#beau/cassie mention
Big Sky: 3x02 Thoughts
This episode was interesting but I had lots of thoughts:
I'm curious as to why Walt is scared of Sunny but I'm thinking maybe we got a very minute glimpse of why when she gets mad at Cormac. And I also think it's intriguing that she doesn't want Buck or Cormac to know Walt is out there. Is Buck Walt's father? Does Cormac know he has a brother? If yes on both counts, where do they think Walt is now?
So Sunny thought by singing to the backpacker as he died painfully that that helped somewhat? Weird. I could be wrong, but I don't think Sunny wants Walt to hurt anyone (besides not wanting to be put in the crosshairs)
Okay, what is it with that girl Emily? Like, stop pulling your phone out to record every little thing! She's so nosy and I don't really care for that or her to be quite honest
okay I LOVE LOVE LOVE how Cassie literally calls Beau right up at Denise's suggestion of Jenny or "Beau-Beau", like literally no hesitation
even though I would love to see Beau/Cassie as a thing, I do enjoy their friendship/partnership as well - either way they have genuine chemistry (so much more chemistry than compared to Beau/Jenny imho) and I am delighted every time I get to see it - Jensen and Kylie have an unbreakable rhythm that just works, even right down to them sharing the same space on screen - I love that she sees right through his shit and has no problem saying so
I do wonder if Beau will mention the Cormac thing to Cassie at some point; he definitely clocked that little look between them & the show made sure that we as the audience saw it just like Beau
and enter the reason Beau/Cassie will never be a thing: the whole Beau/Jenny thing they're pushing (insert eye roll here, Jenny and Beau are literally the same character, the only difference is Beau has been brought in to soften Jenny up some, if his constant prodding at her about Tonya is anything to go by, even though he's literally going through his own issues) - Elwood, Mr. Showrunner dude, you're making it so obvious: Jenny being in soft colors around Beau, always looking good (and a little softer), sometimes even matching shades of colors in certain items of clothing without full on matching; Jenny's little look when Beau mentions that Cassie called him to help her and he's going so Jenny is stuck helping Tonya; Jenny sitting on Cassie's couch next to him, shoes off, all relaxed, arms back, and looking comfortable; Beau not introducing Cassie to Emily even though she and Emily exchanged a smile; "Sounds like you two had a day." "Getting to be a thing"; every time we see Beau and Jenny walking side by side in frame, the framing itself clearly shows a pairing, matching in looks and sometimes pace (like when Beau comes back to the station from the campsite, they're literally move in sync)
The scene between Beau and Emily was sweet; he loves his daughter very much and he's struggling, a lot of jealousy with Avery (and with what happens with Avery later on in the episode, I wonder how things will play out with him and Carla when she finally comes into the mix; Jenny did say he was still in love with her back in 2x18 and he didn't deny it but confirmed it in a roundabout way)
I think it's very interesting that Emily, Avery, and the other two girls were talking about the lyrics to Alanis Morisette's "You Oughta Know", especially considering this is after Beau has left and not to mention they then discuss the missing couple
Idk much about Donno (haven't seen season 2 yet) but I find him hilarious sometimes
Yes, I may have squee'd when "Sunny" met "Beau" - yes I have a weird thing when my faves/fandoms collide...don't judge me
omg RAVI you DID NOT!!!! - yes, I know he's Luke in this show, I'm kidding, but I have to give the actor credit, it's nice to see him change it up
I now wonder what Luke and Paige's real story is and why Avery is so interested in what they're doing - is it possibly something similar or related to the case of the week story we got in this episode? Like they have this $ and someone is looking for it and "will never stop coming" for them or is it just Avery being a busybody like Emily? He seemed way too interested in that journal that appeared to be in some kind of code?
oooo why do I see a possible confrontation between Sunny and Emily in the future? "Never get between a mama bear and her cub"
the SPN easter eggs/nods: alright, this is most likely an unpopular opinion but honestly, I wasn't too crazy about them - the first one with the US Marshall and Beau saying you'd be surprised who tries to act like a fake Federal agent was an appropriately veiled nod; the second one with the salt - unnecessary. We already had one in the episode and the supernatural has nothing to do with the show or even Beau as a character. I appreciate that they want to give a nod to the possible SPN fans watching but it's not necessary more than once - this isn't Jensen's show that he's executive producing or something, this show existed before Jensen, has its own story, and I don't like it when it becomes so overt in the narrative that it takes me right out of that story - I don't see Dean or Jensen when watching Beau, I see Beau - I don't want to be reminded of either the actor or another character the actor played once upon a time, that tends to ruin the story for me and take me out of it and then I can't take it seriously - the US Marshall thing was enough - I hope they don't continue this trend
okay the first few times Beau mispronounces Poppernak's name were funny but now it's starting to get old; either pick a nickname or call the guy by his name, no more variations please
Cassie, my love, I get 20 years is a long time, especially with no recent crimes to show a pattern, but that case was worth looking into, if for nothing else to rule it out
LOVE the housewarming scene - also LOVE how Jenny brought the right gift (no offense to Beau) - though I winced when Beau got worried and Cassie says "I would have told you if I thought you should be worried" (I do wonder if that's going to come up when he has to go all "Liam Neeson" later on); my heart broke for him when he got that undelivered text back (Jensen played this scene very well, I thought he once again shined here; I am really thinking Beau's loss definitely had to do with the cartel he mentioned before and his brother; that reaction Jensen played speaks to me as not just a worried or overprotective parent but also one scared to lose their kid/anyone else & to something they can't/are helpless to protect them from)
Emily, you busybody you, here's a tip: you should have run before taking a picture after seeing the blood on him; and if for some reason you thought he was possibly hurt, why not ask him rather than taking pictures - girl needs to learn to mind her business and keep safe, she's way too nosy and that's going to get her in trouble at some point (hence the cliffhanger)
Hi Writers, me again, just a few more logistical questions:
1) How did the "drunk" get in with a needle? Isn't it standard police procedure to make sure someone is unarmed when taken into custody? How do you know the drunk didn't have a gun or a knife? Not to mention finding out an identity of said drunk?
2) if Emily is really a busybody (she is) and she likes to catch everything on her phone, wouldn't it make sense that she would have muted her snapshot sounds when taking pics on the DL? How else could she get discreet pics of any drama for her podcast? Everyone would know she was taking pictures
3) Are you telling me that Poppernak not only let Jenny run into that cell but also stood back and watched as the "drunk" tried to stab her with the needle? And she only had Donno as backup? Not to mention, when Donno yells for help before they open the cell, are you telling me that not one single officer or detective in the precinct ran to help? That they didn't hear the same sounds Jenny and Poppernak did before rushing into the room?
4) Why on earth would Avery allow Emily to go check out another trail on her own? Two people from their party are currently missing, Sunny and Buck have warned them all not to go alone anywhere and that they use a buddy system, she's sixteen and doesn't know the area nor is she an experienced backpacker nor does she have any gear with her...so why would he leave her alone?
5) Even Paul said it, do they really only send one officer/agent to take someone into Witness Protection? Especially since Beau even offered an escort, meaning he even knew that one agent is not the usual? Meaning shouldn't that have been questioned more than Beau calling to verify who she is? Especially since he sends Poppernak to follow them?
6) Alright, I know this is a little complex and tangled so I get it but if Beau found the water bottle, looking around with Cassie for this backpacker in an official capacity, how is that not brought back to the station as evidence? Especially with Beau saying to Buck and Sunny "and sometimes people make them disappear"? I get that maybe this is not an official missing persons case at this point in time, and nothing is definitive yet (like the two different tracks), but that seems weird to me, that he would let her keep it at her PI office, because once the truth comes out about the backpacker's death, that's going to be considered evidence that should have been tested (which is exactly why Beau grabs it the way he does & Cassie holds onto it the way she does, then has it in a bag) that if charges are made against a suspect, the defense can literally argue it was tampered with/collected by non-legal, non-official means
7) Why was Paul willing to go into Witness Protection right then and there if he had Camille waiting back at the cabin? I get he might have thought he didn't have a choice but how would he have gotten word to her? How would he have thought she wouldn't be found by Tonya eventually?
I enjoyed the episode, I really did. I'm glad we got some Beau and Cassie time; I enjoy their dynamic immensely. It's also nice to see Beau settling in and how it affects all of the other dynamics around them. It should get even more interesting once his ex shows up, Emily is in danger, and we find out whatever is going on with Avery.
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waynes-multiverse · 8 days
Polaris – Chapter 2
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Series Summary: When Beau Arlen moved to Montana, he left behind a past he wasn’t proud of. But when a series of murders requires the FBI’s help, Sheriff Arlen‘s ghosts come back to haunt him one by one. With a wrong turn waiting at every crossroads, it’s hard to make the right choices and find his way back home – back to you.
Pairing: Beau Arlen x FBI Agent!Reader
Warnings: 18+, flashbacks to past relationships, awkwardness, mentions of cheating
Word Count: 6.1k
A/N: Jenny and Cassie should come with their own warning 😂 Probably the lightest chapter of this series. Just some getting-to-know fun (& tons of awkwardness on all sides). Enjoy the peace while it lasts 😉
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Chapter 2: No Signs, No Compasses
Motel coffee sucked. It was a well-known, globally accepted fact.
You had tasted enough of those in your career to know it wasn’t even worth a try at this point. Thus, finding a good source of caffeine became sort of an adventurous challenge on every work trip. Back in Houston, you had your spot and the server knew your order by heart. Here, in Helena, you were new and still had to navigate your way around.
In search of a decent cup, you passed a sign on the highway and entered the Blue Fox Diner. It was a bit on the outskirts of town, but, frankly, you had no idea where the border truly ended. Everything was damn far apart from one another, the only houses which adjoined were the ones on Main Street USA. That was it.
The diner was bright and comfy, giving you an immediate welcoming feeling of home-cooked food and a good roast. Your first sip of black, delicious liquid confirmed it – this was your spot.
“Special Agent Y/L/N?”
Your head snapped up from your cup of joe to a female voice, recognizing the blonde deputy from the Sheriff’s Department yesterday.
“Deputy Jenny Hoyt, right?” You gave her and her friend a smile as the two women sat across from each other in a booth by the big window. You could tell by their curious and mischievous looks that your spectacular entrance wasn’t lost on them.
“Uh, yeah. You wanna sit with us? Heard you’re staying for that serial killer case,” Jenny said and offered you a seat next to her.
“Sure.” You accepted her invitation without hesitance, knowing you had to get over the awkwardness at some point. After all, you had to work together, and you wanted to get it out of the way rather sooner than later. How did you so gloriously fuck this up in the first place? You usually were professionalism personified – someone J. Edgar Hoover would’ve been proud of.
Right. Beau. There was your answer.
“Cassie Dewell,” the other woman introduced herself and shook your hand as you slid into the leather seat next to Jenny. “I’m a private investigator in town. Special Agent Y/L/N, was it?”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve passed by your agency. Nice to meet you,” you said, smiling. “And Y/N is fine.”
“So, how do you like Helena so far?” Cassie asked curiously, although you caught the underlying question between the polite smiles. ‘How do you like our sheriff so far?’
However, you weren’t going to make this easy for them. “Well, uhm, not seen much aside from my motel, the Sheriff’s Department, and this diner. Coffee’s great, though.”
“Leave it to Donno to brew a decent pot,” Jenny muttered with a bitter huff and rolled her eyes.
You threw her an inquisitive look, partially amused. “You don’t seem to be a fan.”
“Oh, it’s about the owner, Tonya. Jenny doesn’t like her,” Cassie explained.
“Then, why exactly are you here?” You were happy the conversation steered clear of you. For now. You knew this bliss and peace wouldn’t last forever. They were just warming you up for the Spanish Inquisition.
“To keep an eye on her. She used to work for a cartel,” Jenny replied.
“Before she went legit and became a real estate agent,” Cassie added.
“Legit my ass,” the blonde huffed. “Pretty sure she stole those fifteen million…”
“She did help us with Gigi,” Cassie countered, which didn’t seem to convince the blonde too much. “And that whole Avery situation.”
“Well, you know, you could always tip off a rivaling cartel. Might get rid of your problem,” you suggested jokingly. “I have a few contacts.”
Jenny’s lips curved into a delighted grin. “I like that idea.”
Cassie snorted, laughing. “Yeah, nice.”
“So… you and Beau are… dating?” Jenny questioned quite forward.
And there it was. The one you’d been waiting for. You sighed internally.
“Jenny!” Cassie chided and threw her friend a look over her directness as the blonde mouthed back an innocent “What?”
Your cheeks blushed slightly, but you were all about being direct as well. You cleared your throat, tapping your nails on the table. “It’s fine. After my more than embarrassing entrance, I deserve the third degree.”
“Good answer.” Jenny smiled encouragingly, making you feel a little more at ease. They weren’t aiming to claw your eyes out; they were just curious about you. If the roles were reversed, you’d be as well.
“And it wasn’t that embarrassing,” Cassie placated your nerves. “Trust us, me and Jenny had our fair share of drama. You’re good.”
“Well, I’m glad, I guess…” You let out a relieved chuckle, hoping you wouldn’t stay the small town gossip for long. “And, uh, to answer your question: No, we’re not dating. He’s a nice guy, but it’s nothing like that. We just go way back, and I guess old habits die hard.”
And boy, was that true. Beau and you had once been inseparable. It still felt weird to think about that now you weren’t and hadn’t been for a while. Your heart still ached and longed all the same. That stupid, useless feeling of missing him. He was cut out of your soul, but the phantom pain remained.
Jenny nodded and shared a look with Cassie. “Honest. I like it.”
“Me too.” Cassie’s mouth formed a smile of agreement and reassurance. “So, how long have you guys known each other?”
That was when the cop portion of your chat started. You hadn’t expected anything less, but you were determined to keep it professional and, most of all, shallow. Chitchat and oversharing were more Beau’s territory, but it certainly wasn’t yours.
“About ten years.”
Jenny nodded pensively, thinking about her next question. “You worked a cartel case together, right?”
“Oh, a few cases over the years, actually. I’m stationed at the FBI field office in Houston. Used to work Narcotics before switching to Major Crimes,” you said.
“Hence the serial killer here,” Jenny filled in.
“Can’t believe we’ve got another one,” Cassie remarked with a huff, shaking her head into her coffee cup.
“Oh yeah, right! Heard about the Bleeding Hearts Killer at that campsite.”
You remembered a newspaper article about it. Occasionally, you did still check up on your ex like every sane person would. You even followed him on Social Media, although all he ever posted about was fucking trout fishing. But that same news article had also informed you about Beau leaving his early retirement in the rearview mirror, being referenced as the acting sheriff on the case. It almost seemed like a weird coincidence that one of your active cases would lead you right to him not long after. Cosmic jokes and such.
“Yeah, Sunny and Buck Barnes,” Cassie provided.
“Cassie is actually dating their son,” Jenny told you, smirking at her friend.
“Yeah, we’re not that official yet,” Cassie deflected but noticeably blushed. “You guys need any help with your serial killer?”
Jenny looked at you, knowing you were the one who called the shots now.
Nodding, you twitched your shoulders. “Sure. The more the merrier. More female eyes might even help, considering we’re probably dealing with a woman.”
Jenny cocked a brow. “A female serial killer?”
“It’s rare, but our profiler sure thinks so. As do I,” you confirmed.
“Oh, this just got interesting.” Cassie grinned, intrigued. “We sure never had that one before.”
“No, we did not,” Jenny reiterated, chuckling.
“What didn’t we have?”
Beau’s gravelly voice startled you from behind, but you tried not to let it show. Of course, you’d run into him. It was a small town, after all, and this diner was probably the only place to get good coffee. Avoiding him was not only improbable, but it was an impossibility.
Beau was a good man. But the truth was that he was more than the Southern-charming, bad-dad-jokes, never-shutting-up sheriff everyone had grown to love in Montana. There was another side to him. A side that defied authority, broke rules, and caused trouble. A side you knew better than anyone.
“Female serial killer,” Jenny supplied with a grin.
“Really? A woman?” Baffled, the green-eyed sheriff lifted a brow and looked at you.
“Why, you think a woman can’t do it?” Cassie challenged him with a teasing grin. You knew there was a reason why you immediately took a liking to her.
You watched Beau purse his lips as he struggled for an answer. You had a feeling he had to do that a lot with these two. It almost seemed unfair.
“No, women can do murder just fine. Especially you three,” Beau retorted and then circled the booth with his finger, sipping his coffee. “The three of you bonding is my nightmare.”
“Oh, c‘ mon.” Jenny snorted in amusement.
“Yeah, we’re harmless,” Cassie added.
“Right… Who are you tryna fool here, huh?” Beau chuckled and scratched his beard. “Mind if I sit down?”
“Sure, hop in,” Cassie said and offered up the seat next to her.
“Yeah, I was about to head out anyway. Have to call my supervisor with an update,” you excused quickly and stood up before Beau even sat down. “By the way, I have eight boxes of files in my trunk. It’s gonna be a fun afternoon for us.”
“Well, I’m looking forward to it,” Beau said, trying to remain professional, even though you could tell he was bothered by your abrupt exit.
You, however, weren’t ready to face him yet and spend a whole afternoon with him. You needed more time… and space. Which was hard, considering you two had to work a case together.
Hard but not impossible.
“Oh, uh, Beau, that’s not necessary. Cassie offered to help, so we have enough hands on deck for now,” you said innocently and tried to hide your astute smile as best as possible. “I don’t wanna keep you from your sheriff duties. I saw the giant pile of files on your desk. But I’ll let you know when we need you.”
Admittedly, that was a little mean. You knew how much that man hated paperwork.
Defeatedly, Beau pursed his lips and overplayed his loss with a sour smile. “Yup, alright… thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You grinned and didn’t care he knew exactly what you were doing.
“Hey, Y/N, you know, uh… it’s kind of a tradition to buy a round of tequila when you first arrive in town,” Cassie noted with a smug smile.
You matched it, amused, although you could smell an ambush from a mile away. “Oh, yeah? Well, that’s a tradition I can get behind. Where and when?”
“Tonight? Bar called Boot Heel around eight o’clock?”
“I’ll be there,” you accepted the invitation. “But just a heads-up, pouring tequila into me isn’t going to make me open up more.”
“Really isn’t,” Beau confirmed wryly.
“Dammit,” Cassie sighed in feigned disappointment but grinned nevertheless.
Jenny coolly shrugged it off. “Was worth a shot.”
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Beau watched you leave with dread in his heart. As soon as the glass door fell closed behind you, he let out a longing sigh.
“Alright, what did you do?” Jenny’s voice ripped him from his thoughts. The blonde crossed her arms over her chest and arched a brow.
He had almost forgotten they were here, too.
“Yeah, she’s been barely here twenty-four hours. That’s fast, even for you,” Cassie chimed in with a teasing smile.
“Okay, I didn’t do anything, alright?” Beau defended with a creased brow and a bark in his voice, but his curiosity soon got the best of him. He leaned in closer, resting his elbows on the table. “Why? Did she say somethin’?”
“Yeah, he stepped in it,” Cassie commented dryly and looked straight at Jenny, taking his question as a confirmation of their theory.
Beau rolled his green eyes, his patience already thin after the sleepless night he had. “Alright, did she say something to you guys or not?”
Cassie sighed. “No, she was very… courteous.”
Jenny nodded in agreement and shrugged one shoulder. “Yeah, she kept it professional. Said you were nice.”
Beau felt a surge of relief. “Well, that’s good, right?” he asked but watched both women shake their heads with pursed lips. “It’s not-… it’s not good?”
“Nuh-uh,” Jenny retorted, “You don’t wanna be called nice. Not in that way, at least.”
“I don’t?” Beau cocked his eyebrow at the two, feeling rather confused at this point. “So, what’s the verdict?”
“Depends on what you did there, cowboy,” Cassie taunted him with a grin, which was mirrored by Jenny.
“Oh, I’m not telling you guys,” Beau huffed, shaking his head. Contrary to popular belief, he knew when to keep his mouth shut.
“You’re not talking for once?” Teasingly, Cassie popped an eyebrow at him.
“Must be bad then,” Jenny finished the thought. “Did you-, you know… cheat with her on Carla?”
Perplexed and slightly offended, Beau furrowed his brow. “What? No! Nothing like that. Carla and I were already separated. As in papers served and signed… I’m a very loyal-commitment kinda guy, alright?”
Beau didn’t want to admit his answer might have been a slight overcompensation on his part. While it’s true that he never cheated and would’ve never even considered it, he wasn’t without faults, either. There had been certain feelings towards you fermenting in his stomach, slowly but surely festering in his heart before he even knew what was happening and could put an end to it.
“That sounds like she was your rebound,” Jenny pointed out.
“Yeah, and casual,” Cassie threw in.
“No, it was nothing casual, alright? And she wasn’t my rebound,” Beau replied with an exhaustive breath. Jesus, did you get the third degree as well? At this rate, he should consider himself lucky if you were still in town by tomorrow. His head was spinning. “I mean, if she was my rebound, I was hers, too.”
Dammit, he said too much. He knew the two women would take that piece of information and run with it over the mountains of Montana, probably even making it over the border to goddamn Canada.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jenny questioned as expected. “Is she married? I saw the ring on her finger.”
“Yeah, looked like a wedding band,” Cassie mused.
“Okay, Sherlock and Watson, enough, alright? She’s not married,” Beau replied, but only to save both your reputations. “It’s a sentimental thing. There’s a lot of history there.”
“What kinda history?” Jenny’s knitted brow practically stared at him.
Beau grew tired of their interrogation and dragged a palm over his face, leaning back in his seat. “It’s complicated.”
The two women then shared an inquiring look that held an entire conversation, knowing their interview had run its course. Beau wouldn’t answer any more of their questions.
“Want our advice?” Cassie offered.
Beau hesitated for a moment, puckering his lips in thought. He was desperate, and they could smell it like coyotes. “Alright, lay it on me. What d’you got?”
“Nothing.” Cassie twitched her shoulders and met his annoyed glare with a pleased smile.
“Yeah, see, you actually have to tell us first what happened before we can help you,” Jenny elaborated.
“Alright, I’m done,” Beau said frustratedly, tapping his knuckles on the table once as he rose from his seat.
“Oh, Beau, c’mon, we’re just messing with you.” Cassie chuckled softly and looked at him apologetically. “Fine, you want our advice? Apologize.”
“For whatever you’ve done,” Jenny added.
Pensively, Beau nodded and clicked his tongue. “What if I’ve done that already?”
“Do it again,” Jenny advised simply. “Until she hears you.”
