#because these were in a colony I was breeding
dingodad · 2 days
also, hello hi, Typhon doesn't get a lot of attention on here, any information you wanna share on this mf? (i mean mf in the bestest nicest i am a fanest way possible) if not psh that's fine no biggie
typhon kind of flies under the radar because his only "gimmick" is that he is like, a normal troll guy. he's a sort of would-be protagonist, but precisely because he's such a generic everyman he is just constantly overshadowed by the other characters who simply have much weirder and more intriguing messy gay drama going on. sorry typhon. i don't even particularly like his design LOLL
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like what the fuck is this shoulder strap thing going on. what was i thinking.
he works on a relay planet where items being sendificated and appearified across the empire are sorted through and checked for potentially blasphemous or illegal material. kind of like the closest thing alternia has to a mail sorting room, if they were familiar with the concept of mail. his olive blood makes him one of the higher authorities on the mostly lowblood labour-oriented colony, but it's still a lot of grunt work cleaning and fixing the pneumatic tubes that send items all over the settlement.
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i'm not even sure what kinds of relationships typhon has among the other trolls, beyond being ekidna's moirail... he flarped with heftus, caetos and his moirail (they've been together a long time. very normal high school sweetheart type moirallegience) in their youths and was involved in the circumstances that lost heftus his legs, but in their adulthood those four have largely drifted. in my head i always paint him as the unpopular douchebag of the group but if we're being real he probably actually has heaps of friends that we just never see, and the fact that he isn't super close with a lot of the other main characters is just because they are too big a bunch of freaks to ever match his normcore lifestyle LOL. (also a lot of his friends are probably guys. and male friendships don't register to my enlightened eyes)
he is a Gamer and though he doesn't have the time in his work day for baby games like flarp anymore he is a hobbyist fiduspawner and loves to trade monster breeding ideas with ekidna, whose job on an Official Lusus Engineering Colony he is tooootally not jealous of. typhon may or may not be secretly breeding some illicit fiduspawn monsters in the pipes of the sendificator exchange at his job, which i'm sure will never cause any problems
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despazito · 10 months
Colonialism is an ongoing problem in the purebred dog world and i just wanna take as second to talk about the national dog breed of Israel, the Canaan dog. Because here's the CKC's blurb on them
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I have no doubt and am not denying ancient Hebrews lived with these dogs, but the Canaan comes from a stock of landrace breed native across the Levant and it has also gone by names such as Bedouin Sheepdog or Palestinian Pariah Dog.
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Organized breeding of the Canaan began in the 20th century from captured Palestinian dogs (i would also point to the wording of 'redomesticating' used here, implying the feral pariah dogs were in some way not domesticated, which i think is disingenuous phrasing.). If you look up the Canaan, most sources you see on them explicitly brand Canaans as an Israeli breed, neglecting or downplaying any history they have with any of the other countless peoples or cultures in the region this breed has coexisted with across millenia. There's even an archeological site with ancient remains of canaan-like dogs was found in Ashkelon, located just 13 miles from the Gaza strip.
The developer of the 'modern' purebred Canaan was "ardent zionist" Rudolphina Menzel, who trained attack dogs for the IDF:
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What really gets me about this story is how this native landrace breed was taken and trained to guard colonial settlements from the very people they lived alongside, there is something so twisted about it..
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This is unfortunately nothing new in the world of dog fancy. There are many instances of explorers and settlers importing exotic new dogs from their travels, establishing a breed club, and then claiming stewardship over said breed without any involvement from the local peoples they took or bought them from. I'm not sure what to leave this on, i just think more people should be aware of these 'softer' forms of colonialism and how domestic animals can play a part in colonialism and nationalist narratives.
Anyway, long live the Palestinian pariah dog/ Bedouin sheepdog!
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akajustmerry · 3 months
Hello! I've just found your podcast and listened into some older episodes. They helped me on my journey of understanding my sexuality, and formulate why some stories appear more sincere than others. Thank you two! In one episode that Aboriginal people are "like black people in Australia" (I hope I quote this correctly). If It's no hassle, I would be curious in understanding the social circumstnaces you are descrbing. Happily waiting for a new episode, and thank you very much for the fun and informative work!
hello there, thank you so much for listening to gayv club! I'm chuffed that you love the podcast (psst follow @gayvclubpodcast) 🥰
So, to answer your question, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the Indigenous people to what the world calls "Australia". And we are Black people. We are Black people and were racialised as Black Indigenous people when British and European people colonised the land over 200 years ago. Aboriginal people were called Black throughout Australias white colonial history and so we also call ourselves Black.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in this country have been subjected to anti-Black violence and genocidal policies that include but aren't limited to slavery, deaths in custody, segregation, and apartheid. Not to mention forced child removal and assimilation policies intended to "breed the Black out" of our culture.
But we're still here! Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the oldest continuously practising culture in the world. Recent archaeological discoveries show Aboriginal people were baking bread even before the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. As a community, we've had our own Black power movements, music movements, and art movements too.
I'm generalising a lot because Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are very diverse. We've got over 400 languages and nations, each with its own cultural rules. While many of us have lost our language and culture because of colonisation, there are many who haven't and many working to restore and preserve it.
One thing I will make very clear is that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples refer to ourselves as Black (sometimes without the C) regardless of what we look like. There are many Aboriginal people, like myself, who are pale skinned and still call ourselves Black and are accepted as such. This is because we do NOT adhere to blood quantum that colonisers try to put on us. Our connection to Blackness is about our connection to family and community, it is not *only* about how we look.
Hope this helps you understand a bit. I for one am very proud to be Blak. I'm very proud to be Aboriginal. If you want to learn more about Aboriginal culture and history, here's some resources:
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transmutationisms · 1 year
the idea that 'science' is an unmitigated and inherent social good---a politically neutral and universally beneficial process of accumulating knowledge---is wildly ahistorical and dangerously, wilfully ignorant of the role that science and its purveyors / practitioners have played in imperial and colonial expansion. warwick anderson went so far as to say that colonial medicine was better understood as a discourse of settlement than one of health promotion, & we can see this quite easily in, for example, french doctors' use of the nostalgia diagnosis to guide colonial policy in algeria in the 1830s, attempting to securely settle a french population there; or in the development of a science of 'water cures', spa treatments considered to mitigate the insalubrious effects of foreign (particularly tropical) environments, for which the french army by the 1890s granted routine medical leave because the 'health' of its soldiers was not a matter of individual interest but a state resource.
but medicine is in many ways an easy case when it comes to the relationship between science and the state; all too often we still seem reluctant to acknowledge, for example, the pursuit of economic botany and animal / plant breeding in the early modern period as contributors to discourses of acclimatisation and proto-eugenics, sciences that were given state financial support on these utilitarian grounds & not for any high-minded general pursuit of 'knowledge'; or the development of navigational instruments and knowledge from the 14th century or so onward as a project explicitly funded and intended to permit faster, cheaper, more reliable colonial exploration and travel; or the sheer amount of research in physics and chemistry that has been and is devoted to weapons development or natural resource extraction; or the promise of space travel as a further possibility for obtaining raw materials as well as for settlement---often marketed in terms and visual rhetoric explicitly comparing the 'space colony' to its terrestrial precursor: 'the final frontier', depicted as both lush tropical paradise & as rugged american west, waiting to be conquered & brought to heel.
i am of course not hostile to 'science' in any totalising way; this would be as indefensible a position as the automatic 'defence' of all such practices; they're not monolithic or intrinsically doomed to serve state interests. but it is simply irresponsible to pretend that the scientific inquiry into something---describing it, measuring it, taxonomising it---is inherently a social good, or that the pursuit of 'knowledge' is ever an apolitical endeavour. knowing, seeing, & measuring the world grant immense power; states and empires know this. scientific inquiry is not tangentially related to imperial and colonial expansion; often it is a critical piece of the machinery by which these processes occur. wilful ignorance of this fact in favour of an optimistic conception of science as a universal social good is not just inaccurate but propagandistic & an advancement of state & imperial interests.
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nocturn-warrior · 6 months
Kiss of seedcake• 🌧
Lotor x f!reader
Summary: building a life with Lotor on Earth after the galras were defeated, you decide to try for a child :)
Rating: fluff, smut (breeding kink)
Notes: this is set after season 8 events, in a timeline where my boy Lotor didn't die and lives happily with u on Earth. This smut has a plot.
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and lactation, body changes mentions, mentions racism towards Lotor, my grammar because i am not a native speaker lmao
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since Sendak and his army was completely defeated thanks to Voltron and their allies. And with an extra help of the space visitors, human kind quickly rebuilt its structures, combining the advanced technologies of their new colleagues with their own. Flying vessels, space travels and colonies, complex security AI systems and media were a great leap in history.
Not surprisingly, interspecies relationships emerged among the coexistence of humans and extraterrestrials, besides it was a taboo for some people, the most conservative ones, you could easily spot a human walking and a balmeran holding hands on the streets. But as expected, racism towards the space visitors was a thing, especially towards the galra people.
Being blamed for the death of so many, even not having affiliation with Sendak’s deadly army, the purple skinned people were a target to bigotry not just coming from humans but also from other extraterrestrials. With your partner Lotor, it wasn’t different. Making public appearances together, you could feel the reproved gaze of your peers, judging the nature of your relationship as disgusting, selfish. Some showed concern, fearing Lotor could harm you in any way, while others called you an enemy, a traitor for engaging yourself to an individual of a species that slaved, tortured and killed so many in the galaxy.
As the only begotten son of emperor Zarkon, so many wanted his head for what his father caused during centuries, and for reprehensible actions of his own. You were constantly reminded of Lotor’s thirst to acquire quintessence and what he did to reach his goals, the hundreds of alteans locked in tanks he utilized as cattle to harvest the substance. The United Planets Council decided he would not receive death penitence or be locked for his crimes, but he should be exiled.
