#because for a long time (bc of the problems) i saw clothes as
velocitic · 2 years
sorry to be vulnerable on main. but i am thinking about how i used to buy clothes that were 2-4 sizes too small for me (bc of the Problems) and then when i got older i would always buy clothes that were 2-4 sizes too big on me (bc of the Problems in a different direction) and anyway. i have recently made the effort to buy clothes that are my size and fit me as i am and as they are intended to fit a person. and i'm hot now thank you and good night
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qwimblenorrisstan · 2 months
Catch of the Eye | Azriel x Hippy!Reader
Summary: After you moved into Velaris, your bright demeanor and clothing seemed to demand Azriel’s attention, as well as the rumors of the Princess of Autumn’s disappearance.
Word Count: ~ 800
Warnings: None!
A/N: This request had me cracking up while writing it bc the idea of a hippy bamboozling az into silence is so funny to me, hope you enjoy <3
Requests are open!
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Ever since Azriel had met you, since you’d moved from Autumn Court, you always managed to utterly flabbergast him in ways that shouldn’t be possible for the stoic shadowsinger.
It had all started when he’d noticed the bright, almost obnoxious clothing you always had. Some weren’t bad, like the jeans you would wear with bright floral patterns accenting them, or the flowery shirts or skirts you’d wear.
Your fashion sense was the complete opposite of his, and since you had moved to Velaris under his suggestion, he got to see your wacky outfits every day.
Sandals were a common choice, not to mention warm-toned clothes, cardigans, and knitted tops. The earrings you wore were nothing like he’d seen before, not even trying to be elegant or beautiful, just giving an extra pop of color and flare to your outfit.
It fascinated him.
He’d always seen proper noble women trying to be beautiful or elegant or alluring, but you weren’t that at all. You were just…yourself. You didn’t care about what others thought, you were a rule unto your own law. You were just so out there, sticking out like a sore thumb, but in a good way.
Your bright clothes and personality became a comforting sight for him amongst the dark color theme of Night Court, with most residents opting for black.
And your opinions?
Completely outrageous. But also funny.
Like when you rambled on about how Fae should need a license to winnow, to ensure that they weren’t endangering themselves or others if their skills weren’t good enough. Or how any winged Fae should also need licenses, for the same reason.
He will never forget the time that you told Rhysand to his face on one of your first few times meeting his family that if Velaris was already peaceful and perfect, why not expand that principle to Hewn City, too?
And when he’d tried to explain that the people of Hewn City were too stubborn and hateful for that, you’d just called his reasoning “stupid” and an “excuse” because he just wanted to live in his little paradise city and not deal with the problems of the Court.
That had frazzled Rhys.
In fact, you frazzled almost everyone in the Inner Circle. Except Cassian. He seemed to find you extremely entertaining. You’d nearly given some of them a heart attack, especially since your fiery red hair and hazel eyes oddly resembled the Princess of Autumn, who hadn’t made a public appearance in months, and some people were getting suspicious.
Once getting over the initial hurdle of them adjusting to you, Feyre invited you to her art studio, and when Azriel got there (he’d volunteered to help with some of the paints since he didn’t have any missions that week) he saw you, an absolute mess of paint, helping all the children. You were surprisingly good at it, knowing just what colors to mix for them, giving them what they needed and when, and generally working well with Feyre even if all your paintings were bright and usually neon, and hurt his eyes a bit if he looked too long.
“You’re good with them.”
He spoke to you as he walked down the street, you alongside him as you finally left her painting studio.
“I’ve handled kids before, they’re pretty fun usually.”
He raised a brow at that.
“Did you…babysit, or something?”
He asked, the mental image of you watching and caring for a child for an extended period of time not exactly a great one.
“No, I helped raise my little brother. He was always a more mellow kid, but he had a tongue on him, that was for sure. I oughta visit Luci sometime soon.”
He listened. You’d never mentioned brothers before, or any family at all, really. It didn’t help his suspicions.
“‘Luci’ is an odd name for a boy.”
He commented dryly, and you, clearly not catching onto his sarcasm, as you rarely did, only laughed.
“Boys can be named whatever, but his full name’s Lucien.”
He stopped walking at that, and you continued, oblivious to it until he jogged to catch up.
“You’re Lucien’s sister? As in Lucien Vanserra?”
He asked in a quiet but surprised tone. You only nodded, grinning at him in that lazy, relaxed manner you always had.
“Our secret!”
You declared, before prancing off to go look at the bright fabrics of your favorite salesmen in Velaris. You’d already befriended more than half of the people there, and they all seemed to like you.
Cauldron help anyone who befriended you, and definitely help the shadowsinger stuck as your mate for eternity.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Another Daryl request bc why not aka I love your Daryl fics so so much 🤍
- a steamy enemies to lovers !! Yn leads a neighboring community (to Alexandria) and they meet regularly to wrangle over the boundaries of the hunting grounds. There always has been heavy sexual tension and one day the things “escalate” ;) …
Crossing Lines
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: When Daryl gets caught on forbidden ground once again, you show mercy - like you did so often. But this time you offer him a quite... Special deal. A deal he can't reject?
Warnings: the usual TWD stuff, walkers, weapons, this is quite a bit steamy, very suggestive smut...
Takes place in season 6!
Word Count: 3,1k
a/n: I absolutely love this request and the story my brain came up with! I'd even go so far and say it's one of my favourites! 😄 Thanks for this, my wonderful friend! I hope you and everybody else likes it! ❤
Sidenote: It has nothing to do with the Wolves. I just liked the name.
Tagging: @km-ffluv @stitchintimefan @sweetpeapod @loz-3 @peaches1958 @fictive-sl0th @lou12346789 @fuseburner @hotgirlsshareaccounts @in-this-minute
Daryl Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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"Hey, Daryl! What are you up to?" Glenn asked his friend; shouting down from one of the guard towers in Alexandria. "'M goin' out," the archer answered; stopping in front of the wooden construction to look up at the Korean. Glenn smiled. "I can see that - but what are you up to?" Daryl shrugged his shoulders. "Huntin'. We're out of 'possum." Glenn couldn't suppress the small giggle, which left his lips. "Yeah, right. Be careful out there. The sun's going down soon." "Nah, got a least two hours 'fore sunset." Even though Glenn knew the redneck for quite a long time already, he was still sometimes surprised and impressed by his skills.
"Alright. See you." Daryl nodded and wanted to walk past the tower, when Glenn stopped him again. "You know the rules," he shouted after him. The archer gave his friend another nod and a low grunt, before he made his way to the big doors; leaving his home behind himself.
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Roaming the woods and wide meadows around Alexandria; the archer was on search for something alive to eat. He followed a few trails, which only led to nothing, or a dead cadaver; already feasted on by a walker. Daryl didn't find himself having a lot of luck this evening - at least in the Alexandrian hunting grounds...
Stepping on 'forbidden' land, Daryl's senses were sharpened. Not just because he was looking out for some animal to hunt... Because of the walkers. Sure, you always had to look out for them - but the problem was that he couldn't kill them. Not here. They'd know. You'd know.
The archer sneaked as quiet as possible through the woods; always scanning his surroundings - and yet he couldn't prevent it from happening. A single crack of a twig a few meters away from him announced his doom - and before he could even blink, he was surrounded. About ten men; bow and arrow raised at him and all dressed in the signature clothing he was so very familiar with. Boots, black cargo pants, linen shirts or hoodies. Some of them had fur mantles draped over their shoulders. Others wore a hood. But everyone had a bandana covering most of their faces. Damnit, thought Daryl.
"Drop the weapon!" One of the men yelled. Daryl did what he was told; knowing that he had lost the game already anyways. So, he dropped his crossbow.
The archer's eyes scanned the group then; looking out for you - their leader. But you found him first.
"Crossing borders again, Dixon?" Your voice urged to his ears, causing him to swiftly turn around. You stood behind him; dressed like the men around him. Black cargo pants, beige linen shirt and a fur mantle; bandana loosely hanging around your neck. The only difference was, that you somehow looked more... gracefully. It seemed like the clothing fitted you so much better. Or was it just the way Daryl saw it?
The left corner of your mouth twitched upwards; smiling halfway at the archer. Your bow lazily draped over your shoulder; one hand securing it.
"I asked you a question."
Once again managed your voice to grab his attention; snapping out of his thoughts. He subtly cleared his throat and lifted his gaze to meet your stunning Y/E/C eyes, before he shrugged his shoulders. "I ain't seein' any borders, nor yer name scarified in any of the trees."
It had been the wrong answer. Daryl knew as soon as a man stepped out of the circle behind you; marching with big steps towards you and him. The man had his bow secured on his back and drew a gun instead. He walked past you and aimed the weapon at Daryl; ready to pull the trigger - but you stopped him. Much to Daryl's surprise.
"Leave it, Isaiah." You addressed your right-hand-man. Isaiah gave the archer a death glare, but listened to his leader, of course, and withdrew the gun, engaged the safety and placed it back in its place on his weapons belt. He even took a few steps back. Nevertheless, rested Isaiah's hand on the gun; ready to defend you. If necessary. "It's alright. Mr. Dixon just likes breaking rules. Nothing new, is it?" It wasn't by far the first time that they found the archer within their hunting grounds. Daryl quite liked to... expand his hunting trips. Of course, they didn't catch him every time, but often enough to know.
Daryl just grunted and scoffed. "Rules ain't existing in this world anymore." You lifted an eyebrow, before you started to shake your head. "Ahh this is such a shame," you stated; beginning to circle the archer like a hunter its prey. "Truly. How many more times do we need to explain to you how the shots get called around here, until you finally understand it, huh?" Daryl answered nothing, just clenched his jaw.
"Look, Daryl..." You clearly put the emphasis on his name. "Our communities live in peace together. We agreed to respect one another and when the opportunity occurs, even trade things. But nothing more. We are not crossing your paths and you are not crossing our paths - which includes the hunting grounds as well. You can ask Rick if you don't believe me..." You shrugged your shoulders and continued to circle him. "We have absolutely no problem - but..." You stepped closer; invading his private space and whispered lowly into his ear: "If you keep breaking the rules, we might have a problem."
At your words ran a shiver down Daryl's spine. The problem was, that he couldn't tell if it was out of respect - or arousal. And it scared the very tough man quite a bit.
He could see from the corner of his eyes, how you stepped away again and turned to your men. "Let's call it a day." Everyone withdrew their weapons from Daryl and started to move.
Then you gave Isaiah and Yosh a nod. They knew exactly what to do. Walking towards Daryl, they pushed the archer forwards; into the direction in which the other men were heading. Daryl turned and gave them both a death glare; ready to jump at them and fight - but he knew better than that. He wasn't stupid. He knew when he had lost a game. And this one was already lost a long time ago.
You walked past him; following the group. "You're coming with us. Be our guest." The archer grunted. "What if I don't wanna?" You turned to face the man, while walking backwards. He's very sassy today, you thought. "You're not refusing the offer of a lady, will you? Come on. I have something to discuss with you."