“Yeah, get down on your knees, you know,” Cassie deadpanned. But as Beau suspiciously eyed her at the particular word choice, she burst into laughter.
“Nice.“ Jenny joined in, tears stinging the corners of her eyes as the two clinked their coffee mugs together for a toast to their cleverness.
Beau chuckled out of sheer uncomfortableness, his cheeks flushing embarrassingly red. “Oh, you two are hilarious… I’m heading to work,” he grumbled. “You know, you might wanna join me if you wanna keep your job, Hoyt.”
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With a sigh that resembled a yawn, you stretched your shoulders and spine as you got up from the uncomfortable wooden chair in the Sheriff’s Department. You checked your watch and noticed it was already past 2pm.
“Alright… you guys want something for lunch? I’m buying.”
Technically, the government was buying, but you would take any chance you could get to make yourself a little more popular with your colleagues. Jenny, Cassie, and Deputy Poppernak (who told you to call him Mo and started looking you in the eyes again after you brought him a sandwich and a coffee this morning) then gave you their lunch orders, and most importantly, where to get it. What you didn’t expect, though, was Beau appearing behind you out of nowhere after he had locked himself (pun intended) in his office all day and had given you your requested space.
That courtesy apparently was over.
“I’ll come with you,” Beau announced. And although his facial expression resembled a friendly, soft Golden Retriever, you detected the stern bite in his voice. He wasn’t going to be cast aside again.
Stubborn as you were, you still had to try.
“Oh, you don’t hav–,” you tried to interject, but he swiftly waved you off.
“Nonsense. You can’t carry all that alone. I’ll help. Part of the sheriff duties,” he said in his most neighborly tone and grinned triumphantly at you, beaming with Southern chivalry.
You huffed a sigh. Great…
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Ignoring Beau Arlen was like trying to avoid air – it was impossible unless you planned on suffocating. Not even a fast pace could get him out of breath enough to stop pestering you. His voice trickled like slow poison into your mind. One of these days, it would infect your heart and destroy your defenses.
“Y/N, hey, can you slow down a little? I didn’t bring my marathon shoes to work, alright? Don’t make me write you a ticket for speeding!” Beau huffed behind you in a half-joking tone, chuckling at his own wit. “C’mon, I just wanna talk. Lord knows you already had your fun today.”
With a heavy sigh, you stopped in your tracks and turned to face him on the sidewalk, Beau almost crashing into you. He clearly hadn’t expected you to actually listen to him.
With a fierce glare in your eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest. “Look, I’ve got nothing left to say to you, okay? Can we just keep this civil?”
Beau pursed his lips but quickly recovered, offering you a charmingly desperate smile. “Well, lucky for you, you would just have to listen.”
You rolled your eyes and started marching ahead again, feeling Beau hot on your trail.
“Y/N, c’mon!”
At that, both you and Beau spun around, recognizing the voice in an instant as Emily walked out of a shop.
Beau’s face immediately lit up. He gave her a tight hug, kissing her temple. “Hey, kid.”
“Aunt Y/N?” Emily’s face tilted in surprise, brow knitting as she noticed you and left her father’s arms. She greeted you with a bright sunshine smile.
“Hey, Em,” you said and happily mirrored her smile. You had always loved that girl since she was little. Something she wasn’t anymore. It had been a while since you’d last seen her. “Wow, look at you. You’re all grown. You look like you’re about ready to head off to college.”
“Don’t remind me,” Beau mumbled with a sigh next to you.
“Yes, please don’t make him cry,” Emily begged you, chuckling, but her look was still pleadingly serious. It made you laugh. You remembered how protective Beau was of her. It was endearingly sweet, which made it a little harder to be furious with him. “What are you doing in Montana? Are you visiting Dad?”
“Oh, uh, I’m here for a case, actually,” you replied, swallowing, and shot Beau a quick glance to check how much you were allowed to share.
“What kinda case?” Her brow furrowed as she looked at her dad with concern. It broke your heart a little to know that, whenever you were involved, Emily thought her father was in danger.
“Em,” Beau warned her softly.
You had figured he still refrained from talking about work with his family, not wanting them to worry unnecessarily. After what his daughter had been through this summer, you couldn’t really blame him.
“Right, sorry,” she said meekly and bit the inside of her lip.
Every molecule in your body shuddered at the sound of that voice. God, you so didn’t want to do this right now. The last time you’d seen Carla, it didn’t end well. If you could, you’d teleport yourself somewhere else – preferably Hawaii.
Beam me up, Scotty!
Beau flashed you a glance over his shoulder that said pretty much the same thing – shit. With a thick swallow, he angled his face toward his ex-wife and forced an awkward smile to his lips.
“Hey,” he rasped, his throat drier than the Death Valley.
“Y/N?” As soon as Carla spied you, her brow arched and her features turned sinister. The unhappy surprise of finding you here was written all over her face. And if it hadn’t been, her words soon made her feelings for you abundantly clear. “What are you doing here? Wrecking more homes? At least you’re wearing clothes this time that don’t belong to my ex-husband.”
Yup. You hadn’t expected a warm welcome, but that even exceeded your expectations. You gaped at her, a bit speechless. Even Beau seemed temporarily at a loss for words and was taken aback. Only Emily looked the most upset and voiced it, too.
“Mom! Really?!”
Carla then looked apologetically at her daughter, aware of her inappropriate comment, her mouth falling open in shame. You knew it was a knee-jerk reaction.
“And that’s my cue to leave,” you retorted. As you spun around, you glanced up at Beau and touched his shoulder comfortingly, letting him know you were still here, even when you were mad as hell at him. “Call me when you’re finished here. Or if you need an alibi…” you muttered into his ear in passing.
“I’m coming with you,” Emily announced with a scowl over her shoulder at her mother. She hopped next to you and looped her arm through yours, following you inside the restaurant.
As soon as you and his daughter were out of sight, Beau glowered at his ex-wife and shook his head. “Really, Carla? Was that necessary? You know nothing ever happened when we were married.”
“I know, I know,” Carla agreed and sighed, clasping her temples. “I’m sorry. I really am… It just came out. I guess it’s just old wounds, you know? I was surprised to see her here.”
“Yeah, I get that.” Beau bobbed his head in understanding, smacking his lips. He hated everything about this and knew he could only blame himself for it. “I mean, c’mon, you two used to be friends once, right? What happened? You’d think after what you went through with Avery, you’d have a little more compassion for what she’s gone through.”
Carla pursed her lips and bit the insides of her cheeks, surely stifling a fiery comment. “You wanna know what happened between us? You did, Beau,” she snapped, but before he could open his mouth to respond, she heaved a sigh and shot him a remorseful look. “But you’re right. I’ll apologize to her later.”
“Thank you,” he said graciously as his shoulders deflated and passed the tension.
“What’s she doing here? Everything okay?” Carla asked, lines of worry etching her brow. It told Beau that she still cared about him, even if it was just a smidge.
“Uh, yeah. Just work. Serial killer,” he replied. Since their eventful summer, Beau tried to be more open and honest, keeping a clear line of communication with his ex. It was a step forward. “Three victims so far.”
“Serial killer? Again?” Carla raised her brow and scoffed. “I guess it’s good I’m bringing Emily back to Houston, then.”
“You still wanna do that?”
A part of him hoped they’d stay because he wanted to stay here. Montana had given him a fresh start. One that was much needed. Houston, on the other hand, was haunted and full of ghosts he didn’t want to face. He had been running from them for a while now, although they were slowly catching up to him.
But he also needed his family, his daughter. He wanted to be a constant in her life, not just a variable.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Carla sighed and looked a bit torn and helpless, which was rare for her. But Avery’s secrecy and death had done quite a number on her, and Beau supposed she was still working through a lot. “What d’you think?”
Beau thought it was ironic she was suddenly asking for his input, considering she didn’t ask for his advice the first time she took their daughter and moved several states away. But he knew better than to say that out loud, especially since he was partially at fault.
Rubbing his beard, your earlier words reverberated in his head. His daughter wasn’t a little kid anymore and would fly the nest soon, as much as he didn’t want to admit it.
“Maybe we should ask Em what she wants. I mean, she’s almost seventeen. If your work isn’t a factor, then maybe we should let her decide.”
Carla nodded pensively as if she was actually considering it. “Yeah, okay,” she agreed and let out a sentimental sigh. “She’s growing up.”
Beau’s smile carried a drop of sadness. “Yeah, she is.”
Surprisingly, his talk with his ex-wife went better than expected. He just wished things would be as easy with you. All he wanted was just a chance to make it right. He couldn’t screw up another relationship.
“Beau… For the record, I want you to be happy, okay? No matter how, where, or with… who,” Carla told him and gifted him a cordial smile that showed her sincerity.
He appreciated her words. There’d been bad blood between them. Divorce made people bitter, he supposed. But old wounds had to heal eventually, too.
As you stepped outside the restaurant with Emily, you flashed an insecure glance at Carla. You averted your gaze to Beau, holding up a big brown paper bag. “You ready? Got the food.”
Beau checked quickly with his ex-wife, who nodded, letting him know that they were done here.
Carla then turned to you and cleared her throat, and you were sure it took a lot for her to even look at you. “Y/N, I’m sorry about earlier.”
You nodded, accepting her apology. You’d never done anything wrong, but the situation was complicated. It was hard on all of you.
“It’s fine. We’re good,” you assured her and gave her a half smile. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry, too. I heard about your husband.”
“Thank you,” she replied courtly and motioned for Emily to follow her. “C’mon, honey. Let’s go.”
“Bye, Dad.” Emily waved at her father.
Beau quietly watched his family saunter down the street before he glanced at you and offered you a clumsy smile. “Well, this went better than expected, right?”
You didn’t share his humor, however, and threw him a dark glare. You spun on your heel and trudged back to the Sheriff’s Department. “I have to get back to work.”
Beau exhaled heavily. This wasn’t how he had imagined his outing with you, wishing for a sign or at least a damn compass to show him the way.
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March 2014
“Maybe it was the courier?” Beau suggested as he caught the pigskin before throwing it back to his partner across the desk. Passing the ball had become a ritual, helping them work through their case theories one by one.
“Nah, I don’t think so.” Randy shook his head when it was his turn. “What about the maid? She certainly had motive.”
A few more exchanges and tosses back and forth happened before you waltzed into the police station. Randy missed his catch, the football almost flying through the Captain’s window, but you gracefully caught it just in time and placed it securely down on the desk.
“Nice catch,” Beau complimented you, impressed.
“Hi, honey,” your husband greeted you and found your lips, kissing you deeply. You giggled and locked your arms around his neck as he pressed you into the edge of his desk.
“Geez, really? Get a room you two,” Beau huffed jokingly, making both of you laugh enough to stop your make-out session but not enough to detangle yourselves from each other.
“We’re newlyweds. We’re supposed to make you sick and scratch your eyes out,” Randy quipped with a grin.
Smiling warmly, Beau shook his head at the two of you. “You got married eight months ago. When’s that honeymoon phase ending, huh?”
“Never,” both of you replied in unison and started kissing again, causing Beau’s eyes to roll back.
“God help me…” He sighed dramatically.
His sigh of exhaustion was soon joined by a second one. “Ugh, again?” Carla asked as she stepped into the station and tilted her head at you and your husband.
“Yeah,” Beau confirmed, amused, and kissed his wife’s cheek. “How did that court case go?”
Carla exhaled a breath of fatigued annoyance. “Y/N’s buying drinks tonight. Thanks to her Oscar-worthy performance on the stand,” she replied as you grinned winningly at her. The two of you had a deal – whoever won a court case was inviting the other for consolation drinks. “You know, I’ve never seen someone so convincingly fake-cry during cross.”
“You’re welcome.” You smirked slyly. “My high school drama teacher taught me that. I think he would’ve been proud of me today. Those were real tears, you know?”
“Oh, the jury certainly thought so.” Carla laughed bitterly.
“So you lost?” Beau glanced at his wife. “I’m sorry, darlin’.”
Carla arched an eyebrow and knowingly crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you, Beau?”
“Nah, not really.” He laughed and said, “You did defend a tweaker who killed three people over a little bag of meth, so…”
“Well, I know better than to argue with two cops and a federal agent over the rights of American citizens,” Carla fired back.
Beau snorted in amusement. “Wow, okay. Y/N really pissed you off, huh?”
“Again, you’re welcome.” You beamed with self-satisfaction.
“Oh, you both are pissing me off,” Carla retorted jokingly and then looked at you, smiling. “I gotta get back to the office. I’ll see you at the bar.” She then turned to her husband, pointing a finger at him. “And I’ll see you at home.”
Beau leaned in to kiss his wife goodbye, but Carla already rushed out of the station before he got a chance. He heaved a small sigh, his eyes drifting to Randy and you as you giggled like two lovesick teenagers.
“I gotta get back to work, too,” you said as you withdrew from your husband’s lips. But then you noticed an opened case folder on Randy’s desk. Curiously, you tiptoed up and spied over his shoulder to get a better look at it. “Unless you two got something fun here…”
“Ay, hands off! That ain’t your jurisdiction,” Beau warned you playfully and stopped short of batting your hand away.
“C’mon, we’re stuck. She might be able to help,” Randy interjected with an innocent shrug and a puppy dog look.
Beau heaved an exasperated sigh and then smiled challengingly at you. “Alright, what d’you think, Special Agent Y/L/N?”
Grabbing the file, you leafed through it for a moment and then mused, “Hmm, couldn’t have been the maid. Her schedule doesn’t match time of death. But maybe it was the courier? There’s a theft ring hitting several states. They use bike couriers.”
Beau’s smile widened to a triumphant grin as he pointed a finger at his partner. “Ha! That’s what I said.”
“Alright.” Your husband groaned defeatedly. “Let’s check it out.”
“Oh, now you suddenly want to, huh? After the wife said it? That hurts, man,” Beau teased.
Randy shrugged smugly. “Yeah, well, she’s a lot smarter than you.”
Beau pursed his lips and nodded, hiding his smirk of amusement. “Yeah, I guess that’s true.”
“Well, you guys have fun with this,” you said and kissed your husband’s lips one last time. “I have to get back to work. The tweaker Carla defended gave up his supplier in Brownsville. The DEA wants me to come down to Matamoros with them tomorrow. They think the guy is Gulf Cartel.”
Randy furrowed his brow, and you could see the concern shimmering in his eyes. “How long will you be gone?”
“Two weeks maybe?” You shrugged, not knowing exactly how long assignments sometimes could last. Worst case, you could even be undercover for a couple of months, and your husband knew that.
“So, we’re gonna have fun tonight?” Randy smirked and wiggled his eyebrows, resting his palms on your hips as he pulled you closer.
You grinned smugly. “You bet we are, baby. Bring the handcuffs home.”
“Guys, c’mon, I’m standing right here,” Beau complained and threw his arms up, making both of you laugh and blush.
“Alright, be careful,” Randy reminded you with a peck on your lips.
You nodded and then turned to Beau. “You’re gonna protect my boy here while I’m gone, Arlen? Have his back?”
“Yes, ma’am. With my life. Promise,” Beau said and smiled at you reassuringly, putting you at ease before you walked out of the station.
Randy let out a worried sigh as he watched you leave. He looked up when Beau patted his shoulder in comfort.
“She’ll be fine. She’s a tough one,” Beau said in an attempt to calm his partner’s nerves.
“Yeah, she is,” Randy agreed quietly before his teasing nature returned. He grinned up at him and quipped, “You couldn’t handle her.”
“Sure, I could! Have you met Carla?” Beau retorted as both of them fell back into a brotherly banter. “Trust me, once your sickening honeymoon phase wears off, you’re gonna be right where I am.”
“What, happily unhappy?” Randy sassed and cocked an eyebrow.
“Exactly,” Beau replied wryly, clicking his tongue.
“Nah, man, that’s not me and Y/N,” Randy stated with a surefire grin.
“Alright, lover boy, let’s put our courier in the hot seat. C’mon,” Beau grunted with a roll of his eyes and brushed off his feelings on the subject, although he began to doubt his own statement. He was admittedly a bit jealous of his partner’s relationship.
Maybe some couples were just happier than him and Carla.
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Beau tossed the old football into the air and caught it again. With a thoughtful sigh, he placed it on his desk and sunk back into his chair, his palm still resting on the ball.
“You were right, man. Who would’ve thought…” The sheriff clicked his tongue. A knock on the door ripped him from his trance, his green eyes darting to the visitor.
Jenny carefully peeked her head inside and checked on him, “You okay there?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he assured her. He didn’t bother to form a smile, though.
She pursed her lips, clearly not believing him, but nodded her acceptance. “You wanna join us at the bar? Might give you a chance to talk?”
“Uh, yeah, but you girls go ahead. Still have a few things to finish up here,” Beau said.
“Alright.” Jenny gave him a small smile, but she didn’t leave yet, her hand resting on the doorknob. “You know, when I first saw you with Carla, I thought I had it right. But this-… this is an entirely new look.”
Beau grimaced. “Shut up.”
Jenny laughed lightly. “If you love her, you should tell her.” Beau only shot her a deadpan glare, to which the blonde raised her hands in capitulation. “Alright, just sayin’…” With that, she closed the door behind her again.
Beau’s eyes then landed back on the football on his desk, smacking his lips in thought. Sometimes the guilt was eating him alive, burning him from the inside out like acid.
“You’d be okay with this, right? I know you’d want her to be happy,” he verbalized his thoughts out loud, hoping it would give him some clarity. He wasn’t sure, however, if he was just saying it to alleviate his own guilty conscience and justify his actions.
“I think I could really make her happy, you know? At least, I’d try,” Beau said. Two fingers rubbed his mouth as he spun on his chair and glanced out the window to the dark sky and the stars above. “C’mon, man, I just need one small sign…”
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Chapter 3: Pour The Whiskey
More glimpses into the past and maybe some much needed talking coming next week! Let me know all your thoughts in the comments, loves 🤍
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Everything Beau Arlen: @snowayumi
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carpenterswife · 2 months
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series masterlist
- summary: With Jenny now on board too, the four of you begin to investigate the strange-happenings occurring to you, behind Beau’s back. As things get weirder, you’re forced to finally tell your friends the truth of your past.
- word count: 2421
- warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse, mentions of abortion, panic attack, dissociation.
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As it turns out, hiding an entire investigation was harder than you thought — which was honestly no shocker. Though Beau still remained blissfully ignorant to your endeavours, Jenny had, very quickly, caught onto the fact something was going on, when you excused yourself from work for the 10th time to pick up a phone call.
As you hung up, Jenny cornered you, arms crossed. You took a step back, surprised by her sudden appearance. But, before you could question her, she spoke, voice hard. “Tell me what’s going on.”
“You’re keeping something from me.“ Jenny interrupted, not letting you spit out some useless lie. Her brows raised. “Cassie knows. I know she does. I wanna help.” You knew that you couldn’t get away with not telling her — she was determined to figure out what you were hiding, and Jenny knew you far too well to believe any lie that fell from your lips.
So, you sighed, shoulders deflated, resigning yourself to spill it with Jenny. “You can’t…” your eyes trailed over her shoulder to Beau’s office. “You can’t tell him.”
Jenny didn’t have to turn around to know who you were referring to. “I won’t.” She assured you, speaking much more softly than she previously had been. “Now, what is it?”
“It’s just… like, strange things happening.”
“The flowers?” Your brows raised in confusion. Jenny nodded once, watching you carefully. “Beau told me. He said you were scared?”
“Yeah, well, I had a bad feeling.” You sighed, fiddling with your phone case. You hesitated before speaking again, wondering if you really wanted more people to know about this. Jenny’s sharp look made you start talking again. “It’s not just the flowers.” You mumbled. “My doorbell camera keeps telling me there’s movement outside my apartment, and— and I‘ve gotten, like, 15 mystery phone calls already today with no one talking.”
A best of silence fell over you, as Jenny considered your words. “That doesn’t sound like the ‘nothing’ you’ve been telling Beau about.” You hesitated to reply to Jenny. She frowned, now more concerned. “Why aren’t you telling him? He could help. The entire department could help — and will, if you just tell them.”
“No, Beau’s got too much to worry about already.” You immediately shot down that idea immediately. Jenny’s face flooded with disappointment. “He’s got that— that murder, and the drug cartel. And Carla and Emily to worry about.”
Jenny sighed. “Beau would help you in the drop of a hat.” You bit down on your tongue. You knew she was right. And that was the worst part about it; that Beau would do anything to protect you. “All of that? It’d mean fucking nothing to him if you were in any sort of danger. You’ve gotta tell him.”
“No. Cassie and Denise are handling it.”
She let out another sigh, shaking her head in disappointment. “Okay.” She relented with your idea begrudgingly. “Let me help, too, then.” You opened your mouth to argue. “Or I’ll tell Beau.”
You immediately groaned, rubbing your forehead. “Fine.” You agreed, sighing heavily. “Just… don’t tell him.” You sent her a pleading look, and then walked away, brushing past her as you returned to Beau’s office, where he was going over a file with Pop. Jenny was right on your heel, the pair of you entering his office together.
With a glance up at you, Beau grinned. “There you two are. Was wonderin’ where y’all wandered off to.” He chucked down a file on the table in your direction. “Need you two on this case. That okay?”
Shrugging, you reached over to grab the case file. Flipping it one, your hands stiffened.
Why did Beau always stick you with domestic abuse cases?
You bit your tongue, hard enough for it to sting and burn. Your eyes jumped up to Jenny, who had been closely watching your reaction. Sighing, your attention returned to Beau. “Yeah.” You agreed, hiding your reluctance pretty well. “We’ve got it, boss.”
He patted his desk and beamed. “Thanks, ladies. Pop ‘n’ I are dealin’ with that burglary on 5th. You wan’ a ride?”
“Nah.” You shook your head. “We’ll take my car. I need gas, anyway.” You slapped the file on Jenny’s arm shoulder, indicating for her to get going. With one last smile in Beau’s direction, you left with Jenny, fiddling with the corner of the file as you went.
“You okay?”
You nodded at Jenny. “All good.” You strode out of the police station with your heart hammering in your chest.
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Like you’d expected, the domestic abuse case had left you shaken up. Jenny had pulled you out of the case halfway through, when she’d noticed your pale and terrified expression, sending you back to the station and calling in extra units to cover for you.
10 years ago, you’d been a normal girl. Then came Jack. And your entire life had been altered. He’d ripped apart any remaining innocence you’d had left in you.
He’d taken everything from you.
He’d taken things from you you couldn’t even predict.
And the blood on your hands made your body ache.
