#because i have a geology final to study for
99probalos · 1 year
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nihiltism · 10 months
whiteknuckling the counter chanting to myself Cs Get Degrees Cs Get Degrees Cs Get Degrees
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Did you Know
Mammal bias isn't the only one when it comes to researching nature and deep time?
There are more!
There is also time bias! As I have discussed with @quark-nova, Essentially, because the more recent something is the easier it is to learn about - more remains of things, more details from the rocks, etc. - we also have ridiculous amounts of bias towards more recent times. This is clearest when it comes to the traditional geologic time scale - the further back you go, the longer time periods are, and nothing is divided particularly evenly. I would even say the "anthropocene" is the biggest offender in this - if we zoomed out from today to a hundred million years ago, all of the extinctions and chaos of the past 2.5 million years would get lumped together into one big mass extinction, not separated out into nitty gritty and frankly narcissistic time slices.
Then there is geographical bias! You'd think people studying the whole biosphere wouldn't have this, but we do! Thanks to *colonialism!* The geologies of North America and Europe are significantly better studied than the rest of the world, which is fighting hard to catch up. This even extends to our knowledge of modern life, with many new species still being discovered in "the global south" (I personally prefer the term Gondwana, but what can you do). And we have no one to blame for that but ourselves.
And another one is land bias! Because we are land organisms, we tend to think about land ecosystems more than oceanic ones - in fact, the ocean only really gets enough time on it in the early stages of life, everything before the Silurian, because there isn't a land ecosystem to focus on more! But the oceans are just as influential in our past - honestly, moreso - than land ecosystems, even today - think about how much El Niño affects us all! But how many people know about the end cretaceous extinction, and not the mesozoic marine revolution? How many people know that reefs at the end Cretaceous were just, made by bivalves for some reason? The list goes on.
Then there's the one most people know about already - megafaunal and charismatic bias! This often goes hand in hand with mammal bias, but essentially, because we ourselves are megafauna - I know we specifically define megafauna to exclude humans, but how the hell is that logical - we operate on a big scale, at any rate - we tend to favor megafauna in our knowledge of the past and our understanding of life. And, if its not megafauna, it at least has to be charismatic - cute, extra weird maybe, or familiar. This affects modern research so much, especially conservation and research funding - not just paleo, but also neontological work. Charismatic Megafauna get everything, and everyone else gets scraps.
This is just the tip of the iceberg! All scientists bring in bias - that's why we need as many scientists as possible, so we have as many perspectives as possible to come up with the most parsimonious and universal view of nature - but some biases are fairly universal for humans and need to be murdered in our heads by all of us. Why did Wingspan and Holotype both start with North America when the best birds are in South America and the best fossil dinosaurs are in Asia? The list is infinite.
The biases we have because of the way history has played out, the way preservation works, and because of what kind of organisms we are as humans, are ones we all have to work to disassemble and deconstruct in our brains. The more we do so, the more we can look at the big picture, understand our entire biosphere, and work together to protect it.
Plus, imagine how much cool stuff we'll learn about when we finally take the time to do so.
We have nothing to lose but our chains.
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leoslosttoolbelt · 1 year
What I think the demigods would major as and why
these are personal head canons dont take them too seriously :)
Percy: Education. I know that we usually hc as a Marin biology kinda guy but I genuinely think that he wouldn't be too fond of the workload but instead want to work towards being a teacher and being the kind of teacher he needed as a kid, y'know? Alternatively, I can see him being into something like baking and pastry art to take over Sally's shop.
Annabeth: Architecture. I really don't think I need to explain this one to y'all but yeah she's an architecture girly. But if we want to branch out I can also see her studying law and working in the area of Child Protection.
Leo: Astrophysics. I have this head canon of him panicking because of the sheer amount of choices that he's presented with and choosing the first one of the alphabetical list. Lucky for him, he's insanely good at it AND it'll pay well in the future. He minors in mechanical engineering and realises that although he has all the practical knowledge because of his father, his theoretical knowledge isn't as strong lol.
Piper: Food Science. I'm trying to be unique here because yeah, she could do environmental studies but I also think it would be super cool to see her learning about food and developing new vegetarian versions of food because it's something she's visibly passionate about in the books.
Nico: I can see him getting a history / philosophy related degree for his bachelors just for him to get a  doctor of philosophy (Ph. D.) in mythology or folklore. His hyperfixation runs deep and he sure as hell is going to fuel it as much as he can.
Jason: Doesn't go to college!! Is severely burnt out <3. No but like idk man I think he'd legitimately want to take it chill if that makes sense? Maybe he'd do a business major just so that he can get a job somewhere but I can't think of somewhere he'd fit in nicely. Jason does have a lot of part time jobs though!!
Frank: Nurse! Nursing school! Despite being the son of Mars I can see him being in the medical field because he wants to help people in need. It's a long journey with lots of ups and downs but finally getting his degree makes it all worth it.
Hazel: Geology because rocks. And also women in STEM!! This one directly correlates to her powers in the books as well as both of her parents! On the other hand, I can see definitely see Hazel studying in the field of archeology with the goal of being an archeologist and then eventually a museum curator :)
Reyna: Psychology!! Listen, I know this seems out of the blue but Reyna gives me the right vibes. Everyone is skeptical at first because they don't think she'd fit the mold of a clinical psychologist but that's okay because Reyna wants to further herself in research! She studies Neuropsychology and becomes a prominent researcher in her field! Please tell me you see the vision.
Will: From what I can see in the books, Emergency Medical Services degree seems like the right field for him. He's already basically a paramedic at Camp Half Blood so he knows it's naturally the right step for him. On the other hand, for something a little different - he seems like the kind of guy who might be interested in studying cinematography or art history maybe.
Travis: He studies Economics because he's so fucking convinced that he can become the next Elon Musk if he studies this. Alternatively, he studies music because he wants to travel the world and like sing with the wind and all that shit.
Connor: he's a communications major because he's a really popular youtube and technically doesn't really need to go to college but oh well he can study communications.
Drew: She goes to cosmetology school as the first step to start her own makeup and skincare empire. She's super nice to all of her clients and helps out all of the other students when they're having trouble with something! I will not tolerate any Drew slander let my girl breathe.
Pollux: Chemical Engineering. He got influenced by watching breaking bad and somehow landed himself a degree in chemical engineering. He doesn't know how he survived that degree but it doesn't matter because he decides to not give a fuck and open a coffee shop that becomes really popular because all the drinks are to die for.
