#because she's a variant of him and he sees her from that perspective
sunflowerdigs · 10 months
The thing to me is, if you don't think that Mobius is a good love interest for Loki, then I'm really stumped as to who would be a better candidate for that role in his life.
Mobius studied Loki's entire life, saw every single bad thing that Loki had ever done, and he didn't see a villain despite the amount of death and destruction that Loki has caused. He saw a very lonely person with incredible potential/power struggling to find his place and his purpose. He liked the Loki that attacked New York, he felt like he had range. Like...what else could any potential love interest for Loki do that would top seeing and understanding him so profoundly?
To me, it's just like...if not Mobius, who? Sylvie is nowhere near as invested in a relationship with Loki as Mobius is. No one else both genuinely cares about Loki in the way that Mobius does or is able to communicate and work with him as well. So, I guess I just wonder...what else does there need to be in a love interest? What part of the role does Mobius not fulfill, what is he missing? And who would fulfill the role better than he would? Who is understanding and caring for Loki better than he is? Who would make Loki happier? I've literally never seen Loki smile as often or as bright as he does with Mobius so...what else is there?
Like, you're not going to get a better love story for Loki specifically. Heck, I question whether a better love story exists for most characters. I love their friendship, obviously, and if it were to remain a friendship it wouldn't hurt the canon in any way. It just seems to me like if Loki is going to have a love interest ever (which he seems to want)...why create someone new when Mobius is right there performing basically every function that you could ask for in a love interest for Loki? At this point in his story, whose relationship with him could be more profound? It wouldn't be right for him to fall in love with someone else while his relationship with Mobius remained his most important, which I think it inevitably would.
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inbarfink · 1 year
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"Just move forwards, Simon! Well, maybe I don't want to move forwards!"
Okay, so it’s pretty damn obvious that Simon’s whole rant here is not just about the physical act of moving forwards through the Time Room. Like, I don’t need to explain what ‘moving forwards’ means in this case, right? But… the thing I’ve been thinking of is that the metaphor here might actually extend more than just this one line.
Because, yeah, Simon does need to move forwards. Metaphorically because embracing change and accepting you can’t actually go back to some idealized past where things were Better is the only way he can actually be happier. And literally because there is an Angry Beetle Cop out to murder his head off for the crime of being chosen by God as a sapient hard-drive. 
But moving on is hard, and you know why?
Because it is hard to move forwards in this silly little mumu.  
And again, this is both metaphorical and literal. Simon is fully aware that he should move forwards with his life, but this robe is yet another painful reminder of the trauma he’s trying to move on from. Yet another example of people treating him like he’s Ice King. Yet another symbol that him being Simon again is seen as some sort of a mistake.
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And also, it’s just obviously physically, literally uncomfortable for him to move in this thing.
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Simon was forced into a fit designed for a Wizard who could Fly. He’s constantly lifting it up and being so careful about his steps as to not stumble on it, and also trying so hard to not flash his genitalia to God and God’s two OCs that he shoved in his brain. Not to mention he’s running around the Time Room barefoot. And, like, at least when Ice King wore this he still had underpants.
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But the thing is.... like, okay, the thing about the Shorts Scene is that it is kinda unfair Fionna got her outfit upgraded into a more comfortable variant while Simon still has to wear the Trauma Robes. But the important thing to remember is that Fionna got those lovely shorts because she explicitly complained about the skirt.
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You can say that Simon’s problems should’ve been Obvious and maybe that’s true… but it’s still notable that unlike Fionna, who immediately complained when she started to find her outfit kinda uncomfortable - Simon lets out one sarcastic grumble when he first gets the robe and then just keeps his mouth shut and quietly wallows in his misery until he reached his breaking point. 
That seems notable especially with what we see of Simon in “Simon Petrikov” and how hard it is for him to be honest with his loved ones about his problems. 
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I’ve seen some people express some anger at the way Finn and Marceline acted towards Simon during that episode. Saying they didn’t care about Simon enough. But Simon was deliberately hiding his struggles from them - and especially from Marcy. You know, he opened up to Finn and Finn was honestly doing what he thought was best. The problem being that Finn is pretty-messed-up himself and not good at therapy.
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And Simon decided the best solution was just to drop the whole thing and pretend that Finn’s adventure did help as a way to end that nightmare without directly confronting him about Actually Making Things Worse. As far as Finn is concerned, Simon was doing badly and is now doing well. And as far as Marcy is concerned Simon is doing just fine! And this situation is not likely to change unless Simon actually speaks up!
Of course, this is easier said than done. I mean, like I said, he was TRYING to open up to Finn and from his perspective, got punished for even trying out for help.
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And with the mumu, the situation is a even more complicated. Yes, Simon didn’t speak up when he had the chance to say ‘hey, actually it’s also pretty hard to run around barefoot in a robe! I would like some Pants please!” But also… where Finn and Marceline have both expressed nothing but genuine concern for Simon and take his issues very seriously in their own way - Prismo, Fionna and Cake have all been kinda callous about Simon’s situation and his mental well-being so far. 
So maybe it wasn’t totally unreasonable for Simon to assume that any attempt to assert what would make it easier for him to actually move forwards will fail. Or at least would be far too emotionally grueling to actually be worth it. I'm not saying that's for-sure what would've happened. I mean those three aren't just jerks for the sake of being jerks - it's just that Prismo is kinda occupied with his own grief-induced-depression-spiral and Fionna and Cake don't really get Simon yet. And we're surely going to get to a point in this narrative where these two genuinely care about him too sooner or later. But I can see in that moment why he would think that.
And so he keeps wallowing in the misery and resentment as it gets increasingly harder and harder to keep going forwards. Until he breaks and decide that maybe, what he actually wants is to just stop.  
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essycogany · 8 months
Rare But Not So Rare Sonic Moments
This may get controversial.
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I welcome anyone else’s view point on this topic. If you don’t agree I’m okay with that. Just because I have a different perspective doesn’t make what I think right or wrong. You don’t have to change your mind. Whatever your opinion is, I respect it. Besides, it’s fun to have different views on something we both love. It gives us a way to see different sides of the coin.
Disclaimer: I’m a person who didn’t grow up with this franchise and only recently got into in early 2022. I have no biases towards any version of this character. Making my opinions about his characterizations mixed.
By the way, I’ll only use Sonic games as examples (for the most part) because this analysis would be too long if I talked about other medias.
In short. Most of his flaws do stir into different medias as well. To be honest, Sonic’s other variants aren’t as different as some may think, but that’s my hot take.
Times The Blue Blur Messed Up
Riders: Sonic lunched Amy along with Eggman into the air with his wind abilities. While knowing Amy’s safety would be at risk. Then left her. Which was the reason she was so angry and aggressive afterwards. He didn’t ever apologize either.
06: Exchanged a chaos emerald for Elise even after Tails warned Sonic not to.
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Unleashed: Was distracted by taunting Eggman.
Sonic: “Well, this is new. Showing remorse Eggman? If you played nice, I wouldn’t have to break all your toys.”
Then became the Werehog. All because he wanted to boost his ego.
Secret Rings: Shahra used Sonic to collect the world rings for Erazar Djinn. Even though it should’ve been expected because she said, “They use to work together.” Ended up not being true.
Black Night: Was tricked into helping Merlina who wanted to create a world that would last forever.
Lost World: Tails once again tried to warn Mr.Impatient about the conch in Eggman’s hand, but kicked it anyways. Then warned Sonic about another trap, he didn’t listen, ended up getting the fox captured instead.
Frontiers: Accidentally helped free The End despite Knuckles and Sage’s suspensions. If his friends, Eggman, and Sage didn’t help him…..Well, it’s in the villain's name.
Side Note: In Secret Rings, Black night, and Frontiers Sonic was rude at points.
Sonic Sassiness
Sonic Sassiness Part 2
Sonic’s Overall Flaws/Mistakes
Some may be from his general characterizations throughout his history.
Sonic rushes into things without a second thought. (Impulsiveness) Sonic can be too reckless, brash, or not take situations seriously.
He’s impatient. (Which was his core trait since his idle animation in Sonic 1)
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He doesn’t listen to his friends warnings. Sonic can be too cocky at the wrong moments. He causes or contributes to world ending consequences. The blue blur can also be too trusting and naive.
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Sonic doesn’t worry about his own physical or mental state and internalizes his emotions. He isn’t able to express himself very well. Therefore doesn’t put the right words together when speaking sometimes.
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Sonic can be stubborn and a bit of a jerk.
Sage: “You are short tempered and short sided.”
And that’s about it. If I missed anything, feel free to let me know.
My Thoughts
A few of these can be seen as Sonic’s strength and weaknesses. Like his willingness to harm himself if it means to save his friends.
The reason Sonic never learns from his mistakes in the games is because he gets away with them. Which is not a good or bad thing per say. (Besides Sonic Riders. There’s no excuse for that.)
The stories never really given him an arc. But I don’t think Sonic’s a perfect or flawless character. If the examples I’ve shown are evidence of anything.
I’d say he’s static, but not consistently. Most static characters I’ve seen rarely stays static anyways.
I also don’t believe Sonic himself thinks he’s perfect. Sonic probably thinks he doesn’t have to change because he’s so sure he should be able to manage things without issue. Everything does eventually go his way. Why should he change?
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I do understand Sonic influences people, but why can’t there be a balance? It’s been done plenty of times with other characters. In books, movies, and tv shows. Animated and live-action.
Movie!Sonic in Sonic 2 inspired both Knuckles and Tails. Helping them better themselves with advice and encouragement. While also going through his own arc of growing up and being responsible.
Tails:“You’ve inspired me. To leave my village. To find you and help you on your mission.”
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Despite him learning how to slow down and plan things out, Prime!Sonic also inspires the different variants of his friends. Thorn, Dread, and Nine. Helping them grow into becoming better people.
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Even in Unleashed Sonic was at his most mature, but it was only after his cocky attitude got him into trouble. So, yes. Inspirational characters can have flaws.
I’ll just say this
Everyone has their own views on how Sonic should be characterized, drawn, played, voiced, animated, and showcase.
It’s fine if you don’t like a curtain interpretation of a character, but to say the character (Especially if they weren’t very consistent in the first place) isn’t acting like themselves now, it’s really hard to argue what self there is to come back to. Because even in the games there are so many different selves for these characters in their own canon universe. From Classic to Adventure, Unleashed, Colors, and Frontiers. (If that makes any sense)
It’s hard to find one place to be in because Sonic’s been in too many places at once. He shouldn’t be held down to one characterization if he’s already been all over the place from the beginning of his existence.
AKA Sonic’s first two shows ever. TAOSTH and SATAM. In both shows Sonic had flaws as well, but never learned from them. Which means he’s been like this from the start. Like everything else about this franchise, his personality is an ongoing experiment that’ll probably never be solved. And I kind of love that. Even if it can be stressful and has it’s own up’s and down’s
All of these unique stories from the games, comics, tv shows, and movies people grew up with are what made this franchise so popular. This is the main reason I became a Sonic fan. Because I learned so much about characterization from this franchise and how to love the different variations of its characters. Finding an appreciation for each of them.
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Everyone’s opinions are valid at the end of the day. At least we all have a version of this character we can love and appreciate. Whether you agree or not I’m grateful you’ve made it all the way to the end. You’re a trooper!
Stay Creative! 💜
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
What made you first interested in Jonsa? I really want to love Jonsa. Which may sound strange. But hear me out. I’ve read all the metas and from a metatextual level I really agree with and believe in Jonsa. But I have trouble actually enjoying it and I think maybe it’s because so much content seems to focus on Jon pining over Sansa. I’d much prefer to see things from Sansa’s perspective where she sees the hero in him and sees that maybe all the songs aren’t lies after all as opposed to him “winning her over.” I feel I have been inundated my whole life with stories of outcast men pining over beautiful women they see as out of their league and “winning them over” and I honestly find the trope tiring because it’s so male perspective focused and doesn’t give Sansa the agency of choosing her lover, instead, making her something to be won or earned. If you have any suggestions for Jonsa content that focuses heavily on Sansa’s point of view, on her falling for Jon first (or at least falling for each other at the same time without realizing it) I’d love to hear them! And I’d love to hear what makes Jonsa appeal to you on a personal non-meta level!
Hi there!
I too draw a difference between Jonsa as a theory and shipping it for entertainment.
I've drifted quite a bit away from what you describe as "content", which is fanworks, art and fanfiction. My tastes are very narrow and that puts me outside the target audience for a lot of what is being shared by creators. Plus, I get a great deal more personal enjoyment out of just interpreting the canon text. I enjoy what the couple represents in the narrative more than I necessarily enjoy immersing myself in different non-canonical variants.
And there's a lot of variants. You have two similar but also very different canon-sources (books and tv show) and within those two sources very different takes on the couple. For as many "Jon pines for higborn Sansa" approaches you get an equal amount of "Sansa jealously pines for her brother's oblivious best friend" modern au's. What we enjoy in recreational reading is extremely personal and subjective.
