#beatrice baudelaire jr
beatricebidelaire · 9 days
they're in the kitchen, sunny making a salad and bea helping out according to sunny's instructions. it was sunny's father's recipe, although sunny didn't really directly learn that from father himself - it was passed down from klaus's notes. however, sunny does remember watching her mother make salad a long time ago.
"this isn’t a very complicated recipe, sunny," said mother. "but if i arrange the salad very nicely on fancy plates, people will think i've been cooking all day. often, when cooking, the presentation of the food can be as important as the food itself." ever since she remembered what mother had said when she was forced to cook for olaf's troupe, the words have stayed with her.
she shares this with beatrice, now.
"sunny - can i ask you something?" bea asks.
"sure," sunny says.
"how much do you remember about your mother?"
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afterthegreatunknown · 11 months
Hello! 👋 What do u hc the clothing styles of the unfortunate gen kids as?/what sort of clothes do u think r their favourites? 🧥👔🧣
Unfortunate Gen Clothing's Styles/What Clothes They Wear Headcanons:
Violet: If she's not wearing her iconic dress (which either came from the 1950s or 1960s no one really knows) or her skirt (goes down to her knees, worn with white tights), she will be wearing purple in some way in her clothes (socks, shirt, jacket, etc). Violet also prefers to wear jeans and other durable material trousers with her blouses and shirts. The dress and skirt are the two exceptions.
Klaus: 100% dresses semi-formally. He likes bowties and regular ties, button vests (not sweater vest, thank you very much), chinos and dress pants and pleated pants, button-down shirts, and blazers. That's not to say Klaus doesn't have casual wear; he has a few windbreakers and jeans and regular short-sleeves shirt. He just won't be seen wearing those a lot in comparison.
Sunny: Haven't thought much on Sunny (given she is a baby throughout ASOUE), but I like to think as she grows up, she mainly wears casual clothes. Things like cargo pants, jeans, and shirts with graphics on them. Things that are loose on the body, but not too loose. Oh, that, and hair scrunches (yellow).
Duncan: Enjoys wearing wool/knit sweaters, as well as cardigans and sweater-vests (match with long button-downs) in cool weather a la early spring and fall. For warm spring and early summer weather, he wears striped short sleeves shirt or short button-down shirts, sometimes with a hoodie jacket with a zipper if it's on the colder side. For winter, he'll wear a strong windbreaker hoodie over whatever he's wearing. Regarding trousers, Duncan likes jeans, khakis, corduroys, and sweatpants (that last one is for home though).
Isadora: While she has wool/knit sweaters, she only wears them if it's a very cool/cold day that will remain cool/cold throughout. She mainly wears blouses with the puffy short sleeves, and sweatshirts with graphics on them. She's also the sort to wear double shirts; long-sleeve underneath and short-sleeve on top. On occasion, she will wear dress and skirts; Isadora prefers black dresses and skirts of any style and lengths. Most of the time, she wears Capri pants because she likes showing off her socks.
Quigley: Unlike his siblings, he wears rollnecks/turtlenecks. And unlike his siblings, he tends to cover up. He mainly wears long button-down shirts and sweatshirts, and if he has to wear a short-sleeve shirt, he'll wear a jacket over them. Trousers-wise, he wears sweatpants, jeans, drawstrings, and parachutes. When Quigley wears either his dress or skirt (the dress has long sleeves), he has to wear leggings with them. The only time he'll show his legs and arms is when at the beach because that would make him stand out a lot.
Carmelita. Mainly wears clothes of the color pink, white, and red especially pre-canon and in canon events. Her style here is poofy; she has to wear a poofy dress with ribbons or skirt, like a ballerina skirt (not tutu) or poodle skirt. She never wore pants until TPP. And in post-canon, Carmelita starts to wear more Capris and Pedal pushers (similar to Capris; they go higher up the lower calf), as well as wearing different colors (she got to change it up).
Fiona: Nautical Style Clothes(TM) is her main style. Anything that looks like it's something a sailor or navy person would wear or has a strong sailor/navy vibe to it (think sailor dresses, or the sailor blouse, or the most mainstream of them all, bell-bottoms), she has to get. Having live in a submarine all her life, Fiona finds herself wanting something that reminded her of her former home of the Queequeg. That said, she does has some non-Nautical clothes; overalls, jumper dresses, and rompers.
Friday: Having to wear only white on the Island, living on the mainland and seeing her options has Friday going over the moon with possibilities and combinations. Her main style in the first year in the Land of Districts is a colorful overalls (red, orange, or purple) or colorful denims (red, pink, sky blue), with a sweater (pastel colors usually) or sweatshirt with either her bright yellow or green sneakers.
