#because holy shit I fucking love witch's heart it is so good like what the fuck
tamaruaart · 2 months
Keep in mind this isn't me hating on Kirke, I love that fucked up goddess she's such a fun character. But goddamn I hate her fans.
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It's all just people trying to push feminism where it wasn't 🙃 Yes, it's true ancient Greece was kinda shitty towards women. But goddamn that was 3000 years ago. We can enjoy these stories but it's important to not push modern perspectives and view points on these stories while also not condoning these actions. Not to mention we may very well experience this kind of thing with future generations that will come after us so it's important to simply stay humble. Civilizations and humans are constantly evolving and viewpoints are constantly changing so it's not exactly fair to history nor ourselves to take these ancient ideologies to heart. Grow up.
Anyways Circe/Kirke is not your hot little witch cutie 🥰 She's a goddess and the daughter of the Sun Titan. She's done terrible things and that's what makes her iconic. Istg if she wasn't so infamous no one would even know about her. She's morally gray and that's what makes her so neat >:D Now, is it unforgivable to paint jer in a good light? No, but I think if you remove ALL of her questionable morality she losses her charms. She isn't the same Kirke anymore. (Looking at you MM, your writing is good but holy shit.)
It's not unforgivable, but it's simply incorrect. If anyone wants to learn more about Kirke's original/actual character, I don't really recommend most modern interpretations- (MM's novel, Hades 2, DC, Odyssey Movies, my bbg Epic the Musical etc...) I'd say just read the Odyssey, reasurch some older mythos and read the Argonautica.
Can you still like these interpretations of Kirke? Yes. Of course. I love Epic's Kirke even though she is pretty inaccurate. You just have to acknowledge they aren't the real thing! :D That happeneds with most characters ngl, no adaptation nor interpretation is going to be 100% accurate to the original, but with Kirke it's always so... Apparent? So visible. They never make her at LEAST 50% accurate. Which 🤬
She was not a victim, she wasn't incredibly horny, she wasn't a girlboss, she wasn't love sick for Odysseus (it's hinted she only found him to be an 'interesting mortal' of sorts) she wasn't 100% cartoon villain of the week either. She's MORALLY GRAY 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
She holds Odysseus' men hostage, she turns Scylla into a monster out of jealousy, she turns a man into a woodpecker because he didn't want to sleep with her. But she ALSO helps out Medea and Jason (even though it's because Medea was her neice but STILL) and she gives Odysseus instructions on how to head home.
She does BAD things that shouldn't be forgiven and aren't at all justified, but she also does GOOD things that should be acknowledged. She's a goddess. She's a character. She's morally gray. WHAT THE FUCK IS NOT CLICKING???? 😀
I just don't like modern interpretations of Kirke and I'm a meanie so I made this ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
That's why I stick to my 3000 year old books instead of these puny ones that were written in my century 💪💪💪
Do not apply feministic messages or themes on Kirke. Nor any Greek mythology figure for that matter. This was 3000 years ago 😀 if you want to focus on feminism FOCUS ON WOMEN WHO ACTUALLY HAD TO STRUGGLE ABOUT THESE THINGS AND THAT EXISTED IN THE 19-21 CENTURY 😀😀😀😀 WHEN PEOPLE KNEW OR WELL WERE SUPPOSED TO KNOW FUCKING BETTER. OR JUST FOCUS ON MODERN FEMALE STRUGGLES THAT ARE RELATABLE??
Also, if I haven't already made it clear. LIKING A CHARACTER ≠ CONDONING THEIR ACTIONS. I'm just talking about all the people who either call her a girlboss, hate on other figures for being morally questionable but turn a blind eye when it comes to Kirke, and people who make fun of Odysseus and call him a man whore for sleeping with Circe and Calypso. (Despite the fact he's a literal victim)
And for the last time:
Also I made a typo in the meme. God damn it dyslexia. (It's should be 'transforming' not 'transformed')
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thrashkink-coven · 1 year
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Ritual Report: Wednesday July 26, 2023
My glorious and profound Father Lucifer, I thank you humbly for this marvellous experience as well as your permission to share this experience with my peers. You are infinite in your loving grace and wisdom. I revere you deeply and truly. Thank you, bless you. 🖤
“My Ritual with Lord Lucifer was fucking Amazing
I didn’t truly understand what everyone meant when they say that the Marvellous Light Bringer is beautiful and gracious beyond comprehension before this ritual. It’s been a day and I am still absolutely shaken and awe inspired. Ave the wonderful prince of darkness, Lord Lucifer. 🖤
Ritual with Lucifer (Holy Shit) (1)
Okay guys I’m not trying to be dramatic, seriously. I’m just super ?!??? aaaa ?? after the ritual I just did? But in a really great way. I just need to get this out and write this down because I’m ??? so happy? ? aa
I didn’t consider myself to be a Luciferian, but I’ve been reaching out to Lucifer for a little bit now, nothing super intense but I have definitely felt his presence and done some small offerings for him. Another spirit I work very often with is very close with Lucifer, and through him I came into contact with The Prince. I’ve worked a lot with other angels but I’ve only really started dabbling with Lucifer within the last year. He’s been good to me. Whatever whatever, just context.
I wanted to do something a little deeper, really get a solid good connection. Honestly, I just wanted to get to know him better. I’ve been thinking about him very often, seeing him in dreams. The energy in my room almost called for it. Idk.
A mutual of mine who also works with Lucifer suggested I try meditating with an enn. I’ve been meeting an unusually high number of people who also work with Lucifer within the past few weeks and they’re always sharing awesome resources I’ve never seen. As soon as I start thinking about him long enough I’ll see something that I could use to work with him. I recently went to a trip to Nelson BC and picked up these Hermetic Tarot Cards. Also came to find out that the town has a SUSPICIOUS amount of occult imagery (and a Freemason temple? very cool.)
Life is one funny motherfucker.
I think it’s worth noting that before I started this ritual, when I was writing up invocations for him, I drew a card out of a box of oracle cards that reads “become willing to see the innocence in that which you condemn” which I found very baffling at the time because I was grappling with nerves around the ritual. I’m like a full time witch so I usually don’t get the jitters in rituals. Angels usually never make me nervous, and Lucifer in no way scares me. I don’t at all see him as an evil scary thing, quite the opposite, but I was raised extremely Christian so it’s ingrained in me. I was just having that split second satanic panic thing. I think that’s important to acknowledge. Lovely shadow work exposing my deep prejudices and insecurities :)
I began the ritual by drawing his sigil on the desk in white chalk. I had already prepared a candle carved with the sigil. I like to use this card from the Goetic Tarot whenever I do rituals with Lucifer because the artwork is so stunning. This was also the first time I was using these Hermetic Tarot cards and they were wonderful, probably one of my favourite decks now.
After some meditative exercises and prayers I layer back on the floor and listened to music for a while. I do all my rituals like this naked. I like to listen to classical music when I’m preparing to go into a trance because it tickles my brain and is easy to ride. Gets all the goo out? I don’t know.
After a while of that I switched it to the enns…
So, the Enns…
I started with Lucifer’s Enn by Demonic Enn. It filled my chest. It was powerful and intimidating and my heart was pounding. It was overwhelming for me. What I felt in it was power, but not the Lucifer I’m familiar with I guess. A different aspect of Lucifer that is mighty and strong but unfamiliar. Not my Lucifer.
((Honestly the instrumentals are top tier and I really could feel it’s power but the dude’s voice just threw me off. I’m sorry I don’t know if we’re allowed to leave reviews on enns but it just wasn’t my favourite.))
It scrambled the fuck out of me and it made me nervous again. I started to doubt myself and wondered if I was making a mistake. I know that sounds stupid but I was caught in the adrenaline. What if the Lucifer I’ve felt all this time isn’t what I thought? I know that everyone experiences him differently, but what if I’m reaching out to someone I don’t really understand? I know Lord Lucifer is an extremely powerful entity and I don’t wanna fuck around and do something stupid, yknow?
I sat for a moment and then asked my deck the first question of the ritual. “What advice can you give me to continue this ritual? Am I making a mistake?”
I got this Nine of Swords, Lord of Despair and Cruelty.
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“The Nine of Swords suggests that dark thoughts and disturbing feelings are weighing you down. You are worrying excessively about a situation, and your negative thoughts are getting the better of you, leaving you stressed and anxious. The more you associate with your fears, the more they will rule your life. The fear and worry in the Nine of Swords can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. As you obsess over what may go wrong, you are more likely to manifest your worst-case scenario.”
I was freaking myself out, and I needed to calm down. The jitters were holding me back and I needed to regain focus. Stop being a little bitch, basically. And idk… as soon as I read that card, I was calm again, and the energy felt warm. He needed me to preserve. I was safe with him, and he was guiding me through the darkness. If he is the Lucifer I know him to be, he will guide me well.
I tried one more enn which was Lucifer’s Enn by Carl Spartacus. Beautiful.
This is the most vivid trance I have ever been in. Like holy shit. I don’t know how best to describe this without sounding totally crazy. My body completely relaxed as I fell into the music. My face got warm, I felt embrace around my shoulders and chest. As soon as it began I saw a warm light emerge from the darkness behind my eyes. The familiar energy of the Lucifer I’ve come to know emerged. I felt close to him like I always had, it was like he was standing right before me. Like he could just reach out and touch me.
I emerged in shrubbery, I was surrounded by trees and bushes. As I turned to look into the clearing I saw a magnificent illuminating light. The energy was rich, so heavy I could reach out and grab it. I felt warmth blanket my entire body, and I began to drift from the ground and float towards him. If I didn’t know any better Id fucking swear I was levitating in the real world. It felt that real. His energy elevated and touched every part of my body and filled it with absolute bliss. There were others there, naked men and women surrounding him and singing, floating around him with laughter and glee. We were in a large stretch of field now, prancing around like children, the drum of his energy pounding like thunder and lifting us into the air. I didn’t know these people, if they were spirits or humans, but we were all in love with each other. We held hands and swung each other around. We were all so happy to be together.
Lucifer was a tall masculine energy with long black hair and deep, gentle, wise black eyes. Like all the others he was naked and seemed to glow. He took us all up and we drifted among the clouds. He danced with us, his smile was light itself.
This was all so vivid. I could feel the wind and heat on my skin. I got butterflies as we drifted. I actually felt like I was floating. Honestly I was high on it, maybe I still am.
