#beautiful Gryphon
gryph-the-gryphon · 3 months
Gryph likes rly very much if u call Gryph with these below
nice Gryphon
beautiful or handsome Gryphon
soft Gryphon
the Gryphon who owns all the Gryphons
the Gryphon all the Gryphons like rly very much
the Gryphon who makes every1 feel nice
the Gryphon no other shud ever leave alone
the only real Gryphon
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thebeautifulbook · 2 years
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ALICE IN WONDERLAND by Lewis Carroll. (McLoughlin, 1920) Illustrated by John Tenniel.
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greenmaneheart · 1 year
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Concept art of a Swan griffin.
Her name is Kardia and she work as a model.
Her fin-like tail helps her swim better. It's made out of fur.
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jfu-just4you · 2 years
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Gryphon... @jfu_just4you @jfu_just4you @jfu_just4you Owner @money_55bhatoye @money_55bhatoye @money_55bhatoye #instagood #instagram #photooftheday #instadaily #picoftheday #gryphon #beautiful #fashion #me #smile #art#mug #coffee #mugs #handmade #cup #tea #tshirt #gift #teesprin #coffeemug #love #art #coffeelover #design #tumbler #giftideas #homedecor @springforcreators @springforcreators @springforcreators @springforcreators ---------------------------------------------------- @redbubble @redbubble @redbubble @redbubble (at New York New York USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfyTVFaP3gb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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damienthepious · 2 months
More of tumblr should be into rebel moon. It's like if star wars didn't hate brown people and the idea of sex. A beautiful robot knight voiced by Anthony Hopkins learns the beauty of nature and starts wearing antlers. It's OVERTLY anti-facist. The most attractive man I've ever seen rides an untamed gryphon. Shirtless. Gunnar is there.
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elfiewhore · 2 months
Mommy domme elf story
Hello my dears and darlings! Finally, the long promised elf mommy domme story is here! Or at least, the first two chapters. As I began writing I realised that this idea had a firm hold on my mind and I want to write a slow, lewd and enticing tale. So that means this will be part 1 of ? - The first two chapters.
Please feel free to give me any feedback and/or tell me what you'd like to see next! This story is written from the perspective of the reader as the member of an adventuring party. The gender and name of the protagonist is purposefully left vague which, while it does mean some specific descriptions will be a little nonspecific, hopefully means that you can easily identify yourself in the story <3 This story is strictly 18+ and contains/will contain content including but not limited to: Humiliation, peeing, diapers, AB/DL, gfd, age regression, crossdressing(depending on how you identify), chastity and monsterfucking. All that out of the way, without further adieu I give you the first two chapters of my as-yet-unnamed story!
Chapter 1: An unexpected parting “I’m afraid I cannot continue along this path. To be quite frank you are all far too reckless. The strain it places upon me is far greater than any I have faced before. I wish you well, but I must depart.” That was the last words of your party’s healer, a priestess sworn to a god of healing. She was your last resort, having had to beg for the mercy of the church to provide her services free of charge. And she wasn’t wrong. Your party are notably reckless, charging headlong into combat without a second thought. This devil-may-care attitude had at first earned you some renown, as your bravado led to taking on the most dangerous of missions posted in the Adventurer’s guild. Slaying harpies, undead, and even a gryphon! The stuffed head of which is now resting within the guilds’ storage as collateral for your replacement arms and armour after the last debacle. Not that it was your fault, mind! You were always good. You listened to the numerous healers that had come and gone through your party. Standing where they wished, protecting them, ferrying potions. You were always their favourites, it wasn’t fair that the others always dragged you down. But you couldn’t leave either, the reputation stuck. You sent out subtle enquiries to other famous bands only to be rejected at each turn. Even the less reputable groups required steep entry fees as ‘insurance’ should they require costly resurrection magicks. Truly it was a terrible situation. And now here you were sitting in the foyer of the guild. The wooden walls of this esteemed establishment groaning under the weight of trophies and banners of heroes long past. They did little to inspire as you sat with your chin in your hands, waiting for a representative from the guilds’ treasury so that you can convince them not to repossess your equipment. “Just give ‘em the puppydog eyes. No one can resist those!” Your group had told you. And this was also true. It wasn’t your fault that you weren’t especially strong or imposing. It was useful for fulfilling your role but unfortunately led to you often being underestimated or treated childishly. Your mind swirled in a thunderstorm. Travelling without a healer was tantamount to a death sentence. Out in the wilderness, even the smallest cut could lead to a life-threatening infection. Not to mention mummy rot, lycanthropy, wyvern stings. Everyone had a role to play and you were missing one. “Excuse me. Is this the Adventuring Guild?” Came a breathy, soft spoken voice. Airy and light. You glanced up to see a woman standing before the desk, speaking to the clerk. Your breath caught for a moment in your throat as you took her in. Long, beautiful hair the colour of spun gold and braided with gems that glittered like stars tumbled down her back like a waterfall, framing the back of this curvy, enchanting figure. Every movement, no matter how small, was performed with effortless grace as she rested a staff of living wood against the desk. Atop it rested a crystal so pure one could see right through it, and silvery threads of magicked metals intertwined with the knots and whorls of the staff. Pretty (and valuable) as that staff may be your eyes refused to be pulled away from this woman. Clad in a robe of forest greens that flowed about her as if pulled by an unfelt breeze. Trumpet sleeves made of thin, almost translucent fabrics revealed pale and unblemished skin. But most notable of all, perhaps, were her ears. An unusual thing, one might thing, to focus upon. But the tips were long and pointed. 
