#because its NICE to spread JOY and WONDER
gtzgoblin · 4 months
Keep seeing the old "oh look at me, I've seen the northern lights" meme (on other social media admittedly, not here, here's pretty well adjusted (didya think I'd ever be saying that?)) and can't help but wonder why people just can't be happy that other people are getting joy out of something...?
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rottenpumpkin13 · 18 days
I imagine that AGSZ would get into a Hangover type of situation with Cloud missing in the Wall Market and had to retrace their steps.
The Wall Market Hangover Debacle
• After a night of partying in Wall Market, Sephiroth wakes up in Zack's apartment, of all places. He has a pounding headache, his mouth tastes like pizza, his hair is a mess, he's missing a shirt (concerning when he remembers putting one on), and everything is just wrong.
• And then he notices the baby chocobo in his lap.
• Sephiroth is instantly placated and cares for nothing else.
*Angeal wakes up beside him, equally as confused and bedraggled*
Angeal: Why are you in my bed?
Sephiroth: We're on the floor.
*Angeal notices the random phone numbers and "call me"s written all over his arms*
Angeal Oh my god. Are we in Zack's apartment!? What happened last night? I can't remember anything!
Sephiroth: Are you aware that you're covered in lipstick marks and that your breath smells of kerosene?
Angeal: Are you aware that you have a baby chocobo?
Sephiroth: Extremely aware, actually. The moment I encountered an orphaned infant, my protective instincts kicked in, just like how many mammals are biologically wired to care for vulnerable young.
Angeal: It's too early for this.
Sephiroth: It's 16:00.
Angeal: WHAT?
*He gets up quickly. Sephiroth follows him (with the baby chocobo) and they run over to the kitchen. Zack is laying spread-eagle on his kitchen floor, snoring*
Angeal: ZACK!
*Zack wakes up screaming*
*The baby chocobo kwehs, unsatisfied*
Sephiroth, holding the chocobo close: Your screaming is upsetting the child.
Zack: What happened last night? My head is pounding, I can't remember anything, and—is that a baby chocobo?
Angeal: I can't find my phone! Zack, go get yours and check your camera roll, call history, everything. There's a good chance we got robbed!
Sephiroth: Why do you believe we got robbed?
Angeal: Because this place is a mess! Paint splatters on the walls? A pile of energy drink cans? Glitter everywhere??
Zack: Actually, it was like this before we left last night.
Zack: I'm trying out art therapy and collecting energy drink cans for recycling :)
Angeal: PHONE.
Zack: On It!
*Zack stumbles into his room to grab his phone*
• Sephiroth is tending to the baby chocobo, fussing over it as a mother would.
• Angeal is watching Sephiroth tend to the baby chocobo, wondering whether or not he's dreaming.
*Zack stumbles out of his bedroom*
Angeal: What did you do!?
Zack: Nothing! I don't even know her!
• All three of them run into Zack's room and sure enough, there's a girl in a pretty, red dress and long red hair sleeping in his bed.
Zack: She's beautiful, but I fear she'll think lowly of me now that she's woken up in my bed.
Zack: I didn't even make her breakfast. Should I make her breakfast?
Angeal: That's GENESIS.
*Upon hearing his name being yelled, Genesis wakes up*
Genesis: Why am I in the puppy's room?
Zack: Dude, why are you wearing a dress!?
Genesis: What? *he looks down* Oh. OH? Who's the scoundrel who did this to me? Which one of you dolts thought it would be funny to dress me like a doll?
Angeal: It wasn't us. We all woke up out there and I can't remember anything.
Sephiroth: And I woke up with this adorable infant chocobo, carrying all the joy of life in its heart, and it brings me a sense of peace I never knew I needed.
Genesis: Where's Cloud?
*There's deafening silence as they all realize Cloud isn't there*
Genesis: We forgot Cloud in Wall Market!?
Angeal: Shit! Sephiroth, put that chocobo down and call Cloud!
Sephiroth: Notice how I’m cradling the chocobo with one arm while using the other to reach into my pocket and pull out my phone—an action that reflects the care of a devoted parent.
Zack: Man, nice!
*They high five*
• They try to call Cloud several times but he isn't picking up, which means that there's only one way to go about this: They need to retrace their steps back in Wall Market to find him.
Genesis, while everyone else is getting dressed: I’m still in disbelief that someone snuck up on me while I slept and dressed me in this. The shade of red isn’t even close to what I usually wear, and I would never style my hair pin straight like this—I prefer it curled! Plus, this push-up bra is incredibly uncomfortable.
Sephiroth: Then go get changed.
Genesis: No.
Angeal: Okay, I'm ready. Grab your stuff and let's go.
*Sephiroth walks towards the door with the baby chocobo*
Angeal: Seph! Leave the chocobo!
*Sephiroth puts the baby chocobo down but it immediately follows him and jumps back into his arms*
Sephiroth: It’s settled, then. I am now the chocobo’s guardian. From this moment forward, I embrace the role of parent to this delightful creature. I shall nurture it, guide it, and cherish it as if it were my own.
Genesis: I think that if you talk to Lazard you can get paternity leave.
Sephiroth: I already checked, and it appears only maternity leave is possible.
Genesis: I'll help you fake a pregnancy.
Sephiroth: You're a good friend.
Zack: Guys? Guys?? Angeal is having a panic attack!
• Once they reach Wall Market, they go to Madam M first because the last thing Zack remembers is getting a massage before he blacked out.
• It turns out that there's a reason why.
*Zack walks through the door and Madam M throws a shoe and starts screaming at him in Wutaian*
Zack: !?
Angeal: Excuse us, Madam M? We're looking for our friend? Cloud Strife? Have you seen him.
*Madam M is still throwing items at Zack and screaming in Wutaian*
Zack: !!!??
Angeal: He's 5'7, spiky blond hair....
*Madam M is still screaming in Wutaian but now she's doing impolite hand gestures*
Sephiroth: She's calling you a, quote, cheapskate hillbilly with ugly hands.
Zack: Rude.
*Madam M is still screaming*
Sephiroth: And now she's cursing your bloodline both past and future.
Zack: ....
*More screaming*
Sephiroth: And now she said something that if I were to repeat, I would have to empty my life's earnings into Angeal's swear jar.
Sephiroth: She said that you came in here last night, asked for the finest massage, and then tried to pay with a friendly hug.
Zack: Oh yeahh! I remember now. I was trying to see how far positivity stretched.
Genesis: So you robbed an establishment.
Zack: Hey, the hug was enough for the hot dog stand guy! It was enough for the dude selling counterfeit Sephiroth plushies!
Mandam M: I haven't seen your friend. You weren't with him yesterday. Try Andrea. The loudmouthed one in red was very instant last night that your little group go to the Honeybee Inn next.
*They all turn to Genesis*
Genesis: Oh please. What are you all implying by those judgemental looks? That I dragged us to the Honeybee Inn for a night of sin that resulted in Cloud's disappearance??
• At the Honeybee Inn.
*Andrea runs up to Genesis and embraces him as soon as they walk through the door*
Andrea: My darling! I thought the day would never come when you’d grace us with your presence again! You are the very essence of radiance in this establishment! Never has there been a soul more attuned to the fluidity of gender, the artistry of theatrical performances, and the tantalizing allure of rebellion!
*Everyone looks at Genesis, long and hard*
Genesis: I've never seen this man in my life.
Andrea: I see you're still in the fabulous outfit I gifted you last night.
Angeal: Really, Genesis? Honestly, I’m relieved I don’t remember a thing, because I can’t even begin to imagine the shame I’d feel knowing what you did here.
Andrea: Ah, Angeal. You came to pick up your wallet and Shinra ID, I presume?
*He hands them to him*
Angeal: Oh, wow. That's dangerous. I can't believe I'd lose track of these.
Andrea: Yes, well, when you started stripping you threw your pants into the crowd and the wallet went with it.
Genesis: HAAA!
Angeal, irritated: Where's Cloud?
Andrea: Your friend was never here. You were only a group of four when you were sat at one of the tables, and I do believe Commander Rhapsodos mentioned that you were coming from Sam's Delivery Service.
Zack: The chocobos!! That makes so much sense! Come on guys!
• At Chocobo Sam's
Zack: Excuse us, sir! We're looking for our friend, Cloud. Andrea said that we were here last night, but we can't remember anything.
Sam: Yeah, you were here to rent a chocobo to ride around the market on. But you came here as a group of four. There ain't no Cloud here.
Everyone: WHAT?
Sam: Yeah, but from the way you returned Goldie, all covered in glitter and trinkets, I take it you took her for quite the ride around Wall Market.
Angeal: Goldie??
*Chocobo Sam points at one of the chocobos and suddenly everything makes sense*
Zack: Ohhh, that's right! We never came here with Cloud! It was a chocobo all along!
Genesis: I cannot believe we were fooled by our faulty memory.
Angeal: Yeah, I guess in all the confusion, everything got mixed up, and we ended up thinking the chocobo was Cloud.
Zack: An honest mistake.
Sephiroth: Which he would kill you for if he knew. Excuse me, sir, but I have a question. Would this adorable creature happen to be Goldie's child?
Chocobo Sam: No, son. We ain't got no baby chocobos here. That one there belongs to you.
Sephiroth: I see. It seems this chocobo has become my responsibility, and I wouldn’t dream of parting with it. It’s more than just a creature in my care—it’s my child now, and I’ll protect and nurture it as such.
*The chocobo leaps from his arms and runs to play with the other chocobos, leaving him behind*
*Sephiroth drops to his knees*
*They grab Sephiroth and haul him off kicking and screaming*
Zack: We'll get you a puppy!
*Chocobo Sam watches them walk away and disappear around the corner*
Chocobo Sam: This day cannot get any weirder.
*The spell wears off and the baby chocobo turns back into Cloud*
Chocobo Sam:
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alyrasturnz · 1 month
hii! I love your writing💕💕. I was wondering If you could write matt and bookworm!reader ? I hope you have a nice dayyy!
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❐ summary » matt rarely finds solace in the written word, preferring the tangible world around him. y/n, on the other hand, is a dreamer, her heart and mind forever lost in the pages of books, where every story is a new adventure
❐ pairings » bf!matt x bookworm!reader
❐ warnings » none
❐ a/n && w/c » the workload this week is diabolical af  •  1.31k
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┆ bf!matt who loves to watch you get lost in the pages of your favorite books, your eyes lighting up with every twist and turn of the story.
» "what's happening now?" he asks, his eyes studying your expressions intently, watching the way your brows furrow and your lips curl into a smile, even though he hasn't read the book.
"oh, it's so good!" you say, your excitement radiating through every word, making it almost tangible. "the main character just discovered a hidden passage."
he smiles, captivated by the way your animation brings the story to life, each gesture and expression a testament to your passion. "sounds intriguing. maybe i should read it next."
you laugh, the sound bubbling up like a spring, filling the air with a sense of joy that seems to ripple outward, "you haven't read a book since high school, matt."
"true," he confesses with a quiet intensity, "but for you, i'd read anything."
┆ bf!matt who surprises you with rare editions of your favorite books, his face lighting up with pride when he sees your reaction.
» matt entered the room, his steps deliberate and measured, a wrapped package held carefully in his hands. "hey, i have something for you. i think you'll like it," he said, his voice carrying a subtle undercurrent of excitement, like the first hint of dawn breaking through the night.
your eyes widened with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. "what is it, matt?" you inquired, your hand extending towards the mystery that lay within his grasp.
he extended the package towards you, a grin slowly spreading across his face like the rising sun. "open it and see for yourself," he urged, his voice brimming with anticipation.
with eager hands, you meticulously tore open the wrapping paper, each tear revealing more of the treasure within. as the final piece fell away, a rare edition of your favorite book lay before you, its presence almost surreal. your breath caught in your throat. "oh my gosh, matt! this is incredible!" you exclaimed, your voice a mixture of astonishment and joy.
matt's face illuminated with a radiant pride, his eyes sparkling with satisfaction. "i knew you'd love it. i found it at a little bookstore and just had to get it for you."
overwhelmed with gratitude, you enveloped him in a warm embrace, your emotions pouring forth in an unspoken gesture of appreciation. "thank you so much! this means the world to me," you whispered.
he held you close, his embrace firm yet gentle, his voice a soft whisper that seemed to wrap around your heart. "seeing you this happy is all the thanks i need."
┆ bf!matt who listens intently as you excitedly recount the latest chapter you’ve read, even if he doesn’t fully understand the plot, simply because he loves hearing you talk about what you love.
» matt's eyes were fixed on you as you excitedly recounted the latest chapter you'd read. his expression was soft, a gentle smile playing on his lips, as if your words were the sweetest melody. you paused for a moment, noticing his intense gaze, and tilted your head slightly, curiosity piqued. 
"are you even listening?" you asked, raising an eyebrow, your voice carrying a mix of amusement and mild exasperation.
matt blinked, as if snapping out of a trance. "of course," he replied, though the slight hesitation in his voice betrayed him. 
you narrowed your eyes playfully, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "then tell me what happens next," you challenged, crossing your arms and leaning back a little, waiting for his response.
he let out a small sigh, his smile turning sheepish. "okay, fine," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "i might have gotten a bit lost in your words... but i just love listening to you talk about your books."