And then, I felt my body sit forward, and I returned to our world. The candle which I had carved Lucifer’s sigil on stood tall and I could feel him within the flame. He whispered for me to come closer. It was then that I heard his voice. His smooth, gentle, careful voice. It was a whisper that washed over me like mist. Had I not been in such a high state of mind it would have scared the shit out of me.
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He said in great vividness “Why have you come before me?” (Deal time!!!)
I replied simply that I wanted to know him. I said that I could not worship him, for I must worship myself. I seek him not for religion but because I have great love and reverence for him. Through magick we can connect and come to know each other. I hope only that he can show me how to be more like him. Powerful and dominant, warm and protective. He is beautiful, illuminating knowledge and purity. I want nothing more than to know him as one would know an old friend. Behold his energy, magnificent and splendid. May we dance together like we just did for as long as it serves us. He seemed very satisfied with that answer.
Lucifer commanded me to draw a card from the tarot deck, the question to which was essentially “will you take me as one of you kin, Lord Lucifer?”
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I drew the Sun. Lord of the Fire of the World. Success, radiance and abundance. The Sun gives you strength and tells you that no matter where you go or what you do, your positive and radiant energy will follow you and bring you happiness and joy. This beautiful, warm energy is what will get you through the tough times and help you succeed.
We then spoke for a bit about fire and its ability to purify. It is a powerful force with the power to harm, but it is a mighty cleanser of impurity. He asked me to put my hand above the flame to feel it’s heat. I promised to always respect that flame. Allow it to burn away all that does not serve us, to never abuse it, to never try to control it. He kissed me on the forehead.
I was beyond happy. I offered him my smoky quarts and obsidian tower just to give him something, and when I did I saw him bow to me when he reached out to accept. I bowed back, and he bid me farewell for now. When I was finally completely out of the trance, his protective energy was still there. Actually it’s still everywhere, filling my altar. I can’t describe this feeling.
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I can’t explain how rich and beautiful that energy was, how marvellous it felt to float in his orbit like that. The physical sensations were realer than reality. I’m still shaken. I feel ridiculously lucky which is a strange feeling I’ve never really had with a deity before. It’s so strong. aaa
I can’t bring myself to clean up the ritual lol.
Thanks for reading this holy fuck, I guess I’m a bit of a Luciferian now “
Ave the wondrous Lord Lucifer! ❤️🖤
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orangechickenpillow · 5 months
Hello, fellow enjoyer of BG3/Prospect/Arcane/The Ghoul Boys/TAD/WWDITS/probably other things I've yet to discover because you clearly have stellar taste in media! ✨
I wanted to throw an idea at you that has been rotting my brain: TAD songs for BG3 characters.
"Inkpot Gods" simply IS Wyll and Karlach. "The Old Witch Sleep and The Good Man Grace" might seem the obvious choice for Astarion but I would like to make an argument that "Farewell Wanderlust" is even better. "The Horror and The Wild" is Karlach's all on her own. "Elsa's Song" is giving Gale for some reason? Unsure why.
Anyway, sorry for the random long-ish ask. But what do you think? :D
Ahhhh thank you so much. I've seen you in my notifs and am happy to report that we're officially best friends now <3
Thank you so much for throwing this idea at me holy shit???? I went back and listened to all three TAD albums specifically to answer this, so.... yeah, we're definitely best friends.
I'm loving what you've got so far -- Inkpot Gods works so perfectly for the Avernus duo, and honestly could be the theme song for bg3 in general. Jesus christ, what a song, am I right. Farewell wanderlust is sooooo Astarion I'm going to lose my mind about it I mean be totally normal. Also I feel like it fits Lae'zel really well too. I actually found that a lot of songs I liked for Astarion worked for Lae just as well. Interesting. Anyway, during my trillionth re-listen to the TAD albums here are the notes I took on my phone lmao:
Love Run for Wyll. The wholesome, strong, hopefulness this song radiates fits him so well. It's also really fucking romantic, and so is he.
I also think that Two Minutes is fitting for him. That whole vibe of an abandoned child, of someone who is so tired and beaten down by life but still manages to keep going despite it all. I really adore Wyll, and the more romantic TAD songs fit him perfectly.
I love Wild Blue Yonder for Karlach. It's silly but heartfelt, and so full of yearning. It has a light approach to life while still acknowledging how hard things can be, and that's just so Karlach. Also, "We don't know what's out there -- could be ghosts or monsters, or a robot vampire, I don't know" sounds like something she would say lol
You're so right about The Horror and the Wild. That's just. Karlach and Gortash. "Give me back my heart you wingless thing" are you fucking kidding me right now, I'm going to pull a Karlach and explode.
Also I think The Horror and the Wild fits Astarion equally well. I'll always yammer on about how Astarion and Karlach are two sides of the same coin, and this song is a great representation of that. "You passed your fingers through my hair and called me child -- witness me, old man, I am the wild" -- Astarion and Cazador. Please send help, I am ill over this and will not be recovering.
"Think of all the horrors that I promised you I'd bring" Karlach. Astarion. Shadowheart. Lae'zel. Literally help me.
Blossoms for Gale. It's a very intense song, but it's also weary. It's strong but desperate, yet determined. I also think it fits him as the one who would be leading the group if Tav wasn't around. It's a somber and dramatic song, but it's ultimately fueled by tender love. Sound like anyone else we know?
Similarly to you pairing him with Elsa's Song (which I love btw), I think The Rockrose and the Thistle is VERY Gale (and, dare I say, bloodweave? The singer begging to die and the other person "sewing" them back together??? Hello?????) Just like the more romantic songs fit Wyll, the quieter, more subdued songs fit Gale. I think those songs really capture desperation in its most potent form, and Gale is kind of like the human version of that (sorry Gale)
Okay, New York Torch Song could be any of the ladies. Literally any of them. It's perfect. This one also makes me think of Karlach and Wyll.
I adore That Unwanted Animal for Astarion. The helplessness paired with the subtle sense of revenge and violence. The sexual tones throughout. The lack of romance.
I like The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace for Astarion, and I also really like it for Lae'zel. Her whole being raised by a cult thing really aligns with the vibe of the song -- being told that you're one thing and having to fight to be anything else, the desperation of feeling like you have no purpose. Fighting it all and coming out on top anyway. The steady increase in the intensity of the song representing getting your power back. It's so herrrrrr
King fits her well too. This song is so badass. I think it represents the soldier archetype well. It's cool, she's cool, it's perfect.
Pray makes me think of Shadowheart. Obviously the religious tone of the song fits her well, but also its pure spite. It's really giving "abandoned daughter" vibes, which is perfect for her. Also, "honey I'm no man, I'm what's left when children go to war" are you fucking kidding me.
Anywayyyyy, this was long, yikes. I have a lot of Thoughts as you can see. Thank you SO much for letting me yap about two of the things I love very much and might be obsessed with, who knows. I'll end by officially asking for your hand in marriage <3
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rocketrouquine · 1 year
Random thoughts on my second viewing of episode 2 :
The « you wear fine things well » replay : Taika hasn’t the same expression, when I tell you this is a different take, I’ll bet my script supervisor ass on it. If they did that, it’s for underlining the fact that they weren’t seeing the same thing in the relationship…
Stede, my sweet angel… maybe don’t tell everyone you meet (even your lovely towel collegues Maggie, Jane and Tiff) about your heart trouble with fucking Blackbeard.
The way he’s saying « they draw him to look like a ghoul » is so sooooo gay. Like disgusted sassy sista level.
Fuck you that’s how I am may or may not become a motto of mine.
Actually this whole scene, Lucius is in a fucking telenovela. The stop in the doorframe, talking across your shoulder without turning and the little disappointed head nod at the end. « oh, yeah. Now you care ? » (it just missed an hairflip) He came to ham and I’m here for it.
Sea witch again. I mean we actually saw him talking with birds last season so why the surprise.
Ed behind Frenchie in every room like a fucking dead child jumpscare in leather.
He’s actually terrifying all calm and smiling. You can sense that he can turn at every second. Like a MF snake (you know the ones, fuck yuuuuu)
Sir when you approach me like that, all analytical and stuff, I don’t think there’s anything I won’t let you do to me (imagine Ed turning this on Stede in the bedroom pffffiouuu)
*Wheeze « A panto ? » (give this man an Oscar)
I really have trouble with « he’s our dick ».. you are aware that this is the man who had absolutely no problem stranding your love on an island ? Who pushed for it, even ? That in the memory you evoke, he’s the only one not sitting with you all, all alone in the background sulking ? I guess if you consider him like the nasty old dog who bites everyone and barks all the time, I can see it…
You have hope, it’s cute . Archie is actually really interesting because she represents the classic pirate (like Ed’s crew before being Stedefied), being put amongst the crew of what she thinks is probably the rockstar of captains but they do things all weird and emotional (between bloodbaths). You can see that she’s tempted but also don’t hesitate to throw the first punch in the battle to the death because that’s how stuff goes.
Take the fucking leg (« …bitch » very much implied)
The little ships were all over the place. They kinda treat Olu like a himbo this season which if my memories serve me right was the opposite of what he was last season. (He’s still emotionally intelligent but the logical sense seems to have gone. In this scene anyway)
Every time a new character says China, I cannot take out of my mind that they are mocking Trump. (Roach’s one in particular was spot on)
Awwww Olu’s all bashful and shit, I’m sure he’s moving his shoe on the ground, like a little shy child.
Stede, All happy about the soup : So wild it’s insane ! Lucius, eyes rolling to the back of his head : Jesus Christ, Stede, keep your pants on. * gets up and go drag on his cigaret like an old nihilist prostitute. * Ahahaha! Lucius is so done with Stede, I can’t ! He reminds me of me with my mom when I was a teenager. (I was horrible)
shitty pathetic incompetent captain  Holy shit, this burn must have dried up the ocean and that’s why they have to drag the boat on land.
The Oookay of Black Pete must be studied.
I had a dream about you last night  and with that phrase, all Blackhands shippers burst into flames. To then die a horrible death for the next minutes and being turned to dust at … best I could. (Also, If I had told you about « good for you » « it was good for me » I don’t think this is how you would have envision it)
But seriously the acting in this scene was INSANE. (I mean more than good, I mean stellar)his laugh is haunting me.
Wait… wait.. is he doing the romcom trope of being horrible to him so that he would leave, to protect him ? but instead he tortures him until he has no choice but to kill him ? Ed, darling, you basic trope girl.
Yeah I guess we could call it closure. Hum.
Yeah, I am ! And I’m alone ! Don’t be like me. Stede has evolved SO MUCH. I’m actually very much hopeful about the discussion he’s going to have with Ed. It won’t be miscommunication bullshit.
