#because cringe isnt REAL
flamemons · 8 months
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It's alright to scream
I'm screaming too
Why'd you think I do the things I do?
For shadows haunted me like ghosts
So I became what I feared the most
I conduct fear like electricity
A manmade monstrosity
Killer — The Hoosiers
i woke up from a nap with this song stuck in my head and. yea
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sakura: you guys are so confusing like are you best friends?? rivals?? like what do you even think about each other??
naruto and sasuke at the exact same time: i think he’s CRINGE
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kidfoundonstreets · 1 month
this is exactly what i hate about myself
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verflares · 2 months
ilia is such a sad character ill be so real. pour a glass for yet another victim lost to nintendo love interest-ification
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anduinwrynngaysex · 6 months
the real reason that wrathion and anduin could never forgive each other is that anduin is an emo purist who only listens to american football, car seat headrest, home is where and rites of spring, and wrathion is a myspace emo who only listens to metalcore and pop punk
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skunkes · 8 months
Do u ever think abt where al (and talon too neow?) will go when u find ur person irl? Ykwim? like do u think we'd forget them / drop / git bored of our lil oc guys (of al's nature)? it feels sad!!! like a real loss 2 me. is it weird to be attached to them like they r real? HMM.
i hope ur doing well btw wit all da things ur goin thru. wishin u the best, peace and stability to u, bruther <3
dis is so scary i was just talking to a friend about something adjacent to this...
putting under read more solely because it feels weird to have some of the stuff im gonna mention just out in the open loll ^_^ ^_^
so! I kind of already experienced something like this last year, when i found myself um...in a situation like one you described...
I put al up on the shelf for a bit then picked him back up a few months later for much needed comfort among lots of confusion... I look at this Now as maybe being because, well. things started going south at that time and i needed Al again... + that makes sense! but i also have a friend who's in a long term relationship who still has thier own array of characters in their brain to lean on for comfort (though they aren't ocs)
I understand what you mean though... I'm attached to them like they're real. and neither outcome sounds good to me...!
like if the case is just that The Best Fit For Me, My Partner, really will make me forget about them, that makes me sad!!! Al has been in my life for such a long time. in those few short months of my situation where things were nice, I didn't have much to draw...! I don't know what I would draw if it wasn't my little comforts...! My yearning... It felt really weird even if i was happy for a little bit... it felt weird that he was just Gone.
BUT if the case is that i find a partner that's a good fit for me and i DONT forget about Al (and talon)...then that's also kinda sad...! Sad that I still need additional fantasy comfort that can never be real... because the little guys in my brain are like their own people... sad that there's nothing on earth close enough in the same way that everyone you date can have their own qualities you'll miss because theyre their own person, except they'll always just be in my brain and never in my arms etc etc... it is sad.... sometimes i just get emotional over having created em at all because all the outcomes are so sad to me......
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homophyte · 1 year
it is interesting to me that ive seen lately (n yknow this is subjective and likely not any real social force just what ive seen) many queer people simultaneously talking about taking back and embodying unpalatable and ‘unmarketable’ queerness (the recent return to the terms faggot and transsexual come to mind) which i think is pretty evidently shaped by the conservative moment were in of demonizing queer ppl and especially gnc and trans people as predators--it reads as a return to queer isolationism in the face of external hostility, imo--while at the same time ive seen a lot of rallying around the “original” 6 stripe rainbow flag as opposed to any of the purportedly ‘factional’ flags of different queer identities, with the assumption being different identity flags divide us while the rainbow flag encompasses everyone and its kinda fascinating to me bc the rainbow flag is probably the single most marketable and palatable and uncontroversial symbols of queerness which has been seamlessly uptaken by those who wish to sell it back to us as gets pointed out every pride month with all the cringey pride merch.... i dunno you could maybe take that as a point of hypocrisy and claim the queer community is itself in a conservative moment rn where its returning to a sense of history and historical continuity (perhaps even out of that sense of external threat) or even that the queer community has for some time been in a conservative