#because it's been so long since i've played dragon age
formosusiniquis · 1 year
y'know like barbie
It's Erica who gives him the idea, incidentally. Though she carries herself with a maturity that far surpasses the boys most days and though she's been through multiple life altering events, she does continue to only be eleven. Which is, it turns out, prime babysitting age.
The Sinclairs are going out of town overnight, it's their anniversary -- 18 blissful years, since our marriage can vote we thought we deserved a night away -- and they don't want Erica to spend the night home alone.
Enter Steve, who the Sinclairs trust with their children and who is inexplicably the only person Erica would accept staying the night with her. Steve honestly didn't believe it even as Mrs. Sinclair was saying it. But he smiles and nods, looks over the emergency numbers on the fridge when they're pointed to, nods at the money on the counter for food that he probably won't take, and waves as they walk out the door promising that he and Erica will be fine for the night and not to worry.
It's only when their car is out of the driveway and the door is shut that Steve realizes he isn't really a babysitter. He is a keep children alive while in a dangerous situation and when the situation is over drive them around because you feel bad that their childhoods have been marred by trauma-er which doesn't have quite the same ring as babysitter, and it's a lot harder to say with that rude tone the boys have been favoring. He also realizes that he's never actually dealt with children, or not girl children. The boys had all been older than Erica, when he had started keeping them alive. Max was definitely basically a teenager when he started really dealing with her; and she was usually okay to do what the boys wanted to do, like go to the arcade. Hopper didn't really trust him with El and that was fine, he wasn't sure he trusted himself with El either.
It put him in an awkward spot now though. Staring at Erica in her kitchen, a little afraid to ask the question on the front of his mind which was "What now?"
So he asks the second question on his mind, "What do you want to do that isn't eat ice cream all night?"
Say what you will about Steve Harrington, and a lot has been said, but he always keeps his promises and he always brings a pint of ice-cream for Erica to have when he comes over to the Sinclair house. Tonight he brought three, all different weird flavors he thought she'd like to try.
"Why can't I eat ice cream all night?" She says it with a challenge in her eyes, but he'd bet dollars to donuts that she's just doing it to make him sweat. "Because I've seen you eat ice cream, we've only got enough for two hours at most." His hand migrates as if of its own mind to his hip. "You need more than two people for Dungeons and Dragons, right?"
Her brows raise, for the first time since he's met her Erica Sinclair is stunned silent. Maybe she's just surprised he got the name right.
It lasts about as long as it takes him to notice it. "You'd play Dungeons and Dragons with me?" There's something fragile in the way she asks, and there is the eleven year old girl she's meant to be. 
"Sure, you'd have to show me how, but if that's what you want to do I'm game."
Eyes narrowed in a distinctly intimidating way he kind of thinks she stole from Nancy, he does his best to make his sincerity clear on his face. "We need more than two people, but I've got something else we can do if you think your fragile manhood can take it."
He's got a retort at the tip of his tongue about just what his manhood can take and remembers just in time that yeah probably shouldn't make a joke like that in front of an actual child. "My pride isn't that delicate, I think I can handle anything you dish out."
"Famous last words."
He follows her to her bedroom, waiting outside the doorway to let her space stay private until he's told to come in. A clear plastic tub slides out from under her bed, out of sight but easily accessible and when the lid pops off he gets why. Rows of Barbies stacked neatly on top of each other, a mass grave for childhood. Steve has a stuffed bear, fur rubbed off of one ear, tucked up on the shelf of his closet that also got put away sooner than he would have chosen to, when it was too babyish.
“Alright, so who is the, like, elven warrior.”
“That’s not how you play Barbies.”
It’s snapped so fast that he thinks it embarasses her. He tactfully avoids eye contact, pulling out a doll with blonde hair snipped into a professional, if uneven, bob and a green skirt set. She's missing a shoe. “Then how do I play Barbies?”
“That one just won the Nobel Peace Prize, she solved world hunger, but she has plans to kill the Barbie who won the prize in Physics because she stole Barbie One’s research and gave it to NASA claiming it was her own.”
“Right, of course.” This was the kind of shit that happened on Dallas, only Barbie had a lot more awards. “And they’re all called Barbie?”
“Except for Ken, but Ken doesn’t do anything.”
“Well if Barbie just won the Peace Prize wouldn’t she use Ken to kill Barbie so she doesn’t get caught.”
Erica manages a look that is both condescending and considerate. “Barbie can do anything, including get away with murder; but she wouldn’t want to dirty her hands with that sort of thing.”
“And if Ken goes to jail it’s no loss.”
So maybe it's more accurate to say that Dustin actually starts it.
Dustin with the shittiest attitude this side of the Ohio, something Robin blames him for.
“Like father, like son.”
“Dustin doesn’t even know his dad.”
“I mean you and Eddie, dingus.”
“I am not that kid's dad. A brotherly figure at best, strong male role model more likely.”
“He’s a bitch because you are, Steve. Maybe if your and Eddie’s love language wasn’t being as bitchy as possible it wouldn’t have rubbed off on your kid.”
“Please don’t put Dustin and rubbing off in the same paragraph let alone the same thought wave.”
Dustin comes sprinting into Family Video on a Tuesday afternoon. “Steve! I need your car.”
“Did you learn how to drive when I wasn’t paying attention?”
“Obviously, I meant I need you too.” His hands are on his hips, eyes rolled. Shit maybe he did get it from Steve. “There’s this theoretical physicist coming to Notre Dame to give a talk on the Multiverse Theory.”
Steve was allowing himself a second to consider whether this was worth it, for once, instead of just blindly agreeing to drive Dustin wherever. The drive sucked ass, but it would put him close enough to Chicago that he could try to find a music store that would carry albums from the international metal bands Eddie couldn’t stop talking about.
It was a second too long for Dustin. “Steve, a theoretical physicist-”
See Steve had this suspicion that the kids did actually think he was an idiot. He was pretty sure that none of them, hell maybe none of Hellfire, save for Lucas realized that every athlete in the school had to keep up at least a 2.5 GPA. Which might not have been anything to write home about but Steve kept a 3.2 for most of high school, until the multiple concussions started to catch up with him. He wasn’t stupid, was the point and even if they didn’t think he was an idiot in a mean way he was a little sick of the shit.
“I know, like Barbie.”
That shuts Dustin up real quick.
“N- no, not like Barbie! Barbie is some girl's toy.”
“Excuse me?” Robin, who told Steve that she would not help him parent his children on work days or any other day ending in y had remembered that Martes doesn’t have one and her shift was almost over. “What does that mean, exactly, a girl’s toy?”
“And,” Steve adds, because he can and because Eddie made him drive him to fucking Bloomington because he was fixated on time travel and needed access to some science journal that only existed at Indiana U apparently, “Barbie is on a research team looking for the Higgs particle so she can start figuring out time travel.”
The bell chiming as Dustin leaves has never sounded sweeter.
He’ll definitely end up taking the twerp to stupid Notre Dame.
The thing is that Steve thinks he’s never really stopped being a bitch.
He doesn’t want to stop. He likes being bitchy. It’s fun, when you’re doing it with people you like it’s pretty funny, and honestly he’s kinda like Spiderman. With great power comes great responsibility, he’s only bitchy responsibly now.
And it’s actually perfectly responsible as an older brother type babysitter figure to correct the behavior of the younger siblings by being bitchy. If they don’t learn at home they’ll go out in the world thinking that kind of behavior is acceptable, see Steve Harrington in his early high school days who talked to people like his father did.
So when Mike interrupts El with, “I’m not going to ask Steve, he probably doesn’t even know what a Pulitzer is either.”
He says, “Oh, yeah like Barbie won. Or Nancy will someday, probably. It’s a journalism award, Wheeler.”
And when Lucas corrects, “I don’t actually think you can win an award for comics. It’s still really great though, Will!”
“Barbie won the Kirby Award in 1985 for best artist, I’m sure Will is soon to follow.”
Or when Nancy tells Holly, “Are you sure you wouldn’t want to be something important instead?”
“You could be an actress and do something cool like go to space if you want, Hols, like Barbie.” And maybe he says it with a little more bitch than he should that time, but he’s seen the ballerinas in Nancy’s room, she didn’t always want to be an investigative journalist.
It gets to be second nature. When someone starts being shitty about something or to lighten the mood.
Erica doubts whether she should run for student council. It's her first step to being actual president, like Barbie.
Dustin makes a crack about Steve's possible future prospects when he butts in on a conversation between Steve and Robin. "I could do all three, I could be a counselor and a hair stylist and an engineer. Maybe I'll add EMT too, Barbie wouldn't stop at three, why should I?"
Or when Mike sneers at him, "What are you a cop?" All because Steve told him not to buy weed now that Eddie had stopped dealing.
"Ew, no, because you look like a fresh-faced little narc trying to be cool and you're gonna get ripped off."
"What so not like Barbie?"
"The Barbie world has achieved equality at a level that it doesn't need the cops." Eddie sometimes has to get high after a run in with Powell or Calahan who he still doesn't really trust after the spring. Steve has been treated to many a lecture on why the police were a waste of resources.
He lets Mike sit with that for a minute before he adds, "Like Barbie, I am very cool and know what it looks like when I'm being taken for a ride. If you're gonna get pot from someone other than Eddie, ask Hop where he used to get all of his shit."
It doesn't feel stupid, until El comes running into the cabin one afternoon that Steve has decided to join the rebuilding effort. It’s actually just him and Hop, who has started trying to quietly parent him, something he’s not entirely convinced isn’t revenge for telling Wheeler that Hop has smoked pot before. Steve is pretty sure El was crying when she came in, something he bumps up to a certainty when he sees how awkward Hop looks right now.
“You mind taking that kid? It’s been a long time since high school.” he rubs the back of his neck, Steve does appreciate that he has the decency to feel weird about asking. “If it’s anything outside of big brother shit I can take over.”
He does let himself get suckered by that big brother line.
El is facedown on her bed in a clear ‘leave me alone I’m crying’ pose but he figures he’s already here it’s not like he can turn around and tell Hop that he was too afraid to approach a crying teenage girl. Like that wasn’t the whole reason he’d been sent in the first place. “Hey Ellie, can I come in?”
She sits up, tear tracks plain on her face but no more are falling, and nods in that endearing, aggressively certain way she’s got. “Is everything okay?” He pauses and asks, “Was it Mike?” because he knows that’ll be the first thing Hopper asks when Steve comes back out.
“You are worse than Dad.”
“That stings, Ellie Bell.”
She takes a deep breath, steeling an already impressive will, “Lucas says it is okay to just want to be happy right now, but all they talk about is what they are going to do. Dustin is talking about going to admission early, Will talks about talking to Dad and Joyce about art school, Lucas worries about his sports and scholarships, and Mike talks about classes that count twice. I do not know what I want to be. I do not know why I have to be anything.”
“You guys have been through a lot. I don’t think anyone would blame you for taking time to just be a kid.”
“What if I never want to be something? What if I do not ever want to go to college?”
He’s made his way over to the bed with her, sits tentatively on the edge like he’s seen Joyce do before. “Then you don’t. You’ll probably have to get a job at some point, but that doesn’t have to be what you are. Lucas isn’t a landscaper just because he mows lawns in the summer.”
“You don’t think Dad would be upset?” she asks.
“I don’t think there’s anything you could do that would really make Hop mad. And you might change your mind. I've been out of school for almost two years and I’m only thinking about college now. Or you could go to college and change your mind about what you want to be. You could be a hundred things, you could be anything! Like Barbie.”
He feels like an idiot almost immediately. A jerk quickly after that. He’s made El’s genuine crisis part of his stupid running joke. But something settles in the room. The underlying tension, the thing that had the hair on the back of his neck raised. He realizes, now, that her powers had probably also been on edge.
"Like Barbie." She says it with a graven seriousness, like Steve's dumb little joke is a mantra now.
"Yeah, and you're a sophomore you don't have to have your whole life figured out right now. And don't take life advice from Henderson anyway, he thought it was a good idea to raise an Upside Down slug as a pet."
He mostly just used it to be a bitch though. Because it was fun. No, it was what he was good at. So good at it he didn't even have to try.
Because Steve had a plan to be bitchy. Specifically to Mike Wheeler who kept flirting with Steve’s boyfriend while taking advantage of his hospitality. Sure it was at their stupid Dungeons and Dragons game, and yeah Steve was the one who said they could host the game at his house now that Eddie had graduated. Yes, he knew Eddie didn't mean anything by it when he responded and usually didn't flirt back with the kids. But it was still the kind of behavior that had to be gently corrected, for Mike's sake because if he didn't stop things were going to get drastic.
His initial plan is already in action. He encouraged El to come along to watch the Party play. It was, admittedly, a half hearted plan. Wheeler got so awkward anytime El was around he mostly just hoped that would keep him from trying anything.
It isn't. Eddie starts to describe a new character, "Blonde and statuesque, she has a long bow in hand and delicate elven features."
And even though El is sitting a few feet from him Mike perks up the way he always does when there's a new NPC to flirt with. He is going to have to have a talk with Eddie about letting the kid try out a bard.
He does at least have one other tool in his belt. "Oh, like Barbie."
Steve knew what he'd get as he said it. A groan from Dustin, who falls for this as being sincere about as often as he falls for the dumb-dumbs and dipshits line -- which is everytime for the record. Will and Lucas keep their laughs small, enough that they're covered by Erica's snort. The original Hellfire crew mostly looks confused, it's becoming less and less their default as they warm up to the Steve he is rather than the Steve they thought they remembered; but he likes to keep them on their toes.
