#because I know most of you would never say the kind of rancid shit you say on anon to another person's face
exhuastedpigeon · 2 months
The best part of being back in a fandom with weekly episodes is the chaos and spec between episodes. I love seeing what everyone is thinking and then watching the episode and seeing what was right and what was completely wrong.
It isn't meant to be serious, it's meant to be fun.
The worst part about being in a fandom with weekly episodes is that people sometimes take spec and fan theories too seriously. They get these ideas in their head and then when the show does something different they get upset at the show and the person who came up with the theory.
If you're reading spec and getting so attached to it that you're upset at the show, stop. Spec is spec and most of the time it's wrong because we aren't working with all of the information that the writers are.
If you read spec and you get upset that it was wrong and feel mislead, you need to take a breath and maybe go outside. No one on tumblr dot com is saying they know what's coming next. We're all just fans theorizing (unless one of you is secretly the show runner and in that case please come talk to me I have so many questions).
Canon is always better than spec because it's canon. It's the writers and show runner (and actors) putting in all this work to make something for us. They know the general idea of what's coming in 5, 10, 15 episodes and we have no idea. They know the general plan for the next season. They have information that will never make it on screen.
No amount of watching the show and reading interviews will ever get us that level of knowledge because we aren't in the room. So let the spec and theories be what they're meant to be - a fun way to fill the time between episodes and engage with other fans.
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heymacy · 1 month
thank you so much for your answer! i actually didn’t expect such a in depth response— it actually made me kind of excited to rewatch the show so that i can give those seasons a try! i watched shameless as it was airing around s3 so it was really hard for me to cope with the idea of watching ian ‘moving on’ and bashing mickey without knowing he would be back etc. but i guess it should be time to face that considering who he gets married to! tho, if it’s okay, i wanted to ask more cause i love to see your take on it! for what ive gathered caleb cheated on ian with a girl saying it ‘didn’t count’, but was he also the one who told ian to try to be with a girl? cause i remember seeing something about it and it really pissed me off that ian even went and ‘tried’, considering s1 was him being very vocal about non being into girls! as for trevor, i did know about the monica ‘get over it’ clip because i always see people comparing it to how mickey has always been supportive no matter what (of course!!!) and also how trevor kind of forced himself on ian. i wanted to know what’s your opinion on those relationships of his, especially trevor cause it seems like it’s been the most controversial one as he spent two seasons around him. it’s funny in a way because the writers didn’t want mickey back but they still made every love interests ian had to be ‘wrong’ and showing everything that mickey would never do! also, this is out of pettiness mostly but considering all those seasons are about his bipolar disorder, does ian ever say that to his partners as a way to break up? or can i have a little of happiness thinking he just really wanted to protect who matters the most *cough* mickey *cough*. again, thank you for taking your time answering my question, i loved reading it!
hello again! more under the cut bc i'm quite chatty :)
first of all, yes, the "it doesn't count" + trying to have sex with a girl thing is true, and it honestly never felt very in-character for me. it was definitely A Choice on behalf of the writers. in fact, he gargles with mouthwash afterwards (or maybe it's vodka, i can't remember) and says "i think i have PTSD", which (of course) is meant to be humorous, but i do think it was a very jarring and confusing experience for him.
ohhhhhhh boy. the trevor of it all. well, let's begin by saying that there's a lot of controversy surrounding trevor. there are some really rancid anti-trevor takes that i don't agree with, primarily the ones rooted in transphobia, which i think is disgusting and abhorrent. i think people are generally either very anti-trevor or pretty neutral on him. i don't think anyone out there is singing his praises, or at least i've never heard a take like that in the time i've been in the fandom. as for me & my opinion, i think he is an incredibly frustrating, pretentious, self-serving character and he irritates me deeply. i think that while he could have been a good friend to ian, he fucked things up by trying to be his boyfriend. they were incompatible from the start and i honestly don't know why they started anything in the first place. like i know why, i just don't understand it. they had no spark. they had no connection. their only commonalities were that they were 1) both gay and 2) into advocating for homeless + at-risk youth. and that's like, it. they had friendly coworker energy, not electric, bone-shattering chemistry. my rating? 0/10 stars. i was very happy when he was written off and ian was left to sort his shit out on his own, unencumbered by a dissatisfying, toxic relationship.
and caleb.......ugh. fucking caleb! i'm surprised he doesn't get vertigo from riding such a high horse. he treated ian like an accessory and consistently put him in uncomfortable situations for no reason other than his own pleasure and/or to manipulate other people. the ONLY good thing he did was lead ian down the EMT path, and that is it. otherwise he was quite literally the worst. imagine cheating on someone and then being like "actually, this is a you issue." alexa, define "cold-blooded" 🙄
to answer your question, ian never credits his bipolar disorder when ending things with any other partner, no. trevor ended because ian ran off with mickey and lied to him about it/cheated on him (though they did spend another season in each other's lives in a really strange capacity, which was an interesting choice by the writers) and caleb ended because he cheated on ian. caleb was a clean break whereas trevor was super messy and drawn-out. but no, he doesn't talk about wanting to protect them from his disorder during their breakups. he tells them both about it early on, is transparent about it, and expresses his concerns about it being a lot to handle, but it isn't credited as the reason for the breakups, no.
i think when it comes to ian protecting mickey from his disorder, it's important for us to view things through an ian-centric lens. why did he do what he did? was it solely to protect mickey, or was it coming from a place of insecurity? a place where he felt like a burden? a place where he felt hopeless and aimless and scared? post-episode and post-diagnosis, it's very common to fall into what i like to call The Pit, which is essentially a shallow bed of self-loathing and the desire to self-isolate away from everyone and everything. we see a lot of that in the end of s5 and the beginning of s6. he's made himself very small, is afraid to do nearly anything for fear of further destruction, and feels incredibly trapped and frightened by his circumstances. all of these factors contribute to his behaviors and choices, including (but not limited to) breaking up with mickey. did he end things because he didn't want mickey to spend his life coping with the realities of loving someone with this disorder? yes. but he did what he did because he was scared. and i think it's really important we make that distinction when talking about and analyzing that storyline.
as always, if there's anything you want to talk about or if you have any other questions you are always welcome in my inbox! i hope you're having a lovely day 💛
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
How is the free speech thing balanced in the US with regard to the law? Does everything fall under this amendment? For instance, in France, antisemitism, denial of the Holocaust or racism are (normally) not counted as opinions but punishable by law. Not as crimes but the infraction level below (it's called délits but I don't know the English equivalent)
It's complicated. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, press, and assembly-- i.e. you have the basic right to speak, write, and protest how you want without government censorship or punishment. If the right wing free-speech champions were genuinely concerned about it in any meaningful way, they would be defending the BLM and abortion-rights protestors, since this is something that actually is guaranteed in the Constitution, but uhhh, yeah, free speech for me and none for thee is their whole philosophy.