An elf.. you think to yourself. A rarity to be sure. These reclusive, powerful creatures lived for millennia within their enchanted forests and reclusive holds. To see one traveling the world was an unusual sight indeed, for they often cared not for the affairs of men, halflings and other mortal beings. Content to remain within their own communities and spend their time plumbing the depths of the arcane and the nature of the divine, among others. “Yes this is the Ad-” the clerk stops, their eyes widening as they look up at this woman. “H-How may I.. Help you?” “Hehe! Oh please don’t be alarmed, sweetie. I don’t bite!” The woman’s voice again, a soft whisper. The susurration of a blanket being draped around you. “I’m only here to see if any parties are in need of a.. Oh what’s the word in this era.. A physiker? No..” “A healer?” Your eyes widen. That was your voice. Why did you speak? You groaned internally. Drawing attention to yourself never ended well. The figure turns, blessing you with a radiant smile. “Yes! Oh thank you!” Her eyes regard you from above as you are given a chance to look upon her face. Flawless as the rest, her eyes were a strange cavalcade of colour. At once purple, then gold, then blue as they took you in. Though no wrinkles could be seen, for elves are forever youthful, her countenance held a certain age to it. A wisdom beyond your own. You attempted to be polite, to meet her gaze. But that was difficult at the best of times and you were somewhat distracted by the revelation that her dress did little to contain a bountiful chest. The creamy pale skin stark against the deep green dress. It did not look ill-fitting, mind. Simply.. This woman’s bust demanded attention. Her ruby-clad lips draw your eyes northward once more. “My my! Let me help you with that!” She coos, in a voice tinged deeply with maternal concern. She reaches down and cups your cheek with a touch so delicate and warm you at once wish to melt into it. Your face had been rather beaten up in the last adventure, and with none to restore your vigor now you simply had to patch them up. But now the aches subsided more swiftly than they had ever before. Not just those upon your face, as the elf whispers her magic, it travels through your body. Soothing the woes of fatigue and injury. Even old wounds you had long since accepted receded before her radiance. Her hand pulls away and you can’t stop your face from following. Unbalanced, you collapse upon the floor with an embarrassed groan as you are snapped back to reality. A sound graces your ears. Like a babbling brook meets the chime of crystals. You realise she’s giggling. Your cheeks flush red as you rush to your feet. 
Her laughter stops as she looks genuinely apologetic. “I am sorry, little one. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. It was simply.. Cute.” Normally being called such a thing enraged you, frustrated you. But now… It felt comforting. “It’s okay.” you mumble.
“A-hem!” a stuffy voice draws your attention. You see the stuffy mustache first, like a hateful caterpillar resting upon the craggy face of a mountain filled with debt. The treasurer. “You again. I told you before if your party cannot prove to this guild that you are capable of finding a consistent and reliable healer to prevent any further deaths we will be forced to repossess the equipment we have graciously provided! I shan’t hear any more arguments or delays! So I ask for a final time. Have you a member capable of sealing wounds and ensuring your survival?” their stern gaze pierces you and your words wither in your throat. You tried to muster some kind of response but all that begins to croak out is a pathetic “N-no..” “Now now!” A scolding voice rang out. “There’s no need for that! No matter how urgent you feel your issue may be there’s no excuse for snapping! Or being impolite! If you must know ‘tis I that has joined this worthy band of warriors and, personally, I believe you would scarcely find a better purveyor of magicks and mending than one of my people. Now unless you would doubt the provenance of my ability, I have matters to discuss with my noble companion!” It was the elf. When did- You didn’t ask her to join you?! You barely spoke a word to her. And yet here she was, standing beside you with an arm protectively holding you against her side. Your cheek presses against her soft, warm breast through the thin fabric as you are held with a surprisingly firm grip. 
Chapter 2: Mommy’s home
The elf, whom you learned was named Nimue, was true to her word. Requesting (or gently demanding) to be taken to where your group were staying to introduce herself. She was apparently a mage of great renown amongst her own people who had left the isolation of her home to travel amongst the younger races as, in her own words, she ‘missed the energy and vibrancy of youth’ You couldn’t very well say no. You needed a healer. Furthermore elves legendarily had little need for riches which was a source of great frustration for any trader that fancied trying to arrange a trade deal for their crafts. So payment seemed not to be an issue. Dutifully you returned to the house your party had purchased many moons ago. Now somewhat dilapidated, the garden overgrown. It made you well up with shame to bring such a perfect and ethereal figure to this place. But her face remained impassive as she was led inside not that the interior fared much better. Broken bottles, dust, overturned chairs. Too often had your party returned here either too tired or drunk to care about cleanliness and it had become simply a part of the decor. First to meet you were the leaders of your band. A pair of twins, one a swordsman named Krennan and the other a channeller of barbaric rage named Mithra. “Well now, pipsqueak. Who’s this you brought with yo-” Began the swordsman, only to be cut off. “I think that’s quite a rude nickname to give someone, don’t you think?” The elf’s voice came in clipped tones, her hands on her hips. “How would you like it if someone called you pipsqueak, hmm? Just because you’re bigger doesn’t mean you get to bully others you know!” The twins look stunned. Confused. They hadn’t even exchanged names and already this lady was scolding them like a schoolteacher. “Well? Not to mention the absolute state of this abode. I’m told you are the ‘leaders’ of this little group? Hmm? Well I don’t see much leading if you leave this place in such a mess!” You couldn’t help but smile, though you attempted to hide it. To see these two being taken down a peg was… Wonderful. You glanced up at this woman, this saviour and your heart leapt just a little. You clung to her side even though you technically could have left at any time. Nowhere felt safer than right here, especially after her gentle arm almost habitually draped itself around you. “Now do either of you have anything to say for yourselves?” Her voice never raised, not once. But the tone, the power, the authority. It was all that was needed. The duo mumble and hang their heads, somehow cowed by this beautiful stranger. “Now apologize.” She commands. Krennan begins to mumble but withers under her gaze. “S-Sorry for calling you a pipsqueak.” He says a little more clearly. “That’s better. Now dearies. Thanks to a certain someone here-” she announces, rubbing your arm affectionately. “-I am your new… What was the word again in this era?” She asks you. “Healer” You say back up to her, feeling an utter rush of pride that you could be helpful to her. Especially as she beams back down at you. “I am your new healer! I’ll make sure you’re all back in bed safe and sound each and every night!” Her words are accompanied with a happy giggle. “But first sweeties, I think we need to do something about this mess, don’t you? After all. Cleanliness is next to godliness! So come along, pick up a brush. No dillydallying!” She ferries you and the other two further into the house, ushering you like children.
