#only real Gryphon
gryph-the-gryphon · 2 months
Gryph likes rly very much if u call Gryph with these below
nice Gryphon
beautiful or handsome Gryphon
soft Gryphon
the Gryphon who owns all the Gryphons
the Gryphon all the Gryphons like rly very much
the Gryphon who makes every1 feel nice
the Gryphon no other shud ever leave alone
the only real Gryphon
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akagamiko · 2 years
Some Things About Gryphon:
One of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords
Her blade is a little over 4 feet long (1.24 meters), with the hilt she’s over 4 1/2 feet (1.43 meters) 
Old as Fuck, dating back to around the Void Century
Has been passed down through his family since she was forged
✨Legend✨ has it that Gryphon was forged with a dragon’s flame
Gryphon’s blade can be set aflame, she has a very warm aura about her even when not in use and the blade has been known to leave burns both in and out of battle. On the plus side, she can also cauterize the wounds she gives you.
Because she’s been in his family for centuries, she is incredibly loyal and would be an absolute shit blade for anyone not blood related to them--if not related, they would need to be an incredibly powerful swordsman
Shanks is sure that Mihawk is the only person who could handle Gryphon. At the moment, there are definitely plans to ensure that  she would go into Mihawk’s care if something were to happen to him. (Mihawk is not aware of this)
An absolutely blood thirsty blade, but only for Devil Fruit users. Someone with an ear for swords would be able to hear her screaming if there are 3 or more DF users around.
Growing off of that: she can handle 1 fairly well, but starts to get antsy when there are 2 DF users nearby. Again, with an ear for swords would probably hear something akin to distant whispers or wind-like noises.
Gryphon was far less well-behaved when Shanks first began working with her when he was around 17. She could barely stand being around 1 DF user until they were able to form a connection and she was able to calm down. This took a few years.
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homunculus-argument · 5 months
It annoys me unreasonably when you want to ask people "what bird and what mammal would make the worst gryphon" as a fun thought exercise, and people with no joy and no imagination always interpret it as "a gryphon that sucks, is physically impossible, and would hate being alive", and - being predictable and lacking in imagination - always, always answer with "a hummingbird and a blue whale lol".
Like come on. Why do you have to suck the fun out of everything. Why not use a fraction of imagination and delightful whimsy. Imagine the combination of a mouse and a sparrow. That creature would be merciless, burtal, absolutely determined to get into your trash and has the power of both wings and hands to do its will. Or a crow and a cat - that thing is smart enough to fuck with people and not afraid to do it. Imagine the ungodly shriek of the noble fox-seagull, also determined to get into your trash.
A gryphon that is a combination of a kangaroo and a cassowary. The only proof we have of a loving god is the fact that those things do not exist. If hell is real, it's full of them. That thing can't fly, but it will run you down, it will kill you, and you will look stupid the whole entire time you're dying.
Why would the first thing that pops into your mind at the words "the worst gryphon" automatically be "a gryphon that hates being alive". Can you not picture a gryphon that fucking loves being alive, and has both the power and the will to make it everyone else's problem.
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 11 months
so all this time you can pet gryphon fledglings but only in the f****** coral aerie why does zenimax online studios hate me personally 
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mellsfern · 7 months
Yandere Tier List
Update 1: Added Damon and DG as they were forgotten!
I made a Tier List for the yandere VNs I love!
I made this Tier list template because I have a friend I want to introduce to Yandere games/projects, so I made a fun way for her to find all of the ones I have recomended her in one post and just interact with the ones she likes.
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Play it here!
If you want to see another yan that maybe I forgot or haven't met, introduce them! I can add them (I think)
Tags (To help my friend, and anyone else, find the main pages) IN ORDER (Of the first image with all of them):
@turnthepagevn (Robin the librarian)
@thekrows-nest (Krow the forensic artist)
@gryphons-n-kelpies (Morogh the mysterious sea creature)
@clrdgaze (The next three: Simon, Seth, and Zachary the courier, freelancer, and photographer)
@favorvn (Z the demon)
@applestoashes (Douglas the customer service worker)
@14dayswithyou (The next two: Redacted, and Ren, same person. The hacker)
@hatchetmanofficial (Alan the mysterious forest enjoyer)
@yourdearestboyfriend (Victor the elegant hubby)
@homecomingvn (The next two: Henry and Lyra, the highschool sweethearts from the 80s)
@dualityvn (The next two: Keith and Tenebris Ten, the florist and the games. They share a body but they are not the same person)
@campwillowpeak (Harper, the camp counselor who can cook italian food)
@restartheartvn (Ezra, the one with a mysterious Job title goth-like babe)
@stnaf-vn (Friend the rich childhood friend)
@wouldyoustayvn (Virgil, the multiversal traveler)
Little skip from the next 2.
@you-and-him-vn (Adam the popular celebrity of a boyband)
@yga-vn (Noel YOUR guardian angel)
@in-your-dreams-vn (The next two: Traumfanger and Lynde, your dreamcatcher entity and your sleep therapist)
@wheregodsrotvn (Xeno, the prisoner who committed unknown crimes to humanity)
@inkly-heart (Damon the sweet customer and Delivery Guy (yes, it is their real name) whose work is, delivery! surprise!)
For Sunny day jack and the groom of gallagher (Ghost clown, and ghost groom), you can just check Snaccpop if you want. Only Jack's has a official site:
Here you have my try! (Just my preferences, I wanna smash them all either way)
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In actual order of smashability even in their individuals sections.
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anomalymon · 3 months
[Essay] MissingNo Therian: An Exploration in Identity, Labels, and the Fictotherian Experience
We've seen a few posts of people wanting more personal essays in the community, so I thought I would write this and crosspost it to Tumblr. -Rex
I am a MissingNo. My exact form is one that's been fluid throughout my life, with Kabutops and Aerodactyl fossil forms having preference, but occasionally switching to the Lavender Town Ghost. I identify as a Pokemon therian or Poketherian for my species - or fictotherian for a broad term. This identification is one which can confuse people - after all, therianthropy is more traditionally associated with animals, and I identify as Pokemon that isn't real. My species only exists in four games that are well over two decades old and is a failsafe the game spits out. Why should I identify as a therian? Despite how strange it can seem, I still prefer therian over other labels such as otherkin and fictionkin. My therian identity is deeply intertwined with my hyperempathy, created by a bias of my animality, comes from viewing a MissingNo as a type of animal, and from experiencing common therian traits.