What the First Amendment does not do is give you the ability to act like a total dick in public all the time and never suffer consequences. The fact that it has been interpreted as such is another result of the skewed extreme-libertarian philosophy that is likewise popular in the US, where you yourself are the most important person and should be able to do whatever you want all the time. You have every right to yell fire in a crowded theater, but when you are arrested for causing a public panic and/or injuries or a stampede or whatever, the First Amendment is not some magical get-out-of-jail-free card where you can invoke it and then cry about being unfairly persecuted if people are harmed by your conscious decision to be a dick. So hate speech is not necessarily a protected category of speech, and it certainly does not exempt you from consequences enforced on you by other private citizens.
For example, take the recent Alex Jones trial. He is a bloated hatemongering piece of human garbage who, ever since the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012, has been making up nonstop lies about the event, claiming it was staged and the victims were "crisis actors," it was a plot to take away Americans' guns, encouraging his equally insane followers to harass the grieving families who had just lost their young children, etc. Anyway, understandably, the families finally sued the living shit out of him for defamation and libel, because free speech does not, again, mean you can just make up nonstop bullshit and cause tangible public harm. It's not the government suing Alex Jones for his reprehensible lies, so his whining about how this, you guessed it, "violates his First Amendment rights!!" is an even bigger load of bullshit than usual. The private citizens whose life he deliberately made a living hell are fully entitled to seek recompense for that pain and suffering, and juries in several different states have agreed, awarding them combined damages of over one-billion-with-a-B dollars, while Jones has likewise tried all kinds of shady bullshit to hide his finances and avoid paying up. Because, as noted, he is absolute rancid garbage.
That's why the right wing was screaming bloody murder about the outcome, because if -- gasp -- people can successfully hold them liable for all the awful things they say and do on a daily basis, they might experience, oh no, A Consequence. And since the loss of money and prestige is pretty much the only punishment these shitbirds understand, they don't want it to catch on, and so they holler about First Amendment Infringement as if that means absolutely anything. Because oh boy, there is truly nothing they love more than playing the martyr while continuing to attack everyone else for daring to act as if they have, in fact, the exact same civil rights as them.
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transfemmbeatrice · 6 months
parker's personal much ado primer
i'm gonna keep posting much ado shit so here is some background on my personal favorite interpretation of the characters; this is not a primer on the actual play and these opinions somewhat differ from my like. canonical readings of these characters. this is what my personal action figures are like when i'm talking about aus. i'm mostly leaving physical descriptions out bc they can vary quite a bit.
when i say "we" i mean me and my wonderful spouse @zaxal because so much of this we sort of developed together over the years and none of these characters would be quite who they are to me without them.
Beatrice: beatrice is a trans woman to me!! i talked about this a bunch here. she will also always have red hair to me (thanks catherine tate for that one). she's hot, she's confident, she doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks about her, she has relatively good judgement, she sometimes struggles to be vulnerable or soft with other people, she loves hero more than anything. she's also arrogant as hell! and often quite angry. beatrice is all fire all the time, she is alive and loud and proud and really likes having the last word. you will always know when she is in the room.
Benedick: oh this man is such a slut. grade a whore. pansexual as shit too. always cracking jokes to cover his own insecurities, desperately needs to be liked or if not that at least the center of attention--even if people don't like him, if they're thinking about him and watching him, that's good enough. he loves being witty and he is prideful and acts somewhat detached when in reality he feels things the Most and gets desperately attached to people and doesn't truly believe they could love him back.
Pedro: strong sense of duty. pedro is one that tends to vary more wildly because we've fallen into "suffocated by responsibility and shitty father, actually kinda shy and dumb and kind" which i love but in the play he is mostly just kinda shitty but i don't WANT him to be, so sometimes we try to lean more into the shitty side of him but often he is an earnest idiot (affectionate)
John: as mentioned in my beatrice post, i hc him as a trans man! sometimes more genderfluid or nonbinary. he's quiet, serious, and calm, and has been done fucking dirty by his dad/the world. generally our thought is that he was raised by his mom until about age 12 when she died and he got dumped on the palace steps and the king extremely resented taking him in and everyone was shitty to him because he's illegitimate. everyone thinks he's a villain and he knows he'll never convince them otherwise so he doesn't try; he just keeps to himself and doesn't form many attachments.
Hero: usually soft spoken but whip smart, doesn't like a lot of attention, stem major, big lesbian facing comphet vibes. she and beatrice are basically sisters. she's insightful but she doesn't share those insights with most people, and is by far the one who calls beatrice on her shit the most. we've ended up friendshipping hero and john because they're both such flat characters who exist at the whims of others and i love the idea of two wallflowers finding each other.
Claudio: obviously the villain. there are lots of different approaches to this--he might be an entitled golden boy, or a rich kid not used to hearing no, or an incel--but essentially he's a bully. i think its most interesting when he appears very nice at first and then when there's any amount of pushback things get ugly but i hate him so much i often make him pretty rancid from the start.
Margaret: outgoing and fairly relaxed, a jock, bi, in love with hero.
Conrade: john's bf, utterly loyal, and by a twist of fate it has become a running joke that he has tumblr disease (purple eyes/white hair). we usually depict him as similar to john--stolid, serious, not interested in taking anyone's shit, but lately i've been wondering if maybe he should be the bright sunshine in contrast to john.
Borachio: essentially a stray dog john and conrade adopted. he comes and goes. he's a mess.
Antonio: beatrice's surrogate parent, and elder queer genderfuck who uses ve/vir pronouns. general chaos agent.
ship abbreviations:
b&b: beatrice/benedick bbp: beatrice/benedick/pedro benepedro: take a guess beap: beatrice/pedro heromeg: hero/margaret johnrade: john/conrade
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animentality · 1 year
Can we all agree that Twitter was the worst social media even before Muskrat bought it?
It's always been demonic. Tumblr and Reddit and Facebook and Instagram might be fucking cringy and harmful in their own special ways, but Twitter is literally where people go to harass celebrities and organize riots.
Twitter's like system is bullshit, its algorithm is random. Even people who are saying something so fucking far removed from the general populace's opinion and morality can blow up and become Twitter famous.