“Exiled… I am used to this condition”
It was better this way; though Lotor wanted and deserved redemption, not everyone including the paladins would accept it easily. When you established you would not abandon him, they immediately intervened reminding you of what his family caused to everyone, of what your late friend princess Allura would want. You were tired of it all. You loved Lotor and wanted to keep him safe, even if it means cutting connections with your friends. You couldn’t risk having your boyfriend stabbed from behind by a vengeful self-proclaimed punisher.
Lotor understood the gravity of his actions he didn’t even tried to defend himself. But he repined every day about how quintessence drove him mad, crazy for power, and that those moments of madness showed up as nothing but foggy memories in his mind. It broke your heart to see Lotor eager to be accepted in this new multispecies society, but being doomed by his past. Deep in his core, all he wanted was that: to be accepted and to fix everything up. Even when he was still the prince of the mighty galra empire, all he did was for a bigger purpose. He knew he took the wrong route, though.
Four years ago you moved together to your family’s old farm; only you, Lotor and the desire to begin a new life. Part of the farm, including the barn and the stable were destroyed by the attacks, but luckily the house you grew up in was intact, except for the dust and spider webs covering the rooms. Nothing you couldn’t fix up. Lotor is a quick learner, his intelligence was always something you appreciated, and with a quickly explaining of how to use house devices, he became a master at it except for the vacuum cleaner.
“How can you pilot a high technological spaceship and be defeated by a vacuum cleaner, my dear?”
You would tease him, leaning against a wall while seeing your lover struggle to clean the dust of the living room. Lotor in his endeavor would blame the device instead of admitting he was having a bad time using it. You find that silly and adorable. It took some days for your house to be properly inhabited again, with Lotor’s help, everything was easy.
He would wash clothes, cook for you – that thin waist of his looked adorable in one of your late grandmother’s apron, and a few other things. But still, he missed space and missed the adrenaline. That mind of his was always hunger for knowledge and staying so much time without absorbing anything was frustrating and tedious. Lotor in fact would not complain about it, but noticing the lack of enthusiasm in your love, you gifted him with a box of the old books you used to read while graduating; psych, biology, chemistry, and others you kept a special interest about but were not exactly linked to your graduation; history and anthropology.
Besides you were a good storyteller, talking about the myths and cultures of your species along with its advances and knowledge on science, nothing compares to touch, read and learn about something from primary fonts. As you expected, Lotor was more than happy when you handled him your collection. Some of the concepts stored in the books were at least eight years outdated, but still he could have a notion of humankind’s plurality, maybe hoping he could integrate himself into society one day.
Everything was so perfect you feared something bad would happen to spoil the moment. Your days were simple and cozy in your home, and occasionally you had to leave to buy some groceries but would come back soon.
Four years ago when the invasion occurred, families found shelter in the rural areas once the galras attacked the big urban centers first. And from this, a small agriculture and livestock centered community was born. They provided food for the cities near the reagion, and living only one or two miles away, you groceries from first hand.
In this specific day, you arrived home carrying a bag full of fresh fruits, vegetables, flour and some animal products. Lotor was sitting on the couch. He wore a grey sweater that reached the mid of his wrists and black sweatpants that barely reached his ankles, snuggling on his muscular calves. Big boy problems. His starlight hair tied into a messy bun was occasionally scratched as he concentred on the book he was reading. In fact, he was so focused on the book that didn't even notice you comming.
"Im back, love!"
You said opening the door and he slightly jumped on his seat.
"Hello, dear! I indeed didn't perceive you arriving. I was quite concentrated on this book i've been reading"
He got himself together, cleaning his throat before helping you to take the groceries to the kitchen. His gaze immediatly directed towards the sway of your hips as you walked.
"Which one is this?"
You ask, placing the bags on the table and cleaning your hands. Lotor blinks for a while, being snapped out of his beholding state:
"It is about the development of agriculture and how it's linked to the appearance of religious cults. I am quite amused by the first forms of art created by your species, dear, and how the belief in gods and deities is linked to the discovering of agriculture. It is pretty interesting how such topics that don’t seem to be linked at first sight are related.”
He continues:
 “The most interesting part, my dear, is that most of these civilizations were situated in quite green and prosper lands, therefore their deities reflected in the places they inhabited. While the people that lived in arid and desert places had vengeful and warrior gods.”
He speaks with enthusiasm, smiling like you have not seen in at least four years. His lust for you was being masked with non-stop bragging about what he learned in that day. Lotor was indeed fascinated by how some ancient human civilizations valorized fertility and reproduction, but what excited him most was to put this in practice. His cock jutted against the fabric of his sweatpants when he saw those sensual statues of Venus in the pages of that book. He wanted you. He wanted to make you his own goddess of fertility.
After drying your hands on a towel, you swiftly turn to your husband, paying attention to his words. But the look on his feline eyes told you everything. The pupils were dilated, shiny like binary stars. You smirk, and when you do so, Lotor stumbles on his own words.
“I have been always fascinated with this topic too, my dear.”
You put on an innocent facade, crossing your arms and leaning your beautiful hips against the counter. Lotor’s hands twitched, urging to squeeze them as you ride his cock gracefully like the goddess you were to him. He licks his lips and smiles:
“Nothing fairer, darling. You are a goddess yourself. But do you know what is missing?”
You obliviously shake your head to his question.
“A seed to be fertilized in this womb of yours”
Just by hearing his deep sensual voice, you feel your core flutter with excitement. The galran prince approaches you, closing the space between your bodies. All you do is to let him guide you onto his arms and give yourself to this blissful heat.
His thumb traces your lowerbelly, imagining it growing as a proof of the seed he implanted in your womb. He imagines your breasts swelling, leaking the milk that will nurture your child.
Lotor sinks his hand under your hair, softly bringing you closer to him and intensifying the kiss. Your fingers travel under his sweater, tracing his divinely sculpted abs one by one. The desire of being impregnated by him only grew stronger and stronger.
He strips you down, taking off your shirt and giving your breasts good squeezes before attaching his lips to the plump sides of them, leaving soft hickeys on your skin. You pant caressing his jaw as he does it.
Then, his long fingers skim down towards your groin. He gently slids down the waistband and kneals down in front of you. Hugging your hips, Lotor attaches his mouth onto your cut, sweetly suckling your clit as you tug onto his hair, undoing the messy bun he had.
You moan sweetly, and it sounds like the chant of Earth itself, like the sounds of raindrops falling onto soil.
His skilled tongue dances around your clit. Your legs tremble and if he wasn't holding you still by your hips, you would definitly lose your balance with so much pleasure being given.
And like a water dam being open, your fluids flow into Lotor's mouth and he delights on it like honey. He moans pulling off and looking up to see your divine glory squirm in pleasure.
Standing up, Lotor holds you on his arms in bridal style, you lean in like a dandelion seed being carried by wind and he places you onto the canopy bed, the plush cushion softly sinking with your body.
Looking up at Lotor while he takes off his own clothing, you get a sight of his purple large cock deliciouspy jutting against his pants. It wiggles tantalizing when his boxers are finally down, hard and reaching his lower belly.
With your fingers you trace his abs again, they are sculpted and perfect like a statue meticulously carved in marble by the best of the sculptors. His silver bodyhair stands on ends with your touch.
Lotor gently inserts his large cock in your entrance, being enthralled by your moans. Your cunt is tight for his size, but soon it accomodates his full length.
He moans loudly and sensually twitching his hips, you reach out to squeeze his muscular butt as it recoils and releases with his thrust. Your motion seems like an extra stimulus.
"Stars. May your womb be a fertile field where i will plant my crops. You are perfect!"
He pants, the pace increasing and your bodies sweating, your pleasured noises echoing through the wood walls.
"I am going to fill you up, dear. I am going to make you a mother; i am going to make you my own fertility deity."
That was when you orgasmed.
It feels like you two were perfcetly designed for this, like your bodies were shaped by universe to create life. You bury your hand underneath Lotor's hair, his front strands are falling and tickling your face. As his pace increases, you hold it tighter and beautiful gasps leave his mouth.
"I- i am comming..."
Soon, the river flooded the land and you felt his warm seed inside your womb. Pace slowing down, Lotor remains the last frictions with his cock still in your vagine.
He pants a chuckle cleaning his sweaty forehead with his forearm. You let out a dizzy smile, reaching out to cup his cheek as your brain process the event, beholding his how graceful he looks.
Releasing his cock, Lotor gently pushes the oozing translucid liquid to inside of you again, rubbing it onto your still sensitive cunt. His ejaculation is so voluminous it feels like every inch of your tube is filled up. The alien man leans in and kisses your cheek:
"You were so great, darling... I... wow! I have no words to describe it. You will be a good mama"
His sudden use of an earthling slang makes you chuckle. How can a man be so sensually irresistible, and seconds later make your heart melt with such an adorable, silly thing? This is a Lotor ability, you guess. He messes with your mind in the better ways possible.
Cleaning up the sweat, you snuggle onto Lotor's chest while calming down your nerves after such a moment. The seed has been implanted to your womb, and Lotor couldn't wait for it to grow.
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yarpharp · 5 months
The one thing I have a lot of personal, PERSONAL beef with about the entire Solas/Elvhen vs. City Elves/Dalish thing is simple: a lot of people in this fandom keep ignoring that this is one huge allegory for generational trauma and colonialism. Including Solas.
Maybe it hits home harder with me, especially because the real world inspirations the writers admit to using are Natives. And boy, I see the bones that make up the Dalish are absolutely Native-coded.
Constantly hunted? Constantly looked down upon for trying to keep to their traditions, even if the memories aren't as complete as they once were? Their very positive views on magic and the spiritual that run counter to common belief? Their religion is outlawed by the DA equivalent of the Christian church? The illegal verses of the Chant speaking about Chartan? The facial tattoos, the traveling camps, their attention to raising wild breeds of painted horses (the famed Dalish All-Bred in DA:I), the harts, following the migrations of the halla?
