#would be aware of vocaloid producers and the like…
unendingphantasm · 2 years
i need to sleep but im thinking about what would’ve happened if prsk and the miku coachella appearance actually went through. like, would that have pushed vocaloid into the mainstream? idk. i think about it a lot
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hiyari8 · 1 year
lol there's prolly more fanart but idk what kinda songs would have 'lolita' vibes. there might be some 'menhera' songs though because it embraces the darker stuff. isn't miku's outfit in her "Vampire" song kinda 'jirai kei' inspired?
hmm i think off the top of my head something akin to what i had in mind would be shoujo ningyou no mita yume by hitoshizukuxyama
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channelinglament · 1 year
Hi! I saw your ask as open and I wanted to request something for the Self aware Project Sekai AU you made :)
May I request how the Vocaloids react to the player? Like, how would they become self aware? We’re they self aware to begin with? Thank you :)
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How vocaloids react to player ✨️
(Sorry everyone for being gone for so long, I was just emotionally exhausted and had a few angsty teen thoughts)
Platonic/Romantic - tbh idk? Depends on how u take it :^
Let's start off with the fact, that they all know know that they're not exactly their original counterparts
Yes, they are vocaloids, but..different? They're in game, nothing new for Miku- but it seems like it's their first time being alive. They know it's their voice, their songs but it just..feels weird?
- though this mostly applies to Miku, as she's the first one to greet us and has her..original form?
She knows it's her, but different her.
- I wanna say that I see all sekai vocaloids as different people, BECAUSE during April fools, THEY MET EACH OTHER and uhm- I'd recommend watching that video to understand what happened. They kinda became friends, and 25ji Rin liked wxs Kaito's (or what Kaito that was?) head pats. She was waiting for her Kaito to arrive.
SO that means they are ALL different.
Now, that we finally sorted out what was important, we can finally make some content
Hatsune Miku(s)!
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The Miku that greets us:
She knows she is Miku, but she doesn't have knowledge of stuff outside the game. She is a sekai keeper, and keeps hopes and dreams of every vocaloid producer. But...She is unsure if this true. Some stuff happened before she even existed! (Games existence)
So she knows she isn't exactly the first Miku. But Miku anyways.
She was staying there all alone, for so long.. (game downloading)
Yes, she loved watching over sekais, but..it's not like she has anyone..
So when she first meets you! She is so excited to make a friend! She says you're a sekai watcher like her, because you two "sang" (aka you playing tutorial)
Whether you played bad or good didn't matter. She liked it.
She didn't wanna lose you, but it's not like you're leaving her. Your presence is always near her when you play and read stories/events.
She doesn't see you often, unless you're pulling for characters or there's an event/sth she needs to explain to you.
She's such a little tease, not giving you card you want if she knows you have more pulls. Don't worry, she will give you it, but just pull one/few more times please.. she doesn't want to be alone anymore.
First though when she met you: I am not alone anymore?
Sekai Mikus
As long as you won't harm others she's fine!
She is very cautious when it comes to [band's name]. They're her 1st priority.
At first she thought you are just there to watch over them, but she noticed you actually help them improve (I hc that by playing their songs, decorating sekai, grooving their cards and kizuna level you can make them better and improve them)
Aww, thank you so much! You are a great help!
Overtime all vocaloids became kinda obsessive over you? They want you to play their band's songs and care mostly, if not ONLY about them and their band! Yes, they're grateful you helped them improve, but they will bring you into their world, and you will make it real. Not just a game, but a R E A L, LIVING WOLRD. NO NPCS, NO GAME CODE
Until then, everyone is just a piece of cra- I mean, code. Your word also seems so dangerous... that's why they need to protect you from world's harm!
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Not gonna lie, EVERY other vocaloid acts this way, so I'll end it here, sorry ^^; (Maybe I will make a part 2?)
But trust me, beware of Niigo and MMJ the most.... both, vocaloids and group
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^ them when u interact with other groups
(Also beware of Tenmas, and Shinonomes. You can kinda trust Hinomoris)
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greenofrain · 8 months
I hope season 3 has different PC families, but that the doodler crew are still represented in some way. Like four dads get sent forward in time to a cyberpunk future and have to save their kids, and on the adventure they run into a Clos-Swift-Foster who's like a vocaloid producer and a Wilson who's the star player of some future sports team and an Oak who is a therapist for self-aware machines and a Stampler who owns the last physical goods store on the planet. I think it would be fun.
