#bcs im not ready to enter work like. im not ready to stop being a student and i would like to extend that for as long as i can but also. if
bixiaoshi · 1 year
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urfavlarry · 5 months
HEYYY HRUUUUU AGAIN!!! It's me k4nma_shi, I had to deactivate my old account bc it wasn't working properly. BUT IM HERE AGAIN!!!
May I have a Logan x fem reader request ? if you don't mind. And can it be where Logan and you met up after being in the phych ward in the phantom dimension?
My baby deserves attention 🫶
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Logan Fields x reader
warnings: swearing, bad grammar
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🌟 ɞ˚‧。⋆
You walked through the halls of the weird building. It reminded you of a maze, everything looking the same and you feel like you saw the same door like 50 times already! You were trying to find the other, opening every door you could, most of them being empty. You grip your flashlight, your whole body tense and alert. You knew there was a small chance that there were phantoms inside the building, but you couldn’t shake off the paranoia from when the giant centipede looking monster chased you inside the school. You hear footsteps from somewhere in front of you, but not just one pair, but two. You hide behind a corner, grabbing your pocket knife and try to be as quiet as possible. You hear the footsteps getting closer when you feel them walking right next to you. You jump the person but immadietly stop when you see a surprised Ashlyn and a ready to attack Taylor in front of you. “Jesus.. You guys scared me.” Taylor looks at you with a “really?” face like you didn’t just jump them but shrugs it off. You help Ashlyn up, taking her hand and pull her up.
You hug the both of them, practically squeezing them into mush. You smile at them and ask about the plan. Ashlyn shrugs, explaining that you should find the others first before coming up with a plan. You nod and follow them, keeping an eye on the back so nothing sneaks up on you three. You go to what feels like the 100th floor of this labyrinth and open the first door you see, a very, very trashed room behind it. It looked like the room you stayed in, so you grab your pocket knife just in case anything jumps you.
“Hello?.. Aiden? .. Logan? ..Guys??” You hear rustling in the bathroom and out comes a.. face painted Aiden?? You burst out laughing along with Tayloe, Ashlyn just having a “what the fuck” expression on her face. “Okay.. Aiden what the hell?” She says and Aiden just smiles proudly; “What? I was bored! I have all the board games and face paint I could ever have!” He says and Ashlyn face palms; “So in stead of asking for some useful things that could help us ESCAPE, you asked for.. games? Okay if we need bait, Aidens it.” Ashlyn says and leaves the room, going to search for others. You stop laughing and smile at Aiden. “Hey are you coming with us? Or is your head injury still bothering you?” You ask and he shrugs; “I’ll come with.” He gets up energetically and dashes out of the room towards the direction Ashlyn went. “Wow that boy really needs to leave some energy for the poor.” Taylor jokes and you chuckle, following the two love birds.
You finally gather almost everyone, except Logan. You start to panic a bit. What if something happened to him? You shake off the thoughts, trying to think positively. “Logans brave.. He can take care of himself, no need to panic.” You think to yourself and open a door, and see that it’s the one where all of you stayed in. You enter it, the others staying in front of the room, looking out for phantoms. Well there weren’t any phantoms in the building but that’s paranoia for ya.
You finally see the oh so familiar pair of blue eyes you so so love. You smile, running towards him and he pulls you into an embrace, spinning you around. “Hey bunny, you’re okay..” He whispers and buries his face into the crook of your neck. You smile, rubbing his back. You pull away and he holds your hand, intertwining your fingers. Everyone leaves the room, you and Logan walking hand in hand, looking out for each other. You finally gather everyone in Tylers room, deciding to get some rest and not search for anything today. You huddle up in a corner, pulling your knees to your chest. Logan sits down next to you, putting an arm around your shoulder, making you rest your head on his shoulder. He whispers sweet nothings in to your ear, your stomach erupting with butterflies. “Logan?” You look up and he look at you with a smile, “Hm?” He hums and you smile at him. “I’m glad you’re okay.. I couldn’t imagine loosing you..” You start; “Don’t let those assholes force you into anything and if anything does happen, just know we won’t be mad and we will be here for you.” You say and he nods, sighing. “I’ll be alright, just take care of yourself yeah?” He kisses your forehead and rests his head against yours. You relax your shoulders and listen to him as he starts to talk to you about astrology. You couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm even during such a horrific and terrifying situation. You look at him, seeing his smile while talking about something he is truly fascinated by. Only one thing came to mind as you saw the boy in front of you. What a beautiful boy.
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🌟 ɞ˚‧。⋆
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mayuichi · 9 months
“Happy birthday!„
Itto x Reader! No warnings at all!
Note: for everyone: it will not fit your personality/life since it's dedicated to that goober, and i aint sorry about it. There's no name at all for the reader, nor gender (normally) so anyone who wants can read it, but there's other names (like those of two friends), so you can just skip it if you prefer to my goober: hAPPY BDAY BESTIII!!! POOKI YOU TAKE ONE MORE YEAR! HERE THAT GIFT TO CELEBRATE THAT DAY (and also bc i have no money so its the least i can do) I HOPE YOULL ENJOY ITTT especially since you know my current condition ahukfds :( you'll directly know who are referred in that, first bc one is myself.. and you'll recognise the other DIRECTLY. LOTS OF LOVE ON YOU AND IM SURE YOULL HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER!!!
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White Day 2023 art by みやも!
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The sweet cold of December hits your cheeks. Your lover had to force you to put your coat on. It's not even like you felt that cold... A jacket would've been just fine. But your boyfriend is way too caring to let you risk catching a cold.
You're on your way to your work. It isn't as exhausting as some others. You're an artist, working on commissions and your own projects. It means.. Your hands hurt pretty regularly. You could've worked just fine in your office at your house but.. You needed to dissociate personal life and work. It motivates you further, as you know once you're home, it's only to take care of him and you.
You get on the bus to lead to your workplace, your headphones on, listening to Rare Americans, Hey Sunshine to be more precise. It's your current favorite music.
You feel your phone vibrating, only to see a text from your boyfriend. “When do you finish work today?„ you think to yourself, yet mostly to enjoy your music. “I don't know, maybe around 6?„ he simply answers a OK.
He most likely asked you to know when to get home from his hangout with his friends. He told you he'd meet his gang. You have met them too, all friendly. You first thought it was because you're Itto's partner but perhaps, it was genuine.
You reach your stop, now walking to your building. You're pretty lucky, your bests friends themselves help you paying that place, also because they work there for their own commissions, despite it not being in art.
Entering the main room, you see the both of them chatting together, and you join them happily. “Hey! How have you been?„ Lysandre greets you with a bright smile, her hands behind her back. “Since when do you work during Sundays?„ Toa tilts her head.
It's true, usually you keep the weekends for yourself but... “To be honest, I'm extremely late and I need to pay the rent next month, I can't just slack off.„ you admit. Money is a good motivation...
They burst in laughter, knowing you aren't even joking right now. Then, Lysandre steps closer to you, until she wraps her arms around your chest in a gentle hug. She's the shortest of the three of you, and you're the tallest. That alone makes everything so much funnier.
“You know...„ she steps aside, looking behind to Toa. Toa leaves to the kitchen to retrieve a box from the fridge. “We wanted to give you something...„ Toa walks closer to you with the box, handing it to you.
You raise an eyebrow, taking the box to open it. Two strawberry tartlets are inside, ready to be eaten. You snap your head up, glancing at a proud standing Toa and a more shy and reserved Lysandre.
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out of your throat. You just stand there, smiling and staring at the tartlets. “Happy birthday!„ they say in sync.
“We know it's not the strawberries season but...„ Toa nudges against Lysandre, in a quiet chuckle. “My grandparents harvested a lot last summer, so they gave me some of their fruits and vegetables for me to freeze and eat when I wanted..„
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out of your throat. You just stand there, smiling and staring at the tartlets. “... Thank you.„
After putting it back in the fridge and hugging close your friends, you went to your office to work. At least now, you knew what you'd eat for dessert at lunch. And to think they baked it for you? That's really sweet of them.
You work pretty hard, staying focus, and when lunch comes, you three just chat together again. About the weather, your love life - even if you're the only one having an actual partner, Toa is too hesitant to make a move and Lys'... is just completely empty right now.
It's soon enough time for you to go home. You're the only one to leave now, but the two girls come to tell you goodnight and wish you a happy evening with Itto.
Talking about Itto.. You've been ghosting him all day long! Too focused into your work, you entirely forgot about your phone. So you look at it to see... Wait, why all the messages are either deleted or just bit of sentences?
“Itto, is everything fine?„ you hop on the bus, knowing it'll be a long drive. “Fine! I'm fine! Just busy with the boys haha!„ something seems off, but you just shake it off.
You're also a little disappointed. He didn't wished you a happy birthday at all today. Did he forgot? It wouldn't be surprising from him. But it makes you... pretty sad.
After what feels like forever, you finally arrive home, taking out your keys to open the... wait, did he left the door open?
You enter a dark room, trying to find the switch. Once you do, you close the door behind you and hang your coat and scarf. It has been a long and tiring day, but at least you have managed to work on everything you wanted.
As you're about to sit down on the sofa to relax, a shiny light picks your interest. Resting on the windowsill, you cautiously step closer. You don't remember having anything like this... But it was just a key.
Wait. Since when do you need a key for anything at home beside the front door? Yet it was way too small to be used on the front door! Inspecting each room, you try to call out for Itto, but there's no sign of him.
A sudden fear strikes you. What if someone came in? If Itto did forgot to lock the door, it could've been possible. You hurry to your office, where there is every paperworks and your computer. But on the desk, right in front of your keyboard, there's a box.
You're confused. Confused as fuck. It's locked. Hesitantly trying to unlock it with the key, you see inside a beautiful golden necklace. Carefully picking it up, there's a note. “Turn around.„
If you'd be in a horror movie, you'd know better than to turn around. But, life isn't a movie, isn't it? So you do as told.. Also because you're stupid. But luckily for you, it's only your boyfriend!
You're already pretty tall, yet he's taller.. and much stronger. He holds his arms out for you to come in, which you instantly do. “Happy birthday!„ he laughs out. “Have you done all this for me?„
You can feel him panic, as a sweatdrop runs from his temple. “Well... Kuki helped me a lot to know how to do it... I didn't wanted to be like everyone else and just hand it to you!„ he claims. That's always him. He wants to make you happy, but in a complicated way. Without Kuki, he'd probably still be stuck to finding an idea. You'll have to thank her later too.
You chuckle, feeling his muscular arms holding you tight without accidentally strangling you. You take his hand to place the necklace in. “Help me put it on, please.„ he nods. You hold your hair out if needed, feeling him try to clip it on... and failing a few times under your laughters, which makes him embarrassed.
He lets out a low growl before scooping you up and placing you on his back. He takes your coat and throw it over your face, taking his own that he doesn't put on yet. He lowers himself a little to get through the door.
He leads you to an empty park. At this hour, not many kids are outside, so it's only the two of you. He brings you down, finally wearing his coat as you do so too.
“So, where do you want to go, your highness? I'm your humble servant, for tonight only!„ he jokingly bows before you, allowing you to lead the way.
You decide to just make a runaway, have fun together and messing around until the night comes. He chases you around as you please, going to get you drinks and even food. You sit near a river to eat in silent, your head leaned against his arm.
He misses to trip a lot of time, and when he does, you mock him. Who wouldn't when they know their partner didn't got hurt? But Itto has been quick to stand back up and run to you, taking your hips to lift you and turn around rapidly. He loves to tease you whenever he can.
He just loves to prove his affection to you. You're his, he's yours, what else could matter? You'd go through any hardship together.
The night is fast to fall, and beside some cars here and there, it's empty. Having for only company each other and the street lights. But none of you care. Holding hands while taking a stroll around the city, you don't care how much it's getting colder.
The warmth of your boyfriend alone is all that is needed to keep you from freezing. You hum softly, knowing that day couldn't get any better.
He leads you to a hill, helping you climbing it before sitting on the grass. You're sitting in between his legs, his arms wrapped around your waist. You stargaze in silence, his chin resting over your head.
From time to time, you point out some stars, and when you're about to do it again, turning your head to him, he takes advantages of it to lean in and gives you a passionate kiss.
Leaving you breathless, he presses his forehead in the crook of your neck. “... I couldn't have found better than you.„ he mutters.
Your heart melts at his words. You press your hands against his, sighing in contentment. “I couldn't either. I suppose we found each other, right?„ he simply nods.
You stare at your new necklace for a few seconds, before turning your head back to him since he breathes out. “Having someone as goofy as me is the best feeling. I hope you had the best birthday I could ever give you.„
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋ mayuichi's property. do not repost, copy or translate without permission.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
still spoilers
ok, so on my way to the last non-gerudo memory i found some sky islands and got my last piece of diving gear!
i also lost a bunch of data from my interactive map bc apparently i keep getting logged out every 6 seconds. so i have to re-enter all of that now :/
a thought occurs to me. in the opening sequence i saw a dragon flying around in the sky. and i was like haha it's naydra i wanna go see naydra
was it. was it. oh my god
the thing about this whole situation is, zelda lived in 100 years of fucking purgatory trapped inside hyrule castle. and every single day she lived with regret. "i've left them all to die." and 100 years is an impossibly long time, but the human mind, with a human lifespan, can ALMOST comprehend it
ten. thousand. years.
she had to watch the calamity happen twice. if there is anything left of her inside her dragon mind, she had to watch hyrule fall a second time without being able to prevent any of it. she had to watch link die again. her father. her champions. except she's a big fuckoff dragon and who even knows if she's still "her"
that said, her and ganon both being "sealed" that long...really throws a wrench in the current lore of reincarnation. How Does That Work. i wanna believe a piece of her soul broke off and went on to live all those lives so she wasn't just trapped in dragon mode forever but like. i am for sure making that up. nintendo why, just when you made a coherent timeline, did you have to FUCK IT ALL UP AGAIN!!!!!
alright. i'm normal. i think i checked off all my shit. i'm going to get this fucking memory
god this little area looks so FUCKING different. i barely recognize where i am...
ok. bracing myself once again
BUT YOU ARE NOT ALONE wow from the trailer!!!!! who'd've guessed it'd be the sister saying it and not sonia
secret stones..........................ok that was cool. esp knowing they are voiced by the 4 champions
WHOA it's sasan from the poorly translated letter in a bottle quest! what a cool find. this cave has tides in it so finley left him behind lol
at least his dialogue stopped being so creepy lol
oh this is a REAL bad escort mission. this game isn't supposed to tell you "can't" so why can't i just move the damn boat with ultrahand?!
got my ATTACK UP armor!!! finally
i'm actually putting off trying again re the master sword...i dont know if im Ready. i am still missing one memory.................
but the gerudo highlands are too close to what i don't wanna be doing until i've explored more!
hard choices!!!!!!!!!!
from lookout landing i noticed there was a glow above the fake temple of time...i wonder wtf even
!!! i thought it would be impossible to get up here but there's a construct here! wtf! i needed pretty much no stamina at all, i could've done this in the tutorial...
oh man there's a TEST...i light three fires and return within 12 hours lol
this sounds hard 😭 but what the hell, might as well try once before bed
okay yeah no im coming back tomorrow with a walkthru lol. rip
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planetdream · 2 years
THIS POST CONTAINS ! smut [d/s dynamics. mentions of—cum. fingering. oral—f.rec. subspace. toys. aftercare.] minho has a longer part bc i love him <3
💌 writers block and i are fighting, and man, im getting my ass beat. hope someone likes this <3
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CHAN ! is the sweetest soft dom on the planet. taking care of and showering you in praises is just something that comes naturally to him. chan has got all the patience in the world for you—anything you want and/or need, he'll give it to you, twice over. he's all about your pleasure, even putting it before his own. just loves being all sweet to you (making you cum is a bonus). and while normally, receiving praises makes him a bit shy, he loves when you vocalize how good he made you feel.
MINHO ! loves fucking you into subspace. once that film crosses over your eyes and you're mumbling words to him, holding onto him tightly, is when he realizes how much you've got him wrapped around your finger. minho would literally do anything to please you, and once you enter subspace, it gives him even more of a reason to be extra doting on you. sometimes, he can be a tease, but the second you tell him to knock it off, he'll give you whatever you want. for minho, i think a lot of it is also psychological, as well. he likes to softly take you apart, and sweetly put you back together again. you could try being anything but good for him and he's gonna give you a pout and tell you how 'this isn't you, baby'. easily putting you back into that good, subby headspace.
CHANGBIN ! sometimes can't help being rough, so he makes sure aftercare is super sweet. he's very playful with you—changbin doesn't want sex or the scene you've created to feel like a chore for you or him. i think changbin likes for you to be a pillow prince(ss), most of the time. all you need to do is sit back, relax, and be your pretty self; let him do all the work. absolutely loves it when you reach up for him, wanting to feel his skin against your fingertips. it makes him feel desired, which in turn makes him want to keep treating you.
HYUNJIN ! rewards you constantly—any and everything you do is deserving of a reward in his eyes. he's very sensual, too, as this is something the both of you are supposed to enjoy. honestly, he's quite a needy dom and hopes that you need him just as much, if not more than he needs you (and you do). hyunjin takes his time with you, not wanting to overwhelm you too much, and if you ever need to stop and take a break, he grants that—giving you space if needed or showering you in kisses and hugs.
JISUNG ! can't help but give you every single thing you want. you look up at him with those pretty eyes of yours and tell him the things you want him to do to you?? really, jisung being a soft dom is more about having fun together. shedding away some of the seriousness that comes with him being more of a hard dom or vice versa. can't get his mouth off of you—lips trailing everywhere on your body, planting wet kisses and sucking marks onto your skin. loves when you suck his fingers after they've already been inside you.
FELIX ! is a pleasure dom—he gets off on getting you off, it's like he's addicted to making you cum and feel good. loves mutual aftercare—you really care about his wellbeing and want to take care of him, felix appreciates that (it makes him hard, too). really enjoys getting all warm and cuddling after he's got you all cleaned up. from him eating you out, to fucking you open, to running a nice bath for you; it's a lovely bonding experience and felix is glad to share it with you.
SEUNGMIN ! loves taking care of his sweet baby so much. he's always extra reassuring, and if you're ever nervous or shy about (doing) something, he guides you through it—just take everything step by step, breath by breath. likes making you wear pretty plugs to get you all stretched out for him; making you keep it inside of you for hours until you're both ready. seungmin is patient, he has all the time in the world when it comes to you—which means he can be a tease and edge you sometimes. but he always rewards you for taking it so well.
JEONGIN ! likes to spoil you—showering you with kisses, cuddles, making you cum back to back on his tongue, fingers, and then his dick. spends so much time between your thighs just eating you out and when he's not fucking his fingers into you, he's intertwining them with yours, holding your hand through it. likes to give you small orders just to see if you'll obey them because he gets off on having power over you—and when you do, jeongin decides he has no other choice than to make you cum a few times as appreciation.
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sunphroggy · 3 years
alright I have an au idea that im about to badly explain but it's a little strange so stick with me.
I call it: 'The Parent Trap but Opposite' au
So picture this: Tommy is Phil's only child, right. His mother died in childbirth so for his entire eight years of life its just been him and Phil. And that's fine, that's great, he loves it. Tommy doesn't want another addition to the family, it would only screw everything up.
That being said, Phil is lonely. Don't get him wrong, he loves his son and loves spending time with him, but he misses the feeling of being in love. He misses his wife.
Enter, Kristen.
They meet on a blind date, set up by a friend from Phil's work, and hit it off instantly. Months pass and Phil wants to propose.
One problem though. He hasnt told Tommy about it. He hasn't even introduced Kristen to him.
So what better way to merge both families that a holiday?
(I should probably say here that Kristen also has children. Take a wild guess who they are.)
Tommy is all for a holiday. Two weeks at a fancy ass hotel with room service, an arcade and a pool? Sign him up!
That is until, he finds out that Kristen and her boys will be joining them.
Enter, Wilbur and Techno.
(They're about fourteen. Their parents are divorced and, unlike Tommy, they knew Kristen was seeing Phil. They alse know that Phil is gonna propose - well, it's just a hunch)
Phil, god bless him, tries his hardest to get Tommy to warm up to Kristen, Wilbur and Techno. He plans all these activities and takes them all shopping, to the beach, to waterparks ect. But Tommy just won't take to them; he doesn't mind Kristen but Wilbur and Techno are weird, they keep making these cryptic comments about how they're going to be seeing eachother a lot in the future and Tommy just does not understand.
That is, until they decide to let Tommy in on the obvious.
Tommy, as expected, is in denial. Because there's no way his dad would do something like that without telling him first. Besides, Phil doesn't need to get married, they're perfectly happy just the two of them.
There's just no way.