You sat at your desk, toying with a pen, staring blankly down at the paperwork on your desk. The words seemed to blur together, turning into a dark blob in your vision.
Your pen tapped incessantly onto the wood of the desk.
And then a hand snatched it from you. “Stop that.” Beau held your pen away from you, eyes narrowed as he stared down at you. “What’s up wit’ you? Jenny said you freaked on the case. You’re meant t’be helpin’ her.”
“Sorry.” You ran a hand down your face with a heavy sigh. “Rough day.”
He stared for a moment, then nodded. “Mmm, I get’ya.” Beau dropped your pen back onto the desk. He pushed his hand through his hair, flashing you a reassuring smile. “You good? You ain’t hidin’ nothin’ from me?”
Your head tilted, and you smiled at him. “I’m good.” Came your instinctive reply.
“Mm, okay.” He nodded, clearly not believing you. He glanced over his shoulder for a moment. “Need a ride?” He held up his car keys, brows raised as he jangled them.
You hummed, considering it, flipped your file closed. “Sure.” You agreed, tucking the file into your draw and locking it.
Beau lit up with your acceptance. He grabbed your jacket and hung it over his arm, making you smile fondly. “You get anythin’ on that murder case yet?”
“Not really.” You got to your feet, following Beau away from your desk. “I was thinking, through, you should check out the new girlfriend of the ex boyfriend.” He looked at you questioningly. You smiled sheepishly, raising your shoulders into a shrug. “Just a suggestion. She might’ve been jealous of her guy’s ex girl. The cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head; doesn’t take much strength.”
He pressed his lips together and nod. “Huh.” He muttered, thinking it over. “Yeah. I’ll check that out.” He held open the door of the station, grinning at you as you exited.
“That’s all I got, though.”
He chuckled. “It’s more than I got. Good work.” Patting your shoulder, he led you over to his truck, yanking open the passenger seat. Once he’d ensured you were in safely, he shut the door, rounding the truck to get into the drivers seat. “Home?”
“No, no, Cassie and Denise.” You plopped your bag down by your feet. “I have some stuff to talk to them about.”
Starting his truck, Beau glanced at you. There was suspicion in his eyes. After a few beats, he nodded. “Yes, ma’am.” He agreed playfully, making you laugh softly. He pulled out of the parking lot, his hand on the gear stick drawing your attention far too much. “So, you wan’ talk ‘bout what made you freak on the case today?”
You shifted in your chair, crossing your arms defensively. “Not really.”
Beau cracked a smile, amused at your attitude. “Y’should know by now I ain’t taking that answer.” He glanced at you for a moment, sighing deeply. “Talk to me, honey. What’s going on wit’ you, huh?”
“Nothing, Beau.” You attempted to lie to him again.
Unimpressed, he pressed his lips together. “You’ve always been a shit liar.” He muttered, shaking his head. “Listen, if ya don’t wanna tell me, I get it. I ain’t gon’ push.” He reassured you, voice now far gentler. “But I’m gettin’ worried now. This ain’t the first time you’ve shut down on a case.”
You closed your eyes and gathered yourself. Beau had always been good at not pushing your boundaries, which was something you’d always greatly appreciated.
But it was times like these you wished he’d push a bit harder. You wanted to tell him — Beau was the one person you wanted to tell about your past. You wanted to spill every detail, and have him hold you to his chest as he comforted you. You just couldn’t find the words in your mouth.
“I’m okay.” You said instead, trying to sound reassuring. “Just having a rough time lately.” You tapped your fingers on his arm in an attempt to convince him.
It didn’t work — of course it fucking didn’t. Beau was like a mind reader when it came to you. “You know I don’t believe you, right?” He asked, soft.
Biting your cheek, you nodded.
“Okay.” He smiled warmly in your direction, his eyes still dark with worry. “I ain’t gon’ push. Just… come to me, yeah? If you need me. Come to me.”
“Always, Beau.”
He cracked a smile, relaxing a smidge. “Good. I’m always gon’ protect you, darlin’. Always.”
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Cassie didn’t have much good news to deliver you. Your case was posted up on boards hidden away in her office in the back, just in case Beau turned up with no warning and took a peek. Jenny had been helping them dig deeper, using the department’s resources to be more efficient.
Yet, they’d turned up with little to nothing.
Except one thing.
“We weren’t able to track the calls. Or the details of the person who delivered the flowers.” Cassie explained, leant back against the wall. You nodded, looking between the three women delivering your fate.
“But, Beau introduced a new system at the station last month.” Jenny began explaining. Your hopes rose a little. “When your mystery admirer delivered the flowers, he had to give a deputy his name.”
You almost sighed in relief. “Okay..?” At least that was something. A name. You could work with a name.
Cassie flipped through a paper. “He said his name was Jack.”She looked up at you, brows raised. “Does that name mean anything to you?”
Cold washed over you. The ground tilted under your feet. Jesus, were you going to pass out or vomit? You couldn’t tell.
“He said he was your boyfriend— Y/N?”
You didn’t realise you were falling until Cassie and Jenny lunged forward to steady you. The world seemed to fade to a dark blur, the name echoing in your brain like a gunshot. They were speaking, but the sound was muffled like you were underwater.
The next few minutes passed in a sort of haze. You weren’t aware of anything, really.
At some point, they’d sat you in a chair and wrapped a blanket around your shoulders, crouching in front of you. They were trying to ground you, hands holding on, squeezing and talking in gentle voices, trying to ground you. Denise returned from the back room with a mug of tea, handing it to you, as you took it in autopilot.
“Hey, there you are.” Cassie sighed in relief as she saw the daze in your eyes float away. “What happened? You scared us.” Your lack of a response seemed to worry her further.
The three women exchanged a look.
You knew what they wanted to ask. Who was Jack? Why did you freeze up like a damn idiot when his name was mentioned? They were trying to be respectful, by not asking, but, hell, you’d always hated being treated like you were glass.
You sipped the scalding hot tea. “He’s my ex-fiancé.” Their attention shot to you immediately. You tapped your nails on the mug, listening to the clink through the silence. “I dated him for four years in New York. We lived together.” They all looked equally parts concerned. Your breath was stuck in your throat. You released it all with your next words. “He was abusive.”
The room seemed to shoot down 20 degrees.
“Oh, Jesus.” Jenny whispered, realisation hitting her. “How bad?” You just nodded. That was enough. It was bad.
“I got pregnant.” Your voice caught in your throat, muscles tense. “It was an accident. I didn’t mean for it. I didn’t— I couldn’t keep the baby. I couldn’t raise a child in that place.” You whispered quietly, head shaking. Your hands trembled, making you tighten your hold on the mug of tea. “I kept it from him, got an abortion. When he found out… Jesus, I thought I was gonna die.”
Cassie, silent, pulled you in for a tight hug. She cradled you close to her chest, sighing sadly. “You think it’s him?”
You clung onto your friend tightly. “I wouldn’t be surprised.” You wished it wasn’t him. You really, really hoped it wasn’t, and that it was just some freak coincidence. But it was such a Jack to do. To travel half way cross-country in some crazed attempt to reclaim your love.
“Okay, this is part where we tell Beau.”
Frustrated, you sighed. “I’m not telling Beau.” You argued firmly.
“Why not?” Cassie asked gently. She pulled back from the hug to look at your face, her brows knitted together in concern. “He can protect you, much better than we can.”
“He’ll worry—“
“Good.” Jenny put a reassuring hand on your knee, squeezing gently. “You need protection from this asshole. And Beau can do that.”
For a moment, you considered it. Beau protecting you did seem like a good idea. And you knew he would, without a moment of hesitation. Beau would drop everything to protect you, and he’d made that abundantly clear.
But still.
“No.” You shook your head, not backing down on your decision. They sighed, evidently disappointed. “We’ll deal with it. We don’t need him.”
You did need him. You’d never needed Beau more.
“Okay.” Cassie agreed reluctantly. “We’ll deal with it.”
God, you were so fucked.
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taglist: @yvonneeeee @deans-spinster-witch @fanfic-n-tabulous @dwonfilm
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roennq · 22 days
Watching Jensen Ackles as Beau Arlen in Big Sky was a teensy bit surreal as it took me awhile to see Beau, instead of Dean the Sheriff. It didn't help matters that they scattered (veiled) references to Supernatural in a handful of episodes.
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Here are the ones I spotted:
Names his car [2x18] "No, no, I keep trying to go in there, but something always seems to stop me. Today it was Pedro. Sprung a leak on me."
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Gives salt as a housewarming gift [3x02] "And you're, uh, always protected."
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Has a sounds-like-trouble brother [2x18] "Shoot, you should meet my brother." [3x01] "I used to have something like this when I was a kid, till my brother ripped its head off, and then I put him in a headlock, and Mom beat the crap out of both of us." [3x04] "Interesting antiques. My brother used to drag me to places like this when we were kids."
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Occasionally calls Cassie Dewell Cass but it was in 3x13 that really brought it home [3x04] "Hey, Cass." [3x12] "You were right, Cass. Bunker near the hearts." [3x13] "Okay. I'm gonna call Cass. I want her on this with us. Let's move."
Honourable mention (foreshadow much?): [2x08] Episode soundtrack: Carry On Wayward Son by Kansas
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For @highfunctioningflailgirl
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daughterofcain-67 · 6 months
𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 (pt.1)
(Beau Arlen x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Every day the sheriff comes into your coffee shop, and every day you both seem to put a smile on each others face, even when Beau is working his saddening cases. You’d be lying of you said you didn’t have a thing for the sheriff- but what woman with a working set of eyes didn’t? What you didn’t know was who you would meet in your cafe later that day…
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mentions of kidnapping because of the case Beau is working on
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The smell of coffee was all around you since you were in the process of brewing some pots or some of your early morning customers. You were wearing your cream colored polo with your purple apron. The apron as well as the polo had the name of your business on the top left corner called ‘Morning Glory Coffee’ in cursive on a white mug along with the flowers by the same name beside it.
You heard the bell on the door ringing out, signaling that someone else was walking into your little cafe. Wrapping up your last to-go order, you glanced over to see who was there and you smiled when you saw the familiar stature of the sheriff.
“Sheriff Arlen! You’re here early.” You grinned as you turned around to get his typical order started.
“Ms. L/N, you know you don’t have to be so formal with me.” Beau said as he pulled out his wallet.
“Now you know I can’t do that. And don’t worry about payin’ this time. It’s on the house.” You insisted as you handed him his cup of coffee.
“Well, if you’re insisting on the coffee, I insist that you call me Beau from now on.” You saw the smirk on his face, causing you to grin.
“Alright, Beau.” You said, accepting the little compromise.
When he took the coffee, your fingers grazed and you pulled away when he had a grip on his cup. As he took a sip, he let out a low hum. “My, my, Y/N. I swear you make the best coffee I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Awe, well thanks! I’m glad you like it so much.” You insisted, but honestly you just loved that he seemed to come in practically every day. It was honestly when made your mornings happier, that boost you needed just a little more than caffeine.
“How are things going? Got any new cases you’re working on?” You asked curiously as you grabbed a rag to start cleaning up the counter. It was a slow Wednesday morning so far so every once in a while you liked to talk to your customers when you had the time. No one was even there at the moment since it’s been mostly to-go orders.
“Yeah, kind of a big one. You heard about those missing women?” He asked and you lifted a brow.
“No? Then again I haven’t had much time to watch the news.”
“Well, two women have gone missing. We don’t really have any leads yet but I’ve got some interviews today with the missing persons’ loved ones. Conversations like that are always hard.” He sighed and you frowned, knowing he’s been in those shoes before.
“I can’t imagine having a job like yours. You see a lot of dark things from day to day and it’s gotta be a difficult thing.”
“It can be. But in the cases where I’m actually able to get those families reunited, it makes it so worth it in the end. It’s worth it when the right justice is being served and we get the guy.”
“Well, I won’t keep you from getting one step closer to justice. Just do me a favor and be careful out there, alright?”
Beau smiled at you, that same smile that made you feel oddly warm and fuzzy on the inside, “Will do, Darlin. See you around.”
When Sheriff Arlen left your business partner, your little sister named Cadence, was holding a tray of banana bread and some muffins with some sort of knowing smirk on her face.
“What?” You asked as you went back to cleaning up the counter.
“You have it for him so bad.” Cadence teased.
“What? No I don’t! And even if I did, he’s a cute enough guy that would have more people interested in him than just me. I wouldn’t stand that much of a chance. Plus he hangs out with Cassie and Jenny a lot anyways.” You reminded just to hear the exasperated sigh from Cadence as she set the tray in the display case.
“Are you kidding me?! You both have a thing for each other! ‘Oh Y/N, this is the best coffee I’ve ever had!’ ‘Oh promise me you’ll be careful, Beau, my love!’” Your sister began to swoon dramatically while you shook your head.
“I didn’t sound like that. And Beau just likes the coffee. It’s not a big deal.”
“Oh yeah? Well you guys should at least give it a shot. I mean you haven’t dated in three years ever since… well you know. And Beau’s single too. You guys hit it off just fine and you talk almost every morning every time he comes in here.”
“I can’t date him. He’s got too much on his plate with being the sheriff and all. He sees a lot and he has a lot of things to do and a lot that he goes through and he probably doesn’t even have the time for a girlfriend.” You tried to reason and Cadence lifted a brow.
“Really? You’re trying to use that as an excuse? You realize that when Beau got married he was in law enforcement anyway, right? Clearly he’s done it before and I bet he’d be willing to give it another shot rather than being alone and unhappy.”
You listened and tried to think. You knew she was right, but you also knew men like Beau Arlen didn’t go out with women like you. You’ve gotten your hopes up for relationships before and you knew what it was like to be rejected when you first started dating again after unspoken chapter of your life. You weren’t exactly open for that kind of rejection again.
“What if I talked to Jenny and Cassie to set you up with him? I’m sure they’d love that!”
“Are you insane?! No, I don’t think that’s really a good idea.” You shook your hands in front of you.
Your sister groaned, clearly unhappy that you were being so stubborn about this. You really did appreciate her efforts in trying to get you back in the dating game. Couldn’t she try to set you up with someone that’s more realistic for you in stead of someone like Beau?
The door opened up again and there were more customers coming back in, interrupting your conversation with Cadence about the Beau situation - thank goodness.
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Beau strode into the office with his coffee in hand. He enjoyed going to your shop in the morning. Seeing your smiling face always gave him a bit of a jump start he needed.
“Well, well, well! Did you go over to see your girlfriend again?” Hoyt greeted as she put her hands in the pockets of her jeans. She had this smirk on her face like she was trying to tease Beau, who only smirked and shook his head.
“Yeah, you wish.” He said as he started walking to his office, just for Jenny to follow behind him.
“Oh come on, just admit that you have a thing for her! When was the last time you went on a date, huh?”
“Instead of questioning me about my nonexistent love life with the coffee shop owner, can you tell me if we’ve got any more information on those missin’ women? And where’s Pompernickle?”
“Right here, boss!” Poppernack called as he held up a file and made his way to Beau’s office as well.
The three of them walked inside and Beau shut the door, “What do we got?”
“Well, we’ve found the families that way we can ask them if they’ve seen anyone in the womens’ friend groups that were a little peculiar. Maybe the family members noticed something that the missing two didn’t see in them?” Poppernack said.
“Oh if only it was that easy. Yeah, sometimes it’s someone the victim knows - hell half the time that’s the case. But then there’s those small percentages where it really is a complete stranger.” Beau reminded.
“Woah, they aren’t victims yet. They’re captives. Hopefully they’re still alive.” Jenny interjected, Beau nodded.
“Yeah, that’s always the hope that’s why we’ve gotta step on the gas with this before things get worse and someone else goes missin’.’ Is that all we’ve got?”
“No. I’ve got a witness from a gas station that said they saw one of the girls, Sidney Ferguson, filling up some gas in some green SUV.” Hoyt began.
“From what he said, it looked like a Hyundai. Couldn’t tell you the license plates because the manager said the security cameras were out and they’re in the process of replacing them.”
“Great, a green SUV with no plates to track them down with. Are we even sure she drives that kind of vehicle?”
“I’ve seen Ferguson around before she went missing. She didn’t drive that from what I can remember. A white Jeep Wrangler. 2015 I think.” Poppernack said, “Issued a warning once. Speeding.”
“There’s a lead. Pops, why don’t you do some research and see how many of those SUVs are runnin’ around town. Jenny, you take Ferguson’s family this morning and ask some questions and I’ll talk to the other girls family. Hopefully there will be a lead on Ember O’Riley here soon so we have somethin’ to tell that family.” Beau said.
“Maybe one of the families or even some of their friends know something about that SUV. It’s worth a shot to ask about that too.” Hoyt reminded as she started walking towards the door so they could start their morning.
Beau watched as his two deputies left. Then he looked down at the cup you gave him. That was when he noticed you actually left a note for him, ‘Have a good day, Sheriff.’ He had never seen your handwriting before but it was cute that you put a sheriff’s star to dot the ‘I’ in your note.
He smiled fondly to himself before he took another sip and made his way out of the door of his office. Yeah Hoyt may have teased him once in a while about the fact that maybe he liked more than just your coffee, and maybe she wasn’t exactly wrong. It’s just that while he was friendly with people, he didn’t want to get close. Not after losing his partner, not after losing his wife and daughter to Avery. He didn’t want to get attached and lose anyone else no matter the circumstances. Death or otherwise.
Once he snapped out of his thoughts, Beau found himself already outside and he felt his phone buzz in his hand. When he pulled out the device while walking to his car, he saw that Poppernack gave him the address to the O’Riley household.
“And off we go.”
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It was noon and your sister just left for her lunch break since you had already come back from yours. You had put out some baked goods in the display case for whoever would stop by and decide they may want something more than something to drink. As you were doing this, you heard the door bell sound out again.
You turned around and you saw someone walking in. You hadn’t seen this person before but he seemed nice. Then again you tried to see the good in all your customers. Everyone had a good quality about them and this man? Well he seemed to have a nice smile.
“Hi there, what can I get for ya?” You asked with a grin.
“Actually, this is my first time coming in here. Can you give me some kind of recommendation?” He asked. He had a kindness in his voice. His hair was dark brown, his eyes were a hazel and his skin was tanned like he tended to spend a lot of time in the sun.
“Well, I have the typical black coffee with an assortment of creamers. I can get you an americano, latte, cappuccino if you want something a little on the warmer side. For some colder options I’ve got cold brews with different flavored cold foams like Irish cream, hazelnut, sweet cream. Then I’ve got some energy drink options. Just a little of everything really. So what’s your poison?”
“A little of everything, huh?” He asked, “I think I’ll take a cold brew. With some of that Irish cold foam if you don’t mind?”
You smiled at him, “Of course. Can I get a name for that order?”
“Andre… Nice name. Actually you’re the first one I’ve met.” You admitted and he chuckled.
“Yeah, I hear it’s not exactly a common name, especially around here.”
“Let me go ahead and get that drink started for ya, Andre.” You insisted and walked off.
As you got started on making the cold brew, you could hear some of your other customer’s talking in the corner.
“So the police came and talked to your family? What did they want?” Said one teen. You stayed quiet as you continued with your task, “Yeah. They said they may have some kind of a lead to find Sid. But they didn’t say anything about what that lead was. I guess they didn’t want my family to get involved.”
“Yeah, That’s fair. I mean your mom and dad are going through a lot as it is with her going missing and all. I feel bad for the O’Rileys too.. I heard Ember was an expectant mom to be too… She must be terrified.”
“Yeah if she’s not dead already.”
“Guys, it’s only been a week! Mrs. O’Riley and my sister will both be fine, I’m sure. Sheriff Arlen and Deputy Hoyt are really good at their jobs, I’m sure they can find something if they’re the ones on the case.”
Your heart ached at hearing those girls talk about the case. It was even more heartbreaking that one of them had a sister that was missing. You were glad that she was still hopeful and you really hoped that Beau would be able to find this Sid girl as well as Ember as soon as he could before it was too late.
“Here you are, Andre. One cold brew with cold foam.” You smiled once more and handed him the cup and a straw.
“Thanks.” He grinned and you could notice a dimple on his left cheek. He handed you the card and you took it for the payment before he spoke again.
“By the way… can I ask what your name is?” He asked.
You looked up at him. You were a little skeptical as to why he wanted to know your name, but you didn’t think too much of it. Maybe he was just new around here and wanted to make some friends or something.
“Y/N. I’m glad you came in today, and I hope you enjoy.” You grinned as you handed him the card back as well as his receipt.
“Thanks! You have a good one.” Andre said and he left.
“You too!” You called as he walked out of the door just as Cadence was walking in.
You watched your sister do a double take and her gaze lingered before she looked at you, tilting her head and she walked behind the counter again, “So who was that? He’s new to coming here isn’t he?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“He’s pretty cute though. Nice ass too.” She smirked and you rolled your eyes, grinning.
“Don’t you have a boyfriend already?”
“Uh, I didn’t mean cute for me. Even if he does have a nicer ass than Corbin’s.” Cadence said, “I meant for you.”
“What happened to the whole Beau thing?”
“Oh are you kidding me? That’s my number one option for you. He’s totally unbeatable. But since you’re being so stubborn about not going out with him, it’s always good to keep your options open.”
“Cadence, this was literally the first time he’s ever been in this shop. We don’t know if he was visiting town or what his deal is.” You reminded and you watched your sister cross her arms, wanting to sulk like a child.
“Why do you always want to burst my bubble!?”
“Well don’t say I popped it just yet. He did ask what my name is, so maybe he’s moving here, or he already has moved here and is trying to make some kind of acquaintances or something.” Then Cadence’s eyes lit up almost like a Christmas tree.
“He asked you your name!?” She practically squealed, causing you to cringe a little.
“You don’t think it’s odd or anything?”
“What? No. How else are you supposed to meet people if you don’t talk to them or if you don’t know their name! So what was his name?”
“Andre!? Ugh, that’s so dreamy! If he comes in again you have to take a shot.”
You smiled, shaking your head at your sister’s nonsense, “Oh go clock in now, would you?”
“This is where the love triangle starts, Y/N! I’m tellin’ ya!”
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Hi everyone! Here’s the start of a new little series I’m starting and I hope you like it! There’s more to come with this series.
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@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92
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dwonfilm · 6 days
Old habits die hard. | Beau Arlen x Reader
Summary: after Beau’s divorce he and [Y/N] were involved, but he realized it wasn’t fair for many reasons and things ended in a mess, but his past comes back to bite when [Y/N] shows up in Montana as a kidnapping victim and the perpetrators are tied to the cartel that killed his old partner.