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haveyouheardthisband · 10 months
this is kinda a weird question, but if any vocaloid (or any vocal synth really) producers get posted in the future, would you tag it with "vocaloid" etc? considering "vocaloid" just refers to the program and not a genre but people like to categorize it anyway. or maybe you already have posted one and im not aware lol
Utsu-P is in the queue and he wasn't categorized with "vocaloid" on rym so i didnt tag it, but if people want me to start tagging vocaloid producers as such i can try (tho my knowledge of them is pretty limited) --rottel
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yupuffin · 9 months
I'd like able-bodied cosplayers to understand that when I say I adapt costume designs to my disability by reducing complexity during construction (namely for Genshin Impact, my current hyperfixation, which is also notorious for needlessly detailed costumes), I'm not simply skipping details because I feel like it* or "cutting corners" because I'm lazy.
It's like that one time a few years ago when I was on the second-to-last day of a sea kayaking trip with a group of other students from my college. Stick with me for this metaphor.
It was a ten-day-long trip, so we'd only packed what we could all fit on our kayaks, including food. Since we were nine days in, we were getting to the end of our food supplies--though, with our return to populated areas, we were able to make a grocery stop for ingredients for our final dinner of the trip, which would be a vegetable stir-fry.
We had $20 in the budget to buy ingredients for a meal to feed over a dozen people.
VOCALOID is one of my special interests, so the first words out of my mouth, without much consideration behind them, were "green onions."
In response, one of the guides wondered aloud, "Do green onions really add anything to a stir-fry?"
Don't get me wrong, I'll add green onions to any stir-fry given the opportunity; they do add that vaguely spicy-sweet kick that complements other flavors really well. So it's not like they don't add anything.
However, given our limited budget, in contrast to the size of the meal we had to make, it didn't make sense to spend a significant portion of our money on an ingredient that would function primarily as a garnish--something that serves mostly to enhance flavor; IIRC we ended up buying things like carrots and green peppers, which would instead add the substance we needed to make enough food for everyone.
With a disability that affects my motor control, constructing cosplays above a certain level of detail/complexity is like putting together a large meal on budget constraints--because I can only spend so long on a costume before I get burnt out, and every piece of fine detailing I add takes increasingly more time, just as every ingredient you add to a stir-fry takes increasingly more money.
So when I'm planning construction for a cosplay, it's like looking in the produce aisle of a grocery store and deciding what to spend $20 on. Metaphorically speaking, I'm going to want to prioritize details that add "substance," rather than those that function merely as a "garnish."
I have to look at every detail on the costume, think through how I would construct it--often multiple times, to ensure I'm using the optimal techniques--and consciously decide: What does this detail add to the costume? How much of my limited time and focus is it going to take? How well can I reliably replicate it given my disability? Considering all of these factors, does including this detail justify its contribution to the completed piece?
It's its own form of strategizing and problem-solving. I'm not doing it solely to make my life easier--I'm doing it because my disability effectively puts me on a sort of non-monetary budget and I have to optimize how I'm going to utilize that budget (on top of financially budgeting!).
Competitions, including cosplay competitions, are equal, not fair, so there's no way to completely remove ableism from cosplay judging. As you might say, judges gonna judge. They're just doing their job, and they get to make the final decisions in terms of scoring and placements, so I'm not going to pretend that I can influence the opinion of every cosplay judge out there with my metaphor.
Still, going forward, I'd like to see increased awareness of ableism in the cosplay environment--specifically, saving the judgment for the competition, and even then, realizing that a simple numerical score can never encapsulate the full nuance of any given cosplayer's experience with the construction of their piece; any number of factors you might initially think are conscious decisions on a cosplayer's part are actually responses to factors completely beyond their control, like dis/ability, budget, access to tools and materials, and other forms of privilege.
*Even if I am skipping details just because I feel like it, it's because I'd rather have a completed costume I can enjoy than get so frustrated and hung up on it that it makes me want to quit cosplay altogether. I resent that crunching and causing ourselves so many negative emotions over building a costume that just has to be perfect is so normalized that, from my experience, it's effectively a requirement for competitive cosplayers.
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merriclo · 2 months
OH MY GOODNESS HIHIHI OKAY SO VOCALOID. before i start recommending stuff i wanna quickly gauge how familiar you are with vocaloid music / which producers you're more aware of to try to get you some more songs that you've probably never listened to / that you'd probably like. new idea i send you a new vocaloid song recommendation every day /hj <- incredibly autistic
@heartless-curr (so i can see when you respond)
i’m not even joking rn if you recommended me a new song every day you would be my favorite literally ever. please please please do it. i don’t jabber about it much on here but music is a huge, fundamental part of my life, and i adore finding new things to listen to
i’m primarily familiar with utsu-p, as my main introduction to vocaloid was pulling up a heavy metal playlist and clicking shuffle T.T im looking at my playlist rn and . yeah it’s all utsu-p oopsie daisy
so far my favorites by them are Vermin, Hyper Reality Show, and Fools Are Attracted to Anomaly, if that gives you any ideas for other songs. again, i’m very open to all genres so don’t worry about sticking to metal at all!! <3
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kominion-worlds · 2 years
hey everyone.