It's so fucking stupid that your entire feed is just fed to you by an algorithm. You could be the most liberal person in the world and still get fucking conservative politicians all over your feed.
At least Reddit is subdivided into subreddits so if you really want to avoid stupid shit, you just don't use r/all. At least Reddit lets you DOWNVOTE people and let them know their opinion is considered shit.
At least on Tumblr you just follow who you want to follow and never have to be subjected to anything you would really hate (for the most part). The chronological algorithm is one of the most freeing things about this place.
Plus you can get your ass obliterated by Tumblr, even though we don't have downvotes.
The reblogging system lets you obliterate the OP's bad opinion in a way that quote retweets never could.
And sure, Tumblr chased off John Green and xkitguy. Tumblr has definitely been the Bad Place before, harassing small artists and creatives and starting truly awful discourses.
But it's NOTHING compared to Twitter harassment like where do you even fucking start?
There are so many celebrities who have gotten harassed on Twitter, to the point where they just had to delete their Twitter or stopped responding to any comments.
There are literally too many to name, I'm not even going to bother. I might argue that every single celebrity has been harassed at least a few times for something dumb!!
Celebrities don't have to name themselves here!
Celebrities are less likely to be harassed on Reddit too.
Twitter is where all the fucking branding and marketing people go because it's like a fucking lottery system, where you never know what'll go viral, but when it does, it goes big.
But the negative side of that is the fact that the WORST FUCKING PEOPLE go viral and extremists become the norm.
And you have yourself a gas echo chamber, where everyone is being poisoned by each other's bad faith discourse.
It is the fucking worst.
Not to mention that their bot problem is worse than any fucking where else.
Russian bots were here too, but more people use Twitter, so the bots there are much more influential.
Also think of this bullshit right?
Twitter is swarming with narcissists. Celebrities, pseudo celebrities, streamers, stock traders, nft bros.
All kinds of people who have to hock their products.
I myself joined Twitter so I could promote my books and try to reach out to literary agents. But there are so many people doing the same shit that you get lost in the white noise of desperate, begging people, who are all trying to make themselves something.
It's fucking sad and depressing.
People on Reddit don't care about being followed. Tumblr hides your follower count from your followers.
I don't know about Facebook because I haven't had one since 2013, but I assume you still have to friend people.
But Twitter is just this out of control mess of narcissists and echo chambers and no matter how rancid your opinion, people will still like it if it goes viral, and no amount of counter points or ratios matter, because in the end, you went viral.
and it's honestly only fucking fitting that Elon Musk bought that vipers' nest.
He's so fuckng egotistical and narcisstic that they go together like peanut butter and jelly.
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irenadel · 1 year
The First Part of All my Joy
I need some motivation to work on the second part of this, everything is the same but slap some fangs and vampiric shit on the supes, there's a lot of gore here, smutty gore, you have been warned.
This is for @blindmagdalena because who else would be responsible for this really?
Part I
Homelander, the world’s best-kept, bloodiest secret, would only feed on the evildoer, he had told you when you had begun allowing those sharp teeth near your body. Your relationship, he had made clear, would therefore remain wholly within the limits of human capacity, in spite of any vampiric fantasies you might have entertained. Just as the criminals and scum of this world, you were here to serve a purpose. They, food; you, company.
It had surprised you once you learned more about the etiquette of his kind, that he would bother with company at all. Strange that despite his terrifying power, he would still engage in sex… with you. The others you had met, in fleeting, brief glimpses, were either much more deceptively human or so removed from mortality that they could not comprehend you in any terms but those of blood. Herd, they called you, never directly addressing you, always when talking about you to Homelander, even when you were in the room with them, ghoul, vessel… thing.
And sometimes he did make you feel like a thing, when he laid you on the bed he never slept in and bid you be still, just let him smell you, let him touch you, don’t even think of moving. Ignoring, the way he always did, your trembling and the rancid smell of your fear the moment he pressed his open mouth to your neck or thighs, so close to your carotid artery that you were sure some night he would be the end of you. On those occasions, you felt almost ashamed whenever you came, knowing how inconsequential your orgasm was for him. He never begrudged it, but he also never acknowledged it.
Sometimes though, when he came inside you, one hand at your throat to keep you from moving, you seemed to be not a thing to him, but someone else. Please, he would say to you and not to you, one more, I’ll be good. Often, you wondered who that was…
The more you grew to know him, the more you began to suspect that it was not merely that he preferred to eat only what he meant to kill, but that he could not help killing it. You began to see certain things in a different light: his refusal to put his mouth on your sex no matter how close to it he would get or his insistence that you not be allowed anywhere near Vought Tower when you were on your period or had an open wound. But most tellingly, how whenever Homelander kissed you, it was always clear, in the hostility of his passion, the overwhelming assault of his tongue and lips, that this was the next best thing to devouring you.
You had known it to be true the day you entered his room unannounced only to slip on a puddle of his latest meal. It was the salty-bitter scent of your hysterical tears which had saved you then, rising above the coppery mess you had fallen in and stopping him dead in his tracks, hand already fisting your hair, gaping maw already poised above your rapidly pulsing jugular. The hand had stayed and so had his legs straddling your waist, but he had risen upright as soon as he could, putting as much distance between his blood-splattered mouth and your own thin flesh. He’d proceeded to masturbate furiously over you and had known he would never find anybody like you again, because through your crying, through your terror, he had been inundated with the unmistakable stench of your arousal. He’d come, harder than he ever had before, with your eyes fixed on his pleasure-wracked face, your sweet pink tongue licking your own lips.
You’d never asked about the poor devil you’d both been covered in that day, but he’d ventured some of the truth then and the rest you had guessed. This was why he had intimacy with no other of his kind, because so few could withstand him. This was why he engaged in human sex… with you, someone who would not embarrass him with her accidental death, someone who would not be missed…
Inevitable then, that in your fervor and his ever-slipping hold on you, you had come to cut your tongue on one of those sharp canines you loved so much. After all, he was so often in control of you when you were together, and even more often, in control of nothing else. It wasn’t even a slight prick, but a full-on bleeding gash which made Homelander moan piteously into your mouth, made his hands wrap so much more forcefully around your arms that for an instant you foresaw and accepted your death.
He had managed to stop himself, half-way to sucking on your wounded tongue, erection pressed so close to the juncture of your thighs that you could feel your pussy contracting at its absence, his eyes glowing a dull, gorey red against your closed eyelids… you breathed desperately the moment he let you go, watching with sympathy the heaving of his own chest as he pulled back from you.
“I can’t,” he’d said and added, almost as if convincing himself. “I shouldn’t.”