Beatrice Baudelaire II: I also haven't given lot of thought for Bea II. I do like her wardrobe in Netflix ASOUE.The beret is something I really dig. I like to think she has more in different colors, like grey and white.
I hope you enjoy my surprisingly long answer, dear anon!
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snicketstrange · 19 days
unitey Silence Knot Chapter 9 - Lemony you are...
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
Imagine Lemony and little Beatrice playing Beethoven.
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unfortunatetheorist · 9 months
*Joint Theory 5 - @unfortunatetheorist & @snicketstrange*:
The End - Book Canon vs Netflix Canon
(Does Ishmael have a greater impact on our protagonists than expected?)
As much as we would have loved, or hated, to have seen the books' material 'copied and pasted' onto our screens, there are some things in the material that are simply too difficult/horrible to film, such as Dr Orwell & Sunny's 'duel', in TMM.
In this theory, @snicketstrange and I (@unfortunatetheorist) are going to be investigating differences between Book The Thirteenth, The End and Episode the... Last (26th?), The End.
The first is that:
BOOK: There is some narration from Lemony.
NETFLIX: There is absolutely NO input from Lemony.
This addition by Netflix removes the books' doubt of Lemony being a reliable narrator, as it shows the Baudelaires' direct experience.
Book Lemony knew what had happened there and the consequences of it - Lemony knew Kit had died when he wrote TE. But Netflix Lemony only discovered this after he met with Beatrice Baudelaire II. This is an important chronological difference: when Beatrice II started looking for Lemony it was around the time he was yet to publish the TWW book, and that is evidenced by the fact that Beatrice Jr did not identify the paperweight in the shape of leeches despite her having already read some of Lemony's books according to her words.
The Netflix show's writer(s) probably chose this to deal with TSS's secret letter. The screenwriter(s) interpreted the letter to mean that Lemony did NOT know that Kit was dead.
BOOK: Lemony knows Kit is dead during the writing of TE.
NETFLIX: Lemony does NOT know Kit is dead until he meets Beatrice II.
Also, this notable curiosity:
BOOK: Every single islander is NAMED.
NETFLIX: Only a few of the islanders are named, such as Miranda, Friday and Alonso.
This could be due to the fact that in the books, the Baudelaires are implicitly, but still evidently, Jewish. In the Netflix series, they probably saw that as some sort of risk of anti-semitism (i.e. Jewish persecution) and so had to remove all possible traces, e.g. Rabbi Bligh, to ensure the show still aired.
BOOK: Ishmael was chemistry teacher at Prufrock.
NETFLIX: Ishmael was the principal of Prufrock.
This is quite considerable, especially linking to ATWQ and Cleo's love and talent for chemistry - he could('ve) be(en) a chemistry teacher with the name Ishmael N Knight, as a family member of Cleo and Ingrid and... Cleo's other somehow-forgotten parent. Also, the fact that in the series, Ishmael started V.F.D. - this means that Netflix's Baudelaires had it wrong the whole time, but they only learnt when he mentioned his story: in the Netflix series, the root cause of the Baudelaires' trouble was actually Ishmael.
If he didn't start V.F.D. nothing would've happened...
Now we come to what is, arguably, the most important difference of all:
BOOK: There is a mutiny/schism between the islanders, because the islanders do things in secret, such as Professor Fletcher teaching islanders how to read, and Madame Nordoff learning how to yodel.
NETFLIX: There is NO mutiny.
The mutiny was probably left out of the Netflix series due to the budget for showtime and money - it was too much to carry out.
However, within this difference, there are other differences, such as:
BOOK: The Baudelaires [temporarily] get kicked out from the island, before Finn and Erewhon bring them some mild onion soup.
NETFLIX: Nothing happens to the Baudelaires.
There's a lot to unpick in TE, even for Snicket-ologists like us; it can get really trivial, especially with lines like Olaf's "You don't know anything".
As the 'poet' Emma Montana McElroy said:
"That's the end of that".
¬ Th3r3534rch1ngr4ph & @snicketstrange,
Unfortunate Theorists/Snicketologists
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library-child · 2 years
Hi (again)! Do you have any headcanons about Beatrice Jr.?
I think she's extremely capable for her age, having been raised by the Baudelaires and then by VFD. Because she has grown up with children who had to take care of themselves, she probably doesn't fully grasp the concept of childhood. She views herself as a miniature adult who is fully responsible for herself. Her letters to Lemony sound like "We're both adults, might we arrange a meeting?" instead of "I'm your ten-year-old niece all alone in the world, so please take care of me."