┆ bf!matt who gently teases you about the stack of books on your nightstand, but secretly loves how passionate you are about reading.
» matt strolled into your room, his gaze immediately locking onto the towering stack of books on your nightstand. with a playful grin, he raised an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "are you planning to read the entire library?" he teased, his voice light and affectionate.
you rolled your eyes, a knowing smile beginning to tug at your lips. "hey, a girl can never have too many books," you retorted, your arms crossing in a gesture of playful defiance.
matt chuckled softly, his laughter a warm, comforting sound. he stepped closer, his hands gently encircling your waist as he pulled you into an embrace. "i know, i know. it's just impressive how you manage to juggle so many stories at once," he murmured, his breath brushing against your ear, his voice filled with genuine admiration.
you shrugged, a hint of bashfulness coloring your cheeks. "i just love getting lost in different worlds, you know?" you murmured, your eyes momentarily drifting to the stack of books as if each one held a universe waiting to be explored.
he reached out, his fingers delicately brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. "and i love how passionate you are about reading," he said softly, his eyes shimmering with admiration. "it’s one of the many things that make you so incredible."
your cheeks warmed at his words, and you couldn't help but smile, a soft blush spreading across your face. "thanks, matt. and for the record, i might need a new bookshelf soon," you replied, your eyes twinkling with a mix of gratitude and playful anticipation.
he laughed, the sound rich and full, before pulling you into a warm embrace. "i'll help you build it," he promised, his voice a soothing murmur against your ear, as if sealing a pact between kindred spirits.
┆ bf!matt who occasionally reads you to sleep. each sentence he utters is a lullaby, a melodic cadence that dances through the air, wrapping you in a cocoon of comfort and serenity.
» the room was bathed in a subdued luminescence, the bedside lamp's soft glow casting intricate, whispering shadows upon the walls. you were nestled comfortably under the covers, your form gently molded against matt's, his back supported by the headrest. 
your body reclined against his, as if he were a living, breathing mattress, the book resting delicately on your lap. his arms enveloped you from behind, a tender embrace that spoke of unspoken promises and silent serenades.
matt's voice was a soothing melody, weaving an intricate symphony of words that cascaded through the air like a gentle stream, each syllable resonating with a calming cadence that lulled the senses into a state of serene tranquility.
you let out a contented sigh, your eyelids growing increasingly heavy as the tendrils of sleep began to weave their way through your consciousness. "you always know how to make bedtime feel magical, matt."
he smiled, a gentle curve gracing his lips as he closed the book softly, the pages whispering secrets as they met. "it's my favorite part of the day, getting to share these moments with you," he murmured, his voice a tender caress in the quiet room.
you reached out, your fingers intertwining with his in a delicate dance. "i love it too. it makes me feel so at peace," you whispered, your touch conveying a depth of emotion that words alone could scarcely capture.
matt set the book aside with a gentle thud and slid under the covers, enveloping you in his embrace. "sweet dreams, love," he whispered, his breath a warm caress against your ear, filling the space with a tender intimacy.
you snuggled closer, feeling the enveloping warmth and safety of his embrace. "goodnight, matt," you murmured, your voice a soft whisper as you drifted into the realm of dreams, the echo of his voice still resonating in your mind.
taglist — @imwetforyourmom @meatballzerz69 @pinkishpearls @bandanamatt @thedangerousalleyway @muchloveforhacker @frozenpeanutbutterr @jetaimevous @everleiqh @conspiracy-ash @ifwdominicfike @blahbel668 @slutforsturnioloss @realuvrrr @sturnobsessedwh0re @cerismo
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turcott3 · 4 months
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the way
kirby dach x fem! reader
warnings?: tooth rotting (and i mean it) fluff
the way i love you
“it’s nice to see you too pretty girl.” kirby giggles lightly as you climbed quickly into his lap. the work day seemed to crawl as you anxiously waited to greet your boyfriend at home for the first time in a month and a smile never left your cheeks from the moment you clocked out.
“i missed you.” you mutter as you hug yourself to his chest, his arms wrapping delicately around you.
“i missed you too.” he replies into your hair, kissing you gently on the head.
“being apart from you for that long really made me think about you, and us, every single day. there wasn’t an hour that passed that i didn’t think about you.” you say sitting up in his lap, now looking down at him.
“what about me?” he asks, giggling tucking your hair behind your ears.
“everything.” you reply and a confused expression spreads across his face.
“kirby. you’re perfect. i love the way you’re shy meeting new people, i love the way you still blush whenever someone speaks highly of you, i love the way your eyes disappear when you smile, i love the way you fill my stomach with butterflies just bye making eye contact with me, i love the way you support your siblings, i love the way you take care of your teammates, i love the way you care so much, you’re just everything my love.” you continue, taking his cheeks into your hands.
“can i kiss you?” he asks very seriously.
“yes?” you reply as his lips find their way to yours, gently and lovingly, filling your whole body with butterflies. you could never get over the way he held you so gently and the way his lips melted perfectly onto yours. it’s like he was handcrafted for you.
your heart ached when he pulled away, instantly missing the feeling of his soft, pink lips on yours.
“why’d you stop?” you pout.
“because. how else am i supposed to tell you how much i love you?” he replies a smile slowly spreading across both of your faces.
“go on.” you egg him on and he giggles.
“i love your smile and how contagious your laugh is, i love the way your body so perfectly fits against my chest and how gorgeous your eyes are, i love when you dress up, i love when you wear my sweatpants, i love the way your tongue pokes out of your mouth when you’re focused, i love how passionate you are about things you love, i love the way you dance to any music, but mostly i just love the way you love me, and to me that’s what matters most.” he says, not once breaking eye contact with you.
“wow that was a lot.”
“i have more.” he smiles.
“you don’t need to list anymore kirbs.”
“i love you so much baby.”
“i love you too.” you blush, wrapping your arms tightly around the brunette. his grip finds its way under your legs, supporting your weight as he stood up, walking you to your shared bedroom.
the night was full of passion. a months worth of pent up love, sadness and joy all spilling over in the matter of hours. you missed the way he made you feel. the way his callused hands grazing over your bare skin caused it to be littered with goosebumps. you missed the way the sweet kisses he pressed to your jaw helped to drown out the hazy sensation of the intense stimulation you felt between your legs.
the way he made you feel loved, like never before.
every moment practically made you wonder how god put you on earth with him at the same time, in the same place. almost like he was hand sculpted just for you. you’d never felt a love or understanding like his. it was strong, yet soft. the exact sensation you’d been craving ever since you were a little girl, sitting in front of your living room tv watching a princess movie.
“do you ever think about our future?” you mumble, laying on his chest as his hands rubbed gently up and down your bare back.
“i do.” he simply replies.
“what do you see?”
“what do you mean?”
“you. you are my future. you are my home. i want to do life with you until we’re old and ugly.” he says finally locking eyes with you. a blush quickly spread across your face as you buried your cheek on his chest.
“awe are you blushing?” he giggles, tickling your sides.
“kirby dach, stop it.” you laugh sitting up slightly,
“were you blushing?” he asks again, taking your chin into his hand.
“yeah i was.” you admit as he runs a soft thumb over your cheek bone.
“i love you.” he says quietly.
“i love you.” you reply, reconnecting your lips with his.
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earlysunshines · 1 year
i fall in love too easily
kindergarden teacher!sana x fem!reader.n (pt.2)
summary: your niece has access to too many romance movies and sana thinks she's in love with someones mother.
wc: 3.2k
warnings: mentions of food
pt. 1, pt. 3, pt. 4
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a/n: hi! I hope you all enjoy this! I'll try to update this little series as fast as I can! I have been a bit busy, but I'll try my best. I have some ideas for it, lot's of fluff, lots of wlw pining-ish idk.
anyways, enjoy!
(again, this whole thing is inspired by @soliarus, their take on the prompt is adorable, go check it out!!)
You check the watch on your left wrist, it reads 3:11 pm, meaning Hana would be out in 4 minutes.
You had just got off your 7 hour shift and were worried that you’d be late to pick up your niece, luckily, the school was only a seven-minute drive away. 
You fiddled with the collar of the white button-up shirt that you still had on from working, and you wonder to yourself whether anyone would care how dressed up you were, at least, compared to the casually dressed parents, grandparents, and guardians around you. You anxiously waited for the moment when the bell would ring, and you waited for when the kids would be spilling out the entrance doors to reunite with their parents.
You checked your watch again and it hit 3:15 pm, and a loud ring of the bell was heard.
It was only a minute later that you started to see groups of kids being led out by various teachers. You scanned the area for a bit, and thankfully you were tall enough to see over some of the parents’ heads, so that you could see your little niece standing with a group of kids, 
You also saw her teacher.
You made your way over to the area where Hana was, and Hana seemed to notice you first because she was already running toward you with her arms out. You wonder how the hell a four year old could make you lose your balance, and you might have to consider her signing up for football due to the way she almost made you fall as she came into contact with your lower body from the hug,
“Y/n!” She grinned, and you kneeled to match her level and give her a proper hug, “I missed you y/n!”
“I missed you too sweetheart, you seem happy.” You say, and you brush some of her hair out of her face,
“Ms. Minatozaki is so nice and sweet, she let us paint and she gave me more stickers for being good! They're sharks too!” the little girl beams, making you smile,
“Is that so?”
“Yes! Does this mean we can go to the cafe? Please? I was good I promise.” Hana pleads, tugging at your rolled sleeve. You hum as you think to yourself,
“Hmm, we’ll have to ask Ms. Minatozaki to make sure, won’t we?” You respond, and you’re really just saying that as an excuse to talk to your nieces' teacher again.
You glance over to where Sana is, smiling and waving to a set of parents and their kid. Her eyes light up with surprise and delight as they meet yours, her cheeks slowly turning a shade of pink, though, you don't notice.
Sana bids a final goodbye to the parents and the kid before you and your niece make your way over to the beautiful young teacher.
“Y/n! It’s lovely to see you again.” Sana greets you, and you feel that warmth in your chest again, your heart skipping a beat.
She still looks as beautiful as she had in the morning, maybe even prettier. That voice of hers is still soft and sweet when she greets you with joy, and her face lights up the same way.
“It’s great to see you again too.” You say, and you subconsciously fix your shirt and dress pants to look more presentable. A smile finds its way to your lips, and Sana’s too. There’s a small moment of silence as you gaze at each other, and you feel that warmth in your ears again, and this time it’s slowly spreading to your cheeks.
You clear your throat and tug at your collar, “How was Hana today?” You say, breaking the slight tension in the air. 
Hana looks at her teacher with puppy eyes as she hopes to get a good answer, and Sana giggles to herself softly,
“She was very good today, she was really helpful too,” Sana says, Hana lets out a big sigh of relief.
“Is that so?” You question, and Sana hums in response,
“She helped me put the paintbrushes back, she’s a sweet girl,” Sana explains, and Hana tugs at your hand,
“I told you! I told you I was good, so can we go to the cafe? Please?” Hana pleads, and you nod at the little girl, then bring your gaze back to the woman in front of you.
“I guess we should get going then…” You begin, your gaze tearing away from Sana reluctantly to look back down at the girl beside you, “Why don’t you say bye to your teacher, Hana?” 
Hana nods and you watch as Sana crouches down to meet the girl's level, patting her head and ruffling it a little before Hana hugs the teacher, and for a moment you think to yourself: gosh, I wish that were me. 
You steal another glance at the young teacher before Hana goes back to you to hold your hand and tug you away. The last look you and Sana share has a sense of longing and an unspoken desire to get to know each other more, and you finally wave to her with a smile, and she gives you that adorable grin back to you and your niece.
“Alright, let’s get going.” You say before taking off Hana’s small school bag and putting it in the front seat, then lifting her up to put her in the carseat in the backseat of your dark green Mercedes. You close the door and make your way to the front seat to start the engine, 
“Buckle up!” the little girl exclaims from the back seat, and you laugh, 
“Of course, I wouldn’t forget the most important step.” You respond with enthusiasm.
You click shuffle on the playlist that you and Hana had made months ago, and a jazz favorite of yours starts playing. You turn down the volume so it turns into a faint melody in the background as you drive, and Hana starts to hum along.
You park near the cafe in your usual spot and grab Hana’s bag from the passenger seat, then open the door for Hana to jump out. The little girl’s smile widens immediately as she spots the exterior of the cafe, and rushes over to the entrance, and you have to run after her.
“Hana wait! Be careful!” You call out, hurriedly shutting the door and fumbling with the keys in your hand to lock your car, all whilst running after the excited five-year-old.
You two enter the cafe and are immediately met with the familiar and inviting atmosphere. The air is filled with the scent of freshly baked pastries and the scent of espresso shots being pulled, and you can hear the gentle chatter and laughs being shared in the cozy cafe.
There are a few people present in the cafe, though it’s not too busy at the moment. You spot a few adults in their work clothing sitting and chatting at the table for four near the window, sipping on their americanos and lattes. The dim corner to the right is lit up by a small lamp hanging from above and is occupied by a trio of high school students laughing, and they seem to be treating themselves to a small cake. 
