#because I'm a bit obsessed with Pokemon Aus
carbuncle-paws · 6 months
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I've made a pokemon AU for Peter :3 yaaaay! Doubt I'm the first to draw him as a sneasler but I'm not gonna let it stop me.
Some information!
Sneasler ♂ lv???
Dark / Poison Ability: Insomnia (might change this) Lonely nature + quick tempered Main Attacks: Slash, Lash Out, Dire Claw/Poison Jab, Hone Claws/Nasty Plot Lesser used: Bite/Crunch/Jaw Lock, Close Combat, Thief, Endure, Spite
Design notes:
Very tall (6'5'') and thin, even by species standards.
Completely hairless (and featherless) and by extension, no facial or feet markings. Torso and poison are discolored (both blue)
Ripped off both his forehead and chest gems, there are faint scars where they used to be. The one on his chest is covered by a gem you gave him.
Wears a hood made from a Mightyena's pelt.
The back of his claws (the blue part) is razor sharp, they're basically gigantic knives. If getting backhanded by them doesn't kill you, the poison probably will.
From a distance or in dark lighting, he can be easily mistaken as a human. He can also speak our language (just like meowth), his voice is raspy and a bit deep, perhaps from an injury.
The PeterAU x Reader story outline below, if you're interested!
Character/Story notes:
(OOOPS this sort of became a whole story teehee oh well. This is basically what my outlines look like but I probably won't make this into an actual fic. So, enjoy!)
He has no name, but wouldn't mind if you gave him one.
He grew up with a fascination for humans, and even learned to speak our language, but was betrayed by the ones he had trusted. He almost died, and was left hideously disfigured in the eyes of his species (furless/featherless and discolored). For a long time he hated all humans, and would murder any unfortunate enough to enter his territory. Until he met you.
He saves you from being eaten by a pack of Mightyenas, which goes against his usual hatred for your species. He stalks you through the mountain forests for a while, thinking that he'd gather reasons why you deserve to die so he can savor killing you himself.
Instead... he gets attached, and that infuriates him. From the shadows, completely unbeknownst to you, he helps you return to civilization. He looked forward to forgetting you, and going back to the worldview he's comfortable with.
But then you keep coming back to his territory, which is bad for two big reasons. He doesn't like the effect you have on him, and the area is dangerous... he doesn't want you getting hurt. So, without revealing himself, he tries multiple times to show you how his mountains are no place for a human. Nothing works. Ironically, he also does things to protect you from real threats.
His fleeting attachment for you grows into a burning obsession in time, and he wants so badly to interact with you. But not only is he a pokemon... he is also ugly.
One day he slips up, and you spot a glimpse of him through the trees, but it's too shaded and you mistake him for a person, and you call out to him. Instantly understanding what you've mistaken him for, he tentatively responds, but refuses to leave his hiding place. You figure he's just shy, but are happy to see another person who isn't afraid to visit these mountains, which have a horrible reputation. Probably because he's been killing people, but you don't know that. It's a shame, because you find it so beautiful up here...
Visiting him becomes routine for you. He says some really weird things, but the way he views the world is so unique and refreshing, and you form a fast friendship. He is very stubborn about remaining out of sight, but does start altering his appearance so he can stop worrying that the occasional glimpse you do get might give him away. He tailors a crude Mightyena hood for himself to obscure his face and ears.
He becomes desperate to spend more time with you, especially when you start talking about moving away someday soon, away from the town full of people who don't understand you. He wants to go with you... he wants to be your pokemon, but thinks you won't accept him as he is. His past with humans has him believing that trainers only value beautiful or strong pokemon. So he starts doing crazy things to prove his worth. Like, killing the strongest pokemon in the area, and leading you to its corpse to gauge your reaction. He hoped you'd be in awe and wonder what could've felled such a beast, and then he would reveal that it was him... but instead you were terrified, and sad for the dead pokemon.
It shakes him, makes him hate himself so much more. If a monster isn't what you want... then he'll just have to become human for you. He destroys the parts of himself that makes him different from you, starting by ripping off the gems on his chest and forehead. His claws will be next... but the pain and blood loss from just the gems is too much, and almost kills him. You find him while he's passed out, and although you don't recognize that he's who you've been speaking to, you rush him into town and save his life.
He wakes up in a pokemon center surrounded by strange humans, and freaks the fuck out. He wounds one of the nurses badly and would've killed someone he didn't hear you screaming at him to stop. The future he built up in his head, of either becoming your pokemon or close enough to a human that you might accept him, shatters in an instant. He runs, breaking out of the building and mindlessly fleeing into the mountains. You're shocked by his reaction, and something about the silhouette he makes as he escapes through the trees is familiar...
The people in the town know that he must be the monster that's been killing people, and at the same time, you realize that he's actually the boy from the mountains. Your dear friend. An armed mob storms into his territory intent on revenge, despite your protests. They locate his den and start a fire to smoke him out or kill him via burning or suffocation.
You had followed them, and when they start the fire you try to physically stop them. They're stronger though and throw you to the ground, yelling insults at you for defending such a loathsome creature. They kick you into the den so you can burn with him.
You hurry further inside but can't seem to find him... instead, he finds you. He lunges from the shadows behind you, not realizing who you are, pinning you to the ground and snarling in your face. He would have ripped your jugular out with his teeth if you hadn't wrapped your arms around him and hugged tight, instead of fighting him off like he expected. It confuses him and he thrashes to get away but you don't let go, and he slowly comes to his senses, realizing that it's you.
Why are you here, after everything he did? That he's done, his reputation as a people killer? You know who and what he is now, but you're still here and the way you hold him, whispering soothingly into his ear... Is this really happening or has he finally lost his mind? He breaks down and squeezes you back, sobbing into the neck he'd been seconds away from tearing his teeth into.
Smoke starts robbing his den of breathable air and brings the both of you out of the moment, forcing you to confront the situation at hand. You try to run back to the exit first, but it's engulfed in flames. He takes you further inside, to where he usually sleeps, and light shines through a crack in the rocks above. He pushes you up to it and you crawl out, but he's too big to follow and he urges to go without him. This is the fate he deserves.
But you refuse, and start tearing at the stone and dirt above the opening with your bare hands. It finally sinks in, seeing you desperately trying to save him, just how much you really care and maybe... maybe that means his life might be worth living after all. That he deserves another chance.
He joins your efforts and uses his claws to pry apart more of the stone. It takes a gargantuan effort, and he starts to pass out as the oxygen in his den dwindles. You grab onto his arm and pull with all of your strength, and against the odds are able to drag him out.
You're both exhausted and completely out of breath, but you drag him into another embrace anyways. You tell him to never ever sacrifice himself like that again, that he's so important to you and you'd be devastated to lose him. You ask him... if he would go with you, away from here, and although the strong emotions that overtake him have him choking up too much to respond with words, the way he holds you back is all the confirmation you need.
