#because he is a nice vod like that
hastalavistabyebye · 1 month
Holos #2
Neyo yawned loudly. Like every time, he despised the morning’s early hours for depriving him of caff. 
He was grateful to Generals Stass Allie and Ki-Adi Mundi for organizing those joined leave breaks, when their battalions could meet on some deserted planet close enough from each other's positions. 
But land installments meant no personal caff machine. And the commissary wouldn't start serving breakfast until a few hours still. 
What wouldn't he sacrifice to see his ori’vod a handful of times more often ?
At least, it wasn't cold this morning. He wouldn't freeze in just his blacks. Neyo breathed out one last sight before putting on his boots and leaving his tent.
It didn't take him long to find Bacara. There really was only one place he could be this early. Neyo walked silently to the large tree his ori’vod had chosen for the day. Once seated next to him, the younger man flashed a few battle signs. No talking permitted at this time. 
“Sitrep ?”
“Clicking sound. Hear ? Lau bird.”
Neyo snatched his comm to check what this little fucker looked like. He didn't know a bird could imitate the sound of weak plastoid snapping so well. Right when he was checking the holonet for answers, a pointy elbow poked into his ribs. He looked back up with a scowl, ready to tell his brother where he could shove his elbow already, but was stopped by Bacara signing “Look !” while pointing in the direction of the canopy above their heads. 
A tiny, colorful bird flew gracefully in front of them. The blue wings catched the slowly rising sunlight in a rainbow of cheerful shades. It executed a few circles, each time smaller, before settling down on a bright green leaf the size of Neyo’s thigh. 
He could accept that this specimen was quite pretty. 
At his side, Bacara raised his own comm slowly, as to not frighten the bird, and took a holo.
That was new. 
The victorious and thrilled look on his ori’vod’s face kept Neyo from saying anything. It was their peaceful time after all, it would be a shame to break the quiet tranquility surrounding them so soon. 
He watched the little bird make its clicking sounds a few times before flying away again, comfortably settled, shoulder to shoulder with his ori’vod. 
A tenday later, the entire 91st Mobile Corps was knees deep into some sticky, foggy bog of nightmare. The mud was infiltrating absolutely everywhere. Neyo was damp, cold and all in all not having a good time.
So, when during a lunch break Ponds started smiling softly at his comm, it was deeply suspicious. Neyo leaned in his direction a little bit to check what was making his vod look like that. He got a glimpse of a holo of some pretty bird that definitely wasn’t native to this horror of a planet. It looked more like a desertic species, the like that could be found where Bacara was currently deployed. 
So that was what those holos were for, huh. 
@rooksunday thank you for the bird watcher Bacara headcanon :D I love it !
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llitchilitchi · 4 months
I know nothing about minecraft youtube but your prison arc posting has me intrigued. Where can one go to watch it?
ooooohkay this is a big one
first off, the prison arc had a lot happen behind the scenes. we got mentions from other characters about the conditions, especially from the Warden when talking to others about it. also, since the man locked up in said prison didn't stream on the server, we only get snippets from the few visits he was granted, or the Warden's POV when he was uhhhh taking care of him so to speak. either way, you will have to look closely, unless some kind soul replies with a full playlist of Just Prison Clips(tm)
it also depends on what you were intrigued by in particular. there is a full playlist here which I genuinely hope is complete. the clips that include the Warden talking about the prison aren't there, from my brief overview of the videos.
if you're interested in the whole thing, watch all. if you are interested in the part where it gets, well, interesting, with the torture and all that good stuff, I'd skip to Quackity's VOD. (here are his VODs only)
the downside to watching only the torture is missing out on Techno's arrival and The Prison Podcast. here are Techno's VODs, with the prison lore being in the VODs Visiting Dream up to JAILBREAK. would recommend watching the AVENGING RANBOO one as well to get the full picture for the last arc of the prison-related stuff, aka Daedalus Arc. here's a playlist.
there's more, like the Warden's POV after Techno broke out of prison and of course the legendary MCC Prison Roleplay which had dreblr going feral
I 100% forgot about something, but this is all that came to my mind, feel free to ask more questions or provide more links to VODs and playlists. I hope you enjoy, it's a good couple hours of fun.
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strawbnetwork · 2 years
throwback to the days of sapnaps gatekept twitch alt
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ominouspuff · 5 months
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Kote’s House
Kote’s first house is a pathetic thing, and he is incurably proud of it. The twi’lek he purchased it from very evidently could not make up his mind what to do with a man that grinned while he haggled, but it was the first time Kote had haggled over a purchase of his very own. He had thoroughly enjoyed it.
The house is built for one being, and a compact being at that, but Kote doesn’t have much. Moving in is quick, and most of his efforts during the next few days after go into attempting ambitious repairs for things he doesn’t know the first thing about. 
His plumbing is an issue, he knows. Something is getting blocked up. Somehow while trying to fix the kitchen tumbler, his fresher spout explodes.
He hadn’t kept his new house a secret from anyone by any means, but it is still surprising when Fox barges in through his jamming front door. He finds Kote on the floor in his cramped kitchen while the fresher rains water in the adjacent room, laughing so hard and so crippled with delight that he can’t get up.
He tries to explain how wonderful it is —
“I-I have to fix my plumbing on my own, vod—”
—but judging by Fox’s single raised eyebrow he knows it doesn’t translate.
Fox, it turns out, is moving into the neighborhood. Kote doesn’t ask about the house Fox already has — the house he has visited, which is very nice and fancy — or point out that Fox’s contract there cannot possibly be up, which begs the question of why he’s here in Kote’s neighborhood — except that Kote already knows the answer to that question. So he doesn’t ask.
Fox doesn’t show him any grace or forbearance, though.
“Don’t even know how to fix a damn pipe, front lining show-off—” His brother snarls, but it is muffled; his top half had to go down beneath the floor they’d pried up to get at the plumbing issue.
“So that’s what they had you doing all these years.” Kote says, because he really is in a criminally good mood. He barely ducks the foot-long pipe Fox throws at his head, feeling giddy.
He makes dinner that night in thanks. Fox stays, ostensibly because now that he’s fixed the fresher he intends to use it, because his new house isn’t hooked up properly yet to all the supply lines and power grids. 
They choke on homemade tiingilar (vode-style; Kote can’t pretend at the real thing yet) so heavily spiced it’s got grit to it that sticks between the teeth. It’s disgusting, but Cody had bought fifteen different spices and while usually he likes to keep his approach to the unknown more cautious, more methodical, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted to do more than use them all at once for the first time. 
Wolffe joins them not long after; brings a few others along by recommending the apartment he picks out, so that soon most of the complex is taken up by vode, Kote hears, but he doesn’t visit yet. Everyone’s too busy coming over to his house, it seems; filling up his kitchen and asking why he hasn’t fixed the trash disposal yet, why he doesn’t have a couch, doesn’t he know they’re all the rage among civilized folk?
Kote fixes the trash disposal with Rex, who is better at it than he is but says it’s only due to Skywalker’s influence on managing all things mechanical. 
“How is Skywalker?” Kote asks, and gets more than he bargained for over the next hour. At first he’s a bit off-put, because he’s trying to get dinner sorted again and he’s not been very fond of Skywalker at the best of times, but Rex is snorting out a story and laughing and it’s contagious, so Kote just resigns himself and settles in to enjoy.
Skywalker has little ones, now. Obi-Wan is the only one that can get them to sleep. Ahsoka is distressed; she knows better, but every instinct in her is apparently in agony over the little ones’ inability to eat meat yet. She obsesses over nutrients in their diet — which, given what tiny natborn humans primarily ingest in the early stages, makes for some slightly awkward conversations.