And then factor in the City Elf vs. Dalish experience. It reflects a lot of the same issues we have now. "City Indians" vs. "Rez Indians." The arguments about blood-quantum parallel a lot with the "elf-blooded" shit in DA. They don't have the ears, but they were raised like an elf! It reminds me of a very small dialogue in The Masked Empire between Fiona and Michel de Chevin, where Fiona immediately clocked him as half-elf because he never treated her poorly or called her slurs and subconsciously ducked his head slightly in doorways like he expected to bump his head in an alienage shack. Michel clings to his Chevalier code desperately, because if anyone found out he was half-elf, he'd be tossed back into the Alienages. It's peak "You're mixed but you can pass as white" coding in my eyes.
So then Solas rolls up, shitting on all the existing elves, calling them "children" and decrying them as idiots clinging to barely-remembered bits of history.... Good God, you ass. Like, I get it. I'm sure if one of my ancestors appeared before me and saw what has become of our people, they'd be horrified. But idk, there is also pride to be had in resisting and enduring and outlasting every government's attempt to erase what they see as a subpar culture.
When he asks "Did I judge the Dalish too harshly?" I always wanna just reach through the screen and go "YEAH ACTUALLY"
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the-overthinktank · 4 months
on god i need to do more plant speculative biology because I always feel like even talented creators fudge the details. Especially when it comes to motile plants and "animals" made of plant-like matter. Like dunmesh put a lot of care into explaining how living armor moves via contractile links in a colony of animals but the dryads were just kinda... hollow like a balloon? What motile mechanism were they using that took up so little space but was powerful enough for them to attack with the same force as a humanoid? and very little of their appearance seemed to be influenced by the growth patterns plants exhibit, they were pretty much perfectly humanoid but with leaf crowns. Not singling out DM here, it's just a case study of something having very good bio but its plant stuff is a mixed bag. DM's mandrakes on the other hand are great, I loved their rooty appearance and the detail of them only being consistently man-shaped because of selective breeding by humanoids
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t34-mt · 1 year
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kyhuine mount, after so long (1 year?) ive finally updated its look + their name gets an update too: kriihan in kyhuine, sometimes called mamui ("our gift") in maanul
the "beak" is actually their front teeth, each year a new layer of keratin grows on top. They might be "related" to maanul in kyhuines, by that i mean like how lemurs and humans are both from the primates family but widely different/distant from each other.
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kyhuines are around 110-120 cm on average (3 feet 11 1/4 inches or whatever that works), and their mounts are around 2 meters (6 feet 6). Maanuls couldn't be able to ride them as they were almost the same size as the mounts.
kyhuine mounts are used to transport people and materials, keep livestock protected as when having one or two live alongside herd of other domesticated animals will protect them as they consider them a part of their "flock", small breeds (prob the size of a male maanul) also used as mobility assistance pet in some regions as they're easier to train for that than kitri are but they take much space so in the city of kaar'kchir it would be complicated to own one in streets while in large open villages or in semi-nomadic kyhuine villages it would be easier to have one.
They can be used as animal sacrifices in some regions, animal sacrifices aren't a thing every kyhuine population does it's mainly an eastern one. Though kriihans are rare to see in sacrifices as they're so useful for many reasons, if sacrificed it's an old individual that will be.
Late AOS, first contact, kyhuines gifted some of their mounts to maanuls, which is why maanuls might call the mounts mamui "our gifts". And while for the most part, they weren't so useful since maanuls spend their time at sea, and live at cliffs. They were useful to people who would travel out in the land like for example "botanists" or central north maanuls who are half nomadic and will travel to 2 spots per year because of season and temperatures. But they could only transport materials rather than people with the kyhuine mount.
Thus northern maanuls made their own breed, much bigger so it could transport people. Tho, they would keep many kyhuine breed ones around to just transport materials. And have several maanul breeds only to transport young tired maanuls or maanuls with mobility issues that would prevent them from walking/walking long distances when migrating, before they had mamui central north maanuls used a sort of pulled rickshaw to transport people when migrating. it is still quite common to see because not every central north colony has mounts, and in general pulled various types of rickshaws are common on altuyur.
I will try to take inspiration from the Belgian Draft Horses when i design them, a maanul's kriihan would look like a behemoth next to a kyhuine. i still don't know how saddles work, i need to figure out how a dinosaur shaped creature would ride another dinosaur/ostrich shaped creature
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saintmuses · 9 months
❝𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙄 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪❞
Emmett x Abbott!Reader
When the world ended, she couldn’t stop thinking about the man who she would always talk to at the baseball games, wondering if she would ever see him again.
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Warning(s): SMUT. Age gap (Emmett is in his late 30s and Reader is in her early 20s). Both POVs. Minor angst (barely). Slight degradation. Thigh grinding. Praise kink. Breeding kink. Flashbacks in italics. Minors, dni! Note: Emmett is single and does not have children. I also tweaked some of the events from the movie in this as well as giving the Colony leader a name because I don’t recall if they ever did.
Word Count: 5.7k
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Y/N Abbott was walking through the bustling crowd as she could smell the hot charcoal heating up hot dogs and hamburgers to the point it smelled charred.
It was the summer when she came back from her junior year at a university in Chicago.
She heard her name being called; she turned her head to see her mom walking towards her with a small smile. “Hey Y/N, your dad wants you over there with Regan and Beau.” 
Y/N turned her head to see Regan waving at her along with her dad at the stands; Beau was idling by them, playing with a toy he had in his hand. She chuckled, shaking her head fondly. “Alright,” she murmured softly, turning her head at her mom in acknowledgment before striding over to where they were.
She walked up the stands, maneuvering between spots she could fit through so she could sit by her family. She ruffled Beau’s hair as she passed him, Regan reached out and tugged her hand firmly to sit next to her.
Y/N grinned, “you got something you want to say?” She signed to her sister as she eased herself down onto the cool metal bench. 
Regan shook her head, ringlets bounced along with the movement. “I can’t tell you right now, but I will later.” She signed back to her quickly.
Y/N tilted her head slightly, “oh. You got me curious now. Is it about a guy?” She signed discreetly, asking her the typical question that every teenager experienced at least once in their lifetime.
Her sister nodded her head in a quick affirmative action. 
Y/N smirked before dragging her attention from her sister to her brother, Marcus who was waiting in the line for his turn to bat.
“Oi! Lee, who’s this?” A curious but loud voice could be heard from behind her.
She turned her head to see there was a man sitting at the top row of the metal tiered bleacher with some sort of shortwave radio placed next to him.
Her dad chuckled beside them, “you haven’t seen her until now because she didn’t want to be around us anymore, but this is the oldest Abbott.” He grinned with mirth in his eyes as he explained in a form of a joke causing Y/N to roll her eyes.
“Dad…” she muttered, feeling a secondhand embarrassment from the introductory speech before she focused on the man before her.
He was wearing the dark colored cap with a denim blue form fitting dress shirt; a tattoo could be seen peeking out on his upper bicep underneath his shirt. However, what drew her attention was how intense of the color of his eyes.
Icy blue. 
She could feel her cheeks staining in slight pink when she noticed that he was raking his eyes over her, a small but genuine smile as he raised his hand to her in a form of a handshake.
She reached out, clasping it with hers. His skin was calloused in some areas which told her that he had done some extensive labor for a living. 
“I’m Y/N,” she said quietly.
 His eyes were piercing as he spoke to her with a low voice, “nice to meet you, I’m Emmett.”
She nodded in acknowledgment before releasing his hand, turning her face to the baseball field in front of her.
Y/N didn’t think someone like him would pique her interest since he resembled to one of those mechanic guys at the only mechanic shop in Millbrook town. However, her eyes kept straying from the baseball field to him every now and then as she kept telling herself he did not fit in her type.
On day four hundred and seventy-four, Y/N found herself nearly yelping when she felt a hand wrapped around her mouth, her eyes widened in sheer terror in response when she saw a man in a filthy but familiar cap and rugged bandana covering half of his face.
He whispered inaudibly into her ear, shushing her very gently. “I got you.” 
She immediately recognized his voice, being able to place the owner as Emmett. The man who never left her mind.
She swallowed and nodded, somehow looking at him gave her a sense of relief, then he took her where he sent her mom and her siblings down in the underground of the foundry as they hid from one of the Death Angels as what her dad and the media called them such as.
She could tell what happened to him for four hundred and seventy-four days had left him with a severe cynical outlook on life, so jaded that he would say that people weren’t the same anymore ever since what happened on day one.
It was all in his eyes. The sense of tiredness, caution, and coldness in his depths.
Not without a slight regret when his gaze were on her as he told her mom that they could not stay here.
And not without a sense of disappointment she felt when she realized she may never see him again when they leave after the dawn began to break.
Only the rest of the day and night then they would need to disappear in the morning.
It wasn’t until late at night when her sister woke her up with a brief touch on her shoulder.
Y/N was once a heavy sleeper until the death angels invaded the Earth and now, she woke up to random little noises wondering if it was her last moment. 
Her eyes blinked blearily to see Regan beckoning her towards the vault. She looked around the dark dinky space after she propped herself up from her spot, observing her mom as she slept next to the makeshift crib and Marcus was sleeping on the floor by it as well.
She then walked across the space quietly before climbing in the vault, closing the heavy circular door, only leaving a few inches before turning to face her sister.
Regan was sitting at the end of the vault with the dimmed lantern, a map of New York  in front of her and the radio next to her. “I have an idea.” She signed to her, eyes peering at her expectantly. 
Y/N gave her the green light to express her idea as she sat there. Regan began to animatedly sign with eyes lightening up, pointing at a nearby island miles off the mainland of New York, referring to the potential connection of the song Beyond the Sea to the radio tower where the survivors were able to reside at. Theorizing that if she could travel across the water and use her cochlear implant to help to emit the high frequency signals to weaponize against the creatures roaming on Earth.