Eddie is charmed. He can tell. Sees him duck his head behind his screen and his binders, trying to preserve the stern and scary dungeon master image. That apparently isn't possible if you're smiling like an idiot at your stupid boyfriend, so he's been told.
And Mike has maybe been on the wrong end of the joke a few more times than everyone else. He turns an interesting shade of red, two parts anger and one part embarrassed is Steve's guess. The foot stomp is unexpected, but he expects its been passed down the Wheeler line as a shared signal of outrage. "Not like Barbie, this isn't some stupid kids game. She's probably a hot, wisened archer ready to reward us for helping her village, not some stupid doll that you're obsessed with."
Eddie's blank face with the twitchy eyes has fallen into place when he sits back up from behind his screen. His things aren't going according to plan, panicked face. "I think that's a good place to end things this week. Wheeler, Henderson, Jeff, and Lady Applejack you've all cleared enough experience to level right? Do that before next week."
Steve knows enough to keep his mouth shut while everyone packs up to leave. Sends a small smile to Erica on her way out to the family minivan, he knows she struggles a little being the youngest at the table even if she won't say it. He has to imagine that the outburst had stung a bit.
"You gotta be nicer to little Wheeler." Eddie chides once everyone is gone, halfhearted at best when he's telling Steve off into the soft skin of his neck. When he feels the admonishment more than hears it.
"I'm not mean to Mike." He says on instinct, he does try not to be. "And he started it."
"Definitely think you started the Barbie thing, Sweetheart."
And well, yeah. "I Barbie all the kids equally."
Eddie hmms Steve can feel the vibration of it through his back and on his neck. Eddie is about to start something he better plan on finishing. "He asked Hop where he should get weed."
Oh. "I didn't think he'd actually do it!" And then, "Is that why he keeps flirting with you, revenge?"
"No, he's got a bunch of misplaced jealousy because Will and the girls think you're hot." He toys with the edge of Steve's shirt as he says it. Perpetually cold fingers brushing the clothes warmed skin beneath making him shiver.
"The girls don't think I'm hot."
He hums again, nips at the blush red skin at Steve's neck. "El used to, Max definitely has a taste for jock.
"That's not my fault, you let Mike play a bard." He wishes he didn't sound so desperate.
"Wanted to leave the Paladin spot open for you, baby."
"I'm starting to feel convinced, we could go upstairs and you could show me your character sheet."
The things he'll say to get laid.
"Don't think I can do that Stevie, smooth as a Ken doll down there. Could show you the actual character sheet though." 
His back is cold as Eddie pulls away, smirking unrepentant as he lets Steve have the tiniest taste of his own medicine.
"Barbie has a very active sex life, actually." He's never been one not to double down. "Let me show you the fun we can have without getting your dick out."
He does leave it alone for a little while, even though he really, really doesn't want to. But despite what his friends, his fifth grade report card, and his mom might think; Steve is capable of keeping a hold of his worst impulses when he wants to.
So he lets opportunity pass him by.
He makes no comment about Barbie when Eddie talks about how John Carpenter is a film auteur. Not even when Dustin tries to define auteur for him. Incorrectly, but Robin comes to Steve's defense.
Barbie goes unmentioned, barely when an argument breaks out about Nobel prize winners, of all things. He thinks the kids argue more now than they ever have like it's the only way they have to get their bloodlust out now that the Upside Down was closed. He was quickly boxed out of the conversation, even if Erica kept sending him little glances over everyone's heads. (She'd let him have Peace Prize Barbie a couple weeks ago and maybe he was a little obsessed.)
Holly wants to be a vet now, a singing vet who is also on TV, but mostly a vet. She tells him all about it while he waits for Mike to find his shoes? Definitely not his quarters for the arcade, the day any of them bring those is the day Steve brings the nail bat back out. He’s one impulse purchase away from getting one of those little coin dispenser belts that the employees have -- Gareth just quit, maybe he still had his? Mike's frown is a little less general annoyance at Steve and a little more confusion when he's finally ready to leave and Barbie has gone unmentioned.
He almost breaks again when Eddie starts talking about sports. Or he starts talking about NASCAR which is close enough for Eddie, he has a surprising taste for racing for someone who never wanted to put his van on the starting line at parties. A woman led a Busch Series race for the first time, what a year '86. He's got no opinion on Barbie's ability to drive at all.
He could let a joke go. He could be nice. It wasn't so out of character that it needed this kind of attention.
Mike has forgiven him by the time the next session rolls around. Delayed two weeks after Eddie screamed so loud on stage that he couldn't speak for two days, and then again for Jeff's emergency appendectomy. Eddie has stopped leaving pointed gaps in conversation for Steve to fill with mention of Barbie, he has had his thinking face on instead which is good for Steve about as often as it isn't.
He leaves it alone. A little bit of non-life threatening surprise is good for the soul, or something. Listen, he’s made it this far by only asking questions when shit is about to get really, really bad and Eddie’s thinking face has only resulted in something bad once or twice -- and they probably should have spent more than a couple minutes negotiating that particular kink anyway.
When the kids start showing up and nothing has come from the thinking face, he assumes it was just for them anyway. He settles in to see whatever shit Eddie is going to do.
"From the ditch you pull a human man, a paladin. His plate is dirtied by his time on the ground but clearly gleams in its typical state. He's handsome, a square jaw and fluffy brown hair-"
"Ugh is this Steve? You already made us do a quest for him," Mike complains, maybe he hasn’t completely forgiven Steve for that last interruption.
Steve has, by his own count been the inspiration for at least three NPCs for this campaign: a white light faction rogue, Sol, that the party had to rescue from the dungeons of the nightmare King after he was caught sneaking into the bedrooms of the prince -- like it was Steve's fault that Wayne had super hearing; a young fighter from the gladiatorial combat ring who helped the party rescue a group of kidnapped children that were going to be used as bait in the next round of fights; and the most obvious Prince Stefan who sent the party on a quest to kill his betrothed a Duke called Thomas the Boarish and rescue his knight Rowen and beloved Bard Edwin -- it's not like he could unkiss Tommy, and he could be a dick but boarish was dramatic. 
He was not this paladin, assuming Eddie was telling the truth about saving the Paladin he'd made for Steve.
"Cut the out of character chatter, Michael, before it starts counting in game. The Paladin before you is handsome in a bland, approachable, non-threatening way," Mike opens his mouth again, how is that not like Steve surely perched at the edge of his tongue and stopped in its tracks by elbows from Erica and Joey. "He introduces himself to his rescuer, Will the Wise, 'Thank you, kind sir, I would have been down there for ages before my lady noticed my absence. I am Sir Kenneth.'"
"What deity does he serve?" Will asks, something suspicious drawing across his face.
"Is there a holy symbol on his armor?" Gareth follows up. Gareth has been backing a lot of Will's plays lately, Steve thinks something might be going on there but he hasn't wanted to deal with Eddie teasing him for being a meddling matchmaker, again.
"There is no identifiable holy symbol on his clothes or armor." Eddie says, there's a mischief in his eyes, the way he tilts his head with quiet challenge and smiles.
"What God do you serve?" Erica asks, blunt and to the point. She gets cranky when her rogue doesn't have anything to stab.
"'The Lady in Pink,' he answers."
Any time Eddie reveals lore shit there's always a bunch of people talking over top of each other. It always turns into the kind of mass blob of shouting that Steve has a hard time parsing out, especially these days. Eddie somehow manages to distinguish not only people but the things they're saying and keeps his cool enough to keep the story going.
"Roll your insight, Gareth. Jeff, with a 15 history check, you have heard some whisperings from your homeland about a newly ascended goddess but not a name. Dustin, you're not getting shit with a 5 don't even try that but my back story says shit with me. Will, pretty sure that's a cleric spell but I'll let you have it he's a Neutral Good alignment. An 18, shit, yeah Garebear he does seem to be telling the truth that is the deity he follows; but that isn't the whole truth, you know a lot of the newer pantheon have a colloquial name and a true name."
"I'm sorry," Lucas says, "we aren't familiar with your lady. What can you tell us about her? Why would she leave you there? And that's a 14 on persuasion before you even ask."
"Why would I have asked that, Sinclair the elder? He has stars in his eyes when he speaks, 'before she ascended she was already limitless. A powerful warrior, an expert marksman, a mage beyond compare. Her power grew and grew until the only place left to explore was godhood.'"
"And what's her real name, if we wanted to spread the word?" Joey asks.
"'Oh she's everything. She's the lady in pink, she's the goddess with the golden mane, but before she ascended she favored one name I assume she has kept it.'"
"What is it?" Mike asks, perched at the edge of his seat.
"Oh no," Dustin whispers, a dawning horror on his face.
"'Barbara, though she preferred it shortened. Nicknames you call them," Steve sees the joke, knows where this is going a split second before reality breaks through the haze of fantasy for the players around the table. Eddie's smirking now, smile too pleased and too attractive. "'Y'know like Barbie?'"
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seraphinitegames · 1 month
Hey, Mishka!!!
I've been replaying TWC over the last couple of months, and must say, it's been an entirely rejuvenating experience for me. Like, I was reading it the first time, although I've replayed the series quite too many (worrying number) of times already. And it still manages to amaze me, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
I've repeated this in the past, and I'll repeat it again. The Wayhaven Chronicles is a blessing for me and I'm sincerely thankful to have come across it when I did. And I'm grateful to you for making this lovely world a reality (and of course, the four beautiful vamps)! Really eager for Book 4 and have already player the demo; can say it's gonna be worth the wait. It every time is.
Replaying the series in the last few months, I had a certain uncontrollable urge to drop and ask a few questions to you. Apologize in advance for the long ask and message, but it had been bottling up inside of me for SOOOOOO LONG.
1. In Book 1, when we're to lead the investigation in one of the three directions, is there any way to get success in any direction without Bobby making a big joke out of our investigation in the newspaper?
2. In Book 2, when Nicole and Max Salinas come to report their incident, can Tina actually find out anything unusual? If so, what is actually needed to explain that?
3. In Book 3, I noticed if we choose to go the final mission alone, depending on the route chosen, Boddy/Doug will end up tagging along as well, jeopardizing everything. Is there still a way to complete the mission successfully and rescuing everyone like it happens when we go along with Rebecca?
4. Less of a question, but more of a plea. Please tell me we can get a pet anytime in the series. I was just curious if we can get one.
5. How powerful is the big baddie in Book 4 compared to Unit Bravo? You don't need to answer if this verges on spoiler-y territory.
Really sorry to overwhelm you with this, but it's just months and months of joy, happiness, and sheer ecstasy making me blabber on about this world like this. Thanks once again, for making this truly beautiful story, world, and the vampires a reality.
Have a good day!!!! Lots of love from India!!
You can never play a game you love too many times (I keep telling myself that as I gradually burn a hole into my poor old console playing Dragon Age over and over, lol!)! If it brings you happiness, then that's what is important! :D
Ok, let's see about the questions...it's been a whole since I've gone through the older games without being in editing mode, hehe!
I don't think so...Bobby is, well, Bobby. And that scene was there very much to establish their character and show the player what type of person they are.
I don't think so, again. If there's anything unusual or odd, then I usually like to let the MC find that instead of it happening 'off-screen' so it's more impactful for the player—unless it's Verda discovering stuff, because that needs to happen for…reasons.
Iirc, in the Bobby/Doug routes, you get the auction scene, so a lot of that branch involves focusing on saving yourself! But the other team that joins Unit Bravo will help in saving a lot of the captives in that version.
I would love that being a massive animal companion fan myself, hehe! But likely not, just because the MC is away a lot from home, and that's unfair on the pet, even a fictional one, lol. I was tempted to give the MC a supernatural pet that hung around at the facility—that was definitely a strong idea at one point just so I could write a pet in the series for those that wanted it (me, I was the one who wanted it, hehe!) :D
**BOOK FOUR DEMO SPOILERS AHEAD** It's not just that Book Four's villain is terrifyingly powerful (or will be. They are, thankfully for the MC and UB, in a weakened state for a while due to what's happened to them and what happened in Chapter Two) but it's a lot to do with the fact that their power specifically counteracts and weakens Unit Bravo's. So that's a double whammy!
Thank you SO incredibly much for the amazing message! It means more than you can know <3
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Risen under false dragons
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Viserys iii x fem!reader
warning : mentioned torture of Viserys, mentioned death, fear, hurt/comfort, cuddle, tiny tiny emotional, i try not to make it too ooc hope it works, no y/n
Summary : A golden crown full of pain he had gotten the death he should suffer for being there for his sadness. But if he was dead, where did the screech of a dragon come from? Where did a female voice come from? And why did his life come back to him in the form of a female dragon rider? Had he sinned enough to finally be free?
info : I've been meaning to write for Viserys for a while, I like him and even though he sucks (like everyone in asoiaf) I feel sorry for him because he was manipulated and taken advantage of from an early age. Now have fun reading as always ;)
Pain and love are two things that are very close to each other. Pain came in many forms - pain in childbirth for the mother, for a queen without a kingdom, a queen who died giving birth to her daughter Daenerys and at the same time caused pain to her young son Viserys when there was nothing left of her but the crown.
A crown he was always supposed to wear, he was always whispered to a child, a young man, and ever since he could remember, the world had been brutal and harsh to him. For him, a dragon who could fly above them all, he was the blood of a dynasty of several hundred years.
