#because i’ve seen a lot of it but only in like. the usual internet fandom spaces
unendingphantasm · 2 years
i need to sleep but im thinking about what would’ve happened if prsk and the miku coachella appearance actually went through. like, would that have pushed vocaloid into the mainstream? idk. i think about it a lot
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iamstartraveller776 · 2 months
Feel free to ignore, but you mentioned that the fandom landscape has changed drastically from twenty years ago, and I’m curious what that means for you. I’ve seen lots of posts on the topic, but am interested in your experience if you want to share.
I absolutely can share!
Twenty years ago, I found fandom through bulletin boards or message boards (depending on what you called them). Trekbbs was my first one, and it's still standing. High speed internet was relatively new, and it was easy to keep up with "threads." Whenever you logged in, it would take you to where you left off with any given thread so you could catch up. (Discord does this...kinda, but Discord moves at warp speed where BBS's moved at impulse power.) It was easier to stay connected, to get to know people. Also, the boards were (and are) heavily moderated. Trolls were banned, and folks who got too heated under the collar were usually temporarily banned until tempers cooled. So it was generally a safe environment.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that the vast majority of the boards were grown-up only. That's not to say that minors didn't sneak through, but they were on their best behavior lest they get found out and kicked off the board.
And from the boards, we learned where to find fanfic. Back then, even though FFN existed, fic was primarily archived on private sites. There were no such thing as likes and kudos back then. It was fandom etiquette (at least for my corner of the Trek fandom) to leave a comment/review if you read a fic (and be nice about it!). It was the era of Kink Tomato (your kink is not my kink and that's okay) and don't like don't read and simply fun. We had challenges, did round robins—where someone would write a chapter of a fic, then another author would write the next, and so forth.
Even when I made the switch to posting more on FFN, it was pretty normal to send a message to someone to thank them for favorite-ing your story even if they didn't comment. And often they would message back, telling you what they enjoyed. I have some friendships born from this! It was normal. Writers weren't called "needy" and "self-absorbed" for hoping for more interaction with their readers. We were all in this together.
I also did yahoo groups for a time, and had a fantastic time with my friends in an email chain.
LiveJournal was kind of the peak of fandom, IMO. I think it was the first "public" website, rather than something privately owned, where we could build communities (private or public) as well as have our own pages (private or public). Some of the best fandom events happened on that site. But LiveJournal ended up imploding. (Cyber attacks then the new owners started wiping out entire communities without warning for violating the new terms of service. It was horrible.)
So we all moved to Tumblr. (And we were slowly moving to AO3. Some also moved to the site formerly called Twitter.)
Tumblr was pretty awesome back then. Because fandom people took the same community with them when they came. We didn't have replies back then, but dagnabit we screenshot tags or reblogged comments and posted them with replies. It was easier to follow tags and even some fandoms created blogs that were archives for fics. (Myself included.) The downside was, and continues to be, lack of moderation. Not that I think fandom should be gatekept, but it isn't as easy-going when you do have to worry about putting up with trolls as a rule rather than the exception.
Alas, life happened and I had to step away for a few years. When I came back...it's so much quieter. Significantly less interaction. Less comments on fics. There's just...less connection in general. People tend to flit in and out of fandom more often. And on top of that, there is the odd movement that fanworks shouldn't contain anything that would make a reader/viewer uncomfortable or is unrelatable to the general masses. As a fanworks creator, there have been times I felt more like a monkey dancing for a demanding audience rather than a squee-ing fan sharing things with fellow sqee-ing fans. I seriously questioned for a long time whether I would bother anymore.
(This also doesn't mention how streaming and binge-watching series rather than weekly releases have affected fandom. It's different when you get one episode a week for an entire season of 20-24 episodes than when a streamer releases the entire 8-10 episode series at once.)
A part of this is me, too. I don't have nearly as much time to invest in fandom as I used to. I can't be too critical of the changes in fandom, but it is different.
And so I hang onto a few of the friends I've found (like you!) and continue to find here and there. I write whatever I want and delete rude comments. I always reply to the others. And I keep plugging on!
Thank you for asking! And thank you for being part of what I love about being on Tumblr even after all these changes! (Sorry I got a bit verbose!)
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Your blog feels like somewhat of a safe haven because you seem like a very reasonable person, which is why I feel safe saying this here only. Some of the responses to L*udna calling Im*gen sister make me very uncomfortable. People literally saying that m*risha is wrong about her character or that it doesn't mean anything, or that laudna doesnt know how she feels. It reminds me of my least favorite aspect of the Fandom, where people will decide how they think the characters feel or think about something or how they would act in a given circumstance, and then in their minds it becomes Canon and they get frustrated when the actors (who in dnd are the storytellers) don't act upon their Canon. This is different than just being disappointed that a ship you like didn't become Cano, IMO. I really like Imogen but I LOVE laudna, and I feel like a lot of the times she is reduced to just be Imogen's other half, and now that people denying what marisha says her character thinks, saying she's wrong, being mad at the choice, it makes it hard to interact with the fandom on this site because I feel like I can't talk about Laudna or Imogen without it circling back to their relationship. My favorite pairings in C1 were Vex and Percy and Vex and Keyleth and I feel like I didn't have this problem as much with them but also I wasn't as deep on the internet or in fandom back then. :(
Hey anon,
Thank you so much for this - it’s really nice of you!
I don’t have a ton to add or say about this, honestly; the post I reblogged about it said it better than I could. This has always been what put me off the ship as it exists in the fandom: I’m not opposed to Imogen and Laudna becoming a couple, but the fanon is deeply boring while also being all consuming and crystalized before the end of the first episode. It’s frustrating, as someone who enjoys both Imogen and Laudna, to try to talk about them without getting obnoxious responses to anything that even hints there might be misunderstandings or conflict between them. It lessens their characters and the work both Marisha and Laura have put in. It makes it impossible to explore their flaws, and it makes everything about them uncompelling, when they are both very interesting characters. I’ve found Laudna especially to be coming into her own in this Team Issylra arc.
The fact is, Laudna said what she said. It doesn’t mean a romance is impossible, but I think it’s genuinely indicative of how Laudna feels at this time. Which to be honest matches how I’ve felt regarding Laudna’s feelings about Imogen from early on! I think Imogen is romantically interested in Laudna, but I think Laudna has always seen Imogen in a more familial way, and I don't know if it's fair to her to try to explain that as just Laudna's insecurities. I also think it's possible Imogen has exacerbated those insecurities - if I were Laudna, I’d be feeling a certain way about Imogen’s exploration of the validity of the Vanguard, and I might even still be feeling the unresolved pull of the gnarlrock fight.
