#because she plays the piano one and i was like ooh wanna see this one maybe you'll like it
ishikawayukis · 2 years
my oldest niece and i have a very funny relationship because she loves telling me the wrong information about things i know a lot about and because i'm an asshole i can't help but correct her every single time and she always looks at me like 👁👄👁
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Never Let Me Go Ep 1 - 4 Live Blogging
I’ve been anticipating this for so long and my interest even spiked halfway through 2022 so it’s a bit :0 that I’m finally getting to watch it; first show of 2023 no less! I’m kinda really nervous though, so I’m getting around to it at 11pm lol Hope I love it
Also, hope I enjoy my on-air show experience with this too! Second time after The Eclipse.
Ep 1 (Jan 1) 
please Neung’s birthday wish basically hoping that his dad stays healthy and happy and with him for a long time. it’s because he said it out loud that it won’t come true, isn’t it? haha
His dad’s birthday gift is a necklace that says “Only one” in Chinese characters. Neung = One, Dia = alone or only or something from what I could gather. so it’s a reflection of Neung’s Thai name, which comes from the fact that he’s an only child and he’s the only one his dad has hopes to continue the family and business
I’ve seen a few comments here and there saying the ?caretaker?servant?assistant?security? mans (Palm’s dad as we’ll find out later) might be behind Neung’s dad’s death and as he insists that the family stays to wait away from the rain (even though they’re already standing in the rain) while he goes to get the car, I can begin to see why they’d think that.
Did Palm’s father even call the ambulance?
Episode Name: Father 
“You’re the only hope for the [surname] family” both his father and now mother have said this to Neung like dang, no pressure
Neung’s mom so beautiful and cool
oh sighting of Perth and his father (who I already know is Neung’s uncle)
the music when Palm’s doing his boating duties :> I wanna be in a boat on the sea too although I’d suck at fishing so bad
ooh okay I got spoiled that Pawin’s character was the one who beat Neung up in Ep 3 and saw that ppl said it was an easy guess but didn’t know why. after seeing him stand up for Neung only to ask Neung for a favour from the principal, I understand
oh lol Ben’s an endearing character “When you play the piano, you look very happy.” “You watched me?” “uh No, I didn’t” I’m glad to see the Ben and Neung storyline
Neung and Palm first meeting and I can’t tell if I’m imagining tension just because I want it to be there or not
damn, Neung heard a sound had to go explore with a gun
The pool scene, specifically the beginning, kinda cheesy but I’m into it nonetheless
Neung slapping Palm’s pleading hands away 
ngl I thought Neung in the back of the car driving away while leaving Palm behind would be a more dramatic scene from the trailer lol
bro the way my wi-fi went out for a few mins??? 
i like them showing Palm travelling to school and how he kinda stares at everything because it’s his first time whereas a seasoned Bangkok resident would stride past it all quickly
also Palm sees the banners that demand land back, so Neung’s family’s businesses is kinda like Tawi right
wait at first I was like why do the kids make fun of Neung, I feel like it makes way more sense to suck up to him the way Pawin’s character is doing and talk shit behind his back. but seems like all the kids in this “special class” and this school in general perhaps come from influential families (even if Neung’s in the most influential), so they don’t care about burning that bridge? still stupid to do but makes slightly more sense that they’re already rich kids
Palm being spoken to and blending in with the kids so easily as he’s invited to play basketball makes Neung understandably envious
“Are you following me?” “No” as Palm gets caught following Neung
please Neung dragging Palm in to the hallway and them standing 0.5 inches apart for no reason even though there’s space
Palm horny as hell, I believe it, what with the moments in the swimming pool scene + the hallway
Neung’s mom is cool but I hope she doesn’t girlboss too close to the sun and get killed by Neung’s uncle or something. Also I was thinking that if this was a show from the uncle’s POV, it’d be about how his deceased brother’s wife is pushing him out of the business even though it’s a family business and how it’s unfair that he hasn’t been left a hotel or smth as if that family is conspiring to ensure everything stays in their hands etc like who’s seen as right vs wrong could be different, so i wonder if Tanya is sketchy too
Neung being a bit of an asshole and dangling not telling Palm’s dad about Palm swimming at night above his head, so true.
Well Neung easily figured out Palm was sent to protect him
ah here’s the “We’re our father’s puppets”
bratty and entitled Neung who’s only looking for a friend agh fr
“Can you help me, Chanon? You’re the person I trust the most” no like Neung’s mom telling Non this definitely makes it seem more like he’ll be behind Neung’s father’s murder but he has like 0 motive right now unless he’s working for Neung’s uncle who promised him riches
Non really went we owe them a lot and this could be a lifelong job for you to his son
Neung having that smirk on his face even as he asks Palm to be his friend because he wants a friend but doesn't yet want to be vulnerable enough to be genuine
Linguistics: Palm calls him Khun Nu even as he agrees like “If that’s what you want, Khun Nu, I’ll be your friend” or smth. I think it’s more like Khun Nu is the 2nd person pronoun actually “I (pom) will be Khun Nu’s friend.” On the other hand, Neung has been using gu/meung toward Palm
Linguistics: I’m glad I understand more of certain Thai words and registers because it seems to play a significant role in this because of the difference in status and class. 
“Khun nu”. in 1-1, Neung tells Uncle Non to stop calling him Khun Nu and after some convincing, Non says “Alright, Khun Nu” which is funny lol but is just translated as “Alright” in the subs, meaning people who don’t know it lose that aspect (the main aspect of the conversation because “Alright” means Non won’t call him Khun Nu anymore vs “Alright, Khun Nu” which shows that Non has no intention of stopping)
Palm using -khab and khun nu with Neung (What does he use for I pronouns? pom? I haven’t noticed yet). He used gu easily with the classmate during the basketball scene though
Anyway, good first ep! It did a lot of setup for the family dynamics, school situation, and character’s personalities and backgrounds. The story doesn’t seem like it’ll be unpredictable but rather about the journey and I’m into that. I haven’t been looking forward to this because of heavy plot or twists and turns but rather character dynamics, progressing relationships, and certain tropes. I wanna see where they go and how we get there. 
Also, this is one of the only times I’m excited for a love triangle. I’m into whatever Ben and Neung will have for a brief time. I wanna know why they won’t work out (Ben backstabber? they just realize they like the other guys more? who breaks it off?) and how they transition to their main pairs.
The acting is not incredible like the way it’s in some of my other favourite shows but it’s not terrible either. I think the writing and cohesiveness of the story is good so far, hope the screenwriting continues to be good because some of my favourite shows fall flat it certain aspects of that (Not Me and The Eclipse had weak ending and inconsistent writing respectively). 
Ep 2 (Jan 2/3)
It’s 12AM and I’ve not even started the ep yet so technically it’s jan 3 already but no I’m counting it as the 2nd’s ep. I’m so sleepy and tired since I just got back home from a dawaat but I wanna at least start this ep
is that Palm being annoyed at having to serve food to Neung?
Linguistics: Neung said the words “puen gu” when it translated to “don’t you wanna eat with me?” i wanna know what he said esp bc the next line is “you said you’d do what i told you”
Linguistics: okay yknow maids or children of maids in BD would definitely not call the children of their boss with “apni/highest most respected register” it’d be “tumi” as any other adult would call people the same age or younger than them. so the fact that Non and Palm are soo subservient and use -krab is interesting (this might just be Thai society and not showing that they are especially subservient compared to other people of similar status difference btw. i’m just noting the difference between this and my culture)
Episode Name: Friends
damn not Palm not knowing a lick of Mandarin but being in the class with everybody else since he’s in the same class as Neung
(Fave) Linguistics: insane how Chopper just asks to use gu/meung with Palm and it’s an easy agreement. Neung also turns his head to them when this happens (Palm still uses -khab and Khun Nu with Neung)
Phum really is a dickhead, talking about Neung’s bag being cut in front of the whole class and asking if he did something to someone
Linguistics: Ben uses gu/meung with Neung and is straight forward in asking if he wants to be friends
oof not this Ben and Neung blooming friendship thing as Neung becomes confident that Ben’s not just using him. 
sometimes the music choice for this show is hm
(Fave) this fucking scene is so brainworm inducing. first of all, the word is pengyou ie friend. Neung literally takes Palm’s hands and places the fingers on his neck and tells him to remember the feeling as he says those words. Palm’s eyes lingering on Neung’s face, I so believe he’s already insanely attracted to Neung.
Linguistics: Neung wants Palm to call him Neung Diao so bad instead of Khun Nu that he tries to trick him by having him repeat Peng You x3 and then sneaking in a Neung Diao. Palm manages to not say the full thing though
oof, Neung just wants a friend whose friendship doesn’t depend on place, time, or status
“Do you like when I order you around? Fine! From now on, don’t call be Khun Nu again.” this fucking dynamic
Linguistics: at like 16:50 when Palm’s saying he can’t say gu/meung to Neung and Neung says fine you don’t have to say gu/meung to me but don’t call me Khun Nu, the subs don’t mention the gu/meung part and just allude to ‘call you that’ and ‘call me that’ which makes it kinda not quite make sense bc what are you talking about. i’m glad i can pick up them saying gu-meung to be able to understand what ‘that’ is referring to in the subs
Linguistics: Palm says he’ll call Neung as Khun Neung instead of Khun Nu
it’s 1 I should go to sleep oof maybe after part 2
Neung’s uncle is like an evil version of Yangfrom To Sir, With Love lol. also kinda funny to think of him as Chopper’s dad when heseems like a decade older max
Neung laying it on thick for his mom to get her to allow Palm to swim ahh
school giving special treatment to Neung by letting him go through even though he’s late while the other boys are doing pushups and he offers to do them too oof that’s not good for making the other boys like Neung nor for making Neung not feel singled out
both Ben and Chopper saying it’s the other who stopped hanging out with them 
Chopper bitcoin trader noooo
oof Chopper accusing Ben of wanting something from Neung. still up in the air whether it’s true or not but it’s still inappropriate for Chopper to insinuate that
Neung’s bratty “So, am I smart to come up with that excuse?” is sooo yeah i love the haughty vibes of this character
“Wait. Why don’t you swim a bit longer? I want to watch you.” that’s so fucking gay, not to mention Palm’s shirtless and his muscles are flexing as he swims like 
okay acc time for sleep idk how it’s 1:47am and I’ve fucking watched 2 parts of the ep lol
ummm i should’ve finished watching the rest of this ep before going out at 1:30pm on Jan 3 but it’s 12:30am on Jan 4 and I’m just getting around to it lol. I did reread 80% of Son of Neptune though oof so good <3 
Ep 4 was released today so technically the plan was to have watched that but it I’ll finish up ep 2 and go to sleep
“how can you help? music is an art, you’re only good at physical activity” damn Neung, not holding back lmfao asshole for no reason
lol Palm’s face when he realizes the friend that told Neung about this position is Ben
Linguistics: did Macky use the 2nd person pronoun ‘nai’ for Neung? Neung’s using ‘pom’ for 1pp
lol Macky very presumptuous with the “or is it that you’re interested in me, huh? :D” but I like that in a girl so
Neung getting annoyed by Palm and Macky dancing, I wonder if it’s a platonic possessive jealousy or if he already romantically likes him a bit and if so, if he thinks it’s a platonic thing or if he knows he’s kinda into Palm 
lol all the boys noticing Neung when he’s playing the piano and Neung always asking them about it like oh? you noticed?
heh Neung and Palm with the Roti Sai Mai where Neung can’t help being a dickhead with his ‘are your hands clean’ but also can’t see Palm be dejected, so eating it anyway
Neung loves testing his power and pushing boundaries like when Palm asks if he wants another one he replies with “if i said i want a 100 more, would you make them for me?”
(Fave) my tags for this scene:  #several things like first of all food (and how it's different from the breakfast scene)#secondly neung's inability to not be an asshole with the 'are your hands clean' but inability to see palm dejected and eating it#thirdly the way neung just tests boundaries and checks his power over palm with the 'if i want 100 pieces' thing like broooo#but also him dangling the order and command that they're friends over palm's head#with bringing up smth like 'aren't you my friend' or 'can my friend not?' (idk i just heard __ puen gu mi dai-o?) to get palm to eat
ben and neung are cute together lol ben trying so hard
pls the gong sound when Palm catches Ben and Neung together like girl it’s not that serious
oof idk whether I want Ben to be a schemer or not 
ooh Ben seeing Palm get into Neung’s car and also seeing the motorcycle people cut them off
Palm huddling Neung 
damn Tanya really going “Palm you must protect Neung both physically and emotionally” as if that’s just a regular ask of someone. + Neung overhearing them say it too and Palm making eye contact while agreeing
Fave Scenes: 
Pengyou touching throat scene, it’s just mind-numbing and I’ve already written about it above
the Roti Sai Mai scene bc so many things are at play
Ep 3 (Jan 4/5)
It’s 12:30AM on Jan 5 and I’ve finished reading Son of Neptune, the first bit of Mark of Athena and last part of Blood of Olympus. Then had a crisis about whether to retry reading the Trials of Apollo series or finish the Malec book #2 (The Lost Book of the White or smth) or catch up to this ep rip so many things pulling me. Think I’ll just watch the first part of this ep and go to sleep and finish the rest tmrw
please Neung’s pleased face at getting Palm to sit next to him in the car
I wonder what Palm’s dad thinks about 1) Palm disagreeing with Neung and 2) Neung saying “you can be physical and i’ll be the brains. that way we’re a good match.”
Episode Name: Enemies
once again Neung’s face at indirectly standing up for Palm during Chinese class
Neung really divulges to Phum that it’s troublesome and unstable at home after his dad’s death (like even saying his uncle’s mad or smth)
who’s Phum’s dad? What’d Neung mean by he saw him in the news?
lol Ben pulling a Bad Buddy Pran with the “you and Palm... what’s your relationship with him?” except instead of asking Palm (ie. Ink), he’s asking Neung (ie. Pat in this scenario) which I guess also happens in the sleepover scene in ep 4.
oh, Neung’s telling Ben that Palm’s his driver’s son, mans is just in a divulging information mood today ig
Ben’s straightforward with his “if you need a friend or someone who can take care of you, I think I can do that”
“I just want someone who believes in me and doesn’t treat me like I’m weak” “I don’t need extra training to do that for you.”  smooth Ben
(Fave) This Ben and Neung interaction like I’m loving the Ben and Neung progression bc I wanted this relationship and love triangle to happen so bad. i also talked about why i want it down below. 
ahhh Ben with his air of innocent presumptions and subtle digs and letting Palm know his own place while also letting him know Ben’s place with the “I’ll be around more often. Hope you can trust me more, I won’t hurt Neung”
(Fave) insane dynamics while dancing. Palm dancing with Macky while staring at Neung and Neung staring back while dancing with Ben. The two pairs bump into each other. Then Neung shaking off thoughts of Palm and Macky (girl is it Maggie or Macky) that night vs Palm smiling while imagining him and Neung dancing instead; shows where each person is in terms of their feelings as well.
time for me to sleep
I hope they keep up this thread about the land Tanya’s taking back or whatever and the citizens who were leasing the land are upset about it. She reassures Neung that that the land is theirs and they’re doing nothing wrong but hmmm
oof the shooting range scene. “think of someone you love and want to protect”
please I miss how Yang and Tian were so ride or die best brothers for each other in To Sir, With Love despite everybody putting them in competition. Chopper’s disinterest toward Neung’s position and empire gives me Yang vibes so I kinda want them to be supportive happy cousins pls (though if Chopper gets mad at Neung or betrays him to help his dad, that’d be interesting too)
oh Chopper saying “Don’t get too close to [Ben]. He can’t stay close to someone for too long.” cuz they used to be close in grade 10 (they’re in gr 12 now ig?)
damn Chopper’s dad really pushing Tanya. It’s not that he’s wrong because Tanya is struggling but giving him parts of the business doesn’t seem like a viable solution either since he’s such a snake
Chopper’s kinda interesting because he also makes digs at Palm but it seems more unintentional than the passive-aggressive digs Ben was making at Palm. Chopper seems like in the same boat as Neung where they don’t fully understand how to bridge these social class gaps elegantly.
Chopper’s dad now knows about Palm... wonder if he’ll try to use him or anything
lol Palm “talking back” and teasing Neung at the pool, so true
oh yeah Ben’s comments were eating away at Palm, which makes sense. ig it’s good that he went to ask Neung whether he told Ben about Palm being his servant and Neung both admitted it but also said he didn’t say servant
okay i knew smth about necklace being taken by Pawin’s character. so Neung puts it in the locker, Pawin (Phum?) sees, steals it when he goes to the bathroom while Neung’s in the pool, Neung realizes his locker is unlocked and the necklace isn’t there but he has a tracker on that thing lol good for him
no interesting because I do want Neung’s parents to be capitalist leeches who are cheating the villagers and Phum's family to be suffering bc of it and Neung to have to come to that reckoning (even though he doesn’t deserve to be bullied by Phum and other students)
lol Phum clocking their gay asses and thus resorting to homophobia
Palm going into a blind rage hitting Phum for hurting Neung
(Fave) this necklace putting on scene is sooooooooo and the convo before it too
Fave Scenes
Ben and Neung’s little convo about Ben being his bodyguard
the Ben-Neung and Palm-Macky dance scene + the imaginary Neung-Palm dance. I like the music during the scene as well
Palm retrieving Neung’s necklace and Neung letting him put it on him
Love Triangles
The reason I’m so in for this Ben/Neung relationship is that I loved the image of Ben and Neung holding hands while Palm walked behind them sooooo much omg. I like pining and jealousy up to a certain amount but pining forever for no reason without saying anything or being overly jealous over nothing is very offputting, so pining because your crush is in a relationship (not to mention the class divide) + the jealousy from that is just so good.
Also, I say I hate love triangles but I just hate it when we the audience and the characters all know the endgame couple. In YA love triangles, A clearly loves B much much more than C but will string C along for so long and they won’t even really have a blossoming romance or go far. Media with love triangles that work are The Infernal Devices trilogy (Will, Jem, and Tessa all love each other dearly and Tessa does get into a serious relationship with Jem before with Will and then again with Jem after Will dies) and to a smaller extent, Light On Me (Taekyung was actually interested in and invested in Daon but the relationship didn’t work out because of character differences, not just because we all knew Shinwoo was endgame from the beginning).
Here we can see what draws Neung to Ben (his one friend at his same social status, Ben saying the right things) and why, even if Neung likes Palm (TODO: which does he? and does he know whether he does?), he’d pursue a relationship with Ben. So, I hope that regardless of whether Ben’s a scheming bastard or dies or they just break up, that their relationship makes sense for both Neung’s character and the narrative and how Palm reacts to it.
I think the strongest aspect of this show is the characters; I love how they’re being created.
Neung is a rich boy, he’s sassy, he’s naive in certain aspects but he’s very clever in others and can manipulate situations/people to his desires. 
Palm is falling a bit too fast for my tastes (does he really think of Neung as the great love he wants to protect when shooting?) but is interesting nonetheless with how he interacts with Neung when alone vs with others outside of the house vs with Neung when others are around
I think Phum was interesting because even though he’s a pesky asshole, if we were watching the show from his POV of having his father attempt suicide because some capitalist fuckers were taking their land and making them lose money, we’d be so mad at the heir of this empire, strutting around and acquiring the benefits of squashing other people 
Chopper seems genuine so far, even though he keeps accidentally offending people (Ben’s intentions with Neung, calling Palm a servant). He’s also kinda funny about Ben, as if mans got his heart broken by him.
Ben listen I like him because he seems like he wants something, though I can’t tell if it’s only to be Neung’s bf or more. He seems calculated but I don’t think he’s fully evil, more like passive aggressive and wanting something. 
I’m curious to see more about Chopper and Ben’s story as well.