Rex helps with dinner afterward, and they take turns being incredulous over natborn baby facts, shoving around one another in the tiny, uncomfortable kitchen.
“What’s your next project?” Rex asks at one point, glancing sidelong with a cheeky look, and Kote levels his vegetable knife at him (he’s got a vegetable knife. Specifically for vegetables. It’s a very new concept). 
“I make everyone’s dinner on Tuangsdays.” He says. “I’m productive.”
Rex’s sharp-toothed grin turns thoughtful. “Yeah” He says. “Everyone loves coming here, you know. You could be the new 79’s.”
Kote knows. He plans and plots, and puts more work into researching recipes than he’s put into any research whatsoever in months. It feels a bit like coming out of a shore leave; his thoughts quicken and his excitement grows. He hunts down a market. He brings a bag. He shops, bargains, and returns victorious.
He sends out a few comms., and can’t help but shake his head and grin at how different the responses are. 
What a marvelous idea, Cody. His general — ex-general — says.
Yus pls, Ahsoka sends back, with some sort of strange tooka vidclip that dances with wiggly gyrations Kote can only assume indicate excitement.
Where is your house, Anakin says, blunt and to the point, and Kote can appreciate that. 
He sends the address. He cooks all day. The sun sets, and Fox and Wolffe arrive, already bickering, Rex trailing behind with a long-suffering look sent to Kote, begging commiseration.
“Ugh, don’t you ever stop smiling, now?” He gripes when Kote just grins at him. 
“Nope,” Kote says, unrepentantly.
He leaves the soup on the stove, simmering, and takes his cup of caf to the window. He leans on it, breathing in cool air, and just listens — listens to the squabbling as Wolffe gets on Fox’s case for not washing Kote’s dishes correctly the last time they visited. Hears the soft thumps of Rex sneaking into the cramped room Kote has set aside for plants and the sole pet he has; a pastel goullian, fins swaying ever so gently, permanent scowl in place. Thinks he catches, distantly, the sound of his remaining three guests (Padme couldn’t attend, and had made him feel very awkward by how thoughtfully she apologized for it) plodding up the hill. 
“Cody!” Ahsoka cries, coming into view and waving. 
Kote’s cheeks have stopped aching from all the smiling he’s gotten used to, so it’s easy to let another through.
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im-notbean · 8 months
Dating Killua Headcannons
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(I'm in love with this gif. Shut tf up. Bask in it's glory.)
・Cat boy. Cat boy. Cat. Boy.
・No, being serious. Killua is a cat.
・He does that thing where he'll rub his neck or head into you when y'all are cuddling <3
・He also nocks random things over just cause...why the fuck not?
・I like to think Killua is pretty flirty
・But hates when he's being flirted to
・"Your cute Killua." "B-Baka! I'm not cute."
・*Ahem* Anyway.
・Killua is touch starved. Change my mind.
・I'm a personal beliver that Killua has a love hate relationship with praise
・Like, he likes giving praise
・But hates getting praise for some odd reason
・"Hey Y/N." "What babe?" "You have a nice face." "Aw, thanks. You have nice hair" "Baka. I don't"
(I don't remember how praise works ok- its like 5 in the morning okay, I'm watching an old punz vod. it's so old that the camera has the punz border lol.)
・I feel like Killua will just flop into your lap and cling onto you
・He also likes head pats
・Again, he's a cat
・I feel like he's not big on PDA in public but at home...
・He's all over you like your the center on the universe
・Definitely has shocked you before on "accident"
・I feel like he's the type of person to have no storage because he has so mahy pics of you
・I'd think that their all of you sleeping
・Again he's like a cat, sleep during the day and a ball of energy at night
・You both like knocking sense into Gon (you do don't lie)
Alright I'm done- also I sprained my finger today- hurts like a bitch right now but I'll survive.
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cluemily · 1 year
Finally got the clip of Cleo saying they believe this Scar is the only one not murdered by Grumbot.
VOD Source here! (They also talk about Disney and terraforming, it's fun!)
Scar: I asked Grumbot if I was a good mayor in his universe, you know, the weird one in this universe?
Cleo: That feels like it was a mistake.
Scar: Yeah he said I was the best mayor for five minutes.
Cleo: That feels like a threat.
Scar: And I told him "that's what she said" but he didn't think that was funny, but then I thought to myself what happened did I get assassinated, did I get kicked out was I just- What happened, I'm so confused.
[Cleo snorts with laughter.]
Cleo: I suspect Grumbot murdered you.
Scar: Yeah, I kinda- That's what Grian was suspecting too.
Cleo: Yeah. Like, like, Grumbot. Not a nice guy.
Scar: Well it was interesting too because Grian was just building, I show up and I push the button. Like, I don't know if he put that paper in there for other reasons but it was so weird that that popped out when I just randomly hit the button when I just showed up. It was very strange. I think I was murdered by Grumbot in that world and maybe Mumbo became mayor in that world.
Cleo: I genuinely think that… Grumbot murders you in most universes. You might be the only Scar left.
Scar: Grumbot is just your average John Wilkes Booth… Boot? Or Booth.
Cleo: Booth, I think it's Booth.
End Transcript]
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quirkedupfandom · 4 months
Q!PHIL SAYING, AND I QUOTE "It's nice having a lot of stuff" and things on the last vod, and also just being all weird about getting new stuff from *supposedly the federation* (cough ender king cough cough)
Combine this with how much he used to say he doesn't value material wealth and family always comes before anything. Heck, he even BURNS the feds money like 10 minutes ago before going right back into this weird new hoarding mode.
And the fact that his whole philosophy of not getting too attached to worldly possesions is something he kinda passed onto Tallulah and Chayanne, and THEY NOTICED HIS ODD BEHAVIOUR.
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LIKE. THEY KNOW!!! q!phil was able to pick up when something was off when the codes were imitating them, and the kids know him Just As Well. They can tell somethings up and i'm SADD
Because it was q!phil who was sad that Chayanne and Tallulah were thrown into battle and not able to just enjoy themselves. So what do they do when it's their own parent who's now needing saved. Their rock. The constant support in their life. I'm SO scared that this is going to result in a fight or something between them.
Anyway yeah normal fun times on the QSMP amiright hahaha...
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genevawren38 · 4 months
Fit & Bagi's conversation transcript about Philza and what ails him today (02/28/2024);
[/rp from 2 hours and 32 minutes in FitMC's VOD (2:32-2:42)]
FitMC : So have you heard any fofoca recently? Got any gossip, tea, drama? Anything?
Bagi : I haven't heard fofoca recently at least about me because I am waiting for y'know Tina to check her room, so we can have some new fofoca?
F : I see, I see, okay.
B : But um, do you know what's happening to Phil?
F : All I know, with Phil, ever since that stuff appeared on his shoulders he has been acting strange. His kids were both really worried about him. When I brought up a sensitive topic he seemed to get really upset with Tallulah, so I'm just—I don't think he is himself recently. Something is definitely bothering him or something's up.
Empanada : It's bad.
F : I don't know, what do you think? *Both read Em's sign.*
B : I agree with Empanada, it's really bad. Because Chayanne and Tallulah were really upset, like it didn't look like Phil. He seemed different, like maybe possessed?
F : Yeah, maybe, maybe.
B : With some disease, I don't know. And they ran away from him.
F : Which is definitely not normal.
B : That's really sad because Chayanne and Tallulah really really love Phil. And Phil looked like he was trying to get away from them. Going inside of dungeons alone and leaving them in the house. I don't know all weird, the weird thing about his shoulders, the purple thing on his shoulders, it looks like that crying obsidian you know?