This will be a multi-part story, set after season three of Big Sky.
Pairing: Beau Arlen x Reader
Warnings: kidnapping, being stuck in a confined space, (if you’re ever reading one of my stories and there’s something you think should’ve been included in the warnings—comment or message me!)
Mentions: Jenny Hoyt, Cassie Dewell, Carla, Felicity [L/N]
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Part I:
It was dark. That much she knew from the second she opened her eyes and the scenery didn’t seem to change. Now there was a headache ringing in her head, feeling like a jackhammer against the back of her skull. Blinking furiously to attempt to force her eyes to adjust faster, they’d just started to when there was a loud clunk. It sounded like.. a car door maybe? Slowly her eyes adjusted to the darkness that wrapped around her like a cold blanket. Unfortunately there wasn’t much to see—despite the clearer vision, wherever she was hadn’t offered any clues. Now she attempted to move, which is when another unfortunate realization set in: her hands were behind her back. Held together somehow, it felt like duct tape. What the hell was going on..? All of a sudden her theory about the car door was confirmed, the engine of whatever vehicle she was in roared to life and they pulled out of wherever they’d stopped. Desperately she tried to rack her brain, trying to remember what led up to this moment. This only resulted in irritation towards herself as she couldn’t remember.. maybe she was drugged? Who the hell would wanna do something like that?
Helena, Montana.
Beau was seated at his desk, the door to his office ajar. All he was doing, which is what he’d been doing all morning, was catching up on paperwork. It had been a quiet morning around the Sheriff’s Department, so he begrudgingly decided to catch up with the paperwork he’d been very behind on. Once the afternoon rolled around, he’d managed to get about half of it done. That’s when his phone buzzed, the noise louder because it was lying atop his desk. Garnering Beau’s attention, he laid the pen down for a moment and picked up the device. Slowly reading the preview, he was confused and so he put in his passcode and opened the messages app. Clicking the new text, now the full thing could be seen.
Hi, I don’t know if you even have the same number. It’s been.. a long time. Anyway. I didn’t know who else to reach out to but something is desperately wrong. Beau, this is Felicity—[Y/N]’s sister. She’s missing.
Beau felt his heart start to race in his chest. It was a name he’d seen many times over, but he hadn’t seen her in person for about two and a half years. Quickly he typed a response, his mind racing a mile a minute.
Hi, Felicity. This is Beau I still have the same number. What do you mean she’s missing? How long?
He didn’t know whether or not she’d reply quickly and so he picked the pen back up and tried to focus on the report he’d been writing up before opening that text. Scribbling out a sentence or two before his mind drifted back to the woman he’d tried his best to not call or text for so long.
Two and a half years prior.
“You know darlin’ you don’t have to do all this—I’m alright really.” Beau speaks, looking at the woman who was cleaning up the kitchen area of his tiny apartment. She smiled, her [Y/H/C] hair tied in a messy bun so it wouldn’t get in her way. Right now she was scrubbing the countertops that looked like they hadn’t been washed in weeks. “If I don’t, no one else will.” She replied, without looking back at him. He’d shake his head before taking a step towards the kitchen but he’d be met with her [Y/E/C] eyes narrowed at him. “Didn’t I tell you to stay outta my way, cowboy?” She asked, pointing her finger directly towards him. Both of his hands were throw up in mock innocence. “Maybe I just wanted to give you a kiss huh? It’s not everyday a man’s got a pretty lady all dressed down and yet still lookin’-“ he’d paused his own sentence to whistle lowly. “-so fine.” [Y/N] playfully rolled her eyes before walking over to where the man stood. “You’re not distracting me. I’m getting this done today, so, I don’t know—go out. Get some lunch or somethin’ or y’know.. go for a walk.” She replied, lifting her head to press a soft kiss to his cheek. Immediately after, she turned and went back to the sponge and the cleaner that was on the counter. Gripping the bottle and spraying a bit of the liquid-turning-foam onto the surface of the countertop and beginning to scrub. Beau stood there for a minute dumbfounded, why such a beautiful woman would stand here and clean for someone so.. messy, in every sense of the word. It confused him. It also made him sad, because he knew what it was leading to and what would soon become of this.. situationship. “Arlen stop starin’ at my ass before I start slapping you with the broom. Out!” She said over her shoulder, to which he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m goin’ sweetheart. I’m goin’!” He walked down the hallway towards the bedroom, needing to get dressed before heading out.
Flashback over.
Two more buzzing sounds broke him from the memory, sighing at how life had played out. It was Felicity again. Quickly his eyes looked over the two texts she’d sent to him, his heart sinking.
Oh thank god. I know.. I know things ended kinda badly with you two but the cops here don’t seem to be doing much. She’s been gone for three days and they don’t seem to think it’s anything serious.
Beau her place was trashed. It looked like.. it looked like she tried to fight whoever took her and I’m terrified of what’s happening to my little sister. Clearly you still care.. I know you moved states but if you could call them.. push them into taking this seriously. I don’t want to find my sister as a corpse.
Beau sighed heavily, the last sentence of that text bringing an entire flurry of emotions swirling down on him. It was true, things didn’t end the best between them but that didn’t mean he stopped caring. Actually he’d been checking in on her via the internet for a while. Every three to four months, after the initial six months of ‘separating’ or whatever you’d wanna call it. Suddenly with this reality thrown at him, the gravity of all that went wrong hit him like a ton of bricks. Picking up his cell phone he typed a quick reply, because truthfully.. he wasn’t sure what he could do.
Alright. I’ll make some calls and I’ll try to get back to you later. If it isn’t later I’ll text tomorrow okay? I’m not gonna lie, I don’t know what I’m gonna be able to do—but I’m gonna try.
Arlen locked his phone and placed it back onto his desk. Dragging his palm over his face, he’d felt added tension onto his shoulders. He’d been so deep inside his own head that he didn’t hear Jenny knock. Seeing the look on his face, she stepped in and closed the door—the noise finally making him look up again. “Jenny, hey.” He spoke, trying to play things off but you’d think he’d learn that things weren’t that easy with Jenny Hoyt. “Cut the shit, Arlen. I know you better than that so spare me the cat and mouse game. What’s wrong?” She gazed at him with a stoic expression, crossing her arms and waiting for him to talk. “Jenny, no-“ he tried to speak but she cut him off immediately. “If you tell me nothing I’m gonna shove my boot so far up your ass you’ll taste the dirt from the farm I was just on.” Nothing about her demeanor changed. Sighing, the sheriff knew he’d been beat. “I just got a couple texts from.. someone I haven’t heard from in a while.” He began, hoping she wouldn’t pry but again, he should’ve known better than that. “An ex? Former convict? What is it Beau? You’ve got that pensive look on your face and I know that means something is seriously wrong.” She read him like a book and so he finally just gave in. “An ex’s sister, uh.. she was my first anything after Carla and the divorce. Man, I was fallin’ hard but I knew it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair to try and build something when I also still wanted to fix things with Carla. It wasn’t fair to string her feelings along when I was so off the deep end. Being drunk almost every hour of every day. I was a wreck and yet she never judged me. I was difficult but so was she, just in a better way.” He sighed, running his hand through his hair from frustration. “So what happened? Why’d the sister text you?” She asked, leaning against his desk on the side and giving him time to collect his thoughts. “Apparently.. she’s missin’. Three days and the cops ain’t takin’ her sister seriously. She uh.. she said [Y/N]’s place was trashed like she was in a.. fight.” Beau explained, the look of worry extremely evident on his face. “Okay, so the sister wants you to look into it? I mean, I sympathize but if she’s in Texas.. there isn’t much you can do from here.” Jenny voiced the same thing he’d told Felicity in the texts. “I know. I’m gonna.. make a few calls to some old friends. See what information they can give me.” He replied, head hung lowly. “Well.. you know if you need help, Cassie and I, we’ve got your back. We’ll help however we can.” She offered, which he always knew but it was nice to have the reminder. “Thanks. I’ll.. uh, I’ll get back to you on it. Alright?”
Unknown location.
Slowly her eyes opened again, making it clear she’d either fallen asleep or passed out—the distinction impossible to make. Everything around her was still dark—absolutely nothing had changed, the vehicle’s engine still roaring as they moved down what she assumed was the interstate. They seemed to be moving faster than when she’d been awake or conscious last. Where the hell was she being taken? Once more, that ringing and pain in her head came. Testing the waters [Y/N] attempted to move her legs, but found that they too were bound—likely with duct tape just like her arms. It was clear that she was locked in a trunk, being driven somewhere by.. someone. Maybe multiple people. Blinking harshly she was trying to remember what happened, remember how she ended up here. Closing her eyes to try and think back to something, anything other than waking up at random intervals in complete darkness. Over and over she held her eyelids closed, tightly, trying to force herself to remember. Each and every attempt was unsuccessful and this was eating at her—she was growing more and more frustrated with herself. Why couldn’t she just remember? Suddenly the car went over a bump and she did her best to avoid hitting her head on the top part of the trunk. She had no idea how long she’d been in here and maybe what was worse—no idea how long she would be in here. Now she began thinking of her sister. Surely Felicity knew she was gone. [Y/N] had woken up in this total darkness probably three or four times in total, but she had no idea how long she was out each time she slept or lost consciousness. Again she held her eyelids tightly closed, hoping that she could somehow trigger any kind of memory. Silently pleading with herself to think, to remember. Suddenly, only in flashes, she began seeing images of herself inside her apartment. Cooking? It was.. lunch? No. It was.. dammit [Y/N] think. It was breakfast! She’d just gotten up, she didn’t work that day. She tried to envision the date, but it was just a blurry spot in her head. Next image that flashed was her looking outside through the glass of her sliding door. What was she looking at? Despite trying to look out the door, all that she saw was a blur. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn’t focus on whatever was outside that day. Shifting her attention back to herself, trying to focus on the expression upon her own face. It was unreadable. It wasn’t any kind of joy though, that she knew. Why was she looking outside? As she tried to focus more, everything behind began fading. She was passing out again. Fuck.
Back in Helena.
Beau had somehow made himself focus on finishing up the rest of the paperwork. It took longer than normal, his mind often drifting to either the situation in those text messages or just [Y/N] in general. After the last file was closed he took a deep breath, filling his lungs with air before pushing it back out again. There was so many thoughts swirling inside of his head. Why wouldn’t the cops be taking a disappearance seriously? Especially if her place was trashed. Who would want to take [Y/N]? Had she gotten tied up with some tough crowd? Maybe a boyfriend? Just that thought alone made him uncomfortable. Why did he feel so uncomfortable thinking about her with someone else? It wasn’t exactly a foreign feeling. He’d seen a couple photos of her and a guy on his periodic check-in about a year ago? They were never photos that she posted herself, which he thought was weird. Sighing he picked his phone up from the desk, again putting the passcode in and opening up Facebook first. He’d rarely used any of these sites and that was probably the reason she’d never taken him off of her friends list. Thumb tapped the search bar before both moved across the keyboard to type her name: [Y/N] [L/N]. Clicking and being taken right to your profile. Despite the more serious reasoning as to why he was looking her up, he couldn’t help but to click on the image used for your profile. Beau couldn’t help but smile at the photo when the image was enlarged. He’d taken this photo in his old apartment. He’d been lying down after mixing alcohol, which of course made him sick. Once [Y/N] had arrived at his place, she was immediately in the bed with him. She had sat against his headboard and made him lay between her legs, but he’d chosen to lay sideways with his back on her thigh and her opposing leg over his waist—he didn’t want to be laying in a way where he couldn’t see her face. After a while she figured he’d fallen asleep and so she turned to look out the window. It was sunrise because he’d called her in the middle of the night. It wasn’t the first time, not the last either. There was just.. something about the way she looked in the fresh bits of sunlight and so he took a picture. It was art then, damn sure was now too. Again Jenny had walked in but it was clear he was lost in a memory.
Eventually she needed to break the moment, so she spoke lowly. “Beau..” he looked up at his friend and quickly wiped the tears he didn’t even know had formed from his eyes. “Hey again. You got something?” He asked after clearing his throat. Jenny simply shook her head before closing the door much like she had earlier. Beau’s cloudy green hues looked back down to his phone and this prompted Jenny to come and lean against the side of his desk yet again. “Whatcha lookin’ at?” She inquired, gesturing towards his phone with her head. Again Beau sighed, handing his phone to the blonde. His palm running down his face again while her gaze moved toward the screen, [Y/N]’s picture still up. “This her?” She asked and she didn’t need to specify. “Yup, that’s her.” His response was dry, not because he was annoyed with Jenny but because he was frustrated with a whole lot. So many feelings had been stirred up with those texts earlier and now that he didn’t have something taking up half of his focus.. all he could do was spiral. “You call anyone yet, see what’s going on?” Jenny asked, handing him back his phone. “Not yet. I was just about to look at her page to answer a question I had but.. got stuck.” His voice was quiet. It was hard for Beau to open up about some things and that wasn’t new information to his friends. When telling stories to Jenny, Cassie or others on occasion he’d just say “a lady I was seein’ then” because saying her name was hard. “Something’s bugging you about this.. what’s on your mind?” Jenny knew him well, but Beau wasn’t sure how much he wanted to say right now. “Too many things are buggin’ me Jenny.” He stated plainly, perhaps a little sharply. “Sorry that was harsh. I just.. I’ve been burying these feelings for so long, not wanting to deal with ‘em and now they’re gnawing at me.” Jenny nodded and placed her hand onto Beau’s shoulder. “Well.. just remember you aren’t alone.” She squeezed his shoulder for emphasis before slowly standing upright again. “I’m going to see Cassie, talk over this case she’s dealing with but if you need us.. just text or call.” Jenny offered the lifeline again and Beau simply nodded. She left his office and went on her way as Beau again sighed. Minimizing the photo, his attention moved back to her profile. Scrolling back to where he’d left off the last time.
There was no sign of the guy he’d seen about a year ago, he hadn’t seen him the last time he looked either but she never posted him anyway. It was always a friend. Slowly he scrolled up, trying to see if anything seemed out of place. Beau’s swiping stopped at the last post she’d written which was five days ago. Eyes scanning the status and brows furrowing with worry. Slowly he read it aloud. “Exhausting week, work’s been crazy. I’ve been seeing that red car following me again but the cops say I’m just being paranoid. Who knows, maybe I am? I don’t know anymore. I also don’t know why I’m including this in my FB post. Anyway hope everyone is having a better day than me.” Beau knew the exact reason she included it. He’d always told her if something really felt off, document it somewhere, somehow. “What is going on with you darlin’? Where are you?” He spoke out loud, taking a quick screenshot of the post.
Unknown location.
[Y/N] felt her body jolt forward which caused her to wake up again. It was a harsh jolt and she heard the engine running but they weren’t moving. Something unexpected had caused the vehicle to come to a stop. She could hear muffled talking. It was.. it was difficult to focus again. All she could figure out was that the voices were male. At least two, but maybe three? Hearing any of the words that were being said was impossible. Both because they were muffled by the trunk and because that ringing in her ears was back. [Y/N]’s face contorted in pain, trying to just ride it out and hope it wouldn’t last for long. Maybe a minute or so went by and it finally subsided. Now the voices were yelling and all of a sudden there was a loud POP—was that a gunshot?
Author’s Note: Hello! Sorry this took so long, I needed to just get my head on correctly. I’m gonna add my tag list here, but since this is a Beau fic and not Dean, if you don’t want to be tagged in this series just comment or message and let me know! I hope you guys like it and I’m excited for my first Beau series. 🩷
• —– ٠ tag list: @roseblue373 @mrsjenniferwinchester @stillhere197 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @aylacavebear @just-levyy ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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pickledpascal · 6 months
Chapter One: Who Is She?
Warnings: mentions of murder, hating on cops a lil bit (deserved)
Word Count: 2.5k
Bewitched Masterlist
Next Chapter |
Beau Arlen stepped out of his beloved truck, Pedro, and took a glance at his surroundings. He parked just outside Dewell and Hoyt Investigation Agency as he usually did after Denise gave him a meal to take home with him. This time it was vegan stuffed peppers. He wasn't sure how it was vegan, it tasted a lot like meat but wasn't. Somehow. He grabbed the dish out of his passenger seat and then looked around to make sure he wouldn't accidentally bump into someone. 
His lips parted when he saw a woman walking in his direction. She wore all black—a long skirt, sweater, shoes, socks, and a brimmed hat—the only thing that wasn't jet black were her earrings. They were silver and dangled below her chin. Her hair was what caught Beau’s attention, jet black with a section of it dyed blonde in the front of her face. Her olive skin gave him an indication of her ancestry. Beau wanted to get a better look at her first.
Before he could even think to try to walk up to her and ask her name, she disappeared inside a café just a few storefronts away. 
Beau took a breath, shaking the mystery woman from his thoughts as he entered the office. He smiled as he saw Denise. No Cassie or Jenny. Jenny was likely at work already. “Hey! Dewell out?” He greeted as he handed over Denise’s cookware. It was cleaned so well that it shined in the overhead lights.
“Yeah, new case and all that.” Denise smiled as she took the dish and set it on the side of her desk, away from important papers and things but close enough that she wouldn't forget it when she went home. 
Beau sat at the edge of Cassie’s desk, facing Denise. He tapped his fingertips on the desk and pursed his lips. “I, uh, saw this girl outside,” He began. If anyone knew who she was, it was likely Denise. “Wore all black. That's not too common around here, is it?” 
Denise had a knowing look in her eyes, letting out a small laugh. “No, not at all. You must be talking about Kiera. She's our town goth.” She hummed as she organized a few papers for Cassie to look at when she came back. “She's originally from New York. A single mom and her child is,” She paused. “She's interesting. She got pregnant young, I think. She's twenty-six, her daughter is seven.” 
Beau hummed as he took in the information. In all his years in Texas, he encountered quite a lot of different kinds of people. For some reason, he never saw a goth walk on the streets of Houston throughout his life. Maybe there were, he just never saw one. He wanted to get to know her. She had easily captured his interest without getting a proper look at her.
“I also think she's a lawyer.” Denise's eyes narrowed slightly in thought. “I see her going into a local firm a lot but I'm not a hundred percent sure.”
Well, shit. 
Apparently, Beau had quite a thing for lawyers. Carla was one and he was interested in a few pre-law students in his college years.
Beau let out a sigh as he exited the office, trying to catch a glimpse of Kiera yet again but it seemed she was either still in the café or had left this part of town. He needed to get to work anyway. 
For the first time in a few months, the station had nothing big going on. No missing backpacker somehow connected to a decades-long cold case. Jenny’s mom was in custody. Tonya and Donno seemed relatively tame. For the time being. Beau had decided to stay as sheriff, deciding the change of scenery would be nice. Even if it was connected to a hell of a lot of stuff he wanted to forget about in the long run. 
Unfortunately for him, that meant Jenny had more time to flirt with him. Which was fun at first. When he reciprocated. He realized, in the long run, that he liked Jenny better as a friend. Yet he hadn't said that out loud to her. 
Early one morning, Beau went to the café he saw Kiera enter. He wanted to check it out. And if she just so happened to be there then that'd be a plus. There was a mix of people inside. Young and old. Different races. The café itself was cozy with an array of furniture, loveseats, armchairs, mismatched tables, and vintage posters—framed and unframed—tacked onto the walls. The smell of freshly baked goods hit his nose as his gaze found the display case and front counter. How did he miss this place? Beau had been on the hunt for a nice café to drop by before work for a while. 
In front of the counter was Kiera. Still in all black but this time she wore loose jeans, platform boots that made her quite a few inches taller than Beau, and a leather jacket with an array of multi-colored patches sewn on.
She noticed him when he stepped closer. She lifted her head and gave him a small smile, stepping away. She motioned for him to go ahead of her. “Sorry. I'm just waiting for my coffee.” 
Beau was blown away. Her cheekbones were well-defined, as was her jaw, her cupid's bow wasn't as well-defined so her top lip was more ovular. What astonished him more were the spikes peeking out from her nostrils, her dusky eyes, her hair that was pulled back into two long braids, and the heavy, dark eyeliner on her eyes. He had never seen a lawyer quite like her. 
“No, uh, I'm new here,” Beau recovered as quickly as he could. He knew he was staring. He shifted his eyes to the menu. “Anything you recommend?” 
Kiera glanced down at the badge on Beau’s hip then looked into his eyes. He could tell there was an internal battle going on inside her. He was oblivious as to why. “I like the chai lattes. But you seem like a black coffee sort of guy.” Her tone was clipped, weary. 
“You'd be right about that. My daughter can't believe it, she drinks coffee that's almost white and calls me weird. Sometimes I can't believe she's my kid. Looks a lot more like her mother.” Beau laughed. He could chat anyone's ear off if he really wanted to. “What about pastries? They all look so good.” 
Kiera looked at Beau weirdly, skepticism in her eyes. “The raspberry and cream cheese croissant is pretty good.” 
Her name was called. She quickly grabbed her coffee and left the café, not sparing Beau a second glance. 
The officer let out a sigh. That didn't go how he planned. Kiera was standoffish and he couldn't exactly place why. 
Beau ordered what she recommended and didn't dig in until he made it to his office and sat at his desk. He let out a hum of satisfaction at his first sip of the latte. It was more sugary than what he was used to but it was delicious nonetheless. It went down his throat smoothly and sent warmth throughout his body. The croissant had a similar effect. Flakey crumbs fell on his desk but it was too delicious for him to stop and clean them off. The soft crunch, the velvety cream, the tart raspberry jam. It became apparent why Kiera frequented that café. He was having an out-of-body experience in the solitude of his office spurred on by a simple pairing of a chai latte and an immaculately made croissant.
Yeah, Beau would go there every morning. Not just to see Kiera. 
“Woah, boss,” Poppernack walked into Beau’s office, an astonished look in his eyes. He had never seen his desk so messy before. Beau usually liked to keep it clean, no matter if he ate on it.
Beau coughed, wiping his face with a napkin as he gathered the crumbs in his hand to throw them away at the trash can next to his desk. “Yeah, Pop?” He asked with his signature smile. 
“Uh, just wanted to let you know there's a new case that might need your attention.” Mo explained, a case file in his hands. 
Beau tilted his head. “Might?” He held his hand out to take the file and flipped through it. Mo watched nervously. After everything that happened with Emily, Beau wanted to take a step back from going out in the field. At least, he didn't want to do it often. But there was an occasional case that called for the head Sheriff. “God, Poppernack, maybe bring this to my attention earlier?” He sighed. 