Because Tommy is a curious little shit and he ransacks his and Phil's hotel room in search for the ring. He doesn't find it, of course, because Phil is used to Tommy's little raccoon tactics and hid it properly. But when he comes back from dinner with Kristen to a destroyed room and a confused Tommy, he decides to tell him the truth.
Needless to say Tommy has a fit. One moment, he's happy; just him and dad, living life. And then this lady and her shitty sons come along and fucks that up
(I imagine the conversation being something like:
Phil: Yeah im gonna propose Kristen
Tommy, inhaling deeply: *screams*
And then it would proceed to reinact that once scene from Steven universe with ruby and sapphire like-
phil: he'll eventually tire himself out :'D
Tommy, making even more of a mess than he already has: that's what you think! I am an eternal flame baby!! >:(
Tommy, ever the drama queen, storms to Wilbur and Techno - who are like "we told you so :/" - and the three of them (because Techno and Wilbur also do not want this little racoon gremlin hybrid in their home either) team up and plan to ruin the proposal. The only problem, they don't know when Phil is gonna actually propose.
And this...this is where the hijinks and shenanigans ensue.
They just like, constantly ruin Phil and Kristen's date nights with their dumb shit.
(I'm thinking shit like the three of them stacked on each others shoulders in a trench coat pretending to be a waiter at the hotel restaurant Phil and Kristen are eating at and constantly spilling drinks and food of them whenever it looks like Phil is about to pop the question; following them on walks under the stars, hiding in bushes with binoculars and making birds attack them; tackling Phil into the pool ect. ect. ect.)
But, plot twist, while pulling off these epic plans, the three of them...bond! Dun dun dunnnnn!!! Wilbur and Techno actually grow to like Tommy and think "Hey, maybe this kid ain't so bad" so they back out on the plans and try to convince Tommy to do the same. He won't.
(Meanwhile, Phil is just wondering why all his proposal attempts have gone so fucking wrong like???)
Anyways, fast forward. Its the last day of their holiday the two families go out for dinner. Its nice, they're having a good time, Kristen is chatting away to Tommy about Minecraft and Tommy is happy to tell her all about his favourite game. And then, Phil clears his throat.
He starts talking about Kristen and how happy he makes her, and Tommy can tell what's coming the moment Phil reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a small black box. And, in a final attempt to keep the life he has, Tommy snatches the box out of Phil's hand and fucking runs.
He runs right out of the restaurant, ignoring everyone calling after him, and doesn't stop running until he's on the beach, where he hides. And he cries. He cries because his dad is gonna replace him with Techno and Wilbur, and he misses his mum even though he never met her, and because this he knows that stealing a ring and running away isn't gonna stop this proposal from happening, and because the only family dynamic he knows is going to change and he isn't ready for that. And it's just a big angst moment.
And then some fluff.
Kristen finds him hidden by the rocks, and Tommy quickly pretends he wasn't just crying bc he's a big man and shit like that. He half expects her to immediately call for Phil and then for Phil to disown him, but instead she sits with him.
She asks if he's OK and when he doesnt answer her she just goes on talking about random things as if Tommy didn't just ruin their entire holiday (about shit like how she thought the cake at the restaurant was too dry and about the stars and different constellations and she even continues asking him about minecraft) and Tommy, after a while, talks back to her.
They talk for a while, arguing about the best Minecraft block (Tommy wholeheartedly defending cobblestone like his life depends on it) until eventually Kristen asks why he did what he did. And Tommy explains everything (that can basically be summed up in "I'm scared of change")
It's just a wholesome moment really. They're just sitting behind a bunch of rocks, Tommy is spilling his guts and Kristen is just listening. And at then end of it she's there to give him a big hug.
(I imagine Tommy saying that one cliche line "please don't hurt my dad" and Kristen being like "I wouldn't dream of it" and then Tommy gives her the ring box)
But yeah, happy ending! Phil proposes to Kristen on the beach and it's all happy and nice and cool and Tommy, Techno and Wilbur watch and Techno starts crying a little bc he's so happy for his mum.
I came up with this last night when I couldn't sleep.
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nucksgal03 · 2 years
The Big Surprise- O. Power
It had been months since you last saw your best friend, Owen. Between the chaos that was the World Juniors and school, you hadn’t had a chance to visit him down in Michigan.
But, with the help of some of his teammates you had booked a ticket to Michigan and baked all of the cookies you could bring with you, Thomas would kill you if you didn't.
Within a week you had your bags packed and were more than ready to see your best friend. All that stood in your way was the six-hour flight from your dorm in Vancouver, BC to his school in Michigan.
Luckily the flight passes by super fast and before you knew it you were picking up your bag from the baggage carousel and walking out to catch your ride to the arena.
Standing waiting for you with the most obnoxious sign, was Thomas Bordeleu.
You rolled your eyes as you walked up to the grinning man, “Miss. Power, really Bords?”
He just pulled you in for a hug, “Eh it was the boys idea. They thought it would be funny plus, you are travelling across the country just to visit him.”
“Yes, to visit my best friend that I haven’t seen in over a year. Totally weird that I would miss my best friend since childhood after a while of not seeing each other in person.”
“Yeah totally weird.” He joked, “But seriously, we are all so glad that you’re here. Maybe now Owen will shut up for two minutes about how much he misses you. I think coach was this close to calling you himself.” He said holding his pointer finger and thumb extremely close together.
You smiled, “Well we cant have your coach needing to do that now can we.”
Thomas laughed, “Not to mention how close Luke was to getting his brother to kidnap you and send you down here to shut him up.”
“Im glad it didn’t get to the point of me needing to be kidnapped by a hockey player just so that owen shuts up about me. Interesting though that you and kent let it get to this point, I thought that you two would’ve told me sooner. I did give you both free passes to ask for me to come down to visit, this sounds like a situation that would require me to come visit.”
He mumbled out a response. “What was that, I couldn’t tell what you said.” You teased.
“We were saving them for exam week. That way we could have baked goods during exam week. You know better than anyone that we are terrible cooks.”
You laughed as the two of you approached his car. You had a long drive ahead of you. The drive is about an hour and a half from the airport to the University with a stop at the hotel you are staying at on the way.
The drive was filled with the two of you joking and catching up on what was happening in your lives. After Owen, you and Thomas were the closest. It was nice to talk about hockey with someone that isn’t your roommate or Owen for the first time in a while.
“Are you kidding me, Thomas! There is no way they can win the cup. It's about time they got the proper new team treatment. It's how it works; a new team enters the league, they do terrible the first few seasons while they find their footing then they can start going for the cup. Vegas just got lucky with the draft, they have had a couple years of being good now they can suffer like the rest of the league.” You ranted pulling your bags out of the cars’ trunk.
“They just got Eichel back after his surgery. They totally have a chance if they play their cards right.”
“A single player cant make up for the rest of a team doing bad.”
He scoffed, “Fine I will concede this point to you.”
“Why thank you.” You said heaving your bag onto your shoulder.
“Yeah don’t get used to me giving up this easily.”
“I won't, now how about we drop off my bag then we save the rest of your team from the tragedy that is Owen talking about me non-stop.”
“That sounds like an incredible idea. Coach will be so happy.”
You smiled and checked into the hotel you booked. The lady at the front desk was a bored college student. Who you could tell switched on her customer service voice when you approached the desk. After you checked in, you quickly ran up to your room and changed into a clean shirt and pants that hadn’t just been on a plane for five hours and in a car for an hour and a half.
You hopped down the stairs and out of the hotel into Thomas’ car that was waiting for you out front.
“Mind if we make a stop for coffee for the team?” he asked.
“Nope, as long as I can get something too.”
“No, you don’t get anything.” He joked, “Of course, you can get something. What do you want?”
“Peppermint hot chocolate with extra whipped cream.”
“I will never know why you always order a holiday drink year round.”
“Easy, I have a massive headache from flying and not getting enough sleep, that I can't sleep off, partially because it's midday for me partially because there are things to do. I need peppermint to counteract my headache.”
Thomas nodded, “Makes sense, how do you even know that they’ll still have peppermint syrup this long after the holidays?” He asked as you walked into the café that’s a place for university students to congregate when they don’t have classes.
“Magic,” you said making sparkle hands, “plus Caiti works here and she has a soft spot for them, so she keeps the syrup stocked year-round for herself and the general public.”
“Okay.” He said, before rattling off all of the orders for his teammates. “Damn they better be paying me back for all of these or else my parents are going to freak."
You laughed and ordered your drink and walked to wait near where the drinks came out when they were finished. Once you had all the drinks you walked back to his car and travelled to the rink. It wasn’t that long of a drive which was good because you had a very tall stack of coffee on your lap in the car. He helped you to get out of the car then you both headed towards the entrance to the rink where, conveniently, Kent was standing holding the door open.
“You are a life saver Johnson, you know that.” You said as you entered the arena.
Kent laughed, “I know,” he said before turning to Thomas, “did you get me something to drink?”
Thomas nodded, “Yes I did, now can we just get down to the locker room already my arms are killing me.”
“Dang, it's bad news for your team is just carrying a couple trays of coffee is making your arms hurt. I may have to talk to your coach about making you do some more pull-ups to help you get more upper body strength.”
He looked at you straight-faced, “You wouldn’t dare.” He challenged
“Oh, but I would dare, Thomas. Or have the boys not told you of the time I convinced their coach that they were slacking in speed drills and they had to do the beep test at the end of each practice until I was convinced they weren’t slacking anymore?”
Kent shuddered, “She did, Owen finally apolagised after two weeks then she said we weren’t slacking anymore. Most painful two weeks of my life.”
Thomas nodded, “Duly noted.”
You smiled as you reached the locker room. "Everyone decent?” You called, “If not hurry up, we come bearing caffination.”
You heard fabric being pulled overheads before the door swung open showing a smiling Owen Power, “What the hell are you doing here? I thought you didn’t finish your classes for another couple of weeks?”
“I lied, my professors, are all teaching virtually, at least for the next couple weeks. Plus, I've been told,” you turned to face Luke Hughes who was attempting and failing to hide in his stall, “That someone I won't name, Luke Hughes.” You fake coughed. “was very close to getting his brother to kidnap me and bring me here so that you would stop talking about me.
Luke blushed, “I was close, but I didn’t.”
“No you didn’t but, every time I went to the arena for work he would ask me to visit you all very soon.”
The boys all looked at you like you were crazy, “And it took you this long why?”
“I have a full school schedule, work every evening to pay for school and food, and the only time im not at work or school im watching your games from my dorm.”
You had a blast catching up with all of the team. After what felt like only a couple of minutes you all had to leave because the boys had to wake up early for their classes and you needed to get back to your hotel for the night. Thomas offered to drive you back but own shut that idea down fast.
Once all the boys left Owen smiled and hugged you, “I've missed you, dork.”
“I've missed you too, nerd.” You said poking the glasses that sat on his nose.
“You were the one who helped me pick them out!” He jokingly gasped offended that you would do something like that.
“And that gives me the sole ability to make fun of them. Someone has to, otherwise you would be too perfect.”
Owen shook his head and hugged you to his side as you both walked off to his car to start an amazing week of random pranks and reliving the coaches of Owen whining.
Thanks for reading another imagine.
My ask box is open if you have any requests
-Mollie <3
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suguruverse · 3 years
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includes - suna rintarou, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime and bokuto koutaro
a/n - don’t ask why i posted this a day late but pls enjoy <33
published date - 02/04/21
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- sick of your bullshit 1.0
- he thought you just making his lunch like you normally do
- he often said that you didn’t need to but he always looks forward to lunch time when he gets to see what you made him
- so today when you made him lunch, he was not suspicious at all
- when he took a bite, he was like why? is? it? so? spicy?
- but he remained calm and just kept eating
- and by the time he was half way through his lunch is was sweating buckets
- his face was red, he was aggressively blowing his nose, sweat was dripping down his face and he was chugging bottles of water like it was nothing
- he didn’t even suspect that it was a prank, just that you have weirdly high spice tolerance
- his teammates were getting a little bit worried, seeing him stick out his tongue like a dog and fanning his face like his life depended on it
- yeah, you guys were gonna have a long conversation at home
- he had just finished his 4th water bottle when he received a text from you
lol text convo - sunas pov
m’lady: how’s the food baby? :)
me: why’s it so spicy
me: it tastes good but i think i’m dying
me: laugh out loud
m’lady: dang i didn’t think it would be THAT spicy
me: huh?
m’lady: happy april fools??
me: fuck you
m’lady: is that a promise?? 🥺🥺
me: shut up i’m crying rn
m’lady: then come home you dramatic bitch
me: i’ll remember this day you damn brat
- in conclusion pranking him sucks and he always gets you back for it
- except his pranks are 100% worse and probably emotionally traumatising
- this man istg he is so annoying
- this man is so needy and dramatic
- but that’s probably why you decided to do this
- he just has the best reactions for pranks
- yeah nah i have no idea what you were thinking when you decided to do this
- ditching a date with your boyfriend to hang out with your friends??
- um big mistake
“my love, are you ready for our dinner date yet?”
- yeah you weren’t, babes we going clubbing, but he didn’t know that
- and plus your outfit didn’t really speak ‘fancy dinner’
“oh tooru!! great, i need your opinions! what do you think of my outfit”
“darling, you look absolutely stunning, but a bit much for a dinner date don’t you think?”
“baby what? i’m going out with friends tonight, to the club, but don’t worry, i’ll be home early”
“my love?? we had a date tonight. did you forget? we’ve been planning this for awhile”
“tooru, what’re you talking about? i told you i was gonna go out ages ago”
“oh but-“
“oh shit tooru, i’m late, i gotta go, i’ll see you later okay? see you later my love”
- and you left, leaving your boyfriend heartbroken
- he literally dropped onto the floor clutching his chest hoping you would come home and see him, then cuddle him until the morning
- and there he laid for another 10 minutes in disgust
- how dare you leave your precious boyfriend for your friends
- you decided you were done pranking him so you enter your apartment to your boyfriend cracking open a new vodka bottle
“oh... it’s you”
“um yeah”
“i thought you were going out with your friends. what? did you finally remember about the date with your handsome boyfriend?”
“no go away, i’m mad”
“april fools tooru”
- when i tell you this man gave you the biggest side eye
“hmph i knew that, i just wanted to see how far you would take the prank”
“okay baby, sure you did”
“pfft darling, don’t underestimate your lovely boyfriend, so come on let’s go”
“go where”
“cuddle, obviously, i still haven’t forgiven you”
- 4/10 dont prank him, he’s annoying
- sick of your bullshit 2.0
- he swears you’re gonna give him grey hairs during his 20’s and let’s be honest you probably are
- he just worries about you too much
- he hates seeing you hurt, sick, stressed or just uncomfortable in general
- so you were hella cruel for doing this to him
*massive thud noise lol idk*
“OW, haji, HAJI it hurts please hurry it hurts so bad”
- all of a sudden your boyfriend becomes an olympic sprinter
“doll? what’s wrong baby? did you fall? is your ankle okay? do you want me to get ice? call an ambulance?”
“haji, please i don’t know, it just hurts so bad. please make it stop”
“doll it’s okay, just breathe, can you do that for me pretty girl?”
“good girl, it looks like you sprained your ankle, i’ll go get some ice, okay doll?”
“please hurry haji, it hurts a lot”
“it’s okay, i’m sorry, i’ll be back super quick”
- you were gonna cry, your boyfriend was being so cute and considerate
- yeah well wait until he finds out this was a prank
- in less than 2 minutes, he came running back with an ice pack
“here doll, does this feel better?”
“mhm, thank you haji, i love you”
“i love you more, c’mon i’ll carry you to the couch”
- ugh what a man
“hey haji?”
“yeah doll? what’s up?”
“happy april fools”
“i’m not actually injured, it was a prank”
iwaizumi: 😐😑😐
“i should have known, you fucking brat”
“hehe sorry, can i have a hug”
“no, hug yourself”
- 202/10 bc he’s husband material and has nice arms
- babie 🥺🥺
- you always loved leaving him small motivational notes for him and he loves it so much
- he always has the biggest smile whenever he sees a note that you wrote in his lunch or his duffle bag
- but today you put like 391 notes in his bag without him noticing
- so when he arrived at practice, he was hoping to get changed into his gear but was instead greeted with a pile of notes
- he picked one up at looked at it
“you look like the scum between my toes”
- okay that was mean
- so he picked up another
“your armpits smell like blue cheese”
- he could have started crying right then and there
- so he texted you
bo’s pov
me: baby :((
my pretty baby: what’s wrong my love? did something happen at practice?
me: did you put these notes in my bag? :((
my pretty baby: i did!! happy april fools baby!!
my pretty baby: did you not like it?
me: it was mean, should i read all of it?
my pretty baby: i spent all night writing it so yes
my pretty baby: but you don’t have to if you don’t wanna, some of them are really weird and mean
me: no i wanna, you worked hard on them!!
my pretty baby: are you sure? they might hurt your feelings
me: im sure!! im stronger than you think!! :))
- the rest of msby saw some of the notes and laughed
- atsumu texted you about how funny they were
- but sakusa told you to never do it again because he doesn’t wanna deal with bokuto crying ever 
- what a babe
- 827282/10 because he’s such a sweetheart
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1K notes · View notes
hansolmates · 4 years
distance learning (m)
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banner done by the beautiful @eerieedits​
summary; after their first hookup, jungkook isn’t so sure whether you’re serious about being exclusive. after all, people say things during sex. jungkook takes it in his own hands to figure out where you stand, and he realizes soon enough that eavesdropping is a bad habit pairing; neighbor!jungkook x (f) reader genre/warnings; fluff, humor, crack, insecure!jk, unresolved sexual tension, stressed!mc, this is really just unnecessary drama bc drama is fun™, sexting, dom kook’s still a meanie in control, posession kink, cock slapping, a blowjob, cockwarming, unprotected, creampie, squirting, (wrap the pickle before u tickle folks) and of course the excessive use of the petname [redacted] w/c; 6.1k a/n; haaaaaa three months later im finally posting pt 2! i figured that no matter how many times i edit/reread at this point i think it’s time to finally let this beast go!!! enjoyyy click here for part 1: remote learning drabbles; 01
if you enjoy this, please considering giving our pasta couple a like n’share💚
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It’s been a week since the thing.
The remote-controlled vibrator thing. 
The whole sappy-love-confesion-during-sex thing. 
Jungkook is antsy, tail tucked in, perpetually wondering whether he went too far. You seemed to like it, and Jungkook definitely loved it. It was spicy and dirty and hot, and at the same time Jungkook thought he really made progress in expressing his feelings for you. Not only that, you said you liked him back!
At least, he thought you did. 
“I really said I’d feed her lasagna and cum in the same sentence,” Jungkook bemoans into his pillow, which still lingers faintly of your Redken shampoo. “I’m disgusting. She thinks I’m disgusting.” 
People say things during sex, Jungkook knows that. In the throes of passion and pleasure, people will say anything that comes to their mind, anything that fits the mood. Of course, you’d be tied in and say you like him back. But did you like him back as a friend? As a fuckbuddy? As something more? 
“Fucking text her,” Taehyung is tired of Jungkook’s wallowing, everytime he checks in on the app developer he’s brooding in one of three places. Today’s his bedroom. Taehyung dips under the blankets, and steals Jungkook’s pillow right under his nose.
Jungkook suppresses a whimper, face melding into the blankets. Now that pillow is going to smell like Taehyung.
“Text her what,” Jungkook replies despondently. 
“I don’t know, something along the lines of ‘I wanna follow through with my proposition of feeding you my cum and lasagna—not simultaneously. Wanna go on a date this weekend?’ It’s that simple,” Taehyung gets up in Jungkook’s face, dark eyes forcing him to bore right in. “Want me to do it for you?” 
“Noo, I’m an adult I can—”
“I did it for you.” 
Jungkook nearly knocks into Taehyung’s hard head, sitting up straight when he notices his phone behind his roommate’s back. This is what he gets for sharing passwords. Thankfully, the message is cleaner than Taehyung’s words, and you’ve already replied. 
[1:23] Jungkook: would you like to go out for dinner this weekend? pasta and wine?
[1:25] You: it’s a busy week this week 🥺 raincheck? 
“Was the sex that bad?” Taehyung frowns, reading the message twice. 
“N-no,” Jungkook is sweating. He isn’t sure anymore. 
Taehyung hands Jungkook back his phone, slowly, as if you’ll reply back with a change of your mind. Jungkook is a deflated balloon on his bed, feeling like a bum in his ratty sweater and a dateless weekend. 
“It’s just that,” Taehyung puts a hand on his lip, mulling, “busy people don’t reply that fast. Like even if she wasn’t busy, there’s a fifteen-minute leeway before replying.” 
This silly rule overrides Jungkook’s mind for the rest of the week. 
