#because by my understanding he is 46 in the current events of the story
trashbatistrash · 4 months
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puhpandas · 2 months
hold up, am I the only one who finds it interesting how much importance Greg has in the revent Fnaf games? like everyone just thought he was a little boy we play as in the game, but then we find the cds and we dont know who patient 46 is until the GGY released as well and very much describing Gregory from sb though not entirely proven it is very close to being a fact, and THEN him being one of the reasons cassie going to tje pizzaplex and freeing the mimic (and his backpack and comics being there), also not forgetting that GGY achievement in hw2, he's implied and mentioned so much in the games but isn't taken as much consideration as the others its kinda sad, like why mention him and keep on doing it but not taken more recognition (yknow what i mean??)
He's already hated enough by a lot of fans but they don't realize how much importance he really is and how many events in the newer games have him included, I really hope the dlc for hw2 can show more of him lore wise so we can learn more about him, he has so much character potential and growth it's insane, especially backstory wise. We don't know much about him besides the idea that he's homeless (probably..) and a kid who was in the pizzaplex who kicked animatronic ass.
(excuse my wording I just woke up and though about this 😭)
this is the exact reason I dont blame lots of fnaf fans for not understanding how important Gregory is to the story because. well. it's not like the story itself is even telling his story lol. but yeah they're 100% making him important later. notice how EVERY character in this current story has some sort of relationship with Gregory good or bad? and the fact that ggy explains like every hole in Gregory's backstory and makes perfect sense narritave wise it's like. please someday in the future give Gregory his backstory... and please show how he in the current present thinks about it because just revealing ggy would make more people think hes totally evil.
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mariacallous · 9 months
Donald Trump’s decision to skip Wednesday’s Republican presidential debate on Fox News seems natural in one sense — overwhelming front runners often resist lifting up their rivals — and astonishing in another.
Astonishing because Fox has been key to Trump’s rise and has created the conservative media bubble that is so vital to Trump’s political well-being. It’s not just that Fox has been awfully good to Trump (The Washington Post’s Philip Bump reports that Fox has mentioned Trump 109 more times a day than his competitors combined). There is also this: Fox News Republicans are distinct from other members of their party, and far more likely to see the world as Trump does.
Understanding the power of Fox and conservative media outlets that have risen up more recently is crucial to grasping many other realities of our politics. It helps explain the decline of moderate Republicanism and the ideological ferocity of today’s GOP. The faith so many Republicans place in Fox is a major reason why so many in the party are prepared to believe Trump’s version of recent events against so much evidence to the contrary.
And the growing polarization of American politics owes in part to the particular loyalty conservatives have to one news outlet. Liberals are much more dispersed in their media preferences.
The Fox effect is not new. Indeed, its long-term influence may have paved the way for the power of Trumpism. Even before Trump became a presidential candidate, Republicans who declared Fox their most trusted news outlet were ready to rebel against more middle-of-the road versions of their party’s creed.
Two surveys — one from nine years ago, the other from earlier this month — tell the same story about the Fox effect. Viewed together, they describe the trajectory of conservative politics.
The 2014 survey, part of the ongoing polling partnership between Brookings and PRRI involving my colleague Bill Galston and me, asked respondents which television news source they trusted most. Republicans overwhelmingly chose Fox. Democrats were far more divided.
Specifically, 53% of Republicans said they trusted Fox most for accurate information about politics and current events. No other television outlet came close. By contrast, there was no dominant trusted news source among Democrats, for whom four different sources posted double digits: the traditional networks at 31%, CNN at 26%, public television at 14% and MSNBC at 10%. Jon Stewart’s then popular Daily Show was listed by 9% of Democrats.
The Fox difference among Republicans was visible across a broad range of other issues. Among Fox News Republicans, 60% said reducing the budget deficit should be among the highest priorities, compared with 46% of other Republicans. Fox News Republicans were far more forceful in their opposition to same-sex marriage: 76% were opposed to same-sex marriage, including 47% who said they were strongly opposed. Among non-Fox Republicans, only 57% opposed same-sex marriage, and only 31% strongly opposed it. One of the starkest differences between the two Republican groups came on the issue of minimum wage. Fox News Republicans opposed increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour by a margin of 64% to 33%. But non-Fox Republicans favor the wage increase, 56% to 41%.
Not surprisingly, there were also stark differences between the two groups on immigration, one of Trump’s signature issues. Only 42% of Republicans who most trusted Fox News supported a path to citizenship for immigrants living in the country illegally, compared with 60% of other Republicans. The rightward tilt of Fox Republicans was also clear on another question: 35% of Republicans who trusted Fox considered themselves part of the Tea Party movement, compared with 15% of non-Fox Republicans. Since the Tea Party served as a gateway to the Trump movement, this finding is especially significant.
Jump forward to this summer: The Fox influence is alive and well. A New York Times/Sienna College survey in July also asked respondents about the media they trusted. The New York Times/Sienna survey’s question on media consumption was different from the one posed in the PRRI/Brookings survey. The recent survey’s question was not specifically focused on television sources, and also gave respondents the opportunity to pick other conservative media, given the rise of alternatives on the right to Fox. Thus, the Fox share of Republicans is lower. But the impact of Fox and other conservative media remains clear.
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Only 5% of Fox Republicans said they thought Trump had committed “serious crimes”; 38% of Republican mainstream media viewers said this. In light of the investigations into Trump, 85% of Fox News Republicans and 83% of consumers of other Republican media said, “Republicans need to stand behind Trump.” Among mainstream media consumers, just 49% held this view. Only 12% of Fox News Republicans and 8% of consumers of other conservative media said Trump’s actions after the 2020 election “threatened American democracy.” Among mainstream media consumers, 37% said this.
And the ideological tilt of Fox Republicans was clear. Asked if they would be inclined to support a “more moderate” or “more conservative” candidate in the Republican presidential primary, Fox Republicans split 69% to 28%. Consumers of other conservative media were actually to the right of Fox devotees, splitting 81% to 19% in favor of the conservative. But Republicans who were mainstream media consumers leaned toward a moderate, 51% to 46%.
As Bill Galston and I noted nine years ago, these sorts of numbers can be viewed from different directions. It can be said that those with very conservative views are already attracted to Fox and right-wing alternatives. It can also be said that Fox and other right-wing outlets harden the conservatism of their consumers and perhaps make at least some converts. What is undeniable is the differential role of media on the Republican and Democratic sides of politics, with conservatives and Republicans showing a far greater degree of solidarity in their media habits. This, we wrote nine years ago, “could have important implications for future battles over Republican nominations and arguments over the party’s philosophical identity.” We are living with those implications today.
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snowdice · 2 years
Finding the Time to Study Fic 2 [Day 131]
Here is my starting post for today’s study break stories session. I will reblog this post with the story as I write them today. Feel free to send in asks about anything at any point, even if it’s not for the part of the story I’m currently on.
If you aren’t interested and don’t want all of these posts clogging your dash, please feel free to block the tag “study break stories” as all posts and voting about it will go there. You can still see the finished product of the story even if you are blocking that tag as I will not tag the edited chapters with “study break stories” but with the tag “folds in paper.”
See the Folds in Time Universe Master Post for edited chapters. Not yet edited chapters are under the cut. I also have a playlist on youtube for this story.
Already started late, so idk how long I’ll go.
Chapter 46
           Virgil was correct in his ability to find the location he’d crashed landed at. It was impressive honestly. Logan knew how different the farmers market looked like compared to the same location every other day of the week. The main road had been opened and the stage where musical performances took place had been removed. However, Virgil was able to retrace his steps rather easily.
           “I ended up under the stage,” Virgil informed Logan. “It’s been taken down now, but you can see where it was based on the grass.” He pointed to where the grass had been flattened and then walked around the indent a bit. “I was in the back,” he said, looking towards where the sidewalk was with a contemplative look, “so it would have been almost exactly here.” He tapped his foot on the spot.
           Anticipating this part of their excursion, Logan had packed some of his tools before leaving this morning. He pulled out one of his modified iPads.
           “You hide your time travel tech as an iPad?” Virgil asked, curiously.
           Logan spared him a glance, but said nothing.
           “…You made your time travel tech out of an iPad?!”
           “It is one of the most easily accessible technologies of this time that is also portable,” Logan said with a shrug, booting it up. “I use what I can get.”
           “How on Earth did you manage to invent time travel with 21st century technology?” Virgil asked, peeking over his shoulder.
           “Well, it took me a couple of decades,” Logan replied.
           “It took everyone else literal centuries,” Virgil said dryly.
           “Well, I knew time travel was possible already, so I simply made it happen.”
           “You’re terrifying,” Virgil stated.
           Logan just hummed and set the iPad scrolling through his diagnostic programs. In a few moments, it would come back with any readings time travel related.
           Virgil watched the device intently, though Logan doubted he had any understanding about what the different things scrolling past meant.
           It gave a soft beep when it was done.
 Chapter 47
The museum was interesting, not because it taught him any more about the events behind the exhibits on display, but more that learning what people in the 21st century cared about and how they presented past events was an anthropological lesson in its own right. Their conversation became a game of not only finding the mistakes made in the exhibits, but also Virgil hypothesizing why those mistakes were made: prejudice, missing information, and unreliable secondary sources all contributed, and Virgil spent a lot of time talking through the possibilities.
They spent a few hours there before heading back to Logan’s apartment.
 Not without stopping at a small, hole in the wall, bar inhabited only by day drinkers. When Virgil gave Logan a weird look, he explained, “I have to bring back a peace offering for running off this morning if I want Patton to agree to a time travel mission for me.”
“…And Patton likes… vodka?” he guessed.
“No,” Logan replied, amused. “This establishment serves cheeseburgers which are apparently the ‘best in the city.’ They do not, however, cook anything else. Not even fries.”
When Logan handed him an unlabeled brown paper bag that looked as though it had been dipped in hot oil instead of just it’s contents, Virgil shot him a raised eyebrow. “Ah, yes,” he said, “the quintessential 21st century American meal.”
 “You once ate only bagged pepperoni meant for pizzas for breakfast for a week once.”
“I told you that in confidence,” Virgil said, smacking him lightly with the bag of grease.
“And I have told no one,” Logan responded. “Therefore, I have not violated any part of our agreement.”
“You’re making fun of me. That’s definitely a part of the agreement,” Virgil said.
“I don’t remember there being any clause like that in our verbal contract,” Logan replied with a slight smirk. Virgil rolled his eyes. “Besides, I’m not truly making fun of you. The decision to fuel your body solely with pepperoni is, while not the best strategy and one that would certainly prove detrimental in the long run, it is better to eat that then nothing.”
 “Oh,” Virgil said. “Uh, good.”
“I’m simply citing another example where not as healthy food in the long term can be good in the short term.”
“But in this case instead of depression eating to stay alive, the purpose is bribery.”
“Exactly,” Logan said. “Bribery to end the time distortion and get you back to the proper time.”
“Alright, fair enough.”
“You don’t have to eat any if you don’t want to.”
“Oh, no, I’m going to.”
“Then why are you complaining?” Logan asked amused.
“I just thought you should know your time has way too greasy food,” Virgil said.
 “Thank you for the information,” Logan said dryly. They’d made it back to the apartment by then, and Logan stuffed the bag he was carrying under his arm to unlock the door.
“And where have the two of you been?” Patton asked when they walked into the kitchen.
“I have cheeseburgers for you,” was how Logan answered.
Patton rolled his eyes as Logan set the bag down in front of him. He was sitting at the kitchen table typing on a laptop. “The French toast wasn’t that bad,” he said.
“I will take your word for it,” Logan said pleasantly.
 Patton just shook his head and reached into the bag for a cheeseburger. Logan kept looking at him, and that obviously meant something Virgil didn’t know, because Patton glanced up at him after eating a couple of bites. “What?” he asked suspiciously.
“Virgil and I went back to where he arrived,” Logan said. “There are signs that one of the devices that cause time distortions is present.”
“There aren’t any weather disturbances though,” Patton pointed out.
“It seems to be a more advanced version,” Logan answered. “Which will make much more difficult to track.”
“Okay,” Patton said, “then what are we going to do?”
 “Well,” Logan said, “if we could get our hands on an older version, we could probably use it to narrow down the current one’s location.”
“And how exactly are we going to get an older version?” Patton asked, eyebrow raised.
“I understand that you have only been back from your last trip for a little over a week and that your last trip through time was a bit difficult, but,” he nodded towards Virgil, “we do know of the time and place one exists that you would have a good chance of being able to find, deactivate, and bring home.”
 Patton groaned. “And judging by the source of this information, steal off of the TPI.”
“At least, in this case, you will go into it knowing there will be no major disasters.”
Should Virgil… say something. It’d be rude not to mention the whole time shredding almost drowning bullshit, wouldn’t it? Then again… giving him foreknowledge could be a danger to the timestream. He debated with himself whether general social courtesy should outrank the possible destruction of time or not.
Maybe he’d just suggest a boat if they didn’t plan to take one? Just in case?
 “Fine,” Patton said, “but you’re finishing your tech updates and making me a survival pack before I make any jump. I’m not making the same mistake again.”
Logan nodded. “I can do that,” he agreed. “Just tell me what you want in your survival pack.”
“I’ve already been working on a list,” Patton said. “I’ll email it to you.” He turned back to the computer he’d been working on and typed a few things. “You can add to it if you think of anything.”
Logan looked at his phone as it dinged. “…Do you really need all of this?”
“Yes,” Patton said, taking another bite of his cheeseburger.
“…I’ll do my best?”
“You’ll do it,” Patton returned.
“I’ll start researching Cuba in the 1700’s,” he said.
Virgil saw him pull up google on his computer. He looked at the 21st century computer and then back to Patton. He couldn’t help but think of the museum he and Logan had been to earlier that day. “Do you want help?”
 Chapter 48
It took a little over two weeks to get everything set up. Logan had already been in the process of updating their equipment for quite some time, and this situation only spurned him on. He also then had to figure out a way to meet all of Patton’s demands for his new survival kit. His list had already been quite long before he’d started to add to it. He’d even slipped in a request for a boat at some point despite Logan’s protests that Camaguey Cuba was nowhere near the sea.
Thankfully, Virgil didn’t seem to mind the delays too much.
 In fact, he may have had a hand in the delays as his natural inclination towards anxiety seemed to infect Patton and cause him to add and add to his list of safeguards for Logan to make. He and Patton were spending a good amount of time together, actually. Patton was fairly good at researching the places he planned to go at this point, but Virgil was undeniably more experienced with that sort of thing considering he worked with the TPI. Patton seemed to appreciate his input.
Roman, on the other hand, decidedly did not. The two of them were prone to arguments about clothing which had gone beyond talking about Cuban clothing to arguments about clothing from pretty much all of time.
 Logan could not tell if they were friendly debates or not. He’d even asked Patton who had claimed he also could not tell. Neither Roman nor Virgil’s responses when asked directly about the nature of their relationship were helpful either. Logan did notice that Roman changed the fabric of the outfit he made for Patton after one of their conversations.
Virgil was not much help to Logan unless you counted the intel, he’d given that helped Logan choose the correct time and place. At least, not in the sense that he was able to help with the mathematics and physics Logan was dealing with.
 He was, however, good for company. Especially as his sleep schedule much more closely resembled Logan’s own in those weeks. Typically Roman and Patton went to sleep at a much earlier hour than he did himself and Logan would work alone in the living room, but with Virgil living in the apartment, there was constant companionship while he worked, and less volatile company than he was used to working with (assuming, of course, Roman had gone to sleep by that time). It was nice.
He seemed to fit into their little group in a way Logan had not anticipated. Or at least, socially he did. Physically, there were simply not enough beds and Logan had been sleeping on the couch for two weeks.
 Eventually, with all of their combined efforts, everything was ready to go. Patton had three different time appropriate outfits, a good amount of knowledge about the festivities he was about to attend, new time travel equipment, and a survival pack that could help him survive an apocalypse. Patton was planning to arrive in Cuba two days earlier than the TPI protocol would send agents like Janus. That way, he would have time to set up and get acclimated before the TPI sent in their surveillance and touchdown agents.
“This is cool,” Patton said, flexing his fingers to see the hidden screen on his palms light up with a map of the area.
 “It’s organized the same as your previous device, except for, of course, the control panel to control the cloaking technology and the access to the survival kit.
“Looks great, Lo,” Patton said, still fiddling with it. He changed it to its default state of a metal band projecting the screen and then back to the time appropriate bracelet Roman had designed. There weren’t many possibilities programed for hiding the device yet, but more could be designed in the future. For now, it only had the default band, the bracelet, and a wristwatch.
“I’ve already tested it a good number of times, but you should familiarize yourself with it anyway before leaving.”
 Patton nodded, flicked his fingers and disappeared for a moment before reappearing in the same place. Then, he did it again and reappeared directly next to where he’d been standing. He did similar things a few times before predictably getting bored and starting to do ‘tricks’ which mostly involved landing in ridiculous poses and also accidently jump scaring everyone in the apartment at least twice. Eventually, Logan confiscated it for the evening so they could have dinner in peace.
Patton went to bed early, planning on leaving the next day. Roman quickly retired to his room shortly after leaving Logan and Virgil alone in the living room.
 Despite knowing already his calculations were perfect, Logan still sat on the couch checking over them one more time just to make sure. Virgil sat on the floor with his back against the couch watching videos on Logan’s cell phone with headphones borrowed from Patton’s collection.
He glanced up when Logan shifted positions and Logan flashed him a smile.
Virgil removed the headphones to speak. “Thanks by the way,” he said, “I already said it to Patton and will again in the morning, but thanks for helping me out with all of this.”
“It wouldn’t have been particularly kind of us to leave you stranded,” Logan pointed out.
 “Yeah, but still, you’ve all been working really hard. Right now you’re up at 3am working on it.”
Logan shrugged. “I’d likely be up working at 3am on something anyway,” he said.
“Sure,” Virgil said, “but this time it’s for me so, yeah, thanks.”
“You’re welcome then,” Logan said. “Any time.”
Virgil tilted his head back to grin at him. “Was that a time travel pun.”
Logan scowled. “No.”
“It sounded like a time travel pun.”
“It was not intentional. I will never intentionally say a pun.”
“You’re telling me you live with Patton and never make puns?” Virgil asked.
 “I, unlike my roommates, am a responsible adult,” Logan insisted.
Virgil seemed skeptical. “Is that why you’re drinking forbidden coffee out of an orange juice carton at 3am.”
“Not so loud,” he hissed, leaning forward to put Virgil’s mouth and glancing back towards the hallway to see if anyone was about to come storming into the living room with another intervention.
His hand was bit.
“Ow!” Logan exclaimed, taking his hand back. “How do you know?” he hissed. The ruse had been working on Roman and Patton for years because neither liked orange juice.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “I can smell it,” he said. “I’m not dumb.”
 “It’s worked on everyone else.”
“No,” Virgil said. “It’s worked on one dramatic idiot and one man who trusts people not to lie to him way too much. I, however, am a paranoid asshole with a doctorate. You can’t fool me.”
Logan couldn’t help but smiled. “I suppose I have met my match,” he said.
He tilted his head all the way back, so his skull rested on the couch cushion and he was staring straight up at Logan with his piercing hazel eyes. “Heck yeah you have,” Virgil said, and Logan was not much more sentimentality, especially not romantic sentimentality, but there was something about the shadows making the room seem cozier and the almost golden glint in his eyes from the lit lamp beside Logan that made it more difficult to breath.
He was relaxed here in Logan’s apartment at 3 in the morning, looking up at him with warm eyes. He fit, slotting into place with an ease Logan had not expect. He’d found Professor Virgil Eran interesting from the moment he’d first heard him speak and had glanced through his university profile for information on whoever had plugged his virus into their computer. He had found him endearing when they’d corresponded through emails and occasionally one sided video chats. It was different with him right in front of Logan, within arm’s reach. He could reach down barely a few inches and brush his slightly unruly hair out of his eyes.
 “You good man?” Virgil asked.
“I am perfectly well,” Logan said, clearing his throat. He glanced away from Virgil. “I think perhaps my roommates have a bit of a point when it comes to caffeine.”
“Maybe at 3am,” Virgil said in good humor. “You’re not a college kid.”
Logan glanced at the college professor on his living room floor. “Well, thank goodness for that,” he mumbled
“I think your calculations are fine anyway,” Virgil said, gently taking the papers out of his grip. “Why don’t we do something else?”
“Like sleep?” Logan asked.
“You think you’ll be sleeping anytime soon?” Virgil inquired with a raised eyebrow.
“Fair point.”
Virgil grabbed the television remote from side table. “Why don’t we watch a bit of that time inappropriate copy of the Epithet File I know you have.”
“Sure,” Logan agreed. “You can come onto the couch if you would like.”
“Nah. You can come to the floor.”
 Chapter 49
Patton left in the morning and from there it was just a waiting game. Which, was Virgil’s least favorite type of game. He tried to keep his anxiety on the down low considering it was Logan and Roman’s lifelong friend who was running around some other century, and they were both obviously nervous as well, since the last trip had ended in disaster.
This trip was going to end in disaster a little bit too, but Virgil was going to ignore that. At least he wouldn’t be gone for months.
The point was, Roman was constantly going to the gym which was, reportedly not normal behavior and Logan spent his days re-checking calculations that were too late to correct and had worked considering Patton had been in contact occasionally.
 Yet, despite the fact that he was clearly an anxious wreck as well, Logan eventually forced himself to put his lined notebook paper away for a bit. Roman was out once again when he did so and Virgil was doom scrolling on his phone.
“We should go out to dinner,” he declared suddenly.
Virgil glanced at the pile of take-out containers stacked near the kitchen trashcan. “Sure,” he agreed.
Which was why Virgil was leaving the apartment for the first time in the last three or so days. Logan had asked him if he wanted anything in particular, but he didn’t care and also didn’t know what restaurants were around, so he was just letting Logan lead him wherever he wanted.
 He should not have trusted him.
He glared at Logan, but the man only seemed entertained by his ire. “Really?” Virgil asked.
“I wanted to see for myself if you were really that bad with chopsticks.”
“I’m not,” Virgil said, crossing his arms. “It was just the anxiety about the social situation, and I resent this.”
Logan just laughed, knowing well enough that Virgil wasn’t actually irritated. Honestly, he felt fonder than anything that Logan had chosen to take him here. “It’s actually pretty good sushi.”
“21st century American Midwest sushi,” Virgil drawled. “I’m simply quivering with anticipation for that authenticity.”
 “It’s unanimously considered the best sushi in town by my friend group,” Logan said as if the fact that Mr. Asiago Cheese Bread For French Toast and Mr. Went Along With Cooking Asiago Cheese Bread French Toast approved of the restaurant would inspire any confidence in Virgil. If he could even call the place a ‘restaurant.’
“It’s. In. A. Mall.”
“So?” Logan asked.
“It’s a sushi stand in a mall. There isn’t even seating.”
“There is seating,” Logan argued nodding at the five chairs sitting in front of the counter. The seating was completely empty which could be because their eating schedule was off and they were eating dinner at 3pm, but more likely meant everyone else in the time had more sense than the man in front of him.
 “Where is your sense of adventure for trying new things?” Logan asked. “Are you not an anthropologist. Don’t you want to experience the culture of the time first hand.”
Virgil glared at him.
“Please try it,” Logan said sill amused. “It really is good.”
“If I get food poisoning, I’m blaming you,” he warned.
“Noted,” Logan said, inclining his head. Then, Virgil reluctantly allowed him to lead him over to the sushi stand from where they’d been hiding behind a trash can so as not to be in the direct line of sight of the man standing behind the counter.
 The man greeted them as they approached. He obviously recognized Logan and even asked about Patton and Roman as they took a seat. Virgil did have to admit, despite his instinctual misgivings about mall sushi, what he could glimpse of his set up seemed legit. It looked like a real sushi bar if a bit smaller than usual. Where they had sat, there was a glass case in front of them with chilled fish on display and Virgil could see a large rice cooker behind the man along with a normal refrigerator.
Laminated menus were handed to them. They were only one page front and back, but honestly that was probably a good thing. If it had a bunch of complicated or fancy stuff, Virgil might have been worried.
 Well, he was still worried, but he wasn’t running screaming. At least his setup looked like it probably wouldn’t give him too much food poisoning. Logan suggested a rainbow and a snake roll and they got some different types of nigiri.
The chef was nice, and he assembled the sushi fully in Virgil’s view which made him a whole lot less leery about the meal. He seemed to know what he was doing at least. Of course, the fish was not as fresh as it would have been in a coastal area, but it was clearly properly handled. When he was finished, he handed it to them all on one big plate.
 He had to admit, when correcting for ingredient availability, it was actually pretty good sushi. He would not say it was the best sushi he’d ever had, but it was worlds better than he’d expected. Logan could obviously tell what his opinion was and was overly smug about it.
“Yeah, yeah,” Virgil said when they were finished. “You’re good at picking restaurants.”
“I’m sure you are also when in a place you are familiar with.”
“I’m not actually,” Virgil said with a laugh. “I always panic choose the worst option.”
“Well, I tend to be quite decisive about such things,” Logan said. “I guess we make a good match.”
 “Yeah,” Virgil said. “Uh, what are we going to do when we get home? Because sitting there drowning in anxiety like we have been for the past couple of days isn’t the greatest.”
“Do you have anything in mind?”
“You guys have Blockbuster still?”
“No,” Logan said. He paused. “We do have a Family Video store I think.”
“Is it close? Let’s go there.”
“And why are we not just using a streaming service?” Logan asked. “Or using my… library of movies.”
Virgil shrugged. “It’s the charm of it,” he said.
“The charm of a business already made obsolete and on the brink of collapse?”
 “Exactly,” said Virgil with a smile.
“Very well,” Logan said. “If that is what you’d like to do I will look up its location on my phone.”
They were in a building that would look abandoned if there wasn’t a light on inside within 15 minutes. The video rental store had clearly seen better days. Its carpet’s pattern was clearly from another decade and had been trampled over so often it was basically like walking on the linoleum beneath. There was a door on the sign asking patrons to close it behind them because the spring used to close it had long since ceased working.
 There was only one person working, a guy in his 30s who glanced at them briefly and then went back to looking at his phone. Ah, yes, Virgil’s favorite type of employee.
“What movie would you like to watch?” Logan asked. He glanced at one small, but still surprisingly present section filled with DVDs.
“I don’t know,” Virgil said. “Isn’t that the point? Stop by a movie rental place on a Friday night, grab a more than likely crappy movie and some Milk Duds and proceed to sit and watch the stupid thing anyway because you already paid for it.”
 “Virgil, I grew up in the 90s. This isn’t exactly exciting for me. There is a reason streaming sites took over the market,” Logan replied. “Also, it is Tuesday.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Just panic choose a movie with me, nerd.”
“I don’t ‘panic choose’ anything,” Logan said. “I-”
“You do today,” Virgil interrupted.
“Choose a letter.”
“Great!” Virgil dragged him off in the direction of the movies that started with ‘S’.
 “This is just… gross,” Virgil said a little under an hour and a half later and about an hour into the film.”
“It is a random romantic comedy from 2002,” Logan responded. “What did you expect?”
 “Yeah, but there’s weird sex jokes and actors that are probably from Mars and then there’s actual on screen physical abuse between the romantic couple.”
“I will concede that point,” Logan said, “but I will remind that this could have all been avoided if you had allowed me to do proper investigation of the movie choices before renting it.”
“Ugh, yeah, yeah,” Vigil replied, leaning back to stare at the ceiling. “Just turn it off.”
Logan complied, reaching over to eject the DVD from his computer. The three roommates didn’t actually have a DVD player connected to their TV, so they’d chosen to use the desktop computer in Logan’s room.
 Virgil was laying on Logan’s bed with Logan sat propped up against the headboard. Logan leaned over to peer down at him. “Thanks for helping distract me,” he said. “Despite the fact that we now know more about what we’re doing, I still get worried about sending Patton through time. His last time travel experience didn’t improve my confidence. I have been… rather nervous.”
“Well, I’m glad I could help, at least a little,” Virgil replied.
“You did,” Logan replied. “A lot.” His hand reached down to touch pat his shoulder, but then lingered there for a moment too long.
 Virgil sat up suddenly and Logan had to jerk back to keep their heads from colliding. “I…” Virgil choked out once he was sitting up. “Um…”
Logan’s mouth curled into a half smile. He offered a hand and Virgil took it.
Virgil glanced at the hand. “I, uh, I am an anthropologist.”
“I am aware,” Logan said with a raised eyebrow.
“And, uh, you were born in this time, so technically I’m studying you…”
“I’m a time traveler, Virgil,” he said amused. “I doubt I am a pure specimen for any studies you may be doing.”
“Right,” Virgil said. “That’s a good point. You’re right.”
There was a pause. “So then,” Virgil said. “No moral quandaries. Just two people sharing a bed and watching a romance movie.”
“It was a bad one.”
“It really, really was,” Virgil said with a grin and then Logan was leaning forward and Virgil’s hand was on Logan’s shoulder.
And then the door was flinging open. “I’m home!” Roman declared as Virgil scrambled back, banging his head on the bed’s headboard.
“Fuck,” Virgil hissed.
“Roman! You need to knock!”
“Since when?” Roman asked, plopping down on Logan’s bed between them.
“Since we have a guest,” Logan said meaningfully. Virgil hid his reddening face in his hands, curling into as tight of a ball as he could.
“You were both in here, it’s not like one of you were naked,” Roman said flippantly. Virgil debated the merits of staying curled up in a ball for the rest of his life. There was a second of silence, and Virgil was glad he couldn’t see the expressions on their faces from his ball when Roman said, “Oh my god!”
 Chapter 50
The breakfast table was silent the next morning. Though if one could call it a breakfast table when Logan was only drinking a cup of tea, Roman was chewing on a slice of unbuttered, untoasted bread, and Virgil was still either asleep or avoiding them both in Logan’s bedroom was debatable.
“…Look,” Roman said.
“We aren’t talking about it.”
“How was I supposed to know the two of you were getting it on?! Put a sock on the door next time or something. It’s common courtesy!”
“We weren’t having sex,” Logan hissed. Roman opened his mouth. “Shut up and learn to knock,” Logan said, pointing his spoon at him threateningly.
 Yet, still, because it was Roman, the other man opened his mouth again. Luckily, before he could say anything else on the matter, there was a loud crack from the living room.
“I’m going to need a towel please!” Patton called.
“I’ve got it,” Roman said instantly, jumping to his feet, leaving Logan to walk to the living room.
“Why are you wet?” Logan asked immediately upon taking in the sight of his roommate. He was soaked, water dripping from his form like he’d just gotten out of a pool seconds before.
“There was an ocean in the church,” Patton said.
 “What?” Logan asked.
Patton pushed his sopping wet hair out of his eyes. “The time distortions were a lot more intense than ones we’ve seen before,” he said. He held out a small innocuous appearing device whose only mechanism appeared to be a switch to him. “Be really careful with that. It’s unstable and we might have damaged it getting out.” Patton winced and removed his timepiece. “Actually, speaking of that. This might need a checkup too.”
“Were there issues with the tech?” Logan asked taking both devices in his hand.
“…No,” Patton said looking a bit sheepish. “We just… may have turned off all of the safety protocols.”
 “Patton I just made this for you!” Logan said, horrified.
“And you did a really good job!” was Patton’s reply, “but we didn’t really want to drown in a church.”
Logan took a slow breath. “I’ll make sure it wasn’t damaged,” he said.
“Thanks, Lo!”
Roman entered the living room then, bright blue towel in hand. “I have returned bearing gifts!” he declared.
“My hero,” Patton said with a laugh, taking the towel and using it to wipe off his face and then start to dry his hair.
“So, an ocean in a church?” Logan asked.
Patton nodded. “I’ll have to thank Virgil for suggesting the inflatable raft.”
 He paused as he finished running the towel through his hair and started to dab at his clothing. “I saw Remus,” he said.
Roman froze. “You did?”
“Uh huh,” Patton replied. “He was with Janus. I didn’t think I should say anything to him since that trip was way out of sync though, sorry.”
“Yeah, no, that make sense. That’s fine.” Roman hesitated. “How was he?”
“He seemed good,” Patton said. He flashed them a smile. “Happy. He’s quite the character actually. He and Janus seem like they’re good friends.”
“Oh,” Roman said. “That’s… that’s good.”
Patton’s face screwed up slightly. “He did flirt with me though, so that was weird.”
 “He what?!” Roman practically screeched.
“It wasn’t particularly innocent flirting either,” Patton said, grimacing.
Roman took a moment to think about it before pulling a face that one would expect to see on a small child trying a lemon for the first time. “That’s disgusting! That’s like… that’s like my brother flirting with my brother. Gross!”
“It was… it was weird,” Patton said.
“What did he even say?” Roman asked.
“Mostly it was comments on my…” he made a motion with his head that apparently Roman could interpret.
“He talked about your butt!”
“…Well, he didn’t exactly use that word.”
 “That sounds about like Remus,” Virgil said, poking his head into the hall.
“Oh, you’ve finally decided to join the land of the living, Emo?” Roman asked.
“Shut up,” both Logan and Virgil said at the same time.
Of course, he did not. “You know, Pat-pat, speaking of posteriors…”
“One more word out of you and I will actually kill you,” Virgil threatened.
“Um, what’s going on?” Patton asked.
“I’ll tell you later,” Roman promised.
“You will not,” Logan said. “Keep your gossiping tendencies under control.”
“Okay, but now I want to know,” Patton said with a pout.
“You go take a shower,” Logan ordered.
 Patton shared a look with Roman that told Logan there was no way he wouldn’t have the whole story along with a good number of embellishments by the end of the night. Then he shrugged. “Yes, boss,” he said. Logan rolled his eyes as he turned towards the bathroom, the towel still on his shoulders. He was dry enough that he wasn’t dripping anymore, and he slipped off his waterlogged shoes and socks so he wouldn’t track water to the bathroom.
“Put that in the biohazard hamper,” Logan called after him.
“I know!” he called back.
“And you,” Logan said to Roman, “clean up all of the water he got on the carpet in the off chance there are any pathogens in it.”
 “Why do I have to do it?!”
“Because you’ve annoyed me,” Logan said, “and I need to insure these two devices do not explode.”
“Ugh, fiiiine,” Roman said, dipping back into the hall.
Virgil glanced over at him, the picture of awkwardness. “Uh,” he said. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Logan said.
“…Are those things really at risk of exploding right now?” he asked.
Logan glanced at him. “Technically they are always at least slightly at risk of exploding, but admittedly the chance is further from 0 than I would like it to be at this point.”
“Great,” Virgil said. “One more thing to be anxious about.”
 “You don’t need to be anxious about it, Virgil,” Logan said.
“Uh, I think I do need to be anxious about the maybe bomb in your hands.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know,” Virgil said with a sigh.
“We are two mutually consenting adults. There isn’t any shame to it.”
“Can we please talk about our very embarrassingly interrupted kiss after you’ve dealt with the explosives?”
“Very well,” Logan said. He walked to the other side of the room to grab a statis chamber from a cabinet drawer.
“What’s that?” Virgil asked as the cube shaped device popped up.
 “It’s a stasis cube,” Logan said as he put the two devices in his hand into it and activated. “It will allow them to cool down completely from their earlier use in a safe environment. It will be less dangerous to work with them later.”
“If it just takes 5 seconds to deal with them, why are you making Roman clean up?” Virgil asked amused.
“Like I said,” Logan said. “He annoyed me. Speaking of,” he glanced into the hallway where Roman currently was. “How do you feel about leaving before he gets back to get coffee.”
Virgil smiled at him. “Sure,” he said. “Escape the apartment for coffee part two.”
 Chapter 51
It took a few days after Patton got home for Logan to first make sure the timepiece and the distortion device were not at a risk of exploding and then to study the distortion device.
“It’s similar to what little we’ve seen of TPI technology,” Logan had mused, sitting on the couch while studying the information he’d managed to get off of it. “It’s definitely derived from the same technology unlike my time travel device, but it looks a bit different, and this version at least is rather shoddily made. Of course, creating disorder and almost ripping apart time is easier than seamlessly moving through it.”
 “So, they’re probably from my time then?” Virgil asked.
“Most likely,” Logan agreed. “Though it could always be a Remus situation where they were from another time originally but accidently ended up in the TPI time. Either way, the origin of their purposeful time travel was certainly around your time.”
Virgil glanced at the device he’d set on the table in front of them all. It looked innocent sitting there, but it had the power to destroy so much, and they didn’t even know why. “Do you think whoever made this trapped me here on purpose?” Virgil asked.
“It would be a big coincidence if you in particular got trapped in this time in particular,” Roman said.
 “I was thinking the same thing actually,” Logan said. “You do work with the TPI and with Janus, a time agent who both often is caught in the middle of devices similar to this being used and who runs into Patton frequently. Plus you know Remus, Roman’s brother even if we didn’t know that connection before you were trapped here and we already had a correspondence before you landed here. It would be strange for you to have ended up here on accident.”
“But why?” Virgil asked. “I am somehow connected to all of you, but I’m still not a time agent myself.”
 “All I am to the TPI is a walking history book. I’m not actually involved.”
“Well,” Logan said. “Perhaps someone knows something we don’t.”
“Or maybe it’s just a happy accident!” Patton said. Virgil highly doubted that and it made anxiety churn in his gut.
“Well,” Logan said, “accident or not, we do now have a solution to the issue. I’ve managed to use this device to recalibrate my calculations and we’ve gotten a ping. I know where the signal blocking Virgil’s time device is coming from.”
“Where?” Roman asked.
“It looks like a local trash dump,” Logan replied. “It must have just ended up in a trashcan that day and was emptied before we checked.”
 “Well, that should be easy enough to get,” Patton said. “Give Roman and I the exact coordinates and we can go and get it now.”
“Wait, why are we the only ones who have to dig through a garbage dump?” Roman asked.
Patton gave him a look.
“Oh,” Roman said, eyes lighting up. “Oh right!” Then, he scowled remembering he was going to be going through a garbage dump. “Fine,” he sighed.
“Think of it as an adventure!” Patton said.
“We’re time travelers. We have so many more exciting adventuring opportunities than dumpster diving, Pat-Pat,” he whined, but he still got up. “I’ll go get changed.”
 Patton stood up and handed Logan his phone, so Logan could program the location of the distortion device into it while he changed as well. “We’ll text you when we’re heading back! I’ll give you a 15- and 5-minute warning,” Patton said with a wink. Virgil immediately hid his face in his hands.
“Do you think the TPI is hiring?” Logan asked as the door closed. “I’d love to move to a different century without those two.”
“Time agents don’t usually live in 4500s,” Virgil said, face still hidden behind his hands. “They’d probably still place you in this century, especially since you’re comfortable here.”
“No escaping them then,” Logan sighed.
 “Mmm,” was Virgil’s response.
He felt Logan shift on the couch next to him and a warm palm touched his wrist, gently tugging his hand away from his face in a way that Virgil could resist if he really wanted. Virgil let the hand fall with a sigh. Logan smiled at him when he could see his face and Virgil smiled back despite how he could still feel heat in his cheeks.
“You will be going home this evening, I’d imagine,” Logan said.
“Yeah,” Virgil agreed softly.
“I would like to give you a gift before you go, if you’ll allow it.”
 “Uh, okay,” Virgil agreed.
Logan nodded and leaned back to grab something out of the pocket of a jacket that was currently hanging over the side of the couch. “Ah,” he said when he found whatever he was looking for. He glanced at Virgil. “It is a ring, by the way, but this is not a proposal.”
“Well, I’d certainly hope not,” said Virgil dryly. “An impulse elopement would be a little off brand for us both.”