Together the two of you travel far, far away, going on an adventure that explores the best and worst that humankind has to offer, and form an unbreakable bond.
Aaaaand that's it! Sorry if it's pretty cheesy hahahaha it's just what my brain went for in the short amount of time I wrote this up. Again, probably not going to write an actual fic out of this (or at least I won't consider it until my current one is finished) but I had a lot of fun and it was a nice little break before delving back into Angels Fall. Hope you guys liked it too >w</
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taifenggg · 2 months
The brain has been obsessing over pokémon lately again, and now I gotta ask the obligatory question:
What pokémon would be each character’s favourite/what type would they be a gym leader for?
Here's my basic rundown and explanation for why I made things the way they are for my own Pokemon AU. I'm probably not going to do Mephisto, Raphael, and Thirteen in this unless people ask for it lmao.
long post under the cut
The Brothers:
Lucifer: Since he's the strongest avatar of sin, and technically Diavolo's right hand man he would probably be an Elite 4 member. Lucifer would most likely specialize in fire type pokemon with his signature pokemon being Houndoom(which can mega evolve) because he has Cerberus.
Mammon: I struggled a bit with Mammon's but ultimately I settled on him being a dark type gym leader. His signature pokemon is Honchkrow because of its crow motifs and how it kinda fits into the mob boss aesthetic which I think Mammon would love. His gym puzzle would probably look like a casino, so if you've ever played Persona 5, the gym puzzle would probably look a lot like Sae's palace and you have to play your way up to Mammon in order to challenge him. Also if you start getting upset or look sad he'll most likely panic and go easier on you.
Leviathan: The most obvious choice here is a water type gym leader. He literally sleeps in a bathtub and has a giant fish tank in his room lmaoo. I could definitely see his signature pokemon being Milotic because he thought Feebas was just a little guy and took it. And then he got mad when Mammon said Feebas was useless, so out of spite leveled up his Feebas and got high friendship with it so he could wipe the floor with Mammon using Milotic. His gym puzzle most likely consists of a TSL quiz and if you get anything wrong you get doused with water and sent back to the beginning of his gym. He's a sore loser though so if you beat him he might refuse to give you his gym badge and Lucifer has to intervene.
Satan: I feel like he'd be a grass type trainer just to spite Lucifer because he has fire types and he wants to show that he can use grass types to beat Lucifer's ass(spoiler alert, Lucifer wins because of the type matchup). His signature Pokemon is Meowscarada because obviously Satan loves cats so he'd probably immediately pick Sprigatitio as his partner, but also I chose Meowscarada because its Pokedex entry states that it's sensitive and prone to jealousy. So in a way, kind of like how Satan is with MC when it comes to Lucifer lol. His gym is modeled after a library(so like Lenora's gym), and you're tasked with going around the library and finding certain books for Satan.
Asmodeus: For Asmo, I feel like he would be a fairy type gym leader! I feel like it suits him, and I think he would love how both elegant and cute fairy types are. His signature pokemon would most likely be Sylveon, also evolved via high friendship. Both Sylveon and Asmo have the ability to charm others which I feel is very fitting for him. Asmo's gym puzzle would probably consist of something like a fashion show or something of the like, because Asmo would probably love to garner the attention of his beloved fans whilst at the same time showing up any challengers that come to his gym.
Beelzebub: Beel would most likely be fighting type gym leader! He would probably have a Bewear as one of his signature because like Beel, it appears friendly, you shouldn't underestimate it. Also Beel to me is like a big bear, cuddly, adorable, friend-shaped, but definitely not something I'd want to piss off. Him and Belphie would probably have a joint-gym where you can challenge the twins, and once you beat one of them you can then proceed to challenge the other. His side of the gym looks kind of like a sports field and you have to make your way through an obstacle course, working together with your team to get past.
Belphegor: So like I mentioned before, Belphie would have a joint-gym with Beel most likely in this instance. His signature Pokemon would probably be Snorlax! Not just because Snorlax falls asleep in the most inconvenient places but also because it eats A LOT. He likes that because it reminds him a lot of Beel. He's also the type of trainer to have the tankiest Snorlax that just refuses to faint and it's super annoying to deal with. Belphie's gym is modeled after a planetarium, and he's also a part of the sore losers gang. So he won't give you his badge cause he's a petty bitch and Beel needs to step in.
The Dateables:
Diavolo: the Champion, probably the most obvious choice because he's literally the ruler of the Devildom, and wants to help the three worlds come together. So two things, a leader and he has a goal that he wants to achieve in mind. I feel like his signature Pokemon would be a pseudo legendary and I settled on Goodra because like Diavolo it's known to be very friendly towards anyone but will not hesitate to fuck you up if you enrage it LMAO.
Barbatos: Another member of the Elite 4, Barbatos would be a psychic type trainer. I definitely feel like he would have an Espeon because they're known for being extremely loyal to their trainers, kind of like how Barbatos is with Diavolo. He is not someone that you want to mess with and he's noted to be one of the harder Elite 4 members because he somehow manages to stay one step ahead of you at all times.
Simeon: 3rd member of the Elite 4, Simeon specializes in flying types. His signature Pokemon is Togekiss, and its pokedex entry states that it's extremely friendly and concerned for others. Kind of like how Simeon will always go out of his way and still cares deeply about the Brothers and Lucifer, even after they were rejected from the Celestial Realm. Togekiss like to avoid conflict so like Simeon, he also likes to stay out of trouble, operating behind the scenes and only stepping in when necessary.
Luke: Your rival! Luke's always one step behind you, trying to prove that he can keep up with you. Luke's signature pokemon is of course, Fidough/Dachsbun. He got it as a gift from Simeon and his goal is to become to Champion so he can impress Michael and Simeon.
Solomon: I struggled a bit with Solomon's mostly because I couldn't decide what would be the most fitting for him. It didn't really feel right to put him as your other rival because he's clearly much more knowledgable on a lot of things, and he's of course your teacher in the base game. And an ace trainer didn't feel fitting for him either because he doesn't really seem like the type of person that would constantly be out and about. Ultimately I figured that the professor would fit him best because again, he knows a lot of things, and not only this but he would most likely guide you on your journey to becoming the Champion. I feel like Solomon would definitely have an affinity for ice type Pokemon, but his team is pretty well-rounded. His signature Pokemon would probably be Froslass because of how mysterious(?) it is, and how Froslass can also be very protective towards those that it cares about, just like how Solomon is with MC.
That's all from me for now! Here's my brain dump lmao
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kittygamer2888 · 1 year
•Introduction Post•
Actually, ima just start actually doing this post to get some stuff organized.
First off,
I'm making my interaction now because i didn't really think of one from the beginning.
But to just start off- i make drawings and some other stuff like animation, but i rarely ever do them at times.
