#because then i can take care of this chonker
aldings-stash · 2 months
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Mr. Cat is here at my house for 2 weeks this time! He is a handsome devil and super soft.
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merakiui · 11 months
just woke up from a dream where I had azul’s chonky tako babies and now i wanna have his cherub chonkers
He’s waking up from that same dream. orz
Azul wants to give you so many good things, including a family! I think he’d be such a good papa. T^T everything he does is for you and the fry, and though he tends to worry and get anxious about whether any of them will survive after hatching he’s determined to create a family with you! He probably turns you into a mer so you can hold more eggs (also because he’s most familiar with how mer pregnancies work and a human pregnancy seems like it would be so taxing and hard on you; and he doesn’t want his angelfish to be in any pain. <3).
He takes such good care of you throughout the entire process. A little too much care, actually. He forgets to eat and take care of his own health. It’s in a mer’s instincts to protect and serve the mate first and foremost, so you’ll likely have to firmly and gently remind him to eat, sleep, and focus on his health as well. He’ll listen to you, even if he mumbles about how he’s fine and doesn’t want to relax in case you need something. It’s silly when he pouts and huffs over that, but hold his head between your hands and sweetly tell him he needs to take care of himself and he’ll listen.
Azul never leaves you for more than a few seconds. You’re almost always within his proximity, and he’ll have a tentacle curled around your tail fin or wrist. He likes to know you’re here and aren’t going to leave when he holds you. It’s a relief; he’s so happy that he’s finally getting to create a family with his beloved angelfish.
He’s sort of a mess throughout the time you spend carrying the clutch, but he’s arguably worse when it comes time for you to lay the eggs. >_< he’s so worried! He knows, deep down, most won’t survive. It’s a sad, harsh reality. But he hopes that at least one will return. When it’s time, he’ll go out to search for the returning fry, hoping to bring them home to you, and he’s absolutely devastated when there aren’t any in sight. :( he knows there’s always a next time—a chance that a few fry from the next clutch might return alive, but it’s slim.
Azul hates luck because the sea never seems to give him the thing he’s always wanted: a child.
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I'd argue any house is a better living environment than the best fur cage for a fox purely on square footage alone. If the only other requirements for an enriched life are a high place to sit, a bone to chew on and a sand box, a house must be a fox paradise
say you know nothing about foxes or fur farms without saying you know nothing about foxes or fur farms.
Just because humans would be miserable in a fox pen does not mean a fox is, just because humans are comfortable in a house does not mean a fox is.
Foxes are largely nocturnal, occasionally crepuscular, animals that hunt largely by stealth and ambush. They are often territorial and enjoy spending their days hiding and sleeping, while spending their nights urinating on shrubs and finding food. When food is plentiful, many genuinely don’t do much, which is why you see so many overweight foxes in captivity, that and poor dietary management but I digress.
Foxes do not inherently need nor want a lot of square footage. If your mental image of a fur farm is a tiny cage that they can’t even turn around in, you’ve been listening to peta too much. Most farms offer foxes an indoor and outdoor section of their own, and a hide box as well as general enrichment items. They are culled fairly young and that is a good thing because animals bred for color are not bred to be compatible with long life. Forcing a wild animal with horrific gum disease to live in your house is more cruel than just euthanizing that animal.
Also, the mentality of “oh well this animal was in a bad condition before, so I have put it in a still bad but different condition that still doesn’t meet its needs” is what I will call the Snake Discovery Fallacy. There is nothing noble in taking an animal out of a frying pan to drop them into the fire. Wild animals do not belong in your house and they cannot thrive there. If this was actually about giving these animals a good life, they would be given proper outdoor enclosures with hands-off care to keep the animal comfortable, but that is never what a single one of these “rescues” want to do. They would much rather buy directly from a fur farm they slander later and keep ten foxes in their bedroom living off chicken nuggets and lettuce so they can kiss their “heckin chonker” foxes on the mouth to get old white people on Facebook to throw more money at them than a dollar day stripper.
They have no interest in proper animal husbandry because they see these animals as deluxe plush toys that can be exploited for profit. Which is ironic, because they’re supposed to hate farmers for that very flaw.
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fourseasonsfigs · 10 months
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Snowy New Year Wenzhou
It's the height of summer here in the US, so posting about these two relaxing in the snow is a nice cool diversion!
These two are in their beautiful fur-edged winter robes (with apologies and admiration to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan for filming in these insanely hot robes during their summer!) from episodes 28 and 29.
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We only actually see Lao Wen wearing his marvelous fur collared outer robe in episode 28, since he takes it off to cook, and never puts it back on again. That outer robe is too pretty to not have longer screentime, so happy it is here in fig form!
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These two cuties safely snoozed their way across the ocean to me in their protective polystyrene boxes.
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They arrived with a bonus hot water bottle. This is too cute and definitely on point for when the winter comes! Lao Wen's hairpin was enclosed separately to keep it from getting broken, which I appreciate.
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Here's the hairpin just by itself. You can see the hole there in Lao Wen's top loop of hair.
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They look just as happy as can be!
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This artist is extremely popular, and there's recently been a ton of figs released with her designs. I've just had the first sets delivered to my warehouse now, but you'll be seeing a LOT of these in the future posts. It's a fat body style, but it's her own unique style. I've seen these generally referred to as chonks, or chonkers, which is what I call them. The style has been insanely popular in China - the majority of the figs in this style sold out instantly, and I was only able to grab them by literally counting down the seconds until release, and then checking out as fast as I possibly could. A lot of these were released at 16:40, or 17:00 China Standard Time, which is painfully middle of the night Pacific Standard Time. But it was worth (many) interrupted nights of sleep!
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This particular fig maker provides overseas links for folks, so no tense countdowns on Weidian or lost sleep on her sets, thankfully. There are at least two fig makers I know that only specialize in the chonk style, and one of them (of course with some incredible designs) is restricted to friends and family only.
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These are, as the name might suggest, very solid figs! They do not need fig stands in the slightest, as they sit just fine. The slight train on their outfits also help keep them solidly upright. These figs aren't going anywhere.
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Lao Wen's hairpin did not slide quite far enough through the hole provided through his loop of hair. I could definitely fix this with some judicious filing down on the hairpin, but I'll need to work up the nerve to adjust it first. Once I start filing, I'll file off some of the white paint, so I'd have to be very careful to not mess it up!
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You can see here how long Lao Wen's hairpin is on this end though! Part of it is the angle, and part is just that it's too long. I will say their hair is looking super, super cute here. It's a bit shorter than we often see it because they're sitting, but it's adorable.
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I can really see why this style is so popular - the slightly more rounded, childlike aspects are really adorable. Look at their cute hands!
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I like this set very much - we have them dusted with snow, and sitting resting like they just ate way too much delicious food. It's ok to have a bit of snow pile up on you when you're so full and warmly dressed!
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And we're back around! I switched up their places for a little extra bit of comparison. Their little mouths are so cute!
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You can see here why they're so stable. Not only do we have their longer trains on their robes, we have the wide flat base, and then their feet!
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Ah, the hairpin. I'll have to give it a go.
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It actually went a little further in than this - this picture was taken when I was being excruciatingly careful not to break the hairpin. I was able to use a little more force to get it to slide in a tiny bit more.
I'll do a little hairpin modification and report back!
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 448
Scene Count: 30
Rating: Pure contentment!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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dungeonmalcontent · 1 year
This is a chonker of a post (more like a document) about creating unique anime-like powers in TTRPG games.
No way to really rules this (I mean, you can and some simple TTRPGs have done it, but it has to be super narrowed down when they do), but ask your GM about building a character with an oath-based unique ability. Not like a paladin or champion. Just keep reading.
You take an oath that includes a restriction of your choice, and in return you request an ability. The bigger the restriction, the better type of ability you can get. The more consequential breaking it is, the more powerful your ability is.
Ex: you swear to never willfully cause harm to a creature with lesser intelligence than you. In return, you desire the ability to alter the memories of creatures. As a binding consequence to this oath and exchange, you put up your own memories of your childhood as collateral. So, should you break your oath, you lose those memories.
That's super hard to balance for a ttrpg, and you definitely can't create a universal rule set. You can request any boon, offer any restriction, and assign yourself any penalty. But let's try to get this mechanic a little closer to the likes of a d20 game system.
Let's say your requested abilities are "magical". You don't need to specify a spell from your system, because frankly that's not worth it if just anyone can level up and get it. Let's say you either get a version of the closest matching spell that you can cast at will or that you gain a spell like ability that has your desired effect. You can perform this ability as long as you remain conscious. But... This sets the price for your ability.
Since we're comparing your oath's boon to a spell, your restriction should compensate for that. So, let's classify some degrees of price (even those many of these may be hugely subjected, we'll assume genuine character investment from the part of the player). Let's say we're going of the level of a comfortable spell and the restriction appropriate for each increasing level would look like this:
1 - the most trivial restriction. Doesn't change the way you live or act, but could be used against you if you aren't paying attention. Ex: can't eat pomegranates.
2 - still not hard to do, but you do have to be careful of your choices. Ex: can't say a specific word or phrase.
3 - starting to become difficult. Your restriction is still somewhat arbitrary but now something you must actively avoid and change about your life. Ex: you cannot spend more than 5 hrs a day with any of your skin exposed to sunlight.
4 - Moderate difficulty. Actually restricts the use of the ability. Ex: must participate in a certain ritual when using the ability, like closing your eyes and counting to 10 (this can be variable as well depending on how elaborate of a ritual you choose).
5 - beginning to become a more precise ability restriction. Often a more specific restraint of the ability. Ex: can't use the ability on one specific set of things that you could reasonably encounter.
6 - the level where normal people usually don't go past. Usually restricts yourself, rather than your ability. Ex: you can never run from a fight.
7 - a more complicated sort of difficulty. You set more intense restrictions on the ability or on yourself. Ex: When you fight, you must always fight to the death.
8 - probably as difficult as most normal people are willing to make their lives be in an extreme circumstance. Ex: You designate the ability to be for a sole purpose and for nothing else.
9 - The greatest level of restriction possible. Significantly alters or restricts the way in which you live your life. Ex: you can only use this boon and your life to pursue a lifelong endeavor, such as protecting another specific creature.
Once you have given a price (restriction) that matches the degree of potential power you want from your boon, you can set a consequence. The consequence determines the actual potency of the ability.
Let's classify potency into, simultaneously, dice size for the ability OR duration of the ability OR range of the ability. Depending on the ability you choose these factors could change it's effective potency. Following our example of the ability to alter memories, you might only be able to alter a certain number of memories determined by random dice roll, or you might only be able to alter someone's memory for a specific period of time, or you might have to be within a certain distance to alter someone's memories. These could also coincide with your restriction to create a more stable ability.
But let's break the rough outline of these degrees of potency here as:
Tier 1: 1d4 impact; shortest effective duration (1 "round"); touch or self range.
Tier 2: 1d6 impact; 1 minute; immediate range (~5-10 feet).
Tier 3: 1d8 impact; 10 minutes; ~20-30 feet.
Tier 4: 1d10 impact; 30 minutes; normal line of sight (~60-80 feet).
Tier 5: 1d12 impact; 1 hour; ~120-180 feet.
Tier 6: 1d20 impact; 3 hours; on the same plane of existence.
Now... Those are some numbers. But they aren't combined. You're getting one of those, not all of a set. So, mind controlling 1d8 people OR mind controlling a person for 10 minutes OR mind controlling people from ~20-30 feet away. Whatever makes your ability the most powerful TO YOU (the player/character) is how you determine which metric you go by and what tier it is.
To match these ranks of potency, we have ranks of suffering. If you break your restriction, the consequences match your desired potency.
Tier 1: least consequential, more like an inconvenience. Ex: you are weakened but can be healed -OR- must pay a fine (money, power, time) that matches your failure.
Tier 2: significantly consequential but limited in scope. Ex - your restriction grows larger (or you lose the ability but keep the restriction with a new consequence)
Tier 3: personal and significant. Ex - something important and meaningful to you, like a family heirloom or powerful item, is lost to you forever.
Tier 4: consequential but can be lived with. Ex - your health is permanently reduced or you permanently lose a limb (or limbs).
Tier 5: irreversible and significantly life altering. Ex - loss of your identity.
Tier 6: death
You can also bake in that in the case of any significant or intentional breach, the character loses their ability afterwards.
Also, don't stick too closely to these examples. Some of them can be used in lots of different ways and creativity can make you incredibly powerful.
But this is, as far as I can tell, a pretty decent frame of reference for these sorts of abilities. You still need to hash out a lot of details with your GM, but this helps you approach an even footing without getting sidelined.
I also wouldn't suggest using this kind of system if you want to surprise other players (and definitely not your GM) with what your character is capable of. This is a meticulous strategy sort of power game, and works best when everyone is on the same page. It can also be fun for enemies, as it can make an encounter more about figuring out how to beat an opponent instead of figuring out how many arrows your need to shoot at them.
This system is modeled more after JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and HunterXHunter. So for further reference and inspiration, watch/read those. Stand and Nen are great systems. I love them a lot and I wish they were more conducive to ttrpg play styles.
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Book Review 9 - Forge of Darkness by Steven Erikson
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Okay, after roughly a decade of nagging and peer pressure from a friend who adores the series (and has the terrible curse of often recommending stuff I end up loving in the least appealing-to-me ways possible), I finally broke and agreed to read some Malazan. But a ten-book series of thousand page tomes was still too much, so, the prequels trilogy! Or the first volume of it, anyway.
So, this was a, as they say, real fantasy chonker. Nine hundred pages, like literally over a dozen POVs, unexplained but extremely detailed magic systems and worldbuilding and so. Many. Proper. Nouns. Being a prequel, it’s also literally set before humans existed, as far as I can tell – the main caste is all what were described to me as the setting’s elves (well, the overwhelmingly majority of them, anyway). Also, 900 pages long. Which is just too long for a single book, I think.
Anyways, given all that, surprisingly readable? Not necessarily objectively – it was absolutely a slog at times – but compared to what you might expect from a story that expects you to pick up the meaning and significance of every bit of jargon by use and context and will loop back to any given POV every hundred pages or so, if you’re lucky. You could fit the number of names I remember on one hand, but the book does a good job of giving you enough context and providing enough little reminders that I could remember who any given POV/what any given plot thread was within a paragraph or two of being dumped back into it, anyway. (Except Ursander’s captains. Like, I know they got characterizations but relying on social rank and narrative role to tell people apart really failed on the five different ones running around doing genocide or atrocity to start a civil war).
Plot wise it’s an awkward but interesting halfway point between brutal gritty realpolitik and mythic epic fantasy? Like, the better part of the plot in concerned with aristocratic decadence and Machiavellian scheming and a seemingly inevitable slide toward civil war and all that, but also the only reason any of that could happen is because the guy who could probably fight every army involved singlehandedly was out of town that month trying to do some father-son bonding/accidentally sponsoring a demigod who invented blood magic and human sacrifice to complete his commission of a present for his girlfriend. Or the careful diplomacy around noble hostage-taking being almost derailed because there are three kids who are just actually immortal demons and decided to kill everyone in the castle and go on a trip. The two tones interact in interesting ways at points, and lead to some real tonal dissonance at others.
There is some thematic purpose to that, I think – there’s absolutely a recurring motif of people with power and influence refusing to use it, and ostensible subordinates acting in their name running around and making everything worse in ways they did not understand or approve of while they sat around. From one lens the whole book is one long warning about the horror of delegated authority. Or even broader than that – the distance between someone’s reputation or how they’re regarded, what they think their reputation is, and who they actually are comes up a lot. So much angst and miscommunication.
Beyond that, the best way to describe the plot is ‘three different standard epic fantasy pseudo-chosen one plots happening independently and possibly mutually exclusively, and also a bunch of different views of a pretty fucked society sliding into complete bloody anarchy and religious genocide.’
Character-wise – well, the downside of having so many POVs is that even when there is enough wordcount to actually give several of them real depth and development, it’s incredibly easy to miss it. So it’s utterly possible that there was tons of subtle and nuanced character work I totally failed to notice, but as far as my actual reading experience went most of the arcs were fairly broad and obvious, and focused on the really larger than life operatic characters. (Though as far as somewhat generic fantasy stories go, Korya and Haut are the best and I won’t be accepting disagreement on this.)
Like I’m fairly sure every big fantasy chonker in existence, the book’s ever so slightly Weird about sex. Also one rather extreme (and plot-critical) bit of on-screen sexual violence, though that’s thankfully not the bit the book’s weird about.
The setting was interesting, though buried under so much jargon and proper nouns that it took a fair bit of page count before you begin to understand absolutely any of it. Still, the sea of chaos and the savanna of razor-sharp grass were both really vividly described, even if there’s no chance in hell that I could tell you what their names were.
I really did enjoy the book, on the whole, but it was also kind of an exhausting read? The whole book’s got the whole pseudo-archaic tone and vocabulary you expect from map fantasy, which did help sell it but also do make reading it a bit more of a slog.
Overall, I mean, does ‘extra-worldbuilding heavy prequel set in the lost mythic age of an already famously and world-building heavy fantasy world’ appeal to you? Because if so this book absolutely lives up to expectations. But I’m not going to read anything over 500 pages for a solid bit now, I think.
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shutterbug-12 · 1 year
Goodbyes are so damn hard, you know?
I just dropped off my foster dog, Rizzo, at the shelter, so he can go on to his forever home. I am kind of gutted? I didn’t expect to get attached to a chihuahua of all dogs, but I did. I nursed him back to health and happiness, when he was utterly emaciated, starving, frostbite on his ears, scared. He was so cuddly and clingy (in the best way) and happy to see me whenever I came into the damn room. 
And, look, I love my dog, Luna. I love her so much. But she’s a different kind of dog. She’s an aloof husky that I love to take on long walks and jogs, to go on adventures with, to rough-house and play with, and hang out with outside for hours in the summer on the porch, her on her bed and me in a hammock. She’s not a cuddler. She doesn’t even like being pet sometimes, and that’s fine. She’s “cuddly” if she is in the same room as we are.
But this little guy, little Rizzo, he was so desperately thrilled to see me that he wagged his whole body, always wanted to be in my lap, had this look of worship in his eyes when he looked up at me. I mean, God. I didn’t know I needed a clingy little dog in my life, but apparently I do. He has an adopter lined up, who will almost certainly take him, but I put a secondary hold on him just in case. The rational part of my brain wants him to go to the first adopter, because they already have the other dog he was found with (who has also been nursed back to health by a different foster), so it would be lovely for him to be able to live with his buddy. But the irrational part of my brain wants to go back to the shelter and dog-nap him. Boost him right now and steal him back home. 
It was amazing to help him. It really was. To see him go from 2 pounds to 8 in like...two weeks? To see him go from cowering little pile of pointy bones to happy wiggly chonker? So wonderful. But I can tell he really trusted me and really wanted to be by me all the time. I guess I just wish that could have kept going. It felt so great to take care of a dog that needed me and wanted me with such obvious outward signs. 
Anyway, this is him. I’ll miss him so much. I hope he has a really great life. 
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anavatazes · 9 months
While trying to teach a 12 year old female child that has an extreme case of ADHD how to raise a kitten, who also happens to be a female Tuxedo... if you understood any of that, understand any of the pain I am in, then you know why I harken for the days when I had my Lab/Husky mix. He was easier to handle. My Malamute is easier to handle. Of course, that sweet darling, even in her terrible twos (as she is now), just wants momma happy. The child could give two shits. She caters to her baser instincts, her Id. She does care about others, but her ADHD makes it very difficult for her to see beyond how things impact herself. And you have to tread carefully in how you approach her about that, because you can do some serious emotional damage. And that's just the tip of the motherfucking iceberg with her.