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The gyms have been reopened for months, and Jungkook’s trainer misses him dearly. Jungkook meets with Saeroyi in the morning, eager to get a few jabs in with some fresh equipment. He tries to move on, distract himself with a couple of pumps and a match with Saeroyi. It feels great to sweat it off, but it doesn’t help sway Jungkook’s incessant thoughts. 
The ball is in your court now, Jungkook has nothing to do but wait. Some people are just bad texters, maybe you just happened to have your phone near you when Taehyung sent the message. Maybe you just wanted to cut Jungkook off as quickly as possible so you decided to reply fast and rip the band-aid. 
No, you’re definitely not that cold-hearted. 
Re-entering his apartment complex, his eyes linger towards where your room lies on the first floor. It’s all the way at the end of the hallway, and he’s tempted to just confront you and make sure that what you and him really had is indeed, over. Conversely, you could just really be having a bad week and you genuinely do want a raincheck. 
Jungkook’s eyes trail to his form. Still in his gym clothes, and a little sweaty from the travel time. If he gets caught, he can just tell you he’s doing a cooldown by running across the hallways. Not the first time it’s happened, afterall it led him to you at one point. 
He breaks into a soft jog, making a beeline to your front door. His feet squish against your old welcome mat. You haven’t changed it since Halloween, and he smiles fondly at the black scripted “Boo Y’all” written in script next to a chibi-ghost. 
His heart beats faster as his hand lingers by the door, ready to knock. Deep breaths. Who knows, he could just be overthinking (like usual.) 
“Fuck, Hobi!” 
Jungkook freezes, his knuckles a centimeter away from your door. He backs up as if he’s been burned. His heart has fallen all the way down to his ass, and intends to stay there because now he feels like a damn fool. 
The bed is creaking relentlessly, a rhythmic pattern that has Jungkook’s face crumbling at every spring. Jungkook’s face hovers over the door, his ear brushing against the wood. 
“C’mon, bunny,” the male voice is teasing, “you know you love having me over. It would satisfy both of us if you’d just let it go.” 
Bunny. A cute pet name, for sure. The way it rolls off the stranger’s tongue is natural, as if he’s been saying it for years. But what about being his doll, is that not good enough? 
You’re huffy, taking deep breaths. He doesn’t want to hear anymore. Jungkook has put himself through enough self-wallowing for the week. What if he was just a stepping stone to meeting new people that will satisfy you better? What if you just needed one good orgasm to get your flow back, and Jungkook’s job is done? Sure, there were no strings attached when he proposed to have sex with you, but he thought… 
No more thinking. Jungkook jogs away from the door, even going so far is to jog all the way up to the penthouse. 
He hates this. 
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You hate this. 
It’s been five days since Hoseok’s arrival, and you are going bonkers. Why couldn’t he get a hotel or an AirBnB? Because he’s cheap as fuck, that’s why. Your dinky cousin has been clinging to you like a lonely koala, and while you found it cute in the 5th grade, it doesn’t translate well nearly two decades later. 
Every morning is the same. You make a subpar toast and Nutella breakfast, letting Hoseok’s slices go cold as you log in for work. You’ve been clocking in earlier in the hopes to finish the majority of your tasks before Hoseok wakes up, because by then you can barely function. Once he wakes up, he’s relentless, bouncing on the bed and talking your head off while you try to concentrate on whatever your boss is telling you. Whenever he jumps too hard, your cheap mattress causes your laptop to fly, and the only thing you can do is curse him out. Sometimes he plays Disney movies and sings in tandem, choreography and all. 
You know that Hoseok is stressed and this is his outlet, and you don’t have it in you to stop his incessant habits. He’s visiting your area because of a lucrative job offer nearby and the interviews are sporadic, making Hoseok linger in your apartment for hours at a time until he’s summoned for whatever test they want to throw at him. 
Most of the interviews are in the evening, and it’s when you can clock back in and finish your leftover assignments while Hoseok is also working. By the time he returns, you’re dog tired and so is he. 
Every night, you try to move away from Hoseok’s clingy self, as he grapples onto your waist and slings a thigh over your belly. You wish it were someone else sharing the bed with you. 
If you bring Jungkook into the picture however, you’d be burnt for the week. Complete crumbs. It would be too much stimulation for you, having to balance work, Hoseok’s incessant attitude, and putting on a face for Jungkook. Your relationship with the penthouse neighbor is barely budding, hardly watered considering Hoseok’s sudden visit. You cling to the fact that in a couple days you would be giving your undivided attention to Jungkook, most of your priorities out of the way, and most importantly, you’ll have your own room back. 
Maybe you could surprise him by giving him a pasta dinner, just like he proposed. 
Unable to get the thought out of your head, you blindly reach for your phone on the nightstand. It’s late, very late for a workday. The blue screen burns your eyes a bit, but you're determined to at least check up on Jungkook. You can’t take too long, otherwise you won’t be able to sleep and get him out of your head. Dear, unassuming cousin Hoseok is fast asleep next to you, due to the fact it’s nearly midnight. Making sure not to disrupt him, you carefully cup your phone in your hands, putting it on the lowest light setting. 
[11:54] You: hey, hope work hasnt been as draining for u as it’s been for me  ☠️  what’s your opinion on pasta sauces, red or white? 
Jungkook is normally a fast texter, at least from your experience. It’s you that’s the sporadic texter, sometimes taking hours to reply, other times in seconds. It never really mattered until now, however. But it takes five, ten, and finally fifteen minutes before you get a response. 
[12:09] Jungkook: ??? 
You frown, wondering what you said wrong. 
[12:10] You: do you not wanna do pasta anymore? Are you craving something else now?
[12:10] Jungkook: i don’t think it’d work out 
[12:10] You: why? 
[12:11] Jungkook: im sure you know why, bunny. 
Strange. He’s never called you bunny before, and in your opinion you think he’d be the bunny in the relationship—soft and cuddly on the outside, and an absolute horn ball in bed. Is this some sort of weird power play? Is he being passive aggressive on purpose? Whatever this game is, you’re not into it. Grumbling under your breath, you snake out of bed, looking blindly for your slippers in the dark. You’ll be in and out of Jungkook’s apartment in ten minutes. 
Just as your hand brushes the doorknob, your new roommate calls for you. 
“Bunny?” Hoseok calls blearily, and you’re staring straight at his cookie-printed eye mask, “what time is it, where are you going?” 
“Um, out,” you reply shortly, “I forgot I left my laundry in the dryer.” 
“Oh, m’kay. Come back soon, y’know I can’t sleep alone.” 
It’s then you realize. Bunny. Jungkook thinks that Hoseok and you are a thing. He really needs to stop eavesdropping on you. 
You feel your pussy frown. Your cousin is such a cockblock and he doesn’t even know it. Without an answer, you slip through your door and into the first free elevator. As you zing up the floors with the magical 1234 code, you work and rework your hair in and out of its style, wondering if you’ll look more presentable with your hair messy or thrown back. 
As soon as you reach the penthouse, you burst into action. “Jungkook!” you cry, pounding the front door, “it’s a misunderstanding, open up!” 
The door immediately swings open after the first three knocks, and you punch Taehyung in the chest. 
“You look awful,” Kim Taehyung drawls. Taehyung is wearing nothing but a cranberry red silk kimono, and you have to avert your eyes and focus on his face, which is even worse because he’s looking at you like an all-knowing psychic. 
“Gee, thanks,” you try to move past him, but he’s blocking the door. 
“Jungkook’s in a meeting with some foriegn developers,” Taehyung talks with his hands, pretending like he has any idea of the nature of his roommate’s job, “when it’s this late he doesn’t leave his office until morning. Door’s locked.” 
“Well then, can you relay a message?” 
“Depends, is this message going to hurt him further?” 
Oh my goodness, when Taehyung wants to be he is such an enabler. “Tell Jungkook he’s done wallowing. Instead of jumping to conclusions, maybe he should’ve just asked me why we couldn’t go on a date this week.” 
“You could’ve also just told him you have a man on the side.” 
“Ohmygod you two are two iotas of a combined braincell!” you shove your hands in your pocket, hotly scrolling through your phone so you can shove a picture in his face. “This is Jung Hoseok, my cousin who derailed my plans this week by crashing in my too-tiny apartment and forced me to raincheck with Jungkook. He’s a blabbermouth and would tell everyone—my parents, my grandparents, my great-aunts—about Jungkook if he found out I was dating, and I’m not ready for that,” you zoom in on the picture, despite the fact that the screen is practically touching Taehyung’s nose, “and the reason Hoseok calls me bunny is not sexual—you two are fucking gross—I had front tooth problems in elementary school and I had a brace on my two big teeth, it was not pretty.” 
“Ah, bunny.” Taehyung echoes with wide eyes, looking at you as if you’re now the one with sage wisdom, “it all makes sense now.” He gulps, taking in the old photo of a mini-Hoseok and you, yourself frowning to cover your huge braces and Hoseok trying to pull your gums apart with his greasy little fingers. 
Satisfied by Taehyung’s evident squirming, you decide you’re too tired to further this interaction. “Tell the other half of your cell for me, will ya?” You’re already turning away, pressing repeatedly at the elevator button, “I would love to go on a date with him as soon as he gets his head out of his ass.” 
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Jungkook is tired, but not tired enough to murder Taehyung and make it look like an accident. 
When he has late meetings, Taehyung is usually quieter around the apartment, and even gets Jungkook a hot meal once he wakes up in the afternoons. Today, Jungkook slept through and through. Normally he’d wake up midway to Taehyung’s television dramas, or the clanging of last night’s dishes but nope, not a peep. 
And today’s hot meal is takeout from Jungkook’s favorite ramen restaurant. That only means one thing—something has gone to shit and Taehyung feels guilty. 
Jungkook sips his tonkotsu impossibly slow, hearing Taehyung’s words—your words from last night—clear as day. Taehyung even describes in detail where the nickname bunny comes from, down to how miserable you looked in the photo with your monstrously metal-bent teeth. Oh, how he wishes he can swaddle you between the blankets, hold you and comfort you while you deal with your family. 
[2:45] Jungkook: doll, im so sorry
[2:45] Jungkook: please, i booked us a weekend at that new spa that just opened downtown. The tickets are flex, so if your cousin doesn’t leave by then week we can always reschedule 
[2:51] Jungkook: baby doll… 
This is far worse than believing you didn’t like him. Now Jungkook is antsy, knowing you deserve all the space in the world because of how silly he was being. You owe him nothing. If he just waited it out until you were ready, he wouldn’t be in this mess. He’s potato-esque throughout the day, thankfully Taehyung gives him space as he watches hours of mindless television. 
You don’t reply until very late into the night. 
[10:10] You: IM ALIVE--barely!! And mr. jeon, you’re not only a triple texter, but an ellipsis texter???? You’re asking for trouble
Jungkook has no shame, immediately texting you back. He can’t help it, he’s smitten. 
[10:12] Jungkook: taehyung explained everything. It’s all his fault. Don’t ask why, it’s his fault. Im so sorry. 
[10:12] You: mm, it’s okay. Just a misunderstanding. I was pretty upset last night, but i’ve been pretty tired this week so my fuse is short. 
[10:14] Jungkook: you should go to sleep now, doll. We’ll have time together after your cousin leaves
[10:14] You: just a couple more minutes. Miss u and your cute face 
[10:16] Jungkook: 
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[10:16] Jungkook: will this hold u off until saturday?
Jungkook is a pile of goo. Pink, warm, happy heart-glittered goo. It takes a minute for you to reply, and for that whole minute Jungkook is kicking his legs under the sheets of his bed like an eager five-year old who just gave his crush his Valentine. Maybe it’s taking you so long to reply because you’re trying to send a selfie of your own, running off to the bathroom to take a cute selfie if your cousin is asleep in bed. 
[10:19] You: fuck, i kno that’s supposed to be a cute selfie, but i want you so bad. I want to sit on your face, let your lips glisten with my pussy as i cum all over that pretty face
[10:19] You: i wanna touch myself so badly but fuckin’ hoseok is out here snoring like he’s gon hack a lung. Panties are so wet 🥺🥺 your doll is needy for you, wanna be played with
[10:20] Jungkook: lfjsdl;fkjs;fjsoisfoisljsdfsdklfjsdklf 
He throws his phone across the bed, feeling himself twitch in his red flannel pyjama bottoms. The thought of you so hot and needy when you’re ten floors down has Jungkook absolutely livid. He doesn’t know how he’s going to talk to you, comfort you without missing you like crazy. 
Jungkook thinks back to what he has in his fridge. His contractor sent him a cheese assortment, maybe he can bring it down pretending to be a friendly neighbor. Maybe Hoseok can go to the convenience store to conveniently grab a bottle of wine. He can make both of you cum in five minutes, flat. 
Akin to a dumb, horny teenager, he sighs. He rubs his palm longingly over his member. He’s horny, but he’s also eager to see your face. Talk to you, get reacquainted with your routine and sneak his way into it. He wants to be a part of your life, and he’s hoping you will too. 
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[5:02] You: Jungkook, you left me hanging last night
[5:05] Jungkook: baby doll… i wouldnt have been able to handle myself if we continued
[5:06] You: so you decided to dip :( 
[5:06] You: could u play with your doll a lil bit, kook? Hobi left for another interview
[5:08] You: PNG.0901
Jungkook was a fool to believe that you would drop him like that. No, Jungkook can see now that you two are a match made in heaven. You have a bite, never afraid to speak your mind when needed. This translates to a hunger you shamelessly share with Jungkook, both sexual and romantically intimate. He almost wishes he could’ve seen you act like a bitch to Taehyung last night, he can only imagine how sexy you looked telling him off. 
He has the technology to blow up your picture, the one that’s currently having him close his laptop and shove it to the side. He spreads his legs further across his glass desk, trying to find comfort between his tight pants as he absorbs every bit of your skin. 
It’s nothing too risque, but it’s nothing short of sensual. The room is dark, but it’s very clearly a picture of your hand between your thighs. Again, you’re between your wall and bed, squished between your office chair with your legs spread as far as they can go. Your skin is so soft looking, plush as you press two fingers between your damp panties. Adorable. 
[5:12] Jungkook: you know why i never replied last night? Because i was too busy jacking off to your dirty words doll. U really need your mouth washed
[5:12] You: wanna wash it with something else🍆
[5:12] You: please kook, i need something. Hoseok will come home soon and i might rip his head off. Help prevent a murder
Jungkook chuckles, clutching his phone closer to his body. He loves how much you’re opening up to him. Last week feels like so long ago, how you were all flushed and wide-eyed at the proposition of sex. He thinks you two can have a lot of fun getting to know each other, both emotionally and physically. 
[5:15] Jungkook: i was gonna wait until i sent this, but i think my doll needs it. Here’s what i was doing last night
[5:17] Jungkook: MP4.13
He… has a meeting in five minutes. A very important, very serious meeting. Jungkook jacked off enough last night, now it’s your turn. He hopes you like it. It’s not a very long video, barely a twenty-second clip of him fisting his cock. Taehyung was still home at the time, so he had to keep quiet. However, he couldn’t get the image of you out of his head that night, rubbing your thighs together in a cramped mattress as you try to erase the dirty thoughts of him. A murmur of your name, and the image of his precum dripping down his knuckles. You hope it’s enough. 
[5:34] You: u make everything so much easier💜✨
[5:35] You: MP4.234
Two minutes. The video you send is even shorter than his, barely fifteen seconds. You’re in a much more comfortable position, horizontal on the bed. Your shirt is ridden up to the underside of your breasts, one hand clutching your bare breast so hard he can see your cotton plush skin bulging between your fingers. The other hand has your panties shifted to the side, three fingers in your sopping cunt. 
“Mmh—fuck, f-uck Jungkook—” the words are mere breaths, puffs of air as you reach your orgasm. 
His call connects. He nearly drops his phone on the glass.  
“Jungkook!” Andreas from Germany wishes him brightly, “you look great, glowing even!” 
Jungkook blushes, and mutters something about having to go to the bathroom before they start. 
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Taehyung makes himself scarce on Saturday. He packs a duffel bag for himself and takes the PlayStation, knowing it’ll be a long weekend at Jimin’s. 
Jungkook is on livewire for the morning. He even express-delivers a pasta roller to his house, and he spends all morning testing out the perfect pasta dough. His black apron is covered in flour, and he can barely comprehend the tutorial that’s teaching him on his flatscreen. 
He’s on autopilot. He hasn’t contacted you since he sent that selfie, and he doesn’t intend to. Jungkook understands why you made yourself scarce in the beginning of the week, preferring to raincheck and pin your relationship for a better time. Jungkook’s brain is overridden with you, swollen with thoughts of you. You would never be able to focus if you kept in contact like you did last night, especially if you can’t get away from Hoseok. 
Absence surely makes the heart grow fonder. 
Slapping his hands against his trousers, he surveys his handiwork. His pasta is appropriately floured and wrung, each handful of fresh dough wrapped in little nests. Off the stove is a bechamel sauce, a base ready to be cooked in whatever kind of pasta dish you want. He thinks the two of you would have fun making your own non-traditional pasta dishes. 
The soft knocks on his front door interrupts his train of thought, and he knows it’s you. 
You stand in front of the door, impossibly small in a large shirt and a plain pair of leggings. At the sight of Jungkook, a smile as warm and sweet as hot chocolate worms its way to your face, and you collapse into his arms. 
He sighs gratefully, sinking into your small body. When he pulls away, he can’t help but frown at your apparent exhaustion. You must’ve come back from something tedious, because sweat dots your brow and your eyes are still puffy and dark. Your chest arches bonelessly into his, hoping to melt in his embrace. 
“Hi,” you say.
“Hey,” he replies. 
“It’s Saturday.” 
“It is Saturday.” 
You rub your nose between the fabric of his button down, “I should’ve been more specific when I wanted to raincheck on you,” you murmur into the white cotton. 
“No, I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions,” Jungkook whispers, even though you’re the only two people on the floor, “I’ll make it better, yeah? I’m going to love you so good tonight, won’t have to lift a finger—” 
You shake your head, looking at him calmly. “Jungkook, it’s been a long week. Hobi got the job, I spent all this morning moving his two-ton speaker set into his new apartment. I don’t want anything gentle. I want you to rail me into next week,” Jungkook chokes on his saliva when you reach to cup his dick through his pants, already sporting a chub, “fuck me breathless. I want—no, I need this.”
Anything for you, but Jungkook isn’t going to let your mouth runneth over that easily. He wants that too, obviously. But again, you’ve made him wait. 
Bending slightly, Jungkook whispers darkly into your ear, “Who said you can decide the rules here, doll?”  he’s been waiting all week to slip back into this persona, one that has you shivering delightfully under his touch. A small, secret smile tucks itself under your lips as you tilt your head down, but Jungkook catches it. It shows you’ve missed it too. He lets your sneaky smile  slide for now, only because he’s missed you so much and you’ve had a long day. 
“If I wanna fuck you rough, I’ll fuck you rough. If I want to edge you until you're sobbing on the corner of the kitchen table, I’ll do it,” Jungkook spits every declaration into your skin, biting at your shoulder so hard you cry deliciously. 
He drags you over to the living room, and he could sing at how easily you follow directions. Both of you have been tied up this week, and some hard sex would definitely ease that frustration, “Knees,” Jungkook commands, and you waste no time sinking to the floor, hands atop your knees. 
You look up through your lashes, eyes big and glassy. His poor girl is tired, and he finds it all the more attractive that you’re willing to push that aside to make eachother feel good. 
“Pretty, pretty,” he chants, pulling down his pants and letting his dick spring free, “suck.” 
You waste no time, and he watches as your eyes dilate over the expanse of his cock, half-hard and ready for your mouth. Your nails dig into your knees as you start with featherlight kisses, finally turning into sloppy smacks as you lick all over his dick. 
Jungkook groans, weaving a hand into your hair to force his dick down your throat. You gag at the sudden intrusion, but it doesn’t stop you from taking it like a champ. Hard, deep thrusts that he’s sure you can feel all the way in your stomach. You gag at each thrust, but don’t let up as your hot tongue wraps him up and licks at the pre-cum. 
“Fuuuuck, doll,” he rips you away, his now hard dick springing away. He’s a little shaky on his knees, but he plants his feet down as he grips his cock, slapping the tip of it across your cheek. It smears your face, glossing your flushed cheeks in a mixture of your saliva and pre-cum. “Are you trying to make me cum first? So sweet, you don’t even care if you cum tonight, hmm? You owe me, making you believe you had another man.” 
This isn’t true, of course. The both of you know it was just miscommunication, but it doesn’t hurt to play it up for pleasure. 
“N-no Kook, I’m yours,” you grapple at his pants, pulling them down so he can get them off completely. 
“Right. You’re. Mine.” With every punctuated word is a light slap to your cheek, and you take it. His cock bounces right off of you, until you finally move your head to suckle at the engorged tip, “I’m keeping you forever, doll. Don’t you know that?” 