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chloerie · 1 year
Incorrect quotes with AU explainpson
Okay, so, after the last episode of the TV series, they(The Baudelaire children) managed on their own for like a year or two and after those two years, the Baudelaire children + Katherine(What I call Kit’s daughter) were adopted by the Schuylers and they dyed their hair to look like their adopted parents and changed/switched(In the case of Anna Elizabeth Baudelaire who became Elizabeth Anna Schuyler-Hamilton)their names also the Quagmires were taken in by Philip Schuyler’s sister and did the same thing lol anyways characters and who they changed/became(Technically) their names too
Violet Baudelaire became: Angelica Schuyler-Church!
Anna Elizabeth Baudelaire became: Elizabeth Anna Schuyler-Hamilton!
Sunny Baudelaire became: Margarita “Peggy” Schuyler(Single bitch lol)
Katherine “Kit” Baudelaire became: Catharine Schuyler
Also Alexander is the second son of Count Olaf(First one is Uncle Monty) and his real name is Evan Olaf(In this AU lol) so he became: Alexander Hamilton(-Washington)
Oh, also James Hamilton SR is Count Olaf if you couldn’t tell James JR is Monty
Violet: We need to distract these guys
Anna: Leave it to me
Anna: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Sunny, Katherine(Beatrice JR), and SOUE!Philip Schuyler: *Immediately begin arguing*
SOUE!Philip Schuyler, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
(Chat names:
Angelica/Violet: Angie
Peggy/Sunny: PegSun
Elizabeth/Anna: Lizzie
Katherine(Beatrice JR): KitKat
Philip Schuyler: Philip Schuyler
Catherine VR Schuyler: PRETTY LADY)
PegSun: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Lizzie: :O language
KitKat: Yeah watch your fucking language
Lizzie: 'The fuck word'.
Philip Schuyler: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Lizzie: Oh my god he censored it
PRETTY LADY: Say fuck, Phil.
Angie: Do it, Dad. Say fuck.
Angelica/Violet: I’m an idiot.
Kit JR:
Literally everyone, except Angelica/Violet
Elizabeth/Anna: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day
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deweysdenouement · 4 years
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ASOUE + co-star notifications
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mugsofrainwater · 7 years
Some headcannons about Beatrice Baudelaire Jr (Kit Snicket’s daughter):
She is just barely ten years old.  (Only just young enough to order from the children’s menu, only just old enough to pass in the streets unobserved.)
Her specialist subject is oceanography.  (Her commonplace book is full of facts about marine life and ecosystems, ocean circulation patterns, plate tectonics, the geology of the seafloor, the chemical properties of seawater.) 
She lost the three Baudelaire siblings at sea.  (A rough voyage, a storm, a monster of the deep, a wreckage in the shape of a question mark.) 
She believes they are still alive, knows they are alive. (Any other option is unthinkable.)
But she has searched the waves of the sea and the hills of the land and the underground tunnels in the city and still she cannot find them.  (She is running out of places to look.) 
She tries not to ask herself the question – if they are still alive, why aren’t they looking for me too? (It’s a dangerous question and the world is dangerous enough already.) 
Speaking of dangerous, her father was a dangerous Count and a very bad actor.  (But she doesn’t know it yet, may never know it. And there may only be one person left alive who does know it.) 
She is on her own but she is not entirely alone. (It’s the feeling she gets that she’s being watched.) 
There are rumors of an old and shady organisation with secrets and schisms and fire scattered throughout its past.  (And, unknowingly, she is already as helplessly entangled within it as a dolphin trapped in a fisherman’s net.)
There is a man with connections to this organisation, who may or may not be dead, and she has learned through coded messages sent via sea turtle that this man could help lead her to the Baudelaires, who may or may not be dead.  (Her future may hinge on the acceptance of an invitation to a root beer float.)
Her life so far has been a lesson in loss; learning to love people she never met, learning to let go of the people she loves, and learning to live with the ache they always leave behind.  (Her family tree is made up of gravestones.) 
And she is still learning to live in the silence that follows.  (’The world is quiet here’ - she found that written on a scrap of paper hidden in between some faded theatre programs in an abandoned office and she thinks it would make a good slogan for a noble organisation dedicated to keeping the world quiet and safe. She thinks perhaps someone should set up such an organisation.) 
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insidereagan · 2 years
a series of unfortunate events x inside job crossover
aah i ADORE asoue, it was sort of mg gateway into conspiracy theories and shit, and i read it every year (i haven’t watched the series yet lol) . it fits so well with inside job so here’s a crossover ig lmao
so you know i ship mr poe (🖕) with jr and rand (🖕). rand would be literally perfect for arthur, because they’re both assholes who used to work for secret illuminati-like societies. jr originally just joined the dynamic bc mr poe was a banker and wanted the extra money but he ended up catching genuine feelings.