It wasn't anything too crazy. Just a double homicide but the trail had gone cold after a few weeks. Beau wanted to let his deputies do the work, trusting them enough to do so, however, they weren't perfect. They made mistakes, looked at the wrong places, saw the wrong things, and made bad calls.
“Hey, Em,” Beau hummed as he closed the door to his truck and walked up onto his porch. He didn't solve the case from earlier but they did get a lead. He adjusted his phone a little as he opened up his Airstream. “How's your day?”
“Fine, midterms are coming up and that sucks but mom got me a slice of cake to cheer me up since I started studying.” He could imagine Emily shrugging. Beau had a fond smile on his face as he listened. “What about yours? Catch any bad guys?”
Beau let out a chuckle as he heated some leftovers and leaned against the counters to his small kitchen. “No, no, not today. But, I–uh–saw this girl.” He admitted softly. It was hard to be open with Emily, especially with everything that happened in Houston, but he wanted to try. And he knew Emily thought he was lonely. 
Truthfully, he was. Jenny, Cassie, and Denise were nice friends but it wasn't exactly what he was looking for. Beau longed for someone like Carla again. Someone to share his life with. 
“Oh? Like a crush?” Emily's voice teased. 
“Yeah,” Beau made his way back outside to sit on his porch with a bowl in his hand. “She’s really pretty but, I dunno, she seemed skeptical of me. I know I'm a big guy but I didn't think I gave off mean guy vibes.” He took a bite from his bowl as it balanced on his thigh. Talking with Emily like this was the highlight of his day. 
Emily let out a snort. “You don't. But you're a cop. Not everyone likes cops.” She reminded softly. 
Beau pursed his lips. She was right. He wasn't sure why he didn't think of it earlier. Beau could be an oblivious man sometimes. He was a cop. Sheriff of the county at that. And he never went anywhere without his badge attached to his belt. Unless it was a weekend and he specifically took time off. 
“Out of curiosity, what ethnicity is she?” 
Beau sucked at his teeth. “Native American.” Kiera’s features clued him in on that fact. 
“Well, there you go. Even more of a reason she doesn't trust cops,” Emily laughed softly. She had a point. “Don't worry, though, if you keep pushing—which I know you will—she’ll see you're not bad. Just take it slow.”
Beau smiled softly as he looked down at his bowl, it was nearly empty. “Why are you giving me dating advice? Shouldn't it be the other way around?” 
“I wanna see you happy, Dad,” Emily admitted softly. “And I wanna help you get there. I know…” She went silent for a second. “Avery was mom’s second chance. And it didn't end well but she was happy. For the first time in a while. I want you to have your second chance.” She sighed. 
Beau closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He rubbed his forehead and listened to Emily's breath on his phone’s speaker. “I love you.” He murmured.
“I love you too, dad.” Emily immediately returned. “I have to get to sleep or else mom will yell at me about not having a proper sleep schedule. Talk tomorrow?” 
Beau nodded even though she couldn't see him. “‘Course, kiddo. G’night.”
As the line died, Beau’s phone fell to his lap. He bit the inside of his cheek as he stared up at the starry night sky. The forest around him made a few noises, like the rustling of trees or hops of insects, otherwise, it was silent. 
And Beau was alone.
His eyes shifted down to his lap. There was something about Kiera. Even Emily knew it and she hadn't seen her before. She was Beau's second chance. The only woman Beau had shown an interest in for a while. The only problem was he'd have to try. Kiera wouldn't just fall into his lap because he said hello to her every morning. He'd have to put in the work. 
He didn't expect anything less. 
From what Beau heard from Denise, Kiera had a complicated life. A single mother, young, and moved all the way out to Montana which must've been a shocking change from living in New York for most of her life. Unusual. For the short amount of time Beau had lived in Helena, he gathered that most people just liked to blend in and not draw too much attention to themselves. Unfortunately, Kiera had—unknowingly or knowingly—drawn a target on her back because she didn't fit in. Her all-black attire and tall height were enough for anyone to have to do a double take at her but then there was her Native ancestry. 
Montana was no stranger to Native people since there were plenty of reservations around but it was the icing on the cake for Kiera. No wonder she was hesitant around him. Beau hoped he could change that. He was a good person who tried his best to keep his deputies in line, even if it cost him his job in the end. So far, it hasn't. 
Taking a breath, Beau retreated into his airstream for the night and set his bowl in the sink. 
Tomorrow was another day. Another day to try to become friends with Kiera. At the very least, he could try that before anything else. Beau knew he was easy to be friends with even if the person was a little cold towards him at first. A few citizens were like that when they first met. Others stood their ground but that was because they were on the receiving end of handcuffs. Beau couldn't care less if those people hated him. 
However, Kiera was a lawyer. What kind, Beau didn't know. She had to believe in the law to some capacity if that's what she was doing. Maybe he could appeal to that somehow… Or just be himself. 
Yeah, Emily always said he was better off as himself and not playing the hero all the time. She liked Beau as a hero, he was her hero, but he needed saving every now and then too.
taglist: @deans-spinster-witch
taglist open here !!!!
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kickingitwithkirk · 6 months
Restless Man -Pt 1
Summary: Beau Arlen finds himself in the middle of a case with more twists than a country road.
Pairing: Beau Arlen x Reina Cetanwakuwa-Stanley
Word Count: 1357
Warnings: cursing, show level violence, derogatory remarks (some in native languages)
Square Filled: @jacklesversebingo -Escaping Their Fate
A/N: The inklings for this started the first time I heard Jensen singing Restless Man. This work is partially from historical information and canon elements from the Big Sky series.
*Set after the series finally 3:13 That Old Feeling.
A/N II: All Native American words/sentences in this part are Lakota resourced from freelang.net and glosbe.com *some algorithmically generated on these sites.
*Translation:  lala -grandfather  Cetanwakuwa -attacking hawk or to hunt and chase
*divider by @firefly-graphics *no beta -all mistakes are mine
prologue masterlist
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“Hoyt slow down!” Arlen grabs the dashboard as the vehicle rounds a sharp curve too fast. “You good? Where’s your head at?”
“Nowhere. I’m all good.”
“All good my ass. You’re still a bad liar, Hoyt, can’t help noticing you white-knuckling that wheel over there. You know I’m here to listen if you want to talk about whatever it is between you and this Rihanna...”
“Her name is Reina and I told you there’s nothing to talk about.” He gives her a look. “Jesus, Beau, you're like a dog with a goddamn bone. Drop it!” The blonde snaps at the handsome man in her passenger seat making him laugh. “Not the first time I've been told that. Okay, I’ll let it go for now. But the offer stands.” Arlen changes the subject yammerin on about his latest video chat with his daughter, reminding Hoyt of their first meeting.
Hoyt walked into the Sheriff’s Department already put out before meeting Walter Tubbs' temporary replacement and Cassie’s warning that Arlen was very Texan proved true. Not to mention the man was a never-ending chatterbox. Eventually, as she constantly reminded everyone, the temporary acting sheriff allowed some of that veneer to peel back, exposing a little of the man underneath.
A man who loved too hard and had too many ghosts clinging to him, something Jenny Hoyt was way too familiar with. Her feelings shifted after a few months of working together and she began contemplating what a relationship with the transplanted Texan would be like.
Then things went sideways when Cassie was hired to find a missing hiker.
Her inquiries led to a glamping excursion run by Sunny and Buck Barnes, where coincidentally Arlen's daughter Emily and her stepfather were staying. The case also reopens a decades old unsolved murder and the discovery of fifteen million in stolen Crypto. They all became intertwined revealing Buck as a serial killer who kidnapped Emily and Denise and ended with his, and several others, deaths.
Arlen paid a surprise visit to Hoyt's home in a quandary the night after their rescue tells her that his ex-wife Carla had taken their daughter back to Texas leaving him unsure about staying in Montana. After a few beers, things started getting close to crossing the professional/private line between them. He left saying neither was clear-headed enough to make any rational decisions that would change them from colleagues and occasional confidants.
A week later, Arlen was served court papers stating that he’d allowed their daughter to remain in a place of known danger and Carla was granted primary custody with all communication between them monitored by a court-appointed third party.
Arlen had what Cassie calls his tantrum then sought legal counsel from a lawyer he knew back in Houston. The lawyer advised with his checkered history in law enforcement and at home, to follow the stipulations to the letter if he hoped for a chance in hell of regaining his parental rights before Emily turned eighteen.
Arlen felt Hoyt’s skeptical side-eye before she asked. “So how much did Denise tell you?”
“That Reina is the black sheep for not going into family business. And something about the Stanleys being descendants of the Four Georgies?”
“The Four Georgians,” she corrected, pulling into the Jefferson City First National Bank’s Park lot. “In 1864, four prospectors found gold in Last Chance Gulch and agreed to keep it quiet. But a few months later, more miners started arriving.” She finished summarizing Helena’s origins as they entered the bank and were assailed by a harassed-looking bank manager.
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Several hours later
Lewis & Clark County Sheriff's Department
Sergeant Madge Crowder greeted the returning duo with, “Got a visitor, sheriff.”
Arlen gestures around the empty waiting area, “There's no one out here,” and she comments, “Was a minute ago.” Before he could ask, Deputy Mo Poppernack popped up nervously glancing between Hoyt and Arlen. “Everything okay, Popcorn? You seem kinda,” Arlen says waving his hand.
“No sir, I mean yes sir...Beau, I’m good. Someone is waiting in your office to see you.” Still eyeing the fidgety deputy, Arlen addresses both, “Let me know if we get anything on the getaway car,” and heads off to meet his mystery guest.
Entering his office, Arlen spies the Stetson from that morning sitting upside down on his desk.
“Hello, I’m Sheriff Arlen. What can I,” and something that rarely happens happens when its owner turns, and Arlen loses his voice. The partially open blinds cast his visitor in light and shadow as his chartreuse eyes drink in every accentuated detail, bone structure hinting of being descended from the indigenous peoples but other ancestries contributing to the lighter hueing of skin, eyes, and hair.
“You must be the infamous Reina Stanley.”
“I see my reputation proceeds me,” her voice has the distinctive native Montanan drawl held out her hand, "I would appreciate it if we could keep this matter between us for now Sheriff.” Arlen shakes the offered hand surprised at the firmness of her grip.
“Call me Beau. Please,” he gestures for her to sit as he settles into his chair, “I assume this has to do with earlier?” She raises an eyebrow and he elaborates. “A friend and I caught some of that public performance this morning and said they thought it was you.” An amused smile graces her lush lips reminding him of pink beautyberry fruit.
“I see Denise Brisbane is still the town gossip.” Arlen chuckled, “She does have her ear to the ground. Denise didn’t go into details but mentioned your family has substantial influence in this state.”
“You’re mama brought you up right. Most people aren’t so polite about saying the Stanleys are not to be fucked with.” Arlen couldn’t stop the flash of surprise crossing his features. “Okay then. I'm guessing your visit has something to do with that brouhaha this morning?”
“Yes and no. I’m here on behalf of lala; my grandfather, who requested I give you this,” she handed him a sealed envelope. “I don’t recall meeting any of your kin.” Arlen remarks pulling out a letter with a small key taped to it reads it out loud. “I had a safety deposit box put in your name Beau Arlen and ask you to take my granddaughter with you when examining its contents. You will understand why I had to take these precautions and do what is necessary with the information enclosed. Gerald Centanwakuwa-Stanley” He looked up in surprise.
“Hold on, Gerald was your grandfather? The same Gerald I’d go trout fishing with?”
“Walter Tubb’s said you were quick on the uptake. Lala Gerald chose to use his given name outside of business.” The sheriff tipped his head. “Right, you're a transplant. The Stanley descendent who settled here left a will stipulating that all direct descendants maintain the family surname to keep their inheritance, including any man marrying in.” Reina paused scrutinizing him giving Arlen a fluttering he hadn't felt in years.
“Tubb also said you have a set of huevos for taking the job even after getting an earful about the undersheriff.” Arlen chuckled, “Yeah, Tubb had a few things to say about Hoyt. But she knows to stay between the lines, I’ll have her back.”
“Jenny Hoyt doesn’t know the meaning of staying between the lines. Excuse me,” she fishes out her phone and frowns, “Fuc...fraken lawyers, ‘cuse my language. When will you be free to check out that box?” There was a knock on the door and Poppernack stuck his head in. “Sorry to interrupt sir. We got a call that the First National getaway cars been spotted headin' down I-15.”
“And that's my cue to leave.” Reina gestures to his phone, "May I?” Arlen nodded, “I’m leaving you my personal number,” she hands it back, “Text me when you’re free to deal with that matter for lala.”
Several officers, along with Arlen and Poppernack, appreciatively watch her retreating form. “Please tell me all female Rangers as good looking as her?” Poppernack asks, “‘Cause if they are, I’m booking my next vacation in Texas.” Arlen turns and says...
“I’m sorry..she’s a what?!”
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SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
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Dance with me, Darlin’
Description; Beau Arlen x Reader - After a long case, Beau gets you to open up to him about what’s really been going on. 
Warning: Criminal Minds level Violence, mentions of death etc. 
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When you had first made it to Big Sky, it had been...a journey. Going from working as just a street cop in Ohio to heading back home to Virginia to work as a Homicide detective for a while, to then heading to work with the FBI in their Behavioural Analysis Unit for a while to just six months ago getting a call saying they had a more...calming job for you in Montana. Big Sky, to be more precise. 
But that was just the bigger journey of life. The car ride into Big Sky was also kinda hectic. 
You had hit multiple pieces of traffic along the way. You had dealt with at least two empty tanks - mostly because of the traffic. And then your car had finally broke down outside of a Private Investigator’s office. 
God, that felt like a life time ago. 
You, with annoyance clear in your aura, got out of the car. The door slammed a little too hard than you had wished it to behind you, but you couldn’t concentrate on that right now. 
At least your home that you were renting wasn’t that far. Maybe a 10 mintue walk?
“Screw you.”
“Is everything okay?”
You turned around to see a dark haired woman and a blonde one stood side by side, clearly just having come from the building in front of you. 
“Yeah.” The words came out as both relief and annoyance. “Just this stupid thing. I’ve got extra fuel in the back.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” 
You looked back to her from the trunk of your car. 
“I’m Cassie, by the way. This is Jenny.” You shook their hands.
“Nice to meet you.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
The cloud of annoyance had now grown sparse, slowly developing into plain tiredness as you flipped the cap off the fuel tank. 
“Yeah,” you sighed. “like I said; this stupid thing. Traffic all the way coming up here...it’s a freaking nightmare.”
“Where are you travelling from?” Jenny asked. 
“Uh...Virginia.” you answered. But it wouldn’t have really mattered what you had said since she was round the front of your car checking out your plates. 
To be honest, you couldn’t blame her. Some wild stranger breaks down in front of your building? You’d be curious and cautious, too. 
“I’m...uh...I’m meant to be starting a new job in-” you checked your watch. Oh, crap. “In a couple of hours.”
“Where are you starting?”
“Police department.” you answered, chucking the closed and empty fuel container back into the trunk and closing the top. 
“Oh, I’m deputy Sheriff.” Jenny answered. 
“Jenny...Hoyt.” you then looked up to the building sign. Dewell and Hoyt. “God, I-I should have made the connection. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” she smiled. “It’s been a long drive.”
“About four days.” you added. “I don’t fly. I know it’s easier but...I don’t like it.”
“You’re scared of flying?”
“Maybe a little.” 
Even the conversation about planes made you on edge. 
“Well, you’re lucky. Most things you’ll need are within driving distance.”
You smiled. “Great.”
“I’m just about to head to the station. You can follow me up. They’re doing something on the main road so you’ll have to take the back ones.”
“Okay.” you answered. “Well, it was nice to meet you.”
“You too.” Cassie smiled. “I’m sure we’ll see one another again, soon.”
“Probably.” you agreed. 
You’d heard a couple of stories about Jenny and Cassie in the last couple of months before you made the transfer. All good. Mostly badass. 
“You’ll get to meet our Sheriff but I have to warn you, he’s a chatty one.”
You smiled. “Kinda gathered.” You had been on the phone twice in total with Sheriff Beau Arlen. Both were pleasent experiences. He seemed liked a good man, and a good Sheriff. You explained all of this to Jenny and Cassie. 
By the time you had made it to the Police Department you had already fallen in love with Deputy Poppernak. He was a nice change from the seriously-stern-oak-tree-shoved-up-their-asses cops you’d dealt with in your time. Most of them believed they were Agents at the FBI and had the same power as judges in court. 
And it was nice to have a Sheriff who clearly understood his job but still managed to find the light in certain situations. 
Working with the BAU and as a cop had shown you how terrible some of them could be at their jobs. How they didn’t actually want the job or how they only took it so they could seem powerful compared to everyone else. 
It wasn’t long before you began to feel like you fitted in, in Big Sky. 
Whenever you had time, you’d go and hang out with Jenny and Cassie at the Boot Heel - Beau joining 80% of the time. Or you were with Denise in Dewell and Hoyt. She’d tell you all the gossip that was going on in town over a lasanga or tacos. And then, if you weren’t at home on your own, you’d be with Popp in the Police Department. He’d tell you all about his family and fishing whenever you both had to go through boring paperwork. 
But that wasn’t to say you’d all had your fair share of dangerous situation. 
There had been a couple of cases from three homicides to kidnappings. Your expertise in Behavioural Analysis came in handy on most cases. It gave the department an opportunity to see the crime from another point of view. One they hadn’t fully had before. 
But, in recent weeks one case had been getting to you. And that was something they all could see. 
From the moment the case came in, your blood had frozen over. It felt all too similar. All too familiar. And when Beau had to pull an old file - a file you had seen too many times to count - that was when the shift fully set in. 
Three girls dead. Three more taken in the space of a few weeks. And one of those three died in a ‘fire’ the night before. 
For weeks, you worked day and night with the rest of the team. At first, you did everything in your power to avoid the topic. To avoid the case. But you couldn’t. 
And that had all come to a head just a few hours ago. 
Finally! Freaking finally! He’d been outsmarted. Cornered. 
But you were the only one there. 
And you froze. 
All those years. All those nightmares. They all came down to this man. This sick, twisted, vile man. 
His voice just echoed in your ears, over and over as he moved around the empty room, going unnoticed. You didn’t know what to do, where to point your gun? As much as you had him trapped, he had you in just the same position. 
“Do they know?” he’d asked you. “Do they know that you think of me?”
Your blood was rushing faster, and faster, and faster. Until finally...Jenny rushed inside. He came out of hiding. And you shot. But not before he shot first. 
He couldn’t fully see where to point, but he got you anyway. Just a graze. But he still got you.
Jenny had stopped dead in her tracks looking between the body on the floor and you. She could see the look in your eyes. The same look she’d seen every time they discussed the case. Only, now it was more clear. 
It was a look of fear, panic and anger. 
“It’s over.” was all you said as she slowly took your gun from your hands which still had it pointing up - but you were slowly lowering it. And, eventually, you managed to make eye contact with her when she placed a hand on your shoulder, too. “It’s finally over.”
Jenny nodded. “It is.” before she looked to the door and saw Beau. He’d checked the man’s pulse. Gone. Forever. 
“Hoyt!” Popp called from behind them. 
“Is okay,” Beau reassured Jenny as he placed a hand on your other shoulder and arm. “I’ve got her.”
Jenny nodded before rushing to find Poppernak. 
“Come on, let’s find a medic.”
You hadn’t spoke a word after that. 
Beau led you outside to a medic, standing to the side a little so he could watch them patch you up. You’d live. It might hurt for a few days, but you’d be okay. 
And now, you sat in a booth at the Boot Heel. 
You would have probably been sat either in Dewell and Hoyt or at home, alone. But Beau had dragged you out to go with him, Jenny and Cassie to the bar. Clearly, this case was more than just a case. And he needed to know why. 
“Hey,” Beau knocked your leg with his foot gently under the table. You were sat with one leg and arm up on the back of the booth, your back leaning against the wall as you watched the others in the bar dance to the band. “Talk to me.”
You pulled yourself from your thoughts and looked at him, taking hold of the cold beer beside you. 
“This case.” Beau stated. “Clearly it meant something to you. I tried to check your records with it and it’s all blacked out. And I want answers. I need answers.”
You sighed. You were going to have to tell them at some point. You had hoped you’d never have to speak of it again. You had a pscheval that cleared you. You had medical exams that cleared you. You were capable of working the case. You had worked the case. But that didn’t stop the reality of something this big hitting you. 
“It’s just me and you, Darlin’.” 
That was true. 
Cassie and Jenny were at the bar being chatted up by two guys. 
Beau let you take a moment. You shifted your bullet-grazed arm from the back of the booth chair and place your other leg on the ground before finding the courage - all while scratching the label from your beer bottle - to look at him. 
You took a deep breath and slowly began to explain. 
“It was back when I worked Homicide.” 
“I was going from case to case. Most offenders left so much DNA behind we caught them soon enough. But then this once case came in. A young girl. 15. Missing. I didn’t worked missing person’s cases but it had made it’s way through to me. She’d been missing for a month an she matched a Jane Doe I had come across about a week earlier. No DNA. No evidence. No nothing. Until one of my deputies came through with a patern. It was our guy. Countless of women across the city. In my part of town, it had only been two women but across Virginia? Maybe 15? Anyway, the case went cold but I kept it open. But then I got the call to join the BAU. I took it but the case stayed with me and then one day...another girl came through. And another. And another. He was esculating. And we thought we had caught the guy - turns out it wasn’t him.”
“How’d you know?”
“I got a package in the mail the next morning.” you answered. It was like it was just yesterday. “A photo, a note and a piece of burnt flesh. Hers. He’d got another girl. We found her two days later. For months we worked on the case and each time we came close but he knew.” You gave a small laugh, an angle of your head and a scratch of the label again. “He always knew. Always just one step ahead of us.”
You paused for a short moment, trying to put your emotions on hold for the next few moments. But Beau just waited. 
“Anyway,” you could feel your nerves starting to get to you now. “The case had gone cold. Again. Until I got home after a case in Florida. Everything was normal. I thought I was safe.”
This wasn’t good. 
“Until I was stood in my kitchen and was taken from behind. We faught. I managed to grab a kitchen knife and stab him but he found my gun hidden under my kitchen island while I was away. Shot be twice before using my blood to write on the floor beside me. You’ll never catch me. I’ll always be with you. That’s what he wrote. I was in the hospital for a few weeks. But when I went back...it wasn’t the same. One of my teammates, Emily...she’d gone back to my house to try and scrub away the blood but it was like I could still see it. Like I could still see my blood around me and on me. Then, after a few months, I got the call from the Director about a slightly calmer job. They knew I wouldn’t stop working so maybe a calmer situation was best.” You looked back to Beau, a small smile on your face. “And then you called. And I took the job and...now we’re here.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
You looked down for a moment and closed your eyes, shaking your head. “Don’t be. I had - well, the Director and I had one of the tech analyisists black out my file. Garcia - even she couldn’t get into it. The team knew most of what had happened to be but some things I wanted to keep to myself.”