You scan the area and your look shifts over to where the familiar baker and barista are. The baker notices you and stops what she’s doing to wave,
“Ah, Y/n! You’re back, did you miss me that much?” Dahyun jokes, “Oh, and you brought my favorite customer too.” She adds, redirecting her gaze to meet Hana. Hana gives the dark-haired woman a big, gummy, and toothy smile before going to hug the woman as she walks out from behind the counter,
“Ms. Dahyun! I had my first day of school today! My teacher says I was good!” Hana boasts, and Dahyun laughs before ruffling her hair up a bit,
“Wow, I’m impressed. Hmm… maybe I should give you the special treat I prepared then.”
“Please please please please please please-”
“Alright, alright. A special treat for my favorite customer coming up!” Dahyun says cheerfully. The shorter woman heads behind the counter, and you lift Hana onto the chair thats pushed under the marble surface.
You make your way to where the taller barista works, and he’s busy measuring the coffee grinds for an espresso shot. He furrows his brows as he takes a small portion of the ground coffee out from the portafilter,
He jumps a little and you laugh,
“My god, don’t do that.”
“My fault, can I use the steamer real quick? I need to make something for my niece.”
“You’re giving espresso to a five-year-old?” Chaemin says in surprise, he turns his body to you fully and raises his brows and looks down at you in disbelief,
“Of course not, she’s already a handful without the caffeine. I’m just gonna make her a hot chocolate.”
“I see, okay.” He says, bringing his attention back to the portafilter and tamping the coffee grinds, “By the way, where’s Johnny? I thought he would be the one taking Hana to school, you know, since he's her dad and all.”
“He had this last-minute business trip. He complained about it a lot, but he’ll be back in two days.”
You and Chaemin exchange a few more words, creating some small talk whilst you make the hot chocolate, and Dahyun has already given the giddy five-year-old her cream-filled croissant that has a variety of fruits inside, along with a drizzle of milk chocolate. 
“I made it just for you, I even added extra strawberries and chocolate since you like them so much,” Dahyun says, pushing the plate toward the girl.
“Ms. Dahyun you’re the best! It looks really yummy! Thank you thank you thank you!” She says excitedly, and Dahyun pats her shoulder, 
“Anything for the young scholar.”
“You never make me anything like that.” You mumble as you make a design with the steamed milk and chocolate,
“You’re not a scholar; in fact, you lack a lot up there.” she jokes, pointing to your head.
“Ouch.” You respond, looking at her with a pout and setting down the hot chocolate with the latte art and giving it to Hana from across the counter. Hana smiles and looks at the drink and pastry eagerly, but just as she is about to dig in, you pause her,
“Phone eats first.” You say, forcing her to pose and smile for the family group chat, she groans in response before Dahyun encourages her to grin for the camera, giving her a thumbs up.
You sit beside Hana and watch her eat while you hold your head in your palm, smiling at her. Dahyun goes back to rolling whatever dough for whatever pastry she was working on before, and you scroll through the family group chat, talking with your brother and mom.
“These are so good, thank you Aunt Y/n,” Hana says with a mouth full of the pastry,
“You should thank Dahyun, but I’m glad you like them. Also, don’t talk while you have so much food in your mouth!” You scold playfully before taking a sip of the iced americano Chaemin had made you. Hana sticks her tongue out at you and you pinch her nose lightly, making the two of you laugh.
“Aunt y/n, can I ask you something?” Hana mumbles after gulping down the bite she had taken,
You raise an eyebrow, “What is it?”
“Do you… Do you like my teacher?”
“Of course, she’s sweet and takes good care of you, I’m fond of her.” You answer before taking another sip of your coffee,
“No, do you like like her? Like in the movies?” And Hana’s directness nearly makes you choke on your coffee,
“W-what? Why- where did this come from?” You question, sitting straight up. Chaemin overhears the conversation and his eyes land on the two of you,
“You like your nieces' teacher?” He says in disbelief, a hand on his hip and a brow raised. You look at your co-worker and then back to your niece,
“N-no, it’s not like that,” You start, trying to keep your voice and tone relaxed (Chaemin and the little girl aren’t fooled), “She’s just nice, we’re just friendly. She’s your teacher, of course I’m going to be friendly with her.”
“Ok, then why did you look at her like that? You looked all lovey-dovey and your ears turned red!”
“Oh? What is this I’m hearing?” Dahyun interjects, and you shoot her a glare before looking back at your niece,
“I- no, It’s not like that! We just met Hana, don’t be ridiculous.” You say defensively, and Hana’s smile grows, it makes you uneasy.
“Your ears are turning red again, just like in those cartoons and movies!”
“What movies are you watching? You’re like, five! Shouldn’t you be watching some normal cartoons? Like something with mermaids or superheros or something?” You say, and now you’re getting more defensive as Dahyun and Chaemin team up with Hana to poke at you.
You roll your eyes at them, but there’s a small smile that tugs at your lips as you think of Sana.
You do not believe in love at first sight, that’s something out of a Disney movie and love is much more complex than that; however, you cannot deny that the woman that will be teaching your daughter every day is one of the most beautiful woman you’ve seen. You think about her stupidly cute smile and contagious laugh, the way her nose scrunches when she would do both, and the way she held your hand when you greeted her. Her soft, unique, and beautiful features sit in your head for a bit, even as you're being teased and poked at.
You think to yourself a bit more and you won’t admit it, but this woman did have an effect on you, and you were scared that it would be harder to hide the more you saw her.
“Look, I just think she’s a nice person okay,” You say, and you begin(or at least try) to change the topic, “Anyways… how was your first day of school? What else did you do?”
Dahyun laughs at your attempt to change the subject and decides to give you a break by going back to what she was doing, and she also gives Chaemin a cheeky look. You ignore their stupid little exchanged looks and give all of your attention to the little girl,
“You were right Y/n, I made a friend! Her name is Jiyeong, she’s taller than me by this much,” and Hana shows you the height difference by pinching her fingers down, except there’s a space in between that you would assume is an inch, “Also,” Hana begins, “Ms. Minatozaki read us a story, she’s super nice. She smiled and laughed a lot, she has such a nice smile! She smiles like a princess," Hana adds, and you really agree with that statement. Hana thinks to herself a bit, "she also helped everyone with their paintings, she’s so cool! I like her a lot.” She states.
You grin at the girl and take her empty plate, pushing it to the other side of the counter for Chaemin to take, “I’m really glad you made a friend, I told you my genes were passed on to you!” You mess with her hair, “And I’m glad you like Ms. Minatozaki, it’s important that you have nice and caring teachers.”
“And pretty teachers too, right?” She teases, and you laugh, messing with her hair once more,
“Alright smarty pants, Finish up your hot chocolate so we can get going.” You sigh, rolling your eyes playfully before going over to where Chaemin is behind the counter to wash Hana’s dish. 
“How was work?” Jihyo says as she backs up her car out of the parking spot in front of the school. Sana has always taken the bus or gotten a ride from her friend, she doesn’t drive, it’s always been like that. This year Sana is lucky as she’ll most likely be getting regular rides back home from not only her best friend but also the mother of one of her students (and one of the drivers of the century). 
Sana sighs and smiles, then sets her head down against the headrest of the passenger seat, “It was really good, the students this year are great. Your daughter did great too.” Sana starts. Jihyo smiles and looks at her daughter from the internal rearview mirror, 
“I’m glad Jiyeong was good,” Jihyo starts, “Jiyeong, sweetheart, how was school?” 
“Ms. Minatozaki is nice, and I made a new friend.” The little girl in the backseat responds, “Her name is Hana, she’s cool and nice, I like her a lot. We promised to be best friends this year!” 
Sana tenses up at the mention of Hana, and she thinks of the girl’s captivating mother. Sana starts to zone out whilst Jihyo talks with her daughter, and she thinks about the young-looking mother she had met. She replays the memory of shaking the woman’s hand and thinks about her cheery grin, as well as her caring nature. She daydreams of the look the woman had given her this morning, and the friendly greetings they exchanged had remained in her mind for a bit of the car ride back.
Her heart sinks a little at the thought of you being her student's mother, and she tells herself to compose herself, there are always others, right? (but none that were as cute as you.)
“Alright, we’re here. Jiyeong, say bye to your teacher.” Jihyo says, putting the car in park at the front of the apartment complex. Sana smiles at Jihyo and steps out of the car, closing the door and waving at Jihyo and her daughter through the window,
“Thank you Ms. Minatozaki! See you tomorrow!”
“Bye Jiyeong, I hope you have a good night. You too, Jihyo, thank you again.”
“It’s no problem, your place is on the way to our house anyway, have a good night Sha.”
Jihyo waves again before rolling the passenger seat window up again and driving away, Sana turns and walks into the building.
The young teacher unlocks the apartment door and sets her bag on the hook to the right of the door, takes off her shoes, and finds herself wandering over to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. 
She leans against the counter in her work clothes, staring at the cup of tea in her hand.
“I really have to talk to Jihyo about this.” She mumbles, taking out her phone and clicking on the woman’s contact. She lets out a small sigh thinking about how the hell she’ll survive the year while having to see your pretty face so often, and having to interact with someone so charming.
The phone rings for a bit before it’s answered by the woman that had dropped Sana off at her home, and the woman sounds like she’s opening the door to her house.
"Sana? Hello? What is it? Everything okay?”
“On a scale of one 1-10, how bad is it to have a crush on your students' mother?”
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no-other-mashter · 9 months
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-Spoil You Rotten-
Sam Kiszka/Reader
18+ Only!
You were only here because it was your best friend's birthday. You'd never spend this much money for a night out at such a fancy restaurant otherwise.
Your eyes scanned the room, searching for your best friend among the sea of well-dressed patrons. Every woman seemed to be draped in luxurious fabrics, their jewelry most likely more expensive than your car. Men donned in tailored outfit exuded an air of confident sophistication that you just couldn't mimic.
You, on the other hand, felt out of place in your simple ensemble, its lack of embellishments a stark contrast to the attire around you.
You shuffled past a waiter who side-eyed you a bit, finally catching a glimpse of your friends familiar hair. She grinned and waved you over, gesturing to the seat beside her.
"Hey, you made it!" She exclaimed. Her grin widened, causing you to smile as well, her joy infectious.
Your eyes glanced at the various faces at the table. You recognized nearly all of them, most being mutual friends of yours. One, though, you've never met.
He wore a purple and white bleached button up shirt, though it was half-unbuttoned, exposing his soft chest. An expensive looking gold pendant hung around his neck, the gold glinting back at you in the gentle candlelight around the table. His short chestnut hair was pushed back out of his face, showing off his honey brown eyes and a little scruff of facial hair. His lithe fingers delicately lifted the champagne glass up to his lips, your eyes following it without thinking.
Okay, you admit that this stranger was pretty. His eyes met yours for just a moment, a slight smile gracing his lips.
"Oh, Y/N, this is Sam. He and his brothers are good friends of mine, and-" Your friend kept explaining how she knew him, but to be honest, you weren't paying attention.
Sam... so that was his name...
"It's nice to meet you, Sam," you say, your voice a little breathless as you extended your hand towards him. Sam's honey brown eyes sparkled mischievously as he took your hand, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. His grip was firm, yet gentle, his fingers calloused but palms soft. Your face suddenly felt a bit warm.
"Nice to meet you too, sweetheart," Sam replied in a playful tone. He released your hand and, with a teasing wink, knocked back the rest of his champagne.
Your friend leaned over, her laughter bubbling up from her lips, "He's always like that, pay him no mind," she said, a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. You couldn't help but join in her laughter, the tension from the momentary exchange easing as a sense of familiarity settled in.
As the dinner progressed, your focus shifted back to the party for your friend. Everyone presented her with various gifts; a new pair of shoes, the book series she's been eyeing for a while, a whole box of cookies from her favorite local bakery, an expensive gold bracelet from Sam, and from you, a simple hand-knit scarf.
Your gift seemed ordinary in comparison, but when she wrapped you in a tight hug you let go of your anxieties, knowing she loved it just as much as she did everything else.
You caught Sam's gaze again out of the corner of your eye, that mischievous glint in his eyes again.
"That's a great scarf, Y/N..." He mumbled, a slight twinge of admiration worming its way into his voice, "You're pretty good with your hands, eh?"
Your cheeks flushed crimson, the heat spreading across your face like wildfire. There were a few chuckles as you looked away from Sam, unsure if he was complimenting you or making fun of you.
You shook your head and tried to ignore it as a waiter came over to take your dinner orders. You silently paled at the prices, wondering if it was worth next week's groceries for a nice dinner tonight. Your decision was made for you when Sam spoke up.
"I'll pay for everyone tonight."
A few polite objections came up, but he waved them off with a chuckle, "Nope, I've already decided. Order whatever you guys like, I've got the bill handled," His eyes met yours and, for a second, you felt like he was speaking to you directly, "Let me spoil everyone a bit."
You still tried to order something inexpensive, then leaned over to your friend.
"Hey," You whispered, "Is he really gonna pay for everyone's food?"
"Oh yeah, he is. He does this all the time," She replies with a quiet laugh, "He won't take no for an answer, so don't even try."
"How does he even have so much money?" You ask in a hushed whisper. Sam didn't seem to dress excessively lavish or anything, so his apparent wealth was surprising.
"Oh, you didn't know? He's a musician, he and his brothers. They're all in a band."
You sputtered a bit, covering your noise of surprise with an awkward cough. The first chance you got, you pulled out your cell phone, tucking it under the table a bit and typing the band name into Google.
