh)
Where I'm going with this? Welp... We need Takuya getting killed, right? And why? Why did he end up like that? As much as he can be dumb with his friendships, I think Takuya is smart enough to not try to betray Bonten. Especially if he has 💫something💫 with Sanzu. It's a suicide and a way to kill their relationship all at once. Feels odd.
But what if what Takuya did was something different? What if out of worry he started to point out to Haru that he was looking more drained every day? That he should rest from time to time. Small things here and there, that depending on Haru's mood would make him feel touched (someone sees him enough to notice this, someone cares) or annoyed (he can't admit it, he can't stop, remember?)
And Takuya starts feeling a lil confident with saying those things. Bc Sanzu also got softer with the years, more caring in a weird crazy way (he learns to appreciate the only place where he feels seen).
I also have no doubt Takuya has been biting his tongue for years about the fact that Haru runs when Mikey calls or text him. No matter the hour or what he was doing. Literally. Mid sex? Yeah, "sorry Takuya, my king needs me, see you!" (terrible xD)
Maybe one day Sanzu arrives at Takuya more exhausted than usual. He didn't sleep in 3 days, he just want to be hugged and pampered, to not be alone with his own demons. Is painfully obvious that he's so broken, that Takuya feels protective. And oh, Mikey calls Sanzu when he finally fell asleep? And he just answers and says he'll be there in a few minutes? 💀
Takuya explodes. I have a vision of Haru getting dressed and clenching his jaw bc he doesn't have the time to deal with this bullshit, hissing a "careful" as an only warning. While Takuya is saying that this is not normal, that Haru is killing himself for Mikey, for someone who doesn't even appreciate him (will he go as far to say that doesn't deserve it? Unsure, but that is a nice touch, ngl).
That's it. That settles it for Sanzu. Takuya must die, he showed he's not really loyal to Mikey (and what's worse, but Haru won't admit, he told him so truths and put a mirror in front of him)
I can even go further and say the way Sanzu chooses to kill him is totally on purpose. He can't make it personal, can't he? Admit to himself that again, he wanted something of his own? That he craved love and willingly accepted it from someone else that wasn't Mikey? No way, he had that once (Mucho, you'll always hurt 🥲). This time, he kills Takuya with a gun, not katana-chan. And with two other randoms. Because this is not personal, this is business (yeah, keep lying to yourself, Haru)
And the words he says? "Bring down Bonten's hammer of judgment"? Considering Mikey almost never talks and when he does is to Haru.... Yeah, Haru babu, you're Bonten judge and executor. You're the one translating Mikey's will to the rest (what explains why Bonten is so freaking unhinged btw xD).
He is the one judging Takuya. Period.
Also, that "shhh" moment? Pointing out to the three tied people that they should listen to the king, that what Mikey says is law? That feels like a last message to Takuya now.
So, ummmm.... Remember when I said I was about to build a huge harutaku headcanon from nothing? Yeah? Here it was, I hope someone read it until the end and enjoy it xD
(I might add some things later, who knows. But I'm also totally open to others adding to it, let's keep building harutaku together, yey! 💜)
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