And yet and yet here he was in a camp of travelers from the wild, a group that had to take him further to his crown that his sister had brought into play in the first place. Her existence is pain and love he always thought when he saw in his little sister the expression of his mother - those violet eyes a little brighter than his own, those soft features, that smile he had seen so rarely in his sister as in his mother.
But this line between jest and love was something the prince was in danger of drowning in. The hatred grew with each passing day as he saw his sister's echo in this wild evil, as the lies he told himself about how he had been told grew weaker each day.
It was his birthright that was taken away by this right to the throne. How long would this go on? His sister had him this leader and he? He had a sword and himself he had nothing...he was the pathetic pitiful product of a dynasty of dragons defeated by a fat king now feasting in King's Landing.
A fact that left him silent at night, even shedding tears as he looked at himself in plated silver plates. ,,I'll bring us dragons back to the throne I'll take my birthright and if it kills her the army is mine" he muttered knowing what he had to do knowing that he had to force his sister to hurt her. A resolution that ended in a pain that punished him for life.
Pain inside him was something he carried with him but physical pain was something he had rarely experienced but not when the golden whip with the claw-like end heated up again and again, the gold burned away the right side of his face and his screams echoed in his own ears as everyone around him laughed.
But it was his sister who hurt him the most that night. He was no dragon, fire can not kill a dragon words that hurt him worse than anything he had experienced that night. But did it even matter if he closed his eye and hoped that when the Khalasar moved on and he simply died, he would simply disappear from a world that would never have him without him.
But then in the sea of darkness the sea in which he was to sink forever not buried with his ancestors he heard something. Something far away, something worthy of his home, it was a whispering of the wind, as if the air was coming back to him. When something shook the ground a scream a scream like he had always imagined. Dragons.
His heavy eyes opened wide even from the light of the stars he saw only outlines but he saw it saw the wings, the size saw the bite with the teeth and saw it. His savior. He wanted to say something, but before a word left his lips he fainted again and sank into his own mind full of pain, hope and fear.
The night lay over the endless grass more the heat gave way and it became pleasantly cool in the middle of this endless expanse - an expanse that seemed to have no end. Flew on her companion flew on these beasts almost endlessly without a destination until her flying animals smelled him. ,,He is a relative of yours... a prince of the pure Valyrian blood," she told her two creatures, who snorted and looked disdainfully at the man lying on a homemade mattress made of soft grass and other things.
The sight was ugly and handsome, it had taken her hours of the night to carve the gold from his head with a heated knife, injuring him even more and bandaging his right side as best she could. He's blind in the eye such a beautiful violet she thought and bit into the torn sheep meat they had stolen out of the air that night. She saw Vaes come a little closer, the darker and taller of the two nudging the stranger and scowling as he smelled the wounds.
Smirking and pushing him away slightly, she saw Braen looking at the Targaryen with green, interested eyes as if waiting for something. Reaching for the small bowl of water and grabbing the cloth to take care of his wounds, she knelt down next to him and was about to start on the wound on his arm when she saw him open his eye. It was only a moment before he realized that he wasn't dead and hastily tried to get away, which barely worked as he hissed and landed on his wounds.
Raising her arms and shaking her head, she first spoke in Dothraki but realized that this only made him even more nervous and insecure before she pointed to her heart and spoke in a mean tongue, ,,Calm down I found you I helped you you are badly hurt" and pointed to his body.
She saw how realization gripped him again, how his eyes showed fear, anger, grief and despair. Things she had felt and still felt, saw his fingers digging into the sandy earth and his lips trembling slightly as he tried to understand why he was being punished to live as a cripple. ,,Why? Why didn't you let me die?" came only a few crickets chirping and the stars shining in the sky after minutes of silence.
A question she knew very well, a question she had asked herself. All she had to do was look at herself, the marks still visible. They didn't kill me... maybe it was my destiny to save him? she asked herself and reached over to the campfire where the meat was sizzling and held some of it out to him.
,,You're not from here, stranger, your hair, your eye, you're a Targaryen, a dragon right?" she asked, ignoring his question for the time being and seeing how he didn't respond to the food, in contrast, he still didn't seem to understand.
But before the violet-eyed man had a whale of a time, she put the meat in his hand and told him to eat. ,,I can't let the son of my former king die," she murmured, running her hand over the golden drachma coin she wore tied to leather around her neck.
The symbol of the dragon back when she was a little girl all seemed so long ago. She didn't have to look at him to know that he was looking at her, that question and curiosity graced his gaze...the fact that someone in this world really stood up for him and didn't lie to him.
Viserys hastily wolfed down the meat and turned to her, still keeping his distance, but still seeing the golden coin. ,,You are from Westeros! Were you part of the court?" he asked louder, full of excitement, as if the Targaryen dynasty was in front of him.
But she just shook her head with a tired smile before she duetted at him, ,,Not quite my father was your father's ally...a now extinct house and now a former slave who has escaped," she said and pulled up the sleeve of her blouse, the brand from the Free Cities adorning her skin.
Hiding the pain under the fabric again, she saw how his face changed as the prince thought about how a ruler should do it this time and not just start marching. ,,I'm sorry my father couldn't protect you, I don't have the means to give you anything back," he said in a whisper and shuddered to the ground as his hand ran over his bandage.
But she just shook her head as she came a little closer to him, ,,We're even, you couldn't save me and I couldn't save you," she said and took the wet rag to remove the dirt from the wound.
But Viserys was quicker and grabbed the rag, surprising her with his stubbornness, but she didn't mind.
She had only heard rumors from the last two dragons, rumors and stories but he was a dragon and arrogance was part of it, ,,I can do it myself" he mumbled and she rose understandingly to reach for her leather drinking bag the water would run out soon anyway it had to be drawn further so she might as well give it to him. ,,Thanks," he had the decency to take a sip after he had finished and his body seemed to be more than a little shaken.
,,Your sister, where is she?" she asked as she wondered why she would leave him alone and in such a state. The last two dragons were always together but now what had happened? But this question she had asked showed her enough of a reason to reach for his sword at his side, which he pulled out and rammed it into the ground beside him. ,,She is one of those wild ones not a dragon! She owes everything to me and now she has betrayed me!" he almost shouted with rage as he was reminded of the events with a thud. She saw exactly how he tried to get up again to help him but he pushed her away which was not firm but she let him do it.
He had the build of a warrior rather than a nimble young inexperienced fighter he was not like his brother he was like a coin of the gods but his grip on the sword was firm and determined. ,,She will regret it...it is my throne" he hissed and she saw his gaze go over the horizon towards the sea beyond which, after a long time, was King's Landing.
A fact that made her smile and then laugh - her house destroyed, he a broken prince and his sister on the best way to gain power here. ,,What's so funny?" he asked, raising his sword against her, trembling but determined. A portrait of his betrayed father, it flashed through her mind as she came up to him and made a playful curtsey.
Before she looked at him again, ,,It seems to me that the song of the king without courage fits you or the night that ends," she replied and pointed towards the horizon where the sun would slowly appear in a few hours and bathe the fallen dragon in new splendor.
They would probably start a new chapter of history together. She saw how he took this as an insult at first, but to her surprise, he gave a serene impression of himself and put his sword away before looking at her again. ,,Prince Viserys without a crown and a fallen high lady is this how my journey is to begin?" he asked into the night, probably speaking his thoughts aloud, and she slowly stepped closer.
She stretched out her hand and slowly placed it on the edge of his sword and saw in his violet eyes that something had changed. The acceptance of his death had disappeared, the chance they had both been given should be used. ,,I follow you my prince as our ancestors did" she assured him and she saw the nod he gave her before his hand squeezed hers ,,Be my royal hand Lady Wyvern" he replied proudly and she agreed with a slight bow before looking behind her in confusion. She saw that he had distinguished Wyverns from dragons with a simple glance.
This made her laugh and she broke away from Viserys as she walked to her dragon-like creature Vaes who was waiting curiously. She stroked the warm leathery skin and still saw the uncertainty in Viserys. ,,Wyverns are wild and native to Sothoryos, what are two of them doing here and still tamed?" he asked, keeping a distance everyone knew in Westeros and beyond how dangerous wyverns and wyrms could be.
But even if she knew this was true, ,,Not for the two of them, they were also captured ones, I freed them and we escaped...but Braen seems to have taken a liking to you," she said and pointed at the slightly smaller greenish dragon, he was young but brave. She let go of her wyvern and grabbed Visery's hand, feeling the warmth emanating from him even afterward, and pulled him towards the green dragon-like creature.
She heard the sword fall as the prince touched a piece of his family for the first time, at least one of his ancestors. She saw joy flash in his violet eyes for what must have been the first time. ,,A creature full of mysticism and power you are," he spoke to the non-fire breathing creature and let his hand move over the body, stroking the leathery, shiny skin and his violet eyes looked at the green ones.
It pleased her, it pleased her that he could feel such joy despite the pain, a fact that made her heart beat faster. ,,How about a flight with your prince...an order of course my lady" he added hastily and pressed lightly on the back and Braen and it actually gave in.
At first she was afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold on because of a his wounds, but then the euphoria and the dream of a dragon seemed to spur him on. ,,If you wish, my prince, let's go," she stopped and swung herself onto Vae's back before rising first with her dark wyvern, seeing Viserys follow her only moments later and counting a broad, sincere smile on his face.
For the first time, he felt no pain and ignored even the injuries, ,,It's unbelievable!" he shouted, letting out a free roar as he flew through the dark night. She saw how he sometimes flew slower and sometimes faster, holding his hand in the cool air and praising the Wyvern, which both creatures shrieked joyfully and gave their rider a good time.
She followed him herself, rejoicing with euphoria that she was finally no longer aimless, that she had finally found someone...that she had someone to love her and that he was being loved again. ,,I thank you Viserys!" she called to him and saw the Targayren look behind him, a smile adorn his lips and he gave a ,,I thank you with all my heart for the faithfulness of a new beginning, my lady!" before he gently lent his wyvern to her and they knew that she would spend many hours in heaven.
The hours passed up here and indeed they flew towards the rising sun before retreating from the heat to old ruins they had seen. The wind had ruffled her hair and she smiled, wanting to leave it that way when Viserys, leaning against the ruined wall, told her to come here, ,,My mother always did it, it suits you," he said, pointing to her hair after she realized that he had braided a few strands as best he could and looked at her tiredly.
Returning his gaze, she leaned against the wall next to him and slowly leaned her head on his shoulder in exhaustion. She mumbled a ,,Thank you“ but fell asleep after a few more moments. Leaning against her prince. While the Targayren tucked the simple blanket a little more over her both and gave her a fond look before looking up into the sky that held a new day.
The heaven in which something blossomed between them, the heaven in which they would both eventually find the throne that was his. But who knows every prince needed his queen at some point and maybe she would be the one as they flew through the air into a future with hope and without pain.
Maybe I do a part do I need to see ;)
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arrowhawkart · 23 days
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Alright what's up everyone! If you do not follow my personal blog fair warning: I have become very suddenly obsessed with Dragon Age and have been playing thru the games for the first time ever- so expect the next chunk of art from me to be very Dragon Age-centric
So Anyways here's Cedric Hawke, the fun little guy I made for my DA2 playthrough and became incredibly attached to much faster than I expected.
More incoherent rambles and thoughts on my Hawke under the cut- it's very stream of consciousness under there and also very very long you've been warned
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Just like.... wow.... okay so I've now played through Inquisition and finished Trespasser and I've gotta say DA2 really took the cake for me, like by far my favorite of the 3. (Like please don't get me wrong it absolutely had it's issues I'm not saying it was a perfect game or that all the writing choices were amazing) But I just really enjoyed the smaller more personal scale of the conflicts in DA2, I liked that Hawke was even more Just Some Guy, and like yeah the Warden and the Inquisitor aren't like special chosen ones or anything, but they are both tasked with these gigantic world-saving country-spanning quests, and Hawke? Hawke is just a guy trying to do right by his family. Like he doesn't have any world saving mission. He is just trying to Get By and that really made this game hit home more for me than the other two.
I said I was gonna ramble about my Hawke and I just ended up rambling about DA2 itself... whoops. ANYWAYS- Cedric- My Boy Cedric- I recognize that a purple mage Hawke is the most common route people go and I am by no means unique or original, but this game series is very new to me, personally, and I'm having fun anyways. (From here on out I will be talking about my Custom Hawke and not like, Hawke the player character in general)
And gosh I'm such a sucker for complicated and messy family dynamics, and DA2 does that so well. Like the Hawke family is Fucked Up. Bethany gets killed by that ogre while they're fleeing Lothering when she tries to save their mom from said ogre, and Leandra immediately turns and blames Cedric for Bethany's death- and then later in Act 1, Carver, best baby brother Carver, also throws Bethany's death in his face while they're having their own stupid argument which started because Cedric was trying to cheer Carver up and boy did that fail dramatically.
Like Cedric is witty and charming and sarcastic and kind of an asshole sometimes, and comes of as incredibly over confident and cocksure and that's because he's very much been shoved into the role of 'okay you've gotta take care of everything and if you don't everything bad is Your Fault, and since you're in charge of taking care of everything, everything bad is automatically Your Fault No Matter What Anyways.' So he's gotta playact like he has everything all together and under control, because what the fuck is his family gonna do if he doesn't? And underneath all of that he's an incredibly stressed out guy, who does not feel like he can ever let on that he's stressed and making everything up as he goes and just hoping that things work out well.