"Holy shit..." You mumbled to yourself. Sam was a celebrity?? You shouldn't have been surprised, really; the guy oozes charisma and your friend has always had a knack for befriending popular people.
You looked him up and down again, looking away when you realized he had caught you staring. Trying to avoid his gaze, you accepted a glass of wine offered to you, sipping it quickly.
"Let's raise a toast to the birthday girl!" Someone suggested, everyone agreeing.
You risked another glance at Sam as you lifted your glass, and promptly gripped the table as hard as you could.
Sam's eyes never left yours as he raised his wine glass, an unreadable expression on his face. His other hand, though, subtly pulled at the front of his shirt, exposing one of his nipples.
Fuck... He was flirting with you, wasn't he??
As soon as the toast was said, you all but chugged your wine. You were way too sober for this situation, face red and hot. Sam seemed unbothered, laughing with the others like nothing happened.
"You should go for it."
The sudden whisper from your friend surprised you, nearly giving yourself whiplash from how fast you turned to look at her.
"Sam. You should totally ask him out. I bet he'd say yes."
You scoffed quietly, shaking your head, "There's no way. He's cute and all, but I'm just a nobody."
Your friend had this look on her face, like she knew something you didn't.
"It's your choice, but I think you should do it."
The quiet conversation between the two of you trailed off as the party neared its end. The lively atmosphere that had filled the room seemed to fade into a soft hum, drowned out by the rush of blood in your ears. You had indulged in a few glasses of wine at this point, the liquid adding a gentle sway to your movements. The champagne from earlier had only heightened the intoxicating haze that enveloped you.
As you stood, you could feel a slight wobble in your steps, your mind momentarily disoriented by the heady mixture of alcohol and emotions in you. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself, and wished everyone a good night.
A a chorus of farewells and well wishes met your ears, but you dared not risk a glance in Sam's direction. You knew that if your eyes were to meet, all your resolve to go home without making a fool of yourself would crumble like a sandcastle at high tide.
Instead, you focused on getting to your car and back home. You dug around for your keys, blinking away the double vision that appeared for a minute. Maybe you shouldn't drive. But, you couldn't just leave your car here...
A warm, calloused hand snagged your keys from your unsuspecting grip.
You whirled around, your eyes widening as you caught sight of Sam standing there with a gentle grin on his face, your keys held delicately between his fingers. The flickering lamplight cast a soft glow on his features, accentuating the twinkle in his eyes.
"I, ah, don't think you should be driving, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice a low, melodious timbre.
"I... I can handle it," you mumbled, your voice betraying your uncertainty as you reached out instinctively for your keys. But before your trembling fingers could grasp them, Sam swiftly moved his hand out of your reach, his eyes never leaving yours.
"No, you really shouldn't," he insisted gently, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness. "It's not safe, and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."
You watched as he let himself into the driver's side of your car, gesturing to the passenger seat.
"What?" You asked, not understanding.
"Are you gonna get in so I can drive you home or do you need me to help you into the car?" He asked, a small chuckle slipping out.
Drive you home?? You just met the guy tonight, and still had no clear read on him or his personality, and he had spent all night sort-of flirting with you. The logical thing would be to turn him down and just call for an Uber.
But... you couldn't lie. He was pretty, he seemed nice enough, and damn it, it's been a while since you'd went home with anyone. So, after shooting your friend a quick text, you climbed into the passenger seat of your car and told him the address so he could pull it up on his phone.
You hoped this wasn't a mistake.
The car ride was silent for a while. You stared out the window as Sam drove, occasionally taking quick glances at his reflection.
He really was pretty. There was a feminine charm to him with his soft skin and delicate limbs, but his strong features and low voice that made your knees weak gave him a masculine energy that turned heads.
When he met your gaze this time, you didn't look away.
"Y/N, you're staring," He teased, looking unbothered.
"Yeah..." You replied, wiping your sweaty palms on your thighs.
"You seem to do that a lot."
"I have... recently..."
"Mhm... I see."
The car was quiet again, too quiet. You could feel the tension in the air, and it was driving you crazy.
"Thanks for paying for everyone tonight. That was generous of you." You mumbled, hoping to break the awkward silence.
The soft illumination of the passing streetlights painted delicate shadows on his face, accentuating the contours of his features as he spoke, "I like spoiling people..." He glanced over at you, "And you looked like you could use a bit of spoiling."
Your face burned red at that, but you managed to pull a response from your lips. "I, um... thanks. I really appreciate it, Sam. If you ever want, I can pay you back..."
"Nope." Was his simple response.
"Nuh-uh. I have more money than I know what to do with, Y/N. I'll gladly spend it on a dinner with my friends. I mean, what else would I use it on? Another piano? Trust me, I don't need you to pay me back."
You snickered at his words, grateful for his relaxed energy.
"Alright, alright. I'll let you spoil me, but only this once," You teased back as he pulled into the driveway of your apartment complex. It was then that you realized something, "Wait... how are you gonna get home?"
He shrugged, "Ah, I figure I'll call an Uber or something."
You shook you head and, before you could think about it, words tumbled out of your mouth, "How about you spend the night?"
Even Sam seemed a bit taken aback by your offer, his eyebrows wrinkling in surprise.
"You don't have to do that, I don't even live far-"
"I want you to."
And there was that tension from before. Maybe the alcohol in your system was giving you a boost of confidence, or maybe you had finally gone crazy, but you repeated what you had said, slower this time.
"I... I want you to stay the night, if you want to."
He nodded, his eyes darker than before, "Yeah. I want to."
You'd be embarrassed about it later, but you pounced on Sam the second the door closed behind you both, your body moving with an urgency you didn't know you possessed. You pushed him up against a nearby wall, hands finding their way into his soft chestnut locks as his moved to your hips.
"Mm- fuck, babe..." Sam gasped as you both pulled away for air, "I knew you were desperate but damn."
You used the hand still buried in his hair to yank his head back, giving you room to bite at his throat. A whine clawed it's way out of his throat at the sudden sting of his hair being pulled and teeth on his neck. You giggled against his pulse.
"Who's the desperate one now?"
He rolled his eyes, gripping your hips tighter and pulling them flush to his.
"Oh, shut up and kiss me again," He mumbled, grinning against your cheek.
You two made your way to your bedroom, stumbling down the short hallway and fumbling with your doorknob for a moment before finally getting it open. Sam cornered you against the edge of the bed, his lips never leaving yours. You let your hands wander down to his pants, teasing the button with your fingers.
"Can I...?" You mumbled when he pulls away for a breath.
A low whine slipped from his lips, "Please."
You chuckle, your fingers trailing over his zipper, "Oh... I like it when you beg like that."
"Fuck, sweetheart..."
Sam didn’t stay dressed for very long after that, tossing clothes haphazardly onto your floor to find later.
Your eyes traced the contours of Sam's thin frame, absorbing every inch of him. His sharp shoulders tapered down to a slender, delicate waist and arms sculpted from years of being a musician. The soft glow of the moonlight cascading through the parted curtains highlighted the subtle lines and curves of his body, making him look softer somehow. A trail of hair, sparse yet enticing, led your eyes down to his cock, already hard and weeping against his abdomen.
"You see something you like?" He asked, a cocky grin on his face.
It was your turn to roll your eyes, pushing him onto his back and clambering into his lap. You felt him tense in anticipation beneath you as you let your hands wander over his chest, just feeling his skin beneath your palms. He gasped when you teased a nipple before moving to the other side, mirroring the action.
"...good boy..." You mumbled, not fully aware you even said it aloud.
The reaction was immediate. Sam arched his back, grinding his erection against your core with a high-pitched whine. You were surprised by the intense reaction, not expecting two little words to do so much for him.
"Did you like that?" you asked, your voice a whisper against his ear, your lips brushing gently against his jaw. You felt his body tremble beneath you, his breath hitching in his throat.
"Y-Yeah... I liked it..." he mumbled, his voice barely audible, his blush deepening. His chest rose and fell rapidly, a flush of warmth spreading across his cheeks and trailing down to his chest, contrasting against the pale expanse of his skin. His eyes, now darker than before, were locked on you, awaiting your next move.
You decided to give in for now, keeping eye contact as you scooted down the bed, positioning yourself between Sam's legs. He sat up, his own eyes filled with anticipation and excitement. The air was heavy with the heady scent of desire, thick and intoxicating, as you let your breath ghost over his cock. Your warm exhale sent a shiver down his spine, causing his member to twitch.
Sam's hands trembled slightly as they reached out, his fingers gently tangling in your hair. You gave him a disapproving look.
"Good boys are patient, Sammy... I'll let you hold my hair so long as you don't try to rush me," You warn, leaning into his touch.
"I'll be good..." He replied, not looking away.
And without another word, you leaned in and licked a stripe up the underside of his cock. Sam tensed, trying to hold back any sudden movements as a groan slipped out, his grip on your hair tightening instinctively.
The room seemed to hum with anticipation, the sound of your breathing mingling with his low moans. As your tongue traced along the sensitive ridge of his arousal, his hips twitched involuntarily, a small gasp escaping his lips.
He was doing so well at being patient, until...
His hips jolted up as you took the head into your mouth, causing you to gag. You pulled off immediately, not missing the disappointed whine your actions caused.
"I told you to be still and be patient, didn't I?" You ask. A mischievous glint dances in your eyes as you rub your cheek against his thigh, relishing in the softness of his skin against your face, "Bad boys don't get rewarded, Sammy..." you tut, playfully shaking your head.
Sam's breath hitches at the combination of your words and actions, his pupils dilating as desire courses through his veins.
"I won't do it again."
You shake your head, "You need to say sorry, sweetheart, " you say, using that nickname he used on you.
When Sam kept his lips shut, you grinned.
This was getting good.
"Is my good boy going to be a brat now?" You ask, running a fingertip up to the slit of his cock, teasing it as a bead of precum leaked out, "That's a shame. I guess I'll have to just punish you..."
You wrapped a hand around his cock, drooling onto it to lubricate the slide as you began jerking him off. He clearly seemed confused, not expecting you to continue getting him off. All the teasing seemed to have worked him up quite a bit; it was clear he was already getting close. He was nearing that edge, nearing that tipping point, and then...
And then, you let go, backing off completely.
"No!" Sam gasped, his voice filled with desperation, "Why'd you stop? 'M so close..."
"Bad boys don't get to cum," you replied as you hovered just out of his reach.
Sam's eyes widened, need shining in their depths. His chest rose and fell rapidly, his breaths coming out in short, uneven gasps. He tried to reach for his aching member, his hand trembling, but you swatted it out of the way.
"Don't make me tie up your hands, Sammy..." You threaten, but place a gentle hand on his thigh, a silent, "Is this okay?"
Sam gave the faintest nod, so you pushed onward.
"If you say please, maybe I'll forgive you."
Sam kept his mouth shut.
Well... on with the show.
He got worked up much faster this time, his hands twitching from their spot at his side as you tightened your grip on him. The raw intensity in the room was palpable, a potent mix of desire and anticipation, as your fingers wrapped around Sam's throbbing length. His breath hitched in his throat, a low, guttural moan escaping his lips. His eyes were glazed over, his pupils dilated as he watched you.
"You getting close again, baby?" You ask, grinning when he nodded.
Again, before he could finish, you pulled your hands away. He let out a frustrated sob, so close to finishing that even the smallest touch could send him over the edge. His fingers curled into his own hair and he finally gave in, his voice rough from desperation.
"P-please... let me cum..." He begged, tears in his eyes, "I'll be a good boy, I promise! Please!"
Satisfied with his begging, you leaned up and kissed him, trailing your lips down his body.
"There's my good boy..." You mumbled, before taking him into your mouth. He barely lasted a minute, so close from your previous edging. You cringed slightly at the bitter taste of his spunk in your mouth, but it gave you one last idea. You crawled up and pressed your lips to his again, shivering as he tasted himself.
You collapsed beside Sam, making sure to give him plenty of attention as he came down from his orgasm. You kissed the tear tracks that ran down his cheeks and gently ran your fingers through his hair, cradling his lanky body to yours.
"Was that okay?" You ask quietly.
"More than okay, sweetheart..." He replied with a smile, wrapping his arms around you, "Though I think I'm due for some cuddling now."
"Now that's something I can do."
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ghostofskywalker · 10 months
I’m so excited to read the winter ficlet stories 🤧😩 I just have to send in a request
• no way you’re driving - with Harley Quinn, she/her reader. Maybe the roads are icy and it’s getting dark so when Harley goes to tug on the driver’s car door reader is a bit sceptical + nervous
thank you for the prompt!! i hope you enjoy it :)
words: 682
summary: after dinner, you have a playful argument with your girlfriend about who's driving home.
Safety First
harley quinn masterlist
It didn’t usually snow in Gotham, and even when it did, the snow never stayed around for too long. The city was loud, dirty, and smelly, and you sometimes joked that its personality was what managed to scare away most winter storms. But this time nature had not turned and fled, and fluffy white flakes were falling from the sky, finally beginning to blanket the ground and you walked out of a restaurant with your girlfriend, the sky dark and the air cold. 
“Look at this!” Harley laughed, immediately taken over by a sense of inquisitive wonder that you loved to see on her. So much had happened to her before you met, and so much continues to happen to the two of you (it’s an occupational hazard for career criminals, but you wouldn’t give it up for a second), so the fact that she still was able to let go of any worry and bask in the simple joys of life when the time warranted was a wonderful sight. “It’s snowin’! And it looks like it’s gonna stick!”