F : Oh, wait a min—cause it's got like the purple in it?
B : Yeah, that glows a little bit?
F : Ramon do you have a crying obsidian on you? Put it on the ground, I just want to look at it real quick.
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B : And I think they had one of those inside the lake, the little lake they have next to their house.
F : Oh interesting. It's like the same colour of purple.
B : Yeah. Do you think its a type of corruption or something? Like what happened to Slime when he was being—well I don't know...transformed by codes?
F : Oh, yeah. Mhm, I remember that. That seems to happen on this island, doesn't it?
B : Yea. Like a contamination or something.
F : Yea it could be a disease, yeah definitely he wasn't himself. *Looks at the obsidian again* But yeah, it looks the colour purple is almost identical to what was on him.
E : Crying obsidian sucks.
Ramon : So crying obsidian is toxic?
B : I don't think so. But maybe a piece of crying obsidian appearing at his place could mean something?
F : Hmmm, maybe.
B : It's not normal to have crying obsidian inside of lakes.
F : It's an unusual place for it to spawn.
B : Yeah, exactly. So it was put in there but, why? Just for decoration or different purposes? I mean it could be just decoration.
F : It's—it's a weird decoration if that's true.
E : I asked him on our birthday and he said its nothin'. I asked him why there was one in his pond it was there on our birthday.
B : Wait, Empanada, did he answer you?
F : He said it's nothing...hmmmm.
E : He said not to worry about it an its nothing :(
F : It must have some significance then it has too.
B : He said not to worry about, maybe it really...I don't know the meaning of this because I never went to the nether. Everyone talks about the nether but I was never there.
F : Yeah but crying obsidian is also useful for making weapons cause it can make respawn anchors which can be used as explosives.
B : Oh you remind me of something. Okay, okay let me try to remember this...Phil had a diamond backpack that the 'Federation' gave to him?
F : Yeah, yeah must be nice.
B : No but it's really weird because the Federation isn't giving anyone anything because they want us to buy stuff.
E : Chay burned it.
B : That was really weird because the backpack came with a letter from the Federation, but not sure if its from the Federation. And a really weird backpack, a diamond backpack and the bunnies are trying to sell us everything so it doesn't even make sense for them to give Phil a diamond backpack. They would at least charge something, like, give me at least a thousand coins for the backpack, I don't know.
F : So you are saying that Phil didn't get it from the Federation?
B : I think maybe its something else, not the Federation.
F : I didn't even think of that.
B : He got a backpack from someone because think about it, the bunnies they don't even give us free food. Every time we need food they aren't even giving us food. Why would they give us diamond backpacks, that doesn't even make sense?
F : You are absolutely right. Like, I didn't even think of that.
B : If you stop to think about it, the shoulders and the back was exactly the place he was contaminated. So maybe it's related to the backpack?
F : You are right, it was all over his back, I didn't even think of that.
E : I listened to Phil's and Lulah's convo and he said he did it to protect them from HIM
[Fit mutes and tells chat : You ever talk to someone and just be like 'I'm fucking stupid?' That's how I feel right now.]
B : Oh yeah, I remember that Phil said that he was trying to protect the kids from 'him'. And he said a couple times the word him but no one in specific that we know, I think. It was always 'him'.
F : But he specifically said 'him', right?
B : Yeah, don't know who 'him' is but he was talking about 'him'.
R : Tio Phil was being a little harsh on Chay and Lulah.
E : He got really mad at Tallulah.
F : You might be onto something Bagi, maybe it is some sort of like he is being possessed or something.
B : Here Fit, check this *gestures to Em's sign*
E : Called her a stupid egg HE WOULD NEVER
F : *Reads aloud the sign* Oh you are absolutely right, Phil would never call any of his children stupid. Something is up, yup.
B : So if you see Phil and he's kinda weird, that's probably what's happening.
F : Well I am glad we had this chit chat so we are both on the same page. Okay we need to be really careful.
B : If he needs anything, oh yeah, and we need to be careful that's right. Because we don't know what he is up to.
F : Cause yeah if he's berating his own eggs, insulting his own eggs, it could turn south very quickly.
*Ramon nods*
F : I'm worried, Ramon.
E : Don't ask him questions, he will think they told us more.
F : Never a dull moment on this island.
B : We should keep the kids safe. Chay and Tallulah can stay here if they need, they already know that but if they need anything they can come to us.
F : That's a good idea yeah, as long as they have somewhere to go.
B : I mean for now I really don't know if I can help Phil, so I am just trying to keep the kids safe.
F : That's the most important.
B : The real Philza would appreciate it.
F : Yeah, keeping the kids safe that is the first priority. That's good stuff, isn't that right you two? *Addressing Em and Ramon who nod.*
B : I think Phil needs to deal with it.
F : It's always something on this island, Bagi, it's always something.
B : There's always something.
[Bonus transcript between Fit and Ramon 3:09-3:12 relating to Philza's affliction]
Fit : Ramon.
*Ramon nods after they both teleport home from BBH's place*
F : When we were talking with Bagi about Philza it made me realise something. I remember, a long time ago, this was a few months ago, remember when I was dealing with all the black concrete? Like all the dark matter that was on the island?
I specifically remember Philza mentioning a thing. If I recall correctly, he mentioned something called the 'Ender King'. And I am starting to wonder if maybe that's what's been messing with him. Cause think about it; the crying obsidian, the obsidian, that's what you find in the End Dimension, right?
*Ramon nods*
F : This things called the Ender King...he thought he was seeing things and we thought maybe he was just imagining them—but now we can see there is something on him. Something we can see with our own eyes. I just wonder if it's related.
Ramon : So now it's not only in his mind?
F : Exactly cause at first we thought maybe he was just imagining these things but it's clear this is actually some sort of outside force. And that's why I am a little bit more concerned now. That's why I am way more concerned.
R : That sounds dangerous. Not only for him but everyone.
F : Yeah, cause if his behaviour towards Tallulah and Chayanne yesterday, or the other day, is any indication then this could be a problem for a lot of us. So we really gotta keep our eye on him and support him anyway we can.
F : *sighs* But, man, when it rains it pours. Cause we have our own problems to deal with, Ramon. Especially tomorrow, I mean Friday. I can't ever remember what day it was, I am so frazzled. So much going on at all times on this island. When it rains it pours.
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etoilesbienne · 9 months
Forever's Entire Proposal to BadBoyHalo q!BBH Analysis + Transcript below the cut.
Before I start, I want to make clear this is from BBH's perspective + mentality, and I do not speak Portuguese, as well as none of this is intended as character writing criticism. I really like the direction both of these characters are going in, I just want to highlight how much of a horror show this scene is! I'm starting much earlier than what's shown in the clip at the top, unfortunately Tumblr's file limits exist :/ Timestamp for the entire clip I'm using is at here in BBH's vod.
Some preface for everything going on in this scene and context:
For one, Forever's current drugged arc has continued references to the Vargas Era in Brazilian history, which, to heavily oversimplify, is a period when culture was suppressed by Getúlio Vargas, a 1930's Brazilian dictator, and made to look very perfected to the outside world to cover up the many issues from the government at the time. (I really recommend looking more into the Vargas Era on your own, I can say I've found every reading on this topic to be both interesting, as well as gives Forever's current arc a really good layer of historical reference with his presidency. It's a good topic to look into!)