There was a desperate, old wound in his glowing eyes, in the way they could not move away from your blood smeared lips. You could not know about Madelyn, or the way your pulse thundered in his ears, how covetously aware he was of the pulpy contraction of your lungs and how easily his hands could get to them, bring them to his greedy, starving lips. He’d learned long ago, the harsh lesson of limited supply: that once he had consumed you, there would be no more of you left to enjoy. And it was then and there that Homelander accepted he could not abide that. He wiped the blood off his mouth, still panting, undone for once. 
And you, fragile and weak as you were, reached towards him then, foolish hands trying to cup his face only for him to step back from them.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
But you didn't listen this time. You slipped one finger in your mouth and brought the pinkish saliva coating it to his lips. He groaned at the contact. Eyes rolling back in pleasure at the first taste of your diluted blood, his own hands reaching for yours, ready to keep them near his mouth, his teeth.
“Stop,” you said, perhaps not as firmly as you should and the miracle was that he did, glowing eyes snapping open. For a moment you held each other’s gaze and unaware as you were of the innumerable battles raging within him. That he had been here before. That he despised you, small, petty creatures that you were. That he scorned this weakness in him, this lack of control and this… dependence on you. Because you were nothing to Homelander, nothing, just a human, just a little ghoul of a girl, sniffing after power, sniffing after horror you could not possibly comprehend. Nothing… except that he wanted you with the howling force of every unfulfilled need in his long, unhappy life…
“I can’t,” he repeated, hating how it came out as a plea, hating how you looked at him knowingly, sympathetically, aware as you were of his shame… that he can’t stop once he starts…
“You already did,” you said sweetly, voice gaining confidence as you watched him come to the realization himself. “I’m still here… I’m okay… I know you can do it again.”
There was a heavy pause. The tender new thing between the both of you, almost stillborn. 
“For me.”
At your words, he snapped to attention like a bloodhound to the hunt. You wondered if he was considering what you’d said… or preparing to launch himself at you. The venom in his boyish blue eyes and the furious tension of his jaw, of his clenched teeth, made your guts turn to ice. But he nodded, quick and furtive, and you knew suddenly, there was no turning back now.
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rusty-gloinks · 9 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 and 27
WHAT.ojay 😍
1.the character everyone gets wrong
i dont know man….
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
3.screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
i also dont know.idont keep up eith bad takes
4.what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person? proshitter 😕
5.worst discord server and why which ship fans are the most annoying? lucky me dont gots discord woaaaaowaaaaowwaaaaa🎶🎶🎶
6.what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
V . Sorryr.
7.common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
i forget waht shit the fandom says sometimes. i don’t know thgis either
8.worst part of canon
luisa or whatever tessas moms name is.shes evil and I’m so glad they’re dead (dad included . Hope they get put in the deep fryer hope someone takes home a bucket of kfc and it’s actually them (/J. i am angry about them
9. worst part of fanon
10. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
SPOILERS???? I GUESS???? I jsurr wanna enjoy my stuff in peace
11. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Sam.he does drugs rhars cool always do drugs (JOKEING
12. worst blorboficiation
13. that one thing you see in fics all the time
I’ve only read like 2. Idk man
14. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
N ??????
15. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
i soemtimes don’t understand why people like anything.i think we should all hate.so much hate in the world .. (neutral on this I don’t have anything serious to say
16. there should be more of this type of fic/art
csn we get more Sam plewse what if she was really alive
17. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
Uzi likes cows we need more stuff of her and cows.that’s literallt so cute I dont care if you can’t draw cows you will understand that she likes baby cows.
18. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
gore gore gore gore gore
19. part of canon you found tedious or boring part of canon you think is overhyped
i dont knw.😭😭😭😭EPSLODES
20. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
shelikes cows I said this
21. ship you've unwillingly come around to
Nuzi but not alot kind of. Itdfs kinda cute igeuss!!!!!!!! Idontknwo mixed feelings
22. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
ships. Lol!!!!! And also v dying
23. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
anything that comes out of vanitymoths mouth I hope they explode /hsrs
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eroticcannibal · 1 year
I defs appreciate ur joking replies to ppl who say rancid ableist shit to u abt ur ability to work and b ~productive~ for our capitalist overlords, but also like, it's actually fucked up to say that childrearing isn't a contribution to society. Esp the kind of childrearing ur doing that actually prioritizes ur kids autonomy and well being. Lol hopefully this isn't overstepping or anything but I get big mad abt this kind of stuff bc the devaluing of domestic labor is a major component of how patriarchy is perpetuated
No u are absolutely right and it is atrocious how much childrearing is devalued (which is wild when like. Who do you think is gonna keep the world running! We need kids and they must be raised!)
It permeates every level of society. I am honestly blessed to be disabled because the amount of parents I know FORCED to abandon childrearing and get a """productive""" job under threat of homelessness and starvation..... it is beyond cruel.
I remember when we lost my daddy, me mum went fuck it and retired early just to make sure she would be there for us when we needed her. And we did, cus we really fucking struggled. Its the kindest thing she ever did for us. I cant imagine how much worse things would have been if she couldn't drop everything to be there for us when ever a problem cropped up. I needed running round after constantly with all my Behaviours. My brother needed watching and educating when he couldn't attend school. We all needed help we didn't get at school or from CAMHS. Me sister needed caring for after her head injury. I needed someone to stand by me in court and fight to fix my life when I screwed it up. She only even went back into employment just before covid cus she spent years back at it helping me with the child. And I hate that ppl (ESP WOMEN) are seen as lesser for doing this when its among the most important jobs in the world. And its so hard. And so many people give up everything for it. That should be respected.
Its hard work and it never ends and it NEEDS DOING. Kids are worth it.
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icecreampotluck · 3 months
If not then 2,3,4,8,9,19,24:)
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
i think eddie could hate the feeling of fingers. there's too many different parts moving individually and it'd turn him off so hard to feel in his ass. theoretically if he could get to the dick part it'd be fine but he can't just take it unprepped and he'd rather top all the time than deal with feeling that.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
anyone remember the blogger who compared the way Buck hid his cheating from Taylor to the Uvalade police department. anybody. pls we can start a support group.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
i have never blocked for a last straw if your vibes are off its on site. one time I blocked someone for having a take that was right but I didn't like that they hadn't chosen to be mad at canon about it the way I had. I use that shit LIBERALLY.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
im taking sweet soft obedient sub!buck away from people until y'all learn how to write him as a BRAT sometimes!!!! let him act up!!!!! shoutout to those of you who write him as a brat I owe you my life.