And you couldn’t help the way a big smile spread across your face at the sight of her. “I think the weatherman said we’ll have a nice blanket on the ground tomorrow morning,” you said.
“Then we’re gonna make snow angels!!!” Harley was fully jumping through the air at this point, and you just managed to catch her as she stumbled on a patch of ice that was hidden away in the dark.
“We should focus on getting home first,” you said, knowing the extra risks you spent by hanging outside of this restaurant for too long (even though you did pay the bill this time, you never wanted to take too many chances). Harley rose to her feet and immediately headed towards the driver’s side door of the car, but you were quicker. “There’s no way you’re driving.” 
“But babeeeeeeeee, we’d get home in no time, and then we wouldn’t have to worry about anything!” 
You shook your head. “You driving is risky enough in broad daylight in the middle of summer, let alone with icy roads in the dark.”
She giggled. “But it’s more exciting if we do it my way!” 
You raised your eyebrows at her, knowing that you were never good at resisting the smile she currently wore. But this situation had stakes that were a little bit higher than just staying in bed for another hour, so you held your ground. “I just want to make sure we’re safe Harl.” 
“You’re no fun.” 
You knew this was all part of her natural flair for the dramatics, so you just smiled and let the fake insult sit in the air for a moment before responding. “Yet you love me anyway.” 
“You’re fucking right I do,” was her response as she tried to move past you (to open the car door, no doubt). “Because you do so much for me all the time, I just want to do something for you.” 
Okay, you were definitely no longer hiding the grin on your face as you registered her words. “My love, I think the best thing you can do right now to help is not to give me a heart attack on the way home from dinner.”
She was silent, as if pretending to consider the offer or come up with one as a counter, but you knew it was mostly a ruse. “Alright,” was her eventual response, the last syllable dragged out into something of a whine, and you just laughed, leaning in to place a soft (but short) kiss on her lips. Against the chilliness of the winter air, kissing her was like being wrapped in a warm blanket. 
“Come on,” you said as you pulled apart. “Let your princess in shining armor drive you home, and then we can enjoy the snow from somewhere a little warmer than this.” 
She leaned in, and another kiss was stolen just as quickly as the one before. “You drive a hard bargain, babe. I think I can agree to those terms.”
- the end -
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
Wayne Jackson x Reader || Oneshot
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Plot: Lyle demands that you find some nice clothes for Wayne so that he can be seen with him in public and not be embarrassed. Simultaneously, you're dealing with a particularly bad Tinder match sending you eggplants.
You help Wayne to be presentable and Wayne helps you to make a wierdo leave you alone.
Warnings: Sexual references as well as mentions of dick picks.
*I wanted to write for Greasy and Wheezy Weasel... but also Jim Bickerman... this is the natural conclusion XD
Tagging: @masqueradeball and @slxsherwriter
"Ooookay, look... " You feel like a master chef judge except theirs no cake, there's just Wayne. Disappointing. "The outfit is fine, you cant go wrong with a clean shirt and jeans." Clearing your throat, you turn promptly to the men's jackets section of T.K. Max, wondering to the medium section and giving the choices a quick overlook. "You just need a good coat- because this jean jacket and hoodie combination is not it. You're a 60 year old man not a 19 year old drug dealer, dress like it."
"Thought I was."
Giving a sigh as you look through the options, because this is absolutely not what you would like to be doing today (Though, it still beat answering the phone right now), you pick out a few of the coats and hand them over to Wayne. You choose a coat in off-white, too, but pause. You look at him and screw up your nose in a wince, considering what he does for a living. He shakes his head. No. Bad idea. Put it back.
Shame; he'd look good in white.
"Anyway, we'll also pick up a few more shirts and jeans because you cant live on a rotation of 3 to 2 ratio. No. We might get you a haircut too, and maybe- "
"God. You wanna shave me, too??" He cuts you off, and you hear the exaggerated sarcasm clear as day, but still give him a deeply unamused.
"No, the beard's sexy." You say bluntly, feeling your phone buzz in your back pocket and fighting off a frustrated sigh; knowing exactly who it was from. "-Thats your only redeeming feature right now. Don't say crazy stuff like that!, because I do not have the patience for it today."
The man gives you a sheepish shrug, but looks wholly shut up. "... jeez... You're a real ball a' joy, today."
You feel the tell-tale buzz again, and let air whisper out from between your lips in frustration. "... you have no idea."
"Great." Wayne rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed at this whole situation just like you. And you get it- if your cousin said he was embarrassed of you and demanded someone else take you out and dress you at the crack of dawn on a Saturday then you'd be pretty damn annoyed, too. You're about to offer an olive branch, ask if he wants to get something to drink before you start, but then a mischievous vulgar grin spreads across his rough-looking face and immediately you groan. Before words even come out. This goddamn man- "... Hey, I do like to hear ya think I'm sexy, though. How about that, huh?"
Without a word, you deadpan-point him towards the changing rooms.
Its a couple of hours later and- to be honest- you are in a better mood, now. This is definitely better then answering your Tinder messages, at least. For sure.
At first all the two of you did was argue, until you marched him out of the store to get a coffee. You found, after that, that you were both far more likeable people with a caffeinated/sugary drink in your hands. You got along a lot better, then.
After a few try-on's, you both agreed on a plain old grey long coat. not quite a trench coat, because he's creepy enough you think, but nothing fancy either, with nice deep pockets. That feature particularly made him happy, and you couldn't blame him. Pockets make you happy, too. You didn't think about what he might want to put in the pockets, though he did try to tell you. You didn't want to know.
"No- but wait, see here?? I could totally fit a- "
"Thats okay Wayne, I don't need to know."
"B- "
*Huff* "Suit yourself. ... Hm, but I might even be able to get me in here some- " This man chose to look up and wriggle his eyebrows at you, almost causing you to choke on a laugh. Almost. "You know."
Okay, you're not made of stone. At this you did snort; shaking your head. "No, I don't know."
"... you wanna?"
Now Wayne was just trying a few pairs of jeans (He offered to let you in so you could 'help him'... you politely turned that oh so very kind and beyond charming offer down with a 'no you're a big boy; I have the utmost faith in you that you can do it' and an encouraging pat on the shoulder), and while you sat outside the changing rooms with the coat hung over your legs and a basket half full with some more shirts in various cobalt hue's, you finally see fit to open up your phone for the first time in the day and... oh, boy.
You wince.
"Yep," You mutter, shaking your head and shifting to make sure no one was around to see. "Thats a penis."
God, what is wrong with men?
'U gotta send me some now' the guy, Brandon, texts you then seeing that you were online. 'Thats fair'. You groan. Oh no you do not.
When Wayne comes out of one of the changing rooms, tucking his shirt into his new jeans, you quickly switch off your phone and lower it into your lap. A second ago you were having a good day (A good day! With crazy Wayne of all people!), but now... aghhh, you just wanted to go home. Be alone. Lament over the fact that, at this rate, you're never going to find a man you have any kind of real chemistry with. "- that looks great." You say quickly, flashing a kind smile and getting up. "We'll get a couple of those. Its all on Lyle, anyway. Come on, lets ring up. You wanna get Taco Bell on the way back?- "
"Uh uh uh," As you're attempting to walk by Wayne and head for the registers, he grabs you by the crook of your arm and stops you right there. "What just happened here?"
Taking a deep breath, you cross you arms and face him; never mind the proximity he set. "Nothing. We've been out for hours, and I'm tired."
"You are not." He growls, then you peer and watch a sly grin spread across his face. "You cant lie to a liar, sweetheart, trust me. But hey," Suddenly he plucks your phone right out of your hand, making you yelp and go wide-eyed. Oy- "lets see for ourselves what the problem is, huh?"
"No, no, no- " You reach for the phone as soon as you see it, but he turns around.
Your phone comes to life and, holding the device just out of your reach (Well, you could move and grab it, but at this point you're frozen out of mortification), Wayne flicks to the most recently opened app. Then the photo's slide across the screen again and your nose wrinkles. "Ahhhh... " You roll your eyes deeply. You can imagine the nasty grin on the dirty old man's face without even seeing it. "... So? You gonna uhh... repay the favour, or not? Hm??" He chuckles. and you groan.
"What do you think?" You ask his back, rubbing your face.
"Well I'm sure I don't know- "
"No! The answer is no!"
"Heheh,.. " Suddenly an odd calm settles over Wayne, and you hear rather then see the phone shut off. Then there's a consoling tone in his voice that makes you nervous. "Alright, we can go. I'm all done here, after all, aren't I? Nothin for my Cuz to be embarrassed about anymore, hm? Lemme just put my old pants back on."
"Okay... thank you... ... hey, wait, gimmie back my phone, first- "
"Not just yet."
... that sure makes you nervous.
For the few moments you're waiting for him you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, worried. You just want your phone back! You want to delete. Tinder. damnit.
When Wayne's in there for a few moments too long, you awkwardly approach and knock on the door. "... Way- "
He opens the door almost as soon as your knuckles hit the surface, startling you, and hands you the phone back with a terrible, satisfied look on his face.
... you squint. "What did you do."
"Nothin'." He tells you back, noncommittally; shrugging and adjusting his pants as you open up your phone and navigate back to Tinder.
..- "OH." Immediately you turn off your phone all the way again and cross your arms, fighting to urge to throw it. THATS not gonna give you nightmares at all. After a moment, your eyes flick to Wayne grinning proud. "... why."
"Well he aint gonna bother you no more now, is he?"
"The concept of your penis does seem to have that effect on people." You say... but cant help it. You laugh, shaking your head; more an inappropriate cackle then a laugh, really. It feels good. "Come on lets go,.. Flaccid, and everything. Very sexy, Wayne."
"I thought so." He's still grinning with pride, and that only makes your giggles worse.
"Move it, Jackson."
You did end up getting lunch on the way back, opting to eat in the parking lot on the hood of the car, and you're still sipping coke when you pull into Wayne's driveway. He lives with Dale, its the only way the two of them can afford a semi-decent place with the wages that Lyle pays them, and as you slowly roll over the driveway you see Dale's motorbike in the open garage. He must be working on it today.
When Wayne pipes up from the passenger seat, you turn and watch him while chewing the paper straw in your taco bell cup. "Welll, this has been sorta fun, sweetheart. Coulda been more fun," He gives you a meaningful look and you shake your head, but grin with the straw still between your teeth. He clears his throat, opening the car door. "But, eh, not bad."
"Not bad??" You ask, teasing. "My company is just 'not bad'??"
There's a wicked look in his eye and on his face. "... yep."
"Never claimed to be anything else, did I now?" With that light-hearted but very true remark, Wayne turns to get out of the car- but a crazy split-second urge has you putting down your drink and stopping him.
"Wayne?- "
"Huh?- "
When your lips meet in a deep kiss with the old bastard you didn't even know you wanted until then, you feel every nerve in your body light up. Its slow and a little dirty, and you love it. You didnt know you could be kissed like this. So when you pull back you cant help the smirk that matches his.
"... well, now I think you're company's a lil better, Y/N." You snort, at that. "What? I manage t' seduce you with that photo? Hm?"
You roll your eyes and give a sigh. "Good lord- "
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
(i understand i am late to the own impromptu fic-fest i am only half modding, but its the heart behind it that counts.
presenting my submission to: Harry Buys Sirius Presents ft. Remus (and also They Can Be Jewish) Fest.)
It was almost worse when Harry knew the answer for once wouldn't be no. That was one of the first things Harry learned about Sirius when he came to live with his godfather. Sirius rarely said no.
Potpie for dinner? Yes.
A day at the seaside? Yes.
Help with a Charms essay? Yes.
Harry's world had blown wide open with all the yes's slowly learning how to navigate a guardian who was kind and cared. And if Sirius ever said no, it was for a good reason. It was to keep him safe. When Sirius said no it was because he loved him, truly, not out of spite or bitterness or greed the way the Dursleys had told Harry no.
And this particular request, Harry knew would be a yes. Sirius wouldn't even blink.
Because the second thing Harry learned after coming to live with Sirius was that his godfather loved to spend money on him. He had asked for pocket money once that term before the first visit to Hogsmeade and Harry swore he could feel the room shake with how quickly Sirius reached into his pocket, pulling out all the galleons he had and pressing them into Harry's hand. Only to be followed by another small satchel of galleons coming through post the next morning, landing on the breakfast table with a thud.
Sirius was generous.
Sirius was kind.
Harry only wanted to return the favor. Which is what he was thinking, as he stood on the outskirts of the sitting room door, twisting the hem of his shirt in his hand, absently wondering if he could just tear it in half because merlins sake it was hot in here, wasn't it? All the fire and the wood burning, the house was warm, and Harry was sweating. About to ask his godfather for money to go Christmas shopping shirtless.
"Alright there, Harry?" came a gentle voice from the side of him and Harry was surprised he didn't jump. Having gotten used to being in a house with two people who didn't yell or scold.
"Just great," Harry said feebly, pulling his sweaty hands away from his shirt and looking towards Professor Lupin--Moony. Remus? Professor Moony. Harry hadn't quite figured out what to call him, every time he attempted an odd sort of combination of all three names spilling out-- Proony. Remessor.
