#because until she has that change of heart moment shes not gonna be able to take it. aughhhh
termagax · 5 months
i really like that scene genuinely its one of my favourites in yhe whole show its got everything. jim gets to do a mundane task. stressing about what his family thinks of his girl. "arrgh and i discussed it :::]". the hug. the way blinky will put his faith in these kids like nothing else like even when he thinks its a terrible idea hes the first and often only person to say with confidence that they know what theyre doing and that he trusts their ability to make decisions. and the way that plays off of jim who has had to be the adult his whole life and take care of everyone else but still isnt trusted to make adult choices and is constantly being doubted and treated extremely pettily by the adults who ought to be looking out for him. does anyone else ever think about how his MOTHER gave him the SILENT TREATMENT for WEEKS. and how that was her response to what to any outside observer looked like suicidal tendencies. he left her a fucking "in case i die" letter and her response was to yell at him and then give him the silent treatment because he wont tell her whats wrong. does anyone else think about the way she says she doesnt want him to take care of her but is completely unprepared for him to act like the teenager he is because she still expects him to be An Adult. the difference between blinky trusting him to take care of himself and take on what he knows he can take while still unconditionally being someone who will trust him and be there to catch him when he falls and barb fussing over him while being materially unprepared to actually give him the support he needs and reacting unpredictably to very vulnerable moments with him. this is NOT to say she doesnt love him or whatever this is just such a single mother moment that it gets me every single time. she loves him so much and yet is totally unprepared to support him because she has no support herself shes basically completely isolated and her turning point to trusting jim and actually being able to be a part of his life is. having a community. reaching out to other parents and the other important people in her sons life. 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 WHATEVER
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Second Chance Ch. 1
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Pairing- Childhoodbestfriend!Steve x Introverted!reader
Warnings- Drunk Steve, Alcohol mention, Steve being an asshole, regret, kissing.
A/N- This was so fun to write, and part 2 should be out soon. This actually hit close to home tho cuz I got dumped by my childhood bestie right after lockdown ended
Steve-fucking-Harrington, childhood best friend, turned to someone you considered an enemy.
Elementary school was great, sitting on the porch together, eating popsicles, fighting over who was the faster runner. Middle school wasn’t bad either, minus a few arguments and awkward moments. Late nights were spent lying in your backyard, giggling and gossiping over who had a crush on who, and who was dating who. This was around the time you started noticing his popularity rise, more girls were starting to take interest in him, I mean, yourself included, but that was something he never knew. High school is when things went downhill, rather than laughing with him on the porch, you sat alone, staring down at your shoes, hiding inside whenever him and his new, cool friends came driving past your house. It all still hurt, the way it was as if you were erased from his memory, like he never knew you at all. 
Your phone rang, interrupting your otherwise quiet night. You set down your book, “Pride and Prejudice” and picked up the phone.
“Hey, Y/N, you think you could come help me out?” It was Robin’s voice, and you could hear drunken chatter and the other sounds of a party in the background.
“Depends on what it is.” You reply with an exasperated sigh, you were trying to have a relaxing night in, and having to save someone at a party didn’t sound like something you wanted to do right now.
“Listen, I need help getting Steve home, and before you complain, I’m not gonna be able to drive him home and you’re the only one I know that could help.” She explains before you can interject. She knew how he hurt you, and how you still disliked him to this day.
“God, fine, only because I want you to be happy.” You groan as Robin thanks you before hanging up. You put the phone back on the receiver and make your way to the party. 
Once you arrive at the house, you’re immediately hit with the overwhelming scent of alcohol and vomit, making you gag. You quickly find Robin, a drunken Steve at her side.
“Did you get him water?” You ask with a sigh, already over having to deal with him.
“Mhm, now get him home please, I’ve got things to do.” Robin reply’s, helping shift him toward you. You wrap an arm around the drunken boy, his hazy eyes meeting yours.
“I know I’m the last person you want to spend the night with, but let’s go.” You murmur, and he luckily complies as you get him into your car.
The drive home is fairly silent, until you turn onto your street.
“I don’t know why I ditched you.” He slurs drunkenly, and your heart seizes. You knew he wasn’t in his right mind, but hearing him say those words still meant something. “I thought they were cool or whatever, but now everyone’s off to college and I’m stuck working a stupid, dead-end job.” His words were sincere, no matter how drunk he was, it was all the truth. You couldn’t help but feel bad for him, it seemed like he’d changed, not completely, but enough to give him another chance.
“C’mon, let’s get you inside.” You murmur, helping him out of the car and into your house, where you then got him settled on the couch.
You could hear him mumbling to himself as you got him water, and when you set it on the coffee table in front of him, his eyes landed on your face.
“You’re pretty, you’ve always been pretty.” He slurs, and you give a brief smile, acknowledging the comment without giving it any time to blossom into anything more.
You brought him a blanket, telling him to rest before retreating to your bedroom. 
As you laid in bed that night, his words kept replaying in your head, and you couldn’t help the little swell of excitement you got in your chest when you thought of him. He was still as handsome as always, with his gorgeous carmel locks and big brown eyes. You dreamed of him, of what it would’ve been like if he hadn’t ditched you, if your life hadn’t taken that turn.
In your dreams, you lay in his arms, his face tucked into your neck. You were utterly in love, attending college together, planning out the rest of your lives. Unfortunately, when you woke up, you were forced to face the harsh reality.
You walked downstairs, expecting to see Steve on the couch, but he was nowhere to be found, until you spotted him out on the porch.
“What are you doing out here?” You ask quietly, confused as to his sudden change in location.
“You deserve an apology, and I figured there was no better place to do it.” He says quietly, his voice low as you sit down beside him. “I really shouldn’t have done that, I was an asshole to you, and look where that got me. I know this isn’t nearly what you deserve in the forms of an apology, and I understand if you never want to see me ever again.” He explains, looking down at his shoes.
“Thank you, I mean, I can kinda understand why you did it, being popular feels good, especially when there’s no one at home to make you feel like you matter.” You knew all too well about the situation at home, all the times he stayed over at your house as kids, all thanks to his neglectful parents. “For the record, I really don’t want to lose you, not after getting you back.” You add, and you find your hand in his, fingers laced together.
“You know, I had a crush on you all through elementary and middle school, always thought you were pretty, even after I left.” He says, squeezing your hand a little.
“I know, last night, you said some things. I’ve always liked you too, I mean, I don’t think that’s a huge surprise, everyone likes you.” You smile sadly, which makes his heart ache. He’d hurt you enough, and didn’t want to do any more damage.
“I’d be willing to give us another chance, but maybe as more than friends.” He offers, his tone soft, fearing rejection. Your silence scared him, but before he could react, you were pressing your lips to his, and his hands flew to your lower back, holding you close.
You spent most of the day like that, sitting on the porch and chatting, catching up on the last 4 years.
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xinmin-exe · 8 months
Attack On Titan characters as Parents
Note: I haven't really watched attack on titan in years, so I'm sure all of these characters are gonna be OOC ALSO i am making it so everyone survived in the end and they all got their happy ending because these babies deserve it
WARNINGS: fem!reader, brief mentions of past trauma, mentions of miscarriage, very brief mention of the birthing process,
Eren was so traumatized after what his father did, he almost had a break down when you told him you were pregnant. It took him a couple weeks, and many, many late night talks with Armin until he was willing to try to be there for you. Eren was so nervous and worried he was going to be just like his father but the moment he saw his kid, everything just clicked. He was so gentle with them and always made time to talk and play with them during the day. As they got older, their bond grew even closer as Daddy and Aunt Mikasa took them out hunting every couple of weeks. Eren is an amazing father who despite everything he went through, made damn sure to do better for his child.
Armin never imagined having children, it just wasn't something he saw in his future. that was, until you came into his life and changed everything. When your little bundle of joy was born, Armin was in tears. He couldn't help but admire them and want to give them everything. Since then, Armin has done everything to nurture their ideas and passions. He even took them to the sea and let them play around. He wanted them to grow up with everything he couldn't have (aka, parents) so he did everything he could to stick around. Armin turned down multiple high government positions just to stay close to you and his child. Armin is the parent we all need in our lives.
When you approached Mikasa with the idea of wanting to adopt, she was speechless. Ever since her parents were killed, she never thought about having children. However, she loved you so much that she wanted to at least try. After all, she wasn't exactly motherly (at least that's what she will tell people) When Hange introduced you two to a young child (maybe 5 or 6) from the underground Mikasa's heart melted. She saw herself in this child so much that her protective instincts kicked in. She was so protective of this child, no one, and i mean no one besides you could be left alone with them. Even if it was armin or Eren, Mikasa was always in the room, one second away from glaring the other person into the next century. Mikasa really warmed up to the idea of being a parent and fit into the role well.
Jean was the one of the only in the group who wanted to still have kids. He knew what he wanted from life and was damned if some suicidal maniac was going to stop him. So when you were giving birth, Jean made sure he was right next to you, holding your hand and encouraging you the entire time. Even though you did scream at him "this is your fault! If i live through this i am going to KILL you Kirstein!" (the nurses thought that it was funny) But once your child was here, nothing else mattered. Once you were able to leave the hospital and go home, all Jean did was take your kid around and show off. Constantly saying "look at what i did" or "aren't they just gorgeous like their mom?" He always had something to brag about (even if the thing wasn't brag worthy), to Jean, anything your child did was amazing. Jean is very much the parent to scream at the back of the room while their kid is performing and embarrass the shit out of them.
Connie hadn't given having kids much thought. Afterall, he didn't even know if he'd be surviving long enough to be given that option. But once you told him you were pregnant, he was over the moon! Connie didn't let you move a muscle, ever. You need something from the top shelf? He's getting the stepstool. You want some food? He's already getting the ingredients out. And when you went into labor, he was right by your side. He let you squeeze his hand as hard as you needed to, and he made sure you were given everything possible to make birth as comfortable as it could be. Connie was so overwhelmed with love once he laid eyes on your child, the only time he let you hold them was when they needed to be fed. Connie got up to soothe them during the night, claiming it was the least he could do since you went though the pain of giving birth. Connie was there at every single milestone for their life, and he was never, ever going to stop being there for them; or for you.
Oh boy, Sasha is the cool mom. When you two first adopted your child, she was admittedly a little awkward around them. But, after many late night snacks and a few bad cooking experiences, Sasha blossomed into a wonderful mom. She made sure they were eating properly and always had snacks on her. Your kids friends know that they will eat good when Sasha is around, and you two have become THE family. Sasha does tend to spoil them and say "yes" practically every time they ask for something, but they never try to manipulate that. You and Sasha both make sure your kid is kind and humble and thoughtful. With Sasha at your side, nothing is impossible and raising a child together was the best decision you two ever made.
Levi initially turned down the idea of having kids. Claiming that he was not fit to be a father, but fate wasn't having it. When you found out you were pregnant, you were worried to tell Levi. You knew he didn't want kids and you had grown to be content with that. What would he say when he found out? Would he leave you? Those thoughts sent you spiraling when Hange eventually let the cat out of the bag. Levi was silent but you could see in his eyes that was he happy. Even though he didn't want kids, he knew he wanted you. If that meant having to raise another brat then so be it. At first, he did the basics, changed their diapers, fed them, etc. But he never truly bonded with them until they were older and confided to Levi that they felt like an outsider looking in. He listened and did his best to offer advice and words of wisdom that might help. From then on, Levi was so much more involved and made sure that they were getting the life they deserved.
Erwin was possibly the most excited to be a father. After everything, when things began settling down he approached you with the idea of trying for kids. At first you were the hesitating one, but Erwin was able to convince you to at least think about it. After a while, you were on board and baby, he got to work. It was along road, you had a miscarriage and that was demoralizing. Erwin made sure to support you the entire time. He understood that you may not want to try again and he was okay with that. It took you a year or so after for you to want to try again. But eventually, with enough effort and support, you gave birth to a beautiful baby. Erwin was in love with your child the moment he laid eyes on them. He spoiled them as much as he could, whenever he could. He was a dotting husband, and even more dotting father.