Thalia: I don't really know the right terminology but she has an art related degree / tattoo apprentice so that she can work as a tattoo artist!! It fits with the thalis vision and also she is the eldest daughter who loses it lowkey so she doesn't follow your usual education route. Tattoo artist Thalia for the win!!
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olympic-paris · 10 days
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
September 14
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1306 – France: Philip IV orders the arrest of two Knights Templar because they exchanged an obscene "kiss" that pretty much covered their entire bodies.
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1769 – Alexander von Humboldt, German naturalist and explorer, born. (d.1859); The younger brother of the Prussian minister, Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835), Alexander von Humboldt's work on botanical geography is considered foundational to the fields of biogeography, physical geography and meteorology. He is a prime example of a Renaissance man of the sciences, studying in astronomy, vulcanology, and geology. Thomas Jefferson called him, The most important scientist I ever met. 19th century Freethinker, Robert G. Ingersoll said, "He was to science what Shakespeare was to the drama."
In the 19th Century, Alexander von Humboldt was one of the most famous men in Europe and is remembered for not only his own scientific achievement, but for his nurturing and mentoring of young, up-and-coming scientists. The American painter Rembrandt Peale painted him, between 1808 and 1810, as one of the most prominent figures in Europe at the time.
Between 1799 and 1804, Humboldt traveled extensively in Latin America, exploring and describing it for the first time in a manner generally considered to be a modern scientific point of view. His description of the journey was written up and published in an enormous set of volumes over 21 years. He was one of the first to propose that the lands bordering the Atlantic Ocean were once joined (South America and Africa in particular). His five-volume work, Kosmos (1845), attempted to unify the various branches of scientific knowledge. In Voyage of the Beagle, where Darwin describes his own scientific exploration of the Americas, Darwin says "He was the greatest traveling scientist who ever lived. I have always admired him; now I worship him."
Much of Humboldt's private life remains a mystery because he destroyed his private letters. In 1908 the sexual researcher Paul Näcke, who worked with outspoken gay activist Magnus Hirschfeld, gathered reminiscences of him from people who recalled his participation in the homosexual subculture of Berlin. A travelling companion, the pious Francisco José de Caldas, accused him of frequenting houses where 'impure love reigned', of making friends with 'obscene dissolute youths', and giving vent to 'shameful passions of his heart'.
On the question of homosexuality, author Robert F. Aldrich concludes, "As for so many men of his age, a definite answer is impossible." But throughout his life Humboldt formed strong emotional attachments to men. In a letter to Reinhard von Haeften, a soldier, he wrote: "I know that I live only through you, my good precious Reinhard, and that I can only be happy in your presence."
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1954 – Michael Patrick King is an openly gay, Emmy winning director, writer and producer for television shows. He started out doing stand-up and sketch comedy comedy but eventually moved into writing for television.
His most famous work has been for Sex and the City where he wrote all the season finales and premieres since the second season. King has also recently directed the show's film adaptation.
He has also written for another HBO show, Lisa Kudrow's post-Friends project The Comeback, and as well as for broadcast shows Will & Grace, Cybill, and Murphy Brown. He owns Arcade Productions.
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1954 – David Wojnarowicz (d.1992) was a gay painter, photographer, writer, filmmaker, performance artist, and activist who was prominent in the New York City art world of the 1980s. The first American gay artist to respond to the AIDS crisis with anger and moral outrage, he used his art as a polemical tool with which to indict those he held responsible for the AIDS epidemic and to document his own suffering.
Wojnarowicz had no extensive formal training. Born in Red Bank, New Jersey into a severely dysfunctional family in 1954, he dropped out of high school soon after acknowledging his homosexuality as an adolescent. He was a street kid in New York City at the age of sixteen, turning tricks in Times Square and keeping company with hustlers and other outsiders.
Wojnarowicz found salvation in making art and writing. Yet the rawness of his life experiences would always be the stuff of a highly personal and confrontational art.
As a young man, Wojnarowicz hitchhiked across the United States and lived in San Francisco and Paris for several months. In 1978, he settled in New York. By the early 1980s he had become, like graffiti artists Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring, a vital fixture in the East Village art scene in lower Manhattan.
Wojnarowicz came to maturity as a contemporary artist and writer during a decade when the arts sought increasingly to address issues of gender, race, and ethnicity. A younger postmodern generation of artists gave expression to these concerns in non-traditional media and often worked in multimedia. For example, Wojnarowicz expressed himself in film, installation art, sculpture, photography, performance art, painting, collage, drawing, and writing. Indeed, he became as fine a writer as he was a visual artist.
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Before being diagnosed HIV-positive in 1987, Wojnarowicz tracked in his confessional art a life that vacillated between sensual abandon and despair, bringing into focus a dark vision of existence that drew upon the examples of Arthur Rimbaud and Jean Genet.
With the onset of his disease, Wojnarowicz turned fiercely political. The tragedy and injustices of the AIDS epidemic within the gay community became the central subject in his art and writings. He took to task the medical community and the federal government for their indifference to the pressing health issues of gay men. He passionately protested the fact that, as he put it, so many people were dying 'slow and vicious and unnecessary deaths because fags and dykes and junkies are expendable in this country'.
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Wojnarowicz was the first American gay artist to step forward in anger and give expression to his moral outrage. His 'post-diagnostic art', as he called it, indicted all those he held responsible for the social and private horrors of those dying from AIDS, including himself. Toward the end of his life, his defiant art was a polemical and poignant record of his cruel demise.
Wojnarowicz died of AIDS on July 22, 1992.
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1957 – Steven Jay Russell is a U.S. con artist known for escaping from prison multiple times. A film about his life and crimes was produced in 2009, named I Love You Phillip Morris. In 2011, his crimes were featured on the TV show I Almost Got Away with It in the episode "Got a Boyfriend to Support.". He is known to be the only con artist in the world serving a life sentence (since he is sentenced to 140 years). A documentary about his crimes was aired on TV in 2005 On The Run episode "King of Cons" on Discovery Channel.
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Russell's life of crime started in the early 1990s when he was fired from his job as an executive of a food service company after his employers found out he was gay. He was later arrested for fraud for faking a slip-and-fall accident, and was sentenced to six months in prison. After serving four weeks in jail, Russell escaped by using a spare set of civilian clothes and a walkie talkie to impersonate a guard. He later went to take care of his boyfriend Jimmy Cambell who was dying of AIDS; Cambell died three weeks after Russell was re-arrested and sent back to Harris County jail.
In prison Russell met Phillip Morris, whom he quickly fell in love with. The two were later released from prison, and wanting to give Morris a glamorous lifestyle, Russell managed to get a job as the chief financial officer of the North American Medical Management Company (NAMM). He then started embezzling funds, stealing $800,000 before the activity was detected and Russell and Morris were arrested.
