isopode · 6 months
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im normal abt this btw
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yelenapines · 4 months
giggles and kicks feet i can't wait to go by she/he pronouns at camp this summer
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anti-endo-haven · 28 days
my new hyperfixation (@seraphim-coinz) is like so cool but six out of their twelve followers ended up being fucking ENDOS
Comment (She/He) of Baby Cutie Bisexual Collective (BCBC)
Regardless of the followers, seeing coin blogs are still pretty nice.
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batrachised · 7 months
Would love to hear any commentary you have on your BCBC challenge fic! Where the idea came from, your favorite line, anything :)
HAHA I love the part about where the idea came from, because I had no plans to participate until about 48 hours before the deadline when I was like WHY NOT and jumped in both feet without any idea of what I'd write. Originally, I think Barney was going to be John Foster at the reading and possibly without ever having been the town tramp - that was the bare seed of the idea, until I was like hmmm you know what would be fun...
I'll say that my favorite detail of the fic is a very tiny reference to Mrs. Lynde when the neighbor says "Utter twaddle, that’s what." If you read AOGG, Mrs. Lynde has a tendency to end every other sentence with "that's what", and I felt this undescribed man to be her spiritual successor in many ways
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petermorwood · 1 year
Back-Carry Before Conan
For a long time I thought “Conan The Barbarian” (1982) was the first pop-culture appearance of BC.
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NB, regardless of improbable contraptions made to “prove” things, no sword carried across the back in this movie is ever drawn from that position; in fact there’s a 3-second sequence devoted entirely to showing Conan getting his sword off his back and securing it at his waist before drawing it.
See it here, starting at 2:40.
In the next section of this scene, Valeria presumably does the same thing; at 0:27 her sword’s across her back, then there’s a brief cutaway to Subotai, and when we’re back with Valeria at 0:30 she’s got the sword at her waist and is drawing it from there.
Incidentally, though there’s often a brief scraping sound as swords leave scabbards, I can’t recall any examples of the infamous exaggerated “schinngg” noise, so I guess that cliché must have developed later.
Then a few days ago, while tidying bookshelves, I found my long-lost copy of Thackeray’s mock-heroic Fireside Pantomine “The Rose and the Ring” (1854). Mine is the 1967 edition, evidently acquired from somewhere at a bargain price...
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...and features Thackeray's own illustrations, including this one:
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This is definitely back-CARRY, because an over-the-shoulder DRAW is neither intended nor possible. Here’s why...
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Notice there’s no scabbard. However, there’s presumably a matching loop or point-cover for the other end, so I can visualise making it work like this:
Grab the sword left-handed and pull the whole arrangement, strap and all, forward and round until the hilt reaches your right hand. Now support the weight of the sword to let the strap go slack, and slide the hilt-loop backwards and off. Without it, there’s no tension to hold the other loop or point-cover in place and it will fall away, leaving the sword ready for business.
I’m pretty sure Thackeray didn’t think through his illustration in that much detail, so it may (?) have been based on contemporary rifle drill; the Crimean War was under way while he was writing, so he’d probably seen troops on parade.
"The Rose and the Ring” is a Satirical Romantick (don’t forget the ’k’) Phantasy, set in a period best described as “Sometime Back Then”, and the periods represented by costumes in the illustrations are... Variable.
King Padella - sorry, that should be KING PADELLA - is wearing armour from 1160-ish. However, Prince Giglio, mentioned at the bottom of the page, looks a bit different.
Here he is, looking like he’s in the American Civil War (1860-ish - which is a good trick since the book was written and illustrated several years before it)...
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...while the guards look like soldiers from the Seven Years War (1760-ish) and the prisoner looks like who knows what...
However, here’s Giglio again, in Theatrical Romantick Costume of no particular date...
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...and again, now looking vaguely like Charles I as painted by Van Dyke (1640-ish)...
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...and finally something which leaves me at a loss about what period it represents. Maybe “When Knights Were Bowled”, if that cannon-ball means anything...
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“The Rose and the Ring” is a silly, and yet (in the right mood) entertaining story, and is also a demonstration of how to make Purple Prose earn its keep, since several characters speak not unlike Minette and the other affronted-Victorian-children cats who occasionally appear on Tumblr.
Whether this is a Good Thing or a Bad Thing depends on the reader...
There are several on-line versions: Internet Archive has a well-illustrated one here.
And I still wonder what he’d seen or read to make him draw the carry-strap on that sword the way he did...
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nightshadereaper66 · 7 months
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This poem is written in a variation of the ballade rhyme scheme, which goes ABABBCBC BCBC.