“Why didn’t you tell me any of this earlier?”
“I didn’t want to go back.” you answered honestly. “I have enough flashbacks as it is. And my team back in Quantico...they all knew and I could see that look in their eyes. That look that was watching my every move, just waiting for me to explode or crumble. I love them, but I couldn’t take it. And I can’t take it from any of you, either.”
“Well...” Beau made sure you were looking at him. “If you ever want to talk, I’m here.”
You nodded with a weak smile on you face. “I know.”
A few minutes of silence passed between you two. Cassie and Jenny were still busy at the bar and the band was still playing. You were watching people dance on the wooden floors and, as Beau turned back to look at you, he got an idea. 
Shifting from his side of the booth, he finished his ceer and held his hand out.
“Come on.”
You looked to him with a small laugh. “What?”
“We’re dancing.” he told you. “Come on.”
He held out his hand, that look in his eye. He wasn’t letting an opportunity like this pass. 
“Dance with me, Darlin’.”
You looked to the crowd with a small scoff - was he really asking you to dance? 
“But I don’t know how.”
He gave a small shrug and pout. “We’ll learn together.”
It took a moment, but you agreed and he took your hand, pulling you up and towards the dance floor. 
“Like this?” You placed your hand in his and your other on his arm.
Beau nodded, then placing his hand on your waist to pull you a little closer and you both, slightly awkwardly but still comfortable, danced. 
He spun you out before pulling you back in and before you knew it, the awkwardness was gone and replaced with smiling faces and laughter. 
Meanwhile, back at the bar Jenny handed Cassie a 10 dollar note. 
On the dance floor, yourself and Beau were now in a slightly slower dance. Close. Intimate. Or close to it, anyway. Either way, Jenny knew she’d lost. 
Cassie smiled widely. “Ah-ha. I knew it.”
“Yeah, yeah, gloat all you like.” Jenny took a sip of her beer. 
“Before you know it, they’ll be like Bonnie and Clyde but on the good side of the law.”
Jenny pointed to Cassie as she swallowed her beer. “I am not betting you on that.”
“Ten bucks it’s in the next two years.”
Jenny grumbled. “Fine. But this time I am having Denise take note because I’m still sure I won the bet about those two becoming friends.”
“Hell no, I won that one.”
“Whatever you say.” Jenny answered before they both looked back to Beau and yourself. 
“They look happy, don’t they?”
“Yeah,” Jenny smiled. “They do.”
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Big Sky 3x04: Thoughts
Saw the latest episode and I have some thoughts.
I get that Walter is an alleged killer and I understand Buck's concerns, but can I say how happy I was when Sunny stuck up for her son the way she did? I did a full on clap and had a Meryl-Streep-Ocars moment saying "Yes!" when that happened. She still terrifies me, though, lol.
So it's Walt who was the one that knocked Luke out (or made him trip, I can't remember his story) when he was going after Paige. I'm not sure what to think about the whole development of Walt keeping her stashed away and lying about it to Sunny. Considering Buck's grave warning to her, I have a feeling that it may ring true later on when Sunny finds out he lied to her. Especially if what we saw in the promo is giving any indication.
As soon as Jenny said the husband and daughter were sitting inside after the murder of the mother, I just knew this would come back to Beau and his family situation. And sure enough, it did.
Aaaaand I find it interesting that the murderer wore the Big Bad Wolf costume when lobos is Spanish for wolves and I can't remember if it's fictional or real at this moment but doesn't that sometimes refer to a possible cartel element south of the border? Regardless, I am convinced now more than ever that the cartel Beau mentioned is coming back into his story and somehow, some way, I know it has to do with his brother and with each episode we get, I really do believe he lost his brother (way too many mentions of that part of his past so far).
Though I'm not a Cormac fan (I still think there's something off about him, I still want to know why he kept the knife), it was nice to see Cassie let loose a little but also be a complete badass, and find one answer to this whole big puzzle
LOVED the scene where Carla comes in - I was like 'here, it is, the big Beau/Jenny push, it's starting to happen this episode, let me start the eye rolling' and then boom! Carla walks in and damn, I can see why Beau might still be in love with her. I also noticed her giving Jenny that look that Jenny herself didn't notice: the ex Mrs. Arlen did not like Ms. Hoyt. LOL. I think it's because she picked up on exactly what Cassie picked up on a little more this episode: Jenny has a thing for Beau. We all been knew but now it's being brought to the forefront even more. Like him turning her around to shoot Scott and holding onto her, and her reaction. Which is hysterical because she's playfully pushing Beau to admit he's in love with Carla but that whole bit of the dialogue could very much be applied to herself. And I also noticed that they didn't match Beau and Jenny's clothing this time in any way, shape, or form. So I'm thinking Carla is definitely going to be a very big part of the story for Beau moving forward, possibly almost as much as Emily.
Beau still loves Carla. There were a few moments in that scene that show that, which makes sense. But is he still in love with her like Jenny says? That remains to be seen. Because in 2x18 when Jenny says that Beau is still in love with his ex, he doesn't deny it. Instead, he smirks at her and says "You're good." Just like he said to Cassie in their intro scene when she deduces that he's the new temporary acting Sheriff. Cassie was right on the money in that scene so that means Jenny was in her scene. But now, it's been a few months and Jenny is saying the same thing she said back in 2x18 but now we have "No, I'm not. No, stop it." And we haven't had Cassie meet Carla yet (if they do). So I'm curious to see what he would say if Cassie asked him about it or said something to him, and what his response would be. Especially considering the interesting parallel they set up with: 3x01 - "Are you and Cassie really just friends or...?" "Yes. Yes, we're just friends." & 3x03 - "Do you talk to Cassie about your daughter?" "I see where this is headed. No, let's just focus on work for now. No, guys just have to have boundaries." So this is now going to be very interesting to watch, on all fronts.
I do still think that they are also using Beau to get Jenny ready to take over as Sheriff should he leave the show (and it doesn't get cancelled). He's consistently trying to help her move past her anger, her hatred for Tonya, working with her one on one to solve cases, and in this episode, she seemed to really take the lead in their case (with a few helpful suggestions from Beau), even right down to agreeing to help Cassie on her case. I really think Beau is meant to be prepping her for that part of her character development, to learn from him. Especially with lines like 3x02's: "This is law enforcement. We don't get to choose who we help."
Emily is still annoying but she did smarten up near the end, I'll give her that. I'm relieved to see it tbh.
Avery is still shady. I wonder how that's going to come into play with Carla's presence now. I also wonder how things will play out with Emily and her nosiness/suspicion, and also Sunny.
Tonya is devious. Not gonna lie, Donno's little crush on her was kind of cute.
I figured Luke's and Paige's scheme would come back to haunt them. It might be a good thing if Walt has Paige for now, and he's not planning on hurting her.
Very little Beau/Cassie interaction but that's okay I expected it. I was just grateful we got the one scene. I still think there's mounds of untapped potential there but we'll see where things go. I have love for both characters and want them both to be happy, no matter what that might look like. I did notice that as per usual, Beau always makes strong eye contact with Cassie, even when Jenny is in the mix. Not sure if this is just part of Beau's character and cop qualities (like he makes strong eye contact with Poppernak when speaking to him, Gigi, Denise, people they're questioning, etc) or if it's to show that yes, there is a bond there, they're good friends, and he trusts her. Naturally, if she showed up in the station asking for help on a case, he would be happy to see her and he would absolutely give her his full attention, just like Jenny did in this scene as well. Regardless, I'm enjoying every scrap they give me.
Speaking of which, can we PLEASE get more Cassie in the next episode? Even if it's just her working her own case. It's been very Cassie-lite at times and I'm not sure why. As much as I love watching Jenny, Beau, Sunny, etc, we need more Cassie, too.
I just have to mention again the actor who is playing Walt. He did it again when Sunny showed up at the cabin. When he recognized it was Sunny, he not only lowered the ax but also his eyes. This guy is good.
Something tells me that Cassie is going to find out about the Bleeding Heart killer and soon.
I am so thankful that they finally let Beau settle on a nickname for Poppernak and didn't keep him consistently trying new ones out. That got old very fast. But I do wish they had settled on something better than Pop Star, but I'll take it.
Loving that we saw Pedro again and it's very clear that Beau is in the driver's seat now.
I was also happy to see Jenny and Cassie get some interaction since they didn't the last episode. I wonder if we'll get more in the next episode. I feel like there's still a Gigi conversation that needs to be had. I LOVED how Jenny was like "yeah of course we'll help you." Love those two.
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thebiggerbear · 4 months
Their Silent Thunder Matches Mine Chapter 2
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A/N: I rewrote this chapter so many times, trying to get it just right. Sorry if it isn't that great but hopefully it's not too bad.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
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Please do not do any of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Warnings: implied sex
Series taglist: @deans-spinster-witch
Series Masterlist
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Cassie jerked awake, halfway opening an eye. There was an incessant pounding inside her skull and since when had the sun ever been that bright? God, how much did she drink last night? She tried to remember but it made the pounding that much worse so she gave up on it for now. She’d think about it later when it didn’t hurt so much. 
As her senses quickly returned, she realized what woke her when she heard the ringing of the alarm on her phone somewhere nearby. She closed her eye and groaned quietly. Her hand shot out and she felt around for the offending device on her night stand, only to have her fingers meet empty air. She slowly lifted her head and opened her eyes as much as she could. No nightstand. That was odd; maybe she crashed on the other side of her bed? 
Before she could think on that too much, the continued ringing reinforced the need to find that ridiculously loud phone. Everything was still kind of blurry but she forced her eyes open wider and sat up, holding the bedsheet to her apparently naked chest. So she slept in the nude last night, great. Thank God Kai hadn’t woken up before she did and walked in on her like this. 
Once her vision cleared, she glanced at her surroundings. This was not her bedroom. Nothing was in the right place, it was too small, the blinds were the cheap kind she hated that never kept out the sunlight when you wanted them to, the cowboy hat hanging up on the makeshift hook on the wall was not hers, the trailer beyond that was not hers, and— Her eyes widened. A trailer . It was obvious that she had not gone home last night. Not to mention she was incredibly sore like she had gotten one hell of a workout. And she was in a goddamn trailer! She only knew of one person who owned an Airstream with a sparsely decorated interior that suspiciously looked like this one. Sure enough, her eyes landed on a framed picture of Emily from one of her middle school years on the wall, her bright smile on display as well as a full set of braces. Cassie’s jaw dropped as flashes from last night suddenly came back to her in a rush. 
As she predicted, the cute guy from the pool table made his way over to her and offered to buy her the beer she just asked for. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Beau ushering an eager Jenny out of the bar, neither of them looking back. She gave the guy a megawatt smile and accepted his offer, ordering a second beer when the bartender placed her first bottle in front of her. She tipped the drink to the guy’s and when they both took a long pull of the carbonated liquid after he said he appreciated a beautiful woman who could drink, Cassie considered accepting his offer to go home with him later on when he would most likely stop beating around the bush and just outright ask her. And while his hair was dark, his eyes were the wrong color, there was no gruffness or twang that escaped when he spoke, and he had no beard to speak of, she could make do. This was reaffirmed when Cassie said she wanted to dance and he was all too willing, even giving her money to use for the jukebox and telling her to pick a good one. She gave him a coy smile and did just that, more than happy to let loose and not think about anything else for the rest of the night. The only thing she had to remember to do was text Denise and make certain that Kai could stay with her for the night. And one glance at the guy’s smile when she returned to him and he held out a hand to her to lead her to the spot on the floor where others were dancing had her pretty sure that she would be sending that text very soon. 
They had been dancing, her holding onto him as tightly as she dared and his hands were now resting on the seat of her jeans. She had worked hard to keep the fleeting images of the undersheriff actually being under the sheriff in his trailer out of her mind, tightening her hold on her dancing partner whenever they tried to come back and take root. She had shared a few dances with this guy already, but Cassie was reluctant for them to end. His cologne was the wrong scent but if she kept her eyes closed most of the time, she could imagine he was someone else. It was an odd mix of feelings: wanting to be held but being held by the wrong person. Although, the three beers she’d consumed in succession did help. And while she hadn’t completely made her mind up yet on whether she would go home with Liam or not (she was pretty sure he had said Liam was his name when she’d asked), she couldn’t deny that he was strong, he didn’t say much which was fine by her because his voice ruined the illusion every time, and his attention was laser focused on her. She wasn’t drunk by any means, but she was definitely enjoying that all-too familiar buzz. She couldn’t help but smile and close her eyes when he leaned down to kiss her neck.
Her brows furrowed in confusion. How did Liam suddenly sound like Beau? Had she tipped over into the realm of intoxication without her realizing it? Or had she delved so far into the illusion that she had convinced herself that Liam was Beau? When his tongue swiped against her skin and his hands roamed lower than they had before, she dug her teeth into her bottom lip and found that she didn’t mind all that much.
Her eyes snapped open to find one very irritated Sheriff Arlen scowling over at her. So now she had started to imagine he was there as well? She really must be drunk.
Liam’s dark head swiveled up, eyes narrowed, and Beau moved his glare over to him. Oh, so she wasn’t hallucinating after all. A part of her was relieved at that knowledge but the other part was embarrassed and worried. Beau wasn’t supposed to see her like this, not in these circumstances, not hurting like this and wanting to throw all caution to the wind even if only for a night so she could forget everything. Not that she ever planned to tell him how she felt, but how could he ever see her as anything more than a friend now? That dangerous thought surprised her and she shut it down quickly. Maybe she drank more than she thought…
It was very rare to see Beau angry and she had witnessed the intimidating sheriff glare he adopted when he was working in that capacity, but she had never quite seen the icy and menacing look he was currently directing at Liam. “I’d like to cut in.”
Before Cassie could say anything, Liam bit out, “She’s already dancing with me . Why don’t you go find somebody else, old man?”
She frowned up at him, not happy that he was insulting her friend. That was completely uncalled for. “Don’t call him that,” she warned. “And I can decide who I want to dance with, thank you.” But neither man appeared to hear her.
Instead, Beau straightened up and put his hands on his hips, revealing the badge clipped to his belt that had been hidden beneath his jacket. “I said, I’d like to cut in,” he growled. “You want to keep dancing? Fine. You and I can dance all the way down to the station if you’d like.”  
Liam glanced at the badge, Beau, Cassie, and then scoffed, obviously deciding she wasn’t worth it and letting her go. “Whatever, man. Fucking cops.” She watched as he stormed off back to his friends who were still engaged in their pool game, obviously pissed off. She ended up shaking her head. And to think she had almost been ready to go home with him, thinking he was a suitable temporary replacement for the man standing next to her. 
Beau filled her vision and his hands gripped her hips, pulling her in closer to him. While she was not exactly happy with him, she didn’t resist. How could she when this is what she had really been craving all night?
“You okay?” He murmured to her hairline.
She wound her fingers into his jacket, holding him closer, and laid her head down on his chest. “Yeah.” She smelled the familiar scent of the cologne she had been trying to imagine earlier and she closed her eyes. “Just let me know when you’re going to lift a leg.”
“Lift a leg?”
“You know, to pee on me.”
“Cassie, I—” He went to move her back, presumably to look at her, but she held on tightly.
“Don’t you dare stop holding me,” she commanded.
“Okay,” he chuckled, strengthening his grip on her just the way she liked and making her smile. 
“Perfect,” she whispered. 
Her eyes nearly watered when she felt him press a kiss to her head and whispered back, “Yeah.”
They danced in silence, with him holding her, and at the risk of sounding like a familiar fairy tale from long ago, for Cassie, his embrace was just right. She realized she had been a fool to think she could find how he made her feel in anyone else, even if only for a night or a few dances.
When the song was over, then she pulled back to glance up at him. His features had softened considerably since she had last seen them a few minutes earlier and the ice in his gaze had melted away to the familiar warmth they always exuded when he looked at her.
He reached up and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “You ready to go?”
Cassie gently cradled his wrist with her hand and was about to agree when another song she loved came on. She shook her head. “One more.” She wasn’t ready for this night to end just yet.
His eyes quickly glanced behind her before he gave her a warm smile. “I’d love to, sweetheart, but I think we should head out before that becomes a problem.” He nodded his head in the direction he had been looking and she turned around to see Liam glaring over at them, talking heatedly to his friends who were now also glaring. She was pretty sure that the only reason they hadn’t approached them already was due to Beau being the sheriff.
“Unbelievable.” She hated this typical male bravado crap, it was such a turnoff. Did any one of them ask her what she wanted to do? Since when did one drink, a few dances, a kiss to her neck, and hands on her ass automatically make her belong to someone else? 
“It doesn’t,” Beau stated, and she winced, realizing she had mistakenly said that last part out loud. She swung her head back to find his eyes intently focused on her. “We can dance as many times as you want once I get you home, darlin’, but right now, I think we should make our exit.”
“I can drive, I’m not drunk.” She had no idea why she said it. Yes, she wasn’t drunk, but she wasn’t in any shape to drive right then; she was too tipsy. So tipsy in fact that she hadn’t even realized that she had wrapped her arms around his neck and moved closer. “I’m not,” she insisted, refusing to focus on how much she liked it when his arms secured around her waist in response, keeping her that close.
He gave her a look of disbelief. “You’re not, huh?”
“I’m not.” She went to move her foot when she started to stumble and Beau kept her upright, making her laugh. “Oh, okay…yes, I am buzzing a little, but I promise you, Sheriff Arlen.” She lifted up and stopped a few inches away from his lips, staring right into his eyes. “I am not drunk,” she murmured.  
They watched one another, the outside world ceasing to matter in that moment. She thought his breathing had picked up; she knew hers had. And when her eyes fluttered down to his lips, making her tongue peek out to wet her own, she could have sworn he was moving closer and closer.
A glass loudly breaking jolted them and they both turned to see where the sound had come from. A young red-faced bartender was hurrying to get a broom as people drunkenly clapped and laughed, leaving the glasses she had accidentally dropped on the floor behind. Cassie felt bad for the girl but she also kind of wanted to scream, especially when Beau cleared his throat and moved back an appropriate distance, keeping only his hand at her back to keep her steady.
“I should get you home,” he insisted. When she went to protest, he cut her off. “Don’t. You’re in no shape to drive and we both know it. We’ll get your truck in the morning. So grab your things, Dewell, and let’s go.” Cassie tried to tamp down the hurt at him using her last name. He never used her last name.
She pressed her lips into a thin line to keep from snapping at him that she would be fine on her own and instead, did as he requested. She lifted her jacket from her stool, slapped a $20 bill down on the bar, and allowed him to lead her outside. She noticed that he glanced over to the pool table area quickly before they walked out the door.
While the cold air was refreshing and somewhat sobering, Cassie shivered and began to slip her jacket on. Beau helped her and then he slung an arm around her waist. pulling her into his body for warmth. She smiled a little at the gesture; Beau was still not used to the Montana cold and even though she was, he still rubbed at her upper arm to try to warm her up.
“I thought you left with Jenny.” She felt slightly guilty that she hadn’t even thought to ask where Jenny was all of this time.
He shook his head. “She was okay to drive. You’re not.” He stated it so matter-of-factly, as if that was all there was to it.
“You were gone a while.”
“Only fifteen, maybe twenty minutes.” He stopped them in front of Pedro and dug into his pocket for his keys. “I underestimated how quickly you could get into trouble,” he teased before leading her over to the passenger door.
“Twenty minutes?” There was no way it had only been twenty minutes. She and Liam had shared at least three beers together, at least three dances — or maybe it was two… Regardless, there was no way it had been that short amount of time. Okay, yes, she had pounded those beers back but she was no lightweight. 
He gave her a knowing look. “Like I said, you’re not in any condition to drive.”
“But, Beau, I’m not drunk, really.”
“Uh huh.” He opened the door and indicated for her to get in.
“No, no, Beau, listen to me.” She turned and gripped the lapels of his jacket, making him focus on her and hear what she was saying. She didn’t know why but it was super important to her that Beau knew that she wasn’t wasted. “I promise you, I’m not drunk. If you want to take me home, that’s fine. You’re right, I shouldn’t be driving. But I am not drunk. I need you to know that.”
“Okay,” he agreed.
“I’m serious, Beau.”
“So am I. Now, come on, get in the car. It’s freezing out here. Did you know there’s a wind chill air warning for tonight? Jesus.” Cassie felt bad when she saw him shudder at the bite of the icy air flowing around them and hopped into Pedro, not feeling that she had thoroughly convinced him of her lacking state of inebriation. 
He closed her door, made his way around to the driver side, and got in. He started the car up and put the heat on blast, aiming all of his vents in her direction. She smiled and assured him, “I’m okay.”
Beau blew into his hands and rubbed them together. “I know you are, but I’m not. Wow. This is… Have I ever told you how hot Texas gets? The last time Houston even got any snow… Okay, yeah, it happened last year, but it’s rare.” He blew warm air into his hands again. “So rare.”
Cassie chuckled and laid her head against the headrest, smiling over at him. 
He noticed her watching him and he laughed to himself. “What? It’s cold .”
She shook her head but didn’t say anything. This was the guy who had somehow magically appeared in her life, who immediately insisted on them being friends, and who had snuck his way into her heart. Just when she didn’t think any part of that particular organ was left standing that could allow room for anyone else.
A layer of quiet shrouded them in the old car and only the sounds of the heater and the engine could be heard. Their eyes never left one another and Cassie could feel her heart rate beginning to pick up when she saw him lick his lips nervously. The action made her smile even wider. 
“I’m glad you’re here,” she nearly whispered.
He chuckled, ducking his head in that cute aw-shucks manner he had. “I’m sure you are. Comes in handy when you need a ride,” he teased.
She laughed as well but she made sure to explain what she really meant. “No. I meant, I’m glad you’re here in Montana.” He gave her a bright smile in response and she couldn’t help adding, “With me.”
His smile slowly began to fade and that worried her but before she could backtrack and apologize, he turned to her with a sober expression. “Just tell me why.”
Cassie knew what he was really asking and she contemplated lying, but she had an opening to tell him. If she didn’t take it now, when would she? Even if he did push her back into the friend zone and then break her heart by telling her that he only saw her blonde best friend in that light? She’d kick herself down the road if she didn’t at least take the chance to tell him. No time like the present. She braced herself and spoke honestly, “I like the way you hold me.” Wait, what? She had meant to tell him something completely different. Damn alcohol. 