And so, Daryl followed you - wordless and without a fight. He knew that he wouldn't stand a chance. Not against you anyway - and he was clearly outnumbered.
About fifteen minutes later and walking constantly through the thicket of the forest, you, Daryl and the rest of the group reached the community. It was hidden within the trees, on a large clearing. High, thick walls made out of wood marked the outline; strengthened by thick metal tiling. Some would say it looked a bit like the Hilltop, but there was clearly something special about it. Daryl's eyes widened as he saw it. He's never been at their 'camp'. Only met them outside and in the woods. The walls were surrounded by a wide, deep pit. A deep pit which reached around the whole camp - as it seemed. The entrance was only reachable through a drawbridge. Like a castle, taken straight out of the Middle Ages. The archer shook his head. That was surreal. Impossible.
Before he could think more about it, he received another shove, causing him to stumble on the drawbridge. Together with everyone else, he walked through the big doors and behind the safety of the huge walls - and pit. You walked beside him and gave him a smug smile; as he looked around, stunned.
"Welcome to the Wolf's Pit, Daryl."
The archer's eyes widened in astonishment as he took in the scenery in front of him. The place bustled with people. Women, men, children. Small, wooden houses soaring everywhere. Most of them were finished; some of them not. Daryl was also able to make out the small fields with vegetables and crops all around the place. It was stunning. Fascinating. But then he also felt the eyes of several people on himself. Some of them gave him confused gazes; some of them sceptical and threatening gazes. Nonetheless, it was clear to the archer, that they were all asking themselves the same question... Who was he and why was he here?
One wrong move and Daryl would have a big problem - and he knew.
You noticed this as well, of course, and how 'alarmed' Daryl was. So, you stopped, causing the archer to stop, too. You then nodded towards your wooden hut. "Come on. Let's talk, shall we?" While Daryl followed you wordlessly, the other men - including Isaiah and Yosh split up to go their own ways from here.
Your little hut was definitely the most 'majestic' one. Sure, you were their leader. The moment Daryl entered your home, he was utterly impressed. It wasn't super big, but very detailed and beautifully furnished - if you could call it that. The most of it was clearly self-made, not scavenged. The fireplace, table, chairs and several other things. A lot of furs and pillows decorated the house, making it appear very cosy. And again, was this one question ghosting through Daryl's head…
"How were a few people able to build somethin' huge like tha'?" He finally asked; still looking around in awe. You put down your weapons and fur mantle; smiling, before you turned to face him. "That is a valid question, Dixon. To answer it honestly, we didn't even build that much of it." You began to explain, while you made a fire in the fireplace. "When we found this place here, it was more or less a site. Diggers, trucks and other construction vehicles were standing around. Clearly, they wanted to build something big here. The pit was over halfway dug out already. Two wooden huts were still standing; about to be demolished. Just like the wooden fence. Whatever it was they started here, it was never finished. So, we took the opportunity, scavenged the things we needed and build this." You finished; gesturing around. "Quite impressive, right?" Daryl nodded. It was true.
Silence spread within the hut, as Daryl's blue-grey eyes followed your every move. You picked up a few branches and twigs from a basket and threw them into the crackling fire. Before his gaze would stick on you, he averted his eyes again; clearing his throat. "Why 'm I here? Whaddaya want from me?" You turned to face him once again; smiling. "Oh, you know exactly why you are here, Daryl." Again, you rolled his name off your tongue so easily, as if you'd known each other for years. "But I'll explain it to you again." You took a step closer; dusting off your hands. "Admittedly, I don't like you straying around in our territory. We both know that this could end bad for you - which would be a shame, because you are special. You are not like the others, Mr. Dixon. I noticed that the first time we met, and I like it." Your smile even widened, "Therefore, I have an offer to make. One you are freely allowed to decline..." before you gave him a once over. "Or accept."
Daryl looked at you quite a bit confused. "An offer?" You nodded. "An offer." He looked at you for a moment intensely; trying to figure you out. "Aight. Spit it out."
You wettened your lips; holding his gaze. "Go now; never come back and sneak around our hunting grounds. Keep on breaking the rules and risk the bridges we build to burn down or..." "Or?" You bit your lip; starting to smile cheekily. "Or stay; spent the night with me and you'll be allowed to go hunt wherever you like."
For a moment, the archer thought he misheard you/your words. All his facial features literally derailed; blinking. He definitely needed a moment to process this and to regain composure.
"That's extortion, woman." Daryl then scoffed; crossing his arms over his chest and visibly trying to play it cool. You were quite unimpressed from his reaction and shook your head. "It's not. It's an offer - like I said. I'm not forcing you to do anything." "Why would ya offer me somethin' like that?" You bit your lip once more and started to circle him like you did when you and your group caught him. "That's simple. I saw the way you were looking at me. Whenever we met each other. Do you really think I didn't notice, Dixon? You are very bad at hiding your physical attraction towards me."
Your words were like a blow into the gut for the archer. He swallowed - hard; was speechless. He felt like a deer caught in the headlights.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" You teased him; giggling. "It's because you know that I'm right, isn't it?"
That was the moment Daryl lost it. He couldn't prevent the heat forming in his cheeks; a blush creeping on his face. You smiled and stopped right in front of him. Slowly, you lifted your hand and drew a seductive line from his shoulder to his pec with your pointer finger; whispering: "Gotcha."
An undeniable shiver ran down Daryl's spine at your words; your touch leaving a burning, sizzling sensation behind.
You took a step back, but kept your hand in place; fingers started to toy with the lapels of his angel-winged vest. "So, what do you say?"
Daryl swallowed; needed once again a moment to get his brain to work properly again and especially to play it cool. What if this was a trap? He couldn't just cave and give in like that, could he?
"It ain't a fair deal, is it? One night in exchange for free passageway? Seems very suspicious ta me." "Who says it's only one night?" You asked with a smirk and looked up to meet his eyes, before you pressed your palm flat against his chest and started to back him up against the nearby wall. "What if our paths cross more often from then on, because we want them to cross? It's a win-win."
You weren't a predictable person. Daryl had figured that out very quickly - but he saw the move you were about to make coming. So, he decided to took you by surprise and join the game. Before you were able to pin him to the wooden wall, he placed one hand over the one which rested on his chest, quickly grabbed your wrist and spun you around - slamming your back against the wall. Now you were the one trapped, not him.
"Why would ya risk it?" Daryl asked in a hushed, raspy voice, while he towered above you; leaving you no chance to escape. Not that you wanted to escape. No, you quite enjoyed the turn of things. It caused the sexual tension to grow even more. So thick, it was cuttable with a knife.
"Huh? Why? You ain't have a reason to trust me." You giggled and leaned closer to him. Not that you were very close already. "I don't have to trust you, Dixon." Your lips almost touched his as you spoke. He could feel your warm breath on the skin of his face. "I just need to give you what you want," you added, whispering. "So, tell me..." You moved a hand to his leather belt, which was slung around his hips and held his old, tattered jeans in place and hooked your fingers through the loops. "What is it that you want?" Then you tugged, causing the completely stunned archer to stumble forwards; hips clashing against yours.
It took Daryl everything, to not let the thundering moan leave his lips, which had built up in his throat. He gritted his teeth; jaw clenching. It was that moment, in which he realised that he couldn't suppress his attraction towards you any longer. Not after that. He got lost in his own primal need - and gave in. His clouded mind urging him on to make a rather bold move. So, he did. Acting fast, he sneaked his hands down to the back of your thighs and lifted you up; causing a small yelp to escape your mouth. He didn't beat about the bush and crossed the small hut to throw you on the fluffy, cosy bed. He had made his decision - and you knew it.
Giggling like a schoolgirl, you looked up at him, "Thought so." and crooked your finger; making a come-hither motion. "C'mon, big boy. Claim what belongs to you then." And he did.
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Daryl stayed the whole night – like you said. And let's say it that way… The night was thoroughly spent.
When the first sun rays of the new day poured through your makeshift windows, a firm knock sounded through the hut and woke you up. You knew exactly who it was. Stretching your limbs, you stood up and tiptoed completely across the hut, in order to grab your dressing gown. "Come in!" You whisper-shouted; not to wake the sleeping man in your bed. The wooden door swung open and revealed your right-hand-man, Isaiah.
"Good morning," he said; closing the door behind himself. You gave him a smile; tying the knot of your robe. "It is, indeed, a very good morning." You had no shame when it came down to him. Neither secrets. Isaiah was like the big brother you never had and best friend in one. You loved him dearly and were grateful for everything he had done for you.
Isaiah's eyes wandered over your body, before they travelled to the bed. "Ah, I see." He stated; seeing the archer's barely covered body. Daryl was still sleeping tightly; laying on his belly with both hands buried underneath the soft pillow, in order to support his head.
Isaiah grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Sleeping with the enemy?" You shook your head; smiling. "He's not the enemy, Ice. He's an ally - just like the Alexandrians..." Your eyes roamed across Daryl's bare, broad back. Some scratches of your fingernails were still visible; memories immediately taking you back to the last night. "...and the man I'd like to keep in my bed." Isaiah chuckled. "I assume you had a very pleasurable night then?" "Then best of my life."
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Ok, I'm going to say something a bit dodgy, do take into account that my beef is with Rick and not Annabeth.
I might have been tempted to read The Chalice of the Gods (as opposed to anything after Staff of Serapis, which I've given a pass) if I didn't know that, as long as Annabeth is there as well, Percy won't be well-written. More specifically, he won't be written as himself.
When Rick wrote HoO, he had to figure out how to include Annabeth in the seven without having all these other powers dwarf her out. He did this by establishing a strict division of labour, according to which she was the strategist, and no one else. That has never been the case, at least not in such an exacting way.
Percy's saved their butts with his plans at the very least as often as she has. He's outsmarted his opponents, he's manipulated them, he has like a signature move that he pulls in almost every single book that basically goes "forget you're an almighty entity who could probably just ignore me without any problem and get down here and fight me at my level!" (tlt: Ares, Luke (unsuccessfully, since he refuses). som: Luke again (successfully, since he plays on his need to control his army's opinion of him). botl: Antaeus. tlo: Kronos. technically Gaia in son), he's been the one to figure out what they needed to from the prophecies (som: that they needed to send Clarisse to camp. ttc: the thing with Atlas's curse. botl: that Nico was the ghost king. I don't include tlo bc Annabeth figured it out first), he often comes up with the winning plans, like how he was the one who figured out how to get past Cerberus, even if it was Annabeth's expertise that allowed them to pull through (just like it was Percy's skill and weapon that allowed Annabeth's plan for Medusa to succeed) or tangling Antaeus on the ceiling chains. The scene with Chrysaor? Perfect blend of knowledge of myths, strategic genius and pure labia. For all the times we see him lose his cool or speak impulsively, we also se him go "wait, this person is trying to provoke me, I have to chill". I saw a comment a little while ago that Percy should've been dragging Giants to the gods feet for them to finish off -- that's what he did! Only he didn't physically drag them there, he planned them there. He tricked Polybotes into following him to Terminus, into pissing Terminus off so he'd agree to help, then killed him. While it was far from complex, he's the one who came up with the strategy to beat Otis and Ephialtes, so they only had to wait for Bacchus to step up.