At the current moment, i am obsessed with sonic and might draw sonic related stuff a lot, but i also draw my attention to other fandoms too like sonic.exe, possibly pokemon, mickey, fnf, Jsab, and some others and maybe my OCs and AUs, too (of course not in this specific order though).
I mostly use my phone and finger to draw, but there will be times where i draw on my tablet.
I'll probably be active a bit more, but there will be times that I'm not, I'm pretty sure that's obvious, but it's just to let ya'll know n' all. But i might draw on my phone on the weekdays, and in the weekends, I'll try to do a complete drawing on my tablet, because usually that sometimes takes days depending if i get distracted, (though, note there will be times i post some of my art from there since there's a lot of drawings that are kind of a few months old now, or somewhere in 2021 when i did them).
But yea, not too much to say about me, this is just an introduction post that I'll pin for any newcomers, that's all.
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((I might edit this once i get the hang of tumblr's way of putting text and underlines because I'm still new))
Since my profile sometimes focuses on Sonic content, here are some Amino links if you want to see more Sonic or Sonic.exe art I made:
Sonic.exe Amino community [new]
Sonic.exe Amino community [old]
And lastly, the Sonic Amino community
I joined both of those way before my Tumblr was made, so.. have fun with that👍
Some tags if you wanna check em out:
♧♠︎Art tag♠︎♧
My OC tag
My Sonic OC tag
My Sonic.exe OC tag
The Hunt For The Master Emerald [my Evil Sonic AU]
Ask the Evil Sonic AU cast tag!
◆animation tag◆
If you're curious about my Evil Sonic au, then I suggest you check out this tag-> THFTME for more lore related stuffs!
Some personal tags (made specifically for myself, but you can watch them if you want):
❤️Fanarts tag❤️
🎁Gifts tag🎁
If you want a peek at what the hecktigon has been going on in my head, then I suggest you check out the tag below if you want to hear my random thoughts said out loud :]
✨️Random thoughts tag✨️ <- watch as I descend into total madness
Little ramble tag if you want to hear me talk
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itscappyj · 1 year
Avatrice + soft mornings
Today's prompt comes in the form of a Band AU deleted scene. This takes place the first winter after they get together and Ava is in her final year of university. They've been a couple for about 7 months by this point. (Yes I did read the prompt, you have to trust the journey on this one):
Sleep had become a problem.
Every waking moment, Ava’s brain was occupied by assignments, exams and performances. When she wasn’t thinking about her to-do list, she was obsessing over what had already passed. Things she could no longer control, nothing to do but wait for the results.
She had spent the night on the phone to Beatrice, hoping and praying that her mind would settle enough to let her rest. They talked for hours, until the yawns from the other end of the line could no longer be ignored.
It worked a little - she managed to get a few hours before her body woke her up in a flash of anxiety. She had given up trying to go back to sleep and now sat by her bedroom window, huddled up in a hoodie. Too many weeks had passed for it to smell like Beatrice anymore but she still found comfort in it.
Outside, the sloppy remains of snow began to reflect the barely rising sun. It looked so peaceful and quiet out there, like the world itself was asleep. 
The boys were staying at Michael’s mum's house for a bit while she recovered from a broken ankle. The house had been so empty. So lonely.
She had Beatrice to talk to, and it helped, but it wasn’t enough. There was no one here for those little everyday interactions. The things you take for granted until they’re gone. Someone asking how your day was when you get home; asking if you want a cup of tea made because they’re popping the kettle on; checking to see if you need anything from the shop; showing you a meme that made them laugh over breakfast.
It was hard enough to be in a long-distance relationship but she hadn’t realised just how much of a buffer the boys had been. Now she feels it like a gaping hole. So many little things that could be easily soothed by a squeeze of the hand, a kiss on the cheek, a hug, now spill over until she’s crying at nothing.
The distance itself wasn't even that much. They were both just so busy striving to achieve their own goals. Objectively, they were both killing it. Ava was acing uni and Beatrice’s band was starting to really gain traction. Somehow, that did very little to ease her mind. 
Maybe it was because the exam period had just ended and she was exhausted. Maybe it was the short, dark winter days that embedded themselves so deeply in her soul, it felt like she may never feel the sun's warmth again. Maybe it was that she would lay down at night and curl in on herself so tightly just so that she wouldn't be able to feel the empty space beside her. 
"Fuck, I miss you." A quiet sob shakes her as tears gather in her eyes. 
She hears the tiny pitter-patter of paws approaching from behind and Watson jumps into her lap, nuzzling a damp nose into her hand. 
She smiles through another sob as she strokes soft fur, feeling the warmth of it and the low rumble of a purr spark a light inside her chest.
There's a knock at the door and they both jump at the sound. Ava looks over her shoulder, curious and confused. It's far too early for visitors.
She makes her way downstairs, not caring that she's still in pyjamas. Anyone who has the audacity to disturb people this early in the morning can deal with her boxer shorts and pokemon shirt.  
There's another light tap at the door as she fumbles with the lock. "Alright, geez, I'm coming, keep your -"
The words die in her throat as she swings the door open to a familiar face beaming back at her. 
"Morning, Sunshine."
She surges forward, her bare feet on the frozen ground, and flings her arms around her girlfriend's neck. She buries her face into Beatrice's shoulder as the tears start to flow in full force. 
Beatrice holds her tightly for a moment before gently guiding them into the house and closing the door - Ava stays clinging to her with everything she has, somewhere in the back of her mind grateful to be out of the cold. 
A few minutes pass before Ava can get herself under control and she leans back. "What are you doing here?"
"I brought doughnuts," Beatrice replies, holding up the brown paper bag in her hand with a smile. Ava looks at it blankly. Beatrice brings her other hand up to her cheek, wiping gently at the tears. "The way you were last night…I had to come."
"I missed you." It's all Ava can manage to say.
"I know, darling. I missed you too." Beatrice pulls her back in,  a hand guiding Ava back down to her shoulder. "So much."
Minutes pass as Ava sinks into Beatrice’s embrace, breathing in deeply the smell of home. 
"Come on," Beatrice says as she starts to move them. "We can have these in your room."
Ava leans back then to catch her gaze, a small smile finally breaking through. "Food in bed? Who are you and what have you done with Beatrice?"
Beatrice chuckles and Ava feels the warm, delicate sound begin to mend something in her. 
They settle down in bed - after Beatrice grabs a couple of plates - and Ava finally starts to relax a little. Finally starts to feel how truly tired she is. 
She has three doughnuts to Beatrice's one and then they lay back against the headboard. Ava slowly traces the lines of Beatrice's tattoo with her hand and feels the shiver that runs down her spine.
"Do you want Pikachu?" Beatrice asks, leaning over to grab the plushie from the side of the bed. 
"No, you cuddle him. He missed you too." 
Beatrice laughs again but she makes no objection, tucking the toy under her other arm.
