#because at least if he's being misunderstood then he's not truly being perceived
sunderwight · 5 months
I love how the general consensus in Scum Villain ABO fics is that whatever Shen Jiu's secondary gender was, he was lying about it.
Omega? Obviously he's going to cover that up. Potential weakness! Probably related to past traumatic experiences! No one can know! He's going to pretend to be either a Beta or an Alpha instead.
Alpha? Hates it and everyone else and has no interest in playing the type. Hides it less because of how other people might respond and more because he's having some kind of complicated dysphoria about it.
Beta? I've never see it but I bet he'd disguise that as well. He's totally an Alpha, don't ask questions, fuck off and don't violate the mile-wide personal space bubble.
Whatever Shen Jiu is, we all know he'd be wildly uncomfortable with it.
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merakiui · 10 months
i think it's so fascinating that the emojis for jade and floyd are 🐬 and 🦈 respectively because it's also very fitting with their characters and how they're perceived, but also how dolphins and sharks are perceived in nature. lots of shark species are often misunderstood and seen as these very vicious, bloodthirsty predators when the reality is that they're not nearly as vicious as they are portrayed in media and that the chance of being attacked by a shark is actually quite rare. floyd is often seen as this very dangerous, very scary force and while that may be true he really only ever acts when provoked (like a shark). though sometimes it's all entirely unprovoked, too (also like a shark). he's dangerous, yes, but only if you give him reason to be dangerous or act in a way that is dangerous.
as for dolphins, they're regarded so positively and are usually the ones who have such sweet stories and sentiments attached to them. stories of dolphins who protect humans from other ocean predators are not unheard of. dolphins who are known to be social, cheerful creatures and seemingly don't pose any threat to humans. that's the image jade cultivates on the surface, but like dolphins there is something far darker and sinister beneath that pleasant façade. dolphins are violent creatures who are not very gentle in the sea. there is so much more behind the widely assumed notion that they are very friendly and sweet. dolphins are also immensely intelligent, so while fully capable of committing such atrocities they're also wickedly smart just like jade and his sharp, cruel intelligence.
it's just so interesting for floyd to be described as 🦈 and jade as 🐬 when the way both animals are perceived also fit the twins to an extent. of course it's also great because both are still predatory, so even if you think one may be safer than the other there's still this lingering sense that neither is truly safe. at least not by human standards, as both twins come from such a vastly different environment compared to the surface.
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wasyago · 1 year
Episode 97 was crazy. I remember only half listening while doing something else but like my draw dropped and I just stopped whatever I was doing when everything went down.
Also on an entirely different note what did you think of filipe? :)
..... why would you ask about filipe right after this very traumatizing very dramatic moment....? i am so worried now.
anyways yeah filipe is awesome!!!!!!! he didn't deserve any of what happened to him, truly. like, genuinely, that poor poor guy. i feel so bad for him. i can't imagine how scared and conflicted he felt when the curse took hold of him, how betrayed he felt when everyone wanted to get rid of him for something he had no power over. h
e stabbed gill, but he obviously didn't want to, so he healed him hoping it would be at least a little better that way, trying to fix something that he couldn't control... and then it was the exact thing that gave him away, and after which everyone turned on him. just. how misunderstood, mistrusted, betrayed, vulnerable one must feel in that moment? when an accident like this happens, when its not his fault or wish at all but it is done by his hands, and instead of trying to figure it out and help in this conflicting moment his friends just want to toss him? that's insane.
i really appreciate gillion taking a moment to talk to filipe and try to find a solution to their problem or at least some sort of compromise, as flawed as it was. it just meant a lot, and i think it meant a lot to filipe as well. he said he didn't really have a meaning in life before meeting them, and it did feel like it with how easy-going he was about everything. almost like he was desperate for any change in life because his boring existence was slowly draining him of his energy.
and when he met the crew, when he went through their adventure, he felt like living for the first time, he felt alive, like he had a purpose or a goal or something to keep him going. and then this something was stolen from him by a card that altered his soul. for no reason. and it was even worse than before, because now he had a taste of freedom and it was taken away from him.
and then like, filipe pulling the cards trying to fix himself... was too heartbreaking, too heavy. really shines a light at how awful these cards truly are, because they toy with fate and souls of people with no care for anything and its irreversible almost, like, the consequence is too much for the action.
i also hope that filipe stays dead or in hell or wherever he went. first of all, much safer than being with these three. second of all, as a constant reminder of consequences of their actions, that lives matter and that they can and did easily ruin someone's entire existence by wanting to play with fate. like, niklaus is doing the same thing but at least you get something cool out of it and its also entirely on you. the cards are just straight up evil.
also! huge props to grizzly for taking this silly goofy background character and giving him such a horrible story that will forever alter the way the main cast perceives the world around them. awful. terrible. haunting. easily one of the saddest moments in the campaign.
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lured-into-wonderland · 4 months
“  for once in your life, what is it that you want.  ”
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She didn’t find his tone kind; quite opposite, indeed. The princess considered her fiancé to be rather annoyed with her. And with her reluctance to take a clear stand on the issues that needed to be decided upon. The wedding preparations were progressing smoothly (or at least they were to be perceived like that by the outsiders), and now the young royals were also expected to take some decisions concerning their life after the wedding. As a married couple. Some redecorations and rearrangements needed to be done well in advance; the new ladies-in-waiting appointed to reflect her new position. There was a lot to do. More than Nunnally had expected.
And yet Nunnally didn’t think her opinion on any of these issues mattered to her future husband. Indeed, she was convinced that Hibiya didn’t want to acknowledge her wishes and only do what was right. But for whom? For the people? But who were the people and why did they matter so much to him? Or were they more the courtiers that he considered the people?
Why should she say h i m what she wanted? Not that she didn’t t r y before; at least in her own mind. And every time she tried to tell Hibiya what she wanted, she had been misunderstood and her preferences dismissed. Under the polite disguise of external circumstances, of sending the right messages, of rules and customs, of the improper timing. It was never (or hardly ever to be fair) because Hibiya didn’t want something. Or because he didn’t like it. Nunnally found him never being honest with her, never truly showing his real self to her.
-- A sudden thought that they were similar in this respect and one of them should stop; try to change this pattern --  
So, why should she continue speaking up her mind? Why did he expect her to show him her vulnerable side? It seemed that they could only count for some honesty then they were tipsy, but, indeed, it could not work as a long-term mean of communication.
No, she wasn’t to give Hibiya another chance to refuse her. She had to accept too many of them already. She had already decided; she’d accept what others suggested to them.
-- but still he needed to receive a reply to his annoyed comments --
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Nunnally stopped looking at the sketches that were placed on the table in front of her, and moved her blue eyes onto her fiancé. Silently acknowledging that she didn’t appreciate what (and perhaps more ‘how’) he spoke to her. She intended not to acknowledge what-she-considered-to-be a gentle outburst with anything more than a disapproving look, and – in the beginning – the princess was succeeding. Her eyes rested on him for a few moments and then moved back to the documents they were revising.
But was it the heat in the room (she wasn’t so used to it) or was it the annoyance in his voice that was still ringing in her mind… No matter what it was, Nunnally’s eyes, after a short moment, looked for Hibiya’s again: --
“But are you sure you’d like to hear it?” – her voice was bitter-sweet; she didn’t want to be impolite, but she knew this question could already be considered as such. As well as his original one.
“Are you convinced Hibiya that you want to hear what I want?” – she was now speaking in a more general terms. Nunnally stood up; the stress from the previous weeks was taking a toll on her. She was tired. Very tired. – “And what would you do with that knowledge if I decide to conform with your request?” – the last question was asked in a gentler tone, though Nunnally didn’t expect any reply from Hibiya. They were having this conversation too many times, and nothing good came out of it. She sighed and sat down again taking another drawing. But she would have to give him something; she assumed.
-- perhaps she should be the one to try again? Now when he was giving her a chance? But was he? Or was Hibiya just annoyed? --
"If you really like it, Hibiya..." - she was surprised to hear her voice saying these words - "I'll reply to your question...now. But only if you really mean it." - it was an honest suggestion and she would if he repeated his question. But Nunnally felt that it was also fair to offer him a chance to withdraw. If Hibiya wanted to.
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Source // no longer accepting
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brujahinaskirt · 2 years
Okay! I fully admit the Charles Châtenay missions are on the overbaked side, and "French libertine" is an exhausted trope, but there is something I do, unironically, love about them...
[The Artist's Way spoilers & another rambling essay under the cut!]
... and that's how Arthur reacts.
Never with machismo, never with hostile masculine heterosexuality, never with dismissiveness, never with the casual testosterone-driven swagger (i.e., the mean-hearted, bigotry-driven humor) that is so common to gaming and indeed so common of how cismen often respond to the perceived feminine. Truly, the ways Arthur does NOT react to Charles say so much about who Arthur is and how he sees the world.
We see this same lack of hypermasculine hostility/mockery with a few other masculinity-eschewing characters too (the eccentric Algernon Wasp and damselish Albert Mason come to mind, the former Arthur is courteous to if curious about and the latter Arthur clearly identifies with and is downright affectionate to). But something about the Charles quests hit different... Frankly, I fully expected Arthur's snarky sarcasm to devolve into actively cruel, openly anti-gay jeering when I saw Charles come out in that dress, and I remember the way my stomach sank. But it didn't! In fact, I argue that in many respects, Arthur's writers went in the exact opposite direction... that is, the opposite direction of the cheap bigoted potshots some folks at Rockstar clearly misunderstood these stranger missions to be.
Give me a few bullet points to break it down and explain what I mean...
Arthur doesn't "get" Charles's artistic style at first, sure. But it isn't because he disapproves of the content or because he dislikes it; it's because his own style and subjects are so different. Arthur, like Albert, deals in the wildlife and environmental aspects of natural beauty. Charles? He deals in another form of natural beauty: human bodies in their purest and most "uncivilized" state. This is a critical distinction, and by approaching the topic through art, we also learn something else about Arthur, a character who engages in no canon sexual acts throughout the course of the game, on- or off-screen.
And that is this key element of Arthur's characterization: Though he is decidedly nonsexual, Arthur isn't repulsed by Charles's sexualness or the sexual nature of his art. On the contrary, Arthur reminds us that being a nonsexual person does not have to mean being prudish, theocratic, or anti-sexuality.
In fact, the only time Arthur scolds Charles is when he sternly reminds him of his responsibility to his women lovers. Given the historical period (and that several of said women lovers were married during their affair), this strikes me as less about chivalry and Christian family values and much more about basic kindness to women, who are at far greater risk of social & financial ruin due to extramarital affairs than men were. (At least when it comes to heterosexual affairs.) Arthur knows this quite well, given his own adoption of familial duties for Abigail when John abandoned her.
Arthur doesn't just blandly "accept" Charles, oh no. He is actively, unignorably delighted by Charles's sexual expression and the way it undermines the prudishness and aggressive sanitation that is the Christofascist American society law and order has long enshrined. When Arthur realizes the scandal Charles has caused and why, he quickly erupts into bemused, open, genuine laughter for one of the precious few times in the entire game. He's not laughing at Charles; he's laughing at the chaos around him, at how easily Charles used his art to crumble the veneer of respectability (shocking wives with more than a few saucy nudes of their husbands in the process). As he laughs in glee, he immediately jumps to Charles's defense to protect him from the backlash of his rebellion against social mores.
And when Arthur encounters Charles while he's disguised in the infamous dress? Not a second of condemnation or disgust, not one. Just innocent, earnest confusion -- "why are you dressed like that?" -- and once he understands what's going on, Arthur never mentions it again. He rushes Charles a little when Charles stops to flirt with some sailors, but he doesn't do so because he's scandalized; he wants to get Charles to safety and would rather avoid a fight. When Charles cheekily seduces a disrespectful man who attempts to solicit him for sex, sending the guy stumbling away in surprise, Arthur laughs again. And again: not at Charles, no, but at how easily Charles scandalizes and shocks and undermines just by being his outrageous self. He has fun with Charles, not at Charles's expense; they laugh together at how easy it is to crack the oppressively straitlaced "civilized" world that cannot face its own debauchery, deviance, and desire, and how that world flounders instantly without its security blanket of sameness.
Arthur depicts Charles relatively favorably in his journal. Charles gets multiple sketches and I think the one of his dress is quite flattering in pose and effort. Arthur also muses hopefully that maybe he'll run into him again in the South Pacific.
And personally? I think Arthur is an incredibly good sport about being the recipient of an extremely dramatic and extremely public gay kiss. He's flustered, sure, but it's clear from his quick recovery it's not because he's been emasculated or because he's repulsed; it's because Charles crossed a personal line. Perhaps a line that has something to do with the fact Arthur literally doesn't kiss anybody else in the entire fucking 200-hour game (!) and quite probably for many years before it, too.
I wish r* had done a better job of framing these quests so that we too were asked to laugh with Charles and Arthur and not at Charles. As it is, I feel as if I'm watching these two characters share a moment of impish and warmhearted joy, a celebration of hell-raising and sexual freedom antics at the expense of puritans... and meanwhile, the cutscene staging is asking me to laugh at a bad makeup job and hairy French man boobs. Alas, the cinematic team was just not in on the real joke.
But Arthur was. And for a character whose physical design is in many ways rugged masculinity on horse steroids & cocaine, I think that's pretty damn grand.
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space-blue · 2 years
Is it me or during the wacky family reunion dinner scene at the finale jinx tried to make it seem to Vi that Silco didn’t matter much to her. Thoughts?
Hi Anon!
That is a very interesting take... I... think not? Mostly because she was so high on the shimmer juice, and so obviously upset. I don't think there was a lot of artifice going on, besides the obvious "uwu face" she made at Vi when asking her to kill Cait and the whole fake beheading antics.
The short reply is : I didn't take it as Jinx making an effort to downplay Silco's importance, but rather her not caring to explain/correct.
The long ramble version is :
I think Jinx truly misunderstood Silco's meaning, at the statue, because she's so emotional in response to his clarification about loving her and never surrendering her. Hence she had him present at that table because she was angry with him too, and it fit her crazy plans for a "family dinner".
To be FAIR, Jinx has a very strange relationship with Silco, which makes me think that she might not love him for who he is, might now know him that well—not as well as he knows her or values her, at least. During the entire show we see her strive for his respect ("He'll think I'm weak!") but we never see her acknowledging his dreams/goals, or actually even being careful about them (cue blowing up a ton of enforcers to get the gem, which stressed Silco the fuck out, even if he saw the gem as potentially worth it).
Overall, they seem to have a close relationship emotionally, but with Silco being the more mature and stable one. She's clearly dismissive of his well being at times too (the way he reacts to her hurting him with his own medicine gear really hints that this isn't the first time she blows up like that). While he worries about her mental and physical states.
And it ends up at the dinner, where again she's manhandling him, and again he's taking her side despite everything, defending her and trying to get her to calm down.
She's clearly in an altered shimmer induced state anyway... But it seemed to me that she wasn't even trying for Vi to perceive Silco as anything in particular.
Vi was there to chose: Jinx or Cait, pick one. Silco was there because she misunderstood his speech (and because naratively he HAS to be there, so he can die). But Vi's role at the dinner seems a little unrelated to him/his presence. Jinx isn't forcing them to get along, or talk.
If Vi DID kill Cait, I'm sure the "what now?" conversation would have included Silco. As it is, I think after Silco dies and Vi says the grossly unperceptive "It'll be all right", like Silco truly was meaningless and couldn't have meant much, Jinx says nothing because there is nothing she could say that would make Vi understand, after she misunderstood EVERYTHING about Jinx for so long, and so much.
Jinx isn't dumb. The set up of the dinner table really reveals she knows that Vi still perceives her as "little Powder". She spent far too long becoming Jinx and claiming "Powder is dead" for her to seriously be considering "reverting" to Powder. Silco sort of calls out her bluff too. I think she's couching the choice in very obvious terms, and because Vi won't accept Jinx anyway.
Vi is looking for Powder. If she choses her over Cait, she'd be doing it for Powder, not for Jinx.
It's a weird, fucked up choice to be given... But people by and large misunderstand Jinx and who she is and says she is, throughout the show. I think Silco is the only one who really understands. In that one moment where she takes the gag off, the first thing he does is to scream at Vi to stop dead-naming Jinx.
I think, with his own maturity and experience, he understands that it's important for Jinx to be a "new person". It happened to him too, though without the need for a new name. He repeatedly encourages her to let "Powder die", and the show gets out of its way to prove to us that it works well for her (she happily works to create Fishbones basically overnight, I mean, wow), and her mental state immediately deteriorates as she sees Sevika was right and Vi is alive (and with Cait).
Jinx is at her most unstable and miserable when she's being "torn" by Powder, and hence recalls Vi's abandonment.
Where the hell am I going with this? (backreads) Ah, yes.
We tend to take away a lot of agency from Jinx because of her blatant mental illness, but if you take her at her word and listen to her, she TELLS us that Powder is dead, and she wants to be known, and RESPECTED as Jinx.
Vi never does that, nor does she accept or understand that Silco is someone meaningful to her. She's told by Sevika, by Jinx herself, by Ekko, by Silco... And Vi never, ever accepts it. Because she can't, imo, not out of some mean-spirited, thought out decision.
To be fair to her, it's hard to read the room correctly when Silco is tied and gagged across the same sordid table... (Though I guess it's also a hint. If Jinx will tie up Vi to a chair, her doing it to Silco too isn't a particular indication that she doesn't care for him.)
But I feel like Jinx lacks the will to drive that point home. No matter what she does, Vi refuses to accept her as she is. Vi misreads the room. Vi wants Powder, not Jinx, Silco's daughter.
So when Jinx finally breaks and makes her choice, Vi's "understanding" doesn't matter so much. What difference would it even make? Jinx says her piece, and it sounds almost like it's more to herself, or addressed to the silent Vi that was with her all this time. It reads like a self-actualisation, or an admission of the ugly truth that she's been keeping at bay all this time.
Vi can't love her as she is, she's too different... Correcting her to explain she deeply cared about Silco and resents her sister's misunderstanding would not make Vi love her more.
So instead she goes and blows up the Council.
Those are just my thoughts though, as demanded :p
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Deku vs Kacchan 2
So a new friend of mine I made on tiktok wanted a meta on Deku v Kacchan 2, and of course I obliged because I never get tired of analyzing their relationship. 
Deku v Kacchan 2 was the starting point to a shift in their relationship, because this was when Bakugou came face to face with his inferiority complex, and all of the emotions he had been holding on to came bubbling to the surface, and I would like to preface by saying Deku is the ONLY PERSON Bakugou has EVER shown his weaknesses to without question. 