The next few hours consisted of chores. Cleaning the house, trimming the garden, dusting every inch that could be dusted. Your other companions - A scout named Callie and a sorcerer named Ilnax, were roped into the affair with sleepy confusion. That they fucked regularly was the worst kept secret in the group and today was no exception. But Nimue had some kind of.. Allure. Power. Nothing magical, you don’t think. Simply an aura of maternal authority. You found yourself eager to please, trusting that she knew best. And before long, the house was transformed. No longer a dilapidated sty, it looked somewhat close to actually livable! “Okay sweeties! Well done! I’m so proud of you! Teehee! And now it’s bath and bedtime for all of you!” That snapped some of them out of the strange spell she had woven. “Bedtime? We’re not-” Began Callie, only to find Nimue’s smiling face gazing down at her. “I am responsible for your health and that begins with a good and consistent sleep schedule! I’m told you four are constantly staying up far too late. This won’t do, so long as I’m here you will sleep at a reasonable hour! You wouldn’t want to die because of a silly mistake you made because you were cranky, would you?” 
As usual, you were last for the bath. You were used to it. The others simply barged their way past you to take the hot water for themselves. As you stepped into the bathroom you blush as immediately you realise that Nimue is also in there, standing near-naked before the tub. You never thought you would see an ass that perfect but you could probably bounce a gold coin off that thing as silken underwear are nearly swallowed by the cheeks. She turns with a yelp, covering her bare chest but then chuckling and dropping her hands revealing perfectly pink nipples. “Oh, it’s just you! Hehe! Close the door silly.” She says with a chuckle. Your cheeks burn, not just because of her nudity but how somehow you don’t count as someone she would be embarrassed by. As if she doesn’t see you as an adult that would find such a sight enticing. But you find yourself closing the door. “It’s getting late, so I thought I would join you in the bath! That’s okay, right? No one changed the water so I did it myself and added some firestones. It should be nice and warm! C’mon!” She beckons, turning and slipping off her panties before climbing into the tub. You debated leaving, but why should you? She was inviting you in. And the water was literally steaming hot. You hadn’t had a warm bath in so long. You realise that while you had been debating internally your body had made the choice and you were already sinking into that warm, steaming water. The tub, small as it was, would only fit if you sat between her gorgeous thighs. They cushioned your hips like pillows as she wrapped her arms around your stomach, pulling you back against her to give you a hug. Her breasts squishing against the back of your head as she does so. “I’m so glad I found you, little one. This was just what I needed! Oh this is going to be a wonderful, wonderful time!” She coos, bringing some water up and beginning to wash you. Overwhelmed, you simply sit still. It was nice, finally. To have someone stand up for you, take care of you, protect you. Finally you could just relax. Just.. Relax.. “Ooop! It looks like someone’s having a bit of an accident!” She titters. Your eyes flutter open as you look down and to your utter horror you see between your legs a definite tinge of gold in the water. Did you- You pissed yourself! You immediately try to scramble out, stammering an embarrassed apology but again those powerful arms keep you still. “Shhh…” She soothes, softly petting your head. “It’s okay. I understand. You were relaxed. Don’t worry, I won’t tell.” She whispers into your ear. “I’ll take care of it. I promise. But for now.. We should make sure there’s nothing else in there, hmm?” Unsure of what she meant, you simply settled back into the water as her hand trailed down between your legs. You tense as she touches your most intimate place, but quickly relax as her gentle hands slowly start to rub and tease you. “W-What are you…” “Helping you relax.. Shhh..” She whispers into your ear as she continues just gently touching you. Holding you in a motherly embrace as her delicate strokes make you shiver so sweetly. You had never been touched like this. So carefully, tenderly. Not trying to simply get you off as quickly as possible. But wanting to fill your mind with a haze of pleasure. It was overwhelming. It was everything. You settle even more comfortably against her chest, half turning to nuzzle into her breast as she holds you close. “That’s my little champion. My brave heroic adventurer! You’ve done so much, such a good job! Now just relax. Let me take care of you. Let mommy take good, good care of you now…” Those words reached your ears and swirled into your mind. Soothing all worries, caressing your anxious soul. You didn’t even realise when you felt your hips lift and grind against her hand as you cum for her. She was taking care of you now. You were hers, happily and hopelessly hers. You could never have imagined how far that would go. 
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cooketimm · 8 months
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Hardboiled #10-25 (1990-98) cover artwork by Bruce Timm
Interview from Cool Stuff Magazine #1 (1995):
Gary Lovisi: Much of your work is characterized by raw, intense energy and action, or beautiful women in stylish, dangerous settings. Some is obviously influenced by the pulps.
Bruce Timm: I’m big pulp fan, have been since the early 70s, when I started reading Doc Savage and Avenger reprints. I can’t really say how they’ve influenced my artwork much, except when doing pulp-homage stuff like the Bob Price books. But I do sometimes wish I was born decades earlier so I could have worked for some of the old pulps, which was why it was so much fun doing the Price stuff, and the «mock 50s» paperback covers for your Gryphon Books.