I can’t speak to Campaign 1 ships specifically since I watched that campaign after it had already finished, but at the very least Imodna has felt notably different to me in that usually people talk about at least one of the parties of a popular ship as an individual, even if they reduce the other to nothing. Here it feels like they both get folded into ship fodder. I’ve also seen a really strong trend of people tagging fanart of one of the characters alone, without the other, with the ship name, and that feels new compared to past campaigns and popular ships though the obvious cynical answer is just that the ship is more popular than the characters on their own and so artists are just trying to get eyes on their work in the most effective way. And as I’ve said a few times, the fact that Laudna’s death was more than once referred to as throwing the ship away has stuck with me as an illustrative moment. I think the fandom response to this ship is different than some past ones, and not in a good way.
With that said, I am trying, despite myself, to practice good faith here. I’ll admit that I’ve had enough bad faith interactions with fans of the ship such that it’s no longer an option when I get reblogs on my posts or anons in my inbox. But in terms of what might transpire in the hypothetical situation where Imogen and Laudna end the campaign without becoming romantically involved, I would like to give those who ship it the chance to respond with grace rather than assuming they will not.
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Darksided Takes Seen On The Internet:
It became The Woke Dead after R&M got together 😑
I stopped watching and deleted TWD from my DVR after R&M became a couple because I don’t want my kids to see that (on a show with some of the most graphic gore and several interracial couples, Richonne is where they drew the line) 🤡
RJ isn't a legitimate son to Rick - and just an overwhelming amount of dismissive-at-best downright-racist-at-worst attitudes towards a child 😪
Taunting that we’ll only be getting about 240 minutes of R&M in their spin-off 🤣 (like sis, we would have been grateful for just a 5 min Richonne special during an AMC commercial break so 240 minutes is a blessing)
Rick had more chemistry with insert-any-non-Black-woman (ones I’ve heard: Lori’s corpse, Andrea, Jessie, Jadis) 🙄
Rick is going to move on with a new woman and start a family in the spin-off, including starting a romance with Jadis (the spinoff didn’t even have to air for set videos and pics to already debunk this) 🥱
Rick only got with Michonne romantically because she was alive and one of the few women available 🤮 (sooo darksided & wrong)
Rick’s best wife was Jessie (this nearly convinced me media literacy is completely dead) 🫠
Michonne is a bad mother who left her kids behind for some horny reason (as if she’s not a wife seeking to bring home the father of her children)
I can’t possibly have an anti-Black take because I think Michonne and her sword are "totally badazz" I just can’t fathom any aspect of the show that highlights her humanity, desirability, and womanhood (this is never helping one's case the way they think it is) 🤔
I don’t usually address the parts of this fandom that have consistently spoken so negatively about this TV couple. I’d rather focus on the positive that we get to celebrate in actuality. And I promise returning to being positive and unbothered is what I’ll do after this post, that who knows if anyone will read and who knows if I’ll keep posted for long. But there’s been a lot of degrading comments that go beyond just “opinion” or fair discussion lately so…I just had to respectfully vent. And it ain’t brief. Cuz if this blog has shown anything it’s that - Brief? I don’t know her lol.
Here’s the thing I’d want to say kindly to those that “just don’t buy Richonne” and go out of their way to be negative about the TV couple - You don’t have to like the pairing. Truly you don’t. You don’t have to see the (blazingly blatant) chemistry. Just know, you not seeing it doesn’t mean it’s not there.
And the issue isn't about you not being a fan of a TV couple or even voicing that Richonne isn't your thing. The real issue is whenever you spend time in your real life demeaning the pairing online with real-life implications of real-life racism and hatefulness.
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Look, I hadn’t been expecting Rick and Michonne to get together romantically before they went canon. It wasn’t cuz I thought they didn’t have chemistry and it def wasn’t cuz I thought they were like siblings. (Ain’t nobody should be looking at their sibling the way they looked at each other lol.) Upon first watch, I just loved R&M’s dynamic and thought the bond and family they found with each other was really sweet and special and I had left it at that.
But when they got together romantically it immediately felt so right. It felt earned. It felt alive, authentic, utterly fitting, and beautiful.
And then shortly after when I went back and watched compilations of their pre-canon moments, I realized why it felt that way. It’s because it was all always right there. All that build-up was evident. All the desire. All the love. I wasn’t only seeing the pre-canon looks they shared and the attraction they felt because I now knew they’d be a couple. I was seeing it because that’s simply what it was. What it always was. Like from a media literacy standpoint, a romance is where Rick and Michonne's story was heading. It was me that missed it. And it would be weird for me to act like their love story wasn’t there just because I initially missed it. That’s on me.
How you feel about their love story doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. It doesn't mean their journey wasn’t well done. Some people just miss it because it wasn't heavy-handed and others just refuse to see it and we know why.
And if it’s just a silly TV show to you and you’re adamant that you don’t care about the couple or about anything, then do yourself and everyone a favor and don’t comment. Cuz people who actually don’t care and think it’s just a TV show aren’t taking any time out of their day to comment negatively about something that was made to be enjoyed. If you enjoy the couple, great. Revel in all their glory. If you don’t - ask yourself why it would at all be necessary to talk down on the pairing so harshly unless their union does bother you more than you care to admit and for reasons you refuse to say aloud. (But trust, the reasons behind why you spew vitriol toward the pairing are still so loud)
Whether you buy it or not, Richonne factually didn’t come out of nowhere. Their love isn’t an afterthought. It’s a patient and passionate slow-burn that wonderfully unfolded into an out-loud soulmate type of love from both of them equally. You don’t have to see it or like it. That’s okay. (Even tho I do feel pretty confident if you close your eyes and imagine Michonne looking like Lori or Jessie or even Andrea I think all of a sudden you’d read their scenes as more than platonic) But nothing will change that an epic love story is what Rick and Michonne’s journey literally is. Not just to “shippers,” but to people who receive actual paychecks as part of the show. Everyone involved with that show knows and values that Rick and Michonne have a grand love story. And the fact that a whole spinoff about their love story is on the way is proof that Rick and Michonne's love wasn’t just a part of TWD it was one of the elements at the very heart of TWD. Why keep fighting to survive if not for the love and family you build in that world?
9 seasons of watching Rick Grimes and they’re ending the main character’s arc with an epic love story between him and the greatest love of his life for a reason. Because no matter who likes or dislikes it, sees the chemistry, or doesn’t - regardless of it all, the characters of Rick and Michonne deeply love each other, need each other, and desire each other. And they have for a long long time. Fans of them are not reveling in an opinion or speculation that R&M’s story is a romance. We’re appreciating the story that was and is literally being told.