That said, for fear of disappointing you, I don't particular enjoy the "Sansa falls first" scenarios because what I like about the couple especially is the idea of Sansa finally being appreciated for who she is. Canon offers us plenty of examples of Sansa extending affection and crushes on other characters. They are never truly reciprocated, and they join in on a theme of Sansa going unappreciated for her qualities by the world around her. She is disregarded, mocked, criticized, belittled, humiliated. So much so that a large part of the fandom considers this to be justified and educational for her. She has given up on being loved for herself, but she will not sacrifice her values as a consequence. So someone falling in love with her is to me a very compelling and cathartic validation of Sansa as a person. Of course, this only works if the person falling for Sansa is actually attractive to her and embodies the things we know she has been looking for all this time. But specifically the idea that Sansa falls first fails my personal taste because it contains a sense of lacking reciprocation that we've already seen multiple times in her story. She's been not-loved-in-return a lot already.
I do enjoy the concept of Jon being loved by Sansa, too, because it validated aspects of him he usually keeps close to his chest. Things that touch on his specific mixed sense of identity as a nobly-raised bastard. He has soft sensibilities, a romantic disposition, pedestrian dreams of family and home, and highly idealistic and emotional ideals surrounding leadership that center on duty and honor. But he is generally not appreciated for those specific things. He is appreciated for his brains and his abilities, his bravery, his pragmatism, his loyalty to his friends and duties - but not for the boy who wants to be Lord of Winterfell with a lady wife and babies, who wants to be a hero from the songs, Florian the Fool, Ryam Redwyne. It's a lovely and very specific recognition of a very private part of Jon, to be loved for his secret soft self.
But it's not my primary focus because unlike Sansa, Jon still receives a lot of validation and love in the source material. It's just not the specific kind he wants. So that makes it comparatively less compelling to me.
That doesn't mean that Sansa primarily falling in love with Jon isn't an equally valid thing to enjoy! It's just that I can't make you any good recommendations on this subject specifically because it's not my specific favorite flavor of jonsa.
I wish you good luck though!
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percheduphere · 10 months
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It troubles me when fans find Loki in his own tv series "out of character". Since the first Thor movie, Loki has shown a certain sweetness, protectiveness, and level-headedness that was overcome and eventually self-suppressed by rage and tragedy. He didn't have an environment in which he could thrive and, in Frigga's words, succeed at being who he truly is.
Loki desperately needed a support system outside his immediate family. That support system simply couldn't have been built on Asgard because of:
1. Odin's political machinations, including the intentional creation of an environment rife with sibling rivalry and blatant favoritism.
2. The racist if not xenophobic views of Asgardians.
3. The inherent masculine-dominant, warrior society culture of Asgard.
To break Loki out of his self-destructive patterns, it took the empathy of 1 brainwashed and memory-wiped TVA analyst to rightly recognize that Loki as a person has incredible potential and that he could actively do something about it. That Mobius uses this reasoning for the advantage of the TVA (then under HWR's helm) is a plot point I'll discuss later, but the fact still stands: Loki was given a second chance to be who he really is because of the choice Mobius made to intervene. Loki would have been pruned before he would have had the opportunity to meet Sylvie, B-15, Casey, and OB. This is fact.
Mobius literally drops everything--the case he's actively investigating--to intervene. The fact a minuteman immediately reports the variant of Loki he is most interested in has been taken into custody suggests that Mobius has been planning this intervention for some time.
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Some fans hate Mobius for his treatment of Loki in the first episode. It is, indeed, manipulative, condescending, and to a certain extent, emotionally abusive. I'm not denying any of this, but from a narrative perspective, Mobius, to be a fully well-rounded character, necessarily must have his own flaws and personal conflicts to battle. Loki's evolution as a character, and thus his positive impact on others, would be missing an emotional beat of mutual reciprocation otherwise. That emotional beat pays off in every episode of S2, culminating in the final scene of the final episode. This is to say nothing of the likelihood that Loki would not have been receptive to any form of gentleness at that point in time to begin with.
Crucially, Mobius gets Loki to admit that his villainous persona is exactly that: an illusion constructed in a bid for control. Some viewers might interpret this scene as a shortcut for getting Loki to behave "out of character" by S1E2, but Thor 2 proves otherwise:
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This scene with Thor demonstrates that Loki has a high pain tolerance and is adept at hiding pain. His need to mask his vulnerability, and how that vulnerability is intrinsically tied with the misplaced shame of who he is, resonates deeply with queer, people of color, immigrant, colonized, and adopted fans, many of whom have intersectional lived experiences (including myself). I believe it is for this reason that so many of us are desperate for blatant representation in mainstream entertainment, and to shame us for the sin of hoping is disturbing.
But I digress. Frigga, Thor, and now Mobius are among the few who can see through Loki's deception. That deception has the unfortunate effect of hurting not only innocent civillians but his loved ones and himself (closeting, internalized racism).
Once Loki is able to drop that persona through admission, however, he is able to relax and be himself in the TVA. And in being himself, Loki is consequently able to love himself, which manifests through loving Sylvie. S1 shows Loki holding her up on a romantic pedestal: he chases after her, he sings a song for her, he wants her to be okay. He loves her, yes, and though it appears she does not reciprocate (in my opinion, your mileage might vary), Sylvie does love Loki enough back to buy him a drink and counsel him about what he really wants. This scene is critical in Loki's development in the same way Mobius sheds light on his potential to be whoever he wants.
Both Mobius and Sylvie are integral for Loki to arrive at his turning point, his ultimate sacrifice. Loki loves Sylvie. He therefore chooses to not kill her. Killing her, moreover, would not solve the issue of free will. Sylvie is right in believing free will, and thus the multiverse, is right and necessary. Sylvie's moral question and Loki sparing her life, answers Mobius's belief that Loki can be whoever he wants.
On the other side of this coin, watching Mobius in the final scene, hearing Mobius whisper, "Let time pass..." answers Sylvie's question of what Loki wants, and what he want more deeply than not being alone is for his friends, most especially Mobius (whom he also loves and cares for most, to LIVE.
The series ends with only 2 characters heartbroken with the outcome of Loki's heroism, which Mobius knew existed within him from the beginning. He saw those little but important moments: Loki comforting his brother, Loki protecting Jane, Loki giving up his life to buy Thor time, and so much more, he saw and he knew Frigga's words were right.
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dilf-c0nn0isseur · 1 month
I think people only see logan as a dick like yeah the guys kinda an asshole but the same asshole goes out of his way to help people for no gain. In the first xmen, he helps Rouge and even makes sure she's ok throughout the whole film. Let's not forget "come on, I'll take care of you". In origins, he comes back to save the woman who betrayed him and saves her sister and other mutants on top of it. Like logans good man trying to be bad because he fears losing who he cares about. So he pretends not to care. We only see logan just purely be a dick after everyone is dead in "logan" even so he still takes care of Charles.
Idk I feel like people forget he's actually kinda a softy to those he cares about romantically and platonically.
Oh, and in "the Wolverine." he stops miriko(I think that's her name) from killing herself and saves her from tbe yakuza. I the whole time he patronized and called her princess, but he still fights to save her despite his healing factor being gone.
His whole character is when someone ask for something he says "no" while doing the thing they asked😂😭 sorry to ramble, but it's kinda been bugging me
i absolutely love how in depth you went with this!! i totally agree with everything, this is exactly how i want to write him. i do heavily support different writing techniques/headcanons/styles/etc though, i definitely think a lot of it is based on his character in d&w which is pretty accurate i mean he is a mean old man. my truth is that’s literally how i thought his whole character was when i saw it when it first came out because i’ve never gotten into xmen or deadpool or wolverine until now🤫🤫 so my earliest writing of him is more like that.
but now that i’ve gone back and watched the xmen movies, my whole perspective of him has changed so much. i love the variant of him in the new movie, but i just cannot get past his selfless, caring nature in the xmen movies. the way that he almost can’t bring himself to kill jean once she’s turned evil and the fact that he did literally EVERYTHING in his power to save her.
even in deadpool & wolverine, we still see these underlying traits in the ‘worst’ wolverine variant; him trying to take wade’s place in the end knowing that whoever goes in that room won’t come out alive.
ugh i love rambling about these things!! i still need to watch xmen: days of future past and the wolverine for him. i’m so scared to watch logan cause i know i’m gonna SOB.
ALSO!! this is not by ANY means me hating on any writing style of logan. i honestly love all of it and think that a lot of it is justified. this is just my personal preference on how i view him, and how i wanna incorporate it into future writings of him. ♥️♥️♥️
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cleabellanov · 6 months
Jet-Skiing through Identity: a deep dive into Mobius M. Mobius (part 6) 🚤
So, through the realms of my (personal) analysis, we've come a long way to Mobius's character. From the comedic relief to the deep natural need to care from others, from fear of abandonment to suppresed emotions. But guess what? There's more. There's always more when you really get into it.
I see episode 3 of season 2, "1893" as sort of a calm before the storm : a really sweet time before the rest of the chaos really emerged.
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I love how the clothes they are wearing are probably conjured by Loki for them to fit in the time period. This is more of a headcanon, but beside all that chaos, Mobius probably loved it as well.
Here is another gem from this character: although he possesses an effortless charm most of the time, that doesn't equal the actual confidence. Like he's trying to hide the lacks in self esteem with an abundance of showing off. But around his closest confidante, he naturally gets that out, not needing to overthink it anymore: with both confidence and charm. I'm talking about that line:
"I see everything, I notice everything"
which is right before the famous "You've got some Cracker Jack on your chin, what about that?". They really were on a silly little date.
We also get to catch precious moments of Mobius's pure curiosity and opening to the new. I imagine that he also lost some experiences he had with the memory wipe at the TVA, so everyday can be a new gift now that he really gets to do something *else*. That's noticeable when Victor Timely's presentation of The Loom begins, doing an amazing contrast with Loki's more careful behavior.
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Not to talk about persuasive: the tandem bike? A classic. I'm not saying Loki wasn't a little compromised by the circumstances, but Mobius made himself pretty clear too!!
And at the end of the episode, I love how he stays behind to look at Ravonna for a little while after Loki exits through the time door. It's not that he doesn't miss his old friend, but he knows better than to try and meddle in her business right now.
In episode 4, "The Heart of the TVA", Mobius's natural kindness is once again an important piece of the game. Him and Loki too try to be gentle with Timely, as they see he is scared and understand he's just a variant, different than He Who Remains.
When they finally get Timely to work to their plan and save the Loom, there it is again: that waiting in uncertainty, the fear of things going south really, really fast. So he does what he's used to: try and have some pie.
Sylvie is obviously disturbed by this, as from her perspective, they should be even more agitated, just like everything else around them. And here's just a part from what she said to Mobius:
"Timelines are just lines on a monitor. Doesn't matter if a few disappear. Because you've never bothered to look if one of them is yours"
This time, Mobius doesn't snap like he did with Brad. Because it isn't coming from one of his coworkers, it's from Sylvie, whom he helped in the past. And in the way she says it, he's more prone to believe her. So he doesn't reciprocate her speech with anger. Why? Because he doesn't deny it; feeling guilty about something automatically implies admitting the other is right. And he doesn't have the strength to fight it anymore. Loki does it for him afterwards in the pie room - as he deserves.
At least he got a hot-cocoa to warm him right back up :))
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princesssarisa · 6 months
I haven't quite finished reading Cinderella Tales From Around the World, even though I've finished all the traditional Cinderella tales. The next set of stories featured in the book are a notorious subtype of Cinderella tales: the Donkeyskin tales. This type of Cinderella story is best known from Charles Perrault's tale of Donkeyskin – which gives the stories their name in folklore studies – and from Allerleirauh, or All-Kinds-of-Fur, by the Brothers Grimm.
The standard summary of a Donkeyskin tale is as follows:
A king and queen have a beautiful daughter. The queen dies, and on her deathbed makes the king promise never to remarry unless he finds a woman as beautiful as herself (or in other variants, who has hair as golden as her own, or whose finger fits her wedding ring, or whose foot fits her shoe). The only one in the kingdom who fits the requirement is the princess, so her father resolves to marry her. Desperate to avoid the match, the princess insists that her father give her three impossibly magnificent gowns before the wedding takes place. (Typically these gowns resemble the sun, moon, and stars, though the themes can vary.) Unfortunately, the king succeeds in having them made. Finally, she puts on a disguise that hides her beauty, usually made of animal skin, and runs away from home, taking her gowns with her in some type of magical concealment. Arriving in another kingdom, she finds work as a scullery maid or animal herd at the royal palace, or at a nearby farm. From there it becomes a Cinderella story, as the royal family gives three balls, the princess attends wearing her beautiful gowns, and either the young king or the prince falls in love with her. (Or, alternatively, she just puts on the gowns when she's alone, and one day the king or the prince happens to glimpse her.) The king or prince eventually falls ill with longing for her, and in her servant guise, she sends him a cake, a loaf of bread, or a bowl of soup to try to make him well. (Or, in some versions, he doesn't fall ill; she just cooks for him regularly as part of her work as a scullery maid.) Into the food she drops either a valuable trinket she brought with her from home (or three trinkets on consecutive days), or a ring that the king/prince had slipped onto her finger at the last ball. When he finds it, he asks to see the person who made the food, and recognizes her when they meet. (Or in other versions, he has every lady in the kingdom try on the ring to see whose finger fits it; or in some other versions, the trinket-in-food incident doesn't happen at all, but instead the princess loses a shoe, as in a traditional Cinderella.) The two are joyfully wed.