moment given the like, decade of identity discourse and lashing out at any people deemed to not have a sufficiently established history or however we should categorize the bihets/ace discourse/transtrender-tucute discourse/pan discourse/bi lesbians discourse (because lets be frank its essentially all the same discourse just keeping up its momentum by leapfroging from one target to the next) which i think is, like, SOMEWHAT true but not entirely? its more interesting to me, in any case, as an expression of a conflict the queer community is facing given that current state of affairs RE antitransness and that very recent history. like, the simultaneous need to retreat to a safe sense of community which is welcoming to the very things the outer world is demonizing ie mutable gender, complex or contradictory experiences of gender, gender expression which is hostile to the cis binary, but also the ways in which it has to grapple with those discourses which have largely defined the community infighting for again the past decade. its queer people begging the question ‘how can we make the queer community welcoming to the girlfags and genderfucks and tboys who are being threatened when we have spent so much time making the queer community a hostile place for anyone with a non-conventional or not easily (or even just palatably) sortable sense of queer identity’. and the answer it seems to be grappling with at the moment is like, welcoming all that diversity of experience but being absolutely averse to naming it. yes we love all the fuckery with gender and sexuality never be marketable but like, ew, why are you calling yourself [insert microlabel here]. you can be genderweird but you cant call yourself genderweird. you can only exist as queer in the broadest possible way (the all-inclusive gay pride flag!) but if you try to name the specifics or use those identity labels weve been fighting over for years youre doing it wrong (the progress pride flag is now ugly and cringey and ‘too much’). i think theres something also to the way (at least on this site) transmisogynistic discourses have really taken hold as legitimate (though yknow i wont downplay how much a problem transmisogyny has like. always been in queer spaces no matter what) in the name of protecting n defending trans people. like its just regurgitated transmisogyny but its being mobilized supposedly in the service of helping trans people. idk its definitely getting a little late for me to string this together fully coherently but theres a throughline there, in the ways certain ideas are being consolidated and reified as ‘yes were more progressive now!’ when i think theres definitely something to question there in terms of like...are we? are we actually? are we doing better by the people were trying to help or are we setting strict standards and forcing ppl to adhere to them again?
#myposts#this is long and honestly probably Nothing#i dont even really have a way of proving its the same group of people saying both things except fro anecdotally seeing it#and even thats not proof either is a real social force with like power. i could be entirely wrong on every count here#but i do think theres something to the idea that like#as ive seen said#yknow 'ace discourse never ended you all just accepted ace people didnt deserve support and then moved on w those views internalized'#i think thats more broadly true for like. all those discourses i mentioned. and for the transmisogyny i alluded to#but honestly i dont even want to name the specific phenomenon im talking abt there bc those people. scare me.#but yknow ill say it ive felt way more pressure lately to not call myself pan than i did at the height of pan discourse#before it became cringe to care about it and instead of actively shitting on pan ppl we moved on to passively doing it#ive largely started just. calling myself bi to avoid the arguement. which i predicted i would have to do years ago#and now look at me doing it! not really a fluke that its happening now. i think#which isnt to say were moving 'backwards' per se but that these ideas are not now and never have been really challenged#so weve just internalized their logics--reactionary logics--and its having an interesting effect now that we need a progressive community#for our safety.#now we cant say anything about it because to bring it up is jeopardizing everything weve built and the people were keeping safe!#cause we dont count as people deserving of safety were disruptors who only belong when we dont make noise. idk. or thats how i feel#again i dont really know if this is true at all im more just...thinking through it i think#basically like what im seeing--i think--comes from simultaneously that need to be unmarketable in the face of hostility#coming into conflict with a decade of momentum to make queers solely marketable. and i think thats producing some interesting--but sucky#--discourses in the current moment#last disclaimer that i might and am likely totally wrong! okay lauren out. post send *nervous sweating*
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martyrbat · 1 year
playing an ongoing game called ‘learn whats acceptable to say in someones tags or get blocked’. a lot of you are losing.