We don’t ever see him cry or vent to anyone else. Not a single person. He is completely open only in front of Deku.
The first example of this is actually in the start of the manga, when Deku means to tell him about One for All out of fear Bakugou would misunderstand him, and Bakugou makes his first step in becoming better by admitting he recognizes he isn’t as strong as he always thought and that Deku beat him. This is also the first time we see Bakugou cry out of frustration, which is a side of him he only ever shows to Deku.
For reference, this is Chapter 11. 
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My boy is just wanting to be the best, ya know? All his life he’s been boosted up for having such a strong quirk, and for always being the best at stuff, and now suddenly he just...isn’t. That would mess with anyone’s head, honestly.  But the one he spills those feelings to, it’s Deku. Not any other person, just Deku. You think if he hated Deku at this point, he would open up about such vulnerable feelings to him? 
I don’t think so.
Then we have the second time he’s vulnerable and recognizing different things about himself and Deku during their fight with All Might, and it is another instance we see him crying. Yes, All Might was there, but those emotions were a direct result of Deku’s words to him about not giving up. 
For reference, these are chapters 62 & 63.
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Look at the raw emotion Deku is able to draw out of this kid. You will never be able to convince me he EVER hated Deku. Yes, even when he bullied him in middle school and told him to kill himself, I don’t believe Bakugou hated him. I believe that he misunderstood him and it scared him, and so he lashed out in anger since that was the only real form of emotion he knew how to properly convey. Was it right? Obviously not, but at least we are able to understand more of his thought process at that time. 
So from here, we get into the end of All Might and Deku vs. Kacchan 2. 
From the very start of everything, once Deku was given One for All, Bakugou has been spiraling. He had been struggling and fighting with himself, trying to come to terms with the fact that reality proves he isn’t the strongest or greatest and there is actually a shit ton he’s lacking, so he needs to change to be better. That’s a little difficult though when the person who is a constant reminder of your weaknesses is always around you. 
Then he comes to the conclusion that Deku was given All Might’s power, and that is kind of like an epiphany to him. I think, when Bakugou realized All Might gave Deku OfA, he really came to understand the parts of Deku he hadn’t before. The parts that made him the perfect individual for that power, even if he acted like he didn’t know and said some shit like “I’m weak, too!” when All Might broke up their fight, he doesn’t want OfA. He wants acknowledgment. Because to him, All Might giving OfA to Deku was like saying that he is the strongest, and he deserves that power.
When in reality it’s the opposite. Deku had nothing, he was weak and powerless, and yet immediately willing to protect those around him even if it meant losing his own life, and that’s the true make of a hero. Bakugou recognized that, I believe at least, during Deku vs Kacchan 2. 
For reference, these are from chapters 117 & 118
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So he’s venting, obviously. This is his opening to the big bit that we’ll be getting to shortly, but this is important but he’s opening himself up to Deku. I’ll say it again,
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This always gets me because Bakugou knows. I made a whole separate meta about him recognizing those attributes of Deku’s and recognizing that’s what makes him so powerful in his own right. 
Bakugou completely understands by this point what it is that made All Might choose Deku. He witnessed time and time again how willing Deku was to throw everything away for other people, how his desire to save came before absolutely anything else. He understands that. This is just his denial, and his pride wanting proof. 
Now we’re coming to the big bits, the meat of this entire fight. 
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I wanted to talk in between them but honestly, they should speak for themselves. 
“This battle might have been pointless. Win or lose..maybe it didn’t really matter. But at that moment, I knew I had to fight. Because the only person who understood what Kacchan was feeling, was me.” 
Now we have Deku recognizing what this is all about, that Bakugou is opening himself up to him and exposing those weaknesses he’s been struggling with for so long. Guilt, fear, anger, sadness. Bakugou has been holding onto so many things and had nowhere for it to come out until this fight. Remember, right after Kamino and All Might’s end, they went straight back to every day life. Bakugou was forced to train as normal and even take the provisional licensing exam before he was able to get a moment to process everything. 
Now that he had time for it, he decided to come out with his feelings, and obviously they needed to be expressed to Deku. He does this because he knows Deku is going to accept them. If he’s learned anything from his time being a little shit, it was that Deku wasn’t going anywhere, and he would listen to him whether he was screaming in anger or crying in pain. Because Deku was raised to show emotion, he cried and it was okay and he wasn’t shamed or told he was weak. He wasn’t held to some imaginary scale of strength because he...never really had any, not the way strength is perceived in this universe, at least.
But Bakugou did have strength, and so it was pushed onto him since his quirk developed, which led to his horrible combination of an inferiority complex and a superiority complex. It skewed the way he saw the people around him, and he couldn’t understand that someone could have strength even if they lacked a quirk or a way to fight. Deku had strength Bakugou didn’t, the strength to protect and care and love without restraint. It terrified Bakugou, and so he tried to push Deku away because of it. 
But Deku vs. Kacchan 2 put a ton of stuff in perspective for Bakugou. 
For reference this is from chapter 120.
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This scene is so beautiful to me. The way it’s implied they make eye contact. The emotion in this scene alone is so powerful, and should immediately tell you their relationship will never be the same; and it wasn’t. 
I feel like a lot of people don’t see a difference because Bakugou is still hot-headed and foul-mouthed, but he is in no way the same kid from before this chapter. Not to Deku, and not to anyone else. Being able to express himself and get all of that frustration out from what built up over almost a years time, it allowed him to begin truly changing himself into a better person. This was his starting point to recognizing that he can’t continue just fighting on his own, and he would eventually have to depend on other’s if he wants to be the best. He would have to open himself up. 
It’s gradual, and subtle, but it’s there. There are instances of it everywhere. From him joining in on OfA’s meetings, to the ways he encourages Deku to keep getting stronger by pushing him, to the JT when he acts with his team to win, all the way to the current chapters. 
Don’t get it twisted though, Bakugou’s development for himself started way before DvK2, but DvK2 is when the real development between Bakugou and Deku started, and these beautiful chapters led us all the way to 284 and 285, which was the most definitive show of development and growth I have ever seen a character make. 
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ibijau · 3 years
Futures Past pt13 / on AO3
Nie Huaisang is visited again by his future self, which goes even less pleasantly than before
Nie Huaisang did not enjoy in the least being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night, a hand firmly pressed over his mouth to keep him quiet and avoid waking the other Nie disciples.
His future self really needed to find a better way to visit him. They had to decide on a schedule of some sort, Nie Huaisang ranted when they were outside, hidden away near the cabin he currently inhabited. Or a signal. Or something other than the absolute terror of a stranger taking him out of his bed in the dark.
“Couldn’t you at least have told me when you were planning on coming back?” Nie Huaisang complained, to which his future self shrugged.
“I was supposed to, but I forgot,” the older man muttered from being his fan. “Not that I would have kept to the schedule anyway. I had to know how your time in Yunping City went, so I… pushed hard to come here as early as I could. I probably won’t be able to return again until late fall, or even the bew year.”
He did look tired, and had a slight trembling in his hands, Nie Huaisang noted. Though that could just have been excitement rather than a sign something was wrong with him.
“It went well in Yunping City, I think,” Nie Huaisang announced. “I don’t think that Meng Yao will be going to Lanling Jin now, not if he has even a little bit of brain, and…”
“He’s more stupid than you’d expect,” his older self snapped. “I take it he’s still alive then?”
Nie Huaisang hunched his shoulders and looked down at his feet. 
“It’s not like I could actually have killed him! And anyway, he’s nice. Well, I thought he was nice…” The older Nie Huaisang scoffed. “And Lan gongzi thought it too…” Another scoff, and when Nie Huaisang risked a glance, he was met with an expression of disgust. “And Jiang gongzi too had a good opinion of him!”
“You saw Jiang Cheng?” his older self asked, lowering his fan while something shifted in his voice. “How was he? Was Wei Wuxian there too?”
He sounded almost eager to get news, as if he cared about these people.
He sounded almost human.
“I don’t think that other one was there,” Nie Huaisang said, trying to remember. He'd been so nervous about that Meng Yao business, he hadn't paid attention to anything else. “And Jiang gongzi mostly seemed interested in chatting with Lan gongzi. They were getting along just fine. I think they’re writing to each other now? I think Lan gongzi mentioned that the other day.”
Whatever softness had briefly taken over his older self melted in a second, replaced by something dark.
“That’s new,” he said, closing his fan with a flourish before tapping it against his hand. “I knew they would have met briefly in Yunping City, but to my knowledge they didn’t speak at all. We’ll have to be careful. I don’t like the idea of Jiang Cheng siding with that idiot." He sighed. “We’ll see what comes of it in the future. For now, tell me what you’ve done with Meng Yao, since you’re apparently too much of a coward to properly get rid of the man who killed da-ge.”
Nie Huaisang felt breathless at that casual mention of Meng Yao’s true role in his brother’s future death. His older self had said that Meng Yao was involved, that he needed to be dealt with, but Nie Huaisang hadn’t thought…
How could someone like Meng Yao ever kill his brother? Even if he worked day and night, even if he tried as hard as he could, Meng Yao would take years and years to catch up to even a normal cultivator’s level. He would never compare to Nie Mingjue who everyone agreed was a cultivation genius, a force of nature. In a direct confrontation, Meng Yao could never win.
It would have been something more insidious then, Nie Huaisang thought. Poison, or backstabbing, or some other under-handed thing. And since Lan Xichen had appeared so instantly fond of that Meng Yao, since his future self hated him too, maybe he’d accidentally given him the means of coming close to Nie Mingjue. That would certainly explain why that older Nie Huaisang despised both men so intensely.
A little shaken by that theory, Nie Huaisang started recounting what had happened in Yunping City. Or at least, he explained most of it. He was so embarrassed about failing to find the right brothel that he didn’t speak about that, meaning he also didn’t say anything about meeting Lan Xichen in the red district, and that complete breakdown the poor boy had.  And while he proudly explained that Meng Yao was now part of Yunmeng Jiang where he appeared to be doing very well according to letters Lan Xichen had received, Nie Huaisang didn’t mention that to obtain that result he’d insulted a sect leader and gotten harshly punished for it. He didn’t think his older self would show much sympathy for his suffering.
Really, talking to that man was like talking to Nie Mingjue when he asked about his brother’s cultivation progress. Except at least Nie Mingjue was only like that some of the time, when the elders had pestered him about Nie Huaisang’s lack of talent for anything one time too many. His older self felt as if he was this way all the time.
“I suppose Yunmeng will have to do,” the older Nie Huaisang sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “The Jiangs certainly aren’t going to give him a recommendation to join Lanling Jin. Anything is better than Lanling or Qinghe at this point.”
Nie Huaisang pinched his lips, quite glad he hadn’t mentioned his initial plan of bringing Meng Yao to Qinghe. It had been a stupid plan, he now realised. But he hadn’t known that Meng Yao would be his brother’s actual murderer, and his future self hadn’t said anything, and…
“Now that Meng Yao is dealt with, let’s talk about what you have to do next,” the older Nie Huaisang said.
“About… about S-Su She?” Nie Huaisang quickly asked, trying to sound as indifferent as he could.
His older self opened his fan with an elegant gesture that Nie Huaisang was starting to hate, and shook his head with a cruel smirk.
“No. I’ve given this some thought,” the older man explained, fanning himself slowly. “I’ve reached the conclusion that I don’t care much whether Jin Zixun and him kill each other. Good riddance, neither of them are worth even the dirt used to bury them. These two are just…”
“He’s my friend,” Nie Huaisang squeaked. By which he meant Su She of course, but also…
Jin Zixun and him had exchanged a few glances here and there during particularly boring lessons, and they’d chatted a little when they’d been punished again together, this time over a failed assignment. Jin Zixun wasn’t a friend, but he might have become an acquaintance, and that was probably more than anyone could say about Jin Zixun.
His older self closed his fan with a sharp gesture and glared at him.
“He’s not.”
“But he is!” Nie Huaisang insisted. “I met Su-xiong a while ago, and he’s real nice, and we get along fine, and he even…”
“A man like Su She doesn’t have friends. He’s only using you to get something. What did he make you promise? Support? Help? Money?”
“He’s not like that!” Nie Huaisang cried out, letting his voice rise higher than was truly wise at such an hour of the night.
But he couldn’t let Su She be insulted that way. Maybe it was different where his future self came from, maybe Su She and him hadn’t met over there, but they had met here, and they were true friends.
Su She had amply apologised about not coming to see Nie Huaisang that whole week he’d been punished for his fight with Jin Zixun. He had cited his own punishment, as well as Lan Xichen enrolling him in his book-copying scheme. Both were valid reasons, but Su She still appeared very sorry that he’d let Nie Huaisang deal with that on his own, and shared some candies with him as a way of apology.
Su She was the best friend Nie Huaisang had ever had in his life, and he refused to hear anyone insult him, even himself.
“Su She is no friend of yours,” his older self claimed. “Stop whatever acquaintance you have with him right away. Da-ge wouldn’t approve, anyway.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re at the point of my life where I’m a little idiot who cannot do anything right. If you’re making a decision, it’s always going to be the wrong one, and it will anger Da-ge. So drop Su She immediately.”
"Da-ge isn't like that," Nie Huaisang grumbled. 
"I've known him longer than you," his future self retorted. "I know what he thinks of me." 
Which might have been true, but it still felt wrong. Nie Huaisang and his brother had their disagreements, of course. Many of them, in fact. They argued over just about anything, but rarely seriously, or about anything really important, and they always made up quickly. Sure, some people misunderstood their relationship and thought they didn't get along. Some had even tried to take advantage of that perceived rift between them, but both brothers knew where they stood. 
Nie Huaisang knew his brother would like Su She when he met him. In fact, Nie Mingjue had already promised he could invite his new friend to come to the Unclean Realm, provided he passed his exams.
Maybe it had been too long since his future self had last seen Nie Mingjue, if he could only remember their few disputes and none of the affection. 
"The only person you're supposed to pay attention this year to is Lan Xichen," his older self reminded him. "So how are things going on that front? I swear if there's still no progress…" 
"No, there is!" Nie Huaisang said, raising his hands in a defensive gesture. "A lot of progress! We spend at least a shichen together every week lately, sometimes more!" 
"That's a very precise amount," his older self noted. "How do you know it is that much?" 
"Well, see, he gives me music lessons. He says I'm quite good at it actually," Nie Huaisang added with pride.
That pride was met with a dark, angry look. Or perhaps not angry as such, Nie Huaisang thought after a moment. Maybe envious instead. Considering the opinion his future self had of Lan Xichen, it was impossible he'd ever been given those lessons, or surely he wouldn't have hated Lan Xichen so much. And since they were the same person, or at least had been the same person before his future self grew up into an asshole, then they had to have the same tastes, the same aspirations.
"What instrument ?" 
"The guqin, of course. You know, I always figured it'd be really hard, but I'm liking it a lot, and it's really fun to practice a little every day, and Lan Xichen is a really nice teacher, and he's actually fun, and…" 
"He's not," his future self cut him. "And while I'm glad you're finally remembering the part you have to play in our plan, I don't want you to get distracted. Music isn't your goal. Neither is it to actually befriend Lan Xichen. You only need to make him think you're his friend, getting attached as well would be a mistake."
"In fact," his older self continued, slowly fanning himself, "it would be best if you gave up already on the idea of having friends. It's not for the likes of us. If you were a little more charismatic and likeable perhaps… but in the end, none of the 'friends' I made at your age were there for me when I needed them. I had to trick them into helping when the time came to avenge da-ge, or they would have let his murderers live free."
"Well maybe if you weren't such a prick they'd still be yours friends," Nie Huaisang muttered, which earned him a slap. 
It didn't immediately register that he'd been hit. He just stood there, staring at his older self, vaguely aware of a noise too loud in the quiet night of the Cloud Recesses, and a rising sensation of heat on his cheek. 
"I can't believe nobody has ever done that, with how annoying I am," his future self remarked, shaking his hand as if the blow had hurt him too. "Now listen to me. You are not likeable. You are not charismatic. You're not even particularly clever most of the time. Why would anyone want to be friends with you? At best they're tolerating you because it's impossible to just reject the heir of a great sect, but make no mistake, your only quality is Nie Mingjue. In terms of popularity, you rank about as high as someone like Jin Zixun. Do you understand what it means?"
Nie Huaisang failed to contain a few tears as he brought one hand to his smarting cheek. It felt hot to the touch, and he'd have to expend some spiritual energy into it, or else there might be a mark in the morning that would be difficult to explain. 
As for his older self's question, Nie Huaisang shook his head the way he felt might be expected of him.
"It means you have to treat people the way they treat you," his older self said. "Keep your heart closed, and use them for what they're worth. Especially Lan Xichen. Get him to trust you, but don't make the mistake of trusting him back. He is a rather poor friend to those who make that mistake."
Gritting his teeth, Nie Huaisang obediently nodded, fearful of being hit again. 
But it didn't sound right. He refused to believe that people were as bad as his future self said. Surely Su She at least was better than that. Nie Huaisang could doubt anyone in the world, but not Su She, so he was absolutely not going to dump his friend just because some old creep with trust issues told him to. Not even if the old creep was himself.
As for Lan Xichen… not so long ago, Nie Huaisang might have accepted that unkind assessment of his brother’s friend. But now that they hung out together more frequently, he thought Lan Xichen wasn’t so bad. Their music lessons really were nice. Lan Xichen was patient and encouraging, something few teachers in Nie Huaisang’s life had ever been. He didn’t mind when Nie Huaisang got too tired to focus, or when he struggled with something that should have been easy. He also didn’t take Nie Huaisang’s moments of easy success as proof that he was faking whenever he struggled, and for this alone Lan Xichen had Nie Huaisang’s gratitude.
Not only that, but Lan Xichen had proven that he wasn’t as stiff and boring as Nie Huaisang used to think. He’d listened about the problems that Su She had, hadn’t he? And not just listened, but he’d done something about it, and he was still doing something about it, and not only for Su She’s sake either. 
Su She had told Nie Huaisang that any inner clan disciple who bothered an outer disciple was in serious trouble these days if Lan Xichen heard about it… or worse still, if Lan Wangji got involved. He was a stickler for rules that one. Once his brother had casually mentioned to him that some people were breaking Lan principles behind the teachers’ back, Lan Wangji hunted them down and made sure those people regretted it.
All because Nie Huaisang had told Lan Xichen that he didn’t like how people treated his friend.