Therian over otherkin, fictionkin, or fictive
Some may be saying "why don't you call yourself fictionkin?" or even "Isn't otherkin for mythical species, while therian is for earthen species?" To address the later point, there have been better written essays dispelling this. I would highly recommend Therian: Dispelling the Earthen Animal Myth by The River System for a well written and researched essay.
To address the former point, it is personal preference. I did use "otherkin" for years and still do identify as both otherkin and fictionkin, but the term "therian" is more in alignment to how I experience identity. I am an animal, I experience shifts, and I experience instincts.
I don't perceive MissingNo as sapient on the level of elves or some dragons. For me, being a MissingNo is also a "real" thing, as tangible as a dog, bird, or dragon. I don't consider myself glitchkin despite being a glitch, nor conceptkin. I am like the theriomythics who label themselves for being an animalstic gryphon or phoenix.
When it comes Fictionkin and fictive, to me they can be too focused on identifying yourself in the framework of being a character, which I'm not. I'm not a creepypasta character anymore than one of the Hypno species would be. I still do identify as fictional - I can comfortably identify as "fictherian" or my preference "fictotherian" (Which comes from "fictotype". I believe I started this term usage - since when I started using it, I could find no results to it, but I did use it in forum posts, Discord servers, and other methods).
Fictive falls under a similar problem - but with slightly more alienation. While the term is open to me, my identity history makes me feel out of place in a community of walk-ins and introjects when it was one that developed later in life.
How I became a MissingNo and the grip of hyperempathy
My identity as a MissingNo came later in life. I began existing in my system as a canine pup - which I know from behaviors and mannerisms that I later connected to me in the present, and genuinely expressing feeling like a dog as a child. Years later, I identified this species as a manned wolf.
Then at around the age of ten, my identity shifted to a glitch Pokemon. What at least contributed to it was developing a special interest in Glitch Pokemon around this time. This combined with our natural hyper-empathy and perhaps being conceptum to subconsciously alter my identity over time.
These interpretations can cause me to be out of place. While I still love glitch Pokemon and I am fascinated by them, I rarely find anyone who also has an intense interest and fascination while having this level of hyperempathy - even if I encounter others who have some alterhuman or even gender or sexuality connection to glitch Pokemon. Almost uncontrollably do I see glitch Pokemon as genuine Pokemon. I might grow attached to certain Pokemon in the way I would a pet.
The overall psychological influence means that this identity comes down to personal interpretations and personification. I'm not a natural animal and you cannot read about me in a textbook or find any bits of lore within the games, but rather, I am an animal that came from the mind of a mentally ill person.
MissingNo the animal
What defines "animal" varies. Humans are biologically animals and primates, but not all humans identify with those terms, with some taking offense to it. To someone with hyperempathy, a stuffed animal may be as much of an animal as a living one, or even a car might be a type of animal to certain minds. This connection is what makes me feel a MissingNo can be a type of animal.
Additionally, Pokemon are their world's equivalent of animals, and this is how most of my system views Pokemon due to one of our deepest parallel life connections being a humanlike Mewtwo. This sentiment is also one I've seen many Poketherians have. In the world of our origin, we are animals. For another essay on a similar experience, I'd highly recommend "The Fire Burns Bright" by Jasper, an Alolan Marrowak therian.
Within the contexts of the games and many interpretations - including my own - MissingNo is also a bird. It is one of few Pokemon which use this glitch beta typing. Being a bird can be equally as much a part of it and I'd consider birds as a paralleltype and one where I may confidently call myself a bird. Albeit a very odd bird.
The wolf and animal bias in my core
In addition to the bird of the MissingNo, the manned wolf at my heart is still important to my identity. It's in between otherhearted and therian on a sliding scale, and I identify it more as manned wolf-hearted for convenience, but it's closer to "kinth". I don't know why I am or was a manned wolf, but it doesn't quite matter to me either way. What matters is that there is the manned wolf.
To me it feels as if despite my core being or "soul", my mind became a MissingNo while the core remained the same. To my soul, a MissingNo is a type of dog. Then, to my mind, a manned wolf is a type of Pokemon. Both of these identities came about and exist in harmony rather than opposition.
Another comparison that the heart and soul makes is being "feral". Glitch entities in video games to me are almost like an animal which can't be domesticated. They may act fine, but every so often you'll encounter something that reminds you that at their core, they're wild. MissingNo still scrambles sprites and Hall of Fame data - and you can't have a "normal" experience with it. MissingNo is to Pokemon as a wolf is to a dog.
The instincts that made me tear apart playsets when playing house pretending to be a dog are still present in the instincts that make me want to tear apart meat when I eat it.
The Experience of a MissingNo Animal
I fit into many traditional therianthropy experiences and unto a hybrid canine/avian experience - just perhaps with more twists towards the bizarre.
I am a contherian when it comes to mental shifting and almost always feeling like an animal. However, I do experience phantom shifts. I get the sensations of skeletal fangs, claws, and a body that's far heavier and taller than my tiny, human form. Though the bizarre comes when during these shifts, I don't feel like I have skin and much of my body feels transparent, I feel like I should be able to stick my hand through my lower jaw.
I feel the sense of freedom and flight when I ride a bike downhill. For a few minutes when I bike, I can imagine myself flying. I sit in rivers and ponds among the wading birds feeling like I belong. I treat the chicks and chickens we raise like a part of my flock.
I still want to hunt. Sometimes I need to fight my instincts to recognize chicks as flockmates and not food. I like to eat wildly and I like to taste blood and fat in my food. When I eat, I feel like like the blood should dribble through my skinless jaw bone. Skeletal claws should be typing this essay instead of fleshy human fingers.
I am an animal, and despite doubts, I am a therian.
This label fits my experiences better than the alternatives. I don't feel as much alienation or out of place compared to other communities even though my species isn't an "animal" in the traditional sense. Hyperempathy has created this experience for me in that I feel more comfortable saying I am an animal than I am from fiction.