Y/N was already shaking her head, immediately rejecting the idea. “You can’t go,” she signed firmly. 
A pause as Regan stared at her, then displeasure rang in her eyes. 
Before she could respond, Y/N signed emphatically, “mom would worry about you whether if you’re in one piece or not. She has a baby to consider now, and she can’t take care of him if she worries about you.”
“Then you do it.” Regan’s hands were expressing her defiance sharply.
Her instinctive response was to say no because she did not want to leave her family behind. What if something were to happen to them while she was gone? What if something happened to her if she ventured out on her own.
She was going to tell her no until her dad’s scream echoed in her head. She paused; her dad would’ve wanted her to do it. To give the humanity a better chance of living after everything had been said and done.
After packing a few things that was required for survival. She placed the backpack on her back as she looked at her sister by the opening space of the foundry facing the direction they would’ve gone to if it had not been for the surprise bear trap and Emmett.
The moonlight was casting shadows on them, illuminating the darkness that the light hadn’t reached.
“You swear to not say anything and pretend not to know where I’m going?” She asked, eyebrows raising.
Regan nodded firmly; her pinky finger held out in front of her. Y/N sighed with a small smile before raising her pinky finger to return the gesture, clasping around hers loosely then she was gone, returning to the underground.
She inhaled softly, looking at the other direction where she knew Emmett was residing above the abandoned factory as he watched over the overgrown grass covering railroads before returning her gaze back to the other side. 
When the dawn broke the horizons, symbolizing four hundred and seventy-five days since the day one, Emmett ventured down the tower before returning to the underground. He heard the rushed footsteps below him as he climbed down the steel ladder.
“Y/N is gone,” Evelyn whispered frantically, eyes glimmering with slight panic. His jaw clenched down in fear, if he had more strength added to his jaw, he would’ve had an astounding dental bill. 
Stoically, he stared at the blonde-haired woman while he was dealing with the simmering fear that was causing an inner turmoil in his mind.
She continued, “She must’ve left in the middle of the night when we were sleeping. I don’t know where she went.” 
His eyes strayed from her as she continued to talk, landing on the children who were watching him with skepticism and caution. The young boy was hovering the baby as he checked on him. However, the teenaged girl was gnawing her bottom lip as her eyes barely twitched which was a dead giveaway as if she was unfazed by the news. His gut instinct had rattled at the sight of her.
A simple of the fact Regan was hiding something which meant she knew where Y/N was going.
Paper rustling slightly as Y/N aimed a flashlight at the map to see how far she ended up going from the Foundry to the abandoned building on the side of the railroad. Squinting her eyes at the words as it was eerily dark and the bright light from the metal object was not helping a bit.
Her head snapped to the right when she heard a slightest noise from somewhere. It wasn’t loud enough for a creature to come, but she knew it had meant something was lurking in the darkness.
She slowly pushed herself up from the wooden floor, standing as she aimed the flashlight in specific corners of the building.
She swallowed as the noise edged closer to where she was at.
All of sudden, a large hand clasped over her mouth and the other hand wrapped around her waist as their arm pushed them into a broad chest. Lips pressing against her ear, whispering into it before she could struggle. “Hey, hey, it’s me.” The hushed sound of his voice made her relax in his hold as she sighed inaudibly into his palm. His skin felt warm against her lips as he hadn’t released her from his chest.
Then he whispered gruffly, his fingers dug into her skin lightly as to emphasize his emotional turmoil. “Why the fuck would you leave?” 
She told him the idea her sister had with her cochlear implant. Explaining everything that occurred earlier in the morning before she left. She pointed at the map, trailing her finger from the location of where they were at to the island where Regan’s theory had a chance to be proven.
The sun rays were shining through the dirty windows the next day as she was shaken on the shoulder by a heavy movement, she opened her eyes confused until she saw him above, kneeling next to her. He mouthed that he found the Marina where the boats would reside at.
The sun was setting below the horizon by the time they arrived at the bridge before he helped her to prop herself up on the steel beam of the bridge so she could see what Emmett had found.
There were ships and boats docked at the harbor in the distance, resembling hope that they were closer to finding a solution to the end of Death Angels.
Before the world fell apart that day, she was on the edge of her seat watching the baseball game. 
“Hey, Y/N. I have a question for you.” A voice spoke up from behind her, and her lips curled before settling in a blank expression when she turned her head to see Emmett looking at her with a grin on his face.
“What is it?” 
“How do you sign the word dive?” Emmett asked, blue eyes shining with mischief and curiosity. 
She pursed her lips as she raised one of her eyebrows, “I’m going to need more context than that. Are you referring to swimming or a situation related?”
“Whatever you want to show me, sweetheart.” He said it casually, shrugging. 
Her breathing hitched slightly; red stained her skin in response. He only said the word ‘sweetheart’ whenever her family were not around them. 
She cleared her throat, chuckling slightly. “Situation wise, I would just spell the word or explain it differently in sign language. You, however, are not ready for the spelling part.” He let out a low rumbling of laughter at her teasing. She ignored how her heart went pitter patter as she continued, “swimming wise, you just do this.” She demonstrated the sign for the word he requested.
He mimicked the sign in the exact form, and she nodded, a little pleased. Realizing she was a little too pleased that she had to look away due to the indescribable expression on his face with unknown emotions in his orbs as he stared at her.
He could tell she was angry at him for how he was barely reacting, stoically looking at her. Oh, but his eyes were glimmering in pure feral rage at the treatment as one of the rugged filthy bandits dragged her down the wooden dock, away from him.
No one touched her and got away with it, not on his watch. 
He internally beckoned for her to look back at him, and somehow…somehow his prayer was answered when she turned her head to look at him once again, and he immediately clasped his palms together in a form of prayer, but he pushed his hands upwards, tilting forward before aiming down in a curve to resemble a diving position. The one thing he had always remembered before death came calling for thousands. Her eyes once twinkled in amusement as she taught him how to sign the word dive.
Who knew he would’ve been signing the same word over almost two years later, and he was filled with a sense of relief when she realized what his game plan was in terms of getting them out of the danger.
She struggled with the man who was holding her in a death grip until they edged closer to the edge of the dock before she pushed against him and threw herself into the water.
Emmett charged at him, wrapping the fishnet around his neck before maneuvering him to the metal pole, tying it to the point it had the man choking on the material around his neck.
He knew he had to get rid of the others. He could’ve left them alone he supposed but after what happened with Y/N, he wasn’t going to let them live, and there was only one way to do it.
He pulled out the weapon out of his pocket, and immediately felt a twisted sense of satisfaction of stabbing the hunting knife into the man’s thigh before twisting it in his flesh, relishing in his screams.
Once he spotted a Death Angel charging towards them while destroying the others, he released his hand off the handle of the weapon, moving away from the wounded man, and lunged himself off the dock, into the cold water below.
The chopped wood were crackling and burning in the fire pit as Y/N used the spoon to scoop the hot liquid with chopped vegetables before bringing it to her mouth. She hadn’t had a true decent soup that didn’t come straight out of the metal can in a long while. 
There were sounds of laughter and animated words shifting the surrounding which she was not used to. She was used to the quiet and few moments of screams during their final moments, and now she was sitting in front of the bonfire as people were being lively as if Death Angels had not arrived to destroy those moments.
She felt a sensation of someone’s eyes boring into the side of her head, and she dragged her gaze from the bowl to see Emmett sitting across from her, observing her with a small quirk of his lips graced on his face. When they arrived the Island, they were able to take a shower and clean up themselves, and with the option being available to him, he was able to trim his beard which made it more tame rather than unruly. 
She looked away shyly, focusing on her soup once more. Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed Emmett standing up from his spot from her peripheral vision before he walked over to where she was sitting at.
She cleared her throat when he sat down next to her, placing the wool blanket on her that was originally wrapped around him. “Thank you.” She mumbled before putting down the ceramic bowl onto the bench next to her. It had felt weird speaking without mouthing the words or whispering.
He was shaking his head, “no need to thank me.” He mumbled, staring into the firepit before looking at her. “Regan was right, and-“
“We were wrong?” She asked lightly, looking at him. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, I almost thought of her to be wrong too.” She smiled wryly, “you couldn’t anything but not believe after everything that had happened.”
The next day the Colony leader, Darius took them to the radio station building to test her sister’s theory by placing the cochlear implant next to the broadcaster signal after wiring it to the microphone.
Darius informed her gently that if they were to stay on the island permanently, there were several options for living.
A few cabins in the woods up north of the island and a beach house on the east shore.
“I would like to go for the beach house,” she blurted out, blushing when she realized that she sounded a bit too thrilled at the prospect of living in a beach house especially when she had a family back in the Foundry.
Darius gave her a slight smile, “It has four bedrooms and two bathrooms, and it’ll need some fixing but-“
She shook her head and said, “I don’t care.”
Y/N had always loved staying at the beach houses whenever the Abbott family took vacations to beaches, she would sit at the deck facing the ocean whenever they were at and listen to the waves as it met the shore.
She turned her head at Emmett, “I mean…if that’s okay with you. If you don’t like the idea of a cabin then-“ she was rambling that he had to raise his finger to press against her lips to make her stop.
“I’ll stay with you and help you get the place get all fixed then I’ll go for the cabin.” He murmured with a small smile with amusement in his eyes as he gazed into her eyes. “We can go back for your family after that, yeah?” 
She stared at him before her lips curled in return while nodding. “Yeah.” She said quietly.
For approximately two weeks since life had become different, there was nothing to do  that they were able to get the house fixed up.
Despite the beach house was restored, Y/N never ended up telling Emmett to go to the cabin that could’ve been his, and he seemed like he didn’t want to leave either.
They had made plans to return to the Foundry the next day and bring her family to where she and Emmett had been living.