How could Nie Huaisang not have started liking him a little after that?
“Speaking of making friends,” his future self said, “you remember you need to fail your classes this year, right? We have big plans for next year.”
Nie Huaisang nodded again, with more sincerity this time. Failing his exams would not be difficult. At all. In fact, he was quite good at failing. Lan Qiren could have testified that when it came to failing, he’d never had a student as great as Nie Huaisang.
“Good, excellent. Now, I don’t have much time left here today but… I have a task for you when the classes end.”
“Another thing?” Nie Huaisang lamented. “That wasn’t the deal!”
“It is for da-ge’s good,” his future self snapped, and once again Nie Huaisang wondered if he really loved his brother enough to bother with all this.
He did love Nie Mingjue, no doubt. But he still wondered.
“In fact, it’s for the good of the whole cultivation world,” his future self continued. “This might be the most selfless thing you’re ever going to do, so don’t mess it up. When the classes end, you’re not going home. You’re going to the city of Kuizhou…”
“Really? Oh, that’d be neat. I’ve always wanted to see…”
“You’re not going there to sightsee and think about poetry,” his older self cut him. “You’re going there to find a young criminal by the name of Xue Yang and ensure he never gets to create trouble for the cultivation world. You’ve disappointed me with Meng Yao, but I think you should manage to do the right thing with Xue Yang. He’s only ten or eleven, and you have a sabre, surely it can’t be too hard to dispose of him.”
“You don’t mean…”
The older man closed his fan, his face devoid of emotion. “I would think my meaning is clear enough, but I’m not letting you mess this up as you’ve done with Meng Yao. Xue Yang must die. He grows into too much of a menace as an adult. Even if we're going to make sure his particular skills never become needed by any sect, letting him live is just too risky. He’s devious enough to come up with demonic cultivation all on his own if given the chance to grow up, and he certainly doesn’t have any ideals of justice to help him keep it under control. Kill him before he harms anyone.”
"I'm not a killer!" Nie Huaisang shouted, too loud, far too loud, but he didn’t care, horrified by the very idea of what he his future self was demanding. He felt sorry when fighting fierce corpses and tended to cry at exorcisms, how could he ever… and to a living person, to a child.
And yet his future self rolled his eyes as if his horror were but another minor annoyance to deal with, and started fanning himself again.
"You'll learn fast. Just find a cat, snap its neck, and you'll see how easy it is. After two or three you stop feeling sorry for them, and people aren't so different from cats."
“I don’t think da-ge would want that,” Nie Huaisang protested in a trembling voice. “I don’t think he’d like that at all. It’s just… it’s a kid! Good people don’t kill kids! Even a lot of bad people don’t kill kids!”
“Be quiet, or we’ll be found by whichever Lan disciple is patrolling tonight!”
Good, Nie Huaisang thought. If they were found he’d be punished, sure, but more importantly he’d be forced to tell someone about everything his older self had told him, from the war that was coming, to Nie Mingjue’s death, to killing children. But of course Nie Huaisang couldn’t be so lucky, and no one appeared to have heard him.
“You’re really too naive,” his older self said. “Everyone kills children, they just don’t speak about it and pretend they’re righteous. Even da-ge is no better. I only realised that after the war with the Wens, but it’ll be good for you to grow out of your illusions earlier than that. Besides, you don’t have to tell da-ge that you’ve killed that boy. Keeping secrets is your only real skill, use it.”
“Da-ge isn’t like that,” Nie Huaisang hissed, and felt he’d started crying again.
His brother wasn’t a murderer. He was a good person, he wouldn’t harm anyone who didn’t deserve it… but he might make an exception when it came to the Wens, who nobody in Qinghe Nie really counted as people anymore. 
They were just a disease upon the cultivation world, pests that needed to be eliminated. Nie Huaisang, who had always agreed to that, had never really paused before to think that Qishan Wen also counted a number of children, of elders, of servants, of people who really had nothing to do with his father’s death and maybe didn’t even realise there had ever been such a person in the world.
“Da-ge is only human,” his older self said. “And all humans are ready to kill to get what they want. Da-ge wanted to avenge our father. You want to protect da-ge. It’s not so different. If it helps, Xue Yang really deserves to die, so don’t bother feeling sorry for him. He would kill you for candies, given half a chance.”
“I’m not like that,” Nie Huaisang sobbed.
“Not yet perhaps,” his older self conceded in a softer voice. “But you’ll get there anyway. The world is cruel. We must be worse than it is, if we are to survive, if da-ge is to survive.”
The man raised a hand toward Nie Huaisang's head, wanting perhaps to comfort him by ruffling his hair. It was what Nie Mingjue would have done. But Nie Huaisang flinched, fearing to be struck again, and his older self's hand dropped at his side.
“So remember well,” his older self ordered, his tone dry once more. “An orphan boy named Xue Yang, who lives in Kuizhou. He’s a petty criminal for now, he hasn’t yet switched from theft to violent crimes I think, but it’ll come soon. He would be tall for his age I believe. He has a missing little finger on his left hand, and when he smiles his canines are very prominent. He is a monster, and he cannot be allowed to live. Do you understand?”
Through heavy tears Nie Huaisang nodded. That seemed to satisfy his older self who vanished. 
Nie Huaisang understood indeed, but he didn’t agree and was certain he never would.
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stxleslyds · 3 years
If you misunderstood, it's my fault, I tried to articulate it correctly but failed. I’ll be used the fact that it was past 2am as an excuse… But I was calling Lobdell's Jason rude, in this case. It wasn't necessarily that he was rude without reason (because your example of Ducra telling him to bow was rude of her, I agree there, and there will be more examples), it was more so that he was rude at all. It was a stark contrast between what Winick had shown, and Lobdell now did. (I might be biased against Lobdell and therefor interpreting Jason's actions much more unkindly, but idk, they were just so different?) It was like Winick's writing of Jason worked well with how Jason was written pre-death, whereas Lobdell's writing of Jason worked better with those post-death/pre-resurrection flashbacks (I don't have the option to add images, but there are a plethora of moments). I think I mostly send the previous ask because, at least to me, that contrast between the Lost Days and the All Caste made Jason (Lobdell’s version) feel especially rude. Maybe it wasn’t so bad, but my bias might have made it seem considerably worse… I hope I make sense, and if not, I apologise for that...
Hello again Anon! Thank you for writing to me again!
And yeah, I completely agree with you that there is a very clear difference between how Jason was written (in general and personality wise) by Winick and Lobdell. I am known to be a big Winick fan and a clear hater of Lobdell so you and I are on the same page.
The thing that is different and makes Winick’s whole characterization better is that he is a good writer and when he was given the opportunity to expand on his lore, he did it amazingly. He had six issues to explain three years of Jason’s history and he gave a lot of context to what had happened before UtRH and how Jason came to be the man with the motivations that he had in that book.
I see it like Winick worked with the idea of Jason as he was before his death and built from that. Jason was a sweet boy who had a very complicated life and was “saved” by Batman from an unknown future. But as he kept working with Batman their differences in morals and how they viewed criminals made themselves clearer, Batman didn’t pay much attention to the fact that Jason viewed the world differently and that led Jason to feel neglected. From feeling like that is that Jason jumped when he found a connection to his first family, he wanted a parental figure to care and love him (he clearly wasn’t feeling like Bruce was giving him that). When that parental figure betrayed him and he found himself dying he wanted Bruce (his dad) to come and save him because he was just a kid.
Winick took all that and built from there, he gave us a Jason that wasn’t angry at Bruce for not coming in time, he didn’t even blame Bruce for his death (or himself), he was just angry and disappointed when he found out that Bruce had learned nothing from what had happened to Jason. Jason really believed that after he died Bruce would have opened his eyes to the cruel reality that is Gotham and that the Batman’s ways aren’t enough or even good.
Lobdell changed all that, he made Jason angry at the fact that Bruce didn’t save him, he then made Jason feel like he was responsible for his own death and was one of the first in pushing the narrative that Jason was a bad Robin or that being Robin wasn’t something that Jason had wanted to begin with.
Those differences changed Jason completely, and in Lobdell’s case led Jason to be a character that was hard to like. He was mean to Roy, he objectified women and acted like a hormonal teenager even after being resurrected (at times). So, I truly understand where you are coming from. It’s just that I don’t think that Jason being rude was the problem (or the main problem) it’s everything surrounding it, his past before death was changed for no reason at all and then his past after death was also changed for no reason at all.
When you find yourself reading content with a character that was very carefully developed and then jump directly into the mess that was New 52 RHatO then the bad writing, bad characterizations and obvious character assassinations are going to slap you in the face.
I know because I watched the UtRH animated movie (written by Judd Winick) then read Red Hood/Arsenal, then read UtRH and sadly after reading that masterpiece I jumped directly into New 52 RHatO and I wanted to just scream forever.
So, all in all, like I said in our previous “conversation”, I didn’t really feel like Jason was rude in his training, he just had a very difficult personality, and he acted in not so nice ways that were never called out as bad, and all that happened because Lobdell was writing a self-insert version of Jason and he obviously didn’t see (at the time) anything wrong with the way he was writing Jason. He did make some changes in Rebirth, when it comes to his personality and his relatability, Jason was more likable then, but first we had to suffer through those two books from hell that Lobdell wrote.
And going back to how Lobdell perceived the events of UtRH and how he brought them to light in his own books, well Anon, I am glad to inform you that I made a post all about it some time ago. In there I deep dive in how Lobdell re-wrote Jason’s intentions and motivations in UtRH and made him look like a bad man that only wanted to hurt Bruce because his father hadn’t gone on a killing spree for him.
If that was what you had meant, then you and me are on the same page completely! I will link here that post; it was called “RHatO’s Perception of UtRH and DitF”.
If you check that post out let me know what you thought! Thank you again for sending me another ask and I hope you have a wonderful day!
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kkoumiii · 3 years
Today, I decided to do a reading on one of the idols I hold the closest to my heart (if not the one actually), our squishy squirrel Changmin (aka Q from The Boyz)!! I'm so excited, I love him so freaking much, he makes me so soft and he appeases me instantly 🥺 Without further ado, let's get right into it! 🐿
/!\ Friendly reminder that my readings are not to take at face value, I do not mean any harm to this idol, it’s only for entertainment purpose. /!\
✧ 𝐉𝐢 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢𝐧 ➵ 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
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✾ ˢᶜʳⁱᵇᵉ (ˡⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵃᵗᵗʳⁱᵇᵘᵗᵉ), ᵃᵠᵘᵃʳⁱᵘˢ, ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵗᵃʳ
⇝ Right off the bat, I can tell Changmin is someone really curious and has many interests. Whenever he wonders about something, he will right away make a research or try to get an answer, and he can go pretty deep without realizing. He simply enjoys making research on different topics just for the sake of satisfying his curiosity. He’s definitely quirky, with a very unique way of thinking and communicating his thoughts. He has also a childish and innocent side, he lives in his own bubble, and sometimes it can lead him to be wide of the mark because he doesn’t really care about what’s happening around him, as if he was living in a parallel world. Sometimes, his way of handling his responsibilities may seem preoccupying for some because he really does everything in his own way and not everyone is able to understand him. Yet, he still does his best. There’s always an evidence, a logic to what he does, but he seems to be the only one to get it. He has also a lot of imagination, creativity and depending on if he tries to develop it or not, a lot of intuition. He enjoys adding his personal touch and stands out in a way or another.
✾ ᵖʳᵒˢᵗⁱᵗᵘᵗᵉ (ˡⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵃᵗᵗʳⁱᵇᵘᵗᵉ), ᵍᵉᵐⁱⁿⁱ, ᵗʰᵉ ᶜʰᵃʳⁱᵒᵗ ʳˣ
⇝ Changmin compromises and negotiates a lot, he often tries to find a middle ground to get what he wants and he’s really smart. He manages to turn things to his advantage because he perceives things in such a way that he can find arguments and/or solutions that many people would not think about. He always lands on his feet in this way. He might have become like that because he’s used to having to fight for what he wants. He doesn’t get things easily and he always has to convince other people or work hard. He’s not the type to become aggressive and saying upfront what he wants, he will act subtly upon it and he knows how to be persuasive. But there’s a side of him that may feel tired of always having to fight to make himself heard because people don’t take him seriously. There might be a big contrast between his innocent nature where he retreats in his own world, and the reality where he constantly has to confront hardships. Maybe this innocent side precisely exists because it’s a way of coping with all the struggles he has to face, it’s his refuge. He might sometimes be implicated in conflicts because people misunderstand his motivations or his words.
✾ ᵐᵉˢˢⁱᵃʰ (ˡⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵃᵗᵗʳⁱᵇᵘᵗᵉ), ᶜʰⁱʳᵒⁿ, 4 ᵒᶠ ᶜᵘᵖˢ
⇝ Maybe he had or he may still struggle with his quirkiness, he probably felt excluded or at least very different and misunderstood from a very young age. This feeling grew inside of him and today he certainly tries to make everyone feels at ease and understood with him because he wants no one to feel what he had felt. He won’t hesitate to offer a helping hand to the ones who need it, he can be really generous, altruist, selfless… Even though people may feel like he has so much his head in the clouds that he doesn’t assume his responsibilities, he’s very much aware of the reality and his imagination is only his shelter when he needs to rest and to protect himself. In fact, his imagination helps him going through tough times and to remain hopeful for the future. He wants to believe in his dreams, he knows that everything can change overnight so he wants to make his own way. And he wants to inspire and help others in this way because he often felt lonely and helpless himself. Sometimes, he may be a bit stubborn, at least he won’t tell and ask for help when he’s feeling down whereas he helps others as much as he can. He hides his feelings mostly because he’s used to going through hardships without relying on anyone, and he handles every situation by his own. He doesn’t want to be a burden and he considers that he has to deal with his problems alone. Even if many people could help him, he avoids them, perhaps because of his pride too. He might be scared that if he becomes vulnerable, it might turn against him, so he rather keeps everything to himself. He’s really private and reserved when it comes to his inner world, his thoughts and feelings. From time to time, he might feel lost and overwhelmed because he doesn’t know where to start, what or who to rely on, what he’s capable of… Yeah, I feel like he feels so tiny and powerless compared to the world, he might feel like his actions are meaningless in comparison to what’s going on in the world, even the universe. Yet he doesn’t realize how much he’s doing for others. He truly has a rich inner world. I think he’s really interesting once you get to know him because he can bring you a whole another perception about life, but you have to break through this image of him being lost and odd.
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😩😩😩😩 I am 😩😩😩😩 not 😩😩😩😩 okay 😩😩😩😩
Or am I actually? 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
I'll never shut up about this boy ksksksks
But look at this adorable smile?? These cute cheeks?? These doe eyes?? This sweet dimple?? This boopable nose?? With such a gentle yet quirky personality?? Like??
Hum okay I love him
Bye 🤧❣
- kkօմตííí ❁
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Lilies of the Valley I
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A/B/O!BTS x Reader
Flowers can have different meanings depending on the flower’s shape, color, and method in which they are presented. Lilies are my favorite for such a simple flower can have so many distinct meanings.
Chapter One: Hatred & Pride
“Lilies are considered a beautiful, popular flower but the orange variations actually symbolize hatred, pride, and disdain.”
Release Date: 05/18/20 @ 7 pm
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 YN stumbled haphazardly into her apartment, as she tried to kick off heels and steer her way into her apartment's small bathroom. In her hand lay a crumpled up business card that scorched her skin, yet she couldn't let go of it. As she reached the bathroom, she flickered the yellow lighting on and stared at herself in the dirty mirror. Mascara and eyeliner were smudged making her resemble a panda, a frown etched between her brows, and colored lips turned downward. It was not her wretched appearance that had her sorrowful, but rather the bite that was visible right where her neck met her shoulder. It looked fresh, harsh red marks that displayed to the world that she was taken. "What a fucking lie."
She took off her makeup and jumped into the shower scrubbing off every trace she could of the alpha. Not wanting his scent permeating on her body any longer, then it would truly prove people's perception of her to be true. A small ding as she was exiting the shower alerted her towards her phone.
           Mark Lee: Sorry about how I acted. I just don't understand, but I don't think we should see each other anymore.
"Great," YN grumbled. There went another one that she'd managed to drive away. It would be a lot easier if she could simply date someone like her - not that it would ever be allowed. Still, there would be less judgment and she wouldn't have to feel like a let down to society or her family every time a holiday passed and she failed to present with a mate. "Fuck society." Though truly it was more like fuck Jeon Jungkook. None of this would've happened if it weren't for the alpha and his hormones. Truly none of this would've happened if his mates kept a tighter grip on the newly presenting alpha, but she couldn't blame the others for his mistake.
           On second thought, fuck them all. Why the fuck are sub-genders a thing anyway? This wasn't the first time said thoughts had filled her head. Presenting as an Omega in a family full of beta's had been difficult, not to mention the events that followed afterward. YN dragged her feet into her bed, thankful for once that she lived in such a small apartment that things were never so far apart. Though her current apartment was about the size of the kitchen in her parent's home, she couldn't complain. Few people rented unmated omegas. She was lucky that her landladies were two female betas with small children. YN doesn’t have anything against alphas but she’s aware enough to know how they perceive her: a means to an end rather than a human being. Or half of one at the very least.
           Her cell phone screen lit up again, but YN was far too tired to check it. Until it stayed on as a plethora of messages appeared. Rolling her eyes, YN grabbed her phone and unlocked it planning to send to hell whoever sent so many messages this late at night.
           Unknown: Please consider it.
           Unknown: I know you blame me for a lot of things and it is my fault, but I’d like to fix things.
           Unknown: or help at the very least.
           Unknown: Please just answer me.
           Unknown: I’m very sorry. You know I am. It was a mistake, I was presenting and couldn’t control myself. Please YN.
           Unknown: You’re my mate.
YN slammed her phone down on her bed with tears in her eyes. She regretted ever going on the date tonight, regretted ever meeting Jungkook, regretted presenting as an Omega. YN regretted being alive. She knew others felt the same way, she'd seen the look in her father's eyes when he had gone to the police station. None of this would've ever happened if she were a beta. YN would be able to get a good education, a good job, a decent place to live. She wouldn't be treated like a third-class citizen because of her sub-gender - she would just be YN. The way she'd been in school before all this happened. The way she spent seventeen years of her life living. Sobs racked throughout her body and she bit into her arm to keep the sound from reaching her neighbors. She didn't want to get into any more trouble tonight.  