The hero pulps — Doc Savage, The Spider, The Shadow, etc — did have a big impact on my approach to the Batman cartoons. It’s something I tried to inject into the show from early on, the atmosphere, danger and illicit excitement, and especially that Norvell Page-type feeling of impending doom — the «doomed city» mood. It’s also why I set the sense in a timeless, 40s-styled world of big cars, padded shoulders, gangsters, shadowy streets, etc. I only wish we’d gone farther with it.  
For instance, my original version of Batman himself was actually close to the Shadow: rarely seen close-up, speaking in short, clipped phrases, more mysterious, literally. I wanted to play him cold and remote, almost unhuman. But the network and our various story editors would have none of that!  «We need to humanize him», «He needs to have a sense of humor», «We need to more about Bruce Wayne, the person», etc! Whereas I could care less about Bruce Wayne! He’s much more fascinating if you don’t know what he’s thinking, or what drives him.
A few «Shadowy» touches did survive. Batman is rarely seen be the public, almost never on TV. Even when dealing with the police, he’s usually off in shadows conferring with Commissioner Gordon only. And when he’s in the Batcave, he’s almost always in costume. My way of saying he’s Batman, not the other guy, not Bruce Wayne. Like Lamon Cranston, his true, «legal» identity is a facade.
I’ d love to do straight-ahead pulp hero adaptation someday. Doc or The Shadow or The Spider, either in comics or animation, without the senseless updating and over-explaining «character development» like in the Alec Baldwin-Shadow-fiasco-film.  
Gary Lovisi: Your stunning covers for my Hardboiled mag are very popular with everyone who sees them. What are your feelings on hardboiled crime-related art?
Bruce Timm: It’s hard, actually, to define «crime-fiction» art. There’s pulp crime-fiction art, and digest crime-fiction art, both of which cross over with paperback crime-fiction art. Basically, I’m a fan of good illustration. Period. Regardless of subject matter. Composition, emotionally intensity, color and lighting effects are what I look for. And pretty girls, of course!   
My favorite pulp crime artist is H. J. Ward, hands down. Gorgeous gals in twisty curvy poses, painted in luscious, creamy, wet-on-wet oil technique. My favorite paperback artists include Robert McGinnis, Robert Maguire, and Mitchell Hooks, the usual suspects.
My approach to the Hardboiled covers is different from my earlier «homage» work. When the covers were black and white, I used to experiment with different b&w textures, coquille board, zip-a-tone, xeroxed newsprint, whatever worked. Now that I’m doing them in color, I’m trying to make them as exciting and eye-catching as possible, with loud color, sexy gals, exaggerated action, and simple, graphic, almost cartoony styling.
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wolf-tail · 5 months
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Inspired by this post, I've decided to propose a list of hypothetical Primarch fursonas.
Lion El'Johnson: Call me uncreative but it's all in the name. Lion.
Fulgrim: Reticulated python, but the kind specially bred for iridescent scales. Beautiful, dangerous, carefully curated for perfection.
Perturabo: I'm actually stumped here. Open to suggestions.
Jaghatai Khan: Couldn't decide between horse and eagle, so we'll go with hippogriff.
Leman Russ: Basic Bitch #2: Wolf.
Rogal Dorn: Polar bear. Big, dangerous, from a hostile ice environment, white hair.
Konrad Curze: Bat, specifically little brown bat, one of the lil cute fuckers.
Sanguinius: Trumpeter Swan. Beautiful, elegant bird that will absolutely fuck you up if you piss it off.
Ferrus Manus: Scaly-foot gastropod. Weird ass snail that grows iron scales and lives in undersea volcanoes.
Angron: Quokka. Gentle, docile, cute face structured in such a way that it's impossible for it to frown. Everything Angron was made to be but wasn't.
Roboute Guilliman: Domestic bull. Cattle are very...practical animals, if that makes sense. Widespread, useful, strong. Were often used as currency in ancient times. Deceptively "boring", cute as fuck. Sounds like our boy, and we all know how much he likes farms. Moo moo motherfucker.
Magnus the Red: We're going all out on the Egyptian imagery here folks. A gryphon, but with 2 very specific component animals. The sacred ibis is associated with Thoth, a god of wisdom and knowledge. They are also nasty little trash goblins that will raid your dumpster. Barbary lions were associated with kingship, also hair floofy. And fuck it, throw some snakes scales in there too, as Heka, the Egyptian god most strongly associated with magic, had a connection to serpents.
Mortarion: As you can tell, my indecisive ass loves hybrid sonas. Turkey vulture, not traditionally pretty, eats gross and yucky things, so important yet so undervalued. Good sense of smell, especially for a bird. Thematic association with death. Broad diet and adapts well to lots of environments. Spanish moon moth, bug with pretty green and black wings.
Corvus Corax: His name is literally the scientific name for common raven. If it aint't broke, don'y fix it.
Vulkan: Fire salamander/gila monster.
Lorgar: Domestic sheep. The "lamb of God" imagery was too strong. But he's a ram now, angry AF with horns to match.
Horus: Domestic dog. Friendly, charismatic, intelligent, loyal. But can turn on you, given the right circumstances. He'd a mutt, the unnervingly perfect spotty, floppy eared mutt, the "Fido" of an idealized heterosexual white suburban family unit, pickett fence and 2.5 kids. So perfect you can just tell that something is off.
Alpharius and Omegon: Planarian flatworm. You know why.
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Iron Flame lines that have altered my brain chemistry:
"She made her choice, and it wasn't you. It will never be you."
"I'd rather you scream at me than pretend everything is all right with silence."
"then what about the wabern, or whatever you called them?"
"Do I know something about the Archives that you don't?"
"And I still don't regret it, Vi. Not one second."
"You're all right... I'll be right here. I'm not going to leave you."