Ep 4 (Jan 7)
I’m splitting my time reading the Trials of Apollo novels (30% in book 2) and watching this, so it’s taking a while for me to catch up here
I wonder if the Phum thing is done or he’ll continue doing things
oho, the way Palm and Neung took forever to let go of each other’s hands
Episode Name: Love
another pleasant Neung and Chopper interaction but I keep anticipating it turning sour in the future maybe
lmfao did Neung really come outside to stare at Palm washing the car in short sleeves and shorts for a minute and then go back inside
naurrr is Maggie (prev. Macky) tricking Palm to hang out or did he forget?
pls the way Neung looks down/over Palm’s body like 3 times as if he can’t control his eyes when Palm opens the door shirtless
pls Neung’s “when I hear you, nobody will hear it *smirk*” 
please Neung dragging Palm up to sit on the bed and Palm’s facial expression like pls let me live i’m done
Neung’s so forceful with Palm both with how he speaks and how he just grabs his jersey, it’s acc soooo alkdjf he’s kinda mean? arrogant? condescending? about Palm’s choices of festivals though, it’s kinda interesting because that’s not how new friends would talk to each other
ohhhh interesting, in this Neung and Chopper convo, seems like Neung doesn’t want the business but Chopper does. “I never want to do it. Do you wanna do it?” “Don’t joke with me about this, sutt. I may take it seriously.” “You can take it” in a jokey manner but I wonder whether it’s foreshadowing something; Neung giving it to Chopper in a happy way the way they’re talking here or Chopper (with his dad) taking it by force
lmfao Palm and Maggie really hung out at Palm’s basketball practice?
ooh jealous Neung seeing Maggie post an ig post of her and Palm
please usually Neung finds it amusing when he gets Palm to take back to him but now Palm not doing the assignment because he went out all day + spent time with Maggie but also doesn’t say that he spent time with Maggie means Neung gets irritated at his quips
not the story of the holiday being of trails of love and separation lmfao parallels to Palm and Neung ig
what is with this showwwww “If you can [get an A], I’ll have a reward for you” “What?” “What do you want? I can give you everything.” first Neung talking about scolding Palm and now rewarding him goddammit Jojo
please the Ben and Chopper scene is so good. Chopper apologizing for insinuating Ben wants something from him and Ben confessing that he wants Neung to like him back and Chopper’s vision goes hazy. Then him encouraging Ben to confess ahhhhhh and the way Chopper tells Ben to confess is actually mind-bending, like he’s saying all his own thoughts aloud as someone with an unrequited crush on Ben but framing them as Ben’s situation with Neung
Ben: I thought we’d stop being friends after what happened that day. <-- girl what happened on what day?!?!?!?! 
Palm praying as he hands in the assignment lol
naurrr Neung and Ben are so cute T.T Ben giving Neung the cut paper craft with Neung’s name and reassuring Neung about not devaluing himself, ah cute
I’m not into them more than I have into Neung-Palm but I’m sooo glad they didn’t cut this out from the mock trailer
Also interesting that Neung said he has good feelings about Ben and feels good about being told that he’s liked by such a popular guy like Ben and he’s never been confessed to before. he however doesn’t say that he likes Ben in a romantic sense, though I do think he kinda does
yeah it’s an awkward, stiff kiss but I’m not really mad about it the way people on twitter were lol to me, it’s not meant to be fireworks and passionate because that’s not really their story? It’s cute, a bit awkward, a bit fumbly, and in the end, not quite right not quite what the other needs
oof, I know that Palm saw the kiss based on spoilers but right now, the audience and Neung don’t know that
Palm’s “I don't have a right to get mad at you” 
okay verrry interesting, how at first Palm was sitting down, so even though he was speaking cutly, Neung was taller than him --> Palm gets up all defiantly, making him higher up than Neung --> Neung gets mad and is like aren’t we friends? Why aren’t you telling him things? and then gets up on the higher ground so that they are on the same ground and equal height
Neung saying “You cannot hide your feelings for me” about Palm being upset about smth but like hmm lol
Neung in the closet
Palm really doesn’t trust Ben and I can’t tell whether that means I shouldn’t trust Ben either because it’s foreshadowing or if it’s showing that Palm’s jealous lol
Once again, Neung talks about being wanted by Ben but not about wanting Ben. so ig that’s where they’re heading in terms of Neung liking Ben back
Neung also likes it that he has Palm to watch his back
beautiful beautiful Neung in the bathtub tbh
oof Neung thinking about the Ben and Neung kiss only to be overtaken by Palm and himself thoughts
ooh i’m so excited to see terrible shitty drunk Neung
oh Neung grinding his teeth with jealousy at Palm and Neung
hehe Neung and Ben are cuuuteeee idk idk
insane shot of Neung taking shots while in the bg Palm and Maggie are talking about going on a trip with a fishing boat
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Also this screenshot from @/justafriend-ql from this post about this scene playing out the 4 rules of firearm safety from ep 3
Neung looks beautiful why drinking as well + his watch on his left wrist
upon rewatch: someone pointed out that Palm says ‘Neung’ while trying to dissuade Neung, not Khun Neung ahhhhh guttaral screaming
ohhh terrible horrible words from a drunk Neung hurled towards Palm  which contradicts how he had been trying to act so far but really got Palm where it hurt
upon rewatch: after Neung’s said the words about Palm being his servant and lackey etc, Palm goes back to saying Khun Neung
“You can dance with her but you can’t dance with me, huh?” Oh Neung is fucked in the head rn
oh so that’s how the fight happened? I was wondering how they’d have that in the middle of a cute dance party
oh gross they really had spit and vomit on Neung’s mouth after his retching, fascinating choice
oh Neung was nottt doing well “Palm, I can’t breathe” :0
This episode was so good, it gave me things I wanted (Neung-Ben) and things I didn’t know I wanted but are great (terrible words from a jealous, possessive Neung)
When they added Perth to the cast, I was afraid that they'd scrap the Ben-Neung storyline from the mock trailer or tone it down but no, they're giving me what I wanted!!! We got cute Ben-Neung interactions where Neung’s entertaining it because he likes the attention and Ben might like him genuinely or may have hidden intentions. It’s so good. I saw some people upset that the Ben-Neung kiss happened and that it happened before any Neung-Palm kiss which I don't understand because why would you want Neung-Palm to happen and then for Ben-Neung to happen? bffr. also people were annoyed that it was an awkward kiss but like? i’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be? Ben’s into it but Neung’s not really super into it bc he’s using Ben to feel good, not because he’s romantically interested. I love Neung stringing him along, he’s so selfish and also into Ben being romantically interested in him rather than his wealth or power.
terrible Neung lashing out at the end but ahhh that was so good to me like the whole entire thing with Neung's initial jealousy while playing the piano, followed by the Neung and Ben conversation, the shots of beautiful Neung drinking with Maggie and Palm in the background talking about going on a fishing boat, terrible horrible words from a drunk Neung hurled towards Palm which contradicts how he had been trying to act so far but really got Palm where it hurt (+ Palm’s Neung --> Khun Neung) and then the “You can dance with her but you can’t dance with me, huh?” is soooo fucked. the fact that they had spit and vomit on Neung’s mouth after his retching? fascinating choice. and then Neung was nottt doing well the way he was reaching for Palm and the “Palm, I can’t breathe”
It’s kinda not fun to read the reddit on-air thread or watch tiktoks of ep 4 thoughts because everybody hates ben and/or neung diao but like goddamn there’s no reason to hate ben beyond “eww he’s getting between my ship” (+ some people mentioned him negging Palm in that dance class but like? he’s a jealous boy trying to get his mans? and he seems kinda sus but the hatred seems disproportional to what ben has done so far). with neung diao, the point is that he’s flawed and traumatized and doesn’t know how to have friends and is terrible, like idk whatever it’s just not fun to read rants because i’m having fun with the choices the show is making 
Next Ep 5 Preview: I didn’t watch it but ofc I’ve been spoiled anyway. Someone spreads the photo of Ben and Neung kissing across the school and I think Ben’s terrified of his father or something. Ahh so fucked
I’m excited to watch this for the next 2 months! My second on-air show! 
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karangarin · 1 year
Get to Know My OC [tag game]
nobody tagged me. i tagged myself! bcs i'm procrastinating on drafting ipap lol!!
Transcript of Interview with Huang Xiodan a.k.a. Darren Huang.
Interviewer: Good morning, Mr. Huang. Have a seat, please.
Darren: Right here?
Interviewer: Yes. Or anywhere that's most comfortable for you.
Darren: Right. [chair scraping] Thank you. You can just call me Darren, by the way.
Interviewer: Sure, if that's your preference. Darren, I'll be asking you a few questions today. Feel free to answer them however you like.
(Darren is visibly uncomfortable. He wrings his hands together.)
Darren: Is this being recorded? For a... magazine or an article or something? If so, then sorry, I'm not interested.
Interviewer: Yes, this interview is being recorded. However, rest assured what you say in this room is strictly confidential. It will neither be published nor distributed.
(Darren appears somewhat comforted, though he still seems wary.)
Interviewer: First question.
(From this point onward, unless otherwise indicated, assume all words spoken besides the questions themselves are the words of Huang Xiaodan.)
Are you named after anyone?
Not that I'm aware.
2. When was the last time you cried?
[laughs nervously] Not holding back, huh? Uh, I don't know? Maybe... (He purses his lips.) Uh, yeah. I don't know.
3. Do you have kids?
Are you saying I look old enough to have kids to you? [laughs] I'm joking. But no, no kids. They're cute, but not interested in them. (He stares at his hands.) At least, not right now. Wait, you promise this isn't for some magazine or anything, right? Disregard my previous statement if it is.
(He calms down once I reassure him his statements will indeed remain confidential.)
Right, sorry. It's just been a while since I've done something like this.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes. (He looks to the distance, smiling fondly.) Not as much as Naia, though. Have you interviewed her? Holy shit, I'd love to know what she said. Huh? I can't? Oh, right. Confidentiality. (He flashes a smile and cocks his head.) Not even a little? No? Aw, man.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Whether they're smiling. I think you can tell a lot about someone by seeing whether they're smiling the first time they meet you. Helps me tell whether they might already like me or not. It's why Zeke gave me all the wrong vibes first time I saw him.
6. What's your eye colour?
Just basic brown. I think they're nice, though. But if I could have any other eye colour it'd be gold. Ooh, or I'd want to have heterochromia and have one eye be gold and the other brown. That'd be cool.
7. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings. [pauses] Definitely happy endings. (He smiles. It is somewhat rigid.) But I've watched my fair share of scary movies because of Naia. Not my cup of tea. Let's just leave it at that.
8. Any special talents?
There's not much I can't do, you know? [laughs] That sounds like such a brag. But I am. Bragging. I can paint, waltz, sing, act, sculpt, write some impeccable Chinese calligraphy—and that's not even mentioning the instruments I can play. Piano, violin, cello, harp, flute. You name it, I can probably play it. Oh, but wanna know my coolest talent? I'm Candy Cupid. (He grins.) What's that? Oh, I'm so glad you asked. Basically, I can match people with their favourite candy. I just know. Every person has their own candy soulmate. It's like—
(He speaks at length of his Candy Cupid talent. The rest of the transcript has been cut for brevity's sake.)
9. Where were you born?
Shanghai. Beautiful place, you know? Even after moving, I went back there a lot as a kid. Wouldn't go again.
10. What are your hobbies?
I uh... [laughs sheepishly] I like knitting. You swear nobody's gonna publish this, right?
11. Have you any pets?
Nah. I'm not home a lot. Would be really mean for me to have a pet. But I'd love to have a polar bear. Have you seen them wet? They look so pathetic. It's hilarious. Don't tell Naia I called them that, though.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I mean... you wanna hear me start bragging again? [laughs] I was trained to play any sport there is. Again, you name it, I can play it. I'm a monster at tennis, though. Dominate the court.
13. How tall are you?
Six foot one. And I swear I'm not lying!
14. Favourite subject in school?
Chemistry, no contest. Think that's pretty obvious given I literally teach it for a living. But yeah, I loved it. Still do.
15. Dream job?
Having my own app where I match people with their favourite candies. Like Tinder, you know? [laughs] No, but on a more serious note, I really enjoy being a chemistry teacher. Wouldn't want any other job. Plus, I get to bother Naia all day. So, I love my job. Which is crazy to say aloud, because who loves their job?
Interviewer: Alright, thank you—
Darren: Oh, that's it?
(He appears disappointed.)
Interviewer: Yes, that's all the questions I have for you today, Darren. Thank you for your time.
Darren: Right. Of course. No problem. It was a pleasure. (He extends his hand.)
Interviewer: Likewise.
(I shake his hand. Darren stands from his chair, pushes it back in. At the door, he bows his head slightly and smiles. He leaves the room.)
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sitpwgs · 2 months
Okay this is part 2. I split it up to go eat and got distracted so I am replying now. But ya..I just write whatever comes to my mind basically and I don't want you to be skimming or anything, that's all. And it's totally fine if you have not much to say on some things too but I try to think of interesting things to say. And I know you probably haven't listened to Gatsby anyway and it's your choice so maybe you don't have a lot to say so then it just seems like rambling. you should definitely listen to The Outsiders though. I am obsessed with the song Great Expectations which is a good place to start if you aren't familiar with the book and don't wanna hear the whole thing but I love it all and recommend it lol so I hope you like it if you do. I can't remember what they performed on the Tony's. I am obsessed with the actor playing Ponyboy's voice..it's so good!
The Notebook songs really grew on me too! I love Carry you Home, If this is Love, My Days, Leave the Light On, Iron in the Fridge and I think the Act 1 finale. There's probably a few more I am forgetting. I do find it interesting when I listened to it, out of all the musicals, that I honestly wasn't thinking of how it would look on stage or anything or the sets so maybe you can let me know after you see it, and I'm sure the three actors thing makes more sense too. I can't believe it wasn't even nominated for best musical though.
I'm sorry you didn't like the Spring Awakening production. Bad audiences can definitely ruin or distract a performance. I think maybe some people just laugh when they feel awkward or uncomfortable so that could be why. People feel that way about Cabaret as well I think and maybe people just aren't familiar with the musical. It might be a lot for people going in blind too. I laughed at Bitch of Living when I first watched and it has some funny parts but not near the end...that's awful. But I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it..that sucks. I do think some of the songs may be hard to sing but generally agree about not riffing on most of the songs.
My favorite vault songs are from Red. That could be because it felt like it had the most with the extras of Better Man and Babe and ATW 10. I definitely think it has the most variety and fits the album that way. It has three new favorite songs for me of all time too lol. Speak Now... I am happy with the collabs we got and I Can See You. The rest feel more like her older songs and classic Taylor to me too which I love, but can see why people were disappointed. This was the only vault I felt like I liked every song right away on a first listen. 1989 was one of the most cohesive vaults thats fun to listen to but not a lot of favorites for me..similar to how I feel about the 1989 album. Fearless songs fit the album and I was already familiar with three songs but I don't play them all the time even if I like them. There are still some songs from it that Taylor hasn't played as surprise songs yet, but I guess that's true for the regular album too. But she just played superstar the other day! I do agree about the mashups though..cuz she didn't play the bridge of this song, which is my favorite part! I do think it's cool sometimes, like when she played this love and ours which form a sentence. She also sang Never Grow Up and Robin which makes sense. I somehow guessed Labyrinth right yesterday but never could have guessed This is me Trying she mashed it up with. Ooh i'm not sure about a guitar mashup, but would love or die for The Lakes and Evermore on the piano! These songs work together in sound and meaning and mean the world to me..maybe add you're on your own kid too lol. For a guitar mashup, maybe like Teardrops and Cornelia Street which are the first two songs that came to my mind. Idk if it works but i'd love to have a debut song. What about you?
I listened to Gracie's album the other day and liked it well enough. The songs had to grow on me a bit and I think I prefer the second half a lot more. One of the songs, Tough Love, had the same topic or similar to the Bolter which stood out to me in a bad way at first but it's fine. I think a lot of her songs sound the same during the bridges and I don't feel the emotion from her when she sings, like she wants me to. I think I just liked her last album more maybe or sometimes I like her and sometimes I don't. I was also listening to musicals before so maybe I was too harsh or something. Cuz I also listened to Camila from 5th Harmony's album and didn't like it much either. I've heard a few songs from Charli so far and enjoy it. I will be listening to Clairo, Remi Wolf, Charli and Griff this week. I'm excited for Clairo knowing you liked it though cuz I remember not liking her last album that much. I hope you're having a good weekend!
you don't have to try to be interesting!! you are interesting! you could come into my askbox and tell me what you had for breakfast and i'd want to hear about it! we're friends! i care about what you have to say, you don't have to try hard to "impress" me or anything 🤍
i remember being impressed by their tonys performance! especially with the rumble aspect — they were very very smart in how they decided to use their time / their performance slot to showcase some very strong elements of the show! and i know we all know how i feel about suffs but even that aside, i do think that their performance was very weak/didn't do it many favors in convincing people to go see it.
with the notebook, the three actors really help with it because it's told in a non-linear storyline and it helps distinguish time periods! it's also fun because they sometimes play other characters :) (i won't say too much unless you want me to). ugh it is just so so beautiful. i can't wait to see how it's changed since chicago!
if you could revive any show, what would it be? i'm now thinking about just how GOOD the spring awakening revival was, and also how different and innovative and how many layers it added. i really like a lot of how michael arden approaches revivals/directing them (parade, spring awakening, once on this island).
my favorite vault songs overall are nothing new, better man and babe! so also from the red vault <3333 i think we've talked about who we'd love taylor to collab with before, but i'm wondering if you have any new thoughts on who you'd like her to collab with!! i would LOVE a debut song. i would just love a debut set, actually :( i am very sad still that there is no debut set. i will forever be a little bitter about it. oh well </3 i'm still surprised she hasn't done a YOYOK/a place in this world mashup.
gracie's album ... is still not really sticking with me unfortunately :( i do think it's a grower, but admittedly i haven't even listened to good riddance all that much. which is a bummer. i think that her ep's were so so good and unfortunately i just haven't really loved her albums :( i don't know why. i think i miss the way she used to enunciate too rather than singing in cursive or speak-singing in a very soft voice.
i hope you like the new clairo! i liked it a lot but i think i'm going to skip out on the tour :( i need to listen to the new griff too; i'm very behind! i've mostly been listening to emails i can't send since its anniversary just passed, and then shuffling between old music (like ingrid michaelson, sara bareilles, and honestly mostly musicals).
hope you're having a good weekend!! 🤍
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maki-matsurra · 3 years
hiii :) I was wondering if you could do a sam and max headcannon where they adopt a teen reader and their very quiet but they found out shes a big theatre kid and does plays with the school? Thank you :)
Yes! Of course you can! This sounds super cute and as a theatre kid myself, I’m so excited to see how this would work out as well!
Also! I made it to where the child has she/her pronouns since you also used she/her as well, so I hope that’s okay! ^^
Want to make a request? Start Here!
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Sam and Max were always so worried about you when you first started High School
Every time you came home from school, and they asked about your day, it was the same answer;
“Hey, little pup! How was school?”
“Did ya make any new friends kiddo?”
You’d shrug
“Any clubs you thinking of joining?”
You’d shrug again
Rinse and repeat
It worried the hell out of them
One day, they decided to pick you up instead of waiting til the bus to drop you off
So they waited…
And waited…
And waited…
And waited- seriously it was becoming 3:30PM where the hell where you?!
They exited the car and decided to look for you in the big building
They checked the library, the lunchroom, the courtyard, the bathrooms, everywhere they could think where their shy child could be
That’s when they ran into your homeroom teacher
“Oh, (Y/N)? She’s at rehearsal in the auditorium right now.”
“Yes! Our school’s theatre club is doing a rendition of a teen favorite musical “Be More Chill”, she got one of the leading roles. I… for sure thought she would’ve told you.”
You did not.
So using your homeroom teacher’s instructions to the auditorium, they went looking for you
And once they spotted the open double doors, they paused to hear something
Most humans do one thing for all of their lives
The thought of that gives me hives
I've got so many interests I wanna pursue 
And why am I telling this to you?
Guess there's a part of me that wants to
Was… Was that you… singing?
The two pretty much fought over to see which one could get a glance at you first
They both peered in the doorway to see you on top of that stage, eyes closed and a smile on your face
It literally warmed their hearts
Because we're here at play rehearsal
And it's starting
We're starting
It's starting
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh~
As soon as that final note hit on that piano, you heard a pair of loud claps and cheers from the back of the room near the entrance
The spotlights were on so you had to blink a bit to get your eyes to readjust, but when they did, your face paled and your eyes widened in horror
Your fathers… were here…
They just saw most if not all of your performance
“Bravo! Bravo!”
“Encore! Encore!”