Oh boy, Hange is.. enthusiastic to say the least. They see it as a new experiment, at first. Hange takes your pulse every day, they measure how much you eat as well as your weight. When you gave birth, they were overwhelmed. There was a beautiful little bundle wrapped up in your arms and all Hange wanted was to hold them. Hange was so careful that you almost had to do a double-take. They held your child so gently, like glass. From then on, it was like the whole world vanished for them. They prioritized being there and being a parent over anything. Hange recorded all the milestones (first steps, first word, first tooth, etc) but they also recorded every other moment (like when they babbled for the first time, or when they first rolled over). But to Hange, they were all important moments.
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elliespuns · 7 months
The whole scene where Ellie is leaving Dina and JJ is so heavy, it makes it harder for me to breathe. One would say the only horrible thing about this scene is the fact that Ellie is leaving, choosing Abby over her family. But there's more than that, and it's killing me.
When Dina comes downstairs and sees Ellie packing her bag, she appears unaware of what is happening. But in fact, she is well aware. She knows it as soon as she wakes up and finds out that Ellie is not in the bed. And what makes this scene so heavy is the way Dina tries to convince herself that THIS is not happening AGAIN. The way she just smiles and starts talking about JJ so casually, as if she didn't catch Ellie packing her bag to leave her. She doesn't want to admit it to herself. She can't admit it to herself, even though she already knows. She knows Ellie has already made up her mind when she sees her in Joel's jacket in the dark.
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The way she says, "Come back to bed." and turns around, praying for Ellie to change her mind in that moment. But that doesn't happen. Instead, Ellie speaks up, and we see in the way Dina closes her eyes how the crushing feeling of losing Ellie suddenly becomes so real and palpable to her. She doesn't need to admit it to herself anymore. It's happening, and it's so hard to accept.
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We finally see that Ellie is not the only one struggling. They were both there in Seattle when it all came down. "For you and for him, I deal with it." Dina says and we realize that maybe if it weren't for the two of them, she would be a wreck too.
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But to realize it, Dina and the way Ellie treats her in this scene is not the only one to get sad over. Ellie has her reasons, and knowing what she went through and who she lost, we can't blame her for them. This makes this moment much more painful because we know Ellie is living her family life in denial. We know this has nothing to do with Dina or JJ. Ellie has always loved them. But she's not doing well, bottling up her feelings. She doesn't sleep, doesn't eat, has panic attacks and bad memories to remind her every step of the way of just how big of a hole there is in her heart. They have a beautiful home, but they aren't happy—maybe at heart, but not inside their heads. Dina has always known there was going to be a time like this where Ellie's bad memories win, and Ellie lives her life pretending everything is fine because she doesn't want to hurt the people she loves the most.
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Also, we can see how deeply Ellie hurts by choosing to leave Dina. When she says, "I love you." and Dina wants her to prove it, Ellie knows she can't. And it has nothing to do with the feelings she has for Dina. She loves her, there's no doubt about that. But she can't go on like this. She can't rest until she gets closure. This way, she'd finally be able to give Dina what she deserves. She feels like shit, it hurts her so bad knowing that Dina has always been there for her, choosing her over anything else—almost dying because of her. And now, when the tables have turned, she's not able to do the same for her. She's leaving her instead, and it hurts so fucking bad.
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"I'm not gonna do this again." is when Dina breaks up with Ellie, and through a heavy heart, Ellie lets her because she knows it's for the best. She knows she's weighing her down, and she believes Dina will be better off without her. That's why her answer is more of a cold one, "That's up to you." because Ellie needs to give Dina a reason to think she doesn't deserve her love; all to make it easier on her to let her go. I just can't.
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willixmsonswife · 1 year
rest/leah williamson
*leah williamson x fem!reader *the word 'rest' is simply not included in leah's vocabulary *tiny argument and mentions of her torn acl at the beginning but happy end :)
*2.75k words
"I tore my acl." Those were definitely not the words I wanted to hear from Leah when I walked into her room. I had watched her limp off the pitch during the match and I wasn't able to concentrate on the rest of it. I had to wait until she was in the hospital to see her because the security wouldn't let me. "She's my best friend, she needs me!" didn't really change their mind.
So I waited three hours in my apartment, car keys in one hand, phone in the other. I almost dropped my phone when it rang and immediately accepted the call. "Hello?" I tried to hide the worry in my voice but it was still very present. "Hello is this y/n y/l/n?" An unfamiliar voice answered. "Yes, that's me. Who is this?" Maybe it wasn't the call I was expecting. "I'm a nurse at the St. Marys Hospital in London and I'm calling for Leah Williamson. She would've called herself but she has to undergo an MRI at the moment. I'm calling you because your number was marked as the one to call if something happened and I think she really needs someone to be by her side." I felt my heart drop further and further while the nurse talked. Leah had to undergo an MRI by herself and I was probably the only person that knew that she was terrified of those machines. Plus, an MRI was not a good sign for her knee. "Okay, thank you for calling me. I'll be there in 15 minutes." I hung up and just stared at my phone. What if she really tore her acl? What if she couldn't play football for the rest of the year? That would be pure torture for her and it would absolutely destroy her not only physically but mentally. She worked so hard to be selected for the World Cup and wore the captain armband with pride every single time. I had to be there for her through all of it. I stood up and drove to the hospital as fast as I could.
"Excuse me? I'm here to see Leah Williamson. A nurse called me earlier saying that-"
"Ah yes, you are miss y/l/n right?"
"Yes, yes that's me."
"Miss Williamson is currently staying in room 204 which is just across the corridor on the right side." She pointed towards the direction and I thanked her before searching for the right room. 200, 202, 204. There it was. I took a deep breath. I had to be calm now, I had to pull myself together for Leah.
I knocked three times and heard her response soon after. "Come in." So I did. The first thing I saw as I entered were her jersey and her shorts, neatly folded on a chair at the other end of the room. I took a few steps towards her bed but she only looked at me when I stood directly next to her. "I tore my acl." Her eyes were bloodshot and I could hear in her voice that she already cried. "Lee, I-"
"No. Please don't say anything. I don't want to hear your encouragements and how everything's going to be fine! It's not! I'm not able to play in Australia and I'm gonna let the whole team down! It's not going to be fine!" Her voice became louder and louder while she talked and she screamed the last sentence. I was well aware that this anger was not directed towards me but more towards the fact that this happened to her, now, and that she couldn't do anything about it. So instead of telling her that, I hugged her tight. I could feel her tense muscles relaxing at my touch and she just gave in to her feelings. "Why did it have to be me? Why now?" She said in between sobs, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know Leah, I'm so sorry." I just held her and rubbed her back comfortingly while she cried.
This whole situation happened over two months ago. Leah was now past the surgery and had started rehab. It was going well but one thing bothered me extremely. "Leah?" I stopped the episode I was watching and sat up from the sofa. The apartment was completely silent now that the tv had stopped. "Lee?" I went upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door. "Yes?" I opened the door and was met by Leah standing in front of her closet, only dressed in shorts and a bra, holding up a dress and a blazer. My eyes instantly moved from her well trained body to the floor, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. "Oh hi y/n. What's up?"
"I, eh- I called you from down stairs. Wanted to know what I should make for dinner."
"Oh right. You-" She turned around to face me and saw me looking down, embarrassment unfortunately still clearly written on my face. "You can look at me y'know?"
"Oh, I just- I didn't know if-"
"y/n, we're living together. We're best friends and room mates. I'm absolutely not bothered by you looking at me and it does not make me feel uncomfortable. Trust me." I lifted my head and her piercing blue eyes looked straight into mine. My cheeks immediately turned a bit redder but I tried to ignore it, hoping that she didn't notice. Unknown to me, she did and she wasn't upset about it one bit. "So, dinner. What should I make?"
"Actually, I'm going out this evening. You only have to cook for yourself."
"What? You're going out? Again? With who and where?"
"With Alex, she invited me as her plus one to this event and-"
"Lee you can not possibly be serious right now."
"What do you mean?"
"Leah, you had your surgery two months ago and only started rehab, It's going well, yes, but the doctor still said that you have to take things slow especially going out for so long. You already met up with over ten different people in not even two weeks! You have to rest and give your knee a break, please."
"Oh and you suddenly care about that? So you don't want me to return to my normal life and just have fun with my friends? You want me to stay home and just do nothing apart from the rehab? What great best friend you are!"
I tried my best to stay calm, not wanting to start an argument at this moment.
"That's not what I said and you know that. I just don't want you overwork your knee and set you back in you rehab because we both know that that's the last thing you would want right now. You just have to accept that your life is not the same as before right now but-"
"I know that it's not the same! I had to actually come to terms with the change, you didn't! You could just continue your life like nothing happened because nothing happened to you! You didn't tear your acl, you didn't have to undergo surgery, you don't have to go to rehab four times a week because your life didn't change one bit!" I did not expect her to start yelling at me. I just stood there and didn't move, scared that she would just snap again. I did not deserve any of those accusations and I was totally aware of that.
"You know what? Go to your event. Why don't you just stay at Alex' house for that matter? So you two can just party all night long and forget about everything."
I saw in Leah's eyes that she knew she had overstepped a line. "y/n-" She took a step forward and reached for my hand but I stepped back.
"No. You don't get to do that Leah. I know that your life is hard right now but I'm doing everything I can to help and support you. I cook for you, I drive you everywhere, I go to rehab with you because you don't want to feel alone and I even started to work from home just so you don't have to feel lonely in our apartment! And you know why I do that? Because I love you okay? I love you Leah and I would do everything for you, even tear my own acl just so you have someone who feels what you had to feel! I love you way more than I should and I'm sorry that I care about your health and your wellbeing so much."
With those words I left her room and stormed into mine, which was just across from hers. I slammed the door shut before she could even think about following me. Hot tears streamed over my cheeks as I sat down on the edge of my bed. Leah and I rarely argued which I was extremely thankful for. And normally we always apologized to each other minutes after it enden because we couldn't stand the thought of being mad at one another. But not this time. This fight was the biggest one we've had and I knew that it wouldn't just be solved by saying sorry.
Thinking about the fight, I realized what I said to her. Did I actually confess my feelings to her in an argument? Oh god. I let myself fall onto my bed and just wanted to turn back time. How could I be so stupid and let my emotions get the best of me?
About half an hour later I heard Leah's door open. I could hear her stop in front of my door and I imagined her standing there, only a few meters away from me, contemplating what to do or say next. Then she knocked. "y/n?" I couldn't get myself to answer and just continued to stare at my ceiling. At least I had stopped crying now. "I- fuck. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. That argument escalated way too fast and I- I don't even know what I wanna say. I'm sorry. I'm going now, Alex is waiting outside. Call me tomorrow, please."Her voice broke and I could hear that she was as close to crying as I was. And yet, I didn't answer. She was allowed to do whatever she wanted and I was not going to stop her. I listened to her steps as she walked downstairs, struggled to put on her shoes and finally left the house. She didn't slam the door like I did, she closed it carefully, like everything was normal. Except it wasn't. I had this weird feeling like something heavy was laying on my chest and I couldn't breathe properly. Maybe it was good that she left, maybe that was what we needed. A watery smile appeared on my lips when I thought about it. Who was I even kidding? I already missed her even though she only left 10 minutes ago. How pathetic was that? I slowly made my way out of my bed and carefully opened the door as if someone was still here that I could possibly bother. I took the same steps down stairs that Leah took only a few moments ago. The tv was still on pause so I just sat down and continued to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S aimlessly. Just when I thought about calling Keira to tell her about everything that had happened, I heard someone opening the door. Who was that? The only person who had a spare key was Keira and the last time I checked she was in Barcelona. My eyes were fixed on the door. The remote In my right hand, I was ready to throw it at- "Leah?" I lowered my hand and looked at her confused. "What the fuck are you doing here? You're supposed to go out with Alex." My confusion was replaced by slight anger as I recalled the events from earlier. "Oh y/n, I- I didn't expect you to be downstairs. I thought-"
"What are you doing here Leah?"