I'm not saying Annabeth isn't smart. She has an impressive store of knowledge, which in itself is a clever thing to store, because it matches with her style of managing resources -- be they mental, like her facts, or physical, like her hat or things she finds in her surroundings, like the glass balls in Medusa's lair. Annabeth is probably the best at looking at a situation and going "okay, let's look at what we have. Ah, yes, a limitless credit card. Ah, yes, a store-full of clothes that no one's going to want back. Ah, yes, those weird-ass proteins that Hermes gave us, just like Hermes gave someone else food for a place just like this. Ah, yes, knowledge of how to fly a helicopter."
Here's the thing, though. When I read the phrase "Athena-like chatter", I almost broke something laughing. She's good with lies, hers are better and more believable than her friends'. When it comes to chatter, though... I couldn't even tell you how good she is, because I don't think I've ever seen her do something like that before MoA?
But, you know, okay, Rick has to spend more time in her head, she's been elevated in status to one of several protagonists instead of a deuteragonist as she was in PJO (he has to solve this oopsie - I don't agree with everything here, like how, except for her intelligence, Annabeth's other skills are "dump stats", but...), so he has her expand. Good for her. I think it worked alright in her fights in MoA -- a little bit of the old (impressive expertise in certain areas, management of resources), add a little bit of the new (a perceptiveness and gift of gab that she's rarely shown before, if ever, although you could argue she might have taken the "talk your enemy into beating itself" from Percy just like she learned to simplify from Frank).
That's not my real problem. It's this, from when they're fighting Akhlys:
Percy wanted to give her more time. She was the brains. Better for him to get attacked while she came up with a brilliant plan.
... What. Of everything that we've seen of Percy. That I've described just now. Makes sense with this? And please don't give me crap about "it's because his self-esteem is so low!" because 1) this isn't just about what he's thinking, it's about what he's doing, which is pretty much nothing while he waits for Annabeth to save them. He's never lacked initiative like this. Even while thinking, "wow, this absolutely crazy and dimwitted plan is so bad that it's going to get us all killed!" he still did it. ( 2) I've heard "it's bc of his self-esteem/ he plays dumb on purpose" to justify fandom's constant underestimation of Percy's smarts too many time to let it fly now.)
"It's because he trusts Annabeth's judgement more than his own, and he lets her do what she does best when she's available. Other times he's been forced to come up with a plan, it's because she isn't." Did he wait for Annabeth to shoot her shot with Ares before going in with his own plan? Did he keep quiet his misgivings about her level of preparation for the Labyrinth in BotL? Did he leave her to organize the battle plan in TLO? Did he give up after Chrysaor beat him twice in a sword fight and wait for her to come up with a plan? Absolutely not.
"Well, he still beat Akhlys, so I don't see what you're complaining about, it's not like he's useless or anything." True. It wouldn't be the first time he has to resort to brute force to get past an enemy he couldn't outthink (the telekhines come to mind) or that he never even bothered trying to outthink (Hyperion comes to mind), because it's not like strategizing is something that's essential to Percy's style, even if it does come up a lot. I said before that it's his actions that bother me and not what he was thinking, but there is some of that, too. That he wasn't thinking "I can't figure out what to do" or even too busy fighting to start to wonder about what to do, but "there's nothing I can contribute here but my fighting skills". It's sadly a dynamic that Rick has tried to encourage between them.
Sure, Percy only ever gets more powerful, but, even without Annabeth around, he loses any of his braincells. Look at his underwater fight with Polybotes. He starts off in the ship with an impressive display of power -- holding the ship together in the middle of a supernatural storm. Then he gets underwater and immediately loses to PB. The guy he would've one-shotted several times if he could kill him without a god's help. "He doesn't have experience fighting underwater," water not only gives him a strength boost, it gives him a skill boost, as we see in TLT. Besides, how much skill do you need to not swim directly into a cloud of poison? And really, he doesn't get to do anything but that.
Compare it to SON. He's fighting an almost-whole legion of dead people, with a mix of sword fighting and a whirlwind, and he might have won if they hadn't been able to reform. Recognizing that he was about to lose and to give Frank and Hazel a chance to fight Alcyoneus without having to worry about the army, he brings a whole end of the iceberg down to drown them all. And yet, you know what really struck me of all this? How smart Percy was, because he didn't just fight the legion. He aimed for the eagle, realizing that that would be the best way to keep them focused on him and not Frank.
If he's this capable, though, where does that leave Annabeth, who's a skilled warrior but whose most distinctive trait is thinking?
The whole power/smarts dichotomy is also the actual context of that line about Annabeth being the most powerful demigod. He's just spent two weeks teaching Magnus how to survive at sea, when it suddenly occurs to him that the most helpful thing for him to learn is how to "use what you've got on hand -- your team, your wits, the enemy's own magical stuff." Which is how, despite how often he's done just that, he concludes that Annabeth is the most powerful demigod and the best person to teach him how to survive. (Which is, sadly, all that that comment amounts to. Annabeth doesn't then get a chance to strut her stuff, teach Magnus, show off her smarts, play a part however small in his quest, give some insight into her mind -- nope! She says it was sweet of him and then just leaves with Percy.)
With a bit of luck, RR reread pjo to nail down the feel of it in order to write a book that's supposed to be a tie in for a tv show set in the early days (that's a lot of subordinates!), so he might've rediscovered the characters and found a way to balance that with the... way that he writes them now. I'm not optimistic, though.
(Also, if I have to read more of Percy being always afraid of Annabeth getting angry at him or her looking angry at the smallest of things and this being played as her being a girlboss, or how you "have to keep your boyfriend on his toes", I'll claw my own eyes out, but that's another topic.)
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barnesafterglow · 2 years
she lives in daydreams with me
summary: your best friends thinks she has a solution to your problem
pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: college au, reader is bisexual, another cameo bc apparently that's my niche, phone/facetime sex, f masturbation (duh), soft dom!wanda, mommy kink question mark, praise, this is not based off real life unless it is ykwim
a/n: hi this is my first time writing wlw smut so please go easy on me. i'm almost done with my kinktober prompts! i hope you all have enjoyed them, and reblog and comments are very appreciated!
you can follow @theafterglowlibrary to stay updated on when i post 🤍
kinktober masterlist ─ main masterlist
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“I think you just need to get laid, you know?”
You rolled your eyes, entirely unamused with her suggestion. Of course you needed to get laid, but she didn’t have to say it out loud. She saw the eye roll clearly through the computer screen, which sent her into a fit of laughter.
“Yeah, yeah, thanks for that,” was your response. “Any suggestions for that? Because the entire population of New York City seems to think I’m a leper who can’t be touched.”
“Have you even tried?”
“I downloaded Tinder.”
“Did you make a profile?”
“Well, no.”
“Okay then.”
The two of you had this conversation every handful of months, after you had broken things off with another “friends with benefits” situation and were sick of not getting off whenever you wanted.
“I’m just saying, babe,” she started off gently, which you knew was a load of bullshit, “you always know where you can go for help.”
“I’m not hooking up with Barnes again.” She was forever trying to get you to go out with your neighbor - who you had already spent the night with on more than one occasion. “We’re better off as friends.”
“You can’t be just friends with a man like that. I mean from what you told me about his -”
“Okay!” you said, cutting her off. “We were talking about your terrible suggestion and how there’s no solution?”
“I just think you need someone who knows. Someone you know would be good to you.”
“Yeah? Like who?”
“Like me.”
You had been taking a sip of the water, and it took every ounce of self control you had to keep from spewing it all over your laptop.
It’s not that it had never crossed your mind. Wanda was beautiful and was definitely good in bed - you had shared an apartment with her long enough, before she decided to study abroad, to know that she kept her girlfriends satisfied. She had also been your best friend since you were in diapers and you’d never wanted to jeopardize that.
But the way she was looking at you now, you could see the darkness in her green eyes even through the screen, and suddenly you had never wanted anyone more.
“I - really?” You expected her to laugh and say just kidding! and you would move on like nothing happened, but instead she just bit her lip and nodded.
Well fuck.
“You’re halfway across the world, Wan.” She was in Vienna at the moment, studying art culture or whatever it is that went on in her brain. “I can’t wait until you get back.”
“Who says you have to wait?” And oh wasn’t that something. “Do you trust me?”
Your answer was immediate. “Of course.”
“Then why don’t you take your clothes off and go sit on your bed?”
It felt like your heart was pounding out of your chest. You couldn’t believe this was your Wanda. Your Wanda. Maybe she would be after tonight.
You turned your head back towards your bed; the way your laptop was placed on your desk, there would be a perfect view of you from the camera. Like you were putting on a show.
For a moment, you hesitated. Were you really going to cross this line? Was it worth the risk?
And, yeah, Wanda was worth anything.
So you stood up, slowly pushing your desk chair in and setting gingerly on the end of your bed. You took your shorts off first, exposing the pink panties with a little bow on the front. Call it fate, but Wanda had always said they made your ass look fantastic.
You spread your legs just a little, enough to be seductive but not enough to show anything - yet.
Then you played with the hem of your shirt, teasing it up to show the skin of your stomach before dropping the material. Just as you were about the material over your head, her voice came through the speakers.
“Don’t tease, baby. Let me see you.”
Your core was molten lava. She had called you a lot of nicknames over the years, some affectionate, some funny, and some that were so off the wall you would never know where they came from. But baby was new. Baby had you squeezing your thighs together. Baby would be the only thing you ever responded to for the rest of your life.
The shirt came off, flying to some corner of your room, and your chest was bare to her. Her intake of breath served to make you self conscious and confident at the same time. It wasn’t the first time she had seen you naked - and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last - but those times had always been a platonic sense, at least mostly. 
But now she was staring at you like she wanted to eat you alive, and you had never wanted her to be home more than you did in that moment.
You slipped your hands under the waistband of your underwear, ready to expose yourself in an entirely new way, when you looked up to see her completely stripped down. You could feel the puddle forming in your panties immediately.
“You didn’t think I was going to let you have all the fun, did you?” She had a cheshire smile on her face, laced with lust and love and wonder, and suddenly you weren’t nervous anymore. 
Your panties came off and the two of you took a moment just to soak in the sight of the other.
Wanda was beautiful - perfect tits topped with rosy pink nipples, smooth skin all the way down to her core, and the prettiest pussy you had ever seen.
Her hands wandered and your eyes followed, dumbstruck, as they settled on her inner thighs. Your gaze flicked up to her face, where she seemed to be waiting patiently.
It was like you had forgotten you even had a body, you were so mesmerized by her that even the thought of anything else was a far off dreamland.
But you knew what she wanted, so you slipped your underwear and spread your legs wide, mirroring her movements.
“Now let me see you open yourself for me. Start with one finger, let me see how tight you are.”
Following her words were like second nature, and you leaned back on one elbow on your bed, the other hand circling your clit, before sinking one finger into yourself, starting to move slowly. When you looked up, you saw Wanda was doing the same.