My center being is animal and always has been, it's just how its presented through my life has shifted. The animal instincts have only developed as my species has.
It is my hope that more unusual therians might come forth and be encouraged to examine their experiences - and for both earthen therians and potential theriomythics or fictotherians to explore what exactly "animal" means to them. I want others to also examine where their mind's biases may lead them, how that can impact their identity, and use it to feel more at peace in what the heart wants.
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shuttershocky · 3 months
let's say, hypothetically, someone picked up Gigantic after reading several of your posts despite never playing a moba before. what kind of tips or tricks of the trade would you give them?
The Closed beta test is finished for now (it was just a one day deal) but there will surely be more before the game (re)releases in April so here's some starter info for you.
Despite the overall game being structured like a MOBA, the actual combat system is based on action games. That means stamina management, 3D combat with verticality, dodge-rolls, jumps, all that good stuff. Even if you have no MOBA experience at all, you'll be able to get into the moment to moment gameplay
When you're new, I recommend playing the Rush game mode. Rush only had one lifebar per Guardian, you can switch characters anytime (like in a team 3rd person shooter like Overwatch), the only objectives are capture points, everyone starts at max level with a finished build, it's basically training wheels where you get to learn how the systems in Gigantic work against live players without having to learn the strategy elements yet.
Once you feel like getting into the real meat of Gigantic, play Clash mode. This is the classic mode the original game shipped with. In Clash mode, you cannot repick your character (so your team comp is determined at the pick screen), you start at Level 1, and over the course of the match you level up and use the upgrade points to upgrade your skills one by one. If you've played through Rush, you should be familiar enough with your chosen character by now to learn how to build them over a match. Another critical part of Clash mode is that you can sacrifice your Focus points (your Ultimate move) to instead summon a creature from your loadout to guard a command point your team captures. This is where the resource management and strategy of MOBAs come into play, as you have to choose between securing territory with creatures, (and different creatures having different abilities to help your team), or having Focus points to use your ultimate skill in a fight. You'll learn through experience.
The most important skill to learn when you first learn to play Gigantic is awareness about where your team is. The minimap shows you the locations of all your teammates. Unless you become really good at combat, you usually want to have the numbers advantage in a fight, as a 1v1 can be a struggle to win, but a 2v1 is going to end badly for the 1 guy 90% of the time. Don't let that one guy caught alone be you!
Contradicting what I said in the last tip (lol), all players actually take bonus damage when attacked from the back, so in a big fight it often pays to break from the team and flank the enemy while they're distracted. If you've played any team-based shooter at all, you know your target: the enemy support.
For very obvious reasons, melee characters are at a disadvantage when out in the open against ranged characters. Move from cover to cover when crossing open areas, melees have an advantage against ranged when they're up close!
They tell you this many times in the tutorial, but it bears repeating: do not fuck with the enemy Guardian who's a giant monster the size of a house. You can attack them in Clash mode to try to steal some power, but these WILL squish you flat if they catch you. If you do attack them like a crazy bastard, remember the gryphon Guardian has fast eye beams and tornado attacks to send you flying, while the dragon Guardian fires slow moving poison that slows you and makes you easy pickings. Both of them can just squish you if they want so be prepared to dodge.
You have a stamina bar that drains when dodging, jumping, attacking, sprinting, using skills, etc. When in a fight, it's important that you save enough stamina to escape in case you realize you can't win that skirmish, otherwise you'll have to limp away and hope someone saves you! On the other hand, draining an opponent's stamina can make them an easy kill for your team even if you don't have the stamina to finish them off yourself (that's why you play with your team nearby!)
Big glowy circles from various characters are often magic shields that reflect projectiles. Don't shoot them, you CAN hit yourself.
When your Guardian is fully powered and rampages across the map, don't get cocky and charge ahead immediately. The enemy Guardian is still dangerous and is capable of killing you swiftly right until the moment your Guardian punches them in the head and pins them down. Every member of the attacking team that dies during their Guardian's rampage gives energy to the enemy Guardian that lets them resist the attack. If you want to do maximum damage, you want to time it just right.
On the other hand when your Guardian is about to get punched in the face, this is the moment to go aggressive. Any kill you score here can strengthen your Guardian's shield, and if you die you can't empower a fully powered enemy Guardian anyway. Score a full 100 power shield and you can completely nullify the enemy Guardian's attack. Don't fall back scared when you hear the enemy Guardian roar, look for opportunities when the enemy gets cocky!
Since every ally slain empowers the enemy Guardian and every enemy slain empowers yours, it is in your best interest to protect your teammates and come to their rescue when they get in trouble. Losing them will only make the enemy stronger, but evening the odds and taking down the enemy together rewards your whole team.
Creature kills count as player kills! If a Creature defends a point all by itself and you take it down, that's a kill for you and power for your Guardian. That also means you must defend your own Creatures. Some of the upgraded creatures that take 2 or 3 Focus points to summon like a Stone Cerberus are powerful enough to fend off a human player by themselves, but don't leave a puppy Cerberus to die!
If you have a skill that says "pushes enemies" on its description, use it when the enemy climbs the level geometry. An enemy with the high ground advantage is hard to fight into, but the right skills can knock them off their perch and send them back down to the floor with you for an even fight.
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isabella1798 · 5 months
Who are Violet Sorrengails REAL family ?
I mentioned this earlier in my previous theory but I’m going to go more deeper in to it… the fable of the barrens I believe is not just a story but a prophecy.
The Fables of the Barren discusses three brothers who fought to control the magic when an ancient kingdom spanned ocean to ocean. One brother bonded a dragon, one bonded a gryphon and when the third grew jealous, he drew directly from the source (becoming the first venin), loosing his soul and waging war on the other two. The Fables of the Barren also state that 'it was the third brother, who commanded the sky to surrender its greatest power, who finally vanquished his jealous sibling at a great and terrible price.
In fourth wing when a venin approaches Violet she tells her “no wonder you were sent here, you could command the sky to surrender all of it power, you do not know what kind of power you possess”.
The venin sage also wants her bought to him ALIVE and the venin are wanting just her SPECIFICALLY.