Logan smiled at him. “Very true,” he agreed. Then, he opened his palm revealing a small ring.
“So, then, what is it?” Virgil asked.
“It is an emergency time travel device,” Logan explained. “It’s not particularly complex. It can only take you here to this room between 2 weeks and one year from now, but if you ever need something from me, you can use it.”
He offered the ring and Virgil opened his palm to let him put it in his hand. He studied the ring for a moment. It was a rose gold and very light.
“It also has some security measures,” Logan said. “It wouldn’t do to make an emergency time travel device that someone else might easily try to take from you. It’ll disappear when you put it on. You’ll still be able to feel it and take it off whenever you wish. It’ll become visible again if you take it off.”
 “An invisible ring?” Virgil asked, curious.
“Yes,” Logan said with a smile. “It is designed to store your space time coordinates for up to 48 hours just so you’re aware, but as I said you can take it off whenever you wish and… I won’t use it against you.”
Virgil looked at him. “Okay,” he said. “Can I put it on?” Logan nodded, and Virgil slipped it on his finger. As promised it disappeared from view as soon as he did. He could still feel the weight of it on his finger though.
“You turn it three times counterclockwise to activate it,” Logan said, making Virgil look up from the seemingly empty space on his finger he’d been staring at.
  “It would drop you right about where you are sitting.”
“Thanks,” Virgil said. It wasn’t nearly enough to say how much he appreciated the gift, but he hoped his tone said enough.
“Don’t use it against me?” Logan asked with a half-smile, and Virgil realized just how much trust was being put onto him by giving him a device that was directly linked to their base of operations despite knowing Virgil worked with the TPI.
Virgil shook his head. “I won’t,” he said. Deciding to throw out his nervousness and embarrassment over last time he shot forward to kiss Logan quickly on the lips. They bumped noses and Logan’s glasses ended up askew in the process, but Logan didn’t seem to mind judging by his delighted laugh when they parted.
“Thank you,” Virgil said again.
“Of course,” Logan replied.
 Virgil could still feel the ring on his finger even after Patton and Roman got back from the dump with the device that had caused this whole mess. He could still feel it when Logan turned it off and his time piece reactivated. He could still feel it there when he made it home and gave an excuse as to why he’d left his trip early. He could still feel it when he got an email from an unknown sender making sure he got home okay.
  Arc IV: (To Be Named)
Chapter 52
“What’s this?” Janus asked when a giant bowl was set on the coffee table in front of him.
“We’re eating on the couch tonight,” Emile said cheerfully.
Janus raised an eyebrow and switched off the tablet he’d been using to look at him. “Why?” he asked.
Emile shrugged and set a second huge bowl down next to Janus’s. “For fun,” Emile said. He turned back towards the kitchen and Janus leaned forward to look in the bowl. It was spaghetti with some sort of creamy sauce and a few different vegetables mixed in along with some shrimp.
“I made green tea,” Emile said, coming back into the room with two mugs.
 “Thanks,” Janus said, taking one of the mugs with a small smile.
“What were you doing?” Emile asked as he took a seat beside Janus. He nodded at the deactivated screen now sitting on the end table.
“Just doing some puzzle games,” Janus said.
“That sounds fun,” Emile said with a smile.
“Head doctor said they might be a good thing to do to pass the time when I told him to fuck off after suggesting reading.”
Emile sighed. “Dr. Figueroa is my colleague. You could try to be polite.”
“I thought I was supposed to be my authentic self in therapy,” Janus replied.
 Emile just huffed and rolled his eyes. Janus couldn’t help but smile as he picked up his mug of green tea.
The last few months had been…different. In a lot of ways, Janus’s life had become harder than it had been before. It had been easy to do nothing but eat pre-prepared meals, go to work, and pass out in his empty house every day. It wasn’t good for him. He’d known it even then, but it had been easy. This was not.
Emile had offered, insisted really, that Janus move into his house for a bit just to get back on his feet.
 He’d taken time off of the TPI which would have been given to him anyway since he’d spent so trapped in the past. He’d had to give a report of what had happened, and he’d mentioned Patton, but he hadn’t mentioned everything. They’d offered him a shrink when he’d asked.
Janus had told Emile he needed to tell him something about why he’d been distant, so he wouldn’t end up chickening out, but he’d asked for a bit of time to figure out what to say. He’d finally worked up the courage to talk about it with Dr. Figueroa two weeks ago. Much like with Patton, it was easier to talk to someone who hadn’t been involved in Janus’s mistake, but it still wasn’t easy.
 He was running up on the deadline he’d given for having that talk with him. It had to happen soon, and they both knew it, but Emile was just patiently waiting for him to suck it up. It felt… wrong to use his kindness without him knowing, but it was also nice to get to spend time with his brother. He didn’t even dare to hope that he’d still have the chance once he told him.
He was moving back into his own house in less than a week. He’d tell him then so if Emile ended up kicking him out of his life, he wouldn’t have to kick him out of his home too.
 For now, though everything was fine. Harder, more complicated, and in threat of exploding at any moment, but fine. Fine wasn’t something he’d really felt in a long time. Or at least, fine while in his own time wasn’t something he’d felt in a long time. There’d been a few moments with Patton sitting next to the fire outside the hole in the ground they’d slept in for those few months where the man would turn to look at him and he’d felt fine. Yet, Patton had been right. Those moments were unsustainable with how Janus was actually feeling deep down.
 “This is good,” Janus said, after taking a couple of bites of the pasta in front of him.
“Well, I always was the only one in the house that could cook,” Emile said, and that was true. “It was either learn to defend for myself or eat a cheeseburger for every meal.”
“Hey, I had a good burger seasoning.”
“Not for every meal, Janus.”
“Meat, dairy, bread. What more could you want?”
“Vegetables, Janus.”
“You could have put pickles on!”
“I don’t like pickles.”
“That sounds like your problem, not mine,” Janus argued.
Emile shook his head, turning his eyes to the ceiling. “How have you been surviving on your own?”
 “Well, I mean,” Janus said. “Badly.”
“Right…” Emile said. He leaned over to bump their shoulders together. Janus flashed him a smile.
“Speaking of,” said Janus. “Could you physically force me to pack tonight? I meant to do it today and instead I ended up playing puzzles games.”
Emile chucked. “Sure, I’ll help you after dinner.”
“You don’t have to help me,” said Janus. “Just make me do it.”
“Maybe I want to help,” said Emile.
“Oh, yes, packing. The most entertaining of Thursday night activities.”
Emile hummed and then glanced at him. “Remember when you helped me pack for college?” he asked.
 “Mmm, I do,” Janus replied.
“I was so stressed about going somewhere new,” Emile said, “that I avoided packing for weeks. Every time Mom would ask me how packing was going, I’d tell her it was going fine but in reality, I hadn’t even started. You’d come home two days before I had to leave because you were going to help me move into my dorm. It’s like you could sense no packing had been done the moment you stepped through the front door.”
“You were doing your ‘hiding the broken horse statue from mom’ shuffle,” Janus said with a smirk.
 “Well, you walked me straight to my room and we packed everything up in those two days,” Emile said. “You made it so much easier.”
“Yeah, because I hovered over you until you did it and did half of it for you,” Janus snorted.
“It wasn’t just that,” Emile said. “You also found the music streaming station run by the university and put that on and talked about what your freshman year was like. You also had tips on what things I should and shouldn’t pack when moving into the dorm.”
“You still took all of the cartoon stuffed animals despite my advice.”
 “I thought there’d be more space on the bed,” Emile frowned.
Janus snorted.
“But anyway, just having someone else around made me happier. It wasn’t just about the workload being halved either. You being there made me feel less lonely and reminded me I’d always have someone to come back to.”
Janus internally winced. He was sure Emile hadn’t meant to make him feel guilty in any way. In fact, he probably was trying to do the opposite, but him saying that just reminded Janus that it hadn’t been true. Janus had abandoned him for literal years and hadn’t been someone he could always come back to.
 Emile had proven himself to be at least close to who he was before Janus messed with time the few last months. There were a couple of differences here and there, and Janus could not be sure if they were from him changing time or from him avoiding his brother for the past three years and him naturally changing. Most memories they shared that Janus cautiously brought up or Emile mentioned on his own were consistent with what Janus remembered, but he hadn’t pushed too hard or dug too deep. It just made him feel more guilty about avoiding the man for so long.
 It made him want to ignore the man more, because it seemed every choice Janus ever made only hurt him.
Well, perhaps not the college radio station when helping an anxious 18-year-old pack up his childhood bedroom.
He should probably tell Emile that his words made him feel guilty because that was obviously not the intention and he’d want to know. He should probably apologize properly for leaving him alone for three years without an explanation. He should probably provide an explanation for those three years.
He should probably go see the head doctor again soon.
(He should probably stop calling Emile’s colleague who was in the same field as him a head doctor derogatorily in his head.)
For now, he just glanced at Emile. “You’re trying to bully me into letting you help pack with logic, aren’t you?”
“I am,” Emile confirmed without remorse.
“Fine,” Janus sighed, “but only if you let me do the dishes for you.”
Emile took a long moment to consider the offer. “You drive a hard bargain,” he said, “but okay.”
“And no doing anything sneaky like getting bags ready for me on your own while I’m doing it or the deal is off,” Janus said.
“You always think of all possible loopholes, Janus,” Emile sighed.
There was a long silence.
“Agree, you prick,” said Janus.
“No promises,” Emile replied cheekily with laughter in his eyes, and things were good for a moment more.
 Chapter 53
Today Janus was moving into his house in 24th century for the second time in his life, and honestly, the house wasn’t going to look much different than it had when he’d first moved in. Janus had unpacked his things more at Emile’s house in the past almost 6 months than he had in the two and a half years he’d liven in his house. His house held clothes, bare bone furniture, and exactly one skillet from when he’d decided to be daring and tried to cook himself an egg. All he’d really customized for himself was the setting on the LXC device which controlled the lights, media across the home, and prepackaged food ordering and prepare.
 He almost felt embarrassed that his house was so empty. Emile, of course, knew that his mental health had been fucked, but the blankness of his house was a physical reminder of this fact especially considering how he used to keep house before all of this. He’d warned Emile about the fact that his house was empty, and he had said he understood, but still.
They gathered all of the luggage in a pile in Emile’s guest room. They’d had to get permissions from the TPI to allow Emile to travel to his house, and Janus went ahead and filed to give him permanent permission to travel there.
 The decision felt far too hopeful for someone who hadn’t had that conversation with his brother yet, but it had made Emile smile in the moment.
Emile took three of the bags and Janus took the rest. He waved his arm and selected the third saved location on the device. In a moment, he was standing in the living room of his dark, empty house.
His supposed to be dark and empty house. More of the lights were on than Janus had ever switched on himself, and half of the windows were open. (He didn’t even know some of those windows opened.)
 They were letting in the sounds of birds that made the lakeside their home as well as cool late fall breeze. There was also a racket coming from the kitchen. Emile was beside him a second after he himself had appeared. He looked around for a moment. “Did you leave it like this?”
“No,” Janus replied.
“Do you have squatters?” He had a security system from 2 millennia in the future on his house. He highly doubted it.
“I’m going to go check the kitchen,” Janus said, moving towards the noises coming from the other room.
He stopped in the doorway to his kitchen only to see Patton standing at his kitchen counter cutting up a carrot on a cutting board Janus didn’t think he owned, and if he did, it was buried in a box somewhere.
 “What are you doing?” Janus asked.
“Cooking!” was the immediate reply.
“In my house?” Janus asked. “How do you even know where my house is?”
“I may be just a little bit ahead of you,” Patton said with a wink while tapping the side of his nose.
Janus sputtered. “This is my house!”
“I know!” He said it so cheerfully while being a purposefully obtuse asshole that Janus could help but crack a smile and shake his head. He’d missed him after spending so long alone with him though he wasn’t go to admit that to him when he’d broken into Janus’s house to…
“Again, what are you doing?”
 “I’m making you soup.”
“Why?” Janus asked.
“Well,” Patton said. “I know it’s a bit of a rough time for you, so I thought I’d give you a nice welcome home present and what better present than food!” He smiled at him widely.
Janus looked closer at what he was making. “You’re trying to prove to me you can cook.” Patton frowned at him. “Have you considered I have had enough fish stew for a lifetime?”
“Nope!” he said. “It’s entirely different this time anyway. I have carrots!”
“I don’t like carrots,” Janus lied blandly.
“Liar!” Patton declared.
“No, I’m not,” Janus continued to lie.
 “I mean, that was definitely a lie,” Emile interjected from behind Janus. He was looking at them curiously. “Er, hello, who are you?”
“This is Pat,” Janus said.
“The illegal time traveler you’ve been tracking?” Emile asked with a questioning lilt to his tone.
“Ah, yes, well,” Janus said with a cough. “We came to an understanding when stuck in pre-history.”
“And now he is cooking you soup in your house?” Emile asked.
“I’ve long since stopped trying to make sense of him,” Janus grumbled.
“Well,” Emile said. “Hello Pat.”
“You can call me Patton,” he said easily. “I hope it’s nice to meet me, because I’ve already met you.”
 “We haven’t been meeting in the correct order,” Janus informed Emile. “So, he’s apparently already met you which will happen in your future. It is also something he shouldn’t be talking about,” he scolded. Patton took that with a shrug.
“I hate time travel,” Emile said, his nose scrunching up. “Isn’t life already confusing enough.”
Janus winced, not relishing the upcoming conversation with him about how confusing his life was now because of time travel.
“Don’t you work with the TPI too?” Patton asked.
“That doesn’t mean I like time travel,” Emile said. “I’m a stationary agent and I like that just fine.”
 “Time travel can be a bit complicated sometimes,” Patton acknowledged, “but I don’t think it’s all bad.” He finished chopping up the carrot and turned to put it in the self-regulating soup pot. Janus squinted at it. It was certainly not something Patton had in the 21st century. So, the question was. Had he gone out and bought time appropriate cookware before breaking into Janus’s house or had he gone through Janus’s storage to find it?
“You’re a free agent time traveler, right?” Emile asked.
“Depends on what you mean by free agent,” Patton said. “I have always worked with a group of people, and we have rules and procedures. It’s basically a time agency itself, just not the TPI.”
 “And you’ve met me before?”
“I have,” Patton confirmed, “but Janus is right in that I can’t say much more than that about it. In fact,” he said wiping off his hands on a towel hanging from his apron. (The apron was covered in cartoon squirrels and totted the phrase ‘I’m a nut for baking.’) “I should probably be getting out of here.”
“You’ve never been worried about us meeting out of order before,” Janus pointed out with a frown. He didn’t particularly want Patton to go even though the man had broken into his house and possibly went through his boxes of kitchen equipment.
 “Well,” Patton said. “There’s meeting wildly out of order, there’s meeting in order, and then there’s what I’m doing.”
“What are you doing?” Janus asked alarmed.
Patton just shrugged with a smile.
“No, Patton, what are you doing?”
“Soup should be done in about an hour, but you can leave it on all day. I got a pot that’s fridge safe, so just shut it off and stick it in there before going to sleep.”
“See you later! Bye!” He said and disappeared into thin air.
Janus sighed and rubbed the bridge of his brow. “Why is he like this?”
 “Janus,” Emile asked. “Why did your self-declared mortal enemy make you soup?”
“Because he’s an asshole, that’s why.”
“Uh huh,” Emile said, looking at him oddly.
“What?” Janus asked.
“What exactly happened when you were stuck in the past?” Emile asked.
Janus sighed. “A lot happened. A lot.” He glanced at the soup pot happily performing its function on his kitchen counter. ‘I hope it’s nice to meet me, because I’ve already met you,’ rang in his ears. Fucking Patton with his little hints about the future. It gave Janus just a bit of courage though knowing that Emile at least didn’t flee the continent after the conversation they had to have. He was at least around enough to meet Patton. “In fact,” Janus said. “It’s probably time I told you what happened. Everything that happened.”
 Chapter 54
They sat down in the living room. Janus let Emile have the couch and sat on one of the matching armchairs. There was a squeaky sound when he sat. The plastic covering the chair had been delivered in was still on it.
Emile had a pleasant, open but curious expression on his face and Janus suddenly had an idea what it felt like to be his patient.
“I,” Janus began after a moment, shifting uncomfortably on the squeaky chair. “I don’t know how to start this conversation. I talked about what I wanted to say and possible ways to say it with Dr. Figueroa, but I… I still don’t know.”
 “I guess I should start by saying that I did something horrible that I need to apologize for and I’m not sure if apologizing will even be enough. The problem is you don’t even know what that horrible thing is.” Janus stared at his feet. “So, first, I should probably explain what I did. I just don’t know where to start.”
“Maybe start with what happened before it,” Emile suggested. “Just lead up to it. It might help explain why whatever it was happened too.”
Janus took a breath. “Okay,” he said. “That day was just like most that I remember. We both woke up early. I was going to the TPI and you were going to where you worked your residency. We ate leftover pizza for breakfast because both of us were exhausted. You because it sucks to be a resident and me because I’d been working on a big case.”
 “I was getting frustrated with the case. That was my first mistake: being impatient and angry. It was just a thief, but a slippery one. She’d stolen a half-broken time piece and was using it to rob banks within about a 50-year time frame. I had an idea of where she might go, but no one would listen to me. Or at least,” Janus quirked a half smile, “that’s how I interpreted it. They said they’d look into my idea, but they were being extra cautious because of how close in the timestream her actions were to most of the agents’ lives.”
 “I was so tired of the case and so egotistical. I decided to check it out on my own without being cleared by the TPI. I went back in time without thinking of the consequences and that was the worst thing I’ve ever done.” Janus took a breath. “I’m not sure how, but somewhere in the course of my self-appointed mission…” He trailed off. He didn’t know how to say it. He really didn’t.
“What happened?” Emile asked when he didn’t continue.
“I…” and his next words probably sounded like crackly nonsense to Emile’s ears because he couldn’t get his thoughts straight and his tongue wouldn’t make the words right.
 “I don’t even remember living in that town or the fact that Mom used to work at that bank,” he choked out. “I didn’t think and I didn’t check and…” There was a long silence. “I erased you,” he finally managed to say in a whisper, but in the quiet of his barely lived in house, the words were loud.
There was more silence. “But I…” Emile said after a moment.
“I went back and fixed it,” Janus said, “but I… didn’t do a perfect job. I don’t even know how much I messed things up. It would have been one thing if it’d just been me. If it had just impacted my life, but I did it to you and I don’t even know how to start to apologize.”
 Nothing was said for a long moment. Janus didn’t look at him.
“…Huh,” Emile finally said.
Janus risked a glance at him. He didn’t look irate, but he did still look confused which was probably the reason for that.
“I’m sorry,” Janus said. It was really the only thing he could say at this point.
Emile tilted his head to the side. He took off his glasses and cleaned them with the edge of his shirt with slow circles. Since he was 15, Emile only cleaned his glasses with specially designed wipes, but he’d held onto the habit of cleaning his glasses with his shirt anytime he needed a moment to think. Janus wasn’t sure if Emile even realized he was doing it, but he knew it was a signal for Janus to be quiet for a few seconds.
 The glasses were perched back on Emile’s nose after a few seconds. “I think I remember that,” he said contemplatively.
“…What?” Janus asked, and he was no longer avoiding looking at Emile. He was now blatantly staring at him.
“Well, I didn’t know what it was,” Emile said, “but I did have a very odd dream on the day you mentioned and suspiciously I had said dream in the middle of the day and woke standing up.”
“A dream?” Janus asked.
“A very vivid dream,” Emile said. “I don’t believe you actually erased me completely from existence. My life was simply shifted slightly. I was working as a social worker for about 5 hours and then I was back in my appropriate place.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about that?” Janus asked, but then immediately wince at his own hypocrisy. “Er… never mind.”
“I didn’t know it was possibly real,” Emile said. “Honestly, I thought I was just really tired. I’d been overworking myself a lot. I took the rest of the day off after that.”
“You shifted reality for a few hours, and you didn’t realize it?” Janus asked.
“Like I said, I was really tired and nothing seemed to be wrong…”
“Wait, but things were different,” Janus said. “Didn’t you notice things were different.”
“Not… really,” Emile said. “Like what?”
“Like…” Janus said. “Like a whole bunch of things!”
“Like you had a different job title and you worked different hours.”
“I thought I’d fallen asleep standing up or had a vivid audio-visual hallucination at work from stress. I asked for a switch a couple of weeks later.”
“You used to hate time travel, but then you took a job at the TPI.”
Emile gave him a drawl look. “I still hate time travel,” he said. “I literally just said that not 5 minutes ago.”
“Well then why would you work for the TPI.”
“Because time travel is so confusing and distressing that people doing it on a regular basis as a career need psychological support.”
 “Plus, Lia asked for my consultation when developing the mental health part of the Agent Management Office,” Emile continued. “Considering I already knew quite a bit about time travel from being around you, she knew me personally, and I’d finished my residency, she decided to give me a job offer when my advice panned out.”
“W-well,” Janus said. “You were allergic to pineapples.”
“You mean my childhood allergy?” Emile asked. “That has since resolved itself in my adult life?”
“It has?” Janus asked.
“Janus have you considered,” Emile said, “that some if not all of the inconsistencies you were seeing in my life have to do with the fact that you hadn’t spoken to me in 3 years?”
 “I… uh… hadn’t considered that,” Janus admitted honestly.
“You were looking for information to support your incorrect world view,” Emile said sounding very much like a head doctor and not like a brother, “and you found some.” He sighed. “It makes sense after having faced a traumatic event where you effectively thought you’d killed a loved one that you weren’t thinking clearly.” The head doctor analysis voice slipped just a bit. “I just wish you’d talked about it with someone.”
“Sorry,” Janus said, because no matter which way this conversation had gone and no matter the revelations, the point was an apology. “I’m sorry.”
 Emile sighed. “I would have forgiven you even if you had erased me,” Emile said. “You didn’t mean to, and you did your best to fix it. You did fix it even if you were an idiot about it.”
“What about for being an idiot and not talking to you for three years?” Janus asked.
“I already did forgive you for that Janus,” Emile said pointedly. “What did you think the last 6 months were?”
Emile gave him his disappointed and exasperated head shake. “Promise to never do anything like that to me again,” he said, “and I’ll forgive you.”
 “I promise,” Janus said immediately.
“And in the future, you’ll talk to me if you have any issue even if you think it’s horrible.”
“I think I’ve learned by lesson on that one.”
“And that goes for other people too,” Emile said. “If anything goes wrong with someone, you talk to them or if that’s too hard you talk to someone so they can convince you to talk to that person.”
Janus nodded.
“Great!” Emile said. “Then you’re officially forgiven for everything. Though I expect you to go to therapy and keep working on making yourself feel better, so these things don’t happen again.”
 And Janus… didn’t know how to feel about that. He should probably feel happy and thankful or at least relieved, but if he was being honest, he just felt kind of empty in that moment like an old well that had finally run dry. Fuck his head doctor and fuck Patton. Wasn’t this supposed to make him feel better? Everything was fine. He hadn’t actually erased Emile permanently from the timeline, in fact, he’d apparently still existed in some form in the alternate timeline Janus had temporarily made. Emile had forgiven him both for erasing him and ignoring him even though that was far more than Janus deserved. This was something he’d never even dared dream would happen, but it had been exactly what he’d wanted.
 Yet, he still didn’t feel good, not really, not like how he remembered feeling before all of this happened.
Though was that really a surprise? Things were not like how they were before. He and Emile were no longer close. There was love and affection there, but they didn’t really know each other. The last six months had been nice. He’d been able to pretend for a bit that everything was back to normal, but in the moments he hadn’t been able to pretend that, it’d been a bit stilted and awkward speaking to his brother especially at the start.
 Beyond that, Janus was just used to misery at this point. It was his default state. Not being miserable took effort and energy he didn’t always have. He felt himself slipping into sadness or numbness even during times he should be feeling good. He’d noticed himself experiencing a sense of desolation when Emile cooked his favorite meal or in the middle of watching a ballet performance Emile had suggested they go to and he’d been looking forward to in the days before or even now when he should be so happy, so ecstatic. Everything should be okay, but it wasn’t.
 “You doing alright over there?” Emile asked, and Janus didn’t know how long he’d been silent.
Instinct said to say yes and force himself to move on, but he wasn’t going to break his promise that fast. “Not really, no,” he admitted.
“That’s okay,” Emile said. “Anything I can do to help?”
“I really don’t know.”
“Why don’t we go taste the soup your arch nemesis,” there was a light teasing tone to his voice, “made for you. Some of the vegetables won’t be completely cooked yet, but I’m sure it’s already good.”
“Yeah,” Janus agreed. “Yeah, okay,” he got to his feet, the chair making that plastic squeaking sound again. “Maybe we could unwrap the furniture in here before you go home.”
“I think that’s a good idea,” Emile said with a smile.
 Chapter 55
Somehow, the strangest thing about his life right now was a picture on the wall. It was one that he’d gotten after college when he moved into his first actual house. It wasn’t anything special. It was just something that had caught his eye when he was specifically looking for something classier to put on his wall than the posters he’d hung in his college dorm and apartment with Virgil. It was a tall painting of a tree, but segmented into four parts, each representing the state of a tree in different seasons. In the top left, the three had small leaves and little buds, on the top right it had full leaves bathed in sunlight, in the bottom left the leaves had changed colors and started to fall off, and in the bottom right the tree was devest of leaves but covered in snow.
 It was on the wall near Janus’s bed. It was one of the first things he saw when he opened his eyes in the morning and was usually what reminded him that everything was different now when he woke.
The picture had been in a box in the houses garage up until the Saturday before the last. Saturdays had become his and Emile’s unofficial unpacking Janus’s house day. They would usually pick one or maybe two boxes that had been sitting untouched for years, unpack it, talk, and eat dinner together.
Notably, dinner was usually not provided by either of them.
 Patton had gotten into the habit of breaking into Janus’s house. Janus would sometimes catch him doing it briefly, but often Patton managed to avoid him. This was quite the feat considering Janus was not currently working and thus stayed at home a lot of the time. Patton had repeatedly reprogrammed Janus’s kitchen taking away the option for pop tarts entirely and replacing the option with real food. Janus’s kitchen was constantly stocked with something to eat that wasn’t trash. He also liked to leave around different smelling hand soaps, flowers, and paper cranes. Janus had an entire drawer in his nightstand dedicated to storing paper cranes now.
 The newest one was still on his nightstand from the night before, sitting cheerfully in the way of his view of the tree paining when his alarm woke up that morning. He sighed. He had not missed getting up early for work.
He was finally going back to working at the TPI this morning. His therapist had signed off on it last week, saying his was fit for duty. Considering they were apparently still understaffed at the TPI and Janus was a senior agent, this was met with much relief. Janus himself still wasn’t sure how he felt about it.
 He turned off the alarm and stood. Dr. Figueroa had him write out a morning schedule to follow when he’d expressed his struggle to get the day started. Either Patton or Emile had taken it upon themselves to copy the schedule on virtual sticky notes that appeared in every location necessary for getting ready in the morning.
First, he took a shower. He threw his nightclothes in the laundry chute. There were currently dozens of different scented soaps in his shower all in small bottles that had about 2 or 3 uses. Janus presumed they were curtesy of Patton. He decided to use one at random and it ended up being cotton candy scented.
 Next, he got dressed. That was easy enough since he always wore the same outfit to work every day. It didn’t matter what he wore much since missions would force him to redress anyway.
Then he went to his kitchen and sat down at the counter. He pushed the pop tart button. As expected at this point, he did not get a pop tart for breakfast. Instead, he got two eggs, toast, a sliced apple, and a few cherry tomatoes with green tea. He ate his breakfast while finishing one of the puzzles he’d been working on the night before.
 Once he finished, it was time to finally face going back to the office. He sighed, stood up and pulled up the screen on his timepiece. He selected his office as his destination and was off.
The first thing that happened upon appearing in his office was he got a face full of… something.
He sputtered, smacking the things fluttering about his face out of the air. “What is wrong with you?” was the first thing out of his mouth before he’d even really confirmed that the culprit of this attack was who he’d automatically assumed he was.
Remus, as anticipated was standing not 2 feet away from him.
 Remus had apparently gotten into the prop department again because he had some type of softly glowing glittery confetti was no all over Janus as well as their entire office.
“Remus, I told you no!” Lena snapped. “You know it’s impossible to clean up 3150s sparkle nukes.”
“Welcome back!” Remus crowed.
“I hate you,” Janus replied. “I just took a shower.”
“You’re fine,” Remus said with an eye roll.
“This shit doesn’t come off in decontamination,” Janus spat. “If my first mission back sends me to a time where I’ll be tried as a witch for glowing, I’m blaming you.”
 “We’re going to 2510,” Remus informed him. “You’ll fit right in.”
Janus grimaced. “Ugh, that decade.”
“It’s my favorite decade!” Remus exclaimed.
“Of course, it is,” Lena grumbled. “Just don’t bring anything gross back this time.”
“No promises,” Remus replied.
Janus chose to disengage from the conversation as Remus and Lena argued about was and what wasn’t allowed to be brought back to their shared office from what was well known as the least tasteful decade in history. It was also one of the least turbulent decades in history. The population was too busy making shitty ice cream flavors to wage war.
 At least they were giving him an easier assignment for his first time back. He turned to his desk and pulled up the files on his next mission, glancing through them. It was just a small blip that the TPI had noticed in a small town in 2510. It probably wasn’t much of anything, but they had no record of what had caused it, so they were going to send someone to look. Honestly, they’d usually just send in a surveillance agent and be done with it, but they’d probably handpicked this one for Janus in particular. He’d be insulted if he didn’t honestly still feel a bit off kilter being in the office.
 To his surprise, he didn’t have a scheduled meeting with Rhi. It wasn’t particularly important to see a mission coordinator for something this small, but it still wasn’t the usual protocol. Instead, he was just instructed to pick up his costume at the costuming department and leave in about an hour.
“Do we really not have an appointment with Rhi?” Janus asked.
“Senior agents haven’t really been meeting with Rhi unless it’s a high priority mission,” Lena told him. “We have too many newbies running around and there’s not time.
“That’s concerning…” Janus said.
“It’s better than trying to rush the inexperienced ones through. We at least have a general idea of what we’re doing. They’re trying to train up more mission coordinators, but that’s taking a while.”
 Janus still frowned, but he glanced back at the mission instructions. He’d have to make sure he thoroughly understood what was being asked of him before leaving if he wasn’t meeting with Rhi. “We should go get changed,” he told Remus. “2510s clothing is notoriously difficult to put on.”
“Five minutes back and he’s already dying to get my clothes off,” Remus said cheekily.
“I would rather tear my own eyeballs out of my socket than see you without your pants on again.”
Remus just wiggled his eyebrows.
“I’m so glad you’re back,” said Lena when Janus looked at her in exasperation. “He’s finally not Fred’s and my problem anymore.”
 Chapter 56
Getting ready for the mission was a bit of a mess honestly. The costume department barely even spared them a glance before sending them on their way. Remy at least was still there to give them one last debrief before sending them off into 2510, though he looked exhausted.
“Are you sleeping?” asked Janus.
“I’m drinking coffee,” was the reply as he shooed them out onto the streets.
The timeline disturbance that had been picked up was somewhere in one of the shops on that street.
“Do you want the bakery or the karaoke/stripper bar?” Remus asked.
Janus raised an eyebrow at him, and Remus clapped him on the back.
“This is why we’re partners,” he said.
 He plodded off towards the building to their right, and Janus turned to the building on the left. It was a small bakery and coffee shop painted in bright colors and sporting the Brazilian and Albanian flags.
There was a soft tinkling bell sound when he entered the shop, and the person behind the counter glanced over at him briefly before finishing putting a pastry in bag for a customer.
Unfortunately, their attention meant Janus wasn’t going to get away with snooping around the store without buying anything. He glanced around the interior of the shop as he walked up to the till.
 He glanced into the bakery display case the worker was standing behind. Oh… oh that all looked disgusting. He was not depressed enough anymore to willingly eat any of that.
“Uh,” Janus said when the worker looked at him. He glanced up at the wide selection of drinks over their head and winced at the ways the letters moved on the screen. He was pretty sure his dyslexia wasn’t quite that bad. Why did anyone choose to make letters move around and shake on purpose? As someone who had to deal with that on a daily basis, it wasn’t exactly entertaining.
 “Is it possible to get a banana and chocolate potato chip smoothie, but without the potato chip part?” he asked.
“Sure,” the worker replied. “Anything else?”
Janus shook his head.
“Can I have a name for that?”
“Jay,” Janus replied.
“Alright. It’ll be out in a minute.”
Janus nodded and turned, able to take in the rest of the establishment now that there weren’t eyes on him. It was as colorful on the inside as it was on the outside and seemed to have a retro cowboy-space theme mixed with posters from a contemporary werewolf romance movie. Janus had actually seen that movie one. It was surprisingly tolerable.
 The seats at least looked comfortable. There were a good number of tables and three couches. All of them were mix-matched. A few of the tables were outfitted with holographic chess and checkers, but most were normal tables. There were even a few physical boardgames and some bookshelves full of books, though he thought some of the bookshelves might just be there for decoration. He wasn’t sure which were and which weren’t.
He pretended to be very interested in the decorations as he waited on his drink, using that as an excuse to look around the entire shop. He was turned away when the door chimed again.
 “Hello,” a familiar voice said, making Janus turn around instantly. Janus could immediately tell that the man hesitantly lingering in front of the bakery display was not the Patton that he’d spent months holed up with or who had broken into Janus’s house repeatedly to replace his soaps and cook him meals. He seemed out of place which was saying something in 2510. He had the air about him that he was an 80-year-old grandpa trying to embrace youth culture, but not quite getting it. He also spoke in an accent that people around him would probably assume was him just not being fluent in Spanish but was actually him not being completely comfortable speaking Spanish from half a century ago.
 “Uh…” said Patton looking at the menu, a crease between his eyes.
“I’d suggest the banana and chocolate potato chip smoothie without the potato chips,” Janus said. Patton startled, whipping around to face him in surprise. “That’s what I got, though I would leave out the potato chips.”
Patton’s eyes narrowed on him. It was not, of course, the first time that Patton hadn’t been thrilled to see him, but it was the first time Janus had been happy to see him and he hadn’t been happy to see him in turn. Janus had gotten used to a Patton that liked him and he found himself not quite prepared for the way he pursed his lips in annoyance at the sight of Janus.
 “I’ll do the banana and chocolate potato chip smoothie, but with the potato chips,” he said in a way that made it sound like he thought he was getting one up on Janus for some reason.
“What flavor of chips?” the worker asked.
“Er, what flavors do you have?”
“Uh, I think drywall, oak wood, and limestone.”
Janus almost laughed at his expression. “Uh, do you have any naturally edible flavors?” he asked.
“We might have grass.”
Patton squinted as the worker bent to look under the cabinet. “Oh, wait, no, it’s glass. Is that alright?”
“…Maybe just no on the chips.”
 Janus did his best to school his features, so it wasn’t obvious he was laughing at him. He didn’t think he did a very good job considering Patton was glaring at him after turning around. That or he was just already pissed at Janus by default. It could go either way honestly.
“So,” Janus said when the worker turned away to start making Patton’s drink. “What are you doing here.”
“It’s none of your business,” Patton said with narrowed eyes.
“I mean, we could both be here for the same reason,” Janus pointed out. “We could share intel.”
“I doubt we’re here for the same reason.”
 “How would you know?” asked Janus.
Patton just looked away from him. He immediately looked confused at the movie poster his eyes landed on.
“Unless,” Janus said curiously, you aren’t here for a reason, reason.” Patton said nothing. “It was a pretty small disturbance, so it would make sense that your equipment might not pick up on it.” At least at this point. “Acting the tourist, Pat?”
“I’m just doing research,” Patton said, crossing his arms.
“Research?” Janus asked.
“I’ve never been here before,” Patton admitted. “I wanted to get a feel for it and other places just in case there ever was an issue.”
 “You just did France, didn’t you?” Janus asked.
Patton frowned and Janus smiled slightly. “It was recent,” he admitted.
“Well,” Janus said. “If you want some advice. I’d start with figuring out accents when you’re in different times.”
“I don’t need your advice,” Patton said and then smugly, “Janus.”
It took a bit for Janus to scan back through his memories and remember that Patton hadn’t known Janus’s name in France. He would have only figured it out after his friend Lo hacked into Silver Mountains University’s system and figured out Virgil had an appointment with him. Janus raised an eyebrow. “You sure about that, Patton?”
 He frowned, pouting like whenever Janus told him he wasn’t allowed to try to catch a bird and make it their pet. It was strange to meet a version of Patton who had not lived in a hole in the ground with him for months when Janus had already done that. Patton was on the back foot for once throughout this conversation. Every time before this, he’d managed to somehow twist it around even when he’d been younger than he was right now. When Janus had arrested him at the University, he’d managed to figure out his equipment wouldn’t be stopped by the TPI’s despite having no idea what the TPI was.
 In France, even when Janus had thought he’d been winning by taking his phone, he ended up getting access to a University in Janus’s time with information on the TPI, a situation that still had not been resolved.
Today, however, Janus knew far more about Patton than Patton expected. He still didn’t know exactly what his agency or whatever it should actually be called did, but he knew some things about it. He knew Patton was from the 21st century which explained the anachronisms in his speech in different times.
“You could help me look if you’d like,” Janus offered casually.
 “Why?” Patton asked suspiciously.
Janus shrugged. It was not because he missed him, he insisted to himself. It wasn’t because after spending so much time with him, not getting to talk with him all day was strange. It had nothing to do with the fact that the few times he’d ran into a farther along version of Patton since he’d moved back home, their interactions had been brief and tinged with something. No, the only reason Janus was inviting him along was so he could teach this younger version a few things, so he hopefully didn’t go about messing up time. “We worked well together in France, didn’t we?” he asked. “Besides, it’s just a small mission without much danger to the timeline.”
 “Pat,” the person at the counter called. Patton turned to him to go grab his smoothie, thanking the worker before turning back around and walking over to Janus.
“Fine,” he said. “I’ll help, but you have to answer my questions.”
“I’ll answer the questions that won’t endanger any timelines or secrets of my agency.”
Patton considered it for a moment, taking a sip of his drink. “Fine,” he agreed.
“Good,” Janus replied. “We’ll start by looking around the coffee shop for anything unusual. Did you have any questions now. It’d look more natural to be walking around if we were having a conversation.”
“Does the glitter in your hair have to do with the style of the time or…?”
Janus sighed.
 Chapter 57
Luckily, the cashier didn’t seem to think them snooping around was very odd. To be fair, the shop had quite a few odd decorations to look at. So, perhaps employees were just used to people walking around and looking at all of the different things. It helped that Janus and Patton were talking as they searched. They just looked like a couple… of friends… casually chatting and exploring the coffee shop together.
“So,” Patton said, keeping his voice quiet, though luckily the few patrons were on the other side of the shop. “What exactly is it that you do working for the TPI?”
 “Well,” Janus said. “I’m a senior field agent. That means I am the person who actually goes on missions in different times. These missions can range from tracking down people who are committing crimes using time travel, stopping anything or anyone that could damage the timestream, and helping waylaid time travelers.”
“So, there are different types of agents?” Patton asked, curiously.
“Yes,” Janus replied. “There are a lot, but only four type time travel on a regular basis.” Should he be telling a very young version of Patton this? Probably not, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care too much.