It ripped a moan from your body, a noise you had never made before, and she smiled wickedly.
“Yeah, baby, you like that? You’re doing such a good job. Why don’t you add another finger for me?”
You did as she asked, letting another finger join the first while you pumped in and out of yourself. When she asked you for another, you quickly obliged, then doing the same when she told you to lay back and use the other hand to play with your clit.
And every move you made, you moaned at the sight of Wanda doing the same, until the only noises were breathy moans and the wetness of your bodies. 
It was almost instinct to ask for permission once you felt the coil in your stomach on the verge of snapping.
“Mo- Wanda, please, let me come.”
She wasn’t in the mood to tease you, it seemed, because she gasped a yes and followed you over the edge.
Once you came down, you sat up, taking in her flushed face and the redness that spread all the way down to her chest, then looked her right in the eyes and sucked your own juices from your fingers.
She smiled, pleased, and you again mirrored her. There was no awkwardness, you didn’t think there ever could be with her, and you searched for your t-shirt, slipping it on as you sat down in your desk chair.
Lucky for you, she didn’t follow suit, and you were allowed a closer look at her perky tits.
“Wan, I need you to come home ASAP.”
“Don’t worry baby, I already bought a plane ticket.”
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kinktober taglist *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@treatbuckywkisses @sgt-barnesveins @bucky-barmes @opheliastark @sweetascanbee @writing-for-marvel @christywantspizza @hi-sarahh @highlyintelligentblonde @jjbunny14 @buckysfavoritereader
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oscpaistry · 2 years
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You and Kylian have been in a relationship for 4 years now. But you feel unheard and misunderstood by him. The media is causing you two stress and argument. At one moment Kylian had enough and he thought it would be the best if you two broke up. But all you wanted from him is to be heard and understood. You went out off the house and told the whole media that your taking a long break and why. About your mental health and much more.
Kylian and you were finally back home from the red carpet. Kylian was scrolling through his phone while you were changing out off your dress.
"Are you actually fucking serious?" You hear Kylian telling himself.
"Whats wrong Kylian?" You ask him while coming into the room he was in.
"Tell me the truth Y/n. Im sick and tired of the lies." He says with a stern voice.
"What do you mean Kylian? What have i done this time?" You say with a sigh in your breath.
"I saw on Instagram that your mental health is at risk again!" He says with a sarcastic tone in his voice.
You sigh. "It is Kylian. Im so stressed and mentally drained. I dont have any motivation to do anything at this point. And i-" you tried to say but he spoke through your sentence.
"Pff Y/n. Don't be so dramatic. You have it simple. You only have to sit at home, do the groceries, model, get clothes, get your nails done and much more." He says while laughing at you.
You look down and feel something in your throat. It feels like you can't swallow.
"Mhm" you say and go back to the bathroom.
"Okay if you wanna act like that and act as if you have so many problems go ahead. Be my guest. But not in my house Y/n. Go somewhere else and cry about it. I dont have time for it. And besides. I dont see your stress and see that your sad or some shit." He says while throwing and bag at you.
Your eyes started to swell up and you pick up the bag. You pack some stuff and went downstairs. You took a glas of water and drank it before you left. You two didnt speak in those 30 minutes of packing. You grabbed your car keys and went outside to go in your car.
You went to a hotel somewhere in Paris. You asked for a room for one. The front desk lady gave you the room card 267. You went up with the lift and went onto your phone. You left the lift and went to your room.
At the end of the hall you see room 267. You entered and as soon you saw the bed you just feel into it and cried.
Your eyes were already swollen and red from crying.
Your phone was going off none stop. You check it and see texts from Neymar, Achraf, Messi and Ramos. They were asking why you were acting like this and were shaming you. You sighed at the messages. Those people were the ones you trusted with your heart. And then in one snap they turn their back at you. It broke you into million pieces. You decided to post on Instagram that you were taking a break bcs off your mental health. This is what it said in your post.
"Hey guys, there is something i want to clear up and say. So the media is spreading rumors around of me. Those are completely not true and are lies. Kylian saw those posts. And because of those posts Kylian and i are having alot of arguments. Im not at Kylian's right now. That doesnt really matter right now. But those posts have me giving stress. But ive been already suffering with bipolar disorder. Ive been so mentally drained fir he past few months it isnt really okay anymore. I havent got any motivation to do anything anymore. Im physically so exhausted. Ill be taking a break from social media for now. I dont know for how long. I hope you guys understand. I love you guys. Im sorry."
You read it again and again. You took a deep breath and posted it. You put your phone in the drawer and went to unpack and to take a shower.
After the shower you went to change. You heard the vibrations from your phone. You went to grab your phone and saw texts off Kylian, Neymar and Messi.
"Sorry Y/n. I didnt know you were struggling with all that."
That is what Neymar, Kylian and Messi texted you. You sigh and leave them on read...
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jays-bookmarks · 2 years
Falling Leaves (Kazuha x gn!reader)
I woke up today and chose violence >:3c
This was inspired by some hcs I saw that said Kazuha would be too passive and conflict-averse to ever sit down and address the problems in your relationship so the tension would just build until it all falls apart and boy I was thinking about that all night,, so I had to write something about it lol
I might write a part 2 where you guys make up if people want to see it bc goodness knows I can't handle pure angst like this lmao
Summary: You love maple leaves, yet so many goodbyes seem to happen when they turn red. They say if you love someone, set them free... but why does it hurt so much? Words: 927 Warnings: angst w no comfort, Kazuha has attachment issues :(
Autumn was always your favorite season in Inazuma. With it came a break from summer's constant balmy air that always stuck your clothes to your skin, and the farmers' harvest that meant a huge variety of dishes for you to sample. Yet the most important change in autumn was the leaves of the maple trees that dotted the Inazuman landscape. There was something about this last burst of color before the trees shed their leaves for the winter that always left you in awe, and on more than one occasion you had to quickly apologize to someone you bumped into because you were too busy watching the trees.
In recent times, though, the autumn leaves reminded you of something else. Someone else, to be specific.
That someone was sitting next to you, his back leaning against the trunk of the maple tree the two of you were relaxing under. Every once in a while, a breeze rustled through the branches, blowing a few crimson leaves to the ground.
The two of you had spent many afternoons like this, simply enjoying each other's presence. Yet today, as with many days previously, you felt something had changed.
You shot a glance at your beloved. He was silent, a contemplative frown on his face. You had caught him wearing a similar expression on many occasions when he thought you weren't looking, and, after weeks of gentle prodding that got you nowhere, you were determined to get an answer out of him today.
You sighed, prompting Kazuha to look at you with a questioning hum.
"Kazuha, are you… okay?" You asked.
Kazuha smiled, leaning over to press a kiss to your forehead. "Of course. I'm with you, aren't I?"
You bit your lip. This was the same evasive answer he'd been giving you every other time you brought this up to him.
"That's sweet, Kazuha, but…" you paused. "You've been sort of… distant… lately, even when we're together."
"…I'm sorry, my love. It seems I've neglected you yet again."
"No, this isn't about— this is about you. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, love."
You sighed as silence fell over you both. You knew he was avoiding the question, but you decided that the issue had gone on unresolved for long enough, so you kept pressing.
"Is it because I asked you to spend more time with me?"
You hated considering the possibility, but you had to be sure either way. Kazuha stiffened beside you. Though it was only a brief pause before he spoke, it told you everything. After all, he wasn't very good at lying, especially not to you.
"Of course not, love. The time I spend with you is the most precious of them all."
Your chest tightened as you took a shaky breath. It's not like this was unexpected. You had felt the distance between you two growing by the day, but you deluded yourself into thinking that you could still bridge the gap. Maybe if you had said something earlier… reached a little harder… but... no, he was too far gone. You should've known better than to cling so tightly to such a free spirit. You were someone who craved stability and reliability, and this was something Kazuha simply couldn't grant you.
With that realization, you asked your final question.
"Am I… tying you down?"
Another pause. Kazuha let out a long sigh. "In truth…"
You drew in a breath, your hands clenching at the fabric of your shirt as you prepared to receive the blow of his words.
You looked up in shock, the tension deflating from your body as you met Kazuha's gentle gaze. He smiled, but the twinkle in his eyes you had grown to love was nowhere to be found.
You shook your head, pinching your eyes shut so you didn't have to see the pity in his gaze.
"Don't lie to make me feel better, Kazuha," you said. "If I'm really holding you back from being happy, then—"
You cut yourself off, unable to voice the thought that had surfaced in your mind. Tears began to roll down your cheeks, but no hand came to wipe them away.
"Then… is this goodbye?" Kazuha said, his voice soft but steady, just like it always was, betraying no hint of emotion.
"…it doesn't have to be."
You wanted to grab him by the hand and beg him to stay; you wanted to pull him into an embrace and hold him until he promised to be by your side forever; but most of all, you wanted him to smile again, properly, without that distant look in his eyes. So you kept your arms wrapped tight around yourself. They say if you love someone, set them free… but why did it hurt so much?
Kazuha pushed himself from the ground, the soft swish of fabric the only other sound besides your trembling breaths. Even the breeze had died down, as if the world itself was holding its breath to see what would happen next. Kazuha stood before you for a moment. You wished you could see what expression he wore, but you couldn't bring yourself to look up at him.
"I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy," he said. "Goodbye."
He turned and started down the path back to Ritou, his footsteps fading with your final shred of hope. You buried your head in the cocoon of your body and sobbed. So this was it. All the time you spent together, over with a single word.
Goodbye, Kazuha. I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy.
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eyeballth3vampire · 1 year
Ok so, since I keep seeing no one talk abt her uh… don’t mind me, I’mma just rant abt Cherri bomb and stuff bc why not >:]
Cherri Bomb imo, should’ve had A LOT more to her design and I mean A LOT
Now although Cherri’s design is not as bad as the others (well her Design is decent ‘ish but just rarely), ever since I first saw her design I always felt underwhelmed by her design especially now.
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There isn’t really much to say other than the usual colors blend in problem and such
But imo I find this redesign to be quite lazy because this literally just her design in the Addict Video, and I just wonder, why? Could viv not think of anything creative when redesigning her after the addict video? I ask bc there is literally so many ways viv could’ve made Cherri’s design to look very cool and unique! Like yea, I know this is viv who we’re talking Abt and her creativity can only go oh so far BUT STILL!!!
“But Kat! What could viv add/change Cherri’s design to make her more ‘unique’?? After all you can’t change perfection-“
Like I said there are literally MANY GODDAMN WAYS viv could’ve made her design more unique! Infact, I can literally share some ideas I have / things that would’ve made her design better
1. Literally changing her Outfit.
Like do I even have to explain????? Her outfit is absolutely hideous and imo doesn’t suit her like AT ALL. Her Outfit is literally a bunch of ripped clothes with the most atrocious colors I’ve ever seen. Her outfit would’ve honestly been more cooler if she had Punk attire! It would Honestly fit with her personality really well! Like REALLY REALLY well! And if viv doesn’t know how to design characters with punk attire then there are LITERALLY endless amounts of references of punk outfits that viv could use when she was designing Cherri and these images are not just any references of punk fashion but rather punk fashion that was LITERALLY FROM THE 1980S!!! Y’know, THE ERA SHE DIED IN??