Sam would then let out a large whistle for you
Your fellow cast members thought it was so cute and heartwarming
But your face was beat red, and the only thing you could think of doing…
Is run backstage
Confusing the hell out of everyone as you pushed past your classmate who was playing Jeremy, and ignoring your fathers’ pleads for you to wait and asking what was wrong
And you found solace behind the costume rack, thinking you were hidden well
Tears rolled down your face as you held back your sobs with the back of your hand, your face still tomato red
You literally jumped once Max found you, prompting you to quickly get on your feet and try to run again
But that didn’t work out as well, as you bumped into Sam, who held your wrists gently as he stopped you from running again, though that didn’t stop you trying to get away from him
He quickly moved his hands from your wrists to your arms, trying to stop their trembling as you looked like you were having an anxiety attack
“Shh… Come here little pup, come here it’s okay.” Sam would whisper to you
He saw a red prop couch and guided you to it, setting you down on it as both of your fathers sat on either side of you, rubbing your back as they tried to calm you down
“Deep breaths, baby, it’s okay, we’re here…”
“T-T-That’s the pr-problem! I-I-I didn’t want you f-fi-f-finding out!”
“What?! Why?”
“I-I-I d-d-didn’t w-want- I-I didn’t”
“You didn’t want us to make fun of you…”
You nodded, hiding your red face in your hands
The two looked at each other with sad looks
“Baby, we would never make fun of your interests. Especially when you got talent like that!”
“T-T-Talent?” You looked to Max who nodded, his smile wide
“Yeah! And hey, I was a theatre kid myself in my college years, so I don’t know why on earth you’d think I’d make fun of you.”
“Y-You were? Y-Y-You’re not m-mad I-I-I didn’t tell you?”
“Well, I mean I wish you’d told us sooner! I can’t believe I missed out on so many plays you were in!” Max huffed jokingly
“Speaking of which… You think you can score two more tickets for this upcoming one?” Sam gently nudged you, giving you a warm smile
Which made you let out a deep shaky breath, a very small smile gracing your features as well
You were able to get two tickets
And as the show was done and you walked backstage, there was your fathers, waiting for you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers
Making you tear up
They were just so glad you finally found a club you enjoy
And they’re also happy they can see you finally break out of your shell
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m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s · 3 years
hehe, so i have been wanting to do one of these again for a while now, so here we are! but instead, we’re doing my youtube playlist, which has all the slowed, sadder versions of songs that i like. yes, i like sad songs, oops :P. ballads have always been my jam, probably always will be so, here are some songs from my playlist! once again, putting the playlist on shuffle and just going with the flow besides the occasional skip lol :P
people i feel like would like to see this: @loth-wolffe @weirdcharacter @ladykatakuri @ahsokasleftbicep
happier by olivia rodrigo but it’s ten times sadder
by wisterxiaa
i love slowed versions of songs, that is like the way to my heart lol 😂 this is really nice, her voice sounds really cool slowed down like this. the electric guitar in like the middle sounds so cool omgg. is it sad? yeah, a little, but it’s really nice slowed down like this. most of the time, the titles say this in my playlist, but i just like the way it’s slowed lol 😂. the thumbnail is so pretty 9/10, love the purple and the monarch butterflies :) overall, recommend this song when your in the mood for some olivia rodrigo, but a tad bit sadder. AND THE OOH’S AT THE END HIT DIFFERENT OMGGGG AND SHE SOUNDS SO BROKEN AND SOFT AT THE END APOBIHJ[OADSIJB
everybody loves somebody - dean martin (slowed n reverb)
by starclouds
pretty sure i got this song from General Angsty (if i didn’t, apologizes), but this slowed down verison HITS THE SPOT. i love his voice in this slowed way, it is so interesting. also, it’s reverb? like? yes, please. the thumbnail is actually a GIF that is a fountain, it’s pretty cool, 7/10, also this makes me wanna sway with like Echo or something (actually now that i think of it, i’m pretty sure i got this from General Angsty’s dancing post with the boys, which made me so SoFt omg :)) overall, recommend listen to this when you wanna sway with your lover in like a dance club, but your nestled into their neck and your pulled so close and it’s warm in their embrace :) the instruments also are really nice in this verison.
Clair De Lune Ethereal Remix
by A.Krishna
IF ALL MUSIC SUDDENLY BECAME ETHEREAL ON YOUTUBE, I WOULD MOST LIKELY CRY. so i love ethereal remixes, there’s just something so… whimsical about ethereal remixes. this song is so pretty and beautiful on ethereal omgggGGGg. the thumbnail is beautiful 10000000/10. I just- this sounds like a song you would use as like a look back through your entire life, like every memory and moment just appearing as this song plays WOW. and when the piano climax’s in the midDLE OMGGGG it is INSANE, LIKE THE EMOTIONS THAT GO THROUGH MY BRAIN AOBIASDNB and then it gets super soft and quiet aaaahhhh CAN YOU TELL I LIKE ETHEREAL?? IDK IF YOU CAN 😂 anyways, overall recommend this song when your just watching the rain fall and reminiscing about good times in your life :)
heather - conan gray ( slowed + reverb)
by Vibey
okay definitely this song is sadder slowed, like THE FEELS OMGG but it’s amazing slowed, like the original is awesome, AND THEN THIS???!! so the thumbnail is a really pretty GIF of this VHS tape just playing, and it’s purple so 10/10. this definitely brings the raspy part of his voice, and i really like it (or that’s just the reverb lol 😂) only thing i do not like about this slowed version is it cuts off the end of the song at the end of the video, and I don’t know why, but it’s still really good, so i don’t mind too much :). it’s very pretty and sad all at the same time. overall, recommend listening to this song when your just chilling, staring up at the ceiling and your like “let’s be a puddle of sad for a sec”
by Brown Aesthetic Syndrome
billie eilish - my future - slowed dreamy reverb
by ayabe
so this song is incredible, like it slowed really hits different. billie’s voice has always been so interesting to me because sometimes she sings like very whisper like, and other times she is full on belting like going insane, and i really like that she uses her voice in multiple different ways during her songs. billie is the number one artist i go to when i really wanna be in the feels, and this verison of my future is so amazing. the beat is so interesting, and the thumbnail is really cool 9/10, also i don’t know what the language is nor, do i know what it says, so if you do, let me know lol 😂 but the picture is cool. this song is one i listen to all the time because it’s just- yes. overall recommend this song when your chilling in bed, just in the dark, with the window open on a summer night :)
friends on the other side - s l o w e d
by angelicsounds
THIS IS SO EPIC SLOWED OMGGGGG I CAN’T NOT EVEN EXPLAIN AOBPINADOPBNF I REALLY FEEL LIKE A SPOOKY DUDE WHO KNOWS HOW TO DO SOME SPOOKY STUFF OMGGG i love the original song, and i also really like the cover by annapantsu, definitely recommend her verison too! this has got to be the coolest disney villain song slowed down, hands down. the thumbnail is a GIF of this anime character’s eyes doing weird looking highlight stuff lol idk what to call it, 8/10. overall, recommend when you wanna listen to a song that makes you feel like the main villain in a story :) AND THE ENDING HITS DIFFERENT OMGGGGGGGG
le valse de l’amour - patrick doyle (slowed down)
by mari
okay, so we all know that I love Cinderella. and this song is so incredible, i can’t- okay, but just imagine… the bad batch, undercover at a senate ball, you, trying to make sure the senators are safe. the boys are in their separate locations, you know, watching, making sure everyone is good. some random dude from out of nowhere tries to make you dance with him. you are obviously like “um, what the heck, please no sir.” and suddenly…
“may i have this dance?”
it’s Hunter (or crosshair, but i’ve written a fic about Hunter dancing with the reader, so i feel like he would be a good dancer).
anyways, he whisks you away from random dude, and your like “Hunter there’s no music” because the orchestra just finished their previous song, and he’s like
“just wait.”
bam, this song comes on.
and suddenly, Hunter’s waltzing with you and you didn’t even know he could waltz. and it’s exactly like the scene from Cinderella 2015. So you two are doing your own thing in the middle of the ballroom, and everyone starts moving out of the way because woah these people are really good at dancing
and you are just shocked because HOW??
and he just leads you through the whole thing. he spins you around, and if your wearing a dress and it’s got some tulle on it, it swishes around when he spins you and oh my god the butterflies and smile he gets when you giggle because you love the way it swirls around you. and then people start backing up more, because at this rate, you guys are taking up the whole dance floor.
and you just keep going, and he starts pick you up and spinning you around when the harp comes on. and he grabs you by the waist and starts swinging you around just like Kit & Ella do in the movie. and then the end of the song comes, and he dips you, brings you back up, and that’s it.
and when it’s all said and done, you just look at him, and well, he obviously looks extremely handsome, his suit is all pressed, and his hair is done back in a bun, but he’s got a few wisps coming out from your whole little dancing experience, and all you can say is:
“shhh, mesh’la. later. i’ll tell you later.”
anyways, thumbnail is a solid 11/10, and recommend if you wanna daydream about dancing at a senator ball with Hunter.
no i am not planning on writing a fic about this, what you you implying? okay, yes i am, i am. no shame 😂
sleeping beauty - once upon a dream (slowed + reverb)
by Paige Coddington
sleeping beauty is one of my favorite disney princesses besides rapunzel & cinderella, so i love this. The GIF is so pretty, 10/10. Aurora’s voice is pretty, and her vibrato is so much more prominent in this verison, and i am obsessed. this is so pretty, I- speechless, actually. and then philip comes in and it’s just ✨ also, i always like aurora in the pink dress when i was younger, but now i kind of like the blue dress more. they should have just given her a purple dress i guess lol 😂 overall, really pretty, recommend when you are in the mood for some more nostalgic disney vibes :)
D a n c i n g Q u e e n 女王
by v a p o r w a v e
okay so i originally found this on an edit of “the snap from avengers infinity war, but dancing queen” -
and when i tell you that the snap got even sadder, I-
anyways, i also really like vaporwave music, very interesting and very cool. i love the video because i’m pretty sure it’s the original music video, but it looks like your looking through a kaleidoscope, so 100000000/10. this song is so good vaporwave, like, just yes. like when i say this hits different, like for real, this hits different. ABBA is always good, but this by far has to be my favorite thing of ABBA music i have ever found. It’s like…
it’s just incredible.
like i said with the ethereal remix of clair de lune, this is like a song that you put on your life, and just look at all the memories and moments that have happened to you.
overall, recommend when you wanna just sit and think for awhile, or maybe make the snap from avengers infinity war sadder
and that’s it! i decided that i would just stick to 10, the other ones i have done are about 12, and i just thought it was a good number lol 😂 i hope you guys enjoy these as much as I do, and check out my pinned post to see them all linked on one post :)
lots of spells (& music listening),
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
Sunset Swerve - Part 4
Pairings: Luke x OC
Word Count: 3.7K
Warnings: none? 
A/N: This one’s a bit longer but now we’re officially through episode 3! As always, let me know what you think and message me if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
Part 3  Masterlist
“We have to do something to help Julie with Flynn,” Jordan said firmly when they landed in the garage. “It’s our fault she’s in this mess.”
“I still don’t understand why she can’t just tell her about us,” Luke said and Jordan sighed.
“Seeing ghosts, real or not, isn’t really ever perceived as a one-hundred percent good thing, especially when you’ve just lost a parent.” She explained quietly and Luke nodded, suddenly unable to meet her eyes.
When she turned to look at the other guys she was met with a curious stare from Alex as if he was trying to figure out what was going on between them.
“How’re you holding up?” She deflected, trying to get away from his scrutiny.
“Not great, actually,” Alex admitted beginning to pace in front of the couch where Luke and Reggie had plopped down.
Jordan crossed the room to join them, perching on the arm of the couch.
“I think he’s practicing his model strut,” Reggie speculated in a whisper and Jordan rolled her eyes.
“He’s so nervous it’s making me nervous,” Luke admitted.
“Alright Alex, spill,” Jordan addressed the blond and he stopped to stand in front of them.
“Okay, look, you guys know I don’t handle change well,” he spoke, waving his hands around anxiously. “Alright? Death? That was a change. Okay, then we became ghosts, alright? Another change. And- and now we can be seen whenever we play with Julie. Big fucking change!”
“Yeah but, bro, it was a good change!” Luke exclaimed. “With Julie we can play on stage again and be the band we never got to be! C’mon, you gotta be down for that.”
“I mean, yeah, who wouldn’t be?” Alex gulped, “I just… I wanna figure out why.”
“Forget why!” Jordan elbowed the brunet and he cursed, standing up to move away from her. “I say we invite Julie to join Sunset Curve.”
“Yeah, totally!” Reggie gasped, standing up as well. “I mean, like, think about it! With a new lead singer, this band would be legendary.”
“Hey! I’m our lead singer,” Luke pouted and Jordan snorted, earning a glare from the boy.
“Dude, that girl has the voice of an angel and she can make us visible,” Reggie explained, “Without her, we’re just elevator music.”
“I know, but you don’t gotta be so mean about it,” Luke whined, completely ignoring Alex who had begun pacing again.
“You deserve it,” Jordan quipped, receiving another glare from the boy.
“And we’re on the runway again!” He exclaimed, turning to see Alex’s pacing.
“Okay, I’m sorry, alright? I just…” Alex sighed, stopping his pacing. “I gotta go clear my head.”
He made a beeline for the door, attempting to grab the handle but his hand kept going through it.
“Dude you’re a ghost, just poof out,” Reggie said and Jordan leaned over to hit his arm.
“Don’t tell me how to ghost!” Alex cried before poofing away.
Jordan sighed when neither of the boys moved to do anything.
“I’m gonna go make sure he’s okay.” She said decisively, ignoring the boys’ arguments that he was fine as she poofed out.
When he had found her in the graveyard the day before he had said something about going someplace familiar, so she poofed to the first place she thought of: the Orpheum.
It didn’t take long for her to figure out he wasn’t there but she decided to wander around Hollywood to look. Sunset Curve had spent a lot of time in the area, playing gigs and just hanging out. She had stopped to scrutinize the costume of a fake Marilyn Monroe on the Walk of Fame when she spotted him. She immediately started walking towards him but stopped once she noticed that he wasn’t alone. He was talking to some long-haired skater boy and she silently awed when she saw the look on his face. Not wanting to interrupt his serendipitous meeting and comforted by the fact that he wasn’t alone, she poofed away before he could spot her.
She’d tried to poof to Reggie, wanting to tell him about the skater boy but she was immediately distracted upon arrival.
“What the hell guys?” She asked rhetorically, “Did you seriously learn nothing from yesterday?”
Once again Luke and Reggie were in Julie’s room, the latter once again laying on his bed. However, what Luke was doing was considerably worse. The boy was sat on the floor with Julie’s dream box open in front of him as he rifled through the pieces of paper.
“Did you not hear anything she said about boundaries?” The dark-haired girl huffed, attempting to close the dream box.
When her hand just went through the lid she plopped down in front of the box, pouting at her lack of ghostly abilities.
“This is perfect!” Luke gasped triumphantly, finally looking upon from the piece of paper in his hands. He jumped slightly when he noticed Jordan as if he had been so involved in whatever was on the paper that his brain hadn’t registered her presence. “Oh, hey Moss. When did you get back?”
Jordan raised her brows in surprise. “Wow, and I thought Reggie was the oblivious one.”
“Hey!” Reggie protested, sitting up on the bed only to be met with identically ‘come on’ looks from the ghosts on the floor. “Okay, fine, you’re right.”
“Anyway,” Luke redirected, sending one last side-eye at Reggie before addressing the room. “This poem would make killer song lyrics!”
“Ooh! Lemme see,” Reggie scrambled off the bed to lean over Luke. “Flying Solo. This looks great.” He mused.
“C’mon, we should start writing the melodies,” Luke said, poofing away to the garage, Reggie following suit but not before waving goodbye to Jordan who was still sitting on the ground. The girl dropped her disapproving look to smile at the boy before he disappeared.
She sat alone in the room for another minute before sighing and pushing herself off the carpet. She wandered through the house, searching for something to occupy her time now that all the guys were busy and Julie was at school. After a period of aimless wandering- time seemed to flow differently now that she was dead- she stumbled across a large bookshelf and paused. Jordan hadn’t read a book since ’95 but it had been one of her favorite pastimes after music. She browsed the selection of mostly unrecognizable title- of course plenty of hits had been published in the twenty-five years since she had passed- until she settled on a novel heralded as ‘The Next Harry Potter’ though she had no idea who Harry Potter was. The book was well worn as if it had been read many times and as far as Jordan was concerned, that was the tell-tale sign of a good book.
She pulled the blue-green book from the shelf, taking it with her as she poofed to the garage. The book showing endeavor had taken quite a bit of time as the books had kept falling through her ghost hands. Fortunately, none of the Molina’s had been home to hear the multiple thuds.
Despite the amount of time she had spent in the house, when she arrived in the studio Reggie and Luke were still stood around the piano working on their new song. Neither boy acknowledge her appearance- too immersed in their work- so she laid down on the couch and immersed herself in 2012 New York.
She wasn’t sure how long she’s laid there in silence, only that she’d reached Chapter 8: We Capture a Flag when her attention was finally drawn away. The guys had moved from writing to working it out on their instruments (which Jordan had selectively ignored because they wouldn’t listen to her anyway) when Julie got home from school.
“Guys! You’re not supposed to be out here playing alone,” she said, giving them her signature ‘are you serious?’ look.
“But we’re not alone,” Reggie explained as Luke came up to hold him from behind, “Because we always have each other!”
“Ugh,” Jordan groaned, rolling her eyes at their cheesiness.
“Agreed,” Julie quipped, smiling briefly at the ghost girl before moving to unplug both boys’ instruments from their amps.
“But we had the volume on level one!” Luke protested.
“But we rocked it on volume ten!” Reggie added, “Want us to play it again?”
“I really don’t think she does,” Luke whispered to the boy as Julie unplugged his amp, dropping the cord to the ground menacingly.
“We’ve actually been waiting for you to get home,” Luke changed directions, hoping to avoid the Latina’s wrath. “Okay, so, we have some pretty major news to tell you. We had a band meeting earlier and…” He pointed at Reggie who began a drumroll on his legs.
“We want you to join Sunset Curve! And no, you’re not dreaming,” The brunet exclaimed, looking very proud of himself.
Julie, however, looked less thrilled. “Oh.”
“Oh? That’s what you say when you get socks for Christmas, not when you get asked to join the most epic band ever!”
“Second most epic band,” Jordan spoke up from the couch where she had set aside her book momentarily to watch this unfold.
Luke glared at her while Julie began to explain herself.
“Sorry, I’m honored, but I can’t think about anything but Flynn right now. She’s still mad at me for lying, she hasn’t even texted me back!”
“Yeah, you’re in a tough spot,” Luke started, though clearly he wasn’t really considering what the girl had said, “So, you wanna join the band?”
“Read the room, dude.” Julie glared, turning to walk out of the garage.
“Way to be sincere doofus,” Jordan said harshly, returning to her book.
“Oh, come on!” Luke called, getting the girl to stop before the doors, “We need you and you need us because you need music! We found this poem that you wrote-“
“She’s gonna be pissed,” Jordan said in a sing-song voice, eyes trained on her book but clearly still listening.
“Reggie and I added this really cool melody to it. It sounds awesome!” Luke continued, ignoring Jordan.
“Where’d you find that?” Julie asked warily.
“Uh… definitely not in your dream box,” Luke lied, pulling Reggie in front of him to protect himself from Julie, clearly forgetting that she could just walk right through the ghost bassist.
“You went through my stuff?!” She shouted, quickly advancing on the guitarist while Reggie jumped out of the way.
“Told you,” Jordan muttered, though it was lost in the chaos of the room.
“I know, but-” Luke tried to excuse but was cut off by Reggie.  
“Yeah, we can do that now!” The dark-haired ghost responded, completely contradicting his bandmate.
“No! No you can’t! Boundaries!” Julie shouted, reaching across the piano towards Luke. “Give it back!”
“No!” Luke denied, climbing onto the piano bench. “You need to realize how insanely talented you are! Okay? Listen to this:
“If somebody hurts you, I’m gonna get hurt too, and my life my life would be real low, zero, flying solo.”
“Oh-Oh” Reggie echoed from behind Julie and Luke grinned at him before turning back to the girl in front of him.
“It’s a killer melody,” he said.
“I wrote that about Flynn when she was helping me with all my mom stuff,” Julie sighed. “I gotta go.”