"I brought a couple of my jumpers for you to keep. The extra soft ones." Ava has made no secret of her love for wearing Beatrice's clothes.
"I love you," Ava replies sleepily, her eyes feeling heavy. 
"I love you," she hears Beatrice echo before she drifts down into a kind of peaceful slumber she hasn't experienced in weeks. 
When she wakes, hours later and the winter sun is streaming weakly through the window, she shuffles and feels the warmth of her love still tucked up beside her. 
Beatrice has an arm around her, stroking her hair in a soothing, repetitive motion. Her safest place in the world. 
"You're still here," Ava whispers. 
Beatrice tightens her hold and leans down to place a soft kiss to the top of her head, "Whenever you need."
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panblackeagle · 10 months
I need more roleplay partners
This is an active attempt at making people want to roleplay with me, because I just need more active ones, other than the one that I currently have (they're irreplaceable for sure!)
Now, my main genres are romance (usually the base), fantasy, action, medieval, sci-fi, gore, even angst, just no slice of life. I accept anything MxM, FxF, NBxNB, FxNB, MxNB, shipping OCs is cool, but I mainly ship things from fandoms (I am quite sure that you will recognise at least one of these, trust me). I find gore completely fine and I come for drama, as long as it doesn't come out of nowhere. I write in a weird mix between semi-lit and literate. If I keep myself short, I either don't know what to write or I am preoccupied with something else at the moment. 18+ stuff is good too, I am 20 (I am a pure bottom, but not all that I roleplay is submissive, most of them stand their ground quite well). I am a very creative person, who will most likely find a plot in anything, so if you want to add things aswell, just let me know!
These are the fandoms that I roleplay (+ if I am desperate to roleplay in it lol)
♤Dream Daddy (not really desperate, only doing it if I get to be Damien)
♡Spaloon 1-3 (yes, yes, yes, all of them queer tentacle creatures!)
♤Pokemon (every generation is fine, we can even be the Pokemon, I am a furry)
♡No Straight Roads (I had an incident, not doing it for at least the next few months)
♤The Stanley Parable (not really desperate, I've done it quite a bit)
♡Countryhumans (it's been at least three years, very desperate and I make a good Germany and Finland)
♤Undertale/Deltarune (I never really mind it, even the AUs are cool)
♡Team Fortress 2 (always up for it, if I get to be either Medics)
♤Super Mario/Luigi's Mansion 2-3 (I want to do it from time to time)
♡Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 3-4 (the most desperate, poor Kakyoin got done dirty!)
♤Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss (eh, could be worse, I'm obsessed with Staticmoth (don't expect me to be Val though))
♡Detroit Become Human (not desperate, but I can make exceptions)
♤Yokai Watch (I just think this one to be fun)
♡Pikmin 1-4 (I'd be willing to try it)
♤Super Smash Bros (I'd be Mii Swordfighter because he's my main and I'm very desperate)
♡Steven Universe (I'd be up to do it, respectfully for the lesbian space rocks)
♤My Little Pony (Sure, why not!)
♡Sonic (I don't know much, but I am still willing to do it)
♤Villainous (I make a good Flug and Slug, not desperate though)
♡Good Omens (I have not seen the second season yet, but still!)
♤Hetalia (I am not really knowledgeable, but I can roleplay as Ludwig)
♡Sanders Sides (there are possibilities)
♤Fnaf (I really like being Bonnie of any kind ^^)
♡Cookie Run Kingdom (there's good potential in it!)
♤Wander Over Yander (I literally only want to do deathglare and to be Peepers!)
♡Legends Of Avantris - specifically Once Upon A Witchlight or Stardust Rhapsody (honestly, I would absolutely love to!)
♡The Amazing Digital Circus (holy hell, I did NOT expect to dive into royalteeth so deep- (my favourite is Caine, no doubt))
If you are interested in roleplaying with me now, you can comment or dm me. If you prefer roleplaying with me on Discord, I can send you my Discord in dms.
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acrimsoncurse · 5 months
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Roleplay Feeler / Ad !
Hi Hello, it is I again after a very very extended hiatus from the internet as a whole for the course of the last half a year! I've finally made my way back and man it's been far more enjoyable! With that, it goes without saying that any prior partners please bare with me as I am still reaching back out to everyone and this isn't me replacing anyone! This is more so a feeler to just pop out for right now!
I'm super interested in getting back into my old fandoms as well as some new ones :) I've italicized who I would love to write against to make the search easier.
Video Games
Overwatch: The ships are never ending so please, ask! I probably ship it and I am desperate for anything Overwatch simply because it's my favourite fandom. Examples: Gency Moicy Kiriko x Hana Yeehan MekaMechanic Cassidy x Ashe
Call of Duty: Roach x Ghost
Pokemon: I have no specific pairings but just the universe I want to play around with so badly!! So this is open to OC's and this would mean I would be creating my own but this is something we can discuss beforehand!
A Court of Thorns and Roses: I have a variety of ships so please just ask! I probably ship it or am not aware of the ship! I just finished the series and I am obsessed with it as a whole! Examples: Feysand Nessian Elucien Vamren Elriel
The Cruel Prince: Jude x Cardan
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo x Geto Gojo x Nanaime Mechamaru x Miwa Yuta x Toge Nobara x Maki Yuta x Maki Megumi x Itadori Shoko x Utahime
Trigun / Trigun Stampede: Wolfwood x Vash
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai x Chuuya Ranpo x Poe
Banana Fish: Ash x Eiji
I am ALSO VERY interested in doing a variety of AU's for canon characters such as: Fourth Wing / Dragon Rider au Pokemon D&D / Fantasy!
As per usual for my ads, a little bit about me! I have been roleplaying for over a decade and consider myself literate/multi-paragraph/novella who heavily tries to match my partner and I prefer to write third person! I will average at least 2-5 paragraphs. That being said, responses WILL vary in time simply because I am an adult with a life IRL therefore I do not do rapid responses simply because of that. Please be patient with me. That is heavily emphasized. I prefer to write on discord for organization purposes but we can certainly figure something out if you don't but I do ask for my partner to be 20+ as I feel more comfortable doing so!
For more info, a variety of my preferred muses and more pairings not listed here, check my carrd
If anything sparks your interest shoot me a message on discord crimsoncurse as I'm much faster there, or on here! Interactions I am slow to reach out to if at all! Best option is to dm me :)
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trainer-sean · 1 year
Pokemon IRL Au: starters, theories, and Domestication.
So I was watching one of those, 'What If (-this state-) had starter pokemon' videos and i just kinda went off with my imagination, this prompt starts with my initial comment on the video, so sorry that it just flow as well as it does when seen as a comment on a video.
The mental image of the version of our world where pokemon exist, and each State apparently selectively breeding their own unique set of starters and probably have a f**k ton of 'regional variants' that are basically just a paldea Tauros situation all over the country just scrambles my brain a bit to much.