"Are we spying on Sirius for a reason?"
"He does weird things when he's alone...hums made up songs."
"He's always done that," Remus said fondly, casting a glance into the sitting room where Sirius was tidying away, a soft hum of a made up song carrying above the crackling wood fire. "We used to make fun of him for it. Did it in exams too, and James and I would take turns elbowing him."
Harry couldn't help but smile, nerves disappearing a little, "I think he's alphabetizing books..."
"I can't elbow him out of doing that," Remus mused, his hands going into the pockets of his trousers as he leaned against the wall, "Whatever it is you're going to ask him, Harry, I'm--"
"Thats the problem, see."
"Well...I'm not Sirius."
Remus wasn't Sirius.
"...Do you think you can help me get to my vault?"
Christmas morning arrived, after Harry had spent hours waiting for Sirius to go to bed so he could steal wrapping paper from the closet downstairs. Up until that moment, Harry had never found it annoying that Sirius seemed to be awake nearly all the time, his godfathers presence providing a sense of security that Harry never had. But it was pretty damn obnoxious when Harry was attempting to be sneaky, trying to do something nice, and his godfather was around every corner. Putting finishing touches on cookies; setting a timer for the roast in the morning; adding more presents under the tree.
But despite how tired he was the next morning, Harry couldn't help but lean into the joy spreading throughout Number 12. From the records playing, to the sticky-buns Sirius had made for breakfast, to the gifts that Sirius and Remus had thoughtfully picked out and bought just for Harry.
"Should we go have lunch?" Sirius said, clapping his hands together and making to get up off the sofa. "I don't know about you but all this Christmas cheer is making me starved and considering I was once in prison, I think I'm an expert at--"
"You're comparing eating three hours ago to Azkaban?" Remus asked at the same time Harry opened his mouth to say,
"I have one more thing!"
More blurted.
Sirius looked toward Harry with small smile, "One more?"
"For...you," Harry managed, before pulling out a horribly wrapped box that had been hidden behind a stack of couch cushions the duration of the morning, Harry panicking every single time Sirius got too close. It's a fort! Harry had offered as the worlds worst excuse, but Sirius didn't question it.
"You didnt need to get me anything, love," Sirius said gently, looking at the box in front of him, "I'm happy just to be here."
"I know I didn't but...I...did anyway, so you might just have to...deal with that."
Sirius snorted out a laugh before running his fingers underneath the seams of the paper, followed by the cardboard box.
A pair of patterned purple socks.
Because Harry remembered when Sirius saw a dark purple coat in the store at Diagon Alley and said what a great color
A blank journal.
I've just run out of pages in my old one, remind me to pick one up, would you, babe?
A book.
Oh this was my favorite to read when I was your age
A wrench
I need more tools to keep fixing up the bike, I thought I had a box somewhere...
What did you get person who gave you everything?
Harry wasn't sure. But he knew he remembered everything Sirius had once said he liked, taking notes on his favorite person the way Sirius had apparently taken notes on Harry.
Sirius looked down at the collection of items now open in the cardboard box, before slowly looking towards Harry, smile as wide as the ocean on his face.
"I love every bit of this."
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Monster Spotlight: Grendel
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CR 19/MR 7
Chaotic Evil Large Monstrous Humanoid
Bestiary 4, pg. 145
Hideous, terrible, and almost unstoppable, Grendel is described by the book as less of a creature and more of a force of nature, but a quick look at his lore block (especially his 2e one) reveals this not to be the case. If he were a force of nature, he would be an impartial destroyer! Instead, though, he specifically targets locations where joy runs high and celebrations ring out into the wilderness, seeking to crush as much happiness as possible with his every foray into civilization. Despising the sounds of happiness and revelry, Grendel attacks such settings with all the brutality of a tornado and the spiteful fury of a demon... After he sneaks, ever so quietly despite his bulk, into the settlement to murder its greatest warriors while they sleep so that no survivors could ever come close to opposing him. He does not seek a fair fight. He’s not even in it for the thrill of battle; he exists to cause pain, spread misery, and remind humanity that death is the only constant in life. Little else brings him more joy than watching the aftermath of his own carnage from afar, seeing the survivors sob over the broken and shredded bodies of their loved ones.
If you’re wondering just how a lumbering goliath like him can be sneaky, look no further than Mythic Skill Focus (Stealth), which allows Grendel to take 10s and 20s on his Stealth checks even while under duress. Without rolling a single dice, Grendel can have a flat 34 to Stealth no matter what the situation, making him all but invisible to the societies he preys upon as he slips behind houses, between shadows, and even across rooftops with no more noise than the wind. If he’s not in any particular hurry, that’s a 44 to Stealth instead, letting him scout out his prey in advance with little risk of being detected. A civilization may be be visited by this horror for many days before he decides to strike the moment they’re at their weakest, slaughtering as many warriors as he can under the cover of night before roaring in rampage to scatter the rest like roaches caught in the sunlight. Unfortunately for him, he NEEDS to be sneaky, because he has only meager resistances (10 each of Cold, Acid, and Fire), no resistances or immunities to any status ailments, and low saves for his Hit Dice.
Against non-Mythic targets, Grendel can certainly feel like a force of nature. He rolls all Fortitude and Will saves against the abilities of non-Mythic foes twice and picks which result he wishes to use, and he has 7 charges of Mythic Surge to use each day as he sees fit to add +1d10 to any d20 roll he feels like. While saving throws are nice and all, Grendel is built to attack, and his Brutal Surge ability emphasizes that better than any: Whenever he Surges on an attack roll, the 1d10 is added to the damage roll as well. He ALREADY has Mythic Power Attack, allowing him to take a -6 penalty to his attack rolls for +18 to damage, so his Surge has a decent chance of negating the penalty altogether and letting him pile sky-high damage... if he doesn’t just opt to spend a Surge point to eliminate the attack penalty completely for 1 whole minute, letting him tack +18 damage to his Full-Attack without worry.
Grendel’s sole means of offense is his raw, physical power: His gigantic claws and his gnashing jaws. Unusually, his jaws are less dangerous than his claws, dealing only 4d8+6 damage compared to 3d10+13 (these are just base numbers; remember he tends to have 18 extra damage!). Those nails also have a critical range of 19-20, and he’s got Bleeding and Exhausting Critical waiting to ruin a melee fighter’s chance of hurting him at all. His claws also Grab onto anything they manage to strike, and more than just about any monster in any book, staying free of Grendel’s grapple should be your highest possible priority. If you don’t have Freedom of Movement or couldn’t cast it before he dropped in and ambushed your party, the casters need to put it on whoever he’s closest to as swiftly as they possibly can, because anyone who remains in his grip when his turn rolls around again is subject to very literally being torn limb from limb.
There is no saving throw a victim can make to prevent their Gruesome Dismemberment, ONLY breaking out of his grapple or not being grappled in the first place can avoid it. Otherwise, Grendel can spend a Surge point to immediately and unavoidably tear off one of the victim’s arms or legs, potentially robbing them of their weapons or shields if they’re a martial character, their somatic spells if they’re a caster, or their mobility if they’re... anything that doesn’t want to be anywhere near Grendel, which should be everything. The agonizing pain inflicts the sickened condition and the cruel tearing deals 2d6 extra bleed damage, both of which last until magical healing is applied, but of course healing the damage is meaningless if the victim can’t break free of Grendel’s grip, because then he can just do it again.
While your options for reattaching severed limbs are plentiful by the time you can expect to fight something like Grendel, your options for doing it mid-combat are basically next to nothing. Regenerate takes 3 rounds to cast, Trollskin Tourniquets take 24 hours to work, and Rings of Regeneration (alongside the regenerative Ioun Stones) take hours or days to restore lost limbs, so none of those options in particular do much to undo the damage the lumbering sadist does. The party’s frontliners are one failed grapple check away from becoming dead weight, and while Grendel is no genius by any stretch of the imagination, he’s smart and wise enough to recognize two-handed weapons or two-weapon fighters, and cautious enough to scout the party ahead of time for priority targets like casters who need both their arms for somatic components, mobile midliners who he can pluck the legs from, and--again--frontliners whose builds rely on them having all their limbs.
Not that those builds would have done much good, anyway; the legends say that Grendel cannot be slain by any weapon or spell, and they’re right. He’s not only Unstoppable, able to expend Surge points to shrug off an enormous list of status ailments (and can do so even if those ailments would have kept him from acting), but he flat out cannot be killed by weapon attacks! Is this a unique ability or power he has?
It’s Regeneration 10. Humble Regen 10, which can only be suppressed if Grendel is attacked by a natural weapon or unarmed attack. Depending on your party composition (mainly whether or not there’s a Monk or Brawler present), you’ll either be howling in frustration as the beast refuses to die and slinks back into the swamplands to heal after tearing your arms off, or you won’t notice he even has Regeneration. While this may seem like a pretty glaring weakness, and you may think to yourself ‘so all we have to do is slap him really hard to suppress his healing?’ you’re falling into a terrible trap. Grendel’s DR 10 can only be bypassed by an Epic-quality weapon, so unless you can throw a punch with the force of a greataxe rolling max damage, this is a job for Monks, Brawlers, Wild Shaped Druids, and Animal Companions. Y’know, provided he hasn’t torn off their limbs.
You can read more about them here.
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butterfly-writer · 2 years
Let it all out.
MY HERO ACADEMIA - Kirishima x GN!Reader
Summary: After being rescued by the heroes during the Hassakai raid, the reader still felt uneasy and felt this tight grip on them. Everyone tried helping them but it didn’t seem to work until a boy changed that.
★☽A/N: I feel like people are struggling a lot so I thought “Why not make a one shot with Kirishima for anyone who’s comfort character is him!!” So I did. Just know that you are never alone and that you should seek help, let it all out to a friend or write it all out, just know that you’re never alone, there will always be that someone! :DD 
Contents: A bit of angst - Trauma - Fluff - ED (Eating Disorder) - SH (Self harm)
Disclaimer: Quirk allows the reader to enhance their abilities, like strength, speed, agility, to an unhuman extent.
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!. You were a subject to Overhaul by the time you got your quirk (4yrs), you were experimented on and he would take your blood cells just to create a powerful drug to enhance one’s abilities, like strength, speed, and agility to an unhuman extent. But you were the one getting sacrificed and you hate it, you just want to get out of there.
!. Overhaul started to spread the drug with your blood cells around the country by the time you were 10. But a few months later, a new roommate comes, Eri.
!. You were disgusted by how Overhaul treats her, he may fancy her with toys her age would love, but it doesn’t change the fact that he used her quirk, “Rewind” to create a drug.
!. You loved the girl as a sister, she saw you as a sibling that would always help her at her time of need and of course, that’s true because you try and try to stop him from hurting her more but he would never listen! You saw Eri die over, over, and over again and he would just bring her back to life, that must’ve been traumatizing for a child.
★. There was a group of heroes planning for a rescue that's going to happen in the Hassaikai Headquarters. They have discovered that the bullet that had hit Tamaki was a quirk removing drug that they have called, "Quirk Killer bullet." With the help of Kirishima, they have managed to have the bullet that still had its contents inside, with the right people, they have discovered that it had human blood cells inside.
That made them feel disgusted.
★. Just when they thought it was just one girl.. Oh.. They were unfortunately wrong.
★. With the help of the police, they have also managed to get the enhancing drug from the thug that has attacked Kirishima. With a bunch of time spent, they have discovered that it also had human blood cells.
How sick can Overhaul be?!
★. Midoriya was more than determined to save not only the girl, but the other child as well.
★. A long time skip goes by and now you and Eri are safe.
★. Mr. Aizawa has been visiting to check on you and to ask questions about Overhaul. He was shocked that you have been there since you were four. He was glad that you knew how to use your quirk but to some extent.
★. A boy named Kirishima has been visiting every single day, always asking you how you been and always love talking about his day which was somehow nice and comforting to you.
★. Midoriya paid a little visit to you, saying that since you both were closer to age, you both could get along. You hesitated but learned to be comfortable around him as his visits turned into weeks.
★. From what Midoriya gathered, both you and Eri were unable to smile. It was as if Overhaul still had his tight and powerful grip on the both of you. He was even more determined to save the both of you again.
The boy and his classmates planned a concert and it was spectacular!! They were lights and many, many real effects that awed everyone, and Eri finally smiled!! She was freed from that grip, but not you.
It was after the concert, Eri was giddy with joy as she told all of her wonderful experiences during the concert, it brought Midoriya tears when he saw her smile.
“How about you, Y/N?” Midoriya asked the kid beside Mirio, but they didn’t answer, they just kept on their straight face with their face down. ‘He’s still not saved..’ Midoriya was sad, they were still not smiling at all. “It was.. Very colorful..” They commented in a soft, hesitant tone.
The boy was about to say something but Mineta had called out and called him lazy for just standing around. The boy apologized and excused himself and got back to doing his work along with his classmates
"C'mon! Let's leave them with their work, alright?" Mirio called out and Eri and Y/N walked with him out of the gym and back to the main building. Y/N was deep in thought as they walked through U.A. "Hey,Y/N, are you okay?" Mirio asked with a worried tone, Y/N flinched by their name getting called, "Huh? Oh.. Yeah- I– I'm fine." Y/N stuttered which made Mirio worry more.