#i know i can be cringe or annoying but like. theres a difference between joking on something vs fucking insulting someone you dont know#is this person talking about something they enjoy that you dont? filter the tag and post content and go on with your day#if theyre too annoying then just unfollow for a bit and check back later even#is this person a fan of a character you hate?? put it on your own post instead of coming onto someones account to bitch in their tags#you are literally insulting a real life person over a fictional character. over a show. over a comic. what is wrong with you.#unless the thing they like is actively rooted in real life hate (racism sexism misogyny ableism transphobia etc) that will reflect#and cause real life harm then it literally doesn't fucking matter if you disagree with someone.#youre not making me want to read and consider your opinion about something i literally consume for fun and because haha autism s/i#by calling me an idiot or by saying how i (a disabled person) am ‘braindead’ because i have a different opinion or whatever.#youre just being mean because you feel like you have an excuse to pretend youre superior to someone#like idk how to break it to you but dick grayson isnt going to suck your dick despite you insulting a real person over him lmao.#anyways. im going to block you if you insult me. im going to block you if you see my post on something i like thats harmless and tell me#how much you personally hate it or disagree. i dont care. make your own post because now you cant make it on mine.#and my anon is temporarily off (sorry shy mutuals </3) because a lot of ppl dont have common decency on what's okay to say or demand lol
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arolesbianism · 5 months
I <3 transmasc Wendy because it adds another thing to the kid who does not know how to handle anything being thrown into everything pile but instead of a thing like dead sister it's the prospect that he kind of likes having short hair and the idea of being a guy and it still makes him feel like the world is ending until suddenly the ppl around him are just like fine with it and everything is like cool actually and he melts over that too until finally he's just a normal baby trans person and can get back to being bad at coping with his other hashtag issues again
#rat rambles#starve posting#like I do have dead serious wendy trans thoughts tm even some that actually relate to his quotes high bar I know gkfndkd#its just so fun reading him as a trans egg thats one breakdown away from being smashed#and also gives me some yummy tasty thoughts abt both wendy and abby and the inivertable fact that as time goes on the only remnant of#abby's face is going to shift and change more until it can no longer even be a reminder of what was lost#which must be a Horrifying idea to wendy even if chances are he hasn't rly internalized this concept yet#and for abby especially if you're like me and go for a more silhouette style ghost design for her youve gotta imagine how fucky it is to#watch your twin grow up and change in ways you never will#Im also a agender abby who will likely never realize believer because shes just like younger me fr#like shes low key just me as a little kid but without the anxiety disorder#anyways back to the topic of wendy genderism Im honestly surprised Ive never seen a he/him wendy hc before#Im not surprised at not finding any trans guy wendys but there rly isnt much variety in nonbinary wendys despite it being fairly common#I just like trans guy wendy cause he gives me those vibes#its the weird little girl to cringe fail trans man pipeline or smth idk#give him a couple years eventually he'll be a grimy lil freak of a teenage boy#if abby didnt die and knew abt gender stuff itd still take her 30 years minimum to even consider she might be not a girl maybe#not because she's hard in denial abt gender stuff shes just is in the classic headspace of 'well I dont Think I care so I must be cis ig'#same with my aro abby hcs but walter is super not helping#as Ive said before they are aro echo chamber besties dont try to tell them romance is real they will not believe you#hey better then whateve the fuck wendy would have to go through if one of the trans men around him offered solidarity#I would rather die than get advice from wilson are you kidding me#the only somewhat normal trans guy there is warly but hes french so it cancels out
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deneveve-is-lost · 8 months
I'm the worst because if I find out complete strangers who I follow on social media think something I like is annoying I start thinking I should probably just kill myself and save myself the embarrassment, it's not ideal
#like this is kind of a joke but also not really i hate myself haha#i just think im like disgusting and deserve endless shame and hatred or whatever for being a bit cringe#i hate that its even cringe like why is cringe it makes me happy why can i not just enjoy things without this being an embarrassing trait#still thinking abojt when i went to the queer youth group age 16 and was drawing the crystal gems and some dude comes up to me like#oh you like Steven Universe. 😐 okay.#like yes i like steven universe bitch im a fucking 16 year old autist with a tumblr account and no self esteem what do you want!!#this isnt fucking social media i am literally standing in front of you!!! i am a person!!!! see me as a person!!! please see me as a person!#like thats why i leaned so hardcore into fucking truscum shit and became so fucking grating and insufferable#because i was so cringe and such a fucking trender and i hated it#it made me want to kill myself over and over again i had to prove i was a real man who could take a joke#and wasnt into that cringe tumblr sjw shit i was tough and cool#i also had agoraphobia and couldnt look in the mirror without wanting to do violence to myself#and lay in bed taking codeine only getting up to piss and shit for weeks at a time#but yeah no i was tough and cool and not cringe#not cringe not cringe#i still cant bear it i still hate myself then#i hate myself so much it makes me want to beat the cringe out of me i hate it#i just want to feel okay#i just want to feel like im allowed to be here#and that people ultimately dont care that much if there are some things we dont have in common#but i cant even treat other people that way so#its the fucking shit for me