Not all versions of this tale have the princess's father want to marry her, though. Some variants just have her run away to escape from an arranged marriage to a random man she dislikes.
It's very hard to tell a Cinderella story from a Donkeyskin story, and I'm not entirely sure which criteria Heidi Ann Heiner used to set them apart in her book. My view had always been that if the heroine is reduced to servitude by her own family or stepfamily, then it's a Cinderella story, but if she runs away and becomes a servant in or near the royal palace, it's a Donkeyskin story. But Heiner doesn't seem to have classified them that way: her selection of Cinderella tales include many where the heroine runs away, either from her stepmother or to escape from an arranged marriage, and goes to work in or near the palace. Nor does the heroine disguising herself in animal skin make it a Donkeyskin story, because in plenty of the tales Heiner classifies as Cinderella, she does that too. Another perspective might be that it's a Donkeyskin story if the heroine is threatened with marriage to her father, but Heiner also includes stories without that plot point in her Donkeyskin list. In general, Heiner's approach seems to be that if the heroine loses a shoe, it's a Cinderella story, but if she slips a trinket into the king/prince's food, it's a Donkeyskin story – yet there are exceptions to this rule too. In general, her rule seems to be that if the heroine is threatened with marriage to her father and/or puts a trinket in the king/prince's food, then it's a Donkeyskin tale, but if the story lacks both of those two elements, then it's a Cinderella tale.
By the way, just to clarify, Donkeyskin tales are not "the original version of Cinderella." The other day I was reading reviews of Jim Henson's The Storyteller, which includes a Donkeyskin adaptation called Sapsorrow. One of the reviewers assumed that this was "the original Cinderella story," and that versions with a wicked stepmother were bowdlerized to get rid of the incest theme. Not true. They're just variations that co-exist, and as far as we know, the earliest Cinderella stories with a stepmother predate any Donkeyskin tale.
The first set of Donkeyskin stories, which I'll share in my next post, are the variants from Greece, Albania, and Italy.
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comfysofti · 7 months
Okay, hi people!!!
Glad my post regarding my fan princess incarnation got some(although small) attention, so gonna share some notes regarding her and voice that accompanies her chapters!!!
Starting of with Voice of Authority, aka voice that accompanies her chapters:
Generally speaking, other voices don't like him, and usually just argue with him a lot(he hates them, they hate him. Harmony). The only voices who doesn't hate him, is Broken(because Authority reminds him of Tower, hence him leaning to Authority, and siding with him in most cases. He's also just easy to influence in Authority's opinion) and Stubborn(he simply respects Authority in a way, and Authority himself shares the feeling because Stubborn is the only voice that he sees as he's equal in a way. Although the two have aspects that they hate about eachother, they still respect one another and make a good team)
Authority is all about having control over the player, and what they do with the princess. In his eyes princess is nothing more but a joke, because she's absolutely terrified of him, despite all those claims from Narrator that she's dangerous. And the player? He feels like they're something bigger than they are, so he's forcing them to kill the princess, aka, quote: "the obstacle in way of our true potential". He sees both other voices and the princess as something that's in the way of them(or the body) to get to their true, full potential. Their power as a god. You could also say that Authority can represent this selfish and power hungry part of being a god(in some cases!!!) when you only care about yourself, and getting more power not caring for anyone or anything else in your way. Although he's more leaning into side of having total control, despising those who are weak and can't even look at him without fear and respecting those on similar/higher power levels
Authority can be compared to Tower in terms of power(both can easily ignore Narrator and change the narrative to their liking, and both have full control of players body when they wish). Also, amongst all princess variants he would only like the Tower, because he sees her as someone more powerful than him. The power, they should be focusing on getting. Although im not sure if the two would get along, Authority holds respect to those who he considers he's equal or more powerful than him, and usually doesn't act aggressive with them, so again, he would deeply respect Tower, but wouldn't really let himself fall under her control
About the princess:
Both the Terrified and the Fragile, are perspectives in which player sees a princess as someone weak despite Narrator claiming otherwise, but not in the same way, it is seen in Damsel. While the Damsel is, well, a princess in trouble, kinda weak, the Terrified and the Fragile are paranoid, broken, traumatized kind of weak. And the voice of Authority, is complete opposite to her. While princess in those incarnations is weak, terrified, powerless, Voice of Authority is strong, controlling, powerful. While princess is thin ice in beginning of winter, easily broken by smallest leaf falling on it, Voice of Authority is sun's heat, easily melting everything in it's wake, no matter from what it's made
The Terrified, was trying to avoid seeing the player again, by trying to destroy the cabin, and then herself(using shards of broken glass to pierce her heart, and what not)which failed, leading to her cabin and basement looking like they'll crumble at any moment, but also abandoned, from the amount of time loops that had reset with each her death, but since player never reached her in them(from how quick she was being with her desperate attempts to end her existence)this is just a chapter 2, only one new voice, while princess kept memories of each of her failures to avoid meeting the player again, leading to her loosing her sanity
The Fragile, is made of glass, and as i mentioned in my previous post regarding her, some shards of her seem missing. Why? Because she was slowly crumbling from despair and pain. She made herself hollow, or at least tried to, but it just led to her self destructing, aka her body crumbling, leading to few shards of her body missing. And yes, played would find them laying around the basement
Those incarnations of the princess aren't bound by the chain, because player doesn't see them as strong or even the smallest of threat, so the only reminders of her even having shackle on her arm, is thin scar on her arm, where it used to be. It's prominent in Fragile, in a way, that the scar is made of red, thin line of glass on her arm, while in Terrified, she's constantly hiding it with her hand, or at least attempts to, but fails because it constantly bleeds, symbolising her trying to break the loop so many times, her body just stopped healing with time
Honestly, im pretty sure i don't have anything else to add regarding The Voice of Authority and "The Terrified" -> "The Fragile" so that's all, unless someone has questions <:33
Also, thanks for reading this <33
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kylieswift31 · 2 months
The mirrorball
"I want you to know I'm a mirrorball I can change everything about me to fit in"
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I wanted to make a seperate post to provide a little more clarity on my museless stance, but also to invite others to try it out too.
It is not my intention to sound superior because I don't have a preferred muse, but the truth is that I just never felt invested in a specific muse because I didn't live through it as it unfolded. Instead I've chosen to focus on seeing Taylor as her own muse because at the end of the day, wanting Taylor to be happy is the one thing that we all have in common.
The two Taylors
Throughout Taylor's music videos we see many different variants of Taylor. It's difficult to keep track of all these variations, so I tend to simplify it by talking about the queer version of Taylor and the pop star version of Taylor.
Inner = queer Taylor wearing a mask to hide in plain sight
Outer = pop star Taylor as a facade to protect what lies beneath
These two halves of Taylor both represent her as a whole, but highlight the inner turmoil she's experienced from being closeted throughout her career. In both her music and music videos, Taylor's co-stars typically represent the inner version of herself.
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The true man
To understand how Taylor has layered these versions of herself throughout her work we need to refer back to Truman's story. The Truman show starts off with interviews with the cast as we learn about his life. From the director's perspective, Truman Burbank is the most true and real person alive because he was raised on the set of Seahaven under his supervision and guidance. But at the very end Truman reveals that he had been aware that he was living his life in the spotlight and was putting on a show for the audience from the vey beginning.
Every aspect of Truman's life was scripted for him, and his name is no different. If we break it down Truman becomes true man. Burbank is the city where Seahaven was constructed near the Hollywood sign. Truman was the director's manuscript, or the man you script. If we put this all together it becomes 'the man you script is the true man in Hollywood'. Every one around Truman was an actor, but to the directors surprise Truman had been acting too. That means that the true man lies.
So now we have the inner version of Truman who wanted to leave Seahaven, the outer version of Truman that was performing for the audience and the director that was shaping Truman's experience from an outsiders perspective.
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The many Taylors
Taylor has told us that she lies too. Just like the director scripted Truman, Taylor has been scripting herself. The anti hero music video is a great place to start to begin understanding the concept of there being multiple versions of Taylor. There's the regular Taylor stuck at home, the pop star Taylor wreaking havoc, the giant Taylor (the elephant in the room 🌈) that crashes the party and the dying Taylor in the casket. The only problem with having this many versions of Taylor is that it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture.
Instead, we can consider that each version of Taylor represents a layer of who Taylor is as a whole. Some versions of Taylor may be exiled or hidden away like a horcrux, but they've been hidden away inside of Taylor.
This concept is akin to a set of nesting dolls.
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The red herrings
Every layer acts as both a mask for the inner layers to wear and as a facade concealing the layers within. This concept of a facade is what Taylor is describing in the song 'mirrorball'. She's reflecting back what you're willing to see and the version of Taylor you see therefore depends on how deep you're willing to look. This is because the pop star Taylor is the facade for the regular Taylor and so on. This pattern continues until you reach the giant Taylor. And then from the inside out the regular Taylor is the mask for the giant Taylor and so on. This pattern continues until you reach the pop star Taylor again.
"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since To make them love me and make it seem effortless This this the first time I've felt the need to confess And I swear I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care"
However, the secret to seeing the inner Taylor is to understand that the director Taylor exists too. This is integral because the director is scripting or creating the layers to protect the inner Taylor. And no matter which two layers you look at, they're both acting as a mask and facade for the inner and outer layers. All of these versions of Taylor exist because the director Taylor is also the mastermind.
It's evident Taylor is incredibly skilled at creating these layers through the way she has been able to weave multiple muse references into her songs. There's something there for everyone. The general listeners who relate the story to their own lives, the swifties who find connections to Taylor's male muses and the gaylors who find connections to Taylor's female muses. But underneath all that is the complexity of the inner Taylor.
Comparing this concept of layers to the eras tour setlist is intriguing, as they each represent a layer of the mask she has added to over the years. The show starts with the lover house facade, moves into the love story of fearless, goes deeper with the feminine rage in TTPD and ends with the midnights set. Debut being left off the setlist implies that debut Taylor's version is the inner most layer of Taylor's discography. Everything Taylor is working towards is so that she can drop the mask and return home to herself.
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The best friend
Being museless is a way to see Taylor as her own muse, but that doesn't mean that she's doing all of this alone. Truman was able to secretly communicate with his best friend Marlon without being detected through the subtle changes in the way they spoke to each other. The same has been happening with Taylor's allies. It's just subtle enough that it would seem like a coincidence to anyone else, but those who can see the deeper layers have been able to pick up on the patterns. The chaos that has been building up will be easier to navigate if you're can see that Taylor's muses, friends and allies are all working together to support Taylor. And that together, they're all working towards creating changes within the industry that will benefit everyone.
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"Karma takes all my friends to the summit"
A tortured poet,
Kylie x
P.S. I've lost count of how many times I've written Taylor in this post! haha
P.P.S. Tay liar + swift af boi = Taylor Swift
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azzysecondary · 6 months
Sooooo uhhhh….. guess who liked the second game so much they immediately started playing the first after they finished >w>
Anywho I have first impressions of all the protags so far, from the perspective of someone who played the second game first!!
(TLDR: I’m enjoying the game so far,Cyrus is my favorite, and I dub my first four the sillies -w- )
(spoilers for the first chapters of everyone,and for a few mentions of Octopath 2 in here, nothing big for 2, just mentions of characters and chapter 1 tiny spoilers )
Ophilia- 7th in the party
“Que the first shakesphere reference!”
.She’s so wholesome and sweet I love her;w; she’s like a warm presence in her snowy town and I love that for her!! I adore her design and can’t wait to draw it sometime~ it feels really weird hearing the cleric actually and genuinely praise the sacred flame after all my time with Temenos though- I also adore her relationship with her sister it’s so fluffy and wholesome-w-. Overall can’t wait to see more of her!
Cyrus- 3rd in the party
“Prose before Hoes”
He’s my favorite so far- up until his chapter I was wondering why everyone around the protags had an accent and then we reached him and went “HE’S BRITISH *insert keyboard spam*” he’s so silly and goofy and I love his story so far, it intrigues me (´▽`) (I love a good mystery) also he’s an Aro king from my impressions so far, and I love that for him!!