Throughout this whole process, you don’t move, other than the minute clawing at your knees. You’re so good to him. Jungkook pulls away and ignores the ache in his member for now, taking off your clothes for himself. It’s like unwrapping a gift, revealing every bit of skin reserved for his viewing. “So sexy,” he remarks once he’s got you bare, pulling you onto the couch. He’s still in his button down shirt, his date night shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbow. However, he lets your hands inch under the stiff fabric, feeling for his taut muscle. 
He guides your aching cunt to his cock, sinking you down. It’s a tight fit, and you both moan at the brush of contact. Despite not being prepped, you’re still slick, and it makes up for it. He doesn’t thrust up or anything, just guides his lips to yours with a threadbare brush of his finger. 
“Kook, d-do you want me to move?” you mumble against his cherry-flavored lip balm. 
“Good dolls don’t move until they’re told,” your eyes widen innocently at the statement, and you crumple against his mouth, at his next words, “cum like this.” 
“Awh shit, please no,” you tear up, burying your head between the crook of his neck, “I can’t wait.” 
“Thought you wanted me to fuck you into next week. You can’t do this one little favor for me?” he’s being so mean, and you hate him for it. Haven’t you earned it? “C’mon baby, I thought you wanted me?” 
It’s silent, save for the soft Italian restaurant music playing from whatever tutorial he’s hooked up to his television. It’s terribly cliche, like you’re in the porno version of a European romance movie. He thinks nothing of it, not when your juices are dripping on his thighs, your skin soft and pliant in his grip. Jungkook drums his fingers against your spine, seemingly uncaring that you’re stuffed deep into your womb. 
On the other hand, it’s the only thing you’re acutely aware of. His thick, warm cock is nestled between your folds, right where it should be. You clench once, twice, thankful that this isn’t some crazed wet dream. States of sleep and consciousness have blurred this week, you’re lucky that you made it all the way up to Jungkook’s apartment. 
You can’t cum like this. You need to bait him. You moan, the sound slow and rumbly against your throat as you weave your fingers through his dark tresses. Moving the strands aside to kiss his cold metal earrings you murmur, “I love this, Kookoo. I’ve wanted you all week, I was going crazy. I kept playing last week in my head over and over. I even put in my little vibrator, hoping you’d pull up the app.” 
Jungkook’s teeth clench, and his grip is borderline painful as it digs into your hips. 
“I haven’t been able to cum all week, and I want to do it all over you,” you husk, playing with the roots of his hair. 
You can feel yourself dripping, wetness lubricating you even further and probably staining his thighs and couch with your arousal. Every second that passes is killer, and the fluttering towards your pussy tighten further as Jungkook’s cock twitches in response. Your pussy continues its ministrations, butterfly-like flaps against his hot member that have you vibrating.
“Mm, oh, I’ll cum for you,” and surprisingly, you might be able to. All this dirty talking has gotten you riled up. Just a little bit more and—
Jungkook shoves you off his cock, forcing you to land on the couch. 
“No!” you cry, wiping your face. Your cheeks are ruddied, and you’re annoyed. The coolness of the autumn air has you feeling chilly, and you want to scream at Jungkook for disrupting your orgasm. You feel empty. 
You’re not annoyed for long however, as Jungkook flips you on your back and gives you what you’ve been craving. 
“You glide right in, don’t ya doll,” the friction is deliciously blazing, his hands pushing you further into the large couch as he takes you from behind. Hot, fast smacks against your ass come from the way his balls bounce back and forth as he pistons his cock in and out. “F-fuck, you’re so good to me. So good, I love having you like this. All pretty and dripping, you really know how to make a guy wait, huh?” 
“Mmph! N-no—hng, but I’m y-yours, Kook,” you garble out, and you’re practically eating the throw pillow you’re propped up on as he slams you further into the cushions, so hard you may fall off, “all yours, honey. N-no more waiting. I want you, want you so badly—ah fuck!” 
“It’s worth it, you’re worth it,” he says over and over, his thrusts becoming sporadic and losing their rhythm once he feels you clenching uncontrollably. He presses his two fingers to your sloppy bud, swirling around the juices eagerly. “C-cum, baby doll. You deserve it, yeah? Cum on this cock, let go.” 
You’re starting to see spots, black and white alike. Finally shying away from his cock you rest on your back, but Jungkook doesn’t stop his fingers from flying across your clit. One look at his face and you’re gone. Pretty brown eyes, overflowing with affection. The feeling is different, and it’s the acute pressure between your stomach and pussy that makes you notice what’s going on with your body. The pressure finally releases, your eyes fluttering shut as you rest your cheek on the cushions. You dissolve, a mess on the couch as white hot liquid ejects from your body, spraying Jungkook’s thighs and cushions. 
“Y-you just,” your lover’s mouth is parted open like a baby kitten, uncaring as to how the dark liquid stains his couch fabric. 
“Squirted?” you answer breathlessly, a melty smile on your lips, “y-yeah.” 
 It sets him off, a button left dormant until now. The thatches of hair that surround his cock are dripping with your mess, a cold reminder that he got you to this high. He doesn’t hesitate to slip his cock back into you, and you gasp at the overstimulation. You try not to focus on how your body is a bundle of lit nerves, only to help Jungkook reach his completion. 
“S-so perfect,” he warbles, pressing kisses to your jaw, chin, lips. Each thrust is deep, thick and heady with emotion. “Mm, I wanna cream this pussy sooo badly—mm, all mine, all wet and warm and so so sweet—” 
He cries out your name, biting into your shoulder as your walls fill further with his hot cream. Your thighs are shaking from sensory overload, and Jungkook has to hold you down and soothe you into a state of reality to cling on. 
Satiated, he nuzzles into your chest, feeling absolutely featherlight. 
“T-thank you,” you say gratefully, when at least three out of your five senses return to your body. Your hands dip down to clutch his cheek, pinching lightly at the warm skin.
“Don’t thank me yet,” Jungkook exhales into your breasts, “d-didn’t even feed you my cum yet.” 
You scoff, pinching his cheek again. You’re aware of his softening cock between your folds, ready to seep the efforts of today’s coupling, but your stomach says otherwise. You crane your neck to make note of the kitchen island, staring curiously at the metal pasta roller and the little nests of carby goodness that decorate the cutting board. 
“Feed me pasta first, please. You have all night to feed me dessert.” 
Jungkook giggles into your stomach, he doesn’t mind feeding you in that order. 
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“So?” you have cream sauce on your lips, happily slurping on an angel hair. 
“You haven’t told me you liked me back yet,” Jungkook rests his palm in the swell of his cheek, content with watching you eat from where he’s standing on the counter. He leans his upper body across the marble table, muscles rippling against his white shirt. 
“Oh, I did!” you’re affronted, swinging your legs on the high chair, “I totally did last week!” 
“Yeah, well. Can you say it while I’m not inside you?” 
“Okay,” you blink, quirking him with a simple smile, “I like you.” 
“That was anticlimactic,” Jungkook jokes at the brevity of your confession, yet his heart betrays the charm he finds in the three words. 
You scoff, jabbing your fork in the little next of springy noodles. “What do you want to hear? I’ve wanted you since I’ve moved in? I think you’re really handsome when you pace the hallway doing work on your phone? I like the way you cook?” 
“Keep going,” Jungkook sing songs, walking over to hug you from behind.
The stool swings back and forth as he rocks the two of you, softly and slowly so you don’t throw up your dinner. He noses into your neck, inhaling your scent and committing it to your memory. 
“Mm, dessert first,” you insist, twirling around the stool so you can wrap your legs around his waist. “And then I can tell you exactly how much I like you,” your fingers play with the buttons of his shirt, walking the pads of your fingers across his chest. 
Jungkook grins, hands reaching to cup your bottom and bring you to his bedroom. Of course, he’s always willing to satisfy your insatiable appetite. 
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lunaastoir · 3 years
Hi! I really enjoy your writing so is it alright if i request xiao, diluc, childe with an idol s/o where one of their old stalkers come back or they just recently had a stalker in general but with how busy they were since they’re an idol they don’t even notice? And something bad happens (i cant think of anything</3) Thank you very much !!
hi anon!! a million apologies since this is so late but i hope you like the fic <3
there also aren’t any explicit details for anything bad happening - i briefly touched on subjects that you may not have control over, i hope that’s ok! 
warning (?): struggled a bit on this prompt so i apologize in advance if this isn’t my best work LMAOO
gn! reader
tw: hints of assault, slight angst, very light abuse if you squint
now xiao is a very observant man but he's also extremely busy keeping liyue safe
he makes it a point to always come to your shows even if you don't actively see him bc he cares a lot abt you and he enjoys listening to your music ‼️
it's normal for him to sometimes get lost between his own world of demonslaying and the world he shares w you
so one night, he's hanging on the rafters of a house with the perfect view of your singing
everything goes smoothly, he sets his spear down while lightly swaying his head to the music
the concert ends and fans disperse after you say your farewells
a night like this is rare since for once, xiao can walk home w you back to the inn sweet boy really cleared out his schedule for you huh
you're unsurprised when you see him materialize next to you, opting to flash him a smile and a hello
his cheeks are lightly flushed as he crosses his arms before talking quietly about how well you did
he relishes in the wide smile you give him as a result of his praise and he lets the corners of his lips curve upwards slightly
the quiet bustle of the harbor seemed to slow down as the night grew longer
since this was a fairly large concert, you had boxes among boxes of equipment so xiao decided to make your life easier by quickly flying them to their appropriate locations
when he got back however, he was surprised to see you talking animatedly with someone
he didn't think anything was wrong until he saw the person trap you between the stage and words filtered into his ears
your back was painfully pressed against the stage wall as you defiantly met their gaze. after xiao had left, they had immediately come over to you: first introducing themselves as a fan and making amiable conversation, before divulging in personal details of your life that made your skin crawl. you weren’t helpless, you always had your weapon on hand regardless of whether you were performing or not. the way they pushed you against the wall however, made it near impossible to summon your sword should you need it. 
they leered down at you while balancing an arm against the wall next to your head. you had dealt with things like this before so you weren’t overly worried; you could defend yourself. you almost felt pity for the person in front of you as they asked for your number with a sadistic grin, disgusting words tumbling off of their lips. however, that was before you felt their cold fingers idly make their way to your stomach and you felt your breath hitch. oh no
the telltale sound of whooshing alerted you of xiao’s presence, and the press of the tip of his spear against their jugular brought you relief. 
“back away” he tightly growled while his golden eyes narrowed into slits. they stared at him in shock before holding their hands up and moving to step a foot away from you. 
“farther” he motioned with his spear before stepping in front of you as you attempted to collect yourself. 
“ok ok, i’m far away can you put your spear down now?” 
you mentally cursed as you watched the two of them glare at each other. this was supposed to be a carefree night but this unfortunate twist made the air thick with tension. you could feel the anger radiate off of xiao in waves and in an effort to deescalate the situation, you spoke. 
“i’m glad to meet such an...avid fan but i’m sorry the two of us must get going now” you hastily said before attempting to grab xiao’s hand and walk off past them. 
the next words had you halt your steps as they divulged their secret. 
words painted in careless arrogance with hints of violet overconfidence flew out of the person’s mouth - “judging from the weeks i’ve been following you, it didn’t seem like you had a boyfriend”
at the mere mention of prolonged stalking, xiao immediately lunged to pull you behind him. god, he didn’t kill mortals but he swore if he plunged his spear into this human being right here, no one would even blink twice considering how low of a person they were. 
“if i ever see you near them again, i will not hesitate to kill you. i won’t blink twice, i already have blood on my hands.” he ground out.
at the threat, the person grudgingly turned their back to you before leaving the two of you alone in the quiet harbor. 
you carefully reached a hand out to touch your boyfriend’s shoulder, but stopped after you saw the expression on his face. the mix of rage, sadness, and anguish imprinted his features as you watched his chest rapidly rise and fall - a result of his emotional battle. 
“i’m sorry i didn’t notice them before. i should’ve been paying more attention to you” he whispered before silently striding away from your grasp 
you knew that no matter how many reassurances you gave him about how, “it’s not your fault xiao, i didn’t notice them either” he would still blame himself. 
he was supposed to protect you right? so why couldn’t he sense the danger beforehand? what would’ve happened if he wasn’t there?
it’s still a learning process for him to realize that things happen, and he inevitably couldn’t be there to save you from everything. he needs time to understand and adjust. you’re willing to wait, patiently helping him through it. why? because love is worth it. 
god im sorry this ended up kinda sad whoops
i swear everytime i say i’m a childe simp diluc kinda wrecks me
ahem anyways onto the hc!
he’s kinda never around but similar to xiao he will overwork himself to clear out an hour or two just to watch your concerts 
he’ll always stand off to the side too so if you tilt your head while you’re singing you can spy his red hair 
you always flash him the sweetest smile and this man blushes like CRAZY before quickly lifting his hand up to give you a thumbs up 
everyone watching the both of you like 😍😦
people think it’s the cutest thing i swear like c’mon the elusive “bachelor of mondstadt” being seen in public supporting you??? wow pls can we share him
he walks with you back to the winery, the entire time linking his hands with yours while gushing about your performance 
1939248/10 it’s literally the sweetest thing 
the next day however, adelinde brings you a pink letter addressed to you 
he doesn’t pry because it’s addressed to you and it’s your business but as the letters start coming by everyday, he starts to grow curious 
one day he straight up just asks you about it
“hey, you know those pink letters you keep getting? who are they from?”
you laugh slightly at his bashfulness and respond with a “just some overexcited fan” and he smiles before kissing your forehead 
he loves that people are noticing your talent 
loves it! until you get stalked by the same person who wrote you those letters while you were shopping!
diluc knows something’s wrong when you rush into angel’s share panicked after not returning his usual smile. 
“darling? are you ok?” he asks worriedly before quickly setting down the glass he was cleaning to move towards you. 
the widening of your eyes as you looked behind you at the sounds of someone else entering was all he needed to swiftly step in front of you, blocking their gaze of your face. 
the slightly panicked look in your eyes before you hurriedly whispered, “they’re following me” made diluc glance at them subtly out of the corner of his eye. he watched as they walked over to find a seat next to the bar, seemingly ready to order a drink. he quietly asked if you would like to sit in the room reserved for the employees, away from their prying eyes. your hasty nod was all the confirmation he needed for him to let you access the door behind him. 
the night went by fairly smoothly with kaeya’s usual teasing and venti’s usual begging for alcohol. diluc’s eyes narrowed however, when the person seemed to ask him questions regarding you. things like, “i heard you’re dating y/n... they’re amazing, how long have you been together?” and “do they live with you at dawn winery?” diluc answered these questions as short as he could, trying to convey with his body language that he truly did not want to talk to them. 
everything was going well until he made the mistake of leaving the bar unattended. he had briefly forgotten about your residence in the room behind him as his mind immediately gravitated to breaking up a brawl. when he returned, the half drunk glass of liquor combined with the person’s absence from their seat, caused sparks of worry to light up inside his chest. 
turning to the door, he knocked once. 
“is everything alright in there love?”
the sounds of things rustling about and the occasional muffled voice had him opening the door quickly. he saw you with your arm being held tightly in their grasp, your mouth muffled with their hand, while you strained against them by pulling at your arm. 
diluc immediately made his way over to you, quickly pulling your arm away before letting you enter into his embrace. 
“get out.” the venomous words clawed their way out of his throat as he looked at them with eyes that screamed hatred. his blood was boiling as his mind replayed the scene; your scared expression and their greedy eyes. 
diluc didn’t need to repeat himself twice as they ran out, trying not to trip over crates of wine. he made a mental note to find out who they were in order to make sure they never came near you ever again. 
he quickly looked down at your form, relaxing slightly at the sight of your tentative smile. “my knight in shining armor” you joked before softly nuzzling your head into his shoulder. the anger had yet to dissipate from his veins, and although he knew you were still shaken up, he was sure you would be fine. 
a pink letter placed on the table next to you caught his eye, and he made sure to quickly pocket it as he led you out, gently jesting with you about the “unnecessary amount of wine barrels in here, diluc this is a safety hazard!” 
he would deal with this person later. 
ok tbh he’s very rarely around so he unfortunately cannot make it to all of your shows 
dw tho, he will try his hardest to be there for the ones he’s in town for bc what is he if not your number one hype king??? 
ok kinda creepy! alert 
he’s tasked two of his subordinates to keep watch over you whenever he’s out of the harbor
it’s not anything creepy,,, he just gets extremely worried abt you and wants to make sure you’re safe 
sO when he gets a ransom note??? he’s understandably confused but also very much freaked out 
bc did they not know who he was??? the fact that they thought they could get away with holding you captive was quite honestly kind of funny to him 
very stressed and angry tho - hides it behind a facade of smiles but he’s raging 
takes him only a few hours to track you down bc he had everyone and i mean EVERYONE looking for you 
the note crunched in his hand as the harbinger made his way towards windrise. his pace was erratic, long legs rushing towards the small cave his agents had found. they were bordering the perimeter of the enclosure, careful to not alert you or your captor of their presence. childe’s subordinate head had calmly stated that childe need not come out to rescue you, the situation was under control and they could do it for him. however, childe’s sharp gaze along with his sickly sweet words of “thanks but no. i’m coming out to see this sorry asshole for myself” had the agent backing away apologizing. he wanted to see the look on this person’s face before he shoved their sorry ass into the abyss himself. 
as he reached the opening of the cave, he glanced over his shoulder at his head agent; a silent warning to keep the area sealed. his blue eyes glinted with a thirst for blood before making his way into the cave, sealing off the exit with his body. 
“well well, playing games with the love of my life are we?” 
his teasing words reached your ears as your eyes immediately found the face of your boyfriend. you weren’t horribly scared, just a little shaken up and sore from the bindings on your wrists. relief coursed through your body at the sight of him. you needn’t put in your plan of getting out of these bindings to fight your captor yourself anymore. 
childe’s eyes quickly scanned over your frame, making sure you weren’t hurt. at the state of you completely unharmed, the harbinger let his heart calm down slightly. you were completely ok. 
“wait a little longer, love? i promise this will be over soon”
the wink he sent you had you lightly rolling your eyes at his antics before he directed his attention back to your kidnapper. if your captor wasn’t scared before, they were certainly shaking in their boots now at the sight of childe’s twin hydro blades rotating playfully in his hands. 
“listen, all i want is the money-”
“and all i want is your head” 
your boyfriend smiled after cutting them off. the severity of the situation truly seemed to sink in at that moment before pleas of mercy fell from your captor’s lips, desperate to escape the bloodthirsty gaze of the harbinger. childe’s eyes flickered over to yours where you sat there, with your head ferociously shaking. a silent “no.” he sighed before swiftly bringing his arm up to hit your captor on the head, effectively knocking them out cold. 
his hands worked at the ropes holding you and he gingerly rubbed at your bruised wrists. you silently thanked the archons he could never say no to you. archons forbid what would've happened if you hadn’t said anything. while you were explaining what happened, the young man quickly scooped you up in his arms before walking out of the cave. 
you playfully hit his shoulder while muttering “drama queen” but you stopped when you saw his face morph into an expression of seriousness. you had informed him on the situation about your captor revealing themselves to be a recent stalker of yours, completely oblivious to the look of frustration on his face as he freed you from your bondages. 
“i was scared you know.” he quietly divulged. “i knew that it wasn’t anything extremely serious but i... i was still scared”
you swore as you looked at him in that moment, he had turned ten again. the youth of his face betraying his vulnerability. 
you quietly hummed before tangling your fingers in his hair. “i hope you know it wasn’t your fault. it wasn’t anyone’s fault. not even the two fatui agents who you sent to stalk me while you were away.”
he quietly laughed at that before mentally filing away a reminder for a lecture to those two agents in the near future. 
“i’m just glad you’re safe. i know you can save yourself but i’ll always be here. i still wish you would let me take care of your asshole kidnapper myself though.” he pouted jokingly. 
“i’m sure the millelith will lock them up for a long time.” you laughed sweetly. 
his usual smile reappeared at your antics. maybe he didn’t get to beat your captor up and do...much worse. however at the end of the day, your smile was still intact regardless of what happened. that’s all he wanted. 
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Threesome with Bokuto Kōtarō and Akaashi Keiji
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Alpha!Bokuto x Beta!Reader x Beta!Akaashi
Warnings: Omegaverse, double penetration, dubcon, creampies, some BokuAka action (bc those are my babies), this is long
Summary: After presenting as a Beta, your mother decided being friends with an Alpha wasn’t good for him. After moving, you befriended another Beta, Akaashi Keiji. After years of not getting over your childhood crush, you never expected to see him again as your best friend’s mate. Akaashi can’t take care of Bokuto through his entire rut, so he lets Bokuto have some fun. There’s a lot of catching up to do between you two, anyways.