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florenceisfalling · 2 years
aside from the common note that the people who say "this internet discourse doesnt matter to me because im a real adult with a job who touches grass" typically are people who are chronically online and just in denial about it, the whole sentiment is fucking stupid regardless. the internet, especially now, is very much a part of real life. there is no total switch of traits between online and offline behavior. do you people think that the 13 year olds who consider it a moral good to tell twitter users shit like "you deserved to be raped" just act perfectly normal and well-adjusted as soon as they turn off their phones? do you think the adults are any better? you don't have to have a stake in every race, arguing and caring all the time is exhausting and it's not like we would agree on everything anyway. but the bare minimum is to not pretend it doesn't matter to anyone at all just because it's not your problem specifically. all the silly little words on your screen are being typed by an actual human being and they have to see it when you deny the existence of things that they have experienced repeatedly and in a very tangible way. some of you forget that regardless of how silly a subject matter is, people joining together because they are passionate about it is going to lead to real, actual tension and feelings and occasionally danger. it doesn't just "spill over" into the real world, it is a large part of the real world. you have to stop acting like distant, detached neutrality/denial on every subject is the most "normal" opinion possible, much less the most appropriate, reasonable or mature
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Decided to do with my anxiety what I did with my body dysmorphia ages ago which is to beat it with the affirmation stick until it eventually becomes a central part of my belief system. This round is "I am strange and I am loved. I may be misunderstood and that does not make me alone. I am surrounded by people who accept me"
#theres reasoning for this#like 'i am cringe but i am free' despite being incredibly memeable doesnt work for me#first of all saying it outloud can sound self depricating. and accidentally sounding self depricating#(something i rarely actually do)#makes me want to shrivel up into freeze fried weasel and hibernate for seveal hears#also the presence of the word 'but' presents these things as contradicory ideas. and i need them to go hand in hand#hense this sey of affirmations#the rule of three is good and memorable#the first statement says something about myself. something it is good and realistic for me to believe is inherent about myself#the second accounts for situations when that first one may feel threatened such as when i am misunderstood#using an AND here for those ideas that are NOT conteadictory is reslly important cor the syntax of my brain#being misunderstood does not say anything about me. it is a nuetral statement and i reminder of important truths#and these truths are easy to affirm if i get REAL spooked by touching base with a friend!#and lastly is something i want to believe about the world#.....i am a strange sort of person. i exist outside of a lot of cultural norms in a way i cant change if i wanted to. i dont want to#but having a hard heart or expecting harm and judgement from other people isnt good for me#and doesnt lend to good conversation#i want to enter spaces with the expectation that i will be accepted because i deserve to be accepted. that is the norm.#i want to believe that is normal. therefore i am making a statement about other people#both friends and strangers#they WILL accept me. and it will be easier for them to do so if i dont come in afraid of harm and instead open to conversation#anyways thats my logic! i wanted to externalize it and dont mind doing so publicly#i hope this may have helped someone <3#lush chats#anyways memorize and repeat these all the damn time. thats what i do. good mantras for grounding yourself.#i especially like to do affirmations when i look in the mirror. Spell of anti dissociation
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fanby-fckry · 4 months
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
23 hr. ago
adam is literally sinner coded because of his war crimes. but whatever
🍸 bar-cat75 Follow
23 hr. ago
Angel, I know this is a joke, but just remember that if you go knocking on enough doors asking to see the devil, eventually he’ll answer.
🍎 luci-goosey-666 Follow
1 min. ago
Hi! :D
#jumpscaring my denizens #irl source
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🎀 charlies-angel Follow
8 min. ago
New url now that the cat’s out of the bag.
moth-gf -> @.charlies-angel
🌈 hells-disney-princess Follow
8 min. ago
Awwwwww, babe!!! 🥹🥰💖
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
2 min. ago
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💙 ozzie-king-of-lust Follow
1 hr. ago
Lmao I love how Adam fought the radio demon, the princess of hell, and Lucifer himself, but in the end the one to put him down is a two-foot tall cyclops with a knife and blood lust.
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💙 ozzie-king-of-lust Follow
58 min. ago
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@.jest-fizzarolli Fizzie Frog, you cannot leave this in the tags.
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
57 min. ago
#ozzie peer-reviewed my tags #is he biased? #yes #but idc ↯ #niffty lady ↯ #alastor the radio demon ↯ #adam ↯ #extermination day ↯ #extermination 2 electric boogaloo #jesters privilege #irl source
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🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
12 hr. ago
if I make it outta this alive, I’m gonna tell my crush I’m in love with him.