 Y/N was wearing sleepy shorts and a large t-shirt she had found in the laundry hamper. She had been standoffish towards Emmett all day since she woke up from her lustrous-filled dream of him holding her down and fucking her into the mattress. Poor Emmett was confused because he did not know what he did wrong, and she could not tell him why she had been acting off with him.
However, she was able to make him feel better when she offered a movie and snacks kind of night.
They settled down on the sectional couch as they watched a movie that they hadn’t watched before on a television box.
She had been lucky to find the sectional couch under the tarp when she had arrived at the beach house. It was huge; she would sit in the middle of the couch, almost closer to Emmett, and he tended to gravitate towards the chaise part of the furniture. Her heart did a little trill at the idea of him having a favorite spot on her furniture. It was almost domesticated-like in a way, making himself at home.
The noises emitted from the television speakers as the film rolled on. 
She started shifting in her spot as hot and heavy scenes began to play. That was not what she wanted to see today of all of the days.
She was horny and maddeningly frustrated which Emmett picked up on.
“Are you alright?” He asked, concern in his voice as he turned his head towards her.
“Yes,” she said sharply, refusing to look at him while feeling a slight sense of regret since she hadn’t meant it in that tone.
Eventually her eyes strayed from the fuzzy television screen to the slight tan but hairy skin of his thigh that wasn’t covered by his basketball shorts.
A small whine accidentally escaped her throat while the feeling of arousal began to build making her shift in her spot some more at the sight of his lower thighs.
Before she could calm herself down, she was stunned as she felt hands wrapping around her waist and lifted her up from her spot, dragged onto the top of his thighs where she was sitting partially on his leg while her back was propped against the couch.
Feeling surprised that she momentarily forgot why she was whining and shifting in the first place as she looked at him with wide eyes.
Emmett narrowed his eyes at her, blue eyes flashed with unknown emotion, “behave.” He warned her with a stern tone as he laid his right arm on the back of the couch and his left rested on top of his other leg.
The feeling of shock faded as lust came back with vengeance, she swallowed before turning her head away to face the screen.
Then one character said something so out of left field when it comes to the woman. Said something about wanting to make her his in vivid details. The horniness increased a bit.
Emmett chuckled slightly, “hearing it on tv just makes it sound terrible.” He muttered with slight disgust in his voice.
Then she quietly asked, almost timidly. “What if you say it to someone?”
He blinked at the screen before turning his head to look at her. His eyes raked over her expression before a smirk slowly appeared on his face. “Then it would not be terrible because it means it’s true. Those actors don’t mean a damn thing what they say on tv. Feelings on tv is all artificial unlike people with real feelings.”
They stayed in the position for a little while longer while her arousal began to worsen over time due to proximity, watching the movie until Emmett shifted his leg which shifted the sleepy shorts under the curve of her ass.
She bit down her bottom lip in response, ensuring that he did not mean to do that. So, she maneuvered herself until she could sit further away from his thighs and closer to his knees which was a mistake because he had moved his leg again, nudging his knee which shifted her shorts again and she knew her wetness had seeped through. After all the sleepy shorts and underwear, she was wearing were flimsily thin.
His eyes widened in shock as he looked down to see a slightly glistening spot on his lower thigh. Then his light blue eyes darkened into a storm. “So, what you’re telling me is that you’ve been mad all day because you’re horny?” He asked, slightly in disbelief as he stared at her.
She blushed, refusing to answer him.
However, he did not need an answer from her. It was as obvious as the blue sky. He lightly dragged his tongue across his bottom lip, inhaling slowly. “Show me.” His words rumbled.
She stared at him in surprise as her breathing got caught in her lungs before she let out a low whimper.
He reached over while spreading her thighs, grabbing her towards him before his index and middle fingers curled into the shorts to pull aside the fabric to see her panty-cladded cunt. Unfortunately, the fabric was a light color so he could see how sopping wet she was.
He rumbled lightly at the sight of it, intensely transfixed on the fabric. “Your pussy’s soaking wet. How long have you been like this?” He murmured, inquiring with a question in his gaze.
She hesitated, her eyes trained on him as his ring and pinky fingers lightly grazed against the underwear which she had felt it through the fabric, and she shuddered in response as the sensation.
“Tell me, sweetheart.” He commanded while the motion of stroking her cunt became more firm through the fabric.
She closed her eyes at the pet name, “I’ve been feeling like this all day…” she mumbled, exhaling slowly as she opened her eyes.
He hummed before he finally pushed the thin damped fabric with his index and middle finger along with the shorts before using his other hand to push a finger into her.
Her hips buckled in response, gasping as she said, “I’m sorry.”
He chuckled nearly breathlessly at how tight she was, “don’t be sorry.” He murmured softly, “you’re just needy, craving for someone to touch you…” he trailed off, licking his lips as he leveled his gaze with hers hungrily. “Only my touch, right?” 
She nodded frantically, “only yours.”
He gave her a self-satisfied smirk before pushing another finger into her cunt, “you’re tight.” He rumbled. “Have you been touched?”
“Only with my fingers and toys before…everything happened,” she mumbled shyly. Realizing it made her sound inexperienced when she told him.
He inhaled sharply, “fuck.” He groaned. It sounded guttural as if it rumbled in his chest making his voice sound hoarse.
She frowned. “Is that a bad thing?”
He chuckled, shaking his head, “no sweetheart. I wasn’t expecting that, but…” he trailed off before continuing. “It actually makes sense,” before curling his fingers upwardly to brush against the spot inside her making her whine in response. “You’re such a needy little slut.”
Her lips parted before she bit down her bottom lip as the degrading comment sent shivers of lust down in her veins.
He withdrew his fingers before maneuvering her into his lap as he sat up on the couch. He then removed her shorts and underwear down her legs before throwing them off to the side, and gruffly told her to start riding his thigh.
She stared at him with wide eyes, “y-your thigh?” 
He nodded expectantly, looking at her with darkened gaze. “I want to feel your pretty little pussy rubbing on me.” He purred softly with a hungry grin. His fingers flexed on the curve of her ass.
She closed her eyes before she started to grind her hips onto his hairy thigh slowly to get used to the sensation.
“Keep your eyes open and look at me,” he growled, digging the pads of his fingers into the smooth skin of her flesh.
“I can’t.”
He began to urge her hips, moving her back  and forth. “Yes, you can. I want you to see whose thighs getting you off, sweetheart.” He cooed softly.
She could only stutter as she opened her eyes reluctantly, and he chuckled at her response. “Such a needy slut,” he said teasingly as she kept rolling her hips onto his thigh desperately. His eyes then darkened once again before releasing one of his hands from her back to reach her jaw. He gripped it gently, but possessively. “My needy slut, aren’tcha?”
She nodded frantically, and he groaned heavily before smashing his lips onto hers with a force that knocked the air out of her lungs as he kissed her. Shoving his tongue into her willing mouth, edging them into a kiss that borderline filthy before easing them into soft and pliant kisses. “You didn’t think I know?” He breathed against her lips, “that pretty little thing like you wanted me as much as I wanted you for so long?”
He then dragged her off his thigh as he resumed to kissing her, igniting a sense of disappointment within her before he rolled her over under him on the cushion. He then reached down to the edge of the shirt, pushing the fabric up until her breasts were bare for his hands to touch and squeeze. 
She jerked her head away from his greedy mouth, needing air to breathe which didn’t deter him because he continued with his lips trailing down her jaw, leaving wet streaks behind before dragging his lips to her neck. Pulling back before observing the shirt that bunched up above her breasts, “the shirt’s too big on you.” He pointed out with a frown painted on his lips.
“I stole it from your laundry,” she whispered shyly as if she committed a crime which she did not other than theft.
He groaned, “you’re mine.” He said gruffly before easing the shirt off of her body before taking his shirt off as well.
She felt her lips trembling slightly at the sight of his bare chest, “I’m-I’m yours.”
Emmett then removed his basketball shorts along with his underwear before placing himself on top of her between her thighs.
She felt his cock lying on top of her pelvis, it was very warm, and she could feel the ridges on underside, making her realize that it was big and heavy. She whimpered at the thought of being split apart on his girth. 
He dragged his cock back and forth on her skin before he gripped it to rub the thick tip against her cunt, collecting the wetness along with it. He then pushed it downward until it caught in her hole. His breathing hitched at the feeling, and he was not even inside her yet.
He pushed his hips; the thick tip parted the opening until it latched onto it fully making him growl softly at the feeling. Her walls were forced to part to accommodate his size when he was finally flushed against her.
Y/N whined at the feeling of being full. “Emmett,” she breathed, her fingers itched to hold onto something, to curl her fingers into it.
He leaned down, pressing his lips to her ear. “You’re such a good girl, taking my cock so well.” He murmured, praising her before he started thrusting, dragging his cock back and forth in her cunt.
The couch shifted slightly along with the force of the thrusts Emmett was using. His cock rubbed against the walls of her cunt, eventually rubbing against the spongey spot in her before he used one hand to slither down between their sweaty bodies, touching her cunt.
He was able to wring an orgasm from her with a playful but slightly harsh rubbing on her clit which sent her over the edge with a loud whine.
“You have to pull out,” she mumbled urgently after realizing he did not know she was not on any source of protection. How could she? After the world ended, no one really had the time to be safe especially with sex.
He chuckled hoarsely, “you don’t want my babies?” He asked, a teasing tone in his voice as he said it in her ear. “Don’t want me to fill that pretty pussy of yours with my cum?” 
She whimpered as her walls clenched down on his cock as a response to the idea of him filling her up to the brim with his cum. “We just started this fifteen minutes ago.” She pointed out softly, referring to the moment they crossed the line together.
He pulled his head back to look down at her with stormy eyes, “I know, sweetheart.” He breathed before continuing, “but look where the world is at now, no one is going to say a word when they have more things to worry about. Besides…being pregnant with my babies…well, sweetheart you would look very pretty, not that you weren’t to begin with.”
“What if we don’t work out?” Y/N asked, voicing her fear.