— 5 years old, [Y/N]
“You need to stop hanging around that boy, [Y/N],” your mother had said to you one evening. You had looked at her confused, wondering what Kōtarō had to do with your homework. She continued, ignoring the look on your face. “He’s presented as an Alpha. You need to stop hanging around him.”
“That doesn’t matter, mommy. He’s my friend,” you had said, not quite understanding. “I don’t want to hurt him.”
“[Y/N], listen to me. He doesn’t want to be with someone like you. Stop hanging out with him.” At the time, you didn’t understand what your mother was saying. You thought that she had thought your friend didn’t want you as a friend. You’d prove her wrong when you finished your homework.
You had finished the work and immediately went to yours and Kōtarō’s spot, seeing the familiar spiked up hair on the young boy. His frown was unusual, though. “Kō-chan?”
“My mom said we can’t hang out anymore,”
— present day
You woke to the alarm from your phone, the rhythmic beat of the song shooing away the traces of sleep. Your eyes fall to the calendar across your room, seeing you had to work today. With a promise of a hot bath and a treat of ramen after your shift, you are able to get out of bed and get ready to start the day.
Your work shift was simple, just taking orders and making coffee for customers, occasionally bringing treats to customers at the tables. It was normal, right down to when your friend walked in. “Keiji!”
“[Y/N],” he smiled, not having the same enthusiasm but enough to satisfy you. You had met Keiji after you moved, shortly after Kōtarō ended his friendship with you. Keiji had presented as a Beta, just like you, so yours and his mother encouraged playdates and study sessions at each other’s house, hoping a relationship would bloom. “The usual, please,”
“You sure? The season specialty is here! I know you like pumpkin,” your smile turned into a smirk, knowing you had got him when his eyes widened. The season specials were ready to serve, but nobody had switched the menus up.
“Hm, I think I’ll go with the pumpkin latte for today,” he finally said, after weighing his options. You smiled and put in the order, knowing exactly how to work his buttons. “I’ll have to let my boyfriend know,”
“Oh?” That was new information. A week ago, Keiji said he was going to die single because everyone’s an idiot. Now he’s got a lover? “Do tell,”
“He’s an Alpha, but his parents don’t care. Don’t tell mom. She thinks you’re my soulmate, still,”
You guffawed at that, shaking your head at the memory. You remembered when you got older when Keiji’s mom had started giving you lessons in cooking and sewing, typical ‘wife’ things. Keiji smiled at your dramatic scene of laughing, knowing it was how you were.
“Wait till she finds out you’re mated to someone else,”
“I prefer to term courting to mate, since I’m plain and boring. He’s anything but, honestly,”
“Perfect match for you, Kei-chan,” you winked, seeing Keiji’s cheeks turn a bit pink at the inside joke. You laughed again, finishing up the last details on the latte.
“He reminds me a bit of you, actually. But without control or a filter,”
“Maybe I am your soulmate, you just don’t like me,”
“Haha, very funny,” he replied, walking off with a little wave. You wiggle your fingers, waving goodbye to him. After watching your friend leave, your shoulders sag a bit, remembering the young boy with white-and-black hair. Back then, you wouldn’t call it a crush. More of an admiration for the boy with no fears and a clear future. With more experience under your belt, you could admit it was a crush. The boy had stolen your heart and crushed it the last time you saw him.
You clean up the counter as the clock ticks, slowly telling you your shift is coming to a close. You feel like you want to cry, but you don’t know why.
The next day, your phone dings with a text message from Keiji, surprised he would shoot a text. He usually called unless he was busy in a meeting or something. Your eyes glance at the screen, trying to finish your essay for one of your classes. The message doesn’t strike you as immediately needing attention, so you ignore it, focusing on the paragraph you’re typing out.
Another ding takes your attention away from the screen completely, knowing Keiji really needed your attention.
[Keiji ❤️ - 12:17 pm]
- Can you bring some fruits to my apartment? I forgot to get some at the store. I’m busy.
[Keiji ❤️ - 12:18 pm]
- please im hungry
The last message startles you, seeing as Keiji always punctuated his texts because, well, he was like that. You quickly typed a reply and made sure to save your document before heading to your kitchen.
[Sweetcheeks😘 - 12:22 pm]
- I’ll be there asap Kei
— 5 years old, Kōtarō Bokuto
“Kōtarō, I need to talk to you,” his mom had said. He looked up at her, a paper hat on his head, a smile on his face. “You need to stop hanging out with [Y/N] so much, baby,”
“Why? Did we do something bad?” He frowned, not understanding. What did he do?
“No, baby, not this time,” she laughed, smiling down at him. Her smile was not full of love and joy, it was sad. “Her mother doesn’t want you two hanging out so much. She said they’ll be moving soon, so I don’t want you to be hurt anymore than you already will be.”
Kōtarō didn’t smile for the rest of the day. After he told his friend they couldn’t hang out anymore, his mother held him in her arms while he cried. It wasn’t fair.
— present day
Kōtarō had been sent home early, with his rut steadily approaching and his fights with Atsumu and Shūgo getting more intense. His ride home was full of anxiety, knowing Keiji couldn’t quite handle ruts very well since he was a Beta. Omegas were meant to handle Alpha ruts all the way through, but Keiji could only handle half of the rut. The last time Kōtarō’s cycle had started, Keiji had to come to where he was, huddled up in an apartment. Keiji couldn’t walk two days after the rut ended, even though he dealt with three out of seven days of the rut.
Kōtarō’s arrival to Keiji’s apartment was slow. His instincts told him to run, but he was able to restrain himself. Keiji opened the door almost immediately after the knock, wrapping his boyfriend in a hug. “I’ve missed you,”
“I’ve missed you, too, Akaashi,” Kōtarō said, indulging in the coffee and minty scent from Keiji, although there was a bit of pumpkin, too. He involuntary let out a growl.
“I had a pumpkin latte earlier,” Keiji immediately said, expecting Kōtarō’s reaction. Instincts came first the closer he got to his rut, Keiji had learned. He could feel the Alpha deflate a bit in his hold, just hugging and scenting. Keiji smiled at that, knowing he would be in for a rough week. “I made a nest. It’s not as good as an Omega’s-“
“You didn’t have to do that,” Kōtarō’s voice was clear and sharp, halting anything Keiji was saying. “You’re not an Omega. You don’t have to act like one,”
“I-I know, Bokuto-san,” Keiji stuttered out, the look in his boyfriend’s eyes startling him a bit. It was intense, but it wasn’t necessarily bad, per se. “I just-“
“I’m not here right now because of your sub-gender. I’m here for you,” Kōtarō’s voice was once again clear and sharp, going right into Keiji’s bones. He’s sure if he was an Omega, he’d be kneeling and begging. For fuck’s sake, he’d have probably entered a heat cycle.
“I know, Bokuto-san. I know,” Keiji leaned against him, reveling in his smell. He couldn’t scent Kōtarō or smell a distinct scent, but Kōtarō obviously came straight to the apartment after practice. He smelled like sweat and deodorant, a strangely pleasant combination.
Kōtarō let out a growl as he felt his rut come on, his hands moving towards Keiji’s ass. In turn, Keiji blushed and cleared his throat, backing up from Kōtarō. He smiled and held up a finger. Kōtarō grinned, straightening his posture. Keiji smiled and ran towards the bedroom, knowing his Alpha was hot on his heels.
The following day, the two lovers were still going at it. Keiji hardly had any rest, only getting his rest once Kōtarō needed to rest, even if Kōtarō claimed he passed out after their third round. A small tease and a mischievous grin had sent Keiji back to being railed by a feral Alpha, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Keiji threw his head into the pillows, drool spilling from his lips and he moaned, having his third orgasm of the day from Kōtarō’s forceful thrusts. On the other hand Kōtarō had only orgasmed once, knotting Keiji and spurring the Beta into a second orgasm almost right after the first. The thrusts didn’t cease, Kōtarō chasing his own release in his mate was the only thought in his mind.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Keiji,” he groaned out, plugging him up with another knot, his orgasm following it. Keiji’s eyes rolled back, digging his nails into Kōtarō’s biceps at the sensation. It stung and was a lot more pain than pleasure, but he couldn’t complain too much.
Kōtarō finished painting Keiji’s walls white, resting his forehead against the man underneath him and catching his breath. Keiji gave him a swift peck on the lips, assuring him he was okay. However, Keiji’s stomach growled at that moment, sending heat to his cheeks.
“I haven’t eaten today,” he realized, talking out loud. Kōtarō may have been an Alpha in a rut, but he was also an Alpha with a mate. Mates needed to be protected and cared for, so his instincts told him he needed to feed his mate. Kōtarō’s eyes immediately went wide. “Don’t move!”
“Ah— sorry! I always forget,” he laughed, adjusting their position so he could lay on his side. Keiji just shook his head, smiling. Kōtarō was a wonderful mate, truly, he just happened to be overly passionate about things he cared for.
Keiji thought to you, how you’d probably enjoy having an Alpha to take care of you. Keiji knew you often overworked yourself and forced yourself to do things, trying to be as independent as possible. He couldn’t be your mate, but he’s had a thought that ends in all sides benefitting - hopefully, at least.
Kōtarō moaned as he slipped from Keiji’s abused hole, the knot finally deflating. “I’ll get you a snack.”
“I have leftovers in the fridge. Bottom left drawer,” he mumbled back, wincing from moving too much. Kōtarō immediately nodded, jogging off to the kitchen, butt-naked. Keiji couldn’t say much. He enjoyed the view.
He winced as he rolled over to his phone, glad he put it on the charger near the Nest yesterday before he got pounded into the mattress. He opened the messages, typing out a quick message for you and sending. He hoped his plan would work out well, but he had faith his calculations were correct.
Hearing the microwave beep meant the food was ready and Keiji still hadn’t gotten a response from you. He typed out another message, hoping you’d actually read this one and put his phone on the floor, face down. Just in time, too, as Kōtarō walked into the bedroom with a freshly heated plate of food.
“Food’s ready!”
— back to you
You had gathered some fruits together, slicing and dicing them as an added flair. Sliced bananas, strawberries, diced watermelon, mangoes, and sliced avocados on slices of bread and cream cheese. You felt like an American middle-aged woman about to attend a brunch with your food choices, but Keiji liked specific fruits specific ways and you knew he only ate avocados on bread with cream cheese.
The ride to Keiji’s apartment only took five minutes, but it felt like it took an hour, your anxiety eating you up at the thought of what Keiji is doing or needs help with. You assumed he needed help with something, but you weren’t positive on what. It could just be as simple as he can’t leave home because his anxiety was too high or it could be something worse — what if his mom got in an accident? The thoughts didn’t stop, making the five minutes much, much longer.
Arriving to Keiji’s apartment, you noticed how dead it seemed outside. You saw a woman on the way up the stairs who gasped as she left her apartment, quickly locking the door and running down the stairs, almost running into you. Confused, you noticed the lights seemed to be off in the other apartments, but that wasn’t too strange. It was a Saturday, but it was midday so people were probably out.
You had a spare key for Keiji’s place, seeing as you often checked up on him; he had a spare for your place, too. Entering the apartment, it was deathly quiet, putting you on edge. There was a certain air about the room that made you feel like you were in a horror movie. As you made your way to the kitchen, you noticed the messily placed dishes in the sink, the shirt in the hallway leading to Keiji’s bedroom, and the duffel bag beside the door. You’re confused. Keiji doesn’t have a duffel bag — not since the old one ripped a couple of years ago.
You ponder whether to go into Keiji’s bedroom or not, worried someone might’ve broken in —that shirt is definitely not his. That’s when you feel a presence. At first, you freeze, wondering if Keiji’s playing a trick on you. It is October after all. You place the container of fruits on the counter and hear a growl, immediately turning around to meet golden eyes and familiar hair.
His eyes were narrowed, obviously pissed, but then his face changed. He seemed confused first, then a dawning came upon him. Next thing you know, you’re picked up and having the life squeezed out of you. “[Y/N]!”
“Kō?” Your tiny voice whispers. You can hardly believe it. Your ex-best friend and childhood crush is in your best friend’s apart— uh oh. “Uh oh,”
“What-Oh?” His voice repeats, looking at you. The Alpha of your dreams is the Alpha of Keiji’s dreams—what a day it’s been. “[Y/N]?”
“I should, um, can you let me down?” He obliged, letting you stand on your feet again. “I need to, um, go. Uh, Keiji wanted fruits so I, uh, brought them. I’m gonna go,” you turned, hoping to tears would stay in until you left. You weren’t expecting Kōtarō to cage you in, effectively trapping you. As a Beta, you didn’t immediately obey an Alpha’s command, but the look in his eyes told you to stay. You obeyed.
“Don’t go. Please,” is all he said, his eyes twinkling. You shook your head, deciding this was a bad idea. “[Y/N].”
“You don’t get to act like nothing happened, Bokuto-san. You stopped being friends with me, remember? I expected you to be breeding an Omega by now. Looks like it was just me,” you spat, feeling the anger you held in boil over. The feeling of your best friend leaving you because of your sub-gender, the feeling of betrayal, remembering how your mother sighed at you and rolled her eyes, telling you she was always right and your friend would never look your way again.
“What?” He peered down at you, no longer hunching over. You realized just how tall he had gotten. “I stopped being friends because you were leaving. You being a Beta had nothing to do with it,”
“Sure, I guess now it doesn’t. Since, you know, you’re with my new best friend. It’s okay, I get it,” you once again tried to leave, but Kōtarō wouldn’t budge. “Move, Bokuto-san.”
“No.” His voice was clear and sharp. You were sure if you were an Omega, you’d be on your knees crying. “I don’t want it to end like this. I want to make amends.” Good thing you weren’t an Omega.
“Well, I don’t care what you want. Let me go,” your own eyes narrowed at him, his face not changing. His body unmoving. You rolled your eyes, deciding to not play this game anymore. Going to duck under Kōtarō’s arm, but his body moved to pin you to the counter. “Dude!”
“You smell different.” Is all the warning you got before you felt his nose in your neck. You felt butterflies at the contact, but also cringed at the display. You then noticed a shadow in the hallway. Attempting to pry Kōtarō off you wasn’t working, so Keiji got to see his boyfriend hunched over you.
“Good, you seem to be getting along again,” he said, a gentle and lazy smile on his face. Surprisingly, Kōtarō didn’t turn around at his mate’s voice, just kept rubbing his nose against you. “I hope you can take care of him,”
“Akaashi Keiji, what the fuck,” you muttered. He didn’t seem concerned his boyfriend was currently nuzzling against you. You noticed the limp in Keiji’s walk and he had one of his hands on the wall.
“I’ve been keeping track of your cycle. You should be ovulating by now. Bokuto-san has told me about his childhood friend before and it took me a while but I figured out it was you,” Keiji kept talking, limping his way to the couch. “I’ll get the fruits later. Bokuto-san, don’t hurt her too much,”
“Hurt me?” You squeaked, eyes widening at the implication. “Keiji, I can’t—“ you started, a scream interrupting your sentence as Kōtarō picked you up and hauled you to the bedroom. He displayed his strength earlier, of course, but the fact you were were on your back in what looked similar to an Omega’s Nest within seconds of the ground leaving your feet was a display that turned you on immensely. If Kōtarō wasn’t currently attempting to strip you, he would have been with the sickly sweet scent you exuded.
“I’ve been waiting for this,” he growls out, his hands deciding to rip your very nice shirt into shreds, deciding your movements to get them off were too slow. He offered the same treatment to your bra, your short scream of disbelief when it was torn. He was nice enough to pull off the pants you were wearing, along with your panties. “Ever since my first rut,” he continues, his nose buried against your thighs, his tongue licking a hot stripe against it. You whined at the contact, full on knowing he could smell your arousal. “I thought I’d never find you again.”
“No. Not here. Call me your Alpha, little Beta,”
“Uh-“ you stopped, unsure of the situation. Kōtarō, regardless of your feelings, was with Keiji. That alone made you hesitant, even if Keiji literally told Kōtarō to go for it. You felt weird having to call him your Alpha anyways, since you were never subjected to those Alpha/Omega relationships. You can’t say you weren’t interested in it, often just having fun with other Betas and maybe an Alpha or two during their ruts (you vividly remember helping an attractive Alpha in your last year at Nekoma, rendering you unable to walk for the next two days). Neither of them called you by your sub-gender, nor made you call them Alpha. You obviously hesitated, taking a trip down memory lane much too long, since Kōtarō’s hand had wrapped itself around your jaw, forcing you to look at him. You didn’t think your old childhood friend would be so.. rough.
“I’m waiting, little one. Call me your Alpha,” he growled out, again. The growling was doing wonders to you, making you wetter by the second. Another growl came out, spurring you to speak.
“I- Alpha, we can’t do this. We need to talk-“
“You can try to talk, but I’m gonna fill you to the brim until my cum is seeping out of your cunt. Let’s see how well you do.” Kōtarō immediately went down to your nether regions, your folds glistening to show him just how turned on you were. Your face was hot, practically burning when his eyes locked on, unmoving from the sight. He wasn’t looking long, getting a startled scream from you as he buried his face between your legs, lapping at your juices. Your hand went to his hair, the hair as soft as you had hoped, as he continued to drink from your pussy as if it was his last drink on earth. Your other hand was bunching up a nearby shirt, one you had left at Keiji’s two days ago after a night of drinks. If you weren’t so busy rolling your eyes into your skull as your mouth hung open, moans spilling from your lips, you’d have noticed the mix of yours and Keiji’s clothes in the Nest.
Kōtarō continued to be relentless, pushing two fingers into your heat as you were clenching your thighs around his head. You were worried you’d hurt him, but he was an Alpha in every shape and form — if he wanted to stop you, he’d do it. He knows he’s in control. Adding a third finger brought you to your first orgasm of the day, feeling exhausted afterwards. Kōtarō rose from between your legs, his eyes immediately finding your glossy ones. He smiled and licked his lips. Then, wiping the slick from his lower face with his hand to get the excess that his tongue couldn’t get and then licking it off, his eyes never breaking contact.
“So sweet, I’m already addicted,” his grin got darker, his body crawling up until his hands were on both sides of your head and his lips were slotted against yours. His tongue darted between his lips, into your already open mouth, deepening the kiss. You were so in bliss from the after-orgasm high and kissing your crush, you didn’t even feel the head of Kōtarō’s cock pushing into you.
Kōtarō threw his head back, moaning at the tight fit. You mewled, it being some time since someone entered you, the feeling almost foreign. It didn’t hurt, thankfully, the wetness Kōtarō created more than enough to help him slide in. He didn’t stop, he just kept pushing in until the beginning of his knot was flush against you. Another growl erupted from Kōtarō, the only warning you got before he pulled out only to slam back in. The sudden movement had your back arching and your head against the plush pillows of the Nest. It was the green light for Kōtarō.
Your knees were pushed to your shoulders, the position momentarily uncomfortable until your mind was replaced with the burning and overwhelming sensation of Kōtarō pounding into you liked a man starved. Moans were bouncing off the walls, along with Kōtarō’s grunts, mixed with the sound of skin slapping skin as his thighs continuously met your ass. Your hands switched from fisting fabric to winding around Kōtarō’s neck as he buried his face into your neck, his panting and grunts loud in your ears. You felt the coming of another orgasm, the familiar tightening in your abdomen and the arching of your back being a few indicators. Your nails raked against Kōtarō’s back, leaving angry red streaks in their place. Another grunt from Kōtarō and you felt a painful sensation you hadn’t felt before — a knot. The added pain before the height of your pleasure sent you over the edge, mewling out Kōtarō’s name as you did.
Kōtarō had you plugged up, him spilling his seed into your hot walls. You whined at the feeling of fullness. He sighed at the feeling himself, indulging in your scent. You figured now was as good as you’re going to get to talk. “Um, Kōt-“
“Sorry,” you mumbled, rolling your eyes. “Alpha, um, this is an awkward time, I suppose, but can we talk about, like, us?”
“We don’t need to, but we can,” he looked at you, moving his position so you guys were on your sides. More comfortable for each other. “What do you wanna talk about?”
“Okay, um, the Alpha thing is weird, but I’ll let it slide since obviously you’re in a rut. Obviously Keiji isn’t an Omega, so he can’t take you throughout the entire rut. Um, I don’t wanna be your booty call for ruts, this whole situation is so fucking weird-!”
“You’re not the ‘booty call’, as you said. Akaashi mentioned he had a surprise for me, but I didn’t think he’d offer me you. After this, I hope he lets me court you, too. So I can be your Alpha, too.”
“Kō- Alpha, we’re no longer friends because you’re an Alpha. That’s why you broke off our friendship so long ago, isn’t that right? You deserved an Omega, which I am not, but you found Keiji and that is fine. I am not a part of this.”