Mostly, it's a representation of how fucked Forever's mental state currently is. Not only is he erratic from the drugs he was put under - He's actively been washed over with nationalistic propaganda. That's fucking horrifying for the President of the island to be under! It gains another layer of horror as well, because to all of the islanders, Forever is the only community member with any perceived sort of power. Him becoming erratic - pulling a gun on Phil, forcing other people to sign up for the drugs and medical procedure he went under - it's something that carries weight in terms of the island being united and working together, and is currently reinforcing the concerns the French group had with seeing him as unfit for power, with BBH included in all of these presidential coup meetings as being a sort of "honorary french" deal.
On Bad's side, however, is the known fact he finds marriage overrated, and meta-wise cc!BBH has mentioned he's playing a "more aromantic approach" because he doesn't want to be another character stuck in the shipping boat. (This isn't a knock against shipping, I just think it's good knowledge to have about q!BBH's character/stance on romance going into this.) And then finally, when the link timestamp starts, but before Forever has truly begun his serious conversation, BBH does this:
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He switches out his regular Totem of Undying to specifically a Death totem. It's very quick, but I think it sets up his mentality going into this... I think he expected Forever's final reaction.
Forever: Here, Bad. BadBoyHalo: Hello. F: Hello! F & BBH, simultaneously: So, uh - BBH: Do you know where any of the kids are? F: I know where Richarlyson is, but, oh uh maybe we should go a little bit further there's a translator screen. BBH: Okay. F: Otherwise, I want my chat to know what we're talking about.
[Break for when they move the benches again]
F: Here, nice, nice, nice. F: OH! It's even better! BBH: Yay. F: It's perfect, I would say! BBH: So, you don't - F: Yeah, I don't know where the eggs are, Bad, but I'm really - there's something I know, okay? BBH: Uh-huh. F: I can tell you. BBH: Tell me. F: They are just good and fine, okay? BBH: What do you mean? F: They're fine! They're well! BBH: Look, what do you want, Forever? F: Ah, I want to get married! BBH: No, I mean, like, what do you want? F: Why? BBH: Like, if you know what happened to the - F: Why… don't we just get married! BBH: Do you know what happened to the eggs? Do you know where they are? F: Let's get married. BBH: What's happening, Forever? Etoiles: [mumbling] Fit: Hooray. Tina: Hip Hip Hooray! F: Let's - Let's just get married. Fit: Hooray. Tina: Hip Hip Hooray! Fit: Hooray. Wooooooo. Tina: He saved us. That's crazy! BBH: Okay. Oh, hey Etoiles. You - You're not focused, Forever. Tina: It's probably the most beautiful battle ever! Of all time! In a rose field! F: Yeah, I'm totally focused! I'm happy! Etoiles: Thank you, Tina! Tina: Yes! BBH: No - No, you're focused on the wrong thing - Etoiles: You see, I clicked well! I clicked well! F: Guys, can you give me and Bad a moment, please? - Tina: [Overlapping with Forever] I'm so sorry - F: - We are having a deep conversation, I am asking him to get married! Tina: - I'm so sorry Mr. President, I didn't know. Etoiles: Okay! Okay, Forever, what I, Forever, I - I don't understand, like, there's the code who's attacking us, and you don't give a shit, but you are the president? F: Where - Where is the codes? I want to help you guys! Everything will be perfect! Tell me. Pierre: Congratulations Badboy and Mr. President, congratulations F: If the codes are not here right now, Etoiles, you are just being inconvenient, because I want to get married, and you are just in the way, man - Etoiles: Okay - F: - Go away, please! Etoiles: Okay, okay, I will go away. Okay, okay. F: If the codes show up, you will tell me, okay? BBH: [short confused laugh] F: [cheering as Etoiles walks away] YES! BBH: [looking around at the sky] F: See, Bad? This is how we solve problems. Isn't that perfect? Pierre: Can I be your best man for the wedding? BBH: What? No? There's not gonna be a wedding - F: He asks me for drugs all the time, Bad, he just asks me for drugs. BBH: - okay? F: [laughing] Pierre: Huh? BBH: He's obviously not in his right mind, AyPierre. Pierre: Yes, look at this smile! Must use a lot of uh… BBH: A smile doesn't mean a whole lot. F: Pierre, I will, I will tell Cucurucho, man, I told you already. Pierre: Yes, I want to be happy… F: Cucurucho will come to you and he will put the smile on your face! Pierre: Yes! F: Now go away, I want to get married. Pierre: I want it! F: (Portuguese as Pierre leaves) F: Oh my god, finally some silence. So Bad, BBH: mhm. F: Don't you think this place looks beautiful? BBH: I guess. F: Oh my god, they're still around so the translator is just crazy. Let's change it again please. Sorry, but - F: (Portuguese, I am assuming it is more ooc focused, my apologies. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me!)
[Break for when they move locations, this is where the clip above begins.]
F: So Bad, BBH: Yes? F: What is it going to be? Are you going to get married, or not? BBH: Why do you want to get married? F: Yeah, because everything's perfect, right? A marriage would be perfect, as well! BBH: Why do you think everything's perfect? F: Why don't you think everything's perfect? BBH: Because we don't have our kids, Forever. They're gone. F: No, no they're just fine, man! You are not seeing the world the way you should, Bad, and I'm going to tell you - BBH: How should I be seeing it? F: I'm here for you, buddy. I'm here for you, buddy, okay? BBH: Is anyone here for you? F: And I'm going to tell Cucurucho that he should help you! Like he did to me. BBH: I don't want his help. F: You need his help, Bad. Just - BBH: I don't need his help, Forever. F: - Bad, you are looking bad, Bad, - BBH: I feel fine. F: - you know? BBH: You know what would help me, Forever? F: So let's get married! BBH: Forever. You know what would help me? F: Hm? What? BBH: Tell that white puffball to give me my son back. To bring back all of our kids. F: White puffball? What does that mean? BBH: Cucurucho. F: Okay. BBH: What does he want? What does he want, Forever? Does he want diamonds? F: Why do you think Cucurucho is the one with the eggs? Why do you think Cucurucho is the one with your child? BBH: I know it was him, Forever. F: What are you guys getting from exploding the whole city? Why did I become the president that's trying to help everyone, and you guys are just exploding everything? This is funny man, this is perfect. [laughs] You know? You guys are just too crazy! [laughs] Man, you guys are exploding stuff, and you all are saying that I need help? [laughs] That's funny, man, that's funny! BBH: We need our kids back, Forever. That's why. We'll stop, all Cucurucho has to do is return the eggs. I want Dapper back, I want Pomme back, all the kids back. F: Why do you think Cucurucho is the one with the eggs? BBH: He obviously is the one with the eggs, okay? F: What proof do you have? BBH: Remember - F: Cucurucho's great, Bad. BBH: - I saw - F: Uh huh. BBH: - It was a strange person in the federation building, Mysterioso or whatever his name was? F: [laughs] Yeah, he doesn't like [I cannot figure out what he says here] BBH: I saw him at the federation building. I bet that's the same person who gave Sofia's plans to Maximus. F: [laughing] BBH: That means the Federation was responsible for Sofia. F: Okay, okay. BBH: That means they're behind everything! There's not anything they don't know about. F: Did Maximus tell you that that man is the same one that gave Sofia to him. BBH: He said it was a mysterious hooded figure, and there's only one - F: There's only - Can only be one - BBH: - mysterious hooded figure. F: - It can only be one. BBH: If the federation does not - did not take the kids, they know who did, and they know where they are - F: Ohh. BBH: - I just want them back, that's it. F: Yeah.