           Exhaustion eventually won over and YN slipped into a restless sleep, plagued by the events of her past and the ones that occurred a few hours earlier.
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          “So there was nothing you did in high school? No clubs or anything like that?”
YN shook her head, shrugging slightly. "I helped some teachers, dabbled in a couple of things but wasn't like the head cheerleader or class president." Tentatively she reached for her drink, making sure Mark didn't notice her smelling it for anything. It wasn't that he wasn't nice, but one could never be too careful. Mark laughed, "Alright you got me there, but I'll let you know the only reason I became class president is that I promised I'd get us a pool."
           “How did that work out?”
           “Terrible. The school was convinced our stupid asses would drown or something. Can’t say it wasn’t true.”
           YN giggled, taking another bite of her food. Mark was cute and he seemed aware of things, enough to not try too hard. He hadn’t asked to pick her up or asked about exes, he’d agreed to meet at the restaurant and even arrived early. Then again it might also be because they have a friend in between and it was Rosé who’d set them up together. “So YN what school did you go to?” Mark leaned forward resting his face in his hands. The warm lighting in the restaurant cast a nice glow on his features, it made him look more attractive. Or perhaps the alcohol had finally set in.
           “I went to Yeong-gwang Academy.” As soon as YN uttered the name Mark’s eyes widened exponentially. “No way, I’ve heard about that school. Isn’t it like a rich kid central or something? Wait didn’t you go to school with the Kims?!” It was an involuntary reaction the way she shivered whenever she heard that name, but her date must not have noticed. He stood waiting for her confirmation and all it took was a curt nod, for the man to begin rambling about all the rumors he’d heard over the years. It was difficult to keep up with them all, but she did manage to correct a few.
           “Haven’t you guys been ranked number one school in Korea for like thirty years or something?”
           “I think it’s only twenty.”
           “I heard all your sports teams are national champions.”
           “We only really had like five or so.”
           “Don’t you have the largest private collection of flowers in Asia?!”
           “Um, it’s Lilies and I think that’s an exaggeration.”
On and on it went, YN was now beginning to regret opening her mouth. She'd heard of Academy fans before, but it was mainly people who wanted to go there and couldn't or alumni. The way Mark spoke about it made her seem like she was an olympiad or a part of history. The date was drawing to an end, YN couldn't help but feel disappointed but it could have gone worse. Mark could have seen her mark and it would've caused conflict, hearing the boy ramble about her school was the lesser of the two evils.  
           It was when YN lifted her drink to her lips that she sensed it. A hint of musk and the smell of fresh linen, she couldn’t explain how she knew it was him. It was almost instinctual the fear that spread throughout her. As discreetly as she could, YN cast a glance around the room trying to find him almost exhaling with relief when she didn’t. It’s probably a mistake.
           “Hey isn’t that Kim Jungkook right there?”
It was said a little too loudly, just enough that YN knew he'd heard it. It didn't take long for her to feel eyes peering at her, goosebumps rose through her arms. Her bite began to throb and YN could feel her heart skip a beat. Mark's eyes focused on him and eventually crawled up, letting her know the alpha was approaching. Now the scent hit her entirely, shaking her to her core. YN gripped the table to steady herself but found that near impossible when the alpha kept sending his pheromones at her.  
"Does there seem to be a problem here?" His voice had deepened over the years, no longer the voice of a teenager but that of a man.
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to call your name so loudly. Um, I'm Mark Lee. A pleasure to meet you." Mark turned his attention towards YN expecting her to acknowledge Jungkook or greet him as a classmate. YN couldn't. She couldn't look at him. It didn't help that there was a tense atmosphere between the two, the tension was palpable and it seemed Mark had enough.
           “Aren’t you going to greet him, YN?”
           Greet the man responsible for everything wrong in my life, sure. Yn’s eyes trailed upwards from the table to Jungkook’s face until her warm eyes met his golden ones. As YN parted her lips to speak, she felt it: the heat spreading throughout her body. An uncontrollable feeling that raked throughout her body. The fucker was trying to trigger a pseudo-heat. Instantly YN’s grip tightened on the table, her fingertips becoming white as she fought with nature to keep control over herself.
           “Do you two know each other?” It seems Mark was catching on and truly she couldn’t blame him if he misunderstood. She would too if the roles were reversed. Suddenly Jungkook turned to face Mark, holding his hand out to greet him.
           “I’m Kim Jungkook, her mate.”
"What?! No, he isn't. Don't listen to him, Mark." Her outcry had caused quite a few patrons to turn her way, now all paying close attention to what was happening.
"Uh -" Jungkook quickly interceded whatever Mark was going to say. "Did you not notice her mark? Or do you make a habit of seeking mated people?" At this a few people gasped, Mark looked between the two of them confused. YN snapped, "It's a partial bond. It was never completed so it doesn't mean anything." Her words only confused Mark even more. Whispers from surrounding tables began to reach her ears and it only fueled YN's rage more. This was all a big misunderstanding, but Jungkook was thriving off it. Mark and YN's eyes met as she silently pleaded with him to listen to her.
"Hey beta," Jungkook snapped his fingers together, "look at me." YN should've known she'd lost then and there. As a beta, it was impossible to resist the order of alpha, not to mention one that exuded the stench that Jungkook did.
           “You know who I am right?” Mark nodded, eyes wide as if aiming to please. “Then you know don’t you? You know…” When Mark looked back at her, there was sympathy in his eyes. “I’m sorry YN.” was all the beta said before standing up and walking away. YN had so many things to say, so many more explanations, but they all died in her tongue.
           Jungkook tsked, “What an asshole. Could’ve at least paid for the meal.” That was the final strand for YN, she gathered her stuff and threw all the money she had down on the table. Walking fast out of the restaurant trying to avoid the judgemental stares directed towards her, she swore some people hissed at her under their breaths. Once outside YN leaned against the side entrance of the restaurant trying to steady her breath and stop the incoming tears.
"YN. Hey!" Jungkook raced out the front, staring around panicked until his gaze landed on her. YN tried to walk away, but his long legs gave him an advantage and he reached her in a few steps. "Please YN. I'm sorry, I just- I couldn't control myself." YN rolled her eyes, trying to push the alpha aside.  
           “No please YN look.” His hands gripped her forearms and tugged her close to him. “I’ve been trying to find you, we’ve been trying to find you. But you disappeared off the map.”
           “That’s because of you. I left because of you.” YN tried to get him to release her arms, but his hold was too tight. “Wasn’t it enough for you? Isn’t it enough for you? You ruined my life and my reputation Jungkook. The least you could do is leave me alone.” She was begging at this point, trying to make him see reason.
           “I can’t leave you alone, YN. You’re my mate.”
           “You already have mates Jungkook. Fucking six of them! How could you want more?!”
           “It isn’t like that and you know it. You’re all our mates. You're the pack omega, you just don’t see it yet.”
           This wasn’t the first time Jungkook had tried to excuse his behavior by using the pack bond. Yes, it was true all seven of them shared it but that didn’t mean she did too. “Omega’s don’t have the pack bond, Jungkook. Stop trying to lie.” YN couldn’t see what he gained from this.
           “I’m not lying. It’s rare but it happens, please if you just speak to Namjoon you’ll see-”
           “Leave me alone Jungkook.” YN mustered all her strength and managed to finally push him off. The alpha looked shocked at her display of aggression, YN strongly desired to hit him but knew it wouldn’t end well if she triggered his instincts. “I’d rather die alone than be mated to you.” YN could see the spear driven through the boy’s heart because she felt something similar go through hers. YN let out a shaky breath, she leaned over resting on her knees for fear of falling over.
"I get it. I'm sorry, I ruined your date. I embarrassed you in front of all those people and that wasn't right. I'm sorry YN, I truly am. For everything, I've ever done to you. But it doesn't change the truth. You know this isn't something I can lie about: you are my mate. Our mate."
YN groaned and went to walk away, knowing that there wouldn't be an end to Jungkook's madness. As she walked past the shaken alpha, he grasped her hand placing something in it. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate, please." YN didn't even spare him a look as she walked away. It wasn't until she could no longer smell him that YN broke down, her body shaking as she tried to hold it all in. She was still in a public place and a vulnerable omega might draw unwanted attention. YN took a deep breath and steadied herself. Heading straight to her apartment and refusing to look back.
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           A loud abrupt ringing awoke YN from her sleep, she jumped so high she practically touched the ceiling. Grabbing the phone, she saw Rosé’s contact picture pop-up on the screen. It was rare for her to call, especially since it was nearly six a.m.
           “YN? Oh my god.” Rosé’s tone was panicked and YN could hear the way she panted. “Someone broke into my apartment while I was sleeping.”
           “What?! Are you alright?!” YN jumped out of bed and raced to put on pants and hoodie, before grabbing her keys and wallet. “Where are you?”
           “I’m at the police station. I couldn’t see very clearly, but they’re looking at security cam footage from around the area to figure out who it is.”
           “I’m on my way. Did you call Lucas?” Lucas was Rosé’s foster sibling, his husband worked in the police and was certain to make the whole process smoother.
           Rosé hesitated, “He isn't answering. Please come, I’m here alone and I-”
           “It’s alright I’ll be there soon I promise.” YN had managed to wave down a cab and told him to drive as quickly as he could.
The sight of her best friend in tears triggered something innate in YN. She pulled Rosé into a hug and refused to let her go, terrified at the thought of what could have happened to her friend. "It's alright, I'm here." Rosé dug her head into YN's neck using her scent to calm her nerves and trying to muffle her cries. Already she could feel the sympathetic stares of some of the officers. Out of the corner of her eye, YN saw someone approaching his bloodshot eyes, and the tall way in which he stood made it seem like he owned the place.
"I told you to call your mate, not your girlfriend." He remarked voice dull yet mocking. Rosé stepped away from YN turning towards him, "I don't have a mate and my brother isn't answering." Her tone was meek and eyes were downcast, YN knew she wasn't a confrontational person and this event likely further caused her to become more introverted. The cop rolled his eyes, "Where is your mate then?" He turned his attention towards YN, now she could see the name inscribed on his uniform: Officer Hwang. "I don't have one." Her tone was too blunt, YN knew she could see the way his eyebrows raised at it.
           “Don’t lie to me, I can see your mark.”
           “I don’t have a mate.”
Annoyance was now visible in Hwang's tone before his eyes widened. "Ah, now I get it." The officer turned back towards one of his colleagues and called out, "Bo, it seems we have a cat house on our hands." Rosé's eyes widened and YN spoke quickly, words tumbling out of her mouth. "No. You're misunderstanding." Bo had already stood up from his desk and was making his way towards them.  
           “Ladies if you could please follow me.”
The two of them were talking over each other trying to explain the situation, but the officers had made up their minds about what was occurring. YN cast a glance around the room trying to find anyone who could help them, but everyone kept their eyes downward. They'd been titled as prostitutes and it would be difficult to change people's minds. Officer Bo guided them, pushed would've been a better term, towards the basement where the holding cells were.
           “Please sir, you’ve misunderstood.”
           Officer Hwang shrugged, a cruel smirk on his face. “Call your alpha then and everything will be solved.” YN resigned herself as they were dragged downstairs and locked up.
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Rosé and YN were separated in different cells while a guard stood watching. Tears streamed endlessly down her best friend's face, whilst YN told herself that hers were tears of frustration rather than humiliation at everything that had occurred tonight. Eventually, as they hit the two-hour mark the guard spoke up, "I'd call your mates if I were you. The boarding house bus swing's by at nine." Both omegas stilled in fear at his words. YN turned towards Rosé, "Ro can't you try your brother?" She was pleading with her friend, but Rosé shook her head. "He won't come." There was something she wasn't telling her, but YN figured now was not the moment to press it.
           “Don’t you know someone who can help YN? What about Mark?”
Mark would be no help, considering everything that went down at the date it would be a further embarrassment to ask him to come to pick her up at the station. If he even answered that is. Unless? No, there was no way. Her pride wouldn’t be able to take it.
            "Thirty minutes, girls."
It seemed as if fate was pushing her into a corner. YN had heard about what kind of things occurred to Omega's who were taken to the boarding house, it was not a nice place. It certainly didn't provide the comfort or protection that was promised to unmated troubled omegas. Hesitantly YN cleared her throat, "Can I please make a call?"
~ Please lmk if you would like to be added to the tag list. Thank you
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askfallenroyalty · 3 years
I don't think you did anything wrong. When a story is being written, there are a lot of different ways to adress and express something and maybe that's why you're being misunderstood. I think there are just too many things to adress in this story that maybe some people will get when these things are implicitly implied and some people will not. So when a breaking point comes, they'd think it came out of nowhere. You can see this with the amount of asks you receive asking you often the same thing.
Does that mean it's wrong? Ofc not! I myself was a little bit confused with Frisk's reactions and conduct in general until you explained it in your recent asks, and I thought man, that was what I was missing!
Now, yes I believe some parts of the story could have been explained in a different way, because in my opinion there's a lot to read between the lines. If you don't try to understand the characters, you'll clearly be confused as hell. But that's why I love this story! As you said before, there's nothing meant to be black/white coded, and I really appreciate the world and the character's complexity in general. You don't have some of the answers in hand, an that's when you have to analize! (At least that's what I do haha)
I also really felt like telling you something I've been relating to, so I'm putting the respectives tw if someone doesn't want to keep reading (TW: Suicide mention).
In the DW Arc, when the Christmas and Feylow stuff happened, I realised through Chara that I was doing the exact same thing with a friend of mine. He was going through a lot of stuff, and tried to commit suicide multiple times. I was focusing a huge amount of energy on him because I was afraid to lose him, and when he suddenly stopped talking to me so he could take a break, I felt really lost. Because he was the person I talked with the most, one of my dearest friends, and the idea of losing him and not being there to stop it made me insanely anxious, because that used to be the situation most of the times. Now it's been a year since he's stopped talking to me, and I don't exactly know the reason. But I couldn't keep running behind someone who didn't seem to keep wanting me around. And if it wasn't for you, I couldn't have realized how much this was hurting me.
And now, as much as it hurts me to see him acting this distant and cold with me, I'm okay with it. I really am. Because I now have the tranquility to see him continue, even when things are not okay. I can't force a friendship and I really needed to understand that back then. I trust him as much as he trusts me.
I really wanted to thank you for writing this story because it has helped me in a way I didn't expect, and I'm sure it will help a lot of people too! I'm even learning from your way of taking and discussing things haha.
I just wanted you to have this tranquility I have with this story because I trust it'll work out and explain itself once it's finished. And I just can't express how thankful I am to be reading your story.
Thank you again,
I'm looking forward to more of your work and please, take care! Don't stop doing what you enjoy! 🦋
putting it under a readmore because of how long the ask/response is, sorry!
i’m at a loss of words because wow, this ask really hit in a way i’ve never really could of anticipated. when writing AFR, i write a story about things I felt. I’ve been Chara, I’ve been Asriel and Frisk at points in my life. I write because I need to tell their stories and make it real, specifically for my own sake of getting through my own pain and to tell the world this is who i am and that I will be ok, there is hope in this world. It’s a selfish desire for me, but ultimately that’s what art is i feel. I couldn’t draw this much and put so much time and effort into something without it being meaningful or personal.
but art is communication, and when I write to be seen and to be heard, I know there’s others who are reading and are connecting with the work. (otherwise, I wouldn’t be getting asks right? its a lonely process, i forget there’s the second half of the equation -you guys) and i’ll do my best to make sure people are accommodated and can experience this story without hurting in a way that’s past enjoying a emotionally gripping piece of media. i don’t want people to be upset or hurt for my work, and I want to ensure I can make this without hurting others.
I try to leave a lot of ambiguity and room for people to interpret stories and I don’t mind people missing the point or interpreting things vastly differently than what I intended. that’s fine, that’s what art is all about. i don’t want to hold people’s hands and tell them what’s happening or what they should feel -i want them to choose and decipher and think things over. stories should be stimulating and thought provoking, and i can’t decide what those thoughts are. I wouldn’t want to. Personally, if it means people become more confused and lost over the story -well, that’s a trade off I have to take. if it means the story is more up-to-interpretation, than it’s worth it to me.
i do regret with how fast and punchy the arc ended up, and I feel my hints may have been too weak. asriel/flowey has been bluntly surprised/asking to be killed twice, he hasn’t felt like himself since dying and has lost his support systems ect. as a person who’s Been Through Shit, I thought it was as obvious as the sun what was to come but thinking on it now?
with how distance asriel is, how limited the perspective is to chara (who hasn’t known Asriel has been going thru the same depressive/suicidal thoughts as they have this whole time) it was a shock to the system. and in a way that’s fine in my eyes if the reader was completely shocked as you can emphasize more with chara that way... but in the same sense its horrifying for them, it must be for the reader as well.
and I do feel I should of thought of a way to handle the scenario to where it was less in your-face with Asriel’s decent into desperation and attempts. I don’t want to ever show it on screen, I don’t want to ever go into detail and make it any sort of fun for the viewer. it’s supposed to be disturbing and painful and I tried to show how greatly painful it was affecting both chara and frisk. Suicide victims are victims and everyone involved suffer from it. It’s ugly and never something one should be anything but ugly.
that is my intent for it be that, but as I’ve heard from people it’s still a shock and went too far. Authorial intent doesn’t matter when people react to your stories. yes, the context can be good to have, but people’s feelings and reactions mean the world more. I hope with the added context of the complete story that helps it in the long run, but as it is I’m very unhappy with how I tackled it and I don’t really have a good answer to how I should of gone about it. but at the end of the day that doesn’t matter as it happened and I can’t change it.
i’m sorry about your friend and i’m sorry for the pain you’ve experienced as well. it’s not easy being in that position (nor is it for ur friend as well of course) and it’s perfectly fine to feel hurt and to take time for yourself to address those feelings. You, as a person, matter and your feelings are justifiably important as well. nobody asks to be mentally ill and your friend’s choices aren’t fully theirs because of that, but it doesn’t change how it’s affected and hurt you. Losing someone’s friendship has always been a painful and inevitable experience people must go thru in life. I’m sorry that you’ve gone through that, but I’m glad -so happy that my story has helped you in any amount. I sincerely wish you both the best and to heal, I’m proud of you anon for getting through this.
I can’t really express how much it means as a writer to see how my work helped you. Like I mentioned before, I write and feel like it’s by myself that makes this work but it’s a 2 way street -you guys contribute to the story and the story only exists and is perceived by you. without an audience, it really truly is just me here. what you gain and experience within a story is just as important as the writing of the work itself and I often forget that.