“Hey! What about the band!” Luke called after her as she turned to leave again.
Oh, I almost forgot,” She spoke, turning back around and an excited look grew on Luke’s face. “Stay out of my room!”
“Yeah?” Luke called, running after her and sticking his head through the door, “We will if you join our band!”
“Idiot,” Jordan muttered, finally turning her full attention back to the book.
She did her best to ignore the shuffling around her as the boys moved about. She was mostly successful, managing to get in a full page of reading before Reggie poked the back of her hand and she pulled her attention away to glare at him.
“What do you want?” She groaned as she turned to look at the two boys who were now seated in front of the couch.
“So, you’re a girl,” Luke started and Jordan snorted.
“Very astute observation, Sherlock,” she quipped, turning back to her book with the intention of ignoring them completely.
“Just let me finish!”
“That’s what she said.”
“Jordan!” He whined, wrinkling his nose in distaste. “Please?”
She sighed, closing the book and setting it down next to her as she swung her legs around to sit up on the sofa.
“Fine. Yes, I am a girl, what do you need?”
“We thought you might have some insight on what to do about Julie?” He said, though his unsureness made it sound like a question.
“She’s not going to even think about joining your band until she’s smoothed things over with Flynn. She’s her best friend and she means more to her than music does.”
“Woah. How’d you figure all that out?” Reggie asked, amazed.
“Girl code, man!” Luke answered, hitting Reggie’s chest.
“She’s literally said all of that to you within the last twenty-four hours,” Jordan said, staring at them with a look of pure disbelief. “There’s no ‘code’, you guys just don’t listen.”
“Okay, so how do we fix things with Julie and Flynn?” Luke said, selectively ignoring what she had just said.
“I hate to say it,” she sighed, “But you guys might already be on the right track with the song. Julie said she wrote the poem about Flynn, so maybe if she performs the song for her, Flynn’ll see how much their friendship means to her.”
“That’s a great idea!” Luke exclaimed and Jordan smirked, jokingly flipping her hair over her shoulder dramatically. “C’mon! Let’s get to work.”
Jordan moved to return to her reading when she noticed the brunet was staring pointedly at her.
“What do you need me for?”
“Well, Reggie and I can’t write the piano part.”
“So, when she says ‘deep-dish’, do you think she’s talking about pizza?” Reggie asked in all seriousness.
Jordan, who had kept playing the piano despite the other two ghosts dropping out, stopped playing then in shock.
“Dude,” she breathed, at this point in awe of the boy’s cluelessness.
It was just then that Alex decided to show up, poofing in right on top of the piano between Reggie and Luke.
“Oh! Hey man, where you been?” Reggie asked, immediately distracted from his previous question.
“Um, kinda everywhere,” Alex answered, “Yeah. No, I met a new ghost friend.”
“For real?” Reggie asked, amazed.
“Wait, cute skater boy was a ghost?” Jordan asked from behind them, brows raised in surprise.
“Yeah he- wait, how’d you know that?” He asked, turning around to peer at the girl behind the piano.
“Hm? Oh! I went to check on you after you left but when I found you, you had already found him so I just came back,” Jordan shrugged and Alex nodded.
“Yeah, anyway, he answered a ton of questions.”
“Like whether Julie’s gonna join the band or not?” Luke asked through the guitar pick he still held between his teeth.
“Uh… well we didn’t... didn’t really get to that,” Alex muttered, giving Luke a weird stare before turning back to Jordan and Reggie. “But, I think I know why we’re here. Okay? All ghosts have, like, unfinished business. So we have t do our unfinished business so that we can cross over.”
“Why would we do that?” Luke asked, immediately drawing everyone’s attention in a mix of shock and confusion.
“Some of us might actually want to cross over,” Jordan said crossly, frowning at the boy.
“I’m just saying, this is like our second chance. All we need to do is get Julie to play with us.” He explained and Reggie nodded.
“Not only can that girl sing, she can write too. Luke and I made a killer melody to one of her songs!” Jordan cleared her throat and Reggie blushed, adding on, “And Jordan helped too.”
“Oh… without your drummer, cool,” Alex mumbled as he looked over the song Luke had just handed him.
“Drumming is so ’90s,” Luke joked, clapping his friend lightly on the back. “We’re just gonna… stomp our feet now.”
“Okay. Well, you know what else is so ‘90s?” Alex responded, “Being rude. All right? Get woke, these are sensitive times.”
“Alex! Ow…” Luke whined quietly as Alex forcefully returned his notebook.
“I learned that from my ghost friend,” Alex whispered to Reggie and Jordan.
“What so they don’t say ‘fly’ anymore but they say ‘woke’?” Jordan muttered in a mix of confusion and distaste.
“‘Woke.’” Reggie repeated. “That’s a cool word, what does it mean?”
“No clue.”
Jordan chuckled lightly before noticing the petulant look on Luke’s face.
“Well, now that Alex is here maybe we can properly work on this song?” She proposed, “We gotta fix things with Julie and Flynn; we got her into this mess in the first place.”
The boys all nodded, Alex moving off the piano so they could all see each other. Fortunately, Luke and Reggie had already worked out most of their own parts and now all they needed were the piano and drum set. They got a good few minutes in working together, Alex drumming on the piano with his hands while Jordan played as quietly as possible, the four of them stopping every few lines to scribble in rhythms. They had the song just about finished when Julie burst into the garage.
“Grab your instruments, we need to rehearse the song.”
The four ghosts looked between themselves in confusion.
“I need to prove to Flynn that you’re ghosts but we only have a half-hour to rehearse, let’s go!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands together as if to say ‘chop-chop”.
The guys began to scramble around the room getting everything set up, and Jordan handed Julie her piano part before retiring to the couch once more. She laid back down, grabbing her book and flipping to the page she had left off on while the new Sunset Curve began to rehearse their new hit.
The half-hour flew by quickly and before they knew it Flynn was knocking on the door of the garage.
“Thanks for coming,” Julie smiled as she opened the doors. “We just wanted to rehearse the song so it was perfect, which it’s not, but whatever.”
Jordan put her book down, wanting to watch what happened.
“No, if I’m gonna hear a song from your imaginary ghost band, it needs to be perfect.” Flynn objected, “So get back in there, all of you. You too.” She said, pointing around the space at the imaginary ghosts.
“Wow, she was way off,” Reggie said and the rest of the ghosts shook their heads. “I’m over here!!”
“They’re not out here,” Julie informed Flynn with a chuckle, gesturing the girl inside the garage.
“Oh, I know.”
“Alright guys, you ready?” Julie asked, looking back towards the guys who all gave thumbs up.
“Um, Julie?” Reggie spoke up, “Can you move Flynn? I need room to, y’know, rock out.”
Julie laughed but complied with his request, ushering Flynn to one of the chairs in front of the setup.
“If you’ll notice, there’s no equipment that can create a hologram. Feel free to look around the room.” Julie spoke, taking her place behind the keyboard.
She took a deep breath before addressing her friend, “The guys took a poem I wrote about you and put it to music.”
“Aww! I wish I didn’t have to talk to your dad after this,” Flynn sassed and Jordan laughed.
“I like her.” She said, and Julie glanced her way with a smile.
“It’s called Flying Solo, I hope you like it,” Julie introduced the song before beginning to play.
Jordan could see the song working on Flynn right from the start, the girl clearly vibing with the music and lyrics. At the risk of sounding cheesy, she felt like she was watching their friendship mend itself.
Flynn screamed when the chorus hit and the guys joined in, immediately becoming visible. Julie stepped away from the piano to crouch in front of her best friend, singing the next verse directly to her before pulling her up to rock out with the guys for the chorus. Jordan tried to hide the bouncing of her own leg to the beat, not wanting to admit she too was vibing with Luke’s song. Though, the boy had clearly noticed, moving over to the mic stand that had been left next to the couch. He perched on the end, making sure to smirk superiorly at her and she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms stubbornly.
As she sang, Julie guided Flynn around the room to each of the boys, ending with Reggie as they reached a break in the song, the guys continued to play lightly in order to stay visible. Flynn experimentally stuck her hand through Reggie before retracting it quickly in alarm.
“Weird right?” Reggie spoke and Flynn gasped.
“They’re ghosts!” She exclaimed and Julie nodded.
“Uh, we prefer musician spirits,” Alex corrected jokingly and Reggie nodded, pointing affirmatively at the drummer.
“Where’s the other one?” Flynn asked, peering around the room, “The girl?”
“Oh, Jordan’s on the couch. I honestly don’t know why she’s not playing.” Julie turned to look at the girl in question and Jordan shrugged.
“Not my song, not my band.”
“Hey, Julie?” Luke called, redirecting the living girls’ attention. “Does this mean you’re joining our band?”
“Actually, I think you’re joining her band,” Flynn interjected matter-of-factly.
“I’m gonna go with what she said,” Julie grinned, slinging an arm around her best friend. “You too Jordan,” she added, gesturing to the dark-haired girl.
Jordan smiled brightly at the invite, poofing behind the piano as the band started back up.
Julie and Flynn immediately moved over to her as she picked up the piano part. It felt nice to rock out with the girls and it felt even more gratifying when the guys dropped out, leaving only the piano part and Julie’s voice as she sang to her friend.
The four ghosts exchanged smiles with each other, Luke and Jordan to high off the performance to care about their rivalry.
“Still wanna talk to my dad?” Julie asked when the song had finished.
“No, I’m good,” Flynn responded and the girls hugged, the four ghosts vanishing from sight.
Part 5
Taglist: @oopsiedoopsie23 @meangirlsx @angryknightstatesmantrash @onlygetaway
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dc41896 · 4 years
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So I’ve been wanting to write something based on the song pov by Ariana Grande and then a certain someone decided to attack my heart strings yet again playing the piano so this is an idea I thought of lol. Also this is a sequel to Between the Lines.
Pairing: Chris EvansxBlack Reader
⚠️: None, all fluff! (Well maybe a teensy amount of sad times because of the lyrics)
“There she is,” Chris smiles entering the small make shift studio holding two steaming mugs. Joining your bundled form on the grey loveseat, he hands one to you before sweetly kissing your cheek and moving your legs to stretch across his lap. “So how’s my two-time Grammy nominated superstar doing?”
That’s pretty much all he called you now, besides his usual baby and honey, ever since the list of nominations were announced a couple months ago. Every time the words left his mouth, you found yourself giddily smiling and feeling as if you were in a dream you were bound to wake up from any moment.
Like other artists, winning a Grammy was always one of your ultimate goals and now that there was a possibility you could take home not one but two, you felt immense pride and excitement that your hard work was paying off. This excitement soon turned into stress though with the added preparations you needed to complete as the big day quickly approached. Since you were also performing, you and your team had been busy thinking of what the perfect song choice would be as well as concepts that would match.
So far everything was perfect until your pianist had an unfortunate accident requiring him to have surgery on his wrist. Now you were even more stressed wondering if there were any other people you knew that could fill in.
“A little overwhelmed honestly,” you sigh placing your phone down before noticing what exactly was in your mug. “How did you know I was craving cocoa?”
“Well knowing how stressed you’ve been lately, I figured you’d want some since that’s when you crave it most.”
“Aww thank you baby,” you smile leaning over to wipe his mini chocolate mustache before kissing his lips.
“Still looking for a piano player?”
“Yea but with it coming up so soon, we might just have to do the backup song which isn’t entirely a bad thing, but then I’d have to think of a totally new concept, outfit, then we have to rehearse, I’d have to tell the producers at the show we changed it-,”
“Hey let’s take a break from that okay?,” he speaks trying to calm your rambling and very apparent nerves. Taking your hand, he pulls you closer to sit on his lap guiding your head to fall on his shoulder. “I know things aren’t going how you want, but everything will work out. You’re gonna have an amazing performance that people are gonna talk about for the rest of the year, and no matter what, me, your family, friends, and fans will be so proud of you.” Bringing your hand to his lips, he peppers kisses along your knuckles and fingertips making you smile as you snuggle closer to his neck.
“Thank you.”
“No problem, you know I’m always here.”
Soothingly rubbing circles in your back the way you loved for him to do, you nearly let the vibrations from his humming lull you to sleep before an idea makes you sit up, staring at him now confused.
“Honey? You okay?”
“Yea...yea I just thought of something. What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You play piano for me! I mean you know the song you’ve heard it plenty of times, heck you even helped with the melody. Then that way nothing has to get changed!,” you excitedly answer holding onto his shoulders.
“Yea all of that is true, and I’d love to help but are you sure? Y/N that’s your night, I don’t want anybody trying to say I’m somehow tied into your success when that’s not true.”
“Chris, you and I both know people are gonna talk no matter what, and as long as I’m with you sadly someone’s gonna think that and try to spread it everywhere. But I don’t care what anyone says, and you shouldn’t either,” you smile moving your hands to rest on his partially bearded cheeks. “Like you said it’s my night and sharing it with the man I love will make it even more special. Especially if he’ll be right beside me the whole time.”
“Whether I was physically on that stage with you or not, you know I’m always beside you.”
Closing the gap between you, his lips capture yours in a quick yet passionate exchange before he rests his forehead against yours.
“Now if you win, does that mean my name goes on it too? I mean as you said I helped with the melody and I am providing my services,” he states as you both laugh holding onto each other.
“I don’t know about the name inscription, but we can work that out later,” you answer.
“Alright five minutes guys!,” Gina announces fluffing your curls one last time. Noticing your infamous lip bite as your knee rapidly bounces, Chris places both hands on your knee quickly kissing your cheek before being swatted away by your best friend giving you a much needed laugh. “Hey relax, no smudging the makeup until after they say cut.”
“Two minutes!,” a voice yells as you try your best to breathe.
“You got this alright? You’re gonna do great!” Giving you a quick hug, she disappears behind the cameras and soon you hear the cheery presenter in your ear as she begins introducing your performance.
“Alright now I’m not trying to be biased, but this next performer is one of my favorites! She’s been killing it this year with the release of her highly anticipated debut album which led to her two Grammy noms tonight. Performing from her personal studio, here’s Y/N.”
The piano softly plays in the background as the camera focuses on you perched on a wooden bar stool. Pulling the sleeves of your pullover sweater over your hands, you take a quick deep breath as your cue to start approaches.
It's like you got superpowers
Turn my minutes into hours
You got more than 20/20, babe
Made of glass, the way you see through me
You know me better than I do
Can't seem to keep nothing from you
How you touch my soul from the outside
Permeate my ego and my pride
I wanna love me
The way that you love me
Ooh, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me
The way that you trust me
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
Glancing over at Chris in his backwards cap, grey tank, and sweats a small smile forms on your lips watching his fingers delicately press against each key. He could feel your eyes as he looked up with a smile himself winking at you and making you innocently giggle.
I'm gеtting used to receiving
Still gеtting good at not leaving
I'ma love you even though I'm scared
Learnin' to be grateful for myself
You love my lips 'cause they say the
Things we've always been afraid of
I can feel it startin' to subside
Learnin' to believe in what is mine
I wanna love me
The way that you love me
Ooh, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me
The way that you trust me
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
Standing from your seat, you slowly make your way beside him on the bench resting your head on his shoulder while the camera pans around to catch your cute exchange.
I couldn't believe it or see it for myself
Know I be impatient
But now I'm out here, fallin', fallin'
Frozen, slowly thawing, got me right
I won't keep you waitin', waitin'
All my baggage fadin' safely
And if my eyes deceive me
Won't let them stray too far away
I wanna love me
The way that you love me
Ooh, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me, ooh
The way that you trust me, baby
'Cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
As he plays his last few notes, your arms gently wrap around his bicep and your chin rests on his shoulder before you peck the corner of his mouth. His lips twitch into that adorable smile you love so much after mouthing “I love you” and all those around cheer with claps and whistles.
“You did amazing honey,” he whispers cupping your cheek with his warm hand.
“Thank you, and you too Mozart.”
“Nope, we’re not making that a thing. We both know I literally could never,” he replies making you both laugh before being startled by Gina’s squeals.
“Girl you won best new artist!”
“Wait what?”
“You won! They just told me so you can go ahead and make your acceptance speech! They’ll play it when the category comes up.”
You have to be nudged by a chuckling Chris being in such a state of shock. Oh course you hoped and wished you’d win, but you didn’t expect it to actually happen. Returning to your barstool, you try to collect yourself as the signal is given that the camera was rolling.
“Wow, um hi everybody! I honestly didn’t think this would happen,” you nervously laugh. “Um first off thank you mom and dad for your support even though I was probably really annoying singing all over the house all hours of the day. Thank you to the fans, of course, for your support as well from streaming to buying my music and all the other ways you guys have been so amazing to me. I may not be able to respond to every single post, tweet, or DM but I see you guys and from the bottom of my heart I truly thank every single one of you. My friends and my team, I love y’all so much and appreciate all that you guys do to help and keep me sane.”
“And to the one who inspired the song that helped me get this award,” you sigh peering past the camera to see a glossy eyed Chris leaning against the wall. “Thank you for being exactly what I need when I need it, whether it’s a cuddle buddy, a partner in crime for late night food runs, or a friend to remind me to love myself when I’m doing the opposite. I love you and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Rotating the silver band on your ring finger, you hold up your hand with a shy smile to reveal a sparkling princess cut diamond making everyone around beam with excitement, and surely those who would be watching at home.
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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funknrolll · 4 years
Focusing on Prince and the song Avalanche: Lesson learned or....??
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Hi my music lovers, today we are celebrating the birthday of the undisputed music legend and virtuoso: Prince Rogers Nelson. Since all that is happening these days, I wanted to offer you guys the chance to reflect on these crucial issues. Therefore I chose to focus only on one song in Prince's vault: Avalanche. In my opinion, this piece is quite relevant to what is happening these days. I really hope I do Prince justice. I hope we can learn something from this article and the lesson Prince taught us. Should there be anything, I missed do not think twice to let me know or contact me. Enjoy the article.
In 2002, Prince released One Nite Alone (Solo Piano and Voice by Prince). As the title suggests, the only accompaniment in this album is the piano. Today I want to offer you the chance to reflect on the song Avalanche. Avalanche. The message delivered with this song is compelling, and the lyrics were magistrally written. Moreover, as many people know, Prince was an avid reader and an extremely educated person who had a vast knowledge not only about music but also about history, in this case. Indeed, with these words, the Artist is referring to some historical events to create one of the most MONUMENTAL protests songs in music history. Before I explain this total MASTERPIECE, I need to mention some crucial points. I will never stress enough about this. We all know that Prince was a black man. However, the fact that he, in some interviews, said things like "I was brought up in a black and white world. Black and white, night and day, rich and poor. I always said that one day I was going to play all kinds of music and not be judged for the color of my skin, but the quality of my work" or quoting his song Controversy "I wish there was no black or white" etcetera... It does not mean he was not conscious and aware or proud of being black. This does not mean that he was not aware of what black people had and still have to endure and go through. Indeed, Prince was extremely knowledgeable of everything that I mentioned, and he was proud of being black, and this is something significantly present in his music, in his sense of style, in his words, lyrics, music videos, concerts, and movies. I'm making this point because I have overheard too many people accusing Prince of not embracing his blackness or even being biracial as the new york times erroneously claimed. None of these things are true. I also heard that the Artist was not aware of what black people had and still are going through and that his music was not "politicized enough." This is another big fat lie. This song is proof. Therefore, before writing and describing this MONUMENTAL song, I thought I needed to re-emphasize this significant point. By the way, Prince's mother was NOT Italian. She was a beautiful black woman. Furthermore, as already mentioned, Artist had extensive historical knowledge and was also conscious and aware of how black people have always been exploited and treated. Moreover, Prince was accustomed to speaking his mind and saying what he meant, and just by reading the superlative and poignant lyrics, we could see that the Artist was quite straight-forwarded in writing this piece. Indeed:
He was not or never had been in favor
 Of setting are people free
 If it wasn't for the thirteenth Amendment
 We woulda been born in slavery
 He was not or never had been in favor
 Of letting us vote, so you see...
 Abraham Lincoln was a racist who said
 "You cannot escape from history "Like the snow comin' down the mountain
 That landed on Wounded Knee
 Nobody wants to take the weight 
 The responsibilityHear the joyous sound of freedom
 The Harlem Renaissance
 Hear Duke Ellington and his band
 Kick another jungle jam
 Ooh, do you wanna dance?