BBH: What do they want - What do they want, Forever? Mr. President? You're in contact with them, what do they want? F: Well, Bad, I can tell you something, you know? This is actually quite funny, this is actually quite funny. BBH: What's funny about it? F: So everyone on the island thinks that I, being the president - me, being the president - means that I'm working for the Federation, but do you know what you guys don't see? BBH: What? F: I am the only one working for you guys! A favor(?), you know, the federation does what they want. I'm the only one that tried to represent the people of the island. BBH: So you're trying to get our kids back? F: Oh, they're just fine right now. BBH: Where are they? F: I don't know, sleeping maybe? BBH: How do you they're fine? F: Cucurucho said it's classified! Isn't that funny? BBH: Do you believe it? F: That it's classified? I don't know, is there anything to believe in that? BBH: [sighs] BBH: What happened to you, Forever? F: What? BBH: What happened to you? What did they do to you? F: Uh, I don't know what you're talking about, Bad. I'm just feeling so good, 'cuz everything's so good man. BBH: This isn't like you. You're not acting like yourself. F: Why? Why, I'm happy? I'm not happy? You say I'm not a happy person? BBH: That's just it Forever, you wouldn't be this happy with Richarlyson missing. F: Richarlyson's okay, he's just - BBH: Is he? Is he? F: - sleeping a lot. BBH: Has he gotten up? Has he danced around? Has he put any signs down? Has he said anything to you? Have you built any projects with him recently? Have you done anything with him at all? F: [Deep sigh that turns into a laugh] No, no. BBH: Then how is he fine? F: [long pause] Bad, I have something I would like to show you. Or maybe test on you. BBH: What? F: You know, you guys are just so funny with that clock joke. BBH: Clock joke? F: Yeah, I want to test something. F: Don't you want to get married? BBH: I want my son back. I want Dapper, Pomme, F: [begins launching mines] BBH: [evades, throws health potions] F: STOP THAT FUCKING CLOCK NOISE. BBH: You like your mines, Forever? BBH: It won't bring Richarlyson back.
To start from the beginning, BBH is under no pretenses that this would be a marriage proposal of all things. All he is aware of is that Forever wants to have a serious discussion with him. He's also gone out of his way to put himself on a Death totem, meaning he has every possibility to be downed if Forever were to successfully attack him.
With Forever's current mental state and reinforcing a societal idealism & a desired performance of aggressive happiness and "normalcy" - his character now desiring something like a marriage can be read multiple ways. For one, an imitation of how one of his closest friends, his ex-husband no less, was recently married and is currently considered one of the best federation workers (albeit begrudging on Cellbit's part). For two, a marriage is a pretty huge symbol of a plastique performance of a perfect life. Especially in this context, it's saccharine, it's a status symbol, everyone wants it. With the medication as well, we don't truly know if Forever genuinely feels strongly about BBH to want to marry him, or if he feels he has to be in a marriage for a "perfect" life with BBH being "the best option" as a spouse. (Again, this is not a criticism of Forever's character, this is a very symbolically rich move for him to do, and I, personally, cannot get enough of it.)
Now back to BBH, this is a guy who is admittedly not looking for romance, not trying to romance anyone, and is currently in the middle of a character arc having to do with how pissed he is at Forever for not running the government in a way he approves, and then getting wrongfully jailed by Forever. I do not think BBH is in any way afraid of Forever as a person, but I do think BBH has concerns about what he may be forced to do in an attempt to get his children back. BBH as a character in general has very, very little regard for his own life, watch a pov of himself in a dungeon and just see how many totems pop, but he does care about his kids more than anything else in the world. The way his character goes about his care for his kids isn't something that often occurs in more masculine-presented characters like him either, frankly I think a lot of more ship oriented readings of him end up hyper-feminizing him* because of this "maternal" archetype.
In a return to Forever's saccharine performance of perfectionism, I find the moments Forever makes the both of them move across the rose field - The rose field, previously quite literally stained by blood as Etoiles had just finished another battle with the code there, tensions are running high and everyone is still distressed from the eggs going missing - I realize it's because cc!Forever ooc wanted to move to not have the chatbox be interrupted by other people speaking, but it's just so good thematically. He keeps moving to have a better view of roses. It's never perfect enough. They have to keep moving. They have to be alone. Nobody else is allowed to be around when he corners BBH with the marriage proposal. Nobody can get in the way.
Speaking of people interrupting, the other members appearing in the middle of the conversation adds to the fridge horror that's been subtly happening all the way through. Nobody pauses and makes sure BBH is okay throughout this scene, everybody is extremely sure that he is fine and can handle himself. The only person to even make a criticism of Forever is Etoiles, over being somewhat irritated that it looks like Forever has been doing little to nothing as President to aid new members or former islanders (despite this technically not being true, Etoiles has seen none of it, and has been giving new players items continuously in an effort to help them, as well as has had little time to do anything except fight code entities).
And then onto the rejection, BBH never agrees to the marriage at all, because why would he? I've seen quite a lot of discussion thus far that he doesn't reject Forever outright, but I disagree, it's a little moment in there, and I couldn't get it in the video posted itself, but he explicitly tells Pierre "there's not gonna be a wedding," and then is cut off by Forever. It's quiet, I don't think many people heard it outright, but BBH is right in his assertion Forever isn't in his right mind to be asking for marriage in the first place.
The other side of that, however, is that BBH is very well aware Forever didn't want to hear an outright rejection either. BBH knows what Forever is capable of, and he knows this version of Forever is not his usual self. It's not an easy situation, especially when he's fully under the impression Forever does have some power with the Federation, and fully believes the Federation has the eggs. Whether or not this is actually true doesn't really matter to Bad's perspective here, he's deadset in this belief. With that belief in mind, how is someone supposed to respond to being cornered about marriage - a concept he has little interest in - but the person cornering him is 1. known to be volatile due to recent events, 2. potentially has some form of contact to the people currently holding the eggs captive, and potentially put his children more at risk than they already are, 3. the literal only person in power on the island.
I don't think BBH ever believed he had the option to outright tell Forever no, he's in a depressed state as is, his kids might be dead for all he knows, and he has the impression Forever could bring harm to them.
Admittedly it is interesting how many outright untrue facts BBH holds onto, but cannot change his belief in them. His opinion and perspective of Forever is one thing, but it's much, much more obvious when he brings up the connection between the new Mysterioso and the previous masked person who gave the plans for Sofia to Maxo, those were two separate unknown figures as we know as the audience, but Bad does not know this, and does make assumptions and connect dots in his own right, tending to his own detriment. This is all intended here, he's wrong about Forever factually, but to his knowledge he's acting in the best way he can. He's under the impression Forever is just not telling the full truth to him about everything with the eggs disappearing, and believes the federation is lying. I think it's made even more obvious he's prioritizing the eggs over everything else here, especially with his final statement about Richarlyson. BBH believes the eggs are the only true way to every player's heart, and blatantly ignores the actual romance aspect of what marriage implies, because romance genuinely does not matter to him at all. He doesn't have time to worry about being in a relationship if his son might be dead.
Mostly, I find this scene to be a great relationship horror set up, because damn if I haven't been on dates like this, where I feel like I can't say no or something might happen. I understand the paranoia and anxiety surrounding q!BBH's mindset in the moment. It isn't a rational response by any means, no, but it is a very aggressively human response to this situation for a demon to have.
Basically, I don't think BBH is a fundamentally romantic character in the first place, nor do I think he'd ever be happy in a cutesy marriage position anyway, he never once responds romantically to any of this, and solely prioritizes the eggs, the final Richarlyson line cements this fact. It's not a dig at how Forever will never have BBH romantically - it's a dig at Forever based on what BBH's priority is, his kids.
*I want to be clear this statement is meant to be a neutral fact, it's just worth mentioning in an analysis like this that BBH as a character is more typically set on the feminine side by the fanbase, and how his character's interpretations are influenced by that reading.