Thank you. This was a really nice and eye opening ask and it’s going to be on my mind for a while, haha. I hope once the story is done and I can post-correct how I handle the story, people can learn and gain meaning to it like you have. Sorry if this was a bit rambly, I’m very thankful for your response (as well as everyone else who’s messaged!) and I’m very happy and excited to continue and to do my best. Thank you all so much.
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cavalierious-whim · 3 years
Love, Misunderstood (FE3H)
Sylvix | Modern AU | Fake Dating | Teen So, here’s the thing: Felix doesn’t date anyone that isn’t his sabre.
A/N: I wrote this for the Sylvix Server's Secret Santa Event last year. Read here on AO3 for better quality! And follow me on Twitter here! @Satodee1 on Twitter drew an AMAZING fanart for this fic as well! I cannot believe I've been blessed so. Please take a look here and give them a follow!
Let go the fear of falling in love.
So, here’s the thing: Felix doesn’t date anyone that isn’t his sabre.
One, there isn’t time. By day he’s almost a professional athlete with dozens of fencing titles to his name, and by night he’s a business student double majoring in Marketing and Finance. His days are full of workouts and conditioning, a carefully maintained diet, and when the sport isn’t on his mind, his academics are.
Two, there’s no interest. None. Whatsoever. Felix has never once looked at another person and thought, Yes, I would like that one.
Which brings him to his current problem: there’s an annoyance in his face that some might think is pretty if they liked overly bleached hair and heavily lacquered nails. Gum pops in her mouth. She twirls a long tendril of hair around a finger like the love interest from a nineties sitcom.
Felix doesn’t just hate; he loathes and despises. Less so the girl and more so at being perceived as a romantic option. He feels as though he does a pretty good job selling the fact that he’s entirely off of the market, even going as far as snarling at hopefuls. Apparently, some people are just infuriatingly stubborn.
Or maybe just oblivious. Felix is starting to lean towards the latter, watching carefully as the girl stares back at him, dreamily.
“So, like,” she says, punctuating the words with a giggle, “I’m a big fan. Of you and you know, your fencing.”
Felix is a hundred percent sure that she has no idea what she’s talking about. What he says instead is, “I’m studying.” Neat and simple, and not even mean. Hopefully enough to fend her off. He’s almost proud of himself.
She blinks at him like she’s trying and failing to process what he’s just said. “So, that bout last weekend,” says the girl, relentless in her pursuit. “You really honed in the touches, winning before the time limit.”
This surprises him; maybe his earlier assessment is incorrect and she’s honestly a fencing fan. Felix meets her gaze and she stares back, smacking her gum, hair still wrapped around her finger, and eyes glinting.
Right, no, she’d just done her research.
“Thank you,” says Felix because he’s not entirely an asshole. “But as I said, I’m studying, so if you would--”
“It was truly riveting,” continues the girl, clasping her hands before her. “Your form is just exquisite.” She says the word like he’s a prized pig.
Felix is losing his patience, his fingers tightening around his pencil and squeezing tighter and tighter. It might snap under his grip. It’s happened before.
“Look,” says Felix, his tone hardening just a modicum, “I appreciate--”
“So, how about grabbing a bite to eat together?” asks the girl, batting her eyes at him in an exaggerated flourish.
Felix opens his mouth to say something rather nasty, but he’s interrupted by someone dropping into the chair next to him. “Darling.” An arm finds its way slung around his shoulder and Felix goes rigid. “I’m sorry that I’m late; got stuck in traffic. You know what rush hour is like.”
It takes everything for Felix to not grab the man’s arm and break his wrist.
Before he can do so though, the man looks to the girl and says, “A bite to eat? All of us? Group dates are always fun.”
The girl, to her credit, looks about as flabbergasted as Felix feels. “Um--”
“Unless you meant alone with my boyfriend?”
Felix immediately starts, turning to look at him incredulously. “Boyfriend--”
“My mistake,” the girl apologizes immediately. “I didn’t, um, realize that you… Anyway, thank you for the chat!” And with a wave, the bleached-blonde bimbo takes her leave.
Felix whirls onto the man next to him, immediately shrugging out of his grasp. “What do you think you’re doing?”
The man is lightly tanned, cheeks dusted with a spattering of warm freckles. His hair is auburn and unruly, curling wildly around his forehead and ears. His smile is crooked, a dimple forming at the left corner of his mouth. Handsome, if Felix likes people. He doesn’t, he reminds himself.
“Saving you,” the man says. “Really, she just wouldn’t let you go. It’s astonishing really, I could feel the leave me the fuck alone vibes radiating off of you from across the shop.”
Felix blinks at that. “I didn’t need help.”
“I think that you did.”
“I didn’t,” repeats Felix, unable to let go of his stubborn need to get the last word in. Glenn used to say that it was the best and worst part of him.
“You could have just told her no.” The man pauses, thumbing at his chin as though he’s amused. “You don’t seem the type to be nice and gently let someone down.”
Felix isn’t; he’s the type to throw books at people instead, and be brutally blunt about what he does and doesn’t want. “I was distracted,” he finally says, “I’m studying for an exam and she just caught me off guard. I promise you, had I been on my game I would have done far worse.”
The other man cocks his head to the side, watching him, and Felix already hates the calculating gaze. “You really go all in, don’t you?” he asks. “Just no fucks given as to what people think about you?”
“I’m not here to date, I’m here to go to school.”
“How boring,” says the man.
“I like boring,” says Felix.
There’s a beat and then, “I’m Sylvain.” Sylvain holds his hand out for a shake. Felix stares at it as though it might bite him, but Sylvain waits patiently. “You owe me at least yours.”
There isn’t a chance in hell that this man doesn’t know who Felix is; his face is plastered across every Garreg Mach University billboard this side of Fodlan. Still, Felix has been raised with manners and he can hear Glenn rolling over in his grave.
Felix hates manners but sucks it up.
“Felix,” he says finally, still ignoring Sylvain’s hand. “Thank you for the help, but I don’t need it. Now leave me alone. I don’t have time to entertain jockstraps like yourself.”
Sylvain eventually puts his hand down and watches Felix for a long moment. Felix doesn’t like the slightly amused grin that seems permanently attached to his face. “Got it,” says Sylvain eventually. He stands and throws his bag back over his shoulder. “Then this jockstrap will take his leave.”
Felix almost feels bad, prompting him to say, “My appreciation is honest. If you hadn’t stepped in I might’ve snapped the girl’s neck instead.” He expects him to run off at such vivid imagery, like so many do.
But instead, Sylvain just throws his head back and laughs, before leaving him be.
“Do you like Adrestian Barbecue?”
This one cuter than the last, pert little nose and wavy locks of brown framing her face nicely. Felix still isn’t remotely interested. “I’m studying,” he says, trying his best to sound at least polite. He’s not very good at it, but the woman pays it no mind.
“This’ll only take a moment,” she says. “I’m wondering if you’d like to go get lunch or something? There’s a great new place that’s just opened up off of Twenty-Fourth Street, and--”
“Babe,” someone cuts in, leaning over Felix’s shoulder, their cheeks barely inches from each other. Sylvain, Felix’s mind supplies before being annoyed that he’d remembered. Felix hadn’t seen him in the shop for a few weeks. Sylvain to his credit doesn’t sling his arm around and immediately drop into the chair without permission, he just hovers next to him. Waiting.
A slight improvement.
“Sylvain,” says Felix. Then pauses, unsure how to continue. He swallows and then, “You’re late.”
Sylvain chuckles. “Traffic.”
Felix huffs, a little emboldened. “That’s the excuse you used last time.”
“And it’s still true,” says Sylvain.
“Um,” says the woman who’s been interrupted. “I was trying to ask--”
“My boyfriend to lunch,” cuts in Sylvain. “Yes, I saw that. I can barely get him to go out with me, what makes you think that he’d have a go with you?”
Felix’s eyes nearly bulge at the aggressive raking. Sylvain seemed like a nice man the last they met, but perhaps Felix has underestimated him. It sounds like a jab straight from Felix’s book.
The woman’s mouth falls open and she gawks but quickly recovers. “Right,” she says. “My apologies, I’d thought-- Never mind that. Have a wonderful day Mr. Fraldarius.”
Felix cringes as she turns and walks away.
“Mr. Fraldarius,” drawls Sylvain, falling into the chair next to him. “I really do have a habit of coming to rescue you.”
“I didn’t need to be rescued,” says Felix, acerbically. “It isn’t my fault that you insist on butting in where you aren’t wanted.”
“So, you wanted to go grab lunch with her?”
Felix closes his eyes, pinches the bridge of his nose, and lets out a frustrated grunt. “Absolutely not.” Sylvain doesn’t say anything, just watches him with unwavering patience. Eventually, Felix says, “Look, I appreciate your willingness to help, but--”
“You know, I could just pretend to be your boyfriend and they’d leave you alone for good.”
Felix blinks and then he scowls. “What?”
Sylvain shrugs, noncommittal. “You study here nearly every day. I study here too. I finally stepped in because you seem to get attention all of the time and it does nothing but annoy you. Seriously, people have no boundaries.”
Felix wants to tell Sylvain that he has no boundaries either, but decides not to fuel the fire. Instead, he says, “There’s no reason for you to help me, you would gain nothing from it.”
“Some peace and quiet. Do you know how hard it is to focus on schoolwork here when women and men are trying to approach you? I come here for the quiet, not to watch the latest episode of Blind Date.”
Sylvain has a point; the people who approach him tend to be rather loud about it. Felix thinks about the proposition for a moment. “No,” he finally says. “You don’t have to study here. Go elsewhere.”
“It’s preferable to my dorm,” says Sylvain, not bothering to elaborate. “And, I think that’s why you study here as well. You hate people and would do anything to avoid them entirely. Even if it means studying in public.”
Felix cringes because Sylvain’s nailed it on the head; the general public is less invasive than Ashe is. His roommate is nice but needlessly curious. “I don’t need your help.”
Sylvain opens his mouth to answer but stops when the barista comes by their table. “Felix,” he says, smiling kindly. “I’ve brought you a refill, yeah?” He drops a take-out cup to the table. “Just let me know if you want more.”
Felix nods, his lips quirking the slightest bit. The boy has always been nice to him and unfussy. “Thank you,” says Felix, genuinely.
The barista leaves and as Felix reaches for the cup, Sylvain raises his eyebrows. Felix’s mood immediately sours. “What?” snaps Felix acerbically.
Sylvain points to the cardboard sleeve around the cup. Felix turns it around to find the barista’s name and number written in curling script. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” says Felix. But, at least the barista has the decency not to accost him publicly. Felix rubs at his forehead.
“Say that I take you up on your offer,” starts Felix, already wanting to pull them back, “what are you expecting in return?”
“Nothing,” says Sylvain. Felix meets his eyes, narrowing his gaze as he watches him carefully. “Honestly,” continues Sylvain under the scrutiny. “I also like to study in peace, but I don’t like to sit at tables alone. I work better when there’s someone else there, even if it’s not to talk.”
“That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard,” says Felix.
“So is every person on this campus thirsting after your mangy ass. It’s a mystery to me.” Sylvain bites back just as hard as Felix, it seems. Felix respects that, if only slightly.
“Fine,” says Felix. “But only because I’ve got tests coming up and I’m tired of being bothered.”
“It’s a deal then,” says Sylvain. “We study and pretend to be dating, reaping the benefits of a quiet and quaint coffee shop.”
“You’ll have to be convincing,” says Felix.
“So far, it’s worked.”
Sylvain holds his hand out to shake on the deal and Felix looks at it warily. Then, with a resigned sigh, he takes it. Sylvain’s hand is wide and warm, and it makes Felix want to pull away. He hates closeness and doesn’t do well with physical contact. When they part, Sylvain smiles and then finally drops his book bag from his shoulders, settling in.
Felix hopes to the Goddess above that he’s not making a mistake.
Felix wants to hate Sylvain on mere principle, but they fall into an easy companionship. Felix hates it, hates that he doesn’t dislike Sylvain. But, Felix doesn’t quite like him either, and it’s the last thread of hope that he hangs on to.
A week into the charade, Felix is still stunned by the fact that Sylvain actually studies. He expects Sylvain to joke or flirt incessantly. He hasn’t; Sylvain’s quiet when they sit at their table in the corner of the coffee shop, nose-deep in a math text.
Felix’s gaze narrows slightly when he reads the title. “You’re taking Calculus III?”
“No,” says Sylvain, eyes not leaving his book. He flips a page, looking bored. “It’s a prerequisite, so I’ve already taken it, but sometimes I have to revisit.”
“Already taken it?” Sylvain taps another textbook to the side and Felix’s eyes widened. “Ordinary and Partial Differential Mathematics?” Felix can not for the life of him, think of a degree that would require a course like this.
Sylvain hums. “Yeah, it’s my required math for this semester.”
“For a jockstrap like yourself?” The nickname has stuck and so far, Sylvain hasn’t stopped Felix from using it.
Finally, Sylvain looks up, eyes crinkling in amusement. “I like math,” he says simply, “and I’m good at it. It’s an easy course for me.”
Felix isn’t sure what’s easy about math that he doesn’t even grasp the purpose of, but Sylvain’s only proven himself to be a weird man at his core. Sylvain looks at Felix’s book in return.
“Statistics,” says Sylvain. Felix has a distinct impression that he’s not remotely impressed.
“A requirement,” says Felix. “If I had a choice, I wouldn’t take math at all. But it’s part of a Business degree.”
“Business.” Sylvain snorts. “What a boring degree. Aren’t you here for fencing?”
“On a fencing scholarship, yes. There’s no future in a sport, though.” Felix narrows his eyes at him. “Something that you should probably learn.”
Sylvain’s got the build of a footballer, though, so Felix knows that he’s likely on that track. But, Sylvain doesn’t really talk about himself much, let alone his schooling. He has a tendency to watch people carefully with a gaze that’s far too knowing.
Felix never likes that look, like Sylvain’s mind is far away and thinking. A thinking Sylvain is likely a dangerous Sylvain. It’s always the ones you least suspect. Glenn would have been best friends with this dolt.
“What?” says Felix, annoyed.
“Nothing,” says Sylvain, turning back to his textbook.
Felix frowns but doesn’t push to ask more.
As the weeks pass, things shift from a tentative, peaceful study, into an actual friendship. Felix wants to hate it; a large part of him wants to loathe it because he doesn’t like people, nor does he like it when people admire him in return.
But, Felix has learned in their brief time together that it’s not all bad. Not every person who is friendly with you wants something in return. Being a Fraldarius has severely skewed the way that he views the general public, but Sylvain seems to have no idea what his roots are, thank the Goddess.
It’s led to a low-key relationship, full of quiet jokes and genuine care. Felix grudgingly accepts it.
Like always, Felix finds Sylvain holding their table in the corner, a cup of coffee already ordered and waiting for him. Bernadetta’s handmade mugs might be odd and a little bizarre, but they serve drinks all the same, even if it loses its heat more quickly.
Sylvain once berated him for his wasteful use of to-go cups and Felix relented without much of a fight. Much to his irritation.
“One large red-eye, black as your soul,” says Sylvain, pushing the cup towards Felix. “I think he threw in an extra shot this time.”
Felix grunts, noncommittally, drops his bag to the ground and slumps into his chair. The mug is hot to the touch, so it must be fresh, and Felix leans over to inhale deeply. Sylvain makes a gagging sound which causes Felix to glare at him.
“No judgment,” says Sylvain. Then he pauses. “Actually, a lot of judgment because only stone-cold dicks can drink that dredge--”
“Go back to the field,” snaps Felix, before taking a sip. It’s dark and bitter as it burns through his veins. Perfection, really. Sylvain just has bad taste.
“Always with the jock references,” says Sylvain. “At least you haven’t called me jockstrap yet.”
“Apt name for someone like yourself.”
Sylvian blinks. “What does that even mean?”
Felix huffs. “An athlete, you dolt.” He takes another sip. “You make fun of my sport enough that it's only appropriate that I do the same.”
Sylvain is quiet for a long moment and then he bursts out laughing. “Wait, wait,” he starts. “You think I’m an athlete? Why?”
“You're built like a footballer,” says Felix. “Infuriatingly tall and broad.”
“Not to say that jocks are dumb, or anything, but with my courseload what makes you think that I even have time to think about playing a sport?”
Felix thinks for a long moment, coming to realize that even with their burgeoning friendship, he knows next to nothing about Sylvain. He’s easy to get along with, they’ve fallen into an easy routine and Felix even finds that studying flies by with little to no thought by his side. Something about Sylvain’s quiet presence in the coffee shop makes it easier to focus.
“Wait, you don’t?” asks Felix. “Why didn’t you ever say--”
“I thought that you were just insulting me, I didn’t think that you actually thought that I--” Sylvain stops, laughing again. “I’m sorry, this is hilarious. It shows just how bad you are with people. Pure comedic gold.”
“You said you were on scholarship!”
At that, Sylvain raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, an academic one. Astronomy and Astrophysics.”
“Astrophysics?” blurts Felix incredulously.
In retrospect, it’s painfully obvious, he thinks. Suddenly, the textbooks of differential calculus and other various maths and sciences he can’t pronounce make a hell of a lot more sense. He reaches out, lifting the book that Sylvain’s currently working from, eyeballing the title.
“Steller, Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy,” Felix reads. Then he moves to the next. “Statistical Quantum Mechanics.” Felix meets Sylvain’s sheepish gaze. “You aren’t joking, are you?”
“I’ve wanted to understand the planets ever since I saw Star Trek as a kid--”
“Are you really basing your degree on a television show that you watched growing up? One that isn’t even that good?”
Sylvain’s mouth dropped open. “Oh, you did not just disrespect the best television show to ever have been created.”
“I’m not having this conversation,” says Felix. “I have an essay for Business Statistics, and it’s going to be hard enough to focus knowing that you’re doing experimental math over there.”
“Theoretical math,” says Sylvain, coyly correcting him.
“Whatever,” hisses Felix. “Honestly, being a footballer would be less annoying.”
Sylvain frowns slightly. “Than being smart?”
“What?” Felix scowls. “No, that isn’t what I meant. I don’t give a rat’s ass how smart you are, but really, Sylvain-- Star Trek?”
Sylvain lets out a long breath and Felix realizes that he must be used to being judged. Sylvain doesn’t have the typical look of a scientist when you think about it. He’s handsome and well built, looking like he spends more time on a beach than a mechanics lab.
Felix has the decency to be at least a little bit embarrassed for assuming, not that he’d publicly admit to it.