The thing is, Y/N wasn't fine. They were inflicted by Overhaul's actions and was thinking about the horrid man everyday. It was as if they still felt attached to him because he was the closest and only thing the 14 year old had for a father, a terrible father. They felt like they had betrayed their father figure.
They don’t even have any memories of their parents, only fragments of them and they weren’t nice fragments. Their parents were always neglectful until they just abandoned the child to a cruel man, it was because of them that they had to suffer experiments over, and over, and over again.
I hate this.. I want this to stop..
It was the same nightmare over and over again. Getting disassembled and experimented by Overhaul was too much for my brain, I just want it to stop!! It hurts so much.
I try so hard to keep it in so many times but when I’m alone, I just break out in sobs and hiccups. I don’t want anyone to worry about me, I’m just fine and I don’t need anyone to help me, I’m used to being alone with no help and this is no different.
I woke up with sweaty palms, I had trouble breathing normally so I tried my best to slow down my rapid breathing. I eventually calmed down and grabbed a drink from my minifridge and drank all of it up at once, I was still panting after that nightmare, shit.
I just stood up and sat onto my gaming chair in my dorm room and played for hours. It was 3.05 AM but who cares? I can’t go back to that horrible dream so, I may as well just play video games until I sleep in a pool of darkness. The screen shined brightly when I turned it on, I opened [GAME NAME] and started playing. By the time it was broad daylight, it was already 7AM. It was a Sunday and there was no practice and training for my quirk for me today so I just focused on the game as the time went by.
There was a lot of commotion that was heard, they were being so loud. A sudden knock was sounded on my door, I turned to look but didn;t respond. “It’s already lunch time right now, so I wanted to bring you your lunch. You like [F/F], right?” Midoriya spoked with his usual positive voice. I could tell he’s gone as the footsteps faded away. I got off my chair and slowly walked towards my door and opened it, seeing my plate of food, I just closed back my door.
I didn’t eat it, I just let it out and it became cold and disgusting. I was too used to eating from one time a day to nothing, I could easily go an entire day with no food, I would feel sick whenever I eat more than once.
By the time Deku went back to grab Y/N’s plate, it was still there and was now cold. Deku felt worried as he stared at Y/N’s door. He went down stairs to put back the plate and to put the lunch into a takeout plastic as leftovers. “Hey, Midoriya! You okay, man?” Kirishima asked as he walked up to Midoriya. “Not really, Y/N haven’t eaten anything.” Deku said, Kirishima looked at the lunch that was now cold and felt worried as well for the H/C friend. “Do you think they have an eating disorder? I only saw them eat once.. Or never even!!” Kirishima was now kinda panicking a bit for the person.
The boy started having a crush on the H/C kid since he was always visiting and hanging out with Y/N after the raid. Even if Kirishima didn’t know whether the individual even likes guys/girls, or anyone!
“I’m going to go check on him.” Kirishima said to Midoriya who nodded in response. The boy went up in the elevator and walked to Y/N’s door, he knocked. “Hey, Y/N? You haven’t eaten anything, are you alright?” Kirishima asked with his caring voice, Y/N didn’t respond, “Y/N?” He called out again but to no response. “Hey, look, if you ever need to- express your feelings, you can come to my room, alright? It’s just a floor up. I want to try to help you but if you don’t need that then it’s completely fine! I’m just offering some support.” Kirishima said before walking away. Just as he opened the elevator, a hand grabbed his arm, he turned around to see Y/N in a mess, they had a maroon colored hoodie with black shorts underneath, their hair was a complete mess and you could see their eyes were red from crying.
“So, what’s up?” Kirishima asked.
The two were in his room and on his bed. Y/N was seated at the end of it, while Kirishima was at the front. Y/N just kept quiet, worried if Kirishima wasn’t gonna take what they had to say. “Look, take your time.” Kirishima assured, which made Y/N more comfortable with the situation.
After a few minutes, they started to talk.
“I feel like throwing up every time I eat more than once or even anything. I stopped eating, I excessively worked out, I took laxatives, and I started to throw up food that I have eaten. Hell.. I even started to throw up after every meal. I stopped eating with you guys since you guys would be worried if I didn’t eat my food. I just lock myself in my room and play video games endlessly. I think the only things I consumed were water, protein shakes, and plain brewed coffee. My ribs have become more visible, I look like a skeleton. I don’t want to eat, I’m too used to never eating. I feel like I would be punished for eating, my stomach won’t agree with me and I feel like my mind has been going insane. I've been having these nightmares back when I was with Overhaul and I feel like I betrayed him, he was like– My father figure, despite his poor treatment towards me.” Y/N finished venting, it felt better after they let it out, like a small weight had been lifted from their shoulders.
Y/N felt total awkwardness when Kirishima wasn’t saying anything. Did they say too much? Just before Y/N was gonna apologize, a huge hug embraced them. Kirishima was hugging them tightly, like they were gonna vanish. “I’m so sorry that you feel like this!!” Kirishima said but Y/N didn’t hear that, they just felt the ringing in his ears.
A panic attack?
“I’m- I’m sorry but- Can you stop hugging me?” Y/N managed to stutter out, “Ah! Omg, I’m so sorry, I didn’t ask.” Kirishima apologized again before letting go, then he realized Y/N’s heavy breathing. He was gonna say something to help them but decided to take a different route. “Hey, hey, look at me, Y/N.” Kirishima said, which Y/N obliged. 
“Breathe slowly, or you won't calm down” Kirishima said but Y/N was still panicking a lot. “Is it alright if I can hold your hands?” Kirishima asked softly, extending his hands out for Y/N to grab and they grabbed hard while looking at Kirishima with panicked eyes.
“Repeat after me, N/N.” Kirishima told Y/N as he demonstrated calm breathing. Breathe in, breathe out, they repeated Kirishima’s breathing until they managed to calm their breathing and no longer stressed and panicked.
“How do you feel?” Kirishima asked, trying to let go but Y/N held his hands tighter. “Be-Better.” They responded, slowly caressing Kirishima’s hands as a way to soothe themself.
The silence was actually comforting. They just sat in silence with Y/N holding Kirishima’s hands, stroking them gently which soothed them.
“Erm- I’m sorry.” Y/N’s apology stopped the silence, “Hm?” “I’m sorry for dumping all of this on you.” They apologized, “Oh! No, no, no! You shouldn’t apologize, you just needed someone to tell these things to.” He said.
Y/N choked a sob, tearing up. Y/N let go of his hands and hugged him.
“Thank you, Ejirou.”
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hi yaz 🍊 (<-for u) right now im going through that awkward friendless period of my life and have been for a while. i've been following you for a long time and wondered if you had any words of wisdom for those of us in the thick of it. thank you ❣️
(p.s - from what we see online you've seemed really well lately, and its genuinely very encouraging. thanks 4 spreading the joy)
hi! so sorry for letting this ask sit there for a bit... i wanted to make sure i could answer it thoughtfully! 🌟 i ended up writing more than i expected so i apologize if this comes across as a bit wordy.
first of all, thank you so much! it really means a lot to me to hear this... i am literally just Random Girl Online so i’m truly honored & i think you’re incredibly sweet to say so 😭💝
secondly, i’m sorry you’re feeling this way! it’s a miserable place to be emotionally & difficult to talk about... but i promise promise promise you will not feel this way forever. i was so lonely it hurt for a very long time, i guess if you’ve followed me for a while you probably remember. like it was PAINFUL how unpeopled my life was, and i was really embarrassed by it too because no one else seemed to be going through it quite so badly. but honestly, i think... most people actively are or once were lonelier than they are willing to admit, so it’s not an experience that’s awkward at all, and not something indicative of there being anything wrong with you specifically (which is all too easy a conclusion to come to), and it is definitely, DEFINITELY is not going to be this bad always. there are so many lovely people in this world who are just on the cusp of entering your life without your even realizing it yet... at one point last year i took a second to look around me & it suddenly occurred to me that things had gotten so much better for me in a way i genuinely never imagined during the worst of my loneliness, that completely unexpectedly i had come to know a good number of people i liked and cared about.
mostly all i can encourage you to do is to be around people in whatever way u can even if you don’t currently have a circle of friends to turn to. if your school or a local museum or a similar institution is holding some kind of lecture, attend it even if u don’t know anyone else who’s going! you might strike up a conversation with a stranger u unexpectedly get along with and make plans to get to know each other better, or you might just get to lightly chat with a lot of people who u never see again. both of these things are nice in different ways. if your workplace is holding a little potluck for someone’s birthday, go even if it’s just for the sake of having cake and cooing over photos of your coworker’s new puppy. text friends who live in the area who u haven’t seen in years, spend the afternoon at the park together & see if you want to make room in each other’s lives for these new versions of yourselves you’ve grown into. sign up for art classes where u can struggle through something you’re unfamiliar with alongside others who are struggling through it the same way & bond over this for a few hours each week. be the first person to text in a groupchat of people u only sort of know. tag along to study with someone from your class at the library & see if it becomes a regular thing with other people from the same class. maybe you won’t befriend all the people you go out of your way to interact with, but chances are you can and will befriend a few of them! and even if it doesn’t end up working out, a little camaraderie goes a long way in pulling a person out of the pits of despair.
if literally none of the above is an option for u in any way whatsoever right now, just try your best to keep going anyway. which sounds stupid probably, i’m sorry; i would have been CRAZY irritated if anyone told me this when i was so lonely i could hardly think about anything else. but i read a lot of poetry, i played a lot of video games, i watched a lot of movies, i spent so much time out of doors watching the birds and trees, i talked to my relatives more than ever before, i messaged some mutuals so often they turned into genuine online friendships that meant the world to me then and mean the world to me still. it hurt that i didn’t have people to share any of this with the way i wanted to but i still experienced a lot of really nice moments when i was alone & in some ways i feel more equipped to deal with loneliness after living through so much of it because i know now that i’m capable of enjoying things even in the throes of isolation. resilience isn’t sustainable and i sincerely hope you don’t need to be resilient about this for much longer, but your life is not on hold, and if u just keep going i believe you will still experience lots of meaningful and good things until your social life starts to pick up, at which point u will experience lots of other meaningful and good things!
also i guess i already mentioned this and definitely feel free to ignore this bit if it doesn’t apply to you, but be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking this is somehow your fault or because there is something inherently off-putting about you! this is absolutely not the case… not having enough or even any friends is just something that happens sometimes. it’s a much more common experience than it feels like & there is nothing wrong with you! believing this and giving in to the shame will cause you undue pain and isolate you further when people reach out or enter your life if you feel you aren’t deserving of friendship because whatever shape your insecurities happen to take. so just... try and be kind to yourself. this is something i struggled with a lot & that’s why i bring it up, but again, you can totally disregard it if it doesn’t align with your own experiences.
i guess that’s all for now! i don’t think i’m saying anything new, so i don’t know how helpful any of this was. i mostly just hope it wasn’t pedantic! i was trying to think of things that genuinely worked for me or things i would like to tell me of a couple years ago if i could speak to her somehow, and i ended up writing a lot because this is a topic that means a lot to me. basically i just mean to say u will be okay! with time and effort and a little bit of luck you will be okay & you will find yourself surrounded by the nicest friends and acquaintances who genuinely really like you and who you genuinely really like in return. loneliness is just something that comes and goes... sometimes it is a little harder and more painful to get through than other times but it never lasts forever. i hope you take care of yourself & i hope it all starts to work out really well, really soon ❣️ love u
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twice-inamillion · 2 years
Sana’s Birthday Wish p.2
Part 162 (TIS)
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It’s been a couple of days since Sana and Jihyo had the talk. Sana has been trying to keep calm and not pressure Jihyo as much but she can’t hold herself.
She would hint at it by making most of her conversation on baby talk or would be holding one of the babies whenever Jihyo was near. “Ahh i could imagine Jisoo being my bundle of joy” as she is tickling Jisoo with Jihyo near by.
Jihyo on the other hand is conflicted because she understands the wanting of being a mother but at the same doesn’t want to exploit y/n as a breeding horse. She doesn’t know what kind of relationship sana and y/n will have if they do produce a child, which worries her.
It’s a day before Sana’s birthday and the members are gather around for dinner. Since they have been really busy from the holidays and Jisoo’s birthday, today has been a day a relaxing day.
All the members are seated at the table and are enjoying the take out food. There are multiple types of cuisines spread around the table.
All the members are eating and enjoying something different for a chance. The babies on the other hand are asleep on patted floor.
Everything is going well until someone asks sana are you excited for your birthday tomorrow, Sana?”
“Yes! I’m really excited. I’m hoping for some good news, right jihyo?”
Being caught off guard, jihyo replies “uhh, yeah… some good news” while everyone looks confused.
“Anyways, one of my close friends from japan opened a small boutique here in Seoul and i was wondering if you all would like to come with me” she asked.
“Ohh, what kind of boutique is it?” asked Nayeon.
“Her shop sells clothing, accessories and some handmade clothes” she replied.
The members talk amongst each other and agree to go with Sana.
“By the way, my friend reversed the place for us, so we can go without worrying about running into anyone. Will you come with us Dahyun?
“Yes, i would be happy too. I can finally go out for a bit. Thank you sana” says dahyun.
“Okay, if that is the case, can you drive us there y/n?”
“Yeah, I don’t see why not but we will need to take two cars” you reply.