And like he tries to do the right thing- by god does this man try. He brings Carver with him on the deep roads mission because he and Carver work well together! Carver wants to go! He loves his little brother, there is no one he would rather have by his side than his little brother! There is no one he trusts more than Carver to have his back! Carver and Cedric are incredibly close, (yes in the game's friendship/rivalry system Carver was locked in at full rivalry but that absolutely does not mean they weren't still very close and also friends). Like Carver is the one person who actually recognizes that the way Leandra projects all of her own issues onto them, but like mostly Cedric, is really shitty! He acknowledges that after apologizing for his part in the argument I mentioned above. And then of course Carver ends up getting the Blight during the deep roads mission, because nothing can every go right for them. Thankfully Cedric brought Anders along, so Carver is able to become a Grey Warden instead of DYING, but he has to leave, and Cedric doesn't even find out whether or not Carver survived his joining for months. And of course Leandra blames Cedric for this, she begged him not to bring Carver along with him, and he did anyways and now she's never going to see her youngest son again and it's all Cedric's fault. And that's how Act 1 ends and I just.... Auaghghghghhhh-
And then we've got Act 2, and like mid-way through Act 2 is probably the high point for Cedric. Things peak for him here and then it's all one big snowball downhill from there. So like, Cedric romanced Fenris, because this man is addicted to difficulty, and of course was going to immediately be infatuated with the guy that makes hating mages half his personality. (I mean it wasn't immediate, it was more of a slow build, mutual-trust, to friendship(and yes once again Fenris was at full rivalry but I stand by what I said about the friendship rivalry system earlier), to lovers thing, especially considering three years pass between Acts 1 and 2) And yeah, Cedric doesn't hide the fact that he's very into Fenris, and Fenris definitely hasn't seemed opposed to this. So after Fenris kills Hadriana and then they have that fun little argument that ends with Fenris pinning Cedric to the wall and kissing him 😳- Cedric is like, riding the high of what was probably the first positive physical affection he's gotten since Carver let for the Grey Wardens three years ago. And then of course the following morning Fenris immediately breaks things off with Cedric, so what Cedric thought was going to be the start to a romantic relationship, just ends up being an ill-fated one night stand. And like! Cedric does not begrudge Fenris this! He completely understands Fenris's reasons, he is not upset with Fenris at all! He is still just completely crushed though. So yeah, things peaked for Cedric for like one very short night and then start speeding downhill. Because not long after that is when his mom is killed by a fucking serial killer. As if things weren't already fucked enough for Cedric, already having lost his twin younger siblings.
Also side note- I love the fact that DA2 is portrayed as Varric telling the story of Hawke's life to Cassandra, and that we know Varric is an unreliable narrator. Because like Leandra's last words to Hawke being that she's so proud of her strong boy- at least with how Cedric's relationship was with Leandra up to this point- felt so so out of character for Leandra, and I love the headcanon that that's Varric giving his bestie some closure narratively that he never actually got in reality. So like that's canon for Cedric. Because that was Leandra's decapitated head frankensteined onto another woman's body- and magicked into a reanimated corpse that absolutely did not seem like it had any conscious thought- like she was already dead before Cedric showed up. There were no final words. There was no nice narratively satisfying ending to that one. And I like it better that way tbh........
We're just gonna like skip over the whole qunari invasion subplot because I am. Not a fan of how that was handled. Writing wise. Like what the fuck was that. Like I have THOUGHTS about it but they're not gonna go on tumblr. Anyways. Moving on.
Champion of Kirkwall! Yay! Meredith knows he's an apostate mage and is just Waiting for any half-decent excuse to either bring him to the circle, make him tranquil, or kill him? Not yay! Cedric is absolutely good friends with Anders, and has been helping with the mage underground every chance he has. People in the city have been whispering about making him of all people Viscount and he has no idea how to feel about that, like he'd rather not, but who else is gonna do it? And who else would do it and actually give a shit about mages and elves and just like lower class people in general? Like this incredibly stressed out guy does not need more added to his plate, he really doesn't. But he's definitely thinking about it. I mean hey! It's not like he's got any family around to take care of at this point right? Why not just take that eldest daughter syndrome thing he's got going on and use it to fix the city?
The one bright spot for him here is that hey, at least he and Fenris get back together. That one's nice. They both deserve something positive and comforting after all the shit they've been through.
And then Meredith is trying to invoke the right of annulment and Anders blows up the fucking Chantry. And Cedric can't even blame him for it. After 6 or 7 years of painstakingly working to try to find peaceful ways to improve the lives of mages and getting blocked at every turn, with the knowledge that Meredith has been getting worse and worse and worse, and has been actively looking for any excuse to invoke the right of annulment and just kill every single mage in Kirkwall? And Grand Cleric Elthina has been absolutely no help, and has absolutely been subtly on Meredith's side the entire time. Like at a certain point, violence really does feel like the only option left. When you've been backed this far into a corner.
So obviously Cedric takes the side of the mages, doesn't kill Anders, is honestly like 'my dude, my buddy, my guy, my best pal(aside from Varric, and my boyfriend Fenris) why didn't you tell me? I would've helped you on purpose.' He's elated when Carver shows up during that final push to the Gallows, like the whole situation is absolutely shit, and it'd definitely be better if his beloved brother was no where near danger, but he's a Grey Warden now so that's not even an option anyways. So it's just nice to have him around even during such an intensely stressful moment. Honestly everything is so unbelievably fucked at this point that Cedric isn't even stressed anymore. Like things literally cannot get worse. He's kind of riding the high of things not being able to get worse. Or maybe that's just adrenaline. Who knows. Aveline and Sebastian both leave, Cedric is unbothered. Doesn't even try to convince Aveline to side with him later either, like he's never really gotten along with her, and he did not like how she treated Carver. Fenris and everyone else stick around, and that's what matters to Cedric, like all the people he was actually close friends with stick with him in this moment (Fenris, Varric, Isabella, Merrill, Anders, & Carver)
And then yeah, they save the mages, defeat Meredith, leave Kirkwall with the renegade mages. Everyone goes their separate ways due to one reason or another, except Fenris. At least Cedric does get to keep one positive close relationship around.
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malaierba · 2 months
i just peaked into an alternative TL where Laios was the one that got eaten by the dragon, so Falin & co had to go save him.
The way it played out (and I was thinking about this before falling asleep bcs it came up in a conversation with a RP buddy) Falin wants to go immediately, Marcille and Toshiro can't stop her, ChilChuck tags along, Namari is instructed by Toshiro to go look for his retainers so they catch up to them since he feels like the party is at a disadvantage with only him as a physical fighter.
The funny thing is that the fandom went from a ship war between Farcille and Shulin to a unspoken agreement that those three were in a V poly relationship, since over the course of the story the combined wet paper bag energy of Marcille + Toshiro (plus the face that Toshiro is canonically a bit intimidated by Marcille. Marcille. Marcille) made everyone realise, oh, they're a funny duo, let's put them in situations. Romance is a situation.
And this was the fanon until the party meets Kabru & co, and they rescue Laios, point at which the weird foiling/reflecting/"I respect you and I know you've had good intentions with me but the way you approach me gets on my nerves because it's rude and also I feel responsible for not making up for your carelessness which got you eaten but also if you saw me properly I'd want to befriend you please SEE ME properly so I can befriend you"/"you're the coolest thing since swiss cheese what do you mean we aren't friends already"/"actually I agree with the guy dying to kick some sense into you and also your ass I've been trying to befriend you for so long please look at me properly this is who I am underneath wanting to leverage your strength and also keep an eye on you bcs your fascination with monsters concerns me: a guy who recognises your strengths and your struggles and wants to relate to you as an equal"/"btw isn't it funny how we're so similar in so many ways, intrigued buddy who I've just adopted?" "You're right, interesting, this is the first time I find it so easy to speak to a guy approximately my age" "surrogate mommy issues?" 🤝 "Surrogate mommy issues" happens,
At which point the fandom divided like we were the sea and fucking moses was taking a stroll:
Pathetic failgirls V-shaped poly ship VS. Chaotic yaoi polycule. The shade was insane, "Toshiro's a trans girl and Falin cracked his egg" truthers vs. "He's gay and demi and so repressed he's one 'no, thank you' away from collapsing into himself like black hole"
Don't get distracted. The IMPORTANT THING was that in this dream I kept winning because my blorbo (Toshiro, Falin) is automatically my fandom bicycle so I was thriving. It was a feast and chat I was getting fed.
This revelation looped like 4 times with minimal changes in my mind (that I can remember). It was great. Why am I in this fuckass TL smfhsmfhsmfhsmfhblrblrwrlll
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
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"It's funny because in order to make the show with any integrity, you cannot think about the scale of it at all. It has to be about the moment you're trying to make special and doing justice to the reality of the reality. I mean, it’s a show about dragons (laughs). I hope people will find it's a family drama and the dynamics are very human."
"You almost can't focus on what a big thing it is, but there's nothing like doing a press tour and going to New York, Paris, and London. You realize it is bigger than the soundstage in Watford (laughs). I guess the answer to your question is trying not to anticipate anything."
"That’s the other thing, it's fantastic when things are amazingly received especially since it has such a built-in fan base. People love it almost before it even exists, which is fantastic. It's been very warm and lovely how everybody has received us."
"When I watched the first episode, 90% of me thought, this is really cool—cool because I was watching my friends on TV. But 10% of me thought that's the way I've done it; it’s permanent and that represents me now and that’s quite hard. It's easy to feel a bit existential about it, especially when you've started with theater and went to drama school."
"There's something amazingly ephemeral about theater and the fact that it doesn't exist anymore once it's happened."
"When you have something with a big budget and loads of people working on it who really believe in it, everyone is so engaged in how to serve the story best, but it's not the same as theater. When you wrap that's the scene."
"It doesn’t have anything to do with me anymore, and it's going to be made into something else."
"During a play, the only people who shared the moment was me and everyone else in the room, and then it goes out into the ether. I am on the journey of finding that on the screen because it's not the same."
"Exactly—that's a nice way of thinking of it, that it is still being shared. With a show that comes out with one episode a week, there's something communal about that. It can be a talking point at the pub or work, which I really like. When Succession came out weekly, I was like, I'm so glad I'm alive to watch this week by week (laughs)."
"I did have one part before, The Last Kingdom, a Netflix show, which is about Vikings and Saxons. I was in my third year of school, and it was during that third year Covid came. So we were all sent home and we didn't ever have that closure."
"But also, you're doing an acting degree and you think, the thing I'm in denial about is that this might not even happen for me. Then suddenly theater doesn't exist and you're back in your childhood bedroom. I mean, worse things were going on in the world, but I think that when I got that part in The Last Kingdom, it felt like magic. I couldn't believe it."
"I got to go out to Budapest for eight months. The cast was so warm and welcoming. I got the House of the Dragon job while I was on that job. I had a bit of time to wait in between them, but it was time I could obsess about the scripts that I did have and all my ideas about her."
"It did take a long time before I finally got the part of Helaena. They were using dummy sides from a scene of Arya’s from Game of Thrones. I did it and thought it was a long shot because every actor my age in the world was probably taping for that part. I knew it was good to be seen by the casting director, Kate Rhodes James. I didn't hear anything for a very long seven months."
"In Budapest, there were whispers that some of the actors were getting auditions for it. I didn’t think it was going to come through for me."
"Eventually, I got a notice saying, they didn’t want me for that part, but to audition for the part of Helaena. When I came home for Christmas, I did the tape. It's so rare when you do a tape where you think, that's a bit of me and I really want to do this. Then I was back in Budapest and I got a text that said they wanted to meet on Zoom."
"So I met with the casting director and the two showrunners, and that just went by in a complete blur. After, I felt like an alien a few days (laughs). I kept having to put myself to sleep in order to not feel worried. One day I woke up from one of those naps and I had a text that said, you've got the part."
"That's true. I think either way it would've gone, it would have been just me blacking out."
"What's interesting for me about Helaena is that she's in this unique situation. She's in the royal family and married to her brother, which she’s done for the family. It is a personal sacrifice."
"She's uncomfortable with what's expected of her. She doesn't like wearing those clothes. She doesn't like standing up there in front of the people and doesn't like being a figurehead or being projected on. She's got her own stuff that makes her feel safe and she wants to be in her own world."
"So we leave her growing up in a level of discomfort. For this season, I would describe it as a reckoning of what she's willing to accept and how far is too far. It's about family dynamics, inherited trauma, and the quest for us to understand each other."
"The sets by set designer Jim Clay are incredible. They have built a castle inside the studios. I can walk into my bedroom, look around my bedroom, walk out, walk downstairs, the grand hall, go into my mother's bedroom, go upstairs, and go to the study."
"In a way, it's like a lazy actor's dream because you just look at something and it's real."
"My favorite moment of this year was when I got my first scenes that are properly in Helaena’s bedroom."
"She has this special interest in her insects and there are cabinets and cabinets filled with the most beautiful bugs and incredible things that had been designed to look like something that she would've sewn."
"She’s written notes all over her desk and dreams all over the wall along with these amazing drawings. I'm trying to think of the perfect way to describe it, but it was as imaginary as if somebody had created a child's imaginary world for them in real life."
"That's a really big question. I'm proud I made a choice about this character and have stayed true to her. I try to make choices that are through the lens of specificity of this person."
"It's not even so much something to be proud of, but it's more like a gift that I'm in this position because you don't always get to play someone so particular. It's really exciting to get to make all of those choices for yourself."
"I go to the theater twice a week, so I almost see that as manifesting, just in that I put so much thought and energy into appreciating plays that I like. I'm letting it rub off on me."