Like one states starter has a evolutionary ancestor thats treated like a infestation in some of the other states! A raccoon pokemon starter that now has three stages, when in some of the other states a raccoon pokemon that the starter descended from is a two stage, but its evolved form is strong as f**k, like pseudo legendary status strong!
imagine all the regular pokemon we know that had populations caught and domesticated into starter pokemon, that'd be so freaking cool! like, they'd have to breed with other pokemon of the same egg group to be made a certain type and desired move set. imagine the type of breeding methods it takes to develope the Torrent, Overgrow, and Blaze abilitys, we all know there's a bug type version called Swarm, but how do they develope in the breeding of starter pokemon. if you think about it from the stand point of, gain more power when your backs against the wall, it becomes a little morbid in a sense. Do you actively have them fight in a way that forces them to give it beyond their all when they are in trouble?
imagine if the Elemental monkeys were an attempt to breed some starter pokemon from the same evolutionary(darwinian) ancestor, but the original breeders(who were probably spread across the world in different isolated places, and swapped around certain members to other breeders to prevent incest breeding) stopped part way through, and just released the monkeys, and because they all lived together in labs the trio of species naturally are drawn too and live along side each other! makes me curious about the original, maybe it was a triple branch evo, that leads to a dual type in each one, which is why it was chosen, and where the stone evolution was from. Maybe it wasn't even the same types as the elemental monkeys, but were secondary typings, like a normal type that evolves into three dual types of Dark/fire, Psychic/water, or Ghost/Grass using the Dusk, Dawn, and shiny stones? I wonder what the final results would have been like, maybe they would have a hidden ability that allowed them apply Stab to moves based on the type of evo stone they were holding! The theme these three had was Chefs if I remember correctly.
I'm sure some species had the triple stage evos naturally, but I'm certain not all of them had them.
I'd love to see domesticated descendants of known pokemon that were breed into starter pokemon, like a Fire starter that descended from Lucario, of course none of the stages could be called Lucario after its domestication and breeding.
Maybe I should do something with this? Like I come up with a large group of wild fakemon based on animals found in my state and those around it, and choose three to be made into starters, I'll probably use that Raccoon example, I've been seeing alot of Raccoon recently, but only as roadkill, which is pretty morbid, but also a somewhat good inspiration, ghost typing, but for the wild ancestor thats still running around.
-maybe in this Au, someone has actually bred The Shinx line to be Dark type? Though I never understood everyone's obsession with being mad about that, Incineroar is literally a wrestler, I dont see people being mad its not a fire/fighting type, and I don't care about if its because of the drama of Fire/Fighting type starters. Same thing with Absol, it has Psychic powers to perceive incoming disasters, and its a pure dark type, I dont see people getting mad about that! Its dark type literally only aligns with its emo obsession of needing to be mysterious and socially awkward!
-also, this breeding thing could contribute to more powerful versions of pokemon. Mega evolutions literally just stacks the biological potential of the pokemon into what it'll naturally develope into in the future, and unlocks some dormant genes. I'm sure you could literally breed that kind of result into a species. Maybe its how 'mega evolution' could exist in this universe, just, literal battle bred breeds of pokemon. I'm sure the tributes of the Primal Paradox pokemons designs could work for 'Mega Bred' breeds. Maybe the idea developed from some old action show, and the show used the fictional 'mega evolution' as the gimmick in it, and people just, liked it and applied natural logic and science to it and bred these Uber strong pokemon.
-the gender ratio of starter pokemon was also likely bred on purpose, and likely most females are held so its harder for others to bred their own for a profit.
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kingflups · 5 months
For the writer's ask game:
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I'm 11. I'm chronically on DeviantArt and incredibly obsessed with transformers animated. Someone made a Warrior cats au and it blew my little mind. I didn't know people could do that??? I got crazy into crossovers after that, I'm pretty sure my first fic was a pokemon/transformers au. I can't be 100% sure, I purged most of the fics off my DA in early high school and my parents old computer is *super* toast, so most of my og fics are lost to time
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
7. Like a solid 7. No. No that's a lie. Like a 6. It's fine. I enjoy it but trying to get into the mood to edit is a lot harder than getting into the mood to write. Once I hit a stride it fucking rocks tho
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I read The Snack Exchange Market is Crashing by JeromeSankara recently and it made me cry in real life. Very good, I really liked it. Banger, very Leon Kennedy heavy, absolutely wonderful.
Speaking of fics that made me cry like a little bitch, Hold on Till May by acethedisgrace ruined my whole day! In a good way, I'm still haunted by this fic. It's so sad! It's so heartbreaking and so good and everything was so close to working out.... this ones for the tragedy enjoyers. Very good, I'm not usually a fan of major character death but this was so fucking good.
If you like monster au's like I do, Simulation Swarm by Alviva (AlvivaChaser) and Mouth of the Devil by SealedSalt are both absolutely wonderful. I personally adore fics where losing your humanity becomes a *physical* problem as well as a mental one, fucking!!! It's fun, I adore it, these are both great <33
If you like the show supernatural and enjoy weird stuff with time!!!! GO READ there's no cell service in the afterlife by screamsintothesun!!! It's so fucking good!!!!!
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
THIRD LOCATION. You have to get a third location. This was actually given to me as mental health advice but it works for me. The thinking is everyone should have *at least* three locations in their lives; While I was in college it was my apartment, the library, work and a friends place. When I moved after that, I struggled between my apartment and just having work (I didn't know anyone in the area at the time). My "third location" is a coffee shop I go to usually every Monday to write. I've been meaning to check out the library but I have to drive and the last time I visited one in this city I wasn't impressed.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Copy/pasted bits of the fic followed by comments or key smashes!! That shits rocks. GOD. Or when somebody threatens you because you made them emotional somehow?? Hell yeah. Hell yeah!! *Any* comments really though, they're all great. I eat any attention up
@hamartia-grander Thank you so much for the ask!!!! This was so fun!!! <333
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xcalibxr · 1 year
Hello there! As far as I have seen, there's not a bunch of extremely popular ships out there for Drake which means there's so much potential for ships, but my OTPs for Drake are SmoDrake, LawDrake, ZoroDrake, and Drake with @akagamiko's Shanks (I LOVE DRANKS OK!!!!!! NEVER WOULDA THUNK BUT HERE WE ARE!!!) There's also a lot of ships I've never explored, so there may be a new OTP on the horizon!!
Okay, SO! If you're character is 18-19 and wants to ship with Drake who is 33, it's just not gonna happen. I'm sorry. That's a 15 year age gap, BUT that only bothers me if the character is 18 or 19 years old. 2 years ago they'd be 16-17 and Drake, 31. NO. Please. Just no. Once you hit 20, DO AS YOU PLEASE, but please don't throw your 18 or 19 year old over here and expect Drake to be wooed. I will block you without hesitation.