9. worst part of canon
actually this ties back into number four. hate hate HATE how fast the truck bombing was brushed past for the rest of the characters!!! this is a very specific peeve of mine but literally hen and chim and eddie were also bombed on an LA street and thrown from their vehicles and somehow everything's Gucci for them because buck was injured. hell even buck isn't shown to have had that many psychological symptoms from being almost blown up????? why did we brush past the group trauma of that. what the hell.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
okay. nobody can unfollow me for this. you hear me? i KNOW i KNOW im sorry I promise I'm the tyler you know and love. but i enjoy when Taylor is there. i think she brought a fun vibe just a certain je ne sais quoi. sometimes I pick episodes to watch based on getting to see her. may god forgive me.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
eddie sexuality discourse always gets SO heated and for WHAT. let the fictional man fuck in peace.
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arcadianico · 11 months
for the choose violence ask game (for qsmp ofc): 2, 4, 6, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 24 (you don't have to answer all of them if you don't want, especially becausee i feel like i already know the answer)
i have already answered 6 and 16 but here are the rest:
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
meh. i think qq is probably a switch. i don’t think position matters that much to him. also i dislike the idea of assigning sexual preferences based solely on personality because that’s not really how that works, and it plays into fandom dynamics which quite frankly bore me. elq is a power bottom though. source: trust me
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
tallulah and wilbur fic clogging the quackity tag. i’m so sick of being unable to navigate that tag. it doesn’t matter who it’s about, even people who i like, but when i see qsmp shit in the quackity tag but quackity isn’t involved at all it pissed me off. stop using the quackity smp tag. #qsmp works fine!
10. worst part of fanon
qtntduo. that’s all i have to say
13. worst blorboficiation
oh boy. elq. i love him but he’s an asshole and erasing that sucks. i’ve seen some posts which are,,, woah boy. sometimes i read them and i’m like oh yeah he would say that, but he would not think that. the elq falling in love with qwilbur? boring. also why are people trying to woobify him in the same way they tried to woobify qq (which i also hate. let characters be complicated and messy and difficult). he’s a dick and i like that about him
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
honestly can’t think of anything i’m ashamed of liking. i don’t believe in guilty pleasures. if i like something, i like it and i have no reason to feel bad about that
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
qq’s breakdown after the fake wedding! i wanted him to talk to sophia so bad. i want him to deal with his, quite frankly pretty arospec, emotions. his relationship to love as a concept fascinates me, especially as an aro person because his comments hit home. i think exploring that sort of idea is much more interesting than ship stuff tbh. i wouldn’t want a ship to happen in canon with him before he’s allowed to work through those feelings
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
i think it’s fine if the eggs die actually. like i’m not begging for it to happen or anything (except i did occasionally as a joke because i wanted rubius back which… success) but egg death has caused some of the most interesting things on the server imo. like the relationships with mortality and love and loss are all so beautiful and poignant and they hurt but i also like that. it reminds me a bit of a poem i wrote about my grandfather’s death and not being able to go to his funeral. there’s something about grief that hasn’t settled yet that aches in this bittersweet way, like if nostalgia could cut with a knife. tbh i don’t know what i’m saying anymore. but yeah egg death is honestly fine imo
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alligatorjesie · 2 years
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Calling people out?
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For zero reason you say?
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Out of the fucking blue?
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For no reason at all?
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Whomst would do such a thing? Me. I fucking would, because I’m hardly going at people’s fucking throats for minding their own fucking shit that’s for fucking sure. The last time I check I only started making these posts because it’s been 8 fucking years since The Force Awakens came out and it’s been fucking relentless from asswipes like ya’ll since that fucking day.  Reylo is my business. It’s been my business for 8 fucking years. Who the fuck are you to tell me to go mind my own business when this is my fucking business? I’m past being fucking mature. We had 8 fucking years of kind and sweet reylos trying to gently ask shit covered nut sacks like you fucks to just leave us alone and if you wont listen to it being told to you kindly maybe it’s time some of you fucking rancid dead possum anuses were told rudely. I’m fucking tired of anti POS posting in my fucking tag. They wont get the fucking hint any other fucking way. Blocking them don’t do shit because they still post. But you know I ain’t seen somethingscarlet13 posting in this fucking tag since I told them to kindly fuck off after shaming them with their own baggage like how they want to kill their family members and maybe don’t start fights they ain’t able to finish, so that’s just been really nice. I hope to do that more. In fact I’m just about to. You’re horribly conflating the major fucking difference of telling some asshole to go fuck off vs YOU TELLING A LIVING BREATHING PERSON WITH FEELINGS to GO FUCKING DIE for ENJOYING FANDOM.
These are not the fucking same you stupid dick nose.
I have a right to tell a fuckwit to leave my fucking house when they’re being a fucking prick. That is actually the mature thing to fucking do. What is not the fucking mature thing to do is tell people in fandom to die because you don’t fucking like that THE REDEEMED CHARACTER IN THE MOVIE got to kiss a girl IN THE FUCKING TAG WERE WE TALK POSATIVLY ABOUT THIS A LOT. Go on and take a look through my tags. I’ve never told a single person to go fucking die for enjoying shit I'm not into. Because I’m not a twisted motherfucker. I’m just a regular motherfucker. A fucker who loves to fuck your mother.
All of these anti have been posted in the last idk, 3 days? This looks an awful lot like I’m in my fucking tag and these stellar examples of what untreated testicular cancer looks like came up into my shit. 
I’m a reylo. I’m in my reylo tag. I sure a fuck didn’t invite these assholes. And I’m well fucking beyond being told I should just block and move on. They shouldn’t be fucking posting here to fucking start with and unless they block me they’re just gonna have to deal with the festering cunt who does the bare fucking minimum of looking at their posts and seeing what kind of fucked up people they are to get them the fuck out of the tag. 
I don’t want to fucking see you here and the rest of the fandom don’t fucking want to see you here either, so fucking leave. I will call out ever single one of these fucking swine until they get the fucking hint.
No, I’ll tell you what is fucking depressing is that I have a banner on my tumblr that is marked with the amount of times complete and total pieces of fucking shit Antis like you have told me to go die because I like a fictional canon ship and that just really grinds their fucking gears. Enough that living shit stain skid marks like you fucking pricks feel the fucking need to tell a living breathing person to go die about it. Speaking of being told to go die!
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AAYYYY!!!! We get to update the banner!
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This is kinda depressing that this number is more than fucking zero.