Violet is the third sibling (the lightning wielder)
And her parents or one of her parents aren’t her real parents because Mira and Brennan are both riders not a gryphon rider and a venin…
Dragon Rider Lightning Wielder sibling = Violet
Gryffon Rider sibling = ?
Venin sibling = ?
Who could be violets siblings??? Well we don’t know many gryffon riders but Cat and that would be a terrific plot twist (Xadens ex and current girlfriend)
The venin sibling could be Jack? But the venin sibling is definitely…
‼️Leading the Venin‼️
Because this sibling is said to be jealous and became the first venin. I’m not saying this sibling is the VERY first venin but the one that restored the power in recent years after the stop of them 600 years ago.
This is why I’m leading on towards Naolin who was Tairn’s previous rider. It is said “he did not fail but lost everything”. Which confirms he is not dead and the only way Tairn could live without his rider is if he died or turned Venin.
Naolin has a lot to be jealous of Violet for, she is bonded to his old dragon and possesses a lot of power.
But… this sibling could not bond with ANY dragon or gryffon so it must not be Naolin. But I still do think Naolin is alive and will be an enemy of Violet until he gets cured, I can see Naolin and Violet teaming up and Tairn being so proud of his riders *awww*
So I believe we haven’t met her real siblings yet but what about her parents?
We know Violet never had a great relationship with her mum but had a great one with her dad. But if I’m being honest I don’t think Lilith and her husband are violets biological mother and father. It is never stated that Violet has any resemblance to her family but it is mentioned all the rest of them look alike.
If you read my theory before this one you’ll see what I mean by her real parents still being alive and venin but either way I have no idea who they are.
And this sibling who is jealous knows of violets existence but how? Are they older than violet and remember her from when she was a baby? Did they grow up together but Violet had her memories wiped? Do they know of her because of the prophecy? Or have they known Violet her whole life but never revealed to her their relation?
If Violet had her memories wiped by someone who had the signet to wipe memories and joined the sorrengails later in her childhood then Brennan and possibly Mira must remember and know that she is “adopted”.
This is just unhinged theory of mine and again pls correct me if I’m wrong about anything 😭👍
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ravenelyx · 3 months
I Love You In Every Timeline - Sebastian Sallow
The Repertoire Of Memory is Worn
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Fic masterlist
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, Harry Potter characters appearance, no name appearance for the reader
Themes: angst, temporarily unrequited love, pining, some form of transference¹, developing relationship, slow burn, explicit (eventually)
Summary: "He turned around, and the world seemed to stop around him. She had followed him: into another timeline, into another universe." In which Sebastian, in his search for a cure in the Dark Arts, finds himself 100 years into the future and meets his most trusted companion's descendant (who looks far too similar to the girl he was once secretly in love with).
A/N: The last edited chapter before we get to the real new stuff, right after ONE YEAR OF ILYET! Happy brithday to this fic!!
AO3 - Wattpad
Perhaps Sebastian should have given the Gryffindor Prefects less credit after all. He should take back the bonus sapphires he had reluctantly given to the red gryphon for his "hospitality."
Because at that moment, it felt like anything but.
He remembered the look Hermione had given you when you were about to tell him your secret. Maybe a deep and dark one, the kind of secret that can only be shared through hushed whispers and damp breaths. The kind of secret that you’d only disclose to a trusted person.
Or, well, perhaps that was too far-fetched.
In any case, your tone of voice and the look in your eyes clearly showed that whatever you wished to disclose to him wasn't something you would have told Umbridge — or any other less preposterous teacher. And he wasn’t worthy either, apparently.
Sebastian wasn't looking for validation, nor was he fishing for pity; but maybe he did wish to be seen.
All things considered, no one in his new circle of friends — which looked more like a segment and a dot, given he didn't yet know where he stood with you — knew of his his deep and dark secret: his misadventure, nor of the reason he occasionally tugged at his sleeves when the cardigan itched at his wrists.
Sebastian didn’t know what to make of that burning longing sliding up and down his throat.
He wanted to tell Daphne.
He wanted to tell you.
He wanted to tell everyone.
Hell, he'd have even told Draco Malfoy if it meant that at least someone would acknowledge his standing, no matter how asinine and annoying their comments might be.
"...unless it's absolutely necessary," he recalled, echoing in his mind like an eerie consciousness. But where was it that he could draw the line between necessary and extremely-and-idiotically-self-indulgent?
It had been, reluctantly, two weeks since the Artefact had brought him there. Two weeks in which he hadn't seen Ominis or Anne — not that they wanted him around anyway. Two weeks without hearing her voice. Two weeks since he’d basked in a short wave of comfort that almost bordered friendship with you that day. Two weeks in which you hadn't visited the Undercroft, not even once.
Sebastian was there all the time, much to his dismay. If he sat there long enough, he could almost pretend nothing had really changed. He could almost trick himself into waiting for her to walk in and practise Confringo with him. He could almost hear Ominis and Anne's laughter as the Gobstones splashed him with their juice.
Sebastian wanted to ask you to practise some spells with him there. Maybe, just maybe, if you placed your body at a certain angle and shrugged off your Gryffindor robes, he could have seen her.
But your hair was shorter. Just a little.
He had noticed it the day before when you'd turned around to collect your potion ingredients, and it had been eating at him ever since. Stupid, really, because your hair should have been the last, meaningless point on his list of discrepancies between you two.
As demonstrated by your escapade in the Library, it was quite obvious that, aside from some physical features and your last name, you two were like chalk and cheese. He recalled it all with tears prickling the corners of his eyes, because as much as he wished he could mould and fix and shape, he couldn’t. It was a mismatched proposition he was being lured into like a lake of sirens; showing him exactly what he wanted, before the real trick came out.
He wasn’t the guide.
"I can be sneaky, let's go," she had said, naively.
"Hold on, now," he had answered her with a small, knowing smile.
"Is it always this easy to sneak in?" he heard his voice say again.
"The Library is closed at this hour, so no. It's not."
He wasn’t the protector.
"You said the librarian would be gone by now!"
"I said usually!"
"It's five to eight. That means we have twenty minutes, at max, before Madam Pince returns," and he had nodded in understanding.
He was nothing he used to be and everything he loathed the most. Just as he had been that day in the Catacombs.
Sebastian took a loud, deep breath that sounded more like a choked gasp.