The puppet game… Something tells me Lucius won’t like to listen to Pinocchio anymore. Don’t even ask him to make any voice. Stede! The hand went where you think!
Well, Hello back little black scarf which goes with everything ! Especially with the ultimate descent into the pitts of madness and despair.
Stede is choosing « alive » on Blackbeard old poster : thank you, magic of belief, for saving Ed’s life !
There’s a drawing, I repeat, he doodled Ed’s face amongst little bouts of emo poetry… oh stede.
Beheading, arsoning, just a little bit of a dick love of his life.
calm down, you two, with the head against head : you kissed once. In the words of spicy rat boy « Jesus Christ keep your pants on »
Romance novel cover one legged indestructible little fucker Izzy under the rain.
After the pyramid scheme, Olu being the get away text.
Okay, on to the next. It will be a fucking novel.
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gengarghast · 1 year
Well, I recently watched episodes 1-3 of Madoka Magica so here are my thoughts on the series. From episodes 1-3 I mean.
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There's gonna be spoilers, by the way.
My thoughts on Madoka Magica: Episodes 1-3!
Episode 1
So, right from the get-go, I am absolutely in love with the setting design of this series. Madoka, the protagonist, runs through checkerboard corridors and Escheresque halls in the dream sequence that kicks off the show, and it's absolutely gorgeous.
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Of course, everything then gets kicked up to 11 when Madoka walks through a door and fucking
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Okay, that's not actually God, or even an Angel, but something called a Witch, which I'll get to later. (heheh, witch which)
Anyways, after that whole kerfuffle she wakes up and brushes her teeth, boring life stuff, we're introduced to her friends Sayaka and who the fuck cares, yada yada. And then, this bitch (named Homura) shows up.
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Holy fuck I hate this bitch. She is so mean and rude and condescending and emotionless as she does it. She feels like a caricature of autistic people. She either needs to show some actual fucking humanity and stop being a cold-hearted cunt, or just fuck off and get killed. Mind you, I've only seen up to Episode 3. So, she might get better, and I have no idea if she does. Anyways, she lowkey threatens Madoka, time passes, and then kind of just straight up tries to kill a main character (Kyubey, this weird cat thing). Now, this is where the fun begins.
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The four main characters at this point- Madoka, Sayaka, Kyubey, and Homura- Are all pulled into this thing called a "Labyrinth." Labyrinths are pocket-dimensions created by entities called "Witches" as a way to keep themselves safe and protected from the outside world while they do their... Witch things. Whatever those are. Sending people "kys" over Discord dms or something, I don't know. Either way, they look fantastic.
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Putting these traditionally animated chatacters within this photorealistic hellscape just really conveys how completely alien the Witches are, so much so that they and their domains appear as if on a completely different level of reality.
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This is the witch of what I'm calling the Butterfly Gardens Labyrinth, because... Those are the main motifs of the Labyrinth. Her name is Gertude, by the way.
Anyways, this girl named Mami shows up and shoots everything with her magic shotguns, the Witch escapes, and Mami asks Madoka and Sayaka to become Magical Girls like her. Well, Kyubey does the asking, but whatever.
Episode 2
Blah blah blah boring exposition. Shit barely happens. We find out that witches drop loot when they die, called "Grief Seeds". Which is pretty cool actually. It's explained that a girl becomes a Magical Girl when they make a contract with Kyubey and create a soul gem or whatever. Creating the aforementioned contract also means that you get a WISH. Like, ANY WISH. NO RULES. AT ALL. Which pisses me off because these idiots could wish for
1. The extinction of all Witches. 2. More wishes. 3. The power to warp reality in whatever way they want.
And Kyubey could theoretically grant them!!! What the fuck!!!!! They also say that "Witches are born from curses like Magical Girls are born from wishes", whatever the fuck that means. Are they implying that witches are just... Cursed humans? Like, they are the victims of a curse? And you're just killing them without mercy? Instead of trying to rehabilitate them?? What the fuck is wrong with these motherfuckers. Seriously.
Also, it feels like a good time to mention that I don't trust this fucker at all.
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I see through you, Kyubey. You're a fucking parasite, aren't you.
Side-Tangent: Intro
As if I wasn't already on a side-tangent complaining about the yet-unexplained holes in the worldbuilding and how much I despise Kyubey, I'm just gonna take a moment to talk really quick about the intro.
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Anyways rant over. I hate pedophiles
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Episode 3
Oooh, a hospital-based Labyrinth!! This looks so cool!
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You know, now that I think about it, Mami is actually a pretty fun character, and I like her a lot! She has some depth to her that wasn't visible before, but now I'm able to really appreciate it!
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Heck, even her vicious slaughter of innocent inhabitants of the Witches Labyrinths is kind of cool now!
Oh hey, look, the Witch is a funny doll!! lmao
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...Hey, hol up, what's that
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Hey wait what's it doing
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oh no. oh no no no no no
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What are you doing miss funny candy clown snake please don't do tha-
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. . .
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it hurts.
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gothark · 2 months
Books I've read in July 2024
And what I thought about them:
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The Husky And His White Cat Shizun Vol 1 - I looked at a problematic person and said 'yes, you. i will keep you' no joke though I breezed through this one, so invested like wdym????
5 Stars
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The Borrow a Boyfriend Club - literally based on 'what if everyone was a stereotype' and I really wanted the characters to be more than that? and they were, but all that got added was that they were all fucking mean
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The Sky Blues - really didn't like it at the beginning but I didn't want to DNF another book right away so I continued and I think I liked it more at the end? Might just have taken me hostage instead though. Cheesy.
3.75 Stars
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Tadek and the Princess - Follow up Novella to 'A Taste of Gold and Iron' and it made me bawl my eyes out. i was ugly sobbing, such a good exploration of grief and not allowing yourself to feel that grief. chefs kiss.
5 Stars
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The Lightning-Struck Heart - I just couldn't get into this one. Maybe me and T.J. Klune just don't mix but this kind of humor goes from kinda funny to really fucking annoying in like 4 chapters.
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Reforged - I just got over A Taste of Gold and Iron and this punted me right back into it, very similar feel but also different? I dunno how to explain it but if you liked one of these you will probably like the other one too. This just missed that slight spark to make it amazing.
4.75 Stars
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The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories - Jesus fucking Christ. Like. WHAT. I hated this, this is legit the worst book I've ever read. If you like stories that sexualise the abuse of women at the hands of men in literally every single story this is the book for you. Maybe I'm just stupid but none of these stories gave women any agency, everything was just done TO them. Hard no. Gross.
0.25 Stars
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She Who Became The Sun - Holy Shit. My beloved. Actually just my favorite fucking book ever. Like Shelley??? Hello??? How did you write this masterwork? Still can't decide if Zhu or Ouyang is my beloved (it's Ouyang) Pls, everyone read this. i'm keeping the second book in the series for dark times.
5 Stars
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The Past Is Red - It was fine? I didn't like the guy, whatever his name was, i didn't like the rift between the silly names for things and the at times really horrific things going on?? the reveal at the end felt kind of cheap and unbelievable.
2.25 Stars
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MADK Vol 1 - Insane? like... wtf did I just read? homoerotic cannibalism the manga. i was intrigued though and the art is really pretty??? (help)
4 Stars
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MADK Vol 2 - i have no clue what's going on anymore, i'm just here for the ride. things are happening and my last brainvell has left the chat
4 Stars
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The Fragile Threads of Power - CONFLICTED. I liked it? the world is really interesting? the problem was the 50 different pov's and that i really like some of those characters and really disliked others. i was also a little confused at the beginning because this was the first book i read in this universe (which you totally can do, everything you might be missing gets explained)
4.25 Stars
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Herald of the Witch's Mark - i thought this was the last book in the series but it wasn't and i was lowkey so glad to be finished with the series because we have a serious love/hate relationship going on. i'm also just not the biggest fae person I've realised. oopsies.
3 Stars
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Red Rising - my god, this is so good. completely changes it's vibe like halfway into the book and i'm all for it??? darrow is fucking insane, batshit crazy. this man will lead me to an early grave and I will THANK HIM FOR IT. he is my favorite frat bro who does murder in space. right after she who became the sun in my fave book rankings.
5 Stars
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The Lightning Thief - I read the first five books once as a child and man this just hit such a good nostalgia spot, it also has none of the bad taste that harry potter does and this was just such a nice and easy read. like a nice rainy day in a warm blanket. would recommend.
5 Stars
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The Extraordinaries - I actually started reading this at the end of 2023 and that should basically say everything. So technically this is my first TJ Klune, not Lightning-Struck Heart but I gave up on it after. Microwaving a cricket to make it radioactive to gain super powers was just too much. also the main character? felt kind of offensive if he was supposed to be a character with autism because no way in hell would any real person actually be like this
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A Darker Shade of Magic - We have the problem here, I like the world but the pov characters are the ones I did not like in Threads of Power (lila) i'm sorry, i just don't vibe with her personally overall a good book though?
4 Stars
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Shadow and Bone - man it just took too long to get to the reveal, once again i didn't really vibe with any of the characters (except for mal) and i want to punt the Darkling to the dark side of the moon
3.75 Stars
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The Sea of Monsters - what can I say? i'm a sucker for greek mythology so this is just really my thing and it's just such a nice break to take between other books, also the twist at the end? i love that shit lol
5 Stars
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Firefly Lane - so this book was basically taking the blueprint for the life of the typical midwest, american white women (maybe a little extra shitty life) and it's this book. it feels like going down a check list. young girls getting sexually assaulted? check. young girls getting with older men? getting pregnant when it wasn't planned? having a miscarriage? getting married to the guy who liked your best friend before he liked you? surprise twins? (being a bad mom lol) but that works for some people, just not really some gay guy who thinks marriage and children are kind of icky (personally, for me) also the parts where it was heavily implied that the one women was only unhappy because she had her dream job but no husband or children??? so ew. the ending got me though because cancer runs in the family. oh also just way too fucking long. needs to be like 40% shorter, so boring for so much of the time
3.5 Stars
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aurorawest · 1 year
Reading update
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The Restless Dark by Erica Waters - 4.25/5 stars
Genuinely good YA thriller.
The Stagsblood Prince by Gideon E Wood - 4.25/5 stars
This one ripped my heart out and I am going to be PISSED if there isn't a happy ending in the third book in the trilogy.