Once the clothes are off, I'm tagging it NOT SAFE FOR DINOS (nsfd as you may see in the future) !!! Touching, kissing, straight up making out feels pretty suggestive to me and I'll put like a suggestive tag on it, but that's pretty safe for dinos!!!
I enjoy the build up and everything that happens after. The slowburn is excellent. The yearning. Lingering glances--or touches--secretly when the person is distracted or SLEEPING OR faking it off as swatting a fly or getting something out of their hair---all of THAT.
Other characters who I think would be interesting to pair with Drake would be Killer, Kid, Katakuri, King--damn, that's alotta K's--Hina, O-Kiku (VERY RECENTLY DISCOVERED THIS might work), ROBIN, Nami (ginger couple), IKKAKU (learning of Fossil Fuels through RP). I can also try OCs--I used to write several tbh, and Drake has had a lovely relationship with @bucketfullofocs Aya before I was lured away to Pokemon Fandom and gave Drake a break cause we didn't see him for a long time. I've even dabbed a pinky into Drake and Corazon (a Still Lived Corazon AU I think) and the possibility was surprisingly nice. I guess I'm just a sucker for people bigger than Drake and much smaller than Drake PFFFFF.
I have no problems with people asking if they can ship with me, but once that happens, lets have a few interactions and see how they mesh! If I've chatted with you and I like you, I think it'd be a bit easier to do.
However if we've never interacted before and you wanna ship, we DEFINETELY have to see how our characters will mesh with each other.
I LOVE writing my OTPs because it makes me happy and I enjoy shipping AND considering Drake's backstory, he just honestly feels INCREDIBLY LUCKY that someone actually wants HIM like, this mans hit the jackpot!!!, but I wouldn't say I'm ship-obsessed.
LawDrake held the top spot then SmoDrake came for my neck, but now since I've seen this incredible artist draw ZoroDrake/DreZo/ZoDre on TWITTER, I have written at least 10 fanworks and it is KING. Seeing them interact on WANO WAS SO. GOOD. DAMNIT. They were just fighting / arguing tho HAHAHAA. Two himbos together is amazing, ok?
Memes or just send something into my inbox! Just get the ball rolling. Ask about it after some interacts! That's all ya need!
tagging: i dont remember who i grabbed this from BUT DO IT!! perhaps @videcoeur ?
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fourphoenixfeathers · 2 years
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I posted 492 times in 2022
That's 295 more posts than 2021!
276 posts created (56%)
216 posts reblogged (44%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 449 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#submas - 175 posts
#ingo - 134 posts
#emmet - 114 posts
#kat answers - 92 posts
#kat art - 78 posts
#mutuals my beloved - 48 posts
#ei - 39 posts
#submas fusion au - 38 posts
#kat rambles - 37 posts
#paper lantern au - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#if i had a nickel for every paper lantern chandelure ive seen someone mention who wasnt me id have. um. i cant remember but its not a lot
My Top Posts in 2022:
Rejoice, DP x Submas crossover be upon ye! I'm calling it Ghost Train au because that's how Ingo and Akari get home.
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The distortion world is just pokemon ghost zone and Akari and Ingo became halfas when they got eeby deebied.
Ingo's obsession is conducting and safety, but he can fulfill it well enough with his "guiding travellers on Coronet" job to survive, even if he isn't at full power. Akari, who is actually Rowan's assistant Dawn instead of the dppt protag Dawn, has an obsession with caring for and studying pokemon. Helping Laventon with the Pokedex and helping out at the pasture are right up her alley.
Feel free to ask questions, I spent all day monday brainstorming in discord and I have sooo many details. I love how many people there are also dp fans, I'm living.
Here's a sketch for the titular ghost train! I left my tablet pen at home today, so i couldn't clean and color it :'>
See the full post
391 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
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I finished that WIP! They have matching goatees :>
679 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
I've been thinking about paper lantern au a bit for reasons, so i realized I never drew what Ingo looks like when he gets home!
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Poor guy has to do his PT before he can get back on the trains... But hey, he gets a neat custom chandelure-themed staff to hang his lantern up on.
I also have extra spooky mode, for when the unruly passengers be acting up.
See the full post
710 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
Happy trainguy Tuesday! Have a ghost train for a ghost guy.
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Just when i think the hyperfixation is fading, i start a complex piece for my most niche au yet... Anyways i just really like the image of Ingo riding a ghost train through the Distortion World. This composition has been rattling around in my brain since I made the au.
St. Elmo's Fire is playing through the loudspeakers on blast. It's somehow not as loud as Ingo himself.
776 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Nimbasa City police department gets a call from Gear Station about a Neo Plasma invasion. It makes sense. Subway Boss Ingo is missing and Subway Boss Emmet has been on vacation searching for him for a while. Neo Plasma probably planned to strike the heart of the city while its strongest protectors were away. The NCPD sent a team to their aid immediately.
They arrive to see this:
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Well, it looks like the bosses are back at least.
1,013 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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The C!Prime Primer!
Since I’ve been getting a whole lot of new followers after my Pokemon posts, I’m sure a lot of you are confused about the two little guys I’m constantly posting about. This is the post for that!
What is c!Prime?
c!Prime is short for c!Primeboys. c!Primeboys, or c!Discduo, is the name for the platonic relationship between c!TommyInnit and c!Dream from the Dream SMP.
So, are these real people?
No. c!Tommy and c!Dream are fictional characters portrayed by the YouTubers they are named after. They’re very distinct from their actors.
Didn't you know that the real people involved are problematic?
Yes, you don’t need to tell me and I do not support that. I do not watch or interact with Dream or his content at all, and while I think Tommy is alright as a whole he’s done bad shift I don’t support. I simply don’t see why that should affect my writing of fictional characters they played in a no longer active server.
So, who are c!Tommy and c!Dream?
c!Tommy is a severely mentally ill child soldier who, while loyal and good at heart, hides that behind a mask of toxic masculinity and is just kind of a dickhead teenager a lot of the time. c!Dream is a mad scientist obsessed over the idea of immortality, who hides his emotions and attachments out of fear yet desperately wants friends and family. The two of them are in a deeply unhealthy and abusive friendship, where c!Dream is physically and emotionally abusive towards c!Tommy and conditioning him into seeing him as his only friend.
Is this canon? Was the Dream SMP always like this?
Basically, yeah! While a lot of the content I have about them comes down to personal interpretation, they canonically are part of a storyline about child abuse and trauma.
Why are you so obsessed with Minecraft child abuse?
Multiple reasons. For one, I'm both autistic and ADHD, and it’s both a special interest and a hyperfixation to me. Also, I just enjoy writing horror. But most importantly, the Dream SMP and c!Primeboys storyline helped me come to terms with my own abuse, and I want to help others do that with my own work.