Everything felt wrong. Everything was wrong. It felt like the Universe (or that damn Supreme Being that had been toying with him since he arrived in this world) had swapped your places. And the more he looked at you, the less he saw her.
And that scared him, because if one thing was true about Sebastian Sallow, it was that he was a selfish, heedless bastard when it came to matters of the heart, and if the only way to have her back by his side was to love her vicariously through you, he wasn't going to budge.
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scrumpyfan43 · 1 year
A weird trope I really like is Space Platforms
My working definition of a Space Platform is something that satisfies all of these criteria:
Terrain (used primarily as a surface to stand and/or build on )
Suspended in space or high in the sky
Despite objective local gravity such that you could fall “down” off the side
Some things that are and aren’t Space Platforms
Stacraft’s Space Platform terrain, probably the purest example of it:
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You walk on them, you build buildings on them, and there’s ice cream shops built into the walls (also they’re literally called space platforms):
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Wube had planned on but eventually abandoned space platforms for Factorio that are very clearly inspired by Starcraft:
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Gryphon Station in Tyrian has standing water and jungles exposed to the Space Air:
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Motos I’m pretty sure explicitly refers to the environment as a series of space platforms; there’s no buildings (unless you count Nabicons) but the platforms are clearly artificial, they’re thin enough that the only thing you can do is stand (and jump) on them, and the objective of the game is to shove enemies off the platform and into the void:
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Skyroads consists of driving and jumping a space car along treacherous space platforms:
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Final Destination in Smash Bros.:
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They seem to be a lot more common in games than in other media, but they’re out there. Most famously probably is The Jetsons:
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The truck stop in Spaceballs is a fantastic space platform:
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The Wander Over Yonder episode “The Box” has people milling about on space platforms (but contrast with “Duck Dodgers In The 24½th Century” later):
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The ring city from Treasure Planet is a weird one because it’s the only one I’ve encountered that doesn’t have a uniform up and down, but unlike the rotating space stations it’s meant to evoke, you still experience objective gravity while standing on your ship next to it
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And last, close to my heart is the floating platform “Cool Lightning” from the lost comic Monster Killers (which was heavily influenced by video games):
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Now for some things that are not Space Platforms, even though they’re great in their own ways.
1) Floating Islands (they’re terrain, but not artificial terrain):
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2) The RLS Legacy from Treasure Planet and other tall ships in space (vehicles, not terrain):
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3) Buildings with lots of interior volume and no walkable surfaces, such as these buildings in The Jetsons:
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and the Cloud City in Star Wars:
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4) Artificial terrain that relies on centrifugal artificial gravity, such as Ringworld, the Halo Installations, O’Neill Cylinder, Stanford Torus, etc. These more or less obey real world physics and aren’t magically levitating, and while you could “fall off” one, you aren’t affected by gravity unless you’re standing on the surface:
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And now for some borderline cases.
Neverhood. Hoborg constructed it, but does his divinity mean that it’s natural rather than artificial? Aesthetics are more “floating island” than “space platform” but the lore points the other way:
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Death Egg and Doomsday Zones in Sonic & Knuckles. The interior seems to contain most of the important stuff, but Sonic spends most of the time running around on the exterior:
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The walkways in Duck Dodgers In The 24½th Century. They’re very similar to the Wander Over Yonder platforms, but they’re not extensive enough that I’m happy calling them “terrain.” Space Balconies maybe.
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gryph-the-gryphon · 1 month
the Gryphons can give rly nice feel auras . tho only when these Gryphons connect with Gryph the Gryphon . bc without this Gryph the Gryphon the Gryphon can't be the real Gryphon . bc all the real Gryphons always want 2 be with this Gryphon ^v^ ^V^
this Gryphon rly need 2 feel better tho this Gryphon needs more lots of the Gryphons
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mjrtaurus · 6 days
My brain hasn't been able to stop cooking with this one, Taurus!😭😭
So we know right now that Marco's being strong-armed by Bakin to go save Weevil from the Marines, but the thing is, he knows he can't afford to leave Sphinx Island unprotected again. The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates on his contact list are either too preoccupied at the moment or aren't close by enough to take up watch while he makes things square with old Lady Bakin. He has nobody else to cover for him.
Except. He does have someone else.
Someone else who still owes him for carrying him away from Marineford, who knows the rumor of Whitebeard's treasure is bullshit, and who didn't seem to have quite so much hatred in his heart after Pop's passing. I mean, they did part on slightly better terms than Marco would have expected.
Crocodile doesn't even know how Marco got his denden number and he knows even less what made him say yes. But before he knows it, he and a Cross Guild battalion are camping out on Sphinx Island for a couple of days. And Gabriel and Gryphon insisted on coming along because they can't get enough of seeing new places, even if they're the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
Now Crocodile actually gets to see the place where Whitebeard put his whole life's savings into. The place he grew up. Some of the people here have grandparents who even knew Pops when he was a kid.
Gryphon is busy showing off his sword skills to the other kids in the village (he's picked up Buggy's love for boasting) and Gabriel was supposedly playing with the sphinxes, but he flutters up to Crocodile frightened out of his tiny wits because apparently there's a monster on the island that's shed its skin. Crocodile's prepared to butcher whatever it is, until he sees what it is that's got Gabriel so frightened.
It's not a shed skin. It's a very old, very familiar coat fluttering in the breeze from its two year-old resting place.
He didn't have the nerve to approach the grave back then. What about today?
Not that far in the show yet, but luckily my friend is a Marco Stan and gushes over him about as much as I gush to her about Crocodile, so I know roughly what's going on here.
This is gonna be a long one, so buckle your seatbelts and enjoy the ride.
Marco and Crocodile reconciling post Marineford really is something I've been thinking about working into my headcanon lore.
Like I can see Crocodile paying his respects to Whitebeard and Ace's graves. He would address Ace's first. That man was his son's brother. He'd been there for Luffy when he and Dragon weren't able to. Protected him. Encouraged him. Even gave his life for him. And... he and Ace shared a burden of blood. The man was going to be executed just for carrying his father's name, just as Crocodile would have had Whitebeard not claimed him at God Valley.