Sent back to the Harris County jail, Russell, considered a flight risk, had his bail set at $950,000, but later made his next escape by calling the Harris County Records Office, pretending to be a judge, and lowering his bail from $950,000 to $45,000 before posting the reduced bail. He was arrested in a hotel room in West Palm Beach, Florida one week after his second escape.
Russell was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the NAMM fraud and was sent back to prison. Russell concocted a new escape after he began collecting green highlighter markers and a spare prison uniform and used his cell toilet to dye the uniform green to look like doctor's scrubs. He then walked out of the front door. After tracking down Morris, he convinced him to run with him and the two fled to Biloxi, Mississippi, making money in casinos, where Russell was later identified and arrested by a U.S Marshal. Morris was also quickly found and arrested.
He was sent back to a maximum security prison in Texas to serve an additional 45-year sentence. From here, Russell made his most inventive escape ever; he used acting and laxatives to fake the symptoms of AIDS, and a prison typewriter to fake his medical records to show him as HIV positive, being granted a special-needs parole to a nursing home to die. He then called the prison and parole board, posing as a doctor and AIDS specialist, asking for prisoners interested in an experimental treatment, and volunteered. Once out of Texas, he then sent death certificates to the prison and parole board stating he had died.
U.S. Marshals later tracked Russell down in Florida where they arrested him once more. Russell was then sentenced to a total of 140 years in prison (119 for the escapes and subsequent scams).
His release date from prison is July 12, 2140.
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1978 – Heterosexual Ben Cohen, MBE is an activist and former England rugby union international player. He began his professional career with Northampton Saints in 1996; in 2007 he moved to France to represent Brive before returning to England two years later to join Sale Sharks. In May 2011, Cohen retired from professional rugby, and will focus on The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation he created to combat homophobia and bullying.
In November 2000, Cohen's father Peter Cohen, brother of English World Cup winning football player George Cohen, was fatally injured while protecting an attack victim at the Eternity nightclub in Northampton which Peter Cohen managed. He died a month later from head injuries sustained in the assault. Three men were found guilty of violent conduct.
Cohen wass married to Abbie Cohen (Blayney), with twin children. The couple have been estranged since 2014, and divorced in March 2016. In January 2016 it was announced, his former Strictly Come Dancing dance partner and now girlfriend, Kristina Rihanoff, will be expecting their first child together.
He is clinically deaf, with about 30 to 33 percent hearing loss in each ear, and has been involved in efforts to make rugby more accessible to the hard of hearing, especially younger deaf players.
In 2011, Cohen founded The Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation, Inc., which is, according to its website, "the world's first foundation dedicated to raising awareness of the long-term, damaging effects of bullying, and funding those doing real-world work to stop it".
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Off the field he is considered a gay icon, and often speaks favourably of his gay following. He ousted David Beckham as Gay Times' sports personality of the year in 2008, and came second as their sexiest man of the year. Among other Ben Cohen merchandise, he has released calendars since 2009 in which he is often shirtless. Ben appeared on the cover of Attitude's October 2009 issue.
In 2010, Cohen donated a signed jockstrap to support GMFA, a British charity addressing gay men's health issues, which was sold at auction at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern. He also featured on the front cover and in an interview section of GMFA's printed FS Magazine in November 2010.
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2000 – Five police officers raid Pussy Palace, a women's bathhouse event in Toronto. No charges were laid against customers, although police recorded the names of ten women, and two organizers, Rachael Aitcheson and J.P. Hornick, were charged under the bawdyhouse law. Subsequent protest action characterizes the event as essentially little more than a panty raid; and a march on the offices of the Toronto Police Services' 52 Division on October 28 featured protestors waving underwear in the air.
Police estimate some 125 women and men — swinging their boxers, sober cotton undies, raunchy red lingerie and bustiers — showed up at the Oct 28 Panty Picket protest in front of 52 Division.
"Fuck you 52" was one of the chants — hearkening back to a slogan from the 1981 bathhouse raids, where police destroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars in property and arrested more than 300 gay men in a carefully orchestrated raid of Toronto bathhouses.
The demo protested the hour-and-a-half-long raid on the Pussy Palace — filled with 300 women — by the five male plainclothes police officers on what they call a "routine liquor inspection" and what the women call harassment.
One picket sign read "Sluts can't be shamed," and props included a giant vulva and a clothesline of lacey underthings.
A call and reply went: "What do we want?"
"When do we want it?"
Even the cops laughed — at least 18 of whom lined the entrance to 52 Division during the protest.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
I'm glad that you enjoy daily brainrot as much as I do. :) I look forward to 7:00 pm every day because that's when I start typing things up in your askbox. I even have a designated section of my notes app to make sure I don't forget things before brainrot time rolls around.
Also, the fic that I wrote about Warriors having low blood pressure/low blood sugar has bitten me in the butt because now I'm under official orders to solve the exact same problem with almost exactly the same solution that was proposed in the fic. The Ao3 author's curse has finally gotten to me.
I'm fine, it's just very funny to me that literally a month ago I poked around and made up a fantasy Gatorade recipe that I forced upon the poor guy. To be honest, I wouldn't trust Wild and Sky's first attempt, either. Anyway, since I don't trust my own fantasy Gatorade recipe (look, orange juice and salty water can't taste very good) I'm going to try and get something from the store or at least some flavoring from the store.
Getting on to proper brainrot territory, I've been thinking about the suggestion you gave me about writing Time (that he's just the older version of Mask) and I think I'll be able to swing it if I can just get my paragraphs in order. I have some nice snippets here and there that I've written out, it just needs to be organized and properly lined up.
Related to that, I have been considering the development of STEM in the different eras (the arts can wait for another day). Slightly off-topic, the main reason why there's so much Warriors & Sky & Wild in my Emotional Support Loftwing fics is because I feel that they'd have the most medical knowledge because they're knights. Warriors was a soldier in charge of 2 kids, knights in Skyloft were about as close to first responders as you could get, and Wild was the personal knight/bodyguard to Princess Zelda right around the apocalypse.
The others also have fairly good reasons to know stuff, but I feel like the overlap of knight training and the information available in their eras is significant enough to make a difference. This is a whole thing to me, and I will die on this hill willingly.
But back to the point. I think that Warriors' era was probably the closest to the Renaissance, Age of Enlightenment, or whatever it's called. That period in time when people were learning stuff left and right. The scientific method has been thoroughly established, people are starting to consider technology more, medical knowledge is being expanded to better society, and the war is making all of this happen at an accelerated pace because that's what happens during war. It's a documented phenomenon.