"I'm also someone, who every time I watch a film, see a performance, or go and see a play I'm interested in, I log it somewhere. It’s a nice notch on the climbing ladder and helps in developing a strong sense of taste."
"I was a kid who watched a lot of TV and films. I was really into Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I also did a huge amount of Shakespeare because nearby there was a small children's company that put on plays in the summer."
"I also had a crush on James Dean in films like East of Eden, but I also wanted to be Buffy."
"When you are in a small school and you're objectively the keenest person in the class, you get to play cool characters, parts that I would never play now in a million years. So I think of it all as influential."
"It's also about the positive energy of the people you have around you."
"I have had very supportive parents and teachers, so it didn't seem as much of an obstacle, but that's not the case for everyone."
"I'm going to the End of the Road festival—I went last year for the first time and it was such a beautiful festival."
"I think I am going to go to Naples but I also hope I'm going to be doing a job."
"As an actor, you want to make these plans, but you also think, I could just stay home and wait by the phone instead and not do anything."
"But it's important to make the plans, but I kind of hope that something gets in the way."
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absolutebl · 2 months
As I have been watching Century of Love and Sunset x Vibes I started to wonder why DaouOffroad and MosBank don't use Hia. I know it's not a must and it absolutely depends on the person but it just got me thinking.
My question is if you could name some couples and/or series (I know of ZeeNeunew and BounPrem) where Hia is used.
I enjoyed reading your blog btw and I hope you have a good day/night!
Hia is only used on those who (are male) and have (or who's character's have) Chinese ancestry.
I don't really consume content rgr the actor's off screen (as branded pairs) BTS but in my experience in Thailand, hia is by invitation only IRL. It's comparatively rare to hear in use around and about. Even for promo I've only really heard ZeeNunew use it. I can't remember if BounPrem do. It's been so long...
You asked specifically about:
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So Bank is the elder and he's Thai/French/American, no Chinese ancestry that I know of. So I don't see how hia would come into play for them. I don't even know how they manage phi/nong, since couples who mostly portray age flipped age dynamics usually come to some kind of complex negotiation around pronouns when branding in public.
In Big Dragon I am assuming Mos's character had Chinese ancestry but they were age mates so... no hia.
IRL I have no idea on Mos's heritage, but like I said, he's the younger one so hia isn't an option. And if they were to get fuzzy with their pronouns like OhmFluke do, I suspect they would only fuck around with Phi. Hia's a bit more... untouchable? I guess that's how I'd put it.
I talk all about this kind of negotiation here (including ZeeNunew):
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Okay this is a lot more complicated because these two belonged to a survivor show boy group together LAZ1 (Daou won 1st) before they started doing BLs as a pair.
Daou is Thai and of Teochew Chinese descent. He's also older so technically Offroad could indeed call him hia. But hia is kinda household intimate and a little more complicated than Phi.
Do they use it on circuit? I don't know. But my feeling is Daou would have to make it explicitly welcome, including to any publicity team (model, sponsor, actor, singer). It might even need to be discussed under that context with a whole team (including Offraod's people) because of the greater implications when balanced against a music career and family dynamics.
If I were them I'd settle on phi and avoid the whole messy business.
As for in the show, Century of Love?
Daou's character is A LOT older and def has Chinese ancestry. Offroad's character is calling him phi out the gate (cheeky).
I would expect (and be grumpy if it doesn't happen) this pair to have a linguistic negotiation at some point. We shall see if hia comes into play but rao/ter or something even more old fashioned is more likely. Hia could happen, but it just doesn't feel right for these characters.
More on Thai pronoun use in BL:
In general, like gu/mueng, hia is something you mostly only hear in Thai on screens. But for entirely different reasons.
Hope that helps.
I should add, a foreigner should never use hia unless it's explicitly offered. It's an honorific, but that still would be quite rude. ALSO if you use the wrong tone, it's a VERY bad word.
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zeevoidlight · 4 months
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Vegeta and Nappa, why did Vegeta killed him.
One of my favorite characters of all time since i was a child is without a doubt Vegeta.
I've seen this question being asked constantly so i'll give my take one it now. I know many people don't like the "because Saiyans" type of explanation but one cannot ignore that their nature is much different from humans and is a great part of who they are and why they do the things they do. So my approach is usually try to see what of all that is actually because of their nature and what is just being used as a cultural shield, specially when it comes to both Vegeta and Goku. More Vegeta because he lies a lot as well, and despite being Saiyan his status as royalty changes the usual dynamic a bit compared to others of his own species. (note that i watched the latin version so my interpretation of the character might be different from that of the english one)
So regarding the topic:
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Realistically and sadly, as much as I like this alternate reality people usually like to portray of Nappa being Vegeta's assigned babysitter, taking care of Raditz as well, the three of them being like a small family unit given that they only had each other as survivors of their people's extinction... I think the reality is a lot more complicated.
Being a Saiyan, and more than that the strongest Saiyan by far in their recent history, even stronger than the King himself, Vegeta was capable of taking care of himself better than Nappa. He never saw Nappa as a protector because Vegeta was leagues ahead of Nappa in terms of strength and rank. We see that on the first Bardock movie where he treats Nappa as a servant, and even asks Frieza to let him go alone to a more challenging planet to conquer where he ends up killing everyone, sitting on a rock in the middle of a pile of corpses of his own making and eating twinkies or something as he was getting news of his Planet's destruction, thinking already what was going to be his next move and hiding his concern from Frieza's informant. All of that at the age of 5.
He never saw Nappa as akin to family because for as young as he was Vegeta was still his superior. Plus Vegeta considered himself smarter than him too, and he actually was even as a child. Vegeta was, on the contrary, protecting Nappa and Raditz, and consequently himself, against Frieza and his men by playing the long game while those two probably constantly screwed up and tried to engage in an unwinnable battle. This kid didn't had the opportunity to be a kid since he was born. Always on a minefield.
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As how I see it, the reason why Vegeta killed Nappa then wasn't only because Goku broke Nappa's spine and paralyzed him leaving him quadriplegic and unable to fight rendering him as dead weight, but because he was years long fed up with Nappa as well. Maybe even with what he represented as the last remains of the Saiyan kingdom and the past since he was perfectly comfortable being the last Saiyan alive as representation of what a true Saiyan was in his own understanding and values of it, considering himself the peak of that and the example for everyone else to see, which being a prince he was kinda always pressured into being that and thinking of himself as such anyways. And Nappa's embarrassing fight was the last drop and the perfect excuse to get rid of him. Dude couldn't fathom something so disgraceful that he preferred to kill him than keep enduring his presence any longer while pretending he cared (and the emotions were kinda running high).
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Even after in GT when he sees Nappa again there's nothing but contempt against him. And you could say anything about GT but what I appreciate greatly of it is the character consistency.
Note: I've been watching DB and Z and it's very clear from the moment they arrive to Earth that Vegeta can't with Nappa's recklessness. When Nappa destroys East city Vegeta is like 'dude, has it ever occur to you that the dragon balls could have been here? You idiot! Don't destroy the planet, we could sell it, don't be a stupid, think, fight better, concentrate, his not fighting intelligent... Lol, by the time of Nappa asking Vegeta for help I can totally imagine Vegeta was thinking 'you know what Nappa... FUCK YOU' *yeet!
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paletigers · 15 days
DAI and My Questions as a Trans Guy
So, I recently got into Dragon Age again (thanks @/fullgoob) and I've been sitting here with a thumb up my ass because I really would love to write a fanfic about Solas but I feel like I'm not there yet.
To any DAI fans, or DA fans in general, do we know how Elven and Dalish culture view trans people?
(Long thoughts ahead and very sleep deprived thoughts:)
We obviously only see transness through the lens of the Qun and Krem. (Only speaking to DAI, I haven't played the other games yet.) In the Qun, people are put into gender based on their role in society. In a conversation with Cassandra and Iron Bull, Iron bull states that women who are warriors are considered "men" under the Qun solely based on their role. He also sees Krem as a, for all intents and purposes, as a man not because of his role but because of who he is as a person and because he's just a great guy and cares (poor wording on my part, sorry). Now whether or not the Qun is "progressive" for this isn't what I'm curious about.
I'm curious on the rest of the party. We don't get to see or hear reactions of Krem's gender from anyone else besides Cassandra and Bull, but it's more about Qunari society and less about Krem, and Cassandra makes neither a positive nor negative remark.
So, to make a long story short and get to the point: How would Solas feel about a trans inquisitor? And adding onto that, how do the Dalish treat transgendered people/transexuals? Homosexuality is more "accepted" in Southern Thedas, but the Dalish are really keen on keeping tradition alive and passing down their lore, so I would assume that 'bonding' and child bearing is important one way or another. The acceptance of homosexuality would be on a case to case basis.
I really don't know how the Dalish would treat transgender people, however. I would assume that for the most part, as long as you are fufilling your duty (whether you are to be a keeper, hunter, mage, etc.) it wouldn't bare any issue. The issue of child bearing and keeping up the population and passing down the gift of magic would pose a question, but so would it in the case of homosexuality. I assume that as long as population numbers are steady and there is no active threats against this, trans people and gay people are fine. It would varey from clan to clan.
Now, Solas. I really can't get a read on this guy. I would like to believe he would be accepting (just cause I, unfortunately, love him) but I don't really have any justifications for this (I also don't have justifications for the opposite either, not trying to be negative, lol). Sera, from her point of view, sees the Lavellan/Solas relationship and says Solas probably shouts "Elven glory!" during sex, but that's just from her perspective as a City Elf with her biases towards the Dalish. The most I can gather from my single playthrough of DAI is that Solas would, probably, be super understanding about it. He doesn't have much connection to this world at all, much preferring the Fade, so maybe being transgender is just a new concept to him. Or, maybe it's completely normal, since spirits in the fade just... mimic the lives of mortals. Spirits are completely agender, just encompassing a specific purpose and fufilling that purpose, they have no use for the concept of gender. AND THEN... we know Solas is only straight because Bioware wanted to avoid a negative trope and have him not be bisexual. Because IF Solas lives with agender beings ALL THE TIME then why would he care if the Inquisitor is a woman or not?!
So, as I write this currently, I think I have come to a small conclusion:
I don't think he would "care" in a negative sense. I don't think he would be rude or crass, or even angry about the inquisitor coming out as trans. I don't even think that current canonical straight Solas would care if he was in a relationship with female Lavellan and Lavellan came out as a trans man to him. I think he would probably consider this natural and completely not "odd". Probably would say some shit about how in the fade, a lot of his spirit friends don't have gender either. I feel like he's a guy who just GETS it. He would probably have questions about like, the bodily process of transitioning (I still don't understand how the body magic works. Is it like magical HRT? Do they do like, magical T shots or rub magical T gel? Is there puberty blockers? Do you even have to do voice training? Someone please tell me) and would try his best to understand. If he got rid of your hand could he perform top surgery? Just like rift fade them off your body? Would you trust Solas to do your top surgery? I think I would.
Anyway. Let me know if we got any other opinions or stuff to add onto this. I really want to write some transguy fics with him because there is a SEVERE lack of them on AO3.
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thedragonagebigbang · 1 month
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Bang Creator Interview: Tumblr: @vivispec | AO3: Vivispec
The Collaboration period has begun! In these quiet months before works are due, we want to foster a sense of excitement, camaraderie, and celebration among our participants. To that end, all participants were given the option of a formal interview by our mod, Dema, or an informal “ask-game” survey. We hope you enjoy getting to know our phenomenal creators as much as we have!
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Top 10 Reasons You Should Actually Contact The Ex Whose Life You Ruined– Number 1 Will Shock You!
Vivi and Dema talk OCs, Whumptober, and how to write while driving
Dema: Good morning! It is I, Dema, here for our interview.
Vivi: Good morning!
Dema: Since this is a fandom event I'd like to start there! How long have you been involved in the Dragon Age fandom? What drew you to it?
Vivi: I've been into Dragon Age since Origins came out-- I actually have fanfic I wrote for it when I was 12 on my Grandmother's computer, it's very bad-- but I didn't actually start getting involved in the fandom until much more recently. I'm kind of a fandom lurker in general, and didn't start posting fanfic or really engaging in the fandom until about 2022.
As for what drew me to it, the series has held a special place in my heart for a very long time, but playing Inquisition for the first time in 2020 kinda broke my brain (affectionate). I went into a Solasmance blind and have never been the same since
Dema: Oh, I too have the Solasmance hooks in me, I understand. Does that make DA:O and DA:I roughly tied for your favorite? Or do you have a strong favorite?
Vivi: This question is honestly the bane of my existence, because I have so much trouble choosing. DA:O definitely has more nostalgia, but DA:I is the one I engage with and write about the most. I think, if I had to choose at gunpoint, I'd actually say DA:2 is my favorite, but that's by the thinnest and blurriest margin.
Dema: Haha, yes. It's a bit of a "choose your favorite child" question. I will not hold you at gunpoint.
Vivi: Much appreciated.
Dema: Is it Solas in particular that inspires you to write in the DA:I timeline the most?
Vivi: He's definitely a contributing factor, and what started me down that road, but I think my love for writing DA:I is mostly tied to my Inquisitor, actually. She's maybe one of my favorite OCs I've ever made.
Dema: DA is such a great sandbox for OCs. Tell me about your Inquisitor! What makes her a favorite?
