#because lian doesnt want to leave jason
hintofcolor · 3 years
I do not like when people bring children into fanfics. Like “this couple has a child” “then she got pregnant” “they’re raising a kid together”
It is the grumpy loner with got a kid via being a god parent.
Like that hits different
Like they only have that one person or that that one couple who is like family, and then those people die and now they have to cope with that along with learning how to raise a child but they know nothing about raising kids and so you see the two of them grieve and grow together and it is just so good
Yes this about Roy dying and leaving Lian to Jason because lian took a liking to Jason and Jason cares about her so much and you know that if a bat cares about some one they will make sure they are safe no matter what (especially Jason) and Jay completely panics because he had no idea Roy made him her legal guardian and he’s going through lists of people who would be better suited for this in his mind.
“What about Dick? Dicks amazing with kids, and he’s always wanted to be a dad. Plus he knew Roy longer than I have? Or Donna? Or Kory? Or you two?! Why did he not leave her with you and Ollie?!”
“Jason calm down. Roy knew you better than anyone, if thought Lian being in your care was the best decision for her, then it is. You trust him, right?”
“Trust has nothing to do with it. I don’t know how to raise a kid.”
“No parent does. But Jason, you aren’t alone. You have people who will help and support you. You have to know that Roy chose you for a reason.”
Jason has to buy an actual apartment but he hasn’t had a home since he died so he has no clue how to live normally but Lian does so this 6 year old is gently teaching how to live normally and Jason is teaching her how to grieve
The scenarios that follow are hilarious. Lian making friends at school and asking Jason if she can have a sleepover and he says no but she’s so much more like her dad than Jason will ever admit so she very easily talks him into it, however she forgets to mention that he has to meet their parents first. So now 6’3 scary and intimidating Jason Todd is standing in a park dressed in all black leather jacket and combat boots with his resting face in a scowl and with jack and Susan and the other parents having absolutely no clue what to do. He can handle small talk with socialites, he learned how to do that when he was young but he is absolutely lost with these normal people, who have normal jobs and live normal lives. And he’s trying so hard because Lian wanted this so bad but he’s so awkward and uncomfortable. What sells the parents on letting them have the sleepover was watching him with lian. Watching him dote on her and keep a close eye and how he always has a genuine smile and waves back when Lian runs by waving at him. Or how he crouches down and let’s Lian out a flower in his hair just like the one she put in her own and how soft his voice was when he said it would be an honor when she told him that now he could be in her fairy army.
And parent teacher conferences are a mess, because Jason just doesn’t fit in. At all. And all the female teachers are flustered around him because this tall well built incredibly attractive man in sprawled out while sitting in a desk far to small for him and nodding attentively when they discuss Lian and how beautiful his smile is when he beams with pride when they praise her for her art or for being so smart. Because of course Lian is smart her dad was a genius, because parent teacher conferences always makes him realize just how much she is like her dad. And while his death still hurts it’s good to know that he will always be in Jason’s life through Lian And the teachers crumble when they talk about her behavior issues because she’s still grieving but she also has her dads anger and the look of concern on his face when he says he will talk to her about it is so honest.
And during play dates only the moms ever seem to bring their kids and they always ask if he can handle it and he always says yes but he’s wearing a tight white t shirt and he’s all sweaty and his hands are greasy and they almost pass out when they ask him what was working on and he says his motorcycle. So they push alittle more but he assures them that he’s fine. And Lian runs past him dragging her friends to her room laughing and joking as they go and Jason just has the fondest look in his eyes as tells her to slow down a little. And they come out a little later all in make shift superhero costumes so when the moms come to pick up their daughters the beg them to let them finish thier and all agree because who wouldn’t want to just stare at Jason for a little longer. Jason is running around with a make shift red helmet chasing these little girls dressed up as different heroes and they are all laughing and giggling and Jason catches one of them and slings her over his shoulder like she weighs nothing and the little girl is laughing so hard as she bangs on his back Lian in her speedy costume finally shoots him down and he goes down all dramatic like and all the little girls run and tackle him and now Jason is laughing too as he’s picking the little girls up off the ground and telling them to go and get their stuff and he has the brightest smile as he apologizes to the moms for keeping them waiting and every last one of the moms falls on love.
And just Jason being domestic and a good dad y’all my heart
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*Rose is babysitting Lian*
Rose: “I have to go to the store and get a few things. Dad your in charge please for the love of god dont let me see you on the fucking news.”