Skyloft, on the other hand, is much smaller and more isolated. They're very self-contained, so I feel like their knowledge is more likely long-term accumulation of information. There are fewer people to study subjects and peer-review things, so I think they've got more advancements in subjects like math and certain types of engineering and architecture. Medicine probably sticks closer to treating injuries from accidents and management of acute and chronic diseases.
Of course, Wild's era is really weird so it's kind of hard to say what all they have exactly, but I feel like most of their STEM stuff leans into technology, engineering, and the natural sciences (biology, geology, etc.) based on what I know of Purah and Flora. I think most medical knowledge or other hyper-specific information would have been salvaged based on the whole apocalypse thing with the Calamity. I also don't know exactly how the Shrine of Resurrection works, but I don't think he'd have forgotten how to do things like math, he just lost his memories. So he'd still have any first aid knowledge he got during his training. And I've seen some cool ideas in fics about the Shrine of Resurrection and the Slate using data for the magic-y stuff, and if that's the case, then maybe the weird blue Shrine juice was just liquid information. Maybe Wild knows a little bit too much about certain topics that Flora is 99% sure weren't part of his training program. (I also think Wild's era has the most information on seizures, but that's because of ✨the vibes✨ and not a specific detail.)
I look forward to 7:00 pm every day because that's when I start typing things up in your askbox <- ALDKDWKKFL I start frantically checking my askbox around 8 😭
The Ao3 author's curse has finally gotten to me <- NOOOOO im so sorry 😔
I have some nice snippets here and there that I've written out, it just needs to be organized and properly lined up <- oooooooh thats good!!
I feel that they'd have the most medical knowledge because they're knights <- YESSSSSSSSSSSS YES YES YES
Warriors' era was probably the closest to the Renaissance, Age of Enlightenment, or whatever it's called <- IM SO WITH YOU ON THIS
They're very self-contained, so I feel like their knowledge is more likely long-term accumulation of information <- I SO AGREE
I feel like most of their STEM stuff leans into technology, engineering, and the natural sciences (biology, geology, etc.) <- yes yes yes yes i love how you broke all this down and the different areas of knowledge you’re so right i agree with you 100%
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rubykgrant · 5 months
Two of my RVB OCs, Poppy and Junonia, are pretty well thought-out, which is why I have finished designs for them, etc... I do have a few other OCs in mind, but they are a little bit more "nebulous". Technically, all these characters started out as different ideas I had while watching through different RVB seasons, thinking about different concepts and how they could be expanded on. Some aspects of these ideas got mixed and matched, until they became their own characters, then I changed them a little MORE, but it started to become something solid. Poppy and Junonia would definitely become part of the main group, but I like having more characters help round-out potential interactions. A few OCs that are still concepts-
-A friend for Doc. He tries to actually get a legit medical degree, and he meets a fellow student. They get along pretty well just by chatting, but slowly discover they have a lot in common (both want to help people in distress, but are very against war). This characters is also younger than the others, 19. With a lot of pressure from parents to succeed, Doc feels a little protective toward them, encouraging them not to push themselves too hard. They actually have more of an interest in botany/geology/nature science, but their parents thought a medical degree was more impressive. O'Malley gives them the motivational speech to finally live their own life, be a little rebellious~ (armor color would be green. I know Tucker, Carolina, and Locus all have green-ish colors, but we need a true greenie in this rainbow. also, connection to the nature theme). Eventually, they kinda stow-away when the group goes back to help with a problem on Chorus, and Doc gets all over-protective about it (arguing like siblings ensues). When the crisis is over, they want to stay to help study specific kinds of minerals and plants on these different worlds, but will keep in touch with Doc (and O'Malley~)
-A rather mysterious character, who can't really help solve the mystery because they have gaps in their memory (so... yeah, a lot of people in this group know how that is). I have a REASON for the mystery/why they have memory loss, but I still need to sort out who the character is in terms of personality (some of who they once were actually turned into Poppy, so I need to build them up as themselves)
-A few people who were technically part of the Feds, but are happy to be involved with rebuilding Chorus for everybody. I like to imagine that Sarge, Wash, and Donut met them back in the day, but after a dangerous mission they were presumed dead, and thus not part of the big finale. They were actually just stuck out there on the planet somewhere (maybe in a weird temple that had traps). I need to define each one a bit more, so they can be their own little people (in a way, I imagine that Sarge had his "new group bonding" with Doyle and Grey, while Locus was trying to force Wash into bonding with him... so, Donut gets some friends too~)
-A character who is Kai's opposite in many ways, but they totally just vibe, and are BFFs (she needs her own buddy, y'know? like, this is somebody who maybe gets along well with the others and helps with certain situations, but is also Kai's ride or die. I think Donut is a very good friend for her, and when he chills a bit, so is Tucker, and Carolina really warms up to her... but somebody special for Kai is something I really want)
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moonjxsung · 6 months
ALSKDKDJF OKAYYY !!! I’m glad it’s not a bother !!! I overthink sometimes alskdkjf
urgh so I am having A WEEK :( I hope it’s okay I rant a bit … alslkskdj
helurf okay so after midterms last week, I’ve been trying to like relax and give myself time to rest but IVE HAD SO MANY ASSIGNMENTS :((( and I’m so tired and burnt out and stressed cause I need to start studying for finals and ahhhhhh alsksjjdjf :(
okay now for some more fun updates!! i had fun at uni yesterday!! we had a super fun soil science lab we got to go into soil pits on the farm our campus has and analyze soil (ph, diagnostic horizons, colour, structure, texture etc) !! It was a lot of fun I’m gonna miss the class and my prof :( (it was my last lab)
another fun thing is its art market week at my uni so time to drop a ton of money on prints, stickers and crocheted animals !!! :D
AND okay so I made it into a special like abroad research kinda program/course in like that’s usually only available to upper years students but somehow I made it in alskkskdjdj . Anyways, we get to go to South Africa from like May 14-June 9 to do research and stuff in the field!!! and like IM SO EXCITED??? So anyways, the 19 students that also made it in (it’s a highly competitive program to get into) we had our second group meet up plus our prof (who taught my favourite class by far last term) yesterday and it was a lot of fun and we got free dinner which was super super yum and I can’t believe I’m actually going ahhhhh