“I don’t care about sub-genders. That’s why I’m with Akaashi. I stopped being friends because you were moving. It hurt a lot to end things, but I didn’t know what else to do. That was Mom’s advice, at least.”
You were confused. Your mother said it was because he cared about sub-genders, but now he’s saying it was because of the move? Your friendship ended before moving, yes, but it was almost a month before moving. You could have stayed friends, anyways. Did your mother lie to you? Did his feelings change? “My- My mother said you needed an Omega so I-“
“She was wrong. She’s the one who set you up with Akaashi, yeah? She didn’t even care what my family thought about us. That’s in the past, we can move past it.”
“All these years...” you muttered, feeling the tears from before coming back. The knowledge that your own mother forced your friendship to end made you angry, but everything was fine now. Kōtarō was your friend again. At least, you thought he was. “I don’t know if I want a relationship, though,”
“Too bad,” he grunted, his cock leaving you feeling empty. A whine was all you needed to do to have yourself pinned under Kōtarō again, his cock filling you up again. “I’ve been dreaming of this for so long, as if I’ll let you leave so easily.”
Kōtarō continued his relentless pounding into you, the constant fucking rendering your lower area numb. Eventually, your world went black after a— what was it, 6th orgasm? Kōtarō’s second knot was the only thing you remembered before you tuned out completely. The grunting, whines, moans, all of it faded into silence. While you had passed out, Kōtarō panicked, thinking he went overboard. Keiji’s words echoed in his mind: “Don’t hurt her too much.” Was this too much?
Kōtarō, stuck inside you because of his knot, called for Keiji to help him. Of course, Keiji came as fast as he could (not very fast, poor man is still recovering) to see Kōtarō, who is close to tears, above your blissed, fucked, and passed out form. He sighs, shaking his head. “Bokuto-san, I think you went too hard,”
“Akaashi...” he whined, his strong arms curling around you. Even passed out, your body reacted, curling into him as you softly moaned. “Akaashi...”
“It’s okay, she’ll be fine. Her body isn’t used to it. At least, not yet.” A moan from Kōtarō let Keiji know his knot had deflated, him pulling out of your cunt and the copious amounts of cum he filled you with spilling out. It made even Keiji aroused, seeing it seeping out of you. Kōtarō knew he was aroused at the sight and came upon a solution.
“Akaashi! Maybe we...”
Waking up was next thing you remember. You felt so, so full, like you were plugged up in both ends. As you flutter your eyes open. You expected to see your ceiling, having woken up from intense dream or something. You maybe even hoped to see Kōtarō grinning down at you, sweat dripping down his face and his chest. You did not, however, expect to see Keiji smiling down at you, gently caressing your face. “Kei?”
“Hey there, pretty baby. How are you feeling?” The nickname threw you off — Keiji never called you a nickname. He was very formal, even saying your last name until only recently. You obviously showed confusion, or maybe you hesitated, because a rumble was felt behind you, a familiar voice following.
“She’s probably feeling pretty stuffed, Akaashi. Stuffed full inside and out, I hope,” Kōtarō’s voice said. You turned your head, hissing at the pain in your neck, to see Kōtarō grinning at you, just like you hoped. However, wasn’t Keiji resting?
“I should thank you for the fruit. It was delicious and cut up so cutely and delicately. I was getting a bit jealous to hear Kōtarō having so much fun with you. I was hoping to have my own fun with you when he rested after his rut, but he was kind enough to share. Isn’t that nice? I don’t think I can get you pregnant, but I want to try. We’d have such cute babies together, you know?”
“I was hoping she’d carry my pups first, but you can pump her full next time. We have all the time in the world, after all.”
“Excuse me? Wait, wait!” You shouted, suddenly realizing the whole ‘filling you up’ speech wasn’t just an Alpha’s instincts — it was their intention to impregnate you. “I can’t have kids! I’m in school and-“
“I can provide for both of my mates, right Keiji?” Kōtarō said, his eyes holding nothing but love as he gazed at Keiji. It made your heart squeeze at the love between them. Keiji smiled and nodded, deciding at that time to roll his hips. You threw your head back and mewled, sensitive from the consecutive orgasms previously.
“I’m glad you’re still sensitive. There’s no evidence to back it up, but I heard the more orgasms a woman has, the more likely it is she’ll get pregnant. Of course, Omegas have a fertile cycle, but you’re a Beta, so I had to track your cycle for about three months. I hope it was enough.”
“Three months?! Akaashi Kei- oh!” You screamed, feeling Kōtarō move. He was filling up your back entrance, adding to the fullness. Also, it explained why you were on his chest.
“I also need to cut out your caffeine, that’s a bad habit you need to cut out anyways. No more nights of drinking while binge-eating. Your body needs to be in peak condition if it’s going to carry our offspring,”
“I can’t wait till you’re all swollen and wobbling. It’ll be so cute. And then we’ll do it again. And again. And I don’t know if I wanna stop, babe!” Kōtarō laughed, thrusting his hips up, making you jerk at the feeling.
“Maybe we can stop after five. We’ll need a bigger house, too,” Keiji continued, rolling his hips in rhythm to Kōtarō’s thrusts. You closed your eyes, one hand fisting Kōtarō’s hair while the other gripped Keiji’s shoulder, hoping to ground yourself. “You’ll look so beautiful when you’re pregnant. This is what our families want, after all. You’ll bear my children and Kōtarō also gets what he wants in the end. He gets his own offspring. This all works out,” he grunted, snapping his hips after almost pulling all the way out. “In the end, at least.”
If you could form a coherent sentence, you’d tell them to stop, but the only thing on your mind was how stuffed you were. Keiji was thrusting into your puffy, abused cunt that was overflowing with Kōtarō’s cum, rolling his hips every so often to increase pleasure. Kōtarō’s grunts were heightening your arousal and sending you hurling towards another orgasm. Your eyes rolled, your tongue sticking out as you clenched around Keiji, sending him towards an orgasm of his own. A curse and a stutter of his hips and he was spilling his own seed into you. He knew his genes wouldn’t take, not when you’d been pumped by Kōtarō multiple times. He had looked for the chances between a Beta and Alpha genes in a Beta, but he only got Omegas, which were made to take Alpha seed and breed easily. A small part of him wanted to try and overpower Kōtarō, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to compare to the amount you’ve already taken.
Kōtarō was still going, his strong, warm hands holding your knees to your chest, keeping you spread open, as he thrusted up into you. He knew Keiji had finished, the face he was sporting a familiar scene to the Alpha, so Kōtarō was chasing his own high. A high-pitched whine from you as Keiji rolled his hips again, earning a growl from Kōtarō in return. You pant as your hand leaves Keiji’s shoulder, ghosting over your sensitive clit as you attempt to close your thighs, overly sensitive from all the rounds you’ve been forced to go through. Keiji saw your hand brush over it, taking his own hand to replace yours and apply pressure onto the nub, rubbing it.
A scream was ripped from your throat, another orgasm around Keiji’s cock as Kōtarō buried himself, shoving his knot in your tight hole. You were twitching at the extra feeling of fullness, the hot spurts of cum in your ass and the oozing cum from your cunt, even if Keiji was plugging you up. A sigh escaped your lips, your eyes rolling back as he attempted to catch your breath. Kōtarō brought a hand to fondle your breast, earning another whine for him.
“I could get used to this,”
“So could I. Good thing we’ll get to see much more of it,”
You normally would have told them no, attempting to push Keiji off and out of you, but you just sighed, trying to kiss Kōtarō. He smiled and obliged, licking your lips before kissing you, enjoying the taste of you. Keiji smiled at the scene, bringing his mouth to your perky nipple from Kōtarō’s earlier fondling, biting gently on it. You mewled, shifting your legs up Keiji’s hips and he moved in deeper. Kōtarō growled, his hand rubbing the red and swollen nub between your legs. You wouldn’t normally let this continue, but you could hardly think.
If you could think properly, you might have noticed the bags of clothes you don’t remember bringing to Keiji’s. You might have seen the handcuffs nearby. You might have seen the extra lock on the bedroom door, so out of place. You normally would have been able to think properly, but the only thing you could think of was being stuffed with Keiji’s and Kōtarō’s thick cocks, filling you up to the brim.
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Sequel -> The Perfect Family [tw includes dubcon/noncon, use of the word r*pe, water torture/attempted drowning, gunplay, pregnancy, blood, abuse (mentally and physically), bit of watersports]
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2K notes · View notes
Professor!Haz helping you relieve some tension during a study break by railing you on his desk?! 🙊
ughhh i love you and i love this concept! i can totally imagine haz being an english professor, and im picturing y/n as a professor too, I hope you don't mind! 💞
cw: professor!haz, professor!reader, smut (dirty talk, fingering bc ofc, unprotected sex, creampie, brief mention of oral sex)
"FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" you curse out loud, making Harrison look up from his iPad.
It's Saturday, and if the fact that you need to come into work to catch your grading deadline isn't enough to piss you off, your students' dumb answers sure do. Your husband (and colleague) is simply sweet enough to come along and share your burden.
"You alright, love?" he calls out, eyes gazing softly from the couch on the other end of your office.
"I said 100 words or else! This--" you slam your pen against the table, "--dummy wrote a fucking novella."
He smiles in sympathy as he watches you completely butcher this poor kid's finals.
"No. Nope. Wrong. That's... a very convoluted way to say absolutely nothing. How did you pass Basic Literary Analysis?!" you shout at the exam before you.
"Okay, okay." your husband squarely gets up from his seat and makes his way to yours, kissing the top of your head and holding you from behind. "Why don't we... take a break, hm?"
"It's just--" your words are cut off with a moan as you feel his hands kneading the tight knots off of your shoulders. "God, that feels good."
"You're wound too tight, you know that? Just relax before you fail half your class." he chuckles lightly, loosening you up.
And loosening up, you did. Your head thrown back, tension headache dissipating, mouth agape as you groan, "Oh, God. Right there-- yesss..."
"Now you're just doing that on purpose." he pokes your arm, no doubt referring to the noise you're making.
"Thought you wanted me to relax." a mischievous smirk blooms on your lips. "Who's wound too tight now?"
"Yeah, I'll show you tight," he drawls, hand flying underneath your dress swiftly.
You don't miss how his breath hitches the moment he touches your very damp, very slippery panties. He hovers there, just barely trailing up and down your slit as he waits for an explanation.
"Well, you've been sitting there on my couch, looking all pretty in your glasses and your white shirt, shitting on Freud and..."
"And it reminds you of that time you sat in on my class after our first date?" he guesses.
"More like, what happened afterwards."
You don't even have to look to know how his eyebrows shoot up. "Oh? What did happen afterwards?"
You try to keep your breath even as he circles your sensitive clit through the fabric. "I believe you took me into your office and... took me in your office, Professor."
"Is that right?" he adds a little more pressure to his touch and you squirm in your place.
"Mm-hm. Was wondering if we could do a rerun performance of that," you murmur with a lazy smile.
"Right now? You sure you're ready for that?" there's teasing and cockiness in his words, but you don't care.
He's finally touching you just as you wanted. As you liked. One hand on your breasts, the other between your legs. Middle finger drawing invisible infinities on your clit and slipping down to your hole, all soaked and open and ready for him.
"Harri?" you breathlessly whisper.
"Yes, my love?"
"Need you inside me. Now."
He kisses you sweetly on the cheek, helping you up and push your office chair aside.
There's rustling behind you as he unzips his trousers, although it stops when you make a show of flipping your dress up and sliding your panties, falling around your ankles.
"You're killing me, you know that?" Harrison seizes you from behind, ravishing your neck as he lines up his hard cock with your soaking pussy.
He enters you bit by bit, letting you adjust to his size and girth. But once he bottoms out inside you, you can't help but arch and wiggle into his hips, meeting him thrust for thrust.
His fingers, fresh and sticky from your cunt, rest on your hips, his ring hard and cool against your soft curves. You raise his hand to your mouth and lick each and every digit clean, savoring the taste of you on him. Reveling in the way his hips falter as you suck hard.
"Fuck..." both of you curse in nearly perfect unison, finding yourselves closer and closer to the finish line.
Harrison's hand returns to the apex of your legs, massaging your clit to the rhythm of your quickening, intensifying thrusts. And in that moment, there's just that-- the wave of pleasure fast approaching, the quiet little blissful bubble protecting them from the outside world, the warmth and tension of the man you love.
You come with your lower lip between your teeth, the filthiest cry barely spilling out in the small room, your husband's face tucked in the crook of your neck. His cum running down your legs. Hot breath filling the air.
His hand softly resting on top of yours on the desk.
"What a way to unwind, huh?" you grin into his hair.
He looks up at you like he's got something else up his sleeve. "Oh, I'm not done yet..."
You watch him disappear behind your shoulder again, peppering kisses down your back and biting your ass cheek before cleaning up the mess he made between your thigh with his mouth.
God, you're the luckiest woman ever.
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
No Contact
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+another repost! i did not make any changes to this work.
summary; mark as your secret boyfriend.. but the both of you aren’t very discreet..
i was inspired by this drabble… so cute
5.1k words..
i swear i tried not to make it too long but it was so hard… also the ending is kinda funny lmfao!!!! im so funny
anw i hope you guys enjoyed this…? bc this was so so so fun to make although it’s lowkey kinda empty bc i didn’t want to make it too long!!! but yes hopefully you like it!! okkk bye!! njoy hehehehehe <3
+Day 18 3:32PM
You were holding Mark’s hands tightly, talking happily about anything and everything. 
That was why you loved Mark; he made you feel so comfortable, you could talk to him for hours and never get tired. He’s someone who you would need in a friend group to make everything less awkward. 
“And so, Yeri fell and we all laughed!” you told him, laughing at the old memory. 
You used to work as a choreographer for Red Velvet, but after a while, you decided to stop since it was affecting your studies a lot. While working with SM, you met the boys, and that was how you met the rest of NCT. 
When you didn’t get a response from Mark, you turned to look at Mark, only to find him frozen, staring ahead. 
“Mark?” you call, turning to see what he was staring at. Your eyes widened when you saw Jaehyun and Doyoung crossing the traffic light. “Oh, fuck.”
“Shit,” your boyfriend cursed, “we need to go,” he tells you, tightening his grip on your hand. 
The both of you speed walk to the opposite direction, hoping his members wouldn’t walk the same path as the both of you. Mark let out another string of curses when he saw his members walking behind them. 
Mark suddenly pulled you into a random store, trying to lose his friends. He pulled you deeper in the store, hiding the both of you from the main entrance. 
Your boyfriend was standing so close to you, the proximity making you nervous. You could feel your heart beating quickly as your cheeks flush red. Your hands going up to press them against Mark’s chest, pushing him back slightly. 
Mark didn’t notice, too distracted on finding his friends. When he noticed that he has lost his friends, he pulled away from a breathless you. His hands smoothly pull yours away from his chest. 
“I think they’re gone— wait, why are you so red?”
+Day 24 11:22PM
You were laying on the couch, playing with your phone while your boyfriend worked on some music that he has been writing for the past few days. 
“Mark~” you whine, your eyes were still stuck on your phone. You just wanted to disturb him for fun. 
Suddenly the door of the studio opened, Taeyong stumbling in as he stared at you and Mark in shock. 
“What are you doing here?” Taeyong asks you. 
“Uh…” you drag out, turning to look at your boyfriend for help. He looked at you then he quickly looked back at Taeyong. 
“I was making a new song for our Japan stage and had y/n help me with the choreography and all,” Mark explained, letting out an embarrassed chuckle. 
That was a lie. Well, not really. Mark did need help with the choreography, but at the same time he wanted you to be there to accompany him. Your presence calms him.
Taeyong remained silent as his eyes went back and forth between you and Mark.
“Should I leave?” you ask awkwardly, looking at your boyfriend then back at Taeyong. When you didn’t get a response, you stood up ready to grab your things.
The older man shook his head, “no, no, stay,” he tells you, walking further in, “I just didn’t know the both of you were so close,” he says while taking a seat next to your boyfriend. 
You let out a chuckle, “we’re close, you guys just didn’t know,”
+Day 33 9:02PM
After Taeyong found out how close Mark was with you, he wouldn’t stop inviting you to the dorm to hang out with the rest of the boys. 
“So, what movie are we watching today?” asks Taeyong as he took a seat next to Doyoung. 
You and Mark were seating next to each other. Mark was sitting at the very end while Jaehyun was sitting on the other side of you. Mark and you was sharing a blanket, your hands placed on your lap. 
“Parasite?” suggests Taeil. 
Loud whines filled the room, “we’ve all watched it, Taeil-ah,” whined Johnny. 
“Y/n, have you watched it?” asks Taeyong, turning to look at you. 
You shook your head. You were told it was pretty graphic and scary and you hated anything that has got to do with blood. 
And Mark knew that, so he would always avoid watching scary movies with you. 
“Should we watch it again? Since y/n hasn’t watched it?” suggests Taeyong, looking at the members for confirmation. The rest of the boys nod their head in agreement.
“Hyung,” your boyfriend voices out, “I don’t think—”
“No,” you quickly deny with a smile, “let’s watch it,”
Taeyong shrugs and plays the movie. 
Mark bit his lip.
A few minutes later, you felt your phone vibrate, you noticed it was Mark who has texted you. You turn to look at Jaehyun, making sure he wasn’t looking. You lowered the brightness of your phone before opening Mark’s text message. 
Markie Pooh: will you be okay?
You turn to look at Mark, but he was staring at the TV screen with a straight face. 
You bit back a smile as you typed a reply. 
You: yes, don’t worry abt me :) 
Mark quickly looked down at his phone to see your reply before keeping his phone away again. Your boyfriend let out a cough before shifting nearer to you until your shoulders were touching. 
You tried to hide your smile by looking down before looking back up, trying to keep a straight face. 
Mark had already watched the movie with the boys when it first came out. He knew when there was going to be a bloody scene. 
So, before the scene started, he had secretly reached for your hand under the blanket. 
You felt his fingers slowly reaching for yours, letting his fingers lace with yours. You tightly grip his hands, not wanting to let go. When you saw the bloody scene, your grip on your boyfriend’s hands tightened as he soothingly strokes the back of your hand with his thumb, hoping it would calm you. 
His fingers on yours distracted you from the graphic show that was playing. You were smiling like a crazy woman as Mark continued to stroke your hand with his thumb. 
“Are you… smiling?” asks Jaehyun as he turned to look at you weirdly. His question made everyone in the room to stare at you. 
Your eyes widen, shaking your head profusely. “No, I wasn’t,”
Johnny nodded, “you did, I saw you,”
At this point, Mark had already pulled his hand away from yours as he stares at you with amusement.
“I wasn’t smiling! It was a scary scene, why would I be smiling?” you ask them, crossing your arms defensively. 
Donghyuck lets out a sigh, “I think we all know y/n just loves horror,”
Taeil nodded, “yeah, she feeds of dead people,”
“Excuse me?!” you screech, throwing a pillow at Taeil, “what does that— no I don’t!”
The boys let out a roar of laughter, amused at how defensive you were acting.
Markie Pooh: you like that, huh? ;)
You looked down at your phone, letting out a soft scowl before reaching under the blanket to pinch Mark’s thigh. 
Mark let out a quiet squeal as he pushed your hand away. 
+Day 49 10:01PM
You were listening to Mark talk about his day. You couldn’t help but smile at how adorable he was; his pouty lips and chubby cheeks which you so desperately want to pinch. 
“Babe, are you listening?” Mark asks with a frown, noticing how you haven’t moved for the past few minutes. 
You nodded, “yes I am, baby,” you replied. 
Mark grins, “okay,” and he went back to talking about his best friend, Donghyuck. 
After hanging out with the boys for a couple of time, you and Donghyuck became close as well. Maybe because he was your boyfriend’s best friend, but you and him just got along so well that the both of you even started texting almost every day.
“So, what did you do today, babe?” asks Mark, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Huh? Oh, well I didn’t do anything today,” you tell him, “I cleaned my house a little bit then I took a nap,”
He puffs his cheeks out, “it’s a good thing you didn’t go out today, the air quality is really bad.”
He was always taking care of you; it always made your heart flutter. Mark was always looking out for you despite him being busy himself. Sometimes he would forget to take care of himself which always resulted in you lecturing him. 
Mark was in the middle of saying something when someone barged in his room, screaming. 
“MARK LEE!” you recognised it was Taeil’s voice. 
Mark quickly hid his phone, resting it on his chest. 
“Ah, Hyung, what are you doing here? What do you want?” you heard him ask.
You decided to mute your mic, just to be safe. 
“Why? Can’t I come in and talk to you?” asks Taeil. 
You suddenly heard a loud huff from Mark, as his phone fell off his chest and onto his white sheets. You assumed Taeil was laying on him. 