Their love story is fiction. Their love story is also a fact and no opinion changes that. And anyone who is willing to just step back, turn off biases, and watch what is literally happening on screen - in the words of Michonne…you’ll see :)
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Oh and if you don’t - you don’t. No sweat. Like what you like. Dislike what you dislike. Just keep it respectful and know that the opinion you’re entitled to doesn’t change the facts. So back to reality & positivity, I go. 😌
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lipglossanon · 7 months
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that it is 100% not your job to monitor what minors are doing online whether you write nsfw content or not. Minors who want to consume nsfw content most definitely are not going to care about a warning and it is 100% on parents to ensure their children don’t have access to that kind of content. I wish tumblr had a better system for blocking minors from viewing that kind of content, but it’s the internet and I feel like people really need a dose of reality when it comes to the internet. I’ve seen some real vile, fucked up works of fiction online and yours are literally just basic taboo with very, very common kinks that are usually only hot in a fictional setting. I understand everyone has boundaries, but some people truly shouldn’t scour the internet if they can’t grasps that someone that’s not committing a crime (or even writing about minors in the first place because can we talk about how common it is for fandoms to write porn between minors or even minors with adults??) should be able to write a work of fiction. I might come off as overly mad about this but as someone who dealt with sexual abuse from a family member as a minor, I find it crazy when someone starts suggesting that engaging with incest fics or even ddlg fics is supporting grooming or pedophilia. Writing should always be a safe outlet of expression and if people find it gross, they do not have to consume that content. If I was you, I would just ignore it all. You’re not at fault for anyone but *you*. Not what your followers say, not what someone doesn’t agree with, not if a minor reads your work. This is your page and you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone for writing insanely common smut even if you do want to be respectful. You deserve respect as well and I find it disrespectful that people expect u to be mommy to everyone on ur page.
U don’t have to post this either, I just wanted to rant as well because I’m mad that u had to deal with people making u feel bad about small things like a warning and accidentally using the word grooming in the wrong context when u obviously have 0 bad intentions and are always so fucking kind.
Hi anon!
I know you said I didn’t have to post, but I wanted to reply back to you (and this is the only way to do it haha).
I just wanted to say thank you! 💜 💜 It might seem silly but this means a lot to me! 🥹🥹
You seriously made me tear up cause I really do try to be respectful and kind on this platform; it’s the least someone can give to another. We’re all just people ya know?
And looking back at it now after a few days have passed, I’m still confused (since I don’t even know what was being said about me/my blog) as well as disappointed cause I thought I was on friendly terms with these people. I didn’t even get a chance to defend myself before everyone just dropped me like I have the plague lol.
And to be quite honest, I find it kinda hypocritical to unfollow me for a misunderstanding when most of the mutuals I followed at the time wrote equally problematic/dark content (and I’m not even writing underage or grooming to begin with!).
Like it’s one thing for someone to not follow me for their own reasons; it’s another to tell people not to because of X, Y, Z and it not even be in the correct context cause you’re just cherry picking my asks/posts based on my ignorance.
Also, I’m sorry you had to go through that sort of abuse, anon! ❤️‍🩹 thank you for sharing ❤️‍🩹
I’m moving past it! I’ve blocked/unfollowed anyone who I thought might see my content that was involved (just in case). And any hate gets deleted. I’m honestly doing fine! Just get peeved every now and again cause like why be nice to me up until zero hour and then not even discuss it with me? I mean critical thinking skills are a thing ya know? 🤣 it’s giving Kelso (damn Jackie, I can’t control the weather 🤭)
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I’m a pjm myself but this post is literally so ridiculous 😭 This is some peak stage of twitter’s mind corruption and being out of touch with reality 😂 I can’t speak about the others but I was following you for more than a year and you wrote some of the most interesting posts about jimin’s art I’ve seen here. I may not share all of your views about jimin but to call you a jimin anti is just kinda insane
What should I do? Is it time to call my mom and tell her that I am finally infamous on tumblr.com? Should I pop the champagne?
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I will not comment about this blogger's page and its discourse in general, nor about the other people mentioned in the post.
But I will say something first about one person. Peppertaemint is my friend, not my moot. I know, hard concept to understand. Our friendship does not rely on us being kpop moots because we're a lot cooler than that. We're also music fans, not multi stans, but I see that for someone chronically online, this is impossible to understand.
As to me being accused of being a Jimin "anti", I'm genuinely shocked. Because if there's one person that I'm singing praises too as if I'm getting paid (I'm not), it would be Jimin because I'm a weak bitch for the man. But I am not his stan, not his akgae, not his anti, I'm not Army, I'm not multi-stan, I'm not a jikooker, I'm not any other fandom-related label that it's being attached to me. I have my identity which is not related to kpop and I have other purposes in life that do not require for me to look for satisfaction within a fandom. I am merely a person with various interests, as I have been revealing more and more since I changed my blog's direction, who also happens to have one in kpop and some BTS members, with a particular emphasis on Jimin.
I have never "downplayed" his talent or made "shady" posts about him. On the contrary, I've always had to try and see things from a more objective perspective and sometimes I found that it was difficult because my bias towards him took over.
I am a supposed Jimin anti, but he's the only artist in kpop that I've written extensively about and trying to bring my own contribution by writing about his art. I am such a Jimin anti that I have spent weeks doing hours of research after finishing my work in order to be able to write something worth reading about his photofolio. I am such a Jimin anti that I almost cried out of anger when I couldn't access articles that I needed in order to understand some of his concepts. I had put myself voluntarily in a situation similar to my usual academic research at a point in which that type of work was detrimental to my mental health. But I pushed it because I loved that photofolio and it was one of those rare occasions in which I got reminded that there's still joy in doing that when the person I'm writing about is worth it and there's no outside pressure.
I always write about the projects he's involved with. During the time he was announced as Dior ambassador and went to Fashion Week, I have opened up the floor to those with more expertise so that we can take the discussion further and turn it into an interesting weekend debate.
Until I closed my blog on the day of Face's release for personal reasons, I wrote about his concept every single time when something was released. When idiots all over the internet were talking shit about SMFpt2, I had written extensively about the song and the music video. But I am a Jimin anti.
Fan engagement (not stan part of a fandom) can take many forms and we are allowed to do it in whatever way possible. I do not care what others are doing, if they think that their best way of having a contribution is by posting about streaming or reporting accounts. That is not me, it will never be me. The best I can do, and not based on some supposed stan duty, is to write about the artists I like in a way that makes sense for me.
I do not make posts for engagement, this tumblr blog is but one tiny bit in my life and I do not need that. I do not spend my time "dragging pjms" as if they're my personal target. Even when I voiced my complains, I then had talks with anons that brought their own perspective which I understood and made me see things differently. That happens because I am not completely out of touch with reality and I can behave as a normal person who can have talks with a variety of fans.
I'm not writing all this to justify myself for this blogger, but because I do not accept such a gross characterization and because I've put a lot of effort in so many posts I have written about Jimin and I find it completely unfair to be slapped with such ridiculous labels.
Anon, I understand why you brought this issue to me. But honestly, I'd rather not know what is out there. I have my own corner here, a sort of personal public diary. I like to share my thoughts about plenty of other stuff as well, make some jokes, hoping that some of the readers have a sense of humor as well and mind my business. I do not situate myself within any fandom and I refuse to be dragged into situations like these by people who cannot escape a toxic stan/kpop mentality.