and then I went to a friends house for dinner (yes, dinner again) which was fun we like catch up at least once a month and yeah
Anyways sorry for the truck load of information about my life weh
HOW IS YOUR LIFE STAR!!! I WANNA HEAR ABOUT YOU!! (With whatever ur feeling comfy sharing 💗)
UGH I always forget how close together exam season is WHYYYY ARE UR FINALS ALREADY RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER….. 💔💔 I believe in you angel manifesting all the best for you frfr you’re smart I know you got this 🫶🫶🫶🫶
AHHHH UR UNI LAB SOUNDED SO FUN I love labs where you just get to go outside and do stuff in nature it’s fr so healing 👼 I took a geology course in college where we got to go to this creek near my school and like test the ph balance of the water and it was so much fun being outside instead of cooped up in the lecture hall fr one of the best labs we ever did. AND the art market this week???? RAHHH HAVE SO MUCH FUN we used to have something similar at my uni and I would drop SO much on stickers not even joking my laptop is covered in them still :’)
ALSO OH MY GOD??? TO THE STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM?????? STOP THAT SOUNDS SO FIXKIFNT FUNNNNN IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU WYAHWJDNRJ CONGRATS ON GETTING IN BB ‼️‼️ I didn’t have to do study abroad when I was in college bc covid hit but I can’t wait to hear all about yours and live vicariously thru ur updates AHHHH and it’s coming up so soon !! WOWOWOWOW HAVE THE BEST TIME ILY ILY THATS SO FUN
My day was honestly vvvvv boring but it was productive! I had work and then I had a shit ton of laundry to do but I was tired as fuck and I have cramps bc my period started today so I got coffee first to wake me up and then after cleaning the apartment I caught up on Ateez vlogs and now I’m simultaneously writing and watching Zelda gameplay 👼 I think my emotions are like ten times worse rn because of my period so I’m just taking it easy but I have a huge party to go to this weekend and a lot of my friends are gonna be there so I need to get my shit together and stop being sad bc I don’t want to bring the mood down ☹️ why do I always have a party in the same week I feel like shit LOL the last time I had one my situationship and I got into a huge fight and my sister had to be checking on me like every 5 minutes bc I was borderline crying the whole night it was so embarrassing 😭 (I am so tired of crying over this same girl oh my god)
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Hello again, friends. I definitely abandoned my 100 days of productivity I was doing the last time I posted. I go through bouts where I feel really guilty for killing time on my phone instead of doing homework/being productive like I should be. I do take breaks, but I have a bit of executive dysfunction and will definitely get too attached to certain apps in an unhealthy way, and as a result not study like I need to. So, yeah, that's what happened and I took a break from Tumblr! I had a few months off from classes but I'm back at it for the remainder of the summer with three classes. I finally get to take a geology class after a year of being back in school!
I think I might lean more towards study inspo reblogs/stem stuff because my classes have become very stem heavy and that's what I'm interested in more, now! I'll probably still reblog science-y dark academia stuff though!
also, playing around with a new name to reflect my new aesthetic! Might change again if I'm not feeling it.
Pictured is a Geo Lab assignment I was working on, making a topo map.
I'm excited to be back for now!
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naturepointstheway · 2 years
Beach prompts 17 - cryptid Mistoffelees?
Ooh cryptid Misto--I've always wanted to write about him but always felt nervous to, because I didn't want to mess it up lol (so not writing him=never messing up, according to brain gremlins.) Anyway, here's a quick little thing. Though trust me, there are people WAY better than me at this.Also, finally found an excuse to insert some sneaky little geology in there.
Every now and then, Tugger's humans had this spontaneous wayward thought enter into their heads seemingly from nowhere: take a vacation somewhere, and make the pets come with them. Munkustrap, Tugger, and the odd little black cat that had appeared in their household one day out of nowhere--no one had seen a black stray cat nor recognised him, so the household had taken him in anyway, because what was one more cat?
The humans' wayward idea led, their cats discovered, them to a beach where the wind howled, waves assailed the cliffs, and seaweed covered the black volcanic rocks in a slick layer just waiting for an unwitting ankle to slip on them. Tugger was glad he had his thick mane and fur to keep him cosy walking out on the chilly boulders, as was Munkustrap, and one would have thought Mistoffelees would feel the cold with his less luxurious coat of fur, but it turned out...no, he stayed as warm as ever. Leaning against him when sitting together on the beach, Tugger could swear Mistoffelees’ body was warmer outside than when they were indoors. Well, actually, according to Mistoffelees some rocks were warmer to him than others.
“This rock, Tugger,” Mistoffelees had said one evening, reclining on a dark rock that looked just as cold as any other rock, “It’s warmer than other rocks.”
“Really?” Tugger doubted it, but he joined the other cat anyway, and as he expected, the rock was just as slippery and cold under his paws as any other. “Feels the same to me.”
“Must be a cryptid thing.”
Mistoffelees crossed his paws, eyes staring straight ahead, like he could see something beyond the overcast sky looming low over the grey ocean.
“You can actually feel a difference in the rocks?”
“And you can’t?” Mistoffelees still sounded surprised as he kept studying whatever he saw somewhere over the horizon.
“Nah,” Tugger said, “To most cats a wet, cold rock is just like any other wet, cold rock.”
“You know what this rock is, right?”
“Uh...a rock?”
Mistoffelees rolled his eyes, but a chuckle came from deep in his throat.
“It came from deep in the earth, Tugger.”
“How deep?”
Mistoffelees clawed at the rock’s surface, and for the briefest of moments, Tugger was sure he saw tiny scratches of lava that hissed and steamed with the first few raindrops of the day.
“What...was that?” Tugger stared at where the scratches of lava had been. “You can melt rock?!”
“Not really. I just can...tell what it is, and can feel how warm it is--some of them are much hotter than others. See those cliffs over there?”
Tugger followed Mistoffelees’ gaze over to the tan cliffs with weird round protrusions of rocks sticking out.
“What about them?”
“They’re cold--they didn’t come from deep in the earth. To me they would feel like sitting at the bottom of the dark ocean.” Mistoffelees tapped the rock under him again. “These? Probably from deep under the ocean’s surface--so deep, that rock is molten.”
“Rocks can be molten?”
“Of course,” Mistoffelees said in a tone suggesting that surely everyone knew this. “It’s hot deep inside the earth--even though this is ancient beyond reason, it still has warmth I can detect.” He pawed at the dark surface. “Humans call this pillow lava.”
“I...ah, gotcha,” Tugger nodded, like he definitely got it, and was absolutely not confused in the slightest. “Thanks for explaining.”
Mistoffelees smiled--and Tugger wasn’t sure if he was just indulging him or thought he sincerely understood. Knowing him, probably a mix of both.