“Look, just go back to your book,” says Felix. “I’ll go back to mine. And if I have any math questions, I’m going to expect your help.”
At that, Sylvain lets out a little chuckle, different from his usual boisterous laugh. It takes Felix a moment to realize that it’s a genuine moment from Sylvain, one where he’s let down all those walls he’s carefully put up.
It seems that he’s even more guarded than Felix is, something of mild interest. If Felix took an interest in things. He doesn’t, he thinks, but it’s more like he’s trying to convince himself.
“Alright,” says Sylvain. “But I don’t know how much help I’ll be. Simple math confuses me more than this does.”
What a ridiculous thing to say, but it’s not as annoying as the way that Felix’s mouth twitches into a near smile.
In the aftermath of Felix’s assumed snafu, Sylvain makes irritating strides to get to know Felix better. Irritating, because Felix has come to learn that he likes spending time with the genius of a chump, be it lunches between classes, or dinner after their study session. A variety of low-commitment activities that are usually full of small talk that Felix is angered he doesn’t hate.
“Just to be more convincing,” said Sylvain, doing most of the talking like always. Felix was inclined to agree, considering that Annette told him that Sylvain wasn’t his type and the idea of the two of them together seemed frankly, odd.
“I don’t get what the issue is,” says Annette, one day that seems like eons after Felix struck his deal with Sylvain. It’s past winter holiday and creeping into the spring, warm enough to catch a snack at the crepe stand after Annette’s yoga class. “Are you bothered that you like to spend time with him?”
“No, that’s not--” Felix pauses. “I’m not good at making friends.”
“We’re friends,” says Annette, shoving a mouthful of crepe into her mouth.
Felix wants to remind her that they met after she asked him to dinner, and it was the one time he’d said yes. It lasted about thirty minutes before they both decided dinner was a bust and went bowling instead. Annette kicked his ass, looked pretty while doing it and he’d felt nothing in return.
Instead, he says, “You're persistent.” It’s half-hearted and he doesn’t really mean it, but Annette’s cheeks puff up anyway.
“Oh, Felix! You’re evil,” huffs Annette, but she never stays mad at him for long, turning her attention back to her food.
“Sylvain is… different,” says Felix, as they sit down on a bench.
Annette nods sagely. “I mean, yeah, isn’t that why you like him?”
“He’s sufferable.”
“I mean, I’ll admit, he’s an odd choice and definitely not your type but--”
“Wait, Annette,” says Felix. “Do you think that I actually like him? As in romantically?”
She blinks at him, confused. “I mean, don’t you?” asks Annette around a mouthful of food. She’s never been very ladylike, but it’s a breath of fresh air at the end of all things. Normally it would endear Felix. But.
“ What?” snaps Felix, eyes immediately narrowing. “Of course I don’t, this entire thing has been a ruse to get people to leave me alone.”
Annette chews at her food thoughtfully for a second and then says, “But you enjoy spending time with him.”
“I’ve made that apparent,” says Felix. “It vexes me.”
“You’ve admired how smart he is.”
“Infuriatingly so, but it’s useful when we study.” Felix pauses. “Don’t tell him that I said that.”
“You spend your free time with him,” says Annette, gesturing at Felix with her crepe. “This is the first time I’ve seen you face-to-face in like a month, but you go out of your way to see him every day.”
At that, Felix starts, mouth snapping shut as he thinks. Annette’s right, he does go out of his way to spend time with Sylvain. And if they can’t meet properly, it’s texting. Sylvain’s usually the one to greet him in the morning with a corny horoscope that neither of them believes, but still laugh about. And Felix is usually the one to say goodnight, even if it isn’t warranted.
It feels wrong if they don’t share words at least once a day.
“Annette,” says Felix.
“Hm?” hums Annette, cheeks bulging around the last bite of her crepe.
“Am I in love with him?” It’s rhetorical, of course, and dreadful in tone, but Annette answers anyway.
“Would that be a bad thing?”
“No,” says Felix, mouth parted in awe as though the heavens had just been explained to him. Or, Sylvain explained theoretical warp theory and Felix finally understood it. That’ll never happen, but--
“I love him.” The words come easier than he expects and they fill him with unexpected warmth. He wants more of it. He’s also afraid of it, but if there’s anything that Felix is good at, it’s striking something head-on with force.
He hasn’t lost a fencing match in nearly three years.
Annette, blessedly, is quiet for once, just watching him process his feelings. And when he’s done, when Felix comes to his conclusion, she asks, “Do you feel better?”
“Yes,” says Felix, and it’s honest and true, and strangely welcome. He hasn’t felt this good in years. Certainly not since Glenn passed.
“Good,” says Annette, “Now go kiss him.”
Felix’s answer is dumping the rest of his crepe directly into her lap, the loss of his snack well justified.
Because Felix’s life is apparently a romantic comedy, he expects things between him and Sylvain to become awkward.
It doesn't. In fact, everything is disgustingly normal. They keep their study dates, emphasis on the study part. Sylvain still greets him with his coffee order, and on the few occasions that Felix beats him to the shop, he greets Sylvain with his ridiculous white mocha, extra whip.
There are a few differences, Felix supposes.
When Sylvain leans over to help with a math problem, Felix turns to him. They meet eyes more often than not. Felix willingly covers Sylvain’s dinner, which raises an eyebrow because he’s notoriously stingy.
But, if Felix seems off, Sylvain never mentions it or broaches the topic. It’s aggravating, how easy it is to just keep to the routine. And it’s not that Felix doesn’t want more; ever since his talk with Annette, he finds himself entertaining the idea further.
He’s done a lot of thinking. Sylvain’s handsome, there isn’t a doubt about it, but that’s not what pulls Felix to him. Sylvain’s smart as a whip and doesn’t mince his words. And yes, he puts walls up and dances about things personal, but Felix does the same.
And lately, Sylvain’s started to pull those walls down, comfortable in Felix’s presence.
No one’s ever comfortable around him and Felix is struck by how much it means. Feelings are hard and love is even worse. Felix isn’t quite sure that it’s worth it.
But, he hasn’t written the idea entirely off.
Felix blinks. “I, er--”
Sylvain’s mouth tugs slightly downward at one side. Concerned. “Are you okay? You seem distracted.”
“Fencing,” blurts Felix. “The big tourney coming up.”
“You mean the one two weeks ago?”
Okay, so, Felix has been more distracted than he cares to admit. It’s all Sylvain’s fault. “Sylvain, it’s nothing. I’m just tired. School is draining. The usual.”
“Tired,” says Sylvain, unconvinced. He leans back in his chair, arms crossed and watching Felix carefully. Curse Sylvain’s perceptiveness and his ability to look right through people.
“Look, Sylvain--”
“Felix Fraldarius,” drawls another voice. They both turn to find a familiar face framed by bleach blonde hair and twirling a lock around her fingers. There’s the snap of gum in her mouth as she chews open-mouthed and unflattering.
Immediately, Sylvain is on the defensive. “Hey--”
“Hold it, golden boy,” says the girl, “I know you aren’t really dating. Heard it one day after you grabbed a bite to eat.”
Sylvain’s face darkens. “Have you been following us?”
The girl makes a face at the accusation. “Ugh, as if. It was a coincidence, I swear, but what a wonderful one. Means that I’ve got a chance.”
Felix immediately bites back, hackles raised. “I already had little interest, but as of right now, there’s not even a remote possibility of you having a chance.”
“Is it really so hard to just give it a go? You might even like me.” She bats her eyes in a pathetic attempt to appeal to him, but all Felix can think of his tanned skin dotted with freckles and sun-kissed auburn hair.
“Doubtful,” says Felix, dryly.
It takes only a second for her features to change dramatically, from coy and shy to contemptuous and sneering. “I wonder why I even bothered,” says the girl, before nodding to Sylvain. “Clearly your taste isn’t as good as I would have thought. Haven’t you heard the rumors about him?”
Yes, ad nauseum. From friends, the general public, even Sylvain himself. His problems with women and dating, and commitment issues. His brother and father, and the pressure of family legacy. At first, from those around them who’d heard of their dating, who’d seen them hanging out. People who felt it their duty to warn Felix.
And eventually, Sylvain himself who’s recently opened up about the heavy baggage that he carries around, shouldering it without much of a complaint. If anything, Sylvain’s the one looking out for others.
So yes, Sylvain doesn’t have a stellar reputation, but there’s a lot more to a person than what’s seen on the surface. A lesson that Felix has spent the last half-year learning quite unwillingly.
“Do you think yourself superior?” asks Felix, eyes narrowing at her. “You have no concept of personal space, nor do you seem to comprehend the words ‘no’ and ‘not interested’. Sylvain could murder someone in cold blood and still have twice the worth that you hold.”
“It’s a wonder, why you would even consider him,” scoffs the girl.
“Obviously it’s because I love him and despite the terrible things the lot of you gossip about, he makes me perfectly happy.”
The table goes quiet, both the girl and Sylvain staring at him. Likely, for different reasons. Felix didn’t mean to say it so plainly, but he’s never been good at pulling his punches, even when it comes to verbal lashings.
Besides, she brought it upon herself.
And against all odds, Felix feels wholly and utterly satisfied, not a moment of regret at his confession. He takes a sip of his coffee, fingers curled around his mug tenderly, meeting her gaze head-on.
“You should leave,” says Sylvain, before the girl can even respond. She opens her mouth to retort, but stops when Sylvain smiles at her. Only it isn’t a smile, it’s a nasty-looking smirk, more like a wolf that’s about to pounce its prey.
Wisely, she backs off, huffing in annoyance as she turns and leaves.
And then there are two, sitting at a table in silence. Felix is oddly comfortable, sipping at his drink while Sylvain’s mouth opens and closes. Thinking about what he’s going to say. Felix supposes that he’s opened the inevitable can of worms.
“So,” starts Sylvain, “correct me if I’m wrong, but when you said that you love me, it sounded pretty genuine.”
Felix scoffs, he can’t help it. “I always mean the things that I say.”
He expects Sylvain to bolt, to run away, to want nothing to do with this. Instead, Sylvain smiles, small and real, regarding Felix with a kind of warmth that immediately sets him on high alert.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” asks Felix, testily. But Sylvain only chuckles, soft at first and then louder. “Really Sylvain? You’re laughing? Right now?”
“Sorry,” says Sylvain, “It’s not actually funny-- okay, that’s a lie, it’s hilarious.”
Felix frowns, sneering defensively. “Is the idea of me loving someone, least of all you, so entertaining?”
“No, that’s not it.”
“Then what is it?” demands Felix, exasperated. Sylvain’s not one to beat around the bush, but he can’t seem to find his words, too busy being amused by Felix’s feelings, to his utter embarrassment.
“It’s because I love you too.”
Felix’s mouth falls open because that’s the last thing he expects Sylvain to say. He doesn’t answer, gaping openly at Sylvain, floundering for an explanation. Eventually, Sylvain finds himself, clearing his throat slightly.
Sylvain looks to Felix’s face and then his gaze drops to where his hand rests on the table. Considering. Felix really hopes that he’s not planning on taking it, but Sylvain does, fingers tugging at his palm gently.
Felix lets it happen, settling on the explanation that he’s just not like himself at the moment.
“Felix,” says Sylvain, this time quieter and more serious. He thumbs at Felix’s knuckles, the touch soft and hesitant. “I’ll admit, I’m a little bit relieved.”
“I’m annoyed,” says Felix. “I’ve been annoyed since the moment I realized it because all I’ve been able to do is think of you. It’s infuriating in the worst of ways.”
There’s a moment that passes as they watch each other, Sylvain’s hand practically burning around Felix’s. And then, Sylvain says, “Felix, can I kiss you?”
Yes, Felix thinks. It’s such a foreign feeling that he nearly pulls away but he doesn’t. He’s determined to indulge. It’s about time he’s enjoyed something in his life.
So, what he says instead is, “If you must,” the words clipped but his usual crustiness softer than normal. It makes Sylvain smile at him again, looking at Felix like he can see right through him.
Sylvain leans forward smoothly, cupping Felix’s jaw in his other hand. He’s still looking at him, like he’s some sort of treasure, paused right before Felix’s mouth. And that makes Felix impatient.
Felix is the one to close the distance, sealing their lips together like a promise. Sylvain’s mouth is soft under his, but he responds eagerly, his han moving to the back of his neck. Felix has never really put stock into the whole sparks flew and things were felt nonsense. Turns out that he’d been wrong and that kissing is kind of everything. All he can think of is Sylvain’s presence and the solid weight of him as he leans in.
Sylvain licks into the kiss, but only just barely, coaxing a tad more than just a mild response from Felix. And Felix can feel his skin burning bright red with strain, or embarrassment, or maybe just the idea that they’re doing this in public.
He doesn’t care, Felix wants more, fingers curling into Sylvain’s shirt and tugging slightly.
Eventually, they part because breathing is necessary and even Felix requires air. Regrettably. He wants to go back in, to kiss Sylvain again, just one more time before he gains his senses back and thinks better of it.
But first.
“You know, I’ll kill you if you hurt me,” says Felix, fingers tightening their grip around  Sylvain’s shirt.
Sylvain laughs, leaning close to Felix's ear and pressing a soft kiss there. “I know. But that’s a chance I’m willing to take.”
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ververa · 4 years
heeello, I have a request!! Can you write a Leonore Osgood x Reader where the reader is her seamstress? ✨💗Something where Leonore starts to order more dresses as an excuse to see her more often and flirts with her at every good opportunity. I think Leonore is a very confident woman, so she may have taken the initiative to kiss the reader as soon as she thought she had a chance, not being able to withstand a rejection
thank you and sorry if I made mistakes, I'm not very good at writing in english :/
ps. I love your blog💖
“Beyond The Wildest Dreams”
A/N: Thank you so much for this request!!! I had a lot of fun writing it 🤗😅 It's longer than I intended and it's only a few of all the ideas I had for this fic 🙈 So, I actually may write a 2nd part or since I have a few requests for Lenore I may combine them
Anyways I kinda feel like it's not exactly what you wanted, but I hope you will enjoy it!! 😇
Also many thanks to @misssmephisto who always supports me and who helped me a lot with this fic!!! 💜💖💜💖💜
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Lenore Osgood x fem!reader
Word count: ~5k
The moment you saw Lenore Osgoode for the first time the whole world simply stopped existing. People around you, models, photographers, former and possibly new clients, even your nervousness - caused by the very first fashion show of yours, was long forgotten, as you watched the gorgeous blonde taking a seat at the audience, right in the first row. She didn't quite fit with the rest. She was fabulous.  No other in the room stood a chance with her. Self confidence radiated from every fibre of her body, not to mention that one look was enough to tell she was an enthusiast of refined style. She was with no doubt upper class. Her outfit itself indicated that she was one of those filthy rich people. Normally you tried to stay away from them, not feeling well in their company, yet this one time you were ready to make an exception. Who could ever blame you? Lenore truly distinguished herself and looked absolutely stunning dressed in a long, red dress and a mink coat. 
She was beautiful and tall - you could put on her whatever you would want to and it would drape perfectly, only adding to her captivating charm. But clothes were more than that - for you at least. It wasn’t just about materials draping nicely or the person looking good. You considered clothes to be a person’s second skin. A layer supposed to not only cover all the imperfections, but also hide their dark secrets and sins, at the same time giving out a hint of their attitude. And that particular approach of yours combined with your skills made you an exceptional designer and  a wonderful seamstress. On the other hand though, it made you misunderstood by many people - especially your fellows - which seemed to be the dark, less nice side of your profession, but you didn’t care about it at all. You were too busy, positively bedeviled with work, to spare your precious time to think about it.
As your eyes set on Lenore you immediately knew that you wanted nothing more, but to dress her up in all the finest materials you could get. Tailor her clothes to fit whatever was her guilt, to match the darkest parts of her soul. You looked her up and down, for what felt like a hundredth time that evening, and still you couldn’t get enough. You were ready and highly likely to come up with yet another project just like that. You knew for sure it would be something different. It had to be special, exclusive, hand-selected, designed just for her and as spectacular as the woman appeared to be.
The images of Lenore in taffeta and silk kept crossing your vivid imagination. You were just having some debate with yourself on what colour would suit her best, though much to your dismay you were brought back to reality by one of the assistants working there with you.
“Miss Y/L/N, we have a little problem backstage”
You turned towards the young man, resigning from watching the blonde and reluctantly giving your full attention to the man. 
“I’m coming” you nodded and - after glancing at Lenore one more time - you followed him to find out what kind of problem he was talking about.
Lenore sat and watched, but she didn’t even bother to pretend she was interested. She had a sense that being there was just a waste of time. And as a worldly woman that she beyond any doubt was - she hated wasting her time, especially in places like that.  Shabby and tasteless. Full of inelegant, crude people who tended to get above themselves way too often, while in reality they had absolutely no idea what true sophistication and fashionability were. They came there to watch the show, but it had nothing to do with them being interested in fashion. It was just another way of exposing their self-importance. Lenore knew it better than anyone, but that was all right with her. She used to be like them too, though she no longer needed to prove anything to anyone. That's why for her being there was more like a torture.
If it hadn’t been for her impulsive and capricious decision to fire her tailor she wouldn’t even think of attending such a ridiculous event like a fashion show in a small, prospectless town. What could she possibly see there? Nothing. Those were simple people, not accustomed with high standards and clearly not ready for any fashion revolutions. Lenore hadn’t expected anything spectacular. There was no use in getting her hopes up, since she was there only because she needed a new seamstress. Enjoying the show was far from probable and she was well aware of it. Yet she went and stayed there. Fairly sick to death, but determined, hoping that if she put up with all the inconveniences, she would manage to find what she was looking for. 
Cheap clothes and shoddy jewellery - was all she got to see for the first hour or so and that was enough to drive her crazy. Lenore wasn’t sure whether she wanted to laugh or cry. Those people's taste or rather lack of it - cried to heaven. Calling something like that a fashion show appeared to be some barbarous jape. And at that point Lenore was fed up and ready to leave. It was so naive of her to envisage witnessing something groundbreaking, but there was still one more line of clothes supposed to be walked out - and that was it. A real breakthrough. Something out of the ordinary. Something that Lenore wanted, but didn’t know it before.
She watched - suddenly interested in everything that was happening on the runway. Models walked down one after the other, then disappeared, but each one of them - presenting another outfit, left Lenore even more astonished than the previous one. 
Lenore Osgood had always been a material girl, but she felt no remorse about it. Clothes were her own kind of cakes and ale and she felt no shame choosing the perfect fabrics and jewelry that would suit her fancy, after all she had enough money to afford whatever she desired.