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violet and reagan would get along SO WELL like they’re both inventors who have gone through a lot of shit
reagan would also like klaus me thinks
gigi would love sunny so much djsjajnx i hc her to love babies <33 she’d always offer her smth like a carrot
if Montgomery wasn’t dead, I think he’d think reagan was extremely swag (who doesn’t tbh) then wanted to adopt her after hearing what happened to her as a kid (and as an adult)
idk I can’t rlly think of anything else but I hope u guys enjoy!!
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asoue-sideblog · 5 years
Violets are symbols of sapphic love, so clearly Beatrice was thinking about her firstborn like "If it's a boy, we'll name him after my ex-fiancé. But if it's a girl, I have too many amazing ex-girlfriends to pick just one, so we'll name her after the concept of love between women just like in general."
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beatricebidelaire · 10 months
for day 5 of woevember of @asouefanworkevent, the masked ball
the masked ball is not a VFD event. rather, it's an old tradition of the duchess's family, passed down from one generation of the duchess to the next, like the ring with the letter R engraved upon it.
the most recent R, Duchess of Winnipeg, is a volunteer of the VFD, but her mother, the previous R, and her mother, also R, are not. (see: the end). so, naturally, duchess R (the most recent one)'s friends and associates from VFD are often invited to the masked ball, and the VFD volunteers have sometimes used the masked ball as a way of communicating with other volunteers.
however, one would be mistaken if one thinks that no VFD members have ever attended the masked balls held by R's mother, or grandmother, or great-grandmother, and so on. like R's family, and her family ring, VFD has been around for a long time. the Duchess's masked ball has always been quite popular event amongst the high society, and oftentimes influential people would attend, and previous generations of VFD members have also sometimes attended the ball for various different purposes, even if the Duchess at that time is not a VFD volunteer
R continues to hold the masked ball regularly, even amidst the schism, even if sometimes enemies of the volunteers also managed to sneak into the ball for nefarious purposes. it's an event that people who's on the lam or rumored to be dead may show up, since everyone's in masks with a proper reason. it's a time when old associates can meet.
in some way, it signifies hope - the hope of being able to meet an associate you have not been able to contact for sometime, the hope of the chance to confirm that a family member is safe and sound
year after year, as various members of VFD and its enemies meet their demise, fewer and fewer associates and enemies of R's show up at the masked ball each time. some of them she knows for a fact are confirmed dead - M for one. and G. and also G - not that it's ever quite clear whether she stood on the schism.
R continues hosting the masked ball, if she's able to at that time. L appears less and less frequently, but despite various "confirmations" of his death, he's possibly the one who's most likely to still be alive, since all those so-called confirmations are flimsy at best, featuring blurry pictures that could've been anybody in a hat.
sometimes she knows that L has showed up and left before they had a chance to talk, and she knows this because she would find little messages from him that he's left behind. an encrypted code on a little note hidden under the accordion, for instance, that can only be decoded if one is well-versed in poetry
when L's brother J first fell out of contact, and soon it's been said that nobody has been able to reach him, at first R thought he's just gone on the run like L did. perhaps planning to fake his death. she had hoped he would show up at her ball sometime soon - but he never did. instead, the daily punctilio featuring the death of olaf at some faraway village with the picture of J brought the worst news.
and then came the fire of hotel denouement, and also K who lost contact after that. barely any of R's associates or enemies show up for a long time, after that.
until one day L appears again - not at a masked ball, but just one a normal day - with his niece. kit and dewey's daughter, beatrice.
the little girl made a lot of efforts to find and reunite her family - including the children of beatrice and bertrand that R's heard so much about but have never met, and lemony, and dewey's triplets.
having old friends again at the next masked ball gives her a certain ache of nostalgia, but she's also so very glad to be able to see them again, after all these years, and away from their VFD identities that's bound them tight when they were younger. she's also so delighted to meet the kids - although maybe violet and klaus can hardly be called kids, now. they're older than when R and her friends had been getting drunk at the masked ball, decades ago.
everyone dress up for the masked ball. beatrice and sunny have never attended such a formal event and the girls are very thrilled. beatrice tells R that violet has taught her how to draw fake scars as R finds a costume for her, and R gets reminded of beatrice - the other beatrice, the first beatrice, whom violet must've learned the skill from.
sunny wears a pair of butterfly wings that once belonged to her mother. frank tells the story of how beatrice and kit used to pull the trick where beatrice wears the fancy wings and distract everyone's attention and kit uses the chance to do something discreetly as everyone's attention is focused on beatrice. sunny and beatrice listen attentively in wonder.
beatrice asks if her father attended the masked ball too - she's learned that his existence is mostly a secret, but considering that at a masked ball everyone can put on a mask, maybe this is his chance?