I look up into the wrath of Dunne in the form of gold-flecked onyx eyes.
"My heart only beats as long as yours does, and when you die, I'll meet Malek at your side."
The entire cliff, above and below, echoes it, as if the gryphons grieve the loss of the flier as one.
"You've earned an honorable death."
"My house. My chair. My woman."
"Look at how beautiful you are, Violet, coming for me on Tyrrendor's throne."
"That trick you mentioned? You know, with the fingers? Thanks."
"I fucking love you."
"I'm sorry. I choose your life, too. You are mine. I can't let you die."
"Less than a minute."
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thebeautifulbook · 2 years
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ALICE IN WONDERLAND by Lewis Carroll. (London: Shaw, 1933) Illustrated by D.R. Sexton.
[part one of two]
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braxiatel · 2 months
An assortment of Grian appearance headcanons I’ve had on my mind lately!
(Obligatory mention that I’m talking about Grian the character and not Grian the youtuber, here’s your confirmation that this is not about real life guy Grian minecraft whose appearance is well documented, but rather it is about his minecraft roleplay character who is made out of pixels and blocks and whose appearance is very much up for discussion)
His eyes are that shade of brown that’s so dark it looks black
He wears glasses, and through experience he has learned that unless he wants to be replacing them about once a month he needs them to have a thick and sturdy frame
Grian has a whopping case of adhd and is extremely good at misplacing his belongings. His glasses are not exempt from this just because they help him see, and he has managed to lose every single pair he owns several times. At some point one of his friends (I'm leaning Pearl or Jimmy) got tired of hearing him complain about it, and got him a golden chain to keep them on. Grian pretends he’s just using it because it appeals to his love for shiny things, but in reality it actually helps him a lot and he would be very sad were he to lose it
Speaking of his adhd. This guy moves. He does not sit still, does not like to be doing nothing. He builds, he helps other hermits with stuff they don’t have time to do, and he is well known to do Grindy tasks. And you know what that means? Grian is strong. In fact, Grian is buff
This is related to some hybrid stuff I’ll get more into in a sec, but very specifically, Grian is a flyer and those natural wings need a lot of muscle around them to work. That means a lot of upper body strength, especially in the pectoral region. Yes, I said gritty rights.
I wish I could remember what artist originally drew Grian’s waffle as an undercut with a pattern because I love that headcanon so much. He varies what the rest of his hair looks like (he has a manbun in season 9) but the undercut stays no matter what
Tangentially, the reason Mumbo now has a waffle as well is that his hair just grows in that shape now. He has extremely specific alopecia, and it is unclear whether or not Grian is the same or if he just prefers to keep his hair that way.
Grian has clear and visible bald patches in his eyebrows. This is a product of him having had TNT blow up in his face one too many times, resulting in the follicles having been damaged
Along a similar vein, he is also missing somewhere in the realm of 1-3 fingers total on his hands
I don’t think of Grian as someone who is very particular with his hair or with stuff like makeup. Most days he’ll do the bare minimum of combing his hair to look presentable and that’s it
That said, he loooooooves shiny jewellery, and his wardrobe is by far the largest on the server. Due to aforementioned constant moving he need things that are practical to move in, but other than that he has no rules on what goes in there. You’ve got sequinned mini skirts next to permanently dirt-stained overalls next to rainbow bucket hats. This guy has it all.
He does sometimes wear a red sweater, but I am going to say something controversial here, guys. Look at that man's shirt. Look at that cleavage view. He’s wearing a v-neck
Okay so hybrid headcanons. I have several, mutually exclusive ideas here, but I will go with one I think is, frankly, very underutilised: gryphon hybrid Grian!
Want avian Grian for all of the historically present bird coding? Also want to acknowledge the fact that he has so much mischievous cat energy? Gryphon Grian! He’s half bird, half cat, half human, and all menace.
There are a couple of different bird species I think he could be.
House sparrow, for the noise levels, the tendency to travel in a pack, and the sheer gremlin energy these little bastards exhibit outside of my kitchen window on a daily basis.
I think he could definitely be some kind of corvid too. Maybe a magpie? Beautiful plumage (fight me), incredibly intelligent and likely to make that your problem, and with a call that lends itself very well to Grian’s screech-laughter
You all know my opinions on potoo Grian. It works, okay? Look into his horrible, haunted eyes, you know it to be true.
For a season 10 fisherman arc Grian I am very much leaning towards an oriental darter. There’s just something about the idea of Grian spearfishing for mending books, and sulking in the sun to dry his wings when he only catches fish that I enjoy very much
Owl for his cursed head movements
Okay so wings talk time! I headcanon that naturally avians simply do not have wings strong enough to fly with. They’re too short, and even for someone like Grian who flies A Lot the musculature to support a humanoid frame just isn’t there. That said, elytra are easily modified to function as a sort of wing extension/prosthetic, that allows them to gain much more power for less energy expended.
You would think, with me being the owner of three cats, that I would have some kind of idea for a specific breed of cat he might be. The thing is, my family have historically always kept the same breed (Norwegian forest cat mix c: ), so I know very much about those and no other cat breeds. He is simply cat :)
Biiiiig naughty tortie vibes. My sources for this is I have one of the latter and she is the same level of Problems a Grian
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This is the little madam caught in the act of doing something dastardly. She commits one hundred crimes every single day and we love her. Tell me that is not big Grian vibes right there. You can't, right? he is a naughty tortie
Other Grian hybrid options I also like: avian, watcher, robot!!, cod, enchanted armour stand come to life!, and fey!Grian
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jfu-just4you · 2 years
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Gryphon coming soon..... @jfu_just4you @jfu_just4you @jfu_just4you Owner @money_55bhatoye @money_55bhatoye @money_55bhatoye #instagood #instagram #photooftheday #instadaily #picoftheday #gryphon #beautiful #fashion #me #smile #art#comingsoon#graphicdesign #clothes #apparel #onlineshopping #graphictees #clothingbrand #hoodies #style #redbubbleartist #tshirtstyle #teeshirtdesign #teespringshop #tshirtdesigns #shopping #teesprings @springforcreators @springforcreators @springforcreators @springforcreators ------------------------------------------------------- @redbubble @redbubble @redbubble @redbubble (at New York New York USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfvZuoUP1UB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Iron Flame Thoughts! (Spoilers)
I finally finished Iron Flame (IF) and I definetly have some thoughts about it. I've seperated my thoughts into Liked, Disliked, Predictions BELOW THE BREAK LINE so people don't have to see spoilers. Also it's not in any particular order, just how it popped into my head.