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qtubbo · 5 months
another thing from the prison vods, it’s simultaneously sad that sunny felt the need to kill someone so they could be sent to solitary and spend more time with their pop and sweet that foolish immediately understood what she wanted and had no problem helping her do it. she never did that for tubbo because she didn't really need to but with slime every moment was important. foolish literally giving her tips on how to kill him faster was so nice in such a strange way because he hardly knows them but he still wanted to help a kid connect with their parent
This is one of those weird out of context things, but yeah time with Tubbo is infinite in a way, she prefers to spend time with him but generally she understands their life will always have him in it. While Slime on the other hand, he could just leave and never come back they have no insurance that he’ll actually stay, it’s not like he took care of her at all for the first 2 months on the island. They’re desperate to be close, so you know what if she doesn’t like downing people, what if it stresses them out, to them one more second holding Pop’s hand makes up for it. Also yeah shout out to Foolish for being ready to die for the sake of father daughter bonding time, good move? Probably. Was it sort of odd for him to tell them how to kill better, yes but also it was sweet.
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I'm sorry I just can't keep it in anymore, I need release - people need to Shut Up about the content creators and their personal dynamics.
A comment on one of the Takeout Trio/Skranchers vods (Jimmy's vod to be specific) was complaining about how they're so refreshed seeing him playing with people that are "actually nice" to him and how they're sick of all the picking on him and it just.. Jesus christ, butt out? Jimmy is a 27 year old man. He has known his friends for years and doesn't need any of us policing him on who he spends time with or how he spends time with them!
I get it, I really do: I love Jimmy and I love seeing how he's improved and am happy to see him keep going! That moment during the Hermit x Empires crossover when everyone kept saying the best parts of Tumble Town were the pranks genuinely made me feel a bit sick in my stomach because it's just really tough.. but I just click off. Because I know that we see a very limited portion of the interactions between these people in real life. Because I know that if anyone was genuinely uncomfortable about something, it wouldn't really be our business and that the CCs can talk to each other about it off camera.
Beyond that, I love seeing what the fandom does with it! I love seeing the angst, I love seeing the hurt/comfort, the hurt/no comfort.. but then people make it about the CCs or they completely mischaracterize the characters and it's just so-- disheartening.
This happens with a lot of CCs and Characters, but I'm more specifically thinking about Jimmy and Joel (mostly because they're who I watch a lot and I love these silly guys) and how everyone seems to think that nothing but malice stands between them and it's so? Telling? Of how many perspectives they get?
If you just watch Jimmy's or any-outside-the-dynamic povs you might think Joel is Just mean to him,, but like,, good GODS these MEN make me INSANE. First of all, all forms of Joel express their love via pranks and tomfoolery and whatnot. Have you HEARD some of his intros? How he talks about himself between player Joel and editor Joel?? He is mean, yes, but it's GENUINELY like a love language for that man I swear. Jesus christ. What is his deal. Additionally, anytime he visited Tumble Town to prank Jimmy, he almost always ends up complimenting the buildings and how far Jimmy has come and Oh My God this MAN.
Fuck this, this confession is turning into a Joel fan rant. I love Joel. All my homies love Joel. That silly man is an ogre with LAYERS. He has loyalty, but where it lies is less within session to session and more season to season. He can be careless, but it doesn't mean he doesn't Care. There's so many moments in so many series and it's just YAHAGEGEH. Mans is SO... GRGRGGRGRGRGGAAAAAAGH.
One of his intros was literally addressing the fans with "You're all stupid, I love you." completely deadpan. LET THIS MAN. LET THIS MAN OKAY. LET THIS MAN.
Also I can't find the post or remember who posted it, but know that whoever the person is that said something about how in every universe and every life Joel recognizes and loves his wife and then there's just his death game assigned soulmate Etho, know that I love you.
End of confession or I won't shut up.
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magicinverse · 7 months
Badboy is never gonna take care of Pepito
Badboy NEVER took care of Bobby, because Bobby didn't need to, he died because the code was attacking and no one told Roier so he had to fight on the ocean alone, and because of his lag and Bobby's stubbornness
Roier took care of him on the week and Jaiden on the weekends and when Jaiden got too busy irl they started to give Roier the weekends as days of rest, but he asked the admins first (he did live on the weekends just to take care of Bobby before that)
Now did Badboy did nice things for Bobby? Yes, but they were just plus nice things, he never needed them, his dad gave him everything he needed and more
And now his feelings (Roier's) about Pepito might be mix but he's gonna take care and give him everything he needs, he plays with the eggs, he may down Pepito cause Roier doesn't think the eggs are fragile little things, the moment he sees there's any danger or something he could consider dangerous he's gonna stop playing around to protect.
Plus he doesn't trust Badboyhalo enough to take care of his child and he's not gonna be absent to be the need, and if the need was presented he's not gonna let Badboy be the one, right now it would probably be Etoiles (not to mention none of the other parents particularly like bbh)
I know you all love Badboy babysitter a lot but stop talking about stuff you don't know, if you don't know Roier then maybe just maybe don't comment on how is he gonna be as father and how Badboy is gonna take care of Pepito? Cause it's false, and if you don't believe me check the vods, there's proof.
Edit: I was not counting on the spider boy getting kidnapped, my bad!!!
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geluckgk · 4 months
I'm watching my confort vods playlist and I think I need to talk about how I love Foolish with Pomme because I have 3 vods just of them hanging out that I just keep watching.
So here is my list of things I love in Foolish and Pomme relationship
They playfully fight a lot ! Pomme loves to fight and to know she trust foolish enough to play fight with him is very nice
Foolish saw that Pomme was the only eggs that didn't wear any cosmetic head, so he dyed her leather helmet red, like and apple beret !
That night when he learned that she had trauma with tnt so he tried to help her by playing with tnt safely, with water, adding slowly more and more to show her how it can be fun and safe too.
How he learned to say goodnight to her in French
Trying to compromise bettwen her and leo needs. When Leo wanted to sleep home and Pomme paranoia couldn't let her sleep in a unprotected place so he puts them to sleep in Leo NINHO room.
The fact that despite not wanting anyone to mess with his build, he agreed with her bakery inside the titan and keep her mini titan for such a long time.
The way he is always interested to her, complimenting her builds, asking her questions, impressed by her fighting skills, etc...
This one from a long time ago so I'm not sure but they were fooling around as usual and he pushed her from the wall (usual foolish shenanigan to be honest ), Pomme didn't like that AT ALL but he didn't get defensive or anything, he apologized and never did it again.
OBIOUSLY when Pomme killed him she felt so bad and Foolish never blamed her. And they kept playfully joking about it
Anyway, Foolish is a great uncle, and Pomme is my baby and their relationship is precious to me.
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hello everyone welcome to i talk about benrey for a minute here
as someone who’s watched the entirety of hlvrai at least 6 times, the full vods at least 3, and the cast commentary hovering somewhere around 10, i consider myself to be pretty well-versed in the series. i also kin benrey. this is probably important to my perception of him.
the series is about self-aware AI.   its in the title! so it seems obvious enough to me that Benrey was programmed to be the final boss. he was SUPPOSED to be a silly character that antagonizes the protag and throws off the group dynamic, and then it’s a big reveal and you get to beat up this guy that was mean to you!
but he doesnt wanna. hes self aware.
Of all the characters, i think Bubby and Tommy are the most “powerful” in that they were able to break their characters the most. Tommy is a bit of a wild card because he doesn’t usually act like an AI. I view him as the “character you’re supposed to protect” in the party, but somewhere along the way he, too, became self-aware and figured out how to handle his own. I think that’s where the age thing comes in. He was programmed to be a 5-year-old that you’re trying to get out of this dangerous facility! but he didn’t want to be a 5-year-old, he’s smarter than that, he’s capable! so he changed it. Him being the son of Gman also probably helped with him being able to just do that.