You First by JC Lillis - 4.25/5 stars
You'd think a book that is essentially an Incredibles AU would be lighthearted, right? You wouldn't think you'd practically be sobbing by the end? Haha! You thought wrong!
Wranglestone by Darren Charlton - 4.25/5 stars
I initially rated this 4.25 stars but honestly I might bump it up to 4.5. It's a zombie story but it was really well done, and I ordered the second book in the series the minute I finished this one.
The Falcon and the Foe by AJ Truman - 3.75/5 stars
Felix Silver, Teaspoons, & Witches by Harry Cook - DNF
This one was too Middle Grade for me.
Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers - 3.5/5 stars
So I won my local indie bookstore's trivia in March and the first place prize was a bunch of books that I never would have picked up on my own, including this one. I bumped it to the front of my TBR pile because I thought it would make a good comp for the manuscript I'm editing - it's about a woman who meets and drunkenly marries a stranger in Vegas, then falls in love with her afterwards. The book is really not a romance though, and is actually about burnout. I might have rated it higher if it didn't sell itself as a romance.
All the Better Part of Me by Molly Ringle - 4.25/5 stars
The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley - 5/5 stars
"What if France won the Napoleonic Wars because of time travelers" shouldn't have shattered me the way this book did, but of course it's a Natasha Pulley novel so it absolutely did. There isn't a single one of her books that don't live in my mind rent free for apparently the rest of time after I read them, but man. I'm not sure if this one hurt as much as The Lost Future of Pepperharrow, but it's pretty close. Missouri Kite is the most Gay Little Man™. And Joe, poor Joe. The PINING. The YEARNING. When the reveal happens, I had to go back and read prior sections of the book and good god do they hit different. Different and SADDER. AKDJF;AKDJFKDAFJ;D JUST PLEASE READ IT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
A Destiny of Dragons by TJ Klune - DNF
Not only did I DNF this, I removed the rest of the series from my TBR pile and will be offloading them at my local indie bookstore's next book buy-back. I think the worst part of this one was that he dedicated it to his eighth grade English teacher, who apparently told him his stories would never amount to anything. And like. What an awful thing for a teacher to tell a kid (sidebar, my eighth grade English teacher is one of the reasons I started to really take writing seriously, she was amazingly supportive - thank you, Mrs. Brzezinski!). But reading this series is like...you know, she might have had a point. I KID I KID WE ALL KNOW KLUNE ACTUALLY CAN WRITE but holy shit again, this series is so bad. The writing was a little better than The Lightning-Struck Heart but the characters are so fucking annoying. The term Mary Sue gets thrown around a lot and I'm generally not a fan of its application (since usually it's used to tear down teenage girls) but Sam of Wilds is such a fucking Mary Sue (or Gary Stu, I guess, but down with the gender binary, let's just have one word). Everyone wants to have sex with him and while it may have been sort of funny at first (it wasn't), by book 2, the joke has worn extremely thin. Also there's a prophecy about him, because of course there is. And he's the most powerful wizard ever. And yeah, I've read a lot of books where there's a prophecy about the MC and they're the Most Powerful Magic Person Ever, but they're usually not this annoying.
Chainbreaker by Tara Sim - 5/5 stars
This is book 2 of a really interesting and original fantasy/steampunk series. I really enjoyed the first one but this one was even better. It takes place in a world where time running correctly is controlled by clock towers. The main character is a clock mechanic (obviously an important job) who falls in love with the clock spirit of the town of Enfield (delightful, since my wife is from Enfield and it's not a place you often see mentioned in fiction). This book raises the stakes of the first one and takes place largely in India. Highly recommend.
Stormhaven by Jordan L Hawk - 4.25/5 stars
Game Changer by Rachel Reid - 4/5 stars
Is this the OG m/m hockey book? There was something very quaint about it haha.
The Best Man's Problem by Sera Taíno - DNF
I'm beginning to realize that I don't really like books where the family is given equal importance to the romance.
Arctic Wild by Annabeth Albert - 4/5 stars
Hummingbird Heartbreak by Max Walker - 2.75/5 stars
I found Dusty's reaction to the reveal of Brandon's past to be over-the-top and unreasonable (like, unreasonable within the context of the story - obviously characters can react unreasonably to things, but it still needs to make sense for them!). I probably would have rated this 3 stars if not for that, because it's a sweet enough love story.
The World We Make by NJ Jemisin - 2.5/5 stars
NK Jemisin, please do not read this. Jemisin has been open about how difficult this book was to write, and about the fact that she couldn't handle the trilogy she'd planned and took it down to a duology, and…unfortunately, it shows. I loved the first book but this one was a disappointing finale. The pacing was uneven and the character development stalled. Plot threads were introduced and either vanished (Bronca's new girlfriend) or were resolved in a way that felt unearned (the mayoral race, Manny's true identity, honestly the whole big conflict). Aislyn was an interesting character who ultimately felt underutilized. I actually, physically cringed at a couple points during this book—the coda was really just one long cringe, and the other moment was when Brooklyn calls...Beyonce. Who is an old friend. But then Beyonce is never brought up again and I couldn't tell you what the purpose of her inclusion in the book was. I'm sure some people love that kind of stuff but I can't stand it.
I did really love the other cities though! If Jemisin ever returned to this universe, I'd read a book about Faiyum in a heartbeat. His snark and his gay little crocodile earring were chef's kiss.
Jemisin is a fabulous writer and all my issues with this book feel like the result of an author forcing herself to write something she wasn't feeling and just wanted to be done with. Disappointing all the same since I had really been looking forward to this one.
The Sugared Game by KJ Charles - 5/5 stars
It is not possible to go wrong with an AJ Charles book and this one is no exception. I love Kim and Will so much, and I really really hope the third book builds on the trust they established in this one.
Sixteen Souls by Rose Talbot - 3.75/5 stars
I liked this book but I did find myself, at the climax, wondering why on earth living people would sacrifice themselves to save ghosts from...being more dead? Like. They're...already dead.
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thatpunkmaximoff · 8 months
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[Book Three of Three]
Story: 4 out of 5 Smut: 3 out of 5
Wow. Where the hell do I even begin?
First of all, Callum is definitely my favorite. Though he is very much an Archdemon and is rough and tough with his Lady Witch, he’s also very soft with her… and ugh, he melted my heart. I honestly did not expect him to WANT Everly to peg him tho lmao.
Everly was also my favorite girl because she was so pure and innocent, and corrected her path when she saw the true path Kent was leading them all down. These two are perfect for each other.
The trip to Hell was fun, as was Callum and Everly giving each other their metal (their piercings were the best out of all them), but I was NOT a fan of the final battle with the God. Don’t get me wrong, it was good, but THAT ONE SCENE had me gasping.
You know what you did, Harley. How dare you make me take a breather before I got back into reading. Holy shit.
All in all, I loved it. This book felt different and I’m guessing it’s because of Callum’s demon-y sweetness with Everly that I don’t think Leon and Zane quite possessed with their own females.
This trilogy was amazing and I’m so sad to see it end.
Now here are my rambling thoughts...
* So Everly’s mother took her own life? I call bullshit.
* Oh no. Poor Marcus. I can’t believe Jeremiah killed him like that. What a dick.
* She found her Coven family house!
* Callum’s here! And he’s… crazy? lol.
* He got a little excited and went a little feral 😂 Poor Everly doesn’t know what to think. And now she’s given him Sam’s name since he bruised her, and Callum is pissed. FUCK. SHIT. UP!
* Yessssss. Sam deserved that.
* lol the dead grandma speaks through an old radio. Wtf 😂
* I’m getting puppy vibes from Callum. A murderous puppy, but a puppy nonetheless.
* “I’ll be watching. If your father tries to keep you, I’ll ensure you escape. I’ll bring you home.” // “Home… I don’t know if I’ve ever really had a home.” // “Home is wherever I can keep you safe.”
* “You should wear a bell so you don’t give me a heart attack.” // “A bell? Like the one’s humans put on their cats?” He tipped his head curiously. “Only if you promise to drag me around on a leash. then I’ll gladly wear your collar.”
* Callum crawling just short circuited my brain 😂
* Who the fuck is hunting Callum?
* Fuck. Lucifer sent his right-hand to speak with Callum. If Lucifer interferes, I’m gonna be pissed.
* I’ve never been more glad for Kent to be dead. He fucking put magic dampening cuffs on Everly!? I need Callum to see them and lose his shit again.
* Wow. She pegged a demon 😏
* Fuck. Who cuffed Callum?! 😩
* So that’s how the book got in the box.
* Fuck Kent for making her strip like that.
* Fuck Mrs. Hadleigh too! Stupid cunt trying to hit Everly. Dumb bitch fucked around and found out.
* Run away, Everly! And go find out what the fuck happened to your demon.
* “Everly is not, and has never been, a mere fascination. She is my reason, my logic. She is my one and only God. Think I’m mad if you wish. There is nothing left for me in this existence except for her, and I would sooner rip myself apart than allow you or any other being to stand in her way.”
* I fucking hate Lucifer.
* Aww, Callum. He doesn’t wanna claim her because he’s afraid for when she dies… but she’s dying right now, so…
* “No matter what it takes. No matter what I must sacrifice. No matter who I must kill. For you, I would burn this world and the next.”
* Lmfao. Poor Everly is trying to find a spell to get rid of the wraiths before they notice her, and fucking Callum slaps the wall to get their attention 😂
* Goddamn. Callum and rope play. I dig it.
* She can shapeshift!
* Awww. Callum is so soft. Sometimes.
* Ugh. Juniper attempting to attack Everly still pisses me off lol.
* Callum is making me interested in rope play now 😂
* “I love you more than life itself, more than my own freedom. For you and you alone, I’ve stayed alive, Everly. For you, I would face everything I ever feared. I’ve lived a thousand lifetimes and I swear I’ve loved you in every one of them.”
* Oh shit… she walked into Hell with Callum. What’s going to happen here..
* So Callum is going to get a piercing for Everly… and not the other way around? Wow. I kind of wanted Everly to get a piercing tho lol.
* She pierced his dick 😂 and got a matching clit piercing in return. Such a brave little witch.
* I’m so glad the council put Lucifer in his place. Jealous fuck.
* What the fuck!!!! It killed her?! And she was pregnant!? You’re fucking lying.
* Oh my god. She was pregnant!
* She lived. She fucking lived 😭
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andorerso · 2 years
time for one of my favorite New Year’s tradition: taking stock of all the fics I wrote this past year!