Tarin and Andarna's bickering. Her sassiness with his grumpiness was just the bees knees of adorable.
Cat, this may surprise some people but I really liked her development as she and Violet got to know each other
Gryphon Riders in general were a nice addition, I want to know more about their school/lifestyle/countr(ies)
Violets development was really good. It was great to see her know her own strength more and stand up for herself/dragons/loved ones. Huge contrast from Fourth Wing (FW)
The relationship between Violet, Mira and Brennan. Loved the way Mira punched B when she saw him but ultimately loved having her brother back. Can't wait to see more
Mamma Sorrengail's sacrifice for her kids/everyone. Heartbreaking but only way she could redeem herself
Dain's return to the "good" side. It was great development to have him see the error of his ways, say no to Varrish (which is huge for him) and then prove himself again during the hike with the Riders and then again in the final battle.
Aaric/Cam, I love me a rogue Prince so this hit all the right spots (more on him later)
Andarna being a seventh dragon. Excellent. Amazing. Can't f*cking wait to know more
The reveal of Xaden's second signet. Shook, but obviously bb knew how to control it
The relationship between the main four in Iron Squad (Vi, Rhi, Ridoc and Sawyer.) I love a good platonic friendship (more than romance stories) because I think having found family in your friends is just friggin beautiful
Sawyer and Jesinina (I know that's spelled wrong)
Varrish, bare with me I hated him but props to RY for writing and awful character. I clapped when he died.
The battle at the end
XADEN AND VIOLETS CONSTANT BICKERING. It gave miscommunication trope over and over.
Xaden and Violet fighting and then being like you are my gravity, I love you so f*cking much etc. This seemed very Twilight-y (and toxic TBH)
Xaden with holding everything from Violet because she wasn't asking the right questions. Frustrating.
Having Vi tortured/injured over and over again (and I say this as a whump fan) I think she does it to show Violet's strength/resilience, but it's not necessary we know she's strong.
Markham being an asshole =(
Jack Barelow coming back- I understand why I just don't like him and wanted him to stay dead
Honestly, don't like Xaden turning Venin. Obvs as of right now we don't know why she made that choice, but I don't like it.
What I think will Happen Next
Next book Xaden is going to be fighting his Venin nature for the whole book but will ultimately choose to leave at the end- fourth book he will be barely there and fifth he will either come back still fighting his Venin self OR be full Venin.
Navarre/Basgiath/Aretia will fall to the Venin
Aaric/Cam will ultimately become important because I think the King will die and Aaric will have to step up as next in line.
Andarna will be the most badass dragon in the world
I do think Violet and Xaden will be endgame IF he lives. Here are my thoughts on that:
1) Violet and the others will find a cure for the venin and save Xaden
2) Xaden will become a full Venin but when it comes time to kill Violet he will unalive himself instead (Ben Solo redemption arc) in a moment of regaining his former self. I don't want this to happen at all.
I think Xaden's mom is the Queen/Lord of the Venin, which is why they want him so badly.
This is everything that came to mind, I am sure I will find other things that fit into these lists. Let me know what you thought, or we can compare lists!
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What would be a better time than Halloween season to buy this 1907 Edwardian with 2 life size gryphons out front? Located in Plant City, Florida, it has 5bds, 4ba, $947K.
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It's important to note the original features features, though, like the wainscoting, millwork, and pocket door. A band lives in this house, as you can see there's a stage in the sitting room.
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Small sitting area.
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I like the mirrors going down the hall.
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It's also a movie room.
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It's set up as a party house with a bar in the 2nd sitting room.
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In the dining room stands Beauty & the Beast, which I never thought of until someone pointed it out. (She's no beauty and he looks like Little Lord Fauntleroy on a bender.)
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The kitchen is absolutely gigantic.
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And, besides all that storage, it has a pantry.
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The kitchen is open concept and includes a large family room.
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The primary bedroom is spacious.
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Very nice modernized bath with a beautiful claw foot tub.
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Just an extra room used for no particular purpose.
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Upstairs is a den or library. There are several faux fireplaces in the home, so I can't say that they'll convey.
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A 2nd bright and renovated bath.
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The hall on the uppermost level is brightly colored.
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Closet/dressing room takes up a entire room.
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One of the other bedrooms. All of the bedrooms are very big.
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The garage is being used as a home gym.
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Behind the house is a large pergola.
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Comes with a hot tub.
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Above ground pool.
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And, a large yard.
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Very nice neighborhood.
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iaminfourthwing · 27 days
The Generals Daughter
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Chapter VI
“He said he’ll handle you?” I laugh out loud while Violet is a blushing mess between Rhiannon and me. We are taking our seats for Battle Brief that’ll start in a few minutes.
“That is the kinkiest shit I’ve heard so far” Rhiannon adds with a smirk.
“Nah, I think the way our girl here described the way his shadows felt around her is her admitting how she want to be handled in bed- ““OKAY! Stop that now please!” And now she is beet red. Rhi and I burst out laughing while the others around us find their seats, Sawyer and Ridoc taking their usual spots next to me while looking confused by our laughter.