What if I'm uncomfortable with these themes?
Feel free to block the “Primeboys (Derogatory)” tag!
Is this meant to romanticise/glorify/normalise abuse?
Absolutely not. I intend to do the opposite- to depict abuse frankly and to show how horrific it’s effects are. Ideally, I’d like to help others realise what they went through wasn’t okay, as that’s what canon helped me do. I intentionally depict aspects of abuse often not shown- most notably, non-sexual abuse by an unrelated authority figure, the mindset of an abuser, and the mixed feelings a victim might have to their abuser, but this is not to normalise anything. It’s to shed light onto overlooked areas of abuse in the hope it’ll help people realise that this is a part of it.
What's with all the AUs?
I like AUs. Also, I am plagued with visions about them that haunt my dreams.
Why are you so defensive over two Minecraft characters?
Years of harassment. I had a harassment campaign against me accusing me of shipping these two, romanticising abuse, being a predator myself, and in general sending me victim blaming bullshit and gross sexual shit in my inbox since I was a minor myself. I also have moral scrupulousity, and part of that revolves around fiction. Sorry if I’m a bit of a bitch about that, literally just tell me because sometimes I don’t realise it.
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inhales deeply because u mentioned my two big interests simon & pokemon!!! i have so many thoughts about it 8D like listen my hc is his fave is corviknight, they're the only regional bird with flying as the primary typing, plus they're huge & intimidating but actually quite helpful. theyre perfect for him imo. and in the AU i'm working on, taka is a staraptor, another thing i have a lot of thoughts about, lmao. and simon totally uses premier balls. that part definitely not because that's my favourite ball. :3c
Real talk mate, real talk? I may or may not have been thinking about what teams the lawyers would use now and then this whole time lol
One day I'll have to sit down and spill on all of them, but while we're talking about Simon I'll just sit here and go over what I reckon he'd use!
Off the bat, this man's a Flying-type specialist. His bird obsessions won't allow me to say anything different. It also means one of his main weaknesses would be Electric-type - fitting for a man who's been shocked repeatedly. I've considered Dark-type, but that feels a bit too pat for the bloke.
Corviknight goes without saying, it's a big dark bird with themes of knightly chivalry - not quite samurai, but it works. I've seen him drawn with a Talonflame once too. Not sure which bird most closely resembles Taka or any old hawk, but this one's the closest from what I've seen. Staraptor works well enough too. I'm a little torn on him using a Pangoro if I'm honest. On one hand, look at the thing, that bear is peak Simon vibes. On the other, he kinda hates being called a panda by Nahyuta. Maybe he uses one to mock him instead?
As for balls... I'm not sure he strikes me as the guy to have a "signature ball". Premier balls feel more like a Bobby thing to me, idk.
I'll have more ideas once I sit down to write this nonsense out, but yeah. I've been on this kind of timing too lol.
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a-gastly-trio · 10 months
hi. incredibly biology and psychology obsessed nerd here. and i have. like. a few questions. [most simplistic first.]
[midway typing this, i realise this is WAY LONGER than i thought it would be. if you would like, you may take a screenshot and split it up into different things. geeking out here lol]
1.) Is possession still a thing? I'm unsure if most ghost types can possess others but i've heard of it.
2.) how do type advantages work? there are some obvious ones, such as poison and grass or fire and grass- but like? Ghost and dark? It's a bit confusing; especially how the humanoid anatomy is different from the full-on-'mon anatomy.
3.) SPEEAAAKING OF ANATOMYYYY um. how. the first thing i'd like to address is Raven's eyes; now, obviously, there's only so much that is a difference between human and humanOID but I still wonder what biological feature gives Raven a red sclera while damien and gage have the typical white ones.
4.) is there anything not visual, but internally that's different? the only visual thing that stands out about you three that aren't human is mainly raven's eyes [also considering that they reflect light therefore glowing in the dark.] But there has got to be some anatomy difference?? with it being established that things like talking to dead and hypnosis moves are possible, what parts of the body are responsible for non-psychical moves????? especially psychic types. those guys confuse me to NO END. and dont get me started on all the other mons like you who can float- that shit is BEYOND me.
5.) more on the psychology side of things, is there anything in particular anyone could say about how these living conditions have effected you? like obviously there's gotta be some mental repercussions to- a. societal stigmatization towards 'evil' and 'creepy' appearances of ghost or dark types b. talking with the dead. elaborating more on the second, speaking with the dead such as this would effect you mentally, no? knowing one cant be revived and can't see the ones they love physically but you see them? there's got to be some extent to that.
i dunno. just vomited thoughts in the ask. hope this was entertaining to read lfmao
//OKAY THIS IS ALL OOC AND I APOLOGIZE. But there's no way theSibs would know every single in and out of thir universe. Even WE don't know all that about our own universe unless we're fucking scientists.
//ANYWAY. In order:
Yes. Because it also exists in the pokemon universe. It's fiction.
They work the same way as they do, again, in the pokemon world. Even I don't know the full answer on some type advantages over others (Like dark over ghost or flying over fight), it just is because that's how it works in the games, anime, manga.
Simple: Raven evolved. Gengars get red sclera when they evolve. Gastly and Haunter just don't have colored sclera. I don't know why it's like that in games/media 🤷‍♂️
Some Mons have more animalistic features while others don't. I made it this way in case anyone wanted to join my AU and already had a gijinka in mind. I wanted it to be open for every type of gijinka/humanized interpretation as a way to be inclusive!
Well, how are or would you be affected by things like racism or homophobia? It's the same in this AU. Also in pokemon anime/manga and some games, there are already humans who can commune with the dead: Channelers, psychics, hex maniacs, etc. So that's why it's incorporated here. And yes I assume it would be mentally taxing on some individuals, it's probably like that in the regular pokemon universe too.
//BASICALLY. It's fictional and meant to be fun. That's it.
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classicrocker2000 · 10 months
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So life got busy for me this year (graduated college, moved into my first apartment and have been working a full-time job, but that doesn't mean I've been completely unable to draw. I just haven't had as much time or motivation to do it as much I would like T_T
Anyway, my friend @gizmocrate-werecrow and I have a Pokemon AU and one of the many, MANY rock stars we've decided to include is Fran O'Toole. Most of you wouldn't have heard of him, but that's okay (I'm used to my obsessions being on the niche side at this point). My impetus for including him (and the rest of the Miami) in this AU was that they really, REALLY deserved better.
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(L-R: Stephen Travers, Tony Geraghty, Ray Millar, Brian McCoy, Fran O'Toole, and Des Lee)
I know that giving Fran a pumpkaboo is probably a bit of an oddball move considering he is a dog person (one of the handful of details of his actual life I've been able to dig up), but at the time we made that choice, we didn't know much about these guys. And let's be real, even knowing that now, I'd make the same choice all over again.