Vivi: Her name is Viera'vun, a Dalish hunter. She's a pathfinder more than anything else, incredibly observant, and very down-to-earth once she's settled in as Herald. I love figuring out how a Dalish elf with no exposure to this world she's been suddenly thrust into would react, and how she would keep herself safe-- in Viera's case, she becomes really good at picking up on the little things and using them to her advantage, and standing her ground. One of my favorite things about her is actually the dynamic she has with her hunting partner, Iloniyn-- they're platonic soulmates, one of my favorite tropes to write, and having him there as her rock once he joins her at Skyhold definitely gives her stable footing as she tackles becoming the Inquisitor.
Dema: She sounds lovely, and I can see how those themes would provide a lot of creative inspiration! Dalish Inquisitors in particular have such an interesting dynamic. How do Viera'vun and Iloniyn navigate the religious affiliations of the Inquisition?
Vivi: Viera uses it to her advantage, as best that she can. She doesn't believe in it of course and isn't shy to say so, but when holding her tongue and letting others make their own assumptions would help her out, she's not opposed to begrudgingly doing so. I think the biggest thing is that she knows how, historically, elves have been treated by the Chantry, and that she likely won't be immune to being killed or erased by them. Still, as long as she's around and has power, she's going to use it for her and her people.
Dema: Oh, she sounds so savvy! I love her already. Since we've been discussing OCs, especially in the context of the Dragon Age universe, I'm curious how you go about creating them. For example, was Viera an in-game Inquisitor? Or did you make her specifically for writing with? And was she typical of your process?
Vivi: In general, my OCs start in-game. Even Iloniyn was originally an alt Inquisitor that I fell in love with, and wanted to use in writing! When I replay roleplaying games with some element of character creation, I tend to give my PCs a gimmick so they don't all play the same-- Iloniyn's whole shtick was he didn't want to be there and was very vocal about it, and one of my Warden's always chooses the lie option if it's available to her. Viera was my first playthrough of the game so she didn't have a gimmick. I let the game shape who she was as I played it and tweaked it in post, adding more backstory and personality once I knew the general arc of the story, and where she was going to end up. Then, I did what I do with all of my OCs to flesh them out: drop them into increasingly terrible situations to figure out how they tick! She got the worst of it, I did Whumptober the year I started writing her. 31 days of horror for that poor lady
Dema: Hey, the meat grinder tells us what they're made of!
Vivi: Exactly! You get it.
Dema: Were those mostly one-shots?
Vivi: Yes they were! 60k worth of one-shots. Most were about her, but she definitely wasn't the only one. I even dipped my toes into Ancient Elvhenan for that event, it was a lot of fun filling those prompts!
Dema: Oh wow, 60k in 31 days! So you are no stranger to writing a lot of words in a set timeframe.
Vivi: No stranger at all, though I don't think I have that sort of stamina any longer. Still not entirely sure how I did it. I've done three other Big Bangs since as well, finishing four pieces across them.
Dema: What keeps you coming back to Bangs?
Vivi: I wouldn't finish pieces otherwise. I'm a notorious WIP collector, so having incentive to finish my pieces is always nice. Plus, I love getting to work alongside artists, and see how they interpret what I write! Collaborations make it all feel so much more official.
Dema: Having only participated in Bangs as an artist, I'm so impressed and inspired by the dedication you have to the challenge. It's a big number!
Vivi: Aw thank you, on the opposite side of the event I'm always impressed by the artists and their illustrations! It's amazing what we both are able to do in the timeframe given, thank you for your service.
Dema: I love it! From the artist's perspective, it's an interesting way to engage with a fic as a prompt, and the inspiration comes from the story and the collaborative effort. As a writer, is there anything in particular you're drawing inspiration from as you develop your idea for a long fic like this? Without being too specific about this idea, of course.
Vivi: Honestly, ideas just kinda hit me during my morning commute, while I stare aimlessly at the road ahead of me. Because of that, I tend to record myself talking in the car, despite the fact that I probably look like I've lost it just a little bit. Just talking through my thoughts on where my OCs and the companion characters are or what they're doing during specific times generally gives me a lot to think and write about, but mostly I pull my inspiration from their interpersonal relationships. That is what this series is built off of, and what I love about it!
Dema: I think that is a brilliant strategy. In the last minutes, and just for fun: can you come up with a click-bait title for your fic? Without giving anything major away, of course.
Vivi: Top 10 Reasons You Should Actually Contact The Ex Whose Life You Ruined-- Number 1 Will Shock You!
Dema: HAHA, Perfect. Thank you so much for your time, Vivi!
Vivi: Thank you! This was a lot of fun.
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dahliamalfoy97 · 1 year
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Synopsis: Y/N gets dared to get her nipples pierced by her father’s best friend and it turns into something more.
WARNING: SMUT 18+, EXPLICIT CONENT, MDNI!, pwp, age-gap, size kink, slight blood kink and pain kink, slight dacryphila, dad’s best friend, degradation kink, praise kink, throat fucking, oral , daddy kink and anything else I forgot.
A/N: honestly this isn’t as kinky as some of my others but I just wanted to write something with Suguru Geto because I’ve been obsessed with him lately. And Y/N is 20 in this one shot. Anyways, hope you enjoy.
Word Count: 4.1k+
You enter the tattoo shop nervous. You had been dared to do this by your best friend. And if you didn't, she'd tell your darkest secret it was a result of playing truth or dare and this was your dare. It was late at night and the shop was closing soon.
"Well hello Y/N," Toji says at the counter, "what brings you here?"
"I want to get my nipples pierced," you say to the man who a close friend of your dad's.
The big man's eyes widen and he chuckles, "well that's quite a shock, tell me did Nobara put you up to this?"
Your cheeks heat from embarrassment, "no I want to do this for myself."
"Well lucky for you Geto is free at the time, usually you'd have to wait but since it's you, you can just go back there."
"Thanks Toji," you say before walking back to the furthest room. Suguru is at his desk sketching like he usually does. His back is to you when you enter. He's currently got his shirt off so you get a wonderful view of his backside. His usually long hair is pulled up in a man bun so you get a full view of his broad back and that dragon tattoo he has covering his entire back.
You immediately clench your thighs together. How had you thought this dare was a good idea? You know Nobara had purposefully done this knowing your secret crush you had on this man. But it didn't make it any less nerve racking. Just being around him made you feel all sorts of hot and flustered. But he couldn't know that. For this was your father's best friend and he was 20 years older. Sure he was single although you could never figure out why, but your dad would never allow it. But that didn't stop this man from taking over your thoughts 24/7, or how your heart thumped loudly whenever you were near him.
Taking a deep breath you finally make yourself known, "hi Suggy."
The man immediately stops what he's doing and spins around, black eyes landing on you, immediately grinning at you. Gods, if his backside was gorgeous, his front side was magnificent. Even though you knew what he looked like underneath, from secret study sessions, you were still blown away.
"Well hello squirt, come to visit me ?" His deep voice and that nickname makes you shiver.
"Actually I'm here to get a piercing," you say, taking in all the tattoos that covered his arms and torso instead of looking at him In embarrassment.
He chuckles, "well of course I'd be happy to help you, come take a seat on the chair here and tell me what you want."
You nod, and take a seat on the chair. He rolls up in the rolling chair and is just mere inches away. Even sitting in a chair, he still towered over you, you can't help but notice how thick his thighs looked in the leather pants he currently.
Gods, there's no way you can this close to him and let him pierce your nipples without him knowing how you feel. You were going to to lose your mind. Just the thought of his hands on you-
"Yo, squirt are you okay ?l" he says, immediately bringing you out of your trance causing you to look at him.
"Yeah sorry, I just got distracted," you say, "I like your tattoos, specifically the Tiger one, I've never seen them up so close."
He laughs, the sound going straight to your core, and you could see a flicker of silver flash as he does. This man had a tongue piercing too. Gods. He was going to be the death of you.
"You've seen them all the time. Now tell me what are you wanting pierced?"
"Don't judge me and don't tell my father," you plead. "This is a dare from Nobara."
"Don't worry your father doesn't need to know everything about you, so I won’t tell him. but what trouble has Nobara caused you this time?”
"To get my nipples pierced," you say really fast, red immediately flushing your cheeks.
His hands still and his eyes darken for a moment before widening, "and you accepted the dare why?"
"Because if I don't, she'll tell my darkest secret."
He gets up for a moment, walks away to get the supplies. "Well I'm assuming you're not going to tell me what it is?" He comes back with a paper that shows you the different piercings, "which one are you wanting ?"
"Whatever you think looks good," you say. "I trust you, Suggy."
He smirks before walking away and coming back with some tools and sits back down on the chair in front. "Well first things first, I'm going to need you to strip."
You blink, "What ?"
He chuckles, "you're getting your nipples pierced right? So I need you to strip."
You immediately flush, "alright."
With shaky hands your pull your shirt over your head and throw it to the ground, staring wide eyed as your bra comes next. Your nipples were hard.
"Good girl."
you look at him wide eyed surprised he said that his eyes glimmer with what looks like lust before blinking it away with a charming smile.
"So what else do I need to do?"
"To be honest it might be best if you sit on my lap."
"Alright," you get up from the chair and situate yourself in his lap, and it takes everything in you not to buckle at how much bigger he was then you and how big he felt underneath you. His intoxicating scent overwhelming. As you felt yourself surrounded by it as you straddled him. You could feel yourself pooling below. Gods, you were doomed.
"Now I just need you to relax and sit still for me okay?" He says, in a soothing point. You nod. But immediately gasp as his massive hands cup your breasts and he begins to massage them. You immediately arch and let out a moan. Gods his hands - "shh relax, princess, I need to massage the stress out of you before we begin okay? It'll make the process easier ? Okay. So just relax."
You nod wanting to be obedient, but how could you relax when his hands felt so good and the fact that he called you princess? You brain was short circuiting and you heart was nothing but mush. But then you feel his tongue swirling on your nipple, causing you to blink in surprise when cold metal of his piercing flicks against your skin.
He places a long finger over your mouth, "shh, relax princess. I gotta take care of you. Don't want to hurt you when I pierce these sweet nipples of yours."
"Are you sure this is how you  pierce them?" you ask in a shaky voice. You want nothing more then to rock your hips on his but you stop yourself.
"Nah, just you, I only want to give you the best experience." He says, with a dangerous grin. "For my favorite squirt, I want to give you the best time."
Then he switches to the other nipple, his tongue latching onto your hardened nub and swirling his tongue around it making it even harder, this time you can't resist bucking your hips. Moaning when you feel him harden beneath you.
He chuckles, "that feel good princess?"
You nod, "yes, Suggy,"
"Good," he grins, almost sounding smug. "That's what I want to hear."
Then he continues his delicious assault on your breasts, sucking and massaging them. He shifts you to where your straddling his thigh. You jolt when you feel a vein brush along your core. It didn't help that you wore a short skirt so it was just your panty clad wet cunt that was on his thigh and you can't help but shamelessly rock yourself along his thigh. Wanting as much friction as possible.
"I can feel you soaking my thigh princess," he murmurs, breath hot against your nipple. "Tell me what would your father say, if he saw you turning into a messy, needy slut for his best friend? Hmm?"
You can't help but whimper at his degrading tone and words, but a broken "Suggy," is all you can manage. Every sane thought was lost as you continued to rock back on forth on his thigh, gripping on his arms, nails digging into his skin.
He smiles darkly, "I bet that's what your darkest secret is? Hmm?" you try to protest but he just laughs at you.  "Don't even try to deny it princess, we both know how badly you've been wanting this to happen. How much you've craved me to touch you."
"Fuck," you let the filthy word fall from your lips, "Suggy, I can't help when you just so damn sexy, how can I not want you?"
He chuckles, the deep laugh rumbling against you, "that's right, how can you not want me? Well why don't you show me just how much you want me?" He uses his free hand to help guide your movements along his thigh. Him sneakly rocking his thigh up into you, you could feel yourself beginning to fall apart, your orgasm approaching. The pressure and pleasure was too much. You whimper grinding harder, more desperate. "That's it make a mess", he cooes.
Then without warning he pierces one of your nipples, you could feel the sudden stab sensation, and you look down to see a little blood, to which he laps it up, and that sight alone has you coming undone. He then does the same to the other one.
"Atta girl," he praises, once you're coming down from your high. And you look into his eyes, he looks so smug. "Not only did you make a mess but you did so good with getting your nipples pierced. You look sexy as hell."
You don't hesitate before, tugging on his neck and pulling him towards you, he chuckles lowly when you desperately crash your lips against his, before wrapping an arm around your waist to bring you closer, kissing you back with as much fervor as he flushed you against him. Your breasts hitting his naked torso. He subtly begins rocking his hips into yours again, growling when your tongues clash to together and your desperately clawing at each other, feeling each other up. M
"Suggy," you plead desperately in between kisses. "Fuck me, please."
He laughs, "begging for me already. I love it. You're so desperate for me. How can I deny such a request?"
He lifts you up and sets you down on the tattoo chair, spreading your legs apart, kissing you one last time, before kneeling before you between your thighs, hooking them over his shoulders. He hastily rips your panties and you nearly cum right there at the ravenous way he takes you in.
"What a pretty little pussy - so pink and dripping for me, it would look so pretty with a little stud right here," he runs a finger down your slit, causing you to shudder. Before bringing into his mouth, sucking it. He growls, "fuck you taste so damn exquisite. From now one this pussy is mine and no one else's got it?"
You nod rapidly, but gasp when you feel a harsh slap against your clit.
"Use your words, I need to hear you say it," he demands.