Rose *turning around*: “okay lian be good for me ok and when i get back we can watch a movie ok?”
Lian: “Okkkkkkk”
*Rose turning back to face Slade* : “I’m watching you and dont think for a second i wont call jason or kori over here”
Slade: “please rose i know what im doing. We”ll be fine ive did this before. Kinda.”
Rose: “okay fine be good i gotta go”
*Rose leaves*
Slade: “okay li- Lian?!?!”
*Slade running down the hall*: “LIAN?!?!?”
*Slade runs into his office where his suit and weapons are*
*Lian holding his sword*: “oooooooo whats this?”
*Slade picking lian up and taking his sword away from her*: “okay rules, no touching anything thats sharp okay???? Also this room is off limits ok!?!?!”
Lian: “okie dokie” *skips away*
*Slade running his hand over his face*: “this is going to be harder than I thought”
2 hours later
*Lian playing with some toys*: “uncle ollie can be stupid sometimes and grandpa batman is always angry”
Slade huffing : “tell me about it”
Lian: “everyone doesnt like auntie rose because of what she does and because your her dad. Just like they dont like mama.”
*Lian looking down*: “At least you dont think im going to grow up and hurt people”
Slade: “who the hell thinks that!?!?!?! YOUR A KID”
Lian: “they act like i cant hear them but i can. I heard them talk about daddy too and mama. Uncle jaybird says to ignore them but thats hard.”
Slade: “who your parents are has nothing to do with who you become. Your a good kid lian. Your not like us. Your better. Dont listen to them. They’re probably just jealous they dont have cool aunt and uncles like you do”
*Lian giggling*: “hehe no they dont. They are just mad they dont have a cool grandpa like you”
Slade.exe stops working
*Slade smiling but also maybe crying a little*: “yeah they dont. Wanna go get some ice cream kid?”
*Slade nodding his head in agreement* : “yeah we can take bad guys down too”
A few hours later
*Rose walking thru the hallways when she hears slade singing and stops to look into her room*
*Slade humming an old lullaby*
*Lian drifting off to sleep*
Rose: “and here i thought you were going to call me panicing”
Slade: “i almost did but i think i got the hang of it”
Slade: “shes a good kid.”
Rose: “yeah she is. I just wish roy was here. I know what it feels like to have one dead parent and one incompetent parent. No offense but still”
Slade: “yeah I understand. But she isnt alone. Shes got all of you guys to take care of her. She has a good family. She has you.”
Rose: “and you”
*Slade chuckling*: “everyday you remind me more and more of your mother. I might have messed up at being a parent but she didnt.”
Rose: “you werent all that bad. I mean look at you. Lian trust you. Something she doesnt give out willingly.”
*Rose smiling*: “your a good grandpa”
Slade: “i try my best”
*Rose sighing*: “thanks for this. she needed something to cheer her up”
Slade: “well ice cream has always worked for me when i get down. I honestly didnt do much.”
Rose: “you know thats not what i mean. Thank you for making sure that she knows shes good. I know what it feels like for people to talk behind your back about you when your parent isn’t exactly your average textbook good guy”
Slade: “i tried my best. But seriously you ever find who was saying shit tell me. No one is going to talk about her. Not if im still breathing.”
Rose: “dont worry i will. Now come on i have groceries to put up.”
Slade: “ill make dinner”
Rose: “no uncle billy is coming over and hes cooking. He doesnt trust you since last time”
Slade: “oh come on that was one mistake.”
Rose: “yes one mistake that ended with me having to buy a new oven”
Slade: “ok ok ill keep my hands away from be oven”
*Lian suddenly appearing in the living room*: “i cant sleep. I want to watch a movie now”
*Rose slowly turning towards slade*: “when did you give her ice cream”
*Slade nervously turning to face rose*: “maybe right before she was supposed to go to bed”
Rose: “damnit dad”
Rose: “and who did you get that from?”
Lian smiling: “grandpa alfie”
Slade and rose: “of course you did”
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daemoninwhiteround2 · 4 years
Damian is a jealous little shit when it comes to Jason and his milk. He doesnt like to share him in ANY way when he is nursing. That means that besides from hogging the milk from the rest of the pack, he also wants his undivided attention and affection. He has bitten Jason before to draw his attention back to him whenver any other member of the pack "distracts" him while nursing. At this point Jason has given up. Theres no fixing that kid
Could you please do more mama Jason breast feeding Damian? Maybe before and after they left the League?