She used some birthday money to buy her kitten a collar. Now, like many (not all) Tuxedo females, her kitten is very petite. Packs a punch (ask our resident fat ass chonker), but very petite. So a lot of the typical things designed for kittens are NOT gonna fit her. Like this collar. I can fit most of my hand between the collar and her neck. This will lead to so many safety issues, and the child is NOT listening. So I tell her, in no certain terms, after this kitten has already gotten out of it TWICE, she gets out of it third time, it's not going back on. I repeat it several times. And several more times. I could go into detail why, but last time didn't go over well, with her in tears, clinging to the kitten for dear life. So I just lay down the law.
I had to open her door to let her know the neighbors would be calling to complain soon because of her noise levels (she thought that was hilarious), and the kitten made a break for it. I couldn't catch her till it was time to let Mara out, and she wanted out with the backup ( I'll tell the story one day, but it goes back to my Vader). While the kid was distracted, I decided to help the kitten out, and this supposed break away collar 🙄 was a bitch to get off her. Finally did, made it look like it slipped off, and threw it towards the boxes I still need to take to be recycled (a mess the cats LOVE).
It has helped to bring that poor baby some freedom. The child's father and older sister have been brought up to speed. If that collar goes back on that kitten before she's big enough for it, the collar becomes mine. And I hate being that way because I want her to make the right decision here. I am trying to show her how to make the right decision.
It's hard. I wish we could get her back into therapy, but with the way our insurance is... and especially the way this stupid state is. Gods, I cannot wait to be out of here! I could really use the back up.
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Beans, the kitten in question. Careful, she has a fierce 🤣🥰
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theravencroft · 2 years
The Megafauna Of Ald-Amura for Sandy Pug Games Is Unintentionally Live
Well over a year ago, I accepted a grant from Sandy Pug Games to write a supplement for their game Monster Care Squad.
Monster Care Squad is heavily inspired by Studio Ghibli, set in a gentle world where giant creatures live with people and sometimes they get sick or weird things happen to them and the people try to take care of them. So like Princess Mononoke...without the violence. I think. I never really got Princess Mononoke, tbh.
Okay, new pitch: Totoro is sick with something weird and he needs your help.
Addendum: This isn't my usual thing where the sting is "and also they are horrors from the abyss that devour people for sustenance."
It's actually a lot worse.
It's sincere.
Anyway, my pitch literally included the phrase "heckin' chonkers" because I wanted to provide the players with some Big Fellas, Large Lads, and other big things to climb on and try to heal.
So imagine a giant capybara, basically a powerful god that is one of the oldest beings in existence, magically driven insane by ??? and thundering across the plain in a fury while your intrepid crew tries to hang onto it and play Dr. House and heal it.
They said, "Sounds great, send us a link when you put it out, here's some art you can use," and gave me some money.
And then I started grad school and then I suddenly had to evacuate to Tyler, Texas and then I lived in a hotel for a month and then I had to get moved into a new place and then my marriage exploded.
But anyway, as I heaved myself back into something resembling a creative process...look, there is one thing about me. I may be a dour pain in the ass, but I try to hit my deadlines. I try to complete my assignments. I try to deliver what I say I'll deliver. I think of myself as, in baseball terms, your #3-#5 starter, maybe not the flamethrower or the All-Star, but the guy that gets the ball every 4 or 5 days and when he starts games 3 and 6 of the Series the fans kind of relax because okay, he's got this.
My favorite players are Andy Pettitte and Mike Mussina. Really good, even some hardware, but probably Hall of Very Good guys in the big picture. But the real heads know.
I want to be clear that this is entirely my own damage and Sandy Pug never demanded anything or even said "Hey we gave you a few dollarydoos, are you ever doing anything?" Which they would've been right to do. But the money was long since spent. Like "yeah call this La Quinta Inn in Texas, see if you can talk em out of anything" spent.
But no, it is me that--sitting in a new apartment with nothing from my previous life save my car and my two cats--said "Well I just have to finish this thing before I work on anything else and that's all there is to it."
My original idea for this, painful tho it be to admit, was way over my own head, I wanted lots of big animals from all kinds of biospheres, just this massive compendium, I think I'd blocked out 75-100 animals.
So I cut it down to what I'd already worked on and a reasonable number of interesting animals.
But being a pretentious dork, I really wanted this to *feel* like it was a musty old book you found in a pile with citations like "It came to me in a dream" and "I heard from this guy who heard it from his brother so obviously it's incredibly reliable." Which required learning InDesign pretty much from scratch and a lot of time looking at scans of old books for page textures and whatnot.
I actually wasn't planning to put it out today, I was just going to upload the files and everything because normally DriveThru does manual approvals. But this has been one of those days where I just couldn't get in a *groove*, so when my publishing dashboard said it was live, I went "Okay, sure. Of course. Let's go. " Only I could somehow early release a game well over a year overdue.
So one year-ish later but also early, The Megafauna of Ald-Amura.
And even if you don't pay for it or play the game but you download it you will go "my god this absolute maniac made this readable but it still kinda smells musty". I think I did good there. Nailed what I wanted to do.
Get it here.
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divine-mistake · 3 years
bitter fruit
Summary: “The mission was already a success!” you say and you can feel tears burning the back of your eyes. You will yourself to blink them back. “You had the files, the base was set to detonate, I don’t understand why you didn’t just stay on the fucking jet.”
“Because you were going to die.”
Characters: Bucky Barnes/(f)Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut (oral fem receiving, Bucky is a slut for consent), language, graphic depictions of violence, blood
Word Count: 9338
A/N: This is a tumblr request for @buckybarnes101 who requested an enemies to lovers with eventual smut and I got so so carried away with this request and ended up writing this 9k chonker! (5k of it is smut so, carry on) HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Enjoy!!
main masterlist | AO3
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“What the fuck were you thinking?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you snap, “maybe about saving all the innocent people that’ve been trapped in HYDRA’s basement for god knows how long?”
Bucky snarls at you, grabbing the front of your tac-suit and pulling you up until your nose is inches from his. A striking pain shoots through your side like a bullet, which is funny, considering the hole he stitched up for you what seemed like seconds ago.
But just like your relationship, numb one second and blazing the next, it’s like some switch has flipped in his brain in a matter of minutes.
You should really give him some more credit—the man describes his brain as spaghetti most days. And as funny as it sounds, it really isn’t. You’re keenly aware of the haunted look that fills his eyes when he struggles with his past.
Except when he acts like this, it’s hard to remember that.
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Something smells of smoke and gunpowder. People are screaming. The men who just ran through the door are shouting in Russian, you know, because you’ve heard the same language from Bucky’s mouth when he’s having nightmares. Faintly, you realize there’s a pain just above your hip. You don’t have time to look. The gun is in your hands and you’re firing. Someone—innocent, crying—bumps into you as they flee the scene. Your shot goes wide.
Bucky’s voice crackles over the comms. “Where are you?” He sounds panicked.
“Got held up,” you respond. “I’m on my way. Civilians headed to you.”
He curses your name. “I told you to get back to the jet!”
The butt of an assault rifle is hurtling toward you and you duck, rolling across the dirty concrete. The pain in your side flares up, burning. You think you might’ve gotten shot. You return the favor, killing two more HYDRA agents.
“I took a detour.”
A moment to breathe. Your eyes roam over the cells that you uncovered in the base, checking for any signs of life you previously missed. It’s all dead bodies and blood. You’re starting to feel weak.
“Get back to the fucking jet, agent! The base is rigged to blow!”
Before you can reply, someone grabs you by the hair, the muzzle of a gun pressed into your neck. On reflex and instinct alone, you thrust your elbow into his side and disarm him just in time. The gun goes off, bullet lodging in the concrete. Fucking slug would’ve ripped right through you.
“Bit busy,” you reply to Bucky.
Your name is lost to the sound of you firing the last few rounds into your attacker. When you’re sure he’s dead, you slump to the wet floor, knees unable to hold you any longer. The pain in your side is killing you—probably literally. A gasp escapes you when you press your fingers to the wound, trying to staunch the blood from the bullet hole, but at this point, you guess it doesn’t matter. The base is going to go up in flames in a few more minutes and you don’t have the strength to get back to the quinjet.
And really, you don’t want to. Bucky’s gonna be pissed.
“Hey, Barnes,” you wheeze through the comms. He doesn’t reply. “You know how you got all pissy at Sam when he ate your last loaf of that banana bread, and you put all those laxatives in his brownies and he was shitting for like, days? Yeah, that was me. I ate your banana bread.”
He never replies, but you chuckle all the way until you fall asleep, cheek pressed into a pool of someone’s blood.
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He says your name now, catching your attention again, and when you roll your eyes at him he shakes you again. With a hiss of pain, you try and shove him away from you, but his dumb super soldier ass is too heavy.
“That hurts!”
“Good!” Bucky finally lets you go and you slump against your seat, wincing. “Maybe the pain will make you stop being so fucking reckless! You defied a direct order from your captain. You could have died.”
“Maybe I should have,” you mutter back, not looking at him.
“I should be so lucky,” he seethes. “If I hadn’t gone back for your dumbass, your body wouldn’t have even been recovered. You would have rotted in that damn HYDRA base. Is that what you want?”
You snort. “Ain’t like I got a family who wants my ashes.”
Bucky throws up his hands, exasperated, and then decides to pace up and down the aisle of the jet. He doesn’t look at you, and you only sneak glances at the rage painting his face when you’re sure he isn’t going to see you staring. He looks just as worn as you, the sole sleeve of his tac-suit bloody and ripped up, charred remains and soot skimming his boots where he’s tied the laces tight. Sweat-matted and probably dried with blood, his hair is falling in chunks from the bun he usually keeps it in for missions now, and he has to brush it out of his face every few paces he takes.
In another phrase, Bucky is fucking hot right now.
Maybe death would have been tragic, you muse, since you wouldn’t get to see the absolute specimen of your partner anymore.
For as much as you two hate each other, you can’t deny how gorgeous he is. Ripped to match the gods, carefully trimmed beard only a little more bristled than the one Steve sports these days, and god, the man wears a sweater like it’s Armani.
When you blink, you realize he’s looking at you, and your face flushes. It isn’t the first time he’s caught you staring at him hungrily, you’re sure, but most of the time he gets this stupid smug look on his face, lips wide in a smirk, and sometimes he’ll even throw you a flirty little line that has you gnashing your teeth and snapping at him to fuck off.
But this time, he’s so angry that he just stares at you, eyes narrowed in a glare.
“When we get back,” he says, nostrils flaring, “I’m benching you.”
“What?” you cry out, eyes wide. “Why the fuck—who the—who the fuck do you think you are?”
“Your captain!” he roars, and you almost swear the whole jet shakes with his fury. “You disobeyed my direct order to retreat to the jet and instead you almost cost us both our lives. Why the fuck shouldn’t I bench you?”
“I didn’t ask you to come save me!” you shout back, trying to stand from your seat. Almost immediately, Bucky shoves you back down.
“Not only am I your captain for this mission, but I’m your partner. I’m responsible for you. What, you just expect me to leave you behind?”
“The mission was already a success!” you say and you can feel tears burning the back of your eyes. You will yourself to blink them back. “You had the files, the base was set to detonate, I don’t understand why you didn’t just stay on the fucking jet.”
“Because you were going to die.”
The way that Bucky is looking at you right now steals all your breath away, steals all the fight you feel in your bones. You watch the rapid rise and fall of his chest, the way the vein in his neck jumps, the way he holds his jaw tight. His eyes, a blaze of blue, are looking at you like he’s afraid you’ll dissolve right in front of him, leaving behind a body bag of skin and bones and teeth. That’s all you are, maybe.
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“Stay with me,” he says, voice so close to your ear. “Please, just stay with me, doll.”
It’s all hazy. The world is black. You can’t open your eyes, they’re so heavy. Your body hurts so bad, so fucking bad. Someone is jostling you and it hurts so bad and you just want to open your mouth and scream.
“You’re okay.” It’s Bucky, you realize in some vague fog of a dream. “You’re going to be okay, I’ve got you.”
Your leg feels like it’s on fire. The air smells like the fourth of July, all fire and gunpowder and barbeque. Burnt flesh. It’s hot and thick, the smoke you’re breathing in.
“I have so much to tell you,” he whispers, maybe. Or maybe that’s just how it sounds in your mind. “So much to say to you. So much to apologize for. I need to tell you something. You told me about that dumb fucking banana bread. I have something I gotta tell you, doll.”
What? What does he have to tell you? You want to ask but your throat is so dry and your lips are glued together.
You want to tell him you aren’t dying, and god, he’s being so dramatic. But you can’t, because you might actually be dying.
Instead, you try so so so hard to open your eyes, and a sliver of light invades your vision, and even with the way your eyelids shudder, you can see Bucky’s face. Just a little bit. He’s covered in blood, you think.
Oh, but his eyes. Fuck, you love his eyes. Thank god you opened yours so you could stare at his eyes before you go to sleep again. So blue. So deep. So icy and sad and hurt and beautiful.
“Please,” he says, and you swear it’s the only time he’s ever begged you for anything.
Of course, you tell yourself before your eyes close again.  I’d do anything for you.
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“Why do you care?” you whisper, and he blanches, because you swear his damned super soldier hearing can even hear your thoughts.
But fuck it, you’re young, wild, and free, and you’re alive now too, so fuck it.
“Why do you care?” you repeat, louder this time, very clearly addressing him. “Why do you care so much if I die? You’ve hated me since the day you met me,” you spit the words out like poison.
Bucky turns away, gaze trained on something other than you and your bloodied tac-suit.
“We’ve always fought about this,” you continue. “This isn’t anything new, Barnes. You knew I’d go down to save those people. You knew I’d risk my life to get them out. You know this and you still fucking went after me. So why?”
The silence eats at every edge you have until it consumes you, and Bucky never replies.
You watch him walk away, toward the cockpit, and you don’t have the energy to follow him and finish the fight.
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“Get it through your pretty little head before you go on a mission and get yourself killed, doll.” Bucky’s smirk sends a shiver through you and you aren’t sure if it's anger or arousal. You bite down on your tongue to keep from lashing out. “You can’t save everyone.”
“Bullshit,” you say before you realize. Bucky’s eyes go wide. “I took this job because I have the ability to save people, so I’m going to save everyone.”
His mouth opens but you cut him off.
“I don’t care if you can’t save everyone, but me?” Your finger is braced against his hard chest and he doesn’t recoil. “I’ll save everyone or I’ll die trying.”
“Hey,” Steve says, trying to move between you two, but you barely notice his presence.
“You’re stupid,” Bucky hisses.
You smirk. “You’re not as skilled as you think you are.”
“Shut up,” he snarls.
“Make me,” you snap back.
“Guys,” Steve tries to interrupt.
“Meet me in the ring.” Bucky’s eyes are glaring down at you, heated. “Let’s see if you can handle me, doll.”
“Buck!” Steve’s hand falls on Bucky’s shoulder, working to hold him back from stalking off to the gym. But Bucky shrugs him off.
“Back off, Steve.” He looks over his shoulder at you as if daring you to follow.
And, fuck, you’ve never backed down from a challenge in your entire life, so you follow him all the way to the training room, watching the way his muscles strain through his tight t-shirt the whole way.
He’s kind enough to hold the ropes up so you can duck under easier, but you roll your eyes and leverage your foot against the spring and tuck your legs underneath you to jump the top rope easily. You throw him the same look that he did, a coy gaze over your shoulder, and then you beckon him forward.
His nostrils flare and you wonder what he’d look like on top of you in bed.
“Wrap your hands, for god’s sake,” Steve shouts, but you ignore him in favor of cracking your knuckles for good measure.
“I’m not planning on getting mine bloody,” you tell him, and Bucky laughs brusk.
“You should plan on losing,” he says, smirking.
With a twist of your jaw, you crack your neck. “Not planning on that, either.”
Like big cats, the two of you circle each other, toes so light the mat makes no noise. Bucky’s eyes are focused, narrowed, and beautiful like this, you think. He’s calculating every single movement you’re making and it sends a heat down to your core. This is all just foreplay to you.
Until he charges, and then it’s on. You’re a flurry of limbs, defensive stances and blocks. Bucky is unrelenting and the fucker is fast for his size. He never uses his metal arm to attack, but the manic whirr and click of it as he moves is alarming. There’s a window of opportunity when Bucky overshoots a right hook and you duck underneath his arm, and you’re able to get behind him and kick him the back of his knee. He falters for not even a second and then it’s back on.
It’s a dance, weaving between limbs and twirling kicks aimed at his head. You struggle to figure out how to take him down—he’s so big, like a fucking brick wall. There’s very little chance you can flip him. You’re going to have to try and get him in a hold, but there’s no way he’s going to allow you to do that.
But maybe you can bait him. You go on the attack now, whiffing a couple of good punches and sending a straight kick right at his jaw that he barely dodges. While you’re recovering, before your foot is even planted back on the mat, Bucky does exactly what you want him to do. He slides up with a fist and you feign a misstep, ducking right. His follow-through is too heavy and you grab his wrist, locking it in your grasp, and then your heel goes straight into his abdomen, right under his center of gravity.
He goes down and you relish in the moment his eyes blow wide with the shock of being caught off guard. You scramble on top of him but he rocks his hips up and starts to roll you both until you’re underneath him. In retaliation, you lock one foot around his calf and use your other knee to jab his stomach, and then you roll him underneath you instead. Your forearm presses against his neck, legs squeezing his middle.
God, he’s fucking pretty, his blue eyes all big and pants falling out of his pink lips. Sweat is dripping from his hairline and rolling off the bridge of his nose and it pleases you, the fact that you made Bucky Barnes bust his ass in a fight. You know you have to look like a drowned dog by now, so how the fuck is he still so pretty? For that, you press down on his throat harder until he taps the mat—a yield.
Immediately you’re off him, panting as you lean against the ropes, but a shit-eating grin is plastered on your face. Bucky looks anywhere but you, wiping his damp face on his shirt, which gives you the most perfect flash of his carved abs.
“So,” you say, breaking the silence, “we can agree to disagree, right?”
He stares at you for a hard moment, a longer moment than he has before, and you swallow as desire crawls up your spine. Then, Bucky ducks under the ropes, grabs his towel, and gets the hell out of dodge.
“Fuck you too, Barnes!” you shout, and you know he must’ve heard you.
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He helps you walk off the quinjet and you hate literally every second of every moment that you have to have his arm wrapped around your waist. Mostly because you’re pissed at him and you hate being babied, but also because god, you can imagine Bucky holding you like this in a different context way better than you should be able to.
Those thoughts are the demons in your brain and you need someone to exorcise you. Probably Natasha. No, Natasha will make fun of you. Wanda, then.
As soon as you’re out of the hangar, Bucky asks FRIDAY if there’s anyone in the medbay, and your neck about snaps in half from how fast you turn.
“No,” you say. “Absolutely not. I’m not going to medical.”
He cuts you a glare. “As if you have a say in it.”
“I do have a say! It’s my body! This is the twenty-first century, Barnes. My body, my choice!”
“You’re injured,” he grits through his teeth. “We’re going to medbay.”
“I don’t need to go!” You start dragging your heels, trying to make yourself heavier, but Bucky is a super soldier and probably throws mack trucks for a living or something. “You stitched me up! The burns aren’t that bad, either. I’m fine, I’m not going to medical.”
“God, can you ever give me a break?” he groans. “Why are you always so fucking difficult?”
“I’m not being difficult!” you snarl, trying to push away from him, but his grip tightens. “Why the fuck do you care so much?”
“You’re so fucking stupid.”
“Yeah, maybe I am, since I don’t know why the fuck you give two shits about saving my quote-unquote dumbass who almost got us both killed, and I don’t know why the fuck you care about getting me to medical when you’re gonna bench me anyway! Right, thanks a lot Barnes, I’m so stupid for not fucking figuring it out!”