 Who's that lurking in the shadows?
 Mr. John Hammond with his pen in hand...
 Sayin' "Sign you're kingdom over to me
 And be known throughout the land!"
 But, you ain't got no money, you ain't got no cash
 So you sign yo name, and he claims innocence
 Just like every snowflake in an avalanche...Like the snow comin' down the mountain
 That landed on Wounded Knee
 Nobody wants to take the weight 
 The responsibility 
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This masterpiece begins with a quote taken from the 4th Lincoln-Douglas debate held in Charleston, South Carolina, on September 18, 1858. Lincoln opened his discussion with these words: 
"While I was at the hotel to-day, an elderly gentleman called upon me to know whether I was really in favor of producing a perfect equality between the (slur)  and white people. [Great Laughter.] While I had not proposed to myself on this occasion to say much on that subject, yet as the question was asked me, I thought I would occupy perhaps five minutes in saying something regarding it. I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of (slur), nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people. I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races, which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And since they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man is in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
This was just the beginning of the speech Lincoln gave, and the words bolded are the exact beginning of the song by Prince (disclaimer: I replaced the racial slurs with this (slur) since I do not want any slurs on my platform). Moreover, as we can see in this song, the Artist was calling out the former President Abraham Lincoln for being racist. As you can see from this speech, HE REALLY WAS A RACIST. Moving on with the speech, Lincoln also said that he was not against slavery, and therefore he did not want to abolish it. Additionally, Prince mentioned the thirteenth Amendment. Before I report the Amendment, I believe it is important to contextualize it. What I am about to write will show one more time that Lincoln was a stone-cold racist, unlike many people were taught in schools. So, during the Civil War, the South USA (which economy was unfortunately still based on slaves working in plantations), wanted to keep a balance of free and slave states to maintain its political power in Congress. Southern slaveholders feared the loss of control for many reasons, including a rational fear that if Northern abolitionists had eventually swayed their representatives to vote to abolish slavery, the South wouldn't have had the votes to stop it. So, on September 22, 1862, President Lincoln warned the Confederate states that if they did not rejoin the Union before January 1, 1863, he would free their slaves. If they had timely surrendered, he would not have issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Therefore, on January 1, 1963, Lincoln "proclaimed" the "end of slavery." Bear in mind that this was as much an act of political/military strategy rather than moral courage.
Additionally, the Emancipation Proclamation freed only slaves held in the eleven Confederate states that had seceded, and only in the portion of those states not already under Union control. Slavery was left untouched in the loyal border states. The Proclamation also expressly exempted parts of the Confederacy (the Southern secessionist states) that had already come under Northern control. Most important, the freedom it promised depended upon the Union (United States) military victory.  The actual abolition of slavery was achieved when the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865. The first section of the Amendment declares, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.". In addition to everything mentioned, the second segment of the speech I bolded is about the right to vote. Eventually, the Artist ends these verses accusing Lincoln of being racist, saying that it is not possible to escape from history. I must say that Lincoln really was A RACIST, and we have always been taught history the wrong way. I also must say that despite the abolition of slavery, black people were never really free, for racism was and still is one of the biggest plagues not just in the USA but all over the world and what we have seen until now is the proof.
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Moreover, in the next verses, the Artist mentioned the Harlem Renaissance. For those who do not know that was, I will give a quick explanation of it. The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural, literary, and intellectual movement that fostered a new black cultural identity. This movement flourished in Harlem, New York, after World War I and ended around 1935 during the Great Depression. The movement raised significant issues affecting the lives of African Americans through various forms of literature, art, music, drama, painting, sculpture, movies, and protests. Voices of demonstration and ideological promotion of civil rights for African Americans inspired and created institutions and leaders who served as mentors to aspiring writers. The Harlem Renaissance arose from a generation that had lived through the gains and losses of Reconstruction after the American Civil War. Sometimes the parents or grandparents of those who lived during that historical period were slaves. Many people who lived in the Harlem Renaissance were part of the Great Migration. They moved out of the South into the black neighborhoods of the North and Midwest of the USA. African Americans sought a better standard of living and relief from the institutionalized racism in the South. Others were people of African descent from racially stratified communities in the Caribbean who came to the United States hoping for a better life. Uniting, most of them were their convergence in Harlem, New York City. Furthermore, Harlem was the center of a musical evolution that uncovered amazing talents and created a unique sound that had yet to be paralleled. Jazz was the newest sound, and it attracted both blacks and whites to go to nightclubs like the Savoy Ballroom to hear artists like Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, and Miles Davis. Jazz was a result of the Harlem Renaissance, which originated from the musical minds of extraordinarily talented African American people. The genre includes traits that survived from West African American music, black folk music forms developed in the New World. In his song, Prince was indeed referring to jazz music and one of its most relevant and most brilliant artists: Sir. Duke Ellington. In the next lines, we see the Artist mentioning John Hammond. Hammond was a white talent scout, record producer, and music critic. This is another excellent example of how history has been distorted. Indeed, if you look upon the net, you will find that this man fought against segregation and racism. However, if you read Frank Kokofsky's book, John Coltrane and the Jazz Revolution of the 1960s, you will learn the truth about the political economy of white domination over black music. In particular, Kokofsky focuses on the relationship between John Hammond, Columbia Records, and the Artist Bessie Smith. Indeed, as Kokofsky writes:
"The first and most important point to emphasize is that, as author Chris Albertson reveals in his biography of Bessie Smith, Hammond signed the singer to a series of contracts with Columbia Records that gave her a small, fixed fee for each performance she recorded and no royalties. Such contracts were apparently standard practice with the executive, for Billie Holiday unequivocally stated in her autobiography, Lady Sings the Blues: 'Later on John Hammond paired me up with Teddy Wilson and his band for another record session. This time I got thirty bucks for making half a dozen sides.' When she protested about this arrangement, it was, according to her, a Columbia executive named Bernie Hanighen – and not John Hammond – 'who really went to bat for me' and 'almost lost his job at Columbia fighting for me.'" 
Hear the joyous sound of freedom
The Harlem Renaissance
Hear Duke Ellington and his band
kick another jungle jam
Ooh, do u wanna dance?
Who's that lurking in the shadows?
Mr. John Hammond with his pen in hand...
sayin' "Sign ur kingdom over 2 me
and b known throughout the land!"
But, u ain't got no money, U ain't got no cash,
So u sign yo name and he claims innocence
just like every snowflake in an avalanche. 
This situation is quite familiar, isn't it? Perhaps Prince had heard or read about this, and therefore he decided to add this fact to this masterpiece.
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 Last but not least, another relevant part of this song is the chorus. Indeed, with this brilliantly written chorus, Prince is referring to the massacre of Wounded Knee, where more than 350 Native-American were killed. Indeed, On the morning of December 29, 1890, Chief Spotted Elk (Big Foot), leader of a group of some 350 Minneconjou Sioux, sat in a makeshift camp along the banks of Wounded Knee Creek. The group was surrounded by U.S. troops sent to arrest him and disarm his followers. The atmosphere was tense since an order to arrest Chief Sitting Bull at the Standing Rock Reservation just 14 days earlier had resulted in his murder, prompting Big Foot to lead his people to the Pine Ridge Agency for a safe haven. Alerted to the band's Ghost Dance activities, General Nelson Miles commanded Major Samuel Whiteside and the Seventh Cavalry to apprehend Big Foot and his followers, and the regiment intercepted them on December 28, leading them to the edge of the creek. While confiscating their weapons, a shot pierced the brisk morning air. Within seconds the charged atmosphere erupted as the Indian men rushed to retrieve their seized rifles, and troopers began to fire volley after volley into the Sioux camp. From a hill above, a Hotchkiss machine gun raked the tipis, gun smoke filled the air, and men, women, and children ran for a ravine near the camp, only to be cut down in the crossfire.
More than 200 Lakota laid dead or dying in the aftermath, as well as at least 20 soldiers. Although the story of the Wounded Knee Massacre is well-known, its causes and effects are still an enigma 125 years later. For 19th century Americans, it represented the end of Indian resistance and the conquest of the West. For Native-American, it represented the utter disregard of the U.S. toward its treaty responsibilities, its duplicity, and its cruelty toward Native people. In the 20th century and beyond, Wounded Knee continued to fuel controversy and debate. Notably, what is particularly controversial was and is the impetus and intent of the government that day, the role of the military, and the conflicting ways the tragedy is remembered today. Indeed, from this story, we can see how Prince gave his listener another example of how racism was a persistent plague.
Like the snow comin' down the mountain
that landed on Wounded Knee
Nobody wants 2 take the weight-
The responsibility
Moreover, as I said, the Artist with this MAGISTRALLY written lyrics educates his listener on how racism has always been a persistent, prominent, outraging, and horrifying plague that is still going on today. In addition to that, we can notice Prince's deep and broad historical knowledge, which is something incredibly fascinating and mesmerizing. Moreover, the arrangement of this song, the instrumental and the vocal delivery is among the finest and most poignant he has ever done. Indeed, the Artist with this masterpiece delivers an extraordinarily intimate and intense but yet POWERFUL performance. In my opinion, even though the only instrument played is the piano, its arrangement is outstandingly complex. The blues genre the Artist opted for, also could not have been more following the whole meaning and purpose of the song. Furthermore, the Artist's incredibly broad vocal techniques are perfectly accompanying the meaningful message of the song. Prince, with his ability to shift from a beautiful falsetto to an extremely low chest voice to eventually change to a powerful head voice during the last chorus, is putting into sounds magistrally and vividly a poignant lesson we are still struggling to learn.
Thank you for your attention.💜 Peace. G💜
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Bright Episode TWO, Part Two
DISCLAIMER I DONT OWN ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS EXCEPT FOR LIA. Please don't steal my work. Songs listed here are linked at the bottom. Love y'all and stay safe 😉
Back at the Molina household where the girls are studying “Sooo…” Julie starts, putting her book down and facing Lia, “When are we going to talk about the obvious?”
“What do you mean?”
“Umm…” Julie gets off her bean bag, “The fact that there are three ghosts living in my studio and the fact that they are in a band and…” Julie starts pacing around as Malia’s eyes follow her around, “these boys are literally ruining my life and oh…” She comes to a standstill in front of Malia who’s on the bed and puts her arms up, “ONE OF THEM IS YOUR DEAD BROTHER!”
Malia reaches over and puts her hand over Julie’s mouth, “First, could you be any louder? Second, yes it’s crazy that there are three boys who happen to be in a band and it's even weirder that one of them is my dead brother. Third… this is too much effort, I guess I’ll just not become a scientist…” Malia says, throwing her chemistry book away.
“Okay first off…” Julie starts as she throws Lia’s hand off her mouth, “You love chemistry and you're literally a genius, second… he’s your brother Lia! Like he’s your mentor. Literally!”
“Okay first… calm down…” Malia says, getting off the bed and grabbing her guitar case, “Second. I know that he’s my brother and it’s weird. Literally he’s the reason why I love music but he’s also the reason why I hate music like literally screw hot dogs man!”
Malia opens up the case and pulls out Luke’s guitar, “Also how’d you figure out that he was you know… the… hot dogged man?”
“Well, I have been to your house before and I have seen pictures of him before.”
“Okay… fair enough. But now what? Do I just be like… hey you what’s up dog? Guess what, a couple years after you died your parents had me and now they’re my parents and they despise me for the fact that I like music because you ran away for music but they also love me way too much and literally have a tracker installed on my phone?”
“Okay that might be too much?”
“I wanted to give him back his guitar,” Lia slowly strums a couple chords, “Figured I could tell him when I did that,” Lia’s eyes get heavy “Hot dog this sucks so much.”
Julie just gives Lia a hug.
“Okay here’s the plan,” Lia says, shaking off the tears, “I’m going to head to the studio and your going to make sandwiches and then we're gonna meet at the dining table and depending on how everything goes we're gonna talk, cry or laugh. Deal?”
Lia walking to the studio with Luke’s guitar - Lia’s perspective
I shake myself to amp myself up as I knock on the door before entering.
“Hey Boys….” I say as I see Reggie and Alex doing random things.
“Oh hey Malia,” Reggie smiles.
“Hi Reggie… um do you guys know where Luke is?”
“Yeah… he’s staring at food he can’t eat,” Alex says.
“Sick… um I just came to check in and I wanted to give this to Luke? It’s his,” I say as I walk towards the coffee table and set the case on it. Alex and Reggie crowd behind me as I pull out Luke’s minty green electric guitar.
“Wait, that is his guitar!” Reggie says, that sweet… kinda non-brainy kid.
“Yeah… she just said that,” Alex say, “So how’d you get it? And how did you know it was his?”
“Well…” I start as I close my case and set the guitar down and take a seat on the couch, “When you guys died, some of your belongings were probably sent to your families and well… this guitar was returned to his family.”
“I don’t get it,” Reggie shrugs.
“It means they’re related.” “He’s my brother.”
The boys turn to face me.
“He didn’t have a sister.” “Well he did after he died.”
“Dang that’s weird,” Reggie says, walking off.
“Well… does he know?”
“Nope. I came here to tell him but umm… he’s not here. So now imma leave this guitar here and leave and i’ll tell him tomorrow so like… don’t tell him?”
I slowly get up and walk out. I can feel the guys eyes stuck to the back of my head.
As I go to walk up the stairs Reggie suddenly pops up in front of me.
“Sorry about that,” He reaches behind to scratch his head in an awkward way, “I just wanted to let you know that it must have been hard… you know not knowing Luke but… he would have really loved you.”
“Thanks Reg… that means a lot.”
“Yeah… It’s cute.”
I slowly walk past him with a smile on my face and head back inside the house.
The next morning - At the dance where Lia is working as Tech
Flynn and Julie had just walked in. Malia had been working with the other Tech guy, Dyan, to deal with all the lights and etc. Dirty Candy started singing.
See 'em look, hear 'em "ooh-ah"
Hands up, throw back, boo yah
We're the best, no doubt
Check it out, yeah, we make 'em say "wow"
Made moves, on the rise now
Run stuff, get a piece of that pie now
We're the best, no doubt
Check it out, yeah, we make 'em say "wow"
Yeah, we're going sky high, never gonna settle
Living in the fast lane, pedal to the metal
We see it, wе want it, we get it, we got it
Evеrybody lose control
We came to play, where you at?
We're going hard, just like that, yeah
We the bomb, chain react
Blow their minds and watch them
Woah, woah, woah, woah
See 'em look, hear 'em "ooh-ah"
Hands up, throw back, boo yah
We're the best, no doubt
Check it out, yeah, we make 'em say "wow"
Made moves, on the rise now
Run stuff, get a piece of that pie now
We're the best, no doubt
Check it out, yeah, we make 'em say "wow"
Lia watches from above as the three boys pop outta nowhere and they talk to Julie. Reggie, amazed by Carrie, won’t stop looking at them.
Come follow me, we gon' make history
'Cause we are the champions like Freddie Mercury
Yeah we gonna rock you, never gonna not do
Always making headlines, yeah, we're the hot news
We came to play, where you at?
We're going hard, just like that, yeah
We the bomb, chain react
Blow their minds and watch them
See 'em look, hear 'em "ooh-ah"
Hands up, throw back, boo yah
We're the best, no doubt
Check it out, yeah, we make 'em say "wow"
Made moves, on the rise now
Run stuff, get a piece of that pie now
We're the best, no doubt
Check it out, yeah, we make 'em say "wow"
Wo-o-o-o-o-ow, wo-o-o-ow
Wo-o-o-o-o-ow, wo-o-o-ow
Wo-o-o-o-o-ow, wo-o-o-ow
Check it out, yeah, we make 'em say "wow"
Mm, yeah, we make 'em say "wow"
Ooh, yeah, yeah
They watch Alex dance until Luke slaps him across the shoulder. Lia giggles causing Dylan to give her a WTF look.
See 'em look, hear 'em "ooh-ah" (Yeah, yeah)
Hands up, throw back, boo yah (Ooh)
We're the best, no doubt (No doubt!)
Check it out, yeah, we make 'em say "wow" (Wow)
Made moves, on the rise now (Yeah)
Run stuff, get a piece of that pie now
We're the best, no doubt (We're the best, no doubt)
Check it out, yeah, we make 'em say "wow"
“Thank you… thank you,” Carrie says, “Oh and make sure you don’t forget to check out my new youtube video! Oh and go Bobcats!”
“Alright… thats it I can clean up here,” Lia says, shooing Dylan away.
Julie gets pumped up by the band. Lia watches from above as Julie makes her way to the stage and sits at the piano. She realizes what's happening and turns on the mic. Julie starts playing the piano causing Dylan to Look at Lia, “I thought we were done?”
Julie starts playing a tune.
Sometimes I think I'm falling down
“This was a last minute edition?” Lia replies, turning on the spotlight.
I wanna cry, I'm calling out
For one more try to feel alive
And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark and find the spark
The crowd slowly starts to slow as Flynn and the boys watch Julie
Life is a risk, but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together, I think that we can make it
C'mon let's run
Suddenly the boys pop up on the stage with Julie
“How did that…”
“Holograms dylan, holograms.”
And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever
And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever
“Is this really happening?”
“Just go with it.”
In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed somе help
Stuck in my head with nothing left
I feel somеthing around me now
So unclear, lifting me out
I found the ground I'm marching on
Flynn watches in confusion - Julie never said anything about a band?
Life is a risk, but we will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together, I think that we can make it
C'mon let's run
And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever
And rise through the night, you and I
We will fight to shine together, bright forever
In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head with nothing left
And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark and find the spark
Julie walks through Luke causing the crowd to scream
And rise (rise) through the night (throught the night), you and I (you and I)
We will fight to shine together (we will shine together) bright forever (bright forever)
And rise (rise) through the night (throught the night), you and I (you and I)
We will fight to shine together (we will shine together), bright forever
The students continue to cheer
Carrie looks mad, Ms. Harrison looks proud, the boys flash away and Julie looks scared.
Wow. By Dirty Candy
Bright. By Julie - and the phantoms 
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TGIF by @evenshands​
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blind-their-eyes · 4 years
Edge of Great
Pairing: Julie Molina & Luke Patterson (Julie and the Phantoms)
Words: 2,843
(I wrote this in 3 hours, reread it 3 times to edit it, there might be mistakes as it is currently 2 am for me :P)
Read on ao3!
Don’t ask me how many times I’ve rewatched this scene, because I will not be able to tell you. This is my favorite performance in the show, Stand Tall coming up really close behind it, but I think it’s my favorite due to Luke fighting for Julie’s attention. (It’s a real shame they didn’t add in the guitar riff/solo for this song in the soundtrack :c) Also! This is the first time I’m writing something JatP related, I hope you enjoy it! ! Also tagging @dance-dreamer​ cause they asked to be tagged when I posted it! (here you go friend, its finished!) 
     Julie was nervously pacing behind the closed garage doors, waiting for Flynn to announce the band. Ray had “booked” the band a gig (and by booked, he called Flynn and had her invite a bunch of people over to their house to perform) to repay for what happened with the manager at the café a few days back. Flynn’s voice echoed around the front of the Molina’s garage from her place in the crowd, and everyone cheered in excitement.
     “What’s up everybody! Time to put your hands up, do a little dance yup! Here’s the new anthem, from Julie and the Phantoms.”
    The garage doors open (thanks to Carlos and a friend of his) and Julie comes out smiling, her hands moving from her hips to in front of her chest as she clasps them together. She felt amazing in her outfit, Flynn had helped glue the butterflies to her white crop-top and shoes a few hours before the show, which she had paired nicely with some black and white cargo pants. She looks over the crowd for a second before taking a seat on the piano bench.
     “Thanks for coming, everyone!” she says into the mic, the applause having yet to stop. Her eyes are on Flynn for a few seconds before she takes a deep breath and readies her hands on the piano. Watching her hands, she begins to play. 
“Runnin’ from the past,
Trippin’ on the now,
What is lost can be found, it’s obvious.”
     She looks up at the crowd momentarily, a smile on her face from the reaction she’s gotten so far. She knows that soon enough, everyone will be dancing, and she will be too, but she has to keep her eyes off of Luke. Even after her talk with Flynn about her feelings for the guitarist, she still had feelings for Nick as well. He was here, and she didn’t want him to get the impression that something was going on between the two bandmates. Yes, there was some chemistry between her and Luke, but Julie tried to convince herself that it was only the music that was driving her to be that intimate during their performances. Especially during “Finally Free”. (also, had she mistaken the way Luke had looked at her that night while he was singing the chorus back to her?)