Thanks to @sotwk for their post about the word grace, which inspired this poem!
poem in text form under the cut
There is something that we call grace It’s of those words with more than one definition Not quite the word for when you fall flat on your face But a lovely word to describe a moving audition Or when a dance has a particularly smooth transition You can see grace in more subtle ways When someone is kind after a jarring admission Or when they’re careful to never dispraise
Anyone can show grace under any condition Their kindness feels like the sun’s bright rays It allows them to inspire wit’s ignition And sets the fires of mind's creation ablaze.
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skretri · 6 months
your glitterduo art makes me so happy as a simpbur bcbc itz me and my boyfriend :D keep drawin us teehee 💌
I'm glad that my glitterduo drawings make you guys happy!! ^_^ ☆★
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eruditetyro · 8 months
playlist shuffle tag game
tagged by @friendofcars (thanks!!)
rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people
dream yourself awake (feat. thao) - san fermin
hollow - cloudeater
karmageddon - abbe may
fickt-euch-allee - grossstadtgeflüster
house of mercy - sarah jarosz
down to the river (reimagined) - ben caplan
like you know you're alive - bcbc, harve
geyser - mitski
phenom - thao, thao & the get down stay down
devil's sweetheart - alice phoebe lou, olmo
i tag @walcutt @joculine @premiumgelato @virginwerewolff @alilbifurious if you'd like to do this, & anyone else who wants to share!
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free-to-be-impaled · 21 days
Not gonna lie, I forgor i reblogged something and thought we were just sending stars now.
So like. You know I have the 🪱brainworms🪱 and I've been trying to make a bon cop bad cop destiel au. It plagues my mind, I'm just sitting staring at the wall problem solving and world building. Ever since I watched the opening to BCBC2, I've known that it is thee perfect place to start the fic. So then it will be the two movies in one fic, it'll alternate between the present and the past.
I just love that it gives me the opportunity to juxtapose Dean and Cas absolutely hating working together trying to solve thee stupidest case in existence, to them fondly looking at each other while being arrested under suspicion of doing a terrorism.
My main problem right now is figuring out how to deal with the fact that both Dean and Cas are cringefail fathers and husbands, whilst in BCBC only one of them is. I already know I want Dean/Lisa and Ben for the past, but I don't know if I can see Dean parenting grown up Ben in the present. I also need to figure out Sam and what that would mean to Dean.
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cloysterbell · 1 year
can you explain fringe's leitmotifs? you talk about them all the time but i never really know what you actually mean
YOU BET YOUR ASS I CAN.... okay so first off, a leitmotif is a short piece of music that's assigned to a character or theme or idea, so think the menacing DUUHH DUHHH for Jaws or the Imperial March from Star Wars. You hear those little musical stingers and you immediately know either the shark is coming or Vader's coming. Also I am the Doctor for the Eleventh Doctor's another good one.
But also what you need to know about leitmotifs is it's not always the notes themselves that make it up but way in which they're grouped. So sometimes it might be ABAB but other times it might be pitched up a step to be BCBC but as long as it's the same pattern of notes in the same arrangement, it counts.
So for Fringe, there are a few key leitmotifs that pop up constantly: Olivia's theme, Peter's theme, the Polivia love theme, and the Fringe Division theme. A few other characters like Fauxlivia and Lincoln have their own but they don't pop up nearly as much.
Olivia's leitmotif. Her theme is this 6 or 7 note scale that is roughly A B Ab A C B E, sometimes without the last note. You can hear examples here, here, here, and here and you hear this pop up probably the most out of any of the themes, usually whenever Olivia's going through character development or is having a big character moment. Think like, her "you have no idea how extraordinary you are" moment with Walter in The Last Sam Weiss or like every 30 seconds in Jacksonville but specifically when she's in the corner of the burnt out room and Peter asks if she's okay.
Peter's leitmotif. His theme is shorter, just 4 notes that are roughly E G A A. Examples are here, here, here, and here. You can hear this during Peter's big moments like the "you're my favorite thing Peter" from the finale or pretty consistently in The Bishop Revival and The Man from the Other Side. The big Peter episodes
The Polivia theme. Loosely A C B Ab A F A, another set of 7 notes that's similar to Olivia's but without the drawn out first two notes. Examples are here, here, here, and here. You hear this, natch, in the big Polivia moments like in the garden in Marionette or in the "I thought she was you" scene also in Marionette or when they kiss for the first time in the S2 finale.
The Fringe Division theme. I actually have a whole video for this one already so I'm just gonna link you to it instead because it's probably my favorite of the themes and fun fact, the only time they change the end credits music from the typical track is in the series finale when they play a slowed down version of the Fringe Division theme. Pretty fucked up but also I love Chris Tilton for it.