Therion- Protag
“Purple shadow the edgehog”
He’s giving tries to be tough, but in reality he’s a chihuahua . My Boyfriend said I should chose him as my protagonist , because of the purple chests and I do think that was an excellent idea, because he is carrying my party strategy with steal Sp rn - I think he is also very silly, in a way that he tries so hard to be edgy kinda way- also his laugh is very goofy and chuni, I quite enjoy it! His story also interests me, I wanna see more of his edgy rouge backstory! Also I find it funny both games have thieves with the T spot, that are also purple-
Olberic- 5th in the party
“Oh he has lots of baggage-“
His story seems like it’s gonna be sad so far- my guess is he’s gonna be the party dad, as his father figure- son relationship with Phillip is really sweet;w; I hope we get to see more~I’m intrigued in his relationship with Erhardt because there is SO much tension there too…… I love a good agnsty lovers to enemies, and that’s the vines they give, so much angst (that would make two warriors who have a “comrade/best friend” who betrayed them:( ) ! Overall, I think his vibes are “gentle giant, but will not hesitate violence”!
Primrose- 6th in the party
“ insert everytime I said a variant of “gross” or my jaw dropped in her first chapter”
Primrose needs happiness……. It’s interesting to see how similar her type of revenge is to Osvald’s, yet different. I feel like she’s gonna be as a flirt as a coping mechanism and…… I just want her to eventually become happy, the way people treated her in her first chapter was so awful. I gagged almost every time she was called “kitten” (ew I hate quoting that), and the one person that did treat her with kindness was killed in front of her eyes for it- her “Master, go pleasure yourself line.” was really good though! Overall, rooting for her to get her revenge!! (Also I really like her design it’s so pretty-w-)
Alfyn- 4th in the party
“He’s just a normal guy!”
I love how normal he is, like seriously he’s just a sweet guy, and for that I dub him silly! If Therion is a chihuahua, he’s a golden retriever, and I love his whole wholesome story vibes in general! He’s probably gonna be in my top 4 by the end of the game- I love wholesome characters……. And green ones- also Zeph totally has a crush on him that he’s completely oblivious to (´▽`) can’t wait to see more of his chill and wholesome vibes!
Tressa- 2nd in the party
“Who is this sassy lost child?”
She’s giving stubborn little sister vibes, and I am HERE for it! Her story seems super adorable so far too! Also love a good back twice a character’s size (gosh that’s gonna be a pain to make/ find when I cosplay her._.) speaking of her bag….. is that thing a bag of holding? How did she carry that barrel to the cave ?!??! Overall 10/10 character can’t wait to see her bickering with Therion in their travel banters, I’m theorizing they’re gonna act like siblings 030
H’aanit- 8th in the party
“Que the other Shakesphere reference”
I love how they used Shakespearian English for her! I actually quite enjoy reading/ the performing of Shakespeare, and I wonder if they’ll use Shakespearian themes in her story. The rhythm of her speech is close to the rhythm of Shakespeare without sounding unnatural, because she’s not actually a Shakespeare character, I can’t wait to see more of it (I’m also hoping perhaps she may call someone a sponge for the full Shakespeare experience -). Anywho, enough of my geeking out about Shakespeare, what interests me about her story is her somber theme. I don’t know what has happened to her master so far, but I’m wondering if this will be a tragedy based on it’s bitter sweetness. Also love how eloquent her voice is, it was a pleasant surprise!
Anywho that’s all for now! Sorry for the long post, and if you’ve read this far thank you! Now I’m gonna go get back to work on my art and stuff for awhile-
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brsb4hls · 11 months
Ok, making my own post on the two 'big ships' cause manners.
Sylki first: why does Sylvie treat Loki the way she does? Gee, Idk, maybe because he was a giant pain in her ass from the beginning?
He helped the tva to hunt her down, messed up her first shot at getting to the timekeepers, landed them on Lamentis and broke the temppad. So if they died on Lamentis it would have been 100% on Loki.
Sylvie still forgives him for that and starts to built an emotional bond.
In the void she asks him flat out if he'd betray her in the end. He says he wont and suggests building a life together. Then he betrays her in the end. So she gets him out of the way (while most likely being heartbroken about it. Here she was, trusting for the first time in her life and for what).
It's spelled out in the show, no other way of interpreting that really.
Sylvie then tries to built a life on her own and Loki shows up in full time cop uniform.
She still helps him.
He mentions Kang variants as a threat.
When she goes to kill the first variant that shows up (Timely), because they're supposed to become a threat, duh! Loki stops her.
She cannot do right, no matter what.
Different perspectives and different goals and broken trust do not make a healthy relationship of course, but an interesting dynamic. And Sylvie's actions are very easy to understand from her point of view. She's not just an angry, irrational fury, she actually has a point, multiple points even.
As for Loki, his actions are also understandable, since due to his different upbringing, he sees the bigger picture. She can't from her position.
Loki is still emotionally fixated on Sylvie, because contrary to popular believe she was the one to make him care first (in the show, we know he cared about others from the movies but well)
"Her name is Sylvie and she needs me" Loki was so proud to be needed, to get to fight for somebody. He wanted to figure out life with her. He "just wanted her to be ok".
So she triggered his character devolopment first.
Now Lokius.
First off, Mobius isn't even Mobius. People seem to forget that. He is a variant of some dude who got brainwashed. Before he should built any relationship he should maybe work on that.
Secondly, he had zero respect for Loki (as a human being, not in the authority way). He called him a pussycat and a cockroach and emotionally manipulated him, because he was pissed, that Loki tried to get out of the tva (which held him captive) to follow Sylvie.
They do built a friendship, but Mobius still does not take Loki seriously. Reminder that Loki is a god and even without magic extremely strong. He took a beating from the Hulk and basically shook it off. He should be able to break Mobius like a twig. So actually there's a massive power imbalance that Mobius tries to play down constantly.
And Loki for some reason goes along with that, but that's not healthy.
The only time Loki retaliated, was the cracker jack scene. Mobius basically called him a dumb brute, while trying to appear intellectually superior (which is bullshit to anyone who's seen Thor 1. Loki is the one with the tactical, cerebral approach, thank you very much). Loki in return mocks Mobius, because he doesn't even notice the crumbs on his chin. Interesting scene and not cute at all.
Mobius also doesn't just let Loki use his magic the way he likes, he tries to controll it and waponize it, uses Loki as a tool to get people out of the way.
He also uses Loki to torture Brad. Very healthy dynamic indeed.
They still like each other and clearly consider each other friends, no doubt about that, but it's not the wholesome relationship people make it out to be.
(As for the dying for eachother thing: it was necessary for the mission. Not specifically about Loki. He knew what was going on and possibly how to fix it, so Mobius had to stabilize him to keep him as an asset. And yes, as a friend, but it's not dramatic romance here.
The talking to eachother part, well duh. They work together, are they supposed to just stare at the walls in silence?
Loki also talked to Sylvie on Lamentis, because they spent time together there and had an emotional conversation about his mother. If you spend time with people, you talk to them.
While I do prefer Sylki, since to me it's the more interesting dynamic, at this point I just want Loki to be fucking powerful again for once, so Mobius reflects himself a bit maybe.
That would be great.
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A post from a buddy of mine recently got me inspired to do this, myself... But surprisingly not for Makoto. Don't get me wrong, Makoto's a great guy... But I feel like I haven't talked a lot about some of my other ships, they're just kind of... there.
I'm gonna take it easy, though. Don't wanna burn myself out writing these. However, for all you rareshippers out there, I felt it's long overdue to write an "analysis" for at least some of your diamonds in the rough. Tonight, I figured... why not start with Hajime? Let's dust off one of his ships and take a look at it. I'll leave Hinanami alone for now, 'cause that's a pretty well-covered one.
... So let's touch on the other girl that had a presence at the beginning of Hajime's journey in Danganronpa. Let's examine...
Hinazuryu (or Hinatsumi, to distinguish from the... yaoi variant)
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Natsumi's often one of those girls that are brushed off by the fans for... reasons. Mainly the fact she died pre-game in Goodbye Despair, and was only there for an episode in Despair Arc. But aside from the brevity of her existence, how canon just speed-runs through the details involving her, in the short time we meet her in the anime, Natsumi is... uppity. Prickly. Whatever word you want to use. Natsumi's not a "people" person, she's picky about who she interacts with. She came to Hope's Peak for one reason, and one reason only: Because her brother's there. And she's a girl seemingly willing to do anything to achieve her goals. Because she's a daughter of the Head of the most notorious yakuza clan in the modern era of Japan, the Kuzuryu's.
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Natsumi's not like most people in the Reserve Course. ... I mean, you kinda get that from the way she and Hajime aren't "blue people" from their perspective, but it goes a bit farther down the rabbit hole than aesthetics. People usually join the Reserve Course to get that "prestige" of, "Look at me! I attended the best school in the world, and I wasn't an Ultimate!" Even Hajime gravitated to the Reserve Course because he admired Hope's Peak so much, and hoped that by studying here he'd find the resolve to... be someone. To take pride in himself.
Natsumi already has that pride going for her. For better or for worse, she thinks her criminal family is cool. Powerful. They're so well known that even the general public knows they're crooks, yet the police can't or won't touch them - probably because lack of evidence, bribery, and/or blackmail. Naturally, this means Natsumi's not an angel, she was "born" to be bad, and she hasn't had a reason for reflecting on this because she's still a teenager, a child.
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... But Natsumi's not completely happy. Sure, she knows who she is. Knows where she fits in life. But like anyone else, she yearns for something, for someone - in this case, it's her brother. It's not enough to be attending the same school. Because Hope's Peak is the best in the world, and her brother was accepted as an Ultimate, one of the people destined to guide society... at least that's how the academy and the rest of the world look at it. So it's like, Natsumi's here, but she's not here... All she's done is navigate a the huddled masses of society to the front of the line... but now there's a cordoned off area, like when you see celebrities attending a movie premier. She's at the front of the crowd, but Fuyuhiko's canoodiling with the rest of the celebrities. She wants to be out there with him... But she can't yet. Because before anything, Hope's Peak needs to recognize her as an Ultimate like her Big Bro.
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And this is where Hajime enters the picture. Natsumi gets to the front of the line, and she meets this other guy that's frustrated to be here like her. Hajime wants to be at Hope's Peak, but above all he wants to find pride in himself. To have a talent, to be good at something. So even if Hajime doesn't completely "get" Natsumi, he at least empathizes with wishing to get into the Main Course. Hajime is a bit intimidated by Natsumi being with the yakuza, but at the same time he's going along with society's grand delusions and thinks that Natsumi's as much a "nobody" like the rest of them because she's not an Ultimate. He does think Natsumi's too high and mighty for a Reserve student, and it doesn't help when Mahiru comes to deliver lunch for Sato, because Natsumi takes that as her cue to start something... because she and Mahiru have history. Natsumi's got some burning jealousy and envy going on, calling the photographer a goody two shoes and threatening her because the way Natsumi sees it, if there's an open slot, then she can squeeze into the Main Course. Be with her brother.
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....... It doesn't go that way. Of course it doesn't go that way... Natsumi riles up Sato twice, and it takes Hajime (and Mahiru, the first time) to keep things from getting violent because Natsumi's threatening the photographer. It's not a shining moment for Natsumi, it's not meant to be. She's too goal-driven. Her yakuza blood is seeping through. I've talked with Vergilsama92 a few times about the romanticization of yakuza in Japan, it is a thing to pain yakuza in honorable, tragic lights... But honestly, yakuza are still criminals at the end of the day. and this right here is a good example of the daughter of a kumicho being too cutthroat, too willing to do anything to achieve her goals. Hajime defends her not out of some servitude to the mob, but because as someone that idolizes Hope's Peak, who thinks he and Natsumi resonate as far as that goes... he doesn't want her to get in trouble or lose her chance by doing something stupid. Hajime barely knows this girl. ... And he still empathizes with her.
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Unfortunately for Hajime, it's not as simple as Natsumi caring about the academy. About having a talent. Perhaps Natsumi does want pride, to some extent, but it's as she explains it to Hajime: she feels left behind if Fuyuhiko just goes on as the Ultimate Yakuza and she's nothing. Hajime absolutely understands where Natsumi's coming from... 'cause he feels that same "gap" between him and Chiaki, or any Main Course student/staff for that matter. Hajime tries using Chiaki's words of wisdom to cheer Natsumi up, that she doesn't need to have a talent or be an elite. ... But unfortunately, it backfires a little bit - because Hajime's grasping around in the dark for a light switch just like Natsumi is. Chiaki's advice is good... But you need something to fill the void of talent, and Hajime can only assume for Natsumi that would be her relationship with her Big Bro, tries to console her with the fact Fuyuhiko's happy to be with her regardless of title... But Natsumi's just too bitter, frustrated, and depressed. She idolizes Fuyuhiko just like Hajime idolizes Hope's Peak... and she believes her Bro should only have the very best people around him. She wants Fuyuhiko to be proud of her, not looking down from above, to stand by his side.
... And man, poor Hajime just has no idea what to say. Because he gets her. That's the whole reason he's reaching out to a relative stranger in the first place. And here's the ironic beauty of this scene: it's okay that Hajime doesn't know the answers yet. Some people might say, "Makoto would've known what to say, Chiaki would've known, Chisa would've known..." And to that, I say that's not necessarily true. Conundrums like this take time to sort through, and the fact that Makoto, Chiaki, and Chisa are all Ultimates, it would've made it challenging to interact with Natsumi at first - not because they're so arrogant, but because Natsumi would see them as, rightfully or not, people that are superior to her. Natsumi wouldn't be so quick to open up to a bunch of random Ultimates, not at this stage. She's too bitter and hurt.