“I can drive as well. This will give us the chance to drive the new suv we bought” said jihyo.
“Thats true, we haven’t been able to drive it around too much. It would be a nice opportunity for us to go out again as a group.
“Okay! Mini day trip!” yells chaeyoung.
Next Day —————
It’s a bit before noon and all of the members are ready to leave. The babies are dressed and fed.
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Everyone places chooses their seats in the two vehicles they will be traveling in. You the driver of the mini van, while jihyo the driver of the suv.
The children are placed in their car seats and bags on the floor. Everyone else is seated in their seats. (Minivan: y/n, Nayeon, Mina, Jisoo, Ari, Hina, and Jeongyeon ) (SUV: Jihyo, Sana, Dahyun, Momo, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu)
You all then head on the road for the hour trip to Seoul. Once you all arrive to the location the members get off and say goodbye to you until its time to go back home.
“Call us if you need anything okay” jihyo. “You need to behave well Ari and Hina” said Mina. “Remember Jisoo, you’re the oldest sister, maker sure to listen to daddy” said Jihyo.
Then wave goodbye as they you pull out from the parking lot and head for the nearest park before heading to see Jihyo’s parents.
Once the car is gone, the members are greeted by Santa’s friend Masan. “Sana!! It’s been so long! Happy Birthday!” ask they greet each other with hugs and kisses. “It’s been so long, I’m happy that you invited me and my members to your store.” “It’s no issue, I’ve been wanting to invite you ever since we decided to open a location here in Seoul.”
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“Anyways, welcome to my boutique. You are all welcomed to look around and try on anything you like” as she leads everyone inside from the back entrance.
“Woah it’s so nice and pretty” said Tzuyu as she walks towards the first clothing racks. “What’s this?” she ask as she points to the small pieces of clothing.
“It’s lingerie!” says sana. “Yes, I own a lingerie boutique” said Masan.
The members are shocked from the news as it’s unexpected. “Let’s go lingerie shopping!” says Sana enthusiastically.
A couple of hours have passed and you get a call from jihyo, letting you know that it is time to pick them up. You say your goodbyes to Jihyo’s grandparents and head back to the boutique you dropped from off at.
You arrive to the backside of the parking lot and text them that you have arrived. They come out of the back entrance in laughter as the one by one get into their respective cars.
Once you arrive to the house you begin to prepare the main dish for Santa’s birthday dinner while the rest get ready. With some help fro the members you are able to finish early than expected.
Everyone gathers around and begins to talk about their experience at Masan’s boutique and how much fun they had. Sana thanks the members for spending the day with her during her birthday.
Chaeyoung asks “are you going to be using it anytime soon, sana?” as she laughs. “I think i might be using it earlier that expected, right Jihyo?” says sana as she gives jihyo a wink. “Haha stop, sana. You’re too much” says Jihyo.
The dinner ends on a good note and jeongyeon heads to the kitchen to bring out the birthday cake, while nayeon turns off the lights. Jeongyeon lights up the candles and walks towards the table to place it in front of sana.
“Happy Birthday, to you Sana!” as all the members sing the happy birthday song to her.
Sana stares at the candles as momo asks “what are you going to wish for sana chan?”
“My wishes have been coming reality everyday as i am with all of you, my loved ones, my family. I do have one special wish that I really want for it to come true” as she looks intensely. “What is your wish” asks jeongyeon.
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A long pause before she finally lets it all out and says “I want a baby!” as she blows the candles.
The members look at each other with surprise as they don’t think they understood sana correctly. Jeongyeon says “wait what did you say sana? I don’t think we hear you correctly.” Sana again responds with “I want a baby. I want to have a baby of my own.” What do you mean you want to have a baby, with who?” asks jeongyeon.
Everyone turns their heads as Sana points at you. They look at each other in shock from what is happening. Sana breaks the ice as she says “i want y/n to give me a baby. Will you let y/n breed me, jihyo?” Again the member’s heads immediately turn to the opposite side of the table towards jihyo, waiting for her response.
A long silence, no sound until Tzuyu says “What’s breeding?” Everyone looks at Tzuyu with innocence from her silly question. “We can talk about it later, tzuyu” says mina. “Breeding is when a man dumps his cum inside of a woman and purposefully gets her pregnant” says momo bluntly. “So sana unnie is asking Jihyo unnie for permission to have y/n put a baby in her?” asks Tzuyu. “Yup, that’s right” says chaeyoung.
“So what’s it going to be Jihyo? Can y/n breed me and fulfill my birthday wish” asks sana. Everyone looks at Jihyo for her response, until she finally breaks her silence and says ‘y.. yes. Yes… he can.”
“What the f…k” says jeongyeon as she is visibly upset from jihyo’s response but her anger is quickly overwhelmed by sana’s scream of happiness.
“Omg omg…. Thank you so much jihyo!” as sana rushes towards jihyo to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Some of the other members are still in disbelief on what just happened. Tzuyu then asks “so if we want to do breeding i just ask jihyo unnie too?” Momo bursts out in laugher and says “poor Tzuyu you don’t have to think about it, you’re still too young for that.”
“So when is it going to happen? asks chaeyoung. Sana turns to chaeyoung and says “of course it’s going to happen today, i want to get my birthday gift tonight” while turning towards you.
“Make sure you’re ready y/n, i bought some new lingerie just for this occasion.”
Previous Chapter 161 Next Chapter 163
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itbmojojoejo · 1 year
Tag five moots that you admire, love, and adore - and type out why you love ‘em so much, too! Let's say a nice word or two about those in the fandom and genuinely spread some good vibes!
Tag five people when you're done💜Let's spread some good vibes!
I think some good love could be needed, so Mojo's going to do this.
@st-eve-barnes You my dear are a joy to see on my dash as well as a wonderful writer, I followed you in my early days of coming back to tumblr on my personal blog and an anon i sent you about doing my own writing led to the creation of itbmojojoejo - you are so so lovely.
@arcielee Ah my fellow screaming raccoon/opossum/human, you were one of the very first people to reach out to me and I am so glad you did, you have made this little corner of the internet a joy to be apart of and keep me going more than you realise, you have my whole heart xox
@gemini-mama You reeled me in with your devotion to our favourite fictional irishman and kept me with your unhinged comments and humour, you never fail to make me cackle. Also - Your NSFW alphabets? 🔥🔥🔥
@bhxrdy shamefully I cant even remember how we came to be moots, but you're brilliant! And your kindness at sharing resources and helping me out is truly wonderful and I'd be lost without your guidance 🦝<- I see this emoji, I think of you.
@babyblue711 You were the first person to comment on my very first fic and you told me that it wasn't trash and to keep on going, and that was a beautiful push (encouragement) that had me open up my word doc to write part 2, I will never forget that, thank you xox
@ewanmitchellcrumbs / @bouncehousedemons The amount of kindness and support you give has my heart full every time i see you in my notifs, you never fail to make me laugh with your posts across both blogs and your writing has me feral i could eat it. You're lovely xox
@finanhasmyheart You are a joy to see on my dash and in my notifs! Your tags always make me smile and you are so kind!
@ilikeitbetterangsty ...Ma'am, if i could write this in invisible ink (tags) I would, you have me cackle on a regular basis and you have made me thirst for Harwin, that was not an easy thing to do through writing alone.
@ryals3 I won't share what we discussed via dms, but know I still reread over it every now and again because it was so lovely for you to reach out with such kindness and encouragement and it meant a lot to me, so thank you xo (also I'm sorry that conversation died a death on my end, I am an awkward soul.)
Now I'm sure I have missed some people, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, it is not a slight in any way at all and uh if you think I have over used the word 'lovely' my brain is fried and all its doing is repeating "lovely, they so lovely!!" a bit like that bowling for soup song..she's so lovely, she's so lovely, SHE'S SO LOVELY!.
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obsidiannebula · 6 months
but when I put my work out there no one gives a shit. even the AI gets more of a reaction out of others, even if its purely negative. admit it, people only started to pretend to care about smaller artists and writers to stick it to the AI techbros
You're experiencing something that every creative on the planet has been struggling with since forever: the crushing disappointment of "I worked really hard on this but nobody even seems to notice it."
We've all been there. It sucks. We tend to feel a need for recognition and validation when we do or make something. Just about every artist or writer on here has experienced that disappointment, and wondered in despair if it's even worth continuing to make and post the things they make. After all, why put in all that effort to make something and share it, when nobody seems to care? Why keep investing so much into something you love, only to share it and find that no one else appreciates it like you do?
Well, if you've been in creative circles for a while, you've actually probably seen some answers to this question. See, we HAVE cared about our fellow small creators since long before """AI""" was really a concern. For years we've been making and sharing posts to help and uplift each other. We've told each other, don't create with the hope of getting fame and adulation, or you'll almost certainly be disappointed. We've told each other, create for your friends, for the 3 people who are as deeply invested in your rarepair or niche fandom as you are, create for yourself, create for the joy of creation. We've spread posts reminding people that a like is nice, but if you really enjoy someone's art, it helps the creator much more to reblog it, because it increases the work's visibility and reach. We have encouraged people to commission artists- and we have actually done so! See my little icon in the corner there? I commissioned that from a friend, who is a small artist themself. (@oriathura here and on the website formerly known as Twitter, in case anyone would like to commission them!)
The creative community has been supporting each other for a long time, whether you were aware of it or not. I've been on Tumblr since 2017, and have been following artists and writers that whole time, and began posting my own art and writing soon after joining. I have seen thousands of posts of the sort I described, trying to help motivate, reassure and uplift other creators. I have seen friends and mutuals get discouraged by the lack of response to their art, and wonder if they should give up. I have seen them carry on anyway, and I have seen them grow and develop as artists. I have posted my own work and gotten silence in response, and I have persisted anyway and continued to improve my craft and make work that I am proud of, regardless of how many people saw it or validated me through praise.
Because I wanted something to exist, and I made it exist, and I deserve to be proud of that. No matter how many people saw it or liked it.
You didn't ask for advice, but I'm going to offer some, and you and any other creatives reading this can take it or leave it, as you like:
*Find community. Follow some creative people, maybe acquire some creative mutuals. Join a Discord server for artists and/or writers. Get involved with a small group of fellow creators and hype each other up!
*Learn how to tag your posts. Don't spam a bunch of unrelated tags, of course, but learn how to add plenty of relevant ones. Lots of people follow tags for characters, fandoms, and even the "my writing" and "fiction" tags- I know I do. That will put your post on the dash of some people who are following those tags. The more people who see it, the more likely it is to reach the people who will enjoy it- because no matter the subject or even quality of the work, there IS an audience for it. Following and posting in these tags may even help you find community!
*Make something with no intention of ever sharing it. If you love to create but find yourself discouraged and frustrated by a lack of positive response when you share your work, make something just for yourself and keep it to yourself. Learn to appreciate creation for creation's sake, for the joy you can bring yourself. If you're feeling really bold, make something and then destroy it. Rip it up, burn it, hit delete. Art is valuable even when it is fleeting.
*Create for an event. One of the best things that ever happened to my writing was participating in TAZ Pride Week 2018. I wrote a new fic every day for 8 days, pushing the limits of my creativity and writing skill. I tagged each work with the event tag, allowing others to find it and the organizer to reblog it to the event blog, which lots of people were following. Many people saw and enjoyed my work as a result. I saw the work of numerous others and was inspired. I even gained my first artsy mutual (aside from my irl friends) because of this event, so this can also help you with building community! People organize art and writing events all the time, especially for fandoms. Seek these out and see how you can get involved!
Sometimes, creating can feel like thankless work. But that doesn't mean it has no value. If it meant something to you, it was important. And it may become important to someone else one day. Some of my works that flopped hardest on publication are the ones that still get the occasional note or AO3 comment here and there months and years later, because they appealed to very few people, but those few people are very excited on the rare occasion they find something that scratches the particular itch they have!
When I was in 7th grade, we read Summer of My German Soldier. I don't know that I'd recommend the book to anyone else; in truth I don't remember much from it, aside from the main character getting a bad perm. But one quote from that book has stuck with me my whole life. It led to me the understanding of creation as a powerful, almost sacred act, regardless of how many people view it. For "there is more nobility in building a chicken coop than in destroying a cathedral."
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leporellian · 2 years
honestly the best comparison i can give for what it’s like to try to convince people to watch opera is like… imagine you have a wardrobe that leads right to narnia, like in the books. you open it up and it’s this whole incredible fantasyland at your fingertips. it’s incredible and it’s absolutely real to you, everything is palpable and no effort is required on your part to see it. it’s just there.
and you really want to show other people it, because it brings you so much joy that you want to spread to others- but also because wandering in narnia on your own is isolating. but every time you bring someone to your wardrobe and fling open its doors, telling them how wonderful it is, they only look at it with confusion. all they see is a plain wardrobe. they can’t see narnia much less enter it. nobody can, actually, but you.
“it’s very real,” you say. “and it’s wonderful, there’s so much here to love. it’s infinite, and it’s all there. please trust me on this just once.” but you know they will never believe you, and you know your pitch has failed. if they’re nice they just look on with confusion, if they’re mean they ask if your head’s screwed on right. they leave. and you look inside again to check they aren’t right, and you see the fantasy world in all it’s glory.
and so you find yourself wandering alone within narnia once more.
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