“And like a rubber ball,
We come bouncing back,
We all got a second act inside of us…”
     The band kicks in, Julie is smiling bigger than before as they appear. She stands from the piano and takes her mic off it’s stand and pushes it away from her on the beat. She makes her way in between both Luke and Reggie, right in front of Alex’s drums. She’s dancing and feeling the music, the weight of the lyrics, with a bright smile on her face. Luke looks over at her with a lovesick smile on his face, all of the boys are slightly bouncing to the beat of the music.
“I believe,
I believe that we’re just one dream,
Away from who we’re meant to be,
That we’re standing on the edge of,”
     She turns to Reggie and starts to dance with him as she sings, Flynn’s word’s in the back of her head. “... The key is avoiding those big, beautiful, dead eyes.” If she just followed her best friend's words, she could convince (herself) Flynn that her feelings for Luke were just from the music and the heat of the moment. She could get through this performance without looking at the cute boy.
“Something big, something crazy,
Our best is yet unknown,
That this moment is ours to own,
‘Cause we’re standing on the edge of great!
(on the edge of great)
(on the edge of great!)
(on the edge of great!)
‘Cause we’re standing on the edge of….
     Reggie and Julie look back at Alex, who is smiling at them both. Luke leans in towards Julie as she makes her way back to the middle of him and Reggie, but Julie pays him no mind as they echo the last line back to her. A look of confusion crosses over his face before he flashes a smile at the crowd while singing along. Why didn’t she want to sing with me? Maybe she didn’t see me… A few thoughts run through his head at why she didn’t come over to him, and Julie finishes the first chorus. As she sings the last line, she turns to Reggie once again, and Luke starts the second verse, the crowd cheering as he comes in.
“We all make mistakes,
But they’re just stepping stones,
To take us where we wanna go,
It's never straight, no.”
     Luke’s smile fades a bit when he looks from the crowd over to Julie. She’s dancing with Reggie and Alex once again. Did I do something wrong again? Why doesn’t she want to come over to me… His thoughts are answered when he gestures with his head for her to come over to him as she steps away from the other two and she blatantly ignores him, facing the crowd again instead.
“Sometimes we gotta lean,
Lean on someone else,
To get a little help,
Until we find a way!”
     As Julie joins in the second half of the verse, Luke’s face falls from a happy one to a more upset one. He clearly did something to upset Julie, but he couldn’t think of what he did. Julie, however, was trying her best to stay away from the boy and was extremely proud of herself for how well she was doing. Julie looks over to Reggie again before starting pre-chorus.
“I believe!
I believe that we’re just one dream,
Away from who we’re meant to be,
That we’re standing on the edge of,”
     Julie makes her way to the front of the piano, closer to the crowd as she moves with the music, dancing with every step. Reggie makes his way over to Luke, giving him a glance before looking over at Julie. He knows something is up between the two, he’s seen them ooze chemistry while on stage together. He raises an eyebrow towards Julie’s back as she sings. He’s honestly really glad to have jammed out with Julie, but she was clearly avoiding Luke tonight, and he might know the reason why. Luke’s eyes flash with a bit of jealousy when Reggie approaches, but he quickly hides it with confusion as he looks back over to Julie. 
“Something big, something crazy,
Our best is yet unknown,
That this moment is ours to own,
‘Cause we’re standing on the edge of great!
(on the edge of great)
(on the edge of great!)
(on the edge of great!)
‘Cause we’re standing on the edge of-”
     Julie reaches her hand out towards Flynn, who is happily jamming along with the rest of the crowd. The boys all join in during the chorus, and Luke looks at her again with a loving longing expression. Julie starts making her way back around the other side of the piano, stepping up on the bench, getting ready to climb on top of it for the bridge of the song.
“Shout, Shout!
Come on and let it out, out!
Don’t gotta hide it,
Let your colors blind their eyes,
Be who you are, don’t compromise!”
     Julie slides across the piano and sits on the edge closest to the crowd, belting out the words, tossing her head back as she feels the music run through her. The crowd echoes the “Out’s” as she and the band sing them and she’s feeling good. The song’s almost over, and she hasn’t had a single moment with Luke. That last thought hurt a bit more than it probably should have, but again, she was sticking to the plan!
“Shout, Shout!
Come on and let it out, out!
What doesn’t kill you makes you feel alive…”
     Again, the crowd echoes the lyrics, but this time they include the “Shout’s” as well. Julie is crouching on the piano now, on one knee, ready to stand at any moment, ready for her solo. What she wasn’t expecting was for Luke to come in with his guitar, and for him to walk over to the piano beside her. She goes with it, of course, her eyes drawn to him immediately. Her voice is as soft as can be as she sings, and Luke feels as if she’s finally singing to him. 
“Ooh-oh, I believe
I believe that we’re just one dream,
Away from what we’re meant to be,
That we’re standing on the edge of great!”
     As Luke plays along with her, he is smiling softly, hoping to finally grab her attention. She looks into his eyes as he approaches, his confusion fading as she leans in a bit towards him, smiling a bit bigger, scrunching up her nose at him, and Luke can feel his heart-melting as he gives her a lovesick smile of his own. After avoiding him so much, she finally had her moment with Luke, and it might’ve blown the plan over completely. And to be honest, she didn’t really care. The way she felt when he had looked at her was as if she was looking straight into his heart, and it was as if his heart was beating just for her. She didn’t know if he had a heartbeat anymore, being a ghost and all, but what she did know is that it felt real. That one little moment, whatever they had together, it seemed real, and the way it made her feel was almost indescribable. And with all those feelings, she belts out the rest of the chorus.
“(something big, something crazy,
Our best is yet unknown!)
That this moment is ours to own!
‘Cause we’re standing on the edge of great!
(great, on the edge of great!)
On the edge of great!
(great, on the edge of great!)
On the edge!
(great on the edge of great!)
(Standing) on the edge of!”
     Julie slides off the piano and walks back around to the bench, putting her mic back on its stand before taking a seat. Reggie and Alex give each other a knowing look as Luke walks over to Julie, and the two poof out, causing the audience to gasp at the sudden loss of the bassist and drummer. Luke is face to face with Julie, and he slides onto the bench next to her. Their shoulders would’ve been touching if he was human. A small gasp leaves Julie’s lips as she notices him, and she backs up a bit from the mic to give him room.
“Runnin’ from the past,
Trippin’ on the now,
What is lost can be found, it’s obvious.”
     Julie watches as Luke’s eyes drift from her own to her lips, and she can feel the heat rising on her cheeks. The way he had been looking at her before, during the solo, suddenly had been amplified by 10,000% (maybe it was because he was closer now?). She can’t fight off the smile on her face as she sings to him, and he doesn’t try to hide his lovesick smile anymore. He knows he’s got it bad for her, and he doesn’t care if anyone else is watching. He doesn’t care if anyone else is watching anymore because he knows that he’s stolen her heart as well. 
     As Luke poofs out, Julie is still looking into his eyes, and the crowd cheering is the only thing that snaps her out of the moment. She looks around with a smile on her face and chuckles a bit embarrassed about her (what felt like a private) moment being shared with so many people. She stands and clasps her hands in front of her again, nodding towards the crowd in thanks. 
     “Thank you! That was “Edge of Great”. We’re Julie and the Phantoms, tell your friends!” Julie waves to the crowd, her smile unshaken as she gives a small bow. The crowd's cheers don’t stop for a few minutes, and Flynn runs up to Julie and throws her arms around Julie’s shoulders, giving her a big hug.
     “Jules, that was AMAZING!! Even better than all the rehearsals!” Flynn gushed to her best friend, who was still blushing. 
     “Thanks, Flynn. And thank you for getting the word out so fast! I didn’t expect so many people to show up for a house party.” Julie lets Flynn out of their embrace, tucking a piece of loose hair behind her ear. 
     “Nick is here! Do you want to go chat with him?” Flynn raises her eyebrows at her bestie, giving her a knowing look, and Julie sighs and shakes her head.
     “I should probably talk with some of the other people that came, not just Nick,” She scans the crowd, looking for the redhead boy. “Plus, he might’ve already left, I don’t see him anywhere.” Julie points out to her friend.
    “Alright, alright, fine. But if you see him, you need to talk to him.” She says, pointing her index finger towards her friend as if to scold her. Julie just laughs and wraps her own index finger around Flynn’s as she lets her best friend lead her through the crowd.
     The boys' poof to the beach, seeing as the garage doors are wide open still, they didn’t exactly have a safe place to ghost around with no one watching. They had agreed to meet here once the show was over so they could all be together and talk about the performance. Reggie and Alex are the first to arrive, of course, seeing as Luke stayed behind with his crush to finish the song. 
     “Did you see that Julie was literally avoiding Luke during the whole song? What was up with that?” Reggie questions, a semi-confused look on his face. “Did she not want to have her signature Juke moment on stage? That doesn’t make any sense.” Reggie continues, kicking up some sand.
     “Juke?” Alex questions back.
     “Oh, Julie and Luke - their names mashed together.” He holds up both of his hands, motioning to either one when he says the two names, then bringing his hands together as if to put something together. “It was either Juke or Lulie and I think Juke sounds better.” Reggie explains, dropping his hands. 
     “Oh. Alright. And yeah, Julie did seem to be avoiding Luke all night, but boy, did he chase after her alright.” Alex nudges Reggie's side with his elbow, a grin on his face. “He’s got it for her, BAD.”
    As if on cue, Luke poofs in next to the boys, his lovesick smile not faltering. Alex gives him a clap on the back as Reggie gives him a smug look, folding his arms over his chest.
     “I got more stage time with Julie, how does that make you feel, Lukey?” He says, rubbing in the fact that he got to jam out with Julie twice during their performance tonight. 
     “Hey, Reg, I got to jam with Julie too-” Alex is cut off as Luke frowns and through a flash of jealousy, he fires back a response towards Reggie.
     “Oh yeah, well what about that riff, huh?” He dares Reggie to say anything else about sharing a moment with Julie. He knows he shouldn’t be jealous of his best friend, but the high of singing with Julie hasn’t gone down yet, he’s amped up. 
     “That was just you being a simp, Luke.” Alex calmly responds, removing his hand from the back of Luke’s shoulder. The boys go from looking at each other (Reggie smugly, Luke annoyed,) to looking at Alex with the utmost bewildered looks on their faces.
     “A what?” Luke asks as calmly as he can, his eyes squinting as he folds his arms over his chest defensively. Reggie is struggling to back laughter at this new funny word.
     “You heard me, a simp.” Alex said, a small blush on his cheeks.
     “You have no idea what that word means, do you?” Reggie says, giggling a bit.
     “Well, sorta, but I’m not gonna tell you what it means. Figure it out for yourself.” Alex says, slightly embarrassed. He poofs back to the studio to see Ray, Flynn, Carlos and Julie pushing the piano back to its original place. He steps out of the way politely as Julie looks up, catching his eye.
     “I’m gonna ask Julie what that means!” Reggie says quickly, poofing back before Luke can tell him otherwise. 
Suddenly, Luke is left alone at the beach, and his heart is full and a smile is on his face. He’s happier than he has been in a long time. Just as Luke is about to poof back home, he’s hit with another painful jolt. He clutches his chest in hopes to ease the pain, and he can only hope that the guys weren’t in Julie’s view when it happened. His only thought on his mind when he gets back into the studio is “time to write another song.”
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hsmtmts-fangir1 · 5 years
Scared of Happy part 1 (Ricky Bowen x Reader)
Requests are welcome.
Masterlist / Prompts
PART 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
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Y/N was best friend with Ricky and Big Red ever since they all were little. Y/N was always in one of the guys’ house. Since life at home wasn’t all good. Y/N’s mom was always trying to make money from Y/N’s dad.  Always telling Y/N to call her dad and ask for money. Most of the money that her dad sents. She doesn’t see it. Both Ricky and Red knows from the get-go. They could see it and their parents see it. 
Y/N rarely talks about it with anyone. The only one that really knows about Y/N complete and fully is Ricky and Red. They were the only ones that she trusts. There are many times that Y/N have run to their houses just to escape her house. Most of the time was Ricky’s since he understood a bit better than Red. Slowly Y/N started to catch feelings for Ricky but she wasn’t about to jeopardize their friendship. 
Even with her feelings towards Ricky. Y/N still dated once. His name was Julio. He was a perfect match for Y/N in Ricky’s eyes. He cared about her very deeply. He would tell Ricky and Red that he would take care of Y/N when they went on dates. What they didn't know was that Julio was very abusive towards Y/N. He would hit her and threatened her. It wasn't until one night that Ricky and Red went out and saw Julio and Y/N. They looked like they were arguing. It wasn't until Julio raises his hand and slap Y/N across the face that Ricky and Red ran towards them. ”YOU BETTER NOT EVER HIT Y/N AGAIN.” Ricky whispers lowly pulling Julio against a wall. Red took Y/N to Ricky’s car. ”Whatever. This wasn't the first time anyways .” Julio pushed Ricky away and started to walk away. Ricky grabs his shoulder to turn around and punch him across his face. After that, both Ricky and Red were overprotective of Y/N. 
When Ricky and Nini got together. Y/N was quite upset and it didn’t bother as much since she has never seen Ricky be happy as he was when he was with Nini. So she just supports them as best as she can, that continued for almost a year until one night. Y/N got a text from Ricky to him in Big Red house. She quickly goes over to Big Red. When she got there she finds Ricky already in front of the house looking nervous. 
”Hey what's up?” Y/N asked confused thinking that Ricky would go inside. ”Nini told me she loves me” Ricky confessed with teary eyes. ”Alright but why are you in tears?” Y/N asked once again confused. ”After she told me that. I suggest for us to take a break” Ricky looked at Y/N for some kind of reaction. ”Why?”  ”I'm scared” Ricky finally let some tears out. Y/N just sighed and hugged Ricky. He quickly wrapped his arm around her shoulder letting the rest of the tears out. ”You should talk with her. Tell her that. I know she would understand. ” Y/N suggested pulling back from the hug. ”I will just wait until we go back to school. She leaves for camp tomorrow morning” Ricky replied looking down. ”You need to talk to her NOW,” Y/N said, crossing her arms. ” I can't. Let's just go back to my house and watch some funny movies. ” Ricky pouts making puppy eyes. ”Fine” Y/N gave in and started to walk towards Ricky’s house. 
Sadly when school came around. Nini already found a new boyfriend and official broke up with Ricky. ”What do I do now?” Ricky whispers underneath his breath. ”Nini is auditing for the musical. You should audition for it too. Red and I could back you up. ” Y/N suggested. ”You're right.” Ricky nods smiling. 
But that didn't go well since Nini stayed with EJ. Something did change. The way Ricky looks at Y/N. He realized that he might have a crush on her. He notices how Y/N would be very gentle with everyone. She was friends with almost everyone. She was the first one to welcome Gina into East High. Making Gina become closer to Ricky and Red as well. “So are you going to tell her or leave her in the dark?” Gina asked sitting next to Ricky. “I’m sorry?” Ricky asked confused. “Are you going to tell Y/N that you have a crush on her?” Gina repeat again. “How do you-” Ricky start making Gina sighed and look towards Y/N, who was helping Carlos make up some choreography for the musical. Gina looks at Ricky staring at Y/N smiling. “Everyone can see it. Maybe not Y/N but everyone else can. You should go for it.” Gina suggests smiling at Ricky, who was blushing. 
Ricky did go for it and unshocked to the rest. Y/N liked Ricky back and started to date. They both couldn’t be happier. “So have you talked with your dad?” Ricky asked looking at Y/N. They were in his house on the couch. “Not really.” Y/N replied as Ricky lay his head on her lap. “When was the last time you talked with him?” Ricky asked taking Y/N’s hand and playing with her fingers. “Two weeks ago.” Y/N replied smiling at Ricky being gentle with her hands. “You should text him or call him,” Ricky suggests kissing her palm. “I don’t know Ricky.” Y/N said nervously. “Come on. Try right now.” Ricky exclaimed sitting up and grabbing Y/N’s phone and hand it to her. “Ricky you know that he never answer me.” Y/N whispered. “Hey, It’s fine. I’m here. If he doesn’t pick up then we can move on. Okay?” Ricky comfort holding Y/N’s hand and kiss it. “Alright.” Y/N nod and started to dial her dad’s number. It started to ring and surprisingly, there was an answer. “Hey” Y/N’s dad’s voice came through. “Hey, dad.” Y/N replied looking at Ricky, who was smiling and jumping around in excitement. After that Y/N became more close to her dad. Of course, Ricky was walking on air knowing Y/N has a better relationship with her dad.  
Y/N was helping Ashlyn write a ballet for her character. “I can’t get the second verse of this,” Ashlyn complains making Y/N giggle. “Here let me take this home and make some ideas. Okay?” Y/N suggests. “Thank you.” Ashlyn smile and hugs Y/N. The next day, Ricky and Nini were practicing their lines. “Remember in kindergarten how you'd meet a kid and know nothing about them, then ten seconds later you play like you're best friends because you didn't have to
be anything but yourself,” Nini recites smiling. “Yeah,” Ricky nod. “Singing with you felt like that” Nini replied looking at Ricky. “Well, uh... l never thought about singing, That's for sure, Till you,” Ricky spoke going closer to Nini. “So you really wanna do the callbacks?” Nini questions staring into Ricky’s eyes. “Hey, just call me freaky callback boy,” Ricky joked “You're a cool guy, Troy, But not for the reasons your friends think, And thanks for showing me your top-secret hiding place, Like kindergarten,” Nini smile. They both just stay there staring at each other. Suddenly both of them lean in and started to kiss. 
“What the hell.” They both heard EJ standing behind them and pull away. “EJ,” Nini spoke shocked. “Wow.” EJ let out in shock not expecting Nini and Ricky to be kissing. They stay in silent for a while until Y/N came out. “Hey what’s taking long. Miss. Jenn already wants us to inside.“ Y/N spoke staring at the three of them. They just stay put not moving an inch. “What’s going on?” Y/N asked staring at EJ just glaring at Nini and Ricky. “Tell her Ricky,” EJ commanded. “EJ come on,” Nini begged. “NO. TELL HER.” EJ shouted. “Tell me what?” Y/N asked looking at EJ. “They kissed Y/N. On purpose, no stage directions.” EJ answer staring at Nini and Ricky. They all stay silent not knowing what to do. Many thoughts going through all their minds. “Guys, what’s taking long?” Ashlyn came out. Ashlyn walked up to Y/N. “Miss. Jenn wants us all to go in. Y/N, we need to perform our song.” Ashlyn looks at Y/N. “Oh yeah.” Y/N nod and started to walk inside. Nini, Ricky, and EJ walk inside and sitting down. 
“Now that everyone is here. Ashlyn and Y/N is going to perform the ballet for Ms. Darbus.” Miss. Jenn spoke sitting down. Ashlyn and Y/N sat down on the piano bench. “You ready?” Ashlyn whispers to Y/N, who just nods and weakly smiles. Ashlyn started 
“Seems like a part of me will always have to lose
Every single time I have to choose
Swore that it felt right, but was I wrong?
Is this where I'm supposed to be at all?
I don’t have the answers, not today
It's like nothing makes the questions go away
What I'd give to see if the grass was greener
On the other side of all I’ve had and lost
Would it be enough or would I still be wondering?”
If I could go back and change the past
Be a little braver than I had
And bet against the odds
Would I still be lost?
Even if I woke up in my dreams
Would there still be something I'm missing?
If I had everything, would it mean anything to me?
Y/N picked up. 
“Feels like I might have broke the best thing that I had
I said too much to ever take it back
Scared I'll never find something as good
And would I even know it if I could?”
Ashlyn joins Y/N smiling and nudging her. 
“On the other side of all, I've had and lost
Would it be enough or would I still be wondering?
(Or would I still be wondering, oh)
If I could go back and change the past
Be a little braver than I had
And bet against the odds
Would I still be lost?
Even if I woke up in my dreams
Would there still be something I'm missing?
If I had everything, would it mean anything?
Maybe I should turn around and take the other road
Or maybe I'm just lookin' for what I already know
I'm just wondering
If I could go back and change the past
Be a little braver than I had
And bet against the odds
Would I still be lost?