In this instance, I really would argue that Hajime was the "best" person to connect with Natsumi in the beginning. They're not completely the same; Hajime just wants pride in himself, and Natsumi wants to feel equal to her Bro. Hajime doesn't have the answers yet, they both need to remove their idols from their unreachable pedestals, but with some more time it's possible that he and Natsumi could have settled into this mutual search of "something else". I'll reiterate: It's okay to not know what to say. I read an article recently that talks about how as a society we need to have a ready, immediate answer to every little thing, every eventuality... And that's just not true. You don't need to know how to make yourself presentable, to sell yourself... You just need to be yourself. It's one of the hardest things, I know. XD Employers want this and that, demand you to do this and that, but sometimes you just have to take a step back, to divorce your private life from your job. Just "be you." Not what somebody else tells you to be.
I suppose that's the crux, the tragedy of Hajime and Natsumi here. They're teenagers doing what teenagers do best: Trying to find themselves. Hajime wants to be good at something, Natsumi wants to be her brother's equal. Unfortunately, however, that puts them at the mercy of Hope's Peak's agenda, because all those lies they feed the public? If Hajime and Natsumi want to get their wishes, they'll have to become Ultimates. That's the only surefire way to get anywhere in life, that's the magic spell Hope's Peak has weaved over the general populace. But Reserve Course have no hopes of transferring into the Main Course - they're cash cows. And if on the very rare chance they develop a talent, then they go from being a cash cow to a guinea pig, an animal in a cage purely for observation to funnel all that research into the Kamukura Project. And Hajime's in the most dangerous position of all, being the first potential guinea pig for that Project. The academy's offering Hajime a carrot, and he's really tempted to reach out and take it... But he met Chiaki. Met her teacher. Met Mister Tengan. And now he's met Natsumi... And Hajime's just so lost on what he should do. He only has so much time to make a decision, and it's going to change his life no matter what. He'll either go for the carrot, and lose himself in the process; or he'll be cast out because his family isn't rich enough to keep sending him to school there.
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Hajime feels this tug between two ideals - Chiaki's and Natsumi's. He wants to believe in Chiaki, that there's another way... but he jives with Natsumi so much that it hurts.
And then the unthinkable happens: Even though Hajime just met her, Natsumi dies. Sure, the audience could see that Sato was deeply disturbed, that she had her own obsession in Mahiru... And Natsumi threatening the photographer sent Sato over the edge. However, the characters don't have this omniscient understanding of people; Natsumi dies within days of being accepted to Hope's Peak's Reserve department. You might not think that this would impact Hajime so much... but it does. Much like how Darth Maul killing Qui-Gon helped decide Anakin's fate in Star Wars, the same kind of tragedy happens here: Hajime had someone that resonated with him. He had someone that bounced a dialogue off with him to help figure some things out... And now that person's gone.
Say what you will about Natsumi being a terrible role model or a terrible human being because she was a yakuza, but from what we can deduce from her death is that she is a victim in this case. Not a blameless one, but nothing suggests that she truly planned to off Mahiru, unless you take Sato at her word. We're left with this impression that Sato jumped the gun, and now Hope's Peak is in a pinch because of the upcoming exams - so they sweep the murder under the rug because the academy's good name comes first above all else.
Hajime plunges on ahead, oblivious to the politics involved. Because... he needs to find out the truth of Natsumi's death. Even if he barely knew her, he needs to know who killed her, and why... To give himself closure as much as Natsumi. Hajime's still so lost and reeling...
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... And he can't catch a break. He overhears Sato and Mahiru talking in the courtyard, and is on the right track with suspecting Sato of the crime... But Sato refuses to talk to him. Leaving Hajime with only one option: Talk to Mahiru. Which... obviously doesn't happen. Because Hope's Peak doesn't let Reserves onto the Main Campus... And Juzo goes rough on him because he's trying to protect Hajime in his own arrogant, misguided way. Because Juzo knows the Steering Committee would bury the kid if he made too much noise about this murder.
It's the last straw for Hajime, however... He's hurt, he's broken... and Chiaki's "hope" rings hollow for him, because he doesn't see how a nobody like him can live in this world where the elite bury the nobodies like they don't even matter, a world where he's so powerless. He still admires and loves Chiaki a lot - but he can't live on like this. and he winds up choosing to take the carrot that Hope's Peak is giving him.
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I come to the end of this long-ass summary of canon... to say that this only plays a very small part of my love for Hinatsumi. It's a small, yet meaningful part. Because like how Chiaki's death "snapped" him back to Hajime, it was Natsumi's death that was the trigger to the chain of events that cornered Hajime. Hajime barely knew this girl... and yet she had such a profound effect on his life because they were like reflections in a mirror. Honestly, Hinatsumi has some parallels to Naezono for me, 'cause Sayaka didn't get to live long, either... XD Admittedly, however, Natsumi is not a lovesick puppy for Hajime like Sayaka is for Makoto. ... Not. Even. Close.
Honestly, if Natsumi's death could have been averted, that would just be the starting point to a world of new possibilities. Let's start with the fact that Natsumi opened up to Hajime about her brother in the first place. This is a guy she just met, she's been looking down her nose at all these other "scrubs" that are their classmates... and here's this guy that, as wishy-washy as he can be, has shown that he has some spine. And sure, he whines and quibbles over how they're gonna get accepted into the Main Course, but he wants to get there. He could use some more time stewing in the pot or whatever, but Hajime's not completely hopeless. At least he tries to talk back to her, talk like they're equals; everyone else is so relaxed about being in the Hope's Peak... even though they're frankly not. Whether or not Natsumi realizes this yet, Hajime's someone that she respects on some level. Enough to tell him about her brother and how he deserves only the very best. And hey, maybe it's something that she's been meaning to get off her chest, and she hasn't found anyone to listen to her up until now...
At least it's a start. I imagine if Sato's attempted murder had failed for whatever reason, there'd still be this tension between Natsumi, Sato, and Mahiru; and Fuyuhiko and Peko would probably be dragged into it. But that obvious point aside, as the deadline for Hajime's decision draws closer, Natsumi would most likely press him about what's eating away at him, why he's so hung up on getting into that main campus...
And I think Hajime might just open up to her about his decision, in some capacity. Whether he tells her about the Project, or whether he keeps to the confidentiality agreement, he would still convey that his tuition's running out... And there's something he needs to decide on, if he's gonna stay here or not. Even if he keeps mum about the Project, Natsumi would probably understand it's something clandestine, something a bit too intense for Hajime's current level. ... And she'd probably tell him to just not have anything to do with it. Natsumi has seen shady shit, and it's not stuff that she'd wish on Hajime. If it was money troubles he was having, he should have just told her; I can see that as an attitude Natsumi would have. In a situation where Natsumi is saved from dying by Hajime (and yes, there's a few fanfics out there to that effect), her family would feel this sort of indebtedness to him, and would likely offer a deal for tuition money. But in worlds where the attempted murder is thwarted through other means, and Hajime doesn't have that reckless savior status going for him, I can see Natsumi talking with her brother or her dad to get a "job" lined up for Hajime, whether as a lookout or train him up as a bodyguard, whatever they feel Hajime needs to do to earn that tuition money, and they'd go from there.
Of course... I don't see Hajime all too thrilled to be making a deal with a yakuza group, but the alternative is losing his place at Hope's Peak altogether or accepting their Project when he's still so uncertain. In the spirit of "open-mindedness", I think Hajime would take a shot with working with the Kuzuryu's if he's primarily working with Natsumi or her brother that he hasn't met yet. The reason for that is that he knows Natsumi (... well, a little) and she seems sincere enough that her brother has scruples, too. Maybe he can have an effect on them or their family; and if not that, well, being trained in some capacity isn't a bad thing. Few others seem so willing to give Hajime a chance, and the ones that are honestly have their lives more together than Hajime does.... XD It's just speculation, but based on how he interacts with Natsumi and Fuyuhiko, I think he'd take a shot with them. ... Even if the carrot Hope's Peak is offering is so tantalizing. XDDD
Whatever path Hajime takes, whether it's leaving Hope's Peak or working with the Kuzuryu's... I think Natsumi would stay in touch, at least. Maybe if their friendship deepens, she'd transfer to his school eventually, if he decided to leave. It's just a hunch more than anything, but they wouldn't break off their tentative friendship, regardless of what Hajime does. Without a murder, Hope's Peak is less antsy, and that gives Hajime a much more "friendly" environment to avoid rushing into deciding to do the Kamukura Project. If he stays, chances are he'll meet Mahiru properly, meet Fuyuhiko and Peko, and possibly all of Chiaki's classmates... But as cozy with Chiaki as he is, I have a feeling Natsumi would get territorial before long. Seeing the goofballs that is Fuyuhiko's classmates, Natsumi might even lose a bit of confidence that going to the Main Course is what she wants... Hajime's a lot easier to handle, and some of them would just piss her off.... (人◕ω◕) She probably wouldn't give up going to the Main Course right away, and neither would Hajime, but more time to think about things would chill both of them out.
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To properly end this off, I'll get into the more "shippy" reasons for why these two work. And yes, it's not because they're both Reserve Course... though that helps in chilling Natsumi out. That she's not being talked down to.
... *stares at height difference between Natsumi and Hajime* Just don't say anything, Pyro.... (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;
Obviously, Hajime and Natsumi have different, even clashing personalities. This is great, because they balance each other out! They complement each other. Natsumi is short-tempered, foul-mouthed, bossy, stubborn, but she's got a backbone, and she'd help Hajime build up his. If Hajime works for the Kuzuryu's, it might be touch-and-go at first because Natsumi may be playful and screw around with having him do stuff for her or Fuyuhiko... But she'd also, sooner or later, pick up on his potential for talking to people. That is to say, Hajime might not have the answers to everything, but at least he tries and at least he listens. Natsumi might nudge him to "counselor"-esque positions, maybe at first (jokingly) suggesting to provide counsel to yakuza who want to leave or retire from the gang - Hajime would deadpan back that yakuza don't "retire" like most "professions." Maybe she wouldn't be completely hands-on with telling Hajime where to go, but if he eventually found something himself that he was relatively confident in, Natsumi would support him all the way.
Hajime, on the other hand, may be wishy-washy, uncertain, cautious, and down on himself a lot... But he does have scruples, he reflects, and he'd be down-to-earth which would offset Natsumi's fiery spirit. He might not be able to defuse "every" conflict Natsumi is a part of, but if they hang around each other enough, he'll help chill Natsumi out. In turn, she'll help give him a tenacity, a determination. Hajime would probably meet Fuyuhiko (and Peko) sooner rather than later, and boy would he be nervous. lol But he'd get to know Fuyuhiko a lot, and Fuyuhiko would see the balming effect Hajime has on Natsumi's obsessive drive to be his equal. And Fuyuhiko would approve the hell out of that. Anything to keep her from the stark raving madness that she embodied at the start of the school year.
Hajime and Natsumi would be a slow buildup for a romance... and that's honestly fine. Natsumi would see Hajime as a friend before anything else for a long time, and she'd have these other ideas for "boyfriend material"... And maybe she'd learn the hard way those types aren't what she's looking for. They'd sort of stumble into the romance, with Natsumi getting a bit jealous Hajime's so comfortable around Chiaki... give Hajime the cold shoulder if worse comes to worst, but then find out she misses his company, and tries to make it up to him. Hajime in turn gives Natsumi space when it seems like she needs it, and cares about her; though he'd probably flip a bit if he realized he was falling for a yakuza...
In an ideal world, perhaps Natsumi leaves the yakuza behind to raise a family with Hajime, someday. Like Fuyuhiko, she has scruples; and it's possible that Sato killing her is a sign that Natsumi isn't all hardcore and violent like she puts on. ... Maybe Sato just got lucky, we can't be sure. But I like to think if she keeps on developing, Natsumi will see the criminal underworld isn't all as glamorous as she thought it was, as a kid. Perhaps Hajime would see the conflict between morals and duty, and suggest they get out while they have the chance; Natsumi might not take it so well at first, but... Like Fuyuhiko, she might come to accept she can't "change" the family to the extent that she would want.... 'cause yakuza are criminals at the end of the day. They're not gonna be able to keep up an "honorable" facade forever.
That aside, in general, Hinatsumi is nice 'cause they're two wayward souls that balance each other out. They push and tug each other like the moon and the waves. Chances are, even if Hajime refuses the Project, the Tragedy's still gonna happen, just maybe not as we know it. But at least in this path, Hajime and Natsumi both have a chance to live and fight the good fight with Future Foundation. If the Tragedy never happens, well.... they'll still probably realize Hope's Peak isn't all it's cracked up to be. And they don't need to be Ultimates to live a satisfying life~
Hope you enjoyed my long-ass analysis/speculation on the Hinatsumi ship. Like I said, I wanna do this for some of my other favorite minor ships... Just to spread the love around. :3
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89 notes · View notes
lavathein · 10 months
What is season 2 about?