“You are!” he roars, and then your back is against the wall, his hand cushioning your head from hitting it. He corners you there, covering your body with his, ducking down so your mouths are so close you would only need to reach up a little to kiss him, and god, that’s tempting.
Not tempting enough when you’re this pissed off, though.
“So that’s what it is, huh? You just think I’m some stupid, incapable little girl who is so impractical because all she wants to do is save lives? You think I’m so stupid that I don’t know that people are going to die? And they’re going to die because I can’t save them? Maybe you should think about how I could never live with myself if I didn’t do everything possible to save them, so I risk my life to get them to safety. I would never ever risk yours, you stupid, arrogant, ignorant—”
Oh, Jesus.
His lips are hot when they crash against yours, pinning you between him and the wall. It’s desperate, the kind of kiss you’ve never had before. It’s so desperate and you want to pull away and ask him, Bucky, what are you so desperate for? He kisses you like he wants to keep you, his mouth swallowing yours like he can’t get enough of you. It’s hungry and begging and you don’t ever want it to stop, your teeth nipping blood from his bottom lip as if it’ll stop him from leaving, but he pulls away, leaving you breathless anyway.
“You’re stupid,” he repeats again and you watch his tongue dart out to taste the blood you’ve ripped from his skin. It sends a thrill of pleasure through you. “You’re so stupid.”
And he kisses you again and you decide that sure, maybe you’re stupid, you’ll be stupid all day long because he’s going to kiss you stupid.
It’s your hands that move first, you realize in some random corner of your mind. Your fingers twine in his brown locks, tugging the hair tie away and flinging it somewhere. Vaguely, you realize you’re still in the middle of the hallway, on the way to the elevator, but you don’t give a shit. The hand that isn’t twisting Bucky’s scalp finds the material of his tac-suit and starts pulling at all the straps and buckles, searching for a sliver of his hot skin in any capacity.
His own hand, the one not holding the back of your head, skims over your waist and flutters down your uninjured hip, grasping at the flesh underneath your suit. Suddenly, you’re overcome with the need to get these fucking clothes off, and immediately, and you break the kiss so you can suck down air and ask the man you’ve been hating, been pining after, to take you to bed.
As you do, Bucky trails a hot path of sloppy kisses down your chin, over your jaw, against your neck, until he finds the juncture of your shoulder and attaches his teeth there, nibbling on a patch of skin that is so distracting you forget about your question for a minute. And then your fingers run over a rough spot on his suit and you remember.
“Bucky,” you gasp out, and it sounds so heady that you nearly throw your head back. “Bucky,” you repeat, more urgently, when he doesn’t let up, your hand is tightening on his sleeve and tugging on it.
His head snaps up now, eyes piercing yours, concerned.
“Are you okay?” he asks, moving your hair away from your face to look closer at you.
“Bed,” you rasp out, but barely. “Now, please.”
He doesn’t move for a second, just staring at you like he’s scared, like he’s surprised you would ask. You see his eyes sort of glaze over, a reminder of the nightmares he’s seen, the nightmares he replays over and over in his head, but you’re selfish and your core is pulsing with a heat you’ve never felt this hot before and you need him here, not wherever his mind is taking him.
“Please, Bucky,” you say, and he blinks, and then he’s present again.
“Anything for you, doll,” he whispers, and your legs nearly collapse beneath you at the thought. Bucky scoops you into his arms carefully, trying not to jostle your wound too much, and then he sweeps you into the elevator and you’re speeding toward his room and hoping to god that Steve isn’t prowling around.
In a haze of kissing and excitement, you barely recognize that Bucky’s opening his door until it’s closed behind you and he’s walking you through his room and to his bed.
God, you’ve wanted to be in his bed for so fucking long.
He drops you among the sheets gently, so starkly different from the harsh tone of his voice only a few minutes earlier when he was yelling at you, and you’re not sure what you like better. You want Bucky to fuck you, to rip you in half and put you back together like he always does. But you want him, so badly, to make love to you just as much, but you’d never admit that to him.
Bucky’s kissing you so sweetly now, and then his kisses get more forceful, more needy, and you suck on his tongue until he’s panting above you. His hands are everywhere, sliding over your suit, unstrapping and unzipping and unbuckling all your gear, and your hands fumble in tune with his, trying to help him get you out of your clothes.
Just before he takes off your vest, he kisses you and asks, “Is this okay?”
You rip the vest off yourself, sitting up on your elbows to rip your undershirt off with it, leaving you in a black sports bra.
And you revel in the way Bucky stares at this new flesh. His lips find your sweaty skin, covering every inch that’s been revealed now as your fingers start taking his tac-suit apart the way he did yours. Soon, you’re frustrated, and you whine and pull at it until he huffs a laugh and takes it off himself. His vest gets thrown to the side and his tank top follows, leaving him bare-chested.
Your fingers are shaky as they touch his tanned skin and you almost laugh at how nervous you are. You’ve spent so long looking at him, hating him, wanting him, and now you have this stretch of his wide chest in front of you and all you can do is let your fingertips glide over him, mouth parted, eyes hazy.
His pupils are blown wide, too, and Bucky takes your hand in his and presses it against him harder, and suddenly you’re feral.
Your hands slide over every part of him, taking in the expanse of him. His biceps, his strong shoulders, the hard planes of his body. As gentle as possible, you trail your fingers closer and closer to the scar where metal meets flesh, and you glance up at him, a silent question, and when he gives you the smallest nod, you smooth over the gnarled rift of skin. You don’t ask if it hurts. He gives no indication that it does. And when you reach up to press a soft kiss to it, he shudders above you.
“Please,” he whispers, so quietly. “Let me touch you, doll.”
You lay back and start to unstrap your holsters, gesturing for Bucky to help you with your pants. He unlaces your boots for you as you throw your weapons to the ground, the clink of belts and buckles mingling in the silence, a song that ignites the excitement inside of you.
Your core is molten lava, the apex of your thighs dripping and Bucky hasn’t even touched the most intimate parts of you yet. Every single fiber of your being is trembling in anticipation, and in your hurry to strip your pants off, a twinge of pain shoots through you as you bend the wrong way, stitches pulling.
Bucky curses—like he’s the one who’s hurt you and you aren’t the idiot trying to rip her pants off—and just like he can flip the switch on his attitude, he flips the switch on this, too. He’s off of you before you realize, sitting back on his haunches, staring down at you in panic.
“I’m—Baby,” he breathes, voice shaking. “I'm sorry.”
His hands are outstretched, reaching for you, trembling as he swallows hard. You watch as his eyes shift in the space between your face and the white gauze wrapped around the bullet wound in your side.
“Bucky,” you hiss and grab him by the back of his neck, pulling him down. He doesn’t budge, not much at least, but you meet him the rest of the way and your lips collide with his in a thunderous crash, and like instinct, he kisses you until you can’t breathe.
“Doll,” he mumbles against your mouth and you drink the word from his tongue, distracting him. “We can’t.”
“We can,” you growl back, teeth reminding him of the pulsing ache between your thighs. In search of more, your hips roll up and meet his own, causing a groan to tumble out of his mouth into your own.
Fuck the pain—you’ll grit your teeth and bear it. This is the only moment you’ll ever have him, and by god, you need him.
Your hands return to your pants. “Help me,” you plead, breathless, unable to shimmy out of them. Bucky’s already pulled your boots off, socks coming with them, and his fingers find the heated flesh right beneath your waistband.
“Are you sure?”
All you can do is whine his name until he understands, and then Bucky is peeling your black pants from your legs, the rush of cool air rolling over your hot skin feeling almost as good as his hands are going to feel if he’ll just put them on you.
When his palms finally fall upon your thighs, rough and calloused and big and warm, you need much more, so much more. The way he trails his fingers down your knees, caressing your calves, brushing atop your ankle, and then coming back up to have his thumbs follow the ridge of muscles in your thighs, it all makes you shiver in pleasure. You’re so hot, sweat pooling in the small of your back against the bed, the dampness of your core becoming harder to ignore.
You squeeze your thighs together in an attempt to relieve the ache and Bucky notices—of course he notices—and his mouth finds your neck again, sucking until dark bruises begin to mar your skin, until you’re bowing off the bed, arching toward him, trying to get something, anything. Anything from him.
At some point, you realize he’s just torturing you on purpose, letting his hands roam the stretch of your stomach, smooth over the hills of your hips, and then draw down your legs until you’re shaking as he kisses you so softly, and then so roughly, like he can’t decide if he wants to grow old with you or if he wants to ruin you for whoever comes after him.
You sit up and reach around, fingers intent on unclasping your bra, but Bucky stops you with a nip at your bottom lip.
“Will you let me?” he asks, so sweetly. Bucky’s hand finds yours and bats them away, his fingers on the hooks as he waits for your answer.
“Yes,” you moan as his other hand tickles down the curve of your side. “God, please, yes.”
“Bucky,” he says, smirking against the side of your neck.
“Shut up and undress me, for fuck’s sake.”
“Well, when you ask so sweet like that, baby.”
With a quiet click, your bra comes undone and Bucky pulls it away from your body, and then your breasts are bare before his eyes. Now, it’s your turn to be doused in ice, to freeze, for the switch to flip.
You feel shy beneath his gaze, the way he looks at your nearly naked body with such reverence, as though this is the moment he’s been waiting for. Your knees close and your elbows draw in over your chest without your permission. It’s not like you want to hide from him, but he looks so perfect atop you, so beautiful in every single facet, better than any dream you’ve ever had of him, and you can’t stop yourself.
What have the other girls looked like underneath him? Better than you, surely. Prettier, skinnier, smaller, sexier. For fuck’s sake, you’ve got a nasty burn on the side of your leg and were shot through your left side only a few hours ago, your middle wrapped in medical tape. You can’t be that pretty a picture.
You’ve had your shot at him and you’re gonna lose it.
But when you look up, Bucky’s looking at you like you’re everything. His face is flushed, red creeping down his neck, and his eyes are soft, hazy, glassy. Gently, his fingers find your jaw and cup your cheek, thumb brushing the corner of your mouth.
“Let me look at you, baby.” His voice is almost as rough as the worn skin of his hand, dry and gravelly and thick with lust. When Bucky moves to grasp your wrists, you let your eyes flutter closed and nod, allowing him to peel your arms away from where they hide you, and you hear the sharp intake of breath he takes.
“God,” his voice shudders. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, doll. I couldn’t have dreamed you up if I tried, and I promise you, I tried.”
Your eyes fly open at this. “What?”
If it bothers him, he doesn’t act like it. Bucky leans down to nuzzle his nose against your collarbone, kissing and licking your skin like he’s making constellations out of your body—bruises connected only by his tongue.
“I’ve thought about this since the day you kicked my ass in the ring.” He sounds like he’s reciting a prayer, all whispered desires. “Your perfect lips, what they’d feel like, how soft they are. If you’d touch my scars, and how your fingers would feel on them all if you did.”
His mouth closes over the mound of your breast, the clash of tongue and teeth upon your nipple forcing you to arch into him in pleasure. Your mouth falls open in a silent scream and you aren’t quite aware that you’re even whining until his free hand crawls up from your hip and cups your other breast, thumb strumming over your peaked nipple. The breathy moans that pour from your mouth fill the room and only seem to make Bucky work faster, work harder, as he drags every drop of pleasure out of you with every instrument he has. Your hips buck up and into his, your thinly-clothed core catching the tent in his pants—his tac-suit, you realize, is still on—and it makes you both groan in a symphony of need.
“Need you,” you somehow manage to get out between your heavy panting, hips still searching for something to relieve the ache in your center. “Bucky, please.”
He releases your nipple from his lips, the chill assaulting the wet bud making you bow from the bed once again. Bucky places a kiss on the other, letting his tongue lave over it until it's just as wet and hard.
“I imagined what you’d sound like,” he says against your stomach, punctuating his words with a smattering of kisses across your skin. “Thought about what you’d—fuck, baby—I thought so much about how you’d look beneath me all spread out, just for me.”
The sound you make in reply is almost embarrassing as how soaked your panties are.
“Wondered how you’d taste.” He lets his tongue drag across the hem of your underwear and you press up, trying to get his mouth closer, but his hands settle on your hips and gently hold you to the bed.
“Bucky!” you try and growl, but it comes out an octave too high. “Please!”
“What is it, babydoll?” His fingers curl underneath, thumbs riding the line of skin just beneath your panties.
“I need you!” You throw your head back against the pillow. “I’ve thought about it too,” you admit, breathing hard. “How you’d touch me like this, how you’d feel inside me, please, so please just—I need you, Bucky.”
“You got me, baby,” he says and it sounds so fucking beautiful. “I’m right here. I got you, doll. Gonna take care of you, okay? Will you let me give you what you need?”
You answer by trying to press your hips up again, and Bucky shifts until his hands are cupping your ass and he drags you down the bed, closer to him, closer to his own hips where you can feel the bulge of his cock begging to be released.
“Your pants,” you remind him, wrapping your uninjured leg around the back of his thigh. “I want to feel you, please, Bucky.”
“Okay, doll,” he says, laying a kiss just above your panty line again, and then he’s pulling away and you whine despite it.
You listen as Bucky fiddles with his gear, going through the same motions as you had to go through earlier. The clink of his knives, the buckles of his holsters, the heavy soles of his boots as he throws them off. When you sit up, Bucky is standing in his black boxers, the faint light streaming into his room highlighting the shine of the scars that cover his body.
He looks as breathless, as flustered, as aroused as you feel. His hair is mussed from your hands, falling over his shoulder in the thick waves that feel so soft between your fingers. The lust is evident in the way his eyes roam over your body, his pupils blown wide, and then he’s moving toward you and fitting himself between your legs on the bed.
Bucky slides his hands over your heated skin yet again, a reminder of how much he wants you, how much he loves the feel of you, before his fingers hook inside your panties and begin to pull them down. Before he gets too far, he stops again, gaze flicking up to meet yours.
“Is this alright?” he asks.
You nod, lifting your hips as carefully as possible in order to keep from jostling your wound, and Bucky slips the last piece of clothing from your body. You hope, fucking christ you hope, he doesn’t realize how soaked they are when he peels them off, but maybe that’s a lost cause.
Because as soon as you’re naked, your glistening core bare to his eyes alone, all bets are off. There are no more barriers, nothing for you to hide behind, no sharp words to keep your feelings at bay.
His fingers skim over your lips, collecting all the honey you’ve made for him as his knees widen to spread your thighs. The simple movement has your hips rolling already in search of more, whimpers falling from your mouth as Bucky stares at your naked form beneath him. Eyes lidded, you watch as he brings his fingers, wet with your juices, up to his mouth.
“Shit, doll,” he curses. Bucky’s tongue envelops his digits and he groans at the taste, sending shocks like a fucking earthquake through your body, through your bones, straight to your core.
He moves closer to you, sliding your thighs onto his shoulder and locking his metal arm around the top of your hips, far enough away from your wound that it doesn’t hurt. Bucky peppers kisses along your inner thighs, biting and sucking in intervals that has you pressing your mound to him, begging for more.
“You taste so good,” he mumbles, breath ghosting over your quivering pussy, pulling a wanton whine from your throat. “Will you let me taste you, baby?”
“God, yes, please Bucky,  please, I need it so bad.” The words are frantic, strangled, a mess of moans of breathless gasping.
“I know, sweetheart,” he says. “I got you, baby. I got you.”
And then his mouth is on you, hot and slick upon hot and slick, his tongue parting the valley of your lips and delving into your dripping center like he’s a man starved and you’re the first meal he’s tasted in years. You keen in pleasure, thrashing your head against the pillows until your hair is a tangled mess as Bucky’s tongue flattens on your clit, licking a wide path until it’s well-traveled and your hips stutter, held back only by the cooled metal on your heated skin. Your hands find purchase in his hair, fingers tugging at his scalp, and the motion makes him groan into you.
You call his name like it’s the only word you know, chanting it over and over like it’s a spell similar to the one he’s weaving with his tongue upon your aching clit. He doesn’t let up, tracing words you can’t make out and drinking in all the wetness flooding his mouth. The gentle scratch of his wiry beard burns just right, contrasting with the curls of pleasure coming from your sensitive clit. Without realizing, you grind your core against Bucky’s mouth, the friction only serving to make you into a trembling mess, your insides throbbing with a need to be filled, pussy clenching around nothing.
As if he feels you, Bucky slides his free hand over your leg and to the apex of your thighs, the first thick finger entering you slowly, like he’s testing the waters. You cry out, begging for more, and Bucky relents. His second finger follows as his tongue continues to lap at your pussy, letting you gyrate against his face as you try to fuck yourself on his hand.
“Bucky,” you pant, each letter of his name a stutter with moans, “please!”
“Please what, babydoll?” His voice sends another wave of arousal through you, juices slicking his fingers up more than before. Your stomach is tightening, pleasure in tight curls between your legs, center so close to snapping that tears are beginning to leak from your eyes because Bucky won’t fucking let you move your hips in the way that you want. He chuckles against your pussy, breath teasing over you, vibrations making you quiver.
“I’m gonna—”
Bucky curls his fingers inside of you, stroking your spot, just as his mouth envelops your clit in its heat and he sucks, hard, and the thin thread coiling in your core snaps and you come apart, harder, and a scream tears itself from your throat as warm tears fall into your hairline.
He never stops. As his suckling turns into kitten licks upon your clit, his third finger breaches your opening and slips inside, pumping into you as you ride your orgasm out on his hand. Your hand is tight in his hair until it all becomes too much and it falls to cover your mouth, your teeth finding your knuckle to bite back the sound of your moans.
“Oh no, baby, no,” Bucky says, and when you look down, he’s between your legs, watching you in the aftershocks of your pleasure. His fingers leave your pussy and you clench around nothing, a whine leaving your lips at the emptiness, until Bucky’s metal fingers are pulling your hand away from your face.
“I gotta hear you,” he whispers, the hand covered in your nectar finding your mouth. “Need to hear all those pretty little noises you’re making, baby. I’ve dreamed about ‘em. Would get my cock all hard thinking about ‘em. You gotta keep making ‘em ‘cause now that I’ve heard ‘em, I can’t get enough, babydoll.”
When he moves to trace your bottom lip, red and swollen from his own, your tongue darts out to taste the salt and sin on the pad of his thumb. Bucky places his fingers at your parted lips and you suck them into your mouth, licking all the juice from his skin, tongue swirling around his digits. You wonder if his lips taste like this, too.
He groans as he watches you, his eyes lidded and hazy and lovely, and then his metal hand finds the waistband of his boxers and yanks them off his hips. In one perfect movement, his cock slaps against his stomach, hot and red and already leaking, which makes you flush at the fact that Bucky liked making you come.
Subconsciously, your tongue snakes out to lick your lips as you take in the length, the thickness of his cock, and Bucky gets that familiar look on his face—cocky, smirking, knowing that he’s pushing your limits. He presses you back down upon the bed, his arms bracketing your head as his nose brushes against yours, his heat pressing into the subtle dip where your hip and thigh meet.
The feeling of his cock, hard and heavy against your naked skin, sends you into a frenzy of arousal, of want, of need. You reach out and take him into your hand, your thumb brushing over the velvet head and smearing his precum along his length. Bucky’s jaw tightens, muscle twitching, as you pump your fist around him and drag your fingers along the blue vein riding up the underside. The groan that falls from his lips, the stutter and jerk of his hips, the way he shakes above you is addicting, and Bucky has to pull your wrist away from his cock in order to stop you from getting him off just like that.
“Baby,” he breathes, resting his sweaty forehead against yours.
“Bucky, please,” you beg again. “Please, I need you inside me.”
“You want me?” he asks, and even though his voice is scratchy and thick with desire, he says it like he’s surprised. As if you could never want him.
You’ve always wanted him.