“Ah~ get out,” whined Mark, pushing the elder off him. 
You heard Taeil click his tongue. “who are you talking to? Your girlfriend?” he asks, “MARK HAS A GIRLFRIEND!” yell Taeil as you laugh out loud. 
Luckily your mic was on mute.
“I don’t have a girlfriend!” groans Mark as he stood up to push his member out of his room. He quickly locked the door before jumping back to bed, grabbing his phone. 
You unmute your mic. 
“Hi,” you giggle. 
He let out a huff, but letting out a shy smile, “Hi, so, where were we?”
+Day 57 7:57PM
Mark entered your house after taking off his shoes. He quietly took a seat at the very end couch. 
It was hard for the both of you to visit each other especially with the boys around, so you decided to have dates at your place instead. It was a good idea since no one could come over and interrupt the both of you. 
“Are you okay?” you ask Mark, noticing how he was so stiff. 
He nodded hesitantly, “it’s just…”
You waited for him to finish his sentence. 
“-awkward,” he finishes, looking up at you. 
You laugh at his words, “why?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know! I’ve never been to your place.”
Amused, you scoot closer to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his, leaning up to whisper in his ear. 
“There’s no one else here, Mark.”
You liked teasing him. You enjoyed how he would freeze up at your words. Or when his cheeks would turn a bright red colour. Or how his palms would turn a little sweaty. 
Pulling away from you, he quickly stood up, shaking his head. “No, no, that’s not what we’re going to do.” He tells you, stepping further away from you as you looked up at him in enjoyment. 
“We’re here to watch a movie,” he says, “that’s all.”
He was convincing himself. 
+Day 69 4:13PM
Marker: babe ):
You: what
Marker: I miss you ):
Marker: )))))):
You chuckled at his texts. 
Marker: what are you doingggggg
You: I’m watching a drama
You: what are you doing?
Marker: practice ):
Marker: so bored wo u here
Marker: miss your pretty face ):
You: stop it with the sad emojis!! >:(
Marker: ):
Marker: ):
Marker: ):
Marker: ))):
You: bye
You: I’m going to put my phone on dnd
Marker: nooo don’t leave me baby
Marker: okokokokok I’ll behave
You: good
Annoying boy: hehe
Annoying boy: wht are u up to babyyyy
Annoying boy: wait I already asked that
You: yes u did, u loser
Annoying boy: can I come over later?
You: y 
Annoying boy: causeee I miss u 
You: fine but not too long
You: I don’t want the boys to be all suspicious
Annoying boy: ok bb!!! I won’t hehehe ok
Annoying boy: I have to go now!!
Annoying boy: ily!! Bye bye 
You: see you later
+Day 74 2:36AM
You had one of your leg bent on Mark’s thigh, your hand resting on his chest. He has one arm around your neck for comfort. 
“Mark,” you sigh. 
Mark’s eyes were glued on his phone but let out a hum at the mention of his name. His fingers stroke your shoulder as a sign to assure you that he was listening. 
“We haven’t gone on a date in so long,” you say sadly, drawing hearts on his chest with your finger.
Mark put his phone down, “you wanna go on a date?”
You look up at him and nodded. 
When he made eye contact with you, he couldn’t help but press his lips on your forehead, “okay, but we can’t get caught,”
You nodded, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, pulling yourself up so you could press kisses all over his face. Mark’s face scrunch at the ticklish feeling of your lips.
“tickles,” he giggles, pulling his face away from you. 
You pout when he pulls away from you. Your eyes slowly trail off his face to his hair; your fingers automatically going up to play with the black strands. 
Fuck, Mark literally just fell in love with you. 
He enjoyed the position that the both of you were in. You- laying on top of him while he had both hands resting on your waist, staring up at you lovingly. 
“I love your black hair, Mark,” you mumble, eyes stuck on the boy’s hair. 
“Mhm,” you nod, “never dye it any other colour,” you look down at him, “or I’ll get mad,” you joke. 
He laughs, “Anything for my girl,”
Your boyfriend’s hands that was resting on your waist, went up to stroke your back softly. He put a little pressure on your back, pushing you down to capture your lips in his. 
+Day 80 11:22PM
It was another movie night with the boys.
This time it was Donghyuck who had invited you over since promotions are over. 
You walked over to sit next to Mark, but you heard Donghyuck whine your name. 
“Sit with me~”
You let out a smile, sitting next to Haechan. The boy immediately grabs your arm, wrapping it around his shoulders before cuddling against you. 
Your met Mark’s gaze from across the room. You could tell he was pissed from the way he was nibbling on his lip and clenching his fist. He looked away, typing into his phone. 
You felt your phone vibrate, knowing it was from Mark. You didn’t bother checking the message because it was too risky, especially with Haechan cuddled to your side. 
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
A few hours and lots of movies of later, the boys finally grew tired and decided to call it a night.
Since it was too late for you to head back home, the boys offered you to sleep over. You told them you would take the couch. They were a little hesitant to let a girl sleep on the couch, but you managed to convince them. 
It wasn’t like you would be sleeping on the couch anyway. 
Once you were sure that everyone was in their respective rooms, you quietly sneaked into your boyfriend’s bedroom. 
“Mark?” you whisper, opening the door quietly. 
When you saw the mop of black hair laying on the pillow, you smile, closing the door quietly, your feet padding towards the bed. 
You pull the blanket down so you could lay next to your lover. You rest your arm on his waist as you snuggle closer to him. 
“Hi handsome,” you whisper, letting out a giggle as you stare at his pretty face. A frown replaced your smile when he didn’t reply to you. “Are you okay, baby?”
Mark could only pout. You pout along with him, the hand resting on his waist going up to push away the stray hair from his face. 
“Why are you pouting?” you ask quietly, pressing a kiss to his pouty lips. 
He pouts even more, “why did you sit with Haechan just now? Why didn’t you sit with me?”
You bit back a grin that was forming, “why? Were you jealous?”
He frowns and shook his head, “no! why would I be jealous of Haechan?”
“Really?” you ask, “if you’re not jealous then I’ll sit with Haechan from now on,” you tease, your fingers now caressing his exposed chest. 
He shrugs, “fine by me,”
You suddenly stood up, letting his arm fall on your lap, “actually, I’ll even go sleep with him,” you continued to pester Mark, enjoying the way it was bothering him. 
“Hey!” he whisper-shout, his hands wrapped on your wrist, stopping you from getting out of bed, “You can’t do that!”
You chuckle, laying back down with your boyfriend, “I won’t, dummy,” you flick his forehead.
He lets out a satisfied sigh, pulling you closer until his cheeks were resting on the top of your head. 
“You’re mine. Mine only.”
+Day 89 12:35AM
The both of you were on facetime again. 
Despite being only 30 minutes apart, the both of you couldn’t meet; not wanting anyone to catch the both of you. Furthermore, you felt bad, since Mark had just finished practice, it would be tiring for him to come over your place. 
There was a sudden knock on Mark’s door. Your boyfriend hastily hid his phone and you naturally mute your mic. 
“You busy?” you heard someone ask, from the voice, you assumed it was Taeyong. 
“No,” Mark reply. 
“Were you talking to someone? Is it y/n?” asks Taeyong. 
Mark pretend to grimace at your name, “why would I be calling y/n?”
Taeyong shrugs, “we all kinda assumed you had a crush on y/n,”
“Ew,” Mark shook his head, “I’ll never like y/n,” he says, “she’s not even my type.”
You knew he was just saying that to stop the suspicions of the both of you dating but what he said actually hurts. 
“Really?” Taeyong questions, “we were so sure you would like y/n,”
“I swear, Hyung. Y/N isn’t even my type, her personality isn’t even my type,” Mark tries to persuade the older boy. 
Now that actually really hurts. 
You weren’t sure if he was just lying or saying the truth. 
You couldn’t bare to listen another second of their conversation, so you immediately hung up. 
Markie: baby
Markie: whyd u end the call haha
Markie: Taeyong’s gone call me back hehe
2 missed calls
Markie: why are you not picking up??
1 missed call
Markie: call me baaackkkk babe
Markie: did u fall asleep?? Haha
Markie: but it’s so early tho :(
Markie: I guess you’re asleep~
Markie: ok goodnight baby sleep tight dream of me :3
Markie: I love youuuuuuuu
+Day 90 12:46PM
Markie: good morning my love
Markie: can we call??
Markie: I kinda miss you haha 
1 missed call
Markie: heeyyyyy
Markie: are you ignoring me?
Markie: I didn’t want to think you were ignoring me, but I feel like you r
Markie: did I do something wrong? :/
Markie: can you tell me what it is at least?
Markie: at least we can talk it out or at least I can apologize?
Markie: babe
You: why did you say that
Markie: say what?
You: yesterday
You: what you said about me
You: tht I wasn’t your type nd all 
Markie: call me
Few seconds later, you received a call from your boyfriend. You answered the call, placing your phone on your ear. 
“I didn’t mean what I said,” he quickly says, “I just wanted to convince him that we weren’t dating,”
You were quiet for a while; you could hear Mark’s heavy breathing. You knew he was stressed with work and all, and you being sulky definitely wasn’t helping him. 
You let out a sigh, “I know.”
“Was it too much?” he asks you. 
“No,” you answer, “I just, I was just overthinking it and—”
“I get it,” he cuts you off, “don’t worry about it,”
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out, “I know you’re really busy and stressed over work and I’m just making you feel worse by overthinking and all—”
“Hey,” he cuts you off again, “Don’t worry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
You couldn’t help but feel sorry.
“Sorry,” you apologised again. 
“Apologize one more time and I’ll end the call,” he jokes. 
+Day 100 8:35PM
Mark hid his hands behind his back, holding the small box in his hand tightly as he faced you with a cheeky smile. 
“What do you have behind your back, Mark Lee?” you ask, squinting your eyes at him suspiciously. 
It was your 100th day together, and since the both of you couldn’t go out to celebrate, the both of you agreed to celebrate at your place instead. 
Since Mark couldn’t make it special for you, he decided to get you a present, just to make-up for all the secret dates. 
“It’s a present,” he answers cheekily. “I got you something to make up for all the secret dates,”
You pout at his words, “I’m okay with all the sneaking around, Mark,”
Your hands going up to his jaw, your thumb caressing his cheek softly. Mark loves your touches; he couldn’t help but lean into your touch. 
Tilting his head a little, he pressed a small kiss against your palm, one of his hands reaching to grab your hands in his. 
“I bought it because I think you’ll look good in it,” he tells you, pulling out the box from behind. 
You gasp when you saw the Tiffany & Co. box. 
“Mark,” you exclaim, looking up at him, “that’s expensive!”
“You haven’t even seen it yet!” he laughs. 
He slowly opens the box, showing off the elegant 18k diamond necklace. 
Your hands went up to your mouth, gasping. 
“Mark Lee,” you shook your head, “you’re fucking crazy,”
He smiles, satisfied with your reaction, “do you like it?”
“Are you crazy? It’s beautiful!” you tell him. “But all I bought for you were $15 chocolates but here you are— gifting me an 18k diamond necklace!”
Mark giggles, pulling out the necklace from it’s box. 
“Turn around,” he murmurs. You automatically turn around, pulling your hair to one side so he could easily put the necklace on you. 
He swiftly place the pretty necklace around your neck, pinning it. You turn around to face him. 
“Pretty?” you ask him, tilting your head a little. 
“Gorgeous,” he responds, a smirk playing on his lips.
Just as you were about to reply, you heard a knock on your door. Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion, who would come over at this timing?
Mark frowns, “did you invite someone?”
You shook your head, “No, stay here, I’ll go see who it is.”
You stood up, walking to your door, checking the peephole, finding out who is on the other side of the door. You let out a soft gasp when you saw Donghyuck standing behind the door. 
You quickly kick Mark’s shoes under the cabinet at the front door then running over to your boyfriend. 
You grabbed Mark’s arms, pulling him up. “Fuck, it’s Haechan,”
He let you pull him into your bedroom with furrowed eyebrows, “why is he here?”
You shake your head, pushing Mark into your walk-in wardrobe, “I have no idea. Stay here, I’ll try to distract him, okay?”
You didn’t even let him answer, already rushing out, making sure to close your bedroom door. 
When you opened the door, Haechan immediately walked in, whining on how you were taking forever to answer the door. 
It has been 15 minutes and Haechan still hasn’t left and Mark was growing tired and sweaty in your wardrobe.
Baby Mark: is he still there
You: yeah
Baby Mark: fuuuck
Baby Mark: tell him to leave
Baby Mark: it’s so hot in here :(
You: I’m trying!! He just won’t leave
You: are you okay in there
Baby Mark: no
You: fine just get out of the wardrobe and stay in my room
You: sorry
You: make sure u lock the door and don’t make too much noise
Baby Mark: okay
+Day 101 2:34AM
You let out a heavy sigh when Donghyuck finally left. Closing your eyes tightly, you let out another heavy breath. You could finally sit down and rest. 
Oh shit— Mark!
You ambled towards your bedroom, twisting it open, realising it wasn’t locked. 
This little shit. 
When you walked in your bedroom, you were met with your boyfriend laying on your bed, hugging one of your pillows, asleep. Your heart warmed at the sight, you felt bad making him wait for hours when it was your 100th day as a couple. 
Walking closer, you climbed in next to him. Your hands caressed his hair and his pretty face. 
“I’m sorry for making you wait for so long,” you whisper. 
You didn’t know what made you so emotional, but you couldn’t help but tear up. 
You really didn’t know why. Maybe because he had gone out of his way just to see you. And maybe because he had to wait for hours just for you and in the end both of you couldn’t celebrate the special day. 
“You’re the best boyfriend I could ever ask for—” you choked a sob, a hand going up to cover your mouth. 
Taking a deep breath, you continue, “You do so much for me and I’m always messing up.”
For once, you were thankful that your boyfriend was a heavy sleeper. 
“I love you, Mark,” you mumble, your eyes scanning his face, appreciating everything about him. “Remember that.”
After wiping your dried tears, you slide next to him, removing the pillow that was between you two. Snuggling right into his arms, your head resting on his chest while his cheek was pressed on the crown of your head. 
“I love you,” you whisper one last time before falling into a deep slumber. 
+Day 124 7:28PM
The dome was filled with loud voices, everyone was holding their green NCT lightsticks. You felt out of place, especially when you didn’t have any kind of lightstick or poster on you. 
You nervously took a seat on your assigned seat, waiting for your boyfriend to come out. 
NCT was holding a concert after a while and Taeyong had given you free tickets to support them. 
Mark had actually gotten hold of an extra ticket for you and was about to surprise you but found out that his members had already invited you. He was a little bummed out about it but shrugged it off. 
The light dimmed and the crowd started cheering. The girls around you started squealing in excitement. 
Soon, the boys started performing. When your boyfriend’s face was on the screen, you couldn’t help but grin at his cute face. 
The fans next to you would squeal and gush at how adorable your boyfriend is. You were proud that he was your boyfriend, sadly you couldn’t show him off. 
At the end of the concert, the boys lined up in the middle of the huge stage. They started thanking the fans for coming and supporting them. 
“But I think Mark is really happy today,” Jaehyun suddenly blurted out, turning to face Mark. 
The camera started zooming in to your boyfriend’s face. 
Mark’s eyes widen , confused, “what, why? Why?”
“Because his girlfriend is here!” Jaehyun screams into the mic as the boys let out a string of weird noises. 
Mark froze on the spot as everyone went crazy over the statement. 
“Okay, we will end this concert here! Thank you everyone for coming!”
Before everyone was even ready to leave, you had already run to meet your boyfriend back stage. 
Fuck, did Jaehyun actually say that?
You’re met with the sweaty boys laughing in the dressing room. 
“What the fuck was that?” you ask breathlessly as you scan each of the boys facial expression. 
“Uh oh, his girlfriend is here,” joked Johnny, staring at you with amusement. 
Mark turned to stare at the boys, “you guys knew?!”
“You guys weren’t very discreet.”
You were already standing next to your boyfriend, “how did you guys know?”
“You really think we won’t see the both of you holding hands in a public place?” scoffs Doyoung. 
Taeyong shrugs, “Mark never brings girls to the recording room.”
Your face turned red at Taeyong’s comment as Mark groans at his words. 
“And you think I wouldn’t see you guys holding hands under the blanket? Jesus,” sighs Jaehyun, rolling his eyes. 
“Fuck you,” Mark replies while Jaehyun flashes the middle finger to his friend. 
“Also, you talk way too loud y/n,” Taeil says, Taeyong immediately agreeing with him. 
“Or maybe the walls are too thin?” Taeyong questions. 
“Oh my god,” you whisper, embarrassed. “So, you guys heard everything?”
“Wish we didn’t,” shrugs Johnny. 
Mark had quietly reached for your hand, a habit he had whenever he’s nervous. 
“Also, I knew Mark was at your place, that’s why I came over,” laughs Haechan. 
You had let go of Mark’s hands to stomp over to the boy, hitting his back. “Lee Donhyuck! Did you know how long he had to wait in my wardrobe?!”
Haechan rolls his eyes, “oh please, you let him out because he was sweating.”
You let out a loud gasp, “you knew that too?!”
“Which idiot would put their password as 0000?”
“You went through my phone?!” you raised your voice, hitting the boy on the back once more. 
With furrowed eyebrows you frown and let out a sigh, “now what? Everyone knows Mark has a girlfriend,”
“I checked Twitter,” Jungwoo says, “some weren’t very happy but there are many who are supportive,”
Your frown deepens. You knew this would happen. It would affect Mark’s career badly; that was the main reason the both of you kept your relationship a secret. 
You turn to look at your boyfriend who was looking incredibly stressed right now. 
“Don’t worry y/n,” assures Johnny, you turn to look at him. “Mark is one of the most experienced and hardworking people in SM, I’m sure they’ll let you both off,”
You had your arms crossed defensively, “are you okay with this, Mark?”
You were worried for your boyfriend. 
You knew how much being on stage meant to him. He would do anything to continue performing. 
“I…I think so?” he says after a minute of pure silence. 
You pout slightly at his words. 
“I just wanna rest right now, I’m tired.”
The boys quickly agree with the younger. Everyone started standing up, grabbing their bags, leaving the room. 
You stayed with your boyfriend, accompanying him.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” you ask him again. 
He kept letting out sad sighs and it was concerning you. 
“Honestly,” he started, “I don’t know,” he turns to look at you. 
The palm of your hands automatically going up to stroke his back, attempting to comfort him. 
“I just… I just wanna be with you right now,”
You lean closer to him. “Okay.”
“Whatever it is,” he says, “we will go through it together.”
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
Dating and Goodreads
Back for Day 8-Blind date (how the hell do u guys come up with good title fics i struggle so bad lol). I wasn’t really going anywhere with this one, but when i read all of the others and saw how fun the fics were, i decided to finish this one.
also for Summertime and Fresh Strawberries, I deliberately left it blank but I can’t hold onto the secret bc two people were curious as to what happened, so i’ll let the rest of you know that aelin and rowan decided to keep summer and be a cute little family, bc im a sucker for happy endings lol (unless its angst, it’s safe to assume that all my rowaelin fics have happy endings bc they’ve all ready been thru so much and even in alt fics i need them to be happy lmao)
anyway, on to the next one. hope you enjoy!
1.8k words
cw: none
Aelin was a confident woman, something that she was proud of. But that didn't mean that there weren't times she didn't feel self-conscious or awkward and full of doubt.
Because right now, all those negative feelings were swimming inside of her.
And those feelings were just magnified today, especially since she had gotten fired only a few hours beforehand. It was utterly unexpected, she had never received any prior warnings, and while she was a fighter, Aelin didn't feel like stepping into the ring for this one. Not when her boss was a demon from hell that made life unbearable and she had to physically push herself into entering the work building.
Aelin told herself that it was for the best. She was miserable there and hated working in an office typing up the worlds most boring reports and working in a space that was entirely too drab.
But she wasn't looking forward to job hunting. Aelin was aware that she could ask her friends for favours, but if Aelin did something wrong, she didn't want it reflected back onto whoever helped her.
And she was still a little peeved over the damned argument she had online again with that haughty prick on Goodreads. Aelin wasn't sure why those arguments kept going, but each time she would post a review, White Tailed Hawk would respond, telling her that she read the book wrong and this and that and blah blah blah.
Aelin repaid the favour each time, telling him how he was wrong and he had no reading comprehension skills. And on and on it went until Aelin or whoever the fuck that guy was went back to their own lives.
Depressingly, it was the most fun she had some days.
Shaking her head, Aelin forced herself to think of the now and not of her shitty day. Still she sighed, not quite believing that she had agreed to this blind date. Couldn't believe that she had let Aedion convince her it was a good idea.