i’m kominion and i make electronic music. i’m not sure how to define it, as i’m notoriously bad with genres (and hashtags, & many other things). but if you like porter robinson, jai wolf, madeon, or certain vocaloid producers, i might just be your new fav. if not, i hope to talk to you anyway.
for the longest time, i tried to be sound like every other artist i idolized. porter robinson specifically, because he makes beautiful music that touches something in my soul, and honestly, i can relate 1000% to his mental health struggles. but i can only be me, and porter is someone whose work inspired me to be as open and honest as i can with my own music.
which brings me to artifact, an album that is at least 7 years in the making. what began as a sci-fi concept album first conceived while listening to porter & madeon’s shelter became an intensely personal journey through my childhood trauma, something i wasn’t even aware that i had until it was brought up in therapy and i began to process it as an adult.
and against all odds, artifact would thankfully not leave me alone. even through my adhd habits, periods of procrastination, depression, a short stint in alcoholism, a toxic relationship, my notorious inability to finish most things i start, and the death of my prior laptop. it kept calling my back.
now, i’m thankful to say that in just one day’s time, it will be here. i hope you keep an open mind and heart and give it a chance, but more than that, i hope you give yourselves a chance.
you’re worthy. you’re beautiful. your emotions, experiences, and identities are valid. know that the one thing you’ll always have to fight hardest against in this world is yourself and your own perceived limitations. you’re more than you might think you are, and most importantly, you’re enough. remember that. 💜  
you can check out my music & socials below ;]
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hetaari · 6 months
Various physical vocaloid headcanons
-They were not programmed specifically against hurting/killing people, they generally are trusted not to do things like that (given that they’re functioning properly, but even then it’s unlikely)
-They weren’t programmed specifically with personalities either, they just kinda spontaneously developed them, no one really understands how it happened but it certainly wasn’t supposed to
-(I’ve mentioned this briefly in the notes a fic but i didn’t go into too much detail) The power off button for them is on the back of their neck, though it isn’t immediately visible. It can only be triggered by someone’s hand and requires quite a bit of force to use, to reduce the risk of accidentally getting powered off. This button can also be used to turn them back on (obviously), but with no intervention, they will power back on automatically in 6 hours
-their batteries last at least 24 hours and don’t need to be plugged in to charge, they just have to “sleep” and it’ll charge on its own like that
-parts that represent certain functions are in the expected places; what functions as their “brain” is in their head, the part where their voicebank files are stored (and is thus connected to their “brain” to be accessed) is in the neck/throat area, etc
-1st generation Vocaloids were known to have a sort of fan noise coming from their bodies; Leon, Lola, and Miriam stopped making this noise randomly, and Meiko stopped after her v3 update, but Kaito still does it and it’s not clear why he does
-they do have certain parts like belly buttons and nipples and Other Such Bits that would be considered useless to a robot, though they’re mainly for the sake of being more human like in appearance and don’t serve any real function aside from that for the most part
-what functions as their heart helps circulate coolant through their bodies the help regulate their temperature; it vibrates rather than beats and if you were to put your head against their chest, you’d hear a faint humming noise
-the color in their eyes is partly due to LEDs, and they may glow a bit in dimmer conditions (the darker their surroundings, the more noticeable this is); when they shut off, the color dulls
-I feel like this is a given, but they are all completely sterile and incapable of having/producing children
-female Vocaloids do not menstruate
-they are aware that their voices come from external sources and they know that people can buy their software. Idk it’d just be strange if they didn’t
-speaking of the software, I see it as like, after the voice providers and companies do their thing, the Vocaloids are the main source and the cds/downloads that are purchased are direct copies of them
-might be obvious but I don’t think at all that they’d sound too realistic when talking; they still retain the robotic sound in their voices and may at times have a strange cadence to their speech
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roseofcards90 · 10 months
hey again rose! i come to you with confusion. i see you talking about milgram a lot and it's kinda interesting! is it a comic? visual novel? music video series? what even is a milgram anyway? a measurement? a british person?
i'm sensitive to some heavy topics (higurashi was way too much for me) so i'm not sure i'm gonna actually get into it, but i just gotta know. the curiosity is real! (all /lh)
Hi, Mint! Ah, I am so sorry Higurashi ended up being that way for you 😭 I assumed you were aware of the topics and warnings beforehand, but I know how intense the series can be on its own, so I don't blame you if it was too much.