“Yes, god, Bucky. I want you,” you moan, threading your fingers into his hair to smash your lips together in a sharp, bruising kiss. “I need you,” you say against his mouth. “I need you so, so bad.”
“I need you too, babydoll. Need to feel you,” he says, the sound strained, almost like he can’t stay away from you any longer. You feel it too, the ache without him, the way your pussy clenches in anticipation for him.
The head of Bucky’s cock nudges at your entrance and your slick coats him. The soft skin of him brushes your over-sensitive clit and you keen, and he does it again, and again, until you’re shaking, until you wrap your ankles around Bucky’s back and pull him into you, raising your hips to meet his.
“You want this?” His voice is heavy when he asks.
“Yes,” you moan out, rocking against him.
He says your name and it sounds pained on his tongue. “Are you sure?”
“James.” Your teeth snap and gnash on his name, and it awakens something within him that sets every place he touches you ablaze with a new sensation, and Bucky enters you with a slow thrust of his hips. 
And it feels so fucking good.
Like straining a muscle you haven’t used in a while, it aches as he enters while you stretch to accommodate his size. The way his cock feels inside of you—touching you in places you never thought you’d be touched, filling you in a way you never thought you’d be filled.
He’s finally, finally yours. If just for this moment, Bucky Barnes is yours.
Your nails incise his back, making new marks among the sea of scarring he’s suffered, as you cling to his body in any way to feel him closer to you. Bucky leaves kisses on every surface of your face, your jawline, your neck. He kisses you everywhere and you wish you could tattoo the feeling into your skin.
“Are you alright?” he mumbles faintly into your neck and you can feel how hard he’s trying not to move, not to hurt you, to give you time to adjust to him. Your fingers trail up and down his spine, drifting into his hair, scratching against his scalp.
“Yes,” you hiss, undulating your hips and making a similar sound fall from his lips. “Bucky, please.”
You don’t know how many iterations of that same phrase you’ve said all night, but you’ll keep saying it, over and over, if he’ll take you like this. Just like this, with his arms trapping your body to the bed, his hips flush against yours, panting above you as he stares into your eyes all lustful and dark and wanting. He smells like the Bucky you’re so familiar with, your partner, Barnes, gunpowder and explosions and blood, with the clean scent of whatever deodorant he uses. If he’ll keep you like this, where you can pretend your his for this moment, you’ll say it over and over
Bucky, please—Bucky, please—Bucky, please—please—please—
When he finally moves, thrusting into your heat with a growl, it feels like time stops.
Bucky fucks you like he loves you, slow and steady, pumping into you fully and deeply until you lose your mind. He fucks you like he wants to ravage you, fast and quick and hard as he holds your hips to keep you steady, and you ignore the dull pain that flares up in your side because he’s fucking you like he needs you, like he can’t exist without you. He fucks you like he’ll never get another chance to touch you. When he fucks you like this, his thrusts falling out of rhythm, out of time, he rests his forehead against yours and you lean up to capture his mouth with yours, tongues sliding over one another sloppily.
The heat is building up inside of you again, and when Bucky lifts your hips and drapes you over his knees, pressing you up with his metal arm, his cock hits the spot inside you that makes you scream over and over. The waves are cresting. The crescendo is approaching. Every grunt and groan he makes mingles with your moans and shrieking pleasure, and it’s all going to culminate into one big moment, you can feel it.
Bucky pulls back to slip his hand between your bodies, sweaty and hot, and his thumb presses gently into your clit. With one sharp thrust, your body arches off the bed as you snap, screaming his name, and Bucky holds you through it.
Your vision goes black—you aren’t sure if it's because your eyes are screwed shut in pleasurable pain or if it's because you’ve passed out. Bucky’s hips jerk wildly into yours and you tighten the grip you have around his waist with your legs, digging your heels into the small of his strong back.
“So tight,” he hisses into your ear. “So fucking wet, baby. Feel so fucking right, made for me, aren’t you doll?”
“Yes, James,” you moan out as you ride the waves of your orgasm. “Made for you!”
Bucky works at your clit again as his rhythm starts to fail, and even with how sensitive you are, you feel the pleasure curling inside you again, hot inside your stomach. You clench and jolt whenever his cock hits the right angle, and all of a sudden, you’re on the edge yet again.
“I can’t,” you cry out, nearly a sob lost to the sound of his hips snapping against yours.
“You can,” he says, so gently. “You can, baby, just for me. You said so, right?”
How is he still talking? For fuck’s sake, your tongue feels like its detached from your mouth and all you can muster are the moans and whines that come from the back of your throat Bucky is forcing out of you.
“Come with me,” you beg, you plead. “Please James, please, come with me.”
You break apart silently, clinging to his body, holding him to you as every fiber of your being is torn into pieces, shattered. As your pussy clenches and spasms around him, Bucky stutters in his thrusts and you pull him into you, willing him to fall over the edge with you, and he follows dutifully.
He groans out your name as he comes inside of you, liquid heat searing the deepest part of you. Falling back against the pillows, you whisper his name and drag him with you, mouth meeting his for one last clumsy, haphazard kiss. Bucky stills inside of you, still throbbing, and then he whispers something against your lips.
“I love you.”
You freeze, eyes wide, and Bucky pulls away from your embrace to look at you.
“What?” you ask, swallowing thickly. “What did you say?”
“I—” He looks nervous now, but his blue eyes are so fucking sincere. “I’m—I’m so sorry, fuck.”
Bucky moves to pull out of you, to leave, but you tighten your legs around his hips and trap him against you. The cocky smirk he wears, the confident smile, even the look of desire he wore while fucking you—it’s all gone. Left in its wake is the ashamed look Bucky wears that makes him seem small, and you want to smooth it away until he looks at you like he wants you again. Like he wants you to be his. 
Like he loves you.
“Why are you sorry?” you ask him, stroking a hand through his hair.
“Because—fuck—this wasn’t supposed to happen.” He glances away from you and glares at the floor and a heartbreaking pain shoots through you. Now, he pulls out of you, shifting to get off the bed and clean up, but you can’t stop the words before they tumble out.
“You didn’t want me?”
“What?” Bucky turns and cups your face in his hand, searching your eyes for something, and his thumb wipes away a stray tear you didn’t realize had fallen. 
Oh fuck, here it comes. He told you he loved you in a fit of passion and now you’re the stupid, clingy girl that he needs to leave behind. You’re partners, first and foremost, and you shouldn’t have forgotten that.
But god, he made you feel like you were his, and you wanted that so bad. You want it so fucking bad.
“It’s okay,” you tell him, voice shaking and you wonder if you mean it. “I know I’m stupid, and I know you hate me, and I know it was just sex—”
“Baby, no, please.” Bucky brings your face to his and kisses you softly, sweetly, like he adores you. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry because someone like me shouldn’t love someone like you. God, I shouldn’t love someone as perfect as you. I can’t have you, doll. And I’m sorry.”
Oh. Bucky does love you.
Oh. Oh. Oh.
You surge up and slant your mouth over his, hand gripping the back of his neck to pull him down, fingers twining in the fine hairs where his scalp meets his skin. In this one kiss, you pour everything you think you can into it, everything you feel now, everything you’ve felt since you met him, everything you’ve ever felt at every moment you’ve shared with him.
“I love you,” you say when you pull away. “I love you so much, Bucky. I’ve loved you since the day I met you.”
His eyes are so wide, so afraid, so confused.
“You do?”
“I do,” you tell him. “God, I’ve wanted you for so long, Bucky Barnes, you stupid man.”
You expect him to kiss you now, but he doesn’t. Instead, Bucky cradles your head in his hand and pulls you to his chest, embracing you in his warm arms. He rolls onto the bed, carefully lifting you until you’re situated on top of him, where you wrap your limbs around him and lay upon his warm body. Bucky lays kisses on the crown of your hair, holding you so tightly against him you think you might suffocate.
“I’ve loved you since the day you kicked my ass, doll,” he admits. You laugh.
“Are you kidding me? I thought you hated me.”
“I could never hate you,” he says. “I hated that you would sacrifice yourself for others. I still hate it. It’s why you got hurt today and god, the threat of losing you, it scares me doll. I didn’t know what I would do if you died right there in my arms and I never got the chance to tell you all this.”
You glance up at him, at his beautiful face and his beautiful eyes, the man who you hated and who you wanted and who you love. God, you really do love him.
“I’m not going to leave you,” you whisper, pressing an awkward kiss to his bare chest. “Now that I have you, I could never leave you.”
He laughs at that. “Babydoll, you’ve always had me. I can’t believe you never knew.”
You think back to all the times he’s looked at you, dopey grins and cocky smiles and coy glances. You think about how long you’ve leaned on each other in the two years you’ve been partners, how he’s the only person you’ve ever trusted with your life, how you always work to come back to him. You think about the butterflies that stirred in your stomach the first time you met him, when he shook your hand and gave you the prettiest smile you’d ever seen, the same smile he has plastered on his face right now as looks down at you.
Sitting up, you look at Bucky Barnes, chin resting in your palm lazily.
“Maybe I’ve always known,” you say.
“Yeah,” he says. “Maybe I did, too.”
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artobotsrollout · 3 years
Sparklings Headcanon: Hissy Babies
So... what I can gather from Transformers: Exodus... is that all new sparks from the Allspark basically have to survive through a hellish environment while climbing up to the surface.
So consider...needing to survive through so much at the start of their life, generally, cybertronian sparklings are actually vicious, dangerous little things with developed claws, teeth, and other defences.
I've been thinking about this for a long time now and this finally gives me support to have a good enough excuse to yell about my thoughts. SO I'm gonna take that small bit and run with it in my general versions of canon.
Sidenote: I wanna establish before I go deeper into this headcanon that this behaviour is not frame-type exclusive. The aggressive babies would be, across the board, all cybertronians. It's a species thing, not exclusive to any subgroup of cybertronian.
Sparklings aren't helpless like a lot of young species are (like humans where babies can be injured just by looking at them wrong snjxwj) but instead are more similar to how a foal can walk shortly after birth or how a T. Rex grows from a lanky speedy little thing till it's big enough to be a big chonker and not need the same defense mechanisms anymore. (Check out this illustration by RJ Palmer to see what I mean.)
Consider.... during the rebuilding of Cybertron post-war many Cybertronians wanted to raise/adopt newsparks. But instead of the cute experience you'd expect when picking out a sparkling to raise, it's more like trying to coax out a feral cat. Before a regulated system to help young cybertronians can be formed, they can also rise at different levels of development. A few are even near adulthood by the time they emerge since the climb is heavily dependent on each individual spark and luck since it's very easy to become lost for long periods of time. On the flipside, lucky keeners who are good survivors could be very very young and small when they emerge. Most are somewhere in between. The age would also affect the role a caregiver would provide.
Cut to cybertronians on a new cybertron attempting to herd these small little hissing hell demons. Mechs covered in scratches and not caring one bit because they finally managed to coax out the little car who had backed itself into a small hole and had been aggressively beeping and honking at them. Mech's trying to pry off a smol cybertronian that is gripping their helmet with it's little teeth and them taking it in stride with a "I think this one likes me!"
And yes I already hear the debate starting about how cybertronians should or shouldn't emerge in their full sized armor. For the sake of this post I'm going with them growing into their armor and even some of their armor development having adaptive growing that's dependent on what they go through. I could talk about this for hours and I hope to make a more in depth post about cybertronian development but I can be forgetful so if you wanna hear more feel free to remind me djjdsjz.
In the new world after the war, wanting to adopt and raise a sparkling isn't uncommon of cybertronians and during rebuilding efforts, many search different levels from the well for young ones. Ideally a cybertronian taking on a big role in a newspark's life would have a compassionate and patient demeanor and encourage the sparkling to grow it's own way. Eventually there could be stations setup as close to the well of sparks as possible that either transport, or aid in their journey to the surface and furthermore aid in matching temperaments of newsparks and adopters
Cybertronians end up yoinking the human term/idea of family but making it more about a group of individuals who care deeply about one another. Basically, family becomes about who you love, regardless of what type of love it is. They don't view family the way humans do. Familial social constructs and dynamics wouldn't apply. Romantically paired cybertronians aka Conjunxes are just one type of 'parent' and not a standard or even a majority. Many newsparks would be raised by one 'parent' or a pair of amica enduras. Some end up being raised by a group of cybertronians who are so close they consider eachother family.
Brief Sparkling History
Before the war I imagine they had setup stations below the surface to catch sparklings and essentially label them straight away by their frames into a caste and job. By catching them early they could also influence and even straight up modify their armor and protoform development to be ideal for their assigned position.
But nearing the time of the war, when the caste system was at its peak, there had been very few sparklings emerging from the well at all, so most collection stations were abandoned and eventually destroyed from the combination of lack of upkeep + harsh conditions.
Without many checkpoints or mechs braving the depths to search for the little tykes, a fair number of those who emerged from the well right before and during the war end up fully grown on their own whether from having to survive on their own on the surface, or having to navigate the depths for so long the old fashioned way.
Bumblebee is one such case who'd essentially been the equivalent of barely an adult when he'd been swept up by autobots. At this time he was on the younger side of newsparks without guidance emerging from the well. Bee, though young and small, had seemingly come out of nowhere to scare off some decepticons who were terrorising an Autobot minicon. He didn't know the minicon was a spy with incredibly important information for the autobots before acting, he just acted in a situation he felt was unfair. He also was unaware that he'd had an audience in the form of a rescue team headed by an incredibly impressed Optimus with a concerned Ratchet in tow. Optimus and Ratchet, both too charmed by Bee to do otherwise, end up accidentally falling into the role of semi-parental mentors.
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criticofallthings · 3 years
SO IT’S 5:12AM BECAUSE I’VE BEEN TYPING AWAY A NEW HEADCANNON PIECE OF CRACK IDEA THAT WOULDN’T LET ME SLEEP IF I DIDN’T. edit: bc tumblr mobile app is dumb I had to restart in a web browser and it is now 6:03 AM.
Anyway yeah so that Hawkmokn lore tab where we see Guardian lad and Crow get drunk and be merry (brain’s a little scramble rn, but I’m preeetty sure its the Hawkmoon lore tab)?? Yeah so that and trauma bonding / healing bc if I haven’t said it a thousand times and then sme yet, Imma say it again: POOR TRAUMATIZED GUARDIANS OMFG 😭😭😭
No title no beta bc literally just shat this out the past couple of hours:
cw/tw: ptsd, referenced major character death, death, implied depression/major grief, self depreciation
ps. usually I write nonbinary Guardian, but today we got lady she/her Guardian
pps. this fic is a heckin chonker compared to the previous ones
Crow’s lips were gentle against the Guardian’s own, a bit dry, but sweet and heady with the lingering wine. The kiss was sudden. It was spontaneous. And it made something warm and so soft and so, so very fragile, hatch within the Guardian’s chest.
Until she opened her eyes and saw those golden eyes, glowly softly in the dark, beneath dusky white and raven black fringe. The pale smokey blue of his skin, luminous where it reflected the warmth of the campfire, and cast in deep shadows where the night’s darkness fought to shade his face. The smell of ash suddenly weighs much heavier in the air.
That warm, soft, and fragile thing in the Guardian’s chest goes cold and sharp and hard. Time slows and speeds up at the same time within her mind, stealing her away to a prison of memories. Blood rushes to her ears, drowning out the warning from Ghost to Crow and Glint.
The Guardian shoved Crow away and stood up, a heavy handcannon with a white spade on the stock materializing into her hand, aimed at Crow’s heart. An errant blip of data-Light to Crow’s left is all that hints at Glint’s swift dematerialization. Crow stays prone on the ground, spawled on his back, one hand raised up, in an attempt to pacify —unwittingly making it harder for the Guardian to snap out of that memory.
The stench of burnt oil, sweat, and soot fills her nose. She only hears the crackles of flames and electric buzzing as her heart pounds, coldly staring into Crow’s bewildered eyes. Those deep golden eyes that had haunted her waking hours and chased her down in nightmares. Those eyes filled with cruelty as they watched her stumble to Cayde’s dying side. She doesn’t realize yet, but the tears she couldn’t shed before, now weep from her eyes. The handcannon trembles slightly in her grip.
Ghost floats over into his Guardian’s field of view. He’s careful to let her know he’s doing so by giving her shoulder a bump as he glides to a rest above the stock of the handcannon. He hovers there, his one eye searching both of hers, glow dimmed slightly. His shell gives a soft whirl before he speaks, leaning in gently towards her.
“That is not him.”
The silence is deafening, every second only increasing the tension. Ghost clicks his shell, uncertain if his words were even heard. He tries again, bobbing in the air.
“Crow is not him.”
The handcannon trembles. But the Warlock doesn’t move, bound by so much tension you’d think she was a Hunter about to leap into the air to throw a Blade Barrage.
“Crow is not him.”
Ghost speaks again, insistent, shell whirling softly as he flits closer to his Guardian. A flicker of recognition crosses her face. The handcannon falters, no longer aimed directly at Crow’s chest. Ghost nudges her hand, bumping the Guardian’s aim to the ground.
She trembles, a full body shudder and the handcannon slips from her grasp. Suddenly she’s aware, all too aware of what happened, and the tension holding her still dissipates. She falls to her knees, energy completely spent.
“I, I-I’m so sorry.” She’s barely able to whisper the words in his direction.
Before her, Crow watches, eyes wide and doe-like, shocked and unsure of what to do. Of what just happened. A sinking feeling blooms in his gut.
He knows he wasn’t a good man before he died. Plenty of guardians had made that clear through their boot heels and fists, gunfire and knives, with their Light in three different energies: arc, void, and solar.  As did the Eliksni, who cursed him in their language while their Captains tore him apart with their four arms.
Crow knows it’s an understatement to say he wasn’t a good man in his previous life. Even if he could never learn about who that man was, what he did, and would only by the number of shattered bones and bruised flesh just how much pain that man had caused —Crow decided early on that he could take it. It was penance. It was justly due and therefore he couldn’t call it painful.
But this? This hurt.
It hurt because now he knows that the man he once was had struck an incomprehensible blow to the Guardian he had come to know more of. It hurt because he had been holding on to a small hope, an indescribably small bit of hope, that of all the people he had encountered in his previous life that he had never met the Guardian. Because if they had never met, then maybe, maybe there was someone he didn’t hurt. His first friend. His savoir. His now not-so-secret-crush. And the longer he thought about it, the greater that sinking feeling in his gut grew.
He could no longer deny the shock and subdued anger and almost very well hidden grief he had seen flash across her face when he revealed himself to her and Osiris. He could no longer deny the way they had kept him at distance while easily in sight with a hand hovering over their gun every time they met him for a Hunt or to study a newly sprouted Cryptolith. Why his attempts at humor and jokes were met with cool silence. Why whenever he saw that handcannon, he instinctively recoiled away from it, phantom pain bursting sharply in his heart.
Crow remembers the first time he saw the Guardian wield that gun. How she had effortlessly cleared a pack of thrall in one clip, each headshot exploding in a flurry of solar. How his body reacted: legs collapsing beneath him, his heart burning painfully, lungs gasping for air that never seemed to make it into him, retching pathetically, as tears streamed down his face.
Why was he crying?
Why did he feel an insurmountable wall of sorrow and regret?
She had seen him fall and before the last thrall had burnt away completely, she came running towards him. All he could see in that moment was that gun getting closer and all he felt was an innate desire to get away.
Run, run, run, run, run before you die!
Run you before you burn!
The Guardian came close, hands splayed before her, voice speaking in soothing tones, words lost upon his panicking ears. He had screamed then, in abject terror. It was a garbled and pitched sound as he tried to breathe and vomit and scrabble away all at the same time; his eyes riveted to the handcannon now holstered at her side. Her Warlock mind, keen to details, quickly realized what had triggered his panic and she deftly threw the gun to her Ghost who transmatted it away mid-air.