Dami is a possesive and jealous little shit over Jasons milk. He doesnt give a shit that he is no longer a little pup and the milk changed its composition, no longer meant for his nutrition but to strengthen pack bonds. He gives no fucks. It was his first and he will be damned if he has to share it. Also thats his Umm'i. The omega that raised him. He doesnt give a shit that he is pack Omega (and the ONLY omega on the pack) Jason was his first. Dami literally has growled at Bruce over his milk
Everything happens but none of it catches his attention.
Life flows past him and he is like a stone, unmoved, removed, only ever an observer.
And then
The one static image in a sea of colour and sound.
Bright green eyes and dark hair.
He should ... something.
It flows out of reach and he remains.
And then
Small, soft.
Warm and heavy in his arms.
Smells like everything good and right in the world.
She does something, shifts him close, and
Is ... right.
Only thing that has been right for...
He cuddles him close and allows the world to drift past them both.
Jason only comes to movie night because he twisted one ankle, broke the other and was taken to the Manor against his will and now, since they’ve dumped him in the rumpus room on the second floor, he literally can’t leave. 
“You’re a shit,” he tells Dick, who is not even vaguely attempting to hide his delight as he sticks throw pillows in and around Jason.
It isn’t pulling at his nesting instincts. It isn’t.
“I know you are but what am I?” Dick sing-songs back as he slides another pillow beneath Jason’s ankle. He’s managed to wedge them between a five pillow structure taking up the entirety of the footstool Jason has his feet propped up on; his ankles are definitely raised and also he definitely can’t move his legs without toppling everything.
Even if Jason wanted to get up, he doubts he could struggle out of pillow hell before it all comes falling down and he suffocates to death for a second time.
“Christ, how old are you again?”
“Old enough to know better than to go running around on the street after Freeze has iced it over.”
Hmm. Dick’s got him there.
“Besides,” Dick continues, “it’s been forever since we’ve all hung out.”
Jason pointedly looks around the otherwise empty room. “Yeah, just you, me, and all your friends.”
“Ha ha, Jason, you’re hilarious.” Dick actually has the audacity to roll his eyes. “I mean, Bruce sent Damian back a couple of hours ago, since it’s a school night, and Tim didn’t go out at all, he’s got a big presentation at W.E. tomorrow! So we can all hang out together.” He plumps another pillow, stares at it like it holds the secrets to ... well, a happy family. “It’s been a while since so much of the pack’s been together.”
Jason wants to scoff, but Dick’s tone brings him up short. He’s not even sure Dick meant for him to hear it. He sounds ... wistful.
Dick’s really the only one of them who knows what a happy, well-adjusted pack should be. Jason's family was ... the less said the better, Tim’s were distant and then dead, and Damian...
Dick’s the only one of them who knows what pack could be like. Should be like. The rest of them just have ... hopes, dreams, more formed by TV than anything else. Jason gave, gives Dick a lot of shit for being so desperate to play happy families, but he also ... when Dick’s like this, bringing him down, making him face the reality of their heavily-fractured pack seems ... unnecessarily cruel.
“Whatever,” he finally settles on, performatively rolling his eyes as he reaches for the remote. “I get to pick what we watch though.”
Dick grins, bright and blinding, and Jason remembers why people call him the heart of the hero community.
Fuck, he’d be so good at fulfilling an omega’s traditional role for a pack.
 He basically does already because Jason can’t get his fucking shit together and--
Not. Now.
He flips through the channels, ignores Dick darting in and out, bringing more and more blankets and pillows as he does. By the time Jason’s given up and settled on some random movie, Dick’s herded Tim and Damian into the room. 
Dick settles down on a loveseat close to Jason, not close enough that he feels crowded but not far enough that it’s a snub. Jason ... doesn’t know how to deal with that display of thoughtfulness, so he shoves it under the rug in his mind and glances at his other packmates brothers fellow vigilantes. 
Tim, typically, flops face down into a pile of blankets and pillows and doesn’t move. It’s fairly even odds if he’s already asleep or if he’s going over expense reports in his head.
Damian, on the other hand, shifts his weight from foot to foot, glancing at Dick, at Jason, and at the open expanse of floor. Jason can’t stop himself from tensing up--Damian’s far too disciplined to display such an obvious tell, even after a couple of years of Dick chipping away at the mountain of bullshit Damian was taught by the League.