And yesss, Milgram! The best way I can describe it is it's like a music video project ARG thing??? 😭 other people who have been into it longer can probably describe it better, but yeah it's on youtube and the main premise around it is that you vote on these 10 prisoners based on what you learn about their crimes and whether or not they are guilty or innocent, as well as whether you forgive them or not personally. You learn about their crimes in the form of music videos, and you vote mainly through their twitter account! It's also still an ongoing project, and the music is done by Deco27, the guy who's a main producer for a lot of Vocaloid music!
This is the main playlist on youtube that includes the voice dramas and everything in order! Would highly recommend this one so you don't miss anything important.
Here is a link to a content warning list if you do plan on checking it out!
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superespresso · 5 months
Leaving Your Mark On A Genre: The Lost Artisans of Vocaloid
If you've been around me for more than 5 seconds you're aware that I am an avid enjoyer of Project Diva games. Learning this week about every single producer who was associated with the music that has passed has made it extremely difficult to play. I keep missing buttons in every song I play because I'll suddenly remember I'm playing a song by wowaka, or while scrolling past samfree in the menu have a moment of sadness that doesn't clear up.
There's been a strange sense of melancholy playing certain songs. Even before this research project and learning about the people who had passed just watching the Viva Happy PV or Odds & Ends left me strangely.. empty feeling.
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I didn't know about any of these producers passing on. I work in news media and frankly I don't go looking for news when off the clock because it's a job that sucks the soul out of you. When I'm home I'm content to enjoy things as they are. Imagine my surprise to see a tweet of unrelated context alluding to wowaka's passing. How insane it was to me to learn of this. Moments later after commenting such I'd learned of Samfree, and Powapowa-P. After giving it some time I decided to do my due diligence, especially since others in the same thread stated "They weren't aware of any others."
This is only 6 of 40 listed on the VocaDB under deceased. Please add to this if you have anything else to share about any of these producers or others you know of. I'd love to hear more. What was special about their music to you?
Perhaps others are like me and don't know of these passings. Maybe you've played a Vocaloid game, but the names are unfamiliar. Or, you just know the songs by cover-artists. I'd never done any digging on these people, but I've been melancholy. I wanted to know more about who they were.
As an aside before the cut-- this is expanded from an X thread I started. Less space on X to work with, and less comfort using Blue expansion. If you see anything blatantly copied from X, it's probably from here.
The 6 Big Names:
It feels incredibly impersonal to just list names. So for each one lets talk about what they did. I'm not going to go into detail about their passing, or their families. If you want to do that you're welcome to go search that. I want to celebrate their life and accomplishments. As stated above; any others whom I may have missed (I don't have the most vast knowledge about this subject) I humbly invite others to include. I welcome additions. It would please me to hear others celebrate the lives of the people who made the music I still enjoy from high-school.
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PowaPowa-P (ぽわぽわP)/siinamota (椎名もた) or Mizoguchi Ryou (溝口遼)
In 2012 he joined GINGA; performed live performances and was extremely popular on a worldwide stage. He was beloved on Niconico for his compositions as well as the arrangements and lyrics in many songs self-produced. He was also talented with the piano, and utilized this skill for quite a few songs and albums Today on TikTok, Young Girl A is still getting a massive number of views and features in videos as backing. The song features strong themes of depression and unhappy mentality. It's themes are shared by "Alive" which ranked #1 in 30 different countries on Apple music.
He mostly used Miku & Rin for Vocalsynth, with many, many album releases-- including Best-Of tracks.
Some of his most notable works are:
Young Girl A
Sayonara Remember-san
Strobe Hello
Hello Strobe
Strobe Last
Strobe Light
Please Give Me a Red Pen
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samfree or Sano Takayuki (佐野貴幸)
You know who samfree is if you've ever picked up a Vocaloid game. The picture may not be familiar. The name may not jar your memory, but the music will.
His songs were hits from conception. On this list he is one of the most well known just from his notoriety. He was more than just a Vocaloid composer. He was also an Utaite himself, being in "Nanario no Nico Nico Douga" and prompting a flood of response. He released 6 albums himself between 2008-2011.
His songs have been in more than just Vocaloid though, having credit in "The Sound of SEINS;GATE Complete" from March of 2016 as the arranger, "TOHO Eurobeat" Volumes 1, 3, and 4. As well as "The Best Of Non-Stop TOHO Eurobeat 2011" and "The Revival Mix 2" (TOHO Eurobeat) albums as a mix of an arranger and lyricist.
His significant works in the Vocaloid franchise include:
Luka Luka★Night Fever
Neko Neko★Super Fever Night
Megu Megu☆Fire Endless Night
miki miki★Romantic Night
Piko Piko☆Legend of the Night
Tako Luka★ Maguro Fever
Lily Lily ★ Burning Night
Many other "Night" Credits in the same series.
Bye-Bye Lover
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Otsu-P (乙P)
Otsu-P released fewer songs than others on this list due to the year of their sudden passing being 2013. It's easy to tell from fan reactions still in circulation that they have no shortage of affection still. Their music lives on within compilations and re-releases, keeping his memory fresh.