Crow doesn’t remember what the Guardian said to him, but he remembers how carefully she reached out to him. How she framed his face in her gauntleted hands, so gentle, so lightly, as if he might shatter into glass —just to touch her forehead to his. How the puffs of her outward breaths ghosting by his cheeks helped calm his own.
And he knew then, in that moment that no matter what that gun meant that he was already in too deep. When with a simple touch, the Guardian could soothe away old terrors he himself knew nothing of, Crow knew then. He loves her.
Crow slowly got to his feet, mindful of the Guardian (who was despondently staring into her open hands while Ghost hovered on her shoulder). He looks at that gun, chest starting to burn, heartbeat increasing. Clenching a fist at his side, Crow takes a tentative step and then another until he’s close enough to pick up the handcannon. He gingerly picks it up by the barrel, keeping his hands off the stock on purpose. It’s another small step towards the Guardian before he kneels in front of them.
He pauses there, unsure of what he can do —of what he did that caused the Guardian to react so violently before. He doesn’t think it was the kiss itself...that seemed to be fine until she looked at his face, into his eyes. Ah. Crow rests the handcannon on his thigh and pulls up his hood, jerking it to cover more of his face. Cautiously he grabs the handcannon by the barrel again and with his other hand, slowly reaches for one of the Guardian’s own. She lets him guide her hand to the handcannon and once he’s sure she won’t drop it, Crow gently pushes both towards her again. The Guardian looks away, but cradles the handcannon in her lap.
More hesitantly now, Crow raises his hands to cup her face just as she once did for him. He can’t exactly see with his hood covering so much of his face, but he slowly gets nearer and carefully moves his hands over the side of her face. He leans forward to rest his forehead against hers, the edges of his hood brushing across his nose as he did so, fully obscuring his vision. Crow doesn’t know of anything he could say in this moment —what could he of all people say to her, Guardian of guardians, that could possibly make a difference? So he doesn’t say anything. Instead, Crow softly hums.
It’s an old melody, a lullaby he found while exploring abandoned freighters and passenger ships in the Reef. When Glint discovered his fondness for it, the Little Light would often hum the tune, sitting on his chest, to soothe him on several sleepless nights in Spider’s Lair. Crow hopes that this at least, can help ground the Guardian in the present and away from the painful memories in her past.
They stay like this for a while. The Guardian’s breath evens out and somewhere along the time past, Ghost had dematerialized. It was just the two of them now. Crow stops humming when he feels the Guardian raise a hand to cover one of his over her face. She leans into his palm, then forward against his forehead for a moment.
“I’m sorry, Crow, I’m so sor—“ She starts to apologize and it’s a whisper until she says his name to apologize once more. Crow doesn’t want to hear this, he doesn’t deserve an apology. So Crow cuts off the Guardian by dropping his hands to her sides and pulling her into his chest.
The sudden movement sends the Guardian toppling onto Crow. He curls forward to protect his head, but keeps his arms around her, falling flat on his back. The Guardian doesn’t move to get off of him and Crow takes that as an okay sign. He keeps one arm around her, the other he moves to card his fingers through her hair.
“Of all the people in this world, Guardian, I am the last of anyone to whom you owe an apology.” Crow let’s his words hang in the air, trying to keep his breathing even so his heart would stay less frantic too.
“If anything,” he pauses to admire a particularly silky strand of hair as it slips through his fingers.
“I am the one indebited to you.”
There’s another pause as he sorts his next words before speaking. His hand idly resumes carding through the Guardian's hair again.
“So much so that I wonder if it’s selfish greed that makes me want to stay like this.” Crow sighs, looking straight up into the star speckled sky above them. At this angle he can’t see the Guardian, but he feel her shift slightly in his arms.
“Even though you’ve done so much for a worthless stain of a being as me…Even though I can never atone for the things I’ve done befo—“ He’s interrupted by the Guardian slapping a hand over his mouth.
“You are not him.” She shifts in his arms, sitting up, moving a leg over to straddle him properly.
Crow grabs his fallen hood in a panic, pulling the fabric so swiftly up around his face he hears the fabric creak as its seams struggle to stay sewn. Still, he doesn’t let the material go, trying to keep his face hidden.
“You are not him.” The Guardian repeats herself, lifting her hand from his mouth. Crow can’t tell with what emotion she said it with and he’s too afraid to check just yet. He doesn’t want to cause her harm again, regardless of how circumstantially accidental it was.
He freezes at the way she calls his name. It was different from how she usually said it. It sounded soft and so warm in her voice. The Guardian prods at one of hands clamped on his hood. He turns his head to the side, trying to escape beneath a look he could practically feel brushing against his hands.
“I...I-I don’t want to hurt you...again.” Crow’s heart beats skittishly within his chest, causing a lump to form in his throat. He’s barely able to say these words out loud without an audible whimper to them. He tries to speak again, but fails.
The Guardian leans forward over him and a shifting moment later he feels her tap her forehead against his. Her hands rest, half-covering his own, but exerting no force to push of pry his fingers away from his hood.
“Crow.” She whispers his name, just as soft and warm as before. Her lips ghost across his clenched hands when she spoke, sending goosebumps down his arms. Crow tenses.
It’s a full body reaction as Crow completely freezes up. Once more he tries to swallow down the lump in his throat with little success. His tongue feels dry and too heavy in his mouth. He can feel his heart rate spike, beating so hard now he’s unsure if the metaphorical ache that had been nesting there is becoming a real one.
“Please, Crow?” The Guardian pleads softly, leaning back and letting her hands slide from his face to over his chest.
“You can’t hide your handsome face forever.” She tries to make it sound light hearted, an easy joke, but the anxious tapping of her finger against his chest reveals her anxiety. Crow takes a deep, shaky inhale, holding it a second before letting it out.
“I-I can’t.” Crow sputters, the breath he had taken just before speaking seemed too little for all the things he wanted to say. Did she really just call his face handsome right now? Oh Traveler, why was that now all he could focus on??
He feels the Guardian shift in his lap again. The movement snaps Crow out of his thoughts and inadvertently he tightens his grip on his hood again. Somewhere behind his head, a seam in the hood gives way and the fabric tears from the stress.
A small chuckle near his ear catches him off guard and Crow isn’t able to stop his head from jerking sideways. This gives the Guardian an advantage and she presses against him, letting her head rest side by side to his. It keeps him unable to turn his face again. Even still, Crow maintains his hold over his ruined hood.
“Well then...” The Guardian pauses. Her voice, low and smooth, is right next to Crow’s ear. Crow flinches slightly, swallowing rapidly again, not expecting her to be so close.
“...how am I supposed to kiss you back?”
Crow lets out a confused sound, brain derailing instantly, but also cutting some of the tension out of his body. Certainly, he must have heard the Guardian wrong. But the sound of two ghosts  re-materializing interrupts the Guardian (who Crow is now very aware is straddling him) from speaking as she suddenly freezes.
“OH. Oh! Oh...well uh, w-we’ll come back later!! N-n-not too soon, ofcou—” Ghost’s shocked rambling is halted by metallic clinking as Glint’s shell collides with his. In the background, Glint’s hurried whispers of “Just go! Just go!” are just barely audible before the two Little Lights decompile once more.
Above him, the Guardian lets out a heavy breath once the two ghosts are gone. Beneath his hands, Crow breaks into a brief smile at that. The brief interruption had brought a measure of calm to him and he didn’t want to waste the moment.
“I, well...the man I was did something pretty horrible to you, didn’t I?” Crow lets the question hang in the air, but pushes on. If he lets the Guardian speak now, he’s not sure he’ll ever be able to say these words again.
“Not just you, to all the guardians...the Vanguard, and even the Eliksni, maybe even to the Scorn.” The Guardian is still above him, listening, but against his chest Crow can feel the heavy, measured beating of her heart.
“A-and I know. I just know. That that handcannon --the one with the white spade— I know that man died to that gun...This body remembers, but I also think it’s much more than that.” Crow stops to take a shuddering breath in. He focuses on the steady feeling of the Guardian’s heart against his chest to center himself.
“When I see that gun...it’s like I can feel that final shot burning again and again. But then there’s so much more to it. So much pain that isn’t from that bullet, so much grief, and fear, and even anger. Anger at myself, knowing I —all I did was —all I caused was…” He trails off, not able to find the words to describe how those moments felt. When he speaks again, it’s all in whispers.
“But when I see you, I know it’s not right, I know it’s selfish, I know you didn’t even like me at the beginning….but when I see you, I know I’ll be okay. Because the Light gave me a second chance to be okay and you did the same.”
Crow stops when he feels the Guardian shifting again. She grabs him by his elbows and slides off of his lap, tugging on him to join her in a sitting position. His knees are now tucked under his chin and he can feel her legs framing his own. It’s silent for a moment, but then he feels her edge closer to plant a chaste kiss to the back of his hands.
“It was an accident, a trick of the light and shadow…I—you are not like him in many, many ways.” For a moment Crow’s heart plummeted to his gut, wrenching at her first few words. Her hands cover his own again and Crow’s heart grows light.
“Please. Look at me.” The Guardian asks Crow while gently pressing against his knuckles. She rubs her thumbs over the side and backs of his hands, small soothing gestures.
Crow clenches his jaw, then decides against it. He releases his hold on his cloak’s hood, fingers stiff and aching from how tightly he had clung to the material. Crow doesn’t let the hood fall from his face and keeps his eyes shut. The Guardian takes his hands into her own, warming and massaging them to ease the stiffness.
Once she deems his hands warm enough, the Guardian lets them go. Crow rests them at his side, not confident yet to open his eyes. He focuses on the way the air moves instead, trying to anticipate her next move so he doesn’t jump.
Slowly, the Guardian moves the hood off of his head. She cups his face with one hand while the other strokes his cheek before tucking several stray strands of hair behind his ear. Throughout it all, Crow is still. However, his heart beats fast within his chest.
“Wha-“ Crow’s questions are cutoff before he could even start to ask —the Guardian smothering them beneath a passionate kiss. She teases his bottom lip with her teeth and in his surprise, Crow opens his eyes.
He’s immediately consumed by the Guardian’s smoldering eyes, half-open to catch his reaction. Crow’s not one to be outdone, and he raises a hand to cradle the back of her head as he presses into the kiss. He teases the Guardian back with a lick of his tongue, half expecting nothing, but pleasantly surprised when she returned in kind. It’s a sweet and warm moment and once again the Guardian feels that soft and fragile thing flutter in her chest.
“See,” the Guardian whispers against Crow’s lips as she caresses his face, maintaining steady eye contact, “all okay. You are you.”
Crow’s brows upturn at her words, feeling almost overwhelmed. Those words offered more solace to his heart than the kisses —kisses which he could hardly believe happened. He’ll have to make sure she was on the same page as him later, because any further and Crow would fall even more inextricably in love with the Guardian.
They lean into each other for some time, letting the comforting silence speak for them. Beside them, the fire pops as it fades off, nearly just embers now.
Crow’s the first to move, stretching behind himself to reach a spare log. He tosses it onto the middle of the fire. It doesn’t catch right away, but the Guardian flicks a bit of solar Light at it and soon the fire cackles warmly again.
Adjusting himself, Crow scoots closer to the Guardian so that they’re sitting shoulder to shoulder.
“Could you tell me—only if you want to—about…” Unsure of how to ask and knowing it’s taboo for guardians to learn details of their past, Crow trails off.
“I-I just want to listen...if that would help.”
The Guardian catches his hand at that and brings it to her lips. She plants a gentle kiss on his palm. Looking into Crow’s eyes, she slowly nods. He leans forward to give the Guardian a chaste peck on her lips. Crow adjusts how he’s sitting to embrace the Guardian from behind and she shifts to lean into him.
“No questions about details related to your past, alright? Only if you don’t understand something like time or place.”
Crow nods several times, suddenly feeling shy and too anxious to speak. He hugs the Guardian tightly before easing up to let her speak.
“Alright,” She sounds a bit tired now, the exact kind of weariness that only comes from raging against a deep grief and losing the battle, but accepting the scars and moving on. One foot in front of the other. “it’s a Golden Age saying that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”
“Let me tell you the story of how a beloved space cowboy, an enigmatic jailer, and a terribly misguided, but utterly-devoted-to-his-dead-sister brother collided into absolute tragedy.”
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lillupon · 3 years
Yeyeyeyeyeye another update💖💖💖💖💖( this is definitely a lomg adk but I just couldn't help it) Mingyu was like a little kicked puppy in this chapter looool. First off, walking in to see that he was indeed not the first person to welcome wonwoo back to school, and it was in fact his "loVe RIvaL' who he must fight in order to win his beloved's affection. That must have been a blow to his ego. And then on top of that, knowing that Mina isn't aware of the fact that they're both omegas, only fueling his suspicion that she's interested in his omega Wonwoo. He'l does feel a little bit better after hearing that Wonwoo didn’t sleep with someone else during his heat. I imagined that the entire time he was missing from school Mingyu was on edge and kind of aggressive/snappy towards everyone bc he couldn't stop thinking about someone other than him touching Mr.Jeon. Every second was spent thinking about how he was going to have to somehow find and pummel the alpha that (might) be sleeping with him. The rest of the time he felt worried and anxious, wanting to fret and take care of Mr. Jeon, he didn't like the fact that he could be in pain. One day he was even considering paying one of his friends who was good with conputers to hack into the school data base so he could find his address. On the other hand, he still couldn't help but think of the few moments where he last saw Wonwoo. Every night he'd get off to thoughts of pretending he was with Mr. Jeon, and that he was scent marking him and railing him so could he was ruined from the thought of ever needing another alpha. He would cum multiple times to the though of hoping that Wonwoo was thinking of him during his heat, without even knowing that he was indeed. The most prevalent fantasy though would be, of course, being able to knot Mr. Jeon over and over again until he was completely full of his cum (my breeding kink just popped out for a second lol). I got sidetracked there but back to the little kicked puppy. Hearing Wonwoo apologize and tell him what had happened was a mistake upset our little sensitive whiny baby who just wanted Wonwoo to love him back. Until he just couldn't take it anymore and blurted out that he would take anything Wonwoo had to give him without any regrets. Thinking that he spent the last two weeks worrying about someone who wanted to forget about him made him a little pouty puppy. Wonwoo was definitely right when he said that Mingyu was one of those big strong alphas who would roll over for an omega they were interested in.
WOAH This is a big chonker of a comment, and probably more words than I've written all weekend LMAO. Thank you for taking the time to leave it (´,,•ω•,,)♡
ALRITE *rubs hands together* let's take a peek at Mingoo's filthy thoughts.
After Mingyu finds out Mr. Jeon's secondary gender, he spends the entire night jerking off. He isn't in rut, but Mr. Jeon sure as hell makes him feel like it.
He remembers how sweetly Mr. Jeon had moaned when he cupped his cheek, wonders what kind of wrecked noises he'd make on Mingyu's knot. Mingyu isn't trying to be cocky or anything, but he does consider himself to be pretty hung.
He thinks about how Mr. Jeon might like to get fucked. Short, fast strokes? Or maybe Mr. Jeon prefers to be put on his belly and fucked slow and deep for hours on end. Mingyu's willing to give it however Mr. Jeon likes it. And maybe, if he does it good enough, Mr. Jeon will let him finish inside. It gets his dick so wet, thinking about creaming Mr. Jeon over and over again until that sweet hole is sloppy with it. He wants to see it running down those soft and pale inner thighs when Mr. Jeon stands.
After Mingyu has wrung orgasm after orgasm out of himself, he lies spent in bed, staring up at the ceiling. His dick feels raw. And now that the initial wave of horniness has passed, worry settles in.
(There's guilt, too, because he knows he shouldn't be thinking these things about a teacher he has no chance with, and also because he has a girlfriend who likes him more than he deserves.)
Everyone knows that it's not safe for an omega in heat to be out alone. He wonders if Mr. Jeon made it home safely. He wonders if there was an alpha waiting to comfort Mr. Jeon. Probably. Mr. Jeon is gorgeous, among also being kind and funny and intelligent. There's no way an omega like him doesn't have an alpha. Mingyu's jaw goes tight at the thought, the muscle there jumping. He has to make a conscious effort to unclench his teeth. Reminds himself that it's painful for omegas to endure heat on their own, that it's better if Mr. Jeon does have an alpha. But he can't help but be selfish. He wants it to be him, not some other alpha.
Mr. Jeon is absent the next day. At least Ms. Myoui is at school, because then it means that she isn't keeping Mr. Jeon company.
But then Mr. Jeon doesn't show up the next day, or the day after that. Or the remainder of the week, for that matter. Mingyu goes crazy with worry. That's not normal, is it? He remembers from his sex education classes that heats and ruts last between twenty-four and thirty-six hours. On Saturday, he can't resist sending Mr. Jeon an email. That day, he checks his school email more times than he has all year. He gets a reply in the evening. Doesn't know whether to feel relieved or not. On one hand, Mr. Jeon is alive. On the other hand, he won't be back at school for another week.
The following Monday morning, the day Mr. Jeon is supposed to be back, Mingyu wakes up early to go to school. He feels like a goddamned kid on Christmas morning, and he perks up even more when he sees Mr. Jeon's door open and hears a familiar, deep voice. Unfortunately, he also recognises Ms. Myoui's voice.
As for what was running through Mingyu's head during their conversation... Oh man, Mingyu was fishing so hard LMAOO.
“Did you have someone to look after you?” Subtext: Did you have an alpha to look after you while you were in heat?
“Everyone missed you.” Subtext: And by everyone, I mean ME.
“Mr. Jeon? Are you okay?” Subtext: You can talk to me about anything.
“What were you going to say?” Subtext: Obviously, this is something that's bothering you. Which makes me think it's about what happened last time we were alone together.
"Of course, Mr. Jeon. You can trust me with anything." Subtext: And by that, I mean ANYTHING. So, like, if you wanted to... you know... I would keep that a secret, too.
"I don't mind, though." Subtext: I liked it when you moaned and got wet for me.
“Yeah, so you don’t have to worry. You can be yourself around me.” Subtext: FEEL FREE TO GO INTO HEAT IN FRONT OF ME ANY TIME, MR JEON!
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saturdaysky · 3 years
Tagged by @mllekurtz for this fic meme — how did you know I did not wish to be coding right now?
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
Just 7 so far! I've written more, but most of those are languishing in WIP purgatory.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
20,340, split between a relative chonker and a handful of 1k ficlets.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I've only written actual fics for Critical Role. Other than that, a handful of tiny snippets/rp swaps way back when for Thor. I wrote a fic for Teen Titans when I was like, 13?
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Quiet Night, short & sweet wizards getting frisky in the dome smut
Bitter Balm, painful, dysfunctional hand-in-unlovable-hand shadowgast first kiss
the other things that make us, 13k emotionally-grueling words of wizards finding a home in each other
Rare Gift, Trent eats Essek for dinner, metaphorically
A Mind for Literature, silly and snarky romance novel shenanigans
And the other, juicier questions behind the cut for length reasons.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I like to! Don't always get around to it for various "bad at responding to all messages ever" reasons, but I do like to respond to the people who take time out of their days to leave a kind word.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, hmm. Currently that's gotta be Rare Gift, which in its current form definitely ends with Essek hopelessly trapped in Ikithon's mental interrogation. He started off just as hopelessly trapped, of course, but he didn't realize it.
It has a chapter 2 in the works, and I'm afraid things get much worse before they get better. This is where I reveal that I'm a big fan of the hurt portion of hurt/comfort. :)
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm not a huge crossover fan, really. AUs are great, though.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I got a flame on the Teen Titans fic when I posted it on fanfiction.net as a tween. I took it down (melodramatically) and then pursued non-writing interests. Writing for CR is the first I've really tried my hand at writing in earnest, and it's been fun.