I take Bubby and Dr. Coomer as both being tutorial characters. Dr. Coomer is a bit broken, but he still does his best to teach you about things. I think he’s the tutorial NPC that goes “watch out for [x]” and “we can use ropes to cross big pits!” and “we should call them Peeper Puppies!” while Bubby was supposed to be the “here’s how you shoot a gun”
Like, Dr. Coomer does the knowledge about the world, and Bubby does the action. for the video game. And Bubby is supposed to be kinda cold to you, because the action-tutorial NPCs tend to be. Like “what you cant even hold your own? tch, guess ill have to teach you.” But Bubby doesn’t do that. He doesn’t WANT to play the game, he wants to go back home. He liked it before the game was switched on. So he doesn’t teach Gordon shit and just tries to speedrun so the player will leave and he can go back home.
one little scene that stood out to me so much was when the crew is sitting around in a circle with the pigeons. not outside, the other scene with them sitting in a circle and there’s pigeons. why are there 2 of those.
anyways, Benrey is just staring at this pigeon behind Gordon, and singing to it, calmly. And then there’s a loud beep that sounds like the vox, and definitely doesnt come from Benrey. and he suddenly gets up and shoots the pigeon. That reads SO HARD like he was being too soft with the game world, so it pushed him to do something evil randomly. Like a little villain reboot.
Almost everything he does to antagonize Gordon can be read as genuine confusion. He kills random NPCs because he knows theyre not important, and that they can’t feel anything, and that they’ll only slow the team’s progress. And what makes Gordon so mad at him is how often Benrey says Gordon shouldnt be allowed in here. I take that as a similar stance to Bubby. Benrey doesn’t want to be the villain. He doesn’t want the player to progress and make him. That gets more obvious the closer we get to the end, and most people tend to notice it in the last scenes before Xen, where he’s suggesting they go all the way back, and basically begging the player to stop here, at least for a little while.
its really sad, honestly. but i take the cast commentary bits as canon. Which makes it adorable when Benrey comes back into the movie theatre with Gordon and we get
“I wonder what will happen. I bet you know what happens!”
“I win!!!”
He did win. He got to get past being the final boss. He got to join the epilogue. I think, he probably wasn’t supposed to be able to. But these guys broke the game enough that he could. Isn’t that sweet? Isn’t that a nice ending for him? I think he deserves it.
Wayne says he acts like “he isn’t aware unless he’s being spoken to” and I think that fits really well. Like, sometimes his actions are coded into his behavior, so he does them without realizing. And then the player interacting with him (which is the premise of the self-awareness) forces him to actually look at what he did, and sometimes he has no idea how to explain it. Leading to his “huh?”
listen to me. are you listening. i need you to hear this. i need more people to understand benrey. and how much i love him. hes trapped in the narrative, doomed by it to be the villain. but he doesn’t want to be. he clearly cares about the crew in his own silly goofy way. he doesn’t want to fight them. i wrote down everything he said in the finale, and he only says 5 outright malicious lines, all of which are directly after an unnatural pause, like he’s being rebooted again. Some important lines: “I knew this was gonna happen,”
“Stop shooting at me, I have to shoot back, I don’t wanna do that,”
“I didn’t have a big plan, I was supposed to be nice, but you forced me to be BAD so I’m gonna be BAD… friend.” the small, quiet “friend” there gets me every time. even after everything, even after his nature is revealed, he wants to believe theyre still friends.
“Don’t go in there, please… I don’t like that room." The amount of times he sounds so genuinely sad when asking them to stop, or even just saying “bro..” like he’s mourning the friendship they could’ve had. The amount of times he sounds genuinely pained when he’s glitching out and stretching across the screen.
And his last words, said childishly of course, but,
“This isn’t fair.”
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Yo, could i get a Delta Squad story where Boss brings in his firstborn child to the squad? Hehehehe
Delta Squad's New Addition
Summary: Two months after his son was born, Boss decides it's time to introduce him to his uncles.
Pairing: Clone Commando Boss x F!Reader
Word Count: 1461
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
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“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Boss asks as he watches you carefully bundle the infant up in thicker clothes, “I don’t mind waiting to introduce him to my brothers.”
You roll your eyes, “Boss, babe, you’ve been chomping at the bit to introduce little Alyn to his uncles since the day he was born.” You press the little boy into his father’s arms, “Why do we only own orange clothes for him?”
“Because that’s what color armor I wear. You thought it was cute.” Boss points out dryly.
You pause and squint at him, “And you let me?”
“The first time I tried to suggest that we buy other colors you started crying, so I took the high road and just didn’t mention it ever again.” Boss replies.
“...I cried? Over clothes colors?”
“You were very hormonal.”
“Ugh.” You make a face, “I’m sorry.”
He chuckles and leans over to kiss your temple, “It’s okay. It’s a relatively minor thing, after all.” He watches you carefully pack the diaper bag, and he stops you with a laugh, “Cyare, sweetheart, I am able to do all of this.”
“I know, I know.” You sigh, “I’m just…a little anxious. Your brothers still don’t know about me, and now your introducing Alyn to them, and I just-”
“Everything is going to be fine.”
“What if they scare him?”
“They won’t because then they’ll have to deal with me.” Boss says patiently, “And you need this. You’ve been going non-stop since you got pregnant almost a year ago. You deserve this break.”
“Go. Spend time with your friends at the spa.” Boss kisses your forehead, and then ducks his head to brush his lips against yours, “Have a nice, fun, relaxing day. And don’t worry about anything.”
“You’re asking for the impossible, love.”
“Try to not worry about anything.” He lightly tucks some hair behind your ear, “I know worrying comes as naturally as breathing to you, but trust me.”
You sigh and lean into his touch, “I do trust you, I’ll try to not worry so much.” Just then your friend pulls up in the speeder and parks in front of the house. “Um, let me know how it goes?” You kiss Alyn’s forehead, and then look up at Boss.
“Of course.” He kisses you one more time, and then gently nudges you out of the house and into your best friend's waiting embrace. 
He waits until the speeder is gone, before he looks down at the baby in his arms, “So, are you ready to meet your uncles, ad’ika?” Alyn just yawns widely and grips his finger.
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Boss steps into the debrief room where his brother’s normally are, and he’s not the least bit surprised to see that the only one there is Fixer. He sets Alyn’s diaper bag on a table, and carefully sets Alyn’s car seat on the table next to the bag, and pulls him out of it.
Fixer stares at the baby, his jaw slightly slack, and then his gaze slides over Boss, who is dressed in casual clothing, and his jaw drops a little more. “Vod…Boss…you…who..-?”
“Where are Sev and Scorch?” Boss asks as he offers Alyn his finger.
“...training room-” Fixer says slowly, “Are we really not going to mention the tubie? I feel like we should talk about the tubie.”
Boss rolls his eyes and then walks across the room to his brother, “Fixer, allow me to introduce you to my son, Alyn.”
“Son. You have a son-?”
“He’s two months old now.” Boss says calmly.
“...where’s his mother?” Fixer asks, his voice hushed as he offers the baby his finger.
“I sent her on a spa day. She’s been going non-stop since she found out she was pregnant a year ago, and deserves a break.” Boss replies, “Do you want to hold him?”
“Can I?”
“Take off your gauntlets and chest piece, and you can.” Boss says easily, a small amused smile crosses his face as Fixer quickly strips the top part of his armor off, faster than he’s ever done it before. Boss chuckles and passes Alyn into his brother’s arms.