She closed the door behind here and took her shoes off before she came to sit on the couch next to me. I turned so I could face her and watched her carefully as she placed a bag on the small table next to us. "Please let me talk y/n. I need to apologize to you."
I nodded, signaling her to continue and that I was listening.
"Okay so, I need to tell you that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said any of the things that I said earlier because you don't deserve it. You did everything you could for me and I took it for granted which it's absolutely not. You didn't have to do that and yet you still did because you care for me. You stayed by my side during the time before the surgery, encouraged me right before it and were the first to visit me afterwards. You helped me come home and made me feel more at home than I ever felt before. I want to thank you for that. It might take more than just this apology but I'm willing to do everything for you that you did for me."
"No, I'm not finished." She took my hands in hers and gently stroke her thumb over the back of my hand.
"During those couple months, I could always count on you, you were always there for me. You made me feel things I never felt before. I'm not the best at expressing my emotions and I think you're aware of that." I chuckled and a small smile made its way onto her face. "But this is different. Every time you drove me somewhere, rehab, the store, literally anywhere and put your hand on my thigh to comfort me, it felt like small fireworks exploded in my whole body. I had no idea why that was the case but I just always wanted to be close to you. Every single touch, every single look, every single hug wasn't enough because I wanted to feel you close the entire time. What I'm trying to say is, I think I fell for you. No, scratch that. I'm madly in love with you y/n and when you told me that you felt the same in my room, my brain just couldn't process the fact that you actually said that." She let out a slight chuckle and looked directly into my eyes. "I like you too y/n."
"I- wow. I did not expect that. Are you serious?"
"One hundred twenty percent." I smiled and leaned forward to hug her. "Thank you Lee, I really appreciate it." I felt her place a kiss on my temple and my heart swell at that small gesture. "So what's in that bag?" I asked as I let go of her. "Take out from the Japanese restaurant that you love so much. I thought you might don't wanna cook after this whole thing."
I just looked at her, sitting in front of me, eyes full of love. "Thank you Lee. It's perfect honestly." I grabbed one of the take out boxes and Leah got us two forks from the kitchen. We settled on the couch and continued to watch the episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S that I had started.
I finished before her and 'obliviously' put my hand on her thigh, tracing random patterns on it. I could feel her tense and just grinned. She placed her empty box on the table and I shifted in my seat until I faced her. She sensed my gaze on her and turned her head. "Do I have something on my face?"
"Nope, nothing." I moved my hand up a bit more and Leah's cheeks turned a dark shade of red. "So, I set off small fireworks in you?" I smirked at her teasingly and she just looked down, trying to hide her now crimson red cheeks. I lifted her head with one finger and leaned forward. "Was is too much?"
"Not at all Lee. I'm just glad to know that I'm not alone with that feeling." I whispered against her lips before I closed the gap and enjoyed her soft lips on mine. We parted after a few seconds and I rested my head on her chest. "It might take more than one kiss like that to convince me that you're not lying about this." I grinned and Leah let out a small laugh. "I think that's possible to arrange."
i'm baaack! this maybe took a bit more than a few day but eyyy, at least i finished it. i hope you liked it :)
and this whole text is not proofread so i apologize in advance for any possible mistakes
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creedslove · 1 year
more joel and baby headcanons pleaseee, it ignited my baby fever 😭😭
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: alright bestie, I can't resist Joel as a dad either because he's the best 🥺❤️
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Joel is a tough man and you thought you would never see him cry, until the day you gave birth to your beautiful baby daughter and the moment he held her in his arms for the first time he teared up 
In fact, he managed to wipe a tear that insisted on running down his cheek quickly, but you caught that moment and pretended you didn't so you wouldn't embarrass him 
But from the moment he held his baby daughter in his arms for the first time, he knew there was no turning back: his heart just overflew with love and that little princess had him wrapped around her tiny little finger 
Joel loves his daughter so much he doesn't even have enough words to describe, all the worries and fears he had about maybe being too old to be a dad again and the trauma he had from being abandoned with a newborn were gone in the blink of an eye 
Joel carries her all the time, yeah his back hurts but so what? he is not gonna let that stop him from holding her 
He is so proud of her and he talks about her ALL.THE.TIME to whoever is willing to listen to it 
He keeps pictures of his baby daughter in his wallet because he is old-fashioned™ but he also has his phone full of pics and videos of her smiling or doing something cute 
Whenever he is out, he buys his baby girl something, he just can't help himself, if he sees something cute he's already swiping his credit card because his daughter deserves everything in the world 
Joel is the toughest mf you've ever met, that man doesn't shy away from hard work or a bar fight, but he is terrified of clipping the baby's nails because they are just so tiny so he actually leaves that to you 
But any other baby duty, he's there for you: diaper change, feeding or bathing the baby, he will help you without you even needing to ask, he just knows he's the father and that's his obligation too 
Joel naps with the baby all the time, like his chest is pretty much her second bed because that baby sleeps peacefully all snuggled up against her daddy, she doesn't fuss or cry at all 
If she cries in the middle of the night, he's the first one to get up and check on her, unless Joel is extremely tired and barely wakes up through the cries 
He plays the guitar for the baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When she's already a few months old and is able to sit on the couch, he takes his guitar and strums it gently in front of her, always humming some song 
And she loves it, smiling big and giggling and that absolutely kills Joel because he can't handle how much he loves that little thing 
He doesn't sleep and spends the whole day worried when she's a little sick and he's with you during doctor's appointments whenever he can 
Father's day is simply his favorite day of the year because Sarah usually comes home and he gets to spend the day with his two beautiful daughters and with the love of his life: you ❤️
A/N: I need to give this man a baby 😭🥺
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
Hear me out. Drayton and Kieran with a mute s/o?
(Tbh I feel like Drayton would think they’re just shy for the first couple of interactions until someone tells him though lol)
Okay, I'm not super knowledgable about deaf or mute folks. But here's my best shot at this ask, if I am incorrect about anything please let me know!
My interpretation of this is that reader is deaf and communicates through sign language, and they cannot speak at all.
Drayton and Kieran with a mute/deaf Reader
(Ignore the snom gif I couldn't think of anything specific to use for this lmao)
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Yeah, he's totally clueless at first. Doesn't get why you're doing odd hand motions instead of talking, but he figures everyone has their quirks. It really bothers you that he won't acknowledge it, so you ask Lacey to tell him for you.
When Drayton hears it from Lacey, he feels really bad and is immediately apologetic. He rushes over to you and attempts to apologize, then realizes he doesn't understand sign language at all, so he stumbles on his words a lot.
Lacey facepalms watching all of this go down, so she reluctantly teaches Drayton some basic sign language so he can get his apology across to you. He's delighted to finally be able to talk to you properly-- he has a crush on you, after all.
The rest of the Elite Four soon complains that Drayton studies sign language better than he studies for any of his classes, but he is absolutely determined to make things right with you. Lacey says she's never seen him work that hard!
When he finally confesses to you, he does it right. He makes sure he corrects himself if he messes up a sign, accidentally blurts out a few words while signing-- but you can tell he really means it. It warms your heart to see him trying so hard for you, despite his initial ignorance on the subject.
Drayton notices you get bullied a lot because you're some regular student hanging out with the big leagues (the BBA Elite Four). He IMMEDIATELY shuts down anyone who has the balls to talk shit in front of you knowing you can't hear them. That kind of vile behavior will never be tolerated on his watch.
He texts you a lot. He still talks to you through sign when he sees you in person, but since he's usually busy doing League Club work (or just pretending to be busy), he texts you when he has a moment of free time. At one point you changed his contact name on your phone to "The Drayster", which made his entire WEEK. He would NOT shut up about it.
Don't let this man figure out swears and silly insults in sign language, he's gonna use them all the time now. One time Crispin asked what Drayton was laughing about and he just signed "bullshit" in response which immediately had you on the floor in tears of laughter while Crispin looked SO confused.
Luckily he's more perceptive and understanding than Drayton, so he picks up on your disability right away. Turns out he already knew a bit of sign language from teaching himself too.
When you ask him how he knew sign language already, he just shyly responds that he wanted to be prepared for the event that he needed to communicate with Ogerpon through it for some reason.
He teaches himself a LOT more sign language after meeting you. He really wants to go the extra mile for his new friend and possible crush so he studies and does his research diligently.
Kieran already understands if you're socially awkward, because he's full of anxiety himself. He totally gets it if you need to rely on him to be your translator at any point.
He really loves you and has no problems with your disability, even if he has to try a little harder for you. And after a while, communicating with you becomes easier, which makes you really happy!
After the events of Indigo Disk, he becomes much more protective of you. He wants to become stronger so he can protect you from anyone who tries to bully you or hurt you. His Hydrapple is gonna have a word or two with whichever idiot tries to disrespect your name in his presence.
Whenever he greets you, he tries not to catch you off guard from behind or something, since you can't exactly hear him coming. He really tries to respect your boundaries too, so if you feel uncomfortable with anything he does, he understands.
Slightly unrelated, but Kieran definitely flips people off a lot. He tries to be less pissed when he's around you, but on his own? He's saying "fuck you" to a LOT of people.
One time he tried explaining to a guy about your disability, and the guy had the nerve to do the 👉👌 sign at you as some kind of sick joke... the BBA Elite Four found that guy beaten into a bloody pulp on the ground later. Kieran was taking NO prisoners that day.
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champi8n · 2 years
die for you | ethan landry
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ethan landry x fem reader
warnings: slightly suggestive
sypnosis: ethan isn’t sure wether his feelings for you are unrequited until he finally opens his eyes
ethan had been watching you for a while and he believes developing feelings for you has been one of the worst things to ever happen to him
you and ethan met at a frat party through chad, he thought it would be a good idea to introduce you two to each other since according to chad you both fit perfectly in his definition of “geeks”
geeks are often associated to be losers like him but ethan knew from the moment he laid his eyes on you that you were no geek, he knew from the way you spoke to him so confidently and how you’re body language radiated control
he knew from how he had seen you dancing earlier and from how he wasn’t able to take his eyes off you, well it wasn’t just him but what in his eyes is everybody
you were charming and you had him wrapped around your finger from that first conversation, ethan remembers the sound of your laughter as he told you a dumb star wars joke and how your eyes seemed to sparkle from the low lights in the room
you stayed with him in a corner of the party all night and ethan is sure you only did that because you felt bad as you realised he was left alone, yet he wasn’t complaining because from that day on you guys became good friends
you and ethan had a free period at the same time so when you saw him waiting by a cafe near campus you approached him straight away without a single drop of shyness
was he shocked? yes, he wasn’t used to being approached in such a warm manner by people he’s only talked to once, he was more used to people pretending he doesn’t exist after they’ve had conversations with him yet he wasn’t complaining about that change in his routine
you guys talked about anything and soon you became someone very special in his heart, he knew he felt attraction towards you from when he first met you but he didn’t expect attraction to turn into real feelings
“what if you just tell her you have a friend that looks just likes you that thinks she’s fine?” chad spoke
ethan had been laying on the floor of their room staring at the roof for around an hour while having a small therapy session with chad
he wasn’t really sure how chad could help him get over his feelings for you but he definitely knew more than himself, he was inexperienced, clumsy, and he’s gotten rejected by all of his crushes with them saying “ew” at him
“she’s obviously gonna know i’m talking about myself, chad” ethan sighed, turning his head to the left to make eye contact with chad “you know she once told me about how she hates being hit on, what if she starts hating me?”