On our most recent installment of ‘shit antis fucking say’ we got a doozy of a cunt who was so offended I told them to leave a fucking tag they don’t like they hauled all their computer chair shaped ass into shooting anons at me and have just said some of the most wild shit
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11 total in one day! A new record!
I’m a lesbian now apparently.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Gonna have to rethink of that hard dicking down I’ve given their mothers as of late. LOL Naw I wont I’m going to continue fucking their mothers with this giant 8 pound horse cock dildo with all of my gusto! There ain’t no fuckin’ stopping me! And when I’m done with their mothers, I’m going to use this massive horse cock dildo to fuck the shit out of their fathers! One two punch baby!
Secondly, I would never cross the street if I see anyone walking towards me. Even if what I saw was any single one of these vapid fucking antis slowly lumbering towards me in a completely non threating manor because I’m fairly sure the same people who've spent at least 5 fucking years relentlessly posting in a tag they fucking hate on fucking tumblr hasn't been spending all that extra fucking time at the goddamn gym and I saw them wearing a ‘I hate The Last Jedi and I hope reylos die’ shirt because I want to tell them to fuck off to their face. 
Because I’m not a fucking coward who hides behind anons.
This anon seems like they heard this insult online once and thought it was funny because they’re fucking racist and have never actually met people outside of their room before, much less by walking.
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I’m going to assume this is either @the-pretty-corpse or @r2x2, or more likely @thevoidremembers because that useless fucking twat always removes the replies I make to their anal polyps inducing posts and as often as I see all fucking three of these useless fucking nipples in the reylo tag you’d think they wanted to bang Kylo themselves with how much they wont shut up about him. This level of obsession rivals my own if only they weren't such complete coils of shit. Also ironic that the person who has spent the last 8 years posting anti shit to the reylo tag sends anons telling someone else to go outside. When was the last time either of you sick fucks saw the fucking sun? Fuck, I ain’t replied to most of my anti-anons because I’m spending too much time outside. I have better things to do. Like their mothers.
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Uses the word ‘sweetie’ in both replies, but probably still so fucking stupid they don’t even understand how or why I'm able to figure out this is the same fucking person. 
How could we fucking not with such loudly telegraphed clues as this? 
How did we ever figure this out? Am I a fucking wizard? No. Assholes are easy to see without fucking magic. Again, very ironic to be told by either of these perpetual ass clowns that they deem anyone is too young to be using this website when I doubt if you added the ages and active brain cells betwixt them all you wouldn’t get a score over 30. They have to be young because adults these days are hardly treading water in the current state of the fucking world and don’t have endless hours to spend making brainless anti posts in fucking tag they don’t fucking enjoy. Only stupid fucking children do that shit. God knows how many hours a day I have to set aside to sexually please all these anti’s parents. It’s exhaust but so goddamn worth it.
How’s it feel knowing a random reylo is making your parents feel more joy in a few short thrusts than they’ve felt for you in fucking years? If ever? Well if you’ll excuse me I gotta get back at it. Remember ya’ll; Don’t be an unnecessary cunt, Unless you have to.
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God I hate seeing pr o s h i p posts so much. Bc like. All the ones that get popular have the nuance of an unbaked potato.
if someone writes a story where bad stuff happens like pedophilia n shit, and it's v obviously not romanticized
im uncomfortable, but whatever. Not my thing, I'm gonna move right along.
If it's romanticized and "shipped", then im stealing shit from your house.
Ships are meant to be "i ENJOY seeing this happen and these characters together"
n if you try n say otherwise you don't know fandom shit or you're twisting words because it's what's nifty. Ships are something you enjoy seeing to the extent you're giving it a lil name or some shit so you can find MORE. that is the point. that's how it's always been. I've been in fandom for far too fuckin' long n never seen it used otherwise.
And it's fucking creepy if it's a ship w/ a minor and an adult. Drawing romanticized ship art n writing fic where it's totally normal and okay and there's none of the moral and ethical issues is gross.
That kinda shit is what led me to being groomed twice n almost taken advantage of. Because my teenage ass would see that shit and think "oh well it's fine if they understand eachother soooo well and they REALLY love eachother"
Yeah yeah dont censor yourself for kids or whatever but also like.
if VNs in the yandere boyfriend genre can put disclaimers that they contain shit typical of the genre you can put a disclaimer on your trash ship shit lmao
I'm not gonna send anyone hate over it bc fuckin'. I just do not care enough. But I am gonna avoid you and send only the most rancid vibes your way. I will feel nothing if I hear you fell down a manhole.
this kinda shit just fuckin pisses me off so bad lmao.
One of those things that makes me actually violently mad because so many pr sh people are like. SO fuckin high horse-y like "haha im so cool and unique bc im PrObLeMaTiC lmao get triggered snowflakes <3 ur a stupid idiot if ur uncomfortable fiction doesn't affect reality sweaty <3 even if u mention how ur life was actively harmed by this kind of thing idc <3 me jacking off to underage characters is more important than anything else <3"
"lookit me im so ACCEPTING and MORALLY SUPERIOR than these PURITANS"
when like.
the "puritans" are just "hey can you not be weird about underage characters n shipping them w/ adults?"
like. do your kink shit. Do your questionable relationship dynamics between grown adults. explore darker subjects. just don't romanticize adults fucking minors.
the bar is in hell but some people love to play fuckin limbo
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the-golden-ghost · 1 year
spamton for the blorbo blingus ? or jevil whoever you prefer
APOLOGIES FOR TAKING LIKE A WEEK TO DO THIS turns out transcribing is Difficult. Putting the original meme at the bottom for reference.
Also, picking Spamton cause someone else asked about Jevil!
His Shitfucked Priorities:
Food: 4/5 due to food insecurity. He rarely lets on about it though
Sleep: 1/5 he doesn't do this
Sex: 3/5 I mean he's definitely horny but I think his desire to SELL sex is probably higher than his actual sex drive
Pals: 0/5 friends?who needs 'em
Love: He'll SAY it's 0/5 again but it's actually like 4/5
War: 10/5
Kill: 11/5 how do you do capital numbers
Crying: 10/5
Minecraft Skills:
(Disclaimer: I've never mined a craft and I don't know anything about it other than there's blocks and Endermen)
Well he definitely Grinds, Mods, and has Bad Internet. Idk what a cracked account is but it sounds like him
PVP: 4/5
PVE: 1/5
Redstone: 5/5
Building: 0/5
Parkour: 1/5
Speedrunning: 2/5
Fun Facts:
His animal crossing personality: Cranky
Number of Animatics In My Head For Them: None because I can't find any Spamton Songs :( I don't listen to the right kinds of music
Hours Sleep They Get Daily: He gets two. A week
Kill Count: I want to be funny and say it's high but actually I think it's more fitting for it to be low. Not cause he's NOT the murder type but because he's so ineffective and irrelevant to the narrative. Even in Snowgrave we would have done all that even if he weren't there, he TRIED to be relevant and an Evil Mass Murderer but he wasn't really. He's just a pathetic little puppet!