Operation Midnight Kiss: Jyn has a plan for New Year's Eve but an eager new recruit complicates things... (1/1)
i’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife: Holy shit. She fucked a hitman. Released from prison after three years, Jyn Erso is just trying to pick up the broken pieces of her life. But the man who catches her eye might not be exactly who he says he is. (1/1) Good Behavior AU. technically written in 2021 but I didn’t post it until later, so now I have to file this under 2022 which annoys me a bit because it skewed my word count for both 2021 and 2022.... but it is what it is
The Replacement Cass: Jyn has a new boyfriend which would be fine... if not for his name. (1/1)
touching the sun: After Jyn and Cassian escape Scarif, they're in limbo. Neither of them really know how to be close to each other. But when Jyn notices a strange bond developing between them that she can't explain, it forces them to acknowledge their true feelings... OR, the AU that's not quite soulmates, not quite not soulmates (2/2) Written for the Rebelcaptain Big Bang project, only second chapter was written in 2022.
Blood Red Rose: 1920, London. An unknown creature dubbed 'the Beast' is terrorizing the streets at night. Vampire hunter Jyn Erso and recently turned vampire Cassian Andor might just be the city's only hope to catch the monster... (22/26) chapters 18-22 written in 2022
home we’ll go: Cassian Andor only comes back to Ferrix for two things: to get Maarva and Bee, and to say goodbye to the people he cares about. Neither goes the way he expects it to. AU for episode 7: what if Jyn had grown up on Ferrix? (1/1)
Amas Veritas: Jyn's a young witch who's just trying to keep her head down. But when Orson Krennic returns to town years after he allegedly killed her father, she can't help feeling like this is her chance to get some payback. What's supposed to be a harmless hex quickly turns deadly, and Jyn must now make sure no one ever finds out what she did or risk going to prison. But the pull she feels towards Cassian Andor, the private investigator the Krennics have hired complicates matters, and it doesn't help that she's sworn off love years ago due to a nasty love curse that sits upon her family. On top of it all, Krennic's ghost might be haunting her... This Halloween is shaping up to be the worst one Jyn's ever had. (5/7) Practical Magic AU
fighting dragons with you: Jyn is injured during a dragon fight, and Cassian is not happy about it. (1/1) Written for the Rebelcaptain Trees exchange
a wolf at heart: She kinda wished she could take him home with her. Jyn, the wolf-tamer. How cool would that be? OR, Jyn's a college student with a crush but Cassian has some secrets (1/2) Written for the Rebelcaptain Secret Santa exchange
always, someday: Sleep… He wants to sleep so badly, but if he does, it means he’s failed. They promised him they’d let him rest if he just gave them the answers they wanted. But that’s not a price he can pay. He can’t betray the rebellion, he can’t give up their secrets, their names, their locations, their weaknesses, he can’t, he can’t, he can’t — He can’t say anything. And he can’t sleep. They won’t let him. (1/1)  Written for the Rogue One Crew exchange
Prompts, requests and drabbles:
I’ve made so many mistakes, but you’re not one of them
I need you to help me reach the top shelf
you’re worth any fight
can you give me a ride?
the lights don’t shine as bright when you’re not here
firefighters AU
single parent & teacher AU
Total works: 17 (15 new ones)
Total wordcount: 104 087
And I outdid myself again this year! I don’t think I’ll be able to replicate it again this year with my new job, but my writing goal for 2023 is to finally finish Blood Red Rose. wish me luck!
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ameliacf13 · 5 months
Tagged by @vikugnavikugna
shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people (lmao it's gonna be 90% metal bet. also ten people my ass)
SLOW - The Drowning Angel - Guess who likes doom metal? It's meeeeeee. Honestly this isn't even the best one off "IV - Mythologiae" but still decent for what it is.
The Republic of Desire - Critique - Boy this whole list is just going to be full of like, "oh this is good but it's not the best by them". Go check out something like "Gethsemane" by them and enjoy better songs.
YURiKA - Kyoumen no Nami (A Wave on the Mirror's Surface) - NEVERMIND WE'RE IN FUCKING BUSINESS. Holy shit I love this song so much. It makes my heart ache. More gay rocks when?
Ablaze in Hatred - A Walk Through the Silence - Okay we've got two nostalgic songs on here now. This band and Republic of Desire were like, 90% of what I listened to from ages 17-19ish. This specifically I have memories of listening to in the NCM mess at CFB Gagetown along with "Suffer" by Nox Aurea.
Caladan Brood - City of Azure Fire - We all love fantasy metal right? How about fantasy metal based off something other than LotR?! For real, these guys made ONE album then vanished off the face of the earth. The last thing that came from them was a cover on an homage to Summoning album.
Warning - Watching From a Distance - Really good song, sort of slow and plodding but it's doom metal what do you expect? Melancholic and the singer just has a REALLY unique voice that I like. YMMV
Celephaïs - Tir n'a n'Og - This one is just the whole album. Seriously it's a concept album, the title song is 25 minutes anyway, the first song is just its intro lmao. Umm, fully instrumental which usually I'm not a fan of but these guys make fantastic use of it. This and Monad are up there on my top albums.
The Birthday Massacre - Kill the Lights - Oh man, TBM is so much fun. Gothy, poppy, electronic band from Ontario of all places. I've listened to them for something like 10 years now. really fun stuff!
Yob - Ablaze - One of the weirder selections that I was introduced to through Bell Witch. They're part of the PNW metal scene and Ablaze is probably my favourite song by them. Powerful guitars match with incredible vocals for a great experience.
Crystalic - Too Dark to See - Easily the OLDEST song I have on here (counting from first listening), I heard Crystalic back in 2010 right as it came out. "Too Dark to See" is my absolute favourite of theirs. It's a real gut punch of a song because it got mixed up with some nasty context way back when but I can still vibe with it.
Tagging @emlemony and @jeminiii because I'm curious what yall will have.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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The Circle of Truth
Not Natural ✨ The Devil's Trap ✨ Holy Water ✨ The Demon's Altar ✨ Midnight Meeting ✨ The Hunter's Trap ✨ Sharp Secrets and Bloody Blades ✨ A Hunter's Beast Tamed ✨ No Chick Flick Moments ✨ Witches, Bitches, and Beasts ✨ Cursed or Not ✨ Poison Lips and True Love's Kiss ✨ Swallowing Hard Truths ✨ Salt and Burn ✨ Five More Minutes ✨ A Hell of an Identity Crisis ✨ Spilling Tea and Baring Teeth ✨ How to Break a Devil ✨ How to Upset Mother Earth
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: SPN inspired, ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats), demon Kells, hunter Dom, magic, another SPN character surprise, getting caught, fighting, secrets revealed, mentions of sex, mentions of blood drinking, mentions of death, mentions of curses, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of past relationships, mentions of mpreg, jokes, teasing, insults, attempting to choke an immortal, angry boys, terrified boys, definitely not cuddling, boys no longer secretly in love ⚰️ rating: mature
The night air felt thick enough to choke on- or maybe Kells was just feeling too much and his lover had played with the collar around his neck all day. He'd kept it taut while the devil tried to teach him how to shoot though he realized quickly his Hunter didn't need any training. The boy was a badass, he just didn't prefer a gun. He'd yanked on it when their lesson eventually got them too worked up and he rode his alpha to the ground. At one point he even wrapped the chain around Col's wrists to prove how much the beast trusted him. At dinner he'd taken to pranking, he'd choke Keliphos as he moved to eat and somehow even that devolved and he slid under the table once the witch was gone to bury his face between Dom's thighs and suck his spend from inside him. It had been a long glorious day of bruised throats and straining cocks but eventually the human passed out and the nephalem ignored all he'd learned to instead act on his own in secret.
He wasn't actually doing anything he wouldn't tell his omega about, he just didn't want to cause a fuss. If his plan turned out helpful he'd tell him automatically but if nothing turned out he didn't want to get anyone worked up or upset. It didn't take him long to search out a circle of the flowers he needed in the witch's garden. It was so perfectly grown he knew what it was made for- exactly what he was about to use it for. The scent of the yellow flowers was almost too intense but it probably just felt that way because the smell was thick in hell. It clung to the crossroads demons who moved between realms and grew in the places they were called to most. It felt cloying but he kept going, moving through the motions to summon his friend.
"Oh Kells, it's been a wee time! You could have at least stopped home to check in." Her accent was as thick as her long red hair and it warmed his heart to hear she didn't seem upset. In all technicalities she was his boss and he hadn't been doing shit for hell. "Well don't you look lovely. Would it be bold of me to ask if ya found something to keep you away?" She purred, her soft fox shaped eyes taking him in under the moonlight.
Keliphos grinned, stepping further into the circle to give her a quick hug. Once upon a time or two they'd been very close- it was hard to deny a beautiful woman with a dancer's body and enough power to make you melt- literally, but thankfully not to anyone she liked. Since taking over hell she was even stronger and more sure in herself. Normally he'd be giving her a good grope and stare, especially in the little red silk Xena dress she wore but not anymore. He gave her a chaste snuggle and a kiss on her cheek before stepping back and smiling stupid wide. He didn't mean to grin like a loon but he was realizing how badly he'd been looking forward to telling her. Maybe he did have a few people he called family already.
"I did. Row, I can't even explain. He's- fuck he's perfect. A stubborn asshole but… You'll love him. He's so great you won't even care he's a human Hunter." He joked.
Rowena rolled her eyes and she could do it better than anyone, to the point that it always made him laugh. "A Hunter? I suppose the brutes can be lovely boys but I wouldn't have thought you'd fall for one. Honestly I didn't believe you could settle down at all. The sirens and succubi will be so disappointed." She purred a playful tease and he chuckled. "So tell me of this perfect Hunter I'll love, what's his name?"
The devil paused, his gaze flicking away a moment as he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. He was surprised at himself, he trusted Row more than most but part of him wanted to keep Dom all for himself.
"Oh my, you're truly head over heels I see. You don't have to tell me but whatever did you call me for? Did you miss me?" She soothed, her lips curling up at the corner.
"I always miss you, my Queen." He winked back exaggeratedly before taking a breath. He trusted her and they'd probably need her help in the long run. Astaroth was one of those demons that mostly stayed in hell. Fucking weirdo. "His name is Dom. Dominic- but Dom." He knew she would recognize the name, most of hell knew of the fucker's penchant for stealing boys but everyone knew about the one that got away.
With that new knowledge Rowena looked around, seemingly realizing where she was. "Keliphos dear, what have you found your way into?" She worried for him.