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do! You know that post that's like "the plot of this smut fic is that Character A feels himself abandoned by god"? That's my fav genre of smut. 😎 I am interested in relationships with weird dynamics, and that's interesting to explore through smut sometimes. Plus smut's just fun to write, when I'm of a mind for it -- see my #1 kudos'd fic being a silly little smut ficlet.
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nah, not sure anyone would bother. What's the point of stealing fics, anyway? If someone uploads a fic of mine to like... wattpad, more power to them, I guess. I don't really see it happening, but it wouldn't really affect me if it did. Same reason I do not care at all about anyone using my art for a profile pic or for their D&D characters -- it's harmless.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge.
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've co-tossed-around-wip-ideas before! But actually writing fics? No. Maybe someday?
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
I don't really do all-time favorites because my interests change, but shadowgast will be sticking with me for a long time. I'm betting I will still be fond of it even when my CR fixation wanes.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Shadowgast Your Name AU. I have 5k words of this and a lot of thoughts about it, but the complex plot required is daunting, and I'd have to rewatch a lot of early CR to make it happen. But it's such a cool idea you guys :'(
15) What are your writing strengths?
I think I can turn a pretty phrase, and I'm good at capturing emotions, including complicated emotions. I think my dialogue tends to be pretty good. I'm still fairly new at this, so I am learning my strengths as I go. It's fun! I like trying new stuff and seeing if it sticks. :D
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
My fics start off usually as dialogue or internal monologue without any kind of grounding environment, scenery, or visual information, and I think you can tell, haha.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't really care for it. I think it breaks the fourth wall in a weird way for the POV character to not understand the words spoken, but perceive them clearly enough that I, the reader, can see the complete and correct phrases written out in that language. In that case, I'd prefer something that obfuscates it for me as well so I don't get pulled out of the character's head.
Endearments, single words, and other unobtrusive uses don't really bug me.
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Technically, Teen Titans. Writing for real, Critical Role.
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
The one I just wrote, the other things that make us. I'm proud of it. :)
I had a lot of fun writing shadowgast trapped between what they want and what circumstances allow, plus all the dysfunctional edges that remain in their relationship despite the deep affection. Also, who doesn't love putting their favs through the wringer til they pull out a happy ending?
I think it turned out very well. It feels like I proved to myself that I can write the kinds of stories I would like to write, which is a nice feeling I did not have before.
Tagging (with no pressure at all, apologies if you've already been tagged) @catalists @marsastronomica @burningdarkfire @ariadne-mouse @renquise @sky-scribbles @aboxthecolourofheartache @callingvoicemail @nellasbookplanet and anyone else who would like to be tagged!
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heartofsnark · 3 years
Can You Feel The Sun? (Chapter Seven): Flying Towards An Early Grave
Notes: Still posting my little backlog, I will warn in advanced, the next chapter is the heist (finally) AND IT IS A CHONKER, but for now have a little appetizer with some fun times, smut, and foreshadowing!~
Word Count: 10860
Chapter Warnings: heavy foreshadowing, food, blowjobs, groping, protected vaginal sex, car sex
If you haven’t yet, you can read the previous chapter here!~
V’s body is heavy as she gets to her apartment door, ready to curl up into bed and call it a day. She’s exhausted with adrenaline gone. She presses her thumb to the panel. The little intercom doorbell is also the lock, scanning and searching for SID validation. It takes a moment to scan, it seems to be lagging more lately. 
The intercom says it’s calling, why is it calling? She can hear the automated ringing and her lights inside are probably flashing. It only does this if the SID doesn’t match the apartment owner’s, assuming them a guest. V presses again. 
She presses harder. 
She tries her entire hand.
She kicks her door, a heavy sound as her boot collides with it. That doesn’t help with the lock, but it makes her feel a little better. Just what she needs; bloody, sore, and locked out of her apartment for who fucking knows why? Her stomach growls as she pulls up the number for building maintenance. 
“Megabuilding Maintenance, how can I help?” 
“I’m locked out of my apartment,” V signs, her choker translator on. 
“What do you mean?” 
“The lock isn’t recognizing my SID.” 
“Can I get your name and apartment number?” 
V gives them the details and they say they’re sending a maintenance guy. All of the services floor is nearly shut down at the late hour, her stomach growling. No doubt the maintenance guy will take his sweet fucking time, so much for getting some decent sleep. She gets a burrito, a Nicola, and a little thing of ketchup from the machines. Sitting on the ground near her door, dumping ketchup on her burrito as she eats it. 
By the time the guy arrives she’s finished eating, drinking, and is a little unsure what’s dried blood versus dried ketchup on her shirt. She hops to her feet when she sees the guy walking up, a massive case of resting bitch face. V doubts he wanted to be dragged out at three am to help unlock a door, but it’s not her fault the tech fucked up. 
“You V?” he asks, voice gruff and annoyed. 
“Hard day?”  His eyebrow raises, gaze focused on her blood stained flesh and chrome. 
“Ah… I see,” he nods, “so, what's the issue with your door?” 
Night City is one of the few places where one can just admit to being a mercenary for a living, even if it did earn her an odd look. V presses her hand to the lock button again and it once again initiates a call. 
“Doesn’t recognize my SID.” 
“Hmm, you are V, right?” He raises an eyebrow. 
“Who the fuck else would I be? The building has a picture of me on file for fucks sake.” 
“Hey, hey, nowadays with enough eddies anybody can look like anybody.” 
“If I had an identity worth stealing, you really think I’d be living here?” 
“Fair enough, let’s check something,” he pulls out a holo tablet, jacking it into the bottom of the intercom lock, “this will show what the lock is reading it as, try again.” 
V keeps an eye on his tablet as she presses her hand back to the lock and the projected information starts to show. And for a moment she sees herself; her face, her name, her information, and all the shit Vik had to set up for her to have SID. Then in a blink of an eye it glitches out and the information shifts. She watches her nearly mugshot like photo shift into that of a man, with short dark hair and dark eyes. V [REDACTED] becomes Robert John Linder. Birthdate shifting from November 12th, 2056 to November 16, 1988.  Birthplace shifting from Seven Devils, North Carolina to College Station, Texas.  
Who the hell is this old man? 
“Looks like it’s reading your SID chip as someone else's, strange, any chance you’ve been spiked by a ‘runner?” 
“No, even if I was, not sure why they’d want to make my SID register to some senior citizen.” 
“Weird, can’t think of how else this would happen? Seems like it starts to read your chip and then changes to this guy’s. Do you know him?” 
“Don’t hang around old folks homes too much, actually. Just some random dude to me.” 
“I can promise you, I’m not a ninety year old cowboy man.” 
“Somehow I noticed that, actually… looks like the guy is dead.” 
“Mmhmm, scroll down a bit and there’s the date his death certificate was issued,” the guy shows her, “you’ll probably need to have your SID looked at, see what’s wrong with it. For now, I can unlock it for you and have them add whoever this guy is to registered owners, so, you won’t be locked out until you fix it.” 
“Fine, I guess.” 
“But that does mean if this guy’s ghost decides to pop in for a visit, lock won’t stop him,” the man jokes, offering the first smile since he’s been here. 
“Somehow I’ll handle it, thanks for the help, and if it’s not too much trouble can you forward me the details of that SID info?” 
“Sure, no problem,” the maintenance man’s eyes glow and she can feel the very soft warmth and whirr of her neuroplant as it accepts the file. 
She gives one final thanks as he unlocks her apartment and she’s finally able to step foot inside. Thankfully her door locks behind her and she makes a beeline for her shower, scrubbing blood and sweat from her skin; finding bruises, cuts, and flesh wounds she hadn’t noticed in the midst of fighting. 
It takes her a little longer than expected to wind down for the night, the merc putting in her optic contacts and playing with the bot. Looking through its eyes, she has it twist and climb all throughout her apartment, making herself dizzy until she falls out of  bed and bangs her head against the floor. Finally, putting the cute spider looking tech away when she feels the knot starting to form on her head. Then, setting her alarm and sleeping for the night. 
V is still tired when her alarm vibrates beneath her pillow, waking her up as the sunlight streams in from her large window, warming her skin. She checks her phone, double checks the time and that Dex hasn’t sent the car for her yet. The young merc rushes through her morning routine; showering, brushing her teeth, dressing, and taking her medication with some Chromanticore in hopes of getting some energy back. 
She’s out the door and has her  mask on in a matter of minutes, phone buzzing with the message that Dex’s car is waiting for her. As she comes down the steps of her building she sees the same limousine and bodyguard waiting outside of it. But this time when he opens the door for her, there is no Dex, nobody. Chills creep their way up her spine, but she gets in nonetheless, sinking into the leather backseat as Dex’s guard starts to drive them away. 
The guard is quiet, doesn’t explain where they’re going or why, V has a feeling he wouldn’t tell even if she asked. So, she doesn’t. Only the radio drones on, a mixture of news and occasional pop music from bands and singers she doesn’t know or care to know; an anouncer coming over the radio to speak somberly. 
“Today marks the fifty-fourth anniversary of the attack on Arasaka Tower. Fifty-four years ago a group of terrorists stormed Arasaka Tower and detonated a bomb, which forever changed the history of our dear city. Devastating the lives of millions; thousands dying in the initial attack and more perishing in the aftermath as well. Today we ask for a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives in this senseless act of violence so many years ago….:” 
A beat of silence, barely a moment, then the high energy voice returns. 
“Now, after this short music break, we return with the heartwarming story of Stumpy, the three legged puppy who’s gone viral after the use of  veterinary cyberware has given the pup a new lease on life!~” 
V rolls her eyes, sounds about right, barely a moment for something so somber. No real grief or empathy, time to move on to a cute puppy because that keeps people happy and listening.  She watches the city around her change, spotting the Valentino graffiti starting to cover the buildings and that they’re entering Heywood.  She sends a heads up text to Jackie, letting him know they’re not far from his house. 
A short moment after,  the driver is parking outside Jackie’s garage and she watches the older merc walking out. The guard opens the limousine back door and Jackie relaxes when he sees V, climbing into the seat next to her. 
“Hey, V, you figure out what’s going on?” 
“Was sort of hoping you had…” 
“Asked T-Bug, said it’s a surprise.” 
“Not sure I like Bug’s idea of surprises.” 
“Hey, hombre,” Jackie calls out to the guard as he starts to drive them away, “mind telling us where we’re headed?” 
They’re met with silence, because of they are. V nervously wrings her hands as she watches for signs of where they’re going based on the passing scenery. 
“Has to be something to do with prepping for the job, just wish I knew what.” 
“Speaking of which, you got the bot on you?” 
“Yeah, brought it just in case and if Bug’s there she’ll want to take a look. Wonder if there’s any chance of keeping the Flathead after this?” 
She knows Dex said it’s a single use toy, but...who knows, maybe she could somehow keep it afterwards. 
“Why’s that?” 
“Its cute.” 
“You think a military grade combat bot is cute?” 
“It's a little spider.” 
“You find the weirdest shit cute, I swear.” 
“It is cute!” 
“It’s-” Jackie looks out the window, “shit are we in Corpo Plaza?” 
“Maybe we’re just passing through?” 
As if only to prove her wrong, the limousine parks outside a store on Senate Avenue, the bright sign says Jinguji. Even looking through the window, it looks entirely like a place that her and Jackie do not belong. Brightly lit, immaculately clean with fancy designer clothes on display. 
“We’re here,” the guard tells them and the doors open with the press of a button. 
V and Jackie share a look before getting out of the limousine, standing before the Jinguji store like deers stuck in headlights. 
“Dex can’t be serious, Jinguji?” Jackie says, scratching at the shaved underneath of his hair. 
“Looks…. Fancy.” 
“Corp store, designer; a sock in there will cost you a few thousand eddies.” 
“I know he says we need to play corpo, but… I don’t know, it feels weird.”
“I’m sure Dex knows what he’s doing. But, uh,  you gotta take off the mask, chica.” 
“What, why?” 
“‘Cause its fucking Jinguji, they’re not gonna let you through the door looking like that.” 
“You’re one to talk, you got a ketchup stain on your shirt.” 
“Firstly, that’s blood. Secondly, you’re a wearing a jacket you stole off a dead guy last week.” 
“Not like he needs it!” 
“Jackie, V!” A voice yells out, drawing the merc’s attention into the doorway of the store, T-Bug in realspace, wearing a black netrunning suit, “would you gonks stop bickering and get in here?”
“Yes, ma’am,” the mercs speak and sign in unison, falling the netrunner into the corp store.
There’s a large lit up advertisement at the back of the store. Gold decor dripping down from the ceiling, plush white couches, and an ice bucket with champagne. To her surprise, there’s no other shoppers within the store. A man in a tailored designer suit sits at the desk, greeting the two mercs as they walk in. 
“Welcome to Jinguji, an oasis of elegance!~” 
V gives an awkward nod and wave. She’s not sure what else to do. She doesn’t belong here; she knows that much. A dirty black leather jacket under the bright lights and old raggedy boots on shiny polished floors.  The merc wants nothing more than to run out of the store, some of the clothes she sees displayed are nice, if she’s being honest. A few bit tacky for her taste, but others are cute or sexy with dramatic flair, but nothing she would ever really have a reason to wear. 
“Mind telling us why the fuck we’re here, Bug?” Jackie asks and the netrunner chuckles. 
“To get into Konpeki, you two will have to look the part. Rather than blindly guessing what will fit, Dex is flitting the bill and getting you both some corpo threads,” T-Bug explains, taking a seat on on of the couches. 
“Where is everyone?” 
“Store is rented out for the next couple hours, discretion. V, did you bring the bot?” 
“Got it in my bag.” 
“Lemme see, got to make sure it’s in working shape.” V puts the bot down on the table, T-Bug opening the case and looking over the bot, running diagnostics that the merc can’t begin to understand,
“Right this way, you two, I’m sure we’ll find something perfect for both of you,” the man who greeted them, grabs their attention again, “but it would be easier,  if I have a full idea of your features, miss.” 
“Told you,” Jackie taunts and V elbows him in the side, slowly taking off her mask and she feels bare. And she knows people have seen her face before, but this is work and it just feels… wrong. 
“Wonderful, so we’ll begin with the gentlemen, I think you’ll find we have a wonderful array of fine suits in our men’s department.” 
The man, who’s fancy name tag says Zane, shows them a vast collection of suits. They range from slick classic black ones, deep navy blues, florals, brights, embroidered, and every color she can imagine. Its hard to imagine the big merc in any of them. She’s always seen him in muscle shirts or his favorite red and black jacket. His eyes seem to land on a red suit with gold detailing. 
“Point is to blend in, not stand out, Jack,” T-Bug calls out, scolding him without having to even look at him or his choice in suit. 
“Just black then.” 
“Wise choice, sir, our tailors will get your measurements and get the perfect fit for you.” 
Another employee guides Jackie to a fitting room and V feels the sudden urge to sink into the ground, Zane’s attention now solely on her.  She scratches at her cheek and flips on her choker translator. 
“Now, what about you? We have plenty of formal options in women’s fashion as well. A more androgynous business suit or perhaps a dress?” 
She’s shown mannequins dressed in tight body con dresses with various necklines, materials, colors, and a few well fitted pants suits. Her eyes are drawn to the dresses, if she’s being honest. She has a rather small collection of skirts and dresses, for off days, but she never has a chance to wear anything more formal than a sundress or mini skirt over leggings. These dresses are dramatic, gorgeous; some with mesh inlays or cut outs. 
But, like Bug said;  they’re there to blend in, not stand out. This isn’t an outfit for fun but for work and if something goes wrong, the last thing she needs is this going to shit and having to battle in a tight constricting dress or too high of heels. 
“I think a pants suit in black would be best; keep it simple.” 
V taken to a fitting room, given the chance to put on the ready to buy pantsuits in privacy. A stark white button up blouse, black blazer, and black slacks. And she knows immediately it will need to be tailored to suit her; the pants longer than her legs and the shirt loose around her chest. The tailor comes in after a moment and begins measuring, marking where things need to be taken in and raised. V left trying not to get embarrassed each time the measuring tape is wrapped around a part of her.
“Is there a way to make the blazer sleeves easier to roll up?” She signs once her arms are done being measured. The material is stiffer and harder to get tight around her elbows when trying; she wants her Mantis Blades easily used.
“Hmm, lets see, maybe it’d be best to use it more like an accessory rather than wearing it properly?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, you could just wear it over your shoulders like a cape,” the woman drapes it that way across V’s shoulders. 
“Not my thing.” 
“Then you can carry it, like this,” the woman shows  holding the jacket back over her shoulder with her fingers hooked in it’s collar. It looks alright, casual enough, though having a jacket and not wearing it still reads as strange to the merc.
“I’ll consider that.” 
“It can also help keep you cool. Now, lets talk about makeup, hair, and shoes.” 
V listens and nods as the woman gives recommendations; getting V a pair of low heeled black synthetic leather shoes. Then going into advice on hair; recommending french twist, a bun, or a low ponytail depending on how formal V wants to go. The woman recommends simple classic makeup styles and a few other tips for the merc to meet her full corpo potential. Finally, with measurements, adjustments, and everything marked; V is allowed to change back into her street clothes. She leaves the room, seeing Jackie already in his regular clothes again and sitting next to T-Bug. 
“We have all the measurements down and will begin altering the clothes immediately.” 
“Good,” T-Bug confirms with Zane, “remember we need them finished and delivered to The Afterlife by five.” 
“I assure you, our tailors are already on it.” 
“V,” T-Bug calls out when she sees the short merc, “got something for you.” 
V sits down on the couch, watching as T-Bug sets out a pair of white hearing aids. They’re designed like her normal ones, just more boring. 
“Hearing aids? I already have those.” 
“These are special, optic camo. No corpo worth their salt has anything less than top of the line phonic implants, with press of a button or a thought, these will go invisible.. They’ll work just like your regular ones, but look like you’re wearing nothing. Try them out.” 
She switches her blue hearing aids with the new ones, they fit well and she pushes the thought of turning the camo on.  V catches her reflection in a mirror in the store, she can feel them, but see nothing. 
“Perfect, no one will be any the wiser. This also means no signing or translator.” 
“Oh, I see.” 
“I know its not ideal, but it’s just the reality of it. Corpo types like this; lose your hearing, new implants. Vocal chords fried, get a new set in gold. Get paralyzed, new legs or entire nervous system. Go blind, new optics. They see you signing or using hearing aids, you’ll stand out like a sore thumb.” 
“I get it.” 
“No sweat,  I’ll do the talking, V,” Jackie comforts her and then turns his attention to Bug, “So, what now?” 
“We’ll go over the full plan this evening at The Afterlife, you two need to be there by five. We’ll talk with Dex and you’ll be in Konpeki by eight tonight, relic in hand before midnight strikes.” 
“So we get to kick back and relax until five?” 
“As long as you’re there by five and ready to go, I couldn’t care less what you do, Jack.” 
“Said this place was rented out, right?” V asks, noticing a dramatic purple dress that reminds her of a certain tarot card reader’s favorite color.
“Yeah, why?” 
“How much longer is this place reserved?” 
“Another hour, maybe two and again, I ask why?” 
“Ow, hell that for, chica?” Jackie looks up when V kicks him in the shin. 
“Call Misty, dumbass. Buy her something nice, make a date out of it before we go on the job.”  V tells him, remembering Misty’s concerns from the other night. It might ease her mind a bit to have a nice afternoon with Jackie, dress shopping and a fancy lunch in City Center. Just a chance to enjoy themselves. 
“Dex is nice V, but sincerely doubt he wants to pay for Misty a new dress.” 
“Oh no, if only one of us had scammed ten grand off of Militech, oh wait,” V says, pulling the Militech credchip from her bag and sees the twinkle in Jackie’s eyes. 
“You serious, V?” 