This v That
Hot v Lukewarm: Oh he THINKS he's hot shit but he's the most lukewarm bowl of tap water you've ever laid eyes upon
Sunshine v Moon: Sunshine of course :) his motif
Distant v In Your Face: If he's NOT in your face every second of every day assume he's dead
Crewmate v Imposter: Imposter but not very well
Edible v Poisonous: If you so much as get a whiff of him you will Die
Gamer v Old Man: The oldest
Lives in a Tree v Money Bags: Okay again he will tell you he's loaded but he lives in the trash in canon so
Fruit v Meaty: Meat. Rancid though
Intelligent v Braindead: He THINKS he's people-smart (he's not) but he does have survival skills, admittedly
Saltine v Ghost Pepper: Ghost pepper and he'll harm you
The Checkmarks:
Nagging Fears
No Parents
Hated By All
NEEDS therapy
Will never get therapy
20 exes
Broken beyond repair
Kills to survive AND thrive!
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angelnumber27 · 2 years
It’s a long shot that I could ever hate myself, I love myself — highly doubt you could say the same. You’re the one whose addicted, let’s not forget that. I see your posts and remember how fucking terrible you are. All you do is project, I wasn’t even talking about any subject matter; was literally just calling you a fiend, fentanyl whore.
awwww hahah ooooooookay lmfao whateeeeeever you say 🤣🤣🤣🤣 keep telling yourself that honey. if you loved yourself even in the slightest you wouldn’t send ugly hate anons to someone who doesn’t know you! That’s not how loving yourself works <3 you’re rancid and hateful and soooooooo MAD and that’s that :) I don’t do this gross childish shit like you and love myself more than it seems you could ever love anything. You have an ugly heart and a nasty ass attitude.
unfollow me if my posts make you remember how “fucking terrible I am” (false lmaooooooo) name one time I was “fucking terrible” baby girl.. if IM terrible what does that make you? Demented evil and irredeemable.
Would genuinely LOVE to hear what someone like you considers terrible and would LOVE to hear what you’re referring to. Because this is entirely unprovoked projection and I know for a fact I’ve done nothing to your random irrelevant ass. Clown.
I’m not the one projecting. My ask box literally says “don’t project” so I know you most definitely didn’t even know the meaning of that word bc clearly you dont have a very extensive vocabulary, so you just copied what my inbox said ☠️ And how dense are you that you cannot read the dozens of times I’ve mentioned that I am NO LONGER ADDICTED. You even got the drug wrong damn fool🤣 Haven’t been for almost a year and just watch, that’ll turn into several years. I’m so sorry (not) that that makes you SOOOO angry. But guess what? It has nothing to do with you. You have nothing to do with me. (Thank GOD) You’re someone who can easily be so UGLY even to strangers which makes me feel horrible for those who know you in real life and all of the other kind people/addicts in recovery you stalk and harass. You need to work on yourself a LOT, you need to try a LOT harder when it comes to reading comprehension and you need to start educating yourself (for once evidently) so badly and to find something better to do all day than taking the time and energy out of your day to do this childish immature ass shit. Are you nine years old? Have you never in your life known anyone effected by addiction? Id be surprised if you didn’t. Hope you don’t treat those people like you treat people on here. And do you just not have the mental capacity to understand that when someone gets clean from something, it means they’re no longer taking it? Like you really don’t get that???? LMAO. Do some extensive research and go to therapy regularly. You need it. This behavior is beyond disgusting, really hope you heal your ugly heart! 🖤 have a good life being horrible judgmental hateful bitter and jealous! None of that is my fault, or anyone else’s (it’s.. yours.) so you should stop taking all of that blatantly obvious self hate, pure ANGER and extreme insecurity out on people you’re jealous of or because of whatever disgusting urge you can’t control to attack people who don’t deserve it at all and are worlds better than you.
Why don’t you go try to do what I was on for four years and try to even go through 1/10000000000 of what I’ve been through. Doubt you’d survive in the first place. But keep speaking from a place of absolute idiocy and keep living your sad life of being unable to feel empathy :( You could NEVER do ANY of what I did, getting and STAYING completely sober from the most additive deadly substance on the planet at home by myself with no medical help. I did something beyond incredible and no matter what nasty people like you say, I’m so proud of myself and always will be :) as I should be. Clearly you could also never experience the extreme pain abuse and trauma I have and still be kind and loving to others (but you already knew that) you’d off yourself if you’d been through even the tiniest fraction of what I have. I’d hate myself too if I was like you :( so sad and horrid and SOOOO ANGRY. (Only difference is I wouldn’t take that out on other people who are doing better than me because I’m not an awful cunt) hope you don’t have anyone around you physically (I’m sure you don’t lol bc truly why would anyone want to be around that) because you obviously don’t have a shred of empathy or basic decency in that angry ass body of yours. I feel bad for you, it must be so hard to wake up this ignorant bitter and jealous every day.
I hope you get the professional help you desperately need to heal from your vile ugly heart and horrible personality bc this is so repulsive and so are you! If you need help finding therapists in your area I can send you links! :)
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wardenred · 9 months
Whumptember 5: "What do you want me to do?"
Using the prompt to poke at the backstory for an ongoing WIP.
Elair's hands shook subtly as he stepped inside the Cliffside Inn. He told himself it was simply because he was cold from the rain. Now, with the flames crackling in the cramped room and the smell of hot spiced wine traveling over the tables, he would get warm in no time. Warm. Relaxed. Collected.
The man who'd ordered him to come here shouldn’t have the luxury of seeing him shudder.
The Cliffside Inn stood on the edge of the Luminous Harbor, on the flat top of the Molten Peak. Technically, this great big rock towering over the waves counted as beyond city limits. Or at least the upper part of it did. Once you got halfway up the slippery staircase cut directly into the stone, past the red flag that served as a border market, your life was governed by a fresh set of rules. The city guard still patrolled the inn and the area around it, but there were only three situations that would make them interfere.
Mass poisoning. Conspiring with the Dread God of the Deep. Murder for non-religious reason. 
Anything else was fair game.
Elair took a breath, squared his shoulders, and made his way to the farthest, darkest corner of the room. He didn't know if that was where Grati expected him, but honestly, where else?