And then he would pay his respects to Whitebeard himself. Maybe he would talk to him, maybe he would stand in silence... either way he would feel a deep understanding. The wisdom that experience could give you, or something like that...
That's where Marco would find him. And... that's where Marco drops a bombshell.
This is all headcanon lore, mind you all. This whole post is, actually.
The Whitebeard Pirates had been laying the groundwork for plans to raid Impel Down only a short time before Ace was captured. Why? To break Crocodile out.
Once news had gotten to Whitebeard about him being imprisoned after the whole Alabasta incident, he knew he had to get him out. What was done didn't matter, and the betrayal of Teach brought too much to light about who the real danger to the family was.
But then Ace- another hot-headed son of his- was captured, and all the meticulous planning was reformed into an all out frontal assault.
The World Government wanted a war? Well, they would get one in spades...
Crocodile is... shocked by this. That they still even had it in their hearts to care about him after all the things he had done.
He only wished he'd learned this before he had been well and truly orphaned.
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pristmaticrosevein · 1 month
Prismatic Rose AU (RWBY)
The poll chain is getting a little long and convoluted, so I created a new blog to hold everything.
The polls won't be a single answer. Instead I'll try to work all of the answers together, based off the number of votes each answer gets. If I can, of course.
Aura is present, but is more like DBZ power levels than how it functions in RWBY. A shot to the heart will be as fatal to a Human Huntsman as it would be to anyone else.
Firearms are regular firearms. Dust is instead used to craft weapons, like is alluded to by Ironwood, but never actually seen in the story.
Jaune Arc
Humble Everydude
Jaune picks up a Broken Sword, his power repairs his sword, can generate a shield, and armour.
When depressed or in a deep fury his sword stays broken, and his armour is rusted. He is nearly invincible, but lacks any real control.
When happy, he literally glows from the light he emits.
Later learns to use and even combine both.
Attacked by Grimm, saved by Ruby. The Grimm was a Gryphon and a number of Beowulves.
Genre: Dark Souls
Ruby Rose
Werewolf: She learns to control her Human / Wolf forms.
Eventually unlocks a middle Wolfen form.
Silver Eyes: Her silver eyes are part of her Werewolf curse, from her connection to the moon. Eventually allows her to dispel darkness and inflict Lunacy.
Strongly dislikes bright sunlight, finding it oppressive. Will hide under her red hood in bright daylight.
Dislikes sitting around and doing nothing. As she learns to open up to her friends, hanging with them counts as doing something.
Dame Sister of the Order of the Sanguine Rose. Still a Novice, (no oath), but she was a Squire, and got her Accolade because of being a natural when fighting the forces of darkness.
Werewolves are normally turned over to the Church. Faith in God is the best way to gain control of their powers. Others can do so by living with wolf packs in the wilds, though they are rarely trusted.
Regeneration: Turned off with Silver, Fire, and direct sunlight. Indirect sunlight dims it. She's mostly fine in her cloak and hood, but better a night.
Extremely high metabolism. She can get blood thirsty if she doesn't eat, but sugar works extremely well. I.e. cookies are MANDATORY.
Pain causes her rage to ignite.
Shield of Faith and Miracle Die: 40K SoB reference. I'll explain if anyone asks.
Powered armour powered by prismatic energies. Summoned with transformation sequence. The catalyst for the transformation is a crescent moon broach with a deep red ruby.
Any equipment she holds while transforming gets turned into a magical girl version of it, like Ghost Rider.
Her scythe, Lunamaria, is made with a steel edge, and an iron blade inlaid with mythril and quicksilver. This allows her to defeat most dark foes without calling upon her moonfallen abilities.
Her Bolt Pistol, Lunalapina, uses custom made rounds, (made a lot easier with Dust forging equipment). She owns rounds customized to fight most dark things. Once converted, her mag changes use her prismatic energy to refill them. Think similar to Dante, but she still has to reload.
She can do something similar to Petal Burst while transformed, except more prismatic.
She can do a less conspicuous long-range teleportation that is guided by her faith, i.e. it cannot be used arbitrarily.
Pyrrha Nikos
A literal angel.
Angels are forbidden from most direct interventions. The exception is for the Creatures of Grimm, or other nefarious beings.
Angels can only whisper into your ear. Devils have the same restriction, but are not known for being good at following rules.
Often the intervention of angels will be perceived, (by the imperceptive), as luck. Others might see them in dreams.
Angels can only directly interact with people who have enough spiritual strength to fully perceive them.
She brought Ruby to save Jaune.
Weiss Schnee
Boreal Elf
Went to Thule University.
Major in Spellcrafting, the most difficult discipline that actually crafts new spells.
Magic affinities are Water, Wind, and Light.
Equipped with the mystical rapier Myrtenaster.
Can summon a Auroran Horse or a Kelpie. Auroran Horses work like Ruin from Darksiders, but made from light that blends into the darkness. Kelpies are water fey horses that are known for their... ill temperament. Will often act out against those that Weiss is irate with. Thoroughly enjoys chewing on Jaune's hair.
Minors in Fey summoning and economics.
Her main Fey summons are a Pixie, Will'o'Wisp, Banshee, and female Dullahan.
Her pixie is mischievous, much to Weiss' vexation. But, she'll only have fun with those Weiss holds dear. Otherwise, they might simply get lost in the woods.
Wil'o'Wisps are incorporeal, and bear the water, wind, and light elements that Weiss is so wonderful with.
For those that don't know their Fey, Banshees are actually extremely loyal to their households. They are washer maids, and the wail is because their beloved family member is going to die. Her powers are water-based, along with a wail that can be modified to work in a wide variety of ways. He touch can chill, and her voice carries the wind.
Her Dullahan carries a great sword with a fluted tip in one hand, and can summon an Auroran horse to ride.
Her Dullahan is Nora, whom largely represents Weiss' desire to not have impulse control and selfishness. Naturally, they clash quite a big.
Her Pixie is Leanan Ren, a Leanan Sidhe. Weiss typically calls her "Leanne". She largely represents Weiss's exceptionalism and selflessness. Her mistress, and her mistress' friends call her "Leeann."
When Leeann and Nora agree, and can convince Weiss, typically leads to epic bouts of violence.