“that’s not gonna happen because she obviously has the feels for you” ethan frowned, almost sure that chad was probably delusional
“i don’t know what world you’re living in, but i’m quite sure she will never look at me that way, it’s like she doesn’t take me seriously”
“are you kidding? ethan i’ve seen the way y/n looks at you and believe me i’ve heard her talk about you too” as soon as those words came out of chad’s mouth, ethan immediately sat up intrigued
“what has she said?” chad notices the light in ethan’s eyes and proceeds to let out a chuckle at seeing how childishly in love he looks
“well whenever she sees me she asks about you, or when we are talking she brings you up at random moments” a tiny smile begins to form in ethan’s face, he’s using all of his force to try and block that smile away but the joy of knowing you talk about him too is overwhelming for him “oh wait, i just remembered something... we once played smash or pass and she said she would smash you” chad said "she didn't even hesitate, I remember"
ethan’s jaw dropped a little bit at the unexpected comment causing chad to burst out laughing even more
“shut up, it’s not funny!” ethan threw a pillow at him, flustered and embarrassed at how chad seemed entertained with his excitement
“god you’re such a virgin” chad said between chuckles, causing ethan to stand up ready to defend himself
but as he was walking towards chad, the two of them heard something. three knocks at the door left him and chad frozen while they both stared at the source of the noise
it was midnight and he wasn’t used to the door being knocked at such late hours, specially on a tuesday
him and chad share a confused look and as ethan is slowly walking towards the door to peek through the peep hole, two more knocks were heard but this time accompanied with a voice
“ethan? it’s me”
he heard you whisper and as soon as you did he felt panic run through his body as he realised he was only wearing a black tank top paired with R2 D2 pijama trousers
he was going to try and change his outfit quick but his fear came true as soon as chad opened the door, revealing you with a zip up sweater and low waisted jeans
“hey y/n, what’s up?” chad smiled at you, gesture which you did back “i was just going out to buy some … crack” chad said, leaving you a little bit confused but you weren’t gonna question it
“okay, have fun…i guess?” you watched as chad walked off, mumbling a yep, making you lay your eyes back on ethan
you had never seen ethan wearing anything like what he was wearing and you were completely not expecting it
you let your eyes wander for a minute, looking at him shamelessly, you could feel your heart racing as you realise how muscly he actually was and how strong he seems, yet it was all contrasted with his pijama bottoms and you couldn’t help but think he’s adorable
ethan did not let that go pass him, he saw the way you had checked him out and a light pink covered his cheeks, embarrassed and at the same time curious on wether you liked what you see
“are you okay, shouldn’t you be finishing your log?” ethan asked, you had mentioned earlier this week you had a final piece of coursework for your major
you were a fashion major so your work for school was almost always practical
“i know but i just…” you paused, mouth dry at the sight of him and fingers fidgeting because of your nerves “i needed to see you”
ethan raises his eyebrows, surprised at the remark and honestly speechless
“move, let me come in” you pushed past him, making yourself comfortable in his bed trying to leave what you said behind, ethan followed you with his eyes, closing the door behind him and sitting backwards on chad’s chair
“I need you to be my model for my piece and I must take your measurements” you dropped one of the reasons for your visit, ready to hear ethan's complaining
“no!" he said, not even thinking it through "there is no way in hell I'm modeling"
“why not? you're perfect model material" you sat up in his bed, looking at him with pleading eyes
"are you crazy? chad is more model material than me, models are meant to be pretty-"
"and you're pretty, you're a pretty boy!" you cut him off, not even thinking twice before letting your thoughts out
ethan raised his eyebrows at your comment, letting his mouth fall open but he couldn't seem to form anything coherent to say
noticing how you left him speechless you decide to keep talking "please just be my model, i really want to make you something"
the boy sighed, he felt powerless under your gaze and at the same time at complete peace
"fine" he rolled his eyes and you immediately jumped out of his bed to give him a warm hug that was well received by ethan since you could feel him caressing your back
"thank you, thank you, thank you! i promise you won't regret it, it's going to be so much fun" you pulled back, smiling at him and pulling from your back pocket a roll of measuring tape
"wow you knew I wasn't going to say no, didn't you?” ethan asked seeing how moved to chad's desk, grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil and putting them on the floor next to him
"okay, here's what i need you to do, you're gonna stand still and look pretty, okay" you grabbed his shoulders as you spoke and then proceeded to kneel down in front of him
you caught him off guard a hundred percent, i mean, you were on your knees in front of him and his brain forgot what you actually intended to do until he saw your hand reach for the measuring tape
he gulped as he looked down on you and he tried to focus on literally anything else that would push his dirty thoughts away yet his attempts were useless as he felt your hands around his waist raising his tank top up a little and wrapping the tape around his skin
you moved to his side and then wrote down on the piece of paper a number he couldn't really see from where he was
after that you measured his leg length and then stood up to do his shoulders and torso, you seemed so concentrated he couldn't help but admire the way you bit your lip and the way your eyes mildly squinted to read the numbers in the tape
there was silence but it wasn't awkward, it was comfortable and he swore he could stay like this forever, watching you do your work and appreciating every small detail about you
"one sec" you said, interrupting his thoughts, you took off your zip up sweater leaving it in the hanger the boys had in their room, revealing the white tube top you had hidden underneath, leaving ethan stunned
you weren't naive and you noticed how ethan's adam's apple bounced as his eyes looked away from you, happy on the inside that you seemed to have an effect on him
"you seem nervous" you walked towards him, a small smile painted in your face from how he couldn't look you in the eye "you're going to be amazing as my model, you shouldn't be" he looked at you, giving you a tense smile
ethan felt a little relieved since he thought you had caught on to him yet his eyes followed your movements as you put your arms on his shoulders, massaging them slowly and ready to make your move
"you’re acting as if you have a little crush…" you teased him, seeing how his eyes widened “on me”
“what?!” he screamed followed by incoherent words and stuttering “I don't know what you're talking about, I don't... like you” he stated, hoping he sounded believable
disappointment ran through your body, feeling how your chest started to feel heavy as embarrassment got a hold of you
he noticed how your expression changed and how you almost seemed sad, yet he couldn't understand why
until it hit him, what if he was wrong all along? what if chad was right and you actually felt the same as him? what if he just ruined his chances with you and he just hurt your feelings on accident?
he stood there frozen in his place as you put strands of your hair behind your ear, quickly moving to pick up the measuring tape from the floor and the piece of paper, folding it as fast as you can and putting it in your back pocket
you were confident and strong but if you were being honest it was mostly a big facade and deep inside you can't help but be extremely sensitive, no matter how much you try to hide it
you felt like an idiot as you quickly rolled the measuring tape, thinking about how stupid of you it was to have such the audacity to be as delusional to listen to your friends and believe ethan could actually feel something for you too
you were dying of nerves as you walked to his dorm that evening yet as you stood outside you were built with courage to try and make a real move on ethan today, not just telling him his hair looked nice or that you liked his shirt like you always did
now you were just filled with regret as you couldn't even look him in the eyes “i'm going to go now, I'll text you if um, when the piece is done”
you quickly walked towards his door, wanting to escape the silence that was slowly becoming unbearable for you as fast as you could, not even bothering to get your zip up
as you opened the door ready to walk away you heard him move behind you and soon you felt a hand wrap around your arm, pulling you back harshly
“don’t please” he said before quickly engulfing you in a soft kiss
your hands found their place in his hair as his went to your waist, you caressed his hair as you felt him feel your back
the kiss was soft and gentle, yet the innocence of the kiss quickly escalated into a hungry kiss, he bit softly at your lip to your surprise but you were not going to complain
it was almost desperate but at the same time deeply sentimental almost as if he was transmitting all of his feelings and desires to you, he had longed for you for a while now and he needed you to know
soon you were pressed against his wall as you wished for the moment to never end but of course, all that's good has to end
as you both were running out of breath he pulled away from you in a delicate manner, leaving you feeling as if you were going to melt away from how overwhelmed you felt by your own feelings
he chuckled lightly, resting his forehead on your shoulder and you did the same, laughing in disbelief at what just happened
“are you sure you're a virgin?” you asked, making him laugh even more, you could see his chest going up and down from him trying to catch his breath again
he looked up at you again, big wide smile on his face, his cheeks had a red flush and his eyes glittered, making you have a funny feeling in your stomach at how perfect he looked
“just in case you didn't catch the hint... i like you a lot” he said, making you smile in relief
“no way, really?” you said jokingly, making him roll his eyes “if you really do then I think you should go on a date with me tomorrow” his eyebrows raised in surprise, did you just ask him out on a date?
“you're going to kill me someday” he said, walking backwards and brushing a hand through his hair, you bite your lip, nervous but trying to not let the nerves get the best of you
“is that a yes?” you ask and you look as he laughs
“of course it's a yes dumbass, can you not see how flustered you've made me?” you chuckle, looking at him with glowy eyes, completely immersed in the boy in front of you “why are you looking at me like that?”he asked
“like what?”you replied, completely oblivious to what he meant, making him sigh
“with those eyes, you’re making me nervous!” he replied making you laugh
“well then i’m gonna leave now so you can relax” you said as you walked over to the hanger, getting your zip up to then head towards the already open door
ethan rested his arm on the door frame, leaning towards it as you stood outside “will you call?” he asked, making you want to kiss him again
“no, i’ll send a bird to your window holding a message, it’s more romantic” you leaned in to kiss him cheek and with that you start walking away
“text me when you get to your room” he screamed down the hallway, watching you as you turned back while you walked
“i will!” you reply with a smile, swinging your hips as you walked away overwhelmed with happiness
ethan closed his door and went straight fall on his bed, he couldn’t get that dumb smile off his face and he laughed at himself because of how wrong he was, he doesn’t know what you saw in him but who’s he to complain? he finally has the girl of his dreams smiling because of him
he’s grateful to whatever it was because now that he has you, he doesnt plan on letting you go
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bookishdaze · 5 months
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Review. More like Rambling and Word Vomiting.
I saw it last night. Finally. After so long!
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I personally thought it was good, and a solid addition to the POTA franchise. I don't think it's better than Dawn or War, but I'm willing to bet that by the time the full trilogy is out, Kingdom is gonna be looked back upon as a good beginning to Noa and Mae's story, the same way Rise, despite being most people's least favorite of the Caesar trilogy, is still an amazing intro to Caesar's story.
Some nitpicks. Despite the movie being 2.5 hours long, I felt like the final act came too fast? Like, I understand what people meant with the pacing issue. Suddenly we were in the 3rd act and I was like "Wait, we're here? It's done?"
Now, onto the characters! Let the fangirling commence!
I loved seeing how his journey and character started and where he ends by the end of the movie.
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Him going from "That is the law" to "That is the law. But the law is wrong" was so satisfying.
And him being able to call the eagles to him by the end was great to see. By the way, THE SINGING SCENE WITH THE EAGLES???? LIKE???? It could've been so corny but I LOVED IT???
I'm so glad this movie answered the question of whether apes can sing. Yeah, I know they are only humming, but I'LL TAKE IT. APES CAN SING. YESSSS!
He was just a really nice character to follow. I can't wait to see how he'll be like in the next movie after the events of this one transformed him.
I also think he is the kind of protagonist we need after Caesar. I love Caesar, but Noa is....hmm, I guess you could say softer? More naive? I'm sure he'll get tougher as the movies progress like Caesar did, but I like this change.
I am a Mae defender. Yes, she did betray Noa in the end. I expected her to tbh. And I understand why she did it. She was right in that Proximus getting his hands on those weapons would've been disastrous.