 “There are surveillance, touchdown, field, and cleanup agents,” he explained. “Surveillance agents do a bunch of things including research about the exact time field agents are going to and figuring out the best places for them to enter the timestream. Touchdown agents come slightly before field agents to do last second checks and stay when field agents are out. They mostly are just there to intervene if there are any unforeseen issues. Field agents actually interact with people from other times on a daily basis as they slip into the timestream and find whatever person or object they’re looking for. Cleanup agents come in afterwards and tie up any loose ends as well as observe the area for a few days to make sure nothing happened that no one caught.”
 “Everyone else who works at the TPI is mostly in research and management. They don’t usually travel, though everyone who works there is licensed to travel if necessary.”
“That’s a lot of people,” Patton commented.
“What we do is important. We want to make sure we are doing it correctly.” It was honestly not meant to be a jab, but Janus could see Patton frown. He decided to change the subject. “Right now, we’re looking for something that’s causing a small disturbance.”
“What type of thing could cause a disturbance? Is it always a machine like the one in France?”
“No,” Janus replied. “That was actually unusual.” He thought for a second. “At least that used to be unusual, but lately we’ve seen more and more of that sort of thing.”
 They were currently standing at a bookshelf, but nothing pinged Janus’s interest or time piece, so they moved on to look at a few of the movie posters. Patton seemed to grow more and more concerned the longer he looked at the posters.
“So, what is it usually?”
“Well,” said Janus. “Some things are natural events. No one’s really sure what causes those. There are theories, but I’m not really involved in that. We leave those alone for the most part if we find those. They’re usually small things, though on occasion they’re a bit bigger. Usually, time disturbances are caused by someone messing up. They say something wrong that gets someone curious and creates a butterfly or they leave an object that doesn’t exist in the time.”
 “So, what do you think this one is?” Patton asked curiously.
“Well,” Janus said. “It’s a rather small disturbance, so it won’t be anything too major. Probably just an object out of place.”
“Hmm,” Patton replied. “Well, I’ve always been good at those find the difference games.”
“Have you now?” Janus said, unable to stop a slight grin from ghosting over his face.”
“Mhmm,” replied Patton. He drained the rest of his smoothie and then turned around, facing away from the wall of posters they’d been looking at. He slowly scanned the room, an action a lot less inconspicuous than what Janus had them doing, but he didn’t protest for now.
 “That’s weird,” Patton declared, pointing rather obviously at a shelf. Janus noticed a woman looking at him funny. “Well,” Patton continued. “More like it isn’t weird, which is weird for here.”
Janus glanced at the shelf full of small figurines. Most of them were of mythical creatures: werewolves, dragons, and even one not even Janus recognized. Janus would guess, especially judging by the plethora of movie posters that they were all from movies or something of the like. However, Patton was correct there was one that stuck out from the rest. It was still a figurine, but unlike the rest, it was of a real animal: a cow.
 “That is odd,” Janus agreed, peering at the cow. Figuring Patton had already been obvious enough, Janus stepped over to the shelf to study it more closely. When looking at it more closely, it became obvious that the cow was very unlike everything else on the shelf. It wasn’t even really a figurine like the ones around it. It looked more like a children’s toy. It’s fur was made out of a soft looking material instead of the stiff plastic of the werewolf next to it.
“It doesn’t really fit in with the collection, does it?” a voice asked from behind Janus.
 Janus winced internally at the fact that a civilian had just noticed him acting oddly, but kept his face smooth externally as he turned to face the woman standing behind him.
“My friend and I were wondering what it was from,” Janus said evenly. “We recognized the rest of the figures, but I’m not sure where this one came from.”
“Well, that’s because it didn’t come from anything,” the woman said. “At least that I know of. I just didn’t know where to put the thing, so I put it on my movie figurine shelf.”
“Ah,” said Janus, a politely interested crinkle to his brow. “Where did you get it then?”
 “A young kid came by about, oh, a week ago. He looked like a high school kid or maybe college. He seemed right confused and upset. He said he didn’t have any money on him, and got weird when I tried to ask him about his parents. I ended up giving him a free drink and let him sit here for a couple’a hours. We got to talking about my collections. See, I have a deal that if someone brings me back something of interest for my displays, they get a free drink. He insisted on giving me that in exchange for the drink even though I told him I’d given him the drink ‘cause he seemed upset.”
 “I don’t even particularly want the thing, but he said he didn’t want it anyway, and he insisted, so I took it.”
“Interesting,” Janus said. “Do you mind if I touch it?”
“Go ahead,” she said with a shrug.
He reached forward to pick up the cow and felt the softest of fizzles that only someone who regularly time traveled would feel. Despite already knowing this must be what he’d come for, he still subtlety set his timepiece to scan it.
 Patton was peering over her shoulder now. “If both you and the person who gave it to you don’t care much about it, do you think we could buy it off of you?” he asked. “I’m a big fan of cows.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I guess,” she agreed. “If you really like it. I don’t know what else I’d do with it.”
“How much?” Janus asked.
“Well it only cost me a Lemon CastelWalk and a scone, so about 12.”
“Sure,” Janus agreed, pulling out his wallet and forking over the currency. “Thanks,” he said.
“No problem,” she replied. “Hope you can find some use for it.”
 Janus gave her a smile and then looked at Patton. “I think it’s about time to go, don’t you think.”
Patton nodded. “Thank you for the cow statue,” he told the woman as they left the shop. They walked a bit down the street. Patton turned to him once they were out of sight of the shop window. “So, that’s it?” he asked.
Janus nodded and checked his time piece which had finished it’s scan. “The fabric is from the late 43rd century,” he confirmed, “but that’s not all. It’s stranger than that.”
“Stranger how?” Patton asked.
“The materials are definitely from the 43rd century,” Janus said, “but it’s not from the 43rd century.”
“What do you mean?”
 “This,” Janus said, looking at the cow. “This doesn’t exist. Every object has traces of where it’s been no matter how much you clean it. My timepiece can register debris sticking to an object down to the microscopic level and give a general idea where and when they came from. There’s no time travel residue implying it came from the 43rd century or even just dust or dirt from that time period. There isn’t even anything on it from this time period from more than the week the shop owner said it was in her possession. My scans seem to be saying, this thing popped into existence a week ago and didn’t exist in any time or place before that.
Patton frowned. “Well then, what does that mean?”
“I don’t know,” answered Janus frowning down at it. “I have absolutely no idea.”
 Chapter 58
Janus didn’t know what to make of the cow he’d gotten in 2510. He’d said goodbye to the young version of Patton and grabbed Remus before heading back to the TPI. He’d immediately handed the time anomaly over to the labs, but even after a few weeks, he hadn’t heard anything back yet. The labs seemed just as stumped as he was.
The older version of Patton still drifted in and out of his life, usually unseen, like a ghost in the night. Well, a ghost that cooked him plenty of healthy food.
It felt odd slipping back into his old routine of missions.
 Sometimes it felt like no time had passed, but then he’d see the faces of new recruits or get a mission where he didn’t see Rhi and remember that things were different now. The TPI was strained, constantly running after time distortions with no idea what or who was causing them. The new recruits were stumbling to catch up to the agents who knew what they were doing but were still needed to fill the gaps. It made Janus grimace, but he didn’t know what the solution was.
It was nice to be able to talk to Emile about these things.
 If Patton made sure he was taking care of himself at home with nice meals and an ever-changing option of soaps and shampoos, Emile made sure he was taking care of himself at work. Janus was now forced to have a water bottle at his desk to make sure he wasn’t spending the day dehydrated and, assuming he was not on a mission, Emile would either drag him away to eat lunch or bring lunch too him if he was too busy. Today was the later kind of day. Emile had messaged him about 45 minutes ago asking if he was free and then had taken his order for a local restaurant when Janus said he had too much to do.
 There was a knock on the door and both Fred and Janus, the only two occupants of the office at the moment looked up.
“I’ll get it,” Janus said, getting up before Fred did. He knew Fred was currently in the middle of a report on a trip to 2000B.C. he and Lena went to. They’d let a new recruit tag alone for training purposes. It had gone badly to say the least. Fred looked exhausted and stressed which was unlike the usually cheery man.
Janus shuffled to the door and opened it. A man in his early 30s that Janus didn’t recognize was standing there.
 “Hi,” he said. “I, uh, moved into the office next door. My name is Dave.”
There was a moment of silence. “Did you need something Dave.”
“Right,” he said. “Yeah, I was just wondering if your integrator is running, because mine isn’t.”
Janus glanced back at the report he’d been working on. “Yeah, it’s fine.”
“Well, is it, like, connecting to the TPI system?”
“I don’t know,” said Janus, “I was working locally.”
“Yeah, well that’s the problem with mine. I was wondering if anyone else was having the same problem.”
“Let me check,” said Janus, walking over to his desk. He went to open his email and an error message popped up.
 That was… odd to say the least. The TPI had very, very reliable technology. If it was just Janus who could not access the system, he’d assume it was just a local problem, but if the next door neighbor also was having an issue, that could smell trouble.
“Fred,” Janus called. “Are you connected to the internet?”
Fred glanced down at his integrator and clicked a couple of buttons. “No,” he said.
“Hmm,” Janus said. He pulled up his timepiece. That at least connected to the TPI servers, so the servers themselves weren’t down, just the offices’ connection to them. “Well, I can still connect with my timepiece.”
 “Same,” said Fred.
“So, what’s wrong?” Dave asked. “How do we fix it?”
“We don’t fix it,” Janus said. “We submit a tech support request.”
“Oh,” said Dave. “…How do you do that?”
Janus sighed and flicked his wrist to project a screen. “If you go to the web on your timepiece, it’s literally on the page that automatically pops up,” he said pointing.
“We can connect to the internet through our timepieces?” Dave asked.
“…Did you have any training?” Janus asked.
“Don’t be rude,” Fred said absently, still typing on his report.
Janus just rolled his eyes.
“Not on… that part. They did give me a handbook.”
 “Have you read it?” Janus asked.
Dave shrugged which told Janus everything he needed to know.
“Just go back to your office,” Janus told Dave. “I’ll submit the tech support request this time since it’s affecting me as well but read your handbook and familiarize yourself with your timepiece for goodness’s sake.”
“Okay,” Dave said, turning around and wandering back to his office with no thoughts in his eyes.
“I’m not your fucking preschool teacher,” Janus muttered under his breath as he returned to his desk. “It’s not my job to hold your hand and wipe your ass.”
Fred glanced up at him. “Thanks for not saying that when he was still in the room,” he said.
Janus shot him a thumbs up.
 He sat down at his desk and quickly submitted a tech support request. By the time he finished that, Emile was knocking on the door with a bag of food.
“Come in,” Janus said to him, and he did, pulling over Remus’s chair and plopping down the food on Janus’s desk.
“You look stressed,” Emile commented.
Janus sighed, already reaching into the bag to look at what Emile had bought. “Everything’s disorganized, everything’s broken, and no one knows how to do anything.”
“Yeah,” Emile said. “I’ve noticed the TPI is understaffed. Even with all of the new recruits, there never seems to be enough people to go around.”
 “Yeah,” Janus said, pulling out a burger on a pretzel bun and going to unwrap it. “How about you? This all been messing up your job too?”
“In general, for the AMO, yes, because they have to get all of the new agents houses and everything. For my department, not as much, but we are seeing some agents getting stressed because they’re overworked. Mostly the more senior agents.”
“Honestly, I’m lucky stress makes me throw myself into work to avoid thinking about it. I shudder to think how all of the mentally healthy people are holding up.”
“Janus,” Emile scolded.
 “Plus, I’m already set up to have an appointment with a head doctor at least twice a week, so I’m good on that front.”
“I guess that’s true. Just don’t overwork yourself,” Emile said.
“I’m fine Emile. Plus, they need me. I seem to be one of the few people around here who actually know what they’re doing.”
“I just worry…” he said.
“I can handle it well enough,” Janus promised. “I’ve got the toolkit or whatever the head doctor calls it. Plus… work wasn’t ever actually the problem.”
“I know. I know…Just…you aren’t even taking lunch.”
“I have a bit more time free in the afternoon,” Janus said.
 “I was just in the middle of something today. If you’re free for a half hour or something, we could get a cup of coffee. How about that? Would that assuage your worry about me a least a bit?”
“Yeah,” Emile said. “Yeah, it would a bit. I have a break at 2, would that work?”
“Sure,” Janus said. He technically had a good amount of stuff to do, but Emile was right in the end. He should try to take breaks. It wasn’t his duty to do everything at the TPI. “A quick lunch now and coffee at 2.”
 Chapter 59
Janus did fulfil his promise to Emile to take a short coffee break at 2pm. It was nice for both of them, Janus thought and was well worth it… even when he came back to a stack of work and an extra mission on his docket.
“Where did this one even coming from?!” Janus asked as he and Remus speed walked to costuming. “I was gone for less than 30 minutes. They can’t give us more than an hour warning anymore?”
Remus shrugged. “I just got back from a mission,” he said. “I haven’t even had time to write my report on that one.
 “This is a mess,” Janus said. “Everything’s a mess.” Readings of a fairly large time distortion had popped up in 2158 Lille, France out of seemingly nowhere according to write up they’d been given. Though, honestly, with how disorganized the TPI has been, Janus wasn’t 100% confident they hadn’t just missed the thing somehow. It also was apparently giving very similar readings to the time device they’d ran into in Cuba. That’s why they were sending both Remus and Janus, despite the two of them mostly having been split up for missions in the past few weeks. If it was as bad as Cuba, they wanted them to have backup.
 Of course, that was where the TPI’s consideration had ended. Remus and Janus were still being rushed through to this mission and not even seeing Rhi once more. Costuming barely even glanced at them when they got there. They just tossed clothing at them and only gave them a superficial look over before sending them off to decon.
It was almost disorienting how quickly they ended up in a completely different time and place. Janus was lucky that he was used to traveling through time. He could easily slip into the right language and accent and knew how to walk in the shoes they gave him. He worried about other people though.
 They arrived, of course, a bit before the time distortion was meant to begin, especially knowing their devices might not work once whatever it was hit. They waited around on a bench near a small shopping area for a while.
“So,” Remus said. “How’ve you been?”
Janus glanced at him. “Better overall,” he said. “Shit’s fucked with the TPI right now though.”
“I know,” Remus said. “It’s been interfering with my many extracurricular activities.”
“You’re extracurricular activities?” Janus asked. “Do I even want to know?”
Remus show him a smile. “Probably not,” he said. “It’s just the usual: sex, drugs, alcohol, making sure Diesel Fuel has whatever she could ever want.”
 Yet, even as he said it, there was something else in his eyes that gave Janus pause. “Are you sure things are alright?” he asked. “I could help with something if you need.”
“With what time, Janus?” he asked, with a raised eyebrow.
“I could make time,” Janus said.
Remus just shook his head. “It’s nothing,” he claimed.
Janus wanted to press the issue, but then there was a buzz from both of their time pieces.
“Well,” Remus said, getting to his feet. “Duty calls.”
Strangely enough, despite giving off the same signals as the device from Cuba did, their time pieces did not shut off. The detected the time distortion like they were supposed to, but otherwise stayed active.
 It was… incredibly easy to use their time pieces to find the source of the time distortion. Apparently, the caution about it considering that it was similar to the Cuba incident was unfounded.
The tracked the distortion down to a small children’s playground in the middle of the city. There was a device attached to the bottom of one of the slides. Janus flipped it off and balance was restored to time.
“Weird,” Janus said. “It definitely does look like the device we found in Cuba, but…”
“We aren’t currently swimming in an ocean,” Remus filled in.
“Yes,” Janus said. “You’d think the same type of device would have the same effect, but this one was pretty stable.”
 “The main question is still who is putting them,” reminded Remus. “These are clearly not natural. Someone is doing this, but all we’re doing is running around trying to turn them all off instead of getting to the root of the problem.” The last bit was a frustrated mumble.
“You’re right,” Janus had to agree, “but so far these things have been practically untraceable. We can’t even figure out when they’re from. The most we can do is see when they’re active.”
“This doesn’t make any sense,” Remus said.
“No it-” Yet, before Janus could finish, he was cut off by a shout.
 “Janus,” Patton’s voice called from the opposite side of the playground. “Hi!”
“Uh…” Janus said as he approached. “Hi.” He probably shouldn’t be too shocked to see Patton hanging around time distortions. He’d shown up at many of them before, but something about him showing up after the time distortion was already fixed threw Janus off. “We already dealt with time distortion…”
“Oh, good!” Patton said. “That’s good.”
“So, I was actually wondering something.”
“Er, alright,” Janus said. There was a pause. “What?”
“Oh,” Patton said. “Um. You. Well, you once mentioned that you liked ballet.”
He hadn’t actually that he could remember, but he wouldn’t be surprised if a future version of him had. “Yes,” he said. “That’s true.”
 “Yeah,” Patton said. “Cool, so I have a… nephew who’s been getting into ballet. And I’m trying to learn more about it. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for things to see about ballet to help me, er, get a better idea about how… it… is. You know?”
Before Janus could think of a response, Remus spoke up. “You were a much better flirt in Cuba,” he remarked idly. Janus elbowed him harshly in the side.
“Hey, Remus, honey,” Patton said, glancing at him with a sweet smile. “I saw an interesting looking coffee shop down the road.” He started digging in his pocket. “If I give you money, would you mind getting us all something to drink.” He pulled a few bills out of his pocket.
“Yeah… okay,” Remus said with a smirk. “I see how it is.”
Patton just smiled at him and handed over the money.
“Have fun you two,” Remus said, turning on his heels and striding off.
 Janus glanced back at Patton once he was gone. “So, a nephew?” Janus asked.
Patton nodded. “Yep!”
“What exactly did you want to know?”
“Erm… I dunno,” Patton said. “I don’t know enough about ballet to know what to ask about ballet.”
“Well do you want to know more about the watching side or the dancing side.”
Patton bit his lip. “Well, I guess I’d like to know more about the watching side first,” he said. “Then maybe learn some basics about the dancing stuff if my nephew wants to dance.”
“Well, I actually do know more about watching ballet than participating, so that’s good.”
 Patton ended up pulling him over to sit on the swings even though there was a perfectly good bench at the edge of the playground. Janus talked a bit about ballet in general and then gave him a list of particular shows he liked. He did try to stick to the 21st century and before under the assumption that this nephew was from the same time as Patton. There was still plenty of things to talk about even with those restraints.
Patton seemed interested as he talked, pressing his face against the chain of the swing to look at him as he talked with a smile.
 They spoke about ballet for about 20 minutes before Remus eventually returned from the coffee shop.
“Thanks Remus,” Patton said, taking the cup he’d offered to him.
“No problem,” Remus replied, flashing a smile.
“Well,” Patton said, “thank you for the info Janus, but I really need to be going now.”
“Oh,” Janus said. “Okay.”
“See you soon!” he said, typing something into his timepiece and immediately disappearing without even checking his surroundings. He was lucky the playground was strangely empty today. He left his drink on the ground without taking a sip.
“Well,” Janus sighed once he was gone. “We should probably be getting back to the TPI anyway,” he said, taking a sip of the drink Remus had gotten him.
 “A London Fog?” Janus asked.
“It was the special,” Remus said, taking a sip of his own drink.
Janus shrugged. “We’ll finish these and head back,” he said. “The mission was shorter than expected anyway. They can deal with us being gone a couple of extra minutes.”
Janus took another sip. “About the conversation from early,” he said.
“Uh, could we maybe talk about it later?”
“Remus, you’re my friend and clearly something is bugging you.”
“It’s nothing,” Remus said. “Really.”
“It’s clearly not ‘nothing,’ Remus.”
“I… well,” Remus said. “Maybe not, but let’s not talk about it right now. We’re on a mission.”
Janus snorted. “Remus, I’ve seen you drink on the job.”
“…Right,” Remus said. “But still. Things are busy. We should probably actually head back now.”
Janus sighed. “You’re probably right,” he agreed, “but really, we should talk sometime.”
“Sometimes,” Remus agreed, “just… not now.”
“Fine,” Janus said. “Ready?” Remus nodded and Janus pulled up his timepiece and pushing the correct button to get them back to decon. Remus copied him and they both were off.
 Chapter 60
Remus pretty much bolted out of decon to get away from Janus when he tried to talk to him again or at least ask if he could come by and talk to him after work. Janus felt a pit of worry start to grow in his gut. There was something wrong, but Janus didn’t know what. In fact, thinking back, maybe there had been something wrong for a while, but Janus had been too caught up in his own shit of a brain to properly address it.
He walked back to his office still thinking about it. Maybe he’d get Emile’s opinion on what to do.
 The lights flickered as he entered the hallway his office was in, and he paused. That was strange. Very strange.
He frowned, planning to message someone right away about whatever the fuck that was. It was one thing to be a chaotic mess of a time travel agency; it was another to literally not be able to keep the lights on. What was going on in this place?
He stepped into his office shaking his head. To his surprise, someone was already sitting at his desk.
“Virgil?” Janus asked, confused. “What are you doing here?” It wasn’t completely unheard of for someone in cultural outreach to come physically to the TPI, but usually agents went to them. It was more convenient to them and a bit more secure for the TPI.
 “Oh,” Virgil said in a tone that made Janus narrow his eyes and expect the dish washer not to be loaded. “Hey Janus. What are you doing here?”
“In my office?” Janus asked, glancing at Fred who had obviously let him in. Fred shrugged. Glad to know they had great security here.
“Right, yeah,” Virgil said. “It would be your office, huh?”
Virgil paused for a split second and took a breath to regroup. “I was actually looking for your partner.”
“Remus?” Janus asked. “Why?” Then he paused. “What on Earth did he do?”
“Nothing,” Virgil said. “Well, I mean… probably something knowing him, but that’s not why I’m here.”
“Probably,” Janus agreed. “I don’t know where he is right now though. He ran off when we got back from our last mission.”
“And you have no idea where he could have gone?”
“I actually would like to talk to him too,” Janus said. “So, if I did, I wouldn’t be here.”
“Chances he’ll come back to the office?” Virgil asked, hopefully.
“Very low since he’s avoiding me.”
“Great,” Virgil said, rubbing his temples. “That’s great. Why does this have to be physically difficult as well?”
“What exactly do you need with Remus?” Janus asked, noting the way Virgil was holding himself very tensely.
 “I just need to talk to him,” Virgil said.
“Yes,” Janus said. “About…?”
Virgil didn’t say anything. He just looked off to the side.
“Why is everyone acting weird today?” Janus said, almost to himself.
“I’m not!” said Fred from his corner.
Janus shot him an unamused look. “Thank you for your contribution to this conversation, Fred.”
“Look,” Virgil said, “can you just tell him I need to talk to him about something private the next time you see him?”
“What on Earth do you need to talk privately to Remus about?” Janus said.
“Just leave it, Janus,” Virgil said.
 He had his lips downturned in stern way that meant he was trying to hide something from Janus by feigning annoyance. Janus titled his head. “You two aren’t…”
“No! Ew!” Virgil said, looking disgusted. “He’s somehow the worst of two options which is saying something considering the French Toast.”
“Nothing,” said Virgil. “Just, can I leave a note for him, or something?”
Janus paused, looking at him. Virgil squirmed under his gaze but didn’t seem like he was going to give in anytime soon. “Fine,” Janus finally relented. “You can leave a note on his desk. I’m not sure why you didn’t just email him.”
 “It’s an in-person type of conversation,” Virgil said, wringing his hands.
“Whatever you say,” Janus said, walking over to Remus’s desk and clicking the memo button that brought up a screen people who weren’t Remus could write on. “There you go,” he said.
“Thanks,” Virgil said with a relieved grin, clearly happy he was no longer being interrogated. He grabbed the stylus tied to the side of Remus’s desk. (If Janus hadn’t tied it there, it would be in Mesopotamia by now, he was sure.)
Janus turned to go back to his own desk.
“Wait,” said Virgil. “It isn’t working.”
 “What do you mean?” Janus asked. “It’s a note app.”
“It’s not tracking what I write,” Virgil said. He tapped the screen with his finger. “It’s not even responding.”
Janus leaned over to take a look for himself. He tapped it a few times and there was nothing, so he tapped it a bit more aggressively. A fuzzy line went across the screen and then it shut off abruptly.
“What is wrong with things in this office lately?” Janus asked with a frown.
“My stuff just froze too,” Fred said.
The door opened then, and Lena entered the room. “The coffee makers are all offline.”
 “What do you mean the coffee makers are offline?” Janus asked.
“I went to get some coffee for Fred and I and they’re not working. Any of them.”
“That’s odd,” Fred said.
“You know,” Virgil said, shifting nervously on his feet. “This seems like a bad time for me to be here. Why don’t I just come back another time or better yet, Janus, just tell Remus to come find me.”
“Yeah,” Janus agreed. “There’s a lot of things going on apparently, so it’s probably best if you leave.”
With that, Virgil brought up the time device he was using and pushed a couple of buttons to return to his university.”
 However, instead of disappearing like he was meant to do, he flickered once and then was immediately on his knees with his hand over his nose.
“Shit,” Virgil hissed.
“Are you okay?” Janus asked, kneeling next to him. There was blood coming from his nose which was concerning, but his eyes focused on Janus easily enough, though he looked very startled.
“I think I just hit the shield.”
“Is your timepiece not approved?” asked Janus, pulling on his arm to see the timepiece.
“I got it approved this morning,” Virgil said, taking a tissue Fred handed to him to press it to his nose. “It’s supposed to have access to the TPI all day. I used it not even 10 minutes ago.”
Lena was already on her own time device. She pushed a button and disappeared for a moment before appearing a couple of steps away. She stumbled and was caught by Fred. “Mine’s blocked too,” she said, “I only put in to go to the entrance of the building.”
That’s when the lights went out.
 Chapter 61
There was screaming from somewhere down the hall.
“Do you think that’s like when kids would scream when the teacher would turn out the lights in elementary school for a movie?” Virgil asked hopefully, voice a bit nasally since he was still holding his nose.
Janus gave him a tightlipped stare.
“Yeah,” Virgil said, “that’s what I was afraid of.”
Fred calmly reached over and shut and locked the office door.
“And what good is that going to do?” asked Virgil.
Fred glanced at him, already moving to shove Remus’s desk in front of the door. Janus instantly went to help him. “Gives us time to regroup.”
 “Or it locks us in,” Virgil argued.
Janus glanced over at him. “Don’t panic,” he said.
“The fuck do you mean, don’t panic?” Virgil asked, panicking, “Do you even know me?”
Janus sighed. “Fine,” he said. “Panic as much as you want but do it quietly.”
Virgil opened his mouth to speak.
“We know what we’re doing. You do not. Contributions from you that are only fears no matter how rational are not helpful at the moment.”
Virgil shut his mouth.
Janus turned Lena and Fred. “Okay, what do we know?”
“Malfunctioning coffee makers,” Lena said. “Malfunctioning tech in general really.”
 “And not just now,” Fred added, now working on barricading the window with the cabinet he kept his hot chocolate in. “There’s been issues with the whole system for a while now, and they’ve been getting worse.”
“Right,” Janus said. “I’d been blaming that on new recruits messing things up out of ignorance or IT not having enough time do normal maintenance, but if everything is down when the shields are malfunctioning, that implies something else.”
“Are the shields even malfunctioning?” Lena asked. “That implies something went wrong with the program, but what happened to Professor Eran and I is what it’s supposed to do to people who don’t have permission to cross them.”
 “So, the shields might be malfunctioning,” Janus said, “or someone went in and changed the permissions.”
“Considering the tech problems we’ve been having,” Lena said, “it’s possible someone’s been playing around in the TPI the system without knowing what they’re doing.”
“Or maybe they know exactly what they’re doing,” Janus suggested, “and they wanted to see our usual protocol for small issues before giving us a big one.”
There were a few moments of silence where they all were lost in thought.
“People are still screaming,” Virgil pipped in.
“Yes,” Janus confirmed. “This is obviously not just a virtual attack.”
 “Which should be the priority?” Lena asked. “The virtual attack or the physical one?”
“The virtual part will be complicated, and if we stabilize the building physically, we’ll have more time and have everyone safe,” Fred said, “but on the other hand the virtual attack is obviously what’s letting the physical attack persist. If people had access to time travel and communication, the physical attack wouldn’t matter.”
“I think-” started Janus, but he was cut off suddenly by a horrible screeching noise like metal on metal. The room they were in jolted like they were in a car that suddenly stopped and then the world was turning sideways, and they were all toppling as the floor became the wall. Janus landed on top of Virgil. Hopefully the blood now staining his shirt was from the man’s already bloody nose. “-we should probably start with the time anomaly attack!”
 Lena was a few feet away from him. She’d luckily been to the right of her desk, so she landed on top of it instead of it landing on top of her. Fred was a couple of feet away, already crouched. Judging by the state of the furniture around him, he’d had to dodge the cabinet he’d been putting over the window.
“What’s going on?” Virgil asked. Good, he was conscious after that.
“Time distortion,” Janus answered.
“What the hell type of time distortion is this?!” Lena exclaimed, holding one of her arms with the other. Janus couldn’t tell what type of injury she’d gotten.
 “One like the one Remus and I ran into in Cuba,” Janus said.
“So…” Fred said.
“I think we’ve finally found whoever has been mucking up time with time distortion devices. Or, more, I think they’ve found us.”
There were more screams from down the hall. “We can still hear other people in the building screaming,” Janus noted. “That’s good.”
“How is that good?” Virgil asked.
“That means the building is still connected to itself,” Janus explained. “Which, means that while the shields are screwed up, they’re still in place and keeping the building from being ripped apart and sent through time and space.”
 “Oh well that’s good at least,” Virgil said, sounding honestly a bit hysterical. He looked over at Janus. “If the building is intact, can’t we just leave? Just through the front door?”
The three time agents in the room exchanged a look.
“Well,” Fred said, “first of all, it’s probably not going to be that easy to get to the front door considering the screaming we’re hearing every so often.”
“Also, we wouldn’t be able to get out if we did make it to the door.”
“What?” Virgil asked. “Why not?”
“It’s kind of a secret that most people don’t know unless they’ve worked here a long time,” Janus said, “but the TPI headquarters isn’t exactly… in a place.”
 “What do you mean it’s not in a place?” Virgil asked. “I’ve seen the outside of the building. It’s on a normal street with restaurants and a park and all of that.”
“It’s really not though,” Janus said.
“It’s kind of floating,” Lena cut in. “Somewhere in deep space. The doors auto-teleport you the doors of a building on Earth which is why you think that it’s there.”
“The building’s a shell?” Virgil asked, flabbergasted.
“Yes, and unfortunately, without time travel being accessible, going out of the front door would be ill advised.”
There was a long pause as Virgil seemed to reboot. “We’re floating in space right now?!”
“Well,” Janus said. “We were always floating in space. You just didn’t know that.”
 “Great, yeah, nice, that’s great,” Virgil said, rubbing his temples.
“So,” Janus said, turning to Fred and Lena. “I think first we need to find whatever is sending out time quakes before they get worse. Then, we’ll figure out the rest along the way.”
“How are we going to find it though?” Fred asked. “It could be anywhere.”
“I’m not sure but standing in here isn’t going to get us anywhere,” Lena said.
“The closer we get the more chaos there will be,” Janus said. “Game of hot and cold with time distortions anyone?”
Lena and Fred nodded, but Virgil just looked queasy. Luckily, when the room had gone sidewise, the door had landed in a place still accessible enough with a bit of crawling.
 Fred and Lena had to pull the desk away from the door, but then they were able to cautiously open it. Fred poked his head out. “Seems clear,” he said. “Sideways, but clear.”
“Good,” Janus said.
Fred started slowly crawling out into the hallway and Lena went after him. Janus turned back to a very green looking Virgil. “You can stay here,” he said. Maybe go in the supply closet to prevent any more injury from falling office supplies. It won’t be comfortable, but it’ll be better. We’ll come get you when things are stable.”
Virgil nodded. Yet, right as Janus turned away to go follow Fred and Lena, there was another rubble and the ground shook. Virgil, still a bit wobbly on his feet from the last couple of falls tumbled down, but luckily the room’s walls stayed in their places.
Unluckily, the walls outside of the room didn’t. Looking through the office door one could see what was outside the room was very much not a hallway anymore, but a different room entirely. There was no Lena or Fred in sight. “You’ve got to be kidding,” Janus said to the universe.
 Chapter 62
“I thought you said the building was stable!” Virgil said.
“I said it’s not being ripped apart,” Janus corrected, “and it still isn’t. We’re still inside the headquarters. The rooms just got a bit… scrambled.”
“Great, great, fuck.”
“It’s fine, Virgil,” Janus said, though he himself was a bit worried. He knew if he showed that, however, Virgil would just panic more, and the last thing Janus needed at the moment was a panicking civilian, let along a panicking Virgil.
“It is not fine,” Virgil said. Luckily, he looked a bit pissed off at Janus’s flippant reply. Good. A pissed off Virgil was better than one having a panic attack.
 Janus just rolled his eyes, making Virgil bristle even more. “Well,” he said, “either way, I need to attempt to find what is causing this time distortion. Come with me or stay here, though I am unsure if the closet is a closet anymore.”
Virgil eyed the closet and then eyed Janus.
“Make your choice quickly though,” Janus cautioned, already steeping towards the open doorway.
He heard Virgil curse after a moment and then a hand was gripping Janus’s arm. He was coming with then.
They both climbed out of the sideways doorway into the room on the other side.
 “Where are we?” Virgil asked, still holding onto Janus’s sleeve. It reminded Janus of welcome week in their freshman year of college.
They’d been randomly assigned as roommates in the dorms. Janus had mostly ignored him the first day after small attempts at making conversation had failed miserably. He’d assumed the boy simply didn’t want to make friends, and Janus had taken that in stride, sure he could make friends elsewhere.
That lasted until that night when he’d found his roommate on the bathroom floor, dry heaving into the toilet. After figuring out that it was from nerves and not some drug his body was trying to desperately expel (Janus had been very glad he didn’t have to drag some dumbass to the hospital on his first day living away from home), he decided to take pity on the poor fool and socially adopted him.
 He'd been a nervous wreck during all of Welcome Weekend even with Janus’s literally leading him by the hand (and sometimes dragging him) to the many social events the university put on. He’d slowly calmed down, however being around a lot of people still sometime freaked him out. He’d warmed up to Janus quickly though and when they were alone, he’d come out of his shell.
He’d proved himself to be a witty, smartass, bastard as soon as he got over his crippling social anxiety. He’d matched Janus perfectly, honestly, and had always been around to help with homework, especially reading and writing. He’d also known more about how to clean himself and his environment more than most college freshman even if sometimes his anxiety had prevented him from using that knowledge appropriately.
 He'd actually managed to stop Janus from making poisonous gas in their apartment by mixing cleaning fluids in their junior year.
Janus glanced around them trying to answer the question of where they were. It was a medium sized room, about the size of the living room in his house and was mostly baren except for a large hollowed out circular desk with one gap for people to be able to walk through. Under the desk was a long line of old school computer towers humming softly with only a few centimeters between them. There was a mess of cords all over the place, connecting to different parts of the computers and thrown over parts of the desk.
 “I’m not sure where we are,” Janus admitted. “This is a pretty archaic set up. I’m not sure what it’d be used for.”
Virgil stepped forward towards the desk with a curious tilt to his head. He bent down to study one of the computers for a few moments. He squinted. “It’s not an archaic set-up. Well,” he amended. “It is, but it’s intentionally an archaic set-up. The techs current, it’s just put in a shell that looks old for some reason.”
“That’s odd,” Janus said.
Virgil pushed a button on the side of one of the towers and the machine started rumbling louder, lighting up Virgil’s face in a soft blue light as it did.
 Virgil stood as the computer tower next to it lit up the same the next moment and the one next to it the moment after that until all of the computers were on. Only after that did the top of the desk light up, a full 3-D hologram lighting up with Virgil inside.
Janus stepped through the gap in the desk to stand inside the hologram too.
He was met with a lock screen, but more worrying.
“Oh no,” Janus said.
“What?” Virgil asked, glancing at him.
“The date,” Janus said.
The date behind the prompt for the password read almost 10 years in the future of the year they were supposed to be in.
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mochikeiji · 3 years
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𝐖𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝟏𝐤! 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 (*^▽^*) 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮!
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what is this?
五月 - May
𝐆𝐨! 𝐆𝐨! 𝐆𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 — (inspired after Go! Go! Gojou!) in celebration of this milestone this month of May, requests for the event are now open!
rules / notes
↬ Below are the listed characters that I will be writing for the event; (reminder that these are the only characters I'm currently used to. I have trouble writing for the ones that aren't in the list ^^)
Characters I accept ↴
✧ Haikyuu: Kuroo Tetsuro
✧ Jujutsu Kaisen: Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushiguro, Inumaki Toge, Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Toji Fushiguro, Nanami Kento, Okkotsu Yuta
✧ Yuukuko no Moriarty: Sebastian Moran
↬ For this event, I accept only; fluff, angst, hurt/comfort genres!(if ever I might add some suggestive ones, but not as far to nsfw) You may specify what kind of scene you would want to happen!
↬ Simply pick a number from the list below (maximum of 3 prompts) and 1 character of your choice.
↬ Important note: this is my very first event so I'm thinking ahead of the possible outcomes. One, is that there's a high chance I may be delayed in publishing the requests due to them being many or the usual, lack of inspiration and the right mind. Two, like anyone else, I have the right to decline a request if I cannot proceed to write or crank out an idea or generally having a hard time. I write for fun, not as an obligation. Please do not feel bad though! Your requests will serve as a suggestion that may still help me along the way ^^ please please do be patient with me as I will do my best to write for you guys. ♡
event status:
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chip chip! ˎ₍•ʚ•₎ˏ
❝coincidentally I started running this blog back in 2020 of May when I began writing once more. I didn't really think I'd make it this far despite the long hiatus run I've went through and the small amount of stories written. I've had fun sharing whatever I daydreamed every day, it makes my heart soar knowing someone finds comfort in between the words and enjoys them. It's been truly an honor writing for the enjoyment of others and to be able to have fun.
I wish to extend my appreciation and love all the way because these aren't enough to express how I feel right now. Thank you all so much for being so sweet and loving. Supporting and encouraging me all the way. Interacting with me even at the shortest time period. Every thing, I am thankful for. I hope to continue on writing and sharing my ideas for you all to find joy in and to meet more of you on this journey ♡ thank you for being one of my reasons to fall back in love of what I've lost before.❞
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prompt list:
1. "You don't mean that, right?"
2. "Even in this life, it's still you"
3. "Don't lie to me"
4. "You're really pretty"
5. "Don't look at me like that"
6. "No, don't cover your smile"
7. "Can you do that again?"
8. "Say something, please"
9. "I just love you"
10. "Do you really want this?"
11. "I'm so sorry"
12. "Please don't cry"
13. "I'm always here for you"
14. "Never in my life have I loved someone this hard"
15. "I don't want someone else, I want you!"
16. "My daily dose of happiness!"
17. "Let's be greedier"
18. "I've lost so many before, I'm not about to lose you too"
19. "Do you still love me?"
20. "You think too much"
21. "Hug your boyfriend/girlfriend!"
22. "I really want to hold your hand"
23. "I don't like the way he looks at you"
24. "Stay longer"
25. "Would you notice if I was gone?"
26. "I would give up everything if it means having you by my side"
27. "Hey, look at me. Keep your eyes open"
28. "Are you jealous?"
29. "I didn't mean it"
30. "You're the only person I'd always run to"
31. "How'd you fell in love with them?"
32. "You idiot, why would you do that?!"
33. "I don't need you to solve every thing! I need you to understand!"
34. "I need you because I love you"
35. "My baby is so cute!"
36. "Let's have another one"
37. "You want to go out now? At 2am?"