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
2 hr. ago
#well well well #if it isnt the consequences of my own actions
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🐝 queen-bee-lzebub Follow
3 hr. ago
Nice try Heaven, but: L + Ratio + the power of friendship
#stay sinning stay winning babes!!! ↯ #extermination day ↯ #extermination 2 electric boogaloo #👑🐝
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📺 voxblr4k Follow
3 hr. ago
Alastor is trending again, but this time for the right reasons (getting his ass kicked and running away like the cowardly little pissbaby he is)
So I guess I won’t be deleting this hellsite just yet
↯ #alastor the radio demon #shitposting in 4k
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📻 real-radio-demon Follow
4 hr. ago
I seem to have made what you might call an “oopsie daisy”
📻 real-radio-demon Follow
4 hr. ago
A real “cringe fail moment” if you will
📻 real-radio-demon Follow
4 hr. ago
I fucked up
↯ #alastor the radio demon ↯ #extermination day ↯ #extermination 2 electric boogaloo #real radio demon broadcasts
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💀 be-gay-do-crym Follow
5 hr. ago
hey is no one gonna talk about how a fucking rpf smut writer just killed adam the motherfucking archangel?
💀 be-gay-do-crym Follow
4 hr. ago
@.niffty-lady has over 1000 fics on archive of our souls including a 500k word explicit radiostatic enemies to lovers fic that allegedly caused infighting in the vees because vox wanted it taken down and velvette kept blocking his access
and she stabbed the leader of the exorcists to death
↯ #niffty lady ↯ #extermination day ↯ #extermination 2 electric boogaloo #her url is trending now so ig we are talking about it #cryms crimes
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❤️ moth-pimp Follow
8 hr. ago
people think I’m exaggerating when I say voxxy has a fetish for killing the radio demon. I wish those people could see him now.
🧁 rad-velvette-cakes Follow
8 hr. ago
#hate boner doesnt even begin 2 describe it #radiostatic #vox ↯ #alastor the radio demon #rb
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📺 voxblr4k Follow
23 hr. ago
for 2nd extermination day I’m deleting this entire site sayonara you weeaboo shits
↯ #extermination day ↯ #extermination 2 electric boogaloo #shitposting in 4k #irl source
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⬜️ voxblr-meta Follow
23 hr. ago
Fanby’s Fake Dash Masterpost
#meta #fake tumblr dash
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crushedsweets · 9 months
what do you think natalie and jack interacting would be like or. if they do at all or
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jacks the only one taller than nat. ok i have words now
nat and jack met through toby, shortly after she was finally 'released' from the operator.
really it would just be nat and toby talking in jacks cabin, while jack listens. they never spent time alone together UNTIL toby and nat got into this massive argument and went weeks without speaking. this put nat on edge when she was at the barn that jeff usually crashed at, and she ended up also getting into a huge fight with jeff. so now she couldnt crash at tobys or the barn(when jeff was around) because she would get too angry.
so she went to the next place she deemed safe, jacks cabin. he accepted because he felt bad.
it was a really awkward night, but when she woke up jack awkwardly offered to make her breakfast because that's always how he was with his little siblings. she was kinda surprised, asked about it, and he awkwardly told her about how he used to cook a lot. she said smth about 'kinda ironic you dont eat this stuff then' and he just laughed. etc etc and they finally start actually talking.
natalies lack of filter and jack just accepting whatever the hell people say oddly works out...
she stays another night, she cleans up around the place because like. he sort of has like... echolocation and thermographic vision, so he gets around real easy and knows when there's stuff on the floor, but doesnt really see dust and dirt and whatever. he never even realized his place was kinda dirty and gets hella embarrassed and is like 'why the hell didnt anyone say anything' . he cleans a lot more thoroughly now. he gets so upset whenever he remembers all the times toby was there and said nothing LOL
theyre just.... so relaxed around eachother idk how to explain it. jacks always been pretty calm, and only got more quiet/distant after the sacrifice. natalie isnt super chatty but she keeps a decent conversation and he's oddly appreciative of her bluntness.
eventually they start talking about stuff they like. she shares that shes always liked stories, mentioned how toby tried reading to her bc she has pretty bad dyslexia but they thought it was cringe so she started listening to audio books, and jack was like holy crap. WHY HAVENT I THOUGHT OF AUDIO BOOKS. because hes always been a bookworm but cant read anymore on account of... well....
they listen to audiobooks together while doing their own thing. she'll be painting or something and he'll be cooking and it's overall pretty nice.