That brought him up short. He obviously hadn’t been expecting that answer; neither had she to be perfectly honest. She wanted to be honest with him but there was quite a difference between honest and blunt. “Then why—”
“I thought maybe he could.” She shrugged, deciding to no longer worry over how direct she was being. The cat was already out of the bag, might as well give it a name and let it make itself at home. “He wasn’t you but… Even if it was just for a little while. A dance or two...” 
And there it was, the truth she hadn’t been willing to tell him before this moment, the very thing she kept pushing further and further down each time it tried to make its presence known, unwilling to let it see the light of day. Something she figured was good reason when she saw his jaw tighten and he appeared to be struggling to form a response, as if he was warring with himself internally.
She turned her head to look out at the parking lot, unable to meet his eyes when she said what she was going to say next. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say it. We’re just friends, I get it. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. Guess I must be more tipsy than I thought,” she attempted to joke, ignoring the familiar burning in the corners of her eyes.
Hands framed her face and turned her to look at him. He was a lot closer than she anticipated, having begun to lean over towards her. His eyes flickered back and forth between her and her mouth. When she didn’t move away or tense up, Beau slowly moved forward and gently pulled her to meet him. She knew what was happening, what he intended to do, and she wouldn’t dream of putting a stop to it. As they inched closer and closer, her heart thumping wildly in her chest, she found herself not really caring about the rest of the world right then. And when their eyes closed and his lips made contact with hers, when he kissed her so soundly, making her heart, stomach, and…other parts of her flutter, all thought of anything that wasn’t Beau Arlen went straight out the window.
When he broke away, placing his forehead against hers and stroking her cheek, her lips tingled and she was eager to get his back on them as soon as they both caught their breath. That didn’t mean she couldn’t kiss other parts of him though while she waited. She went to move into his neck when he gently held her back.
At her pout, Beau chuckled and pecked her lips before moving back slightly, smiling down at her. “I can’t. You’re drunk, sweetheart.”
Her jaw dropped. “I’m not. I told you.”
“You just said it.” 
“I only said that because I didn’t think you’d want…” She purposely let that statement trail off.
“Oh, I want everything at the end of that sentence. Every single bit,” he promised. “But Cass, you’re intoxicated and for us to do anything more than this…it wouldn’t be right.” He rubbed his thumb tenderly along her cheekbone. “And you mean too much to me for us to jump right into this without talking it over first.”
“Beau.” She pushed him back and crawled over onto his side of the car, resting her back comfortably against the steering wheel, making sure she didn’t accidentally hit the horn. It was a tight fit but she was determined to make it work. His hands were on her hips helping to keep her steady and she laid her hands on his shoulders to help her stay upright. “I’m not drunk, I promise. A little buzzed, yes, but I’m telling you, I’m fine.” He went to say something when she cut him off. “Anything that happens tonight is because I want it to.”
“Okay, but that guy in there that you never met before tonight? His hands were all over you, he was even kissing on you. If you’re fine, then how—”
She ran her thumb along his bottom lip, studying him. She chose to throw all caution out the window and just say it; she had already come this far. “Because I wanted it to be you,” she murmured sadly. 
His eyes softened and he gripped the back of her neck, pushing her down to meet him. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, touching it against hers, and Cassie felt as if electricity surged through her very being. It was all Beau could do to keep upright in the seat and prevent her from activating the horn repeatedly.
“We should talk about this,” Beau panted against her lips a minute later.
“We will. Tomorrow,” she promised before diving back in for another kiss.   
And that’s how she ended up staying in his lap in his car with the seat rolled as far back as it could go as they indulged in one hell of a makeout session, with her kissing him like her life depended on it. Neither of them cared that the Sheriff’s car could be seen by patrons and passersby alike in The Boot Heel Bar parking lot or that it gave the occasional shake or wobble. Neither of them cared that the windows were so fogged up that even though no one could see exactly who was inside it was pretty obvious that the Sheriff had someone with him and that they weren’t listening to music on the radio or shooting the breeze. Cassie didn’t even care that she was only down to one top layer, her other layers having been tossed somewhere in this old heap of a car alongside Beau’s jacket.
When they both needed air, Cassie broke away and moved to his neck, choosing that moment to roll her jean-clad hips against him. “Fuck,” Beau ground out and his fingers dug into the small of her back. She had never heard Beau use that particular F-word in all of the months she’d known him, but so far tonight, this was his fifth time using it. She smirked, nipping at his neck and then kissing her way to his throat.
“H-Hey, is it okay if I touch you?” Beau asked breathlessly.
“Mmm, you better, Cowboy,” she teased near his ear and then rolled her hips again, making him curse once more which caused both of them to chuckle. 
She expected him to go in for the kill, right where she wanted him, but instead, his hands moved off of her back and slid down to her ass, gently squeezing. Cassie stopped teasing the lobe of his ear with her tongue and froze, not expecting that one. Beau unfortunately noticed this and his hands immediately flew off of her as if they had been burned. She pulled back to see uncertainty lining his expression. “I’m sorry,” he stammered. “I shouldn’t have—”
Cassie smirked and leaned down until she was hovering above him. “Looks to me like you’re blushing, Sheriff.” When he didn’t say anything, only watched her, she pressed a teasing kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I thought you said it wasn’t possible for Texans to blush.”
“Cass.” At the seriousness of his tone, she sat up to glance down at him. Was he regretting making the first move? Or was he regretting that he made the first move with her ?
Seeming to know she was stuck in her head just like he always did, he cupped her cheek and tenderly stroked her skin reassuringly. “You sure you’re okay with this?” 
Instead of replying, she turned his question back on him. “Are you?” While she thought she knew the answer to that one a moment ago, now she wasn’t so sure. He had been the one to kiss her, sure, but maybe he was regretting it. Maybe he was worried what this might do to their friendship and occasional partnership. Maybe she should be worried about that, too, but if she let that one thought in, a whole bunch of other ones were going to come knocking and she wasn’t prepared to deal with that just yet.
He gave her an affectionate smile. “I’ve been wanting this for a while now.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Really…”
His eyes widened slightly with realization and he began to stammer again, his cheeks burning. “No. I mean— Okay, no, what I meant was— I— I’ve been wanting to kiss you for a while, that’s all I meant.” He held up his hands in surrender, chuckling nervously with boyish grin intact, though his blush didn’t die down at all. If this were any other time, she would have thought it cute but now…now she had other things on her mind. After a moment, she decided to go all in. Cassie had always been a bit of an adventurer. She loved to take risks, get the adrenaline pumping, and jump headfirst once she had made a decision, as her dad had always told her. 
And right now, she got that all-too familiar excitement before she was about to make said leap.
“Awww,” she teased. “You’re still blushing.”
“What? No… No, I’m not.”
“You are!” 
“No, no. See, that’s just my blood pressure, which you have done one hell of a job raising by the way. Okay? You have had zero mercy on me and I’m simply reacting to the increased blood pressure levels and I—”
As he rambled, she quickly undid the buttons of her shirt. “Oh, then will this help?” She opened it and then peeled it off of her shoulders before tossing it in the passenger seat, noting his sudden silence. Now, she was only in her bra and she watched in amusement as his eyes roved over her appreciatively.
“Yeah, that’s not…really helping in the blood pressure department, but you are one hell of a beautiful sight.”
He said it so earnestly that Cassie could feel her own cheeks start to heat up in a blush, and she ducked her head, locating his hands and placing them back on her bare sides. His skin was warm and she could feel the calluses on his fingers as they reverently roamed over her rib cage and down to her stomach, stopping just short of the top of her jeans. Beau glanced up at her, waiting for her to give the go ahead for him to continue, and Cassie gave him a coy smile before leaning down to stop right above his lips.
“So tell me, is it true what they say? Is everything really bigger in Texas?” She bit into his bottom lip with her teeth and tugged before letting him go, while at the same time she snuck her hand down and squeezed him, making him grunt and then let out a chuckle. His eyes darkened and his hands flew to her ass, squeezed, and yanked her roughly up against him, making her feel the evidence of her teasing while also causing her to inhale sharply at the unexpected action. He bucked his hips up into her, prompting her to bite her lip to keep a moan from escaping. She could see it in his gaze as he watched her; she had successfully stoked the fire. There would be no more questions or hesitations tonight. Tomorrow wasn’t even a thought; only the here and now.
Beau smirked up at her. “You bet your sweet ass it is, darlin’. Now, c’mere.” He tangled his fingers in the back of her hair and tugged her down to him, covering her mouth with his and proceeding to devour her, body and soul.  
And that’s how she had ended up in his bed inside his too small trailer the next morning, her body sore as hell and lacking clothes, her teeth sawing into her bottom lip when she thought back to all of the passion Beau had unleashed on her last night. Well, that explained the soreness.
She forced herself to focus on the immediate problem at hand. While a part of her felt as if this was a good thing, something she had been wanting for the longest time, especially when she recalled Beau’s words from the night before, the other part knew this had been a bad decision on her part. Jenny.
Not once had she given a thought to her best friend last night and now here she was, naked and experiencing a pleasant form of exhaustion, in the bed of the man that the blonde had her sights set on. They had gotten past Cody but would they be able to get past this one? Especially since she had no idea where Beau stood on how he felt about his undersheriff just yet? He returned Cassie’s feelings, he had stated as much the night before, but that didn’t mean… She refused to let that thought in, trying to keep it locked away but to no avail. But that didn’t mean that with Jenny in the mix, it might not change. Cody had slept with Jenny after all, not even a few hours after she broke it off with him. What if Beau also had feelings for Jenny? Why hadn’t she at least asked him once last night before they ended up in bed together? What if he didn’t even realize how he felt about the blonde and might not know it until the issue came to the forefront? And she had gone and slept with Beau, creating a crapstorm of epic proportions with her best friends, and for what? Some truly amazing sex? One night of intoxicated bliss with the first man she had truly let into her heart since Cody? Jenny was never going to forgive her. Beau was never going to forgive her. Shit.
The ringing stopped suddenly, jerking her out of the chaotic spiral her thoughts were about to go down, and she froze when she heard movement behind her. She bit into her bottom lip and squeezed her eyes shut, hoping beyond hope that she wouldn’t be seen or noticed, not until she was ready. And honestly, she wasn’t sure she ever would be. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to face him again. Cassie winced when she heard a quiet cough but she remained still. Just when she thought she was safe, arms gently snaked around her and pulled her back into an embrace, spooning her from behind.
“Morning, Beautiful,” Beau’s gruff voice murmured into her ear from behind, confirming her worst fears. “Hope you don’t mind but I saw the text that was making your phone ring when I went to shut it off. It was Denise. She said she and Kai had fun last night and you can pick him up anytime for school or she can bring him if you want,” he said in between peppering her shoulder with tender kisses. She couldn’t deny that his morning voice alongside his affection was definitely something worth waking up to, even in this state. 
Cassie kept her gaze trained on the wall in front of her, choosing on one spot to delay the inevitable freak out she was going to have. Why did this have to be so complicated? Why couldn’t she just enjoy being here with him, in this moment together? When Beau let his lips linger against her skin, gazing down at her, she slowly closed her eyes, hoping he would think she was still tired and wanted to sleep. She just couldn’t look him in the eyes right then. If she did, he would know everything she was thinking and feeling within seconds. She couldn’t do that to him, not when she knew this was all her fault to begin with. And he was vulnerable…any type of rejection or dismissal of what occurred as a casual one night stand was not only bound to hurt him but crack his slowly healing heart even further. What the hell had she been thinking? How could she do this to him? And how could she do this to Jenny, again?
She forced a faint smile to her face and nodded. “Mmm.”
He chuckled and pressed a kiss to the juncture between her neck and her shoulder. “You should be.”
Cassie rolled her eyes behind her eyelids. “Really?”
She heard him laugh and felt his lips on her neck. “I know I am.”
Cassie couldn’t help the smile tipping the corner of her lips upward. He just had that effect on her, looming crisis and ensuing freakout or not. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Tell you what, how about you get a little more rest and I’ll get up to make us some coffee?” He whispered into her ear, nosing at her lobe. “And I’ll make us something to eat to prove to you that I can indeed cook, and bring it all in here to you when it’s ready? How does that sound? Good?”
She smiled and nodded, snuggling further under the sheet. “Okay. But if you start burning the place down, let me know so I can get up to help you put out the fire. You know, like last time.”
Another chuckle sounded in her ear. “The only fire happening in this place is what occurred in this bedroom last night.”
“Oh my God,” she groaned, burying her face into her pillow and making him snicker. “You did not just say that.”
“Just speaking the truth.” He pressed a kiss to a tender spot on her neck that made her sure she was going to have to wear a turtleneck today. She could only imagine the incessant questions Denise would ask her if she saw any hickeys. Despite herself, she let out a quiet moan when she felt his tongue soothing her skin after applying the gentlest amount of suction. “I’m going to have to make sure the trailer’s still in the same spot as it was yesterday. That we didn’t somehow move it in the middle of the night.”
She pushed at him and he laughed, dropping a kiss to her shoulder blade. “I mean it. Don’t burn the place down.”
“Not happening.”
“Yep. You also said the very same thing last time.”
“Nah, this time will be different. I am very determined not to get distracted by the beautiful woman in my bed and I will do whatever I have to do to keep her in it.” He lifted the sheet and began to trail kisses down her exposed back.
“So you’re saying last time happened because you had another woman in bed you were distracted by? I don’t remember seeing or hearing that one and I was here for the Big Arlen Blaze of ‘22.”
She didn’t need to open her eyes and look over her shoulder to know he was staring down at her in mock annoyance. “Wiseass,” he grumbled, making her chuckle. He then hugged her to him tightly and buried his face into her neck, letting out what sounded like a contented sigh against her skin.
Cassie didn’t know what to do so she kept her eyes closed and didn’t move. 
After a few minutes of quiet between them, with him holding her like this, he murmured, “Last night was amazing, Cassie. I’m really…glad it happened.”
Cassie’s eyes popped open and she found her focal point on the wall once more. “Yeah, me too,” she whispered. The swirling chaos inside her head got worse and her guilt tripled when she felt his lips tip up in a grin against her and his arms squeezed her in a silent acknowledgement of her words.
A moment later, he let her go and kissed the side of her head before getting to his feet. “Alright, I’m gonna go get everything started. You rest up and I’ll be back before you know it. Hell, I might even be able to find that George Foreman grill,” he laughed. “I’m feeling lucky.”
She turned her head on the pillow to watch him as he got dressed. There was a part of her that wanted to beg him to stay here with her for a little while longer, to keep the world at bay where she would have to deal with the consequences of her decisions, and the other part wanted to run like hell and avoid them, pretend they didn’t exist. 
As he was buttoning up his shirt, he glanced up and caught her watching him. She gave him the warmest smile she could muster and he returned it, watching her back. If this were anyone else, this would be the start of something new, something promising, but sadly, this wasn’t someone else; this was Beau. He was off-limits and she knew that. She had always known that. The regret and guilt started to consume her even more when he gestured towards a table in the corner behind him. On top of it sat the clothes she had discarded, arranged in a semi-neat pile. She sat up to get a better look and her brows furrowed in confusion. A flash of memory from last night played in her mind and she suddenly remembered her clothes had been strewn everywhere inside his car. She also remembered that Beau had carried her into the trailer since she was wrapped around his body, nearly tripping twice as he made his way up the stairs since their lips were glued together, making him curse the goddamn stairs which elicited a laugh from her. 
“Are those…?”
“Yeah. Clothes and keys. Your phone’s by the bed. I kept it close by in case Kai or Denise called.” She was pretty sure she recalled tossing the phone somewhere in the front seat after she sent a quick text to Denise asking if Kai could stay the night, which was a lot more difficult than it should have been but someone kept trailing open-mouthed kisses down her cleavage while begging her to come home with him. She kept whispering for him to wait so she could think while she typed up the text but his lips did magical things to her, and when his hand snuck its way into her jeans to give her extra incentive to agree, she threw her head back and arched further into his touch, nearly ignoring the device altogether when his tongue swiped up her neck. She did her best to hold on while Beau took her for one hell of a ride. She was amazed she still had the thing in her hand when his hands and lips were everywhere, all over her, setting off fire in so many places, and Cassie was pretty sure she was going into sensory overload. Everything everywhere was Beau and he didn’t let up, not for one second. So when Denise replied back with an “Absolutely! 😃😃😃 Be careful and have fun! 😉” a few minutes later, Cassie dropped the phone like a hot potato and wrapped her arms around Beau’s neck, nodding and panting. “Okay, yeah, let’s go back to your place.” He had worn the brightest smile and then dove in for another heated kiss. Cassie had been ready to go right there in the front seat before the texting but Beau had been insistent on her spending the night, on their making the twenty minute drive back to his trailer for privacy, not wanting the parking lot of the bar to be the backdrop to this moment between them. And she was beyond glad that he had been the voice of reason, especially considering how…loud things had gotten at one point later on. She nearly blushed at the thought.
“Thanks. But wait…didn’t I…?”
Beau gave her his signature smirk. “You fell asleep on me, sweetheart,” he teased. This time she did blush. He had worn her out; hell, they had worn each other out if the dark circles Beau was sporting underneath his eyes were any indication. “I didn’t want you to worry about missing any calls or messages.” She nervously bit at her lip and tried to tamp down the consuming guilt. He worked to reassure her, “Only took me a few minutes. But I will say you could give Nolan Ryan one hell of a run for his money. I found things of yours in the back of Pedro that I didn’t think were possible from that distance.” He winked and she shot him a thin-lipped smile in response. 
His brows creased slightly when she didn’t laugh or tease back like she normally would. He made his way towards his side of the bed, grabbing his watch and slipping his phone into the pocket of his jeans. He studied her as he clasped the watch around his wrist and ran a hand through his tousled hair that looked like he had already done that quite a few times since getting out of bed. He lightly cupped her chin with his fingers and forced her to meet his questioning gaze. “You’re not gonna get all weird on me here, are you, Cass?”
Her jaw clenched. She knew he would be able to read her like an open book if he got one good look at her. Why did she not pretend she had still been asleep? “No. Are you?”
His eyes softened slightly and he tenderly stroked her cheek. “No. I told you I’m good with how things went down.” He moved his thumb to glide along her bottom lip. “And if you’re really not, then I’d rather you just say it.”
Cassie wanted to tell him, to be honest with him about what she was thinking, what she was feeling, and how last night, while it had indeed been amazing, could never happen again. But one look into that green gaze she adored so much, one look into that handsome face that did its best to conceal the worry and expectation of the other shoe to drop, had her keeping silent. After a minute had passed with neither of them speaking, Beau let out a sigh. “Okay.” He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips before placing another one to her forehead. “You can use the shower if you want. Water’s hot. And the spare toothbrush is in the medicine cabinet. Or you can just stay as you are.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively at her.
He turned to leave and only got a few feet when Cassie realized what he said. “Spare toothbrush? Do you keep them on hand for all of the women you bring back here, Casanova?” She was teasing him on the surface, and Beau had been honest with her before this about his meager love life since his divorce, but the investigator in her told herself that if she had all of the information about the situation, it would help her to compartmentalize and decide on the best course of action.
“Only the important ones,” he teased in return. He reached the doorway and smirked back at her. “Bring yours next time and there won’t be any need for a spare.” He shot her another wink and then made his way down the short hall to the kitchenette. 
Cassie stared after him, completely caught off guard by his response. Important ones. Hers. Next time. No need for a spare if she brought her own. Shit.
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A/N: Please let me know what you think. 😊
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
Big Sky: Season 3: Cast, Premiere Date, Trailer, and Everything Else to Know
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We're one week away from the premiere of Big Sky Season 3, and there's plenty to look forward to. The crime drama has a new name — it's now dubbed with the byline "Deadly Trails," likely a hint to what Katheryn Winnick's Jenny Hoyt and Kylie Bunbury's Cassie Dewell will follow in this season — and two new series regulars.
Country legend Reba McEntire joins as Sunny Brick, "the mercurial matriarch of the Brick Family" and a "successful backcountry outfitter with a secret history of missing customers," which sounds suspicious AF. Season 3 will take us on one of Sunny's hiking expeditions that goes awry and proves to be Jenny and Cassie's most formidable mystery yet.
There is of course also Jensen Ackles' Beau Arlen, who we met in the Season 2 finale. The Supernatural and The Boys actor is confirmed as a series regular in Season 3, and Ackles will continue as the newly appointed sheriff who is Jenny's boss.
At ABC's Television Critics Association summer press tour panel on Sept. 14., McEntire and Ackles talked about what drew them to Big Sky. "We couldn't refuse," McEntire said. "To get to come on the show with such wonderful characters already established, and then with great storylines and things that I am looking forward to every time I get a script to see what happened — that's when I know the audience is going to be entertained."
"When my initial conversation with Elwood [Reid] took place, he mentioned shaking some stuff up for Season 3 and I thought, well I can shake," Ackles said. He also joked: "I feel like I'm getting a little typecasted just being a guy from Texas who wears boots, because I'm literally wearing boots right now and I'm from Texas."
Ackles was also asked about previous roles he has played, including Soldier Boy in The Boys, and whether he's particularly drawn to characters who enforce their versions of justice. "I think there's a certain aspect of these characters that I feel like I would probably watch and find entertaining myself," Ackles said. "Which I think then, by default, makes me enjoy playing them and succeed in doing so."
Here's everything we know about Big Sky Season 3.
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
The Family of Destruction- Unsuspected Visitors
Aka shawns unsuspected visitors. And reminder, this is all kayfabe. Not real.
Shawn walks behind his kids. John carrying cassie on his back as Leon walks next to them, rolling his eyes at their jokes. He can't help but smile at them.
He pauses as they walk by a hall. He turns to see who vince is talking to and his heart stops. He then looks back at his kids who are still walking and a fear builds in his heart. "Beau" he whispers.
See, whilst everyone believed Shawn is a only child, that is not the case. He's the youngest of four. His oldest brother, Beau, his sister Jenny and his other brother Sonny. But Shawn hasn't seen them since he was a teen.
"Shawn? Jesus" beau huffs moving towards Shawn. Vince follows the guy confused. The kids stop at their papas name being called. Leon looks at the guy. Dirty blonde hair, green eyes, tan skin, freckles and a nice beard. "He kinda looks like Lee." Cassie whispers. John and Leon glance at each other. John can see it. "What are you doing here?" Shawn asks. "Work related. Jesus..its so good to finally see you in person again" beau smiles. "Person?" Shawn asks. "My kids have been watching you on TV for years now shawn" beau chuckles. "Thats how I know that's undertakers kid and that's John cena" beau states nodding at them. Shawn relaxes slightly. He doesn't know their his.