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moonjxsung · 4 months
STAR IM DEVASTATED so i have a priv twt acc right w some irls and this stay from stayville req-ed me a long time ago and i was soooo happy that i was mutuals w someone from stayville and i THOUGHT everything between us was cool? but today they unfollowed me and removed me as a follower and im devastated i dunno why they did that :((( i don't think they had a problem w me saying nsfw stuff cuz they previously tweeted things like "cancelling someone over saying smth nsfw abt an adult is stupid" and also ive seen them interact w nsfw minsung posts so i dunno if me tweeting smth like "i wanna suck flxs cock sooooo bad" couldve made them wanna break the mutual??? i dmed them too and i was like "heyy is there a reason you don't wanna be moots w me anymore </3" and not even minutes later they turned off their message perms and im devastated. its STUPID bcs they'd barely interact w me Sure but it felt nice to have a stay be my friend on my priv twt that's usually just for my irls and i </3 it's ironic that they did that too bcs just earlier today (before they broke the mutual) i noticed that my followers went down (i have a very low amt already. like. 25. not even joking) and i tweeted "yall dont wanan be friends w me anymore </3" bcs like. my followers are QUITE LITERALLY only my irls + a skz writer so i was (i think rightfully??) alarmed that the number went down!!!! man im just Sad about it and SIIIGH i know i shouldnt care so much bcs at the end of the day they're just a person online but the least they could've done was dm me back and explain why and GHFSDDSJHFKJADDSDSAAAAA you get me!?!! also im sorry i dropped this on you randomly feel free to ignore LMAAOOAOAO can i be 💫 anon? thank yew <3
(Adding 💫 to the anon list!!! Also fun fact that’s my favorite emoji of all time. Slay)
I feel like I’m the LAST person who should be giving advice abt this bc one of my mutuals and a very good friend of mine who I’d been talking to every day randomly blocked me on everything this week after me literally being there to console this person for every little thing and playing into this pretend homoerotic friendship we had even though she was clearly looking for another boyfriend and would get mad if I even called another girl pretty (???) I wish nothing but the absolute best for her but like…. The double standard is WILD. to not provide closure to a months-long friendship is just genuinely a very mean spirited thing to do imo.
(If she’s reading this, best of luck with everything and I hope you know I cared for you a lot more than you think I did. I distanced myself because you were clearly looking for someone to fill a void in your life that I could simply not fulfill, and I didn’t want to lead you on, nor be kept around like I wasn’t allowed to talk to other girls either. Regardless, I hope you know I used to sleep with my phone on full volume in case you called, and I deleted a page worth of poetry in my notes app for you I meant to deliver on your birthday. I also deleted your number so I have zero way of contacting you, but I will always be here if you need me. Take care and I love you always, I hope you still see me when you look up at the moon)
It’s not the first time I’ve lost an internet friend to the magical world of blocking, but fortunately the attitude I’ve developed towards it is that none of this is real!!! These are people on the internet miles away you’ve never met irl and they have no real impact in your life whether they remain following you or not. I’ve lost internet friends nearly a decade ago that I don’t even remember anymore. Better ones will come along!!! Especially stays! This fandom has so many beautiful remarkable people who are actually worth following and they wouldn’t cut you off like that. Sending so many positive vibes your way and I KNOW that the universe will send you some better mutuals. In the meanwhile I will be your internet bestie and I would never unfollow you for nsfw content or without some form of an explanation. And I also want to suck Felix’s dick. 🩷🫶
(I love you, don’t be so hard on yourself!!!! You’re wonderful, angel 🩷 anyone would be lucky to be moots with you)
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Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! 
For the past week, I’ve hosted quite a few polls to estimate which are currently tumblr’s most popular Digimon Adventure ships! Thank you all for participating!
This main post will analyze the general vibe of the polls, discuss limitations and biases - because every single character will get their own analysis post in the upcoming days. Thus, this main post will continuously be updated under the cut, so if you’re interested, feel free to check in every once in a while! 
Discaimer: Please take into account that these results are no definitive display of the Digimon shipping landscape out there! This is just a little experiment I felt like diving into a little more for fun!
Main Polls
Taichi Yagami I & II
Yamato Ishida I & II
Sora Takenouchi I & II
Koushiro Izumi I & II
Mimi Tachikawa I & II
Jou Kido I & II
Takeru Takaishi I & II
Hikari Yagami I & II
Daisuke Motomiya I & II
Ken Ichijouji I & II
Miyako Inoue I & II
Iori Hida I & II
Meiko Mochizuki
Discussion & Links to Analysis
The vote was open from February 6th to February 13th. All the 12 main Chosen Children known from Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 received a main and a secondary poll. (Meiko Mochizuki got an additional poll.) While the main poll listed the other characters from their respective groups (either 01 or 02), the secondary poll listed each complementary group, plus a few potentially notable side characters that might be seen as viable choices in fandom.
Limitations & Biases
Before I go into presenting the most notable results, I NEED to address a few things worth taking into account.
Limited reach/exposure bias: Since there were two polls for every character (and the secondary polls got posted with a bit of a delay), the first poll usually got way more exposure than the second one. Thus, the secondary polls rarely (or only temporarily) made an impact. A few of the polls were reblogged by various blogs and thus gained more attention in general. 
Low sample size: Since the polls have not been shared as often, the numbers we’re talking about are not very reliable - in some cases, one singular vote was capable of changing the entire poll, whereas in other cases, singular votes didn’t matter in the slightest, especially when it came to ships that are considered to be “rare pairs”. Thus, those didn’t have a lot of time to shine overall. Additionally, the Digimon Adventure fandom overall is a lot more quiet these days (due to lack of new content), so the polls themselves were not thriving very well.
Follower bias: Since I was the one who posted the polls, my follower circle may have had a significant impact on who was picked for which poll. Naturally, people who follow me, who like the characters/ships I like, are more likely to vote for those certain ships. For example: Koushiro and Taichi may have gotten more votes (and for each other in particular), as their polls have also been reblogged several times, whereas others didn’t get reblogged at all. I can only assume that the results for several characters might have looked a lot differently in other spheres of tumblr - or the internet in general.
Choice bias: The additional characters in the secondary polls were based on my personal guesses, so I may or may not have forgotten other fanon ship choices, which I apologize for!
Redundant voting: It cannot be guaranteed that people haven’t voted for several options in the first and second poll, instead of picking the "someone from the other poll" or "others" choice. Or: If they picked "someone from the other poll", they might not even have voted there at all, we cannot tell. Thus, there might be contradicting votes, which is why I excluded the "someone from the other poll" option in poll 1+2 as well as the "others" choice from the first poll, since they might actually have picked someone mentioned in the second poll. There will be some honorable mentions of course, but it is very difficult to categorize these, so it's a learning for the next poll!
Notable results: Winners (overall)!