"A family." A new voice made them both look to the house where Tom was stalking closer. "Rowena." He gave a polite greeting, nodding his head to her once as he joined them in the circle and smacked the nephalem on the back of his head.
"Shit! Fuck you, you're not my real dad." The devil teased, crossing his arms and faking a pout. He was actually quite nervous, he'd just summoned the queen of hell on fucking Gaia's property without permission but when the two witches hugged he took a breath.
The look Tom gave the brat was something between shocked and annoyed but he seemed to be playing so he let it go. "Would you like to explain what's going on?" He asked.
Keliphos felt something he never had before- he'd spent centuries tortured by his own father but nothing Astaroth had ever done truly chilled him to his core like being leveled a possibly disappointed glare from someone he'd called parent. "I um- I just wanted to ask her about mom for you." He muttered, sighing deep and pushing the leaves around on the ground with his foot.
"Mum? Who- what's going on here boys?" The queen asked, she'd been friends with them both for a long time but never thought they'd cross paths or have a goal in common.
"One of Astaroth's victims. You know he's my father Row, Tom knows too don't worry. We think he still has one of them. An angel? Ramiel? Do you know of him holding anyone down there?" Kells asked hopefully- so hopefully that he could feel nerves in his belly. A soft touch brushed his shoulder and he caught Tom dropping his hand when he looked over. Has he been trying to comfort him?
Rowena tilted her head, watching the two ancient beings together. There was a connection there she didn't understand but it wasn't her place to push. "I don't believe so but you know I don't like going anywhere near him." She explained, shaking her head. Astaroth had tried to make her one of his baby mothers as well but Kells had warned him off. She still believed that was part of the main reason the demon had bed her, his father wouldn't normally touch what he had. Though of course she could have protected herself. "I'll ask around though, check myself if I have to. If this angel is important to you both I want to help." She explained, smiling between them. "Now with that settled, tell me of this boy. It's not yours, is it Tom dear?"
Tom cleared his throat, giving a subtle shake of his head before answering. It was enough of an exchange that Kells narrowed his eyes but he wanted to trust the man he called Mitéra once. "He is the Hunter I took in, yes. I'm trying to keep him out of this as much as possible."
"Yeah and I'm getting well tired of it from boff you arseholes." Both Tom and Kells cringed at the human's voice and they shared a worried look before glancing behind them to find Dom standing there glaring at them. The kid was barely dressed, a pair of black briefs and open unlaced combat boots was all that protected him from the outside but the devil knew it was far more than he'd worn to bed. "'Ave ya jus' missed all the times I've bloody explained? Can ya not feel the bruises round ya neck from already being in trouble today? And you! Stop treating me like a child! I was already grown when we met, you can't fucking keep me out of shite." He growled at the witch next before pushing past both of them to greet Rowena.
"Hello love, you must be Dom. You have a little-" Row purred before licking her thumb and tracing his bottom lip. It came away red and Kells knew it was left over from when he fed the boy but when she sucked it clean he got nervous. "Oh my, quite the appetite I see. No matter, perfectly normal under the circumstances. No surprise you wish to keep him from the fight Tom dear, how long?"
The words were out before the hidden goddess could stop her but the mated pair just looked between them confused. "They've been together a little over a month." He tried to answer carefully, seeing what the Queen could feel out with her magic. He could find out a lot himself but his power was more focused on the earth. Rowena was better at feeling out people.
"Wha's tha' matter? Wha's going on? Ain't you 'ere about Ramiel?" Dom was still half asleep and easily grumpy. He didn't like being woken up because his boyfriend disappeared from his bed. He just wanted to curl up and get more sleep but no, of course not.
"You know of the curses?" Tom asked his friend and she nodded back, the two of them all but ignoring the others which just served to annoy them more.
"You know I summoned her right? Fuck are y'all talking about curses for? What does it matter-" Keliphos stopped short when he saw a small flash of Row's purple tinted magic head from her hand to his lover's belly. Too much started circling his mind, feelings he'd been having, things Tom had said, the way Dom was acting… but- "But that's impossible." Suddenly he felt almost woozy, his whole body flushed hot and sweaty and his head felt light. His stomach rolled so hard he had to step away from the others in case he got sick. There was no way. There was no fucking way. It was impossible.
Tom walked quickly to the halfling's side and he bent over with him. He had been terrified for that moment to happen until he understood everything that was going on but he couldn't take it back now. "Breathe. I've been trying to understand. I wasn't sure before. Please unders-" His words were cut off when the nephalem jumped him and suddenly his back was hitting the soft forest floor and his breath was cut off by the other man's hand.
"You fucking lied! You said you weren't hiding anything and you lied! You were going to let him fight like this? How dare you! How fucking-"
"KELLS! Get the fuck off 'im!" Dom shouted at his alpha. He'd never seen this side of him, his eyes were stormcloud bright and thunder was rolling in above them. He could feel electricity in the air that promised Col's wings were close to showing. "Wha' the fuck you doing? Tom's family! Stop!" He knew his man probably couldn't hurt his best friend but he was still scared to see them fight.
Tom's head hit the ground hard as Kells slammed him down, his fingers squeezing his throat until he felt something almost snap. "What if Astaroth sees him? What if he gets hurt? He's been feeding on me Tom! He's been hunting! How fucking dare you!" The witch didn't even fight back as if he felt like he deserved every word and bruise but in the next moment there was something on the devil's back and he pushed it off hard. When the pained noise he heard was in Dom's voice he felt reality crashing down around him. He pulled away from Tom as if he'd been burned and turned to see his mate on his ass in the dirt.
Dom watched his beast scramble off Tom while apologizing profusely before he crawled closer but he seemed almost scared to touch. "I'm sorry! Fuck I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" It took the human a moment to tell but he thought his monster might be crying.
"Everyone shut the fuck up! The next fing said better be an explanation. I'm exhausted, I'm starving, I feel like 'ell, I'm tired as fuck of being treated like I'm a breakable child, and now me arse 'urts. Don't bloody say it!" He snapped before Kells could make some comment like- 'and not in the fun way'. If he heard something like that he might actually explode.
Rowena stepped closer, her heels finding a way to click on the dirt as if they were spelled just to make her sound powerful. She crouched down next to him and laid a dainty hand on his shoulder. "Dear boy, don't you know already? Can't you feel it?" When he just shook his head she smiled softly. "You're pregnant."
Kells choked on a sob, he hadn't expected to feel so much more having the word said flat out but he felt almost human and powerless. An evil little voice whispered in his mind that it couldn't be his, he was cursed, but he knew Dom better than that. Something had happened and either his curse was broken or… there was no or. He'd promised the kid it wouldn't happen and yet…
"And you so upset you tried to kill Tom?" Dom's voice went flat, he knew he was overwhelmed but that still felt like an important reaction.
"No! Fuck. I was upset because he's obviously known and didn't tell you! He was going to let you go after Astaroth while you're- and it could hurt the- ya know." The devil sniffled. How many times could they fight in 24 hours? How many times could he be terrified to lose his mate?
"Say it. Say wha' you so pissed about. I thought you was upset about your curse but-" Before Dom could finish his statement Col was crawling close and shaking his head. He sat with his legs spread around the boy and he cupped his lover's face between his hands.
"No. Don't you dare. I'm not upset about- it. I'm upset that it could have been hurt. I'm upset that I accidentally lied to you! I don't want to do that. You're my mate Dom, I know how you felt about it and I never wanted to make you- until you were ready." There were actual tears beading down the devil's cheeks and he looked like the little boy he barely got to be.
"For what it's worth I was trying to learn everything I could before you decide to go after Astaroth. I wouldn't put my family at risk. You're correct though, I should have told you the moment I felt it. I apologize to you both. It shouldn't have been possible though, not with that curse. Unless…" Tom paused, taking a deep breath. "Unless the curse was only for your demonic side. If you haven't noticed Dom is bringing out the angel in you more than any of us thought possible. If that's the side of you that- mated him… perhaps he's able to break magic like that. I would not be surprised."
It was hard for Keliphos to trust that. It was hard for him to trust anything but he knew at least what he said about Dom was true. He'd knotted him. He knew he knotted him, and he knew that was his angel side. "How long?" He asked and watched Rowena lay a hand on what was his. He couldn't completely fight a growl but that more than anything made him realize how true it all was. How real.
"A month, I would say. Naughty boys." She purred and Dom blushed.
But… that would mean- "I fucking told you!" He huffed at his boyfriend and the demon tilted his head. "I told you tha' was our first time but you tried to say it didn't count!"
"You told me? Real mature babe. What are you, seven?" Kells huffed wetly. They could never completely stop bickering.
"And a 'alf. Bite me. Besides the Queen 'ere I fink I'm the only mature one. The two of yas are supposed to be ancient and ya act like bloody children! I need you to grow the fuck up Kells, and fast. We 'avin-"
"We're having a baby. I know. I get it. Shit." The devil blurted out before the human could say it. He needed to prove he could. What he didn't expect was Dom's eyes going wide and his heart starting to race. Maybe it wasn't just Kells having trouble coming to terms with it. "Babe?"
"We- I need- bed please?" Dom stuttered and his lover moved fast, standing and scooping him up in his arms like he was the child. Oh fuck.
Keliphos gave their friends a quick- "Later." before he was rushing his mate back inside. He didn't stop until they were safely tucked away in their bedroom with the door shut and them comfortably in bed. "Dom, you good?"
The Hunter snorted a laugh, that question felt absurd given the situation by at least making fun of his boyfriend made him feel more like himself. "Jus' wanted you alone." He sighed, straddling his devil's lap. "Is tha' why I'm so 'ungry for yas? Is tha' why we so…" He trailed off, hiding against Col's neck.
Kells laid his palms against Dom's ass though part of him wanted to be touching somewhere else. He wasn't sure either of them were ready for that shit. "I think that's just us. But yeah, maybe there's something about my blood that's good for it- them?" He shrugged but still got a nip for saying 'it'. "Dom please just- are you angry with me?"
The Hunter took a deep breath, letting that ozone scent relax him before he sat back and locked eyes with his lover. "I don't know if it's sunk in yet. But… we talked about it yeah? It's jus' a little sooner 'an someday." He laughed but fuck there were so many butterflies in his belly. "You?"
"Fuck no. I was just scared- I am scared. I don't know how to do this shit. But… I'm glad it's with you. I wouldn't want anyone else. Hey, c'mere?" He hummed until the boy smiled and pressed closer, those strong arms wrapping behind his neck. "I love you." He said it so simply, as if they'd been saying it for years instead of just the day. It felt that easy. Somehow.