inevitably she ends up going back to the barn and her and toby reconcile, plus she doesnt really wanna live at jacks cabin cuz she sleeps on the couch and doesnt like to intrude more than she already has. but jack tells her she's always welcome
they never connect on a like, deep emotional level where they share trauma or something, but overall theyre just really good company
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the-s1lly-corner · 29 days
Screw it the sillyness won, could I pretty please request Gummigoo being absolutely smitten for the reader headcannons? No rush to write this tho! :) (I'm cringing so bad while writing this lol)
Gumigoo being head over heels for the reader
still mad that i cant play my spotify playlist on browser- its not private or anything, i just cant access it maybe its because im not logged in on browser. which sucks because it wont let me log in on browser- grrrr notes: reader is GN, brand new established relationship, au where gummigoo gets to stay at the circus CWs: edit
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its all so new for him, hes sure he may have fallen in love at some point in his old life... if the narrative called for it- but did that count as something real? to him, he wasnt sure... but that didnt change the fact that you were here now
its all so weird, experiencing all of this with you- its like he wasnt awake before he met you... which to be fair... he kind of was, wasnt he?
despite being totally new to it, hes still pretty confident with you. he isnt afraid to kiss you or hold your hand. at worst he might not know exactly where to put his hands, but its not long until he gets the hang of it
he sees you like you were the best thing to come into this universe, like hes constantly falling in love with you all over again every time you interact with one another
its actually a little funny to see!
his tail sways a little as he talks with you, sometimes you can hear it thump against the wall or floor, or really anything that gets too close
oh his eyes definitely turn heart shaped when he sees you, it sometimes only lasts for a few seconds but its still something that happens
dies a little when you wear his hat/pos
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astrozuya · 6 months
☆ GOOD NIGHT — kang taehyun.
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✦ content‎: ‎taehyun x gn!reader. fluff. 0.5k wc. summary: to you, home is kang taehyun. you don't see that ever changing.
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you blink sleepily and open your eyes, warm and surrounded by soft blankets, your head resting comfortably on someone's chest.
you look up, and even in your dazed state you instantly know it's taehyun. he's more familiar to you than your own reflection, and even in the dimness of the room you know it's him, because you'd never feel this safe with anyone else.
the contentment and relief of having him with you gives way to frustration when you realise he's in the same position he was a few hours ago, when you first drifted off to sleep cuddled close to him.
"tyun," you whine, your voice a little hoarse from disuse. "i said i was fine, you didn't have to stay—"
"angel, you're sick." he sounds affronted at the very idea of leaving you alone, and you can make out a slight frown on his face through the dim, hazy illumination of the night light. "there's no way i'm leaving your side until morning."
you frown too, not backing down. "have you even moved since i went to sleep?"
"i have, don't worry." he places a bookmark into the paperback in his hands, before setting it down on the nightstand and taking off his glasses.
he carefully arranges the covers around you, making sure you're warm and comfortably tucked in, then places a hand gently against your cheek. "you're still running hotter than normal, you need rest."
"you're silly," you mumble. "i said 'm fine.. it's just a fever."
"i'm still gonna stay right here, sweetheart." his hand finds its way to your head and he strokes your hair gently, smiling when you relax and nuzzle into his touch.
"i just… don't want you to force yourself to be here." your words come out as a mumble, and taehyun frowns again.
"it's okay to be taken care of, y/n. i love taking care of you, baby, so please, let me be selfish and look after you for as long as i want."
"and how long would that be?"
he laughs softly. "who's silly now? forever, of course."
you feel tears prick at your eyes and quickly blink them away, blaming your sensitivity on your unwell state. taehyun is nothing short of perfect, and you know that, you've always known that, but his overwhelming tenderness still manages to take your breath away sometimes.
you hide your face in his chest and he wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer as he presses a kiss to your head.
"i'll make you some soup when you wake up, okay?"
you nod wordlessly, the exhaustion finally hitting your body, and cuddle closer to him, relishing in the warmth of his body and the safety of his presence as you let your eyes drift shut.
taehyun plays with your hair, adoration etched onto his features as he watches you fall asleep. the last thing you remember before sleep takes you is his whispered promise: "rest up and go to sleep, my darling. i'll be right here when you wake up. i love you."
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notes: sick and twisted that i'm unwell but don't have a tyun to cuddle me rn ㅠ ㅠ when will the horrors end.. anyways this is painfully self indulgent but idc anymore cringe isnt real. i hope this was ok :)
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