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She has probably been taught all her life nothing but bad things about the apes. She was not going to switch sides just because she met Noa. We still got two whole movies after this. She probably won't have her "redemption" until the 3rd movie. I can honestly go on rambling about her, but I'd rather save that for another separate post.
I really like him. He's great and funny. I love seeing how he talks about humans and his hopes for humans and apes.
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Right before he dies, he reminds Noa "Together, strong." His final words and his necklace as a gift to Noa serve as a reminder. A reminder of a hopeful future where apes and humans can coexist. (And then Noa passing along that same necklace to Mae? Bringing a reminder of that hope for peace into her world? Ugh. So good.)
Also, "He was my village." LIKE. DID HE LOSE HIS PARTNER? MY HEART.
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I thought he was cool. He gave my mother and I a jump scare at the dinner scene where he slams his fist. Also, the way he was just in awe of the gun after Lightning dies. He has his priorities.
Soona and Anaya
Those two were so cute, and I loved their friendship with Noa.
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Anaya broke my heart. In the beginning at the tunnel scene, he's all like "Anaya is not scared." But at Proximus's kingdom, he looks terrified at the dinner scene, and before he goes on the mission to climb the wall, he goes "Anaya is scared" and didn't want to go. Poor guy. He pulled through in the end though.
Although *puts on tinfoil hat* this makes me wonder if this foreshadows how his fear will lead him to make a big mistake in the future movies. Similar to what happened with Winter.
Soona was so sweet. Although I'm disappointed we didn't get more of her with Noa. I saw an interview where Soona's actress described a moment where after they are reunited, they kind of make known their feelings for each other or something like that. But...it didn't happen?
Mae and Noa
Alrighty, I'm gonna briefly put on my shipping goggles on, bear with me, because one has to be a teensy bit delusional for this type of stuff, BUT....
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I sensed a....vibe? Not a romantic vibe. They are nowhere close to that yet. But I felt like there were tropes and scenes between them that simply imply a romantic path is a possible direction for their relationship. I will make a separate post about them. I wanna wrap this up, lol.
The ending
I liked the ending. It has me so excited for the future of this trilogy. Now that the humans are able to communicate with others, what will this mean? How will Mae be torn between her people and the apes? Same with Noa? I need to know naooooo
8.5/10 stars (I ain't done rambling about this movie yet. But it's my birthday, and I gotta go out and have some dinner, hehe).
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
do you write angst? in case can i ask for some angst with kylian where reader is his girlfriend but he’s having another relationship with a model because of pr and reader feels like she’s not good enough because she always has to hide and she can’t go in public with him and she gets tired of it so they break up ? like some toxic kylian who cares more about his career and then realises how stupid he was but it’s too late? thank uuu
in my lana del rey moment
kylian mbappe x reader
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The other woman
“Do you really have to go?” you asked him as you were watching him getting ready in your master bedroom.
Kylian was invited to some kind of football event and, of course, he was attending it with his fake girlfriend instead of bringing you. You knew how it worked but it didn’t make it hurt any less.
“Yes mon amour…I have to go” he said not even looking at you while he was wearing his black leather jacket.
“But with her?”
“Y/n…we’ve been here a lot of times…I don’t wanna fight tonight” he said turning his head over you.
You hated it.
You and Kylian have been dating for over a year now and even if all of your family and friends knew about your relationship, the public eye didn’t know. At first, it was you who asked him to keep your relationship private because you were terrified of how the media would portrait you and a couple of months later his manager agreed on faking a relationship for Kylian just to help a new model rise.
A lot of Kylian fans knew that this relationship was fake, they saw how Kylian faked being happy around her, they even suspected he was in a relationship with someone else and that made you feel a little bit better.
But it was the constant fake kissing or holding hands in public that made you feel uncomfortable and jealous, only because she was able to do something you couldn’t.
You talked about it with Kylian and no matter how many times he reassured you, saying you were the one he was coming home to, the only one who had his heart and the only one who made his heart beat, you always felt inferior when he was with her.
“I don’t wanna fight too Kyky…but it’s just, what if the roles were inverted? What if I was the one dating someone else just for stunt! Wouldn’t you be jealous?” you asked him.
“Of course I would be jealous mon amour…but it’s not about you, we both agreed on keeping this relationship between us, what’s changing now?” he asked sitting on the bed next to you.
“The fact that we’ve been dating for a year now and never once you took me out of this four walls? The fact that you spent valentine’s day with her this year just because your manager told you so? When I was here waiting for you to come back home but I haven’t seen you until the morning after? It feels like I’m the only one in this relationship Kylian and its tiring” you said completely breaking down.
“Let’s not start this now…I really have to go, we’ll talk about it when I come back home okay?” he said kissing your forehead.
“You’re not even listening to me Kylian!” you screamed, so mad at the fact that you just gave him your heart, talked about your emotions and what was scaring you and he simply shoved you off because - apparently - this football even was more important than you.
“I said not now y/n…” he tried to keep it low but he was getting irritated.
“If not now, when?” you asked, not even caring if you were a sobbing mess.
“I’m running late…when I come back home we’re gonna talk about it okay!” he shouted at you.
“When you’ll come back home I’ll be somewhere else Kylian…” you warned him but he simply scoffed, not believing a word you were saying.
“I’ll be back in a few hours” he said closing the door behind him and leaving the apartment.
That gave you two or three hours to pack everything you had in his apartment and leave.
You had no time to cry or throw a tantrum even if all you wanted to do right now was sitting in your shower and let the water wash away all the stress and pain you were feeling.
You opened your spotify and put some good old Lana Del Rey songs and started packing your clothes in the suitcase you kept under your bed.
The moment your heard “The other woman” starting on your playlist your heart missed a few beats. You’ve never understood the lyrics of the song until now, until now that you were the other woman even if she was supposed to be the other woman.
But you remembered your mom’s words - “if a man makes you cry not tears of joy then, that man doesn’t deserve you at all”. Was this your case?
You’ve always been happy with Kylian but everything started going downhill a few months ago.
Once you finished packing your clothes you called a taxi and waited for it to arrive. You had no idea where you were going to stay but you wanted to leave that apartment all for once.
You decided to stay in some hotel for the night and then calling a friend of you in the morning, seeing if she could host you for a few days until you decided what to do.
Kylian came home around 2 am and he was greeted with silence.
He thought that maybe you were sleeping but when he saw the bed that was made and the closet half empty he knew you weren’t kidding when you said you were leaving.
“Where are you baby?” he texted you.
“Y/n please answer me I’m worried” he texted a few minutes after.
“I’m worried baby please come back home” he texted again.
Truth was that he was mad at himself for completely ignoring you and made you feel like your feelings didn’t matter. He knew he messed up badly when you started crying earlier, he knew he shouldn’t have left when you were feeling bad, he knew he acted as a complete dick when he put his career and that stupid football event over your emotions and now he was paying the consequences of his own actions.
“I’m fine but stop texting me, I need time” you texted him back.
“Time for what?”
“Baby answer me please, I’m so sorry”
“Okay I’ll give you space if you need it but please know how sorry I am, I never meant to make you cry or feel uncomfortable. Please believe me. I hope you’re safe, have a good night, I love you” he texted you and you left him on read.
You cried reading his last message, you knew Kylian was saying the truth but what hurt you the most was that he realised his love when it was too late.
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gennyanydots · 11 months
Really? Now?
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Jake “Hangman” Seresin x f!reader
Part of the “Spitfire” Universe but can be read alone.
At this point in your life you barely remember what life without Jake was like, not that you ever wanted to remember a time without him. You knew in your heart that Jake was your person- the one you were to spend the rest of your life with.
Being with Jake has always been a little challenging. Not because of him, of course, he was the most perfect boyfriend you’ve ever had but because you swore the Navy loved to keep the two of you apart. Some days when you were feeling particularly down you swear the Navy must be plotting against your love. You always picture a whole room of Navy admirals sitting around a table, with a map laid out in front of them, deciding where the least convenient place was to send Jake, a bulletin board on the wall has a calendar with all the important dates for the two of you circled in red so the admirals knew exactly when to send Jake off somewhere or when to deny him leave.
But for once you’ve thwarted their attempts to keep the two of you apart! You were spending your first Thanksgiving together at Jake’s family farm, despite being together for five years. His parents always invite you despite Jake not being able to attend but you have always politely turned the offer down. You love his parents but being there without Jake would feel weird to you and you’d miss Jake extra, so you’ve never gone. Until now.
Jake was able to get the whole week off so he made it to the farm a couple days before you were able to fly out which you were glad about. You didn’t want to monopolize Jake’s time at home even though you know his family would understand. Jake needed time with his family without you. Didn’t need his girlfriend following after him like a little lost duck his whole leave despite his very vocal protests.
“Darlin, I want nothing more than for you to follow me around all day every day for the rest of my life.”
“How am I sposed to show you off to my whole hometown if you’re only there for a couple a days?”
“Mama’s gonna think you don’t love her as much if you don’t spend the whole week with me. You gonna break my mama’s heart, darlin?”
That last one almost got you to cave but you stuck to your guns and decided that flying in to Texas on Tuesday night would be the plan. Jake had the whole week at home so he got there Saturday night and was leaving the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Three ish days seemed like a good amount of time for Jake to be home alone with his family.
Those three days have seemed to be torture for Jake if the text messages he’s sent you are anything to go off of.
“I miss you.”
“I’m bored here without you.”
“Can’t we just change your plane ticket? I’ll pay for it.”
“I’m about ready to just hop in the truck and drive to your apartment and pick you up.”
It would take him longer to come get you than it would to just wait until you flew in but there’s really no reasoning with a pouty Jake. You had to text his mom just to make sure he didn’t go through with his ridiculous idea. She hid his keys from him. He pouted more.
Finally, after three long days and an over three hour flight you were finally stepping off the plane to see your favorite pouty man child.
It takes you about a half an hour to figure out where to go to find Jake, airports are never simple to navigate. You see him before he sees you which meant you got to watch his face the second his eyes fell upon you. The biggest smile you had ever seen passed over his face as he broke out into a jog to get to you as fast as he could without running into others. You giggle as you rush towards him. As soon as you are within arms reach, Jake lifts you up into his arms, holding you as tight as he could against himself as he buries his face in your neck. You drop your bag and wrap yourself around him and take a moment to soak up the feeling of being surrounded by Jake, the feeling of being home.
“I missed you so much,” you almost miss his words as they’re mumbled into your neck.
“We saw each other last month!” You say with a laugh.
Jake shakes his head the best he can while his face is still pressed against your neck, “It felt like an eternity since you’ve been in my arms.”
“You’re so dramatic.”
Jake chuckles and finally pulls his face out of its hiding spot to gaze into your eyes, “Only about you, darlin.”
“Hi,” you whisper to him, his face only a breath away from yours.
“Hi,” he whispers back, a genuine smile plastered on his face. You scrunch your nose as he places a soft kiss on the tip of it, making you giggle. “Are you ready to get out of here? We got a whole herd of people waitin’ to meet you at the house.”
You scrunch your eyebrows in question, “But like how many people? You didn’t say anything about meeting lots of people today.”
Jake shrugs, “My family is all excited for Thanksgiving so they wanted to come and visit with everyone from out of town at the ranch before the prep work tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Nana’s even back at the house.”
“Nana? I thought she never leaves the nursing home anymore.”
“Pops thought he’d spring her from the joint for a few days. She’s goin back Thursday after dinner,” Jake explains.
“Oh okay,” you say worrying your lip. You hadn’t expected to meet everyone today. You thought you would at least have the day to yourselves, but this is Jake’s leave and you weren’t about to dictate what happens during it. There would be plenty of time together after everyone goes home.
Jake kisses you quickly before setting you back on the ground and taking your hand to lead you out to his truck. The next half hour is spent soaking up your alone time with Jake in the truck, catching up on the little things that rarely get talked about over the phone.