“Can you people be any louder?” a feminine voice sneers in front of us. When I look forward, I meet Luca’s eyes who looks as annoyed as I feel by her presence. “Some of us are trying to study” she continues with a roll of her eyes.
Studying? Her? The past lessons, no matter the class, she asked the most unimportant and actually dumbest questions.
“What color was the dragon that was attacked?” “Do you think gryphons could be trained to spit fire?”
Like- what the actual fuck?
Ridoc snickers to himself while thinking the same. The second and third years are walking by and Imogen is giving the girl in front of us the nastiest side eye I have ever seen.
I make eye contact with the boy behind her. Bodhi Durran, Xaden’s cousin and probably the most beautiful man on the continent. He is incredibly handsome with dazzling brown eyes and tawny brown skin. I would pay a good money to get a chance to stroke my hand through his thick black curls adorning his head just once. Violet said his features reminds her of Xadens, and while I see what she means, I think Bodhi is divine in his own way. His smile is lovely, and he holds himself with so much confidence and grace, I am jealous of everyone that can call themselves his friend. My father would kill me if he could hear me right now.
Before I can start to blush, I cast my eyes forward to Luca.
“You know Luca, if stupid could fly, you definitely wouldn’t need a dragon, and everyone could live a bit more peaceful here without your annoying ass.” My smirk is downright devilish, but it serves its purpose – she is offended. Sawyer loses it and Ridoc starts laughing too. Violet and Rhiannon giggle to themselves.
Luca rolls her eyes again and opens her mouth to say something, but I am faster. “Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you’ll find a brain back there.” I need to get my sassy side under control before it backfires in the form of my father.
Laughter fills the hall and the boys next to me gasping for air while trying to get their hollering under control. I can even see Dain trying to fight of a smile, as he walks past us. He finds her just as annoying as everyone else does.
Lucas cheeks redden with embarrassment and she finally turns back around.
The boys are still laughing but it’s a raspy chuckle behind me that gains my attention. Turning my head slightly to the left I make eye contact with the blue ones of cadet Liam Mairi, Tail Section in Fourth Wing, Second Squad. He surprises me by giving me an amused smile and wink to which I just chuckle lightly and turn back after Violet jabs her elbow in my ribs because Devera entered the hall.
After Battle Brief our next lesson is with Professor Kaori, one the only Professor after Devera and Emetterio I kind of like and respect. As an illusionist his signet allows him to project whatever he sees in his mind.
“Red Scorpiontails, like Ghrian here, are the quickest to temper. Keep that in mind, when you approach one at Threshing and better decide fast if you need to run.” The projection of a massive red dragon in the middle of the room shows just a fraction of its actual size. The reds can be vicious, I’ve already met one when I was with the General at the Samara Outpost.
“So if you offend him, you are-“ “Lunch” Ridoc interrupts him from next to Violet. I chuckle but it’s true. You better do your best to avoid them.
“So, what is the best way to approach them?” Professor Kaori asks the class. “They like it more when you approach them from the left and front, if possible” I answer.
“That’s right. This year there are three Red Scorpiontails willing to bond of they find their match.” He switches the image to another dragon.
“How many dragons are there in total?” Rhiannon asks. We are all looking forward to Kaori with excitement, nervous about what the answer will be.
“A hundred for this year.” My brows hit my hair line. That’s thirty-seven fewer than last year!? Shit, that will get bloody when Threshing arrives. There could be a lot less after Presentation, two days before Threshing, and the dragons will change their minds after seeing the cadets for this year. I mean … I would understand them, some of these cadets are pathetic, physically and mentally.
“…but I am not about to lie to you and say that we’re not seeing increased breaches when you know from Battle Brief that we are.” I catch the rest of Kaori’s answer. It’s frightening how fast the wards are faltering and I tense every time when Devera starts the daily Battle Brief.
A massive navy-blue dragon appears in the middle. Sgaeyl, Xaden’s dragon.
“No blue dragon is willing to bond this year, so you don’t have to worry about how to approach one, but you need to recognize Sgaeyl if you see her” Kaori says.
“So, you can fucking run” Ridoc drawls. The others laugh, but it’s true too. No one with any common sense and brain would even dare to look at her direction or approach her with or without her rider by her side. Xaden is ruthless but Sgaeyl … you better find somewhere else to be because she is downright malicious, as my father would describe her. She is a beast through and through.
“There are other blues in active service and all of them are intimidating, but Sgaeyl is the most powerful of them all” he adds in a serious tone. No wonder she bonded Xaden. They are the most powerful dragon rider duo of our generation.
“What about the black dragon?” a first year from First Wing asks. “I want that one” Jack says with excitement shining in his eyes.
“Oh, hell no!” I say out loud, turning some heads in my direction, Jacks included. He is glaring with a mix of hatred and amusement in my direction.
“Not that it is going to matter” Professor Kaori interrupts our glaring contest with a flick of his wrist and then there is … Codagh. I avert my eyes immediately to the side and turn my head, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Violet, her concerned eyes finding mine. Besides my father, she is the only other person who knows my history with the black beast. I catch Liams gaze over her head and while he looks confused by my reaction, I can also see … concern? I give him a reassuring smile, or more like a grimace since I am confused myself. Why is a marked one, especially a Mairi, concerned about my wellbeing?
“But just to appease your curiosity, since it is a bit rare to see him, this is Codagh, General Melgren’s dragon.” I can feel his eyes on me, and sense some heads turning in my direction again. “Ignore them Arya” I repeat to myself mentally.
“And this one” Kaori changes the image to another black dragon “you’ll never get to face again, not in the wild at least. He has a massive Morningstartail with unbendable power.”