38. "You make me the happiest"
39. "Promise me you'll stay with me"
40. "Wake up"
41. "Kiss me"
42. "Don't leave me"
43. "You made this for me?"
44. "Did I do something wrong?"
45. "You're too close." "I can get closer"
46. "I'll protect you with all my life"
47. "Everything I am, I own, is all yours"
48. "I didn't think it was possible to fall in love again"
49. "Mine." "I know but can you let me go?"
50. "Oh, sorry. You were so cute I had to kiss you"
51. "Do you think you'll blush more if I do this?"
52. "Why can't it be just us for once?"
53. "You're the only source of happiness I don't ever want to disappear"
54. "Stop it"
55. "Are you drunk?"
56. "You look like my husband/wife"
57. "Keep doing that and I'll marry you faster"
58. "You're squeezing me." "I just really need to hold you"
59. "I heard you like bad boys." "You have a bad personality, no cap"
60. "Give me a chance"
61. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm with you"
62. "You're nervous? Why?" "Because I really wanna be with you"
63. "Don't scare me like ever again!"
64. "I thought i was going to lose you"
65. "Let me stay for the night"
66. "Bestie please." "Who the hell is bestie? I only know baby"
67. "My world is full of color thanks to you." "I thought you ate a crayon."
68. "I'm trying to be romantic here"
69. "Someone misses me" "I really do"
70. "Can we get married now?"
71. "You looked so angry" "They hurt you"
72. "Do you see that? That there is a beauty and all mine"
73. "You smell so good"
74. "Can I kiss you?"
75. "I knew you love me!" "I do" "What?"
76. "Fess up, which one of you did this?"
77. "Pay attention to me"
78. "Believe me you have no idea how much you mean to me"
79. "Dang someone french kiss me" "Okay let's go."
80. "May I have this dance?"
81. "I'm not going anywhere"
82. "Make a wish"
83. "Wanna maybe go out on Saturday or something?" "Sure!" "Wait what?"
84. "What time is it?" "It's loving times, now come here."
85. "See this? This is my hand." "Why are you holding mine?" "It's MY hand"
86. "I hate you"
87. "What are you looking at?"
88. "Don't take anything away from me anymore"
89. "It's so good to be home"
90. "I love you!" "..." "Say it back!"
91. "I'm gonna go have a long, warm bath" "There room for one more?"
92. "Did you just take a picture of me?"
93. "Comfortable there?"
94. "Is that my shirt?" "You just want an excuse to touch me."
95. "I don't want to be alone again"
96. "It'll always be you"
97. "So poetic" "I know, I got it from google"
98. "Please, I see the way you smile at him/her"
99. "Give me some sugar"
100. "Perfect. So perfect."
— 楽しい時間をお過ごしください!
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131 notes · View notes
bluesylveon2 · 3 years
My My, I Could Never Let You Go
Summary: Sasha Zoe just wants her dad to walk her down the aisle. There is only one problem: she doesn't know who her dad is! Sasha invites 3 men in hopes of finding out which one is her father. What could possibly go wrong?
Pairings: Levi x Hange, Sasha x Niccolo, and other background relationships
Disclaimer: This is a Levihan Mamma Mia au. This fanfic is inspired by Mamma Mia which is directed by Phyllida Loyd, written by Catherine Johnson, and uses music from the pop group ABBA. Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha
Author’s Note: NOW EDITED! This chapter and maybe the next few will include character background. I know the movie doesn’t include that, but I am! This story will have some added/deleted scenes from the movie. I hope you like it though! Also, the characters are in their Season 4 looks. The 104 group will be 20-21. Niccolo is 23. The adults:
Hange, Nanaba, Rico, and Mike - 43 | Levi - 45 | Erwin - 46 | Moblit - 40 | Pieck - 37 | Porco - 35
Yes, the adults are mostly in their 40′s, but look young. Let’s just go with it
I will try to keep a weekly or week and a half update depending on school. 
Now let’s move to the chapter where we meet a happy and engaged Sasha! 😁
Need to catch up? Catch up here!
Ch 1: Honey, Honey
Kalokairi, Greece
1 day before the wedding
Two passengers walk out of the docked ferry. Mikasa - the tall one with short jet black hair and dark brown eyes - was grabbing the rest of her stuff while her friend Historia - the shorter one with long blonde hair and blue eyes - searched for Sasha. It didn’t take Historia long to find her. Sasha wasn’t hard to find. Despite her wearing her brown hair in a ponytail and wearing casual clothes; she was running towards them at full speed. Sasha also held a small book with her. 
“OH MY GOSH! YOU ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!” Sasha screamed as she ran towards her friends on the dock. 
Mikasa Ackerman is half Japanese and half German. She originally lived in Rothenburg ob der Tauber in Germany but moved to Kalokairi after her parent’s death when she was a teenager. Mikasa’s parents dreamed of visiting the island one day when Mikasa was older. She used to sit on her mother’s lap as she told her about the island's beauty. After Mikasa’s parents died, her great aunt on her mother’s side reached out to her from Japan and provided Mikasa enough money to move to Kalokairi. Mikasa’s great aunt was unable to take care of Mikasa because of her old age, so Mikasa chose to live in Kalokairi to fulfill her parent’s dream. The only downside was that Mikasa lived alone. Her home is a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. It’s enough for a person, but Mikasa felt alone without her parents. It was where she met Eren Jaeger's family. Eren’s mom, Carla, often invited Mikasa to eat so she wouldn’t get lonely. Eren gave Mikasa a red scarf as she was leaving the Jaeger household. He claimed it was a gift, so she didn’t feel lonely. Mikasa, touched by the gift, started visiting the Jaeger family more, and she even met Eren’s freind, Armin. The Jaeger home became Mikasa’s second home, and Mikasa was not alone anymore. It changed after Historia moved the island. 
Historia Reiss came from Munich and ran to Kalokairi to get away from her family. She felt confined in her home when all she wanted was freedom. She had also learned the ugly truth behind her family name a week after moving in with her father, Rod Reiss. Her uncle, Uri, was the CEO of the Fritz company, a conglomerate in Germany with other branches across Europe. The company also did some shady business orchestrated by Rod, but it was hidden from the public. The only plus for Historia staying home was seeing sister, Freida, more often. 
The only downside of running away to another country was not knowing the language. Historia was walking around the island when she accidentally bumped into Mikasa. Mikasa noticed how lost Historia looked, so she invited her into her home. Historia spills her entire life story (including her real name) to Mikasa the moment Mikasa sat down in the chair in front of her to eat dinner. Historia was horrified after she finished her story. She just told her story to a stranger who is most likely going to kick her out. Historia flinched when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to find Mikasa looking down at her with a smile. Mikasa understands what it is like to be alone, so she invites Historia to stay in her home. The girls eventually lived together as roommates until they had to leave for their modeling careers. Mikasa and Historia have even walked in Milan Fashion Week. 
The home is still under Mikasa’s name (originally it was under her great aunt, but it went to Mikasa after her passing). The girls (and everyone in their friend group), use it when they stay on the island. The current inhabitants are Hanami and Mina since they were the first to arrive. Mikasa, Annie, Hitch, and Historia are the only girls from the group staying at the hotel. 
Historia also started going by her real name after an incident with the company. Rod went to prison and Freida became the new CEO. She and Freida keep in touch often via mail to make up for the lost time and update each other of their lives. Historia told Freida about her freinds, her new maternal figure (Hange), and her girlfriend, Ymir.
Sasha met Mikasa and Historia on the island in high school. Mikasa was with her friends, Eren and Armin when Sasha met her. They were often paired up for projects and events that their friendship happened naturally over time. Sasha met Historia when she gave her some bread after Sasha was caught eating in class. Mr. Shadis, their teacher, is really a strict man. He made Sasha run laps around the whole school as punishment. Sasha wouldn’t stop thanking Historia after that. 
“SASHA!!!!!!” Historia shoved her stuff towards Mikasa and began running towards Sasha. 
“MIKASAAAAA!!!! HISTORIA!!!!!!!!!” Sasha continued yelling before glomping Historia. Luckily Historia caught herself without falling into the water.
“And where is my hug?” Sasha heard behind Historia before looking up to see Mikasa smirking at her. Sasha opened one arm out to initiate a group hug.
Mikasa briefly put both her’s and Historia’s stuff down and joined in on the hug. 
“Ugh, it’s been so long! I missed you both so much!” Sasha complained dramatically as she let go of the girls. Mikasa and Historia grab their things and start heading towards the beach with Sasha. 
Sasha looked at the group and noticed someone was missing.
“Is Ymir not coming, Historia?” Sasha asked while tilting her head to the side.
“No,” Historia says sadly, thinking about her girlfriend as she looks down as she walks. “She has caught up with work lately and won’t be able to attend your wedding.” Historia looked up and smiled “She wanted me to tell you congrats on your engagement though.”
“Well we would have been here earlier, but someone” Mikasa glared at Historia “insisted on being fashionably late” Mikasa grumbled. She gave air quotes on the words fashionably late with her free hand. 
“Well are we?” Historia giggled. She waved her hand innocently while ignoring Mikasa’s last statement 
“No” Sasha laughed “Aunt Nanaba and Aunt Rico will be here later on today, and Aunt Pieck will be here tomorrow.”
Aunt Pieck is Sasha’s only known family member from her mom’s side. 
(Sasha also heard about a grandmother, but her mom never talks about her)
According to Hange, Pieck is Hange’s younger cousin. Hange’s mom and Pieck’s mom are sisters, but they weren’t that close. Hange’s mom was more focused on her singing career, and Pieck’s mom wanted to focus on her daughter. As a result, Hange would often visit Pieck’s house in Santorini. Pieck would tell her stories about Kalokairi during one of Hange’s visits. Pieck’s stories of Kalokairi sparked Hange’s interest in the island. Pieck is currently a photographer who lives in Portugal after marrying Porco Galliard. She met Porco after a photoshoot in Spain. 
Porco is a veteran from Portugal. His brother, Marcel, is also a veteran and he was in the same unit as Porco. Both brothers began traveling around Europe after finishing their service before settling down. One day, the brothers were in Valencia, Spain after hearing of the La Tomatina Festival in Bunol. Porco met Pieck during the festival after she threw a squashed tomato straight at his face. Porco had to face her alone (Marcel was somewhere deep in the crowd) and decided to get back at her. It was a battle between speed (Porco) and stamina (Pieck, Porco had no idea how Pieck was not getting tired). According to Aunt Pieck, it was like the others in the crowd didn’t matter to them. It was her vs Porco. The two got to learn more about each other after the festival ended, and they exchanged numbers. 
Sasha has not seen her Aunt Pieck since her high school graduation. Her aunt had moved to left Greece after marrying Porco, so her visits were less frequent. Nevertheless, Sasha enjoyed looking at the postcard and photos her aunt sends every year. Seeing her aunt and uncle’s happy faces puts a smile on Sasha’s face. She wishes her mom had a similar experience. 
“I knew we should’ve waited longer,” Historia complained to Mikasa and threw her arms up for dramatic effect.
“Yeah me too,” Mikasa says sarcastically and rolls her eyes.
“Speaking of guests, are the other girls here already?” Historia asks Sasha and looks around the beach expecting the others to magically appear before them.
“The other girls are here,” Sasha replies “Mina is hanging out with Marco, Hitch is dragging Marlowe around the island, Annie is on a date with Armin, and Hanami is probably trying not to kill Jean. She has been here longer and is working together with Jean on the wedding”
Hanami is a sweet but oblivious girl they had all met in high school. She is known for making rash decisions, and it worried them. Jean usually reprimands her for being rash, and Hanami would fight back verbally. She and Jean used to not get along before, but their friendship has improved over the years. Nowadays, the both of them just like messing with one another. 
“Let’s hope that your wedding does not end in disaster,” Mikasa says with a hint of worry in her voice.
Their friend, Hanami Richter, is Sasha’s maid of honor. She was born in Greece after her parents moved from Cambridge. She is both Japanese and German like Mikasa, but looks more European. Hanami has short dark brown hair, dark brown eyes,  and wears glasses. She looks like she could be Sasha’s long lost sister. (The girls switched places once, but Hange figured out ‘Sasha’ was not Sasha. Luckily Hange didn’t get mad, but she was impressed).  Hanami is currently attending the University of Vienna to study International Business Administration. 
“Oh!” Historia exclaimed in an attempt to change the subject “Show us your ring!”
Sasha laughed before stopping their walk to extend her left hand. She showed Historia the beautiful ring on her ring finger. The ring consisted of a 2-carat diamond glistened from the sunlight. The ring was not too over the top. It was a white gold ring with a diamond placed in the center surrounded by smaller diamonds to form a halo. 
Historia let out a whistle “Niccolo did really well! Let me take a picture and send this to Ymir. She was expecting a big diamond”
Niccolo is a young chef with wavy blonde hair and green eyes. Niccolo dreams of working as an executive chef after traveling the world. However, no one appreciated his cooking despite working in a famous restaurant. Sasha met him when she and her girl friends went on a summer trip to Italy. During the trip, the group decided to eat dinner at a well-known restaurant in Rome. Everyone, especially Sasha, was enjoying their meal until Sasha started eating her lobster. The girls will never forget how Sasha couldn’t stop complimenting the lobster that she wanted to meet the chef who made it. Niccolo was shocked when his co-worker mentioned what was going on outside the kitchen. Someone was actually appreciating his cooking and he moved them to tears! Niccolo had no choice but to agree. He wanted to meet this person. Surprisingly to the girls, the restaurant let her meet the chef, but only after closing time. Sasha was in tears as she hugged Niccolo, and Niccolo was shocked to see how his food affected her. (Niccolo never told Sasha, but it was love at first sight for him). They met again months later when Jean invited Niccolo over to Kalokairi to surprise Sasha. Sasha and Niccolo eventually started dating, and Niccolo proposed to her after 2 years of dating.
As Historia took some pics on her phone, Mikasa remembered what Sasha mentioned in their group chat before they arrived.
“Sasha, what’s the big news you mentioned a few days ago?”
“Right!” Sasha exclaimed and covered her mouth with her unoccupied hand “I want you guys to guess before the big reveal.”
Historia was pocketing her phone and let Sasha drop her hand back to the side. Historia let out a gasp. She put one hand on Sasha’s shoulder and the other on her stomach. 
“You're pregnant?!?!?!” Historia yelled
“No no no! You're wrong Historia.” Sasha laughed and held up both of her hands in front of her body
(Historia was relieved. Mikasa considered Niccolo lucky because won’t be sporting a black eye on his wedding day. She didn’t say that out loud)
“So what is it then Sasha?” Mikasa after the girls started walking again.
“Weeeellllllll. I invited my dad to my wedding!” Sasha screams with glee
“What?!” “You finally found him” Mikasa and Historia shouted at the same time and looked at Sasha
“Not exactly,” Sasha replied before sitting down on a rock down the beach with the girls. Their spot at least gave them some privacy to talk.
Suddenly, Sasha’s happy expression turned serious. “You also cannot tell anyone what I'm about to say. You have to promise me that and do the salute to it too?” 
“Yes ma'am. We promise” Mikasa and Historia said before facing Sasha and doing their salute. They put both of their hands in a fist. They placed their right fist over their heart and their left fist behind their backs. It was the secret salute their friend group came up with in high school. Mikasa and Historia sat down on some rocks across from Sasha after they did the salute.
“You know what my mom says when I ask about my father. It was a summer romance, and he was gone before she realized she was pregnant with me. I would accept it and never ask more questions.”
Historia put a hand on Sasha’s shoulder and gave her an empathetic smile. She understood where Sasha is coming from. Historia didn’t know much about her family as a child since she grew up with only her mom. She met them after her first year in high school, but it was not a pleasant experience, and she would rather choose to forget it (except for Freida). 
Mikasa also gave Sasha a smile before motioning with her hand to continue.
Sasha smiled at both of her friends. “Well guess what Hanami and I found while looking through the attic for wedding decorations,” Sasha says before pulling out a leather journal. It was a brown journal that looked worn and had a leather strap to seal the book closed. 
“Is that-?” Mikasa asked
“No way-” Historia began
“Yes!” Sasha squealed “It is my mom’s old diary she kept while she was pregnant with me.”
Sasha set the diary on her lap and opened it to one of the bookmarked pages. She began to read a journal entry. 
July 17
What a night! Levi took me to a secluded beach here on the island. We danced on the beach. We kissed on the beach and-
“Dot dot dot,” Sasha said
“Dot dot dot?” Mikasa asked with a perplexed look on her face.
“What does that mean?” Historia asked Sasha confused
“Who knows?” Sasha replied with a shrug “It’s from the olden times. They had weird terminology back then. Now let me continue.”
Sasha stood up abruptly and walked off from Mikasa and Historia. The girls quickly grabbed their things as they stood up and followed Sasha.
Levi is such an amazing guy! Yeah, he may be short, is always scowling, has a funny way to drink tea, and tells poop jokes, but he is such a sweetheart. He never shows it to others, but only me. Me! I get dizzy looking at his charm and going on new adventures with him. Is he some sort of a love machine? He's practically everything I want in a guy! I really think he's the one.
“Your mom sounds like she’s really in love with this Levi guy.” Mikasa comments (she also starts questioning Hange’s tastes in men. A guy who scowls and tells poop jokes? That baffled Mikasa.)
“I think it’s cute,” Historia says with hearts in her eyes and turns to Sasha “Is Levi your father?” 
“Oh but wait” Sasha stops walking on a cliff that overlooks the sea. She gestures to Mikasa and Historia to sit down before continuing.
All this time Levi tells me he loves me, but I’m doubting that now. He’s been hiding things from me, and I found out about it this morning. He suddenly announced that he was engaged, and had to leave to get married. 
How dare he?! I was too blinded by anger to think rationally. I packed Levi’s stuff, dragged Levi out of my house, and threw his stuff (and Levi) to the nearest ferry while demanding him to leave. I didn’t want to see him again, and I didn’t want him to see how heartbroken I was. 
“Oh no. Poor Hange” Historia says sadly. Mikasa didn’t say anything, but she scowled instead. 
“The plot thickens,” Sasha says and continues reading
I texted Nanaba and Rico to do some snooping for me since the internet can be weak here on the island. I gave them the information I knew about Levi and let them do the rest. Rico managed to find some things about Levi.
How dare he? He lied to me this whole time about his last name, how he is the heir of Ackerman Bank, and possibly his love for me? No wonder he was acting mysterious when we first met. I just want to-
Sasha stops abruptly. She looked at the page again to be sure she was reading it right. The page had her mother’s writing, but there were some scribbles and small crinkles. Sasha knew right away that her mother must have cried while writing the entry.
“There are multiple tear marks and some scribbles here” Sasha comments with a solemn expression on her face.
Historia and Mikasa looked at Sasha with sorrow. It seemed as if her mom went through a lot before she was born.
There was a moment of silence until Historia spoke up in an attempt to lighten up the mood. 
“At least your mom didn’t damage the diary, or we wouldn’t have any clue who your father is. Remember that time Eren and Connie accidentally knocked over that old vase at the hotel?”
All 3 girls shivered at the memory
“Well, at least the journal didn’t meet your mom’s wrath. We got lucky there.” Mikasa says with a small smile on her face
“Yeah” Sasha laughed. It’s rare for her mom to get angry. She has only seen her mother really angry once, and it was after the incident. Luckily, her mom never got mad at her. She showered her with love and affection instead. 
Sasha turned the page to another bookmarked section and looked to her friends sitting nearby. Historia looked as if she was in deep thought. Her arm was propped up on her knee and she rested her head on her fist. 
“Something on your mind Historia?” Sasha asked
Historia perked up at Sasha’s question. She then glanced at Mikasa and then the journal. Historia looked at Sasha.
“You said Levi’s last name is Ackerman, right? What if Mikasa is related to him?”
Historia gasped and turned to Mikasa with a gleeful look on her face “You and Sasha could be related! Wouldn’t that be fun?”
“I would rather not be related to Mr. Poop Jokes. He hurt Hange and he sounds like an asshole.” Mikasa scoffed and dismissed the idea. It would be nice to be related to Sasha, but not through Levi. 
Meanwhile, Sasha laughed when Historia’s smile turned into a pout. She and Mikasa are really close friends. It would be nice to at least have one of her friends be blood-related to her.
“Wait until you hear this,” Sasha says before standing up and walking away from their spot on the beach. She started heading towards the stairs along a cliff while reading at the same time. Mikasa and Historia stood up and followed her. They don’t want to miss the rest of the story if they let Sasha walk away.
Both of them sweatdropped as they ran towards Sasha
“I don’t understand why she needs to walk off from us. I get that she needs to guide us to the hotel, but couldn’t we have heard the story all in one sitting?” Historia says to Mikasa
Mikasa shrugs before jogging (and dragging Historia behind her) to catch up to Sasha. Luckily Mikasa is still athletic from high school, so it didn't take her long to catch up. 
August 4
I met Erwin Smith - a tall man with blond hair, blue eyes, and the biggest eyebrows I’ve ever seen. He looks like the star of the latest superhero movie - out of the blue when I was walking around town. He looked lost, so I offered to show him around the island. He’s such a sweet and understanding guy. Although I’m still obsessed with Levi, one thing led to another and-
“Dot. Dot. Dot” Sasha says laughing
Mikasa and Historia gasped as the girls made it towards the entrance of Hange’s hotel (aka Sasha’s home)
August 11
Mike Zacharias - a tall man with blonde hair, light green eyes, and has a tendency to sniff people - took me to his yacht for our nightly yacht ride. We spent the night gazing at the stars and telling stories. 
The girls climbed up the steps towards the hotel. Once they made it to the top, Sasha stopped and turned around to face Mikasa and Historia before finishing up her story. 
Mike is so wild and such a funny guy. One thing led to another and-
“Dot! Dot! Dot!” Sasha and Historia squealed at the same time. Mikasa watched her friends excitement with a smile on her face
A door opens behind the girls. Hange Zoe comes in with her full glory wearing her signature white shirt with overalls while carrying a broom. She sets it off towards a nearby wall.
“Here come the bridesmaids” Hange sang with her arms open for a hug
“Hange!” Mikasa and Historia say with excitement and run to get a hug and a kiss on the cheek from Hange. Sasha quickly hides the diary behind her back. She is thankful that her mom was focused on her friends instead of her.
“Look at you! You’re both so beautiful and you need to start growing” Hange ruffled their hair and laughed
“You look like you’re having fun” Hange smiled and gave them the proud look only a mother would give towards her children
“I used to have fun” she added with some reminiscence in her voice. She thought of the 3 men who impacted her life as she turned around to pick up her broom. 
“Oh, we know.” Historia giggles before Mikasa discreetly elbowed her to tell her to shut up.
Hange looked at the girls suspiciously and Sasha smiled before motioning to her friends that they needed to go. Hange shrugged before going back to the door she came from, leaving Sasha and the others alone.
The girls let out a sigh of relief before heading to Sasha’s room. Hopefully, no one else runs into them or it would raise suspicion.
Sasha walked towards her bed and sat down once they made it to her room. Mikasa and Historia set their stuff off to the side and stood in front of Sasha.
“So, who is your dad? Levi, Erwin, or Mike?” Mikasa asked
“I don’t know!” Sasha exclaims 
“But which one did you invite?” Historia asked
Sasha didn’t answer and stayed silent. Historia and Mikasa picked up on her silence and immediately knew
“Oh. My. God.” they said while simultaneously stepping back and sitting down on a nearby chest
Sasha squealed as she stood up. A big smile grew on her face 
“Do they know?” Historia asked
“Well, would you write to a total stranger ‘Will you come to my wedding? You might be my father?’ No! They think mom sent the invites and no surprise with what’s in here-” 
Sasha picks up the diary from her bed
“They said yes!” Sasha squealed causing Historia and Mikasa to jump up with glee
The girls proceed to have an impromptu dance party in Sasha’s room to celebrate. They danced around for a bit but stopped after Sasha decided to head out to her balcony with her mom’s diary. Mikasa and Historia stayed behind and sat down on Sasha’s bed. They wanted to give her space to think about everything so far.
“I’ve heard so much about them, and I want to know more about them too,” Sasha says softly to herself. She glances down at the diary and smiles “Once I do, I can know how much they mean to me.”
Skiathos, Greece
1 day before the wedding
Two taxis were heading to the Skiathos port. Both taxis were trying to reach the ferry before it left for Kalokairi. 
Erwin sat calm and composed with his business suit, but he was nervous on the inside. How would Hange react to his sudden appearance? What would she say? Is she still with the other man? He can feel the timer to the meeting counting down in his head. “If only the taxi went a bit faster,” Erwin thought to himself. 
Meanwhile, in another taxi, sat Levi. He was starting to get impatient. Levi cursed his luck before putting his pocket watch back in his shirt pocket. He would have been on Kalokairi a lot earlier if the 1 stop of the flight didn’t take too long. Levi leaned forward to tell the driver to speed up, but it seemed as if the ride to the port was too slow (in Levi’s opinion). 
As Levi sat back, he dug into the pocket of his slacks for a small blue pouch. He untied the knot and dumped whatever was inside the pouch onto his palm. A simple yellow gold ring with a diamond fell out. Levi bought that ring weeks after coming back from Kalokairi and settling his family drama. It was kind of a dumb purchase if Levi thought really hard into it. He broke Hange’s heart and she kicked him out. It’s simple, really. Hange would not say yes if he had returned to Kalokairi and proposed to her. 
Nevertheless, Levi thought yellow gold would look good on Hange’s skin because it reminded him of the yellow shirt she wore when they met. He only kept it because of the memories they had, and Levi will always treasure it. Levi puts the ring back in the pouch and pockets it. He doesn’t see himself opening it again if Hange decides to kick him out for a second time. 
Both taxis make it to the port, and both Levi and Erwin run towards the ferry only to see it leaving.
“Damn it!” Levi yells
“I agree,” Erwin calmly says next to him
Levi looks up to find a tall man with blond hair and the biggest eyebrows he had ever seen, He didn’t notice Erwin’s presence until he spoke. Levi looked at him. He internally prayed to himself that he would make it to the wedding on time and see Hange. 
“When is the next ferry leaving?” Levi asks Erwin. Levi didn’t know much Greek since Hange was the one who helped him before. He hoped the blonde stranger at least knew something
Erwin walks towards the nearest sign and reads it using basic Greek he learned years prior 
“Monday,” Erwin says dejectedly and Levi groans in frustration
“Hey!” they hear from the sea and turn their heads
They both see a tall, blond-haired man with a mustache and a beard waving to them from a yacht. There was another man with him who looked like he was doing last-minute preparations before sailing. 
“Are you heading to Kalokairi?” the man asks Levi and Erwin
“How did you know?” Levi yells. The man is a good distance away from him after all.
The man laughs “I could practically smell the desperation off of you”  Erwin’s face turns red from embarrassment. Levi scowled
“You can come with me. The name’s Mike Zacharias by the way. That man over there” He points to a guy with brown hair styled in a pompadour “That’s Gelgar. He’s been taking care of my yacht since I was away. He can help bring us to the island.”
“Sure,” Erwin spoke up. “My name is Erwin Smith. He then raised a hand and gestured to Levi 
“This is-”
“Levi Ackerman” Levi finishes for Erwin. Levi revealed his last name to them unlike when he first met Hange. Luckily both men didn’t make any connections between him and his family business.
Mike turned to Erwin “Well then, Erwin.” He turned to Levi “and Levi. You better hurry up and board the yacht soon. We are heading to Kalokairi once you are settled.” Mike said and walked off to check on everything with Gelgar
Levi sighed. He had no choice. He might as well go with Erwin and Mike since Mike is his only hope of reaching Kalokairi on time. 
Meanwhile, Erwin recognized Mike after many years. He had some physical differences but didn’t look much different overall. Erwin knew that Mike was the man Hange was with when he came back to see her. 
There is only one question that kept playing in Erwin’s head. Is Mike still with Hange?
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©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish
References used/Notes:
Obviously the salute used in the military
Sasha having the girls salute is a nod to OVA 2 where she makes Reiner do it
Some inspiration from both Mikasa and Historia’s backstories
Hanami is my OC from AOT 2 FB (I posted what she looks like on my Tumblr bluesylveon2)
I added more characters because I want Sasha to have more friends in her bridal party
Levi being the heir of Ackerman Bank is based on list I found of big businesses in Germany. Two were based in Frankfurt and were only banking, hence the name
But Levi owns a cafe in the Prologue? Will be explained later
Sasha and Niccolo’s first meeting is from the recent episode
I decided for Porco to be Portuguese because Porco means pig in Portugese
I’ve heard of La Tomatina and it looks like fun
I base the character nationalities on names/some reddit posts. I saw one where Pieck was Greek so I added that to her character
I picked Santorini because it’s a city I want to visit one day. Also Sootopolis (from Pokemon) is based off of there
Hange’s diary is the same journal as the one seen in AOT (Ilse’s notebook and AOT 2 FB)
The ‘Erwin from a superhero movie’ is because of Chris Evans
Hange is canonically the scariest when mad. I tried to portray this with Levi’s backstory and the vase incident 
I added the ring scene with Levi for future purpose
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elysian-drops · 3 years
Sorry to ask, but this has been bugging me. In Chapter 46, Tom mentions Dorea went to Hogwarts with him, but she was a 7th year when he entered. My question is how could this be? Assuming that Dorea would have been born in 1920, the earliest she could have had a kid (Henry) was 1937. Since James Potter was born in 1960, that makes the existence of Fleamont Potter impossible since the earliest he could have been born was 1954. So shouldn't it have been Henry who Tom went to Hogwarts with?
Hi there!
No worries, I can understand the confusion if you’re looking at the canon timeline! However, Appetence operates under a slightly different one than the canon does since it’s an AU. I’ve intentionally never assigned concrete dates to anyone’s birth-year (apart from Tom’s but that was to keep the World Wars/Depression intact); not even Harri’s birth-year is explicitly stated nor do any of the newspaper articles indicate the current date. This was mostly done because the canon has some conflicting events in its timeline that would have been a headache to iron out.
As for who went to school with whom in the Appetence universe, Tom would have gone to school with Dorea for a short amount of time! She was in her last year when he entered into his first (so about a 6 year age gap between them) which means he would have graduated long before Henry turned 11 (though, in my headcanon, Henry was home-schooled in an attempt to keep his existence further hidden). From this, we can roughly approximate when characters who were Tom's peers were born but anything after that generation has no assigned birthdate.
In terms of Fleamont, again there’s no mention of a specific birth-year in Appetence but I like to imagine Henry married young.
Hopefully, that helps a bit! The bottom line is that there are no firm “this is the year when so and so was born” in the Appetence universe to keep the timeline from becoming too murky or from bogging down the story.
Thanks for the ask! 💕
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victory-red · 3 years
why tōya being the oldest todoroki sibling makes no (or very little) sense.
Warning: Manga spoilers. Long post ahead - big paragraphs, lots of reading, and at least one (1) rabbit trail.
So I know this is old news, but I’ve been meaning to make a post about it for a little while now. I know a lot of people already headcanoned that Tōya was the oldest Todoroki sibling even before it was officially confirmed, but it just never really made sense to me, particularly in regard to Enji’s timeline. And then, after Chapter 291 came out, it made even less sense.
(A couple of quick disclaimers, before I continue: I’m not trying to pass anything off as fact. My conclusions are simply opinions based on observations I’ve made. I’ll also note that there are definitely gaps in what information we do officially have, so there is still a chance that what seems to me like a fairly significant plothole will eventually be explained.)
I’ll start with Enji - more specifically, his current confirmed age in relation to Fuyumi’s, who is the oldest Todoroki sibling whose age we do officially know. As of the current manga arc, Enji is 46 years old, and Fuyumi is 23. Since Enji’s birthday is in early August and Fuyumi’s in early December, that means that Enji was a little over 23 years old when he and Rei had Fuyumi.
From what we know of Enji’s history and personality, that seems like a reasonable age for him to have started having kids. He said in Ch. 165 that he became Number Two at age 20, at which point he immediately realized that he wasn’t ever going to be able to surpass All Might on his own. He said that it was because of this realization that he passed the torch (no pun intended) to Shōto. But, Shōto wouldn’t be born until a decade later. So, it makes sense to me that this would be the point that Enji decided it would be best to instead try having a child that could surpass All Might. In other words, it makes sense that this would be the catalyst that led to Shōto’s birth.
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The most recent information we got regarding Enji and Rei’s relationship in Ch. 291 seems to be just a bit conflicting with how Shōto had described things back in Ch. 31 - unlike Shōto’s account, Ch. 291 sort of implied that Enji did care for Rei to some capacity, at least early in their marriage. (How he’s been portrayed in flashbacks recently is actually very conflicting with flashbacks from earlier chapters, and even with his entire personality in earlier chapters. But I won’t get into that - we’ll just make the assumption that Shōto’s story was biased, because it probably was.)
Since he essentially bought Rei’s family off, it only makes sense that he would have to grow to care for her over a period of time - you know, maybe like a year or two. I’m not sure how long the entire Quirk Marriage process took, but factoring in the 9 or so months Rei had to carry Fuyumi before she was born, it makes sense that after Enji’s realization upon attaining the Number Two title, the entire process of creating the plan of having hyper-powerful children, finding a suitable partner, buying her family off, marrying her, and having their first child would take anywhere between two to three years. That would mean that he was 20 when the process started, 22 when Rei got pregnant, and 23 when Fuyumi was born. Boom.
(Frankly, even that timeframe seems a bit compressed to me, but since Enji’s and Fuyumi’s ages are both canonically set in stone, I have no choice but to work with it.)
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Tōya canonically being older than Fuyumi begins to screw a lot with the timeline - especially taking into consideration what the implied age gap between them is. I unfortunately can’t find where (or if) this is explicitly stated in the manga, but the wiki says that most Quirks develop around the age of 4. Now, it’s entirely possible that Tōya was born with his Quirk, but given Rei’s constitution, I highly suspect that there would have been severe complications with both her pregnancy and Tōya’s birth. It also makes sense that if he had developed his Quirk at an exceptionally young age, there would have been some note made of it. But since neither of those things are mentioned to have happened, we’ll just assume he was between 3 and 4½ years old when his Quirk manifested.
I don’t know how long afterward it took for Enji and Rei to decide to have another baby, but I can’t imagine that the decision took any longer than several months. I’ll be conservative and say that they decided no longer than a few months after Tōya’s Quirk developed, because remember - Enji literally, canonically cannot be any older than 23 when Fuyumi was born. Jumping 9 months forward from that time, Tōya would most likely have been between 4 and 5 years old when Fuyumi was born.
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Now I will note that in the top panel, Tōya looks to me to be between 4 and 6 years old, which was presented as being before Fuyumi’s birth. But in the lower one, where he’s crawling over to look at baby Fuyumi (or at least I think that’s what’s happening? It’s a bit dark to tell for certain), he looks a lot younger - in fact, he doesn’t even look to have the white streak in his hair yet. But given how it’s explained that Enji and Rei even came to the decision to have Fuyumi at all, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense contextually. But, I’ll let it be and just assume that the manga didn’t present those panels chronologically. It could also be the zoomed-out view that makes Tōya seem smaller. Either way, I’m overanalyzing, and that’s sort of off-topic, anyway.
Okay, I think that’s all the setup I need to finally get to the meat of my argument, which I will start with this: If Tōya is anywhere between 4 and 5 years older than Fuyumi, that means that Enji was anywhere between 18 and 19 years old when Tōya was born.
In any other situation, that might make sense, but here’s the thing: it’s already been established, or at least very heavily implied, that Enji didn’t even consider the possibility of having children to surpass All Might until he attained his Number Two status, which as I’ve already mentioned happened when he was 20. Even if Tōya was only 3 years older than Fuyumi, which doesn’t make much sense because he would then have had to develop his Quirk at age 2 or younger, that still would mean that he was conceived before Enji even became Number Two.
If that doesn’t make sense to you, think of it this way: If Enji was between 18 and 20 years old when Tōya was born, that would mean that Tōya would have been conceived when Enji was 17 at the youngest - still a student, unless he graduated early. Regardless, that also implies he would have had to create his elaborate plan to beat All Might, as well as find and marry Rei, before he even graduated secondary school. Given what information we have from canon, that just does not make any semblance of sense.
As compelling that argument alone may or may not be, there are others to support it as well. Let’s consider what that implies for the age gaps between Tōya and the other Todoroki siblings. If he’s 3-5 years older than Fuyumi, that means he’s roughly 7-9 years older than Natsuo and 10-12 years older than Shōto. That would mean, if Shōto were between 5 and 6 years old in the following panels, Tōya would be anywhere between 15 and 18 years old. Fuyumi would be between 10 and 13, and Natsuo would be between 8 and 11.
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While I understand that Tōya inherited Rei’s slight constitution, puberty usually begins for boys around 12 or 13 years old (although to my understanding it often starts later in Asian boys), so Tōya would likely have already begun to go through his growth spurt by this age. Even assuming that Natsuo had started going through his own growth spurt, Tōya still has 7-9 years on him - so the chances that Natsuo had this much height and mass on him are pretty slim. I might be able to buy Tōya being 15 years old in those panels, but I find even that a bit of a stretch.
And finally, let’s talk about how old Tōya was when he “died.”
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Assuming that the second panel is the most recent (halfway decent) photo the Todorokis have of Tōya before his “death,” I’m inclined to agree with the people who have pointed out that his clothes resembled a junior high school uniform, similar to what Midoriya and Bakugō were seen wearing in the story’s earliest chapters and episodes. Junior high school in Japan is attended by students between the ages of 12 and 15, roughly - so it’s safe to assume that Tōya was no older than 15 years old when he “died.” However, I will note that given how Horikoshi draws most of the 15-year-old male characters in the story, he does look younger than that to me. I am keeping in mind that Tōya was mentioned to have had a slight build - even as Dabi, he still does - so there is the possibility that my conclusions there aren’t accurate.
If Tōya was 12 when he “died,” Shōto would probably not have any memories of him at all - at the time of his “death,” he would have been anywhere between 2 years old and a newborn. It’s implied in the manga and the anime that Tōya disappeared sometime after Rei burned Shōto’s face, which undoubtedly happened after Enji had begun to train him - so, likely well after he had turned 5. In the somewhat unlikely event that his face was burned while he was still 5 years old, Tōya would have been between 15 and 18 years old, as mentioned above. If it had happened when Shōto was 7, he would have been between 17 and 20, and so on. Going with the junior high school uniform theory, which honestly seems rather plausible, he essentially cannot have “died” after age 15 - so, more than likely, he would have been gone before Shōto even began his training. Obviously, this is disproven by the soccer panel in Ch. 39.
Honestly, I don’t know how else to say it - no matter how I angle it, it just does not make sense to me, canonically, that Tōya is the eldest Todoroki sibling. There’s a lot of information stacked up against it, and though I’ve mulled over it for a bit now, I can’t actually think of a scenario in which it actually is a logical conclusion.
TL;DR: Tōya being the oldest Todoroki doesn’t make sense in light of information we have regarding Enji’s timeline as well as previous images we’ve seen in the manga and anime.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
1. What is one thing you will never do again? Watch The Hours. Film itself is great, but is way too triggering.
2. Would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy? I’d take happiness easily. It’s not bad for the most part to make mistakes and I’d rather be too clumsy than be altogether miserable.
3. What happened the last time you cried? It was the day of what would’ve been our anniversary and at that moment I was alone in my car at a parking lot (waiting for the office to open) on a gloomy day. I just had to cry and let my feelings out for like 5 minutes to accept everything but I was immediately fine afterwards, haha. Grief can be funny.
4. What happened the time in your life when you were the most nervous to do something? My first job interview. It was my first adult thing ever. They never got back to me - very professional of them - but I was still grateful for the experience nonetheless.