Producers released the "Pandoras Box" album after their passing-- including songs that had final touches placed post-mortem so that those who enjoyed their work could enjoy everything they had to offer. There is very, very little about Otsu-P available. That's okay. If you have anything to share, or any kind of memory you'd like to include-- please do.
The works included on their most notable are:
chord line
Oman Ko
Pandora's Box
Stick With You
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wowaka (ヲワカ)/Genjitsutouhi-P (現実逃避P)
This is the hardest one to cover for me. It's very strange. For a while now SPiCA has made me very, very sad. I wasn't sure why. I didn't know about wowaka until this week. The song isn't meant to be sad at all. The musical undertone though leaves me feeling empty. Now I can't even play the song. It really did leave a deep mark. Even choosing a picture, I went through about 20 of them, just to find one where he looked content.
Wowaka heard about Vocaloid after hearing "Last Night, Good Night," enjoying and being shocked by the ability of the program-- as well as the ability of a single user to do so much production. Debuting in 2009 and exploding soon after, wowaka formed the band "hitorie" in 2011, establishing BALLOOM. Under the BALOOM umbrella, artists would be able to publish music worldwide.. from the internet. Following this "Rolling Girl" saw an international release.
In 2011 after this release, wowaka worked mostly with his band and label instead of the Vocaloid software. During this time he'd composed and worked on the lyrics for "And I'm Home," featured as the ending theme song of Puella Magi Madoka Magica. The type to stay busy, he'd always had a project. Eventually he would be back with a bang in 2017, releasing the Vocaloid track: "Unknown Mother-Goose."
Not only did he get used to the software though, he was personal with the developers. Wowaka was friends with Hachi (Yonezu Kenshi) at one point describing their relationship as "close."
The associations list for wowaka are almost endless. From Toku, Oster Project and onward. If you look at any Project Diva game or best-of discography for Vocaloid you will see at least one wowaka song. If you play the games you know of his songs as almost always being the ones to get you stuck for a bit on the harder difficulties. They're so catchy that no one seems to mind.
Here's some of the ones picked from an extremely long list:
Rolling Girl
Two Faced Lovers
World's End Dancehall
SPiCA -nopq remix-
Romeo & Cinderella
Unhappy Refrain
Prism Cube
Reversible Doll
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Brother-P (ブラザーP)
Unlike the others on this list; Brother-P was not a musician, and a bit more recent. His specialization was the animations associated with some of our favorite songs. It's likely you've seen at least one of them, with Sony having his work included in a DVD release for Vocaloid content.
A few of these Music Video compilations have been released over the years, with many making it to Youtube. With inclusion of 2DMV's, his work has been included in everything from DVD to Video Games. Modders especially have used his content in Megamix+ to bring life to songs.
Like wowaka, I've had a deep feeling of sadness when playing certain songs. Namely Viva Happy and Odds & Ends. Today actually, I had to pause playing Odds & Ends. (using the Brother-P MV actually.) Before I had learned of this information this had happened with me sitting at my desk feeling oddly empty. That's when I had started working on this, as I felt like I had to work on something important to me. It lead me to this information. I feel strange about it. Especially with how odd the timing is. But, It shows how deeply the PV's do make a difference.
Some of the ones I specifically want to pick out:
Change Me
Viva Happy
Odds & Ends (fanmade, but brilliant)
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Already popular before working with Vocaloid2, SHIKI crossed over into composing and arrangement on the new platform with Harmonia in 2008. It only took two songs for him to grab attention. You'll find him on the 2010 Sony DVD ~memories~, as well as the September 2010 Exit Tunes Presents Vocaloanthems album.
SHIKI lead and worked with a Visual Rock group "GILDA" until his departure in 2016. Before this he worked with Be-Music Source files (BMS) form 2002 until his passing in 2021. His legacy includes tracks for DJMAX, Sega's maimai, and オンゲキ series, and Albums for any kind of enjoyment type. He really was prolific.
HIs credits also included Lapis, Air, Ruby, and Setsuna. Love went into his creations at every step and it showed.
Some of his memorable credits include:
Triangle☆Girl's Heart
Prism Door
Endless Dream
Blue Ray
So, with all due respect.. I did find the deceased page while re-checking things. I did look at it. It's much longer than I originally thought it would be. Again, I implore others to add to this. Pay respects to those they enjoy the works of. Include the artists they care about. Drama in Vocaloid has been happening for such a long time. Let's turn that around. Make it a more hospitable group to be a part of.
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Welcome to the English Vocaloid OCs ship bracket !
(although any character based on a voice synthesizer counts)
Here you can suggest through asks which ships you would like to see in the bracket, submissions will be open until February 7th! So you have some time to suggest.