Even if I woke up in my dreams
Would there still be something I’m missing
If I had everything, would it mean anything to me?”
Ashlyn finish by herself
“Would it be enough?
Or would I still be wondering?”
Everyone started to clap and cheering. Y/N made eye contact with Ricky, who had tears in his eyes. The eye contact was broken off with Gina running up to Y/N and hug her. 
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thewidowsghost · 4 years
Chapter 10 - (Y/n), Julie and the Phantoms
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3rd Person POV
A little while later, the four are practicing, Luke and Reggie on bass, Julie on the piano, and (Y/n) on the drums until Alex gets back.
"One more time," Luke says, wanting to get the melody down.
"Oh, hey, Alex," Reggie says as the drummer walks through the door.
"Where have you been?" asks Luke. "We need to start practicing."
"Yeah?" Alex asks, catching the set of drumsticks (Y/n) throws his way as she walks to grab her light blue and white bass. "For what?"
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At that moment, Flynn opens the door, and she and Natasha walk in as (Y/n) hooks her bass up to one of the amps.
"Dance news!" Flynn says excitedly. "I don't have a date."
"Me neither," Natasha says. "The person I wanted to ask is a little occupied. But I don't care cause I'm so psyched to see you guys perform."
"Oh man! We're playing a dance?" Alex asks.
"Of course, dude," Luke answers. "That's how we get a following nowadays.
"Yeah, get with the program, Alex," Julie chuckles.
"What?" Flynn exclaims. "The guys are here? Hey guys!" Flynn waves in the complete wrong direction.
"They're over here," (Y/n) says.
"Oh," Flynn waves again, turning the other way, and the three ghosts wave back.
"Okay, well, now that Alex has graced us with his presence," Luke says, "can we start working?"
"Yes!" Julie says.
"We're gonna rehearse," (Y/n) says, turning to Natasha and Flynn. "Wanna stick around?"
"We're supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance, but this sounds way better," Natasha says and (Y/n) laughs.
"Hey, Julie," Carlos barges in the studio. "Remember those orbs in Dad's pictures?" He walks straight through Alex. "I . . . I think they're ghosts. But don't worry. This room is . . . is . . . This room is clean. I'm not getting the ghost tinglies."
"Wrong again, little dude," Reggie says, smiling at the young boy's antics.
"Have no fear. If they come back, I will protect you," Carlos promises, "because I am the man of the house."
"Aren't you forgetting your dad?" (Y/n) asks, amusement evident in her (E/c) eyes.
"There can be two," Carlos crosses his arms. "Dad needs all the help he can get, right? According to teh internet, salt burns their souls out."
Carlos pulls out a plastic container full of salt. "A little sprinkle will keep them from ever coming in here."
Carlos sprinkles the salt in front of Reggie and Luke, but some of it actually hits Alex. "No!" Alex cries, grabbing his stomach. "Oh God, I'm . . . I'm fine. I'm fine. Totally fine."
Julie clears her throat, looking at Flynn.
"Carlos, you know who's hungry?" Flynn asks. "Me. Um, salt me a path to the kitchen."
"Shall we try this again?" Julie asks as Natasha sits down in a chair beside the piano, and Alex sits down behind his drumset.
"But remind us later," Luke says. "There's some Sunset Curve songs to show you."
"Ooh! Show me now," Julie says.
'Yeah, okay," Luke walks over and pulls out his journal. "Home is where my horse is? Reggie, stop putting your country songs in my journal."
"That was a gift," (Y/n) says with a grin, sitting down beside Julie on the stool behind the keyboard, her bass slung over her back.
"Thanks," Luke hits her gently with his journal. "I dog-eared the ones I thought you would slay," he tells Julie.
Julie begins flipping through the journal until she gets to a non-dog-eared page. "Who's Emily?" she asks.
Luke reaches for the journal, "That one's not dog-eared."
"If you could only know, I never let you go," Julie reads off the page. Julie chuckles, "Wow, Luke, I didn't know you were such a romantic."
"He's not," Alex says, stepping around his drumset to stand beside Luke. "That one's actually about -"
Luke cuts him off, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder, "- no one. Uh, that's just something that I tried, and . . ." Luke reaches for the journal again. "But if you go to the next dog-eared page, I got a tune that's just . . . It's got a killer beat."
Luke begins to pluck some of the strings on his base.
"So you wanna sample?" (Y/n) says.
"What do you mean, sample?" Luke asks questioningly.
"Sample someone else's music," Julie clarifies.
"Me and my mom used to sing that song at the top of our lungs all the time," (Y/n) adds and Julie nods in agreement.
"It's a classic Trevor Wilson song," Julie tells the ghosts.
"Nope," Luke says, grabbing the journal off the keyboard. "It's a classic our song."
"Pure Sunset Curve," Reggie says. "Never even heard of Trevor Wilson."
"Maybe you're mixing it up, you know, with another song," Alex wonders.
"We don't mix up songs," (Y/n) tells Alex.
"Trust us," Julie adds.
"Me, (Y/n), and his daughter used to be best friends," Julie tells her and Natasha shoots (Y/n) and Julie an incredulous look.
"We used to hang out at their place all the time," (Y/n) admits, a hint of disgust in her voice. "We know that song."
"Okay," Alex says, sparing a glance at his fellow ghosts.
"Here," Julie pulls out her laptop, "I'll prove it."
"His first album had a bunch of hits, but non e of his latest stuff is as good," (Y/n) says as Julie turns around the laptop.
"That's Bobby," Luke says after a closer look at the screen.
"Seriously, I just told you his name is Trevor," Julie says in exasperation.
"Okay, great. Then . . . Then he changed it, all right?" Alex argues, studying the screen again. "That's definitely Bobby. He was our rhythm guitarist."
"Trevor Wilson was in your band?" Julie scoffs.
"I can't get over how old he looks," Reggie says and (Y/n) laughs.
"He looks like a substitute teacher," Alex says disdainfully.
"Julie," Luke looks at the girl. "What were his other hits?"
"Get Lost," (Y/n) says.
"Yeah, I wrote that one too," Luke says, pulling his guitar off his back.
"Long Weekend?" Julie offers.
"Yeah, Luke wrote that one too," Reggie says.
"Crooked Teeth?" Natasha offers.
"And that," Alex confirms. "It was about Reggie."
"What?" Reggie exclaims. "I thought it was about you! I don't like that song anymore," he grumbles, turning away.
"Wait," Julie pauses for a moment. "This is . . . freaking me out. Trevor's songs are kind of big to me. He's the one that introduced us to rock."
"Yeah," Alex laughs bitterly. "Luke introduced you to rock."
"So this whole time, we thought you were connected to Julie's mom, but instead you're connected to Carrie's dad?" (Y/n) asks and Alex sighs.
Reggie looks up from his seat.
"Out of all people, it had to be the one girl who had it out for me," Julie complains.
"All right, well, add it to our list of questions," Alex says.
"There's quite a few," Natasha says and everyone looks at her.
"Wait, she can see us?" Reggie asks and Natasha nods.
(Y/n) flashes a questioning look at Natasha and the redhead mouths, Tell you later.
"Back when Carrie, (Y/n), and I were still friends, the four of us used to talk about music all the time," Julie begins.
"He never mentioned you guys," (Y/n) finishes, a note of apology in her tone.
"And that's unbelievable!" Luke shouts and Natasha shifts unknowingly closer to (Y/n) in her chair. "Okay, he can take all the credit and he doesn't even mention us?"
"And he's rich," Julie adds. "He has his own helicopter."
"He has . . . He has a . . . a helicopter?" Alex asks.
"With his face on it," Natasha says disdainfully.
"And he parks it in front of that hotel?" Reggie asks.
"No, he parks it in front of his mansion," (Y/n) tells them.
"Mansion?" Reggie asks in disbelief.
"Dude," Alex turns to Luke. "We live in a garage."
"It's not about the money!" Luke says angrily. "It's about the music!"
"It's a little bit about the money though!" Reggie retorts.
"A little bit about the money," Alex agrees with his dark haired band-mate.
"He could have shared it with our families," Reggie points out.
"He's not really the giving type," (Y/n) mutters bitterly.
"Maybe then, my parents wouldn't have their house turned into a bike shack," Reggie continues.
"What his did is steal our legacy," Luke tells his ghostly friends. "Where does he live?" Luke asks angrily.
"Above the beach in Malibu," Julie admits after a moment's pause.
Luke reaches down and grabs his jacket, "Let's go teach him a lesson."
"Wait. What? Guys!" (Y/n) exclaims.
"We have to rehearse for the dance! This is our first gig!" Julie tells them, but the ghosts teleport away and Julie sighs.
"Okay then," Natasha says and (Y/n) nods in agreement, turning to Julie.
"I have a feeling that this isn't going to end well," (Y/n) tells her. "You and Flynn go track them down. I've got something I need to work on."
Julie shoots a glance at her friend before nodding. Julie runs out the door, leaving (Y/n) and Natasha in the empty studio.
Word Count: 1523 words
So yes, Nat can see our Phantoms . . . Imma explain it in the next chapter.
         Kaitlynn 😍❤️
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myforeverforlife · 4 years
new beginnings, new surprises.
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For @bloopbloopkai​! Single Dad Yixing and 42. “For the hundredth time, I’m not your babysitter.” + 91. “Scoot over a little bit, please.”
Pairing: Yixing x Fem reader
Word Count: 3,294
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Recently, you'd been looking for another job to supplement your stint as a fitness instructor. You loved your schedule, but you also felt like you still had too much idle time. Plus, paying for rent was more difficult ever since your roommate moved out. The hard part was finding a job that wouldn't infringe on your hours at the fitness studio. Most job openings wanted you either early in the mornings, or at night: the same hours that you taught classes. 
But your friend Jongin, another instructor, had found you a promising job.
"My friend's been looking for a babysitter for a while. She's a great kid, you'll love her." 
"I don't know, Jongin." You rubbed the back of your neck worriedly. "I don't have a lot of experience with kids." 
"Can you hold a conversation?"
"Uh... sure? I guess?"
"Do you know anything about the Frozen movies?"
You thought back to your day at the movies with Chanyeol, both of you blasting the soundtrack in the car on the way home. "I know a good amount."
"Then you're perfect for the job! I really think you can do this, Y/N. You teach adults, how different can it be?"
"They're adults, Jongin, not a... how old is this kid?"
Jongin squinted, looking up as he thought. "Six?" 
"Six?!" You slumped against the floor of the empty fitness room, back hitting the mirror behind you. "I don't think I've talked to a kid since I was one."
Your friend squatted beside you, a pout on his lips as he thought of how to cheer you up. "Hey, if I can take care of her, you can too." 
"You have a niece and nephew, Jongin. You easily have more experience than me." 
"Okay, then how about this — try it out for one day, and I'll be there to help? Just so you get a feel for if you want to do this or not." 
"Your friend would be okay with letting a stranger play with their kid for a day?"
Jongin shrugged. "I can vouch for you! He'll trust you because he trusts me, Y/N. Promise." 
You sighed, stretching your legs out in front of you. One day as a test trial didn't seem too bad... "Okay. But you promise to be there for the entire time that day?"
Jongin nodded emphatically, bangs flopping against his forehead. "Yixing and Xinyue are going to love you, I know it."
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You weren't sure what you were expecting, but it certainly wasn't this. 
Jongin greeted his friend with a hug, both men all smiles and laughter. You innocently looked over Jongin's friend, eyes lingering on his deep-set dimples and the sleeve of tattoos decorating his left arm. Some of them appeared to be an arrangement of flowers, delicate petals in pastel hues dancing across his skin. A larger piece curled up his arm until it disappeared under his sleeve. He also had soft, tousled black hair that almost seemed curly. Upon first glance, he couldn't be much older than you. Jongin didn't tell you that his friend was this attractive.
"Y/N, this is Yixing." 
You flinched, gaze immediately jumping up to Yixing's face. The man extended a hand to you, shaking it firmly when you accepted. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. Jongin told me you're a good friend of his."
"Yeah, we've been working together for a while. Um, I really appreciate this. Jongin had nothing but good things to say about you and your daughter."
"He better." Yixing chuckled, dimples reappearing and making him look even more youthful — if that was even possible. "Come in, Xinyue's just watching a movie."
"Frozen 2?" Jongin asked as you took your shoes off.
"Third time already this week." Yixing shook his head good-naturedly. "Well, at least I know what kind of birthday to throw for her this year." 
Both men burst into laughter, falling into a familiar camaraderie. You followed them into the living room, where a small girl sat on the floor only a few feet away from the TV. Her long hair was plaited into two braids, mismatched hair ties adorning each one. 
"Xinyue," Yixing called out. "You're going to hurt your eyes if you sit that close."
"I'm not," the girl countered. She turned around, the frown on her face instantly replaced with a wide grin. "Uncle Jongin!" 
Jongin crouched down with his arms open as the girl got up, braids bouncing as she came over for a big hug. He peppered her face with kisses, even as she giggled and tried to escape. 
"Jongin's going to be here today while I go work for a bit," Yixing told his daughter. "And he brought a friend too." 
Xinyue perked up at that, staring at you over Jongin's shoulder. You didn't know what else to do, so you waved. "Hi, Xinyue, I'm Y/N." 
The six-year-old looked from you to her dad. When Yixing nodded, she waved back. "Hi," she said shyly, chin resting on Jongin's shoulder. 
"You know, Y/N loves Frozen too," Jongin said in a stage-whisper.
Xinyue looked at you with more interest this time, and you nodded in agreement. "I love Olaf! Who's your favorite character?" 
"Elsa!" the girl replied immediately. "Did you see when she was riding the water horse, and when she stopped all the pink fire, and when — "
"Xinyue," Yixing interrupted, trying to hide his laughter. "You're going to run out of breath if you keep talking that fast." He leaned over to kiss her on the forehead, playfully tweaking an ear. "Why don't you go finish the movie with Jongin while I talk to Y/N? She can watch it with you in a bit."
"Okay!" Xinyue jumped up and pulled Jongin over to the couch, launching right back into her passionate rant about Frozen. 
Yixing sighed, a fond smile on his face. "I apologize in advance if it gets to be a bit much." 
"Oh no, it's no problem," you replied sincerely. "I forgot how cute kids are when they talk about the things they love." 
"Me too, but there's only so many times I can talk about Frozen," Yixing said, eliciting laughter from you. He led you over to the kitchen, where he had written down a few reminders. 
"Today's my day off, but I'm heading in for a few extra hours. One of my students had to reschedule their lesson." 
"You're a teacher?"
"Yeah, I teach kids music. I mean, during the day, I go around to different schools and drop by for an hour each. But I do one-on-one guitar and piano lessons with kids and adults on the side too." 
Your mouth fell open in surprise. "Wow, that's really amazing. I've got a lot of respect for anyone with musical talents, it's hard enough for me to just stay on key when I'm singing." 
Yixing's cheeks turned a light pink as he grinned. "I'm sure you could learn something if you ever wanted to. Most of my students start out learning the basics, and they've all been making a lot of progress. I've been doing more hours with some of them, but that also means I have less time with Xinyue." He glanced over to the living room, his daughter now singing her heart out along with the music. "She used to be in the after-school program, but she hated it so much, I felt bad. Her mom can't pick her up either, since she lives a few hours away." 
Upon hearing those words, you couldn't help but look down at Yixing's hand. No ring to be seen at all. Was he raising Xinyue by himself?
"I know you haven't agreed to anything yet," Yixing continued. "But I'm honestly so thankful that you're here today, that you're considering helping us out. I think Xinyue likes you already."
"I'm glad, I like her too." 
A look of relief came over Yixing's face, the man nodding to himself before pulling his reminders over. "I should be home in time for dinner, but if she gets hungry, she's free to any of the snacks in here. But, she can't have too much, especially if it's candy. She doesn't have any allergies, but she avoids tomatoes like she's allergic to them." Yixing shook his head with a smile. "Here's my phone number, and just in case I'm not answering and it's an emergency, here's her mom's number." 
You took the list of reminders when Yixing offered it to you, reading over everything one more time. "What about homework?"
"We just finished it before you guys came. It's really not that time consuming, the hardest part is just getting Xinyue to finish it all before playing," he said with a grin.
After both of you went over any remaining questions, Yixing went to say goodbye to his daughter. "I'll be out for a bit, Xinyue. We'll eat dinner when I get back."
"Okay, Papa." Xinyue kissed her dad on the cheek before turning her attention back to the movie. 
"I'll see you guys later. Thanks again, Y/N." 
"No problem!" You watched as Yixing put his shoes on, giving you a final wave before he walked out the door with his bag and guitar case. 
You went to join the others on the couch, both of them taking up most of the space as they sprawled over it. "Could you two scoot over a little bit, please?" 
Jongin and Xinyue immediately moved over, leaving enough space for you to sit on Xinyue's other side. "What's happening now?" you asked her.
"The rock giants are chasing Anna," the girl whispered back to you. 
"Ooh, this part always scares me." 
"It's not real!" Xinyue giggled, and laid a hand on your arm. 
"Still," you pretended to be afraid. "Will you keep us safe?" 
"Yes!" The girl leaped up off the couch, pretending to be Elsa as she ran around the room, you and Jongin watching in amusement.
After the movie, you made a few sandwiches for the three of you to snack on. Xinyue had talked your ear off about what she did with her friends during recess, and how one of her best friends even saw Elsa and Anna at Disneyland. When you asked her what she liked to play at home, Xinyue literally pulled you over to her room, showing you her dolls — Frozen, of course. 
"Who do you wanna be?" she asked. 
Judging by your conversation earlier and how Xinyue was practically glued to the screen every time Elsa appeared, you knew who not to pick. "I want to be Anna!"
Xinyue beamed, holding the doll out to you. "Okay! You can be Anna, and I'll be Elsa!" She glanced over at Jongin, who had followed the two of you. "Uncle Jongin, you can be the rock people."
"The rock people? The trolls?!" 
You couldn't help the giggles that escaped, Xinyue joining in. 
"Oh, very funny. I didn't bring Y/N here so you guys could tease me," Jongin pretended to sulk. 
"Shh, the rock people don't come in right now," you said with a final giggle. "Okay, Queen Elsa. Where are we?" 
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Yixing came home a few hours later to the sounds of excited squeals and shouts from Xinyue's bedroom. He smiled to himself as he walked down the hallway, peering into the open room. You were lying down on the carpeted floor, a mess of giggles as Xinyue lay sprawled on top of you. When you tried to get up, Xinyue wrapped her little arms around your neck, trapping you in a hug. Yixing watched as you stared down at the child in your arms, eyes full of wonder. It was endearing to see how well the two of you got along, even in such a short amount of time. He knocked on the doorframe, smiling when you and Xinyue immediately looked up at him.
"How's it going?" 
"Uncle Jongin went home early," Xinyue replied. 
You sat up, Xinyue still hanging onto you. "Someone at the fitness studio called out sick, and Jongin got called in. But we've been fine, just playing lots of games."
"Papa, Y/N and I were playing hide-and-seek, and she didn't find me in the laundry basket!"
"In the laundry?" Yixing came over and picked his daughter up, swinging her around until she was squealing with laughter. "You're going to need a bath earlier today, if you were hiding in stinky clothes," he teased.
"Papa, you're stinkier!" 
Yixing opened his mouth as if to come back with a retort, but he set Xinyue back down instead with a huff. "You're getting too big for me to pick you up nowadays. Soon, you'll have to be picking me up."
Xinyue took that as a challenge, both arms wrapped around one of Yixing's legs as she heaved and pulled, to no avail. Yixing looked to you, where you had been watching them in amusement. "Do you want to stay for dinner?"
"I don't want to be a bother," you began. 
"You won't be. Both of us are happy to have you stay longer. Right, silly monkey?" he addressed his daughter. 
"I'm not a monkey, I'm a princess!"
"Yes, Princess Xinyue. Come on, let's go make some food for our guest."
Yixing wouldn't hear of you helping out in any way, and so you simply watched as he took charge in the kitchen, with Xinyue as his assistant. You were surprised to find that not only was he kind, musically talented, and a loving father, but he managed to cook up a delicious meal as well.
"Thanks," he said sheepishly when you complimented him on his food. "I really had to learn how to cook for Xinyue's sake. You wouldn't believe the number of times we had mac and cheese in a week when she was younger." 