Blake Belladonna
Nekomata (cat Youkai that can take Human form; known for being especially amorous).
Has Changeling blood, but must soon return to her original form.
The only form she is truly comfortable in is that of a black cat, or a black catgirl.
Can become amorphous, and crawl through the shadows, or strike out from them as tendrils. Learns to master greater abilities, think Shadow from DMC.
Class is Ninja, which is basically a Rogue with low-level magic.
Her Youkai blood provides basic shapeshifting. He distant Changeling blood provides more advanced, though less stable shape shifting. Her Ninja abilities allow her to blend into shadow, briefly become intangible, or leave behind figments of herp presence.
Yang Xiao Long
Dragon-blooded, from a Storm Dragon. Got it from Tai's side.
Appears Human.
Can learn to summon dragon features, such as claws, wings, scales, or a tail.
Can eventually learn to transform into a Storm Dragon, though she normally needs a LOT of rage to do so.
Her rage allows her to basically turn Super Saiyan. Which is basically just Yang's regular Semblance, but attached to someone as powerful as Vegeta.
Class is Stormclash Monk. Combines Monk with Bloodrager, with Storm-based spellcaster.
Weapons: Gauntlets, a stone sling, and an Iron Club. She can use all three as a catalyst for her lightning powers, and all count as monk weapons.
Ilia Amitola
Rainbow slime.
Before anyone, including her, knew that she was a sentient lifeform, Jaune finds her on the street and takes care of her.
After watching Jaune fail to flirt with Weiss, she realized she could adopt a Human-like form.
Despite attempts by Blake to convince her otherwise, she sees nothing wrong with being Jaune's pet. He has always taken such good care of her.
She is vexed that she is no longer allowed to sleep with her master. However, he hasn't shown any problem about napping with him if she does so in blob form.
Once Jaune unlocks his grandfather's broken sword, she quite insistently goes with him. He will comply if she does so in blob form, sitting on his shoulder, (and refusing to leave).
Ilia's main abilities are physical transformations, (think Kirby). This means she tends to transform into Jaune's weapons, particularily a rainbow wrecking ball.
She can also extend spikes are enemies trying to strike Jaune from outside his field of vision. He gets used to it to the point if she barely does something similar, he knows he needs to look in that direction.
A third main form is turning into a boulder that Jaune throws (rolls) at enemies.
She has low-level elemental abilities. Not as suitable for combat, but allows her to turn into a bbq.
Penny Polendina
Golem with the soul of Pietro's daughter attached. He was legitimately trying to save his daughter, though the means are not exactly generally accepted. Only Dwarves know how to do this, and most of them would completely refuse to do so.
All mana channels and ley chambres are internal.
Penny is an Artificer with a minor in Battle Augur. She can create animated combatants. She has a small host of magic abilities, but only learns attack spells through observation. Other than Magic Missile, but since Battle Augurs are basically Megaman, it's through an arm cannon.
Creatures that have fallen to darkness in the shadow of the moon. The moon reflects light from the sun, and as such is both the basis of the power of the dark creatures, and their bane. The shattered moon remnant of the disaster that created them.
Angel, Fallen
Fey, Unseelie (also Fallen)
Witch, Black
Creatures of Grimm
Creatures of shadow and enmity.
As enmity builds in an area, a Grimm Fragment is created. This is not visible to those without Shadowsight.
If enough enmity is unleashed at the same time, a Grimm Fragment can be boosted into a full-fledged Grimm.
More commonly, nefarious beings use the Fragments to create Creatures of Grimm to do their bidding, (hopefully).
Some less than ethnical magic users can try to use this as a power source. It can work, or it can create a Creature of Grimm.
When a Creature of Grimm is spotted, it triggers an investigation.
Huntsmen and Huntresses
Those licensed to hunt Creatures of Grimm.
Some are lone vagabonds, others join fraternities or orders-militant.
While fraternities and orders normally have their own rules of conduct, without them Huntsmen are defacto, and often dejure, immune to all by the most heinous of laws.
This is both out of privilege, and out of practicality. On one hand, you want the Huntsman hunting. On the other, trying to bring a Huntsman to trial, unwillingly, is a harrowing ordeal for everyone involved. The Church's Inquisition typically handles rogue Huntsmen.
Because of this, disreputable Huntsmen will often be shunned by most of society.
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deathbydarkelves · 1 month
How do you handle travel time in Azeroth for your writings? The game lets you take a ship or zeppelin to a whole other continent faster than you can fly a hippogryph to the next city lol
I handle it realistically, or as realistically as the story needs.
I don’t know if we have a canon size for Azeroth (regardless the in-game world isn’t to scale lol), but when laying the groundwork for my AU I wanted to size it up to my own preference anyway. So I semi-arbitrarily decided modern Kalimdor is slightly smaller than South America (roughly 4,000 mi/6,400 km north-south, compared to S. America’s ~4,700 mi/7,500 km), and I use that as my general reference for the other landmasses.
I don’t pull out my calculator every time there’s a timeskip between chapters or a travel montage, because that’s a lot of extra work that really doesn’t add much in my style of writing. I go for semi-realism, not hard realism. But when drafting, I do look at the average speed of whatever modes of transportation my characters will be using, compare that to an estimate of the distance they’re covering, then add a little more to their travel time to account for physical and plot obstacles they’ll run into.
I also look at other adventure-fantasy stories and compare the scale of the story to the time it took. The entirety of Lord of the Rings takes place over about a year. So I sort of... compare the scale of my stories to Lord of the Rings and go from there, as one more way to guesstimate time taken. I'm very bad at visualizing numbers, so I gotta find workarounds lol.
The end result is that an on-foot trip from, say, Stormwind to central Duskwood will take about a week to a week and a half. In my AU hippogryphs, gryphons, and similarly-sized flying creatures can reach top speeds of 45 mph/72 km/h, so that same trip in a straight line, going at max speed whenever possible and accounting for necessary rest stops, would take VERY ROUGHLY three to five days.
When it comes to the sailing ships, I just use the irl speed of those as well. Traveling between the E.K. and Kalimdor via ship takes two to six months, give or take depending on your ship, the winds, weather, and the season. Zeppelins are a lot faster, but considering this is WoW and we’re working with… not-WWII-technology… I do considerably slow them down in this setting (to maybe a max of 40-60 mph/64-96 km/h, ROUGHLY). So the same trip between the E.K. and Kalimdor would take anywhere from a week to two months. Again, depending on the ship, winds, etc.