As the truck pulled up to the Seresin farm house you were feeling a bit anxious. You knew Jake’s family were all nice, you’ve met his parents many times so everyone else has to be friendly at least, but large groups of new people makes anyone a little uneasy. You knew you were never going to remember anyone’s name. Despite Jake being an only child, his extended family was huge.
You fiddle with your finger nails while Jake parks the truck.
He looks over at you with a smile and a pat on your thigh, “Ready?”
You nod and he tells you to stay put.
Jake got out of the truck on his side and jogged around to your side to open the door for you.
You smile as you hop out then reach up to kiss his cheek.
Jake flashes you a grin as he reaches into the truck to grab your bags. He lifts them easily, shuts the door, then grabs your hand to pull you towards the front door.
The two of you are almost at the door when it swings open to reveal Jake’s mom rushing towards you with her arms out stretched.
“My baby girl is back home!” She says as she pulls you into an enthusiastic hug.
You hug her back and then get passed off to Jake’s dad who hugs you as well while welcoming you into the house where you’re met with about 30 people all standing up to greet you.
The next half hour is a blur of handshakes, hugs, and introductions. You’re pretty sure you’ve already forgotten everyone’s name except Jake’s grandmother and that’s only because she’s just Nana. Kinda hard to forget.
Eventually the commotion dies down and Jake’s mom announces it’s time for dinner. Since she has to cook for the next two days she had ordered enough pizza for everyone. It turns into a frenzy of everyone trying to get pizza all at the same time. You quietly sit down next to Nana who seems to be the only other person not trying to fight their way to the pizza boxes.
“You’d swear that everyone hasn’t eaten in days with how this family acts around food. God knows they all take after my husband. I tried to teach them all manners but clearly they didn’t stick,” Nana explains, gesturing to the mob of people.
You snicker and she shoots you a wink.
Jake walks over with a plate in each hand. He leans down to kiss his nana on the cheek then leans down to do the same to you before he hands you both a plate of pizza each before heading back.
Nana nudges you softly, “Maybe I spoke too soon.”
You and nana happily eat your pizza chit chatting together. You learn that Ethel at the home has been cheating at poker and nana is sure that the plan she’s concocted will catch her in the act. You also learn that Fred has been flirting with one of the new nurses and nana thinks he is laying it on a little too thick to be appropriate.
Someone announces that they have the fire going in the backyard and nana decides that the two of you must go out enjoy the night together, but first she makes you promise not to say anything about Fred or her plan to catch Ethel. You told her you swear on your life not to tell a soul before you help her outside to an empty lawn chair. Everyone seems to have made their way outside by the time you make it out with Nana.
Jake walks up behind you once you get nana settled and grabs your hand, pulling you away from everyone else.
You glance behind yourself to wave bye to nana and notice most everyone has their eyes glued to you. Weird. You’re not too sure you like that but you turn back to look where you’re going and try and ignore the eyes you feel are staring at the back of your head.
You notice Jake check his pocket and while you’re not too sure how you know you just know that Jake is about to propose. This is it. Has to be it.
“Really? Now?” You whine at him and drag your feet a little.
“What?” He asks as he stops walking. The two of you are still within earshot of everyone.
You put your hands on your hips, “You’re really doing this right now? Really?”
Jake looks at you exasperatedly, “Yes, right now. Do you know how long I’ve had this thing?”
You shrug, “Since I sent you the link of the ring I wanted?”
Jake sighs, “Yes, since you sent me the link. It’s not my fault. You’re the one who wanted a simulated diamond ring. I didn’t have to save as much money for it than I expected.”
“The amount of times I walk away from things is too many for you to buy me an expensive ring. Or what if I lose it? No. You’re not spending some stupid amount of money on a ring. It’s just flat out dumb. You’re also not giving me a ring with sentimental value. I’ll feel like an asshole when I lose it,” you explain.
“I know, darlin, I know. You’ve told me all of this. Can I get down on one knee now?” He asks.
You shrug, “I guess I can’t stop you.”
Jake rolls his eyes as he gets down on one knee and takes both of your hands, “Darlin, I’m not quite sure what to do with you, never have been, but I want to spend the rest of my life trying to figure that out. I want to save you from getting your ass beat by men a foot taller than you every day for the rest of our lives. Maybe not every day. Maybe like once a month. It doesn’t matter. Anyways, you are my greatest joy. The best part of my day, every single day. I am sick to death of the Navy keeping us apart and this is the best way to make sure I get to keep you with me. Where you should be. With the nature of my job we’ll still get separated at times but knowing that no matter what you’ll be taken care of will make it so much easier on my heart when I’m away. I want to be able to wake up next to you every chance I get until the day I die. I want to have cute little smartass babies with you that will get me into as much trouble as their mama. I want everything with you, anything with you, because you are all I need in this world to keep me happy. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?”
“Did you ask my sister?”
Jake furrows his brows, “Did I do what now?”
You let out a huff, “Did you or did you not ask my sister?”
“What? Yeah, I asked your sister. You told me I had to. You think I got a ring and planned a whole proposal out without asking your sister?”
You shrug, “I wouldn’t be surprised. Sometimes you don’t listen.”
Jake stares at you, “Is this really happening right now?”
“Did you expect anything less from me?”
“Maybe some tears.”
“Have you met me?” You ask raising an eyebrow.
Jake shrugs, “Clearly I wasn’t thinking straight. Could you maybe give me an answer please? Everyone is staring at us and it’s starting to wear on me.”
You laugh, “Of course I’ll marry you, idiot. You’re the love of my life.”
Jake grins and stands up, wrapping his arms around you to lift you up then yells, “She said yes!”
Jake’s family cheers from their seats. You look over and see Jake’s mom clutching his dad’s arm tightly with tears streaming down her face.
“Your mom is crying so at least you made someone cry,” you say to Jake while laughing.
Jake slides you back to the ground, “She’s crying because she finally gets to say your her daughter. I’m pretty sure she loves you more than she loves me.”
“I KNOW she loves me more than you. Your dad too. How does it feel to be second best?” You ask playfully.
Jake laughs, “With you in first place I’m surprised I even made second place.”
You lean up to kiss him but stop just in front of his lips, “At least you’re first place in my heart every time.”
He pumps a fist, “Yes!”
You laugh as you close the distance between his lips and yours as a thought comes over you, you have a LOT of names to learn.
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eitaababe · 2 years
— chapter 20. not him.
a/n — it's a fun one buckle up lads
series masterlist. | previous / next
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written portion below. —
you were pretty sure you were on the brink of insanity.
knowing the conversation that awaited with the male sitting just across the classroom from you made you jitter in your seat, kiri having to calm you down and force you to focus every ten minutes or so.
from the looks on his face, you were almost positive ao'nung knew what was to come, and you hated yourself for it. he was perfect on paper, and always someone you could rely on.
so how could you have it in you to break his heart?
because someway, somehow, neteyam made you feel complete. you couldn't imagine yourself without him, even if you both had your faults. you pushed the guilt aside for just a moment, letting yourself forget what you had to do.
until your professor wrapped up the lecture.
you glanced over at ao'nung, the two of you sharing a nod, and with an exhale, grabbed your things and headed towards the door, waiting for students to file out.
you picked your head up to match the familiar voice, sending a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes.
"you wanted to talk?"
"i'm sorry," you started out, and ao'nung nodded, and you assumed he already knew. "i'm so sorry— i didn't- eywa i didn't mean for any of it to go this way. i just can't-"
"you can't control how you feel, i get it," he kissed his teeth, looking down at his shoe laces. "it's always been neteyam for you. part of me always knew that. i was just kinda hoping i was wrong. and i know i was out of line when i tried to keep it from you, i should've never done that."
"i shouldn't have blown up on you," you sympathized, heart squeezing when you noticed the soft glaze in his eyes. "but i meant everything i said, when i was with you. i meant everything, and if i could've changed anything to not rope you into this mess i swear i would. i just don't want you to hate me." you finished quietly, hoping he would meet your eye.
"i could never hate you," he smiled sadly, "but i'm gonna be honest— i'm hurt. and i can't talk to you knowing we'll only ever be friends."
you nodded in disappointment, knowing he was right. "i get it," you bit the inside of your cheek, unsure of what to say. "if it means anything— i'm sorry. again. and i'm here if you ever need to reach out and need somebody."
"thank you," he shot a grateful look your way, bringing you into an embrace. "and it means everything, y/n." he held you for a moment probably too long, shutting his eyes and pretending that maybe, for just a moment, you were his.
"i'll see you around?" you spoke, squeezing his hand reassuringly when he nodded.
you turned away, walking further and further away from ao'nung, missing the way he stood still, missing your warm embrace.
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─── neteyam !
it had been about a week since neteyam's met up with you, and he swear he's going to lose his mind if he has to wait any longer.
and yes, he knows, it was originally his idea to wait and give you time before getting back into another relationship with him, but he's really starting to think how much he took holding you for granted. it didn't help you were busy the past few days, out applying for some jobs, so you two didn't have your daily breakfast trips together.
so he opted for a cup of coffee on his day off, figuring he could get ahead on some of his work rather than procrastinating (probably with you) later on.
with a hot cup of coffee on his left and a notebook on his right, alongside with a computer screen in front of him, neteyam was finally able to buckle down, feeling contempt for the first time in the past few days.
it didn't last for long, when a familiar blonde caught his eye.
attempting to avert his gaze, neteyam practically buried his head in the computer, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand and somehow avoid violet all at once. the plan wasn't foolproof, clearly, as she spotted him almost immediately and invited herself over where she clearly wasn't welcome.
he winced at the sound of his nickname, it felt almost forbidden not falling from your lips, and your lips only.
"hey, violet."
"i've been texting you, have you been getting them?"
"can't say i have." he lied, not wanting to have another cafe fiasco with the girl.
"that's so weird," she huffed, taking out her phone. "maybe i could just get your number then? so that we don't have any more cross ups."
"violet, look—"
"neteyam," she cut him off, sitting across the table from him and grasping his hands, missing the way he went stiff at her touch. "i know things might have been a little rocky lately, but all couples go through things like this and..."
whatever violet was going on about was lost on him, and time seemed to pause when he saw you, walking through the cafe. you looked like an angel, the sunlight kissing your face and highlighting your features, a smiling gracing you as well.
a smile that quickly faded at the sight of him.
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— y/n and lo'ak are planning to apply as baristas at the cafe so when they saw neteyam's post they were going to surprise him there
— violet's starting to suspect neteyam and y/n have something going on so she went to the cafe to talk to neteyam about what they were
— lo'ak saw what was happening inside the cafe and tried to stall y/n before she could walk in the cafe
taglist #1 / closed ! @n7ytiri @ilovejakesullysdick @possysblog @love-chx @evphology @afro-hispwriter @ydsm-29 @goldeneywa @doulcha @krazy-kattzz @squid4 @blairrrrrr @neteyamforlife @dreamtogether2000 @444lyra @ambria @cawi00 @calums-betch @powowowy @fadingpalacebonkpsychic @elegantkidfansoul @kolsmikaelson @mirikusashes @yukichan67 @goodiesinthecloset21 @netemoon @teyums @littlethingsinlife @coconut-dreamz @anm3mi @jjkclub @il0veheartz @liyahsocorro @drugs-for-memes @zendayaswrld101 @grierpilots @misscaller06 @lightskinloak @mommyneytiri @inluvwithneteyam @halibanana @iheartamajiki @ipoopedmypants47 @neigesprincess @lookiiheh @ghostjoohoney @ronalsgirl @alwayswndr @khaleesi56 @azaleaniath
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nautls11 · 18 days
my rambles about the tmk finale (SPOILERS, obviously)
whats up tmk famalam, im sad and im gonna talk about it
I cant even begin to describe how incredible the finale was. The players and the dice both had a story to tell and it created an end that brought me to tears.