"Yes, Daddy," you moan, shamelessly "This pussy is only yours. I promise."
He smirks,  "good girl," with that he wastes no time, yanking you forward and bringing your clit to his mouth. Latching onto it immediately. You cry out, your fingers clinging onto his hair tugging on it, to tug him closer and to feel those soft strands in your fingers. You eagerly yank his hair out of his tie and whimper when becomes free, that gorgeous, long black hair falling all the way to the ground, making him look even more magnificent than before. You pull on it to force his tongue to go deeper inside you. You throw your head back and arch into him.
"Ahh fuck, Daddy," you cry wantonly , "you feel so good. Don't stop, please."
"As if I would ever want to do such a thing, not when you taste this sweet," then he's inserting to fingers, immediately groaning. "And when you're this damn tight. Holy shit, you're squeezing me."
Then he's pulling away to stand up, you protest, but he shushes you with his hand on your mouth.
"Shh, sorry princess, I just gotta be inside you. I can't wait anymore."
He hastily pulls his pants off, then his underwear and your mouth waters as his cock hits his stomach. It was fucking huge, thick and curved a little, the dark tip leaking precum against his taut stomach, and you suddenly wondered if you could handle such a size.
"Don't worry, Angel," your heart flutters, at his suddenly soft tone. "It'll fit." Taking his cock in his hand, he strokes it before lining  the tip with your entrance. Rubbing it along your seam, coating you with his precum. His eyes darken at the sight, "you were designed to take me and me only."
Then he's aligning the tip and pushing in, you both let out a moan at the first stretch, he felt so foreign in your tight walls, your walls struggled to take him in. But he suddenly leans forward and grips your chin, pulling you in for a soft, soothing kiss. "Shh, Angel, relax," he continues pushing forward. He was so big you could feel every vein and ridge as he slowly filled you up to the hilt.
You have to look down to see where the two of you meet, to see him disappearing inside of you and you can't help but moan at the sight. It was so sinfully wrong- giving into your fantasy that was Suguru- you’re dad’s best friend. Who could very well be your father. But you didn’t give a damn anymore. For this is what you've been longing for so long. This is what all your fantasies had been about.
This man and him being inside you.
"Fuck," he groans, his hair falling down, cascading around him. "if you keep squeezing me like that, this will be over for the both of us sooner than we both want, so be a good girl and relax for me? Yeah? You feel so good around me. So let me take care of you, okay?"
You nod, and finally he's at the hilt and you can feel yourself squirming desperately, loving how full you feel and the feeling of him being all the way inside you.
"That's a good girl," he grips your hips before pulling out only to slam back in. Your body shattering immediately as he begins to hammer his way into you. His cock pounding into you in a relentless harsh pace. You grip his arms tightly as he thrusts in and out. Your whole body shaking in rhythm with the chair beneath you.
"Feels so good," you babble and you lose yourself in the blissful feeling of his cock ravaging you from the inside out
"Yeah?" He grins, cockily, " that's what I like to hear.'
Sweat glistened down his body, as he bullied his way into your cunt, in a mating press. He enjoyed how your hair fanned around you and the sight of his cock bulging in your stomach. He knew Satoru would kill him for fucking you. But Suguro Geto had never been a good man. He was selfish and he took whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. He had restrained himself from taking you for a long time, for the reason why he had remained single was because there was no one else he wanted but you. And the moment you came in his shop, asking for your nipples to be pierced and the way you had looked at him shamelessly without any remorse, had been enough to make him give in. To give into the temptation of you. And now that he had you wrapped around him so tightly, he was going to keep you. Forever. Consequences be damned, but no one was going to get in the way of this. Nothing was going to stop him from making you his.
You could yourself teetering on the edge as you feel yourself approaching another orgasm, but Suguru’s thrusts don’t stop, no he seems to go deeper and deeper with each thrust. His tip brushing that sweet spot every time, you nails scratched his back, as you cry out from the pleasure.
“Suggy, yes- right there!” Tears are springing from your eyes, your voice is hoarse and the pressure is becoming too much.
“Yeah? You going to cum for me like the pretty Angel you are?” He nearly cums at the sight of your tear stained cheeks. Fuck, you had never looked so pretty as you do now. “You look so pretty when you cry for me. I can’t wait to see and feel too cum for me.”
“Daddy,” you plead desperately, “I’m going to cum.”
“Go ahead, Angel, cum for me, make a mess all over me.” He takes his hand and plays with your clit, rubbing it.
The extra sensation has you reeling, you clamp down around him, soon you’re falling apart around his cock one more, and he holds onto you as you do. You could feel his grunts becoming more heavy, his thrust sloppier as he was nearing his own release.
“Don’t went to have your father killing me for getting you pregnant, so I’ll be sure to pull out,” but you grip his hand.
“No please, Suguru,” his eyes widen, for you never used his first name. “I don’t care what my father wants. I want you to cum in me, so don’t you dare pull out.”
He’s taken aback at your demanding tone, before laughing, and his thrusts become more demanding again, “now who’s the one in charge now, little tigress, but if you want to be turned into a little breeding whore for me, than that’s what I’ll do. I’ll breed this needy cunt and fill it up to the brim.”
With a few more thrusts, he’s releasing his seed into you, you’re both crying out as you both feel his hot seed fill you. Watching the white liquid fill you til it’s nearly seeping.
“Fuck, if I could have this image of you filled with my cum as a tattoo so I could look at it forever, and carry it with me til I die, I would you look so fucking beautiful with my cum filling your little pussy.”
Then he picks you up in his arms, lets your legs wrap around his middle, and he sits back down on his chair with you in his lap. You scramble off though, getting to your knees. He had taken such good care of you, you wanted to repay the favor.
“What are you doing, Angel?” He smirks at the how quickly you fall to your knees for him. Perhaps he should get a collar or a leash so you’d be forever at his side. He never wanted to let you go.
You scoot closer and take his big cock in your hands. It was still hot and heavy in your hands, but much bigger now that you were face to face with it. You could see every ridge and crevice and it was glorious, “just want to thank you for taking care of me so well.”
He leans back, “well it’s not like I can say no.”
You smirk, stroking his cock in your hands. Feeling it harden once again, you lean forward and lick a strip up his shaft- immediately eliciting a pornographic moan from him. He reaches forward and gathers your hair in his hands, so it’s out of the way, and leans back. You whimper at the sight of how unraveled he seemed to be under your touch. He looked so magnificent with his long hair cascading around him like a black waterfall. You give him a few more licks along his underside and over his slit, tasting the mix of his and your cum before opening your mouth wider, to slowly take the full length of him in. You hollow your cheeks and relax your tongue. Feeling his hot rod against your tongue, your eyes immediately water. But you keep going.
“Fuck, Angel, look at you, you’re meant for my cock, your mouth and pussy are mine for the taking, they’re designed to take my cock. Your body was made to please me, like a good fûcking slut. My perfect little cocksleeve. Is that you want ? You went to be my little cocksleeve? “
“Yes I want to be your little cocksleeve!”
You choke as you’re not even blowing him even more, because in a flash he’s gripping your neck and forcing you down on his cock, before thrusting his hips upwards to ram in your throat. You gag slightly at the sudden change. That sinister dominate side he had. That selfish side you had only gotten glimpses of. You were once again pooling below at the way he abused your mouth.
“Yeah that’s it, take my fucking cock, like a good little cockslut,”
He continues ramming into your mouth, his cock hitting the back of your throat and balls slapping against your chin. You could feel saliva and cum dripping from your mouth. He lifts your head off his cock for moment and stands up, before gripping your neck and shoving his cock down your throat once more, this angle more controlling and animalistic. His big hands grip around your neck squeezing slightly, cutting of your air way, and causing you to choke slightly.
“Yes, this is what I like to see, you on your knees before me and choking on my cock. Fûcking magnificent.”
His thrusts start to become sloppy again and soon enough he’s shooting his cum down your mouth. His hot salty cum, hitting the back of your throat and you immediately swallow it all as he slowly pulls out. He nods in approval.
“Good girl.”
Grinning you stand up, “you taste good, daddy.”
To which he barks with laughter.
Once more, he’s scooping you up in his massive arms once more, and sets you into his lap. He lifts you up slightly to aline his tip with your folds before guiding his cock back into you. You both groan at the new way he fills you up, this way feeling more intimate as you straddled him. He kisses you softly, before smirking, “I gotta finish my work now, so you can keep my cock warm and then you can come home with me, how does that sound?”
You can’t help but beam at him, to which his dark eyes soften, “that sounds perfect, Suggy.”
He presses a soft kiss to your forehead, and wheels the two of you in his chair to his desk and you stay with him just like that. Happy that this man was finally yours.
“By the way those nipple piercings are sexy as hell, I’m glad you came to see me about them.”
You giggle, “well it was either that, or Nobara you my darkest secret.”
“So we’ll have to thank her then. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, wanted to make you mine.”
“I’ve wanted this too, in fact this was my darkest secret, you were as a matter of fact,” you say, rubbing his back softly, running your hands along the smooth planes of his back.
“Of course I was,” he smirks, “i’ve known all along of your secret obsession with me. I mean you haven’t been exactly subtle, not in those short skirts and knee highs you’ve been parading in around me, you haven’t been. But it’s cute and I love it and love you for it.”
You immediately feel yourself getting flustered , “you love me?”
He nods, “I do. Especially when you’re warming my cock the way you are. Fuck, I feel you’re squeezing me again, so let me finish my work and then we’ll go home okay?”
“Okay, Suggy. I love you too.”
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ohnomyhooves · 2 months
Thoughts on the headcannons that doffy is colorblind and that’s part of why his fashion sense is Like That and that corazon is so unbalanced bcos he suffered a traumatic brain injury in the same event where doffy got an arrow in his eye and cora was only normal kid levels of klutzy before that and got much worse after
Firstly I'm so sorry if it took me ages to reply, I didn't get notified of this in my inbox at all!🥹
Also, I do like both of those theories– in my opinion there is definitely something about his eyes that Doffy is deliberately hiding, whether a natural 'flaw' or an injury.
On Doffy's eyes;
I think the arrow to the eye was quite clear, it's hard to imagine he could get away from something like that completely unscathed. The only question though if this is the case is why he was wearing glasses before any of that happened. My guess is either:
- he had some kind of eye defect from birth, something that he possibly saw as this huge flaw for a high and mighty Celestial Dragon. Perhaps colour blindness from birth, or heterochromia, or partial blindness etc.
- this is self-indulgent and unnecessarily cute (sue me!) but I also like to think that maybe he was just attached to the glasses themselves as an item, the way small kids get overly attached to things and just don't let them go for a long phase I.e a favourite piece of clothing they insist on wearing everywhere or an impractical accessory.
In either case, I can see that after his injury he started wearing glasses all the time for a totally different reason; to hide an injury that was now a bigger flaw than anything else because it was definite proof of weakness. Whatever he's hiding behind those glasses I refuse to believe he's not touchy and secretive about it. I think the HC that Doflamingo actually has perfectly normal eyes under there and is just an Extra Bitch is hilarious!! BUT considering that he got to keep them even at Impel Down, and I believe the wiki says that Tsuru got him a new pair before he was tossed in jail, they must be pretty important to him/ the Marines who arrested him for that little while his eyes were bare probably saw something that they knew Doflamingo would get Touchy and Dangerous about so they wanted to cover it right back up and pretend they hadn't seen anything.
BUT I'M GOING ON A TANGENT! To answer your actual question, I've never considered that his sense of fashion is so atrocious because he could be colourblind. Like, I just thought it was atrocious because his personality involves being the centre of attention all the time– sitting on the fcking table at warlord meetings, crowning himself King of Dressrosa and throwing massive celebrations in his honour, his behaviour at Marineford– but now that you mention it I like that possibility! I would have to look up how people with colourblindness perceive colours, I think, to get deeper into it; for example, if he doesn't perceive his horrid feather coat as being pink the way other people see it, what colour does it look like to him, what aesthetic exactly is he going for? Doflamingo would 100% not care if other people's visual senses were assaulted in his quest to look good to himself so that's fascinating.
On Cora's clumsiness;
I totally REFUSE to believe he was exaggerating this or playing it up for the sake of his cover. His accidents are too inconveniently timed for that to be the case, like when it got him in trouble when he was stealing the Op Op Fruit...(ouch😭)
He says he's always been clumsy since birth but his klutzness is simply next level, so it really makes sense that it's the result of some traumatic injury. If it was simply a childhood trait I think it would get better with time, not significantly worse; AND, I know we didn't see much of him as a child, but there wasn't any time child Rosi was depicted as being that clumsy. I believe the only time he ever showed clumsiness was when he tripped and fell into a treasure chest one time(?) in one of the very first scenes of their family before they moved out of Marie Jois, but that's like. On a totally believable level for a child. His clumsiness is such an integral element of his character as an adult that I think they would've highlighted it in his younger self.
So! Yes, I agree with that headcanon ;-; poor Rosi...
Thank you for submitting such a fun ask! I do enjoy yapping about them XD
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pluttskutt · 7 months
Plu's 2024 Writeblr Intro
I'm Aurora but I go by many nicknames. Plu is a popular one. I'm a writer in my 30s who's been writing since I could put pen to paper. I've been on writeblr for a long time so I make new intros now and then.
What do I write? Fantasy! My goal isn't to be published but simply to write because it brings me joy. I've been working on my series since I was ~12, but I've also got stand-alones in the making.
My cast is primarily ace and aro, so if you want romance I am not your gal. Unless you want (gay) soulmates doomed to tragedy because I do got that wip.