"I love you too." Dominic grinned, kissing the idiot he found himself bred by. It certainly wasn't the answer to anything but it definitely helped them face everything. "Can I sleep? Can we deal wiv it tomorrow?" He whimpered against searching lips and the demon nodded, helping him out of his shoes before they got comfortable in bed. He rolled over because spooning was the most comfortable position for sleeping, not that the two of them cuddled. Of course not. He felt his alpha's hand trembling where it rested on his hip and kept moving closer. Closer. He let out a sleepy sigh and slotted himself against the nephalem, fitting like a puzzle piece against him. When the monster finally got enough courage and let his touch cover the boy's belly Dom hid a smile against the pillow. He knew that took a lot for his man, he wouldn't make it worse. "I love you." He heard his mate whisper but he didn't say it back, he wasn't exactly sure that one was for him anyway.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
This was a long one but I hope you all enjoy it! Surprise! Though I know the hints have been strong. It still seems like Tom is hiding something- what could it be? Will Dom be able to step back from the fight? Will they find Ramiel? Why was Dom able to break the curse? What will their child be? Keep reading to find out! Thank you so much 🖤⚰️
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thegeminisage · 8 months
ok it's tng update time. im actually so behind idr when we watched what but the episodes were "the nth degree" "qpid" and "the drumhead."
the nth degree: holy shit this one sucked so bad. i hate barclay so much and it's a SUPER bad look to make him geordi's project specifically when geordi is equally as creepy in the fucking holodeck as this guy was
the only good part of this epiosde was when deanna was like, he made a pass at me. and riker looked at her SO fast and later he was like. deanna was it a successful pass. deanna. deanna please. and she just smirked at him. AND HE LOVED IT. he loved being toyed with. down to clown. that was so fun
my biggest gripe was that deanna turned him down THREE TIMES and then they eventually had the date anyway. disgusting. why do they hate her
i was gonna write a longer thing about how bad barclay's whole deal is but honestly it was ages ago, why relive it. it was bad is the point. shoulda shot him when they had the chance
qpid: i am SHOCKED to inform everyone that this episode finally brought me around to q. i didn't think it was possible because he was SO ANNOYING in every single other appearance but i think the guy playing him and patrick stewart have finally settled into a dynamic that works because it really worked for me. like suddenly it was funny instead of unfunny and embarrassing. like a switch flipped. i'm not sure what changed but it's great
the crucial element of this of course is that q wants picard to fuck him soooo bad and picard is Not gonna do it. picard Will Not fuck him. and the more picard is like i'm not gonna fuck you, you are a vile little man, the more q wants him. q is telling all his friends about him nonstop. q is drawing little hearts around his name in his diary. he is writing their names on the fog of the enterprise's windows and then sadly wiping them away. and all of this makes picard want to fuck him EVEN less which makes q want him EVEN more. it's a self-sustaining cycle and it's the funniest thing i've ever seen in my life. i don't understand people who write fanfic about them fucking. it would ruin every bit of the magic. i don't want them to fuck ever this is too perfect
sour notes: one racist worf joke. CAN WE PLEASE STOP.........we were doing so well otherwise
oh and the other sour note: ??? what is up with vash. like good for her that she will fuck q or anyone else she needs to if it gets her out of situations and even have fun doing it. but why is she like, picard how could you not tell your friends about me WHEN THEY WERE A FLING. they met on the fuck planet and they fucked and then they never expected to see each other again. why is it weird that he didn't tell everyone he fucked her? who does that? yeah thanks for asking coworker riker i went to the fuck planet and i fucked this lady named vash. let me give you the intimate details while we're on the bridge, our place of employment! ? NO
the drumhead: i think the mistake we made here was watching this one directly after ep5 of pjo. anything looks boring in comparison there you know......
i do like when picard gets good and fiery mad though. like righteously. as long as he actually does have a good reason to do this he does a GREAT job, it's some of his strongest acting. the first time i realized he actually could act was when he did this in the data courtroom episode and he does a good job in this courtroom episode i am just. tired of courtroom episodes. please. this and the holodeck. ENOUGH. i wish they had listened to gene roddenberry when he said courts don't exist in utopia
i liked worf in this episode even though they gave him the idiot ball. he's like, i would LOVE to be racist to this guy who is 1/4 romulan even though i didn't know that a second ago. wack. furthermore all he talked about was his honor in a way that reminded me of zuko. i hope he, like zuko, gets his honor back someday <3
anyway they were Saying Something in this episode about political witch hunts and you know what it reminded me of? that the cold war was Still Going when this episode aired. it was going when tos was airing and more than halfway through tng it is STILL GOING! wild.
TONIGHT: "half a life" and "the host" (i think i've heard of this one is it the gay one...nobody tell me)
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randomalistic · 10 months
MMMMM i just watched corpse bride and frankenweenie back to back . (Corpse bride was better .) their main characters are literally the same guy and they’re and both named victor LMAOO
In frankenweenie I’m a little disappointed that they did a fakeout death for sparky instead of having the Actually impactful message of “sometimes things are only here for a little bit, and then they’re gone” that THEY WERE SETTING UP BY THE WAY. THEY LITERALLY SAID THAT LINE. But OKAY I GUESS. !!!!!!!☹️ THEY HAD TO GIVE IT A HAPPY DISNEY ENDING !!!! But Yeah Duh it still made me cry because I thought it was gonna be more impactful than it actually was LOL and then at the last minute they’re like SIKE THE DOG IS GONNA LIVE FOREVER. Whatever. it was still cute. But like… missed potential man…. Just let the dog rest he’s literally falling apart the poor thang.
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Worst part of the movie /LH they made the dogs kiss at the end. I’m so mad at this children’s movie for being light hearted and happy how could they (but also. What if they made it better. Kids movies can be deep and impactful. You know. Ok I’m done hating on the ending I swear ok haha. ……. )
OK FINEEE but I still enjoyed it, the science teacher Mr. Rzykruski was Actually the best part and I loved him so much. He was SO PASSIONATE about teaching his students, he just had a very Intense way of expressing it. But he is such a good person and a truly great teacher . I’m SO fucking mad at the town for getting him fired. THE TOWN LITERALLY DOES NOT DESERVE HIM. Maybe he’s the one that was only here for a little while and then he was gone …. The part where he spoke to Victor about how his experiments must be made with love and passion before he left . that was honestly the most genuine part of the whole film. I’m so glad they were able to depict that..
But erm yeah the ending was a bunch of weird frankencreatures the other Bitch Ass Kids made and they all fought and it was a little bit of a forced Kids Movie Climax but that’s ok. It’s ok. I swear I enjoyed this movie. I’m complaining because I care about it.
Corpse bride surprised me a lot, I was expecting it to be gloomy the whole time BUT NO THATS ONLY THE LAND OF THE LIVING. THE LAND OF THE DEAD WAS SO FUCKING FUN I LOVE HOW VIBRANT AND SILLY AND GHOULISH IT WAS I LOVED THE SKELETONS I LOVED THE WITCHES IT WAS ALL SO SILLY!!!!!! incredible. Emily looks so ethereal when her gown flies through the wind those shots of her were like genuinely breathtaking. AND THIS WAS MADE 18 YEARS AGO! Ugh this movie is so good.
How could I not mention the music until now what is wrong with me the main melody is so beautiful and ITS GOOD ITS GOOD OK ITS GREAT. GREAT MUSIC
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The character designs for everyone in the living realm are Fucking Insane in the best way possible. You just have to watch it okay please trust me.
They stretched out the pastor’s features as much as they could get away with . I don’t think he could get any longer and pointier
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Anyways yeah great characters Amazing visuals and colors what the HELL!!!??. ALSO THE SKELEONS. The skeletons are the best skeletons I’ve ever seen maybe. these are Top Tier Goofy Skeletons. If you want something silly and fun and spooky watch this movie NOW!!!!!!!!????
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Oh also The main villain was a little weak and I saw the foreshadowing coming from a mile away lmao but That’s Ok I think movies are allowed to have a silly goofy evil villain with 0 motives sometimes 💙 like why did he even show up to the wedding at the start . How was he planning all this. Am I stupid
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Anyways they LET HER BE SO AWESOME. IM SO GLAD THEY LET HER BE AWESOME BECAUSE THIS WAS 2005 AND THEY EASILY COULD HAVE MADE HER WEAK BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! I really liked Victoria as well I love how much she didn’t give a fuck about her abusive ass family. Yeah!!!! break out!!! Play the piano!! BE AS IMPROPER AND SCANDALOUS AS YOU CAN!!!! and Victor is a little pathetic at first. but in an endearing way. Awesome movie it’s actually a must watch imo .
Anyways yeah 🥹I enjoyed both movies and I think it’s very cute how frankenweenie was inspired by corpse bride so much . (This movie also had a dead skeleton dog lol) But yeah corpse bride is better Sorry💙 I might also rewatch nightmare before christmush. But closer to christmas .. ehee…
Also don’t even get me started on paranorman I think I maybe already talked about it since I saw it earlier this year but. Holy shitttttt……… please watch that too it’s genuinely fantastic and it doesn’t hold back. It WILL surprise you. and make you cry. I NEED MORE MOVIES THAT WILL SURPRISE ME. GOD PLEASE!!!!! I NEED IT!!!!!!!!
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Part Eleven: You can bet I don't regret it for a second, it's a pleasure, it's a reckoning
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TW language, sexual content
"I miss you," Eddie sighs on the phone.
It's four days after the full moon and we haven't had a chance to see each other since. Despite being ridiculously busy the last few days had dragged with the lack of his presence.
"I miss you too," I say and feel myself blush and I seem to gasp a little.
"I can hear your heart race over the phone," he breathes softly.
"That's embarrassing," I try to laugh but it catches in my throat and my heart hammers against my chest harder.
"I like it," I hear him inhale sharply. "I wish I could kiss you."
I'm caught off guard by this and the blood rushes to my face. The thought of his mouth on mine is an image I haven't been able to get out of my head for what feels like a very long time.
"Did you do that just to hear my heart go mad?"
"Not the only reason," he chuckles but it's breathy and deep.
I hear him swallow.
"I'm looking forward to it, I won't lie," I admit, the flush from my skin is not going as my mind runs with the thought of his mouth.
"I like hearing what the thought of kissing me does to you," he purrs into my ear. "I bet you taste fantastic,"
"Eddie," I almost whimper, I cringe at how pathetic I sound.