“Should get her a hell of a nice dress, maybe you a suit, and a nice fancy lunch; play corpo for an afternoon.” 
“Shit, V,” he takes the credchip from her fingers, “what’d I do without you?” 
“You two are going to make me puke,” T-Bug says, rolling her eyes while Jackie is already calling up Misty. 
“Just wait until Misty gets here and the constant pet names start,  you’ll really lose your lunch.” 
“Ugh, more reason to get out of here, I’ll be taking the Flathead with me to keep in working shape.” 
“Can I ask you something before you go?”
“Got more code you need me to check?” 
“Not quite, had an issue with my SID chip last night, was wondering if there was a chance I was hacked?” 
“You get spiked, jaina?” Jackie asks when he finishes chatting with Misty. 
“Don’t know, couldn’t unlock my door last night, reader thought I was some old dude.” 
“Hmm, SID hacks are tricky, we’re going to be using one for your covers in Konpeki. But they usually only alter your ID a bit and die after so many hours. Thing is, that wouldn’t really benefit anyone.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, I don’t think anyone would get much out of pretending I’m some ninety year old dead fuck.” 
“I can jack in, see if I find anything in your soft.” 
“Sure, if you don’t mind.” 
V shifts her back to T-Bug, sweeping her hair off the nape of her neck and showing her neuroports. The netrunner pushes some loose strands out of the way and slots her personal jack into V’s biomon. A few moments pass and V can feel her cheeks flushing a bit, a weird feeling to having T-Bug directly touch her and jack in to her tech. This is the first time they’ve met in person, may even be the first time Bug has seen her face. 
“Everything looks clear to me, SID is registering as yours, no signs of a hack,” Bug explains, jacking out. 
“Weird, maintenance guy showed last night it was showing as some dead guy.” 
“Strange, must be some sort of glitch.” 
“Or you’re being haunted.” 
“Haha, very funny, Jackie.” 
“Hello… “ 
A soft voice calls out and V lights up seeing Misty poking her head into the fancy luxury store, looking every bit as nervous as V had been. Jackie is up and rushing towards Misty in a heart beat, pulling her into a hug and twirling her around, kissing her head. 
“You’re here, mi carina.” 
“Babe,” Misty says, giggiling as she’s put back down on her feet, then steps up on her tip toes to kiss Jackie’s lips. 
“Gonna puke,” T-Bug comments low under her breath and V tries not to laugh. 
“V, Bug,” Misty smiles at the two, “glad I got here before you two left out.” 
“What’s up?” 
Jackie walks Misty over closer to them, large hand on her hip as she rummage through her purse. After a moment, she pulls out three beaded bracelets. A mixture of beads in black, gold, and blue mottled with gold. T-Bug is already raising her eyebrow and V’s not sure how well Misty’s spiritualism will go over with the runner. 
“These are protection bracelets. Lapis lazuli, black tourmaline, and gold sheen obsidian. They’re all meant to help with creating a protective spiritual barrier, it should keep you all safe from negative energies and frequencies.” 
“Ay, you still in knots over this, mi alma?” 
“It would just make me feel better knowing you have a little more protection, babe.” 
Misty slides the biggest of the bracelets onto Jackie’s wrist and he gives her a soft smile, kissing her temple before starts to give the others to V and Bug. The young merc slides it on with a smile and T-Bug takes it in hand, with a less enthusiasm. 
“Thanks, Misty, I appreciate it,” V tells her and elbows T-Bug in the side, earning her a glare, but the netrunner plays nice. 
“I know it’s not much, but a little protection is better than none and should keep energies bright.” 
“Well,” V cuts in before Bug can say anything else, “we’ll be getting out of your hair, have fun you two!~” 
“Thanks again, V, see you two at The Afterlife.” 
Jackie waves them off, Bug packing up and V putting her usual hearing aids in their case, away in her pocket. The runner and young merc leave the store, Dex’s guard already left a while ago, so V will have to either call her car or use the public transit. Come to think of it, she’s not sure how she’s going to kill time until its game time. 
“V,” Bug stops her outside Jinguji before they go their separate ways for now, “gotta ask, you really believe in that spiritual crap?” 
“No, but she does and it makes her happy, so, why not?”
“I guess, if she really thinks a bracelet is going to save us from Arasaka.” 
“Won’t kill you to accessorize a little, Bug.” 
“Whatever you say.” 
They say their goodbyes and V is left thinking again about what she wants to do to pass the time. She could do a few short gigs, but her mind is preoccupied with the heist. Ultimately, V finds herself taking the NCART to El Coyote Cojo. Mostly just because she’s bored and maybe something or someone there will occupy her time.  The bar isn’t too active at the early hour and she doesn’t see Mama Welles around. 
“V!” Pepe greets her when she walks through. 
“Hey, what’s up?” 
“Same old, same old. Jaquito is still out, Senora Welles is out shopping, but Jake is taking out the trash in the back if you want to say hi.” 
“I think I might go and do just that.” 
Playing grab ass with one of her go to lays seems like a solid way to waste her time. V walks through the bar and out one of the backdoors that open to the alley with the dumpster. Sure enough, Jake is there tossing away a trash bag. He’s around 6’5 about as tall as Jackie, muscular, with a head of ginger hair shaved down on the shades and a thick beard. 
She throws her arms around his waist, feeling the muscle underneath his shirt. He teases his fingers over her forearms, the chrome of his Gorilla Fingers cyberware sending a soft chill through her skin. 
“Hey, V, new chrome?” He runs over the chrome patterns in her arms. 
She hums against his back in response, not wanting to move. But, he twists in her arms. He cups her face in chromed fingers, for a moment, his browns furrow in confusion. 
“No hearing aids?” 
She pulls away, enough space for her to sign. 
“Camouflage ones, it and the blades are necessary for the gig.” 
“Oh yeah, Jackie’s been talking everyone to death about this heist you two got planned. He better be damn glad no one here’s got loose lips.” His hands drop from her face and loosely wrap around her waist, fingers starting to graze over her ass. 
“Can’t blame him for being excited.” 
“Hmmm and you?” 
“Figured as much,” he squeezes her ass, “you looking for a distraction?” 
“If I wasn’t I wouldn’t be letting you grope my ass in broad daylight, now would I?” 
A low dry chuckle echoes in his chest and he dives in for a kiss. It’s quick and rough, his beard scratching over her skin before he pulls away. She can’t help but giggle as he pulls her back into the bar, hand still shamelessly on her ass. 
“Pepe! I’m going on lunch break!” 
“Yeah yeah, go on.” 
“C’mon,” Jake guides her out of the bar, “lemme at least buy you lunch first.” 
“You actually trying to be nice today?” 
“Something like that.” 
V settles into his passenger side seat as Jake climbs behind the wheel. They pull away from El Coyote Cojo, driving around Heywood and finding a drive in to go through, Burgers, fries, and pop bought; Jake finds a relatively empty place to park meanwhile V has already begun taking the pickles off her burgers. 
“So, you wanna actually talk about it?” Jake asks, taking a bite of his burger. 
“Not much to talk about,” she signs with salt covered fingers and a mouthful of fries, “biggest job of our career. Nerves are natural.” 
Not to mention the shady client, the fact they’re robbing Arasaka, the fact they’re robbing Yorinobu specifically, the fact they have to play corpo, that V will have to force herself not to sign, and that every fiber of her being is screaming that something  is going to go wrong. Then she has the weirdness of her SID chip fucking up on her mind as well. 
“Yeah, but you overthink, so I know that little brain of yours is spinning in a billion directions.” 
V shrugs, “No more than usual, so,  what’s been going on with you?” 
“Not much, been thinking of quitting the bar.” 
“Yeah, get to work the day shift so I can pick the twins up from school and spend some time with them. But, day shift in a bar basically means staring at a wall and waiting for Senora Welles to cut me a paycheck.” 
“You don’t like getting paid to sit around and look pretty?” 
“Not gonna lie, it’d be hard to find a boss as forgiving as Senora Welles.” 
“Not every boss would let you take an hour or longer lunch just to play grab ass with me?” 
“Eh, pretty sure if she knew what I was doing with her precious adopted daughter, she’d already have me fired.” 
“Oh please, she’s known you longer than me.” 
“Yeah, but she likes you more, you’re basically her kid and I’m her employee,” he pauses watching V roll her eyes, “you know, she’s been worrying a lot about you and Jackie, lately. She knows things are getting riskier with the merc work and-” 
V quiets him with a kiss, not wanting to hear another word of this. She comes to him for a distraction. The kiss is messy and he tastes like greasy fast food, but she’s sure she’s not any better, pushing her tongue into his mouth. She cups his jaw with one hand, scratching over his beard and as he deepens the kiss, she drops her other hand into his lap. He’s already half hard in his jeans, pressing into her touch as she gropes him through the denim. Jake curses against her lips, breaking their kiss. 
“You talk too much, honey,” she chastises him, a soft smile on her lips as she undoes his belt buckle, he lifts his hips, allowing  space to pull his pants and boxer down just enough to get his cock out. 
She pulls her legs up into her seat, on her knees so she can fully lean over the center console into his lap. V pushes hair back behind her ear and takes his dick into her mouth; not bothering to tease, swallowing around him. The taste of him on her tongue causes a heat in her center to stir, getting slick between her thighs as she bobs her head up and down. He groans as she strokes and sucks him, teasing her tongue ring along the head of his cock. The bitterness of his precum and the salt of his skin making her dizzy with need. 
His chrome fingers slide across the expanse of her back, reaching out to grab her ass. He gropes and fondles her through her pants, the rough feeling of her jeans and panties being pressed against her sensitive wet folds. Jake curses as V alternates between sucking, licking, and taking him as deep into her throat as she can. 
He tugs on her hair, bleached strands wrapped around chrome, pulling her mouth off him. Drool covering his cock and her lips. She pouts at him for stopping her, cheeks flushed and breathing heavy.  He gives her a swat on the ass, barely hard enough to sting. 
“Want inside of you.” 
That’s all the explanation he gives and she pulls away, thankful that the windows of his car have steamed from body heat, she begins to quickly strip off her clothes. Its clumsy as she tries to strip down in a car seat, throwing her jacket off into the back, kicking off her boots, before yanking her pants and panties down in one fluid movement. She curses herself for not wearing a skirt or something with easier access. A part of her mind recognizes how stupid she must look, still in her shirt, bra, and her socks staying on after tugging off her pants. But lust has killed her ability to think, just wanting him inside of her. Jake has rolled a condom on, but otherwise has simply watched the flustered merc strip down. 
V’s easily able to jump into his lap, straddling him and having her back to the steering wheel. She steadies herself with one hand on his shoulder, the other lining his cock up with her entrance, sinking herself down onto his dick. She’s slick enough that she takes him all in one movement, both cursing out at the feeling. The stretch of his cock inside of her and the tightness of her cunt around him. Jake digs his nails into her hips and bounces her on his cock, fucking up into her. He takes complete control, setting a brutal pace that leaves V reeling with every thrust. All she can do is wrap her arms around his neck and moan against his sweaty skin, accepting each harsh movement of him inside of her. 
The tension inside of her grows tighter with every thrust, every smack of skin against skin like a strike of a match trying to grow a larger flame. She can’t think, can’t focus, every thought consumed with pleasure and a desire to be pushed over the edge. Bruises form on her hips where he hold her, where he uses her for pleasure. The chair of his cheap car creaks with each bounce and a few thrusts slams her lower back into the steering wheel, but she doesn’t care, couldn’t if she tried. She whines and whimpers against his skin, feeling her end nearing. 
And then the tension snaps, orgasm hitting her fast and hard, she digs her nails into his skin, squirming and writhing as she moans out her pleasure. Mind a haze as she’s overwhelmed with her pleasure. He thrusts a few more times and she nearly chokes at the continued stimulation, the feeling of him fucking into her already sensitive cunt. Then he curses, bringing her hips down fully to meet his own one last time before he cums, spilling his seed inside the condom. 
V rolls off of him and back into the passenger seat, hating the empty feeling  Her skin is sweaty and flushed, as much she hates it, she needs to get her clothes back on. Fumbling to get her pants and panties out of the passenger side floorboard. Pulling them on and shoving her feet in her boots. V waits as Jake ties off the condom and adjusts his jeans, opening the car door and tossing the condom away into a nearby dumpster. 
The Night City air feels cool compared to the heat of the car after fucking, she watches him light up a cigarette outside of the car and grimaces. He climbs back into the driver's seat, keeping the window rolled down and she makes a gagging sound as the smoke hits her nose. 
“You coming back to the bar with me?” He asks, blowing smoke out of the window. 
“No,” she signs, thankful the choker translator can survive sweat, “I’ll catch the train back to Watson.” 
“Let strangers see you sweaty and fuck-dazed?” 
“Well, it’s a good look for me.” 
“Can’t really deny that, now can I.” 
She rolls her eyes and grabs her jacket getting out of the car, walking away on still slightly wobbly legs. V takes the train back to Watson, fiddling with her holophone the entire way. The merc gets off at the stop closest to her megabuilding and makes her way to her apartment; lock recognizing her on the first try. 
V checks the time and decides to get ready to go to The Afterlife. Those nerves she had managed to fuck away for a moment creep up on her all over again. She shakes her head not wanting to focus on her anxieties, she strips down and grabs a shower, cleaning off the sweat from her liaison. 
The merc pulls her hair back in a small low-set ponytail and does her makeup to the recommendations of the stylist. She gets dressed and uses the new camouflaged hearing aids, she takes her mask with her too. Though she knows she can’t wear it into Konpeki, she’ll still be walking into The Afterlife. That thought alone twists her guts into nervous knots. 
The Afterlife is the go to bar for the top of their game, Major Leagues mercs and fixers. It’s where the biggest deals are made, the easiest place to catch a drink and a job, but only mercs or fixers of a certain standard are allowed through its doors. Jackie brags about the place like it’s heaven for mercenaries. If they’re going to become regular fixtures of the bar after this, then she’d prefer to maintain her usual level of anonymity for fixers moving forward. She’ll drop the mask when they’re finally in corpo threads. 
V slides on Misty’s bracelet as well, fiddling with the beads meant to provide some form of protection. Her mind goes back to Misty’s tarot card reading, while she doesn’t put much weight on it, her friend’s fortune telling often sticks with her. The Wheel of Fortune is sticking out to her; she could care less if the cards thinks she’s stupid or if she’s about to fall in love, the latter of which so ridiculous she can’t help but dismiss it. But the idea of conflict sticks out, fear of the heist going wrong has been heavy on her mind. Something always goes slightly wrong, no job is perfect. But this has the highest stakes she’s ever encountered. 
V has new cyberware, the best possible tech and upgrades from Vik. She has Jackie, her best choom and partner in crime who’s never let her down. There’s T-Bug, her friend and brilliant netrunner who could bring half of Night City down if she wished. Their fixer is Dex, one of the best in regards to his job, he has everything to gain by having their backs covered. They have military grade tech and an inside look into Konpeki. They are going in under the best possible circumstances. 
She has to remind herself, review this again and again, that if something goes wrong someone there should be able to take care of it. But, those nerves don’t fade even as she leaves her apartment. 
The Afterlife isn’t far from V’s apartment, practically a hop and skip downtown. Barely five minutes pass before she’s under the roofed alley, nearing the club. Vivid cyan and purple graffiti across the wall, trash along the way.
“Porque ya tengo planes para esta noche!" 
The voice is familiar, Jackie’s and V pressed her back to the side of the vending machine, he’s telling someone he already has plans for tonight. He sounds frustrated, like he’s on the verge of pulling his hair out. 
“Virgen Santsima, ma! Te vas a enterar mañana,” a beat of silence, “también te quiero, ma."
The conversation ways on her, he’s talking to Senora Welles. Remembering Jake talking about her feelings, that the matriarch has been worrying herself half to death. And it sounds like Jackie has been on the receiving end of that worry for a while.  V pulls her mask on and rounds the corner past the vending machine, stepping in front of the main entrance of The Afterlife. Her friend standing in the doorway under the harsh green light. 
“Heh, about time, chica,” he greets, tucking his phone into his pocket, she catches the blue of Misty’s bracelet mingled with his usual gold ones. 
“What’s going on?” 
“Ehhh, y'know. She's worried about me - whatever. Can't help herself, y'know - checkin’ to see if I'm not rottin' in some dumpster… like most of the Welles boys. Been worse lately.” 
“Why’s that?” 
“Started climbin' our way up. Got more an' more knives out there, waitin' to stab us in the back. Higher stakes, higher risk. She can see that.” 
“Look like you’re about to keel over.” V reaches out, touching the red blotches on his skin, stress and sweat inflaming his skin. 
“Years of merc work, and yet,  still sweat like a roasted pig when I talk to my ma. It's really startin' to wear on me. More tell her everythin's OK, more I feel like I'm straight-up lyin’.”
“Well, hopefully you had a nice date with Misty at least.” 
“Went about as well as talking to my ma right now,” he scratches at the back of his neck, “for two women who don’t get along, they sure agree when it comes to worrying about me.” 
“They worry because they love you, worse things in life than people giving a damn about you.” 
“Yeah, yeah, don’t matter none. Not anymore, Afterlife, here we come, baby!” 
Jackie changes the topic and she can’t really blame him for it, rubbing his hands together and practically cheering in excitement. This is everything they’ve talked about, everything they’ve said they want. So, why does she still have a lump in her throat? 
“Afterlife… we’re really here.” 
“Does not get any higher, choom. And you know somethin' else? We fuckin' earned it, chica!” 
“No point in standing around then, is there?’ 
“Ready to get your cherry popped?” he laughs leading her into the club, “Yeeeah! Come on!”
“Little late for that one, Jack,” she teases as they make their way down the stairs, a pair of double doors opening up for them. A short step down into a small hallway with mercs and fixers alike talking under the green glow of a sign bearing the club’s name. 
“Place used to be a morgue - you believe that?”
“I know, right? Way before our time, that. When proper burials were still a thing.”
They come to another set of doors, through the small window V can see the true club main room beyond them. But a man stands guarding them, around Jackie’s height and a similar bulky build. Cyberware indented along his jawline and nose. His face is stony, eyes sharp when Jackie and V stop before him, then he puts a large hand out in front of him. 
“And who might you clowns be?”
“Jackie and V,” the taller of the mercs says with a grin, “Dexter Deshawn is waitin’ on us.” 
The bouncer gives them a look and V is glad for her mask helping hide her emotions. His expression is dismissive, looking down on them, making her feel all at once that she has not earned her place in this club. A baby merc, new to the city, barely six months under her belt and she’s standing at the Afterlife. How the fuck did she get here? 
“Yo, Dex. Got two live ones sayin' they're here to see ya,” his optics glow as he calls Dex, “Yeah? All right, then. Says he needs a second or two. Go get yourselves drinks or somethin'.”
The doors open to a green and cyan lit club. Music louder as the barrier breaks away, people fill the room. Some sipping on alcohol and other’s puffing away on cigarettes; the smell of nicotine and booze wafting from the bar. 
“Way ahead o' you, viejo,” Jackie laughs and leads the way in. 
V follows him around the corner; the large bar coming into full view. It’s lit green, the same neon sign reading Afterlife at the top of it. A bartender in a blue button up slings drinks to the patrons. Floor to ceiling columns, like tubes, are places around the club each filled with water with a dancer twirling around inside with strategically place chrome clothing covering the most private parts of them. Everything is basked in that green neon light, despite being surrounded by mercs like her, she feels so completely out of place. 
Jackie marches proudly across the bar floor, stride confident and unwavering. 
“This is it… The heart o' Night City! That's it right there - beating. Hear it?” he proclaims as they pass by rows of half closed off booths, “Can you imagine? Susan Forrest, Boa Boa, maybe even Morgan Blackhand… All sat on those stools, fell asleep on that same bar.”