Okay, I don't know, I really love Season 1, and I've watched it many times (and continue to do so), and it's a story that has heart and soul. It's very well-written, and all the characters have their paths and personalities. Season 1 shouldn't appeal to everyone; people are different, have different tastes, and different views. It has its own philosophy, and that's okay. If you don't feel like it's your thing and don't like it, okay, maybe that's how it is, and you'll move on. Especially since I've been a Loki fan for 10 years and didn't know what this show would be about. I was very anxious that they would ruin it, and when I realized there would be a romantic storyline, I was dismayed. But Season 1 is the best thing I've ever seen. And, of course, spending so much time with it and thinking about how you see it going forward - anticipating the continuation. And probably now I feel that it will remain forever. "For all time - Always" is ironic :)
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1 Episode
When I watched the first episode, I was pleased that it continues everything from Season 1. And now it continues to feel that way to me. It fits so seamlessly into the continuation, and I don't even understand why it stopped? It's very atmospheric and almost mysterious, and I don't even know what else to say about it - everything is great. I'll only stop at two things - the Loom and Sylvie.
The Loom - I won't be dishonest if I say that this thing only appears in Season 2 because it's called the "Heart of the TVA" and is never mentioned in Season 1. I'm talking about that animated explanation from Miss Minutes, who would supposedly talk about it. I understand that it's a convention, but since this Loom plays the role of the "Main Antagonist" and literally drives the plot, it's probably the first thing I don't really like. It's as if it was never planned, but added later to have such a turning point. He Who Remains talks about the Multiversal War and countless variants, but it turns out that it's a bit off? Because it all depends on the Loom, which either works and protects one Sacred Timeline or overloads, and everything collapses.
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Sylvie - Loki is looking for her, and actually, I always saw it just as it was shown. That is, exactly. And I liked how he goes into the future and finds her, as if it's a meaningful clue. Oh, Sylvie, looking for him, she's in the TVA, she's glad to see him. Honestly, it's like giving hope to Loki and the audience, as if they will come to understand and start working Together, and it's like a hint... The phone call that makes you think. I don't know, it's one of the most mysterious and favorite scenes in Episode 1. BUT.
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2 Episode
I had some nerves before the episode. I love Season 1, and I always knew that there has to be a conflict after the Season 1 finale, and I really hoped to see it. Season 1 told this story as a metaphor. Loki's journey to understanding himself and the ability to love himself, to care for others, and not just think about himself and his selfish motives. And this journey in Season 1 was incredible. But the path should never be easy; it's challenging, and I considered the conflict - it's necessary to reach certain conclusions, and... Perhaps, unfortunately, the change in direction in Season 2 does lose or has a different vision.
I like the character of Sylvie, and thanks to Season 1, I understand her. Throughout Season 1, I never had the question of why she does what she does, what motivates her? All these were answered. In the finale, she loses trust in Loki because, from her perspective, he deceived and manipulated her all the time, and there's no understanding why he suddenly starts defending the Dictator they went together to stop. But she loves him, and as neither of them will back down, she pushes him away. She kills He Who Remains, and her mission ends - everyone is free. Really? For her, yes, that's it, but in reality, NO. There's responsibility associated with this that she didn't know about, and Loki was thinking about. At that moment, it's clear why she doesn't understand this. And it seems she should have a path to understand it? I think so.
Okay, the episode is quite mirror-like to Episode 2 in Season 1, and I liked it, although now it seems to be losing something. Loki and Mobius are searching for Sylvie again. Loki and Mobius have a conversation again, but now Loki helps Mobius understand some things. Actually, Mobius in Season 2, it seems, has his logical path, but it doesn't have the same impact and importance as in Season 1? He's more like a perpetually positive and slightly funny sidekick. Because, his best friend has a conflict and a problem, and Mobius knows about it but doesn't attempt to guide Loki? There's no sense of support, although maybe it's just me. I won't say that it's completely absent; it just seems less noticeable and important than it was in Season 1.
Hunter X-5 or Brad Wolfe - he's a new character in this story, and when I think about him, he seems interesting, yes, he's a well-written character, but... What was he needed for? Okay, he's the one through whom they find Sylvie; he's a TVA agent who wants to live on the timeline, and this desire is the main and overly important thing. He's almost obsessed - I just want to live. The interrogation with Loki and Brad, I kind of like it, incredible acting, but for some reason, I get the feeling that something is missing. It's a performance, and you know that this plan was devised by Mobius? Loki doesn't know how to make a person talk... It's like something's not quite right here?
Sylvie - she's on the timeline and has the new life she wanted. And actually, I didn't see a problem with that. It was always her path, and she did it, but again... It seems to have ambiguity. Okay, she freed everyone and considers that it's all over and that she was wrong in trusting Loki and thought that the TVA was done, and she would never see it again. And I really liked this shot:
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Visually, it's very informative, and I liked that. It seems to depict the separation between them. The heavy and gray cash register between them, the dark line also seems to reflect this barrier. On Sylvie's side, there are comfortable warm colors, while Loki, as something cold and dark, returns with past problems. He appears and disrupts the comfortable bubble in which Sylvie has enclosed herself. For me, it seemed symbolic, as in Season 1, he also somewhat suddenly appears in her life and disrupts her plans by inserting himself into them. It was intriguing. Honestly...
But then they have a conversation. And it's genuinely tense, and I can only ask, what? Sylvie doesn't chase him away and agrees to talk – so she wants to talk? Okay. The first thing he says is, "I'm the last person you want to see"... Wait, wait, so you saw her in the future, in the TVA, and she was glad to see you, and you say this? For me, it's a bit awkward because the sense of knowing the future is somewhat lost here. He should have had more confidence if this was to happen, right? It's one thing I don't like because it's challenging to move on from this. He says, "The TVA is in danger" to a person for whom the TVA has always been this danger. Indeed, Sylvie confirms that he has always been on the side of the TVA, and it's not going anywhere. Now it looks very uncertain, actually. Okay, it's a barrier, and something needs to be done about it further? When the fight scene with the TVA agents happens, and it ends in failure and even more disagreement. Like obstacle after obstacle.
I'm not very fond of revisiting Episode 2 as it seems very tense and not very comfortable for me. It's not like I can explain it; it's a genuine feeling, and maybe it makes sense because I probably feel something similar to the characters. Their tension, pain, and sadness seem to transfer onto me. Maybe that's okay?
3 Episode
This episode is probably one I both love and dislike simultaneously, especially when I know the finale, and I probably don't understand most of what it's talking about. Initially, when I watched it, I was a bit disappointed, surprised, and pleased with one moment. What I don't like at all is the focus on He Who Remains, Ravonna, and Miss Minutes. And if it didn't matter, I wouldn't have questions, but does it? Let's look at each.
Viktor Timely - a variant of He Who Remains, and he's needed for two things. First, he's needed to assist the TVA because he's a variant of HWR, and he's needed for Sylvie's growth. I actually like this part. Kang's variant, Loki, and Sylvie find themselves in the same place again with a moment similar to the Season 1 finale. I liked this scene because it revealed Sylvie's motivation, that she decides to return and help with the problem. She confronts the past. Their conflict with Loki has a continuation - she thinks he wants to bring He Who Remains back to the TVA, and this angers her. And it's understandable. But Loki is not involved in this, and Kang's variant is not the same He Who Remains. The conversation is about freedom of choice, and she understands she can't do what was done to her. Later, she stops and trusts Loki to take Kang, making an important step for herself. Actually, Sylvie's part is one of the best in the episode. But now I feel like it stopped here, and that's bad...
Ravonna and Miss Minutes - in Season 1, her last line was "I'm going in search of Free Will," and here we get a full continuation. She works with Miss Minutes and acts according to He Who Remains' plan. Their task is to find his variant and literally create HWR. That's what they do. HWR have something in common - they hate the Partnership. And if at some point it seemed to me an interesting detail and parallel, now I don't understand its impact. So they always repel everyone... Okay, and? Well, they're always alone, and it suits them, but what else? There's also a small triangle between HWR, Ravonna, and Miss Minutes. HWR and Ravonna seem to like each other, but in the end, He Who Remains betrays Ravonna very quickly - it was actually funny. And the AI Clock turns out to be a bit strange and in love with Kang? Again, I don't understand what it was for...? In the end, they all betray each other. It's funny.
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But what's worse is Loki ending up in the background altogether? I mean, they, with Mobius, went to look for Ravonna, and they are running after them the whole episode. Loki has the same conversation and scene with Sylvie. Mobius encounters Ravonna - they have two conversations. The first where Mobius offers her to come back, but she firmly refuses with a clear NO. And the second where Mobius makes a second attempt - but it's futile and final. There seems to be no way back, it's all over. And that's it... I don't know, Ravonna seems to exist in this plot, but what she does... What does it affect? The emergence of He Who Remains. But her task was simply to give him the TVA handbook. Could Miss Minutes have done that herself? Ask anyone? I don't know, it seems so unserious now. Again, it's like they left her in Season 1, and in Season 2, they didn't know what to do with her... Also, she has a conflict with Sylvie, which ALSO goes nowhere? I thought maybe they would explain Sylvie's Nexus Event? No. Sylvie just accepts that the obsession with revenge is not good and sends Ravonna to He Who Remains in the Citadel. There, Ravonna learns that she was once Kang's partner, and then he betrayed her and wiped her memory. Okay, and?
Sylvie and Ravonna also have an interesting confrontation that can be called Chaos versus Order. I really thought we were moving in that direction, but unfortunately it's also just a good detail that stops there, unfortunately.
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4 Episode
I'm going to write right away that this is the best and my favourite episode in season 2.
The whole company gathers to fix the Loom. In fact, they managed to fit all the characters in this episode. Loki, Sylvie, Mobius, B-15, OB, Casey, D-90, Victor Timeley, Brad Wolfe, Dox and her Minutemen, Miss Minute and Ravonna.
And I actually like this episode, but I want to step back and say that the strangest thing about season 2 is that they want to show TVA as something good that can stand up for itself and that the people in TVA are good people. And I don't know - it's such a contrast to season 1. Do we remember that literally all of them are murderers and TVA is a high-security organisation? In fact, knowing that these people have committed a crime and they have this attitude sometimes is not just a cropped timeline - it's the murder of millions of lives. It's not just lines and numbers on a monitor. In fact, when Sylvie mentions this, is she right? She has every right to doubt TVA and points out the main problems with it. But in the show, it looks like - Yes, they may have done badly, but they are actually all good. As for Mobius, he is an agent of TVA and he also killed, tortured variants. He's just "He who sees the light in the darkness" - that's actually perfect for Mobius. He's kind and even when he cuts a timeline or a variant, he did it with respect and it was shown more than once in season 1. He talks to a child whose home is about to be destroyed and he respects and reassures the variant. He doesn't allow people who have lives on the Timeline to be mistreated. Do you remember D-90's behaviour? In season 2 he's already good and it's a bit sudden? I mean, if I'm someone from TVA I have the right to not give a damn about the variants, but if I'm a variant then oh, I won't do that anymore, I'm good - I think it's so WOW it was fast.
I like that they mention it, but I don't like the way they approach it at all. Because Sylvie is the one who talks about it, but it's made to sound like she's very rude and wrong and she's the problem in this. Not quite the right accents - I would call it that. Loki, by the way, also didn't have particularly good memories of TVA and the only one he had confidence in was Mobius. Now he trusts everybody very quickly and again, they're all suddenly very good compared to what they were in season 1. It's not really that easy to change and in that respect the script has a weakness to move and get Loki out of TVA very quickly.
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Perhaps Dox and her minutemen, as well as X-5 or Brad Wolf were chosen for this purpose. Because they are the only ones who do not agree with the changes in TVA and believe that it should continue. But is it such a small number? In episode 1, Mobius mentions how hard it is to realise the deception and that everything you did was not what it seemed. And I think such themes are added - well, but in fact they are not revealed at all and it all comes down to a simple solution. Yes, the show is about Loki and his growth, and that's the problem, because you have to work not only with Loki, but also with the other characters, his relationships with them and other themes in the show. What I have never liked is such an interesting and large-scale topic for a series of 6 episodes about a very complex and multi-layered character. This is why both season 1 and now season 2 suffered from it. It's sad because having more episodes would have been much better for such a series. And season 2 is too overloaded and in my opinion it doesn't manage to cope with it, especially when it comes to relationships and interaction with the characters.
Ravonna and Miss Minute return to TVA with the goal of regaining control. And they want to team up with Dox and her team and Brad - how did they find out about them and why them? It's a convention, but there was an option where Ravonna and Miss Minute could have proposed their plans to the whole TVA and then it would have been even more of a threat. Some kind of rebellion? More problems? These are my thoughts on this. The scene is generally one of the most violent. Because Brad is obsessed with living his life on Timeline and he's willing to commit treason and do almost anything to get what he wants. Dox and her minutemen disagree - suddenly, and the conversation with B-15 may have had its weight. And they all get killed very brutally - what was I saying earlier - that TVA isn`t a good organisation and all these people are not good? Ravonna unemotionally deleted Mobius (her best, friend, or even more) and now - which is good, what Ravonna does is consistent with her character. And Miss Minute, with her horrible and joyful smile? That's what TVA was and it's no wonder Sylvie, who suffered the most from it and hates and distrusts it all now - right?