5. What would your parents be surprised to learn about you? That I was in a whole ass relationship for technically 6 1/2 years. They probably have an inkling by now, but only about me being in a relationship. I’m sure they would be very surprised if they ever found out how long it had actually gone for.
6. What’s your worst habit? I pick at my toenails when I’m nervous or stressed. I tend to do this when I’m doing a work task that I particularly dread, and sometimes I’ll end up being fixated on the habit for like 10 minutes straight and not get anything done.
7. What superpower would you have for one day? Time travel, just to take quick trips to multiple decades and see how life was like during those times.
8. What fictional character do you have the biggest crush on? Matty from 13 Going on 30 would be one of them. Albert Finney’s character in Two for the Road is also charming as fuck.
9. Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world? If money wasn’t an issue, probably somewhere cozy in like Switzerland or Canada.
10. What is your most bizarre pet peeve? Not necessarily a pet peeve but I get extremely uncomfortable when someone hands me a gift then they insult the gift while in front of me, saying it’s not a great gift or that I probably don’t need it, etc. Filipinos also have this habit of saying something along the lines of, “You earn way more than me so you’d probably think this gift sucks” like how do you want me to react :(((((( I love receiving gifts and the idea of being thought about already means a lot to me, so it just makes me wince a little bit when I hear statements like the above.
11. Who knows you the best? Gabie, probably. I’ve changed a lot since then, though.
12. What after school activities did you do in high school? Clubs were mandatory extracurricular activities in my high school; in my time, I joined the table tennis and yearbook clubs.
13. What “most likely to” superlative would you be most honored to receive? Idk, we didn’t have those in school. I probably would have been honored to get a journalism-themed one though; something like Most Likely To Write for NYT or Most Likely to Win a Pulitzer or something like that. Obviously that’s changed now and I’ve long let go of journalism as a passion.
14. What’s the last book you really loved? I haven’t read in a long, long while.
15. What was the greatest television show of all time? I don’t watch a lot of TV so I’m not the most credible decision-making body for this lol, but out of all the shows I’ve watched the best one would easily be Breaking Bad.
16. What’s been your favorite age so far? 16. Life was insanely easygoing back then and everything fell into place for me at the time.
17. If you could go back in time, what is one piece of advice you would give your younger self? Know when it’s enough. Be kind to yourself.
18. What one thing would you be most disappointed if you never got to experience it? Have kids.
19. Apologize or ask permission? I don’t understand the relationship between the two.
20. Unlimited love or money? I would love to never have to worry about finances ever again.
21. If you knew you would die in one week, what would you do? Take a week-long leave for work, spend all my money, bond with my dogs, throw a party for my closest friends, and honestly, make my peace with her.
22. What’s your most listened to song? Spotify doesn’t show that feature, but I bet it’s from Paramore or Hayley anyway. It would be impossible to know my most-listened to song of all time, like if we took into account my Spotify, iTunes, etc.
23. Beach vacation or European vacation? I need a beach vacation badly, but a European vacation would be a new and different experience. I’d take the latter.
24. If you could have been a child prodigy what would you have wanted to be skilled at? Playing the piano.
25. What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Depends on how much I won lmao. I’d probably retire this early if the money was big enough since I’m pretty stingy anyway. But generally, I would like to pay off whatever bills my parents are currently paying for, get back the car that we had to sell because of the pandemic, and maybe go for a solo vacation or five heheh.
26. What celebrity would you trade lives with? Kylie Jenner, for a day. Just so I can briefly have a taste of how being that rich is like.
27. If you were a performing artist, what would you title your first album? Nope.
28. What story do your friends still give you crap about? Staying with Gab despite the red flags that glared for four whole years is one of them. Angela will also never let go of that one time I tried some kind of fruit juice in high school and I described it as ‘packs a punch.’ It’s understood as a super Westernized idiom where I live and literally no one uses it in a casual sentence, so it was a hit with her and now we use ‘packs a punch’ whenever we want to describe something awesome or surprising.
29. If earth could only have one condiment for the rest of time, what would you pick to keep around? Mayonnaise and I will die on this mayonnaise-coated hill.
30. What is the ideal number of people to have over on a Friday night? Ideally? At this point? Like 20. I would love for that to be the case on the first Friday we can consider the Philippines COVID-free.
31. What was the worst age you’ve been so far? Sorry for yet another incoming Paramore reference but they literally have a lyric that goes, “22 is like, the worst idea that I have ever had.” Before turning 22 I used to think it was a weird line, like how could 22 possibly be unenjoyable? Now I’m 22 in a pandemic going through a rough breakup and I can’t even see my friends nor work in my first workplace ever.
32. What is your weirdest dealbreaker? If they wanted only cats as pets. I can deal with a dog and a cat, I guess; but cats were never fond of me so I feel like I’d struggle with this situation lol.
33. What fictional character reminds you most of yourself? Mr. Peanutbutterrrrrrr. Has a lot of love to give, doesn’t always use it on the right people. Also lives on pleasing others.
34. Do you believe in karma? Just to a tiny extent, in how I would want people’s awful actions to come bite them in the ass one day. It’s not a philosophy that controls my life and the things I do whatsoever.
35. What was your favorite TV show as a kid? My absolute favorite was Hi-5, with the original cast. As I got older my interests shifted to Spongebob and The Fairly OddParents.
36. What is the weirdest thing you find attractive in a person? I don’t think it’s weird, but I don’t hear thighs too often when people list down their favorite physical traits. It’s certainly one of mine.
37. What Jeopardy! category would you clear, no problem? A Friends-themed one, obviously. This reminds me of the Jeopardy night I had with some friends a few nights ago! That was so much fun, and Andi makes really great and fun questions hahaha.
38. What is something you’re superstitious about? I don’t think I am about anything.
39. What is the scariest experience you have ever had? Maybe that night my grandpa went into a drunk rampage. I was 9, right in his line of sight, frozen and scared shitless, and I didn’t know who he was going to strike next.
40. Who is a non-politician you wish would run for office? I never really think about this. If someone’s a non-politician then there must be a reason they aren’t, lol.
41. What cheesey song do you have memorized? Little Things by One Direction is very cheesy and it’s one of my least favorite songs of theirs, but I still have it memorized out of habit.
42. What one dead person would you most like to have dinner with, if it were possible? My great-grandpa died all the way back in the 70s, even before some of my aunts and uncles could meet him. It would be cool to spend time with him.
43. Do you think it’s important to stay up to date with the news? Yeah, absolutely. I have the stomach for it lol, so I always monitor what’s happening locally and globally. Skipping the news from time to time is fine because I get how anxiety-inducing and depressing some events can be, but there’s a huge difference between ignoring the news for your mental health and being indifferent altogether. I’d immediately judge anyone who’s the latter, and would assume you are incredibly privileged.
44. What is the best present you could ever receive? My money refunded -____________- I had food delivered to my director, Bea’s house as a surprise earlier today, but apparently I ran into a scammer driver and the fucker drove away with the meal I had bought for Bea. I reported the driver and the situation, and thankfully the customer service rep of the food delivery app quickly responded and said they’d return the full amount I paid for; but I still haven’t received it.
45. Would you give up one of your fingers if it meant you’d have free wifi wherever you go, for the rest of your life? No. Mobile data exists for a reason.
46. What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day? Check out my voice.
47. If someone told you you could give one person a present and your budget was unlimited–what present would you get and for whom? I’d love to surprise Angela with an overseas trip that would last for like a month. Traveling is one thing we have yet to do as best friends.
48. What is the nicest thing someone could say about you? Nothing particular, but it makes me happy when people call me strong and when they validate the shit I’ve gone through over the years.
49. Giant house in a subdivision or tiny house somewhere with a view? I would take the giant house. When it comes to my own place, I would want to have a lot of space to roam around.
50. What is the weirdest quirk your family has? Nothing is coming to mind.
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Justice League Dark #12 : Diana, Bruce and the Dragon
With my previous post about “DCeased #6″ I showed how Diana cared deeply for Bruce now a little bit of the reverse ... plus a little more of their similarities.
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(Edit from DC Comics Rebirth Justice League Dark #12)
Underneath the Hall of Justice ... If we take a better look at the Great Skeleton in the Background ... especially his weird head structure...
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(Edit from DC Comics Rebirth Justice League Dark #12 and “JLA:A League of One”)
It reminded me of the Dragon Diana killed a long time ago : Drakul Karfang
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(DC Comics JLA: A League of One from 2000 )
and if you add the Weapon stands and its subterranean location ... this is Diana’s version of the “Batcave Trophy room”. We’ll take a peak at the “JLA : League of one” later, for now back to “Justice League Dark” :
This part is actually a side story in the Issue #12 showing us the past... the moment the creation of the “Justice League Dark”  was decided :
Diana wants to have a Talk with the other Great Seven of the JL to get their approval for the creation of a New JL Team. Through the different Pics it is made Obvious that Bruce stays in the distance of Diana and the others... He doesn’t say a word ... something’s Up ... something more important then a meeting to create a Justice League to protect innocents from Magical threats ?!? ...
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(Edit from DC Comics Rebirth Justice League Dark #12)
Diana : “..a covert team that works in the dark...”. Covert team ... Fighting in the Dark ... That’s already so much “Batman !” ..
Of course Diana doesn’t have any problem convincing them ... they are SO easy ! ... except one ... someone who stayed silently behind. The Amazon princess surely noted this since the beginning of the meeting but didn’t make a comment. Instead she waits for the both of them to be alone afar from prying ears... This seems so natural that you get the feeling this isn’t the first time they do it. They don’t need words, they just know. These two definitively share a connection apart from the rest of their friends.
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(Edit from DC Comics Justice League Dark #12 and DC Holiday Special from 2017)
As soon as they started their little talk, I couldn’t help but recall their chat about their relationship with Darkness in the DC Holiday Special 2017 “Solstice” story and how they both needed to guard against being consumed by it (An amazing little story for the two from Greg Rucka). Again we are reminded how close, how similar, once you get deeper into their souls, once you cut off their visible differences Night and Day, Female and Male, Science and Magic, Godlike power and Genius Intelligence... Differences that, in the end, are nothing else then complements.
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(Edit from DC Comics Justice League Dark #12)
Diana understands Bruce is more concerned then she expected, ... even afraid ! Batman afraid ? what the hell can frighten the Dark Knight ? ... At first, it looks like his fear is about instigating a “Crisis-Level events” of Magic ... but then ...
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(Edit from DC Comics Justice League Dark #12)
Bruce : "...Why spearhead this yourself ? There are dozen heroes...”  Damned ! that’s a very interesting statement.
If Batman’s fear was only about instigating a crisis level event why would he want a random other Hero to lead this Dark Justice League ? ... Choosing another Hero to lead that team wouldn’t prevent these kinds of events to happen and ... Leaving the fate of everything in the hands of a Rookie instead of Wonder Woman ?! No chance Batman would prefer that ! ...
Plus , lets face it, there is NO way Batman would have kept his mouth shut during a JL meeting if he was against the “JL Dark” or “afraid” it could lead to a crisis level event fo Magic. On the contrary he would have said it and made sure every one around the meeting’s table wets his pants, especially Clark who is easily affected by magic. This alone proves he already approved this new team ahead of the meeting.
This is about Diana leading the team.
But what does he really fear with her as the leader ?
Some have suggested he doesn’t trust her ... no, that’s definitively not it. He trust her to lead the main JL team on the Battle field (recent exp: Dark Nights Metal #1). He trusts her to protect Gotham (recent exp:Trinity #14). He trust her even if she loses her powers (recent exp: Batman #39 - #40), or is blinded(recent exp: Trinity #17). He proved that countless of times. Hell !, they passed 37 years in Gehenna with only each other to lean on. This isn’t about trust !
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(Edit from DC Comics Justice League Dark(2018) #12)
Issue 12 is the 5th part of the “the Lords of Orders” story line and the Justice League Dark team has to embrace Dark Magic and Chaos to stop the Lords of Order (currently gone mad). To do that Diana and her team must become the “Lords of Chaos” for some time...Enough Darkness to taint, or destroy, the souls of most other Heroes... Actually the whole “JLD” series circles around : Diana, Magic and Darkness ...
Now I think it is time to remember the beginning of their exchange in the Hall of Justice : 
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Bruce : “Darkness can change a person” ... that’s what they really talk about.
More than everything, Bruce is afraid the Darkness this team will endure may change Diana. Very few times in his life he was so very very selfish : He said it himself, he doesn’t understand Magic, so he can’t lead that team but he would rather risk any other competent Hero being tainted and consumed in Darkness than Diana... that’s an unusual statement for him ... sacrificing someone else just to keep her safe ?... This gives us a good Idea what she really means to him.
I guess that same reason is why she won’t ask him to join the team even though they both traveled side by side thru numerous worlds of Magic (Tir Na Nog, Gehenna, Skartaris, ... to name only a few during Rebirth) and his IQ would be a great asset even against Magic (see : Trinity #14).  But She’d rather have another Brain exposed to Darkness with her then him.
And if You have still doubts that Diana and Bruce are the two opposite sides of the same coin, the same soul split in two bodies ... here’s “striking fear in the heart of her enemies” ... the Dark Princess ... XD
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(Edit from DC Comics Justice League Dark #12)
Now, ... a little sneak peek into “JLA: A League of One” (2000) (the Book where I think the Dragon’s skeleton is from) about Diana’s contingency plans.
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Just enough to reveal that it was the first time Diana used ...some kind of contingency plans to bring down or neutralize every one in the Justice League except Superman whom she could only “distract” for a short time. That would explains why she had a plan to kill Superman rather than neutralize him as revealed in DCeased #6... Anyway, her plans worked perfectly including the one for Clark/Kal. Only one plan failed back then...
We are in 2000 !! ... the same year we learn about Batman’s contingencies in the JLA’s “Tower of Babel”.
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(Edit from DC Comics JLA : League of One in 2000)
So about the contingency plans ... I was wrong,... Bruce didn’t rub off on her as I first thought ... she already had it in her !! ... She really is in the other side of the coin with Bruce on it.
Now I’m starting to think she was just mad at Bruce when she voted him out in JLA(1997) #46 because his plans to neutralize her worked perfectly, while hers for him didn’t ... mean girl !... XD
Since the beginning of the “League of One” story he could read Diana like an open book, and looked thru her Lies when everyone else in the JL just accepted them. The others are really so easy... At least the fight between the stubborn Diana and Bruce is way more real and entertaining than the ones in “The Hiketeia”. Still Bruce doesn’t use a contingency against her. He knows why she does all this : to protect her friends from the JL. So he only wants to stall her long enough to convince her that she is wrong. But if you’re facing Diana in a fight that’s far from enough and the Win goes to the Warrior Princess.
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(Edit from DC Comics JLA : League of One in 2000)
Another thing that Diana learns in that story is that even without Powers he is way harder to defeat then she expected ... and last but not least ...she destroyed the Dragon but is still alive after that ...dammit, that annoying man is always right even about prophecies ! ...
Early stories like this one show why Diana interests matured and moved slowly from the shining Man of Tomorrow to the secretive Dark Knight. Explaining what was resumed in Trinity (2008) #6 about her romantic preference between the two.
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puhpandas · 3 months
(not the same anon)
matpat said Gregory "may not be as innocent as we all hoped/wished he'd was" when discussing the GGY book
to be fair, he said "WAS a villain", so my guess is that Gregory did some really bad stuff in the past but has moved on from it. then again, we don't know how much it affects the current events of the story.
he said "Not AS innocent" so I think Gregory is a morally gray at least and is staying there for the rest of the story. Not guilty, not innocent, iykwim
it does seems like the robot theory has been completely debunked tho
and no, he can't tell us anything directly, he can't even say how much he knows. Not even the Game Theory team knows lmao
everything is on "FNAF Is FINALLY Solved?!" GTLIVE, skip to minute 17 onwards when he starts talking about it
thank you anon you're a godsend🙏 this rlly helps me get a better understanding.
so I'm personally going to take this as us being in the same position. we all know Gregory is morally grey because of the animatronics + the possibility that he dropped cassie, that's no secret. but also ggy would make him not as innocent as the games show him lol. ggy/dr rabbit would still be a huge reveal in the games since it hasnt been shown and only implied in a book. I think we're safe
if Gregory WERE to have been just evil on his own, it would contradict with the cutout of him comforting cassie and when he cried over Freddy and hugged him and when he saved vanessa. so my thinking is that in that scenario he would be like Thomas from the maze runner. he would have been bad voluntarily and then gotten memory loss that wiped his brain and then become good voluntarily. not a bad character per se but I dont think it's right for Gregory. him being glitchtrapped explains and makes sense for literally every part of his story so I think that's still the case :)
like in Freddy in space Gregory was a boss that threw discs at you, so like. clear patient 46 reference there, but my point would be that hes framed as a villain like vanny is, and vanny wasnt even truly a villain because everyone knew she was secretly unwilling/mind controlled. that's changed now since the killer rabbit alter egos are now separate entities from people like vanessa, but my point still stands
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hgfstreamchats · 4 years
The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking
thenightetc 09:02 PM Sliding in early so I can listen for it to start (since tumblr's been messing around leaving stuff off my dash again 🙃 )
highglossfinish 09:39 PM Hello there!
highglossfinish 09:41 PM Once everyone gets here, we can actually decide which Pippi Longstocking iteration is the worst.
thenightetc 09:44 PM Hello!
thenightetc 09:44 PM I... have only read the books!  I haven't seen anything else.
highglossfinish 09:44 PM I've seen nothing of them, absolutely nothing.
thenightetc 09:45 PM I'm sure this will be magical.
thenightetc 09:46 PM Hmmm, it still has the "nobody is sharing" fox
thenightetc joined the party.
highglossfinish 09:49 PM Oh yes, that's on my end.
highglossfinish 09:49 PM But I found the movie!
thenightetc 09:49 PM Oh!  Good, good
highglossfinish 09:51 PM All good?
thenightetc 09:51 PM Yes!
thenightetc 09:52 PM Now what is this :o
Thebes joined the party.
highglossfinish 09:52 PM The same humans who gave us Remain Indoors.
thenightetc 09:52 PM Ohhh
thenightetc 09:53 PM Oh dear
thenightetc 09:54 PM ...oh dear
Thebes 09:56 PM I forgot how surreal this looked
highglossfinish 09:56 PM Doesn't it though?
Thebes 09:56 PM also, hello!
highglossfinish 09:56 PM Hello!
highglossfinish 09:57 PM And off we go!
thenightetc 09:58 PM ...When is this movie from, anyway?
highglossfinish 09:58 PM 1988.
thenightetc 09:58 PM Ahhhh.
thenightetc 09:59 PM I thought it had that look
highglossfinish 10:00 PM So clearly, we're off to a great start.
Thebes 10:00 PM I forgot this was a musical
thenightetc 10:00 PM I didn't know it was a musical!
thenightetc 10:01 PM A GREAT start
highglossfinish 10:01 PM If this segued into porn, I wouldn't even be the slightest bit surprised.
highglossfinish 10:02 PM "School? You already took me from the playground 32 years ago!"
thenightetc 10:04 PM Oh no, the current's taking him!
highglossfinish 10:05 PM There he goes!
thenightetc 10:05 PM And a finger on the monkey's paw curls down.
thenightetc 10:06 PM I keep waiting for the horse to really talk.
Thebes 10:07 PM Of course, of course
thenightetc 10:09 PM It's unlocked, naturally
thenightetc 10:10 PM Ha!
highglossfinish 10:11 PM Gah!
thenightetc 10:11 PM !!
highglossfinish 10:11 PM "Your house smells like so many awful things at once."
highglossfinish 10:13 PM "First a tetanus shot, then straight to bed with you!"
thenightetc 10:14 PM He sure is nosy.
highglossfinish 10:16 PM I wouldn't want my children spending time with this person either.
thenightetc joined the party.
Thebes 10:16 PM what a quirky montage this is. so quirky.
highglossfinish 10:17 PM They'll need quirkier than that to get all the monkey feces off of *that* floor.
thenightetc 10:17 PM argh she's on the counter argh argh
thenightetc 10:18 PM "she's dead"
thenightetc 10:18 PM are those DENTURES
highglossfinish 10:18 PM Pippi's older than I thought, and I pegged her for 37.
highglossfinish 10:21 PM But enough of that, back to this.
thenightetc 10:23 PM Paying with miscellaneous gold coins seems a lot less reasonable than it did when I was a kid
thenightetc 10:25 PM just throw them
highglossfinish 10:26 PM That certainly was a noise.
thenightetc 10:26 PM aww, that's so wasteful
highglossfinish 10:27 PM Who needs to look for your father when you can waste food and throw money around?
thenightetc 10:28 PM ~physics~
Thebes 10:28 PM this is how anything works, clearly
thenightetc 10:29 PM People in a certain kind of story just going "WOW, GOLD!" and accepting it as payment without checking that it's real or trying to figure out how much it's worth
highglossfinish 10:31 PM I hate her talking horse.
Thebes 10:32 PM I think the talking horse hates the talking horse
thenightetc 10:36 PM UH
highglossfinish 10:36 PM This movie got children hurt, didn't it?
highglossfinish 10:36 PM .....Er....
thenightetc 10:36 PM rest of the movie is about those two kids going to therapy after seeing their new friend leap to her death right in front of them
thenightetc 10:38 PM They're slow learners, huh
highglossfinish 10:39 PM "Coke and cookies" indeed.
thenightetc 10:40 PM Stunt takes place just offscreen because if they really did it he'd be dead.
highglossfinish 10:40 PM "Now you try it at home!"
highglossfinish 10:40 PM "Oh, it's fine, I've got extras at home!"
thenightetc 10:42 PM ewwwwww
thenightetc 10:42 PM ewwwwwwwww
thenightetc 10:42 PM PIPPI that cake was for EVERYONE
thenightetc 10:43 PM "no my father says she's an angel up in heaven"
highglossfinish 10:43 PM "Father keeps her in a shed in the backyard, want to see?"
highglossfinish 10:44 PM .....
thenightetc 10:45 PM you sure aren't!
highglossfinish 10:46 PM "We want to emulate Pippi's life of feral chaos!"
highglossfinish 10:47 PM Oh no, what did Pippi burn?
thenightetc 10:49 PM Uh oh
thenightetc 10:49 PM Is it the helicopter
thenightetc 10:49 PM ??
highglossfinish 10:49 PM She rushes the police and takes everyone''s heads off.
thenightetc 10:50 PM Pictured: physics
highglossfinish 10:52 PM And possibly an elaborate coping mechanism constucted by the children, who don't fully understand why their aging redhead friend Pippi eats out of the garbage.
thenightetc 10:52 PM Lady, she's eleven
thenightetc 10:54 PM Children with guns.
thenightetc 10:54 PM :|
highglossfinish 10:54 PM She's really hung up on cannibals.
thenightetc 10:55 PM Just aim it wherever
highglossfinish 10:56 PM Pippi is the personification of mixing different kinds of steam.
Thebes 10:56 PM everytime it's just one face in shot the estimated age spikes disconcertingly
highglossfinish 10:57 PM "I laid them myself!"
highglossfinish 10:58 PM If no horror recut of this exists, I'll be livid.
thenightetc 11:03 PM Finally finds his kids and they're half naked in barrels about to go over a waterfall
highglossfinish 11:04 PM They left Pippi in the woods but she appeared in the car anyway.
thenightetc 11:07 PM She kind of has a point.
highglossfinish 11:07 PM Pippi's an Eldritchian menace.
thenightetc 11:07 PM hahaha
thenightetc 11:10 PM She's just making this up.
thenightetc 11:11 PM pippi, not everybody has a load of gold coins and a house
thenightetc 11:12 PM ...yikes
highglossfinish 11:12 PM Very yikes.
thenightetc 11:16 PM So.....
thenightetc 11:16 PM This guy invented this magic glue...
thenightetc 11:16 PM and he used it to sneak into the attic of an orphanage?!
highglossfinish 11:16 PM Nothing about any of this is okay.
highglossfinish 11:18 PM "Have fun doing whatever you snuck into the orphanage to do!"
thenightetc 11:21 PM "wait why is there a man up there"
highglossfinish 11:21 PM The fire originated with his toilet nest.
highglossfinish 11:24 PM And why couldn't they just jump out into the net the glue sniffing man went into?
highglossfinish 11:27 PM Pippi's cracks are showing.
highglossfinish 11:27 PM And there they go again.
thenightetc 11:27 PM A bit
highglossfinish 11:28 PM She sounds so drunk.
thenightetc 11:28 PM ...that poor dog
thenightetc 11:29 PM Bimbos.
thenightetc 11:29 PM :|
highglossfinish 11:31 PM ...
thenightetc 11:31 PM this sure is happening
highglossfinish 11:31 PM Isn't it though?
highglossfinish 11:31 PM "So long, you slags!"
Thebes 11:32 PM so how did we get from fire to here
thenightetc 11:33 PM She saved a couple of kids trapped in it, they let her go back to her house, there was a time skip and it was christmas, and then her father came home
highglossfinish 11:35 PM This song's never leaving my head.
thenightetc 11:36 PM that sure was a thing!
highglossfinish 11:36 PM It really was!
Thebes 11:36 PM Oh I knew the sequence of events just. I feel like something was missing for me to comprehend them as part of the same story
thenightetc 11:37 PM Oh, I thought you'd lost your connection
Thebes 11:37 PM no, was here, and watching... this
Thebes 11:37 PM also wow she looks distressingly just like the Wendy's mascot
thenightetc 11:38 PM Oh hey!
thenightetc 11:38 PM Normal things.
thenightetc 11:38 PM hahaha
thenightetc 11:40 PM hahahaa
Thebes 11:40 PM For NOW
thenightetc 11:40 PM If you're quick!
highglossfinish 11:41 PM Oh, Keanu.
thenightetc 11:42 PM awww man
thenightetc 11:43 PM poor pets
highglossfinish 11:43 PM Bobie.
Thebes 11:46 PM The second he started doing this I started thinking of that earworm I Steal Pets From The Popular People song
thenightetc 11:46 PM :<
Thebes 11:47 PM and he keeps going! Are ther no depths to his simulated evil
highglossfinish 11:47 PM Never!
thenightetc 11:49 PM Jesus, why
thenightetc 11:51 PM HOOOOOO BOY
highglossfinish 11:51 PM HERE WE GO.
thenightetc 11:51 PM Oh my god
thenightetc 11:52 PM Uh
highglossfinish 11:53 PM Dear Unicron.
thenightetc 11:54 PM o_o
highglossfinish 11:54 PM Well! There's no way we're finding a better note to end the night on than that.
thenightetc 11:54 PM Well, that was a trip.
Thebes 11:55 PM a tour de force
thenightetc 11:55 PM Thanks for hosting!  Fun as always :)
Thebes 11:55 PM thank you!
highglossfinish 11:55 PM Thank you for coming!
thenightetc 11:55 PM And goodnight!
highglossfinish 11:56 PM Good night!
Thebes 11:56 PM good night!
1 note · View note
snowdice · 2 years
Finding the Time to Study Fic 2 [Day 130]
Here is my starting post for today’s study break stories session. I will reblog this post with the story as I write them today. Feel free to send in asks about anything at any point, even if it’s not for the part of the story I’m currently on.
If you aren’t interested and don’t want all of these posts clogging your dash, please feel free to block the tag “study break stories” as all posts and voting about it will go there. You can still see the finished product of the story even if you are blocking that tag as I will not tag the edited chapters with “study break stories” but with the tag “folds in paper.”
See the Folds in Time Universe Master Post for edited chapters. Not yet edited chapters are under the cut. I also have a playlist on youtube for this story.
I’ll be real with you, I don’t know how long I’ll last at this today.
Chapter 46
           Virgil was correct in his ability to find the location he’d crashed landed at. It was impressive honestly. Logan knew how different the farmers market looked like compared to the same location every other day of the week. The main road had been opened and the stage where musical performances took place had been removed. However, Virgil was able to retrace his steps rather easily.
           “I ended up under the stage,” Virgil informed Logan. “It’s been taken down now, but you can see where it was based on the grass.” He pointed to where the grass had been flattened and then walked around the indent a bit. “I was in the back,” he said, looking towards where the sidewalk was with a contemplative look, “so it would have been almost exactly here.” He tapped his foot on the spot.
           Anticipating this part of their excursion, Logan had packed some of his tools before leaving this morning. He pulled out one of his modified iPads.
           “You hide your time travel tech as an iPad?” Virgil asked, curiously.
           Logan spared him a glance, but said nothing.
           “…You made your time travel tech out of an iPad?!”
           “It is one of the most easily accessible technologies of this time that is also portable,” Logan said with a shrug, booting it up. “I use what I can get.”
           “How on Earth did you manage to invent time travel with 21st century technology?” Virgil asked, peeking over his shoulder.
           “Well, it took me a couple of decades,” Logan replied.
           “It took everyone else literal centuries,” Virgil said dryly.
           “Well, I knew time travel was possible already, so I simply made it happen.”
           “You’re terrifying,” Virgil stated.
           Logan just hummed and set the iPad scrolling through his diagnostic programs. In a few moments, it would come back with any readings time travel related.
           Virgil watched the device intently, though Logan doubted he had any understanding about what the different things scrolling past meant.
           It gave a soft beep when it was done.
 Chapter 47
The museum was interesting, not because it taught him any more about the events behind the exhibits on display, but more that learning what people in the 21st century cared about and how they presented past events was an anthropological lesson in its own right. Their conversation became a game of not only finding the mistakes made in the exhibits, but also Virgil hypothesizing why those mistakes were made: prejudice, missing information, and unreliable secondary sources all contributed, and Virgil spent a lot of time talking through the possibilities.
They spent a few hours there before heading back to Logan’s apartment.
 Not without stopping at a small, hole in the wall, bar inhabited only by day drinkers. When Virgil gave Logan a weird look, he explained, “I have to bring back a peace offering for running off this morning if I want Patton to agree to a time travel mission for me.”
“…And Patton likes… vodka?” he guessed.
“No,” Logan replied, amused. “This establishment serves cheeseburgers which are apparently the ‘best in the city.’ They do not, however, cook anything else. Not even fries.”
When Logan handed him an unlabeled brown paper bag that looked as though it had been dipped in hot oil instead of just it’s contents, Virgil shot him a raised eyebrow. “Ah, yes,” he said, “the quintessential 21st century American meal.”
 “You once ate only bagged pepperoni meant for pizzas for breakfast for a week once.”
“I told you that in confidence,” Virgil said, smacking him lightly with the bag of grease.
“And I have told no one,” Logan responded. “Therefore, I have not violated any part of our agreement.”
“You’re making fun of me. That’s definitely a part of the agreement,” Virgil said.
“I don’t remember there being any clause like that in our verbal contract,” Logan replied with a slight smirk. Virgil rolled his eyes. “Besides, I’m not truly making fun of you. The decision to fuel your body solely with pepperoni is, while not the best strategy and one that would certainly prove detrimental in the long run, it is better to eat that then nothing.”
 “Oh,” Virgil said. “Uh, good.”
“I’m simply citing another example where not as healthy food in the long term can be good in the short term.”
“But in this case instead of depression eating to stay alive, the purpose is bribery.”
“Exactly,” Logan said. “Bribery to end the time distortion and get you back to the proper time.”
“Alright, fair enough.”
“You don’t have to eat any if you don’t want to.”
“Oh, no, I’m going to.”
“Then why are you complaining?” Logan asked amused.
“I just thought you should know your time has way too greasy food,” Virgil said.
 “Thank you for the information,” Logan said dryly. They’d made it back to the apartment by then, and Logan stuffed the bag he was carrying under his arm to unlock the door.
“And where have the two of you been?” Patton asked when they walked into the kitchen.
“I have cheeseburgers for you,” was how Logan answered.
Patton rolled his eyes as Logan set the bag down in front of him. He was sitting at the kitchen table typing on a laptop. “The French toast wasn’t that bad,” he said.
“I will take your word for it,” Logan said pleasantly.
 Patton just shook his head and reached into the bag for a cheeseburger. Logan kept looking at him, and that obviously meant something Virgil didn’t know, because Patton glanced up at him after eating a couple of bites. “What?” he asked suspiciously.
“Virgil and I went back to where he arrived,” Logan said. “There are signs that one of the devices that cause time distortions is present.”
“There aren’t any weather disturbances though,” Patton pointed out.
“It seems to be a more advanced version,” Logan answered. “Which will make much more difficult to track.”
“Okay,” Patton said, “then what are we going to do?”
 “Well,” Logan said, “if we could get our hands on an older version, we could probably use it to narrow down the current one’s location.”
“And how exactly are we going to get an older version?” Patton asked, eyebrow raised.
“I understand that you have only been back from your last trip for a little over a week and that your last trip through time was a bit difficult, but,” he nodded towards Virgil, “we do know of the time and place one exists that you would have a good chance of being able to find, deactivate, and bring home.”
 Patton groaned. “And judging by the source of this information, steal off of the TPI.”
“At least, in this case, you will go into it knowing there will be no major disasters.”
Should Virgil… say something. It’d be rude not to mention the whole time shredding almost drowning bullshit, wouldn’t it? Then again… giving him foreknowledge could be a danger to the timestream. He debated with himself whether general social courtesy should outrank the possible destruction of time or not.
Maybe he’d just suggest a boat if they didn’t plan to take one? Just in case?
 “Fine,” Patton said, “but you’re finishing your tech updates and making me a survival pack before I make any jump. I’m not making the same mistake again.”
Logan nodded. “I can do that,” he agreed. “Just tell me what you want in your survival pack.”
“I’ve already been working on a list,” Patton said. “I’ll email it to you.” He turned back to the computer he’d been working on and typed a few things. “You can add to it if you think of anything.”
Logan looked at his phone as it dinged. “…Do you really need all of this?”
“Yes,” Patton said, taking another bite of his cheeseburger.
“…I’ll do my best?”
“You’ll do it,” Patton returned.
“I’ll start researching Cuba in the 1700’s,” he said.
Virgil saw him pull up google on his computer. He looked at the 21st century computer and then back to Patton. He couldn’t help but think of the museum he and Logan had been to earlier that day. “Do you want help?”
 Chapter 48
It took a little over two weeks to get everything set up. Logan had already been in the process of updating their equipment for quite some time, and this situation only spurned him on. He also then had to figure out a way to meet all of Patton’s demands for his new survival kit. His list had already been quite long before he’d started to add to it. He’d even slipped in a request for a boat at some point despite Logan’s protests that Camaguey Cuba was nowhere near the sea.
Thankfully, Virgil didn’t seem to mind the delays too much.
 In fact, he may have had a hand in the delays as his natural inclination towards anxiety seemed to infect Patton and cause him to add and add to his list of safeguards for Logan to make. He and Patton were spending a good amount of time together, actually. Patton was fairly good at researching the places he planned to go at this point, but Virgil was undeniably more experienced with that sort of thing considering he worked with the TPI. Patton seemed to appreciate his input.
Roman, on the other hand, decidedly did not. The two of them were prone to arguments about clothing which had gone beyond talking about Cuban clothing to arguments about clothing from pretty much all of time.
 Logan could not tell if they were friendly debates or not. He’d even asked Patton who had claimed he also could not tell. Neither Roman nor Virgil’s responses when asked directly about the nature of their relationship were helpful either. Logan did notice that Roman changed the fabric of the outfit he made for Patton after one of their conversations.
Virgil was not much help to Logan unless you counted the intel, he’d given that helped Logan choose the correct time and place. At least, not in the sense that he was able to help with the mathematics and physics Logan was dealing with.
 He was, however, good for company. Especially as his sleep schedule much more closely resembled Logan’s own in those weeks. Typically Roman and Patton went to sleep at a much earlier hour than he did himself and Logan would work alone in the living room, but with Virgil living in the apartment, there was constant companionship while he worked, and less volatile company than he was used to working with (assuming, of course, Roman had gone to sleep by that time). It was nice.
He seemed to fit into their little group in a way Logan had not anticipated. Or at least, socially he did. Physically, there were simply not enough beds and Logan had been sleeping on the couch for two weeks.
 Eventually, with all of their combined efforts, everything was ready to go. Patton had three different time appropriate outfits, a good amount of knowledge about the festivities he was about to attend, new time travel equipment, and a survival pack that could help him survive an apocalypse. Patton was planning to arrive in Cuba two days earlier than the TPI protocol would send agents like Janus. That way, he would have time to set up and get acclimated before the TPI sent in their surveillance and touchdown agents.
“This is cool,” Patton said, flexing his fingers to see the hidden screen on his palms light up with a map of the area.
 “It’s organized the same as your previous device, except for, of course, the control panel to control the cloaking technology and the access to the survival kit.
“Looks great, Lo,” Patton said, still fiddling with it. He changed it to its default state of a metal band projecting the screen and then back to the time appropriate bracelet Roman had designed. There weren’t many possibilities programed for hiding the device yet, but more could be designed in the future. For now, it only had the default band, the bracelet, and a wristwatch.
“I’ve already tested it a good number of times, but you should familiarize yourself with it anyway before leaving.”
 Patton nodded, flicked his fingers and disappeared for a moment before reappearing in the same place. Then, he did it again and reappeared directly next to where he’d been standing. He did similar things a few times before predictably getting bored and starting to do ‘tricks’ which mostly involved landing in ridiculous poses and also accidently jump scaring everyone in the apartment at least twice. Eventually, Logan confiscated it for the evening so they could have dinner in peace.
Patton went to bed early, planning on leaving the next day. Roman quickly retired to his room shortly after leaving Logan and Virgil alone in the living room.
 Despite knowing already his calculations were perfect, Logan still sat on the couch checking over them one more time just to make sure. Virgil sat on the floor with his back against the couch watching videos on Logan’s cell phone with headphones borrowed from Patton’s collection.
He glanced up when Logan shifted positions and Logan flashed him a smile.
Virgil removed the headphones to speak. “Thanks by the way,” he said, “I already said it to Patton and will again in the morning, but thanks for helping me out with all of this.”
“It wouldn’t have been particularly kind of us to leave you stranded,” Logan pointed out.
 “Yeah, but still, you’ve all been working really hard. Right now you’re up at 3am working on it.”
Logan shrugged. “I’d likely be up working at 3am on something anyway,” he said.
“Sure,” Virgil said, “but this time it’s for me so, yeah, thanks.”
“You’re welcome then,” Logan said. “Any time.”
Virgil tilted his head back to grin at him. “Was that a time travel pun.”
Logan scowled. “No.”
“It sounded like a time travel pun.”
“It was not intentional. I will never intentionally say a pun.”
“You’re telling me you live with Patton and never make puns?” Virgil asked.
 “I, unlike my roommates, am a responsible adult,” Logan insisted.
Virgil seemed skeptical. “Is that why you’re drinking forbidden coffee out of an orange juice carton at 3am.”
“Not so loud,” he hissed, leaning forward to put Virgil’s mouth and glancing back towards the hallway to see if anyone was about to come storming into the living room with another intervention.
His hand was bit.
“Ow!” Logan exclaimed, taking his hand back. “How do you know?” he hissed. The ruse had been working on Roman and Patton for years because neither liked orange juice.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “I can smell it,” he said. “I’m not dumb.”
 “It’s worked on everyone else.”
“No,” Virgil said. “It’s worked on one dramatic idiot and one man who trusts people not to lie to him way too much. I, however, am a paranoid asshole with a doctorate. You can’t fool me.”
Logan couldn’t help but smiled. “I suppose I have met my match,” he said.