His suspicions came true the moment he pulled up a chair. Shadows on the other side of the table moved to reveal a tanned man with the kind of smile all sharks in the Nacrous Sea envied. 
"You sure kept me waiting," he drawled in place of a greeting.
Elair kept his chin up. "You said tonight. Nothing implied the time was set in stone.”
Grati clicked his tongue. "You're getting bold out here, are you? I guess the big city living agrees with you." He looked Elair up and down, one eyebrow slightly raised. "Which aspect of it is the most agreeable, I wonder? All that shit about learning magic in a posh Academy? Or is it about your lover?"
All warmth seeped away. Elair supposed he'd always suspected that Grati must know by now. It would be unreasonable if he didn't. That didn't mean Elair was ready to hear this.
"He is nothing. Merely a way into the good crowd." He'd never be able to say this so dismissively where there was a chance of Miqualis hearing it. Not just because it was untrue, or because he didn't want to hurt his boyfriend. Rather, around Miqualis he became a softer, tamer thing. Here, away from his fabricated existence, with the person who'd known him and molded him before Miqualis had ever set eyes on him, it was different. The rancid resentment came bubbling back to the surface, and Elair let it. Old hurts were the surest disguise against those who expect nothing better.
"You are sure not nothing to him." Was that admiration in the minelord's voice? "I spent the day looking over the reports. Even observed you two first-hand, a little bit. The boy is clearly head over hills." He saluted Elair with a half-empty tankard. "Well done, fake son."
"Thank you," Elair said without missing a beat. He didn't feel the least bit grateful, but in situations such as this, it was always best to keep talking. Pause for too long, and your silence might give away a secret or two.
Grati smiled and set his tankard aside without taking a sip. "Now. For the real reason you're here."
Elair's arms itched to cross in front of his chest. He resisted. "Yeah. That What do you want me to do this time? I'm all ears."
"I'd rather you were all brains. Though," the older man's grin turned salacious, "I don't think it's your mind that rich guy is after, huh? Though I suppose it's your private business. Just as long as it results in my getting what I want, and I want a few drops of your lover's blood. For research, you understand."
A shiver ran down Elair's spine. "Why? He's a regular base-blooded human with a regular magical gift. You might as well take mine."
"Ah, but I need his. Though if you're offering..." Grati procured a rusty blade seemingly out of nowhere and wiggled his fingers around the handle. "Come on, then, provide a sample. It will be interesting to compare."
This was as good a way to stall as any. Elair extended his hand like a challenge and barely winced when the blunt blade cut through his skin. He knew enough healing spells to deal with an infection and make sure the wound didn't scar. This wasn't a problem.
Keeping Miq out of this man's clutches was. Research, my ass. There was nothing interesting about blood. Not for studies. What made it valuable was how it allowed one to control the person whose veins it had come from, or those closest to them.
Elair's breath hitched.
He shouldn't have offered his hand.
He only did it because Grati already controlled him, but. But.
"There," Grati said, pulling the blade away from the gash in Elair's wrist and replacing it with a small vial. Thick redness trickled into the glass tube. "It's always nice to have some extra. By the way, your sister sends her regards. She's still such a willful child. Best give her no reason to stop being one too soon, eh?"
Elair really shouldn't have offered Grati his hand.
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t4tpumpkinduo · 9 months
aheem heem 12 and then like. all of the 20s?
YES KISSA YOU O7 doing dsmp ones uhm
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
well you already know what the hell i'm going to say...ceeschlatt i'm so sorry he only did some of that you guys are so annoying. i think a huge chunk of his story is just like. Canonically Textually way deeper and more sympathetic and more complicated than people want to acknowledge. guys will have direct blatent narrative foil parallels of their mistakes to their blorbo of choice but only one side will get a million excuses and only one side will get their pov analyzed. OK 👍. telephone game ass fanbase. read the parallel storyline of what would've happened had pogtopia won read the nov 16 script look at the canonical smplive isms analyze why someone would want to "revive someone for political power" desperate style after a funeral where it was Blatantly Clear that person has absolutely Zero Power and it paralleling the post charlie death insanity. and then you will calm down!!
honorable mention to ceefundy as well. i wouldn't say he's unpopular unpopular but goddamn. despite the fact he's so interesting and cool and inpactful and represents huge chunks of Core Themes, he just gets ignored and infantalized and has so much of his story plain Erased because it's inconvenient to other characters. Fucked!!!
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
ceeranboo so sorry ok. iget why people like him i do but he is so so bland to me. shepards tone empty promise of a character. to me. some of his implications were pretty interesting, especially when it came to things that were more complicated, the exile isms the being knowingly complicit in ctommy prison murder or him drinking ableist copium abt tubbo being kind of unhinged. the centristism sometimes feeling less waffly and more like he's trying to people please to the point of exploding. too bad i do not care ☝️🔛🔝
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
and if i say tntduo..it's been so overhyped it overshadows everyone else it overshadows their own damn characters entire arcs and decisions and then the whole story itself they are not allowed to be anything except eachothers klance bait which was equally as mid. i do think there is value to it but at this point i am so exhausted about the oc versions being treated like canon when on screen its so bad out here sometimes. ppl going ohhh we never got resolution :[ ,,,.ccwilbur blatantly said what would've happened in the final tntduo stream. cwil would show back up to lnv in the same set up of his apologies but its a bait and switch that pivots into insulting q again and then finish it up w oh hey maybe yr not so bad after all 😂 and then he gives him a fist bump and leaves. there's yr closure. lea me alone
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
i already said i think pumpkinduo is like funny comedy mallets for crazy people but i think most other things get attention properly? el rapids deserved more hype tho i srs think it would change how people see a lot of the characters involved
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
im not sure? weird shit is a given but other than that who rlly care <- edit: HELP i misread the question i thought it was asking what you are Unwilling to come around to. so sorry. to answer the actual question uhm,,still not very sure hheheh im very solid in my dislikes and likes and complaints
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
exile and the prison for sure :heart_hands: /RETCH. sure other things are very annoying but the levels these two arcs get to are Awful and Telling and Shitty the media illiteracy is off the charts. how you can watch streams with your eyes closed and ears closed and without registering the words or characters on the screen. what's going on. anyways if cdrm thinks torture is so bad maybe he should not talk about eye for an eye when he had tortured three people before he was even in the prison. but okay. also rip prison arc sam the world wasn't ready for a character like you 🙏
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
i'm not sure? what are the most common complaints i do happen to agree with a lot of them i think
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