Dick, of course, notices. “Come sit with me, little D!” he calls and pats the cushion next to him.
Damian tuts and ... sits next to Jason?
Jason shoots him a glance, Damian scowls up at him, looks away and crosses his arms.
Jason chalks it up to Damian not wanting to deal with Dick (which, mood) and focuses on the TV.
A warm weight nestles against his side, and Jason blinks back to reality.
“What’s up?” he keeps his voice just loud enough to be heard, hopes to not disturb the others--Dick’s head definitely tilts in their direction, for all he doesn’t actually seem to look over.
“Hungry,” Damian grunts.
Jason pointedly tilts his head at pillow hell. “Can’t exactly help you with that, kid.”
Damian tuts. “Yes you can. You did before.”
Jason freezes. He’s never been really certain that Talia had him interacting with Damian before he took a tip in the worst-reviewed jacuzzi in the world--knows for sure they didn’t after, but when he’d been allowed in the excuse of a nest he’d managed to construct, he’d smelt something like...
That would explain ... a lot.
“I don’t know what you-”
Damian cuts him off. “You’re an omega, aren’t you?”
Dick’s definitely looking at him. The skin on the back of Jason’s neck crawls. “Yes, but-”
“You’re still an omega.”
And with that, Damian shoves Jason’s shirt up to his armpits and latches onto his closest nipple.
Jason nearly shrieks, nearly shoves Damian away, but then he sucks, and
Warm and heavy.
Smelt like everything good in the world.
“Damian,” he murmurs. He feels like he’s just got a 2x4 to the face without the helmet in the way. He feels like he’s been punched in the gut by Bane. He feels like
He feels like...
He lowers his hand until he cups the back of Damian’s neck. Damian crawls forward, doesn’t lift his mouth, and awkwardly curls up into Jason’s lap.
Ever since Jason actually realised he had tits, he’s always found them annoyingly large. He typically wears compression tops and sports bras, the only reason why he’s not is that he’d been planning to go to sleep and he hates wearing one to bed. 
“Guess that explains why,” he says inanely.
Damian’s not actually getting any milk--Jay doesn’t have a pup, for all he babysits Lian, and the pack would have to actively be nursing for him to make milk for them. And yet ... just the action is...
“Little wing,” Dick murmurs from too-close.
Jason turns to look at him, and Dick’s outstretched fingertips brush against his cheek. He freezes, arm still holding Damian close, and stares at his pack’s second.
Dick’s eyes are impossibly blue in the flickering light of the tv.
“Jason,” he says.
Jason ... leans forward, leans into it, but Damian sinks his sharp little baby teeth into his mouthful of tit and snarls all ‘fuck off this omega’s mine’.
Jason reflexively slaps the back of his head, a move he’s seen more than one omega pull on their misbehaving alpha pups.
Dick snorts and backs off, raising his hands like that’ll placate Damian, like they can’t all see the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth (like they all can’t see tears pooling in his eyelashes). “Alright, alright, Damian, he’s all yours.”
Dick settles back in his loveseat and Damian settles down. Not even five minutes later and please-content-happy-happy-happy alpha scent floats over from Dick’s direction.
“Really?” Jason arches an eyebrow at Dick. He ignores the fact that he can’t seem to stop himself from combing his fingers through Damian’s hair.
Dick has no right to sound as happy as he does.
This has no right to ... Jason never expected this. Never deserved this. And yet...
And yet.
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royharpers · 7 years
jayroy 1-11 + 21-27???
my boys!!
1. Who is the early bird/ Who is the night owl?
jason is both… he’s the kind of guy who can sleep anywhere for any amount of time… King of The Power Naps… so he’s usually up even later than roy bc of the job/being a bat/habit/paranoia etc and then he wakes up early too
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?
jason insists on being the big spoon most of the time and roy doesnt mind at all bc he likes being held and jason is bigger anyway, but sometimes jason just needs to be held so roy takes over being the big spoon and he still loves it
3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?