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HECK, THIS OLD REDESIGN I DID OF CHERRI (that I plan on updating after I finish making this post with a bunch of other redesigns I’m doing) CAN LITERALLY BE AN EXAMPLE ON HOW PUNK CAN FIT CHERRI’S PERSONALITY REALLY WELL!!
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If viv used one of these outfits as her main one that would’ve been fine too! Like yea I would at first question why viv chose one of these outfits but other than that I wouldn’t be as pissy as I am with what we got bc it fits her character.
2. Make her have doll elements or som idk
Ok. I know what y’all are gonna say.
“Kat. Why do you want Cherri Bomb to be a doll? Velvet’s literally right here.”
Uh huh, I know that but like hear me out on this
I feel like Cherri being a literal doll could honestly work imo! Heck, if Cherri was a doll, the weird anatomy she has can literally go in viv’s favor! Since dolls most of the time don’t really have realistic bodies, like literally look at this thing if ya don’t believe me
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But jokes aside, I do genuinely think it would be an awesome idea! I mean there are literally many dolls out there (even dolls from her era too), that viv can use as references if Cherri was gonna be a doll too! Cherri can literally be a punk rebellious version of Barbie for all I care (I mean like cmon are you gonna tell me that wouldn’t be so cool?)
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She doesn’t even have to be specifically a doll either if viv didn’t want make her one, she can literally be an action figure too! (Unfortunately I can’t show anymore images bc I’m a the limit for adding photos in one post but hopefully you get idea)
Blah blah blah Cherri’s palette as mentioned before in this post sucks!
But the thing that bugs me most in her color palette is literally the gradients in Cherri’s hair
Like every time I saw Cherri pop on screen in the hh pilot (and I do apologize if I sound dumb), the gradients on her hair would change ALOT to the point it kinda felt inconsistent…
The only time the gradients in Cherri’s hair felt consistent was in the addict video but that was only bc viv had to LITERALLY SIMPLIZE her hair so the animators wouldn’t have an hard time animating her god damn hair (kinda wished she did the same with the rest of the designs but oh well)
And that’s all I could think of (for now), if anything I can prob just make reblog to add on to this post, Uh Ty for reading this critical rant post thingy I have going on, I’mma go to bed it’s literally 3am for me rn at the time of making this and uh idk bye ig
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reedfulton · 5 months
hii!! I was wondering if we can get some of your charlie/fulton hcs, or just about them in general. I saw on your fulton rarepairs post that they were one of your pairs and i’d love to hear more on what you have to say about them (bc you didn’t get to in the post) bc I really love them and their paring.
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omg absolutely!! sorry, i've totally abandoned tumblr because of school commitments and stuff so i hope this ask isn't too old lmao. but anyway, here are some of my hcs for them!! they're one of my favorite pairs ever and i'm honestly very surprised that more people don't ship them.
i've always said that i think they're childhood friends. i think i posted something about it a long time ago and then proceeded to not elaborate on it, but i always thought that fulton's home life wasn't great and so he was kind of allowed (or forced) to wander minneapolis/stillwater just to get out of the house. i did the math at one point and realized that the diner that casey works at is kind of in-between the heart of minneapolis and stillwater, so it wouldn't be insane to think that fulton might have ended up at the diner a lot as a kid. i think he and casey became 'friends' first (casey practically adopted him) and then when casey brought charlie to the diner because she didn't have anyone to watch him, they became fast friends
their friendship started off so well because fulton was extremely shy and charlie could talk to a brick wall and make good conversation, so charlie didn't really expect anything from fulton and fulton has no problem sitting and listening and retaining information from stories and stuff. that's kind of how their relationship works too lmao. charlie's always talking about random things and his wikipedia deep dives and hockey stats and fulton will definitely talk back if he has something to say, but sometimes charlie just needs a sounding board and fulton is more than happy to be that for him (and charlie is very impressed with all the random stuff fulton remembers just because charlie's the one that told him)
fulton's had a crush on charlie since they were in peewees. i don't think they were still super close when fulton joined the ducks, but they definitely still spoke to each other in class and stuff, and fulton joining sparked their friendship (and fulton's feelings for charlie) again. it's a super cute puppy-love kind of crush, and fulton has absolutely no clue how to deal with it lol. it's also definitely why fulton was watching the D5 games before he ever joined the team, and why he was so ready to fight the hawks the second he had the opportunity.
they definitely have one of those relationships where most people can't even tell if they're best friends or dating. they don't really do PDA (other than charlie laying on him like a cat, which he also does with a lot of people), and 'dude' is their main term of endearment in public lol.
casey LOVES fulton so much it's insane. charlie jokes that when they come home for breaks, she's more excited to see fulton than she is to see him and hes right
fulton's the little spoon but he'd kill anyone that ever found out
charlie is exactly 3 inches taller than fulton and it pisses fulton off to NO END. charlie knows this and definitely teases him about it.
i think once charlie bulks up a bit (probably like junior/senior year) they get to a point where they can wear each other's clothes and then just. never stop. at this point they don't even know who's clothes originally belonged to who anymore.
their first kiss happens after a game where charlie got injured and fulton felt so bad that he couldn't do anything about it that he's fussing over charlie in the locker room afterwards and bumbling his way through apologizes and charlie just. kisses him to shut him up as a funny haha joke but then realizes how fulton reacted to it and is like "oh shit this is actually A Thing"
fulton fell first charlie fell harder
they don't do PDA but they're all over each other the second they're alone. both of them have definitely made the other one irish goodbye at multiple events just so they can go home and make out and cuddle
sorry if these make ZERO sense i definitely was Not writing these at work :D. but i love talking about them so thank you so much for this ask! if you have any other prompts or ideas for them or anything do not hesitate to reach out, now that my semester is over and i'm just working full-time i totally have extra time and want to be more active on here :]
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sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months
regarding the shipping (that you ship everything) (i'm a few days late, i know, sorry), do you have thoughts on Radek/Rodney? i'm mostly a monoshipper (even though i want to be a multishipper), so since i ship McShep i'm sorta just lowkey "maybe i'll possibly read a fic or two for them" with other ships including either of them, but even still, i fucking adore Radek/Rodney and i'm a bit annoyed with myself for not properly shipping them, so, thoughts? cute? boring? fun? =D
(John/Todd too. but i like Radek/Rodney better (because i adore Radek) (like pls David Nykl is so cute) (have you seen Arrow? Anatoly pls https://littlegirlinvisible.tumblr.com/post/159026461523 (warning for flashing gifs)) (also i love Anatoly's beard) (but to get back to Todd i have a huge weakness for Christopher Heyerdahl and if it hadn't been for him idk that i'd have liked John/Todd as much as i do. John having to look up at Todd *whines pathetically*))
be well and have fun! (sorry about the rambly mess and all the parentheses)
ps. have you seen Hannibal? my dash had something SGA-related and directly below that a fucked up Hannibal fanart and my brain was like "tumblr user sga owns my soul would appreciate that" and it made me curious. fucked up show, fucked up ship(s), absolutely amazing.
i did not forget about you i've just been rotating this in my brain while putting out the 15 fucking (metaphorical) fires in my life that all popped up at once lmao
SO i have. a Lot of thoughts about rodney and radek as a pairing and you're getting them ALL so buckle up bc this will probably be long
first of all, rodney and radek have SUCH an interesting dynamic and i love the way they go from bitter rivals to reading each others minds with the flick of a switch and it gives SUCH old married couple vibes but they also have such, like, idk almost brotherly vibes??? like they regularly insult and belittle and attack each other but they also are the only one each other trusts (in the science departments) and the only one they let themselves rely on in a crisis. just that kind of "i can say whatever i want but you if you so much as imply something negative i'll break your teeth" vibes ya know????
anyways i think if they were in a relationship of any sort it absolutely would be hate fucking, like they get SO MAD at each other and they're screaming and throwing things in the labs and everyone takes The Cue To Leave bc they know that exactly 8 minutes after the violence starts, the sex starts and no one is paid enough to be traumatized by that lmao but it works every time bc they both emerge from the lab two hours later with messy hair and clothes but also with a brilliant idea that'll fix their 6 current problems and probably another 3 that haven't come up yet omg they would literally be The Power Couple but if you mention dating or any sort of Official Relationship they will both shoot you
also john/todd makes me fucking insane and i'm going to forever scream about how they're LITERALLY DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER JFC THEY ARE THE BRIDGE BETWEEN HUMANS AND WRAITH AND I FULLY FUCKING BELIEVE THEY WOULD RULE THE GALAXY IF THEY GOT TOGETHER I LOVE JOHN/TODD SO MUCH FUCK anyways i'm normal about that ship
ps i have not seen hannibal but the fact that you saw something from another fandom and thought i would like it is the SWEETEST THING EVER and now i feel like i need to watch the show
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leclerced · 10 months
I’ve written it somewhere in someone’s asks I think but I decided you’re my tumblr bestie so I’m gonna repeat myself.
Since I’m on my period like I said I can’t stop thinking about period sex. I know it’s not for everyone so I hope you’re not like disgusted by it or sth. Because I was thinking who would react how?
And I think that Lando would be eager to try and be very reassuring about it. He’d do anything and everything so his girl can feel better. When she tells him it’ll be a mess he’s like “that’s fine we have towels or we can try in the shower” and then she tells him that her body looks different when she’s on her period and his response is just that it’s not important because it’s completely natural and it’s not about comparing if your stomach is bigger or smaller or if you’re swollen all over it’s about your well being. My boy went through a freaking journey to be in this place mentally okay?
Max would be just so chill and just go for it. It’s not something that’s new for him but when his girl has doubts he’d listen and maxplain his point of view, then convince her it is a good idea but ofc she must want it so when she has doubts still he asks if it would make her feel better if she came on his thigh first with her clothes on so she agrees and it takes a couple of times for her to feel comfortable enough for sex but he’s just so patient. (I hope it’s good enough for him but it’s just the way I imagine his personality I’m not the biggest Max girl).
I feel like it would be new for Oscar too. He hasn’t done it but heard about it and he makes the proposition when he learns that it can help with cramps. They’re both nervous similar to when they had their first time together just for different reasons obv. But it’s amazing and now they’re doing it regularly and are happy they tried.
For Charles I can’t stop thinking that he’d be like “wait so you can do it when on your period?” Sorry for violating Charlie this way but it’d be just hilarious. He’d hear it somewhere and come to his girl with it. When she tells him about it he immediately asks if she wants to try and she’s kind of nervous so he actually does his own research and then when she’s on her period he asks again but this time he has this whole ass speech about the pros (because he saw that she does want it but is just insecure about the whole thing).