Besides tragic soulmates I've got mermaid pirates searching for a sanctuary away from humans that have been hunting them for ages, a futuristic wip where the humans are gone so the dragons are returning or supposed to but only one does, and a dad who gets kidnapped by aliens.
My series is about alternate worlds/earths and the barriers between these worlds cracking, with monsters slipping through the cracks. Infected worlds are eaten by a colossal fog named Nothing. Three factions have risen to fight this.
We have Siruna, the mighty army faction. U.N.I.T are agents hiding in the shadows. The Rebels rose to protect the innocent with no one to protect them in this war.
And, now, we have space elves. They are not from any alternate worlds or on the side of any human.
დ WIP Intros დ
Fantasy Series:
Toy Soldier
»[...] First novel in my fantasy series centred around the consequences of the veils between worlds breaking. Not only are monsters seeping through the cracks but a massive fog rolls in on worlds overtaken by monsters and devours them.«
Förtrollade Omständigheter/Witches be Witchin’
»[...] Second novel in my series. In this adventure, inspired by the joy of playing D&D for the first time, we meet new characters and follow their journey.«
What Binds Us
»[...] Third instalment of my fantasy series. In this one, we follow an agent from what has been assumed as the “good guys”, and find out that maybe they’re not so good after all.«
Stand Alones:
Mermaid Pirates
»[...]The Lost Lenore is another character’s deceased love interest. This kind of tragedy is one of The Oldest Ones in the Book and named for the famous deceased in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”«
Dragons Are Back
»[...] Determined to find out why they are the only to return, they set out to wander this earth for answer. A bird named Pip joins them on this adventure across the globe.«
(Gay) Tragic Soulmates
»[...] A story where soulmates are born again and again, searching for each other, only to be pulled apart by greater forces pulling the strings.«
You can find my fanfic on Ao3. My current obsession is Steddie. Other than that I'm also on Bluesky, myWriteClub, Instagram, and Wordpress where you can read snippets and lore from my fantasy series.
I created the writeblr trick-or-treat event that runs in October. The post for 2024 is up so check it out if you wanna join in on the fun!
Thanks for reading!
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dragons-and-magic · 5 months
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(Please check out the close ups for less blurry images. Tumblr butchered the quality. Sorry.😭)
Anyways, the main cast of Dragons Of Sodor is here! These are their designs right now, but are subject to change. Also, here's some lore about each of them! I'll put it below the cut! (@hkpika07😁👋)
Edit: I've been tired all day and I just realized this has a ton of typos.🤣 Also, some info I meant to put down is not there. *Sighs* Oh well. I tried. Lol.
Note: The stories mentioned here actually have a LOT more going on than what is mentioned. This is just a more watered down version so it doesn't get too long of a post. Have fun reading!
Thomas: Out main man! The big hero! So what is Thomas's role in this story? Well, here's the thing. Notice how Thomas's eye are gold, like gold dust? That's because he's Lady's next champion. Aka, the chosen one. Lol, all jokes aside, Thomas has an incredible destiny of being the one to protect all of Sodor someday! And lead the clan! This comes with a number of challenges he must face as he grows and learns what it takes to be a hero. Another important part of Thomas's story or his relationship with his adopted Father Edward, and how they navigate the rapidly changing world, that is becoming less and less safe for all dragons.
Percy: Thomas's bestie and resident messenger from clan Gold Scale! Percy is a very curious dragon and enjoys writing his observations in journals. He also very empathetic and cares about everyone. No matter where they are from. Unfortunately, he's also a bit gullible. And this combined leads to some nasty trickery from the Gold Scales rivals (The Iron Hides), somewhere down the line. (Fun fact! He's also a bit deaf. Hence why he sometimes mixes up long complicated words. Him and Thomas will sometimes use sign language to communicate.)
James: Thomas and James have a complicated relationship. At first, they were on okay terms. But something very important happened. Gordon is James mentor. And since Gordon is the Clan's Patriarch, this lead James to thinking he may have a chance at becoming the next one. But when it was revealed Thomas was meant to become leader next, James became bitter and wasn't as friendly as before. However, this changed after he was caught up in a forest fire, (This Au's version of James crash) and Thomas saved him, despite being on bad terms with him. After that, he had a more brotherly relationship. Competitive, but still care about each other's well-being. (Fun fact! James is a rare hybrid between a Dragon and Wyvern. So he's got scales and fluff!)
Edward: Edward is the one of the clan's elders and a talented wizard. His dragon species, a Moon Moth Dragon, are known for being very close to Lady Arcana, and magic in general. He has quite a large library of spell books and general historical records. And plenty of old artifacts as well. Thomas was adopted by him at a very young age, and the two are inseparable. Edward made sure to teach him plenty of skills he would need as Lady's next champion. Especially since he was the last one. Edward also adopted Bill and Ben, two twin dragons that are Thomas's adopted brothers.
Gordon: Out of all the dragons, there is no denying that the most regale, fastest, and proudest dragon, is Gordon, Clan Gold Scales Patriarch. Gordon has a mysterious past that he seldom talks about. Edward and Henry know everything about it. But all everyone else knows is that he is pretty much the last of his kind, as all others were killed off by humans years ago. This trauma, he clearly doesn't talk about, has definitely effected his relationships. As he has a hard time opening up or showing any softness. It's not that doesn't care about them. It that he doesn't know how to show it. But that does change. Eventually. He also played an important role in James's life. James was found as a youngster by Gordon and Edward a long time ago. The patriarch saw potential in this rare dragon and wyvern hybrid. And took him under his wing. James looked up to him and wanted to be just like him.
Henry: Sodor's local tree hugger! Henry loves the forest and is pretty much their guardian in this story. He even lives beneath a large tree's roots in a cozy burrow. (The Wishing Tree to be exact!) He also has some sort of really rare plant magic? Nobody even knows why he even has it. Especially since Titan Class dragons don't have any sort of magical abilities. But regardless, he has it. And it's a good thing too, since he has a few health issues that his powers can help him with. For example, he uses his plant magic to form his prosthetic back leg whenever he needs it! Oh, and he can also talk to any nearby trees and connect into their communication system. Meaning he can pretty much find out what's happening in every part of the forest whenever he wants... It's pretty crazy. You may also notice he has a beak rather than fangs. That because he eat mostly plants. In short, Henry is the clan's lovable but slightly weird woods man that lives in a tree and has over a ten thousand squirrel friends.
Emily: In this story, Emily is an apprentice under Victor! I thought it would fit with her personality and how she's usually the one looking out for the groups health. And also rescuing them a lot. Her and Kevin both train under Victor as the clan's apprentice medicine dragons. Emily is the closest thing Thomas and Percy have to a sister. They love her to bits, and she's always looking out for them. She's also close with Henry. The two share a close bond, almost akin to a grandfather and granddaughter relationship. Henry will sometimes help he needs the herbs she and the other medicine dragons need for cures and stuff.(Fun fact! Since she's Scottish in this AU, I was inspired by the legend of Nessie and the Loch Ness. Hence the reason she's a sea dragon. I was also inspired by Leafy Dragons!)
Toby and Henrietta: Toby and Henrietta have been mates for many years. They are the clan's only wyvern couple and are also part of the clan's elders group. Toby and Henrietta love each other dearly, and have raised quite a few children of their own over the years. For now though, they are simply just enjoying each other's company on Sodor as the local retired couple. (I feel like I should put down more for them. Because they do have roles to play. But, I can't seem to get it all out of my head at the moment. Hopefully I'll solidify their roles better later! Also, Toby is based off of owls, and Henrietta is based off of robins and cardinals! They are heavily associated with birds, so it just fit.)
Bill and Ben: These two young dragon twins are a handful! Luckily, Edward (Their adoptive father,) is very skilled in the art of handling chaos and disorder, and can usually sort things out quickly. These two are the adopted siblings of Thomas, and they always seem to be getting into and/or making trouble. Even more so than Thomas!
And, that's it for now! Hope you all like this! I worked super hard on it! Bye!
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miz-chase · 1 month
🍉 🍑 🍋!
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
I tend to write in the 1.5-3k range because it's long enough to Do Something, but not so long that it consumes me. Usually I struggle with keeping track of multiple stories at the same time, and if my brain has moved on to a different story before I'm done writing the first, it ends up a mess / I get bored
Also I work a job that lets me set my own hours, which means if I'm intensely into a long fic sometimes I sorta.... blow off work. For multiple days at a time. Which can be bad. So again, it's better if I write shorter things. I'm bad at being a grownup.
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
I'm going to pass over the obvious Jane joins the FBI or B&B get a case in Boston Bones/R&I crossover. Obviously I'd be into that.
Also passing over the Rizzles Gentleman Jack AU. Also too obvious.
So this AU I've been sitting on since before the pandemic, even before I started to get back into crime procedurals, comes from a shuffled mix of NK Jemisen's Broken Earth trilogy, a little hint of Dragon Age (which is just BE with shittier politics lbr), and Meliso Caruso's The Tethered Mage. They all deal with magic as a slave caste under full control by politico-religious authorities. BE & TTM especially deals with the complicated, often hostile 1-on-1 bond between magic users and their Guardian/Falconer controller. Mages are a living tool used by their Guardians to enforce law, solve crimes, whatever. Can you see where this is going?
I'm interested in the tension of Booth and Jane using Brennan and Maura as tool-object-persons. Having authority over them, directing their talents, while also polite-society-pretending the relationship is consensual and equal. Meanwhile Brennan and Maura to a degree don't care / aren't putting up a fight / are happy to have a bond / just want to get out and do the work. They share an arguably autistic-flavored focus on doing their science, such that they care more about doing the work well than they care about the political system they are feeding, and how they are being used. How do you build a functional (or even healthy?) partnership when power is unequally distributed? How do friendly, even flirty, social interactions play out between the controller and the controlled? How do you confront "I love you but I could never free you. It's not safe for you or me."?
I like that it takes an undertone, unaddressed dynamic from the source material and amplifies it to an extreme. It's fucked up and messy and discomforting, that's what makes it fun >:3c
(usually it ends with the controlled escaping and making their own way, which forces the controller to confront their feelings and the system they're upholding and then they fight to support the mage revolution blah blah, you know, high fantasy tropes)
🍋 What’s your favorite spicier trope to write?
I'm gonna go with.... praise kink/praise-based dom. "You can take it." "You're so good for me" etc. Pushing extremes while being affectionate and supportive and maybe a little condescending, rather than hostile or degrading, is fun to play with!
ALSO! Bad sex!! It's fun, its funny, it's real. Let them be messy disasters, let them work through shame and trying too hard to be perfect and the mishaps of life
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cloudninetonine · 8 months
Reading the crossover stuff you've written for linked universe is rotting my head so much that it got me back into writing!!! (which is honestly a miracle I haven't written anything for myself in ages)
but like. I'm imagining a player's aid! insert who's also a big fan of Sky: Children of the Light (great game btw very fun with friends I recommend hehe)
and one day they just. find a random sky child????? In Hyrule??? so obviously since the sky child is all on their own where they really shouldn't be, mc just. adopts a kid. they can't really communicate well, if at all, except through very very exaggerated body language and gestures (emotes in the game is a common way to talk with strangers. or spam honking to get someone's attention. imagine the noise.) but eventually the player and the sky child become so close that they can just share looks or read each others body language and just know!
Wind has a new sibling now who is very happy to mess around and help play pranks on the others. The sky child wouldnt be afraid of Wolfie because they dont really have much reference for dangerous creatures except for the krill/dark dragons and Wolfie is too cute and small to scare them! Sky would probably really like them too because they can fly and they could be a really musically inclined sky child and be able to play different instruments! Like the harp in-game!! one of the links might find out about the child's arsonist related needs and be concerned, but the mc insists that the child is fine! Don't worry at all, Hyrule. They genuinely won't get any burns from standing directly on top of the campfire! they aren't a normal hylian child, they actually kinda need fire to stay alive and rain isn't good for them, it puts out their light. now I'm imagining angst with rain oh no-
the sky child (who would probably be a veteran who's been around a long time and was probably exploring out of bounds areas and somehow managed to get to Hyrule. whoops) is kinda confused but up for exploring this vast realm and find mc and they just. adopt this weird not-a-spirit-yet person who kind of has light too? so maybe a moth? (affectionate term for new players gicitdkgdigditdoyd)
and when the sky child first meets the chain, they are probably just freaking out over their clothes lol. cosmetics and basically dress up is a very big part of the game and the sky child would not be above begging to get their hands on their own really pretty blue scarf, black pelt, cool looking armour, etc etc.
So the sky child is super caring and protective over mc. they would probably bite legend at some point lmao. they can just sense the bad vibes from him! They don't really understand it, but legend doesn't like their moth, and obviously they won't stand for any slander so they bite :D (even if there could be a communication barrier because they can't speak the language, only HÖNK)
side note, I'm actually writing a crossover fic for linked universe and Sky:COTL. can you tell that i've been losing my mind over them??
Shameless plug in to my amazing friend @sketchyspook who has their very own Sky Linksona that y'all should check out!!
God I haven't played Sky in so long PIUFGP
Now back to the ask
I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH IT'S SO CUTE- Player adopts a little child is one of my favourite genres honestly. LET THEM BE A PARENT!!! Running around and trying to take care of their kids they're gonna be in aches and pains at the end of it all PIUGFPI
Very happy after it all, sitting on Player's lap while Legend glares across the camp and they honk happily
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