“So...about the other night--”
A scream from one of the humans on the beach cut Mistoffelees’ sentence short, both cats turning to see what was going on. Tugger spotted the fervour at once, a human girl screaming as she ran out of the water babbling in panic and pointing at the waves. Mistoffelees stood erect on the rock, ears high and forward, eyes also fixed on the chaos unfolding at the shore. Both watched as the group of humans hurried away from the waves, seeking refuge higher up the beach, as far from the ocean as possible.
“Uh...what just happened?” Tugger wondered aloud, before spotting Mistoffelees’ characteristic grin with too many teeth. “Mistoffelees?”
Mistoffelees crouched down on the rock, like he was about to leap off, whole body quivering with what seemed to be excitement.
“Sharks in the water?” Mistoffelees said, ears twitching and growing bigger and smaller again, a necklace of eyes briefly appearing around his neck before disappearing. “Excellent!”
Tugger knew next to nothing about sharks, but one thing he knew: they scared humans.
“Misto? You sure you want to go in there?”
“Sharks are my friends,” Mistoffelees declared, not even glancing back at Tugger as he leaped down the rocks to the sand. “You can come or stay.”
For a second, Tugger was tempted to just stay here on the rocks, despite the rain starting to intensify, but he knew he couldn’t leave Mistoffelees behind.
“Know what? I’m coming with you,” Tugger called out, now jumping down after Mistoffelees, who stopped halfway down the beach, looking back at him. “I want to meet these friends of yours too.”
Mistoffelees grinned, eyes flashing purple and then amber and back to green rapid-fire.
“I thought you’d want to come along. Now let’s meet these sharks that terrify humans so much.”
Once again, Tugger wasn’t sure quite what cryptid thoughts Mistoffelees was thinking, but he trusted him no matter what.
Of course he’d have sharks as friends...never change, Mistoffelees.
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[ @falsegold ] not going to lie as soon as i saw you had an account on here i wanted to ask things. 6, 11 but specifically the last question, and 35? coming from orre i know even the shittiest criminals have at least some redeeming qualities or neat interests so i may as well shoot my shot and fish for them here
Alright, let me answer these in order, it seems you have selected quite a few.
Question 6: What kind of tasks do your pokémon do to help you in the day-to-day?
The first thing that comes to mind is my dear camerupt. Shes retired from battling and has taken to mothering me every day. She sleeps by my desk while I work, and nudges me when she thinks I aught to take a break from the screens and have a walk. I do tend to get wrapped up in my work. I suppose my legs might have just fallen off by now if I didn't have her. (ha ha) My mightyena refuses to retire in any capacity, and will pick fights with other grunts or pokémon, so I have to take him out to spar pretty often, burn off all that excess energy. Lastly, my golbat has moved to the security department. He stays in the entrance of the hideout, warning of intruders and slowing them with initial battles. I do make sure to visit and spend time with him, he's still my pokémon after all, and I intend to take care of him.
Question 11A: do you battle, coordinate, study, or something else?
I am (still) a leader. Specifically, the leader of Team Magma. In my youth, I thought I would become a professor, and teach geology, but the many crises of humanity shifted my goals.
Question 11B: Why did you decide to do that?
Because I believed that with combined intelligence and coordinated effort, we can change this world for the better. I still believe that, in fact, but I understand now that the consequences of ones actions need to be taken more seriously. Risk margins aren't excusable, things need to be safe, you can't just put people in danger, even if your end goal is altruistic.
Question 11C: Have you ever tried to do one of the other things?
I was a tutor for a short time. I needed to make money while in college, so I started a tutoring service to help fellow students get their grades up. It was not particularly fulfilling, and I doubt any of my students liked me. Not my true calling, to be sure. Sometimes I think about retiring and teaching again, but with my reputation shattered, likely permanently, I can't think of a university that'd even think of hiring me. I'll likely get a small house somewhere in Hoenn, or maybe Alola to avoid people bothering me as I grow old.
Lastly, Question 35: How do you like to spend time with your pokémon?
Most of it is grooming. I take my time brushing out my camerupt's fur and polishing off her facets. She enjoys the attention, certainly, and is having a wonderful retirement being pampered, hmhm. We go on walks, though I can't say where to protect my privacy, though our walks are becoming shorter as time goes on. My age is catching up to me finally, and my joints don't appreciate the abuse. Mightyena has a short tolerance for pampering, and prefers to play. I have this device, a sort of stick with a cup on the end that holds the tennis ball, and I'll use that to give him a good run. All three of them will simply "hang out" with me while I sit atop the hideout and help Owen garden. Really I sit in my outside chair and Owen gardens, but I have had a very busy life, and if I don't want to play in the dirt, I'm not going to. Owen and I chat, and he feeds berries to both of our pokémon. It's actually my favorite way to relax. A cold drink and the ocean breeze, chatting with my son under an umbrella while he tells me so passionately about his garden or the latest additions of his collection. I almost forget about how broken the world is in that moment, it's just... peaceful.
I am unsure of what the scoring system is for this game, but I hope these answers are sufficient. If the points are granted based on length of writing, I believe I may be better at this game than I first thought. Best of luck, all. - Maxie
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hoennsgeologyboy · 2 years
(@theauroraprince) Oh! Hello, there..! Welcome to social media! I see you're going into geology -- is there any particular reason why? I've always struggled to understand how rocks are interesting.. granted, that may be because I can't talk to them as easily as other things.
Thank you for the warm welcome! As for geology, you really aught not to get me started. I could go on without end!
Growing up in Team Magma gives you a certain appreciation for the Earth in general, honestly. Not to mention that geology was the area of study my father was in, so I always heard a lot about it from him growing up. I think it was his passion, in a way, and that rubbed off on me. It was inspiring to listen to him talk about the layers of the Earth and how earthquakes cause new land structures to form, or what causes volcanoes to erupt. I always found myself enraptured when he spoke about geology.
Team Magmas hideout, lets say, is in a rather rocky location as well, so I had plenty to study up close. I'd walk along side my father going to meetings and such, and he'd point to the cave walls, showing me where there were veins of metal or layers of sandstone, and in time, my eyes were attuned to the delicate layering to be found in most, if not all, above ground geo-structures.
I remember how excited I would get when my dad took me on team expeditions to Mt. Chimney. It's a volcano, you know, and volcanoes are the gateway to some of the most exciting structures in geology. You can find onyx and obsidian and pumice and OH the Magma! The lava! Liquid rock! Isn't it fascinating?? Rock can get so hot that it simply turns to liquid!