I feel like it’s already too long so I’m gonna end it here
im not disgusted by it at all, i think its sexy. esp when a guy wants to do it. there’s a word for guys who like it but i cant rmbr what it is, but it’s funny. if i rmbr i’ll post it here.
i love this sm idr have anything to add except that bc im a max girlie i believe he would be into period sex if not just for the fact that his girl likes it and he just likes sex. so in my head he’d notice that she’s being touchier than usual but not making any moves on him and then she’s acting frustrated so he tries to slip his hand into her shorts when they’re making out, but she says she’s on her period and he’s like ok go take your tampon out?? i don’t see a problem here we can shower after or get in rn. it’s your pick.
but i absolutely love him having her ride his thigh to get off. he has glorious things and they deserve to be ridden every single day.
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trickstarbrave · 3 months
is it bad I look forward to the intense psychic damage all of nerevar’s buddies are gonna get when they learn about or get memories from the first universe?
No I’m looking forward to it too ngl
Already Vivec has gotten a glimpse of that time and thinks the idea he’d ever kill Nerevar is absolutely insane. Nerevar is someone who saved him and someone he adores. Nerevar gave him the clothes off his back. Nerevar has always been understanding and loving towards him even if it wasn’t romantic love. But in the first timeline Nerevar kept a lot of that hidden under anger and insecurity and resentment so Vivec only realized the depth of Nerevar’s compassion after he died. In this timeline though, Nerevar is open and honest and Vivec will be. Really broken realizing all he did. And that he also never showed Nerevar his true feelings
Sotha Sil actually really despised Nerevar in the first timeline when he was mortal bc he thought Nerevar was loud, aggressive, thick skulled, and only cared about himself. He even blamed Nerevar for the war of the first council, believing Nerevar got them into that mess because Nerevar thought he knew better than all of them. After they killed Nerevar though and he became a god he realized Nerevar was a complex person who did love and support them he just had his own issues and did not in fact always know everything nor did he claim to. And that in the end Nerevar made only the best choices he could make, just like how ALMSIVI did the same. Killing Nerevar didn’t make all the problems go away bc he wasn’t the source of them. And he misses him a lot more than he ever thought he would.
Almalexia also saw Nerevar’s anger a lot first hand. She came to resent him over the course of their marriage. Nerevar was power hungry, trying to fill the void of insecurity and fear and longing in his own heart with status and enough power that no one would dare to go against him. Of course though, it never worked; you can’t be so powerful you’re untouchable, no matter how hard you try. That void was never filled. But Almalexia lost more and more power and stability as he tried to fill that gaping hold in his chest to the point where Almalexia had to kill him. To her it was a mercy. For herself and Nerevar. Killing him would return her power and stability and make her actually untouchable, and even if he loved he’d have to go on with half the country hating him for this war and also have to go on living without Voryn, the man she knows he’s in love with. But after becoming a god Ayem was never satisfied with her own status and power. Being surrounded by Nerevar’s face on her worshippers likely didn’t help, even if they modified the masks slightly to be perfect ideals of his appearance. She became power hungry to fill the void in her chest as well, and in the end she went mad.
Basically Nerevar in the first timeline is a kind of reflection of ALMSIVI. Their worst traits are ones Nerevar has and oftentimes they resented him for those traits. He’s grown and changed though over lifetimes and in turn helped them grown and change by supporting them. And seeing alllllllll that is really gonna be. A lot to process.
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starboybutler · 10 months
Poor Boy ( CH. 1 )
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summary: Jess Wade finds an injured boy on his property one day.
word count: 3060
warnings: violence, kidnapping, anxiety
notes: decided to start posting my multichapter clint/jess fic to tumblr and not just on a03! i hardly post over here so this should be a treat for my three followers here (also bc i wanna use these cute cowboy dividers i found). i'm already three chapters deep into this story, and currently working on the fourth- so i'll upload the rest of the chapters sometime this week to space em out a lil. in the meantime, please enjoy chapter one!
chapter 1 (you are here)
chapter 2
chapter 3 (coming soon)
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jess wade was fifteen years old when he first saw his name on a wanted poster.
his mom was devastated beyond belief. she nocouldn't even begin to think that her little boy was running around with a group of troublemakers, looting and vandalizing and stealing- but that wanted poster stuck out in their small town like a sore thumb.
the people were outraged that a delinquent was in their town, ruining their reputation and committing petty crimes like it was a fun after school hobby. they never liked jess much, even before they knew he was stealing, honestly. he always heard the town gossiping to his momma about how she should take him to a doctor because 'something wasn't right’ with him.
jess never paid them any mind, all he needed was his momma.
but when that wanted poster showed up, he lost her too. she yelled at him, which she had never done before- and jess felt his heart shatter into pieces.
that's the last time he remembers crying.
the town shooed him out, with nothing but the clothes on his back and a horse to get around. at least they were nice enough for that.
but he wasn't completely alone, even then. he still had vince, who he'd committed the petty crimes with. vince didn't have his mom or dad either. he ran away a long while ago, and began his side gig of stealing from small towns wherever he could find them. when he found jess’s town, he saw jess sitting on the porch and scrubbing away at his only good pair of shoes, trying to get the dirt out of them.
vince approached him and said he needed help getting something back. said a kid in this town stole his money and he wouldn't give it up, so he had to go take it by force.
he chose jess because he was mean looking- tough. he was an outsider, even in his small hometown, and that was just fine with him.
jess knew he was stealing, but he went along with it anyway. to this day, he doesn't know what possessed him to join that lanky ginger kid.
eventually he cut vince off, but that damn vince hackett still knows how to get under jess’s skin like a goddamn bug.
after the messiness of getting out of the bond he had with vince, jess decided that he was better off alone. he didn't need anyone. all he needed was his horse- and even then he could replace that. he just needed to stay on the outskirts of any town, far away from anyone and anything.
jess hummed to himself quietly as he poured grain into his horse’s feeder, gently petting his nose as he leaned down to eat. his horse truly was the only thing he cared about anymore.
jess set down the grain and wiped at his forehead, exhaling as he turned on his heel towards the exit of the barn. just as he stepped into the sun, the familiar sound of a gunshot echoed loudly in his ears.
he'd heard gunshots more times than he could count. he would hear them at any time of day, but for them to be this close to his cabin was unusual. had vince found him again?
jess reached for the gun on his hip, placing his hand on it as he stalked out of the stables and into the hot sun, observing his surroundings carefully. nothing looked out of place. no suspicious figures on the horizon, no horses, no nothing. just the land, like it always is.
jess moved his hand away from his gun and hummed lowly, rolling his shoulders back. wherever it came from, it wasn't his problem. nothing ever was anymore.
he began to walk towards his cabin, but something in his gut told him to turn around. he glanced behind his shoulder, and saw an unusual lump on the ground a little ways in the distance.
a person.
jess spun around and quickly made his way over to the body, standing over it and staring at it, dumbfounded.
it was a boy.
he looked to be a teen, maybe eighteen or nineteen maybe. his hair was blonde, but dirty and matted with dried blood and dirt, and his skin was pale. save for the fading flush on his cheeks from the blistering heat. his clothes were ripped and stained, and jess could faintly see scratch marks and ripping on his clothes from a struggle. jess knelt down and gently pressed his fingers on the boy’s neck, feeling for a pulse.
it was there, but it was awfully faint. jess furrowed his brow in thought, looking over the boy once more.
he was in bad shape. there was a chance that even if jess took him to get help, he’d die before he could even begin to recover. on the other hand, it never hurt to try, just a little. it never hurt to have a little hope.
without a second thought, jess gently took the blonde boy into his arms bridal style, trying not to jostle his head too much as he headed towards his secluded cabin. he had some supplies laying around in his room for emergencies, maybe he could patch him up well enough for a few days or so.
jess kicked his door open and sat the unconscious boy on his shoddily made couch, jogging to get his supplies from under his bed. he set everything down on his coffee table and exhaled through his
nose, grabbing some gauze and pressing it to the wound on his head gently, sopping up any blood that was still dribbling out.
the boy twitched weakly, and jess cursed to himself as he swabbed up any blood. this wasn't going to be perfect, but jess wasn't a doctor- it didn't need to be perfect. this boy just needed to survive.
jess grabbed the bandages and wrapped the wound tightly, cutting it short with his teeth and tucking it under the others so it stayed in place. he began dabbing the other wounds and wrapping them in the same fashion, holding his breath as he prayed that this boy didn't die on his couch.
as jess wrapped up the last wound on his arm, he looked over the boy once more.
he was barely breathing, but he looked a little less pale. he was sweating bullets, shaking and twitching from the shock of whatever happened to him. his eyes were screwed shut, tears running down his cheek every once in a while.
jess sighed softly, reaching to the side of him and pulling a blanket over the boy as he twitched and trembled in his sleep. jess decided that trying to wake him up now wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. he’d probably scare the boy out of his mind and send him into shock again. the kid just needed to rest, they could talk when he woke up.
as for jess, he needed to freshen up after handling this boy’s beaten up body. his clothes were stained and dirtied now.
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jess lifted his chin, gently dragging the razor across his neck carefully. he let his facial hair get a little out of hand lately.
the seasons were changing, so he didn't have to go into town as often as he used to. the heat was dying down ever so slightly- so his crops weren't dying as often. he could survive for a few months without having to go visit the sheriff for some goods. the sweets his wife made were good for storing up when he needed it, but the ride was draining.
he set the razor down and washed the remaining shaving cream off of his face, dabbing his face dry with an old towel as he sighed deeply. the boy had yet to move on the couch, but his breathing had evened out, and he had stopped shaking. he seemed to just be in a deep sleep now.
hopefully he woke up soon. jess had a lot of questions about his whole ordeal.
jess turned and placed his hat back on his head, freezing in his steps as he saw the boy sitting up on the couch. he looked dazed, his eyes fixed on his dirty hands and tattered clothes. the poor thing seemed like he was still in shock.
jess carefully took a step forward, and the blonde’s head snapped up towards him. his eyes were big and blue, glassy with unshed tears. jess held up a hand in front of him, setting his jaw.
“i know you're confused,” he starts slowly, his voice firm. “but i ain't the one that hurt ya.”
the blonde blinked, looking away from him and staring at his filthy hands once more. he seemed so out of it- almost like he wasn't even sure he was real or not. it was creepy.
“i shot him,” the boy spoke hoarsely, before breaking into a harsh coughing fit. the poor thing probably hasn't had a drink for god knows how long. jess rushed to the sink and filled a glass with water, pressing the cool glass into the blonde's trembling hands.
“drink something,” jess muttered, guiding the drink to his lips.
the boy obeyed almost mindlessly. when he got that first taste of water, he was gulping it down quickly like it was the last time he’d ever get to drink anything.
the boy exhaled loudly as he finished the water, reaching to messily wipe at his mouth, smearing dirt on his face. jess would have reached and wiped it off, but he didn't want to startle him even more. the boy’s hands were bandaged. were those bandages there when he found him?