"Whatever happened to your baby?" Beau suddenly asks. Shawn tenses. John looks at shawn confused. Shawn doesn't know what to say. Shit, this was not part of his life plan.
"Whats it to you?" Leon suddenly speaks up, standing infront of Shawn. Shawns Knight in very dark armour. Beau examines Leon. The kid is only a few inches shorter than him and looks scarily a lot like him and shawn. "Jesus, is this him?" Beau asks. "I-" "Shawn!-what's going on?" Taker asks as his eyes land on Beau.
And shawns whole world comes crashing down. "Daddy!" Cassie yelps jumping down and rushing to taker. Taker picks her up. Beau looks confused. "Shawn-" "Beau is my brother." Shawn states. Leon turns to face Shawn. Taker looks at Leon and then Beau. "Yeah I see it." Taker mutters. "This...this is my husband..and John is the baby you are talking about. And these two are mine and takers." Shawn whispers. Beau looks at them all. "You were serious, holy shit" Beau huffs. Leon and taker glare at him. "You got a problem?" Leon growls. "God no! He always mentioned being gay but after what happened with Cait I thought you weren't serious." Beau states. "Cait? My mother?" John asks. Shawn sighs and nods. "Look, imma cut to the point. Pops is ill and he's tryna find you and John. And well I guess these two aswell...he just doesn't know that" beau states.
Shawns eyes widen and both taker and Leon hear his heart pattern change. "I..I can't go back there" Shawn whispers. Not only for his mental state but the amount of crosses in that house will send both taker and Leon to hell the second they even look at it.
"And I don't expect you to. We can meet at mamas diner. Me, sonny and jenny will bring our kids, make yours feel more comfortable, it's a public place so he should behave and it'll be easy for you to make an exit." Beau tells him. Shawn knew there was a reason he rather beau than the rest of them. "Thank you" shawn whispers. "Youll do it?" Beau asks. Shawn nods. Beau smiles but it drops as he goes for a hug but stops. "Sorr-" Beau gets cut off by Shawn pulling him into a hug. Shawn could almost cry, his brother still wore the stupid cologne. Beau smiles softly as he holds his baby brother for the first time in years.
"Would you miss me that much?" John asks Leon quietly. "God no." Leon huffs. Cassie giggles at her big brothers.
Taker looks at shawn. "You gonna be okay?" Taker asks. "We were supposed to meet them ten minutes ago." Cassie huffs staring at the diner that is quite literally outside their car. "Quit it." John mutters. Cassie frowns. "Look, I need to find somewhere to park. Gives you time to do this without me causing trouble." Taker tells him. "Yeah..yeah" Shawn mutters nodding. They watch as he gets out the car. "Watch him. Please." Taker sighs. "We will" John promises practically pushing Leon out of the car. "JOHN!" Leon yells causing John and cassie to giggle as they climb out. Taker rolls his eyes and begins to drive off.
The kids watch how tense and shakey their papa becomes. John and Leon share a look. "Its gonna be okay papa." Leon promises. Shawn looks at him. He looks into Leon's eyes and knows a few months ago he was suffering the same mindset in a different situation and yet both suffered because of someone who was supposed to love them.
Shawn just nods and leads the kids inside. "I haven't been here since gramps hired ya" John huffs looking at the diner him and shawn used to eat in every year since he was born. "I wonder if mama J still works here" John comments. "Jesus.." Shawn whispers. John looks at shawn before following his gaze. A big table full of kids and adults. Two elders sat at the head. The male is tall and thin looking and yet John can tell he was definitely muscular growing up. The woman is small and petite. "Shawn" beau smiles standing up.
Another man and a woman walk over with him. "Oh look at you" the woman whispers before pulling shawn into a hug. Shawn hugs her back. When they pull away the other man pulls him into a hug, lifting him up. "God I missed you baby brother!" He laughs. Shawn smiles. "And who are these beautiful lot?" The woman asks causing cassie to smile at her. Leon frowns and crosses his arms and John? John is just quiet and in Awe. "Right. This is John, Leon and cassidy. My..my kids." Shawn states. Beau glances at shawn as their parents move closer. "Baby..my baby's had baby's. And you all look so good" mama whispers pulling shawn into a hug. Shawn feels his emotions starting to get the better of him as he hugs her back.
He can feel his father watching them. Shawn pulls back and looks at him. "I see your hair is long" he grunts. Shawn frowns. "I.." Shawn can't say anything. "Are all these caits?" Pops asks. "N-no..just John." Shawn whispers. Leon and John both feel an anger grow in them. John for a completely different reason than Leon. This man kicked him and their papa out. This man put him and shawn at risk. "Oh but it suits him so well honey" mama states. Pops eyes land on Leon. "And what happened to you?" He asks. "I don't think that's any of your business" Leon bites. Sonny and jenny stare in shock, beau in amazement, shawn looks at Leon in fear as the boy steps closer.
"Excuse you?" Pops asks tilting his head. "I said, I don't think it's any of your business. Old man." Leon snaps. Pops chuckles darkly. "Of course. You're a disrespectful brat" he spits. "Disrespectful because I'm not a military man like you?" Leon asks moving closer. Shawn stares at him confused. He never told Leon anything about his father. "Disrespectful because I don't like dirt bags like you?" Leon growls. "This is exactly why people like you shouldn't have kids shawn. They end up disrespecting everyone" Pops growls stepping closer to Leon. "Enough!" John barks pulling Leon back and staying between them. "Whats disrespectful is kicking your teenage son and newborn baby out onto the street. That's disrespectful." John states.
John looks at Leon. "And you know better than to start like this in public." John warns pushing him back. "You didnt see what he did. What he did to them all." Leon whispers. "And to everyone but us, neither did you." John mutters. Leon doesn't do it on purpose, sometimes people accidently let him in, let him see memories. And clearly what Leon saw, he did not like. "Dad taught us better than that" John murmurs. Leon growls but turns away. "So..so if cait is only, John's mother..who's theirs?" Mama asks. "Daddy is" cassie shrugs.
Shawn wants death.
Then taker walks in and shawn regrets his wish of death. "Daddy?" Pops asks. Cassie turns and runs to taker, taker immediately picks her up sensing how upset his family is. "Holy shit, that's the undertaker" sonny whispers. Shawn lowers his head. "That..t-thats my..my hu-hus-husband" Shawn whispers. "Im sorry boy, I don't think I heard you" Pops growls. "Watch it old man" Leon growls jerking forward. "Well that makes sense now" Pops chuckles. "Dad drop it." Beau warns. "Not infront of his kids and definitely not infront of mine" jenny warns. The kids in question get bored and rush over, clearly excited to see the undertaker and shawn michaels. "Your our uncle? Awesome!" A small boy around cassies height smiles. Shawn smiles at him. "Go sit down dad." Sonny mutters.
Pops huffs and walks away. "Introduction times. I'm beau, this is my wife Ellie and our kids, eldest Kacey and youngest Joel." Beau smiles. The two kids wave. "Im sonny and this is my wife Alice and our kid Summer" sonny introduces. Summer was probably a few years older than Leon. "And I'm jenny and this is my husband Dean and our kids, Kaylee, Billy, Cindy and that trouble maker is Sam" jenny states. "Im-" "Shawn michaels and that's the undertaker!" Sam smiles. "And that's John cena and he's Leon!" Joel smirks. Cassie frowns. "Well. Got me there. This little lady is cassidy." Shawn huffs. "Hi cassie" some of the kids wave. Cassie smiles from her fathers arms. "Lets get ordering." Sonny claps. As the others sit, Beau stays. "Dont worry, you are no where near him. Any of ya. I made sure." Beau mutters. "I don't know how you do it." Leon growls. "Im not sure either. He's good with the grandchildren. A man I've never seen before. A father I always wanted." Beau shrugs before moving towards the table.
Taker puts cassie down and keeps John back as the others walk away. "How'd it go?" He asks quietly. "Leon's accidentally seen some memories...he kicked off. Papas scared." John sighs. "And how are you?" Taker asks. John looks at him confused. "Its a lot John. You're about to sit and eat food with a family that kicked you out. Its a lot mentally." Taler murmurs. John sighs and lowers his head. "I don't know...I don't know yet." John admits. Taker squeezes the back of John's neck, meeting pops glaring gaze. "Keep me updated." Taker mutters before leading him to the table.
Taker could feel eyes on him. Negative and positive. He keeps his gaze on Leon and shawn who are sat next to each other. "So, do you guys goto school or?" Summer asks. "I was home schooled until we got to the wwe and found some stability" John mutters, stabbing his food a bit hard. Taker clears his throat at John. "Sorry." John whispers. "We goto school." Cassie smiles. "I do a mix of home schooling and actual school. Life on the road and that" Leon mumbles pushing his food around the plate. "Do you have to play with your food?" Pops snaps. "Do you have to look my way?" Leon snaps back. "Leon" Taker bites. Leon scoffs and looks back at his food. "So, did you two meet in the wwe?" Mama asks. Taker looks at shawn and immediately notices shawn isn't in the mood or mindset to talk.
"Um yes, we did." Taker nods. The older woman smiles softly at him. Taker can tell where shawn gets his kindness from. He may look like his father but that man Is all his mother. "Thats nice. Was it love at first sight?" She asks. "I'd say so" Taker chuckles. Shawn smiles slightly as the kids groan. "No! It's sweet. I always told your parents story's of true love and soul mates." Mama smiles at her grandchildren. "Everyone's born twice. Right?" Leon asks quietly. The older woman looks at him and taker notes the soft look in her eyes as she takes in the troubled man. "I always believed so. You always ended up with your soul mate from your first life." She tells him. "Do you believe in true love Leon?" Mama asks.
Leon looks up shocked. "W-what?" He asks. "Well, have you ever had feelings for someone?" She asks. John, being the big brother he is, "Oh for sure he has. Her name is Valentina Addams" John states. Leon immediately kicks him. "Ow!" John yelps. "Shut it! That's not true! She's just my friend!" Leon barks. Mama chuckles. "Thats how it always is. Why have you never asked her out?" Mama asks. Leon's cheeks heat up as he glances down. "Another boy in school asked her out first. Real dirtbag, treats us all like crap. Matthew reckons she's only doing it to give us peace from him" Leon mutters. Shawn looks at Leon. He takes in the table. This is what a family does. And his kids have never had it. Not like this.
"Sounds like a real angel." Mama hums. "But if she's his soul mate why has she ended up with someone else?" Cindy asks. "Maybe she's not his soul mate. You can have love for those who aren't. Maybe he won't meet his soulmate for a few years. Maybe none of you will" mama tells them. Leon looks at John. "Or maybe its a load of bull" Pops huffs. "God you really are a spoilsport" John mutters. Leon chuckles and leans back. "Now you get it" Leon states. Beau hides a smile. "Spoilsport is being nice." Taker mutters to himself as he helps cassie cut her food. "So you don't believe you and mama are soulmates?" Shawn suddenly speaks up. "If soulmates were real you'd be with cait right now." "Cait was nothing. It was me trying to prove I was straight and it ended up with me on the streets with a newborn absolutely terrified!" Shawn snaps.
"Still can't believe you did that to him." Sonny mutters. "Did we raise a bunch of mutters?! I don't think so!" Pops barks. "Your a shit dad! There! A great grandfather but a terrible fucking father! I was counting the days down to my draft!" Sonny snaps. "Real nice boy." "No he's right. You are a terrible dad. I mean, I'm a teacher now and all those kids get so excited about a phone call home. They don't live in fear that they'll come home to a belt or a yelling or whatever." Jenny states. "Bet they don't have to save their mamas from a drunk with a gun either." Beau huffs leaning back. Shawn keeps his eyes down, not wanting his husband or his kids hearing this. "Enough." Shawn whispers. Everyone looks at him.
"I don't g-" Leon cuts himself off as blood runs out of his nose. Taker sighs and picks up his napkin, pressing it to Leon's nose and forcing his head down. Leon tries protesting but gives up. The boys nose has been prone to nosebleeds since the accident. "His brains are gonna spill out" cassie giggles. "What brains?" John snickers. "You son of a b-" "Leon, John, cassie! Enough! Not at the dinner table and not infront of your elders." Shawn scolds. "Yes pa" "Yes papa" "sorry pa" the children echo. "Thank you." Shawn sighs rubbing his temple.
"So, is your first name the? Or is it undertaker?" Sam asks. Taker looks at the boy and frowns. Shawn can't help but giggle at the question causing a smile to break out on takers face. "I never truly thought about it" Taker admits. "Im going out for a smoke." Pops excuses himself quietly, not breaking the giggles or conversation. "Everyone calls him undertaker or taker." John points out. "The the was probably just added by accident." Beau suggests. "No..I swear it was to make me seem more mysterious. But now I don't even know" Taker huffs. "I mean, the as a name is weird. Especially when your brother is named kane." Joel points out.
Leon takes the tissue as Taker let's go to continue the conversation and manages to sneak away outside.
Pops glances at him as he stands next to him. "Whatcha want?" Pops grunts. "It was either me or my dad. Probably the only ones who understand the anger and get through to you." Leon shrugs. "Wouldn't take you are the peace making type." Pops states. "Im not. If I could, I'd knock your head off. But papa raised me better than that" Leon shrugs. The pair stand in silence for a minute. "I don't get why you put this angry front up anymore. You might not like the gay relationship, sure, but I saw it in your eyes, you're relieved that Shawn and John are both alive. That they are both happy." Leon states. Pops just looks at the boy. "You didnt accepted him wanting to be different at first but he's your son and you are a sober man now. Your not who you were so why are you putting this front up?" Leon asks.
"Maybe he did raise you right" pops mutters. "For someone from a household you created, he's pretty good at getting respect and discipline without creating fear." Leon shrugs. "They'll always hate me. I can't change that now so why try?" Pops asks. "He agreed to come to this dinner. He brought us to meet you. A man he's terrified of? He's hoping you changed and you've made sure to show him you haven't." Leon states. Leon looks back. "I mean..look at how happy they all are." Leon looks back at pops. "I know things went bad the last time you tried...but papas a different man now. And I feel like you are too. There will always be that distrust because of what you did to them..but you can continue your lives knowing you can be in the same room as each other." Leon tells him.
Pops nods slightly, taking in the words of the younger man. He then examines Leon's face as he lowers the napkin. "What happened?" He asks. Leon looks down. "Someone who's supposed to love me decided to hurt me." Leon mutters. "Thats why your out here talking to me. You understand their pain" pops nods. "I guess. Its different thought..he was..he is my step grandfather." Leon shrugs "Paul bearer, that little fatty did that to you?" Pops asks. Leon looks at him with wide eyes. "You continued watching...even after the argument.." Leon whispers. Pops smiles slightly. "How'd you think your cousins got so into it? I'm a bad father Leon. I know that. You know that. But I'm old and I ain't got long left. I don't want to leave this world knowing I couldn't atleast try bring a good father." Pops sighs.
"Good thing papa is a forgiving man. I mean..my father did break his back and put him out for a few years. I'm sure we can figure something out." Leon jokes. Pops chuckles slightly and puts his cigarette out. "Im not expecting any of them to forgive me." Pops states. "Good. Because they won't. But they will be willing to get to know the new you. You just have to introduce him, the man your wife knows and loves. Not the man traumatised by war." Leon tells him. Pops smiles but nods.
"You know..I have the feeling if I was to hold my cross to you, you'd hiss" pops states. "Your probably right" Leon shrugs holding the door open. "You did a good job for your first time being a peace maker." Pops states. "Eh Dont let John know. That's his thing" Leon smiles as they walk in. John looks at them confused. "You two good?" John asks. "Yeah, just had a chat" Leon shrugs sitting back down. "Not a bad kid after all. You both did a good job with that one" pops states as he sits. Both taker and shawn look at Leon. "What did you do?" Taker snaps. "Nothing. Just tried somw of John's famous peace making." Leon shrugs "whatcha mean by that?" Sonny asks. "He doesn't expect any of your forgiveness. He just wants to try again. Let yall meet the new him. The him your mama loves so much." Leon tells the michaels kids. Shawn smiles at Leon and cups his face. "I told you, you had a good soul" Shawn whispers. Leon frowns. "Papa.." he whines, his face heating up.
Shawn looks at his father. "Im willing to...try again for the kids sake, they deserve to know their family, but the moment I even hear behaviour from our childhood I'm calling it quits. My kids aren't being exposed to that, not at all." Shawn tells him. Taker smiles slightly. "Really?" Mama asks with a smile. "Yes ma" Shawn nods. She smiles at pops. "I understand." He nods. "Im glad you said yes" beau whispers squeezing shawns shoulder. Shawn glances at John and cassie messing about with Sam and Billy. He watches how sonny and Leon start a conversation argument about sports. He even smiles as Taker and beau start a conversation about work.
And as he glances at his father, a monster that scared him as a child and sees the soft look on his face as he watches the kids.
He can't help but feel like this was a good idea.
This isnt Canon to any of my world's.
Well the characters are and the stories are. But them actually meeting up?
Not yet atleast though.
It was just all the talk about backstories I decided to do this.
And well John and cassie beating on Leon is funny.
So yeah, all of its Canon except them actually meeting up.
Also quick note on shawns father. I based him off the dad in hacksaw ridge, yk only a bad father when drunk, but also off the dad Shawn plays in that one film. So yeah that's were I got shawns dad's inspiration from.
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royalsunshinehotel · 2 years
Beau Arlen x Final Girl!Reader HCs
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Warnings: serial killer mentioned, weapons mentioned, general big sky gore/drama- Cassie and Jenny are sapphic. Wrote this on a 15 minute break at one of my jobs. Big Sky ABC gang how we feelingggg
For starters, you've known each other a long while- years.
You met when the local serial killer broke into your house while you were babysitting the neighbor kids.
Beau, still a rookie at the time, came in the moment he heard you scream
Police had been called for an issue nearby- he was supposed to stay in the cruiser.
This Slasher kicks his ass.
You could have left him- but you come back swinging with one of your house's many guns.
The killer gets away- but the two of you live!
You've been close ever since. He came to your High School graduation and you came to his wedding, stuff like that.
The Big Sky Team is at a loss with the Sunny Barnes murder spree, so he calls you for help.
You know what a monster looks like more than he does.
It's definitely not because he missed you. He doesn't think about you every time Cassie and Jenny hold hands or kiss each other goodbye. He's fine.
But he's not. He gets in his head- was this being fair?
He's just a little bit older than you, was this a power imbalance?
Which is why, when Jenny pulls you aside to Ask, you put him out of his misery.
You just have to.
They need to wrap this mess up first. Priorities and all that.
It's out of the scope for a County Sheriff, but he's gonna do this so he can get on with life (and with you)
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ishipwaytoomuch · 2 years
Oooooh! This show is getting interesting!
•I love the mystery going on with Sunny and her son.
•Sunny’s ruthless, letting that backpacker choke to death on his own blood. She just sat there and watched. Creepy. I can’t wait to find out more about her and her family.
•Cassie, looking gorgeous as always🥰
•The other people interest me too, like that couple. They have a gun and something about some missing money.
•And Avery snooping around their tent but was more interested in the girl’s diary than the gun. Interesting…🧐
•This missing backpacker is definitely connected to the serial killer 20 years
•I like Beau even more! He’s funny.
•Although I found myself not really caring about Jenny and Beau’s case. Every time their scenes came on, I just wanted to go back to Cassie or Sunny or the backpackers
•Why is Emily snooping so much? Filming everything? It’s going to get her in trouble like it did at the end.
•At the beginning of the episode when Beau had Jenny go help Tonya with the squatter, of course she was mad she had to help Tonya, but I noticed some quick weird expression from Jenny when Beau mentioned he was going to help Cassie. I know they’re probably gonna go a Jenny/Beau (Ew. Snore), but imagine if it was because she was wondering why Cassie didn’t call her. I wonder that too.
•Also did I mention that KYLIE BUNBURY IS ONE OF THE MOST GORGEOUS WOMEN IVE EVER SEEN!!! Every scene, just 😍🥰😘😍
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laurelwinchester · 2 years
Has there been any news about casting for Beau Arlen's daughter and ex wife? Curious to see who gets those roles the wife role especially
okay so i got this ask a few weeks ago and i was going to wait for the casting news to come out before i answered it, but some other big sky casting news has just come out so here's what we know so far.
first of all, beau's new bff deputy poppernak (played by j. anthony pena) has been upped to series regular. good for him. he's been there long enough.
second of all, no news on casting for beau's wife and daughter, but there was a big dump of recurring characters and a bit of plot info dropped by deadline today and his daughter (her name is emily, so very very close to emma, i hope he calls her ''em'' or ''emmy'' and the entire dean/jensen fandom just loses it) was mentioned.
one of the new characters is going to be avery (aka the tech dude beau's ex-wife is now married to, mentioned in beau's introductory episode during one of his many rambles, described in the article as ''well meaning'') played by henry ian cusick.
avery goes on a backcountry camping trip with his stepdaughter emily, ''charismatic outfitter'' sunny barnes and her son cormac (reba mcentire and luke mitchell) and some others (including characters played by anirudh pisharody and madalyn horcher) and something goes terribly wrong, leading to the trio's (jenny, cassie, and beau) ''most formidable mystery yet.''
so. no news on who is going to be playing emily. not even any news on how old her character is supposed to be. (i'm going to assume she's probably a teenager. i mean, the backcountry camping trip part leans teenager.) but we do know that jensen is likely going to have at least some scenes with henry ian cusick, which is definitely something to look forward to.
side note: the article made it seem like beau, jenny, and cassie have been a trio for awhile so i'm wondering if we're looking at a time jump here or if the author of the article just liked the drama of that ''the trio's most formidable mystery yet'' line. no hate, it's a great line. very scooby doo.
seth gabel is also joining as walter, a local recluse who lives in the montana wilderness. according to the deadline article, his ''unpredictable nature can make for menacing run ins with stray hikers.'' honestly so excited for him in this role. he is so good at being unhinged.
from the character descriptions and the small bits of plot details we were given here, it sounds like they're setting up an almost agatha christie-esque whodunit in the woods that jenny, cassie, and beau are going to have to solve. i, for one, am very here for that.
would also totally be down for a duet between beau and sunny. i can think of at least three ways to make this happen. one of them involves subterfuge and fun leverage reminiscent shenanigans. don't be cowards, big sky writers.
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