He raked his eyes across her facial expression before peering into her eyes. “All we have to do is try because I meant what I said. You’re mine and I’m not letting you go. Okay?”
She then nodded.
He looked at her to see if there were still any more doubts she had, preparing himself to convince her, but he did see none which made him sigh in relief. “Good because I can’t hold back anymore,” he rumbled before he proceeded to fuck her thoroughly, slamming his cock into her with assertive strength to remind her that she was his.
His balls slapped against her cunt as he thrusted into her forcefully, wanting her to feel everything as he grunted, “my pretty girl.” Followed by, “all mine now.” He groaned into her ear when he felt her walls squeezing around his girth. “So good for me, sweetheart.” His hips began to stutter in an irregular manner indicating his impending orgasm, “I’ll take such good care of you.” He slammed into her as far as he could before spilling into her with a guttural groan.
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eros-agape-art · 6 months
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----- ----- *wirring* *click, click, click* *wirring*
Testing, testing... Okay. This is the second tape I'm making to record the status of the Infection... Or at least, that's what everypony is referring to it as. Through my extensive research, and what little Thorax could tell me, that what we're dealing with is a species of fungi known as Ophiocordyceps versicolor.
It happens to be a direct relative to the Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungi, which is notorious for devouring insects, primarily ants, from the inside to use its carcass as a breeding ground... This raises cause for concern because it spread through any open orifices, such as the mouth or nostrils.
In addition, it has a long standing history of affecting Changelings from the few records that were preserved in the lower hidden levels of the Changeling hive colony. It's particularly deadly to ponies as well, with a few documented cases across Changeling and pony records, from what I could piece together. But the knowledge it limited and bears no detailed analysis.
...But there are more concerning matters than this discovery. I've since told the other Princesses and Equestria has kind of been thrown into a panic. Cadance has quarantined the Cryatal Empire and only sends letters via magic, Celestia has taken to safeguard Canterlot while Luna has joined me here in Ponyville. She's working to keep ponies' hopes up, lulling them into gentle sleep when needed.
To make matters worse, Mayor Mare has completely disappeared. She went to send word to Zecora with a few other ponies, but they haven't returned since. Applejack then took it upon herself to serve as acting mayor. Everyone trusts her, it's not a surprise to me, but she doesn't sugarcoat anything either. She tells everyone the truth about what's happening, keeping everyone informed while I'm working.
She's even working hard to protect her family, I know Granny Mith would greatly appreciate that. She unfortunately passed shortly before everything began. I think that's why AJ is so on edge all the time, I don't think she could handle losing Big Mac or Apple Bloom.
I'm honestly glad that she's taken up the position of acting mayor, it's lifted a weight from my shoulders, and she wants to support me in any way she can. Though I worry for her and Pinkie the most, as they face the most risk of infection as Earth Ponies.
Although I still reside in Ponyville, I perform most of my research in the Changeling hive. The young Changeling I mentioned last tape... has unfortunately passed, the fungi fully matured in such a short time, but it's unclear how long she even had it. She may have been found when it was already too late, but there isn't much I can do now, except for studying the fungi before it dies so we understand what it is we're handling fully.
I fear... that we will have to resort to awakening Chrysalis for the sake of Equestria, but I'm working tirelessly to ensure that doesn’t happen.
Little is known about fungi, referencing known relative fungi and examining known subject for analysis
Fluttershy has been showing cold/flu-like symptoms lately, AJ is keeping close tabs on her
No search party for Mayor Mare and other missing ponies has been formed, everyone is too on edge for fear they contracted the fungi, even though it's unlikely to be in the Everfree forest
fungi responds to anti-fungal treatment, small percentage dies within 3 hours upon treatment. this could lead to the development of a cure, but it's still in the testing phase
fungi is possibly slow acting, which gives ample time to pursue treatment
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des-no9 · 5 months
Des' Githyanki Genitals HC
Hey and welcome to another lore dump of Des' githyanki HCs!!! As usual, we're all about sex and fucking in here, and githyanki are aliens. So we gotta make their bits fun.
Also, they lay eggs now (never used to apparently, we'll get to that). So I've accounted for that in their genitals.
Also!! I'l got different HCs for the Older generation githyanki -think Voss and Orpheus age- as I HC the githyanki that were alive during their rebellion, and not long after it, differ somewhat to modern githyanki like Lae'zel, and one of my OCs who will be modelling, Tuj.
Gonna go chronologically here, and start with the oldies. Voss is my model for this (obviously).
This is a long post btw lol. Also disclaimer: I'm only talking about the githyanki mostly. Thinking about the githzerai and their reproduction is a whole other beast LOL. Enjoy <3
Obvious TW for talk of slavery, breeding, eggs, violence, rape, lots of genitalia talk and art by yours truly
Older Generation Githyanki Genitals - during ensalvement to early Vlaakiths.
So the vague general consensus in the lore seems to be that the gith originally descended from humans in the very beginning, and this makes me think that their genitals early on during their enslavement and early in their freedom were closer to what we know our human genitalia to be.
But, then we have the illithid's experiments and how that changed their physiology quite vastly over the X number of years.
I HC that many of the illithid colonies varied, and so therefore so did the githyanki (shall be using githyanki to refer to them then even if that wasn't their name then). Some colonies were more focused purely on the numbers, breeding, breeding to send to other colonies for X purposes in their slavery. (I HC Vlaakith I was a branded breeding slave). So would have efficient genitalia. Maybe very little sexual dimorphism. Maybe closer to the modern githyanki like now with asexual breeding.
Some other colonies (like one I HC Voss came from) were bred purely as soldiers, attack and guard dogs. So they refined their physiology very strictly to breed the best, the strongest. Bearing in mind the need for the best warriors and breeders, so therefore keeping their genitalia tucked away and protected when not in use was essential.
It also makes me think things about some of the illithid colonies essentially neutering the githyanki in gestation and only keeping a select few breeders (much parallels to modern githyanki lol) basically to stop their slaves having sexual desire for each other or anything else, cutting it off and only having necessary urges. But I digress.
Basically during this era and the early years before they started breeding through eggs, I HC there was MUCH more variance in their genitalia (and probably some of their other physiology honestly) before it started to become much more streamlined through their eggs and no doubt the Vlaakiths interfering with their breeding to create the best, supreme, unified race in the one Vlaakith's vision.
So, I sketched up what I imagined Voss' genitals to be (obviously). I HC he has a slit where his bits are protected during fighting, since he was bred to be a fighter/attack dog for the illithid.
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NOTE: his slit extends further down.
Notes and important points if you can't read my writing:
cock (easy word to use for it) sheathed inside slit
slit widens and gets wet when aroused, and the skin inside is rough, but is usually wrapped around to protect the cock even if the slit widens on arousal
cock can be pulled out from its sheath manually and how it sits soft
so, Voss' is a little different to the rest of his colonies would have looked purely because it's scarred to shit (from his hubris) They mostly all had two dicks, but the scar tissue healed his together (don't worry, he gets them separated again :>) and they can stick together as one if you want during arousal, or can be used as two For Their Pleasure :tm:
the tip can move independently. Very sensitive.
can come through slit and cock
slit gets wet and easily over stimulated
can come from slit stimulation alone
I think his colony bred more 'traditionally' how we know it as humans. Voss was a traditionally bred and live birth baby to me (Orpheus too). I think a lot of the early githyanki were traditionally bred as we know it, but some with varying ways of conception, birth lengths, delivery, even incubation
I like to think that maybe little spikes come out of the ridges on his cock to embed into whoever he's fucking if he wants to, to hold them in place, for some extra pain and usual githyanki sadism. This was specific to his colony and maybe one or two others, and maybe appears again in some modern githyanki.
I HC Orpheus has a slit too, but is maybe a little more in the human camp to what we know genitalia to be like since he's also ancient and a traditional non-egg baby. Closer to the ancestors they came from. I just like to HC that because he IS a little more....gentler, rounder, smooth, 'humanised' than a lot of the other githyanki we see. I love thinking about the little differences that set Orpheus apart from his people, even though he IS his people, the lifeblood of them. The blood of their Mother. Anyway, I digress.
Basically, for the oldies I think there's a LOT of freedom to be creative and almost do anything, using the illithid experiments, that they're aliens and so much unknown as our excuse. Also don't forget the most important - fun, and shoving all our kinks onto our fictional loves 24/7.
Modern Githyanki Genitalia HCS - egg time
So, the shift to egg laying and apparently it's asexual. I have a LOT of thoughts about this. With this happening thousands of years ago and also with them transitioning from NOT egg laying (putting in the assumption of live births here) to egg laying, there would be some sort of accommodation and change in their physiology for this, right?
Also this doesn't happen quickly. Magic can help yes! Also, they're aliens. Aliens can defy everything and anything we know as humans. I try not to press too much of our human and earth knowledge and experience onto alien races because who is to say their experiences and such are like ours. And also it makes it more fun for me to step away from the known into unknown and other possibilities. But anyway.
Lae'zel says the transition happened to egg laying after they were freed from the illithid and under Vlaakith's power. Now, I like to HC that Vlaakith kind of has this under her control (and therefore, all the subsequent Vlaakith's control). It's kind of like, a mass population control, sterilisation, selective, experimental and controlled breeding to try create her own perfect race in essence.
The execution is flawed, of course. Probably changes over time with all the (over 100) of Vlaakiths and leadership changes, in-fighting, evolution of the githyanki from the beginning of their enslavement to now. But the idea is there. And it sticks.
Okay so. As above I mentioned I HC there was a lot of differences between the githyanki in their genitalia from the different illithid colonies. And at first, transitioning to egg laying was probably a slow process as the first generation probably died out, or through their own ghustils, technology, psionics, they started to try to change their own bodies to accommodate egg laying. Some failed, some managed it. It was a difficult process that also in essence weeded out the weak for Vlaakith too.