“He looks like a killing machine” Jack calls out, still excited.
I notice Violet shifting uncomfortable in her seat. And while I try to blend out the image of this massive dragon that reminds me way too much of my father’s beast, Kaori answers some questions about him.
“… he is one of the deadliest dragons in Navarre.” No one saw him for the past five years since his previous rider, Naolin, died trying to resurrect Brennan Sorrengail in the Battle of Aretia. Father told me about them, how they died for the kingdom, next to each other. How Brennan was killed by Fen Riorson, Xadens father.
“How do you approach him?” Jack demands to know. That’s where I draw the line.
“You especially don’t because the continent doesn’t need a fucking psychopath with a dragon like him. Besides if he would be willing to bond, I am pretty sure that he would be smart enough to choose someone that is not you or even related to you!” I snarl in his direction. There is anger building up in his eyes as he tenses. The cadet next to him sits still, not moving a muscle.
“And what about you, Melgren? Do you really think you’ll be chosen without daddy manipulating Threshing to help you? Or his dragon? I bet Codagh will bully some of the dragons to approach you, because none of them would want a rider as pathetic as you!” he laughs maliciously, expecting the others to join him.
Some of the cadets around us gasp in shock, even Kaori looks greenish. How dare he say something like this?! Violet tenses and whips her head around to face me, worried what I’ll do.
“Please” my glare is as cold as my voice, my eyes practically black right now, like always when I am mad. I can see the effect it has on him, even his squad mates shrink in their seats, avoiding my eyes.
“Say that one more time and I shall have you beheaded.”
My voice dropped a few octaves due to me being enraged, more than that. To insult a cadet like this in this quadrant can cost you your life, even though the world would be a better place without him. He accuses my father of manipulation, which is a capital offense, but accusing Codagh?! If they will ever find this out, Jack is dead. Not because father is protective of me, but because it's a stab at his reputation and position.
Kaori’s still shocked grimace finds his way into my line of sight, eyes wide, mouth agape. He knows the best what I am capable of and that my threat isn’t just a threat, it’s a promise.
Barlowe snaps his mouth shut and his little friend seated next to him looks like he is about to piss himself.
The bells ring, signaling that the hour is up. I take my stuff and storm out of the room, almost running into Xaden and his entourage, who steps away in the last moment. Ignoring them all, I make my way into the wing’s gym, to work out my anger and frustration. I’ll miss challenges today, but it’s not my turn anyways so I don’t care. And I will kill Jack if he breathes my way.
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pomrania · 5 months
Time to actually start thinking about the Bestiaryposting creature of the week, if I want to get its design done today and the picture done tomorrow (because it was NOT fun, having to rush last week). This is the "narngreg".
Things actually mentioned about its physical description... it's beautiful, multi-coloured, "dabbed all over with very small circular spots [...] black and white colouring with eye-shaped circles of yellow", the young have sharp claws, gives birth to live young.
Things that are implied by what we're given.... Likely a mammal because of the whole "live birth" thing, but it could always be Something Weird (like a gryphon, which... honestly I'm not positive this isn't, like I don't THINK it's a gryphon but I can't be sure). It sleeps for a few days after eating until full. It's gentle and only has the dragon as its enemy... wait is this an elephant, because I remember reading that elephants were traditionally considered enemies of dragons in stuff like this; probably not, but I might use some elephant elements in this (claws and tusks are similar enough in concept, even though they'd be familiar with tusks from non-elephant animals because boars). Its breath smells sweet, and it's followed by other animals because of that, so it either naturally produces alcohol or it's a Disney princess. There's three offspring per birth, and only one successful pregnancy per animal.
...I'm kind of curious about how some bits are "Pliny says", "Physiologus says", and other bits are just plain reported as fact. @maniculum, if you've already information somewhere on this (that isn't a spoiler), could you please link it to me; otherwise, if you feel like rambling about what things were just described and what things had an appeal to a source, and why, I'd be interested in reading it. (No rush; I'll likely forget about this approximately ten seconds after posting, so I won't notice a difference between "near-immediate response" and "response half a year later".)
Most of the other features can be played around with -- even "sharp claws" is only specified for the YOUNG, it could be one of those things that falls off or gets blunted with maturity -- but the description is very specific about the colour and patterning. There's prolly a couple different ways to interpret it, but I've enough of a cognitive load with "designing an entire-ass creature based solely on vibes", so I'll go with what to me is the most straight-forward interpretation: the narngreg's base colours are white and black, in some combination, then there's yellow over it, like someone took paint to a zebra.
Now, what could the black and white stuff be like.... I mentioned "zebra", but I'm ruling that out for the very good reason of "I don't want to have to draw all those stripes". Dalmatian-type spots wouldn't fit the phrasing; something like pinto would, though, where it's large splotches. Looked up "tapir" because I half-remembered something, and that's definitely some black and white colouring; very distinct, white starting just behind the shoulders, continuing towards the rump, then stopping above the hindlegs (I can't tell if the tail is included in that area or not, and I don't care enough to keep searching further). "Orca" is another option, which has the added benefit of a light underside which is a feature I just keep coming back to because it is pretty.
"Eye-shaped circles of yellow"... I don't want to draw something that would LITERALLY look like an eye, because that would freak me out, which is undesirable for any piece I intend to spend time working on. Could be something like, I think the marking's called a "rosette", on a cheetah or leopard (can't remember which one it is). Could be almond-shaped; or, upon rereading the description, it might be something where the yellow bits are small enough I don't have to give them any detail.
So that's my rambling for the moment; ended up getting a few things figured out, and some other things where at least I've written down the possibilities so I won't have to go about it from scratch. Next update will be once I've gotten enough worked out in my mind that I can at least draw some options.
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