“better?” jess asked, setting the glass to the side and raising an eyebrow.
the boy nodded ever so slightly. he sat and stared at the ground, before large tears welled up in his eyes and spilled down his dirty cheeks, wetting his shirt. his body shook as he pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes, palming at them desperately to stop the tears.
jess had never been good at dealing with emotions. his own, or others. he found them to be too complicated, and he rid himself of any feelings long ago, when he was young. the people in his town called him heartless when he shed no tears at funerals, or when he didn't smile at the get-togethers. that's just who he was. life was easier that way- and no one understood but him.
“i dunno what i did wrong,” the boy started, his body trembling as he sat up, trying to compose himself. “i-i was jus’ doin’ chores for ma, in the fields, and then,”
his eyes darken, and he clutches at his head like he's in agony.
“th-they snatched me up- t-took me away an’...they tried to….and i shot ‘em.” the blonde hiccuped frantically, tugging at the matted hair on his head.
jess quickly grabbed his wrist, pulling it away from his head as gently as he could manage. the boy’s hands twitched in his grasp, and he weakly tried to pull away before he gave in, his body much too weak to put up any fight.
“don't be yankin’ and pullin’ at your head like that,” jess scolds softly, letting his wrist go. “you're gonna hurt yourself more. it's a miracle you're even alive.” he said bluntly.
the boy looked away, his eyes still dark as his hand balled into his pants, tears threatening to spill from his eyes again.
“why'd you save me?”
jess set his jaw. hell, he didn't even know why he saved this boy. a near-dead body was a common sight where he lived, in the middle of nowhere. it was common for people to dump and leave bodies for dead around here, and jess would ride and walk past them like they were nothing but another rock in the sand.
but when he saw this blonde boy on the verge of death, something gripped at his heart and he couldn't walk away from him. he didn't know what that feeling was when he saw him. maybe jess did it because he genuinely felt bad.
“i don't know.” jess admitted, adjusting his hat. “but i just knew i couldn't leave you to die out here. especially not on my property,”
the boy swallowed and just nodded, just looking absolutely defeated. it wasn't fair, someone so young having to go through something like this. jess knew that feeling.
he crouched next to the boy, finding his eyes under the bangs of his messy locks. “let's get you some clean clothes.”
jess wandered to his room and opened his drawer. he didn't have many clothes, as it was just him, and he didn't really go anywhere. he did still have some old clothes that didn't really fit him anymore, back when he was in his early twenties…but the boy obviously didn't want to get dressed in a whole get up right now.
he eventually settled on an oversized sleep dress he had laying around. it was a little faded, but other than that it didn't have any tears or holes in it.
he walked back into the living area and tossed the sleep dress onto the couch. the boy picked it up and observed it, before muttering out a small ‘thanks’.
“need help getting dressed?”
“no,” the boy said quickly, clutching the fabric to his chest. “get out.”
“alrighty,” jess hummed, confused by the sudden hostility. maybe he was just self conscious. jess could sympathize somewhat, he didn't like people seeing him shirtless much either. he was almost always wearing about three layers of clothes.
he shut his bedroom door behind him to let the boy get dressed, but not even a second later he heard a loud cry from the living area.
he opened the door and saw the boy clutching his side, his face screwed up in pain as he laid on his side, the sleep dress sprawled on the floor. jess slowly approached him, his hand held out.
“you sure you don't-”
“i’m fine, damn it.” the boy hissed, obviously embarrassed, sitting up slowly. “i just…ugh-”
“i’m not gonna do nothin’ to hurt you.” jess states firmly, looking the boy in the eyes. “i’ll help you get dressed, and then i’ll leave you alone if you want.”
the blonde stared at him, as if searching for an ounce of proof that he was lying, before muttering in agreement. “fine,”
jess gently grabbed the boy and sat him up with ease, slowly beginning to unbutton his tattered shirt. he slid it off of his arms and put it to the side, moving to undo the button of his pants.
the boy squirmed, and jess looked up at him. his face was pink, and he was looking off to the side as jess slid his pants off slowly, as to not hurt him. he suddenly reached down, swatting jess’s hands away and fumbling with his pants.
“i can do this part,” he mutters, kicking his pants off.
jess shrugs and grabs the sleep dress, rolling it up as he stands. “arms up, if you can.”
the blonde lifts his arms as much as he can, groaning as he feels the wound on his side shift. jess presses a hand to his shoulder to stop him, moving to slip the garment over his head and arms the best he can.
it was a bit of a struggle, but he eventually maneuvered it to get over his head.
while the boy wiggles into the sleep gown, jess’s eyes rake over his body curiously. he's covered in bruises, which wouldn't be concerning, considering the state he found him in, if they weren't old bruises. some of them were small, purple blotches, others were deep purple or even greenish-, mostly along his legs. his chest was untouched, pale and smooth. they were obviously caused by someone hitting him- but the question was who-. maybe they were caused by the struggle earlier, with whoever he supposedly shot. the gown dropped suddenly and jess looked up at the boy, who was droopy eyed.
“i…thanks.” he mutters, curling himself into a ball, pulling his knees to his chest, looking away. “i, uh…’m real sorry for everything. i’m just not right in the head right now,”
“i know,” jess says. “you've been through some stuff.” he mutters. “i won't make you talk about it until you're ready.”
“i appreciate that,” he mutters, his cheeks flushing slightly.
the kid was well mannered when he wasn't freaking out. jess appreciated that.
jess’s lip curled up slightly, and he tilted his head. “what's your name, kid?”
the boy set his jaw, fidgeting nervously as he answered quietly. “clinton. clinton reno.” he answers softly, his eyes darting up to jess. “you can call me clint,”
“clint,” jess says, standing and gestures to the kitchen. “hungry? i can whip something up.”
the boy- clint- shakes his head, grabbing the blanket tightly and laying back on his side with heavy eyes. “no, i’m…i'm really tired.”
“alright,” jess hums, adjusting his hat. “you get some rest. i’ll be here in the morning.”
clint nods and shuts his eyes, falling asleep almost immediately afterward. jess blows out the candle and heads towards his room, shutting the door quietly.
he sat on his bed, sighing heavily. this might be a lot more than he bargained for. if this reno boy had really shot someone, there wasn't no way the constable wasn't gonna come looking for him. he suspected he'd get a visit from sheriff ramsey soon, but he could lie to him easily enough. he hated to do it, but if he had to, he would.
he laid back and ran a hand through his hair, his eyes falling shut as his mind began to run. what was he going to to with this boy once he was healed up? that wouldn't be for a while. it was already come fall time, and he would probably be a wanted man in a few days, so it's not like he could send him off on his lonesome- but jess only had living space for one person.
jess fell asleep with an image of clint crying fresh on his mind.
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB HEADCANONS] - how i think jp would help you with your mental health
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pov: title says it all!
warnings: mental health, stressed and anxious days, some swears here and there
type: comfort
member: justin phan
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Justin would be such a great comfort buddy
Maybe he doesn’t look like that guy in the nsb videos since he’s always playful and stuff like this, but trust me.
he is the definition of the words ‘comfort’ and ‘calm’
Let’s start this hc, shall we?
« hi baby! I’m back home! » he said
He couldn’t find you :/
So he started searching for you
« Baby? Are you home? »
He started panicking a little bit ngl
(Rest of the hc under the cut!)
Your car was in the entrance and your clothes were at the same place as yesterday
And you didn’t say you had plans…
« Babyyy? Are you there? Are you playing hide and seek or something? »
Usually, it’s at this moment where you laugh and stop playing
But not this time apparently
He went to the room you both shared and saw you, laying there on the bed, your back facing him
« oh shit, is she sleeping? Hope i didn’t wake her up… »
He took the blanket close to you and put it on you, smiling that his baby was finally resting (go rest yourself babe)
He was going to kiss you on your forehead, but instead saw tears rolling down on your face
And that’s when he realized that you were, indeed, not sleeping, but crying-
« Baby… are you okay? Why are you crying? »
« Did something happened? »
His heart broke
It broke even more when you pushed him away
« No.. i don’t want to leave you alone! What’s up? Why are you crying, my love? »
He slowly caressed your hair and your cheek, seeing you weren’t answering him
« Baby… why are you like that? What happened when i was gone? »
He would comfort as much as he can
« Pretty girl, what’s up with you…? Who broke my baby’s heart? »
His face is :(
He would listen to you without judging you
He wouldn’t even put pressure on you for you to talk
He would wait until you are ready to do it
« take your time, okay? Talk when you’re ready »
He would hug you, and play with your hair
And cuddle you if that’s something you like
« Breathe in… breathe out.. yeah just like that, you’re doing great »
« Just relax and do breathing exercises, okay? »
He would peck your forehead or cheeks to calm you down
« It’s okay, baby.. i know it’s not always easy »
He would be there all the way in
« Just forget that when things get hard, I’m here to help and listen to you, okay? »
You could talk for 4h straight and he’d stay here with you
« Taking care of ourselves is not always an easy task, baby… if you can’t do it alone because it’s too hard or too complicated, just let me know and we’ll figure things out okay? »
« You are doing great, my love. »
« With or without mental health problems or issues, i still, and always will, love you just the way you are »
« Thank you for trusting me with that »
« you are a blessing in many people’s life and this is a fact you can’t deny. »
« ‘bet?’ Wdym bet?? Hold on, do you want me to say every person you helped and comforted since you’re on this fucking earth?! »
He would be so worried for real, he always want to see you smile :(
He hate to see tears rolling down on your cheeks
Justin know bad days can happen, but everything he looks at you and see you sad, he feel bad
He want your happiness.
« i love you so much. I’m here for you anything you wants and need. »
« Never think that you have to be strong 24/7 just for me. You don’t have to wear a mask for me. It’s okay to be weak sometimes.  I’m weak too sometimes »
« Everything will be okay, just concentrate on my voice okay? »
Idk how to end this hc, bc if it wasn’t for the readers (don’t want to make it too long), I’d continue
Justin has such a good heart like-
Please, do not hide things from him
He only want your happiness
He want to see you smile, he want to hear you laugh, he want to make you realize how important you are to him
Please, do not reject him :(
Taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you’d like me to add you!) @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
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simplyanotherartist · 2 years
hi am a 7th grader and I was wondering how you don't get embarrassed bc in my school they make fun of me for things I like like dt and you really encourage me to ignore those people and keep liking what I like
I know it's long, but I want EVERYONE to read this.
Okay, this REALLY hit home, because even though I am just recently entering college(I'm 19), I still feel this way at times. But you know what? It's okay.
At your age, other kids in your school or even a little older than you will probably tease you about this, but not for the reasons you'd think. I mean- what? DuckTales is an amazing animated show about a family that goes through hardships and helps protect one another and all that they value. It's a reboot from an old classic revolving around Donald Duck- one of the most popular animated characters in the world(to be honest I often see him being more popular than Mickey even). Something about this that makes it so amazing, to help you not feel embarrassed? The show is made by adults. Not overgrown children: adults. These people are well older then even myself, voicing, writing, and animating anthropomorphic ducks for one of the largest and most popular film/entertainment industries in the world. This was made by adults, and it's enjoyed by adults. Most of the humor or context provided in the show can't even be understood by most children younger then you, which just goes to show that it's well loved by those even older.