He tilted his head all the way back, so his skull rested on the couch cushion and he was staring straight up at Logan with his piercing hazel eyes. “Heck yeah you have,” Virgil said, and Logan was not much more sentimentality, especially not romantic sentimentality, but there was something about the shadows making the room seem cozier and the almost golden glint in his eyes from the lit lamp beside Logan that made it more difficult to breath.
He was relaxed here in Logan’s apartment at 3 in the morning, looking up at him with warm eyes. He fit, slotting into place with an ease Logan had not expect. He’d found Professor Virgil Eran interesting from the moment he’d first heard him speak and had glanced through his university profile for information on whoever had plugged his virus into their computer. He had found him endearing when they’d corresponded through emails and occasionally one sided video chats. It was different with him right in front of Logan, within arm’s reach. He could reach down barely a few inches and brush his slightly unruly hair out of his eyes.
 “You good man?” Virgil asked.
“I am perfectly well,” Logan said, clearing his throat. He glanced away from Virgil. “I think perhaps my roommates have a bit of a point when it comes to caffeine.”
“Maybe at 3am,” Virgil said in good humor. “You’re not a college kid.”
Logan glanced at the college professor on his living room floor. “Well, thank goodness for that,” he mumbled
“I think your calculations are fine anyway,” Virgil said, gently taking the papers out of his grip. “Why don’t we do something else?”
“Like sleep?” Logan asked.
“You think you’ll be sleeping anytime soon?” Virgil inquired with a raised eyebrow.
“Fair point.”
Virgil grabbed the television remote from side table. “Why don’t we watch a bit of that time inappropriate copy of the Epithet File I know you have.”
“Sure,” Logan agreed. “You can come onto the couch if you would like.”
“Nah. You can come to the floor.”
 Chapter 49
Patton left in the morning and from there it was just a waiting game. Which, was Virgil’s least favorite type of game. He tried to keep his anxiety on the down low considering it was Logan and Roman’s lifelong friend who was running around some other century, and they were both obviously nervous as well, since the last trip had ended in disaster.
This trip was going to end in disaster a little bit too, but Virgil was going to ignore that. At least he wouldn’t be gone for months.
The point was, Roman was constantly going to the gym which was, reportedly not normal behavior and Logan spent his days re-checking calculations that were too late to correct and had worked considering Patton had been in contact occasionally.
 Yet, despite the fact that he was clearly an anxious wreck as well, Logan eventually forced himself to put his lined notebook paper away for a bit. Roman was out once again when he did so and Virgil was doom scrolling on his phone.
“We should go out to dinner,” he declared suddenly.
Virgil glanced at the pile of take-out containers stacked near the kitchen trashcan. “Sure,” he agreed.
Which was why Virgil was leaving the apartment for the first time in the last three or so days. Logan had asked him if he wanted anything in particular, but he didn’t care and also didn’t know what restaurants were around, so he was just letting Logan lead him wherever he wanted.
 He should not have trusted him.
He glared at Logan, but the man only seemed entertained by his ire. “Really?” Virgil asked.
“I wanted to see for myself if you were really that bad with chopsticks.”
“I’m not,” Virgil said, crossing his arms. “It was just the anxiety about the social situation, and I resent this.”
Logan just laughed, knowing well enough that Virgil wasn’t actually irritated. Honestly, he felt fonder than anything that Logan had chosen to take him here. “It’s actually pretty good sushi.”
“21st century American Midwest sushi,” Virgil drawled. “I’m simply quivering with anticipation for that authenticity.”
 “It’s unanimously considered the best sushi in town by my friend group,” Logan said as if the fact that Mr. Asiago Cheese Bread For French Toast and Mr. Went Along With Cooking Asiago Cheese Bread French Toast approved of the restaurant would inspire any confidence in Virgil. If he could even call the place a ‘restaurant.’
“It’s. In. A. Mall.”
“So?” Logan asked.
“It’s a sushi stand in a mall. There isn’t even seating.”
“There is seating,” Logan argued nodding at the five chairs sitting in front of the counter. The seating was completely empty which could be because their eating schedule was off and they were eating dinner at 3pm, but more likely meant everyone else in the time had more sense than the man in front of him.
 “Where is your sense of adventure for trying new things?” Logan asked. “Are you not an anthropologist. Don’t you want to experience the culture of the time first hand.”
Virgil glared at him.
“Please try it,” Logan said sill amused. “It really is good.”
“If I get food poisoning, I’m blaming you,” he warned.
“Noted,” Logan said, inclining his head. Then, Virgil reluctantly allowed him to lead him over to the sushi stand from where they’d been hiding behind a trash can so as not to be in the direct line of sight of the man standing behind the counter.
 The man greeted them as they approached. He obviously recognized Logan and even asked about Patton and Roman as they took a seat. Virgil did have to admit, despite his instinctual misgivings about mall sushi, what he could glimpse of his set up seemed legit. It looked like a real sushi bar if a bit smaller than usual. Where they had sat, there was a glass case in front of them with chilled fish on display and Virgil could see a large rice cooker behind the man along with a normal refrigerator.
Laminated menus were handed to them. They were only one page front and back, but honestly that was probably a good thing. If it had a bunch of complicated or fancy stuff, Virgil might have been worried.
 Well, he was still worried, but he wasn’t running screaming. At least his setup looked like it probably wouldn’t give him too much food poisoning. Logan suggested a rainbow and a snake roll and they got some different types of nigiri.
The chef was nice, and he assembled the sushi fully in Virgil’s view which made him a whole lot less leery about the meal. He seemed to know what he was doing at least. Of course, the fish was not as fresh as it would have been in a coastal area, but it was clearly properly handled. When he was finished, he handed it to them all on one big plate.
 He had to admit, when correcting for ingredient availability, it was actually pretty good sushi. He would not say it was the best sushi he’d ever had, but it was worlds better than he’d expected. Logan could obviously tell what his opinion was and was overly smug about it.
“Yeah, yeah,” Virgil said when they were finished. “You’re good at picking restaurants.”
“I’m sure you are also when in a place you are familiar with.”
“I’m not actually,” Virgil said with a laugh. “I always panic choose the worst option.”
“Well, I tend to be quite decisive about such things,” Logan said. “I guess we make a good match.”
 “Yeah,” Virgil said. “Uh, what are we going to do when we get home? Because sitting there drowning in anxiety like we have been for the past couple of days isn’t the greatest.”
“Do you have anything in mind?”
“You guys have Blockbuster still?”
“No,” Logan said. He paused. “We do have a Family Video store I think.”
“Is it close? Let’s go there.”
“And why are we not just using a streaming service?” Logan asked. “Or using my… library of movies.”
Virgil shrugged. “It’s the charm of it,” he said.
“The charm of a business already made obsolete and on the brink of collapse?”
 “Exactly,” said Virgil with a smile.
“Very well,” Logan said. “If that is what you’d like to do I will look up its location on my phone.”
They were in a building that would look abandoned if there wasn’t a light on inside within 15 minutes. The video rental store had clearly seen better days. Its carpet’s pattern was clearly from another decade and had been trampled over so often it was basically like walking on the linoleum beneath. There was a door on the sign asking patrons to close it behind them because the spring used to close it had long since ceased working.
 There was only one person working, a guy in his 30s who glanced at them briefly and then went back to looking at his phone. Ah, yes, Virgil’s favorite type of employee.
“What movie would you like to watch?” Logan asked. He glanced at one small, but still surprisingly present section filled with DVDs.
“I don’t know,” Virgil said. “Isn’t that the point? Stop by a movie rental place on a Friday night, grab a more than likely crappy movie and some Milk Duds and proceed to sit and watch the stupid thing anyway because you already paid for it.”
 “Virgil, I grew up in the 90s. This isn’t exactly exciting for me. There is a reason streaming sites took over the market,” Logan replied. “Also, it is Tuesday.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Just panic choose a movie with me, nerd.”
“I don’t ‘panic choose’ anything,” Logan said. “I-”
“You do today,” Virgil interrupted.
“Choose a letter.”
“Great!” Virgil dragged him off in the direction of the movies that started with ‘S’.
 “This is just… gross,” Virgil said a little under an hour and a half later and about an hour into the film.”
“It is a random romantic comedy from 2002,” Logan responded. “What did you expect?”
 “Yeah, but there’s weird sex jokes and actors that are probably from Mars and then there’s actual on screen physical abuse between the romantic couple.”
“I will concede that point,” Logan said, “but I will remind that this could have all been avoided if you had allowed me to do proper investigation of the movie choices before renting it.”
“Ugh, yeah, yeah,” Vigil replied, leaning back to stare at the ceiling. “Just turn it off.”
Logan complied, reaching over to eject the DVD from his computer. The three roommates didn’t actually have a DVD player connected to their TV, so they’d chosen to use the desktop computer in Logan’s room.
 Virgil was laying on Logan’s bed with Logan sat propped up against the headboard. Logan leaned over to peer down at him. “Thanks for helping distract me,” he said. “Despite the fact that we now know more about what we’re doing, I still get worried about sending Patton through time. His last time travel experience didn’t improve my confidence. I have been… rather nervous.”
“Well, I’m glad I could help, at least a little,” Virgil replied.
“You did,” Logan replied. “A lot.” His hand reached down to touch pat his shoulder, but then lingered there for a moment too long.
 Virgil sat up suddenly and Logan had to jerk back to keep their heads from colliding. “I…” Virgil choked out once he was sitting up. “Um…”
Logan’s mouth curled into a half smile. He offered a hand and Virgil took it.
Virgil glanced at the hand. “I, uh, I am an anthropologist.”
“I am aware,” Logan said with a raised eyebrow.
“And, uh, you were born in this time, so technically I’m studying you…”
“I’m a time traveler, Virgil,” he said amused. “I doubt I am a pure specimen for any studies you may be doing.”
“Right,” Virgil said. “That’s a good point. You’re right.”
There was a pause. “So then,” Virgil said. “No moral quandaries. Just two people sharing a bed and watching a romance movie.”
“It was a bad one.”
“It really, really was,” Virgil said with a grin and then Logan was leaning forward and Virgil’s hand was on Logan’s shoulder.
And then the door was flinging open. “I’m home!” Roman declared as Virgil scrambled back, banging his head on the bed’s headboard.
“Fuck,” Virgil hissed.
“Roman! You need to knock!”
“Since when?” Roman asked, plopping down on Logan’s bed between them.
“Since we have a guest,” Logan said meaningfully. Virgil hid his reddening face in his hands, curling into as tight of a ball as he could.
“You were both in here, it’s not like one of you were naked,” Roman said flippantly. Virgil debated the merits of staying curled up in a ball for the rest of his life. There was a second of silence, and Virgil was glad he couldn’t see the expressions on their faces from his ball when Roman said, “Oh my god!”
 Chapter 50
The breakfast table was silent the next morning. Though if one could call it a breakfast table when Logan was only drinking a cup of tea, Roman was chewing on a slice of unbuttered, untoasted bread, and Virgil was still either asleep or avoiding them both in Logan’s bedroom was debatable.
“…Look,” Roman said.
“We aren’t talking about it.”
“How was I supposed to know the two of you were getting it on?! Put a sock on the door next time or something. It’s common courtesy!”
“We weren’t having sex,” Logan hissed. Roman opened his mouth. “Shut up and learn to knock,” Logan said, pointing his spoon at him threateningly.
 Yet, still, because it was Roman, the other man opened his mouth again. Luckily, before he could say anything else on the matter, there was a loud crack from the living room.
“I’m going to need a towel please!” Patton called.
“I’ve got it,” Roman said instantly, jumping to his feet, leaving Logan to walk to the living room.
“Why are you wet?” Logan asked immediately upon taking in the sight of his roommate. He was soaked, water dripping from his form like he’d just gotten out of a pool seconds before.
“There was an ocean in the church,” Patton said.
 “What?” Logan asked.
Patton pushed his sopping wet hair out of his eyes. “The time distortions were a lot more intense than ones we’ve seen before,” he said. He held out a small innocuous appearing device whose only mechanism appeared to be a switch to him. “Be really careful with that. It’s unstable and we might have damaged it getting out.” Patton winced and removed his timepiece. “Actually, speaking of that. This might need a checkup too.”
“Were there issues with the tech?” Logan asked taking both devices in his hand.
“…No,” Patton said looking a bit sheepish. “We just… may have turned off all of the safety protocols.”
 “Patton I just made this for you!” Logan said, horrified.
“And you did a really good job!” was Patton’s reply, “but we didn’t really want to drown in a church.”
Logan took a slow breath. “I’ll make sure it wasn’t damaged,” he said.
“Thanks, Lo!”
Roman entered the living room then, bright blue towel in hand. “I have returned bearing gifts!” he declared.
“My hero,” Patton said with a laugh, taking the towel and using it to wipe off his face and then start to dry his hair.
“So, an ocean in a church?” Logan asked.
Patton nodded. “I’ll have to thank Virgil for suggesting the inflatable raft.”
 He paused as he finished running the towel through his hair and started to dab at his clothing. “I saw Remus,” he said.
Roman froze. “You did?”
“Uh huh,” Patton replied. “He was with Janus. I didn’t think I should say anything to him since that trip was way out of sync though, sorry.”
“Yeah, no, that make sense. That’s fine.” Roman hesitated. “How was he?”
“He seemed good,” Patton said. He flashed them a smile. “Happy. He’s quite the character actually. He and Janus seem like they’re good friends.”
“Oh,” Roman said. “That’s… that’s good.”
Patton’s face screwed up slightly. “He did flirt with me though, so that was weird.”
 “He what?!” Roman practically screeched.
“It wasn’t particularly innocent flirting either,” Patton said, grimacing.
Roman took a moment to think about it before pulling a face that one would expect to see on a small child trying a lemon for the first time. “That’s disgusting! That’s like… that’s like my brother flirting with my brother. Gross!”
“It was… it was weird,” Patton said.
“What did he even say?” Roman asked.
“Mostly it was comments on my…” he made a motion with his head that apparently Roman could interpret.
“He talked about your butt!”
“…Well, he didn’t exactly use that word.”
 “That sounds about like Remus,” Virgil said, poking his head into the hall.
“Oh, you’ve finally decided to join the land of the living, Emo?” Roman asked.
“Shut up,” both Logan and Virgil said at the same time.
Of course, he did not. “You know, Pat-pat, speaking of posteriors…”
“One more word out of you and I will actually kill you,” Virgil threatened.
“Um, what’s going on?” Patton asked.
“I’ll tell you later,” Roman promised.
“You will not,” Logan said. “Keep your gossiping tendencies under control.”
“Okay, but now I want to know,” Patton said with a pout.
“You go take a shower,” Logan ordered.
 Patton shared a look with Roman that told Logan there was no way he wouldn’t have the whole story along with a good number of embellishments by the end of the night. Then he shrugged. “Yes, boss,” he said. Logan rolled his eyes as he turned towards the bathroom, the towel still on his shoulders. He was dry enough that he wasn’t dripping anymore, and he slipped off his waterlogged shoes and socks so he wouldn’t track water to the bathroom.
“Put that in the biohazard hamper,” Logan called after him.
“I know!” he called back.
“And you,” Logan said to Roman, “clean up all of the water he got on the carpet in the off chance there are any pathogens in it.”
 “Why do I have to do it?!”
“Because you’ve annoyed me,” Logan said, “and I need to insure these two devices do not explode.”
“Ugh, fiiiine,” Roman said, dipping back into the hall.
Virgil glanced over at him, the picture of awkwardness. “Uh,” he said. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Logan said.
“…Are those things really at risk of exploding right now?” he asked.
Logan glanced at him. “Technically they are always at least slightly at risk of exploding, but admittedly the chance is further from 0 than I would like it to be at this point.”
“Great,” Virgil said. “One more thing to be anxious about.”
 “You don’t need to be anxious about it, Virgil,” Logan said.
“Uh, I think I do need to be anxious about the maybe bomb in your hands.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know,” Virgil said with a sigh.
“We are two mutually consenting adults. There isn’t any shame to it.”
“Can we please talk about our very embarrassingly interrupted kiss after you’ve dealt with the explosives?”
“Very well,” Logan said. He walked to the other side of the room to grab a statis chamber from a cabinet drawer.
“What’s that?” Virgil asked as the cube shaped device popped up.
 “It’s a stasis cube,” Logan said as he put the two devices in his hand into it and activated. “It will allow them to cool down completely from their earlier use in a safe environment. It will be less dangerous to work with them later.”
“If it just takes 5 seconds to deal with them, why are you making Roman clean up?” Virgil asked amused.
“Like I said,” Logan said. “He annoyed me. Speaking of,” he glanced into the hallway where Roman currently was. “How do you feel about leaving before he gets back to get coffee.”
Virgil smiled at him. “Sure,” he said. “Escape the apartment for coffee part two.”
 Chapter 51
It took a few days after Patton got home for Logan to first make sure the timepiece and the distortion device were not at a risk of exploding and then to study the distortion device.
“It’s similar to what little we’ve seen of TPI technology,” Logan had mused, sitting on the couch while studying the information he’d managed to get off of it. “It’s definitely derived from the same technology unlike my time travel device, but it looks a bit different, and this version at least is rather shoddily made. Of course, creating disorder and almost ripping apart time is easier than seamlessly moving through it.”
 “So, they’re probably from my time then?” Virgil asked.
“Most likely,” Logan agreed. “Though it could always be a Remus situation where they were from another time originally but accidently ended up in the TPI time. Either way, the origin of their purposeful time travel was certainly around your time.”
Virgil glanced at the device he’d set on the table in front of them all. It looked innocent sitting there, but it had the power to destroy so much, and they didn’t even know why. “Do you think whoever made this trapped me here on purpose?” Virgil asked.
“It would be a big coincidence if you in particular got trapped in this time in particular,” Roman said.
 “I was thinking the same thing actually,” Logan said. “You do work with the TPI and with Janus, a time agent who both often is caught in the middle of devices similar to this being used and who runs into Patton frequently. Plus you know Remus, Roman’s brother even if we didn’t know that connection before you were trapped here and we already had a correspondence before you landed here. It would be strange for you to have ended up here on accident.”
“But why?” Virgil asked. “I am somehow connected to all of you, but I’m still not a time agent myself.”
 “All I am to the TPI is a walking history book. I’m not actually involved.”
“Well,” Logan said. “Perhaps someone knows something we don’t.”
“Or maybe it’s just a happy accident!” Patton said. Virgil highly doubted that and it made anxiety churn in his gut.
“Well,” Logan said, “accident or not, we do now have a solution to the issue. I’ve managed to use this device to recalibrate my calculations and we’ve gotten a ping. I know where the signal blocking Virgil’s time device is coming from.”
“Where?” Roman asked.
“It looks like a local trash dump,” Logan replied. “It must have just ended up in a trashcan that day and was emptied before we checked.”
 “Well, that should be easy enough to get,” Patton said. “Give Roman and I the exact coordinates and we can go and get it now.”
“Wait, why are we the only ones who have to dig through a garbage dump?” Roman asked.
Patton gave him a look.
“Oh,” Roman said, eyes lighting up. “Oh right!” Then, he scowled remembering he was going to be going through a garbage dump. “Fine,” he sighed.
“Think of it as an adventure!” Patton said.
“We’re time travelers. We have so many more exciting adventuring opportunities than dumpster diving, Pat-Pat,” he whined, but he still got up. “I’ll go get changed.”
 Patton stood up and handed Logan his phone, so Logan could program the location of the distortion device into it while he changed as well. “We’ll text you when we’re heading back! I’ll give you a 15- and 5-minute warning,” Patton said with a wink. Virgil immediately hid his face in his hands.
“Do you think the TPI is hiring?” Logan asked as the door closed. “I’d love to move to a different century without those two.”
“Time agents don’t usually live in 4500s,” Virgil said, face still hidden behind his hands. “They’d probably still place you in this century, especially since you’re comfortable here.”
“No escaping them then,” Logan sighed.
 “Mmm,” was Virgil’s response.
He felt Logan shift on the couch next to him and a warm palm touched his wrist, gently tugging his hand away from his face in a way that Virgil could resist if he really wanted. Virgil let the hand fall with a sigh. Logan smiled at him when he could see his face and Virgil smiled back despite how he could still feel heat in his cheeks.
“You will be going home this evening, I’d imagine,” Logan said.
“Yeah,” Virgil agreed softly.
“I would like to give you a gift before you go, if you’ll allow it.”
 “Uh, okay,” Virgil agreed.
Logan nodded and leaned back to grab something out of the pocket of a jacket that was currently hanging over the side of the couch. “Ah,” he said when he found whatever he was looking for. He glanced at Virgil. “It is a ring, by the way, but this is not a proposal.”
“Well, I’d certainly hope not,” said Virgil dryly. “An impulse elopement would be a little off brand for us both.”
Logan smiled at him. “Very true,” he agreed. Then, he opened his palm revealing a small ring.
“So, then, what is it?” Virgil asked.
“It is an emergency time travel device,” Logan explained. “It’s not particularly complex. It can only take you here to this room between 2 weeks and one year from now, but if you ever need something from me, you can use it.”
He offered the ring and Virgil opened his palm to let him put it in his hand. He studied the ring for a moment. It was a rose gold and very light.
“It also has some security measures,” Logan said. “It wouldn’t do to make an emergency time travel device that someone else might easily try to take from you. It’ll disappear when you put it on. You’ll still be able to feel it and take it off whenever you wish. It’ll become visible again if you take it off.”
 “An invisible ring?” Virgil asked, curious.
“Yes,” Logan said with a smile. “It is designed to store your space time coordinates for up to 48 hours just so you’re aware, but as I said you can take it off whenever you wish and… I won’t use it against you.”
Virgil looked at him. “Okay,” he said. “Can I put it on?” Logan nodded, and Virgil slipped it on his finger. As promised it disappeared from view as soon as he did. He could still feel the weight of it on his finger though.
“You turn it three times counterclockwise to activate it,” Logan said, making Virgil look up from the seemingly empty space on his finger he’d been staring at.
  “It would drop you right about where you are sitting.”
“Thanks,” Virgil said. It wasn’t nearly enough to say how much he appreciated the gift, but he hoped his tone said enough.
“Don’t use it against me?” Logan asked with a half-smile, and Virgil realized just how much trust was being put onto him by giving him a device that was directly linked to their base of operations despite knowing Virgil worked with the TPI.
Virgil shook his head. “I won’t,” he said. Deciding to throw out his nervousness and embarrassment over last time he shot forward to kiss Logan quickly on the lips. They bumped noses and Logan’s glasses ended up askew in the process, but Logan didn’t seem to mind judging by his delighted laugh when they parted.
“Thank you,” Virgil said again.
“Of course,” Logan replied.
 Virgil could still feel the ring on his finger even after Patton and Roman got back from the dump with the device that had caused this whole mess. He could still feel it when Logan turned it off and his time piece reactivated. He could still feel it there when he made it home and gave an excuse as to why he’d left his trip early. He could still feel it when he got an email from an unknown sender making sure he got home okay.
  Arc IV: (To Be Named)
Chapter 52
“What’s this?” Janus asked when a giant bowl was set on the coffee table in front of him.
“We’re eating on the couch tonight,” Emile said cheerfully.
Janus raised an eyebrow and switched off the tablet he’d been using to look at him. “Why?” he asked.
Emile shrugged and set a second huge bowl down next to Janus’s. “For fun,” Emile said. He turned back towards the kitchen and Janus leaned forward to look in the bowl. It was spaghetti with some sort of creamy sauce and a few different vegetables mixed in along with some shrimp.
“I made green tea,” Emile said, coming back into the room with two mugs.
 “Thanks,” Janus said, taking one of the mugs with a small smile.
“What were you doing?” Emile asked as he took a seat beside Janus. He nodded at the deactivated screen now sitting on the end table.
“Just doing some puzzle games,” Janus said.
“That sounds fun,” Emile said with a smile.
“Head doctor said they might be a good thing to do to pass the time when I told him to fuck off after suggesting reading.”
Emile sighed. “Dr. Figueroa is my colleague. You could try to be polite.”
“I thought I was supposed to be my authentic self in therapy,” Janus replied.
 Emile just huffed and rolled his eyes. Janus couldn’t help but smile as he picked up his mug of green tea.
The last few months had been…different. In a lot of ways, Janus’s life had become harder than it had been before. It had been easy to do nothing but eat pre-prepared meals, go to work, and pass out in his empty house every day. It wasn’t good for him. He’d known it even then, but it had been easy. This was not.
Emile had offered, insisted really, that Janus move into his house for a bit just to get back on his feet.
 He’d taken time off of the TPI which would have been given to him anyway since he’d spent so trapped in the past. He’d had to give a report of what had happened, and he’d mentioned Patton, but he hadn’t mentioned everything. They’d offered him a shrink when he’d asked.
Janus had told Emile he needed to tell him something about why he’d been distant, so he wouldn’t end up chickening out, but he’d asked for a bit of time to figure out what to say. He’d finally worked up the courage to talk about it with Dr. Figueroa two weeks ago. Much like with Patton, it was easier to talk to someone who hadn’t been involved in Janus’s mistake, but it still wasn’t easy.
 He was running up on the deadline he’d given for having that talk with him. It had to happen soon, and they both knew it, but Emile was just patiently waiting for him to suck it up. It felt… wrong to use his kindness without him knowing, but it was also nice to get to spend time with his brother. He didn’t even dare to hope that he’d still have the chance once he told him.
He was moving back into his own house in less than a week. He’d tell him then so if Emile ended up kicking him out of his life, he wouldn’t have to kick him out of his home too.
 For now, though everything was fine. Harder, more complicated, and in threat of exploding at any moment, but fine. Fine wasn’t something he’d really felt in a long time. Or at least, fine while in his own time wasn’t something he’d felt in a long time. There’d been a few moments with Patton sitting next to the fire outside the hole in the ground they’d slept in for those few months where the man would turn to look at him and he’d felt fine. Yet, Patton had been right. Those moments were unsustainable with how Janus was actually feeling deep down.
 “This is good,” Janus said, after taking a couple of bites of the pasta in front of him.
“Well, I always was the only one in the house that could cook,” Emile said, and that was true. “It was either learn to defend for myself or eat a cheeseburger for every meal.”
“Hey, I had a good burger seasoning.”
“Not for every meal, Janus.”
“Meat, dairy, bread. What more could you want?”
“Vegetables, Janus.”
“You could have put pickles on!”
“I don’t like pickles.”
“That sounds like your problem, not mine,” Janus argued.
Emile shook his head, turning his eyes to the ceiling. “How have you been surviving on your own?”
 “Well, I mean,” Janus said. “Badly.”
“Right…” Emile said. He leaned over to bump their shoulders together. Janus flashed him a smile.
“Speaking of,” said Janus. “Could you physically force me to pack tonight? I meant to do it today and instead I ended up playing puzzles games.”
Emile chucked. “Sure, I’ll help you after dinner.”
“You don’t have to help me,” said Janus. “Just make me do it.”
“Maybe I want to help,” said Emile.
“Oh, yes, packing. The most entertaining of Thursday night activities.”
Emile hummed and then glanced at him. “Remember when you helped me pack for college?” he asked.
 “Mmm, I do,” Janus replied.
“I was so stressed about going somewhere new,” Emile said, “that I avoided packing for weeks. Every time Mom would ask me how packing was going, I’d tell her it was going fine but in reality, I hadn’t even started. You’d come home two days before I had to leave because you were going to help me move into my dorm. It’s like you could sense no packing had been done the moment you stepped through the front door.”
“You were doing your ‘hiding the broken horse statue from mom’ shuffle,” Janus said with a smirk.
 “Well, you walked me straight to my room and we packed everything up in those two days,” Emile said. “You made it so much easier.”
“Yeah, because I hovered over you until you did it and did half of it for you,” Janus snorted.
“It wasn’t just that,” Emile said. “You also found the music streaming station run by the university and put that on and talked about what your freshman year was like. You also had tips on what things I should and shouldn’t pack when moving into the dorm.”
“You still took all of the cartoon stuffed animals despite my advice.”
 “I thought there’d be more space on the bed,” Emile frowned.
Janus snorted.
“But anyway, just having someone else around made me happier. It wasn’t just about the workload being halved either. You being there made me feel less lonely and reminded me I’d always have someone to come back to.”
Janus internally winced. He was sure Emile hadn’t meant to make him feel guilty in any way. In fact, he probably was trying to do the opposite, but him saying that just reminded Janus that it hadn’t been true. Janus had abandoned him for literal years and hadn’t been someone he could always come back to.
 Emile had proven himself to be at least close to who he was before Janus messed with time the few last months. There were a couple of differences here and there, and Janus could not be sure if they were from him changing time or from him avoiding his brother for the past three years and him naturally changing. Most memories they shared that Janus cautiously brought up or Emile mentioned on his own were consistent with what Janus remembered, but he hadn’t pushed too hard or dug too deep. It just made him feel more guilty about avoiding the man for so long.
 It made him want to ignore the man more, because it seemed every choice Janus ever made only hurt him.
Well, perhaps not the college radio station when helping an anxious 18-year-old pack up his childhood bedroom.
He should probably tell Emile that his words made him feel guilty because that was obviously not the intention and he’d want to know. He should probably apologize properly for leaving him alone for three years without an explanation. He should probably provide an explanation for those three years.
He should probably go see the head doctor again soon.
(He should probably stop calling Emile’s colleague who was in the same field as him a head doctor derogatorily in his head.)
For now, he just glanced at Emile. “You’re trying to bully me into letting you help pack with logic, aren’t you?”
“I am,” Emile confirmed without remorse.
“Fine,” Janus sighed, “but only if you let me do the dishes for you.”
Emile took a long moment to consider the offer. “You drive a hard bargain,” he said, “but okay.”
“And no doing anything sneaky like getting bags ready for me on your own while I’m doing it or the deal is off,” Janus said.
“You always think of all possible loopholes, Janus,” Emile sighed.
There was a long silence.
“Agree, you prick,” said Janus.
“No promises,” Emile replied cheekily with laughter in his eyes, and things were good for a moment more.
 Chapter 53
Today Janus was moving into his house in 24th century for the second time in his life, and honestly, the house wasn’t going to look much different than it had when he’d first moved in. Janus had unpacked his things more at Emile’s house in the past almost 6 months than he had in the two and a half years he’d liven in his house. His house held clothes, bare bone furniture, and exactly one skillet from when he’d decided to be daring and tried to cook himself an egg. All he’d really customized for himself was the setting on the LXC device which controlled the lights, media across the home, and prepackaged food ordering and prepare.
 He almost felt embarrassed that his house was so empty. Emile, of course, knew that his mental health had been fucked, but the blankness of his house was a physical reminder of this fact especially considering how he used to keep house before all of this. He’d warned Emile about the fact that his house was empty, and he had said he understood, but still.
They gathered all of the luggage in a pile in Emile’s guest room. They’d had to get permissions from the TPI to allow Emile to travel to his house, and Janus went ahead and filed to give him permanent permission to travel there.
 The decision felt far too hopeful for someone who hadn’t had that conversation with his brother yet, but it had made Emile smile in the moment.
Emile took three of the bags and Janus took the rest. He waved his arm and selected the third saved location on the device. In a moment, he was standing in the living room of his dark, empty house.
His supposed to be dark and empty house. More of the lights were on than Janus had ever switched on himself, and half of the windows were open. (He didn’t even know some of those windows opened.)
 They were letting in the sounds of birds that made the lakeside their home as well as cool late fall breeze. There was also a racket coming from the kitchen. Emile was beside him a second after he himself had appeared. He looked around for a moment. “Did you leave it like this?”
“No,” Janus replied.
“Do you have squatters?” He had a security system from 2 millennia in the future on his house. He highly doubted it.
“I’m going to go check the kitchen,” Janus said, moving towards the noises coming from the other room.
He stopped in the doorway to his kitchen only to see Patton standing at his kitchen counter cutting up a carrot on a cutting board Janus didn’t think he owned, and if he did, it was buried in a box somewhere.
 “What are you doing?” Janus asked.
“Cooking!” was the immediate reply.
“In my house?” Janus asked. “How do you even know where my house is?”
“I may be just a little bit ahead of you,” Patton said with a wink while tapping the side of his nose.
Janus sputtered. “This is my house!”
“I know!” He said it so cheerfully while being a purposefully obtuse asshole that Janus could help but crack a smile and shake his head. He’d missed him after spending so long alone with him though he wasn’t go to admit that to him when he’d broken into Janus’s house to…
“Again, what are you doing?”
 “I’m making you soup.”
“Why?” Janus asked.
“Well,” Patton said. “I know it’s a bit of a rough time for you, so I thought I’d give you a nice welcome home present and what better present than food!” He smiled at him widely.
Janus looked closer at what he was making. “You’re trying to prove to me you can cook.” Patton frowned at him. “Have you considered I have had enough fish stew for a lifetime?”
“Nope!” he said. “It’s entirely different this time anyway. I have carrots!”
“I don’t like carrots,” Janus lied blandly.
“Liar!” Patton declared.
“No, I’m not,” Janus continued to lie.
 “I mean, that was definitely a lie,” Emile interjected from behind Janus. He was looking at them curiously. “Er, hello, who are you?”
“This is Pat,” Janus said.
“The illegal time traveler you’ve been tracking?” Emile asked with a questioning lilt to his tone.
“Ah, yes, well,” Janus said with a cough. “We came to an understanding when stuck in pre-history.”
“And now he is cooking you soup in your house?” Emile asked.
“I’ve long since stopped trying to make sense of him,” Janus grumbled.
“Well,” Emile said. “Hello Pat.”
“You can call me Patton,” he said easily. “I hope it’s nice to meet me, because I’ve already met you.”
 “We haven’t been meeting in the correct order,” Janus informed Emile. “So, he’s apparently already met you which will happen in your future. It is also something he shouldn’t be talking about,” he scolded. Patton took that with a shrug.
“I hate time travel,” Emile said, his nose scrunching up. “Isn’t life already confusing enough.”
Janus winced, not relishing the upcoming conversation with him about how confusing his life was now because of time travel.
“Don’t you work with the TPI too?” Patton asked.
“That doesn’t mean I like time travel,” Emile said. “I’m a stationary agent and I like that just fine.”
 “Time travel can be a bit complicated sometimes,” Patton acknowledged, “but I don’t think it’s all bad.” He finished chopping up the carrot and turned to put it in the self-regulating soup pot. Janus squinted at it. It was certainly not something Patton had in the 21st century. So, the question was. Had he gone out and bought time appropriate cookware before breaking into Janus’s house or had he gone through Janus’s storage to find it?
“You’re a free agent time traveler, right?” Emile asked.
“Depends on what you mean by free agent,” Patton said. “I have always worked with a group of people, and we have rules and procedures. It’s basically a time agency itself, just not the TPI.”
 “And you’ve met me before?”
“I have,” Patton confirmed, “but Janus is right in that I can’t say much more than that about it. In fact,” he said wiping off his hands on a towel hanging from his apron. (The apron was covered in cartoon squirrels and totted the phrase ‘I’m a nut for baking.’) “I should probably be getting out of here.”
“You’ve never been worried about us meeting out of order before,” Janus pointed out with a frown. He didn’t particularly want Patton to go even though the man had broken into his house and possibly went through his boxes of kitchen equipment.
 “Well,” Patton said. “There’s meeting wildly out of order, there’s meeting in order, and then there’s what I’m doing.”
“What are you doing?” Janus asked alarmed.
Patton just shrugged with a smile.
“No, Patton, what are you doing?”
“Soup should be done in about an hour, but you can leave it on all day. I got a pot that’s fridge safe, so just shut it off and stick it in there before going to sleep.”
“See you later! Bye!” He said and disappeared into thin air.
Janus sighed and rubbed the bridge of his brow. “Why is he like this?”
 “Janus,” Emile asked. “Why did your self-declared mortal enemy make you soup?”
“Because he’s an asshole, that’s why.”
“Uh huh,” Emile said, looking at him oddly.
“What?” Janus asked.
“What exactly happened when you were stuck in the past?” Emile asked.
Janus sighed. “A lot happened. A lot.” He glanced at the soup pot happily performing its function on his kitchen counter. ‘I hope it’s nice to meet me, because I’ve already met you,’ rang in his ears. Fucking Patton with his little hints about the future. It gave Janus just a bit of courage though knowing that Emile at least didn’t flee the continent after the conversation they had to have. He was at least around enough to meet Patton. “In fact,” Janus said. “It’s probably time I told you what happened. Everything that happened.”
 Chapter 54
They sat down in the living room. Janus let Emile have the couch and sat on one of the matching armchairs. There was a squeaky sound when he sat. The plastic covering the chair had been delivered in was still on it.
Emile had a pleasant, open but curious expression on his face and Janus suddenly had an idea what it felt like to be his patient.
“I,” Janus began after a moment, shifting uncomfortably on the squeaky chair. “I don’t know how to start this conversation. I talked about what I wanted to say and possible ways to say it with Dr. Figueroa, but I… I still don’t know.”
 “I guess I should start by saying that I did something horrible that I need to apologize for and I’m not sure if apologizing will even be enough. The problem is you don’t even know what that horrible thing is.” Janus stared at his feet. “So, first, I should probably explain what I did. I just don’t know where to start.”
“Maybe start with what happened before it,” Emile suggested. “Just lead up to it. It might help explain why whatever it was happened too.”
Janus took a breath. “Okay,” he said. “That day was just like most that I remember. We both woke up early. I was going to the TPI and you were going to where you worked your residency. We ate leftover pizza for breakfast because both of us were exhausted. You because it sucks to be a resident and me because I’d been working on a big case.”
 “I was getting frustrated with the case. That was my first mistake: being impatient and angry. It was just a thief, but a slippery one. She’d stolen a half-broken time piece and was using it to rob banks within about a 50-year time frame. I had an idea of where she might go, but no one would listen to me. Or at least,” Janus quirked a half smile, “that’s how I interpreted it. They said they’d look into my idea, but they were being extra cautious because of how close in the timestream her actions were to most of the agents’ lives.”
 “I was so tired of the case and so egotistical. I decided to check it out on my own without being cleared by the TPI. I went back in time without thinking of the consequences and that was the worst thing I’ve ever done.” Janus took a breath. “I’m not sure how, but somewhere in the course of my self-appointed mission…” He trailed off. He didn’t know how to say it. He really didn’t.
“What happened?” Emile asked when he didn’t continue.
“I…” and his next words probably sounded like crackly nonsense to Emile’s ears because he couldn’t get his thoughts straight and his tongue wouldn’t make the words right.
 “I don’t even remember living in that town or the fact that Mom used to work at that bank,” he choked out. “I didn’t think and I didn’t check and…” There was a long silence. “I erased you,” he finally managed to say in a whisper, but in the quiet of his barely lived in house, the words were loud.
There was more silence. “But I…” Emile said after a moment.
“I went back and fixed it,” Janus said, “but I… didn’t do a perfect job. I don’t even know how much I messed things up. It would have been one thing if it’d just been me. If it had just impacted my life, but I did it to you and I don’t even know how to start to apologize.”
 Nothing was said for a long moment. Janus didn’t look at him.
“…Huh,” Emile finally said.
Janus risked a glance at him. He didn’t look irate, but he did still look confused which was probably the reason for that.
“I’m sorry,” Janus said. It was really the only thing he could say at this point.
Emile tilted his head to the side. He took off his glasses and cleaned them with the edge of his shirt with slow circles. Since he was 15, Emile only cleaned his glasses with specially designed wipes, but he’d held onto the habit of cleaning his glasses with his shirt anytime he needed a moment to think. Janus wasn’t sure if Emile even realized he was doing it, but he knew it was a signal for Janus to be quiet for a few seconds.
 The glasses were perched back on Emile’s nose after a few seconds. “I think I remember that,” he said contemplatively.