Oh, I really could go on for days about it. I've already got a few subjects picked out for my final thesis once I get to my college of choice. I may or may not have written a few papers on volcanic rock just for the fun of it! You know, practice makes perfect!
Alright, I shouldn't ramble on too long. I'll call this ask answered for now. Thank you for the question, User theauroraprince!
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perfumedpages · 2 years
September 9th, 2022
Midterms Week Check-In
Exams So Far
Hi everyone! I've got 2 exams down and 2 to go. So far I only know the grade for one of my exams (history) and I made a 78! That's pretty good considering most people failed terribly. The other exam (comp sci), I feel pretty good about. The other two exams are going...well they're going. The exam I'm most worried about is Geology. I have to read the textbook to study because I don't understand the content in class. That means I have to do a ton of reading. The other exam is for American Government and I am going to do some basic review for that.
For the classes that have already had their exams, I have altered my note taking techniques to help me on the next exam. For example, in history I am going to review my notes and rewrite them by hand since I type them in class. In comp sci, I'm going to focus on finishing my assignments early and do all of my homework assignments to 100%.
One of the symptoms of my antidepressants is vivid dreams. This hasn't been a problem before, but in the past week or two I've had really bad nightmares. Last night was basically my breaking point. I had a terribly vivid dream that led to me being very upset when I woke up. I have a psychiatrist appointment today and I think I'll be going to therapy again.
Regarding my physical health, I've finally made it to a 5.5% incline at 3.0 speed for quite a while! I'm going to keep working to gt towards the 12% incline, 3.0 speed, for 30 minutes. I'm so excited!
Right now, I'm sitting in my school's Starbucks. I'm going to head home and drop off some stuff and then go to a career fair with my friend. Once done, I'm going to do my American Government studying. I'm doing good right now. I feel good and I think I'm going to be okay :).
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kaddyssammlung · 1 year
~Part 1 of my journey~
I wrote something yesterday evening...it was just flowing out of me. It is only part 1. Idk if that is triggering or could be. It's just about the begging of my aclohol addiction and how it changed. It's not edited yet also. I don't care right now. It's 4.am. again XD
So I already wrote somewhere that I was twelve when I started stealing some alcohol from my parents. I don't have much memory of it. It's curiosity that got me there. They had “Met” in the fridge and there were bees on it and it reminded me of honey. So I drank it. I liked it. That's moment you already have a problem. Not being disgusted by the burning sensation but actually liking it as a kid. That is weird.
My brother and I were home alone a lot. My parents were self-employed and they also had horses. After spending most of the day working, the had to take care of their horses, while I was at home taking care of myself and my younger brother. He is almost three years younger than me.
Since one was around it was easy to just take something. No would suspect something. I liked just taking a glass and pouring all kinds of things together. Not much but enough to make me feel warm and slightly dizzy. I don't remember how often I did that. When I was around 15 I became anorexic. The drinking stopped because of the calories. Here and there I had something but it was with someone else present like my parents or the celebrate something. In Germany (don't like that word...it's not the right one btw. But that's a different topic...it's Deutschland) you are allowed to have some alcohol when you are 16. Nothing too hard such as Vodka or something like that.
I liked the way it made me feel but I was scared because I knew there were so many calories in all of this.
When I turned 18 something inside of me came online, so the speak. The alcoholic that had been hiding. As soon as you turn 18 you can have anything. I would usually buy a bottle of Rum or Vodka on Thursdays. I was still not finished with Grammar school back then. So I had school on Fridays but I did not care. Being hungover one day was fine. That bottle lasted the whole weekend. Well at least in the begging. I started needing more on the weekends but I kept that shedule. When my final exams came closer I felt more under pressure and started drinking more frequently. I still remember my final English exam. I was so damn hungover. I had to analyze a text about Dollywood. Well Dolly Parton I am very sorry but I did not like that. Anyway. I made it through, got my grades and then what?! I had “the Abitur”. This means you can go to any university you like. But I was not interested in that. I barley remember that summer. All I did was getting drunk. When autumn came I actually did go to university. The city is called Bayreuth. If you are a fan of classical music then you might know this city. I don't think it is known for anything else other than Richard Wanger. Whatever. I studied geology and chemistry. Well not really though. I would drive there sometimes and hand around but not really participate. When I came home I drank a lot. The next day I would drag myself out of bed and drive there again. I went by train. I kept that charade up until February of 2009 or so?! That was half a year after school had ended. I told my parents that I could not study and that I wanted to do an apprenticeship instead. I was allowed and could start right away. The reason being that I started in their store. I've been working there ever since. I did get a bachelor's degree somewhere in between. We have a University of Applied sciences here in this city.
My drinking was kind of okay. I was able to function when it was needed and I crashed horribly whenever I had the time to do so.
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chanakakamal · 1 year
What happened in archaeology during the 20th century? - Part 1
The 20th century marked the fourth phase of the history of archaeology. It was indeed a century of theoretical reforms in archaeology. In other words, the archaeology we know today first emerged in this era.
1. Introduction to Archaeology in the 20th Century
As previously said, archaeology began as a scientific subject at the end of the nineteenth century. It advanced as a scientific field in the twentieth century. So, the practice of archaeology as we know it began in the twentieth century. As previously noted, several theories in archaeology were introduced, evaluated, and practiced beginning in the nineteenth century.
Therefore, unlike in the Renaissance era, archaeology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was about changes in theories. In the view of scholars, the modifications were more significant than the findings.
In other words, prior to the nineteenth century, archaeology was more concerned with "what antiquities we discovered." Then, after the nineteenth century, it was more about "how to find antiquities." Then, after the twentieth century, it was more about "why we find antiquities" and "what we do with found antiquities". As a result of those modifications, the timeline of archaeology in the 20th century can be divided into three sections, such as:
the period before 1960,
the period of New Archaeology after 1960 till 1980,
the period of post-processual archaeology after 1980.
Each of these has unique characteristics and a backstory. Studying them can help you understand the evolution of archaeology throughout history. As a result, you may have a better understanding of what archaeology is. Furthermore, studying this period in archaeology's history will help you understand archaeological thought or archaeological theory.
For clarity and ease of understanding, we'll only skim over these three time spans. Because there are many complex things to simplify, I aim to examine the final two periods mentioned in the preceding list in separate pieces.
So, this article will provide you with some insight about each of these periods. However, after reading this article, you will have a thorough understanding of 20th-century archaeology. Finally, by the conclusion of it, you will have a thorough comprehension of archaeology as well as its history.
What Happened in Archaeology Before 1960?