Disclaimer: As the “Someone from 01/02″ and “Others” options from poll 1 and the “Someone from 01/02″ option from poll 2 have been excluded from the final analysis and all results were culminated in another “final count”, the results will not be 1:1 to what the polls look like. See Taichi’s spreadsheet for transparency (all other sheets will be included in the respective analysis posts):
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Taichi Yagami: Koushiro Izumi (27%)
Yamato Ishida: Taichi Yagami (37%)
Sora Takenouchi: Taichi Yagami* (32%) 
Koushiro Izumi: Taichi Yagami (55%)
Mimi Tachikawa: Jou Kido (22%)
Jou Kido: Mimi Tachikawa (38%)
Takeru Takaishi: Hikari Yagami (53%)
Hikari Yagami: Takeru Takaishi (44%)
Daisuke Motomiya: Ken Ichijouji (52%)
Ken Ichijouji: Daisuke Motomiya (61%)
Miyako Inoue: Hikari Yagami (31%)
Iori Hida: Takeru Takaishi**(22%) 
Meiko Mochizuki: Mimi Tachikawa (42%)
*due to their closeness in votes, both Taichi and Yamato are displayed as winners of her poll though - in true Taiorato fashion.
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**even though Noriko Kawada (39%) won the secondary poll clearly, the overall votes evened it out.
Notable results: Stats
Now, let’s dive into the more interesting bits, shall we!
Most votes overall: Taichi (164), Ken (148), Takeru (135)
Least votes overall: Iori (93), Sora (107), Jou (109) + Meiko (54, as she had only one poll)
Most polls won*: Taichi (Yamato, Sora, Koushiro), Mimi (Jyou, Meiko), Takeru (Hikari, Iori), Hikari (Takeru, Miyako)
Clear victories (+50%): Ken (Daisuke, 61%), Koushiro (Taichi, 55%), Takeru (Hikari, 53%), Daisuke (Ken, 52%)
*interestingly enough, this somewhat corresponds with the poll asking for who are the most popular Chosen Children from Adventure as well.
Notable results: Clutch races
Taichi: Yamato vs Koushiro vs Sora; although Sora was almost always third place and usually only tied with Koushiro for short periods; Yamato was in the lead for the majority of the time, but was overtaken by Koushiro in the end.
Sora: Taichi vs Yamato; Yamato led first, was then overtaken by Taichi, then briefly surpassed by Yamato again. Taichi won with the tiniest of advantages in the end, hence the poll displays both of them as winners - ironically enough, as the question of “Taiora or Sorato/Taiorato triangle?” is probably one of the most debated ship discussions of all time.
Mimi: Jou vs Koushiro; Koushiro was in the lead for the majority of the time, Jou tied on a daily basis and took over in the end. This is similar to the Taiorato race, as the “Koumi vs Jyoumi” triangle is similarly debated, albeit not as heated.
Daisuke: Even though Ken was basically unbeatable from the start, Daisuke actually has most votes tied for third place (as you will see in his individual analysis).
Miyako: Hikari vs Ken; was very close from the beginning, but Hikari led the entire time.
Iori: Miyako vs Takeru; Miyako led first, was then overtaken by Takeru. Iori’s analysis overall, however, might turn out to be the most interesting in the end, as the segment below will explain further...
Notable results: Where the 2nd poll mattered
Jou: One of the reasons why the secondary polls were created in the first place was the number of people who voted for “Others” on Jou’s poll. And thus, it is absolutely no surprise that “Bike Girl” (literally the girl he took the bike from in “Diablomon Strikes Back”) came in third overall in the end, being very closely followed by his mystery “girlfriend” in Tri (which may or may not be also Bike Girl, but this was never confirmed or denied, so we’ll never know).
Iori: The “Others” option in his first poll even surpassed Jou’s by a long shot, which will be very interesting to look at in his individual analysis. To keep it shortly for now, this and the comments made in the tags may indicate that people either had a hard time shipping him at all/seeing him as asexual, shipping him with OCs - or, as we will see, with someone from the second poll, Noriko Kawada for example.
Hikari: Daisuke and Koushiro basically had a race for third place for the majority of the run-time, which was won by Koushiro in the end only slightly.
Takeru: Similarly to what happened to Hikari; Meiko came in third at first, but was overtaken by Taichi later on.
Miyako: Mimi and Daisuke had a race for third place for a good chunk of the run-time, which was very closely won by Mimi in the end.
Personal thoughts/observations on my behalf
I actually love how two of the most influental/popular triangles in the OG Digimon Adventure verse (Taiorato + Jyoumishiro) have been racing each other until the very end - while Takari for example was comfortably in the lead the entire time. Shoutout to kbondoxxxxav who has JUST today published this beautiful artwork depicting these exact triangles/ships. It has to be noted though that both triangle races have been incredibly close and could have turned out the other way in favour of Sorato and Koumi instead of Taiora and Jyoumi at any given time. (The same can also be said about Taiyama instead of Taishiro in Taichi’s poll. Personally though, I am very happy to see that the people who voted agree with my personal opinion that Koushirou, Yamato and Sora are the most shippable choices for Taichi.)
At first, the results were a lot more variable - so the graphic I made above could have included a looooot more ships (such as Koumi or Miyori). In the end, it got very even, with one side of the ship usually winning the other side as well (like Taishiro, Jyoumi, Takari and Daiken). Interestingly enough, the Jogress partnerships have been very popular in general as well (such as Taiyama, Daiken, Miyakari and Takori).
For characters like Iori, the votes have been very torn for the majority of the time - while Takeru and Miyako were still the more prominent choices in canon, it was very easy to see how much people were struggling to make a choice here. Same with Daisuke, who, as mentioned above, had three ships competing for third place!
I really hope I will be able to repeat the votings in the future with more participation, just to see how things may have turned out if more choices could get more time to shine!
Final verdict: It was a lot of fun to observe the polls for the past week, to see how certain results would change, with even a few surprises in between!
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!
Individual Analysis Posts
Taichi Yagami Shipping Analysis
Yamato Ishida Shipping Analysis
Sora Takenouchi Shipping Analysis
Koushiro Izumi Shipping Analysis
Mimi Tachikawa Shipping Analysis
Jou Kido Shipping Analysis
Takeru Takaishi Shipping Analysis
Hikari Yagami Shipping Analysis
Daisuke Motomiya Shipping Analysis
Ken Ichijouji Shipping Analysis
Miyako Inoue Shipping Analysis
Iori Hida Shipping Analysis
Meiko Mochizuki Shipping Analysis
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water-lemon-alex · 7 months
( AvA OC )
“Hello? Is this thing on? Ahem…”
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“Hello, people of the Internet! It’s ya girl Carnation Pink!! Nice to meet you guys!”
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“I’ve heard all about you guys! I see each and every one of you through the screen, and I want to reintroduce myself to all of you!”
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“Hiya. My name’s Carnation Pink, and I think some of you have seen me before. I’m a streamer who streams about all sorts of things! From the hottest video games, to the latest news, or maybe just chatting! I have them all!”
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“Oh, and also, don’t call me Pink; I prefer Carnation instead.”
“Well, Miss Creator, take it away!”
Greetings, people of AvAblr (or whatever you call it), I would like to take the time to say something: I have my own AvA OC! I got kind of inspired by other OC makers, but most of the time, they get little to no attention. This is your reminder to appreciate the many OCs in this fandom, because they’re underappreciated and deserve more love!