The acting.
Genuinely some of the best ive seen in the entire show and I’ve been watching since convergence. Every single person absolutely killed it, Condi especially. Lucia’s moments with Mary, and Milo’s acting during the final scene was absolutely phenomenal
“Humanity’s weakness.” Empathy.
Empathy plays such a vital role throughout this entire story. It’s Lucia’s drive to try and save Everett from becoming her sister. It’s Jin’s drive to save the people who had those horrible fates he experienced when he was young. Everett’s lack of empathy was what pushed him away from his hunting party, seeing it as nothing but weakness.
Everett’s lack of empathy was what isolated him from the rest of the hunters. Yet, it was Everett’s empathy that made him choose to save Trey by turning him into a monster (albeit against Trey’s will), knowing that he wouldn’t survive otherwise. It was Everett’s lack of empathy for humanity that made him join the monsters, yet it was Everett’s humanity that made him spare Jin and Lucia during the monster siege.
Jin couldn’t kill Everett because he desperately wanted to keep alive the last bit of humanity Everett had left in him. Because Everett spared him, Jin only saw the only right thing to do was to spare his life as well, even though it led to the summoning of the Moonbeast.
It was empathy for Pebble’s losses that led Lucia and Jin to trust him, and he was able to prove himself more than capable.
It was Lucia’s empathy at the end that revealed Everett truly did still have a fraction of humanity and empathy left inside him, enough to destroy the heart and give one last goodbye. In the end, humanity’s weakness was also their ultimate power.
Mary’s internal conflict.
Lucia recognizing Mary but Mary not recognizing her, and the instant Mary realized it was her sister, her entire demeanor changed into that of a scared and traumatized child, because she never got to grow up. She was seen as a monster and became a monster. That was all she knew, and when those emotions filled her chest again she knew nothing but panic. She sees empathy as a weakness, just like all the other monsters do. Even to the point where she recoils from her own older sister’s sincerest apologies. Until Lucia has gona through what Mary has gone through, so long as they are different, Mary sees no place for reconciliation. And that id what causes her own downfall.
And the ending. The falling ending.
I think the fact that it ended with them all still falling makes it such a beautiful finale. It’s open-ended, we don’t know what faits await them. Do they fall as the starlight dapples across their skin and fall into the earth, becoming part of the cycle once more? Do they survive the fall, and the three of them live, watching as the moon slowly falls across the horizon and not into the maw of a beast, crying sobs of relief that their world was saved? Does one of them drag themselves out of the ocean to find their companions cold and motionless on the shore? I think the fact that we don’t know gives us so much more to think about, even though the campaign is over.
anyways thank you council + milo for making another incredible campaign and fuck you for adding to my cry counter (/nm ofc it was absolutely incredible)
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puffein · 1 year
WINGED HEART | late spring [vi.]
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summary: the time has come for you to leave the land you once called home, but natasha wouldn't just let you go without giving her thoughts first. pairings: wanda maximoff x fem!reader, natasha romanoff x reader (platonic) warnings: angst word count: 1635 a/n: i was supposed to post this yesterday night but i fell asleep lol, enjoy!!
series masterlist playlist!
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Westview, New Jersey
Late-December 2023
"Did you pack everything? Clothes for each season? How about your documents, did you organize them nicely like I told you how?" Natasha's reverberating low timbre of voice resonates throughout your small apartment. You raise an eyebrow at her, a teasing glint shines lightly in your playful eyes. She saw that, letting out a huffing sound while she positioned herself directly in front of you.
You stop all your movements as you finally settle in Natasha's proximity, your fingers hovering at the zipper of your suitcase. You lean back, eyeing her with the corners of your mouth moving into a faint smile. 
She has been nagging for hours about how you pack, what you should pack, and what you should leave behind, if you have done the documents nicely. You know she is doing this because she's anxious and you understood her paranoia completely without a single judgment, it still amuses you though how these actions of hers are her way of saying how much she will miss you, and deep inside, you knew you will miss her too. 
"I will miss you, Nattie." you utter the words under your breath, eyes gazing steadily onto Natasha's sudden change of face. Her teary eyes stared rightfully at yours, her feet staying planted on the ground as she breathed in to compose herself. 
"Not as much as I will." her voice is firm like she's pushing herself to say those words. She didn't like how everything is gravitating to the reality that her very own best friend is moving far away from her and she hated the fact that she, herself is not a good enough reason for you to stay.
You bring out a wide smile, charging in suddenly at her body, your arms wrapping themselves tightly on her tensed form as you slowly feel it becoming limp. "I'm not gonna go to Scotland to die, you know." 
She barks out a teary laugh, "I'm gonna visit you." Natasha finally lets her arms tangle in your body, giving out a fast tight squeeze. 
Murmuring, "Sure." you push her body gently, giving you and her a few inches of distance just to look directly into her eyes. 
You memorize her face, trying to squeeze every single detail in your mind. This girl right here is someone who has been with you for years, friends of yours always joked about how you and her are morphing into one, how one of you will probably die if either of you live miles away, how everyone is jealous at how close you two are. 
In a very coincidental way, you will be trying out the rumors of your friends. Will one of you die after you start living in Edinburgh? Thinking about it gives you jitters, the mantra of saying you have like this plan whirling along the busy streets of your own thoughts but having doubts is the last thing you wanted to do. 
"You won't be able to stop me as I visit you frequently until you forget that I actually don't live in Edinburgh and am residing miles away."
It's your turn to let out a laugh at her words "Whatever you say, Nattie."
"I'm serious."
"I know you are." you pat her arm, turning slightly to continue the task of zipping your suitcase close. 
Silence surrounds the room, the distant howling of cars being muffled by the comforts of your walls, the dim-lit room seems to visualize something the both of you are feeling. 
Sadness. Anxiousness.
You like the stillness of this very moment despite the contradicting beats of your hearts and minds, you like how the soft ringing in your ears indicates how loud the silence is. You like it not until Natasha speaks up with the words you are dreading to hear, "Does Wanda know?"
You felt your entire body come to a halt. Not trusting the motions of your expression, you did not dare to turn around to face Natasha instead you just mumbled one word, "No."
"She deserves to know, she's also your best friend."
The slumped shoulders you have vibrates as your posture straightens with shoulders finally tensing at what she was saying, "I don't— I don't think it's a great idea to let her know." 
Natasha lets out a sigh, "What will I tell her when she comes barging into my home? Because Y/N, she will eventually know you took off somewhere three thousand miles away." 
"I don't know why you're doing this when just months ago you hated her, you said it yourself on her wedding night, when I sobbed myself to you just outside her reception." You deflected at her, you knew this was unfair. To spurt out words that never happened. 
Natasha's brows furrowed at hearing the harsh tone of your voice, "I never said I hated her. I did imply that I hated her actions, how she acted blind and maybe ignorant."
When Natasha saw how your eyes glanced away from her hard ones, she continued, "I know I had no knowledge about what happened between the two of you because you never dared to talk to me about it. I'm not forcing you by the way. I just want you to see through your decisions once again, to rethink if this is really what you wanted."
With dejected eyes and a tinge of guilt, "I talked to her, Nat. A week ago, I asked her for a coffee and we hang out." You uttered.
You stated those words like it will somehow pay the consequences of your actions. Like asking Wanda to hang out in a coffeehouse somehow made everything make sense, how it's gonna make Wanda come to an understanding even though she doesn't know a single thing about you living permanently in a different country, how this single hang-out will somehow make up to be a proper goodbye.
"That's not enough."
"I trust you, Nat. You can say anything you want to say to her when she comes at you. I trust you deeply that I know you're gonna say the right words about this." You know that Nat knows about those too. 
You clearly understand that she doesn't need to hear the verbalization of those words but what are you supposed to say? You are running out of words, of excuses for this action of yours.
"You know I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about you ghosting her, just leaving her here without a proper send-off. She doesn't even know." Natasha countered her voice firm and graveled. 
"That's not fair." your voice wavers, the beating of your heart matches the loud blaring of your mind. "You're my best friend, you are supposed to be on my side."
Surprise dawns on Natasha's face, her mouth snapped shut at your declaration, "I am not taking anyone's side, Y/N. I am taking the side where you will fully heal. I just think talking to her—"
"She ghosted me first! she left me hanging, Natasha. Why–" your face twisted in sorrow as you relieve the painful memory of yours and Wanda. "Why do I have to be the one chasing her?" 
"I didn't know, you never told me anything. I just knew you were sobbing and alone at our graduation. That's the only thing I knew." Natasha's exasperated voice echoes in your whole being, her expression dulling every time she raises her voice at you, wishing above the loudness of her voice is enough for you to come to an understanding.
"You'll know. When she comes barging in your door just like what you're scared of."
"Y/N, I am not–"
Agony clouded your features, eyes snapping right at Natasha's hardened form, "I am finally taking the courage to free myself from her. Despite what she has done, despite how she treated me a year ago, I still love her, Nat. And I am tired of loving someone who isn't part of my life anymore."
Dejection looms all over Natasha's face, her fist clenching so lightly, "This isn't —"
"It's draining the life out of me. I forgave her, Nat and I accepted the fact that I must have looked so desperate to still contact her despite not receiving a simple apology. She just vanished like thin air and then had the nerve to send me her wedding invitation after months of no contact."
The clenching of your fist tightens, the edges of your nails dug deeper into your palms, "She got tired of being in my life, why can't I do the same?"
"I just think you deserve to hear her–"
"I need to be in the airport an hour early, can we please not talk about this?" you begged her, eyes finally meeting the uncertainties lingering in Natasha's eyes. She stands her ground, her arms crossing in front of her chest, and the furrowing of her eyebrows is very clear for you to see. 
Natasha loves you very much but this, this is entirely different. Entirely unfair to a certain redhead and yours as well. She knows you're doing this for yourself but she also has that deep-driven perception of you not having closure will eventually lead to a much worse outcome. She also realizes that whatever words she sputters out in front of her best friend to push in senses, it was no use because you have already made up your mind. 
Natasha's eyes catch the immediate light in your phone, a single text popping up at the very center of your lock screen. Your brows frowned at Natasha's sudden change of attention, you follow her eyes, turning around to see your phone laying steadily at the top of your coffee table. A single text waiting to be read.
Wanda: I'm excited to see you again :)
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—୧ taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta @sokovianbaby @vivs46 @kyaraderuwez
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satancopilotsmytardis · 5 months
How about a royalty au?
Immediately, Endeavor started by changing his kingdom's laws to say that a premature baby, by nature of being born weak, cannot be the heir to the throne. When Natsuo and Fuyumi are born and he discovers they don't have the magic he was trying to breed into either of them, he arranges an 'accident' for Natsuo (killing Dabi's only other support), and immediately sells Fuyumi off to be wed as soon as she's 13 to gain more land/power and not have to deal with her.
When a border dispute comes up between the Demon King's territory and Endeavor's, Endeavor goes to negotiate and settle things with the Demon Prince who has been sent as a representative. After a long, tense talk, they come to an agreement, and seeing an opportunity to get rid of another problem, Endeavor also offers up Dabi to the Prince as a gift to do with him what he pleases (Be that a human sacrifice, slavery, whatever) and the Prince accepts.
Dabi is, of course, not happy about this whole deal and is pretty worried he's gonna get killed when he gets taken back to the other kingdom. He is extremely confused when he's treated like a revered guest and given fine things and pampered constantly, with Shigaraki promising that no matter his request, he will have it done for him. He proceeds to be extremely standoffish and rude until he finally finds out that their understanding of demon culture is all wrong, and by Endeavor giving him Dabi as a gift, he essentially entered Dabi into a contract with Shigaraki. Shig will someday get Dabi's eternal soul, but he has to complete a request the universe deems equivalent before he can collect.