Jackie sits in one of the barstools, beaming and brimming with excitement. His eyes wide as he takes it all in, the place he’s dreamed of for all his years. V climbs into the seat next to him, placing an elbow on the bar, leaning her head onto her hand, as she shifts to face him. 
“Doubt that puts us in the same league as them,” V teases, Morgan Blackhand brought down Arasaka Tower. They’re stealing a biochip, hardly the same thing. 
“Oh, but we are. They just don't know it yet,” Jackie tells her with a wink and she can’t help but roll her eyes. 
V drops her hand when she realizes Jackie’s attention has gone elsewhere, an older woman walking past the two. She’s nothing unusual, older looking than most of the crowd here, sure but nothing immediately stands out to V. An older woman with long gray hair shaved on one side and a bright yellow cropped sweater, She marches her way across the bar and into a blue lit booth, moving past a guard.  
“'Ey. See that old lady there?”
“Yeah, didn’t know grannies were your type,” V taunts him again, he’s always given her shit for her taste in older people, yet he’s ogling some grandma? 
“Fuck off,” he playfully smacks her, but nearly knocks her from her chair, “that’s fuckin’ Rogue, best fixer in all o' Night City.” 
“Thought Dex was the best?” 
“Pff… Rogue was linin' up jobs when Dex was still shittin' in diapers, heh. Place belongs to her.”
“What can I getcha?” The bartender cuts in, hands down on the bar in front of them. She’s a woman with long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail and a soft round face. 
V doesn’t drink on the job, something she’s always stuck to. But, this is Jackie’s dream and she knows how he likes to celebrate. If nothing else, their banter has failed to undo her nerves, maybe booze will do the trick. 
“You order,” she signs to Jackie and he grins. 
“You drinkin’?” 
“Special night, pick me something nice.” 
“Two Tequila Old Fashioneds with a splash of cerveza and a chili garnish.���
“A duo of Johnny Silverhands, comin' up,” the bartender starts to put the drinks together, “somebody did their homework.” 
“Guessing the dog ate mine,” V signs, confused because what the fuck is a silver hand?
“Age-old tradition. Drinks're named after our regulars,” she explains, putting the drinks down in front of the mercs. 
“What’d I have to do to get a drink named after me?” 
“Snuff it,” she grins, “ In mind-blowingly spectacular fashion, Mid-op'd be best.”
“Aah, what a beaut of a tradition!”
“Steep price for a drink, not going to lie,” V signs, letting her nerves speak for her, if only for a moment. Her guts are in knots, she can only hope the alcohol will untangle. All of the merc’s usual stress relieving tactics other than a weed brownie, have failed to do much of anything.
“Hey, everyone's gotta go sometime, right? Why not in style? Death’s nothing but the final flourish!” 
“To hitting the major leagues,” she signs, holding her shot in the other hand.
“To becoming legends.” 
She pushes her mask just up above her mouth, careful not to smudge her lipstick and  they throw back their shots. Smooth but strong booze with a kick of spice from the garnish, a burn in her throat. Not her style, but she’s had worse. She pushes her mask back down, regarding the bartender, her nametag says Claire. 
“So, who else can I drink here?” She still has no idea who Silverhand is, but maybe there’s a name she does recognize, reading the posted drink menu. 
“All on the menu…”  
“'Cept there's a spot missing. Morgan Blackhand, right?”
“Heh,  true. Morgan's yet to make up his mind he's dead or still kickin',” Claire tells Jackie and V rolls her eyes. 
“Think he’s still alive? It’s been years,” Jackie asks Claire. 
“No way he’s still alive,.” The radio was just talking about the devastation of the tower going down, if that many folks were killed who were just near it, then there’s no way someone who was in the tower survived. 
“Why not? Look at Rogue. Peeps from that era - a species unto themselves.”
“And one day we’re gonna be there too,” Jackie probably proclaims, “speaking of which, name’s Jackie Welles if you want to write down my recipe.” 
“Sure.” There’s a playfulness in her tone, just going along with Jackie’s whims. 
“Shot of vodka on the rocks, lime juice, ginger beer… oh, and most importantly - a splash of love.”
“Haha, I'll remember that.”
“Gag,” V signs just to see the glare Jackie levels her way, the playful smack of her arm. 
“Okay, what’s your drink then?” 
“Literally, the only thing I drink is like cherry cola with a splash of bourbon.” 
“You know those are usually supposed to be reversed, the bourbon and coke.” 
“Maybe so, but, and hear me out… cherry cola tastes better.”  
“Heard you were Dex’s latest finds,” Claire tells them. 
“Just biz, no big deal.”
“How'd you know?” V raises an eyebrow behind her mask. 
“My job to know. Look around - how do you think meres earn their reps? Through gossip rivaling that of schoolgirls, that's how.”
“Mr. DeShawn see you now,” a booming voice rings out behind the mercs, turning around she sees Dex’s bodyguard. The first time she’s heard his voice. 
“Love to hang, imbibe the vibe, but we got an important meeting,” Jackie tells Claire, getting up from his seat and V following suit, throwing some cash down on the bar. 
“Break a leg.” 
“This way,” the bodyguard tells them and the mercs falls in line behind him. He leads them around the bar, past the crowd and through a door towards the back of the club. The lighting shifting, more blue than green as they walk past another vending machine. 
“Damn, holmes, you're huge... Work out?” Jackie asks, unable to stand the silence. 
“Hmm.” A vague grunt as they pass through another door, the music fading as they get further from the main bar. But V can just hear the starting beat of some old dad rock, something about losing another day to pointless drudgery. 
“Same here, y'know, in the ring. You do some kinda exotic shit? Kempo? Ninjitsu?”
Nothing as they turn another corner. 
“Think you could take me, drop me?”
“Jackie…” Why must he sound like he’s picking a fight with the guy?
“In here,” the guard says, stopping and standing in front of another door. 
"Este pinche tipo..."
The door opens and they’re greeted to the first room with warm lighting, though it just seems to be a storage corner. With a cabinet and vending machine. But to the left are barely see through walls of a booth that takes up half the room, through them V can just see T-Bug’s outline and leather couches. 
They walk around, the front of the booth opened. A wrap around black leather couch goes around the back wall and left side of the booth. Dex sat on the back portion, talking into a holo about Excelsior and cold hard eddies. T-Bug sat to side, a table in the center of the room with the Flathead, Jinguji boxes, and shards placed on neat little index cards. There’s a small disconnect leather seat in the right corner, next to the door. 
“Gotta bounce,” Dex hangs up, “well, if it ain’t Miss V.” 
“Whole family in one place! Hah! Finally!”
“That’s one way to put it,” T-Bug teases and a shine of blue catches V’s eye, the netrunner wearing Misty’s bracelet. She can’t help but smile. 
“A’ight, then… Set your butts down comfy,” Dex tells them. Jackie plops himself onto the larger couch next to T-Bug, comfortably spreading his arms over the back of it while V takes the smaller seat, putting her at an angle to see everyone.  She stifles a laugh, seeing Jackie’s leg excitedly bounce up and down. 
“Sweet booth, is it soundproof?” 
“Jackie…” T-Bug scolds and V stifles a laugh. 
“Now, now, Mr. Welles is right. We gon' be goin' over some sensitive material. But if it's all right with y'all, I'd like to start with a question for Miss V… Evelyn Parker - how'd you fare?”
All eyes on her, stomach still twisted in a vise, this is her chance. She’s got to tell him, but she doesn’t want Evelyn hurt. Some fixers will go to any length to get revenge on a client or merc who does them dirty. But, he’s got a right to know the shit she pulled. 
“Intel was good, brain dance was exactly what we needed….” 
“So, she just wanna see wha'ss good, or was there somethin' else?”
“Wouldn’t ask for anything else, Miss V.” 
“She’s high risk as far as clients go. Shady as fuck, naïve as all hell, and genuinely thought she could make me another offer.” 
“Another offer?” Dex’s brow raises about his sunglasses. 
“Wanted me to cut you out for more cash, told her no, of course. But, wouldn’t do business with her again, if I were you.” 
“Cut me out… shiiiit, now that’s rich,” Dex laughs, Jackie nervously laughing along, “Clients... never learn, do they?” 
“You’re not pissed?” 
“Lived in NC too long to blow my top every time some amateur thinks they can take me for a ride. Parker ain't the first and sure as hell won't be the last.”
“Fair enough,” V lets out a sigh, thankful if nothing else that Dex doesn’t seem prone to getting too mad at Evelyn. Maybe she’s being too kind, but she can’t help but think Evelyn is more naive than malicious when it comes to the offer. A stranger to the merc world. 
“I do appreciate you sharin' this info, though, Miss V. You see, trust… …is essential in any partnership that's to be long-lasting and fruitful.”
“Figured you had a right to know, so, what’s the plan?” 
Dex gestures towards the shards on the table, V takes the one in front of her and slides it into her shard slot.  UI and graphics lighting up her mask, a map pulling up on the tech. 
“Me and Dex've already covered the fine detes. Ops wise, should be a stroll on the beach.”
“Elaborate, I wanna hear it.” 
“A Delamain'll drop your asses at the front door of Konpeki Plaza,” a picture of the hotel shows,  then two names, “You'll stroll right in thanks to your false identities. Then, with Bug's help, you'll breach the hotel's subnet…”
“Mine and the Flathead's help.” Images of the hotel’s interior and the bot flash by. 
“Last but not least, you slip into Yorinobu's penthouse and klep the Relic,” his words bring up images of the heir and his suite.
“Goes without sayin' we do this on the hush - ideally no bodies, not a one.” The shard shows them The Relic and then blips out. 
“You'll have T-Bug on comms for the duration. Time for your burnin' questions.”
“What’s our cover?” V asks, they’ve been told a thousand times they’ll be acting like corpos, but that’d be hard to do if they have no idea what their story is suppose to be. 
“Hello, Ramón Victorino,” T-Bug looks at Jackie and then to V, “and you’re Hannah Conwell.” 
“Ramón - yeah, OK. What do we say we're there for?”
“Biz as usual. Corpo arms deal. Case anyone asks, you there for a bogus meetin' with Arasaka's defense rep - Hajime Taki. Anything else?”
“How do we get in the penthouse?”
“Yorinobu's got barely any muscle. Hardest part'll be penthouse security. If we wanna disable, we'll need to neutralize Konpeki's dweller - elite ‘runner monitoring the hotel's subnet twenty-four seven. Only catch is there's no way to get in the dweller's den from the outside.”
“Hold on, how you want us to get inside a room you can't get into?”
“Trust me when I say whatever hitch you think up. T-Bug's solved it already”
“This is where the Flathead comes in. You'll have to get him in the ventilation shafts, guide him to the dweller and force the dweller to… take a break. Flathead'll stay there, jacked into the dweller, but thanks to that I’ll be able to roll out your red carpet into the penthouse.”
“Anything else?”
“Transports a Delamain?” She has no idea if the company has an ASL sign like most other corporations and doesn’t have time to think of one on the fly. 
“Preemest cab company in all Night City… Nada mal,” hackie tells her. 
“DeShawn don't ever work with anyone but the best. I consider Delamain just that.”
“Yeah, who needs creepy, nosy cab drivers when you've got a clean AI to get you from point A to point B in style?”
“And how he bags a permit to operate every year's still a mystery.”
“If everythin' goes as planned, Delamain'll drop you back here. If things get sticky, he'll head for the safe house.”
“Which is?”
“The No-Tell Motel. Quiet, no questions asked. Make our next move from there. But I'm flat certain that won't be necessary. Though, there is one more consideration for if it does.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Hate to put you on the spot, Miss V,” Dex explains, “but if shit goes sour, I’m gonna need to know who I’m letting into the hotel. Mask can’t go with to Konpeki, so I’d sure feel a hell of a lot better if I knew what was hiding behind that thing.” 
“Oh… yeah, that makes sense.”  
Even if she’d have Jackie with her when shit goes down,  Dex is trusting her with this heist. The least she can do is trust him to see her face and not write her off or sell her out to The Herd if the chance arised. Not that she can see that happening anyway… 
“Don’t even know why you wore the thing in, V,” Jackie teases. 
“Well, there are other fixers here, didn’t want to give away my face…” 
V carefully pulls off her mask, feeling exposed all over again, a new set of eyes on her face. The merc knows how she looks; five feet with a head of bleach blonde hair and big gray eyes. Not the picture one conjures in their mind when they think of a capable, strong, badass merc. Sprinkle in her disability and the reactions to her deafness; most people think she’s not a threat, weak. 
“That what you’ve been hiding behind that mask? All that fuss, for what?” Dex laughs. 
“Hard to take,” she stumbles over her English trying to sign at the same time, “be taken- seriously sometimes when you’re five foot nothing, deaf, and look like…” 
“Gutterpunk Barbie,” Jackie cuts in to tease, earning him a sharp kick to the shin. 
“Fuck off.” 
“Trust me, Miss V, you pull off this job; ain’t nobody in their right mind gonna underestimate you” 
“That’s the hope...”
“Any other questions?” 
“I got a question. When do we get to the real reason we're all here?” Jackie asks, shooting a wink V’s way. 
“Now's a good a time as any. Fresh talent gets thirty percent always, but I'm willin' to make an exception in your case. I'ma cut you a nice, juicy forty as a bonus for your honesty, V.”
“Much appreciated.” 
“Ka-ching baby!~” 
“Last thing, Konpeki's got a strict no-iron policy. Security gates, the works. So you dawgs'll leave your lead-spitters in the ride, take the Flathead inside in its case.”
“Got your suits from Jinguji on the table.” 
“Thanks, Bug.” 
“So, not to count chickens, but when'll we see our eddies?”
“All depends how Ms. Parker unrolls herself or her role, but a week, two tops is my guess.”
“And what do we do in the mean time?” 
“You sit tight, heads down, 'cause ol' uncle Arasaka be watching. Now, as that ol’ Greek dawg says, life's a banquet - so don't go thirsty, but don't get drunk, either,” he tells them as he leaves the booth, “Your chariot awaits outside.”
“My cue to delta, too. Gotta prep to jack in, be there when you come on comms. Any other issues, now's your chance,” T-Bug tells them, shifting her feet and something catches V’s eye. Delta V emblazoned on the netrunner’s boots, was that there before?
“Plan - your take?” V shakes the thought from her head, must be a brand or a runner thing V doesn’t know.
“Enough, I hope, to put me in a luxury Creton Villa from which I'll never set foot in cyberspace again.”
“Send me a postcard?” 
“No offense, but I'm gonna burn any and all bridges - need a clean break.”
“Gonna take Misty’s bracelet with you?” Jackie teases, grinning because he caught it too. 
“Shut up,” she tells him, rolling her eyes. 
“Uh, just realized something, what’s gonna happen to our clothes? I don’t want to lose my mask…” 
“No worries, put them in the boxes, we’ll have ‘em sent back to your places.” 
“Alright then, lets get this show on the road.” 
“Let's get to work, go ahead and get changed, Delamain is parked out front, uh, okay-”Bug starts to trip over her words when the two mercs start taking off their jackets, “you can use the bathrooms.” 
Jackie and V shrug their shoulders, the outfits are right there. Not much point in dragging them out to the bathroom. The pair shared a bedroom for the better half of six months, a room with one bed. They’ve seen each other naked plenty, boundaries destroyed a long while back. 
“Why do I bother,” T-Bug rolls her eyes and leaves the booth, letting the pair change. 
V kicks off her boots and takes off her socks, Jackie tugging off his jewelry first. 
“So, you’re nerves still going crazy?” Jackie asks her as she tugs off her shirt, his own tossed off. 
“What do you mean?”  She tugs off her pants, both mercs soon standing around in their underwear. 
“Can’t hide that shit from me, chica, been giving me twice as much hell as usual. You’re freaking out.” 
“High stakes, Jack, of course I’m a nervous mess. Means I give a shit.” 
She pulls the slack on and tugs on the white blouse, buttoning it up. The two of them putting on the corpo clothes, similar in look. Black slacks, white button up tops, black suit jackets, and Misty’s beaded bracelets for protection. Each perfectly tailored for their body types. 
“Don’t sweat it so much, V, we got this.” He sticks his fist out. 
“Sure fuckin’ hope so.” She bumps her fist to his. 
Their street clothes are packed away in the boxes, V puts in her optic contacts and slide on her heels, then they start to make their way out of the booth. But, Jackie stops her with a hand on her shoulder and he taps his throat. She catches on taking off her choker translator, neck feeling bare and odd without the tech. With that they leave out through the club, Jackie carrying the Flathead case and the smaller merc keeps her head down as best she can. Her stomach still in knots as they spot the Delamain in the parking lot. 
Her life is about to change forever; hopefully for the best. She’s on the cusp of having everything she’s wanted since she’s come to the city. The verge of earning the respect of everyone in this city and finally feeling like she’s someone, like she’s done something. 
So, why does she feel like she’s about to puke?
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blurred-cat · 2 years
what do i mean by “ace and demi and others would be validated” in regards to wanting sexual needs and sexual talk normalized in society? cause there would be widespread acknowledgement that Some People Simply Don’t Want Sex and that Some People Only Want It Under Certain Conditions. by normalizing discussions about this Extremely Natural Thing there would be wider discussion about the variety and manifestations of said sexual urges/wants and less making talking about sex at all some weird taboo subject. On top of that? sexual satisfaction could be freely discussed too. cause that’s also a thing i see so... neglected. here we fucking go a cut to shorten this honkin chonker baybeeeee
Like, Sex is being slightly talked about more These Days but not in a gentle manner. This aggressively condescending and heavily Gendered sexual satisfaction speak i keep seeing is trash and stupid and shit. Shaming people is never going to help them improve. I get it. We’re making the funny “find the clit” jokes and yeah thats giggle worthy but there’s not enough other discussion topic and meaningful speaking about anatomy, sex drive, foreplay, etc etc to make that joke more tactful, in the face of something that Can Be a legit concern. Like. I find it concerning a lot of people dont know Basic Human Anatomy. I wanna laugh but it’s horrifying and why is nobody else horrified? make the joke but educate has always been my go to, if not leaving the joke in the background or omitting it entirely. and maybe it’s cause i’ve been in The Scene and I’m realizing it was a very intelligent move to Not Get Married or Settle Down before my age but I’m so sick of the mainstream conversation manner surrounding consent and sex as a whole. And marriage too but thats a whole nother topic. I see that there’s too much fucking mysticism and shaming and not enough patience and education surrounding sex. satisfaction is not spoken of in a manner that doesn’t help people understand that: you know what, you may just be incompatible with your partner on a sexual level, can you live with that? It’s spoken of in the same manner as a Stage Performance. That everyone must always be perfect and satisfying for whoever they’re with or They Deserve To Die. on top of that, orgasms are being further mystified into this “holy grail” type shit like... you dont need an orgasm to be satisfied, actually. And some people straight up can’t. and sometimes they can even be Not Satisfying. not everyone’s ideal sexual experience is the same and, again, that’s being fucking homogenized and used to shame people that do it  differently, right? HOOO I HAVE COMPLAINTS. I’ve had these complaints for years too. my proposed solution is in this text. educate as a baseline. then expand the education methods and make them readily available and presented with less shaming/blaming/condescending language. demystify sex as some magical ultra-desirable and super mandatory process. always be learning. take the shame out of not knowing about how to have sex. take the shame out about not knowing the anatomy. demystify genitals. educate on how to communicate clearly with your partners about sex. of course there are exceptions. because of how society is currently situated there’s a huge elephant in the room i wish to make very clear: Absolutely Murder pedophiles and sex traffickers indiscriminately and i don't care what age they are. kill them all and make a mountain of their heads for the masses to see. the rules of clear and you deserve death. those are the people that should feel shame and guilt and liquid metal being poured down their throats. they should have their skin peeled slowly until they die of blood loss. anyway, i dream of an ideal world.
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