As you may already know, their name is Carnation Pink, a renowned streamer from StickCity! Her aim is to make others smile, since she wasn’t able to smile much during her childhood.
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Her parents died in a tragedy when she was a child, so when she was in the orphanage, she discovered her love for streaming.
The master of the orphanage is rather strict, and usually calls Carnation as “Pink” instead. This lead to her not being fond of the nickname “Pink”.
Be warned, she’s actually pretty flexible despite streaming all the time. She does gymnastics in her free time.
She’s short-tempered. Lots of things can make her irritated, especially the aforementioned fact that she doesn’t like being called “Pink”.
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She was childhood friends with Purple! They were pen pals before, then eventually met each other in person. However, they drifted apart after Purple’s mother Orchid passed away.
A few years later, they met again anonymously through one of Carnation’s streams, but soon enough they found out about each others’ identities again, only to find out they were old childhood friends!
After their reunion, Carnation got to meet the Color Gang as well! She talks with them from time to time online.
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She knows all about the Alan Becker universe, actually- You know how the original AvM appeared on television once? That’s how Carnation knew about everything!
She wears her headphones with cat ears, not only during her streams, but also almost anywhere she goes. She only takes it off during breaks.
She’s a bit inspired by Needy Streamer Overdose (I listened to INTERNET OVERDOSE recently).
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Asks for Carnation are open, by the way! This is my first time ever doing something like this!
Oh yeah, she would also love it if you answered my their questions that they made herself.
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strxngerbxtches · 2 years
Rant Post 😝
ok i’m truly and seriously considering just deleting tik tok at this point.
i have a tendency to want to correct people when they’re like,,,confidently incorrect yknow?
so i saw a video of someone talking about stranger things fan red flags and almost all of them i was super on board with because the person was like,,,actually very right?
until we get to the lovely sweet ‘eddissy shippers are red flags that’s literally illegal she was 16 and he was 21 you’re creepy’
and i in my little dumb woman brain thinks oh!! they just don’t know their ages are actually closer together than that!! so i just shoot them a fairly nice comment that’s basically just like ‘hey! they’re actually more like 17 and 19? so like 2-2.5 years apart at the most! have a nice day!’
and the amount of people calling me, someone literally chrissy’s age, a fucking groomer and pedophile was disgusting. i understand that younger kids have little understanding of nuance and generally how things tend to transpire in the world outside the internet due to the whole pandemic thing, but since when are words like that totally okay to throw around? i’m usually on the side of stranger things tik tok where people are like really respectful of each other and i think it’s because it’s mostly older people and not young teens? but i literally wanted to cry reading some of the shit these kids were writing.
i’m just kinda sad that fandoms get so riled up over stuff as dumb as ship wars. i’ve seen a bunch of posts on here talking about how people tend to moralize their dislike of things and that definitely applies here. steddie and eddissy shippers can live in peace bro, eddie has two hands my god. let my boy be bisexual pls i need the rep as a bi bitch.
i feel like i should know by now not to stir the pot with tik tok because of how moralized EVERY single discussion ends up being? and just how personal things become? it’s becoming more of a hellsite than tumblr at this point which is truly an accomplishment.
also to steddie fans: y’all’s ship is valid! they would be cute together! and i really appreciate those of you that just ship ur ship in peace ur truly the best mwah u deserve the world.
i’m ONLY addressing steddie fans that go out of their way to bash eddissy, chrissy, or grace over a SHIP that is literally fictional.
i find eddissy comforting because i relate to chrissy a lot and eddie reminds me of my s/o to an almost scary degree they’re v similiar? so i really like the ship because i see my own relationship in it basically.
(on a lighter note if anyone has links to any eddissy best friends to lovers fics pls send them my way i beg)
anyway i’m a lil freaked out and stuff now so i’m gonna drink my water and sleep rant overr
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landograndprix · 1 year
Hey I was that anon that sent the message about engagement. I’m so glad to see that what I said didn’t offend you as that wasn’t my intent; especially b/c after sending it I felt like I had trauma dump about something that could have just been a light hearted post. I will say that I try to be as obnoxiously over the top in my praise for those blogs that create amazing content and are also kind to their audience; almost as a small way of showing those in my sphere that this blog is safe to interact w/ (also how sad is that, that you have to feel out how a blog on the internet is likely to interact with people). I agree with you that it seem that some people are willing to take the abuse b/c the content that is produce is so incredible, I wasn’t able to though. There have been blogs that I just unfollowed and if a mutual reblog then I’m willing to read and like, maybe even comment. But there are other that 100% received a block. There is no content on this hellsite that I’m willing to let effect my mental health or allow myself to reblog that could be a danger to my mutuals.
I also think having discussions like this are a good way to change the culture of the F1 fandom; b/c until we except that there is an issue in the community and work together to address the problem I don’t think it will get any better. And while this community has some truly excellent creator and content consumers; I’ve notice an extremely high turn over rate for both. It seems that we gain and lose both at a much high rate than other communities; and I think it has a lot to do with how we both interact and gatekeep.
Oh no, there was no need to feel bad after sending it, It takes a village to offend me! 😉
I completely understand people who unfollow/block people who are not their cup of tea and with most blogs I do too but my fear of missing out on content that I do enjoy is bigger than that– that and I usually just roll my eyes and ignore their weird morals, I'm not going to lower myself to their standards but last night might've struck a nerve i didn't know i had😅
And I agree, the gate keeping in this fandom is like nothing else I've seen and I've been in so many fandoms already. I've been watching this sport for years but only got really involved in this kinda content at the end of last season but the negative posts about people just joining the fandom made me shut my mouth about being new here because girl, I'm not, I'm just new in your world 😅 and the whole oh you dts fan is so lame..cool, you got into the sport because of the series? welcome, ask me anything you want to know! The more the merrier! 😃 but maybe that's just me though, couldn't relate to trying to gatekeep something that makes someone happy.
Sadly, I'm convinced fandoms in general will always be a toxic place to be in but it's up to ourselves to make it less toxic so yes, discussing these kind of things should be happening between more people (even if might not help)
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wallofweird · 2 years
To add to ur last post I also think a lot of ppl would rather him be gay bc they think it’s easier that way to explain byler but not everything is about byler. He probably was attracted to El at some point it’s just super weird idk. Also the beard thing and the buff guys thing I 100% blame Kendra for that cause ppl swear shes amazing but she literally called el a tool on twitter and some of her takes are ridiculous not to mention she also started shipping lumax out of nowhere and I’ve noticed many bylers doing that to get el “out of the way” it’s genuinely starting to piss me off too.
Yeah, I really don't agree with her takes at all. Also the way some people compare Mike to BRENNER and talk as if he doesn't even see El as a friend... Fortunately it is, like, 10% of the fandom only and most of us love El and Elmike, but it bothers me.