At that point all she wanted was that one particular line of clothes. The show wasn’t over yet, but Lenore already knew she was going to be the one to buy all those outfits. She kept waiting though - well aware that the last outfit was supposed to be the most extraordinary one. However she didn’t get to see it, as instead of the last model some man appeared on the runway - informing there was going to be a short break, because they had some problem. 
Lenore huffed. She had never been a patient person and so - obviously - she wasn’t going to wait like others.The heiress stood up, flicked her long coat and not paying any attention to people - who intently observed her every move, not even trying to be discreet- she headed out to the backstage. She couldn’t care less about the rules or the fact that unauthorized people weren’t allowed there. It did not apply to her - that was how Lenore perceived every prohibition she encountered. She had never been the one to care much for the commonly accepted norms. She simply did what she pleased, completely unbothered by the possible consequences. Even more so at that moment - she just needed to meet the designer face to face. After all it didn’t happen often that someone managed to captivate her like that.
How surprised she was when instead of a man - as she incorrectly assumed the artist to be a male - her eyes set on you - a young woman. That’s when her amazement doubled. 
At first Lenore stopped, slightly confused. She didn't speak up immediately. You weren’t there alone and she couldn't interrupt you and deprive herself of the opportunity to watch you working.
Some young, very tall and skinny woman stood there next to you. Lenore figured it must have been the model, supposed to walk down the runway as the last one. Lenore examined the woman’s body and immediately noticed that the dress she was wearing did not quite fit her - that was the problem apparently.
Lenore stood a few meters away. Not too far, so that she could see what you were doing, but still not close enough for you to notice her presence.
The blonde observed how your hand reached for some pins and then how you put a few of them in your mouth.
"I'm sorry, Y/N" the model said, sobbing
"Please, stop apologizing. Everything is alright" you mumbled, not really able to speak, because of the pins you kept between your lips.
"I destroyed the dress..."
"You didn't destroy anything. Now calm down and let me fix this little malfunction" you said, crouching behind the girl.
You took a seam ripper in one hand and held the fabric of the dress with the other. Normally seam rippers were used to help with occasional mistakes, but you were prone to experimenting with different sewing tools. Necessity is the mother of invention - you often said. And just like that, in one swift move you ripped one of the seams - only to pin it back together with pins within seconds. Except after that little operation of yours the dress became a bit looser. Not too excessively, but just enough to fit the model. 
“See? It’s fixed.” you said, proudly looking at the result of your work and zipping the dress “Now, stop crying. There’s no need to cry” you reassured.
“But I couldn’t put it on…”
“Because it was too small”
“Exactly… I-I… I need to lose weight” she said in a breaking voice.
“No” you shook your head “Clothes are supposed to fit you, not the other way. Now go”
The woman nodded and rushed out, passing by next to Lenore, who was standing there with a cigarette in her hand - shamelessly checking you out.
“I must say, that was very impressive” the heiress stated, thereby making you aware of her presence.
You quickly turned around and were instantly met by the blue eyes and probably one of the most entrancing smiles you had ever seen. There she was. One and only Lenore Osgood in the flesh. You couldn’t help the gasp - she looked even better up close.
“I… Umm… Can I help you, madam?” you asked, internally scolding yourself for taking so long to say anything.
“Actually, you can, darling”
“I’m listening” you said, trying to act as natural as possible, despite the fact the nickname she used made your heart skip a beat.
Lenore pulled at her cigarette, then smiled - obviously pleased with your answer.
“You are the one who designed those close” she stated, but with a hint of uncertainty. 
“That’s right” 
“Well then, allow me to felicitate you. It was a wonderful show - the last part at least” she stated, rolling her eyes as she remembered how sorely dull the beginning of the event was.
“Thank you” you beamed at her words.
“You are welcome, darling” her smile got even wider - making you wonder if she realized what effect that goddamn nickname had on you.
“Now, let’s say I have an offer for you. What would you say if I asked you to work for me?” she continued.
How could you say no to her? You would most likely be out of your mind if you had denied such a proposal. Her invitation was one of those you could not and definitely did not want to decline. How could you do it after she bought all the outfits from your new collection - paying even more than they were actually worth. Not to mention that working for her was what you dreamed about ever since you saw her.
That's how you found yourself standing at the door of Lenore's mansion the very next day. She wanted to know what other ideas you had and see different projects of yours, so you took your binder and sewing planner with you. As you nervously waited for someone to open and let you in, you held the items tight, pressing them to your chest - as if they were some precious treasure.
"Miss Y/L/N? Come in, Ms Osgood is waiting for you" an older woman informed, as she led you inside.
You followed, looking around - taking in every detail of the house interior and trying to memorize it. You always held to a particular belief of the house being the image of its owner's soul. Some people found it ridiculous, but in that case it was true. Lenore's house was as superior, noble and remarkable as the heiress herself.
"Y/N!" the blonde called and you turned round. You immediately stopped, when you caught the sight of her.
Lenore was slowly descending the stairs - looking as gracefully as ever. You smiled to yourself, when you realized she was wearing one of the outfits that you created. You had never felt such joy and pride seeing your previous clients wearing something that you designed. But to be fair, none of them radiated with such regality as Lenore. No one could ever match her dignity or a sense of majesty, and apparently that was what made your projects look even more exquisite.
"Is it alright if I call you by your name, dear?" Lenore asked, stopping for a moment to allow her little monkey jump from her shoulder to the shoulder of the woman who let you in.
"If I'm allowed to call you by yours" you smiled.
"Absolutely, darling" the blonde said enthusiastically, as she moved towards you. A smirk appeared on her face, indicating that she did not miss the way you blushed at the nickname. "Let's sit down, shall we?" she suggested, pointing to a spacious room, where a white sofa and armchairs stood.
You nodded, as you moved to sit in one of the armchairs.
"Would you like something to drink, Y/N?" Lenore asked.
"Just a glass of water, please"
"Darce! Bring Y/N a glass of water" she ordered, clicking her fingers.
You shifted in the armchair. The woman in front of you made you feel nervous for some reason, but you tried to act professional.
"You wanted to see my projects, so I brought my binder…" you said, a bit hesitant.
"Wonderful!” she exclaimed, grinning “May I?" she asked, as she reached out for the item.
"Of course" you passed her the binder and then observed, as she intently studied each page.
"Your water, Miss Y/L/N" the older woman said, handing you the glass.
"Thank you" you smiled, carefully taking the vessel from her.
"What a talent and creativity!" Lenore praised, glancing at you with a smirk on her face, not paying attention to the other woman.
You smiled, taking a sip of the water - hoping it would actually help with calming your nerves.
Lenore spent almost an hour on deciding which of your projects she would like to get. She obviously liked them all, but she needed her clothes to be different. She needed them to be extraordinary, fancy and expensive. And so you suggested creating something just for her.
You were a hardworking person - used to staying up late to finish sewing different outfits. You always went all out and thereby made your clients satisfied, but with Lenore you wanted more. Making her satisfied simply didn't seem enough. You wanted to impress her, blow her away. Little did you know that the heiress already was spellbound - not only by your projects, but by you yourself.
Lenore had never met anyone who delighted her so much. Such manners, such a style and sophistication. Not to mention you were so extremely accomplished for your age. All that impressed her in a way, but also fascinated her. She was truly enchanted by you. No wonder. You had a peculiar background, attitude and approach to the real world. You were a rare sample and Lenore happened to like thinking of herself as a connoisseur. She liked uncommon things. That's why she desperately wanted to have a taste of that extraordinary, magical power that radiated from you. A taste of that particular thing that made you so special. Though before she decided to do anything, she needed to make sure you would not disapprove of her. Because rejection was something Lenore didn't take well.
Lenore figured out that taking things slow was a good thing to do. She decided to warm you up a little and make sure that she actually had a chance. She didn't want her intentions to be too obvious. Lenore had always been a little skeptical of displaying any sort of affection. She'd rather play around. Yet she couldn't deny it felt sort of different with you.
Lenore loved teasing you more than anything. You always seemed so stressed and flustered whenever you would come to her house to deliver yet another outfit - and she found it adorable.
At first you would come to her house once a week. Each time bringing with you a different dress and a few of new projects for Lenore to have a look and either go with them or tell you what she would like you to change. She rarely wanted to make any adjustments though. Lenore appreciated all of your ideas - only occasionally asking you to make a particular outfit in different colour or use another kind of fabric than you had intended to at first, but she never criticised you. As a matter of fact, she was always praising you. Maybe even too excessively. She complimented basically everything about you - from your creativity and ideas to the way you dressed. It appeared that she knew exactly what to say to make you blush - of which she was not only aware, but also took pride in succeeding in doing it. However, as much as you loved it, you could not quite help all the worries that clouded in your head - when you began realizing that Lenore became someone more than just your client and boss.
It had been going on for months. You grew so used to spending time with her and designing clothes for her that at some point your life turned to be all about Lenore. Everything either reminded you of her or inspired you to make another outfit that would fit her and only her taste. Lenore and even her monkey became such a huge part of your life, that you couldn't picture yourself not doing all of the things  you were doing and you definitely could not stop thinking about Lenore. To say that it scared you would be an understatement. The realization of your true feelings made you freak out completely. So much so that you did not know what to do. So much so you couldn't act the way you used to before. That's why you decided to take a break - hoping it would help you distance yourself. 
You enforced your idea immediately - as instead of informing Lenore face to face, you called her.
"Ms Osgood, I need some time off for… personal reasons" you told her.
Lenore agreed of course, though that sudden phone call took her by surprise. She knew something wasn't quite alright, when you used her full name, but she didn't ask any questions.
She kept repeating everything that had happened the past week, yet she couldn't figure out what was actually going on. You had never taken time off before and the way you called whatever was happening - "personal reasons" caused her a lot of distress. What did that even mean? Were you in trouble? Was she supposed to do something? And why was she so worried about it?
At first Lenore tried to convince herself that she didn't really care. But she did. Her little game turned into something utterly different without her even realizing it. You turned out to be far more than just her seamstress and she appreciated you for more than only your brilliant mind or skills.
Lenore truly cared about you and missed you dearly. She missed your smile and seeing you blush at her compliments. She missed listening to you talking about your projects - so passionately. 
Lenore was a grown-up and experienced woman, however she had never felt the way she felt with you. With you everything was different, new. And whatever she desired at the very beginning changed.
While you locked yourself in your apartment and lost yourself in work - as an attempt to distance from her, Lenore kept thinking of all the ways she could get closer to you. She was so desperate, so lovesick that she - the great heiress was ready to beg, even bow before for you if that was what it took.
You didn't expect Lenore to turn up at your door. It had been three days, you were sure everything was on the right track and you would manage to cure yourself of your fascination. Though, the moment you opened the door and saw Lenore in all her glory, everything came right back to you. All your feelings hit you again - that time with doubled power.
"Lenore… w-what are you doing here?"
"It's nice to see you too, Y/N" she said, passing by you - not waiting for you to invite her inside.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm down. How could anyone be able to make you feel so weak and yet so empowered at the same time?
Lenore walked in, then looked around your apartment. It wasn't too big, but she had to admit it was classy - you perfectly combined living space with workspace. But your flat wasn't what interested her the most. The heiress turned round to face you and offered you a cocky smile, as she took in your form. Lenore was used to seeing you in various dresses and heels, though that day you looked completely different. You were not only barefoot, but also instead of a dress, you had a white shirt and denim overalls on. Your hair was put in a messy ponytail and a measuring tape was draped around your neck - signifying that you were working.
"So, how can I help you?" you asked, not looking at Lenore.
The blonde smiled. "I was just passing by and thought I'd check on you"
"Check on me?" you repeated, raising your eyes.
"Yes" Lenore said calmly "Would you mind if I stay here for some time?"
"I-" you were about to protest, but it was too late, since Lenore sat down on one of the chairs and lit her cigarette.
"So, have you managed to resolve those personal reasons of yours?"
"Not really, I guess" you said, watching Lenore cross her legs.
The way you stared at her body didn't go unnoticed. Lenore didn't miss how flustered you got either, but she said nothing. It wasn't the right time - not just yet.
You sighed, approaching a table on which you had different materials laid. You got back to work, trying to ignore Lenore's presence. It was hard to focus on anything though. It was impossible when she was sitting there and watching you, but you kept trying anyways.
Lenore didn't speak for a few minutes. She simply enjoyed the moment - the possibility of watching you work and being around you in general.
"Is this a new project?" she asked, dragging on her cigarette.
"Actually yes. It's going to be your dress for the party that you're attending next month"
"Oh. Well, it looks nice"
You laughed at her words.
"It doesn't look like anything yet"
"I'm sure it'll be wonderful. Every project of yours is, darling"
You looked at her, not able to contain the smile caused by her compliment.
And that smile was what motivated Lenore to make the first step. 
"You know, I was thinking about you for the past few days," she began, as you focused on pinning the fabric together again.
"They don't appreciate you enough. I mean those men you're working with. They're wasting your potential. You should work for your own brand and not for theirs"
"Well…" you were about to say something, but Lenore cut you off.
"And I figured out there are two ways I could help you in"
"Yeah?" you said, but still didn't pay much attention to her words.
"Yes" Lenore stubbed her cigarette and stood up, as she continued "I could either become some kind of your patroness. This is the first option, but personally I like the second one more" she explained, as she stopped on the opposite side of the table.
"What's the second option then?" you asked, reaching for yet another pin.
"Well" Lenore smiled. You were still so oblivious "I could be your sugar momma" 
"Shit!" you cursed, as you accidentally hurt your finger with the pin "W-what?" you choked, looking at her. Your eyes were wide open, as Lenore approached you and carefully took your hand in her own. She then slowly brought the finger you had just cut to her lips and kissed it.
"I said…"
"No. I k-know what you said… I… I just…" you stuttered, not able to form any coherent sentence.
"Which option do you like better, sweetheart?" she asked in a low voice.
"I…" you gasped, staring at her lips.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak, so instead you leaned in and kissed her. You could feel how her lips formed a smirk and even though your eyes were shut at that point, you could see that damn sly smile.
"I was hoping you'd go with the second option" Lenore chuckled.
You wanted to respond to her words, but before you managed to regain the ability to think properly - Lenore lifted you up and made you sit on the table.
"Your dress…" you tried to protest, but were immediately cut off.
"I'd rather take you this time" Lenore said and captured your lips once again.
That definitely wasn't what you had expected when you accepted the job offer. You hadn't even dreamed about it. And even if you had, being so close to Lenore, feeling her warm hands on your body and her soft lips pressed against yours was beyond any wildest dreams you could ever have. 
Tag list: @midnight-lestrange, @natasha-danvers, @stopkillinglilyrabe, @welshdragonrawr, @saucy-sapphic, @yang12e, @xixxiixx, @pradababey
140 notes · View notes
readingsbylibramc · 4 years
synastry chart reading for @sandrinepalma
hello! welcome to your reading. I'm going to give you a quick overview of what I'm going to analyze about your synastry chart: in-depth analysis of house overlays with major aspects, potential of the relationship, soulmates indicators, possible marriage indicators, possible issues and struggles of the relationship, intimacy and physical attraction, what they feel when they see / think about you, in-depth analysis of fate, love and marriage asteroids. of course, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! my dms are always open. now let's get into the reading!
PARTNER A: she/her | capricorn sun, libra moon, libra rising
PARTNER B: he/him | gemini sun, sagittarius moon, capricorn rising
🌞 partner a's capricorn sun in his 1st house
your partner probably thought that you were very attractive when he first saw you. you may meet his ideals of beauty, he sees you as his type of girlfriend. he likes the way you move, the way you speak and present yourself, or even just the way you look physically, he may like your face and body. he may even be more straight-forward and approach you first, he may often spoil you with compliments and you don’t step back from them. you appreciate the way he looks, or even stare at you. actually, you may even crave his attention. your partner, aside from admiring you deeply, may even take you as a role model, he may desire to be like you, especially in your way of approaching the world. same thing goes for you: you also appreciate the way your partner lives his life, his achievements, his goals, his ideals, and so on. luckily, there aren’t other negative placements that interfer with this mostly-positive aspect. in fact, this aspect could possibly bring a feeling of competition between you two, as instead of admiring and appreciating the other, you may start hating yourselves because you think the other is better.
🌙 partner a's libra moon in his 9th house
you see your partner as someone mature, wise, brilliant... basically a role model. they have a lot of influence on you, they’re a sort of inspiration. you may share the same ideas and views of the world, maybe politcally or even about music genre for example. overall, this placement indicates that you perceive your partner as someone powerful and distant from you, someone elevated and far away from you that you can't seem to reach. perhaps, it could also be that you two are physicaly separated, he may live abroad or still somewhere far from where you live, making it hard for you to meet each other. you admire him deeply, and thr flip side to this is that your partner may become too dependant of your compliments, of your opinion of him, and hence a break-up would be fatal for his self-esteem. the 9th house represents sagittarius, which is all about exploring and knowledge, you know? therefore, you may want to get to know this person in-depth, you’re curious about their habits, their talents, their secrets... you want an authentic, reliable vision of him. you never get tired of talking or even just thinking about this person, learning about his persona amuses you. last but not least, this person makes you crave a stable relationship with him; you may see as someone perfectly wise and mature for a long-lasting relationship, you see him as the ‘end of the race’, someone perfect to commit to.
partner a's libra moon square partner b's cancer mercury: this placement is quite challenging to deal with. it could be that you don't really see eye to eye with your partner on certain matters, he could be a bit too critical or judgmental in your opinion, and hence you may end up feeling a bit sensitive when you're around him. you certainly want to meet his standards, you truly care about what he thinks of you, and hence you could get hurt easily when he disagrees with you. as a result, your partner could possibly see you as over-sensitive, a bit too dramatic as he sees it as if you tend to overreact a little bit. because of that, there could be struggles between you two when it comes to communication. you may overthink each other's words a lot and possibly argue about it, it could be quite stressful actually as you could possibly feel misunderstood by the other. in particular, you may take any sort of criticism or of disagreement as something personal, and hence it can seriously harm your mood. my opinion on this is that you need to understand that your other half doesn't have to be your exact copy. tale advantage of this aspect, combined with your 9th house overlays, to learn something new and broaden your mind instead of fighting.