And then once the eggs started laying, hatching, they probably still tinkered with them. Making sure the hatchlings that were born would be able to breed more and were born right, strong, and the proper future of their people. There were still probably live births happening at the very start during the transition, but magic and psionics probably sped this process along - even if it was probably very traumatic for a lot of newly annointed githyanki. Jumping from being experimented on by illithid in slave colonies to experimenting on yourself, and by your ghustil on order of your Queen? Fantastic. Just brilliant.
Fast forward to now and the githyanki genitalia are mostly uniform I think. Much more so than when they first gained their freedom and called themselves githyanki.
I think there's probably still some differences. Like genetic anomalies. And also that the atmosphere/plane etc of long-term creches can have influences on their hatcheries/eggs. Say a creche on a completely different material plane to Faerun's, or it's near like somewhere with intense psionic or void energy. I think things like that could (and do in canon!) have definite changes on physiology. (NOTE: I also like thinking about this in regard to things like skin-tone, texture, spot pattern, hair colour, face shape, accent.....the list is endless lol)
Okay. So. Without further delay here is my OC Tuj'da to model his bits for you :3
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some githyanki have less/more slits. Less is much less common as three is standard for efficient egg-laying.
all sexes can lay eggs
their shape and layout can look unique/different. eg, longer, smaller, more protruding. Think like different penis and vulva shapes. (Note: I took a lot of inspiration for the shape of their genitals from Art Deco shapes and style lol)
much like the older generation githyanki slits if they had them, they widen when aroused, and also when carrying eggs and to lay them
some githyanki are more sensitive in their smaller/egg slits than their main slits
their is sexual dimorphism between their genitals usually, but that can only be seen when aroused.
their cock positioning can be different too from where it comes from, and folds up and inside the githyanki. Lots of githyanki can control the length of their cock by using their psionics, but does require significant concentration and skill
very sensitive at the middle of their cock so some of them like to shorten it to cover that bit up to last even longer sometimes
they can be fucked with their cock tucked inside. It's uncomfortable for some, for others it's the best thing on the menu.
very short refractory period, if at all
they cum a lot. It tastes kind of sweet.
(after Vlaakith's sterilisation and population control is dissolved) fertilisation often requires psonics of some sort
I'm undecided on this, but for such a violent race that rape and also enjoy consenting sexual violence, I think maybe they'd also evolve/keep/develop the small spikes in their ridges that they can make pop out at will to embed into their partner. These ALSO come out from the ridged skin inside the sheath, not just the cock :>
their skin in general is rougher, tougher than other istik races so can take a much rougher fuck, and I think a willing istik's first time with a githyanki partner, there might be a bit of adjustment for...soreness lol
I haven't got many HCs for their actual fertilisation, their eggs, pregnancy etc as pregnancy etc can be a bit of squick for me, but most other things around it and eggs etc are okay. So I haven't thought too much about the actual way they GET egged up, lay them, fertilised etc. Maybe that's for another day.
For now, hope you enjoy these HCs! Some of them may change/I may adapt them as I continue to write the githyanki, but I feel like I'm happy with most of this!
Feel free to use any and all if you enjoy them <3! Thank you for reading and getting this far, hah. I just love the githyanki so much, they bring me so much joy. And I hope they do to you too.
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vampyr3wife · 7 months
February sucked but it wasn't all bad so! a little diary entry update of the things that happened while I was gonee :3 ⊹ ࣪ ˖
Peanut continues to be the bravest girl in the world... she's getting much more confident about coming inside a bit + she has discovered the joys of forehead kisses and being blanketed in cuddles =) ... also I saw a rabbit that was as big as her last week. Cleo was reunited with her beloved gen 3 my little ponies and Loki has been an even cuddlier bug than usual ! The weather got a lot nicer for a while so I started exploring again n I managed to expand my dead-things collection a bit! I also visited some really cool places that r said to be haunted and I've been making a list of more.. I'm going 2 a cat expo this weekend and I'm hoping my next adventure will be to a cat graveyard / shrine I know of that was built by witches..
During my exploration I also discovered a colony of feral cats.. Despite making kitty friends it is not a good thing.. there were around 15 cats I saw around a small group of houses and the majority of them were not fixed. I made some calls to my friend who was experienced with TNR in the area and she told me that there is a lady in that neighborhood tht is known to feed & let ferals breed in her yard without letting anyone try to get them fixed. Of course this results in giant inbred colonies and sick kittens. One of the first cats I spotted there was a black kitten that was very clearly sick with some kind of eye and respiratory infection. I was able to catch her the day after I found her and I brought her to the kitty clinic.. she is still there getting help right now and I've been calling every once in a while to check up on her. I very much feel like I was meant to find her because not even 10 minutes after I scooped her up a rainbow appeared in the sky n stayed until I got home from dropping her off.. but I am still unsure of what to do about the colony,.. many people see it as a lost cause but I still feel like I should try to help. If I see that evil lady I'm genuinely gonna start cryign about it right in front of her.
I was very heartbroken in the summer when my sweet beloved ancient laptop joined the angels in heaven .. n WELL !! I was pretty much given a laptop tht my dad fixed up bc no one was using it.. ?? I feel extremely lucky.. Aside from that I've been giving into my urge for Projects ... I also found a mini chainsaw so uhh look out for that I guess
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tinyozlion · 4 months
Gundam Wing: Minutia and Trivia
On my long and winding way down research rabbit holes, I often stumble on bits and pieces of trivia that I find quite interesting, but don't really fit anywhere in my usual commentary on Gundam canon and are far too niche and inconsequential to merit a post of their own. HOWEVER. Since I know in my heart that you, dear reader, are also the sort of person for whom background details of the absolute least consequential variety are a source of delight and inspiration, I am compiling some of my discoveries here, and perhaps if I find more, there will be follow up posts. This one happens to be, in a very loose sense, mostly about Romefeller, OZ, and its Special Eyebrow People, because that is where my brain worms are currently converging. Here is my collection of useless trivia. I lay them at your feet like weird pebbles. Look at them. They're neat.
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1. The Daily Kingdom Newspaper
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It's quite likely that this has already been done, but in the grand spirit of this blog, I have decided to take the path of highest effort for the stupidest reason, and transcribed this paper. This page of After Colony news, ostensibly from July 14th, A.C. 195, appears to be reporting on events that happened towards the end of World War II. It's apparently been a slow news day for the Sanc Kingdom press for several centuries. I found myself getting kind of wrapped up in the stories and was disappointed I couldn't turn the page and find out what happened next. (I mean, I know what happened next, broadly speaking.) Of particular interest were Henri and Camille Dreyfus, Swiss chemists who made a lot of innovations during both world wars. ...They were also apparently noted OZ supporters? Well, what can you expect from a big industrial supplier of*checks notes* acetyl intermediates.
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2. The OZ doggy
Pictured below: Treize's well-heeled hunting pet
and a dog is there too *BA-DUM tsch!*
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This spotty and behaved hound is a real breed of hunting dog, the German Short-haired Pointer, or GSP! Did you know this, dear reader? I did not know this. This is new Dog Lore to me.
from the wiki: "It is a pointer and retriever, an upland bird dog, and water dog. The GSP can be used for hunting larger and more dangerous game. It is an excellent swimmer but also works well in rough terrain. It is tenacious, tireless, hardy, and reliable. German Shorthaired Pointers are proficient with many different types of game and sport, including trailing, retrieving, and pointing pheasant, quail, grouse, waterfowl, raccoons, opossum, and even deer."
Seems like a perfect bird-hunting companion for Mr. Treize. She'll probably go retrieve the beautiful red phoenix he murdered. I've decided she's named Oscar (after the Rose of Versailles) and she is a very good girl. Braver Oscar! Braver Hund!
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3. Luxembourg Castle
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This is Treize's abandoned Disney castle in Luxembourg. I owe the background artists of this scene an apology, for in my heart I assumed this was a random assemblage of spare castle-parts they found at Ludwig II's rummage sale. Reader, I was wrong:
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THIS is Schloss Viandin, a restored castle in Luxembourg. Look at this place, it's gorgeous! You can hardly tell there's a secret mobile suit bunker in the basement. Frankly, I'm jealous I'm not being confined there, Treize! Stop sulking in the catacombs and go relax in the pretty princess bed until you feel better. Gaze upon the signed picture of Patrick Swayze; let him inspire you.
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4. Romefeller's Secret
This one comes to us from the Battlefield of Pacifists manga, which, I've learned, is pretty good actually. (I mean it's not GOOD good, but it contains some interesting stuff). Now, come: I am taking you with me on this journey:
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I feel extremely vindicated knowing that there's semi-canonical support for my theory that the Romefeller aristobrats are Austrian. I knew it. I KNEW IT. According to this manga, Romefeller was officially founded in Vienna-- the wording is a little ambiguous in this translation, but if Romefeller had members joining it in 1862, then it had to have existed in some form since then-- which means that the "Glorious Year" of 1956 is something other than its founding date. So what exactly happened in 1956? As I am a hack and fraud, and have been one all my life, I have looked to wikipedia for guidance. Mostly what was happening was the Cold War, colonialism, uprisings, Elvis, research and debate over artificial intelligence, both the hard drive disk and the snooze-button alarm clock being invented, Japan joining the UN, and wait what's this--
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...My god...
It's all coming together.
Eurovision is a plot by Romefeller.
The evidence is all here. There is simply no other conclusion we can come to.
--For this, and many other reasons that are well beyond the scope of a fandom blog, you should probably boycott them.
I rest my case.