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The most interesting for me, as always, are Loki and Sylvie. In this episode, they interact the most, even work together and have a VERY important dialogue. And I really hate to think that this dialogue is Progress and that it stops there. I won't dwell on the full dialogue, but for me it was a hint and a meaning. "We are Gods" - I'm not even talking about the fact that they were supposed to be together in the finale, okay? First of all, it's Loki - he finally speaks about the Gods in a different way than before and realises the great responsibility and burden. I was waiting for this. And he makes a lot of things very clear to Sylviе here. The real problem with her is that the writers didn't know what to do with her, didn't they? Like the fear that she might get in the way of Loki - for me it was not a problem and she never seemed to be a competitor. Her interaction with Loki made sense. In season 2, they're afraid of that, so they seem to do everything to keep her away from him - some people like that, I personally don't. I was waiting for it as a continuation of season 1 and I liked it there, and of course when I see that a character is artificially removed from the path, it's noticeable and annoying, even angry. (This is one of the reasons why for me season 2 becomes a separate story, and not a continuation of season 1) Sylvie achieved one purpose and it was complete in her opinion, but there are consequences. And in my opinion, Sylvie doesn't quite match the person she was. And this is too big a conversation and it's better to talk about it separately. Loki hints to her that she is really a God - Sylvie had no life in Asgard. And Loki reminds her who she really is. And she thinks about it. I like that. And it's a real shame that after this episode, it's stop. Because I thought that her goal would be to learn to take responsibility and learn to be a God, just like Loki. Perhaps this is left for the future, but this is where some development stops. I'm not going to talk about their relationship anymore, because like Sylvie's character, the writers have rejected their romance and leave it as a subtext - which again goes against the grain of season 1. And this is simply explained - they don't talk, they don't try, they are afraid to remember the events of season 1. These are not the same characters - it's the authors of season 2 who are afraid of this topic. And this is a problem. It's a disadvantage. The integrity of what I was most afraid of is being destroyed. That's why it doesn't work as a sequel.
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Loki and Sylvie are also finally working together. It reminded me a lot of season 1 and it was nice. Although, in my opinion, the intrigue with the scene of the elevator and the phone was not as significant as I first saw it. In general, I am a little sad because of this - I still hoped that it would be of great importance. But the scene is good.
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The finale of the episode is very intriguing. And actually, something starts from this moment.
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5 Episode
From this episode, things start to go differently. I don't mean badly - just in a different way. The first time I watched it, it upset me a little. Let me put it this way - Season 2 has a very tense atmosphere, all the time. Maybe it's just me, but I really get a sense of fear, nervousness and desperation from the characters - especially Loki. I'm used to him as quite optimistic, and I like how he's always looking for a way out, smiling and having fun, he's still the God of Mischief. Season 1 had a rather warm atmosphere and probably I could see such open and special emotions from Loki only there. In Season 2, he's really desperate and sad… He's really stressed. In the 5th episode, Loki's most painful topic is touched upon - the fear of being alone. This has always been his problem from movies and shows. I always wanted him to finally break the system and overcome it, find friends and love - which is what happens in season 1. In season 2, he loses it… I mean it goes as an ironic sequel, although I think it's a bit artificial again, especially when it comes to the lack of dialogue and trying to understand each other with Sylvie. Also, people on TVA are friends or found family. Maybe Loki just doesn't feel alone with them, maybe he wants to reassure himself because of his selfish motives, but it doesn't feel like "family" to me. Mobius and Sylvie are definitely important to him. But with the others…weak, because they are not brought together for Loki, they just have to fix one problem. Artificial circumstances that bring them together. And also family is not that one wants something for them, it is when it is mutual. I don't think Casey, OB, B-15 could even do something like that for Loki and care about him so much. They have a respectful and good attitude, but that's just normal. In this regard, season 2 is also not very strong. But at least Loki was able to feel himself with some company where he is respected.
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Loki and Sylvie have probably the saddest dialogues and scenes in the episode. Maybe it's on purpose, but when they can't talk about anything but TVA and Free Will for the whole season, it starts to get annoying at some point. They have no dialogues that would concern them. Their romance literally rests on the shoulders of the actors who play these emotions - the acting work in the season is incredible. Sylvie and Loki continue to teach themselves and help in something - but not in their relationship. Loki understands that he is acting selfishly, and Sylvia that she is wrong and Loki is right that without TVA everything will begin to collapse and die. In fact, the episode is about Loki, because everything that happens in it eventually goes back to episode 4. But as for Loki, he learns to control the slippage of time and understands his actions. And they also think about the important thing that will play a role in the final. I don't know what the episode was supposed to be - Yes, it was rewritten several times and the last one was rewritten over the weekend. The original Episode 5 was scrapped, even though it was considered the team's best. Now I wonder what was supposed to be in it, because I'm not kidding, it really stands out after episodes 1-4 and it's noticeable.
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6 Episode
I've been with Loki for a very long time and I probably will never stop and for me it was a powerful and very sad and tragic ending, but it makes sense. What Loki does is incredible and powerful. One can only be proud of him. In my opinion, the finale could have had a stronger and more beautiful moment, if Loki in season 2 had not destroyed everyone and remained alone - yes, he distances himself from others, he does not even trust anyone with what is really happening. He does everything himself and makes decisions himself. On the one hand, I understand this idea. But for me, it would be better to strengthen all relationships, understand and realize what it is really like to have all these people and to be someone for them. Especially regarding Sylvia - for me it is a special blow that he went to this victim without understanding his relationship with her, without reconciling - there was no dialogue. Nothing happened… I will never understand this and this makes this sacrifice too painful and tragic for me. These are my thoughts on this. I understand what the creators wanted to say and it has the right to exist. I see it differently and again I am focusing on season 1. After the finale, I generally have to force myself that these are different stories… Because it's just too painful. I'm not saying that they were necessarily supposed to be together - no, but their conflict is not resolved. They never understand each other. It's just no way. I have already explained why this is, so what we have is what we have. Regarding Kang… I didn't like the scenes in the Citadel and all that. It worked really, really badly for me. "Do not disturb and disappear" is not just a reflection of how they did with Sylvie in the season, but also seems to relate to season 1 and those who worked on it. It's like mockery and mockery. I especially don't like this whole scene and the way it's done. I am not talking about the fact that it is impossible to agree with Sylvie… Loki can travel in time and stop him, he literally endlessly fights with her and does not speak, does not move until they are in the Citadel - I understand the meaning of that that she wouldn't back down, but Loki would really like to Leave the Sacred Timeline and all that. That is… To have a dialogue with Sylvie is to be able to think about it, to try to find other ways. I wouldn't even say that ultimately killing Kang is a mistake - Sylvie is right and Loki has always agreed with that. The first time he stopped her because he didn't know the consequences and he didn't like the prospect of being trapped. Now it is lost. More about Citadel here: 6 episode
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In conclusion, if you describe it - Loki remains alone. Loki loses. But the main thing is that Kang loses. Loki wins by giving everyone a chance, Sylvie is okay, and his friends can live the lives they lost. This is a sacrifice for their sake. And the throne on which he sits is a burden, without glory. I somehow knew that this final would be like this, maybe I would like the path to it to be different. Again, the whole season is very sad, tense and seems to get worse the further it goes on. Loki is a favorite character and if you enjoy watching this suffering, then maybe so, but not me. It is very sad. And it is still more difficult for me, as questions and conflicts remain unanswered. As a misunderstanding. But let it. The finale is beautiful, deep, tragic. He is good. I may not have had enough emotions, because once again everything was as sad as it was and there are no emotional jumps like… You just fixed everything and got it now… You have to make a sacrifice and lose everyone, but for their sake - for me it would be for the better All the same.
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Sylvie and Mobius are left without Loki. Mobius finally takes a step and leaves TVA to see the life he lost. And now he can live it all over again, he can do whatever he wants. A rather logical conclusion for Mobius. It was good. Sylvie - I don't know, but really I'm so angry that her role is so weak, I already explained that it's very artificial and all so that she doesn't interfere with Loki, because if they reconciled they would work together and so on… Well, weak and uncertain , very The fear of recalling some topics and dialogues from the 1st season is so lost. Very frustrating. Truth. And I can only blame the writers. I will never forgive this. But to sum it up, it is more likely that her development and the path to who she really is, the Goddess and what She is Sylvie, and not just the Loki option and obtaining a new Glorious Goal, were left for the next projects. I wish that in the end she either got to Loki or saved him, because he really deserves some kind of reward, doesn't he? Maybe there will be a chance, because after all, their unresolved issue is such a strange decision… Or it makes sense. Maybe? Let's see where she goes next. But she still has to develop and develop, because she is at the very beginning of her journey. And Loki gave a chance to fight. So please.
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Season 2 of Loki was good. Unfortunately, it will not become the same for me as the 1st season. They tell slightly different stories and about different things. As for Loki, it's very good and I can really be proud of his path and development. Although too tragic and sad, but beautiful. Mixed feelings. And I just want to make some things better so that it seems like a perfect continuation, so that everything has a logical sequence, so that there are no questions about why this is, why it is the way, why, and where did it disappear, why is it missing. A lot of questions. They are simply there - that is, it indicates problems and they are noticeable. Everyone has their own priorities, so opinions on any movie or show should differ. I am expressing my own. And if it doesn't suit me, it's not necessarily that someone will have the same feeling. Everyone is different. And there are only One things that cannot be forgiven and for which this season SHOULD be scolded - the intentional cleaning of some things. This is. This is a fact and it will never be right. There will never be an excuse. Each character, each thing should have weight - the worst thing is when you can remove someone or something and the result will be the same - this is immediately bad work. And in the 2 season it is, unlike the 1st. This was the 2nd season of the show "Loki"
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 2 months
This one is something that I only just recently realized & now I'm curious how the Dorfs would take it.
The Gans that use things like Redeads & Gibdos should probably hope that ELady never learns of it, because it’d likely result in a huge fight. The sort that might end up breaking them as a couple.
Like, recall that she's Sheikan, who tend to have a connection to the dead & have been responsible for sending the spirit's of the dead off to the afterlife. It is a very deeply-ingraned cultural thing to respect the dead regardless of who they were in life. It very much isn't unusual for a Sheikah to kill an enemy, then proceed to give a short prayer that their spirits find peace. And, if it is possible at that time, they may even ensure they are given a proper burial, if they can, they might observe the funerary rites of their enemy's culture, or they could even go so far as to ensure that their bodies are returned to their families.
In the Sheikan philosophy, 'we are all the same in death.'
In the case of every Gan who used Gibdo besides TotK, she would just… hoo boy! She would NOT be okay with it. Like, it isn’t just that he did this to the dead, which was already bad enough in her mind as a Sheikah who hold deep respect for others. It’s the fact that she did this to his own people! Because, Gibdo are very specifically the corpses of Gerudo reanimated via necroturgical means. Which… It's very, very, very bad!
In her mind, she just… that's a step above! Like, this would definitely be one of those things that would insight a huge, huge argument. Like, she’s willing to look at it from others’ perspective & listen to others on most things, but this would be one of very few situations where she’d be very stubborn & even slightly unhinged & downright passionate. Like, this would be her being insulted on the behaves of those Gerudo.
And that isn’t even getting into the ReDeads who are basically Hylian zombies & are just downright horrific by default.
Both cases are examples of “Weekend At Burnie’s” levels of macabre disrespect.
However, in the very specific case of TotK, (at least based on my hc) the Gibdo Queen & her Gibdos aren't true Gibdos at all. Not the way that the Gibdos of other games are. They are the result of a female Everlost Silkworm consuming a Corpsepillar Puffstool (a Puffstool variant created when a Ophiocordyceps sinensis becomes corrupted by On'nen). This resulted in a Queen Necromothula, who began to lay Necromorths (Morths being Mothula eggs) inside Gerudo corpses. Those corpses are then puppeted by the Necromorths’ child stage, the Necropillar. Therefore, the more accurate term for these creatures would be Necropillar Host, with the “Moth Gibdos” being Necromothula Hosts.
And, in her mind, she may well just get dizzy over the gravity of just… insult of such.
Like, in her mind, this would be tantamount of not just pissing on their graves, but pissing on their corpses, then proceeding to dance & shit on them. It is unfathomable to her & she may even need to take time to be able to fully process the level of just… sheer taboo of it all.
But once she does, she’s liable to frigid shoulder him & if he manages to break through the ice, he find himself on the wrong side of her remarkably sharp mind & cutting criticisms. Just outlining how not okay what he did was.
So, I get the feeling that this would be a situation where he’d need to prove himself to her. Like, not just with words or gifts, but with actions of humbling himself & showing that he will make up for it. Not to her, because it was never about her. But to the Gerudo that his actions had so sorely disrespected. As well as their families.