The gay Mike headcanon is totally valid and possible, but right now gay, bi, pan, asexual etc is just one of the very possible explanations because nothing it's confirmed. For me, as long as it makes sense with the narrative, I'm okay with anything. The only thing is I'm 100% is that his only true, intense love is Will. But the rebel in me wants to say he's pan because I keep seeing most people say he's gay, bisexual at best and not even acknowledge pan or asexual as a possibility. And a lot of the takes are like "there are boys and girls and Mike only likes one/both so he's gay/bi". 🙄😒 Also more pansexual representation would be nice, because I've only seen it once and the way the character "found out" felt like a disservice for me... But I also doubt Stranger Things will actually say a term out loud, maybe just have Mike talking about he feels about people, but not actually saying any label.
Which is kind of fine by me too. He's still a kid, if it took me 24/25 years of my life to figure it out when I have more safety and tools than him, imagine this BOY WHO IS A TEENAGER, IN THE 80s, LIVING IN A SMALL, PREJUDICED TOWN, NO INTERNET, NO SAFE SPACE TO OPENLY TALK AND EXPLORE? I get that on TV time works differently and the characters usually figure out at lightspeed and find the right label in a month, but for many it isn't like that and imo it's okay if they leave it open... Specially since it's a coming of age.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
I totally agree with you saying Penelope is not a racist.
Have some of her ‘victims’ of gossip been poc? Yes but that’s down to casting alone, not purposely trying to make Pen a racist. She writes about anyone. I’ve seen some saying her calling kate a prickly beast is an obvious declaration of her racism and it’s just not. Many are creating these false realities to support their hate campaign against Nicola and Pen and it’s ridiculous. Fair enough not liking a character but they’re slandering Nicola and pulling her apart, a stranger who they know nothing about.
As a woc I do not think pen is a racist and I do not think Nicola is a racist. The whole anti nc needs to be closed down and they need to stop having the audacity to act shocked and offended when people call them out for bullying because that’s what they’re doing. Some need to realise that just because they’re a kanthony shipper it doesn’t automatically make them a good person or a voice for the whole fandom.
I’m both a kanthony and polin shipper and I’m just tired of them, really tired.
Again, I don’t think some people understand that racism is quite literally the form of discrimination where one targets another because of race. As in, if Penelope were racist she would have to specifically discriminate against Kate and Edwina because they’re brown.
 Not because they’re from India (xenophobia), not because they’re women (mysoginy) not because they’re not nobles (classism). Racism is discriminating them because they’re brown.
And since we’re on the subject you would be surprised about how many people get their racism and xenophobia confused. As a latina, I don’t usually get discriminated for racial reasons. Since most latinos are white passing. But depending on the specific country I say I’m from, discrimination can range from wild to very mild. And this happens for all cultures really. Because a brown person can say “ I was born and raised in Yorkshire” to a Londoner and face very little discrimination while another brown person can say “I was born and raised in India” and face A LOT of discrimination. It would have cero to do with being brown and everything to do with the culture they were raised in.  
So lesson of the day dear readers. Don’t get your racism and xenophobia confused.
So in that sense, I don’t think neither Nicola or Penelope are racist at all. Because that would mean she’s reluctant to be around brown people or black people, (or Asians, or Latinos). And does her best to undermine their efforts on and offscreen. Which I haven’t seen her do. 
 Again I reiterate, I don’t believe in racism, or xenophobia, or any other form of discrimination because in my world the only distinction that exists between people are people who act like jerks and people who don’t. Discrimination only follows that criteria.  
 I went to the boutique the other day and was received by two white attendants, one treated me so nicely I wanted to be her best friend forever, the other did look at the color of my skin and proceeded to ignore me and walk away whenever I needed something. I could have said this was because she was white. But the other girl also saw that I was latina and still was very friendly and nice to me. So my conclusion? One of them was just a jerk, it had nothing to do with being white.
You’re going to meet people in life who have every excuse to be racist and still treat you with kindness. You’re going to meet people in life who are just looking for an excuse to treat other people badly and will find it just to justify themselves, even knowing that the way they are treating others is 100% wrong. Their jerk behavior is on them and isn’t a reflection of the whole group of people they belong to. 
And yes, this happens in fandom too. People will use all sort of excuses to justify themselves when they’re being mean to strangers on the internet. It doesn’t matter if they’re advocating and defending against discrimination, being mean to a stranger in the internet, is still wrong, and any justification will not make them less of a jerk. 
So don’t measure everyone with the same yardstick just because they happen to share some traits in common, like race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or even religion. Jerks are Jerks and in my book that’s the only minority they will ever be a part of. 
and that’s the tea
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theangryjikooker · 1 year
just read your last anon and I’m usually just a silent reader, and tbh as someone who believe Jikook are a think I disagree with you a lot, but anyways I like reading your blog you seem very down to earth and I like that and I get your frustration. it’s not the first time that I see similar messages and i know I’ll get bashed for saying this but I don’t even believe half of the ppl out there pretending they’re queer (what does that even mean at this point) are anyway. I’ve been in shipping spaces for a long time, I share this "hobby" with a friend of mine and so many "cishets" as they say use the queer umbrella as a shield because we know damn well rps mlm shipping has been thrown upon (sometimes for good reasons, and often times due to misogyny, but that’s just my opinion ). I know some ppl are gonna get mad at this and call me names, not sure why I even send this but as a "cishet" (I usually refuse to use the word cis but that’s another can of worms I won’t open here) I’m seriously done with this mindset. i’m free to make assumptions and ship whoever I want or deny any ship I want to deny like anyone else and being part of the lgbt community is not a requirement to ship, what’s with people acting like the thought police here… ha sorry I needed to vent I guess, that post made me mad
Yes, it's fine to disagree with me! A lot of people who are following me don't agree with everything I have to say, if any at all. The only reason why I know this is that I've seen some familiar names interact with bloggers I 100% would not get along with, but that's really none of my business. I'm not here to change minds.
I think those followers tend to be curious about what I have to say about some aspect of Jikook. Sometimes it'll make them think; most of the time they think I'm full of shit. I have my own critiques of hardcore shippers/supporters, so I fully expect that my existence throws a wrench in all of that and incites aggression in others. All I do is talk about how I feel. Anyone who chooses to interact with me are doing so of their own volition and are responsible for their own actions.
I don’t even believe half of the ppl out there pretending they’re queer (what does that even mean at this point) are anyway. So this POV is a bit of a slippery slope. If we cast doubt on everyone and everything because a fraction of one's community is encouraging those feelings, it doesn't help anyone. Personally, I haven't "met" general ARMYs or shippers who have pretended to be queer, but I've read about this happening. I think the real culprit is the anonymity of the Internet and what kind of behaviors that's enabled over the years, but that's another can of worms I don't want to get into.
To be fair, I understand queer shippers who are tentative about shipping occurring amongst cishets, which is valid, but the way some of them go about protecting what they consider an exclusively LGBTQ+ activity can be extremist and nonsensical, in my opinion.