I don't have Fauxlivia's and Lincoln's mapped out as well as I do the others' (I do have a whole ass Google doc full of time codes), but you can hear an example of Fauxlivia's 7 note theme here and here, and Lincoln's also 7 note theme here and here.
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omg YES more let's go
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
GOD OKAY. way back in ye olden days of pre-season 2B of Owl House, I started a lovely little fic called Beggars Can't be Choosers wherein Belos discovers "Rascal" but instead of destroying him, uses him to manipulate Hunter into kidnapping Luz and basically holding Rascal over Hunter's head to keep his studies on wild magic in check. Very much Mother Gothel vibes. THE PROBLEM IS, i got busy with life and by the time I was ready to work on it again, Rascal was now Flapjack and my hair-brained theory of Grimwalker Hunter got confirmed. It totally fucked with the set up I had created...not to mention I can't exactly keep calling Hunter's palisman "Rascal" when he's got an official name now.
I wish I could go back and finish this fic. I had a whole Eda + Hunter + King castle heist planned that I was working up to that I've had to trash; basically 7k of words that won't make sense anymore. I've been asked to continue it but I just can't without making it severely canon non-compliant. RIP BCBC, you were a real one 🕯️ 
🔍Give a clue (a picture, emoji, a word, etc) and let your followers guess what a WIP is about.
oh man this one is hard,,,, some of you will already know what this means (buncha heathens) but 🌱🍆
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ethotv-archived · 2 years
also can you tell me about gritho
HI sorry i am late because i was infofumpibg about gritho jupeter au in disc bc i love them soooo much. so youre getting gritho jupeter au
the premise is literally. its like season one of juno steel but extended bc despite how much it sucks at times i love it so much. grian is juno (cool detective) and etho is peter nureyev bcbc I THINK OT WOULD BE COOL. i dont carei f by all logic those roles should be swapped I WANT TO THINK ABT ETHO AS NUREYEV. you see its bc i like him. which measn grian is this pretty good detective and etho is an intergalactic theif. um i dont really have a lot of plot bc i dont do Plots but. i REALLY wanted to make mumbo mick emrcuyr bc they are like so similar id mick was abit more pathteic but i have to make mumbo rota hes like if rita was a ball of anxiety not Rita. whoch means i made scar mick and iskall is sasha bc yknow. iskall is/was a hitman, sasha.. is a glorified hitman if you think about it. and then i want to fit more of ethos side into things but nureyev doesnt have like any friends so i migth save that for if i ever get around to the carte blanche. ok it hink this is all of it i sit here and rotate them in my head soooo much. adndi know they should have swapped roles bc grian being an intergalactic thief with a million disguises and etho being a reclusive detective makes mores ense but i dontcdare its my au i do ehat i want
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aaa ii need toto sleep bcbc imm sleeby bubut take a didink adopts fofour wip! ft. grgroose mention anan sesecret fofour lore wewe made up
Sky blinked, then giggled. “Y’know, for…the smart one…you’re not very…” “Observant?”Four offered, grinning when Sky nodded. “Yeah…I’ve never been too observant. Or aware. I’m…I am smart, just…provided I know what’s going on.” “I have a friend like that back home,”Sky whistled. “His name’s Groose. He’s—He’s really smart! Just…lacks awareness sometimes! But it’s okay.” “...who names their kid Groose?” “Who names their kid Link?”Sky shot back, laughing. “You just took a jab at yourself, sir.” “I know, I know.”Sky took a breath, still carving the wood. “Isn’t it a little weird? Our names?” “I mean…a little, but my name isn’t Link so I guess I don’t get a say.” “What?”Sky’s hands stilled, and he stared at the other in shock. “Your name isn’t Link?” “Not—anymore? It hasn’t been my name since I was twelve.”
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incdogemporium · 2 years
Gen 5!
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Rosey Twilight
5388:4035bE^732F0338^1B361A^23DFFfBFF3y0FA^gF180Cbf<b30U011834iB9c09B33370c7F01680ab45caBs728<11BB9hBEo9d3a6C0e=7E;7961cF2:5e8;cb6400121=<F675bF;^F2:CF<b93a=0:<6aC<aa<D6165^Ca22=D2B3bF<88:FF0CC^:41F8C01CF^=D8a C8F^da3.6gLTF:ACEd<b021C^ERATwF8FB8t3D10E0048d33E:liEh9c3C3310b9FF9^33CF1Eb:00:81C23b<CF6bEF822B3D808:AAbF
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✨ Boardwalk ✨
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pjcrib · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BCBC Max Azria Houndstooth Peplum Top.
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