Her name is Pumpykins btw. I know Pumpkaboos don't technically have pawsies, but I'm a cat person irl so I wanted them anyway. That and I was also taking a lot of cues from people who draw Pumpkaboos as "cats living in floating pumpkins." Pumpykins herself is a bit mischievous, and also loves snuggles (kinda like my parents' cat Willow, who loves hanging out with me, or at least in my old room).
Also while I technically finished this on the anniversary of the massacre, this was actually me redrawing a sketch I'd done a month prior with a set of markers I got at Walmart.
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Turns out using a reference (or at least a better light source) does wonders for my drawing. But the main reason Fran went from blond in one drawing to brunette in the finished product is because the colorization in various photos can be a bit... inconsistent.
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A good way to drive perfectionists like me insane.
(Reblog, don't repost)
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relicsongmel · 10 months
Welcome! My name is Melanie/Mel (call me whichever you like) and this is my place to shout into the void about things I'm way too obsessed with. I'm 25, female, pan(demi)romantic asexual and also autistic/ADHD as hell. I post about a variety of things but here are the fandoms you're most likely to see (in no particular order):
Ace Attorney
Animal Crossing
Stardew Valley
Love Nikki
Other things to know about me:
Personal posts will be tagged as [#mel's musings].
I have two tags [#little songbird] and [#forest for the tree] for my OCs Sylvia and Denise, respectively. They're my two pseudo self-inserts reflecting different aspects of my personality that I can throw into whatever fictional universe I'm hyperfixating on in the moment for my own enjoyment. If you're curious I have overviews for each of them in this post—I'm somewhat selective about sharing plot details for the various AUs I have but if you have questions about the characters themselves I'm more than happy to answer them! I love my girls <3
In addition to the fandoms listed above I am also EXTREMELY autistic about music—I have a background in piano/classical singing and have been in choirs all my life since 4th grade. I have been bestowed with the blessed (and sometimes cursed) combination of absolute pitch as well as pitch-color synesthesia. The former is the ability to identify pitches without a reference note and the latter is a phenomenon where my brain associates certain musical keys with certain colors, temperatures and scenery among other things. It is a HUGE special interest of mine—ask me questions about it and I will literally love you until the end of time I'm serious. Even if it's as simple as sending me a song and asking what color it is or asking me for thoughts on video game OSTs because I have a LOT
A follow-up to the above point: I love all things music theory and analysis and whatnot but in my excitement I have a tendency to get a bit TOO technical sometimes. I will do my best to make things as accessible as possible in my personal posts or when answering questions directed towards me (unless you specify it's not needed) but if that's not your niche any posts of this nature will be tagged as [#music nerd shit].
You are weird about multishipping. I like many ships for many different reasons and there's a lot of overlap between characters (just as an example: for Ace Attorney I am primarily a Narumitsu/Wrightworth shipper but I also enjoy Krisnix, Feenris, Gumworth and Langworth and I will make posts about all of them). All ship posts are tagged as such but it's something to be mindful of
You are a minor. You know yourself and what you're comfortable with better than I do but be aware that I'm an adult who posts about adult topics sometimes, and should you choose to follow me I am not responsible for you stumbling upon content that you are not ready for (and should you choose to complain to me as such I've got a block button with your name on it). This is the only warning I will give on this topic so please heed it accordingly
You dislike long tag ramblings. I tend to do that a lot, so if that's not something you can just Ignore than this blog may not be the place for you (side note: if my tags on a post ever don't make sense there's a decent chance I'm just having a conversation with one of my mutuals through tags because some of them Do That. Deal with it)
You are overly invested in pro/anti discourse. I have things that squick me out just like anyone else but if I see something I don't like I just block and move on. It is not my job to police the behavior of random strangers on the internet and I don't need any of you weirdos trying to convince me it is please for the love of god go outside
If you follow me and need anything specific tagged (whether it be for spoilers or other reasons), shoot me a message and I'm more than happy to oblige.
My askbox is always open if you'd like to talk about anything at all whether it be fandom shit, music nerd shit or otherwise. If you'd prefer me to answer privately please specify as such when writing your ask.
I do not condone the use of generative AI or reuploading art without express permission from the original artist. If I accidentally reblog AI/stolen art please send me a message letting me know so I can delete it accordingly.
If we are mutuals and you'd like to get to know me more, feel free to message and ask for my Discord! I'm not a part of any servers at the moment because that sort of thing intimidates me, but I do enjoy talking to my friends there and you could be one of them. If you'd like. But you need to make that clear to me first so hmu if you're interested <3
And that's about it, really! Enjoy your time here and I hope something nice happens to you today <333
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instaquarius · 2 years
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For full res
Wanted to draw Kyogre and Lugia together cuz I recently got obsessed with these two for no reason/ PilarFlorimonte made me obsessed
and I did some research on them and how Kyogre is like kind of the "King" of the Ocean, and Lugia is the Protector or Guardian of the Seas
so I wanted to do a thing with Lugia protecting his King, then my brain spiralled to thinking about Lugia's Shadow form from Pokemon Collosseum and randomly wanting to combine that form and Kyogre's Primal form.
then @piliiiiiconfusionf gave me this idea which ima just copy + Paste here cuz i'm lazy:
"So you said your design was similar to Kyogre's and Shadow Lugia's right? well- what about this Lugia being a failed experiment by humans who tried to make Shadow Lugia? but something happened that it failed, I was imagining the lab being destroyed- im blaming my sudden and random Mewtwo obsession from today and the Baby lugia who was already a bit infected fell in the Ocean- Maybe because the lab was there?? Kyogre finds it and decides to give Lugia some of their power so he doesn't die or gets completely corrupted- and that gaining that second form- and adopting this tiny Lugia- and seeing all the power he has, Kyogre helped him to control that power and made him a guardian-"
Sooooooooo now this is canon to PTA, and Kyogre is now Silver (now renamed to "Shadow") cuz of the experiments, Silver the baby Lugia ends up keeping the colors from the Shadow form permanently and Kyogre didn't know his actual name- 
Aaaand Silver is fighting to protect his new "Dada" against a mysterious pokemon (his actual parents that kinda think Kyogre kidnapped their kid)
also because of the strain of the new Transformation (which im coining "Ancestral Darkness" thanks to my bew @theonephun211 for helping with the name) Kyogre is worried Shadows body will wear out mid fight  while Shadow fights his parent that he basically lost his memories of due to being experimented on
For PokeTale: Ascendance
An AU based off of an RP between me and a friend of mine from my discord server discord.gg/pQf9ZsdF6E where the Creation Trio as babies (a time they all cant really fully control their powers and junk) accidentally create a portal into the Undertale Universe and meet Chara and basically Arceus finds Chara and adopts her after finding out about her shitty human parents and Chara ends up helping Arceus raise the babies and basically lives in the Pokemon Universe now
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