(Part of me also suspects that this overly passionate dedication amounts to how important fandom is to a person. I prioritize and cherish my real life more than I ever could about fandom, but fandom is also a much needed escape for others, so I can see how that might play a part in people's motivations and how they might go about protecting their safe space.)
Male, female, non-binary, gay, straight, bi, asexual, whatever your sexual or gender identity–don't be an asshole and don't be an idiot, that's all I'm saying. If you're cishet and shipping two males/two females, just be mindful about how you're going about it is all. Shipping because you genuinely care about the individuals involved and believe in who they are as human beings vs. fetishizing them (unintentionally or otherwise) can get a little blurry. (Fetishization is not the only issue that occurs in this cishet vs. lgbtq+ in fandom discourse, but it's the most common and most talked about.)
In my opinion, attraction isn't so discerning; sometimes people just gravitate to whomever they like. If cishets can recognize that attraction is just a feeling that can occur among and across different genders and sexualities, I don't see how this is a bad thing at all.
* Sorry, I talk about "cishets" like I'm othering them, and I don't really care much for that attitude, but for distinction purposes, it is what it is.
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imaginenarusasu · 2 years
idk if i should even give this moron the time of my day by bringing attention to this but i realise this person might be trolling other writers as well. this is probably going to be all over the place but here goes
first of all, getting comments and even likes on fanfics is difficult as in people ( i assume new people joining fandoms) rarely comment despite someone making a psa every now and then encouraging readers to give their honest review even if it’s a single line when they consume a fanfic. you may not know this but the writers can see their stories getting views but not comments/likes to match.
and honestly, it’s kinda impossible for a work to have the exact amount of likes and comments as the views; however, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again that in the case of the majority of fanfics, the ratio is still staggering and not in the beta ways
getting to the point
TW internet trolls, mention of curses haunting, internet curse
i checked my ao3 after days and was pleasantly surprised to see one new message in my inbox, because that usually means someone left a comment on a fic. however, the excitement was immediately doused when i saw the content. warning for anyone who believes in these kinds of things or just isn’t comfortable about them, but the content of the comment is some sort of curse that can be spread through the internet just by reading the first word and includes the story if this “dead girl” who will haunt you unless you pass it on to a number of other people. fucking ridiculous. the images below are screenshots of the comment
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i didn’t know whether i was more annoyed or embarrassed but i believe there’s this person going about trolling fanfic writers on ao3. considering the wide range of age and types of mentalities of people who use ao3, i figure a lot of the people getting hit by this troll (in case i’m not the only one) fall for this and in turn are spamming other writers. i don’t know if this person actually believes this but they should get some mental evaluation and atop bothering others. i’m not doing very well myself and i get how this may be seen as me overreacting but i figured i shouldn’t let this one go. not because it upset me for a while but because this could get much bigger and more annoying if a lot of people become affected by some idiot’s idea of having fun.
all in all, take care, and if you get a message like this, don’t spread it to others =.=
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seungstarss · 2 years
sei as one of the older kids on sfw enhablr (not saying ur old !! i’m just assuming bc 😭😭 it’s just that there’s a lot of minors (12-16) on here) how do you feel abt the current content for the maknae line? like ik it’s not always super sexualized or anything but sometimes i see stuff that’s just the way it’s worded really rubs me the wrong way ☹️ esp bc some of the kids on here are so young it makes me feel like if they see stuff like that , they might start think it’s okay for others to treat them the same or vice verse … whenever i see edits of niki on tiktok , i have to avoid the comments bc there’s almost always like a “daddy” , “how is he 16” or “you don’t know what you do to me” like wtf he’s a literal child ?? it makes me so mad and honestly so uncomfortable :( and i saw an article on kboo today too that said niki apparently has around 200 explicit or mature fics written abt him on ao3 … sometimes even the fboi trope (usually when it’s written abt minors) bothers me bc i see minors writing abt it (like 13-15 y/o) and i don’t understand why they don’t just use the term player or smtg … bc they’ll go out of their way to mention how the character has sex a lot an whatnot , even that feels way too suggestive for me personally for a minor too write let alone abt a minor too , (i’m usually okay with the trope & will read it though if it’s abt the hyung line or written by someone legal but otherwise it just feels kind of unnecessary like i saw a fboi au for hyung line recently that was written by a minor i think 13/14 y/o & they mentioned how the characters would have s*x a lot of talk about it often as like to fit the trope but it felt strange to me)
sorry for the rant,, i was just wondering how you felt … omg also though tbh i noticed that some of the minors on here / blogs in gen seem way too comfy on here like they’ll be sharing where they live , their actual names and sometimes like giving a lot of personal info … like did they not learn abt internet safety or do they just no care? as one of the older kids , i kind of worry abt them :( i really hope everybody stays safe on here <3 & some reminders: never be afraid to block anyone ! bc i’ve seen a lot of minors on here get sent stuff from the p*rn bots or just weird dms :( & u don’t need to force yourself to interact with someone , make sure ur comfy with them first !
Hi nonnie, I've seen this ask floating around a lot and I agree with everything people have said so I'll try to not make this too long
First, I'm actually not too sure abt the current context of the maknae line as I don't actually interact or go out of my way to actively read stuff. And that is because it feels weird reading something abt someone who's younger or around the same age as me. So that is why it IRKS me to even think abt the possibility that people are sexualizing the maknae line. It's absolutely disgusting. I don't have tik tok but I've heard some stuff from a few moots and that's so fuck horrible. To think that people don't understand that it's wrong to sexualize minors is just jarring??? Like I'd like to think it's basic knowledge but damn. But yes I agree that the Fandom is super young and they might feel comfy calling ex. Riki smth like "daddy" (as u mentioned in the tik tok part) EVEN THO ITS SO FUCKING WRONG. I feel like they think that bc they're younger than him, they think it's okay to call him that. BUT ITS NOT. THEY HAVE TO REALIZE THAT HE IS VERY MUCH STILL UNDERAGE AND ITS INAPPROPRIATE AND DISTURBING. And also regarding the "I can’t believe he's only 16" comments seem like they're from people older than him???? Which just makes it worse too??? Like TF YOU SHOULD KNOW THAF THIS IS WRONG? Atp I'm not sure what to even do anymore.... it's just disgusting.
Abt the fboy trope.... UMMMM WHAT NOW???? THATS NOT IT?? writing abt a minor who quote on quote has "sex a lot?" THAT ALREADY SCREAMS RED FLAG. like what the fuck do u realize that's already sexualizing a minor omg. And abt young kids writing suggestive things abt the hyungline also rubs me the wrong way....
Abt the safety thing,,,, tbh I agree but if I critique them I'd feel a lil too hypocritical bc when I was younger I also had socials when I wasn't supposed to. But it's a whole other issue abt putting all ur info out there. People should really take in mind their internet safety and not display everything abt themselves online. It is quite worrying.... and dw abt the blocking thing. I forsake block whoever I feel uncomfortable around :") and I hope others do the same.
Oops I said I would keep this short but if it really ain't short 😭😭🤚🏼 sorry nonnie
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