It's not just a kids show. And even if it was- guess what? You get a larger excuse then someone like me even, because you're still a kid. You can like this and people don't have the right to say anything about it.
You said you're in seventh grade? Do me a favor then: show pride in liking this show, and if someone so much as gives you a dirty look for it, I want you to say "Well what kind of shows and movies do you watch?"
If those kids are honest, then the majority of them like watching Disney and animated films as well. If they don't, then it will still be a show meant for younger teens/kids. If they answer that they watch shows and movies that are rated R or meant for adults; then point out that they're still kids too and that their parents shouldn't be okay with that as it is inappropriate most likely. Watching DT17 though? There's is nothing wrong or embarrassing about that.
Like I said; it's made by adults, it should be enjoyed by adults. It's a kids/family show? Then it's enjoyed by kids and families! My mother doesn't care to watch Tv, but when I played the intro for her, she was so happy because it reminded her of her childhood watching the original show and she and my older family members like watching it from time to time because that's what reboots and Disney do. The show is meant to be enjoyed by people your age and even decades older- that's the pure beauty behind it!
If people give you a hard time on it, you know what's the problem? They're embarrassed themselves. I've seen it and received this issue in person myself. Other kids have teased me on liking "little kids shows", only for me to learn later on that they like something others would have found even more childish. They're embarrassed because they have an interest in either the same thing or something else, but they don't want others to find out and act rudely towards it to be kept secret. It's sad, and it's slightly pathetic, but it's understandable because they're just as embarrassed as you and me.
When I got to college, I was more nervous about it then I was even back in high school- but you know what? On the first day, I saw nearly twenty different students wearing clothes with animated characters on them- from Mickey Mouse to Batman, and from Stich to Bratz. The thing is; people stopped caring what others thought, and it helps us realize that others don't actually care. Think about it; if you saw someone at your school wearing a hoodie themed after Bluey or Hilda or Adventure Time, would you care? Probably not in the way you think others would. If people your age do care, its because they're reaching an age of "maturity" where they think they're supposed to grow up and out of these things, when these fandoms are actually aimed to them.
Unfortunately, I will have to admit that the acceptance of this doesn't really fade away early enough. People will act like they're too mature and grown for such things for a while, with the once in a while exception of that one kid you shows off their interests at every turn(this level of confidence is something I will always admire). This usually shows up as early as fourth grade, and it will mostly continue until you all graduate from high school. But when you become an adult and finally leave school, you'll look at the world differently, realizing that this is now your world too. The feeling will be real and you'll actually feel it after you graduate, and goddamn is it a scary but exhilarating feeling. But you know what happens after that? You'll look around and see that most adults won't care- you say you like Disney shows and movies; "Dude, same! I love watching the old classics and reboots!" I have heard this response more times then you would ever believe.
It's just how people your age feel because you're all growing up. But please for the life of me- don't. Don't try to grow up- not like this. If you do, then you'll push yourself away from the beauty that the world tries to give you as a child. I know you can't stop from growing up, but truly enjoy it for now, before it becomes expected of you.
If you like DuckTales? Then show it off. If people make fun of you or tease you, even if they're your friends? Then who needs them. Your real friends will understand and accept you, and the others are either lying to themselves; they grew up too fast and are making fun because they aren't as happy as you, not enjoying their childhood as much as you, and not letting themselves experience the world like you.
Your interests are your interests. Screw the haters.
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enid-rhees · 1 year
Okay so that idea you have about the reader bringing Enid piercings got me thinking about non-apocalyptic/pre-apocalyptic Enid au...
Imagine being in your senior year with Enid, cept' she looks more like this:
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*just pretend this is Enid not Elisia lmao-*
Andddd reader has a crush on Enid. She's intrigued by her piercings and her style...
So one day, Enid catches reader staring during class and teases her later on for it.
I'm sorry this is incredibly confusing...idek what I'm saying at this point haha, I'm high af rn 💀✋
ohhhh i love this and i’m able to picture this super cute interaction AAAA okay okay (and i am too 😭)
warnings: none! it’s just a really cute story :’)) although maybe a warning bc i based part of this on how it used to be in high school for me kinda (mostly the lunch part)
a/n: hope u all enjoy! 🫶🏻 requests are back open! if you’d like to request, just read pinned! all info is there :) also for the plot, you are an adopted Grimes child.
you hated math. everything about it was confusing, and you were never able to get the hang of it. the class was long, the teacher was boring, you would quite literally wish to be anywhere but here.
there was only one good thing about math class: Enid Rhee.
Enid Rhee is the girl that sat in the desk across from you. she was smart, insanely pretty, and had this nose piercing that somehow made her even prettier.
if you were being honest, you had a crush on Enid. scratch that - you had a huge crush on Enid. it was a bit pathetic, really. the two of you barely talked, and the few times you did, it left your face burning like crazy. she’s helped you with your in-class work, guiding you through each problem to help you pass.
you loved the way she dressed, how she expressed herself. she always wore darker clothing, and always wore this beanie on her head. but it was cute.
Enid always paid attention in class, because she never really spoke to anyone. she had her group of friends, but you only saw them together at lunch, which took place right after this class. that was also another good thing about math.
“okay, who knows the answer to question three?” the teacher called out, you jumped slightly at the loudness of his voice in the quiet classroom.
for a few seconds, nobody raised their hand. you kept your head down, making it seem like you were still working.
“ah, Enid! you know the answer?” you snapped your head up, Enid had her hand raised. she put it down, “six hundred and eighty seven?” she questioned unsurely.
god, she looked so cute. her maroon eyeshadow really made her green eyes pop, making it easy to get lost in them.
“yes! good, Enid! that’s the answer! everybody, make sure you write that down.” as everyone looked back down at their papers, your eyes were stuck in Enid.
she wrote down the answer, and started to move onto the next one. you sat there, your chin resting in the palm of your hand as you watched her with what could only be described as heart eyes.
she looked so cute when she was concentrated, biting her lip as she tried to figure out the answer.
“Y/N!” you jumped in your seat once more when the teacher yelled your name. your face burned as you looked up at him. “i asked you what the answer was to question four?” he asked, clearly annoyed with you for not paying attention.
“u-um,” you stuttered, looking down at your paper, when you looked back up, Enid was looking at you, a soft smile on her face. it made your face burn more.
she then held up 5 fingers underneath her desk. you quickly looked away, “the answer is five… sir.”
“correct! good job, Y/N. make sure to pay attention next time, yeah?” you nodded and put your head back down, mentally cursing at yourself for being caught doing that.
the bell suddenly rang and everyone stood up from their seats, shoving the paper into their folder and into their bag. “whatever you don’t finish is homework!” the teacher announced as everyone was leaving.
as you were putting your folder and notebook back into your bag, Enid appeared next to you. “hi.” she smiled.
“hi.” you smiled back, trying to act calm despite your racing heart. “having… trouble with the work?” she questioned, almost teasingly.
you looked down, trying to hide your growing smile. “uh, yeah. something like that.”
Enid thought for a moment, her eyes looking up at the ceiling briefly. “wanna uh, sit somewhere together at lunch? i could help you.”
it took you a moment to process what she said. your heart felt like it was going to explode. you were surprised she couldn’t hear how loud your heart was beating inside your chest.
“y-yeah. i’d love to.” you told her. her smile grew wider. “great, let’s go.”
you made your way to the cafeteria in silence, not knowing what to say to her. you hoped that maybe she felt equally as nervous.
the two of you got in line for food. Enid picked up two trays, handing one to you. you gave her a small smile as a thank you. thin crusted pizza sat in pans behind the glass, and you sighed in relief.
normally, you hated school food. but the pizza was somewhat good, and one of the most tolerable foods the school had to offer. didn’t go well with chocolate milk, though.
Enid led you to a two-chair table near the back of the cafeteria. when you sat down, you gave her a gave her a look of uncertainty, “are your uh, friends okay with you not sitting with them?”
she brushed it off with her hand, “they’re fine.” you nodded and took a bite of the pizza. “by the way, you didn’t have to give me the answer.” you chuckled.
Enid shrugged, “i don’t know, seemed like you were pretty distracted by something.” she said in a tone you couldn’t decipher.
you fumbled with the milk carton in your hand as you tried to think of what to say back. was it really that obvious you were staring at her?
“you know, if you like the way i look you can just tell me.” Enid said, confirming your thoughts from two seconds ago. you looked down at your food and tried to hide your embarrassment.
“sorry i-“ you laughed, genuinely at a loss for words. you took a deep breath, “i think you’re cool as hell, Enid.” you chuckled nervously. “you intrigue me.”
“yeah?” she questioned. “how?”
you shrugged, “i mean- your style, i love it. you’re… funny, and smart. but you’re quiet in class unless you have to answer a question. and something about it, i just really like.” you admitted, and you swore your heart was about to pound out of your chest any second.
Enid smiled, a tint of red highlighting her cheeks. “i think you’re pretty cool too.”
but she cleared her throat immediately, shaking her head slightly. “but uh, would you like some help with Mr. Rovia’s work? just so you don’t have to do it at home.”
you blinked, “yeah- yeah that would be nice.” you pulled your folder out of your bag and took the sheet of paper out. Enid pulled out her pen, immediately solving the next problem.
Enid then moved her chair closer to yours, and your shoulders were basically touching. you felt your heart start to race again.
she started to guide you through each problem, and if you were being honest, Enid was a better help than Mr. Rovia ever was. but that also went for most teachers anyway.
before you knew it, the two of you had finished the work. “thanks, Enid. genuinely.” you told her. “i’m always here to help.” she responded.
the bell rang again, signaling that lunch was over. you threw away the leftover food and placed the tray on top of the bin. your next class was science, another class you shared with Enid. but you also shared that class with your little shit of a brother, Carl.
when you entered the classroom, Enid pulled you by the sleeve over to an empty table with two seats. you looked over, and luckily, Carl was busy talking with his friend Henry.
Carl knew about your crush on Enid, and would take every opportunity he had to embarrass you if he saw you with her right now.
“hey, isn’t that your brother?” Enid questioned. you nodded, “yep. little asshole.”
Enid giggled, and that might’ve been one of the prettiest sounds you’ve ever heard.
“alright class!” the teacher shouted. it was highly unnecessary, given that the classroom was small and everyone was already paying attention.
“i’ve assigned a project.” she announced, and few people groaned. “oh hush. this one is more entertaining than the others. for this project, you need to make a replica of a volcano and recreate an eruption. you’ll be working with one other student, the person you’re sitting next to.”
you and Enid turned to each other with wide smiles. you’re unable to control how happy you are on the inside, knowing that this could bring you guys closer, and maybe-
“take your computers out and start researching the different types of eruptions that can occur with your partner. this project is due Friday.”
Enid pulled hers out, “ready to completely ace this project… partner?” she asked with the cutest grin.
you couldn’t help but get lost in her eyes once more, not understanding how someone this beautiful was in front of you.
you bit your lip as you tried to hide your own lovesick smile, “yeah… let’s do it.”
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