“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend,” Fixer says quietly, as he looks down at the baby in awe.
“Wife,” Boss corrects with a wry smile, “I have a wife.”
“And you haven’t introduced her to us?” Fixer asks, looking up at his brother, slightly hurt.
“We’ve been busy.” Boss says with a shrug, “And it’s not exactly like it’s legal, vod.”
“...oh. Right.” Fixer mutters, “None of us would have ratted you out, Boss. You have to know that.”
“Course I do. But I also wasn’t about to risk my pregnant wife until I was sure that she was safe.” Boss replies easily, not feeling the least bit guilty about it. “I’ll introduce you all to her when she comes to get Alyn later today.”
Fixer opens his mouth to say something, only to pause when there’s some loud voices, and then Sev and Scorch push their way into the room, and stop as soon as they see Boss in casual clothes and the baby in Fixer’s arms.
“What the kriff-?” Sev breaths out as he walks over to Fixer and peers at the baby in his arms, “Who’s the tubie?”
“Boss’ son,” Fixer replies.
“Son!” Scorch and Sev turn startled eyes towards their brother, “You have a son?”
“Obviously, seeing as he’s right there.” Boss says with a roll of his eyes.
Scorch strips off the top part of his armor and makes grabby hands towards Fixer, “Let me hold the baby,” He whisper hisses, “What’s his name?”
“His name is Alyn, it’s a family name from my wife’s family.”
Scorch and Sev stare at Boss, stunned, “You’re married?” Sev asks blankly, “Since when!?”
“For over a year now. You’ll meet her this evening.” Boss replies as he watches Fixer pass Alyn to Scorch, “She’s taking a rest day at a spa, she deserves it. Seeing as she handled the pregnancy mostly on her own.”
“If you told us-” Scorch says between cooing at the baby.
“Nothing would have changed,” Boss says easily, “I know that. And so does she. Luckily, my wife is amazing enough to handle everything on her own. Though she shouldn’t have to.”
“Are you going to have more?” Sev asks as he peers at Alyn over Scorch’s shoulder.
“Maybe, probably, eventually.” Boss shrugs, “She’s still recovering from Alyn’s birth, so she said we can talk about it in a year, and no sooner.”
“I can’t believe you managed to find a wife and have a son, and I haven’t even found a girlfriend,” Scorch grumbles, though it’s clear that he’s not actually upset.
“Well, he is Boss,” Sev says with a laugh, “It only makes sense.” He pulls of the top part of his armor and sets it next to Fixer’s and Scorch’s, and then he leans over to lightly trail a finger through Alyn’s curly hair, “His hair looks red.”
“Red runs in my wife’s family. Her mother and both of her grandparents are redheads,” Boss explains, “Though she says that he looks like me.”
Three sets of eyes focus on the baby, and then over to Boss, “Yeah. I can see it.” Scorch finally says.
“He does look an awful lot like the tubies back on Kamino,” Fixer notes, “Though I’m sure some of his mother’s features will come in as he ages.”
“He has our curls,” Sev notes with a slightly smug grin.
“Apparently he was born with a full head of hair.” Boss pulls out his comm, and swipes through some pictures, “Ah, here we go.” He turns the device towards his brothers, “My wife, and Alyn, an hour after he was born. We were on a mission, so I couldn’t be there, but my wife’s best friend made sure that I was kept up to date.”
Fixer frowns, “I remember that mission, you were super distracted all day, I thought you were feeling under the weather, not that you were worried about your wife.”
“I tried to hide it.”
“You did a shit job,” Sev says, “Even I picked up on your nerves.”
“Yeah, yeah. I was hoping to be there for the birth, so I was annoyed that I couldn’t be.” Boss says with a scowl, “Besides, we got through just fine.”
“Yeah, if not a little rushed.” Scorch teases, before he hands Alyn to Sev, “You said we’re meeting your wife this afternoon?”
“Yeah. She said she’ll bring food.” Boss replies, “She’s a little nervous about meeting you all. So be nice.”
“We’re always nice!” Scorch says.
“We’ll be on our best behavior for our sister-in-law.” Fixer interjects, “Do you think she’ll bring wedding pictures?”
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stars-n-spice · 14 days
Clone OCs: Dawn Company
I made these guys waaay back in March (?) of last year and for some reason never posted them here-
Randomly I decided to go back to them because I think I stopped working on them simply because I couldn't decide on a name for the group/color scheme but I got ideas and the time/motivation to digitalize my initial doodles, so introducing Dawn Company!
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Dawn company specializes in relief missions and refugee relocation, so they typically don't see a lot of action. Doesn't mean they aren't prepared to handle the worst though! Debating whether or not they're part of the 187th (hence the purple), but we shall see.
Check out Dusk Company as well!
Closeups and brief Introductions under the cut!
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Commander Prince:
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- He's a little stuck up so of course he's named something pretentious
- Always trying to one up other Commanders (he's not very liked but he could care less) - 8W7 on Enneagram
- Nobody tell anyone he has a soft spot
- Constantly stressed by his need to perform and outdo others (hence why he's already graying)
- People who don't know him will probably think he's annoying as hell but once you get close to him, he's actually not that bad
- High maintenance clone so he doesn't mind being in charge of relief missions and what not
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- Earned his name after shattering his tailbone when he ran backward into a parked gunship (has never lived it down)
- You can call him 'TB' for short or 'T-Bone'
- 2w1 on Enneagram
- Big old sweetheart though
- Their strategist and resident babysitter because he's good with kids (as much as he doesn't want to admit it)
Kes + Spice:
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- Kes just thought the name was cool (maybe it's short for 'Kessel' idk)
- Spice is sugar and spice and everything nice, so it's a fitting name for him (does he do the drug? who knows.)
- Kes is a 1W2 on the Enneagram
- Spice is a 7W6 on the Enneagram
- Spice is always trying to get Kes to lighten up a little since Kes tends to take things a little too seriously
- Kes just wants to sleep and get missions done
- Yes, Kes is already graying (Spice has offered to dye it, Kes refuses)
- Spice is their sharpshooter
ARC Trooper Spider:
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- Got his name/scars from a spider droid
- Is partially blind in the left eye
- Dyes hair that color
- 2W3 on the Enneagram
- A cool older vod kind of guy, he's someone you can and want to look up to
- Will call you out on your bullshit though
- You don't want to get on his bad side, he'll make your life a living hell if you do
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- Name is loosely inspired by 'octopus' because he tends to multitask
- Their "technical" guy
- 5W6 on the Enneagram
- Can and will talk your ear off if you let him (about anything and everything)
- Super organized and will go a little crazy when his brothers mess up his things or leave stuff lying around the barracks
- Voice of reason (hardly anyone listens to him though)
Yara + Mav:
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- Yara is a medic and is named after a plant
- Mav is a pilot; his name is short for "Maverick"
- Yara once saved Mav's life and now Mav feels indebted to him (even though Yara insists he was just doing his job and wishes Mav would just leave him alone)
- Yara is a 2W1 on the Enneagram
- Mav is a 7W8 on the Enneagram
- Mav would kin Lightning McQueen probably
- Got both of their scars in the same accident; Mav from blaster shots and Yara from a vibroknife
- Got his name because he spends a lot of time in the medbay
- Has the worst luck (but it somehow still alive??) and is very accident prone
- 6W7 on the Enneagram
- High pain tolerance thankfully
- A little bit of a nervous wreck but he's doing his best
- Honestly could be a medic himself with how much time he spends in the medbay watching stuff being performed on him
- Big sweetheart though and cares a lot for his brothers
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