Before we start, it would be good to establish some rules!
NO COMSHIPS OR SHIPS THAT THE CORRESPONDING VOCALOID PRODUCER HAS TEXTUALLY MANIFESTED TO BE AGAINST!! (I'm not really aware of most English producers, so if I accept something that is "prohibited," please let me know)
Propaganda is allowed!!
Maintain respect among everyone above all, after all, we are only choosing between pairs of fictional characters, don't get too intense about this, it's a warning
Have fun! Waiting for ur submissions
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waiting-on-a-dream · 2 years
𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟎𝟏: 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨
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"Hey, Keiko. Don't you think this place is kinda creepy?"
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨
Name: Kanai Ichiro / 金井 一朗 (The kanjis for his last name mean "gold well" and his first name means "firstborn son" though the kanjis actually mean "first clear" and "bright" individually.)
Status: Prisoner 001
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: February 4 (Aquarius)
Height: 160 cm
Blood type: B
Image color: #FFEA00
Occupation: High school student
Personality: He is quiet and keeps to himself, often choosing to sit alone in a corner. When someone tries to talk to him, he may ignore them (unintentionally or intentionally) or answer after a short silence. He is rather detached from reality and doesn't seem to be aware of his surroundings most of the time. He forgets things easily too, and sometimes says things out loud to himself without realizing it.
He claims to be 16, but often acts like a young child. When something interests him, he'll make the first move to initiate a conversation in order to learn more about it from someone older than him. He also likes drawing, and carries a stuffed koala with him at all times.
He often displays a blank face with his eyes opened wide. However, there are times when his temper flares up for specific reasons. If the reason for his anger is not quickly dealt with, his fury quickly escalates. He can end up throwing big tantrums because of that.
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𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨
Which canon Milgram song he would cover: Weakness (When I try to understand it, you’ll make that disappointed face again)
Which DECO*27 song he would cover: Rainbowder (I had a lot of trouble finding a song by DECO*27 that suited him, and this is what I ended up with. The lyrics are of a somewhat childlike quality and there are certain lines that fit him and his situation perfectly. That's good enough for me.)
If he could cover a song by a different Vocaloid producer, which one would it be: Adult children by Kanzaki Iori (I'm sure there are better options for my scrunkly here, but frankly, I've been trying to find vocaloid songs that fit him for far too long and I've run out of patience. So here~!)
His MV description: His MV takes place in a house, and the art style resembles that of crayon drawings. The MV would start off with bright colours at first before slowly transitioning to duller shades, along with shots containing bigger shadows than before. Grey, pale yellow, blue, and pink would turn up a lot.
The MV starts with a young Ichiro laying on his stomach, drawing something on paper with colour pencils all around him. He finishes the drawing and holds it up with pride, allowing us to see that it's a drawing of him and an older woman with the same hair colours as him. He gets to his feet and walks to another room where the woman that he presumably drew sits by a desk with her computer displaying jumbled words that he and us the audience cannot read. He tugs on her sleeve and shows her the drawing, mouth opened in a hopeful smile. She smiles as well and pats his head, making him grin wider.
The camera cuts to a calendar with it's pages flying off of it. We can see that two years have passed based on the dates of the first page and the last page we can see.
The camera cuts again to someone opening a door. A faceless man walks in and loosens his tie. He then breaks into a grin and opens his arms wide. The woman from before walks over and accepts his hug. Ichiro watches from the nearby hallway with a frown, stuffed koala tucked tightly to his chest.
The last minute of the MV shows Ichiro sitting in the dark hallway outside of the dining room where the woman and the man are eating, laughing happily. Duller colours and big shadows are now present.
The man leans closer to the woman, and she kisses him. Ichiro stands up and slinks quietly into his room, starting on a new drawing. The last shot we see in the MV is a drawing of him with crosses over his eyes, angry swirls of red, purple, and orange around him. The audio becomes distorted, to the point where we can't make out the last few words of the song. The MV ends.
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-- 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬
(Somber) ...My name is Kanai Ichiro. I'm 16 years old. I'm a high school student. Warden-san, you'll be judging me for my crime? ...Oh.
(Blank tone) Y*u've **i*ed m* *if*, yo* *no* t*a*?
-- 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐫
Look at what I drew!
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His image colour is Haruto's favourite colour.
His favourite colour is sky blue.
His favourite food is mochi.
His hobby is drawing.
He likes to sneak up on people and scare them. He's scarily good at staying quiet too, much to the chagrin of other prisoners.
Keiko is a stuffed koala bear he refused to let go of when he was brought to Milgram. He takes it everywhere with him, talking to it as if it were a young child. Some prisoners find it creepy.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬
I cannot draw. So picrew saves the day once again!