“…What?” Janus asked, and he was no longer avoiding looking at Emile. He was now blatantly staring at him.
“Well, I didn’t know what it was,” Emile said, “but I did have a very odd dream on the day you mentioned and suspiciously I had said dream in the middle of the day and woke standing up.”
“A dream?” Janus asked.
“A very vivid dream,” Emile said. “I don’t believe you actually erased me completely from existence. My life was simply shifted slightly. I was working as a social worker for about 5 hours and then I was back in my appropriate place.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about that?” Janus asked, but then immediately wince at his own hypocrisy. “Er… never mind.”
“I didn’t know it was possibly real,” Emile said. “Honestly, I thought I was just really tired. I’d been overworking myself a lot. I took the rest of the day off after that.”
“You shifted reality for a few hours, and you didn’t realize it?” Janus asked.
“Like I said, I was really tired and nothing seemed to be wrong…”
“Wait, but things were different,” Janus said. “Didn’t you notice things were different.”
“Not… really,” Emile said. “Like what?”
“Like…” Janus said. “Like a whole bunch of things!”
“Like you had a different job title and you worked different hours.”
“I thought I’d fallen asleep standing up or had a vivid audio-visual hallucination at work from stress. I asked for a switch a couple of weeks later.”
“You used to hate time travel, but then you took a job at the TPI.”
Emile gave him a drawl look. “I still hate time travel,” he said. “I literally just said that not 5 minutes ago.”
“Well then why would you work for the TPI.”
“Because time travel is so confusing and distressing that people doing it on a regular basis as a career need psychological support.”
 “Plus, Lia asked for my consultation when developing the mental health part of the Agent Management Office,” Emile continued. “Considering I already knew quite a bit about time travel from being around you, she knew me personally, and I’d finished my residency, she decided to give me a job offer when my advice panned out.”
“W-well,” Janus said. “You were allergic to pineapples.”
“You mean my childhood allergy?” Emile asked. “That has since resolved itself in my adult life?”
“It has?” Janus asked.
“Janus have you considered,” Emile said, “that some if not all of the inconsistencies you were seeing in my life have to do with the fact that you hadn’t spoken to me in 3 years?”
 “I… uh… hadn’t considered that,” Janus admitted honestly.
“You were looking for information to support your incorrect world view,” Emile said sounding very much like a head doctor and not like a brother, “and you found some.” He sighed. “It makes sense after having faced a traumatic event where you effectively thought you’d killed a loved one that you weren’t thinking clearly.” The head doctor analysis voice slipped just a bit. “I just wish you’d talked about it with someone.”
“Sorry,” Janus said, because no matter which way this conversation had gone and no matter the revelations, the point was an apology. “I’m sorry.”
 Emile sighed. “I would have forgiven you even if you had erased me,” Emile said. “You didn’t mean to, and you did your best to fix it. You did fix it even if you were an idiot about it.”
“What about for being an idiot and not talking to you for three years?” Janus asked.
“I already did forgive you for that Janus,” Emile said pointedly. “What did you think the last 6 months were?”
Emile gave him his disappointed and exasperated head shake. “Promise to never do anything like that to me again,” he said, “and I’ll forgive you.”
 “I promise,” Janus said immediately.
“And in the future, you’ll talk to me if you have any issue even if you think it’s horrible.”
“I think I’ve learned by lesson on that one.”
“And that goes for other people too,” Emile said. “If anything goes wrong with someone, you talk to them or if that’s too hard you talk to someone so they can convince you to talk to that person.”
Janus nodded.
“Great!” Emile said. “Then you’re officially forgiven for everything. Though I expect you to go to therapy and keep working on making yourself feel better, so these things don’t happen again.”
 And Janus… didn’t know how to feel about that. He should probably feel happy and thankful or at least relieved, but if he was being honest, he just felt kind of empty in that moment like an old well that had finally run dry. Fuck his head doctor and fuck Patton. Wasn’t this supposed to make him feel better? Everything was fine. He hadn’t actually erased Emile permanently from the timeline, in fact, he’d apparently still existed in some form in the alternate timeline Janus had temporarily made. Emile had forgiven him both for erasing him and ignoring him even though that was far more than Janus deserved. This was something he’d never even dared dream would happen, but it had been exactly what he’d wanted.
 Yet, he still didn’t feel good, not really, not like how he remembered feeling before all of this happened.
Though was that really a surprise? Things were not like how they were before. He and Emile were no longer close. There was love and affection there, but they didn’t really know each other. The last six months had been nice. He’d been able to pretend for a bit that everything was back to normal, but in the moments he hadn’t been able to pretend that, it’d been a bit stilted and awkward speaking to his brother especially at the start.
 Beyond that, Janus was just used to misery at this point. It was his default state. Not being miserable took effort and energy he didn’t always have. He felt himself slipping into sadness or numbness even during times he should be feeling good. He’d noticed himself experiencing a sense of desolation when Emile cooked his favorite meal or in the middle of watching a ballet performance Emile had suggested they go to and he’d been looking forward to in the days before or even now when he should be so happy, so ecstatic. Everything should be okay, but it wasn’t.
 “You doing alright over there?” Emile asked, and Janus didn’t know how long he’d been silent.
Instinct said to say yes and force himself to move on, but he wasn’t going to break his promise that fast. “Not really, no,” he admitted.
“That’s okay,” Emile said. “Anything I can do to help?”
“I really don’t know.”
“Why don’t we go taste the soup your arch nemesis,” there was a light teasing tone to his voice, “made for you. Some of the vegetables won’t be completely cooked yet, but I’m sure it’s already good.”
“Yeah,” Janus agreed. “Yeah, okay,” he got to his feet, the chair making that plastic squeaking sound again. “Maybe we could unwrap the furniture in here before you go home.”
“I think that’s a good idea,” Emile said with a smile.
 Chapter 55
Somehow, the strangest thing about his life right now was a picture on the wall. It was one that he’d gotten after college when he moved into his first actual house. It wasn’t anything special. It was just something that had caught his eye when he was specifically looking for something classier to put on his wall than the posters he’d hung in his college dorm and apartment with Virgil. It was a tall painting of a tree, but segmented into four parts, each representing the state of a tree in different seasons. In the top left, the three had small leaves and little buds, on the top right it had full leaves bathed in sunlight, in the bottom left the leaves had changed colors and started to fall off, and in the bottom right the tree was devest of leaves but covered in snow.
 It was on the wall near Janus’s bed. It was one of the first things he saw when he opened his eyes in the morning and was usually what reminded him that everything was different now when he woke.
The picture had been in a box in the houses garage up until the Saturday before the last. Saturdays had become his and Emile’s unofficial unpacking Janus’s house day. They would usually pick one or maybe two boxes that had been sitting untouched for years, unpack it, talk, and eat dinner together.
Notably, dinner was usually not provided by either of them.
 Patton had gotten into the habit of breaking into Janus’s house. Janus would sometimes catch him doing it briefly, but often Patton managed to avoid him. This was quite the feat considering Janus was not currently working and thus stayed at home a lot of the time. Patton had repeatedly reprogrammed Janus’s kitchen taking away the option for pop tarts entirely and replacing the option with real food. Janus’s kitchen was constantly stocked with something to eat that wasn’t trash. He also liked to leave around different smelling hand soaps, flowers, and paper cranes. Janus had an entire drawer in his nightstand dedicated to storing paper cranes now.
 The newest one was still on his nightstand from the night before, sitting cheerfully in the way of his view of the tree paining when his alarm woke up that morning. He sighed. He had not missed getting up early for work.
He was finally going back to working at the TPI this morning. His therapist had signed off on it last week, saying his was fit for duty. Considering they were apparently still understaffed at the TPI and Janus was a senior agent, this was met with much relief. Janus himself still wasn’t sure how he felt about it.
 He turned off the alarm and stood. Dr. Figueroa had him write out a morning schedule to follow when he’d expressed his struggle to get the day started. Either Patton or Emile had taken it upon themselves to copy the schedule on virtual sticky notes that appeared in every location necessary for getting ready in the morning.
First, he took a shower. He threw his nightclothes in the laundry chute. There were currently dozens of different scented soaps in his shower all in small bottles that had about 2 or 3 uses. Janus presumed they were curtesy of Patton. He decided to use one at random and it ended up being cotton candy scented.
 Next, he got dressed. That was easy enough since he always wore the same outfit to work every day. It didn’t matter what he wore much since missions would force him to redress anyway.
Then he went to his kitchen and sat down at the counter. He pushed the pop tart button. As expected at this point, he did not get a pop tart for breakfast. Instead, he got two eggs, toast, a sliced apple, and a few cherry tomatoes with green tea. He ate his breakfast while finishing one of the puzzles he’d been working on the night before.
 Once he finished, it was time to finally face going back to the office. He sighed, stood up and pulled up the screen on his timepiece. He selected his office as his destination and was off.
The first thing that happened upon appearing in his office was he got a face full of… something.
He sputtered, smacking the things fluttering about his face out of the air. “What is wrong with you?” was the first thing out of his mouth before he’d even really confirmed that the culprit of this attack was who he’d automatically assumed he was.
Remus, as anticipated was standing not 2 feet away from him.
 Remus had apparently gotten into the prop department again because he had some type of softly glowing glittery confetti was no all over Janus as well as their entire office.
“Remus, I told you no!” Lena snapped. “You know it’s impossible to clean up 3150s sparkle nukes.”
“Welcome back!” Remus crowed.
“I hate you,” Janus replied. “I just took a shower.”
“You’re fine,” Remus said with an eye roll.
“This shit doesn’t come off in decontamination,” Janus spat. “If my first mission back sends me to a time where I’ll be tried as a witch for glowing, I’m blaming you.”
 “We’re going to 2510,” Remus informed him. “You’ll fit right in.”
Janus grimaced. “Ugh, that decade.”
“It’s my favorite decade!” Remus exclaimed.
“Of course, it is,” Lena grumbled. “Just don’t bring anything gross back this time.”
“No promises,” Remus replied.
Janus chose to disengage from the conversation as Remus and Lena argued about was and what wasn’t allowed to be brought back to their shared office from what was well known as the least tasteful decade in history. It was also one of the least turbulent decades in history. The population was too busy making shitty ice cream flavors to wage war.
 At least they were giving him an easier assignment for his first time back. He turned to his desk and pulled up the files on his next mission, glancing through them. It was just a small blip that the TPI had noticed in a small town in 2510. It probably wasn’t much of anything, but they had no record of what had caused it, so they were going to send someone to look. Honestly, they’d usually just send in a surveillance agent and be done with it, but they’d probably handpicked this one for Janus in particular. He’d be insulted if he didn’t honestly still feel a bit off kilter being in the office.
 To his surprise, he didn’t have a scheduled meeting with Rhi. It wasn’t particularly important to see a mission coordinator for something this small, but it still wasn’t the usual protocol. Instead, he was just instructed to pick up his costume at the costuming department and leave in about an hour.
“Do we really not have an appointment with Rhi?” Janus asked.
“Senior agents haven’t really been meeting with Rhi unless it’s a high priority mission,” Lena told him. “We have too many newbies running around and there’s not time.
“That’s concerning…” Janus said.
“It’s better than trying to rush the inexperienced ones through. We at least have a general idea of what we’re doing. They’re trying to train up more mission coordinators, but that’s taking a while.”
 Janus still frowned, but he glanced back at the mission instructions. He’d have to make sure he thoroughly understood what was being asked of him before leaving if he wasn’t meeting with Rhi. “We should go get changed,” he told Remus. “2510s clothing is notoriously difficult to put on.”
“Five minutes back and he’s already dying to get my clothes off,” Remus said cheekily.
“I would rather tear my own eyeballs out of my socket than see you without your pants on again.”
Remus just wiggled his eyebrows.
“I’m so glad you’re back,” said Lena when Janus looked at her in exasperation. “He’s finally not Fred’s and my problem anymore.”
 Chapter 56
Getting ready for the mission was a bit of a mess honestly. The costume department barely even spared them a glance before sending them on their way. Remy at least was still there to give them one last debrief before sending them off into 2510, though he looked exhausted.
“Are you sleeping?” asked Janus.
“I’m drinking coffee,” was the reply as he shooed them out onto the streets.
The timeline disturbance that had been picked up was somewhere in one of the shops on that street.
“Do you want the bakery or the karaoke/stripper bar?” Remus asked.
Janus raised an eyebrow at him, and Remus clapped him on the back.
“This is why we’re partners,” he said.
 He plodded off towards the building to their right, and Janus turned to the building on the left. It was a small bakery and coffee shop painted in bright colors and sporting the Brazilian and Albanian flags.
There was a soft tinkling bell sound when he entered the shop, and the person behind the counter glanced over at him briefly before finishing putting a pastry in bag for a customer.
Unfortunately, their attention meant Janus wasn’t going to get away with snooping around the store without buying anything. He glanced around the interior of the shop as he walked up to the till.
 He glanced into the bakery display case the worker was standing behind. Oh… oh that all looked disgusting. He was not depressed enough anymore to willingly eat any of that.
“Uh,” Janus said when the worker looked at him. He glanced up at the wide selection of drinks over their head and winced at the ways the letters moved on the screen. He was pretty sure his dyslexia wasn’t quite that bad. Why did anyone choose to make letters move around and shake on purpose? As someone who had to deal with that on a daily basis, it wasn’t exactly entertaining.
 “Is it possible to get a banana and chocolate potato chip smoothie, but without the potato chip part?” he asked.
“Sure,” the worker replied. “Anything else?”
Janus shook his head.
“Can I have a name for that?”
“Jay,” Janus replied.
“Alright. It’ll be out in a minute.”
Janus nodded and turned, able to take in the rest of the establishment now that there weren’t eyes on him. It was as colorful on the inside as it was on the outside and seemed to have a retro cowboy-space theme mixed with posters from a contemporary werewolf romance movie. Janus had actually seen that movie one. It was surprisingly tolerable.
 The seats at least looked comfortable. There were a good number of tables and three couches. All of them were mix-matched. A few of the tables were outfitted with holographic chess and checkers, but most were normal tables. There were even a few physical boardgames and some bookshelves full of books, though he thought some of the bookshelves might just be there for decoration. He wasn’t sure which were and which weren’t.
He pretended to be very interested in the decorations as he waited on his drink, using that as an excuse to look around the entire shop. He was turned away when the door chimed again.
 “Hello,” a familiar voice said, making Janus turn around instantly. Janus could immediately tell that the man hesitantly lingering in front of the bakery display was not the Patton that he’d spent months holed up with or who had broken into Janus’s house repeatedly to replace his soaps and cook him meals. He seemed out of place which was saying something in 2510. He had the air about him that he was an 80-year-old grandpa trying to embrace youth culture, but not quite getting it. He also spoke in an accent that people around him would probably assume was him just not being fluent in Spanish but was actually him not being completely comfortable speaking Spanish from half a century ago.
 “Uh…” said Patton looking at the menu, a crease between his eyes.
“I’d suggest the banana and chocolate potato chip smoothie without the potato chips,” Janus said. Patton startled, whipping around to face him in surprise. “That’s what I got, though I would leave out the potato chips.”
Patton’s eyes narrowed on him. It was not, of course, the first time that Patton hadn’t been thrilled to see him, but it was the first time Janus had been happy to see him and he hadn’t been happy to see him in turn. Janus had gotten used to a Patton that liked him and he found himself not quite prepared for the way he pursed his lips in annoyance at the sight of Janus.
 “I’ll do the banana and chocolate potato chip smoothie, but with the potato chips,” he said in a way that made it sound like he thought he was getting one up on Janus for some reason.
“What flavor of chips?” the worker asked.
“Er, what flavors do you have?”
“Uh, I think drywall, oak wood, and limestone.”
Janus almost laughed at his expression. “Uh, do you have any naturally edible flavors?” he asked.
“We might have grass.”
Patton squinted as the worker bent to look under the cabinet. “Oh, wait, no, it’s glass. Is that alright?”
“…Maybe just no on the chips.”
 Janus did his best to school his features, so it wasn’t obvious he was laughing at him. He didn’t think he did a very good job considering Patton was glaring at him after turning around. That or he was just already pissed at Janus by default. It could go either way honestly.
“So,” Janus said when the worker turned away to start making Patton’s drink. “What are you doing here.”
“It’s none of your business,” Patton said with narrowed eyes.
“I mean, we could both be here for the same reason,” Janus pointed out. “We could share intel.”
“I doubt we’re here for the same reason.”
 “How would you know?” asked Janus.
Patton just looked away from him. He immediately looked confused at the movie poster his eyes landed on.
“Unless,” Janus said curiously, you aren’t here for a reason, reason.” Patton said nothing. “It was a pretty small disturbance, so it would make sense that your equipment might not pick up on it.” At least at this point. “Acting the tourist, Pat?”
“I’m just doing research,” Patton said, crossing his arms.
“Research?” Janus asked.
“I’ve never been here before,” Patton admitted. “I wanted to get a feel for it and other places just in case there ever was an issue.”
 “You just did France, didn’t you?” Janus asked.
Patton frowned and Janus smiled slightly. “It was recent,” he admitted.
“Well,” Janus said. “If you want some advice. I’d start with figuring out accents when you’re in different times.”
“I don’t need your advice,” Patton said and then smugly, “Janus.”
It took a bit for Janus to scan back through his memories and remember that Patton hadn’t known Janus’s name in France. He would have only figured it out after his friend Lo hacked into Silver Mountains University’s system and figured out Virgil had an appointment with him. Janus raised an eyebrow. “You sure about that, Patton?”
 He frowned, pouting like whenever Janus told him he wasn’t allowed to try to catch a bird and make it their pet. It was strange to meet a version of Patton who had not lived in a hole in the ground with him for months when Janus had already done that. Patton was on the back foot for once throughout this conversation. Every time before this, he’d managed to somehow twist it around even when he’d been younger than he was right now. When Janus had arrested him at the University, he’d managed to figure out his equipment wouldn’t be stopped by the TPI’s despite having no idea what the TPI was.
 In France, even when Janus had thought he’d been winning by taking his phone, he ended up getting access to a University in Janus’s time with information on the TPI, a situation that still had not been resolved.
Today, however, Janus knew far more about Patton than Patton expected. He still didn’t know exactly what his agency or whatever it should actually be called did, but he knew some things about it. He knew Patton was from the 21st century which explained the anachronisms in his speech in different times.
“You could help me look if you’d like,” Janus offered casually.
 “Why?” Patton asked suspiciously.
Janus shrugged. It was not because he missed him, he insisted to himself. It wasn’t because after spending so much time with him, not getting to talk with him all day was strange. It had nothing to do with the fact that the few times he’d ran into a farther along version of Patton since he’d moved back home, their interactions had been brief and tinged with something. No, the only reason Janus was inviting him along was so he could teach this younger version a few things, so he hopefully didn’t go about messing up time. “We worked well together in France, didn’t we?” he asked. “Besides, it’s just a small mission without much danger to the timeline.”
 “Pat,” the person at the counter called. Patton turned to him to go grab his smoothie, thanking the worker before turning back around and walking over to Janus.
“Fine,” he said. “I’ll help, but you have to answer my questions.”
“I’ll answer the questions that won’t endanger any timelines or secrets of my agency.”
Patton considered it for a moment, taking a sip of his drink. “Fine,” he agreed.
“Good,” Janus replied. “We’ll start by looking around the coffee shop for anything unusual. Did you have any questions now. It’d look more natural to be walking around if we were having a conversation.”
“Does the glitter in your hair have to do with the style of the time or…?”
Janus sighed.
 Chapter 57
Luckily, the cashier didn’t seem to think them snooping around was very odd. To be fair, the shop had quite a few odd decorations to look at. So, perhaps employees were just used to people walking around and looking at all of the different things. It helped that Janus and Patton were talking as they searched. They just looked like a couple… of friends… casually chatting and exploring the coffee shop together.
“So,” Patton said, keeping his voice quiet, though luckily the few patrons were on the other side of the shop. “What exactly is it that you do working for the TPI?”
 “Well,” Janus said. “I’m a senior field agent. That means I am the person who actually goes on missions in different times. These missions can range from tracking down people who are committing crimes using time travel, stopping anything or anyone that could damage the timestream, and helping waylaid time travelers.”
“So, there are different types of agents?” Patton asked, curiously.
“Yes,” Janus replied. “There are a lot, but only four type time travel on a regular basis.” Should he be telling a very young version of Patton this? Probably not, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care too much.
 “There are surveillance, touchdown, field, and cleanup agents,” he explained. “Surveillance agents do a bunch of things including research about the exact time field agents are going to and figuring out the best places for them to enter the timestream. Touchdown agents come slightly before field agents to do last second checks and stay when field agents are out. They mostly are just there to intervene if there are any unforeseen issues. Field agents actually interact with people from other times on a daily basis as they slip into the timestream and find whatever person or object they’re looking for. Cleanup agents come in afterwards and tie up any loose ends as well as observe the area for a few days to make sure nothing happened that no one caught.”
 “Everyone else who works at the TPI is mostly in research and management. They don’t usually travel, though everyone who works there is licensed to travel if necessary.”
“That’s a lot of people,” Patton commented.
“What we do is important. We want to make sure we are doing it correctly.” It was honestly not meant to be a jab, but Janus could see Patton frown. He decided to change the subject. “Right now, we’re looking for something that’s causing a small disturbance.”
“What type of thing could cause a disturbance? Is it always a machine like the one in France?”
“No,” Janus replied. “That was actually unusual.” He thought for a second. “At least that used to be unusual, but lately we’ve seen more and more of that sort of thing.”
 They were currently standing at a bookshelf, but nothing pinged Janus’s interest or time piece, so they moved on to look at a few of the movie posters. Patton seemed to grow more and more concerned the longer he looked at the posters.
“So, what is it usually?”
“Well,” said Janus. “Some things are natural events. No one’s really sure what causes those. There are theories, but I’m not really involved in that. We leave those alone for the most part if we find those. They’re usually small things, though on occasion they’re a bit bigger. Usually, time disturbances are caused by someone messing up. They say something wrong that gets someone curious and creates a butterfly or they leave an object that doesn’t exist in the time.”
 “So, what do you think this one is?” Patton asked curiously.
“Well,” Janus said. “It’s a rather small disturbance, so it won’t be anything too major. Probably just an object out of place.”
“Hmm,” Patton replied. “Well, I’ve always been good at those find the difference games.”
“Have you now?” Janus said, unable to stop a slight grin from ghosting over his face.”
“Mhmm,” replied Patton. He drained the rest of his smoothie and then turned around, facing away from the wall of posters they’d been looking at. He slowly scanned the room, an action a lot less inconspicuous than what Janus had them doing, but he didn’t protest for now.
 “That’s weird,” Patton declared, pointing rather obviously at a shelf. Janus noticed a woman looking at him funny. “Well,” Patton continued. “More like it isn’t weird, which is weird for here.”
Janus glanced at the shelf full of small figurines. Most of them were of mythical creatures: werewolves, dragons, and even one not even Janus recognized. Janus would guess, especially judging by the plethora of movie posters that they were all from movies or something of the like. However, Patton was correct there was one that stuck out from the rest. It was still a figurine, but unlike the rest, it was of a real animal: a cow.
 “That is odd,” Janus agreed, peering at the cow. Figuring Patton had already been obvious enough, Janus stepped over to the shelf to study it more closely. When looking at it more closely, it became obvious that the cow was very unlike everything else on the shelf. It wasn’t even really a figurine like the ones around it. It looked more like a children’s toy. It’s fur was made out of a soft looking material instead of the stiff plastic of the werewolf next to it.
“It doesn’t really fit in with the collection, does it?” a voice asked from behind Janus.
 Janus winced internally at the fact that a civilian had just noticed him acting oddly, but kept his face smooth externally as he turned to face the woman standing behind him.
“My friend and I were wondering what it was from,” Janus said evenly. “We recognized the rest of the figures, but I’m not sure where this one came from.”
“Well, that’s because it didn’t come from anything,” the woman said. “At least that I know of. I just didn’t know where to put the thing, so I put it on my movie figurine shelf.”
“Ah,” said Janus, a politely interested crinkle to his brow. “Where did you get it then?”
 “A young kid came by about, oh, a week ago. He looked like a high school kid or maybe college. He seemed right confused and upset. He said he didn’t have any money on him, and got weird when I tried to ask him about his parents. I ended up giving him a free drink and let him sit here for a couple’a hours. We got to talking about my collections. See, I have a deal that if someone brings me back something of interest for my displays, they get a free drink. He insisted on giving me that in exchange for the drink even though I told him I’d given him the drink ‘cause he seemed upset.”
 “I don’t even particularly want the thing, but he said he didn’t want it anyway, and he insisted, so I took it.”
“Interesting,” Janus said. “Do you mind if I touch it?”
“Go ahead,” she said with a shrug.
He reached forward to pick up the cow and felt the softest of fizzles that only someone who regularly time traveled would feel. Despite already knowing this must be what he’d come for, he still subtlety set his timepiece to scan it.
 Patton was peering over her shoulder now. “If both you and the person who gave it to you don’t care much about it, do you think we could buy it off of you?” he asked. “I’m a big fan of cows.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I guess,” she agreed. “If you really like it. I don’t know what else I’d do with it.”
“How much?” Janus asked.
“Well it only cost me a Lemon CastelWalk and a scone, so about 12.”
“Sure,” Janus agreed, pulling out his wallet and forking over the currency. “Thanks,” he said.
“No problem,” she replied. “Hope you can find some use for it.”
 Janus gave her a smile and then looked at Patton. “I think it’s about time to go, don’t you think.”
Patton nodded. “Thank you for the cow statue,” he told the woman as they left the shop. They walked a bit down the street. Patton turned to him once they were out of sight of the shop window. “So, that’s it?” he asked.
Janus nodded and checked his time piece which had finished it’s scan. “The fabric is from the late 43rd century,” he confirmed, “but that’s not all. It’s stranger than that.”
“Stranger how?” Patton asked.
“The materials are definitely from the 43rd century,” Janus said, “but it’s not from the 43rd century.”
“What do you mean?”
 “This,” Janus said, looking at the cow. “This doesn’t exist. Every object has traces of where it’s been no matter how much you clean it. My timepiece can register debris sticking to an object down to the microscopic level and give a general idea where and when they came from. There’s no time travel residue implying it came from the 43rd century or even just dust or dirt from that time period. There isn’t even anything on it from this time period from more than the week the shop owner said it was in her possession. My scans seem to be saying, this thing popped into existence a week ago and didn’t exist in any time or place before that.
Patton frowned. “Well then, what does that mean?”
“I don’t know,” answered Janus frowning down at it. “I have absolutely no idea.”
 Chapter 58
Janus didn’t know what to make of the cow he’d gotten in 2510. He’d said goodbye to the young version of Patton and grabbed Remus before heading back to the TPI. He’d immediately handed the time anomaly over to the labs, but even after a few weeks, he hadn’t heard anything back yet. The labs seemed just as stumped as he was.
The older version of Patton still drifted in and out of his life, usually unseen, like a ghost in the night. Well, a ghost that cooked him plenty of healthy food.
It felt odd slipping back into his old routine of missions.
 Sometimes it felt like no time had passed, but then he’d see the faces of new recruits or get a mission where he didn’t see Rhi and remember that things were different now. The TPI was strained, constantly running after time distortions with no idea what or who was causing them. The new recruits were stumbling to catch up to the agents who knew what they were doing but were still needed to fill the gaps. It made Janus grimace, but he didn’t know what the solution was.
It was nice to be able to talk to Emile about these things.
 If Patton made sure he was taking care of himself at home with nice meals and an ever-changing option of soaps and shampoos, Emile made sure he was taking care of himself at work. Janus was now forced to have a water bottle at his desk to make sure he wasn’t spending the day dehydrated and, assuming he was not on a mission, Emile would either drag him away to eat lunch or bring lunch too him if he was too busy. Today was the later kind of day. Emile had messaged him about 45 minutes ago asking if he was free and then had taken his order for a local restaurant when Janus said he had too much to do.
 There was a knock on the door and both Fred and Janus, the only two occupants of the office at the moment looked up.
“I’ll get it,” Janus said, getting up before Fred did. He knew Fred was currently in the middle of a report on a trip to 2000B.C. he and Lena went to. They’d let a new recruit tag alone for training purposes. It had gone badly to say the least. Fred looked exhausted and stressed which was unlike the usually cheery man.
Janus shuffled to the door and opened it. A man in his early 30s that Janus didn’t recognize was standing there.
 “Hi,” he said. “I, uh, moved into the office next door. My name is Dave.”
There was a moment of silence. “Did you need something Dave.”
“Right,” he said. “Yeah, I was just wondering if your integrator is running, because mine isn’t.”
Janus glanced back at the report he’d been working on. “Yeah, it’s fine.”
“Well, is it, like, connecting to the TPI system?”
“I don’t know,” said Janus, “I was working locally.”
“Yeah, well that’s the problem with mine. I was wondering if anyone else was having the same problem.”
“Let me check,” said Janus, walking over to his desk. He went to open his email and an error message popped up.
 That was… odd to say the least. The TPI had very, very reliable technology. If it was just Janus who could not access the system, he’d assume it was just a local problem, but if the next door neighbor also was having an issue, that could smell trouble.
“Fred,” Janus called. “Are you connected to the internet?”
Fred glanced down at his integrator and clicked a couple of buttons. “No,” he said.
“Hmm,” Janus said. He pulled up his timepiece. That at least connected to the TPI servers, so the servers themselves weren’t down, just the offices’ connection to them. “Well, I can still connect with my timepiece.”
 “Same,” said Fred.
“So, what’s wrong?” Dave asked. “How do we fix it?”
“We don’t fix it,” Janus said. “We submit a tech support request.”
“Oh,” said Dave. “…How do you do that?”
Janus sighed and flicked his wrist to project a screen. “If you go to the web on your timepiece, it’s literally on the page that automatically pops up,” he said pointing.
“We can connect to the internet through our timepieces?” Dave asked.
“…Did you have any training?” Janus asked.
“Don’t be rude,” Fred said absently, still typing on his report.
Janus just rolled his eyes.
“Not on… that part. They did give me a handbook.”
 “Have you read it?” Janus asked.
Dave shrugged which told Janus everything he needed to know.
“Just go back to your office,” Janus told Dave. “I’ll submit the tech support request this time since it’s affecting me as well but read your handbook and familiarize yourself with your timepiece for goodness’s sake.”
“Okay,” Dave said, turning around and wandering back to his office with no thoughts in his eyes.
“I’m not your fucking preschool teacher,” Janus muttered under his breath as he returned to his desk. “It’s not my job to hold your hand and wipe your ass.”
Fred glanced up at him. “Thanks for not saying that when he was still in the room,” he said.
Janus shot him a thumbs up.
 He sat down at his desk and quickly submitted a tech support request. By the time he finished that, Emile was knocking on the door with a bag of food.
“Come in,” Janus said to him, and he did, pulling over Remus’s chair and plopping down the food on Janus’s desk.
“You look stressed,” Emile commented.
Janus sighed, already reaching into the bag to look at what Emile had bought. “Everything’s disorganized, everything’s broken, and no one knows how to do anything.”
“Yeah,” Emile said. “I’ve noticed the TPI is understaffed. Even with all of the new recruits, there never seems to be enough people to go around.”
 “Yeah,” Janus said, pulling out a burger on a pretzel bun and going to unwrap it. “How about you? This all been messing up your job too?”
“In general, for the AMO, yes, because they have to get all of the new agents houses and everything. For my department, not as much, but we are seeing some agents getting stressed because they’re overworked. Mostly the more senior agents.”
“Honestly, I’m lucky stress makes me throw myself into work to avoid thinking about it. I shudder to think how all of the mentally healthy people are holding up.”
“Janus,” Emile scolded.
 “Plus, I’m already set up to have an appointment with a head doctor at least twice a week, so I’m good on that front.”
“I guess that’s true. Just don’t overwork yourself,” Emile said.
“I’m fine Emile. Plus, they need me. I seem to be one of the few people around here who actually know what they’re doing.”
“I just worry…” he said.
“I can handle it well enough,” Janus promised. “I’ve got the toolkit or whatever the head doctor calls it. Plus… work wasn’t ever actually the problem.”
“I know. I know…Just…you aren’t even taking lunch.”
“I have a bit more time free in the afternoon,” Janus said.
 “I was just in the middle of something today. If you’re free for a half hour or something, we could get a cup of coffee. How about that? Would that assuage your worry about me a least a bit?”
“Yeah,” Emile said. “Yeah, it would a bit. I have a break at 2, would that work?”
“Sure,” Janus said. He technically had a good amount of stuff to do, but Emile was right in the end. He should try to take breaks. It wasn’t his duty to do everything at the TPI. “A quick lunch now and coffee at 2.”
 Chapter 59
Janus did fulfil his promise to Emile to take a short coffee break at 2pm. It was nice for both of them, Janus thought and was well worth it… even when he came back to a stack of work and an extra mission on his docket.
“Where did this one even coming from?!” Janus asked as he and Remus speed walked to costuming. “I was gone for less than 30 minutes. They can’t give us more than an hour warning anymore?”
Remus shrugged. “I just got back from a mission,” he said. “I haven’t even had time to write my report on that one.
 “This is a mess,” Janus said. “Everything’s a mess.” Readings of a fairly large time distortion had popped up in 2158 Lille, France out of seemingly nowhere according to write up they’d been given. Though, honestly, with how disorganized the TPI has been, Janus wasn’t 100% confident they hadn’t just missed the thing somehow. It also was apparently giving very similar readings to the time device they’d ran into in Cuba. That’s why they were sending both Remus and Janus, despite the two of them mostly having been split up for missions in the past few weeks. If it was as bad as Cuba, they wanted them to have backup.
 Of course, that was where the TPI’s consideration had ended. Remus and Janus were still being rushed through to this mission and not even seeing Rhi once more. Costuming barely even glanced at them when they got there. They just tossed clothing at them and only gave them a superficial look over before sending them off to decon.
It was almost disorienting how quickly they ended up in a completely different time and place. Janus was lucky that he was used to traveling through time. He could easily slip into the right language and accent and knew how to walk in the shoes they gave him. He worried about other people though.
 They arrived, of course, a bit before the time distortion was meant to begin, especially knowing their devices might not work once whatever it was hit. They waited around on a bench near a small shopping area for a while.
“So,” Remus said. “How’ve you been?”
Janus glanced at him. “Better overall,” he said. “Shit’s fucked with the TPI right now though.”
“I know,” Remus said. “It’s been interfering with my many extracurricular activities.”
“You’re extracurricular activities?” Janus asked. “Do I even want to know?”
Remus show him a smile. “Probably not,” he said. “It’s just the usual: sex, drugs, alcohol, making sure Diesel Fuel has whatever she could ever want.”
 Yet, even as he said it, there was something else in his eyes that gave Janus pause. “Are you sure things are alright?” he asked. “I could help with something if you need.”
“With what time, Janus?” he asked, with a raised eyebrow.
“I could make time,” Janus said.
Remus just shook his head. “It’s nothing,” he claimed.
Janus wanted to press the issue, but then there was a buzz from both of their time pieces.
“Well,” Remus said, getting to his feet. “Duty calls.”
Strangely enough, despite giving off the same signals as the device from Cuba did, their time pieces did not shut off. The detected the time distortion like they were supposed to, but otherwise stayed active.
 It was… incredibly easy to use their time pieces to find the source of the time distortion. Apparently, the caution about it considering that it was similar to the Cuba incident was unfounded.
The tracked the distortion down to a small children’s playground in the middle of the city. There was a device attached to the bottom of one of the slides. Janus flipped it off and balance was restored to time.
“Weird,” Janus said. “It definitely does look like the device we found in Cuba, but…”
“We aren’t currently swimming in an ocean,” Remus filled in.
“Yes,” Janus said. “You’d think the same type of device would have the same effect, but this one was pretty stable.”
 “The main question is still who is putting them,” reminded Remus. “These are clearly not natural. Someone is doing this, but all we’re doing is running around trying to turn them all off instead of getting to the root of the problem.” The last bit was a frustrated mumble.
“You’re right,” Janus had to agree, “but so far these things have been practically untraceable. We can’t even figure out when they’re from. The most we can do is see when they’re active.”
“This doesn’t make any sense,” Remus said.
“No it-” Yet, before Janus could finish, he was cut off by a shout.
 “Janus,” Patton’s voice called from the opposite side of the playground. “Hi!”
“Uh…” Janus said as he approached. “Hi.” He probably shouldn’t be too shocked to see Patton hanging around time distortions. He’d shown up at many of them before, but something about him showing up after the time distortion was already fixed threw Janus off. “We already dealt with time distortion…”
“Oh, good!” Patton said. “That’s good.”
“So, I was actually wondering something.”
“Er, alright,” Janus said. There was a pause. “What?”
“Oh,” Patton said. “Um. You. Well, you once mentioned that you liked ballet.”
He hadn’t actually that he could remember, but he wouldn’t be surprised if a future version of him had. “Yes,” he said. “That’s true.”
 “Yeah,” Patton said. “Cool, so I have a… nephew who’s been getting into ballet. And I’m trying to learn more about it. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for things to see about ballet to help me, er, get a better idea about how… it… is. You know?”
Before Janus could think of a response, Remus spoke up. “You were a much better flirt in Cuba,” he remarked idly. Janus elbowed him harshly in the side.
“Hey, Remus, honey,” Patton said, glancing at him with a sweet smile. “I saw an interesting looking coffee shop down the road.” He started digging in his pocket. “If I give you money, would you mind getting us all something to drink.” He pulled a few bills out of his pocket.
“Yeah… okay,” Remus said with a smirk. “I see how it is.”
Patton just smiled at him and handed over the money.
“Have fun you two,” Remus said, turning on his heels and striding off.
 Janus glanced back at Patton once he was gone. “So, a nephew?” Janus asked.
Patton nodded. “Yep!”
“What exactly did you want to know?”
“Erm… I dunno,” Patton said. “I don’t know enough about ballet to know what to ask about ballet.”
“Well do you want to know more about the watching side or the dancing side.”
Patton bit his lip. “Well, I guess I’d like to know more about the watching side first,” he said. “Then maybe learn some basics about the dancing stuff if my nephew wants to dance.”
“Well, I actually do know more about watching ballet than participating, so that’s good.”
 Patton ended up pulling him over to sit on the swings even though there was a perfectly good bench at the edge of the playground. Janus talked a bit about ballet in general and then gave him a list of particular shows he liked. He did try to stick to the 21st century and before under the assumption that this nephew was from the same time as Patton. There was still plenty of things to talk about even with those restraints.
Patton seemed interested as he talked, pressing his face against the chain of the swing to look at him as he talked with a smile.
 They spoke about ballet for about 20 minutes before Remus eventually returned from the coffee shop.
“Thanks Remus,” Patton said, taking the cup he’d offered to him.
“No problem,” Remus replied, flashing a smile.
“Well,” Patton said, “thank you for the info Janus, but I really need to be going now.”
“Oh,” Janus said. “Okay.”
“See you soon!” he said, typing something into his timepiece and immediately disappearing without even checking his surroundings. He was lucky the playground was strangely empty today. He left his drink on the ground without taking a sip.
“Well,” Janus sighed once he was gone. “We should probably be getting back to the TPI anyway,” he said, taking a sip of the drink Remus had gotten him.
 “A London Fog?” Janus asked.
“It was the special,” Remus said, taking a sip of his own drink.
Janus shrugged. “We’ll finish these and head back,” he said. “The mission was shorter than expected anyway. They can deal with us being gone a couple of extra minutes.”