"Honestly, I've done that too — and I'm just cooking for one." 
"You're always welcome to stay for dinner if you want. I mean, if you end up wanting to stay on as Xinyue's babysitter?" Yixing waited hopefully, chewing down on his bottom lip as he anticipated your answer.
Truth be told, you hadn't expected to get along with Xinyue so well. But after only a couple of hours, the little girl had you wrapped around her finger. You couldn't imagine not taking the job — especially when you thought about how much Yixing interested you. 
"I'd love to take the job, Yixing." 
"Really? That's great!" He nudged Xinyue's arm gently with his elbow. "Y/N's going to be spending more time with us from now on, like when I have to work. What do you think?"
Xinyue chewed on her food thoughtfully, eyebrows drawn low over her round eyes she mused. "When you come over, can we go to the park?" 
Yixing choked back a laugh as you grinned. "Yes, of course. It'll give us more space to play Frozen, too." 
The six-year-old threw her hands up in the air, fork and all. She managed to fling a few pieces of food onto the floor behind her, much to Yixing's distress and your enjoyment. 
You could already feel how much change and excitement these two were bringing into your life.
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Yixing was rushing home, hair matted against his forehead as he sat in traffic. Although he had asked you to stay a bit later today while he attended a student's recital, he hadn't expected to be this late. It was already time for Xinyue to go to bed, and he hoped that you weren't having a hard time. Your last reply to his texts had been about twenty minutes ago, and Yixing was growing more anxious with each passing second. If Xinyue was tired and cranky, there was no telling what he would be walking into. 
He made it home as quickly as he could, leaving his belongings in the car as he ran up to the house and unlocked the door. "Y/N? Xinyue?" he called out. His nervousness only continued to grow when he was met with silence. Yixing closed the door behind him, kicking his shoes off before heading to Xinyue's room. Pushing the bedroom door open, he was about to speak when he was stunned into silence.
Xinyue lay in bed, already dressed in pajamas and fast asleep. But what was even more surprising was the fact that you were curled up next to her, both of you hugging each other as you slept. 
Yixing crept closer, lips curving upwards at the sight. It was only a month since you had become a part of their daily lives, and yet he couldn't imagine not having you around — not just for your help, but for the energy and cheer that you brought with you. You weren't just the babysitter, you were a close and trusted friend. 
But recently, Yixing had been hoping that maybe, there was something more. He wasn't oblivious to your stares, sneaking a few of his own when you weren't looking. The two of you got along extremely well — he hadn't felt this close to anyone in a long time. 
Yixing gently nudged your shoulder, whispering your name softly so as not to wake Xinyue up. 
Your eyes flew open, still groggy and disoriented until you realized that it was Yixing waking you up, that you last remembered falling asleep after reading Xinyue a story. "Oh my god," you blurted out, your hand instantly covering your mouth as you turned to look at Xinyue. Thankfully, the girl continued to sleep.
"Hey, don't worry," Yixing whispered back. "Let's get you out of here first though." 
You nodded as Yixing carefully moved Xinyue's hands off of you, settling them carefully onto the bed and pulling the covers over her. 
"Thanks," he murmured as you turned off the light. The two of you silently made your way to the living room, the space bathed in the soft light of the ceiling light hanging overhead. 
"I'm sorry," Yixing spoke up. "I didn't think the recital would run this late, and I wasn't expecting you to even do all of this. I've felt horrible the past week, since you've been staying longer and helping out more. Sometimes I feel like you're babysitting both of us." 
You laid a hand on his shoulder, a sign of comfort. "Yixing, for the hundredth time, I'm not your babysitter. You're more than capable of taking care of yourself and Xinyue. Look at how well you were doing before I even came into the picture." 
Yixing looked away, touched by your kind words. "But still," began. "I feel like I'm taking advantage of your generosity. Can I make it up to you? Maybe buy you a meal or something?" 
"You don't have — "
"Please, Y/N. Just as a way to say thank you." 
Sighing, you gave in. "Okay, Yixing. Thank you." 
"Thank you. I mean it. How does Monday night sound?" 
"Sure, after you come back from work? Xinyue's coming with us too?" 
Yixing hesitated, mustering up the courage to say what he wanted. "Actually, um, maybe just the two of us?"
A few wrinkles appeared on your forehead. "But who's going to take care of Xinyue?" you asked in confusion.
"I can ask Jongin or another friend to stay with her for a bit."
"So... this is a date?" 
"Yeah," Yixing stammered out. "Unless it makes you feel uncomfortable, then we can just call it off or — "
You held a finger up against his lips, smiling to yourself when he instantly fell silent. "Yixing, I'd love to go out for dinner with you. It's a date, then." 
Yixing felt relief well up inside, unable to stop the smile on his lips as he repeated your words.
"It's a date." 
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A/N: as always, whenever I can’t think of names for new characters, I go back back to things that the members have acted in haha 😂😂😂😂 this time, yixing’s daughter is named after a character from “the mystic nine”! I watched the whole series back when it came out and people were subbing it here on tumblr, and writing this gave me the urge to go back and rewatch it (even though it’s like what 40 episodes long? and I have a short attention span LOL)
edit: changed pairing from “reader” to “fem reader” because I forgot what I used gender-specific pronouns. i’ve been trying to keep things gender ambiguous, but to label fics correctly if the character’s coded as female 
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literateleah · 4 years
tagged by @seavoice and @deithe ! thanks so much y’all 🤗
fun get to know me asks:
1. name/nickname- leah! i don’t have any nicknames irl my name just doesn’t work hmm
2. gender- female
3. star sign- virgo sun pisces moon aqua rising
4. height- just barely five foot three inches
5. time- 12:47 am
6. birthday- august 29th, 2004
7. fave bands/groups- PARAMORE, big scary, sylvan esso, superfruit
8. fave solo artists- tinashe, banks, lennon stella, dua lipa, ellie goulding, hollyn, aluna
9. song stuck in my head- weakness (huey lewis) by lennon stella or you get me so high by the neighborhood
10. last movie i watched- thoroughbreds (2017) IM OBSESSED prob gonna rewatch this weekend
keep reading below the cut :)
11. last show- i’ve been trying to finish the 100 for literally five months but i get so distracted and never watch it
12. when i created this blog- march! got bored in quarantine but actively started using it in october i think
13. what i post- oh boy hmm rr crit is prob my most serious content but i reblog things from all media i consume which is a huge variety. my original posts are every random thought that passes through my brain and y’all just gotta read it all unfortunately
14. last thing googled- criminal minds unsub three men; LOL looked that up for my sister while she watched an episode
15. other blogs- i have a backup/side but i need to change the url before i get it up and running and i have a few other urls saved
16. do i get asks- yeah sometimes! mostly from moots or anons on ask games but i appreciate literally anything and everything y’all send to me, the joy i get seeing that lil inbox icon pop up is such a rush like you want to send me a message!? so cool
17. why i chose my url- i regret this sometimes haha but i wanted to use this for mainly book/literary crit content but devolved from that somewhat obviously
18. following- yikes idk but it’s prob in the hundreds i’ll let y’all know when i declutter
19. followers- 98 woohoo so close to my lil 100 celebration yay!
20. average hours of sleep- about 6-7 because i’m usually up reading all night to slow my thoughts
21. lucky number- 4! i like the neatness of an even square and it was my dads jersey in college all american sports as well as my childhood jersey number
22. instruments i play- none UGH. i wish i did so badly so i want to learn piano soon. in another life i’m writing songs like crazy i promise y’all but in this one i dance
23. what am i wearing- a navy cotton pajama set from old navy! super comfy
24. dream job- if we’re going dream dream then any kind of performer. a singer-actress-dancer triple threat is basically my childhood dream but i’m focused on dance and writing moreso now. gosh i just wish i could sing. actually being a full time fiction author is my dream job i just thought about it
25. dream trip- hmm probably where i am now in north carolina with family! not far or out of the country but the coast (emerald isle mainly is my safe place)
26. favorite food- fruit smoothies idk if those count but i drink them every day
27. nationality- american! but my race is mixed (black/african american and white)
28. favorite song- of all time?? ooh that’s rough but maybe mother earth by banks
29. last book read- the lies they tell! i forget the author but it’s a ya fiction i loved from my local library. reminds me of thoroughbreds and i have a post lined up about that next
30. top three fictional universes- prince edward island of anne of green gables, narnia, tkc/riordanverse even though those are rooted in myths and cultural truths
tagging some moots and anyone who sees this if you wanna do it!! @royalpenelope @haleymalaffey @juliesdahlias
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negasonicimagines · 4 years
Want U Back ; “A Resounding Yes” (1)
h request: Does “could we get an ellie x reader fic?? doesn't matter what it is, we just miss you!!” count? I guess “!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Could I request literally anything with angst and hurt/comfort!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!!!!!?!?!!!!??!?!!?!?!!!!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?” fits, haha!
synopsis: Ellie knows she fucked up the second she sees Yukio’s lips on yours. She knows your relationship will never be the same, but can she still regain what she took for granted?
author’s note: hey! sorry for being the worst! Also, do you guys prefer the selectively-omniscient 2nd person POV, or the rigid 2nd person POV that sticks to the reader’s thoughts? I played with Yukio’s original backstory in this, let me know what you think! Just so y’all know, this is only divided up because it’s suuuuper long! I have more to write, but I still plan to finish it soon!
warnings: emotional cheating, break-up, unhealthy relationship (that gets fixed), angst, if there’s anything else let me know! Also, this isn’t really a trigger but this fic will explore a lot of Ellie’s flaws and features her being a Not Very Good Girlfriend in the beginning, so if you really don’t care for the idea of her being a sucky gf, you might wanna skip this one. Also, TROS spoilers
“What’s the difference between a piano and a fish?”
“You can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish,” Yukio responds with a giggle. 
“Damn it!” Wade told you the joke that’s so bad it rounds back to good earlier, and the first person- after remembering Ellie would probably just glare at you, of course -you thought to tell was Yukio. 
“Wade told me that one, too,” she explains. 
“One of these days, I am going to beat him to a joke,” you declare, looking to the girl with a smile and cluelessly stealing her breath away.
Maybe she should give you a hint, she thinks. The two of you are close enough already, sitting together on the floor in her room making shrinky-dinks for earrings. She could just grab you and… 
Well, now she’s blushing, thinking of a lot more than just kissing you. 
“Hey, ‘Kio, did you hear me?” She didn’t respond to your next attempt, one of many this evening alone. 
“Hm?! Oh, no, I didn’t, sorry…”
“No worries,” you chirp, and after a few beats of silence, Yukio asks:
“Aren’t you gonna say what I missed?” 
“Oh, it was stupid, anyways.”
“No way,” Yukio argues. “Go ahead.”
“What do you call a donkey with a million eyes and a million legs?”
“Ooh, I haven’t heard this one. What?” The genuine curiosity; the hope for a clever answer… It’s a little too much to take without letting out even a snort, but you manage.
“A monster,” you say, in your most deadpan expression possible, which happens to be a stupid grin at Yukio’s chuckling.
The smile fades, but not completely- never completely, not when you’re around -before she leans in, just a little. But, you know what she wants. A part of you wants it, too. 
You put a finger to her lips, gently stopping her.
“I- I haven’t broken up with her, yet.”
“You and I have been getting a lot more close. Even closer than before, which I didn’t even realize was possible, but too close for me to have a girlfriend who doesn’t know about it. And I… If I’m choosing, I’m choosing you. I should have before.”
“Before? Y/N, one of my favorite things about you is that you usually aren’t this vague,” Yukio remarks, and you scoff. 
“Can you blame me for being a bit nervous to confess that I’ve liked you as more than a friend for a long time? Like, ‘the only reason I even ended up with Ellie was because I really like both of you and she asked first’-a long time?”
“Not at all,” Yukio admits. “It’s getting kinda late, maybe you should head back… Do you want me to walk with you?”
“I’d rather she didn’t blow up on both of us,” you admit. Yukio’s your official roommate, but the potential for Ellie to level the house in her sleep has perks, including her own room. You sleep there, and your bed in Yukio’s room has been replaced with a futon. Guess it’s time to pack your bags. Should you start doing that before or after you tell her you’re leaving her for her other best friend?
“You’re doing it tonight?” She wonders, surprised as you scoop up the scrap plastic and throw it away. She picks up the scissors, and colored pencils while you put your markers back in their case. Tomorrow, the two of you can heat up your creations. 
“You’ve emboldened me… You usually do,” you tell her. She makes you feel like an equal when you’re together, and since she’s pretty damn great, your self-esteem gets quite the boost. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” Yukio replies, blushing. 
“I sure hope not,” you tell her in lieu of a goodbye, and once the door is shut behind you, Yukio squeals in delight. 
As you head to Ellie’s room, the nervousness in your stomach starts to boil. You knock. 
“Y/N?” she questions. 
“Come in.” 
You enter awkwardly, but she doesn’t seem to notice the way you fiddle with the door to make sure it closes perfectly quiet, after that one time she got onto you for closing it too loudly. 
“Why do you even knock, anyway?”
“Just wanna respect your privacy. It’s your room.”
“I’d say it’s yours, too, but you don’t really spend a lot of time here anymore.”
“Never thought I’d see the day you were passive-aggressive,” you remark. Normally something like that would be teasing, but now it just feels biting, to both of you.
“I guess you could say love changed me,” Ellie retorts. Love. As if she loved you. The only sign she might is when she mumbles the words back to you. She never says it first, never holds you without you asking, only really kisses you when she wants to-
“I was just hanging out with Yukio,” you admit, snapping out of it. 
“Maybe she should be your girlfriend instead, since you like spending so much time with her.”
You know she’s probably just hurt, or jealous, or… Well, that’s irrelevant. It’d be a fair criticism if she wasn’t such a bitch about it. 
You take your chance: “Maybe she should.” 
And then you grab your go bag from the closet, as well as your other suitcases, the ones you used to move your things here in the first place. You start packing.
“Wait, what? What the fuck are you doing?”
“I said, ‘Maybe she should.’ As in, maybe this relationship has run its course and I’m better off with someone else.”
Ellie blinks. That’s a first, she usually doesn’t allow herself to be phased by the things you or anyone else says. 
“Well, let me clarify for you. That maybe is a resounding fucking ‘yes,’” she retaliates. Ah, that’s what it was. She wasn’t bothered in the least, she just needed time to come up with a good comeback. That’s your Ellie… Well, not anymore. 
It feels like it takes longer than it does, but eventually your things are all tucked away in your bags. 
“You’re not gonna take Gerard?”
“Why would I? You got him for me,” you tell her in lieu of a goodbye, heading back to Yukio’s. 
She opens the door before you even knock, but seems surprised to see you there. 
“I was worried she might try to chase you down,” she explains before you even ask, ushering you in. She takes your bags and sets them down on the futon. 
“As if she’d ever fight for me,” you assure her, but it just puts a frown on her face. She’s already wearing pajamas, so you figure you should change into yours. 
You swiftly do so, not even bothering to tuck yourself away in the bathroom. After all, the two of you have changed in front of each other countless times. 
Yukio’s stunned expression implies this time might be a little bit different, though. You can’t help the twitch of a smirk that graces your lips before you do head to the bathroom, taking the contents of one of the external pockets of your suitcases with you and completing your nighttime routine. 
“Can I kiss you, now?” Yukio asks as soon as you reach her. She’s sitting on the edge of the bed, and she asks the question like she’s asked it a million times and you’ve said no to every single request. You realize that maybe she has asked, in some subtle ways. A hand on yours to comfort you, a longing look in her eyes when you turn away… Maybe she’s been asking you to kiss her all this time, and you just didn’t see it. 
That maybe is a resounding fucking yes, you remember Ellie’s words from before.  
You lower yourself and press your lips to hers. She freezes in surprise before responding, tangling her fingers into your hair and you can feel in every motion how badly she wants this, wants you, like no one ever has, or at least not in a way they’ve communicated. Yukio kisses you like she loves you; she loves you. You smile into the kiss and she pulls away to see it, to see you.  “Wow…” you both sigh, before giggling. 
“Are you sure this isn’t too soon?” Yukio wonders. The fact that she cares to ask is enough to send the butterflies already in your stomach into a fluttering frenzy.  
“You of all people should know that relationship was over before I went to that room this evening,” you remind her. “That this one started before I kissed you, even.” 
You do feel a bit guilty about that part, but it just… Happened. Yukio was there when Ellie stopped being there, bored of you but unsure how to say it, you’re sure. 
Yukio nods, kissing you this time. It’s gentle, she’s gentle, but it’s still loaded with all the feelings you’ve been too ashamed to express these past few weeks.Yes, all of them. You pull away while you can still stop yourself, and nearly topple over with nerves. Yukio pulls you onto the bed before turning the lamp on and afterwards clapping to turn the lights off. 
“That’s new,” you note, still a bit breathless. “Hope you don’t mind me being a tease, but it is a little too soon for that.”
“You’re not a tease. We did what we were both comfortable with. If you’re not ready, neither of us are. Did you and Ellie ever…?”
“Oh, um, yeah. A lot.”
“Right, I guess I should’ve figured that out when you stopped complaining about being a virgin,” Yukio chuckles. 
“So, now we just… Sleep?” You wonder.
“I guess so, but…” The two of you meet eyes. Despite the agreement that you shouldn’t go farther than kissing, there’s still excitement buzzing in the air from the “new” relationship. 
“You can go ahead and transform, if you want. Might help you get in a sleepy mood.”
“Transf-? Oh, right… I don’t really do that anymore, not when I’m sleeping.”
“Why not? You told me it makes you feel safer.”
“Takes up too much space on the bed,” you mumble. “Plus, what if I accidentally claw something up in my sleep?”
“Did- Did Ellie say those things to you?”
Yukio is a sweet girl, but not nearly as bubbly and innocent as she pretends to be. There’s a dark side to her, one just like yours. 
“Yeah, but… You’re probably taking it a lot more serious than she meant it. She’s not like us, Yukes. She has normal parents, went to a normal school before all this. Doesn’t understand.”
“Doesn’t try to,” Yukio complains. “Would it help if I said it makes me feel safer?”
You give a noiseless chuckle. 
“I mean it. Think about it, wouldn’t you feel safer with a guard leopard sleeping next to you? A mamushi curled around your arm ready to strike any intruder?”
“I guess you’re right. Couldn’t you just Rey Palpatine the shit out of anyone who tries to attack us, though?”
“Remind me of that travesty of a movie again and you’ll have to worry about being Rey Palpatine’d yourself. But, uh, yeah, of course I’m right. And Ellie’s more of an idiot than I thought she was,” Yukio says, and you can see her adorably smug smile shining bright in the moonlight. 
“Hey! She’s still our friend!” 
“Yeah, once she gets over me stealing you,” your new- oh, wait, you should probably ask what you are, you realize -remarks.
“Something tells me you’ll figure out soon that there isn’t much to get over. Uh… What are we, now?”
“I’d be honored to call you my girlfriend,” Yukio tells you. “Now, will you please transform into a cute creature for me to cuddle?”
“Didn’t think you were this much of an animal-lover, Yuks,” you remark. 
“I’m a you-lo…” She trails off, realizing what she was saying. “-ver.”
You slip under the covers to strip back down, afterwards beginning the transition. You feel your hands shift into paws, feel even the barely visible hairs on your skin thicken and darken as the features of your face shift and contort into something else entirely. You pop your head back up and Yukio laughs, smoothing the ruffled fur on your head and face. 
“You are so beautiful,” she tells you. You’d thank her, but it’s a waste of energy. You were taught how to push your thoughts into the minds of others like speech by some of the most powerful telepaths ever, but as you have no more psychic energy than even a non-mutant, it’s tiring to use that ability; therefore, any other form of communication is preferable.
You choose to nuzzle her hand, and she’s grinning ear to ear. It’s not every day she gets a real-life teddy bear, well, before now. You’d be happy to do this every day, though you might get bored of the bear aspect.
Yukio bear-hugs your neck, pulling you close. You really do feel more relaxed, tired from the transformation and comforted by her embrace. You give a low grumble, nervous to fall asleep on top of her, even a little bit. She looks inquisitive before seeing your point and releasing you so that you can lay back. You turn over, and she spoons you, nuzzling her cheek against your new fur. 
Your eyes slip shut, and your breathing slows to match hers as the two of you fall asleep.
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