"I'm sorry," he clears his throat and I hear him change position. "I got a bit carried away there." he tries to laugh but it sounds strangled.
"Don't be sorry," my voice is a little too urgent and it's time for a laugh to get stuck in my throat.
I realise I am clamping my thighs shut and trying to relax.
"It's just, you drive me crazy."
"I don't think having phone sex will fix our attraction."
"That's actually an incredibly valid point, I don't think I can hear you cum and then just kiss your forehead the next time I see you."
"You shut your beautiful mouth, I can't take you saying things like that to me!" I shout at him.
It's briefly silent, we laugh at the same time, then it's silent again.
"I should let you sleep," he finally says.
"Wait, Stella said she wants to meet you properly."
"Oh no,"
"Oh no?"
"I've seen you two together, if she doesn't like me you'll never see me again."
"She is my family," I pause "her opinion is everything... 'Oh no' might be right."
"Scary, but yes, when can we all go out?"
"Tomorrow night?"
"I get to see you tomorrow?" his voice is so excited I can't help but grin like a damn clown.
"If you say yes"
"Yes! Let me know the details, food and cocktails on me."
"She'll be happy with that."
"I will let you get to sleep now though,"
"I'll see you tomorrow, good night"
"I like the sound of that, I'll see you tomorrow, sleep well, love."
He hangs up and I immediately call Stella.
"He says yes for tomorrow," I tell her before she even says anything.
"Yes! Such a green flag. Love that." I hear her inhale.
"Are you at work?"
"I've got ten minutes left of my shift so I'm hiding out back chain-smoking."
"I thought you were vaping?"
Stella goes through phases where she swears she's giving up smoking and weaning off a vape but that usually lasts longer than this time.
"I was, but then some arsehole decided to grab my tit and verbally abuse me because I'm a server and that's what we're here for obviously."
"What a cunt, are they still there? Bring me something of theirs and I'll hex them."
"I love you, you crazy witch." She laughs but I can hear she's tired.
"Come over to mine after work, let's have a sleepover."
"You have the shop in the morning."
"Fuck it, I'm out of all my full moon stuff and that's what they want."
"You're out already?"
"Yeah, word got around about my super-powered crystals and moon water,"
"Isn't it usually top-notch anyway?"
"Yeah, but it's extra potent this month."
"What did you do differently?"
"Eddie went with me." I find myself whispering.
"Holy shit, right, I'm going back in to close up but I'll be at yours in half an hour. Have you eaten?"
"Not dinner."
"I'll grab us some pizza, I love you, and can't wait to squeeze you."
She hangs up on me before I can say it back but I know I don't need to. I busy myself rolling joints and making cocktails and setting up a Seth Rogen film. I light my candles, dim the lights and throw all my blankets on my comfy sofa. It's a zen haven.
Stella lets herself in, greets Chance and flops onto her side of the sofa.
"Fucking hate men to be honest, if this metal guy doesn't work out, can we get married?"
"We've already got that pact made babe," I say, handing her a long island iced tea and a joint simultaneously.
"I'm just sick of getting groped at my night job and not being taken seriously during the day."
She sighs deeply and drapes herself over me dramatically. I stroke her dark curls, up in their usual topknot and she settles on to me.
"You know if you want to come work with me, I wouldn't mind."
"Thank you for the offer, again, but I need to stick this out until I finish my two years at the dumb desk job."
"Well, the offer is always there."
She sits up suddenly, eyes bright.
"So being with Dreamy has made your witch vibes go mad?"
"Our connection has given my magick a huge kick in the bum."
"That's fucking cool,"
"I think we nearly just had phone sex." I blurt, covering my face with my glass as I feel myself blush.
"No fucking way, you little phone slut." Stella cackles.
"It didn't happen, but he said things that got me excited for... anything." I sigh.
"So what have youse two actually, y'know, done?"
"We held hands, hugged, and he kissed my head." I shrug.
"He's kissed your head but you two haven't fucked? Are you two in Pride and Prejudice?"
"It's complicated."
"Well, I'll let you know whether to worry tomorrow.
She leans back and finishes her drink, shaking the empty glass, ice cubes clinking.
"Can you make them with the..." She motions her fingers in a way that actually perfectly mimics how I do it.
I flick my wrist and fingers and the glasses whizz off to the kitchen on their own. Stella squeals and claps her hands at me.
"Even after all these years that still thrills me."
"But it used to be sneaking snacks from the kitchen, not making cocktails."
The glasses come back, full to the brim. I take them both from the air and pass one to Stella. She takes a deep drink of it and moans appreciatively.
"Mmm, that's incredible, maybe the supercharge has amped up the cocktail skills too. If it's his treat, do we have to be thrifty or can we try that new bougie-themed place in town?"
"Oh, we definitely don't need to be thrifty." The drink and a half have loosened me up a little.
"What was that inflexion?"
"Oh darling, he's loaded."
"What kinda loaded?"
"Like pulled up to pick me up in a half-a-million-pound car." I find myself saying, my tongue is always looser with a drink and especially around Stella.
She proceeds to do a spit take with a mouthful of drink, a natural spit take is rare and I appreciate it for a moment.
"Fuck, girl, I see you." 
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thehaemanthus · 1 year
July Reading
I was on vacation, then I got sick, then Life, so reading this month is slower. With one exception.
I re-read books of the Alice Worth series and the Jacky Leon series, which I've talked about before. I think both are classified as urban fantasy. Alice Worth series is probably written better, but Jacky Leon holds a very special place in my heart.
Alice Worth is a MPI (Mage Private Investigator) who solves mysteries with her ghost sidekick. There's werewolves, vampires, witches, other mages, and all sorts of nasties. The series is more or less about Alice dealing with her deeply traumatic past to find love and family. The themes and lessons can hit you over the head at times with how obvious they are, but it's a fun series.
Jacky Leon is a loner werecat who gets pulled into Situations involving werewolves (enemies to the werecats), fae (technically allies but...), vampires (eh, just there for Jacky), and more. Like many a protagonist, she is also dealing with some trauma in her past and learning how to be a part of her new world and new family while also building a family of her own. I adore this series for interactions with a cute kid, Big Family Drama, and interesting politics.
Also re-read Dark Age (enjoyed it more this time, forgot about Ephraim and his broom and had to put the book down to laugh, the violence was softened because I knew what to expect but BOY) in preparation for...
Light Bringer
No spoilers
I mean. Holy shit. Pierce Brown had me in a stranglehold with the first three books of Red Rising. I was demoralized and honestly wondering, do I still love the series as much after Dark Age? After all of those awful things? Are these books just too heavy for me, has my brain been poisoned by fun romances? Light Bringer answered that question.
It's a tighter book, with less POV characters all over the place. Events are easier to follow, but that doesn't mean they are any less clever, jaw dropping, or exhilarating.
Both Iron Gold and Dark Age exhausted me while reading, like the characters themselves must have been exhausted. Light Bringer brought me back up. Hope, perseverance, love, and change are big in this book.
Brown mentioned something a while back about getting back to Darrow, remembering that he's the protagonist or something along those lines. You really feel that with Light Bringer. The other POVs are there and they serve a purpose, but I really felt the beauty of Darrow's story. The POVs also sort of...center Darrow? He feels more present throughout the book. Virginia's POV was kind of just...there? In a good way, I love all the content we get from her, but it wasn't the neatest part of the book I think. I didn't mind it while reading though.
Darrow goes on a genuine journey after such a huge loss in Dark Age. And when you reach the end, you sort of understand why the next book is called Red God. Darrow isn't a god or anything-- he doesn't feel or act that way. If anything, he has become humbled. But with the way he moves through the world and what he'll bring to his enemies and allies, it's easy to understand how the world could view him as a god.
And Lysander au Lune broke my heart but I already wrote about that
(minor spoilers)
Light Bringer was also really fucking funny. Interactions between Cassius and Darrow made me grin and cry. The play between Cassius, Darrow, and Sevro was so nostalgic, I felt that in my gut. Lyria is also hysterical and, as always, a perfect sweetheart. And her traveling companions know it too :)
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nazuri · 1 year
So other day i saw something about movie Stardust based on Neil Gaiman book of the same title i don't even know what the post was about but it intrigued me and I decided to watch it today
And holy shit is that movie good
I love the plot it's so fun i love that we don't play into misunderstandings and things like that i just love it i never was good at describing a plot and i for sure am not going to be better at it so...
Tristan - fucking love him he's stupid in love like man that girl wasn't worth it and he still went for it just to later come back and basically say "here is a piece of star for you now see ya i found someone better and you kinda a bitch" and i fuckin respect it especially when he dropped her after she went in for a kiss and i love the banter he had with other characters
Yvaine - gorgeous witty love how over it she was at the beginning and she still fell for that stupid little man i love her character and how she just seems like that distant light for some time and then how she just pours her heart out when Tristan's turned into a mouse because she thinks he doesn't understand and then the absolute panic and cringe she feels when it turned out he understood all of it absolutely perfect
Dunstan and Una (dad and mom) - he just went over the wall one day visited the market had sex with a princess turned witch's slave and just went home and 9 month later he just gets a package with a son in it and just says nothing and accepts the situation absolute champ
Captain Shakespeare - icon reputation obsessed guy who just wants to dress up and have fun he thinks he's fooling his crew into thinking he's this ruthless killer without remorse and fails miserably because they still know but don't say anything so he doesn't get embarrassed 10/10 give me more
The princes - absolute mess like imagine being one of 7 brothers fighting for the throne and when you die you are just forced to look how others are doing till the next king gets crowned especially when they are the ones to kill you especially love how they're not like holding grudges and just have fun commenting like they are at some fucking golf game love them they are so stupid
Witches - i enjoyed how unhinged they could be sometimes i always laughed with them especially loved the getcha moment at the end when she pretended to be all "my sister's are dead nothing matters anymore" and then just went "sike you thought" they were fun that's for sure
I loved the humor the banter the visuals were pretty her hair shining was such a nice effect i loved the little training montage at the ship
Oh my god i almost forgot about the best character
The old guy at the wall
My god i love this guy
First he just sits by the all for like 80 years or so and this random kid outsmarts him by pretending to go away just to wait for our guy to turn and sprints for the wall and what does our old man do after that defeat he learns and when the kid of that kid tries to do the same and i mean exactly the same my guy pretends to fall for it and just beats the crap out of the kid and when at the end he sees all the magic shit and murder and stuff happening over the wall he just says "i quit" absolute legend
So that more or less my feelings about this movie i loved it it was great i definitely recommend
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