Once that's illuminated Dabi moves out of the palace and learns how to be a farmer or other kind of modest worker because he never wants to find out what would be considered equivalent to someone as broken as he is (as he has been told his entire life). But the prince comes to see him every day, and eventually convinces Dabi to move back into the summer palace, but getting him to 'buy' it for a handful of gold he made on his first harvest since if it's a transaction, it can't be seen as equivalent to his soul.
Cue Shigaraki blatantly falling in love with Dabi over the course of the story and every romantic gesture always coming with some kind of small transaction. Whenever he wants to do something for Dabi or give him something, he demands a small price. He buys a first-edition copy of Dabi's favorite novel that was signed by the author? He sells it to Dabi for a copper. Shigaraki kills Fuyumi's husband and frees her from that contract? He insists that Dabi owes him dinner. Eventually, Dabi tells Shigaraki he wants to get married, and Shig's heart fucking breaks, but he simply says that Dabi will have to pay him the same amount that he spends on the ring for his betrothed once he finds them in order to be free of his contract and able to live out the rest of his days in peace. Dabi insists that he doesn't want to pay for the ring and that it is his request that Shigaraki gives him one instead, which is the best confession he can manage. He trades his soul for Shigaraki's heart and Shigaraki keeps Dabi by his side forever. (Even centuries later, it's said in quiet moments you can hear them bartering with one another asking for grapes or figs in exchange for kisses)
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Thoughts on ena? Feel free to yap as much as you did in three shizuku one!
so, fun fact about me! i was an ena oshi from like. On This Blank Canvas, I Paint ensekai release to about Say Goodbye to Masked Me jpsekai release, when kanade took the crown (it's since ended up in airi's hands, if not obvious). so i have an absolute ton of stuff i could say about ena and figuring out where to even begin is always the hardest part of all of this. i won't even give myself a direction here i'm just gonna stream of consciousness this.
shinonome ena was probably the first character i got genuinely attached to among the cast, and while most of my thoughts and attention have strayed to other characters, she still remains someone i get incredibly insane about (frankly the entire cast does this to me, but ena is one of the highlight characters of this). and a lot of it comes from my reading of On This Blank Canvas, I Paint when it released on ensekai, because that event not only changed ena for me, but how i view the entire game and its story. that event changed my brain chemistry and nothing deserves the claim more than it.
prior to that event, i looked at ena like i do most "mean" characters, with a sort of dismissive attitude due to generally not being a fan of the archetype and the way many pieces of media write them (other fandoms i was part of before prsk largely ruined it for me). but that event, and ena herself completely changed my entire perspective on the character archetype as a whole, and while i still wouldn't say it's my favourite, i am far from dismissive of the character type and many of my favourites from other medias exist within it because i'm actually paying attention to why they're like this. On This Blank Canvas, I Paint was my first exposure to the why, and i've never been able to look away since.
while there's arguments to be made of this factor for every person in it, i personally stand at the opinion that ena is the representation of everything the solid heart class stands for. akito is really close, and he's in contention, but i'll get more into akito later on because there's so much i need to say about their relationship, their parallels, the roles they have in each other's lives and the reflection of these roles onto the people around them. but with solid heart in general, i think that ena exists as an epitome of everything they are, and the fact everyone except ena in-world is able to recognise that only further pushes my point. because unlike akito, ena believes herself a coward on top of being inadequate. she doesn't recognise the strength it requires to keep pushing forward through all this pain, she thinks herself weak for even experiencing it at all. while akito believes himself (at least up to BURN MY SOUL) inferior to his peers, there's not really a moment where he looks at himself as weak for struggling. he simply pushes forward, and Find a Way Out and BURN MY SOUL is the recognition that that is what gives him his power. ena doesn't even consider that possibility until Knowing the Unseen, when she learns about what her father went through.
solid heart is defined by its determination and unflinching will to improve and chase their dreams no matter who or what gets in their way. shiho continuing to practice and search for a band after convincing herself she's better off solo; airi's constant drive to be a better idol and reach the heights she set for herself; akito's refusal to back down from the unbreakable wall of rad weekend despite the entire town telling him he can't do it; nene's constant push through her story to be an actress worthy of the dreams she has. ena is just part of this, chasing the dream that is her art and the desire to garner a following from it, make a career out of it like her father has. she doesn't attach her name to the works of 25ji because she doesn't want its popularity to be the reason her artwork succeeds, she wants the effort and beauty she captures on the canvas to speak for itself. everyone in solid heart carries that wish, for their work to speak for itself, to not take shortcuts on the path to their dreams. most of them aren't offered many opportunities for it to happen, it's really just shiho and ena who have that chance; shiho with the entire event of Resonate with You and ena's combination of being the daughter of a famous artist and the illustrator for a growing musical group. but both of them turn down those short-cuts in the end, because it wouldn't be their dream as they wish it. shiho wouldn't be standing by the sides of those they made that promise with, and ena wouldn't feel like the success is actually hers at all, but rather the success of whatever name she's leaning on.
you can actually see this part of ena in a scene unrelated to her artwork, in Someday, This Wish will Transcend the Morning Sky. when mafuyu gets a call from her mother and ena decides to take over the conversation, there's a moment in it where ena thinks how she'd rather not bring him into the equation right before mentioning her father's name. she doesn't want to be associated with him, for any reason; both because of her problems with shin'ei as a person and her reservations with using the benefits she has through nepotism. she's fully aware she has that advantage, and does whatever she can to separate herself from her father to avoid having it. because it wouldn't feel like it's actually her success. it would feel like her father's success rubbing off on her.
yet, to bring this back to solid heart, despite the struggle she's facing to make a name for herself as an artist and the immense pain she faces trying to improve herself as an artist and a person, she doesn't quit. she nearly has, plenty of times; it's mentioned several times in early stories how often akito would have to step in to stop ena from throwing away and/or breaking all her art supplies and tools during her fits of anger, because he understands how important this venture is to her. he's solid heart too, his equivalent is the music he makes and performs in vivid street. he knows, firsthand, how precious the passion she has for art is, because he's been given that same drive and purpose for a different artform. ena didn't let him give up when he quit soccer, so he won't let her give up. however he can manage to do that.
there's a specifc moment in the stories of solid heart where you can see the moment they decided that giving up and backing away simply isn't an option anymore. shiho is a slight exception to this rule; there was never a moment in their story where they felt they should give up on their dream to become a professional bassist in a band, not once did they ever stop chasing that dream, for even a moment. shiho's shifts were always about how they chase that dream, with Resonate with You being the decision to not leave leo/need's side, and Don't lose faith! being the change of heart to stop holding back for the sake of the band, to let them catch up by knowing what to chase. but for airi, this happened in the more more jump main story; the recognition of minori's potential as an idol because of her refusal to simply give up, mixed with the mistake of her lashing out at shizuku when she shares the news that she'll be quitting her idol work, kicks airi back to a point of realisation of just how important to her being an idol is, and that she can't afford to just leave it behind. for akito, this happens during rad weekend; after having abandoned sports due to believing he's not dedicated enough, and ena introducing him to the world of music at the summer festival, his entire body and purpose is lit up by the emotional weight of rad weekend, giving him something to strive for and a reason to endure the constant loss that will come with chasing that dream. for nene, pieces of this occur in the wxs main story, but she's truly pushed into the unrelenting determination of solid heart with On a Holy Night, with This Singing Voice and the recognition of her potential from sakurako managing to grab at her competitive spirit and give her something to fight for; something brought to an extreme with The Canary Sings in a Quagmire as nene pushes herself harder than ever before to break down a barrier in her skill.
for ena, this moment was On This Blank Canvas, I Paint. while she never completely gave up on art before this moment, and Insatiable Pale Colour shows how much she wants to fight for her art and gives us a taste of her willingness to keep going, it pales in comparison to the scene captured in the On This Blank Canvas, I Paint untrained ena card. that moment is the decision that completely pivots the direction of ena's entire story into what she's become in modern project sekai. the decision to not look away—to stop looking away. ena is facing her art in a way she was never willing to before, a way she depicted herself in the art piece being critiqued avoiding. the ena of the past would've run away after hearing the harsh words yukihira had to say. we see, in the event, what happened the last time yukihira was harsh about ena's work: she completely broke down and it was the final straw to the shattering of her fragile self-esteem. but during the return to her art classes, which itself is a monumental step due to the pain attached to them, ena made the decision to stop running away. to take whatever yukihira had to say about her art and make it matter, make it have an impact on her growth as an artist. so she sits there, all the memories of the suffering she's gone through fresh on her mind and burning into her, and takes in the criticism. she doesn't fight back like she always had with 25ji, she doesn't look away like she did the last time. these are her failures, and she needs to take responsibility for them. because that's the only way to fix them.
On This Blank Canvas, I Paint also gives us a lot of insight into ena's relationship with shin'ei. not necessarily as much as Insatiable Pale Colour does, since that's a proper introduction to and exploration of their dynamic as both father and daughter and from artist to artist, but On This Blank Canvas, I Paint gives us the invaluable context around the moment that broke their relationship. how much ena had been going through already, how excited she was to continue chasing art, the way shin'ei completely shot her down from the high of being praised by yukihira—something we learn in that event is exceptionally rare—and the actions the next day of yukihira unintentionally confirming for ena everything shin'ei said. that, as she was then, she would never survive or succeed as an artist.
something i don't see really any recognition or mention of is just how much of a part yukihira had to play in ena's collapsed mental health. he was the one to convince her that she could make it by giving her praise, something that ena has always been attached and attracted to because of the lifelong emotional neglect of shin'ei. her receiving that praise from someone she looked up to as a professional and understood that the praise itself is a rarity from him resulted in a complete overblowing of ena's ego, the instant belief that she has what it takes and would be able to make it into and survive art schools with ease. that bubble is popped by shin'ei's words, the outright disapproval of her dream and doubt in her ability to chase that dream (at least, that's how ena takes it; we learn later on that isn't what shin'ei intended to happen). then, the following day, during a very fragile moment where she's reliant on the approval of a professional, yukihira continues to tear ena down with the statement that she'd never make it as an artist if all she looks for is praise. an echoed, if more specific, sentiment to shin'ei's own words. it breaks her. ena would probably be in a much better mental state, though still fragile, were it just shin'ei that knocked her down. but yukihira kicked her while she was down. and that proved to be too much.
i understand why yukihira gets less attention from the fandom, since ena's own story has a stronger focus on what shin'ei did to her than what yukihira did, and what shin'ei did is ultimately the one ena's mind has attached to as evident by the constant flashes to his words in her earlier stories and the entire nightmare sequence of And Now, This Ribbon is Tied, which i can hardly blame her for finding shin'ei's actions more damaging. despite the evidently bad parenting shin'ei has done for either shinonome, even before The SceneTM (akito had it is in his mind that success is impossible without talent even before finding music, and there's a lot of little details across side-stories that imply shin'ei has never been the most attentive father: my favourite of which being ena pushing him into a lake during a camping trip because he wasn't paying enough attention to her. the shinonomes appear to be really bad at communicating and even processing their own feelings, even before the moment ena and shin'ei's relationship fully collapsed, and i think a lot of it comes down to shin'ei being a neglectful and borderline absent father for both of them), ena clearly trusted and believed in shin'ei opinions as both her father and a professional artist by the way she used to study his work to improve her own, the way she went to him for advice on what art school to pick. shin'ei's action was ultimately a betrayal of all of that trust, and i personally believe their relationship is impossible to mend after that, at least to a degree that the shinonome household will be a safe space for either child again (unfortunately, i'm speaking from experience).
i had more to say and if it comes back to me i might reblog with even more yapping but i've completely lost my train of thought due to being distracted and cannot bring it back for the life of me. so i'm just posting this now. have fun ena fans
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