roy hogs the covers but he also likes to cuddle. he’ll get all up in jason’s personal space and jay usually acts all grumpy but he loves it anyway… sometimes roy gets extra clingy bc he feels like if he holds on tight enough he won’t lose jason too
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
if roy manages to get up before jason somehow he does. more often than not if anyone’s gonna wake anyone up w kisses it’s lian ambushing them before they wake up and jumping on top of them to do it
5. Who usually has nightmares?
jason has rly bad nightmares about dying  and the joker and the pit and crawling out of his grave and so many more and he has them more often than roy does… that’s why he learned to take super short naps throughout the day + he doesn’t like talking abt them… roy gets it tho and he just holds jason until they can go back to sleep and never pushes him
roy on the other hand has nightmares abt falling back on his addictions or losing the people he loves. again. sometimes they take the form of oliver kicking him out again, sometimes he finds himself all alone in his apartment without his friends or family, no one but an itch under his skin. he tells jason about them sometimes, in an attempt to show him that he isn’t alone and that he can open up too. he tells dinah too whenever she asks about how he’s been doing. jason makes sure he never smells like a bar going home to roy and he always makes sure roy knows he’ll be there for him through all of the nightmares
6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day? 
roy has them late at night when he can’t sleep & he does the whole “jay. hey jaybird. you still awake? jay it’s important.” thing. jason has them in the middle of the day but he pretends he doesn’t
7. Who sweats the small stuff?
jason does. he feels like he has to be in control and when something small goes wrong he worries about it whereas roy will just.. “oh? that’s not gonna work out like it was supposed to? uhhhhh fuck it we’re doing it live” 
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
jason sleeps in pjs bc he wants to be ready in case someone breaks in or attacks or smth. roy sleeps in whatever the fuck. sometimes he’s exhausted from working on something in the workshop and falls into bed in his jeans still. once he tried to sleep in his arsenal costume but jason “didn’t want that fake leather shit rubbing on him in the middle of the night” sometimes he sleeps naked. he doesn’t care. if someone wants to fight him they can fight him with his dick out he’s done it before he’ll do it again
9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)?
jason does. he’s usually awake before roy is so he makes roy coffee and himself tea in the morning. if roy’s in the workshop too focused to leave it and refuses to sleep bc he’s “almost done” jason will make him coffee
10. Who likes sweet/ Who likes sour?
jason likes sour and roy likes sweet
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies?
jason is weird about both. horror movies are usually too cheesy so he can make fun of them in peace but sometimes they have elements that get to him and he can’t watch anymore. romance movies usually have too much secondhand embarrassment but they’re a guilty pleasure of his. roy “watches” whatever jason wants. he can’t focus long enough to really watch any full length movie barring a couple here or there so he leaves it up to jason.
21. Who has an obsession (over anything)?
roy gets obsessed over whatever he’s working on at the moment. he gets super focused and forgets to eat and sleep and drink and bathe until he’s done. 
22. Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day?
they both do… oh man one time me and jules were talking about this like… imagine roy forgot about it one years because he was hyper focused on something he was working on and jason didn’t notice it was the 14th so the next year roy tries to go All Out like.. he makes dinner, there are roses,, candles the whole shibang. but smth fucks up and they set off the smoke detector and the sprinklers go off and everything is ruined and roy’s devastated because he worked super hard to make this special for jason & jason’s just looking at him and is like “wow he put so much work and effort into this and it got fucked up and wow isn’t that just our lives but also i still think this is the sweetest fucking thing” and he kisses roy & its almost like kissing in the rain except they’re inside and going to have to deal with the water damage later
23. Who asks who out on the first date?
roy did because jason was being all shy & nervous & beating around the bush & roy has no shame so he just went for it
24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener? 
roy talks and talks and talks constantly and usually he says dumb shit until people start tuning him out so he can start talking about Real Things without them realizing so they can’t judge him. jason listens though. he pretends he doesn’t but he listens to every word roy tells him and makes a mental note of every secret and concern he discloses. jason doesn’t talk as much but when he does roy is super attentive and tries extra hard to appear as focused as he is so he isn’t fidgeting while jason talks
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
roy constantly steals jason’s clothes. they’re a bit big on him but at this point neither him or jason is entirely sure roy owns any clothes anymore, he’s just always wearing jasons hoodies and shirts and jeans and so on
26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food?
jason’s more worried abt eating healthy than roy is but that’s not saying much… he still doesn’t rly care but he’ll eat a salad every once in a while and roy will pretend to throw up the whole time bc “that’s rabbit food jaybird wtf” 
27. Who takes a long shower/ Who sings in the shower?
roy takes the long showers and he sings Very Loudly in them… jason can hear him singing carly rae jepsons entre discography from the living room. on days when jason is extra stressed sometimes he takes long ones but usually he’s in n out in like 5 minutes 
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