Aelin had said no at first, after Aedion had voiced his offer, and her cousin left it at that. But days went past, and he would bring up the topic of Rowan, about the things he had said that day, how his dry sense of humour took some time to get used to but once you figured it out, he was actually pretty funny, how he had finished a project perfectly and this and that.
But it got to her, annoyingly. So the other day when he was helping her out with some housework that was a two person job, Aelin told him to set up this date. Aedion cheered as if it was the best thing he had ever heard, telling her how she and Rowan were the perfect match for each other.
Aelin rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything of the assessment.
She had only agreed because it was getting frustrating being asked at every family event if she was dating someone, when she was going to give her parents grandchildren (that question pissed her off the most, as if Aelin was nothing but a birthing machine and that was all Aelin could contribute to society), and who was going to look after her when she was old if she didn't have children (because apparently carers didn't exist).
Aelin was also lonely—she could entertain herself just fine, but she did like the idea of coming home and talking to someone that could respond. She loved Fleetfoot and her enthusiasm when Aelin came home, but human companionship would be nice.
But Aelin didn't have high-hopes for this date because the universe liked to kick Aelin's ass from time to time, she suspected that they were going to hate each other.
Taking a deep breath, Aelin got out of her car, smoothed down her romper and went inside the restaurant, head held high.
Rowan couldn't believe that he was about to go on a blind date. That Aedion had convinced him to go out with his younger cousin. He hadn't dated anyone since Lyria and he knew that his dating skills were going to be rusty as hell. He had been with Lyria since they were nineteen, married at 23 and divorced at 31; he had been single for the last two years.
It had been...fine, a little strange, after being with someone for so long to find himself a bachelor. Rowan never thought that he would apart from Lyria, but their relationship had just faded. Long before the divorce, it had been more like a housemate relationship than a marriage. He wasn't surprised when his ex-wife had come home after work with divorce papers. He had only stared at the paperwork for an hour before he signed the forms. Truthfully, Rowan was just glad that he was still on good terms with Lyria, that they could still talk to one another from time to time.
Rowan had almost called her earlier today, to ask how the hell dates went, but felt that it would have been crossing some invisible line, so he didn't call and instead had Googled the questions instead.
They didn't really help.
Rowan drummed his fingers against the steering wheel, telling himself that if things went wrong, then it wasn't the end of the world. That if he had to be a bachelor for the rest of his life, then that was fine. He had plenty of ways of keeping himself busy—he had a good career, a nice house, plenty of books to read and to argue online about them with.
He had one earlier today, actually, with Queen of Wildfire about a new release that Rowan had eagerly read within days of its release. And once again, he ended up with an argument with the woman about the messages and themes within the book.
It was stupid, he knew, to be at his age and to be fighting online with a stranger, but something about this woman just had his fingers flying over the keyboard.
Some days he looked forward to it, as embarrassing as that was to admit. He didn't really want to look into himself to figure out what it all meant.
Eyes drifting to the dashboard, Rowan realised that his date was about to start. Popping a mint into his mouth and smoothing out his clothes, Rowan took a deep breath and left the car and went to his first date in twelve years.
Hopefully, it wouldn't be too bad.
The date had started out a little awkward, but that wasn't a surprise to Aelin, because what blind date started smoothly?
It picked up after Rowan admitted that he was divorced and that he had no idea what the hell he was supposed to do. Aelin appreciated that stark honesty and admitted that she too had no idea what to do.
Since then, the conversation went well, the food was good and Aelin had even swiped a few bites of his dinner because it just looked so much better than hers. Rowan had playfully grumbled underneath his breath, but smiled as he said it.
It was going really well. Maybe the universe had decided to give her a break for the rest of this evening. There was a part of her that maybe wondered if they would have sex, because the man did look fucking fantastic, but at the same time, she didn't want to rush anything in case this actually turned into something more.
“What's the dumbest thing that you've done recently or in the past?” Aelin asked. There was no such thing as small talk between them—Aelin had all ready asked if he believed in aliens and was glad when he said yes, because “it's ridiculous to think that we're alone in this wide universe of ours. It makes sense that there'd be other lifeforms out there.” Which was pretty damned close to Aelin's reasoning as well, so asking him about stupid moments felt like nothing in comparison.
Rowan smirked at the question and took a moment to think before answering. “I engage in online arguments.”
“Really? About what, exactly?”
“It's stupid. But my all my arguments occur on Goodreads of all places. Not Facebook, or YouTube, or Twitter, but Goodreads. It's never anything insulting but just arguments about how wrong some people's in depth reviews are.”
“Fair enough,” Aelin said, “I've been known to do the same thing as you. There's this one user on there, White Tailed Hawk—a stupid name if you ask me—and he just never...” Aelin stopped when she noticed that he stopped eating and was just looking at her weirdly. “Rowan? Are you okay?”
“Do you, by any chance, go under the name of Queen of Wildfire?”
Aelin blinked, and then blinked again, and once the pieces fell into place, she knew right then and there that the universe really hated her. She let out a harsh laugh, the sound echoing throughout the space. Aelin wasn't really sure what to say, because it was true what he said; it had never been insulting, but ending up on a date with the man she had regularly arguments with was just...she had no words, other then, “It really is a stupid name.” She took a sip of her wine, needing to do something other than wanting to bang her head against the table.
“I couldn't think of anything else to write.” And it wasn't also his favourite animal, he had told her that earlier.
They lapsed back into the awkward silence of earlier, both picking at their food.
But Aelin didn't want this night to go to waste. “It'd be stupid to let something as small as this get in the way of whatever this could be,” Aelin said, deciding to be blunt.
Rowan nodded. “It would be. Although I have to be honest, you really have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to Call of the Wild Winds.”
Aelin just about stormed off when she noticed his playful smile, his eyes sparkling bright. Laughing, Aelin threw a bread-roll at his handsome face, and once he caught it and split it in half for them to share, they went back to their earlier conversation.
And when Rowan walked her to her apartment door and kissed her on the cheek goodnight with a promise to text her later, Aelin couldn't help herself by telling him that all his opinions sucked and that he had no idea what he was talking about—all with a big smile on her face as Rowan sputtered as she closed the door on his face.
They spent the rest of the night texting, and all of Aelin's earlier woes faded away. And she looked forward to tomorrow, despite the horror of job hunting. Maybe the universe will finally let things turn around for the better for her.
Aelin went to sleep with a smile on her face, all because of White Tailed Hawk.
And on the other side of the city, Rowan also fell asleep with a smile on his face.
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blxetsi · 3 years
Can I request hcs of reader pranking Mikasa, Annie, and Pieck like they are hiding another girl from them? Here’s the link for reference :)
yuh ‼️ ty for the request !!!
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mikasa, annie, and pieck reacting to you pranking them (modern au!)
college!mikasa x gn!reader, college!annie x gn!reader, college!pieck x gn!reader
warnings: uhhhh humour + fluff ?, sexy women lol, a touch of angst ??,, annie leonhart marry me challenge, u and pieck being cuddlebugs
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- PLSSS you only got the idea from eren bc he sent u the tiktok in the first place,,,,
- anyways he told you to do it and record it for him
- you agreed, and bc ur a little shit you even skipped ur last class just so youd get back to your and mikasa's shared apartment earlier
- the audio is literally just sasha speaking 😭😭😭 you did the best with what you had yknow 🤨‼️
- anyways u decide to wait in ur bedroom for mikasa when u hear the door open
- time to get started 😈
- after making sure ur camera was recording and getting the audio ready, you played it just as she was coming down the hall
- you heard her footsteps stop for a second before continuing and thats when you threw the phone and went to meet her at the door
- as soon as you saw her face you immediately regretted ever doing this to her,,, she looked so sad
- "are you hiding someone in here ?" YOU COULDNT EVEN KEEP IT GOING BEFORE YOU APOLOGIZED
- you cooed at her before hugging her and apologizing "mika im so sorry i SWEAR its a joke im recording it"
- all she does is nod at you and you KNOW youre in trouble
- "mikasa, lovey ? please dont be mad its just a prank i saw on tiktok im so sorry." she just keeps looking around the room
- she makes you sit on the bed while she checks absolutely EVERYWHERE while youre trying to convince her theres no one
- you finally play the audio and she stops from where shes looking under the bed, "is that sasha ?" "yeah i used her voice for the prank" "😡🗡️"
- she makes you pamper her for the rest of the night as an apology, and you GLADLY do it bc you love to serve your gf 😁‼️
- dont even try it
- dont do it, im serious,,, unless you want to be buried at the local cemetary 😁👍
- ymir sent the tiktok as a joke like "lmao imagine if you did this to annie" you said "okay 🤩🤚"
- ymir makes a new gc for you, herself, reiner and bertholdt so they can talk abt it 🙄
- bertholdt and reiner are immediately in the gc like "no no,,, dont do it y/n,,,, you have so much to live for, so much potential" and ymir names the gc "y/ns funeral planners"
- so u set up your camera and hide in the bedroom when you know annie's coming back from boxing
- yeah,,,,, boxing,,,,,
- you play the audio ymir made for u super loud and you hear her SPRINT to the fucking room
- say ur prayers bae ur going down lol
- you dont even have time to react before shes pinned you down on the bed 😭😭😭
- sister looks at the phone, then back at you and says "ymirs voice is ugly, you wanna trick me at least make it believable" before you can even apologize she gives you a FAT kiss on the lips,, im talking tongue and all
- then she says "im going to shower, dont try that shit again, okay baby ?"
- yes ma'am,,, i live to serve you 🛐🛐🛐
- lmao good luck tricking this bitch she doesnt even believe it
- porco sent it to you like "imagine if you did this to pieck lol" and you were like "lmao sure"
- you didnt know who to ask to speak to you ?? so your dumbass just used yourself 😐🤚
- you got yourself speaking into your microphone in some high pitched voice 😭😭😭😭
- anyways you set up ur camera and played the audio after she came home from her shift at work
- this bitch GIGGLES before entering to see you on the bed before the two of you burst out laughing
- she comes and lays beside your body to pull you into her "are you trying to prank me baby ?" "maybe i was" "i saw that video a week ago after porco sent it to me"
- excuse me 😃⁉️
- "what ? porco sent it to me" she starts laughing again "he wanted me to do it to you but i know how sensitive you are, couldnt make my angel cry like that" and now youre absolute mush
- you hide yourself in her chest while you feel your face heating up and she chuckles while patting your head
- "now that the silly times are over, do you wanna watch a movie with me ?" you answers muffled from her clothes but she hears you loud and clear "yes please"
- and you two spent the night cuddled in bed with a laptop laying on you both, playing some netflix original <3
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AND ITS DONE !! this was fun to make. also idk if mikasa's came off as "obsessive" bc i wasnt trying to,, shes just a bit insecure abt your relationship :( give her love pls
ALSO !! requests open ok stay safe
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hqhunybuns · 4 years
hiiii can u plz do a kuroo first time blowjob?? thanks i love your blog!!!!!
hi sorry i was too busy playing animal crossing but im back
First Time Head with Kuroo
It was a bad idea that popped into your head, a terribly devilish thought that you were sure would get you in trouble-- but it was worth a shot, wasn't it? 
You were the Nekoma volleyball team manager, and also the captain's girlfriend. What a wonderful world you live in; the team adored you, your boyfriend thought you were as sweet as sugar. The truth be told, you and Tetsurou had only gotten to first base the entirety of your eight month relationship. You were shy when it came to physical affection, and you had a bad habit of getting too nervous when your boyfriend's hands started wandering further than your shoulders. He was always the perfect gentleman when you had to stop due to your erratic heartbeat, and while you profusely apologized every time, he took it in stride and never pressured you to do anything you weren't comfortable with.
It wasn't that you didn't think he was attractive, it was quite the opposite. He was Adonis-- tall, lean muscle, abs, strong jaw line, hair that you wanted to run your hands through. He was too perfect and it intimidated you. Other than the physical limitations you had set, it was a great relationship. The two of you could talk for hours, joking and laughing. His personality fit yours, he didn't get upset at your sarcastic quips, he actually enjoyed then and retorted back with just as much sass.
"Y/n, what's the problem? Why do you look so nervous?" your friend Aimee asked once class had been released for lunch.
"Yeah, and you look really sweaty..." your other friend Sayori mentioned, motioning to your red face.
Fanning your face with your hands, you admitted, "I'm going to do the deed today, that's why I look like a hot mess."
The two girls grinned and squealed, gaining the attention of the few stragglers in the classroom. You hushed then quickly, hiding your head in your arms. "Guys, please! This is already a stressful day! I don't need you all screaming and making a big deal of it." you mumbled into your arms.
Someone patted your head and ruffled your hair. "You really must be nervous if you're scolding us instead of screaming too."
"You may be right, Sayori-chan, normally Y/n is the first one of us to scream about something exciting."
You lifted your head and glared at your friends while trying to hide your growing smile. Aimee grabbed your cheeks and squished them together while Sayori hoped with excitement, "You're finally growing up! You put on your big girl thong today!"
"Oh my God, please don't ever say that again!" you groaned, trying to push the brown haired girls hands away from your hurting cheeks.
Sayori stopped her jumping and put her hands on small hips. "But it's true, you're going to be be the first one of us to actually put one of those things in your mouth."
Aimee stopped her assault on your poor face and rebutted, "Hey! I almost did!"
"Yeah, but then you woke up from your dream and realized Morisuke wasn't actually there." you teased light heartily.
The three of you laughed and you finally stood from your desk, stepping out of the classroom with your two best friends. Your trio hiked up the steps to the roof, opening the door and scoping it out, making sure no one had claimed your lunch spot for themselves. The warn sun caressed your face and the breeze carried the scent of the freshly bloomed flowers with it, pollen included. It was a gorgeous day, barely any clouds in the sky and birds happily perched on the edge of the roof, singing songs in hopes of finding a mate.
Plopping down on one of the benches, you confessed, "I've never seen his... you know what in person, what if I hurt him?"
Sayori tied her red hair in a messy bun before responding. "I've given a hand job before, they're surprisingly durable; you're only going to hurt him if you bite him or something like that."
Before you could respond with a smart ass comment, the devil named Tetsurou texted you.
 Volleybitch (4) unread messages
Hey doll face (Ф∀Ф)
im bored Kenma wont stop playing fire emblem to talk to me
he keeps talking about defeating the death knight but idk who that is
we still on for tonight? you get to pick the movie as long as its good
 You rolled your eyes as you responded.
tell him to recruit lysithea and he can one shot him with her lol
yeah we're still on!! the fams gone for the weekend so we can actually use the big tv in the living room
 just promise to take a shower before we leave bc i dont want u sweating up my couch you stink
literally all the time
nasty sweaty man
Putting your phone away, you focused on your friends who were still more excited about your nights rendezvous than you were. It was true that you didn't want your boyfriend making your house smelling like a gym, but you didn't want to put your mouth on him when he was just running around getting sweaty. You had standards, and smelling and tasting sweat was not apart of those standards
"You ready to ditch this popsicle stand?" Kuroo asked, tossing his water bottle in his gym bag. His hair was slightly damp from the quick shower he had just had.
You rolled your eyes and replied sardonically, "With you? Never."
 "You're right, look at that eligible bachelor over there waiting to watch a shitty movie with you tonight." He walked over to you and flipped you, pointing at volleyball pole that was being put away. "That handsome man wants to take you to dinner, but he can only afford McDonalds. So sad, Y/n, you can only get something off of the dollar menu."
 You raised your eyebrows in fake consideration. "Perhaps, but he doesn't have any muscles, so it's a hard pass. Sorry, mister pole, but you're still single." 
Your tall boyfriend laughed and guided you towards the gym doors, his hand on your back. You bit back a blush when he rubbed your back slightly. You're about to give this man a blowjob and you wanna blush when he touches your back? You were hopeless.
Your tall boyfriend laughed and guided you towards the gym doors, his hand on your back. You bit back a blush when he rubbed your back slightly. You're about to give this man a blowjob and you wanna blush when he touches your back? You were hopeless.
"So what movie have you decided on? It better not be anything related to Minions or Legos, or I promise you I will cry." Tetsurou deadpanned.
Humming, you grinned. "It's a surprise."
The ten minute walk to your house felt like an hour. You and Kuroo talked about the tournament coming up, but all you think of was the fact that you were going to suck this hot man's cock. The thought made you blush and salivate. Ideally his shirt would be off, letting you see how his work out regime gave him a delicious torso. You wondered how big he was, how thick it would be; would he taste good, would he be shaved? What if he didn't want you to suck him off? Would he find it repulsive?
"Y/n? Hey, dollface, we're at your house, stop walking or you're going to end up at your neighbors front door," Tetsurou's voice brought you back from your daze.
"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking of a strategy for the team and I guess I got lost in thought." you chuckled nervously, forcing your blush to evade.
Unlocking the door and stepping inside, your heart officially started to race. How was this going to start? 
Right, start a movie! 
"I'll start a movie if you wanna go get us something to drink from the kitchen," you suggested as you made your way towards the living room.
You shut the blinds in fear your neighbors would end up looking into them and seeing your lewd actions and quickly double checked to see if you locked the front door. Call yourself paranoid, but you didn't need anything interrupting. 
Tetsurou returned with two glasses of water and a smirk. Once he placed the two glasses on the coffee table, he sink into the couch and gazed at the TV. "So, I see the decision is The Breakfast Club. Again."
"You know it's one of my favorite movies!" you argued, sitting beside him.
The movie started, and twenty minutes into the movie, it was time to start your plan. 
You took a deep breath, exhaling through your nose. With a shaky hand, you ran it down Tetsurou's arm idly, gaining his attention. You could see his eyebrows raise in question as he gazed at your fingers brushing against his bicep. You wet your lips and kissed his cheek, traveling to his mouth. 
This caught him completely off guard.
He didn't complain, though, shifting his body to make it more comfortable for the both of you. Feeling confident in yourself, your tongue brushed against his lips, asking permission to enter. He happily obliged, opening his mouth and letting your tongue graze his. His hands wandered to your shoulders, rubbing them as your tongues battled for dominance-- in the end, Tetsurou was victorious. 
Your lower stomach was getting hot, you could feel your panties begin to dampen with arousal. His hands trailed down your shoulders to your arms, rubbing them softly. Your hands went to his hair, running your fingers through the tresses. The black haired boy groaned in your mouth, making you clamp your thighs shut. Feeling a burst of confidence, you broke the kiss and climbed into his lap, shocking him.
His eyes were dark with lust as he panted, "This is a nice surprise."
"Hush, or I'll stop." you murmured, going back to his lips with newly found gusto.
You've never been this aroused, your panties were soaked and threatening to spill onto your inner thighs. You knew your face was flushed brightly, but kissing Kuroo and feeling him harden beneath you was making your brain numb. It buzzed with lust and you could only focus on how his hands moved to your sides and how they felt like hot fire, his finger tips leaving warmth.
Experimenting was never something you thought you'd do, but you swiveled your hips in his lap, earning a heartfelt groan from the man beneath you. Breaking the kiss once more, you gazed at him with glossy eyes. Remembering your research, you stepped off of his lap and kneeled in front of his sitting form, peering at him through your lashes.
You'd never seen Kuroo blush, but seeing you on your knees, flustered, hair tousled, and lips plump from kissing, you'd think he'd passed out. 
The tent in his shorts were impressive, no matter how baggy the shorts were. Licking your lips once more, your shaking hands tentatively rubbed up his thighs, nearing his growing cock. He stuttered and swallowed harshly. "What do you think you're doing, doll face?"
"I'm going to suck you off, Tetsurou," You swore you heard him groan. "Unless you have a problem with that?"
He shook his head. "Not at all."
Swallowing the sudden nerves, you helped him pull his shorts and underwear down, releasing his cock. Your eyes widened once you saw how impressive it was. Would that fit in your mouth? Licking your lips, you stuck your tongue out and grazed the head of his swollen member, enticing a hiss from your boyfriend.
"Fuck, Y/n..." he muttered, bringing one of his clenched fists to his mouth, biting it.
Gaining the confidence back you had originally, you popped the head into your mouth, sucking it lightly. Tetsurou stuttered out a moan, whispering your name. You went down his shaft a bit further, gripping one of his thighs for leverage. Kuroo was very vocal, giving you praises and groaning every time you sucked your cheeks in. Your other hand went to grip the rest of his cock that you couldn't fit into your sore mouth. He was girthy, your jaw was beginning to hurt from the unusual strain. You bobbed your head with more speed, glancing up at Tetsurou who had his head thrown back in pure bliss. Your neglected, throbbing sex was growing more aroused with slick, this boy was going to be the death of you. 
His hips started thrusting shallowly to meet your mouth, one of his hands going to your hair. His moans were becoming louder and the grip in your hair was growing tighter.
"That's it, Y/n, don't stop. God, who knew you had such a good mouth," he praised. 
Kuroo Tetsurou was coming undone before you and it was sexiest thing you've ever seen.
All because of you.
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