🗣 partner a's capricorn mercury in his 1st house
with this placement, you probably also fell for your partner for the way he talks, he exposes his thoughts, his choice of words. you may even be literally into his voice, you like the way it sounds, you thought it was attractive when you first heard it. you may even see your partner as someone smart and intellectual who has a way with words, someone that  can achieve whatever he wants thanks to his witty intellect. you may also enjoy his sense of humor, you probably don’t force your laugh when you’re around him because you find him genuinely entertaining. as for your partner, he may also be into the way you think and talk, he could be fascinated by your ideas and creativity. in addition, mercury is all about curiosity, and hence he may be curious to get to know you. when you first met him, he felt this sudden urge to get to know you, he could’ve been the first one to randomly approach you, and he started making random questions just to hav ìe a conversation with you. even more simple things like “What is your favourite food?” looks fine to him, as long as he learns something new about you, he cares about this kind of stuff. this placement can surely make good friendships, as you two are able to have an amusing conversation, even though it may be more casual rather than deep. you probablty wouldn’t talk about the meaning of life with him, to make it simple, but rather about your hobbies, your passions.
partner a's capricorn mercury opposite partner b's leo venus: this is another tricky placement that also involves communication. just like you feel as if your partner doesn't really understand your emotions deeply, your partner may also feel as if you don't understand his feelings. I feel like this is the type of placement that made you think that he didn't like you at first, or maybe viceversa. perhaps, since your partner is the venus person, he may be more straightforward with his feelings, while you may appear a bit more reserved or logical. it also indicates, on a positive note, that you two enjoy talking to each other, expressing your opinions. you probably talk a lot, you may even be the type of couple to talk about even stuff that others find boring like homework, work, etc... yet, be careful because you may have the tendency to cut each other off, and hence you may give the other the impression that you don't really care about what he's saying and viceversa. instead of switching immediately to another topic, you should try to show through words your feelings, or a few misunderstandings may arise.
❤️ partner a's capricorn venus in his 1st house
this placement indicates that you most likely find each other extremely attractive! you probably fit his beauty standards, you find him very charismatic and charming, it's hard for you not to stare at him. basically, he's your type. also, aside from being into his looks, you may also be fascinated from the way he presents himself in general: you may like his fashion sense, his manners, the way he approaches people, the way he speaks... bascially, everything about the outer him, it was likely love at first sight, or at least you instantly felt strong attraction to this individual when you first met him. also, this placement also indicates that you may inspire your partner in an artistic way, and viceversa. for example, let's suppose you like writing; you may feel inspired by your partner to write books about him, or perhaps poetry or song lyrics. you see your partner as someone aesthetically pleasant, basically as a piece of art. this feeling is mutual. overall, you both feel flattered and loved by the other, you may often compliment each other and that will be a complete self-esteem boost for both of you. feeling loved by your partner and viceversa inspires you to love yourself, and as a result you feel more beautiful.
partner a's capricorn venus conjunct partner b's capricorn mars: in astrology, this is considered to be the ultimate physical attraction aspect! in fact, you two probably find each other very attractive and magnetic. I don't think this connection started off as a friendship, and if it did then it was probably unbearable, as the attraction and chemistry between you two is just way too much to handle. you two most likely are a very touchy couple, not necessarily in a sexual way but you find it hard not to stare, touch each other; physical contact is key in this connection. this is another placement that makes me think that you are the dominant figure in your relationship, you could be the one to approach this person first for instance. in general, you tend to be the one who takes the initiative in any context. your partner appreciates your partner, and he may feel romantically attracted to you, you probably fit his ideals when it comes to looks, personality, etc. this placement probably makes this relationship so intense and magnetic that it will be hard to forget, even if you two don't end up together. this is certainly a soulmate / twinflame connection. I'm sure you're both going to learn a lot from this connection.
☄️ partner a's aquarius mars in his 2nd house
this is a very sensual placement in synastry! aside from finances, the 2nd house also deals with self-love. hence, you two feel very loved when you're with each other, you feel worthy, and so you also feel more confident in yourself. usually, this placement even bring dependency to the house person. that is, he may start being too attached to your opinion of him, and hence if you two broke up he's self-esteem would probably go very down. yet, since your mars is in aquarius I don't really think it's your case; you listen to each other's advices, but you don't obsess over each other's thoughts, you still manage to think individually, making this a very healthy connection. in addition. you may feel very attracted to your partner, there's lots of sexual attraction between you two for sure. you could both be very touchy, not necessarily in a sexual way but even during cuddles. you probably enjoy physical touch a lot, and you may even show it around. you two easily stimulate each other's emotions and sexual drive through physical connection. you could even be the type of couple that loves spending free time together, you could be into cooking or even just taking a nap is fine for you, as long as you're together. you're certainly very close, maybe even clingy at times.
🌞 partner b's gemini sun in her 9th house
this placement indicates that you two may learn a lot from this relationship. you two may come from different cultural backgrounds, or if you don't you still have a fresh vibe to you that brings something new to the other, a fresh perception of things. you may share the same ideas regarding politics, economy, or even about things as simple as music taste or movies. you see eye to eye on almost everything, and if you don't, you're still able to understand the other's view. you two are able to broaden each other's horizons, this relationship could introduce you to a new way of seeing and reacting to things, it's very beneficial as it opens the mind of both of you. this sense of knowledge and constant learning makes both of you achieve more security, and as a result you may feel more confident when you interact and just spend time together in general. you could also travel a lot, or perhaps you may attend the same school. if this relationship lasts, then you'll most likely explore the world together, you're going to be very adventurous, even if you normally don't really step out of your comfort-zone, as your partner gives you strenght and vice versa. this placement alone isn't extremely romantic, but combined with the rest of your synastry it surely is a great addition. in fact, this relationship is very mature, but not the capricorn type of maturity which can be quite boring at times. it's a type of maturity that is born from making experiences together, and hence you'll probably make loads of pleasant memories with this person.
partner b's gemini sun trine partner a's aquarius mars: this one is such a pleasant aspect to have in a synastry chart! you two are very direct and straight-forward with each other, but not in a blunt way. you two feel extremely comfortable with each other, it comes easy for you two to understand each other's needs. neither of you feels insecure or blocked by the other, you fine yourselves quite similar and hence you're not afraid to show your taste, to express your will. you are also the type of couple to hype each other up, you boost each other's confidence and you also like to cheer each other on your goals, it's a very energetic and refreshing feeling that makes you both feel very satisfied. because of that, you two are also able to lift each other up whenever you feel sad, I feel like you could be the type of couple to play around to cheer up rather than relying on empathy and deep talks. your partner, the sun person, most likely loves your strategies, the way you think and act, and he probably also looks up to you, you get on very well. as for you, you're probably completely into him, he fits your ideal type for sure, even though it could be that you didn't realize it as soon as you met him.
🌙 partner b's sagittarius moon in her 3rd house
you probably feel very energetic when you're with your partner. even if you're introverted, he probably stimulates you to talk, to socialize. you never feel bored when you're around your partner, you always find your conversations together extremely interesting, and hence you keep wanting more and more everyday, you're never tired of him and viceversa. this placement is also extremely favourable for you two in this chart, as it helps you dealing better with your moon square mercury aspect. in fact, you two feel comfortable talking together, you could find each other to be your comfort spot. whenever something good, or even bad, happens to you, you immediately say it to your partner and viceversa, as you truly understand each other. you're also the type of couple to give each other advices, you like helping your partner and so does him. you could also be attracted to each other's voices, and hence you just like hearing each other talk in general. especially your partner, he probably admires your ideas and your intelligence, he sees you as someone extremely smart and witty. you understand and perceive this feeling of love, and as a result you love being around him. it's definitely a positive placement for communication and ease.
partner b's sagittarius moon conjunct partner a's sagittarius pluto: this placement is very intense, and it makes you two extremely immersed in this relationship. in a certain sense, it's like you two are obsessed with each other. you probably love each other so much that you'd never replace the other, as you didn't just fall for his personality, for his manners, for his looks, but for his soul. it's a life-changing relationship, and it's probably also a twinflame or soulmate connection, you definitely have a past life together if you believe in that type of stuff. there's a strong mutual understanding between you two, to the point that you may even feel exposed to your partner, but with your 4th house overlays you most likely are fine with that. you feel at ease when you're together, and so it's no problem for you to be so exposed to the other, there's a strong foundation of trust in this relationship.
🗣 partner b's cancer mercury in her 10th house
this placement, combined with your 4th house mars overlay, contributes to make this relationship even more stable. in fact, aside from family and children, you two are also very invested in your finances. you may often talk about your goals, about how to deal with your money and maybe even about your work. you possibly decide to open a business together, or perhaps you may start working in the same field or workplace. your partner is most likely very polite, and hence he also speak highly of you, you two have a very good reputation as a couple. he may even be able to give you career advices and help you feeling more secure and confident, not just in your skills but even in your looks and personality, there's a very healing connection between you two. you get to learn and improve yourself a lot, even if it ends you'll most likely always have a good memory of this person and so will him.
❤️ partner b's leo venus in her 10th house
with this overlay, there's lots of admiration from both parties. more specifically your partner probably looks up to you, he agrees with your ideas and he's fascinated by your drive. he may be very attracted to your looks, to the way you treat people, to the way you present yourself, he may even see you as superior to him in a certain sense. with this placement, if you and your partner get together he'll surely treat you like a living goddess!! this admiration is obviously mutual, you're also attracted to your partner, you may see him as a stable point, a safe spot. of course, since the 10th house is also the house of career and work, this relationship could also be beneficial for each other's jobs and goals. you are probably very emotionally supportive of each other's dreams, or perhaps you may even help each other in a more concrete way. overall, you may appear as the perfect couple when you're together; you're probably not afraid of pda, and hence you may have lots of eyes on you. luckily, though, I don't see you attracting much jealousy or any kind of malicious feeling.
☄️ partner b's capricorn mars in her 4th house
this placement is certainly good for a long-term relationship. in fact, mars in the house of family, makes your partner want to live with you, he wants to become a part of your family. you may even be amused by the idea of builing a family together as well, it's certainly a children placement. aside from that, the 4th house also indicates the deeper, private self, and hence if you share a 4th house overlay there's strong empathy between you two. you may not be able to express with words your feelings due to your moon square mercury aspect, but you still understand each other. there's lots of empathy and compassion between you two, it's like you've known each other for your whole time. or perhaps, maybe you actually know each other since your childhood. you could even remind him of one of his parents, or viceversa. yet, even though it is certainly healing, it could be triggering in a certain sense. perhaps, you find that your partner awakens a part of you that you'd rather keep buried, and as a result you don't feel comfortable with him, but of course it's just a possibility. as a result, you can both end up having arguments due to disagreements.
partner b's capricorn mars square partner a's libra moon: this placement may cause some troubles, as you may often be blind to your partner’s attitude. you may sometimes idealize your partner way too much when he’s not actually who he seems to be. at first you may be okay with his behaviour, after all you have lots of similar signs and positive aspects that make you two get along. yet, as time goes by, you may start feeling constantly contradicted, arguments could be more frequent as you may misunderstand each other. more specifically, you start realizing that your partner’s nature is slightly different from yours, and while there are many other aspects that could mitigate this effect, you may still feel as if it’s impossible for you to have a long-lasting, healthy relationship in these occasions. especially your partner, he may often hurt your feelings with his words. on the other hand, this placement also has a positive side! you are strongly attracted to each other, you both feel attached to the other with glue, and that’s exactly why this relationship could become unhealthy, because you may struggle to let go of the other if necessary. your bond is so strong that you can’t manage to separate, even when there are so many hardships and conflicts. 
partner b's sagittarius juno conjunct partner a's sagittarius pluto: another long-term indicator!! this one placement is often present in charts of married couple, as it makes your bond very strong, deep and intense, making it pleasant and, above all, interesting for you two to live together. it's a connection that makes you two constantly improve, transform and discover a part of yourselves that you didn't know existed. you also feel the urge to protect each other, he truly feels like family to you and viceversa. in addition, this is also a strong karmic indicator. as I've already said above, you two definitely have a past life connection, you two are soulmates.
this is it! thank you again for booking a reading, let me know if you have any questions :)
libramc xx
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alovevigilante · 4 years
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George Carlin: well, Kari, long time no speak! How goes it?
Kari: could be better.
George: what’s up?
Kari: well, I’m tired.
George: of what?
Karl: not sure. Just an extended sense of ennui.
George: usually when you’re bored or tired, it’s an indication of a resistance to something. Any idea what that could be?
Kari: life?
George: maybe, but let’s talk for a minute. How’s your social life these days?
Kari: virtual, and mostly non existent. I feel, judged, and horribly misunderstood. I just feel like people think pretty poorly of me, not quite sure why.
George: are you positive of that fact?
Kari: no, but I can usually tell by their actions. You know, non responsive, or short with me, or calling me a nazi, that kind of thing.
George: yes, that does sound, unusual.
Kari: well, I feel like there’s one main person responsible for all this, and it’s me. All I know is that because of all of these weird occurrences with people as of the last 6 months, I’m upset, and have lost about 87% of the people I used to associate with. And the other 13% I’m looking at suspiciously. So, yeah, it hasn’t been great.
George: Kari, you know we love you, right?
Kari: we?
George: yes, the people who truly do. So why are you creating issues where there are none.
Kari: see, that’s just the thing. There’s a huge issue.
George: and what’s that?
Kari: I have changed.
George: how so?
Kari: I guess I can explain it this way, the things I tolerated before, I can no longer. It’s as simple as that.
George: can you give me an example?
Kari: no.
George: ok, how am I supposed to help you if you clam up like this?
Kari: well, you are a higher version of myself repped by the late george Carlin, so technically you should have all the answers since they’re inside of me. So, I’m ready. Solve me, please.
George: oh man... listen Keillor, you are a mess, you know that?
Karl: yes, that’s why we’re talking.
George: the perception you have of the people you associate with may not be accurate to the intention they have toward you. Have you ever stopped to think that they are reacting to your new energy?
Kari: yeah, well, could be. I understand that I’m holding some mixed vibes, and that can be confusing, but the majority of my new energy is love. I feel like people think I’m faking it, or being narcissistic or passive aggressive. I’m absolutely not. I’ve just also included love and respect for myself in the equation now. I neglected it before. I allowed other’s opinions of what I should be like or do with myself to over run my life. Like there was something wrong with me because others disagreed or didn’t approve. I’m not having that anymore. Now I’m trying to be honest and genuine to myself and others too. And instead of placating and allowing what I deem as unkind treatment, I leave. I’m still hurt from the bizarre of the past, and yes, upset. And weirdness keeps persisting, because I’m still upset about it, I suppose.
George: and maybe because you focus on it?
Kari: perhaps.
George: ok, well, how do you know it’s you? Maybe others have things going on that you don’t know about.
Kari: true, but even so, it still doesn’t feel right, or good.
George: the way out, is through. Have you gone through?
Kari: through what?
George: have you discussed this with anyone?
Kari: slightly. It’s just that, people aren’t dumb. Ok? They know what they’re doing as they do it. I’m just not into feeling, so isolated I guess. Or I am, cause now I hide at home and dread leaving my house.
George: right. Can you at least tell me what has gotten you to this point?
Kari: well, I think to make nice, I have allowed myself to be, treated unkindly sometimes in the past. And by that I mean I have allowed them to voice their distaste for me, and the way I think and do, without sticking up for myself. They felt fully comfortable telling me what they thought about me, and in doing so I didn’t feel supported or cared for by them. Now, i am done with that. And I also don’t feel accepted by people for being me. I think that’s the crux of it, really.
George: ok, a beginning. So, you don’t feel like people are comfortable with you.
Kari: that’s the sense I get, yes.
George: do you think that your perceived POV has anything to do with it?
Kari: probably. I’m just too tired to fight. I feel if people really cared there would be a mutual understanding of kindness, and well, effort.
George: Kari, the effort you make in relationships isn’t always going to be reciprocated. So now what?
Kari: well, I’m fine with 80/20 sometimes, me being the 80, but when it’s all the time, it gets to the point where I have to wonder, why I’m in it at all.
George: right. So, instead of talking honestly about it, you split, right?
Kari: with some, yes. I’m not into ridicule, especially at my expense, ever. It’s just not my sense of humor. And well, I feel like people know what they’re choosing to say and do before they say and do it, so, I leave, out of respect for their dislike of me, and respect for myself, because I don’t appreciate that behavior.
George: yes. I can see that you are pleasing the people greatly by never speaking to them again.
Kari: well, to me it’s about respect, and investment. Half of the people felt they can rip on me to my face, and the others I feel tolerate my existence, but aren’t too gung ho about me and my ways in a general sense, and it comes out in some slightly irregular ways, so why feed into the charade? If I’m not respected or regarded well, it’s fine, but I won’t beg for proper treatment. It’s just an old dynamic that needs to be eradicated, that’s all. Some people will be willing, and some won’t be.
George: seems like you have it all figured out.
Karl: well, I thought I did, but I don’t. Now, I’ve told myself that I can focus myself out of it, but it’s hard, cause as you can clearly see, it still bothers me. And I’m internalizing my perceived hate from others and not treating myself well in the process.
George: yes. Very honest. So, I have an honest question for you.
Kari: shoot.
George: why aren’t you happy? They’re gone, no?
Kari: no. Because I keep reactivating the situations in my head over and over, yielding the same bad, sad, lonely feelings over and over.
George: right. Hey, kar, listen, I heard your son talking about how excited he is for Christmas this year. How’s that feeling?
Kari: I love it. It’s been so hard being at home for him 24/7 with the worlds events, but we have the house decorated, and he still loves Santa, so that’s sweet, and I love seeing him so excited and happy...
George: right. Listen, the holidays tend to shed a light on the harder relationships sometimes, and by that I mean with yourself and your feelings and your thoughts. People want things to be picture perfect. Life just isn’t, but if it is, you’re a lucky bastard. Ya see, Kari, being happy is a choice, and when you decide to focus on all the people who aren’t or haven’t treated you kindly thats pretty much all you’ll notice in your life. You’ll always feel misunderstood and slighted. You get me?
Kari: yeah, I do.
George: so go forth and have a great holiday with your family. And with everyone else, focus on where you guys do meet in agreement, ok? The fact that you all really love one another. Or, if they don’t love you, you can agree that you’re all human, and let the hard feelings go cause you’ll be the one holding them. Sound good?
Kari: yeah, thanks George. I appreciate the chat, and you.
George: hey, listen, it’s why you conjur me up in your head. Otherwise I’d be floating around or whatever the heck you think I’m doing, dead.
Kari: yeah. Ok. Talk to you later George.
George: if you remember to think of me, we definitely will.
Scene. ❤️
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