Janus took another sip. “About the conversation from early,” he said.
“Uh, could we maybe talk about it later?”
“Remus, you’re my friend and clearly something is bugging you.”
“It’s nothing,” Remus said. “Really.”
“It’s clearly not ‘nothing,’ Remus.”
“I… well,” Remus said. “Maybe not, but let’s not talk about it right now. We’re on a mission.”
Janus snorted. “Remus, I’ve seen you drink on the job.”
“…Right,” Remus said. “But still. Things are busy. We should probably actually head back now.”
Janus sighed. “You’re probably right,” he agreed, “but really, we should talk sometime.”
“Sometimes,” Remus agreed, “just… not now.”
“Fine,” Janus said. “Ready?” Remus nodded and Janus pulled up his timepiece and pushing the correct button to get them back to decon. Remus copied him and they both were off.
 Chapter 60
Remus pretty much bolted out of decon to get away from Janus when he tried to talk to him again or at least ask if he could come by and talk to him after work. Janus felt a pit of worry start to grow in his gut. There was something wrong, but Janus didn’t know what. In fact, thinking back, maybe there had been something wrong for a while, but Janus had been too caught up in his own shit of a brain to properly address it.
He walked back to his office still thinking about it. Maybe he’d get Emile’s opinion on what to do.
 The lights flickered as he entered the hallway his office was in, and he paused. That was strange. Very strange.
He frowned, planning to message someone right away about whatever the fuck that was. It was one thing to be a chaotic mess of a time travel agency; it was another to literally not be able to keep the lights on. What was going on in this place?
He stepped into his office shaking his head. To his surprise, someone was already sitting at his desk.
“Virgil?” Janus asked, confused. “What are you doing here?” It wasn’t completely unheard of for someone in cultural outreach to come physically to the TPI, but usually agents went to them. It was more convenient to them and a bit more secure for the TPI.
 “Oh,” Virgil said in a tone that made Janus narrow his eyes and expect the dish washer not to be loaded. “Hey Janus. What are you doing here?”
“In my office?” Janus asked, glancing at Fred who had obviously let him in. Fred shrugged. Glad to know they had great security here.
“Right, yeah,” Virgil said. “It would be your office, huh?”
Virgil paused for a split second and took a breath to regroup. “I was actually looking for your partner.”
“Remus?” Janus asked. “Why?” Then he paused. “What on Earth did he do?”
“Nothing,” Virgil said. “Well, I mean… probably something knowing him, but that’s not why I’m here.”
“Probably,” Janus agreed. “I don’t know where he is right now though. He ran off when we got back from our last mission.”
“And you have no idea where he could have gone?”
“I actually would like to talk to him too,” Janus said. “So, if I did, I wouldn’t be here.”
“Chances he’ll come back to the office?” Virgil asked, hopefully.
“Very low since he’s avoiding me.”
“Great,” Virgil said, rubbing his temples. “That’s great. Why does this have to be physically difficult as well?”
“What exactly do you need with Remus?” Janus asked, noting the way Virgil was holding himself very tensely.
 “I just need to talk to him,” Virgil said.
“Yes,” Janus said. “About…?”
Virgil didn’t say anything. He just looked off to the side.
“Why is everyone acting weird today?” Janus said, almost to himself.
“I’m not!” said Fred from his corner.
Janus shot him an unamused look. “Thank you for your contribution to this conversation, Fred.”
“Look,” Virgil said, “can you just tell him I need to talk to him about something private the next time you see him?”
“What on Earth do you need to talk privately to Remus about?” Janus said.
“Just leave it, Janus,” Virgil said.
 He had his lips downturned in stern way that meant he was trying to hide something from Janus by feigning annoyance. Janus titled his head. “You two aren’t…”
“No! Ew!” Virgil said, looking disgusted. “He’s somehow the worst of two options which is saying something considering the French Toast.”
“Nothing,” said Virgil. “Just, can I leave a note for him, or something?”
Janus paused, looking at him. Virgil squirmed under his gaze but didn’t seem like he was going to give in anytime soon. “Fine,” Janus finally relented. “You can leave a note on his desk. I’m not sure why you didn’t just email him.”
 “It’s an in-person type of conversation,” Virgil said, wringing his hands.
“Whatever you say,” Janus said, walking over to Remus’s desk and clicking the memo button that brought up a screen people who weren’t Remus could write on. “There you go,” he said.
“Thanks,” Virgil said with a relieved grin, clearly happy he was no longer being interrogated. He grabbed the stylus tied to the side of Remus’s desk. (If Janus hadn’t tied it there, it would be in Mesopotamia by now, he was sure.)
Janus turned to go back to his own desk.
“Wait,” said Virgil. “It isn’t working.”
 “What do you mean?” Janus asked. “It’s a note app.”
“It’s not tracking what I write,” Virgil said. He tapped the screen with his finger. “It’s not even responding.”
Janus leaned over to take a look for himself. He tapped it a few times and there was nothing, so he tapped it a bit more aggressively. A fuzzy line went across the screen and then it shut off abruptly.
“What is wrong with things in this office lately?” Janus asked with a frown.
“My stuff just froze too,” Fred said.
The door opened then, and Lena entered the room. “The coffee makers are all offline.”
 “What do you mean the coffee makers are offline?” Janus asked.
“I went to get some coffee for Fred and I and they’re not working. Any of them.”
“That’s odd,” Fred said.
“You know,” Virgil said, shifting nervously on his feet. “This seems like a bad time for me to be here. Why don’t I just come back another time or better yet, Janus, just tell Remus to come find me.”
“Yeah,” Janus agreed. “There’s a lot of things going on apparently, so it’s probably best if you leave.”
With that, Virgil brought up the time device he was using and pushed a couple of buttons to return to his university.”
 However, instead of disappearing like he was meant to do, he flickered once and then was immediately on his knees with his hand over his nose.
“Shit,” Virgil hissed.
“Are you okay?” Janus asked, kneeling next to him. There was blood coming from his nose which was concerning, but his eyes focused on Janus easily enough, though he looked very startled.
“I think I just hit the shield.”
“Is your timepiece not approved?” asked Janus, pulling on his arm to see the timepiece.
“I got it approved this morning,” Virgil said, taking a tissue Fred handed to him to press it to his nose. “It’s supposed to have access to the TPI all day. I used it not even 10 minutes ago.”
Lena was already on her own time device. She pushed a button and disappeared for a moment before appearing a couple of steps away. She stumbled and was caught by Fred. “Mine’s blocked too,” she said, “I only put in to go to the entrance of the building.”
That’s when the lights went out.
 Chapter 61
There was screaming from somewhere down the hall.
“Do you think that’s like when kids would scream when the teacher would turn out the lights in elementary school for a movie?” Virgil asked hopefully, voice a bit nasally since he was still holding his nose.
Janus gave him a tightlipped stare.
“Yeah,” Virgil said, “that’s what I was afraid of.”
Fred calmly reached over and shut and locked the office door.
“And what good is that going to do?” asked Virgil.
Fred glanced at him, already moving to shove Remus’s desk in front of the door. Janus instantly went to help him. “Gives us time to regroup.”
 “Or it locks us in,” Virgil argued.
Janus glanced over at him. “Don’t panic,” he said.
“The fuck do you mean, don’t panic?” Virgil asked, panicking, “Do you even know me?”
Janus sighed. “Fine,” he said. “Panic as much as you want but do it quietly.”
Virgil opened his mouth to speak.
“We know what we’re doing. You do not. Contributions from you that are only fears no matter how rational are not helpful at the moment.”
Virgil shut his mouth.
Janus turned Lena and Fred. “Okay, what do we know?”
“Malfunctioning coffee makers,” Lena said. “Malfunctioning tech in general really.”
 “And not just now,” Fred added, now working on barricading the window with the cabinet he kept his hot chocolate in. “There’s been issues with the whole system for a while now, and they’ve been getting worse.”
“Right,” Janus said. “I’d been blaming that on new recruits messing things up out of ignorance or IT not having enough time do normal maintenance, but if everything is down when the shields are malfunctioning, that implies something else.”
“Are the shields even malfunctioning?” Lena asked. “That implies something went wrong with the program, but what happened to Professor Eran and I is what it’s supposed to do to people who don’t have permission to cross them.”
 “So, the shields might be malfunctioning,” Janus said, “or someone went in and changed the permissions.”
“Considering the tech problems we’ve been having,” Lena said, “it’s possible someone’s been playing around in the TPI the system without knowing what they’re doing.”
“Or maybe they know exactly what they’re doing,” Janus suggested, “and they wanted to see our usual protocol for small issues before giving us a big one.”
There were a few moments of silence where they all were lost in thought.
“People are still screaming,” Virgil pipped in.
“Yes,” Janus confirmed. “This is obviously not just a virtual attack.”
 “Which should be the priority?” Lena asked. “The virtual attack or the physical one?”
“The virtual part will be complicated, and if we stabilize the building physically, we’ll have more time and have everyone safe,” Fred said, “but on the other hand the virtual attack is obviously what’s letting the physical attack persist. If people had access to time travel and communication, the physical attack wouldn’t matter.”
“I think-” started Janus, but he was cut off suddenly by a horrible screeching noise like metal on metal. The room they were in jolted like they were in a car that suddenly stopped and then the world was turning sideways, and they were all toppling as the floor became the wall. Janus landed on top of Virgil. Hopefully the blood now staining his shirt was from the man’s already bloody nose. “-we should probably start with the time anomaly attack!”
 Lena was a few feet away from him. She’d luckily been to the right of her desk, so she landed on top of it instead of it landing on top of her. Fred was a couple of feet away, already crouched. Judging by the state of the furniture around him, he’d had to dodge the cabinet he’d been putting over the window.
“What’s going on?” Virgil asked. Good, he was conscious after that.
“Time distortion,” Janus answered.
“What the hell type of time distortion is this?!” Lena exclaimed, holding one of her arms with the other. Janus couldn’t tell what type of injury she’d gotten.
 “One like the one Remus and I ran into in Cuba,” Janus said.
“So…” Fred said.
“I think we’ve finally found whoever has been mucking up time with time distortion devices. Or, more, I think they’ve found us.”
There were more screams from down the hall. “We can still hear other people in the building screaming,” Janus noted. “That’s good.”
“How is that good?” Virgil asked.
“That means the building is still connected to itself,” Janus explained. “Which, means that while the shields are screwed up, they’re still in place and keeping the building from being ripped apart and sent through time and space.”
 “Oh well that’s good at least,” Virgil said, sounding honestly a bit hysterical. He looked over at Janus. “If the building is intact, can’t we just leave? Just through the front door?”
The three time agents in the room exchanged a look.
“Well,” Fred said, “first of all, it’s probably not going to be that easy to get to the front door considering the screaming we’re hearing every so often.”
“Also, we wouldn’t be able to get out if we did make it to the door.”
“What?” Virgil asked. “Why not?”
“It’s kind of a secret that most people don’t know unless they’ve worked here a long time,” Janus said, “but the TPI headquarters isn’t exactly… in a place.”
 “What do you mean it’s not in a place?” Virgil asked. “I’ve seen the outside of the building. It’s on a normal street with restaurants and a park and all of that.”
“It’s really not though,” Janus said.
“It’s kind of floating,” Lena cut in. “Somewhere in deep space. The doors auto-teleport you the doors of a building on Earth which is why you think that it’s there.”
“The building’s a shell?” Virgil asked, flabbergasted.
“Yes, and unfortunately, without time travel being accessible, going out of the front door would be ill advised.”
There was a long pause as Virgil seemed to reboot. “We’re floating in space right now?!”
“Well,” Janus said. “We were always floating in space. You just didn’t know that.”
 “Great, yeah, nice, that’s great,” Virgil said, rubbing his temples.
“So,” Janus said, turning to Fred and Lena. “I think first we need to find whatever is sending out time quakes before they get worse. Then, we’ll figure out the rest along the way.”
“How are we going to find it though?” Fred asked. “It could be anywhere.”
“I’m not sure but standing in here isn’t going to get us anywhere,” Lena said.
“The closer we get the more chaos there will be,” Janus said. “Game of hot and cold with time distortions anyone?”
Lena and Fred nodded, but Virgil just looked queasy. Luckily, when the room had gone sidewise, the door had landed in a place still accessible enough with a bit of crawling.
 Fred and Lena had to pull the desk away from the door, but then they were able to cautiously open it. Fred poked his head out. “Seems clear,” he said. “Sideways, but clear.”
“Good,” Janus said.
Fred started slowly crawling out into the hallway and Lena went after him. Janus turned back to a very green looking Virgil. “You can stay here,” he said. Maybe go in the supply closet to prevent any more injury from falling office supplies. It won’t be comfortable, but it’ll be better. We’ll come get you when things are stable.”
Virgil nodded. Yet, right as Janus turned away to go follow Fred and Lena, there was another rubble and the ground shook. Virgil, still a bit wobbly on his feet from the last couple of falls tumbled down, but luckily the room’s walls stayed in their places.
Unluckily, the walls outside of the room didn’t. Looking through the office door one could see what was outside the room was very much not a hallway anymore, but a different room entirely. There was no Lena or Fred in sight. “You’ve got to be kidding,” Janus said to the universe.
 Chapter 62
“I thought you said the building was stable!” Virgil said.
“I said it’s not being ripped apart,” Janus corrected, “and it still isn’t. We’re still inside the headquarters. The rooms just got a bit… scrambled.”
“Great, great, fuck.”
“It’s fine, Virgil,” Janus said, though he himself was a bit worried. He knew if he showed that, however, Virgil would just panic more, and the last thing Janus needed at the moment was a panicking civilian, let along a panicking Virgil.
“It is not fine,” Virgil said. Luckily, he looked a bit pissed off at Janus’s flippant reply. Good. A pissed off Virgil was better than one having a panic attack.
 Janus just rolled his eyes, making Virgil bristle even more. “Well,” he said, “either way, I need to attempt to find what is causing this time distortion. Come with me or stay here, though I am unsure if the closet is a closet anymore.”
Virgil eyed the closet and then eyed Janus.
“Make your choice quickly though,” Janus cautioned, already steeping towards the open doorway.
He heard Virgil curse after a moment and then a hand was gripping Janus’s arm. He was coming with then.
They both climbed out of the sideways doorway into the room on the other side.
 “Where are we?” Virgil asked, still holding onto Janus’s sleeve. It reminded Janus of welcome week in their freshman year of college.
They’d been randomly assigned as roommates in the dorms. Janus had mostly ignored him the first day after small attempts at making conversation had failed miserably. He’d assumed the boy simply didn’t want to make friends, and Janus had taken that in stride, sure he could make friends elsewhere.
That lasted until that night when he’d found his roommate on the bathroom floor, dry heaving into the toilet. After figuring out that it was from nerves and not some drug his body was trying to desperately expel (Janus had been very glad he didn’t have to drag some dumbass to the hospital on his first day living away from home), he decided to take pity on the poor fool and socially adopted him.
He'd been a nervous wreck during all of Welcome Weekend even with Janus’s literally leading him by the hand (and sometimes dragging him) to the many social events the university put on. He’d slowly calmed down, however being around a lot of people still sometime freaked him out. He’d warmed up to Janus quickly though and when they were alone, he’d come out of his shell.
He’d proved himself to be a witty, smartass, bastard as soon as he got over his crippling social anxiety. He’d matched Janus perfectly, honestly, and had always been around to help with homework, especially reading and writing. He’d also known more about how to clean himself and his environment more than most college freshman even if sometimes his anxiety had prevented him from using that knowledge appropriately.
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✧ what quarantine taught me ✧
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When quarantine started, people have the opportunity to learn new skills considering the fact that we got to stay at home. My goal during this time period was to hone my digital art skills to save myself money from buying traditional art materials, which can be very expensive. I think we can all agree that this quarantine forced us to learn something new. It is for certain that I have, however it is not a skill. Like I said, my goal was to ‘hone’ the ability that I am already knowledgeable about. This difficult situation has made us appreciate a lot of things, we learned to be creative and appreciate things we used to set aside. I learned to appreciate life and how to live a simpler life.
However, COVID-19 has caused global economic and societal disruptions. Businesses are forced to close down, thousands of workers are affected and the lives of every family changed drastically. This crisis feeds fear and drives up the incidence of racism around the world. One of the latest violent example of this was about the oppression towards the African Americans.
"George Floyd, a 46-year-old black American man was killed by a white police officer during an arrest" a piece of news that spread all over media and caught people’s attention, including mine. My curiosity led me to open the YouTube app and watch the video of a policeman kneeling down an African American man as he shouts the words "I can’t breathe!". I watched a video of a man, struggling to keep himself alive. ‘How disgusting’ I thought to myself referring to the police officers who let him just die.
Growing up, I was never really taught about racism and I had no idea what it is. I only found out about it when I was in high school. My understanding of racism was very shallow, I knew that it was bad and that African Americans experience this but that’s about it. However, when George Floyd’s video spread across the internet, I realized how much the black community has to go through with their everyday lives. The treatment that they are receiving is unjust.
I may not have a first-hand experience of racism, but I understand why they are protesting. The rage inside of people was finally let out. Shouting and crying on top of their lungs hoping that their voice will be heard. To let everyone know what’s actually happening behind America’s “land of the free”. People are done tolerating the unfair treatment towards African Americans. But the fight is not over yet. Police in gear with tear gas and rubber bullets showed up during protests. With noticeably no mercy in their eyes, starts harming people who are peacefully protesting which eventually led to rioting.
The Black Lives Matter movement’s motive is to end the race war that is currently happening and not start one. This movement does not mean that other races don’t matter but instead focus on the problem at hand which is the injustices that black people have to experience. African Americans have to fight for their rights in such a long time and yet they still experience racism. This is why the phrase “all lives matter” is wrong and we should stop saying it because all lives will only truly matter once black lives matter to everyone too. Human lives should already matter in the first place but white people decided to enslave African Americans and dehumanize them.
2020 has been a disaster of a year but this major event specifically has been very insightful for me and I’m sure for everyone else too. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Stephon Clark, Atatiana Jefferson, Freddie Gray, and a lot more. Say their names and know their story. Donate to the Black Lives Matter movement and sign petitions, it’s the least we can do.
“You don’t have to be a man to fight for freedom. All you have to do is to be an intelligent human being” - Malcolm X
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feynavaley · 4 years
50 Questions
I took this from @mandelene, thanks for the open invitation!
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush? Light brown. (It’s a wooden hairbrush.)
2. Name a food you never ever eat. Well... I’m quite a picky eater but I generally try everything if I’m pressed (even though I end up not liking it). I won’t eat very spicy food though, I don’t have a good tolerance for it. Another food I used to enjoy but now I can’t even stand the smell of anymore – and even less I would eat – is almond paste. (Long story short, I came up with something – maybe labyrinthitis – that made me awfully nauseous and dizzy for a few days. I would throw up any time I even just stood up, I couldn’t eat anything. But my roommate had on her desk and almond paste cake, which has a very strong smell. Since I constantly smelled it while feeling so sick, now that’s what I associate that smell and taste with.)
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Generally, too cold. I handle being cold better than I handle being hot, though.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Translating from English to Italian some stuff my dad needs for work. (He doesn’t understand/speak English.)
5. What is your favourite candy bar? Kinder Bueno, Tronky, and Bounty.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? No.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “No, I haven’t seen your glasses. Are you sure you didn’t leave them upstairs?” to my mother.
8. What is your favourite ice cream? If it’s good, Pistachio. It’s very hard to get right, though. Not many ice cream parlours can prepare it well, they tend to make it too sweet.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Water.
10. Do you like your wallet? Yes. Actually, I have two – one is a big red one where I keep basically everything, the other is blue and small and I just put in there a few banknotes and coins and the cards I need, changing them every time. I like both of them.
11. What was the last thing you ate? Chicken breast and salad for dinner.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope. I’ve been confined home for almost one month and a half. 😅
13. The last sporting event you watched? I don’t know. I’m not a fan of sports so I don’t watch anything spontaneously. I only watch something if I’m with somebody who wants to watch it, but I don’t remember when the last time was.
14. What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? Uhh... there are different flavours of popcorns? I only know one... 😅 I’m not a great fan, though.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? An aunt of mine. (My mother’s youngest sister.)
16. Ever go camping? Yes and no. I’ve never gone with a tent in the wild or anything – however, my grandparents used to own a trailer that they kept in a fancy camping location/trailer park by the seaside. When I was a child, I would spend the entire three months of summer break there. I don’t know if it counts as camping, though. After growing older, my sister and I would sleep in a tent instead of the trailer (because the trailer was too small for everybody), but it was still in that fancy campsite which I don’t know how much can count.
17. Do you take vitamins? No.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? Yes. I mean, not right now, clearly (all the Churches are closed due to Covid-19 lockdown) but I would go under normal circumstances.
19. Do you have a tan? No. And it’s very hard for me to get one, anyway. I’m as white as a person can possibly be. 😅 (I’m paler than an actual albino person I know at work. I wish I were kidding. 😓)
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? I prefer pizza. Very stereotypical, I know. 😅 (I’m talking about real Italian pizza, though.)
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? Generally not.
22. What colour socks do you usually wear? White or black.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Depends on where I am and what the speed limit is. I respect the 50 km/h limit inside the cities and towns, but the 30 km/h that can be often found... yeah. 😅 (I’ve never met a driver who respected it, though.) If I’m out of the city and on a straight street across the countryside, I respect the 70 km/h limit but I tend to go faster if there’s a 50 km/h one. (Unless I know there’s an autovelox.) I’ve never gone above the 90 km/h limit, either – actually, I tend to go more around 80–85 km/h on those streets. I should probably also mention that I never drive much above the speed limit, though.
24. What terrifies you? Failure. Hurting or even just disappointing or upsetting other people. On the irrational side, I’m highly arachnophobic and I’m terrified of dogs.(Because I was attacked by a freaking SAINT BERNARD. Luckily, it just got my sweater, but it was completely mauled by the time somebody managed to get it back so... It also turned out I’m mildly allergic though, so me not staying around dogs is probably for the best anyway.)
25. Look to your left, what do you see? I actually don’t know how it’s called in English. I have a sloped wooden roof covering the left side of my bedroom, and I see it along with the skylight.
26. What chore do you hate most? Washing the dishes. Our sink is at a height that forces me to bend in an awkward way and makes my back ache if I have to wash more than a couple of dishes.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? “OMG what is that person saying?? 😭” I’m not a native English speaker so strong non-standard accents always throw me off a bit, at least at first. 😅 I need a few minutes to get used to them.
28. What’s your favourite soda? Citron soda (I don’t know the brand. It was one my great-grandparents used to have in small glass bottles, it tasted amazing and was so refreshing...), Fanta, or Coke Zero. I don’t drink soda often, though.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive? I go in. I think there’s only one place with a drive-through in my hometown. 
30. What is your favourite number? For some reason, I’ve always liked the numbers 3 and 11. They aren’t my lucky numbers or anything, I just like them. (Actually, thinking about it, I know why I like the number 11... In German, it’s ‘elf’, and I started taking German around the period I was obsessed with LoTR... 😅)
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? My mother.
32. Favourite cut of beef? I hardly ever eat beef (I eat meat about every other day, but it’s generally chicken or turkey breast), I don’t have a preference.
33. Last song you listened to? This one. (You’re welcome.)
34. Last book you read? Fire and Blood by George R.R. Martin.
35. Favourite day of the week? Saturday.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? Yes, but only the Italian one (that is missing J, K, X, Y, W). I tend to mix up some letters in the English one. 😅
37. How do you like your coffee? Plain espresso.
38. Favourite pair of shoes? My ankle-height black converse.
39. The time you normally get up? Since the lockdown started, between 8:30–9. I’ve been having trouble sleeping so I’m always tired in the morning.
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunset, the colours are gorgeous. Sunrise is still beautiful and so it’s the atmosphere, but the colours tend to be fainter.
41. How many blankets on your bed? One, at the moment.
42. Describe your kitchen plates. Kind of square, white with blue and yellow stylized flowers in the corners.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment? Quite empty. We’re due a grocery run.
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? No, I don’t like any alcoholic drink. For some reason, I don’t like the taste of alcohol. (And there’s probably something genetic here as it’s also true for my sister, my father, and other relatives from my father’s side.)
45. Do you play cards? Technically, I know a few games but I’m not really good at them and I don’t play often.
46. What colour is your car? I use my mother’s car and it’s dark blue. We also have a dark grey car (belonging to my father) but I’ve never used it because it’s very big (you can go up to 7 seats), I wouldn’t feel comfortable with driving it, let alone parking.
47. Can you change a tire? No.
48. Your favourite state? I’ve never been anywhere in the US so I can’t say.
49. Favourite job you’ve had? The current one. The pay is very low so I’ll have to leave it as soon as I find something better, but I love these children so much. 😭
50. How did you get your biggest scar? I actually don’t have any big scar... I have several small ones. The biggest one is probably on my arm, from when I leaned against the toaster to unplug it and got this long, thin burn. 😅
I tag anybody who feels like doing this! And please tag me back, I’d love to read your answers! 😊
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK S3E15 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 321 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
RATE THE EPISODE 308 Responses
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Overall the fandom enjoyed the episode, with the vast majority of votes being at either a 4 or 5.
Best ep of the season thus far, Bert's monologue/transformation was amazing. Some fantastic VA work by Tomohisa and Inoue as well. CG CT also looked far better than I thought he would. These next few episodes are going to kill me. I can't wait.
Fantastic episode. Bertholdt's monologue was the best part.
Great episode, very dramatic, awesome OST. I am not looking forward to the next few eps, except for Floch's villain origin story!
Can’t wait for the next episode, this one was so good!
Editing was a bit choppy, voice lines cut half a second too quick a few times.
First ep of S3P2 to get a 10/10 from me <3
The animation was pretty lacking in this episode. R&B’s running animation on the wall felt pretty lazy, there was that reused shot of the beast Titan’s throw from season 2, Bertholdt’s character design felt inconsistent as well as Zeke’s. They really need to get the old team back on the animation cause the current team clearly doesn’t know how to handle aot. It’s getting on my nerves.
The episode was absolutely awesome.
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The Bertl Bomb™ was the scene that respondents were most excited about. Following behind that was Mikasa’s brief skirmish with Bertolt, and closely behind that was Armin and Bertolt’s shouting match on the rooftops.
I’m mikasasexual
As a huge Bertholdt fan, it was so great to see Bert as the centre of attention for once. It makes me really sad knowing what comes next.
Bert bomb made my bomb go off
I love Bertholdt's resolve. This scene made him one of my favorite characters.
Bertholdt vs. Mikasa was so fire 🔥
One of the best episodes without a doubt. Bertholdt's monologue before transforming was even more impactful than in the manga.
Explosion aftermath was disappointing. I expected a sea of fire. The one they gave us doesn't feel like something big just happened
That "Levi's 5 seconds of screen time" was good, too!
Why isn't "Mikasa comforting and protecting Armin" an option for favorite moment in this episode? Because those were definitely my favorite moments in the episode
The partner gesture between Reiner and Bertl is the death of me
Am I the only one who get's goosebumps  in the scene before he transformed himself into the colossalus titan and said: 'I feel like, no matter how this all plays out, I can accept whatever happens. That's right, nobody's in the wrong. There's nothing we could do. Because this world....is just...that cruel.' This scene was impressive back in the manga and I'm proud how good Tomohisa Hashizume nailed it. He's an amazing voice actor, especially for Bertholdt.
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Overall the fandom was excited about the new versions of familiar songs with 71% of respondents feeling that they were “totally epic!” 18% agree that the rearranges were good, but that they can’t surpass the original versions.
The soundtrack was lit.
Music was awesome!
Ngl I've watched the episode many times bc the OST during some scenes is just SO GOOD!!
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Over ¾ of the fandom agree that Bertolt dominated the shouting match on the rooftop.
I feel Armin won the "debate" because Bertolt, in his zeal to convince himself that he wanted to kill people he used to see as friends, wasn't making any sense
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46% of respondents were happy to see how far Bertolt had come as a character at this point in the story, while 34% were just happy to get more dialogue and thoughts from him. A small percentage had been curious where his character would go from here.
Godtolt on the way
He ditched the alter ego built up out of guilt, and it's cool to see him truly one of the strongest characters fighting off Mikasa while in human form
I wish we had more Bertl development! He could’ve been really complex, but just isn’t due to a lack of screentime. Compared to someone like Reiner or Annie, this was his one moment of pure raw character development
He reveals his true warrior colors
I loved it, one of my favourite chapters because of his resolve and how he himself was surprised about it.
He's only moving forward as a character and does what needs to be done. Bertholdt, your doing amazing sweetie!
With all this development just to kill him off was heart breaking.
Honestly, I’m so proud of him. He was amazing and it’s so nice to see a confident Bert. I don’t think it’s a development worth praising in terms of moral standards but it suited and made sense for his character
I feel like this is where his character peaked. It was pretty flat before season 2
I just don’t like bertolt in generalI really like his development but it's a shame that he severely lacked screen time before this episode
I'm not really a fan of Bertolt so I'm neutral on this
I still hate his traitorous guts and can't wait for THAT scene to be animated
Fucking loved it. It's one of my favorite chapters (and now episodes) just because he's talking so much and he's badass af. My boy is finally shining!
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Just over half of respondents feel that Armin should have tried a different tactic with Bertolt, while 46% felt that it was worth another shot to try and manipulate Bertolt’s feelings for Annie again.
Has Armin ever convinced anyone of anything they didn't already believe?
He was so used to Bertholdt’s behavior and there was nothing that would’ve made Armin think Bertholdt would have the reaction that he did
Lame. He didn't use much of intelligence here.
It's low, I'm happy it didn't work again
He learned some pretty vital things - how far the Warriors are willing to go, what their priorities are, what Bert's state of mind is, and where his loyalties truly lie. I don't imagine Armin went down that track solely because he thought it would have the exact same effect, but rather to 'check something' - exactly the same as Bertolt.
I think it not only was a good attempt to take (it worked before, why not try it again), but I also think it is incredibly important to show Armin's flaws. Yes, he's an amazing strategist. He's also still sixteen and not always entirely confident. Having Armin make mistakes like relying on old ploys that worked keeps his character more grounded and realistic
Smart people tend to use the same tactics over and over again as long as they're successful and for good reason. After all, why wouldn't you use the same tactic if you know it brings success? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's only when said strategy or tactic doesn't work where the individual would entertain the prospect of changing it or never using it again.
That’s Very Unfortunate!
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36% of respondents aren’t very impressed with the CGI colossal titan, while 29% actually found the effect to be pretty awesome! 13% feel it’s disturbing and a small 7% just find it cringeworthy.
CGI doesn't bother me. What bothers me is how animators overly rely on it. Several decades ago animators made great masterpieces without cgi, all by hand. I understand using it because it makes things easier, but exceeding quality should still be top priority. If you can't make it better with CGI, then go old school and do it right.
Decent but could be better
U can still notice it is CGI but I think their CGI has gotten better compared to some of their earlier uses of it
Doesn't fit with the art style, which is as bad as unfair splitting potatoes
Not too bad but could definitely have been better. Understandable since there has only been one full body shot of it before and that was a sharp backwards, down looking angle.
Don’t really care much for cgi complaints, animating that would be a lot of work, their efforts are better elsewhere
It was necessary and didn't look appallingly bad.
I don't get why people hate it so much? I think it's fine
I hated it in season 2 and I hate it more now
Don't like CGI anything in any anime so take from that what you will
Most angles he looks fine! The only part that he looked off was when we got the face shot of him panning out to the rest of his body
Thought it looked solid. There were some really great shots of him this ep imo. Hopefully the action bits will look as good, and they mix in some 2D shots as well.
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Over half of the fandom agree that this detail is something that’s very adorable, while 22% feel it’s just pretty neat. A combined 21% of respondents either feel it’s not that big of a deal or simply don’t care about it.
>AMJCS who cares?
Good boy protecting his friends? Hell Yeah!
I want to ride pieck - Not an innuendo, i just want a go in one of her turrets
It's gay
Lads you would never get me off that thing, I'd be saddling him up to go grocery shopping
Save me a seat guys!!
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Manga readers are overall happy with the adaptation of chapters 77 and 78, with over 90% saying that it was close to being perfectly done.
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41% of respondents felt more heartbroken to see Marco’s death play out in the anime, while 31% say they felt more sympathetic toward Marco. 14% weren’t affected when this scene played out in either story-telling medium.
About the same level, still utterly heartbreaking, though
Didn't feel as much. Not because it was a bad adaptation, but just because I've already read it and knew what went down.
I felt more sorry for RBA than Marco in this version
I still had lot of emotions with the adaptation, but there's no compare to experiencing it for the first time
I was absolutely sobbing when I read it in the manga. Anime-wise I was more prepared to handle the scene
Watching Marco die again reminds me of why, even in current manga, I still completely and utterly LOATHE/DESPISE/HATE RBA. No, I don't care about their "tragic backstory", they don't deserve empathy of any kind.
It had the same impact when I first watched the trailer for the Lost Girls OVA, which spoiled me his death
It was tough to watch, but it was necessary to deepen Reiner, Bertolt, Annie (and Marco)'s characters. It was very well done, dramatically
Oh fuck it was WAY WORSE animated. Actually hearing his cries and screams is something that can never be duplicated in written form
I did not anticipate being as affected as I was by the Marco flashback. That doesn’t give me hope for how I’m going to handle the rest of the RtS arc. The emotions of the characters are being portrayed very well this season.
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The majority of the fandom believe that Zeke’s seiyuu is a good fit for his character, although over half of the fandom had expected his voice to sound a bit different. 10% feel it wasn’t the best choice, while a small sliver of respondents don’t care for the voice at all.
I can't unhear DIO. Thanks Zeke, thanks Koyasu.
Zeke's VA also voices a lovely, kind character in Violet Evergarden, so his lines are making me really, really uncomfortable
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30% of respondents are excited about Pieck’s titan voice, while 28% feel it’s not what they expected to hear. 18% find the voice “acceptable” while 17% want to wait and hear more before making a final verdict.
Pieck's voice was unexpected in that it was terrifying, much like Ymir's Titan voice
Holy shit. I'm gonna hear it in my nightmares
I rabu Piku.
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Nearly half of the fandom believe that Reiner would still like to honor his promise to Ymir, but feel that he will never actually get to pull through. 15% believe that he’s still determined to save Historia no matter what, and 18% believe that he’s actually stopped caring about his promise (or perhaps just Historia in general) altogether.
Good question. I really want to have a scene with him facing Historia, his reaction to her pregnancy should be interesting
He doesn't want to save HISTORIA because he doesn't know her. The one he wanted to save was KRISTA. But she is already "dead"
I think Reiner has done what he needed to
I'm not sure, I think his main concerns are the kids and stopping Eren
It has to be real low on his priority list right about now given the circumstances
Of course not, Reiner only cares about his own manpain
He still calls her Krista and she probably has already chosen a side most likely Yeagerist
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44% don’t want to say either way whether Armin’s pre-titan behavior is indicative of the influence that Bertolt may or may not have over the Armin we know in the current manga. 39% believe that this is proof Eren’s words to Armin were total B.S., and 12% think this isn’t really proof of anything.
Armin Has always been the diplomat, while Eren is a man of force. Mikasa is in between. It has always been that way.
Past and future are influenced the same when paths are concerned so there's no way to tell.
I don’t think it’s enough to prove or disprove but this is an interesting idea
I don't get this 'changed' shit. Of course having access to someone else's memories has its own influence on a person, but that's true of anyone on the planet who's read a memoir as well. Everything has its effect. The titan shifter thing is obviously a bit more invasive than that, but it doesn't mean he's now suddenly possessed by Beartoto's fucking undead spirit.
I'd like to think it is but with everything Isayama's been throwing at us from out of left field who knows
he's always wished for negotiation, but he seems to have changed in his methods for negotiation. armin used to be more abrupt and upfront, whereas now he seems more tentative
No, he wasn't chanced that much. He understands RBA better and has more sympathy for Annie (maybe even has a crush on her) but it has nothing to do with being a slave.
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Over half of the fandom feel that Bertolt’s current behavior at this point in the series is of his own will, and not influenced by any prior holders of the Colossal Titan. 38% think it’s possible he’s being influenced by memories of his predecessor(s) at this time, while a small percentage feel that he is definitely being influenced by someone else’s memories.
He was badass but I think he was affected by memories of the previous CT owner.
I think that Mikasa thinks he’s acting like a different person because he is. I think this is what Bertholdt is really like but with the 104th he was playing a role so he didn’t get too attached to them.
Still wondering if the "he seemed like a different person" comment was a note about development or supposed to foreshadow something about the Titans influencing their hosts.
I think it’s original Ymir controlling him through the paths
Probably. It seems like a bit of a drastic change to go from quiet, self-deprecating and remorseful to cold, outspoken, and trying to morally justify his actions. It's just too drastic a change.
Confidence boost is completely irrelevant to paths.
We don’t even know Bert’s previous predecessors!
Nope, that's have something to do with "character development", people change sometimes after time and grown more indepented and strong of their own shadow.
I always thought of it more as Bertie finally coming down on a side and the pair picking up on that. He was always so meek and indecisive, but now he's been forced to make a choice and to do it he has to shed his old skin and become more ruthless.
Not at all he ditched his guilt that made up the act they knew him for.
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The overwhelming majority of respondents are looking forward to the Survey Corps’ suicide charge against the Beast Titan and his flying boulders. Nearly 30% are looking forward to the moment that Levi gives Erwin his promise to kill the Beast Titan. A small percentage are most looking forward to Armin and Jean decide who’s going to lead the 104th to victory.
I am not ready for the next two episodes
fuck next week's shit is good, hype
The "predecessor's memory affecting current shifter" is, as far as I'm aware, just a theory that I don't buy into. I've only seen a person "changed" because of the Founding Titan's vow. Otherwise, the shifter's personality remains the same. Armin has always been an advocate for talking and negotiation. We see this in the Trost arc when the Garrison nearly kill Eren with that cannonball. So no, I don't think anyone's memories are "affecting" anyone, including current Eren.
Loved pretty much everything in this episode except for the CGI CT. Didn't expect to see uncensored Reiner, which was weird because Mikasa cutting off Bert's ear was more censored. And I'm a bit disappointed we didn't see more shots of Bert with his V fringe off his forehead. He looked so cool in the manga!
This episode gave me anxiety 'cause I know what we'll going to deal in the next three ones. The soundtrack gave intensity in every scene that its put on it, plus the fantastic job of the VA, perfect work. And just thinking about how the next episodes will be.... *goosebumps*
Wit studio handled the cgi very well imo. It's very difficult to animate this action heavy arca with rubble, smoke, odm scenes etc. and I think they are adapting the manga very well with the right pacing per episode which is also a challenge to fit within 20 minutes.
Bertolt is best boi and this episode was the best of all 3. He deserved to survive and mature up. Hashizume nailed him JUST RIGHT and his interactions with Reiner this episode were on point. The scene where he outsmarted Armin and countered Mikasa was worthy of applause.
i wish it wasn’t too rushed some moments aren’t as emotional as they should be
mikasa looked so good this episode and i'm so happy with how wit isn't screwing her over
After seeing this episode and Marco's death, it makes me sad that Reiner lost his pal Bertolt. They should be suffer bois together. Even still, some of the animation this episode was reallyy not great, so I rated the episode a 4.
Bertolt has proved on this episode that he's one of the best character of the series
I miss berthold so much and seeing him at his best was awesome but it’s really hard knowing what’s going to happen next
This is shaping up to be the best season of Attack On Titan. Cheers for more!
zeke’s beard is the tenth titan shifter
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Thank you to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again in a few days! 
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