When it comes to that sort of intercontinental travel you do have to keep in mind everyone has to avoid the Maelstrom, which adds gods-only-know how much more travel time lol
So TL;DR it’s whatever feels best for the story, informed by real-world equivalents to the modes of transportation my characters use :)
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         Ciri’s Witcher Gear
quick description:
Replaces Ciri's main outfit with the gryphon/griffin witcher armor
There is a 'without texture' version , it allows you to choose any retexture mod for it, my personal favorites are The golden griffin-knight and Griffin Armour (On The Path) but most armor retex mods should be compatible, This 'no textures' version doesn't have wounded/dirty textures obviously, the armor just stays clean
If you like my work, and have enough to spare, consider supporting me on Ko-fi ♡
⚠️⚠️ Do not repost and/or share any of the files to any modding site, google drive, discord server, or anywhere else on the internet ⚠️⚠️
reblogs are welcome
♡ Download on Nexus ♡
make sure to read the ‘about mod’ and ‘Recomended’ sections ! it could save you some trouble!
about the mod / Known issues/ compatibility :
-NOT tested on next gen but in theory it should wok fine
- All appearences are supported  wounded,winter,hooded,cloaked,vesemir and lara necklaces… everything is covered
-some Clipping
- probably Invisible when Spwaned through console command idk didn’t test
-compatible with any face/hair/skin texture mod, sincethis only changes her armor( and hood model )
                                     Recomended mods:
- Immersive Real-time Cutscenes by teiji25 , so she doesn’t revert back to her vanilla outfit during the scream scene or other pre-rendered cutscenes ( old gen only )
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houseoflibra · 4 months
Saint Seiya: Dark Wing Chapter 30: Scorpio's Lethal Strategy
Page 1
Sanctuary, House of Aquarius
Tristan: - I thought I just heard something?...
Tristan's study
Page 2
Aquarius Gold Saint, Tristan
Page 3
Tristan: - (Did I imagine it...?)
Page 4
Tristan: - (There is no way there's a mistake in the program I wrote...) - (Which means...) - The more I think about it, the more obvious it gets... - The war this time is distorted...
???: - Hey, little Tristan!
Tristan: - Ugh...
Page 5
Crematorio: - Yo!
Cancer Gold Saint, Crematorio
Tristan: - Ahh... - What is it, Crematorio? - I'm busy.
Crematorio: - Oh, that's okay!
Page 6
Crematorio: - What'cha up to? - I thought you might be getting lonely by now.
Tristan: - Huh? - Me? Lonely? - What are you talking about?... - (Sigh...)
Crematorio: - Well, since your darling Eulalia and your rival for her affections Vassilios have gone together to Japan, ya know?
Tristan: - What?!
Page 7
Crematorio: - You three have known each other since you were kids, haven't you? - And yet they left you behind this time, huh? - I wonder if right about now Vassilios is doing something clever to help Eulalia out of a rough spot. - She might be so grateful that she'll fall in love before you know it...
Page 8
Crematorio: - You know how it goes, right? People are dangerous...
Tristan: - If you mean the suspension bridge effect, I know all about it. - Did you come all the way to the House of Aquarius to talk about such silly things? - You must not have anything better to do, huh? - How about using your time for productive things instead? - You don't have as long left to live as me, - old man.
Page 9
Crematorio: - Ah, Tristan... - As hard as ever, huh? - But for real... - This time, she might come across the Celestial Noble Star Gryphon, one of the Three Judges of the Underworld. - Aren't you worried?
Tristan: - (Sigh...) - Eulalia won't have any trouble.
Crematorio: - Huh?
Page 10
Tristan: - We talked many times about how to counter Gryphon... - Even if she does gets trapped... - ...genius that I am, I've provided her with a strategy. - (Hmph!)
Crematorio: - Ohh...
Eulalia: - Aaahhh!!
Page 11
Minos: - Ah! - Finally, after the 100th one, I get a scream of pain out of you!
Page 12
Minos: - (Heh heh heh...) - I knew it would be lovely!... What a heavenly scream!
Eulalia: - So you fell for it, did you, - Celestial Noble Star, Gryphon?!
Minos: - What?
Eulalia: - Instead of breaking all my bones...
Page 13
Eulalia: - ...you should have ripped off my nails first.
Minos: - What are you saying?... - Your nails? Hahahah! - Why do that... - ...when I can just break your fingers?!
Eulalia: - (Now!!)
Pages 14 + 15
Eulalia: - Scarlet Needle...
Page 16 + 17
Eulalia: - ...Antares Kiiiick!!!
Page 18
Minos: - Aaaahh!
Page 19
Page 20
Eulalia: - (Ahh...) - (Ah...) - (I did it,) - (Tristan!...)
Page 21
Tristan: - Listen. If you're up against Gryphon, the first move is crucial. - It's best to defeat them before they trap you. - To do so, use the Scarlet Needle without holding back and aim for a lethal blow. - You'll be in trouble if you get caught in their threads. - But if you do...
Eulalia: - ...Tristan?
Page 22
Tristan: - I'd rather not think about it, but in the unlikely event that you get trapped... - ...make use of the fight up until that point.
Eulalia: - Hm? How do you mean?
Tristan: - Unleash the Scarlet Needle at full force from the very start. That way, even if you don't strike a fatal blow... they'll likely keep it in mind... - ...the pattern of your technique. - That impression will create a gap that you can exploit. - In other words...
Page 23
Eulalia: - Heh heh... Tristan, that went better than I expected. - It wasn't part of the plan to get caught, - but when I mentioned my nails, he was presented with these beautiful fingers that I flaunted so thoroughly. - It was only natural he thought of them. - This was Scorpio's lethal strategy. - (Heheh!)
Page 24
Eulalia: - Let them cut flesh and break bone! - I'll pull out all the stops!!
Tristan: - Achoo!
Crematorio: - Hey, get well soon...
Page 25
Lucas/Minos: - Uh... uhh...
Page 26
To be continued...
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