Aw, cutie boy! Oh he's a little fucked up actually.
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abimee · 1 year
i think the song that got me into siinamota was This Exact upload of help yourself to seconds, cause i followed forgetfulsubs and phantomsubbing back in highschool and saw thias a glance while listening to Shinjuku Sick, another upload by forgetfulsubs
i found out highcolor_sunz was one of the many alias names of siinamota and ended up consuming his entire catalogue (i was not aware of strobe light back ehen i was into vocaloid as a like little 12 year old) and mostly consumed stuff like goodbye everyone, equation *x, healthy end, before entering even further into his back catalogue with songs like Without Saying Goodbye, Metamorphose, LIVEWELL, etc.
to this day i would say that siinamota is, without a doubt, the most skilled and adventurous vocaloid producer i ever heard, and his sound reminds me of that pocket of vocaloid producers people sometimes forget of the likes of Sohta-P, MER, Setsu-P, etc.
i listened to a lot of other songs like this at the time that got lost when hazuki no yume got bullied by a bunch of english-speaking-only vocaloid coverists, so all i got is the re-uploads LOL
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meikostan · 10 months
It is literally impossible for me to shut up about vocaloid songs i like so i'm going to list a couple of songs and talk about why I like them so much and why you should like them too (to be updated continuously because once again I'll never shut up)
HONORABLE MENTION: The 13 minute, 64-song My Favorite Vocaloid Medley. I have had the lyrics to this beast memorized since I was 12 years old. It warms my heart to know that people are still making covers with this specific medley. I'll link to some of my favorites. Original song version UTAU medley (the only part i dislike is homokure's part idk why but it enrages me) The funny version NEKSM cover Abandoned UTAU cover Bonus: my playlist of each song from the medley in order
Tokyo Teddy Bear - Neru
Literally the song that got me into vocaloid in 5th grade. I was already aware of vocaloid and generally had positive feelings towards it because i had seen the World is Mine concert years before (it had blown my little 7 year old brain btw) but this song is the game changer. If you're a vocaloid fan you have probably listened to this song before so I won't spend too much time trying to pitch the song and instead talk about its impact on me. This bad boy has been with me for at this point nearly half of my life. It's one of the few vocaloid songs I listened to before I ever started learning Japanese (side note remind me to make a post about this too so I can share my numerous resources). Also quick shoutout to JubyPhonic for the line "ends justify the seams" in their english cover, fucking amazing. Anyway, this was also the song that cemented Rin as my favorite vocaloid in middle school (1, she has the range, 2, she's just like me fr <---suffering).
Honorable mention: Alfakyun's cover
2. 3年C組14番窪園チヨコの入閣 (Year 3 Class C No. 14 Kubozono Chiyoko's Joining of the Cabinet)
I have mentioned this before. Books do not make me cry. Songs do not make me cry. Movies have made me cry exactly once when I was 6 years old, and after that never again. This song is one of the few things to have ever made me produce genuine tears. You can tell how much I like it cause both this blog and my main's pfps are from this song. It's the ending, it gets me every time. But it's also the buildup of the actual song that makes the moment. It's hard for me to word exactly why, I've retyped and reworded this sentence many times. There's something about the contrast between the goofy dancing cats and how quietly Rin is singing. But also how, save for the students and cats, there is a near total lack of color (with of couse the bright orange being exclusive to Chiyoko and the cats). And how the song still has a kind of energy to it. I almost don't want to 'spoil' the ending but it's such a big part of why this song has the impact it does on me. Go watch the MV if you haven't yet, I'll wait... 3... 2... 1... ...Now do you get it?
3. The Beast - Spectacle-P (original video, not on spectacle-p's channel; this 2021 remake is, however, on their official channel)
You already know i'm a certified beasthead. There was a time in my life (which went on for more than a few months) where I would spend hours listening to various covers of this song on repeat. She means everything to me. Brief overview of the story: Singer (the beast) isolates themself in a tower of their own loneliness, when a human comes along and breaks down those walls so to speak (and then dies, badly). But now the beast realizes they do actually need human connection, and the song ends with them returning to society, waiting for the day they'll meet their loved one again. I think on some level I relate to the beast. I don't know how much of my isolation is self inflicted and how much is just a natural part of who I am. Maybe even the "natural" part is something that I just incorporated into myself, like the beast (who was formerly human).
Aside from the emotional impact of the lyrics, another reason I love this song so much is because of the composition, even divorced from the lyrics. A not insignificant portion of the covers I repeatedly listen to are literally just piano covers. It's so captivating and well made. I don't know if this is just because I have the original lyrics engraved into my skull or what but somehow even without words the song imparts the same bittersweet feelings.