Prior to 1960, archaeology was an extension of the same archaeology that existed in the nineteenth century. As is clear, beginning in the early nineteenth century, there were modifications and advancements in every subject of study. Archaeology emerged from what was already present. And it evolved with the enormous impact other fields had on it. And this happened to both theories and practices. So, how can we answer the question, "What happened in archaeology before 1960?" Well, to do that, we need to look into several historical events and trends in the world. In addition, we must investigate numerous aspects of archaeology. You may explore all of these events, trends, and characteristics by using the list below:
extensive use of multidisciplinary approach
impact of warfare on archaeology
extensive use of technology
emergence of underwater archaeology
introduction of new chronological dating methods
the discoveries for evidences of oldest human ancestors
We can look into each of these to see how and why they shaped archaeology's history.
1. The Extensive Use of Multidisciplinary Approach in Archaeology
As previously said, by the end of the nineteenth century, not just archaeology but also many other fields of study had evolved into scientific sciences. Also, during that time period, those scientific fields interacted with one another. That is, when one discovery or new idea in one subject broadens the general understanding of something, it benefits other disciplines.
As an example, consider geology and archaeology, which were discussed in the preceding article. Archaeology profited from the introduction of stratification in geology by geologists. Archaeologists used geology's notion of stratification to undertake archaeological studies from then on. In other words, archaeologists approach their research from multiple perspectives. Therefore, it was multi-disciplinary. And this continued and became a thing in every discipline before 1960 in the twentieth century.
In this multidisciplinary approach, archaeologists thought about the theories and methods developed in other disciplines to conduct studies. This increased the accuracy, scientific rigour, and scope of archaeological studies. As an example, we can discuss how chemistry aids in the determination of absolute dates for artefacts. There will be no carbon dates, thermoluminescence dates, or potassium-argon dates if chemistry does not exist. You can now see how the multidisciplinary approach has shaped archaeology.
2. The Impact of Warfare on Archaeology
We humans developed advanced technology as a result of the World Wars. Radar, sonar, and aerial photography were all developed by war engineers and scientists. They also provided new planning, mapping, drawing, recording, and measuring equipment and processes. Most significantly, the war produced some people who knew how to use this new technology, equipment, and tactics.
All of these war products had a significant impact on archaeology, improving its accuracy and broadening its scope. Radar, sonar, and aerial photography all played important roles in archaeological explorations. Techniques and instruments for planning, mapping, and so on improved the accuracy of archaeological explorations and excavations. And the research is led by military experts who are familiar with this technology and tactics. Overall, all of these contributed to the advancement and globalisation of archaeology.
3. The Extensive Use of Technology in Archaeology
In the twentieth century, archaeologists began to use technology. As previously said, warfare played a significant role in this. In this regard, archaeology had evolved into a field that required more technological applications. We were no longer studying antiquities in this field. It had evolved into a discipline that studies challenging themes like human evolution. As a result, modern technologies had a chance to get a place in archaeology.
Accordingly, the widespread use of technology has resulted in advancements in certain areas of archaeology, such as data collection and analysis. Archaeologists carried out archaeological explorations using aerial photography. As a result, they were able to easily discover archaeological sites. They were able to recognise gigantic structures and patterns on the ground that they had previously overlooked.
Furthermore, electricity had a significant impact on archaeology. It increased the effectiveness and efficiency of archaeological exploration. Therefore, archaeologists were able to locate materials hidden in the earth without having to do excavations. As a result, archaeologists could decrease the destruction that generally occurs during excavations. Archaeologists could also take advantage of the saved time and energy.
4. Emergence of Underwater Archaeology
As you may be aware, colonisation surged during the Renaissance and the centuries that followed. And all colonialists in Africa, South Asia, and Latin America returned to their home nations with rare raw materials, antiques, and irreplaceable artefacts. Hundreds of those shipments, as you may have heard, perished on the sea over the decades. Exploring shipwrecks and searching for lost treasures thus became an exciting line of labour beginning in the Renaissance period. Further, adventurous individuals wanted to explore the legendary underwater cities. The adventure of uncovering treasures at sea evolved into a field containing all of these objectives and practices. This pushed archaeologists to be more adventurous. As a result, maritime archaeology evolved prior to 1960 in the twentieth century, enabling access to systematic and scientific underwater explorations.
5. Introduction of New Chronological Dating Methods
As previously stated, the advancement of natural sciences such as chemistry had a significant impact on the advancement of dating methods in archaeology. As a result, scientists developed new chronological dating methods such as dendrochronology, C14 dating, potassium-argon dating, thermoluminescence dating, and so on. As a result, archaeologists began to have more precise absolute dates for their findings. Furthermore, they began to receive dates for antiques for which they had never previously received exact dates. Willard Libby's discovery of the carbon-14 molecule during this time period was a crucial turning point in archaeological dating methodologies. With better and more exact dates, archaeologists could interpret their discoveries like never before.
6. Discovery of the Evidence for the Oldest Human Ancestors
The discovery of evidence for the oldest human ancestor was one of the most significant events that occurred prior to 1960. In Tanzania's Olduwai Gorge, researchers discovered human bone remains alongside stone tools. They dated the bones and used the dates to find the ancestors who lived there. Accordingly, the stone tools discovered and the bones discovered alongside them date back to around 2 million years ago. That is the earliest evidence of human predecessors utilising stone tools. This event promoted prehistoric archaeological research.
As you can see, the twentieth century, before 1960, was more concentrated on creating archaeological methods. In other words, this time period ushered in advancements in “how we practically do things in archaeology with the use of new technology and knowledge”.
to be continued...
Originally posted on kamalsjournal.com
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List 5 things that makes you happy and spread this to 10 others ask box that have reblogged your posts before
Spreading the love!
I'm in the midst of finals week and finishing my freshman year of college, also moving out of my dorm. This summer will be different than high school summers, and I have a lot of fear, so answering this is gladly something I will do to retrack my mind :)
1. Finding cool rocks when I go on walks and knowing a little something about them - it makes me feel like my geology degree is going to be worth it
2. Cuddling with my blanket and being warm and cozy when I go to sleep after a hard day
3. My best friend Sydney <3
4. Being proud of myself for small steps I'm taking to overcome my social anxiety, like going to the dining hall by myself for the first time last week and eating breakfast this morning after my exam and finding a table for me and my friend to study at in the library without the fear of judgment. I also have a habit of having to meet someone outside a place or having them come get me because I don't know how a place is laid out, but one of my friends wouldn't do that and I gathered up my courage after stalling for a bit and going in to find him, it was all good
5. Discovering new music last week and finding a new favorite song (light my love - greta van fleet)
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