R confirms that dewey does indeed attend the masked balls sometimes. and that he and bertrand always manage to find each other, no matter what kind of masks they have on. "the elephant poem," sunny says, remembering what dewey has told her and her siblings.
"exactly," ernest says. "i've actually tried to pretend to be dewey once by reciting the poem to him. but B soon recognized me."
r: "were you actually surprised?" ernest, fondly nostalgic: "i guess not. he was always able to tell us apart."
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Beatrice Baudelaire. The second.
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snicketstrange · 22 days
Untie My Silence Knot - Chapter 7 - Lemony, you're so unresponsive.
Getting out of the mountains and back into The City was more difficult than I thought. I realized that I am really going to need money, especially since I had just left behind the last valuable object I owned. The only clue I had was what Lemony Snicket had said before leaving the mountain region: "I'm in the mood for a root beer float."
I researched where to find the best root beer float in the city and ended up at a very small cafe. The only thing I could do was to offer my services in exchange for any information. I had already collected a lot of information about Lemony Snicket.
I had obtained a copy of each of the books he had published, from T.B.B., his first, to T.C.C., his last. (I acquired the idiosyncrasy of referring to each of the books using only their initials). Lemony Snicket still seemed to have a deep knowledge of what happened to my foster parents, but I refuse to believe that they helped Count Olaf set fire to that park. My parents would never have done that. Just as they would never have stolen the librarian's keys. I vaguely remember some of the things they said, and they definitely did nothing morally wrong even when going through difficult situations, and they definitely didn't set anything on fire, because they are noble people.
But Lemony Snicket had never answered any of my letters. I also didn't know how he could have, considering I currently don't have a permanent residence. I went to the barista and ordered a root beer float, and promised that I could pay him through my services. He asked me something about me being nice to my mom. I was honest with him. I didn't know my birth mother, and my foster parents were missing, and I was looking for them. He must have felt sorry for me, because he offered me a job and a place to stay with his sister, Lisa. I started working at Cafe, from Monday to Friday. I saved some money. Lisa was an excellent roommate and we became very friendly.
A couple of months later, one night, I saw customers in strange clothes arriving at the cafe. One dressed as a bank clerk, the other as a duchess (but evidently someone in disguise). Another appeared to be someone involved in the publishing industry. One of the men pulled out an envelope with an eye symbol. I remembered Mr. Snicket's stories, as well as the written instructions left by Klaus. He wrote: "whenever you see an eye symbol associated with a group of suspicious people, or drawn on someone's ankle, move away." Well, this was no time to be obedient. So I infiltrated the group pretending to be a disguised waitress.
When the Duchess asked me my name, I replied "Beatrice Baudelaire". They were surprised, but accepted me immediately, as if my name was some kind of code. The banker started telling a long story that I don't remember until he picked up a book called The Pony Party. Each of us received a copy, and the meeting ended quickly. When I arrived at Lisa's house, I started reading the book. I was greatly surprised by the content. This was a collection of documents related to VFD and Lemony Snicket. Now my knowledge of the secret organization my parents were a part of (I think) had unraveled for me.
But I read something in Chapter 9 that left me very confused. The next day, when I arrived at the cafe, I asked the barista, 'Two months ago, on the day I arrived here, why did you ask me about my mother if you’re not a librarian?' To my surprise, the barista bent down and took an envelope. He said, 'Before my father died, he told me that someday someone would come and say something like this after asking for a root beer float.' He asked me to give that envelope to that person." I was very surprised. I went to the bathroom and soon realized that it was a letter from Lemony Snicket to Beatrice Baudelaire. But the letter's content surprised me even more. And then I realized that I had found a way to communicate with Lemony Snicket and get him to answer my letters.
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dragoneyes618 · 3 years
Beatrice Baudelaire II is the daughter and only child of Kit Snicket, famed (and notorious) volunteer. She is the last and youngest member of the famous-in-VFD-circles Snicket family. She looks exactly like Kit.
She is the namesake of Beatrice Baudelaire, another famed (and notorious) volunteer. She was raised by Beatrice and Bertrand’s children, who became somewhat famed (and notorious) themselves.
All in all, the young Beatrice II, through no fault of her own, has become somewhat of a symbol for the volunteer firefighters.
This, unfortunately, makes her a target for the firestarters.
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thedragonflyempress · 6 years
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Beatrice Baudelaire, the second
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