However, it would only be effective if he was really & truly genuinely apologetic. Not about upsetting her. No, for his actions against these individuals.
And even if she does forgive him, I still see her holding onto some of her anger for a decent amount of time.
And, I'm also very curious as to how they'd go about it trying to prove their sincerity to her.
I am loving this lore here. Like... Never really considered the aspects of the Redead and the Gibdo, other than they are fucking terrifying in game, but... Wow! This gives them a reason to kinda... dig deeper on what they exactly are and what the desecration can cause.
Also the TOTK Gibdos are now public enemy number one. I've watched the Last of Us and fuck Fungi Zombies. *shudders*
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Wind Waker Ganondorf would be taken aback by the intensity of your reaction. His initial defense would be that he saw the ReDeads and Gibdos as mere tools in his quest for power. However, as he sees the depth of your distress, his arrogance would give way to confusion and concern.
Scene: The argument is fierce, with you passionately outlining the deep disrespect his actions represent. Ganondorf, initially dismissive, finds himself cornered by your unwavering conviction.
Response: He would initially try to justify his actions, but seeing your unwavering stance, he would realize the gravity of his mistake. To prove his sincerity, he would order the immediate cessation of necromantic practices and hold a grand ceremony to honor the fallen Gerudo, giving them proper burials according to Gerudo and Sheikah traditions. He would personally oversee the removal of ReDeads and Gibdos, ensuring their remains are laid to rest respectfully.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf would react with anger and defensiveness at first, unable to comprehend why you are so affected by his use of the undead.
Scene: The argument escalates, your impassioned pleas met with his stubborn resistance. But as you refuse to back down, his anger gives way to a grudging acknowledgment of your pain.
Response: To prove his sincerity, Ganondorf would dismantle his necromantic forces and make a public apology to the Gerudo people. He would hold a series of rituals to cleanse the spirits and offer reparations to the families of those whose bodies were desecrated. His actions would be driven by a genuine desire to make amends, though he might struggle to fully understand the depth of the Sheikah's reverence for the dead.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Twilight Princess Ganondorf’s reaction would be cold and analytical. He would see your reaction as overly sentimental, but he would be intrigued by the depth of your conviction.
Scene: Your argument is met with his calm, icy demeanor, but the passion in your voice eventually cracks his facade. He realizes this is not a battle he can win through intimidation or logic.
Response: Ganondorf would dismantle his necromantic forces, though it would take time for him to fully comprehend the cultural significance. He would hold a council with the Gerudo elders to discuss ways to honor the dead properly. He would personally apologize to the Gerudo people and invite Sheikah priests to conduct ceremonies to lay the spirits to rest. His actions would be a mix of genuine remorse and political necessity, but he would strive to understand and respect your beliefs.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf would react with a mixture of anger and bewilderment. He would see the use of the undead as a tactical advantage and struggle to understand your outrage.
Scene: The argument is heated, with you standing firm against his initial dismissive attitude. As the argument progresses, he begins to see the pain his actions have caused you.
Response: He would disband his necromantic forces and publicly atone for his actions. Ganondorf would organize a grand ceremony to honor the dead, inviting both Gerudo and Sheikah leaders to oversee the rituals. He would make a heartfelt apology to the Gerudo people and personally ensure the remains are given proper burials. His actions would be driven by a desire to regain your trust and respect, even if he doesn't fully grasp the cultural nuances.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would be both hurt and angered by your reaction. He would initially see your anger as a personal attack but would quickly realize the cultural significance behind it.
Scene: The argument is intense, with both of you emotionally charged. Your impassioned words eventually break through his initial defensiveness, and he starts to see the depth of his mistake.
Response: Ganondorf would dismantle his necromantic forces and publicly repent. He would hold a series of ceremonies to honor the dead and ensure they are given proper burials. He would invite Sheikah elders to conduct the rituals and make a personal vow to never desecrate the dead again. His actions would be driven by genuine remorse and a desire to make amends, understanding that his actions deeply hurt you and disrespected the Gerudo people.
Initial Reaction: Demise would react with a mixture of rage and confusion. He would see the use of the undead as a manifestation of his power and would struggle to comprehend your outrage.
Scene: The argument is fierce, with your passionate plea met with his thunderous anger. But as you stand your ground, he begins to see the depth of your conviction and the cultural significance behind it.
Response: Demise would reluctantly agree to dismantle his necromantic forces. He would hold a grand ceremony to honor the dead, though his understanding of the cultural nuances would be limited. His actions would be driven by a desire to regain your favor, though he might struggle to fully grasp the significance of the rituals. Over time, he would come to respect your beliefs and strive to honor them, albeit with some difficulty.
In each case, the Ganondorfs and Demise would need to make genuine efforts to atone for their actions, demonstrating their sincerity through significant gestures and changes in behavior. The process of rebuilding trust would be challenging, but their willingness to make amends would be crucial in healing the rift caused by their use of the undead.
BONUS: Would the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) and Demise choose to apologize and make right to their lover about the desecration of the Gibdo and Redead, or would they make the choice that the Gibdo and Redead are powerful piece in war and choose to continue using/making them, abandoning their lover?
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Wind Waker Ganondorf is deeply troubled by the impact his actions have had on his lover. While he sees the strategic advantage of using the undead, he also recognizes the significance of their cultural beliefs and his desire to maintain their relationship.
Decision: Ganondorf would choose to apologize and make things right. He would dismantle his necromantic forces and hold ceremonies to honor the dead, prioritizing his lover's beliefs and the respect of the Gerudo people. While he acknowledges the loss of a powerful asset, he values the relationship more and believes that the loyalty and morale of his people are worth the sacrifice.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf is torn between his tactical mind and the emotional impact on his lover. The argument and your passionate stance leave a deep impression on him.
Decision: Ultimately, he chooses to apologize and make amends. He would prioritize the relationship and the cultural significance of respecting the dead. He dismantles his necromantic forces, seeking to find other means of strengthening his army without resorting to such macabre methods. The trust and respect of his lover, and the unity of the Gerudo people, are too important to disregard.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Twilight Princess Ganondorf struggles with the decision. The practical advantages of using the undead are significant, but he understands the depth of your convictions.
Decision: He would apologize and work to make things right. He dismantles his necromantic forces and engages in ceremonies to honor the dead. His actions are driven by a mix of genuine remorse and a pragmatic understanding that a divided people and a broken relationship would weaken his position more than the loss of his undead army.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf is initially resistant, valuing the power of his necromantic forces. However, the intensity of your reaction and the cultural implications weigh heavily on him.
Decision: He would ultimately choose to apologize and make amends. He dismantles his undead forces, focusing on strengthening his living warriors. He conducts ceremonies to honor the dead, driven by a desire to maintain the relationship and the unity of his people. He recognizes that the trust and morale of his people are crucial to his long-term success.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Initial Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf feels the conflict deeply. The use of the undead offers a significant advantage, but the pain it causes you and the cultural disrespect are profound.
Decision: He chooses to apologize and make things right. He dismantles his necromantic forces and prioritizes honoring the dead. He holds ceremonies and works to regain your trust, valuing the relationship and the cultural respect over the tactical advantage. His actions are driven by genuine remorse and a commitment to unity and respect.
Initial Reaction: Demise is initially enraged and bewildered by your reaction. The undead are a manifestation of his power, and he struggles to see beyond that.
Decision: Ultimately, he chooses to continue using the undead, prioritizing his power and strategic advantage over the relationship. He abandons his lover, believing that his might and control are paramount. This decision leads to a complete breakdown of the relationship and a deep rift with those who respected the dead. His choice isolates him further, driven by a relentless pursuit of power at the cost of personal connections.
In each case, the Ganondorfs weigh the importance of their relationship and cultural respect against the strategic advantage of using the undead. Most choose to prioritize their lover and the cultural significance, making amends and seeking other ways to strengthen their forces. Demise, however, prioritizes his power above all else, leading to a tragic and isolating decision.
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springcatalyst · 1 year
something about merle and daryls relationship to religion (particularly christianity)
oops this turned out long. readmore time for yalls sanity and my dignity
it's never actually mentioned, but they both seem to have had a rather christian upbringing. it's safe to assume, because they're in the deep south, but its evident in the ways they interact with the presence of religion and with themselves.
when merle is handcuffed to the roof, hes crying about how he deserves this, about how hes being punished, hes been bad and this is what he gets. he pleads with god for mercy before ultimately telling him he doesnt need his help. this is something we can imagine he is familiar with. hes used to the concepts of divine (or otherwise) punishment, violence and pain as something deserved, a consequence of behaving badly. he seems very used to "this is what you get." and ultimately when he pleads for mercy his prayers go unanswered. this is a familiar script, or at least it was. god never helped him before. hes been punished before. he'll get out of this one on his own, just like all the rest. (he uses the exact same line "I ain't gonna beg" with the governor before hes killed: this is something familiar to him). merle quotes from the bible with hershel in season 3: he knows it. not only knows it, but remembers it. he's held onto it
and then daryl. who is so averse, so mocking of christianity and those who follow it. his casual snide remarks whenever hes in a church, making clear his distaste for the whole affair. his disdain with gabriel for a long while after they meet him. ("the word of god is the only protection I need" "sure didnt look like it.") he sees the lie in it all, while it seems like merle still buys into it, even if he doesn't try to follow it anymore, he knows the punishment that will catch up to him and to others. merle frequently damns others to hell. he inflicts punishment, or the deserving of it, as easily as he understands it for himself. daryl, though, has been disillusioned, at the very least. he sees it as nothing more than a tool to manipulate and lie to the people that believe in it. best case scenario, religion to him is a false hope that will never reach fruition. worst case, it's a manipulative power play meant to keep people in line where 'in line' means subservient. its foolish: a waste of time, to him.
theres a deleted scene where he finds a man dead in a prayer room, and he mocks him for all the good his prayers did. for all the answers he found for his trouble. in season 4, after the prison falls, he says something along the lines of 'faith never did anything for us.' he and merle, though their reasons are different, both see prayer and faith (and as a tangent, hope in general) as a useless tact, nothing gained, nobody will ever answer, you're just fooling yourself. nobody is going to save you but you. and when you say it like that, you know exactly how they got there. these are two characters who frequently have been only out for themselves, only able to rely on themselves, anything outside of that is bound to let them down, to variant degrees of harm. plenty of their own prayers must have gone unanswered. nobody saves them but them.
I legally cant talk about the dixon brothers' relationship to christianity without also talking about carol. she has a lot of similar perspectives as the two of them, but we see her in both sides. when the show begins she still appears to believe in god, and when sophia goes missing she takes that time in the church to pray to him. she says god can punish her however he wants as long as he doesnt hurt sophia. she, too, expects punishment in the form of violence and grief when she behaves badly or, in this case, even thinks things she supposedly shouldn't. here, she had a similar relationship to religion as merle does- she still believes in god: more specifically, a wrathful one. as the seasons progress, though, we see her lose that faith and shift to something closer to daryl's perspective. we see her disillusionment in real time as she sees worse and worse things and is subject to worse and worse environments. but she never really stops behaving as if she is deserving of punishment.
her and Daryl are similar in this way: while merle outright says it, accepts his supposed punishment, and then continues doing whatever he has to and whatever he wants to, carol and daryl operate under the same kind of threat but they dont really realize it. when they do things they deem worthy of punishment, whatever harm comes their way as a result- or even unrelated but soon after (and it's the walking dead, things always happen)- they kind of accept it. daryl allows himself to be treated the way he is in the savior compound, yes because he had no immediate out, but also because he felt like he deserved it. dwight gives him that photograph to really hammer home how he got here, and daryl lets it happen, to an extent. after Henry's death, carol goes off the deep end and doesnt care what happens to her. if not for lydia, she would have gone right over the edge of that cliff because it's what she felt like she deserved, like a righteous end to a life shes been leading poorly. they live under the same eye as merle, but it's more abstract with them. rather than being punished by god, they're being punished by fate, or karma, or luck. it's very 'you get what you deserve' with them, because their disillusionment prevents them from blaming an entity, so in its place they blame themselves.
I think that's the only other option they see, and its part of the reason they are both so different from merle. merle can still blame this outside force, can shove all his problems onto something out of his control that isnt his fault but can be resented for it, so he becomes this hateful, violent person because the one thing hes really angry with is untouchable. daryl and carol lack that, and cant blame anybody else because they are the only common denominator, so it instead turns inward. they hurt other people less because of this, but it's still not healthy, and so in their place they're hurting themselves more.
I have to think they are all intimately familiar with god as a reason. as a justification for damage or an unattainable perfect form that when fallen short of, is punished for. merle still operates on this warped justice system, on punishment for bad behavior (reinforced by his many experiences with prison and the military), while daryl has rejected it entirely. merle still buys into it, but daryl sees it as nothing more than that justification, than that false sense of security. neither trusts god, or religion, or christianity, but the difference I think is that merle still feels the eye of it, while daryl feels the absence.
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