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5. The Romefeller Coat of Arms
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I'm no vexillologist, and my heraldic experience is limited to adoptable pixel dragons, but what I am is an insane person with too much time on their hands. And so, to the best of my ability, I have blazoned the Romefeller coat of arms:
Supporters: Two Unicorns Rampant 
Crown: Purpur Crown of Peerage or Lord of Parliament  
Escutcheon: Heater with Two Engrailed Wedge Top - party per pale (halved vertically)
Blazon: Sinister (Right): Argent, Bend Sinister Sanguine; Dexter (Left): Bleu Celeste, Charged with a Ringed (or Celtic) Cross Argent 
Motto Scroll: UPRTUN or UPRTVN
--I don't know what UPRTVN is meant to stand for, but there are truly SO many ways you could play Latin Mad Libs and get a reasonable-sounding answer. At a stab, knowing Romefeller's priorities and values, I would guess it probably contains a, you know, "Unity/Peace/Rule/Tradition/Victory/Necessity", "Unity Through The Rule of Tradition Is Our Victory", or some such deeply worrying thing. Take your pick really.
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6. "Herbst" / "Autumn"
The Rilke poem Treize quotes in "Frozen Teardrop" is not terribly difficult to find online, but if you're not sure what you're looking for it can be difficult because he has multiple poems about Autumn, and Autumn Day is perhaps better known; also the internet is absolutely filthy riddled with despicable bots and farmed content that has lost its attributions, so you do have to dig to find where different translations have come from (bless this very Web 1.0 page for carrying on the lord's work in basic html). Here is the original in German, and two complimenting translations:
Herbst -Rainer Maria Rilke Die Blätter fallen, fallen wie von weit als welkten in den Himmeln ferne Gärten; sie fallen mit verneinender Gebärde. Und in den Nächten fällt die schwere Erde aus allen Sternen in die Einsamkeit. Wir alle fallen. Diese Hand da fällt. Und sieh dir andre an: es ist in allen. Und doch ist Einer, welcher dieses Fallen unendlich sanft in seinen Händen hält.
This translation by Horst A. Scholz (linked here so I don't get into trouble) is the most spare and one-to-one translation into English I've found-- I always appreciate having a comparison between the very literal meanings and a more creative reconstruction when I'm reading translated poetry.
Meanwhile on the other end of the spectrum, this translation by Robert Bly is very freeform and agnostic; for my own purposes, I think the use of "Space" instead of "Heaven" happens to fit nicely with the themes of Gundam:
Autumn -translation by Robert Bly The leaves are falling, falling as if from far up, as if orchards were dying high in space. Each leaf falls as if it were motioning "no." And tonight the heavy earth is falling away from all other stars in the loneliness. We're all falling. This hand here is falling. And look at the other one. It's in them all. And yet there is Someone, whose hands infinitely calm, holding up all this falling.
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There may be some resistance & discomfort when I say “we need to dismantle self-care”. The concept is prominent in leftist spaces & hailed as a radical form resistance. However, it is rarely understood in its original context with the necessary caveats which I’ll elaborate on below. It has also been sanitized, manipulated & co-opted for profit. As a result, it’s become bigger than what it was intended to be. People look to self-care now as a revolutionary “solution” to our collective problems (which it is not). Given that we live under capitalist, colonial systems that breed individualism, narcissism & self-centeredness, I think it’s important for us to rethink the utility of this concept today. In this piece, bringing in the knowledge of collectivist, land-based cultures, I’ll explain why it is urgent & critical for us to practice + embody COMMUNITY care which is a more complete framework that creates conditions of liberation needed for us to survive & thrive as we fight for the land & against the ecological destruction of our planet.
So even if you feel some discomfort arise, take a deep breath & hear me out."
- Ayesha Khan, Ph.D
Some quotes to consider:
The most prominent origins of the concept may be traced to Audre Lorde[...] She wrote about how cancer pushed her to realize that we all needed to slow down, pull back from oppressive systems, refuse to operate according to their values or accelerated “productivity” benchmarks when we can & that this divestment from a profit-driven system was critical for us to even begin to think about what collective “health” & healing means. It is an important first step in one’s political radicalization journey. It’s not everything & it wasn’t meant to be.
Self-care today is often reduced to: i) consumption of products, ii) neglect of community & erasure of the contributions of other beings who enable our care, and iii) one-sided, transactional extraction of care with a sense of entitlement to receive care without reciprocity or without focusing on daily practices of giving care in community. What does self-care look like in practice today?
Is there anything you do that doesn’t directly or indirectly involve the contribution of other beings? Even when we rest, there are conditions of some level of safety or security that have to be enabled for us to truly rest. So let’s take a moment to sit with how the beings at the other end of the “care products” we consume are being treated.
On the other hand, what does “self-care” that actively harms the collective look like? Relax at home alone with a sheet mask while ignoring a friend who reached out to connect because “you don’t owe anyone anything”, purchase care products & services from violent corporations killing our planet as a form of “self-love” while deprioritizing community building thinking it will heal you
Mainstream self-care has created NEW forms of oppression, extraction & exploitation. 
The perspectives I offer in my community care work are not MY novel findings but a responsibility I bear as part of my ancestral/ community teachings & traditions. These perspectives are sorely missing in leftist spaces. I write this piece to honor our collectivist traditions & to affirm the many global communities who find the concept of “self-care” reductive, confusing or fundamentally indecipherable. Our cultures are rooted in caring for each other & the land that sustains us all— I’m slowly learning to carry & embody these values by any means necessary.
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GunnTech AU Character's Favorite Animal Headcanon to Little to None Explanation
or it's 2024, my current hyperfixation is @elmushterri 's GunnTech AU and I don't care anymore
Connor: Cats in general (for obvious reasons), but Stray and Feral cats have his whole heart. Almost every time he goes out for a run or whatever he'd bring a backpack with cat food, treats, maybe even cheap water bowls and leave them where he knows there's a ton of strays.
Greg: Geckos, it's Lizards in general but geckos are his obvious Top 1
Amaya: Everyone thinks is Owls (for obvious reasons), they were when she younger, but is currently Moths.
Nori: Crickets since they were young and Maine Coons, he thinks they match his own glamourous style sooo perfectly. They also do the 'leave food for strays' thing with the ninjalinos but incluing dogs, also he swears there's someone else feeding a specific Cat colony and reallyyy wants to meet them. (Of course it's Connor, I'm a sucker for this kind of thing)
Romeo: Ants. His mom definitely helped him do an ant colony in a bottle or a jar and he still has It, upgraded of course, but he keept the original jar.
Luna: Ferrets. Tiny, but mighty. When she was younger it was Moths and Owls.
Cartoka: Rabbits. Will correct anyone who calls them Roddents, they're Lagomorphoes.
Carly: Turtles. Everybody thinks she and Greg bonded at some point because they think their favorites are very similar, but they actually have regular arguments about the topic because Carly thinks 'Amphibians are superior' and has gotten on Greg's nerves once or twice.
Isabella "Octobella": Absolutely loved Octopous prior to GunnTech, because of its intellegence; then in GunnTech she got bullied for that, got the nickname then the transformation happened and started to dispite them (and herself). Later in life she started to redirect that anger towards GunnTech and work on her self-steem, but currently if you ask her she'll respond Shrimps. A Ninjalino asked her and agreed with the Shrimp answer saying they were cool, so she's a little more confident about that liking.
Dylan: He reallyyy wants to say Triceratops, but thinks is too childish so he says Rhinos
An Yu Guō: It's a tie between Iguanas and Dragonflies
Badriya "Bastet": She really thinks any type of feline would be unoriginal, so she goes with Bettles. Except if it's Connor asking, then it's Cheetahs
Rhiannon "Ripp": Wolfs. When she was younger she adored the whole 'Wolfs are solitary, cool and edgy' type of media; but now she's more leaned towards the 'being a pack' idea.
Hywel "Howler": Deers, oddly enough.
Kevin: Pigeons. He really resonates the whole 'all the Pigeons in the US are the decendants of old Messenger Pigeons and were abandon after they were no longer of use and became feral' thing, so he has a lot of respect for them and feeds them seeds, not bread.
Ivan: Polar Bears. He knows it's basic but doesn't care.
Newton: Fireflies.
Lily "Lilyfay": Buterflies and Sea Angels, just because Newton show her a picture and she thought it was super cool and pretty.
Daisy (Ninjalino): Hamsters
Eloide Mecano (Romeo's mom): Frogs and Toads. Not in a 'I want to dissect them' way, in a 'I have large specialized terrariums for each species that I have' and 'I love their skin's texture' kind of way.
Maria Martinez (Connor's mom): Fancy Cat Breeds like Ragdolls, Persians, Bengalis, etc. but NOT Maine coons because She thinks they're 'too much like dogs', she also goes to Cat Shows but doesn't participate. As well as thinking Strays are dirty and dangerous, so Connor has to hides the 'feeding strays and feral' thing (Shut up, I like RomComs)
Kimiko Kobayashi (Amaya's Aunt): Poodles. She grew up with standard poodles, currently has toy poodles and She reallyyy wants to have a Royal-Size at some point. Plus, She participates in Dog Shows; if it's one of 'the Big ones' there's usually a Cat Shows happening in the same place so I imagine Maria and her having coffee together and talking trash about EVERYONE
Grayson Gunn (Greg's Uncle): Gigant Scolopendra
Phinneas Gunn: He denied this multiple times trough his life for various reason, but Koalas
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 2 months
I haven't watched Antscanada in years. What do you mean he has a fucking crocodile?! I thought he only had ants and other invertebrates!
(this is disbelief, not hostility)
he’s gotten into buying exotic wildlife he knows nothing about over the past several years.
He bought an axolotl and put it in a tiny tank with no filter under the impression it would survive off of dead ants from the adjacent ant colony. People called him out for it so he made a smug and condescending follow up a week or two later showing that he bought a massive tank and people were stupid and looking for drama by saying the previous housing was unethical because he already “did his own research” and figured that out. He promptly bought a second axolotl from the same pet store as the first one, same color morph, but presumed opposite sex so he could breed them. Not caring or even considering the likely possibility that those circumstances likely yield inbred axolotl that he is seeking to inbreed further for a quick buck.
He got YouTube money and is determined to make more mo matter how many animals he has to abuse to get to that point.
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