Honorable mentions: Hinami Mei's cover My The Beast playlist of every iteration of The Beast that I can find One time I remade The Beast with cat meows + oboe + piano
4. Monochrome Shangri-la - MASA Works DESIGN
Definitely not the first song you think of when Masa comes to mind. This song is less overtly dark as his other works, being based off of Kenji Miyazawa's 1934 novel Night on the Galactic Express (銀河鉄道の夜), a pretty widely known and loved novel. This isn't even the only vocaloid song to be based on it - sasakure.UK's "For Campanella" comes to mind. This is also the reason I actually read the book (well, read part of and then finished via audiobook for the daily listening challenge.) But yeah, no gore or necrophilia or anything, just fun times on the space train and then also Campanella dies.
To me the song at times feels intentionally overwhelming, veering from a fun bouncing energy to the sense that suddenly everything is happening at once. Or maybe just being overwhelmed by the "many colored sky", like through your journey in space you're just hit with sight after sparkling sight. It is, after all, "just you, our dreams, the stars, and me". The loss of Campanella (as implied through the lyrics, though he's never actually named) transforms this into a much more frantic feeling.
5. No One Likes a Wallflower - MonochroMenace
I need you to drop what you're doing and listen to this song right fucking now. I think it may be my favorite engloid song. Literally this rocks so hard, there was a point in time where I listened to it multiple times daily for a month straight. Which may be a little surprising considering it only came out like 4 months ago. It's catchy, has an awesome MV, and the lyrics are fun (and honestly kind of call me out x) ) Despite that it doesn't ever cross into being actually mean-spirited toward the people being described (ie, people who prefer to sit by the sidelines in a party, or people who feel forced into doing so). It hasn't been a long enough time for me to say that this is life changing like the other songs listed but genuinely I have been so obsessed with this song that if I don't recommend it here I'll explode. Badly.
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mushroomjar · 11 months
🔥 about anything vocaloid/vocal synths!
I may have a couple, I'll just list some of the ones I can think of rn (lmao Utsu-P started playing on shuffle as soon as I started writing this)
I don't think the goal of vocal synths should be to try to sound as realistic as possible. That can be a part of it, sure, but like, you can have so much fun with vocal synths precisely because they're not real human voices and they have been synthesized by computers, so many different sounds and stuff you can't accomplish with real human singers. I actually really like it when the computers sound like computers
I see a lot of complaining about how all vocaloid MVs these days are just a drawing of a character/the vocal synth doing a funny pose and having the lyrics appear on screen, and while I also have my gripes with how often these types of MVs are used... I started thinking about it and it's just blatantly untrue that all vsynth MVs are like this nowadays? Mitchie M has never done this for example (if he has I'm unaware of it like I'm genuinely trying to recall a time he did this and I can't recall any), Deco*27 this year alone released at least 3 songs with either fully animated videos or multiple drawings that tell a story, Slave.V-V-R has his somewhat more recent songs with Miku like Eeeeye which use MMD, and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head, like there's still a bunch of more animated MVs for vocal synths and yet people don't talk much about them
Another thing people say about the "character doing a pose" MV is that it's more prominent now (I've even seen some people blame specific producers for this like Chinozo), and like, I get it, but at the same time, many of the classics of the vocaloid scene also used this formula. Romeo and Cinderella, Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder, World Is Mine, Luka Luka Night Fever, just to name a few, all used the "funky pose" formula, and many producers, like kiichi, have only ever done this type of MV (again, as far as I'm aware. Maybe kiichi does have animated MVs, but some of his more popular songs such as Love Love Nightmare and Virgo don't)
I think we just tend to remember it less? I don't know why that may be but I have some theories, like a lot of songs back then used to get fan MVs (eg Rolling Girl, World is Mine, Melt, etc), or just the way we listened to those songs was different, like when I was younger I used to listen to the songs by watching the Project Diva PVs and stuff, and now when I listen to songs I always try to actually link back to official uploads by the producers, which will inevitably not look the same
This one is an even vaguer theory, but it could also have to do with how often songs are released now? Like for example, Utsu-P releases new songs semi-frequently, so I feel like I can't fault him for not having fully animated MVs for every song (that and the fact that he has like five other music projects to worry about at the same time lmao), or Deco*27 and Inabakumori who I'd say release new songs with about the same frequency, it's like, idk maybe they don't have the time or resources to invest into more engaging MVs
I guess my TL;DR for my second unpopular opinion would be: yes, it's a bit annoying that so many vsynth MVs consist of "drawing of character doing funky pose", but like, we still get many animated MVs as well, and also this isn't something new it's always been present in the scene, so you can chill a bit
Wow this got so much longer than I expected! Anyway if anyone wants to add anything about any topics I mentioned please do, these are things that I'm really invested in talking about and I'd love to see other people's opinions on it
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